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How and for what was the person being appeared from the monkey?!

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    It is interesting nevertheless - from where everything undertook?

  How and for what was the person being appeared from the monkey?!
  Evolutionists' arguments about the complication and development of the diverse living organisms on Earth as a result of natural selection look very convincing, and the evolutionists could triumph if they answered just as convincingly two questions:
  - how had the living organisms been formed on Earth initially?
  - how did an animal - a monkey turn into Homo sapiens?
  It is known that the main difference between the living and other objects is the most complicated program of the organic composition and development of even the simplest single-celled organism embodied in the genome. The probability of self-assembly of such biological carrier of the program is practically equal to zero, and, accordingly, how the convincing proof of the natural origin of the genome cannot be at everything efforts of evolutionists.
  Similarly, the emergence of such a largely separated from the environment, that is, in part an out-of-nature - a self-conscious being, as the person, looks not in the form of a natural product of this environment, and as some kind of nonsense, that is proved by its uniqueness: none of the highly developed beings on the planet by itself, that is, as a result of only natural selection, has become an intellectual creation. For example, primates exist in parallel with humans until now without significant changes, although the chimpanzee genome coincides with the human genome by 99%.
  Therefore, the attempts of modern evolutionists to answer these questions from the standpoint of self-development of the living or reasonable can cause only bewilderment by their helplessness, that the creationists have used. They have stated: if the explanation of the appearance of the living organisms and humans by the internal causes -the earth changes - is impossible, then this circumstance once again proves the external cause of these remarkable manifestations, which consists in the command of the incomprehensible God who created the living in general and the person as the highest manifestation of the living, in particular. As for the development of living organisms, God did not begin to interfere with so natural process of fight for life, having provided to it to go on its own.
  The arguments of creationists at first glance look more convincing, as they explain all three positions.
  However, if they agree with the gradual development of the living "by their own," with which it is impossible to really constructively argue, the answers to other questions are not so convincing in respect of the forerunner, , because such fantastic "entity" as God, supernaturally existing outside the world and having existed up to the world, remains unintelligible, and even more so, - its desires and "design" capabilities, in particular, on drawing up and introduction of the development programs into a genome.
  It turns out that neither science, nor religion has so far presented neither the causes, nor the technology of the emergence of both a live environment and partly having separated from it the being, having the self-consciousness - a person.
  Below we will try to identify these causes and some technologies, but first we will have to give some explanations.
  The relatively recent discovery of holography [1], in our opinion, can serve as a basis for identifying these causes and technologies.
  A remarkable property of the hologram is that each site of the hologram contains information on all subject, but with proportion corresponding decrease of clearness.
  The principle of the hologram "all in each part" allows approaching to problem of the organization and the regularity in a new way in essence. The hologram shows that some things in Universe do not give in to research by an analytical method: to dissect any subject and to study its constituents. If we cut something arranged holographically, we will not receive parts of which it consists, and we will receive the same, but it will be by less accuracy.
  In our opinion, Creation is more promising as a manifestation of some deep reality - a timeless infinity, which has a projection in the form of a discretely renewing frequency wavelike structure - the hologram, the main content of which is the active (consciousness), which is a copy of the active of an unmanifested infinity, containing potentially all and along with that is absent for us, that is - nothingness. Discrete update of the projection by the active (precisely because it is active) means the appearance of "discontinuities" in infinity and thereby the appearance of durations, which can be qualified as a prototype of time.
  The essence of the entire system of Creation consists in the information interaction of the eternal unmanifested endlessness and its holographic projection, which is in time. This interaction is carried out by a single consciousness (the active), which, in fact, gives the opportunity to exist to everything, including us. A holographic projection is not an independent formation, actually it is precisely the projection of an unmanifested infinity, since a holographic projection is integrally equal to zero on own material balance due to the finding of the wave formations of the hologram in the antiphase, corresponding thereby to its unmanifested basis (nothingness).
  Thus, Creation is not a single, but a dual system.
  In itself, this infinite basis is nothingness, or zero, but the active does not cease to be such, and it, not forgetting the passive, designs itself into a hologram with the wave formations, which are in an antiphase, thus remaining as an integral zero.
  Nothing prevents to the active to manifest of itself also consistently, updating the previous hologram by full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. - discretely.
  Each updated hologram is motionless, and represents the "unfolded" zero, which through the pause, representing the "pure" zero, is replaced by zero, having slightly another "deployment".
  This manifestation of infinity discretely in the finite forms with ultrahigh frequency does not require space or motion, since nothing arises, except for "discontinuities" in infinity, which can be considered a prototype of time.
