Robert F. Kennedy Jr. : другие произведения.

A Letter 10 Liberals

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  Full text of "A Letter To Liberals From Robert F Kennedy Jr"
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  Censorship and COVID:
  An Attack on Science and
  American Ideals
  Children’s £)
  Health Defenses?
  Author's Note..
  A Challenge to Debate.....s.ssssrssssessossisssesssossssósisoseisosessossssssessossisssessssss 1
  An Incongruous Liberal Allergy to Debate............ssssessssseseeseeeseees 3
  1) Did COVID Vaccines Really Save Millions and End the Pandemic? ............-...-055 4
  2) Why Were the Lowest COVID Death Rates in Countries and States That Relied on
  Therapeutic Drugs like lvermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and in Countries with the
  LOWEST Vaccination Rates? voice isc vec eeoseinedamaisindie goaded a tauduisiee 16
  3) Contrary to Official Promises, the Vaccines Did Not Prevent Infection or Transmission .. 17
  4) In Contrast to Official Claims That They Are “Safe and Effective,” COVID Vaccines Appear
  to Show “Negative Efficacy’—Making the Vaccinated More Susceptible to COVID..... 19
  5) The Most Reliable Data Suggest That COVID Vaccines Do Not Lower Risk of Death
  ald Hospitalization siscscncccsevon sens saa ve Faia Sbaa sea i TESA HOUT TOT 22
  6) High Injury and Death Rates from COVID Vaccines May Cancel Out Even the Most
  Exaggerated Claims of Vaccine Efficacy . “22
  7) Mass Vaccination Has Preceded Global Rises in Excess Death . .25
  8) Pharma and CDC Have Hidden the Damning Injury and Death Data Reports with
  Cooperation from Leading Media Outlets Including the New York Times............4+ 27
  9) Should Government Technocrats Be Partnering with Media and Social Media Titans
  to Censor and Suppress the Questioning of Government Policies?..............0.55 27
  10) Virtually All My Early Predictions Have Matured from “Conspiracy Theories” to
  Piove Faas enen a Ea EE TIM Rees ae Meme eee Oram aa 29
  11) Instead of a Public Health Response, Dr. Fauci's Militarized and Monetized COVID Policies
  Proved to Be a Devastating War on the Poor, Children, and the Working Classes ..... 34
  12) America Has Endured an Unprecedented Attack on Our Bill of Rights ............... 38
  13) The Deprivation of Rights and Economic Demotion of the Middle Class Have
  Spawned a Rebellion. Its Ideology Is Fluid and up for Grabs. ...........6.00e sevens 39
  Does Hatred of Donald Trump and Support for Pfizer's Vaccine
  Justify Savaging the Constitution?............ssscsesesseeseeseseseeseseeseee 40
  Rather Than Hiding from Debate, Liberals Should Take Every
  Opportunity to Defend Their Strategies Before Bipartisan
  [A]ttacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science... So if you are trying to get
  at me as a public health official and scientist, you’re really attacking not only
  Dr. Anthony Fauci, you are attacking science... You have to be asleep not to see
  —NIAID director Anthony Fauci, Meet the Press, June 9, 2021
  fiat leader of the National Institute of Health (NIH)—the world’s principal funder
  of scientific research—would make such a narcissistic and scientifically absurd
  statement. The more serious concern is that the majority of my political party—the
  Democrats—and the mainstream media generally accept Dr. Fauci’s assertion as
  gospel. Journalists—even science journalists—act as if they believe that any pro-
  nouncement by Dr. Anthony Fauci (or FDA, CDC, or WHO) should mark the end of
  scientific inquiry. It is my hope that this short book will remind all Americans that
  blind faith in authority is a feature of religion and autocracy, but not of science nor
  In what was arguably one of the most important speeches in American history,
  President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned our citizenry precisely against this kind of
  misplaced faith in federal scientific bureaucrats:
  | is troubling enough that our country’s leading public health technocrat and the
  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will
  persist. . .. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger
  our liberties or democratic processes. In this revolution, research has
  become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly.
  A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of,
  the Federal government. . . . The prospect of domination of the nation’s
  scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of
  money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. We must . . . be alert
  to the . . . danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a
  scientific-technological elite.
  This essay emerged from a congenial and ongoing conversation, during the
  COVID pandemic, between myself and my longtime friend and former law partner,
  John Morgan, a lifelong champion of the Democratic Party and liberal values.
  I invited John—who reveres Anthony Fauci and accepts the scientific validity of
  the government’s COVID countermeasures—to reengage his critical thinking skills
  and to accept my challenge to science-based debate, which he did. I hope this little
  book will encourage other liberal Democrats to do the same.
  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  trom the |
  G: K your baal (
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  My dear fellow Liberal,
  ust before his death in 1642, Galileo
  complained that the authors of
  his 1615 censure were not just the
  clergy—understandably fearful that
  heliocentrism would subvert Church
  cosmologies—but, oddly, his fellow
  scientists, who universally refused to
  look through his telescope.
  I am an FDR/Kennedy liberal, but
  my choice to openly question gov-
  ernment policies for managing the
  pandemic—under both Presidents
  Biden and Trump—has made me
  pariah, primarily in liberal circles.
  Many traditional liberals—reacting
  to the orchestrated fear and propa-
  ganda—have embraced “Lockdown
  Liberalism,” an ideology that departs
  dramatically from the tenets of
  No, 2022
  traditional liberalism. Like Galileo’s
  colleagues, so many of today’s
  “Lockdown Liberals” refuse to read
  or debate the science that they believe
  supports the government’s COVID
  countermeasures. Instead, they place
  their faith in the official orthodoxies
  of famously corrupt pharmaceuti-
  cal companies and their notoriously
  captive federal agencies and expect
  others to
  dience is itself a kind of novel virus
  that now infects the entire upper deck
  of the Democratic Party. The core of
  this ideology is a cult-like fealty to
  COVID-19 countermeasures that are,
  in fact, scientifically indefensible. By
  necessity then, the acolytes of this
  theology must be ferociously hos-
  tile toward debate that might expose
  o the same. This blind obe-
  Like Galileo’s
  colleagues, so many
  of today’s “Lockdown
  Liberals” refuse to
  read or debate the
  science that they
  believe supports the
  government’s COVID
  errors in government dogma and
  must, like the Roman Inquisition that
  extracted Galileo’s recantation under
  threat of burning at the stake, merci-
  lessly suppress every utterance of her-
  esy or dissent. Moreover, Lockdown
  Liberalism’s enthusiastic embrace of
  censorship—once anathema to liber-
  als—has expanded into a repudiation
  of almost all the precepts of tradi-
  tional FDR/Kennedy liberalism.
  This letter is a challenge to my fel-
  low liberals to reexamine the scientific
  assertions upon which rest the oppres-
  sive policies that have savaged the pre-
  sumptions of classical liberalism and
  the United States Constitution. It is past
  time that our nation had an open con-
  versation about the strategies suppos-
  edly enacted for ending the pandemic,
  and the best measures for avoiding
  future crises.
  he word “liberal” derives
  from the Latin liber, which the
  Etymology Dictionary renders
  as “freedom from restraint in speech or
  action” and “freedom from bigotry.”
  Conventional FDR/JFK liberalism prided
  itself on its open-minded tolerance of
  contrary opinion, its implacable pro-
  tectiveness of the right to dissent, its
  embrace of new ideas, and its fearless
  love for contention and disputation.
  Democrats were once the party of
  intellectual curiosity, critical think-
  ing, and faith in scientific and liberal
  empiricism. Liberalism’s foundational
  assumption, after all, is that freedom of
  speech and expression are essential to
  a functioning democracy; the free flow
  of information yields governing policies
  that have been annealed in the cauldron
  of fierce, open debate before triumphing
  No, 2022
  on the battlefield of ideas.
  We Democrats once took pride in
  ourselves as the party that understood
  how to read science critically. We
  confronted—and mercilessly decon-
  structed—the fatally flawed faux-sci-
  ence contrived by the carbon industry’s
  PhD biostitutes to support climate
  change denialism. We also exercised
  healthy skepticism toward the corrupt
  drug companies that brought us the
  opioid crisis and that have paid $86-
  billion in criminal and civil penalties
  for a wide assortment of frauds and
  other crimes since 2000.' We were dis-
  gusted by the phenomenon of “agency
  capture” and felt a deep revulsion
  for Pharma’s pervasive control of
  Congress, the media, and the scientific
  journals. How is it, then, that today’s
  Democrats become angry at the mere
  suggestion that the prevailing COVID
  drug and vaccine narrative may be
  heavily manipulated through orches-
  trated propaganda by a Pharma cartel
  with billions at stake in promoting
  COVID countermeasures?
  According to an August 18, 2021,
  Pew Research Center Survey, 65% of
  Democrats currently support govern-
  ment censorship of unauthorized opin-
  ions. That astonishing result suggests
  that Democrats have lost their faith
  not only in their party traditions, but
  also in democracy. The majority of
  Democrats appear to believe that the
  Demos—the people—can no longer be
  trusted to govern themselves and that
  it is, therefore, permissible for elites
  to manipulate the public with propa-
  ganda, and even to censor information
  that might infect the population with
  dangerous thoughts.
  Liberals have long agreed that cen-
  sorship of dissent is the emblem of
  totalitarian systems. The new strat-
  egy of silencing government critics
  like myself is therefore repugnant to
  liberalism’s foundational values and
  is clearly offensive to the American
  Constitution’s guarantee of free
  Like Galileo’s colleagues, the
  “Lockdown Left” has abandoned the
  iscipline of evidence-based med-
  icine. Instead of scientific citation,
  they rely on appeals to often unde-
  serving authorities who have man-
  ufactured “scientific consensus” by
  cherry-picking data to support a pre-
  letermined policy. Sanctimonious bro-
  mides to “follow the science,” “trust
  the experts,” most often mean blind
  logmatic trust in the official—and
  often whimsical— pronouncements of
  amoral pharmaceutical companies and
  their venal government vassals at cap-
  tive agencies like CDC, FDA, NIH, and
  Unable to defend the scientific
  underpinnings of their ideology in
  No, 2022
  debate, liberals rely on book bans and
  an arsenal of coercive muzzling strate-
  gies including deplatforming, delicens-
  ing, doxxing, gaslighting, defunding,
  retracting, marginalizing, and vilifying
  scientists, physicians, journalists, and
  vaccine-injured Americans who com-
  plied but now refuse to toe the offi-
  cial line. The hallmark of Lockdown
  Liberalism is a bullying form of cen-
  sorship called “cancel culture,” which
  disappears not just the heretical lan-
  guage, but also the heretic who uttered
  With this letter, I challenge my fel-
  low liberals to look through Galileo’s
  telescope, as it were.
  Below, I deconstruct—with scien-
  tific citation—the key canons of the
  reigning liberal mythology and throw
  down this gauntlet to the liberal intel-
  ligentsia to defend their assumptions
  on the battlefield of scientific debate.
  1) Did COVID Vaccines Really
  Save Millions and End the
  With the rising unpopularity of man-
  dates, governments are rushing to
  declare the pandemic ended, often
  assigning credit to mass vaccination.3
  However, there is meager scientific
  evidence that vaccines reduced COVID
  Like Galileo’s
  colleagues, the
  “Lockdown Left”
  has abandoned
  the discipline of
  medicine. Instead of
  scientific citation,
  they rely on appeals
  to often undeserving
  authorities who
  have manufactured
  infections or deaths. To the contrary, vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases
  there is abundant evidence that mass per 1 million people.”+
  vaccination had only very brief efficacy Data based on CDC COVID Tracker
  against COVID, including the now-un- and the New York Times Interactive
  deniable fact, summarized in the Tracking the Coronavirus.5®
  February issue of the European Journal Consistent with this global pattern,
  of Epidemiology, that “Countries with US deaths attributed to COVID in 2022
  a higher percentage of population fully | were—after mass vaccination—higher
  Percentage of Residents
  Who are Fully Vaccinated
  {| 0% to 30%
  I 31% to 40%
  |__| 41% to 50%
  PH 51% to 60%
  I 61% to 70%
  H 71% plus
  No Data
  Coronavirus Hot Spots
  Average Daily Cases per
  100,000 People in Past Week
  E oto 10
  I 11 t030
  E | 31to50
  E 51t070
  71 to 100
  E 101 to 250
  E Fewer or No Cases
  than they were in 2020, before vac- mortalities following its aggressive
  cination.” Aegon Insurance reported national booster program.’ COVID
  a 2021 third-quarter rise of 40% in deaths in March in Korea exceeded all
  US COVID-19 deaths among peo- prior fatalities combined. Likewise,
  ple under 65 years old, “the highest Australia, another mass vaccination
  percentage in any quarter since the leader, saw record-breaking COVID- 19
  pandemic began.”* In March 2022, outbreaks in 2022 with deaths 1700%
  South Korea, one of the most vac- higher than at the start of the pan-
  cinated nations on Earth, reported demic." The tendency of COVID vac-
  record-high COVID infections and cinations to increase COVID illness and
  mortality is a predictable outcome of
  the well-documented phenomenon of
  vaccine-induced “pathogenic prim-
  ing,” which I describe in Section 4
  below. Despite the global propaganda
  effort to persuade us otherwise, the
  experience of Korea and Australia is
  the norm. The two-minute video of
  Johns Hopkins data graphically shows
  that mass vaccination demonstrated
  “negative efficacy” against infection
  No, 2022
  (in other words, cases or deaths were
  higher in the vaccinated than in the
  unvaccinated), with COVID-19 cases
  increasing dramatically in all 145
  nations that experimented with the
  strategy." Because this truth has not
  been reported by corporate media, it’s
  understandable that you might find
  it surprising or unbelievable. And,
  nonetheless, it’s true.
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Ireland
  Mass Vaccination Be;
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  s Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Portugal
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  p COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Israel
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data soui
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Thailand
  1,800 a
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths —
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Malaysia
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, UK
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Nepal
  D-19 Deaths
  Weekly COVI
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Namibia
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  ‘a source: Johns Hopkins Universitv Coronavirus Resource Center
  m 29.
  No, 2022
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Mongolia
  » P
  ation Begir
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  iss Vac
  : Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Zambia
  Mass Vaccination Begins
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  Weekly COVID-19 Dea!
  Data source: Johns Hopkins ronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Paraguay
  1,000 al
  soo ži
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Uruguay
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Taiwan
  Mass Vaccination Be;
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Vietnam
  D-19 Deaths
  Weekly COVI
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Bahamas
  ion Begin:
  n E
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Sri Lanka
  1,600 YI
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Data so source: ‘e: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  No, 2022
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Afghanistan
  ma oa
  620 ‘got
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Tu
  seo a
  120 SI
  Iss Vaci
  Data source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Bangladesh
  1,800 gi
  johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center
  „COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Burma
  ‘OVID-19 Di
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  COVID-19 Deaths Before and After Mass Vaccination Program, Cambodia
  Weekly COVID-19 Deaths
  2) Why Were the Lowest
  COVID Death Rates in
  Countries and States That
  Relied on Therapeutic
  Drugs like Ivermectin and
  Hydroxychloroquine, and in
  Countries with the LOWEST
  Vaccination Rates?
  Many of these countries with the low-
  est COVID death rates had minuscule
  vaccine coverage. Haiti, for example,
  had one of the world’s lowest vaccina-
  tion rates—only 1.4% of Haitians got
  the jab—and one of the world’s lowest
  death rates from COVID. According
  to World Health Organization data,
  Haiti suffered only 837 deaths from a
  population of 11,681,526.” Likewise,
  Nigeria, with a 1.5% vaccination cov-
  erage" for a single jab, experienced a
  rate of 15.25 COVID deaths per mile
  lion population compared to the US
  death rates nearly 200x higher—2,995
  deaths per million. Nigeria provided
  ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to
  the vast majority of its people, while
  US government officials crusaded to
  block access to these proven prophy-
  lactics. By following Dr. Fauci’s pro-
  tocols, America achieved the world’s
  16th-worst record in deaths per mil-
  lion population. The US with its sin-
  gle-minded vaccination strategy also
  racked up the highest overall COVID
  body count; with only 4.25% of world
  population,’ the United States endured
  16% of global COVID deaths." Dr.
  Fauci’s policies yielded fatality rates
  63% above the average among all
  industrialized nations.17"*
  For how much longer can liberal
  Democrats continue to present this
  cataclysm as a success story and Dr.
  Fauci as their medical hero? In contrast,
  the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh
  (estimated pop. 235 million) effectively
  abolished the pandemic overnight by
  scuttling Dr. Fauci’s protocols and
  distributing ivermectin and other
  treatment to its citizens.97®7? With
  No, 2022
  only 20% of adults fully vaccinated,
  Uttar Pradesh, which is near the
  bottom of global COVID immunization
  rankings, had a COVID rate of 100
  deaths per million population. Other
  nations like Japan (233.19 deaths per
  million) and Singapore (234.09 deaths
  per million)5 all ended their pandemics
  after providing their citizens with
  ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine
  or chloroquine). Leading front-
  line physicians like cardiologist
  Dr. Peter McCullough—the most
  published physician in the history of his
  subspecialty—and Dr. Robert Malone,”
  a Pentagon advisor and one of the
  key developers of the mRNA vaccine
  technology, and Yale statistician Dr.
  Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, all say that Dr.
  Fauci’s protocols unnecessarily killed
  500,000 to 800,000 Americans.”®® Over
  100 peer-reviewed studies of ivermectin
  and hydroxychloroquine support this
  claim 3132
  Instead of engaging with the moun-
  tainous archives of peer-reviewed
  science supporting the efficacy of
  hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin,
  Pharma-funded mainstream media
  outlets focused on a single study com-
  pleted by an investigator with strong
  financial ties to Bill Gates and his
  foundation.» That study did not find
  the astonishing benefits from ivermec-
  tin against infections, hospitalizations,
  and death that are otherwise practically
  unanimous throughout the rich scien-
  tific literature. Among the many fatal
  flaws of this paper, researchers admin-
  istered IVM for only three days when
  the minimum effective dose is five.+
  As I document in my book, The Real
  Anthony Fauci, a little-known federal
  law makes it illegal for the government
  to grant Emergency Use Authorization
  (EUA) to new vaccines when any existing
  drugs—approved for any purpose—are
  shown effective against the target dis-
  ease.35 My book chronicles how this law
  forced Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, and their
  Pharma associates into a reckless cru-
  sade to sabotage ivermectin, hydroxy-
  chloroquine, and many other scientifi-
  cally proven, effective early treatments
  against COVID-19 in order to clear the
  path for Big Pharma’s lucrative “vac-
  cines only” strategy.
