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 Ваша оценка:

  Логотип SGAG
  Полное имя: Николас Дж. Хантингтон Картер
  Название серии: Killmaster
  Кодовое имя: N3
  Национальность: Американец
  Организация: ТОПОР
  профессия Агент
  Создатель: Ник Картер
  Промежуток времени: 1964 - 1990 гг.
   Ник Картер - агент AX.
   Нет сомнений в том, что сериал о Нике Картере, Киллмастере, был создан просто для того, чтобы нажиться на чрезвычайной популярности феномена Джеймса Бонда. Персонаж Картера был слишком идеальным, слишком мужским и женским, слишком боялся противника и слишком способным агентом.
   Что, вероятно, удивило создателей, работающих в Universal Printing and Distribution Corporation, так это то, что он не появился, не продал несколько книг, а затем ушел. Ник Картер стал феноменом!
   261 книга. Это делает сюжетную линию Ника Картера, Киллмастера, одним из наиболее написанных боевиков в истории публикации.
   Было продано более 30 000 000 экземпляров книг Ника Картера. В среднем за всю серию было продано около 115 000 экземпляров каждой книги.
   Это совсем не плохо для сериала, который был просто подражателем.
   Но в серии Killmaster было что-то еще, что, возможно, не было преднамеренным, но, тем не менее, было фактором. Некоторые высококвалифицированные авторы выпускали эти серии быстро и часто.
   На первый взгляд, из-за скорости, с которой книги приходилось «выкручивать», могло показаться, что каждая история была торопливой и поэтому вряд ли будет хорошей. Но эта скорость, похоже, в худшем случае помешала книгам стать лучше. Книги, кажется, доказывают, что качественные писатели обычно качественно пишут.
   Мартин Круз Смит, Майкл Коллинз, Дэвид Хагберг, В. Т. Баллард, Томас Костин и Ральф Хейз. Это шесть известных авторов, написавших серию Ника Картера. Они, как и другие, заработали себе репутацию очень успешных и высококвалифицированных писателей. Они привнесли в Killmaster Stories мастерство создания художественной литературы, которую они могли бы показать в других произведениях под своим собственным именем.
   У книг Killmaster есть много вариаций стиля и качества. Некоторые не так хороши. Некоторые рассказываются от первого лица, а другие рассказываются от третьего лица. В некоторых случаях Картер - глубоко мыслящий агент, а во многих - герой боевика, который не хочет стрелять.
   Но во всех книгах Агент N-3 - типичный американский герой, человек, который не боится идти навстречу опасности и способен справиться с любым противником.
   У Ника Картера худощавое лицо. Его волосы обычно темно-коричневого цвета, густые и блестящие с «слегка сатанинским» вдовьим пиком. У него высокий лоб без морщин над прямым носом. Его глаза широко расставлены над высокими скулами; говорят, что это «странные глаза, которые почти никогда не остаются неподвижными и меняют цвет так же часто, как море». Его рот твердый и красивой формы, обычно сдержанный, но иногда с оттенком чувственности.
   В соответствии с его многолетней напряженной деятельностью его тело находится на пике физической подготовки. Его плечи массивные. У него узкая и узкая талия, а его ноги описываются как «загорелые столпы гладких мышц». Его мускулы не были слишком очевидными, но, тем не менее, были похожи на стальные тросы.
   У неутомимого Ника Картера есть несколько интересных моментов. На самом деле так много людей, что трудно понять, какой из них следует начать.
   В соответствии со своей ролью суперсекретного агента американского правительственного агентства AX, Ник Картер имеет небольшую татуировку с топором на внутренней стороне правого локтя. Это один из способов остаться незамеченным.
   Еще один факт - оружие Ника, которое он везде берет с собой. Вот его пистолет, люгер, которого он называет Вильгельмина, в плечевой кобуре слева. Хьюго - это имя его стилета, обтянутого куском замши над его правым запястьем и подпружиненного, чтобы лететь в его захват одним касанием ... И, наконец, он несет газовую гранулу, которая носит имя Пьер, размером с мяч для гольфа, но где именно спрятана гранула, неизвестно.
   Прикрытием для штаб-квартиры AX в Вашингтоне является Amalgamated Press and Wire Service, расположенная на Дюпон-Серкл. Ответственный - Дэвид Хок. Он суровый человек, которого описывают как более пожилого человека, но все еще называют «худым, жилистым и жестким, как кожа». Он обожает сигары и сильно жует их, когда возникает напряжение. Хотя он, как известно, не любит покидать свой офис, ему часто приходится это делать при выполнении своей работы. Он плохо путешествует. Он поддерживает связь с большинством правительственных лидеров высшего уровня, но отвечает только «шефу», также известному как президент.
  Примечание. Авторы, приписываемые каждой книге, взяты из УДИВИТЕЛЬНОГО справочника "Action Series and Sequels" Бернарда А. Дрю, защищенного им в 1988 г. и опубликованного Garland Publishing, Inc. Если имена верны, он получает кредит. Если будет ошибка, это будет моя вина. Доверьтесь мне.
  Количество книг: 261
  Первое появление: 1964 г.
  Последнее появление: 1990 г.
   Как отметили несколько посетителей этого сайта, нумерация книг, которые я использую, весьма спорна. Я использовал лучшее суждение, которое у меня было в то время, но за исключением последних лет серии, когда издатель был достаточно любезен, чтобы пронумеровать их, многие из них спорны.
   Однако есть один приятный момент: книги не нужно читать в каком-то определенном порядке. Начиная с самого начала и постепенно, возможно, лучше было бы прочитать # 10 перед # 163, например, из-за разделения во времени, но вам интересно, следует ли вам читать # 72 перед # 73, это вряд ли имеет значение.
  1 Беги, шпион, беги Run, Spy, Run Автор Michael Аваллоне , Valerie Moolman Copyright: 1964
  Nick becomes involved in a scheme by the Red Chinese to eliminate key diplomats around the world and replace them with people more sympathetic to the cause.
  2 Китайская кукла The China Doll
  Written by Michael Avallone, Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1964
  he President calls upon Axe to take over the guarding of Khrushchev as he visits the U.N. Nick soon discovers the true enemy is the brutal organization, CLAW.
  3 Мат в Рио Checkmate In Rio
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1964
  Why have six different U.S. Intelligence operatives working in Rio suddenly and expeditiously killed? Heading there, Carter finds himself the prospective number seven.
  4 Сафари для шпионов Safari For Spies
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1964
  Nyanga is an infant nation, south of the Sahara, in existence for less than a year in which someone is spark riots and attacks to disrupt the nascent government.
  5 Фройлейн шпион Fraulein Spy
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1964
  To answer the mystery of what became of the heir to the Nazi party, Martin Bormann, Carter heads to Buenos Aires to check one a man who might be him.
  6 Сайгон Saigon
  Written by Michael Avallone, Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1964
  In a Vietnam where the French had recently been forced out and the Americans were only just entering, a General Minh has plans to take control of the entire region.
  7 Пуля для Фиделя A Bullet For Fidel
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1965
  Photographs of an area of southeastern Cuba shows something new in that region that wasn’t there before. The first and biggest worry is that it is new missiles.
  8 13-й шпион The 13th Spy
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1965
  Someone is leaking vital documents from American embassies and passing them along to the Red Chinese. Nick’s mission is to find out who and stop the flow.
  9 Глаза тигра The Eyes of the Tiger
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1965
  Somewhere in a vault in Switzerland lies a golden tiger, a Japanese statuette of considerable value that two men want to finance a resurgence of fascism.
  10 Стамбул Istanbul
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1965
  The opium trade coming out of Turkey has been increasing over the years. Running it is a cartel protected by four extremely dangerous assassins.
  11 Сеть шпионов Web Of Spies
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1966
  A brilliant British scientist, on vacation on the Spanish Costa Brava, is being stalked by the infamous group known as The Spinners for reasons unknown.
  12 Шпионский Замок Spy Castle
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1966
  One of the richest men in the world has an unsurpassed hatred for Russia and an overriding determination to see its destruction, no matter who stands in the way.
