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What has self-consciousness led, and what will it lead to?

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    The role of self-consciousness, which is characteristic only for a person, is still underestimated. It is even more incomprehensible to everyone and everyone: what the civilization will come to thanks to the participation in this process of this truly human property, why is self-consciousness needed at all, and what is its connection with liberty? Of course, it is possible talk about all this in different ways, but the facts and evidence given below to some extent turn all our traditional representations around.

  If to be guided by Darwin theory, then it turns out that evolution of live organisms led them to appearance of the most advanced animals - monkeys-primates, but they still stay in the status of animals, and no more than that.
  Therefore, hardly evolution of the living organisms "is guilty" of emergence of a being, so other than monkeys, - the person, though externally and on many behavioral features he is similar to them.
  It is possible to conduct long a dispute on the one who had "molded" such strange being - the person: - the evolution, God, still someone or something.
  This dispute does not make sense as direct proofs of the intervention in the evolution process the local or otherworldly forces are absent.
  However, the indirect evidence of this interference is present.
  They can be interpreted in different ways, but, of course, the consciousness inherent in even the simplest creatures: bacteria, viruses, algae, etc., played and plays the leading role in the development of wildlife.
  Naturally, in the competition of organisms for survival, consciousness developed, finding over time the support of itself in nerve cells, the combination of which was able to most effectively process the information delivered into neural centers from various sensory organs through these nerve cells by means of complex electrochemical reactions and pulsed transmission of data.
  It is curious that the process of development of living organisms violates the law of non-decreasing entropy by the fact that on each inhabited planet there is an ordering and complication of its shell up to the emergence of civilizations.
  Each living creature from their innumerable set is such as a result of possessing a genetic code on a protein carrier (program) that provides the type, functioning and reproduction of organisms as creatures of lower consciousness, that is, with a program tuned exclusively on purely instinctive-reflex reactions with respect to interaction with the environment
  The very development, or improvement and complication of organisms took place before the appearance of hominids - the human prototype - only as a result of chance (mutations in the genome).
  Representatives of biologists consider the changes that turned the monkeys in the end into a human being, also as the result of the random mutations [1, Chapter 3].
  This statement in itself is a highly controversial for a variety of reasons.
  The mutations before emergence of a prototype of the person were manifested and acted and act by now only within reflex and instinctive activity of the living beings, and they aren't capable to lead away these beings beyond limits of similar activity for any period of time.
  I.e. the random character of mutations means for the living being an opportunity only to adapt to the environment, but not a possibility to go beyond the environment limits.
  It is senseless for this reason to consider mutations as the major through factor, which has led finally a bacterium to the being largely outside nature - to the person.
  Besides, the random mutations in a short time, - namely within a relatively short time has appeared a complex set of genes required for the emergence of new (human) properties, - could not compile the program of self-awareness of such complexity, but, nevertheless, this program has appeared, as, by the way, and the genes that determine the ability to verbal speech.
  At this, the new program of the genome, in a root changing the living creature for the first time after billions of years of evolution in this world, appeared only at the moment when the evolution of living beings reached its peak among animals in terms of quick wit and potential ability to possess tools and make speech in the form of primates.
  The mutations in the living organisms are manifestation of interaction of organisms with the environment, i.e. with other organisms and inorganic compositions. By means of this manifestation, each organism enshrines in own programs, which are written down on protein compounds in a genome, of a positive reaction for themselves of this interaction, got as if accidentally. However, this "random character of the event" for the living organisms isn't casual at all, inasmuch the difference of the living organisms from the lifeless complexes consists in ability to search of the most acceptable conditions for themselves by means of trials and errors, on what the lifeless objects are not capable.
  Therefore, each positive random change, which is reflected in structure of a genome, means the accumulation of number of these spontaneous "search" changes, inevitably leading with achievement of a certain limit with respect to the qualitative changes of the organism, and for all natural environment these random positive changes of organisms arrange a certain order in the form of the natural chains dependent from each other and from changes of the atmospheric, temperature and other phenomena. External changes sporadically lead to catastrophes for all living beings as a result of, for example, eruption of volcanoes, glaciation, asteroid falls, etc., and the survived living beings have to rebuilt, but they steadily continue to develop and become complicated.
