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Israeli Terrorism: Materials

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Call to organize victims of Israeli 
cyber terrorism through online forum. 

Call to victims of Israeli cyber terrorism

Author: Stephen DeVoy
This could be a first step towards organizing ourselves.The forum is open to 
the public.This has some dangers associated with it.If you choose to 
participate, keep in mind that anyone can observe the forum.You may wish 
to keep your identity secret. If you do, please use an anonymizer to access the 
forum.The forum has a link to one anonymizer at the top of its main page.
You can read about other online safety tips here: 
Press the limits of free speech.

 The forum can be found at this URL: 

 Please do not visit this forum from your place of work.Some of us have lost 
our employment due to Israeli cyber terrorists who have contacted our 

 My hope is that we can forge together some kind of coalition.A good 
technique of fighting back would be to form a class action lawsuit against 
the Government of Israel.


 Make a quick comment on this article.
 your name

add your own longer comments (including web links and 
multimedia uploads)


 It has been going on for years 
 by Matt Giwer 3:02am Mon Sep 9 '02 


 That documents in progressive form (meaning it does not make too 
much sense unless you saw it while it was happening and were reading
this at the same time) the progress of months worth of attacks. 

 You can also go to my main page www.giwersworld.org and see a link 
right up front see a link to the above page as "if you are here because of 
spam see where it comes from." 

 Now go to the bottom of the page for the first link and see how many 
THOUSANDS of people were affected enough to bother to click 
through and find the source of the problem. If one in ten bothered to click 
through the affected number over 150,000. 

 Unfortunately this does not trace back to the Israeli government per se 
just a jewish nutcase in Canada. 

 by kokoloko 12:02pm Mon Sep 9 '02 

 Enough! These mongrels have to be exposed and stopped! They 
DO NOT OWN THIS COUNTRY, or our lives, much less our 
freedom of expression and the rest of our God-given rights. 

 They are a total waste, freaks, trying to impose their meager, 
decadent egotism and self-proclaimed greatness, only thanks to 
the corrupt un-American 'leaders' who have sold their souls, 
and their asses, to Zion. For all I know, they all can kiss mine. 
You may publish if you want. 

 law suit 
 by rubia 12:15pm Mon Sep 9 '02 

 please let me know what i can do to help, I have had 
more than enough with these double standards of Israel. 



 There have been reports from all over the activist community 
 and online users of cyber attacks and online harassment by 
 pro-Israel individuals and organizations.Many of us believe 
 that this harassment is sponsored by the Israeli Government.
 Our own site, Stop Fascism!, has been targeted as well.We 
 are hosting an online discussion forum for victims of Israeli cyber 

 9/11 Changed Everything

Author: Stephen DeVoy

 July 27, 2002

 They said everything would change.In fact, they wasted no time making 
the declaration.Nary a World Trade Center building had fallen before 
one media talking head after another declared, "nothing will be the same 
again."We were told (not asked) how 9/11 would alter our civil liberties.
It has.

Before 9/11, I worked hard for a defense contractor developing software
to be used with a very large knowledge based system.In fact, I was 
directing the programming department that produced this large "AI".Like 
many others, I believed that my work on this knowledge based system 
would contribute to human progress.9/11 changed everything.

 Shortly after 9/11, at a management meeting, the topic of doing secret 
work for the government was raised.It appeared likely that we would 
need to obtain security clearances.Money would be rolling in.We 
would be mobilized to help fight the war on terrorism.This talk concerned 

 After all, with talk of civil rights violations in the air, the nature of the war 
on terrorism was unclear.As an anarchist, I might not only find myself 
assisting in oppression, but I might find myself the target of such oppression.
Like most Americans, I was very angry shortly after 9/11.For all I knew, 
more attacks may be around the corner.What should my role be?

 At this management meeting, I recommended that if we were to pursue such 
work, it would be advisable to physically divide (or even legally divide) the 
corporation into an anti-terrorism corporation and a research corporation.
I pointed out that there were those at our company who would not wish to 
work on such projects.As well, the government might not want them to 
work on such projects. I was told, at that time, in front of the other managers, 
that anyone who did not support the US should not be working for the 

 Protecting people from terrorist attacks was not against my principles.In 
fact, I think that all humane individuals will oppose terrorism.As each day 
passed, I saw the wretched face of John Ashcroft on television repeatedly 
advocating the elimination of our rights and the oppression of immigrants.

We wife is an immigrant.My daughter is a dual citizen.I took Aschcroft's 
threats personally, as I should have.As I saw the focus of our work shift 
towards applications focused upon invading the privacy of Americans and 
increasing governmental control, I found it more and more difficult to 
enthusiastically carry out my duties as a programming department director.

 9/11 pushed me to understand in greater depth the cause of hatred towards 
the United States. Reading various Internet Forums confirmed what I 
suspected: a large number of Americans are racist and indifferent to Middle 
East suffering.Further investigation led me to believe that Israel was the 
primary cause of hatred against the US in the Middle East.I became a vocal 
critic of Israel.I paid a heavy price for this.

 I am not new to controversy.During the 1980's I was involved in opposing 
US support for the government of El Salvador.In the early 90's I was invited
to be an observer for the FMLN during elections in El Salvador.I went to El 
Salvador.Despite my strong opposition to US policies, I never experienced 
any serious threats to my safety or employment during that period.

 As soon as I began to criticize Israel, I began to receive death threats and other 
online harassment.One individual who when by the name Kobe was obsessed 
with the fact that I worked for a defense contractor.While I believe that he was 
behind the threats, I cannot prove it.I did prove, however, that Kobe works for 
the NSA through a corporate front called TAG.TAG works on the DISA 
project. My former employer works on the DISA project as well.

 I have documented much of the harassment I received.Some of it leads me to 
believe that the harassing individuals had contacts with my employer.I am 
preparing a document which organizes the evidence.In any case, the threats 
included threats to my employment.

