Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

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    Обратите внимание на глагол ВЫЙТИ/ВЫХОДИТЬ. Как по-разному выходят из поезда, автобуса, автомобиля! :0))

  выбегать / выбежать - (т.е. неожиданно, вооружённые люди, выбегающие из рощицы): he saw armed men erupting from the coppices;
  - (из комнаты): I ran out of the room terrified;
  - (тренер выбежал на поле): the coach charged onto the field, screaming and cursing;
  - (опрометью / стремительно): смотри ниже
  выбегать / выбежать (опрометью / стремительно) - (из зала заседаний): on one occasion, Mr. G. stormed out of a meeting in a huff after a shouting match in which Mr. B. jumped to the defense of several colleagues;
  - (из квартиры): he raced from the apartment and down the fire stairs to the basement;
  - (из комнаты): to storm out of the room;
  - (из комнаты): he seized his hat and rushed headlong from the room
  - (кот выбежал из-под автомобиля): a cat streaked out from under a parked car and flew out of sight;
  - he came pelting out of the classroom;
  - a cat streaked out from under a parked car and flew out of sight;
  - the boy with the gun darted from the alley;
  - he stormed out in a red-faced huff
  выбивать / выбить - (автомат защиты сети выбьет при повышенном токе): the circuit breaker will turn off or "trip" when in an overcurrent condition;
  - (автомобильные номера): to hammer out licence plates;
  - (бутылку, которую девушка держала во рту / ползуба): Her dance moves were flamboyant, to say the least. She threw her arms in the air and accidentally knocked the bottle of beer I was holding straight into my mouth, knocking half my front tooth out.;
  - (зуб): he had a tooth knocked out;
  - (из седла): a single flutter of the dragon's wings stirred enough wind to topple the head huntsman backward out of his saddle;
  - (в. из седла рыцаря): at the tilt mounted knights with lances tried to unhorse one another;
  - (медаль): смотри ниже;
  - (окна взрывом): What damage was caused by the explosion? There is extensive damage, windows have been blown out;
  - (пепел из трубки): he knocked the ashes out of his pipe;
  - (противника, т.е. с занимаемых позиций): the Meccans had exerted their utmost might and had failed to dislodge Mohammad;
  - (пыль из одежды): to beat the dust from their clothing;
  - (трубку): he knocked out his pipe;
  - (чеки из фургона): I wanted to somehow knock the axle-pins out of this caravan before it got on the road
  выбивать / выбить (медаль) - (в память о чём-л): in 1782 Benjamin Franklin engaged the French engraver A.D. to strike a medal commemorating American liberty;
  - (в честь кого-л): Manchester United will ask the Premier League to mint a medal for teenage Italian sensation Federico Macheda if they retain the title;
  - (в честь чего-л): to strike a medal in commemoration of the approaching Coronation of their Majesties;
  - (в честь чего-л): Congress, which already has commended Canada's ambassador to Iran for his help in spriting six Americans out of the country, is considering whether to strike a medal in his honor as well;
  - (медаль на юбилей): the decision to strike a medal for the Golden Jubilee is part of a long tradition of marking special occasions in the life of the nation, including Royal Jubilees;
  выбиваться / выбиться - (волосы выбивались из-под сетки): her hair was escaping from its hairnet;
  - (он совершенно выбился из сил, когда...): he felt utterly spent as he...
  выбираться / выбраться - (из автомобиля на тротуар): the car stopped outside the building and he climbed stiffly out on to the pavement;
  - (из города): I want to get out of this town;
  - (из жёлоба аварийного трапа самолёта): Recent certification demonstration evacuations have demonstrated potential problems with the structural integrity of inflatable escape slides. With severe loading of the escape slides, the inflatable beams are known to bend, sometimes allowing the sliding surfaces between the beams to form cups that can impede the egress of evacuees by making it hard to climb out of the slide and onto firm footing.;
  - (из кустов): he was fighting his way out of a clamp of bushes nearby;
  - (из парашюта): he managed to struggle out of his parachute;
  - (из самолёта): For flights landing at U.S. airports, airlines are required to provide passengers with an opportunity to safely get off of the airplane before 3 hours for domestic flights and 4 hours for international flights;
  - (из самолёта, т.е. о человеке с неловкими движениями): I stumbled my way off the plane;
  - (из туннеля): he managed to struggle almost a mile to get out of the tunnel;
  - (их бросили в яму со змеями, но оба выбрались оттуда живыми): They were cast into the snake pit as punishment. Both made it out alive.;
  - (он так и не выбрался в Италию): he never made it to Italy despite talking about it all his life;
  - (помочь другим в. с аварийного трапа, т.е. из самолёта): to assist others in getting off an escape slide;
  - (через окно запертой комнаты): woman sneaked out of a bedroom window wearing only a sheet yesterday when her former boyfriend passed out after raping her twice and securing the door shut
  выблевать грубо - I'm gonna upchuck AmE slang everything I've eaten for the past week
  выбрасывать / выбросить - (бюллетень в мусор): to throw the ballot in the trash;
  - (в унитаз, т.е. и слить воду): she gives him a love letter but he tears it up and flushes it down the toilet;
  - (винтовки, рюкзаки и каски, т.е. чтобы не утонуть): By the end of ten minutes, every sergeant is either dead or wounded. Among the men who are still moving in with the tide, rifles, packs, and helmets have already been cast away in the interests of survival.;
  - (волшебное кольцо): Bilbo would never have just forsaken the Ring, or cast it aside;
  - (выброшенный асбест): discarded asbestos from the shipbuilding industry;
  - (выброшенный сундук): the books he had discovered in a cast-off trunk lying in a ditch;
  - (гильза была выброшена из патронника): the shell casing was ejected from the breech;
  - (грязные носовые платки / в. в мусорный ящик): you can reduce, but not eliminate the risk of catching or spreading influenza during a pandemic by disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully - bag and bin them;
  - (десантник выбрасывает торпеды, т.е. чтобы не утонуть): He jumps out when the ramp goes down drops in drowning water, and his load of two torpedoes takes him straight to the bottom. So he jettisons the torpedoes and then, surfacing, cuts away all equipment for good measure.
  - (документы): some had genuinely lost their identification papers, others had thrown them away for good reason;
  - (за борт траулера мёртвую рыбу): A British trawler was filmed taking a boatload of endangered fish caught in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea and then dumping the majority overboard in UK waters. Norwegian coastguards filmed the crew of the trawler, openly discarding more than 5,000 kg of cod and other dead white fish, or nearly 80% of its catch. It is illegal to discard fish in Norwegian waters, but boats are forced to do so in European Union waters if they have caught the wrong species of fish or fish that are too small.;
  - (лапу вперёд): he snaked out a claw, raked and caught at something solid;
  - (лейкопластырь-бабочку): We can close deep cuts and lacerations without stitches with butterfly bandages. Expect to make a schlock job of it the first time. Have at least half a dozen butterfly bandages on hand and do not worry if you have to scrap a few a and try again.;
  - (мусор в океан): he stepped out on to deck, strolled to the starboard rail, and hurled his rubbish to the ocean;
  - (мы не хотим, чтобы труп выбросило на берег, т.е. из озера): Kill him and throw his body to the lake. Make sure his body's well weighted. We don't want him wash up on the shore.;
  - (на берег, бурей н.б. выбросило часть скелета кита): part of the skeleton of a whale had once been thrown up by a winter storm on the beach of Inner Bay;
  - (на берег, дельфины были выброшены на берег): more than 400 dolphins had been washed ashore;
  - (на берег, море выбросило много мусора): overnight the sea had washed a lot of rubbish;
  - (на берег, o корабле): a pirate ship had been wrecked on the coast;
  - (на берег, прибоем на берег выбросило яхту): heavy surf beached a yacht;
  - (ненужное в канализацию): the clothes were dropped in a sewer; - ( т.е. ненужное в урну): he dumped his helmet in a dustbin;
  - (т.е. ненужную вещь): I realized I didn't need it anymore, so I threw it away;
  - (обрывки бумаги в корзину): he swept the scraps of paper together, screwed them up tight, and dropped them into a basket;
  - (в. одежду в мусоропровод): he dumps his old clothes in the rubbish chute;
  - (окурок): he finished his cigarette and threw the stub away;
  - (окурок): she flicks the cigarette butt into the garden;
  - (отходы): to dump toxic waste;
  - (парашютный десант будет выброшен в четырёх скандинавских странах): another 100000 (paratroops) would drop on the four countries of Scandinavia to possess the capital cities and main arteries, with massive naval back-up from off-shore;
  - (песок посреди дорожки): don't dump that sand in the middle of the path;
  - (пивные банки): Why were beer cans tossed away just anywhere? "Well, DUH!", you may think, "because they were trash!";
  - (пивные банки): why beer cans were just tossed out?;
  - (пистолет / украденные деньги): the murderer managed to ditch the gun somewhere and if he's robbed P. then he'd also thrown away the cash or whatever the booty was;
  - (пистолет за борт): he unstraps the gun and dumps it overboard;
  - (пистолет через решётку канализации): he wiped down his gun and disposed of it through the sewer grate;
  - (в. письмо, не читая): the letter could have fallen into anyone's hand, if she had taken it only to discard it unread;
  - (порежьте на куски и выбросьте старую кредитную карту, получив новую): if you switch to a lower rate card, sign your new card as soon as it arrives and be sure to cut up and throw away the old card;
  - (радиоактивные частицы в атмосферу ядерным взрывом): fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosion;
  - (с силой в. из тела струю воды, о кальмаре): squids move through the ocean using a jet of water forced out of the body by a siphon;
  - (в. сокровище, если нужно): one who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters;
  - (старые журналы): to throw away old magazines;
  - (струю на большую высоту): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
  - (что-л в окно): he got really angry and chucked infml his Play-Station out of the window;
  - (что-л на обочину): he had taken the saddle off the animal and dumped it by the roadside;
  - (штормом выбрасывало на берег монеты): sometimes a gale brought ashore gold coins
  выбрасываться - (на берег, т.е. о китообразных): Cetacean stranding is a phenomenon in which cetaceans strand themselves on land, usually on a beach. Beached whales often die due to dehydration, collapsing under their own weight, or drowning when high tide covers the blowhole.;
  - (пары выбросились из трубки под действием сжатого воздуха): impelled by the compressed air, the vapour shot out of the tube into the breathing passages in an invisible cloud
  выбриться - (чисто, электрической бритвой нельзя чисто в.): you can't get a close shave with an electric shaver
  выброс - (в. адреналина - это реакция надпочечника типа "драться или бежать"): an adrenaline rush is the fight or flight response of the adrenal gland, in which it releases adrenaline;
  - (в. адреналина, у парашютистов происходит в. адреналина, когда они выпрыгивают из самолёта): skydivers get an adrenaline rush the moment they jump out of the plane into the open air;
  - (бурового шлама, запрет на в. бурового шлама при использовании буровых растворов на масляной основе): at present there is a ban to dump drilling cuttings during drilling operations utilizing oil based drilling fluids;
  - (в атмосферу): atmospheric emission;
  - (вредные выбросы в атмосферу): to reduce harmful effluents into the atmosphere;
  - (в. или угроза в-а нефти и опасных веществ): each year, more than 20,000 emergencies involving the release (or threatened release) of oil and hazardous substances are reported in the United States;
  - (выхлопных газов): exhaust emission;
  - (нефти из скважины): his reputation for having never met a blowout he couldn't cap earned him a nickname Hellfighter;
  - (радиоактивный в. при аварии): radioactive emission;
  - (радиоактивных веществ): one of the primary objectives of nuclear reactor safety systems is to prevent the release of radioactive material during events and accidents;
  - (ядовитого газа на заводе): in case of a discharge of a poisonous gas
  выброшенный (на берег) - (нефть): large quantities of very toxic industrial cleaner and detergents were used to chemically treat beached oil;
  - (человек после кораблекрушения): A castaway is a person who is cast adrift or ashore. The situation usually happens after a shipwreck.
  вываливать / вывалить - (из сумки на кровать): she reached down for a bag at her feet, turned it upside down and tipped a dozen bits of splintered wood and twig onto the bed;
  - (книги на кровать): he tipped his books onto his bed;
  - (лодка стояла лагом / боком к волне, раскачивалась из стороны в сторону и грозила нас в.): the boat was now broadside on to the rolling waves, rocking sideways and threatening to spill us out;
  - (на стол): he came to her with a bunch of tapes and dumped them on her table;
  - (порошок на кого-л): A leading candidate in France's presidential election was left covered in white powder when a woman dusted him in, what was thought to be, flour during an appearance at a campaign event. The protester ran to the side of the podium where F.H. was speaking and dumped the white powder over him in front of a packed audience in Paris.;
  - (рюкзак на прилавок): he dumped his shoulder-bag on the counter;
  - (содержимое мешочка на ладонь): he dumped the bag's content into the palm of his hand;
  - (содержимое сумочки на стол): She opens her handbag and rummages through it, looking for his business card. Upending the bag, she spills the contents onto the counter.;
  - (содержимое шкатулки на кровать): he tipped the contents of the box on to his bed;
  - (товары перед кассой, т.е. в магазине): I popped into the store to buy a few sweeties. I plonked infml the items down on the till.
  вываливаться / вывалиться - (из окна): he could see two figures that came tumbling out of the rear windows;
  - (о языке): the tongue popped bizarrely out between the teeth;
  - (мы ждали, когда из автомобилей впереди начнут в. пассажиры): we were waiting for the cars ahead to disgorge passengers
  вывалять - (в смоле и перьях): royalists were tarred and feathered
  выведение - (вещества из организма): elimination of a substance from a living organism;
  - (в. вредных химических веществ из организма через почки, с калом или с потом): enzymatic reactions that neutralize and solubilize these harmful chemicals and facilitate their excretion from the body mainly via kidney, stool, or sweat;
  - (жира из жировых клеток): the balance between the accumulation and the discharge in the fat cells;
  - (лист используется для в-я токсичных отходов путём диффузии): the leaf is also used as a method of excreting toxic wastes via diffusion;
  - (токсичных веществ с потом): Excretion of Toxic Elements in Sweat
  вывезти / вывозить - (в. автобусом на территорию Боснии): they were bussed out to Bosnian territory;
  - (в. в безопасное место): Hitler was to be spirited away to safety by one group of conspirators on the false premise that the SS was conducting a coup against Hitler.;
  (в. в безопасное место): the wounded king had to be spirited away to safety in Turkey, despite his own arguments to stay with the army;
  - (в. бриллианты из страны): he devised a plan for getting the jewels out of the country;
  - (за город / на природу, режиссёр вывозил труппу нa природу): he took his casts on field trips; in the 1970 it was for a month's trek around the Forest of Arden;
  - (мусор, т.е. городскими службами): During the scandal's nearly 8 months, the Mayor repeatedly said the city wasn't missing a beat. He liked to say trash was still being picked up, snow was cleared and the grass was cut.;
  - (произведения искусства из страны): it is illegal to take such works of art out of the country;
  - (солдат из страны, т.е. провинившихся американских морских пехотинцев из Афганистана): we arranged for the 2 Marines to be shipped out of the country;
  - (тайком в. золото из страны): vast sums of gold were smuggled out and deposited in numbered bank accounts;
  - (товары из страны): if you want to export goods temporarily to a country outside the EU with the intention of returning them to Sweden, you can use temporary exportation or outward processing relief;
  - (труп на каталке): a body is being brought out on a trolley;
  - (тяжелораненых из центра Басры): getting the critically wounded out of the center of Basra was far harder
  вывернуть / выворачивать - (карманы): there was a nasty moment in the customs shed when D. was asked to turn out his pockets;
  - (в. наизнанку): he turned the bag inside out;
  - (в. на лицевую сторону, о сшитом из ткани изделии): awl is used for pushing out corners such as when fabric is turned right way;
  - (на правую сторону, т.е. состроченное по изнаночной стороне швейное изделие): to turn the bodice right side out, you will need to "feed" each side of the bodice back through the shoulder strap and out the front;
  - (незакреплённую половицу): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out...;
  - (т.е. отвинтить, в. стяжки из отверстий соединительных валиков и развести пояса 3 в стороны для обеспечения свободного извлечения изделия из отсека): unscrew tie rods completely from holes in connecting spindles and move belts apart to enable the article to be freely removed from the compartment;
  - (руку кому-л): the shoulder was wrenched from its socket as he forced a victim's arm backward and upward;
  - (Сложите лицевыми сторонами внутрь и сострочите детали пояса по краям и вдоль одной из длинных сторон. Выверните лицевой стороной наружу.): With right sides together, sew across both ends and along one long edge of the two waist band pieces. Turn right sides out.;
  - (в. щиколотку, т.е. чтобы показать туфлю): "Yes?" she held her leg out, twisting her ankle to get a better view of the shoe.
  вывернуть / выворачивать (т.е. тошнить): - (её вывернуло): "How's A. (a pregnant woman) doing?" "Puked her guts out infml this morning.";
  - (от того, что я обнаружил, меня вывернуло, т.е. стошнило): what I found turned my stomach
  вывернуться / выворачиваться - (из пут): he had wriggled free from his bonds;
  - (из рук кого-л): he was trying to wrench himself free from Ron;
  - (из рук): he wriggled out and dashed back downstairs to his trunk;
  - (ребёнок может в. из лямок сиденья): the child could be in danger if he can wriggle forward, loosening the belt
  вывесить / вывешивать - (белый флаг): to hang out the white flag: to ask truce;
  - (объявление о награде за информацию, которая приведёт к осуждению убийцы): the owner of the bar put up a ten-thousand-dollar reward for information leading to the conviction of her killer (of a waitress);
  - (в. перины проветриться): some busy housewife hung featherbeds out to air;
  - (в. по всему городу афиши цирка): they put up posters all around the town advertising the circus;
  - (результаты экзаменов): he put up the exam results;
  - (табличку "инвалид" на двери, т.е. гостиницы): Fire Instruction Notice. ... Guests with any disability, likely to affect their own safety should inform a member of staff immediately and display the disabled door sign outside the bedroom.;
  - (флаг вывешивают круглый год на большинстве государственных учреждений, нередко флаг вывешивают на частных домах): Display and use. The flag is customarily flown year-round at most public buildings, and it is not unusual to find private houses flying full-size flags.
  вывести / выводить - (т.е. вещество из организма): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. людей откуда-то): смотри ниже;
  - (печатные буквы, он старательно выводит одну за другой печатные буквы): he laboriously prints letter-by-letter everything he writes by hand;
  - (пятна краски скипидаром): I have to see if I can get the paint off with turpentine;
  - (т.е. транспортное средство куда-то / откуда-то): смотри ниже
  вывести / выводить (т.е. вещество из организма) - (лимфатические узлы выводят из лимфы отходы, бактерии и другие вредные вещества): lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures that filter or remove waste, bacteria, and other harmful substances from the lymph;
  - (кровь выводит углекислый газ и другие вещества из клеток): The blood transports oxygen through the body and delivers it to cells. At the same time, the blood is picking up carbon dioxide and other substances from the cells.;
  - (мочу из организма): after the prostate gland is taken out, a catheter (a narrow rubber tube) is put through the penis into the bladder to carry urine out of the body until the area heals;
  - (печень и почки выводят многие вещества из крови): the liver and kidneys clear many substances from the blood (for example, in renal excretion), and the cleared substances are then excreted from the body in the urine and feces;
  - (растения выводят отходы в окружающую почву): plants excrete some waste substances into the soil around them;
  - (токсины с потом): he over-imbibed at the garden party and now he's sweating out toxins in a Russian steam room at P. spa
  вывести / выводить (т.е. людей откуда-то) - (если она не возьмёт себя в руки, то судья прикажет судебному приставу вывести её): She was found guilty and he ordered her to pay a $114 fine. She then became irate, standing and holding out her arms. "What?! That's it? He wins?" The judge then warned her that if she didn't compose herself, he would have the bailiff remove her.;
  - (из банка, т.е. тайком): I have to get them out of the bank;
  - (из зала суда): he was ushered out of court by sheriff's deputies and his lawyer;
  - (из зала суда): he was hand-cuffed and led from the courtroom;
  - (посторонних из кабины капитана): my cabin had been emptied of intruders;
  - (присутствовавших представителей прессы вывели, когда высший дипломат стал говорить): Tillerson Has Awkward First Encounter With Lavrov at G-20. Media present ushered out as top U.S. diplomat began talking.;
  - (протестующих из зала): officials quickly ushered the protesters out of the hall;
  - (силой в. за дверь): the culprit shouted before being strong-armed out of the door;
  - (т.е. слуга спрашивает, выводить ли гостей): shall I show them out?
