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All but arche

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  • : 1, 21/04/2005.
  • © Copyright (whiteelephant@yandex.ru)
  • : 14/04/2005, : 14/04/2005. 57k. .
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  All but arche
  Chapter 1.
  Have you ever worked at 9 or 10 oclock in the evening at the desk? What a silly question, of course you have. But at that moment I felt me very alone because I had to sit without stirring to not let my last acceptable thoughts disperse. What on earth makes me prepare to tomorrow s colloquium? Thirst for knowledge? Nonsense! Even the wisest men of Greece which are read by me about now could not answer their questions. Hypothesis is a way of deceiving yourself only. The only wise man in this cozy little gathering is Socratic who did not dare to lie to himself (whoever still remembers his famous statement?). As for me I have nothing to do with them all the more, so I am going to sleep not troubling much about my tomorrow s fate.
  It seems alike Socratic and company could be only old men with piles (there is the nicest place to think over the problems of the universe guess one), and their famous speeches were their favorite way of wasting time and helping themselves in such a delicate problem. C I thought idly in the bed. C You are fool! C My intuition shamed me at once. C And very soon you will make sure of it C My pillow added and started smothering me. Have ever been stifled by your own pillow? It is not the most pleasant feeling damn it! I assure you that there was nothing interesting to retell you about my struggle, I can admit the only fact: I am still alive.
  WellMy next feeling did not differ sharply from previous. I was thirsty and it made me glad: my stomach is my friend. It requires taking care of him but returns a favor: at the time being it meant: I am alive and trying to gather me up. At first I remembered the pattern from adventure books: I should look around. No soon said that done: I found myself at the dusty road and something is approaching to me. Now I am to get up and fight with this something! C I thought C But It is beyond my power! Something approached and I sow a decrepit cart. A man driving it could not be dangerous for me: there was a small attenuate woman. She stared at me quite impolitely.
  Hallo C I said to her. But she did not answer me. Could I ask you for a drink of water? C I continued pointing to a little flask at the bottom of the cart. It is empty C she answered me at last have thought over the problem a bit. C Oh God! And how can I get some water? C You can go straight. There will be a well in the favor of Neuron. But I think it is covered up with earth yet. No one likes drinking the health of this murder. Drinking the health whom? C I was astonished. C Where am I? At the back of beyond? The women looked at me strictly. Did God Almighty lash out at you? There is southern suburb of Rome. Hullo! C She exclaimed suddenly. C You are not Roman! I began to be sick and tired of it. Listen, - I said to her, - Whats your name? C Westa. C Well, Westa, could you take me with you and give me some drink? I can not stand this heat any more. As I recover I will leave you as soon as possible. She shook her head. C You will be sought. It is impossible to leave me. Neuron and company kills everyone who does not belong to Roman citizenry. She pointed me to the free seat in the cart. Sit down. You are too young to be killed.
  We had to swallow quite a lot of dust before our journey was finished. Westa lived in a great villa from whose gardens you could see blank walls of Rome on the horizon. I paid attention to that fact what although villa was luxurious once now there are only three slaves rummaged in the earth near the entry to the living space. I asked Westa about it.
  - My stranger, - she said to me when I was fed up and told her my story, - you see, I am a Christian. In an amicable way I had to leave earthy life long ago but there is the only thing I will never forgive myself. The matter of the fact that I am a widow of some proconsul, I would not like to name him, and at the same time the daughter of the other proconsul. So, my family is very noblewas, - She made a wry face as though she was going to cry. I screamed. C Take no notice of it. C The daughter of a proconsul barked out. C I have already collected myself. Sothree years ago my son (also I have a daughter but she became related with Neuron s accomplice Tit and I damned her) offered me to go to the theater. We are stay-at-home both I and- She hardly gulped back. -and my son so I was not sure of total accuracy of that decision especially because Neuron had already started his insufferable performances and as you do not know nobody is let out of the theatre during them, so instead of fine Greek play we had to listen to this primitive actor. But it is no calamity. My dear son chose the best places for us. I opposed him since that moment we came into the building (do you know the heart of mother is the best prophet?) but he insisted on it telling me that such a noble woman ought not to adjoin to rabble. The half of performance I felt ants in my pants and not in vain: Neuron, this glutton for young boys, paid attention to my son. He ordered him to sing together with his majesty and thenwhen the performance endedhe took the son with him and I have never seen him after. C She did not cry but her lack-luster eyes frightened me. But I did not dare to interrupt her. C soon after that a passer-by asked me to give a drink to him. When he slaked his thirst he looked at me and said: The greatest times are coming, woman, now you should meet any of travelers and invite them to your modest abode. The night-nine passer-bys will be useless, the hundredth will turn you to Christianity and thorny pattern will expect you but you will not be alone, six friends will help you and you will see your baby. It looked like a myth but in two years I met especially a lot of runaways from the distant provinces who were skinned alive by new taxes, and everyone was welcomed here, thanking to it I became almost a beggar woman, but there was not a way to return. The hundredth one was a dirty hobo so I did not want to welcome him but suddenlysuddenly he took off his rags and oh God I have never seen such a pure soul! He was in long light dress, with a long white beard, with a hard carved staff, also white, and he had a strange name. C What name? C I dont remember. It isnt important. He said that then my lot was to wait for a little girl who knows how to snatch my son out of Neuron s clutches. C do I? I dont know C I was taken aback. But she looked at me sorrowfully and said: My dear, my God forbids me to fight with enemies by the same weapon. But I am so tired of preying only for my son knowing nothing about his fate. Girl, now I am going to call my slave and tell him to lock you in my old stabling until you change your mind. Dont be afraid, there are no horses there long ago. The last one was sold whenwhenI tried to bribe Tit. C She bursted into tears finally. I decided it is the best moment to escape but she pulled herself together at once and made her promise truth. To say frankly I dont mind being in a cool stable in such a hot day but I couldnt calm myself down: who was that strange priest?
