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Русско-английский словарь эмоций, а-г

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  а не пошла бы ты... - why don't you get lost
  авантюрист / авантюристка - the Vikings, those tough adventurers who were the scourge of Christian lands in the 9th and 10th centuries;
  - "My boyfriend and I are registered domestic partners. Shortly after we meet he made out a living trust leaving everything to his son and two grandchildren. We live in his home which is part of the trust. If he dies do I get thrown out on the street?" "If your partner dies before you, his son and grandchildren aren't going to want to give you anything. In their eyes, you won't be the woman who loved and supported him in his declining years. To them you're just a gold-digger infml.";
  - Living together can come at a high cost. Unprotected by common law, people who were in relationships can find themselves at the mercy of chancers BrE and the courts. Seventeen years ago, L.K. split up with his girlfriend, P.J. They had lived together, unmarried, for eight years, but during that time P. had paid every penny of the mortgage. L. gave her £100 a week for "expenses", and P. says she offered him £20,000 when they split. But last June, the court of appeal ordered J. to hand over half the value of her Essex home - now worth £245,000 - to K.
  агония (т.е. предсмертная): - the peace pact seems to be in its death throes fig;
  - the boar was writhing and thrashing, but the men stood firm, wrestling with its death throes;
  - (корчиться в а-и): we see soldiers blown apart, drowned or writhing in death's agony;
  - (пациент был в а-и): the patient was already in the death agony
  агрессивно - (бросить вызов кому-л): when anyone urged Bill to be more confrontational and even aggressive in taking on Gingrich, he'd explain that first people had to understand exactly where he and the Republicans differed on the issues;
  - (вести автомобиль страшно а.): he drove the car with a ferocious aggression, while tending it with loving care;
  - (вести себя с кем-л резко и а.): the judge was shrewd and bullying with witnesses
  агрессивность - Russia's leadership has a view that the West is only eager to do it down - and, rightly or wrongly, that is driving Mr Putin's more assertive approach;
  - (нём не было ни капли а-ти, ни капли подозрительности): he didn't have an aggressive bone in his body, nor yet a suspicious one;
  - (необузданная): indignation and firmness has nothing to do with wild aggressiveness;
  - (у некоторых болельщиков имеется тенденция к а-ти): some fans have a natural tendency to be confrontational
  агрессивный - (американская культура): unfair competition from invasive American culture;
  - (американская культура): many believe that Britain has succumbed to an all-encompassing, invasive American culture;
  - (болельщики): some fans have a natural tendency to be confrontational;
  - (телеведущий): he is as superficial, insulting and offensive as his show;
  - (допрос): she tried as hard as she could to respond to the bullying interrogation;
  - (жест): a man in the car behind us pounds on his steering wheel and makes a belligerent gesture in my direction;
  - (игрок, т.е. с положительной коннотацией): the hockey player has been more offensively assertive all season but not had much luck;
  - (люди): violent people, these Americans, mark my words, violent people;
  - (поведение, полузащитника отстранили на одну игру за а-ое и вызывающее п., т.е. с отрицательной коннотацией): the midfielder has been suspended for a game for confrontational and provocative behavior;
  - (подростки): applying the Brady law's prohibition on gun ownership to violent juveniles;
  - (позиция): a belligerent attitude;
  - (судья был агрессивен со свидетелями): the judge was shrewd and bullying with witnesses;
  - (тон): truculent tone;
  - (человек): I found him extremely offensive;
  - (человек): a belligerent person;
  ад кромешный - (кто-то крикнул "Пожар!", в танцзале настал а.к.): there was a sheer pandemonium in the dancing hall when someone shouted "Fire!"
  адская смесь- (секса и жестокости): a witches brew of untamed sex and brutality;
  - (ртути, серебра и других ядовитых веществ): what the scientists found is beyond alarming: а witches' brew of mercury, silver and other toxic chemicals in muck that measure 50 to 100 times above normal levels
  ажиотаж - (т.е.в магазинах): Panic Buying at Supermarkets as Britain Braces Itself for the Big Freeze. Hot food and warm clothing were flying off supermarket shelves yesterday as shivering shoppers braced themselves for the deepening big freeze.;
  - there was a hullabaloo over his controversial statements;
  - (вокруг интервью с генералом): Hullabaloo Over Gen. McChrystal's Comments. Тhe whole country is abuzz over the controversy surrounding comments made by Gen. McChrystal to a R.S. reporter. Gen. McChrystal is disrespectful of President Obama because he is a civilian.;
  - (вокруг поступления в университет): he believes that the fuss over university admissions has been exaggerated;
  - (вызвать а. на рынке, решение Бундесбанка Германии вернуть на родину часть золотого запаса, хранящегося в Банке Федерального Резерва в Нью-Йорке вызвало а. на рынке золота): the decision of Germany's Bundesbank to repatriate part of its Gold Reserves held at the New York Federal Reserve bank has triggered a frenzy in the gold market;
  - (устроить а. из-за ухода Дж.С. с поста председателя компании): recently, the media made a fuss over the departure of J.Sc. as Chairman of Apple computer.
  ажиотажный - (во время а-ой продажи в выходные дни, несмотря на давку покупателей, нескончаемый поток посетителей веб-сайта): It took Apple 74 days to sell a million of the original iPhones; it took three days to sell a million of the iPhone 3Gs. Over that frantic opening weekend, despite the crush of buyers, the deluge of visitors to Apple's Web site, and the chaos of converting from Apple's .Mac service to the new MobileMe, users managed to download over ten million applications for the iPhone and iPod touch;
  - (спрос, на наличность был а.с.): the deflation of the Great Depression occurred because bankruptcies created an environment where cash was in frantic demand, and the Federal Reserve did not adequately accommodate that demand, so banks toppled one-by-one like dominos
  азарт - (в а-е я потерял самообладание): in the heat of the moment I lost my self-control;
  - (его глаза загорелись а-ом): I could see a gleam of eagerness in his eyes;
  - (охотничий): maybe it is the thrill of "hunt," chasing down those gemstones can be exciting;
  - (охотничий а. убийцы): Bully CEO! This testosterone-laden group lives for the thrill of hunt and kill; dominate and crush is their mantra.;
  - (погони): scientists are generally normal people who are driven by the thrill of the chase;
  - (а. победить противника в его игре, на его поле): the rush of beating people at their own game, on their own turf
  азартный - (а-ое желание / а. порыв победить противника в его игре, на его поле): the rush of beating people at their own game, on their own turf;
  - (игры, законодательство запрещающее а-ые и.): His social club wanted to raffle off a television to make money. He wanted to know if the raffle would run afoul of the law against gambling;
  - (игры, уволить за а.и.): any employee can be fired immediately and without advance written notice due to dishonesty, alcohol or drug use, fighting, gross insubordination, recklessness resulting in serious accident while on duty, gambling, or other offenses of a similar nature
  алкаш жаргон - a toothless wino infml, dressed in rags and having missed his bath day for a month or six;
  - a toothless wino infml gave me grin before he asked for a couple of bucks
  алкоголик - her husband died, and she remarried a local alcoholic 20 years her junior;
  - (перевоспитанный / раскаявшийся): a "reformed" alcoholic;
  - You suggest a dipsomaniac fought for the whisky bottle, and then having won, rolled it away in a corner, spilling one half and leaving the other. That is the very last thing a dipsomaniac would do.
  алчность - voracity;
  - Mexican tenacity could not match American rapaciousness
  алчный - (банки): profit-hungry banks;
  - (грабители): a rapacious band of robbers;
  - (люди): the Afghans are vain and insatiable
  алчущий - (волк, а. молочного ягнёнка): he eyed her like a wolf coveting a suckling lamb
  амбал - (т.е. большой и сильный): the chief interrogator had at his beck and call the two hulks in the corners of the room
  аморальность - former CIA Director John Brennan accused Trump of venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption;
  - (монархия стала олицетворением коррупции и а-ти): the monarchy has become a byword for corruption and immorality
  аморальный - (гомосексуальный элемент): the eradication of the "unethical" homosexual element;
  - (действия): your immoral acts have not only brought disgrace and shame upon yourselves, but dishonor the Non-Cultic aikido community at large;
  - (католики считают исследование стволовых клеток а-ым): they view stem cell work as immoral;
  - (т.е. люди): the killer said those who are immoral and impure will suffer the anger of God;
  - (методы): his greed and envy and ambitions led him to embrace immoral methods;
  - (поведение): any criminal activity, violations of release, sustained allegations of unethical behavior, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs shall be grounds for immediate termination of employment;
  - (поведение): gross moral turpitude;
  - (поведение президента): the misconduct the president has admitted may be reinforcing one of the worst messages being delivered by our popular culture, which is that values are fungible;
  - the actor may play low-rent, amoral types - hitmen, weasels, snivelers - but he's more complicated than that
  антипатия - (а. была написана в каждой чёрточке лица): dislike was etched in every line of his face;
  - (к кому-л): aversion to somebody;
  - (личные а-и): in a case of murder one must put one's private repugnances behind one;
  - (побороть / преодолеть а-ю к кому-л): she couldn't overcome her aversion to her brother-in-law and pointedly avoided his company;
  - (раздражение подавляющим поведением этого человека перерастало в настоящую а-ю): he felt his irritation with this overbearing man turning to outright dislike;
  - (смотреть на кого-л с растущей а-ей): the teacher surveyed her with mounting dislike
  апатичный - (поведение): his entire listless manner was that of a person waiting to be moved;
  - (предвыборная кампания): center-right party looked exhausted, scandal-ridden and out of ideas, and its listless campaign showed it;
  - (рабочий): when David Cameron came to office, some claimed workers in Britain were so beaten and apathetic that they would not fight back
  апатия - I ascribed this lassitude to his characteristic depression after success;
  - the usual end of the year torpor that subdues the markets at this time of the year
  апологет - (Гитлера): Hitler apologist
  аристократический - (каста): in the Islamic world, the aristocratic caste of Sayyid belongs exclusively to the descendants of Muhammad and extends to all classes of society;
  - (квартал): an aristocratic neighborhood;
  - (квартал / город): a murder mystery set in one of the most exclusive and wealthy neighborhoods in one of the country's most exclusive towns;
  - (семья): an aristocratic family
  аристократичный - (человек): an eloquent, courtly man who was well liked and respected by the students
  артачиться - (конь был обучен не а., когда надо было перескакивать через широкие канавы): the horse was trained to jump the broad, open ditches without baulking;
  - (конь заартачился и не стал прыгать): the horse balked AmE and refused the jump;
  - (конь заартачился): the horse snorted and baulked BrE;
  - (ребёнок артачился, не желая пить рыбий жир): the child was balking at taking cod liver oil
  аферист - Scammers buy goods or services on the Web and offer payment by check or money order - often in excess of the actual value of the goods or services. In most cases, con artists ship the check or money order and ask the victim to cash it, keep a portion as a "gift," and wire back the rest, usually to an overseas address;
  - he is a con man;
  - he was an accomplished thief and a con artist;
  - Living together can come at a high cost. Unprotected by common law, people who were in relationships can find themselves at the mercy of chancers BrE vand the courts. Seventeen years ago, L.K. split up with his girlfriend, P.J. They had lived together, unmarried, for eight years, but during that time P. had paid every penny of the mortgage. L. gave her £100 a week for "expenses", and P. says she offered him £20,000 when they split. But last June, the court of appeal ordered J. to hand over half the value of her Essex home - now worth £245,000 - to K.;
  - True, his books brought R.G.A. all his fame. But for some time now, all his books and programmes have been under the scanner, and he has got plenty of brickbats about them. A large percent of his "students" demanded refunds. But this crafty man quickly filed for bankruptcy and coolly side-stepped giving their money back. As of now, the IRS has booked several liens against him. R.G.A. is a scam guru, if there ever was one. Beware of him, and his programmes.
  баба разг - (пробивные б-ы, т.е. пренебрежительно о женщине): many pushy broads AmE slang live for their careers and will do whatever-it-takes to get ahead in the corporate world;
  - (т.е. слабачка): "How's A. (a pregnant woman) doing?" "Puked her guts out this morning. Had her use my own crapper." "Well, she is in a man's job, and she doesn't want to be seen as a wimp.";
  - (т.е. старая болтливая женщина): she was a tough old biddy infml who could make him quail like a schoolboy;
  - (т.е. физически слабый мужчина): "Will you fucking keep up for fuck's sake?" "This bag is too heavy." "Don't be such a faggot slang, vulgar.";
  - (этот парень просто б.): that guy is a real wimp
  бабник - (известный б.): he was a notorious womanizer;
  - he was a bit of a womanizer;
  - Lothario: a heterosexual male womanizer
  байстрюк - bush baby slang
  балаболка - (т.е. пустой болтун): he was a blowhard in a lot of ways, but he did make sense when they talked about real estate
  балбес - some bonehead trumped up some security charges against him - turned out they were all bullshit;
  - (каждый б. с журналистским удостоверением): every jackass infml in the world with press credentials wants to know when we're going to find the killer;
  - (б-ы и тупицы): the dunces and dolts drew the comfortable districts with no threats and lots of equipment to deal with them;
  - (распутный б.): lecherous dolt;
  - He is an airhead. He doesn't have an original thought of his own.;
  - that lunkhead sergeant treated her like she was a child;
  - I expected cut and thrust, and if the "shut up" and "pinhead" seemed like elementary-school invective, well, that was apparently part of his shtick;
  - the president was not about to be outprayed by these saps AmE slang
  балдеть жаргон - (кажется, что она балдеет от всех этих мужчин, собранных в одном месте): She wants to know all about prison: the nitty-gritty, the violence, the gangs. She seems to get off on infmlall these men being in the one place. Sexually frustrated men. Unfulfilled. Violent.;
  - (т.е. от алкоголя): Dozens of Russians, unduly fond of their national tipple, are drowning daily as they stream to water to escape the record-setting scorching heat. Some of the stories are especially gruesome, like the 6 children who died in the Sea of Azov while their summer camp counselors were stupefying rather than supervising.
  балованный - (принц): in this modern-day fairy tale, Eddie Murphy stars as a wealthy and pampered African prince who comes to America in search of a bride;
  - (ребёнок): he behaves just like a spoilt child;
  - (ребёнок: the over-indulged child has taken more and more liberties until it is entirely out of control
  баловать - (вконец избаловать детей): he spoiled the children rotten;
  - (детей): you pet and spoil all your children;
  - (избалованный средствами массовой информации): the media-pampered chancellor;
  - (кого-л): He hadn't liked to see the fear in her old, loyal face, though. If cosseting him would reassure her, he could put up with it.;
  - (любовницу): I adopted, spoiled, served, anointed her, doted on her idiosyncrasies. Lavished jewels and freedom on her, made her my clotheshorse and my love object;
  - He had done everything possible to woo her. It took him a year to convince her, wining, dining, and spoiling her every chance he got.;
  - (т.е. правительство США балует самых богатых): Stop Coddling the Super-Rich. While the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks.;
  - (себя чем-л): we all know how important it is to take time out to indulge in those little things we like most - after all it's these tiny treats that make a difference to how we feel;
  - (себя чем-л): pamper yourself with these luxe, high-end treats
  баловаться - (автор книги балуется с языком): the writer is at his best when he is simply goofing with the language, not playing whole songs but producing runs of melody and feeling;
  - (алхимией и некромантией, т.е. заниматься любительски): in addition to his mathematical and religious interests, Napier was commonly believed to be a magician, and is thought to have dabbled in alchemy and necromancy;
  - (дети балуются, пачкаясь краской): the children are having fun puddling in paint;
  - (дети балуются, чтобы убить время): boring lessons are fuelling bad behaviour in the classroom as unruly children "muck about" to kill time;
  - (картами / компьютерными играми): to fool around with cards / on computer games;
  - (мы просто баловались): we were just kidding around;
  - (нельзя б. с магией): you don't mess around with magic;
  - (с вещами, которые лучше не трогать): don't go messing around with stuff that's best left alone;
  - (со спичками): he's fun with the matches;
  - they were out and away, pranking and gallivanting
  бандитский - (люди с б-кими наклонностями): they were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish, gravitating towards a leader who could show them more refined forms of cruelty
  барахло - junk;
  - (классическое, о фильме): what element made these films schlock classic?;
  - (т.е. о товаре): "crap" is not a good word to use (when talking about one's own products)
  барахляный - (облигации ненадёжных эмитентов): junk bonds
  бардак разг - (т.е. беспорядок): this whole insurance game is one messed up enterprise;
  - (бардак!): a real mess!;
  бахвалиться - they could splurge to make sure there were plenty of presents under the Christmas tree every year
  бахвальство - (скрывать испуг за б-ом): he was frightened but covered it with bluster;
  - I learned to take his opinion with a pound of salt and overlook his histrionics and self-aggrandizing
  башка - his glossy bald pate infml, barrel chest and belly made him the equal of his two companions put together
  башковитый - (девушка): Sarah was beautiful and brainy infml
  беда - (в б-е): смотри словарь предлогов;
  - (б. в том, что...): the trouble is, it turns out that they're not infallible at all;
  - (б. в том, что я много езжу): the trouble is that I'm on the road so much, and he travels all the time too;
  - (местных бюджетов): It's an idea gaining currency around the country: Virtual Gambling As Part Of the Antidote to Local Budget Woes. The District of Columbia is the first to legalize it, while Iowa is studying it, and bills are pending in places like California and Massachusetts.;
  - (выручить из б-ы): смотри ниже;
  - (б. идёт за тобой, как стая ворон): troubles follow you like crows, and ever the oftener the worse;
  - (навлечь б-у на кого-л): she seemed to be exceptionally trusting, a trait that could get her in real trouble;
  - (навлечь б-у): to learn what crime of ours brought the affliction;
  - (попадать в б-у): he always helped them when they got into trouble;
  - (попасть в б-у): you could get in trouble by promising more than you could deliver;
  - (попасть в б-у): he is a good former SS man, reliable, now fallen on misfortune, after being recognized;
  - (постигшая урожай): the disaster that had struck the Soviet wheat crop;
  - (приходит разными путями): misfortune comes in many ways, and you can't always know beforehand that a certain way is the way misfortune will come by;
  - (радоваться чужой беде): to take malicious joy in others' misfortunes;
  - (радоваться чужой б-е): I was stunned at how much joy people had at my misfortune;
  - (с ней случилась б.): I was sure Miss M. must have met with some misfortune;
  - (у меня была другая б.): I had another affliction
  беда (выручать кого-л из б-ы) - The last two chairmen of the Federal Reserve actively cheered on the irrational exuberance in US housing. The same applies to the central investment banks now charged with getting everyone else out of this mess;
  - "Don't be cast down," said his wife; "depend on me, and maybe I'll bring you better out of this scrape than ever you could bring yourself";
  - he had great confidence in his wife, knowing that she had got him out of many a quandary before;
  - (выручать остальных из б-ы): The last two chairmen of the Federal Reserve actively cheered on the irrational exuberance in US housing. The same applies to the central investment banks now charged with getting everyone else out of this mess;
  - he's very loyal to D. who helped him out of a tight spot infml once;
  - he asked me to help him out of this jam AmE infml
  бедняга / бедолага - he wants to make up for all the poor devils his father slaughtered;
  - poor bastard, he was just cursed unlucky;
  - these two heels take the poor slob of a husband for a ride and the boyfriend puts a bullet between his eyes
  бедняжка - we have no wish to dishearten the poor thing;
  - as the ploy of "poor little me needs competent, self-assured you";
  - oh, poor dear, she has been very much under the weather lately
  безалаберный - (мать): neglectful / negligent mother;
  - (привычки): very careless habits (of ships) with crude oil spillages;
  - (работа): a slipshod piece of work
  безапелляционно - (махнуть рукой кому-л): he waved his hand peremptorily at her
  безапелляционный - (голос): the voice was first peremptory, then reassuring;
  - (говорить б-ым тоном): to lay down the law fig;
  - (тон): in a peremptory tone of voice;
  - (требование): to meet his peremptory demands
  безбожник - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters;
  - (жлоб-б.): the peasant was an irreligious lout who stank of goat
  безвкусный - (город): Athens is no longer a dowdy, down-at-the-heels capital;
  - (картинки): the small parlor was plainly furnished, but it had a home-like look; there were no cheap, gaudy pictures;
  - (на её короткой и толстой фигуре даже привлекательная одежда выглядела б-ой): her pudgy figure rendered even attractive clothing dowdy;
  - (фильмin poor taste;
  - смотри файл Словарь запахов и вкусов
  безвольный - the army proved gutless
  безгрешный - (было больно осознавать, что мы больше не были безгрешны): it has been painful to grasp that we were no longer pristine;
  - (никто не безгрешен): There is also a global search for culprits. Alas, it turns out that almost nobody is blameless.
  бездарный - (учитель): teacher
  бездарность - (бюрократии): Budget Waste and Bureaucratic Ineptitude at the Nuclear Labs;
  - (бюрократии): because of bureaucratic ineptitude, filing paperwork was a constant headache; faxes to and from agencies seemed to disappear regularly
  безделье - nothing bothers me more than sloth;
  - they will have a double handful of days to kick their heels in idleness
  бездельник - (блудодеи и пьяные б-и): Fornicators and cupshotten ne"er-do-wells? English aristocracy may not take to such a description. However true it may be.;
  - (богатый б.): B., a well-intentioned, wealthy layabout, has a habit of getting himself into trouble and it's up to his brilliant valet to get him out;
  - (законченный): I never in my life met such a thorough lazybones;
  - (мастер выручать б-ов-убийц, т.е. об адвокате): he's (a high-powered New York criminal attorney) a master at getting the murdering bums AmE infml off;
  - (т.е. на фабрике): my production manager helped me to clean out the debris-laden plant and unload the freeloaders who spent their days fishing, drinking, and napping on bare mattresses under their workbenches;
  - (т.е. никчёмный человек): she ran off with a wastrel and here's the result in front of us;
  - (скажи этому б-у управдому, чтобы поднялся ко мне): he yanked the intercom off the hook and shouted to the doorman, "Tell the good-for-nothing super to get up here.";
  - ne"er-do-wells fallen into debt or paying for some crime became slaves;
  - All Irish women are not ginger freckled lasses. All Irish men are not drunken layabouts.;
  - this commanding officer really had a tough job, because his men were the worst slackers and layabouts in the bunch;
  - a learned man is an idler who kills time by study;
  - Half of them were crackheads. Most of those bums would sell out their own mothers for a fix, let alone for 10 grand;
  - His eyes are close together. That's the sure sign of a dead beat AmE infml
  бездельничать - no one lounges in the parks;
  - he was longing to spend a handful of days idling before the back-breaking labour of harvest
  - there's nothing on TV, I don't feel like going for a motorbike ride, and all the other chores are done, so I'm idling my day away;
  - old men were idling in the cafes;
  - the students who goofed around all semester failed the course;
  - (у них будет десяток дней, чтобы б.): they will have a double handful of days to kick their heels infml fig in idleness
  бездумно - (крутить двигатели): the equipment was attended by cadres of active-duty mechanics who actually spent the time to maintain it, turning over the engines as mindlessly as the orders that had been drafted and printed;
  - (крутиться под музыку): on foreshortened pillars, naked go-go girls rotated mindlessly to the rhythm of the rock music;
  - (повторять расхожие истины): I mostly parroted the conventional wisdom of my father's politics;
  - (за работу): He was given a wheelbarrow. He mindlessly set to work carting away the mounds of earth that others broke free with picks and shovels
  бездумный - (действовать, как б-ые автоматы): they acted like mindless automatons they'd been trained to be;
  - (применение алгоритмов решения задач): some introductory physics exam questions can be solved by rote application of problem-solving algorithms
  бездушный - (автомат): would you rather have an unruly child or a emotionless automaton?;
  - (безразличие): a callous indifference to the suffering of others;
  - (глина): to animate the lifeless clay;
  - (постановка пьесы): the production of the 1667 play is almost inanimate, more like an installation;
  - (решения руководства): high-handed and insensitive management decisions
  безжалостно - (избить): the Cochin hen began her stay in the owl's cage by giving him an unmerciful trouncing;
  - (издеваться над женой): he not only cheated on his wife, but he bulled her unmercifully as well;
  - (надвигаться): she drove ruthlessly on;
  - (обрушить дубину на голову): a rider stepped out of nowhere to swing a brutal cudgel at his head;
  - (подавить движение): the movement (Falun Gong) had been ruthlessly, if not viciously repressed;
  - (преследовать): the Illuminati were hunted ruthlessly by the Catholic Church;
  - (ругать себя): Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At a recent office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt. She berated herself mercilessly.;
  - (травить кого-л): a guy wearing stacked heels or bikini briefs would have been hounded unmercifully as a faggot
  безжалостность - her ruthlessness and total fearlessness know no bounds;
  - the organization succeeded by virtue of its own ruthlessness
  безжалостный - (агрессия): a ruthless act of aggression;
  - (бандит): a ruthless bandit;
  - (воля): his implacable, monstrous will;
  - (гангстер): the mobster was about as ruthless as they get;
  - (глаза): he was staring at me with those pitiless red eyes;
  - (киллер): a brutal hit man;
  - (кредитор): an unforgiving creditor;
  - (критика): the Platonic theory of ideas and Aristotle's merciless critique of it;
  - (ловушка): the jaws of the cruel trap neatly closed around the boy;
  - (методы подавления оппозиции): the ruthless methods used y the Communists to crush all opposition;
  - (радость): "Liar," said the voice, the cruel amusement more pronounced than ever;
  - (рот): her implacable mouth creased deeper;
  - (тренировочный режим): relentless training regimen;
  - (человек): ruthless and cynical;
  - (человек): the man who committed this crime is sadistic and pitiless;
  - something inexorable glided closer to destroy him
  беззаботно - (жить): to live in a happy-go-lucky way;
  - (играть, дети - на свалке опасного мусора): the children were playing blithely in the hazardous-waste dump;
  - (мыть мясо в грязной воде): he squatted over the ditch and defecated, while not 10 yards away a cook's helper unconcernedly washed the meat that would be served that night in the embassy;
  - (пастись): the pony was grazing nonchalantly;
  - (сказать): "..." said H. airily;
  - (слоняться: he was lounging unconcernedly along the river wall;
  - (смеяться): he laughed airily;
  - (спать): we passed many vehicles disabled, their passengers sleeping unconcernedly until spare parts could be procured from Kabul on feet;
  - (стоять у стены): he was lounging unconcernedly along the river wall;
  - I want to feel liberated, free, and renewed-run in the rain, barefoot, and through the grass, without a care in the world;
  - breezily
  беззаботность - (выражение б-ти на лице): a look of dreamy unconcern fell over his face;
  - (он изобразил на лице б.): "If that's what it takes!" he feigned unconcern
  беззаботный - (детство): his childhood had been carefree and secure;
  - (жизнь): carefree life;
  - (личность): breezy personality;
  - (люди): laid back infml, untroubled people;
  - (люди на пляже): he tried to appear as careless as the others;
  - (миллионер): he's a millionaire without a care in the world;
  - (молод и беззаботен): I was young and careless;
  - (образ жизни): a laid back way of living;
  - (парень): he is an easy-going, but not lazy, guy;
  - (смех): his rollicking, boyish laughter;
  - (совсем не такой б.): His sister's death left its mark upon him. I found him more reserved than before and much less light-hearted.;
  - (стараться выглядеть б-ым): he worked hard to appear nonchalant;
  - (студент после экзаменов): after finishing my exams I felt happy and carefree;
  - (студент): when I was in my first year - young, carefree, and innocent...;
  - (улыбка): the strong carefree smile of a collegial athlete;
  - (человек): he was more reserved than before and much less light-hearted;
  - (щедрость): with careless generosity;
  - the story (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, a happy-go-lucky transferee from a prison work farm to a mental hospital
  - I didn't think of how the things will develop, I was happy-go-lucky
  беззаветный - (верность / преданность): the chief no longer commanded the unquestioning loyalty he once had from their clansmen and women
  беззастенчиво - (допускать утечку информации): his office was brazen in its illicit leaking;
  - (нарушать договор): for years, Russia has violated terms of the INF Treaty without remorse;
  - (он б. попросил ещё): unabashedly, he asked for more;
  - (преследовать корыстные цели): he accuses advocates of free enterprise of pursuing unabashed self-interest with no concern for the common good;
  - (сказать): "..." she said unblushingly
  беззастенчивый - (заигрывание): her approaches whenever we are alone are unabashed and direct - cheap double entendres, winks, everything short of a FOR SALE sign;
  - (лжец): he is an unabashed liar;
  - (ложь): barefaced lie;
  - (преступные действия): some of this country's most unscrupulous criminal operations
  беззащитный - When he visited her shack unannounced one night he heard her entertaining another man and became furious. He didn't confront her then, though. He came back the next day, when she was alone and unprotected , and killed her.
  - (она без зазрения совести обманывает самых б-ых): having always lived the life of the idle-rich, she has no qualms about conning even the most vulnerable
  беззлобный - (человек): he had always thought of him as a kindly figure, a little blustering, a little pompous, but essentially good-natured
  безликий - (комната): her room was blandly furnished and impersonal ;
  - (произведение общественной архитектуры): the concrete square, a bland piece of public architecture, has proved most useful as a place to stage demonstrations
  безмозглый - birdbrained man;
  - my harebrained mother;
  - (идиот): what sort of brainless idiot would do that?;
  - (твaрюшка): he called his daughter a thoughtless little bugger
  безмятежно - (плыть, о судне): the old ship thumped her way impassively northeast towards the Dardanelles;
  - (смотреть): she looked serenely up and down the table without the least consciousness of...;
  - (смотреть): he gazed impassively down the table
  безмятежность - (от актрисы / фотографии исходит б.): the actress / photo exudes serenity;
  - serenity enrounded him like an invisible nimbus
  безмятежный - (глаза): placid blue eyes;
  - (композиция картины): the overall composition is peaceful and serene;
  - (образ жизни): a laid back infml way of living;
  - (слуга): impassive, as ever, the servant poured more tea;
  - (человек): impassive man;
  - (разума): the untroubled kingdom of reason;
  - (школьные годы): placid school years
  безнравственность - (Калигулы): Caligula's cruelty, depravity, and insanity;
  - (монархия стала олицетворением коррупции и б-ти): the monarchy has become a byword for corruption and immorality;
  - he wears his depravity like a badge or a tattoo
  безнравственный - (т.е. люди): the killer said those who are immoral and impure will suffer the anger of God;
  - (методы): his greed and envy and ambitions led him to embrace immoral methods;
  - (придурок, об адвокате): the attorney was portrayed as an unprincipled, ruthless prick;
  - (религия): the leader of the far-right National Party called Islam a wicked, vicious faith;
  - (т.е. те, кто отвечает за сдачу в аренду земли): Land is leased out in connivance of the staff. Transparency cannot be maintained if the staff is unscrupulous.;
  - (человек): a person who uses vulgar language in the wrong social situation may be considered uneducated, immature, lower class, or immoral
  безобразие - (т.е. на стадионе): The club coach had been kidnapped by alleged fans of his team who wanted to keep him away from the ground during the game. And the unruliness hasn't stopped there.;
  - (такой детский дом - б.): for Westerners, Orphanage No. 12 is an outrage;
  - (т.е. творящееся в банках): to distract from the mess, regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are staging a sideshow of rousting speculators;
  - (это было б.): It was a mess. I (James Bond) blame myself for letting that woman get me.;
  - More than 200 soldiers on their way home from Afghanistan had to strip off their uniforms on the tarmac at Birmingham International Airport and don civilian clothes before being allowed access to the terminal building. Was it just some Jobsworth? Or was it another case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing? Either way it was a right cock up.
