Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь общей лексики Вре_Ву

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  вред - (курения): harmful effects of smoking;
  - (нанести непоправимый в. отношениям): he was strongly opposed to issuing the visa, arguing that it would do irreparable damage to our vaunted "special relationship" with Great Britain;
  - (нанести в., он бы мог нанести мне гораздо больший в.): he could have wreaked much worse damage on me by tampering with the potion;
  - (нанести в., республиканцы стремятся проводить свою идеологию рынка без правил, что может нанести в. малым предприятиям бедных стран): Republicans tend to pursue a no-holds-barred approach to the markets which can cripple small businesses in smaller, poorer countries;
  - (наносить в., ты понимаешь, какой политический в. это тебе наносит?): do you realize how politically damaging it is for you?;
  - (в. от несмешивания удобрений с почвой): the benefit of not disturbing the soil is greater than any negative effect from not mixing the fertilizer into the soil;
  - (принести в.): Frigg had rendered her son impervious to wounds by taking pledges from all plants, trees and metals, so that weapons made from them would cause him no harm;
  - (приносить в., политика глобализации, которая приносит благо отдельным людям, а в. - многим / ...которая немногим во благо и многим во в.): these working-class people are bearing the brunt of a policy of globalisation that benefits the few and damages the many;
  - (этот в. не поправить): I look at him levelly, intent on letting him know that this tear cannot be repaired
  вредитель - (вредители, т.е. вредные насекомые в парнике): there are less root diseases and there are fewer pests;
  - (галловые клещи - в-ли чайных кустов): two eriophyid mites, Acaphylla theae and Calacarus carinatus, have been known for some time as important pests of tea;
  - (заражение в-лями, т.е. муки насекомыми): Ingredients used in the production of bakery products which show evidence of active insect infestation or any other condition that from a public health or aesthetic standpoint render the product unfit for human consumption shall not be received by the establishment;
  - (истреблять в-лей, т.е. крыс, тараканов): to exterminate vermin;
  - (люди ругали ворон, считая их городскими в-лями): humans have feared crows as evil omens and reviled them as urban nuisances;
  - (о человеке): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others
  вредить - (здоровью): the imposition of chaderi damaged the health of the women;
  - (карьере): US military personnel fear that seeking help for mental health problems could harm their careers;
  - (карьере): a penchant for facts stalled her career at the company;
  - (кому-л): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others;
  - (кому-л): if he's working for my enemy, how come he never tried to hurt me before now?;
  - (это не вредило мальчику): he believed it was doing the boy no harm
  вредно - (держать детей в подгузниках в. для здоровья): keeping children in nappies for too long is detrimental to their health and can lead to urinary tract infections and bladder troubles;
  - (ты понимаешь, насколько это тебе в.?): do you realize how politically damaging it is for you?
  вредность (производственная) - although silicosis is no longer the killer it was, it remains an occupational hazard for underground coal miners;
  - lead exposure is arguably the oldest known occupational health hazard;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  вредный - (вдыхание пыли тория, которая получается при подготовке электрода, вредно для здоровья): inhalation of the thorium grinding dust during preparation of the electrode is hazardous to one's health;
  - (в-ое влияние курения): harmful effects of smoking;
  - (водоросли): beware of chemical fixes for these noisome algae types (blue-green algae in a fish tank);
  - (воздействие): смотри ниже;
  - (в-ые выбросы в атмосферу): harmful effluents into the atmosphere;
  - (дым): harmful smoke;
  - (дым): a city bus, which emits its noxious fumes;
  - (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): just ten minutes in a car with a smoker boosts harmful pollutants by up to thirty percent;
  - (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): emissions of harmful pollutants fell in 2011, federal data show;
  - (в-ые загрязняюшие вещества): method for converting noxious pollutants from flue gas into merchantable by-products;
  - (законодательство вредно для детей): he genuinely believed the legislation was shameful, impractical, and harmful to children;
  - (замыслы, вредные для благополучия страны): designs inimical to the well-being of our country;
  - (климат): noxious climate;
  - (курение вредно для мозга): smoking is harmful to the brain;
  - (курение вредно для здоровья): even casual smoking is harmful to your health;
  - (мы ищем закономерности, вот почему аномалии так вредны): Errors and anomalies are the bane of behavioral scientists and cognitive psychologists. We look for patterns in data to support our theories which is why anomalies are so damaging.;
  - (накипь не вредна для здоровья): limescale is not harmful to your health;
  - (незаконная свалка вредна для здоровья): if illegally dumped litter is injurious to health, such as glass, syringes, spiky metal etc., prosecution under the Litter Act will be considered and may result in a fine of up to $7500 plus the cost of rubbish removal;
  - (в-ые отходы двуокиси углерода): the harmful carbon dioxide waste;
  - (последствие): the scientists are using the public as guinea-pigs to see if there are some harmful effects;
  - (производственные факторы, пребывание под действием в-ых производственных факторов): is medical surveillance used to identify early indications of exposure to occupational hazards?;
  - (религия): the leader of the far-right National Party called Islam a wicked, vicious faith;
  - (ремесло): in ancient history, tanning was considered a noxious or "odiferous trade";
  - (саботаж может оказаться более в-ым для самого саботажника): sabotage may be more detrimental to the saboteur than to the others;
  - (сорняки / животные): a garden may be free from noxious weeds or animals; but, if recently covered with manure, it may be filled with a noisome smell;
  - (химикаты): noxious chemicals;
  - смотри файл EMOCII
  вредное воздействие - (в.в. вибрации, трения и влаги): by binding the many wires and cables into cable harness, the wires and cables can be better secured against the adverse effects of vibrations, abrasions, and moisture;
  - (в.в. на культурное наследие): The Local Planning Authority informs the applicant that it objects to the L. wind farm on the following grounds: ...The detrimental impact on interests of cultural heritage...;
  - (в.в. на структуру почвы): increasing the number of cows per hectare (overstocking) to maximise production may have detrimental effects on soil structure;
  - (в.в, промышленной застройки): Industrial development may detract from the appearance of the district. However, if its provision would on balance provide significant economical benefits to the local economy to outweigh any detrimental effects then sympathetic consideration may be given
  врезаться (в. в память) - I am writing a book about the great American comedians, whose lives and best jokes are embedded in my memory;
  - each of her visits stood out horribly vividly in his mind;
  - the Agreement risks were etched painfully in the minds of all negotiators on our side;
  - his face was etched in M.'s mind;
  - (об исполнении актёра): the Walk the Line director J.M. says both performances were seared into his memory;
  -it's a sort of things that sticks in one's memory;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  времена - (авиакомпания носит эмблему советских времён): the airline is still displaying its Soviet-era logo despite a new exterior design;
  - (в былые в.): the church steeple in bygone days was painted a milk chocolate brown;
  - (в колониальные в.): in the colonial era the islands teemed with hundreds of fishermen;
  - (вернуться к в-ам Дикого запада): one of the anti-gunners favorite arguments against open carrying of handguns is that society will revert back to the old ways of the Wild West, with daily gunfights in the streets;
  - (возврат / возвращение к старым в-ам): After almost 20 years as Europe's strongest economy, during which hundreds of thousands of Polish, British and North American immigrants flocked to Dublin for work, the Irish are once again a nation of emigrants. Moving abroad has once again become the way out of an impossible situation at home, and is creating a new Irish diaspora. ... Her generation were probably the first one ever who could think of spending their whole life making a living in Ireland, but for the rest of us it's back to the old ways;
  - (времён Гражданской войны): a collection of rifles and pistols dating bаck to the Civil War;
  - (в. изменились): In the past, the insurance industry's power has been a major barrier to health-care reform. But times have changed.
  - (для города настали тяжёлые в.): hobbled by the recession and outsized by new competitors, Atlantic City has fallen on hard times;
  - (для него настали тяжёлые в. ): he had fallen on hard times;
  - (в. изобретателей-одиночек): the era of the lone inventor was drawing to a close;
  - (маяки времён Второй Мировой войны): the airport uses World War II-style beacons;
  - (в. смотрителей маяков прошли): the day of the lighthouse keeper is gone, all three lighthouses are now automated;
  - (старые в. давно прошли): the old days, when naval guns ammunition had to be manually hoisted up to the gun turret by steam power were long gone;
  - (трудные, для традиционного книгоиздательства настали трудные в.): the traditional book-publishing business has fallen on hard times;
  - (человек на все в.): A Man for All Seasons. The story of Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage.
  временами - (в. будет солнечно): Switzerland will be fine with sunny spells;
  - (в. в устройстве может слышаться гудение): at times there may be a very low humming sound in the converter;
  - (ему нравилось в. поважничать): The boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind, in the long run, for lonely state and disagreeable haughtiness. He enjoyed being lordly once in a while, that was all.;
  - (в. мне бывает его жалко): there are times when I feel sorry for him;
  - (в. он может вводить в заблуждение): he may at times unintentionally mislead us with incorrect interpretations;
  - (попытки заниматься любовью, в. тщетные): his fumbling, lengthy and occasionally futile efforts at lovemaking
  временно - (в. закрыть посольства): the attack prompted the United States to temporarily close its missions in Pakistan;
  - (в. оцепеневший ум): his temporarily stupefied brain seemed to reawaken;
  - (в. перевести заключённого в другой город): to transfer the prisoner to Munich, on a temporary basis, to give evidence at Dachau;
  - (в. передать президентские полномочия вице-президенту): if he underwent general anesthesia, Bill would be required by the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution to temporarily cede his presidential power to the Vice President;
  - (в. покинуть судно): the workers prepared to leave the tanker temporarily while the dock was filled;
  - (предприятие в. закрыто): the business has temporarily closed;
  - (приём заявлений на эту программу в. прекращён): This program is currently under review. Applications to the program have been temporarily suspended.;
  - (работать): he proposed himself for the task on a provisional basis;
  - (регистрационный взнос в. установлен в сумме $20): registration fee has been set provisionally at $20;
  - (в. терять зрение): have you ever lost vision in either eye (temporarily or permanently)?;
  - "pro tempore" means "for the time being", or temporarily
  временной - (искажение): temporal aliasing is the term applied to a visual phenomenon also known as the stroboscopic effect;
  - (рамки, с моей стороны было бы лицемерием вкладывать во в-ые рамки т.е. повествование): "What events have changed Los Angeles the most since the 1940s, which you often write about?" "I'm from Los Angeles. It would be disingenuous for me to ascribe a timeline, since my relationship to Los Angeles is largely fictional, extrapolated partially from fact, mostly filtered through my imagination."
  временный - (виза): a temporary visa;
  - (военное присутствие): freedom of navigation in the Strait guaranteed by a temporary international presence at Sharm-el-Sheikh;
  - (в-ые военные действия): they claimed the hostilities were temporary;
  - (в. въезд в страну): an application for temporary entry to Australia;
  - (выгода): acts of historic magnitude must not be mortgaged by petty manoeuvers that risk their ultimate purpose for marginal and temporary benefits;
  - (документы): temporary travel documents from the Red Cross;
  - (в. житель страны): temporary resident;
  - (задержание): A provisional arrest request is an urgent request to arrest a person pending receipt of an extradition request. A provisional arrest request may be appropriate when it is believed that the fugitive may flee the jurisdiction.;
  - (законодательство): Democratic lawmakers last month helped pass temporary legislation expanding federal authority to eavesdrop on foreign conversations;
  - (в-ое закрытие предприятия / в-ые финансовые затруднения): temporary closures - where a business has temporarily closed or suspended its operations for any number of reasons including legal disputes, shortages of raw materials, shortage in demand for its product, periodic fluctuations in the business cycle or temporary financial difficulties;
  - (в. запрет на поселение): the temporary prohibition against settlement in the Western lands;
  - (в-е затопление больших площадей): a swamp is a wetland that features temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water
  - (в. иностранный рабочий / в-ая нехватка рабочей силы): a temporary foreign worker can be recruited by employers from all types of businesses to meet temporary labour shortages;
  - (комитет): interim committee;
  - (контракт): before the conclusion of a contract, a provisional contract may be agreed on;
  - (контракт, т.е. на работу): If you are made redundant, be prepared for the fact that new work might not come along as quickly as you think. Consider temporary contracts as a way of getting a foot in.;
  - (мера / постановление): paragraph 10 could be understood as impliedly authorizing a party to apply for an interim measure or order without prior notice to a party, albeit not to the arbitral tribunal, but to a judicial authority;
  - (в-ое помещение в закрытое воспитательное учреждение в качестве в-ой меры): the provisional measure of confinement in a closed educational institution is subject to additional procedural guarantees;
  - (в-ая мера): we can continue the transfusions and the lactulose, but it's only a stopgap;
  - (в-ое назначение на должность): temporary appointment;
  - (в-ое назначение на должность): the President can fill this vacancy with an interim appointment;
  - (в-ое неудобство для купальщиков): The Natal Sharks Board is at the forefront of global conservation trends, including the reversal of superstition-driven policies that dictated killing off as many sharks as possible. For this reason, and to prevent the unwanted deaths of dolphins and seals, the NSB lifts shark nets for the duration of a Sardine Run. The temporary inconvenience to bathers, surfers and the like are outweighed by the positive, longer-term benefits of this policy.;
  - (орган): provisional body;
  - (в-ое падение на бирже): Is the slump temporary? - Yes, if you consider temporary a year or two;
  - (в. палубный матрос): he took D. on as a temporary deckhand for the duration of the voyage;
  - (правительство): The Russian Provisional Government was a provisional government of Russia established immediately following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire on 2 March 1917;
  - (правительство): to establish interim Afghani government;
  - (право): a condition granting the President temporary authority to spend..;
  - (премьер-министр): interim prime minister;
  - (пристанище, предоставление в-ого пристанища): not only will this requirement ensure that aliens temporarily in the United States will be able to support themselves, it also provides an important mechanism for regulating and controlling the grant of temporary haven;
  - (пристанище): to give somebody a temporary haven;
  - (пристанище, т.е. в ожидании постоянной работы): postdoctoral appointments have become holding patterns cfig for otherwise unemployed young scientists;
  - (в-ое продление бюджета / в-ая резолюция): Congress and the President agreed on a "continuing resolution" - a temporary budget extension - that authorized the Treasury to issue checks while negotiations continued. But this stopgap resolution was due to expire at midnight, November 13.;
  - (работа, т.е. пока не подвернётся что-то получше): other public defenders told themselves that the job was transitory, just the nitty-gritty training they needed to get launched into more promising careers;
  - (работники): they employ casual labor to pick the fruit;
  - (рабоник): casual worker;
  - (разногласия): no passing disagreement will ever divide us;
  - (решение): they put a stopgap solution in place, but need something more permanent;
  - (свидетельство): provisional / interim certificate;
  - (секретарь): interim secretary;
  - (соглашение): the message explicitly rejected partial or interim agreements;
  - (в-ое сокращение поставок): a temporary drop in supplies;
  - (стабилизация): the accords were only a temporary stabilization of the situation;
  - (столица): temporary capital;
  - (в-ая штаб-квартира ООН): the temporary headquarters of the United Nations;
  - (эмбарго): the US placed a temporary embargo on the purchase of Cuban sugar
  время - (британское летнее в.): British Summer Time (B.S.T. );
  - (было в., когда...): there was a time when television was dull;
  - (было в., когда / одно в. Ким Филби, т.е. советский шпион, рассматривался как будущий руководитель всей британской разведки): at one time Kim Philby was in line to become chief of the entire British Intelligence Service;
  - (в ближайшее в., в военное в. ): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (позднее, в журнале присутствия было записано, что он находился в лаборатории один в необычно позднее в.): in the days before the attacks, he (the researcher who sent anthrax letters) logged unusual late hours in the lab alone, night after night;
  - (в любое в., в мирное в., в надлежащее в., в наше в., в настоящее в., в нерабочее в., в неслужебное в., в неурочное в., в нынешнее в., в одно и то же в., в прошедшем времени, в своё в., в свои лучшие времена, в то в., в то же в., в то же самое в., в это в. ): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (ваше в. закончилось, т.е. время, на которое снят теннисный корт): you must relinquish court on the hour if a player has racked up to play on your court and your hour is over;
  - (во в. войны, во в. еды, во в. падения президента): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (в. вручения): time handed in (t.h.i.);
  - (всему своё в.): "When will the baby be born?" "All in good time.";
  - (всему своё в.): "I'm starved! When will he get here with the pizza?" "All in good time.";
  - (всему своё в. ): to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;
  - (выдержать испытание временем): how has Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's first international hit (Jesus Christ Superstar) stood the test of time?;
  - (в. выпуска в эфир программы Би-Би-Си): Three senior Fifa officials who will vote on the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids took bribes in the 1990s, according to the BBC's Panorama. The BBC has received criticism over the timing of the programme, which comes ahead of Thursday's vote by Fifa's executive committee on who will host the 2018 and 2022 World Cup finals.;
  - (т.е. даты, он записывал в дневник в. и место свиданий с любовницей): while former Rep. C.P. of Mississippi carried on an extramarital affair with E.B. he recorded details of his exploits in a diary, including the dates and locations of his adulterous encounters;
  - (в. действия гарантии ограничивается одним годом): all warranties are limited in duration to one year from date of original purchase;
  - (длительное в., умение учащегося обращаться со сложными формами развивается за д-ое в.): the student's skills in handling complex forms must be developed over a long period;
  - (дня / суток, белый парень в негритянском гетто неотвратимо становился объектом нападения в любое в. дня): a white boy in this ghetto was an irresistible target, regardless of the time of the day;
  - (дня / суток, самое жаркое в.д): this was the hottest stretch of the day;
  - (долгое в., он д.в. находился под следствием): he was under investigation for a long period for his alleged connections to organized crime;
  - (в. дОрого / в. не ждёт): time is precious;
  - (драгоценное, классная руководительница явно не хотела тратить своё драгоценное в. на то, чтобы от меня отделаться): the supervisor obviously didn't want to spend too much of her busy time giving me the brush-off;
  - (её в. прошло): she sold a lot of books in the 1960's, but she's had her day;
  - (желаю хорошо провести в.): have fun;
  - (за короткое в.): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (за в., проведенное у весла на галере корсаров, он развил огромную силу): his stint at a corsair galley's oar had given him a formidable wiry strength;
  - (занимать много времени): getting a teaching licence is a time-consuming process;
  - (занимать много времени): her work on the study is time-consuming;
  - (лeтнее в. действует с 5 апреля / переход на л.в. произойдёт 5 апреля): Daylight Saving Time effective April 5th;
  - (летнее): it was the Sunday that daylight time ended, thereby causing a monumental mix-up in the timetables of the trains and buses;
  - (летнее, [переход на] зимнее / летнее в. был впервые введен Германией): The Daylight Saving Time was first put into practice by Germany during the First World War in order to preserve energy for war production by taking advantage of the more daylight in the afternoons and evenings.;
  - (лучшее эфирное в., выступление перед Конгрессом, переданное по телевизору в лучшее эфирное в.): he scheduled a televised prime-time address to Congress on September 22 to outline the health care plan;
  - (на в., на короткое в., на ограниченное в.): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (найти в.): Thank you for taking the time to fill out the forms;
  - (в. написания картины близко к его важнейшим заказам): the painting is close in date to his more important commission;
  - (настроения того времени): in keeping with the anti-Communist mood of the period;
  - (в. не ждёт): time is precious;
  - ("Время не ждёт", т.е. роман Джека Лондона): Burning Daylight by Jack London;
  - (в. непрерывной работы): non-stop operation time;
  - (неумение распределить в.): most students have an aspiration to perform to the highest standards that they are capable of; however, factors like family pressures, poor time management practices, unexpected events and heavy workloads occurring in conjunction with over-assessed courses and coinciding assignment due dates are catalysts for plagiarism;
  - (ограничен во времени, если вы не ограничены во времени): the best way to see the country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot;
  - (ожидания, т.е. пересадки в аэропорту): A layover in an airport (flight layover time) is one of two things. If you are not changing planes, it's time after your flight lands and before it takes off again. If you are changing planes, it's time after your first flight lands and your next flight takes off.;
  - (ожидания, т.е. пересадки в аэропорту): when faced with an extended layover, make the most of your time and experience a nibble of the transit city;
  - (обучения, сократить в. обучения): the enhanced user interface will reduce the learning curve;
  - (опередить своё в., изобретение мотора опередило своё в.): In 1832 there were no engineers. There were scientists, industrialists, and inventors. The motor was an invention before its time.;
  - (в. от времени): смотри ниже;
  - (в. от начала разработки до выхода на рынок): fixing design bugs and wrong wire connections in computer chips after they've been fabricated in silicon is a tedious, trial-and-error process that often costs companies millions of dollars and months of time-to-market;
  - (отменить свободное в. у служащих): cancel free periods to raise enough staff;
  - (в. подготовки к выпуску новой продукции / к реализации заказа): lead-time;
  - (в. подходило к концу): that time period was nearly up and there was no sign whatever of implementation (of the agreement);
  - (пока не настало / пришло в. рожать): she worked in a nursing home until the baby was due;
  - (в. полураспада): the element is radioactive and has a long half-life;
  - (потемневшие от времени портреты): age-blackened portraits;
  - (потерять счёт времени): I lost track of the time;
  - (предполагаемое в. прибытия, т.е. теплохода): ST LOUIS EXPRESS V. 3. SLG (Sailing): 12.05.07 - HOUSTON. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 12.24.07 - HAMBURG;
  - (приёмное): office hours;
  - (в. проходит быстро): time goes by / passes quickly;
  - (в. работы меняется в зависимости от в-ни года, т.е. музея): hours vary seasonally; call ahead;
  - (в. работы учреждения / конторы): office hours;
  - (рабочее, выйти на работу в обычное р.в.): in instances of inclement weather when schools and Board offices remain open, employees shall be expected to report for duty as per regular working hours;
  - (сколько времени вы на этой должности?): you've been in this post how long, exactly?;
  - (Сколько времени? - Половина десятого.): "What's the time?" "It's half past nine.";
  - (сколько ещё времени ты будешь притворяться больным?): how much longer are you going to keep up this pretence that you're ill?;
  - (среднее в. по Гринвичскому меридиану): GMT (Greenwich Mean Time);
  - (среднеевропейское поясное в.): EMT (European Mean Time);
  - (того времени): in keeping with the anti-Communist mood of the period, the United States supported a pro-Western government in Vientiane;
  - (того времени): some of the era's most powerful leaders;
  - (тяжёлое, я переживал т-ое в. ): I was going through a rough patch and was constantly depressed about what I was doing in my life;
  - ("Человек на все времена", т.е. фильм): A Man for All Seasons is the story of Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarriage;
  - (чистая прибыль компании за это в.): the net income of the company for the period;
  - (эксплуатации, т.е. нефтяных месторождений): these oil fields require modern techniques to prolong their productive lives;
  - (это было хорошее в.): It was a good time in my life: I was working for a great company, my wife and I had started our family, and we were living in a pleasant community that suited us well.
