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Brief essay about coronavirus pandemic

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    10 years ago, in my book I described the such the pandemic as there is now ... but with one difference in this book, solving problems were by Stalin and his managers , but not by stuped immoral Putin and his illiterate thiefs - "a true Aryan Caught man"_general file, book 3 - part 2 - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pest302.shtml chapter - "East China, the Amur-Sungaria Lowland"

   "Brief essay about coronavirus pandemic " - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/coronovirus.shtml
   Brief essay about coronavirus pandemic

Part one

   "It seems Occident is on the decline, and there is no way out .
   But it is not all that bad, Occident has one great asset,
   that it without slightest doubt it always used in emergency situations -
   Why at the very beginning I paid such attention at coronavirus epidemic?
   As a matter of fact I paid attention to the region where the pandemic began due to purely academic possibility of bacteriological attack much time ago.
   If someone remembers yet a couple years ago Americans were caught at collecting in that area genetic material of Russians.
   Moreover, the States literally encircled the Russian Federation, having surrounded it by dense net of biologic-genetic laboratories in bordering countries.
   So, I've just paid attention, but I didn't see the real target for an attack, considering Russia to be a possible object for a strike - such a strike cannot be made at periphery of the country.
   From tactical point of view it's quite senseless.
   And about China as the real target I just did not think.
   I haven't been quite aware that the most serious threat for supremacy and economy of the USA is dynamic developing socialist China, and not criminal, thievish Putin's Russia that in a best case scenario at such a confrontation can play for China a part of only junior and not a very reliable partner.
   What is the reason of such a confrontation!?
   Previously Occident dominated in international institutes of development and promoted its own ideals.
   Now its influence declines: China creates parallel structures and more and more influence upon those already existing in the World.
   Of course, Occident still has both instruments and money for adaptation to a new reality. And should it overcome internal split, it will be in a position to go on to rot successfully "still as minimum for a century - believe authors of the report who made short compendium of modern Western thought to Munich Conference on Security Policy..."
   Quote from mass media about relations between Occident and China... -
   "At first sight it seems Occident is on the decline, and there is no way out .
   But it is not all that bad, Occident has one great asset, that it without slightest doubt it always used in emergency situations -amorality".
   To raise such a question does not mean to answer it. But not to raise it in actual circumstances, when at stake there are lives and health of millions Chinese citizens, as well as reputation of authorities of the country that took the dare to challenge the world "hegemon" also, in our opinion, would be inexcusable error.
   To use bacteriological attack against the enemy who does not expect it?
   Well, it is not for the first time - US there is vast experience beginning with infected blankets, put to Indians, up to ultramodern bacteriological laboratories in countries minions.
   When appeared first details about epidemic beginning in the region where there could be effected a bacteriological strike, I as is customary for my began to collect available statistics and information.
   I was at once interested by the fact that in the USA there were already have performed large scale experiments with coronavirus - more than that yet in 2015 there was issued a patent to the Pirbright Institute for coronavirus creation.
   Moreover, emphasis was put precisely at artificial genome editing.
   That being said, in 2015 was published an article about creation of a chimeric virus on the basis of Middle Eastern virus МЭРС and coronovirus completely analogous to the one that evoked actual epidemic in China.
   So to say, the work in this direction was carried out for a long time, and it was very serious and working with "Wuhan virus" was the most advanced from the point of view of genotype.
   Moreover, there was American Consulate in Wuhan.
   But, according to an expert specify, they closed it notably before Chinese declared epidemic.
   Does it mean that they knew about it in advance?
   As for a second point to which I paid attention was low probability of fatal outcome at high degree of the virus virulence.
   Third: there were clearly highlighted groups of population being outside risk of severe outcome.
   This is exactly intrinsic to military infections - possibility to infect maximum number of the enemy country population at low percentage of fatal cases - in other words at infection avalanche escalation and with availability in own reserve necessary instrument of the epidemic containment, to destroy economics of the country under attack and to bring the enemy to its knees.
   I do not believe in possibility of ethnically directed biological weapon use - this is higher than level of contemporary science, and collateral risk of the first application is too high.
   Therefore there was some more simple and reliable solution.
   Not to do mythical super virus that destroys only one ethnic group, but to make in already known virus an insertion that will make in it a weak spot activating immune response in infected at the expense of a vaccination made earlier, by which a certain part of population older 30-40 years of attacked country was not embraced.
   It's a very precise calculation - in majority of developed countries vaccination from hepatitis A, B was made by recommendation of World Health Organization.