  безобразие / безобразничанье - (не терпеть б-я): Colonel Burr established a thorough patrol system, rigorously enforced martial law, and quickly restored order. He did not stand for any horseplay infml or reckless behavior.
  безобразный - (горбун): a deformed little hunchback, he was ailing throughout his life;
  - (т.е. об оружии): how could I have such ties with an inanimate object, an ugly one at that
  безответственный - (боги): their gods were arbitrary and irresponsible;
  - (государство): rogue state;
  - (б-ые лица): We still believe there are sincere investors out there. But there are still quite a few rogues who can cause an avalanche forcing others to run for cover;
  - (коммерческие махинации): my family had gone broke because of Dad's reckless business schemes;
  - (поступок): I was furious with M. for his reckless act - training the horse at my peril;
  - (прокурор): the likelihood that a rogue prosecutor would be appointed, let alone the idea that a diverse panel of independent judges would permit the indictment of anyone for political motives, is negligible;
  - (руководители): management that was totally unaccountable for its actions;
  - (руководство города): despite frustration with the city's feckless management polls show that a plurality of New Jersey residents oppose state intervention;
  - (солдаты): the abuses of detainees were solely a work of seven rogue soldiers
  - (человек): he is neglectful, irresponsible and disloyal
  безотрадный - (жизнь): if they find their lives so wretched, why don't they just leave to look for a better life elsewhere?
  безрадостный - (картина жизни в лагере заключённых): the author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp;
  - (смех): mirthlesslaughter;
  - (смех): an entirely mirthless laugh;
  - (улыбка): he had a professional listener's mirthless smile
  безразличие - (выражение мечтательного б-я на лице): a look of dreamy unconcern fell over his face;
  - (к общественному мнению): the king flaunted vices of the most sordid kind with a cynical indifference to public opinion;
  - (к чужим страданиям): a callous indifference to the suffering of others;
  - (общества): aid to Pakistan foundered on Congressional opposition and public indifference;
  - (он изобразил на лице б.): "If that's what it takes!" he feigned unconcern;
  - (отнестись с б-ем, казалось, он отнёсся с полным б. к не особо тёплому приёму): he seemed totally indifferent to his less-than-warm welcome;
  - (с напускным б-ем): he received the prize with an air of nonchalance
  безрассудный - (вторжение): a foolhardy invasion;
  - (вылазка): her accusation of cowardice stung him so badly he might even now be planning some foolhardy trip;
  - (затея, рисковать жизнью ради б-ой з-и): he squandered his future to risk his life on this folly;
  - (коммерческие махинации): my family had gone broke because of Dad's reckless business schemes;
  - (кредитование / раздача кредитов): the collapse halted a two-decade economic boom that started with a surge in exports in the 1990s and continued with an epic, and unsustainable, property bubble that inflated thanks to profligate lending.;
  - (люди): Columbians are too wild, too foolhardy, too violent;
  - (т.е. нелегальные иммигранты): Only new arrivals or the willfully foolhardy took the risk (to hang around the railway station). Cannier illegals gave the station a wide berth.;
  - (партизанское прошлое): Arafat's swashbuckling guerilla past;
  - (план): I was dwelling on all the things that could go wrong with this madcap scheme;
  - (поступок): when he opened his own business all four in-laws agreed that this was a foolhardy move;
  - (смелость): if someone with reckless courage puts himself in danger and is killed, we say: it serves him right, he asked for it;
  - (человек): he was becoming reckless, cooped up in his house;
  - (ярость): a reckless rage came over Harry
  безрассудство - (б-у, т.е. афериста, пришёл конец): but the swashbuckling came to an end in 2006, when he pled guilty to fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion;
  - (в глазах): folly and malice light his eye;
  - ("Не собираюсь унижаться и плакать перед такими, как вы" - выкрикнула Н., к которой вернулось её природное б.): "I'd scorn to weep for the like of you!" cried Nance, disdainfully, having now completely recovered her natural audacity.;
  - (переход от страха к б-у): the switchover from fear to adventurousness had been as abrupt as it was now becoming contagious;
  - (удивлённый собственным б-ом): J., amazed at his own temerity, gave him a push
  безропотно - (подчиниться): he obeyed me without a murmur;
  - (сказать): "..." said Harry in a resigned voice
  безропотный - (тон): "..." said H. in a resigned voice;
  - (человек): the man was mild-mannered and courteous
  безумец - the 13 hundred million citizens whose lives had been made forfeit by the madmen plural (madman singular) of the Politburo
  безумие - (было бы б-ем...): it would be lunacy to use such speed in conditions of zero visibility;
  - (было бы б-ем купить такой большой автомобиль): it would be sheer folly to buy such a large car; - (в глазах): folly and malice light his eye;
  - (возвращения к старому): the bombing showed utter insanity of going back to old ways;
  - (впасть в б.): he touched her with a piece of magic bark, and she fell into frenzy;
  - (жест, означающий б.): the driver was tapping his forehead in her direction in the usual sign indicating lunacy;
  - (т.е. о попытке пересечь море без припасов): This was madness. They couldn't hope to make the crossing so hopelessly ill-supplied. Three weeks without food, three days without water.;
  - (руководствоваться б-ем, вошедшим в обычай): they live by madness grown to custom;
  - China's cities, stone monuments of human folly
  безумно - (любить): I loved him to pieces;
  - (напугать): if he hadn't seen it before it would have scared him out of his wits
  безумный - (деньги, заплатить б-ые д. за пару босоножек): she spent a small fortune on a pair of slingbacks;
  - (затея, рисковать жизнью ради б-ой з-и): he squandered his future to risk his life on this folly;
  - (идея): смотри ниже;
  - (инвестирование): that was a motto of the Internet bubble, the heyday of delusional investing;
  - (план, т.е. опасный): I was dwelling on all the things that could go wrong with this madcap scheme;
  - (погоня за богатством / властью): he pictured a youth caught in the mad drive for power and wealth;
  - (профессор): a demented professor invents a machine, that...;
  - (слухи, т.е. невероятные): He was on an infantry exercise that was supposed to last two weeks but on the third day it was called off for no reason. Within hours, every sort of daft infml rumor was flying around.;
  - (сочетание): his head was an insane amalgam of ape and reptile;
  - (суета): the frantic bustle of Saigon;
  - (цены): extravagant prices
  безумный (идея) - he had some off-the-wall ideas;
  - it seemed an insane idea;
  - the researcher presented a crazy, compelling idea;
  - (самая б-ая и., которая когда-л противоречила здравому смыслу): as wild an idea as ever controverted common sense;
  - many of the greatest ideas seemed barmy infml at the time they were conceded
  безумство - (безумства правителя): sly jokes about the ruler's follies
  безутешный - (вдова / вдовец / отец, т.е. у которого умер супруг / супруга / ребёнок): a bereaved widow / husband / father;
  - (font color=blue>вдова / дочь, т.е. <потерявшая мать): font color=red>grieving widow / daughter;
  - (он безутешен): he is devastated, inconsolable;
  - (б-ые родители ждут известий о пропавших детях): distraught relatives are waiting for news of the missing children;
  - (после смерти своего партнёра она была безутешнa): she was distraught over the death of her partner;
  - (родственники, т.е. погибших): it is difficult for the grieving relatives to come to terms with their loss
  безучастно - (смотреть): he stared at her blankly
  безучастный - (взгляд): vacant eyes;
  - (выражение лица): the vacant expression on his face betrayed the horror he had witnessed;
  - (голос): her voice was pitched as his own, low, uninvolved;
  - (дебри киберпространства): sending loads of emails out into the uncaring wilds of cyberspace;
  - (звёзды): He looked up at the uncaring stars and yelled, "Do you hear me, damn you?";
  - (лицо): his easy vacant face proclaimed a heart which could not feel emotions, nor impart;
  - (рабочие): when David Cameron came to office, some claimed workers in Britain were so beaten and apathetic that they would not fight back;
  - (человек): he didn't protest much, he seemed dazed, vacant
  безыскусно - (выглядеть): he was strangely unsophisticated in his outlook;
  - (рассказанная история): such a great tale so artlessly told
  безыскусный - (иметь б-ую внешность): he was strangely unsophisticated in his outlook
  безысходность - as his feeling of frustration peaked, his certainty leaked away;
  - once the suspect is on the brink of hopelessness, the interrogator engages in tactics designed to persuade the suspect that the benefits of confessing outweigh the costs of continued resistance and denial;
  - (чувство б-ти относительно событий в Америке): Senator R.F. Kennedy's assassination deepened my despair about events in America
  белая ворона образно - (в своём костюме, сшитом в Лондоне на заказ, он выглядел б-ой в-ой, словно афишируя свою утончённость людям, ненавидящим Запад во всех его проявлениях): he was standing out like a sore thumb in his elegant London-tailored suit as if flaunting his sophistication to a group of men who hated all forms of Western-ness;
  - (любой сотрудник Британского посольства, не говорящий по-русски, выглядел бы б-ой в-ой): it would have made any staffer at the British Embassy in Moscow stand out like a sore thumb to speak no Russian
  белиберда - George W. Bush topped a poll of the worst examples of mangled English for his: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." Bill Clinton also produces prime examples of gobbledygook.
  бередить - (старые раны): to return there means visiting old ghosts, exposing old wounds, opening himself to new dangers
  бережливо - (есть): he ate sparingly, for he could not anticipate who or what he might encounter
  бережливый - (привычки): frugal habits;
  - (сельский американец): a symbol of thrifty, old-fashioned country American;
  - (хозяйка): a thrifty housewife;
  - (человек): he's frugal with his money
  бесёнок - The animals were as odd little hobgoblins as could be imagined. Their temper, their voices, their appetites - all needed superlatives to describe them.
  бесить (т.е. раздражать) - (задержки бесили): these delays were infuriating;
  - (кого-л): they couldn't bully S.M. into lying for them and it was driving them nuts infml;
  - (меня бесит, когда я вижу на школьном дворе разбушевавшегося хулигана): I get extremely pissed off when I see the schoolyard bully on the rampage;
  - (меня бесит, что 2 дня работаю по 12 часов): I'm not looking for overtime really! I just have a beef slang working two 12 hour days when I am already giving 40 hours to the dealer.;
  - (о привычке опаздывать): the man's habitual tardiness infuriated him;
  - (о рутинной работе): you have to quit all active applications, which infuriates us;
  - I like to look at the funny side of things, keep my humor meter running at all times, no matter what. But spam has always had a habit of doing just the opposite to me, quite frankly, it pisses me off vulgar.
  беситься - (о собаке): a dog is going berserk behind the door
  бескорыстие - Selflessness. Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.;
  - rural people show more devotion and unselfishness than their urban cousins
  бескорыстно - (взвалить на себя административные обязанности): he has selflessly taken administrative duties on his shoulders;
  - (посвятить своё время чему-л): for the past decade he has unselfishly devoted a major part of his time to...
  бескорыстный - (любовь): Christ died for us. His sacrifice was made out of unselfish love for us.
  - (поведение): unselfish conduct;
  - (усилия): it is time for the leaders from both parties to link arms in an unselfish effort to reform their institutions;
  - (человек): calm and unselfishhe made up in integrity for the lack of the flambuoyance
  беспамятство - (впасть в б.): he lapsed / passed into unconsciousness and died
  беспечно - (играть, дети - на свалке опасного мусора): the children were playing blithely in the hazardous-waste dump;
  - (мыть мясо в грязной воде): he squatted over the ditch and defecated, while not 10 yards away a cook's helper unconcernedly washed the meat that would be served that night in the embassy;
  - (пастись): the pony was grazing nonchalantly;
  - (сказать): "Anyway, it won't affect me because I'm leaving," she said lightly.;
  - (сказать): "Okay, then," I said flippantly, trying to alleviate the suddenly tense atmosphere.;
  - (спать): we passed many vehicles disabled, their passengers sleeping unconcernedly until spare parts could be procured from Kabul on feet;
  - (стоять у стены): he was lounging unconcernedly along the river wall
  беспечность - (он изобразил на лице б.): "If that's what it takes!" he feigned unconcern;
  - (пировать с самозабвенной беспечностью правящего класса): the ballroom was throng with the cream of the aristocracy, dancing and drinking and carousing with the complete abandon of the carefree ruling class
  беспечный - (вести б. образ жизни): to live in a happy-go-lucky way;
  - (водитель): careless driver;
  - (вождение): reckless driving;
  - (выражение лица): he pasted a negligent expression on his face;
  - (жизнь): carefree life;
  - (настолько беспечен, чтобы оставить одежду без присмотра): He takes me into the cloakroom, where no coats are hung. No visitor would be so cavalier as to leave a valuable garment unguarded in this company.;
  - (правящий класс): the ballroom was throng with the cream of the aristocracy, dancing and drinking and carousing with the complete abandon of the carefree ruling class;
  - (разведчик): if the agent gets careless, or is even unlucky, he could get caught;
  - (с чужими сердцами): don't be reckless with other people's hearts;
  - (студент после экзаменов): after finishing my exams I felt happy and carefree;
  - (с б-ым мастерством): the dancer beats and turns and deploys all the battery of male technique with nonchalant mastery;
  - (человек): I didn't think of how the things will develop, I was happy-go-lucky;
  - (щедрость): with careless generosity
  бесподобно - (сделанная книга): awesomely crafted book
  беспокоить - (больше беспокоит то, что это объявление есть характеристика игрока Академией Тенниса): more disturbing that this announcement is the Tennis Academy's breathless characterization of M.;
  - (дети не беспокоили гостя): I hope they weren't bothering you?;
  - (т.е. докучать): what do they think they're doing, annoying senior Ministry members?;
  - (его беспокоило одно): there was one thing worrying him;
  - (его беспокоило, что он не сможет получить паспорт): he was worried that it would prove impossible to obtain a new passport for him;
  - (заблокировать дверь мусорным ведром, чтобы их не беспокоили): he jams a rubbish bin across the frame to stop them from being disturbed;
  - (запах беспокоил меня меньше): for the first day the stench of my cell was unbearable, by the second day it bothered me a little less;
  - (извините, что я вас беспокою): I'm sorry to bother you;
  - (кого-л всерьёз): it is of serious concern to us;
  - (кого-л из-за чего-л): I'm sorry that I have to bother you about AmE / with BrE this problem;
  - (кого-л расспросами): I don't see any point in troubling them further;
  - (король не беспокоил соседей, т.е. военными действиями): the king used to give no trouble to his neighbours;
  - (меня беспокоит то, как развивается ситуация): I'm deeply perturbed by the way the situation is developing;
  - (не беспокой меня): don't bother me just now;
  - (недостаток интереса беспокоит чиновников): it is their lack of interest that worries foreign officials;
  - (президента нельзя было б., прерывая его отпуск): the president couldn't be bothered to interrupt his vacation;
  - (просьбы раздражали и беспокоили членов комиссии по досрочному освобождению): his persistent pleas to obtain early release from prison for G. annoyed and worried Parole Commission officials;
  - (ситуация, которая нас сильно беспокоит): we are faced with a situation that makes us anxious
  беспокоиться (т.е. волноваться)- (она стала б.с): she tightened her jaws whenever she became anxious;
  - by the looks of things, I'm not the only one who's getting worried;
  - (за безопасность сына): my mother was concerned for my safety when I didn't come in time;
  - (заранее): Let's not go borrowing trouble. Concentrate on the task in hand and worry about other things when they happen.;
  - (нечего б.): I don't see what is there to fuss about;
  - (о ком-л): "Don't worry about me", said H., in what he hoped was an offhand voice
  - (о чём-л / из-за чего-л): to bother with / about something;
  - (о том, что думают другие): I've never been concerned about what other people think of me;
  - (по-настоящему): do you think the coalition can succeed or do you have genuine worries?;
  - (т.е. сделать что-л): they might have voted, but they were too indifferent to take the trouble
  беспокойно - (т.е. неприятно себя чувствовать): sitting through Purcell's King Arthur in the midst of a 1000-strong German-speaking audience can be unsettling for a Brit;
  - (сверяться с картой): he kept anxiously checking and rechecking the map
  беспокойный - (атмосфера на работе): the atmosphere in the office is rather fraught;
  - (время): it is unwise to linger overlong on doorsteps in these troubled times;
  - (годы): during these troubled years;
  - (город, т.е. бунтарский): riotous city;
  - (движения коня): though cross-tied in its stall, the horse pawed the ground with its hooves in a jittery little dance, rattled by the sounds of combat down below;
  - (день для полиции): this is one of the most fraught weekends of the year for the security forces;
  - (дети, т.е. непоседливые): gene mutations behind fidgety kids;
  - (животное): horses are restive tonight; there must be wolves about;
  - (избирательная кампания): Democratic presidential campaigns often assigned out-of-staters to oversee state campaigns on the theory that they could bring competing factions together and make sure all decisions put the candidate's interests, not parochial concerns, first. Whatever the theory, in practice, outsiders could inspire resentment on all sides, especially for a campaign as troubled as McGovern's, in an environment as fractured and contentious as Texas.;
  - (население): Georgia, a country with scant resources, a battered economy and a restless population;
  - (небо): the night sky was restless;
  - (от ожидания): restive with waiting;
  - (пассажиры, застрявшие в поезде): restive passengers trapped in a train;
  - (положение): mother is always there to extend protection when things begin getting baffling and worrysome;
  - (посетитель, т.е. в баре): the bouncer's duties inside the bar are to eject overly drunk people and trouble makers;
  - (сосед, о стране): the rebel group is said to have backing from Eritrea, another of Sudan's uneasy neighbors;
  - (толпа): restive crowd;
  - (часть города): hectic part of a town;
  - (часть Оттоманской империи): at the time, it was not easy for non-Muslims to travel in this troubled region of Ottoman Empire;
  - (человек): her cantankerous friend and his unquiet, unappeasable spirit;
  - (т.е. человек, который чего-то боится): He is jumpy. Nervous.
  беспокойство - (в голосе): there was an undercurrent of anxiety in her voice;
  - (всемирное): budget brouhaha underscores the world's anxiety;
  - in their origins the eating clubs were quite innocent, and it was only later that the situation radically altered: inspiring in underclassmen a frenzy of anxiety and apprehension at "bicker" - "pledge week" - as to who would be invited to join which club, and who would not be invited to join any club at all;
  - (вопрос, вызывающий б. во всём мире): an issue of global concern;
  - (высказать б. по поводу чего-л): they voice concern over the need for alternative affordable housing to support the diverse population;
  - (давать основание для б-а): the patient's condition is giving cause for concern;
  - (многие пережили огромное б. и огромные трудности, т.е. люди, близкие к Биллу Клинтону, подвергшиеся судебным преследованиям по инициативе республиканцев): many people had suffered enormous anxiety and hardship but for the long-term sake of the country, it was essential for Bill to stand his ground;
  - (т.е. ненужные движения, вызванные б-ом, его б. проявлялось только в том, что он протирал очки о подкладку галстука): his only fidget was to polish his glasses on the silk lining of his tie;
  - (облегчить б.): to alleviate the anxiety;
  - (облегчить б.): the assurances on the phone only partly assuaged his anxiety;
  - (обоснованное): there was a legitimate concern lest we ruin our relations with Arab moderates without really helping Israel;
  - (по спине прошла волна б-а): she had felt a ripple of unease go up her back;
  - (повод для б-а, данные не дают п-а / основания д.б.): while pollsters said such trends are somewhat troubling, they say the figures are not cause for alarm;
  - (подавить б.): I couldn't totally suppress the worry that I was responsible for his absence;
  - (позиция премьер-министра вызывает б.): the prime minister's stance has prompted some concern;
  - (предмет б-а, п. большого б. для всех стран): The United States warned Friday that it would be a major international concern if North Korea launched a long-range missile;
  - (причинять б., мы не хотим п. вам б.): "Don't let us inconvenience you" I apologized.;
  - (б. росло): his disquiet grew as the channel narrowed
  беспощадно - (подавить движение): the movement (Falun Gong) had been ruthlessly, if not viciously repressed;
  - (преследовать): the Illuminati were hunted ruthlessly by the Catholic Church
  беспощадность - her ruthlessness and total fearlessness know no bounds
  беспощадный - (бизнес): to compete in a cutthroat business;
  - (враг): ruthless enemy;
  - (гангстер): the mobster was about as ruthless as they get;
  - (журналистика): schooled in the rough-and-tumble of Chicago journalism;
  - (капитализм): undisguised bare-knuckle capitalism;
  - (конкуренция): the big firms are famous for cutthroat competition;
  - (кредитор): an unforgiving creditor;
  - (мир, т.е. конкуренции): that perfectionism may be better suited to the film theatre than the cut-throat world of technology;
  - (мир, т.е. телевизионных новостей): She had no illusions about network news. It was a cutthroat world.;
  - (школа, т.е. обучение в суровой обстановке): the down-in-the-gutter, bare-knuckle training that no big firm could provide
  беспринципно - (они б. нарушают клятвы): the Afghans are unscrupulous in perjury
  беспринципный - (администрация): unscrupulous administration;
  - (люди): to stop the unscrupulous from peddling trash to the unwary;
  - (придурок, об адвокате): the attorney was portrayed as an unprincipled, ruthless prick;
  - (целесообразность): unprincipled expediency and principled pragmatism
  беспросветность - (деревенской жизни): he tries to escape from the poverty and dead-endedness of rural life;
  - (повседневной жизни): to escape the drudgery of every day life
  беспросветный - (жизнь): in an effort to escape her dead end life, she unknowingly squirrels money away to enter a pie contest, where she hopes to win $25,000 and leave her husband;
  - (невежество): my invincible ignorance of political matters
  беспутный - (актёр): the randy 30-year-old actor was living the high life in New York, and planned to sleep with as many women as possible;
  - (образ жизни): the prince lived an extraordinary raffish existence;
  - (сын): The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living;
  - (улыбка): a raffish smile is shining full-beam at me
  бессердечие / бессердечность - Many of the Republicans who are doggedly voting against the extension are doing so in a calculated attempt to undermine the economy to ensure themselves of electoral victory in November, believing that if the economy tanks, voters will look to Republicans at the midterms and give them control of Congress. This is the "heartlessness" of which he speaks.;
  - (властей): the picture is as much about the callousness of the establishment as about holy history
  бессердечный - (психопатка): she is a callous, clever, and manipulative psychopath with extensive experience of the nastier end of the sex trade;
  - (сказать б-ым тоном): In a somewhat contemptuous, unfeeling manner, Agnew said that Nixon was kidding himself if he thought he could avoid firing Haldeman and Ehrlichman. He would be lucky to save himself.;
  - (человек): a selfish and callous young man
  бессилие - the feeling of powerlessness due to poverty;
  - he cursed his powerlessness to affect the outcome of his friend's life-threatening illness;
  - people speak constantly of their social and political impotence;
  - (заслужить презрение своим б-ем): the Soviet Union risked backing objectives it could not bring about and thus earning disdain as being impotent
  бесславно - (закончиться): the CIA's 1958 covert support for army rebels against the government in J. ended ignominiously
  бесславный - (день): Infamous Day: Marines at Pearl Harbor. They Caught Us Flat-Footed.;
  - (конец): the rebellion came to an inglorious end
  бессовестный - (ложь): The court heard that B. initially told police his father had asked him to bring the gun into the hospital because there was someone interested in antique firearms. But this was dismissed by the judge as a 'whopper' of a lie.;
  - (способы торговли): unscrupulous business methods;
  - (человек): an unscrupulous salesman
  бесстрастие / бесстрастность - she covered her plethora of problems with a cool detachment that he found admirable
  бесстрастно - (наблюдать, как солдаты встречают смерть): he watches dispassionately as one by one his former soldiers meet their end;
  - (ответчик б. смотрел на семью жертвы): the defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family;
  - (оценить кого-л): he summed them up dispassionately;
  - (оценить себя, т.е. свою внешность): she studied her reflection, appraising herself dispassionately;
  - he sat impassively throughout the trial;
  - (смотреть): he looked impassively across at M
  бесстрастный - (голос): he said "Good morning, sir," in a flat, unemotional voice;
  - (голос): his voice was unemotional but I could see a gleam of eagerness in his eyes;
  - (оставаться б-ой): he hesitated in hopes that she might reconsider, but she remained impassive;
  - (оценка): an unemotional assessment;
  - (слуга): impassive, as ever, the servant poured more tea;
  - (человек): a stolid man;
  - (черты лица): his features remain glacial
  бесстрашие - (благодаря инициативности и б-ю которых высадка союзников в Нормандии не стала полным разгромом): he is one of the forty-seven immortals of Omaha who, by their dauntless initiative saved the landing from total stagnation and disaster;
  - (т.е. борцов за мир): I praised the bravery of Irish woman who had stood up for peace;
  - the tasks will test champions in many different ways... their magical prowess - their daring - their power of deduction - and their ability to cope with danger;
  - her ruthlessness and total fearlessness know no bounds;
  - (проявить б., отвагу и стойкость в битвах): the companies forming the First Florida cavalry were distinguished for their intrepid gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge
  бесстрашно - (выдержать взгляд): she met his infernal gaze, unafraid;
  - ("..." б. ответил он): "..." he relied, undaunted;
  - (принимать свою судьбу и смерть): he is brave to look on death and Fate undaunted
  бесстрашный - (журналист): intrepid journalist;
  - (исследователь / солдат): intrepid explorer / soldier;
  -(люди): though slow to quarrel, and for sport killing nothing that lived, they were doughty old use at bay, and at need could still handle arms;
  - the companies forming the First Florida cavalry were distinguished for their intrepid gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge
  бесстыдно - (вести себя на людях): he has always been shameless in public conduct;
  - (допускать утечку информации): his office was brazen in its illicit leaking;
  - (заглянуть в вырез платья): he had shamelessly tried to see down the neck of her gown as she curtseyed;
  - (лгать): he had been lying in his teeth infml and someone had been covering up;
  - (лгать): he lied through his teeth when asked this question;
  - (похабный): the unabashedly bawdy junk-rock pioneer;
  - (сказать): "..." she said unblushingly;
  - lewdly
  бесстыдный - (ложь): often candidates" claims to be well read in a subject are exposed as barefaced lies;
  - (человек): ruthless and cynical
  бесстыдство - (его лжи): the effrontery of his deceptions inside and outside the conference room could be enraging;
  - (политических шоу): politicians with the most to gain from playing the God card started hatching stunts whose extravagant shamelessness could upstage any humble reverie of my own
  бесстыже - (похабный): the unabashedly bawdy junk-rock pioneer;
  - (так и будешь б. на меня смотреть?): "You'd give me a saucy look, would you?" she exclaimed and cuffed him on the ear
  бесстыжий - (бахвал): he's an utterly shameless self-promoter;
  - (женщина): she is everybody's favorite smart-ass, brassy and irreverent;
  - (заигрывание): her approaches whenever we are alone are unabashed and direct - cheap double entendres, winks, everything short of a FOR SALE sign;
  - (человек): ruthless and cynical
  бестактно - (с её стороны было б. упоминать за обедом о своих проблемах с мочеиспусканием): it was rather indelicate of her to mention her urinary problems at dinner
  бестактность - (я отнесу твою б. за счёт сегодняшних стрессов): I'll write off your crashing lack of tact against the stresses of today
  бестактный - (замечание): will he be called upon to remove himself from American politics for having made such an insensitive remark?
  бестолково - (представить свои соображения): present your ideas stupidly, and you'll find yourself counting rice bags on a collective farm
  бестолковый - (болтовня): I should be avoiding him entirely after my brainless and embarrassing babbling yesterday;
  - (дурак): he choked down the fury that would only confound the mind of a blundering idiot;
  - (мамаша): my harebrained mother;
  - (персонаж): the actor was playing his usual goofy character, as a result of total lack of any acting ability whatsoever;
  - (преданность): the muddle-headed loyalty of friends makes a detective's life so difficult;
  - she was so gormless BrE infml and so wrapped up in her own silly little life that she failed to notice anything unusual about her daughter
  бесхарактерный - (армия): the army proved gutless;
  - (человек): I was too spineless to stand up to the boss;
  - (человек, т.е. с осуждением): softie / softy infml
  бесхитростно - (сказать): She heard him snort. "Pardon?" She turned to him. "I didn't say anything." "Oh, I know you didn't," she said artlessly. "But you definitely snorted."
  бесхитростность - the stupefying simplemindedness of the revolutionary operas;
  - (в нём нет никакой б-ти): There is nothing artless and spur-of-the-moment about him. He is a bully a sadist.
  бесхитростный - simpleminded;
  - (в нём нет ничего б-ого и непосредственного): There is nothing artless and spur-of-the-moment about him. He is a bully and a sadist.;
  - (деревенская девушка): an artless village girl;
  - (улыбка): he smiled and this was a wide, guileless smile;
  - (лакей): His painting, "French Valet and English Lackey" is a classic study in national identities. The overdressed English footman, so raw, so blunt and so guileless, is perfectly complemented by the French Valet, with his silk stockings, his affected manner of speaking and a conspicuous comb in his wig.;
  - (избиратель): the average American constituent is too unsophisticated to realize that the president has only slightly more control over gasoline prices than he does the weather;
  - when I was in my first year - young, carefree, and innocent...
  бесхребетный - I was too spineless to stand up to the boss;
  - I should have had the support of my team, but they were really gutless;
  - she is calling him a yellow mongrel and a gutless prick
  бесцеремонно - (выбросить что-л): the china was all thrown unceremoniously into a sack;
  - (предложить): he in an offhand manner suggested that I talk to her;
  - (сказать): "Then let me put it in a nutshell," said R. brusquely. The time for sparring was over.;
  - (это б.): "Did he ask your permission?" "I don't think asking his permission is his strongest suit." "That's very high-handed. You can't let him get away with it."