 Only a month after my boss told me that I was an outstanding programmer, I 
was terminated for unknown reasons.The reasons listed had nothing to do 
with reality.I was offered severance only on the condition that I waved my right 
to sue should I find future evidence of discrimination. I have many reasons to 
believe that I am the victim of discrimination based on my private political 

 On 9/11 everything changed.America became fascist.

I look back on my former company with much disgust.This is America, 
isn't it?People are not supposed to be terminated because of their beliefs, 
right?Well, they are.

 I've had time to think about the work I was doing.I made many posts 
warning people of what was to come.My work helped me to know what 
dangers were in our future.We were working on demonstrations that 
included bin Laden and Anthrax attacks two years before 9/11.Hmmm?

 In the post 9/11 world, informed warnings are considered paranoia.
Clear evidence of a correlation between harassment and discrimination 
are dismissed as paranoia.They are not paranoia.

 The real illness lies within those who are in denial.America is now 
AmeriKa.Holding onto the illusion that our fascist society is actually 
a democracy may be comforting and may enable one to work diligently 
upon tools aimed at the destruction of human liberty, under the false 
belief that one is doing good - but that comfort is actually the numbness 
of self induced mental illness. Those of you who continue to work 
enthusiastically on projects aimed at providing "National Security" 
should ask yourselves how you will answer to your grandchildren who 
will one day return from school asking what role you played in the rise 
of the Fourth Reich.



By Noah Shachtman 

 2:00 a.m. Aug. 23, 2002 PDT 

 Law professor and pro-Palestinian agitator Francis Boyle expected 
 to have a lot of e-mail waiting for him after his
 two-and-a-half-week vacation. But he never imagined that there 
 would be 55,000 messages packing his inbox -- many of them
 hurt, even belligerent, notes from friends and fellow activists. 

 Why, they wondered, had Boyle -- who appeared on national 
 television last Sept. 13 to campaign against U.S. involvement in
 Afghanistan -- written "when I see in the newspapers that civilians in 
 Afghanistan or the West Bank were killed by American or
 Israeli troops, I don't really care"? 

 The answer was simple. The message that supposedly came from 
 Boyle was a forgery -- one of thousands sent out in the
 names and from e-mail addresses of prominent advocates for the 
 Palestinians -- designed to sow dissension, create confusion
 and waste time in the activist community. 

 "Primarily, it's been a frustrating nuisance. But there have been a lot 
 of angry misunderstandings, creating a lot of distraction,"
 said Nigel Parry, co-founder of the Electronic Intifada website. 
 "Some people are closing accounts, others are getting off
 (activist e-mail) lists entirely." 

 Palestinian and Israeli hackers have been going after each other since 
 the latest round of Middle East violence erupted in
 September 2000. But this tactic, e-mail identify theft -- known as a 
 "Joe job" by spam experts -- is a new one, possibly the
 most disruptive yet. 

 Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, 
 spent nearly four days sifting through the messages, writing
 personal apologies to the offended and manually deleting thousands 
 of bounce-backs. 

 Monica Tarazi, New York director of the American-Arab 
 Anti-Discrimination Committee, recently had her personal Yahoo 
 account shut down for one day for spamming after a message 
 bearing her name was sent to more than 80 Yahoo groups. 

 Yale medical school professor Mazin Qumsiyeh received dozens of 
 e-mails from irate colleagues after messages he had written
 to a private list of activists were forwarded to more than 1,500 
 people in the Yale community without his knowledge. 

 The content of the impersonated e-mails has varied widely: news 
 accounts of terrorist attacks; historical looks at the
 relationship between the United States and Jewish people; 
 anti-Semitic rants; pro-Israel analysis. There have even been
 forged warnings that "the e-mails of the members of this group are 
 hacked by pro-Israeli people." 

 Earlier this month, Tarazi and Parry discussed the problem with 
 agents from the FBI's computer crimes and civil rights divisions
 in a half-hour conference call. But the FBI said there was little they 
 could do to stop the e-mail impersonations from

 "While these e-mails are a nuisance, offensive and intimidating, the 
 FBI didn't find anything illegal: There haven't been threats
 that rise to the level of a hate crime, no money has been stolen, 
 public safety has not been endangered and, as far as we can
 tell, our computers have not been hacked or 'technically intruded 
 into' as one agent put it," Tarazi said in an e-mail. "The
 offensive messages are all protected by the First Amendment." 

 Qumsiyeh was quick to blame "these Zionists" for the mimicry, 
 saying in an e-mail that the FBI would have taken the case
 "seriously of course if the shoe was on the other foot, if you know 
 what I mean." 

 The Palestinian movement is legendarily polarized. For example, in 
 1993 Boyle -- then the Palestinian delegation's legal adviser
 at the Middle East peace negotiations -- refused to attend the signing 
 of the Oslo peace agreement on the White House lawn
 in part because he thought Arafat had caved in to the Israelis and 

 So it's not out of the question that this operation could be carried out 
 by people within the pro-Palestinian community. 

 Jewish leaders like Abraham Foxman, national director of the 
 Anti-Defamation League, said that the e-mail impersonations of
 Qumsiyeh, Boyle and others were "absolutely improper" and that the 
 events show "the Internet's dark underside (as) a vehicle
 for creating mischief and abuse." 

 These comments come despite the fact that Boyle has refused to 
 condemn the killing of Israeli civilians by suicide bombers and
 once labeled Foxman's group a "dirty tricks organization for Israel." 

 "The Palestinian people are defending themselves and their land and 
 their homes against Israeli war crimes and Israeli war
 criminals, both military and civilian," Boyle wrote in a recent issue of 
 The Link, a pro-Arab journal. 