  Nevertheless, any natural processes have natural borders, consequence which is the fact that transition of quantitative casual changes into qualitative structural transformations is closed in the established natural frames: in this case - within only reflex and instinctive actions of all organisms, that represents the only possible manifestation of consciousness at the level of the random changes (mutations), consequence of which is only search of more acceptable conditions for existence by method of trials and errors.
  This manifestation of consciousness is the only possible, thus, due to the fact that the usage of new communications by an organism, positive for reproduction, in effect, means the gradual formation of the only "conditioned" reflexes on the remembered irritation, reflected on the phenotype.
  On the one hand, the similar phenomenon has no relation to an arbitrariness, and it cannot be classified as purely coincidental.
  On the other hand, consciousness of a live organism at this level of development, i.e. in the presence of the program, capable only to initiate reflex and instinctive actions, in itself isn't capable to move to a new level of consciousness, which differs in ability to free expression of itself, i.e. to the independent and initiative transformation of what is present into what is absent, but it wish to me - precisely because the awareness of own "desire" for all living beings besides the person are absent.
  In other words, a programmed randomness (mutations) is not capable to lead to free expressing oneself of any living creature - in addition to mutations, another program is required, according to which a living being would go beyond the limits of only instinctive-reflex activity.
  Thus, the selection on the basis of random variations of code of protein compounds and the corresponding formation of set of genes which in turn can give millions of additional protein connections, , and the number of variants of interaction of these protein complexes increases up to astronomical sizes, is capable to give only a basis for introduction of the program, which opens a possibility of an exit of this most perfect, but still purely natural being, on other level of consciousness, allowing to this being to transform from a natural being partly into the essence outside nature.
  Probability of a random selection out of existing billions of variants within any conceivable time one compact program for consciously-target activity of the being, in this case, a highly developed primate, is practically close to zero.
  This factor in itself, apparently, means an artificial way of installation and fixing of the new program in this set of genes with billions of options of programming on what is capable, in our opinion, only single consciousness of a holographic projection, so how each living being, differing by the presence of consciousness, is manifestation of the single consciousness.
  More about this is stated in the book "The person as the hologram" [2, Chapter 3].
  The additional program of the consciously-targeted actions, that appeared in a living entity in the form of a hominid is distinguished by the lack of autonomy: it allows this creature to be aware of oneself and own actions within the environment only in conjunction with the previous program for the reflexive-instinctive mechanism of actions, providing a possibility of existence of an organism in the environment, that is, its nutrition, reproduction, metabolism, random variability. Therefore, on the one hand, the consciousness of a new creature bifurcates, but, on the other hand, it is not able to split completely, being one entity in which, nevertheless, there is a struggle all the time due to the multidirectionality of aspirations, one of which aimed at survival in any way, others - to the harmonization of surroundings.
  To further emphasize the different nature of the most developed primate and a person, we note the following: it is known that female chimpanzees are able to identify themselves with the reflection in the mirror, which helps them, in particular, comb out parasites from local areas of the back without the help of other monkeys.
  It seems, that in this case there is no difference between a person, recognizing himself in a mirror image, and a monkey, and this fact only confirms the purely evolutionary - as a result of random mutations - way of a person's appearance.
  However, on the contrary, this phenomenon only additionally confirms the non-random nature of the genetic change in the monkey with its transformation into a person.
  The fact is that the monkey"s abilities are quite enough to compare itself with the reflection in the mirror, but only in order to more successfully scratch oneself, that is, there"s no creativity here, just like there is no personality. There is no the constructive interaction of the monkey with the environment, surrounding the monkey, as a result of which there would be a targeted change in its surrounding.
  The person, more precisely, his individual consciousness through reflection in a smooth surface always defines himself as the personality - one and unique, which thanks to self-consciousness, or the separation from own surrounding by determination of oneself, is not passive in relation to a mirror, and is capable to make or find it if it is impossible to do without mirror, for achievement systematically put, but not the momentary or spontaneous purposes.
