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Conan - The Boy From The Future!

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  • Аннотация:
    In exchange for immortality, the elderly man becomes the toon boy Conan. And now he is forced to carry out a great many missions in order to work out eternal life. But truly glorious adventures await the countless toon boy, and it's great to be a Conan boy.

  In exchange for immortality, the elderly man becomes the toon boy Conan. And now he is forced to carry out a great many missions in order to work out eternal life. But truly glorious adventures await the countless toon boy, and it's great to be a Conan boy.
  . CHAPTER #1
  One person really wanted to return to his childhood. In general, he was terribly afraid of old age and death. He was extremely anxious to avoid the withering and aging that other people suffer from. And he actively searched, including on the Internet, who would help him become a young man again.
  And then I found ... One psychic diva gave an announcement - it"s real to return youth!
  A man in his eighties, of course, happily pecked. The temptation is very great. I took a decent amount of money with me and went to this shrew.
  Moscow is a big city and everything can be found in it.
  Pavel Ivanovich Rybachenko, of course, is not the most stupid person in the world and understood that you can stumble upon scammers.
  But as the song says:
  Immortality for a long time
  A man was looking for a wondrous purpose captivated ...
  In the religion of ancient books,
  And the rigorous sciences of later times.
  And moved not only by fear,
  But also the desire to go all the way,
  See the dawn, hear the answer
  Step to the heights of unprecedented knowledge!
  Years will pass, we may understand
  How to cross this endless river,
  How not to get lost in the wild whirlwind of time
  Dissolved in the void of the universe,
  Years will pass and light will appear,
  Time's power will burst all the chains,
  In the glow of stars through thousands of years,
  We will all meet on our planet!
  And then he arrived, and was near the building. There the fortune-teller rented a room. The building itself is a business center. And everything is scientific. And the woman who met him was also that little thing. She doesn't look like a gypsy. But not Russian either. She looks like an Indian woman, with dark skin, but her hair is not black, but light brown. Beautiful, like young. But she feels that she is already many years old.
  Even if there is not a single wrinkle, not a net, not a speck on her face ... But still, it feels like a lady with an impeccable figure is already over forty. Although she is muscular, and shows no signs of age. And the teeth, when smiling, are so white and very large.
  Pavel Ivanovich even thought that she had false ones. But no, most likely real. In general, this madam was somewhat reminiscent of a show star. Like fortune tellers from the movies.
  The woman invited me to sit down and asked in a pleasant voice:
  - You, I see, really want to become a young man again?
  Pavel Ivanovich nodded in agreement:
  - Yes! And very!
  The woman giggled and replied:
  - But for everything you understand in our world you have to pay!
  Pavel shook the balding naked woman and hissed:
  - I'm ready! I can't beat the price!
  He pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills from his pocket.
  The fortune teller snorted contemptuously:
  - If I needed money, I would ask for a hundred million dollars from some elderly billionaire. And he would not have refused for the sake of eternal youth ... No, I need more than just money!
  Paul asked in surprise:
  - And what?
  The fortune teller shrugged her shoulders and replied:
  - In exchange for the return of youth, you will become my servant, or even a slave! - The woman grinned and added. Are you ready to become a slave for the sake of youth?
  Pavel asked with timid hope:
  Will youth be eternal?
  The fortune teller nodded her head vigorously.
  - Maybe! More precisely, I can make sure that you will never grow old again!
  Pavel Ivanovich cracked his fingers and said solemnly:
  - Was not! My answer is clear, I agree with everything!
  The fortune-teller smiled broadly and remarked:
  - Well, well ... Do you have a higher education?
  The man nodded.
  - Yes! Certainly!
  The psychic stated:
  - Well, it's wonderful! I need a man with intelligence. And the body ... I myself will make the body that I need!
  Pavel Ivanovich timidly remarked:
  - But I hope I will not become a freak?
  The fortune teller shook her head in response.
  - Of course not! I don't need a freak! On the contrary, you will be healthy, pretty and strong!
  Pavel Ivanovich exclaimed with delight:
  - I'm ready for it!
  The fortune teller nodded and replied:
  - Now I'll give you a receipt, such content. I am Pavel Ivanovich Rybachenko, I become a slave of Mrs. Tsvetik, until she releases me from service. I swear to carry out unquestioningly all her orders until this moment! In return, receiving eternal youth! And you will sign with blood.
  The fortune-teller winked and flashed her ivory teeth, her appearance was impeccable, and at the same time it was felt how much older she really was than she looked. But on the contrary, it somehow aroused more confidence in her.
  Lady Blossom said decisively:
  Then I will give you a young and strong body! And you will be forever young after that!
  Pavel Ivanovich replied with a smile:
  - Well, what? A deal is a deal! The service will end sooner or later, but youth will remain!
  The fortune-teller remarked angrily:
  But you will be my servant! And if you try to disobey, you will go straight to hell! In the meantime, let me help you pierce your finger.
  It was a little painful . Pavel Ivanovich examined the fortune-teller's room. White painted walls. Multiple monitors. Lots of various sensors. It's like a laboratory, not a fortune-teller's center.
  It's even stupid to somehow sign this piece of paper. It is unlikely that any court will consider the bloody signature valid. But... Something tells him it's not a bluff or a prank.
  The man somehow brought out his signature, in the form of a squiggle. Then he muttered:
  - I signed mine! Now the word is yours!
  The fortune teller giggled and remarked:
  - Well, what can I say! Well, what can I say ... This is how people are arranged! Want to know, want to know! They want to know what will happen!
  And then a huge monitor appeared in front of the man. From it it was clear that some kind of cartoon was going on. Some kind of fighter throwing spears, with bare, childish legs, was running swiftly.
  The fortune teller grinned and asked:
  - Have you watched the Japanese animated series - "Conan - a boy from the future"?
  The man shrugged and replied:
  - It seems so ... There was such a boy, he seemed to be very strong!
  The fortune teller nodded in agreement.
  - Yes! So I'll put you in his body!
  The old man whistled in surprise.
  - In the body of a cartoon?
  The fortuneteller confidently confirmed:
  - That's it! What did you want?
  The man was confused about gurgling:
  But he's just a child!
  The fortune teller giggled.
  - But he has more strength than a dozen adults. Yes, and he is agile, strong in body, it is very difficult to kill and damage him!
  Pavel Ivanovich muttered in confusion:
  - And that I will forever remain a child, or will I grow up?
  The fortune teller bared her teeth and answered:
  - Of course, you will always remain like that, a boy of about eleven with devilish strength.
  Catching a disgruntled look, the man added.
  - Well, this is a payment for immortality, and most importantly ... Since this is a Japanese anime, and the Japanese are very fond of hentai cartoons, then you will have a manhood of non-childish sizes. In a combat position, twenty-five centimeters, which is quite a lot for an adult. So... The most important thing you can do without harming yourself and your libido.
  Pavel Ivanovich remarked perplexedly:
  - But how many women want to sleep with a boy?
  The fortune-teller yelped sarcastically in response:
  - And women don't want to sleep with you! So how big is the loss? And if in eternity you can get rich or become an emperor, then the girls will follow you in herds, regardless of whether you look like a boy or not.
  The man hesitated for a couple of seconds, then decisively said:
  - Okay, I agree! The main thing is that the stake should be large. What if you're not too big? Strength compensates!
  The fortune-teller remarked with a joyful look:
  - I'll teach you magic and fighting techniques like Naruto. And you will become invincible!
  Pavel Ivanovich confirmed:
  Maybe that's how I wanted it!
  The fortune teller slapped her knee with her hand and said:
  - Sit down in that chair. I will do the conversion. Actually, I know that you wanted to become not just young again, but a boy. That was your most passionate desire. And a strong boy! So this time the transformation should work!
  Pavel Ivanovich sat down in an armchair. The fortune-teller began to put wires and sensors on him. They say you want to become a boy, and we will arrange it for you.
  Indeed, the dream is very good, about eternal childhood. A man not of the first youth, was now plastered with sensors and wires from all sides. And so the fortune-teller took it and how it cuts the current ...
  Pavel Ivanovich literally twisted everything before his eyes. And the feeling was like a club moved through the brain. Or even a sledgehammer fell on every convolution.
  Pretty shook ... And swam before my eyes, you're like in a fiery haze. And it began to shake violently from the discharges. And winged aphorisms began to jump in my head;
  There are a lot of nasty things in life, but the nastiest thing is that when life comes to an end!
  If you want to get closer to God, nail the monkey in your soul to the cross!
  Man originated, if not from a monkey, then at least ceased to be a monkey!
  If you are a monkey with a mind, then the fox will swallow you like a predatory boa constrictor!
  There is nothing infinite, except for the time it takes politicians to fulfill the promise!
  If you bark a lot, you will whine like a beaten dog!
  Do not trust the one who speaks red, and red fire can burn!
  Even God cannot argue with a woman and raise a monkey to the level of human culture!
  Without love, there is no smile, unless it is the predatory grin of a politician!
  Too long up in the clouds, wingless politics flies into the chimney!
  A small soul, always has the ambition of a giant!
  A small soul has a gigantic conceit!
  A politician is a thief who writes laws for himself and considers the country to be a zone!
  The politician has seven Fridays a week, but when you need to fulfill the promise, the Jewish Sabbath comes!
  Unity is good, unless it's mating with a politician!
  A politician is such a creature that he wants to make a sheep out of you with pig methods!
  The swine methods of politicians turn voters into chop!
  Under a pig ruler, life is never fat!
