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What can be revealed from the other side of fear?

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    Until now, the clear definition of the concept of fear, as well as the place and significance of this phenomenon in relation to both the main strata of society and society as a whole, has not been given. The attempt to solve these problems is presented in this article.

  If any psychologist - and there are enough of them - will tell you that fear can be overcome, and even offer a number of methods to do this, send it as far as possible, since fear, like pain, are integral properties, without which the normal functioning of any living organism is impossible, which is the positive meaning of fear, while its negative value is the introduction of the psyche into an upset or stressful state, from which it is sometimes very difficult to get out.
  True, there are states of intense passion or craziness in which fear, like pain, are lost, but these states go beyond the normal existence without assuming the survival of the organism.
  Of course, a sense of a person fear can be weakened by pharmacological agents or hypnotic techniques, but these approaches are not related to real life, since they cannot be used constantly. Moreover, they destroy the system of interaction of the body with the environment and lead organism to rapid death in the case of more or less regular use the same as when using drugs.
  If it is impossible to get rid of fear at all, there are subjects or situations, causing fear that can be eliminated, replaced, or dispensed without them. For example, with an evil wife (husband) who regularly and gruelingly causes fear, you can divorce, replacing her with another, or you can never marry at all. You can do the same with a picky and nasty boss.
  True, the other subjects producing fear will not go anywhere.
  Besides, there are false, or invented, fears of non-existent dangers. Here you can fight them. Although directly to the true fear caused by the real threat, they have no relation.
  But, alas, a lot of subjects or situations that cause or giving birth to fear, such as the opponent"s hatred, diseases, death, cannot be eliminated, replaced, or circumvented, but it is possible to try to debar oneself somewhat from them, for example, to stop thinking about them, although the very threat, the precursor of which is fear, does not disappear anywhere from this.
  In addition, sometimes fear in relation to certain phenomena, especially social ones, has such a positive meaning that it needs to be supported, not fought against. Examples of this are shown below.
  Philosophers and psychologists define fear as follows.
  V. I. Dahl points out that fear is an internal condition caused by a real or perceived disaster [1].
  This definition does not include the meaning of fear for a person and his communities, and also does not indicate the main objects or phenomena, except for disasters, causing fear for various strata of society.
  Psychologist A. N. Leontyev considers fear a negatively colored emotional process. At this, for animals, fear is an emotion based on past negative experience, which plays a role in the survival of an organism [2].
  This definition of fear practically does not differ from the definition of fear by Dahl V.I., except that he extended it to animals, indicating that it is important for the survival of various organisms.
  Psychologist and doctor A. I. Zakharov defines fear as "an affective (emotionally pointed) reflection in the consciousness of a particular threat to a person"s life and well-being" [3]. At the same time, he notes there that fear is based on the instinct of self-preservation, has a protective character and is accompanied by physiological changes in higher nervous activity, that affects the pulse rate and respiration, blood pressure, gastric secretion.
  In his definition of fear, A. I. Zakharov, like his predecessors, does not pamper us with novelty, emphasizing the reflection in it of a threat to existence and pointing to its protective character, that contributes to survival, and adds some physiological parameters, that is quite banal.
  Carroll Isard attributes fear to the basic emotions, believing that it is an innate emotional process with a genetically defined physiological component, a strictly defined facial expression and a specific subjective experience [4]. He considers that the causes of fear are a real or imaginary danger, at this fear mobilizes an organism for avoiding behavior, the running away [5].
  K. E. Isard adds little to the above definitions of fear above, so how everyone knows that he must go through fear, just as he knows that the appearance of fear implies a desire to get away from the subject of fear.
  All other specialists in this field of knowledge, in essence, utter similar ideas, confirming that fear refers to innate emotions as reactions to a threat associated with the instinct of self-preservation (J. Watson, W. James., Z. Freud, F. Riemann, O. Maurer, C. Spielberger, N. I. Konyukhov, F. B Berezin), sometimes introducing small details, which do not change essentially anything in relation to the concept of fear.
  In general, it turns out that apart from the demonstration of fairly obvious signs by the respected experts, nothing the informative about fear is said by them.
  The multivalued meaning behind the notion of fear for a person and his communities in their definitions of fear is absent. Besides, they do not identify the main subjects or situations other than disasters that cause fear for representatives of different strata of society, nor do they indicate the causes for the appearance of fear.
  Why it happens?
  The fact is that before going into details and trying to uncover the phenomenon, it is necessary to determine the points of application of this phenomenon. In particular, for this case, it is necessary to distinguish between animal consciousness and human consciousness, having shown their difference and accordingly having determined the subjects and causes of fear in connection with this difference.
  The bottom line is that for a person, in addition to the natural consciousness inherited by him from his ancestors, which developed in the living world for hundreds of millions of years, a mandatory presence of self-consciousness is characteristic, which first appeared in its infancy only at hominids several million years ago. Therefore, the subjects and causes of fear must be appropriately divided, especially since these subjects and causes of fear that appear for the first time during the development of the human communities are of a different - non-natural - character, depending already on the relations of people in society.
  In addition, it is necessary to identify individual differences in people's consciousness, to identify the strata into which they fall in accordance with the differences between natural (animal, or the lowest) consciousness and self-consciousness (the highest consciousness), and only then try to find the main subjects of fear for representatives of the identified strata.
  Fear as a sensation for all living beings in reality is a reaction to a actual impending threat to a habitual existence, expressed initially in the appearance of alertness, and then the appearance of anxiety, which for warm-blooded creatures, in the case of turning of the danger into a real attack, is transformed first into fear, and then into the strongest fright (horror), creating the corresponding adrenaline release into blood that gives, for example, to antelopes the highest speed of rescue from a predator, and to a predator - aggressiveness in attack on the expected production or rage in battle with the rival, acting thereby at instinctively-hormonal level.
  Thus, fear is a kind of detonator in creating for the creature a situation, that is beneficial for survival, that is, the status of maintaining the sensations entering the body, without which - and this feels every creature up to the amoeba - comes a void, that already animals know about, because for them it happens in a dream or during fainting.