  3) Contrary to Official
  Promises, the Vaccines Did
  Not Prevent Infection or
  You might recall that government offi-
  cials like Dr. Anthony Fauci and influ-
  ential medical “experts” like Bill Gates
  initially sold us the “vaccine-only”
  solution to COVID by claiming that the
  vaccine would immunize against infec-
  tion and prevent transmission, thereby
  ending the pandemic. By June 2022
  when Anthony Fauci caught COVID-
  19—following his fourth vaccination—
  officials had long since dropped their
  once implacable claim that COVID-19
  vaccines would prevent COVID-19.
  However, some authorities con-
  tinued to suggest that the jabs could
  reduce COVID-19’s spread. They should
  have known better. Instagram deplat-
  formed me for pointing out that the
  vaccine industry’s monkey studies—
  in May of 2020—made these claims
  doubtful; vaccinated monkeys both
  caught and transmitted COVID with
  the same frequency as unvaccinated
  primates.3®37 The real-world human
  No, 2022
  and ils
  data have since forced even the vac-
  cines’ most avid promoters to admit
  that their initial claims were false.
  This short video shows Dr. Fauci, Dr.
  Rochelle Walensky, Bill Gates, and
  other leading promoters adamantly
  insisting that the vaccines will prevent
  infection, transmission, and death and
  end the pandemic. You will then hear
  these same trusted authorities gradu-
  ally shift the goalposts, finally admit-
  ting that vaccines can prevent neither
  COVID nor its spread.3* We liberals
  need to ask ourselves this question:
  If the vaccinated are equally likely to
  spread COVID as the unvaccinated—as
  Dr. Fauci now acknowledges—then on
  what basis do we justify the draconian
  mandates that denied unvaccinated
  workers their jobs, children their edu-
  cation, and encouraged the bullying
  and bigotry that made the unvacci-
  nated reviled second-class citizens?394®
  The irrational stigmatizing and out-
  right bigotry is real and global.“ Today,
  American hospitals routinely deny life-
  saving care to Americans based upon
  their vaccination status.443
  In June 2022, for example, a
  Vanderbilt University Hospital heart
  My book chronicles
  how this law forced
  Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates,
  and their Pharma
  associates into a
  reckless crusade to
  sabotage ivermectin,
  and many other
  scientifically proven,
  effective early
  treatments against
  COVID-19 in order to
  clean the path for Big
  Pharma’s lucrative
  “vaccines only”
  transplant surgeon refused to adda
  mortally ill six-month-old baby boy
  named August to the transplant recip-
  ient list because the parents declined
  to fully vaccinate him, including the
  experimental COVID-19 shot, based
  on medical and religious grounds. An
  agreement was eventually reached
  after much public outcry, and now
  baby August is currently on the trans-
  plant list to receive a heart.“ Should
  not such a baseless act of brutality
  against infants offend every liberal
  Leading liberals endorse the exclu-
  sion of unvaccinated people from civil
  rights, including jobs, education, and
  transportation. The ACLU has called for
  expanded censorship to silence gov-
  ernment critics (see David Cole in the
  New York Times).45 Even the left’s iconic
  guru Noam Chomsky has recom-
  mended the exclusion of the unvacci-
  nated from society. As to food, he says,
  “Well, that’s actually their problem.”4®
  Australia is only one of multi-
  ple countries that confine unvacci-
  nated, infected, and exposed citizens
  to internment camps.‘748 Meanwhile,
  Austria adopted a slightly more
  humane option of confining unvac-
  cinated citizens to house arrest.495®
  Governments across Asia, Africa, and
  the world banned protests and dis-
  sent, authorized extreme forms of
  oppression, and jailed thousands.*»?
  Rasmussen poll data show wide-
  spread liberal support for confining the
  unvaccinated and taking away their
  Because of the officially enforced
  bigotry against unvaccinated people—
  and considering the long history of
  invoking pretense of contagious dis-
  ease infectivity to justify segrega-
  tion laws against despised minorities—
  don’t we as liberals have a special duty
  to independently investigate govern-
  ment claims that unvaccinated people
  are more likely to spread contagions?
  No, 2022
  Consider the April 19, 2022, Gridiron
  Dinner in Washington, D.C. Seventy-
  two prominent partygoers, who all had
  to show proof of vaccination, tested
  positive for COVID after the event.%
  Both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Walensky
  attended the party.5” That same week,
  COVID-19 infected some 200 pas-
  sengers during a Carnival Cruise Line
  voyage on which all passengers and
  crew members were fully vaccinated.%*
  Shouldn’t the Gridiron and Carnival
  Cruise superspreader events have made
  clear to everyone that the vaccines
  prevent neither cases nor spread, as
  acknowledged by these public health
  leaders in August 2021®5®
  The directors of both the CDC and
  ...on what basis do we
  justify the draconian
  mandates that denied
  unvaccinated workers
  their jobs, children
  their education,
  and encouraged
  the bullying and
  bigotry that made the
  unvaccinated reviled
  second-class citizens?
  WY Kins
  the NIAID acknowledge that the dubi-
  ous supposition that the unvaccinated
  are more likely to be silent spreaders is
  unsupported by science.®®
  4) In Contrast to Official
  Claims That They Are “Safe
  and Effective,” COVID Vaccines
  Appear to Show “Negative
  Efficacy” —Making the
  Vaccinated More Susceptible
  to COVID
  Most alarming are recent data from
  Israel,“ Sweden,‘ the UK’s National
  Health Service database,® the New
  Zealand Ministry of Health database,
  é and Qatar.*s Among these is a large,
  peer-reviewed Swedish study pub-
  lished June 2022 in The Lancet, which
  confirmed that vaccine efficacy drops
  into negative territory 7 to 9 months
  after vaccination. This means the
  vaccine is actively contributing to more
  infections. These studies and the New_
  York State Health Department’s data-
  base®* corroborate the early fears—
  initially voiced by Dr. Fauci®’ and by
  leading vaccine developers and pro-
  moters including Dr. Peter Hotez®* and
  Dr. Paul Offit®*—that improperly tested
  COVID vaccines could do permanent
  damage to the human immune sysa
  tem,” paradoxically raising the risks of
  infection and death from COVID.
  In March 2020, Dr. Fauci” (along
  with Drs. Hotez and Offit) warned—
  based on extensive historical experi-
  ence with experimental coronavirus
  vaccines—that COVID jabs, through the
  mechanism of “pathogenic priming”
  (also known as Antibody~Dependent
  Enhancement [ADE]) might make vac-
  cinated individuals more susceptible to
  COVID rather than less. True to these
  predictions, the COVID vaccine benefits
  Vaccine effectiveness (%)
  0 1 2 3 4
  Time from second dose of vaccine (months)
  Negative Efficacy
  5 6 7 9
  comorbidities at baseline.
  Figure 2: Vaccine effectiveness (any vaccine) against SARS-CoV-2 infection of
  any severity in 842 974 vaccinated individuals matched to an equal number
  of unvaccinated individuals for up to 9 months of follow-up
  The association is shown using proportional hazards models with 95% Cls
  (shaded areas) and restricted cubic splines. The model was adjusted for age,
  baseline date, sex, homemaker service, place of birth, education, and
  No, 2022
  Among these is a
  large, peer-reviewed
  Swedish study
  published June 2022
  in The Lancet, which
  confirmed that vaccine
  efficacy drops into
  negative territory 7
  to 9 months after
  vaccination. This
  means the vaccine is
  actively contributing
  to more infections.
  appear to wane rapidly, drifting across
  the threshold into negative efficacy
  after about 6 months.” This means that
  vaccinated individuals then become
  more likely to suffer from COVID infec-
  tions, hospitalizations, and deaths than
  unvaccinated individuals.
  An analysis of Moderna’s ran-
  domized controlled trial published
  in May 2022 based on joint research
  from scientists at a number of pres-
  tigious health institutions shows that
  mRNA vaccines may actually impair
  the immune system’s ability to fight
  COVID-19 long-term.7374 Post mass
  vaccination data from government
  databases around the world support
  this troubling finding that vaccinated
  individuals are more likely to become
  COVID infected.
  New York State’s vast vaccine data-
  base (365,502 children) shows that
  among children 5 to 11, Pfizer’s mRNA
  vaccine has a mere 12% efficacy for one
  month after kids were “fully vaccinat-
  ed.”7576 Then, five weeks after becom-
  ing “fully vaccinated,” this age group
  is 40 percent more likely to be COVID
  infected than those children who never
  received mRNA shots.” To confirm this
  astonishing finding, see Figure 2 below:
  Within this figure, the blue bars
  represent 5-11-year-olds, whereas the
  orange bars represent 12-17-year-olds.
  The y-axis is the relative incidence of
  COVID-19 in the unvaccinated compared
  to the vaccinated. The x-axis shows
  bars by increasing time intervals from
  the date of vaccination. Just after vacci-
  nation (i.e., less than 13 days), vaccine
  immunity peaks, and, for a brief period,
  unvaccinated 5-11-year-olds are almost
  3 times more likely to get COVID-19
  compared to vaccinated, and unvacci-
  nated 12-17-year-olds are over 4 times
  more likely to get COVID-19 compared
  to vaccinated. However, immunity then
  wanes quickly and precipitously (shown
  by the consistent decrease in blue and
  orange bars). By 42 to 48 days, vacci-
  nated 5-11-year-olds are actually more
  likely to contract COVID-19 compared to
  the unvaccinated. Of course, you have
  not read anything about this in corporate
  media reports, which is precisely why
  your first reaction might be to disbelieve
  the facts.
  UK data similarly show a dramatic
  rise in COVID susceptibility in vacci-
  nated versus unvaccinated cohorts.
  <=13 days 14-20 days
  Estimate (95% Ci)
  IRR, 5-11 Years 27(27,34) 20 (19,21)
  IRR, 12-17 Years 43(3.4,53) 3.1 (27, 3.6)
  VE 5-11 Years 65% (62%, 68%) 51% (49% 53%)
  VE 12-17 Years 7695 (71%,81%) 673 (62% 72%)
  increased risk for those vaccinated.
  Estimate (95% Ci) Estimate (95% CI)
  14 (14,15)
  2.5 (22,29)
  29% (27%, 32%)
  60% (55%, 65%)
  * Negative VE values observed in later timepoints likely reflect estimator instability and/or residual confounding, as opposed to true relatively-
  Figure 2: Incidence rate ratios, comparing cases during January 3 - January 30, 2022 for unvaccinated
  versus children newly fully-vaccinated December 13, 2021-January 2, 2022, by Time Since Full
  21-27 days
  28-34 days 35-41 days 42-48 days
  Estimate (95% Cl
  44 (14,12)
  23 (19,27)
  1256 (8%, 16%)
  56% (48%, 63%)
  Estimate (95% C Estimate (95% Ci)"
  0.3 (03,10) 0.7 (05,08)
  1,94(15,25) 1.86 (12,28)
  10% (-17% -4%4) 41% (565%, 29%)
  49% (34% 60%) 45% (18%, 65%)
  No, 2022
  After a six-month honeymoon, vac-
  cinated individuals suffered increased
  COVID risk compared to unvaccinated
  in every age group.78798® On March 20,
  2022, the UK National Health Service
  stopped publishing these data after
  risks of COVID infections among vac-
  cinated individuals in some age groups
  climbed past 300% over unvaccinated.*
  Similarly, both CDC and the New York
  Times suspiciously stopped publish-
  ing daily postings of the vaxxed vs.
  unvaxxed case and death comparisons
  in March and April 2022, when the
  graphs began to show no benefit from
  vaccination.**3*The CDC has since
  released its unsubstantiated claim that
  there were twice as many new cases in
  the unvaccinated group in May 2022.
  CDC simultaneously promised to supply
  data to support this assertion, and has
  thus far failed to publish those data.
  New Zealand Health data show the
  triple vaccinated are more vulnerable
  to COVID infection and hospitaliza-
  tion than the unvaccinated.* Israeli
  data also show disproportionate COVID
  infections among vaccinated.**
  A study of 100,000 Qataris published
  in the New England Journal of Medicine
  on June 15, 2022, found that individu-
  als vaccinated with two doses of either
  the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines were
  more likely to contract Omicron than
  unvaccinated. Both vaccines dropped
  to negative efficacy six months after
  the second injection—Pfizer dropped
  to -3.4%, and Moderna dropped to
  A British study published in Science
  in June 2022 sought to explain why
  vaccinated individuals are so much
  more susceptible to infection than the
  unvaccinated.*? The paper concludes
  that the vaccines alter the body’s
  all-important T-cell immunity by
  making T-cells hyper-vigilant toward
  the original—now extinct—Wuhan
  version of COVID-19 while diminishing
  their capacity to combat new variants
  like Omicron. Former New York Times
  No, 2022
  reporter Alex Berenson summarizes the
  findings in the Science paper thus:
  In other words, the mRNA shots
  appear to permanently wrong-
  foot the immune systems of peo-
  ple who receive them and bias
  them toward producing T-cells
  to attack variants that no longer
  exist, even though they never
  were infected with those variants
  at all.2®
  Vaccinologists call this phenom-
  enon “original antigenic sin (OAS).”
  Multiple sources have now confirmed
  OAS to be a serious problem for people
  who have taken COVID-19 vaccines.”
  This is what you see when you look
  in the telescope and follow the sci-
  ence: government mandates of shod-
  dily tested, heavily subsidized, rushed,
  zero-liability vaccines that are causing
  more harm than good.
  In June 2022, I laid out all of the
  available science and data that proves
  vaccinating children for COVID is not
  only unnecessary but will recklessly
  Similarly, both CDC
  and the New York
  Times suspiciously
  stopped publishing
  daily postings of the
  vaxxed vs. unvaxxed
  case and death
  comparisons in March
  and April 2022, when
  the graphs began to
  show no benefit from
  endanger their lives. You can read
  that detailed description here: “RFK,
  Jr’s letter to FDA VRBPAC members,”
  5) The Most Reliable Data
  Suggest That COVID Vaccines
  Do Not Lower Risk of Death
  and Hospitalization
  After having to relinquish all their
  earlier claims to efficacy against both
  infection and transmission, COVID
  vaccine promoters have more recently
  swiveled to advance the dubious prem-
  ise that COVID vaccines at least reduce
  the risk of death and hospitalization.
  For example, this article and this billb
  board repeat the common propaganda
  trope that unvaccinated are 16x more
  likely to die.” And here is Sanjay Gupta
  parroting the official—and scientifi-
  cally baseless— government mantra
  that COVID vaccines are “very close to
  100% in terms of preventing deaths.”
  This claim—that vaccines are effective
  against serious illness and death—
  appears to be a final, anemic redoubt for
  lefending the global mass-vaccination
  enterprise. However, the peer-reviewed
  published literature from countries with
  the best data systems and the most
  widespread vaccine coverage explodes
  this assertion as yet another bait and
  switch. This study from Israel—the
  earliest and among the most vaccinated
  nations—shows 90.48% of hospitalized
  COVID patients fully vaccinated in July.
  Some 78% of Israelis were then fully
  vaccinated.” This means the vaccinated
  were actually more likely to end up hos-
  pitalized than the unvaccinated.
  Similarly, this February 24, 2022,
  UK Government (NHS) study, sum-
  marized in this article, shows 90% of
  hospitalized British COVID patients
  are fully vaccinated, with four out of
  five of them triple vaccinated.%®97 At
  that time, 70.8% of Brits aged 18 and
  over had received at least three dos-
  es.’ Furthermore, since the start of the
  No, 2022
  Omicron wave in December 2021, over-
  all death rates in England were higher
  in those doubly vaccinated six months
  prior than the unvaccinated.®?
  Likewise, government data from
  February 2022 from New South Wales,
  Australia, and summarized in this arti-
  cle show the vaccinated make up 87%
  of cases, 87% of hospitalizations, and
  77% of deaths among Australians.®®"*"
  By February 21, 2022, some 80.17% of
  Australians were vaccinated.
  Similarly, Ontario COVID death data
  show that Canadians who received a
  booster shot have a 50% greater death
  rate than those who received only two
  Many people will be understandably
  surprised or even resistant to acknowl-
  edging these realities. They are, none-
  theless, realities. The failure of the
  mainstream media to report the truth
  does not change the truth.
  Comparisons of COVID death rates
  among more or less vaccinated nations
  also suggest that the vaccines do not
  prevent COVID deaths. For example,
  comparing two neighboring Caribbean
  nations, Haiti with 1% vaccination
  coverage suffered only 835 COVID
  deaths,*"® while Cuba with its slightly
  smaller population and 88% fully vac-
  cinated suffered a COVID death rate 10
  times greater—8,529 1®07
  US media recently published a spate
  of articles reporting accounts from doc-
  tors that dying patients in American
  ospital COVID wards are dispropor-
  tionately unvaccinated.*** However,
  few, if any, of these reports are either
  peer-reviewed or published in scientific
  journals. They are, instead, anecdotal
  observations by COVID ward doctors.
  Their conclusions are likely artifacts of
  CDC’s deceptive scheme to classify all
  patients as “unvaccinated” if two weeks
  ave not elapsed since their second
  vaccine injection. Furthermore, follow-
  ing CDC recommendations, hospitals
  classify all patients as “unvaccinated”
  Be sure to follow
  Children’s Health Defense
  on social media
  Tik Tok
  who fail to report vaccine status upon
  hospital admission (if, for example, they
  are distressed, confused, or unconscious).
  Nurses and doctors on closed COVID
  wards seeing “unvaccinated” designations
  on the charts of intubated patients may
  naturally assume that these are accurate
  descriptions. In any case, it is difficult
  to reconcile any anecdotal claim against
  hard data from other countries showing
  the opposite results for the exact same
  6) High Injury and Death
  Rates from COVID Vaccines
  May Cancel Out Even the Most
  Exaggerated Claims of Vaccine
  A May 2022 preprint in the scientific
  journal The Lancet made the sobering
  finding that while vaccines may slightly
  reduce COVID deaths—at least in the
  short term—they still produce no mor-
  tality advantage. FDA and CDC’s vol-
  untary injury surveillance system lends
  credence to this finding.
