Carter Nick : другие произведения.

Double Identity

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  • Аннотация:
    The message over the CIA hot-line sent AXE into an uproar. CIA’s top man in Tibet had been killed. His dying words had identified his assassin— “Nick Carter!”AXE made their own Nick Carter’s briefing short:1. A fake Killmaster at large in the East meant something explosive in the works, while the obvious lure to trap the super-agent was intriguing but probably of secondary importance.2. Highest authority wanted the matter investigated and settled, fast!Within hours, N3 had jumped into Tibet to pick up the trail of his mysterious double. In India the path ran through streets thronged with those seeking the fortune offered in reward for Nick Carter’s arrest. It led to the remote Pakistani border region where Nick found the fuse which, once ignited in India, would set off a holocaust that would destroy all the nations of the East.

  Nick Carter
  Double Identity
  Dedicated to The Men of the Secret Services of the
  United States of America
  Chapter 1
  Peep Show
  From modern Peking Airport to the center of the ancient Forbidden City is about forty kilometers. That is the linear distance. Reckoned in terms of time, or in any other possible fourth dimension a traveler might conjure up, it could as easily be forty millenniums! Once through the busy Outer City where tall chimneys belch clouds of smoke and long rows of new apartments remind one strangely of Los Angeles — white stucco and red tile — the traveler can enter into the comparative peace and quiet of the Purple City. Beyond this, at the very center of the great yellow web that is China, is the Imperial City. Or, as the masters of China today prefer to call it, the Tartar City.
  Wang-wei, Chief of Coordination of Chinese Secret Services, glanced impatiently at the watch on his slim wrist. It would never do to be late to this conference! The Celestial Twins — upon occasion Wang-wei permitted himself a sense of humor — the Twins themselves had summoned him. Mao and Chou.
  Wang-wei glanced at his watch again and muttered impatiently to the driver of the small, black, Russian-built sedan, “Faster! T’ung-chih!”
  The driver nodded and prodded the car. Wang-wei’s well-manicured nails played a busy tattoo on his pigskin briefcase, that inevitable badge of officialdom. He was a neat little man in his early fifties with a thin, sardonic copper-skinned face. He wore dark trousers and handsome British-made shoes and a black high-buttoned blouse in the para-military style. Because of the nip in the bright October day, he was wearing a conservative sport jacket. He was hatless, his graying hair neatly en brosse. Wang-wei was handsome and well preserved for his age, and he was vain of it.
  The black car sped through a series of gates and came to T’ien An Men, the entrance to the Tartar City. Here, surrounded by golden-tiled roofs, was a large public square. The driver slowed and glanced back at Wang-wei for instructions.
  For a moment Wang-wei paid him no attention. He was thinking that it would be a pity if he could not see his mistress, Sessi-yu, while he was in Peking. His eyes narrowed and he felt his loins stir as he thought of Sessi-yu and her Golden Lotus! What a Lotus it was — almost a thing apart from herself, an entity well versed in the tender arts, rich with the lore of ten thousand years of exquisite venery.
  The driver grunted something, and Wang-wei returned to the mundane world. He had best keep his wits about him for the next few hours. Soon now he would find out what the Celestial Twins wanted with himself — and with his prize Turtle.
  Across the square stood two drab government office buildings. Between them was a compound fenced by a high, blue-painted wall. Wang-wei left the car and entered the compound through a wooden gate guarded by a soldier of the Security Troops. The man carried a tommy gun slung over his shoulder. He scowled at the pass Wang-wei showed him, but waved him in.
  It was very quiet in the compound. An ancient house, three-storied with a tiled roof and curved eaves in Old China style, stood in the center of the compound. For a moment Wang-wei stood and surveyed the house with an enigmatic little smile. Even had he not been quite familiar with it, he would have known from the style of architecture and the curvature of the eaves that it was a house of felicity. Many spirits had been consulted before it was built in this exact spot.
  Another tommy-gunbearing guard came down a graveled path to meet him. Wang-wei displayed his pass again, after which he was escorted into the house and upstairs to a small anteroom on the third floor.
  Because he had been ushered to this particular room Wang-wei knew that something very special was up. The main room, just beyond the sliding door of saffron paper, was a very special room indeed. Wang-wei had visited it many times before on both business and pleasure. It was, in a very real sense, his room! A mainstay of his work when he was in Peking. That the Twins had chosen it for this meeting meant that something of vast importance was afoot!
  Wang-wei allowed himself to guess. Counter-espionage? Wang-wei permitted himself a small dry smile. What else? His Turtle, Turtle Nine, had also been brought to this place. Was probably downstairs at this very moment. Turtle Nine, so carefully groomed for so many years. So well trained. So meticulously indoctrinated and brainwashed. And, less than a year ago, the skillful plastic surgery! Wang-wei permitted his smile to become full blown. He was right. He must be right. They were going to use Turtle Nine at last. Use him on the one mission for which he had been trained for years.
  The saffron paper door slid back with a hiss. A high ranking officer crooked a finger at Wang-wei. “Come,” said the officer in a soft Cantonese accent, “you are wanted.” He closed the paper door after Wang-wei, but did not follow him into the large rectangular room.
  Wang-wei hesitated a moment at the entrance, clutching his briefcase to his narrow chest. He glanced down at the floor and felt the same start of surprise he always did, even though he had been in the room many times. The floor was of clear glass, looking into a large apartment below. It was, in effect, nothing more than a huge two-way mirror of the type used for peep shows — and spying — the World over. From below it appeared that the ceiling was a mirror intended for obvious uses.
  At the far end of the room two men sat in comfortable chairs. On a low table between them were tea things and a bottle each of whisky and soda. There were glasses and ashtrays, but neither of the men was smoking or drinking. Both of them stared at the newcomer with interest.
  The oldest of the men, a round little fat man with the bland face of a Buddha — which, in a modern version, he sometimes supposed himself to be — waved to a third chair and said, “Come, Wang-wei. Sit down. Things are about to start. We have only been waiting for you.”
  As Wang-wei sank into the armchair he was aware of cynical amusement in the dark eyes of the other man. He had not yet spoken, this man. He was younger than the Buddha type, thinner, healthier looking. His dark hair was thick and glossy and blazed at the temples with a tinge of gray. Now he leaned forward, well-kept hands on his knees and smiled at Wang-wei. “So — it is the little Master of the Turtles! And how are all your slimy charges keeping these days, comrade?”
  Wang-wei’s answering smile was nervous. He knew that Chou had never liked him, that he questioned Wang-wei’s competence for the high and important office he held. And that name— Turtle Master! Only Chou ever dared to taunt him with that. But then Chou could do pretty well as he liked — he was heir apparent.
  Wang-wei kept his face impassive and, with an inward prayer that Mao’s decaying kidneys would hold out forever, he snapped open his briefcase and extracted a thick sheaf of papers. As he did so he glanced down through the glass floor into the apartment below. There was activity down there now, but nothing important. Merely a servant turning on soft lights and arranging bottles and glasses on a little bamboo bar in one corner.
  Chou saw his glance and chuckled. “Not yet, Master of Turtles. The fun hasn’t started yet I hope you’re up to it. It might be a little bloody, you know. And if the blood turns out to be your Turtle’s—”
  The Buddha type waggled a fat finger at Chou. “Enough!
  Save your jokes for later. With all that I have on my shoulders I have come, in person, to see this thing. I am almost convinced that it will work — almost, but not quite. So let us get on with it.” He turned to Wang-wei. “What of this Turtle Nine of yours?” The fat little man tapped some papers on the table. “I know much of him already, but I wish to hear it from your lips. It is you, after all, who bears the ultimate responsibility.”
  Wang-wei did not like the sound of that, nor the glint in Chou’s obsidian eyes, but he was helpless. It was not his plan, only his Turtle, yet he was to be held responsible! With an inward sigh of resignation he riffled through his sheaf of papers. He began to read in his harsh, clipped north China accent:
  “Turtle Nine”—name is William Martin. Born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Nineteen when captured in Korea. Now thirty-three. Listed by the Americans as dead in action. Death insurance paid his widow, who is now re-married and lives in a town called Wheeling, West Virginia. There were no children. This Turtle has always had Number One status, has always been highly cooperative. He is considered completely trustworthy and—”
  “Considered trustworthy by whom?” Chou leaned to stare at Wang-wei, his mobile lips curled in a half-smile.
  Wang-wei flushed. “By me, sir! This Turtle has been a prisoner now for fourteen years and, though I have not had charge of his training all that time, I will stake my life that he is the best Turtle we have.”
  Chou leaned back in his chair. “That is exactly what you are doing, little Master of Turtles.”
  Mao made an impatient gesture. “Never mind all the details, Wang-wei! Get on with it. This Turtle has been subjected to all the usual procedures?”
  Wang-wei ran his finger down a typed page. “Yes, Comrade Leader. He has been completely re-educated! That, of course, was done long ago. He is now politically reliable, has been for years.”
  Chou crossed his legs and lit a long Russian cigarette. He winked at Wang-wei. “What the Americans crudely describe as brainwashed?”
  Wang-wei ignored him. He focused his attention on the Buddha, the father figure of all China. The fat man was frowning now. He plucked at a petulant little mouth with a finger. “There is something I do not understand — why has this Turtle Nine never been used before? As I understand it you number these Turtles in the order of their capture? So this particular Turtle, this William Martin, was the ninth American soldier captured in Korea?”
  “That is true, Comrade Leader.”
  Mao frowned. “Then I ask — why has he never been used before if he is so reliable? Nineteen fifty-one was a long time ago — you must have taken many Turtles since then, yes? One is a little, er, surprised at the life span of this Turtle.”
  It was a tight bind and none the less so because Wang-wei had half-expected the question and had prepared for it. Turtle Nine had been around a long time. The plain truth was that Turtle Nine was a handsome and superbly built specimen and had long ago taken the eye of a very high ranking official in another department. This aging official, enamored of the young man, had made it worth Wang-wei’s while to keep Turtle Nine at home and safe. As simple as that, really, yet it was not a thing he could tell the Buddha figure. Hardly. Mao was a strict puritan; he had had men shot for lesser perversions.
  Wang-wei launched into his prepared story. Turtle Nine was of much value in instructing other Turtles. He had, also, suffered a series of illnesses. Lastly, and most important, Turtle Nine had been saved for a really important job, a mission of the first rank, such as that now at hand.
  Mao appeared to accept this. Chou shot an ironic glance at Wang-wei with his dark eyes and contented himself with saying, “One sometimes wonders if you allow yourself to become attached to the Turtles, Wang-wei?”
  Wang-wei forced a hard laugh from his thin lips. “With all proper respect, Comrade, that is ridiculous!” He made a little moue of distaste. “They are, after all, Turtles!” It was enough, his expression seemed to say. In China there is nothing lower than a turtle! It is a mark of disgrace and a deadly insult, to call a man a turtle. It was quite natural that the captured Americans, those chosen for re-education and brainwashing, should be so called. At the moment Wang-wei had over a hundred such Turtles in his cage.
  Mao consulted his papers again. “Turtle Nine has undergone deep hypnosis, yes? He is a good subject?”
  Wang-wei nodded. “The very best, Comrade Leader. He is in hypnosis at the moment. He will not be so again until he reaches Peshawar. Only our agent there, Turtle Nine’s control, can trigger him. She is now awaiting his arrival to put Segment One of Dragon Plan into operation.”
  Chou grinned at Wang-wei. “Our agent in Peshawar is a woman?”
  “Yes, Comrade. An American girl. A member of their Peace Corps who is sympathetic to us.”
  “But why a woman?” Mao stared intently at Wang-wei, a frown on his chubby features.
  Wang-wei explained, his coppery face intent, ignoring Chou’s knowing smile. “We thought it best, Comrade. For many reasons. First the American woman is on the spot, the most strategic spot, exactly where we want her — in Peshawar at the mouth of the Khyber Pass. She really works for the Peace Corps — she is quite genuine. Another thing of importance is that she is known to be promiscuous, she has had many lovers, and one more will excite no comment. But most important is that Turtle Nine’s hypnosis has been sexually oriented. He will, er, react only to commands given in a certain manner and in a certain place.”
  This latter had been Wang-wei’s own idea and he was quite proud of it.
  Chou, always a little faster on the uptake than his master, looked at Wang-wei with a grin. “What could be more secret than a lady’s bedroom, eh?”
  “Exactly, Comrade.”
  Mao held up a hand for silence. He picked up a sheet of paper and looked at it “So much for that. I presume you people know what you are doing. You had better! Now— this Turtle Nine has also undergone extensive plastic surgery in the past year?”
  “True, Comrade Leader.”
  Mao stared at Wang-wei with round, cold little eyes. “It was a success, this surgery? And also the special training? The personality indoctrination? This Turtle Nine now is a double for the AXE agent, Nick Carter? He looks and walks and talks like Nick Carter?”
  Wang-wei hitched his chair a little closer to the throne. He was on firm ground now. “Comrade Leader,” he said, “Turtle Nine even thinks like Nick Carter! He thinks he is Nick Carter! The one called Killmaster. At the moment, that is. Before he starts his journey he will, of course, be de-controlled. Until he reaches Peshawar. Our agent there, the American woman, will be able to trigger him back into full hypnosis at any time. He will then assume, as planned, the full identity of Nick Carter, of this Killmaster.”
  Mao picked at his mouth. “Just how familiar are you with the details of Dragon Plan?”
  Wang-wei shrugged in a courteous manner. It was not wise to appear too knowledgeable. He could guess most of it, naturally, but that was kept to himself.
  He said: “My own part mostly, Comrade Leader, as is natural. I have had Turtle Nine under close personal supervision for the last six months. He has studied films and pictures of the real Nick Carter. Also records of the man’s voice which we had to beg from the Russians — they did not wish to share with us.”
  Chou, in a malevolent voice, said, “The Russians — they are also turtles!”
  Wang-wei continued, “Turtle Nine now dresses as Nick Carter. In what the English call conservative good taste. His haircut is the same, and all his personal belongings, as nearly as we could come. He has been trained in the use of this agent’s weapons — a 9mm Luger, stripped down, and a throwing stiletto which the real Nick Carter carries in a sheath on his right forearm. He will, under the controlled hypnosis, be as ruthless and as deadly a killer as the real AXE man.”
  “And that,” interrupted Chou, “is as deadly as you can get. The man is a fiancé I hear. Nothing of paper about this one! If your Turtle can kill him, Wang-wei, you will be doing all of us a great service. The Russians, those fools, have been trying for years without success.”
  Again Mao lifted a pudgy hand. “That is all true, of course. This Nick Carter is worth a dozen divisions to the West. He must be killed, naturally. That is Segment Two of Dragon Plan. But Segment One is still the most important — the war between India and Pakistan must go on! There must be no cease-fire! If, despite all our efforts, there is a cease-fire it must be continuously violated — by both sides. That, of course, is the essence of Segment One of Dragon Plan — to keep the pot boiling! When both India and Pakistan have exhausted themselves, then we will know what to do.”
  Chou said, in a soft voice, “And Segment Two, I believe, is to lure the real Nick Carter? To draw him into following the double, the Turtle, and then kill him? Dispose of Killmaster once and for all?”
  Wang-wei nodded. “That is so. Comrade. At least we hope so. We are counting on the AXE organization’s learning that their precious Nick Carter has a double who is working against them. We think that then AXE will send the real Carter to find the double and dispose of him— only we hope it will be the other way around.”
  Chou smiled. “I hope you are right, Wang-wei. For your own sake.”
  The Buddha type played patty-cake with his fat hands. “That should be amusing— Nick Carter killing Nick Carter! Too bad that it will probably take place in some obscure corner of the world where we cannot watch it.”
  Wang-wei smiled and nodded. Then he pointed down through the glass floor. “They are starting, Comrade Leader. Now you will see my Turtle Nine in action. Four men will try to kill him as he makes love to a woman. My Turtle knows nothing of this, of course. He thinks this is routine, all a part of his privilege day for good behavior. My senior Turtles, you know, have a day off every week for, er, for relaxation.”
  Chou gave an oily chuckle. “You are indeed a great one for euphemism, Turtle Master. And I will tell you something else, my little friend. You are a liar and a hypocrite! You have staged these peep shows many times in the past — and always you pretend to be bored with them. You even seem to disapprove of your own methods, as though they were not quite moral.” Chou lit another of his long cigarettes. “Do you know, Master of Turtles, that I do not believe in your little act? I think you enjoy these little shows — as much, for instance, as I do.” Chou leaned back in his chair, crossed his long legs, and blew smoke at Wang-wei with a crooked smile. “Now — get on with it!”
  Mao, the bland fat little Father of China, gazed from one to the other. His frown was slight but his voice was cold. “Yes — get on with it. And I give you two a warning now— this dissension between you will cease! I do not know the cause of your quarrel, nor do I wish to know, but if it continues I will take steps! The People’s Republic cannot afford your bickering. Is that clear?”
  Chou said nothing. He leaned back and closed his eyes. Wang-wei nodded anxiously to the Leader. He had just realized. It had just come to him in a blinding flash of intuition — Chou coveted Sessi-Yu! What a fool he had been to introduce them…
  Mao pressed a button on the table. A servant glided un-obtrusively in to draw the jalousies and turn off the single light. Each man made himself comfortable in the darkened room. Wang-wei shot a furtive glance at Chou and saw him unfasten his collar and wipe his high forehead with a clean white handkerchief. Wang-wei reached to unhook his own collar. He had noticed that he had a tendency to sweat during these peep shows.
  The apartment below was like a brightly lit stage, every detail of which was visible from above. It was much used, this apartment, and the setting could be changed at will. Wang-wei had never been in New York and never hoped to be — even in its most absurd flights the Propaganda Ministry had never suggested that the United States could be physically invaded. But Wang-wei had read the script. The apartment into which he was now staring was supposed to be in an expensive and swank Park Avenue hotel. Small but elegant, with a luxurious decor.
  At the moment the apartment was empty. Then a door opened and a man entered. Wang-wei stiffened with something akin to pride. It was Turtle Nine. His Turtle — his own exquisite handiwork! He leaned forward, his head between his knees, and stared down through the glass floor at this creature which he, and fourteen years of captivity, had wrought. As a schoolboy he had read Frankenstein in translation and he thought of it now. He, and of course many others, had created this thing that now walked to the little bar and poured itself a drink. A Scotch and water, Wang-wei noted. The real Nick Carter usually drank Scotch.
  The man at the bar was wearing a light gray tweed of conservative and expensive cut, made to order in one of the best establishments in Regent Street, London. The shoes were also British, tan, hand-lasted and boned. The shirt was a Brooks Brothers button-down. The tie, a dark wine knit, had cost twenty dollars. Beneath the beautiful suit, Wang-wei knew, his man was wearing boxer shorts of crisp Irish linen. Five dollars a pair. Wine dark socks of Scottish wool — eight dollars. Wang-wei would have made a fine merchant — he had a memory for such details.
  Mao broke the silence. “Your Turtle looks like the pictures I have seen of this Nick Carter, Wang-wei. That I admit. But I cannot see his face closely. Have the surgical scars healed?”
  “Nearly so, Comrade Leader. There is a little pink tissue still — but one would have to be very close to him to notice it.”
  “Such as, perhaps, being in bed with him?” Chou’s little laugh was oily.
  Wang-wei could not help wincing in the gloom. He was thinking of his elderly compatriot, he who had been enjoying Turtle Nine’s favors and paying so well for the privilege. Chou, of course, was not alluding to that. Nevertheless Wang-wei felt a dew of perspiration creeping-out on his forehead.
  But his voice was steady as he agreed. “Exactly, Comrade. But he will go to bed with no one until he reaches Peshawar. Our agent there, the American girl—”
  Mao shushed them. He sounded impatient. “When does this little show begin, Wang-wei? There are a few other matters which demand my attention today.”
  Wang-wei dabbed at his brow with a handkerchief. “Soon now, Comrade Leader. I wanted you to have a good look at the man alone first.”
  “Then let us be quiet,” said Mao petulantly, “and watch!”
  The man at the bar sipped at his Scotch and water. He snapped open a silver case and lit a long cigarette with a golden tip. An East German agent had salvaged a butt two years before in a Berlin hotel and sent it on. You never knew, in the profession, when little things would prove important.
  The man at the bar sat in an attitude of seeming relaxation, yet his eyes roved ceaselessly and the body beneath the expensive suiting gave the impression of a powerful spring coiled for action. He was a trifle over six feet with not an ounce of fat on him. The shoulders were a great muscular wedge tapering to a slim waist, the legs long and sinewy beneath the well-fitting trousers.
  As the three men watched from above the man at the bar took out an automatic pistol and inspected it with the ease of long practice. He took out the clip, thumbed cartridges onto the bar, and tested the feeder spring. He inspected the clip for Aug and grease, then reloaded it, and snapped it back into the pistol. He put the weapon into a plastic holster which he wore on his belt and buttoned his coat. There was no tell-tale bulge. The jacket had been properly tailored.
  Chou broke the silence.
  “Let me understand this properly. This man we see, this Turtle Nine, is now under hypnosis? He believes himself to be Nick Carter? He really thinks he is Killmaster?”
  “Yes,” said Wang-wei. “He is convinced of it—”
  Mao hissed at them. “Quiet! Watch this — the man is as fast as a snake.”
  The man below, seemingly bored, had left the bar and taken a stance about twenty feet from a cork dart board fixed to one wall. With a barely perceptible movement he lowered his right shoulder, flexed his right hand. Something shiny dropped from his sleeve into the hand. So fast was the throwing motion that Wang-wei could not follow it— but there it was, the little stiletto, quivering near the center of the dart board!
  “Admirable,” chortled Mao. “Very near the bull’s eye.”
  Wang-wei sighed and kept silent. No use telling the Leader that the real Nick Carter would have hit the bull’s eye. His Turtle would have to work a little on the knife throwing. After all, if matters arranged themselves properly, his Turtle would have to go up against the real Nick Carter.
  Below them the apartment door opened and a girl entered. Chou sighed audibly. “Ahhhb — now we can get down to it.”
  The girl was tall and slim and exquisitely dressed in Western style. She wore a chic little hat and suit and her legs were smooth perfection in dark nylons and high heels. Around her slim shoulders was a mink stole.
  There was no audio from the apartment below — it could be turned on at will, but at the moment was inoperative at Mao’s wish. The Leader did not care what was said. Only what was done. This was nothing more than a test of Turtle Nine’s efficiency and readiness for his job.
  Wang-wei could hear Chou’s breathing thicken as they watched the intimate tableau unfold beneath them. He had to admit that it was exciting. He did enjoy these little shows, and not always in the way of duty. Chou was right about that! For a moment Wang-wei permitted himself fleeting thoughts of Sessi-Yu and her Golden Lotus, then he forced himself to pay attention. This love making now going on below them, while exciting to the more vulgar senses, was of no real importance. The real test was yet to come. When Turtle Nine, in a very real sense, would be fighting for his life.
  The girl had taken off her little hat and flung the mink stole on a sofa. She refused a drink. Her slim arms coiled around the tall man’s neck and she pressed her lithe body hard against his. They stood kissing for a long time. The girl had her eyes closed. She raised one neatly shod foot from the floor, then the other. She began to wriggle and undulate against the man.
  “She knows her work,” said Chou in a stifled voice. “Who is she?”
  “Her name is Hsi-chun,” said Wang-wei. “Of no importance. A prostitute we have sometimes used. She is not even Chinese. Half Korean, half Japanese. But you are right — she is most efficient.”
  “Most,” said the fat Leader. “But in a matter of this sort — is she discreet? Can she be trusted?”
  Wang-wei nodded, though realizing they could not see him. “I think so — but it does not signify, Comrade Leader. We take no chances. When this is over Hsi-chun will be disposed of.”
  The couple below had gone into the bedroom. The girl stood laxly, arms drooping by her sides, as the man disrobed her. Her head was thrown back, her narrow dark eyes staring at the mirrored ceiling, as the man slipped off her little jacket, her blouse, and kissed her tawny shoulders as he removed her bra.
  Wang-wei felt a slight pang. She was a lovely little thing, even though a whore. She seemed to be staring directly at him now. Almost as though she knew he was there, knew what was going on, and was begging him to help her.
  Wang-wei sighed. It did not do to get sentimental over whores. Still — maybe he could help her a bit. He would have to see. Perhaps she could be shipped south to the troops along the Vietnamese border. It would, he supposed, be a little better than death!
  The girl stood now in only garter belt and dark stockings. Her long legs were the color of honey. The man kissed her breasts, small and round and firm as little melons. She smiled and ran her slim fingers through his close-cropped dark hair, caressing the well-shaped head. She appeared to be enjoying her work, thought Wang-wei. And why not? Turtle Nine, now the complete double of Nick Carter, would naturally be a fine lover. The real Carter’s prowess as a lover was well known to Chinese Intelligence.
  The man and woman were on the bed now, deeply engrossed in the hot preliminaries of love. The lithe body of the woman contorted in passionate arabesques. Her little red tongue flickered like a lizard’s as she sought to arouse the man further.
  “Part of her instructions,” whispered Wang-wei. “She is trying to make him forget everything but her.”
  “She seems to be succeeding,” said Chou dryly.
  “Not altogether,” said Wang-wei. “Watch!” There was a note of pride in his voice. Turtle Nine had learned his lessons well.
  The man below pulled himself away from the woman’s embrace. His lips moved in a smile. She pouted and sought to hold him, but he shook her off and went back into the living room. He was naked except for the stiletto in a sheath attached to the inside of his right forearm.
  The three watchers saw him try the door, checking the lock. He went to each window and checked it.
  Mao hissed in the darkness. “He is very careful, your Turtle. You are sure he does not suspect what is coming?”
  He suspects nothing, Comrade Leader. These are merely routine, elementary precautions that the real Nick Carter would take in such a situation.”
  Chou said: “Who are the men who are going to try to kill your Turtle? Not good Chinese, I hope?”
  “They are Chinese,” answered Wang-wei, “but not good. They are all criminals who have been sentenced to death. They have been promised their lives if they win.”
  Chou laughed softly in the gloom. “And if they do win— if they kill your prize Turtle? What will you do then, Wang-wei?”
  “Find a new Turtle and start over, Comrade. It only requires patience. You should know that.”
  “I know that I grow impatient with this chatter,” barked Mao. “Be quiet and watch!”
  The pseudo Nick Carter had taken a ball of twine from his jacket pocket. He fastened one end of the twine to the chain pull of a tall lamp near the door. Then, placing a chair in the proper position, he brought the twine down vertically to the floor, beneath the chair legs and across the door to yet another chair where he tied the end of twine. The twine now formed an ankle high trip-line just inside the door. The man tested the trip-line once or twice to make sure it worked, then left the room in darkness and returned to the small bedroom where the girl lay impatiently stroking her soft breasts.
  “Clever,” acknowledged Mao. “But the door is locked. How will your men, the criminals, get in?”
  “They have a passkey, Comrade Leader. Just as a real enemy might have. They will be coming soon now.”
  Wang-wei heard the rustle of linen as Chou mopped his face. “I am glad I am not in your service,” he told Wang-wei. “There are too many precautions to take — how does one ever find time to enjoy anything?”
  “It is necessary,” the little Intelligence man told him. “Otherwise an agent would not live long enough to enjoy anything.”
  They watched as the man sank on the bed beside the woman. He took the stiletto from its sheath and plunged it into the bed near his right hand. The Luger was placed beneath a pillow near his left hand. A radio, which must have been playing on a bedside table, was snapped off. Just before the man covered the woman with his stalwart body he reached out and snapped off the single light.
  Mao moved in the darkness. He pressed a button on the table and the audio came alive. First only a low electronic buzz, then they began to make out the individual sounds.
  Chou cursed softly. “Why did he have to turn out the light!”
  Wang-wei felt a little superior. “It is necessary, Comrade. So if the outer light is tripped on he will be at an advantage in the dark.”
  Mao shushed them again. They sat and listened to the varied sounds coming from a loud-speaker in the wall of the room.
  A gentle twanging of bed springs. A muffled cry from the woman. A sudden high panting sound from the woman, then her long groan of pleasure…
  The lamp in the living room went on. Four Chinese, all wearing blue coolie suits, stood for a moment blinking in surprise. Above them Wang-wei felt his own heart give a great leap. This was the real test!
  Not a tenth of a second passed before the coolies, recovering from the sudden shock of light, went into action. They all carried long cruel knives. Two of them had revolvers. One, in addition to his knife, wielded a deadly little hatchet.
  They scattered about the room, calling softly to each other, and began to converge on the dark bedroom. The watchers above saw only a faint shadow of movement in the room. The woman’s scream was abruptly stifled. The Luger spat flame at the coolies from the protection of shadow, the slapping reports loud in the speaker. One of the coolies who had a revolver stumbled and fell sprawling, his blood soaking the carpet. The revolver spun from a dead hand across the floor. A coolie leaped for it. The Luger snapped again and the man fell.
