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The casus of free time

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    Dreams about free time at the real triumph of robots and computers turn into the search for at least some occupation, so as not to fall into prostration. Than all this threatens us? And what could be the solution?

  Life time is determined not by years, but by the density of events.
  Waking up, a person feels that he did it in vain.
  Time is crippling, then is treating, and so on, until it brings the deed to death.
  It is also possible to think of nothing.
  In hard times cash is a good kindling.
  The flow of time for a person flows from an information source.
  The present is called so, because in reality there is no future, and the past cannot be returned.
  In infinity, everything is being lost, but in the finite everything appears.
  Work is akin to digging a grave, and toil is to its instillation.
  Work should be because otherwise you will not rest
  The opportunity is nicer than reality, but it is impossible to linger in it.
  Time stops for the sleeper and for the dead person, but temporarily.
  Parrots will always be in honor, because with them at any time you can talk about the topical.
  All swindlers differ in the ebullient energy.
  Well when isn't worse yet, and it is bad when worse than ever.
  The future creeps up to us from the authorities like a snake, hissing and threatening.
  Democracy is effective only for rascals from the people.
  The will is necessary in order that all life to be engaged in senseless business.
  Most of all troubles you cause to self oneself.
  Old people grieve most not from disease, but from the loss of perspective
  Over the entire period of civilization's existence, the overwhelming majority of the population, occupied from morning till night by forced labor or compulsory labor for feeding, had only to dream of free time.
  Karl Marx, who did not fail to notice this circumstance, even made the goal of the quest for communism precisely the acquisition by each person of free time, far exceeding the standards of compulsory labor, in the hope of a gradual humanization of the natives.
  According to him, in the end there will come such a stage in the development of society when "the measure of wealth will be ... not by any means working time, but free time" (vol. 46, part II. P. 217).
  This remarkable prospect of freeing himself from labor efforts in gaining "wealth" has attracted so many supporters to his social theory that since then the world community cannot calm down under their onslaught.
  What really will happen to the population if it receives the desired product in the near future?
  To answer this question, we must first deal with the main strata of this population.
  The people, or the entire mass of the population of each state is divided in accordance with the correlation of types of consciousness among individuals into the following main categories: ordinary people (philistines), representatives of imperious structures and other "leaders" (elite), informals-intellectuals (intellectual nonconformists).
  We will also say something about the other strata of working and non-working persons below, but first we will outline those, which are indicated above in their relation to free time.
  The weak development of self-awareness and the equally weak manifestation of the lowest (animal) consciousness (low level of dissatisfaction of consciousness in both cases), which are in a balanced state, characterize the main on number the group of any communities - the so-called philistines, diverse in professions - from the baker and the farmer to the paramedic and clerk.
  The consequence of such weakness is their insignificant interest in any enterprise, that is not directly related to their well-being.
  As a rule, high intelligence, which appears not only due to the possession of innate abilities, but is also developed and strengthened by long study, participation in various educational programs, the pursuit of hard-to-reach goals, such individuals are not peculiar not only because of their lack of high aspirations, but also due to the influence of the mediocre or the philistine environment, absent the accessible social elevators, financial means for education and etc.
  Thus, the philistines are united in the following.
  All members of this most significant layer of each community are guided mainly by their own reason and experience: preoccupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not aspire to either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves to the desire of a hassle-free and well-fed life in which it are desirable see troubles only on the monitor screen.
  The philistines do not feel the desire for new at the expense of their own efforts, seeking a more comfortable state of life from the position of simple acquisition and consumption of finished goods.
  This, the most significant part of the population is engaged in daily monotonous work, and practically has no prospects for any other kind of activity, that could contribute to the development of self-awareness among these masses.
  The habitual standard dictates to these people to live as everybody, consuming what is, creating around itself an environment of artificial and natural objects in order to regularly to update it, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
  Such persons avoid participation in any social movements, being interested only in own well-being, but avoiding any risk.