  The infinite, eternal unmanifested basis of the hologram, thus, does not remain as obscurity, but becomes the manifested dual system - Creation - thanks to the active inside the unmanifested endless and its holographic projection, which also remains as infinite, immobile and eternal, but already "torn" by the finite, consistently updated formations - these formations are temporary separately, and on condition of connection of these formations inside themselves the active (consciousness) receives the beingness, where it can be aware of yourself in actions, turning thereby an unmanifested infinity through a projection out of nothingness into everything that is current.
  That is, an unmanifested infinity, remaining eternal, along with that, leaves through own projection into a real existence.
  Thus, at the heart of the dual system is a timeless infinity, in which the active (consciousness) and the passive (things) are merged into an indivisible whole. This infinity "comes out" in current time through its own projection in the form of a frequency wavelike structure - a hologram.
  Not having the beginning and the end this infinite process of updating of a projection includes information component: the active from a projection by means of information influence, which it as reasonable, possesses concerning an unmanifested infinity, inasmuch it is in it in the original together with the passive, has an opportunity to copy fragments of the passive from an unmanifested infinity according to form-building abilities of particles-copies of the active as the separate, presented in beingness in the form living beings, so also a whole, presented by all set of living beings, i.e., forming the time of each own particle and along with that - the general time of all structure (beingness) thanks to its holographic essence (whole and part coincide).
  Particles of the active in a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, thus, copying the fragments of the passive from an unmanifested infinity, unite with them individually and as a whole, and through themselves form the current time, space and things in motion.
  Hereby the union of the active with the passive within formed (the derivative of a projection of an unmanifested infinity) a continuum-beingness is manifested in the forms of alive, which is as people and all other living beings in measurement known to us. All of they are located in beingness, formed by a single active (a single consciousness).
  This beingness is manifested in the form of star systems with planets, part of which at a certain stage of development is suitable for existence and development of living beings of the most different type according to the program which is available for them, coded in a genome, allowing to copy itself by reproduction of this or that type. These organisms have the sense organs, information processing centers, they possess ability to reproduction, metabolism, and they don't exist outside communities, similar to sections of the hologram.
  At this, each living being, according to available at it sense organs and information processing centers, forms own time, and all their set, making a whole in a holographic projection, forms the general (external) time [2, Ch. 6].
  The similar dual system allows to an unmanifested infinity to appear in existence, and to the active (consciousness) - to live and develop in the finite, temporary, in other words - to develop discretely, but infinitely.
  Such construction of Creation does not presuppose an initial point of formation, thereby removing this limitation for an odinary universe.
  Let's note for clarity also the following reasons of lack of the beginning of Creation.
  Creation, in whole, cannot have the beginning for several reasons.
  Every beginning requires some extraneous force for initiation and a certain material. However, it should be noted in relation to Creation - neither that, nor another couldn't be till the beginning so how, by definition, there was nothing and no one until the beginning.
  On the other hand, if to recognize that potentially nothingness is everything in own infinity and timelessness, then this as if uniform nothingness isn't capable to organize the exit from timelessness into the changes in own separateness (unicity), inasmuch some extraneous force would be required again for this exit. At this, timeless and infinite nothingness must remain the same, i.e. as nothingness - it can't turn into the finite in itself.
  Consequently, the beginning of the world doesn't happen by itself and the weak human consciousness can admit it only by means of the appeal to some uncertainty in the form of God, self-development of unclear of what and from what, some senseless circular motion.
  However similar approach arises only from powerlessness.
  More perspective, apparently, is the equilibrium model of a dual Creation offered by us [3, Ch. 2.1]. In compliance with it becomes clearly, how everything and nothingness, or an unmanifested infinity doesn't remain in non-existence, and why at the beginning of the dispensation of the world there is no need.
  An unmanifested infinity as everything and nothingness, so and remains hidden in timeless infinity but along with that it, as the projection, exists in the "unwrapped" state, inasmuch "nothingness" can be presented not only as pure zero, but also as set of material formations, which integrally make zero, i.e. they are formations, having opposite characteristics.
  For such "deployment", or the presence in the finite, in time are required only the material and the guidance, i.e. the passive and the active, who potentially are in an unmanifested infinity, because there is everything in uniform infinity.
  Thus, the dual equilibrium system of Creation has no motion and formally it is zero as in timeless state, and in "unwrapped" state, or in time.
  But, namely in time the infinite can address to finite, i.e. in case of discrete updating of material formations infinitely (the infinite can "appear" in the finite infinitely only this way) that it is possible to designate in the form of a temporary projection of an unmanifested infinity on condition of participation in this eternal process the active, material, understanding and leading formation which has to be for this purpose both the single, and the divided. Such is possible only in a holographic frequency formation. In it the single active discretely updates the copies of the things, identifying them in an unmanifested infinity, forming thereby ruptures of infinity with certain duration, which in irreversible sequence make namely time.
  However, for development of the active, that distinguishes it from the passive, it is required not only time, but also life, i.e. - a smooth and periodical-gradual course of events at different levels in the worlds of the moving and changing things.