  бесцеремонность - (за годы слушаний адвокат стал известен своей б-ю): the barrister has developed a reputation over the course of the hearings for not mincing words
  бесцеремонный - (в б-ой манере): L. in an offhand manner suggested that...;
  - (женщина): she is everybody's favorite smart-ass, brassy and irreverent;
  - (за годы слушаний адвокат приобрёл репутацию человека б-ого): the barrister has developed a reputation over the course of the hearings for not mincing words;
  - (поведение): his efforts have been thwarted by his own brusque and secretive style;
  - (решения руководства): high-handed and insensitive management decisions;
  - (тон голоса): offhand / off-hand tone of his voice;
  - (человек): He doesn't do small talk. He can often be brusque.;
  - (школьная методистка): the supervisor was a woman with a snotty attitude slang who didn't want to spend too much of her busy time giving me the brush-off
  бесчеловечность - the SS made the twin-lightning symbol of its standard synonymous with inhumanity
  бесчеловечно - (угнетать население, т.е. завоёванной страны): the French armies brutally suppressed the native population
  бесчеловечный - (обращение с животными): inhumane treatment of animals;
  - (полосатую тюремную одежду, запрет разговаривать и то, как заставляли ходить скованных вместе заключённых, критиковали, как б-ые): along with striped robes and enforced silence, the prison lockstep was criticized as dehumanizing until it was abolished by the early 1900s;
  - (тиран): inhuman tyrant
  бесчестить - (вооружённые силы): for enlisted personnel and officers, Article 134 makes it a crime for any member of the armed forces to dishonorably fail to pay a just debt that has become due and payable, provided that the individual's actions were to the detriment of the armed forces or were such as to bring discredit upon the armed forces;
  - (кого-л): Your immoral acts have not only brought disgrace and shame upon yourselves, but dishonor the Non-Cultic aikido community at large and defile O'Sensei's memory
  бесчестно - for enlisted personnel and officers, Article 134 makes it a crime for any member of the armed forces to dishonorably fail to pay a just debt that has become due and payable;
  бесчестный - (именно это я бы и сделал, если был настолько бесчестен, чтобы вмешаться в чей-то разум): that's what would I do If I were so lost to honour to corrupt someone's mind;
  - (шайка): T. and his crooked ring stole $20 000 000 from New York
  бесчестье - (верх б-я, считать в-ом б.): he regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust friends;
  - (т.е. губернатору провинции снова стать простым мандарином): no provincial governor under the Ching Dynasty would have willingly reverted to being a mere mandarin, because that meant at least ignominy, and just as likely, death;
  - (дрогнуть от удара шпагой означает б.): the group whose members live by the code of honour, to wince or recoil even slightly would mean dishonour BrE;
  - (навлечь б. на палату парламента): Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner which will tend to maintain and strengthen the public's trust and confidence in the integrity of Parliament and never undertake any action which would bring the House of Commons, or its Members generally, into disrepute;
  - (обязательства, отказаться от которых было бы б-ем): obligations that are hard to honour and would be dishonorable to abandon;
  - (слава или б.): glory or ignominy;
  - (страны): they were enthusiastic participants in their nation's moment of infamy
  бесчинствовать - armed with shears and machetes, supporters of the militant farmer Jose Bove went on a rampage through test sites for genetically modified corn in southern France on Sunday;
  - (о толпе): crowds rioted on the colonial streets
  бесчувствие - (напиваться до б-я): man who enjoys drinking himself into a stupor
  бесчувственость - (в её поведении появились б. и сухость): her manner assumed a dispassion and dryness very unlike her usual tone;
  - her seeming emotionlessness at her husband's funeral masked a grief that was beyond words
  бесчувственный - (автомат): would you rather have an unruly child or a emotionless automaton?;
  - (разум казался б-ым к влиянию посторонних дел): his mind appeared blank to the influence of all extraneous matters;
  - (рок): for this powerful but insensible fate the Qur"an substituted a powerful but provident and merciful God;
  - (сказать б-ым тоном): In a somewhat contemptuous, unfeeling manner, Agnew said that Nixon was kidding himself if he thought he could avoid firing Haldeman and Ehrlichman. He would be lucky to save himself.;
  - (ты иногда бываешь такой б-ой): sometimes you can be curiously unfeeling;
  - (человек): a selfish and callous young man
  бесшабашно - (он ездил на своём скакуне б. и самозабвенно): his mount a blood bay courser, and he rode it with reckless abandon
  бесшабашный - (герой, т.е. смелый): the film is a tale of sunken ships and treasure which highlights Tintin as a swashbuckling hero ready to take on any villain;
  - (т.е. не задумывающийся о последствиях): the story (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, a happy-go-lucky transferee from a prison work farm to a mental hospital
  бешенство - (привести в б. кого-л): he laughed because he knew it would incense her
  - (прийдя в б. от дерзких действий Бекета, король...): Thomas Becket secured from the pope a suspension of the Archbishop of York and excommunications for the other two bishops. Enraged at the audacity of Thomas's actions, Henry muttered in the presence of a number of his knights, "Will no one free me of this wretched priest?";
  бешеный - (бык): raging bull;
  - (в б-ом темпе переписывать главы от руки): I was trying to meet my publishing deadline for my unfinished book, madly drafting and redrafting chapters in longhand;
  - (в б-ом темпе работать): the composer worked at a pace, composing these pieces in just several day;
  - (в б-ом темпе работать): the technicians are working frantically to put the fault right, but there will be a delay of an hour or 2;
  - (водоворот): the walls of water crashed down in a furious whirl of waves;
  - (водоворот): forty-foot waves reared above the ship's port side, hovered for a moment, then crashed down to obscure her gigantic deck in a swirling maelstrom of white foam;
  - (давление родителей, т.е. на суд): ...amid a frenetic legal offensive by her parents;
  - (инвестирование): the Cold War was marked by both sides" frenetic investment in huge standing armies;
  - (успех): her last book was a raving success;
  - (успех утренних спектаклей): her matinees had been a wild success;
  - (цены растут б-ым темпом): oil prices are rising at a bewildering pace;
  - (чечётка): a kind of frenzied tap dance
  бзик - This is an original work of adult literature. If you are a pious self-righteous adult burdened by a repressive religious upbringing and sexual hang-ups slang too numerous to count, then you too should pass.
  бить себя в грудь образно - (из-за чего-л): He's an angry, frightened, brilliant young man, who was dealt a shit hand of cards when he was born. We can all beat our breasts about it, and analyze the who, the how and the why to death - or he can move on and decide how he wants to live.;
  - (ни к чему б.с. в г. из-за прошлого): there's no point in breast-beating about the past
  бич - the Vikings were the scourge of Christian lands in the 9th and
  10th centuries
  - (в этой профессии пьянство - настоящий бич): most lawyers drink like fish, and the profession is plagued with alcoholism;
  - (диссидентов): the Party theoretician, the scourge of dissidents;
  - (понос был б-ом образно): in a land where toilet facilities were not excessive, diarrhea was a scourge;
  - (текучесть кадров - б. игорного бизнеса): employee turnover is the bane of the gaming industry because it drains casinos' resources and hinders delivery of quality customer service
  благовоспитанность - impertinent: contrary to or offending against, the rules of propriety or good breeding
  благовоспитанный - Captain V. reported that I was a well-behaved Jew who would be a credit to the country;
  - he remained quiet, well-behaved and aloof;
  - the film tells the tale of a well-brought-up rat in London who is, as the title suggests, flushed into the sewers and plunged into a struggle for survival
  благоговейно - (смотреть на что-л): I stared in awe at the dome of the huge cathedral;
  - (смотреть на кого-л): she gazed at the prince worshipfully
  благоговейный страх / трепет / ужас - (испытывать б. у. перед перспективой играть с лучшей в мире теннисисткой): she was overawed by the prospect of playing against the world number one tennis player;
  - (навевающие б. страх): the awe-inspiring burial chambers of the graves
  благоговение - (внушающая б. музыка): Bach's awe-inspiring music;
  - (вызывать чувство б-я): the older Mass, many agree, has such beauty and elicits such a sense of awe that, over time, it will triumph;
  - Mao's pronouncements were cited with awe;
  - he recorded the old myths with awe and enthusiasm; - the subordinate watched his superior officer with awe;
  - I watched great events unfold on the screen with an abiding sense of awe
  благоговеть (перед кем-л) - she worked her heart out for the Senator, whom she revered;
  - he's still in awe of important people;
  - Mendelssohn was in awe of Bach from the first moment he heard his music;
  - The judge's ruling was incredibly outside the norm and outrageous. The court seemed in awe of the congressman, like they had decided to do everything to help him out.;
  - (перед начальством): don't be overawed by people in authority, however important they are;
  - (перед правительством): Don't be awed by the government
  благодать - (слова, исполненные красоты и б-ти): the words of unusual beauty and grace
  благодушие - (с него слетело б.): he had dropped his bonhomie
  благожелательность - he did it with the most skilful benignity;
  - an interchange of civilities keeps alive good will;
  - he maintained the façade of amiability and bonhomie
  благожелательный - (выражение лица): G.B., United States Attorney for the southern district of the state, generally wore a benign expression that seemed incongruous to anyone who had ever seen him in action at the trial;
  - (лицо приняло выражение б-ого лукавства): his face reassumed its normal look of benevolent cunning;
  - (т.е. люди): most of the guests are trial lawyers, an amiable group by nature;
  - (человек): he had always thought of him as a kindly figure, a little blustering, a little pompous, but essentially good-natured
  благонамеренный - (бюрократы): good-willed but ignorant bureaucrats
  - (б. богатый бездельник): B.W., a well-intentioned, wealthy layabout, has a habit of getting himself into trouble and it's up to his brilliant valet to get him out;
  - (дурак): a well-meaning fool
  благонравный - (ребёнок): orderly child
  благопристойно - (есть): he ate decorously, using a lot of paper napkins to preserve the cleanliness of his fingers
  благопристойность - (хоть бы для б-ти они оделись нормально): they'd better have the decency to put in normal clothes
  благопристойный - (внешне б-ая объективность): they were determined to see their side's victory, though they attempted to disguise it under a decent pretense of sportsmanship;
  - (письма женщин георгианской эпохи): dreary, decorous letters by Georgian women
  благоразумие - a senior diplomat of great sagacity;
  - in you sanity is personified;
  - his wisdom, his good judgment and his wide knowledge;
  - he was noted for dealing with these cases with discretion;
  - (мы имеем свободу слова и свободу совести и б., чтобы не пользоваться ни тем, ни другим): it is by the goodness of God that in our country we those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either;
  - much prudence is necessary to reproduce reverence for the government
  благоразумно - (было бы б. согласиться, антоним - impolitic): it would be politic to agree with him;
  - (вести себя, о судьях в присутствии судебного репортёра): judges miraculously act more judiciously when they know they're being put on the record by a court reporter;
  - (ответить): "Are you seriously ordering me to fly into the heart of Russia?" he demanded truculently. "No, colonel," said B. reasonably.;
  - (предостеречь): "Father, may I ask you the last boon?" "Not too sweeping," he cautioned in prudence
  благоразумный - (будем благоразумны): Let's be sensible and slow global warming down;
  - (Будь благоразумна. Не выходи из себя.): Be sensible. Don't lose your temper.;
  - (выглядеть б-ым): he was doing his best to appear wise and prudent;
  - (люди): otherwise highly intelligent and rational people lose their grasp of reality when the subject is home prices;
  - (поступок): well-advised action;
  - (речь): the British Foreign Secretary made an eminently sensible speech;
  - (человек): well-advised man;
  - (человек): he was too prudent to indulge this weakness;
  - (это было б-о с вашей стороны): it was thoughtful of you;
  - (человек): the intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything
  благородно - (поступать, когла они поступают низко, поступай б.): when they go low, you go high
  благородный - (занимать б-ое положение, об искусстве): in Milan, art no longer enjoyed the exalted status it once had;
  - (малый): he was a chivalrous fellow whose conscious loyalties were determined by his affections;
  - (негодование): righteous indignation;
  - (неодобрение): the owl clicked her beak with a sort of dignified disapproval;
  - (обязательства): he was suspicious of any foreign policy rooted in missionary zeal, which he felt would cause us to drift into commitments "which though generous in content, are so far reaching as to exceed even America's great capacities.";
  - (он пытается с б-ым видом говорить о невмешательстве во внутренние дела других стран): he is trying to sound high-minded about keeping out of the internal affairs of other countries;
  - (осанка): Adonijah was renowned for his princely stature and his aspiring ambition;
  - (поступки): her noblest and most praiseworthy deeds;
  - (поступок, ваш б-ый п. достоин восхищения): your chivalry is admirable;
  - (принципы): the lofty principles embodied in the United Nations Charter;
  - (сердце): if ever you have need of noble heart and steady sinew, call upon Sir C.;
  - (характер): sterling character;
  - (цели): noble goals and lofty ideas can be utilized for particular purposes;
  - (цели): at most colleges, more than 90 percent of private donations come from a small segment of wealthy alumni, in large gifts that are almost always earmarked for a lofty purpose, like a new academic building or endowed chair;
  - (цели): research is important, but education and teaching of students are undoubtedly another of the lofty objectives of universities;
  - (человек): he is an honorable man, and he will wish to repay his debt;
  - (человек): a man of honour;
  - (человек): gentle and extraordinarily suave, he exemplified in his bearings the virtues of his people;
  - (я считал его поведение б-ым): I found him dignified in bearing
  благосклонно - he President graciously accompanied me on these excursions;
  - (отнестись к чему-л, в.л. император б. отнесётся к нашим вольностям с его деньгами): I hardly think the Emperor would take >kindly to us making free with his currency;
  - (принять извинения): I give her an apology which she accepts graciously;
  - (смотреть на что-л): the Spanish king looked with favor upon this war
  благосклонность - (завоевать / приобрести б. правящей элиты): there is little evidence that the columnist adopts positions only to gain favor with "establishment elites";
  - (споры шли из-за б-ти дамы): these arguments were not over money or some business disagreement, but over a lady's favours
  благосклонный - (судьба благосклонна к кому-л): the odds favor the candidate;
  - (судьба не была благосклонна к его планам): but Fate was not kind to his plans
  благостный - (дряхлый б. старичок): a frail beatific old man
  благочестивый - (вздор): his words are pious humbug;
  - (взрослый человек): This is an original work of adult literature. If you are a pious self-righteous adult burdened by a repressive religious upbringing and sexual hang-ups too numerous to count, then you too should pass.;
  - (еврей, т.е. соблюдающий обряды): observant Jew;
  - (мусульманин / христианин, т.е. искренне верующий): a devout Christian / Muslim
  благочестие - (картина проникнута б-ем): the painting is permeated with piety;
  - an assembly of men handpicked for their piety
  блаженный - (забытьё): he was kissing her back, and it was blissful oblivion
  - (неведение, в б-ом н-и): Little's Law seems to indicate if we can significantly reduce cycle time, we get a lot of control over throughput volume and work in progress, and this is correct (within the physical limitations of each operation). Sadly, a common outcome from this revelation is that corporations, blissful in their ignorance, lowered targets for cycle time;
  - (неведение, пребывающий в б-ом н-и): Predators drive splinters of the giant sardine shoal ashore. When a shoal splinter is driven inshore sharks may well follow into uncharacteristically shallow water and pose a real threat to blissfully unaware paddlers scooping up bucketsful of snacks-to-be;
  - (неведение, пребывать в б-ом н-и): most investors are blissfully unaware of how much they are paying for the privilege of owning a mutual fund;
  - (первые весенние дни): in the wake of blissful first days of spring;
  - (собор Василия Блаженного): the Cathedral, originally called the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, later became known as the Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed;
  - (улыбка): I turned around to look at the young man, across whose face had come a beatific smile;
  - (т.е. юродивый): смотри ниже
  блаженный (т.е. юродивый) - Foolishness for Christ refers to behavior such as giving up all one's worldly possessions upon joining a monastic order. It can also refer to deliberate flouting of society's conventions to serve a religious purpose - particularly of Christianity. Such individuals were known as both "holy fools" and "blessed fools." The term "blessed" connotes both feeblemindedness and innocence in the eyes of God.;
  - certain prophets of the Old Testament who exhibited signs of strange behaviour are considered by some scholars to be predecessors of "fools for Christ";
  - the yurodivy is a holy fool, one who acts intentionally foolish in the eyes of men;
  - some characteristics that were commonly seen in holy fools were going around half-naked, being homeless, speaking in riddles, being believed to be clairvoyant and a prophet, and occasionally being disruptive and challenging to the point of seeming immoral (though always to make a point)
  блаженство - (наслаждаться б-ом): the bliss the couple must have enjoyed before the shadow of a sullen, disaffected prince (Hamlet) fell across their Eden
  блаженствовать - (лицо блаженствовало в тёплой воде, т.е. для бритья): my face luxuriated in the soothing water
  блат - (администрацию обвинили в б-е): the administration was charged with amateurism and cronyism due to the fact that a White House employee who was one of the President's distant relatives and had experience making travel arrangements, was temporarily put in charge of the revamped travel office;
  - (без отцовского б-а этого идиота не взяли бы и туалеты чистить): without his father's clout that jerk couldn't get a job cleaning toilets;
  - (б. в Советском Союзе ничем не отличается от б-а в других местах): his career had flourished, for he had an uncle high in the Red Army, and patronage is no different in the Soviet Union than anywhere else;
  - (вести войну с коррупцией и б-ом): he had the genuine conviction that he was the people's champion come to wage war on corruption and patronage;
  - (получить по б-у назначение на работу): wangling his assignment for Nippon Electric Company had been difficult enough;
  - (такой дом не заиметь без б-а): nobody here's got an 8-room house, not unless that he's got a fix color=orange>slangin somewhere
  блатной разг - (т.е. влиятельный, придурок с б-ым папой): he might be a young jerk riding on his papa's coattails AmE infml, but that didn't make him any the less a Parker and Parkers owned one of the biggest real estate / building management companies in Manhattan;
  - (капитализм): All this is just more transfer of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. It's being done under the guise of "stimulus" and ambiguous terms like "quantitative easing", but make no mistake about it, it's just more of the same ripping off of the public and crony capitalism.
  блин - (т.е. эвфемизм матерного восклицания, мы, б., так заняты..., что...): we're so frigging busy arguing about who's going to put in what share that we don't do anything
  блистательный - (актриса в роли Федры): as Racine's Phedre the actress was coruscating;
  - (мир книгоиздателей): editorial associate or assistant is the entry-level job, typically taken by a Smith graduate with a B.A. or M.A. in English who wants to be part of the glamorous publishing world
  блуд - fornication
  блудник - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters;
  - Fornicators and cupshotten ne"er-do-wells? English aristocracy may not take to such a description. However true it may be.;
  - they condemned their neighbours as whoremongers, thieves and worse
  блудный сын - wayward son;
  - the parable of the prodigal son
  блудодей - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters;
  - Fornicators and cupshotten ne"er-do-wells? English aristocracy may not take to such a description. However true it may be.
  блюдолиз - suck-up
  богобоязненный - (граждане): god-fearing and law-abiding citizens;
  - (человек): I am a God-fearing man
  богомерзкий - (существо): the demon of evil, the grim wight unholywith his fierce ravening, greedily grasped them, seized in their slumbering thirty right manly thanes
  богоотступник - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters;
  боготворить - (аспиранты боготворят своих руководителей): first-year graduate students often idolize their advisers;
  - (кого-л): she worked her heart out for the Senator, whom she revered;
  - (кого-л): before her dramatic fall from grace, Al hero-worshipped M.P.
  - (кого-л): he was deeply in awe of Harry
  богохульник - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters
  богохульствовать - (материться и б.): if your account is turned over to a collection agency for non-payment, a bill collector cannot use obscene or profane language without identifying him or herself as a bill collector
  бодрить - (ничто так не бодрит, как глоток свежего воздуха): a breath of fresh air - nothing like it to tone up the system;
  - (о морском воздухе): this sea air is most exhilarating
  бодро - (позвать): "I poured the tea, boys!" R.'s mom called cheerily;
  - (помахать кому-л): he gave them a cheery wave and left
  бодрость - he hid his keen brain behind mannerisms of great cheerfulness
  бодрый - (голос): his voice sounded falsely bright and cheery;
  - (голоса): then came the hearty voices of strong men saying, "Keep up, keep up! For help is coming, it is close beside you.";
  - (откровенность): his candor is bold and bracing;
  - (собрание): an upbeat rally is not appropriate at this time;
  - (письма): He never complains. His letters are always upbeat;
  - (письма): I wrote my Dad a few bogusly cheerful letters;
  - (проснуться б-ым и готовым начать новый день): those were 7 hours of solid slumber, allowing me to wake perky and primed for the new day;
  - (человек): one moment I am cheerful and the next I am complaining about everything;
  - (т.е. человек): he no longer looked buoyant and rosy-faced;
  - (т.е. человек): he's 81, but still sprightly;
  - (б-ым шагом): he set off at a brisk walk down the lane
  бодряческий - (отношение / подход): There are, of course, those who believe that our ability to meet our future energy needs will be far easier than I've posited here. But I remain convinced that the process is riskier and more subject to potential failure than the optimists' whistling-past-the-graveyard approach would indicate.
  бодрячество - he hid his keen brain behind mannerisms of great cheerfulness;
  - (он энергичен, но без противного б-а): he is eager without being obnoxiously chipper
  бодрячок - (он изображал меня как б-чка, прокладывающего себе путь в беспокойное время): he portrayed me as an establishment backslapper gliding his way through the turmoil of the time
  бодрящий - (воздух): cold bracing air;
  - (температура): he was one of the breed of stalwarts who thought 20 degrees was a bracing temperature and believed that only sissies complained about the cold
  боевитый - he isn't forceful enough to make a good leader;
  - (адвокат): feisty, sharp-tongued trial lawyer who had been serving as deputy chief of the Public Integrity Section;
  - (человек): he (Clinton's aide) was smart, funny, combative and effective
  Боже мой! - Good Lord!;
  - (т.е. возмущение): Oh God, has this awful woman not humiliated this man enough?;
  - (т.е. возмущение): Oh, heavens! You Americans are such prudes!;
  - (т.е. изумление): Jesus! / Jesus Christ! Who'd have ever thought that!;
  - good heavens BrE how awful
  Боже упаси! (т.е. категорическое отрицание) - what if, God forbid, my husband were on an aeroplane blown up by suicide bombers?;
  - imagine, God forbid, that your boss just cut your salary by 25 percent because business is bad;
  - (Б.у. чтобы мы, простые люди в чём-нибудь противоречили благословенной леди Мэри): heaven forfend we lowly folk should do anything to contradict the blessed Lady Mary!;
  - forbid it, Almighty God!;
  - "Despite appearances to the contrary it shouldn't be any way construed as a political gathering." "Well, naturally. Perish the thought.";
  - "But you were never close to P.? Not a cousin, I mean?" "For Heaven's sake."
  бой-баба - many pushy broads AmE slang live for their careers and will do whatever-it-takes to get ahead in the corporate world
  бойкий - (девушка): she has a limited repertoire of facial expressions: cute and pouty; cute and sultry; perky and interested; smiling and receptive; cute and spacy;
  - (комедия): spry comedy;
  - (речь): glib talk;
  - (розничные торговцы): sassy, youth-orientated retailers were coming on the scene;
  - (сперма): the test showed that his sperm was perky;
  - (торговля государственными ценными бумагами): there has been heavy trading in government securities;
  - (человек): his alert son
  бойко - (вести себя, почти весь вечер она, как обычно, вела с.б.): during most of the night she kept her usual wisecracking and her sassy veneer;
  - (надетые набекрень каски): their steel helmets tipped saucily awry to suggest a lack of discipline;
  - (посмотреть на кого-л): she smiled pertly at him, her eyes knowing;
  - (торговля в деревенском трактире шла б.): the village pub did a roaring trade that night;
  - (у всех торговля шла б.): all were doing brisk trade
  бойкость - the teacher stood before them, all the jauntiness she had shown at the beginning of the lesson gone
  болван - some bonehead trumped up some security charges against him - turned out they were all bullshit;
  - (каждый б. с журналистским удостоверением): every jackass infml in the world with press credentials wants to know when we're going to find the killer;
  - (б-ы и тупицы): the dunces and dolts drew the comfortable districts with no threats and lots of equipment to deal with them;
  - (распутный б.): lecherous dolt;
  - He is an airhead. He doesn't have an original thought of his own.;
  - that lunkhead sergeant treated her like she was a child;
  - I expected cut and thrust, and if the "shut up" and "pinhead" seemed like elementary-school invective, well, that was apparently part of his shtick;
  - it's not polite to call your brother a stupid oaf;
  - the president was not about to be outprayed by these saps AmE slang;
  - (т.е. частный ученик): he's one of my dunderheads, I still teach
  болезненно - (американцы ревностно, б.-непримиримо оберегают свои права): Americans jealously, even obsessively guard their rights;
  - (застенчивый): the painfully shy R. was a poor speaker;
  - (б. измождённое лицо): his face still looked unhealthily drawn;
  - (относиться к чему-л): he was touchy about the fact that his wife had much more money than he did;
  - (переживать обиду): he was often left out of youth clubs because of his mixed lineage (an aristocratic father married to a shopkeeper's daughter), a grudge he bore sorely;
  - (bпереживать что-л): Ehrlichmann, smarting under the media's tendency to contrast me favorably with "the Germans", tended to give me a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (хотеть самоутвердиться): the boy was painfully eager to prove himself
  болезненность - (при травме шеи): Whiplash can cause symptoms which last up to several months, including neck pain, stiffness and tenderness, back pain, headaches and loss of movement.
  болезненный - (влияние на общественное мнение: if the news ever get out, the effect on popular opinion would be traumatic;
  - (воспоминания были ещё болезненны): the memory still smarted;
  - (нанести б. удар): Parliament landed a stinging blow with a passage of the Sugar Act;
  - (ребёнок): the boy is so sickly that the nurse is afraid to bathe him in cold water;
  - (реорганизация): to pursue a painful restructuring of the financial system;
  - (серьёзность): she looked at him with a painful childlike solemnity;
  - (смерть): her death would be quick but extremely painful;
  - (т.е. укусы пчёл, отёчность с укусов сошла, но они ещё болезненны): my stings are deflated but still tender;
  - (улыбка): he forced his face into a painful smile;
  - (хирургическая операция): the surgery he needed to reattach his quadriceps tendon to the top of his kneecap was painful
  болельщик - (автоклуба): the motoring club, of which he was a keen supporter;
  - (закоренелые б-и Unix): die-hard Unix fans
  болеть - (болит?): does it hurt?;
  - (голова болит у кого-л): he made an excuse that he had a headache and wished to stay in his room;
  - (мышцы болели у кого-л): his muscles ached;
  - (рука тупо болела): my arm still ached dully;
  - (спина / позвоночник болит у кого-л): I have a bad back;
  - (у меня всё болит): I'm aching all over;
  - (у него болел живот): he had abdominal pain
  болтливость - (он был наделён даром б-ти): she listened for a good 20 minutes to the rundown of his summer, ruefully reminding herself that he had always been blessed with the gift of gab;
  - (б. одержала верх над старанием сдерживаться): his talkative nature won out over any impulse to discretion
  болтливый - (зануды): the meeting went on for hours, accommodating loquacious fml bores who were each allowed their say;
  - (особа): she's a lively, talkative person;
  - (как сорока): he was as garrulous as a magpie;
  - (петушок / хвастун): garrulous rooster / boaster;
  - That's the thing about a lot of northerners. They think they're droll but mostly they're gobby slang and annoying.
  болтовня - he called the assertion that Germans knew of the Holocaust "American prattle";
  - I have no reason to believe that your views are anything other than bilge infml;
  - all this ex-policeman story may be bunkum infml;
  - the round-the clock blather on the talk shows;
  - they chattered their usual scatter-brained gibberish to one another;
  - (оставьте б-ю на конец встречи): Business folk are generally too busy to talk about the weather. My suggestion: keep it brief and to the point. Save the banter for the end of the meeting, if there is any time left.;
  - ([пустая], прекратить п-ую б-ню и перейти к сути дела): apparently they both felt the awkwardness - H. finally decided to cut through the chitchat and straight to the heart of the matter;
  - (сентиментальная): someone's been filling your head with a lot of sentimental claptrap about the so-called war crimes and suchlike
  болтология - I've listened to you and your twisted mouthings till I'm sick to my guts
  болтун / болтунья - in a room full of flamboyant egos, where everyone was the greatest lawyer God created, the most obnoxious windbag was V.B.;
  - (б. - находка для врага, т.е. эквивалентная надпись на плакате времён Второй мировой войны): careless talk costs lives;
  - (б. - находка для врага): a tattler is worse than a thief;
  - the forces of the far-out right (Fox television's yackety-yackers, just-say-no GOP know-nothings, tea-bag howlers, et al.);
  - I was always in trouble at school for being a chatterbox;
  - she keeps talking all the time, she's a chatterbox
  боль - (в груди / в спине): chest / back pain;
  - (душевная): to ensure the cohesion and self-assurance in America for such a world role had been the preeminent purpose of the policies - and sometimes the anguish - of Nixon's second term;
  - (душевная, притупить д-ую б.): he had always used alcohol to numb his heartache;
  - your pain is awful;
  - (выть от боли): he was howling with pain;
  - (мышечные боли): initial symptoms are chills and muscle aches;
  - (он почувствовал резкую б. в шраме): his scar gave a painful twinge;
  - (у него были боли в животе): he had abdominal pain
  больно - (т.е. морально): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. физически): смотри ниже
  больно (т.е. морально) - (было б. понимать, что...): it has been painful to grasp that we were no longer pristine;
  - (ей было б. видеть, что он дошёл до такого состояния): He was abed, haggard, flesh pale and clammy. He had been a strong man, and proud. It hurt her to see him reduced to this.;
  - (мне было б., что моя партия разваливалась): I was heartsick that my party was disintegrating before my eyes;
  - (мне было б. потерять его, т.е. хорошего сотрудника): I was heartsick about losing him;
  - (ранить, об обвинениях): her accusation of cowardice stung him badly
  больно (т.е. физически) - (бить так, чтобы не оставалось следов, но было б.): he was hit on the body in such a way that this did not leave many marks but was nevertheless very painful;
  - (ему было б. от одной мысли о предстоящем слушании): he could lie on his bed for an hour at a time, staring dazedly into space, aching at the thought of the hearing;
  - (ему было очень б. ходить): D., who said he was in too much pain to walk, appeared in a wheelchair;
  - (когда станет б.): he squeals when it starts to hurt;
  - (кольнуть, о шраме): his scar gave a painful twinge;
  - (очень б.?): does it hurt much?;
  - (тебе б.): I know you're hurt and your pain is awful;
  - (тебе б.?): does it hurt?;
  - (тебе б.?): are you still sore?;
  - (саднить): the cuts on his face were burning raw
  больной - (в б-ом воображении некоторых): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange.;
  - (вопрос): a thorny point;
  - (вопрос, задеть б. вопрос для кого-л): "..." I responded, touching a sore point with the old man;
  - (горло): a sore throat;
  - (даже б-ому нельзя пропускать молитвы): in strict doctrine, the five daily prayers cannot be waived even for the sick;
  - (место, задеть б-ое место кого-л): "..." I responded, touching a sore point with the old man;
  - (место, задеть б.м.): the reporter has unwittingly touched a nerve;
  - (нога): it was his bad leg that woke him, it was paining him worse than ever in his old age;
  - (он болен): he is ill;
  - (он был болен раком): until recently he had suffered from cancer;
  - (т.е. пациент): that patient had no visitors;
  - (т.е. пациент): the patient was adjudged fit to be transferred by ambulance for convalescence at the clinic;
  - ( люди <б>с б. печенью): hepatically impaired persons;
  - (пока он был болен): the class burst at once into an explosion of complaints about S.'s behavior while the teacher had been ill;
  - (прививки заключались во взятии вещества из волдыря б-ого, т.е. оспой): inoculations consisted of taking matter from the blisters of a sufferer and...;
  - (умение обращаться с больными): I was impressed by his skill in handling sick people;
  - (человек): a sick man;
  - (человек): the bacterium can be deadly to sick and weakened people
  боязливо - (кивнуть): slowly, tremulously, he nodded
  - (подойти): the man advanced timorously lit to the end of the table, and stood waiting, his sweat-damp report in his hands;
  - (сказать): "You, boy," she said suddenly to N., who almost toppled off his pouf. "Is your grandmother well?" "I think so," said N. tremulously
  боязливый - the apprehensive man tried to piece out clear memory from terror
  боязнь - (бедности): like so many who grew up in the Depression, his fear of poverty colored his life;
  - (воды): hydrophoby: аn abnormal dread of water, said to be a symptom of canine madness;
  - (замкнутого пространства): have you ever had claustrophobia (fear of closed-in places)?;
  - in their origins the eating clubs were quite innocent, and it was only later that the situation radically altered: inspiring in underclassmen a frenzy of anxiety and apprehension at "bicker" - "pledge week" - as to who would be invited to join which club, and who would not be invited to join any club at all
  бояться - (боясь навязываться): women may not make requests for fear of imposing themselves;
  - (боясь, что за ним следят): then, noticeably fearful that his interviewers have been followed by Sudanese troops, he and his men abruptly slip into the wide Sahara;
  - (боясь, что может потерять сознание): she kept looking at him sideways, as though frightened he might collapse again;
  - (боясь, чтобы случайно не ударили): they were dancing so exuberantly that people around them were backing away in fear of injury;
  - (водить автомобиль после аварии): I was very nervous about driving again after the accident;
  - (за свою безопасность): the Russian journalists working for the BBC in Moscow were fearful for their safety if the story (of the poisoning of a former FSB agent) continued to dominate the headlines;
  - (избежать того, чего они боятся): men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire;
  - (каймановые черепахи боятся людей): in water, snappers are shy of humans and will swim away quietly;
  - (кого-л): they are afraid of her;
  - (кого-л до смерти): neighborhood children all around were terrified at him;
  - (магии): people were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times;
  - (министр боялся нападения): the minister feared an assault;
  - (многие боятся, что): many fear that traditional Dutch tolerance is under threat;
  - (некоторые боятся, что если отключить водопровод, то сточные воды попадут в грунтовые воды): some worry that if the city starts disconnecting water supplies, effluent will find its way into the water table;
  - (панически / страшно б. потерять волосы): I am terrified to lose my hair;
  - (призыва на военную службу): he fled Afghanistan because he was afraid of conscription;
  - (сделать что-л): to be afraid to do something;
  - (темноты): he was frightened of the dark;
  - (того, что банк будет брать лишние деньги, если он перейдёт на обслуживание по карточке): the Hispanic immigrant worries most that he will be overcharged by the banks if he goes electronic;
  - (чего-л): he dreaded the moment when she would ask him to recount his vision;
  - (что дело срочное): fearing the matter might be urgent, he reported it to the police;
  - (боюсь, что не знаю): I'm afraid I've really no idea at all;
  - (что расходы превысят 10 млрд): some officials feared the final cost of putting on the Olympics might surpass $10 billion;
  - (щекотки): I am very ticklish;
  - (я страшно боялся): I was terrified they would desert me the moment they found out what I was
  бравада - (за б-ой скрывается ранимый ребёнок): she acts so grown-up; smart-mouthed and sassy, but beneath the bravado is a hurt child
  бранить - (кого-л за что-л): his mouth set in an impatient scowl, like he was ready to bawl me out infml for my sarcasm;
  - (кого-л за что-л): she chided him about going in to the desert;
  - he appeared to have mislaid his booklist and was being told off by his mother
  браниться - (из-за проигрыша): he showed up to play every day invariably cursing and stomping off if he started losing;
  - (милые бранятся - только тешатся): lovers' tiffs are harmless
  брань - (на уровне начальной школы): I expected cut and thrust, and if the "shut up" and "pinhead" seemed like elementary-school invective, well, that was apparently part of his shtick;
  - (ответить б-ю): The officer instructed L. that the bar was a crime scene and that no one could enter or remove anything from the bar. At this point, L. responded to the officer with expletives.