  время от времени - (в.о.в. встречаться с кем-л): she meets her boyfriend for a drink now and then;
  - (в.о.в. выпить стакан вина): I like the occasional glass of wine;
  - (в.о.в. выполнять работы с плашечными цветами): they do occasional spot-color work;
  - (в.о.в. делать заметки): the KGB chief asked a few questions, making the occasional note on a jotting pad;
  - (ему нравилось в.о.в. поважничать): The boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind, in the long run, for lonely state and disagreeable haughtiness. He enjoyed being lordly once in a while, that was all.;
  - (инстинкт в.о.в. появляется в разных группах животных): the instinct of feigning death is extensively distributed throughout the animal kingdom and appears to have arisen sporadically fml in several groups of animals;
  - (в.о.в. лапы судорожно царапались): now and again, the claws scrabbled fitfully;
  - (в.о.в. липкие остатки от разлива нефти платформы Бритиш Петролеум выносит на пляжи залива): BP oil spill's sticky remnants wash up sporadically on gulf beaches;
  - (Многие мои пациенты страдают бессонницей. В.о.в. то же бывает во мной.): Many of my patients have trouble with insomnia. Now and then, so do I.;
  - (в.о.в. нарушать диету): you can break your diet now and then;
  - (в.о.в. находиться в состоянии войны, в общей сложности 25 лет): the two countries were at war with each other off and on for a combined total of 25 years;
  - (в.о.в. образуется накипь): from time to time, a limescale deposit is naturally formed on the heating element;
  - (он в.о.в. замолкал, вытирая лоб платком): as he talked he kept breaking off to wipe his forehead with a handkerchief;
  - (он в.о.в. переворачивал стол): he didn't like losing and occasionally upended the table after a particularly irksome defeat;
  - (в.о.в. останавливаться): He was passing hundred-dollar bills through an electronic money-detector and totting up his findings on abacus. Occasionally he paused to take a portentous gulp of coffee;
  - (в.о.в. переставать работать): the keyboard sporadically stops working;
  - (в.о.в. переходить на бег): now and then he broke into a run;
  - (в.о.в. подбрасывать информацию): he had tossed me the old snippet of information from time to time;
  - (в.о.в. поглядывая на улицу): he was sitting in the window seat, glancing intermittently out into the street;
  - (в.о.в. получать инструкции): this house would make certain disbursements in accordance with such instructions as would from time to time be received by this house from persons entrusted with a certain code word;
  - (получение государственными служащими в.о.в. или разово благ от лиц, имеющих дело с правительством): the acceptance by public servants from persons having dealings with the government of sporadic or casual benefits such as hospitality or small gift items may usually be consented to by deputy Ministers or Branch heads where such benefits or advantages are within the bounds of propriety, are a normal expression of business courtesy or advertising or are within the normal standards of hospitality and are not such as to bring suspicion upon the public servant's objectivity;
  - (посматривать в.о.в.): every now and then he threw a disgruntled look at her;
  - (потреблять спиртное в.о.в.): if you are an occasional or moderate alcohol consumer;
  - (Почему моя электронная почта в.о.в. перестаёт работать? В.о.в. мой пользовательский счёт зацикливается): Why does Gmail sporadically stop working? Every now and then my Gmail account gets stuck in a loop.;
  - (принимать наркотики в.о.в.): she's been taking drugs off and on since she was 16;
  - (прислушиваться): he dipped the quill into the bottle and began to write, pausing every now and then to listen;
  - (в.о.в. происходит неприятная вещь): there has been a recurring and distressing problem;
  - (происходящие в.о.в. вспышки болезни / насилия): sporadic outbursts of the disease / of violence;
  - (в.о.в. работать по ночам): More than often the baby is awake throughout the night, more than often screaming. I seem to get off lightly as I work nights now and again, but it is my wife who is really suffering.;
  - (в.о.в. сквозь просветы в листве он видел улицу): on her left, through occasional breaks in the foliage, he could see the street;
  - (случаться): that happens from time to time;
  - (слышаться): occasionally, we would hear one shuttering clang from the cymbals;
  - (тенденция алгоритмов в.о.в. сбоить): these thought are brought to mind by the rise of the algorithm - and its occasional tendency to go haywire - in popular consciousness;
  - (тишина, в.о.в. нарушаемая барабанныым боем): for an hour they went on silently, oppressed by the absolute stillness of the land, broken only now and again by the drum-beats in some hollow of the hills;
  - (у всех самолётов в.о.в. бывают неполадки): all aircraft occasionally suffer a technical fault;
  - (хихикать): he periodically broke into giggles for no apparent reason;
  - (часовые механизмы нужно в.о.в. разбирать, чистить и смазывать): In horology, a movement is the internal mechanism of a clock or watch, as opposed to the case, which encloses and protects the movement, and the face which displays the time. Mechanical movements get dirty and the lubricants dry up, so they must periodically be disassembled, cleaned, and lubricated.;
  - (в.о.в. что-то терять): everyone loses now and again;
  - every so often, impatient reporters would demand to know why police were unable to pin the crime on the prime suspect;
  - the dog moved slowly now, her nose constantly at the snow, puffing it up every now and then in cold little bursts
  времяпровождение - (любимое): listening to music is my favourite pastime;
  - (праздное, у них будет десяток дней для праздного в-ия): they will have a double handful of days to kick their heels in idleness infml fig
  вровень - (глаза в. с моими): his eyes were level with mine;
  - (дверь в. со штукатуркой): a steel door, flush against the plaster;
  - (пока бетон не установится в. с краями формы): vibrate and add concrete until the concrete is flush with the edge of the mold
  вроде - (в. между вами не было особой любви): it's not as if there was any love between you;
  - (ты в. должен хворост собирать): you're supposed to be looking for firewood;
  - (ты же в. на пенсии): His wife made him promise not to stay away too long. "You're supposed to be retired now," she said, pouting lovingly as she kissed him good-buy.;
  - (что-то в. джентльмена): Cavalry Troopers are generally considered to be socially a cut above other soldiers. This distinction stems from the days when cavalry needed to supply their own mounts, tack etc. In order to supply the mounts and tack the Trooper would need to be reasonably wealthy so the average Trooper was a gentleman of sorts.;
  - (что-то в. официальной формы): his red and black suit was actually akin to an official uniform;
  - (что-то в. тропинки): he found a path of sorts tracing along the coast
  вроде бы - (люди, которые в.б. находятся в коме): some supposedly comatose people know exactly what's going on;
  - (в.б. ничего плохого с ним не случилось): there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it;
  - (в.б. у него есть кому передавать его распоряжения): you'd think he'd have someone to run his messages for him;
  - I wasn't there, but apparently it was a good party
  врождённый - (в. вывих бедра / колена): nonoperative treatment of congenital hip / knee dislocation;
  - (доброта / лень / чувство юмора): innate kindness / laziness / sense of fun;
  - (заболевание): it could be a congenital condition only now expressing itself;
  - (интеллект / ум, обладать в-ым и-ом): There were three strengths that characterized this group. First, they had high levels of self-awareness, really knowing their strengths and weakness. Second they had high raw intelligence. Third, they had a very strong desire to succeed.;
  - (интеллект / ум, люди с высоким в-ым и-ом): the second group includes some individuals of high raw intelligence;
  - (лжец): a congenital liar;
  - (мутации): the mutations found in this research were not inborn;
  - (оптимизм): it was his innate optimism and resilience that kept him going;
  - (в-ые пороки развития): congenital craniofacial malformations such as cleft lip and palate;
  - (преимущество): Babies Have Built-In Advantage For Second Language. Children's brains are hardwired to learn language in the first three years of life.;
  - (убийцы): Natural Born Killers is a 1994 American satirical crime film
  врозь - (жить вместе и в.): we have lived together and separately, each in our own way;
  - (ноги в.): to stand with one's legs apart and the arms out
  врубаться / врубиться разг - (т.е. научиться / понять): I'm lousy at math / tennis, I never got the hang of it infml;
  - (т.е. понять, он почувствовал облегчение, оттого что она так быстро врубилась): he sounded relieved that she had cottoned on infml so quickly
  вручать / вручить - (в, верительные грамоты): the new Ambassador presented his credentials;
  - (в. верительные грамоты): United States Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States. Statement by Ambassador Hector E. Morales, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. Presentation of Credentials. "Today I am honored to present my letters of credence to you as the representative of President George W. Bush.";
  - (документ): he had a beaming smile as he handed the paper over;
  - (в. документы кому-л): I need to serve fml these papers on him;
  - (записку): midway through the meeting, an usher knocked on the door and handed him a note;
  - (заявление): before initialing the Paris Agreement, Kissinger handed Le Duc Tho a statement to the effect that...;
  - (извещение): Below is the letter from the solicitor to the tenants: We act for your landlord and hereby enclose by way of service upon you a notice requiring possession under section 8 of the Housing Act 1988. We may by way of service at a later date serve upon fml you a notice requiring possession under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. This would be served fml without prejudice to the section 8 notice and we reserve the right to issue possession proceedings on the basis of either notice.;
  - (каждой из нас вручили по пачке списков избирателей): we were each handed a stack of voter registration lists;
  - (медаль): he read the minutes in a tone of unctuous flattery, like a man awarding possession a medal;
  - (награду): Bush Confers Highest Military Decoration on Fallen Navy SEAL. President Bush posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor April 8 to Petty Officer 2nd Class M.A.M., a Navy SEA.;
  - (в, обвинительные заключения): the first indictments spawned by Watergate had been handed dоwn;
  - (в. отчёт президенту): the confidential report has been turned over to the President;
  - (повестку): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. подарок): he handed Mr. C a box with a Rolex watch;
  - (списки, вручённые делегации): the lists handed over to the delegation were complete
  вручать повестку / вручить повестку - (в.п. и исковое заявление ответчику): In many courts, a lawsuit begins when the plaintiff properly serves a summons and complaint upon the defendant;
  - (в.п. под расписку): a summons shall be served against signature or sent by post with advice of delivery;
  - (свидетелю): typically subpoenas are issued "in blank" and it is the responsibility of the lawyer representing the plaintiff or defendant on whose behalf the testimony is to be given to serve fml the subpoena on the witness.;
  - on June 15, the defendant was served with a copy of the dispossessory warrant and summons pursuant to OCGA44-7-51;
  - in late December, the Fire Department cited the M. store for improper fire exits and issued the summons to the manager on duty at the time;
  - On the above date and time, F. was stopped for speeding on L. Street in B. Vermont. During the motor vehicle stop, F.'s license was checked and indicated his privilege to operate a motor vehicle had been criminally suspended in the State of Vermont. F. was taken into custody and transported to the B. Police Dept. where he was processed and released. F. was issued a citation to appear in W. District Court at a later date.
  вручаться - (награда вручается участникам вооружённых сил): The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government. It is bestowed on members of the United States armed forces who distinguish themselves "conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.
  вручение - (в порядке в-я вам прилагается оригинал заявления нашего клиента и набор документов для составления ответа): we enclose an original of our client's claim with this letter, by way of service upon you along with a response pack;
  - (в порядке в-я вам прилагается извещение): Below is the letter from the solicitor to the tenants: We act for your landlord and hereby enclose by way of service upon you a notice requiring possession under section 8 of the Housing Act 1988. We may by way of service at a later date serve upon you a notice requiring possession under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988.