  In other words, it is possible to state the fact of the emergence of absolutely special, dual being, on the one hand, which is still a part of the environment, but, on the other hand, - a being, completely separate of the environment, who tries not only to understand own surrounding, but also to subjugate everything around under oneself, that is, which believes oneself already not only a live organism, and the extra natural essence, in a certain measure owning time [3, Chapter 1].
  Let's note further very remarkable fact: the randomness in usual life, presented inside the person in the form of the lowest (animal) consciousness, and the highest consciousness (consciously-target expression of consciousness) are antagonists in the respect what, if the subject, having the highest consciousness, is mistaken, then he will be is capable to understand the mistake and to correct deeds, significantly having accelerated own advance on the way of development, while the random is some kind of edge of consciousness, making the essence of the lowest part of consciousness. Consciousness uses the random if it doesn't know what and how to do at this level of development, but, accepting in attention a random, though slowly - with kickbacks and zigzags - nevertheless moves ahead.
  Thus, the antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness both in the person, and his communities means emergence of the new driving force, providing the fastest development of consciousness in its carrier - the person.
  The randomness, more tending towards chaos, isn't capable to be a reliable support to a structural order, breaking its all the time. Therefore, giving continuous changes to the living environment, it promotes so continuous destruction of the prevailing order, forcing the living beings to obey to itself completely, especially without reflecting. The basis of this is reflex-instinctual mechanism of action, which is the same for all sentient beings, what would not occur with them.
  However, it is required to Creation both destruction, and more or less successful creation which can satisfy consciousness, having given an incentive to its development by removal from senselessness of existence only on level of consumption of sensations.
  Thus, in Creation the most succeeds concerning acquisition of meanings in conjugation them with sensations is only who can figure how more effectively to destroy or create something, but on this effect are able not accidental procedures, not some order, a prerequisite for which is stability, but only the creativity and initiative, always leading to rather rapid achievement of the expected or unexpected result, harm, advantage or even insignificant meaning of which can understand only the being with these properties, i.e. a being, understanding oneself: the dissatisfaction, understood by this being by all means provokes the being to search interesting, permission of various riddles and problems, often not utilitarian that very significantly develops consciousness and allows it to express with the greatest return and satisfaction itself in the current life.
  Thereby the state of dissatisfaction of consciousness by oneself which is realized into development of ways of own change by impact on the current beingness taking into account its counteraction, gives to a self-conscious being the limit degree of liberty.
  Therefore, no one and nothing is capable of creating and destroying in the most efficient way, except for a subject, possessing both consciousness at the level of sensations and self-consciousness, which means that for both for the single consciousness and for individual consciousness it is impossible to do without this subject-person as the most effective tool for their own development and consumption of vital collisions.
  The appearance of a creature with two levels of consciousness as a living and freest representative of the active (consciousness), effectively forming a passive environment (beingness) for oneself in Creation, that is, the pearl of beingness, is an inevitable manifestation of functioning of the active among the passive.
  Besides, it is senseless to claim that appearance of the person and, so self-consciousness in it, is result of natural (accidental) set of such program in a genome which gives not the best adaptation of a being to an environment. The consciousness, on the contrary, substantially provokes as a result the aspiration for the complete separation of this being by nature with all negative consequences of it which we will note below.
  The fact is that the acquisition of self-consciousness by a living being means that this creature understands that it is in time, and this time can be consciously used. But consciously it is possible to use something by different ways.
  Naturally, when these creatures reach an appropriate level by means of understanding themselves and their surroundings, they form a shell of civilization around, contributing to the most accelerated development, both cultural and technological, based on the struggle of the animal consciousness located in each person and self-consciousness, their opposite aspirations create the constant tension, thereby being the driving force for the development of mankind.
  A single consciousness of a holographic projection combines in the process of forming by each living creature of own time the material components and components of consciousness into a single whole for a limited time of the creature's life, giving it the opportunity to act in accordance with the level of consciousness, which it has - the highest level in this respect corresponds to creatures with self-consciousness that have the free will due to the presence of self-consciousness, while all other organisms acquire the possibility of change only as a result of the action of randomness (mutations in the genome) with minimum level of liberty.
