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What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved?

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    Could a genius of thoughts and feelings emerge from primates? The answer is obvious. This means that there are certain potencies in a person, allowing to solve the problem of genius. On the other hand, geniuses among individuals is impossible to project and grow up at all diligence in any way, and they themselves somehow manifest, but is extremely rare. What peculiar properties promote manifestation of genius and in what it is expressed?

  What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved?
  Recognized, that geniuses best of all manage to get new and non-obvious knowledge. To same, the mass of various signs of genius is listed.
  However, all this, in essence, is about nothing, because it doesn"t say what specifically ensures the acquisition of new knowledge and how can geniuses get it so effectively? What signs have knowledge obtained by a genius, unlike, for example, from knowledge, received by the talent.
  In other words, a lot of correct words and in general much interesting are told about genius and properties of the genius, but to this day remain not clear: the source of genius, the driving force of genius, the main incentives of genius, the main method of achievement by the genius of the adequate result, the main signs of expression of genius.
  Nothing intelligible about these peculiar properties, which necessarily accompany genius, is not said, except for the presence of obligatory natural endowments, extraordinary intelligence, favorable conditions for the manifestation of genius and the results that are recognized out of the ordinary.
  Moreover, from all that has been written about geniuses, a picture emerges of a certain fallout of geniuses from the ranks of humanity, their perfect singularity, which is far from being so, since many geniuses were called to action by current events - means, they were already ready to manifest their properties to a certain extent.
  Nevertheless, the properties of genius are one thing - and they are well described with many examples, and another is the source of genius, the driving force of a genius, the main incentives of genius, the main way the genius achieves an adequate result and the main signs of the expression of genius. They are not revealed in full yet and not formulated especially as the genius has to appear on certain "soil", that is have the signs and genesis coinciding generally with group of certain individuals, having, nevertheless, from them some essential differences.
  Therefore, at first it is necessary to clear origin of geniuses and their general properties, for example, with creative persons, and then to turn to the differences of geniuses from them.
  As things stand, on the subject of nature as well as the expression of genius arise such questions.
  There are millions of outstanding, intelligent, energetic, highly educated, hardworking figures in engineering, science, and art, who sometimes achieve outstanding results, but few out of them are automatically recognized as geniuses in the public consciousness.
  The entire educated public reads exactly them the novels and stories, even though they were sometimes written hundreds of years ago; on their pictures at exhibitions line up huge queues; practically, only their concerts, symphonies and operas are performed in all the halls of the world continuously, causing tears to listeners, although other musical works are innumerable; their scientific and technical approaches have made and make decisive changes in our lives, etc.
  It means, that between endowments, talent even at unusual diligence of their owners, and the genius lies a certain abyss, which very few manage to overcome.
  If manage to find out at the expense of what some persons are overcoming this abyss, having ensured themselves the recognition in centuries, then the principle of genius will clear up.
  However, the principle is a principle, but it is still far not clear, what is that basis from which the genius grows and that stimulates it and supports such phenomenal results that are impossible not to recognize.
  Let's try to answer these questions.
  Everything that has being concocted in engineering and art can be divided into two parts: combinatory and inventive.
  The combinatory activity, characteristic, for example, for the operation of computers and actions of chess players, is capable not on discovery of essentially new knowledge, that is unobvious, hidden, absent in the nature and the database of public consciousness, but its possibilities are limited to creation of only another combination of the known things and processes (phenomena).
  It is on the principle of combinatorics that the overwhelming majority of representatives, science, technology, art acts. And there is nothing shameful here, since exactly a harvester has revolutionized the agrarian sector of the economy. Moreover, any rationalization makes an undoubted and significant contribution to the development of civilization, and, most importantly, to the development of self-awareness of each person who joins this activity. And it does not require special talents, outstanding intelligence. All that is needed - savvy and the desire to change something, that is, a manifestation of the interest in what the soul seeks, rather than lying on the sofa by the TV.
