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02. Under Bulgarian Banner

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    In this paper I stand thoroughly on the previous material with the intention to make one directly crucial for all Arabs, Hindus, etc., proposition that is related with Bulgarian, yet not exactly, banner. Well, it sounds to a great extent utopian, but nevertheless is entirely realizable and leads to a bunch of nice consequences.
    Keywords: Bulgarian language, perfect alphabet, easy pronunciation, simple grammar, realization of the idea around the world, original actualization of old idea, in English.



(the best world language)

by Chris MYRSKI,  2011 - 2016


     Abstract:In this paper I stand thoroughly on my "Bulgarian Lessons" with the intention to make one directly crucial for all Arabs, Hindus, Russians, Kazakhs, Negroes, Chinese, and many other nations, what in the end means for the whole world, proposition that is related with Bulgarian, yet not exactly, banner. What is the concrete proposition let remains for the time being a secret, but I will support it with enough arguments. Well, it sounds to a great extent utopian, but nevertheless is entirely realizable and leads to a bunch of nice consequences. It must become known to as many as possible number of people, at the top, but also at the lowermost levels, between adolescents, so that, please, scratch your intelligent (for it is not a custom to say otherwise) heads, and give a thought to it. In author's opinion it is as simple as it is brilliant, but at the same time is entirely actual.

0. Explanation of this what I don't mean

     Well, to tell you honestly, the Bulgarian banner is put here to catch you, or for advertising purposes -- because you know that nowadays everybody must advertise himself, this is the only way if behind somebody do not stand strong and powerful circles, and what powerful circles can stay behind a unique and original thinker like you author? So that the banner must not be understood literally, only as a metaphor. I don't invite you to stand under the Bulgarian banner for the simple reason that there is nothing special or out of the ordinary in it -- usual tricolor, white, green, and red, which allows 6 different permutations, and 3-4 of them are already used; in any case, we have equal with the Italians views about this what colours are the best.
     Further, I don't have in mind also our national coat of arms -- lion, like our money unit, "lev" in Bulgarian --, for the reason that it is ... well, at least ridiculous, because there have never been lions in our land, and they will likewise not emerge (if the global warming will not turn us in a desert, of course). Usually the other nations boast with some eagle (even with two heads -- to make the things more interesting) like symbol of power, or with something specific for them (say, baobab, rising sun, maple leaf, or hammer and sickle, and similar things). To be lions can imagine themselves only ... small nations, like the Hebrews, with their Leons, yet the Hebrews have lived earlier where the lions live, for them this is justified, while for us -- with nothing. Still, with the coming of democracy in our country have grown the appetites also regarding the lions, and now we have whole three of them on our coat of arms. And they are intertwined with one another like Islamic ornaments in the mosques. But then, if it comes to this, I have a proposition in this regard, this time to the Bulgarian authorities: let us make them five, where will be at the bottom four not very big lions, and above them, and having stepped with one paw on the back of each of the ordinary lions, rises the Lion-King (or President). Or even better proposition, it is in the style of stars on the banner of European Union: let there be on our coat of arms exactly seven lions, and they will chase each other like little mischievous mice, running in direction of the right hand, or counter-clockwise. Or even better than this: let there be again seven lions, but they will run in two concentric circles -- in the outer four lions and counter-clockwise, and in the inner three and clockwise. ( And on Internet sites they will really run, ah? )
     Actually, there can't be said that is felt deficiency of brilliant propositions by me. But let us go down to business, to the very overwhelming proposition, that will turn everything upside down, with the single intention to do good to all countries, firstly to those in some big unions and confederations (like Russian CIS, Arab countries, South Asian countries, India, China, other Far Eastern countries, South and whole Africa, Latin America, and so on), and in the end also to Europe and USA, raising them to a higher step, which will allow them to compete more successfully with the powerful countries like USA or United Europe (in the same manner how the latter was finally turned to reality because of the wish to be able to show stronger resistance to the United States of America -- as main argument in my opinion).

1. The very brilliant proposition

     It, as it was naturally to expect, is extremely simple, and related with something Bulgarian, yet not with the banner or coat of arms, but with Bulgarian language! ( For it can't be said "Under Bulgarian language", especially because the latter word in many other languages is the same as the tongue. ) It is the following: let us make Bulgarian language official language in your community or state!
     There are many -- and obvious, come to think about -- reasons for this, but in this section we will discuss the three most important ones. Though I have to warn you that I have made initially (and before about five years before this translation) this proposition to the countries from CIS (the former significantly melted Soviet Union, and also so called "big brother" to the Bulgarians", so that this was quite natural decision of mine), and despite of my adaptation to the new auditory I, still, in several places, may have some similar situation in mind. This is, however, unavoidable, because I address pretty big, in fact enormously big, auditory, and can't be acquainted with the exact situation in all other cases, but it will be sufficiently similar in any big block of countries, or even in a single big country (and, frankly speaking, in any country at all, as small as Bulgaria, with its seven-something millions, or smaller than this, say, in Estonia). So that I have made my proposition and the people there, as is said, don't give a damn about this, but this may lead to situations where, chiefly because of not paying much attention to this super-important question with the common for the world language, they will be damned, as it is also said, by other nations, because I raise, in fact, the ancient problem from the Babylon tower fable. But let me continue (or, rather, begin).