  Thus, the highest manifestation of the active (consciousness) in its individual expression is a creature with self-consciousness, capable of most efficiently processing information flows, maximally accelerating the flow of time and allowing consciousness to express oneself most fully in actions, thoughts and feelings.
  In other words, creatures with self-awareness, who understand themselves and, trying to consciously maintain their core, do not miss the opportunities for their own changes, have more opportunities for development among all living things - they have plenty of time for this, since their consciousness forms these time for own placement every time.
  So, unlike other creatures, thanks to gaining self-consciousness, Homo sapience has appeared, realizing its own presence in the current time, which he took advantage of, creating as a result a rather comfortable civilization, culture, technology, but along with that the person remained with his animal beginning - by the lowest consciousness aimed mainly at solving the problems of survival.
  Moreover, the egocentric aspirations of animal consciousness were yet amplified thanks to the understanding by a person already of the fact that he can use people around him for his selfish purposes, and he rather quickly came up with ways to purposefully deceive everyone, who on some reason gave in to him.
  Thus, aggression, aspiration to extermination of the rival, occupation of its territory, egocentricity, that is, everything that promotes survival and domination, and therefore, is peculiar to the automatic (not setting consciously goals) lowest consciousness, is significantly amplified after overcoming by people of the stage of the primitive communal system, which more reminded structurally a pack of monkeys, than the human community as this archaic community of people sought only for survival, because got, as a rule, was enough only for simple reproduction only necessary, and willy-nilly everything was distributed "socialist" (by labor merits).
  As soon as, thanks to the growth of quick-wittedness due to the presence of the same self-consciousness, striving for free development, has appeared surpluses, grown or mined, it was tempted to appropriate these surpluses thanks to force, deception, or a higher hierarchical position in a community.
  Of course, eventually this negative attitude even to their fellow tribesmen could not but be appreciated crucially by the highest consciousness, to which are peculiar the unselfishness, mercy, respect and love to people, other living beings, altruism, honesty, dedication, decency and conscientiousness ; however, with the latter properties alone you cannot live in an antagonistic, that is, competitive society, and any person should address willy-nilly to the lowest consciousness, which helps him to at least survive in the whirl of life, or rather, this lower consciousness itself comes into action when it considers this as necessary.
  Thus, each person is in a situation of interaction between the lowest and highest types of consciousness, which for the most part comes down to their struggle due to a fundamental difference in aspirations.
  Nevertheless, this struggle significantly accelerates the pace of development of society compared with the animal world or even with primitive communities, some of which have survived to this day in areas remote from civilization precisely because of the weakness of their highest consciousness.
  It is also clear that the superiority of the higher form of consciousness over the lower or vice versa dictates a different attitude to reality, and thereby divides the most active people into two categories: the fighters for justice, seeking to harmonize society, and the fighters for themselves, trying with all their might to seize power and use it for their own most comfortable existence and domination over others, which in itself gives considerable advantages in life relations at a pragmatic level.
  Be that as it may, the products of labor, appropriated one way or another, plots of land, the captives, that were enslaved by as and the impoverished people, were the subject to preservation and growth. They have already become not as the good in the sense of goodness for all fellow tribesmen, as before, with common primitive property that contributes to the preservation and survival of the clan, but - the good in the sense of property, that has already become not common, but private.
  Therefore, along with the state and its well-known divisions, laws were established by the powers, that to stabilize this non-equilibrium situation in society, when some have everything, while others have nothing. And, of course, the "sacred" right of private property, which is still valid today, was proclaimed by the fundamental law.
  So same naturally arose the right on "fair" wars, the main goal which was capture or redistribution of land and other property.
  In the same way, the negative result of gaining self-consciousness turned out to be a stable division of the people into rich and poor, even for all civilized countries, but not because some initially wish to offend others, and because the property, taken from the majority and fixed by laws is subject to preservation and multiplication, to which there is no limit, not because of economic reasons, division of labor, stupidity of some and ingenuity of others, etc., but because the stable egocentric aspirations of some prevail over their altruistic intentions.
  In other words, power structures are such because the predominant in their consciousness are the properties of the lowest consciousness, enhanced by the understanding of ways to achieve and maintain the benefits obtained in the property and social position
  Therefore, on average, despite all the achievements of civilization, the poor become relatively poorer and the rich become richer, although, in principle, at all times over the six millennia of the existence of modern civilization, there has always been enough of everything for a decent life for all, but to share no one was willing.