  All this, of course, not bad, but the geniuses in this field, alas, in the afternoon with fire you will not find, inasmuch abrupt coups the combinatory activity does not give, and provides only rather slow development of both the person, and all civilization, including culture, owing to quite insignificant increase of new information to the available database of mankind.
  Quite another matter - inventiveness, which, having generalized it on culture and art, it is possible to call creativity.
  But from where creativity undertakes?
  In order that to understand it, it is necessary to make small digression to the concept of consciousness of a person, inasmuch the consciousness of any person has two the main components.
  One of them fully corresponds to the primate's consciousness, from which a person occurred, - the lowest, or animal consciousness (often referred to as the subconscious), another - the highest consciousness - it can be qualified as awareness of the self, or self-consciousness, that is, everything accumulated in the subcortex for two million years in the role of hominids, and then - Homo sapiens, - distinguishes the person from all other on the planet by his separation from the fauna, completely merged to the environment, by hiss alienness to this environment, thanks to what the person becomes capable to change surrounding and himself quickly enough according to the purposeful (conscious) understanding, which appeared at him, in comparison with sluggish development of the nature, based on random changes (mutations) of the body's genome. According to their aspirations, these types of consciousness are opposite: the animal strives for survival and reproduction, and self-consciousness, or the highest consciousness, tries to strive for perfection both individual and social.
  So, there are two irreconcilable creatures in each person.
  One of these beings is determined by the lowest consciousness, which is the only inherent in all flora and fauna, except the person; This type of consciousness manifests itself in inseparability with the environment on the basis of sensations.
  Beings with this type of consciousness are in the general stream of life, but are not capable "to rise" over it, they do not understand that they live. In this regard they remind in advance programmed mechanisms capable to sense, forming own environment and adapting themselves to it, but deprived of spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have only a genetic memory in the absence of oral or written memory of generations, and are not able to consciously influence the habitat.
  These beings do not even know that they will die, but can feel approach of death only instinctively. Similar restriction of consciousness for these beings means impossibility of any purposeful change of the environment even for the most developed their representatives - these beings are completely subordinated to it, though, at the same time, quite reasonably and effectively interact with surrounding from the position coming from their sense organs to the processing information centers of an organism, which for them is not distorted by reflections, the reminiscences and experiences peculiar to human consciousness as a whole.
  In this respect, these natural organisms are more perfect than humans, and ignorance of their own essence makes them completely "happy" in existence, despite the fact that in the common natural circulation they only do that they devour each other.
  And such "being" necessarily "sits" in every person, and it cannot fail to determine its existence in one way or another, no matter how tried the person to distance himself from it.
  Another "being" in the person is represented by the highest consciousness, which separates it from the environment and from fellow tribesmen; it manifests itself in the realization of its own existence, for example, in the form of abstract ideas about the world and about oneself, a return to the past in the form of memories, designing subsequent actions based on consciously selected data from memory, combining them with newly received information, responsibility for the committed, the ability to make any decisions, even the most unprofitable and useless, which in fact is the most vivid manifestation of liberty of consciousness.
  On this basis the person tries to set to himself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby by means of the developed representations the surroundings. For example, this being is capable to build to itself the dwelling not according to the standard, but as it is pleasant to it more, thinking out new ways of supply of materials on the course of the construction, changing a palette of walls and a roof, bringing into the extent of his intelligence, these or other innovations, in contrast, for example, from the invariable standards of the anthill.
  New projects and ideas develop the mind of a person, his insight, contribute to the most effective manifestation of various abilities during life, lead to the thought of beautifying life, that is, the culture of one's own beingness and beingness of the public.
  In the person both these antagonistic in relation to himself and to the surrounding are merged together. Therefore, they do not manifest themselves separately, but operate in a hidden way, and the degree of their domination depends on the degree of development of the highest consciousness in a person.
  And the person himself often cannot predict what in the next moment will become predominant: love or hatred, anger or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, timidity or courage, discretion or recklessness.
  The lowest consciousness "feeds" solely by sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to be distracted from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar the type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, automatically seeking to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to remove own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing.
  The highest consciousness which is contained in the person at any level of its development is radical contrast to the lowest consciousness.