  Unfortunately there werent any windows in that stabling so I lost hopes to get out it with easy. I lowered myself to the floor and soon felt asleep. Only children have always saved that magnificent ability to fall asleep as calmly as if nothing happened! If there were a grown-up here there is not clear how he would act. But I was hungry and thirsty and my friend wanted to sleep.
  - Oh, baby! C Someone exclaimed overhead. I could not stop waking up: such loud was a voice.
  - Who are you? C I asked clearly. I dont answer for other people but it is my defense reaction: to leap to my feet and stare at unknown person as if I wanted to eat him up. Poor red man even started back from me.
  - I amammm I just want milk, - he answered.
  - Well, nice to meet you, - Whom does he remind of me? C I dont feel like staying here any more. This woman is mad a bit. Does she really believe in my possibility to save her son? C I can not stop talking: it would be very awful: I was afraid of his turning out to be a Neuron messenger.
  - What? What does this woman want from you? C A red dwarf asked abruptly.
  - She wants me to save her son, - I answered. C He was taken away by Neuron s soldiers.
  - Hmm- The man seemed to be puzzled. Then he swinged and ran out. I heard his voice near the door. C Aragorn! Ligulas! Come this way! I have something hot!
  Aragorn? Ligulas? It is impossible! They have never existed! But above-mentioned fabulous heroes were already approaching. I was unwittingly surprised of the power of Gimly lungs (of course I have recognized him): there was a sizeable yard.
  Whats matter? C The king of Gondor asked without stopping. C Who are you? C He turned to me. I bursted in happy laughing: he and my Moscows sketch seemed completely alike. Aragorn frowned at me. I tried to bend my knees and felt awkward. Get up at once! C The king stared me down. C Answer my question! I blurted everything that I knew and became silent: the hostess hurried up to us at full speed. My new old acquaintances turned back.
  There you are! C She held out her arms to us. They werent empty: she was carrying a skinny hen. C Take everything but save my son, I beg you in Christs name! C She tried to foist Aragorn off that hen feeling him to be the head of the medley by intuition. I bursted into laughing again. Do you want me to fall down at you? C The unfortunate asked. What the hell can all women of the world not stand up at him? C Gimly asked Ligulas lamentably. C So I want! He was cuffed by delicate elf at once. Thank you, kind woman C Aragorn smiled. C Maybe will you show us in your house and we will have a conversation? C Just a minute C The woman began to fuss and soon we entered the living quarters.
  - This is devilishly lewd brute! C Gimly ejaculated; unfortunately my knowledge of English was not enough to translate this word but judging by that how Ligulas turned red in the face like an innocent girl I dont think that Gimly would feel like being too reserved. Later I confirmed my guess.
  - Shut up, dear, - Aragorn said to him. C How often does he appear in Rome? C He addressed to woman.
  - Not very often, approximately twice a fortnight. Oh, my son! C She hardly conducted herself.
  - Do you offer to stab him in Rome? C Gimly looked at his friend.
  - It is simply. Like nazgul, - I shouldnt have delivered. The entire trio stared at me.
  - You are fool! C A talkative dwarf was the first to sniff scornfully. C Have you ever fought with them? They areare
  - Plain? C Ligulas grinned.
  - Yes, theyre plain and this crank may have the army of the same fucking dolts. We will be caught earlier we left this hospitable house.
  - Miss, youd better have not touched to this sore point, - Ligulas whispered friendly in my ear.
  - Im sorry, - I answered softly.
  - The kid is right in the only point; - Aragorn looked at everyone by heavy gaze. C There must be exit. It can not be like that such a scum keeps in awe the whole town.
  - There is like youve spoken, - Westa bewailed. C But I know a man wholl help you indeed. His daughter was a vestal virgin; he raped her a year ago. I speak was because he ordered to execute her as lost innocence. Yes, he will help you. You both, - she pointed to Aragorn and me, - should leave for Rome in the very early morning. Rome is sleeping usually at that time. Of course, this man sleeps too but never mind, he will awake immediately. But you must change cloth: you look too bellicose he may cut throat of you by mistake.
  - No, I dont agree, it is my fortunate armor; Ive defended Minas-Tirit wearing it, - Gimly peeped but Aragorn ordered him to shut up otherwise he stays to defend that villa together with this bud. I was pleased by this determination but the king seemed to take no notice of me.
  - Ligulas, my dear, you must not go with us. Unfortunately, you are too remarkable man, and I think your wonderful hair will be cut off together with your head only; you will forgive me for this rude joke won t you? C Aragorn smiled bitterly. C Youll have to stay here and to help this brave woman. Of course this girl must be protected too. I know, dear, that your crossbow withers without severe battles but my heart pines for piece and I feel it is our duty again to bring it to these unhappy people.
  - Since when did you start speaking in such a high-flown manner, Aragorn? C Gimly was shocked. C I can easily imagine I m listening to sermon of my pompous nunky againOh! What for did you pinch me? C On turning to Ligulas he set up a howl.
  - Little Gimly! C Aragorn patted him on shoulder. C Youve got one more kick. Maybe will you learn to treat me as it should be? C On seeing his resentful face he broke off and added: - My dear, Im kidding.
  I was sick of their chaff and stared at dusty brown road which will have to lead us towhat? One more great fulfillment? To my own fulfillment Aragorn did not look like a looser at all. But future seemed absolutely dark in that warm like velvety evening, and the whole rosy harmony was disturbed by sharp white fortifications of Rome as if someone passed chalk over calm,
  - Midgets! C A slave bursted into the triclinium at daybreak when our company had their unappetizing breakfast consisted of roots and one egg a person. C Mistress, therere midgets! They are approaching!
  - Holy mother! C An alarmed woman came back in a moment. C God, have mercy upon us! They must have escape Neuron s suite. He likes characters! What should we do? Holy mother...
  - They may be Pippin and Merry! C I opened my mouth. C I feel it.