  Evidence of this can be provided by the facts of enrichment of the poor, for example, as a result of inheritance; they, having cursed previously the rich bloodsuckers, for some reason immediately change course, accepting all the rules of the game of the "chosen" estate, and do not distribute the acquired property to the poor and miserable.
  This unfortunate fact is explained by the fact that the level of self-awareness of the vast majority of the population is such, that the egocentrism of animal consciousness, but not altruism of the highest consciousness is prevailing over it, though in rather small number there are also the persons with an opposite ratio of these forms of consciousness.
  It is they who constitute the true opposition of the authorities, nonetheless, not wanting, precisely because of the positive qualities of their own consciousness, to enter into hypocritical, corrupt and conformist power structures.
  Awareness of oneself lifts a person above others beings, separating him from nature to a degree that depends on the development of his self-consciousness.
  The person, unlike all other living things, begins to understand the ruthlessness, indifference, sluggishness of nature, in which everything is built on mutual devouring, on the action of randomness (mutation in the genome), determining its development and order in it.
  It is frightening for a person to live in such hesitating world, but at the same time he is afraid of death, accompanied by the horror of the decomposition of the body.
  Therefore, he is being filled with disgust for the environment, imagining himself a fallen angel from somewhere, which again must return to that unknown, unknowable, but proper world of immortality, tranquility and benevolence.
  Such passionate and unchanging desire provokes the emergence of his two properties.
  First, a return to the other world of peace and happiness must be earned, since thou had fell out of it for some good reason into another - a cruel world.
  And a person begins to try to overcome the utilitarian and amoral nature of his lower (animal) consciousness by creating fair moral standards for all people without exception.
  The most successful attempt to formulate this moral code in relation to the distribution to the world was the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, in which everything was correct, but not applicable to real life. In other words, these moral precepts set the horizon of aspirations, separating the real from the beyond.
  The naturally disturbance from similar contradiction, based essentially on the duality of human consciousness - the highest and along with that - animal - caused the emergence of the second remarkable quality, reflected in the emergence of churches. In particular, in the person of the Christian Church was established connection unhappy peoples with the otherworldly happy and fair world personified in the person of the highest, unattainable, incomprehensible, but all-powerful, all-penetrating, all-knowing, eternal and indestructible creator of everything, in order to having suffered here, deservedly return to his father there.
  Thus, both of these suffered properties directly result from the specified duality of human consciousness - and the animal, and along with that the highest.
  Really, time eternal happiness in this unstable and awful world only of survival is impossible, but there is an understanding of this indisputable fact, very this understanding means the latent recognition of oneself as different from everything else precisely because of one"s awareness of oneself in the world, that certainly leads one to recognize as the partial and temporary his presence in reality, since self-awareness was given by someone other, but not by nature, closed on itself.
  And it is the proof of presence of this other both in the otherworldly, and in each person, and some connectivity between them which is designated by religion.
  So faith becomes the hope for each, though not all admit it, that distinguishes faith, for example, from science with its troubles and obvious insufficiency.
  The emergence of morality means the implementation of its norms in the transformation of the environment for the great benefit of all, which can also serve to find happiness and calm in the otherworld.
  Largely for this reason mankind is only engaged in construction and restructuring all the time, that is necessary not only for some benefit there, but the main thing is for the posthumous acquisition of what is not here.
  As a result, the world is changing, becoming more comfortable, cultivated, and people more decent, acquiring even in certain amount sense of dignity, and the otherworldly, remaining still mysterious and inaccessible, nevertheless, as you see, influences the development of everything.
  In addition to religion, another way of distracting a person from the troubles and hardships of life is partly the transformation of them into the comic. By such detachment from reality in laughter, a person is freed from the conventions of being, instinctively sensing their temporality and imperfection.
  The external expression of this curious transformation tribulations, and tragedies into the comic, detract from them, is the laughter, the animal component of which comes from the reflexes, similar of a reaction to scratching, and the essential component is determined by the consciousness in the form of a relationship to some troubles and misfortunes as to the absurdity of the unexpected incident with yourself or preferably with others.