  The remaining armed coolie crouched behind a sofa and sent a fusillade of lead into the bedroom. The coolie with the hatchet dropped to his hands and knees and, under his companion’s covering fire, began to crawl around the walls toward the bedroom door. These were desperate men, with their lives doubly in the balance, and they were not giving up easily.
  The Luger snapped again and again from the bedroom. Tufts and chunks of the sofa flew through the air but the man with the revolver was not hit. He kept firing into the bedroom. The crawling man with the hatchet was near the door now. He glanced up, saw a light switch, and shouted to his companion as he stood to click it on. The lights flared on in the bedroom.
  Wang-wei’s Turtle Nine came through the bedroom door like a naked bolt of lightning. In his right hand was the stiletto, in his left the flaming Luger. The coolie with the hatchet gave a little cry of rage and triumph and flung his weapon. It glinted in the bright light, spinning end over end. The thrower was an accomplished tong killer — for which he was to die — and had never been known to miss.
  He did not actually miss now! Turtle Nine ducked swiftly and the spinning hatchet passed over him. The girl, her soft mouth wide open in a scream, took the little axe squarely between the eyes. She sank back on the bed, the hatchet embedded in her lovely face.
  Turtle Nine was thinking like the automaton he was. He ignored the hatchet man for the moment and leaped toward the sofa, weaving and ducking. He fired twice and the Luger went dry. The coolie behind the sofa fired once and missed and his gun also clicked empty. He stood up and leaped to one side, thinking to avoid the rushing Turtle Nine.
  But Turtle Nine did not rush. His arm went up and back and something sang through the air. The coolie stood by the sofa, gazing stupidly down at the stiletto pinned to his heart like an ornament. Slowly he toppled, clutching with both hands at the stiletto in his flesh, caressing the shiny hilt with bloody fingers.
  The remaining coolie had had enough. He leaped for the door with a cry of terror. Turtle Nine smiled and threw the empty Luger. It clipped the man at the base of the skull and he fell stunned.
  Turtle Nine walked slowly toward the writhing figure. He stood over the man for a moment, contemplating him, then raised a bare foot and delivered a deliberate and vicious kick to the side of the man’s neck. The watchers above heard the spine break.
  For a little time there was silence in the glass-floored room. Then Mao said: “I think your Turtle is ready, Wang-wei. Even for Nick Carter, Killmaster. You will put Segment One of Dragon Plan into operation tomorrow morning.”
  Chapter 2
  Seek Out And Destroy
  They had left the foothills and were climbing steadily into a gorge that would, eventually, funnel them into Karakoram Pass and then down a long tortuous glissade into Kashmir. Nick Carter paused to catch his breath and comb particles of ice from his three-day growth of stubble. He hadn’t had a chance to shave since leaving Washing ton. Now he tried to breathe the thin air and gazed back of him, to the west and south, where the snow-covered tips of the Himalayas were beginning to gather and reflect the sunset in a fan of superb color.
  N3, senior ranking KILLMASTER for AXE, was not in the mood for aesthetic appreciation. He was pretty damned miserable. There had been no time to acclimate himself to the altitude and he carried no oxygen. His lungs were paining him. His feet were clods of ice. Everything but his thermal underwear — his chief, Hawk, had graciously given him time to collect that—stank of yak. He wore yakskin boots and a yakskin cap and face-hood and, over a padded suit which some Chinese soldier must have inhabited for years, a greatcoat of yakskin.
  Nick swore fervently and kicked the shaggy little pack pony, Kaswa, in its shaggy little rear. The impact stung his half-frozen foot and served only to annoy Kaswa. The pony cast a reproving look at Nick and continued to amble at his own pace. Nick Carter swore again. Even Kaswa was some kind of a nut! Kaswa was really a camel’s name, or so the guide Hafed had informed him with a gap-toothed grin.
  Nick kicked the hardy little beast again and glanced up the broad defile leading into the pass. He was falling farther behind all the time. Hafed, who was trekking point, was a good quarter of a mile ahead and well into the shadows of the pass. Behind him, strung out at intervals, were the five Sherpas, each with a shaggy pony akin to Kaswa.
  “But faster,” Nick told his pony now. “Much faster! Get a move on — you slab-sided, wall-eyed, hairy little monster!”
  Kaswa whinnied and actually increased his pace. Not because of the foreign devil’s kicks but because it was near feeding time.
  The guide Hafed called a halt where the trail narrowed between two towering cliffs. A frozen waterfall, an intricate frieze of cold lace, dangled from an overhang and they made camp behind it. By the time Nick came trudging up, the other ponies had been fed and the Sherpas were consuming bowls of hot yak-buttered tea prepared over carefully shielded Coleman stoves. Hafed, a jack of all mountain trades and, seemingly, all languages, had been uneasy all day. He was afraid of encountering a Chinese patrol.
  Nick and Hafed shared a Blanchard tent. Nick found it already pitched behind the frozen waterfall. He got his pack off Kaswa and sent the beast on its way to fodder, then spread his sleeping bag in the tent and fell on it with a long sigh. He was beat, utterly beat. He itched intolerably all over. Along with the dead Chinese soldier’s uniform he had also inherited a few fleas.
  It had grown dark now. There would be no moon or stars. It was growing colder by the minute, a misty chill that was bitter to the bones, and wind was beginning to move in the pass. Nick opened his eyes and saw a few snow-flakes drift past the tent opening. Fine, he thought wearily. That’s all I need — a blizzard!
  Nick nearly dozed off as he listened with half an ear to Hafed getting the men and ponies bedded down for the night. Hafed was a jewel, no doubt of that. He looked like a bandit and he smelled bad, but he kept things going. He seemed to have a smattering of every language in this part of the world — Chinese, Tibetan, Bengali, Marathi, Gujerati — even some very fractured English. N3 suspected that Hafed was employed by the CIA, though nothing had been said. But Nick knew that when the Chinese had invaded Tibet the CIA had also moved in as best it could, considering the formidable language and physical barriers.
  AXE, of course, had also moved into Tibet in a small way. That was why he was here now, aching and flea bitten and feeling rather nauseated. The chief AXE agent in Tibet had been murdered — by a man calling himself Nick Carter. A man who looked and acted like Nick Carter! But his Doppelganger was a murderer, which the real Nick certainly was not. Killer, yes. Murderer, no. And that, thought N3 wearily now, had been his double’s first real mistake.
  Hafed came and squatted in the entrance of the tent. It was too dark to see but Nick could visualize the guide’s face, swart and button-nosed and slant-eyed and covered with a curling, greasy beard. The smell of Hafed came to him now in the gloom.
  “How is it going?” Nick queried tiredly. “The men still going to quit?”
  Hafed moved farther into the small tent. “Yis — they not go any more than this place. They are Sherpa and this not their country, you understand? They also much afraid of Chinese soldiers.”
  Nick struggled to remove the yakskin coat, then fumbled in the pockets of the quilted suit for cigarettes. Hafed lit them from a faintly glowing punk-cord. “Better not to show light,” he said. “Chinese soldiers have very sharp eyes, I think.”
  N3 cupped his cigarette in his palm. “What do you think, Hafed? Are there any Chinese around?”
  He could sense the man’s shrug. “Who knows, sar? Perhaps. But it is karma. If the soldiers come, they come — that is all. We can do nothing.”
  “On the map,” Nick said, “this area is marked as having an undefined border. I don’t suppose that means anything to the Chinese!”
  Hafed chuckled grimly. “No, sar. Nothing. Is better for them — in such places they put their flag and say so sorry but this now our land. It is their way.”
  N3 smoked his cigarette and brooded. He didn’t give a damn for the Chinese at the moment, except as they were behind, must be behind, this Doppelgdnger bit! Anyway he was too tired to think; his head felt light, like a balloon that might detach itself and float away any minute.
  Hafed went away for a moment and came back with a huge cup of tea heavy with tsampa. “Better you drink this,” he commanded. “I think you not feel good, sar? I watch all day. You sick.”
  Nick forced some of the tea down. “You’re right,” he admitted. “I feel lousy. And that’s bad— I can’t afford to get sick.” He grinned feebly as he spoke. Hawk wouldn’t like it. An AXE man never allowed illness to interfere with a mission.
  “Is all okay,” Hafed said comfortingly. “You just have mountain sickness — all foreigners have it, I think. Is the altitude is all. You be all right in two, three days.”
  They smoked for a time in silence. Nick fished a bottle of Scotch from his pack and spiked their tea. The warm, peaty-tasting whisky made him feel a little better. Hafed spread his bed roll beside Nick and lay down, scratching vigorously. He gurgled contentedly over his tea and whisky. Outside the wind was beginning to howl like a great white wolf after prey. The cold began to pry into N3’s marrow, and he knew there would not be much sleep for him that night. Perhaps it was just as well. He needed time to think, to catch up with himself. Since Hawk’s phone call had pulled him away from a warm bed and a hot woman he had been going at a frantic pace. Rather absurdly the refrain of an old Gilbert and Sullivan tune ran through his brain. In parody. An AXE agents lot is not a happy one!
  Perhaps not. But it was the lot he had chosen. And, despite all his bitter griping at times, he knew it was the life he wanted and loved. So why complain when he was hauled from between a pair of velvety thighs in the dead of night and sent to Tibet!
  An AXE jet had gotten him from New York to Washington in less than an hour. It had been a crazy chaotic night. His boss, Hawk, was livid and tired and disheveled and in a rage. AXE headquarters, behind the innocent facade on Dupont Circle, was in an uproar. Hawk, an unlit cigar rolling in his tight mouth, had spoken with Nick betweentimes as he shouted into half a dozen phones.
  “You,” he snapped, pointing the cigar at Nick, “are somewhere in Tibet right now. You are on official business, top secret, and you contacted our head man in Tibet — a Buddhist monk by name of Pei Ling. You milked him for all the information you could, but then you made a mistake. There was something you didn’t know — your own Golden Number!”
  N3 had long ago shaken away the daze of sleep and the drug of Melba O’Shaughnessy’s kisses. His icy mind was clicking like a computer.
  “So that’s where the impostor slipped up? He didn’t know his Golden Number?”
  Hawk had grinned a little smugly. “He didn’t even know there was a Golden Number! Chinese Intelligence is good, I admit, but we still have a few secrets. And the Golden Number, thank God, is one of them. They’re smart enough to know that they couldn’t foresee everything, but I doubt if they expected their man, this phony Nick Carter, to be blown so soon. It’s a hell of a break for us — now you can get right on his track. I don’t have to tell you the orders— seek out an destroy! You leave in half an hour — there will be no time for briefing and no time to arrange a cover. You’ll have to work naked, as yourself. On your own. By guess and God. Find this bastard, son, and kill him before he can do a lot of irreparable damage.”
  “It could be a trap,” said Nick. “To draw me within killing distance.”
  Hawk’s false teeth clamped on his cigar. “You think we haven’t thought of that? Of course it’s a trap! But that is probably only a part of it, boy. They wouldn’t set up an elaborate deception like this just to kill you. There has to be something else — something bigger. You’ve got to find out what that is — and you’ve got to stop it.”
  Killmaster lit one of his gold-tipped cigarettes and watched Hawk with narrowed eyes. He had seldom seen his boss so upset. Something really big was brewing, no doubt of that.
  Hawk was at a wall map, pointing. “This phony you is heading due east. We’re projecting, of course, guessing if you like, but I think we’re right. If we are, and he does go east, then there is no place to go in that desolation but the Karakoram Pass. And that leads into northern Kashmir. You begin to get the picture?”
  Killmaster smiled and crossed his long legs. “All I know is what I read in the papers,” he said. “And I read tonight, on the way down here, that India and Pakistan are getting ready to sign another cease-fire agreement. U Thant seems to be making a little headway.”
  Hawk went back to his desk and sat down. He put a pair of scuffed shoes on a leather-backed blotter. “Maybe there will be a cease-fire and maybe there won’t — there certainly won’t if the Chinese have anything to say about it. Right now we’re doing a lot of wild guessing, I admit, but it is almost certain that this phony agent is being sent into Kashmir, or India, or Pakistan or wherever, to keep the war going. The Chinese Reds have got to keep that pot boiling — they stand to gain a lot. Just how they plan to do it we don’t know — that’s your job to find out.” Hawk fixed Nick with a hard little smile. “It’s really not at all complicated, son. Just find this double of yours and kill him! That will clean up the whole mess. Now you’d better go and talk to Transportation — you leave in twenty minutes. You’ll have everything behind you, as usual. The CIA, FBI, the State Department, all of them. Ask for anything you want. If you have time, of course. There’s not much of that. And stay out of trouble — don’t get mixed up with any foreign police. You know we can’t acknowledge you. You’re completely on your own in this one, my boy. Carte blanche. A free run — so long as you don’t involve this government.”
  Hawk tossed Nick a thick brown envelope. “Here are orders and traveling instructions. No time to read them now. Read them on the plane. Goodbye, son. Good luck.”
  There were times, though the world was never allowed to see it, when Nick Carter, as realistic and hard-boiled as the two-legged tiger he was, felt like a motherless child.
  He had time, barely, to call Melba in New York. She was still in his bed in the penthouse. Warm and sleepy, but with an icy edge to her voice. Nick knew what the trouble was, but it was not a thing you discussed on the phone. He had left Melba hanging again, and not for the first time. When Hawk called you moved — and Hawk called at the goddamndest times! It was too bad, really. Melba was a doll. But she wanted a man there when she needed him. Nick, as he hung up and walked to the waiting jet, had an idea that he wouldn’t be seeing Melba again. Not in bed, anyway. He sighed as they strapped a chute on him — what matter? It would be the same with any woman. AXE was his real true love.
  AXE planes took him as far as Mandalay, where he was turned over to the Air Force. The next stop was in Thimbu, in Bhutan, where the plane fueled at a secret airbase which, it was hoped, neither the Russians nor the Chinese knew about. Then over the Hump— Everest was pointed out to him — and he was dropped in a black parachute onto the Soda Plains in the midst of a magnificent wilderness. Hawk, with his shouting and his phones, had wrought a logistical miracle. Hafed, with his Sherpas, was there to meet him. Killmaster did not examine the miracle. He was content to accept it. You dropped into the night, twelve thousand miles from home, and there was Hafed awaiting you. Sherpas, ponies, smell and all. Formidable!
  Hafed’s odor filled the tent now and Nick lit another cigarette against it. He was still nauseated and light-headed and each of his arms and legs weighed a ton. The mug from which he drank tea and Scotch must weigh at least ten pounds. Actually N3 was much sicker than either he or Hafed knew; high altitude is a killer of men if the exposure, without oxygen, is long enough. A lesser man, without Nick Carter’s superb body and razor-edge condition, would have been raving and helpless long before this.
  Hafed finished his tea and whisky and put down the mug. “Is also big storm coming,” he said. “That scare men too. Is first snow of winter — is not so bad, I think, but men not like. Anyway is excuse. Maybe they not be here when we wake up in morning, I think.”
  Nick was too tired and sick to care much. There was, however, the mission to be considered. He couldn’t accomplish much if he were stranded in a Himalayan pass in & blizzard. In these parts they didn’t even send around the St. Bernards with a cask of booze.
  Hafed sensed his concern and said, “Not to worry, sar. They will leave us ponies and supplies. Sherpas honest people. Take only what is theirs. Anyway the lamasery — what you call convent — is only maybe five, six miles up the pass. We be much okay there until storm over.”
  “That’s nice to know,” said Nick wearily. “I hope the girls there have learned about tubs and hot water and soap. I’ve got a few guests I’d like to get rid of.”
  As though on cue Hafed began to scratch. His cigarette glowed in the little Blanchard tent, double-lined against the wind and cold. Hafed’s next words were a blunt question. “Why you go to Lamasery of She Devils, sar?”
  N3 considered for a moment. Hafed was probably to be trusted— most likely was working for CIA — yet he could not be sure. Nick could not afford to give anything away.
  Nick tapped the breast of his quilted jacket. “Orders. That’s all I know, Hafed. I’m to go to this place — the Lamasery of the She Devils — and make a contact with someone called Dyla Lotti. A woman, I guess. Probably the High Priestess or whatever they call her. That’s all I know.”
  It wasn’t quite all he knew, but it was enough for Hafed to know.
  Hafed appeared lost in thought for a moment. Finally, “How much you know about this place, this lamasery? About this woman, Dyla Lotti, sar?”
  Nick lit a cigarette and tossed the pack. “Nothing. Not a damned thing!” Again this was not quite true. Dyla Lotti was, in fact, working for AXE. It was she who had gotten the message through to Hawk about the murder of the AXE man in Tibet.
  Hafed’s cigarette sparked in the gloom of the tent. Outside the men and ponies had bedded down for the night and the only sound was the rising wail of the wind down the pass.
  “It is a bad place, this lamasery,” said Hafed at last. He sought for his English. “Is real reason the men will not go on — they are afraid of the women there. They are all bad women!”
  Nick, in spite of his aching head, felt interest kindle in him. What was Hafed trying to tell him?
  “How do you mean — bad? The place isn’t a prison is it?”
  Again Hafed hesitated before answering. “No — not real prison. But is place they send bad girls — priestesses who go with men. Is against religious law, to be with man, but these girls do it anyway and so they are sent to this place for punish. To Lamasery of She Devils! You see now why my men not want go there?”
  N3 had to chuckle. “Not exactly, Hafed. Seems to me they would want to go there — with all those bad girls running around loose!”
  Hafed made a sucking noise with his lips which Nick interpreted as Tibetan for disapproval. “You not understand, sar. My men all good men— much married. You notice little leather boxes they all carry on string around neck?”
  “I’ve noticed. Charms of some kind, aren’t they?”
  “Yis — good charms. Usually only Sherpa woman wear them — but when men go away for a long time they take dablam with them. Is like — like taking spirit of wife with them. You see, sar? Spirit of good wife watch over man— he can do nothing bad then? Understand?”
  Nick laughed. “I understand. They’re afraid they might be tempted in a lamasery full of loose women?”
  Hafed joined in the laugh for a moment. “Is maybe part of it, sar. But is more — lamasery have bad name for happenings. Is no men there, you see, only women! And are many stories also — sometimes when men stop there, travelers, they do not leave again. No one ever see them more. That is bad, no, sar?”
  As sick as he was Nick still had a bit of impishness left. “Depends on your viewpoint, Hafed. Some men I know would consider it a lovely way to die! And maybe they don’t die — maybe the girls just keep them in cells, or something, and use them whenever they feel like it. It might not be such a bad life — while it lasted!” Nick smiled in the dark. He could think of a dozen old jokes based on just such a situation, but it was no use wasting them on Hafed.
  A thought struck him. “How come you’re not afraid to go to the place of the She Devils, Hafed?”
  “Not married,” said the little man succinctly. “Not have dablam with spirit of wife in it. I not afraid of yellow priestesses. Maybe even I like! Goodnight, sar.”
  In a moment or two Hafed was snoring. Nick lay and listened to the menacing voice of the wind and knew that he had been right — he would not sleep much tonight. To pass time he checked over his weapons, working by feel in the dark — he could field strip and reassemble the 9mm Luger in just under thirty seconds, working by touch alone. He did so now, patting the weapon affectionately. Wilhelmina, as he called the Luger, had been living a quiet life of late. As he slipped the pistol back into the plastic holster on his belt Nick thought that perhaps things would liven up soon. Certainly, when he caught up with the impostor, there would be work for the Luger.
  Or maybe he would kill his double with the stiletto, Hugo. He shook the needle-sharp little weapon from the chamois sheath on his right forearm down into his hand. The hilt was smooth and as cold as death. As N3 hefted the deadly little weapon in his palm his mind grasped at a curious irony— Chinese Intelligence was most thorough— suppose they had outfitted his double with the same weapons he himself carried. Nick’s grin was sour. It would make for a most interesting showdown— Luger against Luger, stiletto against stiletto!
  But there was one weapon the impostor would not have — Nick unbuttoned the quilted trousers and fumbled for Pierre, the little gas bomb which he carried in a metal case between his legs like a third testicle. Pierre was as deadly as a viper — and much faster. One inhalation of the gas and you knew instant death! Nick doubted that the Chinese had tumbled to Pierre — and even if they knew about the bomb they wouldn’t be able to reproduce it The gas was a well-guarded secret of the AXE labs.
  Nick replaced the little gas bomb carefully and adjusted his pants. Pierre might just give him the edge over his opponent.
  By now the whisky had worn off and he was beginning to feel very ill again. He yearned for more alcohol but did not reach for the bottle. He wanted to be as bright as possible when he met this Dyla Lotti on the morrow— a hangover would never do.
  N3 lay for a time, suffering and listening to Hafed snore. He left the tent to relieve himself and was nearly knocked down by the force of the wind. The narrow gorge where they had camped was a blinding whorl of snow. The ponies, their shaggy hides white, stood patiently with their rumps into the wind. Two snow-covered mounds marked the tents where the Sherpas slept. N3 lingered for a moment behind the stalactites of the frozen waterfall, staring into the snow-dervish haunted gloom. It was easy to imagine things out there. Chinese soldiers creeping up. His double, as anxious to kill as he was himself. The women from the lamasery, perhaps, raiding the camp and carrying away the screaming men — a ludicrous reversal of the Sabine bit.
  Nick forced himself to laugh at the pictures blurring through his aching head. He was sick, that was all. Nevertheless he found that he had to fight and to hang on to reality. Things were fuzzy and limpid and unreal — like one of Dali’s canvas fantasies.
  It was only the altitude, he told himself. He was sick, after all. Yet he felt the cold clamp of an alien hand reaching for him out of the darkness of this place, so near the top of the world, where She Devils lived and magic was commonplace.
  Nick shook himself and went back to the tent. Nerves. Better watch it or he would be seeing the yeti next — the Abominable Snowman! Sherpa mothers used the image of the yeti to frighten their children into being good. Nick grinned to himself as he re-entered the tent. It would be fun, at that, to catch a yeti and send it to Hawk. Maybe he could train it to become an AXE agent!
  Hafed was still snoring gently. Nick envied the guide his slumber. The night ahead would be long and cold.
  Suddenly the words of his old guru, Rammurta, who had taught yoga at the AXE Special School, came back to him.
  “The mind can conquer the body always,” old Rammurta had taught, “if only it knows the technique.”
  As N3 began his breathing exercises he thought how strange it was that yoga had not occurred to him before. It had stood him in good stead so many times. And here he was, not many miles from the birthplace of yoga, India, and only belatedly did he come to it. The altitude sickness again, he thought. There was no ignoring the brutal fact— he was not his usual self. And that could be extremely dangerous — for him. He had to snap out of it.
  N3 squatted on his sleeping bag and assumed Sidd-hasana, the perfect pose. He sat staring straight ahead, his eyes open but growing gradually opaque as his senses turned inward. He no longer felt the cold. His breathing slackened and flattened out to a mere whisper. His chest barely stirred. Slowly, imperceptibly, he slipped into the state of pratyahara. It was a complete withdrawal of consciousness. Nick Carter sat like an image, an idol. He might have been one of the bronze effigies which decorate every Tibetan temple.
  The guide Hafed snored on, blissfully unaware of what he would have regarded as an avatar crouched beside him. The guide did not awaken, nor did Nick Carter stir, when the Sherpas awoke early and stealthily departed down the gorge. They were going back to their homes and away from the Lamasery of the She Devils, the spirits of their good wives still safe and dominant in the leather dablams. Going softly, the tinkle of pony bells muffled by the wind, the Sherpas faded away into the blowing snow. They took only what was theirs. Hafed had paid them in advance.
  Chapter 3
  The She Devil
  The chamber, even though the massive, nail-studded door was barred on the outside, could hardly be called a cell. It was much too comfortable, of white-washed brick, high and spacious and hung with priceless rugs. There were also rugs on the hard-packed, earthen floor. Nick, who was no rug merchant, recognized one of them as a Samarkand worth at least a thousand.
  His bed was on the floor, consisting of half a dozen thin mats piled atop each other. The sheets were of purple silk and the coverlet of rich brocade. A large brazier in the center of the room sent out waves of charcoal heat. Beyond the brazier, set against the far wall, brooded an enormous brass statue of a monkey. The beast was sitting on its haunches, the hand-like forepaws raised as in supplication to strange gods. It was an enormous idol, reaching nearly to the ceiling, and Nick had taken an immediate dislike to it. The eyes, for one thing. They were hollow and once or twice, in the weak yellow light of the butter lamps, he had seen a glitter of white in the empty brass eyes.
  So he was being spied on occasionally. So what? It wasn’t the first time. Nick arranged the wooden block pillow beneath his head — it was covered with felt and rather comfortable — and wished the High Priestess, Dyla Lotti, would get on with things. He really had no time for the usual Tibetan amenities — yet he recognized that they must be observed. Protocol must be observed, especially in this place of women. N3 grinned in resignation and lit a cigarette from the one pack he had been permitted to keep.
  He blew smoke at the brass monkey and thought back over the events of the day. It had been a long and hectic one…
  He had emerged from the yoga trance to find Hafed there with the inevitable cup of tea. Nick was feeling slightly better, stronger, and after a breakfast of tea and biscuit and pressed beef they packed the two remaining ponies and plunged eastward into the pass. The blizzard was in full fury by now.
  There was no time for talk and no need for it. Hated did not have to explain — either they made the Lamasery of the She Devils before their strength gave out or they died in the rugged confines of the pass. N3, head lowered into the icy wind, was content to slog along behind Kaswa. The pony knew what it was about, and stuck close to Hafed and the other pony. The trail narrowed steadily until, at one point, it was a bare twelve inches wide with an overhanging cliff to Nick’s right and a mile fall-away to his left. The one factor that saved them, that made the trail passable, was the savage scouring of the wind that kept it free of snow. The going was unmitigated hell. Nick clung to Kaswa’s shaggy tail and hoped for the best — one slip and the mission was all over.
  By mid-afternoon they were past the worst of it. About four, as early darkness was clamping down, Hafed stopped and pointed up through the swirling snow. “There, sar! The lamasery. You see all the lights — they are expecting us.”
  Nick leaned on Kaswa and caught his breath. Now and again the snow curtain lifted enough for him to catch a glance of the lamasery. It was perched precariously on a great flat shelf of rock jutting out from the cliff. A clutter of low buildings built of stone and brick, all of which were a dull red-earth color. Ahead of them, perhaps a quarter of a mile, stairs cut into the living stone of the cliff twined upward.
  The lamasery was indeed ablaze with light. Must be a thousand butter lamps going, Nick thought.
  He went forward to where Hafed was resting by his pony.
  He noted that even the guide was blowing hard. Nick gave him a cigarette which Hafed accepted gratefully and lit skillfully in the wind with his glowing punk-cord.
  “How could they see us coming in this gale?” Nick asked. “Most of the time I can’t see five feet in front of me.”
  Hafed cupped his cigarette against the wind and puffed. “They know, sar. They are She Devils, remember? Much powerful magic!”
  Nick only stared at him, saying nothing. He was tempted to tell Hafed that he could drop the simple Tibetan act, now that they were alone, but he kept silent. Let the man play it his own way.
  Hafed, with a hint of sheepishness, went on to say, “Anyway they always keep lookouts, the She Devils. They say they look for stray and lost travelers, to help them.” Hafed grinned at Nick, showing black stumps of teeth. “This I do not believe — I think they look for men. I think they would let a woman traveler freeze to death in this pass. Listen, sar!”
  The wind brought them a braying of great horns and the resonant clangor of a single huge gong. The myriads of butter lamps flickered through the storm like beckoning candles in the windows of home. Hafed gave Nick an odd glance.
  “We better get on, sar. They not like to be kept waiting, the She Devils. Very impatient people.”
  As Nick started back to his pony he chuckled. “I’m impatient, too. For a hot bath and a clean bed and some sleep.”
  Hafed’s laugh was borne to him on the wind. “Not count on it, sar. Bath and bed okay yes. Sleep I doubt I hope you are feeling stronger, sar. You will need all strength tonight! Also me!”
  They found crude stables cut into the rock at the foot of the stairs and left the ponies there. The attendants were all old women in coarse robes of a dirty orange color. Their heads were shaven and they glistened with a pungent oil. They stared at the two men and chittered like monkeys among themselves in some strange Tibetan dialect.
  They began the long climb up the rock stairs. High overhead someone was clashing cymbals. It was fully dark now and the stairs were poorly lighted by butter lamps set in niches.
  As they climbed Hafed explained. “Most of hard work is done by the old devils. Young devils spend all time keeping pretty and making love.”
  “I thought you said there were no men?”
  Hafed gave him what Nick could only construe as a pitying look. “Not always need men,” the guide said curtly. “Other ways!”