  The opportunity for the active transferring of itself in the world of the changing things and events is available only one - to eliminate a pause between positions of updating, more precisely, somehow artificially close technically mandatory pauses between consecutive positions of update.
  This opportunity is realized by the single active through own separation in a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, inasmuch in each own particle of a single active owing to the mechanism of processing of packages of information - a kind of inertia of this processing, there happens the loss of a pause between positions of updating of copies of things, whereby, in particular, in human consciousness the durations of each position of updating merge consistently; this prrocess for the person, as well as for any another particle of active (the live) is equivalent to manifestation of the moving and changing world of things and phenomena, containing both particles and wave matter.
  In this world the single active can "unfold" in own particles through things, which are formed by each particle of the active in the living beings by the existing sense organs with participation of a single active anyway, i.e., ultimately, acquiring in actions of own particles not only the changes in things (the passive), but also own change.
  From the presented model emerges the presence of God in two essences.
  1. The timeless God of an unmanifested infinity (the unmanifested single consciousness, or God of eternity), representing everything that is, and everything that is absent yet, but not separately, and in indissoluble connection with the manifested, temporary, infinite God of a holographic projection (a manifested single consciousness, or God of time).
  2. Manifested in a holographic projection the material-frequency God (the manifested single consciousness) transforming time into motion, and determining everything at forming beingness (the set of universes at different stages of development) in changes through the total time, i.e. manifesting the infinite through the finite infinitely, but discretely in the form of beingness for own development, life and expression, and holding along with that its single and multiple holographic formation, which is updated with high frequency in balance with an unmanifested infinity in the form of the dual Creation by means of formation of the total time through itself as alive, forming thereby space and things moving in it.
  Eternal, but discrete updating and holding of beingness is being produced through the finite living beings, who are not only holders of the sense organs, but also owners of consciousness. This process results from interaction of a temporal holographic projection and an unmanifested infinity in the face of the active (consciousness) and the passive from an unmanifested infinity respectively. At this, information is that bridge, which connects them, and ultimately forms the world around the living beings, as well as these living beings. Infinite in this case is expressed in the finite infinitely, but discretely.
  To be unmanifested in the hypostasis of God of time (a holographic projection}, producing thereby the dual - timeless and along with that temporary - system, God of an unmanifested infinity can't, so how an unmanifested infinity outside this formation - no other than non-existence.
  Thus, the active (consciousness) and the passive (things) in an unmanifested infinity are inseparable, and along with that in a certain relation they are divided inside a holographic projection.
  So far as God of time forms the total time through own particles in the living beings not in general, but for own development, life and expression which is possible only in communities of the living beings, in so far as within the framework of the general time each particle of God of time (a single consciousness) forms in the personal carrier (the living being) own time [2, Ch. 6].
  Therefore. God of time unites in the course of formation of its own time by each living being the material components and components of consciousness into a single whole on limited time of life of a being, giving it an opportunity to act according to the level of consciousness, which is available for it - the highest level in this regard corresponds to the beings with self-consciousness having liberty of will.
  Thus, the highest manifestation of the active (consciousness) in its individual expression is a being with self-consciousness, which is able to process the information flows as efficiently as possible, accelerating the flow of time and providing the consciousness with the fullest expression of itself in actions, thoughts and feelings.
  At this, each living being from their infinite set is such as a result of possession of the genetic code (program) providing type, functioning and reproduction of organisms both the beings with the lowest consciousness (one program), and the beings, conscious themselves, i.e. the beings in which are entered the additional program of self-consciousness.
  Along with that, God of time during life of each being retains the communication with it with own side, but disconnects the communication with side of the living being, providing thereby autonomy of actions of each individual consciousness in own carrier: the connection of single consciousness (God of time) with each individual consciousness is preserved during life of the living being as the main property of the hologram, becoming unidirectional at the time of the birth, with removal of this restriction at the moment of the death of the living being, associating thereby this individual consciousness with self (God of time).
  Forming own time by each living being from their infinite set is converted automatically into formation of the total time, i.e. the formation by each being of an own environment creates automatically all Creation by all this set, more precisely, recreates it infinitely, but discretely each impulse of high-frequency updating of a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity.
  The manifestation of this hypostasis of God infinitely in the finite, but discretely, among things and directly in them (the objects of beingness), which are being subjected to destruction during their existence, stabilizes the particles of consciousness that are in live, since the core of each particle of consciousness is restored in its finite existence in the course of interaction of own carrier with the surroundings as a result of appropriate reactions to what is happening. Thus each particle of consciousness (a particle of God of time) remains unchanged and eternal in its essence, but at the same time infinitely changing, as well as a single consciousness as a whole.