  Making a pig president is too fat!
  If you want to become president, catch your luck moments!
  A ruler who considers voters to be sheep is a typical pig!
  God is not only omnipotence, but also a willingness to go to the cross for the sake of others!
  A ruler who sits on the throne for a long time causes the state to subside!
  A young leader is like a fresh horse, an old one is like a mare with broken hooves!
  In the means of achieving Divine heights, the politician is Satan himself!
  Politician God is only in one thing, in inventing excuses why his campaign promises were so devilishly failed!
  A politician is like beer, good only when cold and on the table!
  The politician is sweet with speeches, but the bitter aftertaste from them is not beer at all!
  A politician only gets the truth out of his mouth when he misrepresents himself!
  The politician crucifies the voter to the fullest in order to get a little bit of a Deity!
  Even bearish strength will not save you if you are a smart deck!
  The fox is such a beast that he will pull down three skins from a lion!
  The politician is then the strongest, his voters are weak in mind!
  The politician therefore proceeds with honey, so that the voter does not spit at all!
  Strongly get a baton, the one who has sawdust in his head!
  Oak is the king of trees, the oak head turns any stump into a subject!
  Oak is rot resistant, oak head is full of dust!
  If you are a stump, then at least you have a stake on your head!
  The unknown is scary, but the known sometimes makes you just afraid!
  Knowledge gives rise to confidence even when it is difficult, ignorance gives rise to confusion even when it is easy!
  A coward is not one who is afraid, but one who is lazy to cultivate courage in himself!
  Fear is weakness, courage is strength, but beware of the moron in yourself!
  Whoever allows himself to be led by the nose runs the risk of getting lost among the three pines!
  Makes walking in circles endless stupidity, with zeroed ingenuity!
  It does not matter if the milk on the lips has not dried up, it is worse if callousness is in the hearts!
  Stale begging bread, bitter salt of repentance!
  Honey from the mouth of a politician, attracts those who have not dried milk on their lips!
  A politician is not a thief in law, he is a thief who makes laws!
  The politician promises a sweet life, pours out honey from his mouth, but his paws are sticky like a fly!
  An eloquent politician, a leech bites into the voter's wallet!
  Why silence is golden because it is paid for!
  What is the biggest thing in the world? A mountain of promises issued by a politician!
  The politician wants money and power, he is ready to tear anyone apart!
  A politician is first and foremost a fox, not always bright in appearance, but always wagging his tail!
  The politician is happy to fill your wallet with nothing but empty promises!
  A politician is only honest about one thing, when he says - we, so he no longer has his own self!
  What is more than atoms in the universe? Masks and masks of politicians!
  What a politician does most willingly - cleans the pockets of voters!
  The politician has not always become, but his promises always smell like rotten stuff!
  A politician has seven Fridays a week, but listening to voters is always a day off!
  Who was first? Politicians, for they created chaos!
  Do not believe in the toughness of rooster politicians, they always sing from someone else's voice of a fox!
  If a politician pours out like a nightingale, it means that a fox made a soundtrack for him!
  Rather, the cancer on the mountain will whistle, than the politician will fulfill the promise without blushing!
  The politician is like a night fairy, only he usually rips off customers during the daytime!
  How is a politician like a dog, when he talks a lot, then he is definitely tame and has an owner!
  Those for whom they vote with their hearts often end up with voters in the liver!
  A politician is like vodka, the voter will feel with his liver that it is scorched!
  The politician twists his brain like vodka, only in contrast to it is full of turbidity!
  The politician likes to fill in the fog, with the transparent goal of getting rich!
  The politician has many promises, but even more excuses if they are not fulfilled!
  A politician is a fox, but more often a gray one!
  The politician removes shavings from oaks, and knocks down acorns like a pig!
  If a politician is talkative like a saw, then he will definitely make a stump out of a voter!
  The politician loves to talk about God because he himself is Satan!
  A politician is as cunning as the devil, but an angel in the distribution of promises!
  The politician loves to be baptized, but his hands are always reaching for his wallet!
  Having voted for an eloquent politician, you run the risk of spitting up blood later!
  Usually people choose between cats in a poke, wolves in sheep's clothing, and a fox with rotten cheese!
  If the politician kept his promise, look at the mountain, if the cancer is whistling on it!
  It is easier to hang a kolobok than to force a politician to fulfill his promise!
  The politician is consistent in only one thing - in search of profit in his own pocket!
  The politician changes his comrades-in-arms like gloves, only his hands become even dirtier from this!
  A politician is such an animal that he makes a deer out of a voter!
  A politician, if not a wolf in sheep's clothing, then a typical ram!
  A politician who is not a fox, then a ram, or a deer!
  A politician can promise mountains, but after him you only rake up the rubble!
  Do not rush to vote for a rooster, he will peck you with giblets!
  Dictator, this is a fox, on the throne of a lion, surrounded by rams!
  If you don't want to be a deer, be a little fox yourself!
  The one who does not consider the crows a gift wins the elections!
  You can vote with your heart, but without your mind, the winner will beat off the brains!
  The politician is a fox who prefers green cheese as the color of the dollar color, from those who count the raven!
  The wife is not a mitten, as soon as you change gloves, you will definitely stop into a scumbag, from sultry adventures!
  Boys of genius make a lot more discoveries than mediocre old men of instructions!
  In youth, there is fire in the heart, discoveries in the head, and as a result, victory!
  The path to success is not always straight, but it does not tolerate a back bent in humility!
  The politician bends in a bow to lift his nose higher!
  The politician bows, then to bend the voter!
  The politician is ready to dig the earth with his nose in order to bury his responsibility to the voters!
  Everything impossible is possible in our world, and believe me, it is very difficult to live, as if in a shooting range!
  A donkey with a bag of gold will break through a fortress wall better than a mammoth with a steel ram!
  A politician with a golden mouth, turns voters into donkeys, with golden bags of offerings!
  Who is the strongest beast? Of course, an ass loaded with a bag of gold! The fox will burn the yellow color of treason and gold coins of offerings!
  Politicians often wave red flags for the yellow color of the coins they take from voters' pockets without blushing!
  Red speeches of mellifluous politicians shed bitter tears of mothers whose sons perished in a bloody battle!
  Who promises mountains of gold is not worth even a broken copper penny!
  The politician winds like a hare, wriggles like a fox, but on occasion he will gnaw through the voter's throat like a wolf!
  A politician likes to count money in someone else's pocket, but usually forks out only for bribes!
  The politician is cunning with the voter like a fox with a kolobok, only eats to the applause!
  The politician cuts shavings from the voter with a golden cutter of silvery speeches, mellifluous executioners!
  The oak burns in the fire for a long time, but quickly breaks down from the politician's fiery speech!
  Sometimes the biggest problem of the country, the small mind of the ruler!
  Insignificance on the throne, a huge problem for the state!
  A politician is often a paper tiger, and a fanged fox, he is born for vile games, and is good for tricks!
  A politician is not always a full wallet, which everyone loves, but always a pocket wallet that ruins conscience!
  A man loves greens in his pocket and dreams on the couch, only money is in the fog if you live in nirvana!
  The politician willingly bulls, but willingly plows, although he strives to plow the voter with all the passion of a vigorous cow!
  A politician who plays on gay hatred won't blush when he sucks a voter in the ass!
  Politicians under red flags do not blush with shame, shedding scarlet blood!
  In the world you are either a gray wolf or a white sheep, or a well-fed fox or an eaten hare, and in politics for a reason, a tyrant brings democracy to the gloss!
  The politician has wolf habits, fox burrows, but deep down he is still a chocolate hare, only completely inedible for voters!
  The more fervently a politician promises, the sooner the voter will freeze in anticipation!
  A politician is like a prostitute, he works a lot with his tongue, but he can only satisfy an intellectual impotent!
  What is the difference between a politician and a prostitute? For a prostitute, the client is always right; for a politician, the voter always gets into trouble!
  A politician with a cock's cry, an eagle's ambition, a kite's grip, a raven's greed, but still wingless!
  A politician is often smart as a boot, but shoes the voter madly!
  Any politician can put on shoes, but after that the voter is a tramp in life!
  The politician puts his hand in your purse when he crosses himself forcefully, and trips him up, kneeling down!
  Why are believers called sheep, they are sheared by rogues who have nothing sacred!
  If you are a sheep, you will walk barefoot for a century; if you are a goat, you will remain an ass! If you are a man with your mind, then you will be happy forever!
  A real fox in politics can not only scrape a sheep, but also pull down three skins from a lion!
  A man is obliged to let a woman through, but where she does not get into a situation where she does not require female patience and male courage!
  The most unsinkable is the one who is not clumsily skilled in military affairs, and not a log of reason!
  And then suddenly let go, and it became very easy. And Pavel Ivanovich felt cheerfulness and a flow of energy in every cell.
  The fortune-teller answered enthusiastically:
  - It's done! You're a Conan boy now!
  Pavel felt wires and sensors falling off him, and he became free. And a large mirror descends from above.
  The fortune-teller said enthusiastically:
  - Look at you!
  Pavel looked. His vision became sharp, and fast. A boy appeared in the mirror. Muscular, in short pants. Her hair is black, tinged with blue. The face is pleasant and beautiful, tanned, quite European. The boy himself is very wiry, his neck is strong, and his eyes are black. Teeth, when smiling not to the weather, are large. He looks like he's eleven years old, but his muscles are as sculpted as Bruce Lee's. Like the cartoon, the legs are bare, but very tenacious and agile.
  A very athletic and strong and trained boy.
