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Partnership in mutual hatred of two fascist structures

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    Why for these two structures, standing outside the universal morality of humanity, organizing a limited, nuclear Armageddon in Ukraine became not just a necessity, but a matter of further, own existence?

   Partnership in mutual hatred of two fascist structures
   (Why for these two structures, standing outside the universal morality of humanity, organizing a limited, nuclear Armageddon in Ukraine became not just a necessity, but a matter of further, own existence?)
   What do I mean by two fascist structures?
   The first is the deeply corrupt and degrading United States of America, which is trying, under the motto "Pan America and America above all... including and that it is above of all human morality".They want to stick their dirty finger into any jar of honey that will come into their field of vision and, in the style of a 17th century cowboy, set fire to and loot the chicken coops of all neighbors who do not have an adequate club to defend themselves.
   From their point of view, the most ideal course of action is to pit two neighbors who don't really like each other against each other and push them into a full-scale war. They would prefer to do this by imitation of freely distributing the ideas of humanism, or by donating cookies to the stupidest neighbor under the common slogan - "you are the hottest boy whom I invite to OUR brothel" (the main thing is that there is no need to clarify that he is invited to the brothel in capacity of a cheap prostitute).
   After this, you can try to rob not only these two fools, but also everyone who intervenes in this scuffle.
   At first, everything went according to the Great Scenario approved by the US departments - the cookies were successfully distributed; they explained to the idiot that HE is "the hottest guy who is invited to OUR brothel"; the war has begun...
   But further difficulties arose (but this will be discussed below)
   The second is a criminal structure called "Putin's russia (this is russia, with a VERY small letter)", living under the slogan "what I can, that I'll steal and rob whoever I can."
   At the same time, earnestly broadcasting about her "Special Way" and demanding that, for the achieved level of bestiality, she be, if not respected, then feared.
   Criminal structures have their own laws, useful for thieves.
   Lawlessness and the supremacy of thieves' laws begins where and when, they has the opportunity to feel the weakness of those around them.
   First, in a week, they brought Georgia to its knees.
   It worked out well.
   A bribe here, a bribe there; to do smile to the kingpins; stroked and to do cuddled an exotic animal during negotiations with the West (humanist) - Putin became a completely respected person.
   The West didn't even really try to object
   Well, since "the West didn't even really try to object," the real mafia doesn't will stop on this.
   Preparations for the Anschluss of Ukraine have begun.
   Everything would be fine - a bribe here, a bribe there; all the lackeys are in the pose of "whatever you want"; they do smile to all kingpins; the right person in the presidents of Ukraine.
   The slogan of the day is to take back the original Russian city of Kyiv in six days.
   Putin is a very self-respected person. The West most likely will not have time to object.
   But further, both structures that consider themselves great have difficulties (but this will be discussed below)
   What difficulties did the US encounter?
   Ordinary, "Pan American" - These are those in the presence of which the possibilities imagined or assumed by delusions of grandeur do not completely correspond to reality.
   It was assumed that neither Russia nor Ukraine would take unexpected actions in this war and neither side would achieve victory.
   According to US plans, a permanent war should be waged until the last Ukrainian and until the complete economic collapse of Russia, which is left alone.
   And then, the US should stand in the middle and proudly proclaim - "... now I will to undressed you!!".
   In the beginning, in the first phase of the war, Ukraine, without consulting with the American master, went on the offensive and the specter of defeat of Russia that not having time to transfer the economy to war footing began to appear on the horizon.
   We had to urgently, under the pretext of the Big Parliamentary Debate, stop military assistance to Ukraine, transferring it to the level of Big Personal PROMISES.
   Ukraine's offensive, without external assistance, naturally floundered.
   And then additional difficulties arose - Russia successfully transferred the country's economy to a military footing and its military-industrial complex turned out to be more adaptive and had greater capabilities than the military-industrial complex of the US and NATO countries.
   What's even worse is that some European countries, remembering how the games with Hitler ended, were so frightened by the possible victory of Russia and the possible Anschluss of Ukraine that they began to organize a "Northern Alliance" and talk about an alternative NATO, in which, scary to say, not only the supremacy of the US, but its membership was not provided in NATO.
   Moreover, the inadequate Ukrainians used the Best in the World American Weapon for other purposes - they sent it to the front to fight.
   And the Russian scoundrels not only shot him there, but also showed the whole world that this was rubbish, cheap mirrors that Ukraine and other countries bought for hard currency or under firm bank guarantees.