  вывести / выводить (т.е. транспортное средство куда-то / откуда-то) - (автомобиль со стоянки, т.е. передним ходом): he was nosing his Mercedes out of concrete parking structure abutting the County Building;
  - (буксиры вывели корабль из дока): powerful harbor tugs eased the ship away from the loading dock;
  - (груз приборов на околоземную орбиту): he wanted to put a payload of instruments into earth orbit cheaper and faster than everyone else;
  - (задним ходом в. автомобиль со стоянки): when backing a passenger vehicle out of a parking place, you should always look back over your right shoulder;
  - (в. с орбиты спутник): to de-orbit a satellite;
  - (устаревшие спутники на орбиту захоронения): aging satellites are brought to a graveyard orbit where no operational satellites are present
  вывестись / выводиться - (за сезон выводятся до двух выводков): the breeding season is long, from February to June, during which up to two broods can be hatched;
  - (о личинках): larvae that hatch from eggs on damp soil were able to reach a breeding site within a distance of 10 cm;
  - (о птенцах куропатки): partridge chicks normally hatch in mid to late June;
  - (у нее вывелись все птенцы): she has hatched all her chicken;
  - смотри выводиться
  выветривание - (продукты в-я): these clay seams are weathering products of the parent rocks;
  - bauxite is а secondary mineral resulting from the leaching of silica from clay minerals, clayey limestones, or low-silica igneous rocks, commonly under conditions of tropical weathering
  вывинтить / вывинчивать - (в. резьбовую втулку из уплотнения сальника): unscrew the threaded bushing out of the stuffing box;
  - unscrew and remove the two screws on the back of the turret;
  - (болт / гайку против часовой стрелки): most threads are oriented so that a bolt or nut, seen from above, is tightened by turning it in a clockwise direction, and loosened by turning counterclockwise
  вывих - (плечевого сустава): a dislocation of the shoulder joint happens when the bones making up your shoulder joint are moved apart so that the joint no longer functions
  вывихнуть - (плечо): most people dislocate their shoulder in the anterior direction (i.e. their shoulder pops out towards the front);
  - (плечо): I can't play tennis today; I've put my shoulder out infml
  вывихнуться - (о плече): the shoulder dislocated
  выводиться - (мочевина выводится из крови почками): urea is removed from the blood by the kidneys;
  - (мочевина выводится почками): urea is found dissolved in blood and is excreted by the kidney as a component of urine;
  - (о токсинах, т.е. из организма): some toxins are able to be directly excreted through the primary routes of elimination, others must first be transformed by the liver;
  - (...определить, как быстро глюкоза выводится из крови): a glucose tolerance test is a medical test in which glucose is given and blood samples taken afterward to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood;
  - (радиоактивный плутоний не выводится из организма): radioactive plutonium remains fixed in the body;
  - (с мочой): other nitrogenous compounds that are excreted mainly in the urine;
  - (свободный билирубин не выводится с мочой): as unconjugated bilirubin is not water-soluble and is not excreted in the urine
  вывоз - (стоимость, т.е. в-а твёрдых бытовых отходов: 125 долларов за один в. плюс 35 долларов тонну): rate for solid waste: $125 per haul plus $35 per ton;
  - (сбор, в. и утилизация твёрдых бытовых отходов): name of solid waste collection, transfer, and disposal provider: Republic Services, Inc.
  вывозиться - (контрабандой, незаконно приобретенные препараты контрабандой вывозятся в другие страны): in many cases, the diverted preparations are smuggled into other countries;
  - (на свалку): unusable parts are usually disposed of in landfills or burned;
  - (отходы и брак вывозятся на свалку): it is easier to state that all scrap and rejects must be disposed of, and the employees can take nothing for themselves
  выгибать / выгнуть - (листовой металл): to bend sheet metal;
  - (пространство): big objects like stars can actually bend and curve space;
  - (спину): he arched his back to uncramp muscles;
  - (спину, о кошке): the cat hunched in a corner
  выгибаться / выгнуться - (оно не даёт балкам в. наружу): it stops these bars from bending outward
  выгладить - (рубашка была выглажена): his shirt has been pressed;
  - (рубашку): it takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly
  выглядывать (т.е. виднеться) - (волосы выглядывали из-под капюшона): in her surplice with her blond hair peeking from under her cap, she looked angelic;
  - (луна на мгновения выглядывала в разрывах туч): the moon was fleetingly visible through gaps in the cloud;
  - (чтобы нитки не выглядывали из бельевого шва): after sewing the first line of stitching on a French seam, trim the seam allowance as much as possible to avoid small threads creeping through the final seam;
  - (о звёздах): the clouds were torn and drifting, and stars peeped out;
  - (о солнце): the sun shone out;
  - (о солнце): the weather's so fickle - one moment it's raining, the next the sun's out
  - (пара тапочек выглядывала из-под полы халата): peeping out from underneath the skirt of the dressing gown were a pair of slippers;
  - (у неё из-под юбки выглядывают трусики с порванным кружевом): she has a slip with torn lace peeking beneath the skirt;
  - (хвостик выглядывал из штанов): a curly pig's tail poking out of the seat of his trousers
  выглядывать / выглянуть (т.е посмотреть) - the troll peeks out, revealing only its beady eyes;
  - (в окно): he laid the paper down and glanced out of the window;
  - (в окно): hearing frog-croak, I peered out of the window;
  - (девочка выглядывает из-за тёти): the girl peeks out from beside her aunt;
  - (т.е. из окна): I unshuttered the window and peered out;
  - (из хижины): he stepped outside again, and edged around the cabin;
  - (лицо выглянуло из двери): the door opened, and a face poked out;
  - (лицо, выглядывающее в окно): a face peering through the window;
  - (через занавески): she was peering out through the net curtains every few seconds
  выгорание - (ядерного топлива): Because of the fission process that consumes the fuels, the old fuel rods must be changed periodically to fresh ones. However, only one-third of the assemblies are removed since the fuel depletion is not spatially uniform.;
  - (ядерного топлива): reactor operators are faced with the so-called optimal fuel reloading problem, which consists in optimizing the rearrangement of the assemblies, the old and fresh ones, while still maximizing the reactivity of the reactor core so as to maximize fuel burn-up and minimize fuel-cycle costs
  выгорать / выгореть - (краски выгорели на солнце): colors faded in the sun;
  - (о горящей стреле): I could send a flaming arrow into the pyramid easily enough, but there's no guarantee it would catch. More likely it'd just burn itself out and then what?;
  - (об огне): we need more wood; the fire has burned out;
  - (от внутренних помещений оставался лишь выгоревший остов): after years of dereliction new joists and flooring were installed (after the fire); however the interiors still remained burnt-out shells
  выгравировать - ( на крышке шкатулки было выгравировано посвящение): on the inside of the lid of the box was engraved "C. from D.";
  - (руны, выгравированые на рукоятке меча): a sword with runes etched below the hilt;
  - (слова на кинжале): the words engraved on the hilt of the dagger
  выгребать / выгрести - (вещи из ямы): there was a sort of a hole and I scooped up a lot of things out of that;
  - ( золу из печки): a maidservant came in to rake out the stove's cold ashes;
  - ( золу из топки): use a long-handled shovel to scoop ashes from the firebox;
  - (листья): use a lawn mower fitted with a collection bag to scoop up the leaves;
  - (листья, т.е. граблями или другим похожим устройством): Solid Waste Division - Leaf Collection. Leaves must be raked out the day before the earliest collection day scheduled for your area.;
  - (т.е. печь): the comb sifts throw the litter, scooping up any waste
  выгружать / выгрузить - (автомобили выгружали пассажиров): we were waiting for the cars ahead to disgorge passengers;
  - (вещи из автомобиля): let's unload your gear;
  - (вещи из автомобиля): have you unloaded the parcels from the car?;
  - (груз, т.е. с судна): it is the vessel owners who, under common law, are obliged to load, stow, trim and the cargo;
  - (груз, т.е. с танкера): we have not discharged cargo yet;
  - (грузовик, т.е. из поезда): this is a full armored division detraining fml a 5-ton truck with a section of ribbon bridge on it;
  - (корабль выгружает груз в гавани): the ship is unloading its cargo in the harbour;
  - (корабль выгрузит груз в Одессе): we will be discharging cargo at Odessa;
  - (материал с Интернета): the cable and phone companies that provide connections allot far greater bandwidths for downloading material than for consumers to put their own contributions online;
  - (назначение рамп - в. колёсное оборудование из поездов): these ramps are designed to offload rolling equipment from the trains;
  - (супертанкер выгружает груз в меньшие танкеры): fully loaded ULCCs never entered ports; they stood well offshore and lightened themselves by disgorging most of their cargo into other, smaller tankers in order to reduce their draught for the shallow seas
  выгружаться / выгрузиться - (мы ждали, пока пассажиры выгрузятся из автомобилей впереди): we were waiting for the cars ahead to disgorge passengers
  выгрузка - (в., т.е. судна, всегда на плаву): d.a.a. (discharge always afloat);
  - (рампы предназначены для в-и колёсного оборудования с поездов): these ramps are designed to offload rolling equipment from the trains;
  - (нормы погрузки-выгрузки): rates of loading and discharging;
  - (отчёт о выгрузке / (встали на рейд 12.00... выгрузка (2 бригады): с 20.00 до 24.00): statement of facts (on roads 12.00, waiting for berth: 12.00 - 14.30, proceeding to berth: 14.30 - 15.30, idle 15.30 - 20.00, discharging (2 gangs): 20.00 - 24.00);
  - (порт в-и): port of discharge (POD) is a place where a vessel (ship or aircraft) is off-loaded and the shipments are dispersed to their respective consignees;
  - (стоимость в-и, т.е. судна): cost of discharge;
  - (танкеров / порядок в-и): Unloading the Tankers. Unloading procedures are exactly the same as loading precautions - e.g. products which are hazardous to humans must be unloaded in a sealed environment;
  - (товара / груза из контейнера): the container with cargo was delivered to Consignee warehouse for unstuffing
  выгул - (площадка для в-а собак): dog park / dog walking area / off-leash dog area
  выдаваться (т.е. выступать) - (балка выдавалась из здания): an I-beam thatprotruded from the building;
  - (ветка выдавалась дальше всех из ствола): he reached the branch that projected the farthest from the trunk;
  - (камни, выдающиеся над песчаной почвой): he was following the rabbit through the rocks that jutted out of the sandy soil;
  - (коса, выдающаяся из материка): a wind-swept neck of land jutting out from the mainland;
  - (в. на 3 дюйма над поверхностью): the intertwined DB stood out 3 inches from the ring;
  - (шар выдавался из поверхности пирамиды): the massive orb protruding from the face of the pyramid was carved in basso-relievo;
  - (эркер выдавался из наружной стены дома): bay window is a window that sticks out from the outer wall of a house and usually has three sides
  выдавить / выдавливать - (глаза): they tortured him and then gouged his eys out;
  - (зубную пасту из тюбика): to squeeze toothpaste from the tube;
  - (из кого-л магию): they had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him;
  - (из себя улыбку): he forced a smile;
  - (лимон): squeeze half a lemon into the bowl;
  - (парные штампы, т.е. пуансон и матрица, выдавливают на бумаге рисунок): Embossing is a printing technique used to create raised surfaces in the converted paper stock. The process relies upon mated dies that press the paper into a shape that can be observed on both the front and back surfaces.
  выдалбливать / выдолбить - (бревно): to hollow out a log;
  - (каноэ из бревна): to hollow out a canoe from a log;
  - (т.е. клювом, птица выдолбила ямку внизу в клетке): the bird pecked a hole in the bottom of its cage;
  - (надпись на мраморе, т.е резцом): he chiseled an inscription on the marble
  выдвигать / выдвинуть - (аварийный трап самолёта): failure of an escape slide to deploy could hamper the egress of passengers in the event of an emergency evacuation;
  - (в-ать и задвигать стрелу, т.е. подъёмного крана): No Other Crane Combines So Many ValuabLe Features: Pick-and-carry the full crane load chart through 360?; Telescope or lift the boom with a full load on the hook;
  - (в. удлинитель из солнцезащитного козырька автомобиля, когда он закрывает боковое окно): pull the extension out for increased sunlight coverage when the visor is blocking the side window
  выдвигаться / выдвинуться - (аварийный трап самолёта - в продольном направлении): pressurizing means is operative to inflate the escape slide, which escape slide has panels or panel members of flexible material with an upper sliding surface that extends in the longitudinal direction;
  - (дезодорант выдвигается из тюбика на 7 мм): push up from the bottom until stick is extended 7 mm
  выдвижение - (аварийного трапа самолёта): reports of improper escape slide deployment;
  - (в. и втягивание т.е. стрелы подъёмного крана): the motor used for telescoping the boom is mounted at the bottom of the boom
  выдвижной - (стрела, подъёмный кран с в-ой с-ой): telescopic / telescoping boom crane
  выдворить / выдворять - (в обязанности вышибалы входит в. слишком пьяных и хулиганов): the bouncer's duties inside the bar are to eject overly drunk people and trouble makers
  выделать / выделывать - (кожу): they tanned deerskin and fashioned it into moccassins;
  - смотри выделывать
  выделение - (газа): gas emission;
  - (газов в атмосферу): no feasible rate of reduction of emissions can do much to prevent the warming projected over the next century;
  - (жидкости или гноя из раны): drain is inserted into the opening of a wound or into a body or dental cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material;
  - (мочи): excretion of urine;
  - (органических кислот с мочой): urinary excretion of organic acids;
  - (персульфат аммония разлагается с в-ем кислорода, аммиака, паров серной кислоты и озона): ammonium persulfate decomposes with liberation of oxygen, ammonia, fumes of sulfuric acid and ozone at approximately 175?C;
  - (пузырьков воздуха): air bubbles emission;
  - (тепла): heat emission;
  - (углекислого газа): global carbon dioxide emissions, the major cause of global warming and climate changes
  выделить / выделять - (вещество, загрязняющее окружающую среду, т.е. химически): a method for isolating an environmentally hazardous organic contaminant from a fluid utilized a solid phase extraction medium;
  - (в. вредные или ядовитые пары при сгорании): the material should not give off noxious or poisonous fumes during combustion;
  - (газ): смотри ниже;
  - (железа выделяет молоко): mammary gland, organ of a female mammal that produces and secretes milk for the nourishment of the young;
  - (железы выделяют гормоны): exocrine glands are glands that secrete hormones into ducts. They are counterparts to endocrine glands, which secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream or release hormones that affect only target cells nearby the release site.;
  - (железы выделяют отходы): There are three million sweat glands in a grownup's body. Their job is to excrete wastes and cool down the body.;
  - (калий кипит при 6670, выделяя ярко-зелёный пар): potassium boils at 6670, emitting an intensely green vapour;
  - (кальмары выделяют светящееся облако): some squids secrete a luminous cloud to confuse an enemy and make an escape;
  - (тепло, о нити накаливания): light emitting diodes (LEDs) do not have a filament that can burn out and does not generate heat during operation
  выделить / выделять (газ) - greenhouse gasses, once emitted, can stay in the atmosphere for decades to centuries;
  - (т.е. в атмосферу): coal-fired power stations currently release a disproportionate 72 per cent of all power-related the CO2 emissions;
  - (газы, выделяемые нефтью): in the gap between the slopping surface of the oil and the ceiling of the hold gases form, given off by the crude oil;
  - (горючие газы): all ships carrying substances that give off flammable gases must be provided with a combustible gas indicator;
  - (горящая нефть выделяет вредные газы): burning oil releases noxious gases
  выделиться / выделяться - (вещество выделяется с женским молоком): it has been reported to be excreted in human breast milk;
  - (двуокись углерода выделяется при сгорании ископаемого топлива): burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide;
  - (кашель, при котором выделяется мокрота): do you have coughing that produces phlegm (thick sputum)?;
  - (мочевина выделяется печенью): urea is a substance secreted by the liver;
  - (о токсинах, т.е. из организма): some toxins are able to be directly excreted through the primary routes of elimination, others must first be transformed by the liver;
  - (отходы из организма выделяются в виде кала и мочи): bodily waste is excreted in the form of faeces and urine;
  - (пар, выделяющийся из двигателя): the humming of the generators in the engine room and the hiss of the escaping steam on the deck;
  - (при горении нефти выделяются вредные газы): burning oil releases noxious gases
  - (с мочой): other nitrogenous compounds that are excreted mainly in the urine;
  - (энергия выделяется ступенчато): the stored energy is released in a stepwise manner
  выделка - (бумага ручной в-и): handmade paper;
  - (в. кожи): R. Tannery is a leather refining and finishing factory;
  - (в. кожи): the tannery industry, specifically leather refining, consists of converting the raw hide or skin into leather;
  - (в. кожи после дубления): after the tanning process, the currier applies techniques of dressing, finishing and colouring to a tanned hide to make it strong, flexible and waterproof;
  - (меха): The dressing of furs involves several steps, the exact number of which is determined by the particular fur being dressed. Generally speaking, a fur is cleaned, softened, fleshed (extraneous flesh is removed), and stretched.;
  - (сафьяна): only from 1797 morocco dressing began to flourish in France;
  - (ткань красивой в-и): cloth of a beautiful fabric
  выделывать (коленца) - (т.е. в танце): I was throwing my best shapes at a local club, trying to impress a guy I fancied
  выдернуть / выдёргивать - (волос): to pluck a hair;
  - (зуб): he has pulled out patients' teeth unnecessarily;
  - (зубы): they lined up to show him (the doctor) teeth that should have been yanked earlier;
  - (нитки из салфетки): he plucked five threads from the napkin;
  - (ногти): torturers explored the sensitive beds beneath the nails of their prisoners' fingers and toes before tearing out the nails with red-hot pliers
  - (ногти): a metal forceps or pliers, often heated red-hot, individually grasps each nail in turn and slowly pries it from the nail bed before tearing it free from the digit;
  - (ногу из стремени): she kicked her feet free of her stirrup lest she fall;
  - (т.е. перья): with some birds the instinct to breed and reproduce is so strong that when their inability to find a mate occurs, they become stressed and pluck;
  - (половицу): he threw himself under the bed, wrenching up loose floorboard, and grabbed the package;
  - (слова из радиоэфира): the NSA is responsible for plucking out of the ether of literally billions of words a day in hundreds of dialects and languages for recording, decoding, translating and analysing;
  - (страницы из паспорта): he jerked the concertina of extra pages out of his passport;
  - (чеку, т.е. гранаты): he pulled a pin and dropped a grenade down the stairs;
  - (шип ската из груди): Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him in the chest, and he pulled it out
  выдёргивание - (ногтей): a metal forceps or pliers, often heated red-hot, individually grasps each nail in turn and slowly pries it from the nail bed before tearing it free from the digit;
  - (ногтей): torturers explored the sensitive beds beneath the nails of their prisoners' fingers and toes before tearing out the nails with red-hot pliers
  - (ногтей): denailing is the extraction of the nails from the fingers and/or toes, either as a medical procedure to treat severe nail infections, or as a method of torture;
  - (перьев): feather plucking is when the birds completely remove the feather by pulling it out at the base of the shaft;
  - (перьев): Sexual maturity and hormonal changes can contribute to feather picking. With some birds the instinct to breed and reproduce is so strong that when their inability to find a mate occurs, they become stressed and pluck. These birds may possibly stop plucking if they are placed in breeding situation with an acceptable mate.