  Nick saved his breath for the climb. It had been a foolish question, he admitted. Naive. Lesbianism was bound to be rampant in a place like this. Probably as second best, he thought. After all, these priestesses, or She Devils, had been sent to this place because they had transgressed with men.
  N3 thought he could detect a certain impatience in Hafed’s manner now. Either that or the guide was in incredible shape — he was fairly leaping up the steep stairs. Nick grinned a little sourly. Why not? Hafed carried no dablam with a wife spirit in it. He was looking forward, it seemed, to a hot time in the old lamasery tonight! Nick sighed and struggled upward. Judging by the women he had seen thus far— Hafed could have them.
  Their entry into the Lamasery of the She Devils was a triumph played to farce. They were met at the top by a throng of priestesses carrying torches and beating cymbals. They were escorted through a huge gate to an inner courtyard of hard-packed earth. The women stared at them and waved their torches and giggled amongst themselves. Several of them pointed and made suggestive motions with their bodies, but none of them ventured close. They all wore orange robes and tight-fitting yakskin boots with curled-up toes. Their heads were shaven, but nevertheless Nick saw some beauties among them. Mostly, however, he noted the odor that permeated the courtyard and the remote crevices of the lamasery. The smell of a thousand women living in close quarters. At first it bothered him, but in a matter of minutes he found it not unpleasant — a compound of oiled hair and perfumed bodies and a natural femala musk.
  Hafed and Nick were immediately separated. Hafed appeared to find this natural. After a short discourse with an elderly priestess who was built like a Sumo wrestler, in a language that seemed to consist of squeals and grunts, Hafed turned to Nick. “You are to go with this old one, sar. She speaks only their dialect, so you will not be able to talk with her. Maybe planned so, I think. Anyway she take care of you and later maybe you will be permitted to see the High Priestess— Dyla Lotti.”
  “Permitted, hell!” Nick was tart. “I’ve got to see her — right away. This is no goddamned pleasure jaunt, Hafed.
  Hafed leaned close to whisper. Around them the circle of orange-robed women watched and whispered among themselves.
  “Better do just like say,” Hafed muttered. “Remember I tell you, sar? Can be dangerous if not handle right. She Devils are own law here. You see big ones around — those with clubs and knives?”
  Nick had noticed them, muscular women with red arm brassards and carrying spike-studded clubs and long knives thrust into their girdles. He nodded. “Yes. What are they? MPs?”
  Hafed grinned. “Sort of, sar. Much tough. You go now do like they tell — we not want trouble. I think Dyla Lotti come and see you maybe tonight soon!”
  So Killmaster followed the fat old priestess down a series of long cold corridors lit by butter lamps. Finally they entered a room where it was actually warm and a great cauldron of water boiled. Here more old women were in attendance. Overcoming his initial resistance with deft skill and much chatter, they had given Nick a bath. Eventually he relaxed and enjoyed it. They bathed his private parts with no more ado than if he had been a piece of meat on a butcher’s hook, though one old crone did tickle him and cackle something that made the others laugh. Nick thought it was probably uncomplimentary.
  He managed to retain his weapons, but only after a fierce struggle and much altercation. One of the old priestesses was sent to check — presumably with the High Priestess herself — and came back with word that the weapons were permitted. At least they gave up trying to snatch them from him.
  On the lighter side was the awe with which the elderly priestesses regarded Pierre, the little gas bomb he carried between his legs in a metal cylinder. This occasioned as much cackle as a fox in a chicken run! They stared at him and spun prayer wheels at a great rate. Here was a foreign devil with three balls — and one of them of metal! N3 could almost hear the rumors starting, and visualize the clack that would run through the lamasery that night…
  Now, as he fretted on the soft bed, he wondered about the barred door. Was he a prisoner, as he had thought at first, or was the barred and locked door to keep the younger She Devils out? He grinned. Once they had heard about his third testicle they might come looking, if only out of curiosity.
  He lit another cigarette from his butt, stubbing the butt out on a couple of thousand dollars worth of rug. There were no ashtrays. He stared at the monkey again. Was that a glint of white behind the brass eyes? A watcher? Nick yawned and hitched the orange robe closer around his big frame. It was coarse and scratchy, but it was clean. God only knew what they had done with his clothes. All he had left was the robe and a pair of yakskin boots and his weapons.
  He was about to field strip the Luger again, for lack of something to do, when he heard the door being unlocked. Hastily he thrust the pistol beneath the covers. If this was Dyla Lotti he didn’t want to meet her with a gun in his hand. Might violate protocol or something.
  It was only another old woman, one he had not seen before. She bowed and cackled and handed him a large bowl of warm milk. She made drinking motions and stood waiting. To get rid of her Nick drank the mixture. Warm yak’s milk to which something had been added, something he could not recognize, at once tart and sweet. A mildly pleasant taste.
  The old crone smiled with approval as he finished the milk and handed her the cup. She thumped one withered breast, over her heart, and gummed words at him that sounded, vaguely, like “make well.” She left and Nick heard the door being barred and locked again.
  Almost immediately he began to feel drowsy. A lovely warm euphoria stole over him. His heart, which on the final trip up the lamasery stairs had been about to burst his chest, slowed to a steady normal beat. N3 closed his eyes and sank into delicious deep contentment Whatever dope he had been given it was certainly effective. She Devil’s Own Home Remedy — maybe he should try to get the recipe and bottle it for sale in the States. It beat any six martinis he had ever drunk.
  N3 had no idea how long he slept. He did not come awake instantly, alert and ready, his usual manner of wakening. Instead he drifted back to consciousness slowly on a pleasant pillow of dreams, only just aware of where he was and who he was. It was very quiet in the lamasery now. It must be late. Most of the butter lamps had gone out; the remaining few shed a thin tawny light that wavered fitfully. The charcoal in the brazier was a sullen red glow.
  Flickering lamps! Strange. They had burned with a clear straight flame before. Nick pushed himself up on the bed, fighting off lethargy, and glanced across the room at the great statue of the brass monkey. It was moving away from the wall, swinging slowly around on a pivot. A chill little draft invaded the room, causing the butter lamps to flicker again. N3 felt for his weapons with a touch of panic.
  Then he relaxed. They were all there — Luger, stiletto, and Pierre the gas bomb. He was not defenseless!
  The brass monkey was still swinging out from the white brick wall. When it was at right angles to the wall it halted with a little click. Nick rubbed his eyes, trying to rid them of sleep. He still felt drugged and fuzzy, yet he did not mind. He felt good. Fine! As though he were neatly wrapped in some downy insulation, shielded from any impact of reality. He was aware, too, of one other thing — he was immensely ready for physical love! And that, some yet undrugged part of his mind told him, is just plain absurd. Ridiculous. At this moment in time and space, just beginning what could be the most chancy and dangerous mission of his life, that he should suddenly become a raging stud…
  He saw her then. There was a black oblong in the brick wall, where the brass monkey had been, and a figure was standing there now. A waft of perfume came to Nick. More absurdity. No rare Tibetan perfume this — he recognized it immediately. Chanel No. 5!
  The figure stepped out of the black shadows into the room. Had he not been drugged, N3 probably would have exclaimed. As it was he took the apparition in stride — nearly. Even the drug could not ward off entirely the sudden chill and feeling of evil present in the room.
  Without speaking the figure came into the room and halted by the brazier. Behind it the brass monkey slid silently back into place. Some kind of automatic counter-weight, Nick told himself furiously. He was fighting the drug tooth and nail now, struggling to clear his mind. This must be Dyla Lotti. The High Priestess herself whom he had been instructed to contact. Why didn’t she take off that damned leering mask!
  The devil mask was hideous enough to chill the blood of any man. The eyes were terrible red slits, the nose a purple hook, the mouth a grin of sheer horror. Serpents twined instead of hair. This was nightmare stuff!
  Killmaster summoned all his will. He flipped a casual hand at the bed side. “Come and sit down. I’ve been expecting you. Sorry about the chairs, but you people don’t seem to run to them. You know who I am, of course? Why I’m here?”
  From behind the mask a pair of narrow dark eyes regarded him. Still she did not speak. She wore the traditional orange robe, but it was of silk instead of rough homespun and was belted in at the waist. This revealed just enough of her body for Nick to guess that it was superb. On her feet were tiny yakskin boots with silver tassels on the curled-up toes. Around her neck, below the mask line, he saw a long string of wooden prayer beads.
  By now Nick knew he was fighting a losing battle against the drug. God — that milk must have been loaded. He fought to keep the weird devil mask in focus. The white-washed walls kept folding and wrinkling and re-aligning themselves. And he was still aching, hurting, with the physical manifestations of love. And that, he thought dimly, is sure as hell not protocol. If I let myself get out of hand I’ll louse up the whole deal.
  He fell back on a simple, inane remark. “Think you’ll know me again?”
  Dark eyes flickered behind the devil mask. She had not moved. Now she took a single step toward him. Her voice was soft, well modulated, speaking English with hardly an accent — the good, grammatically pure English of one who has studied it assiduously as a second language. The soft tones, coming from behind the grotesque mask, gave Nick Carter a second shock.
  “I must be very careful, Mr. Carter. As you must. Only a week ago another man lay on that same bed and assured me that he was Mr. Nicholas Carter. He looked exactly like you. He spoke exactly as you speak now.”
  Nick swung his legs out of bed and pulled the orange robe about him, fighting off languor. Wilhelmina, the Luger, was snug in her plastic holster in the waistband of his shorts. Thank God the old crones had left him those.
  Nick said: “This other man — this phony Nick Carter? You say he was exactly as I am? Think hard now, Miss — er— what do I call you?”
  Had the dark eyes twinkled behind the mask? He couldn’t be sure. There was something familiar and reassuring about the Chanel No. 5 now. This was, after all, only a woman. And he was Nick Carter — the real one. He could handle it.
  “Call me Dyla Lotti,” she said. “That is my name. And yes — he did look exactly like you. Except, possibly…” She took a step nearer the bed and peered at Nick. “Possibly the eyes — his were a little colder. But that is an emotional, a subjective judgment. But he was enough like you to pass any but the most severe test.”
  “He fooled you? You thought he was the real Nick Carter? At the time?”
  The devil mask moved in negation. “No. I was not fooled. I pretended to be, but I knew that he was really a Chinese agent posing as you, Mr. Carter. I had been warned, you see.”
  Nick fumbled with his remaining cigarettes. “You mind?”
  A tiny hand, daffodil yellow, appeared from the copious sleeve of the robe. It waved assent. Nick saw that her nails were long and curving and stained a blood red.
  He lit a cigarette and arranged the robe again. He was a little more at ease, a bit less excited now that they were down to business, but desire still haunted him.
  He exhaled blue smoke and said, “We’re a little blurry on that at AXE, you know. You’d better put me straight for the record — just how were you warned? This agent, this Chinese phony, killed our man Pei Ling in Kaitse— that’s in central Tibet. There are a h — a lot of mountains between here and there. How could you get word about Pei Ling’s murder so fast?”
  He saw the dark eyes widen behind the mask. She approached another step, her arms crossed now over her breast. Firm, full breasts, Nick guessed. Must be strapped down now. The scent of Chanel was stronger.
  “You sound as though you do not entirely trust me, Mr. Carter.” Was there a hint of mockery in the voice?
  “It isn’t a question of trust, Dyla Lotti. Just a matter of mechanics. I want to know how it could happen. I want, I’ve got to know, as much about this thing as possible. Some little matter, something you think of no importance, might be vital. You understand?”
  “I understand, Mr. Carter. You will have to excuse me — I am very new at this sort of thing. I am a High Priestess, not a spy. I only agreed to work for you, for your people, because the Chinese are in our country and I want them out. It is against our creed to hate, Mr. Carter, or to preach hatred — but I am a sinner. I hate the Chinese! They are swine. Dogs!”
  N3 felt more relaxed. The drug was still working in him, but now he felt his urgent desire for a woman, any woman, fading away. His mind was clearing; the room, the woman in the mask, everything was coming through clear and sharp again.
  Somewhat to his surprise Dyla Lotti went to the opposite side of the bed and sat down. Primly, he thought. He twisted to face her, grinning. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable if you took that thing off — the Halloween bit, I mean? It looks heavy.”
  The mask swayed toward him and he was aware of the close scrutiny of the dark eyes. There was an odd note in her reply. “I prefer to keep it on for the time being, Mr. Carter. Perhaps — later? You must sleep again, and drink more medicine — and then I will return to see you. Then I will take off the mask. You agree?”
  The formality had lightened. Nick smiled and lit another cigarette. “I agree — but I don’t know about the medicine bit. That last blast of yak’s milk was loaded! What did she put in it, anyway?” He glanced furtively down at his now quiescent loins. “It — er — It has some weird effects.”
  If Dyla Lotti knew what he meant she made no sign. Yet her voice was warmer, more friendly, when she said, “It is sanga root — a sort of wild mushroom that grows on the mountain tops. Very rare. You must take it, Mr. Carter. I know. I have had the altitude sickness myself. The sanga root eases the strain on your heart — otherwise it will wear itself out in this thin air.”
  N3 eyed the devil mask. “It has certain side effects,” he said with an innocent expression.
  There was no doubt about it this time — the dark eyes flashed and twinkled. “Perhaps,” Dyla Lotti admitted. “And perhaps the side effects are beneficial also. But we must get back to business, Mr. Carter. Soon I must go. I have my duties, you know.”
  Nick wondered what those duties could be, well after midnight in a lonely and storm-besieged lamasery, but he did not ask. He listened, interrupting only now and then to ask a question.
  A week before, one day before the fake Nick Carter had arrived, a runner had reached the lamasery. He bore a chit of paper in a cleft stick and he died from exhaustion half an hour later. But he had been a Sherpa, with incredible lungs, and he had come all the way from another lamasery at Kaitse. The message he bore was scrawled in blood — a dying man’s blood. The Chinese agent had made another mistake — after shooting Pei Ling he had not checked to see that the Lama was quite dead.
  Nick asked, “You still have the message?”
  Dyla Lotti took a coarse sheet of paper from her wide sleeve and handed it across the bed to him. Their fingers touched for a moment and Nick felt as though an electric current had jolted him. He raised the note to eye level with fingers that trembled faintly. God — he must be careful! The yearning was coming back!
  He could make nothing of the note. It did seem to be written in blood, by a dying man, a wobbly scrawled mess of chicken tracks. He got the impression that it was meant to be read from right to left. He handed it back to Dyla Lotti with a baffled expression. “Afraid you’ll have to read it to me.”
  He could not see her smile behind the devil mask, but he sensed it. “It is in Urdu,” she explained. “A high form of Hindustani — educated priests use it at times. It does not say much — he had no time left. Just that he was killed by a man posing as you, Mr. Carter. A Chinese agent. He asks me to communicate this to your people — to AXE — and warns me that the Chinese agent would probably stop here on his way through the pass into Kashmir. He also suggests that I pretend ignorance and, how do you say it—?”
  “Play along — go with the gag.”
  Her nod was doubtful. “Yes— I suppose something like that. I did so. In due time the imposter arrived, looking exactly like you, Mr. Carter. I, er, played along. He asked many questions. So did I. I think he trusted me — he did not suspect that I knew the truth — but I do not think he told me anything of importance. Neither did I tell him anything that he did not already know, or could easily find out. My reason was simple— I did not know anything that would have been of interest to him. As I told you I am a High Priestess, not a spy or a secret agent. My role was to be secondary, passive — I was to pass on information from time to time if I thought it important. That is all. But Pei Ling was dying and had no one else to turn to — so he sent the runner to me.”
  “And you sent it out to us — that means you’ve got a transmitter here in the lamasery!”
  The devil mask nodded. Her voice sounded reluctant. “Yes — there is a transmitter. Well hidden. I was warned never to use it except in case of grave emergency — there are always Chinese patrols around and some of them have machines — whatever it is that they use to locate hidden transmitters?”
  “DF — directional finding equipment,” said Nick. “Yes, the b — they would have those. But you seem to have gotten away with it, Dyla Lotti. You haven’t had any Chinese callers?”
  “Not yet. I hope I never do. And I will be glad when this is all over— I am not well equipped for this work. I am a woman and I am afraid!”
  “You’ve done fine so far,” N3 told her. “Great — we’d have been lost without you, Dyla Lotti. Really in a mess. We wouldn’t have known anything about this fake agent but for you — at least not until he had done a lot of damage;. As it is I’m not too far behind him.”
  “He left four days ago.”
  “Through the pass into Kashmir?”
  She nodded. “Yes. He had a guide and ponies and five or six men. They did not stay here at the lamasery — the weather was good then and they camped in the gorge. I think they were Chinese soldiers without their uniforms. But that is only a guess — they kept to themselves. They would not even have anything to do with my girls, which is most unusual for soldiers.” Dyla Lotti permitted herself the slightest chuckle. Nick also thought he detected a note of slyness in her voice, but he ignored the opening — if it was that — and kept determinedly to the business at hand.
  He rubbed his eyes; he was feeling drowsy again. Then he said: “So you didn’t tell him anything — you couldn’t. But what did he tell you? I’ve got to know that.”
  “Not much. Only that he was going from here to Karachi on a highly secret mission. He did not say what it was, naturally. I pretended to believe him and I did not ask too many questions — I was afraid he would become suspicious and I did not wish to join Pei Ling.”
  Karachi! Pakistan! N3 remembered Hawk’s words now. The Chinese Reds might attempt to put a finger into the India-Pakistan pie. Keep the pot boiling. It began to look as though Hawk had guessed right. Unless, of course, it was a deliberate plant, a feint, to draw Nick out of the way while the real monkey business was consummated elsewhere.
  Somehow he thought not. Admittedly he wasn’t thinking too clearly at the moment, drugged as he was, but he agreed with Hawk that part of this business, at least, was a trap to draw him within killing distance. If that were true the phony agent would leave a clear trail. Another thing was that the agent, and his bosses in Peking, wouldn’t have expected their subterfuge to be discovered so soon. They would know that the CIA, and AXE, apparatus in Tibet was crude and primitive at this stage. They must have been gambling a little, depending on luck, and it had failed them.
  Aloud Nick said: “I’m only four days behind him. I’ll get him. Thanks to you, Dyla Lotti.”
  She rose and came around the bed to stand beside him. Her fragile red-tipped hand reached to touch his and lingered for a moment. Her skin was cool.
  “I hope so, Mr. Carter. Now I must go. And you — you must take your medicine again and remain quiet.”
  Nick found that he was clinging to her hand. “You said you would come back, Dyla Lotti. And can’t you stop calling me Mr. Carter? Nick would be better — more friendly.”
  The long dark eyes regarded him through the slits in the devil mask. “I keep my word— Nick. I will come back. In an hour or so. But only if you are obedient and take your medicine — you will never catch this Chinese devil if you are ill.”
  Nick grinned and let go of her hand. “Okay — I’ll take it. But I warn you — that potion of yours is pretty deadly. You may be sorry you made me drink it!”
  She was at the opening in the wall now. She turned and again he could sense a smile beneath the mask. “I will not be sorry,” she said softly. “I know about the sanga root. And you must not forget, Nick, that if I am a High Priestess I am also a woman. I will return to you.”
  As she was disappearing into the wall Nick said, “How about my guide, Hafed? I hope you’re taking good care of him.”
  She laughed and the sound was like silver bells in the chamber, thin but resonant.
  “I am not taking good care of your guide, Nick — but my priestesses are. I do not forbid it — they are also women. Young women. They drew lots and there were ten lucky winners.”
  She disappeared. There was a faint grind of machinery and the brass monkey began to swing back into place.
  N3 lay back on the bed and contemplated the ceiling. Ten lucky winners! Good God! He hoped Hafed was in form.
  Minutes later the old crone came to him with another large mug of yak’s milk. Nick drank it down without dissent. Might as well play along, go the whole route. He knew, now, that sanga root, whatever else it was, was also an erotic drug. An aphrodisiac. Probably they had fed Hafed some of the same stuff. No wonder the girls were lining up.
  He examined his professional conscience — the only sort he ever bothered about — and found it clear. He had done everything he could do for the moment. He had made his contact. He knew what there was to know. Not even Hawk would expect him to push through Karakoram Pass in a blizzard.
  So bring on the music and the dancing girls, N3 told himself as he relaxed and watched the old priestess heap more charcoal on the brazier. He had nothing to lose but his virtue and that was more than a little tattered as it was. Yes — it looked like quite a night ahead. He never doubted for an instant that Dyla Lotti would return — the promise had been in her voice.
  One tiny itch remained in his brain. She had shown him no sort of identification and had asked for none. She could not be expected, of course, to know about the Golden Number, but still—
  He dismissed the thought. Dyla Lotti was an amateur, a novice, who had been pulled in in an emergency. Not to worry about it. Anyway he had his weapons and his wits—
  Or did he have his wits? He found that he was laughing and rolling on the bed. The old priestess looked at him and smiled benignly and left, locking him in again.
  Nick was aware of a high hyena sound in the chamber. His own laughter. If only Hawk could see him now! Probably he would get a lecture on morals and the dereliction of duty! Nick went off into another peal of laughter. His head was a feather pillow floating on his shoulders. The room was soft and fleecy and warm and snug — and what was the world outside to do with him?
  “I might just decide to stay here forever,” he told the room. “Never leave! A thousand man-hungry women!” Ye Gods! He and old Hafed could have the ball of their lives!
  It occurred to him that he had no idea what Dyla Lotti looked like. He couldn’t have cared less. She was a woman, soft and curved and perfumed. Maybe that hadn’t been a mask after all — maybe it was her real face! He still didn’t care. A man could learn to love a face like that in time — and the way he felt right now it wouldn’t take long!
  Nick Carter stuffed one of the covers in his mouth to stifle his giggles. He felt so good — good — good…
  Chapter 4
  The Sweet Death
  Nick dozed off but awoke immediately when he heard the brass monkey swing on its pivot. He sat bolt upright on the bed, dimly understanding what was happening to him — and caring nothing for it or any consequences. Lust simmered in him.
  A single butter lamp flickered in the chamber. The brazier glared with a great red eye. Dyla Lotti came into the room and the monkey creaked shut behind her. She advanced to within a few feet of the bed and halted. Unspeaking, they gazed at each other.
  Even without the devil mask she was tall. She would come nearly to his chin. She wore a single sari-like garment of translucent jade silk. Beneath it her skin, well oiled and scented, glistened with the shimmer of old ivory. A delicate pale yellow. Her hair was a burnished mass of black silk caught high and held with amber combs. Her mouth was small, a moist crushed rosebud, and when she spoke at I last her teeth glinted white in the semi-gloom.
  “You like me, Nick?” There was a tease in her tone.
  “I love you!” said Nick Carter. “Come here.”
  “Not yet. Do not rush me.” Her smile was languid. “One does not hurry love — one lingers with it and enjoys it more.”
  Desire welled in Nick. Such impetuosity might ruin everything — yet he could not control himself! He had to have her. Now! This minute — this second! He leaped from the bed and dropped his robe and slipped out of his shorts.
  His lungs hurt with the effort of speech. “Come here,” he croaked again. “For God’s sake!”
  Dyla Lotti gasped at the sight of him. Her red mouth formed a round O of surprise. She laughed, “You were right, Nick, dear. The sanga root does have side effects!”
  Nick took a step toward her. Rage flared in him. What the hell — if this pale yellow bitch turned out to be a tease after all the buildup he — he would strangle her! So help him he would!
  Dyla Lotti pointed a long scarlet fingernail at him. “Sit down on the bed,” she commanded quietly. Nick found himself obeying. It seemed right that he should obey her. Without question. His anger of a moment before faded and was lost.
  N3 sat naked on the bed and stared at her. Dyla Lotti i, approached him slowly. He noted for the first time that she was wearing a pair of red high-heeled slippers. At the moment they did not appear incongruous.
  She halted a scant twelve inches from him. He could see the gleaming fire of a huge sapphire, affixed to her navel, shining through her diaphanous gown like a beckoning eye. Her belly was flat and taut and the color of rich cream. It was cool and velvety when he leaned to kiss it.
  Dyla Lotti put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him gently away. She kissed him on the forehead with moist hot lips, then drew back a little. She raised her arms and the garment fell away, a slithering froth washing the long perfection of her legs. N3 gazed at her in awe. Every pulse in his body clamored for her. This was perfection in a woman at last! The ultimate — the plus! What every man, in every time, had dreamed of and yearned for! For a moment doubt and fear struck at him — she was not real! He was dreaming her — under the power of the drug he was only dreaming her!
  Dyla Lotti cupped her hands beneath her breasts and leaned to him, extending those succulent melons for his caress. “Kiss!”
  Nick Carter obeyed. It was no dream. Her breasts were warm and cool and firm and soft. The perky small nipples were heavily rouged. They were aromatic with scent which stole into his nostrils as he kissed and laved them with his tongue. He noticed, almost without conscious perception, that she had painted spirals of gold around each breast. It did not seem particularly odd. Nothing was strange now — it was all perfection, all just right and as it should be.
  Dyla Lotti stood with her fine legs wide apart, her head and shoulders back, her flat pelvis thrust forward. She ran her fingers through Nick’s smooth hair. She moved her pelvis in an undulating circular motion. She permitted the greedy search of his fingers. She moaned and moved closer to him, writhing and twisting as his hands sought out every secret.
  Suddenly, with a breathless exclamation, she fell across him on the bed. Her long legs clamped him in a vise of velvet flesh and he was powerless to consummate his fierce desire, to loose the awful red tension that was tearing him to bits. When Nick began to curse, to protest bitterly, she closed his mouth with her own.
  Her mouth was avid, even cruel. It sucked at his and her tongue went crazy, lashing his desire even higher. She kissed him with a vampire’s eagerness and her fragile small hands toyed with him. It was beyond bearing! Nick reached for her. Enough of this damned nonsense!
  Dyla Lotti was too quick for him. Like a wraith her slippery oiled flesh slipped from his grasp. She put a finger on his lips. “Lie quietly,” she commanded. “Lie quietly and listen, my lover. I desire you as much as you desire me — but it cannot be! I am a High Priestess— I have taken vows of virginity!”
  “This is a hell of a time to think of that!”
  She touched his lips again with her finger. “I said to be quiet! I will talk. I will explain — and you will not be sorry, my Nick. Only be patient. There are other ways, you know, ways that can give great pleasure. You must remember where you are, my dear one. This is not the United States where everything, even love, is done in a great hurry. This is Tibet and we are very near to India — have you never heard of the Kama Sutra?”
  N3 fought his way out of the drug haze long enough to say that he had indeed heard of the Kama Sutra, that he had read it, and he was damned if he was interested in Hindu erotic literature at the moment!
  Her tongue was a sweet lance of honey in his mouth and she was whispering, “The Kama Sutra mentions alternatives, Nick. Other ways. So you see I am not going to disappoint you — so now be quiet and be patient and come with me into the perfumed garden. Close your eyes, my dear one, and think no thoughts. Do not try to understand what I do — only enjoy it. I will take you to Paradise!”
  Nick Carter stared at the ceiling. It appeared to move in the faint light of the single butter lamp. Dyla Lotti left him for a moment — he heard the faint slip-slip of her bare feet — and the odor of incense began to permeate the room. She had thrown it into the brazier. The stuff had the pleasant pungency of burning wood, only much lighter and sweeter and with the barest suggestion of a flesh smell.
  “Breathe deeply,” the woman whispered. “Breathe deeply — it will aid your pleasure.”
  Nick obeyed. Somehow he knew that he would always obey her now. Dyla Lotti was the High Priestess—his Priestess! He would always obey her. He must! In return for obedience she would lead him into the perfumed garden and show him such pleasures! It was really all rather cut and dried, he thought. Fated! Karma! He was fulfilling his destiny at last — why else had he come so many weary miles to this place to do — to do what? He had quite forgotten.
  Dyla Lotti settled herself at his feet. He could feel her slim buttocks against his feet, feel her slender fingers tracing up his thighs. Higher and higher — fingers that were skilled and patient and evoking. Nick felt himself begin to tremble ever so slightly.
  It was a war between his sensual being, now being so exquisitely stimulated, and his intellect. And his instinct. The tiniest of bronze gongs was beating somewhere in the back of his brain, warning him. Against what? He did not know and, almost to the point of peril, he did not care.
  He began to feel a strange tenderness, mixed with an — unexplained enmity, for this woman who was ravaging him. For the moment, he thought, no matter how it turns out, we are lovers! It was a caught instant of time when all else was forgotten and there were only the two of them in the world. It was the drug, of course. The drug working to destroy the will and intellect of Killmaster, he who was a masterpiece among agents, who was as near perfection in mind, body, and will as a secret agent can be and still remain human.
  And Killmaster was very, very human.
