Миллер Рудольф Андреевич : другие произведения.

Between Science And Religion

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    The secret meaning of the Gospel allegory is narrated to us that Our Spiritual Savior is born from our awareness of the error of our own perception of the reality surrounding us! And really, we perceive not reality itself, but only the light reflected and scattered from it! And this fact of our mistake, by the way, is currently being materialistically directed by science, in fact, and does not take into account! And it is for this reason that it rejects the religious method of cognition! But what can we nevertheless rely on in science to show that its method of cognition nevertheless borders on religion! In this article, we intend to explore this issue!


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TASHKENT 2020ISBN 5-648-02819-9

   No 2020 - R.A. Miller.
   About the book. The secret meaning of the Gospel allegory is narrated to us that Our Spiritual Savior is born from our awareness of the error of our own perception of the reality surrounding us! And really, we perceive not reality itself, but only the light reflected and scattered from it! And this fact of our mistake, by the way, is currently being materialistically directed by science, in fact, and does not take into account! And it is for this reason that it rejects the religious method of cognition! But what can we nevertheless rely on in science to show that its method of cognition nevertheless borders on religion!
   In this article, we intend to explore this issue! FOREWORD
   The gospel says:
   "The birth of Jesus Christ was like this: after the betrothal of His Mother Mary and Joseph, before they were combined, it turned out that She had in the womb of the Holy Spirit." ...
   Let us draw the reader's attention to the fact that in Aramaic, the Name Jesus is Yeshua - the Savior, and Christ is the Messiah - the Messiah! Maria - Miryam - Marevo - Maya is a mistake in perceiving the reality surrounding us! Yosef - Awareness! It turns out that the secret meaning of the allegory of the Gospel is narrated to us, that Our Spiritual Savior is born from our awareness of the mistake of our perception of the reality surrounding us! And really, we perceive not reality itself, but only the light reflected and scattered from it! And this is our mistake, by the way, the science that is currently materialistically directed does not take into account! And it is for this reason that it rejects the religious method of cognition!
   But what can we nevertheless rely on in science to show that its method of cognition nevertheless borders on religion?
   But what does science and religion have in common?
   Both in science and in religion there is such a general concept as LIGHT!
   But is this one light meant both in science and in religion?
   In religion, however, the concept of light is presented as HOLY!
   But in what science can we meet some doubt about this world?
   We can encounter such a doubt in modern physics, where the concept of "ELASTIC" is suddenly assigned to a vacuum in which it would seem that there can be nothing!
   But why?
   Because scientists observe in a vacuum the limited speed of a photon flying in it! And since scientists are trying to be HONEST in their research, they are therefore forced to talk about an "ELASTIC VACUUM", in which they observe the speed limit of a photon of light flying in this vacuum!
   And this means the concept of light in science, and the concept of HOLINESS in religions is not the same concept!
   But where then can this SACREDITY of religions manifest itself in science?
   Recall, on the basis of what event, science began to trump some fact before religion?
   For example, Giordano Bruno, burned on the COSTER OF THE INQUISITION, exclaimed: "But IT does spin!"
   Who is spinning? Of course the Earth! But how did Gordano Bruno observe her spinning? Of course, optical instruments!
   And what was the basis of the Inquisition?
   On the fact that according to religious beliefs, our Earth is the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!
   And when can our Earth be considered actually in science as the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE?
   THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE Our Earth can actually be considered in science only when we study the interaction of ITS GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS with the UNIVERSE!
   By the way! The gravitational field in the science of physics, has hardly been studied! But religion is just about the UNIVERSAL LOVE OF GOD has quite huge ideas! And where, in science, should it have been studied? In metaphysics! And if so! Is it not the time to return metaphysics to science, for its enrichment?
    "History teaches nothing," concludes the great scholar of the twentieth century, Karl Popper, in his book The Poverty of Historicism. And this is so, if this story is associated with an egoistic, subject to the "Golden Calf", the relationship between people. Therefore, the creation proposed by Karl Popper in the conditions of the "Babylonian Captivity", when human languages ??are confused, of "open societies" with "freedom of speech" in them, within which issues due to the selfish desires of people entering these societies are discussed, will also not teach anything. As the creation of "Marxist circles" of materialists did not teach earlier: "Blessed is the husband who does not go to the advice of the wicked and does not stand in the way of sinners and does not sit in the collection of entertainers, but in the Law of the Lord his will, and he reflects on His Law day and night ! " (Thehelim, Psalms of David, 1: 1; 2)
   So that "OPEN SOCIETIES", with the devastation of the states in which they provoke "COLOR REVOLUTIONS", could contribute to the spiritual revival of people, they must, as the leading Source of Knowledge, study the Living Word of God.