  This revelation should have been
  fatal to the mass vaccination roll-out
  and should have immediately ended
  all government and private efforts to
  compel vaccination. But then, a month
  later, in June 2022, another devas-
  tating Lancet preprint concluded that
  mRNA vaccines are causing more seri-
  ous injuries and hospitalizations than
  they are averting: “The excess risk of
  serious adverse events of special inter-
  est [from MRNA vaccines] surpassed
  the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospi-
  talization relative to the placebo group
  for both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.”
  The authors of this study include some
  of the most esteemed eminences in the
  scientific pantheon including UCLA’s
  iconic statistician and epidemiolo-
  gist Dr. Sander Greenland, Dr. Patrick
  Whelan from UCLA, and The BMJ senior
  editor Dr. Peter Doshi, and others.
  These scientists based their devastating
  conclusions on a meticulous reanalysis
  of the clinical trial data for those two
  No, 2022
  Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
  “When they're through with Africa, they're coming for you.”
  A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  and Children’s Health Defense. Watch the chilling tale of African women
  whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental
  tetanus vaccination program. Are women everywhere next?
  Watch at
  vaccines. In any rational universe, this
  paper would ring the death knell for
  mRNA vaccines and trigger an imme-
  diate moratorium on public health rec-
  ommendations for these products."®
  The wave of vaccine carnage chron-
  icled by the government’s own data-
  base should have alerted public health
  regulators to these dangers long before
  the publication of these troubling arti-
  cles. Over the 17 months following the
  rollout launch, CDC’s Vaccine Adverse
  Event Reporting System (VAERS), a vol-
  untary reporting system used by doc-
  tors, nurses, hospitals, and individuals,
  has recorded an astonishing 1,329,135_
  adverse events," of which 241,910_have
  been designated by the agencies as
  serious injuries" (including a long list
  of cardiac, neurological, autoimmune,
  and reproductive system diseases, blood
  clots, strokes, myocarditis, seizures,
  paralysis, hepatitis,"3"4 demyelinat-
  ing diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome,
  Bell’s palsy, herpes, vaginal lesions,
  diabetes, spontaneous abortions, heart
  attacks—including among six-year-
  olds, genital ulcers—even in girls as
  young as five," and other devastating
  VAERS Update (through 7/1/2022) of COVID-19 Vaccine Reported Adverse Events:
  Condition Number of *Estimated Total Caused
  Reported Reported Cases by COVID Vaccines
  Ischaemic stroke™® 2,084 64,604
  Haemorrhagic stroke” 320 9,920
  Myocarditis"? 15,120 468,720
  Seizures"? 9,936 308,016
  Paralysis'2® 2,154 66,774
  Demyelination’”! 282 8,742
  Guillain-Barré Syndrome’? 2,770 85,870
  Bell's Palsy’? 6,533 202,523
  Herpes simplex'?4 529 16,399
  Vaginal lesions! 20 620
  Diabetes! 817 25,327
  Myocardial infarction’? 4,521 140,151
  Hepatitis"? 416 12,896
  * Underreporting factor of 31 based on Rose 2021. Science, Public Health Policy, and
  the Law 3:100-129"9 by Brian S. Hooker, PhD, Children’s Health Defense.
  Recent studies from Israe]® ICDC fete tre
  and Taiwan™ link COVID
  vaccination with outbreaks
  of shingles in young people
  (36-61 age range). Researchers i |
  posit that the mRNA vaccine The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Charts
  triggers the reactivation of the
  i Events Reported by Year Received
  nascent herpes zoster virus.
  Pfizer lists shingles as one of 780,000
  the 1,291 adverse events of 700,000,
  special interest in its safety $20,000,
  document released March 2022 Lape
  by the FDA under a FOIA court 20009)
  order, ™ Ea
  Looking at these alarming
  data sets, it’s not surprising
  that UK government health
  data for May 2022 show that
  Events Reported
  five times as many vaccinated 200,000
  individuals are hospitalized 180,000
  compared to unvaccinated 100,000
  individuals for non-COVID £0,000
  injuries and illnesses.¥334 A 9; EHR EHHE
  May 2022 study by one of
  Europe’s largest university
  Year Received
  hospitals suggests that serious injuries
  occur in 8 of every 1,000 vaccines—a
  rate 40x higher than the government
  VAERS data suggest that the vacci-
  nated are dying at unprecedented rates.
  VAERS has recorded 29,273 reported
  deaths since the vaccine rollout began.¥®
  That is more fatalities over eighteen
  months than have been reported for
  all the billions of vaccines put together
  during the 32 years since CDC and FDA
  created their reporting system.
  These horrifying numbers undoubt-
  edly underestimate the actual casual-
  ties; HHS’s own study indicates that
  VAERS captures “fewer than 1% of
  actual injuries.”*” Unfortunately, CDC
  has resisted 20 years of warnings by
  public health officials and advocates
  that it needs to implement a more
  accurate injury surveillance system, as
  the law requires.3®
  A March 13 report of national
  lata analyzed by a German health
  insurer estimates that 2.5 to 3 mil-
  lion Germans have required medical
  treatment for COVID vaccine injuries.2®
  Credible estimates from numerous
  latabases suggest between 150,000%®
  and 388,000" US deaths since January
  2021 are linked to vaccination.“?3 You
  have likely been told nothing about any
  of these alarming findings by major
  media outlets.
  The vaccine’s meager efficacy and
  the avalanche of vaccine-induced
  injuries and deaths were predictable—
  indeed, predicted: Pfizer’s damning
  summaries of its own six-month clin-
  ical trial data—which the company
  submitted to FDA to win licensure—
  showed that 22,000 vaccines must be
  administered to prevent a single death
  from COVID and revealed that vacci-
  nated individuals in Pfizer’s trial had
  a 23% increased death risk from all
  causes over six months and a 400%
  elevated risk from fatal cardiac arrest
  over the unvaccinated cohort.+ Pfizer’s
  No, 2022
  own data, therefore, suggests that for every
  COVID death that the vaccine averts, it will,
  over time, kill four additional people from
  cardiac arrest.
  As senior editor of The BMJ, Peter
  Doshi, has pointed out, the pitifully
  small clinical trial population is too
  tiny to make any reliable predictions
  about safety and efficacy.“ But it was
  Pfizer’s choice to limit the study pop-
  ulation, and Pfizer is therefore stuck
  with these disastrous implications.
  Even worse, captive FDA regula-
  tors allowed Pfizer to unblind (and
  therefore end) its projected four-year
  safety study after FDA had received
  only a median two months of data on
  trial subjects.“ This appalling act of
  pharmaceutical fraud and public health
  malpractice should outrage even the
  most entrenched Lockdown Liberals.
  More alarming still is the current pub-
  lic health objective of collectively inoc-
  ulating the last remaining Americans,
  including children and toddlers, with
  the defective, dangerous, and inef-
  fective jab, a strategy that appears
  intended to eliminate the global con-
  trol group.
  7) Mass Vaccination Has
  Preceded Global Rises in
  Excess Death
  In 1976, CDC pulled the swine flu vac-
  cine after 25 reported deaths.” In
  contrast, CDC and its slavish and sci-
  entifically illiterate media allies have
  responded to the tsunami of fatali-
  ties and injuries linked to COVID jabs
  by hiding harms from the public.
  Nevertheless, insurance companies are
  reporting massive waves of unexplained
  excess deaths (increases in all-cause
  mortality) in 2021—among previ-
  ously healthy vaccinated Americans.
  Practically all the increases occur in
  younger ages. According to J. Scott
  Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a
  national life insurance corporation
  headquartered in Indiana, excess deaths
  The Real
  In his runaway bestselling
  book, Robert F. Kennedy,
  Jr. exposes decades of
  federal health corruption,
  including collusion with
  the pharmaceutical
  industry and inhumane
  medical experiments on
  children, at the hands of
  Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  The Real
  Bil Gates, Big Pharma, and
  the Global War on Democracy
  ‘and Public Health
  Read the most
  censored bestselling
  book of the year.
  are up 40% in the third quarter of 2021.48
  These deaths are primarily non-COVID
  deaths among workers aged 18 through
  64. “We are seeing right now the high-
  est death rates we have ever seen in the
  history of this business. Previous crises
  pale in comparison to the pandemic,”
  Davison told journalists in December.
  “A one-in-200-year catastrophe would
  be a 10% increase over prepandemic
  [levels]. So 40% is just unheard of.”49
  Even more alarming, Lincoln
  National, the nation’s fifth largest
  insurance company, reported a 163%
  increase in death benefit payouts
  from group life insurance policies
  during 2022 from “non-pandem-
  ic-related mortality.” The company
  paid out $500 million in 2019 prior
  to the COVID pandemic, $548 mil-
  lion in 2020 during the height of the
  COVID pandemic, and a stunning $1.4
  billion in 2021 during the national
  mass vaccination crusade. The com-
  pany also reported an astonishing
  rise in total claims, including deaths
  and injuries of $6 billion for the year.
  The company paid out $23 billion in
  2019, the baseline year, $22 billion
  in 2020, the pandemic year, and $28
  billion in 2022, the year of mass vac-
  cination.*® The latest data from the
  Insurance Regulatory and Development
  Authority of India have reported simi-
  lar numbers."
  While COVID-19 killed the infirm
  and elderly, many at the end of life,
  COVID vaccines are associated with
  deaths among the young and fit.
  Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager
  Ed Dowd reports an analysis of CDC’s
  mortality and morbidity data by insur-
  ance industry actuaries showing a
  shocking 85% rise in excess mortal-
  ity in the millennial age group—ages
  25 to 44—the worst-ever increase in
  history. Says Dowd, “The millennial
  age group saw 61,000 deaths, excess
  deaths, in a one-year time frame with
  an acceleration into the mandates and
  the boosters in the fall. I mean, they
  No, 2022
  just experienced a Vietnam War in a
  year.”5> Death-certificate data from
  the CDC similarly show a 40% increase
  in excess mortality of 18-to-49-year-
  olds during a 12-month period end-
  ing in October of 2021, with only 42%
  of those deaths attributed to COVID."3
  Most alarmingly, the military’s health
  database—famous for its precision and
  rigor—has reported a 1100% increase
  in mortality and morbidity among
  the 18-49 age group of vaccinated
  military personnel in 2021 over pre-
  vious years.'%4"55 Shouldn’t liberals be
  alarmed that service members reported
  more deaths to VAERS (as suspected
  vaccine casualties) than COVID deaths?5*
  UK National Health Service data show
  the COVID-19 death rate for children
  up to 19 years old tripled after vacci-
  nation. Prior to mass vaccination, the
  death rate was 2.6 children per month.
  Post mass vaccination, deaths have
  increased to 7.8 children per month.1%”
  Public-health officials and Pharma’s
  media allies have reacted by ignor-
  ing the waves of sudden unexplained
  deaths among those of working ages?
  and disregarding the astonishing fre-
  quency with which highly conditioned
  athletes are collapsing right on the
  fields of play. As of April 26, 2022, the
  website GoodScience has chronicled
  992 athlete cardiac arrests with 644
  dead following COVID shots."? Schools
  are normalizing the idea of heart_
  attacks’ in children. Israel has begun.
  equipping public schools with defibril-
  lators,**' and some US schools are now
  commonly requiring children to submit
  to cardiac testing in order to qualify
  for school sports." As part of its cam-
  paign to normalize this epidemic of
  sudden unexplained deaths in healthy
  young people, CDC has created a new
  cause of death, “Sudden Adult Death
  Syndrome” (SADS). Liberals should
  be alarmed at the ease with which
  CDC persuaded our bought and brain-
  dead media that “SADS is all a big_
  mystery. 163,164,
  A May 5, 2022, Israeli article pub-
  lished in Nature documented a 25%
  increase over 2019-2020 numbers in
  ambulance calls responding to cardiac
  arrests and acute coronary syndrome
  in the 16-39 year old population.
  Associated with rates of the first and
  second vaccine doses in this age group.
  The study found that the cardiac and
  coronary emergencies_were not associ-
  ated with COVID-19 infections.'6516¢
  An April 2022 study of 23 million
  people in JAMA Cardiology found an
  elevated myocarditis risk of almost
  700% following the Moderna vaccine.**7
  And sadly, myocarditis cases suffer
  50% mortality within five years, so we
  have not seen the end of these harms.**
  Finally, a November 2021 German
  study found that the German states
  with the highest vaccination rates are
  the ones suffering the highest excess
  A July 2022 study by New Zealand’s
  University of Waikato links COVID
  booster shots to 16 excess deaths for
  every 100,000 doses.17®
  I realize that for many people, the
  first instinct is to resist taking these
  realities onboard, to assume that every-
  thing I have shared here (with citations)
  must be untrue. Resistance to informa-
  tion is often the signal that reading it
  again, with the willingness to actually
  No, 2022
  check the original sources, is called for.
  If even a fraction of what I have shared
  here is true, and you acknowledge that
  you haven’t been told this truth till now,
  that itself should be alarming.
  8) Pharma and CDC Have
  Hidden the Damning Injury
  and Death Data Reports with
  Cooperation from Leading
  Media Outlets Including the
  New York Times
  Government transparency and pug-
  nacious press skepticism are hall-
  mark liberal values, and yet, the New
  York Times, in February, made the
  belated—and apparently, untrou-
  bled—admission that the CDC has
  been systematically withholding data
  that challenge its official narratives
  and cherry-picking data to promote
  the government/Pharma “safe and
  effective” orthodoxy.’ Furthermore,
  both Pfizer and FDA petitioned a fed-
  eral court to deny the public access to
  Pfizer’s clinical trial data for the next
  75 years.‘ So much for the prom-
  ised transparency! These are the same
  data that FDA reviewed for only 108
  days prior to giving Pfizer its license.
  Immediately afterward, two top vac-
  cine regulators at FDA resigned.” Is
  there any good reason that these sys-
  tematic concealments—strikingly
  reminiscent of the industry/FDA col-
  lusion and deception that precipitated
  the opioid crisis—should not trigger
  liberal indignation?
  Schools are
  normalizing the idea
  of heart attacks in
  children. Israel has
  begun equipping
  public schools with
  defibrillators, and
  some US schools
  are now commonly
  requiring children
  to submit to cardiac
  testing in order to
  qualify for school
  9) Should Government
  Technocrats Be Partnering
  with Media and Social
  Media Titans to Censor and
  Suppress the Questioning of
  Government Policies?
  Most of my fellow liberals are unaware
  of all these alarming facts due to a
  highly orchestrated global pandemic
  of journalistic malpractice. At the
  outset of the pandemic, most of the
  world’s leading news organizations—
  BBC, Reuters, AP, AFD, CBC, CNN,
  CBS, ABC, Washington Post, Financial
  Times, Facebook, Google/YouTube,
  Microsoft, Twitter, and others—orga-
  nized themselves into a collusive anti-
  democratic and anticompetitive cartel
  known as the Trusted News Initiative
  (TNI)—pledged to squelch and censor
  all reports about government COVID
  countermeasures that challenged offi-
  cial proclamations.’ The link you just
  passed goes to the official BBC web-
  site, where you can read, in the words
  of those conspirators, about how a
  group of companies that have histori-
  cally competed against one another to
  reveal government untruths have now
  partnered in lockstep to promote the
  Government line and connived to work
  in concert to attack reporting that runs
  counter to officially proclaimed ortho-
  doxies. These organizations have suc-
  cessfully prevented virtually all honest
  journalism about vaccine injuries and
  vaccine failure from reaching the gen-
  eral public.
  This rigid compliance with Big
  Pharma’s propaganda agenda was,
  unfortunately, no great leap for main-
  stream media. In recent years, Pharma
  and its allies have made enormous
  investments to control American
  newsrooms and transform mainstream
  and social media, TV networks, and
  scientific journals into vessels for
  mercantile propaganda. The pharma-
  ceutical industry is now the dominant
  advertiser on television, the funding
  source for over 75% of total adver-
  tising and an even greater percentage
  during news shows.*75 Furthermore,
  Pharma investor Bill Gates has distrib-
  uted $319 million in recent years to
  news organizations specifically target-
  ing “independent” platforms like NPR,
  Public Television, The Independent, The
  Guardian, etc., that were historically
  less susceptible to pressure from com-
  mercial advertisers.'”® Most alarming,
  since the pandemic’s outset, HHS has
  No, 2022
  quietly paid out over a billion dollars
  (you read that right) to news outlets
  like CNN, the Washington Post, and the
  New York Times to promote COVID vac-
  cines. Those companies have oblig-
  ingly published thousands of pieces
  extolling vaccination while actively
  censoring criticism of vaccines—
  or content that challenges Pharma
  profit taking—all without disclosing
  those compromising payoffs to their
  With this cash in hand, the US
  media have abandoned their traditional
  skepticism toward government edicts
  and abetted the censorship of noncon-
  forming views. While the media abol-
  ish contrary opinion, they marginalize,
  vilify, and bully dissenters. In a recent
  editorial, Johns Hopkins professor Dr.
  Marty Makary, MD, MPH, author of
  The Price We Pay: What Broke American
  Health Care—And How to Fix It, writes:
  “Throughout the pandemic, The New
  York Times and other outlets have only
  sourced doctors on the establishment
  groupthink bandwagon, dangled fear
  to young people and blindly ampli-
  fied every edict government doctors
  fed without asking questions, just as
  the press did with weapons of mass
  destruction in Iraq.’”"7879
  When will liberals face the fact
  that scientific fact is not always the
  self-interested pronouncements of
  Sanjay Gupta or Anthony Fauci? The
  current head of the CDC should not
  represent the beginning and end of
  scientific argument. As Galileo under-
  stood, monolithic orthodoxies are
  the enemies of science. Science is a
  dynamic and continuous search for
  empirical truth, and the term “scien-
  tific consensus” is therefore an oxy-
  moron. Second opinions are critical
  safeguards of both patient care and
  public health. I challenge liberals to,
  at long last, engage with the many
  esteemed and principled scientists
  and physicians and other experts who
  have presented well-evidenced and
  principled opposition to the official
  dogma promoted by Big Pharma and
  its government allies. Liberals must
  once again practice the sifting and
  winnowing of truth from falsehood
  that is the hallmark of the liberal tra-
  dition—and to stop outsourcing this
  crucial task to health-care bureaucrats,
  scientifically illiterate, deadline-har-
  ried journalists, celebrity doctors, and
  mercenary fact-checking organizations
  financed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson,
  and vaccine investors like Bill Gates
  and Mark Zuckerberg.