  If the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it - at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - while any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
  Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite, live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
  Existence inside things and among things, as well as close to other consciousnesses in the form of the live, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the radical peculiarity - own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use the changes which it is capable to sense anyway - at this for the person and to conscious these changes - with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole individuality in an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
  So goes development of living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is restored in the finite making a frequency projection of an unmanifested infinity by stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness making as capable to participate in the formation of the time and, as a consequence, - in the formation of the real worlds in time.
  Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the dual system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable: in beingness the form-building active is fueled by the passive, which is losing the form in the finite formations.
  The passive, losing form in the finite (beingness), restores thereby a form of the active at their interaction. The active, thus, does not lose its basic form and the form-building abilities at the expense of decay of the passive in beingness, but the active also, by "evoking" the passive out of an unmanifested infinity in the form of the information copies on the period of existence of the given finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. So, by means of the address to the finite in the form of the passive, which is losing own shape, the active becomes eternal in form, properties, and can keep the whole system of Creation in actual existence.
  At this, more opportunities for development among all living beings have beings with self-consciousness, who understand itself and, trying to consciously to retain own core, do not miss arising opportunities for own changes - they have enough time to do it, so how consciousness, which is inherent them, forms time every time for own placement. Therefore, a self-conscious being, for example, the person, is the support for consciousness in life on its infinite way on finite islands of reality and along with that - a base for change of itself in each of realities.
  As a result, individuality is not lost, but each time is put into other clothes, which are innumerable. So each being, conscious of itself, can be confident that the core of his personality is not undergoing fatal changes in any circumstances, which is just something external, that it itself is creating to a certain extent for some of tests of itself in them.
  In hypostasis of time God extends to all beingness, being thereby infinite and all-pervading, and manifesting self among moving things in the space-time continuum, i.e. using the manifested beingness for own development due to continuous change in time, which he forms self through the living beings. Therefore, that is, he cannot be unchanged.
  Since in this hypostase God is changing always, striving for novelty, he cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, but can aim in eternity to this, i.e. - to the unmanifest God of an infinite nothingness, containing in potency everything that is present in beingness already, as well as everything that is absent, but that will appear sooner or later in this or that image as required and degree of development of the form-building abilities of a single consciousness which moves infinitely, comprehending all incalculable and diverse shades of beingness, making mistakes and correcting what was done, finding exactly in this a charm of own existence, more precisely, life in this eternally changing beingness.
  At this, for own implementation God of time (a single consciousness of a holographic projection) should be divided in order to act through own particles in the finite, mortal beings, temporarily revitalizing them as well as doing them the reasonable in varying degrees, but which do not know, that they function, though at own will, but at representation of the same God in every such alive being.
  All rest in beingness is the base and condition for the development of particles of God of time, or a single consciousness who must be as divided and omnipresent, as well as a single and holistic that is quite possible at the different levels, inasmuch we know the holographic principle corresponding to this [1].
  Thus, unexplained supramundane place and cryptic incorporeality isn't required for this God of time, and he doesn't form the world by the sudden command. In its inseparable unity with the unmanifested God of eternity, being its projection, manifested in time, God of time is a conscious and, to a certain extent, leading link of beingness. By this, beingness, which is constantly formed in time, is a co-being for God.
  God is a single and divided in their aspects for own manifestation and development in beingness, which he forms through own particles by means of a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity.
  Within the presented model of the dual system of Creation, at last, receives an explanation the transient character of everything - a stone, a planet, the universe, a human life.
  If in an unmanifested infinity all - the active and the passive - is merged together, then in the projection of an unmanifested infinity the active is in relatively separate position with the passive, inasmuch it itself forms the copies of things on the basis of an unmanifested infinity.
  Thereby the active in the projection of an unmanifested infinity has the opportunity to be manifested, being realized infinitely in copies of the things, being formed by it discretely.
  The active, in its separation from the passive in the projection of an unmanifested infinity, has an opportunity "to use" the copies of things, which is formed by it, endlessly, thank to that these copies are finite: the finite passive thus "supports" the active in infinity, but in a particular form. The active, in its separation from the passive, nevertheless, is connected with it not only because the active forms the passive in the form of copies of things, but also because it is situated in these things, i.e. among them and inside them as the support. Therefore, the active is forced to "move" from one the finite, which was "terminated", into another, and this discontinuous, in fact, process lasts infinitely.
  It is possible to note in this relation that the active is realized infinitely in the finite in a projection of an unmanifested infinity, being formed by the active. Similar process can't do without durations, which are the cornerstone of finite formations that means there is time, i.e. a projection of an unmanifested infinity, unlike an unmanifested infinity, is situated in time, and this is equivalent to change of the finite structures.
  And if in this context becomes clear that the infinity of the active (consciousness) in a projection of an unmanifested infinity persists, despite the temporary character of the projection, thanks to "immersion" of the active in the finite discretely, but infinitely, then the finiteness, the "temporariness" of copies of things requires an explanation, in particular, because still there is an opinion about eternal existence of material structures that surround both the common person and person as a species-being.