  They do not resist the authorities and avoid any extremism, but only until their survival is at stake - having realized this, they will sweep away everyone and everyone without any hesitation or reflection.
  If to dig more deeply and to assume that own time of each person is process of receiving and information processing in which he more or less consciously participates, then any philistine due to the relatively low cultural and intellectual level, determined by the weak development of the highest consciousness, is inclined to consume information flows corresponding to this level.
  Therefore, their novelty is limited to stupid television shows or gossip on the Internet.
  Something more complex, new in science, culture, history, technology, which is required not without difficulty to comprehend, the philistines do not allow in their skull box.
  Therefore, one should not be surprised at the incident of such a utilitarian use of their available free time.
  Nowadays, free time for the philistine, first of all, means a blessed deliverance from any labor efforts, provided, of course, the amount of the salary, pension or other allowance given to him is enough both for pro-feeding, and for some pleasant, but not very much subtle pleasures.
  In Europe and the United States, by now, almost non-working subjects-inhabitants by no means of retirement age have appeared, by whom have enough living allowance, and these persons have been already accumulated more than a dozen million.
  It should be noted that the division and automation of labor quickly leads to the fact that soon the vast majority of the population, at least developed countries, will not need to participate in the production of goods and the provision of services.
  So what will these former workers-philistines do in their free time they finally acquired, which Karl Marx dreamed of?
  Yes, the same thing that they are doing now because there are no other interests besides those noted for them, and only a few of them literally break out of this swamp, whose "viscosity" is due to the weakness of their consciousness.
  In the best case, they dance, multiply and have fun by all sorts of other simple ways, for example, playing cards, basketball or dominoes, as well as embroidering with a cross.
  At worst, they drink, are fond of drugs, are at enmity among themselves, and the most aggressive of them try in the different ways including terror to seize upon the power, in order to yet with great success to kick their fellow citizens.
  What it is possible to explain so sad phenomenon which is obviously contradicting Marx's ideas with?
  Some biologists-evolutionists, in particular, Savelyev S.A. (book "Cerebral Sorting"), consider such catastrophic final natural, stating the following: "... the mankind already created perfect ways of the behavioral selection, which will destroy our consciousness and will destroy the reason traces without any additional efforts".
  Naturally, this statement is too strong, since consciousness, without which all become by nothingness, is indestructible in being, unlike a person and his civilization, but nevertheless, the fact of degradation of this part of the population is obvious, and the degradation only will grow for the philistines first of all, due to the underdevelopment of their self-consciousness, which agrees merely on a well-fed and trouble-free life, during which free time can be used mainly for entertainment, and not merely on biological and evolutionary reasons, since the person was being largely separated from the animal world long ago , and will never return to it, i.e. he do not become as the animal again. The guarantee of this is his self-consciousness, which, having appeared, will not go anywhere, no matter what.
  The following significant groups of the population can also be attributed to the philistines by their main characteristic - weakness of consciousness
  One of them consists of non-working pensioners.
  The depressing circumstance of getting into the environment of philistines earlier even quite fairly clever and rather developed persons is caused, with rare exception, by a rather rapid drop in level of both their lowest and the highest consciousness.
  The explanation for this is simple: with age, the functioning of the brain deteriorates, in particular, it is falling memory, quick of the reaction, quick wit, acuity in understanding one's own place in the world. Force, dexterity, enterprise, and, therefore, competitiveness in comparison with younger individuals are also declining due to health problems.
  In addition, a retired person is far from young, which means that he becomes more apathetic, indifferent to everything due to the lack of prospects, except for impending death.
  Therefore, for example, public life interests him only from the standpoint of maintaining stability, if, of course, it exists, but any changes, whose essence he does not understand and which he can no longer adapt to, are only disturbing him.
  Naturally, a pensioner in this respect becomes both selfish and conservative.
