Холдор Вулкан : другие произведения.

Chapter 13 of the short novel of Holder Volcano "Falling leaves"

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  Chapter 13 of the short novel of Holder Volcano "Falling leaves"
   Kissing in the fog
   -Are you dumb, you understand, I owe him not that there is a daughter, and a life of its own! The great Chairman, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch saved me when I was in his pickup truck accidentally knocked down an old woman on the road. Well, Yes, I was tipsy then, but this woman, very old, itself to blame. Instead of sitting at home, she wandered the streets in her old age. She died on the spot, died. Think? Tears hysteria, screaming, instead of thanking me for what I helped her to go to heaven, where she sought all my life. I was threatening to plant, hide in the prison for years, ungrateful creatures. But the world is still not fail the good people. One man approaches me, laughing, shaking his belly, cannot suppress his laughter. Hugged me fraternally and thanked. -Thank you, brother. I'll never forget, he says, forevermore. Finally, we are free from her, and she happens to be my mother-in-law. One summer, he says, I went on a picnic with our family. We sat, on the edge of our garden, where stood a Scarecrow, made of old clothes, all patched. Is the Scarecrow, thoughtfully looking into the distance with his eyes from under battered hats, made from buttons. His hands hang like a sausage in the Soviet era. Hair made from red straw. Flock of birds flew past our garden, for fear of thinking that living a farmer. Here I sit, means, fire frying on the fire skewers of bread sausage. Mother-in-law, he says, too, is about our canvas tents with us and eats bread sausage, unceasingly moving his false teeth. I hyperventilate as well, I think, to live in this beautiful world! Relax at picnics with members of his family plus mother-in-law!.. Then, he says, in a voice wildly cried:
   -Heyheyheeeeeeey! I love you, my native land! Love your spaces, to the mysterious whisper of rain and the cheerful noise of green trees in the open wind! I like to go without an umbrella under a drizzle, soaked to the threads clothing by country road, when lightning and thunder!.. Here, he says, as if ordering around the dark suddenly appeared from the sky of all clouds, and, he says, a storm began. I'm even gladder, looking at the sky, where, he says lightning and booming thunder. Here, as it started to rain and my family members ran, back home, as there was no place to hide. Our canvas tent was demolished by the wind, members, my family fleeing. Mother-in -law, too. It is he says ran limping on one leg, still chewing a slice of toasted bread, incessantly moving jaws, like a gopher in the steppe, which, he says, feeds on plant roots. As the rain intensified and turned into a downpour. Half an hour later, water in the river rose and the flood started. Here then, I also had to run home, that is to swim against the current. I barely came to our house, which, he says already squinted to the side, from the window in a panic, shouts to my wife and my beloved children. My mother -in -law, too. She curses me, saying, you cursed caused this natural disaster. I knew that in such serious situations cannot do without the ark. Then, says he, took from the barn our large tin basin, that is, the trough in which we bathed with my wife after sex and sometimes bathe kids too. This trough we, says he, jokingly called "Titanic", and I told the members of his family, so they immediately boarded the schooner, as we need to depart from this ill-fated Harbor in the open ocean, where we can find some Pacific Atoll or a desert island for further accommodation. We sat in the ark, I too, and how otherwise? The ship's long voyage without a captain, it's still an ark without Noah. Well, we all took our seats. Here, my mother left behind since she was weighing almost half a ton. Well, where with the weight, judge, myself. The rain lashes with the wild noise of the Canadian falls of Niagara, and cry out: "cast off! To keep the rate between 60 degrees North and 19 degrees West longitude, they say, we sail! And mother-in-law mine arrived with a huge heavy square front of the Stalin era suitcase with a broken lock, without handle arm, made of plywood, and shouts, scolding me, trying to catch hold for our ship! I said, where you're going, lady! Do you see that schooner on the long voyage there is no free space?! Everyone is busy! And I'm afraid that there is not in the hold space for your huge the front of the suitcase Stalinist era, made of plywood without a handle that won't close. If we take you on Board, then overload our ship may capsize and we will sink into the depths of this raging ocean! Come from the screw! Who say?! - I shouted, waving the shovel he held in his hands, using it as a paddle. But, my mother-in-law desperately grabbed overboard my bony hands of the dead and tried to sit on the carriage, my wife all to help her. And I had, a couple of times to hit her with a paddle in the dome, well, I mean, with a shovel. My deaf belly from hard blows, and lost consciousness as a poor unsuspecting Dolphin in the coastal waters, of which the poachers hit with a baseball bat and, my mother-in-law, too, as the naive Dolphin, drowned in