  - (в. верительных грамот): United States Permanent Mission to the Organization of American States. Statement by Ambassador Hector E. Morales, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. Presentation of Credentials. "Today I am honored to present my letters of credence to you as the representative of President George W. Bush.";
  - (в. дипломов / церемония в-я дипломов, т.е. в университете): the university awards degrees to about 3,500 undergraduate students at spring commencement, before an audience of more than 40,000;
  - (в. дипломов / церемония в-я дипломов, речь на в-и дипломов): commencement speech;
  - (документов, передать товар против в-я документов ): to deliver the goods only against surrender of documents;
  - (уведомление о в-и): a summons shall be served against signature or sent by post with advice of delivery
  вручную - (выписанный в. чек, т.е. не на компьютере): one of my handwritten paychecks was for an incorrect amount, less than what it should have been;
  - (выписать чек в., вместо того, чтобы распечатать чек на зарплату системой QuickBooks, вы выписали его в.): rather than having QB print the check you handwrote the check;
  - (в. выписать чек на недоплаченную сумму): hand write a check to the employee for the amount he was shorted;
  - (в. выполнять стёжку, т.е. стёганых изделий): machine quilting is most common, but quilting "purists" and traditionalists do all quilting by hand;
  - (в. вытаскивать снаряды из магазина): the old days, when naval gunsв ammunition had to be manually hauled out of the deep magazine and hoisted up to the gun turret by steam power were long gone;
  - (в. обработанные поля): the fields tilled by hand;
  - (обработанные в. каменные блоки): the Egyptians built their burial chambers from thousands of hand-worked stone blocks;
  - (открутить болт): all windows were sealed, save one in the day cabin, which was closed but with screw bolts which could be manually undone;
  - (сделанный в., часы с кукушкой были сделаны в.): the cuckoo clock was hand-made
  вряд ли - (вы можете тонуть в неоплаченных счетах, но это в.л. побудит вашего хозяина раскошелиться): Pay raises usually depend on employee merit, rather than personal distress. You may be buried in bills, but that dilemma is unlikely to incite your employer to cough up more cash.;
  - (да и в.л. когда-л это умел): I was no longer skilled in indulging journalists, if I ever had been;
  - (в.л. до этого дойдёт): I hardly think it'll come to that;
  - (в.л. из школы контрразведчиц вышла ещё одна столь же изысканная шлюха): I doubt the Sparrow school ever turned out so polished a whore as this one;
  - (в.л. имеет значение, когда я попал туда): it hardly mattered what time I got there;
  - (в.л. император благосклонно отнесётся к нашим вольностям с его деньгами): I hardly think the Emperor would take kindly to us making free with his currency;
  - the vast increase of military forces along the frontier hardly bespoke an intention to conciliate;
  - (может, я и марксист-ренегат, но в.л. коммунист): I am renegade Marxist perhaps, but scarcely a Communist;
  - (в.л. он этому поверит): you can scarcely expect him to believe that;
  - (они в.л. отличали зерно от отрубей): they hardly knew offal from grain;
  - (в.л. они прийдут): they are unlikely to come;
  - (перевод в.л. передаёт богатство ассоциаций, связанных со словом "анекдот" в русском языке): the word scarcely conveys the wealth of association which the word anekdot carries in Russian;
  - (в.л. сейчас время для шуток): this is hardly the time for levity;
  - (в.л. сейчас время покупать одежду - на еду не хватает): this is hardly the time for buying new clothes - I've got not enough money for food;
  - (в.л. эта истина вызовет у тебя улыбку): this truth as is not like to make you smile;
  - (в.л. это просто везение): I doubt that it's just luck;
  - (в.л. это совпадение): it can scarcely be coincidence;
  - (в.л. это удачный перевод): I would not call it a good translation
  все - (в. аплодировали): everyone applauded as the various chiefs of state and government walked over to shake their new ally's hand;
  - (в. без исключения / в. до единого): gone were the days when he had been forced to take every single one of their rules;
  - (в. без исключения / в. до единого): each and every tent had the same poster attached to it;
  - (быть как в.): to be like everyone else was to the Chinese a repellent thought;
  - (всем было известно, что): it was generally known that he was in the employ of the Afghanistan government;
  - (всем было известно, что он собирается баллотироваться на должность губернатора): it was common knowledge that he intended to make a run for the governor's office in two years, and a lot of people thought he would make it;
  - (всем и каждому, провозгласить богатство и мощь города в. и каждому из тех, кто съехался на ярмарку): the tower of the City Hall was decked out with flags and pennants to proclaim the city's wealth and power to all and sundry flocking to the fair;
  - (всем и каждому, ...не позволяя в. и каждому знать о наших планах): any views on how to achieve this without letting all and sundry know of our plans?;
  - (всем подряд, зря волновать людей, передавая информацию всем подряд): there is a difference between alerting the public to a specific threat and alarming people unnecessarily by passing on information indiscriminately;
  - (всем понятно / ясно): it is generally understood that the Kyoto agreement will not be adhered to anyhow;
  - (всеми возможными средствами / путями): the aim of the organization was in every way possible to stultify the course of justice;
  - (всех времён, самая культовая рок-звезда в.в.): Most Iconic Rock Star Ever Bruce Springsteen;
  - (выситься над всеми): Mao towered above everyone;
  - (в. говорили, что галерея имела большой успех): She runs an art gallery in the old city. The gallery is, by all accounts, highly successful.;
  - (в. говорят по-английски): "Anyone can speak English," said he dismissively;
  - (в. до единого, они были налётчиками, в. эти негодяи д.е.): they were raiders, every last one of the scum;
  - (в. до единого способы / средства): we will pursue any and all legal avenues for prosecution;
  - (в. другие интересы): the privacy of people who were victims of the Stasi must be a top priority over every other interest, including those of historians, scientists and journalists;
  - (в. думают / в. считают, что...): the common belief is that when the furor over her death abates a bit next week, N. will stage another media occasion and announce that...;
  - (заявление о ликвидации должно быть представлено совместно всеми директорами компании): Compulsory liquidation - this is when the court makes a 'winding-up order' on the petition of an appropriate person. If there is more than one director, all the directors must jointly present the winding-up petition - a single director cannot present a winding-up petition.;
  - (в. знают, что экономический спад не длится вечно): Mr. Speaker, it is common knowledge that recessions do not last forever;
  - (в., кто пользуются государственным медицинским страхованием, должны быть гражданами США или...): anyone who gets Medicaid has to be a United States citizen or has to have been in the United States legally for at least the last five years;
  - (в. надежды были развеяны): any hope that the convention might produce a unified party was dashed by President Johnson;
  - (в. находят / считают его красивым): he has the sort of face whose imperfections are not detected by a camera or even across a courtroom and he is uniformly regarded as handsome;
  - (всем известно): it is known to everyone that...;
  - (30% всех инвестиций): 30% of total investment;
  - (как в., т.е. о дочери кинозвезды): I left college last year to focus on acting and singing, but I audition like anyone else;
  - (дети с муковисцидозом общаются и заводят друзей, как в.): the children with cystic fibrosis are just as likely to interact and make pals as anyone else;
  - (как в. армии со времён древних ассирийцев): their army taught the same doctrine as every army back to the Assyrians of old;
  - (как в. остальные): on joining the service, like everyone else, he had to write a complete life story of himself;
  - (в. надежды угасли): any expectations he had had that their letters would bring him news had long since been dashed;
  - (не в., кто...): not everyone who has mastered the old work will succeed at the new;
  - (он пригласил всех нас на новоселье): when he moved in he invited us all over for a housewarming party;
  - (он убивает всех, кто знает, кто он): he kills any who know who he is;
  - (в. они вместе взятые): all of them put together cannot match the beauty and strength of a single wooden rowboat;
  - (в. по спальникам!, т.е. команда): I want everyone in their sleeping bags;
  - (поднял всех, кого мог): he had run screaming down the hill into the village and roused as many people as he could;
  - (в. признали, что запуск ракеты был успешным): by all accounts, it was a successful launch;
  - (в. признали, что служанка была идеально-образцовой): it was made known that the Misses S. had engaged from am agency, a new maid, who, by all accounts was a perfect paragon;
  - (редакция извиняется перед всеми, кого ввело в заблуждение...): the editors apologize to anyone who was misled by the original solution to this problem;
  - (в. персонажи вымышлены): all characters in this publication are fictitious;
  - (при всех регалиях): portraits of the Queen in full regalia;
  - (приложить в. силы): each member agreed to make every effort to solve all difficulties;
  - (разбуди всех): Wake everybody up. The Chinese may be going squirrelly on us.;
  - (рассматривать все версии): the police said it had not been declared as a counter-terrorism incident, but they were keeping an "open mind";
  - (рассматривать все версии): This has not been declared as a counter-terrorism incident and we would urge people not to speculate. However, I must emphasise that we retain an open mind and we will continue to review this position.;
  - (свободы по праву принадлежат всем): no tyrant, great or small, could hope to stifle the liberties that are all men's birthright;
  - (сдать экзамены по всем предметам): The exams results came out on the last day of term. They had passed every subject;
  - (со всеми военными почестями, он был погребён со всеми военными почестями): he was interred with full military honours;
  - (в. согласно закивали): everyone nodded nervous agreement on that one;
  - (в. согласны / в. считают, что): it is generally agreed that this failure cost him the election;
  - (в. средства хороши в любви и на войне): all's fair in love and war;
  - (стереть все следы): every trace was wiped out;
  - (в. стороны жизни): her furious desire to bring every aspect of life at the school under her personal control;
  - (в. стороны жизни): reinfiltration of former members of the SS into every facet of life in the new Germany;
  - (в. стороны жизни): we (the SS) had to clean up Europe from the pollution of this Jewish filth that impregnated every facet of German life;
  - (в. сходились к кромке воды): everyone streamed down to the water edge;
  - (в. сказали, что день был мрачный): the day was by all accounts depressing;
  - (в. считали, что это был всего лишь предлог для...): his fatherly affection stretched just far enough to give his son a trial, and by all accounts it wasn't much more than an excuse for C. to show how much he hated the boy
  - (в. трое): the three of them joined the crowd swarming up the steps;
  - (в. учителя были католики): discipline in the school was strict, the faculty totally Catholic;
  - (хоронить со всеми военными почестями): the cemetery where P. was laid to rest with full military pomp and ceremony;
  - (в. четверо): all four of them appeared to be in a very deep sleep;
  - everyone who knew him agreed that in five years at the very most he would die;
  - (я хожу на прослушивания, как в., т.е. о дочери кинозвезды): I left college last year to focus on acting and singing, but I audition like anyone else;
  - I am going to be a president of all Americans of every race and background
  все вместе - Hampton is now divided into Hampton Falls, South Hampton, North Hampton and Hampton Beach. Collectively they form a New Hampshire version of the Hamptons
  все, как один - the Waffen SS, man for man, could beat the shit out of five times their own number of Allies of the last war
  все, кто - (в.к. был замешан...): everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it;
  - (в.к. испытал...): anyone who has experienced the worst of Aeroflot's scowling indifferent service knows it will not be an easy transition in the company's nondescript offices;
  - (относиться по-скотски ко всем, кто меньше него): he's always liked being beastly to anyone smaller than himself;
  - (в.к. располагает сведениями...): anyone with information about the man pictured can call the FBI at 206-622-0460
  всевозможные / всевозможный - (всевозможные запасы вместо израсходованных во время рейса домой): various crew members were on the beach to visit the chandlers to get magazines to read, videocassette movies, and drink to go with the food, plus whatever consumable supplies had been used up on the inbound trip;
  - (информация): he got a lot of new perks, he had direct access to all manner of intelligence information, including the holy of holies, sources and methods;
  - (река кишит в-ой рыбой): this river teems with all kinds of fish in summer;
  - (скидки): I have made allowances for you. Every kind of allowance. For your unsavory profession, your ignorance of diplomatic practice and your uncommon rudeness.;
  - (слухи): He was on an infantry exercise that was supposed to last two weeks but on the third day it was called off for no reason. Within hours, every sort of daft rumor was flying around.;
  - (случайности): they were testing every single system against every known or possible contingency;
  - (средства): he used all and any means to stay in power;
  - (в-ые виды шоколадных изделий): a famous chocolatier offering a tempting Easter window display of delectable gourmet chocolates of every possible kind
  всевышний - today we give thanks to our Father above
  всегда - (всё как в.): things are the same as usual here;
  - (как в.): his hair was just as it always had been - stubbornly untidy, whatever he did to it;
  - (как в.): my memory is as good as it ever was;
  - (невозмутимый, как в.): impassive, as ever, the servant poured more tea;
  - he's always been a bit lax about security
  всего - (т.е. итого): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. немного): смотри ниже;
  - (удобнее в.): it is most convenient to display such a table graphically by proceeding as follows
  всего (т.е. итого) - (в. было проведено 28 сеансов лечения): in total, 28 treatments were given with no further improvement, so treatment was discontinued;
  - (в. было 139 человек, из которых 39 больных и 24 гражданских): there were 139 men altogether of whom 39 were too ill to fight and 24 were non-combatants.;
  - (в. на аукционе было продано произведений искусства на $32 млн): in all, Christie's sold a total of $32 million in postwar and contemporary art last year;
  - (в. на 9 бюллетеней претендовали и республиканцы, и демократы): in all, 9 electoral votes were claimed by both the Republicans and the Democrats;
  - (налогов / удержаний): total taxes, total deductions, net pay;
  - (в. нам нужна неделя, чтобы туда добраться): I reckon we need a week to get there, all in;
  - (он завоевал в. 8 чемпионских титулов): he took a total of eight champion titles;
  - (в. погибло 4000 человек): in total, around 4000 people were killed;
  - (Сенат заседал по делам импичмента в. 12 раз): in all, the Senate has sat as a court of impeachment in 12 cases;
  - (4 яблока, 3 банана, в. 7 фруктов): you have 4 apples and I have 3 bananas, making 7 pieces of fruit in all
  всего (т.е. немного) - (всего 2 человека могут нести, т.е. такой вес): these sanitation units are ideal in weight and size for use in rural areas because as few as two people can carry it, it takes less than 20 minutes to assemble;
  - (дно моря проходило в. в нескольких футах под килем): he was watching the map of the sea-bed pass barely a few feet beneath her keel ninety-eight feet below the water line;
  - (достаточно в. одного контрпримера, чтобы доказать...): it takes only one countercase to demonstrate that something is not always true;
  - (издевательства над заключёнными были делом в. семи солдат): the abuses of detainees were solely a work of seven rogue soldiers;
  - (каждому пассажиру разрешается всего 3 места багажа): on domestic flight each ticketed passenger is allowed a total of three pieces of luggage free of charge (two checked and on carry-on);
  - (купить в. за $15): many tapes can now be purchased for as little as $15;
  - (научное общество, в котором сначала было в. несколько членов, превратилось в организацию с 9000 членами): from its origins, with just a few members, the Society has grown into an organization with nearly 9,000 members;
  - (в. несколько зАмков могут похвастаться...): only a few Bordeaux chateaux actually boast the turrets and tall fortified walls of storybook tales;
  - (в. несколько лет назад): a long-lost mantelpiece by... not rediscovered until a few years ago;
  - (облигации номиналом в. 50 долларов): war bonds were issued in denominations as low as $50;
  - (одно из в. шести агентств в стране, получивших сертификаты обеих организаций): the agency is a commercial collection agency certified by both the Commercial Law League of America and the International Association of Commercial Collectors (one of only 6 agencies in the country holding certifications from both organizations, being the very first to do so);
  - (осталось в. два участника совернований): when it was at last down to just two boys the instructor decreed that they should draw back another 40 koner;
  - (постареть в. на год): so many years have gone though I'm older but a year;
  - (потребовалось в. 8 минут): it took a total of 8 minutes to arrive at the residence;
  - (проскочить в. в 20 футах от мели): the tanker was clearing only 20 feet from the shoals;
  - (6 самолётов и в. 5 агентов для проверки прибывших пассажиров): the migration supervisor has at least six 747's pulling in from Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam and Vancouver, and just five agents to check out all the passengers pouring out;
  - (получить 5 годовых зарплат, чтобы пропустить в. одну партию наркотиков): some Mexican border police were offered 5 times their annual salary to look the other way on just one drug shipment;
  - (в. через несколько дней после переизбрания): just a few days after being reelected President B. has wasted no time in doing...;
  - (в. через несколько минут): children who are inattentive may get bored with a task after only a few minutes
  всего лишь - (в.л. в апреле): projected federal budget surpluses, put at $122 billion for this year as recently as in April, have nearly vanished;
  - (всё это было в.л. выдумкой для забавы): the whole thing was only a story made up for fun;
  - (его дед был в.л. старьёвщик): his grandfather wasn't anything but an old ragman;
  - (в.л. за 25 долларов): for only $35 per Gold Card a year you can obtain an Additional Gold Card for qualified individuals age 18 or over;
  - (в.л. за 5 минут): in just 5 minutes, screeching American dive bombers sank three Japanese aircraft carriers, and a fourth shortly after;
  - (купить в.л. за $15): many tapes can now be purchased for as little as $15;
  - (мать вопила, что его полнота - в.л. детский жирок): his mother wailed that his poundage was really puppy's fat;
  - (в.л. насекомые): racism means your enemies are just insects to be swatted;
  - (в.л. некоторые из них): selection of offerings: Swedish massage, manicure and pedicure to name a few;
  - (в. несколько лет назад): a long-lost mantelpiece by... not rediscovered until a few years ago;
  - (облигации номиналом в.л. $50): war bonds were issued in denominations as low as $50;
  - (они были в.л. простыми солдатами): they were none other than ordinary patriotic soldiers doing their duty to the Fatherland;
  - (в.л. повод): his fatherly affection stretched just far enough to give his son a trial, and by all accounts it wasn't much more than an excuse for C. to show how much he hated the boy;
  - (в.л. пошутить): don't be so stupid, I was only joking;
  - (я в.л. посыльный): I'm just the delivery boy;
  - beds were little more than wooden bunks;
  - he had a craft - not much more than a hollowed tree trunk;
  - he had escaped from the attack with nothing more than a scar;
  - how is it possible to survive here with nothing more than a machete;
  - your devotion is nothing more than cowardice;
  - the swords could no more than sting him;
  - They are not powerful enemies. They are scarcely even a nuisance on the world stage.;
  - the obstacles were anything but pretexts we were using to evade our commitment;
  - смотри всего (т.е. немного)
  вседозволенность - London, as recently as two years ago, was a laissez-faire paradise. Banks and other financial firms could get by with even thinner capital cushions than their American counterparts.;
  - he said the world was incurring the "wrath of God" through its permissiveness and destruction of spiritual and moral values
  вселение - (жильцов, ... в сдаваемом жилье делалась уборка перед в-ем жильцов и после их выселения): one of the services she offered her clients was that a rental property would be thoroughly cleaned before and after a tenancy;
  - (незаконное в. в неиспользуемую государственную собственность): We're taking our homes for ourselves here. You can improve a vacant lot without being busted for trespassing - insist on your right to squat on unused PUBLIC property.