 According to Laura Atkins, president of the anti-spam group 
 SpamCon Foundation, several of the missives forged in Boyle's
 name were sent from a Kinko's in the St. Louis area. These were 
 then routed through an e-mail server connected with Arab
 Wide Web, a Middle Eastern news and culture website based in 




JULY 2000, pages 43, 112

Special Report

Report of Israeli Eavesdropping on White
House Telephones Gets Varying Media

 By Richard H. Curtiss

In its May 29 issue Insight magazine published an in-depth
report headlined "FBI Probes Espionage at Clinton White
House."* The article, actually released on May 5, was the result of
a one-year investigation by editors J. Michael Waller and Paul M.
Rodriguez into reports that the FBI was probing allegations that
the government of Israel had penetrated four White House
telephone lines and was able to relay real-time conversations on
those lines from a remote site outside the White House directly
to Israel for listening and recording. 

The article also charged that the FBI was investigating whether
similar penetrations had been made into State Department lines,
possibly Pentagon lines and, most interesting, into unlisted,
secret lines used by the FBI in its counterintelligence work,
including its probe into the Israeli penetration already being
investigated. The two reporters said the FBI investigation had
been launched in late 1996 or early 1997 when a local telephone
company manager became suspicious of an Israeli employee of
Amdocs, an Israeli company that sells billing software to
telephone companies.

The American telephone manager's suspicions came to the
attention of the CIA, the reporters said, which turned the matter
over to the FBI. The Israeli worked as a subcontractor on a
telephone-billing program being developed for the CIA, and was
married to an Israeli woman employed in the Israeli Embassy in
Washington. In a search of the husband's workplace, the FBI
found "a list of the FBI's most sensitive telephone numbers,
including the Bureau's 'black' lines that FBI counterintelligence
used to keep track of the suspected Israel spy operation," the
reporters noted. They reported also that husband-and-wife
assignments are common in the Mossad.

In the course of their investigation, the journalists said, they found
it impossible to get clear confirmation that the investigation was
still active, but at the same time no one would confirm that it had
been closed. Instead the reporters were told officially that
nothing had turned up to confirm the suspicions that prompted
the three-year-long investigation, and unofficially that, because
the allegations and findings involved Israel, the entire subject was
"radioactive," "too hot to handle," and "could not be confirmed on
the record." The two journalists also suggested in their article that
perhaps congressional investigators could pick up where they
had left off, using the power to subpoena testimony that
government officials seemed both eager and afraid to offer
except under duress. But since the article appeared, no member
of Congress has taken up the challenge.

A "Radioactive" Effect

In fact, the different media handling accorded the article in the
U.S., European, and Israeli press is a story in itself. The U.S.
media, like U.S. government officials, clearly consider Israel
"radioactive." Just as an American government official knows
that expressing any interest in Israel, unless it is extremely
positive, is a career-breaker, U.S. editors know that in journalism
it can have the same effect, and also can result in extensive,
concerted loss of advertising-whether the publication's
advertisers are national or local.

Thus, although the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News, the most
conservative of the U.S. networks, picked up the Insight story on
May 5, even before Insight readers had received their copy of it,
there was virtually no television or radio follow-up, except on
radio talk shows when the few callers who had heard about it
brought it up. The U.S. print media were even more timid. The
Washington Post printed only a May 6 Associated Press report
quoting "two senior federal law enforcement officials...who
requested anonymity" as reporting that "the FBI had identified no
one to arrest during its investigation." The AP also quoted
"Capitol Hill Republican sources" as saying the allegations
centered on a telecommunications contractor and that Israeli
Embassy spokesman Mark Regev in Washington called the
allegations "outrageous" and claimed, "Israel does not spy on the
United States."

On his Web site, Insight editor Paul Rodriguez subsequently
pointed out that when The New York Times got around to
reporting the story, it built in an error about the Insight report,
which then gave the Times something to deny. 

Whether the Times intentionally set up such a straw man and
then knocked it down in lieu of reporting accurately on the Insight
story isn't clear. But the overall U.S. media handling, or
non-handling, of the story is summarized by Rodriguez: "While
Insight prides itself on having sources and contacts others don't,
this doesn't mean that other venerable institutions such as The
New York Times and The Washington Post don't have good
sources and contacts. In fact, several reporters at those papers,
as well as ABC News and Fox News Network, have been
pursuing the Insight exclusive and have been told much the same
story that was published by this magazine [Insight]. Yet apart
from Fox News, these outlets have run not a word other than the
initial wire or staff stories repeating bland comments by the FBI."

Rodriguez told the Washington Report on June 19: "We're
perplexed that no one has followed up on this story. We think it's
news by any stretch of the imagination. It is true that the FBI says
that a portion of the investigation is closed. But the fact that a
portion also is open makes it news. We will continue to pursue it.
Meanwhile, it's gratifying that the Middle East press played it fair
and square."

This magazine covered the Insight report in a page-and-a-half
article in its June issue. That article was also sent out to the
magazine's e-mail list of 1,500 newspapers with permission to
reprint it. There were a few inquiries, including a request for all
references on the subject by a major New York daily, but so far
as this writer knows, no reprints. A Texas columnist who queried
editors in his state as to why they evinced no interest was told
they were put off by Insight's lack of corroborating sources.
Maybe you can't dial up the FBI, White House, State Department
or Pentagon from Texas. Or maybe Texas editors know exactly
what Washington journalists and bureaucrats know: Israel is

European press handling of the story was not much different, but
perhaps for slightly different reasons. The original wire service
stories, based upon Insight's information, were picked up. But
since there was no follow-up after the first day or two, even those
foreign newspapers with Washington correspondents (who
concentrate on "local angle" material and leave general reporting
about the U.S. to the wire services) let the story die. Moral: if the
U.S. media choose to ignore a story about the U.S., it literally
goes down the memory hole, both at home and abroad.