  Pavel Ivanovich made biceps, they swelled up in triangles. He was quite pleased:
  - Nice figure! And that I will be forever?
  The fortune teller confidently said:
  - You're a cartoon! And cartoons don't get old! You might be glad you'll never be an old man again!
  Pavel Ivanovich jumped up and clapped his hands over his head and muttered:
  - That's great! How good I feel!
  The fortune teller grinned and remarked:
  But now you are my slave! We must work out immortality! Do you understand!
  Pavel Ivanovich enthusiastically said:
  - Pioneer is always ready!
  The fortune teller slammed her fist on the table and said:
  Your first task will be easy. Go outside and find the kid Grishka Mimosa there. Kick him in the face until he's bruised. With your strength, it's easy. And take his schoolbag and iPhone from him. Then bring me!
  Pavel threw up his hands in confusion.
  - Why do you need a student's iPhone?
  The fortune teller barked:
  - You are my slave! Don't ask, do it! There is no need for you to know and discuss orders! Or you will die and your soul will go to hell forever!
  Paul-Conan timidly asked:
  - Where can I find Grishka Mimosa?
  The fortuneteller tossed a seed to the terminator boy:
  - Come on and follow him! Where you shine, there is an enemy!
  Pavel-Konan, no longer asking a question, flashing his bare, round boyish heels, jumped out of the office. He felt the energy and the desire to move.
  The body was indeed very strong and fast. Pavel-Conan did not feel his feet under him. He accelerated up the stairs, ignoring the elevators. And it was so easy for him, and the flight was so swift and exciting.
  After that, the terminator boy jumped out into the street. The weather was cool, it had just rained. The cartoon boy splashed through the puddles. Raised splashes. And he was fine. And the speed of running, like a thoroughbred, racehorse. At least faster than humans. Don't catch up so easily.
  Here is a kid, ignoring the traffic lights, rushed between the cars. His speed was great and his reaction excellent. Conan is indeed a very remarkable cartoon. Fast, with excellent reaction, strong and hardy. He lacks training in martial arts and magic. Then it would be even cooler than Naruto. But nothing, he has all eternity ahead of him. And the energy never runs out.
  The cartoon boy jumped over the car. Still, he ran too fast, and passers-by looked back at the barefoot boy. Even the police whistled. But okay, not paying attention, Conan-Paul reached the courtyard.
  Grishka Mimosa was there. A boy of about thirteen, with a very impudent look. And looked like an animal. Seeing Paul-Conan, he burst out laughing, pointing his fingers:
  - Look beggar! No money for shoes!
  Conan-Paul rushed at the offender, kicked him in the stomach, then moved his fist on the back of the head. He collapsed like a wreck. Conan-Paul does not have hefty strength. After that, the cartoon boy remembered that bruises on his face should also be left. He turned and punched him several times in the face.
  Then he took the briefcase, turned out his pockets in search of an iPhone. A bunch of coins flew out, a couple of pieces of paper. Conan-Paul cleaned them up with pleasure. But where is the iPhone - where did it go! The young warrior even tore off the clothes on the victim, exposing them to the waist. But I finally found it too.
  I took it for myself ... And rushed back. It is done! And most importantly, it's so easy and simple! It's like chewing gum! Everything turned out so well!
  And the boy rushed again, and whistled a song to himself:
  - Interrupted thread, we are threatened by an evil death! And to live - the hero must die!
  And again jumping over cars. Scrolling somersaults, various kinds of turns.
  Conan-Paul flew into the office. Nobody stopped him. Then he ran upstairs to the fortune teller.
  She greeted him not too cordially:
  - Well, you give! Why did you kill Grishka?
  Conan-Paul spread his hands in confusion:
  - I didn't kill him?
  The fortune teller giggled and grinned.
  - Boy Conan, can lift over his head a boulder weighing more than a ton. Imagine how strong he is. And he moved the teenager on the back of the head! Are you an idiot?
  Conan-Paul spread his hands in confusion:
  - Well, I didn't think so. The back of the head itself fell under my fist!
  The fortune teller barked:
  - In short, make a fool pray to God, he will beat his forehead! It"s good that I personally didn"t need this boy. And an iPhone and a briefcase will fit. But here you are... You understand that now you are a murderer!
  Conan-Paul sighed heavily and answered:
  - Well, I didn't want to! I'll be more careful next time!
  The fortune teller snarled and thumped the floor with her heel:
  - There won't be a next time. I remember you, a boy who runs half-naked in the cold and slaps through the autumn puddles. And the police will probably be looking for the killer. So in Moscow, in any case, you do not look like!
  Pavel-Conan frivolously blurted out:
  What if you dye your hair white? I'll be even prettier!
  The fortune teller cracked her fingers and shook her head.
  - Not! Until you run around Moscow! I'll send you to a fairy world! There you will get seven artifacts for me. And then - it will be seen! But watch out, be careful with the force!
  . CHAPTER #2
  In the meantime, maybe ... - The fortune teller winked and answered with a sly grin. - Make love to me. I always dreamed of trying the male perfection of a Japanese cartoon. After all, in hentai there is no equal skill cartoon Japanese characters.
  The fortune teller looked young and flawless in figure. You can even call her beautiful. And of course, Paul-Conan did not object. Sleeping with such a woman for nothing is a gift of fate. She could demand payment for sex with her.
  And so the fortune teller lay on her back and spread her legs. Her hand took the toon's cock, which quickly swelled and grew to twenty-five centimeters.
  Paul-Conan hissed:
  - Lovely!
  The boy entered the woman and began to move in her bosom with his large male perfection beyond his years. Lustful well instantly moistened, and the woman began to moan and wave. She was also pleased with the Japanese cartoon, in the style of hentai.
  This is when outwardly it seems to be a very muscular child, but masculine perfection is like that of a cartoon in porn, that is, large even for an adult.
  And of course an elderly, albeit well-preserved fortune-teller with such a very pleasant. Plus another man, then seventy years old. And, of course, he has not a child's experience at all.
  True, like most men, a woman and her pleasure are the last thoughts.
  But the fortune-teller is temperamental and she even likes it rudely.
  And she moans voluptuously.
  The boy also began to moan, and threw out the white gruel. Yes, it's really great...
  The fortune-teller began to wrinkle again, and even bending over several times licked the pulsing, jade rod with her tongue. And he got up, again, and swelled.
  After Paul-Conan entered the woman again. She shook from orgasm.
  It was fun and cool.
  Then he finished again... And again the fortune-teller licked off with her tongue this sweet, so pleasant-tasting manna.
  They made love, a few hours until exhausted. The first gave up the fortune-teller and said:
  - Enough! You're a real buffalo in strength!
  Paul-Conan nodded:
  - Of course, I'm strong buffalo! Well, do you agree that it's great?
  The fortuneteller agreed:
  - Yes, that's right! But I like it, like this in a rough, and fast way. But many other women love more affection, and more gently, and not so fast!
  The cartoon boy nodded.
  - It's right! But I have become a body like a child. And my thinking and temperament has changed to the level of a teenager!
  The fortuneteller remarked:
  - A very strong and fast child, not just a kid. Have you done karate before?
  Paul-Conan honestly said:
  - Not! Unfortunately no! And during my youth, karate was forbidden!
  The fortune teller said with a laugh:
  - I know it! But you can quickly learn anything in a young body. In general, Konan knows how to fight with his feet a little, he naturally has a good stretch, but teach him the technique - there would be no price for such a fighter!
  The cartoon boy asked:
  - Will you teach me?
  The fortune teller shook her head.
  -Not! It's not my business to teach karate boys. You will have a special mentor, and maybe a mentor. Well, in the meantime... Until then, get some sleep.
  I will send you to another world, and you need to gain strength.
  Paul-Conan confidently declared:
  - I'm not tired at all!
  Flower replied:
  - Do not argue! There you will have to fight a lot. In addition, in this world you will also have tasks. So gain strength young stallion. By the way, you do not complex that you became a boy?
  Paul-Conan confidently answered:
  - Not! Not an ounce of complexes!
  The fortuneteller remarked:
  "In the world you enter, you may have to serve the knights. And you will be treated like a boy, or rather a child in terms of respect. Although, let you and the child in appearance not be spared!
  Paul-Conan answered with a sigh:
  - What am I ready for this! Moreover, immortality requires sacrifice!
  Flower noted:
  - Lie down on the couch. You are young and healthy, so you will fall asleep easily. And then it will be seen. And you have beautiful dreams! And these are not just dreams, in part they will reflect an alternative reality.
  Paul-Conan sang:
  - I'm not a pathetic insect,
  Like a ninja turtle!
  Then he resolutely went to the sofa. I lay down on it and closed my eyes.
  And then the boy was almost immediately covered by a wave of sleep.
  And he dreamed that he was in the time of Emperor Nero. An orgy is raging, and a lot of heterosexuals. At the same time there is a noble feast.
  The emperor himself, of a heroic physique with a thick neck, plays the lute.
  Nero in the modern world is personified with something evil and depraved. Especially after the repeatedly filmed novel: "Kamo Gryadeshi ".
  But whether Nero really set fire to Rome, and whether he killed Christians is not exactly known.
  But he loved gladiator fights, that's for sure. Right now, two boys of fourteen years old came out to fight right during the feast. They were half naked and tanned. They held swords in their hands. And cautiously stepping barefoot, approached each other. Nobles and patricians applauded.
  The boys began to fight. Sparks fell from swords. The boys stomped, one stepped on a fork with his bare heel and grimaced.