   US clients grabbed their heads and began to abandon this much-advertised Wunderwaffe en masse - the US military-industrial complex and, accordingly, its economy began to suffer billions of losses.
   As they said at one time, TIGER/military-industrial complex US turned out to be paper.
   And the military power of this, great US is mainly conjectured and presented by Hollywood movies.
   Well, what to do if the patents and special equipment stolen in defeated and plundered Germany have already ceased to be the locomotive of the US military-industrial complex; the greatness of American Science and the military-industrial complex, in the person of the German prisoner of war rocket scientist von Braun and immigrants from Germany and Europe, various there: Einsteins, Rudolf Peierls; Otto Frisch; Edward Teller; Enrico Fermi; Niels Bohr and others, have now been replaced by the thieving Lockheed Martin and its great, truly American mediocrity, certain Matt Walker of the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD.
   China, which, according to the Great Plan, was supposed to stand aside and smile tenderly at US politicians, acted completely dishonestly - it upbuilt the Great Silk Road and began to form an Asian union, using the cheap resources of Russia that be compelled tenderly to smiling at they.
   Yes, it would be good if China were just tossing and turning in its dense Asia - but it committed completely dishonest economic sabotage against the US in Europe and the World, proving that its goods are of higher quality, cheaper and more accessible of the goods which are produced in the US, or rather, than goods, which are produced by American industrialists in client countries, with the cheap labor of disenfranchised, native workers.
   In general, and in particular too, a critical situation has arisen for the US, which can only be solved by extreme measures.
   What difficulties did Russia encounter?
   Ordinary, "Primordial Russian" - These are those in the presence of which the possibilities imagined or assumed by delusions of grandeur do not completely correspond to reality.
   And even Putin's trump donkey, heavily loaded with a bag of gold, with which the sweetly-chords Roldugin was making a pilgrimage around European ministers, did not help.
   It's scary to say that even German ministers, insidiously forgetting their past collaboration with an office called the KGB, looked fearfully at this Bag of Gold and only sighed sadly about past, fat times.
   In addition to that the people who have been educated/depraveed for decades by the examples of the greatness and permissiveness of "lake cooperatives" and television advertising of: thieves; bandits and currency prostitutes, turned out to be UNWORTHY of his "great leader".
   As one Famous Russian Slut said - "... impossible that these young people go to die for their country ...".
   So the Great Confusion happened - for the country, more precisely, for the state thieves and the senile man in power, no one, except criminals and sadists with long prison terms, wants to die.
   And then, presumably, the other Little Confusion came outside - many of all the leading engineers and scientists fled from Putin's supposedly great country, having misunderstood its future greatness.
   Only @!@s remained... Well, what is "remained" have to left for justice as saboteurs.
   Well, but what to do!? Well, you understand, in another case, it's leaders would also have gone to trial under the article "for sabotage".
   Well, how can you shake your fist and talk about your greatness if you have to purchase drones from Iran; missiles and shells from North Korea, and beg for electronics in "exchange on territory" from China.
   In general, and in particular too, for Putin's "Russia", which hysterically considers itself great, a critical situation has developed that can only be solved by extreme measures.
   Two opposing each other, great in the PAST, but now, degraded into the same level and disgrace itself countries!?
   So all it remains for them is to threaten with a nuclear fist, in the style of "don't you dare offend me, I'm so formidable!!!" or "don't you dare threaten me, I'm so scoundrel!!!"
   Moreover, they act in absolutely the same style - both threaten by a nuclear strike not from their own territory, but from the territory of their powerless minions.
   This is the Great Logic of the two degraded scoundrel countries - to solve/hide their accumulated problems with a "limited nuclear war" on foreign territory, exposing their disenfranchised minions to a retaliatory strike.
   What can be done in such an extremely dangerous situation not only for Europe, which has forgotten the great thought of the late Kissinger: "Being a friend of the USA is much more dangerous than being an enemy of the USA," but also for all humanity, which has forgotten the second great thought: "Our world is a lie built on a foundation of vast, shifting fear"- Henry Miller.
   It is necessary not to shake your eggs, sweating from fear, in front of Putin, but to strike a blow, regardless of collateral losses, most powerful PREVENTIVE strike into all possible places of localization: of it; its family; his criminal partners, while simultaneously impose EU military forces into Ukraine.
   I understand that European countries made a fatal mistake by abandoning nuclear weapons, but, with the current level of science and technology, this can be corrected within one or two months.
   Moreover, they can to get in your hands on not primitive charges with a spherical release of energy, but nuclear charges of the "shock core" type.

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