  - Pippin? C Aragorn lamped me in fright. C Girl, keep silence, please. It cannot be like that by definition. Middle the Earth is too far from Rome.
  - Well, I think, Sam and Frodo have already retired; the next mission can be quiet entrusted with these brave play-mates, why not? You muse on everything too much, Aragorn, relax. Instead of it let s meet them whoever they are.
  - You are brave girl! C Ligulas smiled. C But dont you think it can be dangerous?
  But unbidden guests have already made a fuss on the yard.
  - Pippin! Merry! C Aragorn got into a wax. C Ive ever forbidden them to follow me. It is my atonement!
  - Ugh, what the hell are you falling back in your old ways? C Gimly muttered, stroking his empty stomach. C I dont like you now, Aragorn.
  But the wrathful king was already taking the two friends by the collar.
  - Who allowed you to follow me? Isnt enough for you to be saved by miracle during our last story? Wouldnt you like to reiterate it?
  - Stop, my dear! C An immaterial voice came apart the entry. C Youve started to abuse your care for the world. Of course, you were a real hero of that history but it has fallen in oblivion long ago, why should this brave youth not to try earn their laurels? When are you going to Rome?
  - It is high time to have gone; - Ligulas moved the plate full of shell and took his crossbow.
  Aragorn stopped talking and thanked Westa for her hospitality. Then he and hobbits left the villa and moved with resolute step. The hobbits moved more slowly then their friend who shouted at them at such a wrong time. Even to Gimly it was clear that they were hurt but behaved. Always merry Pin moved without cadence, carrying his off-white bag as if it was all grief of the world, and Merry seemed to pull the pin and didnt even ask Aragorn to hurry up in spite of that fact he was eager to withstand whoever that Neuron turned out to be. Even though such a root of an evil as Saruman was uprooted, it is needless to say about this dummy. But whats got into Aragorn? Ah, it is immediately obvious that he hadnt been on a visit to Hobbiton long ago. Oh, what endearing words weve always heard from Natasha, and her gingerbreadwhat a miracle of cook art it is! My God, it seems you dont want to save the world at all, Merry, - Merry blamed himself. C GingerbreadHobomon was right: everything passes but Natashas gingerbread will be forever
   - Get a move on, friends; - Aragorn didnt even glance back at exhausted hobbits: he was in power of ambitious thoughts to restore the depressed society: he didnt see another way to manage with the penance pinned on him of his own will. His black curl were falling upon the swarthy cheeks thick-sown by down, a sky-blue fillet presented by Arvin was girding the high forehead and the toga of Westa s the late brother reckoned him in the capital citizen.
  In two hours after they disappeared the remainder begun to suffer from idleness. Aragorn forbad us to leave the villa and what is more we understood all rashness of such an act: three times in two hours we look out of the yard carefully but didnt dare to cross the threshold.
  The truth is that Ligulas wasnt a strutter at all. He chatted with me as if he wasnt thirteen years older: about thirty accordingly but in human measure: you shouldnt forget about his elf immortality. He occupied himself with heavy work: he and one of Westa s slaves rooted out withered olive-trees.
  - All my housekeeping has fallen to decay, - Westa plagued us, - and Im too short in money to buy one more slave. Hence both the house is being destroyed and earth is growing scanty, in common, heaven knows what is going!
  Time was nearing to eleven when we had our lunch. It was nicer than the previous one: few bread and old sour wine. But just we gulped down the domestic pride as another poor devil broke our quiet.
  - I am hearing clad of horses hoofs! C He exclaimed. C The God has sent for us!
  - Stop panicking, lad, - Gandalf (do you remember the voice?) couldnt stand cowards. C Missis Westa, youd better to dress up. There are important guests coming.
  - It will be rather difficult, - Gimly tittered, - And no napkin is happened to have to cover such a rather good round loaf. You can be proud of your buns, Missis Westa; - Too short dress couldnt stop opening slightly her posterior. Ligulas turned red at once again like damsel and bursted out laughing. Westa looked at him angrily.
  - Anybodys home? C A stentorian voice caught us napping. C Hey, Westa, I know you are.
  An incomer was worth of looking at. He looked like a typical roman dandy: smooth faced, clothed in a splendid senator s toga, his well-cared-for arms moving masterfully. But the face was red as though he did all the best to not cry and Westa run up to him.
   - He? C She asked in the affirmative.
  - Yes, my love, - an official twitched. C Yes, Westa. This night at the ordinary booze he said he had found out a little duty of me like that: Ive not been giving a reception in honor of him and offered me to treat him with lamb. Damn it! Where should I procure lamb now when all sheep calved a month ago and I cannot get any worthless carcass even from this niggard Tit!
  - Beef, - Westa mumbled, - I want beef. Maybe does he want beef too?
  - Silly woman! C Senator gave a shout. C What the hell am I going to bat for you? He has said to me: Soft lamb is sometimes softer than skin of virgin. And baked with olive gravy it becomes especially delicious! How do you think couldnt you make this little service for your lovely imperator? C He curled his fat lips. C Well, Westa, I know you have already had your olive plantation. Come and order your slaves to cook some sauce for
  - Cat! C Gimly suggested to him helpfully. Oh, you are imp! C I thought tenderly. C Sometimes any cat is tastier than lamb. Besides, they never have too much fat about them. It will be extremely useful for your lovely imperator; I think he must be suffering from stomach ulcer. Only lean meat and you will never become ill C my granny used to say to us.
  - You, red man, shut up! Westa, dont dawdle otherwise instead of lamb you will have to present to him the head of your adorable brother.
  - Well, - Ligulas sighed, - one shouldnt look a gift horse to mouth. There are not olive-trees at all, mister. Im afraid of your future trouble.
  - Keep mum, sucker! C Senator was about to crash.
  - You, rouge! C Gimly came right up to him. C Stop outraging my friends and think over the problem. I would rather to offer him a good piece of hen; I bet Neuron should have been to lose weight.