  Absurdity of it, dropping out of a framework of the known order, causes involuntary fun or an ironical grin from that, as "to those above" cannot provide the order in "hostel".
  Therefore, the prime cause of laughter is an involuntary understanding of incongruity, absurdity of a situation, which, nevertheless reproduced in reality in one form or another in life or artificial form. This intuitive understanding causes involuntary superiority over the situation, which finds a way out in a intense sound form, like a cough, or - in a concussion of the whole body resembling convulsions.
  The pleasure and satisfaction of this understanding does not reach fixation in the mind as a judgment, but immediately passes into relief through sounds that bring relaxation, vivacity and an influx of energy from the insufficiency of beingness, that has clearly appeared.
  In contrast, standard troubles, which regularly cause suffering and grief, cause the crying of the victims and the sympathy of others.
  At this, unlike regrets or chagrins because of the occurring misfortunes often causing tears bringing that a discharge but only in the form of breakdown and the coming melancholy, reaction to the events in the form of laughter is shown only from involuntary desire and ability to allocate the amusing party of an event or its absurdity, transfer an event into unusual, so, interesting that can cause at especially ridiculous and improbable combination of its signs, in particular, thanks to the transferring of the feature from one sphere in absolutely other where it should not be, the expression in a sound form, at least, meganium.
  The answers to the following questions as well as some situations can serve as examples. The full version is provided in my works uploaded to the website Litres.ru
  Why does time for happy life doesn't come?
  Because somebody does not watch of hours, others have no watch, and all else are just waiting own hour.
  Why people visit the zoo?
  To admire themselves in development.
  What good are real housewives?
  With own lushness.
  How does the spirit strengthen well?
  Thanks to the acquisition by boots with footcloths.
  Than the stick is good?
  With its help can collide not only pears.
  Why love to caress cats?
  For lack of more worthy object.
  Whether so really the person is perfect?
  It is possible to learn it, having looked at a fly creeping on a ceiling.
  What can the bald head be useful for?
  For additional lighting of the space.
  For what do civilian men let of oneself grow moustaches?
  For giving of themselves the military valor.
  What will be with motorists soon?
  They will not be.
  In what is dissimilarity of a pig and a person?
  The person is capable to turn into a pig, and the pig - doesn't even try.
  What can be extracted from slops?
  Quite good pork gammon - as a result.
  What is the difference of traders and women?
  Shopkeepers try to sell everything, except themselves, and women try to sell themselves for the sake of everything else.
  In what advantage of wrinkles on a physiognomy?
  They hint at wisdom which can and not be.
  In what do horse-radish and radish converge?
  In unwillingness to raise degree of the sweet.
  In what case is needed a flood urgently?
  When soul burns, and there is nothing to drink.
  Once famous writer Leo Tolstoy and known Russian writer - Maxim Gorky caught a live peasant to ask him about the people's hardships. The peasant, frightened by these big guys, held out his purse to them with a trembling hand. Then they realized that the peasants still had money.
  Once still young Russian writer Dostoevsky decided challenging the literary critic Belinsky to a duel out of resentment for his statement: "... aroused great hopes - alas! - still not coming true." When he was buying dueling pistols, the crying Gogol came up and began to choose the fireplace poker larger. "Here," - he told Dostoevsky, - "the second volume of "Dead Souls" manuscript which needs to be burned!" Dostoevsky forgot about pistols and Belinsky, and went to help Gogol to burn the description of positive characters, whom he too did not see personally never in Russia.
  As something some visitors of the house of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana (Clear Glade) asked to explain the difference between optimists and pessimists. "Contrary to popular belief," - replied the classic, - " the difference is not so great as it seems to many. If you think about their essence, it becomes clear that the optimist is inclined to commit stupidity, especially without thinking about it, whereas the pessimist is inclined to stupidity only after serious reflections."
  In the absence of the involuntary desire and the ability to highlight the funny side of what happened or its absurdity, it turns out, as you know, the person without a sense of humor.