  13 Грозные The Terrible Ones
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1966
  Who are the Terrible Ones? Are they remnants of Trujillo’s soldiers, Chinese infiltrators, or Fidelistas? And why are they after the millions in treasure Trujillo hid?
  14 Пламя Дракона Dragon Flame
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1966
  Sent on a “vacation” on a yacht off the coast of Hong Kong, Carter has to investigate rumors of tensions along the borders between the Reds and the Tongs.
  15 Ханой Hanoi
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1966
  A secret base in the jungle, guarded by soldiers from Communist China and staffed by Germans, is a rocket installation able to send something deadly into orbit.
  16 Ключ опасности Danger Key
  Written by Lew Louderback
  Copyright: 1966
  When several CIA agents, assigned to investigate new Cuban refugees, are killed in freak accidents, AXE is alerted. CLAW is again at work.
  17 Операция Голод Operation Starvation
  Written by Nicholas Browne
  Copyright: 1966
  Johnny Wu has a plan to dominate the world, using a spore that can either help rice crops or destroy them. Carter must find and free a scientist being held and stop Wu.
  18 Отравители разума The Mind Poisoners
  Written by Lionel White
  Copyright: 1966
  Something is causing university students to engage in increasingly violent riots, totally beyond the norm and it is spreading wildly.
  19 Оружие ночи The Weapon of Night
  Written by Valerie Moolman
  Copyright: 1967
  Around the country, there area random power outages, water supplies turning red, strange flashing lights in the sky and unusual smog formations with a foul odor.
  20 Золотой Змей The Golden Serpent
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  A group out of Mexico is demanding the return of the Southwestern United States, led by a wealthy Countess with a desire for her own country.
  21 Миссия в Венецию Mission To Venice
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  No one doubted that there would be hell to pay when the U.S. lost a hydrogen bomb off the coast of Yugoslavia. Carter is tasked with recovering the explosive.
  22 Двойная идентичность Double Identity
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  Tensions are rising between Pakistan and India. Carter’s job is to eliminate whoever is causing the trouble but all evidence points to it being another Nick Carter!
  23 Кабина дьявола The Devil's Cockpit
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  Movies showing many aspects of American life in extremely bad lights are being made and exploited to embarrass the American government.
  24 Китайский казначей The Chinese Paymaster
  Written by Nicholas Browne
  Copyright: 1967
  A dissident Chinese scientist is killed in a secluded Chinese village. This is the first of numerous acts of violence attributed to an agent known as the Chinese Paymaster.
  25 Семерка против Греции Seven Against Greece
  Written by Nicholas Browne
  Copyright: 1977
  The Seven includes a wealthy Greek, a mad revolutionary, and a beautiful princess without a soul. Together, they want to conquer the world.
  26 Назначение: Израиль Assignment: Israel
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  The Butcher was a Nazi responsible for more deaths than any other war criminal. Now he is back, funded by the Chinese, with another plan for the elimination all Jews.
  27 Грязная пятерка The Filthy Five
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  Five members of a secret group are being paid one billion dollars to assassinate the President of the United States. First, though, they must eliminate Nick Carter.
  28 Корейский тигр A Korean Tiger
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  The culprit in a murder case is found to be a member of traitorous member of AXE who has fled to the Far East. Carter is sent to the traitor.
  29 Яркая синяя смерть The Bright Blue Death
  Written by Nicholas Browne
  Copyright: 1967
  The Teutonic Knights follow a madman who was determined to avenge the fall of the Third Reich through a disease that causes a slow and agonizing death to its victims.
  30 Красная гвардия The Red Guard
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1967
  The Red Chinese have created a new weapon far more devastating than either the Americans or the Soviets have with which they wish to force all nations into submission.
  31 Макао Macao
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1968
  The lovely Princess da Gama holds the truth to the identity of a man whose crazed mind could unleash a devastation upon the world but she is reluctant to get involved.
  32 Операция Moon Rocket Operation Moon Rocket
  Written by Lew Louderback
  Copyright: 1968
  The Red China is behind the murders of several American astronauts. Their killers were soon found dead. To save the space program, Carter must set himself up.
  33 Шпион Иуды The Judas Spy
  Written by William L. Rohde
  Copyright: 1975
  Mr. Judas is a master spy whose talents were for sale to the highest bidder. This time the bidder is Red China and it is in Indonesia that he is being used.
  34 Капюшон смерти Hood of Death
  Written by William L. Rohde
  Copyright: 1968
  Call girls active in Washington is not unusual but they seem to be killing key government officials and that is out of the ordinary.
  35 Amsterdam Amsterdam
  Written by William L. Rohde
  Copyright: 1968
  A private spy network operating across Europe has gotten their hands on America’s nuclear plans, bringing it to the attention of AXE.
  36 Temple Of Fear Temple Of Fear
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1968
  In the back alleys of Tokyo, a spy network is at work passing information that point to a plot against both the U.S. and Red China.
  37 14 Seconds To Hell 14 Seconds To Hell
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1968
  The head of the highly secret Chinese nuclear site has an immense hatred for both the U.S. and U.S.S.R., fanned by a beautiful woman with her own agenda.
  38 The Defector The Defector
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1969
  Nick must travel into Red China to find and free the wife and son of a noted research doctor before he turns himself over to the ChiComs.
  39 Carnival For Killing Carnival For Killing
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  The son of a friend of Carter asks him to help with strange troubles in the upper reaches of Brazil. It soon becomes clear that Castro is deeply involved.
  40 Rhodesia Rhodesia
  Written by William L. Rohde
  Copyright: 1968
  There is “enough gold to ransom the world” to be gotten. Pursuing it are three people with different motives and determined to not let Carter stop them.
  41 The Red Rays The Red Rays
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1969
  At a party in California, Carter learns the Red Chinese have a new weapon, a bizarre sex ray that will pose a tremendous danger to the world.
  42 Peking and The Tulip Affair Peking and The Tulip Affair
  Written by Arnold Marmer
  Copyright: 1969
  In the Peking assignment, Nick Carter again confronts the Nazi leader, Martin Bormann. In The Tulip Affair, Carter must track down a former AXE agent.
  43 The Amazon The Amazon
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  Nick Carter challenges the perils of the Amazon trying to find and retrieve a small electronic brain that has the horsepower of many large-scale computers.
  44 The Sea Trap The Sea Trap
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  From an island stronghold guarded closely by convicts picked for their ferocity, a madman has developed a weapon that makes any submarine a floating death trap.
  45 Berlin Berlin
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  Billions of dollars have been funneled through various means to the coffers of a neo-Nazi organization whose leader is determined to become the next Fuhrer.
  46 The Human Time Bomb The Human Time Bomb
  Written by William L. Rohde
  Copyright: 1969
  When a young AXE agent disappears while investigating a pharmaceutical plant in central Colorado, Carter is sent to find out what is going on behind the security fences.
  47 The Cobra Kill The Cobra Kill
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1969
  While in Hong Kong on a short vacation, Carter receives word that his services are urgently needed in Malaysia to find a Red Chinese rebel leader called the Red Cobra.
  48 The Living Death The Living Death
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  Seven scientists from different lines of study have over the past year been afflicted with a strange disease that has corrupted their minds.
  49 Operation Che Guevara Operation Che Guevara
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  The revolutionary leader, Che Guevara, killed by Bolivian soldiers two years before, but now reports are saying that he is still alive and still fighting.
  50 The Doomsday Formula The Doomsday Formula
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  Volcanic action Hawaii is far greater in the past months than normal. What made it a matter to interest AXE is the rumor that Japanese Communists were behind it.
  51 Operation Snake Operation Snake
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  Nick Carter did not believe in the Abominable Snowman until he came face to face with it while in Nepal to find out what the Chinese government is up to.
  52 The Casbah Killers The Casbah Killers
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1969
  When AXE’s top man in Morocco disappeared, Carter comes to Casablanca to learn an Arab leader was extending his tendrils from out of the Moroccan mountains.
  53 The Arab Plague The Arab Plague
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1970
  Defections, policy shifts, and frayed relations, are but a few of the strange behaviors of world leaders brought by an Arab who is using mind-controlling drugs.
  54 The Red Rebellion The Red Rebellion
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1970
  A triple agent named Simon Colare is working with the notorious Red Chinese Major Su Yat to foment unrest on American campuses.