   As Rabbi Baruch Shalom Alevi Ashlag writes in "Steps of Spiritual Exaltation" (1984, 10): "After sin was committed, Adam fell from his highest spiritual level, and his soul split into 600,000 small individual souls." And in order to rectify the World, God divided the World into two halves - the dark (Judea) and the bright (Yisrael). He, through the likeness of His Living Word, He infinitely brought closer to Himself (for example, associated with gravity, which creates a kind of "INTERDISPATERAL NETWORK" in our material world), and dark - infinitely removed from Himself (for example, as in our usual physical representation of SPACE, where the speed of light of a photon flying in it is limited). (from the ed. - To show the high spiritual informativeness of the Russian language and the closeness of its roots to Hebrew, we consider these two words in more detail: 1. "Close + silt (ale)", ie, near God as an Interdimensional Network of Gravitational Fields, for example , taken into account in horoscopic forecasts, during the natural physical movement of galaxies, stars and their planets; 2. "Oud + lil", ie "ud" - surprise arising from the appearance of the "male organ" in our usual physical space and "lil" - night.)
   So in a sinner man - Hebrew - two souls appeared Jewish. Carlos Castaneda, Doctor of Anthropological Sciences, calls these the Naguals. The task of the naguals during their life on Earth includes the correction of the World through the Messiah into this World of the Living Word of God.
   Therefore, according to the teachings of Judaism, in the World, especially during the time of Mashiach, there are always 600,000 double souls - naguals, who in their "bright side of the Gravity Interdimensional Network" belonging to the people of Eretz Yisrael, each have a spiritual resemblance to a particular Name of God, and in their totality, all the naguals represent the "Kingdom of Heaven" or, more precisely, the "Kingdom of the Names of God." Therefore, each Hebrew nagual is unique in our world because it represents for us the presence on earth of a spiritual representation of one of the Names of God. And the description of the Hebrew life experience becomes unique for us, however strange this experience may seem at first glance from our egoistic point of view, one can also find in it a "particle" of the limitless and infinite experience of the altruistic Self-giving of God, in the saturation of His Creation with His Grace.
   In their totality, all 600,000 Hebrew-naguals can "lower" for us to the Earth the One Living Word of God, which is reflected, for example, in all the scriptures. Thus, the biography of their experience, with a listing of their names associated with the Names of God, becomes unique for us to take from them an example of non-egoistic - altruistic behavior. Books with information where, usually alphabetically, the unique experience of Mankind is located, we are accustomed to call either an encyclopedia, or a dictionary, or an interpreter of words, or a dictionary, or simply a primer. In the Avramic religions, about the Book where the Names of God are listed, it is said that if you do My Will, I will write you to the "Book of Life".
   A unique example of the fulfillment of God's Will by the Savior - Yeshua, a representative of one of the Names of God, gives us Christianity, which is essentially one of the secret schools of Judaism - the school of Nazarene. This example is presented to us in detail in the Gospel.
   Listen! If you are talking only about the required number of 600,000 naguals present on Earth, then why do we observe such a large overpopulation of the Earth? ..
   The point here is that each such nagual has its own "structure", and for the completeness of this structure, the presence of "ordinary" people - peoples, on the Earth is also necessary. It is not for nothing that the Gospel says that the salvation of all Mankind will take place when "Eretz Yisraail" fills the full number of pagans. Those. these are 7 more Peoples of the Earth that have been formed since the days of NOA!
   And how many pagans are needed to fill the "structure" of the nagual? ..
   According to the doctor of anthropological sciences Carlos Castaneda, the nagual group, at the present stage of the spiritual development of Mankind on Earth, includes a minimum number, about 16 - 20 people. However, if we turn to Judaism or Christianity on this issue, we can assume that their total number will be 12 Tribes of Israel X 12000 = 144000 people. Thus, each name of God, in its structure, should consist of a "minimum" of 144,000 people. And considering that in the heart of each nagual all 600 thousand naguals are reflected, then such a nagual community can also reach these 600 thousand! Then we can state that in order for Humanity to reach its full number on Earth, the population of the Earth should be increased by at least 15 ... 20 times.
   But then, many scientists say, that there may be a shortage for everyone, for example, food? ..
   So far, at present, in fact, Mankind is suffering from overproduction due to the lack of long-term planning of means of subsistence, which leads to the development of malicious industries that destroy the human environment. However, if you fulfill the Will of God, then everything will be enough for everyone.
   Thus, from the above it follows that for the spiritual exaltation of Mankind in "Eretz Yisrael," as the One Living Organism - the Living Socium, it is necessary that:
   1. Each "Hebrew" - nagual would devote himself to the fulfillment of his specific spiritual task, in his participation in one of the Names of God, ie spiritual education of all peoples on Earth.
   2. Each people on Earth would respect the "Hebrews" - the naguals who are "scattered" in these peoples, providing all the conditions for their spiritual activity, so that the Will of God is fulfilled on Earth as in Heaven, that is, . in the Kingdom of the Names of God.