  - Ok, - senator agreed suddenly, - I see he has spited you and you try to centre out. But keep in mind: if I am not let alone I will go and bring you, bricks, to him for delectation of him. I want to live and power, dont you understand? And mind you dont hide from me: I was brought up in this corner of the world, so,
  - you are so nervous! C Gimly caressed him fatherly. C Calm down, uncle and gulp some wine. We will not have to hide: we are going with you.
  I didnt know what do at all. On one hand we were breaking the iron law of Aragorn who was both our friend (as for me I was about to idolize him) and big boy, on the other hand I wasnt going to be a puppet and obey a person who I knew only by book. To my mind he looked like family skeleton: his expressive taupe eyes could sometimes strike people surrounded him with obstinacy and his gestures reminded of legendary divine roots of throne: such beautiful and logical they were belonging to the hands of a person who has got used to command. He seemed to suffer from split personality. Sometimes when he looked at me few times I could catch unforgettable anguish and soon I was frightened by it: maybe he is an insane person? Also I didnt like him drinking: he allowed him some extras obviously.
  And there was both dusty nasty road and tiring interlocutor Gimly who seemed not to shut his mouth, and of course the thought of outstanding works impressed. Just imagine a live tyrant! I didnt know if it was so necessary to kill him but I was sure that Aragorn would havent shrink of doing that, but Ligulas would. An elf sit serenely and even with indifference. He didnt have to worry: Gimly talked doubly.
  I understood that imperator s villa is approaching, literarily, one more turn separated us. But even white massive walls of it being seen far off couldnt calm me down: what is waiting for us there?
  An imperator s villa impressed with its solidity and size. Nevertheless the gate werent even locked: Neuron was sure of his impunity. It must have been he had just waked up: lying on the couch he was massaged by pin-up little girl. He was lying naked and adorned and I saw he wasnt flabby it was quite a handsome middle-age man with inexpressive eyes. Yes, he had developed a punch but how much our contemporaries can praise of Apollo s body? Only few.
  - Whom did you carry to me? C A replete voice sounded gently. C New slaves?
  - No, Neuron, only vagrant musicians. C You, a son of bitch! What does it mean? C I yelled to myself. Senator smiled sweetly as if this pin-up girl with lackluster eyes inspired him with a passion. Neuron nudged her carelessly and fixed his eyes on us.
  - Ha-ha-ha! Did you announce them to be musicians? C He screwed up his eyes maliciously. C Ha-ha-ha! You are old ass, Cornelius, and your head isnt much better your big fanny. Frankly speaking I should have hanged you for constant staff long ago but you have too great influence on mob, I suppose, I wouldnt manage to outlive any rebellion. So, musicians, show me your instruments. You! C He stared at Ligulas. C What is it, I ask? C He bellowed suddenly.
  - A crossbow, - Ligulas answered calmly.
  - I am not blind! Listen to me, darling, dont you really afraid of death? Hullo, Cornelius, didnt you prevent him from wearing the weapon here? It means exposing, my lovely ass. And for it I punish my subordinates much more cruelly than for the act itself.
  Never mind, it is only a wicked play, - I tried to calm me down but in vain. Ligulas noticed me about crying and hugged me. I was thankful to his strong slender arms.
  - Hey, dove, dont cry! You will be the most beautiful couple I have ever executed! Just imagine: a family portrait of crucified on the cross! Smile, red man, I order, who are you, her father?
  - A great-grandson, - Gimly talked back immediately.
  Our senator flinched but Neuron leaped to his feet and begun to kiss Gimly who tried to pull his ears for it. Imperator recoiled, touched his recoiled ears and said to foolhardy dwarf with threat:
  - Today you have deserved right to have dinner with me as you amused me. As for your great-grandparents, - of course he jeered at us, - I will provide them a royal bed made of straw. No one will bother them there. C I sniggered suddenly on imagining Ligulas as my lover. Poor fellow, he was shy of opposite sex. A real elf!
  Neuron didnt waste words. I dont know what he did with Gimly but we got a possibility of rest. In that hay-loft I saw Ligulas in different light. He was tired of everything and his refined features got some severity which suited him very well. All of a sudden a mad thought came into my head.
  - May I ask you a question?
  - Sure.
  - Well, Ligulas, have you ever kissed with anybody?
  - What? C An elf bursted out laughing so bright that my heart was ready to give in to him straight then. C Mary, for God s sake, what are you thinking about? Dont you think it is not the most convenient place for love?
  - Why I am fond of you that s because you arent large! C I whispered. C Lets try, Ligulas! Try only! I have never kissed a live elf!
  Ligulas flashed a smile at me and his lips touched mine carefully. His arms stroked me down, straw smelled delightfulBut a door was already knocked out and mutilated slave invited us to dinner.
  At dinner there were a lot of naked people. Neuron was already drunk and met us with muddy glance. It seemed like he had already forgotten his splendid speech at the yard because near him there reclinedGimly, naked too to our horror. We sit on the floor and were brought a bottle of white wine but Ligulas refused it and acted right otherwise our next step will be only way to the cross like sheep going to the slaughter. An elf was extremely clever.
  And Neuron became also soon tired of uproar. He gestured a bard standing downcast and told him to start singing other people keeping silence at the time being. He asked the bard to sing particularly difficult airs such as Collapse of Troy which he had been trying to master for a few months already. At first he was still listening to poor singer but then Neuron digressed and began to make him merry with rolling up small bread balls and throw them to the opened singer s mouth. Poor boy tried to continue clearing his throat but it resulted in failure: forth or fifth ball seemed to stick in respiratory tract and in few minutes he died torturing with hypoxia. I closed my eyes in horror and was angry at us for have not stopped a brutal entertainment but it happened very quickly,
  Ligulas were sitting for two or more minutes crushed. But I was frightened of sudden changes in his temper: then there sit a ruthless soldier, an invincible avenger. - Now let me do the same! C Ligulas were looking for the same balls but found only a few row eggs. C Fucking mongrel, take this! C His nice face winced in effort.
