Луценко Роман Иванович : другие произведения.

Формы глагола в англ. языке

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  • Аннотация:
    Редакция - Р. Луценко

The Infinitive

The Forms of the Infinitive




to write

to be written


to be writing



to have written

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing


The Functions of the Infinitive

Немає потреби говорити правду.

Було б помилкою так думати.

Необхiдно вивчати це.

Було приємно знову розмовляти англiйською.

Головне, щоб тебе вiрно зрозумiли.

Ваша робота - доглядати за тваринами.

Вона не хотiла, щоб її бачили там.

Ми вирiшили залишитись вдома.

Не забудьте вимкнути свiтло.

Ми були радi, що запросили його на обiд.

Дiвчинка боялась, що її поведуть до стоматолога.

To tell the truth is not necessary.

To think so would be a mistake.

It's necessary to study it.

It was nice to be speaking English again.

The main thing is to be understood.

Your job is to look after the animals.

She didn't want to be seen there.

We decided to stay at home.

Don't forget to switch off the light.

We were glad to have invited him to dinner.

The girl was afraid to be taken to a dentist.

is necessary

to do smth should be important

means a mistake

to do smth

necessary to do smth

it is easy to be done

important to be doing


The main thing is to do smth

The idea was to be done

His job

to promise


remember to do

forget to be done


to be glad to do smth

pleased to be doing smth

angry to have done smth

afraid to have been doing smth

delighted to be done

to have been done









The Infinitive

The Functions of the Infinitive

Вiн перший, хто це говорить.

Нi з ким порадитись.

Ця новина стане сенсацiєю.

Я прийшла сюди, щоб працювати.

Вона вдавала хвору, щоб залишитись вдома.

Ви надто молодi, щоб носити чорне.

Вона досить доросла, щоб її можна було прийняти за її матiр.

Вiн зупинився, неначе хотiв пiдiбрати слова, щоб висловити свою думку.

He is the first to tell it.

There is nobody to consult with.

It's the story to hit the headlines.

I've come here to work.

She pretended to be ill to stay at home.

You are too young to wear black

She is old enough to be taken for her mother.

He paused as if to find a way to phrase his thought.


the last to do smth




anything to do smth




place to do smth


to give

to do sth to be given

in order to give

so as to be given

young to do

(too) old (enough) to be done

easy to have

difficult been done

to do smth as if to do smth

as though





Adverbial Modifier

of Purpose

Adverbial Modifier of Result

Adverbial Modif. of Compari-


The Infinitive

The Functions of the Infinitive

З нею приємно працювати?

Цю книжку важко читати.

Вона вмiла писати в 3 роки.

Ви повиннi зробити це негайно.

Ми почали обговорювати текст о 10.

Вони продовжували сперечатись через проект.

Спочатку ми повторимо граматичнi правила.

Правду кажучи, менi не подобається ця пропозицiя.

Is she nice to work with?

The book is difficult to read.

She could write at 3.

You must do it at once.

We began to discuss the text at 10.

They continued to argue over the project.

To begin with, we'll revise the grammar rules.

To tell the truth, I dislike this suggestion.

smb nice

smth is hard to do smth





ought to do smth



continue to do smth


to cut a long story short

to tell the truth

to put it mildly

to be frank

to begin with





Secondary Predicative

A Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate


The Infinitive

The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

Я знаю, що вона права.

Я думаю, що їй бiля 40 рокiв.

Я вважаю, що вiн розумний.

Я сподiваюсь, що вона вдома.

Я очiкую, що вона прийде о 5 годинi.

Я бачив, що Браун увiйшов у кiмнату.

Ми почули, як пiд'їхала машина.

Але: Ми почули, що вона приїхала.

Я бачу, що ти розумiєш це.

Ми побачили, що мiсця зайнятi.

Вiн хоче, щоб я допомогла йому.

Я мала на увазi, що ти зробиш це.

Я не люблю, коли ви так говорите.

Вiн терпiти не мiг, коли вона говорила неправду.

Вiн наказав завантажити ящики.

Вiн попросив, щоб лист вiдiслали поштою.

Вона заставила мене зробити це.

Вони повiдомили, що корабель прибуває о 5.

Лiкар заявив, що поранення не важке.

I know her to be right.

I suppose him to be about 40.

I consider him to be clever.

I expect her to be at home.

I expect her to come at 5.

I saw Brown enter the room.

We heard a car drive up.

We heard that she had arrived.