  He also sensed that, for the moment at least, he was losing this battle. Perhaps this time he had taken on more than he could handle. The drug was so powerful and, at the moment, he was so weak. Yet he must somehow retain his sanity, even in this sweet ordeal through which she was now putting him. He heard her moan for the first time then, and sensed that she shared some of his feeling of passion.
  He could not move. Could not speak. For the moment he was a floating island of tranquillity sans all desire. He was alone in the universe. He was nothing. Did not exist. He had at last achieved the Hindu goal of perfection — Nirvana. Nothingness!
  Chapter 5
  Rude Awakening
  When N3 awoke some hours later he was alone. All the butter lamps had been replenished and the chamber was a blaze of tawny light. He lay for a moment, trying to fight the drug, trying to get clear in his mind who he was, and where, and why. It was useless. He could think of but one thing — women! Dyla Lotti if possible — if not then any woman.
  Nick had no concept of time — BO idea how long he had been in the lamasery. It could have been minutes, hours, days, months, years — it was not important. There was a cup of the familiar yak’s milk beside the bed and he drank it down to quench a gnawing thirst — knowing it was drugged and not caring. He paced the narrow confines of the chamber, as naked as the day he was born. The drug was goading him. He must have relief.
  It soon came. Half an hour later the old crone ushered in three giggling young priestesses. They were washed and perfumed and pretty enough in their Mongol way — and as avid for relief as he was. They wasted no time. They surrounded Nick and bore him down on the bed under a smother of thrashing brown limbs and firm young breasts. They spoke not a word of English and the man from AXE had no Tibetan, scholarly or otherwise. It mattered nothing. The four of them invented their own language, a lingua franca of laughter and giggles.
  When Nick flagged, as he did eventually even with the drug in him, the youngest of the priestesses — she couldn’t have been much over sixteen — produced one of the famous silver clasps from a pocket of her robe and, with many giggles, instructed Nick in its proper use. It made, literally, a new man of him! Later he was anointed with a strange red powder, well rubbed in, which drove him into a new frenzy. Young, isolated, confined in a wilderness, yet these She Devils appeared to know every artifice of love. The orgy, though Nick did think of it as such, went on for hours. There was no food or drink and no one disturbed them. At times two of the little priestesses would leave Nick alone with the third, while they made love together, all sharing the same bed.
  None of this seemed in any way strange to Nick Carter. He knew he was drugged, admitted it. Loved it! Desired it! lively thing—sanga root. He could never get enough of it! He had been born again — he was free and swinging on top of the world, had long ago passed Cloud Nine and was approaching Cloud Ninety-Nine!
  N3 never quite knew when the She Devils left him. One moment they were straining on the bed with him — the next moment he was alone, awakening in a daze and staring around. He felt cold and his nerves were jumping. There was the cup of yak’s milk by the bed and he was reaching for it when the brass monkey began to swing open.
  Nick raised the cup to his lips and was about to drink. He smiled at the dark oblong in the wall. “Dyla Lotti! I thought you would never come back. I—”
  Hafed came rapidly into the room. Before Nick could stop him he seized the cup and poured the yak’s milk on the floor. “Best not drink more, sar. You plenty doped now, I think. Much bad. Come — we go out of this place fast. Much danger here!”
  Nick sat on the bed, naked, scratching at the stubble on his face and grinning at the guide. Hafed was a good joe, a swell guy, but he was getting a little above himself. He shouldn’t have poured that milk out. Now he would have to ask the old crone to bring him some—
  Hafed handed him a small vial containing a greasy yellow liquid. “Drink, please. Is what you call antidote, I think. Kill drug. Drink fast, please. We not have much time, sar. Get out this place hubba— I think Chinese soldiers come. They be here now but for storm.”
  Nick Carter staggered erect. To please good old Hafed he drank the contents of the vial and began to retch — the stuff smelled like urine and probably tasted like it, too.
  “Ughhhh!” He wiped his mouth on his hand. “What in hell is that?”
  Hafed smiled briefly, “Yak piss, sar. And other things. You can walk now, yis? You come with me hubba? I show you important things.”
  “Walk? Of course I can walk. What do you think I—” Nick took a few steps and tottered, nearly falling. Damn! He was as weak as a kitten.
  Dismay registered for a moment on Hafed’s swart features. “I afraid of this,” he told Nick. “Sanga root do it — much bad if you have too much. And you already sick anyway — never should take sanga.”
  N3 collapsed on the bed with an idiotic grin. “That’s just what my sainted old mother used to tell me, Hafed. ‘Never take sanga,’ she said. A thousand times she said it— ‘Stay away from that sanga root, boy!’ ”
  Hafed scowled. “Not funny, sar! Chinese soldiers get here I get my head chopped off number one fast. Maybe not you, but me. You try hard to walk, yis?”
  Nick tumbled on the bed laughing. Suddenly everything was uproariously funny. “To hell with walking, Hafed! I’m never going to walk again! I’m never going to do anything again but stay in this bed and fornicate! That’s it, old buddy! I’m gonna stay right here and fornicate my stupid life away! Care to join me, old buddy?”
  Hafed unleashed a string of curses that ranged from Chinese to English through Tibetan and Hindustani. “Goddamn son bitch,” he said at last. “I maybe should run away and leave you, sar, but I not do. You good man.”
  Nick Carter put his head in his hands and began to weep softly. “You good man too, Hafed,” he sobbed. “A real buddy. I love you!”
  Hafed stepped close to the big AXE agent and slapped him hard across the face. “I sorry, sar. But must do! Not much time!”
  N3, who could have broken the little man in pieces with one hand, kept on crying. Hafed was not a friend after all— Hafed had come to invade his perfumed garden! Hafed was destroying his Paradise! Vaguely, as the antidote began to take hold, Nick saw Hafed as an emissary from the cruel world of reality. Come to remind him, Nick, of such wearisome matters as job, mission, duty! He hated Hafed! He would kill the interfering little b—
  The antidote struck his guts a hammer blow! He rolled off the bed and began to spew. Oh God — lie was sick! For ten minutes he lay in his own vomit, unable to lift his head, retching and spewing and devoutly wishing for death.
  Finally he was able to climb to his feet and don the coarse robe. He discovered, without surprise, that his weapons were missing. All of them gone — Wilhelmina, Hugo, Pierre!
  Nick sat on the bed and rubbed his forehead. His eyes were pits of flame and an anvil was bouncing about in his skull. He looked sheepishly at Hafed. “Sorry — guess I’ve been away for awhile. What time is it? What day? And weren’t you saying something about Chinese soldiers?”
  Hafed plucked at his sleeve. “You come now. Make fast! I show you what I find — we talk then.”
  Nick followed Hafed through the wall behind the brass monkey. The passage was narrow and high and surprisingly warm. It led steadily downward. Butter lamps in iron sconces showed them the way.
  “I sleep with many She Devils,” Hafed explained as they went. “Some talk, some not. One talk a lot. After she go to sleep — sleep now. She take sanga root, I do not. I not need root. While she sleep I think what she talk — some very funny business go on. Is good time for looking— so I look. All She Devils at prayers and meditation now, you see. I find this place.”
  “Good for you,” grunted Nick. He sounded surly, was, and instantly regretted it. This loyal little guy had gotten him out of a hell of a jam! Was trying to, at any rate. They weren’t out of it yet! N3 was coming back fast now and the enormity of his lapse was growing on him. He had been sick as hell, of course, but that was no excuse. Not in an AXE man. He cursed himself briefly, then his jaw took the familiar jut and he moved back into command. What was done was past repairing. Now he must salvage what he could — forget everything but the future and the mission.
  They rounded a sharp turn in the passage and came to an iron door. It was half open. Hafed pointed to the door. “In there, sar. Most interesting.”
  It was a small room well lit by butter lamps. There was a table and chairs. On the table lay Nick’s weapons. He inspected them. They seemed intact, in working order. As he was checking the Luger Hafed said, “Maybe you look in that door, sar. Also most of interest.” He pointed to another iron door set into the far wall of the little room. Nick went to it and pulled it open. Instantly the sickening odor of decaying flesh smote his nostrils.
  N3 took a step backward, grimacing. He had seen too much of death for it to hold any terrors for him, but this was nasty! Over his shoulder he said, “Who is she?”
  Hafed’s voice was soft in the little room. “I think maybe the real Dyla Lotti, sar.”
  The open door revealed a space not much bigger than a closet. Chained to the wall was the near skeleton of a woman. Leathery shreds of flesh still clung to the fragile bones and her hair was white. The eyes had rotted, and most of the nose, and the flesh around the mouth had fallen away to reveal long yellow teeth fixed in an eternal grin. Nick closed the door, remembering the youthful perfection of Dyla Lotti’s body. Dyla Lotti? But Hafed had just said—
  Nick dropped his robe and began to strap the chamois sheath on his right forearm. His face was rigid, hard beneath the stubble. “Tell me,” he ordered Hafed. “What’s your idea about all this — what makes you think that”—he nodded toward the closet—”is the real Dyla Lotti?”
  Hafed squatted, his back to the open door leading into the corridor. He produced a murderous looking knife and began to whet it on a calloused palm.
  “I hear many thing while making love to She Devils,” he explained. “I already tell that. Last one I have, she now sleeping, hates Dyla Lotti. Talk about her a lot. But she talk of old woman!”
  Hafed pointed to the closet. “She old! And all She Devils say have not seen Dyla Lotti in long time— she much sick and stay in her own rooms. Lamasery is run by Number Two She Devil — name of Yang Kwei! That Chinese name, I think. I ask — find that Number Two Abbess is half Chinese. Not here long. My She Devil say that real Dyla Lotti get much sick as soon as Yang Kwei come — they never see her again. Stay room. Yang Kwei fix all meals, take care of old woman.”
  Hafed jabbed his knife into the floor. “You see, sar?”
  “I see.” N3’s face was grim. What a dope he had been— in more ways than he cared to think. Yang Kwei had posed as the real Dyla Lotti. It had been easy enough. He was a stranger, following a most tenuous lead, and he had been secluded. He spoke no Tibetan, had no means of communication with the other She Devils even if they had been permitted to speak with him.
  Nick pointed to the door which concealed the dead old woman. “Poisoned her, eh? Anyway weakened her and then brought her down here and chained her in there to die. Nice girl!”
  “Chinese,” said Hafed. As if that explained everything.
  Nick, rearmed now, shrugged back into the orange robe. He must find his clothes. And get to hell out of the Lamasery of the She Devils — but not before he had another little talk with the phony Dyla Lotti!
  “We’ve got to get her,” he told Hafed. “Get her and make her talk! So lets—”
  The guide’s answer died in a little hissing sound. Nick swung to face the door. Dyla Lotti, or Yang Kwei, was pointing a small automatic pistol at them.
  “Put your hands up,” she said in her lilting, soft, too perfect English. “Carefully, Nick. I do not wish to kill you now. After all the trouble I have gone to — to keep you for my friends. They will be here soon to collect you, AXE man!”
  Nick put up his hands. Wait and see what developed. He had a little time and he was too far away to grab her gun. He glanced at Hafed. The guide was still sitting on the floor, his knife sticking in the floor before him. He had raised his hands.
  The girl also glanced at Hafed. Her red lips curled in a snarl. “You, animal, have been too lucky! I will not mind killing you, so be very careful. I would prefer to have the soldiers cut off your head, in public as an example, but I would not mind killing you. So keep your hands high! Try nothing!”
  Hafed nodded humbly. He kept his hands high. “Yes, High Priestess. I obey. I will do anything — anything! Only do not kill me! Please do not kill me!” Hafed’s voice fell into an abject whine. He spat toward Nick. “I only helped the foreign devil because he pays well, High Priestess. I would be most glad to work for you instead. Only give me a chance! I know much of this fool’s private business!” Hafed squirmed and groveled on the filthy floor.
  Yang Kwei regarded the guide with contempt. “You are a Turtle!” she snapped. “And a stupid Turtle at that. Do you think you can fool me with such idiot’s talk? I know that you have worked for the Americans, for the CIA. But you will not again. Now be quiet, Turtle!” She turned her attention to Nick.
  “They will be very pleased with me in Peking,” she told him. “And very glad to see you — they will ask you many questions, Nick. All of which you will answer — in time!”
  “Maybe,” said N3 quietly. “They do say that no man can stand up to torture for long. And I don’t carry a cyanide pill, either.”
  The girl regarded him with a mean smile on her rosebud mouth. “I thought not. I searched you while you slept and I did not find one. You are the big, brave, murdering American gangster type, Nick. I have heard all about you. But you will not be so brave when they finish with you in Peking.”
  Nick risked a glance at Hafed from the corner of his eye. What was the man up to? He was easing one foot from a yakskin boot. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, Hafed was drawing his foot out of the boot. The knife was still jutting from the floor in front of him. His hands were stretched high over his head. What the hell? What did the man think he could accomplish with one bare foot?
  Hafed’s right eye, the one with a slight cast in it, caught Nick’s and the AXE man saw the faintest of winks. Keep her busy, Hafed seemed to say.
  Nick Carter nodded toward the closet behind him. “You kill her?”
  Yang Kwei showed her pearly teeth in an unpleasant smile. “I had to. She was taking much too long to die and I had to have her out of the way before you arrived. We were expecting you, but not quite so soon.” She shifted the little automatic from her right hand to her left, as though her hand was tiring. Nick shot another glance at Hafed. His foot was nearly out of the boot now. Absurdly, considering the moment, Nick noted that Hafed had had a bath.
  His eyes roamed back to Yang Kwei. She was wearing the same orange robe of silk, belted in between her slim hips and the hill-pointed breasts. She was wearing boots again instead of the red slippers. Her head, without the black wig, was closely shaven. Somehow the absence of hair in no way detracted from her beauty. Her eyes were narrow and dark, sparkling dangerously now, and her nose was delicate. Her skin had the sheen of slightly aged porcelain. Not a wrinkle marred it. Nick studied that small vivid mouth and remembered what it had done to his body. It was really going to be a shame to kill her— she was, after all, only fighting for her country as he was for his. Then he remembered the thing in the closet behind him! In that fleeting moment he became both judge and jury and tried her and found her guilty. He sentenced her to death — after she talked! Something of his composure, his confidence, communicated itself to the woman. She frowned at him and her finger tightened on the trigger of the pistol. She scowled at him. “You are thinking that you will win after all. You goddamned Americans are all so superior! Like the British bastards used to be.” The profanity had an odd sound, coming from that small red mouth. Nick grinned, relaxed and contemptuous, trying to anger her further. Distract her. Hafed had the boot off now.
  She caught Hafed’s motion and whirled, the pistol jutting at the guide, her trigger finger whitening with pressure. A hair trigger would have killed Hafed then.
  “What are you doing? Remain quiet, dog, or I'll kill you!”
  Hafed shrank from the lash of words. He rubbed his bare toes and whined, “I am sorry, High Priestess. I did not mean — it is that my feet hurt so badly. They ache. I must rub them. I—”
  “Quiet, fool!” She spat at Hafed. “You are an idiot! You and your stupid feet! Annoy me again and it will be the last time!” She turned back to Nick. He had nearly jumped her gun while she berated Hafed, but had decided against it. Hafed was working toward something. Wait and see.
  He saw. Hafed’s toes were long and slender and nearly prehensile. Nick got it then. The man had a foot like a monkey! And Hafed, while scratching and groveling on the floor, was working his bare foot nearer the knife. So that was it. N3 readied himself.
  The small black eye of the pistol was steady on his belly. In a soft interrogative tone Yang Kwei said, “I wonder why I do not shoot you now, Nick? Shoot you in the stomach and watch you suffer for a long time.”
  “Your natural kindness of heart,” said Nick. “You couldn’t hurt a fly — maybe an old helpless lady, but not a fly. It might bite you back.” He watched Hafed from the corner of his eye. Now!
  Hafed slid his long toes around the upright knife. He rolled backward on his shoulders, his leg coming high, the knife flashing in an arc. He spun the knife at Yang Kwei, screaming, “Get her!”
  She tried to duck and fire at the same time. The instinctive movement ruined her aim. The little gun flashed and spat. Hafed grabbed his arm with a curse. Nick was across the room like quicksilver. He smashed at the pistol with a thick forearm. It flew from Yang Kwei’s hand to the floor. Hafed scrabbled for it.
  The girl writhed and twisted in Nick’s grasp, squirming and fighting like a demon. A knife appeared from the pocket of the robe and she slashed at him. He crunched her wrist in a great hand and she screamed and dropped the knife. Her hot sweet-smelling body slumped against his big frame. Nick pushed her against the wall and held her pinioned with one hand around her throat. He looked at Hafed. “You all right?”
  Hafed was already binding up his shoulder. “Is flesh wound, I think. Not much. What we do now, sar? I say get out this place hubba-hubba! I think she not lie about Chinese soldiers.”
  Nick looked at the girl. Her lips were drawn back in a defiant snarl and he was reminded of the devil mask. “Maybe not about the soldiers,” Nick agreed. “But I think she lied about certain other things — like a certain phony going to Karachi?”
  He watched her expression closely. She spat in his face. He slapped her hard with his open hand. She spat again, saliva dribbling down her chin.
  Hafed said, “Not make her talk that way. I do! But we must hurry — I by damn not want head chopped off! Come — I show you something else I find.”
  Nick pushed Yang Kwei ahead of him down the passage, following Hafed. A few steps and they came to another room. It was larger and a brazier glowed in the center. In one corner was the green steel console of a radio transmitter and receiver. Hafed opened the door of a closet very similar to the one that had concealed the skeleton of the real Dyla Lotti. Nick whistled softly. This closet contained stacked rifles, half a dozen tommy guns with clips of ammo, musette bags filled with grenades. There was even an old Browning Automatic Rifle.
  N3 pushed her against a wall. “No lamasery’s complete without an arms cache, eh?”
  Yang Kwei stared at the floor, her face sullen. She did not answer. Nick turned to watch Hafed make his preparations. He knew immediately that he wasn’t going to like it — but he would go through with it if he must. The sooner Yang Kwei talked the sooner they could be on their way. He hoped she wouldn’t prove too stubborn. He had no desire to see that lovely body torn apart. Killing was one thing — torture was quite another. But the matter was in Hafed’s hands now and he would have to go along with it The guide, as an Oriental, would have different ideas about such matters.
  A long black beam supported the low ceiling. From it dangled rusty chains and manacles. Hafed wasted no time. He was obviously thinking of his own head and he was in a tearing hurry.
  He laid his long knife in the coals glowing in the brazier. Nick, watching Yang Kwei closely, saw her begin to tremble. A smell of heated metal began to fill the room. Hafed looked at Nick. “Let me have her, sar.”
  Nick pushed the girl toward him. She stumbled and half fell and Hafed caught her. In two seconds he had her in the chains, strung to the rafter, her toes barely touching the floor. Hafed ripped off the orange robe and flung it aside. The girl swayed naked before them, clutching at the floor with her toes. Her splendid breasts rippled and jounced with the movement. Her small brown nipples were erect and hard, as though she were expecting a lover’s kiss instead of the searing metal. Nick, watching her intently, thought he detected a hint of tears in the narrow black eyes. Could he let Hafed go through with this?
  Hafed took his knife from the coals. The tip was white and smoking. He stepped toward the girl. “She talk now, sar. Damn quick you bet.”
  “Hold it a minute!”
  Nick went close to Yang Kwei. He stared into her eyes as they lifted to meet his gaze. She was trembling and tiny beads of sweat were greasing her body, but the dark eyes were defiant. Nick felt sad and helpless. Yet he had to try.
  “I don’t want to do this, Yang Kwei. Don’t make me. All I want is a straight answer to one question — where was my double, the phony Nick Carter, really going from here?”
  Her eyes dared him. “Karachi,” she said. “I told you the truth. Karachi! He wanted you to know!”
  Instinct told Nick she was telling the truth. It figured. If it was a lure, a death trap for himself, it figured. The impostor would want him to follow. But he couldn’t take any chances — he had to know, to be absolutely sure. He was already four days behind the man — five by now, due to his own drugged insanity, and he couldn’t afford to lose more time.
  Hafed was waiting with the glowing knife. “This is the last time I’ll ask,” Nick told the girl. “Is it still Karachi?”
  She nodded. “Karachi— I swear it! That’s all he told me. Karachi.”
  Nick stepped back and motioned to Hafed. So be it. If she still said Karachi under torture—
  Hafed was very businesslike. He jammed the flaming knife against the girl’s left nipple and twisted it There was a tiny flash and a hiss and a smell of roasting flesh filled the little room. The girl screamed in a high-pitched agony that ripped at N3’s guts. He caught at Hafed’s arm. He confronted the girl again, the question in his eyes. She tried to spit at him, but had no saliva. Her eyes hated him even through their daze of pain. Her left nipple was a seared red scar.
  “Karachi—” It was a bare whisper. “I–I can’t — he went — Karachi!” She fainted.
  Hafed stepped forward again, the knife newly heated, and was about to apply it to her right nipple when Nick stopped him. It must be Karachi, then. In any event he couldn’t stand any more of this — if she had been a man, if she could have fought back, it would have been different.
  “That’ll do,” he snapped to the guide. “Now we get the hell out of here. Get two of those tommy guns and plenty of ammo! Then I’ve got to find my clothes— I suppose our ponies are all right down in the stables?”
  Hafed said that the ponies would be waiting. No one in the lamasery knew what really went on. Nick’s clothes would undoubtedly be in the wash room or the laundry — and now couldn’t they get the hell out before the Chinese soldiers came?
  Nick rubbed his chin and stared at the limp form of Yang Kwei dangling in the chains. “What’ll we do with her?”
  He knew he should kill her, but at the moment, in cold blood, he could not summon the resolution. He excused himself. He was still pretty weak and sick.
  Hafed solved that problem also. “I fix,” he said. Rapidly he took the girl down and carried her out of the room. Nick heard vague sounds coming from the passage. Meantime he busied himself. He took the steel front plate off the transmitter and kicked the set into small bits. He smashed the rifle butts to pieces on the floor.
  Hafed came back and picked up two of the tommy guns and as much ammo as he could carry. Nick did not ask him what he had done with Yang Kwei. He thought he knew.
  Nick tossed the remaining tommy guns into the brazier and watched the wooden stocks begin to burn. He thrust four of the grenades into the pockets of his robe. Hafed fretted at the door. “Hurry, sar! Hurry!” Nick could see that the man was afraid. Couldn’t blame him for that. Hafed was torture minded — he knew what the Chinese would do to him if they caught him!
  As they passed the iron door Nick glanced in. Something lay in one corner, covered by the silk robe Yang Kwei had worn. Nick caught a glimpse of brittle white hair on a yellow skull. The door to the little closet was closed and locked.
  “Maybe Chinese find her,” said Hafed as they hurried down the passage. “Maybe not. Is Karma, yis? She get same as she give old woman, yis? Is justice, no?”
  Nick Carter had to admit that it was. He put Yang Kwei out of his mind. He found his clothes freshly laundered and got dressed. Then he and Hafed left the Lamasery of the She Devils. No one paid them much attention, except for a sly glance now and then. One of the She Devils stared at Hafed and made an obscene gesture and laughed, but for the most part the life of the lamasery was proceeding much as usual. It was true, apparently, that the rank and file did not suspect what went on. They took orders and asked no questions and waited patiently for men. They had no inkling that, at the moment, they were without a leader. They would find out eventually. The Chinese would see to that. They would undoubtedly install another of their sympathizers as the new High Priestess. Nick filed that little tidbit away for later use— Hawk and the CIA would appreciate the tip.
  As they hurried down the steep stairs in the cliff he was surprised to see it growing dark again. He had been more than twenty-four hours in the lamasery. So Hafed informed him. Otherwise, N3 thought grimly, it could have been twenty-four days! Even twenty-four years! He had been in a hell of a state there for a time. Someday, when he had the time and inclination, he would investigate that chaos of diseased memories.
  Right now they had new trouble. Bad trouble. Chinese trouble!
  The ponies, fed and rested, were being led out of the stables. Hafed grabbed Nick’s arm and pointed. “Look, sar. She not lie okay — soldiers come now! Better we make fast, I think.”
  “I think you’re right,” Nick agreed. “Damn it!” He glanced to the east along the snow-choked pass. “You think the ponies can make it through that?”
  Hafed, with a choice assortment of Oriental curses, said that the ponies would. They’d better or he and Nick had had it. He did not phrase it exactly so, but it was the gist He was speedily packing his pony. Nick did likewise, wasting no time. It was growing darker by the second — that might save their lives.
  He took a pair of binoculars from his pack and trained them on the soldiers. There were about fifty of them in the patrol with twenty or so heavily laden ponies. Metal sparked in the dying sunlight. Several of the ponies were carrying long tubes. Mountain guns! Mortars!
  Hafed saw the mortars too, with his naked eye, and swore again.
  “Is very bad place we must pass — much narrow. Good for big guns. They know, too. Come, sar! Not time to waste!” He was already kicking his laden pony east into the pass.
  Nick lingered for half a minute. He caught a flash of sun on lenses and saw a Chinese officer watching them through binoculars. On impulse he put his thumb to his nose and waggled his fingers. He saw the officer snap a command and soldiers were running to the ponies bearing the mortars. Nick made a rapid estimate of the distance — a little over half a mile. He smiled. They should be safe enough. The mortars could range it easily enough, but they weren’t likely to be accurate in this poor light. He kicked Kaswa and took off after Hafed, already vanished around a bend in the pass.
  N3 couldn’t have been more wrong. He had forgotten that the Chinese were familiar with this country. In all probability they had the narrowest section’ of the gorge zeroed in, had firing stakes planted along the way.
  It was his lagging behind that saved N3. He was three hundred yards behind Hafed when the first mortar shells came in. Sssshhhhhhss— shssssss— shsssssss— shsssssss— a clutch of four whispered into the narrow waist of the gorge and exploded with a whanging bang. Nick grabbed the pony’s bridle and led it into the shelter of an overhang. Four more mortars exploded. Rock chips whined through the air, mineral shrapnel as deadly as metal.
  The trail crooked just ahead. He could not see Hafed. More mortars poured into the gorge. Nick crouched and cursed and waited for the deadly fire to cease. They must have this spot zeroed in — they were firing blind and yet pinpointing the narrow gut with devastating precision.
  It grew darker. The mortars ceased to whisper in the chilling air. Nick waited ten minutes, then kicked Kaswa into life. He doubted the Chinese would come after them in the dark, but he could take no chances. And Hafed would be waiting, impatient and afraid, crouching in some hole just as Nick was.
  Hafed would wait a long time on this desolate slope of the Himalayas. Nick found him lying in a great splotch of blood on the snow. The same burst had gotten both Hafed and his pony. The pony was gutted, its pink entrails smoking in the crisp air. Half the guide’s head was missing.
  Kaswa nosed at the dead pony and whinnied, a plaintive sound. Nick tugged him out of the way and began heaping snow over the blood and bodies. There was no time to do more. The snow would protect Hafed’s corpse from the wolves at least until spring — then perhaps the She Devils would find him and bury him. Or the Chinese. It did not really matter.
  Yang Kwei had taken her revenge after all. Part of it! She had held them just minutes too long. Nick gazed into the darkness of the pass leading east — he still had a far piece to go. He was alone now. Five days behind his quarry.
  His face began to stiffen in the wind and he pulled the yaks kin cover over it and chucked to the pony. He would make it He had to make it Death was in the wind that was rising, but not for him. Not yet He had a job to do first.
  He had lost the first round. But there would be a second— and it would begin in Karachi.
  Karachi was blacked out!
  The sprawling city on the Arabian Sea was as black as the future of Operation Deuce. Nick Carter had talked to Hawk from the airstrip at Ladakh and had learned, along with a great many other things, that his mission now had a name. DEUCE. It was a great help! N3 couldn’t see just how — his mood was exceedingly bitter at the moment — but it only proved that even in AXE red tape and bureaucracy sometimes prevailed. Right now Nick would have settled for something more practical than a mission tag — say some first class diplomatic immunity!
  He was wanted for murder!
  Now, in what was even for him a new low in harbor joints, he skulked in a dirty corner and buried his face in a tattered copy of The Hindi Times. It helped not at all that his own picture — blurred but fully recognizable — was on the front page of the paper.
  His Hindustani was not fluent, but he could make out the gist of the caption: Nicholas Carter, murderer and suspected secret agent, wanted for murder and escape!
  Chapter 6
  Nick sighed and ordered another bottle of Pakistani beer. It wasn’t good but it was cold. And he needed an excuse for hanging about the place. So far he hadn’t seen any cops — maybe the owner was paying off — and he needed a haven for the next few hours. He had to figure out his next move. Quickly! And when he had it figured he had to move just as quickly. He would have to venture out of this safe hole — defying the curfew — and he would be damned conspicuous in the deserted streets. But there was no help for that. He had to get out to the Mauripur district, where the murdered man had lived, and do a little on-the-spot investigating. It should be most interesting to know why his double, the impostor, had killed again! This time his victim was an American: Sam Shelton, confidential attaché to APDP— Arms Procurement and Distribution Program. It had been Shelton who had implemented Washington’s order to shut off the flow of arms to the Pakistanis when the war with India flared. High policy, that, and Sam Shelton only the tool! Only carrying out orders. Yet the fake Nick Carter had killed him! Why?