  The boys began to cut themselves, and almost immediately received scratches. This is a brutal fight.
  The emperor looked at the boys with a greedy look. Conan-Paul ended up with other boys who were waiting for their turn. The boys, almost naked but muscular, were sitting on a bench. Some had tridents, others had swords or sabers. There were boys with axes.
  The girls were on the other side. They, too, were almost naked, in the same panties. They were also supposed to entertain Nero and his retinue.
  Of course, it's nice to watch how boys or girls fight.
  Conan-Paul asked the boys:
  Are we going to kill each other like this?
  The eldest of the boys, about fifteen years old and very muscular, replied:
  Yes, this is our destiny! Going to death, I salute the emperor.
  At that moment, one of the gladiator boys fell. And he turned off without moving. The Moor slave brought a torch to the boy's bare feet. The flame licked the teen's bare heel predatorily. He screamed and tried to jump up. And he fell again, receiving a fatal blow to the neck. After that, it finally fell silent. Although his bare feet again tried to burn him with fire. But the boy could not move. He finally calmed down.
  Nero roared:
  - The winner will grant life until the next battle! Now let the girls fight!
  Here came the first on the platform charming, tall and muscular blonde. She was only in swimming trunks, and her breasts with scarlet nipples were bare. Of course, the legs are bare, and in the hands of a sword and shield. The girl is tanned, but her hair is blond - which is very beautiful.
  She bowed to the emperor. And I thought that Nero, having thrown off twenty kilograms, would be a very good-looking man.
  Then another warrior ran out to the music. Also almost naked in blue swimming trunks. But red hair. She was armed with a trident and a net.
  So a very interesting and brutal battle was expected. Both girls are tall and muscular, with thin waists and luxurious hips. And both beauties have masculine chins and powerful necks.
  The warriors looked at each other. The girls looked at each other and glared. They started placing bets.
  Nero sighed:
  - I don't like it when girls die!
  Petronius suggested:
  Let them fight without weapons!
  The emperor of Rome objected:
  - Not! Let there be a full fight! I bet on red!
  A signal sounded. Both girls had bare, tanned breasts with ruby nipples.
  And they got along. The redhead struck the shield with her trident and dropped the net. The blonde turned away. Her counterpart moved her trident over her legs and tried to grab the net. But the blonde hit her on the shoulder and scratched the redhead. Blood came out and fell on a huge table where the girls were fighting.
  Petronius remarked:
  - Your pet was hurt!
  Nero logically noted:
  - And it is even uninteresting when the battles go in one gate!
  The redhead again tried to hit the blonde's bare feet with her trident. She even managed to hook the girl in the hardened heel. Both beauties were experienced gladiators. They already had scars and cuts on their bodies.
  The blonde tried to attack again. The redhead replied. And used a trident. And again she waved them hard. They clashed with blades.
  The redhead still reached for the net and picked it up. But the blonde managed to hit her competitor on the thigh, and she got injured.
  Now it was painful to move the redhead. And she limped away.
  The blonde ran after her. And hit with a sword on the shoulder blades. But the redhead answered, and the trident hit the blonde in the stomach. And three injections were imprinted.
  And she also bled.
  Nero licked his lips:
  - Not bad!
  The redhead tried to throw the net. And she almost started it, but she was stabbed in the chest with a sword. And dropped the net. Her bare feet were tangled. The blonde hit her on the head with the hilt of her sword. The redhead hung up and fell silent.
  The Moor with a torch brought fire to the bare, seductive legs of a red-haired girl. The smell of singed meat is heard again, so tender and pleasant. The redhead woke up from the wild pain and reached for the trident. But the blonde hit her again with the sword, flat on the head. And the stunned beauty passed out.
  A warrior with white hair brought a sword to her chest and looked at Emperor Nero.
  The main one who pardons is the monarch, such a custom. Nero held out his hand, and hesitantly raised his finger up.
  Conan-Paul thought that the emperor was not such a monster after all, he could have mercy.
  Meanwhile, Tetrulian remarked:
  - It seems among the boys there was someone superfluous!
  Nero nodded.
  "Here, let him fight!"
  Conan-Paul was forced to leave. He was wearing shorts, which were little different from swimming trunks, and very muscular. Nero looked at the boy and remarked:
  - Cute baby! Well, let him fight with two at once! And those with swords, and he without weapons!
  Petronius noted:
  They will kill him quickly!
  Nero replied:
  - He has such muscles. This is Hercules at ten or eleven.
  There were two boys of fourteen years old. They were a little taller than Conan-Paul, although not as prominent in muscle. But all the same, the boys are muscular, hardened, trained. Maybe they even recently stashed in the quarries.
  Conan-Paul smiled at them. The gladiator boys frowned. A signal sounded and they, waving their swords, rushed at their counterparts. The cartoon boy grabbed the opponent's sword with his bare toes and tore it out of his hand. Another nearly hit Conan in the head. But the boy punched him across the chest and knocked him down. The blow was so strong that a bruise spread on his chest.
  The boy grabbed Conan-Paul with his hands, but he threw him like a doll.
  Then the cartoon boy moved his heel into the chin of the downed boy and broke his jaw, turning it off.
  The abandoned kid tried to get up, but was punched in the forehead, and passed out like a bull under a butcher's club.
  Both boys were quiet. Conan-Paul looked at Nero.
  He took it and held out his hand. Then he turned his thumb down. And roared:
  - Kill them!
  Conan-Paul looked at the boys in bewilderment. Nearly naked, withered bodies, trained tomboys who weren't well fed.
  Nero asked harshly:
  - Don't you understand Latin?
  Conan-Paul nodded.
  - I understand your majesty!
  The emperor ordered:
  - Pick up the sword, and pierce the heart of both boys!
  The teenagers looked completely helpless. On the backs and sides of the lean bodies are the marks of the whip, which were generously handed out by overseers in the quarries.
  No, Conan-Paul could not kill them. The bogatyr boy angrily stamped his bare, tanned, muscular foot and said:
  - Not!
  Nero growled:
  - What not*
  The boy honestly answered:
  -I can't kill them!
  The Emperor hissed:
  - Bring the tomboys to their senses!
  Moors with torches brought the flame to the bare soles of the boys who had lost their creation. They screamed and came to their senses. It was evident that the boys-gladiators staggered, and they turned pale!
  Nero ordered:
  - In the quarry them! Let them work as before. And this daring boy is waiting for a special test! Let him fight the hungry African lion!
  The retinue expressed stormy approval.
  And the emperor Nero saw fit to add:
  "Of course, the cocky boy will fight without any weapons.
  The courtiers giggled. One of the Vestal Virgins wisely remarked:
  - Give it to us lord. We'll drive him to death!
  Nero, smiling obscenely, remarked:
  "His perfection may not be great enough to satisfy tigresses like you!"
  The vestal remarked:
  - And the boy also has a tongue! And this is even better than dignity.
  And the audience roared with laughter.
  The emperor ordered:
  - Well, let's bring a lion to him - the most ferocious.
  The battlefield was fenced off from the guests very high with thick rods.
  A fence, so that it was possible not to be afraid of a huge lion.
  Pavel-Conan felt a certain timidity in himself. He understood that this
  not quite a dream. And most likely moving to the next mission.
  The witch is a powerful sorceress and sent him to the past with some purpose.
  Maybe not even his world. So the lion can break, strong, but at the same time, the childish body of the toon is real.
  It's already being taken out. The beast is indeed huge, even for a lion. Good half a ton in weight. The mane is thick, yellow, the tail is long with a tassel. Yes, this is a serious adversary.
  Pavel-Konan looks like an ordinary boy of average height for eleven years. That is, even for antiquity, it is small. True, his muscles are very prominent, and under thin, tanned skin they roll like a wire.
  But still a child in shorts, with bare heels against a monster.
  Nero's retinue began to make bets. And the hungry lion was held on a special chain. Almost all bets were on the lion. But the main mistress of Nero Pompey, a beautiful and depraved woman who is already thirty years old, despite the shorts, was able to notice that Conan is not quite a child. And resolutely made a bet on the boy. At the same time I decided that if the boy survived, be sure to drag him into bed.
  Here are the stakes. And the lion was taken and unleashed. He rushed with a wild roar, at the muscular, beautiful and strong child.
  Pavel-Conan, feeling fear, rushed to run as fast as he could. Her bare, round heels flashed.
  The lion did not manage to catch up with the boy, and he climbed out along the grate.
  The legionnaires raised their spears and prevented the boy from slipping into the bars.
  Emperor Nero grunted:
  - And you're fast! Come on, kill the lion. If you defeat him, I will forgive you and even take you into my retinue!
  Pavlik-Konan chuckled and replied:
  - All right, I'll skin the lion!
  The cartoon boy felt anger and self-confidence in himself. Pavlik-Konan jumped off the fence. And kicked him in the side with his bare foot. The lion was shaken well and howled. Rushed, snarling at the defiant child. Pavlik-Konan took to his heels. His muscular legs are so fast that you can really get ahead of the brute lion.
  The boy runs and his heels flash. And the lion is behind him in a circle. But here Pavlik-Konan stopped. And he will take it and kick the slightly out of breath lion on the side with his foot. He received a hard shake and the rib was evidently cracked. He jumped on the boy, but he shifted and again, like a kick in the ribs. This time the beast really cracked. And pink bubbles came out from behind her mouth.
  Pavlik-Konan struck with his bare foot in a jump. And right on the lion's nose. The one who growls in pain. And the bare, hard heel of the child was smashed to the point of blood.