One country that did not ignore the report, however, was Israel.
But there the focus was not at all on whether or not the story was
true, but only why a three-year-long FBI probe that began as early
as 1996 was only now being "leaked" to the media. Reported the
Tel Aviv daily Ha'aretz, "Israeli sources said that elements within
the U.S. government take routine precautionary steps and that
whenever there is any tension with Israel, reports on supposed
Israeli espionage against the United States are leaked to the
press." They noted that this had happened in the past and was
happening again now against the background of U.S. opposition
to Israel's deal to sell Phalcon spy planes to China.

The same May 7 Ha'aretz report on the contents of the Insight
article was far longer than anything that appeared in any U.S.
daily newspaper. It said that although "White House and FBI
officials denied the allegations...they acknowledged that such an
investigation into possible Israeli eavesdropping had been
conducted and added that the file has not technically been
closed yet. The file is categorized as 'inactive' due to the severity
of the allegations and the possibility that there may be further

Ha'aretz continued: "According to the Insight report, for more
than a year the FBI followed an Israeli businessman who works
for Amdocs...The magazine said that the FBI is convinced that
telephone company equipment was used from a remote venue to
eavesdrop on conversations initiated or received by senior U.S.
government officials, including possibly those of the president

"The report notes that many government officials conduct
conversations containing classified information on lines that are
not considered secure. Clinton, too, the magazine stressed,
conducted his intimate chats with Monica Lewinsky on an open
line. Lewinsky herself said that in March 1997, when she was
with the president in his office, he told her he suspected that a
foreign embassy had been tapping his line.

"Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr never told the Congress
whether those statements by Lewinsky were ever investigated
further. Congressional investigators who asked questions about
the matter were told at the end of 1998 by the FBI and the CIA
that there was no basis to Lewinsky's statement. Congress was
also told that there was no investigation being conducted into any
foreign government's wiretapping of the White House. Now it
emerges that such an investigation on precisely that matter had
indeed been conducted."

There were reports similar to that of Ha'aretz in the other major
Israeli dailies, all longer than anything that appeared in any U.S.
daily. The only Israeli editorial comment the reports drew did not
question the validity of the Insight report, but only its timing.

It is interesting to note that every Israeli editor feels free to inform
his readers about stories of great interest in both Israel and the
U.S. But nearly all American editors-in a form of "voluntary
censorship" identical to that practiced in countries where there is
no freedom of the press-
choose to withhold those same stories from American readers. 

It's going to be hard, however, to make Monica Lewinsky's
testimony that President Bill Clinton warned her that a foreign
embassy was listening to their telephone sex go permanently
down the memory hole. This is particularly true after the whole
sordid Monica story hit the U.S. media fan just hours after
then-Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu arrived in the
U.S. national capital vowing "to set Washington on fire" back in

Now we know where he got the matches.

* Subscribers to Other Voices will find the full text of the Insight
article bound into this issue of the Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs. It can also be found on the Insight Web site

Richard H. Curtiss is the executive editor of the Washington



[CP-List] Israeli Hackers Foiled

Jeffrey St. Clair sitka@attbi.com
Tue, 03 Sep 2002 12:09:13 -0700 

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Israeli Computer Hackers Foiled, Exposed

By Michael Gillespie

For Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

9/03/02 - 1,542 words

Israeli cyber warfare professionals targeted human rights
and anti-war activists across the USA in late July and
August temporarily disrupting communications, harassing
hundreds of computer users, and annoying thousands more.

The Israeli hackers targeted Stephen "Sami" Mashney, an
Anaheim, California, attorney active in the effort to raise
awareness of the plight of Palestinians.

"People have found an alternate way to communicate through
the Internet," Mashney, a Palestinian-American, told the
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, "and this attack
is backfiring on the hackers. Many people are being

Mashney, who co-manages a popular pro-Palestinian e-mail
list hosted by Yahoo! logged onto his Internet accounts on
July 31 to find hundreds of e-mail messages from angry
Americans. He quickly realized that hackers had appropriated
or "spoofed" his e-mail addresses and identity and sent out
a message titled "Down With America" in his name. The
message named and included contact information for 16
well-known human rights activists and falsely claimed the
activists wished to be contacted by anyone desiring advice
or assistance in fomenting and carrying out anti-American,
anti-Christian, or anti-Jewish activities. In an obvious
attempt to damage Mashney's reputation, the hackers appended
his name, law office telephone number, and website address
to the spurious e-mail.

As Mashney was looking up the telephone number of the local
FBI office to report the hackers' crime, his phone rang. It
was the FBI calling, from Washington, with questions about
the forged e-mail message. Mashney later met with FBI agents
in California.

"I answered all their relevant questions," said Mashney, who
notes that the hackers' attacks continued unabated for weeks
and expanded to include other new and innovative methods of
harassment that were used against many other activists
associated with Free Palestine and other public and private
e-mail lists.

Dr. Francis A. Boyle, professor of International Law at the
University of Illinois College of Law, is a human rights
activist who served on the board of Amnesty International
USA. A member of Free Palestine and other activist lists,
Dr. Boyle was also targeted by Israeli hackers who sent
counterfeit e-mails in his name. Again, the hackers'
intention was to sow confusion, provoke animosity, damage a
reputation, and restrict ability to communicate. When Boyle
returned from a vacation in mid August, he found 55,000
e-mails waiting for him. Like Mashney, Boyle spent days
sorting through the messages, writing personal apologies to
those offended by the bogus e-mails, and deleting thousands
of bounced messages. Unflappable, Boyle takes it all in

"You can't keep the Irish down," wrote Boyle in an e-mail
message to this reporter.

Israeli hackers also targeted Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, associate
professor at the Yale University School of Medicine. The
hackers forwarded to some 1,500 members of the Yale
community e-mails that Qumsiyeh had sent to a private list
of activists. Many of his university colleagues were
annoyed, but Qumsiyeh, too, feels that the hackers are doing
the Zionist cause more harm than good. Qumsiyeh said the
hackers' efforts have generated new networking opportunities
among activists and groups who did not know of each other's
existence before the hackers targeted them.