  брататься - (с врагом): you're fraternizing with the enemy
  бред - (в б-у): in delirium she was trying to recall her First Communion;
  - (как в б-у): he began to speak uncontrollably as if in delirium;
  - (собачий, т.е. глупая теория): "How did you take to his theory? How did the idea strike you, overall?" "Damn silly. Poppycock.";
  - (сумасшедшего): a scene to beggar the ravings of a lunatic;
  - (сумасшедшего): she began to discount everything that he said because the rest was the raving of a lunatic;
  - (это б.): despite Gingrich's constant claim that he - hand in hand with Ronald Reagan - lassoed big government and won the Cold War, this is delusional.
  бредить - He has a very high fever. He's delirious.;
  - (он так на меня смотрел, словно я бредила): he stared at me as if I were raving;
  - (ты бредишь): you are raving;
  - (чистотой расы): he was raving about the purity of the race
  бредни - I have no reason to believe that your views are anything other than bilge infml;
  - do let's hear the latest cock-and-bull story designed to pull him out of trouble!
  бредовый - (идея): смотри ниже;
  - (инвестирование): that was a motto of the Internet bubble, the heyday of delusional investing;
  - (фантазии): despite the fevered fantasies of jihadists around the world, the Crusades of the history books are definitely over;
  - (фильм): delusional films
  бредовый (идея) - it seemed an insane idea;
  - the researcher presented a crazy, compelling idea;
  - (самая б-ая идея, которая когда-л...): as wild an idea as ever controverted common sense;
  - for half a century now, Hollywood has promoted the delusional idea of American exceptionalism, professing that the United States is "the Greatest Country" in the world
  бредящий - to check the delirious man for communicable diseases
  брезгливо - (вытереть жир с кинжала):fastidiously wiping the meat grease from his dagger
  брезгливость - (т.е. отказ использовать компромат на соперника в предвыборной борьбе): He paid for his scruples, or his squeamishness (the refusal to use compromising information against his adversary). He lost the election by 500000 votes;
  - (преодолеть свою б.): Suppose he were to come across a bloated dead body in one of those rooms. But he overcame his squeamishness and forced himself to continue his journey toward its goal.
  брезгливый - (слишком брезглив, чтобы есть пальцами): he is too fastidious to eat with her fingers
  брезговать - (брезгуете политикой / брезгуете встревать в ожесточённые служебные отношения): Politics got you squeamish? Get off your high horse. [Are you] Squeamish about engaging in cutthroat office politics? Get off your high horse. While you cry about ethics, they eat your lunch.;
  - most companies are squeamish about hiring prison labor;
  - (Шекспир не брезговал вольничать с историей ради хорошего сюжета): Shakespeare was never above taking liberties with history in the service of a good story;
  -many cooks are squeamish about putting live shellfish into boiling water
  бросаться - (на всех, т.е. быть придирчивым / раздражительным): When you're in a bad mood and speak sharply to people they say, "He's in a very snappy mood today."
  бр-р - (т.е. возглас отвращения): Some animals provoke in us a reflexive ugh, yuck or eeww. They are, to put it bluntly, ugly animals.
  брюзга - (т.е. который всем недоволен): "I can't eat this meat - it's too tough." "You old fusspot BrE infml - give it here and I'll eat it!";
  - she was quite a crosspatch, but she was kind to me;
  - (т.е. который портит настроение другим): don't be such a killjoy;
  - (эксцентричный): there's a cranky curmudgeon working at the hospital who gives all the patients and other doctors flak (AKA Doctor House)
  брюзгливый - (голос): her peevish voice;
  - (настроение): I hate it when you are in a crotchety mood;
  - (речь): he addressed me in a deprived and snappish monotone
  брюзжание - (избирателей): the mayor has grown accustomed to the constant carping of her constituents
  брюзжать - he groused to friends that...;
  - "You can't smoke in here?" L. grunted annoyance. "The cap'n's a health Nazi. You gotta go aft to light up. Not even in chief's quarters," L. groused.;
  - he keeps nattering and complaining all the time without letup
  будоражить - (кампания террора будоражит страну): a campaign of terror roils the country;
  - (радикалы будоражили Китай): the leaders of the radical faction were stirring up China
  буйный - (идеализм): the exuberant idealism of the Kennedy Administration;
  - (краски): his paintings were full of exuberant colour;
  - (люди): violent people, these Americans, mark my words, violent people;
  - (люди): the Afghans are excessively turbulent and unsubmissive to law or discipline;
  - (материализм): rampant materialism;
  - (настроение): she was in a violent temper and began throwing things about;
  - (подростки): applying the Brady law's prohibition on gun ownership to violent juveniles;
  - (подростки): a correctional institution set up to deal with unruly teenagers;
  - (поросль): a leafless tree amid the summer's lush growth;
  - (поросшая б-ой зеленью долина): he squinted out at the lush green valley rising to snowcapped peaks all around him;
  - (рабы): violent or recalcitrant slaves were beaten senseless;
  - (растительность): lush tropical vegetation;
  - (ребёнок): would you rather have an unruly child or a emotionless automaton?;
  - (рост): the exuberant growth of tropical rain forest;
  - (сумасшедший): the madman was violent and had to be locked up;
  - (ученики): initiatives to support mainstream schools in dealing with disaffected and disruptive pupils;
  - (ученики): activities related to work with disaffected and disruptive pupils;
  - (человек): rambunctious person;
  - (энергия): he radiated raw energy
  буквоедство - it may have been hairsplitting but to us it involved a point of honor
  бунтарь - (в книге рассказывается о проделках бесшабашного бунтаря, переведенного из трудового лагеря в сумасшедший дом): the story (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, a happy-go-lucky transferee from a prison work farm to a mental hospital;
  - (гениальный, т.е. о художнике): a firebrand genius;
  - (т.е. о художнике): this firebrand (Caravaggio) in breach of all accepted conventions painted the characters of his religious scenes as if they had just stepped out of his surroundings
  бурлить образно - (дом, где обычно бурлила деятельность): the house, usually bustling with activity, was strangely silent;
  - (в сценарии бурлят страсти): emotions are running high in the script
  - (деревня бурлила от потрясения, любопытства и плохо скрываемого возбуждения): the whole village had seethed with shocked curiosity and ill-disguised excitement
  бурлящий - (мир политики): the whirling world of politics
  буря в стакане образно- I think it's all a storm in a teacup BrE / a tempest in a teapot AmE - there's probably no danger to public health at all
  бухой жаргон (т.е. пьяный) - (завсегдатаи бара): I go to the bar, where half a dozen flushed and lumpy slang regulars fill the stools;
  - (чмыри): he wants to be one of the boozed up slangshit-kickers in the bar, living the simple life, drunk by midday and a kebab at closing time;
  - he said I was so plastered slangthese days I didn't know fact from fiction
  бушевать образно- (в сценарии бушуют страсти): emotions are running high in the script;
  - (дебаты бушевали в Ирландии): debate raged in Ireland about what choices women should be allowed to make, especially in the realm of family life;
  буян - (неисправимые б-ы): this is the isolation wing where sex offenders, ponces, prison snitches and the incorrigibly violent are separated from the general prison population;
  - (сквернослов и б.): You and your cheap sneering, and your self-importance, and your always judging others by yourself. You're a cheap dirty-mouthed bully.;
  - (стража забрала нескольких самых явных б-ов): the Watch took off a few of the more obvious ruffians;
  - the court was normally in session only on Monday mornings, to deal with the weekend crop of drunk drivers, brawlers, speeders and so on;
  - with all his wealth and titles, he remained a roughneck
  буянить - (он опьянел и стал б. от глотка виски): he got drunk and disorderly on a drain of whiskey
  бьющий через край - (идеалы): the exuberant idealism of the Kennedy Administration
  быдло - (я слышал, о чём думает это б.): I heard what those low-lives were thinking - money... sex... money... sex...
  бюрократ - he was tired of the idiotic little procedures put in place by pencil pushers who read manuals on how to keep jails safe
  важничать - He was the son of the wealthiest man in town. Occasionally, some independent urchin would bristle with democratic spirit, and tell him to his face that he was "stuck up," and that he hadn't so much more to be proud of than other folks.;
  - (ему нравилось временами поважничать): The boy was really pleasant and generous-hearted, and had no mind, in the long run, for lonely state and disagreeable haughtiness. He enjoyed being lordly once in a while, that was all.;
  - the children thought the boy was stuck up and snobby
  важно - (выступать): 12 men in all, the chief himself strutting in the lead;
  - (глотнуть кофе): He was passing hundred-dollar bills through an electronic money-detector and totting up his findings on abacus. Occasionally he paused to take a portentous gulp of coffee;
  - (ерошить перья): the owl ruffled its feathers importantly;
  - (идти): he came bustling importantly through the crowd;
  - (расхаживать): a chicken was strutting in the station platform;
  - (сказать): "I think you've got enough to be getting on with at the moment," she said loftily.
  вакханалия - a fully nude onstage bacchanal, from which my mother had averted her gaze
  валять дурака - stop playing silly buggers and come down off the roof;
  - they were too busy playing silly buggers to get the job completed in time;
  варвар - (кровожадные варвары-идолопоклонники): the German missionaries and priests who fought against pagan beliefs were seeking to show pagan Slavs as idolatrous, blood-thirsty barbarians;
  - (приходится иметь дело с в-ами): sometimes one must do business with barbarians
  варварский - (война): the war has grown more barbarous;
  - (действия / поступок): the barrel-bombing of Aleppo is the latest barbaric act of a regime that has committed torture and used chemical arms;
  - (деяние): the body of an American serviceman had been dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, an appalling act of barbarity orchestrated by the Somali warlord General M.A.;
  - (нападение): three villagers were hacked to death in a savage attack;
  - (поступок): a barbaric act;
  - (теракт): barbaric bombing
  варварство - the country will not yield to barbarism
  вдалбливать / вдолбить - (идею в кого-л): that idea was dinned into them
  вдохновение - the University hockey team lends inspiration to young skaters
  вдохновенно - (говорить): he spoke with inspiration; we felt that something great was opening before us
  вдохновитель - (ограбления): the mastermind behind the robbery
  вдохновить / вдохновлять - (воможности выбора не вдохновляют): all in all, it's not a very inspiring range of investment choices;
  - (он был вдохновлён результатами выборов): he seemed to be invigorated by the election results;
  - (профессор вдохновлял аспирантов): he was an inspiring mentor of numerous graduate students;
  - (студентов не вдохновляет учебный план): a lot of students get very bored by their subject because the curriculum just doesn't turn them on;
  - (университетская хоккейная команда вдохновляет юных конькобежцев): the University hockey team lends inspiration to young skaters;
  - ("Что вас вдохновляет?" "Любовь"): "What turns you on?" "Love." "What turns you off?" "Lies.";
  - it is operation that >inspires the thriller-writers;
  - inspired, no doubt, by Hamlet's line, "One may smile, and smile, and be a villain", C. displays a kind of manic wit and good-humoured attractiveness
  вдохновлённый - (он был вдохновлён афоризмом): he'd been somehow imbued with the dictum that a gentleman didn't kiss and tell;
  - (резные камни, вдохновлённые мифами): carved stones inspired by the pagan myths
  вдохновляющий - (книга): an authoritative and empowering book
  вдрызг - (напиться в. / пьяный в.): do you often spend an evening getting "smashed" at the bar?;
  - (напиться в.): if she were a grieving husband, we'd go to the pub and get rolling drunk;
  - (пьяныe): by 3:00 in the morning, everyone was under the table
  вдумчивость - being insightful is taking responsibility for the insight with which we approach everything
  вдумчивый - he was skillful, thoughtful, and indefatigable in organizing the voluminous material into manageable form;
  - being insightfulis taking responsibility for the insight with which we approach everything;
  - (взгляд карих глаз): thoughtful brown eyes;
  - (иметь в. склад ума): Muhammad appears to have been of a reflective turn of mind;
  - (люди): for many thoughtful, self-aware young men and women there were no easy answers
  вездесущий - God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient
  вежливо - (было бы вежливее его выпить): it would have been better manners to drink it;
  - (вести себя в.): when he called F. and T. for comment, on the record both were politic but behind the scenes they were livid;
  - (возразить): he urged J. to stay with him, but J. politely demurred;
  - (говорить что-л кому-л): I tell him affably, that's a bunch of crap;
  - (голландцы считают, что это в.): In the Netherlands, it is considered good manners to let the other person finish what he is saying. Dutch consider it polite.;
  - (заметить): the foreign minister pointed out as courteously as he could that all precedent indicated that...;
  - (не соглашаться): I hadn't altered my beliefs, but I respectfully disagreed with the convictions and passions of those who objected to the legislation;
  - (он вёл себя в.): of medium height and slender build, and soft-spoken in his demeanor, he nevertheless could annihilate a witness during cross-examination and accomplish it without ever raising his voice.;
  - (попросить): ask nicely and staff will let you try samples free of charge;
  - (сказать): "Good morning!" he said, politely.;
  - (сказать): "Can I say something?" "Certainly, H.," said L. courteously;
  - (сказать): "I know that it is for the Politburo to decide," T. replied blandly;
  - (улыбаться): he smiled blandly as he looked into her horrible eyes
  вежливость - (визит в-ти): ostensibly Britain's first woman premier was to address a major meeting of the English-speaking Union and take the opportunity of paying a courtesy call on the United States President;
  - (визит в-ти): she made a courtesy call to her father's palatial home, where he and his second wife were throwing a cocktail party;
  - (где их в.?): where is their sense of courtesy?;
  - (...где судно находилось с визитом в-ти в порту): from the Scottish port of L. where she had been on a courtesy visit the HMS Argyll put to sea;
  - (правила в-ти): the broadcast reporters in particular obey neither local ordinance nor the rules of common civility;
  - (свойственная страховым агентам): he had that sweet, affable nature that insurance men around the world acquire;
  - (...чем того требовала в.): his face was such a distraction that I tried not to look at it any more than courtesy absolutely demanded
  вежливый - (было бы вежливее, если бы вы поздоровались): it would be better manners to say hello;
  - (быть в-ым): when I called them for comment, on the record both were politic but behind the scenes they were livid;
  - (быть в-ым): It wouldn't hurt to ask how it's going with me. It wouldn't hurt to be civil.;
  - (быть в-ым с противником): Athletes" Code of Honor. I promise upon my word of honor that I will be courteous in work and demeanor to opponents, officials and spectators.;
  - (внешность): he hid a calculating intelligence behind a bland and seemingly ponderous exterior;
  - (обхождение): he had that sweet, affable nature that insurance men around the world acquire;
  - (остаться в-ым, несмотря на славу): the golfer remained affable and unspoiled despite his success;
  - (с кем-л): they are civil and nice to each other;
  - (т.е. с начальством): the director of central intelligence may have outranked him, but he was evidently in no mood to be polite;
  - (угроза): he responded with affable menace;
  - (улыбка): a courteous smile;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  вежливый (человек) - he was affable;
  - our hosts had been courteous;
  - he's suave, polished and charming;
  - he was courteous and considerate, but he definitely had his own ideas, and they weren't hers;
  - the Queen wanted her son to show up well and to be mannerly
  великодушие - (ей не чуждо в.): When people get in her way, she can be ruthless. But there's a generous side to Yvonne.;
  - (в. и добродушие не покидали его ни на миг): his great-hearted good nature never deserted him for a moment;
  - (он был известен своим в-ем): he was noted for his chivalry; at one occasion released his French captives simply because he had insufficient food to feed them;
  - by his contemporaries, however, Mohammed was admired for his courage, resoluteness, and impartiality, for a firmness that was tempered by generosity
  великодушно - (сказать): N. extended his hand and said generously "You are most welcome!"
  великодушный - (Бог великодушен): God is forgiving, compassionate;
  - (мальчик): the boy was really pleasant and generous-hearted;
  - (в-ая мать троих новорожденных медвежат, которая усыновила медвежонка постарше): a true story about a bear family - a big-hearted mother with three new cubs - who adopted a much older cub;
  - (муж): She was a crash or crash-through sort of girl, who took so many risks. Thankfully, she married someone like R. who was very forgiving.;
  - (т.е. по отношению к стране): our economy is chugging along rather nicely, we can afford to be a little magnanimous;
  - (человек): optimistic and generous, he toiled tirelessly and invested eagerly in every new project - mining, farming, real estate, a sawmill, a streetcar line
  великолепие - (правления короля): So great was Hrothgar's power that he longed for some outward sign of the magnificence of his sway
  великолепно - (вышитая мантия): magnificently embroidered robes;
  - (разбираться в международных реалиях): his grasp of international realities was masterly;
  - (вертолёт летел в.): the Blackhawk flew superbly, not at all like the earthquake-while-sitting-on-a-chandelier sensation usually associated with such contrivances;
  великолепный - (ветчина имеет в-ую окраску): he ham is gorgeously coloured;
  - (вино): the wine is superb;
  - (в-ым днём): on a gorgeous afternoon;
  - (животное, т.е. о коне): splendid beast;
  - (искусство верховой езды): I could well observe the fine horsemanship that M. exhibited;
  - (каньон): gorgeous canyon;
  - (конь): he was a superb horse;
  - (лёгкость): they rode horses with superb ease;
  - (литература): the splendid literature which survives from the Middle Ages;
  - (ожерелье): a superb three-string pearl collar with a cameo clasp;
  - (певица): the singer was magnificent with her booming voice;
  - (работа): he did a superb job of research on the energy crisis;
  - (роман): the novel struck me as brilliant;
  - ("В-ая семёрка", т.е. фильм): the Magnificent Seven;
  - (сутана папы): the massive oak doors opened, revealing the pontiff in his resplendent white cassock and cape;
  - (угощение): he began to eat a delicious feast;
  - (униформы): the Czarists Guards were elite units with resplendent uniforms, rigid training, and great traditions;
  - (фигура): she had a nice face and great figure;
  - (чугунные кованые ворота): a pair of magnificent wrought iron gates;
  - (шедевр шахматиста): a superb masterpiece by Kasparov
  величавый - (идти в-ым шагом): the procession moved through the mountain village at a stately pace;
  - (осанка): he always walked with a stately bearing;
  - (поступь): it was no more than a slur, a tiny imperfection in the determined rhythms of his portly march
  величественно - (встать): he drew himself up in a stately manner;
  - (махать рукой): he was waving his hand grandly at the alley;
  - (плыть, о судне): the ships sailed majestically up the Channel, keeping formation;
  - (произнести): he pronounced his name rather grandly
  величественный - (главный вход): the imposing main doorway;
  - (горы): the majestic Carpathian Mountains;
  - (деревья): stately trees;
  - (дом): when the House had still been kept and impressive;
  - (женщина): an imposing blond creature came forward; - (занавес): the lofty drape of the dais over the bed;
  - (здание): the grandest building for miles around;
  - (здания): imposing-looking buildings;
  - (здания): imperial buildings;
  - (колонны): stately columns;
  - (красноречие): the speech began to bore by its stately eloquence;
  - (крепость): a majestic fortress;
  - (неодобрение): the owl clicked her beak with a sort of dignified disapproval;
  - (обстановка комнаты): the beds and its (the room's) appointment were supposed to be imposing, to show representatives of foreign countries just how impressive the People's Republic of China was;
  - (обстановка театра): in the imposing surroundings of the Opera House;
  - (офис): the stately home office of the insurance company;
  - (парад): the majestic parade that still lives in local memory;
  - (поступь): it was no more than a tiny imperfection in the determined rhythms of his portly march;
  - (протокол, т.е. поведения президента): the president and his wife seem to resist understated traditional dress and reject stately protocol;
  - (фасад Лувра): the imposing façade of the Louvre;
  - (церковь): an imposing church
  вендетта - after these rebels launched lightning strikes in February 2003 against military and civilian targets across North Darfur, a surprised Khartoum unleashed Arab tribal militias as a line of defense. Viewing this as a carte blanche for vigilantism, these militias now pursue age-old vendettas
  вероломно - (они в. нарушают клятвы): the Afghans are unscrupulous in perjury
  вероломный - he is neglectful, irresponsible and disloyal;
  - (люди): the Afghans are treacherous, vain and insatiable;
  - (нечистая кровь вероломна): Speaking of the crimes of his bastard son he said: "Tainted blood is ever treacherous.";
  - (отребье / отродье / сброд): pirates were described as treacherous rabble, only held together by a common lust for riches;
  - (провокации неправительственных организаций): he ranted on about their (NGO's) duplicity and traitorous challenges to the state
  вероломство - when there is no understanding, respect, or trust, any compromise is seen as weakness and disloyalty;
  - (тиранов): the perfidy of tyrants
  вероотступник - they are a bunch of no-good apostates and blasphemers and murderer and fornicators and God-haters
  вероотступничество - backsliding
  вертихвостка / вертушка - (т.е. о женщине): flapper
  веселиться - (король пожелал фермерам в., т.е. на празднике): the King drank the quick national toast, and then was away after bidding the farmers to enjoy themselves and thanking them for another fruitful year;
  - (мы никогда в жизни так не веселились): we're having the time of our lives here;
  - (о зрителях): the spectators were reveling in the free form of it all;
  - (он здорово веселится): he's having a great time;
  - (они никогда в жизни так не веселились): they were looking as though they'd had the time of their lives;
  - (т.е. плясать и пировать): they danced and capered and feasted;
  - (т.е. участвовать в празднествах): will you make merry color=orange>old use with us?;
  - (я пошёл на эту работу не затем, чтобы в.): I liked my job, even on bad days. After all, I hadn't signed up to have a good time, but to change the country.