  55 The Executioners The Executioners
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1970
  A joint naval U.S./Australia exercise goes horribly wrong just before a Chinese agent is found dead with 50,000 pounds on him.
  56 The Black Death The Black Death
  Written by Manning Lee Stokes
  Copyright: 1970
  Take a half crazy dictator, add a political assassin renowned, a sexual psychopath, and a defecting nuclear genius, and you have a rough time in Haiti.
  57 The Mind Killers The Mind Killers
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1970
  The plane carrying a senator and his staff goes missing in Southeast Asia and word comes out of the jungle that they are being held by the North Vietnamese.
  58 Time Clock of Death Time Clock of Death
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1970
  While the Soviets are showing off their latest supersonic jet in New York, someone steals the plane and the Americans gets the blame.
  59 Cambodia Cambodia
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1970
  Carter must find out if the Silver Snake Society is a band of true Cambodian patriots deserving of help or rebels backed by Red China and needing elimination.
  60 The Death Strain The Death Strain
  Written by Jon Messmann
  Copyright: 1970
  The group which has the motto “Kill For Peace” also has a lethal virus with no known antidote which brings extremely painful death to its victims.
  61 Moscow Moscow
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1970
  Taking the place of one of the Soviet Union’s leading assassins, Carter sneaks into Moscow to find and destroy a new Soviet weapon.
  62 Jewel of Doom Jewel of Doom
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1970
  Microfilm of the contents of a highly secret missile installation are being secreted out of the country in a ruby in a traveling Russian art exhibit.
  63 Ice Bomb Zero Ice Bomb Zero
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1971
  Chinese nuclear subs are being tracked up to the Arctic Circle before disappearing. Carter must join with a beautiful Soviet agent to find them.
  64 The Mark of Cosa Nostra The Mark of Cosa Nostra
  Written by George Snyder
  Copyright: 1971
  arter must travel to Sicily to find out which Mafia leader is helping the Red Chinese flood the U.S. with heroin.
  65 The Cairo Mafia The Cairo Mafia
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1972
  Carter got himself thrown into an Egyptian jail to kill an enemy agent but now he must get out, find a microfilm of a new Soviet fighter plane, and get to back to the U.S.
  66 The Inca Death Squad The Inca Death Squad
  Written by Martin Cruz Smith
  Copyright: 1972
  Carter is being rented out to the KGB who need someone of his capabilities to help keep a vital trade delegate to Chile alive.
  67 Assault On England Assault On England
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1972
  Possessing a unique method of killing, the master criminal has a way to eliminate the entire British government. He won’t do it if the price is right.
  68 The Omega Terror The Omega Terror
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1972
  The Omega Mutation is a diabolical creation of the mad African microbiologist, Dr. Zeno, an American defector dedicated to destroying his homeland.
  69 Code Name: Werewolf Code Name: Werewolf
  Written by Martin Cruz Smith
  Copyright: 1973
  The professional assassin called Werewolf has been hired to take out General Franco, leader of Spain. Spanish Intelligence asks for the help of the Killmaster.
  70 Strike Force Terror Strike Force Terror
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1972
  A British scientist has been kidnapped and must be found and freed. To help is a Turkish agent who might also be a KGB assassin.
  71 Target Doomsday Island Target Doomsday Island
  Written by Ralph Hubbard
  Copyright: 1973
  A billionaire recluse with controlling interest in dozens of corporations suddenly reappears. Carter must find if he is the real thing or an imposter.
  72 The Night of the Avenger The Night of the Avenger
  Written by Dan Streib, Chet Cunningham
  Copyright: 1973
  Someone in Calcutta is behind explosions and murders occurring practically daily. Red China seems ready to attack and the Soviet Union is up in arms.
  73 Butcher of Belgrade Butcher of Belgrade
  Written by Ralph Hayes, Larry Powell
  Copyright: 1973
  Topcon, Inc. is a private spy network with its tentacles throughout Europe. At its head is a mysterious man who uses any form of violence to maintain his anonymity.
  74 Assassination Brigade Assassination Brigade
  Written by Thomas Chastain
  Copyright: 1973
  An outbreak of assassination attempts by people who commit suicide when captured is what Carter finds when he starts to find one who seems able to be read minds.
  75 The Liquidator The Liquidator
  Written by Ralph Hubbard
  Copyright: 1973
  A Greek agent, an old friend of Carter, has been working behind the Iron Curtain but wants out and needs the help of AXE to accomplish it.
  76 The Devil's Dozen The Devil's Dozen
  Written by Martin Cruz Smith
  Copyright: 1973
  To destroy the flow of drugs into the United States and break the back of a leading Mafia don, Carter must invade the don’s Colorado fortress.
  77 The Code The Code
  Written by Larry Powell
  Copyright: 1973
  When a retiring Mafia hitman and an AXE agent are gunned down along with several bodyguards, Hawk wants answers and then he wants retribution.
  78 Agent Counter-Agent Agent Counter-Agent
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1973
  At a time when America’s influence around the world seemed waning to a dangerous level, the best agent AXE has seems to be under the Soviet’s control.
  79 Hour of the Wolf Hour of the Wolf
  Written by Jeffrey Wallman
  Copyright: 1973
  Carter is in Yugoslavia tracking a wolf, an actual white wolf who has buried in its fur a special message about a conflict amongst Iron Curtain nations.
  80 Our Agent In Rome Is Missing Our Agent In Rome Is Missing
  Written by Al Hine
  Copyright: 1973
  The death of an informant in Rome convinces AXE that he was on to something major. Carter is sent to investigate but whoever killed before is ready to do it again.
  81 The Kremlin File The Kremlin File
  Written by W.T. Ballard
  Copyright: 1973
  Once again the Soviets have planted missiles in the Caribbean and Carter must destroy them while avoiding the assassins who have been sent to destroy him.
  82 The Spanish Connection The Spanish Connection
  Written by Bruce Cassiday
  Copyright: 1973
  A major drug lord from Corsica has been skimming from his bosses and a contract is out. Carter’s job is to get him to turn state’s evidence before he turns dead.
  83 The Death's Head Conspiracy The Death's Head Conspiracy
  Written by Gary Brandner
  Copyright: 1973
  The Deathmaker, the size of a pacemaker but able to wipe out millions, has been implanted in the chest of a scientist. Not knowing this, Carter has the job of killing him.
  84 The Peking Dossier The Peking Dossier
  Written by Linda Stewart
  Copyright: 1973
  Carter heads to China to find out the meaning of KAN. He learns it means an army of soulless soldiers incapable of feeling any fear … or mercy.
  85 Ice Trap Terror Ice Trap Terror
  Written by Jeffrey Wallman
  Copyright: 1974
  The cunning of the man called the Colonel was only exceeded by his bizarre scientific genius which he is using to fuel his lust for power by creating a new ice age.
  86 Assassin: Code Name Vulture Assassin: Code Name Vulture
  Written by Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1974
  A highly paid assassin, known as The Vulture, was a killer who took great pride and greater pleasure in his work, the latest target being Nick Carter.
  87 Massacre In Milan Massacre In Milan
  Written by Al Hine
  Copyright: 1974
  While the world was still reeling from the terrorist attacks during the Olympics, an even greater strike is being planned in Italy.
  88 Vatican Vendetta Vatican Vendetta
  Written by George Snyder, Ralph Hayes
  Copyright: 1974
  The assassin Judas was a very dangerous killer who was hired to eliminate the Pope. Against him is Nick Carter who had, years before, already killed the man.
  89 The Sign of the Cobra The Sign of the Cobra
  Written by James Fritzhand
  Copyright: 1974
  Carter faces a mix of a strange cult of religious fanatics with an Indian warlord bent on getting revenge for his people’s treatment with a weapon of horrendous power.
  90 The Man Who Sold Death The Man Who Sold Death
  Written by Lawrence VanGelder
  Copyright: 1974
  Seeing in a casino in the French Riviera an old love who had died years before gets Carter involved in a wild plot to control all the world’s gold.
  91 The N3 Conspiracy The N3 Conspiracy
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1974
  Ordered to remove a vicious mass murderer, Carter finds the task difficult as the victim could be any of three people. Hawk’s answer was simple – kill them all!