  вселить / вселять - (величие вселяет страх): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (страх, т.е. драматург вселял в него страх): he was delighted by Pirandello, dismayed by Strindberg;
  - (энергию, результаты выборов вселили в него энергию): he seemed to be invigorated by the election results
  вселиться / вселяться - (незаконно в. в неиспользуемую государственную собственность): insist on your right to squat on unused public property
  всемирно - (в. известная больница): the world-famous hospital;
  - (в. известное издательство): the world-renowned publishers Random House
  всемирный - (беспокойство / важность): an issue of global concern;
  - (борьба за торговлю): the world-wide struggle for trade;
  - (дебаты): the Kyoto agreement on greenhouse gasses of global warming, and the world debate about that agreement;
  - (замедление экономики): the global economic slowdown;
  - (история): from the perspective of world history the phenomenon of industrialization should be seen as at first a regional one in Western Europe but, in an only slightly longer timescale, it was global in scope - by the 1860s industrialization was under way in the United States and Japan;
  - (коалиция): to build a world-wide coalition;
  - (морское братство): the daily bible of the world's merchant marine fraternity is Lloyd's list, which contains editorials, features and news on shipping;
  - (объект в-ого наследия): the whole site is within the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site, inscribed in 1995;
  - (озабоченность): budget brouhaha underscores the world's anxiety;
  - (организация): the skills needed to lead a global organization can be in short supply;
  - (потепление): global warming;
  - (проблемы): it caused to deepen my understanding of the universal concerns that most of humanity share;
  - (в. спад экономики): raise of unemployment is due to global slowdown;
  - (в. спад экономики): global economic slowdown;
  - (в. торговый центр): World Trade Center;
  - (в. фонд Природы): by the estimate of the Worldwide Fund for Nature
  всемогущество - (в. принуждения и грубой силы): by treating opium poppy cultivation as merely a public safety issue the Allies perpetuate their misguided faith in the power of coercion and brute force
  всемогущий - (Бог): Almighty / omnipotent God;
  - (волшебник / Политбюро): the all-powerful wizard / Politburo;
  всему своё время - all in good time
  всенародно - (в. избранная ветвь законодательной власти / в. избранный президент): the popularly elected branch of the legislature / the popularly elected president
  всенародный - (поддержка): Talibans don't have popular support;
  - (успех): the film enjoyed fair popular success
  всеобщий - (благо): he was refusing to subordinate his welfare to the general good;
  - (в. облегчения): in the awning there was a collective outletting of breath;
  - (вызывать в-ее восхищение): over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust;
  - (гул в-его одобрения): there was a general buzz of agreement;
  - (В-ая декларация прав человека): article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  - (дефицит): the general shortage of everything from pencils to basketballs;
  - (забастовка): to call a general strike;
  - (в. запрет ядерного оружия): comprehensive nuclear weapon ban; - (ко в-ему облегчению): to everyone;s relief I was working out reasonably well;
  - (ко в-ему удивлению): to everyone's surprise;
  - (коррупция): to cement its influence in Kazakhstan, Washington has been forced into a delicate balancing act that requires tacit approval, or at least some tolerance, of systemic corruption;
  - (любимица): she is everybody's favorite smart-ass, brassy and irreverent;
  - (молчание): a blank silence greeted her words;
  - (в-ее недовольство книгой): the general complaint about the book was that the author had left out important details;
  - (одобрение): Mao sensed the ephemerality of this acclaim; sycophancy was the device of the least trustworthy;
  - (в. соблюдение правил по борьбе с отмыванием денег): universal adherence to anti-money-laundering practices;
  - (в. сокращение расходов): the Clinton administration used across-the-board reduction rather than aligning cuts with the needs of individual government agencies;
  - (паника): wholesale panic;
  - (убеждение): contrary to popular belief, the Mafia wasn't all that adept at using technology;
  - (удовлетворение): Israel contributed to the general complacency by telling us that it had destroyed nine of eleven bridges across the canal;
  - (успех): the film enjoyed fair popular success;
  - (цинизм): the result of this dissonance is cynicism all around;
  - (чувство): I was aware of pervasive sense of beleaguerment that resulted from a combination of the President's personality and the violent, occasionally assaults of the antiwar critics
  всеобъемлющий - (в. гимн подростковых страхов): the song became a catchall anthem for adolescent angst of all varieties;
  - (в-ее господство Мао): Mao's personal dominance of the polity he had created was all-encompassing;
  - (в. законодательный акт): the Congress is finishing action on the most sweeping piece of legislation;
  - (в. запрет ядерного оружия): comprehensive nuclear weapon ban;
  - (в-ая история событий): this is not meant to be a comprehensive history, but a personal memoir that offers an inside look at an extraordinary time in the life of America;
  - (в-ие книги о стрелковом оружии): he bought the most comprehensive books on small arms;
  - (в. набор прав и обязанностей, норм, установлений): the Sumerians believed in the existence from time primordial of a fundamental, unalterable, comprehensive assortment of powers and duties, norms and standards, rubs and regulations, relating to the cosmos and its components, to gods and humans, to cities and countries, and to the varied aspects of civilized life;
  - (обзор): comprehensive survey;
  - (ответственность): he had all-embracing responsibility for the choice of personnel;
  - (в-ие полномочия в мире финансов): the British regulatory agency, the Financial Services Authority, has sweeping jurisdiction over the British financial world;
  - (в-ие полномочия президента): the Congress gave the President sweeping war-time powers;
  - (предложение): Nixon reiterated the offer publicly as part of a comprehensive proposal on Jan 25, 1972;
  - (в-ая программа финансирования): comprehensive funding program;
  - (термин): sociology, gender studies and feminism are still inclined to refer to gender identity, gender role and erotic preference under the catch-all term gender
  всепогодный - (спутники): the all-weather satellites were also monitored and resultant findings fed into the computer
  всепожирающий - (пламя): the all-consuming flames seized him;
  - (пожар): consumptive fire
  всепроникающий - (американская культура настолько всепроникающа в Канаде, что...): American culture is so strong and pervasive in Canada that it quickly wipes out these childhood memories (about pronouncing "zee" instead of "zed")
  всерьёз - (воспринимать в., если бы я допустил такое неуважение, кто бы в городе воспринимал меня всерьёз?): if I allowed such disrespect to stand unchallenged in my city who would take me seriously;
  - (играть в., т.е. с большой ставкой и большим риском): he's out there, and he plays for keeps fig;
  - (издатели хвалят произведение только тогда, когда в. так считают): if, in the course of rejection, the publisher should be complimentary about your work, you can take the remarks at face value - publishers do not encourage rejected authors unless they mean it;
  - (не принимать в., места, которые я не принимала в. ): Why is it so hard to get laid? Not by anyone I really care about. Maybe I should go to one of those places I never considered. Or that I actually considered and laughed off. Because trying to do what's "normal" hasn't produced such especially good results. So maybe I should be bad.;
  - (принимать кого-л в.): he knew her too well to take her seriously;
  - (принять заявление в.): I took his statement at face value;
  - (принять что-л в.): the government is taking the threat of biological and chemical attack very seriously;
  - (в. собираться ввести порядок поощрения заключённых за доносы о торговцах наркотиками): she decides to make it clear to everyone (i>prisoners) that she means business by introducing a scheme to encourage inmates to report pushers to the much feared Dedicated Search Team
  всесилие - (в. принуждения и грубой силы): by treating opium poppy cultivation as merely a public safety issue the Allies perpetuate their misguided faith in the power of coercion and brute force
  всесторонний - (в. анализ движения наличности в различных кварталах города): based on an in-depth review of the movement of currency into different Chicago neighborhoods, they note, demand for cash is unusually strong in neighborhoods with a large population of Hispanic immigrants;
  - (в-ее гуманитарное образование): in filling entry-level jobs, some employers look for college graduates with a technical or business background or a well-rounded liberal arts education.;
  - (исследование): comprehensive study;
  - (обсуждение): in-depth discussions;
  - (в-ие проверки руководителей среднего звена): mid-level managers face extensive annual reviews and incessant pressure to perform or pack up;
  - (разоружение): comprehensive disarmament
  всецело - (поддерживать): the head of dairy at the National Farmers' Union said the union was "totally behind" the campaign;
  - (поддерживать): Europe must wholeheartedly back Obama's initiative on Iran;
  - (поддерживать): As Ministers responsible for Customs, we wholeheartedly endorse this Protocol, and recognise the efforts of the Textile Clothing and Footwear Council of Australia Limited, the Apparel and Textile Federation of New Zealand and the Customs Services of Australia and New Zealand.;
  - (в. поддерживать план вывода из кризиса): the Bush administration's controversial financial bailout proposal may be getting a heavy dose of criticism today from angry lawmakers on Capitol Hill, but Warren Buffett tells CNBC he wholeheartedly supports the plan;
  - (в. полагаться на кого-л): on some matters I have to rely entirely upon him for my information;
  - (в. принять правила): he adopted wholeheartedly some of the policies that he had previously criticized;
  - (согласиться): he agreed wholeheartedly with her
  всё - (в. более): смотри ниже;
  - (в. больше): смотри ниже;
  - (в. будет хорошо): it's going to be all right;
  - (в. было залито светом): everything was suffused with a mysterious golden light;
  - (в. в порядке): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в своё время): all in good time;
  - (в. в том же настроения): it was still in this mood compounded of elation and relief that I briefed journalists on the newly concluded agreement;
  - (в этом-то в. и дело): the English tolerated us, and that's about all;
  - (видеть в. чёрно-белым): he saw things as black and white;
  - (во в. возрастающем объёме, с западных шахт поступало железо во в. возрастающем объёме ): from western mines came a steadily swelling volume of iron;
  - (во всём, команда несколько выше остальных команд лиги, но не во всём): the team was well coached, well financed and well organized and had talent that was slightly above the rest of the league, at some position, but certainly, not across the board;
  - (вода в. прибывает, т.е. при наводнении): water is constantly arriving;
  - (в. время): смотри ниже;
  - (в. встало на своё место): it was a terrible situation, but in the end things fitted into place;
  - (выжать из ситуации в., что можно): He has taken full advantage of being coveted. He played the situation to the hilt, vying one team against the other, and increasing his value in the process. He said he was close to taking the Falcons" job to make the Dolphins panic and come back with a better offer.;
  - (делать в. возможное): смотри ниже;
  - (делать в., что в силах): смотри ниже;
  - (делать в., чтобы...): we (Syria) do everything to please the Americans, but they are never pleased;
  - (держать в. в себе, т.е. недовольство, если вы не боретесь, а держите в. в себе, это может привести к обиде): Arguments can be good for you. If you don't fight, bottling things up can lead to resentment.;
  - (дождь в. шёл и шёл): it was raining steadily;
  - (думать, что им в. можно): the authorities seem to think that for them, anything goes;
  - (в. в его поведении говорило о том, он он, ждёт, чтобы его стронули): his entire listless manner was that of a person waiting to be moved;
  - (в. ещё): смотри ниже;
  - (в. замечать): he noticed everything, even the small details;
  - (записывать в дневник в., что случилось): he sent me a diary to chronicle whatever happened next;
  - (всё... и...): смотри ниже;
  - (в. испробовать): my parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure;
  - (в. к лучшему): all for the best;
  - (в. как всегда): things are the same as usual here;
  - (колёса в. крутились): My car's wheels had sunk deep into the soft wet ground. The wheels turned over and over, but we didn't move an inch.;
  - (в. лето): throughout the summer all the experts had been telling the President that...;
  - (в. меньше [и меньше] ): смотри ниже;
  - (меня обвиняли во всём): I was accused of everything;
  - (мы в. делаем правильно): the governor has not been accused of any wrongdoing and has repeatedly deflected specific questions by saying "we do things right";
  - (начать в. сначала): judge tells jury to start all over again;
  - (в. необходимое): смотри ниже;
  - (в. новое, комиссия по охране архитектурных памятников известна своим неприятием всего нового): packed with amateur preservationists, the landmark committee is notoriously averse to anything new;
  - (он был для неё всем на свете): there was a time when he had meant the world to her;
  - (он в. копал): on he dug, deeper and deeper into the hard, cold earth;
  - (в. остальное): смотри ниже;
  - (понять в.): in a trice he understood everything;
  - (в. пройдёт хорошо): if all goes well, you will be able to save an innocent life;
  - (птицы любят в. блестящее): these birds like sparkling stuff;
  - (в. равно): смотри ниже;
  - (в. равно, что): смотри ниже;
  - (сделать в. [возможное] ): смотри ниже;
  - (в. сильнее, его в. сильнее охватывало раздражение): he was beset by more and more irritations;
  - (собрать в. своё мужество): he summoned what manhood he had and transformed himself before her eyes;
  - (в. спокойно): the things are calm;
  - (так бы в. и осталось): these things might have rested, if it were not for one woman;
  - (в. так же, это было так давно, а его потеря в. так же тяжела): It was agony to remember him doing this. So long and his loss was as sharp a knife to her heart as ever.;
  - (тщательно в. обдумать): he weighs things carefully;
  - (тщательно рассчитав вес зонда и всего, что он несёт, можно вычислить высоту, на которой зонд придёт в равновесие): The Mylar super-pressure balloon does not expand as it rises. By the time the balloon reaches the altitude where its density equals that of the atmosphere, the gas has become pressurized because the heat of the sun increases the internal gas pressure. However, because Mylar can withstand great internal pressure, the volume of the balloon remains the same. By carefully calculating the weight of the balloon and whatever it is carrying, the altitude at which the balloon will achieve equilibrium and float can be calculated.;
  - (у меня в.): that's all from me, good bye;
  - (у него внутри в. похолодело): in the second it took for him to take in what she said, his insides had become glacial;
  - (уплетал в., что попадалось ему на глаза): he was shoveling down whatever he set his eyes on;
  - (в. усложняется тем, что...): things are made more complicated by the fact that many of our doctors are themselves non-British, and do not have an adequate grasp of colloquial English;
  - (в. хуже и хуже, дела шли в. хуже и хуже): matters went from bad to worse;
  - (в., что было не так в доме): they were apt to blame him for anything that went wrong about the house;
  - (в., что можно): смотри ниже;
  - (всё, что потребуется / всё, что угодно, сделать в. что угодно для спасения жизни заложников): the police will do whatever it takes to save hostage's life;
  - (в., что служило их целям): whatever served Hanoi's purposes represented historical necessity;
  - (в., что случилось после 1973): all that has happened since 1973;
  - (в., что составляет вашу особенность, т.е. для успешной карьеры в кино): Your passion, abilities, accomplishments, goals and whatever it is that makes you special are all elements that should be woven into your personal pitch and used to distinguish yourself from everyone else. This is a selling tool you can't afford not to use;
  - (в., что хочешь): We are planning a party. Champagne, caviar, smoked salmon. You name it.;
  - smuggling in those years was the order of the day: video players, colour TV sets, pasta, melons, small arms, cigarettes; you name it;
  - (в. это): смотри ниже;
  - (это в. на настоящий момент): that's it for the moment;
  - (это в., что осталось от роты Б.): This is probably all of B. Company. He takes a head count; they number twenty-eight.
  всё в порядке - (со мной в. в п. , только в ушах немного звенит): I think I'm fine. Just a little ringing in my ears.;
  - it's all right / it's okay;
  - (с ней будет в. в п.): she'll be tickety boo BrE infml;
  - (у меня в. в п. ): I'm all right / I'm all okay
  всё (делать / сделать в. возможное / в., что в силах) - (закон делал в. возможное, чтобы поддерживать рабство): people who opposed slavery were deviants, as far as southern culture and ideology was concerned; the law, in fact, made every attempt to buttress slavery;
  - Anthony Eden did his best to cover up his collusion with Israel and tried to avoid any documentation thereof;
  - (т.е. о спортсмене): M. is ready to go all out in final;
  - (делать в. возможное, чтобы быть достойными союзниками): we will do our best to be worthy allies to your country;
  - (делать в. возможное, чтобы покончить с лидерством конкурента): Microsoft was the company that did the most to destroy Apple's lead in easy-to-use computers;
  - (делать в. возможное, чтобы передать мои наблюдения, мысли и чувства): I have done my best to convey my observations, thoughts and feelings as I experienced them;
  - (влиятельные лобби пытались делать в. возможное, чтобы влиять на голосование): powerful lobbies tried by every means in their power to influence the votes;
  - he did his utmost to persuade her of the danger;
  - eager for stability after the recent turmoil at the public market, he signed a 15-year-lease. To pay for the new kitchen equipment and renovation, he has borrowed more than $150,000. "If you are going to do it, you might as well go all out," M. said.;
  - he did his utmost to persuade her of the danger;
  - we'll go all out to win;
  - When I really want something, anything, I will go all out. I will fight for it.
