Мирский Христо : другие произведения.

Introduction to the Followers of Myrski

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    This is an introductory file about this folder, closed for additions by readers.
    Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, in English.



(sticking to his views, ideas, & style, in prose or poetry)

Chris MYRSKI & Friends,  2020 - future

     Purpose of the Folder:
     This folder is designed with intention to give space for some possible followers or friends of not enough known, but deserving to be, non-traditional popularizer of reasonable and scientifically sound ideas, as well also of funny poetry in several languages, when he tries some not widely known or even new forms of verses. Because he has not only two hands but one brain he searches some additional hands in the sense of brains in order to realize his many (poetical or scientific) ideas. And using English here does not mean that it will be in English only, but that it is more universal in this way.

1. What I mean by followers and friends?

     I will prove to you from the very beginning that I am not like the other not much known writers on most of the sites, who want mainly to be read and with that purpose agree to read the others in order to be read in return from them, or to be favourable to other (mostly indifferent to them) authors, for to be able to expect the same from the latter. I am not such one, not because I think that I am widely known and the others are those who are bound to know me, but by the simple reason that I have just not enough time to read the others; I have done this till about my 50, and surely not after my 60. You finish like me two tertiary (university) education, work for more than a dozen years in several scientific institutes, go away from your profession because nobody is at once able to employ and pay you some small amount of money (be it because of the coming of democracy or communism or fascism or ... idiotism of some kind), write more than a pair of serious books (which are not much read by the people because are serious, above the common level), then for more than a quarter of century come to more than a dozen sites where you publish (all with different in something requirements for publishing), translate your works entirely in three languages and partially in a fourth one, go on pension with as much money as to buy each day three (yet not four) ... bus tickets, write some more dozens of works under other pseudonyms, reach your 70-th year, and then try to read the other colleagues, who are (mostly) greenhorns, on sites for teenagers and beginning to fall in dementia old people (because those from, say, 25 to 55, have no time for reading, they are engaged with earning of more money than they need). That's it in two - well, in a bit more than two, really - words.
     Ah, and I have missed to mention the about 25 thousands (and growing further) poetical lines in three languages, but chiefly in Bulgarian. And that I have other creative plans for some five years ahead, and that quite often I come to new ideas that require some help (I need a secretary, but if he is she, and about 40, +/- 5), and have still not found time to send my semi-scientific ideas to really scientific instances (because am afraid that they will want some further revision and refinement). So that I am I, and am finished in sense of accepting of new foreign ideas, having more than enough of my own. And I hope you will agree that for a guy of 70 I have done something more than the average people do. Because of all this, when saying friends, I mean basically followers, who agree to step in my steps, people who will accept my views to the things, not try to push their own forward. And surely not people who will try to advertise themselves, publishing things that disagree with the spirit of my works. Collaboration, yes, but either under my ruling, or else not at all! Have I made myself clear?
     So that it goes now about describing roughly of my ideas in different areas, what I will do in the next points, but may say here that I am chiefly: non-traditional thinker, scientifically inclined, searching for truth and not for some entertainments and delusions, being able to value even negative (from my point of view) results, if they seam probable enough, working not for fame (at least because I haven't it, and use a pseudonym), neither for money (because I likewise haven't it), but for the pleasure of thinking, dig as far as I can in the words of different languages and the relations between them (for this discovers the way of thinking of the nations, the hidden ideas in their heads), and in addition to this try to leave the air out when am, sorry, pissed by something, via composing of funny verses in several languages, because the verses are for me not serious genre, but a nice wasting of time (for you leave something behind you). In other words, you have to be unorthodox yet well educated, with at least one tertiary education, to know at least two foreign languages, and be above the 40 (in order to have some living experience)