Monica Terazi is director of the New York office of the
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Terazi's
e-mail privileges were yanked by Yahoo! for a time after
hackers "spoofed" her e-mail address and identity to send a
message to some 80 Yahoo! groups. Terazi, like Mashney,
spoke with the FBI about the new Israeli cyber warfare
tactics, which have piqued the interest of Internet
communications professionals. For a story published August
23, Terazi wrote to Wired News reporter Noah Shachtman,
"While these e-mails are a nuisance, offensive and
intimidating, the FBI didn't find anything illegal: There
haven't been threats that rise to the level of a hate crime,
no money has been stolen, public safety has not been
endangered and, as far as we can tell, our computers have
not been hacked or 'technically intruded into' as one agent
put it." The offensive messages are all protected by the
First Amendment, said Terazi.

By mid August, the Israeli hackers had begun to target
activists in Iowa, where it seems the Israeli hackers have
"technically intruded" into computers. It is also likely
their helpers here have forwarded addresses from private
lists to Israel. Iowa activists report that people and
organizations on their private e-mail lists: family members,
friends, acquaintances, media contacts, government
officials, interfaith relations organizations, activists,
and activist organizations suddenly found themselves
receiving tens, hundreds, or thousands of anti-Arab,
anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian "spam" e-mails per day.
Many on private e-mail lists reported receiving anti-Arafat
cartoons and racist diatribes, along with e-mail that
aggressively connected to a web site that took control of
their computers, turned the screen white, and made it
necessary to shut down and re-start the computer. Some also
reported that their e-mail addresses had been "spoofed" and
their on-line identities appropriated for the distribution
of racist messages.

Darrell Yeaney, a Presbyterian campus minister who retired
after serving at the University of Iowa, is active in
Friends of Sabeel, an ecumenical Christian organization that
supports the ministry of Sabeel, the center for Palestinian
Ecumenical Liberation Theology. He and his wife, Sue, now
serve as co-moderators for the Middle East Peacemaking Group
in Iowa. The Yeaneys report that the hackers appropriated
their address and sent out spurious e-mail in their names.

Ames-based activist, author, and editor Betsy Mayfield,
whose work has appeared in the Washington Report on Middle
East Affairs, was busy with plans for a mid-September Des
Moines film festival, "Boundaries: The Holy Land," when the
hackers turned their attentions to her computer.

Several Ames women whose only association with the crisis in
the Holy Land is their commitment to the Ames Interfaith
Council (AIC) reported being shocked by the sudden
appearance of pornographic e-mail and racist diatribes on
their computer screens.

Many Iowans were targeted for harassment by the hackers, and
hundreds of others suffered varying degrees of inconvenience
because they were somehow connected to the cause of peace
and justice in the Middle East. Similar scenarios played out
in other states across the USA.

The scale of the Israeli cyber warfare campaign, the number
of targets, and the variety of techniques used, coupled with
specifically targeted intrusions calculated to provide
additional target addresses for the application of the
hackers' various forms of harassment, suggest a
sophisticated, coordinated, government-sponsored program
designed to impact directly upon the communications
abilities of the human rights and pro-Palestinian anti-war
activism communities in the USA.

When the Israeli hackers "spoofed" the AIC's e-mail address,
they invited a response they did not expect. Because the AIC
list was hosted by Iowa State University (ISU), because the
world's first electronic digital computer was invented at
ISU in a Physics Department laboratory in the early 1940s,
and because he has represented the ISU Muslim Student's
Association on the AIC cabinet, ISU Physics Department
computer administrator Dr. Bassam Shehadeh decided to track
the hackers down.

"The hackers access the internet via an ISP called
<Palnet.com> on the West Bank," said Shehadeh.

When <Palnet.com> did not respond to his repeated e-mail
enquiries, Shehadeh called the company, informed their
representative that Palnet facilities were being used to
interfere with communications at a state institution in the
USA, and demanded an explanation. He provided information
that enabled Palnet technicians to identify the phone number
of the customer harassing Iowans.

"Everyone here is a victim but the hackers," said Shehadeh.
"The hackers use stolen identification to get access to

Shehadeh said the contact line the hackers used for at least
one message to the AIC list address was an Israeli number in
West Jerusalem or one of the surrounding settlements. A
Palnet representative also told Shehadeh the hackers have
used several lines and methods to access Palnet's

"Afterwards, the hackers compromise another service system
here in the USA by passing the e-mail message with Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), using HELO verb. The hackers
don't have a valid principal host but overcome that by using
a bracketed Internet Protocol number (IP address) at a
location anywhere on the web. Web hosting servers tricked
into transferring these e-mails include Digital Cube, Inc.,
Verizon DSL Network, and Iowa Online Web Access located in
Washington, Iowa," said Shehadeh

Shehadeh and other computer professionals working in the USA
report that ISPs and companies with IP addresses are
typically very cooperative when notified that their
equipment is being misused. Most act promptly to end the
hackers' access.

Given widespread and systematic destruction of electronic
communications facilities by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF)
in the West Bank in recent months, the continued existence
of Palnet facilities suggests that the Israeli government
had reason to permit Palnet's continued operation and raises
questions about the ability of Palnet's owners to refuse
service to Israeli hackers or otherwise interfere with their

This particular campaign in Israel's cyber war seemed to
have been curtailed, at least temporarily, on August 29,
soon after Shehadeh tracked the hackers to the West Bank ISP
and, finally, to an Israeli phone number, while other
computer professionals in the USA, along with some of the
targeted activists themselves, quietly contacted management
representatives at various IP addresses around the globe and
notified them that their facilities were being abused.