  всё более / всё более и более - Great Britain found it increasingly necessary to adopt new regulations;
  - the U.S. overseas presence is costly, increasingly complex and of growing security concern;
  - (заумные учёные придумывают в.б. хитрые алгоритмы): as more and more computing power is put in the hands of the nerds, letting them crunch through mountains of data, they have devised fancier and fancier algorithms to explain and anticipate behaviour;
  - (мы становимся в.б. независимыми): we are growing ever more independent;
  - (погоня за в.б. быстрым и сильным материальным удовлетворением): the pursuit of ever more immediate, intense and grand material gratifications;
  - (продаваться по в.б. высоким ценам): when great pieces come up in any market, they are sold for ever-higher prices
  всё больше [и больше] - (в.б. беспокоить): it increasingly worries foreign officials;
  - (в.б. времени проводить): in recent days he had spent an increasing amount of time with Nixon;
  - (в.б. выходить из равновесия): a work force that feels more and more overworked at the same time as its skills move further and further out of balance with the needs of the public it serves;
  - (...динго в.б. наглеют и стали приближаться к людям, а иногда и кусать их): the ranger had been writing to the government urging a dingo cull and warning of imminent human tragedy, that dingoes were becoming increasingly cheeky, approaching and sometimes biting people;
  - (в.б. использовать рабов): the slaves were used in ever-increasing numbers;
  - (в.б. людей ринулось в скотоводческие районы): men in growing numbers rushed to the cattle country;
  - (в.б. отставать): those who don't adopt the new technology are going to fall further and further behind;
  - (в.б. перерабатываться, т.е. уставать на работе): a work force that feels more and more overworked at the same time as its skills move further and further out of balance with the needs of the public it serves;
  - (поселенцев прибывало в.б.): as years passed, settlers came in ever-growing numbers;
  - (в.б. и б. потребителей, набравших кредитов "под завязку", перестанут погашать долги): consumers, leveraged to the hilt, will begin to default on their debt in greater and greater numbers;
  - (экономика в.б. сползала в стагнацию): the economy was drifting increasingly into stagnation
  всё время - (в.в. бегать по лестнице с шумом): it's rather difficult to concentrate when people keep thundering up and down the stairs;
  - (болтать): she keeps talking all the time, she's a chatterbox;
  - (в.в.бороться за успех): I am continuously striving for success;
  - (в.в. быть голодным): he had not forgotten what it felt like to be continually hungry;
  - (в.в. быть запертым в клетке): the racket the owl made if she was locked in her cage all the time;
  - (в поп-культуре в.в. появляются новые сюжеты, выражающие...): popular culture is constantly coming up with new storylines to express its fear, distrust and loathing of computers;
  - (вода в.в. прибывает, при наводнении): water is constantly arriving;
  - (в.в. вспоминать, т.е. пережитое горе): Get off it! Stop it, please! This whole thing is tough enough without you going on like this, constantly rehashing everything.;
  - (вы в.в. корректируете параметры шрифтов в компьютере): you constantly update your font settings;
  - (глаза в.в. перебегали с окна на дверь): he flicked his eye constantly from the illuminated window to the front door;
  - (жаловаться): he had moaned continually about his pet;
  - (жаловаться): he continually complains about everything;
  - (в.в. звонит телефон): the telephone has been ringing continually;
  - (в.в. искать что-л): he was stooping as if permanently looking for a mislaid piece of paper;
  - (камера, в которой в.в. горел свет): they put me in a cell with a light that stayed on;
  - (Китай в.в. утверждал, что на конференции по разоружению следует обсудить и создать международный юридический инструмент для предовращения гонки вооружений в космосе): China has all along maintained that the Conference on Disarmament should negotiate and conclude an international legal instrument to prevent an arms race in outer space;
  - (в.в. нюхая снег): the dog moved slowly now, her nose constantly at the snow;
  - (он в.в. делает загадочные замечаньица): all the while he's making cryptic little remarks specifically designed to keep you up at night wondering what they could possibly mean;
  - (он в.в. замолкал, вытирая лоб платком): as he talked he kept breaking off to wipe his forehead with a handkerchief;
  - (он обманывал её в.в): he had conned her all along, and she had bought it hook, line, and sinker;
  - (он в.в. посматривал в зеркало заднего вида): he glanced repeatedly in the rear view mirror;
  - (она в.в. думала о принце): all the while she thought of the lovely Prince and how she should find him;
  - (он хихикал в.в., пока она вела разговор): he giggled incessantly and inappropriately while his wife carried on the conversation;
  - (она в.в. лицемерила): he wondered if in fact she loved him or had all along been disingenuous;
  - (очки в.в. соскальзывали): his glasses kept sliding off his nose;
  - (в.в. переходить от эйфории к отчаянию и наоборот): he oscillates regularly between elation and despair;
  - (пилоты в.в. разбиваются): they lost a few fighter aircraft the last time around, but those things and their pilots regularly crashed to no purpose anyway;
  - (в.в. по пути на вокзал): he read and reread the letter all the way back into the station;
  - (в.в. подниматься и опускаться): they found themselves at a stop unless you counted the fact that they kept rising up and down several feet as the hippogriff beat his wings to remain airborne;
  - (повторять): The carpenter was keen to practice his twenty words of English. He had repeated them continuously to his intense delight whenever he met D. during the voyage;
  - (повторять): I am dismayed by the people who repeatedly say: "...";
  - (почти в.в. его лицо хранило непроницаемое выражение, как у Будды): from the outset of this meeting he had assumed for the main a Buddha-like inscrutability;
  - (в.в. пребывания его на посту президента мы сталкивались с...): throughout his tenure, we encountered political opposition, legal challenges and personal;
  - (прерываться): the meeting was continually interrupted;
  - (при этом в.в. смотреть по сторонам): here you had to go according to the map / diagram clipped to the center of the yoke - to the proper place, all the while looking around to make sure some idiot in a Cessna 172 didn't stray into your path like a stray cat in the supermarket parking lot;
  - (в.в. приезжать снова): those who love the city keep coming there again;
  - (приходить): the customer keeps coming up with something new;
  - (в.в. проносить вилку мимо рта): he was watching her talk with a very dazed look on the face, and he kept missing his mouth with his fork;
  - (в.в. пускать слюни): he drools unceasingly;
  - (расти): our knowledge of Scandinavian mythology is continually increasing;
  - (с тех пор он в.в. живёт здесь): he came here for a holiday several years ago and he's lived here ever since; - (с тех пор он работал у них): he had been working for the them ever since;
  - (в.в. сжимать пальцы): he was constantly flexing his fingers as though itching to place them around her throat;
  - (в.в. сжимая и разжимая кулаки): he leaned toward me and in a menacing tone, constantly clenching and unclenching his fists, ranted on about their duplicity;
  - (в.в. следите за заключённым, т.е. во время личного досмотра): stay alert, watch the inmate at all times;
  - (в.в. слышать подобные истории): maybe he hears stories like this all the time;
  - (в.в. смотреть на кого-л): the teacher was glancing anxiously at the inspector all the time;
  - (сотовый телефон в.в. со мной): I have my cell phone with me at all times;
  - (температура в.в. держится на пяти градусах): temperatures are holding steady at 5 degrees;
  - (в.в. увеличивать мощность мотора): he steadily increased the power of the engine;
  - (Черчилль был в.в. прав, т.е. по вопросу намерений фашистской Германии): Churchill was right all along;
  - (шлем, который можно откинуть, если я не захочу его носить в.в.): a helmet that can be drawn back like a hood in case I don't want it up full-time;
  - (в. это в. он качал головой): all the while, D. was nodding his head "no" vigorously;
  - (я в.в. в движении): the secret to my success is that I'm always on the go, never losing sight of my goal and working every waking-minute, all day, every day
  всё ещё - in much the same way a front is maintained at L. House in Curzon street, still supposed to be the home of the counter-intelligence arm, M15, to decoy the unneeded enquirer;
  - I hope we are still on speaking terms;
  - he was still upright and still fighting;
  - he stood there, hand still outstretched;
  - Ron was still in a bad mood with Hermione;
  - (в.е. продолжать отрицать свои замечания): if he persists in his denial of the remarks,...;
  - (в.е. продолжаться, о феминистской промывке мозгов): the old feminine conditioning still persists
  всё же - (замечательный неудачник, но в.ж. неудачник): why admire a bungler - a brilliant bungler, but a bungler nevertheless - who missed becoming the first person to reach the North Pole?;
  - (и в.ж.): his stomach was tight, knotted, for all that he was pleased to see her;
  - (и в.ж.): yet despite the progress made, the issue of pay is an area where directors seemed to have changed little;
  - (многие контракты, исполнение которых не гарантируется законом, в.ж. существуют): many contracts not enforceable by law - including "usurious" ones - would still exist and thrive in a free nation;
  - (но в.ж.): complexion brownish but still white;
  - (но в.ж.): modern communications had transformed ambassadors into glorified mailmen, but they still, occasionally, had to handle important matters with discretion;
  - (в.ж. со сменой владельца возникает вопрос): the change of ownership ццnonetheless raises the question...;
  - (это интересно, но в.ж.): that's interesting, but anyway, as I was saying...;
  - She's really quite ill and has been for some time. Even so / In spite of this she remains in good spirits.;
  - I can understand everything you say about wanting to share a flat with Martha. However fml, I am totally against it;
  - He's still able to get around quite well. His whole life has been plagued by illness, however fml / nevertheless very fml;
  - he was very tired, nevertheless he kept working;
  - there was no news, nevertheless he went on hoping;
  - Common room colleagues had reported the offence within the hour. Nonetheless the administrators waited for another Monday, and another no-show, before the police called on me.;
  - but the Shah, in conducting parallel policies, nonetheless insisted on a demonstration that the proposed course in fact strengthened the moderate regimes of the area;
  - He has over a million pounds in his bank account. Yet he still gets up at six every morning to go to work.;
  - and yet with all our doubts we were dedicated to making a major effort for a peaceful solution;
  - yet he kept on, aching hands or no;
  - If I get back even the miller's company will be welcome. Still, it is some comfort to think that I shall be missing you both for a bit!
  всё... и... - (в. ближе и ближе): steadily nearer;
  - (дела шли в. хуже и хуже): things got steadily worse;
  - (он в. кричал и кричал): he screamed the same three words over and over;
  - (они всё летели и летели): on and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown;
  - (погода в. ухудшалась и ухудшалась / становилась в. хуже и хуже ): the weather worsened steadily as the match drew nearer;
  - (в. реже и реже встречаться): overweight winners are increasingly rare
  всё меньше / всё меньше и меньше - we are seeing less and less of the traditional haycocks;
  - twice-yearly meetings on the Mine Ban Treaty were highly productive, and while the US and Russia were increasingly less interested in participating, China had started attending;
  - (доверять в.м. и м.): he tired easily, could not keep up with his hired men whom he more and more mistrusted
  всё необходимое - (США сделают в.н., чтобы спасти жизни людей и помочь восстановлению Гаити, т.е. после землетрясения): President Obama and says the United States will do what it takes to save lives and help Haiti recover;
  - (правительство сделает в.н., чтобы поддержать стабильность финансовой системы): the government is prepared to do what it takes to maintain the stability of our financial system;
  - (политические деятели сделают в.н., чтобы не дать перебоям на финансовых рынках нанести ущерб экономике): the Treasury Secretary said policy makers will do whatever is needed to prevent disruptions in financial markets from hurting the economy
  всё остальное - (американцы всегда делают то, что нужно, после того, как перепробуют в.о.): Americans always do the right thing after they've tried everything else;
  - (в.о. не имеет значения): nothing else matters;
  - (меня интересуют документы в сейфе, ты можешь взять в.о.): I'm after a bunch of documents left in a safe inside the house. You get anything else there is in hand.;
  - (перед выдачей паспорта документы тщательно проверяются. Зато имея паспорт, по нему можно получить в.о.): The documents are thoroughly checked before the passport is issued. By contrast, once you have a passport, you can get anything else on the strength of it
  всё равно - (т.е. безразлично): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. вопреки чему-л): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. в любом случае): смотри ниже;
  - (всё равно, что...): смотри ниже
  всё равно (т.е. безразлично) - "Do you want to play chess or cards?" "Whichever.";
  - (всем в.р.): When the pumps work nobody cares. When they don't I have to find out which pumps went flooey or where the plug-up is;
  - (ей в.р., если его убьют): it doesn't matter to her if he is killed!;
  - (ему было в.р.): his scar seared again, but he did not care;
  - (ему было в.р.): he would have to pay the price for his rudeness later, but he did not care very much just at the moment;
  - (в.р., кто это / в.р. что это): no matter what / who it is;
  - (в.р., что он делает): no matter what he does;
  - (как будто нормальному мальчику не в.р., что в новостях): as if a normal boy cares what's on the news;
  - (мне будет в.р. , как низко я паду): I have promised myself that I will not be concerned about low I sink. If I feel calling names, I will do it. Throwing punches. Tossing food. There will be no point below which I will not descend.;
  - (мне в.р., уйдёте вы или останетесь): it's all the same to me whether infml you stay or go;
  - (мне в.р., как ты это сделаешь): I'm not particular how you do it as long as it gets done;
  - (мне в.р., что ты думаешь): I don't give a hoot BrE infml what you think;
   (ну да в.р.): You haven't invited me in. You might as well. I have no intention of leaving;
  - (что один колледж, что другой - в.р.): I figured, you go to college, one place is as good as another
  всё равно (т.е. вопреки чему-л) - they knew it was too expensive, but they went ahead regardless infml and bought it;
  - (живот болел от смеха, а он в.р. смеялся): it hurt his stomach to laugh, but he laughed anyway;
  - (хоть договор к нам не относится, я в.р. волнуюсь): "Treaty documents have discrete language and discrete application. They are not open-ended. The Treaty does not apply to us at all." "I am concerned even so."
  всё равно (т.е. в любом случае) - ("Вы готовы ввергнуть людей в нищету и страдания...?" "Люди в.р. страдают из года в год."): "So you want to start a war to get peace. Are you prepared to commit innocent men and women to all that pain and misery without even giving them a choice in the matter?" "Honest men and women suffer regardless, year and year out. We want to put an end to their trials, once and for all";
  - (вы в.р. меня убьёте): like you won't kill me the moment I hand it over anyway;
  - (в.р. из этого ничего не выйдет): nothing comes out of it anyway;
  - (мы в.р. опаздываем): we're going to be late anyway;
  - (пилоты в.р. разбиваются): they lost a few fighter aircraft the last time around, but those things and their pilots regularly crashed to no purpose anyway;
  - (с моим плохим зрением меня в.р. бы не приняли, т.е. в космонавты): my poor eyesight and mediocre physical abilities would have disqualified me anyway, regardless of gender;
  - (в.р. это не имеет смысла): it doesn't make sense anyway;
  - (я в.р. не пойду домой, пока он не вернётся): I won't go home until he's back regardless;
  - all the same, I should like it all plain and clear;
  - it is generally understood that the Kyoto agreement will not be adhered to anyhow
  всё равно, что - (врезаться в едущий впереди автомобиль в.р.ч. врезаться в стену на половинной скорости): as a rule of thumb, impacting into another car is equivalent to impacting into a rigid surface at half of the speed;
  - (для него измениться было в.р.ч. изменить свою группу крови): he could no more change that than he could change his blood group;
  - (для него перестать делать деньги было в.р.ч. перестать дышать): he could no more stop making money than he could stop breathing;
  - (в.р.ч. жить в шовинистической банановой республике): Who wants this to be the group that decides? One might as well live in a populist, jingoist banana republic.;
  - (в.р.ч. лисы бы просили с ними советоваться о благополучии кур): Tobacco firms want the right to participate in global efforts to curb the tobacco epidemic. Some people would say it was tantamount to foxes asking to be consulted about the welfare of chickens.;
  - (он был дома не один, но в.р.ч. один): he was not alone in the house, but he might as well have been;
  - (он был в.с.ч. покойник): as the photos of the murdered woman were passed around I thought the defendant was as good as dead;
  - (он в.р.ч. сказал: "Давайте мне чаевые"): The guy expected a tip. He made it so obvious he might as well have said "give me a tip now.";
  - (подсматривать - в.р.ч. шпионить): he knew that peeking was just another way of saying spying, and that spying was wrong;
  - (в.р.ч. сосчитать слитки Крёза): what resulted was no different from numbering the bricks of king Croesus of Lydia;
  - (служебный автомобиль - это в.р.ч. прибавка 2000 фунтов к годовой зарплате): a company car is the equivalent of an extra £2000 a year on your salary;
  - (в.р.ч. солгать): he felt it had been tantamount to a lie not to tell him that;
  - (сосчитать их верблюдов было в.р.ч. сосчитать песчинки на берегу): their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore;
  - (это было в.с.р.ч. купить лопату и копать себе могилу): Then some dumb moke would shoot his mouth off, saying G. was a pussy or a wanker. From that moment you knew the poor bastard would spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, paranoid that G. would find out. He might as well have bought a shovel and started digging his own grave.;
  - (это в.р., что мошенничество): it is tantamount to fraud;
  - (я их в.р.ч. убил): I as good as killed them;
  - You can't go to the West Country and not see Bath. It's like going to Los Angeles and not sleeping with Paris Hilton.
  всё-таки - (она в. была женщиной): The trial began in June, 1873. The judge Hunt did not permit the defendant to testify in her own behalf. She was not deemed competent - after all, she was a woman.;
  - (они в. твоя семья): they are your family after all, and I'm sure you are fond of each other - er, very deep down;
  - (это интересно, но в.): that's interesting, but anyway, as I was saying...
  - It seemed a miracle that the water tank had escaped puncture. Perhaps the Fates had not been so ironic after all.
  всё, что можно - (выжать в.ч.м.): смотри ниже;
  - (отрицать, в.ч.м.): he denied as much as possible, belittled the rest and held on to his job
  всё, что можно (выжать в.ч.м.образно) - (выжать в.ч.м.из кого-л): You're crazy if you give him anything. He's milking you for all you're worth.;
  - (т.е. из ранения): He's faking his injury. Trust him to milk it for all it's worth;
  - (выжать в.ч.м. из сенсации): to get the most sensational news and to play it up for all it was worth;
  - (выжать в.ч.м.из супруга при разводе): divorce him and take everything you can squash out of him in court
  всё это - (в.э. абсурдно): the whole thing is preposterous;
  - (в.э. было выдумкой ради шутки): the whole thing was only a story made up for fun;
  - (в.э. было забавно): the whole thing was rather amusing;
  - (в.э. [вместе взятое] привело к одной из самых больших нехваток воды): environmental restrictions, booming demand for water, and persistent drought along the Colorado River have combined to create one of the worst water shortages in California in the past decade, and prices are shooting up in response;
  - (в.э. время): I've been in public service for 20 years and throughout all this time I...;
  - (в.э. время): we had conducted an exhaustive search, and all the while the best candidate had been right under our noses;
  - (в.э. дорого мне стоило): the public humiliation, the pain to my family, the huge debts from legal bills - these things took a terrible toll on me;
  - (за всем этим следит Политбюро): the everyday working of the KGB, the appointment of every officer within it, every promotion - all are supervised by the Politburo;
  - (в.э. произошло с лёгкостью): it had all happened with the casual ease of slipping into a pair of sneakers on Saturday morning;
  - (в.э. у Германии было): Armored cars, armored personal carriers, and tanks. Germany had all of them, mainly of American make.;
  - (в.э. хорошо): that's all well and good;
  - (я бы не удивился, если бы оказалось, что он в.э. придумал): he had a great imagination, and I wouldn't put it past him to make the whole matter up;
  - (я не вынесу, если придётся в.э. начать по новой): I can't go through the whole business of starting over again
  вскладчину - (купить лицензию в.): they pooled their money and bought one of the first development licenses;
  - (купить что-л в.): pooling their savings, they bought shovels, paint and cement;
  - (купить что-л в.): they pooled their available cash and bought...;
  - (ходить в ресторан в.): they went Dutch slang during a recent dinner date - reportedly splitting their bill 50/50
  вскользь (заметить / упомянуть что-л / в. упомянуть о чём-л) - the boy's parents skated over the accusations of bullying in the report;
  - he had a brother Jim, whom he mentioned in passing on his show;
  - Mr Obama's speech was equally notable for what it omitted. Some delicate but pressing issues were mentioned only cursorily. He avoided the phrase "war on terror" and skated over America's growing need for African oil.;
  - (она в. упомянула о том, что хотела бы найти наёмного убийцу): She mused to a friend that she wished her husband were dead. She made an oblique reference to finding a hit man to solve her problem.