  выдох - exhalation is the movement of air out of the bronchial tubes, through the airways;
  - (делать в.): he let out a long, slow breath;
  - (на выдохе): as you exhale straighten the arm forward
  выдохнуть / выдыхать - "Fantastic," he breathed;
  - (дым): he exhaled smoke;
  - (полностью): breathe out gently but not fully;
  - (углекислый газ из бронхов): Carbon dioxide and other substances travel through the blood vessels until they reach the capillaries at the alveoli. Here, carbon dioxide and substances move from the blood into the alveoli so they can be exhaled through the bronchial tree.
  выдохнуться / выдыхаться - (о газированной воде): This seltzer has fizzled out. I need a fresh glass of it.;
  - (т.е. потерять запах): my perfume had lost its smell; I'd saved it too long;
  - смотри выдохшийся в файлеFORMA_VID
  выдрать / выдирать - (волоски с корнем по одному): apply the tweezer to pull out bodily hairs one by one;
  - (зубы): they lined up to show him (the doctor) teeth that should have been yanked earlier;
  - (зубы были выдраны с корнем из дёсен): his teeth were ripped bodily from the gums;
  - (пучки волос были выдраны с корнем): clumps of her hair were ripped out bodily
  выдувать / выдуть - (звук из свистка): he blew a shrill note upon a silver whistle that hung around his neck;
  - (кит с силой выдувает воздух через дыхало): when surfacing, the whale takes in oxygen through the blowhole on top of its head. Then, filling its large elastic lungs which are connected to the blowhole, the whale dives to feed. While underwater, the whale's body heats up that air. When the whale surfaces, it forces the air that was held in its lungs out the blowhole. This action is called spouting, or blowing.;
  - (стекло): to blow glass
  выдыхание - exhalation is the movement of air out of the bronchial tubes, through the airways
  выезжать / выехать - (из гостиницы): to check out of the hotel;
  - (из квартиры): we can't move into the new flat until the other tenants have moved out;
  - (т.е. из квартиры, стоило ему где-то осесть, как неожиданно попадалась новая квартира, и он выезжал): no sooner was he settled anywhere than he would light unexpectedly upon a new find and would forthwith depart bag and baggage;
  - (на встречную полосу): he car crossed into an opposite lane and struck a roadside fence;
  - (на встречную полосу): the drivers attempted to overtake slower traffic by going into an opposing / opposite lane;
  - (на дорогу): his car shot backward down the drive and swung out into the residential road in front of the house;
  - (т.е. на коне, в. немедленно): we command him to ride forth at once, and to join the company of our knights with all speed;
  - (т.е. на конях, разведчики выехали далеко вперёд): they lit no fires, for they were uncertain of events; but they set a ring of mounted guards about them, and scouts rode out far ahead, passing like shadows in the folds of the land;
  - (на отдельную квартиру, т.е. от кого-л): she immediately moved out on her own;
  - (на пляж): he broke out onto the beach;
  - (на поиски дракона): All the knights of our Royal Household are thereby commanded to arm and make ready to ride upon this quest;
  - (не успел я выехать из Массачусетса на автомагистраль между штатами, как передо мной выехал автомобиль со стоянки для отдыха): before I even made it out of Massachusetts on the interstate highway, a car pulled out of a rest stop right in front of me;
  - (т.е. об автомобиле): смотри ниже;
  - (приказано выехать из страны): once again, on March 22, dependants and non-emergency personnel were ordered out;
  - (приказать выехать из страны): after September 11, the U.S. Embassy ordered the departure of "non-emergency" staff and all family members
  выезжать / выехать (т.е. об автомобиле) - (грузовики выезжали со склада): the trucks rolled out from the weapons depot;
  - (задним ходом): I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away;
  - (из гаража, т.е. медленно): the car eased out of the garage;
  - (задним ходом из гаража): to back out of the garage;
  - (задним ходом на проезд): I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle;
  - (колонна машин выезжала из Кремля): the policeman on duty in the square was forewarned by his bleeper that the Politburo cavalcade was leaving the Kremlin;
  - (на середину дороги): he was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him;
  - (на улицу): he pulled out into the street;
  - (потихоньку в. на автомобиле со стоянки, т.е. передним ходом): he was nosing his Mercedes out of concrete parking structure abutting the County Building;
  - (потихоньку в. в транспортный поток, т.е. на автомобиле): he nosed the car into the flow of traffic;
  - (со стоянки, т.е. в автомобиле): I was pulling out of a parking space;
  - (танк медленно выехал из-за деревьев): then with a rumble the flat armored bulk of the tank eased out of the trees and clattered down to the road
  выемка - (грунта, т.е. со дня водоёма): the work performed by the employees was mostly industrial work that related to the dredging operations;
  - (объём / поперечное сечение в-и, т.е. при проходке туннеля): excavation volume / cross-section;
  - (из тайников, т.е. шпиона): the spy made 70 collections from the drops and got away with it
  выжать / выжимать - (апельсин): to squeeze an orange;
  - (воду из губки): to squeeze the water out of the sponge;
  - (выжатая губка): compost with the right moisture level should feel like a damp, wrung-out sponge;
  - (одежду, т.е. после стирки): Here is how she washed her clothes. She used the washboard to wash the clothes in the first tub. Then she would wring out the clothes before she put them in the rinse tub. After a second rinse and wringing of the clothes, she would dip the clothes into the starch solution. Then she would wring them out one last time and hang them up.;
  - (т.е. прессом, в. масло из оливок): to press olives for oil;
  - (т.е. прессом, в. виноград): to make wine, first you must press the grapes;
  - (сок из лимона): to squeeze juice from a lemon;
  - (сок из нарезанных фруктов и овощей): this machine is designed to express juice of fruit and vegetable in pieces;
  - (сцепление в автомобиле): to throw out infml the clutch;
  - (сцепление в автомобиле): He slowed down and depressed the clutch gently. The sedan rolled to an almost imperceptible halt.;
  - (тряпку): once he had finished cleaning the floor, he squeezed the cloth out;
  - (тряпку): he was wringing out his cloth;
  - (штангу лёжа, сколько раз ты выжимаешь штангу лёжа?): how much you bench press?
  выжечь / выжигать - (выжженный, тактика выжженной земли) : the French armies brutally suppressed the native population and practiced a scorched-earth policy;
  - (выжженная пустошь): parched wasteland;
  - (выжженная солнцем лужайка): lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing;
  - (засуха выжгла траву): a severe drought burned up the grasses on the overstocked range;
  - (клеймо было глубоко выжжено на шкуре коня): a scrawling W had been burned deep into the hair and skin (of the horse's flank);
  - (клеймо было выжжено на поверхности): it had a large W branded into its surface;
  - (леса были выжжены): the forests were cut down or burnt;
  - (пальцевый узор): he apparently once tried to burn his fingerprints off, which could make identifying him even harder;
  - (в. текст на куске дерева): he had wood-burned normal text into a block of wood;
  - (топливо): we entered a holding pattern until we burned enough fuel to land under the maximum landing weight;
  - (трава, выжженная солнцем): parched grass
  выжигание - (в. по дереву / коже / в. рисунка на дереве / коже): pokerwork / pyrography is the ancient art of burning a design into timber or leather
  выйти / выходить - (в море)смотри ниже;
  - (вентилятор прогоняет пыль через фильтры, а чистый воздух выходит через выпускную трубу): In a conventional dust arrestor there are numerous filter bags hanging vertically. A fan draws dust contaminated air through these bags, clean air being able to escape through the exhaust to atmosphere.;
  - (вперёд, снова в. вперёд в гонке): he retakes the lead in the race;
  - (газы могли выйти в атмосферу): years earlier the system for bleeding them (the gasses) off was by way of gas lines fitted with pressure valves so that gases could escape to the atmosphere above deck;
  - (дыхание заледеневшей струйкой выходило из носа и рта): frosty breath was pluming from his mouth and nose;
  - (звёзды вышли, как стемнело): the stars came out as soon as it was dark;
  - (звёзды вышли на небо): evening fell and the stars came out;
  - (из берегов, о реке): because of heavy rain, the river may overflow its banks;
  - (из берегов, о реке): the river has burst its banks;
  - (из берегов, ручей вышел из берегов на несколько футов с обеих сторон): with all the rain, the stream has overrun its banks by several feet on either side;
  - (из пике): he pulled out of the dive sharply;
  - (из планирования в горизонтальный полёт, о ракете): the missile flattened out;
  - (из строя, о воинах): they broke ranks to speak with friends before setting out;
  - (т.е. из транспортного средства): смотри ниже;
  - (корабль вышел из Босфора): the ship cleared the Bosporus, watched the Golden Horn drop away astern and chugged north for Bulgaria;
  - (лицевой нерв выходит из стволовой части мозга между варолиевым мостом и продолговатым мозгом): the facial nerve emerges from the brainstem between the pons and the medulla;
  - (материал подаётся в камеру шаровой барабанной мельницы с одного конца и выходит в виде шлама с другого конца): a tube mill is a revolving cylinder of up to five diameters in length used for fine pulverization of ore, rock, and other such materials; the material, mixed with water, is fed into the chamber from one end, and passes out the other end as slime;
  - (на баллистическую траекторию со скоростью 2200 миль в час): the missiles can come in on a ballistic track at about 22 hundred miles per hour;
  - (нерв выходит из позвоночного отверстия): we can see the bony tunnel called the foramen where the nerve exits;
  - (нервные корешки, выходящие из позвоночного отверстия): nerve roots which are exiting out of foramen;
  - (о солнце, то дождь, то солнце выйдет): the weather's so fickle - one moment it's raining, the next the sun's out;
  - (о солнце, солнце вышло): the sun shone out;
  - (солнце вышло из-за тучи): the Sun must have run into a cloud while we've been under these trees, and now she has run out again;
  - (пузырьки воздуха благодаря вибрации выходят из бетона): vibrating the concrete liquefies it, getting rid of air bubbles and drawing it into the corners to ensure a smooth finished product;
  - (пуля вышла в задней части черепа): the bullet skewered through his forehead, splintering the parietal bone and exited through the rear of the cranium;
  - (пуля вышла через переднюю часть шеи): the bullet entered in the back and exited at the front of the neck;
  - (силовые линии магнитного поля выходят из северного полюса магнита): magnetic field lines exit a magnet near its north pole and enter near its south pole;
  - (черепахи выходят на берег): turtles come ashore at night;
  - (штырь выходит через другое отверстие, т.е. пулевого ранения): The animal pathologist speculates that the bullet must have entered the wolf, partly broken apart, and then exited the animal's body. To test his hunch, he threads a wooden dowel through the small opening on the wolf's neck, pushing it in until it pops out of another hole at the back of the neck. That hole's size and shape indicate it's an entrance wound.
  выйти / выходить (в море) - it was not until 1956 that the world's first over that tonnage took to the sea;
  - the ship put to sea;
  - a unit of the Soviet fleet in Alexandria put to sea on October 5;
  - (команды кораблей предпочли бунтовать, а не <в. в море): the crews of the German ships mutinied rather than put to sea;
  - (остатки разбитого некогда могучего флота вышли в море): the shattered remnants of once-powerful fleet put out to sea
  выйти / выходить (т.е. из транспортного средства) - (из автобуса): don't get off the bus till it stops;
  - ( из автобуса, помочь кому-л в. из автобуса): he helped her off the bus;
  - (из автомобиля): the motorist had left his vehicle, perhaps hoping to render assistance;
  - (из автомобиля): he told us to get out of the car;
  - (из автомобиля): the car proceeded to the Council of Ministers building, there A. alighted and hurried inside;
  - (из вагона): he had just gotten out of the next carriage;
  - (из кареты / экипажа): stepping from his carriage he mounted his horse and rode the final miles;
  - (из поезда): nobody can get off the train while it's moving;
  - (из поезда): Metro announcement: "Terminal station. Please exit fml the train.";
  - (из поезда на [остановке]): Ride the elevated Train around the Loop. Avoid rush-hour boarding before 9 am and from 3.30 - 6.30 pm. Hop off infml at R.;
  - (из поезда): we had arrived at Boden, where we had to alight the sleeper train and wait for a connection to take us across the northwest of Sweden into Norway;
  - (из поезда): once we arrive, please alight the train;
  - (из самолёта): the descent into Moscow was turbulent, and I felt queasy when I walked off the plane;
  - (из самолёта): they stood at the bottom of the steps and applauded as my colleagues and I disembarked from the aircraft;
  - (из такси): a woman hit by a car after getting out of a taxi has died from her injuries;
  - (из такси): I got out of the cab and stood there in the snow not sure where to go;
  - (из такси): as she alighted from the taxi she caught sight of a man with particularly large hands;
  - (из трамвая): how to reach us by public transport: take either Strassenbahn and get off at the station "B."
  выйти / выходить (о людях) - (болельщики с шумом вышли на стадион): two chartered buses filled with Parma fans arrived after the team and made a rowdy entrance into the stadium;
  - (в открытый космос): in this story I described the euphoric effects of the spacewalk fifteen years before anyone had space-walked;
  - (выйдя за молоком): he was murdered by Germans in 1941, while out to buy milk;
  - (выйдя из суда, он сделал неприличный жест в сторону журналистов): outside the court, he directed an obscene gesture at the press;
  - (выходи!): "Saruman, Saruman!" he cried in a loud commanding voice. "Saruman, come forth! ";
  - (выходя): on his way out, he grabbed a driver's pistol from the rack;
  - (вышел полицейский и помахал, чтобы он остановился): an officer stepped out and waved him to a stop a few metres from a roadblock;
  - (гуськом в. из класса): they filed out of the classroom;
  - (заставить в. кого-л): to force somebody out;
  - (т.е. из дому, люди не отваживаются в.): people are afraid to venture out;
  - (т.е. из дому, она редко выходила): she rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries;
  - (из душа): he stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry;
  - (из зала, т.е. переговоров): as Tillerson (the State Secretary) began to speak, journalists got a swift signal to exit the room;
  - (из кабинета): then, with a swift smile, he left the office;
  - (из кафе, выходя из кафе): a couple from a corner table were leaving, so he took it, smiling back as the couple on their way out, wished him a good appetite;
  - (из магазина): he emerged from the bookstore 10 minutes later;
  - (из спальни): he got up, dressed, and walked quietly out of the dormitory;
  - (из станции метро): they got off a station;
  - (из терминала, т.е. аэропорта): he exited the terminal (of an airport) and joined a group of people waiting at the curb for a jitney;
  - (избитых до потери сознания рабов бросали через люк в трюм. По его подсчётам, оттуда вышeл меньше, чем один из пяти.): Beaten senseless, slaves were thrown down the hatch into the hold. By his count, fewer than one man in five emerged. The rest were hauled out lifeless and tossed overboard.;
  - (из-за угла на перекрёстке): he came round the corner of the intersection;
  - (музыканты толпой вышли на сцену): the band trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause;
  - (на лестничную площадку): he climbed the last few steps and emerged onto a tiny landing;
  - (на свежий воздух): he was relieved when they reached the fresh air;
  - (на сцену): There were fans who were seeing the singer for the first time. It was so exciting to see their reactions when he took the stage!;
  - (на танцплощадку): they took the floor for the foxtrot;
  - (на танцплощадку): when the band played, everyone took the floor;
  - (на улицу, выйдя н.у.): outside in the street again, he silenced my protests;
  - (на улицу, т.е. в знак протеста): hundreds of thousands of young people around the world took to the streets on Friday to protest government inaction on the climate crisis;
  - (незаметно в. из спальни): he slipped out of the bedroom;
  - (т.е. пассажиры вышли из вокзала): grungy kids in backpacks emerged from the station;
  - (посетители выходят в уличные кафе): as yearly as March, thanks to global warming, diners take to the outdoor cafes;
  - (потихоньку в. из кухни): he edged out of the kitchen;
  - (привратник вышел из будки): a porter emerged from a glass-fronted booth and showed him into a small waiting-room;
  - (человек вышел из-за деревьев): he emerged from behind the tree ahead of them;
  - (я сам выйду, т.е. не провожай меня): you stay here and watch your telly - I'll see myself off the premises;
  - (в. позвонить): he went off to make a telephone call
  выкалывать / выколоть - (глаза): they tortured him and then gouged his eyes out
  выкапывать / выкопать - (горшок с золотом ): the story of the purchaser of a plot of ground who subsequently unearthed in it a pot of gold;
  - (колодец): they had to sink a well to water their crops of carrots;
  - (колодец): How do you sink a well? Start a pilot hole. Using a post hole digger or shovel, dig a hole two feet deep. Install your well point.;
  - (кости, т.е. лопатой): the crew pulled down the sagging cross and spaded up human bones;
  - (котлован): to excavate a pit;
  - (кролики выкопали нору на склоне холма / под забором): the rabbits burrowed into the hillside / under the fence;
  - (в. ров для защиты от кавалерии): Mohammed ordered a trench to be dug to defend the oasis from the Meccan cavalry;
  - (в. розовые кусты, чтобы посадить капусту): we dug up the rose bushes and planted some cabbages;
  - (в. себе могилу): you're just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily;
  - (туннель): the prisoners escaped by digging an underground tunnel;
  - (трупы): Leonardo da Vinci gained his expertise in the human form by exhuming fml corpses and dissecting their musculature;
  - (трупы в здании): 9 corpses were unearthed from the building;
  - (ямку / яму): to dig up a sod / hole;
  - (яму): using a shovel, dig a hole two feet deep
  выкармливать / выкормить - (киты выкармливают своих детёнышей, т.е. грудным молоком): whales suckle their young;
  - good mouse mothers suckle, groom, and protect their pups, while their neglectful sisters may start out trying to care for a litter, but fail to follow through.
  выкатиться / выкатываться - (мяч выкатился за пределы поля): in the melee that followed, half the players on the field touched the loose ball as it rolled and hopped from pile to pile and finally careened, unpossessed, out of bounds
  выкачать / выкачивать - (воздух, из неоновых ламп выкачивают в.): neon tubes are evacuated, backfilled, heated (bombarded - usually by a discharge through the tube at a very high current) to drive off any impurities, evacuated and then backfilled with a variety of low pressure gasses;
  - (колодезную воду): to create a vacuum into which the well water rises so that it can be pumped up
  выкидывать / выкинуть - (бюллетень в мусор): to throw the ballot in the trash;
  - (документы): some had genuinely lost their identification papers, others had thrown them away for good reason;
  - (коленца, т.е. в танце): I was throwing my best shapes at a local club, trying to impress a guy I fancied;
  - (мусор в океан): he stepped out on to deck, strolled to the starboard rail, and hurled his rubbish to the ocean;
  - (т.е. ненужное в канализацию): the clothes were dropped in a sewer; - (т.е. ненужное в урну): he dumped his helmet in a dustbin;
  - (обрывки бумаги в корзину): he swept them (scraps of paper) together, screwed them up tight, and dropped them into a basket;
  - (окурок): he finished his cigarette and threw the stub away;
  - (отходы): to dump toxic waste;
  - (песок посреди дорожки): don't dump that sand in the middle of the path;
  - (пивные банки): Why were beer cans tossed away just anywhere? "Well, DUH!", you may think, "because they were trash!";
  - (пивные банки): why beer cans were just tossed out?;
  - (пистолет через решётку канализации): he wiped down his gun and disposed of it through the sewer grate;
  - (порежьте на куски и выкиньте старую кредитную карту, получив новую): if you switch to a lower rate card, sign your new card as soon as it arrives and be sure to cut up and throw away the old card;
  - (в. радиоактивные частицы в атмосферу ядерным взрывом): fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosion;
  - (с силой в. из тела струю воды, о кальмаре): squids move through the ocean using a jet of water forced out of the body by a siphon;
  - (старые журналы): to throw away old magazines;
  - (в. струю на большую высоту): the spout was blasted into the air to a great height;
  - (что-л в окно): he got really angry and chucked infml his Play-Station out of the window;
  - (что-л на обочину): he had taken the saddle off the animal and dumped it by the roadside;
  - (штормом выбрасывало на берег монеты): sometimes a gale brought ashore gold coins
  выкипать / выкипеть - (о молоке): the milk's boiling over
  выкладывать / выложить - (газету на заднем сиденьи): the Jaguar limousine was to be fully tanked, polished and the day's Times laid out on the back seat;
  - (дно и бока формы для пудинга хлебом): neatly line the base and sides of a pudding basin with the bread;
  - (крышка сундука была выложена слоновой костью): the top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory;
  - (лимон на салфетку): he brought four lemon wedges and laid them out neatly on a fresh napkin;
  - (мозаикой, государственная печать, выложенная венецианской мозаикой на земле перед входом в здание): the main doorway and the great seal of the United States paved in terrazza into the ground in front of it;
  - (на всеобщее обозрение): the things he laid bare for all to see;
  - (фигуру из камней): The man arranged a series of stones. They said simply: H. is there.