  However, like other philistines, pensioners are, albeit a dormant, but the formidable force that can sweep away any power if it tries to deprive them of a stable and trouble-free existence, as a result of the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, which they have not lost, and which reacts harshly to a significant deterioration in living conditions
  As for a factor of the obtain by them of the free time, which frees them from burdensome work, seeming from the side as the positive for pensioners of, use of this time for most of them is or especially utilitarian, like digging in a kitchen garden, or it is just killed for thoughtless entertainments.
  The term "life in front of close death", used in relation to pensioners, speaks for itself.
  Therefore, pensioners try, who how, to distract themselves from thoughts of not so distant demise, impending illnesses and coming helplessness.
  Some spend all their time and miserable pensions for permanent treatment, believing at the expense of this dubious action they will delay themselves in a new and largely incomprehensible world for them, unreliable and offensive to the still preserved dignity.
  Others kill time by growing cucumbers in the summer, and in winter they seize these cucumbers for drinking the strong drinks, bringing themselves to a complete dullness.
  Still others spend days tapping dominoes with their knuckles, not wanting to think about anything at all, since now there is such opportunity.
  The fourth borrow their time with the composition of complaints to the wrong actions of all bureaucratic instances without special hope for proper response.
  The most optimistic dance and sing in the corresponding circles, and the cleverest write novels and stories, which no one needs and uninteresting, posting them on the Internet.
  The rest are trying to find at least some kind of work to think less about their sad fate.
  Housewives, who also represent a significant part of the philistines, do not think at all about how to take their free time because they practically do not have it.
  Their wisdom lies in the fact that they instinctively feel tricks of liberty, including free time. Therefore, they continuously cook, clean, wash, raise a husband and children, and in the rare moments of rest they sigh and look at a strange world through a window or a TV screen.
  Nevertheless, the philistines are the main soil for formation of intellectual and imperious layers; representatives of these layers are being grew from this soil accidentally, hereditary or thanks to these or those proficiency, competence or abilities which raised them above the average level, and this soil they can ruin or improve as the people masses are, as a rule, passive, because of the load by the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people; the lack of the adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow it to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable persons at all.
  Similar people stands out only a few percent.
  Thus, the faceless mass of the population outwardly acquires development in the person of their representatives in power and in informal-intellectual opposition to power.
  Informal intellectuals, pursuing basically the goals opposite to the goals of the representatives of the power elite, are forced to appeal to the people, proving their rightness and anti-people of the elite-oppressor, which, in turn, must justify itself and stigmatize by shame of the rotten informal-dreamers who can only speak, not rule and predominate.
  Informal intellectuals should be understood as not indifferent people of intellectual labor, intellectuals of various kinds, as well as relatively few representatives of the rest of the population who managed to somehow rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates them an aversion to the immoral and self-serving behavior of the power elite.
  Informal intellectuals have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  Informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, - have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of workers, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic governing elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  Thereby, the people, willy-nilly, are involved by energy of this struggle into a forward motion, which can also be evolutionary at the consent of the power elite with the opposition from the nonconformists-intellectuals to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump into a different course if there is no such agreement, which is reflected in the public consciousness as a clear injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power upon the occurrence of suitable conditions.
  As for free time, the informal intellectuals practically do not have it because of the inescapable desire for continuous care for the people and the world, believing themselves to be Atlanteans, who should not give up, supporting, as it seems to them, the "roof of the world."
  Lacking sleep and incessantly worrying, they devote their entire time, thanks to the elevated level of their self-consciousness, striving for the good for all without exception, development of improvement of social, interracial, gender and other relations only in order to approach the world to the final harmony and universal happiness, branding at the same time any authorities who, in their opinion, impede this in every possible way, corrupting society by chronic embezzlement, mediocre governance, arrogance, overconfidence, deceit and hypocrisy.