  вскоре - before long, the work of exploration was conducted on a systematic basis;
  - (в. она сошлась с другим): she soon takes up with another man;
  - (пикирующие бомбардировщики потопили 3 авианосца, а в. и четвёртый): in just 5 minutes, screeching American dive bombers sank three Japanese aircraft carriers, and a fourth shortly after;
  - (в. после взлёта): the plane was buffeted with turbulence shortly after take-off;
  - (в. после того): смотри ниже;
  - (в. после операции): he returned to work shortly after his operation;
  - (в. после завтрака): it happened soon after breakfast;
  - (в. у них родились двое детей): not long after the fisherman's wife had two little children;
  - If this news leaked out, the rumours would begin among our own population. Before long they would be more than rumours.;
  - he was shortly joined by them;
  - Тhey strode boldly after the Warden. Anon old use there appeared a roughly trodden path, which soon became a stone-paved road
  вскоре (после того) - soon thereafter;
  - once inside the park it wasn't long before we saw our first wildlife;
  - How would you feel if McCain (presidential candidate) won, died soon thereafter and Palin (vice-presidential candidate) became a president?;
  - shortly afterward we had our first direct word from Cairo;
  - (в. его послали в Вест-Индию на борту 18-пушечного военного корабля): A chance rescue of some men in a capsized rowboat got the attention of his superiors and he was given an officer's commission. Shortly afterward, he was sent to the West Indies on board the Levant, an 18-gun man-of-war.;
  - it didn't take long for F. to start sucking up to the new Governing Governor (of the prison)
  вскружить голову - (успех вскружил им г.): for them, it was a first taste of battle; its success was giddying
  вскрывать / вскрыть - (в. причины переполоха на рынке кредитов): the congressman is deconstructing the reasons behind the current credit-market turmoil;
  - (в. причину трагедии): the author tries to uncover the reason of the nation's tragedy;
  - (в. серьёзные проблемы): while the value of such research is recognized, there are strong incentives against doing it, since it may reveal major problems that would cause the project to be cancelled;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вслед - (броситься в. за кем-л): he threw himself in after them and bolted the door;
  - (ветер свистел им в.): the Wolf bade the Prince jump on his back, and away they went, over hill and dale, over hedge and field, till the wind whistled after them;
  - (в. за введением евро): following the introduction of the euro, taxation is expected to become a particularly hot issue as pressure builds on EU governments to harmonise their tax systems;
  - (в. за бойней в Хевронской мечети): following the massacre at the Hebron mosque by the crazed Jewish settler;
  - (в. за посадкой настала летняя работа): then came planting, and following the planting came summer's work: hoeing;
  - (крикнуть в. кому-л): he called after her
  вслух - (высказать в.): the idea was so terrible that he did not dare voice it aloud;
  - (зачитать): he rose from his chair and read `aloud relevant passages;
  - (ни у кого не хватает смелости сказать это в.): it's what everyone is thinking, but no one is bold enough to say out loud
  всматриваться - (в. в будущее): to peer into the future;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  всплеск - (активности / деятельности): sudden bursts of building activity;
  - (активности): the commission report has inspired an unreasonable burst of activity on Capitol Hill;
  - (в. красивости в поп-культуре): recent outbreak of niceness in pop culture;
  - (насилия): outbreak of violence;
  - (энергии): а burst of energy brought progress on many of the infrastructure improvements that Athens had promised for the Games;
  - (смотри файл ZVUKI)
  всплыть / всплывать - (воспоминание всплыло внезапно из подсознания): another memory came shooting up from his subconscious like a balefully fizzing fireworks;
  - (имя президента всплыло на суде): the name of President Obama came into play this afternoon at the political corruption trial of former governor R.B. as an associate of political fund-raiser T.R. testified that R. asked him to write a $10,000 check to Friends of Obama;
  - (т.е. стать известными, о доказательствах): nine years ago, evidence surfaced that the state's premier had been a long-time Stasi informant;
  - (т.е. стать известными, о махинациях): the Nixon's crowd believed that they could get away with anything, including all the shenanigans that surfaced in Watergate;
  - (о старом соперничестве): old rivalries surfaced again;
  - (об имени образно): his name floated to the top;
  - (об имени образно): his name cropped up;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вспоминать / вспомнить - (в. жизнь и творчество, т.е. покойной): Dr. E.S., one of the preeminent cancer serologists of our time, died last week of a disease she studied all her life. We plan to gather at a future date to celebrate her life and work;
  - (изобличающие улики): The attorney poked and probed a bit, but he was careful not to revisit the damning evidence. The jury had heard enough of the cuts and gushes; it would be foolish to cover this ground again.;
  - (кого-л): with a little prompting, K. remembered him;
  - I cannot recall his wistful plea without a pang of shame;
  - (бывший сенатор вспоминает, как...): former Senator K., a commission member, recalls that...;
  - (в этот день мы вспоминаем погибших): on this day we remember the dead of the two world wars;
  - (в бреду в. Первое Причастие): in delirium she was trying to recall her First Communion;
  - (всё время в., т.е. пережитое горе): Get off it! Stop it, please! This whole thing is tough enough without you going on like this, constantly rehashing everything.;
  - (вспоминая детство): when I look back to my childhood, I wonder how I survived at all;
  - (вспоминая о времени, когда для дублирования отпечатков приходилось...): thinking back to the days of making copy negatives in order to duplicate prints, Welch views the archiving process with the s1220 Photo Scanning System as straightforward and efficient.
  - (в. об убитых им людях): he seldom gave a second thought to the men and women he killed;
  - (в. о неотложном свидании): he suddenly remembered an urgent appointment;
  - (в. прежние навыки): it took a few days of struggling to get my lip back infml;
  - (вспоминая прошлое): thinking back,...;
  - (в. т.е. прошлое): whenever he thought back to that trial 20 years ago, what echoed through time was the teeming emotions;
  - (вспоминая прошлое): in retrospect, the patient described feeling never satisfied, experiencing life and sex as if he were "marking time";
  - (прошлое): when I look back, it was not an ideal situation;
  - (в., что видел во сне): he tried to recall what he had been dreaming about before he had awoken;
  - (в., что не запер дверь): he suddenly remembered that he had not locked the door;
  - (в. что-л с теплотой): I look back upon Afghanistan with special affection; because it was, in those days, the wildest, weirdest land on earth;
  - смотри вспомнить
  вспоминаться / вспомниться - (ему не к месту вспомнились анекдоты): he had a discordant memory of the "black" jokes so popular when he'd been in high school, but managed not to relate any to the assembled throng;
  - (ни с того, ни с сего, ей вспомнилось): An incongruous memory hit her. When she was twelve and suddenly taller than the boys in her class, she had started to slump when she walked.
  вспомнить - (постараться в.): if you cast your mind back, you might recall that I never promised to go
  вспомогательный - (в. аэродром / аэродром, используемый как в.): auxiliary airfield: an airfield that functions in a subsidiary capacity;
  - (вопрос): can I ask a subsidiary question?;
  - (детали): subsidiary details;
  - (Женская вспомогательная служба ВВС, т.е. Великобритании во Второй мировой войне, она была одной из первых сотрудниц ЖВСВВС): she was posted to a secret radar station in West Sussex where she was one of the first 24 WAAFs (Women's Auxiliary Air Force) to transmit and receive electromagnetic echo signals as part of Britain's developing air-raid warning system;
  - (персонал / работники): non-exempt University employees (support staff and members of bargaining units) will be paid on a weekly cycle;
  - (в-ые поверхности, закреплённые на петлях на задней кромке крыла, т.е. самолёта): at the trailing edge of the wings are auxiliary hinged surfaces known as ailerons that are used to gain lateral control and to turn the airplane;
  - (в-ая силовая установка): the cruiser's auxiliary power unit started pushing it away from the floating pier;
  - (в-ые системы / в-ое оборудование электростанции): commissioning and testing of the power plant and ancillary systems / equipment;
  - (услуги): all invoices reflect the following charges: recurring charges for the primary service you are obtaining from us, such as: bandwidth fees, Internet fees, webhosting fees, etc.; recurring charges for the ancillary services such as fees for IP addresses, additional e-mail accounts, webmail accounts, etc., and state and federal taxes, if applicable; non-recurring charges if any, such as: one time setup fees, router fees, technical support fees
  вспугивать / вспугнуть - (звук вспугнул дракона): the sound roused the dragon to peril;
  - (в. стадо оленей): to startle a herd of deer
  вспыхивать / вспыхнуть - (бунт вспыхнул в городе): in 1962 the great industrial city of N. erupted in worker riot;
  - ( в глазах вспыхнули искорки, т.е. от удара): the back of his head slammed into a stone wall behind him, tiny lights burst in front of his eyes;
  - (домашние ссоры могут в. из-за того, какую телепередачу смотреть): sharing the television can trigger domestic squabbles;
  - (когда вспыхнули военные действия): she volunteered for war service at the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939;
  - (о боях): 3 weeks after fighting erupted between U.S. soldiers and the followers of M., a rebel Shiite cleric;
  - (о войне): a war would flare;
  - (о войне / конфликте): the war / conflict broke out;
  - (о массовых протестах): when massive protests broke out downtown, we knew it was and opportunity to witness history;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вспышка - (гнева): the colonists greeted the Stamp Act with an angry outburst;
  - (гнева): as he stared at the bizarre image, his initial revulsion and shock gave way to a sudden upwell of anger;
  - (гнева): the burst of anger was out of character for the normally placid boy;
  - (гнева, выбежать, покраснев от в-и гнева): they stormed out in a red-faced huff;
  - (гриппа): classes were disrupted by a nasty bout of flu;
  - (т.е. заболевания): an outbreak that began in 1964 infected more than 12 million people in the United States alone;
  - (т.е. инфекционного заболевания): at the time of the SARS outbreak;
  - (в. красивости в поп-культуре): recent outbreak of niceness in pop culture;
  - (т.е. лампа-в. фотоаппарата): red-eye is caused when the light emitted by the flash bounces off the retinas of your subjects and back into the lens;
  - (насилия): outbreak of violence;
  - (отчаяния): she waited until the outburst of frustration had spent itself;
  - (раздражения): diversion, not confrontation is the best way to face the boy's tantrums;
  - (раздражения): after many tantrums and many tears from his mom the new regime had begun;
  - (Иван Грозный был подвержен в-ам неудержимой ярости): Ivan the Terrible was prone to outbreaks of uncontrollable rage;
  - (ярости): a gust of rage;
  - (ящура): the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease;
  - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  вспять - (повернуть в. ход борьбы): to reverse the course of the struggle;
  - (повернуть в. ход событий): a joint estimate by CIA andDIA held that the Israelis should turn the tide on the Golan Height by Tuesday night;
  - (повернуть в. экономический спад): he assumed the Presidency determined to reverse the nation's economic decline;
  - (пойти в., об экономическом развитии): Australia needs skilled workers armed with useful, practical vocational qualifications as much as traditional higher education qualifications, otherwise our economic growth will stall, or even go backwards
  вставать / встать - (в связи с судебным делом встали острые морально-этические вопросы): the case has raised acute moral and ethical questions;
  - (в. во главе движения реформ): he put himself at the head of this movement of reform;
  - (вопросы встали перед Советом): to research issues that come to the attention of fml the Council;
  - (всё встало на своё место образно): it was a terrible situation, but in the end things fitted into place;
  - (в. на сторону кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (в. на защиту своей земли): we've pursued their army north, and they didn't have the manhood to stand and fight forsided their own land;
  - (в. на курс): after the war Sadat launched on his bold course toward peace;
  - (в. на ноги образно, снова в. на ноги, о предприятии): the delay is necessary to allow small financial institutions more time to get back on their feet before the security blanket of full deposit protection is lifted;
  - (в. на ноги, снова в. на ноги, т.е. после тюрьмы): to help him get back on the track;
  - (в. на пути у кого-л / в. поперёк дороги кому-л образно): when people get in her way, she can be ruthless;
  - (в. на путь образно, страна твёрдо встала на путь демократии): the country seemed firmly committed to democracy under the leadership of President E.F.;
  - (в. на сторону кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (в. не с той ноги образно): The boss is in a bad mood to day. He must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning;
  - (в. не с той ноги образно): Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? You are a real grouch.;
  - (о вопросе): "Will health be an issue?" "I think it will come up.";
  - (в. на тропу войны): the Indians went on warpath;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вставать / встать (на сторону кого-л) - the more he was attacked the more the public sided with him;
  - the judge sided with workers who were sacked for refusing to use unsafe equipment;
  - (встав на сторону истца, суд...): In siding with the challengers, the state high court said, "...";
  - he sided with the winning faction;
  - In turning into the station, he crushed into another car and injured the driver. The injured driver sued the drugstore, which claimed it wasn't liable because the manager wasn't acting within the scope of his job when turning into the gas station. But a federal appeals court sided with the injured driver, saying "a proportionately slight or expectable deviation" from the business trip won't erase employer's liability.";
  - if the Soviets line up with the Arabs, then we will certainly approve the military equipment
  вставить / вставлять - (в. абзац текста в конце страницы, т.е. на экране компьютера): cut that paragraph and then paste it at the end of the page;
  - (вместо сцены в фильме в. другую): he used rats to create a scene so revolting that his editor suggested strongly that he remove it and substitute something else;
  - (в. исправления в рукопись): type or legibly hand-print any corrections above the place each is to be inserted;
  - (комментарии): he interjected a few comments;
  - (в. палки в колёса): As a result of the tabloid furor, Karen orders urine tests for everyone in the dorm. For Di, this is the ideal opportunity to throw a spanner in the works by swapping Crystal's sample with Charlotte's.;
  - (в. палки в колёса): the funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works;
  - (в. поправку в договор): to insert an amendment into a contract;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): смотри ниже
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вставить / вставлять (т.е. при передаче прямой речи) - he interposed with "And...";
  - "..." Jack put in;
  - "I don't agree at all! " he interjected;
  - "No,..." S. interjected quickly, as if anticipating his confusion;
  - "The casino will knock everyone dead," chimed in her escort, a prominent businessman.;
  - "..." he cut in / chipped in BrE infml
  вставной - (выражения): enclose parenthetic expressions between commas;
  - (номер, т.е. в представлении): sideshow;
  - (челюсти / зубы): dentures are false teeth, mounted on removable plastic or metal plates;
  - (челюсть): he stares at his dentures before putting them back in his mouth
  встраиваться / встроиться - (компьютерная система смогла в. в структуру министерства финансов): his job with IBM had involved creating foolproof systems that could also be integrated with the Saudi treasury set-up;
  - (морские перевозки встроились в системы матерально-технического снабжения): to make full use of Short Sea Shipping in Europe, it needs to be seamlessly integrated into logistics chains and offer door-to-door solutions to customers
  встревать / встрять разг - (в. в ожесточённые служебные интриги): Politics got you squeamish? Get off your high horse. Squeamish about engaging in cutthroat office politics? Get off your high horse. While you cry about ethics, they eat your lunch.;
  - (в. в споры, о болельщиках): Some fans have a natural tendency to be confrontational. They get into arguments with other fans.;
  - (в. в чужие дела): I don't want to barge into anyone's business;
  - (в. во что-л, т.е. в неприятности): I think he is caught up in something that is bigger than he is. He's trying to get out but he just keeps getting in deeper.;
  - (не встревай): don't you get involved;
  - (не встревай, т.е. не твоё дело): "Let's see what happens," she said, her tone noncommittal meaning "don't butt in.";
  - (я знаю, во что я встряла): I don't expect any kind of allowances or special privileges, because I knew what I was getting myself into (Hillary Clinton about presidential campaign)
  встретить / встречать - (Бог-младенец встречает усопшего на небе): the painting shows a deceased welcomed into heaven by Christ child;
  - (встречайте т.е. артиста, т.е. фраза конферансье): please welcome...;
  - (встречающая делегация): the air chief marshal came down the steps to his welcoming committee;
  - (т.е. в. гостя на вокзале): I'll collect her at the station;
  - (в. кого-л случайно): to run into somebody;
  - (в. известие с шумом): the Serb information minister greeted the news of Mr Tudjman's death with characteristic bluster;
  - (в. кого-л на вокзале): will you meet me at the station?;
  - (кого-л, т.е. случайно): I bumped into an English Heritage official yesterday. He was fuming about the coalition's decision to axe a £25m government grant to rebuild the visitors centre at Stonehenge.;
  - (в. кризис лицом к лицу): we are already in the midst of a fiscal crisis and we have to face it squarely;
  - (в. новые структуры в книге): in this book, a mathematician will encounter new algebraic structures;
  - (в. Новый год): last year we celebrated New Year's eve in Paris;
  - (в. обвинения лицом к лицу): he met the accusations of corruption and bribery head-on;
  - (опера была восторженно встречена публикой): the opera was rapturously received, as was often true of Mozart's work in Prague;
  - (отпор, его избирательная кампания встретила немалый о. со стороны тех, кто...): his campaign encountered no little resistance from people who disagreed with him on the war or though he was out of touch, or both;
  - (поезд): I will meet your train;
  - (в. последний этап своего правления с фатализмом): the fatalism with which he faced the last phase of his Presidency;
  - (т.е. приехавшего в аэропорту): he picked her up from the airport;
  - (призыв встретил мало откликов): our call for new suggestions evoked / produced very little response;
  - (в. птиц в местности): over 250 local bird species that may be spotted in this area;
  - (противодействие): the government will encounter the opposition of the USA;
  - (в. слова молчанием): a blank silence greeted her words;
  - (в. случайно кого-л): in January I had run into J. and gossiped on the street for a few minutes with him;
  - (в. соглашение ликованием): they greeted the Agreement with jubilation;
  - (сопротивление): the Russians ran into / met fierce resistance in Chechnia;
  - (трудности): to face difficulties;
  - (в. трудности лицом к лицу): those using assertive behavior confront problems, disagreement, or personal discomforts head-on;
  - (угрозу): American troops are stationed in South Korea to counter any threat from the north;
  - (в. электрическую розетку другой формы): in some countries, you may encounter a recessed outlet or other shapes of wall outlets which the converter pins do not fit
  встретиться / встречаться - (бактерия обычно встречается в больницах): the bacterium is commonly found in hospitals;
  - (т.е. бактерия часто встречается в готовых блюдах, хранящихся в холодильнике): Listeria monocytogenes is often found in refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods;
  - (в литературе встречаются вычисления, напоминающие тригонометрические): in the extant mathematical literature of the civilizations preceding to Greeks occur a few calculations suggestive of trigonometric calculations;
  - (вам может в. нищий, который...): every once in a while, you may run into a panhandler who escalates a semi-innocent request for money into a tense confrontation.;
  - (взглядом / глазами): the two men first made eye contact as he emerged from the shop;
  - (взглядом / глазами с кем-л): women avoid eye contact with him;
  - (вновь в., представители делегаций встретятся для подготовки договора): we propose that our negotiators reconvene at C. to draw up the formal treaty ready for signing;
  - (в. всё реже и реже): overweight winners are increasingly rare;
  - (встречая что-нибудь подходящее в книге): they were turning the pages of dusty volumes, speaking occasionally when they ran across something relevant;
  - (другие формы штепселей встречаются за границей): in some countries, you may encounter a recessed outlet or other shapes of wall outlets which the converter pins do not fit;
  - ( ему встретилось любопытное явление ): he came across a curious phenomenon;
  - (их взгляды встретились): they locked eyes, and the stranger's intensity caused him to look away first;
  - (их взгляды встретились): her eyes met his;
  - ( их взгляды встретились, и он опустил глаза): their eyes met - then he dropped his;
  - (кому-л, он экономил еду, так как не мог предвидеть, кто или что может ему в-иться в пути): he ate sparingly, for he could not anticipate who or what he might encounter;
  - (кому-л, мне встретилось слово, которое я не нахожу ни в одном словаре): today I ran into a word which I cannot find in any dictionary;
  - (лицом к лицу с кем-л): I had come face-to-face with him at H.;
  - (мужчины-одиночки рассматривают потомство женщины, с которой они встречаются как балласт): single men tend to take their date's progeny as a dead weight;
  - (нормальный закон распределения, т.е. теории вероятностей, встречается на каждой странице): there was hardly a page in the book which did not feature the normal law;
  - (места, где встречаются медведи): this so whetted my appetite (of a hunter) that I spurred the horses and we came to that part of Kashmir where the brown bears are to be found;
  - (мы встречались раньше): we've met before;
  - (некоторые вещи не встречаются в Англии): some things are not encountered in England;
  - (т.е. ненамеренно): phoning and planning a date might potentially take an undue significance, and then it would be uncomfortable if he didn't ask her out again, or if she refused, and they still kept running into each other;
  - (т.е. ненамеренно): He knew better than to go directly to the office. He didn't want to run into his boss.;
  - (с кем-л в компании): I still saw M. socially from time to time;
  - (с мальчиками, о студентках): we dated boys of our age whom we met through friends or at mixers;
  - (первые 6 игроков в команде встречаются с игроками занявшими соответствующие места в команде-сопернике): during matches, the top six players on each team face off against players with corresponding rankings on an opposite team;
  - (с трудностями): if he applies for a loan he will encounter difficulties;
  - (с явлением): anyone who has seen a raindrop, has encountered capillarity phenomena;
  - (т.е. стихотворный размер часто ему встречался): he had come across this metre (iambic pentameter) often over the years while researching secret societies across Europe;
  - (умные люди встречаются везде): Their chief eye-cutter wants me to look at his operation. Every so often, you saw something new that was worth learning from or even copying, because smart people happened everywhere;
  - смотри встречаться
  встреча - there is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting;
  - (т.е. боксёров, он побил соперника в 20 предыдущих в-ах): he pummeled his rival in 20 previous encounters;
  - (в. в верхах / в. глав правительств / в. на высшем уровне): the World Summit on the Information Society;
  - (т.е. в гимнастике): After a disappointing meet AmE against N.C. State last week, the coach was searching for answers. The athlete, who suffered a fall on beam in last Friday's meet, has been working of visualization of her routine before she mounts the apparatus.;
  - (ветеранов): a reunion of veterans;
  - (в. выпускников колледжа): my fifteenth college reunion;
  - (в. выпускников школы): high school reunion;
  - (в. выпускников): alumni reunion;
  - (выпускников): the tradition of Homecoming has its origins in alumni football games held at colleges and universities since the mid-1800s;
  - (деловая): he suddenly remembered an urgent appointment;
  - (т.е. дружеская в. членов общества): On Thursday the committee of the German Society organized its first social, we met at the Gun Barrels, from there we all went down to the theatre, the film was brilliant. Then we taxied down to B. Street for a lovely meal, and a chat, the highlight of the evening was the games we played at the pub.;
  - (т.е. дружеская в. членов общества): Florida Corvette Club Inc. This social was a surprise birthday celebration for all our club members with November Birthdays. A special thanks to C.H., who supplied a delicious cake that she had specially made with our Corvette Club Logo in the center. She also supplied balloons and party favors.;
  - (в. друзей / неофициальная в., об игре в поло): polo in Moscow is first and foremost a social event;
  - (кинотеатр, в котором проводились / проходили в-и с ведущими кинорежиссёрами): the Pioneer Theater, an intimate 99-seat theater that showcased indie films and often hosted top filmmakers, ceased business;
  - (место в-и): I took a somewhat circuitous route to the arranged rendezvous point;
  - (на в-е посла в новыми сотрудниками министерства иностранных дел): the remarks made by the U.S. ambassador to Israel in an off-the-record session with the new recruits to the Israeli Foreign Ministry;
  - (он ожидал лучшей в-и): he had expected a better welcome;
  - (организовать в-у с прессой): he will stage another media occasion and announce that T. has joined his campaign;
  - (семейная): family gathering;
  - (случайная): the encounter, near the tenth hole of the golf course, might have been forgotten but for a few salient details;
  - (т.е. шпионов): he missed the first rendezvous but he made the fallback an hour later
  встречаться - (в. в природе): diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock;
  - (калий не встречается в природе в свободном состоянии): although never found free in nature, in combination potassium is abundantly and widely distributed;
  - (т.е. о парне с девушкой): смотри ниже
  встречаться (т.е. о парне с девушкой) - I went out with this girl and I dropped her back home and we hugged;
  - this is exactly why your sister hasn't told you she's seeing him;
  - he got reacquainted with a widow he had dated in high school and they married;
  - she was dating this newsman on Channel 3;
  - (он ни с кем не встречается, т.е. парень - с девушками): He does not date. Apparently, none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him.;
  - (она ни с кем не встречалась): He assumed she had a new boyfriend. She told him she was not in relationship with anyone at the time.;
  - (у неё много хороших ребят, которые хотели бы с ней в.): she has a lot of nice guys trying to take her on dates but she is stuck on her boyfriend;
  - (я встречался с девушкой): my date was C.J., a striking girl I had met at one of the numerous mixers the area girl's school held for Georgetown boys
  встречающийся - (самое часто в-ееся нарушение аренды): the most common material breach of a lease is the nonpayment of rent;
  - (часто в. симптом муковисцидоза): the baby was diagnosed with a blocked bowel - a common symptom of cystic fibrosis
  встреченный - (в-ая широким одобрением речь): in a widely applauded address, President Eisenhower...