  92 Beirut Incident Beirut Incident
  Written by Forrest V. Perrin
  Copyright: 1974
  Oddly, for a book with Beirut in its name, this adventure deals with the smuggling of young, ruthless Sicilian killers into America to take part in a huge gangland war.
  93 Death of the Falcon Death of the Falcon
  Written by Jim Bowser
  Copyright: 1974
  Seeking to completely undermine the American influence in the Middle East, a Moroccan arms dealer unleashes his band of cutthroats to attack U.S. allies.
  94 Aztec Avenger Aztec Avenger
  Written by Saul Wernick
  Copyright: 1974
  It could be the billionaire or the boxer, the Countess or the Corsican. Someone was in charge of the biggest heroin operation ever seen and Carter had to stop it.
  95 The Jerusalem File The Jerusalem File
  Written by Linda Stewart
  Copyright: 1975
  An Arabic terror gang has taken not one, not two, but ten valuable hostages and is holding them for ransom unless Carter can find a way to free them.
  96 Counterfeit Agent Counterfeit Agent
  Written by Douglas Marland
  Copyright: 1975
  AXE was using a double for the Secretary of State, threatened with assassination, but the killers respond by impersonating AXE agents.
  97 Six Bloody Summer Days Six Bloody Summer Days
  Written by DeWitt S. Copp
  Copyright: 1975
  With the small North African nation already in turmoil, the last thing needed was a stolen missile with the latest nuclear technology.
  98 The Katmandu Contract The Katmandu Contract
  Written by James Fritzhand
  Copyright: 1975
  In Nepal, a playboy member of the royal family is up to more than just a good time and Carter, to stop it, must take on warriors renowned for their ferocity.
  99 The Z Document The Z Document
  Written by Homer H. Morris
  Copyright: 1975
  Missiles belong to Egypt and Israel have disappeared and the culprit is a power-hungry Italian with his own empire building in Ethiopia.
  100 Dr. Death Dr. Death
  Written by Craig Nova
  Copyright: 1975
  The kidnapping of a noted nuclear scientist sends Carter on a rescue mission to a military stronghold of a despot anxious to blackmail the Western powers.Note: This book was published with two bonuses: a repeat of the first Killmaster novel, Run, Spy, Run, and a short story from the original Nicholas Carter, Detective from the turn of the century.
  101 The Ultimate Code The Ultimate Code
  Written by William Odell
  Copyright: 1975
  Carter is a pawn in a strange game that involves the CIA, NSA, Greek intelligence and the KGB as he seems to be demoted to courier duty.
  102 Death Message: Oil 74-2 Death Message: Oil 74-2
  Written by Dee Stuart, Ansel Chapin
  Copyright: 1976
  The Organization of Industrial Limitation is behind a Caribbean protest rally to save the ecology but is it also behind the death of an AXE agent?
  103 The List The List
  Written by James Fritzhand
  Copyright: 1976
  Sent to Hong Kong to purchase a highly valuable list, Carter finds the seller dead, the go-between mangled, and a team of killers out after him.
  104 The Fanatics of Al Asad The Fanatics of Al Asad
  Written by Saul Wernick
  Copyright: 1976
  With the country reeling from the assassinations of both the President and Vice-President, Carter must find the Speaker of the House but he has been kidnapped.
  105 The Turncoat The Turncoat
  Written by Leon Lazarus
  Copyright: 1976
  A defecting Soviet, with a head filled with vital technology, slips into Turkey and boards a train for Istanbul. He never arrives. Carter must solve this mystery and soon.
  106 The Snake Flag Conspiracy The Snake Flag Conspiracy
  Written by Saul Wernick
  Copyright: 1976
  Working with a crooked Bostonian banker, the KGB is planning to wreck the U.S. economy by getting all banks to dump all stocks they own at the same time.
  107 The Sign of the Prayer Shawl The Sign of the Prayer Shawl
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1976
  AXE learns that within 2 days, terrorists will strike at the West by flying airliners into major financial centers. On the cover is an eerie picture so reminiscent of 9-11.
  108 The Vulcan Disaster The Vulcan Disaster
  Written by George Warren
  Copyright: 1976
  Sent to Saigon to obtain a roll of microfilm, Carter sees its owner’s head explode. Reporting to Washington, he finds that AXE has disappeared! He is on his own.
  109 A High Yield In Death A High Yield In Death
  Written by Jim Bowser
  Copyright: 1976
  The Canadian was a multimillionaire with an intense love of helping strange causes, like Middle East terrorists. He also had an odd connection with Albania.
  110 The Nichovev Plot The Nichovev Plot
  Written by Craig Nova
  Copyright: 1976
  Blame for the disappearance of the Soviet premier falls on Washington and the Kremlin is promising war if AXE cannot come up with his whereabouts.
  111 Triple Cross Triple Cross
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1976
  What started as a favor mission for MI5 turns deadly as Carter is stuck between Greek, Yugoslav, and Albanian forces in the mountain region between those countries.
  112 The Gallagher Plot The Gallagher Plot
  Written by Saul Wernick
  Copyright: 1976
  When one man, a fanatic with an urge to control the country, kidnaps the granddaughter of a powerful crime lord, Carter gets stuck in the middle.
  113 Assignment: Intercept Assignment: Intercept
  Written by Marilyn Granbeck
  Copyright: 1976
  “Can’t miss” missiles go astray hitting Soviet targets. Soviet rockets pound U.S. locations. With the world closing to war, Carter heads to the Yucatan to investigate.
  114 The Green Wolf Connection The Green Wolf Connection
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1976
  A would-be Lawrence of Arabia joins with an Arab trained since birth in ways of killing and Carter must drive a wedge between them before the West goes up in flames.
  115 Plot For The Fourth Reich Plot For The Fourth Reich
  Written by Bob Latona
  Copyright: 1977
  Both the CIA and Federal Narcotics Bureau need help taking on an ex-Nazi who has plans to extend his drug empire.
  116 Under the Wall Under the Wall
  Written by DeWitt S. Copp
  Copyright: 1978
  A group of West Berlin students are the patsy in a KGB plot to close down the East German escapes but it could lead to the killing of the U.S. President.
  117 Revenge Of The Generals Revenge Of The Generals
  Written by Saul Wernick
  Copyright: 1978
  Four generals are involved in a plot involving the crashing of airliners around the world, resulting in hundreds of deaths and ruining the industry.
  118 Race Of Death Race Of Death
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1978
  The President is off on a peace-keeping mission even though his life has been threatened by those he would help. To keep him alive, AXE sends Nick Carter.
  119 Pamplona Affair Pamplona Affair
  Written by Dee Stuart, Ansel Chapin
  Copyright: 1978
  During the festivities in the Spanish town, a noted nuclear physicist has gone missing. To help Carter find him is an agent that seems to be the worst AXE has to offer.
  120 Deadly Doubles Deadly Doubles
  Written by Lawrence VanGelder
  Copyright: 1978
  An unholy alliance of two deadly terrorist groups with the Butcher Boy of Belsen is determined to destroy Carter as many are killed with evidence pointing to him.
  121 Trouble In Paradise Trouble In Paradise
  Written by Robert Derek Steeley
  Copyright: 1978
  Someone is out to cripple American industry through numerous attacks on major petroleum companies, killing dozens and destroying its reserve of oil.
  122 The Ebony Cross The Ebony Cross
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1978
  Carter is sent into Budapest to help a Hungarian scientist and his daughter defect but soon the bodies start to drop as someone betrays them.
  123 The Doomsday Spore The Doomsday Spore
  Written by George Warren
  Copyright: 1979
  The Red Swineherd Gang has gotten their hands on a deadly spore from outer space that eats the flesh of any human. Extortion is their objective.
  124 The Asian Mantrap The Asian Mantrap
  Written by William Odell
  Copyright: 1978
  A famous war hero from the Vietnam conflict has disappeared and evidence points to his having returned to that region, though if it were willingly is not known.
  125 Thunderstrike In Syria Thunderstrike In Syria
  Written by Joseph Rosenberger
  Copyright: 1979
  AXE’s Hawk sends Carter to defeat The Hawk, head of the Syrian Liberation Army which is planning on destroying a tanker in New York harbor as just a start.