  In the presence of the highest consciousness in the living being, it begins as though to see the light, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment, how many separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this ratio in attempts to consciously set to itself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of goals in actions.
  All this obviously drops out of an instinctive and reflex sphere of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as the highest consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but nice to heart and mind.
  Consequently, the intensive development of communities of the living beings - previously barely noticeable, and the main contribution to which was made by mutations (random changes in the genome) - begins only with the appearance in them of self-consciousness, and accordingly - with its interaction with the lowest (animal) consciousness, which does not disappear anywhere from these living beings. This interaction is expressed practically in incessant fight of these consciousness forms, merged together, as they mostly have opposite aspirations, what it was in detail told above about, i.e. their interaction mainly is expressed in hostility (antagonism).
  Naturally, creative persons have to differ in some special combination of the highest and lowest types of consciousness too.
  Indeed, there are individuals in society, always crowded with deep feeling of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of big conveniences to existence. However, this individualist feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, altruistically demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals is manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living.
  This category of any community prefers non-standard life situations owing to rejection of only formal-logical approaches to life - such a life for them is boring and meaningless, like working on a conveyor for tightening nuts.
  They do not love reasoning, logical constructions, try to avoid analytical and synthetic work, hate the actions according to pragmatic calculations; at the same time, they, as a rule, - at all not workaholics.
  Therefore, the target programs of self-consciousness in combination with programs of the lowest consciousness can be applied by these beings with great success, if, of course, they are capable to combine so contradictory forms of consciousness, for fast and resolute change of a situation in favor of the conceived.
  In other words, they prefer not the long-term reflections, not systematization of the facts and phenomena, i.e. not rational actions, but actions spontaneous, or actions at which the goal can be achieved for one-stage as if instinctively though, of course, they should work beforehand in acquisition of craft skills and gain experience.
  Exactly such people make discoveries, create masterpieces of poetry, painting, inventions, they become by the outstanding commanders. That is their activity is manifested generally in the creative scope, which attracts them at all not with a position of consumption of some benefits and goods - they are interested in the process.
  Alas, en masse the results of their activity are very mediocre both concerning the quality made by them and owing to a lack of experience and laziness, and often - narrowness and ignorance; but defeats especially do not disturb them. It is pleasant to them to use own abilities, often - very mediocre (graphomaniacs) for receiving result without special effort of the intellect.
  And they fall back into the old ways, like the card player who cannot move away from the card-table.
  Nevertheless, creators of the unobvious new is situated always among them as in the field of technologies, and culture.
  Thus, for creatives, and therefore, for geniuses, too, which can only occur from them, one of the main developmental incentives emerges - the aspiration to get out of a routine due to search the interesting, meeting the available expectations of this creative person.
  In other words, any creator person is sickened by what is, and the cause of this state is permanent dissatisfaction with himself and those around him in the current circumstances.
  Naturally, in this case, he seeks to begin to search for what lack yet, what has not yet been passed, that is, to get into those changes, which will bring, perhaps, something pleasant or maybe not, but - by all means the new: will reveal some secret, will distract him from the abominations of life, that is, will attract him with the differences from an everyday routine, and, perhaps, will bring to the essence of things and phenomena.
  It turns out that behind the interest there is always dissatisfaction with the present, and the interesting is the product of the interest.
  A satisfaction is sought in any interesting, but it is never definitively because, having stopped on one, you can lose the rest, which cannot be allowed, otherwise it is not possible to get new satisfaction in another interesting, and even itself discovered interesting is not capable of bringing full satisfaction due to its incompatibility with an initial image attracting to itself. More about the interest and interesting is stated in the collection in Russian "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things" (website www.litres.ru).
  Emerged, finally, the harmonicity of the interest and abilities of the person in favorable conditions, may produce the genius, if, of course, this person can and is able to set before himself the grandiose targets (Plato, Mozart, Raphael, Shakespeare, Pascal, Newton, Gogol, Tesla).