  10) Virtually All My Early
  Predictions Have Matured
  from “Conspiracy Theories”
  to Proven Facts
  Anthony Fauci is not the only celeb-
  rity to continue to tout COVID vaccines
  from a sickbed. It’s common to hear
  double or triple-vaccinated—or even
  quadruple-vaccinated (like Dr. Fauci),
  liberal icons like Nancy Pelosi, Jimmy
  Kimmel, Bill Gates, Peter Hotez, Jimmy
  Fallon, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar,
  Kelly Ripa, Amy Schumer, Stephen
  Colbert, Miley Cyrus, Hillary Clinton,
  Sean Penn, Barack Obama, Piers
  Morgan, Elton John, Tori Spelling,
  James Corden, Hoda Kotb, Seth Meyers,
  Jen Psaki, Elizabeth Warren, Cory
  Booker, and Kamala Harris continue to
  enthusiastically defend COVID vaccines
  even after their second and even third
  bout of post-vaccine COVID. Would
  these individuals remain so blithely
  satisfied if three or four polio vaccines
  failed to protect them against polio?
  These true believers seem immune to
  logic, reason, or evidence. Shouldn’t
  the massive and undeniable vaccine
  failures—in the wake of all those
  extravagant promises about their effi-
  cacy—and the constantly shifting nar-
  ratives raise liberal ire and skepticism
  instead of blind allegiance to a failed
  Two years ago, the main-
  stream media were disparaging as
  No, 2022
  “dangerous crackpots” or “conspir-
  acy theorists” anyone who questioned
  mandates for masks, social distanc-
  ing, lockdowns, or the accuracy of
  PCR tests, and anyone who suggested
  that COVID-19 might have originated
  in the Wuhan lab or who pointed out
  that natural immunity% was superior
  to vaccine-induced immunity, or that
  children had low risk for COVID and
  no reason to risk vaccination, or that
  mRNA vaccines might alter human
  DNA. But, in the course of time, all
  these “conspiracies” have proven
  10.1) Masks Are Ineffective
  and Dangerous
  In recent weeks, with over 100 stud-
  ies now attesting that masks do not
  stop viral spread and over 60 studies
  showing they can cause physical and
  mental health injuries and develop-
  mental delays, the CDC has finally and
  quietly acknowledged that mandates
  for cloth masks make little scien-
  tific sense.'*"*2 A comprehensive April-
  2022 study of masking practices in 35
  European countries found no benefits
  from masking in preventing COVID-
  19 disease or death. Instead, masking
  showed a highly significant correlation
  with increased risk of COVID death.13"84
  In the same month, another study
  found that lung tissue of British cit-
  izens was saturated with microplas-
  tics, likely an artifact of two years of
  mask compliance." A preprint study!
  by Chandra and Høeg replicated the
  methodology used earlier by CDC*” but
  extended CDC’s analysis to a much
  broader, nationally diverse population
  over a longer interval. It found no dif-
  ference in pediatric COVID case rates
  between school districts that mandated
  masks versus those that did not.
  Even the New York Times now
  acknowledges that “Covid has spread
  at a similar rate as in mask-resistant
  cities. Mask mandates in schools also
  seem to have done little to reduce the
  spread. Hong Kong, despite almost
  universal mask-wearing, recently
  endured one of the world’s worst Covid
  outbreaks. ”:88
  10.2) Social Distancing
  Was Not Science-Based
  CDC also dropped its social-dis-
  tancing guidelines as former FDA
  Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb con-
  fessed publicly that the six-foot rule
  his agency implemented was “arbitrary
  and not science-based. ”189190
  10.3) School Closures Were
  Not Science-Based
  Former CDC Director Robert Redfield
  has, likewise, confirmed that the school
  closures the CDC recommended had no
  scientific basis.” Furthermore, there
  was no effort by government authorities
  to understand the devastating collateral
  damage of school lockdowns to children.
  The predictable damage to a generation
  of children from the closures has proven
  A 2020 report by the esteemed
  education research consortium NWEA
  predicted that even the 2020 school
  No, 2022
  year’s relatively short two-month
  lockdown would irretrievably damage
  US students.
  Preliminary COVID slide es-
  timates suggest students will
  return in fall 2020 with rough-
  ly 70% of the learning gains
  in reading relative to a typical
  school year. However, in math-
  ematics, students are likely to
  show much smaller learning
  gains, returning with less than
  50% of the learning gains and in
  some grades, nearly a full year
  behind what we would observe
  in normal conditions."
  The European Commission report
  entitled “The likely impact of COVID-
  19 on education” using information
  from international datasets found that
  poor children would suffer the most
  grievous deficits:
  ..a reduction in scores of between
  6.5 and 14 points. The switch
  from offline to online learning
  caused by COVID-19 is expected
  [...] to exacerbate existing educa-
  tional inequalities. More vulner-
  able students, such as for instance
  those from less advantaged back-
  grounds, are especially likely to
  fall behind during this emergency
  period. These students are less
  likely to have access to relevant
  learning digital resources (e.g.
  laptop/computer, broadband in-
  ternet connection) and less likely
  to have a suitable home learning
  environment (e.g. a quiet place to
  study or their own desk). Addi-
  tionally, they may not receive as
  much (direct or indirect) support
  from their parents as their more
  advantaged counterparts do.
  Dr. Fauci did not seem to com-
  prehend that education deficits pose
  a devastating public health risk. Lost
  education, for example, affects life
  expectancy. A JAMA article predicts that
  the school closures for 24.2 million US
  schoolchildren will result in the loss
  of 13.8 million years of life. No one
  has yet calculated the global loss of
  life from school closures that occurred
  when most other nations followed the
  US protocols in lockstep.
  We do know that the lockdown
  response interrupted over a billion
  children’s schooling, leaving millions
  never to return. 195196
  Numerous studies indicate that the
  academic declines from school closures
  are accompanied by alarming mental
  health injuries.
  A report by Collateral Global's”
  found that eight out of ten UK children
  and adolescents suffered an increase
  in anxiety, loneliness, and stress, with
  one in six children reporting “signif-
  icant mental health problems, ”:98199
  and one in four feeling “unable to
  cope” during the lockdowns.?® Eighty
  percent of young people reported
  a “deterioration in their emotional
  well-being,”” and local public health
  institutions saw dramatic increases in
  self-harm and eating disorders, along
  with an “explosion” of children with
  isabling tic disorders,®? and “record
  numbers of children being prescribed
  antidepressants,”?®3 with the intensity
  of these negative feelings correlating to
  the duration of school closures.
  A damning report by UNESCO and
  then jointly reissued with UNICEF and
  the World Bank reported that school
  closings disproportionately affected
  e world’s poor.” “Classroom clo-
  ures continue to affect more than
  635 million children globally, with
  younger and more marginalized chil-
  ren facing the greatest loss in learn-
  ing after almost two years of Coyid. ”2®5
  The UNESCO report predicted that the
  percentage of ten-year-olds in low-
  and middle-income countries who
  cannot read or understand a simple
  text will rise to 70%.
  The Guardian reports that a quarter
  of the world’s school systems are on
  No, 2022
  the verge of collapse:
  As much of the developing world
  faces a combination of interre-
  lated crises including extreme
  poverty... there are growing
  fears for a ‘lost generation of
  learners.’ 2%
  The losses in academic competence
  will translate into future lower earn-
  ings for the student cohorts directly
  affected by the lockdown—primarily in
  poorer countries with less resilience.
  10.4) Lockdowns Were
  Mass lockdowns of the healthy con-
  tradicted a century of public health
  practice including the WHO’s official
  guidelines»? and contradicted the
  frantic protests of over 600 scientists
  who addressed a
  letter to President
  Trump on May 19,
  2020, warning that
  lockdowns would
  create an economic
  and public health
  catastrophe far more
  damaging than
  COVID. To date,
  some 76,000 PhD
  scientists, physi-
  cians, and others
  have signed the
  Great Barrington
  Declaration, a
  statement orig-
  inally drafted by
  three of the world’s
  top statisticians
  from Harvard,
  Stanford, and Oxford
  Universities disput-
  ing the public health
  efficacy of lockdowns, and recom-
  mending, instead, the long-accepted
  pandemic protocol: quarantining the
  sick, and targeted protection of the
  As predicted, global lockdowns have
  cost a cataclysmic $16 trillion, accord-
  ing to the International Monetary
  Fund.* An extensive meta-analysis
  of dozens of peer-reviewed stud-
  ies by Johns Hopkins researchers has
  confirmed that while they devastated
  global economies, the Trump/Biden
  lockdowns did practically nothing to
  reduce the spread of COVID.?" All they
  did was prolong the pandemic and
  amplify its pain. In March 2022, the
  most wide-ranging study on COVID
  restrictions to date found that the
  states with the most stringent lock-
  downs fared far worse (New York,
  California, New Jersey, and Illinois got
  F grades). In stark contrast, states that
  allowed their citizens more freedoms
  (Florida, Utah, Nebraska, Vermont,
  Montana) fared far better.”? Even
  Dr. Fauci has recently confessed that
  scientific evidence does not support
  the supposition that lockdowns were
  effective.*4 In this April 2022 TV inter-
  view, Dr. Fauci finally acknowledged
  his true strategy behind lockdown
  mandates—a psychological warfare
  technique to coerce vaccine compli-
  ance: “You use lockdowns to get peo-
  ple vaccinated.”4
  10.5) Vaccinating Children
  Causes More Harm and
  Death Than It Averts
  On March 10, 2022, CDC admitted, in
  response to a Freedom of Information
  request, that it has not a single
  record of a healthy child under age 15
  dying from COVID.*5 Comprehensive
  research from Germany® and the
  UK,” and separate studies of US chil-
  dren by Johns Hopkins,?® Nature,”
  and The Lancet, 7® had all previously
  reaffirmed that healthy children
  have statistically zero risk of dying
  from COVID. Meanwhile, the vac-
  cines impose a high risk (1/2,700) of
  causing myocarditis in 12~17-year-
  old boys.?”7? A grim analysis of
  recent United Kingdom Office for
  National Statistics (ONS) data from
  No, 2022
  January 1, 2021, through January
  31, 2022, analyzed by Dr. Wayne
  Winston, PhD, professor emeritus of
  Decision Sciences at the University of
  Indiana’s Kelley School of Business,
  suggests that vaccinated children are
  more likely to die from any cause
  than unvaccinated children. The data
  show that vaccinated children ages
  10 to 14 are 28 times more likely to
  die than unvaccinated, and the vac-
  cinated 15-to-18-year-olds are 1.82
  times more likely to die than unvac-
  cinated teens of the same age.
  Though you have not read about
  it, four Scandinavian countries have
  banned the Moderna vaccine in peo-
  ple below age 30 because myocarditis
  is killing more of them than COVID.2
  By lying about the seizures that con-
  fined a 13-year-old volunteer, Maddie
  de Garay, to a wheelchair and feed-
  ing tube in its New England Journal of
  Medicine report on the adolescent trial,
  Pfizer also deceived regulators and the
  public about the 1/1,300 occurrences
  of devastating neurological injuries in
  12-to-15-year-old girls during Pfizer’s
  clinical trial. Pfizer reported Maddie’s
  injury as “stomachache.”*5 This was
  only one of many glaring irregularities
  and outright frauds that Pfizer perpe-
  trated to win fast-track licensure.”®
  10.6) Officials Wrongly
  Used PCR Tests to Justify
  the Countermeasures
  After imposing masks, social distanc-
  ing, and lockdowns on the basis of
  PCR tests, Dr. Fauci finally admitted
  on December 29, 2021, that the PCR
  was inadequate for detecting actual
  COVID infections: “PCR doesn’t mea-
  sure replication competent viruses...
  it doesn’t give you any indication
  of whether or not you’re transmis-
  sible.” 22727829 Imagine that: The
  method that millions of people have
  been using to determine if they have
  a transmittable infection “doesn’t
  give you any indication of whether or
  Children’s wy
  Health Defense
  Children’s Health Defense
  works tirelessly to end
  the childhood health
  epidemics by working to
  expose causes, eliminate
  harmful exposures,
  hold those responsible
  accountable, seek justice
  for those injured, and
  establish safeguards to
  prevent future harm.
  We cannot do it
  without you.
  Support our mission at
  not you’re transmissible.”
  As government officials now
  admit, the PCR tests were identifying
  many false positives from previous
  infections (and from other sources),
  thus creating a kind of pandemic echo
  effect where one case multiplied itself
  through time. Government officials
  mandated cataclysmic policies based
  on false perceptions created by ghost
  The CDC similarly used faulty PCRs
  to inflate death rates from COVID.
  The CDC recommended that hospitals
  classify every death as a COVID casu-
  alty so long as the patient, at some
  point, produced a positive PCR. HHS
  incentivized?* this recommendation
  with unspeakably generous financial
  bonuses to the hospitals.73!732 The
  CDC now acknowledges that only 6%
  of COVID casualties are certain to
  have died from COVID. The remain-
  ing 94% suffered from an average of
  3.8 potentially lethal comorbidities,
  any of which could have been the true
  cause of death.
  And you likely did not know that.
  10.7) COVID-19 May Have
  Come from Wuhan Lab
  US intelligence analysts now sug-
  gest that a lab leak from the Wuhan
  Institute of Virology is a plausible
  origin for the virus. A March Vanity
  Fair investigation suggests Dr. Fauci
  misled two presidents and orchestrated
  a global cover-up to deceive the world
  about COVID-19’s origins.
  10.8) Natural Immunity is
  Superior to Vaccine Immunity
  The CDC now acknowledges that
  natural immunity is superior to vac-
  cine-induced immunity.” An Israeli
  study shows that natural immunity
  is 27 times more durable and pro-
  vides a broader spectrum of protec-
  tion against a wide range of variants
  than inoculations!" Anthony Fauci
  nevertheless continues to promote
  No, 2022
  vaccinating previously infected chil-
  dren, a practice he has for 40 years
  emphatically condemned.?*
  10.9) The Weight of the
  Science Suggests That
  COVID mRNA Vaccines Can
  Indeed Alter Human DNA
  While the CDC continues to reassure
  us on its web page that “The genetic
  material delivered by mRNA vaccines
  never enters the nucleus of your cells,”
  Swedish researchers at Lund University
  on February 25, 2022, published a
  study showing that messenger RNA
  (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vac
  cines rapidly enters human liver cells
  and reverse-transcribes into DNA.#394®
  The terrifying ramifications of these
  findings are difficult to overstate.
  They raise the real possibility that the
  mRNA vaccine may permanently alter
  the human genome, potentially prim-
  ing—from mothers to children—a DNA
  code that might continually produce
  spike proteins known to damage ner-
  vous systems, brain, bone marrow, and
  immune systems and to produce blood
  clots. In April 2022, CDC finally admitted
  that it had no data to support its claim
  that mRNA vaccines don’t alter DNA.
  All this suggests that, during the
  first two years of the COVID crisis, I
  and Children’s Health Defense and
  other government policy critics like
  Brownstone Institute, The Frontline
  Critical Care Doctors, Dr. Mercola,
  Green Med Info, and numerous other
  critics of the reigning orthodoxy have
  been far more reliable sources of accu-
  rate vaccine information than the pub-
  lic health authorities and the media.
  The CDC, FDA, and NIH have been
  the leading promoters of a tsunami of
  “vaccine misinformation.”
  11) Instead of a Public
  Health Response, Dr. Fauci’s
  Militarized and Monetized
  COVID Policies Proved to Bea
  Devastating War on the Poor,
  Children, and the Working
  Orchestrated fear and blind trust in
  Dr. Fauci and entrenched opposition to
  Donald Trump caused many liberals to
  abandon not only their antipathy for
  censorship, but the other core concepts
  of liberal ideology that had been our
  proud legacy since 1932: a solicitude
  for the poor, workers, minorities, and
  vulnerable children.
  Anthony Fauci’s quarantine was a
  prolonged pajama party for upper-
  crust Americans who could afford
  DoorDash food deliveries and Amazon
  shopping. Lockdowns provided a
  novel adventure in telecommuting
  for the laptop elites, and a cushy year
  of remote education for their chil-
  dren. But even mainstream critics are
  increasingly recognizing that COVID
  policies have devastated workers, the
  poor, minorities, and children. The
  lockdowns created nearly five hundred
  new billionaires—who are now gorging
  on the bleached cadavers of America’s
  massacred middle-class—and
  No, 2022
  engineered a $3.98 trillion shift in
  wealth from the poor and work-
  ing Americans to a new oligarchy of
  Pharma billionaires, social and main-
  stream media titans, surveillance state
  robber barons, and military contrac-
  tors.7443 Shouldn’t liberals be partic-
  ularly skeptical that media and social
  media billionaires raked in fortunes
  from the lockdowns while actively col-
  laborating with government officials to
  censor and deplatform critics of these
  controversial and failed policies?
  Government countermeasures were,
  in contrast, a nightmare for the middle
  class and the poor. Shouldn’t liber-
  als worry that the lockdowns greatly
  increased inequality between a rich
  controlling few and a rapidly expand-
  ing disempowered poor, reversing
  years of poverty reduction that liberal
  administrations have fought for since
  FDR’s New Deal ?244245:246
  The number of active business own-
  ers in the United States plummeted
  by 3.3 million from February to April
  2020, crushing the backbone of dem-
  ocratic capitalism.747 The lockdown’s
  leading corporate promoters, Amazon,
  Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and
  Walmart, flourished while their Main
  Street competitors withered and died.
  As I touched on above, multiple
  studies show that lockdowns, school
  closures, masking,4* and childhood
  COVID vaccines? had catastrophic
  impacts on children and the poor with
  casualties and costs far exceeding the
  deaths and injuries from COVID-19.?5®
  Globally, lockdowns pushed over 130_
  million people into food insecurity and
  caused millions of deaths from star-
  vation.?5'52 A UNICEF report estimates
  that 60 million ADDITIONAL children
  will grow up in poverty and malnu-
  trition, Millions of girls have been
  forced into child marriage.” Reduced
  case-finding and treatment access for
  tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS has left
  more infected people untreated, to
  transmit to others and die.?5575¢ The
  World Health Organization reports
  that over 52,000 additional children
  under five died from malaria in the
  WHO African Region in 2020 alone.?57
  Another UNICEF report estimates
  that lockdowns are responsible for
  the deaths of hundreds of thousands
  of children—228,000 in South Asia
  alone.?58259 In July 2020, the Associated
  Press reported that US and European
  lockdowns were starving to death
  10,000 African kids each month.?*®
  The International Finance Facility
  (IFF) considers that twice as many
  children died from lockdowns as died
  from COVID-19.2* Lockdown-related
  mortalities and morbidities are likely
  to outlast COVID countermeasures. The
  Bank of International Settlements, key
  to international finance, recognizes
  that gross domestic product is a major
  determinant of long-term health,
  and the economic carnage—including
  ruinous national debt, mass bankrupt-
  cies, and inflation—from global lock-
  downs are likely to hobble the world-
  wide economy—and therefore, public
  health— for decades.”