  And in this regard, no living creature is able to become fearless, just as it cannot exclude pain from its life, which indicates the degree of damage to a particular organ.
  Fear indicates the reluctance of any creature to lose sensations, a significant part of which is obviously pleasant, and this reluctance affirms life, although not a single living creature, except a person, does not grasp own existence in the world, that is, it does not understand that this existence in the framework of the current time is ended with death.
  Hence the difference in the nature of fear between animals and humans.
  Animal fear coincides with the nature of fear in the natural (animal) part of a person"s consciousness, which, like any primate, responds to real danger, but fear, which manifests in that part of consciousness that makes a person aware of himself in the environment, making him no longer not only a simple dynamic component of this environment, but also partly its owner and conscious transformer for its own benefit, has a different character, directly determined by relations in society, which in turn is based on the relationship between the natural (animal) and self-conscious components of human consciousness, since self-consciousness is inherent only to a person and his communities, and it should influence in some way on the natural part of consciousness and vice versa, especially since they act together in the human brain, and are inseparable in this regard.
  Therefore, for self-consciousness, since thanks to it a person is able to imagine, design and fantasize, may occur and the fictitious dangers, and respectively fear, associated with the existence of a person not in conditions of the wild nature, but in society, naturally, are of a different character compared to the natural fear.
  That is, in addition to the benefits that self-awareness gives a person, it brings many negative consequences.
  As for the lack of aware of himself by any living being, except man as a subject of action, setting goals before oneself, that are not related to the instinctive-reflex sphere of life activity, makes these purely natural beings quite satisfied with existence inside own niche of life according to standard programs that they do not understand and do not seek to consciously change. These creatures have no morality, and the laws of their existence are reduced to purely biological, in which aspirations to occupy the most favorable position for nutrition and reproduction predominate, and their very slow development occurs through to the action of due to randomness in the form of mutations in the genome.
  Intuitively, this situation was noted back in the 19th century by the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard: "If a person had no eternal consciousness, if some wild power was the basis of everything, a power that, interwoven in dark passions, gives rise to everything from great to insignificant, if the bottomless emptiness was hidden behind everything, which cannot be saturated with anything, what would life be then if not for despair? If it were so, if there were no sacred bonds binding humanity together, if one generation grew after another like leaves in the forest, if one generation followed another like the songs of birds in the thicket, if the human race was passing through the world without leaving a trace, like a ship gliding on water, or like a wind rushing through the desert like a thoughtless and barren whim, if eternal oblivion always eagerly awaited its prey and no force could tear this prey out of its claws, how in that case life would have been inconsolable and empty! [6, p. 20].
  Although, of course, such a situation is purely hypothetical, since a person was given forever not only natural consciousness, but also self-consciousness as the highest consciousness for their joint manifestation.
  Self-consciousness gives a person and his communities the ability to transform certain chaos, more precisely, the dominance of randomness in development, which is the reason for its slowness, into accelerated development, which is caused by a more ordered, that is, purposeful, policy of acquiring benefits both by a person and his communities in his existence.
  In other words, this new tendency in the development of living organisms can be expressed as follows: "The additional program of the consciously-targeted actions, that appeared in a living entity in the form of a hominid is distinguished by the lack of autonomy: it allows this creature to be aware of oneself and own actions within the environment only in conjunction with the previous program for the reflexive-instinctive mechanism of actions, providing a possibility of existence of an organism in the environment, that is, its nutrition, reproduction, metabolism, random variability. Therefore, on the one hand, the consciousness of a new creature bifurcates, but, on the other hand, it is not able to split completely, being one entity, in which, nevertheless, there is a struggle all the time due to the multidirectionality of aspirations, one of which aimed at survival in any way, others - to the harmonization of surroundings... In other words, it is possible to state the fact of the emergence of absolutely special, dual being, on the one hand, which is still as a part of the environment, but, on the other hand, - as a being, completely separate of the environment, who tries not only to understand own surrounding, but also to subjugate everything that is before him, that is, which believes oneself already not only by a live organism, and the extra natural essence, in a certain measure owning time... Let's note further very remarkable fact: the randomness in usual life, presented inside the person in the form of the lowest (animal) consciousness, and the highest consciousness (consciously-target expression of consciousness) are antagonists in the respect what, if the subject, having the highest consciousness, is mistaken, then he will be is capable to understand the mistake and to correct deeds, significantly having accelerated own advance on the way of development, while the randomness is some kind of edge of consciousness, making the essence of the lowest part of consciousness. Consciousness uses the random if it doesn't know what and how to do at this level of development, but, accepting in attention a random, though slowly - with kickbacks and zigzags - nevertheless moves ahead.
  Thus, the antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness both in the person, and his communities means emergence of the new driving force, providing the fastest development of consciousness in its carrier - the person [7, part 3, section 5].
  However, the emerging benefit in the new existence - with a dual consciousness - is understood by each person in his own way.
  For some persons are the closest the animal sensations in the form of aspirations for the most enjoyable - precisely in the sense of feelings - life: the animal part of consciousness dominates in them. Others, in which self-awareness prevails, are most striving to know the world around them, either to make the life of all people without sorrows and worries, or to develop their abilities. That is, value concepts in people can be completely different, and this, as you see, depends on the ratio of self-consciousness and animal consciousness in each person, as well as in his communities.
  Therefore, in the same way, the nature of fear of people depends on the degree of dominance in each of them of the animal or self-conscious component of consciousness.
  In particular, some people fearlessly go to death for the sake of their ideas, while others cling to life in every way, even if it turns into hell.
  As a result, the meaning of fear for humans compared to animal changes. If the animals it only warned and initiated to prevent the threat to life, for man himself and his communities he became not only a precursor to the threat, but a kind of engine of progress, because, in particular, he proved able to involve large groups and even masses of the population in the struggle for change in existence, accelerating the development of communities. The relevant evidence is given below.
  Thus, common to all people is the animal fear, expressed in reaction to a real danger, that is, in the aspiration to somehow avoid it.