 Israelis and U.S. Zionists
 Escalate Cyber Warfare

 Ernesto Cienfuegos
 La Voz de Aztlan

 Los Angeles, Alta California - September 6, 2002 - (ACN) Computer
 hackers based in Israel in conjunction with Zionists and certain Jews
 in the United States have just launched a new "cyber war" offensive
 against human rights and anti-war activists and organizations in the
 U.S. that are in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and oppose
 the Zionist occupation of Palestine. There are now thousands of
 organizations and individuals on the World Wide Web that have been
 targeted and whose communications disrupted by a variety of sinister
 "cyber war techniques." 

 Our publication, La Voz de Aztlan, has been one of their primary
 targets after the ADL of B'nai B'rith published a series of lies aimed
 to discredit our staff writers and our publisher on their website. We
 have just learned that the Israeli government as well as a variety of
 U.S. Zionist organizations are actually funding the activities of well
 trained "cyber terrorists" bent on destroying the freedom of
 expression for everyone but themselves. 

 There are two levels of cyber warfare that the Zionists are carrying
 out. The first level is out in the open and consists of efforts to
 legitimately take control of the Internet through the passage of bogus
 legislation aimed at implementing their controls over the Internet and
 by taking financial control of Internet portals such as AOL and other
 major Internet Service Providers. 

 In addition, Zionist conspirators are diligently working on
 specialized software aimed at filtering out lists of websites that
 they deem threatening to their interests. They than "push" and sell
 the filtering software to school districts, libraries, the military,
 government agencies, the corporate sector and a host of other
 entities. This effectively blocks millions of U.S Internet users from
 viewing those websites critical of Zionist policies. The problem is
 worst in other counties where Zionists have influence such as in
 Australia. La Voz de Aztlan has received three e-mails from Australian
 citizens informing us that all of a sudden they can not access our

 One principal Zionist organization taking this "out in the open"
 effort to control the Internet is the Weisenthal Center of Los
 Angeles. The Weisenthal Center's primary operative in the effort is
 Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Rabbi Cooper has spent millions of dollars
 lobbying the US Senate and has already been effective in having the
 U.S. Congress pass a series of repressive measures that have in large
 measure impeded alternative and independent information services from
 publishing certain articles, editorials and opinions critical of
 Zionism. Some of the money used by Rabbi Cooper actually comes from
 unsuspecting California taxpayers. A former California Speaker of the
 Assembly admitted shamelessly that he put together over $18 million
 dollars for Rabbi Cooper. The scam used by the rabbi is to inflict
 guilt on certain legislators because of the holocaust and to pretend
 that he is doing it to combat "hate" and so called "antisemitism". 

 The other level of "cyber warfare" being utilized by the Zionists is
 right down evil and dirty. It is hidden, covert, malicious and in many
 cases clearly criminal. The victims now number in the thousands and

 Most of the victims are U.S. citizens of the Islamic faith as well as
 Arab American and U.S. Palestinian organizations struggling for human
 rights. An article by Michael Gillespie published in the "Washington
 Report on Middle East Affairs" describes a number of incidents and
 victims. One victim pointed out by Michael Gillespie is Stephen
 Mashney of Anaheim, Alta California. Mr. Mashney is an attorney active
 in the effort to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians and for
 this he was targeted by the well funded and trained network of Israeli
 and U.S. Zionist computer hackers. 

 Mr. Mashney was the victim of a favorite dirty trick used by the
 Zionists. The hackers sent out a message using his name and e-mail
 address titled "Down With America". Mr. Mashney who hosts a
 pro-Palestinian mailing list realized something was wrong when he
 started receiving hundreds of hate e-mails from infuriated Americans.
 The malicious and evil "Israeli/U.S. Zionist hacker's network"
 included in the message the home addresses as well as home telephone
 numbers of other pro-Palestinian rights activists. The faked e-mail
 message sent by the hackers, in addition, included as a signature, Mr.
 Stephen Mashney's law firm address, telephone number, e-mail address
 and website URL. 

 Other victims of this same Zionist dirty trick are two professors at
 U.S, universities. The first is Dr. Francis A. Boyle, professor of
 International Law at the University of Illinois. Dr. Boyle is in
 addition a respected Palestinian human rights activist who has served
 on the board of Amnesty International USA. The fake e-mails sent in
 his name have done extensive damage to his excellent reputation and
 has disrupted his ability to communicate on the Internet. The other is
 Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh who is an associate professor at the Yale
 University School of Medicine. The Zionist hackers sent out hundreds
 of libelous e-mails to selected members of the Yale community designed
 to damage his reputation and to diminish his credibility within the
 Yale University community. 

 Among some of the human rights organizations targeted by the Zionists
 for the "fake e-mail dirty trick" is the American Arab
 Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) of New York. Monica Terazi, its
 director, had her Yahoo e-mail account revoked after the Zionist
 hackers sent counterfeit messages in her name to numerous Yahoo e-mail

 The "Israeli/U.S. Zionist hacker's network" is utilizing other more
 sophisticated hacking techniques to disrupt the ability of human
 rights activists to communicate. One is to implant a small "trojan
 horse" program on the hard disk of their victims such as the well
 known SubSeven Trojan. The "trojan horse" is first sent as an
 attachment on an e-mail. If the unsuspecting victim clicks on the
 attachment, the program activates itself and opens up certain "ports"
 on the computer. Later, with another program, the hacker can connect
 to the victim's computer and download any sensitive file such the
 victim's mailing list. One can imagine what havoc a Zionist hacker can
 cause by having complete access to all their victims most sensitive
 files. La Voz de Aztlan has detected hundreds of attempts to intrude
 into our hard disk after being sent "trojan horse programs" which
 thank God, our "firewall" detected. 