  COVID countermeasures seemed to
  disproportionately injure minorities. As
  discussed in Section 2 above, the death
  rate from COVID-19 in Nigeria—which
  had a vaccination rate of 1.3%, was 15
  deaths per million population—about
  1/200 the death rate among Americans
  of 3800 per million population. Haiti,
  with a vaccination rate of 1.4%, hada
  COVID death rate of less than 14 per
  million population.?*? Why is it that
  COVID-19 barely touched scantily
  vaccinated African and Haitian popu-
  lations while American Blacks died at
  3.6x and Latinos died at 2.5x the rates
  of Whites in all age categories? Life
  expectancy among American Blacks
  dropped by 3.25 years.7®> Shouldn’t
  this be a subject of intense curiosity
  and energetic inquiry? Yet, Dr. Fauci
  has never acknowledged, much less
  attempted to explain these troubling
  Sa a aaria. |
  Deal, FDA Says Fall COVID Boosters Must Target
  Omicron Subvariants
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  No, 2022
  Lockdowns also disproportionately
  harmed children, increasing child
  labor, teenage pregnancy rates, and
  child marriages.?®* US maternal
  mortality reached record highs during
  the pandemic, with the highest deaths
  in Black women.267268 While health
  authorities closed public schools,
  police padlocked playgrounds and
  basketball courts in minority neigh-
  borhoods. Children skipped school
  lunches that, for many, were their sole
  nutritious meal. A heartbreaking 24% _
  of American teens report experiencing
  hunger.®? The lockdowns diminished
  eye health due to increased screen time
  and aggravated the obesity epidemic.
  Even children became more obese
  during the pandemic.?” Worsening
  an existing obesity crisis—Americans
  gained 29 pounds on average in 2020
  to 2021—may have contributed to high
  death counts since obesity was and is
  a leading COVID comorbidity.?”7” The
  lockdowns, themselves, were coun-
  terproductive since regulators knew
  early in the pandemic that COVID
  spread indoors and not outdoors.73
  Lockdowns aggravated not just obesity,
  but stress and vitamin D deficien-
  cies, all of which proved deadly COVID
  The only indicator of poverty and
  social deterioration that seemingly
  improved during the quarantine was
  child abuse. Sadly, this was an arti-
  fact of less reporting. Most child abuse
  reports emanate from schools, and the
  reported incidents naturally diminished
  when schools closed. While schools
  officially stopped reporting suspected
  child abuse, our government health
  panjandrums locked abused children
  indoors with their abusers. A recent
  CDC summary disclosed a shocking
  55.1% of teens regularly experienced
  emotional abuse during lockdowns,
  and 11.3%, physical abuse—up from
  13.9% and 5.5%, respectively, in 2013.774
  Dr. Fauci acknowledges that he
  never considered the amplifying
  No, 2022
  impacts of lockdowns on collateral
  damage including aggravating existing
  epidemics of isolation, mental health,
  and obesity.?7576777 UNESCO reports
  that child and youth mental health
  has become a crisis within a crisis.
  Children globally experienced social
  isolation, disruption to daily routines,
  stress associated with parental unem-
  ployment, and feelings of uncertainty
  about their future.?”* The CDC reports
  that between January and June of 2021,
  almost 20% of US teenagers contem-
  plated suicide, 9% attempted to kill
  themselves, and 44.2% reported feel-
  ing persistently sad and hopeless.7797*®
  Suicide is now the second-leading
  cause of death for Black children, and
  it’s rising still. The poor dispropor-
  tionately shouldered terrible increases
  in alcoholism, drug addiction, over-
  doses, retarded development, and
  mental illness. Gun sales and carjack-
  ing have hit record highs. CDC reports
  dramatic upticks in shootings and
  other violent crime including a 30% _
  rise in homicides, pedestrian deaths,
  reckless driving (despite dramatic
  reductions in miles driven), disorderly
  and disruptive unhinged behavior,
  anger, and fits of anger in schools and
  society at large.282283
  The lockdowns didn’t just worsen
  mental health and obesity. They low-
  ered IQ and impacted early childhood
  developmental milestones in infants
  and toddlers. Masks, for example,
  impaired emerging speech and lan-
  guage skills in children during critical
  developmental stages, while lock-
  downs deprived children of import-
  ant growth stimuli.?284285 Infants born
  during the pandemic are missing
  speech development milestones nor-
  mal for babies their age. Researchers
  warn that due to lockdowns and other
  disruptions, nearly one-third of ele-
  mentary students will need “inten-
  sive support to become proficient
  readers. ”286287 Children born during
  the pandemic are at a greater risk for
  Dr. Fauci
  acknowledges that he
  never considered the
  amplifying impacts
  of lockdowns on
  collateral damage
  including aggravating
  existing epidemics
  of isolation, mental
  health, and obesity.
  academic failure because parents hav-
  en’t been able to engage their babies
  and toddlers in the types of con-
  versations that are “crucial for lan-
  guage development.”** On average,
  American toddlers lost an astonishing
  22 1Q points during the lockdowns
  according to a Brown University
  study. That longitudinal observa-
  tional study also found that the poor
  and minority children shouldered the
  heaviest burden of lost functionality.
  The evidence from the US is particu-
  larly clear:
  We find that children born
  during the pandemic have
  significantly reduced verbal,
  motor, and overall cognitive per-
  formance compared to children
  born pre-pandemic. Moreover,
  we find that males and children
  in lower socioeconomic families
  have been most affected.2%®
  A study in JAMA recorded the dra-
  matic losses in developmental skills:
  Compared with the historical
  cohort, infants born during the
  pandemic had significantly lower
  scores on gross motor, fine mo-
  tor, and personal-social skills?"
  In France, a study entitled “Adverse
  Collateral Effects of COVID-19 Public
  Health Restrictions on Physical Fitness
  and Cognitive Ability” found:
  An alarming decline in both
  overall physical fitness and
  cognitive performance among
  primary school French children
  due to the public health restric-
  tions imposed in order to slow
  down the spread of the COVID-19
  An intractably corrupt CDC’s
  response has been to normalize the
  injuries by readjusting childhood mile-
  stones. Under CDC’s revised mile-
  stones, adopted last month, a “nor-
  mal” child will now be expected to
  No, 2022
  walk at 18 months rather than 12 and
  is expected to have learned 50 words at
  30 months rather than 24 months.?93294
  I know that reading all this is a mas-
  sive dose of new truth and reality for
  most people. Rather than resisting the
  information, readers might ask why
  they haven’t been told all this by their
  trusted news sources.
  Today, the last people in America
  still required to cover their faces are
  children, minimum wage earners,
  waiters, waitresses, servers, staff, and
  front-line “essential workers,” who
  risk their lives to deliver meals and
  Amazon packages to the more privi-
  leged classes. For many of them, the
  masks have become potent symbols of
  orchestrated fear, obedience, subservi-
  ence, and the dehumanizing anonymity
  of being poor and powerless.
  Contemporary liberalism has
  endeavored to veil its abdication of
  its traditional role as a defender of
  minorities and the poor with a sym-
  bolic embrace of BLM iconography, and
  by deploying the new liberal weapon
  of censorship to cancel racist speech.
  Such symbolic gestures—such as post-
  ing a black square—are anemic sub-
  stitutes for genuine empowerment for
  minorities and the downtrodden. Lip
  service has replaced action, and the
  strategies liberals have embraced badly
  undermine their expressed intentions.
  Finally, a Harvard study by David
  Cutler and Lawrence Summers esti-
  mates the cost of the pandemic to the
  US government at $16 trillion. This
  ruinous debt is yet another devastating
  attack on our children. That cataclys-
  mic expenditure—intended to bene-
  fit fragile elderly in the last years of
  their lives (and there is little evidence
  that it did)—did so by beggaring the
  young from the coming generations.
  American children of the future will
  have less access to health care, food,
  education, security, and opportu-
  nity for home ownership. They will
  On average,
  American toddlers
  lost an astonishing
  22 IQ points during
  the lockdowns
  according to a Brown
  University study.
  That longitudinal
  observational study
  also found that the
  poor and minority
  children shouldered
  the heaviest burden
  of lost functionality.
  suffer diminished lives, in a weak-
  ened, impoverished country. They will
  also suffer the loss of democracy, civil
  rights, and power over their lives.
  12) America Has Endured an
  Unprecedented Attack on Our
  Bill of Rights
  In 2001, liberal Democrats, led by my
  uncle, Senator Edward Kennedy, mobi-
  lized to block the Patriot Act, a 3,000-
  page assault on the US Constitution
  drafted by Neocons and stampeded
  through Congress in the frenzy of
  post-9/11 hysteria and propaganda.
  That bill laid the groundwork for the
  emerging Security State. In contrast,
  during the COVID crisis, liberal leaders
  colluded with disgraced and discredited
  Neocons and public-health technocrats
  to impose unprecedented infringe-
  ments on personal liberties and human
  rights that have dramatically accel-
  erated the rise of the security state,
  now biosecurity state, while expanding
  autocratic rule and elevating a new
  The recent constitutional infringe-
  ments included the normalization of
  censorship, the forced shuttering of
  churches nationwide, and the curtail-
  ments to our rights to gather, protest,
  and petition—via social distancing,
  lockdowns, vaccine passports, and
  mandates—all of which are in vio-
  lation of the FIRST AMENDMENT’s
  protections of speech, religious worship,
  and assembly. Bureaucratic diktats
  trampled the FIFTH AMENDMENT
  by shuttering millions of businesses
  with neither due process nor just com-
  pensation; abolished the SEVENTH
  AMENDMENT right to jury trials
  for injuries caused by pharmaceu-
  tical companies, doctors, and hos-
  pitals; and obliterated the FOURTH
  AMENDMENT prohibitions against war-
  rantless searches. Pandemic counter-
  measures promoted track-and-trace
  surveillance and the systematic incur-
  sions upon traditional privacy rights
  No, 2022
  including unprecedented collection of
  private data. Finally, the cascade of
  technocratic edicts violated the FIFTH
  guarantees of due process by dispensing
  with notice and comment rulemaking,
  public hearings, and environmental
  impact statements prior to imposition
  of broad and intrusive public-health
  fiats by unelected bureaucrats.
  The Canadian government pioneered
  another bold shortcut to our new cor-
  poratist dystopia: silencing dissent
  and obliterating the right to assemble
  and petition by shuttering the bank
  accounts of peaceful protestors with-
  out trial and even without bothering to
  charge these citizens with any crime.?®®
  The global juggernaut to replace hard
  coin and cash with digitalized and pro-
  grammable currencies will likely make
  this Canadian innovation the norm in
  the USA and across the former liberal
  democracies worldwide. Today, nearly
  100 nations are now planning transi-
  tions to digital currency.
  13) The Deprivation of Rights
  and Economic Demotion of the
  Middle Class Have Spawned a
  Rebellion. Its Ideology Is Fluid
  and up for Grabs.
  All the infringements and the cata-
  clysmic economic demotions of mid-
  dle-class and poor families have,
  predictably, prompted millions of dis-
  affected and alienated Americans to
  coalesce into an emerging rebellion.
  Working and poor Americans—once
  the Democratic Party’s core constit-
  uencies—are rising to reclaim their
  rights and livelihoods in a class war
  against the globalist elites and corpo-
  rate titans who collaborated with the
  regulatory technocracy to steal mid-
  dle-class wealth, property, and jobs
  and to impose the oppressive mandates
  without either public hearings or sci-
  entific citation. In 1966, my father,
  Senator Robert Kennedy, predicted
  that vast discrepancies in wealth and
  the routine abuse of power by Latin
  American oligarchs would precipitate
  revolutions that would be hijacked by
  communists if the American govern-
  ment continued to ally itself with the
  military and the oligarchs, instead of
  the disenfranchised poor and workers:
  Arevolution is coming—a revo-
  lution which will be peaceful if we
  are wise enough; compassionate
  if we care enough; successful if we
  are fortunate enough—But a rev-
  olution which is coming whether
  we will it or not. We can affect
  its character; we cannot alter its
  Liberal media and social media out-
  lets mischaracterize all dissent from
  official orthodoxies as right-wing
  Trumpism. The current liberal cos-
  mology incorrectly casts working-class
  No, 2022
  populists— including protesting truck-
  ers—as right-wing racist Trump fanat-
  ics or as “deplorables.” But the populist
  movement that has coalesced to oppose
  the mandates is racially and religiously
  diverse, ideologically incoherent, and,
  increasingly, sees itself as engaged in
  a class war against Big Tech, Big Data,
  Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Media,
  and Wall Street titans, who themselves
  are aligned with police and intelligence,
  military, and security state forces.
  Moreover, the liberal response of ally-
  ing the Democratic Party with Pharma
  and its captive technocrats and global
  elites of the “Davos Billionaire’s Club”
  in blind support for mandates plays
  directly into the hand of right-wing
  demagogues like Donald Trump.
  Liberals are missing a great oppor-
  tunity here to reenfranchise the
  working class by acknowledging the
  inequitable impact of so many of the
  pandemic policies that Donald Trump
  and leading Democrats fast-tracked
  and green-lit with patriotic fervor.
  The pandemic is an equity issue that
  goes way beyond the condescension
  of liberals toward people of color who
  must, the patronizing liberal mythol-
  ogy holds, be gently disabused of their
  current vaccine skepticism based on
  true, but now supposedly irrelevant,
  horrors of medical experimentation
  on their “ancestors.” The “essen-
  tial workers” were disproportionately
  people of color; the people who lost
  their jobs to the lockdowns were also
  disproportionately people of color;
  the people who lost their jobs due to
  noncompliance with mandates were
  mostly from the working classes; and
  the people who died of COVID, vaxxed
  or not, were disproportionately people
  of color. The party is abandoning much
  of its base for a cabal of elites, repre-
  sented almost exclusively by journal-
  ism, academia, and the Beltway. For
  its own survival, the left must learn to
  critically think again.
  But the populist
  movement that has
  coalesced to oppose
  the mandates is
  racially and religiously
  diverse, ideologically
  incoherent, and,
  increasingly, sees
  itself as engaged in
  a class war against
  Big Tech, Big Data,
  Big Pharma, Big
  Banking, Big Media,
  and Wall Street titans.
  who themselves are
  aligned with police
  and intelligence,
  military, and security
  state forces.
  oday the unifying passions
  of the Democratic Party
  are a ferocious hatred of
  Donald Trump, an orchestrated and
  often irrational fear of COVID, and
  blind support for all public-health
  mandates. Like every hatred,
  Trumpaphobia gives power to the
  object of its abomination. Ironically,
  Trump is now dictating policy choices
  for Democrats. Liberals turned against
  the heroic whistleblower Julian
  Assange when Trump expressed his
  sympathy for the jailed journal-
  ist and free speech and civil rights
  No, 2022
  W HEN will we be RELE - fl
  from the GRIP of
  ASK your local. G
  advocate. Democrats abandoned their
  sturdy opposition to the Trans-Pacific
  Partnership when Trump criticized the
  TPP. Similarly, Trump’s occasional
  and minor disdain for Dr. Anthony
  Fauci blinded Democrats to Fauci’s
  five-decade role as the architect of
  industry capture of the public-health
  agencies. Trump’s endorsement of
  hydroxychloroquine prompted liber-
  als to toss the remedy into the same
  dumpster with Trump’s global-warm-
  ing denialism, despite overwhelming
  scientific support for the remedy.
  Trump’s cozy relationship with
  Vladimir Putin is arguably one of the
  factors that coaxed traditional anti-
  war liberals into ignoring Ukrainian
  President Volodymyr Zelensky’s
  anti-democratic track record and his
  troubling relationship with the openly
  Nazi and anti-Semitic Azov Battalion
  and won liberal support for a military
  intervention that has, predictably,
  enriched petroleum companies and
  military contractors, doubled gaso-
  line prices, and ignited the gallop-
  ing inflation that will further beggar
  the American middle class.7®® The
  Ukrainian crisis has pushed liberals—
  including President Biden—to embrace
  the monumentally savage and tyranni-
  cal Saudi ruler Mohammed bin Salman
  (MBS)3®® whose naked aggression
  against Yemen has killed over 377,000
  Yemenis—mainly civilians, dwarfing,
  in its homicidal brutality, the Russian
  invasion of Ukraine.” In October 2018,
  a year before the COVID pandemic,
  MBS sent a team of assassins to stran-
  gle the Washington Post journalist Jamal
  Khashoggi and dismember him with
  a bone saw. Liberals once reviled
  MBS, and President Biden’s recent
  olive branch to the Crown Prince, has
  draped liberalism in shame.
  In their ardor for demonstrat-
  ing revulsion of Trump, liberals have
  walked away from the hallowed core
  values of liberalism. Traditional FDR/
  Kennedy liberalism revered civil rights
  and personal freedoms, including
  free speech and expression, free-
  dom to assemble and petition, reli-
  of officials who used fear as a gov-
  erning tool (recall FDR’s admonition
  that “The only thing we have to fear is
  fear itself”), and solicitude for bodily
  autonomy (isn’t our mantra “My body,
  my choice”?).
  During the COVID coup d’état, the
  same liberals who had fought the
  Patriot Act and opposed the Iraq War
  suddenly adopted the Neocons’ hostil-
  ity to the Bill of Rights, their affinity
  for a national security state, and their
  embrace of a bellicose, expansionist
  “regime-change” foreign policy.
  In fact, aside from fury toward Trump
  and a wild love affair with Pharma vac-
  cines, contemporary liberalism’s only
  remaining artifacts of traditional FDR/
  Kennedy liberalism are its concern for
  environmental sustainability and its
  defense of ethnic and LGBTQ minori-
  ties from bigotry and official bullying.
  Liberals seem unaware that their acqui-
  escence to censorship and the erosion of
  the Bill of Rights to silence opponents
  of Big Pharma’s vaccines will invari-
  ably open the door to King Coal, Big
  Oil, Big Ag, and Big Chemical and all
  Watch censorship-free infotainment on CHD.TV
  Hear from experts and activists on the latest breaking news on
  the medical freedom movement, health, science and activism.
  gious freedom, and
  Historically, liberals
  of labor and the poo
  of autocrats and bul
  Well, not so today.
  odily autonomy.
  were champions
  r, and the enemies
  ies. But today...