   Small countries were not interesting for the USA - there are no moral restrictions for the USA politicians in principle.
   As for attacked China there was a weak link - generation whose childhood and youth took place at Cultural Revolution period were not vaccinated at all.
   These are millions of people defenseless before biological attack.
   So, what have I done?
   I analyzed statistics by age and ethnic parameters of people became ill in severe form, this being said knowingly excluding possibility of both natural origin of such an unusual virus, and possibility of utilization of biological weapon that is ethnically selectivity, and compared obtained results with delirious babble announced by mass media.
   Most of all I was amazed by stupidity of medical circles - in China there were enough hints regarding specific character and defense from virus...
   What's the difference between elderly Chinese and Europeans and Chinese children?
   Why the main risk group is the older generation, but children and Europeans are almost insusceptible to the infection or they have it in a mild form?!
   Everything is very simple and quite logical - the last two groups were obligatory vaccinated in childhood... one of vaccinations is in effect within 15-18 years after vaccination.
   If the assumption that there are in a virus two insertions from AIDS virus, and most probably - of one of hepatitis... so evidently are in effect vaccinations from hepatitis A, B.
   Such vaccinations are used in some countries, but do not make part in the World Health Organization list of obligatory recommended vaccinations.
   In the USSR they were made everywhere - where nobody tried to falsify or steal them and then to selling them on the side - usually it was typical for Asian republics.
   That's exactly why in Central Russia and former European part of the USSR now practically there are no cases of severe form of illness by contrast with some of former constituent republic.
   In the USA at risk of an epidemic are only some States where vaccinations were not obligatory by legislation, but at the State level there is no significant agitation - evidently there is a target vaccine or most probably immunoglobulin.
   Temporary immunity may be obtained by injection of immunoglobulin of hepatitis B (ИГГВ) as a preventative measure after contact with the virus.
   Very good effect should give such a cheap and accessible procedure as blood ultraviolet irradiation - http://samlib.ru/k/koganickij_g_a/ultr_light.shtml
   In Canada population and immigrants are predominantly vaccinated.
   Though probably native Quebeckers of older generations were not vaccinated - soon I at least will know for sure results of epidemic in Quebec.
   As of now Montreal is practically deserted - meanwhile just having gone to demonstrated quarantine, at almost complete lack of real and available medicine, and without introduction of necessary sanitary measures.
   Also in a safe zone are all the countries based on Soviet medical practice - Eastern Block, North Korea, Cuba.
   To understand what exactly works it was enough to collect statistics of ill persons, but someone evidently counteracted and conveyed in mass media misinformation putting emphasis on China making guilty.
   Plan was wonderfully elaborated and with surgical precision accomplished accompanied by choir of minions destined for sacrifice.
   New virus from China is spread in all over the world, and at the same time anti-Chinese attitude are becoming stronger, as well as appeals to total ban for Chinese tourists voyages and dislike to Chinese and other Asians.
   Restaurants in South Korea, Japan, Hon-Kong and Vietnam refuse to receive Chinese clients.
   Indonesians organized a march in front of hotels, and called out Chinese guests to depart.
   French and Australian newspapers confront with critics of racist headlines.
   Chinese and other Asians in Europe, the USA, Asia and Pacific Ocean complain to racism.
   In South Korea became very popular uploaded at web site of President's administration public petition demanding to prohibit entrance of Chinese in the country.
   This petition has already been signed by more than 600 thousand persons.
   China was supposed to crash under pressure of coronavirus upon economics.
   But Chinese leadership has demonstrated nerves of steel, strong hand and enormous financial cushion.
   Chinese authorities confirmed their mandate to rule - new legitimation of power took place.
   And now with this mandate in accordance with traditions of political culture the power will launch a campaign of economic "recovery". And apparently will succeed.
   So, what went wrong in the USA!?
   They did not take into account difference of culture and mentality of two countries.
   More precisely, they got accustomed to measure those around them by their own level of bestiality.
   Let us compare what would happen in the USA if it should run the danger as China.
   The answer is not far to seek - let's take as an example Hurricane Katrina.
   The elite scattered. Law enforcement agencies and National Guards self move away, and the main part of population became enthusiastically engaged in marauding and violence.
   Government's address to the population is by default monkey business.
   Everybody has a clear Hollywood stereotype - everyone for himself, and to get out of a problem one can only trampling over each other.
   How did Chinese government act in such a situation!?
   It addressed the people as a guarantor of its protection, and got complete confidence and support of the population.
   Moreover, the people supporting the government through hard times, was ready to make huge sacrifices.
   For the USA politicians such actions are absolutely incomprehensible and therefore unpredictable.
   To ignore specific features of the attacked country mentality and to knock together such a dumb, ignorant and deadly dangerous risky venture, for this one has to be... Yankee...
   Chinese are very specific nation - any MILITARY conflict or DECLARED in advance attack they may forget and forgive... a stab in the back - never.