     1.1. Bulgarian language is very simple

     Here I stand on the expressed in my "Bulgarian Lessons" (further only "BulLes") theses and will not repeat them, so that you better read them before (or, at the worst, after) this material. Yet for completeness of the explanations I will allow myself to sum up some of them. Ah, and because of often repetition of many names of nations I will use shortenings (explained in "BulLes") like Bul. for Bulgarian, Rus. for Russians, Ar. for Arabs, etc., and with adding of "-s" will understand the people there, say, Buls for Bulgarians, Frs for Frenchmen, et cetera. So the Bul. lang. (for language) has the perfect possible alphabet, and when I say "perfect" I mean it! It not only contains all necessary for us letters and we don't use a single other letter more than this, but we write each sound (C. for consonant, of V. for vowel) in one only way, and hare no need to look around for to know how the char (for character, obviously) is to be read. More than this, this alphabet can with big success be used for writing in all other langs, on which ideas I have hinted in my "Illiterate World" ("IllitW"), and given example in the latest "Myrski's English Transliteration" ("EngTrlit"), for the reason that there are present all basic Cs and Vs of all world langs. I don't know Ar. or Heb. or Skr. alphabets but I am afraid that such purity of ideas and straightforwardness of their applying do not exist in them (if not for other reasons, then because our Cyrillic alphabet is the newest, made "only" in 9th century). And nowadays this alphabet is one of the European's, so that it becomes not less important than, for example, the Gr. one. And it pays to learn it, and it is not much different from the Lat., providing some mixture of Gr. and Lat. letters, and if with it you can write whatever -- name, geographical place, etc. -- in the same way at it is to be read, this becomes very important. Yet in order not to torment my readers I have used in my "BulLes" the Lat. letters like explained in "EngTrlit" and will put the words in '' quotes also here.
     Then about the phonetics. As explained in the former material we have all necessary main Vc and Cs, have even some Cs which are not present in the Lat. (like 'zh, ch, sh'), have no modified Vs or Cs (like in Eng. bad, bear, or in East. 'bh, ph, dh', etc.), but have all necessary combined sounds (diphthongs), chiefly with 'j' (as "jot" and not in Eng. reading, i.e. 'aj, ej, jo, ju' etc.). This is also very important moment, and you try to find another lang. where the things are better, and with the use of our indispensable letter "ъ" given here as 'y' (like in girl) we avoid building of hardly pronounceable Cs (like, say, Cz. name 'Bendrzhih', or Ser. 'srpski'), and this V. is widely used not only in the old, but also in the contemporary langs (like Eng., Ger., or Rus. in modified form as their unstressed "o" like 'ya' or eri like 'yi'). So that it can boldly be stated that Bul. lang. is not like the proverbial as paragon in the world It. lang., but is even better than it (in many aspects, but here I mean only the phonetical ones). Well, in langs where some basic Vs (or Cs) are missing people may have some problems with learning of the simpler and unmodified or combined form (say, if they are used to say 'ie' instead of simple 'e', or 'dzh' instead of only 'zh'), but here nothing is to be done, the simple is just the simple, so that such nations will have to go "to the basics" as is said.
     So we come to the grammar, and here, again, Bul. grammar is the simplest possible (if one compares with alive langs, I don't know Esperanto), with some small peculiarities here and there (but well, the uniqueness of Buls has to show itself somehow, only the letter 'y' is not enough for us). Here we have genders but they are always (with very few exceptions) to be recognized by their endings, so that this poses no problems at all, and the genders are necessary at least to keep restricted the use of pronounces to make it clear who does the thing. We have articles like almost all langs (yet without the Russ) but they are also simple with the only peculiar moment that we glue them at the end of the words (what is even better because in this way we say the more important thing, the very word, first, and only then change it a bit), and, for example "the table", it being 'masa' in Bul., will become 'masata', and similarly with the other genders. Then we use only one main verb, 'sym, si, e, sme, ste, sa' and have even no infinitive form, because of what we use the 1st person sing. (for singular, resp. pl. for plural) as infinitive. The used grammatical tenses are about 5, including: present, 2-3 past tenses (like imperfect and perfect), and future, but taken as endings with tables these are only two, in other cases are used particles (like Eng. "will") what simplifies the things; also we have not irregular verbs, only some mutations of the root V. is possible here and there (like 'moga'-to-can becomes 'mozhesh, mozhe, ...'). We have, instead of continuous tenses, ways for building of two types of verbs, which can be taken as imitation of these tenses (for example, there exists a verb 'da izrabotja, pronounced usually with the help of this particle "da", as to make, finish something, but if we use the verb 'izrabotvam' this will be continuous tense, we do this repeatedly, unfinished number of times).
     OK, and we have no difficulties with transitive or not verbs, neither with the passive forms, nor with the numbers and the counting; we have short forms of adjectives (not like in Rus., Ukr., etc., what makes them sound like ... Chi.), and so on. As to the words, they are mostly Sl., but also Lat. (because the Sl. words are quite often of Lat origin), then also Teu., directly Gr. in some cases, older East., like Tur., Per., Ar., so that they should not make special problems for anyone (i.e. everybody will find something similar for him of her). As to this, whether the Bul. lang. is so rich like, say, Ger., or Eng, or Rus., or Lat., etc., then my opinion is that there is no such thing like insufficient or poor lang., poor can be the lang. of somebody, and if a given lang. happens to have not enough terms in some field, then words from other langs around are taken, this happens all the time, in the old centuries, and in the current days. But some langs can not be much precise as to the functions of different words in the sentence, where the Lat., Ger. (maybe Skr., Ar. etc.), even other Sl. langs with cases (for all other Sl. langs have cases, only Bul. has not) are overly precise, one can't pay so much attention to the grammar nowadays, while some other langs, like Eng. in the first place, then also Fr., It., maybe others, pay just not enough attention, they hurry too much, what now is not good.
     In this aspect our Bul. lang. is really the best compromise variant, roughly speaking, between the very difficult and precise Lat., and the oversimplified Eng. (yet the latter looks simple only at first sight, not if you want to master it, with correct writing and correct use of ... incorrectly build derivatives of words -- say, "man clothes", what is this, which word is adjective to which, or also "I work my work", who speaks so, somewhere in Mumbo-jumbo tribe, or in a civilized country? -- , this is not a good decision). I will not indulge here in reflections about the poverty of the Eng. in grammatical aspect, because I intend to write third material here dedicated to the Eng. lang., but it is, on the contrary with Bul., the worst possible lang. and in spite of this it is more and more widely used nowadays (maybe in order to ... make more precipitous its plumping down after about a century or less -- like the communism has fallen down, not because its ideas were bad, but because the communists have overdone everything). So that the Bul. lang. is the best choice having in mind the very lang., but there are other moments in the communities, on which I will ponder a bit in the next subsections.