the raging muddy water. Finally, we managed to rid of a heavy burden, and I began earnestly to row, to sail, as they say away from sin. But, there to the great happiness of my silence, the rain abruptly ceased, and the water level began to decline. In an hour our tin boat ran aground. My mother-in-law all dirty with algae on the neck and ears is at the turn near the building of the post office, as elephant thrown ashore by a wave, while, strong sea storm. My wife ran there, the children, too. Well, I think, damn, that's not enough. Now we have to find the money for her funeral. But, there it was. You see, it breathes, his mouth wide open like a fish on the broken pieces in the aquarium, and even, he says, opened his slanted eyes. Well, thank God that you survived, dear mother I tell her happily. Then, she called in sick. Stopped eating and lost a lot of weight. Think, is it cancer? And then, in my head, was it a unique idea. I ran to the insurance company to fill necessary documents. Then went to the Bank, well, to get a substantial loan in the name of my mother-in-law, in the hope that when she dies, the state itself will pay for it, given the death of the creditor, proceeding from considerations of humanity.. I got a loan, but the mother-in-law, my instead of dying, recovered and started eating with great appetite, all of which can be eaten. It seemed that she was even much younger, gaining strength. And the interest with which I received the loan, he says, is inexorably rising. I did not know what to do. One day I caught her in a full moon in the garden, where she watched the shining Orb of the moon and read some magic spells. The time, I thought, and took twenty-five millimeter tube, and approached her quietly tiptoe back, and hit her head hard. Came the sound knocking like "Klang!" and the pipe was bent in the letter "G", she didn't even notice. Sitting and casts spells. After that, I had no choice but to strangle the mother-in-law this... well, strings of Uzbek dutar. But this way too, did not help. Taut strings of the dutar, was broken, and she, alive, smiling his toothless mouth like a sea whale. Well, today she apparently, was in the hands of an expert like you and gave tips, thank God Almighty. A man, who again and again thanked me, cries with joy. I say, not for that, man. Then I was taken to a detention center. But thanks to the great Chairman, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch that he bought prosecutors and the judge, giving them a bag of public money from the Treasury of our farm "Tillaquduq", in the form of bribes, case closed, which was opened on my feature. You saw it with your own eyes that I was acquitted and freed in the courtroom. Well, now think about it, how can I refuse such a great Chairman, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch when this historical figure asks to have our daughter married the son of his cousin? On the contrary, it is for us a chance to get akin with influential and wealthy people of our district. Only a fool drives away with a stick the bird of happiness, which wants to build the nest on his bad head. All point. The word of the Chairman comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch to me the law! I respect him more than his father! In short, I promised him. And the President, in turn, gave the word to cover all costs of the wedding by the Treasury of our farm. So get ready for the wedding. Tomorrow the matchmaker should come. See, that was no amateur. You know me. Clank, with an axe on the head and half your body here and another part there - finished his story Abduljabbar.
   Hearing these words, Raheela started crying, hugging Khurshida and stroking her hair.
   - Why are you crying Ah, you stupid, why are you crying instead of being happy?! - Said Abduljabbar.
   - What do I do? You want me to laugh?! Why you are not consulting me, gave them the promise? I cry not for myself but for our daughter! We have to ask Khurshida whether she wants to marry the nephew of the Chairman. We have to know first how to, examine the character and behavior of the future son-in-law to know what he was doing, and then make the decision - cried Raheela.
   - Shut up! Who are you all to discuss the behavior of the nephew of our dear great Chairman, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelybakezavuch, my idol?! They are decent people! I told you, explained in human language, that I am obliged to the Chairman of the life! And you, fool, again! You see, I didn't consult her! Why do I need to consult you, say, yourself? You're a brainless mule.! It is the East, not Europe or the West, where parents go to leash their wives and children! If you don't like my actions, then good riddance! Go out there and find yourself some obedient donkey! And here I am the master! About whom our son-in-law know! The great Chairman, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch told me that next week our new relatives intend to send matchmakers to ask the hand of your daughter. Said matchmakers will bring a picture of our future son-in-law, okay, numbskull?! Period! said Abduljabbar, and went out. Raheela with Khurshida wept, hugging each other. Raheela then suddenly stopped crying and took over the shoulders of the daughter, looked into her burning eyes crazy eyes wild.