  Therefore, in an attempt to approach the basis, the driving force, incentives of genius and the way the genius achieved such impressive results for the development of society, we were able to find that the genius, at a minimum, should have creativity, which manifests itself only with a certain ratio of the lowest (animal) consciousness and self-consciousness; the interest accompanying his abilities (giftedness), which is an enduring stimulus of creativity; a non-stop driving force of development, manifested in the struggle of opposing aspirations of the highest and lowest types of consciousness; and the basis, more precisely, the source of all this is the dissatisfaction of both types of consciousness - the animal and self-consciousness.
  The most curious in manifestations of genius is the fact that all these features of a genius are inherent in any creative person, but to a lesser extent, as will be discussed below, and the most poorly they are expressed in the philistines.
  Anyway, the main recognized criterion of genius consisting in the ability to create essentially new hidden from other except geniuses, is absolutely insufficient, inasmuch any creative person, irrespective of degree of his endowments, only also does that tries to create new and even unobvious, and most effectively it turns out at the people endowed with outstanding abilities in this connection they are called talents. However, talents are far up to geniuses who fundamentally change life of all civilization, or. at least, change the approaches and basic provisions in their field of activity.
  Therefore, the main and determining feature of a genius, as opposed to just talent, is the pronounced scale (enormity, immensity) of the projects of a genius in his chosen field of activity, manifested mostly in the unification of what seems to be incompatible for the rest persons. Thereby the geniuses with own projects as if displace themselves into the future, and their followers can already design in more detail this future, which is turning into the present by users-consumers of presented finds. It is in this sequence that the true technical and cultural development of civilization takes place.
  This process can provide by no means only a logical-formalized approach, which is also used by artificial intelligence that not have consciousness, but only insight (intuition) is able to provide it. Logic, intellect, that is, analytical and synthetic properties of the brain, only help to prepare for insight and systematize the results of the insight with their respective framing.
  In this respect, a genius is a consequence of the intuitive aspiration of human consciousness to get as close as possible to the beautiful.
  Countless forms of the beautiful exist only for person, and they are completely objective, since they are perceived as being constructions that find a certain refraction in consciousness, and not arbitrarily produced by his consciousness, but the fusion of the elements of beingness into harmonious images in the human mind occurs only on the basis of his awareness of himself at the moments of concentration, that is, when he consciously merges his "I" with certain fragments of the environment, which is not always possible for everyone.
  The beautiful has that difference from the interesting, that the beautiful always remains unchanged. It does not depend on current events, and therefore has no direct relation to process of knowledge like inquisitiveness or interest.
  To learn to create art masterpieces in the conveyor way still nobody managed, despite, for example, knowledge of all the rules of versification.
  Without being crowned in most cases with success, the attempts to create the beautiful, nevertheless, get to an interest framework, i. e. attraction to the extraordinary, the most outstanding products of which are the emergence such interesting as the photo, engineering, chemical technologies, bioengineering, etc. for the benefit of the population.
  That is, in essence, the emergence of entire industries that accelerated the development of civilization turned out to be a by-product of the beautiful at the appropriate level of development of human self-consciousness, which, having expanded the possibilities of the population in touching to the beautiful, not only in natural phenomena, but in music, painting, verbal expression and architecture, has drew attention of the person to technical creativity in an attempt to get closer to the beautiful.
  Permanent and quite regular failures to find the rules for creating of the beautiful by the industrial (conveyer) way as it is paradoxical, allowed the person to take, as you can see, from them a certain benefit.
  More about the interest and interesting is stated in the collection in Russian "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things", website www.litres.ru, (the article "Why and due to what are manifested the interest and interesting?," section VII).
  So, purely logical constructions, characteristic, in particular, for artificial intelligence, nothing new, that is, not manifested openly in nature and the person self, or rather, unobvious, are not able to reveal.
  Naturally, only intuition (insight, or inspiration) can help in the discovery of this, still hidden.