  Nick lit a Goldflake — American cigarettes were unobtain-able in Karachi’s cheap boites—and glanced furtively around. No one was paying him any attention. Or so it seemed. You never knew.
  The dirty little bar was situated in the Malir-Landhi district on the muddy Indus River near Karachi Airport where, a few hours before, Nick had said a hurried goodbye to the crew of the Hercules C-130 who had flown him in from Chushul Airstrip in Ladakh. They had been a nice gang of young Americans, bent on raising a little hell in Karachi — maybe visiting one of the infamous bath-houses where the entertainment was varied and continuous before, during, and after your bath. Nick would have liked to have accepted their invitation to join them — even though their youth and effervescence made him feel a thousand years old.
  He hadn’t, of course. Mission Deuce lay heavier on him by the passing second. He was a good week behind his quarry now — or so he had thought at the time. He had a man to find and kill and he had best be getting on with it. He said goodbye and plunged into darkened Karachi, improvising now and doubtful about his next move. It had been sheer luck that he had picked up a discarded copy of The Hindi Times and found that he was wanted for murder and escape! There it was, his picture, on the front page.
  It was, of course, a picture of the phony Nick Carter — but the Karachi cops didn’t know that!
  Nick finished his beer and lit another cigarette. He kept his face shielded by the paper and again surveyed the bar. It was jammed and smoke-filled now. Most of the patrons were men, though here and there Nick saw a prostitute in cheap Western finery. The men were a polyglot crew, mostly river and harbor workers with a scattering of lean Pathan tribesmen wearing pa jama-type trousers and dirty turbans. The stench of unwashed bodies was overpowering.
  From the rear of the place came the sudden twanging of stringed instruments playing — to Western ears — a most unmelodic dance tune. There was a great surge by the crowd toward the music and Nick found himself and his corner deserted. Suited him fine. He stared down the bar and, through the mob, could see a fat woman wriggling her belly in a very basic version of the jhoomer, a Pakistani folk dance. The folk, N3 thought, would never recognize it! The layer of fat just above the woman’s scant covering wobbled and gleamed with sweat as she gyrated. Little cries of encouragement came from the crowd of men, most of whom were drunk. It was strictly a Moslem crowd, Nick noted with a sardonic little smile. What else? You didn’t see many Hindus around Karachi these days. If they were around at all they kept well out of sight.
  He glanced at his AXE watch — it had survived the terrible passage out of the Karakoram Pass better than he had, his feet were still aching from frostbite — and saw that it was a quarter after twelve Karachi time. No point in stalling around here any longer. He was only postponing the trouble. He had to get out to Mauripur, find Sam Shelton’s house, and see what he could find in the way of a clue. Probably nothing — yet he must try. Reluctantly he began to push back from the table, dreading the empty streets, when he saw the incident at the bar. N3 remained in his chair, watching, as a hunch began to grow and develop in his quick brain. The man at the bar sounded like an American.
  Certainly he was angry — and drunk. And broke. That was the real trouble. The man was broke and the bartender, a huge fellow in a dirty purple-striped shirt and a red fez, would not serve him. As Nick watched the bartender reached across the bar and shoved the smaller man brutally. The man fell amidst a clutter of butts, waste paper and spittle, his head nearly in an old petrol tin serving as a spittoon. He lay there for a moment, unable to rise, mouthing a string of foul curses in Hindustani — Nick caught the word bap, father, coupled with what seemed to be a species of incestuous monkey. Then the man on the floor swung into English, Americanese, and the result was delightful to hear. Nick grinned openly and enjoyed it, thinking that even Hawk could learn a word or two from this derelict!
  N3 made his decision and acted immediately. It was his way. He had little to lose and possibly a great deal to gain. Even a bum like this must have a home of sorts — someplace to hide for the night. Anything was better than a hotel, even the cheapest, where he would have to show identification — and where sharp eyes would spot him as a wanted man.
  He went to the fallen man and pulled him up roughly. The bartender looked on without interest, his swarthy face conveying his boredom and impatience with Yankees who were broke and on the beach. They were pigs! Useless pigs! One never got baksheesh from such as these. They drank cheap beer only and did not patronize the whores.
  Nick tossed a 100 rupee note on the bar. “Bring whisky. Good whisky— American if you’ve got it! Tez! Hurry up!”
  The barman was immediately servile. He had misjudged, then. This big one had money after all! And something else — an air of authority that was not to be trifled with. And yet another thing! The bartender pondered as he fumbled for the single bottle of precious American whisky — had he not seen the face of this big one somewhere before? Recently — quite recently! The bartender summoned his assistant and conferred with him for a moment in rapid Pashto. Both he and the assistant were Afghans.
  The assistant studied the face of the big American who by now had gotten the drunk back to his table and succeeded in propping him up. “No,” said the assistant, “I have never seen him before. But if he is a friend of the Bannion, of that one, how can he be anyone important or worth anything? You are mistaken, boss. He can be of no consequence. I doubt they have a naye poise between them.” He went back to watch the belly dancer.
  The owner crumpled the 100 rupee note in his pocket and took the whisky and two dirty glasses to the table. His assistant was, in fact, supposed to be a junior partner— but if he did not find out about the 100 rupees so much the better. And Ali could be wrong, too. He would keep an eye on this big American with money — just in case.
  There was a folded copy of The Hindi Times on the dirty table. The owner used it to brush away the flies and ashes. The big American reached to take the paper from his hand. “Mine,” he said. “I haven’t finished with it yet.”
  “Dwkh,” said the owner. “My sorrow, sir. Will there be anything else? You wish perhaps to view the dancing? I could, er, arrange a private performance!”
  Bannion, the derelict, raised his head from the dirty table. He stared at the owner with red-rimmed eyes. “Get lost, you greasy fat son of a bitch! Who needs you? Beat it!” He turned to Nick. “Better watch him if you got any money. He’s a thief. They’re all thieves!”
  The owner retreated a step, but did not lose his servile expression. He dry-washed his hands and stared at Bannion with disdain. To Nick he said, “I must warn you against this one, sahib. He is worthless — for many years now. He is a cadger, a dead beat! I—”
  Bannion tried to struggle out of his chair, his face working with rage. “You’re gonna be a dead Afghan sonofabitch if you don’t get that lousy fat carcass out of here!” He collapsed into the chair again.
  Nick Carter nodded to the owner. “Leave us alone.”
  When the man had gone he studied the man called Bannion. Pretty far gone, he thought. Way down in a deep hole. At the bottom of the ladder. Hopeless. Still he might prove useful.
  Bannion was on the short side, squarish in build, with a little pot belly. His three-or four-day growth of stubble was reddish mixed with gray. What was left of his lank hair, around a smooth pink tonsure, was of the same color. His eyes, as he stared back at Nick now, were watery and inflamed. He looked like a bad case of pinkeye! He wore a filthy old GI field jacket covered with grease stains and a pair of equally disreputable OD pants. Beneath the field jacket a ragged tee shirt was the color of dirt. Nick, very deliberately, making a thing of it, glanced down at the man’s feet. He wore old Army shoes, one with a heel gone. He was sockless.
  Bannion said nothing while this scrutiny was going on. He scratched at his red beard and narrowed his inflamed eyes at Nick. Finally he grinned. Nick was a bit surprised to note that his teeth weren’t bad.
  Bannion said, “Inspection over?”
  N3 nodded curtly. “For now.”
  “I pass?”
  Nick restrained a smile. This was a cocky little bastard, no matter that he was the down and out.
  “Barely,” he said. “I really don’t know yet You’re really a mess, aren’t you?”
  The little man grinned. “You can say that again, mister who-ever-you-are. I’m the bum to end all bums! I’m a derelict and a hopeless, no-good bum! But all that’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? So why bother with me? Why pick me up and bring me over here with all this good whisky that, as far as I can see, is going to waste. You don’t look like a do-gooder to me. And you aren’t carrying a prayer book and a tambourine, either. So what goes on, mister? And, while you’re telling me, can I have a shot of that panther pee you’re paying for?”
  Nick shoved the bottle toward him. “Help yourself. Only stay on your feet, please. I think I might have a little job for you later. Not much later, either. Just how drunk are you now?”
  The man seized the bottle and poured with a fairly steady hand. He jerked his head toward the bar. “Not as drunk as they think I am. That’s an act I put on sometimes — these bastards like to see a white man drunk and making a fool of himself. Makes them laugh — and when they laugh they buy drinks. Simple as that, mister.” He drank his shot in one gulp and hastily refilled his glass, then shoved the bottle toward Nick. “Thanks. Been a long time since I’ve tasted real American booze. Mostly I drink beer or Karachi rot-gut. Now, mister, what’s your angle?”
  N3 felt a tinge of pity. He repressed it immediately. There were millions of these men in the world, all with a hard luck story, and he had neither time nor inclination to listen to another one. Yet this man might prove valuable in just this situation — it remained to be seen.
  He replied to the question with another question. “What’s your name? I’d like to know something about you before I go on with this — not much, but a little. How you happen to be stranded in Karachi, for instance?”
  The little man reached for the bottle again. “Mike Bannion,” he said. “Michael Joseph, in full. I used to be a newspaper man. In the States. In the world, for that matter. All around and about! That was ten years ago — when I landed here in Karachi after a story. I got the story — but I also got drunk. I’ve been drunk ever since. I’m going on being drunk as long as I can manage it. And you’re wrong about one thing— I’m not stranded. I’ve got a home, believe it or not. I’ve also got a wife and nine kids. I married a native— Moslem girl. Her old man hates me and disowned her. She’s fat and ugly now — having all those kids — but when I married her she was something. Now she takes in laundry to feed the kids and pay the rent and I shift for myself to get drink money. And that’s it, mister, the story of my life. Or all of it that you’re going to get— I don’t care how much money you pay me!”
  Bannion took a deep breath, another shot of whisky, and stared with covetous eyes at Nick’s pack of Goldflake. Nick shoved the cigarettes across the table. “Help yourself.”
  As Bannion lit up Nick studied him carefully. He must make up his mind in a hurry. Now. He decided to go through with it. It was a risk, but then he was used to taking risks. One more couldn’t make much difference. He took the copy of The Hindi Times from his pocket and opened it to the front page. He shoved it across to Bannion.
  “Take a good look at that. Read the story if you can— then I’ll ask you a few questions. If you give the right answers, and are still interested, I think we’ll be in business.”
  Bannion’s expression did not change as he studied the picture. He glanced at Nick once, then back again to the paper. Obviously he read Hindustani well. Finally he folded the paper and handed it back to Nick. He nodded slightly back of him toward the bar.
  “If they spot you you’re in trouble. I notice there’s a reward for you — and these characters would sell their mothers for a plugged rupee. Unless they thought they could blackmail you first.”
  Nick put the paper back in his pocket. His grin was faint, quizzical. “Perhaps that thought has occurred to you, too?”
  Bannion grinned in return. He poured himself a drink. “It was the first thing that struck me, Mr. Carter. But we’ll see. That your real name?”
  “Yes. But this is not a picture of me. It’s the picture of a man who is posing as me. He killed the American, Sam Shelton. I didn’t. It’s a very complicated story and I’m not going to try and explain it to you now. Maybe never. It’s all very top secret stuff. You’ll be working blind, with only my word for anything. Still interested?”
  Bannion nodded over his glass. “Could be. I wasn’t exactly born yesterday, you know. And I couldn’t care less whether or not you killed this guy— I only want two honest answers out of you! Have you got money — lots of money?”
  Nick smiled faintly. “Uncle Samuel is behind me all the way.”
  Bannion brightened. “Good. Second question — are you working for the Commies? Because if you are, and I find it out, the deal is off! I might even get mad and lose my temper. There are some things even a bum like me won’t do.”
  Nick grinned across the table. There was something likable about this little redheaded wreck of a man. Not his odor, or his looks certainly, but something!
  “Just the other way round,” he said. “I’m agin. That’s all I can tell you.”
  The bloodshot eyes regarded him steadily for a long time. Then Bannion reached for the bottle again. “Okay. I’m in, Mr. Carter. Short of murder, I’m in. What do we do first?”
  Nick poured the drinks. “This is the last,” he warned Bannion. “I want you as sober as possible. After this one we leave — and we’ll need transportation. Got any ideas about that?”
  “I’ve got a jeep outside,” said Bannion surprisingly. “The oldest jeep in the world. Name of Gae — that means cow in Hindustani. She still runs — barely. Where do you want to go, Mr. Carter?”
  As they left the man from AXE said, “Call me Nick when you must call me anything — and don’t use my name anymore than you must. Never in front of other people! Right now I want to go to the Mauripur district — to Sam Shelton’s house. You know the district?”
  “I know it. I even know the house — it’s on Chinar Drive. I used to drive a beat-up taxi around town until the Paks got sore and spoiled it for me. They don’t like white men working at their jobs.”
  Nick followed him to a dark lane near the Indus. The night was clear and cool, with a hanging yellow lantern of moon, somewhat spoiled by the smell of mudflats and dead fish. In the faint light Nick could see ghostly dhows drifting with the current down to the Arabian Sea.
  Maybe it wasn’t the oldest jeep in the world. Perhaps, Nick thought as he climbed in, it was only the second or third oldest. You couldn’t say that the paint job was bad— there was no paint. There was no glass in the windshield. The tires were worn down to the cord. The single headlight was wired on and bounced alarmingly.
  Bannion had to crank — the starter having long ago gone to buy whisky, he volunteered without shame — and after an anxious moment Gae began to cough and wheeze and hawk up great blue gouts of stinking smoke. They took off cautiously as Bannion babied the tires. A coil of spring nipped at N3’s backside as they rattled and clanked and clunked down every dark alley Bannion could find. And he seemed to know them all. He carefully skirted the modern downtown section of Karachi. They came to a maze of miserable huts thrown together from every kind of material — packing crates, bamboo, mud blocks and logs, flattened oil and beer cans. The stench was appalling. They wound through this desert of misery by means of a single-lane knee deep in greasy mud. The ancient jeep huffed and puffed valiantly. The hovels, and the smell, covered acres.
  Nick Carter put a handkerchief over his nose and Bannion snickered. “Rough, huh? Refugees from India in here — no place else to put ‘em. It’s a hell of a mess — even I live better than these poor devils.”
  “Speaking of places to live,” said Nick, “after our little excursion tonight I’m going to need a place to shack up — a safe place where I won’t be bothered by cops or anyone else. Your place should do?”
  “Perfect,” Bannion nodded and smiled, his teeth flashing through the red beard. “I thought you’d come to that! You’re welcome — part of the deal. The cops never bother me. I know most of them in the neighborhood and anyway I’ve been around so long they take me for granted now. I’m just the American bum!”
  “Your wife? And nine kids?”
  Bannion shook his head. “Not to worry. I’m bringing home some money, so Neva — that’s my wife — will be happy with me for once. The kids do what I say! No problem there, though you’ll have to keep out of sight. We’re one big happy neighborhood and the wives gossip something fierce — but we’ll worry about that later. Speaking of money — I’d better have some to show Neva.”
  Nick fumbled in his wallet and handed the man a thousand rupee note. “That’s for now. There will be plenty more if we get along. If you do a good job and don’t let me down I might be able to do something about getting you out of this hole.” He let it go at that. Bannion made no answer.
  They reached Drigh Road and headed west. It was a modern highway, four lanes, and well marked. Bannion pressed down on the gas and the old jeep sputtered and picked up speed. The speedometer didn’t work, but Nick guessed they were doing at least forty-five.
  “This is the tricky bit,” Bannion said. “They patrol this pretty well. If we’re stopped it’ll be along this stretch.”
  Nick glanced at his AXE watch. It was a little after one.
  He heard a sound of planes overhead and glanced up. They were old prop jobs. Far across the city he watched lances of brilliant light spring to life and sweep the sky. There came the distant popping of anti-aircraft fire. Two of the searchlights caught a plane in their apex and held it for a moment, pinned to the black sky like a moth to cork. The plane slipped away. There came the remote crash-thud of a bomb exploding.
  Bannion chuckled. “Hit-and-run raid. Tomorrow the Indians will officially deny it ever happened. The Pakistanis are probably raiding Delhi about now — and they’ll deny it too. Some war! A two-bit deal that neither of them wants.
  N3 remembered Hawk’s words — somebody wanted this war. The Red Chinese!
  They were getting into the Mauripur district now. Well-paved streets and large estates and compounds surrounded by thick-growing chinar trees. A delicate fragrance of cashew-nut bushes scented the crisp night air. The AXE man noted the street lights, dark now because of the blackout.
  “This is where the money lives,” said Bannion. “And most of the foreigners. The place you want is just up here.”
  Bannion slowed the jeep to a crawl. Even so the old engine made a fearful racket in the quiet night. “Turn it off,” Nick ordered quietly, almost whispering. “Park it someplace where it won’t be noticed by a patrol, then we’ll walk.”
  Bannion switched off the engine and they coasted. They left the jeep in the clotted shadow of a towering Persian oak, and Bannion led the way down a strip of blacktop. He stopped in the shadows just short of where a white gate gleamed in the gibbous moon. At that moment, from afar on the outskirts of the city, a jackal wailed.
  “They come in close looking for food,” Bannion said. “Tigers not a hundred miles from here.”
  Nick told him to shut up and stand quietly. He was not interested in tigers, other than himself, and the only jackals he cared about were the two-legged variety. He whispered his instructions to Bannion. They would remain in the shadows, and stark still, for twenty minutes. If anyone was watching they should betray themselves by then. In the meantime Bannion, whispering into N3’s ear, was to fill him in on a few matters. Bannion obliged.
  He had followed the Nick Carter case in the papers, of course, but only with cursory interest. Until tonight his interest in spies and secret agents had been nil — his chiefest concern being the next drink. Now he probed his alcohol-ridden memory as best he could.
  Nick Carter — the man who looked like and was posing as, Nick Carter — had been arrested because of the alertness and loyalty of Sam Shelton’s maid, a Hindu girl. Hindus who worked for Americans were fairly safe in Karachi. The maid had admitted the man calling himself Nick Carter and had left him alone with Sam Shelton. Shelton, she told the police later, had appeared puzzled at first, but glad enough to see the man. They had gone into Shelton’s private office. Later the girl heard angry words and peeked through a keyhole just in time to see the stranger stab Shelton with a small stiletto. The girl had used her head, had not panicked, had called the police immediately from an upstairs phone.
  By luck there had been a police car nearly on the spot They captured the killer after a terrific struggle in which a policeman was badly hurt. Once taken, however, the murderer had given no trouble. Not in the ordinary way. In another way he had been enormous trouble. He had identified himself as Nicholas Carter, an American agent, and had cheerfully confessed to killing Sam Shelton. Shelton, the man claimed, was a traitor who was about to defect. He had been killed on orders from Washington. To top it all off the killer demanded diplomatic immunity.
  The real N3 whistled softly as he heard this latter. Clever devil! He wondered if the story had been rehearsed, or if the guy had simply made it up as he went along? Anyway it was fiendishly confusing — as the man had meant it to be. The cables and air waves between Washington and Karachi must have been blazing. Nick grinned sourly now as Bannion talked. He could almost smell the mutual distrust. And Hawk — his boss must be nearly out of his mind.
  The best — or the worst — was yet to come. Day before yesterday the fake Nick Carter had escaped! Had been delivered from jail by a gang of masked and armed men who left three dead cops behind, plus one of their own. This man had turned out to be a Hindu thug well known to the police, which helped matters not at all.
  Into this mess Nick Carter had walked! Unsuspecting. Hawk hadn’t known the details in time to warn him. Might not have warned him anyway— Nick had a job to do and he was on his own. It was a thing his chief was capable of — withholding information that might only complicate matters. It was a judgment call — and Hawk never erred on the side of making things safer and more comfortable for his agents. It was his theory that such solicitude only made them lax.
  Nick could find but one small crumb of comfort — he was only two days behind the impostor now. It occurred to him that the man might still be in Karachi.
  The twenty minutes were up. The moon ducked behind a cloud and it was very dark. Nick, walking on the grass, went to the white gate and vaulted it. Bannion was just behind him. “What do you want me to do?”
  “Stay and watch,” Nick whispered. “Be careful. I don’t expect you to take any risks or get in any trouble for me. But if anyone comes snooping, a police car, or anyone, I’d appreciate a warning.”
  “I whistle pretty good.”
  Nick remembered the jackal. “Whistling’s too obvious. How’s your jackal howl?”
  Bannion’s teeth flashed in a grin. “Not bad. I scare the kids with it sometimes.”
  “Okay then. That’s it. After you signal, and if you think there is any danger, you take off! I don’t want you caught.” Bannion would talk, of course.
  “I don’t want to get caught,” Bannion agreed. He chuckled. “Not until I get the rest of the money anyway. But every cop in Karachi knows my jeep.”
  “We’ll risk that,” said Nick. “Now keep quiet and hide. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
  The house was low and rambling, much like a ranch house in the States except that one wing had a second story. Maid’s room, Nick thought as he studied the house from the shelter of a hedge. It was dark and quiet. He wondered briefly what had happened to the maid. Cops still holding her? Gone to relatives in India?
  A tiny censor in his brilliant, superbly trained brain began to click and glow. But for once he ignored it, so intent was he on his purpose.
  Nick moved across a cement porch without sound. He found a French window open, the jalousie raised. A second censor clicked in his brain. This time he paid heed. How come the window so conveniently open, so beckoning? Sloppy police work when they had sealed the house? Could be. Or could not be. So — he was being paid danger money for this mission.
  N3 checked his weapons. Pierre, the gas bomb, was safe in the metal cartridge between his legs. Surely he wouldn’t need Pierre tonight. Hugo, the stiletto, was cold against his forearm. Sam Shelton had been killed with a stiletto, remember!
  N3 checked Wilhelmina, the Luger. He jacked a cartridge into the chamber, muffling the sound beneath his borrowed airman’s jacket, and flicked off the safety. He went into the dark room beyond with a single fluid motion that was without sound.
  Nothing. A clock ticked dutifully away, though its owner had no more use for time. It was blacker than a dictator’s sins! Nick felt his way along a wall, his fingers detecting flocked wallpaper.
  He reached a corner and halted, counting the seconds, listening. After two minutes he dared the pen light he always carried. The thin beam disclosed a big desk, files, a small safe in another corner. He was in Shelton’s office.
  Cautiously he approached the desk. It was bare except for a blotter, a telephone, and some sort of an official form pad. Nick held the light close and scanned the pad. It was a new one with only a few sheets missing. Nick picked it up gingerly — he had no means of knowing how clever the Karachi police were with fingerprints — and read the small black lettering. It was in gobbledy-gook. Officialese! U.S. Lend Lease style. It was a pad of requisition slips.
  The dead Sam Shelton had been special attache for APDP — Arms Procurement and Distribution Program. There was a huge transshipment depot on the Indus northeast of Karachi.
  N3 scanned the pad again. He turned it in the air so the little beam of light played across the top sheet at an angle, bringing up indentations, the impression of what had been written on the preceding sheet. Even without special technique he could make out a long list, written in a small hand, and at the bottom the heavy swirl of a signature. Sam Shelton.
  Excitement began to build in the AXE man now. He thought he was getting close — close to finding out what the fake Nick Carter was after. He twisted the pad this way and that, trying to make out more of the writing. He was positive that one of the faintly limned phrases was— Consigned to—
  Damn! He needed a heavy pencil, a soft lead, to brush over the impressions and bring them up. The desk top was bare. Nick found a drawer, the top drawer, and slid it softly open. There should be—
  For a micro-second the man and the snake stared at each other. It was a krait, eighteen inches of instant death! Cousin to the cobra, but much deadlier. Death in less than a minute and no serum could save you.
  Both the man and the snake struck in the same instant. Nick was just a shade the faster. His action was spontaneous, without thought. Thought would have killed him. His nerves and muscles took over and the little stiletto flashed down to pin the krait to the bottom of the drawer, just below the obscene flat head.
  The krait lashed in a furious death agony, still trying to strike its enemy. Nick Carter gave a long sigh and wiped sweat from his face, watching the fangs still flickering a half-inch from his wrist.
  Chapter 7
  Double Trouble
  His nerves were back to normal before the krait stopped writhing. Careful to avoid the still feral mouth the man from AXE found a soft pencil and brushed it lightly over the pad. It was a trick every kid knew. As he stroked in the soft graphite, words began to appear. Soon he could read most of what was on the pad. N3 pursed his lips in silent speculation.
  Sam Shelton, acting by the authority of his office, had turned over a lot of arms to the Pakistani Army. Evidently on orders from the fake Nick Carter. It didn’t have to be that way, but Nick had a sinking feeling that it was. His double had taken the top sheet from this pad. A requisition and consignment slip releasing arms to the Pakistanis. Dated day before yesterday.
  Nick slanted his light on the pad and read a note scribbled on the bottom — the arms to be shipped up the Indus, by boat, to the Lahore front! That would look just great in the newspapers! Washington favoring Pakistan over India— breaking its own edict! It wasn’t true, of course, but that was how it would look. If it got out.
  N3’s handsome, saturnine face crinkled in a wolfish grin. It wouldn’t get out — not if he had anything to say about it. It was just one more angle to this job — find that arms shipment and stop it! That must take priority even over killing his other self.
  He scanned the paper again. Rifles — and Mis at that! Light and heavy machine guns. Grenades. Bazookas and light anti-tank guns!
  Five million rounds of ammunition!
  Nick Carter heard it then. A faint sliding sound somewhere in the house. In one rapid motion he flicked off the light, snatched the stiletto out of the dead krait, and ran on tiptoe to a wall near the study door. He liked something solid against his back.
  The sound was not repeated. N3 waited, tensed and ready, breathing noiselessly through his open mouth. Not one of his superb muscles so much as quivered. He was an unseen statue — the perfect hunter doing what he was best at — the waiting stalk.
  Five minutes passed in utter silence. The clock’s insistent voice was metronomic in the dark. Nick could count his pulse as it thudded in his temples. He began to realize what he was up against. A man who was supposed to be himself — and who was just as patient, as cunning, and as deadly! And that man, the impostor, was somewhere in the house now! Waiting, even as Nick was waiting. Waiting to see who made the first mistake!
  N3 understood something else — his enemy had purposely made that noise. It had not been a slip, a mistake. His enemy had wanted Nick to know that he was in the house. That single small sound had been a challenge. Come and get me!
  That, N3 admitted, was the hell of it! He had to go after the other man. The fake agent had all the time in the world— Nick had none to spare. The double had come back to this house because he had reasoned that Nick would come here! And he was — confident, sure of himself, else he would not have signaled his presence. He had an organization behind him, too. A clear escape route laid out. Help within the sound of his voice. N3 had none of these things. He stood alone but for the growing anger and determination in him. The confrontation had come sooner than he had expected.
  One other thing was clear. The arms shipment must be on its way. The Chinese agent had attended to that first, then doubled back to ambush Nick as he followed the trail. What queer bravado could have prompted the man to make a sound, to give himself away? A kind of twisted pride — or stupidity? Over-confidence?
  Most unprofessional, Nick thought as he went back out the French window in a silent gliding motion. Unprofessional and dangerous. It’s going to get him killed!
  For a moment he lingered in the shadows of the porch, listening. Nothing stirred near the house or in it. The planes had gone and the searchlights vanished. A pi dog howled dismally from far off — it sounded nothing like a jackal. Nick thought of Mike Bannion and hoped the little man was obeying orders and wouldn’t come snooping. And wouldn’t get hurt if, indeed, the man inside had helpers about.
  He left the porch and moved silently through grass on which droplets of dew were beginning to gather. He had replaced Hugo in the sheath and went with the Luger ready and eager. He would like to do this job silently, but that might not be possible.
  There was a low garage attached to the house by a latticed breezeway. Nick waited patiently for the dying moon to show, then saw that he could get to the upper floor, to the single wing of the house, by means of the latticework. He studied the layout intently in the brief light. He would have to do it by touch in the dark.
  The moon sailed behind a dark cloud. Nick pushed cautiously through a low hedge of Indian cactus and tested the lattice. It held his weight. He went up like a monkey, using only one hand, the Luger alert in the other. The lattice was new and strong and did not creak, though it bent and swayed alarmingly.
  There was a narrow strip of gutter and roof between the top of the lattice and the window which was his target. N3 stepped forward lightly and ducked below the window level. This was the only upstairs room in the house — he had figured it to be the Hindu maid’s bedroom — and whether he was right or not didn’t matter. What did matter was that it was the obvious way into the house. For that reason he had chosen it — his enemy might not be expecting the obvious.