I see that you understand it.

We saw, that the seats had been occupied.

He wants me to help him.

I meant you to do it.

I dislike you to talk like that.

He hated her to lie.

He ordered the boxes to be loaded.

He asked for the letter to be sent by mail.

She made me do it.

They reported the ship to come at 5.

The doctor announced the wound to be slight.

to know, think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, understand

to hear, see, watch, feel, observe, notice

Note: to hear - дiзнатися

to see - розумiти

to see - бачити ?

Infinitive ? to be

to wish, want, desire,

mean, intend

to like, dislike, hate, love,

cannot bear

to order, allow, command, ask for, make, let, cause to, get to, suffer to, have

to report, declare, announce, pronounce

Verbs of Mental Perception

Verbs of Physical Perception

Verbs of Wish and Intention

Verbs of Liking and Disliking

Verbs of Order and Permis-sion

Verbs of Declaring

The Infinitive

The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

Чули, як вiн розмовляв англiйською.

Бачили, як вони грали у садку.

Вiдомо, що вiн дуже здiбний.

Очiкували, що вона зробить доповiдь.

Бажали, щоб вiн зробив все вчасно.

Малось на увазi, що вiн приготує це.

Кажуть, що вiн живе у Києвi.

Повiдомляють, що вони приїхали.

Здається, вiн володiє французькою мовою.

Вона виявилась хорошим педагогом.

Вiн обов'язково приїде до Москви.

Навряд чи вона вступить до коледжу.

He was heard to speak English.

They were seen to play in the garden.

He is known to be bright.

She was expected to make a report.

He was wanted to do it in time.

You were meant to prepare it.

He is said to live in Kyiv.

They are reported to have arrived.

He seems to know French.

She proved to be a good teacher.

He is certain to come to Moscow.

She is unlikely to enter the college.

to hear, see, watch,

observe, feel, notice

to know, think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, understand, find

to wish, want, desire,

mean, intend

to report, declare, say, announce

to seem, appear - здаватися

to happen, turn out, prove - виявлятися, трапитися

to be sure

certain очевидно

likely ймовiрно

unlikely навряд чи

Verbs of Physical Perception

Verbs of Mental Perception

Verbs of Wish and Intention

Verbs of Declaring

Verbs of Seeming and Hoping

Group of Probability

The Infinitive

The For-Phrase

Тобi легко прибрати кiмнату.

Їй краще поїхати додому.

Менi важко сказати це.

З твого боку було нерозумно запитувати про це.

Дуже люб'язно з вашого боку говорити про це.

Було нетактовно з його боку залишитись там.

Я дуже хочу, щоб ви досягли успiху.

Я домовився, щоб у тебе була кiмната.

Вiн не розраховував, що ви залишитесь там.

На його думку, вам краще зробити це.

Менi було нелегко розповiсти все через ваше зауваження.

Дитинi нi з ким грати.

Менi бiльше нiчого сказати.

Зараз не час нам про це говорити.

Це було єдине, що я змiг зробити.

It is easy for you to do the room.

It will be best for her to go home.

For me to say so is hard.

It was silly of you to ask it.

It is nice of you to say so.

It was tactless of him to stay there.

I'm anxious for you to succeed.

I've arranged for you to have a room.

He didn't mean for you to stay here.

He thinks it is best for you to do it.

Your remark made it hard for me to tell everything.

There's no one for the child to play with.

There's nothing else for me to say.

It's not the time for us to speak about it.

It was the only thing for me to do.

easy for smb to do smth

It is hard for smth to be done

For smb to do smth is easy


is nice

It was polite of you

will be tactless to do smth


to long

to be anxious

to wait for smb

to arrange to do smth

to mean

to make hard

to think it important for smb

to believe necessary to do

best smth


nothing for smb to do smth




time for smb to do smth












The Infinitive

The For-Phrase

Вiн вiдступив в сторону, щоб я

могла пройти.

Ми увiмкнули радiо, щоб всi змогли почути новини.

Дощ може йти так довго, що ми спiзнимося на потяг.

День був надто холодний, щоб хто-небудь мiг гарно провести час.

Найважливiшим для неї було тримати весiлля у таємницi.

He stood aside for me to


He switched the radio for everybody to hear the news.

The rain can last long enough for us to miss the train.

The day was too cold for anyone to have a good time.