  It is clear what the principal component of intuition (for this state more precise is the term "insight") are, first, experience, i.e. a set of the developed models, ready to immediate application: knowledge and skills without experience will not help instantly or is even stretched in time to solve the arisen problem in the particular sphere; secondly, a tantamount component of intuition is the insertion by the person of itself in state of insight that often occurs automatically in a stressful situation of danger or, on the contrary, at the relaxation moments, and even in a dream, but more often in the moments of awakening (by the way, emergence of insight in minutes of awakening in no small measure is determined by connection to work of a brain of some other centers processing information, such as: motor centers; centers that control the visual functions); third, insight comes only at a particular goal-setting to which have to correspond certain "technological" practices.
  Along with that, insight can be caused artificially when keeping of the specified three positions, exemplified by the actions of shamans and sorcerers.
  The ordinary person also, happens, enters in similar state unexpected for himself, receiving sometimes answers to questions, which are not resolved by the known methods. This as if automatic entrance to state of insight means also automatic exit from it that in itself retains identity of the person.
  Similar state, which is not controlled by human reason, is called as inspiration. It has various forms and is reached, as a rule, irrespective of the person at the moments of a stress, relaxation, half-asleep state and other unusual states.
  An ordinary person, as a rule, does not remember what happened to him in this state. He remembers only the answer to the question, stated mentally. However often success in this state is not achieved, in particular, because the person fuzzy formulated a question or lacked the necessary training - there are no necessary representations, knowledge, abilities and experience; in this case the sense of the answer is distorted or the complete comprehension of the answer is not reached.
  Nevertheless, the arrival of inspiration, in effect, is explained by local coincidence of the interest, which is expressed in certain purpose, and experience of the person.
  Intensive interest, for example, can bring the person to state of excitation, and experience helps to formulate the questions correctly that often leads to "emergence from nowhere" of the comprehension of an event or the answer which is required.
  In any case, the mechanism of intuition consists in such combination of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness, at which consciousness begins to work automatically (without reflections and logic), as it occurs at animals for their survival, and along with that into this automatic scheme relatively short-term are being involved all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and abilities with certain target orientation.
  Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for a survival which do not counteract each other, as usual, and work in unison, for example, helping the person to escape from a misfortune, reflects their reciprocal interest with the offensive of an extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, vary that clearly is looked through in contradictory actions of each person.
  If voluntary or involuntary address of the person with a definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly to the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to him if, of course, he will understand the answer.
  To do this, and the relevant experience is required.
  Be that as it may, one of the main differences between a genius from a gifted (talented) person or even just a creative person is that, a genius, using inspiration, as a rule, spontaneously, nevertheless, consistently carries out an enormous preliminary analytical and synthetic work on research of existing knowledge in this field and related disciplines, puts real and thought experiments, thereby achieving the most accurate and at the same time capacious goal-setting, automatically moving himself into the sphere of insight (inspiration), when this process arrives, thereby increasing the chances of receiving an adequate response, emerging in his own head during the insight, as well as the chances of retaining and decoding the information received. At the same time, a genius, setting ambitious goals, must possess the ability to transform this information into a digestible form, otherwise even descendants will not understand it.
  Similar process, owing to scale (enormity, immensity) of the purposes and, therefore, its labor input, complexity and unusual as well as a necessary combination of structure of a brain (the congenital endowment arising thanks to an accidental overlap of certain fields and subfields of a brain, the existence of subfields and the sizes of fields and subfields), knowledge, abilities, experience, this or that technique of an entrance to insight, in science happens extremely seldom, if, of course, to cut off those numerous discoveries and inventions that occur in a similar pattern, but on a different scale.
  In addition, extremely rare is created the proportionality (harmony) of the interest and abilities of the person, expressed in striving for the ideal, that is, for the beautiful, without which genius is not manifested.
  Thus, the main difference between a genius and talent is determined by the scale (enormity, immensity) of actions in the ability to consider not an isolated fact or problem, but in the ability to put together a "workable" structure from known discoveries and experiments, which formally may not be related to each other, but an adequate connection arises by adding to the initial assembly of one"s own "stroke" obtained during the insight, that is, a new element connecting the entire "construction". And this creation, especially in science, does not develop smoothly preceding compositions, showing their other sides, and it contrasts with them abruptly or even contradicts them. Thus, a completely different direction in science, art, technology is created. For example, in science it was quantum mechanics, in art - impressionism, in technology - Internet.