  In the hierarchy of human characteristics, laughter is higher than regret or chagrin, not only because animals can cry from suffering, but because it is possible to force any person to suffer, however, he is not capable of laughing under the influence of violence over him, since the sincere laughter can be only spontaneous.
  This human property is used by comedians both from the stage and in their writings, the level of talent of which is determined by the ability to combine enough believably and spectacular what is not combined.
  In life, this property in most people manifests itself in a laugh at extraneous absurdities, and in some, especially advanced ones in understanding of themselves in a contradictory and changing event world, - in laughing at one"s own stupidity instead of tears and regrets.
  The similar involuntary ability not always, but often to turn a tragic situation into ridiculous and comedic, the same as belief, facilitates life, replacing sufferings for a while with pleasure, distracting thereby the person from troubles and burden of life, which he sees, understands, but can make nothing, except how to laugh at them, -what is not required to animals, as they do not realize own existence in time, and they thereby do not need digressing of themselves from life to which they only adapt without intention to change it and themselves together with it, remaining only on levels of senses, but not reaching the level of representations, imagination and abstractions without which the comic situation is not formed.
  Therefore, the laughter reflecting ability of the person to transfer misfortunes to a comic form of absurd, distracting the person from burdensome reality, differs from belief always only by its sporadic and situational.
  It seems that everyone would have lived with faith, laughter, hope and chagrins, and everything would have been, if not too good, but not so bad, if not for the fact of a noticeable acceleration of own time of the technological civilization so deserved by people.
  In our work "Miracles in a Sieve," we showed that own time of both any person and human communities can be accelerated and decelerated [3, Chapters 2,3], since time is an information process during which material objects are recognized by consciousness by scanning the environment with the means at its disposal (sensory organs in combination with processing centers).
  The impulses (information packages) coming to consciousness, more precisely, in its relevant centers from sense organs contain the coded data on material objects which consciousness was capable to identify. These signals merge in the consciousness into a picture of a constantly changing environment, since the pause between the impulses coming one after another disappears in the mind of a living creature due to a certain processing time for each piece of information and thereby a delay, which makes the discrete process of information receipt continuous (consciousness threshold).
  Based on this position, the speed of the flow of time for each individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the quantity and content of information packets) entering the processing centers of the human body, and on the speed of processing the incoming information in these centers
  It is clear that in the event of overloading by information, own time of the subject processing this information will end.
  This fact is true for human civilization, embraced in the present time Internet, the undoubted benefit of which for real life along with that quite quickly destroys creativity in the human mind, and also overloads it with streams of conflicting data.
  In his time, J. Forrester very clearly demonstrated the instability of complex systems, namely, not only a city, but also civilization as a whole refers to them.
  "The complex systems have characteristics which are generally unknown. The behavior of the complex systems differs strongly from behavior of simple systems.
  The complex systems are: 1) counterintuitive; 2) surprisingly insensitive to changes of many parameters of system; 3) resistant to administrative innovations; 4) the complex systems contain influence points often in unexpected places which are a source of forces, able to change balance in system; 5) the complex systems counteract and compensate exerted externally of efforts by decrease in rate of the corresponding action generated inside system (the correcting program will be amortized strongly so as its considerable efforts are spent for compensation of loss of internal action); the remote (long-term) reaction of the complex systems in the relation to any administrative innovation often is the opposite to immediate (near-term) reaction in the relation to this innovation; 7) the complex systems have a tendency to deterioration of the condition.
  In such situation when casual symptoms are accepted as the reasons, the person directs the efforts to elimination of symptoms, but thus the true reasons remain unaffected. Such action is inefficient, or it leads to situation deterioration. It is possible to tell with big confidence that approach to the solution of problems of the complex social systems, based on our intuition, in most cases leads to mistakes.
  The complex systems resist to the majority of administrative actions. Even in that case when the considerable change is made in system, its behavior often remains without change. The reason consists in the nature of the complex systems contradicting intuition, and their tolerance to change of parameters. Administrative measures relate to as structure (i.e. the elements chosen as sources of information as well as their use), and system parameters (defining influence of information and defining the magnitude of its actions). The term "administrative innovations" is considered here as a rule, as the formulation of a line of conduct showing how available information leads to a choice of decisions, defines action. Insensitiveness of system to change of the majority of its parameters leads to that the system remains insensitive and to the majority of modifications which are being imposed to it by new actions and decisions because these decisions change only extent of influence of information or action. The nature of resistance of social systems is hidden in this. Change of administrative intervention leads only to minor change of the majority of levels of system and the new combination of information for a decision making is thus formed. New information in combination with new administrative measures yields the results close to the former.