The main thing was for her to keep the wedding under wraps.

to do smth for smb to do smth


too difficult enough for smb

young to do smth


The main thing is for smb

The idea was to do smth

to be done

Adverbial Modifier of Purpose

Adverbial Modifier of



The Gerund

The Forms of the Gerund


being read

having been read

The Functions of the Gerund

Читання - це моє хобi.

Кататися на ковзанах - приємно.

Плакати марно.

Заперечувати не було сенсу.

Не варто туди ходити.

Цi факти не приховаєш.

Дороги назад немає.

Сльози вам не допоможуть.

Читання романiв змушувало її плакати.

Головне - потрапити туди вчасно.

Її бажання - поїхати в Англiю.

Моїм обов'язком було доглядати за дiтьми.

Менi не хочеться йти пiшки.

Ви за чи проти того, щоб залишитись тут.

Вiн саме збирався пiти.

Перемовини ще не закiнчились.

Здається, йде дощ.

Reading is my hobby.

Skating is pleasant.

It's no use crying.

It was no good objecting.

It isn't worth (while) going there.

There is no hiding the fasts.

There is no going back.

Crying will do you no good.

Reading love stories made her cry.

The main thing is getting there in time.

Her wish is going to England.

My duty was looking after the children.

I don't feel like walking.

Are you for or against staying here?

He was on the point of leaving.

The talks are far from being over.

It looks like raining.



having read


doing smth is necessary

smb's duty

no use

it is useful doing smth

was no good

worth while

there is no doing smth



doing smth did smth

will do

would do

The main thing

Smb's wish is doing smth

job was


to feel like

to look like

to be for

against doing smth

to be on the point of

to be far from











The Gerund

The Functions of the Gerund

Кiмнату слiд побiлити.

Я багато зробив у саду.

Вам слiд уникати розмов з нею.

Повторiть, будь ласка.

Йому подобається читати романи.

Терпiти не можу чекати.

Пробачте за запiзнення.

Вона зiзналася у крадiжцi.

Вiн не мiг не посмiхнутись.

Цей фiльм варто подивитись.

Вона зайнята читанням.

Ви думаєте туди поїхати?

Ми пiдозрюємо її у крадiжцi.

Його звинуватили у скоєннi злочинiв.

Менi подобається читати.

Ми втомились це робити.

The room wants whitewashing.

I have done a lot of gardening.

You'd avoid speaking to her.

Do you mind saying it again?

He likes reading novels.

I hate waiting.

Excuse my being late.

She admitted stealing.

He couldn't help smiling

The film is worth seeing.

She is busy reading.

Do you think of going there?

We suspect her of stealing.

He was accused of committing crimes.

I am fond of reading.

We are tired of doing it.

want, need, require doing smth


to do a lot of doing


to avoid




hate doing smth

put off



can't help

smb is worth doing smth

smth busy

to think




hear of doing smth

to be fond










Direct Object

Prepositional Object

The Gerund

The Functions of the Gerund

Йому вдалося виграти справу.

Вони наполегливо шукали докази.

Вони зайнятi приготуванням.

Її цiкавить колекцiонування марок.

Вiн наполiг на тому, щоб ми прийшли о 5.

Все залежить вiд того, чи буде це зроблено вчасно.

Вiн був проти обговорення.

Ми звикли ходити пiшки.

Я з нетерпiнням чекаю поїздки за кордон.

Вiн перепросив за запiзнення.

Ви звинуватили мене в тому, що я це зробив.

Хто вiдповiдає за те, щоб її зустрiти.

Вiн вiдчув задоволення вiд того, що допомiг їй.

Менi складно перекладати цей текст.

У нього хист вiднаходити вiдбитки пальцiв.

Менi добре давались мови.

Дощ завадив менi прийти вчасно.

He succeeded in winning the case.

They persisted in searching for proofs.

They are engaged in cooking.

She is interested in collecting stamps.

He insisted on our coming at 5.

Everything depends on doing it in time

He objected to discussing it.

We are used to walking.

I'm looking forward to going abroad.

He apologized for coming late.

They blame me for doing it.

Who's responsible for meeting her?

He felt satisfaction in helping her.

I have difficulty in translating the text

He is clever at finding finger prints.

I was good at learning languages.

The rain prevented me from coming in time.

to succeed


persist in doing smth

to be engaged


to insist

depend on doing smth



to object

be used to doing smth

look forward

to apologize


blame for doing smth

to be grateful



harm in doing smth


to be clever


surprised at doing smth


to prevent/ smb from doing smth








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