  весело - (болтать): he was chatting merrily to her;
  - (вести себя в., как всегда): his manner was as blithe as ever, but G. noticed that he wasted no words;
  - (вот будет в.!): what fun it will be!;
  - (выглядеть в. в жёлтом открытом платье): she looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress;
  - (дети лучше всего учатся, когда им в.): children learn best through having fun;
  - (засмеяться): I gave a sprightly laugh;
  - (играть): the children were playing merrily / blithely in the sandbox / in the snow;
  - (крикнуть): "Ahoy there!" he called happily;
  - (огонь в. потрескивавл в камине): a fire was crackling merrily in the grate;
  - (поднять хвост): the cat's bottlebrush tail was held jauntily high;
  - (позвать к столу): "I poured the tea, boys!" his mom called cheerily;
  - (позвякивать): the gold in his pocket was chinking merrily;
  - (потрескивать, об огне): a cheerfully crackling fire;
  - (потрескивать, об огне): a fire was crackling merrily in the grate;
  - (приветствовать кого-л): he saluted jovially at the customs man;
  - (с друзьями): "That might mean that we're here for Christmas." "The more, the merrier (merry).";
  - (с ней в.): she's intelligent, good-humoured, and fun to be around;
  - (смеяться): he laughed airily;
  - (улыбаться): she smiled brightly at him;
  - (улыбаться): he was smiling jovially;
  - (это может оказаться не так в.): owning a car cannot be much fun when there is nowhere to drive
  веселье - (в. нарастало): hilarity mounted on the York Common as students, kitted in helmets, fired water-filled balloons from a giant rubber-tube catapult stretched between goalposts;
  - (настоящее в., а не подобострастие): he heard genuine merriment, not the sycophancy he'd expected;
  - (ждать, пока в. утихнет): he was waiting for the merriment to fade;
  - (мы исчерпали свою долю в-я на праздновании на работе): all of us have exhausted our quota of good cheer at the celebration in the office;
  - (по всей стране царили радость и в.): there was joy and merrymaking in the whole country when the king's son was born;
  - (разразиться бурным в-льем): he winked broadly, and dissolved into gales of merriment;
  - (в. расходилось всё больше, т.е. на вечеринке): as evening drew in, the revelry became more and more uncontained;
  - (в. стихло): the merriment died;
  - (трястись от подавленного в-я): he was quaking with suppressed mirth;
  - (шум в-я): he could hear the noise of merrymaking behind the wall;
  - (шум в-я не стихал, т.е. в ресторане): it was now nearing 1 a.m., and the din of hilarity in the restaurant showed no sign of abating;
  - (шумное): hi-jinks;
  - merry-making at water-meadows
  весельчак - he thought F. was a fine fellow, full of tricks and fun
  весёлость - the joviality of the German people;
  - (наигранная): "I do hope that never happens to me. Well, of course, it may have done, mayn't it" And I wouldn't know!" he declared with false levity.;
  - he hid his keen brain behind mannerisms of great cheerfulness;
  - the teacher stood before them, all the jauntiness she had shown at the beginning of the lesson gone
  весёлый - (атмосфера): a jovial atmosphere in Lisbon (during the world championship);
  - (воодушевление): the dog was lapping wine with cheerful enthusiasm;
  - (голос): his voice sounded falsely bright and cheery;
  - (дело /занятие): predicting the future can be so much fun;
  - (истории / случаи, она рассказывала в-ые и. из жизни своего любовника): she told hilarious anecdotes of her lover;
  - (комедия): a hilarious comedy;
  - (лицо): looking as severe as naturally jovial face would permit him, Winnie-the-Pooh...;
  - (мелодия): a blithe poetical tune;
  - (мелодия, с колокольной башни прозвучала в-ая м. карильона / карильон на колокольной башне проиграл свою в-ую м-ю): the carillon tower bells sounded out their jaunty tune;
  - (мелодия): a man was playing a cheerful air on the pipes;
  - (музыка): cheerful music;
  - (музыка): the jaunty music of the lyre was at cruel odds with her distress;
  - (настроение): they were in a jovial mood, the cause being the news that they had heard earlier;
  - (Роджер, т.е. пиратский флаг): Jolly Roger;
  - (пламя): the cheerful glow of fresh pine logs on the hearth;
  - (сборище): Quite a merry gathering! I hope there is something left for the late-comers to eat and drink;
  - (смех): then burst into a chorus of merry laughter;
  - (смех): his rollicking, boyish laughter;
  - (улыбки): the merry smiles began to fade;
  - (характер): breezy personality;
  - (характер): he stands out from the crowd because of his cheerful and outgoing nature;
  - (цвет): uplifting colour;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  весёлый (человек) - (женщина): this woman, handsome, forceful, good-humored;
  - (старик): he portrayed Santa Claus as a merry old gentleman;
  - (старик): jaunty old I.;
  - (четверокурсница): a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student;
  - (то я весел, то жалуюсь на всё): one moment I am cheerful and the next I am complaining about everything;
  - he was short and rotund, pink-cheeked and jolly;
  - he was so jolly, so kindly;
  - she is a jolly person who enjoys the camaraderie of her colleagues and genuinely feels for the inmates;
  - he no longer looked buoyant and rosy-faced;
  - his aide was smart, funny, combative and effective;
  - he was quick-witted and great fun, and quite gregarious;
  - next morning he was up and about as sprightly as ever
  весёлость - (в выражении лица): his expression was devoid of humor or of semblance of goodwill
  ветреный - (бывшая жена): his flighty ex-wife
  вешать лапшу на уши разг (т.е. обманывать)- did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - they've been giving me the runaround for six months now; they just won't give me a straight answer to a straight question;
  - the ambassador complained to the press on February 14 that America was giving Israel the "runaround" on housing aid for Soviet immigrants;
  - (в.л.н.у., что он пришел снимать показания счётчика газа): She peers through a security peephole. He gives her a spiel about infml reading the gas meter.;
  - (избирателям): the voters had been led up the garden path infml too often to take a candidate's promises seriously;
  - (нам вешали л.н.у. насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path infml about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive;
  - (не вешайте мне л.н.у.): don't give me that bullshit infml about people not knowing the hurricane was going to be that bad;
  - (не вешай мне больше л.н.у.): I want to know what you're really up to - and don't give me any more of this tosh infml;
  - (он из тех, кому л.н.у. не повесить): he's one of those guys who doesn't take any crap infml from anyone;
  - (они пытались ещё ей в.л.н.у., что...): they tried to feed her more of the same bullshit storyabout it taking 5 days to get it into the computer system and transfer it into another computer system and blah, blah, blah ad infinitum;
  - I believe the boy, not because he isn't capable of pulling the wool over his father's eyes infml and sneaking out in the middle of the night, but because this just wasn't a kid's trick;
  - don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes - ask for a list of all the hidden charges
  взахлёб - (петь, о птицах): the birds were singing their hearts out
  взбадривать / взбодрить - people who are depressed, tired, or anxious are willing to try something that promises to pep them up or give them energy;
  - (кого-л): I have something that may perk you up;
  - (результаты выборов взбодрили его): he seemed to be invigorated by the election results
  взбалмошный - I am a whimsical girl and I never really know what will tickle my fancy <
  взбесившийся - (убийца): a killer on the rampage
  взбесить - the article infuriated me
  взбеситься (т.е. разозлиться)- he went off on one because he thought I was threatening his dog;
  - (её подруга вдруг взбесилась и ударила её по лицу): she was heartbroken when her friend flipped out infml and punched her in the face;
  - she grew wild when I spoke of pawning her jewels;
  - (.е. от потрясения): the deranged ten-year-old who shot her mother has now resurfaced as C., a woman who flipped when she found herself back in home sweet home
  взбешённый / взбешенный - (чем-л): enraged by something;
  - I was so irate that I went to my local branch and spoke to the branch manager. I asked her if she would back out the charges since it is really the bank's fault.;
  - the defendant looked really pissed off infml, rude;
  - (жильцы кооперативного дома): the superintendent had learned to sympathize with irate co-op dwellers when they complained that the elevator was too slow, the sink was dripping, the toilet running, or the heat uneven;
  - (я был взбешён из-за безответственного поступка М.): I was furious with M. for his reckless act - training the horse at my peril
  взбодриться - (нет ничего лучше глоткa свежего воздуха, чтобы в.): a breath of fresh air - nothing like it to tone up the system;
  - (он взбодрился): C. was perked up infml now. Sleep was shaken off, and adrenalin flooded into his bloodstream.;
  - (он ходил туда, когда ему хотелось в.): he visited it often when he felt out of sorts and wanted to cheer himself up
  взбредать в голову / взбрести в голову - (ей взбрело в г. пойти на курсы почерковедения): after graduating and moving to Pittsburgh did she enroll in a handwriting analysis class on a whim;
  - (ей взбрело в г. участвовать в движении нудистов): after our marriage, my wife got a wild hair and got involved with the Nudist Movement;
  - (никогда не знаю, что мне взбредёт в г.): I am a whimsical girl and I never really know what will tickle my fancy;
  - (покупать всё, что в г. взбредёт): she's got enough money to buy whatever takes her fancy;
  - (что-то взбрело ему в г.): something popped into his head
  взбудораженный - (консервативный штат, и без того в. всеми потрясениеми в Америке): his outspoken opposition to Vietnam War in a conservative, pro-military state already upset with all the upheaval in America;
  - (тем, что он играл со мной, т.е. в теннис): I was thrilled that he was playing along
  взбучка - (ему предстоит в., дисциплинарное взыскание и отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals fig, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): Ehrlichmann tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): his parents gave him a hard time;
  - (мы задали хорошую в-у их команде): we gave their team a real hammering
  - (наша футбольная команда получила хорошую в-у от Бразилии): our football team took a real pounding from Brazil;
  - (получить в-у от главы администрации Белого дома / главa администрации устроил ему в-у: When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
  - (мы получили в-у от СМИ за то, что мы тратим государственные деньги на проведение заседаний в гостиницах): we have been getting the flak from media that we are wasting people's money by holding committee meetings in function rooms of hotels
  взвинтиться / взвинчиваться - he started talking about people he hated and worked himself into a fury
  взвинченный - (нервы): as the minutes to 8 o"clock ticked away, nerves became even more strained and taut;
  - (нервы): her nerves were so raw that the muted thump of the car door closing made her gasp;
  - (нервы): warm or tepid baths were also used to calm overwrought nerves or to induce sleep
  взволнованно - (говорить, т.е. о своих исследованиях): research pathologist Dr D.M. speaks passionately about asbestos-related cancer;
  - (говорить, репортёры говорили в микрофоны): radio reporters chattered excitedly into their microphones;
  - (загудеть, о зале): the hall began to buzz excitedly;
  - (предположить, где мог быть потерян предмет): "Maybe it fell out of your pocket?" he suggested anxiously
  взволнованный - he looked at the obviously flustered F.;
  - she was flustered, as always when he argued with her;
  - for a moment he was uncharacteristically flustered;
  - his walrus mustache was blowing hither and thither as it always did when he was ;
  - the Soviet leaders were rattled, at a loss as to how to recapture their waning influence;
  - (казаться в-ым): he was twisting his finger around his goatee and looking agitated;
  - (казаться в-ой): she was looking a little troubled;
  - (конь, в. звуками битвы): though cross-tied in its stall, the horse pawed the ground with its hooves in a jittery little dance, rattled by the sounds of combat down below;
  - (линии рисунка): this painter is noted for the agitated lines of his often erotic work;
  - (он пытался взять себя в руки, но был слишком взволнован): he tried to pull himself together, but he was all of a dither infml;
  - (он так взволнован после подачи своей картины на конкурс): he is all of a dither after entering one of his paintings in a competition on a children's TV show;
  - (при виде девушки я почувствовал себя в-ым): the sight of the girl left me flustered;
  - (речь в поддержку кандидата): he made an impassioned speech for the candidate;
  - (слишком в. и несчастный, чтобы сохранить ясность мышления): he was too perturbed and too distressed to be able to think clearly;
  - (судя по голосу, он был взволнован): he was asking for a crash meeting, and he sounded shaken;
  - (тем, как развивается ситуация): I am deeply perturbed by the alarming way the situation is developing;
  - (тем, что он играл со мной, т.е. в теннис): I was thrilled that he was playing along;
  - speaking to reporters at a press conference, a thin, emotional and frail-looking M. said he was not supposed to speak for long as he was recovering from a tracheotomy;
  - (чем-л): he was excited about sitting in a police car for the first time in his life;
  - (я был так взволнован, что не мог говорить): I was too nervous to speak;
  - (я так взволнован!): Little Johnny, a prefect! Oh, I'm all of a dither infml!
  взволновать - (вид девушки взволновал меня): the sight of the girl left me flustered;
  - (звонок взволновал его): the call disturbed him;
  - (первая репетиция взволновала актрису): the actress was thrilled with her first rehearsal;
  - (слова его сильно взволновали): these words flustered him badly
  вздор - It's all nonsense. Absolute nonsense.;
  - (сболтнуть в.): he spurted out some nonsense that frankly we all knew was nonsense;
  - We were definitely impressed by the product - it was unlike anything we'd seen before. It's just a shame that companies have to attach useless sales people that talk absolute rubbish all the time with it.;
  - it's all rubbish though of course, he knows it all;
  - he called the assertion that Germans knew of the Holocaust "American prattle";
  - I have no reason to believe that your views are anything other than bilge infml;
  - all this ex-policeman story may be bunkum infml;
  - (нести в.): they chattered their usual scatter-brained gibberish to one another;
  - Little J., said the email, is dying of terminal brain cancer and has but six months to live. To honor her "dying wish," the American Cancer Society and corporate sponsors have supposedly agreed to donate three cents to cancer research for each time the message is forwarded. So please, please forward it to everyone you know. Bunk. The American Cancer Society said it had never heard of Jessica Mydek.;
  - An assistant deputy minister said that the program was a success story. Codswallop.;
  - I want to know what you're really up to - and don't give me any more of this toshvulgar
  вздорить - (о курах): squabbling chickens in the byre
  вздорный (человек) - a bad-tempered, failed teacher;
  - a fire wants as much watching, and coaxing, and attending to as a fractiouswoman;
  - he is a prickly, fractious man who irritates and accuses almost everyone who crosses his path;
  - I refuse to be defeated by a petulant tyrant;
  - her cantankerous friend and his unquiet, unappeasable spirit
  вздохнуть / вздыхать - (над своими грехами): let other men groan over their sins;
  - (с облегчением): the plan works and they heave big sighs of relief;
  - (с облегчением): he exhaled in relief to see the conveyor belt move;
  - (с облегчением): just as S. was heaving a sigh of relief, though, prosecutors dredged up yet another charge - that he had failed to disclose a $1.2 million company debt to KazakhTelecom.;
  - (с облегчением): those who feared that... can breathe a sigh of relief
  взмолиться - "Friends, I entreat you not to quarrel!" pleaded the Tin Woodman
  взрывной - (характер): the actor relied on his imposing build, eruptive nature and strong, forceful looks to obtain acting jobs
  взыскательный - he had a fussy precision of a chemist
  взъесться - (на меня взъелась одна сотрудница): My co-worker has it in infml for me. I'm having an issue with one of my co-workers. Her responses to me are always terse at best. In meetings, she always makes a point to shoot down any ideas I suggest, although she doesn't seem to do the same to other co-workers.
  взять себя в руки - pull yourself together, calm yourself;
  - when it was time to go, she had pulled herself together and was ready;
  - you pull yourself up and go on;
  - either I will go nuts or I will brace / pick myself up;
  - get a grip on yourself;
  - he took a grip on himself and returned to his seat;
  - regain one's temper;
  - you must get a grip on yourself;
  - his eyebrows flickered before he regained the composure;
  - (если она не возьмёт с. в р., то он прикажет судебному приставу вывести её): She was found guilty and he ordered her to pay a $114 fine. She then became irate, standing and holding out her arms. "What?! That's it? He wins?" The judge then warned her that if she didn't compose herself, he would have the bailiff remove her.
  виновато - (ёрзать на стуле): he shifted guiltily in his seat;
  - (поклониться / смотреть на кого-л): he bows / looks at her apologetically;
  - (покраснеть): "You're not going to bail on us like you always do?" I flushed with guilt. I'd lost count of how many times I'd had to ditch them.;
  - (сказать): "I'd leave your sword, but it would rust in the ground," he said at last, apologetic.
  виноватый - (с в-ым видом): he came back five minutes later with an apologetic look
  винтик образно - editorial cartoonists had portrayed him as a small bolt in the swastika, a cog in the Nazi wheel;
  - I'm just a cog in the machine of a big company
  витание в облаках - he chivalrously covered my position as well as his own, so my woolgathering was only interrupted when it was my turn to serve (in tennis)
  витиеватый - (стиль): His first major work of this period is his history of the First Crusade called Dei gesta per Francos ("God's deeds through the Franks"), finished in 1108 and touched up in 1121. The history is largely a paraphrase, in ornate style, of the Gesta Francorum of an anonymous Norman author.
  вкатать на всю катушку - (кому-л, т.е. наказать по всей строгости): There is a law against consorting with enemy agents. I've a good mind to throw the book at you.
  вкрадчиво - (сказать): "W., W., "said the voice silkily, "why would I kill you?";
  - (сказать): "He's so arrogant that criticism simply bounces off him," S. said sleekly
  вкрадчивый - (голос): a radio announcer with a wonderful silken voice;
  - (голос): he had a fruity, unctuous voice;
  - (тон): "..." F. said in a tone that was mostly wheedling, but a little threatening too;
  - (тон): he has dropped his unctuous tone now;
  - (улыбка): he had an ideal face for a stand-up comic: agreeable but rubbery features, a knowing yet ingratiating grin;
  - (черты лица): bland features of Kim-Il-sung
  владеющий собой - (хорошо в-ая с. девушка): an elegant, self-possessed girl
  властность - he had the authority and poise that were the product of generations of breeding
  властный - (вид): I observed his air of command;
  - (вид / внешность): the actress plays the former British prime minister over four decades of her life; the likeness - from the imperious look to the mellifluous diction - is uncanny;
  - (голос): смотри ниже;
  - (звон гонга): a gong rang, one tone, imperious and distinctive;
  - (отец): she became his wife over the objections of her overbearing father;
  - (поведение): an imperious manner;
  - (прекратить спор в-ым жестом): he forestalled any argument with a commanding hand;
  - (тон): "Where have you been?" said a bossy AmE , disapproving voice;
  - (тон, её возмущал его в.т.): she resented his high-handed manner;
  - (человек): he felt his irritation with this overbearing man turning to outright dislike;
  - (человек): смотри ниже;
  - (чудовище): overbearing monster
  властный (голос) - an imperious voice;
  - the voice was first peremptory, then reassuring;
  - "Where have you been?" said a bossy AmE , disapproving voice;
  - (её г. был всё ещё твёрдым и в-ым): her voice, raspy with age, yet still firm with authority;
  - (г. короля): the king's voice carried, reedy with age but still commanding;
  - his voice was commanding;
  - (г. спортивного комментатора): millions of fans recognize his authoritative voice
  властный (человек) - he was a masterful man, the one to take what he desired;
  - the North Vietnamese at once so brave and so overbearing;
  - an aggressive woman is called domineering, a man - capable;
  - she is the most high-handed woman that ever existed;
  - he felt his irritation with this overbearing man turning to outright dislike;
  - such woman is called harsh, such man - dominating
  влететь - (ему влетело от родителей): his parents gave him a hard time
  влипать / влипнуть - in June, Starr finally got into a little hot water infml. B. published an article on Starr's operation that highlighted the OIC's strategy of unlawful news leaks, and reported that Starr had admitted the leaks in an interview.
  влюбить / влюблять - (кого-л в себя по уши): she has plunged him head over ears in love with her without any intention of marrying him
  влюбиться / влюбляться - (без памяти / страстно, Гиневра и Ланселот с. влюбились друг в друга): in Arthur's absence, Guinevere and Lancelot become infatuated with each other and embark on a love affair;
  - (в девушку): to fall for a girl;
  - (в кого-л): even if girls are not much to look at, or even if they're sort of stupid, you fall in love with them;
  - (в которого она влюбилась): she wants to meet the band's lead singer whom she has a crush on;
  - (в танцовщицу): acting on a tip-off supplied by his superior the spy blackmailed a Polish diplomat who had lost his heart to a dancer;
  - (по уши): he fell head over heels in love
  влюблённо (смотреть на кого-л) - this is a photo of Grandma Gladys with George on their wedding day staring soppily at each other;
  - he'd been staring soppily at me all week and, on the 14th February, tenderly placed a box of Bakewell Tarts on my desk with a shy smile and ran away;
  - I glared at him. It wasn't easy - or would have been more natural to ogle.
  влюблённость - "Oddly enough, I quite enjoy my ex-wife's calls." "Sounds like love." "Oh heaven, no. Friendship maybe." "So you're saying you'd rather snuggle up to a post-grad student half your age?" "That's romance.";
  - (безумная / страстная): infatuation;
  - (изображать в.): he feigns affection to trick her into handing over the letter he sent
  влюблённый (в кого-л) - (быть в-ым в кого-л): I think every guy in our class had a crash on infml you at some point;
  - (быть влюблённым, все ребята в классе были в тебя влюблены): every guy in our class had a crush on you at some point;
  - R. is besotted with F. and asks him if they will still be able to see each other when she is released from prison;
  - (в которого она влюблена): she wants to meet the band's lead singer whom she has a crush on;
  - (...в которого она была когда-то немного влюблена): the man on whom she once had a mild crushinfml;
  - (т.е. женщина, в-ая в мужчину или наоборот): she was illicitly in love;
  - (он был страшно влюблён в неё): John Kennedy was very smitten by Marilyn Monroe;
  - (по уши в. в кого-л): K., who is obviously smitten with the devious miss G., has invited her to visit him over the summer holidays;
  - (размолвка в-ых): a lovers' tiff
  влюбчивый - (она влюбчивая): she falls in love easily
  вляпаться разг - (ну почему я вечно вляпаюсь в какое-нибудь дерьмо?): why do I always get landed infml with this shit?
  внимательный - (любовник, т.е. чуткий): he was a skilled and considerate lover;
  - (о отношению к старикам, т.е. заботливый): my children are always very considerate towards old people
  внушаемый - (человек): a person amenable to suggestion
  внушительно - (выглядеть, об именах писателей, художников и историков в избирательной кампании): his finance committee included an extraordinary array of writers, artists and historians. Their names looked pretty impressive on the campaign stationery, but they weren't likely to impress many voters among blue-collar ethnics
  внушительный - (женщина): he was a gentle, soft-spoken man, quite the opposite of his formidablewife;
  - (зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
  - (имена писателей, художников и историков): his finance committee included an extraordinary array of writers, artists and historians. Their names looked pretty impressive on the campaign stationery, but they weren't likely to impress many voters among blue-collar ethnics;
  - (личность): the judge was an imposing figure of robust stature;
  - (он не обладал в-ой внешностью): the cardinal was not an imposing man in physical terms;
  - (отряд): the Geats followed him, resplendent in shining armour, shields and spears in their hands, and mighty swords hanging in their belts: a goodly band were they;
  - (фасад Лувра): the imposing façade of the Louvre;
  - (церковь): an imposing church with scrollwork and stained glass;
  - (человек в-ой внешности): a big impressive man who still looked every inch the rugby star he once had been
  вожделеть - (кого-л): He used to lust after her from afar, or at least from the front of the stage. She was always upfront, in the mosh - eyes closed, swaying to the music.
  вожделение - (его охватило в.): he drank the potion off at a single gulp, and an evil lust fell on him;
  - (предмет в-й мужчин): Marilyn Monroe, the most tragic object of male yearning;
  - (с в-ем думать о тепле): he thought longingly of the warmth of Alabama
  возбудимость - (повышенная): Restlessness needs to be distinguished from other similar symptoms such as hyperactivity, nervousness, or irritability. General everyday anxiety may cause restlessness symptoms.
  возбудить / возбуждать - (величие возбуждает зависть, зависть возбуждает злобу): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (желание в мужчине): her every feature would stir/ desire in any man;
  - (кого-л): I am winding down and I know it. Yet I feel like something is making me bang on infml.;
  - (любопытство и надежду): the legend of Bilbo's gold excited both curiosity and hope;
  - (морской воздух возбуждает): this sea air is most exhilarating;
  - (одна из тех женщин, которых возбуждают отщепенцы и бунтари, т.е. сексуально): He senses she might be coming on to him. Maybe she is one of those women who get turned on by outlaws and rebels.;
  - (поездка в спортивном автомобиле возбудила меня): I was exhilarated by the ride in the sports car;
  - (преподавание теории эволюции возбуждает злобу фундаменталистов): That bullying (the anti-indecency campaign) has become omnipresent, leading high school teachers to avoid mentioning evolution, in their classrooms. Lest they arouse fundamentalist rancor.;
  - (слова возбудили моё любопытство): these words aroused my curiosity
  возбудиться / возбуждаться - (т.е. иметь эрекцию): an anonymous man who had an implant to "help with erection problems" has found he becomes uncontrollably aroused every time his neighbour pulls up in his 4X4.;
  - (т.е. иметь эрекцию, она боялась, что он по привычке возбудится и силой раздвинет её бёдра): each time he shifted in that bed they were forced to share, she feared habit would rouse him to force her thighs open, to slake his mindless lust;
  - (кинозвезда возбуждается перед толпами орущих поклонников): film star R.P. is secretly thrilled by mobs of screaming fans - because navigating his way through the frenzied scrum is like living in a "war zone";
  - (чем меньше знаешь, тем больше возбуждаешься): the degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts; the less you know the hotter you get
  возбуждающе - (действовать в.): this sea air is most exhilarating;
  - (действовать в.): coffein is a stimulant
  возбуждающее - (вещество / средство): coffein is a stimulant
  возбуждение - (в в-и): the man strode on busily, with a beadle's flurry;
  - (в в-и): now, in exultation, they poured out their feelings;
  - (вызванное убийством): the intense excitement aroused by murder;
  - (глаза блестели от в-я): his eyes were gleaming with a peculiar excitement;
  - (в. нарастало): her excitement seemed to be mounting;
  - (настроение лихорадочного в-я): the atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious;
  - (нервное, его н.в. перешло на коня): his horse seemed to pick up his nervousness;
  - (в. охватило город): jitters infml seized the city;
  - (он любит в. политики, где ставки высоки): he loves the thrill of high-stakes politics;
  - (подавлять тревожность и в.): it increases the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which itself acts as an inhibitor, thereby quelling anxious arousal;
  - (подпрыгивать на сиденьи от в-я): he was nearly bouncing off his seat in agitation;
  - (половое): sexual perversions are conditions in which sexual excitement or orgasm is associated with acts or imagery that are considered unusual within the culture;
  - (т.е. половое): An erection is caused by the pressure of blood trapped in those cylinders. During arousal, the nervous system rushes extra blood into the spongy tissue and the engorged cylinders expand compressing the walls of the veins that normally carry blood away.;
  - (процессы в-я и торможения, т.е. в биологии) process of excitement and inhibition;
  - (сексуальное): when her hand brushed his reaching for the popcorn, he trembled with exaltation;
  - (сильное): he was in a state of great agitation;
  - (у меня кружилась голова от в-я): I was giddy with excitement;
  - (успокоить в.): the sadness in her voice quenched the boy's excitement at once;
  возбуждённо - (говорить, репортёры - в микрофон): radio reporters chattered excitedly into their microphones;
  - (зал в. загудел): the hall began to buzz excitedly;
  - (звенеть деньгами в кармане): "..." boomed L., rattling his pockets excitedly;
  - (сказать): "Mr President, I protest," said P. heatedly
  возбуждённый - (голос / тон): he spoke in a very tense voice;
  - (гул толпы на стадионе): the excited babble of the crowds;
  - (дети были сильно возбуждены перед праздником): the children were at fever pitch the day before the party;
  - (лихорадочно в-ое настроение): the atmosphere of feverish was highly infectious;
  - (т.е. младенец): For bedtime, we do warm, quiet bath with no toys, book, sing and then nurse and bed. But my son stayed wired the whole time until nursing.;
  - (немного возбуждён перед поездкой): he was mildly excited as he waited out the week;
  - (необычно возбуждён): for a moment he was uncharacteristically flustered;
  - (от поездки в спортивном автомобиле): I was exhilarated by the ride in the sports car;
  - (парни / мужики, т.е. жаждущие познакомиться с женщиной): women won't go to a club where drunk blokes on the pull infml outnumber them and blokes won't go to a club where there are no women.;
  - (после нападения): I'm too keyed up infml after the attacks to sleep;
  - (при виде девушки я почувствовал себя в-ым): the sight of the girl left me flustered;
  - (т.е. спорящий): "The bullet hole in the jacket lines up with the entry wound." "So?" "Well, you said they were arguing. But if he was animated, if his hands were up or he was gesturing, then the holes wouldn't match up. No, this man had his hands down at his sides.";
  - (толпа): hectic throngs packing the streets;
  - (чем меньше знаешь, тем больше возбуждён): the degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts; the less you know the hotter you get;
  - he was twisting his finger around his goatee and looking agitated;
  - he prowled round the room like an angry leopard, too aroused to keep still
  возбухать / возбухнуть жаргон - (вы бы её послушали, когда она возбухает из-за беспорядка в моей комнате, т.е. скандалить): My mom is very forceful the rest of the time - you should hear her when she's in full throttle about the mess in my bedroom. But when it comes to men, she convinces herself he must know best and be super clever, just because he's male.;
  - (при мысли об анальном сексе): there are many men who are completely freaked out slang by the idea of anal intercourse;
  - (Что ты так возбухаешь? - Я не возбухаю из-за этого мерзкого старого фашиста): "What have you got so het up slang for?" "I'm not het up about that horrid old Nazi.";
  - the critic went into a tizzy, calling the foundation's decision to give the award to King "another low in the process of dumbing down our cultural life"
  возвышенный - (болтовня / разглагольствование ирония): the highfalutin rhetoric of stability, security, reconciliation and reconstruction of Iraq will not be enough;
  - (идеалы / чувства): lofty fml ideals / sentiments;
  - (кампания): he wanted to run a high-minded campaign on the need of...;
  - (настроение музыки): its (the overture to Lohengrin) ethereal mood of religious awe proved not unsuited to the occasion;
  - (нечто столь в-ое, т.е. о сознании): the hint of consciousness in someone who doesn't meet the usual criteria for awareness underlines how squishy science's understanding of consciousness is, starting with how something so sublime can arise in the three pounds of tofu-like glop within our skull;
  - (от в-ого до смешного): from the sublime to the ridiculous;
  - (риторика): I'd prefer more reasoned arguments and rather less high-flown rhetoric;
  - (причины): there were less elevated reasons that reinforced the argument;
  - (причины ирония): highfalutin reasons for denying direct federal assistance to the unemployed;
  - (ум): loftiness of mind;
  - (устремления): lofty ambitions
  воздыхатель - the princess accepted his presents but repulsed him as a wooer
  возжелать - (страстно): now that his father aged, he set his heart upon succeeding to the throne in all earnestness
  возить мордой об стол разг образно - (т.е. за ошибки): I know I was wrong, but don't rub my nose in it
  возлюбить - (возлюби ближнего своего, как самого себя): love thy neighbor as thyself
  возлюбленная - he addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty
  возмутитель спокойствия - he has a reputation of a troublemaker in the office;
  - (т.е. сотрудник журнала): the magazine petered out after the stormy petrels fig were hustled out of the editorial control
  возмутительно - rape is an outrage;
  - (в. неэффективное руководство программой ООН): the scandalous maladministration of the oil-for-food program and the sexual assaults committed by UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
  - (это просто в.): it's an outrage!
  возмутительный - (заявление): that's a scandalous and totally untrue allegation;
  - (неуважение прав человека): there was such a flagrant disregard for human rights;
  - (поведение): outrageous behavior;
  - (поступок / случай): disgraceful;
  - (теракт): a shocking / an outrageous terrorist attack;
  - (трата времени): a ridiculous waste of time for officials with so much responsibility
  возмутить / возмущать - (её возмущал его властный тон): she resented his high-handed manner;
  - (её возмущало плохое обращение с детьми): she was offended by the mistreatment of children;
  - (кого-л): those horrible pictures just gross me out;
  - (меня возмущает, когда мусульмане в нашей стране пытаются навязать законы шариата всем остальным): I get upset when the Muslims in this country try to force their sharia law onto the rest of us;
  - (меня многое возмущает): there are many things that gross me out: gunky garbage can lids, public restroom door handles, bugs, and slimy pasta salads to name a few;
  - (меня особенно возмутило то, как он оборвал ваше выступление): I was particularly offended by the way he cut you off just before his tirade;
  - (решение суда возмутило общину): the decision of the court (о высылке нелегального иммигранта) outraged the Cuban community;
  - (статья возмутила меня): his article has got me riled up
  возмутиться / возмущаться - (бессильно): "You won't get away with this," he raged impotently;
  - (кем-л): he never resented his father for being physically rough with him;
  - (презрением фольклориста к богам): the scholar felt some indignation at his predecessor's disparagement of the gods;
  - (т.е при передаче прямой речи): the caller was indignant: "I think I have the right to say this on the air.";
  - (требованием): many people resented this demand
  возмущение - (в голосе звучало в.): he was sounding outraged;
  - (вызвать в. у кого-л): our constitutional requirement of Congressional approval roused the North Vietnamese to genuine outrage;
  - (деревня кипела от в-я и любопытства): the whole village had seethed with shocked curiosity;
  - (его трясло от в-я): he was positively quivering with indignation;
  - (кипеть от в-я): she's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting;
  - (международное в. казнью): the international outcry over the execution of K.;
  - (в. общественности рейдами религиозных чиновников): the comparison with the harsh tactics of Afghanistan's defunct fundamentalist regime reflects the public's anger over recent raids by religious officials;
  - (он не мог говорить от в-я): he was too incensed to speak;
  - (в. перевесило страх): his sense of outrage seemed to overweigh his fear of this bunch of oddballs;
  - (показать своё в.): I want to sound bored. I want to sound petulant. I came here to make my anger plain.;
  - (праведное): righteous indignation;
  - (решение директора тюрьмы вызовет обиду и в. у заключённых): the decision will stir up bitterness and resentment amongst the inmates;
  - (чувствовать в.): Snorri Sturlusson felt some indignation at his predecessor's disparagement of the gods;
  - the chilly anger of the Soviet ambassador to Washington paled into insignificance beside the outrage of his colleague in Bonn;
  - the workers reacted with anger to the closure of the factory;
  - The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, described Mr Litvinenko following his death as a "scoundrel" and a "traitor". Mr Litvinenko's former colleague in the FSB, expressed the view that Mr Litvinenko had deserved to be executed. What was it that Mr Litvinenko had done to earn such posthumous opprobrium?
  возмущённо - (ответить): to answer indignantly;
  - ("..." сказал П. в.): "..." said P. in a scandalized voice
  возмущённый - (быть в-ым): it was the first time I had hit an obstacle I couldn't overcome with hard work and determination, and I was outraged;
  - (быть в-ым чем-л): Snorri Sturlusson felt some indignation at his predecessor's disparagement of the gods;
  - (взгляд): they exchanged looks of outrage;
  - (истцы лгут с в-ым видом, когда достоверность их показаний подвергается сомнению): Defendants rarely tell the truth. They lie with an incensed disbelief when their credulity is assailed.;
  - (он был возмущён): he was sounding outraged;
  - (он был так возмущён, что не мог говорить): he was too incensed to speak;
  - she looked as outraged as if he had just uttered a disgusting swearword;
  - (при мысли о чём-л): they were shocked at the idea that they should correct him in such piddling matters;
  - (скандалом): people are outraged at the scandal;
  - (сообщением в газете): we are outraged at your report on...;
  - (тем, как ведущий оборвал приглашённого на телепередачу): But then he hung up on me. Or as a sympathetic e-mailer wrote: "I was particularly offended by the way he cut you off just before his tirade - as if to give the listening audience the impression you had been struck silent, like some whipped pup, by the brilliance of his argument and the morality of his tone."