     1.2. Internal political advantages for each community of nations

     This is an obvious observation, yet maybe only Myrski dares to say it in the open. What I mean here is that it isn't good when the official lang. happens to be mother (or father, or of the kindergarten) lang. of the hegemonic ethnic group. When this is not so the frictions in the community (or even in the country, because in each country there are various ethical minorities) are significantly less. Usually such situation happens for other reasons, not because those at the top have deliberately thought about this, but it is so. Look around yourself, and also in the time. Here is the European Union which has no official lang., but the unofficial official is the Eng., and there is no Eng. speaking country in the community (well, for the moment, but even if England enters in this union it will not be the domineering in ethical aspect, at least because the very Engs are not 100 percent Engs). Or look at the USA: there the official lang. is Eng., but when this state was formed roughly 1/3 of the population were Irish, another third were Hebs, and the last third take all remaining nationalities (chiefly Teus); in the current days there live all possible ethnic groups, but the new immigrants are mainly from Indochina. Or look (well, conditionally, virtually) at the ancient Roman Empire, where the Romans were the ruling nation, but all in some extent intelligent Romans have studied old Greek. Or cast a look at the "conspirators" from Swiss, or at Belgium, and surely other examples. The official lang. is necessary, or at least a pair of such mostly spoken, but when this is not the lang. of the "older brother" then the situation in the country or community is more quiet.
     This is valid entirely for the CIS countries, where the major frictions happen with the Ukrs, and I have told them that if they don't like the Bul. then let them adopt the Ukr., or ... Georgian, or Chi., or of the Chechen people, only not the Rus., but maybe one must simply not cast pearls before the .. Russ, who knows? And similar problems exist also in the tiny Estonia, or in the "Great" Britain with the Irish, or somewhere with the Zulu people, or in the Ar. countries (I suppose), or in the enormously big as population India and China, where, surely, are spoken several langs. While Bulgaria is pretty small country for some nation to take this my proposition as a try for domineering over the world, and even if so (because this is possible, the Serbs almost sure will raise their protesting voices) then I for this reason have explained to you in the very beginning what I don't have in mind, to copy our political chaos and confrontation. In a way, if I am right, and if many nations will little by little begin to learn Bul. lang., then exactly we, the Buls, will be put is the most disadvantageous situation, but, well, I think that the tiny Bulgaria can sacrifice its national interest in the name of peace all around the world, or then, hmm, can remain the last country which will use Eng. as official language. Jokes aside, but the internal political advantages of using of one easy enough foreign lang. as official one have to be obvious.

     1.3. External political advantages for each community of nations

     This is also almost obvious, with the use of Bul. lang. each other nation will at once enter in Europe! We are insignificant country, about only 1 per mille of the population on Earth, and also stay on the border of it, on Balkan peninsula, yet we are at the center of ancient world when the Gr. democracy has arisen, so that we have absorbed everything valuable from the conflict of Eastern with Western civilization (where for the West their civilization has emerged thanks to the old Grs, but Myrski can allow himself to doubt in this and to have his special opinion, namely that the Grs have stopped the direct influx of Easter culture to the West and in this way maybe even delayed Western development; at least in phonetical aspect the Gr. lang. is very poor, and has shown its bad influence on the Lat. one, what has forced the Lat. nations later to change many things -- say, the Its. have changed all 'c'-s to 'ch'-s). So that learning Bul. lang. all nations outside Europe, and then the newest world, the USA, will only win, and that is why I address my proposition to all such people, and they are milliards, and in some way dissatisfied with the way how the West ignores them, while armed with the easy Bul. lang. they will be able to oppose the (decaying) Western civilization.
     I repeat, taking Bul. lang. all other (deprived in some way) nations will figuratively said put their leg -- well, let it be only the big toe of one leg -- on the European territory, and in one entirely peaceful manner! Like the saying goes: "If the mountain will not come to the Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain", i.e. if one can not nowadays lead conquering wars, then he can just try to copy something from Europe, the Bul. lang., which will serve him as a kind of visa. And, again to repeat, to take not some part of Bul. territory, or our disorganized way of political and economical evolvement, but some non-material cultural artifact, so to say, to which we have come chiefly because are not like the other civilized countries, are unique in some way, even barbarians, but clever and civilized barbarians (because, after all, we have not begun world wars, nor thrown atom bombs, like some civilized nations have done).
     And don't confuse, please, the official lang. with your mother (or father) one! I don't try to convince you to forget your Ar., or, Kasakh, or Hindu, or African, Chi, Indonesian, an on and on, lang., but just learn and use as first (or initially as second) foreign lang. the Bul. one, which is not only an easy lang., but perspective in political regard, if you could succeed to raise it higher and give it wide spreading in the world; in this way you will be mixed in European affairs, and maybe even show better influence over us (especially over Buls this is quite possible, and the Europeans are also not paragons of good citizens -- to remind you again about the First and Second World Wars, which were not, say, Chi. or Ar. or Zulu or you-name-it wars but European, alas). I don't state that the other langs are bad, more then this, I have repeated in many places that the most important thing on this world is the diversity, and every lang. is good in its own way -- like a personality, so to say -- but standard is standard, this is necessity!
     This was necessity back in the times of Babylon, but in those times people have thought that they have to fight with one another, this is their purpose, this is way for selection of better people, and so on. Such view to the things has existed till less than a century, and in fact still exists, yet I say: people, enough selection! We have reached what we can, we try to substitute even God in creation of new species, it is time now to live quietly, in better organized society, but better organization can't be got without official lang., and you see well that there is not good candidacy for world-wide one. Look around and judge for yourself, but the Lat. has faded long ago, like Per. and Gr., then Fr. also has come down from the scene, Ger. too, Rus. too (not only because of the crashing of communism, it is simply not good), It. is for children (in my opinion), Sp. might happen to be good, yet I doubt about the grammar, and the phonetic also is not better than of the Bul., and the alphabet is badly used, and, on the other hand, nobody, really, thinks to adopt Ar. or Swahili, or Hindu, Chi, Kazakh, etc. lang. (the center of civilization is still taken to be Europe), so that it remains only the Bul., that's the situation. If you don't take the baton from me and carry it to more and more people and nations, you will only slow the peaceful development in the world. It is true that in my old age I often defend the thesis that we have to slow the process of development because we are moving too fast in the last nearly two centuries, so that the not accepting of my proposition may turn to be not so bad, but I doubt in this. I doubt because it is one thing to slow the scientific or economic or military (they all go hand in hand) progress, and it is another thing to slow the means for better communication between the people and the nations (which have never been good enough).
     So that, how one looks at the matter, one standard lang. is necessary, but this does not mean that you have to speak Bul. in the pub., or in the bed, or with the children, or on work, no, you have just to speak at least two langs, to what I am coming now. And one more advantage of Bul. lang. is the fact that its pure phonetics and its most important "ъ"-'y' sound are quite good platform for learning of other langs; you may not believe me much but I am convinced that the Buls speak relatively good foreign langs (at least compared with, for example: Russ, Chi, Fr., Negroes, Its, Gr., and surely others, but these are the nations which I have had possibility to hear speaking Eng.).