  By skilled sure hand he sticked up Neuron s eyes with eggs at that Neuron was drunk as a lord and even didnt try to clear himself. But one of his slaves began to do it but seeing an arrow gave it up. Well, no one would like to die for such a scumbag! C I thought with satisfaction but then came round.
  - Ligulas, are you going to kill him? C I asked him with emotion but unfortunately in anger, so the elf didnt answer me at all but bended a bow and came up to the main roman murderer. Then he bended forward to him and drove it into his sweet ass. I gasped: Neuron looked like a wounded peacock, carefully fatten and plucked by good housewife.
  - Well, where the world is rolling to! C Gimly who sobered up at once sighed. C Such a great war talent as Ligulas has to dissipate his talents on asses of rubbish! Hey, I am beginning to miss orks!
  But he didnt manage to amaze long. Furious Neuron also sobered up immediately tried to pull an arrow out but it was too inside. By his gesture smirking darkeys put us on and Neuron came to us and spitted upon us carefully. Gimly did the same with the last bit of strength, Ligulas didnt even have time to hiss as the light was switched off and black-out occurred.
  Have you ever panted with anybody s scent? Indeed it seemed to me that it should have been banned to use heavy scent: you attempt on freedom of another person and accordingly his suffering nose always can bring an action against defilement of common harmony. But I think there was no such a court in antique Rome and its supreme power represented by Neuron was deeply indifferent to it.
  However that may be, I was stunned by this twee odor of the imperator s body. Are you interested in the place of my waking up? Sure, here you are, it was an atrium, the main room in any roman home. Atrium was large and gloom, frescoes of unpleasant crimson color redoubled the abominable smell: it seemed there laid tainted meet somewhere. I was brought up too well to put host s attention to it but not in that situation. Rolling over the floor I remembered the lungs of Gimly and screamed like mad:
  - Corpse! Corpse! It smells!
  - It is my new perfume, you, ill-bred pussy-cat; - it was heard over my ear. C Dont you like it?
  I had to swing my contused body (it was too terrifying to turn only the head) and freezed: too derisively Neuron glanced at me. He examined me as if I was his favorite specimen and there was no sense in his white-green cold eyes. He was still drunk but not as hard as some time ago.
  - Do you think Im drunk? C He asked seriously fixing on my blue glance. C No, pussy, I am not. Get up, my dear, and let s talk a little with you. I am so interested of your tender lover, maybe he will suit me?
  On understanding that the mortal danger passed away I tried to rise to my feet but Neuron poked his sleek finger at me: - Could you lay for a while, darling? I have just overeaten myself so it would be difficult to catch you if you took into your head to run away. Lay calmly, to hell with it! Thats better. So, darling, we will have a chat in the best traditions of greek sages. Do you like philosophy?
  - Listen, I am not going to talk with you. I am not roman and accordingly I am not of a great interest to you.
  - Youre mistaken, - he flopped down near me. C If you were roman you wouldnt live longer than few minutes after my first talking to your company especially after that your lover began to fling me with eggs. It was great fling, girl. Only mad people or strangers can dare to do it. Youre not mad, believe me, I know them my uncle Claudio came to a bad end because of it.
  - So I do, - I said to him angrily.
  - Sure as soon as I order, - Neuron grinned.
  Damned English! I couldnt get used to its fine points at all. It is high time to learn it, Mary C I muttered, - Otherwise next time you will ask him to accompany you to the cross.
  - I know I am not mad. And I knew you had finger in the pie.
  - No, - Neuron shook his egg-shaped head. C Sweet, there is the only sort of people worth of living: leaders. It is my profound credo. Claudio was nothing: even the senators didnt respect him for his obsequiousness to say nothing of small fry. His destiny was to die and pave the way to real leaders.
  - Such as you.
  - Such as me.
  - Well, we had a little chat and so couldnt you let me go? We have talked enough and I agreed with you even.
  - No, you stay here until I order. C Neuron changed in his face. Now he looked sad. C Really, girl, wouldnt you like to chat with a sad nunky? I am too drunk to be alone. C His last words were grunted attractively. C By the way, girl, why didnt you get interested of the fate of two your friends? I may have been already executed them cruelly and now you are talking to an arrant dissembler? Eh? C He winked at me easily.
  I began to respect him. Unfortunately, wolf in sheep s clothing are always charming personalities, it is necessary condition like small size otherwise they didnt manage to play the fool with men in the street. It is extremely appreciated in policy and as I knew there were no imidgmakers in ancient Rome it was extremely difficult. But I continued to disgrace him by heart and soul and was really worried of the fate of immortal elf and, alas, quite an ordinary dwarf. Probably young girls are masochists by nature: they are always longing to real males but no of them take the trouble to be real female if you understand my thought. No real female can be surprised or hurt by such a primitive parody of literary positive male heroes. Simplifying: A gentlemen is an ideal of woman treated her to be a lady. But Neuron wasnt a gentleman. He was a drunken imperator.
  - Who are your friends? C This brute looked at me frowningly.
  - Wee-folk.
  - Atlantida? C Neuron gave a start. C Are they from it?
  - What the hell are you not listening to me? C I stopped fearing. It looked like a good farce. C What the hell does Atlantida mean?
  - We call wee-folk everyone who belongs to citizen of Atlantida; - now the supreme power looked at me friendly. C They differ from us too little to be gods but too much to be people. Are they immortal?
  - One of them is. Listen, where did you put them?
  - At last youve asked it! C Neuron was about to merry. C I ordered to lock them in the empty bathhouse and if you dont treat me politely they will have a good blood-bath.
  - Did you fall back into your old ways? C I whispered trying to seem redoubtable but failed: unbearable anguish oppressed the heart. As you may remember, the same words were said by Gimly to Aragorn, the man who commanded my love and respect. Once - Stop threatening me or do it right. Who are you; you are so-and-so, arent you?