  встречный - (автомобили): if an accident occurs the vehicles may roll over the barrier and crash against the incoming vehicles of the opposite lane;
  - (автомобиль): I was driving on a two-lane highway and an oncoming vehicle was drifting into my lane;
  - (автомобиль): the car swerved around a dog lying in the middle of the street and almost hit another car coming from the opposite direction;
  - (апелляция, подать в-ую апелляцию): murder convictions are almost always appealed in Canada, and given the conviction on the lesser charge of second degree murder the Crown may also file what is known a cross-appeal in this case;
  - (аргументы / доводы, выстраивать в-ые доводы против теории): he was marshalling counterargument against this theory;
  - (ветер): "I thought you were supposed to make up time in the air." "Yes, but we're fighting headwinds today.";
  - (ветер): head wind;
  - (военно-в. удар воен): launch on warning / launch under attack;
  - (движение, со стороны деловых кругов США налицо в-ое движение): the US business community has been quite forthcoming / responsive;
  - (в-ое движение транспорта): facing the oncoming traffic;
  - (закупка): counterpurchase;
  - (иск, ответчик может подать в. иск на истца): the defendant may file a counterclaim against the plaintiff;
  - (курс): opposite heading;
  - (огонь, т.е. при пожаротушении): controlled burning: permitting or even igniting smaller fires to minimize the amount of flammable material available for a potential wildfire;
  - (полоса, т.е. дорожного движения): смотри ниже;
  - (предложение): counteroffer;
  - (предложение): he put it (the proposal) forward "for the consideration of Dr Kissinger" - in effect inviting a counterproposal;
  - (торговля): countertrade;
  - (транспорт): according to the road code opposing traffic can use your passing lane if there are no vehicles in that lane and you can see 100 metres of clear road in front of you for the whole time while you are passing;
  - (требования, взаимозачёт в-ых требований): it was not until the credit balance was paid out that it was subjected to a set-off of counterclaims;
  - (удовлетворение): in order to be perfectly valid and binding, a contract must conform to certain legal requirements as to parties, subject matter, consideration and mutual understanding;
  - (шаги, делать в-е шаги): we are willing to go our part of the way / to do our share but only if the Japanese side is ready to reciprocate;
  - (шаги, мы готовы пройти свою часть пути, но при условии готовности делать в-ые шаги с японской стороны): we are willing to go our part of the way / to do our share but only if the Japanese side is ready to reciprocate / to take reciprocal / reciprocating steps
  встречный (полоса, т.е. дорожного движения) - the collision caused her to lose control of her car, and it slid across the median and the opposite westbound lanes;
  - if an accident occurs the vehicles may roll over the barrier and crash against the incoming vehicles of the opposite lane;
  - (автомобиль вынесло / занесло на в-ую полосу): the car drifted into an opposite lane;
  - (выехать на в-ую полосу): the drivers attempted to overtake slower traffic by going into an opposing lane;
  - (полоса в-ого транспорта, свернуть на полосу в-ого транспорта): the accident happened / occurred when the driver swerved into oncoming traffic
  встроенный - (духовка со в-ым грилем, т.е. электроплиты): Electric cooker. Single oven with integrated grill;
  - (камин, в. в стену): the wall had a fireplace set into it;
  - (термостат, в. в электроприбор): your appliance has a built-in thermostat
  вступивший - (недавно в-ие страны, т.е. в Европейский союз): hundreds of UK businesses have benefited from the influx of workers from the Eastern European accession countries
  вступать / вступить - (в. в банду): a school in the US singled out black students to attend an assembly on the dangers of joining a gang;
  - (в. в боевые действия): the Army has not engaged in large-scale combat operations for over 50 years;
  - (в. в бой): смотри ниже;
  - (в. в борьбу): we engaged in a struggle that requires patience and persistence;
  - (в. в борьбу за должность): he formally enters the race for the office of the government;
  - (в. в войну): after the United states entered the World War II, a new selective service act made men between 18 and 45 liable for military service;
  - (в. в вооружённые силы): federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath;
  - (в. в действие, о тенденции): if conditions deteriorate, the opposite trend comes into effect;
  - (в. в государственную должность): to take a public office;
  - (в. в действие): an aircraft in straight-and-level unaccelerated flight has 4 forces acting on it (in turning, diving, or climbing flight, additional forces come into play);
  - (в. в должность мэра): Detroit Mayor K.K. entered office in 2002;
  - (в. в должность президента): when he took office, he looked forward to a prolonged period of prosperity;
  - (в. в завет с Господом): this happened because the people of the land broke the covenant they made with the Lord;
  - (в. в контакт, инопланетяне существуют и несколько раз вступали с нами в контакт): aliens are real and have made contact with us several times;
  - (в. в новую фазу, о стране): Slovakia is entering a new phase of politically delicate retrenchment;
  - (в. в новую фазу / в новый этап жизни): I have embarked on a new phase of my life as a U.S. Senator from New York;
  - (в. в перебранки / драки): my parents often fell into robust shouting matches, even occasional brawls;
  - (в. в перебранку из-за чего-л с кем-л): we should keep our eye on the fundamental challenge rather than squabble over short-term problems with our allies;
  - (в. в переговоры): the Tendering Committee of 18 February 2009 considered a report seeking approval to enter into negotiations with the Councils" current service provider to extend the existing contract for...;
  - (в. в подростковый возраст): he entered his teenage years;
  - (в. в предвыборную борьбу): he formally enters the race for the election;
  - (в. в противоречие, представление о себе вступает в противоречие с реальностью): when our self-image comes into conflict with reality, our ego-identity is called into question;
  - (в. в противоречие с закодательством): I've seen several contracts from large companies that would fall foul of the legislation;
  - (в. в ряды рабочей силы): an estimated 100000 young men enter the labor force each year while the public and private sectors generate about 50,000 jobs;
  - (в. в силу, о законе): the new bankruptcy law was enacted in 2005;
  - (в. в соглашение): to enter into an agreement;
  - (в. в союз с кем-л): the Iroquoi refused to ally themselves with the French;
  - (в. в строй, о промышленном объекте): by 2007, production by all automakers is likely to surpass 850000 as new facilities being built by the French carmaker Peugeot come online;
  - (в. во владение трастовым фондом, который ему оставила в наследство бабушка): when he turned twenty-one, he came into the trust his grandmother left him;
  - (в. во владение чем-л): take possession of the property on the agreed-upon date;
  - (в. на опасный путь): Scholars doing qualitative comparative research often enter dangerous waters. If the countries, conditions, and questions under consideration are not sufficiently similar, the usefulness of examining distinct situations is significantly diminished.;
  - (в. на опасный путь): LinkedIn is entering hazardous waters by attempting to use volunteers to perform professional services whose results will have a direct impact on the branding, image and professionalism of a company that claims to be the premier professional networking site on the Web;
  - (в. на путь, страна твёрдо вступила на путь демократии): the country seemed firmly committed to democracy under the leadership of President E.F.;
  - (не в. в политические споры): to stay out of political controversies;
  - (пехота вступила в бой): when the enemy was completely disorganized, the infantry moved in;
  - (т.е. присоединиться): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  вступать / вступить (в. в бой) - (т.е. в драку): he joined the fray and immediately got knocked down;
  - (т.е. десантники вступили в бой с обороняющимися): Fire comes against the landing party. Behind a second hedgerow, not more than thirty yards away, are seven Germans, five rides and two burp guns. On exactly even terms, these two forces engage for the better part of an hour.;
  - (о флоте): the United States Navy went into action;
  - (рота была разбита, не успев вступить в б.): the company was shattered before they could start to fight;
  - (о чиновниках образно): antitrust officials in the European Commission will step into the fray infml
  вступать / вступить в силу - (вступает в с. с 1 мая): with effect from (w.e.f. ) May 1;
  - (когда система вступит в с.?): when does the system become effective?;
  - (о документе): the deed was not effective until it was recorded - and that occurred after the son's divorce was final;
  - (о законе): the Act went into effect in June 1933;
  - (о законе): last month new traffic laws came into effect;
  - (о запрете): the ban went into effect;
  - (как только налог вступит в полную силу ): once this tax is in full effect, the prices will...;
  - (о прекращении огня): the cease-fire established by the Paris Agreement had gone into effect on Jan 27;
  - (о постановлениях): the new regulations will come into effect next May;
  - (о системе налогообложения): the new system of taxation will come into effect next May;
  - (о страховом полисе): the policy has come in effect;
  - (резолюция вступает в силу с третьего мая): the resolution is effective as of May, 3;
  - (с 5 февраля вступают в с. поправки к разделу B, регламентирующему допуск к адвокатской практике, который надлежит читать следующим образом): it is ordered that effective Feb. 5, 2009, Part B, Governing Admissions to the Practice of Law be hereby amended to read as follows;
  - (страхование вступает в силу после того, как...): the insurance is effective only after the applicant has been accepted by the Insurer;
  - (увольнение вступило в силу 5 июня 2007 года / немедленно): further to our meeting of May 9, 2007 I regretfully confirm that your employment with us is terminated with effect from fml June 5, 2007 / with immediate effect fml
  вступать / вступить (т.е. присоединиться) - (в. в ВТО): the country should join the WTO;
  - (в. в конвенцию по авторским правам): many countries have entered into the UCC;
  - (в. в консисторию): new cardinals joining the consistory;
  - (в. в Корпус подготовки офицеров): to join the Army Officers" Training Corps (ROTC);
  - (в. в мировую систему торговли): to integrate into the world's trading system;
  - (в. в ООН): 5 new countries joined the United Nations;
  - (т.е. в организацию): he had joined up when he was young and then got cold feet and tried to leave;
  - (в. в разговор): he was keen to join in this conversation;
  - (в. в рынок): he was sallying forth into a job-market glutted with young accountants;
  - (желание России в. в ВТО): Russia's desire to join the World Trade Organization;
  - (пение начали теноры, а затем вступили сопрано): the tenors started singing, and then the sopranos joined in;
  - (следует ли Украине в. в ВТО?): should Ukraine accede to WTO?
  вступаться / вступиться (в. за кого-л перед кем-л):- he had a shrewd suspicion that headmaster might have stepped in to stop the teacher failing him on purpose;
  - Thank you for standing up for me back there. It just felt like everyone was against me.;
  - (прокуратура штата может в. за вас перед органами опеки): State Attorney's office could intercede on your behalf with Family Services;
  - Grandpa often intervened on their behalf, endearing him even more to us
  вступительный - (заявление): full opening statements from the public impeachment hearings;
  - (лекция): he failed to deliver his opening lecture of the new academic year;
  - (речь, т.е. в судебном процессе): The judge explains the function of opening statements: a prediction of the evidence. "It is not an argument," he says. "the lawyers will not set forth the inferences which they think arise from the proof. They will simply tell you in an unvarnished fashion what the actual evidence will be.";
  - (экзамен, сдавать в. экзамен): he accepted a suggestion to sit for the Civil Service entrance examination as a late entrant
  вступление - (в. Америки в конфликт): America's entry into the conflict;
  - (в. армии в город): the entrance of the German army in Brussels has lost the human quality;
  - (в. в армию): if you get married before joining the military, this tax-free housing allowance begins on the very first day of active duty;
  - (в. в войну): Britain's entry into the war was not long delayed;
  - (в. в ГАТТ): Ukraine applied for GATT accession;
  - (в. в должность): induction of new staff can be defined as the whole process whereby new employees are helped to adjust and acclimatise to their jobs and working environments as the final part of the recruitment process;
  - (в должность заместителя прокурора, сказать речь на её в-и в д.): he honors our friendship mightily by asking me to speak at her induction;
  - (в. в должность президента): shortly after his inauguration, J. had indicated that he would like to meet the Soviet leader;
  - (в НАТО): the expansion of NATO prompts Ukraine to seek early admission into the alliance;
  - (в. в пенсионную программу): we offer entry into a contributory pension scheme, either he Universities Superannuation Scheme or the Cardiff University Pension Fund;
  - (в. в члены): in May, Aeroflot signed a preliminary accord with Air France clearing the way for membership once it meets standards in areas including customer service and airport operations;
  - (в. в члены, настаивать на в-и в члены): to press for immediate formal membership;
  - (в. в ВТО): the WTO entry is going to give the China's economy a huge boost;
  - (т.е. к песне): the orchestra went into the opening notes of "Remember";
  - (в. на престол): A coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investiture of a monarch and/or their consort with regal power, usually involving the placement of a crown upon their head, and the presentation of other items of regalia. In common usage, "coronation" often simply refers to the official investiture or enthronement of the monarch, whether any actual crown is bestowed or not;
  - (в. на престол): Cenwealh, who came to the throne in about 642, was a pagan at his accession
  всуе - (поминать имя Господне в.): if you heard somebody taking the name of God in vain;
  - (поминать): the French struggle to prevent the Russians taking the name of Champaign in vain
  всухую - (т.е. в теннисе): love game is a shutout game, won without the opponent scoring;
  - (выиграть / проиграть сет в., т.е. в теннисе): Bagel: winning (or losing) a set 6-0. With the shape of the "0" being evoked supposedly by the round shape of a bagel.;
  - (выиграть в. на приёме подачи, т.е. в теннисном гейме): Love is a zero score. "To hold to love" means "to win the game when serving with the opponent scoring zero points"; "to break to love" means "to win the game when receiving with the opponent scoring zero points").