  The lion jumped on the boy. He fell on his back, and threw the beast over him.
  And the lion crashed very painfully. Even the bubbles from the mouth went much more actively, and in a stream.
  The cartoon boy sang:
  - We will become braver and more courageous than a lion,
  We will stand at least once, in the most terrible hour ...
  All misfortune to us will tryn -grass!
  And the boy again threw the lion that had jumped on him with his feet. He partially remembered the tricks of the boy Conan. Such a wonderful child who, due to radiation, became a mutant hero. And his strength is simply incredible, and this is in the body of a child, even with cast muscles.
  The lion was already bleeding not only from his mouth, but also from broken ribs. Konan-Pavlik began to beat him again on the sides. And the bones broke, crunched. The lion has already slowed down, and even began to back away.
  The cartoon boy hit him in the ribs again. And then he grabbed his mane with his hands and threw it over him. The lion fell again. Pavlik-Konan wanted to strangle him, but the predator's neck was too thick to be wrapped around by children's, albeit extremely strong, arms.
  Therefore, the terminator boy continued to beat the beast with his feet. It got more and more damaged. Finally, from the pain shock and loss of blood, the beast calmed down.
  Emperor Nero stood up and said with delight:
  - That's a child! Are you by any chance the son of the god Hercules, or Apollo?
  Conan-Pavlik picked up the lion from the tile, and raised it over his head and ran it to the grate, right in front of the throne of Nero and exclaimed:
  - My prey is your prey!
  The emperor was very pleased and applauded. Then he asked with a smile:
  - What is your name young slave?
  The boy-bogatyr answered confidently:
  - Conan!
  Nero announced:
  - I grant this young slave freedom and enroll him in my personal guard!
  The suite applauded. Pompey whispered in Nero's ear:
  - This is a wise decision!
  Nero nodded to the boy. Pavlik-Konan jumped over the fence like a monkey. And went to Nero. The Emperor was stout and powerfully built. He is still young and can be called handsome.
  Known for his passion for singing. And also... Love for both women and beautiful young men.
  And now he looked at the boy. Conan is handsome, and his muscles are like cast steel. Nero ran his hand over the chest of the heroic boy and remarked:
  - You have a polished skin! And the beauty of young Apollo!
  Konan-Pavlik nodded:
  - Yes, great ... I'm ready to serve you!
  The emperor ordered:
  - Better wine for my new warrior!
  And the barefoot slaves began to pour green wine into the golden bowl. Konan-Pavlik smiled. It is interesting to taste the wine of Ancient Rome already being in a new, young body. It's even extremely cool.
  Konan-Pavlik also ate a pheasant's leg. It was delicious in sauce too. The wine also tastes very good. The heroic boy drank and ate slowly.
  Emperor Nero stroked his muscular back. It was disgusting, but Konan-Pavlik endured. Fighting with all the Romans, even for him, is too much.
  Here is a new gladiator fight. This time the girls are fighting.
  The beauties came out in only swimming trunks. Nero's eyes lit up.
  And his hand began to stroke the naked servant servant.
  Nero loved both women and teenage boys. He was corrupted.
  And Pavlik-Conan began to stroke Pompey's muscles. She is woman,
  Very beautiful, even considered the first beauty of Rome.
  Although she is already thirty, and her son is almost as tall as Konan-Pavlik.
  But she loves cute boys. Moreover, the young hero has such skin.
  Just like a crocodile, and the relief of the muscle is better than any statue of Apollo.
  At the same time, the boy is alive and his young strong body smells pleasant.
  Pompey strokes him and feels his muscles. It turns her on very much. The boy-hero is also pleasant, the gentle hands of a beautiful woman. And he even began to purr like a cat with pleasure. And so she went down with her hands, felt her navel. And then her hands in shorts. The male perfection of the boy rose at once, and began to swell, to its twenty-five centimeters in an excited state.
  Pompey, seeing the impressive tubercle, breathed heavily and said:
  You will be mine tonight!
  Pavlik-Konan groaned:
  - Oh, aunt! How good, I'll finish now.
  But Pompey withdrew her hands. Nero looked at the boy and laughed. The young hero felt annoyed. And his masculine perfection fell asleep. Now he's just a muscular and extremely strong terminator boy.
  Meanwhile, one of the girls got tangled in the net, and got a trident in the side. And began to die, bleeding. Her partner was also wounded in the shoulder, and stabbed her opponent with fury.
  She finally quieted down. And then the Moor with a torch ran up to the girl. And brought the torch to his bare feet. And then the flame carnivorously licked the bare, round, pink heel of the girl. She screamed and tried to get up.
  And another beautiful gladiator put a trident on her chest.
  And looked at Nero.
  The emperor asked Konan-Pavlik:
  - Well, pardon her or not!
  The kind-hearted boy confidently replied:
  - Of course, have mercy!
  The Emperor nodded.
  - Good! But you will serve Pompeii, and I will watch it!
  Konan-Pavlik remarked:
  - She is a beautiful woman, but sex is intimate!
  Nero replied:
  - No, sex is a collective matter!
  The retinue, where there were both men and women, laughed. It looked funny. Konan-Pavlik is quite large in antiquity.
  This is considered a teenager, and therefore Pompeii's love looked natural.
  Especially to a slave boy from a not too young, but still beautiful woman.
  Nero raised his finger. The girl was untangled from the net, and pulled out of the battlefield. What is abuse is abuse.
  Then four against four boys fought. Those in red swimming trunks have straight swords and round shields. And those who have blue swimming trunks have curved swords and rectangular shields. Here are the guys.
  The boys look about fourteen or fifteen years old. They still have clear skin and delicate faces. But their bare soles are calloused, from the sharp stones of the mines where they worked until recently. And the bodies are dry, strong. They were thoroughly washed before the fight, and the bodies were tanned, clean, and bare feet seemed to be able to tear off the dust. Muscular boys look at the podium. For some, masculine perfections begin to swell from excitement. Moreover, many of them practically did not see women in the quarries. And so I felt very strong excitement, especially seeing the slaves with both bare breasts and nipples. And then Pompey bared her chest.
  The boys giggled. They stood facing each other for a while. So far, they did not seek to fight, as they made bets on teams. The depraved women looked at the muscular teenage boys with lust. Soon the smooth skin of the boys will be cut by sword cuts. Blood will flow, and the fallen bare soles will be burned either by a torch or red-hot iron.
  Pavlik-Konan finished his wine, finished his pheasant and watched the fight. I have seen gladiator fights in movies. Nevertheless, there are almost no films where the boys would fight in the ring. So it's interesting to see.
  Nero likes the hairless bodies of boys and girls.
  So he looks with great greed.
  Finally, the signal sounds. And the boys converge in battle. Blades strike and sparks fly.
  Nero says with a smile:
  - Fight I see will be good!
  Temurlin remarked:
  - You are all good, great!
  The Emperor nodded.
  - So let me sing!
  Senator Seneca nodded.
  - That would be a wise decision, oh great!
  And the emperor Nero stood in the pose of an orator and sang:
  Huge, stormy, waves of evil blood,
  An endless stream flow over the earth ...
  And people confess so groaning in pain ...
  Fires are literally everywhere!
  And then he broke off, and stamped his foot, barking:
  - I'm not in the mood! Let's fight.
  One of the boys is already badly wounded and has fallen. Blood flowed from him.
  The Moor ran up and thrust a torch into the teenager's bare feet. The boy's soles, though calloused, are still alive. And he screams in excruciating pain. And rushes limping into battle.
  Emperor shouts:
  - Atu him! Atu!
  The boys collide again. And again their swords dripping blood. Konan-Pavlik remembered the book "Knights of Forty Islands". There, too, the boys fought. And they died and suffered a lot. Yes, it was a life full of suffering. Although, on the other hand, teenagers do not value life so much, and consider themselves immortal.
  For adults it would be so much more dumb.
  Konan-Pavlik saw the boy fall again. And they again bring a torch to his bare heels. And the teenage gladiator jumps up again, and again falls torn apart by blows.
  And again the battle. And again the killed boys. And everything is much more bloody and cruel.
  Finally, only one boy in red swimming trunks remained on his feet.
  Nero is relentless this time:
  - Kill the rest!
  Having received several scratches and injections, the boy, shiny with sweat and blood, makes uncertain steps with his bare, knocked down feet. And pierces his young comrades who have lost the ability to move.
  Another tough fight...
  . CHAPTER #3
  After the feast, Pompey, of course, took Conan-Pavlik to her chambers. The heroic boy could not, of course, refuse, but on the contrary, he really wanted sex. In the last years of his past life, his interest in women completely faded away. And therefore, Pavel Ivanovich Rybachenko was very happy about the return of his youth.
  When you are about eighty years old, then, of course, you already have a little joy from life. It's good that there is strength to drag the legs. And he still reached the fortuneteller himself.
  And here you have a second life and eternal youth. And how not to make love with the first beauty of Rome?
  The boy-hero was washed by the slave girls in the bath, and the muscular body was smeared with incense.
  Then they covered her with a veil and, as if a young concubine, were taken to Pompeii. She was already completely naked waiting for him. Her body was still quite fresh and attractive , but already plump. It was evident that the woman was mature, and not a young girl.
  Konan-Pavlik felt that she seemed to him some kind of old. Although he himself is something how old. But being determines consciousness. And a young body makes the perception of the world young.
  So even though you are an old man in a past life, but in this one you are an accelerator boy. And your perfection is not developed according to your age. After all, you are really a Japanese cartoon, and you have the ability, like in hentai, to work wonders in bed.