  - My love, it is deep sticking point to me! C Neuron smiled, his pensive look suited him very much. C As you know, I have been a philosopher since my birth, was engaged in playing cither and did best at it, writing long historical poems and everyone including my severe teacher Seneca
  - Who was done with by your hands, - I put in and became ashamed of my words: such an unhappy and ugly nice face of the imperator got.
  - No, my friend, he is still alive and in good health. Why do you always suspect me of anything terrible?
  - But isnt your cruelty true? C I controlled myself.
  - Sometimes the times need it. But I would have never acted like that of my free will, believe me. A philosopher mustnt be partial. Only my enemy s intrigues made me take some preventive measures.
  - Sure, and to rape a girl.
  - Listen, - Neuron was hurt, - what do you understand of divine ruling? Ive just said to you: only some incidents make a birth of some retaliatory measures. People are like sheep: everyone needs a good herder not excepting for that girl. Are you innocent? It is not surprising that you dont know it: some girls prefer the skilled tutors to hot young men. The most of them like activity. Whats wrong?
  - Ok, - I made a last effort, - and raping of boys keeps within your wise and fair ruling, doesnt it? You are fond of capturing the only child of respectable widow from the theater and must have been already forgotten about it. A bitch of son!
  Neuron slapped in my face in silence. I closed it by hands and sobbed out:
  - You have taken the sense of life from this poor woman, you, sex fiend, did you understand it? How do you suggest her to survive without him?
  - Dont waste words, girl, - Neuron answered wearily. C There is no life without injustices; you are too fresh to understand it. Whats better: unhappy imperator or unhappy peasant woman? What s better for the country, think over the question. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to bear our cross. Do you think it is easy to tend a herd? You always have to put somebody in his place and taking care of that you are respected
  - But what for do you do it? C I was maddened, tears rolling over the face. C What do you want? Why do you need to prove everyone your meaning? What for do you do that people hate you and will never stop it? It must be your sore point not your fucking cither!
  - Why? So, girl, probably because power poisoned big shots forever and I have been spoiled with it long ago. Dont you think I feel like drinking? But should I relax a bit? And besides when I drink I dont notice any mob living at my expense, I am glad of it because I hate it.
  - When you drink, you can see only a bottle, - I said to him angrily. C To my mind you are the most ordinary drunken man who deceives himself. A lot of them can be met in the streets of Moscow.
  - Moscow? What is it?
  - Moscow is the third Rome, - I said to him smiling.
  Neuron didnt like the suggestion.
  - I dont know such a town, - he exclaimed, - but I know that an ordinary ߼ڼ would have never taken care of Rome as I have. I have built too many buildings to let you hurt me. But you are right, - he sighed, - it is not exact I want, - suddenly he began to cry. It was so unusual that at first I murmured: Please, stop crying, dear, I am getting upset, but then I collected myself: it could be impossible to feel pity for a beast. But I could. Something human occurred to be now, and if I could forgive nothing to him but at least I could understand his mental tortures.
  - Death is comingcoming to me- Neuron sobbed. C I am hearing her steps, it takes me to the hell for all my sinsit is coming
  - The hell is a Christianity definition! C I was biting. C You are always fighting against them.
  - I am pissed off of this fighting but I cannot refuse power, - Neuron was opening his heart. C No one else has refused it of his own will. Listen, stranger, are you not acquainted with any imperator besides me?
  - With a king, - I answered.
  - So, damn my word, there will be day when he is torturing from his conscience like me. Everyone is sinned, damn it, girl. And there will be moment when he looks at his family, at his empire and say to himself: I cannot see anything besides a chasm. Whats after?
  - No, he will not. He isnt spoiled! C I cried and shut my mouth: I was shocked by both already dead understanding almost clever Neuron s eyes and my treatment this noble man.
  - What the hell are you staring at me? C ߼ѼӼѼؼռּ߼ڼ lost his power. Neuron became the same I met him at first. C The chat is over; it is high time for you to go to your friends.
  Somebody s hands raised me up and kicked. Being carried to the bath-house I was thinking sadly: There will be soon one more crime. Leaders are pitiless to the witnesses: it reminds them of soul they had long ago. But for God s sake, where is my own God, my Aragorn? I am too young to die with these two friends, Gimly and Ligulas. And too unreserved to stay tte--tte with the last-mentioned C my mental voice still manages to kid at me.
  Chapter 4.
  We left our gloomy friends in the deepest frustration of spirit. As we know hobbits are very little creatures, so their heart takes much place in their thorax and due to they feel everything aggravated. It is joke of course. But sociable Merry was about to burst out crying looking at unpleasantly indifferent Aragorn who was going along the road a few steps forward and didnt turn back at all.
  - Cease to frown, Merry, - Pin whispered, - maybe he has a terrible secret about him which is banned to tell us. Everything may be.
  - Who banned it? C Merry looked at him angrily. C Wouldnt you say to me that since Aragorn became a king again he is always occupying in saving the world? Dont talk nonsense! I think no one if he were even the God, would be excused for neglecting the friends. See, Christ even cured the poor nothing to say about talking with them!
  - Does it mean we are the poor to your mind? C Pin asked mildly. C Listen, guy, and take it easy! Aragorn may be tired of us.
  - Ok, but if earlier he was my friend, now I am going to obey only his orders as skilled and wise soldier and king. I give respect to his experience but to have forgotten we used to fight side by side is too! C He began to examine the views strenuously, and Pin let him alone, but gazed at wide back of Aragorn furtively and signed.
  They came to Rome at eight oclock in the morning. Quiet streets were attracting the tired travelers by mental relax after seeing the monotonous landscape, but Aragorn turned back to them suddenly and bellowed:
  - What the hell are you reducing speed? There are Neuron s spies everywhere and you behave tourists! Listen, now I am going to carry you out to the nearest tavern and let you relax as much as you wish! You are odd fellows, guys; dont you think I allow you to break our entire grandiose plan?