2. What are the main characteristics of my prosaic stile?

     Well, maybe the first thing is that I am not a real writer in the sense of fiction writer, I am a popularizer, who sticks predominantly to the reason and not to the invention, or that I invent only probable things, not improbable ones. This is a matter of way of thinking and I find that one thing contradicts to the other. Say, there was one Italian Italo Calvino, who has written one fantastically, as if science fiction book, Le Cosmicomiche, using many scientific ideas, but he was real fiction writer, not scientist. There are many other examples. As if the only writer, who has succeeded to unite both, the science and the writing of SF works, was Arthur Clark, but I surely am not Clark and have some doubts about his scientific abilities (I means, that he was simply diligent and clever guy, who has got his diploma, but in his soul was an inventor, not scientist). The scientific education impedes, in a way, the fantasy, but it gives rise to proper and open-minded look at the world. So that I mean such open for new ideas person with restricting scientific look at the things, yet also not agreeing with the letter of scientific theories but with their spirit. And no matter in the exact sciences or in the social ones, where in the latter the scientific approach is, alas, rare used (for the simple reason, as I have got it about my 50s, that the people just want to be deluded with something, they like the unbelievable things more).
     I don't intend to repeat here the review of my works (what I have done in my Myrski against Myrski), but even in my first work, The Communism as Religion, and later in my further Curious Manifestos and the Ten Cynical Essays, and in the enormous Now, Look Here!, I stick to this inventive refraction and mixing of existing ideas and facts with quite possible such things. Put in two words, I like the utopias, and like them more, the more scientific they are. Because of this for me the communism is anything that forces people to unite in some groups, if this uniting does not make them all equal, allows for showing of important differences, yet also not uniting under silly slogans and with strong fists, but under reasonable ideas for bigger harmony, not confrontation, in the society. Or that the point is not to reject the exploitation, but to make it wanted from the people. Or that the moral has to be preached, yet not going out of moral, but of reasonable positions. Or that there, naturally, has to be guarantied some minimal existence according to the possibilities of the society in the moment, and this for all people, not only for the good ones (what usually means for the defenders of the existing system). Or that there are everlasting dreams of the people, which we have at least to try to reach somehow, not to go in the contrary direction of the necessary things, only because the wished seems an utopia at the moment. Say: to try to make one common for the whole world alphabet, or standard language, or moral way of living, or finding of an atheistic religion (where I make two such propositions here, plus one more under different pseudonym), or to unite, not disunite the society, or to find some reasonable governing of the masses, or, in the same time, not to look for once and for all final decision, but for dynamical one, building some reasonable equilibrium of the matters, and so on.
     Also let me stress on the fact of not utterly scientific approach, not only because the people will not understand the things then, but because in non-exact sciences (where I would have put even the economics in this area, to say nothing about sociology, medicine, or whatever every-day activity) the exactness of observation is reached chiefly via using of some descriptive terms and notions, not via rules for deriving of new knowledge (say, for solving of school math tasks), and this only allows the workers in such areas to have unmotivated high self-esteem (say, the jurisprudence is a nice example of totally botched initial ideas, which disagree with the final results!). In two words, there are many areas where some dilettantish approach is preferable before the officially accepted and legalized rules, or that are needed people who are, as I define myself, intelligent laics! So that if you think that are such wise encyclopedist, what is impossible for more than a pair of centuries, but is a nice idea in some approximation, then come and extend my and your influence over the readers.