  This explanation of the finite existence of objects of the world, or copies of things from an unmanifested infinity, is the frequency character of the holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity.
  The active (consciousness) with ultrahigh frequency identifies (recognizes) and copies things from an unmanifested infinity, and these copies, as information packages, "appear and disappear", more precisely, they are updated each impulse in the holographic projection.
  Each copy, thus, is the frequency updated structure of this or that type which is "converted" in individual consciousness through sense organs and centers of processing of the arriving information in the carrier of consciousness in the concrete things. At this, the things, being represented in the set, constitute, in particular, an environment around the person, and their connectivity and motion are caused by specifics of passing of information on the specified channels, owing to what pauses between impulses drop out.
  Updating of this sort can't be ideal purely statistically. Therefore, during the existence of a thing in its permanent quality the number of mistakes (technical glitches) build up, and at achievement of a certain threshold value the concrete thing loses the stability or the quality and ceases to function adequately: the stone disintegrates, universe collapses and human life is terminated. Here the quantitative - the number of glitches - for a thing turns into quality change of a thing or in its full disintegration - stability of any thing is lost, and it thereby, as the special, falls out of existence, i.e. can't be by the infinite in permanent quality. This fact in itself confirms the secondary nature of all things of beingness, their derivativeness from consciousness.
  Nevertheless, each copy of concrete things, existing finitely in a set form, is material derivative from an unmanifested infinity. Therefore, copies of things in the projection of an unmanifested infinity don't disappear, but change the forms according to understanding of things by consciousness.
  It is clear that living beings give in themselves the finite life to consciousness, a break in which (death) means only updating of each individual consciousness.
  Along with that living beings are the basis of all beingness without which it isn't capable to exist inasmuch only through them fragments of the passive from an unmanifested infinity are converted into things, i.e. into material beingness known to us.
  Thus, there is no need to guess by what wonderful way was formed the genome without which the living being is impossible and which could self-assembled approximately with the same probability what aircraft carrier with all planes onboard.
  Life is a basis of Creation which without it doesn't exist.
  Therefore, the statement about origin a life from lifeless matter is senseless. Organisms and things are incapable to exist in beingness independently, inasmuch beingness is based on their interaction, being continuous manifestation of the passive rom a timeless infinity through the active of a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity.
  The ordinary living beings, based in its actions on instincts and reflexes, and consuming only sensations, apparently, is limited in the consumption of information flows and, consequently, in own most complete expression, i.e. - liberty. Therefore, there is a need for a being, that can not only consume information flows in the form of sensations, but also form the information flows beyond the sensations.
  To do this, follows only at a sufficiently high level of development of the living beings, for example, primates, to complement the program of their genome with a program that gradually creates an opportunity for them to be aware yourselves, i.e. in some respects separate itself from the environment, thereby acquiring subjectivity(personality) or self-consciousness, or ego.
  In other words, evolution represents the gradual accumulation of the various, more or less complex living beings appearing and disappearing during natural selection during billions of years. These beings are characterized by the full unity with the environment, i.e. they aren't capable to separate themselves from the environment independently, because the action program which is written down in genes of each living being determines it as a component of the living environment, the sole support of these beings are their instinctive and reflex activity, but not as the third-party subject, which partly conscious-target impacts on the surroundings and himself.
  It is possible to understand this representation by analogy with operation of the computer according to various programs, introduction of which changes properties of the computer, but which the computer isn't capable to generate independently.
  If, nevertheless, to allow the emergence of such independence, then becomes inexplicable absence of similar transformation, for example, at a chimpanzee during millions of years, whose genome only for 1% differs from the human genome.
  All this clearly indicates the lack of smooth evolutionary transition of the primate, merged with the nature, into the creative person, which is separated from nature to a large extent.
  Lack of similar smooth evolutionary transition is confirmed by data of the research conducted by the international consortium of 67 scientists from 23 scientific institutions of 5 countries - the USA, Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany.
  They have found the fact of unusually rapid restructuring of a genome, contradicting the speed of evolutionary development which is usually stated by evolutionists. During the research they used the computer overlay of the genome map of a chimpanzee on the genome map of the person that has allowed them to mark out three categories of so-called DNA-duplications - those that are available in the human genome, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, those that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in the human genome and those that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome is doubled. In this case the segments of DNA with the length not less than 20 thousand nucleotide pairs were considered. It turned out that about a third of DNA-duplications, found in the person, are absent at a chimpanzee. This figure fairly surprised geneticists, inasmuch it testifies to very high frequency of mutations for short (on evolutionary measures) period (See, e.g., dw.de» decryption of a genome ... and ... its comparing ... human).