  - Plan? Whats plan? C Pin and Merry exchanged glances puzzly.
  - Never mind, guys, youre stayinghere! C He pointed to a yellowish-green signboard: Madman Tit. C There will be your companion until I come back with the army.
  - Army? Are you going to ask local military leaders to concede to you couple of their soldiers? To my mind this plan is madder than this innkeeper, - Merry sniffed. C Speaking frankly wouldnt you deny my favorite proverb: One man is no man? Judging by your behavior in these days it is much more than surprisingly.
  - Merry, break off! C Pin smiled confusingly. C Aragorn, it is impossible to leave us here. We have proved our fidelity to you long ago dont you think to make us do the same specially? We are in your side, trust us!
  - I know, Pin, I know, - Aragorn was unshakable, - but
  - Go away or I pour you with water! C The window of second floor opened as suddenly as it could be only in the adventure novel and ugly noisy woman was bent through the window sell. C Midgets, go to hell to your theatre! It is too early to let you get drunk!
  - Can you see this? C Pin asked the company sadly.
  - Can you see this? C Aragorn became delighted with something. C It proves that people will never treat you as it should be.
  - And whom will they treat? C Merry asked him dimly. C You?
  - Me, - Aragorn answered without a shadow of smile and even without his usual feeling of superiority. C The chat is over. I have too short of time, - he turned back and went straight.
  - Aragorn, friend, why do you distrust us? C The plain face of Merry was deformed by a grimace of unbearable mental pain. C We arewe are your friends, we have helped you many timesMinas-Tirit, orks, that battle when unanimously have died nearly, does it mean nothing for you? You are the traitor! C Tears oppressed him.
  Aragorn stopped and waited for discouraged hobbits. Then he came up to Merry.
  - My dear, - he hissed to him directly to face. C If I hear the word Minas-Tirit one more time, I will suppose you scoff to me intentionally and neither Pin nor your services in battle will rescue you from my sword. I am patientup to any degree.
  - Ah! C Merry looked at him in horror. C Whats got into you, Aragorn, come round, - a deadly pale Pin supported his friend.
  - Well, it is becoming boring. Have a rest, guys, I will come back soon. C He made a step and grinned: - Didnt you think over that why this girl does know Minas-Tirit and all our business? Maybe is she favorite Neuron s spy? Thats so; you have something to waste time, thinking of that. Come on, boys! C And he was looking at them coldly waiting for something and they had to enter tavern, which was unlocked in spite of such an early hour (the woman who overheard the conversation only was chuckling letting them to come in now.)
  So, hobbits were left and even betrayed, to Merry s hurt mind. But where really was Aragorn going to? Having strayed back streets he turned to the left and left on the small circus, as though topped with the magnificent house. There are too many streets in this damned town C Aragorn murmured, - If I find out that plan isnt good, Westa will get a lot of troubles. As I understood, there is everyone thinking of the problem but no one wants to decide it by their own strength, only by magic. Fools!
   There were some dogs behind a high fence that started to roar loudly as he came close to the central entry. It was typical roman house: one-storeyed, with a flat red roof. Behind the fence Aragorn could see caps of some olive trees and dazzlingly blue sky. He admired the view involuntary but frowned at once and knocked at the door by resolute gesture.
  - Just a minute, - a female voice pleasant enough to make a main hero fall in love sounded quite close. C I shall drive dogs in their kennels.
  Aragorn had to wait. At last the gate was unlocked and the girl appeared. She was no more than fifteen years, but her eyes were surprisingly light, her body looked innocent and due to that strange purity she looked older. She looked at the black-bearded stranger calmly.
  - Well doesTit Julie live here? C Aragorn asked.
  - Yes, he does. But he is away now and come back not very soon. And who are you, stranger?
  - Listen, girl, I must come in and wait for him, you see. I am from Westa s place, she gave me this address. Let me come in, dear.
  - Westa? C The girl stared at him. C Do you know Westa? What s matter?
  - Let me come in, I must talk to Tit Julie. I am not going to hang about the streets waiting for him. There are Neuron s spies everywhere.
  The mention of Neuron excited the girl. When Aragorn managed to come in, he looked at her closer. She seemed to be the part of this serene atmosphere.
  - Who are you talking to, Maria? - The mild senile voice sounded immediately as they came in. C Is he male?
  - Well, you had better to assure of it yourself, grandpa, - the girl responded merrily. C Yes, there is a man of Westa.
  - Westa? Show him in, Maria. He may have brought good news to us. I havent heard from her long ago.
  Ѽݼ ڼռּ ڼѼ߼ڼ ޼Ѽݼּ߼ܼ Ѽڼ޼ (Լڼ߼) ߼ ּݼ ܼ, ߼ ԼݼѼӼ߼.
  - May I find out your name? C He asked.
  - I am Aragorn, the son of Aratorn, - the answer followed. C And in turn may I know the time of Tit Julio coming back? I must see him. It is a question of a life and death.
  - Whose death? C His shaggy eyebrows were thrown up. Now he was continuously looking at Aragorn.
  - Neuron.
  - Neuron? C The old man gave a whistle boyishly. C Who from do you know this name?
  - From Westa.
  - And what exactly did she say to you?
  - She told a lot of his atrocities. Listen, who are you to ask me so persevere?
  - Dear, you are behaving as ill-bred young boy now. I quite admit you are not Roman in spite of the toga of Westa s brother who was one of my students. Didnt she show you how it should be put on?
  - What do you mean? C Aragorn frowned.
  - Your ܼݼѼռܼ give you out as an inaccurate person meanwhile as Roman are proud of their habit of perfection
  - Well, - wounded king exclaimed, - dont you mean this is your advantage? I am a soldier and I have never been taken care of my appearance?