  In addition to this fear, there are other - universal for all people - expressions of fear that already go beyond the purely instinctive-hormonal sphere, that is, the expressions of fear that a person realize and even plan, knowing their reasons, being already not in the wild environment, but in an organized society.
  These reasons of fear include real and imaginary objects and phenomena, for example, in the form of natural and social disasters; imaginary disasters that may come; formidable god who will punish for sins; dark streets with alleged bandits and rapists; unemployment; arrogant and unpunished bosses; strong and unpredictable neighbors; diseases; death and much more.
  But this is not enough.
  If we recognize the duality of consciousness of both a person and his communities and, accordingly, the mutual influence of these components of consciousness on each other, then the entire adult population can be empirically divided into several main strata depending on the degree of dominance of one or the other form of consciousness and its level, i.e. prevail of weakness or strength of these components of consciousness - animal and self-consciousness.
  Such basic strata are philistines, representatives of imperious structures and other "heads" (the power elite); informally-intellectual opposition layer; creative persons. These strata are supplemented in between by representatives of paramilitary and law enforcement agencies, ministers of worship, businessmen, managers, rentiers, criminals and all sorts of lumpen.
  It should be noted that intelligence has no direct relation to the lower (animal) consciousness, nor to self-consciousness, since it is a kind of reflection of the technical efficiency of processing information entering the system that controls the body (the brain for a person), being present in any living creature - from bacteria to person-genius. Consciousness merely owns by an available intellect and apply it. Intellect can be powerful in a notorious scoundrel and weak in an honest, educated and cultured person.
  The weak development of self-consciousness and the equally weak manifestation of animal consciousness (low level of dissatisfaction of consciousness in both cases), which are in a balanced state, characterize the main largest group of any community - the so-called philistines (the common people), diverse in professions - from the baker and the farmer to the paramedic and clerk, as well as non-working individuals - from a pensioner to a housewife.
  The consequence of such weakness is their insignificant interest in any activity that is not directly related to their well-being.
  As a rule, powerful intelligence, which appears not only due to the possession of innate abilities, but also is developed and strengthened by long studies, participation in various educational programs, aspirations for hard-to-reach goals, to such individuals is not peculiar not only because of their lack of high aspirations, but also due to the influence of the mediocre or, as used to say, philistine environment, lack of accessible social elevators, financial resources for education, etc.
  Thus, philistines are one in the following.
  All representatives of this most significant layer of each community are guided mainly by their own reason and experience: preoccupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not aspire to either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves to the desire of a hassle-free and well-fed life in which it are desirable see troubles only on the monitor screen.
  The philistines do not feel the desire for new at the expense of their own efforts, seeking a more comfortable state of life from the position of simple acquisition and consumption of finished goods.
  Naturally, the nature of fear inherent in the representatives of this stratum of society is associated mostly with the loss of stability of the society, where everything is familiar and comfortable enough of the philistine, like a frog in a swamp. Therefore, the philistine is always afraid of changes, a new, unknown, but due to the weakness of consciousness, and hence to non-independence, or more exactly, non-self-reliance, he tends to succumb to outside influences, which can lead nevertheless to a new one, although basically these influences come down to deceit in the form of unenforceable promises, and to the use of this layer of the population as a low-paid labor resource by these deceivers, as a rule, by politicians representing the ruling elite.
  Thus, the fear of the new, combined with the weakness of consciousness, paradoxically as it may be, allows you to engage the average person in a movement towards the unknown, if it promises him even more comfort and stability, even if it is deceiving. Without this, popular unrest would have been impossible, as well as, in fact, progress itself.
  In this regard, the philistine"s fear before the unknown opens the gates to liberty, making him more active at appropriate seeding, that is, this fear plays a positive role for society.
  Be that as it may, the conditions of existence of the philistine can be changed or they can change, or he himself can change them, just as the consciousness itself can manifest itself from an unexpected side, thereby causing other character of fear that can have both positive and negative connotations. In particular, the philistine can replace certain fears with others by making an attempt to change his own way of life, thereby moving to another stratum of the population, which, for example, was made by an illiterate pie seller at the bazaar Aleksashka Menshikov, having become under the Emperor Peter I in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century by the prince, never having mastered the letter - he learned only to sign the documents.
  The working philistines are also joined by the non-working, which include pensioners and housewives, who make up a significant part of the population.
  In itself, transforming into the philistines of often quite fairly clever and fairly developed individuals is caused, with rare exceptions, by a rather rapid drop in the level of both lowest and highest consciousness among pensioners due to the loss of the labor process and the absence of its fully-fledged replacement in the free time that appeared.
  The explanation for this is simple: with age, the functioning of the brain deteriorates, in particular, it is falling memory, quick of the reaction, quick wit, acuity in understanding one's own place in the world. Force, dexterity, enterprise, and, therefore, competitiveness in comparison with younger individuals are also declining due to health problems.
  In addition, a retired person is far from young, which means that he becomes more apathetic, indifferent to everything due to the lack of prospects, except for impending death.
  Therefore, for example, public life interests him only from the standpoint of maintaining stability, if, of course, it exists, but any changes, whose essence he does not understand and which he can no longer adapt to, are only disturbing him.
  Naturally, a pensioner in this respect becomes both selfish and conservative.
  However, like other philistines, pensioners are, albeit a dormant, but the formidable force that can sweep away any power if it tries to deprive them of a stable and trouble-free existence, as a result of the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, which they have not lost, and which reacts harshly to a significant deterioration in living conditions.
  The main thing, except fear of loss of stability in society what pensioners fears and what puts them into a stupor is the lack of prospects. Therefore, pensioners, how they can, try to distract themselves from thoughts of inevitable and not so distant demise, impending illnesses and coming helplessness.
  Some spend all their time and miserable pensions for permanent treatment, believing at the expense of this dubious action they will delay themselves in a new and largely incomprehensible world for them, unreliable and offensive to the still preserved at them dignity.
  Others kill time by growing cucumbers in the summer, and in winter they seize these cucumbers for drinking the strong drinks, bringing themselves to a complete dullness.