2. Other arguments in favour of the proposition

     2.1. Bilinguality has its advantages

     Ever since Ancient Greece was known that the language is logical creation, way for writing of signs and symbols, "logoses", and the intellectual people can speak good. Now, for somewhere about half a century, is known that the center of "logos" is placed in the intellectual or left hemisphere. And when it is so then, surely, if somebody has two such centers he is more intelligent, even if he has not special education -- at least because the new linguistical center, the new language spot in the cerebral cortex, this is a new window, through which the brain looks at the world around. And one learns one things in one lang., but another ones in another, and in case of necessity he translates one knowledge in another lang., transfers it to the other center -- in other words, these centers communicate between themselves, do not copy the things literally but change them a little, give them a thought, argue with one another, and in disputes the truth is born.
     All this is well known, and if it isn't then look around and you will see that where the people are bilingual these countries differ with something from the gray flow around, like, for example: in Switzerland, Belgium, Canada (they have many Franco-phones there), and even in the very USA (there nearly by everyone is one family lang., which the children learn already before they begin to go to school); or take as an example the different nationalities in the former Soviet Union (or, then, the old Austro-Hungary, or contemporary Germany with its many immigrants like Slavs or now Turks, or the Great Britain and different nations there; or India, etc.) -- surely that the more some people differ from the proper Russ, the more exotically and interesting they seem; or then take the Hebs -- they are born polyglots (because they were often persecuted and were forced to run from one county to another), and it is a secret for nobody that they are clever than the other nationalities, generally speaking. So that two linguistical centers is very good (three or more is already luxury, but two are just necessary). And then what it happens with the pure Russ (or other major citizens of one country or community)? Well, it happens this, that they are not equal with all other nations in the now CIS, but also in the very Russia, for the reason that the others have two language centers in their heads, while the Russ have only one! And don't begin to argue with me (said I to the Russ before, but this can be applied to all Gers in Germany, or Engs in England or USA or Canada or Australia, and other examples), that the Russ, see, all learn foreign lang. from young years, and if before this was the Fr., then now this is the English. Learn they surely do, but to know it, they don't! It is one thing to learn some lang. in order to have good grades in school, from textbooks, and it is quite another thing to learn it so that to be able to use it (in order to, say, buy something in the shop, or converse with colleagues at work, and in general to read in this language, to curse in it, as it often happens).
     So that all this pure Russ or Gers or Engs etc., speaking only the official for the country lang., are simply sillier than the other ethnic minorities, even the Gypsies, they are the gray majority, on the background of which the other ethnoses differ and stand out -- you just have to swallow this bitter pill!. Because to know good some second lang. means not only to translate phrases from your mother tongue in it, but to think in this other lang., what is just another step higher. I personally know this well because I have studied in two different countries and in two different langs. So that you all pure, now "Arabs, Chinese, and Hindus, and from other nations too" (in order to justify the coined by me title for the folder where I put these materials), stand quickly under the banner of Bul. lang. in order to become equal with the other minorities! In this way you will become, up to some extent, ... immigrants in your own country, after some 50 or so years, but in a positive sense, not that you will be somehow discriminated, but that you will have incentive to strive. Because that is how it is, the immigrants try to move forward, to become equal with the others, and for this reason each (developed) country feels necessity of some amount of immigrants, this is beneficial for both sides. And don't think pretty long time because then you will not become more intelligent.