  This shows that the explanation of emergence of the person, offered by evolutionists, as a result of smooth transition of one of type of primates to the person, connected with labor activity and manifestation of communication (socialization) with the help of words that the evolutionists does not recognize in relation the other primates, doesn't maintain criticism.
  There is the only explanation of rather rapid transformation of one of type of primates into the person: introduction into the genome (the evocation) by no means not in a random way the programs, promoting formation at this type of primates of the concepts, distracted from concrete things as a result of communication with similar beings, different ways of evaluating own actions, that promotes emergence of an opportunity for these beings to look at the world from outside, to estimate its usefulness for themselves and to try to change this world purposefully under themselves.
  It is known that the ray of light can be modulated by the signal bearing information which is capable to set certain programs of development or to correct the available programs. In particular, at Institute of Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences the exemplar of DNA has been placed between the laser and an external mirror. Both the direct and reflected beams not only apprehended genetic information, but also radiated it in corresponding frequency range.
  Obviously, for emergence at primates of awareness of own existence were to happen some fundamental internal changes which weren't for all the time of existence of organisms on Earth. What are these changes, if the person has appearance, structure of organs and even the structure of the genome close to that of a chimpanzee?
  It is possible to state the following: the similar internal change can only be caused by additional programming of a genome to conscious activity, while a genome until then (during billions of years) has been programmed at all living beings only to instinctive and reflex activity.
  Therefore, transformation of the most perfect primate - it could be the chimpanzee or even more perfect primate - into a prototype of the person is possible only when changing the program which is manifested in a phenotype.
  Apparently, under this new program the genome of only one type of a chimpanzee as we know, for 99% coinciding with human genome, or ape, which is similar to a chimpanzee, that technically facilitates affair, has also been reconstructed.
  Otherwise, when the gradual evolutionary development, all or almost all highly developed primates, in a varying degree, but owning a set of sound signals to facilitate communication, as well as - are able to collide down the fruits and berries from the trees with the help of a handpicked stick, would realize, sooner or later, the benefits of the verbal communication for own groups and a labor activity in collective, and they would turn in public creative beings, which are identical in fact but various by the form.
  However, it hasn't occurred.
  One of hypotheses believes that the lagoon ape from Ethiopia was the closest ancestor of the person. The ape had smaller indumentum, she well swam, moved a considerable part of days vertically, had "the lowered larynx", emergence which, apparently, is connected with a semi-water way of life. Important the fact that the similar larynx allows to control breath and, as a result, gives the ability to speak.
  After similar reorganization, the symbiosis of the turned out individual and consciousness of higher level, than consciousness of an animal, becomes possible. This procedure brings to the individual an opportunity to manifest self-consciousness. All the rest: ability to work together with tribespeople, thevcoherent speech, creative thinking and etc. is developed as a consequence for a certain and relatively not really long term, fixing the symbiosis of the lowest (instinctive and reflex) consciousness, the highest (intelligent and purposeful) consciousness and a body, and producing thereby the developed intelligence, strengthening self-consciousness as well as making the driving force of the accelerated development of new beings and their communities thanks to the arisen antagonism between the lowest and the highest consciousness forms[4].
  For this reason - owing to readiness of the candidate in the person (the highly developed ape) for similar transformation - the person has so suddenly appeared, more precisely, a prototype of the person in the form of some types of hominids with the additional program in a genome, intended for consciously-target actions, and not as earlier - only for reflex and instinctive actions in the environment.
  In other words, the additional program, which has been recorded into the genome, marked the beginning for emergence of a few million years ago of the prototype of the person in the form of several variants of hominids, who were capable to understand themselves, or to determine own ego, i.e. to switch to some extent and to initiatively-target behavior. These prototypes of the person were being changed a few million years in accordance with the natural selection and, partly, the conscious selection in the course of another interaction with the environment in comparison with apes: their brain have increased, inasmuch was necessary to solve the complex problems of a reorganization of an environment by means of instruments of labor, hunting, a household etc.); their extremities have changed (hindquarters have being adapted primarily to walking, because of the wandering way of life of hominids, having turned into the low extremities; forelimbs have being adapted to the manufacture of artificial tools of labor and handling with these tools); larynx has being transformed into the direction of the highest fitness to the sound verbal communication, that significantly has increased the efficiency of collective action during hunting, cooking, raising children and so on.
  Representatives of the biologists-evolutionists consider that the happened changes are the result of the random mutations.
  This statement in itself is a highly controversial for a variety of reasons.
  First, mutations before emergence of a prototype of the person were manifested and acted only within reflex and instinctive activity of the living beings, and they aren't capable to lead away these beings beyond limits of similar activity for any period of time.
  I.e. the random character of mutations means for the living being an opportunity only to adapt to the environment, but not a possibility to go beyond the environment limits.