  - Sure! C The interlocutor answered, - Everyone who wants to be the legislative citizen must begin with examining his ܼݼѼռܼ.
  - It is nonsense! I am king myself and I have to object you: we dont fight less desperately and successfully in spite of absence of your haughty perfection or we dont love our wives less even they would be naked. To say the truth we love them slightly more in this case, - and he smiled.
  - It is creditable to be such an unpretentious as a soldier but I am speaking about the citizen. As I understand your state is military one. Well, I think, we have something to discuss. Take a seat! C And he pointed to the marble floor.
  - Sorry? C The king looked at him coldly. C Am I offered to sit on the floor?
  - Exactly.
  - But dont you understand who I am?
  - I do. You are my guest.
  - Well, I think you wouldnt make Neuron sit on the floor?
  - Dear, - the host bursted out laughing, - I dont know what rules you adhere to in your country, but in Rome it is supposed that a man who is able to bring up an imperator is worth of being at the top. However you will never understand it because you are not king.
  - What?!
  - Take a sit, the arrogant man. I will see if there is some sense to continue our talking.
  Aragorn obeyed. He began to shiver under this strange unexpressive sight from which it was impossible to disappear.
  - Well, you are better than I thought. Tell me your story. I think a thought is constantly gnawing you, tell me this.
  - You are acute, - Aragorn smiled, - I have some troubles indeed. Do you really want me to tell them? At any case, I am afraid there is the only way to decide it, more truly to tell I think there is like that.
  - Well, if it touches upon Neuron, I will stand you few minutes only, so hurry up, king.
  - Nobut yes, it does, - Aragorn felt nausea. C But let me explain everything to you.
  - Come on.
  - But I wouldnt like to tell in the presence of her. C Her attentive as though intense eyes bothered him, his breath was becoming frequent, he swallowed.
  - Well, it is first reasonable thing I have heard from you. Although to do it is to hurt my dear friend. Nevertheless, Maria, go out, please! I dont think he will begin to tell about Westa.
  The girl didnt dare to argue. When she came out, Aragorn started telling about his life and destiny of saving Middle-the-Earth. You see, I dont want to belittle Frodo s merits in no way but nevertheless but for me army would have never decided to attack, he was telling the old man who was chuckling quiet but Aragorn took no notice of it: excited with his own former merits he told about saving Gondor, and the siege of Rohan, about the death of Faramir and bravery of his little friends, hobbits, when the old man asked him a natural question where they are, Aragorn was confused but announced almost merrily that left them in a tavern for their sake.
  - A battle exchanged by tavern? You must achieve much alone! C The wise man interrupted him derisively.
  - But people dont take them seriously!
  - So do enemies s swords, dont so?
  Shamed Aragorn stopped.
  - What do you want from Romans?
  - I want peace, - Aragorn answered. C You should understand that since those battles I have all the dark grief of our women before my eyes, I fell responsibility for them both as their king and as usual man, and the idea of that how gloomy our light world could be in board of the greatest tyrant. I hate tyranny!
  - You are not the only, king. What do you intend to do?
  - I intend to ask Tit Julio to help me in forming the army. It is impossible to live under a heel of such impudent beast.
  - Well, if to imagine this beast to have been a little obedient boy?
  - What? C Aragorn became puzzled.
  - If to imagine him a very inquisitive lively boy who was much interested in philosophy and music, who loved his ma and pa and was fond of drawing rising of the sun? He wasnt such a beast as you treat him, king. People dont have bad bents from a cradle, only behavior of themselves and those who surround them influences on their further life. Dont you really kill a man whose offence is only that he is ill-bred?
  - Are you kidding? His crimes are well-known all over Rome!
  - At first, who said it to you? Secondly, why do you think you are the best, king?
  - Who, do me?
  - Yes, you do. Listen, maybe I am biased but I am very old and can say to you that if to deceive others is silly, that to deceive yourself is useless, because you should confess that you know what for you are asking help now at heart. Is it true that you liked your crowning?
  - No, I executed a duty only.
  - Really? And thanking your friends for their bravery was a piece of duty also, wasnt it? It wasnt. Of course you were fighting against your devil together but you became a king, not anyone else. You said to me you are suffering from mental tortures, arent you? Is it true there was no battle since your return?
  - Yes, it is.
  - Very well. So, think over the problem: how will you be able to look in the face of our women if you fail? Dont you think only Rohan s mothers are worth of respecting? Have you ever heard such a definition as arche, which means the end of your destiny? Dont deceive both me and yourself: you are spoiled by absence of wars not because it is now your destiny. You had everything to rule the free prosperous country, but you prefer to substitute your citizen under impact. What for? As it is dangerous to begin a war there, because there is no suitable enemy, you decide to use our bad situation. Well, I taught this boy philosophy and rhetoric, I was friendly with him, and dont you think that I can not take his fall easy because I was the closest friend of him, teacher and helper, and now I am sitting here in this beautiful private residence not having an opportunity to go out once again because his spies would be glad to do their best to betray me. I am almost betrayed. C His eyes looked through Aragorn.
  Some dogs barked in the street.
  - He must have come, I mean Tit Julio, - The old man said to our king slowly. C It is not your destiny, your ambition, it is your sin. Go and ask him everything you want and I am too tired of you. C Aragorn rose up to his feet. C Remember, boy, you had better to treat him more polite than me because a good soldier will never dare of arguing with his military chief, and as though you lied to yourself you are nothing but a usual soldier.
  - Was it necessarily to order beer at this silly woman? C Merry chided Pin hotly. C Look at her; she seemed to have been born to be Neuron spy: his gaze is too steadfast.
  - Maybe, is she only curious? And moreover didnt we have to do somewhat to justify our being here? Or do you suppose to say to her the real reason of staying here?
  • : 1, 21/04/2005.
  • © Copyright (whiteelephant@yandex.ru)
  • : 14/04/2005, : 14/04/2005. 57k. .
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