  The authorities, mainly spitting on their opponents, continue to decompose, quietly making a significant part of their working time non-working, for example, for travel under the pretext of sharing experience with foreign colleagues. The bosses live in expensive hotels, tasting fine wines and expensive dishes of the "high" cuisine.
  The bosses are also intriguing, upholding the "bread" places won in the struggle against rivals or striving for even more "bread", and along with that they grovel in every way before the higher authorities.
  As a result, these forces categorically aren't enough for self-improvement, about which Karl Marx said.
  And this is not surprising, since there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for a well-fed, calm and prosperous life, but also for dominance among similar of themselves. Taking away from the highest consciousness the appropriate share of intelligence, which includes increased ingenuity, and from the lowest consciousness - speed of reaction, quite good strong-willed qualities and energy, skill to communicate, sufficient dexterity, cunning, insidiousness and unprincipledness, these individuals get advantage before the others - more inert members of the community in the form of philistines, highly moral intellectuals of all sorts and other relatively sluggish or anxious with another matters of members of the population, who are not able to deftly push aside or slander a rival, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the subordinate, and at the same time endure the mockery from the side of their superiors.
  The lack of intelligence at the persons, broke into the power elite, is compensated by the involvement of numerous advisers, but because the decisions eventually have to be taken them, insofar they, as the true creators of their own happiness, initially consider their activities from the position of personal (corporate), and not the people's good, with a roll in the direction of retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own dominance and the acquisition of all kinds of privileges, clogging up in addition to it the various management and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  Therefore, the hopes of naive masses to correct these moral freaks, cunning, hypocritical rogues, representing the power elites of various states competing with each other, have no basis, regardless of the structure of the state and its degree of development - from despotism to parliamentary democracy.
  For the presentatives of the power, a dominant inevitably is the lowest consciousness, that is, in their consciousness there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-sufficient personalities and not as consumers. Power and practically the unlimited access to privileges and property belittles them so much that they see in the masses only a source of wealth for themselves and a field for the manifestation of their own low instincts. However, fearing the anger of the people and the counteraction the informal opposition, they are forced to resist anarchy, retaining, in particular, through reforms, the order that ensures the functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  It is because of the dominance of the lowest consciousness, or its monkey nature, the highest officials use one part of their free time not for their own development in its various cultural and intellectual forms, but for, in fact, farcical entertainment at expensive resorts, casinos, semi-sporting events, expensive yachts, etc., and the other part - to equip a family nest in the form of a large estate and villas abroad, which requires a lot of money.
  Therefore, they willy-nilly have to withdraw money in all possible ways, mainly from the budget, that is, from the people, since they have no abilities and desire for honest ways of earning, yes, there are no concepts of honor, conscience, decency in their monkey essence: well, how can"t take it away from the people, that is, the cattle, if it is possible to trample with impunity with the help of courts and law enforcement agencies, all, that is required to the power elite to be luxurious life according their monkey concepts.
  The power lovers should occupy the rest of the free time willy-nilly by protection of the won place in structures of the power from competitors - and it for them - the most important issue. Otherwise, instead of pleasant feeling of absolute power in relation to the large mass of the population one will have to scoff only at own wife, and then, if she allows it.
  Thus, even a small bias in the direction of the lowest consciousness in his quest for domination and the best (a nice, well-fed, with plenty of entertainment) life is pushing the philistines to the transition, if not directly into the ruling elite - to do this, similar persons should own by quite high dominance, - but at least in the managers, security officers, in fact, serving imperious elite and who is craftier tries to break through immediately in this elite. They perfectly understand that in this environment it is possible, without having special talents, to achieve the considerable benefits if, of course, to pay an attention only to the bosses, diligently serving them, and to neglect by the others.
  Security forces - from the military to the police and security guards - differ from ordinary people, on the one hand, a slightly higher level of the lowest consciousness, dissatisfaction which is expressed by the tendency to aggression against the weaker, and, on the other hand, - a certain weakening of self-awareness, as a result of which they are prone to conformism, which isn't combined with self-respect.