3. What are the main characteristics of my poetic style?

     Ah, here everything is easy, I just like the rhymes and find the poetry unserious genre, but worthy for intelligent entertainment both, when reading and writing (and especially in the latter case). It is sometimes brilliant way to say something funny and piquant, as well also something serious, philosophical, tragic, but in unserious way, it is like the (classical, of course) music, which makes nobody hurt but gives rise to some thoughts and feelings. The real poetry (say, Homer, Shakespeare, Dante, Petrarca, Pushkin, Goethe, etc.) can bore you sometimes with its elevated and away from the life thoughts, or with necessity of deeper thinking in order to grasp the twisted ideas, or to know some myths and legends, but not the funny sounding and refreshing light verses like mine. And some going away from classically accepted themes and genres is also interesting from my viewpoint. Like also writing not only of well established types of verses but inventing of new forms, what I do quite often, or writing acrostics with funny slogans vertically. So that I hope my readers never got bored by my things (they may be indignant about the themes and ways in which I treat them, but they must in no case be bored)
     OK, but when in prosaic materials I will propose no themes, you chose alone what will write (or have written), then in poetic things, as shorter, and easier to write, also as more interesting being funny, I intend to give you some initial impulse, and sometimes even propose to imitate me on some topics, type of verses, or acrostics. If I will have real followers -- not at once, probably after months or years -- this will allow us to stress on some not much spread genres, or on some invented by me, and even to produce collectively written books with poetry, multiplying some idea (or vertical line of an acrostic) many-many times, at least 50, but maybe 100, or more, and I suppose this will be fascinating to write or read. I will give in specially designed for the purpose files a pair of such ideas, but I may come up with dozens of them, if needed. Because everybody can rhyme two lines - like to get some musical rhythm --, but in repeating it and elaborating and making it enter in the heads of the audience is recognised the real master. And why us not to act like one body? I have imitated this thing with my invented Myrskets in Shitty But Frankly, written as if by seven people with funny names, and find this idea interesting. Only that now these different guys and girls will be real. In other words, this will be like small-scale competition, yet not of the competitive type, where the point is to choose the fist three to five persons, but to eliminate just some too badly made verses, and include nearly all, I suppose. And publishing on a Russian site I will propose poetry predominantly in Russian, naturally. But there will be files where I will propose nothing, only some pattern in which to write the verses in HTML language, in order to standardize the things.

4. How I imagine our collective work?

     The most important part of my work here will be to define a nomenclature of themes with their sub-themes, both for prosaic and poetic works, which will allow easy extension with some more detailed sub-themes. Having in mind my latest book as collection of my publicistic works (Chosen Myrski) and the usual kind of verses for me, as well the used languages, I will propose below this structure, where I will keep place for some expected files, but also not forbid to extend the numbers (_nnn_) if a necessity for some new file(s) will arise, because each number has smaller character code than the underscore sign; the beginning 'follwrs' has to mean 'followers', and after the numbers follows some shorten literal description, which is not important. I will suppose that it is possible to set file access for writing (resp. deleting) for all, but if this will make some problems I will change it to 'friends' and then must have to say who is every one of them, I suppose. Yet friends are not good for me because this means that I have to be engaged with choosing of those people, and I do not want any more work for me, I have more than enough. Anyway, this will be clear after some time, and even if there will be major obstacles to this writing by whoever wants, we can always find ways for communicating using email addresses, and I can make the additions (what I do not want to do, as I said, but can do) so that the important thing is to see this structure of files and the ways for making new branches. Mark also that if my idea will work this will allow continuing of collective work after my demise, which is expected after 10 years or so, where the site is expected to last forever, changing the owners, because this is the best Russian site and to lose it will be really a disaster.

     follwrs_000_intro -- for this introductory file, closed for you.
     follwrs_010_prmyinst -- for my instruction for prosaic materials, closed for you.
     follwrs_020_prfback -- feedback for your meanings concerning the prose, open for you.
     follwrs_060_pomyinst -- for my instruction for poetic materials, closed for you.
     follwrs_070_pofback -- feedback for your meanings concerning the poetry, open for you.

     follwrs_100_comdem -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Communism Versus Democracy', closed for you.
     follwrs_110_comdem1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 199.

     follwrs_200_marbis -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Market, Business, Economy', closed for you.
     follwrs_210_marbis1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 299.

     follwrs_300_socmat -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Social Matters And Healthy Life', closed for you.
     follwrs_310_socmat1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 399.

     follwrs_400_sundry -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Sundry Prosaic Things', closed for you.
     follwrs_410_sundry1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 499.

     follwrs_500_scipro -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Scientific Ideas And Propositions', closed for you.
     follwrs_510_scipro1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 599.

     follwrs_600_poeeng -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Poetry in English', closed for you.
     follwrs_610_poeeng1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 699.
     follwrs_611_poeeng1 -- additional file for one special poetic form or collective book, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_6@1_poeeng , and so on.

     follwrs_700_poerus -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Poetry in Russian', closed for you.
     follwrs_710_poerus1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 799.
     follwrs_711_poerus1 -- additional file for one special poetic form or collective book, open for you and beginning with the template.
     follwrs_712_poerus1 -- additional file for one special poetic form or collective book, open for you and beginning with the template; and so on, there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_7@1_poerus , and so on.