  Still others spend days tapping dominoes with their knuckles, not wanting to think about anything at all, since now there is such opportunity.
  The fourth borrow their time with the composition of complaints to the wrong actions of all bureaucratic instances without special hope for proper response.
  The most optimistic dance and sing in the corresponding circles, and the cleverest write novels and stories, which no one needs and uninteresting, posting them on the Internet.
  The rest are trying to find at least some kind of work to think less about their sad fate.
  Housewives, who also represent a significant part of philistines, as and pensioners, fall into a kind of trap of lack of prospects, fearing already not close death, but impossibility to go beyond the scope of housekeeping.
  Petty daily worries just as quickly reduce the level of their animal consciousness and self-consciousness due to the inability to be distracted for following high aspirations, especially since they are dependent on the husband, who feeds the family, and in this connection become ordinary conformists.
  The only thing left for them from household burden is a look in rare moments of rest at a strange world from a window or on a monitor screen.
  They fear the meaninglessness of their life, but they cannot end it because it is impossible to leave their children, house without any means of subsistence.
  Thus, elimination or replacement of these types of fears for pensioners and housewives is impossible, and their negative nature is obvious.
  The Russian writer Anton Chekhov displayed the life of the philistines most clearly in his stories, of which the story "Gooseberry" stands out.
  The main character of the story leads a monotonous, boring life. He is saving up money for the estate to have gooseberries there. It was his dream: to live on the estate with gooseberries. He didn"t want anything more: "Village life has its conveniences, - he used to say. - You sit on the balcony, drink tea, and ducks swim on the pond, it smells so good and ... and the gooseberry grows."
  So what? He has accumulated money for the estate, has started gooseberries, gradually degrade - "aged, got fat, became flabby." He was suing his neighbors, fearing any changes, was not interested in anything but his gooseberry, ate a lot and was quite pleased with own existence.
  And about the need for changes, he was expressed like this: "Education is necessary, but it is premature for the people," "corporal punishment is generally harmful, but in some cases they are useful and irreplaceable."
  Be that as it may, the philistines are the main soil for formation of intellectual and imperious layers; representatives of these layers are being grew from this soil accidentally, hereditary or thanks to these or those proficiency, competence or abilities which raised them above the average level, and this soil they can ruin or improve, since the people are, as a rule, passive because of the load by the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people; the lack of the adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow it to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable persons at all.
  Similar people stands out only a few percent.
  Thus, the faceless mass of the population outwardly acquires development in the person of their representatives in power and in informal-intellectual opposition to power.
  Among philistines are always individuals with a slightly higher level of the animal consciousness - this is a kind of result of fluctuations of consciousness. This factor in this case can cause them to strive not only for a well-fed, calm and comfortable life, but also for dominance among their own kind.
  Taking away from the highest consciousness the appropriate share of intelligence, which includes increased ingenuity, and from the lowest consciousness - speed of reaction, quite good strong-willed qualities and energy, skill to communicate, sufficient dexterity, cunning, insidiousness and unprincipledness, these individuals get advantage before the others - more inert members of the community in the form of philistines, highly moral intellectuals of all sorts and other relatively sluggish or anxious with another matters of members of the population, who are not able to deftly push aside or slander a rival, as well as really enjoy by the humiliation of the subordinate, and at the same time to endure the mockery from the side of their superiors.
  The lack of intelligence at the persons, broke into the power elite, is compensated by the involvement of numerous advisers, but because the decisions eventually have to be taken them, insofar they, as the true creators of their own happiness, initially consider their activities from the position of personal (corporate), and not the people's good, with a roll in the direction of retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own dominance and the acquisition of all kinds of privileges, clogging up in addition to it the various management and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  Therefore, the hopes of naive masses to correct these moral freaks, cunning, hypocritical rogues, representing the power elites of various states competing with each other, have no basis, regardless of the structure of the state and its degree of development - from despotism to parliamentary democracy.
  For the representatives of the power, a dominant inevitably is the lowest consciousness, that is, in their consciousness there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-sufficient personalities and not as consumers. Power and practically the unlimited access to privileges and property belittles them so much that they see in the masses only a source of wealth for themselves and a field for the manifestation of their own low instincts. However, fearing the anger of the people and the counteraction the informal opposition, they are forced to resist anarchy, retaining, in particular, through reforms, the order that ensures the functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  They always withdraw money in all possible ways, mainly from the budget, that is, from the people, since they have no abilities and desire for honest ways of earning, yes, there are no concepts of honor, conscience, decency in their monkey essence: well, how can"t take it away from the people, that is, the cattle, if it is possible to trample them with impunity with the help of courts and law enforcement agencies, all, that is required to the power elite to be luxurious life according their monkey concepts.
  Nevertheless, the need to protect the conquered place in the structures of power from the encroachments of competitors always overshadows this pleasant life with respect to sensations - and this is the most important thing for them. Otherwise, instead of having a pleasant feeling of omnipotence in relation to the large masses of the population, one will have to mock only his own wife, and only, if she allows it.
  Therefore, the main nature of the fear among these representatives of the population is a permanent phobia of losing their place in the power elite, where, without special talents, one can achieve significant benefits thanks to servility before the bosses.
  But some members of the power elite eventually get tired of this kind of fear - they want to move away from the accepted role of, in essence, the overbearing primate.
  Trying to eliminate this subject of fear - the loss of authority - means coming into conflict with the basic property of any living being - dominance among similar of oneself to improve the quality of the sensations received, especially if this property of the lowest consciousness is expressed more strongly than usual.
  It is a strong desire to prevail over others is the true cause of perseverance, due to which cling to power even in adverse circumstances.
  But if to those, who in power, the strong internal (animal) sense of dominance counteracts to eliminate the subject of fear, and only a few are able to overcome it, then replacing the subject of fear, for example, at the end of a career, is quite possible, especially since this character of fear annoy to some representatives of the ruling elite in the end - they want to move away from the accepted role, essentially an imperious primate.
  And they have for this, at least two outlets due to the proximity of their dual consciousness on the one hand to the consciousness of the philistine, and on the other hand, to the consciousness of a creative individual.