  выклевать / выклёвывать (глаза) - Is a bird strong enough to peck out a human's eyes?
  - the birds were scratching at his eyes;
  - (у ягнёнка) I have seen crows take the eye out of a ewe whist she was lambing
  выковать / выковывать - (боевой молот): he forged the king's warhammer;
  - (длинную полосу из сложенной слоями стали): The outer skin, called kawagane, is then wrapped around a softer iron core, or shingane. The two layers are heated and hammered out into a long bar. This welds the layers together and forms the blank from which the finished sword is made;
  - (из этого выковывали нужную форму): The Japanese swordsmiths hammered together layers of steel varying in hardness, welding them into a metal sandwich. This was then reheated and hammered out thin again. This process was carried out dozens of times until the steel contained thousands of paper-thin laminations of hard and soft metal. It was then hammered into the right shape and was ready for the final step.
  - (как только выкована основная форма клинка): once the blade has been forged into its basic form, the smith uses files and planes to bring out the final shape, followed by a rough polish;
  - (клинки): to fashion these blades, the smith not only must possess physical strength, but also patience and dexterity;
  - (меч из металла): to work the metal into a sword;
  - (меч): to forge a sword;
  - (щит): a shield new-forged at his command
  выковывание - (меча): the forging of a Japanese sword is a subtle and careful process
  выковыривать / выковырять - (грязь из зубьев шестерни): he used a pencil to dig the dirt out of the teeth of a cogwheel;
  - (инкрустированную розу): he ran his finger over the smooth edge of the inlay, wondering if he could pry AmE the inlaid Rose out, but the craftsmanship was perfect;
  - (пищу с дёсен): he picked a tooth pick and for a few minutes picked food from his gums between his teeth;
  - (пробку кончиком ножа): he levered the cork out with the knife tip;
  - (рыбную кость из зубов): he prised a fishbone out from between his teeth
  выкорчевать / выкорчёвывать - (камни и валуны): grub out visible rock fragments and boulders, greater than 300 mm in greatest dimension;
  - (лозу): to root out the wine that had spread all over the garden;
  - (пни и корни): grub out stumps and roots to not less than 200 mm below ground surface
  выкраивать / выкроить - (выкроите все детали): Next cut out all pieces. With right sides together, pin skirt side seams together;
  - (детали, т.е. одежды, из шифона и подкладки): cut pattern pieces from chiffon and lining according to pattern
  выкрутить / выкручивать - (болт / гайку против часовой стрелки): most threads are oriented so that a bolt or nut, seen from above, is tightened by turning it in a clockwise direction, and loosened by turning counterclockwise;
  - (джинсы, т.е. чтобы отжать): twisting her jeans into a coil, I wring out the water;
  - (лампочку): to unscrew a bulb;
  - (мокрый платок): he took the handkerchief and kept using it, wringing it out with both hands whenever it got too wet to be any more use;
  - (незакреплённую половицу): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out...;
  - (руку): the officers allegedly twisted his arm violently and pushed a knee into his back so that he fell to the floor;
  - (руку): Plaintiff alleges that one officer grabbed his left wrist and twisted his arm back against the side of the car
  выкуривать / выкурить - (кого-л из дымохода): I heard bees today in my chimney. I lit the fire and smoked them out.;
  - (ос): a woman set her house on fire trying to smoke out a wasp nest;
  - (сигарету): one day after finishing treatment one can have an obsession to smoke a cigarette;
  - (сигарету): I gave in to temptation and had a cigarette
  вылавливать / выловить - (в. грузы, выброшенные на берег, т.е. с затонувших судов): fishing families earn extra coin recovering cargoes washed inshore;
  - (...пока не выловят большую часть рыбы): First, the pond is partially drained (20-30%) to concentrate the fish. Thereafter, the pond is repeatedly seined until most (80%) of the fish are captured.;
  - (рыбу из пруда, т.е. в котором её разводят): most catfish pond owners say they harvested fewer fish than they intended when they stocked the pond;
  - (в. сетью / сетями рыбу ): often, ponds contain an excavated depression or harvest basin where fish are concentrated and netted during final drainage
  вылазка - (т.е. военная): you were with us in the sortie;
  - (семейные в-и, т.е. на природу): family outings;
  - (т.е. самолёта на территорию врага): a series of sorties was carried out at night by specially equipped aircraft;
  - (т.е. человека, который скрывался и вышел из дому): he recognized you last time you risked a little jaunt outside;
  - (т.е. шпиона на территорию врага): the proposal was for a little run into the territory east of the Iron Curtain
  вылакать - (собака вылакала мороженое с пола): the dog lapped the ice cream up off the floor / the dog lapped up the ice cream
  выламывать / выломать - (дверь): he threatened to break the door down;
  - (дверь):he kicked down the cottage door;
  - (дверь): the thieves tried to pry open AmE the door;
  - (дверь): a barn door was pried open;
  - (железное ограждение было выломано до основания): iron railings ran along storefronts, the rails snapped off near the base;
  - (задвижку из дверного косяка): A variant of the standard deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt, which generally rests on top of a door. Vertical deadbolts resist jimmying (in which an intruder inserts a pry bar between the door and the frame and tries to pry the bolt out of the jamb).
  - (окно, т.е. рычагом): he prized the window in the lavatory (on the train) open, so that it slid easily on its runners;
  - (половицу): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out...
  выламываться / выломаться - (заколоченный досками камин выломался наружу): the boarded-up fireplace burst outward, expelling them in a cloud of rubble and loose chippings
  вылезать / вылезти - (глаза вылезли на лоб / из орбит): her eyes seemed to pop with excitement;
  - (волосы вылезли из-под сетки для волос): her hair was escaping from its hairnet;
  - (в. из автомобиля на тротуар): the car stopped outside the building and he climbed stiffly out on to the pavement;
  - (из жёлоба аварийного трапа самолёта): Recent certification demonstration evacuations have demonstrated potential problems with the structural integrity of inflatable escape slides. With severe loading of the escape slides, the inflatable beams are known to bend, sometimes allowing the sliding surfaces between the beams to form cups that can impede the egress of evacuees by making it hard to climb out of the slide and onto firm footing.;
  - (из камина): he was clambering out of the fireplace, brushing ash off his robes;
  - (из кресла): he heaved himself out of his chair and set off down the hall;
  - (из танка): through his thermal viewer, the gunner saw a dismounted crewman;
  - (нитки вылезли из бельевого шва): after sewing the first line of stitching on a French seam, trim the seam allowance as much as possible to avoid small threads creeping through the final seam
  вылепить - (олень, вылепленный из воска): a deer sculptured in wax;
  - (из глины можно в. почти любую форму): clay can be moulded into almost any shape;
  - (в. из теста две буханки): when you've made the dough, shape it into two loaves;
  - (колбаски из теста): to form cylinders from the dough;
  - (лошадок из глины): to model little horses out of clay / to model clay into little horses;
  - (шарики из риса): he molded АмЕ / moulded BrЕ the riceballs carefully
  вылет - (стрелы, т.е. крана): boom travel;
  - (стрелы, т.е. крана, на котором установлена съёмочная камера): arm travel;
  - (т.е. самолёта): смотри ниже
  вылет (т.е. самолёта) - (боевой): after flying 149 combat missions in World War II and Korea, John Glenn had been one of America's first astronauts 35 years earlier;
  - (выполнять / совершать очередной учебный в.): the pilot was on a routine training sortie;
  - (в. на бомбардировку, т.е. самолёта): aerial bombing sortie;
  - (т.е. в. самолёта на территорию врага): a series of sorties was carried out at night by specially equipped aircraft;
  - (явиться на посадку за час до в-а, т.е. самолёта): passengers may not be eligible for denied boarding compensation if passengers have not presented themselves at the boarding point at least 60 minutes prior to scheduled departure time
  вылетать / вылететь - (автомобиль стрелой вылетел из-за поворота): he felt the thrust as the car rocketed out of a turn on a mountain road;
  - (волшебная палочка вылетела из рук): his wand flew out of his hand;
  - (доллар вылетел из конверта): one time, I opened a letter from home and a single dollar bill fluttered out, rolling onto my lap;
  - (из гнезда): Why Do Birds Leave The Nest Before They Can Fly? It's to some young birds" advantage to leave the nest as soon as they can.;
  - (из гнезда образно): Her daughter runs an art gallery in Nice. Her daughter is, by now, for all practical purposes French. Her son, with his American wife and American children, will soon, for all practical purposes, be American. So, having flown the nest, they have flown far.;
  - (из гнезда образно, о детях): it seems that children still know how to tug at parents" heart strings long after they have flown the nest;
  - (из рук упавшего): the wind toppled the head huntsman backward out of his saddle, his horn flying from his hand;
  - (из седла): a horn blew close by, startling his horse, and he was very nearly unseated;
  - (картофелины вылетели из кожуры): potatoes shot out of their skins so fast that they ricocheted off the walls and ceiling;
  - (куски руды вылетели из ступки): Place a chunk of ore smaller than your fist into the mortar. Put on your safety glasses and dust mask. Grab the pestle and hit the chunk of ore with enough force to crush it, but not enough force to send chunks flying out of the mortar. Pound and grind the ore until it has the consistency of white sugar or smaller.
  - (мухи вылетают в сумерки): at dusk flies take to air;
  - (о ракетах / боеголовках): the 42 Phoenix missiles started going off in their formations, and the only survivors were those who broke into tactical turns when they saw the first warheads go off;
  - (самолёт вылетел из аэропорта): a twin-jet Tupolev-134 took off from Lvov Airport bound for Minsk;
  - (в. следующим рейсом): he will be on the next flight out to complete the mission;
  - (слова только вылетели изо рта, как...): the words were hardly out of his mouth, when...;
  - (со свистом в. из волшебной палочки): something whooshed suddenly out of the end of his wand, it looked like a wisp of silvery gas
  выливать / вылить - (в. алкоголь и выбросить наркотики): I poured out all my alcohol and threw away all my drugs. I went to bed sober, and I've been sober ever since.;
  - (ведро воды на голову): he dumped a pail full of water all over her head;
  - (вино в ведёрко): she tipped her entire glass into the ice bucket when he was looking the other way;
  - (в. нефть с танкера в море..., т.е. угроза террористов): if any approach at all is made by surface craft or light aircraft, 20000 tons of crude oil will be vented;
  - (помои): somebody was carelessly discarding slops;
  - (помои): the houses went through the usual routine of cooking, eating, throwing out the slops and shuttering the windows;
  - (содержимое бутылки в рюмку): he emptied the bottle into her glass;
  - (содержимое титана на колени кому-л): they tipped the boiling-hot contents of the tea-urn into his lap
  выливаться / вылиться - (вода из котла выливается в ров): the pipe by which the copper empties itself into the palace moat (in the cellar);
  - (горечь и обида выливались из него): every bitter and resentful thought that he had had in the past month was pouring out of him;
  - (нефть выливается в море): when crude oil is spilled on the sea, it contains both the "lighter fractions" and the "heavier fractions";
  - (обиды выливались наружу / публично): political frustrations were ventilated at the stadiums;
  - (по венам сердца кровь отводится от сердечной мышцы и поступает в коронарный синус, откуда она выливается в правое предсердие): cardiac veins drain blood from the heart muscle and carry it to the coronary sinus, which empties into the right atrium;
  - (хорошо, бетон х. Выливается из барабана, т.е. бетономешалки): the desired consistency (of concrete) is one that rains or sheets off of the barrel as it turns over
  вылизать / вылизывать - (т.е. кошка вылизывает котёнка, чтобы очистить): Your older kitty grooms her new friend for a variety of reasons. She probably licks your newly adopted kitten simply to clean him up.;
  - good mouse mothers suckle, groom, and protect their pups, while their neglectful sisters may start out trying to care for a litter, but fail to follow through.;
  - (тарелку): he licked his plate clean when nobody was watching
  вылов - (выращенной в пруду рыбы): harvesting pond raised fish can be the most labor intensive aquacultural activity;
  - (недостаточный или чрезмерный): underfishing and overfishing can both lead to an out-of-balance fish population characterized by small, stunted fish;
  - (т.е. рыбы): harvest is one of the most important parts of fish farming;
  - (рыбы из озёр, водохранилищ, рек, континентального шельфа и коралловых рифов): the finfish catches from lakes, reservoirs, rivers, continental shelves and coral reefs all fall in approximately the same range of 0.1 to 30 tonnes/km2/year;
  - (рыбы из прудов): proper stocking and harvesting of recreational fish ponds is paramount to the long-term success and enjoyment of recreational fish ponds;
  - (в. рыбы из пруда производится методом осушения и вылова неводом или методом многократного в-а): ponds are harvested by the drain-and-seine (total) or the multiple (partial) harvest method;
  - (существует огромный разброс между фактическим и возможным выловом рыбы): there is an immense variation in actual and potential fish yields, both within and between different kinds of aquatic tropical ecosystems
  выловить - they were living on food they could gather on the island and fish from the sea
  вылупиться / вылупливаться - (два птенца уже вылупились): two chicks have already hatched [out] ;
  - (из двух яиц уже вылупились птенцы): two eggs have already hatched [out] ;
  - (из яйца): something within battered and tore a hole as if hatching from some immense egg;
  - (...пока не вылупится молодь): redfish carry their eggs in their ovaries until the young hatch out;
  - (проходит 40 дней, пока не вылупятся птенцы): once the ostrich begins to incubate eggs, it takes 40 days to hatch
  вылупление - the young remain in the nest area for 2-3 months after hatching
  вымазать - (арахисовым маслом весь диван): the children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa;
  - (челюсти, вымазанные кровью): the jaws smeared with blood
  вымакать / вымакивать - (воду бумажным полотенцем): sop up water with a paper towel;
  - (подливу хлебом): to sop bread in gravy;
  - (соус хлебом): to sop bread into the sauce;
  - he used bread to sop up the gravy
  вымарать / вымарывать - (фамилии в досье тайной полиции): if this judgment holds, we would have to black out (from Stasi files) all the names of people who had not given their express permission;
  - (фамилии в отчёте): some of the names in the report have been blanked out
  вымахать - (он вымахал до шести футов ростом): he was only fourteen, but he cleared six feet
  вымачивание - (ветчины в смеси специй, ягод можжевельника и патоки): this smoked ham has a sweet subtle flavour, which comes from being steeped in a mixture of spices, juniper berries and molasses before being smoked and matured;
  - (шкур в воде): soaking is the process of treating raw hides and skins with water;
  - (шкур в воде с известью): making rawhide is made by removing the flesh and then the hair by way of soaking in an aqueous solution (often called liming when using lime and water or bucking when using wood ash (lye) and water), then scraping over a beam with a somewhat dull knife, and then leaving to dry, usually stretched on a frame so that it dries flat
  вымачивать / вымочить - (в рассоле): Suffolk hams are first brined, then pickled in a mixture of stout, spices and molasses. They are then smoked over oak chippings and hung up to mature for several weeks.;
  - (ветчину в смеси специй, ягод можжевельника и патоки): this smoked ham has a sweet subtle flavour, which comes from being steeped in a mixture of spices, juniper berries and molasses before being smoked and matured;
  - (дерево, т.е. в воде): paper can be made from powdered wood which has been macerated;
  - (индейку в маринаде): in order to flavor the turkey, he soaked it in a brine of salt, sugar, and orange juice for six hours;
  - (кожи в воде, т.е. при выделке): the ancient tanners would soak the skins in water to clean and soften them;
  - (мясо в воде): to soak meat in water;
  - (сушёную рыбу в воде): dried and salted "dunned" fish had to be soaked in water and beaten with a hammer before eating;
  - (фрукты в алкоголе): macerate: to soak a food (usually fruit) in a liquid in order to infuse it with the liquid's flavor
  вымесить / вымешивать - (осторожно вымесите тесто): knead the dough gently
  вымывание - (почвы): soil leaching is a major concern in terms of water contamination
  вымывать - (кит вымывает песок через китовый ус): slowly the whale pushes its massive tongue towards the roof of its mouth, sluicing sand through fibrous baleen plates hanging from its upper jaw
  вымываться - (кальций вымывается из костей): Even after you've stopped growing, you need calcium to retain the bone mass you've built up. Otherwise, calcium gradually leaches out of your bones.;
  - (ионы нитратов вымываются грунтовые воды): soils do not absorb the excess NO3 ions, which then move downward freely with drainage water, and are leached into groundwater, streams and oceans
  вымыть - (зеркала / пол): this cleaning service includes: wash clean all mirrors, all hard floors and horizontal surfaces where accessible;
  - (пол, т.е. тряпкой / шваброй): I mop the kitchen floor twice a week;
  - (пол, т.е. щёткой): he scrubbed the floor [clean]
  вымыться - he washed BrE / washed up AmE and then went to bed
  вынести / выносить - (автомобиль вынесло на встречную полосу): the car drifted into an opposite lane;
  - (бутылку бренди, т.е. из другой комнаты): he brought out a bottle of brandy;
  - (кого-л из комнаты): he literally lifted her off her feet and carried her out of the room;
  - (мы не хотим, чтобы труп вынесло на берег): Kill him and throw his body to the lake. Make sure his body's well weighted. We don't want him wash up on the shore.
  вынимать / вынуть - he took out a crumpled piece of paper;
  - (бумаги из дипломата): L. was examining some papers he had taken from his attaché case;
  - (вилку чайника из розетки): unplug the kettle from the outlet before filling;
  - (волосок из глаза): he flicked the hair out of his eyes with one hand;
  - (детали из формы): when the mold is cooled and opened, the hollow parts can be removed;
  - (зажигалку): he took out his lighter and held the flame to the cigarette tip;
  - (записную книжку, т.е. резким движением): he whipped out a notebook and began jotting down the names;
  - (из глаза): she got something in her eye, I helped her get it out;
  - (из формы бетонное изделие): Allow the concrete to set up. Because the Precision Grout is a fast setting product, he was able to unmold the concrete after 24 hours.;
  - (из футляра): he uncased his binoculars and put them to his eyes;
  - (из холодильника вынули всю его любимую еду): the fridge had been emptied of all his favourite things;
  - (из ящика письменного стола): he took an old Luger from the bottom drawer;
  - (конверт из сумки): he rummaged in the shoulder-bag and withdrew an envelope;
  - (кости, освежуйте, очистите кролика и выньте к.): Skin, clean and debone the hare. Reserve the bones.;
  - (кошелёк из чемодана): he rummaged in his trunk and extracted his money bag;
  - (лист бумаги из пачки): he riffled through a pile of papers on the desk, abstracted one,...;
  - (лист бумаги из ящика): he rummaged in a drawer and produced another sheet of paper;
  - (лист из дела): the new intern eased the last sheet out of the file and inserted in its place one of his own;
  - (меч из ножен): the knight tugged his sword out of its scabbard and began brandishing it violently;
  - (меч из ножен): he unsheathed his sword;
  - (незакреплённую половицу / книгу, т.е. спрятанную под половицей): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out a book;
  - (носовой платок): he took out a handkerchief and brusquely wiped it over the face;
  - (осколки стекла из роговицы): the doctors spent 2 hours pulling glass out of his cornea;
  - (пачку бумаги из дипломата): he opened his attaché-case and withdrew a sheaf of paper;
  - (пачку купюр из сейфа): there were several bundles of banknotes, which he pulled out and passed to K.;
  - (пистолет): stand up and take out your gun;
  - (предохранители, т.е. из распределительной коробки): he removed the fuses and pocketed them;
  - (пробку): the color drained out of his face as if the plug had been pulled
  - (пробку из бутылки): his hands trembled so much that he could hardly undo the stopper;
  - (пробку из бутылки): he unstoppered the bottle, and drank the contents in one gulp;
  - (стабилизаторы атомной реакции): to disengage reaction stabilizers
  вынос - (знамени): to watch the trooping of colors (at West Point)
  выпад - (ложный, т.е. в фехтовании): This is one of the greatest sword fights in the modern movies. We have two men, two athletes, and they look to be faraway to damage each other, but each time one makes even the tiniest feint, the other counters.