   - I have an idea. Here's what we do. You, daughter, go and consult with the tractor driver Sultan, and go away together somewhere. I don't want you to be unhappy. Let me kill this tyrant, an alcoholic. I have lived her in this hell and enough. I don't want you to become like me. One victim is enough! Where you're from, live happily and freely! - blessed Raheela.
   - No, mommy, I can't leave you in this hell! I don't want my father to beat you because of me! Can't sacrifice you, honey! Such happiness I don't need! I'll take the rope with soap and water and hang! - cried Khurshida.
   - No! Don't even think about it. Suicide is a sin! Did you ever think about what would happen to the Sultan after he hears about you?! And I? How will I live after this?! You want me out of your mind?! Oh, God, help me and show us the way of truth! - cried Raheela.
   You're right, mom - said Khurshida. Better I will go now to the Sultan and tell him everything. I have it smart and we will figure something out. Only you do not cry, okay, promise? - Raheela nodded in agreement, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. Dressed warmly, Khurshida flew into the yard and went out into the street, ran toward the fields. Khurshida was glad the weather was foggy, and she was able to escape without being shown to the villagers, who like to spread rumors. She fled, stumbling through the fog and cried on the run. Hearing the roar of the bulldozer, Khurshida ran even faster to quickly share with the Sultan the terrible news of her engagement. The sound of the engine gave her a reference point, and finally, Khurshida saw a dim silhouette of a tractor that plowed the land, lighting up the misty field with the headlights on. To run on a plowed field was difficult. Therefore, Khurshida fled, stumbling at almost every step, sometimes on all fours. Approaching the bulldozer, she cried:
   Sultan, stop-easy! Slyshite, wait-her?! But the tractor driver Sultan because of the noise of the motor had not heard her screams and drove forward. He saw Khurshida only when turned to learn how there is a furrow. Saw her, he was delighted. Having stopped the bulldozer, he killed the engine and jumped out of the cabin, smiling happily.
   - What winds brought You here, to the field of separation and loneliness, Oh, Mrs. Madam Duchess Khurshidabanu de La Marquise La tombala neige a pace sua e fusible manege! he said, stepping to the side Khurshida by leaps and bounds. Coming closer to the girl, he stopped smiling
   - Oh, Madam Duchess Khurshidabanu de La Marquise La tombala neige a pace sua e fusible manege, why do we cry? Who hurt You? You name only the name, and I'll cut off his ears -he said.Khurshida are unable to withstand tears and with tears in her eyes, rushed into the arms of the Sultan.
   - Well, do not cry, Khurshida, explain what happened? Did uncle Abduljabbar?... And what with aunt Raheela? - asked the tractor driver Sultan, embracing her and stroking her shoulders.
   - No, Sultan, the situation is even worse! - said Khurshida.
   - What are You? The third World or something, started? .
   Oh no! Marry me! Father, it appears, promised to give me to marry the nephew of the Chairman of our kolkhoz, comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelybakezavuch. A nephew of the President, I even in a dream not seen! -cried even harder Khurshida.
   Hearing this the tractor driver Sultan paused for a moment.
   - Well, things... - hardly he said, then grabbed the chest:
   -Oh, that my head is again spinning. Let's sit down - he said.
   They sat down. Khurshida cried with my head on the shoulders of the tractor driver Sultan. And Sultan did not know what to say, and silently stared into the fog, eyes downcast. Then, taking off his cap, wiped the tears from eyes that appeared in front of him. And to suppress the bitterness in his heart, took a deep breath and, swallowing his tears, asked:
   - Well, what do we do now?
   - I do not know Sultan, I don't know. My mother said that we should get away somewhere. She said let your father beat me. Run daughter with your favorite guy, live freely and happily. But I don't want my father to beat her because of me. How can I be happy through the unhappiness of his mother, whom I love more than life? - continued to cry Khurshida.
   - No, it's not an option. Don't cry, Khurshida. Tears of sorrow will not help. I'll think about it. Ahead we still have days and weeks, maybe months. Well, that's enough, stop crying. Let us, I'll wipe Your tears - said Sultan, and began to wipe her tears with his fingers. Khurshida grabbed the rough hand of Sultan and started kissing her.
   Sultan, my dear, beloved, think. You're in my brain. I believe that you will definitely find a way out of this situation, she said. And embracing the neck of the Sultan began to kiss his face on the lips.
   - Well, my wonderful, well - said Sultan, too, and passionately began to kiss Khurshida on the lips. They had a long kiss in the mist.
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