  126 The Redolmo Affair The Redolmo Affair
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1979
  Carter is given the vital job of taking out the man known as Redolmo. His problem was that it was unknown who the victim worked for.
  127 The Jamaican Exchange The Jamaican Exchange
  Written by Leon Lazarus
  Copyright: 1979
  The disappearance of a major arms barterer in the Caribbean makes AXE certain that something is up in Jamaica and it likely involves Cuba.
  128 Tropical Deathpact Tropical Deathpact
  Written by Bob Stokesberry
  Copyright: 1979
  In a Central American nation, Carter is caught between a three-way civil war where the players aren’t acting at all predictably and the bodies are piling up.
  129 The Pemex Chart The Pemex Chart
  Written by Dwight V. Swain
  Copyright: 1979
  With the discovery by the Pemex Corporation in Mexico, the U.S. can become free of Middle Eastern oil. But the surveyors have been killed and their maps stolen.
  130 Hawaii Hawaii
  Written by Daniel C. Prince
  Copyright: 1979
  The disappearance of a senator’s son in Hawaii leads to Carter trying to infiltrate the surfer scene and uncovering a drug trade that leads to death to the users.
  131 The Satan Trap The Satan Trap
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1979
  Beautiful devotees of Count Draco are leaving his idyllic resort to help in the blackmail of officials across Europe. Carter must find out what is behind it all.
  132 Reich Four Reich Four
  Written by Fred Huber
  Copyright: 1979
  A key German cancer researcher has been kidnapped. Since agents from all the key powers are looking for him, the question comes as to who really has him.
  133 The Nowhere Weapon The Nowhere Weapon
  Written by William Odell
  Copyright: 1979
  In the right hands, the Ulrich formula could be the making of total defense but in the wrong hands, the West would be in horrible peril.
  134 Strike of the Hawk Strike of the Hawk
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1980
  After Carter stops the terrorist group, NOTCH, from unleashing bubonic plague, the group takes revenge by going after Carter’s own boss, Hawk.
  135 The Day of the Dingo The Day of the Dingo
  Written by John Stevenson
  Copyright: 1980
  Something is up in Malaya but before the AXE agent who uncovered the plot can pass it on, he is killed. Now Carter must step into the middle of a huge conspiracy.
  136 And Next The King And Next The King
  Written by Steve Simmons
  Copyright: 1980
  Trying to help the Spanish government rescue a kidnapped general, Carter follows the clues to the house of Spain’s richest and most influential family.
  137 Tarantula Strike Tarantula Strike
  Written by Dan Reardon
  Copyright: 1980
  For bizarre reasons, Carter is assigned the impossible task of keeping a top KGB agent alive without letting the intended victim know about the danger or the mission.
  138 Ten Times Dynamite Ten Times Dynamite
  Written by Frank Adduci, jr.
  Copyright: 1980
  Electronic wizardry enables the Soviet subs to pass American defenses unobserved. Carter is out to find the genius behind the technology deep in Brazil.
  139 Eighth Card Stud Eighth Card Stud
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1980
  The death of the key scientist in a secret facility north of Las Vegas makes Carter worry that the enemy has learned of the site’s existence.
  140 The Suicide Seat The Suicide Seat
  Written by George Warren
  Copyright: 1980
  Carter is sent to escort a young woman out of Mexico but help from AXE is not coming and Hawk himself disappears.
  141 Death Mission: Havana Death Mission: Havana
  Written by Ron Felber
  Copyright: 1980
  When a bank is robbed, a lone fingerprint points to a CIA agent who died in action. The use of “deceased” agents continue as a plot to kill Castro is discovered.
  142 War From The Clouds War From The Clouds
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1980
  A crazed former monk with his own powerful army has taken over an idyllic Caribbean island. Carter must invade his fortress to remove him for good.
  143 Turkish Bloodbath Turkish Bloodbath
  Written by Jerry Ahern
  Copyright: 1980
  The PLO wants it, as does the IRA and the Soviets. They would kill for it, and already had. A gypsy girl has buried it for safekeeping. Now it’s Carter’s turn.
  144 The Coyote Connection The Coyote Connection
  Written by Bill Crider, Jack Davis
  Copyright: 1981
  Terrorists were beginning to use the trails illegal Mexican aliens used across the Texas border. Carter is sent to find out who is helping and to shut down the traffic.
  145 The Q-Man The Q-Man
  Written by John Stevenson
  Copyright: 1981
  San Diego suffers horribly from an earthquake and all evidence shows it was man-made. Now the danger moves north and L.A. is next if Carter can’t stop the menace.
  146 Society of Nine Society of Nine
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1981
  When pictures of a dead assassin reaches Hawk’s desk, he is stunned to see it looks like Carter. Now N3 must take the man’s place to infiltrate a killing society.
  147 The Ouster Conspiracy The Ouster Conspiracy
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1981
  When Carter is called to the White House, he is stunned to find his boss, Hawk, is not also present. Then he is given his assignment – find and grab David Hawk!
  148 The Golden Bull The Golden Bull
  Written by John Stevenson
  Copyright: 1981
  A plan to destabilize the U.S. by flooding the black market with a large amount of gold is has the attention of AXE, except that its leader, Hawk, has gone missing.
  149 The Dubrovnik Massacre The Dubrovnik Massacre
  Written by Henry Rasof, Stephen Williamson
  Copyright: 1981
  The death of Tito has thrown Yugoslavia into turmoil and heading towards chaos. Carter is to keep alive the man who can stabilize the area and save millions.
  150 Solar Menace Solar Menace
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1981
  The Soviets has a way to harness the power of the sun and turn it into a deadly weapon. China and the U.S. ponder a first-strike as Carter tries to destroy the threat.
  151 The Strontium Code The Strontium Code
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1981
  Carter is sent to retrieve a canister from a Japanese tanker, unaware that its contents can dissolve human flesh and leave the victim a screaming death.
  152 Pleasure Island Pleasure Island
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1981
  Needing to recover from injuries from a previous assignment, Carter is only to play backup to two experienced AXE agents – but then someone starts to stalk him.
  153 Cauldron of Hell Cauldron of Hell
  Written by Mike Jahn
  Copyright: 1981
  The mineral is called Lidanium and it exists inside a meteorite which fell in Outer Mongolia. Carter is sent to get it before the Soviets and Chinese do.
  154 The Parisian Affair The Parisian Affair
  Written by H. Edward Husenburger
  Copyright: 1981
  One of three beautiful models in Paris is actually a cold blooded killer hired to disrupt a diplomatic meeting unless Carter can strip away her mask.
  155 Chessmaster Chessmaster
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1982
  In order to help a major Soviet chess champion, who happens to have information devastating to the communists, defect, Carter must become a chess expert.
  156 The Last Samurai The Last Samurai
  Written by Bruce Algozin
  Copyright: 1982
  Someone has infiltrated AXE’s computer system, sending Carter on one wild goose chase after another. The secret lies in a castle along the Sea of Japan.
  157 Deathlight Deathlight
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  Carter is less than one hundred yards from a submarine when it is disintegrated by a strange beam of light. He must find the cause and stop it before more lives are lost.
  158 The Dominican Affair The Dominican Affair
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  Carter is dispatched when the U.S. embassy in Santa Domingo is taken over by terrorists but he quickly learns there is even more going on outside the facility.
  159 Earth Shaker Earth Shaker
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1982
  The crazed scientist who calls himself the Earth Shaker is causing violent tremors in numerous countries, with the U.S. coming up on the list soon.
  160 The Israeli Connection The Israeli Connection
  Written by Robert Derek Steeley
  Copyright: 1982
  Israel’s Foreign Minister, a survivor of a Nazi death camp, is being stalked by the mad camp commander who seems to have returned from the dead.
  161 The Puppet Master The Puppet Master
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  To help him infiltrate the KGB, Carter undergoes mind altering to assume the role of a disgruntled CIA agent wishing to defect. Unfortunately, the therapy works too well.
  162 The Treason Game The Treason Game
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1982
  Carter goes against orders to investigate a Soviet submarine supposedly in America. Soon the President orders his arrest for treason!