  выпадать / выпасть - (в осадок): if any organic salt is formed, it will precipitate out immediately;
  - (в осадок): During a flight the temperature of the fuel in the tanks will decrease due to the low temperatures in the upper atmosphere. This will cause dissolved water in the fuel to precipitate out and since the water is denser than fuel it will drop to the bottom of the tank.;
  - (в осадок при обработке): cobalt is precipitated as the hydroxide by treatment with sodium hypochlorite;
  - (волосы выпадали клочьями): her hair came out in clumps;
  - (из окна): he could see two figures that came tumbling out the rear windows;
  - (из рук): her arms went limp and the book fell from her grasp;
  - (кулёк конфет выпал из кармана и рассыпался): a bag of sweets had spilled out of his pocket;
  - (нож выпадает, вращаясь, из пальцев): He launches a kick before S. can straighten his arm. The sprung steel spins out of his fingers and bounces off the wall.;
  - (о волосах): he had nondescript hair, going bald at the temples;
  - (т.е. при бросании монеты надеюсь, выпадет решка): Coin toss. Hope it comes up tails.;
  - (т.е. при бросании монеты, сколько раз выпадет орёл): if an "honest" coin is tossed n times, one cannot predict the number of heads that will show;
  - (70% радиоактивных осадков выпало в Беларуси): 70% of nuclear fallout landed in Belarus;
  - (стёкла выпали из двери): he slammed the door so hard that one of the little panes of glass at the top fell out;
  - (трость выпадает из рук): my cane falls from my hand and clatters down the steps;
  - (у него выпал диск, т.е. позвоночника): He herniated a disk. The day we met it flared again.
  выпадение - (в осадок, охлаждение способствует выпадению в о. соединения): cooling the beaker helps precipitate the compound;
  - (волос): an effective treatment for hair loss;
  - (радиоактивных частиц в атмосферу): fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosion
  выпаливать / выпалить - (из ружья): to fire the gun
  выпалывать / выполоть - (газон): the lawn is tidy, the rose beds trimmed and weeded;
  - (генетически изменённую сою): the state will offer farmers a total of 10 million reals in special low-interest loans if they rip out the lab-enhanced soy and replant normal varieties;
  - (сорняки): she spent hours outside, tending her vegetable garden, potting flowers, pulling weeds, mulching the beds along the front of the house
  выпархивать / выпорхнуть - (малиновка выпорхнула из дикой яблони): a robin fluttered out of a crabapple tree
  выпас - (скота): human activities in Northwestern watersheds, including logging, grazing, agriculture, mining, road building, urbanization, and commercial construction contribute to periodic pulses or chronic levels of suspended sediment in streams
  выпачкать - (одежду грязью): his clothes were daubed with mud;
  - (пелёнки): the baby soiled his diapers;
  - (рубашку вином): I stained my shirt with red wine;
  - (руки): you"ll dirty your hands if you touch that machine;
  - (руки чем-л образно): these were top lawyers, the kind who wouldn't normally soil their hands with police work or criminal law;
  - (фартук, когда готовил): I messed my apron while cooking;
  - (футболку сажей): I smudged my T-shirt with soot;
  - (челюсти, выпачканные кровью): the jaws smeared with blood
  выпекание - provides automatic thermal treatment of smoked products as warming-through, drying, smoking, cooking and baking
  выпекать - (хлеб): to bake bread
  выпивать (т.е. спиртное) - (каждый вечер): it doesn't show in her work, but she hits the sauce infml every night;
  - (каждый выходной): I don't know if it will be a problem, but he hits the bottle infml every weekend;
  - (он никогда больше не будет ни в., ни пьянствовать): he said if she'd marry him, he would never drink or carouse again;
  - (в. по 6 бутылок в день): she is getting through six bottles a day now;
  - (регулярно): Was he sober? From what I understand about him, he ties one infml on pretty regularly.
  выпивать / выпить - (залпом выпить оставшуюся выпивку): he tossed off the last of his drink and walked out;
  - (залпом): he swigged down the last of his tea;
  - (залпом): He poured a generous amount of scotch into a water glass. Half of it he bolted down; the rest he would sip;
  - (одним глотком): he drank the potion off at a single gulp, and an evil lust fell on him;
  - (рюмку бренди вечером): he was in the habit of taking a glass of brandy each night;
  - (хотите что-нибудь выпить): would you like something to drink?;
  - (я выпиваю кофе / я залпом выпиваю гущу, оставшуюся на дне чашки): I slurp my coffee. I knock back the dregs that have settled to the bottom of the cup.
  выпиливать / выпилить - (отверстие в доске): I sawed a hole in the board
  выпить - (выпьете со мной стакан вина?): "Will you join me in a glass of wine?" "Wine will be very welcome.";
  - (выпьешь что-нибудь?): George, a bracer: come. It's winter, after all. A nip of something?;
  - (на сон грядущий): come on, F. old pal, let's have a nightcap;
  - (на сон грядущий): the bar was still open and he went in for a night cap;
  - (никто не хочет в.?): anyone care for a little nip infml?;
  - (собираться в баре, чтобы в.): a bar where the small fry of the world of mercenaries and arm sellers are wont to foregather and take a drink together;
  - (пиво): he salted his beer and drank it off;
  - (пригласить в.): she was waiting to be invited for a drink by one of the customers
  выплавить / выплавлять - (железо): "The Great Leap Forward" had encouraged ordinary peasants to smelt iron in their backyards;
  - (олово): to smelt tin / copper;
  - (пластиковую плёнку из порошка): rotation of the mold while heat converts the liquid or fuses the powder into a continuous film on the interior surface of the mold
  выплавка - (завод по в-е первичного алюминия): primary aluminium smelting plant;
  - (история в-и железа): iron smelting history;
  - (в. является окончательным этапом получения золота из руды): on most gold mines, smelting is the final stage of recovering gold from an ore
  выплеснуть / выплёскивать - (вместе с водой в-нуть и ребёнка): to throw the baby out with the bath water;
  - (воду, уменьшить количество выплеснутой воды): lower pool water level to reduce amount of water splashed out
  выплеснуться / выплёскиваться - (волны выплеснулись высокими фонтанами): the Atlantic swell still broke on the cliffs, thudding and slapping and splashing great fountains high in the air;
  - (жидкость выплеснулась через край миски): He slammed his fists on the table. The liquid slopped over the bowl's rim.;
  - (отвести воду, которая выплёскивается, обратно в бассейн): Lower pool level to avoid splash-out. Water that is unavoidably splashed-out can be channeled back into the pool.
  выплёвывать / выплюнуть - (зёрнышки за окно): he was spitting orange pips out of the window
  выплывать / выплыть - (т.е. из неприятностей образно): he is enjoying watching her struggling on his own toward shore;
  - (дым выплывал изо рта): smoke poured out of his mouth in a white plume;
  - (о клубах дыма): and a puff of grey smoke wafted out;
  - (струйки дыма выплывали из-за книг): tendrils of smoke were drifting from between the loosely shelved books;
  - (о фактах): no fresh facts have come to light
  выплясывать - he pranced around in underwear
  выполаскивать / выполоскать - (рубашки, т.е. от мыла): I"ll rinse [out] these shirts
  выпороть - (дезертировавших матросов): Three crewmen deserted and were recaptured. The ship's master ordered them flogged.;
  - (в. ребёнка в наказание): he awoke to find his mother standing guard, assuring him that his legs were saved and that he'd be whipped hard when he finally got home
  выпотрошить - (животное): the dragon was gutted in 15 minutes;
  - (курицу): tо eviscerate a chicken;
  - (курицу): he trapped a chicken, wrung its neck, plucked and gutted it;
  - in Ramallah in 2000, two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped, beaten, stabbed countless times, had their eyes gouged out, and were literally disemboweled and dismembered by an Arab lynch mob
  выправить / выправлять - (вмятину на автомобиле): can you hammer out the dent on the side of my car?
  выпроводить / выпроваживать - (т.е. слуга спрашивает: мне их в.?): shall I show them out?
  выпрыгивать / выпрыгнуть - (головастик выпрыгивает из озера): a tadpole jumps out of the lake and flops around on the shore;
  - (из автобуса): a conductor leapt out of the bus;
  - (из воды как можно выше): he bobbed out of the water as high as he could;
  - (из кровати): for a few moments he lay immobile, then he leapt out of bed;
  - (из окна): I jumped out of the window;
  - (из окна): he eased up the window and hopped over it;
  - (с парашютом): On the night of 30 March 1944 he participated in an attack on Nuremberg. Short of the target, his aircraft was very severely damaged by enemy fighters, which forced three of his crew to parachute out.;
  - (с парашютом): trying to save the plane, he didn't parachute to safety;
  - (с парашютом): the force of the wind plastered a smile on my lips: I really was going to skydive;
  - (форель выпрыгивала, чтобы хватать мух): there was trout jumping out from time to time to grab flies
  выпрягать / выпрячь - he unhitched his horse from the wagon
  выпрямить / выпрямлять - (курчавые волосы): how to straighten curly hair;
  - (ноги): straighten your legs;
  - (переменный ток): to rectify alternating current;
  - (согнутый руль): my slightly bent rudder was straightened by a local engineer;
  - (выпрямив спину): he marched past, his back rigid
  выпрямиться / выпрямляться - (во весь рост): he drew himself up to his full height;
  - (т.е. встать из положения лёжа): he had barely staggered upright when two large hands reached through the open window and closed tightly around his neck;
  - (выпрямившись, сальто может выполняться в группировке, согнувшись и в.): a somersault can be competitively performed in three shapes: tucked, piked or straight;
  - (о накренившемся корабле): the ship heels over for a squall but rights herself again;
  - (о человеке): "Well, I must be getting home," he said straightening up;
  - (о человеке): he straightened up, wincing from the blow to the head;
  - (о человеке): "..." N. said archly, hauling himself erect on the bar stool
  выпуск - (аварийного трапа самолёта): improper escape slide deployment
  выпускать / выпустить - (аварийный трап самолёта): failure of an escape slide to deploy could hamper the egress of passengers in the event of an emergency evacuation;
  - (автоматную очередь): he just stood up as they reached 50 feet from him and loosed off a short, lethal bursts;
  - (воздух из лёгких): to expel air from lungs;
  - (воздух из чего-л): his plump face seemed to slacken, as though somebody had let air out of it;
  - (воздух, о манжете тонометра): the blood pressure sleeve occasionally inflates, takes the reading, and deflates;
  - (всю обойму, т.е. пистолета): in a matter of seconds he empties the clip in a deafening roar;
  - (всю обойму пистолета в лимузин): he had emptied a handgun at the limousine;
  - (выпуская облачко выхлопных газов из выхлопной трубы): the car passed through the intersection, a haze of exhaust puffing out of its tail pipe;
  - (газ в атмосферу): coal-fired power stations currently release a disproportionate 72 per cent of all power-related the CO2 emissions;
  - (газы из трюма танкера): if the gases were not bled off, they would turn the ship into a bomb;
  - (т.е. дракон выпустил струю огня): a jet of fire had been released exactly where he would have been had he not swerved away;
  - (дым из окна): the window is cracked a little to let out cigarette smoke;
  - (жидкость из живота): they drained 7 liters of fluid out of my belly with a hose stuck in it that went over the side of the bed to a bottle;
  - (закрылки и шасси): the Captain lowered flap and undercarriage;
  - (закрылки / шасси): to extend the flaps / wheels;
  - (выпустить шасси!, т.е. команда): landing gear down;
   - (из объятий): He grabbed her and pulled her into a bone-breaking hug. He let go of her; and she staggered away, rubbing her ribs;
  - (из рук пистолет): he released the gun and heaved himself forward;
  - (кит выпускает песок через китовый ус): slowly the whale pushes its massive tongue towards the roof of its mouth, sluicing sand through fibrous baleen plates hanging from its upper jaw;
  - (кишки): on this day in 1305 Scotland's William Wallace was executed - hanged, disemboweled, beheaded and quartered;
  - (кишки): these (hog's) tusks can disembowel a man;
  - (кишки): its tripes were let out upon the ground;
  - (кровь из туши): to expel blood from a carcass;
  - (маневровый двигатель / тормозные ракеты): the cosmonaut fired the thruster / braking rockets;
  - (натянутую верёвку): he tied a granny-knot and then stepped back, paying out the clothesline;
  - (натянутую верёвку): he evidently descended pretty quickly, to judge by the rate at which I had to pay out the rope, and in quite a short time I felt the tension slacken and began to haul up the line;
  - (обойму из пулемёта): in one unit, an old-timer unleashed a magazine of machine gun fire outside of the enlisted men's club;
  - (пассажиров из поезда метро): let customers off the train first please;
  - (пузырьки воздуха из шприца): he filled the syringe, not bothering to tap out the bubbles, because the purpose of the injection was to kill;
  - (пузырьки воздуха из шприца): he held the syringe to the light and squeezed until a fine jet of liquid rose into the air, expelling the last bubbles;
  - (ракеты, т.е. с самолёта): the officer ordered them to go to afterburner and streak east, and at a range of 60 miles, they fired off their radar-guided air-to-air missiles;
  - (руку): he released her hand;
  - (руку): he lost his grip on her other arm;
  - (самолёт-заправщик выпускает шланг с конусом): the tanker aircraft flies straight and level and extends the hose/drogue which is allowed to trail out behind and below the tanker under normal aerodynamic forces;
  - (снаряд): The regiment was established under Royal Charter by Henry VIII in 1537 and is the oldest regiment in the British Army. Its formation pre-dates the introduction of the word 'infantry' into the English language and, at that time, the word artillery was used to refer to any weapon that projected a missile.;
  - (собак из мешка): He lets a couple of terriers out of the bag, and they make short work of the rats;
  - (стрелу): he released the arrow;
  - (стрелы, мы выпустили все с., что у нас были): we loosed every arrow that we had;
  - (т.е. струёй, каракатица выпускает чернила): he is like a cuttlefish squirting out ink;
  - (схваченного человека): he let go of Harry with a grunt;
  - (труба выпускала дым): the cowl of the canteen chimney puffed smoke into the darkness
  выпутаться / выпутываться - (дельфин запутался хвостом в верёвке и пытался в.): the dolphin must have snooped the bait in the crab trap, tangled her tail in the rope, then tried to spin out of it;
  - (из верёвок): he surmised B. had wriggled free from his bonds;
  - (из парашюта): he managed to struggle out of his parachute
  выпучивание - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  выпучивать / выпучить (глаза) - (выпучив г.): "Are there cabarets with stripteases and everything?" asked M., pop-eyed;
  - (выпучив г.): he stared with pop eyes at a generously endowed young woman gyrating her hips;
  - (он выпучивает глаза): his eyes pop;
  - (он выпучил глаза от возбуждения): his eyes seemed to pop with excitement;
  - (она выпучила г.): he gave her fifty dollars and her eyes bulged
  выпучиваться / выпучиться (о глазах) - his eyes were rolling and bulging;
  - her great red face started to expand, her tiny eyes bulged;
  - (у него выпучились глаза от возбуждения): his eyes seemed to pop with excitement;
  - (у неё выпучились глаза): he gave her fifty dollars and her eyes bulged
  - If the hyperthyroidism is quite severe, the eyes protrude and the protrusion may be permanent. This condition is called proptosis. Protuberant eyes are more exposed and dry more rapidly than normal.;
  выпущенный - (в-ая из арбалета стрела): words once spoken were as far beyond reach as a loosed crossbow bolt
  выпятить / выпячивать - (выпятив грудь): he strode over to the girl, walking with his chest thrown out so that she couldn't miss the shiny badge;
  - (грудь): he puffed out his chest and stared around impressively;
  - (выпяченная грудь): he inflated his already bulging chest;
  - (нижнюю губу): he thrust out a belligerent lower lip and glared at the young newspaperman in a hot fury
  выпятиться / выпячиваться - (грыжа развивается, когда часть кишечника выпячивается через слабое место в стенке брюшины): hernias develop when a portion of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall
  выпячивание - (мембраны): buckling of a compressed elastic membrane
  вырабатывать / выработать - (топливо): we entered a holding pattern until we burned enough fuel to land under the maximum landing weight
  вырастать / вырасти - - (бугорки вырастали из-под земли): the tents looked as though small oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth;
  - (в огороде вырос помидор весом 3 фунта): that garden produced a tomato that weighed two pounds;
  - (клевер вырос, зелёный и сочный): the clover sprang up, green and luscious;
  - (ребёнок вырос на несколько дюймов): he had grown a few inches over the last year;
  - (ребёнок вырос на 6 дюймов): he's grown 6 inches [taller]
  вырванный - (земля и камни, вырванные с места): a burst of dislodged rock and earth flew outward
  вырвать / вырывать - (волоски по одному): apply the tweezer to pull out bodily hairs one by one;
  - (т.е. заметку из газеты): I found the story in the paper I opened. I tore out the story and folded it small.;
  - (зуб): смотри ниже;
  - (из рук): the thief snatched her handbag and ran;
  - (из рук): he grabs for the paper, but Tom swipes it away infml;
  - (из рук): she snatched the album from his hands and slammed it shut;
  - (т.е. из земли, генетически изменённую сою): the state will offer farmers a total of 10 million reals in special low-interest loans if they rip out the lab-enhanced soy - illegal throughout Brazil - and replant normal varieties;
  - (крылья у бабочки): to rip out the wings of a butterfly;
  - (крылышки у мух): he pulled the wings of flies;
  - (плечо из сустава): the shoulder was wrenched from its socket as he forced a victim's arm backward and upward;
  - (половицу): he threw himself under the bed, wrenching up loose floorboard, and grabbed the package;
  - (с корнем): смотри ниже;
  - (сердце у кого-л): I want to rip out his heart and feed it to him;
  - (т.е. стошнить): смотри ниже;
  - (страницу из книги): the page had been torn out from the book;
  - (сумку, носить сумку так, чтобы её не вырвали): my purse was on a shoulder strap and I had it slung across my body, the way you were supposed to wear it so it wouldn't get snatched;
  - (течение вырвало пловца из безопасного места): I felt like a swimmer who had survived dangerous currents only to be plucked from apparent safety by unexpected and even more violent riptides toward uncharted seas;
  - (я мог бы приказать в. тебе язык за эти слова): I could have your tongue out for saying that
  вырвать / вырывать (зуб) - he had his teeth pulled;
  - the dentist pulled my tooth out;
  - he has pulled out patients' teeth unnecessarily;
  - (тебе придётся в.з.): you'll have to have that tooth out infml;
  - "I will take out this tooth." This statement came from a self-effacing mouse of an amateur nurse;
  - they lined up to show him (the doctor) teeth that should have been yanked earlier
  вырвать с корнем / вырывать с корнем - (деревья были вырваны с кoрнем): these trees were uprooted during hurricane Wilma;
  - (зубы были вырваны с к. из дёсен): his teeth were ripped bodily from the gums;
  - (пучки волос были вырваны с корнем): clumps of her hair were ripped out bodily;
  - (в. с корнем сорняки): root out those weeds before they take hold
  вырвать / вырывать (т.е. стошнить) - (его вырвало на половик): he vomited all over the doormat;
  - (игрока вырвало): the player bolted for the sideline, ripped off his helmet and delivered;
  - (игроков вырвало за несколько часов перед матчем): the players were so anxious some were nauseous and threw up infml hours before the game;
  - (меня вырвало): I threw up;
  - (от увиденного меня вырвало): what I found turned my stomach fig;
  - I'm gonna upchuck AmE slang everything I've eaten for the past week;
  - (я думал, что меня вырвет): I thought old Zach had tied one on. But then, I could see all that dried blood. I thought I'd throw up
  вырваться / вырываться - (воздух вырвался из лёгких): the air burst out of his lungs;
  - (в. вперёд, т.е. от идущих рядом): in a fit of energy she had broken away and was pounding ahead of him down the path;
  - (из двигателя автомобиля вырвался огонь): The car drifted into an opposite lane and struck the bus. The bus flipped on its side and a fire erupted in the engine compartment of the car but was put out by emergency personnel.