  Or again he might. Nick Carter swore gently to himself. The bastard had the advantage for the moment — he was in there somewhere and he could afford to wait. He knew that Nick had to come to him.
  And so Nick did! But N3 had a healthy sense of fear, or what Hawk called intelligent caution, which had kept him alive for a long time in a very precarious profession. Now he huddled beneath the sill of the window and considered if he should take the gamble the window represented. It was another of the moments of truth he must continually face.
  Nick peered up at the window. It was closed but the jalousies inside were slitted open. Nick flexed the stiletto into his hand and reached up, using the weapon as a pry-bar. The window moved a fraction. Not locked on the inside. Nick pondered that for a moment, then pried again with Hugo. The window shifted upward a half-inch. Nick re-sheathed the stiletto and got his big fingers into the crack and lifted. The window went up with a faint grating noise.
  Sweat glistened on Nick Carter’s face and stung his eyes. He had been half expecting a blast of gunfire in his face, or a knife between the eyes. He breathed out a sigh of relief and kept going. The window had made enough noise to be heard anywhere in the silent house — his man would know at once what it was. And where Nick was! It might draw him, but Nick doubted it. The bastard could afford to wait.
  He held the faintly rattling jalousies aside and legged over the sill. The room was dark but he caught the smell immediately. Blood! Fresh blood! The moon flashed for an instant and he saw something on a bed — it looked like a crumpled pile of dark rags through which something light glimmered. The moon went out.
  Nick scuttled on his hands and knees for the door. His fingers told him it was locked. On the inside. His enemy was in the room with him!
  Nick held his breath. Absolute dead silence pervaded the room. When at last he had to breathe — yoga exercises had built his lungs to where he could do without air for four minutes — nothing had changed. Still the deadly, frightening silence and the smell of fresh blood. Whose blood? Who, or what, was the thing on the bed?
  N3 breathed soundlessly by mouth and did not move. He began to doubt his senses. He had not thought there was another man in the world who could go as quietly, as stealthily, as himself. Then he remembered — this enemy was himself in a sense! The Chinese had trained this impostor well.
  There is a time to wait and a time to act. Nobody knew the adage better than Nick. So far he was behind. He was losing. The enemy knew he was in the room — but Nick did not know where the enemy was. Force his hand. Put on the pressure. began to crawl around the wall, thinking hard, trying to see the ultimate trick if there was one, expecting any moment the blinding flash of a light in his eyes. The smash of a bullet.
  His brain worked furiously as he moved. Had he somehow been swindled, tricked? Or tricked himself? Had the door somehow been fiddled with so that it only appeared to have been locked from the inside? Sweat chilled on him at that thought — if it were true and his double had men with him then Nick was in a trap! They could guard the window and door and kill him at their leisure — or merely hold him prisoner until the police came. That didn’t bear thinking about. The cops would think they had the real killer again! It would take weeks to disentangle the mistaken identity mess and Nick would be ruined as an agent for a long time to come.
  His hand touched cold metal. The bed. He raked under it with the stiletto, the Luger ready, his own nerves beginning to fray ever so slightly now. Damn the waiting, lurking sonofabitch! He wanted it that way. He was playing it that way.
  There was nothing under the bed. The smell of blood was thick and sour-sweet in his nose now. He went beneath the bed and emerged on the far side, his fingers tracing up. It was a box spring and the mattress was thick. His hands touched something on the floor which he could not understand — bits of soft, fluffy stuff like waste or cotton. What the hell? The stuff lay thick on the carpet.
  His fingers came away damp and sticky. Blood. Blood all over his fingers now. Nick put them to his nose and sniffed. Fresh, all right. Not yet fully congealed. Whoever it was that was dead on the bed had just been killed.
  He moved away from the bed, wiping his fingers silently on a dry stretch of carpet. There were two danger spots. A closet — there must be one — and the bathroom if it opened off the bedroom. His man could be lurking in either spot.
  By this time N3 was having to use his will power to keep his nerves under control. Seldom had they been so tested! He felt a sudden overwhelming urge to find the light switch and flood the room with brilliance — shoot it out with the bastard face to face! He killed the urge with a grim inward chuckle. That would be playing the other man’s game. He was doing too much of that now.
  Yet he had to relieve his tension somehow. He found the bathroom and went into it like a tornado, not caring for poise, ripping and flinging about with the stiletto and the Luger. He tore down the shower curtain and demolished the medicine cabinet. Nothing!
  He found the closet and gutted it. Nothing!
  No sound. No movement. Only darkness and a strange corpse on the bed and the growing awareness that he was being completely outsmarted. Being made a fool of! And time leaking away relentlessly. There was not even time for a halt, for a cool and logical reappraisal of what was beginning to look like an impossibly insane situation. Either he was all wrong — or he was losing his marbles!
  The bed now began to draw him like a magnet. There was something about the bed — something that glimmered in his brain and tried to fight through to him and couldn’t quite make it. N3 scuttled back to the bed like a big crab and stabbed beneath it again with the stiletto. Still nothing. And then something very peculiar happened to Nick Carter, to Killmaster. For the first time in his career he found himself verging on real panic. This whole thing was crazy. He must be losing his mind. The guy had to be in this room and yet he wasn’t! No man could go so long without breathing — and sooner or later breathing was bound to give you away in dead silence.
  Wait a minute! The body on the bed! The blood was real enough, warm and sticky, but blood could be brought into a room and splashed about.
  Cautiously, very slowly, conscious that his hand was shaking a bit, Nick began to explore the surface of the bed. His fingers touched soft flesh. Cool velvet beneath his fingers. Nearly cold now. He touched a tiny button of flesh, nipple! He was touching a woman’s breast.
  So much for that idea. The corpse was real enough. A woman’s body. His still roaming fingers plunged into a deep wound squarely between her breasts. No weapon, but Nick could guess at what had killed her. Stiletto!
  The phony agent had taken his revenge on the Hindu maid. What a fool she had been, what fools the Karachi police, to let her stay on in the house. Probably she had figured she would be safer here than elsewhere in this angry Moslem city. Sad irony!
  Her single filmy garment had been pulled up over her head and tied, so his sensitive fingers told him. Nick scowled in the blackness. It was easy to imagine what else the man had done to her. He had spiced his revenge, his waiting, with a little rape. Cold, clever, heartless devil! The krait in the drawer was proof of that, if more was needed. He had known that Nick would prowl that desk. Only that hadn’t worked and—
  The moon came out again and sent a glancing bright beam through the slats of the jalousies. It saved Nick Carter’s life.
  He saw the flash of the stiletto just in time. A.savage silver glint in the bad light, aimed at his leg just above the knee. A hamstringing stroke! The crippling stroke came from the bed, beneath the dead girl! In the same instant Nick heard the pock-pock of a silenced gun. Two shots. One of the slugs nipped at his thigh, but by that time he was in action, a cyclone attacking the figure still struggling out from under the dead girl.
  The phony Nick Carter was just a trifle awkward at the wrong moment or the real Nick would have died then! As it was he felt flesh sear over his left ear as the gun pocked again. He dove at the bed, stabbing with his own stiletto, saving the Luger for a target he could see clearly. He was met by the flung body of the dead girl. The limp and bloody arms and legs cloyed about him like a net of flesh. The moonlight was fainter now, cloud shadowed, and Nick saw his man roll out of the bed on the far side. He was wearing something on his face, something ugly and snoutlike. A respirator! That was how he could breathe under the girl in the nest he had cut in the mattress!
  The gun in the man’s hand pocked at him again. Miss. Nick went over the bed in a long sprawling dive, still not using the Luger. He wanted it to be the stiletto — or his hands on the bastard’s throat!
  He cleared the bed but slipped to his knees. The man kicked him in the face and tried to aim with his gun at close range, trying to shoot Nick in the head. Nick came up roaring, his desire for silence forgotten. He smashed the gun aside with one arm and ripped his stiletto around in a vicious circle. His enemy skipped nimbly back, yet gasped in pain. Nick went boring in, the stiletto in front of him like a lance. The moon blacked out.
  N3 leaped forward and was met by his enemy coming at him. The collision was great, both men shaken and gasping, grunting and sweating, as they locked and swayed. Both forgot the stilettos now and tried to bring their hand guns to bear. For a full minute they stood locked in a deadly embrace, each clutching the right wrist of the other, each trying to bring his weapon to bear an«‘ I keep the other’s at bay.
  The enemy was a perfect match for Nick in everything but strength. He was as tall, as wide, as lean and ferocious, but he lacked Nick’s rock-ribbed muscles. Slowly, painfully, Nick began to bend the other’s arm down. His. finger tensed on the trigger of the Luger. He had no silencer and it was going to make a hell of a noise and that would bring the man’s companions and he just didn’t give a damn. He was going to kill this sonofabitch as quickly as he could. He was going to spread his nasty guts all over the room. A belly shot — the whole damned clip right through the big gut!
  Slowly, inexorably, hating and sweating and yearning, he brought the Luger down. His other hand held the man’s gun wrist in a vise of steel. There could be no tricks now— he had him this time. He had him now! Vaguely, through his red daze of rage and frenzy, Nick Carter knew that he was doing this wrong. He should try to take the man alive, to take him prisoner and try, somehow try, to get him back to Washington. He would talk, this one, and he could tell them many things.
  To hell with it! Kill!
  The fake agent broke. His wrist and forearm collapsed. He squealed and tried to pull away from the Luger now digging into his belly. Nick pulled the trigger.
  Nothing! Nick pulled the trigger again as the man fought like a maniac to break away. Nothing. Nick swore and got it then — somehow the safety had gotten knocked on again! He had done it — the phony! His sly fingers had found the safety and fiddled it as they struggled. Slimy clever bastard! But it wouldn’t do him any good.
  But it did! As Nick flipped the safety off again his concentration wavered. His enemy slashed down with his freed hand at Nick’s left which was holding him prisoner. The savage blow broke Nick’s grip at last. The man dove for the open window and went through it in a crashing welter of torn jalousies. Nick cursed and forgot all caution and let the Luger spit through the window, the reports thunderous in the little bedroom. He leaped to the window in time to see a shadow roll off the roof and crash through the breezeway. Nick let the whole clip go with a lousy feeling that he was hitting nothing. He felt sick with failure. He had had the bastard — and let him get away! It was more than professional failure — it was personal failure! And, worse, the man had damned near killed him!
  Time to go, he told himself. Go fast Nothing more to do here. I bungled it good!
  A jackal howled nearby. The sound had a strange note of urgency, one that is not commonly associated with jackals. Nick grinned without a hint of mirth. Mike Bannion was getting nervous — and maybe was in trouble. Better go see.
  He started to leave by the window, then thought better of it. They might still be about, though he doubted it. That phony had had enough for one night. As he went down the stairs in the dark house Nick had to admit, although grudgingly, that the fellow was tough. Good. But then why not— was not imitation the sincerest form of flattery?
  Mike Bannion was already at the wheel of the jeep. He was nervous and with cause.
  “There’s a patrol snooping around down the street,” he said as they swung away. “We’re lucky they aren’t on our necks now. Maybe they think all that shooting was Indian commandos or something — probably they’re mapping a battle plan. I hope they don’t hear this heap.”
  “They can hear this heap in Chicago,” Nick said sourly.
  Bannion patted the battered dashboard. “Maybe — but she’ll get us home if they give her a chance.”
  Nick Carter yawned. He hurt all over. His feet were killing him and the flesh wounds were smarting, but the worst was the hurt to his pride. He had failed. That there would be another time, must be, was of no consolation now. He forced himself to think of it as a professional must — some you won and some you lost! It was a mark of his caliber that never once did he think of how near he had been to losing everything.
  Wearily he lit a cigarette and gave the pack to Bannion.
  They were well away from the Mauripur district now, running down black and smelly alleys, and the danger seemed to be over. For the moment.
  Bannion said: “What in hell was going on in there? It sounded like a shooting gallery.”
  Nick was curt. “Part of the deal is that you ask no questions. You see anybody come out? See anyone at all?”
  “Not a soul.”
  N3 nodded. Maybe the man hadn’t had friends after all. Maybe he was a loner, like Nick himself. That would be in character.
  “It was a tie game,” he said savagely, almost to himself. “I’ll get the bastard the next round!”
  Chapter 8
  The Long Bloody Trail
  In late afternoon of the same day N3 lay in a rope bed — no thick mattress here to conceal an assassin — and pondered the immediate future. One thing was certain— he must get out of Karachi that night. The police had found the Hindu girl’s body and a new hue and cry was on. The afternoon papers had it, along with another picture of the phony Nick. There had also been a flash on the radio. The murdered girl was a Hindu, and of no importance, but the Karachi police were nettled. They had been made to look bad!
  Only one thing about the entire situation really pleased Nick Carter — his double would have to leave Karachi too. He wouldn’t dare hang around with all the heat on. The man had made one try at killing Nick and had failed — he would try again — but Nick was sure it would not be in Karachi. He wouldn’t be in Karachi if his luck held. If it didn’t he would be in jail — charged with two murders!
  He finished the last of his tea — cold now — and gnawed at a slab of nan, the flat circular bread of the country. Bannion’s wife, Neva, had fed him well since his arrival. There had been birayni, rice, and a blistering mutton curry called keema, and all the goat’s milk he could drink.
  Nick lit a cigarette and lolled back in the uncomfortable rope bed, more like an oversize hammock than a true bed. His feet were high and wrapped in dirty bandages on which Mrs. Bannion had smeared some vile smelling salve. It did seem to help. His feet were a mess, still chafed and peeling from frostbite, but he would just have to make do on them. The Air Force in Ladakh had issued him socks and a pair of shoes two sizes too big, and that helped. His feet still hurt like hell!
  The minor wounds he had gotten in the scuffle last night were nothing! Mere bullet burns which Bannion had patched up with iodine and plaster. He hoped his double was feeling worse than he was — he had gotten the man once with the stiletto for sure — and maybe again with that flurry from the Luger. He could hope! Anyway the fellow had gotten away — the police had found only the butchered corpse of the maid.
  Thinking of his feet, of pain, made Nick think again of his journey through the Karakoram Pass after Hafed had been killed. That had been a narrow thing. Close. After the pony, Kaswa, died of exhaustion Nick had been in one of the tightest binds of his fantastic career. He was very close to the end of that career when the Carter luck returned and he stumbled into the camel caravan. Normally the caravan — it was the last from Sinkiang Province into Kashmir that year — would have been on its way the day before, after sheltering from the blizzard, but a camel had taken sick and they had lingered to treat it.
  Nick had made it to the camel camp, but he could have gone no farther. The caravan had taken him with them, on the back of a shaggy bactrian, into Leh where they had turned him over to the U.S. Air Force.
  It was strange, Nick thought now, to owe your life to a sick camel!
  He snapped a piece of bread at a gecko which was staring at him with beady eyes from a rafter. He felt himself getting restless again. Mike Bannion should be back soon. He had been gone all day, following Nick’s orders and spending AXE’s money. True the man had a million things to do, but he should be back. Nick damned his own impatience and hobbled to the single window to peer out, keeping well back out of sight. It would be dark soon and he and Mike Bannion could leave. He mustn’t be spotted now. The backyard on which he gazed was a slum in the midst of even worse slums. There was a mango tree full of monkeys and kids and the incessant chitter-chatter of both. There must be a million kids, he thought, all dirty and ragged and some nearly naked. N3 lit another cigarette and grimaced. Even with all his own problems, with the sour taste of failure in his mouth, he could feel for the kids. Poor little bastards! Not much future for them. Mike Bannion should have his drunken ass kicked for bringing more of them into the world — with no means of caring for them.
  The door opened and Bannion’s wife came into the room to get the tea things. She nodded to him but did not smile. There was no communication — she had no Hindustani and Nick Carter spoke no Urdu — and Nick had wondered if she could be trusted. Certainly Mike thought so, but then husbands didn’t always know everything about wives. Especially husbands like Mike.
  Nick glanced at his watch. It was after five and no police yet. So she could be trusted. He watched moodily as she gathered up the tea things and, after nodding again, left the room and closed the door softly behind her. He heard a bar fall into place. That was a precaution against nosy kids.
  Nick went back to the rope bed and stretched out again. He flipped his butt at the gecko still fixing him with its evil glare. Goddamn it, Bannion! Come on!
  He was not afraid of Bannion betraying him. The little drunk had visions of lakhs of rupees to come. He would not throw money away. But he could have been picked up by the police for routine questioning. Suppose his ancient jeep had been noticed in the Mauripur district last night? Nick felt cold. Bannion would talk in the end, however reluctantly. Sweat prickled on N3’s neck — all that money Bannion was carrying! If the cops got him they would never give up until he explained it — and if he did that he would have to betray Carter! A fury raging in his big, outwardly calm body, Nick forced himself to be calm and think of other things. If it happened that way it happened. Karma!
  Karma. Tibet. The Lamasery of the She Devils!
  N3 scowled at the tiny lizard on the rafter. So the Chinese soldiers had found Yang Kwei in time. Must have — and had relayed her information on to the impostor — else the man wouldn’t have known Nick was coming to Karachi. Wouldn’t have been able to set the trap which had so nearly caught the AXE man. Nick cursed under his breath and wished the She Devil a short life and an unhappy one. Then he remembered her sexual technique and almost relented — she’d be okay if she would get out of the profession, out of agentry and politics, and make somebody a good wife! He had to grin at his own whimsy, then forgot the She Devil. Where in the everlasting hell was Mike Bannion?
  The object of his concern entered the room a minute later, bringing with him the smell of good whisky. He had shaved, and gotten a haircut, and donned clean clothes. He was, as near as Nick could tell, still sober. He did not look quite like the same man except for his grin. Once again, briefly, Nick — wondered why and how the man had gotten stranded in Karachi. His speech betrayed him as an educated man, and he did not lack intelligence. Why? Whom had he betrayed, sold out, murdered?
  Bannion tossed a carton of American cigarettes at Nick. “Behold! Black market. Many rupees. I got a case of Scotch, too. I know you like it and I don’t care what I drink.”
  Nick had to smile. The little man was irrepressible. “I hope you were discreet — spread the buying and spending around?”
  Mike sank into the room’s single chair and elevated his feet to a battered table. He was wearing new shoes of the heavy duty type. He winked at Nick. “I was most circumspect, boss man. I spread it around. I hit a lot of the secondhand merchants and the surplus stores — you can even get World War I stuff from them, and I was careful. I didn’t even get new tires for Gae — got used ones, but they’re in good shape. Got a used battery, too, and some spare gas cans. In fact I got everything on the list you gave me. You’re ready to roll, Nick, and so am I.”
  Nick broke open the carton of cigarettes. He had been down to his last pack. “You’ve decided to come along, then?” Until now Bannion had not committed himself past a willingness to help Nick get ready for the trip.
  Mike Bannion shrugged. “Why not? I can help you — and God knows I need every pice I can make. In any case I’ve already helped you — so now I’m in as deep as you are. As the Limeys say — in for a penny, in for a pound. Anyway I like doing this — been a damned long time since I did anything worthwhile.”
  Nick left the rope bed and hobbled toward the table. Mike gave him the single chair and Nick took it without question. “How are the feet today?” Bannion asked as he helped himself to a pack of cigarettes and threw one short stocky leg over a corner of the table.
  “Murder,” Nick admitted. “But never mind the feet— if you’re coming with me we’ve got to have an understanding. Now! About the booze.”
  Bannion’s eyes held his steadily. “As I said, Nick, I’ll watch it. One bottle a day, no more. I have to have that or I’ll fold — have the DTs and the screaming meemies! I wouldn’t be any good to you then.”
  N3 regarded him for a long moment, his eyes steel hard. Finally he nodded. “Okay. You’re making a bargain. Better stick to it. If you louse me up God help you — I won’t! I’ll leave you out there to die. I mean it, Bannion!”
  The little man nodded. “I know you do. You don’t have to threaten me. I know how tough you are. I suppose you have to be in your — er — in your job.”
  N3 stared at him. “What is my job?”
  “I don’t know,” said Bannion hastily. “I don’t want to know, either. I’m in this only for the baksheesh, remember? Now hadn’t we better be getting on with it — I’ve got the stain and the makings outside. It’s almost dark now.”
  “Do that,” Nick said curtly. “You get a map? Did you scout the arms depot?”
  Bannion went to the door and bellowed for his wife to bring in the bundles he had left outside. He turned back to Nick with his grin showing again. “I went out to the depot and snooped about as you told me. I wasn’t even noticed — I’ve been there before looking for work and I pulled the same routine again today. No work, of course. They won’t hire white men for coolie labor. But I kept my ears open and got what you wanted — a big shipment of arms went upriver yesterday by steamer. Under guard, of course. Half a company of Pakistani soldiers. That do it?”
  N3 said: “That does it! I can tell you this much, Mike— that shipment is headed for the Lahore front and I’ve got to stop it. It’s a mistake — it should never have been sent!”
  Neva Bannion came in with her arms full of small boxes and packages which she piled on the table and around it. Her wrists and ankles were still delicate, still fine, though the rest of her had gone to fat. Her light copper-colored skin was smooth and unblemished. Though she was not in purdah she wore a long shapeless burqa, without the hood and eye-slits, which covered her from neck to toe. Her glistening black hair was piled high on her head and held with a cheap, factory-made comb. Nick conceded that she must have been attractive once — before Mike Bannion and the children.
  She left without speaking. Mike winked at Nick. “I’m in pretty good at the moment. Food and money in the house, you know. If I was going to be here tonight I could probably—”
  Nick broke in, “The map?”
  Bannion produced a small-scale map of Pakistan and spread it on the rickety table. He tapped with his finger. “Here we are, in the Goth Bakhsh sector of Karachi. If you’re really going after that shipment all we can do is follow it up the Indus and try to catch it. Though I don’t know what the hell you think we can do against half a company of Pakistanis.”
  N3 was studying the map intently. “Leave that to me,” he murmured.
  Bannion gave a mock salute. “Gladly, sahib. Mine not to question why, huh? Okay, I won’t. I’ll just have a little shot instead.” He left the room.
  Nick shook his head as he pored over the map. It wasn’t good to have to use, to trust, a drunk like Mike Bannion. But there was no help for it. He needed the man — both for his knowledge of the country and as a part of his new cover. He was starting on this venture as a Eurasian oil prospector, a free lance. Mike Bannion was his guide. There was just one big hitch — they had no papers!
  N3 shrugged and went back to his map. So they would have to do it on the cuff, without papers. And hope his luck held.
  The country through which they were traveling was some of the most rugged terrain in the world. That should help, Nick thought now. It would be scantily patrolled. He traced the northeasterly course of the great Indus with his finger: to their right would be the arid Indian Desert, to their left was a series of rugged mountain ranges running parallel to the river and joining the Himalayas in northern Kashmir. Except for the narrow strip watered by the Indus it was nasty country.
  Bannion came back with a bottle of expensive Scotch and two plastic tumblers. He showed the bottle to Nick. “Two drinks gone, see. This will get me through until morning — and I’ll even buy you a drink out of it. Okay?”
  N3 nodded. The Scotch tasted good. He pushed the map across the table to Bannion. “This is your department, Mike. How about it? Can they take that shipment all the way to Lahore by water?”
  Bannion rubbed his bald spot and frowned at the map. “No can do. The Indus goes west of Lahore. Anyway it isn’t navigable beyond Bhakkar — not this time of year. They’ll have to go overland from there.”
  “Maybe that’s where we can catch them,” Nick said. “Two men in a jeep, even your jeep, should be able to catch a convoy.”
  He did not think it necessary to explain that, if and when he caught up with the arms convoy, he hadn’t the slightest idea what he was going to do. He would have to figure that out later. All that was important now was — if that shipment of arms was used against the Indians and the world found it out, then the U.S. was in trouble! And the Chinese would see that the world found out! Maybe that was the whole point of the impostor’s foray into Pakistan — to get those arms by trickery and turn them over to the Pakistanis. Then claim the Americans had given them and beam the distorted facts to the world.
  N3 pondered that very briefly, then dismissed it. No. It had to be more than that — something bigger. Bigger even than trying to kill him! But what?
  Mike Bannion broke into his thoughts. “I don’t know if it’s important or not, but maybe you’d better know. I saw something today at the arms depot that sort of put a chill in me.”
  Nick began to take off the OD shirt the Air Force had given him. It was time to get on with the make-up job.
  “Such as what?” He was anxious to get going now while Mike was sober. He hadn’t much faith in the man’s promises.
  Mike began to smear brown paste on Nick’s face and neck. “Such as a mullah preaching a jehad, a holy war! A lot of the workers at the depot are Pathans, you know. Tribesmen come down out of their hills to make a rupee or two. They’re rough bastards, Nick. Savages. And they were listening pretty good to this old guy today. He got them worked up into quite a lather.”
  N3’s first impulse was to forget it. This deal had enough angles now without looking for more. His immediate job was to find that arms shipment and hope the man he was after was somewhere near it. If not, and after he stopped the shipment — how? — he would have to use himself as bait again to lure the double.
  Yet he listened. In his job no small thing could be overlooked without danger. Bannion’s next words drove a fertile wedge into Nick’s alert mind.
  “The mullah was yelling at them in Pashto,” Bannion said. “I understand a little. Not much, but enough to know that he was promising them the world if they’d go back to the hills and wait He was shouting about food and new uniforms and plenty of guns and ammunition and—”
  Bannion broke off what he was doing and stared at Nick. “Hey! That arms shipment! You don’t suppose?”
  Nick did not look at the little man. He shook his head. “No. I don’t suppose. That shipment is headed for Lahore. Under guard. You just told me that, remember? Half a company of the Pakistani Army!”
  Bannion shook his head. “That wouldn’t stop the Pathans if they wanted the guns. My God! A jehad is all we need now around here. A holy war!”
  All the relevant facts were sparking through Nick’s computer mind now and he didn’t like the mental cards he was pulling. Bannion could be right. Could have stumbled on the key to this whole complicated intrigue. But why— why would the Chinese Reds want to aid the Pathans, the Afghan tribesmen, in launching a jehad? What could they gain? The Reds were, nominally at least, on the side of the Pakistanis.
  And yet they always enjoyed fishing in troubled waters, the Reds. What had his boss, Hawk, said — that they must keep the pot boiling. The Chinese had been losing a lot of face lately and they were getting desperate. They were in trouble in Africa and Cuba and Indonesia and in Vietnam. The United States tiger had turned out not to be paper after all!
  But a jehad! A war in the name of Allah against all infidels! What in hell could the Chinese hope to gain out of that? Unless, of course, they could control the jehad. Bend it to their own uses. But how?
  Nick gave it up for the moment. He started to dress. He was dark enough to pass for a Eurasian and he would think of a cover name when it came time. A name wasn’t too important anyway — they had no papers to support a name. They would have to slide through on luck, if at all.
  Two hours later they were chugging up the Indus in an ancient freight boat that had never decided whether it was a dhow or a felucca. There was no wind and the big lateen sail was furled, but the rusty, two-cylinder engine was taking them up the broad shallow river at a steady four miles an hour.
  The boat was covered amidships with matting which concealed the jeep. The old vehicle was loaded to the collapsing point with their gear. Nick and Mike Bannion remained out of sight as much as possible, stretched out on jute mats near the jeep. They had blankets in the jeep but neither bothered with them. Mike had gotten them a heavy sheepskin coat each, and a bush hat with the wide brim pinned up in the Australian fashion.
  They dozed, silent, watching the tiny spark of the boatman’s cigarette at the stern. Nick had elected to bring the owner of the boat along, though he knew he might regret it. Yet he had to risk it. The man, a dirty fat fellow in a red felt hat and long shirt and baggy pants, was deckhand and engineer and sailor and cook all in one. Neither Nick nor Bannion knew much about dhows or whatever this old tub was. There was always the possibility that he would have to kill the man later, to shut him up, but N3 did not allow himself to dwell on the thought now.
  So far Mike Bannion had kept his promise. He was drinking slowly. His bottle was still more than half full and it was after midnight.
  Nick was checking his weapons, Wilhelmina, Hugo, and Pierre, when he heard the gurgle of the bottle in the dark smelly hold. The boat’s last cargo apparently had been fertilizer.
  Mike said: “I said in for a penny, in for a pound, and I meant it — just the same I hope we don’t have to tie up with any Pathans. They’re a lot of bloodthirsty bastards!”
  Nick smiled in the gloom. “I think you’re worrying about nothing. I remember my Kipling and Talbot Mundy— aren’t the mullahs always preaching a holy war? Just part of their routine — down with the infidels!”
  A match flared as Bannion lit a cigarette. He was not grinning. Nick realized that the little alcoholic was really worried.