     follwrs_800_poebul -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Poetry in Bulgarian', closed for you.
     follwrs_810_poebul1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 899.
     follwrs_811_poebul1 -- additional file for one special poetic form or collective book, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_8@1_poebul , and so on.

     follwrs_900_poeoth -- introductory file (if any) on the theme 'Poetry in Other Languages', closed for you.
     follwrs_910_poeoth1 -- first file for additions by you on the theme, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 999.
     follwrs_911_poeoth1 -- additional file for one special poetic form or collective book, open for you and beginning with the template; there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_9@1_poeoth , and so on.

     Let me give also these numbers on the second position from 1 to 9, which will be similar for all verses (and for the prosaic things we can think later), but specially for the Russian verses will be the following:
     follwrs_71x_poerus1 -- file for Limericks, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_72x_poerus2 -- file for sonnets, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_73x_poerus3 -- file for acrostics, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_74x_poerus4 -- file for parodies and texts of songs, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_75x_poerus5 -- file for Myrskets and similar, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_76x_poerus6 -- file for miniatures, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_77x_poerus7 -- file for verses till 6 couplets, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_78x_poerus8 -- file for verses till 12 couplets, here in Russian, open for you.
     follwrs_79x_poerus9 -- file for poems and bigger verses, here in Russian, open for you.

     Naturally, you will not see this names, but you have to know the themes to which you are invited to make your contributions, and there will be the titles. When (and if) you are able to see the word 'textedit' before the name of the file you will be able to click it and enter the editor with HTML language, where there must be a template in the beginning (nothing difficult, but it must be one standard style for each addition) and copying it to write your work in it. Then you have to add it in the file, and let this be at the end, not in the beginning, and that's it; the next after you will make the same, and so on. But when the file is open for everybody then everybody can also delete it, not always deliberately, this can happen by mistake, so that there have to be taken some measures for recovering of the file later; even if there will be friends and not everybody will be able to add things this can also happen, so that the measures are the same. My proposition about this recovering is the simplest possible, namely: each of you must maintain some temporary file (with at least one older version) and before each addition, has to copy the file from the site and paste it in the temp file, save the latter, and then add what have to add; this will be enough because you must have your additions also stored somewhere. As you see it is not so difficult and I say: let us try!
     Still, let me stress one more time that these will be files for your new creative works, not for correspondence with me or with other authors, and also not for comments. If you want to add some small remark then use the comments to my works. Also it has to be clear that I will not deprive you from your author's rights, and you can publish where you want your works, but here they will be associated with my works and ideas, and about the verses the intention is to make some collections of similar verses, to form new books, what will be hard for one person to do (say, you try to write more than 100 Limericks, how I have done, to see how easy it is, but in a group almost everything is possible). As to the prosaic works I have no idea for subdivisions yet, and the works will go to the first file initially (say to follwrs_11_comdem1 , if you want to spit at the democracy like me) and layer we will see (either I will open follwrs_12_comdem2 , or will make some finished collection as follwrs_1@1_comdem), but everything will appear in the proper order. For these materials I also don't see at the moment necessity to use separate files for each language, because it will be supposed that you will write in Russian, yet if somebody wants to use English then this will be gladly received by me.

     Well, I think that my idea is good, but will it be accepted by you depends on you, of course. In any case don't hurry, and if the 'ice will break' in a pair of months this will be very good, even in half an year this will be good, and after a pair of years will, still, not be bad. What would have been bad for me is if this will take more than, say, 15 minutes daily from my time. And, ah, if you want to ask me, why I write in English and not in Russian, then the answer is easy: because it is more universal, there are many people who prefer to use it instead of Russian, and even more people who don't know Russian so well, they just understand it a bit. And as to this: what language is better, I have cleared the point in my For CIS and For Arabs folders, and this language is Bulgarian, so that you have to be thankful to me that I am not writing in Bulgarian.
     OK, bye-bye then.

     March 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria, EU

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