  Therefore, they can, in principle, replace their fear of the difficulties of managing large masses of people and the fear of the intrigues of fierce competitors on a quieter life of the philistine with his rather mediated fear of change due to a decrease in his own self-awareness and weakening of his animal consciousness to almost the level of a philistine, by sheltered oneself into an almost impenetrable shelter, for example, growing cabbage in the garden like Diocletian, who was recently the Emperor of Rome.
  They can also, on the contrary, having increased the level of their self-consciousness, move on into the category of creative people, thereby replacing the fear - representatives of the power elite, which negatively affects the development of self-consciousness, on the fear of a creative person to lose their creative abilities, which positively affects the development of self-consciousness, and to busy oneself by writing memoirs like Duke de Saint-Simon and the recent ruler of the USSR N. S. Khrushchev, or fabricating aphorisms and maxims as Duke de Larochefoucault, sincerely feeling proud of own creations.
  As a reverse example of a power-hungry lover, one can point to Hitler's closest assistant - his personal architect and Reich Minister of Armaments and Ammunition Albert Speer - the obliging, unprincipled and, at the same time, very talented and clever individual.
  He was the author of the project for the new Reich Chancellery and the territory of NSDAP congresses in Nuremberg, the master plan for the reconstruction of Berlin, he successfully led the German military industry and its reorientation to total war. In particular, from February to August of the 42nd year, German military production grew by 60%, two years later it doubled.
  Despite his quite high level of culture and even some independence, Speer was well aware of the crimes of the Nazis. Moreover, he used the services of Himmler, who supplied him labor from concentration camps, and Speer did not object to Hitler's other villainous plans. He enjoyed all the benefits provided to him by his position, fearing only disfavor from Hitler and serving him faithfully until the collapse of the Reich.
  Due to the fact that the intelligent Speer was an "ugly duckling" in the company of rude and arrogant Nazi bosses, they constantly humiliated him, and Goering even plotted against Speer. However, Speer did not leave his post and he was accepting all bullying, not only because of fear of Hitler, but also because he could not give up power, which was unlimited for him in the military industry.
  In addition, the loss of power, sometimes, means the loss of life or the confiscation of considerable property, that is, it is associated respectively with the disappearance of sensations in general or the replacement of familiar pleasant feelings with troubles and even deprivations.
  Opposes this cohort, in fact, of scoundrels that make up the power elite (more about this in our works "How did the rulers act and doing now? and how - the people under them?" [8, section 7] and "What were the true aspirations of the glorified rulers and the reasons that caused them?" [8, section 8], the informal-intellectual opposition.
  Representatives of this community stratum as well as representatives of the power elite are arising initially from the wide ranks of philistines
  Among philistines always be individuals, who in their development achieve, despite all difficulties, domination over the animal consciousness of self-consciousness of the high level, which causes them mainly altruistic aspirations, the main of which is the desire to bring benefits to all the oppressed, and to transform the world into harmonious and happy for all without exemptions.
  Informal intellectuals, pursuing basically the goals opposite to the goals of the representatives of the power elite, are forced to appeal to the people, proving their rightness and anti-people of the elite-oppressor, which, in turn, must justify itself and stigmatize by shame of the rotten informal-dreamers who can only speak, not rule and predominate.
  Informal intellectuals should be understood as not indifferent people of intellectual labor, intellectuals of various kinds, as well as relatively few representatives of the rest of the population who managed to somehow rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates them an aversion to the immoral and self-serving behavior of the power elite.
  Informal intellectuals have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  Informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, - have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of workers, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic governing elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  The problem of determining the true driving force of the development of man and his communities was revealed by us in the work "The Driving Force and Source of Development of the Person and His Communities (Against L. N. Gumilev's passionarity)" [9, part 3, section 3].
  In the result, the people, willy-nilly, are involved by energy of this struggle into a forward motion, which can also be evolutionary at the consent of the power elite with the opposition from the nonconformists-intellectuals to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump into a different course if there is no such agreement, which is reflected in the public consciousness as a clear injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power upon the occurrence of suitable conditions.
  Therefore, given stratum of the population is most afraid of the loss by the masses of the aspiration for their own good, how informal intellectuals understand this good.
  A positive feature of this fear is that the representatives of the informal opposition to the authorities are trying to influence the philistines more and more persistently to involve them in the fight against the power elite that they hate, accelerating the course of social development thanks to this, and struggling with the power elite by all means, exposing its immorality, greed, stupidity, the ever-greater estrangement from the people and preference of the elite for purely utilitarian values, which on the whole significantly slows down the development of self-consciousness, thereby reducing the progressive movement of civilization to minimum.
  A characteristic feature of informal intellectuals thanks to the highest possible level of self-consciousness, which dominates over the animal consciousness to the greatest extent, and the presence of a clear sense of superiority in nobleness over representatives of other strata of the population, and the sense of themselves by the leading force in social development, is the lack for them of aspiration to exchange their main fear at other its expressions, characteristic of other strata of the population of society.
  One of the most striking examples of the fighter of the public good is the Russian democrat N. G. Chernyshevsky.
  In his articles under the general heading "On the new conditions of rural life" (1858-59), He expressed the idea of the immediate release of peasants with land without any ransom. Then, in his opinion, communal land ownership will remain, which will gradually lead to socialist land use. He believed that only through education would people learn to choose new and progressive paths, serve the population, be humanists and historical optimists. He believed that it is necessary to strive to meet the needs of people, which will remove the obstacles to the flowering of personality and the causes of moral pathologies. But for this it is necessary to change the living conditions in a revolutionary way. As a result, he was sent to hard labor in Siberia by the tsarist authorities.
  That is, he, as a true follower of the utopian socialists Fourier and Feuerbach, sought to excite the public, as it seemed to him, by the readiness of the peasants to switch to socialism directly from communal land ownership, assuming that the masses would adequately perceive his thoughts on such way to achieve the universal good.
  There are individuals in society, always crowded with deep feeling of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of big conveniences to existence. However, this individualist feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, altruistically demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals are manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living. However, this dominance, unlike representatives of the power elite, is insignificant.