     2.2. The native language can be reformed by the native people

     Naturally that this can be done, because it has happened so with the Lat. lang. by the contemporary Lat. nations (Its, Frs, Sps, etc.), but also with the Ger. (it has not 6 cases but only 4, and the tenses are significantly simpler than in the Lat., and there was hardly readable Gothic font by them which is now abolished, etc.), so that such things can be done, yeah, but you (my dear Arabs etc.) will ... not do this and basta. And not because this is so difficult to be done (though it, surely, is not easy), but because you will never get rid of the feeling that in this way you disfigure or mutilate, maim, you own good language. That's it. Because, you see, we love something chiefly because of its (or his or her) shortcomings, its imperfectness (not that I pretend that discover America with this). I mean that it happens usually so, one wants to have some difficulties in reaching of a given goal (here of mastering of your lang.; yet also when you court a girl you don't want it to be pretty easy, right, and if she is such then you don't value her much), i.e. the point in having of difficult langs is not only in the exactness of them (for natural langs, definitely, from the positions of exact sciences, are not exact and can never be such, there are necessary other tools like, schemes, formulas, drawings, etc.), but in the satisfaction when you have mastered them, that you are clever person, not like the common people. Yeah, but the standard lang. has to be the contrary to this, it has not to be so nice because is restricted or imperfect in some way, but because is easy to be learned and used in everyday activity. These are different things.
     And on this place in the Rus. variant I give them example how they can "mutilate" their lang. trying to make it like the Bul., but this is not suitable to be given here. Still, I have ideas about this what, in general, has to be bettered in the langs that I know (more or less), and they usually follow the points of advantages of Bul. lang., beginning with purifying of the alphabet, then of the sounds, then of the genders, articles, tenses, and so on. Though for the Rus. this is nearly hopeless, the best way for all Sl. langs is just to return --because historically it was really so -- to the Bul. lang., than to try to maim their own one, at least not to force this process, for it little by little is simplified, like almost all other languages. Yet what concerns the Eng. there the process is rather reversed, there the lang. has to be made a bit more complicated but more conventional; say, have to be made, first of all, difference between verbs and nouns and introduced more different forms of the verbs (I may spit this here, I think -- if I will live long enough to make my proposition for English ... Myrskanto lang. -- to add to the verb forms suffix "-ow", in a Gr. manner, e.g.: workow, thinkow, stayow, etc., but this only for the infinitive), then between nouns and adjectives (but here I have not taken the decision, it is difficult), then something has to be made also with the genders, then there is a pity not to have diminutives, and other moments. I don't want to indulge here in more explanations (at least because I can't know all world langs, can I?), but I mention this for to stress that this process is a kind of ... masochism, where in the Bul. this is already done, in broad outlines.
     With Bul. lang. all Arabs etc. at once wash their hands and only the Buls will suffer (really, but not much, each coin has two sides, as you know). What returns us again to this that using Bul. lang. as "scapegoat" will preserve the other langs from harsh and unnatural mutations! In fact I have doubts as to this whether Bul. authorities will embrace my proposition or not, but I am democratic dissident, I don't publish in Bulgaria, I, so to say, am emigrant from it, and we have "traditions" in not understanding and spitting at revolutionary and prominent people and ideas, so that such reaction will not surprise me. I have called myself Myrski and I think about the world, which in Rus. is 'mir', yet surely not neglecting the interest also of Bulgaria (how I understand them). And, well, I have told you that we are civilized barbarians, what means civilized yet barbarians, or, then, v.v., and you may bet that no Bul. authority will confess that we are barbarians, this is not, hmm, pedagogical. So that, my dear Arabs, Hindus, and who you also can be, if after some 50 years, and this if you have adopted my utopian but realizable idea expressed here, Bul. Government decides not to allow you to use our lang. because it is national cultural artifact, you have always the choice to use it unofficially, like the Europeans use now the Eng., or else not to say that you have understood my words about us being barbarians literally but just as metaphor. ( For me remains the problem of how we, being barbarians, have succeeded to come to this paragonal lang. of us, but, after all, we are unique nation, we are capable of many things, this is related with our genes. And the civilized barbarity is a way to express your uniqueness, to differ with something really valuable. ) But let us go further.

     2.3. You have no other way out

     In two words, and how I have already mentioned, the choice is mainly between the Eng. and the Bul. langs, there are no other candidatures, and while all nations are not informed about my proposition they simply choose the Eng. one, what is not the right thing to be done. I can easily analyze your fears about Bul. lang.: the point is that there is just no such practice to choose something because it is good, no, people usually choose something what they are forced to choose, by powerful conditions, i.e. because of compulsion. Yeah, surely. But must we always behave in this way? Aren't now the times more democratic than centuries before? Of course they are such, or have to be. And when you chose the lang. of the stronger state you never like it much, you know this, nobody likes the ruler and his symbols; after all, the democracy has won its positions because it succeeds to fool the population that they have to listen to their rulers when they have chosen them, not because the choice from below is reasonable -- I have dwelled in many places about this. So that the choice of the stronger is natural, it might be used, but when there are no other alternatives, and when there are such, then one has to take them, too, in consideration.
     What I propose you here is one alternative way of choice, a way for choosing of something because it is better. Or have another look at the things: the choice of the proposition of the stronger is good for those who feel themselves somehow also strong, or can become such making this choice, something of that kind. And are you, my dear Arabs, Chinese or Hindus, so much exhilarated by the choice of Am. (because that is what Eng. nowadays means) lang., are you feeling stronger by this, are you happier? Allow me to doubt in this because nobody likes world gendarmes, and these are the Ams. While Bul. lang. is, indisputably, the lang. of the weak, for we are the poorest possible country in European Union (a bit better than Albania, but it is not in EU, so that we are at the tail). That's it. Even if we were not the poorest we are one of the smallest according to the number of population, but we are also the weakest in economical regard. And after this come the other consideration about the alphabet, good sounding, easiness, et cetera. So that if you are feeling akin to the Ams choose their lang., however bad it can be, but if you are feeling somehow neglected, underestimated, deserving more respect from the stronger USA and Western Europe, then join the Buls in their language, which the Cyril and Methodius have invented more or less with the similar purpose, to allow us to have better means for communication between the Slavs. I am reviving, and extending, old ideas, this is not really mine idea. Yet the weak alternative is important. One has always to have the so called plan B.
     But OK, I agree to the compromise, for the whole world to learn as foreign lang. (because there is 1st and 2nd), together with the Bul., also the Am.-Eng, and even the Spanish. And how the triumphant march of the Bul. all around the world will proceed, we shall see in the next section.