   1. Reading the content of the conference reports: "Creating the Jewish Future"; which took place at the dawn of the 21st century, you involuntarily fall into pessimism: "Since the members of the Jewish Community chosen by God sometimes do not know how to go into the future, what will the peoples in which this community is scattered awaits in the future?"
   2. An analysis of the works shows that the leading role in solving this issue is the need to study the mystical heritage of all of Humanity and the Jewish, in particular. But the study of mysticism, in order not to fall into error, cannot be carried out without observing religious traditions. Or, in other words, when studying the heritage of higher spiritual hierarchical forms, it is necessary to draw on the basis of necessarily developed forms of the underlying hierarchies, which are often presented as folk traditions, and in Judaism are hidden under the allegorical term "Egyptian wealth".
   3. Given the inaccessibility of the originals of the concepts of ancient languages ??in which the Canons of Scripture are described, when studying them using translated literature, it would be rash to ignore information from various religions and theological schools.
   4. Under these conditions, the most relevant is the scientific approach, which can be tolerant - tolerant of the spiritual heritage of any religions and theological schools. The wider the integrated approach, the less likely it is to fall into error on this difficult path, which is the main purpose of the existence of Mankind on this Earth as a god-like species. The point here is that although a person has God-likeness, this God-likeness can be revealed only through the knowledge of the "Tree of Life" presented to us in the Scriptures by the Living Word of God. Otherwise, without knowledge, man is not much different from other creatures, and can only be proud that God created him only on the Sixth Day of His Creation.
   5. The most ancient source of knowledge of religious sacraments is the heritage of Hinduism contained in the Vedas. This heritage, created during the time of the "Golden Age" of Mankind, is undoubtedly the most carefully developed and represented in various yoga systems, each of which was dedicated to a certain hierarchical stage of human rebirth. According to Bhagavan, who in his works revived the ancient concepts of Scripture for their modern terminological perception, Hinduism is the founder of all the spiritual schools and subsequent religions of Mankind.
   6. The main obstacle to a true understanding of any of the religious systems is the spiritual decline through which all of Mankind has gone through the last two millennia, caused by the Kali Yuga - the Iron Age. And precisely for this reason, over these millennia, the relationship with the necessary spiritual activity of man has been lost. And even the ritual actions carried out in various religions, for the modern intellectually developed person, have lost their original symbolic meaning.
   7. It is necessary that every "Hebrew" nagual would devote himself to the fulfillment of his specific spiritual task, in his participation in one of the Names of God, and thereby fulfill his individual spiritual task, for the spiritual education of all peoples on Earth.
   8. It is necessary that every people on Earth should take care of "Hebrew" - the naguals who are "scattered" in these peoples, providing all the conditions for their spiritual activity, so that the Will of God is fulfilled on Earth as in Heaven, t .e. in the Kingdom of the Names of God.
   9. But, at present, due to the collapse of the Great Empire - the Soviet Union, and the departure of many Jews to a new place of residence, because of this, in the states formed on this territory, there is a decline in social and social spiritual values. Moreover, due to the language barrier and a number of other social reasons, the enormous spiritual potential of the emigrated Jews, in their new habitat, remains completely unclaimed.
   10. Therefore, we believe that the formation of various Foundations that aim to help move towards a new civilization and search for alternative approaches to the welfare of mankind is very relevant!
   11. In a series of books by R. A. Miller (http://Ramiller.narod.ru/), to clarify the hierarchical features of the spiritual revival of Mankind, this is why an attempt is made to draw attention to the scientifically-tolerant (tolerant) secret studies of the scriptures, compiled by of these books as an author, on the one hand, and a reader, as a co-author, on the other, with the goal of organizing them according to their hierarchical spiritual affiliation, in accordance with the existence of the spiritual "ladder of Jacob," as a follower of God, to finally clarify the way "Spiritual Soz Denmark Future ". For, as they say, the future is always being created in this world "here on Earth and now", in the present tense.
   12. However, no matter how valuable our historical science is, the MODERN REWRITING OF HISTORY WILL NOT LEAD US ANYWHERE TO US, Unfortunately!
   13. And where shall we go then? Modern channeling with the Living Word of God, for example, presented by Lee Carol from KRYON, tells us that in modern science we pay attention to the existence of an INTERDimensional Network, which we here have associated with the GRAVITY FIELD, as an analogy to the Universal Love of God!
   OO SHKI "SATCHITANADA". Tashkent, with the assistance of the SCHOOL ETBIONAT, Himmel und Wolken e.V. Tashkent, Zolingen 2020 p. 10
   Responsibility Editor A.M. Gadzhiev.
   Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of ShKIS, Schole, "Himmel und Wolken" e.V. as a teaching tool.






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