  163 Norwegian Typhoon Norwegian Typhoon
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1982
  The Lenin is the latest in Soviet submarines and it is missing. As Carter heads to Copenhagen to check it out, another sub disappears – this one American.
  164 The Hunter The Hunter
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  Responding to clues as to the whereabouts of one of the most notorious political assassins, Carter soon finds himself being the hunted as the assassin goes after him.
  165 Appointment In Haiphong Appointment In Haiphong
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  Over one hundred men are still being held prisoner by North Vietname, nearly a decade after the fighting stopped. Nick Carter is sent to get them out, disguised as a monk!
  166 Operation McMurdo Sound Operation McMurdo Sound
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  When all contact with an American research camp in Antarctica is lost, the fear is that something has gone horribly wrong with the virus research being done there.
  167 Retreat For Death Retreat For Death
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  The Church of the Final Reward is a cult with growing membership. Trying to free the brother of a friend, Carter fears a repeat of Jonestown in their Brazilian camp.
  168 The Mendoza Manuscript The Mendoza Manuscript
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1982
  When one of the best freelance agents in the world plans to retire, he first writes a tell-all book that is embarrassing to the U.S. and allies. Carter must keep it out of print.
  169 The Death Star Affair The Death Star Affair
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1982
  Carter must stop a megalomaniac from fulfilling his dream of world domination but the culprit happens to be an incredibly rich and powerful industrialist.
  170 Doctor DNA Doctor DNA
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1982
  The Afrikaaner named Dr. Faber has a plan to kill thousands with highly infectious tse-tse flies unless Carter can stop him through his beautiful wife.
  171 The Damocles Threat The Damocles Threat
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1982
  Somehow a notebook in which was written the formula for a highly powerful nuclear weapon has found its way to Monaco. Carter must get it before the enemy does.
  172 The Christmas Kill The Christmas Kill
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1983
  An explosion at a toy factory in Hiroshima warrants a visit from AXE. Carter is sent and finds a plot that could mean the deaths of millions of Americans.
  173 The Greek Summit The Greek Summit
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1983
  This mission was supposed to be easy as Carter was to take the role of private eye and act as bodyguard to a scientist heading to a conference. Nothing is ever easy for N3.
  174 The Outback Ghosts The Outback Ghosts
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1983
  Somewhere in the Outback of Australia is a hidden Soviet radar base that Carter must find and destroy. Someone, however, is determined to destroy him first.
  175 Hide And Go Die Hide And Go Die
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1983
  Agent N1, the very first of the Killmasters, has gone bad and is taking out other N-agents. Carter was lucky to avoid the first attempt but his luck may be running out.
  176 The Kali Death Cult The Kali Death Cult
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1983
  Carter has the mission of stopping the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan but to do so he needs the help of a bizarre religious cult and they demand he help free their leader.
  177 Operation Vendetta Operation Vendetta
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1983
  Someone is out killing the commissars of the Soviet Union and he is calling himself Nick Carter. The KGB is more than happy to kill both Carters.
  178 The Yukon Target The Yukon Target
  Written by Robert E. Vardeman
  Copyright: 1983
  In the frigid land of the Yukon, a former AXE agent is running a school for assassins and is using current AXE personnel as training targets.
  179 The Death Dealer The Death Dealer
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1983
  A Polish dissident holds the key to the identity of the Death Dealer, the only KGB agent to have beaten N3. Carter must find him before the KGB does.
  180 The Istanbul Decision The Istanbul Decision
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1983
  Using a dead ringer for the daughter of a much wanted KGB leader, AXE is hoping to get the man to come out of the Iron Curtain so they can nab him.
  181 The Decoy Hit The Decoy Hit
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1983
  When DIA couriers begin to be hit, Carter is selected to impersonate one, at which point he begins to see the conspiracy goes even deeper than AXE first thought.
  182 Earthfire North Earthfire North
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1983
  An ex-Nazi general, ruling his own small empire in Argentina, has plans for vastly expanding his control and he has the nuclear capability to pull it off.
  183 The Budapest Run The Budapest Run
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1983
  The disappearance of a beautiful model becomes a matter for AXE since she is the sister of an important scientist that someone wants to control.
  184 Caribbean Coup Caribbean Coup
  Written by Robert J. Randisi
  Copyright: 1984
  Both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. are vying for control over a small Caribbean island nation that has a valuable ore buried beneath it.
  185 The Algarve Affair The Algarve Affair
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1984
  Someone is trying to take down the American military by getting large numbers of soldiers hooked on heroin that is just the beginning.
  186 Zero-Hour Strike Force Zero-Hour Strike Force
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1984
  All blame falls on Israel when an atom bomb explodes in the desert of Saudi Arabia but Carter learns otherwise when he goes in to investigate.
  187 Operation Sharkbite Operation Sharkbite
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1984
  Carter heads out to respond to a hijacking of an American nuclear submarine but bureaucratic roadblocks makes him wonder what is really at work.
  188 Death Island Death Island
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1984
  The attack on a U.S. satellite station on a remote usually peaceful Pacific island is the reason Carter finds himself up against a band of cannibals.
  189 Night Of The Warheads Night Of The Warheads
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1984
  The hijacking of eight nuclear weapons sends Carter to the Pyrenees where he comes into conflict with a beautiful Basque woman with her own plans.
  190 Day of the Mahdi Day of the Mahdi
  Written by Gayle Lynds
  Copyright: 1984
  Just when it looked like things were quieting down in the Middle East, a man appears claiming to be the Mahdi. Carter joins with a beautiful KGB agent to stop him.
  191 Assignment: Rio Assignment: Rio
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1984
  The U.S. would like to see the head of Brazil and his probably successor removed but with absolutely no evidence pointing there way. Carter gets the job.
  192 Death Hand Play Death Hand Play
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1984
  It is unknown how he is doing it but a South American businessman is amassing a fortune at the casinos of the world and using it to finance his own army.
  193 The Kremlin Kill The Kremlin Kill
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1984
  As talks take place over the possible reunification of the Germanys, AXE learns of a plot to disrupt things through the death of a key Soviet delegate.
  194 The Mayan Connection The Mayan Connection
  Written by Gayle Lynds
  Copyright: 1984
  The name Itzamna has been found in several places like in a microdot on a dead Cuban and in a decoded message from the KGB. Carter must find out what it means.
  195 San Juan Inferno San Juan Inferno
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1984
  The highly respected band of guerillas known as Los Bravos has just entered the big time when they get their hands on an atomic bomb.
  196 Circle of Scorpions Circle of Scorpions
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1985
  Hearing that the KGB is planning a convention of sorts for the leading terrorists of the world, Carter decides he will find a way to infiltrate that get-together.
  197 The Blue Ice Affair The Blue Ice Affair
  Written by Ron Felber
  Copyright: 1985
  Namibia is the target for Soviet aggression as they seek to take over the diamond mines to obtain precious jewels needed for the latest laser technology.
  198 The Macao Massacre The Macao Massacre
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1985
  Someone is stealing the latest secrets of computer technology as well as kidnapping the best Japanese scientists and the trail leads to the region of Hong Kong.
  199 Pursuit of the Eagle Pursuit of the Eagle
  Written by Gayle Lynds
  Copyright: 1985
  An attack on a top-security NATO base results in the death of many key personnel. Evidence points to Bulgaria but the CIA is pretending ignorance.
  200 The Vengeance Game The Vengeance Game
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1985
  The mastermind of the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut is planning something new. Carter is out to stop him but it seems everyone is hampering the goal.
  201 Last Flight To Moscow Last Flight To Moscow
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1985
  A Soviet Aeroflot flight has in its cargo a cache of dangerous U.S. secrets but the squad of KGB agents cannot protect it from a determined Nick Carter.
  202 The Normandy Code The Normandy Code
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1985
  Carter infiltrates the underworld in France to find out who has a stolen statuette containing valuable computer codes and get them back.
  203 White Death White Death
  Written by Gayle Lynds
  Copyright: 1985
  It starts with a fever, moves to coma, and ends in death. The virus was created by a renegade Soviet scientist in Antarctica. Carter must stop his planned genocide.