  This category of any community prefers non-standard life situations owing to rejection of only formal-logical approaches to life - such a life for them is boring and meaningless, like working on a conveyor for tightening nuts.
  True, there are not so many talents among them, but this does not depend on education and upbringing, but on the size of individual fields and subfields of the brain, as well as their combination - not too common - favorable for certain types of the creative activity.
  However, the specified combination of both types of consciousness at them, irrespective of existence of talents and abilities, steadily attracts them to creative activity.
  They always try to create, often forgetting about rest.
  Grafomanians write, artists draw, sculptors sculpt with varying degrees of success, composers mix sounds to achieve a somewhat interesting combination, inventors and innovators of all kinds create new devices, programs, receiving, however, often the same bike, but all they and other creators of the new or unusual, despite the mostly depressing results of their creative efforts, don"t want to join the ordinary civil "swamp", being intoxicated by the apparent for them the transformation of the world and society, Especially since the civilization level, indeed, is growing both culturally and technologically thanks to the efforts of representatives of their company, and not someone else.
  Naturally, they are proud of their ability to create, considering it a derivative of the divine power that creates the worlds.
  Therefore, creative individuals are most afraid of losing their creativity, which gives them the greatest possible satisfaction with their activities driven in transforming the environment culturally and technologically.
  The positivity of this fear is that it pretty much keeps them in their own stratum due to understanding by them own leading role in the cultural and technological transformation of society, and it strengthens them in own consciousness of the engine of cultural and technological progress of society. Pride to be the leader of science and art does not allow them to change to other, though maybe more lucrative applications of their forces.
  An example of such creative personality may be Ludwig van Beethoven. He worked in all genres of musical composition. Beethoven also created a modern piano style, far from the harpsichordist style. His work had a special influence on all subsequent symphonism. The melodies of his symphonies 4 and 5 are especially beautiful.
  The fear of moving away from creativity kept Beethoven in his line, despite camest deafness. He even in this state learned to extract wonderful melodies from his own soul.
  It should nevertheless be noted that due to the insignificant, but nevertheless dominance in the consciousness of creative persons of the lower (animal) consciousness, a decrease in the level of self-consciousness that goes over a certain limit, turns creative individuals, who are useful for the development of society, into adventurers and scammers who begin to use their non-standard and effective approaches to solving various problems for own entertainment or with mercenary intentions.
  An adventurer, as we know, is an unprincipled person who plunges himself into various adventures for his own pleasure, and at the same time a person who hopes for a chance in some dubious venture.
  A scammer is an individual trying to deceive others for his own gain.
  Such were, for example, Casanova, Princess Tarakanov, Mata Hari, Elena Blavatskaya, Boris Savinkov, Madame Wong, Son Men Moon, Sergei Mavrodi and many others.
  They all consider themselves smarter and more resourceful than law enforcement officers and all others, but unlike representatives of the ruling elite, they do not despise these others and are not their oppressors, they only joke, as they consider, over people, and they deceive, as a rule, of the rich and noble, but can share the mined with ordinary people.
  Most of all they are afraid of losing their freedom for their semi-creative activity for their own benefit, and this is perhaps the only thing that constantly frustrates them, but they categorically do not want to exchange their position for another, believing that it is the most attractive of all available because of its a significant degree of creativity, which follows from the indicated correlation of their animal consciousness and self-consciousness.
  Similar adventurer and scammer was a Russian intellectual with mathematical abilities, Sergei Mavrodi. He was fond of chess and poker. His tendency to adventures was manifested in a favorable for these acts situation the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  He became the founder of Russia's largest pyramid, which affected up to 15 million people. Mavrodi correctly calculated that human greed and the aspiration to get the unearned money will attract a lot of non-poor and stupid people to him who want to become richer without much trouble.
  Quite quickly, he was sent to prison for hiding income. However, he did not calm down, and a few years later began to organize new financial pyramids - one after another. People were believing him, apparently because he knew how to captivate them even when his pyramids were collapsing. He spent a total of 6 years in prison.
  He managed to take advantage of people's weakness to unearned income, not only in Russia, but also in Africa, Asia, and even in Israel, the USA, Italy, and France.
  His fear of losing freedom led him to the idea of becoming a deputy and thereby gaining immunity. True, subsequently he still had to hide, but even in an illegal situation and in prison, he did not leave his apparently fraudulent activity, which was extremely enthralling for him, although money attracted him a little - he was interested in the process of obtaining of money quickly and in large quantities.
  Slightly lower levels of animal and the highest types of consciousness with some predominance of the lowest consciousness, as well as a weaker intellect compared to creative persons are quite capable of giving a whole cohort of business people, not fallen in their self-consciousness up to the level of politicians and other deceitful parasites, which make up mainly the power elite.
  Business people are able to do a lot of things, trying it is non-standard to approach economic activity, but don't forget themselves at all, and their unselfishness comes down, as a rule, to charity for decrease of tax losses.
  It is their somewhat lower level of self-awareness by comparison with true inventors and artists turns the businessmen in crisis situations into the same scammers.
  True, they reject this in every possible way, but for the most part they choose exactly themselves, but not a public good.
  The basic nature of their fear is represented by the strongest and constant fear of deprivation of what they have obtained through "hard labor," and on which the officials, bandits, bankers-money-lenders, and other crooks and extortionists, who is quite a lot, can always put their heavy hand.
  Their life is hard and hopeless in this respect, but the obtained goods significantly are brightening it, and businessmen are not inclined to change their position to a calmer one precisely because of the predominance in their minds of the components of animal consciousness, which gravitate so much towards pleasant comfort, active breeding of progeny and excellent nutrition.
  An example of not bad businessman is Bill Gates. He, together with Paul Allen, founded Microsoft in 1975. Paul Allen was engaged in technical ideas and promising developments, and Gates - in negotiations, contracts, etc.
  Having borrowed the basic idea from Xerox and Apple, Microsoft has proposed a fairly simple and users Microsoft Windows operating system.