  For decades, liberals once proudly
  harbored a deep ske
  Pharma, and the mil
  pticism toward
  intelligence complex, and gener-
  ally nurtured an ant:
  a contempt for blini
  undeserving authori
  No, 2022
  ipathy for war,
  obedience to
  ties, a wariness
  Tea Time
  ‘This Week’ with Mary
  + Polly
  The Defender Show with
  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  Financial Rebellion with
  Friday Roundtable
  Good Morning CHD
  Catherine Austin Fitts
  their captive agencies likewise silencing
  their own inconvenient critics. Military
  contractors and their government cap-
  tives are already wielding the new tool
  of censorship to silence debate on the
  Ukraine intervention. Both support-
  ers and opponents of that intervention
  should worry about this development.
  The weapons that liberals condone to
  silence Pharma’s critics will invariably
  be deployed against the most vulnerable
  populations liberals have always cham-
  pioned. That is the inexorable lesson of
  In the Oscar Award-winning 1966
  film, A Man for All Seasons, the charac-
  ter of Britain’s Chancellor Sir Thomas
  More explains why it’s unwise to cut
  down the Constitution even for the
  well-intentioned objective of destroy-
  ing the Devil:
  Cut a great road through the
  law to get after the Devil?... And
  when the last law [is] down,
  and the Devil turn[s] ‘round on
  you, where [will] you hide, the
  laws all being flat? This coun-
  try is planted thick with laws,
  No, 2022
  from coast to coast, Man’s laws,
  not God’s! And if you cut them
  down..., do you really think you
  could stand upright in the winds
  that would blow then? Yes, I’d
  give the Devil benefit of law, for
  my own safety’s sake!
  As they demolish the Constitution
  to get at Trump and promote Pharma,
  liberals don’t seem to appreciate that
  the most vulnerable population will
  soon reap the whirlwind. And where
  will we all hide when an unleashed
  Exxon, Smithfield, Peabody, Monsanto,
  and Koch Energy have license to
  silence their critics with the help of
  Google, Facebook, and Twitter? As
  these soulless multinational behe-
  moths deploy their new powers to
  silence dissent, to strip-mine our
  landscapes, pollute our waterways,
  exterminate our wildlife, and com-
  moditize our children, they are fanning
  the toxic winds that will soon envelop
  America in a cytokine storm of envi-
  ronmental desolation and dystopian
  rchestrated fear, systematic
  censorship, and fierce tribalism
  have pushed our country into a
  political polarization more perilous than
  at any time since the American Civil
  War. If we are to find a better future—if
  we are to imprint this rising dissident
  movement with liberalism’s traditional
  idealism and avoid its capture by cor-
  porate tyrants—liberals need to start
  talking to people with whom they oth-
  erwise disagree.
  It is in this spirit that I continue to
  dialogue with individuals with whom
  I differ on many other issues. Liberals
  have criticized and canceled me for
  speaking with conservative populists
  like Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon.
  If we don’t talk to our political oppo-
  nents, how will we ever find common
  ground? If we can’t explore scien-
  tific truths through debate, how will
  we ever bridge the widening chasm
  between America’s warring tribes?
  No, 2022
  Those fierce disputes between
  Republicans and Democrats, Blacks and
  Whites, vaxxed and unvaxxed serve
  only the intentions of the global elite
  who exploit the distraction to sys-
  tematically rob us of our treasure, our
  health, and our freedoms.
  Coercive policies—especially the
  suppression of speech and dissent—
  will only breed more skepticism and
  mistrust and will never bridge the gap
  between America’s polarized tribes.
  As Professor Makary observes: “The
  American people are hungry for hon-
  esty. They see the inequity of COVID
  policies and want the data straight, not
  politically curated by a small group of
  like-minded scientists.”
  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  1 Good Jobs First, “Violation Tracker Industry Summary
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  3 Jodo Viana et al., “Controlling the Pandemic During the
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  Jun. 16, 2021,
  4 S.V. Subramanian and Akhil Kumar, “Increases in
  Covid-19 Are Unrelated to Levels of Vaccination Across
  68 Countries and 2947 Counties in the United States,”
  European Journal of Epidemiology (2021), ncbi.nlm.nih.
  5 “Tracking Coronavirus Vaccinations Around the World-
  ‘Maps and Trackers’,” New York Times, May 2022, nytimes.
  6 “CDC COVID Data Tracker,” Centers for Disease
  Control and Prevention, May 2022,
  7 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Table1.
  Deaths Involving Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19),
  Pneumonia, and Influenza Reported to NCHS by Time-
  Period and Jurisdiction of Occurrence,” CDC, Data as of
  Apr. 26, 2022,
  htm. *Search Table 1 at the bottom by Month and Year.
  8 Toby Sterling, “Aegon, Other Insurers Hit by U.S.
  Covid-19 Deaths in Third Quarter,” Reuters, Nov. 11,
  9 TrialSite Staff, “Record Surge of COVID-19 Cases and
  Deaths in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea—What's Going
  on?” TrialSite News, Mar. 20, 2022,
  10 “Record Breaking Wave of Covid-19 across Australia Sees
  Deaths 1700% Higher Than the Start of the Pandemic; &
  the Fully Vaccinated Account for 4 in Every 5 of Them,”
  The Exposé, Apr. 7, 2022,
  11 Children’s Health Defense, “COVID Deaths Before and
  After Vaccination Programs,” The Defender, Mar. 3,
  “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Deaths Worldwide Per One
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  12. Jim Hoft, “Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, the Current
  Vax Rate is 1.4%—Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID
  Death Rates in the World—Weird, Huh?" Gateway Pundit,
  Jul. 8, 2022,
  13 Olayemi Oladotun, “COVID-19 Vaccination
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  Harriet Alexander, “The Truth about Joe Rogan's
  Controversial Guests: ‘Father of mRNA’ Dr Malone
  Pointed Out that Hospitals Get Covid Bonuses and
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  Mccullough Said US Is Hypnotized and ‘Pandemic Is
  Plandemic,” Daily Mail, Feb. 2, 2022, 02:02 EDT, daily-
  29 “Joe Rogan Interview with Dr. Robert Malone [Transcript
  and Full Interview],” Covid Vaccine Side Effects &
  Information, Jan. 3, 2022,
  30 Greg Hunter, “800,000 Lives Could Have Been Saved with
  Ivermectin and HCQ [Video]" Shift Frequency, Mar. 21,
  31 “Ivermectin for COVID-19: Real-Time Meta Analysis of 81
  Studies,” Version 182, lvmeta, Mar. 21, 2022, ivmmeta.
  32 “HCQ for COVID-19: Real-Time Meta Analysis of 331
  Studies,” Version 196, Hcqmeta, Mar. 23, 2022, hcameta.
  33 Gilmar Reis, MD, PhD, Eduardo A.S.M Silva, MD, PhD,
  Daniela C.M. Silva, et al., “Effect of Early Treatment with
  Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19,” NEJM 386,
  (2022): 1721-1731,|Moa2115869.
  34 Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, “Fraudulent Trial on
  Ivermectin Published by the World's Top Medical
  Journal. Big Pharma Reigns - Part 2,” Substack,
  May 15, 2022,
  35 “Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and
  Related Authorities,” U.S. Food & Drug Administration,
  Jan. 2017
  36 Neeltje van Doremalen et al., “ChAdOx1 nCoV-19
  Vaccination Prevents SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia in Rhesus
  Macaques,” bioRxiv, May 13, 2020,
  .1101/2020.05.13.093195v1. full. pdf.
  37 William A. Haseltine, “Did the Oxford Covid Vaccine
  Work in Monkeys? Not Really,” Forbes, May 16, 2020,
  38 “COVID-19 Vaccine,” Vimeo,
  39 Anika Singanayagam, PhD, Seran Hakki, PhD, Jake
  Dunning, PhD, et al., “Community Transmission and
  Viral Load Kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta (B.1.617.2)
  Variant in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Individuals
  in the UK: A Prospective, Longitudinal, Cohort Study,”
  The Lancet 22, no. 2 (2021): 183-195,
  40 Yahoo Finance, “Dr. Fauci on COVID-19 Spread:
  Vaccinated People Who Have an... Infection Are Capable
  of Transmitting,” YouTube, Jul. 30, 2021,
  41 Divya Bhanot et al., “Stigma and Discrimination During
  COVID-19 Pandemic,” Front Public Health 8, (2020), doi.
  42 The Associated Press, “Patient Who Refused Covid
  Vaccine Was Denied a Heart Transplant,” NPR,
  Jan. 26, 2022,
  43 Patty Nieberg, Thomas Peipert, and Colleen Slevin - The
  Associated Press, “Colorado Woman Who Won't Get
  Vaccinated Denied Transplant,” ABCNews, Oct. 8, 2021,
  No, 2022
  44 Andrew Court, “Dying’ Baby Approved for Heart
  Transplant after Parents Fight Vaccine ‘Mandate’,” New
  York Post, Jun. 29, 2020,
  45 Michael Powell, “Once a Bastion of Free Speech, the
  A.C.L.U. Faces an Identity Crisis," New York Times, Jun.
  6, 2021,
  46 National Post Staff, “Noam Chomsky Says the
  Unvaccinated Should Just Remove Themselves from
  Society,” National Post, Oct. 27, 2021,
  47 Damien Cave, “Australia Is Betting on Remote
  Quarantine. Here's What | Learned on the Inside,” New
  York Times, Aug. 20, 2021,
  48 “Inside Australia’s COVID Internment Camp,”
  UnHerd, Dec. 2. 2021,
  49 Kate Connolly, Samantha Lock, and agencies, “Austria to
  Put Millions of Unvaccinated People in Covid Lockdown,”
  The Guardian, Nov. 12, 2021,
  50 Chloe Taylor, “Austrian Police Conduct Random Checks
  to Enforce Covid Lockdowns for the Unvaccinated,”
  CNBC, Nov. 17, 2021,
  51 “Covid-19 Triggers Wave of Free Speech Abuse,” Human
  Right Watch, Feb. 11, 2021,
  52 “Interactive Map-Covid-19 Triggers Wave of Free Speech
  Abuse,” Human Right Watch,
  53 “COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures
  against Unvaccinated," Rasmussen Reports, Jan. 13, 2022,
  ner_surveys/jan_2022/covid 19 democratic voters sup-
  port harsh measures against unvaccinated.
  54 Edna Bonhomme, “Germany's Anti-vaccination
  History is Riddled with Anti-Semitism,” The Atlantic,
  May 2, 2021,
  55 Mitchell J. Besser, "Typhus : The Influence of Society
  and State on a Human Disease Professor,” American
  International Journal of Contemporary Research 5, no. 5
  (2016): 107-117,
  56 Christina Zhao and Molly Roecker, “72 People at High-
  Profile D.C. Dinner Test Positive for Covid,” NBC News,
  Apr. 10, 2022.
  57 Callie Patteson, “COVID Hits More than 70
  Attendees of Swanky DC Gridiron Dinner,” New
  York Post, April 11, 2022.
  58 Jack Phillips, “Fully Vaccinated Carnival Cruise Ship Hit
  with COVID-19 Outbreak,” Epoch Times, May 5, 2022.
  No, 2022
  “CDC: COVID Vaccines Won't Stop Transmission; Fully
  Vaccinated Can Still Get, Spread Delta Strain,” The Star
  Democrat, Aug. 5, 2021,
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  Heather Chapman, “Fauci: The Vaccinated Can Be as
  Infectious as the Unvaccinated, so They Need to Wear
  Masks Indoors; Pandemic Will Get Worse,” Kentucky
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  tious-as-the-unvaccinated: ey-need-to-wear-masks-
  Maayan Hoffman, “In Israel, COVID Is No Longer Just
  a Disease of the Unvaccinated. Why?" Jewish News
  Syndicate, Feb. 9, 2022,
  Peter Nordström, PhD, Marcel Ballin, MSc, Anna
  Nordström, PhD, “Risk of Infection, Hospitalisation, and
  Death Up To 9 Months After a Second Dose of Covid-19
  Vaccine: A Retrospective, Total Population Cohort Study
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  ment data/file/1001354/Variants of Concern VOC
  Guy Hatchard, PhD, “NZ Ministry of Health Data Shows
  Triple Vaccinated Are Now More Vulnerable to Covid
  Infection and Hospitalisation than the Unvaccinated,”
  The Exposé, Apr. 6, 2022,
  Heba N. Altarawneh, MD, Hiam Chermaitelly,
  PhD, Hussein H. Ayoub, PhD, et al., “Effects of
  Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic
  Omicron Infections,” NEJM, (2022),
  Vajeera Dorabawila, “Effectiveness of the BNT162b2
  Vaccine among Children 5-11 and 12-17 Years in New
  York after the Emergence of the Omicron Variant,”
  medRxiv, Feb. 28, 2022, full. pdf+html#page.
  Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, “Q&A with Mark Zuckerberg
  and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the NIAID,”
  YouTube, Mar. 26, 2020, 00:24:31 - 00:26:25, youtu.
  House Committee on Science, Space and Technology,
  “Coronaviruses: Understanding the Spread of Infectious
  Diseases and Mobilizing Innovative Solutions,” YouTube,
  Mar. 5, 2020, 00:39:18-00:42:53,
  ZDogg MD, “COVID-19: Is Our Cure Worse Than
  the Disease? With Dr. Paul Offit,” YouTube,
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  Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos,
  Peter A. McCullough, “Innate Immune Suppression
  by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of
  G-quadruplexes, Exosomes, and MicroRNAs,” Food and
  Chemical Toxicology 164, 2022: 113008,
  71 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, “Q&A with Mark
  Zuckerberg and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of
  the NIAID,” YouTube, Mar. 26, 2020, 00:24:58, youtu.
  72 “Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) and
  Vaccines,” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
  Reviewed on Sep. 9, 2021,
  73 Dean Follmann, Holly E. Janes, Olive D. Buhule, et al.,
  “Anti-nucleocapsid Antibodies Following SARS-CoV-2
  Infection in the Blinded Phase of the mRNA-1273
  Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy Clinical Trial,” medRxiv, Apr. 19,
  74 Madhava Setty, MD, “Did Moderna Trial Data Predict
  “Pandemic of the Vaccinated?” The Defender, May
  4, 2022,
  75 Molly Walker, “COVID Vaccine Less Effective in Younger
  Kids," MedPage Today, Feb. 28, 2022, medpagetoday.
  com/infectiousdisease/covid 1 9vaccine/97425?x-
  id=nl_covidupdate_ 2022-03-01 &eun=g797189d0r&utm
  DailyUpdate 030122&utm term=NL Gen Int Daily
  News Update_active.
  76 Vajeera Dorabawila, Dina Hoefer, and Ursula Bauer, et
  al., “Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 Vaccine among Children
  5-11 and 12-17 Years in New York after the Emergence of
  the Omicron Variant,” medRxiv, Feb. 28, 2022,
  77 Alex Berenson, “URGENT: mRNA Shots Raise the Risk
  of Covid Infection in Children Under 12," Unreported
  Truths, Feb. 28, 2022,
  78 UK Health Security Agency, “COVID-19 Vaccine
  Surveillance Report, Week 8,” Feb. 24, 2022, see Figure
  1A, B and C,
  file/1057599/Vaccine_surveillance_report_- week-8.pdf.
  79 Amanuensis, “Infection Rates Higher in Triple Vaccinated
  Than in Unvaccinated across All Age Groups, UKHSA
  Data Show,” The Daily Sceptic, Mar. 13, 2022, dailysceptic.
  80 “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, Week 10,”
  UK Health Security Agency, Mar. 10, 2022,
  veillance_report_- week_10.pdf.
  81 Amanuensis, “Vaccine Effectiveness Hits as Low as Minus
  300% - as UKHSA Announces It Will No Longer Publish
  the Data,” The Daily Sceptic, Mar. 20, 2022, dailysceptic.
  82 Meryl Nass, MD, “CDC and NY Times Stopped Revealing
  the Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed Case and Death Comparisons
  6 and 8 Weeks Ago, When the Graphs Began to Show
  No Benefit from Vaccination/ NY Times,” Anthrax Vaccine
  - Posts by Meryl Nass, MD, Jun. 1, 2022, http://anthraxvac-
  83 “CDC Covid Data Tracker: Vaccine Effectiveness
  & Breakthrough Surveillance,” Centers for
  No, 2022
  Disease Control and Prevention,
  “Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count,”
  New York Times, updated Jun. 6, 2022,
  Guy Hatchard, PhD, “NZ Ministry of Health Data Shows
  Triple Vaccinated are Now More Vulnerable to Covid
  Infection and Hospitalisation than the Unvaccinated,”
  The Exposé, Apr. 6, 2022,
  “Corona Virus in Israel- Key Metrics,” Israel Ministry
  of Health, Mar. 2022,
  COVID-19/general? me-
  dium=referral. *Israeli COVID-19 Data Dashboard
  shows the Vast Majority of New COVID-19 cases
  among the vaccinated and vaccinated without validi-
  ty groups. **Chrome will translate pages to English.
  Heba N. Altarawneh, MD, Hiam Chermaitelly,
  PhD, Hussein H. Ayoub, PhD, et al., “Effects of
  Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic
  Omicron Infections,” NEJM, (2022),
  Marina Zhang, “Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19
  Infection, but Infection without Vaccination Gives
  Immunity: Study,” The Epoch Times, updated Jun.
  22, 2022,
  tion-gives-immunity-study 4544042.html.
  Katherine J. Reynolds, Corinna Pade, Joseph H. Gibbons,
  et al., “Immune Boosting by B.1.1.529 (Omicron)
  Depends on Previous SARS-CoV-2 Exposure,” Science
  Alex Berenson, “Don't read this if you're vaccinated,”
  Substack, Jun. 16, 2022,
  “Original Antigenic Sin’ Is a Real Problem with COVID-19
  Vaccines,” Jeremy R. Hammond, Jun. 22, 2022, jeremy-
  “Vaccinated 16 Times Less Likely to Die from Covid,
  Study Shows,” Bloomberg, Nov. 8, 2021,
  Jake Tapper, “Sources: Biden Admin to Advise Booster
  Shots for Most U.S. Adults - Interview with Sanjay Gupta,
  The Lead with Jake Tapper," CNN, Aug. 17, 2022, 17:00
  eastern, at the 17:35:12 mark in the show, transcripts.