  возненавидеть - (правительство): soon after the bombing, Oklahoma lawmen arrested T.M., an alienated military veteran who had come to hate the federal government
  возрадоваться - in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father;
  - my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour;
  - (труду рук своих): they made a calf in those days, and brought sacrifice to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands
  воинственно - (местные жители в. настроены против проекта): local people are fiercely opposed to the project (of a gas pipeline)
  воинственность - the Dorian music was noted for its martial qualities;
  - the people who have made their contribution to history through the grace of their life-style rather than martial qualities
  воинственный - (дискурс в стране был воинственным): for the past six months, talk in Russia has been remarkably bellicose;
  - (дух): fired by this militant spirit;
  - (изображение саксов в-ыми грубиянами, т.е. в опере): the portrayal of the Saxons as war-hungry louts does not seem nearly as funny as it did at home;
  - (речь): militant speech;
  - (рост в-ых настроений в стране): Pakistan is increasingly alert to the possible threat of Islamic extremists seeking control of its nuclear weapons, but its security system is fail-safe despite the rising militancy in the country;
  - (тон): her tone was neither caggressive nor supplicant;
  - (феминистка): militant feminist;
  - (человек): used to getting what he wanted, N. became deeply vengeful and antagonistic over his defeat;
  - (человек): the North Vietnamese, at once so self-absorbed and so bellicose
  воинствующий - (дух): fired by this militant spirit;
  - (исламисты): Islamic militants want to bring down the government;
  - (материализм): rampant materialism;
  - (тон): her tone was neither aggressive nor supplicant;
  - (феминистка): militant/ feminist
  волевой - (женщина): this woman, handsome, forceful, good-humored;
  - (президент): one of the most forceful and influential presidents in American history;
  - (человек): a brash and forceful  - (человек): he isn't forceful enough to make a good leader
  волк - (смотреть волком на кого-л): she continued to glower at him
  волнение - he tried to sound casual, but his excitement was obvious;
  - (без всякого в-я): "..." said R. without a flicker of emotion;
  - (в замешательстве от пережитого в-я): a trifle bewildered by the emotions she had gone through, B. sat down;
  - (его в. проявлялось только в том, что он протирал очки о шёлковую подкладку галстука): his only was to polish his glasses on the silk lining of his tie;
  - (натянутая улыбка выдавала в.): his smile was taut enough to betray his nervousness;
  - (захлёбываться от в-я): his voice choked with emotion;
  - (испытывать в.): Lucy felt a little frightened, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well;
  - (в. нарастало): her excitement seemed to be mounting;
  - (он любит в. политики, где ставки высоки): he loves the thrill of high-stakes politics;
  - (т.е. от страха): any initial trepidation you may have had about your ability to inspire a class will have been banished;
  - (подпрыгивать на сиденьи от в-я): he was nearly bouncing off his seat in agitation
  волновать - смотри общий файл
  волноваться (т.е. беспокоиться / переживать) - (актриса - перед первой репетицией): the actress was thrilled with her first rehearsal;
  - (т.е. быть возбуждённым): his walrus mustache were blowing hither and thither as it always did when he was agitated;
  - (за безопасность сына): my mother was concerned for my safety when I didn't come in time;
  - (за кого-л / из-за кого-л / о ком-л): "Don't worry about me", said H., in what he hoped was an offhand voice;
  - (за кого-л / что-л): I am so concerned about you and your company;
  - (за кого-л): Please don't bother with her. She can take care of herself.;
  - (за оплату / из-за оплаты счёта): Don't bother yourself about the bill. I'll pay it.;
  - (за свою работу): he is apprehensive about his job;
  - (за своё будущее): this brilliant classical scientist and leader in the American physics community became apprehensive about his future;
  - (заранее): Let's not go borrowing trouble. Concentrate on the task in hand and worry about other things when they happen.;
  - (игроки волновались перед матчем): the players were so anxious some were nauseous and threw up hours before the game;
  - (т.е. из-за аварии дочери): Did you tell mum about my accident? She's probably freaking out infml.;
  - (из-за прихода неприятных гостей): the imminent arrival at their house of an assortment of wizards was making them uptight and irritable;
  - (из-за того, как происходили массовые увольнения): we need not fuss over how the layoffs occurred;
  - (из-за того, чтобы дочь стала знаменитостью): my mum never got caught in the thrill of me being a celeb;
  - (из-за утраты хороших рабочих мест): Americans fret about the demise of good jobs;
  - (из-за экзамена): don't get uptight about the exam - just do your best;
  - (когда она волновалась, у неё сжимались челюсти): she tightened her jaws whenever she became anxious;
  - (незачем / не стоит в. из-за пролитого вина): no need to fuss;
  - (незачем в.): I don't see what is there to fuss about;
  - (о девочках-подростках): Teenage girls are trickier. They're more likely to fret, to stop eating, to become depressed or promiscuous.;
  - (о том, что думают другие): I've never been concerned about what other people think of me;
  - (она начинает в. из-за затянувшегося приёма, т.е. заключённого в тюрьму): New inmate Z. steps off the prison van. She soon becomes agitated by the drawn-out reception process.;
  - (он почти никогда не волновался): he was almost never flustered;
  - (он просто волнуется): he's just nervous;
  - (он пытался взять себя в руки, но слишком волновался): he tried to pull himself together, but he was all of a dither infml;
  - (он так волнуется после подачи своей картины на конкурс): he is all of a dither infml after entering one of his paintings in a competition on a children's TV show;
  - (после аварии я очень волновался при вождении автомобиля): I was very nervous about driving again after the accident;
  - (после того, что она пережила, никто не должен в. оттого, что она немного опоздает): with what she has been through, nobody should be upset that she's a little late;
  - (похоже, я не единственный, кто волуется): by the looks of things, I'm not the only one who's getting worried;
  - (рядом с собаками): she's always been nervous around dogs;
  - (ситуация, в которой приходится в.): sometimes we are faced with a situation that makes us anxious;
  - (это не даёт собаке слишком в. о том, что она - собака): It does a dog good to have a few fleas now and then. It keeps him from worrying so much about being a dog.;
  - (я так волновался): I was so worried
  волнующий - (речь): he delivered a rousing speech;
  - (самый в. день в его жизни): he was whisked straight to the presidential palace for the thrilling day of his life;
  - (самым в-им событием было присутствие...): the biggest thrill of the event for me was the presence of Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first man to reach the top of Mount Everest
  волокита - (т.е. любитель женщин): Berlusconi the Lothario is caught flirting with female politicians;
  - (прослыть в-ой): he's got a reputation as a lothario with a penchant for older women
  волочиться за женщинами - accept certain truths: prices will rise, politicians will philander
  вольнодумец - I respected him for being a genuine patriot and an old-fashioned libertarian
  вонючий (т.е. ругательство) - (перебежчик вонючий): filthy, stinking turncoat;
  - (шлюха вонючая): skanky slang vulgar whore
  воодушевить / воодушевлять - (ваша оценка моей работы меня воодушевляет): your appreciation of my work encourages me greatly;
  - (горячая еда воодушевила собравшихся): a hot meal, sparse though it was, did seem to put heart into the gathering;
  - (девочка воодушевила публику, спев гимн на корте перед началом соревнований): the girl roused the morning crowd at the U.S. Open when she belted out the national anthem on center court;
  - (его рассказ воодушевил их): his tale put heart into them;
  - (забота сына меня воодушевляет): I am touched and heartened by the depth of my son's concern;
  - (книги воодушевляют детей): publish quality children's books which inspire, educate and uplift children;
  - (люди, воодушевлённые благородными идеями): people were inspired by these noble ideas;
  - (музыка и творчество, которые воодушевляют и вдохновляют): music and creative arts that uplift and inspire;
  - (мысль о том, что все эти люди считают его достойным восхищения, а не лгунишкой с заскоками, так воодушевила его, что он до сих пор был весел): the knowledge that all those people did not think him a lying weirdo, but someone to be admired buoyed him up so much that he was still cheerful;
  - (он был воодушевлён результатами выборов): he seemed to be invigorated by the election results;
  - (партия демократов, воодушевлённая доказательством необходимости реформы): the Democrats, heartened by the evidence of a growing demand for reform
  воодушевиться - (примером): leaders of anti colonial movements in Asia and Africa took great encouragement from the Irish example;
  - (я воодушевился, увидев, что обе партии осуждают ненависть к мусульманам): I was heartened to see bipartisan condemnation of anti-Muslim hate;
  - (я воодушевился, узнав, что мы не одиноки в наших верованиях): I was heartened to know that my neighbors and I were not alone in our beliefs;
  - (я воодушевился, читая жизнеутверждающее послание веры в Бога, излечившее её от пережитого в прошлом): I was encouraged as I read the uplifting message of faith in God's love healing her from her past trials;
  - First he was keen as mustard infml, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.
  воодушевление - (делом якобитов): the union had failed to dampen the enthusiasm for the Jacobite cause;
  - (пёс лакал с в-ем): the dog was lapping wine with cheerful enthusiasm;
  - (в. рабочих было недолгим): the high spirits of the workers may be short-lived;
  - (в. сошло с его лица): he heaved a sigh and the animation left his face, his years plain to see for the first time;
  - What is the spiritual uplift AmE - It is the exalted sense resulting from gaining some measure of the Mind of Christ.
  воодушевлённо - (говорить): he spoke with inspiration; we felt that something great, something new was opening before us;
  - (говорить): he spoke with excitement about a forthcoming company's product;
  - (разговаривать): obviously impressed by him, she was talking animatedly
  воодушевлённый - (воинственным настроением): fired by this militant spirit;
  - (люди были воодушевлёны благородными идеями): people were inspired by these noble ideas;
  - (партия воодушевлённая очевидной необходимостью реформы): the Democrats, heartened by the evidence of a growing demand for reform;
  - (я воодушевлён заботой сына): I am touched and heartened by the depth of my son's concern
  воодушевляющий - (книга): intimate, powerful and inspiring, Living History captures the essence of this remarkable woman;
  - (речь): he delivered a rousing speech;
  - (слова): uplifting words
  вопиющий - (действия над заключёнными): they conducted egregious acts on detainees;
  - (наглость / нахальство): an act of gross insolence;
  - (нарушение): the Great Britain's actions were a flagrant violation of the rights of neutrals;
  - (нарушение): a flagrant violation of the 1954 Geneva Accords;
  - (нарушение отношений): the refusal of the Federal German government to hand the two criminals over to the Soviet authorities was a flagrant breach of their hitherto friendly relations;
  - (невнимание): HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Chief Inattentive to Crisis. Critics say a significant legacy of his four years as the nation's top housing officer was gross inattention to the looming housing crisis.;
  - (неуважение прав человека): there was such a flagrant disregard for human rights;
  - (в-им образом): animals are being hurt in much more egregious way;
  - (ошибка): egregious blunder;
  - (ошибка): gross error / mistake / blunder;
  - (пренебрежение): the American preference for iron-fist illicit crop eradication tactics is based on a blatant neglect of the poverty factor;
  - (слабость закона): in spite of its glaring weakness, the Act was highly significant
  вороватый - (человек): a larcenous police guard;
  - (...чтобы никто сюда не лез своими в-ыми пальцами / руками): you'd better make sure no one gets their friggin" thieving fingers on that stuff
  воротить - (меня с души воротит): I've listened to you and your twisted mouthings till I'm sick to my guts;
  - (нечего нос в.): Politics got you squeamish? Get off your high horse infml. [Are you] Squeamish about engaging in cutthroat office politics? Get off your high horse. While you cry about ethics, they eat your lunch.;
  - (нос в. от чего-л): my children turn up their noses at fresh vegetables / at classical music
  ворчать (т.е. жаловаться)- "This whore charges more than I can afford," the detective lieutenant grunted.;
  - he keeps nattering and complaining all the time without letup;
  - "You can't smoke in here?" L. grunted annoyance. "The cap'n's a health Nazi. You gotta go aft to light up. Not even in chief's quarters," L. groused.;
  - he grumbled and complained, but the rule was "No work, no eat";
  - (из-за нехватки еды): the victuals and drink had run out, and the knights were grumbling loudly;
  - (иностранные инвесторы ворчат, что препятствия к занятию бизнесом растут): a chorus of foreign investors has been grumbling fig about the mounting obstacles to doing business in Chinese market;
  - (на архаичные порядки университета, т.е. высказывать недовольство): we soon chafed at the University's archaic rules and demanded to be treated like adults;
  - (на кого-л за что-л, т.е. ругать): she chided him about going into the desert;
  - (о ком-л): the doctor's sister used to grumble about all these animals and said they made the house untidy;
  - (поворчав, он уступил): after some grousing he complied with his wishes;
  - students are grouchy when they have to get up early to study for tests;
  - смотри файл ZVUK
  ворчливо - "I knew you were going to get into trouble as soon as I saw you," he said grumpily.;
  - "Suddenly you're so solicitous," she said. "Don't talk that way," he replied peevishly. "Do you or do you not want to go?"
  ворчливый - (муж): a peevish husband;
  - (родители): nagging parents;
  - (тон): "..." she told me, in a grouchy AmE infml mood;
  - (тон): he never spoke in a peevish voice to remonstrate you for a missed turn on the road
  ворчун - (т.е. который всем недоволен): "I can't eat this meat - it's too tough." "You old fusspot BrE infml- give it here and I'll eat it!";
  - you're such an old curmudgeon;
  - (эксцентричный): there's a cranky curmudgeon working at the hospital who gives all the patients and other doctors flak (AKA Doctor House)
  ворчун / ворчунья - she was quite a crosspatch, but she was kind to me;
  восвояси - (убраться в.): go back where you came from;
  - (убраться в.): to hit the road
  воспалённый - (в в-ом воображении некоторых): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange.;
  - (в его в-ом воображении возникла сцена, в которой она рыдала над его трупом): his imagination zoomed into overdrive, rapidly constructing a scene in which she was weeping over his lifeless form;
  - (плод в-ого воображения): I don't buy that premise - the overly militaristic, corrupt, fascist LAPD. I think it's a figment of the overheated liberal imagination. As the racial, ethnic and language complexion of Los Angeles has changed, so has the complexion of the LAPD.
  воспитанный (хорошо) - (некоторые дети х. воспитаны): People of all ages like to eat out. While some kids are impressively well mannered, those who act up can ruin the experience of others.;
  - (поведение в-ого человека): a courteous (well-mannered or polite) person's behavior would be marked by the absence of impropriety;
  - (т.е. ребёнок): the Queen wanted her son to show up well and to be mannerly;
  - Americans are well-behaved adolescents with a lot of youthful idealism;
  - the government here has ample manners and good attention to protocol, but little in the way of sincerity;
  - he remained quiet, well-behaved and aloof
  восславить / восславлять - (т.е. скальд счёл подобающим в. викинга): Wiglaf would deem it meet to loud him formally
  восторг - (быть в в-ге от чего-л): he felt a rapturefor his own sincerity;
  - (дрожать от в-а, глядя на стриптиз): Her fingers unhooked the fasteners of her brassiere. When it finally came off, B. was quivering with mirth.;
  - (испытывать в.): I was feeling the elation that comes after taking an insane risk and getting away with it;
  - (от в-а у неё на глазах выступили слёзы): her eyes welled with tears of delight;
  - (от чего-л): is the delight in finding things that you would not naturally seek out;
  - (переходить от в-а к отчаянию): he oscillates regularly between elation and despair;
  - (привести в в.): and a top-flight Bordeaux is the choice that will wow most guests;
  - (с в-ом повторять слова): he had repeated his twenty words of English continuously to his intense delight whenever he met me during the voyage;
  - (сиять от в-а): his face was glistening with delight;
  - (слушать с в-ом): she listened raptly to the story;
  - (читаться с в-ом): the book is masterfully written and delightful to read;
  - it was in this mood compounded of elation and relief that I briefed journalists on the newly concluded agreement
  восторгаться - (соборами и дворцами): the southern two-thirds of this triangle is the tourist area where docile parties troop around to admire the cathedrals, halls and palaces of the long-dead tsars
  восторженно - ( color=blue>опера была в. встречена / принята публикой): the opera was rapturously received, as was often true of Mozart's work in Prague;
  - (сказать): And as the joyful melody rose higher and higher into the stupendous dome, she said rapturously to herself: "It is like the singing of angels!";
  - (слушать): she listened raptly to the story
  восторженный - (аплодисменты): after the performance there was enthusiastic applause;
  - (аплодисменты): the band trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause;
  - (их встретил в. приём): they received a rousing welcome;
  - (крики): the rumbling from the Ireland supporters erupted into screams of delight;
  - (одобрение критиков): her performance won / earned the plaudits of the critics;
  - (отзыв / отклик, актёр получил в-ые о-ы за исполнение роли): when he returned to acting, he earned raves in the mumbling killer in To Die for It;
  - (отзывы в прессе: the press has given (Prince) William's paramour, Kate Middleton, rave reviews as a possible future queen;
  - (приём): Rapturous Reception for Obama (American presidential candidate) in Berlin;
  - (, ему оказали в.п.): he received a rapturous reception when he arrived back home in Spain after winning the Tour de France;
  - (публика): he was the first Covent Garden actor to be summoned for a curtain call by an enthusiastic audience;
  - (тела, сплетённые в в-ых объятиях): the film opens with the image of two male bodies in bed, their naked bodies intertwined in a rapturous embrace;
  - (в-ая толпа, следующая за кем-л): he could hear the affectionate crowd escorting the lady back towards the great hall
  восторжествовать - (его воровское искусство восторжествовало): He was working on the lock securing the iron lattice. Once again, his larcenous skills triumphed.;
  - (правда всегда восторжествует): whatever the circumstances truth always prevails;
  - (разум восторжествует): I hope that reason will prevail;
  - (со временем месса на латыни восторжествует): the older Mass, many agree, has such beauty and elicits such a sense of awe that, over time, it will triumph
  восхвалить / восхвалять - (губернатор восхвалял полицейских): the governor makes it a point to be seen on TV at least weekly "extolling" cops for their courage;
  - (добродетель): I closed my first two installments by "extolling the same virtue: hope, the fiber of my being, which stays with me even on nights like tonight when I have lost all power of analysis and articulation";
  - (достоинства Интернет): he lauded the benefits of the Internet;
  - (консерваторы восхваляют эгоизм как добродетель): conservatives glorify selfishness as a virtue;
  - (красоту возлюбленной): he addressed many poems to his mistress, praising her beauty;
  - many still laud General Patton's early recognition of the Soviet threat, while detractors say his protests reflect the views of a bigoted elitist;
  - (т.е. скальд счёл подобающим в. викинга): Wiglaf would deem it meet to loud him formally
  восхитительный - (блуза художника): G. Klimt, also photographed by A. that same year, appears calmer in a captivating jellaba-smock;
  - (гарниры): delectable side dishes;
  - (запах): a powerful and delicious smell of cooking;
  - (ребёнок): a completely delightful child;
  - (спутница): she was a delightful companion, easy to please and eager to do whatever looked like fun
  восхититься / восхищаться - (история восхищается мудрыми): history admires the wise but elevates the brave;
  - (литературным героем): why admire a bungler - a brilliant bungler, but a bungler nevertheless - who missed becoming the first person to reach the North Pole?;
  - (писателем): he was delighted by Pirandello;
  - (соборами и дворцами): the tourist area where docile parties troop around to admire the cathedrals, halls and palaces of the long-dead tsars;
  - (современники восхищались Магометом за смелость): by his contemporaries, however, Mohammed was admired for his courage;
  - (сообразительность ворон восхищает ученых): the cunning of crows fascinates researchers;
  - (художником): the artist was not admired in his own life-time
  восхищение - (вызывать в., сообразительность ворон вызывает в. ученых): the cunning of crows fascinates researchers;
  - (вызывать всеобщее в.): over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust;
  - (изобретениями): my admiration for such inventions knows no bounds;
  - (кем-л): his admiration for K.;
  - (кем-л): he expressed admiration for her;
  - (на лицах студентов было написано недоумение, а не в.): the students looked quizzical, not enraptured, as he expected;
  - (от в-я у неё на глазах выступили слёзы): her eyes welled with tears of delight;
  - (привести в в.): a top-flight Bordeaux is the choice that will wow most guests;
  - (сказать что при всём моём восхищении камбоджийскими церемониями и празднествами, ничто меня не шокировало, было бы преувеличением): it would be an exaggeration to say that regardless of the admiration I felt for Cambodian ceremonies and festivities no detail shocked me;
  - (слуги хозаином): his unstinting admiration of his master disproved the adage that no man is a hero to his valet;
  - (слушать с в-ем): she listened raptly to the story;
  - (смотреть с в-ем): she looked admiringly at his well-proportioned body;
  - (смотреть с в-ем): they were looking adoringly up at the wizard
  восхищённо - (воскликнуть): "Oh, Captain H., how clever of you!" cried Mrs R. admiringly;
  - (слушать): she listened raptly to the story;
  - (смотреть): she looked admiringly at his well-proportioned body;
  - (смотреть): they were looking adoringly up at the wizard
  восхищённый - (студенты выглядели недоумевающими, а не в-ыми): the students looked quizzical, not enraptured, as he expected
  вояка - (изображение саксов неотёсанными в-ми, т.е. в опере): the portrayal of the Saxons as war-hungry louts does not seem nearly as funny as it did at home
  впечатляющий - (зрелище): the bird presents an imposing picture at close range;
  - (личность): an impressive man of quiet dignity and clear intelligence;
  - (человек): a big impressive man who still looked every inch the rugby star he once had been;
  - (эффект): From a purely sonic standpoint, phone audio is almost always a compromise. It's often a necessity, and can even be used to dramatic effect, adding a sense of distance and mystery, but in terms of pure sonics, recording from the phone always involves some loss of quality.
  враждебность - (судьи к адвокату): while a party's concern about a judge's apparent hostility toward her attorney is not to be lightly dismissed, it has generally been held that a judge's ill will toward an attorney is not necessarily indicative of any extrajudicial bias for or against a party, that would result in an unfair trial
  вредность - (он занял моё место на стоянке из в-ти): I'm sure he took my parking space just out of spite / from spite
  вредный - he is spiteful;
  - (ребёнок, о характере): a tiresome child;
  - (характер, т.е. верблюдицы): the camel had served him well, despite her foul temper;
  - a bad-tempered / foul-tempered man
  вразнос - (пойти в. разг, т.е. перестать ограничивать себя): we would not be having global financial crises if central banks had not allowed money supply and credit to go bonkers while they abandoned their duty to oversee financial institutions
  враки - we haven't got time to listen to more taradiddles
  враньё - I had no stomach for going through another round of jockeying as new members (of administration) sought to establish their relative positions;
  - we haven't got time to listen to more taradiddles infml
  врать - (нагло): he had been lying in his teeth and someone had been covering up;
  - (напропалую): "Great," said I. "Ask me anything and I'll give you honest answers," prepared to lie my head off;
  - (о чём-л): he did not try to lie about his own terror;
  - (прямо): the second is never tell a direct lie unless you are able to stick it out to the bitter end
  врунишка - you're a nasty little liar
  всеведущий - God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient;
  - (Бог всеведущ, мудр): God is knowing, wise
  всевидящее око - a piece of paper with the likeness of G. Washington on one side and of a pyramid overtopped with the Ever-Watching Oculary on the other
  вседозволенность - when does freedom degenerate into license and end in anarchy?
  всезнайка - an insufferable know-it-all;
  - she is everybody's favorite smart-ass, brassy and irreverent
  всемогущий - God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient
  всепоглощающий - (наваждение): consuming obsession;
  - (страсть): he had an affinity for Egyptian culture that was so -consuming that the French still referred to him as the Sphinx
  всепрощающий - (муж): She was a crash or crash-through sort of girl, who took so many risks. Thankfully, she married someone like R. who was very forgiving.
  всполошить - (проход через Ламанш небольшой группы кораблей ВМФ России во главе с единственным устаревшим авианосцем всполошил британские газеты): the transit of the small naval task force led by Russia's sole and aging aircraft carrier through the English channel sent many British newspapers into a spin
  вспылить - don't fly off the handle infml again
  вспыльчивость - his hot temper was making it increasingly difficult for others to work with him
  вспыльчивый - he arrived at 10, short-tempered, exhausted and in no mood for foolishness;
  - (люди): violent people, these Americans, mark my words, violent people;
  - ((настроение): people had been teasing her so much about being the thing that V. would more miss that she was in a rather tetchy mood;
  - (он был в.): he had quick temper and could be very sarcastic;
  - (он такой в.): he has a really hot temper;
  - (старик): an irascible old man;
  - (старый скряга): irascible old curmudgeon;
  - (характер): flashy temper;
  - (человек): he was a good guy, just... hotheaded;
  - (человек): he is a prickly, fractious man who irritates and accuses almost everyone who crosses his path
  встать не с той ноги образно - The boss is in a bad mood today. He must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning;
  - Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? You are a real grouch.
  встревать - glad to see the boy's stopped trying to butt in slang
  встревоженно - (обдумывать, чем остановить кровотечение): she cast about distractedly for something to staunch the bleeding;
  - (провести пальцами по волосам): "..." said F., running his fingers font color=red>distractedly through his hair
  встревоженный - (до глубины души): he was troubled to his core;
  - (казаться в-ой): she was looking a little troubled;
  - (он был встревожен результатами исследований): he was annoyed to see the results of or research;
  - (развитием ситуации): I am deeply perturbed by the alarming way the situation is developing;
  - (развитием событий): he was concerned with the political developments caused by those 2 overzealous policemen;
  - (слишком в. и несчастный, чтобы сохранить ясность мышления): he was too perturbed and too distressed to be able to think clearly;
  - (состоянием сына): alarmed over the condition of his son;
  - (родители были встревожены отсутствием новостей от детей): their parents were disconcerted by their silence
  встревожить - (активные действия встревожили политических боссов): his vigourous independent actions alarmed the political bosses;
  - I found it difficult to get Nixon to focus on foregn policy, to a degree that should have disquieted me;
  - (звонок встревожил его): the call disturbed him;
  - (меня встревожило, что люди, которых я и соседями не считала, меня так быстро узнали): I found it unsettling to be so readily recognised by folk I barely considered neighbours;
  - (покраснение брюшка змеи встревожило её хозяина): Snakes undergo color changes prior to shed. Those boids with normally light colored bellies will often show signs of reddening and increased blotching of the belly scutes. Unfortunately, it can freak out infml the unprepared keeper as a reddening of the belly scutes is also a sign of advanced septicemia and Salmonella;
  - (результаты исследований встревожили его): he was annoyed to see the results of or research;
  - (слова сильно его встревожили): these words flustered him badly;
  - (стадо оленей): to startle a herd of deer;
  - this did not seem to discompose him; on the contrary, he looked amused;
  - there was something that should have alerted me early in 1973
  всыпать - (по первое число, т.е. строго отругать): First he was keen as mustard, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.
  втереть очки / втирать очки font color=orange>разг (т.е. обмануть) - I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled infml;
  - did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - don't let insurance companies pull the wool over your eyes - ask for a list of all the hidden charges
  втереться / втираться (в доверие к кому-л) - to insinuate oneself in somebody's good graces;
  - he ingratiates himself with me in order to get my money
  втаптывать в грязь / втоптать в грязь - (честь министра финансов): she drags the Chancellor of the Exchequer's honour through the mud
  втолковать / втолковывать - (кому-л): her father tried to get it through to her that she must work harder
  втравить - (кого-л в сбор денег): she conned me into doing this collection
  втюриваться / втюриться - (в кого-л, т-е. влюбиться): She was stuck on Rob. He could see that, even if Rob was too stupid.
  вуайерист - he proclaimed himself "dehorned by age" yet retained the novelist-voyeur's playful interest in the vagaries of other fools' sentimental attachments
  вульгарно - (выражаться): the city's mayor used coarse language on live television
  вульгарность - (в его поведении за столом была в., вызывающая отвращение у остальных гостей на свадьбе): the grossness of his table manners disgusted the other wedding guests
  вульгарный - (басни Эзопа): In retranslating an ancient text, the writers have discovered that the original Aesop fables were much bawdier, coarser - and richer with information about everyday Greek life in the sixth century B.C.E. than the sanitized and abridged Victorian versions found in today's children's books;
  - (занятие): gunpowder was rare in the kingdom, and to hunt game with an iron tube was considered low and contemptible in any case;
  - (поведение, его п. за столом было таким в-ым, что вызывало отвращение у остальных гостей на свадьбе): the grossness of his table manners disgusted the other wedding guests;
  - (поведение): swearing is a violent symptom of rough and coarse manners;
  - (человек): K., flashy, self-assured, the king of the black market
  вундеркинд - infant prodigy;
  - his job with IBM had involved preventing and detecting computer fraud in systems devised by unworldly whizzkids slang from the States
  вусмерть - (напиваться в.): people who binge drink may find that their friends drift away
  входы и выходы - (знать все в.и.в.): I know the ins and outs infml of the case thoroughly
  вшивость образно- (проверка на в. разг): Gut check. You don't get to keep your money. You're on the way to jail. You're a disgrace.
  выбалтывать / выболтать - (новости): he blurted out the news;
  - (полиции всё, что знала): the moment she learned of the bigamy, she spilled the beans to the police as far as she knew anything;
  - (сокровенные тайны): a Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear
  выбесить / выбешивать разг - (китайцы сильно влезли в эти отрасли и при этом выбесили кучу людей): the Chinese have made huge inroads into that industry, and they pissed off a lot of people in the process
  выбитый из колеи - (он выбит из колеи): He lost a fight tonight, his girlfriend broke up with him, and he's getting evicted tomorrow. He's punch drunk infml, give him a break!;
  - (он хочет, чтобы мы были выбиты и.к. и голодны): off balance and hungry, that's how he wants us;
  - (чемпион мира по шахматам, в.и.к. шахматной программой): Kasparov, shell-shocked by Deep Blue, blown off the board;
  - I felt completely shell-shocked after I heard the news;
  - (республиканцы были выбиты и.к. из-за сокрушительной победы демократов на выборах): Republicans were thrown off balance by the Democrats' landslide in the polls
  выбить из колеи - the discovery unsettled him, and he couldn't control the surge of emotions he was feeling;
  - (республиканцев выбила и.к. сокрушительная победа демократов на выборах): Republicans were thrown off balance by the Democrats' landslide in the polls;
  - (удар всего лишь скользнул по щеке, но он выбил из его из колеи): the blow hit only L.'s cheek glancingly, but he was unsettled by it, and thereafter F. was upon him, driving him back in a hail of barely parried blows
  выбранить - (кого-л): his mouth set in an impatient scowl, like he was ready to bawl me out infml for my sarcasm
  выверт - (он был человек без в-ов / он гордился тем, что он - человек без в-ов / он всё делал с в-ами): He was a man of common sense. He prided himself on having no nonsense about him; but was exactly he meant by this was not easy to say. If he was asked why he did not go to church, why he did not marry, why he had come to live in a lonely place like Marshtown-in-the-Hole, or anything else it was ten to one that he would tell you it was because there was no nonsense about him. He was a man who particularly prided himself on having no nonsense about him; with the result that he was always doing nonsensical things.