  Having engaged in the spread of this system, Gates, on the wave of the personal computer revolution, over time has become one of the richest people in the world.
  In 1997, the ransomware tried get with him money, but the extortion failed.
  The relatively low level of his self-consciousness is confirmed by Gates' hobbies with various electronic systems and toys in his own super-comfortable house, which he shows to guests, as well as his passion for the play in bridge most of all.
  He compensates for the fear of losing the extracted funds not only by distraction on the bridge, but also by the relatively recent shift of his activities to charity, thereby trying to increase the number of his fans who can protect him if something happens.
  Business people who fluctuate with respect to morality are joined by similarly unsustainable economists and managers.
  They are also characterized by the prevalence of animal consciousness, but not such high as those of the power elite. However, their self-awareness is at a higher level than that of the power elite, but lower than that of creative individuals.
  However, this level of self-awareness is slightly higher than that of businessmen, who for this reason are more prone to fraudulent transactions at the slightest opportunity, that is, if they do not see immediate danger.
  Management economists tend to have good intelligence. They know how to build good models of effective management in the economy, science and even politics, but being on the salary at the power elite, they serve it, and therefore unlikely can be a role model ethically,
  They try not to argue with their employers, especially since the final decisions are by no means made by them, but by representatives of the power elite, within which there is always a struggle for great credentials, and the decisions themselves are, as a rule, not caused by the interests of the country or people, but by their thirst for own conservation and enrichment.
  Picking up crumbs from the master's table, these figures console themselves for all available humiliation by all sorts of entertainment in their spare time, the quality and quantity of which depends on their financial solvency.
  They are afraid most of all to lose the favor of own bosses, so as not to lose their position and material goods obtained, which are more significant in comparison with the philistines. In this regard, they are mostly loyal to their superiors, even if the decisions of superiors do not look quite adequate.
  Such manager and financier was Jean-Baptiste Colbert during the reign of Louis XIV in France.
  Colbert, the son of a merchant, owes his career to the first minister of France, Mazarini, who he had a manager, so devoted and inventive, that Mazarini after ten-year Colbert to ministry recommended him to the king, at whom he became the de facto finance minister over time, although formally the king himself controlled finances.
  Colbert served the king as faithfully as Mazarin, exposing abuses in financial matters. He streamlined the tax system, having increased the kingdom's income, ensured by increasing exports the growth in the flow of money to the treasury, regulated the preparation of goods in industry,
  ensured the creation of the navy by attracting, in particular, the population of coastal areas, providing him with various privileges, organized the development of new colonies, organized the construction of new highways and much more.
  His devotion to the king and success in working for the good of the state he achieved the preservation of his posts in the power elite, despite the plebeian origin. However, all his efforts were in vain, since the funds he had obtained and the streamlining of the state system did not benefit the country, but the wars, which the king led continuously, having bankrupted the state as a result.
  Even a small bias in the direction of the lowest consciousness in his quest for domination and the best (a nice, well-fed, with plenty of entertainment) life is pushing the philistines to the transition, if not directly into the ruling elite - to do this, similar persons should own by quite high degree of dominance, - then, at least, into the managers, security officers, in fact, serving imperious elite and who is craftier tries to break through immediately in the power elite. They perfectly understand that in this environment it is possible, without having special talents, to achieve the considerable benefits if, of course, to pay an attention only to the bosses, diligently serving them, and to neglect by the others.
  Representatives of military, paramilitary and law enforcement units - from military to police, from prosecutors to security guards - differ from philistines, on the one hand, by a slightly higher level of the animal consciousness, whose dissatisfaction is expressed by a tendency to aggression against the weak individuals, and the peculiar concepts of labor, which consist in the desire to evade its most burdensome and severe forms. On the other hand, they differ from the philistines by a certain weakening of self-consciousness, as a result of which they are always prone to conformism in the most pronounced form, regularly following the obviously stupid or even criminal orders of their superiors, which does not combine with dignity and normative ethics.
  Naturally, they prefer not the usual labor activity in the field of production or in the service sector, the specific services to the state for the most part with the prospect of career growth. As a rule, not possessing high intellect, they, nonetheless, gain a good salary and practically the impunity for the oppression and even petty plunder of ordinary citizens, all the more so since nothing threatens the lives of the vast majority of these individuals in peacetime.
  For acquiring these advantages, the security officers and military agree to endure all the antics of their usually short-sighted, rude, but cunning bosses.
  Having given themselves to this rather humiliating occupation, which does not require special thought, after service they wander to their fruit and berry plots or apartments with a joyful sense of deliverance for at least some time from the vigilant eye, as a rule, of the jackasses-bosses, in order to play in the cards, watering the garden, and drinking and snacks, as well as bickering with his wife, who is always dissatisfied with the career growth of the husband.
  Reading the literature and other intellectual activities are inaccessible for most of them thanks to the rapid "drying out" of the brain because of the specifics of the service, which does not require reflection, since there are a charter and instructions.
  Most of all they are afraid of their immediate superiors, who, with the slightest disobedience, can deprive them of such a profitable job at, as a rule, rather miserable intelligence.
  They are not able to eliminate this fear during service. Therefore, they often abuse alcohol to distract themselves from this fear at least for a while.
  To help them get rid of this fear can only replacing it with the fear of the philistines due to the proximity of their levels of consciousness, which happens in the case of resignation or retirement.
  The examples in this section are not needed, since everyone knows the structure of the army and law enforcement agencies, where servility and rank dominate, but not talents.
  The attendants of a cult performing functions of spiritual psychologists-comforters of the flock during working time, and along with that being nothing else as the lackeys of the authorities, claim that give themselves to service to God about which they actually don't know anything, since God on the dogmas of Churc is inaccessible to this world.
  And this means either deception or self-deception, which indicates the predominance of the lowest consciousness in them, inclined to receive benefits just so, and not according to the results of hard work, which they always try to replace by the lung labor, though and dubious.
  All this indicates the considerable weakening at them of a self-consciousness owing to what they give themselves to the certain stranger invented, but not real and effective, and themselves lead a prosperous existence, besides, being for many by very respected persons.