  “They’re devils from Hell!” said Bannion. “They torture their prisoners. Jesus — the stories I’ve heard! I’ve seen pictures, too, of what they’ve done to patrols they’ve ambushed on the frontier. Only a couple of months ago there were some pictures in The Hindi Times—the tribesmen ambushed a Pakistani patrol in the Khyber Pass. They didn’t kill all of them — the survivors they impaled on bamboo stakes. Ugh! It made me sick. They take off the poor bastards’ pants and then lift them and slam them down hard on a sharp stake! There was one picture of this guy with the stake all the way through him, coming out of his neck!”
  The bottle gurgled again. To soothe him Nick said, “You sure that was a Pakistani patrol? Not Indian? The Pathans are Moslems, aren’t they?”
  More gurgling sounds. “That don’t make a damned bit of difference to the tribesmen,” Bannion whispered. “Especially when some mullah had got them all heated up. All they care about then is blood and loot! I don’t mind admitting it, Nick— I get the crap in my blood when I think about the Pathans!”
  “Take it easy on that bottle,” Nick warned. “And let’s try to get some sleep. I don’t think we’re going to meet any tribesmen. I’m a hell of a lot more worried about Pakistani patrols than I am Pathans. Good night.”
  Three days later he found out how wrong even Nick Carter could be!
  The kites and vultures gave the first warning. They were soaring in great circles over a bend in the river. It was a desolate, barren stretch halfway between Kot Addu and Leiah. The boatman saw the vulturous diners first. He pointed and sniffed at the air. “Something dead there. Many, I think. Many birds — cannot all eat at once.”
  Nick and Mike Bannion ran to the prow. The river was shallow here, curving in a great bend from west to northeast. There was a long sandbar in the middle of the bend. On the bar they saw the gutted, blackened, still smoking wreck of a small river steamer. An old rear-paddle wheeler. It was covered with a wriggling, flapping, obscenely moving mass of vultures. As their boat approached the wreck the cloud of birds rose in a multi-colored swarm, croaking harsh complaints. Some of them were barely able to get airborne because of sagging, heavy bellies.
  Nick got the odor then. A battlefield smell. He was familiar with it. Beside him Bannion cursed and took a huge revolver from his pocket. It was an old Webley he had somehow managed to buy in Karachi.
  “Put it away,” Nick told him. “There’s nothing alive there.”
  Mike Bannion peered beyond the wreck to the westerly shore of the river. The barren land sloped sharply up to rounded, blunt-topped khaki hills. “Maybe they’re still up there, watching. I told you, Nick. I had a feeling. It’s those sonofabitching Pathans — they ambushed the steamer and grabbed the arms shipment. Jesus — that old mullah wasn’t kidding! They are starting a jehad!”
  “Calm down,” Nick told him. “You’re jumping to a lot of conclusions. Anyway we’ve got to check it out — if it was the tribesmen we’ll soon know.”
  They soon knew. They beached on the sand bar. The boatman would not accompany them. He was in a state of terror. Nick and Bannion made their way through the stink and the sprawled bodies to the steamer. It was a shambles. Blood and brains and decaying guts everywhere. Many of the Pakistani soldiers had been beheaded.
  Mike Bannion turned a corpse over with his foot. The face had been shot away, but the turban and dirty singlet, the baggy trousers, were enough to identify it.
  Bannion cursed. “Pathan, all right. Stripped, too. Took his bandoliers, rifle, knife, everything. Even his shoes. That’s Pathan for you — they never leave anything behind but stiffs! So what do we do now, Nick?”
  N3 covered his nose with a handkerchief and explored the gutted steamer thoroughly. It had been a massacre, all right. The Pakistanis had somehow been caught napping and had been wiped out. The arms were gone. Where? To start a jehad? Probably, he admitted. Bannion was right. The tribesmen were off and running, screaming bloody Allah. They would have their jehad. They would have it— but who would own it?
  Very clever, he admitted. Trick the arms out of Karachi and have your boys waiting in ambush. He ticked the list of arms through his mind again, the list he had read in the murdered Sam Shelton’s office.
  Rifles — light machine guns — heavy machine guns — grenades — bazookas — anti-tank guns! Five million rounds of ammo!
  Nick Carter’s smile was grim. You could have yourself quite a jehad with all that!
  Mike Bannion joined him. He was carrying the giant revolver in his right hand and frowning. “They took some prisoners, Nick. I’m sure of it. At least I counted the dead Paks and they don’t make half a company. They must have taken prisoners. I don’t understand it. They never do!”
  N3 glanced across the river to the western shore. Even at that distance he could see the broad trail the tribesmen had left leading up into the stubby hills. Pretty sure of themselves. Not afraid of retribution. That figured — the Pakistani Army was busy fighting India at the moment.
  An idea moved in his brain. Could there be another reason for that broad trail? An invitation, perhaps?
  He turned to Bannion. “Let’s get unloaded. Better hurry before our friend there loses his nerve entirely and shoves off and leaves us.”
  Mike Bannion avoided Nick’s eyes. He said: “You’re going to follow them?”
  “Yes. I’ve got to. No way out for me. You don’t have to go — you can go back to Karachi with the boatman. But I’ll have to take the jeep and the supplies. Well?”
  Bannion took his bottle of Scotch from the deep pocket of his sheepskin coat and tilted it. He drank for a long time, then put the bottle down and wiped his mouth with his hand. “I’ll go with you. I’m a damned fool, but I’ll go. Just one thing!”
  Mike’s grin was a little sheepish. “If anything happens— to me — and you get out of it okay, will you see if you can ~get a little of Uncle Sugar’s dough for my wife and kids? They got nothing.”
  Nick smiled. “I’ll try. I think I can swing it. Now let’s get cracking — that character is going to shove off any minute!”
  It took the Luger to persuade the boatman to put them ashore on the western side. They unloaded the jeep and supplies where the Pathan trail left the river.
  Bannion nodded to the boatman and looked at Nick, the question plain in his eyes. The man would talk, of course, as soon as he got back to Karachi.
  Nick hesitated a moment, then shook his head. Why kill the poor devil? By the time he got back to Karachi it would be too late for anyone to stop them. It occurred to him that by that time he might be glad, overjoyed, to see Pakistani troops.
  Nick watched the craft disappear back downriver as Mike Bannion checked over the jeep. The vultures had returned to their meal.
  “Come on,” Bannion told him. “If we’re going let’s go. This old heap is as ready as she’ll ever be.”
  A mile inland they found the first Pakistani soldier buried in earth up to his neck. He was dead, his throat slit, and his eyelids had been cut off. Something white glimmered in the gaping dead mouth.
  Mike Bannion took one look and was sick over the side of the jeep. He would not go close to the dead man. Nick walked to the grotesque bloody head sticking out of the sandy soil and studied it. He leaned down and took a bit of paper from the mouth. Something was scrawled on it— Chinese ideographs!
  His Chinese was rusty but in a moment he made out the message.
  Follow me. The way is plain. You will find one of these markers every few miles. I look forward to meeting you. Again!
  It was signed: Nick Carter.
  Chapter 9
  A limpid warm rain was falling on Peshawar, that ancient and historic city in the narrow mouth of the bloodstained Khyber Pass. It was a weekend and many of the tribesmen, Afghans, Pathans, and Turkomans, had brought their women into town to shop in the bazaars. While the women gossiped and did their trading the men gathered in the teahouses and kept the samovars boiling. Most of the men were lean and fierce, each with a cruel knife thrust into a colorful sash. The subject of conversation, when police or strangers were not around was — jehid! Holy war! The time was coming!
  It was not a monsoon rain — they were over for the year— and Nick Carter found the moisture pleasant on his face as he peered from a dark archway in the Street of the Story Tellers. It was a narrow, cobbled lane stinking of garbage and human filth, but N3 was too impatient and anxious to pay heed to the smells. Mike Bannion had been gone a long time. Too long!
  Nick fidgeted. He had already been twice noticed by whores, one who hadn’t been a day over twelve, and he knew he’d better move on. The luck had been incredible so far — if it was luck — and he didn’t want to spoil it now.
  To his left, at the end of the street, he could see the looming mass of Mahabat Khan mosque. Directly across from him was a well-lighted shop where leather workers were busy — Nick could see sandals and cartridge belts on display. The belts were of the old-style bandolier type, worn crossed over the shoulders, and N3 wondered, rather grimly, if Ml ammo would fit them.
  He retreated back into the dark arch and lit a cigarette. He leaned against a rough stone wall and pondered, covering the cigarette with a big hand and frowning. He didn’t like the setup. Not at all. But he had to play it — play the cards the way they fell. He, and the ever more reluctant Bannion, had come boldly into Peshawar that afternoon. Four days from the Indus. The old jeep had somehow made it — and the trail had been clearly marked as promised. There had been no more notes — only the milestones, the corpses of Pakistani soldiers buried in earth to their necks. Throats cut. Eyelids gone. Noses cut off in some cases.
  Nick inhaled deeply and held it. This was a real weird, kooky setup. They’d left the jeep in the camp on the outskirts of Peshawar and walked in. The rain had started about then. No one paid them much attention, which in itself was not unusual — from ancient times the Khyber Pass had served as a gateway, and invasion route, between east and west Asia. Strangers were no novelty in Peshawar. At first the only ones to pay any attention to the two men in their cocky bush hats and sheepskin coats were the beggars and the kids, and the shopkeepers — and, of course, the inevitable prostitutes.
  They had been in Peshawar only half an hour when Nick Carter spotted his double. It was still light, the rain gentle, and he had seen the impostor in the Street of the Potters. There was a woman with him. An American girl. A beauty!
  It was all incredible and too easy, and N3 knew it, but he took it in stride. He ducked into a spice shop and whispered a few hurried commands to Mike Bannion. Mike was to follow the couple and report back when he could do so without losing them.
  Mike had come back once to say that they were now in the Street of the Coppersmiths. The girl had purchased some Benares brass and gotten into a hassle with the merchant. Nick and Bannion had left the spice shop and had walked to his present place of concealment. Then he had sent Mike back to spy some more. That had been over an hour ago.
  A bullock cart creaked past the archway, its dry axles squealing like stuck pigs. Nick Carter flipped his butt away in disgust. He’d better go find Mike. It meant breaking cover and the possibility of being spotted by the man he was after, but it couldn’t be helped. Yet he was reluctant. He had a feeling about this one — they were expecting him, they knew he must come, and his double was not likely to be caught off guard. So be it. Yet this was a tactical situation at the moment, not strategic, and he thought he had a little advantage. They — his man would not be alone, this time— they did not know Mike Bannion! Nick could use the little drunk as his eyes and ears for a time — or so he had hoped. But now? Mike was running scared and admitted it. He was keeping his promise, drinking only one bottle a day, but now that the pressure was getting heavy? Nick smiled wryly and prepared to leave his shelter. Mike might have decided to toss in the towel — might be taking cover in a brothel or a hashish den.
  He heard the footsteps then. A moment later Mike Bannion paused at the arch and peered in. “Nick?”
  “Yeah. Where are they?”
  Bannion stepped into the gloom. “At the Peshawar Hotel right now. In the bar. They looked like they were settling in for a time, so I took a chance.”
  “Good man,” said Nick. “I was just doing you an injustice in my thoughts.”
  He heard Bannion tug at the bottle in his coat pocket Then the gurgle. He couldn’t see the impish grin, but he knew it was there. Mike Bannion was afraid — Nick Carter knew fear when he saw it;—but so far the guy was bearing up well.
  Mike said: “You think I’d taken off for the boondocks?”
  “It occurred to me.”
  “I won’t let you down,” Bannion said. “I’ll try hard not to — but I wish the hell I knew what went on. That guy I was following — I damned near soiled myself when I got a closeup of him. That’s you!”
  “I know,” said Nick. “It’s a little confusing. Don’t try to figure it out, Mike. If we get out of this maybe I’ll tell you about it.”
  “If we get out of it?”
  “I warned you it might be dangerous,” snapped Nick. “Now lay off the booze! We’ve got work to do. I think things are going to break tonight — and break fast. We mustn’t lose them, whatever happens. What do you know about the woman with him?”
  Mike Bannion lit a cigarette. He was letting his red beard grow again. “Only that she’s a doll, a real dish. Blonde, in her late twenties — maybe thirty — swell legs and a pair of knockers that makes a man ashamed of his thoughts. Beautiful face, too!”
  “You didn’t miss much,” said N3 dryly. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask her for her autograph.”
  “I did better than that! I found out her name.” Bannion paused to gloat a moment. He was, Nick considered, as drunk as he’d been since they started. But as yet he was holding it well enough.
  “Fine work,” he praised. He tried to sound enthusiastic. “How’d you do that?”
  “I told you I knew a little Pashto. When they left the coppersmith’s stall they went to a tobacco shop. The guy— you — got to looking through some magazines, Russian and Chinese, and I had a little time. I cut back to the coppersmith and slipped him some baksheesh. The woman’s name is Beth Cravens, as near as I could make out. She’s an American. Works for the Peace Corps here — helps with the schools. The old guy was a talker but that was all I had time for. I didn’t want to lose them.”
  “Amen to that! Let’s get back to the Peshawar Hotel. They have a car?”
  “She does. An English Ford. It was in the lot behind the hotel when I left.”
  “Come on!” N3 was curt. “And lay off that sauce from now on — until I tell you different!”
  “Yes, sahib.”
  “It’s for your own good,” Nick told him dourly. “There’s nothing funny about a shiv in the back!”
  “I couldn’t agree more,” said Bannion. “Don’t worry. Every time I feel the urge to get blotto I think of those Paks buried in the ground with their eyes and noses gone. It’s a real soberer-up!”
  It was getting close to eight as they made their way through the narrow crowded streets toward the Peshawar Hotel. As they skirted the spacious square in which the mosque Mahabat Khan stood, Nick said: “I want you to give me your impressions of the man, Bannion. Right off the top of your head. Don’t think, don’t embroider it. Suppose you didn’t know me. Didn’t know I had a double. What would you think of him then?”
  Bannion scratched at his red stubble. He was nearly running to keep up with Nick’s long strides.
  “Impressive,” he said at last. “Damned impressive. Good-looking bastard. Handsome without being pretty, if you know what I mean. Big, tall, lean. Looks like he’s made of concrete. Looks tough, too. Like he could be very mean. Graceful. Moves like a tiger.”
  “You’re a good observer,” N3 admitted. He was a little flattered and admitted it. He also admitted the Chinese had done a good job — a number one, excellent, first-rate professional job. His double was so near like himself it was a little frightening.
  “I can tell you something else about him,” said Bannion. He snickered. “The guy is a real heller with the women. At least with this one — she’s all over him! When I left she was playing with him under the table in the bar!”
  N3 said nothing during the rest of the walk. His thoughts were busy with the girl. Beth Cravens. The Peace Corps! Jesus — where would the rats gnaw into next?
  It had already occurred to him that the woman might be an innocent dupe. It was quite possible. The Chinese agent had fooled Pei Ling in Tibet and Sam Shelton in Karachi. Fooled them at first — for some reason both of them had had second thoughts — and doubts. They had been killed.
  So this Beth Cravens could be innocent. The man had introduced himself as Nick Carter and she had believed him. But why? What in hell was Nick Carter, the real AXE man, supposed to be doing in Peshawar?
  His heart, his intuition, whispered the truth. The woman was a Red agent. Another American who had sold out! A spark of anger moved in N3—another lousy traitor! Somehow it seemed worse because the treason came wrapped in a lovely package.
  From a doorway across from the Peshawar Hotel they could see into the little bar. The quarry was still there. No monkey business under the table now — they were openly holding hands and the girl was gazing at the big man with adoration. If it’s phony she’s a good actress, Nick Carter admitted.
  A sudden thought struck him. A hunch so overpowering that he would have almost bet his life on it. He turned to Bannion. “You sober enough to go into the hotel and act like a gentleman? Like you’re looking for an old friend?”
  “Sober as a judge,” averred Bannion. “Some judges I’ve known. Why?”
  “Go in and throw your Pashto around and see if you can get a look at the register. I think he’s staying there. Just look at the last half-dozen names.”
  Bannion was back in five minutes. “You’re so right. You’re staying there! Big as life — signed in as Nicholas Carter. On business.”
  “Dirty business.”
  Nick pulled the collar of his sheepskin coat up against the rain. He pulled down the Aussie type hat. Now that the phony had established himself, he mustn’t be seen. Especially by cops or the military. It would only engender confusion and he wanted no more of that. Get the thing over with and get out.
  “Go get the jeep,” he told Bannion. “Find a tonga if you can and don’t let him spare the horse. If you can’t find a tonga run for it — get back here as soon as possible. I’ll be in the back someplace — you say she drives an English Ford?”
  “Yes. It’s black. Nearly brand new.”
  When Bannion had gone trotting off Nick went around the hotel to the parking lot. The Ford was there, shiny with rain. The only other car was an ancient Chrysler with a flat tire.
  N3 stood in deep shadow and let the rain soak him. It was coming down a bit harder now. He studied the Ford — it had a luggage rack on top. If worst came to worst, and Bannion didn’t return in time with the jeep, maybe he could—
  A moment later the decision was forced on him. The woman and the false Nick Carter came around the corner of the hotel and headed for the Ford. Nick retreated a bit more into the shadows. Damn! What now? He just couldn’t afford to lose them. For the moment he had just the faint edge of advantage and he didn’t want to lose that, either. But unless he took them now — too early for his liking — he would have to let them drive away. Nick automatically checked his weapons. The Luger was ready to snarl. Hugo lurked in his sheath. Pierre, the gas bomb, was as lethal as ever. But to what purpose? He could kill the man, certainly, and maybe make the woman talk. Maybe! But he had no time to fool around. That arms shipment had come into Peshawar, or through it, and then vanished. Nick had to find it With the guns and ammo as his ace he could go to the Pakistani Government and start clearing matters up. Without it—
  As it turned out he needn’t have worried. They weren’t going anywhere for the moment. He watched them climb into the car. The back seat! Curtains were pulled. The English still put curtains or shades in some of their cars!
  In a few moments the little car began to rock gently. N3 could hear the faintest whisper of springs. Just like the good old States, he told himself with a hard little smile. Every car a traveling boudoir!
  He made his decision without hesitation, praying that Bannion would not show up now with the noisy jeep. It would spoil everything. What they were doing in there shouldn’t take them long — then they would be off to somewhere, perhaps to the arms cache, and Nick Carter was going to be with them. Bannion would just have to look out for himself.
  N3 tiptoed carefully across the parking lot. The car was still swaying gently and he could hear the low mumble of voices. They wouldn’t have heard the Trump of Doom!
  Carefully, slowly, with each movement carefully gauged in advance, he climbed on top of the Ford and flattened himself. He accomplished it in utmost silence, as stealthy as Death creeping. Not once did the couple within break their lubricious rhythm.
  It was pitch dark now and rain was slanting down in black wet ropes. In such visibility Nick thought he had a good chance of going undetected as they drove through the streets of Peshawar. The rain would drive people inside.
  The test came sooner than expected. The scrabbling within the car ceased and Nick heard them talking. In Chinese! His last doubts about the woman, about Beth Cravens, vanished. She was a traitor.
  The door opened and the man got out. He stopped to kiss the woman and said, still in Chinese, “I’ll see you later, Beth. At your place. I want to check with my people who are watching that bastard’s camp.”
  “All right, my love. Oh, Nick, how marvelous you are! I am so happy. You will be careful? This man is dangerous. Even for you, Nick. He may be in Peshawar right now!”
  “Maybe,” said the man. “Maybe, but I doubt it. These Chinese agents are stupid. He’ll run pretty true to form, I think Anyway my men are watching the camp and the jeep is still there, I hear. This fake Nick and the redhead will have to go back for it, and to make their plans. That’s one reason why I want to stay around the hotel for a time — he may even have the gall to come in and register as me. As Nick Carter! I hope not, it would cause complications, but at least I would like to study him for awhile. Figure out how best to kill him.”
  There was an odd note of command in the woman’s voice as she spoke, “You’re forgetting again, darling! You’re not going to kill him. The plans were changed, remember? You’re going to take him prisoner, take him back to the States for questioning. Try to remember, my love.”
  For a moment the man hesitated. He appeared to be thinking, to be struggling to get something clear in his mind. Then, “Of course. I did forget. Capture, not kill! New orders from Washington. All right, then — I’ll see you at your place later. Goodbye.”
  “Goodbye, sweetheart, I’ll be counting the minutes. If I’m not there wait for me. I must go to the fort and talk to Mohammed Cassim. He says the tribesmen are becoming impatient for action.”
  “Handle him gently,” said the man. “Remember he’s Number One with all the tribes, the Wali. We need him right now. Later it won’t matter.”
  “I will, love. I know what to say. But now that they’ve got the guns they’re fighting the bit. I’ll be so glad, Nick, when this is all over and we can go back to the States and get married.”
  “And me, Beth, love! Goodbye now.”
  The big man, Nick Carter’s double, stalked away into the rain without looking up or glancing back. Nick kept his face against the roof of the car. The man turned the corner and was gone. Rain still slatted down.
  Nick could hear the swish and rustle of feminine garments being adjusted. A faint curse. An impatient tug. When she got out of the back and climbed behind the wheel N3 noted a briskness, an alertness, about her actions which belied the dreamy after-love mood she was supposed to be in. She was humming to herself. When the Saints Come Marching In. It hardly seemed to fit the occasion.
  The car started with a lurch. She was a poor driver. Nick clung precariously to the rails of the luggage rack.
  She found a narrow alley, deep in mud, and slid the car through it onto a deserted street. Good. She was not going through the main part of town after all. She appeared to be avoiding it as much as possible.
  Nick Carter wondered, for just a fraction of a second, about his own sanity. Or at least his hearing. Then he smiled in the rain and shook his head—he was all right. The man had said those things and the woman — playing along with the gag? — had been right with him.
  Nick Carter. Chinese agent. The bastard’s camp. New orders from Washington. Not kill but capture. Back to the States and get married.
  The car hit a nasty bump and Nick hung on for life. He let the whole conversation he had just heard swirl about in his brain. One thing he was beginning to understand— this phony didn’t know he was a phony. Not at the moment, anyway. The guy thought he really was Nick Carter.
  Somebody, thought the man from AXE, is crazy. And it isn’t me. But wait a minute! Just a minute — maybe not so crazy after all. He recalled the odd moment when the man had been confused and the woman’s voice had changed, had been both wheedling and hard.
  Nick grinned in the rain. It could be. It just could be. You had to hand it to the clever rat bastards!
  The man was hypnotized!
  Chapter 10
  The Fort
  Today there are three routes through the Khyber Pass, a modern blacktop road with two lanes, a railroad, and the caravan trail which has been there for thousands of years. Shortly after Beth Cravens left Peshawar she swung off the blacktop and down a steep, rutted decline to the ancient trail. The going was rugged and Nick Carter’s big frame was battered unmercifully. He comforted himself with the thought that the lady couldn’t be going far.
  He was right. The Ford swung off the caravan trail and began to climb a winding drive. Gravel crunched beneath the tires. The darkness was total except for rain-filled tunnels of light cast by the car; Nick got a fleeting impression of stunted trees and dense undergrowth and a bald, flat-topped hill.
  The little Ford toiled around the last spiral and stopped. The lights went out. Nick huddled in the rain, fighting a sneeze, and heard the door open and slam. She was not humming now.
  Footsteps going away. Another door opened and shut. The moment he heard the door close Nick was off the car and running for a blob of shrubbery he had noted before the lights went out. He crouched in the wet bushes and waited.
  Lights flicked on in the house. Nick saw a small stone patio, a water tank, metal awnings, a neat wooden fence. The Peace Corps lady lived pretty well! By reflected light he saw that the house was of stone, long and low and comfortable looking. Another light came on and he saw her move across a window. Bedroom? He crouched and ran softly through the pelting rain.
  A damp raincoat lay across the bed. The girl was in the act of pulling her damp, rumpled dress over her head as N3 peered in the window.
  He saw immediately why Mike Bannion had been so impressed. She was a stunning creature. Rather tall, with long legs and large hard breasts. She dropped the dress to the floor and stared at herself for a moment in the mirror over the vanity. She leaned to lipstick her wide mouth, then ran a strong, capable-looking hand through her damp blonde hair. She was wearing only long beige stockings, gartered nearly to her hips, and black bra and panties. N3 noted the play of the good muscles in her smooth pale back and shoulders. A big, strong girl. Fine body. Lovely face. Too bad she was a Red. A traitor. She wasn’t going to look so well in prison garb!
  Nick decided not to kill her unless he absolutely must. A living corpse, wasting a life away behind bars, was a better warning and example than a dead body.
  The woman swung toward the window and he ducked. She went to a closet and came back with heavy slacks, a fur-lined jacket, a sweater and an old Army fatigue cap. Nick watched as she donned these things, and put her slender feet in a pair of Wellington boots. The lady had business. He recalled the conversation in the parking lot — she had to see a certain Mohammed Cassim, the local Wali, — leader — and calm him down. The tribesmen were impatient.
  That makes two of us at least, Nick thought grimly as he left the window and went back to his dripping bush. I’m impatient, too.
  He had not long to wait. The lights went out and a door closed softly. He did not hear her lock it. It figured. If lover-boy came before she returned he could get in — probably into bed and wait for her. The idea flashed in his brain then but for the moment he stowed it away. First things first!
  He lurked in the bushes until she passed him. He let her take a little lead. She was off guard, unaware, made no effort to conceal her passage. She went noisily, swacking at the bushes with a little stick. Nick followed her with the stealth of a tiger.
  Thunder rumbled like distant cannon on the horizon and there was an occasional stroke of pale lightning. Nick blessed the lightning. It was blacker than Satan’s gut!
  Beth Cravens never once looked back. She went steadily, surely, and the following AXE man thought that she must have made the trip many times. At last they climbed out of a valley — he saw her silhouetted for a moment on the ridge — and reached a wide plateau. Nick guessed that it would overlook the Khyber Pass at a narrow sector — probably it was one of the old forts built by the British in the last century. The Pathan tribesmen had always been trouble and the English had never really conquered them.
  Nick came up a narrow path to the ridge too fast and was nearly caught. He heard the girl speak to someone and ducked behind a huge boulder just as lightning flashed again.
  The girl said: “Ynfalla jehad!” If God wills a holy war.
  A coarse male voice replied, “Lahewl. Pass, memsahib. They are waiting for you.”
  N3 huddled behind his boulder and thought fast. Lightning had given him a glimpse of the huge crumbling old stone fort. And the Pathan guard. Big man. He would be well armed and tough. There would be many others in sound of his voice. This was going to be a little delicate. Nick flexed his right arm and the stiletto, Hugo, dropped into his hand.
  The girl had vanished through a small postern in the old wall. N3 stepped from behind his rock and walked steadily toward the same spot. The challenge would come in a moment.
  It came. “Who is that? Halt!” The Pathan’s voice was fierce and suspicious.
  Nick Carter sauntered coolly onward. He had to get closer. There must be no sound. He gambled. “Comrade Carter,” he said in Chinese. “Comrade Nick Carter. Has the lady passed in yet?” He had no Pashto and was betting that his double hadn’t either. The Chinese should identify him, or at least confuse the guard.
  The ruse worked. The Pathan hesitated long enough for Nick to get in close just as lightning tore the dark sky apart. The man sensed something wrong and stepped back. His rifle came up. Nick Carter sprang.
  Nick got in close and put the stiletto into the man’s throat. The murderous blade tangled in the thick beard as it went deep into flesh. Nick ripped it across, severing the jugular and turned quickly aside to escape the spurting blood, leaving the blade in the throat to prevent an outcry. The man died quickly and Nick eased him to the wet ground. He yanked out the stiletto and wiped it on the man’s goatskin cloak. He pulled the body out of sight behind some boulders and went back to the postern gate and stood listening for a moment. From deep in the fort came the faint rise and fall of voices. It sounded like a heated discussion.
  N3 went through the postern like a drifting shadow. Inside, to his right, a guttering oil torch was thrust into a rusty iron ringbolt. A stink of mutton oil was heavy in the narrow, bricked passage. To his left the floor sloped upward and he could see the reflection of another torch just around a bend. The voices came from that direction.
  To his right the passage sloped downward. Nick followed it, guessing that it would lead to the old casemates, thick-walled and iron-doored cells where the British had stored their powder and shot. If what he was looking for was in the fort at all — it should be in the casemates.
  The musty dank passage led down and down. Presently he saw another oil torch glimmering where the brick tunnel ended in a cross-passage. He went soft footed, hardly breathing, the Luger in his right hand with the safety off.
  N3 peered around the corner into the cross-passage. To his left was a blank wall. To his right he could see tall iron doors on massive hinges. They were nearly closed, just the thickness of a man’s body separating the iron lips. From within the dungeon they guarded came a faint murmur of voices. N3 ran as lightly as a huge cat to the doors and flattened himself against them.