3. The exact steps

     3.1. Realization of this idea in ... Nativestan

     Nativestan surely means you own community, it might be CIS countries, or Arabian countries, or Central-Asian such, or India, China, Indochina, some African countries, and so on, for the moment I exclude only the Western Europe and USA from this beginning stage. And, well, I don't have in mind something revolutionary, only accelerated evolutionary evolvement, i.e. evolvement with planning at the top, with a vision, as now is said, yet at the same time sufficiently slow, in order not to force the older people to learn again new lang. in advanced age.

     a) Stage of discussions and popularization of Bulgarian language with a view to making decisions for the future -- from 2016 (for the Russ. it was from 2012 but time has passed) till 2020. During this time you have simply to show interest to Bul. lang., converse with friends or professionals about it and the proposition, and (where this is possible) try to read things in it, in order to become convinced that it really is so easy, as I am presenting the things. There have to be organized all thinkable courses (by Internet, full-time, part-time, in the schools, etc.) for learning of Bul. lang., visiting of our country, and so on. In pretty modest scale can be organized teaching of Bul. having initially, say, only a thousand people knowing relatively good both langs, but better the Bul. one. Such people surely can be found, there are enough Bul. immigrants everywhere, as well also young (or old) unemployed people in Bul. who know some other foreign lang. and can be taught in it the Native lang., or, then, just come to Bulgaria to study (no matter what). When the people see that the Bul. is easy to understand and learn, then may begin its learning in some schools as second foreign language. But in all cases the people at the top have to have their saying and take the necessary perspective decision, somewhere about 2020, as to the stages of introducing of Bul. as new standard lang. in Nativestan. Without this all will remain only a new whim -- nice, good, yet why have we to bother about?

     b) Stage of accepting of Bulgarian as recommended language in Nativestan -- from 2020 to 2030. I.e. this lang. will be simply some plus by applying for a given job, it will be advisable to label all products in the shops in Bul., and with its alphabet, to try to use it in all possible cases (by the traffic rules, for example), and, in general, for the time being, have to be offered parallel texts in the shops, at work, and so on. This sub-stage, in fact, will be its actual transitional period, in schools it will begin to be learned as first foreign lang., but it is clear that if somebody is older than 40 years then he (or she) will somehow do without serious learning of Bul., relying only on its understanding, without good abilities to express himself in it. At the same time, under already taken decision for subsequent entering of this lang. in all states and regions (or countries) of this Stan, surely also other countries outside this community, first of all Slavonic, but also Arabian etc., will also show interest and many of them will follow this decision of your community. In this sense the Nativestani and their followers will simply happen to be the first, on the crest of the gathering speed wave.

     c) Stage of adopting of Bulgarian as official language in the community -- from 2030 to 2040. This, naturally, will mean that all young people who have begun to learn this lang. will find now work to translate all official documents of the community, and of each state, as well also to occupy places as necessary translators in all institutions. This will be the stage of real penetration of Bul. lang. in the (presumably immense) Nativestani continent or part of it, yet, I suppose, nobody will be ... sent to prison for this, that he or she will not speak Bul. in some official place, or do you have objections? But everybody will speak, because the world will begin to orient itself to the Bul. standard, in parallel with its alphabet.

     d) Stage of ruling of Bulgarian as official language in Nativestan (and not only) -- from 2040, or to round the number more (and because the things, as is seen, are delaying) from 2050 and further.