  The complex systems are different high sensitivity to change of only small number of particular parameters and to some structural changes of system. Similar inconsistency in the relation to the situation considered above concerning tolerance of system to parameters really takes place. Any system contains some points and, her behavior is sensitive only to change of these points. Change of administrative influence in one of such points puts pressure upon all system, and her behavior changes in all directions. These parameters and structural changes, to which the system is sensitive, usually are not self-evident.
  The active correcting programs imposed on social system, are much less efficient, than it was expected, thanks to that these programs have a tendency to substitute the appropriate internal processes.
  Complex systems have a tendency to quality degradation. The nature of systems contradicting intuition is the reason destroying of drawn-up plans of changes. In addition, the contradiction between short-term and long-term reactions of the system causes carrying out such administrative activities that make the system less satisfactory. For example, particular measures can improve a situation for a year or on two, but at this the stage at which will manifest changes worsen the system parameters, simply shifts into the future. The point is that we first see the positive results of the measures taken, and when the situation deteriorates, we're doubling the initial efforts. Enhancing the impact leads again to short-term improvement, compounding and worsening the long-term effects further. And again, we see, how is inventive the complex system in its ability to mislead us.
  We have an information volume, much more that which we correctly and systematically use. The imperfection of existing theories about the structure of the system is the barrier. Routine forms of accumulation of data will not be able to shed light, to reveal new about details of structure of system.
  Lack of information is not the main obstacle to understanding the dynamics of a complex system. Obstacle is the lack of willingness and ability to organize existing information in a manner that will reflect the structure of the real system and, therefore, will have the basis to behave so as would behave real system. Values of parameters are secondary - first you need to reflect correctly the structure of the system [4, p. 118-125].
  Continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - acceleration of own time of a civilization - has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness as final (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment, when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with an avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its arrival.
  At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of a system of a civilization comes to the end - the civilization crash. In other words, the system loses own quality as it is not capable to function in a former way.
  Thus, the exponential acceleration of time, or the constant growth of information flows passing through a person"s consciousness, ultimately leads to the impossibility of civilization functioning in its previous form, since a person, as the system that controls everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, i.e. to cope with them. And the escalating power of the linked computer systems appears not the assistant to the person any more, and threat for him.
  Information collapse in the form of a control system exit from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops functioning of a civilization.
  Thus, any civilization is some kind of optimal shell, more precisely, certain atmosphere not simply for existence of the living beings, understanding themselves, but for the accelerated development their not as biological beings (people neither externally, nor structurally don't change during existence of any civilization), but for the fastest development of their consciousness; however the difficult organization of a civilization is under construction by them automatically - in the frameworks of adaptation to the environment surrounding them, - the same as the swarm of bees is assembled and lives.
  Civilizations are scattered through all universes. They exist only up to the point of singularity, being formed at the appropriate level of development of consciousness of living beings, i.e. when more and more awakening consciousness demands bigger degree of separation from the environment. And on Earth during its existence on its surface at the suitable conditions, including the physical, climate, flora, fauna, and so on, according to the preserved artifacts, acted dozens of civilizations like ours, what everyone without special difficulty can get acquainted in Internet with. And the fact of their existence contradicts the evolutionary theory, but is in consent with the theses stated by us who are guided by the information and holographic concept of Creation, which eternal basis is the active (consciousness).
  Thus, the awareness by the person of oneself in the world is required not for the infinite development of the person and mankind, which the highest point of development in the form of a civilization invariably ends in collapse, but for the eternal, only discrete development of consciousness in its own optimal carrier.
  1. Markov A.V. Evidence of evolution. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: evolbiol.ru (Evolution problems)
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  4. Jay Forrester. Dynamics of development of the city. M. "Progress". 1974, p. 118-125.
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