  - (в. из однообразия и жары камбуза): to break the monotony of the steam-heat in the cramped galley, he stepped out on to deck, strolled to the starboard rail, and hurled his rubbish to the ocean;
  - (в. из однообразия на свободу): when one breaks free of the monochrome drabness, the result is a feeling akin to exhilaration;
  - (в. из однообразия семейной жизни): to escape the drudgery of family life/ married life;
  - (из пут): with a huge effort he broke free of his restraint;
  - (из рук кого-л): he wriggled out and dashed back downstairs to his trunk;
  - (т.е. из рук кого-л): He pulled her into his arms. Even though she probably could have broken free, she made no attempt to.;
  - (т.е. из рук убийцы): he felt her final frantic effort to break away from him, then the hopelessly feeble tremors as her body began to limp;
  - (из толпы репортёров): he is pulling free of the reporters;
  - (кадык ходит вверх-вниз под кожей, словно пытаясь в. наружу): his Adam's apple is bobbing up and down beneath his skin as if trying to break out;
  - (как могут отсталые страны в. вперёд, опередив западные страны в области высоких технологий?): how can countries, apparently so backward in the past, suddenly shoot ahead of westernized countries especially in such high tech fields?;
  - (крик жалости вырвался у кого-л): a cry of pity escaped her;
  - (она вырвалась от него / она вырвалась из его хватки): she pulled out of his grip;
  - (от кого-л): the girl lunged backwards with her heel, caught the gunman in the shin, broke his grip and made to run towards the police agent;
  - (рёв вырвался изо рта): a harsh bellow exploded from his mouth;
  - the dog scrabbles on its hind legs, trying to wrench itself free;
  - (собака вырвалась из ошейника): the dog was chained up and somehow broke free from her collar;
  - смотри вырываться
  вырезание - (выкройки): accuracy in cutting your sewing pattern and in transferring the construction marks, onto the fabric is crucial
  вырезать - (в. алмазной пилой кубы нужного размера из каменных глыб): Quarrymen split the rock, and extract the resulting blocks of stone from the ground. Sawyers cut these rough blocks into cubes, to required size with diamond-tipped saws;
  - (буквы / цифры на камне): The production of letters (text) and numerals by carving into solid stone. This can be production fonts or bespoke patterns / symbols, forming plaques, memorials, commemorative stones, etc.;
  - (водителя из автомобиля, т.е. потерпевшего аварию): firefighters had to cut the trapped driver loose / free using special equipment;
  - (из видеозаписи самые откровенные места в его показаниях): the network cut away from one of the most explicit parts of the testimony;
  - (т.е. из дерева): смотри ниже;
  - (круг на стекле): the burglar cut a perfect circle on the surface of the glass;
  - ( т.е. ножницами): the letter was composed from pasted letters that seemed to be cut out the newspaper;
  - (т.е. ножницами, всякое упоминание о скандале было аккуратно вырезано из газет в киосках): Uncensored copies of Time, the first publication to take notice of the scandal, were hard to come by. Only those lucky enough to know someone who received a subscription direct, from America, were able to follow the progress of the shocking affaire week by week. All reference to it had been neatly scissored out of the news-stand copies.;
  - ( т.е. ножницами, в. выкройку): Stretch Skirt. How to Cut Out the Pattern. When you lay the paper pattern onto the fabric you have to remember to add seam allowance before you cut.;
  - (т.е. о хирургической операции): смотри ниже;
  - ( т.е резцом): he chiseled an inscription on the marble;
  - (т.е. резцом): the words chiselled onto the monuments the battle cries;
  - (сцену из фильма): he used rats to create a scene so revolting that his editor suggested strongly that he remove it;
  - (частицы соли, ила и гравия вырезают выбоины и туннели): spinning particles of salt, silt and gravel have worked like diamond drills, carving out potholes and tunnels
  вырезать (т.е. из дерева) - he carved a boat;
  - he sculpted an old man's head out of wood;
  - he whittled spoons out of wood;
  - (из ели щепки): he carved splints from spruce;
  - (изображение на поверхности деревянной доски / места, которые на отпечатке должны выглядеть белыми, вырезают ножом или стамеской): Woodcut is a relief printing artistic technique in printmaking in which an image is carved into the surface of a block of wood, with printing parts remaining level with the surface while the non-printing parts are removed, typically with gouges. The areas to show "white" are cut away with a knife or chisel, leaving the characters or image to show in "black" at the original surface level.;
  - (т.е. из дерева, в. набор шахмат): he whittled a chess set;
  - (подставку): a pedestal that he had carved from a piece of oak;
  - (рисунок на деревянной форме): block prints is a printing technique in which the pictures and / or text of a book are carved into a block of wood;
  - (в. что-л из дерева): to chisel wood into a shape / do chisel out a shape from wood;
  - (в. штангу из бревна): they did daily workouts with a log they carved into barbells;
  - ( ямки и узоры, вырезанные в мягком дереве): the cuckoo clock was hand-made, and there were countless frets on it, little indentations and ornaments scored in the soft wood;
  вырезать (т.е. о хирургической операции) - (аппендикс, ему вырезали а.): he had his appendix out infml last week;
  - (опухоль): by the time they cut the tumor off it weighed 9 pounds;
  - (опухоль): the doctor will cut out the tumor and a small surrounding area of normal-appearing skin and send it to a lab;
  - (хирург вырезает спайки): the surgeon locates the obstructed area and delicately dissects the adhesions from the intestine using surgical scissors and forceps;
  - (язву образно): we shall cut away the canker that infects us
  вырубать / вырубить - (в скале): the theatre was hewn out of the rockface in 1693;
  - (деревья): he began to cut down trees and plant coffee;
  - (деревья на древесину): cutting down trees for timber;
  - (заросли): we began slashing down the undergrowth to carve a path;
  - (лес был вырублен): When he returned after the war he inherited an estate in a run-down condition. The lakes were silted up, Ray Wood had been clear-felled, and some of the monuments in the grounds were in danger of collapse;
  - (леса): the forests were cut down or burnt;
  - (лицо было словно вырублено тупым топором из узловатого чурбака): his face looked as if it might have been hacked by a dull hatchet, out of a block of gnarled wood;
  - (т.е. нокаутировать разг): The keys to the van are clipped to his belt. Maybe S. should just deck infml the guy and take the keys.;
  - (опунцию, т.е. сорняк): Prickly pears are quite lovely when in bloom, and the fruit is tasty, but they are sort of invasive in my area. We hack them back every so often, but they are very resilient.;
  - (петроглифы в каменных глыбах): the scholars inspected the thousand-year-old petrogliphs carved into the boulders;
  - (что-л из камня): to chisel stone into a shape / do chisel out a shape from stone
  вырубить разг (т.е. нокаутировать): - The keys to the van are clipped to his belt. Maybe I should just deck infml the guy and take the keys.;
  - ( он их вырубил): He took two massive swipes at his closest attackers. Judging from their immediate collapse, they had been knocked cold infml.
  вырубка (леса) - (сплошная) the biggest problem in Alaska is the clear-cut logging;
  - (деревьев для производства древесного угля): tree felling for charcoal production led to heavy deforestation and depleted water resources in the area;
  - (лесов): humans upset the balance of nature through deforestation, pollution, overhunting, and livestock grazing;
  - (сплошная в. леса): clear-cutting;
  - (чрезмерная в. леса): Brazil's vast rain forests had been severely reduced by overclearing
  вырубленный - (леса): clear-cut forests
  выруливать / вырулить - (автобус вырулил на остановку): the bus rolled to a halt outside the gates to the school;
  - (самолёт вырулил на взлётную полосу): the airplane taxied to the runway
  вырываться - (из толпы репортёров): he is pulling free of the reporters;
  - (пёс перестал в.): The dog stopped fighting to get awav. Its head drooped sadly.
  вырыть - (колодец): they had to sink a well to water their crops of carrots;
  - (котлован): to excavate a pit;
  - (кролики - нору): the rabbits burrowed into the hillside / under the fence;
  - (ров для защиты от кавалерии): Mohammed ordered a trench to be dug to defend the oasis from the Meccan cavalry;
  - (себе могилу): you're just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily;
  - (туннель): the prisoners escaped by digging an underground tunnel;
  - (ямку / яму): to dig up a sod / hole
  вырядить / выряжать - the costumier rigged out the actors in peasant clothing
  вырядиться / выряжаться - she was rigged out;
  - she rigged herself out in a bright orange uniform;
  - (в костюм клоуна): the kids were enjoying a good laugh at J. - who was all decked up in a clown's costume;
  - (в мужскую одежду): to better accomplish her purpose, she rigged herself infml in man's apparel;
  - (вы так вырядились): I'm not sure if I'm fancy enough for you. As my grandmother would put it, you're all duded up.;
  - (мотоциклистка вырядилась в кожаную одежду и аксессуары с бахромой): She was on her Harley. She was decked out in her leather gear and fringy accessories;
  - (по-театральному): the masked man, who was rigged out in an almost stagey fashion, wearing a slouch hat, a knotted bandanna handkerchief about his neck, rough clothing, and other accoutrements of a highwayman
  высадить / высаживать - (в шлюпку с корабля): the mutineers turned Lt Bligh and some of the officers and crew adrift from His Majesty's Ship Bounty;
  - (в шлюпку, т.е. с корабля, высадите нас в ш.): He gestured to the ship's little rowing-boat. "Put us off in that";
  - (в. войска в Нормандии): to land troops in Normandy;
  - (деревья в лесозащитные полосы): to set out trees in shelter-belt strips to break the force of wind;
  - (десантников): enough amphibious-warfare ships to land more than a brigade landing force;
  - (кого-л из автомобиля на углу): drop me off at the corner;
  - (кого-л из автомобиля на вокзале): he dropped her off at the station;
  - (кого-л из автомобиля перед зданием): he brings the car to the curb and drops me in front of the building;
  - (на необитаемом острове): the ship that has marooned Robinson Crusoe;
  - (растительность на свалках): waste dumps are covered with topsoil, and vegetation is planted to help consolidate the material;
  - (флот высадил морских пехотинцев): the fleet moved into the Gilbert Islands and put marines ashore on Tarawa
  высадиться / высаживаться - (десантники-парашютисты высадятся в четырёх странах, чтобы занять столицы и главные магистрали): another 100000 (paratroops) would drop on the four countries of Scandinavia to possess the capital cities and main arteries, with massive naval back-up from off-shore;
  - (из самолёта): they stood at the bottom of the steps and applauded as my colleagues and I disembarked from the aircraft;
  - (из такси): as she alighted from the taxi she caught sight of a man with particularly large hands;
  - (о десантниках): paratroopers landed under cover of darkness;
  - (они высадились из лимузинов у гостиницы): the limos dropped off black actors at the elegant hotel;
  - (т.е. с корабля): when the passengers disembarked fml, the ship was disinfected (after the outbreak of gastroenteritis)
  высадка - (т.е. выгрузка войск, оборудования, припасов с корабля или самолёта): debarkation military: the unloading of troops, equipment, or supplies from a ship or aircraft;
  - (лестница для в-и пассажиров): he left his hiding-place, and without being observed, descended one of the flights of steps provided for debarkation;
  - (место в-и, т.е. десанта): landing site;
  - (в. на пляжах Нормандии, т.е. десанта): successful landing on the beaches of Normandy;
  - (первых английских поселенцев в Америке): the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in America;
  - (при в-е, что случилось с каждым подразделением при в-е): while the troops were still fighting in Normandy, what had happened to each unit in the landing had become known through the eyewitness testimony of all survivors;
  - (в. с вертолёта на захваченное террористами судно): if it came to storming a vessel at sea, I believe a helicopter landing would not be feasible;
  - (справочная информация о посадка и высадке, т.е. с парохода): Embarkation and debarkation information. The following is provided as information for cruise passengers traveling in the CARNIVAL VICTORY from Charleston, South Carolina, October 15-20, 2006. Embarkation at 4p.m.
  высасывать / высосать - (костный мозг): I took a chicken leg. I sucked the flesh and crunched the bone to suck out the marrow.;
  - (кровь из кого-л до капли): there were enough mosquitoes there to carry off a small child and suck him dry of blood like mini-vampires;
  - (устрицу из раковины): he is sucking down an oyster from the shell
  высверливать / высверлить - (хирург-ортопед высверлил отверстия в коленной чашечке): the orthopedic surgeon and his team drilled holes in his kneecap, pulled the shredded quadriceps muscle through, then sutured the ends back onto the undamaged part of the muscle
  высвободить / высвобождать - (зверь высвободил лапу): the beast tore one talon free to strike at the nearest man;
  - (в. кита, запутавшегося в рыболовных снастях): disentangling a whale (entangled in rope and fishing gear) takes a great deal of planning, expertise, and coordination among agencies;
  - (ногу из стремени): she kicked her feet free of her stirrup lest she fall;
  - (связанные руки): he decided to wriggle his fists free
  высвободиться / высвобождаться - (от упавшего на него человека): R. staggered into him and he fell over. He disentangled himself from R. and got to his feet
  высевать / высеять - Vegetables that you get in the ground now to provide a crop next spring like spring cabbage, kale and salad onions. Incidentally, also in this category, I will be sowing garlic and broad beans later in the winter.;
  - gardeners do sow seeds at times other than spring;
  - (для получения сплошного газона инокуляты бактерий высевали на чашки с агаром Тодда-Хьюитта штриховым методом): a defined inoculum of bacteria was streaked as a lawn onto Todd Hewitt agar plates
  высечь - (т.е. кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. что-л): смотри ниже
  высечь (т.е. кого-л) - (дезертировавших матросов): Three crewmen deserted and were recaptured. The ship's master ordered the flogged.;
  - (т.е. кнутом): I"ll flog any man till his ribs show for rape;
  - (ребёнка в наказание): he awoke to find his mother standing guard, assuring him that his legs were saved and that he'd be whipped hard when he finally got home
  высекать / высечь (т.е. что-л) - (в скале): the theatre was hewn out of the rockface in 1693;
  - (из камня): to chisel stone into a shape / to chisel out a shape from stone;
  - (искру): he was striking a spark;
  - (в. искры кремнём и кресалом): he struck sparks with flint and steel;
  - (искры): one sword came up to meet another, a clash that raised sparks from the blades;
  - (петроглифы, высеченные в каменных глыбах): the scholars inspected the thousand-year-old petrogliphs carved into the boulders
  высидеть / высиживать - (до конца): смотри ниже;
  - (яйца): смотри ниже
  высидеть / высиживать (до конца) -I met his angry little eyes and knew I would have to sit it out;
  - (пьесу в душном театре): I have been a critic, and I know what it is like to go four times a week, to sit out, in a stuffy theatre on a sweltering afternoon, a play which is utter trash;
  - (спектакль): you don't know how many Broadway shows I sat through alone because my husband was in the orchestra pit;
  - (спектакль): sitting through Purcell's King Arthur in the midst of a 1050-strong German-speaking audience can be unsettling for a Brit
  высидеть / высиживать (яйца) - (цыплят): she has hatched all her chickens;
  - I found birds incubating eggs;
  - once the ostrich begins to incubate eggs, it takes 40 days to hatch;
  - how long ducks sit on eggs?
  выситься - (горный хребет высился над городом): a ridge overlooked the city;
  - (дом высился на крутом холме): the house perched on a steep hillside;
  - (дом стоял на холме, высившемся над деревней): the house stood on a hill overlooking the village;
  - (здание, которое высилось над площадью): he was looking up the hill at the single building which dominated the whole square;
  - (Мао высился над всеми): Mao towered above everyone;
  - (над противником): he towers over his opponent with daunting ease;
  - (надстройка высилась над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
  - (небоскрёбы высятся над городом): the skyscrapers tower over the city;
  - (о пирамиде): towering pyramid;
  - (о фабричной трубе): an immense chimney, relic of a disused mill, reared up, shadowy and ominous;
  - (подмостки высились слева): to its left rose a white scaffolding;
  - (статуи высились на 60 футов над пустыней): the statues rise nearly 60 feet above the desert floor;
  - (студенческое общежитие высилось на берегу озера): my dorm perched on the shores above lake W.;
  - (фигура высилась до потолка): a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling;
  - (холмы высятся над пeсками Сахары): featureless hills that rise abruptly from the Saharan sands
  выскабливание - (матки): Vacuum-aspiration with following scraping. During this procedure a doctor opens cervix of the uterus with metallic dilators or thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself. A doctor inserts tube into uterus and attaches in to pump. A pump grinds a baby's body into parts and evacuates them from uterus. Such abortion is called Dilation with following scraping. In this case doctor can use curette (roundish knife), to scrape parts of baby's body from uterus.