  The men in the casemate kept murmuring in subdued tones. Nick could make out an odd slip-slapping sound. It was a moment before he caught on. Then it came — they were playing cards! He applied a furtive eye to the crack between the iron doors.
  There were two of them, swarthy and bearded and turbaned. Both were burdened with heavy leather bandoliers and their riffles were standing against a packing case nearby. N3’s quick eye missed nothing. The rifles were old Krags — so the new arms had not yet been doled out? — and the stenciling on the packing case said GRENADES.
  This was it. The end of the arms trail.
  One of the sentries laughed harshly and slapped down a card. “Rona, fool! Weep! I win! And is it not time for our relief? Where is that misbegotten son of a sick camel? My belly gapes!”
  The other man flung his cards away with a curse. “You have the luck of Shaitan himself! Wait, Omar — wait! Smell that? Is it not—”
  Nick Carter cursed softly and fumbled with his trouser. Pierre, the terrible little gas pellet, slipped from his fingers and tinkled on the brick floor. Blood had made his fingers slippery. And blood had given him away to the Pathans. They could smell blood a mile away!
  Both men leaped for their rifles. Nick scooped up the gas pellet, twisted the dial, and flung it into the casemate all in one fluid motion. He threw his weight against the great iron doors and strained with every muscle in his powerful body. God — they were heavy! Immense! But they were moving. Slowly. Very slowly.
  The guards had time for one shot apiece before they died. The slugs flattened themselves against the iron doors and whined back around the chamber. N3 stood with his back to the massive doors and breathed a silent little prayer — if those shots had been heard—
  Five nervous minutes passed and no one came to investigate. Nick breathed a little easier, but not much. A relief was due soon. And soon enough the body of the other guard would be found. There was not a minute to lose. He had made his move now, launched his attack, and he was off and running for his life. Hesitation, a single mistake, a goof of any kind, and he was a dead man. If he was lucky he would die quickly. If not — well, he remembered the buried Pakistanis. N3 shrugged his big shoulders and pried the doors open again. Karma — Kismet — Inshallah! You name it. It all added up to Fate and luck and it never did any good to worry once the battle had started.
  He took a deep breath and plunged into the casemate. From that moment on he was too busy to worry.
  The Pathans lay on the brick floor, mouths open and eyes staring. Both had ripped at the clothing about their throats as they died. Pierre was not a kindly death.
  Nick, still holding his breath, picked up the lantern and went rapidly around the huge brick chamber. Stacks of boxes and crates reached to the ceiling, each one neatly stenciled. It was the arms shipment that his double had tricked out of Karachi. No doubt of that.
  Nick dared to breathe now. The fumes of the gas pellet had dissipated, gone. And with them one of his chief weapons. He had no spare. He had only the Luger and the stiletto — and his wits. Nick gazed around at the room crammed with deadly weapons and grinned. They wouldn’t do him any good. Brute force wasn’t going to win for him against half the Khyber tribes. And a couple of shrewd operators like the woman and the impostor. He had to out-think them or he was finished — this little romp was just beginning.
  In a corner of the chamber he found open boxes of uniforms. He pulled a couple out onto the floor and part of the puzzle fell into place. Became clear as sunlight. Indian uniforms! And Pakistani uniforms! Both sides. Change at will. Raid into India and then raid into Pakistan. Keep the pot boiling and the war going.
  Clever, these Chinese!
  Nick picked up one of the old Krag rifles and smashed open a box of grenades. As he worked his lean face was as taut and grim as a death’s head. Nasty folk he was dealing with! His double and the woman were arranging a jehad — once it got started the Indians would retaliate with their own version of a holy war—dharmayudha. Anyone who had ever cracked a history book knew about religious wars — the most bestial of all. And the Chinese were ready to unloose that on the world to gain their ends.
  N3 worked now with fury and frenzy. The relief was due any minute. He tore a dozen uniforms to shreds and twisted them into a long thick fuse leading from the doors back into the center of the chamber. He cursed softly as he sweated. Usually AXE agents were the best equipped in the world. He had nothing. It was improvise and hope.
  He wiped his hands on a uniform to get the blood and sweat off and took the detonators from a dozen grenades. His fingers were rock steady but sweat streamed down into his eyes. One mistake here and—
  Nick emptied the explosive from the grenades around the end of the fuse that led into a packing case of Ml ammunition Along the edges of the fuse he laid more uniforms, ripped and torn so they would burn more readily. He wanted a good hot fire in here — and maybe even then it wouldn’t work. Might not explode. It was not as easy to set off properly packed ammo as some TV writers depicted.
  By the end of the fuse near the doors he placed the oil lantern. It was, he thanked God, a fairly modern version. An old railroad lantern. He placed it solidly on a box and turned up the wick as far as it would go. There was only about half an inch remaining. It would have to do.
  Now for the really dangerous part. Nick Carter twisted the pin from a grenade and held it tightly. If he released it now the lever would fly off and the place would go skyward. He gripped the grenade in one big hand and fished for his shoe lace with the other. He had already loosened it and it came out readily. He wrapped it twice around the grenade to hold the firing lever in place and knotted it with his teeth and the fingers of one hand. He was breathing hard when, satisfied it would hold, he put the grenade gingerly down a foot from the lantern. He admitted, grudgingly and for the first time, some respect for generals who went around with taped grenades all over them.
  He twisted a small, thin fuse out of a coat lining and tied it cautiously to the string around the grenade. Then, very carefully, he laid the free end of the cloth fuse across the base of the lantern, against the wick and little more than a quarter of an inch below the flame. He weighted the fuse in place with a coin and stepped back.
  It was done! When the lantern wick burned down to the fuse it would fire it and the flame would travel along the fuse to the string holding down the arming lever on the grenade. The string would burn through and release the lever and whammo—
  He hoped. There was no way of really knowing. Along the way something might fizzle out. But if things worked out he was going to have himself one hell of an explosion.
  His time had run out. As he left the chamber and sweated the huge doors together he heard footsteps and voices coming from the far end of the passage. Damn! Another few seconds and he’d have been out of there!
  Nick called himself a fool. The relief guards had to go too — otherwise they would spread the alarm. Damn again! He had better start thinking straighter than this.
  He had time to get the doors together and chain them and snap a huge padlock into place. He found a chink in the brick wall and pushed the key deep into it. He could hope there was draught enough in the casemate to keep the lantern burning.
  They were nearly on him now. Nick Carter ran on tiptoe down the passage toward the turning. They would be around the corner in a second. As he ran he writhed out of his heavy sheepskin coat and wrapped the garment around the Luger. A silencer!
  As the two relief guards rounded the corner he shot them both at close range, firing at the face and head so they would die quickly and without sound.
  The sheepskin silencer worked better than he had expected. The clatter of heavily armed men falling on bricks made far more noise than Wilhelmina. Both died as quickly as he had wished.
  N3 hovered over the bodies for a moment, then saw a shallow niche in the wall across the passage and toward the blank end. It would have to do. He dragged the bodies there and left them. On his way back he took the torch from the sconce and stamped it out on the floor. He felt his way in blackness back toward the postern.
  His luck was holding. He could still hear voices and see lights at the far end of the passage, away from the corridor that had led him to the casemate. No alarm as yet. Nick slipped through the postern and out into the rain-swept night. The fresh air felt good on his sweaty body. He ran for the sheltering boulders and stopped for a breather. What now, friend?
  He had to admit that he didn’t exactly know what now. All he could do was keep going, taking every target of opportunity, keep battling and hoping and raising all the hell he could. Something would give. Maybe himself. But he didn’t think so.
  N3 was still lurking in the boulders when Beth Cravens passed ten minutes later. She was humming again. This time it was Lover Come Back to Me. Nick’s little smile was mean as he wondered if the tune was prophetic.
  He went stealthily after her, back along the way they had come. She seemed happy, unconcerned. So far, then, he had gotten away with it. Nothing had been noticed. Five men dead and not yet noticed. Pathan organization and discipline was a little lax. Thank God.
  No use worrying about his bomb in the casemate. He had done all he could. It might not work at all; it might partially work; it might smolder for hours before the big bang came.
  Meantime there was Beth Cravens to attend to. Maybe he could talk her into coming back to the U.S. A few years in an American prison would be better than what would happen to her when the Chinese Reds got finished with her. They offered no second chances.
  Nick Carter thought he knew how he could convince her — if only the impostor, the lover she was expecting, hadn’t shown up yet.
  He hadn’t. Nick watched as the woman showered and prepared herself for what she imagined would be a night of passion. N3 was not above peeking into the bathroom window and observing some very intimate preparations of the sort an experienced and knowledgeable young woman takes when she is expecting a lover. Nick wondered what she had used in the car behind the Peshawar Hotel. Maybe she carried them in her purse!
  A sound alerted him and he disappeared from the window like a ghost. His double was coming. Second encounter!
  Chapter 11
  Bedtime Story
  This time it was no contest
  Nick took his alter ego from behind with a vicious chopping blow across the neck. The man went down like a stone, out cold. Nick dragged the inert body into the shelter of dripping bushes and began to strip it. The only light in the house now was a soft rosy glow from the bedroom. How nice. Like a candle in the window. She must be getting impatient.
  Won’t be long now, baby, N3 promised as he stripped the man. He was hoping to take Beth Cravens by surprise, in the dark, but if she did turn on a bright light he wanted to be able to pass as himself. Himself! Nick shook his head. This mixup was making him screwy.
  He risked the pencil light to inspect the unconscious man’s features. He felt a little sense of shock — it was like looking in a mirror. The man was so damned near a perfect ringer — if you missed the tiny pink surgical scars and a certain mean cast in the mouth that Nick did not normally have.
  Dressed well, too. Nick slipped on the expensive suit, a bit wet and muddy now, and the fine shirt and tie, the good shoes, the fawn Burberry. He transferred his black plastic holster to the new belt, put the Luger in it, and was ready to go. He left the impostor bound with Nick’s belt and strips torn from his old OD shirt and trousers. Should hold him long enough.
  What to do with the man’s weapons was a problem for a moment. Nick ran the flash over them quickly. Duplicates of his own. A 9mm Luger, stripped down, and the stiletto — a trifle longer than his own. No one was perfect. He took the clip from the Luger and slipped it in his pocket, then flung the weapons as far as he could into the night. Metal clanked on the stony hillside.
  As he started for the house the light in the bedroom went out. Nick whistled a little tune deep in his throat. He felt good. Keyed and on edge. Ready for anything. He was looking forward to this — he remembered how she had looked before the mirror.
  He didn’t want to kill her, though she deserved it. She was a betrayer of her country — but such a lovely creature. He knew the Chinese would be merciless with her for failing, and he hated to think how they would deal with her. He must give her a chance to consider defecting. But he would have to do it fast. Climb into bed with her before she could get suspicious. That it would be dangerous he took for granted, as he always did. She might shoot him on sight — or later. A little grin crinkled Nick’s mouth— what a hell of a way to get shot. And he must be careful not to betray himself until the last moment — he could not hope to keep up the deception forever, of course. A single error might give him away. He didn’t know the layout of the house, didn’t know about doors or closets or the kitchen or where anything was. It would be like running a strange obstacle course in the dark.
  His voice would pass, he thought. At the parking lot the man had spoken nearly like himself — Nick had wondered at the time where the Chinese spy masters had gotten the recordings or tapes. That might bear looking into — if he ever got back.
  He went in a side door, the way Beth Cravens had. He used his tiny light, shielding it with his hand, hoping she wouldn’t see it from the bedroom. He couldn’t afford to fall over anything — be a dead giveaway.
  The woman called from the bedroom. “Nick? Darling? What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for ages.”
  In his own voice, blurred just a bit by what he hoped she would think was alcohol, Nick said: “I’ve been waiting for that turtle bastard at the hotel — he never did come. I spent too much time in the bar, too. I think I’m a little drunk, honey.” He slurred his words.
  Beth Cravens laughed, but her voice sharpened. “That wasn’t very smart, darling! You know you shouldn’t drink too much until this job is over. We can’t afford to take chances with this man.”
  Nick was oriented by now. He headed for the bedroom and her voice, taking off his clothes as he went. “I’m not that drunk,” he said, hoping she would think he was. He laughed loudly to cover the sound of his clothes coming off. “I’m not as drunk as you think I am!”
  “Well — I hope you’re not too drunk. You know—”
  “I’m not.” He was naked now, carrying the stiletto and the Luger. He stooped and shoved them under the bed. What a woman — it hadn’t been over two hours since she had been bouncing around in the car. Now she was avid again!
  “You sound sort of funny,” Beth said. He heard her twist and reach for the bedside light. He slid beneath the cool sheets and pulled her to him, clamping his mouth over hers. For a moment she was tense, questioning, then her flesh betrayed her and she slid her tongue into his mouth.
  He wasted no time on preliminaries. Not only were they dangerous, but there was so little time.
  Beth Cravens welcomed him. She lifted herself to engulf him. Without a trace of tenderness, and yet without hate or malice, he took her. Perhaps a little brutally, but Beth did not appear to object. It was she, in the end, who turned to frenzy and began to inflict pain in her ecstasy.
  She began to whimper and claw at his back. He felt her nails rake him, scraping away flesh. She followed his every movement, her moist body glued to his as though she could never bear to part with him.
  To Nick she seemed insatiable. She was a trial even to his great endurance. But at last Beth Cravens gave a long convulsive sigh and ceased to move. But not for long. She reached up and wrapped her soft arms around his neck and smothered his mouth with moist kisses. It was, he guessed, her way of telling him not to go away — the best was yet to come.
  He knew it was dangerous to linger. He must talk to her now.
  Suddenly the bedside light went on and she was staring at him with what might have been fear and awe and amazement — and gratitude? The little automatic in her hand was rock steady on his muscle-corded belly. She had had the gun under her pillow!
  “Who are you?” Her voice trembled but the gun did not. She was sitting up, naked from the waist, the fine white breasts bobbling as she fought to control her breathing. Her blonde hair was in wild disarray and her red mouth swollen and smeared. Her face was pink, but the gray eyes were cold. Nick could see the wild beat of a pulse in her milky throat.
  N3 smiled at her. He felt relaxed and good and sure of himself. Let her think she had the upper hand. Anytime he felt like it he would take the pea-shooter away from her.
  “I’m Nick Carter,” said Nick Carter. “The real McCoy. Not an imitation. Surprised?”
  She took it in her stride. He admired her nerve and intelligence. She believed him at once. Then she smiled and moved away a little, her finger tense on the trigger of the little black pistol. “So you did come. I thought you would but I couldn’t be sure. I only know what the turtle tells me— and he’s not very reliable when he’s under hypnosis. He’s really not such a good subject.”
  Nick grinned at her. “I bet they think so in Peking.”
  “Yes, but they were wrong. They did it under lab conditions — I have to do it in the field.” She was wearing a little silver locket on a fine chain. Absently she began to twirl it, her gray eyes huge and steady on Nick.
  The man from AXE stretched luxuriously. “You’re wasting your time, sweetheart. I don’t hypnotize.” No AXE man did. It was a rudimentary requirement for the service.
  Her smile had a tinge of pseudo-sweetness in it. The eyes were not quite so cold. But the pistol was as steady as ever. “This is really better than what we had in mind at first,” she said. “My orders have been changed. Peking doesn’t want you killed now — they want you taken alive. They’ve got big plans for you.”
  “How considerate of them. I’ll bet I can guess, too. Why fool around with a fake Nick Carter when you can have the real thing, eh? Get me and brainwash me and turn me loose again in about five years. I’d play hell with Uncle’s security then, wouldn’t I? That it?”
  Her perfect teeth flashed. “About. No matter. I’ve got you — now I can stop playing house with that other fool. That’s what gave you away, you know.” Her smile was sly and tinged with lust. “You’re terrific! My God — the Turtle was never like that. In a way it’s a shame that I have to turn you over to them.”
  Nick was enjoying himself. Fun while you wait If it was coming the explosion should be any minute now.
  Nick gave her a maddeningly slow smile. “What if I don’t go with you? You really wouldn’t want to shoot me. Peking wouldn’t like it. Also, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. There’s not going to be a jehad. Your tribesmen are not going to use those two sets of uniforms to keep the war going. And if you’re expecting help from your Turtle — don’t. He’s a bit tied up at the moment.” He leaned toward her. She moved away and pushed the pistol at him. “Stay away!”
  Nick went on, “I’m going to make you a proposition— give you a chance. You’d better take it. All hell is due to break loose around here. You’ll be in the middle of it, with a lot of mad Pathans after your lily white hide. You would be smart to come with me. Right now. I’ll get you back to the States and you can stand trial. After I kill your boy, of course. The Turtle. Well — think fast, Miss Cravens. I’m a temperamental guy — I may withdraw that offer any time.”
  She spat at him. Sudden hate glared in her eyes. “You lousy, crummy superior bastard! You come in here, throw your stinking weight around and think you can bulldoze and fast talk me into going back to the States. That stinking idiotic country! I’d die first!”
  “You might at that. If the Pathans get you afterwards.”
  “After what?” she screamed. “After what? Y — you moron! I’ve got the gun, remember. Jesus — I wish I dared kill you now!”
  Nick waggled a finger at her. “Ah-ah — Peking not like.”
  He had her mad enough now. Raving. But why didn’t the goddamned fort blow? Come on, grenade! Come on!
  As if in answer, it started right then. A gradually rising, high keening blast superimposed on the basso of the explosion. The cottage twisted on its foundation. A giant hand lifted it and put it down askew. Walls cracked and big chunks of ceiling came down. A small chandelier came down with a crash.
  Beth Cravens screamed. Nick reached and flicked the little gun out of her hand. He made a fist and tapped her behind the ear, hard but not too hard. She slumped on the bed. He gazed at her for a moment, feeling no pity now. Next stop a Federal prison. He didn’t suppose they would shoot her. Not in so-called peace time.
  “Get your hands up! Drop the gun!”
  N3 dropped it. It was no good to him anyway — not enough gun to handle this situation. He put up his hands and stared coldly at the man in the doorway. His double. The Turtle. And he was carrying a shield — Mike Bannion!
  The impostor was behind Mike, one brawny arm around the little man’s throat to hold him in position. It wasn’t difficult. Mike was very drunk. His eyes rolled wildly and his knees sagged.
  Mike’s old Webley was in the double’s hand. It was sighted firmly on Nick Carter’s naked belly. God damn it! To come so far, to be so close, and then be destroyed by a well-meaning drunk! Mike must have been looking for him, to help, and had somehow stumbled into the phony agent.
  The Chinese agent held Mike in a vise of muscle that so nearly matched Nick’s. He looked at the unconscious girl. “You kill her?” His eyes were clear and his voice firm and he looked every inch the killer. Nick guessed that he was out of hypnosis — it had worn off or the man had been shocked out of it.
  “She’s not dead,” he told the man. “Just knocked out. You intend to kill me?”
  “What else?” The eyes, so very like Nick’s own, were cold and empty. The only expression in them was that of wariness.
  Cautiously, not moving, thinking furiously, Nick said, “Won’t it be sort of like killing yourself?”
  The Webley did not waver. The man watched Nick with cold contempt. The AXE man could see the final decision to kill arriving in the man’s eyes.
  He nodded toward the girl. “She told me that Peking wants me alive.”
  “So I make a mistake. I got the orders wrong. And for God’s sake cut the crap — don’t try to con me! We’re both pros and you lost, so shut up and die like a pro.” The finger tightened on the trigger of the Webley.
  Nick Carter’s admiration was not all feigned. “You’re a hard case,” he said. “Where are you from in the States? You still got any people there?”
  “None of your screwing business!” The finger moved on the trigger.
  Mike Bannion began to squirm and thrash around. He was helpless, held by the massive arms of the impostor as though he were a rag doll. But the struggle prolonged Nick’s life for another second. The man applied a powerful pressure to Mike Bannion’s throat. The little man tried to fight back, tugging and pulling at the muscular arm that was throttling him. His eyes found Nick for a moment and he tried to grin and panted, “I–I shorry, Nick. I found him — thought he you! I be good guy, untie and now… I so shorry…” He passed out.
  His double grinned evilly at Nick. “Let that be a lesson to you! Never hire drunken help. Now you get—”
  Nick clasped both hands. “If you’re really going to kill me I’d like to pray for a minute. Surely you won’t deny me that — no matter what you are now. You were once an American. I’d guess you were a soldier once. You must have had buddies who died in battle. You wouldn’t deny a man the right to a last prayer?”
  It was corny and he knew it, but he was gambling for his life. He had to get off the bed and on his knees. The Luger was under the bed, at the foot, where he had dropped it when he climbed into bed with the woman.
  Contempt flickered in the other man’s eyes. He scanned the bedroom rapidly. If he looks under the bed, Nick thought, I’ve had it. I’ll have to jump the gun and this time I won’t make it.
  The cold eyes came back to Nick. The man tightened his grip on the sagging flesh shield that was Mike Bannion. It was the shield that finally decided him. He couldn’t see how Nick could get at him.
  The man said: “I’ll make a bargain with you, Carter. You want to pray? So pray. But first you answer a question — and if I think you’re lying I’ll kill you right now. Bang! No prayers. Okay?”
  “Okay. What’s the question?”
  The man’s smile was as mean as Nick’s own could be. “I had to kill a couple of guys because I couldn’t come up with something they called a Golden Number. At first it was just routine — they didn’t even ask me until after I had what I wanted — but after, when I couldn’t come up with that damned number, they got suspicious and I had to kill them. So what’s the Golden Number? If I can take that back to Peking it might help square me for this mess.” The Webley twitched at Nick. “You talking or you want to die noble? Without prayer? Tell the truth and I’ll let you pray. Maybe a whole minute.”
  “I’ll tell you.” It was another gamble. If he lost now he would louse up a lot of other agents. Get them killed. Nick decided not to lie, though he was good at it In this bind he simply couldn’t chance it.
  “It’s the number of the year in the old Metonic Cycle. That’s nineteen years. So the number can be anything from 1 to 19. Every agent’s number varies, depending on who is asking the identifying question. The contact gives the agent a year, any year, and the agent identifying himself adds one to it. Then he divides by nineteen. The remainder is the Golden Number. Nineteen is the golden number when there is no remainder. Simple?”
  His double scowled. “Like hell it’s simple. No wonder I couldn’t come up with it. Okay — you can pray now. One minute.”
  Nick Carter slipped off the bed to his knees, as near the foot of the bed as possible. He kept his hands clasped and well in sight. He closed his eyes and began to murmur.
  The phony agent said: “Just one sign of monkey business, just one, and you get it. Then I’ll kill your friend here. Be good and die with no trouble and I might let him go. He’s just a lush — no reason I should kill him.”
  Liar. An obvious play to Nick’s own feeling as a decent American. The innocent shall not suffer. When would they realize that the Americans could play just as rough as they could.
  Somewhat to his own surprise Nick found that he really was praying after a fashion. For the success of this crazy gambit.
  Then it was go! He rolled to his right, snatching the Luger from beneath the bed and kept on rolling across the floor as he fired. He got in the first shot. Then the Webley roared at him. Nick never stopped moving, rolling, crouching, scuttling. He let the clip empty into Mike Bannion’s chest.
  The din of Death was stilled. The room was hazy with smoke from the Webley’s old-fashioned cartridges. Mike Bannion lay near the door, across the body of the man he had not shielded from death after all. The Luger, at such murderous range, had put slugs through Mike’s body and well into Nick’s double. The Webley lay on the carpet, halfway to the bed, where a dying hand had tossed it.
  Nick slipped another clip into the Luger. Wilhelmina was hot. He inspected the bodies. Both stare-eyed dead. He lingered for a moment over Mike Bannion. “I’m sorry, Mike. I’ll keep that promise — see that your wife and kids get some of Uncle’s sugar.”
  He went to the bed. Damn it! She would never serve her time now. One of the double’s wild shots had gotten her right in the face.
  Nick dressed rapidly and turned off the lights. Bannion must have come back to the Peshawar Hotel, found him gone, and somehow found out where Beth Cravens lived. He had come out to help, poor little bastard. Loyal enough in the end. Drunk, too.
  But it meant that the jeep should be someplace around.
  Nick found it parked on the old caravan trail. Most of their gear was back at the camp but he couldn’t worry about that now. Time to fold his tent and softly fade away. There was a sweetish stench of high explosive in the air and from the direction of the old fort he could see flames staining the rainy black sky. Sooner or later officialdom would get around to investigating — and sooner or later, probably sooner, the Pathans would come for their revenge. Best be gone when they did.
  He was about to climb in the jeep when a thought struck him. A devilish, typical Nick Carter thought. Why not? It was crazy as hell, but again why not? Sort of garnish the salad as it were. He went back to the blast-racked cottage, found a mattress cover in a closet, and set to work. As he worked he pondered the possibility of bringing it off— this wild scheme. He should be able to do it if the luck held.
  He could skirt Peshawar and get out of the Khyber and head for Rawalpindi. It was about a hundred miles. No sweat if the old jeep held up and there was still plenty of gas.
  Sooner or later he was going to run into a Pakistani patrol. So be it. He was in the clear now, or would be when he got out of the Pass, and he could probably sweet talk them into letting him contact the Air Force in Ladakh. They would remember him. Through them he could contact Hawk in Washington. Once he explained matters Hawk would start pulling wires and making his famous phone calls.
  He was sure his Chief would go along with the gag. Hawk’s sardonic sense of humor was much the same as Killmaster’s.
  Nick Carter picked up the body in the mattress cover, threw it across his shoulder, and strode out of the cottage.
  Chapter 12
  Return Of The Turtle
  The first light snow of the year had drifted down on Peking during the night. It was nothing much, merely an October frosting, and Wang-wei did not even notice it as he drove to the house in the Tartar City. His thoughts were on something other than the weather and they were not easy or happy thoughts. He had not liked the tone in which Chou had summoned him to this meeting.
  He did not, in fact, like Chou. The man might be heir apparent, but he was also a thief. No less! He had indeed taken Sessi-yu and her marvelous Golden Lotus. The fact that Wang-wei had already found a new concubine did in no way assuage his hurt. He had nearly loved Sessi-yu.
  As he left his car and entered the compound he was admitted by the same guards. As he climbed the stairs to the anteroom Wang-wei knew that it was not deja-vu— this had all really happened before. Of course. Not much over a week ago he had sent his Turtle on the mission, put Dragon Plan into effect. New uneasiness stirred in the little Chief of Secret Services. There had been nothing from Peshawar now for two days.
  Yes, he had certainly been here before. Many times. But as he entered the long room with the mirrored floor Wang-wei had a strange premonition. He would not be here again!
  Chou and the Leader were waiting for him as before. There was the same table and chairs, the same refreshment on the table. Only this time the Leader did not offer him a drink or smoke. His tone was curt as he pressed a button and lights went on in the apartment below.
  “Your Turtle is back,” said the Leader in his cold small voice. “I thought you would like to see him — since it so intimately concerns you.”
  Wang-wei stared at them. “Turtle Nine? Back so soon — I–I had not heard. He did not report to me.”
  “He did not report to anyone,” said Chou. His voice was mean, nasty. “He came by way of the British Trade Commission. Well sealed and packaged. I am convinced that the British did not really know what they were delivering — they did it as a favor to the Americans.”
  “I do not understand.”
  “You will. Watch.”
  A door opened in the apartment below and four coolies entered. They were carrying something. Wang-wei felt the sweat start on him. A coffin! A plain pine box.
  “Take a good look,” said Chou softly. “It is the last time you will ever see your favorite Turtle. Turtle Nine! Remember how you bragged of him?”
  Wang-wei could not answer. He automatically loosened his collar as he stared down through the glass floor. It was his Turtle, right enough. Turtle Nine. The perfect double for Nick Carter. Now pale and still in the box, his hands crossed on his big chest.
  “He was even embalmed,” said the Leader crossly. “Courtesy of the American Air Force. How they must be laughing at us!”
  Wang-wei wiped his sweaty face. “I–I still do not understand! I have heard nothing. I—”
  Chou leaned to hand him something. A small slip of paper with a gummed back. A seal of some kind. “Perhaps this will enlighten you, friend Wang-wei. The coffin was sealed with many of them. All signed. Read it.”
  Wang-wei stared down at the little paper seal in his hand. It bore the AXE symbol — a murderous little hatchet! Across the seal, scrawled in a bold hand, was: Worst wishes, NC.
  “Phase One and Two of Dragon Plan have failed,” said the Leader. “We shall have to think of something else.”
  Wang-wei mopped the inside of his collar. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the coffin. “Yes, Comrade Leader. I will begin planning at once.”
  “Not you,” said the Leader.
  To Wang-wei the words sounded oddly, and terribly, like a firing squad. The End
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