  Therefore, they prefer one or another type of service for the most part to the state with the prospect of career growth even with not too great intelligence, as well as a good salary, actual impunity for oppression and even petty plunder of ordinary citizens, even more so in peacetime to the vast majority of the security officials are not in danger.
  For acquiring similar advantages, the security officers agree to endure all the antics of their usually short-sighted, rude, but cunning bosses.
  Having given themselves to this rather humiliating occupation, which does not require special thought, after service they wander to their fruit and berry plots or apartments with a joyful sense of deliverance for at least some time from the vigilant eye, as a rule, of the jackasses-bosses, in order to play in the cards, watering the garden, and drinking and snacks, as well as bickering with his wife, who is always dissatisfied with the career growth of the husband.
  Reading the literature and other intellectual activities are inaccessible for most of them thanks to the rapid "drying out" of the brain because of the specifics of the service, which does not require reflection, since there are a charter and instructions.
  The attendants of a cult performing functions of spiritual psychologists-comforters of the flock during working time, and along with that being nothing else as the servants of the authorities, claim that give themselves to service to God about which they actually don't know anything, since God on the dogmas of Churc is inaccessible to this world.
  And this means either deception or self-deception, which indicates the predominance of the lowest consciousness in them, inclined to receive benefits just so, and not according to the results of hard work, which they always try to replace by the lung, although dubious, labor.
  All this indicates the considerable weakening at them of a self-consciousness owing to what they give themselves to the certain stranger invented, but not real and effective, and themselves lead a prosperous existence, besides, being for many by very respected persons.
  But this service to God, with the exception of fanatics, is insincere in their hearts, and therefore in their free time they invariably succumb to worldly temptations, for example, intrigues, vulgar entertainments, such as rolling on Mercedes cars, or, at best, the fuss in the garden and vegetable garden.
  Criminals and various kinds of lumpen, in particular, chronic unemployed, tramps, professional beggars, "soldiers of fortune", have such direction into the side of the lowest consciousness that they have only a memory of the highest consciousness.
  In other words, they have only not numerous formal ties with society. For this reason, they kind of return to the level of animals, more precisely, - on the level of sensations. Neither public life, nor wealth, nor the power - nothing is interesting to them.
  Having suddenly got money, they immediately spend on drink or skip them, they sell their votes to anyone at an opportunity, they can kill and rob just like that, and in this regard they are even worse than animals.
  Considerations of free time in their minds are associated with processes: drink, have a bite, take a walk and it"s nice for them to shit their neighbor.
  Rentier, that is, loafers who live on interest from their capital, differ from lumpens only by the representation in their self-awareness about own value, linking it, however, not with own achievement, which are no longer or were not, but with the possession of financial or other means, that forces them in order to preserve this value in every possible way, to take care of saving capital, turning into lumpens with its loss.
  It is the worries about saving capital and the thought of the terrible collapse of everything with its loss, that makes their life, seemingly filled with free time, in which they gradually decompose and become dull in various ways, along with that so disturbing, restless that everything becomes not sweet for them.
  There are individuals in society, always crowded with deep feeling of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of big conveniences to existence. However, this individualist feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, altruistically demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals are manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living.
  This category of any community prefers non-standard life situations owing to rejection of only formal-logical approaches to life - such a life for them is boring and meaningless, like working on a conveyor for tightening nuts.
  True, there are not so many talents among them, but this does not depend on education and upbringing, but on the size of individual fields and subfields of the brain, as well as their combination - not too common - favorable for certain types of creative activity.
  However, the specified combination of both types of consciousness at them, irrespective of existence of talents and abilities, steadily attracts them to creative activity.
  Anyway, the free time for similar creative persons - a pure fiction.
  They always try to create, often forgetting about rest.