  To discover the hidden, more precisely, to find unknown connections and patterns the most effectively, a person is capable only with the use of insight, which is available to all creative people, distinguishing the genius, except, of course, some abilities, which, however, can be quite modest (A. Einstein), exactly thanks to the choice of a large-scale goal and maximum immersion in the problem, including the past experience and current experimental results, which allows intensively concentrating, i.e. attracting all resources of the body (the significant part of all existing neurons, and not just the brain neurons during insight, or uniting resources of both the lowest, and highest of types of consciousness) that is expressed in use not only the available practices, but also all content of subconscious memory, to find sooner or later the required solution as it was made, for example, by D.I. Mendeleyev.
  He discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, having formulated it quite unusual way and very general: the properties of elements, and therefore and the properties of the simple and complex objects, formed by them, are in periodic dependence on their atomic weight. That is, despite of all distinction of the known elements, he distributed them only on atomic weight, tabulating, which gave the chance to predict and existence of still unknown elements.
  Similar approach to the solution of cardinal problems of physics was shown also by Einstein.
  At this, for the special theory of relativity, the main "stroke" that Einstein introduced into this concept was the following: the invariance of the speed of light, that is, its independence of the speed of an observer. By this, Einstein spurned the traditional concept of the ether as a whole, that is, the medium in which light waves should propagate at a speed varying depending on the speed of the observer relative to the ether.
  Besides, Einstein managed to connect the concepts separated earlier in physics - mass and energy, having united them in formula E = mc², having proved thereby that conservation law of mass and the law to conservation of energy are parts of more general law of communication of mass and energy according to which it is possible to turn mass into energy and energy in mass.
  Let's also compare the Nobel laureate Albert Einstein with the Nobel laureates Willard Boyle and Charles Wilson, in order to show and in science the difference in the choice of problems and their scale between geniuses and talents.
  W. S. Boyle, received the Nobel Prize for his participation in the development of optical semiconductor sensors (CCD sensor).
  C. T. Wilson received the Nobel Prize for the invention of the camera, which allows to detect the trajectories of electrically charged particles using vapor condensation.
  To illustrate, we also compare the specifics of the work and, accordingly, the achievements of Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison in the technical field.
  Tesla, independently discovering the phenomenon of a rotating magnetic field, immediately offered to use it to produce alternating current, having laid the foundations of all electrical engineering, he was the first to achieve the transmission of radio signals over a considerable distance, initiating all developments in the field of wireless communication technologies.
  Edison, unlike Tesla, was limited in the activity only to local inventions and improvements. In particular, he improved the typewriter, telegraph, phone, thought up a phonograph, offered one of versions of the glow lamp (with coal thread).
  As you can see, this example clearly shows the difference between a genius and a talent, at least, in the scale (enormity, immensity) of the tasks to be solved.
  At all this, the large scale, which by all means is expressed in creativity of the genius unlike talent, is provided how it was shown above, rather long coincidence of aspirations of the lowest (subconscious) and the highest (self-consciousness) of types of consciousness together with intelligence during insight, when on the solution of objectives, that is, for the gain and processing of information, geniuses are able to use the significant part of all 150 billion neurons of own body during this coincidence, not just 11-19 billion neurons of the brain (the process of insight), and the incentive to solve large-scale problems of increased difficulty is to strive to the most interesting in this sphere, that is, the most harmonious (the beautiful).
  Scanning all the departments of memory in combination with the information coming in through the adequately allocated channels is not always, but at least once in life can give the desired or unexpected result, which reverses modern ideas in this field.
  If talents in their own numerous group, as compared with the few geniuses, as a rule, solve purely practical (applied) problems, which are often put not by them, using their abilities and practices, then the few geniuses, forgetting about routine, about the particulars of everyday life, try to establish still unknown to the world connection without any pragmatics and, as a rule, with damage to themselves in private life because immersion to the world of the ideas and high aspirations distracts them from commercialism and household comfort, but urges them to high aspirations, despite all difficulties and burdens of similar work.