  204 The Assassin Convention The Assassin Convention
  Written by Joseph L. Gilmore
  Copyright: 1985
  Carter found the beautiful Raina a wonderful woman who desired him as he did her. He soon learned she was a ruthless woman out for revenge for her father’s death.
  205 Blood of the Scimitar Blood of the Scimitar
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1985
  Sheik Menbali is about to sign a peace treaty when an assassination attempt is made on his life. Carter must infiltrate his entourage to see who is out to kill him.
  206 The Execution Exchange The Execution Exchange
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1985
  Both a hit man for the Mafia and a Green Beret mercenary were infiltrators into a new terrorist group and they were both dead. Carter must find and save a third.
  207 The Tarlov Cipher The Tarlov Cipher
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1985
  When he defected, Tarlov brought a cipher devastating to the Iron Curtain. The key to it, however, was in a tattoo on a woman Carter must find before the KGB does.
  208 Target Red Star Target Red Star
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1986
  While on a mission to take out the head of a terrorist organization, Carter learns of a KGB plot to kidnap two Brits to bring down the West’s intelligence agencies.
  209 The Killing Ground The Killing Ground
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1986
  A noted, highly skilled assassin has been given an assignment he has long desired – the mission to find and eliminate Nick Carter, Agent N3.
  210 The Berlin Target The Berlin Target
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1986
  The head of a major maker of missile guidance systems is being targeted, first by blackmail and then by murder.
  211 Mercenary Mountain Mercenary Mountain
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1986
  Much needed food and aid intended for the starving in Africa is being hijacked. Carter is sent to stop the stealing so thousands won’t die.
  212 Blood Ultimatum Blood Ultimatum
  Written by Ron Felber
  Copyright: 1986
  The theft of plutonium by an unknown group brings Carter to track the radioactive material into the mountains of Bolivia.
  213 The Cyclops Conspiracy The Cyclops Conspiracy
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1986
  The tiny African nation of Togo is being attacked in secret by what appears to be agents from the U.S.S.R. and it is Carter’s job to stop it
  214 Tunnel For Traitors Tunnel For Traitors
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1986
  The existence of a mole in West Germany threatens both a tunnel under the Wall and an attempt to get a hold of the latest in Soviet laser technology.
  215 The Samurai Kill The Samurai Kill
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1986
  The same thing which was harassing scuba divers had also apparently destroyed a Soviet sub and was threatening all ocean life.
  216 Terror Times Two Terror Times Two
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1986
  The key KGB assassin, known for having almost killed Carter in a previous mission, is after the same secret in Lisbon and only one will likely leave alive.
  217 Death Orbit Death Orbit
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1986
  The death of an astronaut aboard the space shuttle is found to be murder and Carter is sent to investigate a case that looks like the work of Soviet saboteurs.
  218 Slaughter Day Slaughter Day
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1986
  Iran’s top terrorist has stolen a large quantity of plutonium and is now after a key physicist to help him create atom bombs to blackmail the free world.
  219 The Master Assassin The Master Assassin
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1986
  To stop Colonel Anderson, a former army officer determined to take over a piece of the Amazon for himself, Carter goes into the rain forest alone.
  220 Operation Petrograd Operation Petrograd
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1986
  A Soviet naval officer offers the blueprints to the Soviet’s latest submarine. When he and the CIA agent sent for it are killed by the KGB, the plans disappear.
  221 Crossfire Red Crossfire Red
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  The luscious Soviet intelligence officer Dasha is actually a double agent. With her CIA contact caught, her life expectancy stands at nil if Carter cannot rescue her.
  222 Blood of the Falcon Blood of the Falcon
  Written by Dennis Lynds
  Copyright: 1987
  The Moroccan who led a large group who would kill for him or die for him was hired to break the unity of the West if Nick Carter could not stop him.
  223 Death Squad Death Squad
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  As the Latin American dictator lies dieing in his bed, the would-be power men of his country consolidate their position even as the dictator’s son is kidnapped.
  224 The Terror Code The Terror Code
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  When a group of terrorists decide to attack each base in Europe that the Americans are using, Nick Carter is sent to stop them. To do so, he needs the help of a fellow agent who has disappeared in Morocco.
  225 Holy War Holy War
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  An ancient band of Indian killers has kidnapped and executed five CIA agents. Carter is sent to get revenge on them and the man who paid them, a powerful KGB agent.
  226 Blood Raid Blood Raid
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  They called themselves the One Hundred Eyes. They were the most bloodthirsty murderers for hire that Carter had ever met and he was the man who had to stop them.
  227 East of Hell East of Hell
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1987
  Several influential people in Hong Kong have been assassinated but the reason is not known. When a beautiful AXE agent dies, Carter is sent in to settle the score.
  228 Killing Games Killing Games
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  A former freelance CIA assassin has taken his skills to the outside and is embarrassing the administration. Carter must find and eliminate him.
  229 Terms of Vengeance Terms of Vengeance
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  Carter is given the task of heading up the protection for a Middle East peace conference but a radical PLO group is determined to make him fail.
  230 Pressure Point Pressure Point
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1987
  The death of an AXE agent along the cliffs of Scotland reveals an illegal Soviet activity that Carter is determined to destroy.
  231 Night of the Condor Night of the Condor
  Written by Gardner Fox
  Copyright: 1987
  High in the Andes the wreckage of a plane contains the body of a legendary super-spy missing for twenty years. Carter is sent to find who killed him and why.
  232 The Poseidon Target The Poseidon Target
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1987
  Conflict between the two inventors of a revolutionary sub-detector makes obtaining it too complicated for Carter’s liking.
  233 The Andropov File The Andropov File
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1988
  The information contained in a secret microfilm once the possession of the now dead Soviet premier is the target of a wild scavenger hunt.
  234 Dragonfire Dragonfire
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1988
  A Thai billionaire is either the best weapon America has in that region or its most deadly threat. Carter has to find out which and, if the latter, eliminate the danger.
  235 Кровавый след в Мекку Bloodtrail To Mecca
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1988
  The latest aircraft in Israel’s arsenal was thought to have crashed inside Libya but now evidence shows it is in the hands of terrorists. Carter must help get it back.
  236 Смертельный удар Deathstrike
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1988
  A billionaire’s scheme to save his failing business involves using the most brutal assassin the Middle East has spawned and Carter has to stop them both.
  237 Смертельная добыча Lethal Prey
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1988
  With the members of the Saudi royal family falling like flies from an unknown assassin, the King appeals to AXE for help in finding and stopping the killer.
  238 Шпион Spykiller
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1988
  A theft in Spain of a blueprint of all American spy operations in Europe sets off a wild manhunt by agents from both side of the Iron Curtain.
  239 Боливийская жара Bolivian Heat
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1988
  By trading cocaine for munitions, a Bolivian drug lord is gaining the ability to reach beyond his criminal borders into the government itself.
  240 Рангунский человек The Rangoon Man
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1988
  The man behind the stockpiling of tremendous amounts of guns is also the one behind a band of killer martial artists. This is the man that Carter is ordered to kill.
  241 Кодовое название Cobra Code Name Cobra
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1988
  A squabble between the richest family in India threatens to rich into the government and tear it apart, making a hole big enough to the Soviets to step through.
  242 Афганский перехват Afghan Intercept
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1988
  The Soviets have come up with a plan to finally decimate the elusive mujaheddin unless Carter can gain the Afghan’s confidence to get their help.
  243 Обратный отсчет до Армагеддона Countdown to Armageddon
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1988
  The KGB agent in possession of the plans for a bloodthirsty Soviet plot wants to defect and Carter is ordered to keep him alive long enough to reach America.
  244 Кровавая баня на Черном море Black Sea Bloodbath
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1988
  The Soviets have moved tremendous amounts of highly secret intelligence documents into one building that Carter is order to infiltrate.
  245 Смертельная дива The Deadly Diva
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  The beautiful opera star Olga is a Soviet agent who has used her bed to cause the deaths of the American network in Berlin. Carter, the only survivor, is out for blood.
  246 Приглашение к смерти Invitation To Death
  Written by David Hagberg
  Copyright: 1989
  A French playboy has managed to steal a briefcase containing vital U.S. space secrets. He throws a wild party, inviting everyone, to celebrate his coup.