  Grafomanians write, artists draw, sculptors sculpt with varying degrees of success, composers mix sounds to achieve a somewhat interesting combination, inventors and innovators of all kinds create new devices, programs, receiving, however, often the same bike, but all they and other creators of the new or unusual, despite the mostly depressing results of their creative efforts, don"t want to join the ordinary civil "swamp", being intoxicated by the apparent for them the transformation of the world and society, especially that the civilization level, indeed, is growing both culturally and technologically thanks to the efforts of representatives of their company, and not someone else.
  Naturally, they are proud of this, and if suddenly, for reasons beyond their control, these creative ardor is withdrawn, then life loses all meaning - it remains only to get drunk every day or shoot in oneself, as was done, for example, by Hemingway, Mayakovsky, Fadeev.
  It should be noted, however, that when the lowest consciousness dominates, then at lowering the level of self-consciousness, which goes over a certain limit, creative persons, useful for the development of society, turns into adventurers and scammers who begin to use their non-standard and effective approaches to solving various problems either for their own entertainment, or with selfish intentions.
  Slightly reduced levels of the lowest and highest types of consciousness, as well as the intellect, compared with creative persons, are quite capable of giving a whole cohort of business people (businessmen) who did not fall in their self-consciousness up to the level of politicians and other deceivers, representing mainly the power elite.
  Business people are able to do a lot of things, trying it is non-standard to approach economic activity, but don't forget themselves at all, and their unselfishness comes down, as a rule, to charity for decrease of tax losses.
  It is their somewhat lower level of self-awareness by comparison with true inventors and artists turns the businessmen in crisis situations into the same scammers.
  True, they reject this in every possible way, but for the most part they choose exactly themselves, but not a public good.
  They understand their free time, how the process of lying down on the deck of a yacht, but not too lingering, because the time-consuming procedure of making money implies, for the most part, instead of rest to preserving what was obtained, which bandits, bankers, officials and other crooks and thieves strive to take from them all time.
  Businessmen who are hesitant about morality are adjoined by managerial economists just as unstable in this regard.
  They know how to build good models of effective management in the economy, science and even in politics, but being on the salary from the ruling elite, serve it, and therefore, they can hardly be an ethical role model, even more so the final decisions are by no means taken by them, but by the same power elites, within which there is always a struggle for larger powers of authority, and the decisions themselves are, as a rule, produced not with position of the interests of the country, the people, but for their own preservation and enrichment.
  Picking u the crumbs from the master's table, these figures console themselves for all humiliations by all kinds of entertainment in their free time, the quality and quantity of which depends on their financial wellbeing.
  What can be gleaned from this brief review of factor of free time as a measure of the human liberty and initiative?
  It turns out, that free time, except for a brief rest, is not at all required for eternally busy creative persons and informal intellectuals.
  This phenomenon occurs because, turning all their time into a creative form of activity, they get the opportunity of searching of an exit out of limits of any established order that, of course, is more pleasant and kinder than routine entertainments, the more so similar process of conscious transformation of everything unites them with divine powers.
  Thus, the dissatisfaction of their consciousness with themselves which always is present for them, is realized into the development of ways of own change by a path of the most effective impact on the existing beingness with this or that accounting of its counteraction that in itself only can provide to consciousness to express by oneself in new forms as exempts it from fetters of necessity, despite the physical and mental stay within the framework of one or another order, unlike all other representatives of the human race,
  Other groups of the population, with rare exceptions, use their free time for stupid, unworthy, barren or even dangerous activities for themselves and society, at best simply "killing" this time, i.e. spending it in the manner of their ancestors - monkeys, which indicates the pithiness of their consciousness only during at least some kind of labor activity.
  And this means, that they can only be a kind of more or less fertile soil for the sprouts of liberty, inside which exactly during the labor activity at least somehow manifests life, but not by barren soil, which they are in their free time.