  выскабливать / выскоблить - doctor can use curette (roundish knife), to scrape parts of baby's body from uterus
  выскакивать / выскочить - (глаза выскакивали из орбит): her eyes seemed to pop with excitement;
  - (из автобуса): a conductor leapt out of the bus;
  - (из зала заседаний): on one occasion, Mr. G. stormed out of a meeting in a huff after a shouting match in which Mr. B. jumped to the defense of several colleagues;
  - (из кровати): for a few moments he lay immobile, then he leapt out of bed;
  - (т.е. из такси): the cab stopped at a red light, and he hopped out;
  - (из туннеля): I had been travelling in a tunnel and had just popped out at the other end;
  - (картофелины выскакивали из кожуры по волшебству): potatoes shot out of their skins so fast that they ricocheted off the walls and ceiling;
  - (кот выскочил из-под автомобиля): a cat streaked out from under a parked car and flew out of sight;
  - (кусок мыла выскочил в направлении, перпендикулярном обеим противоположно направленным силам): squeezing a wet bar of soap with two hands causes it to shoot out in a direction perpendicular to both opposing forces;
  - (плечо выскочило из сустава): ...if those ligaments are weak of damaged, the shoulder may feel like it is going to pop out of joint;
  - (ракета выскочила из-за горизонта): we were tracking the inbound from the time it popped over the horizon all the way in
  выскальзывать / выскользнуть - (ноги выскользнули из позы лотоса): her legs slipped free;
  - (ноги выскользнули из-под кого-л): his feet slipped out from under him and he thumped to the cobblestones;
  - (т.е. уйти незаметно): смотри ниже
  выскальзывать / выскользнуть (т.е. уйти незаметно) - (из гостиницы): he changed into more casual clothes and slipped out ofv the hotel;
  - (из комнаты): I slipped quietly from the room;
  - (из комнаты): she slid out of the room when no one was looking;
  - (из спальни): he slipped out of the bedroom;
  - (через окно): a woman sneaked out of a bedroom window wearing only a sheet yesterday when her former boyfriend passed out after raping her twice and securing the door shut
  выскребать / выскрести - (больничное судно): to scrub out the bedpans in the hospital wing;
  - (кожу, т.е. при выделке): the ancient tanners would pound and scour the skin to remove any remaining flesh and fat;
  - (пробор в стриженых волосах): a ruler-straight parting was scraped in the short hair on the left side of his head;
  - (шкуру ножом): making rawhide is made by removing the flesh and then the hair by way of soaking in an aqueous solution (often called liming when using lime and water or bucking when using wood ash (lye) and water), then scraping over a beam with a somewhat dull knife, and then leaving to dry, usually stretched on a frame so that it dries flat
  выследить / выслеживать - you must trace the losers down, find their assets, their employment, bank accounts, real estate, stocks and bonds;
  - (беглецов): to hunt them down before they could lose themselves in the maze of creeks and islands that make up the Dutch coast;
  - (бывших эсесовцев): to hunt down and bring to trial the SS murderers;
  - (животное): the rescue team is trying to track down the monkey before the villagers kill it;
  - (за мной следили): I've been stalked, blackmailed;
  - (нацисты выслеживали евреев): they tracked down every Jew within reach;
  - (он выслеживал свою жертву, углубляясь в лесную чащу): for ten minutes he tracked his quarry deeper into the woods;
  - (пантера, выслеживающая добычу): feeling like a panther stalking prey, he crept to the doors;
  - (подозреваемых): budget restraints hinder to track down suspects;
  - (полиция выслеживает террориста): police is tracking the bomber;
  - (правительство выслеживает т.е. незаконные деньги): don't worry about the Government tracking down the money;
  - (преступников): the Allies hunt us (SS-men) down now;
  - (террористы говорили о том, чтобы в. информаторов): terrorists talked about ferreting out infml informers;
  - (убийца, выслеживающий жертву): a killer stalking his prey;
  выслушать / выслушивать - (лёгкие и сердце пациента через стетоскоп медицина): nurses and doctors auscultate the lungs and heart of a patient by using a stethoscope placed on the patient's chest
  высмаркиваться / высморкаться - (в бумажный носовой платок): he blows his nose on a tissue
  высовывать / высунуть - (высунув язык, о собаке): the dog came downstairs, his tongue hanging out;
  - (высунув язык, о человеке): he held the plant up to his eyes, his tongue between his teeth;
  - (голову за угол): she poked her head round the corner;
  - (голову из окна): he stuck his head out of the living room and looked straight into the flower bed below;
  - (крыса высунула нос из убежища): the rat poked his nose out of the shelter of the pocket;
  - (язык кому-л, т.е. чтобы подразнить): I stuck out my tongue / I stuck my tongue out at her
  высовываться / высунуться - (голова высовывалась из-под одеяла на подушку): he clambered under the cushion beside S., whose fluffy blond head was protruding onto the pillow;
  - (головы высовывались из купе): all along the carriage, heads were sticking, curiously out of their compartments;
  - (из окна кареты): he was leaning out of the window, watching the many turrets and towers draw nearer;
  - (из поезда): to lean out of the train;
  - (из-под снега на дюйм): he saw a curve of metal, barely poking half an inch out of the snow;
  - (лицо высунулось из двери): the door opened, and a face poked out;
  - (нитки, высовывающиеся из бельевого шва): after sewing the first line of stitching on a French seam, trim the seam allowance as much as possible to avoid small threads creeping through the final seam;
  - (объектив высовывается на кого-л): he saw the great zoom lens poking down at him;
  - (пасть высунулась из воды): a toothed maw thrust up, caught the gull and dragged it below;
  - (ракета высунулась из люка): from the hatch, on a ramp, emerged a pencil-slim rocket;
  - (рука, высунувшаяся из-под плаща): there was a hand protruding from the cloak;
  - (руки высунулись из окна): two large hands reached through the open window and closed tightly around his neck;
  - (рыбка высунулась из воды): as soon as the fisherman called the fish, it popped up from the water;
  - (ствол пушки высунулся из-за деревьев): a long gun barrel poked out of the pine trees;
  - (хвостик, высовывающийся из штанов): a curly pig's tail poking out of the seat of his trousers;
  - (язык змеи быстро высунулся): the snake's tongue shot out;
  - (язык высунулся из-за зубов): the tongue popped bizarrely out between the teeth;
  - (язык высовывался изо рта): his swollen tongue was protruding from his mouth
  высохнуть / высыхать - (древесные осьминоги могут не в-ать благодаря специальным приспособлениям на коже): because of the moistness of the rainforests and specialized skin adaptations, they (Pacific Northwest tree octopuses) are able to keep from becoming desiccated for prolonged periods of time;
  - (если кожа совсем высохла): if the skin is totally dried out, it will take more time and effort, involving periodic stretching until the skin is completely floppy and saturated;
  - (ещё не высохло чернило на договоре): the ink may barely dry on the treaty;
  - (зерновые высохли в жару): the crops had shriveled up in the dry heat;
  - (краска ещё не высохла): the paint isn't dry yet;
  - (краска высохнет до завтра?): will this paint dry by tomorrow?;
  - (о колодцax): by this time all the wells had run dry;
  - (о колодце): the well went dry;
  - (плод высох на солнце): the fruit is dried in the sun;
  - (т.е. после мытья): after drying off he went back to the kitchen;
  - (утёнок помахал куцым хвостом, чтобы в.): the duckling shook his stubby tail to dry off
  выставить / выставлять - (в обязанности вышибалы входит в. слишком пьяных и хулиганов): the bouncer's duties inside the bar are to ejectoverly drunk people and trouble makers;
  - (часового): a lookout man had been posted;
  - (часовых): they never made camp without putting out sentries
  выстилать / выстлать - (вещество, которым выстлан живот): the soft slippery substance that lines the stomach;
  - (ящик бумагой): I lined the box with paper before I put the clothes in
  выстраивать / выстроить - (армию вдоль дороги): their army was ranged along the road;
  - (войска перед боем): a gallopers brought news that the enemy was drawing up his forces to fight;
  - (жертв выстроили в ряд и расстреляли): victims were lined up and shot;
  - (пушки): I had to line up my guns
  выстраиваться / выстроиться - (армия выстроилась в боевые порядки): the Army of Tennessee, arrayed themselves into massive lines of battle;
  - (в. в очередь): they lined up to show him (the doctor) torn fingers and scarred legs;
  - (клетки под микроскопом выстроились параллельными рядами): as I looked at the cultures under the microscope I was impressed at how the busy cells arrayed themselves into parallel lines of muscle;
  - (команда выстроилась, чтобы покинуть тонущий корабль): the ship is sinking, and the crew line up to abandon her;
  - (люди выстроились у стены): the men were lined up against the wall;
  - (о военных вертолётах): the Apaches formed up and headed northwest to their base to refuel and rearm for the next mission;
  - (о самолётах): six Soviet Mig-23 fighters swept in from starboard and formatted on the Tupolev;
  - (о такси): there were three taxis lined up at the curb waiting for them;
  - (полисмены выстроились парами у стен в зале суда): the cops are lined up in pairs against the grimy walls;
  - (ящики выстроились в ряд на решётке): on the cement floor below, hundreds of identical plastic crates lay aligned on an enormous grid
  выстрел - (без единого в-а): the domination without a shot fired of the entire Arab and Third World;
  - (моделировть ответный в. / когда в него попадал в.): the tank decoys fired off a pyrotechnic charge to simulate a return shot when they took a hit;
  - (в. не будет услышан): gunshots in this secluded, thick-walled chamber would go unheard;
  - (обмениваться миномётными в-ами): over the following days dozens were killed as Afghan and Pakistani forces traded mortar rounds;
  - (обменяться в-ами с кем-л / было сделано не менее двадцати в-ов): The security guard exchanged gunfire with the robbers. At least 20 shots were fired.;
  - (подойти на расстояние пушечного в-а): Magellan orders an attack but miscalculates. He does not take into account that the reefs along the island's beach will not allow his ships to get into effective range for their cannon.;
  - (в. попал в макет башни танка): two of the tracer rounds missed until the fourth shot hit high on the painted turret shape;
  - (предохранитель на курке для предотвращения случайного в-а): I proposed child trigger locks on the guns to prevent accidental shootings;
  - (прогремел в.): a gunshot roared;
  - (произвести / сделать несколько в-ов по судну американского Военно-морского флота): the pirates fired a few shots at a small U.S. Navy vessel, but the U.S. sailors did not return fire;
  - (пушечный): his ruminations were abruptly terminated by the blast of a cannon;
  - (раздался в.): a gunshot rang out;
  - (в-ы слышали 8 человек): the shots were heard by eight people
  выстреливать / выстрелить - (в птицу): he shot at the bird;
  - (всю обойму, т.е. пистолета): in a matter of seconds he empties the clip in a deafening roar;
  - (т.е. из ружья): he fired and hit the balloon;
  - (макет танка выстрелил пиротехнический заряд): the tank decoys fired off a pyrotechnic charge to simulate a return shot when they took a hit;
  - (в. наугад в одного из ментов): he took a pot shot infml at one of the rozzers;
  - (пистолет выстрелил с грохотом): his finger pulled the trigger, the gun discharged with a thundering crash;
  - (пушка выстрелила полный магазин): each gun could fire a complete magazine of 20 shells in rapid successions without reloading;
  - (в. пять раз в упор): he shot him 5 times at point-blank range;
  - (ружьё выстрелило с шумом): the gun went off with a deafening bang;
  - (ракету): the officer ordered them to go to afterburner and streak east, and at a range of 60 miles, they fired off their radar-guided air-to-air missiles;
  - (ружьё выстрелило случайно): the gun went off by accident when the plane hit the runway
  выстругать / выстругивать - (ложки из дерева): he whittled spoons out of wood;
  - (дротик из стебля омёлы): he fashioned a dart from the mistletoe stem
  выстукивать - (позывные): she had the earphones on and made first contact, tapping out his call-sign on 14 megacycles
  выступать - (т.е. торчать): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. шагать): смотри ниже;
  - смотри выступать / выступить
  выступать (т.е. торчать) - (балка, выступающая из здания): an I-beam that protruded from the building;
  - (ветка, выступающая дальше всех от ствола): he reached the branch that projected the farthest from the trunk;
  - (ветка, выступающая из узора): Do you see that vine-leaf ornament in front of you? There is a branch next to it that comes out of the metalwork and rejoins it again. Lock the other bracelet onto that;
  - (дорожный знак, выступающий из стены): a signpost projecting from the wall;
  - (камни, выступающие над песчаной почвой): he was following the rabbit through the rocks that jutted out of the sandy soil;
  - (коса, выступающая из материка): a wind-swept neck of land jutting out from the mainland;
  - (в. на 3 дюйма над поверхностью): the intertwined DB stood out 3 inches from the ring;
  - (на поверхности, о выпуклом рисунке): embossing: a process of stamping, hammering or molding material so that a design protrudes beyond the surface;
  - (над поверхностью): another way of freezing fillets, steaks and fish pieces is to drop them into a container holding very cold salted water and then freeze the entire container, making sure that none of the fish flesh protrudes beyond the surface of water or ice;
  - (платформа, выступающая над морем, т.е. на судне): he mounted a small platform that jutted over the sea and looked down;
  - (труба, выступающая из стены): a pipe that jutted out of the wall;
  - (упакованный груз не должен в. за края паллеты): don't overhang the pallet with packaged products;
  - ( груз не должен в. за края паллеты): goods must not overhang the pallet as this is likely to result in damage in transit;
  - (шар, выступающий из поверхности пирамиды): the massive orb protruding from the face of the pyramid was carved in basso-relievo;
  - (шипы, выступающие на хвосте дракона): long spikes protruding along the tail every inch;
  - (эркер, выступающий из наружной стены дома): bay window is a window that sticks out from the outer wall of a house and usually has three sides
  выступать (т.е. шагать) - (важно в. во главе): 12 men in all, the chief himself strutting in the lead;
  - (вперёд, о ногах бегуна): his legs were jutting forward, swallowing the lane
  выступать / выступить - (т.е. выйти вперёд): the sorcerers came forth in their ceremonial robes;
  - (о поте): смотри ниже;
  - (о сыпи): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. появиться): смотри ниже
  выступать / выступить (о поте) - (бусинки пота выступили на лице): sweat beaded his face;
  - (на лбу выступил пот): she felt so nauseous that sweat sprang out from her hairline;
  - (пот выступил каплями на лбу): he feels perspiration prickle along the skin beneath his hairline;
  - (пот выступил на лбу каплями): sweat stood out on his forehead in great round drops;
  - (пот выступил на лице): she could see beads of sweat breaking out over his pasty face;
  выступать / выступить (о сыпи) - (если выступит с.): if rash develops, discontinue use;
  - (если у вас выступит с.): notify your doctor if you develop a rash or hives;
  - (на коже выступила с.): my skin came out in a rash as a reaction to the cocktail of strong drugs with vicious side-effects;
  - (на лице и шее выступила с.): my face and my neck is breaking out with a red rash
  выступать / выступить (т.е. появиться) - (от холода на руках выступила гусиная кожа): the cold was so intense that goose bumps had erupted up his arms;
  - (от этого смеха на руках выступила гусиная кожа): that laugh raised gooseflesh on his arms;
  - (жилы выступали на шее): the cords in his neck were standing out;
  - (люди выступили из темноты): the people emerged from darkness;
  - (мускулы выступили от усилия): he assaults J., his sinews rippling in the effort;
  - (от восторга у неё на глазах выступили слёзы): her eyes welled with tears of delight;
  - (слёзы выступили на глазах): two tears welled out of her eyes and ran down her cheeks;
  - (слёзы выступили на глазах): tears materialized in her eyes again;
  - (улыбка выступила на губах): a smile emerged on his lips
  высушивать / высушить - (т.е. в сушильной машинe, высушить при низкой температуре): tumble-dry at a low temperature setting;
  - (т.е. в сушильной машинe, высушить при низкой температуре): for best results wash in cold and tumble-dry low;
  - (волосы феном / феном): I dried my hair with the hair-drier / I blow-dried my hair;
  - (почву): this practice dries out the soil;
  - (холод высушил листья): the cold withered the leaves
  высыпать - (очистки в мусоропровод): to empty the bucket of potato peelings through the rubbish chute at the poop;
  - (песок из пакета): he grasped the packet, turned it upside down, and poured out most of the sand;
  - (порошок на кого-л): A leading candidate in France's presidential election was left covered in white powder when a woman dusted him in, what was thought to be, flour during an appearance at a campaign event. The protester ran to the side of the podium where F.H. was speaking and dumped the white powder over him in front of a packed audience in Paris.;
  - (чай в унитаз): he emptied the tea down the toilet and kept the can only
  высыпаться - (болельшики высыпались на поле): crowds of football fans spilled onto the field at the end of the game;
  - (кулёк конфет высыпался из кармана): a bag of sweets had spilled out of his pocket
  высыхание - (жидкой плёнки): dryout of the liquid film;
  - (огнеупорных и отверждающих покрытий / при неконтролируемом в-и изоляционный слой теряет прочность и положительные качества): Dryout of refractory and curing coatings. ... If dryout is uncontrolled these two reasons result in the insulation layer losing its strength and good properties;
  - (поверхностных слоёв раны): A fluid layer on the wound surface increases not only the rate of re-epithelialization, but also improves all aspects of healing. Surface dessication impairs re-epithelialization and decreases all phases of healing;
  - (предохранять от в-я, влажность тропических лесов и специальные приспособления на коже предохраняют древесных осьминогов от в.): because of the moistness of the rainforests and specialized skin adaptations, they (Pacific Northwest tree octopuses) are able to keep from becoming desiccated for prolonged periods of time
  выталкивать / вытолкать / вытолкнуть - (в суматохе): in a wild confusion that followed (the accident) she was jostled and propelled backwards;
  - (кого-л из помещения): the bodyguards hustled the president from the parliament chamber / the president was hustled out of the parliament by his bodyguards;
  - (пусковая установка вытолкнула ракету из шахты): The missile had two stages. The short booster kicked infml the assembly out of its silo-type hole in the forward magazine.