  Pompey made a sign. The slaves threw off the covers from the boy-hero. And here he is a young hero in front of her. And his perfection is already in combat position.
  Pompey ordered:
  - Come on, come to me!
  Konan-Pavlik rushed to her. And already with force entered her bosom. Pompey pushed away desperately and hissed:
  - Wait! Let's treat first!
  The big boy sighed. And he began to lick her scarlet nipples with his tongue.
  Pompey took Conan's hands and put them on herself, and began to move smoothly. Her body was aroused by touch, a strong, muscular and very young body.
  Then she turned Konan-Pavlik on his back. And she herself saddled his perfection. And she slid like a swing. Then she moaned sweetly. Konan-Pavlik felt at the pinnacle of bliss. In his previous life, he had never had to make love to such a classy and beautiful woman.
  And the ecstasy grew, Pompey moaned, louder and louder. And so they ended up together. But the depraved woman was not enough and she used her tongue.
  And excited perfection rose. Konan-Pavlik was now pounding himself, and this lasted longer, and Pompey came several times. And then the young hero defecated.
  But Pompey wanted more, and again put her tongue into action. Konan-Pavlik started working and his jade rod rose again. This time he worked for more than an hour, and Pompey finally exhausted herself from the cascade with an orgasm.
  They finished at once and already exhausted fell asleep.
  Konan-Pavlik dreamed of some jumps and excesses.
  And he woke up. A cloud shone next to him and an image of a witch-sorceress appeared in it.
  She said with a smile:
  You have already completed the first part of the task. Pompeii will have a child with you! He will become a glorious and strong emperor!
  Konan-Pavlik nodded:
  - This is good! But how do you know it's a son?
  The sorceress confidently stated:
  - My strength is great, and I know what I know! However, you will have to stay with Nero for some time. Do not let him destroy Christians, and help him gain a foothold on the throne by suppressing the conspirators. And when your son is born and receives the status of heir, and the main dangers for Nero have passed, you will return back and receive a different task!
  Konan-Pavlik raised his hand to his head like a pioneer and exclaimed:
  - I'm always ready! Pioneer is always ready!
  The sorceress said with a smile:
  - And you may be waiting for new trials and messiahs in parallel with this one. So there will be no rest...
  And her image disappeared.
  Konan-Pavlik fell asleep again ... And he slept relatively calmly. True, I dreamed of a game of chess. Really really long. It's like the figures on both sides stray, and then grow again like mushrooms. And this is generally a harmless dream.
  The next day, Nero took Konan-Pavlik from Pompeii and ordered him to learn swordsmanship from the best masters of Rome. Well, in his past life, Pavel Ivanovich was not engaged in fencing, so the technique of wielding a sword would be useful. However, Konan-Pavlik's speed and strength are extraordinary, and they made it possible to defeat the best masters even without equipment.
  However, technology is even better. Fighting with opponents, the boy-hero several times caught swords and broke them with bare fingers of his childish, but extremely strong legs. And this shocked the teachers.
  Nevertheless, Konan-Pavlik trained hard. And he threw spears, both with his hands and with his feet.
  It's very effective. You throw a spear with your bare toes. It flies a good kilometer, breaking through the target. The former carrier, a cartoon boy, threw spears very deftly with his feet. You can also learn how to throw boomerangs and other destructive objects with your legs. And, of course, hands too. Conan also knew how to shoot a bow. Now we need to improve our skills.
  Konan-Pavlik still studied sword fighting techniques. He was also taught to fight with fists and feet. Of course, the best teachers. They were amazed at the strength, agility and speed of the boy. Conan also had very strong skin. It is not so easy to break through, and he could jump from a great height without damage. Yes, he is a miracle boy.
  Nero also considered war. To the east was the mighty kingdom of the Parthians, stretching as far as India. In addition, the Jews rebelled. So there were future wars.
  Emperor Nero called the boy to him. Konan-Pavlik, as usual, barefoot in some shorts, arrived at the emperor's gaze.
  The ruler of Rome suggested:
  "Now there is a riot in our province of Judea. I sent my best commander Titus there. I think you could join the campaign, and there cover yourself with glory by performing feats. And then the Parthian kingdom will be waiting for you!
  Konan-Pavlik said with a smile:
  - Wherever the emperor's spear turns, I will turn there too!
  The ruler of Rome pointed out aggressively:
  I see you are a wise boy beyond your years. Would you like to hear me sing?
  Konan-Pavlik nodded:
  - It was very cool oh great!
  Nero sang ... His voice was strong and rather pleasant. Something similar to Kobzon. The emperor himself was tall, broad-shouldered, with large, but already fairly swollen muscles. However, he was strong, able to bend a silver dish or twist a fork. Nero was killed at only thirty-one years old. Perhaps his reign could become one of the longest in the history of Rome, and very glorious.
  But Nero decayed more and more. And he had some interesting ideas. One of the most odious misdeeds of Nero was that, on his orders, his own mother was killed.
  But this has not yet shaken the power. So far, Nero had not set fire to Rome, and there was no uprising of the legionnaires in Gaul. And there was no mass terror against the environment.
  Nero, however, wanted to go to Athens and take part in the Olympic Games. But his new servant, or even a slave, could take all the prizes and medals. And Nero did not even want this. He himself wanted to win the prize. First of all, for riding a chariot, and erecting a statue for himself in the Olympic Valley.
  However, that's not all. There were some Christians. Among them is the citizen of Rome, the Apostle Paul. It was with him that the preacher just wanted to meet.
  Christians seem to worship Jesus Christ whom they consider to be God. At the same time, it was God who was crucified, and it seems to be resurrected. Only then about him something is not heard.
  Most importantly, Christians are against sex outside of marriage, sodomy, gluttony, drunkenness, cruel executions. And Nero loved gladiatorial fights and torturing beautiful women and boys. He took pleasure in torturing women and whipping them, or twisting their nipples with pincers. Yes, and cute boys are nice to torture.
  And gladiator fights - Nero cannot live without this. Although, there are many slaves - and the best specimens die in these battles.
  Now Nero released the boy-hero with an order to flee to Palestine to Titus. They say you run faster than the most thoroughbred stallion put into a gallop, so you can get to Palestine, where the Jews are rioting, on your own.
  Moreover, the huge Parthian Army comes to the aid of the Jews. And Parthia, by a small population and size, is inferior to all of Rome. So Titus can be very tight. Yes, and the Jews are numerous and fanatical. He is commanded by Cobra, and his right hand is Barnabas . Which by the way, was released instead of Jesus Christ.
  So the scolding is going to be serious. And the hero boy is a great warrior. Nero even wanted to drag him into his bed. But I was afraid. What if this child, who killed with his bare hands the most powerful, previously invincible lion of the Roman Empire, would strangle Nero as well. It is dangerous to have such a strong concubine . Although the boy must be said to be very beautiful, and her muscles are so embossed - Nero has never seen such a sharp and deep muscle pattern.
  And the boy's face is very beautiful. True, the hair may also be dyed white, but this is even better. I want this boy to be liked by women.
  In the meantime, the emperor went into the torture room. Two people will be tortured there: the senator's wife and his son. The woman is still young and beautiful, and the boy is still tender, about twelve years old, and you can look at their torment. Or maybe even take part in them yourself.
  Ay-yes, Nero - not without reason historians considered you a monster.
  The executioners tore off the dress, tunic, sandals, and panties from the senator's wife.... She was naked. Then the tunic and shorts, along with the sandals, were also lied to from the boy.
  Leaving the boy and the adult woman completely naked, they were led to the ropes.
  They twisted their arms back, and abruptly pulled them up on the rack. And the ropes are taut.
  The woman screamed in pain and shame, and the boy whined thinly. They stretched out on the ropes.
  The senator's wife was young, in her thirties, already beginning to swim with a plump, plump figure. The boy is quite muscular, physically developed and tanned.
  He was in pain, but the kid clenched his teeth and fell silent. But his mother continued to cry and whine.
  Nero decided that it would be good for him to have some fun himself. The emperor picked up a scourge and stepped out of the shadows.
  The woman recognized the ruler of Rome and whined:
  - O great mercy. We are not to blame for anything!
  Nero grinned.
  - Your husband wanted to poison me!
  The senator's wife yelled:
  - It's not true about the greatest of the greatest!
  The emperor gloomily declared:
  - Not! I'll interrogate you until you name your accomplices!
  And he hit the senator's wife on the back with a whip. She screamed at the top of her lungs.
  The emperor hit her again, so that the skin burst.
  The boy yelled:
  - Don't hit my mom!
  Nero grinned carnivorously and whipped the boy too. He also screamed.
  The emperor smiled. And he began to beat with a whip in turn, striking the boy and the woman. He had a heavy hand. The skin on the backs and sides of the boy and woman burst, blood flowed. They screamed in excruciating pain.
  And the emperor got all wound up and acted angrier.
  Until finally, first the woman, and then the child, slashed in a bloody mess, did not subside.
  Nero wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered:
  - Bring them to your senses!
  The executioners poured buckets from the well prepared in advance onto the victims. They came to their senses and groaned.
  Nero took the torch in his hands. And without thinking twice, he took and directed the flame to the bare soles of the woman. It smelled of burnt meat. The woman screamed at the top of her lungs. And the emperor had already put the flame under the boy's bare feet. And again the smell of fried barbecue, and singed meat and screams.
  Nero began to burn the victims with fire. They yelled and hung up again. By order of the dictator, they were again doused with ice water. And again Nero began to fry them.