  It is impossible to do without this fertile soil, but it by itself is not and will not be a blooming garden of freedom, which, however, cannot exist without it just as self-consciousness cannot function without the animal consciousness.
  However, the transformation of this soil into barren does senseless the existence of a small creatively active part of the population, which already finds no response from the degraded masses, and therefore the very existence of civilization becomes problematic.
  In connection with the noted correlation of different population groups and free time, we consider a outlined collision briefly.
  If pithiness of consciousness, that is, the lack of apparent degradation of the considerable proportion of the population is maintained any kind of the labor activity, then almost total its disappearance of it owing to automation, robotics and computerizations practically all production, transport, energy, agricultural and other processes, including the service sector, should inevitably lead the entire population, except for creative persons and some part of managers, - and their number is relatively small, - to a situation of complete immersion in "free time", which they do not know how, and do not wish to use for the goals of developing , mainly, as shown above, due to the weakness of self-awareness.
  Naturally, new information from the sphere of technology, science, culture, for the comprehension which is necessary to work hard and have appropriate training, is rejected by them in the benefit of easily digestible information from the sphere of consumption, low-grade entertainment, animal pleasures, etc.
  In other words, the novelty of information flows for almost the entire population is minimized, which leads to the cessation of its self-development in favor of the flourishing of animal instincts, that is, to rapid degradation.
  Thus, a trend appears that opposes cultural and civilizational development.
  At the same time, the transition to the computerization of almost all processes in the civilization scheme not only deprives the population of work, but also transfers control of the super complex and multi-level civilization system to standard programs with minimal human involvement.
  However, the most advanced computers are not able to go beyond the scope of these programs on their own, and specialists who control the work of computer control centers find themselves unable to quickly or adequately change or rebuild these programs when the civilization system reaches a certain limit of complexity and fluidity of incoming data, both because of the suddenness of critical or even catastrophic situations, and because of a lack of understanding of the essence of the processes due to the limited resources of the human organism and, accordingly, an adequate reaction to the changes, on which the person takes on oneself the final decisions, but not the computer.
  The similar situation often conducts to a decision making not on elimination of the true reasons of failures in work of both technological, and public processes which remain hidden owing to the reasons stated above - it is eliminated, as a rule, the secondary phenomena or only those, which the expert can find and estimate within own intelligence and own reactions to the events,
  As a result of the similar - obliged symptomatic approach, accumulating errors lead to fatal results.
  These may be stopping traffic, stopping the flow of energy, mass protests of the population due to incorrectly calculated reforms, the beginning of global war, etc.
  This kind of situation can be qualified as information collapse, that is, the position, when the amount of incoming information begins to exceed the capabilities of the centers that process it, and the structure of the real system due to the lack of ability to organize avalanche-like incoming information in a form that adequately reflects the structure of this multi-level system remains out of the undertaken influences.
  Both these cases - the reduction of the novelty of information flows for the majority of the population to zero, and the receipt of information in an amount exceeding the capabilities of specialists who control the centers processing this information - converge regarding a malfunction in the functioning of the civilization system.
  However, if to bypass the coming information collapse by means of exception of a part of technologies from the circulation and resumption the former forms of work of the population, then it will be removed from the mode of the free time, and thereby gets the former consumption of information flows, As a result, the functioning of a civilization system can be restored, however, with significant delay of rates of development, that is, it will pass in other own time.
  Otherwise, the overload of people-managed centers by fast-flowing avalanche-like information leads to the loss of control of almost all technological and social processes, as a result of which the civilization system is destroyed, that is, its own time is completed.
  In this case, the highest consciousness of each person in the absence of a cultural and technological basis has not anything to interact with.
  Therefore, the level of this part of human consciousness, while not completely is resetting up to zero, but, nevertheless, not drops to minimum values, and the lowest (animal) consciousness becomes dominant, since it is able to more effectively guide an individual after the disappearance of the civilizational shell in the wild, where the struggle for survival comes to the fore.
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