  всучивать / всучить - (в. бутылочки с сырой нефтью деревенщине как средство от рака): in the 1860's, he used to palm off bottled raw petroleum on the yokels as a cure for cancer;
  - (в. банку фальшивые чеки): he tried to foist off fake checks on the bank;
  - (в. картину как настоящего Ренуара): he tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir;
  - (в. мне картину как настоящего Ренуара): he fobbed this painting off on me as a genuine Renoir, but I later found out it was a fake;
  - (в. мне фальшивую купюру): he tried to pass me a forged £10 note
  - (они пытались в. мне устаревший компьютер): they tried to palm me off with an obsolete computer;
  - (продавец всучил старушке неисправную машинку ): the salesman fobbed the old lady off with a faulty machine;
  - (в. страховку для людей старше пятидесяти лет): does anybody really believe that the happy, healthy, grey-haired, woolly jumper-clad middle-class couple who appear on every brochure which tries to flog BrE slang you insurance for the over 50s are genuine customers of company concerned?;
  - (торговец попытается в. вам испорченный товар): don't trust that shopkeeper; he'll try to foist off damaged goods on you;
  - (торговец фруктами всучил испорченные апельсины старушке): the fruit seller palmed off some bad oranges onto the old lady
  всходить - (в. на престол / на трон): Cenwealh came to the throne in about 642;
  - (в. на престол / в. на трон): mad king A. ascended the throne;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  всю дорогу - I drove home muttering to myself the whole way
  всю жизнь - (болезнь, которую она изучала в.ж.): Dr. E.S., one of the preeminent cancer serologists of our time, died last week of a disease she studied all her life;
  - (браки заключались на в.ж.): in those days marriages lasted a lifetime;
  - (в.ж. между ними сохранялась привязанность): through his whole life there had been a bond of affection between them;
  - (в.ж. мечтать): it's been my life-time dream to have a house like this;
  - (можно подумать, я в.ж. мечтала... , т.е. слова тюремной надзирательницы): See the attitude? As if it's the highlight of my day to peer up women's smelly bottoms.;
  - (накопленное за в.ж., т.е. сбережения): she's fun to be around (providing she's not conning you out of your life-savings;
  - (в.ж. ненавидевший фашизм): his father, by now a lifelong anti-Nazi, had come down in the world;
  - (в.ж. он был её другом): he was a life-long friend of her;
  - (в.ж. он занимался исследованием...): he spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems;
  - (он в.ж. таил обиду на то, что его игнорировало сообщество влиятельных литературных критиков): the writer has nursed a lifelong gripe that he's been overlooked by the literary-critical establishment;
  - (провести в.ж. где-л): he spent a life-time in a mud-hut;
  - (средства для чистки серебра хватает на в.ж.): Silverstar lasts a life-time;
  - (учиться в.ж.): every adult American must be able to keep on learning for a lifetime;
  - (в.ж. я шла нехожеными путями, удача и вера помогали мне не сбиться с пути): I have found my way through a lifetime of uncharted territory with good fortune and abiding faith to keep me on course
  всю неделю - (работать по 14 часов в день в.н., т.е. без выходных): during the peak of the season we may work 14 or more hours per day for 7 days a week
  всю ночь - (в.н.выла собака ): when he was gone, the dog howled all the night;
  - (в.н. вода капала с труб): water dripped and gurgled all night long from the pipes;
  - (заниматься в.н.): you would probably do better on an exam if you had a good night's sleep versus pulling an all-nighter;
  - (в.н. капитан оставлял дежурить на мостике первого помощника...): even at the overnight anchorage he left his First Officer S., his Third Mate T., and an able seaman on the bridge through the night;
  - (они говорили в.н.): they talked through the night;
  - (работать в.н.): when I pull an all-nighter, I just want to sleep all day
  всю оставшуюся жизнь - the computer will help him throughout the rest of his life
  всюду - (искать): Maybe he's in Moscow, maybe in the mountains. We looked high and low for him.;
  - (проникающий): it is unlikely that these most pervasive and powerful machines can ever run out of control
  всякий - (без в-ого волнения): "..." said R. without a flicker of emotion;
  - (без в-ого напряжения): he did not have room to draw fully while sitting down, yet he pulled its ninety-pound draw with no strain at all;
  - (без в-ого раскаяния): He had killed a woman. He was talking about it without any kind of remorse.;
  - (без в-ой причины): Women are moody creatures. They will be the biggest bitches on the planet from time to time for no reason whatsoever.;
  - (выдумывать в-ие истории): I made up all sorts of stories;
  - (в-ая душа да будет покорна высшим властям, ибо нет власти не от Бога; существующие же власти от Бога установлены / в-ая власть от Бога): Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: The powers that be are ordained of God;
  - (в-ая живность, которая водится в постелях дешёвых гостиниц): I was forced to renew my acquaintance with the various wildlife that thrive in cheap hostel beds;
  - (в-ие небесные тела): all kinds of heavenly bodies - constellations, comets, stars and planets;
  - (гадость / дрянь, есть в-ую дрянь , т.е. нездоровую пищу): you have to follow a super-strict diet to succeed and if you fall off the wagon and eat junk for a day or two, you've blown it altogether;
  - (ерунда): you're doing / into all sorts of rubbish;
  - (и всякое такое, он проследил, чтобы опасные бактерии, грибки и всякое такое не попало в систему): he ensured that no dangerous bacteria, fungus or what-not arrived to infect the system;
  - (продавать всякую ерунду): on any normal day, visitors could expect to see each little connecting alcove (in the Thames Tunnel) thronged with women selling "multifarious trumpery";
  - (в. раз, когда): she had recently taken to asking him around for tea whenever she met him in the street;
  - (в-ие скидки): I have made allowances for you. Every kind of allowance. For your unsavory profession, your ignorance of diplomatic practice and your uncommon rudeness.;
  - (в-е тряпки): a jumble of assorted rags and smelly old blankets were piled on the floor;
  - (в. хлам): all sorts of outlandish oddities, curiosities and junk
  всякое такое - we got a wiseguy this way 3 years ago, liked to brag in front of women how tough he was, and the guys he whacked, that sort of thing;
  - This drug is a steroid. While I'm on it, I have ups and downs, mood swings and stuff like that.;
  - are there cabarets with stripteases and everything?;
  - Most people don't get paid for their creative writing or don't get paid enough to live on. For people who want to be creative writers I suggest plumbing, carpentry. Jobs that pay better then teaching in a lot of cases. You are not dependent on your imagination so much so you can think about your work while you are sawing and hammering and sweating pipes and whatever it is you are doing. And then go home and your imagination is then free.;
  - I need some glue, paper, string, and all that jazz slang to make a kite;
  - she told me I was selfish, hateful, rude, ugly, and all that jazz
  всяческий - (издевательства): I was singled out for all sorts of harassment;
  - (в-ая нелегальная торговля): the country's border with the United States has long made it a natural transshipment point for all kinds of illegal trafficking including drugs, guns and migrants
  - (пожелания в-их успехов): accept my wishes for every future success to the people of Ukraine;
  - (в-ие развлечения): the minister was entitled to a television connected to a satellite service so that he could receive all manner of entertainment;
  - (в-ие страхи / тревоги): the song became a catchall anthem for adolescent angst of all varieties;
  - (товары): merchants were selling all manner of wares from trestle tables beneath broad awnings;
  - (угрожать в-ими ужасными исками): the attorney was pompous and condescending and threatened all manner of vile legal action if C. did not buckle immediately
  всячина - (всякая в. ): a drawer for cutlery, another for linen tea towels, a third for odds and ends like hairgrips, pencils, rubber bands and batteries
  втайне - (кинозвезда в. трепещет перед толпами орущих поклонников): film star R.P. is secretly thrilled by mobs of screaming fans - because navigating his way through the frenzied scrum is like living in a "war zone";
  - (в. любить кого-л): most male-female friendships don't work because the guy usually secretly fancies the girl;
  - (сговориться): the British Foreign Office and American State Department quietly conspired to return the two million victims of Yalta to the mercies of Stalin
  втереть очки / втирать очки разг (т.е. обмануть) - смотри файл EMOCII
  втереться / втираться (в. в доверие к кому-л) - смотри файл EMOCII
  втискивать / втиснуть - (т.е. киноновеллу в общий сюжет): the fourth story feels shoehorned into the overall plot;
  - (в. фильм в категорию): this is not a film that is easily shoehorned into a category (ostensibly drama and romance, but it could fit in thriller, tragedy, comedy or horror as well);
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  втихаря - he claimed she ate a slice of bread and butter on the sly infml;
  - she's making expensive telephone calls from work on the sly
  втихомолку - (сговориться): the British Foreign Office and American State Department quietly conspired to return the two million victims of Yalta to the mercies of Stalin;
  - (проведение приватизации в.): this agenda of privatization by stealth has been going on for many years;
  - I do not want to do things in secret
  втолковать / втолковывать - (в. дочери, что она должна работать усерднее): her father tried to get it through to her that she must work harder;
  - (т.е. в. идею членам Палаты общин): I count on you to press it home to them, as Chief Whip;
  - (в. кому-л, как важно аккуратно писать): I've been trying to hammer into them the importance of writing clearly;
  - (в. что-л кому-л, т.е. объяснить): was there any chance that he had got his message across into M's thick skull?
  вторгаться / вторгнуться - (бюджет президента вторгается в фонд социальной программы здравоохранения): the Bush budget raids the Medicare trust fund. Now he's using budget gimmicks to hide a raid on Social Security.;
  - (в. в личную жизнь): you do not invade their privacy;
  - (в. в личную жизнь, в нашу личную жизнь жестоко и необоснованно вторглись): our privacy had been invaded in a cruel and gratuitous manner;
  - (в. в личную жизнь т.е. о назначении независимого прокурора в расследовании): what had been promoted as a quick fix to our political problems unfairly invaded the lives of innocent people;
  - (в. в личную жизнь): he didn't want to infringe on my privacy, and he offered his advice gently;
  - (в. в отрасли промышленности образно): the Chinese have made huge inroads into that industry, and they pissed off a lot of people in the process;
  - (в. в страну): to invade a country;
  - (в. в сферу деятельности банков): the community banking lobby thinks it is only a matter of time before the retailer intrudes on the banks' turf;
  - (в. в чужое счастье): he did not want to intrude upon their happiness
  вторжение - (в. бюджетных хитростей в соцобеспечение): the Bush budget raids the Medicare trust fund. Now he's using budget gimmicks to hide a raid on Social Security.;
  - (в. в личную / частную жизнь): invasion of privacy: the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. However, public personages are not protected in most situations, since they have placed themselves already within the public eye, and their activities (even personal and sometimes intimate) are considered newsworthy, i.e. of legitimate public interest.;
  - (в. в Нормандию): invasion of Normandy;
  - (т.е. в. во внешнеполитические прерогативы Сената): resenting invasion of its control of foreign policy, the Senate refused to ratify the treaty;
  - (извините за в. образно, т.е. приход без приглашения): Sorry to intrude. Especially as I can see that I am gatecrashing a party.;
  - (исход войны решился вторжением голландской армии): the Third English War was finally decided by an incursion by a Dutch army under command of William III, on invitation by many English noblemen;
  - (осуществить массовое в. в отрасли промышленности образно): the Chinese have made huge inroads into that industry, and they pissed off a lot of people in the process;
  - (силы в-я): in this dual stroke, the supply line to Chinese invasion force was sundered for all time to come;
  - (тотальное в. в страну): Iran's role in Western strategy was to pose a barrier to Soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion;
  - (в. турецких рыболовных суден в советские воды): intrusion of Turkish fishing boats into Russian waters;
  - (фильм о советском в-и вглубь США): the movie about a Soviet invasion of the U.S. heartland;
  - (в. через границу): he started off by saying the Russians committed a border intrusion and they counterattacked;
  - (в. через границу): to end cross-border incursions
  вторичный - (обмотка трансформатора): the voltage per turn of a primary winding of a transformer is the same as the voltage per turn of the secondary winding of the transformer;
  - (щебень): recycled rubble
  второе - (первое означает, что мы..., для в-ого требуется...): the former means that we..., the latter asks for...
  второй - (дёрнуть за верёвку в. раз): he yanked the cord a second time;
  - (занявший в-ое место): runner-up;
  - (комнатка на втором этаже в пивнушке): he was running a bookmaking operation out of an upstairs room in Harry's boozer;
  - (место, три раза у него было в-ое место в чемпионате Северной Германии в плавании на 100 метров баттерфляем): He was in his own small world of celebrity. Three times runner-up in the North German Championship hundred metre butterfly stroke.;
  - (натура, политика у него была в-ой натурой): politics has been almost second nature to my father;
  - (пилот): squadron leader M.L. nodded to his co-pilot;
  - (план, оставаться на в-ом плане образно): Jo does the publicity work, while Ed stays very much in the background;
  - (план, оставаться на в-ом плане образно, а проблемы прав человека остаются на в-ом плане): climate change debates traditionally focused on the scientific environmental and economic aspects of the issue, with little attention given to human rights concerns;
  - (план, отодвинуть на в. план): Trump's campaign agreed to sideline the issue of Russia's invasion of Crimea and interference in eastern Ukraine in exchange for dirt on Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee;
  - (он пришёл в-ым в комплексном плавании на 200 м): he was runner-up in the 200 m individual medley
  - (работать на в-ой работе): another company employee is working a second job at the Liquor Store;
  - (роль, он был занят на в-ых ролях): he was cast in a supporting role;
  - (в. состав сборной команды штата): he was on the second-string Texas all-state team in his senior year;
  - (тур, т.е. выборов): смотри ниже;
  - (этаж): he climbs the stairs to the first floor BrE
  второй тур (т.е. выборов) - to take part in the run-off presidential election;
  - (кандидат, набравший более 12,5% голосов от всех зарегистрированных избирателей, выходит во в.т. / во многих округах во второй тур выйдут три кандидата): Any candidate in a constituency who wins more then 12.5 percent of registered voters goes on to the second round on June 17. There will be many constituencies with three candidates in the runoff.;
  - (он с трудом прошёл во в.т. губернаторских выборов): he barely made into the gubernatorial runoff, beating T. by 409 votes out of more than 400000 votes cast;
  - Any candidate in a constituency who wins more then 12.5 percent of registered voters goes on to the second round on June 17. There will be many constituencies with three candidates in the runoff.;
  - (победить на выборах во в-ом туре): to win the runoff election;
  - (проиграть в.т. кому-л с соотношением голосов 63% к 37%): he lost the runoff by 63 to 37 percent to M.C.;
  второпях - (в. написанная записка): a hastily scribbled note;
  второразрядный - (художник): a second-rate but much-acclaimed painter
  второсортный - (Гитлер): he's a tinpot BrE infml> Hitler;
  - (информация): Did the spy hope to achieve his comeback with tinpot information about military emplacements in the area of Brno? That wouldn't even buy him a square meal in his club.;
  - (образование): this was a second-rate education;
  - (художник): a second-rate but much-acclaimed painter
  второстепенный - (акции): secondary stock;
  - (в-ые вопросы в переговорах): the negotiations to draw the numbers down to zero had gone so rapidly that a lot of the minor ancillary points has scarcely been considered;
  - (дорога): secondary road;
  - (забота): in a spreading economic crisis, "saving Social Security" is a secondary worry;
  - (значение, иметь в-ое значение): I have not sought to investigate the true facts of this episode, which are highly contentious and of only peripheral importance to my Terms of Reference;
  - (нечто в-ое): it was a mere sideshow in the great design of a German people ruling the world;
  - (в-ая область интересов): primary and secondary fields of interest;
  - (в-ые отрасли промышленности): the government is loosening its control of nonessential industries;
  - (в-ые политические противники): to silence mainstream - not to mention fringe political opponents
  - (тема): secondary subject;
  - (роль): he was cast in a supporting role;
  - (в-ая роль в пьесе): the actress was given a minor part in the play;
  - (свойства): minor features;
  - (соображение): the important thing is to finish it quickly; cost is a relatively minor consideration;
  - (у умирающего нет времени на в-ое и случайное): a dying person does not have time for the peripheral or the accidental;
  - (художник): a second-rate painter
  втрое - (в. увеличить бюджет космического агентства): he was proposing to boost the space agency's budget nearly threefold
  втрое больше - (в.б. солдат погибло под обстрелом или утонуло, не успев вступить в бой): On this two-division front landing, only six rifle companies were relatively effective as units. They did better than others mainly because they had the luck to touchdown on a less deadly section of the beach. Three times that number were shattered or foundered before they could start to fight.;
  - (цены на нефть в.б., чем в 2002 году): oil prices still are triple what they where in 2002;
  - (число убийств в Нью-Йорке в 1977г. было в.б., чем сегодня): in 1977 the murder rate in New York City was three times what it is today;
  - (эта вражеская группировка имеет в.б. техники, чем мы): The nearest enemy formation is Thirty-fourth Shock Army. That one formation has triple or more our mechanized assets
  втрое больший - (в. б-ее количество солдат погибло под обстрелом или утонуло, не успев вступить в бой): On this two-division front landing, only six rifle companies were relatively effective as units. They did better than others mainly because they had the luck to touchdown on a less deadly section of the beach. Three times that number were shattered or foundered before they could start to fight.
  втык разг - (сделать в.): The teacher has given me a slap on the wrist infml for wearing tight, sexy jeans to class. He says it is not appropriate.
  втягивать / втянуть - (в. в конфликт): the crusaders became embroiled in a conflict between rivals for Byzantine imperial throne;
  - (в. в неприятности): I hope he will be able to forgive me for the mess I had gotten him into;
  - (в. в свои сети образно): it is unlikely the truth will emerge as to whether he is a deluded mercenary who drew Afghan officials into his web, or a misled crusader hung out to dry;
  - (в. в судебный процесс из-за чего-л): the company is now embroiled in a federal lawsuit with its own partner over whether the company has the right to other uses of the technology;
  - (...из-за которого мы окажемся втянутыми в обязательства): he was suspicious of any foreign policy rooted in missionary zeal, which he felt would cause us to drift into commitments "which though generous and benevolent in content, are so far reaching as to exceed even America's great capacities.";
  - (в. кого-л в неприятности): I'm sorry if I got you into trouble;
  - (в. обманным путём): conversations taped by the informant working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that Mr H. was lured into receiving $5000 for helping the informant to launder $45000;
  - (обманом в. в невыгодную сделку): he tried to inveigle me into a disadvantageous deal;
  - (т.е. страну в сферу влияния): to draw Ukraine back into its sphere of influence;
  - (т.е. страну в сферу влияния): if Ukraine gets pulled back into Moscow's orbit;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  втягиваться / втянуться - (в. в будни семейной жизни): to settle down to the humdrum of married life;
  - (империя втягивалась в войну): the British Empire was getting embroiled in a tiresome rebellion in South Africa: the Boer War;
  - (в. в повседневную жизнь, т.е. с муковисцидозом): My advice would be not to think about cystic fibrosis too much. Just get into a routine and stick with it.;
  - (в. в повседневное управление предприятием): it wasn't so easy to get sucked into the day-to-day running of the business;
  - (в. в спор): he got drawn into a disagreement with C.;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  втянутый - (в. в конфликт): the crusaders became embroiled in a conflict between rivals for Byzantine imperial throne;
  - (он был втянут в скандал, когда его любовница обнародовала их отношения): he was caught up in a scandal of his own earlier this year when his mistress outed their relationship on billboards in Times Square, Atlanta and San Francisco.;
  - (в. в приключение): I was hurled into an adventure;
  - (в. в судебный процесс): the company is now embroiled in a federal lawsuit with its own partner over whether the company has the right to other uses of the technology
  вуайерист - he proclaimed himself "dehorned by age" yet retained the novelist-voyeur's playful interest in the vagaries of other fools" sentimental attachments
  вундеркинд - like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart before him, Mendelssohn was regarded as a child prodigy
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