  The basis of such acts of a genius, as indeed all creative people, lies an intense dissatisfaction of their lowest consciousness, demanding to dominate in surrounding of similar themselves, if are such abilities and opportunities, and the highest consciousness in this case agrees with the lowest consciousness, supporting it for a time of insight.
  At this, the difference between a genius from all other individuals consists that the dissatisfaction of highest consciousness of a genius with the imbalance in own sphere of creativity is expressed as much as possible in his demand for the most harmonious structure of the elements of this sphere and, therefore, the most adequate explanation of their functioning at this stage.
  Thus, fundamentally new (non-obvious) knowledge, talents are also obtained using the procedure of insight, but the tasks they solve are more specific, pragmatic and, as a rule, - less complex, and therefore the deep into the insight takes them relatively little time without requiring enormous strain of the whole organism, and over the course of a lifetime, they can reach their goals repeatedly.
  Therefore, everything necessary to gain the new knowledge, namely: dissatisfaction of both types of consciousness, the driving force of the development of individual, such incentive for development as an interest, duration of insight, the scale of own expression at talents and even more so - at other individuals, respectively weaker or less than geniuses, whereas abilities (giftedness) among geniuses can be expressed less prominently than among talents.
  Thus, the top of the creative process manifests itself in genius, since the genius, in contrast to all the other individuals, manages to absorb, master and transform the maximum possible information flows that fall on the era of his existence, the final content of which is fundamentally new (non-obvious) knowledge, which provides with its quality an access to the next level of finding the truth in its expression as close as possible to the beautiful.
  The theme of the beautiful is covered in more detail in the work "Why and due to what are manifested the interest and interesting?" - the collection in Russian "It's the other way around. Answers to tricky questions about interesting things" (website www.litres.ru).
  As for the bulk of the population (the philistines), then we can say the following about it.
  The lowest part of this their kind pyramid, more precisely, its foundation, is almost all the rest of adult humanity.
  Each of his representatives, possessing self-consciousness, is also able to receive new knowledge, but, as a rule, this part of the population is not enough education, culture, experience, qualifications, abilities, including and the ability to insight, or conditions for expression of the available properties just are absent.
  For this reason, they are limited to either combinatorics, which also provides an opportunity to get new knowledge, but of a more "lower grade", or by repeating methods already worked out by learning them, or by imitating the creative activity that is most flourishing in bureaucratic structures.
  Besides, rather thin ratio and intensity of manifestation of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness characteristic of creative persons, for the rest of the adult population is represented otherwise, being reflected the most negatively in lumpen and criminals, or are fraught with insufficiency for open expression of creativity (philistines).
  The main strata of society are described in more detail in Chapter 4.2 of my work "The Driving Force and Source of Development of The person and His Communities" (website www.litres.ru).
  All this does not mean a condemnation in particular, for the largest segment of the population - philistines, since even at the absence of giftedness (corresponding to the structure of the brain), one can initiatively, that is, working on oneself, to develop intelligence (ingenuity), to increase the manifestation of lower and higher forms of consciousness, removing lethargy and indifference, for example, by detecting the new interests. Along with that, similar initiatives are capable to break balance between the lowest and the highest consciousness forms, characteristic of a stratum of ordinary people (philistines), having attached thereby the individual or to creative persons, or, at achievement of appropriate level of education, to an intellectual-informal stratum of society. And to spur additionally similar changes are capable critical external events-wars, crises, natural disasters,
  Therefore, externally inert mass of people in the face of the philistines is actually a bottomless reservoir, from which is scooped and creative, and opposition, and managing strata of society.
  Let's remind, nevertheless, that the basis of all aspirations of the person - dissatisfaction of his consciousness in relation to itself and to the environment, surrounding him - comes to him from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of more conveniences to existence.
  However, this individualist feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, altruistically demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals is manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living.
  The article is presented in abbreviated form. The full text is posted on the website www.litres.ru
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