Part two

   Statistical analysis for correspondence of epidemic development to presence of hepatitis vaccination
   Additional statistics regarding pandemic accumulated (now it cannot be called just epidemic anymore).
   As one can see I was right connecting statistics of contamination and mortality to statistics of hepatitis vaccination in different countries.
   This being said, there is evident very clear correlation - within first ten-fifteen years this vaccination protects completely. Contamination in this category whether has no place at all, or this disease passes in a very mild, blurry form.
   Within 25-30 years after vaccination people are contaminated but the disease passes without complications with minimal percentage of lethal outcomes.
   As a rule lethal outcomes take place only in groups over 70, when people suffer of additional chronic illnesses.
   The largest and severe risk group is in those countries where traditionally there are no vaccinations from hepatitis or such vaccinations are not compulsory... or this vaccination is inaccessible for economically disadvantaged part of population.
   A good example of the first case is Spain and Italy where the majority of population is not vaccinated. Situation there is disastrous, especially in Italy where the government showed itself completely incompetent.
   Representative in the second case is situation in Iran. In addition to lack of vaccinations, necessary in such cases infrastructure of the country was destroyed by American invasion.
   Moreover, in all likelihood information about the epidemic from there is not complete.
   An interesting situation takes place in Canada. In English-speaking provinces vaccination was compulsory, and there are relatively small amount of infection cases; as for fatal cases they are practically insignificant.
   By contrast with English-speaking provinces in Quebec where vaccination of autonomous population Quebeckers, on top of that having low cultural level, was voluntary - the situation is catastrophic, taking into consideration very low level of medical service.
   Low level of contamination and fatal cases in countries of former Warsaw Pact; satellite countries - Cuba and North Korea, and former Soviet republics - there vaccination was done everywhere and on a compulsory basis.
   Very specific situation takes place in Putin's Russia -
   ...why is there such a severe contamination breakout in Putin's Russia, specifically in Moscow!?
   Everything is very simple - key word - "in Putin's".
   Vaccination there became paying and non-compulsory... and, taking into consideration high cost of medication its considerable part of vaccine was is whether stolen, or faked... besides practically all vaccine is imported - which means that there is no its reserve in the country in case of epidemic.
   This seems the virus was imported to Moscow and European part of Russia mostly from Europe, and in Moscow, Moscow Region, Petersburg and Kaliningrad are registred almost 2/3 of officially registered cases... In additional there are many ill children that were not in risk group in China. It can conjecture there are fatal cases among children as well.
   ...Still more significant is practically almost complete lack of diseased people in the part of the country bordering with China (about 25 persons only. This (I remind) is one of the longest terrestrial borders in the world (4200 km), moreover the border is practically opened with very intensive mutual tourist and business exchange.
   But the Far East and Transbaikalia is the patrimony of Ministry of Medium Machine Building and army - in Transbaikalia and Far Eastern Region traditionally all children were vaccinated, and the wave of unsupervised global larceny in medicine did not reach this area in the nineties.
   Very interesting is the situation in the USA - 26 705 contaminations and 339 fatal cases.
   What's the matter? But it's has assumption the USA presumably is the author of the epidemic.
   The problem is /-/ that Yankee is Yankee.
   If they created such a brilliant plan, everything in the world definitely has to follow it.
   They were Yankee in a real mess of Pearl Harbor, and at provocation in towers of World Trade Center, and in Iran provocation with nonexistent military toxic agent, and in Afghanistan - the most important thing is to act with dispatch and to make their profit.
   Are there any moral problems?
   As already has been said in due time - "...there is no such a crime that Occident can't accomplish for 200% profit..."
   Well, as for the fact that some States were not vaccinated, and hepatitis vaccination was paid there ...
   And generation of hippies whom as other subcultures of 1960s no one tried to vaccinate - this is not that important - for the USA establishment they are superfluous people, without whom America will be cleaner.
   Пандемия коронавируса Использованные материалы из мировых Сми - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pandemia.shtml
   P.S. - 10 years ago, in my book I described the such the pandemic as there is now ... but with one difference in this book, solving problems were by Stalin and his managers , but not by stuped immoral Putin and his illiterate thiefs - "a true Aryan Caught man"_general file, book 3 - part 2 - http://samlib.ru/g/gera_g/pest302.shtml chapter - "East China, the Amur-Sungaria Lowland"

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