 Last month, the Zionist hackers from Israel started targeting
 activists from the state of Iowa. In these incidents, the hackers were
 actually able to intrude and to remotely take possession of their
 victim's computers. They utilize the sensitive information obtained,
 such as private lists with names and e-mail addresses, to generate a
 vast amount of evil deeds. Among the victims in Iowa is Darrell
 Yeaney, a Presbyterian campus minister active on the Middle East
 Peacemaking Group. Another is author and editor Betsy Mayfield whose
 work has been published in the Washington Report on Middle East
 Affairs and is active at the Ames Interfaith Council (AIC). Several
 women at Ames Interfaith Council also reported that they were shocked
 and disgusted when all of a sudden they were exposed to pornographic
 and racist text and images on their computer screens. Apparently, the
 Ames women were victims of a Zionist "trojan horse" takeover of their
 computers. Iowa State University Physics Department computer expert
 Dr. Bassam Shehadeh was able to trace the origin of the cyber attacks.
 He determined that the hackers were accessing the internet via an
 Internet Service Provider called Palnet.com located on the West Bank.
 The Zionist hackers were utilizing stolen identifications and
 passwords to get access through Palnet.com. 

 Michael Gillespie wrote in the Washington Report on Middle East
 Affairs that "The scale of the Israeli cyber warfare campaign, the
 number of targets, and the variety of techniques used, coupled with
 specifically targeted intrusions calculated to provide additional
 target addresses for the application of the hackers' various forms of
 harassment, suggest a sophisticated, coordinated, government-sponsored
 program designed to impact directly upon the communications abilities
 of the human rights and pro-Palestinian anti-war activism communities
 in the USA." La Voz de Aztlan agrees totally with this assessment. We
 attribute the particularly viciousness of the "cyber war" being waged
 against our publication to the fact that we have taken a
 pro-Palestinian editorial policy and have come to the same conclusion.


Cyber Terrorism

I have a case

From: Turing
Date: 10 Sep 2002
Time: 05:56:01
Remote Name:


I have plenty of evidence that the "moderators" of 
Sydney Indymedia are directly involved in the cyber-stalking,
cyber-terrorism and cyber-defamation - all of which I''ve been 
a victim of. It would seem to follow from my propogation of the
documentary evidence linking Domink Suter of Mossad & his Urban 
Moving Systems to the September 11 attacks. 

Summary - includes defamatory conniptions about peadophilia and 
a report on my "suicide":
and the follwing Indymedia page was altered by one of the Sydney IMC 
"modreators" to redirect to a defmaotry website: 


Nasty! And there's plenty more.

Last changed: September 10, 2002 


Israel Wages Cyber Warfare on Americans
Israel Wages Cyber Warfare on Americans

Israel and cyber terror cells, in the US
an in Israel, are waging cyber warfare
against US citizens.  Emails are being
forged.  Defamation attacks are being
launched.  Americans who have
spoken out against Israeli acts of
terror in Palestine.  Americans who
have spoken critically of Israeli
subversion of the US political system
have suffered death threats and loss
of employment.  This is a real war and
it is being waged against the people
of the United States.

Israel's goal in this war is to insure American
"aid" to Israel and to maintain Israeli control
over American foreign policy as it relates to
the Middle East.  The weapons of defamation,
false accusations of anti-Semitism, denial of
service attacks, forged emails, emailed viruses,
and anonymous death threats have been turned
upon the very Americans who tax dollars are 
spent to prop up the fascist regime in Israel.

We declare that "enough is enough!"  It is time 
for Americans to come together and fight against 
these violations of our sovereignty.  It is time
to rout out those who call themselves Americans 
while serving the interests of a foreign nation.  We 
call on all Americans to stand up against this cyber

Let us come together and discuss what is
happening.  Let us demand that the US 
Government stop playing lap-dog to
Israel's demands.  US law enforcement 
should be cracking down on those who
commit these criminal acts!  They are not!  
We demand action and we demand it now!


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 video channel 

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 How Sydney IMC frauds Work 
 by Turing 4:05pm Sun Sep 8 '02 
 (Modified on 12:28am Wed Sep 11 '02)


 algebra - a branch of mathematics in which symbols 
 are used to represent
 ALL members of a set. 

 August 6, 2002

 click image - or go here:

 August 12, 2002

 click image - or go here:

 September 01, 2002

 September 04, 2002

 click image - or go here:

 The last reference to all linked articles clearly demonstrates that a 
spamming was already well and truly in progress when "sean" - a "moderator" 
at SydneyIMC - intiated another thread with the sole
 purpose of character assasination.

 In fact, as you can see by the screen-capture attached to the first 

  Beware of Turing (aka [DELETED]) 
  by cointelpro 5:12pm Wed Sep 4

 - it would have been rather difficult for "sean" to not know this.

 What time did "sean" initiate another thread repeating the deceitful 
techno-conniptions of "cointelpro"? Let's take a look:

  Spies on indymedia, take note! 
  by Demand privacy 8:21pm Wed Sep 4 '02 (Modified on 8:35pm Thu Sep 5 '02)

 Why did you do initiate another thread with the same lies, "sean" - three 
 hours after "cointelpro"?

 On examining the respective threads it is evident that the Melbourne 
 moderators are unwilling to permit defamation, identity theft, and posts 
 intended to disrupt the operation of a progressive
 newswire - unlike the frauds responsible for "moderating" Sydney.

 September 07, 2002

 An "activist's weekend"! Aren't we being a little actively fraudulent, 

 Why are the Sydney collective so keen on promoting deception and hate?

 Given the details relating to article #18117 (Aug06) and #18513 (Aug 12), 
 why does the Sydney IMC collective - including you "sean" - refuse to take 
 action against identity thieves?


 Just another Zionist Provocation:

 Warning Leoncarter Is a Terrorist !!
Leoncarter Is wanted Dead or Alive !! 
 No Photo available

The Death Doctor and Doctor Cyber good .