  It is senseless for this reason to consider mutations as the major through factor, which has led finally to transformation of a bacterium into the living being, which is largely outside nature - to the person.
  Nevertheless, the evolutionists insist on this - exaggerated - role of chance, refusing to understand that a source of emergence of self-consciousness can't be a natural (random) set of such program into a genome, which gives not the best adaptation of the living being to the environment, but, on the contrary, in the end provokes as a result aspiration to complete separation of the living being from nature.
  The mutations in the living organisms are manifestation of interaction of organisms with the environment, i.e. with other organisms and inorganic compositions. By means of this manifestation the organisms enshrine in the programs, which are written down on protein compounds in a genome, of a positive reaction for themselves of this interaction, got as if accidentally. However, this "random character of the event" for the living organisms isn't casual at all, inasmuch the difference of the living organisms from the lifeless complexes consists in ability to search of the most acceptable conditions for themselves by means of trials and errors, on what the lifeless isn't capable.
  Therefore, each positive random change, which is reflected in structure of a genome, means the accumulation of number of these spontaneous "search" changes, inevitably leading with achievement of a certain limit to the qualitative changes of the organism. However, any natural processes have natural borders, consequence which is the fact that transition of quantitative casual changes into qualitative structural transformations is closed in the established natural frames: in this case - within reflex and instinctive actions of all organisms, that represents the only possible manifestation of consciousness at the level of casual changes (mutations), consequence of which is only search of more acceptable conditions for existence by method of trials and errors.
  This manifestation of consciousness is the only possible, thus, because usage of new communications by an organism, positive for reproduction, in effect, means the gradual formation of the only "conditioned" reflexes on the remembered irritation, reflected on the phenotype.
  On the one hand, the similar phenomenon has no relation to an arbitrariness, and it cannot be classified as purely coincidental.
  On the other hand, consciousness of a live organism at this level of development, i.e. in the presence of the program capable to initiate only reflex and instinctive actions, in itself isn't capable to move to a new level of consciousness, which differs in ability to free expression of itself, i.e. to the independent and initiative transmition of what is present into what is absent, but wants to have.
  Therefore, the selection on the basis of random variations of code of protein compounds and the corresponding formation of set of genes which in turn can give millions of additional protein connections, , and the number of variants of interaction of these protein complexes increases up to astronomical sizes, is capable to give only a basis for introduction of the program, which opens a possibility of an exit of this most perfect, but still purely natural being, on other level of consciousness, allowing to this being to turn from a natural being partly into the entity outside nature.
  Probability of a random selection out of existing billions of variants within any conceivable term of one compact program for consciously-target activity of the being, in this case, a highly developed primate, is close to zero.
  This factor in itself, apparently, means an artificial way of installation and fixing of the new program in this set of genes with billions of options of programming, on what is capable, in our opinion, only a single consciousness of a holographic projection, the manifestation of which is every living being, distinguished precisely by the presence of consciousness.
  Randomness and the highest consciousness (consciously-target expression of consciousness) are antagonists in the respect what, if the subject, having the highest consciousness, is mistaken, then he will be is capable to understand the mistake and to correct deeds, significantly having accelerated own advance on the way of development, while case is some kind of edge of consciousness making real nature of the lowest part of consciousness. Consciousness uses the random if it doesn't know what and how to do at this level of development, but, accepting case in attention, though and slowly - with kickbacks and zigzags - nevertheless moves ahead.
  Randomness, more tending towards chaos, isn't capable to be a reliable support for a structural order, breaking its all the time. Therefore, giving continuous changes to the living environment, it promotes the continuous destruction of the prevailing order, forcing the living beings to obey to itself completely, especially without reflecting. The basis of this is reflex-instinctual mechanism of action, which is the same for all sentient beings.
  However, it is required to Creation both destruction, and more or less successful creation which can satisfy consciousness, having given an incentive to its development by removal from senselessness of existence only on level of consumption of sensations.
  Thus, in Creation the most succeeds concerning the acquisition of meaning implications in conjugation them with sensations is only who can figure how more effectively to destroy or create something. Similar activity cannot contain as a basis the accidental procedures and some order, a prerequisite for which is stability, its basis can be only the creativity and initiative, always leading to rather rapid achievement of the expected or unexpected result, the harm, advantage or even insignificant meaning of which can understand only the being with these properties, i.e. a being, understanding self.
  Therefore, except the being (subject) having both consciousness on the level of sensations, and self-consciousness, nothing and no one is able the most effective to create and destroy, that means impossibility and for a single consciousness (God of time), and for individual consciousnesses to do without it, as the most effective tool of own development and the consumption of different vital collisions.
  Thus, emergence of a being with two levels of consciousness as the free and living representative of the active, forming greatest effectively the environment (beingness) for itself out of the passive in Creation (a pearl of beingness), is the inevitable manifestation of practice of the active among the passive.