  And the boy and the woman again yell covered with burns.
  No, after all, the emperor of Rome is a big beast.
  To torture a woman and a child, what could be worse.
  The hero boy made love to the slave girl in farewell. He tried very hard to be gentle and to please the slave. She seemed to like it and moaned voluptuously.
  Taking with him two swords, which were made by special order from specially hardened steel, and a bow with a quiver full of arrows, the hero boy rushed off to the dining room.
  And there he took a roasted boar with him and moved on.
  Now it was necessary to get to Palestine on their own. And this, of course, is a long distance run. Truly a very fast boy.
  Konan-Pavlik is ready for this.
  Well, for starters, you can drink a whole bucket of wine. And then take it, and rush in a northerly direction.
  And the bare, round heels of the boy flashed. And he rushed off in the direction of the Alps. What's good to run. Especially if it's summer and hot.
  The boy ran and composed a little as he went;
  Instead of unpromising tanks: "Lion", "Maus", and E-100, Hitler ordered the best designers to focus on the self-propelled gun E-10, making a miracle machine. Weighing only ten tons with an engine of 400 horsepower, but at the same time protected in the forehead from all Soviet guns, and on board from anti-tank rifles and a cannon capable of penetrating all Soviet tanks in the forehead up to a kilometer.
  It seemed to be unrealistic. But the designers made a car, only 1.2 meters high, with only two crew members lying down. And the frontal armor of the car is 82 mm under a very large slope of the armor, and the sides are 52 mm, plus rollers. And the weight was ten tons with an engine of 400 horsepower. This means high speed and maneuverability. And the gun is 75 mm 48 EL barrel length, like the modernized version of the T-4.
  This is how a magnificent machine appeared by the time of the Battle of Kursk. And Hitler, in order to increase the number of these self-propelled guns, even postponed Operation Citadel. But, of course, Stalin did not wait for the Fuhrer, and on July 15 he launched an offensive against the Nazis.
  The Germans had a powerful defense and are ready. The battles showed that the Panther was a very good tank in defense. And he does an excellent job. And the "Tiger" is also not bad, including counterattacks.
  But the E-10, being both cheaper and easier to manufacture, surpasses both the Panther and the Tiger in combat qualities.
  And the Germans were able to stop the Soviet offensive on their positions.
  In Sicily, however, the Allies were successful. And they were able to capture the island first, and then land in Italy.
  But the German troops disarmed the Italians, and launched a strong counterattack on the allies.
  And in the east, the Germans themselves went on the offensive and surrounded Kursk. And they created a huge cauldron for the Soviet troops. That was an adventure.
  The success of the Germans in the east, and the capture of Voronezh. Under these conditions, Stalin offered Hitler a truce.
  The Fuhrer agreed, but on the condition that the guerrilla war cease.
  Stalin did not give guarantees for this. And the war continued with renewed vigor. The Germans developed a serious offensive in the southern direction.
  But the partisans continued to act, and especially the children showed heroism, in particular the partisan Lara.
  October 16, 1943 Larisa Mikheyko went on a mission to the village. The girl was already an experienced underground worker and scout. Walking was not easy. Rough shoes with wooden soles rubbed his feet badly. The girl took off her shoes with a sigh and walked barefoot. Dirt from the night frost froze into ice lumps, and rang under the children's feet. Walking barefoot was cold, almost painful. The girl, in order not to freeze, added a step. Her bare soles, hardened by the summer, scratched against the hard surface. The girl walked for a long time, her bare fingers began to turn blue from the cold, her foot hurt, her empty stomach rumbled from the cold. Red hair stuck out from under the scarf, and fluttered in the wind.
  The little partisan Lara sang a song so that it would not be so foul.
  We are the pioneers of the children of communism -
  A fire, a tent and a ringing bugle!
  Invasion of damned fascism -
  Who awaits a furious rout!
  What have we lost in these battles?
  And then in battles with the enemy acquired?
  We used to be just children of the world -
  And now the warriors of the native land!
  But Hitler took a step towards our capital,
  Dropped bombs without counting the waterfall!
  We are the Fatherland even more beautiful than the sky -
  Now the bloody sunset has come!
  We will respond to aggression harshly -
  Although they themselves are small in stature!
  But the sword in the hands of a fragile teenager -
  Stronger than the legions of Satan!
  Let the tanks rush avalanche after avalanche,
  And we divide the rifle into three!
  Let the police meanly aim at the back,
  But the Holy God will punish them fiercely!
  What we decided? do the work of the world
  And for that, alas, I had to shoot!
  Calmness is already disgusting.
  There is also violence!
  With the girl we run barefoot together -
  Even though it snowed, a snowdrift burns like coal!
  But have no fear, know the children -
  The fascist will be boldly driven into the coffin by a bullet!
  Here they put the vile Fritz company,
  And the rest of the cowards are on the run!
  We crush infantry like a scythe in battle -
  We are not a hindrance to young summers!
  Victory achievement, will be in May,
  Now the blizzard is prickly, hard snow!
  The boy is barefoot, his sister is barefoot,
  In rags, children met the heyday!
  Where do these powers come from?
  Endure pain and cold, that need!
  When a friend measured the bottom of the grave,
  When a friend groans - I will die!
  Christ blessed us pioneers,
  He said, the Fatherland is given to you by God!
  This is the first faith of all,
  Soviet, sacred country!
  The girl sang very touchingly and sonorously. It's cold in a tattered beggar's dress, but when you walk quickly it warms you. Lara is somewhat reminiscent of Gerda, wandering along an icy autumn road in search of Kai. But on the account of the partisan there is already a blown up bridge, several minor sabotage and a lot of information obtained about the movement of the Nazis.
  Lara is in a bad mood. And not only because she left the house before dark and without breakfast. And not only because the girlish feet, barefoot, knocked down on the edges of the ice, burn with fire and ache terribly.
  The saddest thing is the news received from the front. The Germans have already captured almost the whole of the Caucasus, except for Baku and Yerevan, Arkhangelsk and a number of cities in the north fell. The Nazis are only a couple of hundred kilometers from Moscow. Japan is pressing from the east, swallowing whole Mongolia and Primorye and approaching Alma-Ata.
  There is no joy from the news from the front. And Lara frowns at this. It is already the third year of the war, and there are no changes for the better. Are they doomed to fail? And there is no chance of a fracture? True, while the capital stands, there is hope!
  Lara, in order to calm herself down, remembered Jeanne d'Arc . The British captured more than half of France, and the capital Paris. However, the French were able to turn the tide of the war and sweep the British out of their country. Perhaps the same thing will happen now. The main thing is not to wilted the people and their spirit.
  Lara's bare feet broke through a crust of ice in a puddle, it was ticklish for the calluses that had grown on the soles. The girl becomes more cheerful and she says:
  - And I'm a savage ... Wild and fearless!
  There were bare footprints on the white frost. Wet feet are cold and the girl almost starts running, it seems that there are burning coals under the sole. If Lara had not been hardened by thousands of miles traveled between villages, her hardened soles would be bleeding.
  And so it hurts and burns, but a little dull, and the hard sole withstands.
  Hardened by constant transitions, the girl ran for a long time, she got a second wind, she warmed up, and even sweated a little. Only the downed soles hurt very much, and the overworked calves ached.
  But also the village, you need to go to the yellow hut and name the password.
  The girl knocked three times. A young, rather attractive woman in a peasant dress appeared. She looked suspiciously at the beggar woman, with her feet red from the cold, and asked:
  - You with good news, or devil pack!
  Lara automatically answered:
  - There are no devils, but God is One!
  The woman repeated:
  - God is One, but there are many saints!
  She held out her hand to the girl.
  - Come in, dear, you see it's frozen from the road!
  Lara entered, carrying rough shoes in her hands. She took out a cipher from a wooden sole. The woman took it in her hands, hid it behind her sleeve, whistled:
  - Bring a bowl of warm water, son!
  A blond-haired boy about ten years old appeared. Thin, in simple peasant clothes, barefoot , but cheerful.
  The woman kindly said:
  - Wash your guest's feet!
  Lara shook her head in embarrassment.
  - I myself. Not a lady!
  The woman waved it off.
  - I heard about you Lara. You caused a lot of trouble to the Fritz, and you were even presented to the Order of the Great Patriotic War.
  The girl sighed heavily. The boy picked up a small piece of laundry soap and began to rub the girl's hard, scratched and bruised legs.
  The woman sympathetically said:
  - You walked barefoot in such a cold?
  Lara nodded, answering:
  - The shoes are very rough, not in size, rubbed the heels. Yes, and barefoot is more familiar to me, and it"s easier on my legs!
  The woman said with a smile:
  - So it won't take long. And it"s hard to get shoes, especially for children, under the occupation, the people became impoverished. But det Mikhey weaves excellent bast shoes, can he order one for you in size? It's better than wooden shoes!
  Lara waved it off.
  - Oh, don't... I never got sick as a child, and I look like without shoes. And so in bast shoes, I feel like a beggar stronger than barefoot.
  The woman herself rubbed Lara's leg, the rough sole, and remarked:
  - You have it like a peasant woman, tough! But the road ahead is long. Maybe eat on the road?
  Lara, who had been tormented by hunger for the second day, nodded:
  - Here it is possible!
  Lunch was modest. The woman was a widow and raised five children. Everyone got a potato in uniform and a cup of milk. Lara was already quite tall, and her figure was forming, promising to soon turn into a blooming and beautiful girl. One potato, of course, was not enough for a growing organism. But to ask even with such poverty was not enough conscience. Children are thin, but cheerful, constantly smiling and chuckling.