     3.2. The way of Bulgarian language around the globe

     Well, I have done, in broad outlines, my proposition, so that let us look, a bit more frivolous and humorously, at what will happen in the world, beginning somewhere in 2020 and to the middle of 21st century. The things will look so.
     First of all will be either the Russ, or the other Slavs from CIS, or the non-Slavs from CIS, or also the Arabs, Afghani people, Persians, some Negro states from Africa, or some Southern American states, or also Far East, beginning with India, or China, or Indochina, or Indonesia, or, then, Ruritania or Bimbinistan, or whichever country or community, because if there is (and I hope it will be) continuation then there must have been a beginning. All Sl. states, of course, will become at once interested in this proposition (and will become even angry that not they have guessed about this earlier and not their own lang. now triumphs around the world). When the Czechs, Poles, and all southern Sls -- but also the Romanians and maybe the Hungarians, because they live long enough surrounded by Sls for to adopt many Sl. words in their langs -- grasp that they have nowhere to go, and if so then better sooner than to happen to be in the tail, then they will also join the wave of first enthusiasts; if the CIS counties are not from the first then they will also unite with the massive flow, especially the central Asian republics, Mongolia, and around, because for them the Bul. will, surely, be better than the Rus. or the Eng. as American. In this way will turn out that the half, if not more, of Europe (if till that time people will succeed to agree as to where exactly on the east it ends) already speaks Bul. and this will strongly change the balance of powers in Europe. The Gers will begin to think, has not come the time to join us, and they will not think long. The Gers are good people, they can be convinced in whatever -- say, that the fascism is a good thing -- if one tries hard enough. After them will follow all Scandinavian countries, because they are to the half Teus, and that half that isn't Teu. is quite specific (Ugro-Finnish, and nobody else understands them -- almost like Swahili, ah?).
     And what will happen on the south of Europe? Well, nearly the same. With the Greeks, certainly, the things will not go smoothly, they still think that, when they carry the same name as the ancient Greeks (and their noses are as long as by Socrates), then they are the same people and they have the same (if not bigger) abilities, but this is far away from so (they, let it be said with their silent permission, in such extent are like the ancient Greeks, in which the Neanderthal looks like a monkey, in my opinion, or, then, as a giraffe looks like a goat). In this case we will skip them for the moment, but as far as their phonetics is maybe the most restricted from all other nations (they, for example, have either the letter 'b' but have not 'v', or vice versa, though never both letters; or also they simply have not one letter 'u' -- could you imagine this? -- and imitate it with "ου"), so they will like neither the Eng. nor the Sp., nor, say, Chi., Ar., and so on, so that later (in no case sooner) they will join the Bulgarizing (for the moment) Europe.
     Farther, across the Adriatic, comes Italy, and they are like little children. For them is difficult to pronounce even the simple word "fact" and instead of it they say fatto, to say nothing about more difficult Cs or diphthongs (I have had the possibility to listen how one It. girl has spoken very funny in Eng. -- grammatically correct, nice to the ear, but was not able to say even the word "really" and said 'rilli'). So that for such "children" Bul. phonetics will look like manna from heaven, the more so because by us and by them the national tricolour has the same colours. Then after them come the Sps and they, naturally, think that their lang. is the most Lat. one today and because of this exactly it must become world lang., in what, I confess, is a grain of truth. But they will not succeed to oppose the powerful wave flooding the whole Europe and in the end they will understand that better Bul. than Eng. (at least because we write how we speak). The Portuguese will agree with the Sps rather than with the Frs (to whom their lang., as is said, stays closer), because in Latin America they are simply brothers. The Scandinavian countries will go with the Gers -- where are they to go? And then it will turn out that from the whole Europe will remain only France, which will resist for long time (nearly like the Grs), but they, too, will capitulate in the end, because for them will be better even Chi. or Swahili, only not the Eng. ("damn those Anglo-Ams", will say they to themselves, "they have ... shat at all our nice words and still command where only can, while with the Buls we will have it much easier, look, they have taken in their lang. a heap of our words like: 'bushon'-electrical-fuse, 'tirbushon'-corkscrew, 'ekler'-éclaire-eclair, 'minet'-minette-blow-job, and similar things"). Well, and the Engs we will leave for the time being, they are not from the Continent.
     And how will look the things in the Near East and the Arab lands? Well, just brilliantly, I'll tell you! If they are not the fist enthusiasts (what is quite probable) they can outstrip the Russ or other nations, but in no case will remain behind. At least the Turs will not fall behind (for them the phrase about the Mohammed is, in fact, their own). The Ars can think that the Buls are giaours and infidels, what in some extent is true (at least I join with the opinion of other prominent or "non-prominent" Buls, who think that we are not a nation but a herd -- only, then, of rams, who go obstinately ahead), yet here it goes about our lang. and this is something else, it is perfectly suitable for the East. nations -- in any case it reflects better their peculiarities (due to our unforgettable V. "ъ"-'y', first of all), than all Western langs (if you like, taken together). Bul. lang. is better than the Eng., but even if it was worse, they would not have accepted lang. in which is spoken in USA for their official lang., believe me (the Ars never forget the bad, to put it mildly, attitude). Besides, even now there are not a few Arabs in Bulgaria (because in their lands people often fight and we don't, we could have been preferred only for this reason), and they speak Bul. nearly perfect (a bit harder, but without problems).
     But let us move now to the east, to India. Well, I don't know this country, but our phonetics should not be difficult for them (we have not, roughly speaking, their glottal Cs and elongated Vs, for them the Eng. also is good, but when the world does not like the Ams, and the very Hindus also have not good reasons especially to "love" the Engs, then the Bul. will be for them like a new Mecca and Medina). Farther, after Tibet, is China. The Chis I, surely, don't know, but many of them like it in Bulgaria in the present days, and when they will understand clear that they will never make the world speak Chi., then they will learn anew, little by little, the Bulgarian. And the question again stays as: Bul. or Eng., and taking into account our perfect alphabet and purest phonetics then their choice will be like of the whole world, believe me.
     And how are in the meantime going the things in Africa? I would have said: normal. From the east or north our lang. moves to the south almost without problems (really, to say this what you write, one can meet neither in the Eng., nor in the Fr., and in the Teu. langs there are many exceptions, for the reason that the Lat. alphabet was not made for them, and it is not pretty good even for the very Lat.). On the north of Africa will be some delay (somewhere till 2030-2040, but not later), until the Frs boycott the proposition, but sooner or later they will join the Ars and the whole world. In this way, moving to the south and along the western coast, we will reach South Africa and, this time our, Cape of Good Hope -- because it will turn out that the entire Africa is invaded by the Bul. lang. (the inner regions, where are mainly various wild animal sanctuaries we will leave in peace -- I don't hope to teach, say, the lions, to growl in Bul., right?).
     And how is it with America? Well, the Southern, on the basis of Sp. and the world tendency will surrender not later than the middle of 21st century; in addition it will also want to differ with something from the North one. And the North, it will ... also capitulate for the reason that till the middle of this century the glory of United States of America will be darkened: by the European Union, by the united with Bul. lang. CIS and other Southern Asian countries, and by the united Arab lands (because, if you ask me, after the petrol, and after, so, 20-30 years, the main raw material will become the ... sunlight, and it is there in absolute abundance, so that the Arabs, as well also the whole Africa, will definitely prosper in half a century), but also by itself alone, so to say, because it is high time for the USA to pass the "shirt" of global economic leader. And with them will surrender the (nowadays not so much) Great Britain, as also Australia (though the latter can be left as ... reservation for the Eng. lang., I personally have no objections).
     So that, however one looks at the things, in the 22nd century Bul. lang. will become the single standard lang. of the whole world, together with its alphabet (if not with a new one, according with my proposition in "IllitW").