  выбесить / выбешивать разг - (китайцы сильно влезли в эти отрасли и при этом выбесили кучу людей): the Chinese have made huge inroads into that industry, and they pissed off a lot of people in the process
  вывести из себя / выводить из себя - (выведенный и.с.): "That's enough from you, old horse-face!" said the farmer, mighty put out.;
  - (нарочно): he was goading her deliberately;
  - (меня выводит и.с., когда он напевает что-то невнятное): that tuneless humming of his drives me up the wall infml;
  - (меня совершенно выводит и.с., когда я вижу на школьном дворе разбушевавшегося хулигана): I get extremely pissed off when I see the schoolyard bully on the rampage;
  - (т.е. нарочно): he laughed again because he knew it would incense her;
  - (о привычке опаздывать): the man's habitual tardiness infuriated him;
  - (о рутинной работе): you have to quit all active applications, which infuriates us;
  - (они не могли заставить её лгать, и это выводило их и.с.): they couldn't bully S.M. into lying for them and it was driving them nuts;
  - (предпочтение ею чужих методов выводило и.с. начальство): her eager espousal of Britain's new cryptologic methodology continually exasperated veteran French cryptographers above her;
  - (шумиха вокруг устройства выводит из себя производителей): the extraordinary buzz about the device exasperates some in the industry who have to contend with distorted expectations;
  - that really ticked me off slang
  выволочка - (ему предстоит в., дисциплинарное взыскание и отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals fig, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): Ehrlichmann tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (задать / устроить в-у кому-л): his parents gave him a hard time;
  - (получить в-у от главы администрации Белого дома / главa администрации устроил ему в-у): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared.";
  - (СМИ устроили нам в-у за то, что мы тратим государственные деньги на проведение заседаний в гостиницах): we have been getting the flak from media that we are wasting people's money by holding committee meetings in function rooms of hotels
  выговаривать - (бабушка выговаривала внуку): he appeared to have mislaid his booklist and was being told off by his grandmother;
  - (кому-л за что-л): she chided him about going into the desert;
  - (кому-л, т.е. ругать): the captain marched S. several steps away and began chastising her in hushed tones;
  - (учитель выговаривал ученикам за разговоры): the teacher was telling pupils off for talking
  выдержанный - she is a remarkably calm and self-possessed young woman
  выдержка (т.е. самообладание) - (иметь большую в-у): to have plenty of grit / to show grit;
  - (не теряющий в-и): unperturbed / unruffled;
  - (рисковать жизнью, полагаясь на свои глаза и в-у): the old hunter was accustomed to wagering his life on his eye and his nerve;
  - the press corps, which had never interacted with her before, now observed her poise and her grit
  выдохнуться / выдыхаться - (он выдохся, т.е. устал): he looked exhausted
  выдуривать / выдурить - (вещи у кого-л): you weren't the first person he wormed things out of
  выживший из ума - (старушенция): she wasn't some doddery infml old dear who put baubles in a pillowcase;
  - (про старика говорили, что он выжил и.у., всё путает, смеялись над его учёностью): the old man was called senile and confused, mocked for his learning;
  - (управитель при выскочке, т.е. короле): I will not step down to be a dotard chamberlain of an upstart
  выжить из ума - he thought I had lost my mind to pass up such an opportunity;
  - (т.е. о старике, он еще не выжил и.у.): if he had left his youth behind, he wasn't yet in his dotage;
  - (про старика говорили, что он выжил и.у. и всё путает): the old man was called senileand confused
  вызов (т.е. протест) - (бросать в. безразличию): his words challenged our indifference;
  - (бросая в. правилам): when he in defiance of regulation lit up a cigarette, she would fling open the windows;
  - (бросить в. кому-л): when anyone urged Bill to be more confrontational and even aggressive in taking on Gingrich, he'd explain that first people had to understand exactly where he and the Republicans differed on the issues;
  - (интеллектуальный, т.е. о тесте / экзамене): R. said he was drawn to the test for the intellectual challenge;
  - (лицо светилось в-ом): her face was alight with defiance;
  - (принять в.): Sen. J.S., Alabama Republican, even challenged Democrats to point out any errors in the numbers and he would correct them - a challenge no Democrats took up.;
  - (принять в.): Pilot J.K. became an overnight hero in 1921. Taking part in the first transcontinental airmail run, K. successfully completed his assigned flight. When the next pilot refused to fly in darkness and bad weather, K. rose to the challenge and delivered the mail.;
  - (страна была готова принять в. нового века): the country was ready to tackle the challenges of a new century
  вызывающе - (говорить): he spoke out defiantly if only to sweep away silence;
  - (лицо в. светилось): her face was alight with defiance;
  - (надетые набекрень каски): their steel helmets tipped saucily awry to suggest a lack of discipline;
  - (реагировать на заявления): in interviews in Tehran, Iranian officials reacted defiantly to statements by the Bush administration that it would press the international Atomic Energy Agency next month to refer the issue to the Security Council;
  - (сказать): "..." he said defiantly
  вызывающий - (взгляд): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
  - (блузки находился на грани между в-им и неприличным): the lace-trimmed neck of her blouse traced a fine line between saucy and sluttish;
  - (поведение): смотри ниже
  вызывающий (поведение) - he often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions);
  - the student was sent to detention for his impertinent behavior towards his teachers;
  - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a type of behavior problem in which children are openly hostile, uncooperative, and irritable. Most of their defiant behaviour is directed at authority figures, but they also sometimes behave the same way towards their siblings, playmates, or classmates.;
  - (если бы я допустил такое в-ее п., мне бы пришёл конец): If I allowed this defiance to stand, I was ruined. My response to his mutiny was direct.;
  - (полузащитника отстранили на одну игру за агрессивное и в-ее п.): the midfielder has been suspended for a game for confrontational and provocative behavior
  выйти из себя - the teacher slapped the boy after losing his temper;
  - don't lose your temper;
  - I was out of control, I was so angry;
  - (из-за чего-л): "What have you got so het up slangfor?" "I'm not het up about that horrid old Nazi.";
  - (к концу второго акта комедии): ...unless comedy touches me as well as amuses me, it leaves me with a sense of having wasted my evening. I go to the theatre to be moved to laughter, not to be tickled or bustled into it; and that is why, though I laugh as much as anybody at a farcical comedy, I am out of spirits before the end of the second act, and out of temper before the end of the third.;
  - don't fly off the handle infml again;
  - a computer does not get psyched out;
  - Whatever it is, he wants more than she will give. He blows a gasket infml. He gives her what-for with some heavy instrument
  выклянчивать / выклянчить - (сигарету): sometimes, the traffic police might also cadge infml vulgar a cigarette, then ask the driver to light it
  выкрутиться / выкручиваться - (от этого обвинения): you'll need a good lawyer to get you off that charge;
  - if she had the pug-dog nose, the sallow skin, - then she would not get away with it;
  - (от наказания): he had somehow wormed his way out of punishment
  выкрутасы - the report was delivered in his gravelly voice, without frills
  выкуси! - What? So now even a passant Muslim journalist feels he can threaten Muslim holy war because he's not given a visa anytime to anywhere he wants? Up yours!
  вымаливание - (денег): the phone call from T. had been a gut-wrenching plea from the kid for money
  выманивать / выманить - (кого-л к двери магазина): she lured him into the shop doorway and her accomplice hit him over the head;
  - (у кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (убийцу: his public manhunt for L. was part of a ruse to lure out the real killer
  выманивать / выманить (у кого-л) - (деньги): he was arrested for cheating them out of $19000;
  - (деньги): he was the victim of a con man who had hoodwinked him out of $65,000;
  - (заключённая выманивает ключи у охранницы): after lock-up, S. tricks her into handing over her keys;
  - (отцовское наследие): he cursed the Yankee who had juggled him out of his patrimony;
  - (паёк): he is trying to cheat me out of my rations;
  - (письмо): he feigns affection to trick her into handing over the letter he sent;
  - (последние 50 пенсов): she is capable of conning infml her own mother out of her last fifty pence piece;
  - (сбережения): she swindled him out of his life savings;
  - (сведения о том, где находится пропавшая вещь у кого-л): he had managed to wheedle the location of the lost thing out of her;
  - (целое состояние): the wretch, who had just juggled him out of a princely fortune, had the audacity to propose him to take his daughter to wife; on which condition he would agree to return him back the whole of the estate he had deprived him off
  вымаривать / выморить - (корпорация может в. конкурентов): a corporation could freeze out competitors by undercutting prices
  выматывать / вымотать - (он больше меня вымотает): He backed up his offer with a threat. If I don't accede, he'll change parties and become the Republican candidate in the general election. His chances will be no better, but he will increase the wear and tear on me and exact maximum punishment for not making him chief.
  выматываться / вымотаться - (он так вымотался, что чуть не заснул в дУше): he's so whacked out infml he almost falls asleep in the shower
  выместить / вымещать - (гнев / зло / раздражение на детях): sometimes I do blow up and take it out on the children;
  - (гнев / зло / раздражение на ком-л): to work off one's bad temper;
  - (гнев / раздражение на ком-л): others may vent their anger on her;
  - (гнев / раздражение на ком-л): "I know that!" L bellowed, taking out his rage on the nearest target of opportunity.;
  - (гнев / зло на предметах): she expresses anger by taking it out on objects;
  - (раздражение друг на друге): they are both incredibly stressed out and take it out on each other;
  - (в. свой гнев / свою злость на кого-л, перебив посуду): I take out my anger at him by smashing dishes around my room
  выматываться / вымотаться - (он так вымотался, что чуть не заснул в дУше): he's so whacked out he almost falls asleep in the shower
  вымогатель / вымогательница - "My boyfriend and I are registered domestic partners. Shortly after we meet he made out a living trust leaving everything to his son and two grandchildren. We live in his home which is part of the trust. If he dies do I get thrown out on the street?" "If your partner dies before you, his son and grandchildren aren't going to want to give you anything. In their eyes, you won't be the woman who loved and supported him in his declining years. To them you're just a gold-digger infml."
  вымогательство - they are victims of extortion;
  - (устоять перед в-ом): Mr. Clinton can stand firm against Republican holdup AmE slang
  вымотанный - (т.е. усталый): "Busy, very busy," says the frazzled architect
  вымученный - (стиль): stiff writing;
  - (улыбка): a strained smile;
  - (улыбка): his smile was forced;
  - (улыбка): he forced his face into a painful smile
  вымучивать / вымучить - (страдальческую улыбку): he forced a rueful grin;
  - (т.е. трудные упражнения разминки): As the warm-up dragged on, he caught glances from his teammates, just checking to see if a real pro quarterback could grind it out with them. Was he a member of a team, or a prima donna just passing through?
  вынашивать - (замыслы): ethnic minorities alleged to harbor "splittist" ambitions;
  - (планы мести): he brooded over schemes of vengeance
  выносить - (не в. курения): I cannot abide smoking
  вынюхать / вынюхивать - there didn't seem to be a good pictorial feature he could ferret out to sell to any of the score of German picture magazines that were the best customers of this kind of journalism;
  - (репортёры стали в. подробности): the reporters came sniffing around for more details;
  - he'd be giving me a medal now instead of sending you snooping round the corridors
  выпад - she was a target of sexual innuendo
  выпаливать / выпалить - (новости): he blurted out the news
  выпендриваться / выпендриться разг - The bill could have been flown to him in Texas, but his ceremonial arrival and departure by helicopter on the White House lawn allowed him to showboat as if he had just landed on an aircraft carrier. These theatrics were foretold;
  - (на камеру / перед камерой): the gymnast was showboating for the cameras when she lost her balance and fell;
  - she showed off so shamelessly that we all hated her;
  - (он выпендривался по многим вопросам): he was a blowhard in a lot of ways, but he did make sense when they talked about real estate;
  - (поймать мяч одной рукой просто, чтобы выпендриться): on a lackadaisical quick-out, he snatched the ball with one hand simply to show off
  выпивши - I want to apologise for all the rude things I said the other day when I was tipsy and rude;
  - (..., который был в.): he appeared under the weather АмЕ and complained all the way down about the lousy food upstairs;
  - (она была в.): he had the girl's head on his shoulder, but she was half cut infml and in her seventh heaven
  выплакать - (все глаза): It's the saddest movie ever, and one of the best films of all time. My best friend laughs at every possible sad movie, but she actually bawled her eyes out.
  выплакаться - I didn't sleep well that night, even after I was done crying
  выпрашивание - (денег): the phone call from T. had been a gut-wrenching plea from the kid for money
  выпрашивать / выпросить - (сигарету): sometimes, the traffic police might also cadge infml vulgar a cigarette, then ask the driver to light it;
  - (у кого-л что-л): I begged of him for a small part of his food
  вырубить разг - (т.е. усыпить, я принял лекарство от простуды, которое меня вырубило часов на восемь): I was far too stressed to sleep, so I took unnecessary cold medicine - the kind that knocked me out for a good eight hours
  вырубиться разг - (т.е. быть без сознания): six beers and he was dead to the world;
  - (т.е. потерять сознание, я помню, как он поставил мне капельницу, как сестра дала мне кислород, а потом я вырубился): I remember him putting the IV in, then the nurse giving me O2, and then I was out cold
  выругать - (кого-л): his mouth set in an impatient scowl, like he was ready to bawl me out infml for my sarcasm
  выругаться - (): he swore out loud as he saw it;
  - (грязно): he swore foully
  выскочка - (т.е. о претенденте на трон): I will not step down to be a dotard chamberlain of an upstart;
  - (т.е. о шахматисте): why the invincible Kasparov failed to dispose of that young upstart
  выслуживаться - (перед кем-л): he is currying favour with the king
  высмеивать / высмеять - (актёр высмеял противодействие Национальной Стрелковой организации запрету на виды вооружений хорошей репликой): the comedian lampooned the NRA opposition to banning cop-killer bullets with a good line;
  - (длинные баки): long sideburns were laughed at in most quarters;
  - (его высмеивали): after the 1994 elections, Bill Clinton had been ridiculed as an irrelevant figure, destined for defeat in 1996;
  - (идеи кого-л): In Latin America, the image of Che Guevara is so ubiquitous on the t-shirts that it has become as recognizable a "brand" as anything generated by corporate America. Guevara's collapse was complete; his intentions were forgotten, but his style was taken up by boutique owners. There is no faster way of destroying a man, or mocking his ideas, than making him fashionable.;
  - (католики-консерваторы давно высмеивают использование национальных языков, т.е. в богослужении): many on the Catholic right will hail the move as a death knell for the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, such as use of vernacular languages and modern music, and participation by the laity, most of the conservatives have long derided as misplaced efforts to make the church "relevant";
  - (кого-л): he mocked the reporter for appearing on the talk show;
  - (кого-л в стихах): some persons in Medina who had satirized Mohammad in verse were assassinated;
  - (неспособность президента провести большие программы через Конгресс): some of my critics ridiculed my inability to pass big programs in the Republican Congress;
  - (оптимизм в отношении экономики, т.е. у соперника на выборах президента): Obama skewered Bush's careful optimism on the economy, saying America's economic woes could be traced squarely to "a failure of leadership in Washington";
  - (подражание французам в одежде): he satirised BrE / satirized AmE the aping of the French in dress;
  - (т.е. политика как незначительного): after the 1994 election, I had been ridiculed as an irrelevant figure destined for defeat in 1996;
  - (политических деятелей в очерках): in his essays he lampooned all the major political figures of the time;
  - (понимание происходящего, т.е. у соперника на выборах президента): McCain had mocked Obama's grasp of realities in Iraq;
  - (пресса высмеивала жалобы политика): the press lampooned his complaints;
  - (средства массовой информации высмеивали политиков): the media continued to be the largest consumer of campaign dollars, even as they pilloried politicians for raising the funds to pay them;
  - (стереотипы): the art installation pokes fun at stereotypes;
  - Two great grammarians had a titanic spat in the 1920s over the use of the possessive in this sentence: "Women having the vote reduces men's political power." H. W. Fowler derided what he called "the fused participle" as "grammatically indefensible" and said it should be "Women's having"; Otto Jespersen cited famous usages, urged dropping the possessive and called Fowler a "grammatical moralizer."
  высокомерие - (из-за своего в-я она приобрела много врагов): her arrogance has earned her a lot of enemies;
  - (короля): to punish the haughtiness of the king;
  - (ледяное): her chin came up, her expression one of frosty hauteur;
  - (несчастье сломило мое прежнее в.): misfortune has broken my once haughty spirit;
  - (расовое в. колониального чиновника): the postwar Colonial Service officer must above all not be infected with racial snobbery;
  - (в., свойственное благородным господам): one of his more appealing qualities was a lack of the usual arrogance that goes with noble blood;
  - (снисходительность граничила с в-ем): the man's condescension almost bordered on mute insolence;
  - the boy was really pleasant and generous-hearted, and had no mind for disagreeable haughtiness;
  - nor did he abandon his courtesy - except once, in May 1972, when, carried away by the prospect of seemingly imminent victory, he was tempted into insolence
  высокомерно - (противиться переменам): always arrogantly resistant to change, the program...;
  - (рассматривать кого-л): he regarded her imperiously;
  - (сказать): "I think you've got enough to be getting on with at the moment," she said loftily;
  - (сказать): "I am a God-fearing man. Unlike yourself," he added sniffily. "But I would expect no less from someone who has intimate knowledge of every tavern and doxy on Cheapside.";
  - (спросить): "..." he asked superciliously
  высокомерный - (вид): to have a lofty air / attitude / tone;
  - (взгляд): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
  - (выражение лица): "Enough," said F. with a very supercilious look on his face;
  - (дух): misfortune has broken my once haughty spirit;
  - (нет никого в-ее князя церкви): there's nothing so toffee-nosed infml as a Prince of the Church;
  - (отношение / тон): to have a lofty attitude / tone;
  - (её возмущало его в-ое поведение): she resented his high-handed manner;
  - (улыбка): he smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car;
  - (усмешка): arrogant smirk;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  высокомерный (человек): - they were too arrogant to believe in goodwill;
  - he was too arrogant for his green years;
  - Three Americans held captive by Colombia's leftist rebels published their memoir. One of them has unkind words about B., a French-Colombian politician kidnapped a year before. She was haughty and self-absorbed, stole food and hoarded books, and even put their lives in danger by telling rebel guards they were CIA agents.;
  - you pack of stuck-up infml, self-satisfied prigs;
  - (философы): those haughty philosophers who claim to hold in contempt all that men esteem
  высоконравственный - (тон): But then he hung up on me. Or as a sympathetic e-mailer wrote: "I was particularly offended by the way he cut you off just before his tirade - as if to give the listening audience the impression you had been struck silent, like some whipped pup, by the brilliance of his argument and the morality of his tone."
  высокопарный - (актёры своей вычурной декламацией делают язык Шекспира непостижимо в-ым): actors take Shakespeare's mighty language and, through fussy declamation, make it ungraspably high-flown;
  - (болтовня / разглагольствование): the highfaluting rhetoric of stability, security, reconciliation and reconstruction of Iraq will not be enough;
  - (высказывания): You're too busy making highfaluting moral pronouncements about how prisoners should be treated inside of prison, that they should have creative expression after they've taken a human life. You and your ilk and all of this pinhead editorial nonsense never get down to the suffering and pain of the crime victims.;
  - (жесты): the grandiloquent gestures were part of a conscious strategy;
  - (журнал): the magazine is eclectic but focused, ecumenical but not wishy-washy, conservative but not reactionary, intelligent but not highfaluting;
  - (...которая напускает на себя в. вид): the arrival of Stella's sister, Blanche, with her highfaluting put-on airs, precipitates a crisis in the Kowalskis' marriage;
  - (красноречие): the presidential candidate has openly changed his style of late, eschewing his usual highfaluting oratory for some down-home straight talk of his own in Pennsylvania;
  - (название): In the Pitti Palace in Florence she stared at the succession of over-life-size sculpted figures depicting Hercules in the quasi-heroic act of killing his opponents. The Triumph of Victory was the bombastic title.;
  - (опус): Last week, the Wall Street Journal published yet another in a long line of turgid propaganda pieces denying the threat posed by climate change;
  - (проповедь): a bombastic sermon on the evils of cardplaying;
  - (разглагольствование): the highfaluting rhetoric of stability, security, reconciliation and reconstruction of Iraq will not be enough;
  - (риторика): I'd prefer more reasoned arguments and rather less high-flown rhetoric;
  - (слово): If you want to communicate broadly, strike such Janus-like words from your vocabulary; they befuddle. Same with the highbrow noun plethora; to some it means "plenty," but to others it means "too much."
  - (фраза): he speaks with the orotund, balanced phrases of peer in the House of Lords
  выспренний - (актёры своей вычурной декламацией делают язык Шекспира непостижимо в-им): actors take Shakespeare's mighty language and, through fussy declamation, make it ungraspably high-flown;
  - (передачи радиостанции): the station's work might be seen by its clients as impractical, highfaluting and tending to the ivory tower;
  - (проповедь): a bombastic sermon on the evils of cardplaying;
  - (риторика): I'd prefer more reasoned arguments and rather less high-flown rhetoric
  выстраданный - (свобода): hard-won freedom
  выстрадать - (мы выстрадали свою свободу): our freedom is hard-won;
  вытворять - (дурацкие штучки): if you go on pulling stupid stunts like that, you'll lose all our money
  вытребеньки - (я бы хотел, чтобы действие романа происходило в разных экзотических местах, а не только в Африке, но это в.): I do wish the novel had taken place in more various exotic locales instead of mainly Africa, but that's being nitpicky
  вычурный - (гофрированный воротничок): a fussy pie-frill around her neck;
  - (поклон): "Would my lady care to come ashore?" he swept a florid bow and offered her his hand with a grin.;
  - (декламация): actors take Shakespeare's mighty language and, through fussy declamation, make it ungraspably high-flown;
  - (псевдоним): avoid cutesy pen names;
  - (серьги): arty earrings
  вышколить - (вышколенный в суматохе чикагской журналистики): schooled in the rough-and-tumble of Chicago journalism;
  - (несмотря на то, что муж её вышколил): there was an undercurrent of anxiety in her voice which not even her husband's tuition had taught her wholly to suppress
  въедливый - Mr Fussy is so fussy that he would have to make sure that everything was all neat and tidy, and in its proper place. Absolutely everything had to be clean or straight. He spends every day of his life doing this, fussing over this and that.
  вялый - (от жары мы стали в-ыми): the heat and humidity made us torpid;
  - (от солнца и от долгого пребывания в воде, т.е. человек): still sodden with sunshine and loose-limbed from being so long in the water, he asked her to drive;
  - (оцепенение): the troops were lulled into stuporous lassitude by the unchanging vibration of the aircraft;
  - (поведение): his entire listless manner was that of a person waiting to be moved;
  - (поддержка): he received only lukewarm support from his own party;
  - (попытка уговорить): her attempt to convince me was half-hearted;
  - (постановка пьесы): the production of the 1667 play is almost inanimate, more like an installation;
  - (реакция): his lukewarm response to the reunification;
  - (рукопожатия): she was dispensing honeyed words and limp handshakes
  гад - he joined the police to stop nasty bastards wrecking other people's lives;
  - bastard, thought R., it was your bloody ministry that got us into this mess;
  - rats are nasty little buggers
  гадина - she's such a viper, she looks all sweet but she's just using him for gossip
  гадить - (в своём доме образно): he was hoping for a promotion at work but he fouled his nest infml fig by spreading rumours about the Managing Director;
  - (в своём доме образно): her mother will not speak to her because she fouled her own nest by stealing from her brother;
  гадкий - (вид): this one's got a mean look about him;
  - (врунишка): you're a nasty little liar;
  - (мальчишка): a nasty little boy who considers rules to be beneath him;
  - (улыбка): his thin mouth was curving in a mean smile;
  - (утёнок): The Ugly Duckling is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen;
  - (шутка): sometimes the fun was a bit mean, but that suited Tom's disposition
  гадко - (выглядеть): how despicable does he appear, busy plotting his rise to power when he should be caring for his small brother!;
  - (это г.): This is despicable. Ask for his help, and they double-cross him.
  гадость - (всякая г., есть в-ую г., т.е. нездоровую пищу): you have to follow a super-strict diet to succeed and if you fall off the wagon and eat junk for a day or two, you've blown it altogether;
  - (выслушивать гадости): "I'm not going to take any crap from him. If he makes one more crack about my family I'm going to get hold of his head and -" he made a violent gesture in midair;
  - (говорить гадости о других): it's an easy life for her: sitting around in the office, being served tea by the prisoners, and bad-mouthing other folk;
  - (b<>делать гадости кому-л): nobody who deliberately pulled anything on me got a second chance;
  - (говорить гадости о ком-л): They've said nasty things about you lately. That you should have carnal relations with your mother.;
  - (которая забивает раковину ванной): what is the black gunk that clogs my bathroom sink?
  - (г., которой кормили рабов, неожиданно оказалась хорошей приманкой для рыбы): the muck the slaves had been fed proved unexpectedly good for luring fish;
  - (мы не хотим, чтобы какая-нибудь г. попала в вино): we don't want any nasties infml getting into our wine so we siphon the wine into cleaned and sterilised bottles and seal with clean sterilised lids as quickly as possible;
  - (он мог получить 20 лет, т.е. тюремного заключения, за хранение половины этой г-ти, т.е. взрывчатки): he could get a twenty-year sentence for possessing even half of this shit
  гадюшник образно- people said that his house was a nest of adders, and his behavior in the House of Commons that of a wolf, or other wild animal in the midst of a flock of sheep, showing his teeth and snapping at every one about him;
  - I am wondering at your presence in this nest of adders
  галантный - (попытка спасти репутацию дамы): he made a gallant attempt to save her reputation
  гениально - (то, что он сделал, было г.): I think that what he did was a stroke of genius
  гениальность - a political manager of uncanny genius
  гениальный - (сверхъестественно г. политический деятель): a political manager of uncanny genius
  гений - (в юриспруденции): he is a legal genius
  геройство - (на стадионе): admissions tutors care not a fig about their future students" prowess on the sports field;
  - (проявить г. в битвах): the companies forming the First Florida cavalry were distinguished for their intrepid gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge
  гладить по головке - (т.е. похвалить): younger members seemed to crave greater recognition than an internal pat on the head
  глумиться - "Peres," jeered the placards, "Is this how your new Middle East looks?";
  - (над кем-л): He was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at her;
  - (т.е. спросить с издёвкой): "How is it, D.?" simpered P. "does it hurt much?"
  глумление - (в голосе): the sneer in his voice was palpable now;
  - drunken jeers and mockery
  глумливый - (смех): he could hear their shrill gales of mocking laughter;
  - (смех): an eruption of jeering laughter
  глупенький / глупышка - (блондинка): Ditzy slangmeans basically acting really dumb and innocent. Not really knowing what is going on. Many people say it to like "ditzy blonde" cuz blondes are ditzy;
  - (блондинка): Jessica Simpson is the real definition of ditzy slang blonde!;
  - "Is this your husband?" he nervously asks. "No, silly," she replies, snuggling up to him.
  глупить - (не глупи): don't be so stupid, I was only joking
  глупо - (было г. думать, что...): she had never put herself out for anyone, and it was silly to think that she might begin at this stage of her life;
  - (выглядеть): A firm in the middle of a pay dispute tells you that their staff's average salary is £28000. So you report that - and look silly. What they've just told you is the mean, calculated by adding up all the salaries of all their staff - including the four family directors who are paid in excess of £200000 a year.;
  - (доказывать что-л): the editorial stopped short of calling for Starr's resignation as Independent Counsel, arguing - nonsensically, I thought - that his possibly tainted investigation was "too far along to start over";
  - (переоценить противника): it is foolish to overestimate an adversary;
  - (чувствовать себя): he felt extremely foolish, staring blankly at the crystal ball;
  - (улыбаться): a priest and smirking acolytes
  глуповато - (на фотографии он выглядит г.): the photograph makes him look like a kind of sap infml;
  - (смотреть): he looked up owlishly at M. as comprehension began to dawn in his button eyes
  глуповатый - (вид): he was wearing a tie, although it was slightly askew and one point of his collar was bent and pointing up, and the shirtsleeves peeking out of his jacket were too long, which gave him a slightly goofy look;
  - (девушки): even if girls are not much to look at, or even if they're sort of stupid, you fall in love with them;
  - (на вид): the child was big for his age, and he had the ambling clumsiness of some big children, a thick infml, almost oafish appearance;
  - (человек): sheepish man
  глупости - (не говори г.): don't be stupid, it'll be much quicker if I do it;
  - (не говори г.): don't be stupid / silly infml;
  - (не говори г.): "Maybe he thinks I can't be trusted." "Don't be thick infml.";
  - (не говори г. / не делай г-тей): "Don't be ridiculous." "Oh? Now, why am I being ridiculous?";
  - (наделать г-тей): the boy has undoubtedly been foolish;
  - (не терпеть такие г. от своего народа): instead of adapting to their new environments, they continue right on with their primitive and irrational customs while their Western hosts, who would never tolerate such nonsense from their own Christian populations, mouth vapid platitudes about tolerance and the splendor of diversity;
  - (он был человек без глупостей / он гордился тем, что он - человек без глупостей / он всегда делал г-ти): He was a man of common sense. He prided himself on having no nonsense about him; but was exactly he meant by this was not easy to say. If he was asked why he did not go to church, why he did not marry, why he had come to live in a lonely place like Marshtown-in-the-Hole, or anything else it was ten to one that he would tell you it was because there was no nonsense about him. He was a man who particularly prided himself on having no nonsense about him; with the result that he was always doing nonsensical things;
  - (с её языка слетали г-ти): inanities slipped off her tongue;
  глупость - (глупости): смотри выше;
  - (т.е. нелепая ошибка): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. черта человека): смотри ниже
  глупость (т.е. нелепая ошибка) - One of the fringe benefits of being an English or History teacher is receiving the occasional jewel of a student blooper in an essay. I have pasted together the following "history" of the world from certifiably genuine student bloopers collected by teachers throughout the United States, from eight grade through college level. The Egyptians built the Pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pyramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.;
  - His (Al Gore's) biggest boo-boo infmlcomes from his well publicized definition of CO2. He says CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas. This is wrong.;
  - it was some sort of semi-hysterical foolishness which the boy had thought up, some ill-advised monkeyshine;
  - (оказывается, ты проявил не г., а высокие моральные качества): you weren't being thick after all - you were showing moral fiber;
  - (сделать г.): he felt that it was incumbent upon him to say something to her to stop her from doing anything stupid;
  - (сказать такую г.): She was told by her voice coach that the way to make yourself sound authoritative was to make your voice go up at the beginning of the sentence and down at the end. It seems unlikely that an experienced trainer would have said something quite so crass.