  247 День Убийцы Day of the Assassin
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  A former army general, now head of a large corporation, sees greatness in his future, starting with using his private army to wrest control of Madagascar.
  248 Корейское убийство The Korean Kill
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  Dr. Kwon is not content to rule over a massive crime organization all over Asia. He wants more and he won’t let one American agent stand in his way.
  249 Ближневосточная резня Middle East Massacre
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  With Arab missiles aimed at Haifa and Tel Aviv, the Israelis are determined to strike the first blow and Carter is ordered to give assistance.
  250 Санкция на убой Sanction to Slaughter
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1989
  Conflict between the Canadian government and Quebec separatists escalate when the latter’s leader is killed and evidence points to the son of the prime minister.
  251 Праздник в аду Holiday In Hell
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  Carter is on a well-earned vacation in the Mediterranean when the wife of a senator shows up and then is promptly kidnapped.
  252 Закон Льва Law of the Lion
  Written by Shelly Loewenkopf
  Copyright: 1989
  They call themselves the Law of the Lion and they are a band of ruthless killers who will do anything if the price is right. Now they set their sights on something big.
  253 Гонконгский хит Hong Kong Hit
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  The KGB hitman known as Scorpio is up to no good in Hong Kong although his target remains a mystery.
  254 Глубоководная смерть Deep Sea Death
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1989
  The disappearance of a Canadian research vessel in the Pacific is the latest step in a plot by a madman in charge of an underwater empire.
  255 Оружие мести Arms Of Vengeance
  Written by Shelly Loewenkopf
  Copyright: 1989
  The Arms of Vengeance is a band of zealots who are turning the streets of Calcutta into rivers of blood. Carter is to find out how the KGB might be involved.
  256 Адский экспресс Hell-Bound Express
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1989
  A defecting Soviet agent has hidden somewhere in Europe a list containing the names and location of all Soviet spies on that continent.
  257 Остров крови Isle Of Blood
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1990
  Carter is sent to Cyprus to find out who is behind the murder of three diplomats working to bring peace between the Greeks and Turks on this Mediterranean island.
  258 Слинг Сингапур Singapore Sling
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1990
  Two AXE agents, holding out in a Singapore location, send a plea for help. Carter must find a way to get past all the underworld can throw at him to rescue them.
  259 Рубиновая красная смерть Ruby Red Death
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1990
  One of the key men in the Soviet bloc is dying and wants as his final request revenge on those who killed his family decades before. He asks for AXE’s help.
  260 Арктическое похищение Arctic Abduction
  Written by Jack Garside
  Copyright: 1990
  American children have been abducted, brainwashed, and then returned to the U.S. as perfect killing machines. Carter is sent to infiltrate the Soviet training camp.
  261 Убить дракона Dragon Slay
  Written by Jack Canon
  Copyright: 1990
  Dr. Sim wants to destroy the democratization of China and his efforts are too much for the Chinese Secret Police. They must turn to their old enemy, N3 for help.Note: this volume is clearly marked as a “Collector’s Edition. Last of the Electrifying Series.
   Nick Carter is a cliché. Killmaster? Who calls themselves that? AXE? An acronym for which there is no breakdown? And what is with the tattoo of an axe? Let's go to a lot of trouble to create foolproof covers and then make sure every other spy knows you work for AXE just by taking off your shirt!
   Lastly, who in their right mind carries a gas pellet next to his scrotum? This is a man who makes love to women at the drop of a brassiere and not once does the amorous lady make a comment about the apparent extra equipment.
   But all that mocking aside, Nick Carter is a CLASSIC!
   There is not one fan in the world of espionage fiction that doesn't know of Nick Carter. They may laugh at him now but I would like to meet the true spy-fi fan who grew up in the 50s and 60s who did not read at least one of the books.
   Nick Carter is a cliché because he is what millions of readers wanted to read for over 26 years! I, for one, am sorry that he is no longer with us.
  My Grade: C
  Your Average Grade: A+
  GoldenI A+ 1/5/2013 4:33:03 PM
  Poor Nick Carter doesn't get much respect. Sure, they were wildly inconsistent but YOU try saving the world every four weeks! From the late seventies to the mid eighties I ate these up. That was the golden era for the series. There were three periods in the series...1964-1978 the Award years...told in third person, silly plots not very engaging. But they did include maps at the front of the book so you could track the adventure...I always liked that. 1979-1984 the Charter years. Told in the first person. Generally much better stories. Some of em I consider classics. Years later, when I read my first Kirk McGarvey novel (by David Hagberg, also featured on this site), I remarked to my wife how much it reminded me of Nick Carter. Little did I know - till I discovered SpyGuysAndGals - that Hagberg cut his teeth on Nick Carter. The third phase of the series...the Ace/Jove era...returned to third person. Still pretty good. But by that time in my life I discovered girls. I'd love to see this series resurrected. I'd lead the charge in a heartbeat.
  mindstar A+ 5/27/2014 2:56:06 PM
  First up tremendous thanks to Joe Kenny at Glorious Trash and zwolf at the Mighty Blowhole for leading me to this and to Spy Guys & Gals for creating this great title list. I began collecting Nick Carter back in 1974-75 and I probably have well over 100 volumes. (I'll be counting them tonight). The series had its hits and misses and I'll admit that reading some now almost 40+ years after I began collecting them my childhood memories of the books have not always stood the test of time. But then I can say the same about my Death Merchant collection and I have everyone of those books. Overall the Nick Carter books gave great value for your dollar and I still look for them today to complete my collection.
  David Hawk A+ 8/27/2014 1:10:45 PM
  In the 60s, Carter filled the void by the limited number of James Bond books out there. The Award phase is my favorite with Bond movie villains and plots. With almost 300 books and many, many different authors, there is a wide variety of plots and styles to be seen over its long run. I often wondered, with all of the ladies bedded over the course of the series, how many little Carters are out there.
  onlybizet A+ 9/29/2014 11:57:14 AM
  Looking at your list of Nick Carter Spy Fiction, I want to bring to your attention that the series order number does not always conform to the actual publication number designated by Award Books. Up to #25, your list does conform, but you then list ASSIGNMENT: ISRAEL as the 26th title. According to the Award designation number, whereas the 26th title should be A KOREAN TIGER. As of February 1966, Award was publishing the books in pairs (for example, THE TERRIBLE ONES and DRAGON FLAME -- the 13th and 14th in the series -- were numbered A172F and A173F), a practice that lasted at least through mid-1968. The U.S. Copyright Catalogue records the copyright date for both books as June 1, 1966. Award Books would continue copyrighting the Carter titles two on the same date at least through 1968. Below is the series order according to Award Books number: 15. Hanoi - A182F 16. Danger Key - 183F 17. Operation Starvation - A197F 18. The Mind Poisoners - A198F 19. The Weapon of Night - A215F 20. The Golden Serpent - A216F 21. Mission to Venice - A228X 22. Double Identity - A229X 23. The Devil's Cockpit - A238X 24. The Chinese Paymaster - A239X 25. Seven Against Greece - A247X 26. A Korean Tiger - A248X 27. Assignment: Israel - A260X 28. The Red Guard - A261X 29. The Filthy Five - A276X 30. Bright Blue Death - A277X 31. Macao - A294X 32. Operation Moon Rocket - A295X 33. The Judas Spy - A325X I have only the first 33 titles in the Award series so I can't presume the publication numbers for the Carter titles continued to be printed in pairs after that.
  scott1964 A+ 10/10/2014 2:08:24 PM
  I enjoyed reading this series
   A+ 3/6/2015 8:33:19 PM
  Nick Carter was originally a detective
  wonellion A+ 4/10/2015 5:46:22 AM
  good series loved it.
  David Wood A+ 2016-05-15
  I began reading and collecting the Nick Carter Killmaster Series in 1966. A great series that has provided me with much reading enjoyment.
  Pentagram X A+ 2018-11-06
  The stories are very cool. At times Nick Carter is a little too perfect but nevertheless the series is addicting.
  Pentagram X A+ 2018-11-06
  The stories are very cool. At times Nick Carter is a little too perfect but nevertheless the series is addicting.
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