  The favorable combination of both programs of the highest and lowest types of consciousness was being transferred to modern people practically without change, i.e. their abilities and properties are the same as at their ancestors who lived tens thousands of years ago, and the genotype of the modern person, as it was found by scientist-genetics, did not undergo during this time of significant change.
  Becomes also clear, why the transitional link from primates to the person is still not found.
  External signs of reorganization in this case don't play a significant role in comparison with deep signs, inasmuch the genome has been quickly enough reconstructed, and appeared the person almost in finished form, i.e. a being, who, whether it is bad or is good, but was already able to separate itself from the environment and to use this new ability to realize itself in the world as an individual.
  All others - approximately the same primacies who were not exposed by the specified (artificial) transformation, - were being remained in the former animal quality, though, as a matter of fact, conditions of their existence practically did not differ from existence of initial "candidate" into the person.
  Thus, one may say, that the being, capable only to unconscious (instinctive and reflex) actions, has one program, but the conscious being (having self-consciousness) has the additional program - more difficult: this program promotes a regular self-evaluation by this being of own activity, and respectively - to rapid reorganization and self-training, designing on the future of own actions with processing of their results for the subsequent adjustment, using already stored memory from the much bigger collective database, than the database of usual primates.
  However, this program can "work" only in case of contact of the beings capable to comprehend own existence, with other similar beings, i.e. in community.
  The computer imposing of the genome map of a chimpanzee on the genome map of the person, whose results are given above, shows exactly induced impact of single consciousness of the holographic projection on some being, who is most suitable in the available biological row, for formation in his genome of programs of self-consciousness, that gives to actions of this being the conscious special-purpose character along with the reflex and instinctive programs, which are already existing in this being. Exactly this relatively short-term impact on a genome of the most highly developed primate allowed this primate to acquire rather quickly creativity, i.e. to stand out of a row of all other beings who exist only on the basis of instinctive and reflex programs, reminding thereby the living mechanisms, and at last to begin to compare with itself all events, estimating effectiveness of own actions, and attracting the environment, transformed by these former primates, for increase in efficiency of own actions.
  As a result, a person becomes as different from other living beings by no means by the fact that he has some other set or qualities of sense organs in comparison with primates, but by the fact that he becomes capable, representing himself and his possibilities, i.e. thanks to self-awareness, to expand the range any more not of sensations, but representations about the environment, receiving with use of the second signal system and by means of devices some data on a microcosm, various types of radiations, public life, cultural values, etc.
  At the same time, a person gets additional opportunities for his own accelerated development in communities with the formation of more or less comfortable civilizations thanks to the antagonism of the "animal" consciousness formed in it, acting in accordance with the development program based on instincts and reflexes and aimed at self-preservation, reproduction, domination among similar, egocentric and consuming only sensations, and self-consciousness, largely built on the development program, distinguished by its altruistic orientation and aspiration to harmonization of beingness.
  A various orientation of both types of consciousness in their basis creates constant tension in development of both the individual, and human communities, i.e. it is their main driving force, so important for the accelerated development [4].
  If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains unchanged.
  Therefore, the ideal persons do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
  Thus, the highest consciousness in the course of its growth begins to oppose itself to the lowest consciousness more and more effectively - the struggle between them just distinguishes the person from animals, being manifested at early stages of development is hardly noticeable, and then - all stronger and stronger.
  In other words, the growth of self-awareness, or raising the level of the highest consciousness in the struggle with the lowest consciousness, gradually, but with an acceleration, expands the human sphere of activity, ensuring the permanent development both certain persons in their generations and the development of their communities.
  With the growth of self-awareness and, thus, the increase in the self-sufficiency of civilization, the action of many natural factors are increasingly weaken, which means that they really manifest themselves as necessary external, but not the fundamental to the human consciousness.
  Consequently, the intensive development of communities of the living beings - previously barely noticeable, and the main contribution to which was being made by mutations (random changes in the genome) - begins only with the appearance in them of self-consciousness, and accordingly - with its interaction with the lowest (animal) consciousness, which does not disappear anywhere from these living beings. This interaction is expressed practically in incessant fight of these consciousness forms, merged together, as they mostly have opposite aspirations, what it was in detail told above about, i.e. their interaction mainly is expressed in hostility (antagonism).
  Of all this becomes clear that a person not only acquires a conscious life, the ability to change himself purposefully, express himself in various ways, being never satisfied in own consciousness with reached, combine his own feelings with ideas and reflections, struggle with oneself in search of the best own expression, but also all this during his life is "taken" through his consciousness by a single consciousness (God of time), giving not only a person in the person of his own consciousness, but also - a single consciousness the opportunity to live full-blooded with the maximum degree of liberty, overcoming the resistance of the environment.
  1. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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