  But this service to God, with the exception of fanatics, is insincere in their hearts, and therefore in their free time they invariably succumb to worldly temptations, for example, intrigues, vulgar entertainments, such as rolling on Mercedes cars, or, at best, the fuss in the garden and vegetable garden.
  Above all, the vast majority of these servants of God are afraid to show this insincerity to their flock, which can simply destroy them, as happened in France after the revolution of the late XVIII and in Russia after 1917. Therefore, they are the most skilled hypocrites and deceivers, even in comparison with fraudsters.
  It is in connection with this that they wear strange robes, assume a benevolent appearance and a wise expression of physiognomy, sing psalms, read long sermons and all the time refer to sacred scripture created by the earliest rogues of the same type for the stupefaction of the population, which they allegedly associate anything to higher powers for future heavenly bliss, although they themselves, being by no means stupid, do not believe in heaven or hell, sell candles and other objects of worship, and live quite good.
  In this section, examples are also not necessary, since everyone knows from history what the Popes of Rome did, among whom was even the woman, and which traded by the indulgences, removing for money sins from parishioners. Not much different from them and other Ministers of worship in different countries of the world.
  Criminals and various kinds of lumpen, in particular, chronic unemployed, tramps, professional beggars, etc., have such trend into the side of the lowest consciousness that they have only a memory of the highest consciousness.
  In other words, they have only not numerous formal ties with society. For this reason, they kind of return to the level of animals, more precisely, - on the level of sensations. Neither public life, nor wealth, nor the power - nothing is interesting to them.
  Having suddenly got money, they immediately spend on drink or squander them, they sell their votes to anyone at an opportunity, they can kill and rob just like that, and in this regard they are even worse than animals.
  Therefore, their main fear, like that of animals, is the prospect of the loss them of pleasant sensations, and they don"t even think about death, believing that the main thing is to use all the opportunities to consume accessible sensations at the expense of a stupid society, which partly contains and feels pity for them.
  Russian writer Maxim Gorky, who was at one time in their unpleasant society, described lumpens as follows in his play "On the Bottom" so.
  Only acquisition more or less pleasant sensations - he can"t imagine anything more - makes even at the very bottom of the life of the owner of the flophouse to squeeze out all their remaining juices from the wretched lodgers, taking away the "last penny". He buys stolen goods, beats his wife and her sister, and eventually dies at the scuffle in the time booze.
  His wife is smart, cruel, heartless and depraved woman, mocks her own sister and offers own lover to rid her of the annoying husband.
  The young sister of the wife of the owner of the flophouse, suffers all abuse, but after the death of the owner of the flophouse, she ends up in the hospital and then goes missing.
  They all do not find the strength to get out of this swamp because of the catastrophic fall in the level of awareness of themselves as individuals, respected by themselves and others. At the same time, they do not refuse to consume the dubious sensations provided to them and are afraid of losing them.
  But perhaps the most disgusting are the rentiers.
  These not stupid idlers-for the most part natives of the layers of society close to the power who categorically do not want to work anywhere with the available capital, - pleasantly decomposing at different rates, live on percent from the capital.
  The rentier differs from lumpens only in the idea of their own value in their insignificant self-consciousness, linking it, however, not with own merits, which were gone or they absented, but with the possession of financial or other means, which forces them to take care of capital saving in every way, turning into lumpens with its loss.
  It is the concern for the preservation of capital and the thought of the terrible collapse of entire parasitic life with its loss that make their existence, filled with all kinds of entertainments, at the same time so disturbing and restless that everything for them becomes not sweet.
  But this eternal fear they, as true and conscious parasites, prefer to any kinds of labor activity, spending their lives, if the funds are sufficient, for moving from one resort to another, from one estate or hotel to another, from one pleasant pastime for another, but surely getting the boredom in this time, and turning own life in an ghost , in which their faces are erased, transforming into meaningless masks.
  Some biologists-evolutionists, in particular, Savelyev S.A. (book "Cerebral Sorting"), consider such catastrophic final natural, stating the following: "... the mankind already created perfect ways of the behavioral selection, which will destroy our consciousness and will destroy the traces of mental faculties without any additional efforts"[10].
  Naturally, this statement is too strong, since consciousness, without which all become by nothingness, is indestructible in being, unlike a person and his civilization, but nevertheless, the fact of degradation of this part of the population is obvious, and the degradation will only grow for the philistines and strata, near them, in the first place, due to the underdevelopment of their self-consciousness, which agrees just on a well-fed and trouble-free life.
  However, behavioral selection, associated only with animal consciousness, is opposed both in society and in every person by an indestructible self-consciousness that will not allow returning to the animal world, but, paradoxically, compacting of the current time due to the action of self-consciousness will destroy civilization, more precisely, will lead it to update, consisting of two possible forms - the equilibrium civilization and technological civilization.
  More details about the compaction of time and the forms of civilization regularly appearing on all inhabited planets can be found in our works: "Miracles in a sieve" [11, chapters 4,5] and "What has self-consciousness led, and what will it lead to?" [7, part 3, section 5].
  The coming and imminent update of the current civilization means that the awareness of this fact by the population of the planet will automatically bring the most important fear to this population because of the collapse of the entire social order in general.
  1. V. I. Dahl. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. 4 volumes. SPb. 1880-82.
  2. Leontiev A. N. Needs, motives and emotions. Moscow. 1971.
  3. Zakharov A.I. Day and night fears in children. SPB Union. 2000.
  4. Isard K. E. Theory of differential emotions. The Psychology of Emotions. Peter. 2007.
  5. Isard K. E. Fear and anxiety. The Psychology of Emotions) Peter. 2007.
  6. Søren Kierkegaard. Fear and awe. M., "Republic", 1993.
  7. Nisovtsev Yu. It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things (Collection). 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. Nisovtsev Yu. Open eyes yours-own (collection). 2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  9. Nisovtsev Yu. The collection of the especial and outlandish - for the check with respect to creativity. 2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  10. Savelyev S.A. Cerebral Sorting. Publisher: VEDI. 2016.
  11. Nisovtsev Yu. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
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