  - (роженица вытолкнула плод): better give her another minute, so that after he did his duty she could expel the fetus in one push and be done with it;
  - (стартовый ускоритель вытолкул ракету из пусковой установки): an extended-range missile, which had a booster stage to kick it out of the ship's launch cells a little faster and farther;
  - (струю воды из тела, о кальмаре): squids move through the ocean using a jet of water forced out of the body by a siphon;
  выталкиваться - (пары выталкиваются из трубки под действием сжатого воздуха): impelled by the compressed air, the gas vapour shot out of the tube into the breathing passages in an invisible cloud
  выталкивающий - (сила): a ship is at equilibrium when the weight of the ship acting down through centre of gravity is equal to the up thrust force of water acting through centre of buoyancy and when both of these forces are in same vertical line;
  - (сила): Archimedes' Principle states that a body immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
  вытаптывать / вытоптать - (посевы / траву / цветы): to trample [down] the growing corn / grass / flowers;
  - (вытоптанная трава): trampled grass
  вытаращивать / вытаращить - (вытаращив глаза): "Are there cabarets with stripteases and everything?" asked M., pop-eyed;
  - (вытаращив глаза): he stared with pop eyes at a generously endowed young woman gyrating her hips;
  - (кружиться, вытаращив глаза на что-л): looking breathless and disorientated, he spun on the spot, goggling upward at...;
  - (он вытаращил глаза от возбуждения): his eyes seemed to pop with excitement
  вытаскивать / вытащить - (автомобиль из воды): He drove off a bridge and dumped the car into a pond. The police recovered the car from the water.;
  - (блок ножей из электробритвы): to remove a cutter block, set in a crosswise position and lift it off;
  - (быстро в. записную книжку): he whipped out a notebook and began jotting down the names;
  - (грузовик приехал в. нас, т.е. завязший в реке автомобиль): we had to ford a river much deeper than we had anticipated and got stuck in the middle, waiting till a truck came along to haul us out;
  - (грузовик-цистерну из оврага, т.е. механизмами): The driver of the tanker was driving in the right lane and then veered across the road into the left lane, onto the shoulder, through the guardrail and over the embankment. It took four wreckers, as well as other heavy equipment, to hoist the tanker out of the ravine and back on to the road.;
  - (жильцов из квартиры): the doors are torn open, the occupants dragged out;
  - (записку, зажатую между створок медальона): The locket was shut - but caught in his jaws was a folded piece of paper. He pulled the note free.;
  - (из глубин моря): they dived, hauling from the depths of the sea dripping baskets of silver;
  - (из глубины): when the drill was down 69 feet, he hauled it up;
  - (из кармана): he fumbled nervously in his pockets and pulled out a grimy pipe;
  - (из ножен): he unsheathed a viciously curved dagger;
  - (из снега кого-л): As she was walking on the snowcrust she struck a rotten spot and plunged through the crust into soft snow waist-deep. She floundered about in a tired fury until B. worked his way over and pulled her out;
  - (из-под снега): the dog bit down on something and dragged it out of the snow;
  - (карточку из бумажника): she dug into her bag and pulled a card out of her wallet;
  - (клад, вытащенный со дна моря): the trove hauled up last year from the bottom of the sea;
  - (ключ из замка): to get а broken key shaft out of the lock;
  - (ключ из замочной скважины): to remove / extract the key from the keyhole;
  - (кого-л из СССР, т.е. за границу): I could get you out of the country;
  - (конверт из сумки): he rummaged in the shoulder-bag and withdrew an envelope;
  - (кошелёк из чемодана): he rummaged in his trunk and extracted his money bag;
  - (кулон на цепочке из выреза платья): she reached into the neck of her dress and pulled out a metallic black crystal pendant on a silver chain;
  - (лист бумаги из пачки): he riffled through a pile of papers on the desk, abstracted one,...;
  - (лист бумаги из ящика): he rummaged in a drawer and produced another sheet of paper;
  - (лист из дела): the new intern eased the last sheet out of the file and inserted in its place one of his own; - (кулёк из кармана): The pregnant woman started retching. He pulled out a barf bag and handed it to her.;
  - (меч, т.е. из головы убитого): He tried to pull his sword free. It was stuck firm in the dead man's head;
  - (меч из ножен): the knight tugged his sword out of its scabbard and began brandishing it violently;
  - (меч из ножен): he unsheathed his sword;
  - (в. меч наполовину): lascivious guffaws down by the door prompted one of the Lord's men to half draw his sward, the rest stirring with anger;
  - (на берег, вытащенные н.б. лодки): people were working all around beached boats;
  - (на берег лодку): the boat was hauled up on the beach;
  - (нож): I pulled a knife and threatened her;
  - (носилки из автомобиля скорой помощи): the driver and the attendant of the ambulance car ran round to the back and eased out an empty stretcher;
  - (осколки из раны): he plucked from the pulped meat of his palm such pieces of glass as he could, then bandaged the hand and placed it in a rough sling round his neck;
  - (пачку бумаг из дипломата): he opened his attaché-case and withdrew a sheaf of paper;
  - (пачку бумаг из пальто): he reached for his coat, withdrew a sheaf of papers from within it
  - (пистолет): he drew a handgun and jammed it into her ribs;
  - (т.е. пленника вытащили с заднего сиденья автомобиля): he was eased out of the back seat, and with a man on each side he was helped across the courtyard;
  - (пояс): he pulled out a belt and buckled tightly around the book;
  - (пробку): the color drained out of R.'s face as if the plug had been pulled;
  - (пулю из обивки): the bullet had passed through the windscreen and was recovered from the upholstery;
  - (рыба, вытащенная из воды): he was a fish out of water;
  - (рыбу, я забросил крючок и вытащил рыбу): I throw in the hook and pull out a fish;
  - (рыбу, в. из воды пойманную рыбу ): The fish was hooked and landed;
  - (саблю): I dragged out my sabre;
  - (в. сапоги из вязкой земли): every step was a separate effort, hauling his mud-clogged boots out of the sucking earth;
  - (снаряды из магазина, т.е. с трудом): the old days, when naval guns" ammunition had to be manually hauled out of the deep magazine were long gone;
  - (спрятанное под половицей): he wrenched the loose floorboard, and pulled out a large chunk of birthday cake;
  - (стрелка вытащили из траншеи контуженным): rifleman J.M. was buried by a shell and dragged out from his trench absolutely shell-shocked;
  - (в. судно на берег): they were cut off from their beached keel;
  - (т.е. трупы из трюма): Beaten senseless, slaves were thrown down the hatch into the hold. By his count, fewer than one man in five emerged. The rest were hauled out lifeless and tossed overboard.;
  - (фотографию, т.е. из кармана): he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a weathered photo;
  - (человека из бассейна): he knelt by the edge of the pool, grasped her wrist and hauled her up onto the cement;
  - (шип ската из груди): Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him in the chest, and he pulled it out;
  - (ящики письменного стола): he pulled open the drawers of the desk
  вытекать / вытечь - (вещество вытекает из проглоченной капсулы в организм): the acid quickly cuts through the plastic of the chamber and the cyanide floods out into the body system;
  - (вода вытекает из ванны на пол): the bath is overflowing all over the floor;
  - (вода вытекала из кувшина, т.е. в фонтане): The fountain-maker arranged for our stream to disappear behind the trees beneath some rocks where it was funneled into the pipes beneath the fountain. The spring water welled out from a pitcher held on the shoulder of a water-nymph statue and pooled in a cement basin around her feet.;
  - (вода, вытекающая из крана): the sound of water running out of a bathroom faucet;
  - (пена вытекала через шпигаты судна): the foam receded through the scuppers;
  - (в. с бульканьем): he watched the whiskey gurgle out;
  - (слёзы вытекали из уголков глаз): tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes;
  - (струйка крови, вытекающая из пореза): a steady trickle of blood flowing out of the cut
  вытереть / вытирать - (воду с глаз): he came back, his long hair sopping wet, wiping the water out of his eyes;
  - (глаза): смотри ниже;
  - (кровь из раны, т.е. влажной салфеткой): the nurse sponged up the blood from the wound;
  - (кроссовки о коврик, т.е. соскребая грязь с подошв): I scuffed my running shoes on the rug;
  - (ладонь об юбку): she let go of him and blotted her palm on a skirt;
  - (лицо платком): to mop one's face with one's handkerchief;
  - (лицо платком): he took out a handkerchief and wiped it over the face;
  - (лицо салфеткой): he mopped his face with a napkin;
  - (лоб занавеской): he was mopping his brow on the curtain;
  - (лоб, т.е. от пота): He could feel the sweat already collecting beneath his cap. He dabbed his brow;
  - (лысину платком): he mopped his bald patch with a handkerchief;
  - (лягушка вытерла рот и глаза передней лапкой): he saw a big bull-frog wipe his mouth and eyes with one of his fore legs;
  - (в. пистолет, т.е. чтобы уничтожить отпечатки пальцев): he wiped down his gun and disposed of it through the sewer grate;
  - (плевки с лица): I wiped the spit from her face;
  - (подбородок рукавом): he took a huge swig of brandy and wiped his chin on his sleeve;
  - (посуду): she wiped the dishes dry;
  - (пыль, т.е. с книг): amongst the long-forgotten paperbacks can be found poets new and old waiting to be dusted off by the curious reader;
  - (рвоту с куртки, т.е. тряпочкой): she was sponging sick from the front of his jacket;
  - (рот платком): he coughed and wiped his mouth on a white handkerchief;
  - (сок салфеткой, т.е. с подбородка): He is sucking down an oyster from the shell. Juice dribbles over his chin. He wipes it away with a napkin.;
  - (руки / руку): смотри ниже;
  - (слёзы рукавом): tears materialized in her eyes again, and she dabbed them away with her sleeve;
  - (слюну): the nurse caught some spittle dribbling off his chin and wiped him;
  - (тарелку кусочком хлеба): he wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread;
  - (тряпкой пол): he was mopping the floor;
  - (тряпкой пол): he deliberately knocked over the bottle, which gave him an excuse to duck down and mop up;
  - (тряпкой пыль с пола): to mop the dust off the floor;
  - (усы): he took a large gulp of tea and wiped his mustache;
  - (шею платком): to mop one's neck with one's handkerchief
  вытирать / вытереть (глаза) - (краем шали): she dabbed at her eyes with the edge of her shawl;
  - (т.е. от слёз): at the end of the ceremony many people were dabbing at their eyes, and one of the relatives was clearly upset;
  - (платком): he wiped his eyes with his handkerchief;
  - (платком): he used a tissue to wipe his eyes
  вытереть / вытирать (руки / руку) - (бумажным платком): he wiped his hands dry with tissues;
  - (руки о гофрированный воротник): Who cares if he dribbles on his ruff, or even wipes his hands on it?;
  - (о полотенце): wiping her hands on a dishtowel;
  - (о полотенце): she was drying her hands on the dishtowel;
  - (о тряпку): the mechanic makes a show of wiping his hands on a rag;
  - (о штанину): He extended his hand and endured the brief, contact with the officer's limp, sweaty one. After releasing his grip, he resisted the urge to swipe his palm across his pants leg.;
  - (полотенцем): he wiped his hands dry on a hand towel;
  - (тампоном): he swabbed the hand, sterilizing against infection
  вытереться / вытираться - (полотенцем насухо): he stepped out of the shower and vigorously toweled himself dry
  вытиснить - (буквы на коже): How do you imprint letters into leather? With metal-tanned leather, the letters may be impressed with an adhesive and coloring. This is how names are usually imprinted on the outside of bibles and on Velcro-backed leather name tags on military uniforms.
  выткать - (настенные драпировки, вытканные из мягкой шерсти): wall hangings neatly woven in soft wool
  вытравить / вытравливать - (верёвку): he evidently descended pretty quickly, to judge by the rate at which I had to pay out the rope, and in quite a short time I felt the tension slacken and began to haul up the line;
  - (верёвку): he tied a granny-knot and then stepped back, paying out the clothesline;
  - (из кого-л магию): they had hoped that if they kept H. as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him;
  - (комаров / крыс): to exterminate rats / mosquitoes;
  - (руны на рукоятке меча): a sword with runes etched below the hilt;
  - (ос цианистым калием): potassium cyanide is used for putting down wasps
  вытряхивать / вытряхнуть - (воду): shake off excessive water and leave to dry in warm place;
  - (из конверта): he snipped the edges off the sides of his envelopes before sliding the contents out;
  - (осколки стекла из волос): he has shaken the glass from his hair;
  - (пепел с сигареты в пепельницу): he tapped his ash into the dashboard tray;
  - (пыль из одежды): to beat the dust from their clothing;
  - (содержимое из конверта): he snipped the edges off the sides of his envelopes before sliding the contents out;
  - (содержимое сумочки на стол): She opens her handbag and rummages through it, looking for his business card. Upending the bag, she spills the contents onto the counter.
  вытягивать / вытянуть - (губки, т.е. для поцелуя): she pooched her lips and pulled him to plant a kiss upon his cheek;
  - (из кармана что-л): he fumbled nervously in his pockets and pulled out a grimy pipe;
  - (лапу за добычей): he snaked out a claw, raked and caught at something solid;
  - (ноги): he lay back in his chair, his legs outstretched;
  - (ноги перед собой): he sprawled into an easy chair and stuck his legs out in front of him;
  - (ногу, т.е. чтобы показать туфлю): "Yes?" she held her leg out, twisting her ankle to get a better view of the shoe.;
  - (носки / носочки, т.е. стопы): Point your toes! This is the most popular phrase you hear in the pole dance class.;
  - (вытянув носки / носочки, т.е. стопы): she balances a leg on the back of a chair with her toes pointed and leans forward until her forehead touches the knee;
  - (пояс): he pulled out a belt and buckled tightly around the book;
  - (руки): смотри ниже;
  - (сапоги из вязкой земли): every step was a separate effort, hauling his mud-clogged boots out of the sucking earth;
  - (шею): смотри ниже;
  - (шплинт): he pulled out the rough iron cotter pins that held the crude bedframe together
  вытягивать / вытянуть (руки) - (вытяните руки вперёд ладонями вверх, т.е. приказание при личном досмотре): stick your hands up forward;
  - (перед собой): she kept her arms stretched out in front of her so as not to bump her face into the back of the wardrobe;
  - (перед собой): he stretched out his hands in front of him;
  - (перед собой, т.е. для прыжка в воду): She stepped onto the diving board and stretched. She bounced softly, testing the board, then positioned her arms in front of her.;
  - (руку, чтобы смягчить падение): he flung out an arm to break his fall;
  - (с вытянутой рукой): he stood there, hand still outstretched;
  - (в. руки, чтобы размять затёкшие плечи): he stretched his arms to ease the stiffness in his shoulders
  вытягивать / вытянуть (шею) - he craned his neck back to see the ceiling;
  - (вверх): her neck craned upward;
  - (чтобы лучше видеть): the people below were craning their heads for a better look;
  - (чтобы лучше видеть): the students stood up on their stools and craned their heads forward to get a better view of me;
  - (чтобы увидеть что-л): bikers speed past rubbernecking drivers as they navigate the scenic serpentine route A1;
  вытягиваться / вытянуться - (во весь рост): he drew himself up to his fullest height;
  - (на кровати): he stretched out fully closed on the bed;
  - (о лице, т.е. от разочарования): his face fell;
  - (о лице, т.е. от разочарования при виде счёта): his face dropped when he saw the bill;
  - (т.е. перед прыжком в воду): she stepped onto the diving board and stretched;
  - (по стойке смирно): two air force police snapped to attention as the air chief marshal came down the steps to his welcoming committee;
  - (по стойке смирно): he shot out of his chair, ramrodding to attention;
  - (по стойке смирно): he pulled himself to attention;
  - (шея вытянулась до предела): the dragon's neck stretched to its fullest extent
  вытяжение - (конечности после операции): after her hip operation poor M. was in / on traction for six weeks
  вытянутый - (ручная граната с в-ой чекой): a hand grenade, with the pin pulled
  выудить / выуживать образно - (ключ из кармана): he fished out his door-key;
  - (человека из бассейна): to fish the man out of the pool
  выхватить / выхватывать - (вор выхватил сумку): the thief snatched her handbag and ran;
  - (деньги и убежать): he grabbed the money and ran off;
  - (в. записную книжку из кармана): he whipped out a notebook and began jotting down the names;
  - (из рук): he snatched a chocolate bar from her hand, and ran away to eat the offering in a corner;
  - (револьверы из кобуры): 3 revolvers, ungainly with their sausage-shaped silencers, whipped out of holsters;
  - (у кого-л): he grabbed the spear away, broke the shaft across;
  - (у кого-л): he grabs for the paper, but Tom swipes it away infml;
  - (у кого-л из рук): he snatched the album from her hands
  выход - (в открытый космос): in this story I described the euphoric effects of the spacewalk fifteen years before anyone had space-walked;
  - (в тамбуре с обеих сторон есть двери для в-а пассажиров, т.е. в поезде): typically, a vestibule has doorways on either side to allow passenger egress at stations;
  - (из порта): in another blow to Moscow's plans to raise the wreck before the end of September, the bad weather held up the departure from a Norwegian port a support ship carrying cutting gear
  выходящий - - (в-ая из кафе пара): a couple from a corner table were leaving, so he took it, smiling back as the couple on their way out, wished him a good appetite
  выхолащивать / выхолостить - (жеребёнка): the colts they had gelded for courier's mounts were just barely broken to saddle up
  выцарапать / выцарапывать - (глаза кому-л): to scratch somebody's eyes out;
  - (глаза): the birds were scratching at his eyes;
  - (имя ножом на стене): he scratched his name on the wall with a knife;
  - (ямки и узоры в мягком дереве): the cuckoo clock was hand-made, and there were countless frets on it, little indentations and ornaments scored in the soft wood
  вычеканивать / вычеканить - (автомобильные номера): to hammer out licence plates;
  - (монеты): to mint coins
  вычерпать / вычерпывать - (касками, т.е. воду из катера касками): so rough is the sea during the journey that the men have to bail furiously with their helmets to keep the six boats from swamping
  вычертить / вычерчивать - (график зависимости фиксированных затрат от дебета скважины): you plot fixed costs against the productivity of well;
  - (фигурист вычертил восьмёрку): the skater traced a figure eight
  вычесать / вычёсывать - (кашемировую шерсть из подшерстка кашемировых коз): Cashmere yarn is produced from wool that is combed from the luxurious undercoat of Cashmere goats;
  - (ошмётки водорослей из волос): she was combing bits of kelp out of her hair
  - (т.е. шерсть из собачьего коврика): take special care when Bearded Collie is shedding and tease out the mats before they get bad
  вычистить / вычищать - (грязь под ногтями ног): I used my pocketknife to pick out the crud under the toenails
  вышагивать - (в своём наряде по подиуму, т.е. как манекенщица): she was relishing the prospect of strutting her stuff on the catwalk;
  - (во главе процессии): 12 men in all, the chief himself strutting in the lead;
  - (красотка вышагивала на шпильках): a schlumpy guy walking with a tall chick who was striding along on spike heels;
  - (по тюремному двору для прогулок): there are two things you have in abundance when you're pacing an exercise yard: time and prison gossip
  вышвыривать / вышвырнуть - (жильцов из квартиры): the doors are torn open, the occupants dragged out;
  вышвырнуть - (из страны): he thinks he's going to be thrown out of the country for harbouring an illegal immigrant;
  - (их вышвырнули из пивной за драку): they were flung out of the pub for fighting;
  - (т.е. негодяя): He felt a motion of anger and tightened his grip on the chair. He ought to throw the old bastard out on his ear.;
  - (что-л в окно): he got really angry and chucked infml his Play-Station out of the window
  вышибать / вышибить - (в. дух из кого-л): the Waffen SS, man for man, could beat the shit out of vulgar five times their own number of Allies of the last war;
  - (дверь): the burglars had battered down the door of the house;
  - (из седла): a single flutter of the dragon's wings stirred enough wind to topple the head huntsman backward out of his saddle;
  - (из седла): she saw him drive one of the knights from his saddle;
  - (в. из седла рыцаря): at the tilt mounted knights with lances tried to unhorse one another;
  - (в. дурь / магию из кого-л): they had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him;
  - (сенатора было не в-ить образно с его поста динамитной шашкой): the Senator was popular and could not have been blown out of his seat with a stick of dynamite;
  - (солнечные ожоги и обезвоживание вышибли его из соревнований): sunburn and dehydration knocked him out of action;
  - (я из тебя дух вышибу): "You'll get the stuffing knocked out of you," roared V. advancing on H. with his fist raised
  вышивание / вышивка - (машинная, по канве, крестиком, ришелье): machine embroidery, canvas work, cross-stitch, cutwork
  выщелачивание - (кремния из глинистых минералов): bauxite is а secondary mineral resulting from the leaching of silica from clay minerals, clayey limestones, or low-silica igneous rocks, commonly under conditions of tropical weathering;
  - (кучное в. для извлечения благородных металлов и меди из руды): heap leaching is an industrial mining process to extract precious metals and copper compounds from ore;
  - (продукт в-я): one of the classical methods for the manufacture of copperas was to heap up iron pyrite and collect the leachate from the heap which was then boiled with iron to produce iron sulfate
  выщипать / выщипывать - (бороду): the witch will have my beard plucked out;
  - (брови): his eyebrows were plucked;
  - (брови, т.е. пинцетом): she didn't like the idea of tweezing her eyebrows;
  - (т.е. перья): with some birds the instinct to breed and reproduce is so strong that when their inability to find a mate occurs, they become stressed and pluck
  выщипывание - (перьев): feather plucking is when the birds completely remove the feather by pulling it out at the base of the shaft;
  - (перьев): Sexual maturity and hormonal changes can contribute to feather picking. With some birds the instinct to breed and reproduce is so strong that when their inability to find a mate occurs, they become stressed and pluck. These birds may possibly stop plucking if they are placed in breeding situation with an acceptable mate.
  въедаться / въесться - (грязь так въелась в окна, что...): the bay windows were so encrusted with grime that very little daylight could permeate the room;
  - (грязь, въевшаяся в одежду и руки): he stood somehow trim in spite of the dirt grimed into his hands and arms, pants and shirt;
  - (грязь / сажа, глубоко въевшаяся): grime is dirt or soot deeply ingrained
  въезжать / въехать - (в новую квартиру): we signed the agreement next day and we are to move in tomorrow;
  - (в ограду, т.е. автомобилем): he drove into some railings and gouged a hole in the back of his car;
  - (в страну): they tried to enter the country as tourists but lacked suitcases, hotel reservations or credit cards;
  - (на автодорогу под острым углом): don't enter the motorway at a sharp angle;
  - (потихоньку в. в транспортный поток, т.е. на автомобиле): he nosed the car into the flow of traffic
  - (танки - в город): this is where Soviet tanks had parked after rolling into the city in the summer of 1968
  вязание / вязка - (крючком / спицами): needlework includes (among others): embroidery; crochet; knitting; tatting...
  вязать - (т.е. крючком): I was crocheting;
  - (кружево / салфетки, т.е. крючком): to crochet lace / table napkins;
  - (неровно связанная шапочка, т.е. спицами): knobbly knitted hat;
  - (свитер, т.е. спицами): to knit a sweater
  вязнуть - (в грязи): he ran about 700 yards off the road, where he got stuck in the mud;
  - (колёса - в земле): my car's wheels had sunk deep into the soft wet ground;
  - (кони вязли в снегу): the horses foundered in the snow
  вянуть - (листья увяли на холоде): the cold withered the leaves;
  - (розы, вянущие в вазе): a cluster of roses withering in a silver bowl;
  - (цветы вяли в жару): the flowers were drooping in the heat;
  - (цветы увяли на холоде): the flowers withered in the cold;
  - (цветы вянут от недостатка воды): the flowers are wilting from lack of water;
  - (зерновые увяли от отсутствия дождя): the lack of rain has shriveled the crops;
  - (о салате): you ought to pick those lettuces before they shrivel up and die
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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