  глупость (т.е. черта человека) - (наказать за г.): he docks her a month's wages to punish her stupidity;
  - (т.е. персонажа мультфильма): absolute silliness;
  - (разница между смелостью и г-тью): there is a difference between being brave and being foolish;
  - (свалить свою г. на учеников): you are not going to pass off your many ineptitudes on the students
  глупый - the minister agreed that regulation of hostile takeover bids would be foolish;
  - (ах ты г. мишка!): silly old bear;
  - (болтовня): I should be avoiding him entirely after my brainless and embarrassing babbling yesterday;
  - (вопрос): This might be a stupid question... but what are DJs doing when they are emotionally "twisting knobs"? Feel stupid to ask "dumb questions".;
  - (вопрос / ответ): ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer;
  - (игра в прогнозы): dumb prediction game;
  - (идея): he spoke with the indulgent air of a great teacher correcting a country bumpkin's fatuous ideas;
  - (лицо): her stupid pedigree face;
  - (ложь): his parents had swallowed all his dim-witted lies about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays;
  - (охотничий пёс): feeling horribly exposed, he began to cast about like an inept hunting dog;
  - (позиция): he was interrogated to see what had persuaded him to take so public and so foolish a political stand against the government;
  - (решение): a foolish decision
  - (родители): they were astonishingly stupid about their son;
  - (самое глупое, что можно сделать): this is the dumbest thing you can do;
  - (сказать что-то столь глупое): She was told by her voice coach that the way to make yourself sound authoritative was to make your voice go up at the beginning of the sentence and down at the end. It seems unlikely that an experienced trainer would have said something quite so crass.;
  - (созданье): this bird spends half the year heading south and the rest of the time coming back again, daft creature;
  - (ссора США с Францией): Nixon had ended the brutish quarrel with France;
  - (строить г-ые рожи): I was pulling silly faces to make the baby laugh;
  - (ты г-ая скотина): you're a stupid, clumsy, hulking brute;
  - (человек): the main character is a daffy infml dentist;
  - (человек): when I was young and successful I was greedy and foolish;
  - (чувствовать себя г-ым в какой-то области): In those areas (foreign policy) he felt the most competent. It was on domestic stuff (policy) that he felt disconnected and dumb;
  - (шутки): she hopped up to the mike for some silly banter
  гнать жаргон- (гонишь!, т.е. хвастаешься / врёшь): my, don't you talk big infml!
  гнев - (г. Божий за что-л): this was God's wrath for...;
  - (в г-е ругаться): he cursed and kicked the back of my seat in exasperation;
  - (внутри него всё горело от г-а): his insides writhed with anger;
  - (во мне вскипал г.): anger welled up in me;
  - (т.е. вспышка г-а, выбежать, покраснев от г-а): they stormed out in a red-faced huff;
  - (вспышка г-а): as he stared at the bizarre image, his initial revulsion and shock gave way to a sudden upwell of anger;
  - (выместить г. на ком-л): "I know that!" he bellowed, taking out his rage on the nearest target of opportunity;
  - (дать выход своему г-у): I take out my anger at him by smashing dishes around my room;
  - (инвесторов): the director faces investor's ire;
  - (кричать от г-а): he was crying with exasperation;
  - (навлечь г. Божий): the orb from which Eve partook, incurring the Holy wrath of God;
  - (обманутой женщины): nobody would have known a thing but for the anger of a woman betrayed;
  - (от г-а дрожали руки): his hands were shaking slightly out of anger;
  - (посла): the chilly anger of the ambassador;
  - (после теракта): anger, confusion and apprehension;
  - (праведный): righteous indignation
  гневно - (воскликнуть): "I hate her!" she burst out savagely.;
  - (говорить): He is a blunt man. He spoke candidly and with anger about the trial and events leading to it;
  - (кричать): the old man cried in great wrath;
  - (отрицать обвинение): this is a charge Iraq vehemently denies;
  - (отрицать обвинение): The Kremlin angrily denies the charge;
  - (оттолкнуть протянутую руку): she angrily rejects his offered hand;
  - (протестовать): he protested vehemently;
  - (реагировать): the Minister should have reacted more irately to the note
  гневный - (бог): the terrorists worshipped their wrathful god in a humble Hamburg mosque;
  - (в г-ом негодовании): wrathfully indignant;
  - (взгляд): she shot him a fulminating look as she swept out of the room;
  - (рассказ об игнорировании чёрных актёров): a blistering story of the exclusion of the blacks in Hollywood
  гнести - (единственное, что его гнетёт, - это смерть отца): the only thing that seems to weigh him down is the death of his father;
  - (король прожил грешную жизнь, и это его гнетёт): the king has lived a sinful life and it preys on him
  гнетущий - (атмосфера / обстановка): oppressive atmosphere;
  - (жара): oppressive heat;
  - (чувство неблагополучия): Americans' gnawing sense of ill-being
  гнёт - (находиться под г-ом требований показывать высокие результаты или увольняться: at a time when even mid-level managers face incessant pressure to perform or pack up, why don't companies pay closer attention to performance at the very top?;
  - (сбрасывать г.): the Russians were throwing off their old oppressions
  гниль - (искоренить г. в администрации): Nixon would have to brutally eradicate the rot, and rally the American people for a fresh start
  гнусный - (дела): The warder doesn't see anything wrong in having sexual relationships with the women in his care. Those who try to bring an end to his nefarious activities soon find out that he makes the worst sort of enemy.;
  - (еда): vile meal;
  - (заключённый): the most infamous prisoner ever held in the fortress, is still eluding capture;
  - (обвинение / деяние): "That is a vile accusation." "For a vile act.";
  - (план): to stop the Nazi's nefarious plan to attack America;
  - (погода): beastly weather;
  - (подлость): The musician was shabbily treated by the singer, going uncredited on the album and being paid just a stingy £15 for his work. This wretched piece of meanness rankled with J. He might have lost up to £1 million through not being credited as a writer.;
  - (г-ые порядки, рекомендованные директивой): The infamous memorandum defined torture as acts that induced pain tantamount to organ failure. Now the Bush administration has backed off that ill-advised memo and the odious practice it endorsed.;
  - (поступок): when governments speak of "reasons of state," look for a squalid act that offends common decency;
  - (преступление): he has been accused of the most heinous crimes;
  - (привычка): beastly habit;
  - (теракт): a heinous / odious / vile terrorist attack;
  - (фильм увековечивает г-е дела торговца оружием): a movie starring Nicholas Cage immortalizes his (arms trafficker's) nefarious exploits;
  - (человек): beastly person
  говорильня - (встречи большой семёрки были г-ей): historically, these meetings (annual G-7 summit) had been talkfests, with few meaningful policy commitments and little follow-up;
  - (пустая): is it a valuable debate or a hollow talking shop?
  говорливый - (петушок / хвастун): garrulous rooster / boaster;
  - (человек): Yeltsyn was voluble; Putin is measured and precise
  головорез - (банда г-ов): gang of thugs;
  - (банда г-ов): the "Chief" had a gang of ruffians handy;
  - two muscular thugs viciously whip him;
  - a thug who spent the last years of his life on the run;
  - he hired the thugs who barged into her apartment;
  - (успокой своих г-ов, т.е. о корсарах): Lascivious guffaws down by the door prompted one of the Lord's men to half draw his sward, the rest stirring with anger. The Lord gestured and the man rammed the blade back into its scabbard. "Keep your ruffians quiet, S."
  головокружение - her new glasses don't seem to be the answer to her headaches and dizzy spells
  головокружительный - (взлёт к славе): the meteoric rise to fame of the Beatles;
  - (вычислительная техника прогрессировала г-ми темпами): computer technology continued to advance at a dizzying pace;
  - (коррупция): it was the profligacy and dizzying corruption that turned his basically puritan spirit to a conviction that...;
  - (с г-ой быстротой, несчастья следовали один за другим с г.б.): disasters followed one another with heady speed;
  - (эмоции): he felt a dizzying mix of emotions wash over him;
  - (с г-ой ловкостью): the walls bore ornamental plates, each featuring a highly coloured kitten, gambolling and frisking with sickening cuteness
  головомойка - (ему предстоит г., дисциплинарное взыскание и отстранение от работы): the policeman faces being hauled over coals, disciplined and maybe even suspended;
  - (получить г-у от главы администрации Белого дома / администрации Белого дома устроил ему г-у): When Nixon's special counsel Charles Colson arranged a night out at the Kennedy Center for Richard Nixon to conform to a sudden presidential whim, he was dressed down by chief of staff H.R. Haldeman in these terms: "You could have put the President's life in jeopardy, the Secret Service wasn't prepared."
  - (устроить г-у): Ehrlichmann tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (делать / задать / устроить г-у кому-л): his parents gave him a hard time
  голодранец - ne'er-do-wells fallen into debt or paying for some crime became slaves;
  голытьба - ne'er-do-wells fallen into debt or paying for some crime became slaves;
  голубки - (т.е. влюблённые): I saw a couple with their arms around each other. They were in a gazebo, all lovey-dovey.;
  голь на выдумки хитра - The trickster's behavior can be summed up in the common African proverb: "It's trouble that makes the monkey chew on hot peppers." In other words, sometimes people must use extreme measures in extreme circumstances.;
  - the necessity is / being the mother of invention
  гомик - "I'm a fag infml," Frank said huffily;
  - better start praying to the patron saint of poofs slang;
  - pansy infml
  гонимый - she may act overworked or persecuted
  горделивый - (неодобрение): the owl clicked her beak with a sort of dignified disapproval
  гордец - his mates decided he was stuck-up
  гордиться - (колонисты гордятся построенными ими городами): the colonists take special pride in the cities that they have built;
  - (своей университетской мантией): as a newcomer he was very proud of the gown;
  - (страна гордится открытостью): the country prides itself on its openness;
  - (своим гостеприимством): we pride ourselves here on being a very hospitable people;
  - (французы гордятся своей культурой): the French pride themselves on their culture;
  - (чистокровным происхождением): he prided himself on being pureblood;
  - (я бы очень гордился, если бы мы сумели раскрыть это дело): it would be a feather in my cap if we could get this thing cleared up;
  - (я верный слуга государства, и этим горжусь): I a loyal servant of the state and proud to be so
  гордость - (авторская): pride of authorship;
  - (испытывать б-ую г. за то, что...): we feel great pride for having had such great Canadians serve among our ranks;
  - (компании): investment bankers felt that management's focus had shifted toward the more successful wealth management unit, widely considered to be the crown jewel of the company;
  - (нищего): I did not let threadbare pride stop me from accepting charity;
  - (предмет особой гордости кого-л): it was a very exceptional case, a feather in my cap;
  - (предмет особой гордости страны: the proudest boast of the country is its volcanoes;
  - (профессиональная): "I'm a newspaperman and I've been assigned to cover a story. I intend covering it." "I see. Professional honor, is that it?"
  гордый - (иметь г. вид): he was looking immensely proud and important;
  - (неодобрение): the owl clicked her beak with a sort of dignified disapproval;
  - (он был горд своей университетской мантией): as a newcomer he was very proud of the gown
  гордыня - a form of pride, not unlike the classical hubris Greek - the setting up on oneself on a level with the Creator
  гордячка - I said to the wife, "Guess what I heard in the pub? They reckon the milkman has made love to every woman in this road except one." And she said, "I'll bet it's that stuck up Phyllis at number 23."
  горе - (г. вам!): woe unto you!;
  - (её душа разрывалась от горя): fresh grief wrenched at her body and soul;
  - (кому-л): woe unto color=orange>old use any Prime Minister of Israel who takes a similar course (televangelist suggesting that Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon's massive stroke was divine punishment);
  - (г. мне!): woe to me, now, for Jehovah hath added sorrow to my pain;
  - (г. мне!): Woe is me humorous! I have to work when the rest of the office staff is off.;
  - (много горя и потерь выпало на нашу долю): much loss and sorrow has befallen us;
  - (обезумев от горя): maddened by grief;
  - (облегчить его г.): nothing but action could assuage his feelings of guilt and grief;
  - (г. опоздавшим): we will be leaving at 8 o"clock sharp, and woe betide lit humour anyone who is late;
  - (от ума): Wits Works Woe;
  - (радоваться чужому горю): to take malicious joy in others' misfortunes;
  - (семьи, посторонние в г. семьи): they looked at each other every so often, intruders upon the family grief;
  - (г. слабым): tough luck for the weak, it's downright Darwinian;
  - (убитый горем): his face flushed and blotched as though it were a heartbroken child's;
  - (обезумевший от горя): Three teenage girls are killed in a drunk driving accident. He traces the source of the liquor to one of the places that sell mixed drinks through drive-by windows. When the owner of the drive-through operation is brutally murdered, he immediately suspects the grief-crazed father of the dead teen driver.
  горевать - (из-за / о его смерти): there was no time to grieve over his death;
  - (не стоит г., когда жизнь идёт к концу): when life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to end;
  - (по ком-л): I know what is to grieve for a husband;
  - (по ком-л): I grieved for my Grandma
  горестно - (замолчать, т.е. о человеке): he subsided into an aggrieved silence
  горестный - (вид / лицо, я понял по г-ому виду сына, что утро прошло неважно): I could tell by my son's woebegone face that the morning hadn't gone well;
  - (усмешка): he forced a rueful grin
  гореть образно - (т.е. болеть, у него горело горло): he felt a burning sensation in his throat;
  - (боль и потрясение горели в его глазах): pain and shock flared in his eyes;
  - (в лихорадке): you're burning up;
  - (внутри него всё горело от гнева): his insides writhed with anger;
  - (внутри него всё горело): his insides were squirming;
  - (глаза горели ужасным огнём): the monster's eyes were lit with a hell light;
  - (горя от нетерпения): "What happens then?" asked M. agog;
  - (желанием): смотри ниже;
  - (нетерпением, кони били копытами снег горя н. отправиться в путь): the pair of bays were pawing the snow in their eagerness to be off;
  - (о порезах, т.е. болеть): the cuts on his face were burning raw;
  - (о шраме): the scar was stinging;
  - (о щеках): he cheeks were flushed and burning;
  - (oна горела радостным ожиданием): she was aglow with the joyous expectancy;
  - (от нетерпения): he flared with a surge of impatience;
  - (раны - от боли): his wounds began to sting;
  - (у него внутри всё горело): his insides was burning;
  - (энтузиазмом): смотри ниже
  гореть желанием - "Is he going to propose to Mary." "He's supposed to be engaged, but he still seems as keen as mustard infml fig.";
  - Why don't we ask Tom to captain the cricket team? He's as keen as mustard.;
  - (команда горит ж. выиграть): the team is fired up about winning;
  - (.ж. иметь детей): some women are so desperate to have children they are resorting to desperate measures by getting pregnant on one-night stands;
  - (г.ж. усовершенствовать образование): he is passionate about improving British education;
  - (я не горю ж. помогать ему): I'm still mad at R. for the trick he pulled on me at the beginning of the summer so I'm really not looking to do him any favours
  гореть энтузиазмом - he is full of energy and red hot with zeal in our cause;
  - the opposition was organized, ably led, and white-hot with zeal;
  - (видеть студентов, горящих э.): as a teacher it is a privilege to witness a dynamic group of students working on their own initiative, fired with enthusiasm, striving to solve some economics-related problem;
  - (о лице): her face was alight with fervor;
  - (горя э.): fired with enthusiasm, he soon talked them into hiring him as their director of retail operations and marketing;
  - (горя э.): fired with enthusiasm and convinced that he was going to revolutionise transport, he worked hard to transform his ideas into reality;
  горечь - (вся г. и обида): every bitter and resentful thought that he had had in the past month was pouring out of him;
  - (притупить г. от сознания того, что их товарищи погибли, попав в засаду): they'll drink themselves stupid tonight to blunt the sting of knowing that their comrades were ambushed and killed
  горластый - (женщина): she can be boisterous and up for a laugh - just as long as it isn't directed at her;
  - (кретин): a loud-mouthed wise-arse needy moron;
  - (северяне считают себя забавными, но они по большей части крикливые и надоедливые): the northerners think they're droll but mostly they're gobby infml and annoying
  горлопан - loudmouth
  горлохват - a loud-mouthed wise-arse needy moron
  горохом об стенку - (тебе что-то говорить - как г.о.с.): You're fucking obsessed. I'd get more sense talking to the wall.
  горький - (воспоминание было солнечным, а не горьким): he tried to grin as though the memory of their last meeting was sunny as opposed to mortifying;
  - (воспоминания): he attempted to stem the sudden upsurge of bitter memories;
  - (ирония): poignant irony;
  - (мысль): I could not erase from my mind the poignant thought of R. Nixon so alone and beleaguered;
  - (напоминание о принесённых страной жертвах): a poignant reminder of our nation's great sacrifices;
  - (напоминание о том, каким мог бы быть город): it's a poignant evocation of what might have been the city of that architect;
  - (опыт, узнать на горьком опыте): I know it from bitter experience;
  - (опыт, узнать на горьком опыте: the burglar had learned the hard way that a murmur is far more difficult to detect than a whisper;
  - (пилюля образно): the Bosnian peace plan was hard-won and its particulars contained bitter pills for both sides;
  - (правда): the home truths that the owners and directors of companies have forgotten are that power must come with responsibility;
  - (правда): bitter truth;
  - (правда): no matter how bad you do not want to state the painful truth, always be truthful;
  - (разочарование): bitter disappointment;
  - (разочарование): his frustration was acute when he realized that I would not let him go;
  - (усмешка): his mouth twisted itself into a wry smile
  горько - (мне было г., что моя партия разваливалась): I was heartsick that my party was disintegrating before my eyes;
  - (от мысли, что он обманул самых близких людей, было / становилось невыразимо г.): the idea that he had cheated and misled those closest to him was upsetting beyond words;
  - (разочарован): his lawyer was bitterly disappointed;
  - (рыдать<>/b): she ended up sobbing her heart out;
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled wryly
  горячий - (итальянцы, т.е. страстные): A beautiful American girl living with their quarterback, right there in Parma. Being red-blooded Italians, they could not help but wiggle their way closer.;
  - (кобылка разг, т.е. сексуальная): she's hot to trot infml;
  - (конь): a restive and fiery horse;
  - (человек, т.е. импульсивный): the youngest and most impetuous member of the team
  горячиться - (давайте не будем г.): let's not all go off half-cocked until we do get the official response please;
  - (из-за чего-л): "What have you got so het up slangfor?" "I'm not het up about that horrid old Nazi.";
  - (мать советовала ей не г., т.е. с увольнением): she wanted to quit her job but her mother told her not to go off half-cocked infml;
  - (я немного погорячился): apologies where appropriate, I think I went off a little half-cocked
  горячность - (молодости): you know the rashness of youth
  греховность - man cannot stop sinning but is able to recognize his depravity;
  - he wears his depravity like a badge or a tattoo
  грешить - man cannot stop sinning;
  грешный - (Господи, будь милостив ко мне, грешной): Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner
  грезить - halfway through rechecking the problems I was daydreaming
  грёзы - (мои г. были прерваны выстрелами): my reverie was broken by shots;
  - (он очнулся от грёз): he came out of his reverie;
  - (погрузиться в г.): I drifted into reverie for a minute;
  - (т.е. пьеса Шумана): Dreams / Dreaming / Sweet Dreams by Schumann
  гроза - (викинги были г-ой христианских стран): the Vikings were the scourge of Christian lands in the 9th and 10th centuries;
  - (диссидентов): the Party theoretician, the scourge of dissidents;
  - (учителей): teacher's pest
  грозить - (баскетболисту грозят уголовные обвинения): the basketball player faces criminal charges following a brawl in D.;
  - (голод грозит стране): millions of Afghanis are facing famine;
  - (городу грозит дефицит бюджета): the city faces a possible budget deficit of $65 million;
  - (ему грозит пожизненное заключение): he faces a sentence of up to life in prison;
  - (если нагрянет засуха, то нам грозит тяжёлый кризис): if drought hits we will face a serious water crisis;
  - (лицам, признанным виновными в инсайдерских операциях с ценными бумагами, грозит штраф, втрое превышающий полученный доход или убыток, которого они избежали): individuals found liable for insider trading face penalties of up to three times the profit gained or loss avoided;
  - (мне не грозила бы смерть): I knew that if I'd never gone to F., I wouldn't be facing death now;
  - (нам грозит опасность увековечить эти ценности в нашем поведении): we run the danger of perpetuating these values in our behavior;
  - (обвинения грозят кому-л): they are facing allegations of bribing taxmen;
  - (обществу грозит неотвратимая опасность монополии СМИ): there is a danger to society and the democracy from this imminent monomedia monopoly;
  - (опасность, грозящая стране): the greatest danger facing the Unites States is a nuclear weapon falling into the hands of a terrorist group;
  - (пальцем кому-л): he wagged a warning finger at him;
  - (пальцем кому-л): he raised a hectoring finger to him;
  - (пограничный спор, который грозил перерасти в вооружённое столкновение): the Presidents of Ecuador and Peru settled a contentious border dispute that had threatened to erupt into armed conflict;
  - (рабочим местам ничего не грозит): he assured Mannesmann's workforce that jobs are not at stake;
  - (разорением сельхозпредприятиям): we understand that this is not only an impediment to agricultural growth but is also a threat to the survival of some businesses in this sector;
  - (сенатор грозит посольству из-за кого-л / посольство грозит правительству): "The senator can bully us about the girl," the acting ambassador complained, "but there's not a damned thing we can do to bully the Afghan government.";
  - (сенатору грозит возмездие от коллег-демократов): Lieberman risks payback from Senate Democrats. Senate Democrats hinted on payback for Senator Joe Lieberman, who called Barack Obama an untested candidate beholden to Democratic interest groups in a prime-time Republican National Convention address.
  грозно - (изогнутый кинжал): he unsheathed a viciously curved dagger;
  - (прорычать): "..." he said in a menacing growl;
  - (расхаживать): the teacher prowled the aisles menacingly;
  - (сказать): "He's the most important man you'll ever meet, so sit still and keep quiet," he said forbiddingly.
  грозный - (взгляд): he fixed P. with a thunderous heavy look that meant to wilt the boy;
  - (взгляд): he spared her a minatory glance;
  - (враг): armed with TOW missiles, helicopter gunship had proven to the tanks of the North Vietnamese just how fearsome a foe a missile-armed chopper could be;
  - (г-ого вида/ грозный на вид): he appeared to have mislaid his booklist and was being told off by his very formidably-looking grandmother;
  - (женщина): he was a gentle, soft-spoken man, quite the opposite of his formidable wife;
  - (Иван Г.): Ivan the Terrible;
  - (противник / соперник): he was a formidable / redoubtable adversary;
  - (строение): this redoubtable establishment, complete with turrets and its own minaret lay in the shadow of the beautiful K. mountains;
  - (т.е. человек): he was reported to be under the thumb of his mother, the redoubtable duchess
  громила - (т.е. большой и сильный): the chief interrogator had at his beck and call the two hulks in the corners of the room;
  - (т.е. хулиган): hoodlum / hood
  грубить - (в ответ, судья не терпит, когда кто-нибудь грубит в о.): He is a tough ref and knows what he's doing. Doesn't put up with backtalk from anyone.;
  - (не груби мне): don't sass me
  грубо - (выругаться): he swore foully;
  - (говорить с кем-л): she spoke coarsely to him;
  - (злоупотреблять властью): because this power is not subject to meaningful judicial oversight, it is being grossly abused;
  - (исказить решения судьи по вопросу о смертной казни): he was defeated after Senator A. grossly distorted W.'s record on the death penalty;
  - (нарушить воскресный покой): his weekend peace was brutally disturbed;
  - (прерывать выступавших): he shocked the Assembly by rudely interrupting speakers;
  - (пришпорить коня): he brutally spurred the baulking horse forward;
  - (разговаривать): he was sixty or more, coarse-spoken and gray;
  - (сказать): "Then let me put it in a nutshell," said R. brusquely.;
  - (спросить): "Are you seriously ordering me to fly into the heart of Russia?" he demanded truculently.;
  - (спросить): "What have you not told us?" he asked harshly;
  - (толкнуть): he was shoven roughly forward;
  - (это было г. с моей стороны): that was ill-mannered of me;
  - (это г. с вашей стороны!): That was very rude of you!;
  - (это было слишком г. для КГБ): it was too crude for the KGB
  грубовато - (высказывать свой обиды): the people bluntly stated their grievances;
  - (спросить): "Who are you?" she demanded bluntly;
  - (льстить): she went on and on about how she admired his work - laid it on a bit thick
  грубовато-добродушный - (человек: a big bluff man
  грубоватый - (голос): "...!" he ordered in a gruff voice that was not, however, unkind;
  - (житель Запада, т.е. США): a blunt Westerner;
  - (житель Новой Англии, т.е. США): a crusty old New-Englander;
  - (сдержанность): he spoke with a gruff reticence;
  - (человек): He doesn't do small talk. He can often be brusque.;
  - (чувство юмора): she was attracted to his energy and gruff sense of humor
  грубость - (в обращении): I have overlooked the needless brutality with which you have treated my staff;
  - (политического деятеля): his harshness and verbal gaffes were becoming legendary;
  - "I have made allowances for you." he snapped, with much of his former asperity. "For your unsavory profession, your ignorance of diplomatic practice and your uncommon rudeness.";
  - he would have to pay the price for his rudeness later;
  - (т.е. сказанная): "Who's "Marion"?" "You are. Marion the Librarian. "So it's like a put-down." "Yup. It's a derogatory remark."
  грубый - (т.е. наглый): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. нарушающий правила поведения): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. невежливый, неуважительный): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. неприличный): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. о людях): смотри ниже;
  грубый (т.е. наглый) - (агрессия): a brutal act of aggression;
  - (вмешательство, меньше всего мне нужно было его г-ое в.): the last thing I wanted was his abrasive intrusion into this;
  - (давление / нажим Вашингтона): during the breakfast each pressman was given to understand in oblique terms that the change of policy stemmed from brutal pressure from Washington;
  - (наглость): you had the nerve, the damned crass nerve, to tell me that you were a patriotic German;
  грубый (т.е. нарушающий правила поведения) - (манеры / поведение): his efforts have been thwarted by his own brusque and secretive style;
  - (манеры / поведение): his gross behaviour at the party;
  - (манеры / поведение): swearing is a violent symptom of rough and coarse manners;
  - (матч): the match became more brutal;
  - (перебранки): my parents often fell into robust shouting matches;
  грубый (т.е. невежливый, неуважительный) - (тон голоса): off-hand tone of his voice;
  - (тон собеседника): she registered the gruff tone immediately
  грубый (т.е. неприличный) - (басни Эзопа): In retranslating an ancient text, the writers have discovered that the original Aesop fables were much bawdier, coarser - and richer with information about everyday Greek life in the sixth century B.C.E. than the sanitized and abridged Victorian versions found in today's children's books;
  - (выражение, т.е. речи): he used a crude Russian expression that refers to a pile of dog-mess on the pavement;
  - (нападки): they restrained themselves from scabrous public attacks;
  - (песня): a loud crude song;
  грубый (т.е. о людях) - (авантюристы): the Vikings, those tough adventurers who were the scourge of Christian lands in the 9th and 10th centuries;
  - (дружки): Kowalski likes to drink, gamble, and shoot the breeze with his low-life friends from the nightmarish section of the French Quarter of New Orleans, circa 1947;
  - (завоеватель): a barbaric conqueror of unmatched vigor;
  - (лакей): His painting, "French Valet and English Lackey" is a classic study in national identities. The overdressed English footman, so raw, so blunt and so guileless, is perfectly complemented by the French Valet, with his silk stockings, his affected manner of speaking and a conspicuous comb in his wig.;
  - (какой вы г.!): That was very rude of you!;
  - (т.е. невежливый): with that he turned and scuttled inside the door and shut it as quickly as he dared, not to seem rude;
  - (т.е. неотёсанный): he was uncouth but effective;
  - (отец был груб с сыном): his father was physically rough with him;
  - (ребёнок): Are you struggling with a child who is disrespectful, argumentative, and defiant?;
  - (с кем-л): he was rude to his wife whenever she asked for something;
  - a big, coarse, loud man;
  - he was tough, but he never descended to the level of D.;
  - he grew more mean and churlish;
  - he became gross in old age;
  - he was rich, snobbish, and rude;
  - he was hardhearted and often gruff;
  - the judge is a crusty fart;
  - brutish, sexually aggressive Yankee vulgarian Stanley Kowalski (A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams)
  грустно - (ей было г. покидать дом): she was sad to be leaving everyone and everything at the great house where she had grown up;
  - (когда вам г.): humor or jokes really do cheer you up and bring out the positive streak in you when you are feeling down and dejected;
  - (она г. посмотрела на унылое лицо дочери): heartsick, she looked at her daughter's woebegone face;
  - (она г. сидела одна за столом): she was sitting wistfully and alone at the table;
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled wistfully / wanly;
  грустный - (голос): the voice was plaintive, pleading;
  - (женщина): she looked like 30, still raven-haired, beautiful and ineffably sad;
  - (смех): mirthless laughter;
  - (смех): an entirely mirthless laugh;
  - (усмешка): he forced a rueful grin
  грусть - by that time the adrenaline of the crisis had worn off, and I was left with nothing but profound sadness, disappointment and unresolved anger;
  - (в голосе): the sadness in her voice quenched the boy's excitement at once;
  - (смотреть с г-тью): that patient had no visitors and was looking rather wistfully at the crowd around her
  грызня - (прекратить г-ю): rebel leaders worked over the weekend to quiet the squabbles that had flared up in their ranks after the killing of their senior military leader;
  - (потерять время в г-е между собой): the Republicans had wasted a lot of time in the previous months squabbling among themselves
  грязнуля - a goat would have more conversation than that slattern down the lane, and she's the brightest one for leagues around;
  - her mother was a partial, ill-judging parent, a dawdle, a slattern, who neither taught nor restrained her children
  грязный образно - (бельё, ворошить г-ое бельё / рыться в г-ом белье): to rake muck;
  - (война): Afghan Trial Casts Light on Murky Warfare;
  - (делишки): Finally! A councilman who is not afraid to stand up to shoddy business practices by the mayor!;
  - (история, влипнуть / попасть в г-ую историю): he got mixed up in a scandal and escaped the penitentiary only by the skin of his teeth;
  - (клятвопреступление): We Augustus B.A.A.P. and M. rex and cetera make known that we have determined that the worm of dragon styling himself Chrysophylax the Rich shall be sought out and condignly punished for his misdemeanors, torts, felonies, and foul perjury;
  - (перебежчик): filthy, stinking turncoat;
  - (подробность): he handed out every scummy detail;
  - (политика - грязное дело): politics is crooked;
  - (политические методы): sleazy political methods;
  - (пятно на репутации): storming the shrine would be a heinous blot on the reputation of any politician;
  - (работа): mud made unearthing the plaster pieces of a fresco a messy, difficult task;
  - (рекламный трюк образно): the summons was a cheap, sleazy publicity stunt;
  - (ругательство): a particularly vile oath;
  - (скандал): he didn't want his senior year of college wrecked by a sleazy brawl between his parents;
  - (технологии, применённые против партии): the mudslinging campaign against the party prevented it from achieving the results that were initially predicted;
  - (шлюха, т.е. ругательство): skanky slang vulgar whore
  губительный - (вирус): a pernicious virus;
  - (интриги могут оказаться г-ыми для проекта): politics can be devastating to a project, so address them head on;
  - (ничто так не губительно для репутации застройщика, как непогашение кредита на застройку): Nothing can kill a developers reputation like defaulting on a development loan. Until that debt is repaid, the developer will price the units so that they will move quick.;
  - (формы спекуляции): one important aim of this reform would be precisely to obviate any recurrence of wholly destructive and wasteful forms of speculation
  гуляка - (т.е. бабник): the randy 30-year-old actor was living the high life in New York, and planned to sleep with as many women as possible;
  - (т.е. пирующий, отяжелевшие от пива г-и): beer-heavy revelers
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