  Pnina Shitrit, “Nosocomial Outbreak Caused by the Sars-
  Cov-2 Delta Variant in a Highly Vaccinated Population,
  Israel, July 2021,” Eurosurveillance 26, no. 39 (2021), doi.
  Meredith Wadman, “A Grim Warning from Israel:
  Vaccination Blunts, but Does Not Defeat Delta,” Science,
  Aug. 16, 2021, 6:55 PM,
  “Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report-Week 8,” UK
  Health Security Agency, Feb. 24, 2022, assets.publishing.
  attachment data/file/1057599/Vaccine surveillance re-
  port _- week-8.pdf.
  “Whilst You've Been Distracted by Russia's Invasion,
  the UK Gov. Released a Report Confirming the Fully
  Vaccinated Now Account for 9 in Every 10 Covid-19
  Deaths in England,” The Exposé, Mar. 1, 2022,
  98 “COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics,” NHS, Feb. 20,
  99 Megan Munro, Charlotte Bermingham, Vahé Nafilyan,
  et al., “Deaths Involving COVID-19 by Vaccination
  Status, England: Deaths Occurring Between 1 January
  2021 and 31 January 2022,” Office of National Statistics,
  Mar. 16, 2022,
  deathsinvolvingcovid1 9byvaccinationstatusengland/
  100 “Covid-19 Weekly Surveillance in NSW: Epidemiological
  Week 03, Ending 22 January 2022,” NSW Health, Feb.
  4, 2022,
  101 “Covid-19 Deaths Are at Record Levels in Australia and
  4in Every 5 of Them Are among the Fully Vaccinated,”
  The Exposé, Feb. 15, 2022,
  102 Josh Nicklaus and Nick Evershed, “Covid-19 Vaccine
  Australia Rollout Tracker: Percentage of Population
  Vaccinated and Vaccination Rate by State,” The Guardian,
  Feb. 21, 2022,
  103 “Case Numbers, Spread and Deaths,” Government of
  Ontario, last updated May 2, 2022,
  104 Oxford Martin School, “Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  Vaccinations-Haiti,” Our World in Data, May 4, 2022, our-
  105 “COVID-19 Tracker-Haiti,” Reuters, May 4, 2022, graph-
  106 Oxford Martin School, “Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  Vaccinations-Cuba,” Our World in Data, May 4, 2022, our-
  107 “COVID-19 Tracker-Cuba,” Reuters, May 17, 2022, graph-
  108 Mary Kekatos, “Who is Dying of COVID amid Omicron
  Surge and Widespread Vaccine Availability?” ABC News,
  Feb. 21, 2022, 4:05 AM,
  109 Christine S. Benn, DMSc, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer,
  MD, PhD, Sebastian Nielsen, MSc, et al., “Randomised
  Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-
  Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects?”
  The Lancet, (Preprint, 2022),
  pers.cfm?abstract id=4072489.
  110 Joseph Fraiman, Juan Erviti, Mark Jones, Sander
  Greenland, Patrick Whelan, Robert M. Kaplan, and
  Peter Doshi, “Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest
  Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials,”
  Available at SSRN:
  111 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  1,329,135 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19,” MedAlerts/
  112 "From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  241,910 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Serious,”
  113 Gloria Shwe Zin Tun, Dermot Gleeson, et al., “Immune-
  Mediated Hepatitis with the Moderna Vaccine, No
  Longer a Coincidence but Confirmed,” Journal of
  Hepatology 76, no. 3 (2022): 738-753,
  hep.2021.0! {$
  114 Tobias Boettler, Benedikt Csernalabics, et al., “SARS-
  CoV-2 Vaccination Can Elicit a CD8 T-cell Dominant
  Hepatitis,” journal of Hepatology, 2022 Apr 21:S0168-
  115 Celeste McGovern, “Medical Journals, VAERS Reports
  Show Girls as Young as 5 Developed Genital Ulcers after
  Pfizer Shot,” LifeSiteNews, Apr. 8, 2022,
  116 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  2,084 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Ischaemic Stroke," MedAlerts/VAERS,
  117 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  320 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Haemorrhagic Stroke,” MedAlerts/VAERS,|uzAP.
  118 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  15,120 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Myocarditis,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  119 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  9,936 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Seizures," MedAlerts/VAERS,
  120 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  2,154 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Paralysis," MedAlerts/VAERS,
  121 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  282 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Demyelination," MedAlerts/VAERS,
  122 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  2,770 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom
  is Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome," MedAlerts/VAERS, bit.
  123 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found 6,533
  Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom is Bell's
  Palsy,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  124 "From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  529 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Herpes Simplex,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  125 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  20 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom is
  Vaginal Lesions, MedAlerts/VAERS,
  126 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  817 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom is
  Diabetes,” MedAlerts/VAERS, .
  127 "From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  4,521 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Myocardial Infarction,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  128 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  387 Cases Where Vaccine Is COVID19 and Symptom Is
  Hepatitis,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  129 Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc, “Critical Appraisal of
  VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse
  Events Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning
  Pharmacovigilance System?” Science, Public Health
  Policy, and the Law 3, (2021): 100-129, cf5e727d-
  £864 _0490c898f751 4df4b6fbc5935da07322. pdf.
  No, 2022
  130 Victoria Furer, Devy Zisman, Adi Kibari, et al., “Herpes
  zoster following BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
  in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic
  diseases: a case series,” Rheumatology 60, no. SI (2021):
  131 H. -H. Chiu, K. -C. Wei, A. Chen, and W. -H. Wang, “Herpes
  zoster following COVID-19 vaccine: a report of three
  cases,” Q/M 114, no. 7 (2021): 531-532,
  132 Meiling Lee, “COVID-19 Vaccination Reactivates Highly
  Contagious Virus: Studies,” The Epoch Times, Jun. 22,
  rus-following-covid-19-injections-on-the-rise 4549574.
  133 Julia Stowe et al., “Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines
  Against Omicron and Delta Hospitalisation: Test
  Negative Case-Control Study,” medRxiv (2022),
  134 Amanuensis, “Vaccinated Hospitalised for Non-Covid
  Reasons at FIVE Times the Rate of the Unvaccinated, U.K.
  Government Data Show," The Daily Sceptic, May 7, 2022,
  135 Matthias Toying and Jana Olsen, “Charité Researcher
  Calls for Ambulances for Vaccine Victims,” MDR, May 3,
  136 “From the 7/1/2022 Release of VAERS Data: Found
  29,273 Cases Where Vaccine is COVID19 and Patient
  Died,” MedAlerts/VAERS,
  137 Ross Lazarus et al., “Electronic Support for Public
  Health-Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
  (ESP:VAERS),” The Agency for Healthcare Research and
  Quality (AHRQ) (2010),
  138 Tom Shimabukuro, Michael Nguyen, David Martin, and
  Frank DeStefano, “Safety Monitoring in the Vaccine
  Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)," Vaccine
  33, no. 36 (2015): 4398-4405,
  139 Nolan E. Bowman, “German Insurance Company Fires
  CEO Who Released COVID Vaccine Injury Data, Then
  Scrubs Data From Website," The Defender, Mar. 14, 2022,
  140 Steve Kirsch, “License to Kill (and How to Redpill
  Patients),” Substack, Mar. 5, 2022, stevekirsch.substack.
  141 Steve Kirsch, “Latest VAERS Estimate: 388,000
  Americans Killed by the COVID Vaccines," Substack,
  Dec. 14, 2021,
  142 Mark Skidmore, “How Many People Died from the
  Covid-19 Inoculations?” Feb. 28, 2022, mark-skidmore.
  Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
  Services, Civil Action No. 2:21-cv-00702-CLM (2021),
  144 S. J. Thomas et al., “Supplementary Appendix: Safety
  and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine
  through 6 months,” NEJM 385, (2021): 1761-1773, S4
  supp! file/nejmoa2110345 appendix.pdf.
  145 Peter Doshi, “Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s ‘95%
  Effective’ Vaccines—Let's Be Cautious and First See the
  Full Data,” The BMJ Opinion, Nov. 26, 2020, blogs.bmj.
  146 Matthew Herper, “Pfizer and BioNTech Speed
  Up Timeline for Offering Covid-19 Vaccine to
  Placebo Volunteers,” STAT, Jan. 1, 2021, statnews.
  147 Abbie Boudreau and Scott Zamost, “Ex-CDC Head Recalls
  '76 Swine Flu Outbreak,” CNN,
  148 Justus R. Hope, MD & Robert Malone, MD, “Life
  Insurance Deaths Up 40% - Dr. Robert Malone's Chilling
  Analysis," The Desert Review, Jan. 6, 2022, thedesertrev-
  40---dr-robert-malone-s-chilling-analysis/article d24bc-
  149 Melody Schreiber, “True Number of Covid Deaths in the
  US Probably Undercounted, Experts Say,” The Guardian,
  Jan. 7, 2022,
  150 Margaret Menge, “BREAKING: Fifth Largest Life
  Insurance Company in the US Paid Out 163% More
  For Deaths of Working People Ages 18-64 in 2021
  - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION,” Substack,
  Jun. 15, 2022,
  151 Avneet Kaur, “Life Insurance Death Claims Shoot 41%,
  Up 3.5x in 2021,” Fortune India, Dec. 30, 2021, fortunein-
  152 RFK Jr., and Edward Dowd, “The Defender Show Episode
  33-Pfizer Fraud and Wall Street with Ed Dowd,” CHD-TV,
  Mar. 22, 2022, 00:12:46-00:13:03, live.childrenshealthde-].
  153 Seth Hancock, “40% Rise Nationwide in
  Excess Deaths among 18-to-49-Year-Olds,
  CDC Data Show,” The Defender, Jan. 20,
  154“1100% Increase in U.S. Military Deaths...U.S. Lawyer
  Todd Callender Speaks Out,” BitChute, Mar. 21, 2022,
  155 Disabled Rights Advocates, “Todd Callender,” (2022), dr-
  156 David Horowitz, “Horowitz: More VAERS-Reported
  Vaccine Deaths in Our Military than COVID Deaths,”
  Blaze Media, Op-Ed, Mar. 21, 2022,
  157 “COVID-19 Weekly Total Deaths Archive” NHS,
  COVID-19 total announced deaths August 12, 2021
  & April 7, 2022 weekly data files,
  158 Margaret Menge, “Indiana Life Insurance CEO Says
  No, 2022
  Deaths Are Up 40% Among People Ages 18-64,” The
  Center Square, Jan. 1, 2022,
  among-people-ages-18-64/article 71473b12-6b1e-11ec-
  159 “992 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues,
  644 Dead, after COVID Shot,” Real Science,
  Apr. 26, 2022,
  160 “Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Student Athletes,”
  California Interscholastic Federation, Aug. 21, 2021, cif- Slideline Action
  Plan CIF.pdf.
  161 Frontline News Staff, “Israel Education Ministry Ordered
  1,556 Defibrillators Installed in All Schools with over
  500 Children in Preparation for Children's Vaccine
  Campaign,” Frontline News, Feb. 14, 2022, americasfront-
  162 Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), “Sports
  Physicals,” OCPS (2022),
  sports physicals.
  163 Joseph Mercola, “The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult
  Death Syndrome,” The Epoch Times, Jun. 20, 2022, thee-
  164 Tom Heaton, “Healthy Young People are Dying Suddenly
  and Unexpectedly from a Mysterious Syndrome—as
  Doctors Seek Answers through a New National Register,”
  Daily Mail, jun. 8, 2022,
  165 Christopher L.F. Sun, Eli Jaffe, and Letsef Levi, “Increased
  Emergency Cardiovascular Events Among Under-40
  Population in Israel During Vaccine Rollout and Third
  COVID-19 Wave," Nature 12, no. 9678, (2022), nature.
  166 Y. Rabinovitz, “New Study Links COVID Vaccines to 25%
  Increase in Cardiac Arrest for Both Males & Females,”
  7 Israel National News, Jun. 1, 2022, israelnationalnews.
  167 Øystein Karlstad, MScPharm, PhD, Petteri Hovi, MD,
  PhD, et al, “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in
  a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents,” JAMA
  168 Michael Kang and Jason An, “Virus Myocarditis,”
  StatPearls [Internet], Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls
  Publishing, Jan. 2022, PMID: 29083732,
  169 Steve Kirsch, “New Study from Germany Confirms
  Higher Vax Coverage -> Higher Excess Mortality,”
  Substack, Nov. 19, 2021,
  170 John Gibson, “The Rollout of COVID-19 Booster Vaccines
  is Associated With Rising Excess Mortality in New
  Zealand,” University of Waikato, Jun. 2022, 7, repec.its.
  171 Apoorva Mandavilli, “The C.D.C. Isn't Publishing Large
  Portions of the Covid Data It Collects,” New York Times,
  Feb. 20, 2022,
  172 Michael Nevradakis, PhD, “FDA Now Wants 75 Years
  to Release Pfizer Vaccine Documents,” The Defender,
  Dec. 10, 2021,
  173 Ben Fidler, “Top FDA Vaccine Officials to Leave Agency
  as Decision on COVID-19 Booster Looms," BioPharma
  Dive, Aug. 31, 2021,
  174 "Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to Combat
  Spread of Harmful Vaccine Disinformation
  and Announces Major Research Project,” BBC,
  Dec. 10, 2020,
  175 Beth Snyder Bulik, “The Top 10 Ad Spenders in Big
  Pharma for 2020,” Fierce Pharma, Apr. 19, 2021, fierce-
  176 Alan McLeod, “Documents Show Bill Gates
  Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets to
  Promote His Global Agenda," The Gray Zone,
  Nov. 21, 2021,
  177 Chris Pandolfo, “Exclusive: The Federal Government
  Paid Hundreds of Media Companies to Advertise the
  COVID-19 Vaccines While Those Same Outlets Provided
  Positive Coverage of the Vaccines,” The Blaze, Mar. 3,
  178 Marty Makary, "The CDC — Which Is Withholding
  Information — Has a Hidden Agenda,” New York Post,
  Feb. 27, 2022,
  179 Marty Makary, MD, The Price We Pay: What Broke
  American Health Care and How to Fix It (Bloomsbury
  Publishing, Sep. 10, 2019),
  180 Jeremy R. Hammond, “A Chronicle of Statements about
  Natural Immunity Once Deemed Misinformation But
  Now Admittedly True,” Jeremy R. Hammond, Feb. 21, 2022,
  Environment 831, (2022),
  186 Ambarish Chandra, Tracy Beth Høeg, “Revisiting
  Pediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and
  Without School Mask Requirements—United States,
  July 1—October 20, 2021,” Available at SSRN: ssrn.
  com/abstract=4118566 or
  187 S. E. Budzyn, M. J. Panaggio, S. E. Parks, et al., “Pediatric
  COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School
  Mask Requirements — United States, July 1-September
  4, 2021," MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;70:1377-
  1378. DOI:
  3external icon.
  188 David Leonhardt, “Why Masks Work, but Mandates
  Haven't,” New York Times, May 31, 2022, nytimes.
  189 Jon Miltimore, “The CDC Changed Its COVID Risk
  Formula. The Results Are Stunning.” FEE Stories, Mar. 3,
  190 Graison Dangor, “CDC's Six-Foot Social Distancing Was
  ‘Arbitrary’, Says Former FDA Commissioner,” Forbes, Sep.
  19, 2021,
  191 Yael Halon, “Former CDC Director Redfield: The Safest
  Place for Children Right Now Is in the Classroom,” FOX
  News, Jan. 5, 2022,
  192 Dr. Megan Kuhfeld and Dr. Beth Tarasawa, “The
  COVID-19 Slide: What Summer Learning Loss Can
  Tell Us about the Potential Impact of School Closures
  on Student Academic Achievement,” NWEA Research,
  Apr. 2020, 2,
  193 Giorgio D. Pietro, Federico Biagi, Patricia Dinis Mota Da
  Costa, et al., “JRC Technical Report: The Likely Impact
  of COVID-19 on Education: Reflections Based on the
  Existing Literature and Recent International Datasets,”
  European Commission, 2020,
  181 Paul Alexander, “More than 150 Comparative Studies
  and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms,”
  Brownstone Institute, Dec. 20, 2021,
  182 Daniel Politi, “CDC Updates Guidelines to Make Clear
  Cloth Masks Offer Least Protection against COVID,” Slate,
  Jan. 15, 2022,
  183 Beny Spira, “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and
  COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe,” Cureus 14, no. 4, (April
  19, 2022): e24268,
  184 Alicia Powe, “Another Study Confirms Wearing Masks
  Increases COVID Infection,” Gateway Pundit, May
  20, 2022,
  185 Lauren C. Jenner, Jeanette M. Rotchell, Robert T. Bennett,
  et al., “Detection of Microplastics in Human Lung
  Tissue Using FTIR Spectroscopy,” Science of the Total
  No, 2022
  194 Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH, Wil Van Cleve, MD,
  MPH, and Frederick J. Zimmerman, PhD, “Estimation
  of US Children's Educational Attainment and Years
  of Life Lost Associated with Primary School Closures
  During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic,”
  JAMA 3, no. 11 (2020): e2028786,
  195 “UN Secretary-General Warns of Education Catastrophe,
  Pointing to UNESCO Estimate of 24 Million Learners at
  Risk of Dropping Out,” UNESCO, Jun. 8, 2020, en.unesco.