 Date of Birth Used:  1973
 Hair: Black
 Often Changes Place of Birth:India 
 Eyes:  Brown
 Often Changes Height:  5'6"
 Sex: Male
 Dresses in drag Weight:  175
 Complexion: Olive
 Build:  Medium
 Citizenship: Pakistan 
 Language:  English / Arabic

 Special notes : Leoncarter is a master of disguise. 
 Leoncarter may very well be dressing as a female. 


 Leoncarter has been indicted in the Eastern District 
 of Virginia for the June 25, 1999, bombing of the
 General Lee Towers military housing complex in 
 Eglin Afb , Ft Walton Beach Fl.

 Other known arrest : Leoncarter has been arrested as 
 a street hooker , beastiality pornagrapher, and selling 
 beer to kids . When Leoncarter was asked why so many 
 crimes they said " I have to do it to support my love 
 Osama Bin Laden " Leoncarter also went on to say " You 
 watch some day he and I will be together anagin in the 
 promised land . " 


 The Rewards From the Justice Program, United States 
 Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $2.4 
 million for information leading directly to the apprehension 
 or conviction of Leoncarter.

 Leoncarter Should Be Considered Armed And Dangerous 



 Cyber Terrorism

 I'll take a look at your links.

 From: Stephen
 Date: 10 Sep 2002
 Time: 07:00:59
 Remote Name:


 I have evidence, as well, that some other "leftists" are involved. 
 I'm really surprised. A lot of people on the left trust each other
 blindly and this leads to vulnerability. There's a guy in Houston 
 whose always on IndyMedia and much evidence points to him being an 
 infiltrator. There's someone in Maryland too. 

 I was shocked by this, at first, but it makes sense. Three points: 

 (1) The left is easy to infiltrate. 

 (2) Many Zionists have long been involved in "liberal" and "progressive" 
 causes. This is the first time that one of these causes actually hits home, 
 in a demographic sense. We are now seeing that some of them are as flawed 
 as the rest of humanity. This subset is more loyal to their "tribe" than 
 the cause. 

 (3) Some activists confuse anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Their desire 
 to end racism combined with the conceptual flaw leads them to try to purge 
 anti-Zionists from the movement, under the false belief that they are 
 fighting racism. 

 Thanks for your links. After I look at them, I'll share my thoughts. 

 Last changed: September 10, 2002 


 Cyber Terrorism

 Class action against zionists

 From: who knows
 Date: 09 Sep 2002
 Time: 21:05:20
 Remote Name:


 I'm interested to hear more about a class action against zionists. 
 On what grounds could this be done ?  Are people really serious about 
 this ? I think it is an excellent idea because it would take the 
 anti-zioist arguemnt into a court where it would have to be considered 
 on fair grounds and they could not bully their way out of the resulting 

 Last changed: September 10, 2002 



 Cyber Terrorism

 I am serious about this.

 From: Stephen
 Date: 09 Sep 2002
 Time: 21:17:45
 Remote Name:


 There is a clear pattern of attacks on individuals critical of Israel. 
 There is much evidence connecting these attacks with Israel. 
 Circumstantial evidence argues strongly that the Government of Israel 
 is facilitating these attacks. 

 There are real damages worth real dollars. Thousand of people have been 
 attacked. Many of these attacks involve defamation, computer viruses, and 
 terrorist threats. All of these deeds can be held against Israel in a court 
 of law. We should consider demanding that all Israeli assets are frozen 
 until the outcome of such a lawsuit.

 Last changed: September 10, 2002 


 Cyber Terrorism

 A short version of my story.

 From: Stephen
 Date: 08 Sep 2002
 Time: 20:02:21
 Remote Name:


 I've been active in politics for many years. I opposed the first war 
 with Iraq and I went to El Salvador in support of those who
  sought to bring democracy there. Despite all of my political work, I 
 never before encountered any kind of  harassment for my activities. 

  After 9/11, I had questions about why US authorities were unable 
 to stop the attacks upon the US. After reading several stories about 
an Israeli spy ring in the US, I decided to read other books on the 
Mossad and Israel's influence in our country.
  Many have drawn connections between the events of 9/11 and the 
 movements of this Israeli spy ring within the US. I began
to wonder whether there might be a connection between US 
 intelligence failures and the Mossad. 

  The Mossad has a history of provoking the US to do its dirty work 
 through "false flag" terror operations. Despite the fact than
  many within US Intelligence agencies had information beforehand 
 about 9/11, no one was able to propagate that information
  upward. Some FBI agents spoke of intentional thwarting of 
 information by their superiors. Other reported that the FBI had
  been infiltrated by a foreign intelligence agency from the Middle 
 East. All of this was surpressed in the press. 

  I began to write openly about the possible connections between the 
 Mossad and US Intelligence failures.  Immediately after posting such 
a theory on a web forum, I became the target of cyber harassment and 
death threats. I received threats to my employment as well. In short 
order I was fired from my job for no valid reason. 

  The harassment has continued. I have documented it at 

  I've had internet forums taken from me through the actions of Cyber 
 Terrorists. I've had one site hacked I've been the target of denial of 
service attacks, forged emails, and attempts to get my 
 ISP to drop me. 

  This is what Israel does with our tax money. It must be stopped. 
 The US should be going after Israel and not Iraq. It is time for
  Americans to stand up and say NO to Israel. 

  Last changed: September 10, 2002 

  =============== Cyber Scum

 Report Internet Intimidation

 A Page Dedicated to the Vile Fascist Trash
 that Stalks the Internet

 [Is the NSA targeting American Forums for Harassment?]

 Just like the NAZI period in Germany, the American period of fascism is
 marked with vigilantism and terror against those who dissent.  Stop Fascism!
 has been no exception.  We have been the target of a campaign of Cyber
 Vigilantism and Cyber Terrorism.  Learn who our enemies are, how they think,
 what their tactics are, and to whom they are loyal by inspecting the emails they
 have sent to Stop Fascism! and the threats they have posted upon our forum.

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