In conclusion

     I can't restrain myself to exclaim with the words of the great Ostap Bender (this is from a book of known Rus. humorous authors Ilf and Petrov), that the Bulgarian language will become new-English, and the English will become old-Bulgarian!
     Yet everything depends on the people around the world. If they will be convinced that I am right in my opinion about Bul. alphabet, purity of sounds, easy grammar et cetera, and all this compared with other possible langs, not just by itself, if they call to their help some scientific consultants and ask their fellow citizens living in Bulgaria, they have to come to the conclusion that this my proposition (as also many others, surely, but let us leave them now) is very important and there is no sense to oppose it because of positions of misunderstood national pride. What I intensely lack is ... a befriended with me powerful dictator! You may laugh at this but this is the bitter truth, most of the important for the people creations are introduced with the strong hand of some dictator, and the same was the situation with the very democracy in Ancient Greece introduced by the tyrant Pisistratos. If I have had some buddy-tyrant at hand, he would have at once called an international council of a dozen eminent linguists from the whole world, including representatives from, say: Eng., Fr., Ger., Rus., Ar., Per., It., Sp., Hin., Chi., and other lang. groups, and would have asked them for their opinion; he could have also invited by two students from about 20-30 countries and required from Bul. authorities to teach them for, say 3 months, in Bul. and then asked also their opinion about this lang.; or he might have also tried to conduct such courses with the mostly spoken in the world langs, like, e.g.: Chi., Hin., Eng., Ar., Rus., Ger., Fr., Sp., Port., It., Africanas, Indonesian, etc., and try to compare the knowledge or both kinds of students. Yeah, but I know not such powerful tyrant and the tyrants are also not much valued nowadays.
     Instead of this I use the common people for meaning what is not a good approach because they happen usually to be either teenagers or "oldagers", for the reason that the people from between these poles usually don't read, they have no time, and in addition to this my readers, naturally, are not specialists, they are profanes. So that it is very good to say that "vox populi, vox dei" only that it isn't so, the "vox"-voice of the common "populi"-people is far away from being "dei" or of God. But well, what can I do? As I said somewhere before, you just try to act reasonable, to communicate with your friends about this proposition, to perform partly the work of an educated monarch, because you are those whom this concerns, I am nearing my 70, I will never see the triumph or the failure of my ideas. Yet I will make one last effort to present the things to you from different viewpoint, because when some theory is sound it has many facets, it can be taught in different ways, it always allows new perspectives, and if doesn't allow (say, that the Eng. is good lang., to the opposite assertion of what I will dedicate the next material in this folder), then some new look will disprove the unmotivated assertion.
     So now let us start with the highly desirable wish to know at least two langs and know them good, use them every day, because in this way every one of us builds in his or her brain two linguistic spots, which incessantly communicate between them, giving to you look through two "windows", in two directions, so to say, a stereo view to the things, this surely will increase the intelligence of each of us. This, naturally, means that the one lang. has to be your mother one, the lang. that is spoken in the family or local community, and the other one is the official one, which is spoken everywhere else, i.e. in the schools and Universities, on work, on the streets and official places, by the central informational agency, in the Government, and so on. OK, and in order to be possible for the bigger majority of population to have different local lang. than the official one it is obviously necessary that the official lang. has to be native lang. of one very small minority, do you agree? So, but you see quite well that if in the times of Babylon people could have done somehow without one common lang. all around the world, then nowadays, and with the global communications meaning chiefly the Internet, these requirements have to be applied to all nations (really to the Arabs, Chinese, and Hindus, and to many other nations, too); yet in the same time the official lang. has to be natural one, spoken really by some people, with its common for many I.-E. langs roots and with its idioms etc., not invented artificially. In this way we come to the requirement that it is highly desirable that this lang. was of some small nation, about 5-10 millions, not more.
     Now it is time to enter other restrictions because we still have several candidates. The natural restrictions are that this lang. was easy to be learned, good sounding, with maximally suitable alphabet, with sufficiently easy grammar but not with mixing of common grammatical categories, and all the things that I explained in section 1. In addition it will be much preferable if this standard lang. is of people from Europe, placed relatively in the center of civilized world, and if these people or lang. look a bit strange and even queer this will only make the things more interesting, will guarantee the uniqueness of the lang. and the view to the world around, that these people are not some gray mass that can only fight and proliferate in enormous scale. The small nations, like all exceptions, are always interesting, the point is only that they were representative samples of human population, peaceful and relatively intelligent, what concerns the genes.
     So that's it. Like some Ben Spinoza has proven that if God is one ever-present substance etc. etc. He must be unavoidably good, in this way I have shown to you that if the world wants to have better means for peaceful communications it is bound to choose Bul. lang. as world-wide standard for the next half to one millennium. Not that all other langs have to be abolished, but the best is the best, and who wants to be second or third? I have done my duty, I have proposed to you something highly necessary, your part is to accept it and live happily for a long time, or to reject it in order ... to preserve causes for future conflicts.

     Rus. original in Dec. 2011, translated in Eng. and revised in March 2016

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