  196 UNICEF, “COVID:19 Scale of Education Loss ‘nearly insur-
  mountable’, Warns UNICEF,” media factsheet, Jan. 23,
  2022, 9-scale-educa-
  197 Carl Henneghan, Jon Brassey, and Tom Jefferson, “CG
  REPORT 3: The Impact of Pandemic Restrictions on
  Childhood Mental Health,” Collateral Global, Oct. 2, 2021,
  198 "The Ongoing Impact of the Pandemic
  on Children,” Health Advisory & Recovery
  Team, Oct. 11, 2021,
  199 “Mental Health of Children and Young People in England,
  2020: Wave 1 Follow up to the 2017 Survey,” NHS Digital,
  Oct. 22, 2020,
  200 “Young People ‘unable to cope with life’ Since Pandemic,
  Warns Prince's Trust,” Prince's Trust, Jan. 19, 2021,
  201 “The Ongoing Impact of the Pandemic
  on Children,” Health Advisory & Recovery
  Team, Oct. 11, 2021,
  202 Camila Turner, “Explosion’ of Children with Tics
  and Tourette's from Lockdown,” The Telegraph,
  Feb. 13, 2021,
  203 Kat Ley, “Record Numbers of Children are Being
  Prescribed Antidepressants,” The Times, Aug. 31,
  204 “The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path To
  Recovery,” UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, joint re-
  port, 2021,
  205 Hugh McCarthy, “Lockdowns Killed Hundreds of
  Thousands of Children, Says the UN-Was It Really
  Worth It?” Sign of the Times, Jun. 15, 2022,
  206 Lizzy Davies, “Lost Generation’: Education in Quarter
  of Countries at Risk of Collapse, Study Warns,” The
  Guardian, Sep. 6, 2021,
  Huge Deaths Rates, Ruined Kids’ Education and
  Destroyed Business, Bombshell Research Finally Shows
  - With Ny, Nj, Ca and II All Receiving An F-Grade,” The
  Daily Mail, Apr. 11, 2022,
  213 Phillip W. Magness and Peter C. Earle, “The Fickle
  ‘Science’ of Lockdowns,” Wall Street Journal, Dec. 19,
  214 @disclosety, “NEW - Fauci: ‘You use lockdowns to get
  people vaccinated.” Twitter, Apr. 14, 2022,
  kHc13 I2XRHDvydxw.
  215 ICAN, “CDC Cannot Provide an Instance of a Single
  Confirmed COVID-19 Death in a Child Younger Than 16,”
  legal update, Mar. 29, 2022,
  216 AL Sorg et al., “Risk of Hospitalization, Severe Disease,
  and Mortality Due to COVID-19 and PIMS-TS in Children
  with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Germany,” medRxiv, Nov.
  30, 2021,
  217 Office for National Statistics, “COVID-19 Deaths
  and Autopsies Feb 2020 to Dec 2021," Jan.
  17, 2022,
  218 Marty Makary, “Risk Factors for COVID-19 Mortality
  among Privately Insured Patients,” Fair Health Media,
  Nov. 11, 2020,
  207 “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Herd
  Immunity, Lockdowns and COVID-19,” World
  Health Organization (WHO), Dec. 31, 2020, who.
  208 FOX News, “A Doctor a Day Letter -
  Signed,” Scribd, May 19, 2020,
  209 Martin Kulldorff, PhD, Sunetra Gupta, PhD, Jay
  Bhattacharya, PhD, “The Great Barrington Declaration,”
  Great Barrington Declaration, Oct. 4, 2020, gbdeclaration.
  210 Kristalina Georgieva, “Urgent Action Needed to Address
  a Worsening ‘Two-Track’ Recovery,” /MF Blog, Jul. 27,
  211 Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, and Steve H. Hanke, “A
  Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of
  Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality,” SAE Johns Hopkins
  Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the
  Study of Business Enterprise, jan. 2022, sites.krieger.jhu.
  219 Alexander C. Dowell et al., “Children Develop Robust
  and Sustained Cross-Reactive Spike-Specific Immune
  Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” Nature, Dec. 22,
  220 COVID-19 Forecasting Team, “Variation in the COVID-19
  Infection-Fatality Ratio by Age, Time, and Geography
  during the Pre-Vaccine Era: A Systematic Analysis,” The
  Lancet, Feb. 24, 2022,
  221 Gilbert T Chua et al., “Epidemiology of Acute Myocarditis/
  Pericarditis in Hong Kong Adolescents Following
  Comirnaty Vaccination,” Clinical Infectious Diseases,
  Nov. 28, 2021,
  222 Katie A Sharff et al., “Risk of Myopericarditis Following
  COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in a Large Integrated
  Health System: A Comparison of Completeness and
  Timeliness of Two Methods,” medRxiv, Dec. 27, 2021,
  223 “Comparison of Deaths of UK 10 to 17 Year-Olds
  Between Unvaccinated and Those Who Had Two Shots,”
  Dr. Wayne Winston, PhD, professor emeritus of Decision
  Sciences at the University of Indiana's Kelley School of
  212 James Grant, “Proof That Blue States Did Fail Their
  People During Pandemic: Harsh Lockdowns Caused
  No, 2022
  224 Jenny Strasburg and Dominic Chopping, “Some
  European Countries Are Limiting the Use of Moderna’s
  COVID-19 Vaccine in Younger Ages,” Wall Street Journal,
  Oct. 7, 2021,
  225 TrialSite Staff, “Mother of Maddie De Garay, Speaks
  Out about Her 13 Year Old Daughter's Life Altering
  Injuries From Pfizer's Covid Vaccine," TrialSite News,
  Dec. 11, 2021,
  life-altering-injuries-from-pfizers-covid-vaccine. *This
  document is behind a paywall, but you can read it
  226 P. D. Thacker, “Covid-19: Researcher Blows the Whistle
  on Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer's Vaccine Trial,” BMJ
  375, (2021): 2635, doi:10.1136/bmj.n2635,
  227 Rachel Maddow, “Interview with Anthony
  Fauci, The Rachel Maddow Show," MSNBC,
  Dec. 29, 2021,
  228 Glenn Braunstein, Lori Schwartz, et al., “False Positive
  Results With SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Tests and How to
  Evaluate a RT-PCR-Positive Test for the Possibility of
  a False Positive Result,” Journal of Occupational and
  Environmental Medicine 63, no 3 (2021): e159-e162, doi.
  org/10.1097/JOM.0000000000002138. *PCR test can
  have a high rate of false positive results, especially when
  COVID prevalence is low.
  229 Eva Frederick, “New Research Reveals Why Some
  Patients May Test Positive for Covid-19 Long After
  Recovery,” Whitehead Institute, May 6, 2021,
  test-positive-covid-19-long-after-recovery. *Some people
  test positive on PCR for months after an infection.
  230 Health and Human Services, “HHS Is Releasing $9 Billion
  in Provider Relief Fund Payments to Support Health Care
  Providers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic,” press
  release, Dec. 14, 2021,
  231 Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D., “Biden's
  Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments
  for COVID-19," Association of American Physicians and
  Surgeons, Nov. 17, 2021,
  232 Oversight Committee, “Select Subcommittee Hearing
  ‘The Urgent Need for a National Plan to Contain the
  Coronavirus,” YouTube, 02:36:11-02:37:56, Jul. 31, 2020,
  233 “Conditions Contributing to Deaths Involving COVID-19,
  by Age Group, United States. Week Ending 2/1/2020
  to 12/5/2020." CDC, Dec. 6, 2020,
  234 Steven Nelson, “COVID Origins Report Says It’s ‘plausible’
  Virus Leaked from Wuhan Lab,” New York Post, Aug. 27,
  235 Katherine Eban, “This Shouldn't Happen’: Inside the
  Virus-Hunting Nonprofit at the Center of the Lab-Leak
  Controversy,” Vanity Fair, Mar. 31, 2022,
  236 Jeremy R. Hammond, “The CDC Finally Admits That
  No, 2022
  Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is Superior to the
  Immunity Induced by COVID-19 Vaccines,” Jeremy
  R. Hammond, Feb. 10, 2022, jeremyrhammond.,
  237 Sivan Gazit et al., “Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural
  Immunity to Vaccine-Induced Immunity: Reinfections
  Versus Breakthrough Infections,” medRxiv, Aug. 25, 2021,
  238 Washington Journal, “Dr. Fauci: Influenza Vaccine,”
  C-SPAN, 00:30:07, Oct. 11, 2004,
  239 “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines,” CDC,
  Updated Dec. 15, 2021,
  240 Markus Alden et al., “Intracellular Reverse Transcription
  of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2
  In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line," Curr. Issues Mol. Bio 44
  (Feb. 25, 2022): 1115-26,
  241 Informed Consent Action Network, “CDC Cannot Back
  up Its ‘Facts’ about Genetic Manipulation from COVID-19
  Vaccines,” ICAN Press Release, Apr. 13, 2022, icandecide.
  242 Chase Peterson-Withorn, “Nearly 500 People Became
  Billionaires During the Pandemic Year," Forbes, Apr. 6,
  demic-year/?s| (03f49025c0.
  243 Juliana Kaplan, “Billionaires Made $3.9 Trillion during
  the Pandemic — Enough to Pay for Everyone's Vaccine,”
  Insider, Jan. 26, 2021,
  244 OXFAM International, “Mega-rich Recoup COVID-Losses
  in Record-Time Yet Billions Will Live in Poverty for at
  Least a Decade,” press release, Jan. 25, 2021,
  245 Mohammed Yusef, “Africa: Global Pandemic Increased
  Poverty in Africa - Report,” AllAfrica, May 16, 2022, allafri-
  246 David Bell, “The Corruption of the World
  Health Organization,” The Brownstone Institute,
  May 27, 2022,
  247 R. Fairlie, “The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business
  Owners: Evidence from the First 3 Months after
  Widespread Social-Distancing Restrictions,” J Econ Manag
  Strategy, Aug. 27, 2020,
  248 Sean CL Deoni et al., “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  on Early Child Cognitive Development: Initial Findings
  in a Longitudinal Observational Study of Child Health,”
  medRxiv, Aug. 11, 2021,
  249 Megan Redshaw, “8,817 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported
  to CDC Among Kids 5 to 11, as Study Shows Pfizer
  Vaccine Only 12% Effective in That Age Group,” The
  Defender, Mar. 4, 2022,
  250 Clare Smith et al., “Deaths in Children and Young People
  in England after SARS-CoV-2 Infection during the First
  Pandemic Year,” Nature Medicine, Jan. 2022,
  251 HLPE, “Impacts of COVID-19 on Food Security and
  Nutrition: Developing Effective Policy Responses to
  Address the Hunger and Malnutrition Pandemic,” CFS
  Committee on World Food Security, Sep. 2020,
  252 SkyNews, “COVID-19: Eleven People Dying from Hunger
  a Minute as Pandemic Fuels Starvation Crisis, Warns
  Oxfam,” SkyNews, Jul. 9, 2021,
  253 “COVID-19 and Children,” UNICEF, 2021,
  254 Sophie Cousins, “2.5 Million More Child Marriages Due to
  COVID-19 Pandemic, The Lancet, Oct. 10, 2020, thelancet.
  255 Surya Kant and Richa Tyagi, “The Impact of COVID-19 on
  Tuberculosis: Challenges and Opportunities," Therapeutic
  Advances in Infectious Disease, Jun. 9, 2021, ncbi.nlm.nih.
  256 “COVID-19 and HIV: A Tale of Two Pandemics,”
  International AIDS Society, Jul. 2020, covid1 9andhivreport.
  257 WHO, “More Malaria Cases and Deaths in 2020 Linked
  to COVID-19 Disruptions,” news release, Dec. 6, 2021,
  258 “Direct and Indirect Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  and Response in South Asia,” UNICEF, Mar. 2021, unicef.
  259 “COVID-19 Disruptions Killed 228,000 Children in South
  Asia, Says UN Report,” BBC News, Mar. 17, 2021, bbc.
  260 Lori Hinnant and Sam Mednick, “Virus-Linked Hunger
  Tied to 10,000 Child Deaths Each Month,” AP, Jul.
  27, 2020,
  261 Global Financing Facility, “Emerging Data Estimates that
  for Each COVID-19 Death, More than Two Women and
  Children Have Lost Their Lives as a Result of Disruptions
  to Health Systems Since the Start of the Pandemic,”
  press release, Sep. 29, 2021,
  262 “Recessions and Mortality: a Global Perspective,” B/S
  Working Papers, Dec. 15, 2020,
  263 Holf, “Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens.”
  264 Tiffany N. Ford, Sarah Reber, & Richard V. Reeves, “Race
  Gaps in Covid-19 Deaths Are Even Bigger Than They
  Appear,” The Brookings Institution, Jun. 16, 2020,https://
  265 Steven H. Woolf, Ryan K. Masters, Laudan Y. Aron, “Effect
  of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 on Life Expectancy
  Across Populations in the USA and Other High Income
  Countries: Simulations of Provisional Mortality Data,”
  The BMJ 373, no. 373 (2021): 1343,
  266 “COVID-19 and Child Labour: A Time of Crisis, A Time to
  Act,” UNICEF, 2020,
  267 Mary Kekatos, “Maternal Mortality Rates Increased
  During 1st Year of COVID Pandemic: CDC,” ABC News,
  Feb. 23, 2022,
  268 Donna Hoyert, “Maternal Mortality Rates in the United
  States, 2020,” NCHS Health E-Stats, Feb. 2022, dx.doi.
  269 Kathleen H. Krause, Jorge V. Verlenden, Leigh E. Szucs,
  et al., “Disruptions to School and Home Life among
  High School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic —
  Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, United
  States, January-June 2021,” MMWR Suppl 71, no. 3 (2022):
  270 “Children, Obesity, and COVID-19,” CDC, last rev. Feb. 18,
  271 Jiaxing Wang, MD, PhD, Ying Li, MD, PhD, David C.
  Musch, PhD, MPH, et al., “Progression of Myopia
  in School-Aged Children after COVID-19 Home
  Confinement,” JAMA Ophthalmol. 139, no. 3, (2021): 293-
  272 Yuki, Noguchi, “Obesity Rates Rise During Pandemic,
  Fueled by Stress, Job Loss, Sedentary Lifestyle,” NPR,
  Sep. 29, 2021,
  273 “Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: Implications for Infection
  Prevention Precautions,” World Health Organization, Jul.
  9, 2020,
  274 Ellen Barry, “Many Teens Report Emotional and Physical
  Abuse by Parents during Lockdown,” New York Times,
  Mar. 31, 2022,
  275 Hoover Institute, “What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
  on 19 Months of COVID,"” Uncommon Knowledge with
  Peter Robinson, Oct. 21, 2021,
  happened-dr-jay-bhattacharya-19-months-covid-1. *(See
  embedded video at 00:34:50).
  276 James Freeman, “The Limits of Anthony
  Fauci’s Expertise,” Wall Street Journal,
  May 13, 2020,
  277 CNBC Television, “Dr. Anthony Fauci and Sen. Rand Paul
  Debate Reopening Schools,” YouTube, 00:02:41, May 12,
  278 The World Bank, UNESCO and UNICEF, “The State of the
  Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery the State
  of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery,”
  UNESCO, (2021),
  279 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR),
  “Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey — United
  States, January-June 2021," CDC Supplement 71, No.
  3, Apr. 1, 2022,
  280 Jessica Grose, “Teenagers Report Growing Anxiety.
  Maybe That's Rational,” New York Times, Apr. 2, 2022, ny-
  281 Liz Tung, “We Are in a State of Emergency’: What's
  Behind the Rising Suicide Rate among Black Kids," WHYY
  PBS-NPR, Aug. 20, 2021,
  No, 2022
  282 National Center for Health Statistics, “The
  Record Increase in Homicide during 2020,” CDC,
  Oct. 8, 2021,
  283 Olga Khazan, “Why People Are Acting So Weird,” The
  Atlantic, Mar. 30, 2022,
  284 Carly Thomas, “How Masks Could Affect Speech
  and Language Development in Children," CBC
  News, Mar. 17, 2021,
  285 Branwen Jeffries, “Lockdowns Hurt Child Speech and
  Language Skills - Report,” BBC, Apr. 27, 2021,
  286 Sarah D. Sparks, “More Than 1 in 3 Children Who
  Started School in the Pandemic Need ‘Intensive’ Reading
  Help,” Education Week, Feb. 16, 2022,
  287 Natalie Wexler, “Covid-Era Babies Are ‘Talking’ Less,
  Signaling Future Reading Challenges,” Forbes, May 10,
  288 Ibid.
  289 Sean CL Deoni, Jennifer Beauchemin, Alexandra Volpe,
  Viren D'Sa, and the RESONANCE Consortium, “Impact
  of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Child Cognitive
  Development: Initial Findings in a Longitudinal
  Observational Study of Child Health,” medRxiv, Aug. 11,
  290 Ibid.
  291 Lauren C. Shuffrey, Morgan R. Firestein, Margaret
  Kyle, et al, “Association of Birth During the COVID-19
  Pandemic with Neurodevelopmental Status at 6
  Months in Infants with and without In Utero Exposure
  to Maternal SARS-COV-2 Infection,” JAMA Pediatrics, Jan.
  4, 2022,
  292 Camille Chambonniere, Nicole Fearnbach, Lena Pelissier,
  et al, “Adverse Collateral Effects of COVID-19 Public
  Health Restrictions on Physical Fitness and Cognitive
  Performance in Primary School Children,” International
  Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Sep.
  30, 2021,
  No, 2022
  293 “CDC's Developmental Milestones Checklist,” CDC (up-
  dated: Feb. 2022),
  LIST-CDC LTSAE-Checklists2021 Eng FNL2 508.pdf.
  294 Steve Schering, “CDC, AAP Update Developmental
  Milestones for Surveillance Program," American
  Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) News, Feb. 8, 2022,
  295 David Cutler, PhD, and Lawrence Summers, PhD,
  "The COVID-19 Pandemic and the $16 Trillion Virus,”
  JAMA 324, no. 15 (2020): 1495-1496,
  296 Kevin Orland and Brian Platt, "Banks Get Protesters
  Names’ as Canada Financial Squeeze Unfolds,”
  Bloomberg, Feb. 17, 2022,
  297 Joanna Ossinger and Carolynn Look, “Crypto Revolution
  Spurs Central Banks to Design Money's Future,”
  Bloomberg, Apr. 14, 2022,
  298 U.S. Congressional Record - Senate, “89th Congress,
  2nd Session Vol. 112, Part 8 - Bound Edition,” United
  States Congress, May 9, 1966, p. 40,
  299 Alexander Rubenstein and Max Blumenthal, “How
  Ukraine's Jewish President Zelensky Made Peace with
  Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries on Front Lines of War with
  Russia,” The Grayzone, Mar. 4, 2022, thegrayzone.
  300 Khaleda Rahman, “Joe Biden Mentions Oil Only Once in
  Essay Defending Saudi Arabia Trip,” Newsweek, Jul. 10,
  301 “Yemen War Deaths Will Reach 377,000 by End of the
  Year: UN," Al Jazeera, Nov. 23, 2021,
  302 William Roberts, “MBS Approved Operation to
  Capture or Kill Knashoggi: US Report,” Al Jazeera,
  Feb. 26, 2021,
  303 Marty Makary, “The CDC — Which Is Withholding
  Information — Has a Hidden Agenda,” New York Post,
  Feb. 27, 2022,
  AUGUST 2022
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