  Lara licked her fingers and drank the delicious milk to the drop. I wanted to eat even more than before dinner. But she is already used to eating from hand to mouth. Nothing already a potato, chewed together with a peel, and fat milk gave something to the body. And there, maybe, he will get into a richer hut and feed the partisan.
  The woman handed Lara the font. The girl hid it in the wooden sole of a heavy boot. After a relatively warm hut on the street, she was doused with cold. The woman ran up to her and threw a scarf over her shoulders. Lara threw back:
  - No need! You are so poor! May it be better for the children!
  The widow kissed the girls goodbye and said:
  - Well, with God! I want to get there!
  Lara moved along the frozen road. To keep warm, I started running. A cold wind blew from the north, the sky was cloudy, and the day turned out to be frosty. And she is in only one old dress above the knees, and bare, red feet. After warm water, the icy wind is even colder. As if pincers grab bare heels.
  Lara runs, trying to hold her breath. So at least a little warmer. Under bare, crimson feet, an ice crust. I remembered the story about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. How painful it was for her, barefoot in the snow. No wonder the Nazis used such torture.
  And Lara's teeth chattered, and she quickened her pace. I thought that in vain I did not take a scarf. In the afternoon, the October frost only intensified. But she is a Soviet pioneer and is obliged to endure. If only there was enough strength. Her body is trained by numerous transitions, and will be able to endure everything. Even if every step explodes in pain! Fast running, in the end, began to warm Lara. It became warmer, and from the red, like boiled crayfish legs, the girl even started steaming. The pain subsided, and a second wind opened. What did she show that she could ... Like that Gerda who raced barefoot in severe frost to the palace of the snow queen. And although there was still a good twenty miles ahead of her, Lara was sure that she would run!
  . CHAPTER #4
  Appeared like an angel from darkness, or a demon from light, an enchantress. She flashed like lightning and declared, baring her large horse teeth:
  - Another mission awaits you! You are my servant and must fight where I command you!
  Pavlik-Konan bowed and said:
  - My answer is clear - I agree to everything!
  The sorceress confidently stated:
  - Now a battle with the Chinese army awaits you! But you will fight there not alone, and it will be a super fight!
  And she waved her magic wand. And a blizzard swirled and streams of light flooded the hero boy.
  A boy and a girl, as well as four witch girls, ended up in southern Siberia and repelled the onslaught of the Chinese. It was a little-known war, when the Manchus were in power in China, who were actively expanding in different regions of Asia.
  And so they attacked the Russians in the Tibet region. And the real story, they managed to take away part of the territory. Moreover, Russia at that moment was weakened by the peasant woman and the Cossack war of Stenka Razin. Yes, and the troops would have to be transferred over very long distances.
  But the immortal boy and girl, and four terminator girls came to the aid of the Russian fort.
  A huge Chinese army stormed the newly built Russian fortress. And the forces were clearly unequal.
  There are only a thousand Russians, and two hundred thousand Chinese. And there seemed to be no chance at all.
  But the six class warriors are super ready to fight.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko on the wall. An immortal boy, looking about twelve years old, throws needles with his bare toes. And strikes the advancing Chinese. Dozen at once.
  Throws needles and Margarita with bare fingers. The girl destroys opponents and squeaks:
  - My great power!
  And he fights bravely.
  Natasha also throws a powerful boomerang with her bare toes. How to crush opponents and squeak:
  - In the name of great glory!
  Then Zoya cuts the Chinese with swords, and at the same time throws needles with poison with her bare feet. And sings to himself:
  - In the vastness of Russia,
  We can save everyone!
  And again the swords fall on the opponents. And if they chop, then without any pity.
  But when Aurora began to destroy, and throw boomerangs with her bare toes, then this is completely destruction. And the slain Chinese fall under the blows of the red devil.
  And the girl roars:
  - I will crush and tear everything!
  And how he will take and cut with both swords!
  And from her bare heel a sharp and piercing disk flies. This is generally a girl of total death.
  And here is Svetlana in the decisive battle. How let's torment the Chinese, and cut them into small pieces with swords.
  The girl scrolled the butterfly, and seven warriors of the Celestial Empire were hacked to death.
  And then sharp, poisonous needles fly from bare toes. And amaze the Chinese.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko fights with yellow warriors. His swords flicker like a propeller.
  The boy sings with gusto:
  - I will be the strongest world champion,
  We will defeat America, China!
  And again the boy throws sharp games with his bare fingers of children's legs. And two dozen killed Chinese fall at once.
  Here is such a battle. In real history, tsarist Russia of pre-Petrine times lost part of its territory. But here the Russian knights are fighting and are not going to give in.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko fights and sings:
  - But we are knights full of the Russian spirit,
  The executioners will never hear our stifled groan!
  And again the boy throws very sharp, and with strong poison, boiled by witches, very thin needles!
  The girl Margarita is next to him. And also her legs throw such deadly needles. And the hands cut the attacking Chinese. The warrior destroys the adversaries, and sings:
  - I'm so cool, like a demon of all countries ...
  Dima, Dima, Bilan! Dima, Dima Bilan!
  Ruler of all countries!
  Natasha also cuts down the Chinese and sings:
  - In the evening dawn, we will not let Satan win!
  And deadly needles also fly from her bare feet.
  Next, Zoya destroys the enemies. And from this girl, vibes of colossal energy seem to emanate.
  And boomerangs and sharp needles fly from the beauty's bare feet.
  Warriors squeak:
  - I'm a big barefoot dream and beauty!
  And again, he will throw something extremely deadly at his opponents.
  But when Aurora runs a mill and cuts down the Chinese, then this is the acme of annihilation.
  And then the redhead will throw piercing needles with her bare toes. And the dead yellow warriors fall.
  But when Svetlana lupanet. And at the same time, a whole bunch of needles fly from her bare legs, which pierce and kill everything.
  And the warriors squeak:
  - So, so, so - get a fascist in a penny!
  And her bare feet will again be thrown deadly at the Chinese.
  Natasha, chopping yellow warriors with swords, remarked:
  - It was easier and harder with the Nazis!
  Svetlana, after passing the mill, remarked:
  - And it's always easy with us girls!
  Aurora, reproduced the reception of the fan, and grunted:
  - You won't get bored with me at all!
  And a deadly sting flies from her bare feet.
  And Zoya will take it and squeak:
  - We are not cockroaches, we are girls - of great glory!
  And again something will fly out from her bare feet, and it will hit the enemy.
  The girls took the job to heart.
  This fortress is almost the only Russian stronghold in the area. There are a couple more cities under construction. It"s good that the Chinese didn"t poke their head over the Amur. But Russia in real history has lost a piece of its territory. A very aggressive dynasty in power in China. However, girls are what is capable of putting Lucifer's regiments to flight.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko cuts down the Chinese. And while the boy sings:
  - The highest class will be ...
  And then a boomerang thrown by the boy"s bare foot flies and a cry:
  - The porcupine will cut everyone!
  Margarita also threw at the enemy what is a murder. She crushed it into pieces, and squeaked:
  - I am a barefoot dream and a great beauty!
  And her foot will throw wild discs.
  Next in the battle is Natasha. And it also throws at the enemy what splits the opponents.
  And he does it very cleverly.
  And her bare feet are throwing regular, deadly needles.
  Next, Zoya in battle. And he also throws at the enemy, all sorts of swastikas and boomerangs.
  And mows down the enemy.
  Then, as it passes:
  - Glory to the good king!
  But in battle and Aurora. It also destroys enemies from China. And if it throws, it will throw with lethal force.
  And while singing:
  - Yes, in the name of the Russian Land!
  And, too, deadly charges fly from her bare feet.
  Svetlana also does not let the enemy down. And from her bare feet flies something that brings obvious death.
  And the warrior sings:
  - We will never give up! Trouble will not come to Russia!
  And again, the Chinese will be hurt. And he will take it without ceremony and chop it.
  Six warriors and warriors hit hard. And cuts the enemy, and throws bare feet.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, cutting down the Chinese, sang:
  - Star fighter, your horn blows in vain -
  Your land is far away in dubious glory...
  The flame of battle trembles between the lines -
  In a one-sided game without rules!
  And another boomerang flies with the boy's bare feet, which cut the throats of a dozen Chinese.
  The boy, as we see, is a fighter.
  And Margarita is also in battle. And so her bare feet work. She exterminates enemies without any doubt extremely cool.
  And her swords are like executioners.
  The warrior squeaks:
  - Let there be glory!
  Natasha also fires with her bare feet, and throws the deadly. And at the same time he actively cuts with swords.
  Beeps at the same time:
  - My entourage is a state-owned crew!
  Next in the fight is Zoya. Also a devil of the highest level of annihilation. How to hold a butterfly with swords. And then he will take and throw striking elements with bare feet.
  After which it passes:
  - The army rejoices - advancing!
  And a whole line of beveled Chinese falls.
  The girl sings to herself:
  - Zoya loves to kill! Ah, that Zoya!
  And here is Aurora in a swift offensive. Or rather aggressive defense. And with the help of bare feet knocks out enemies.
  And at the same time it squeaks. And when her sabers pass like the blades of a cultivator, then three dozen Chinese will be torn to pieces!
  And Aurora squeals:
  - Harmonious chords, the flag of Russia is very proud!
  And now her bare heel will fit the Chinese general in the chin. He will take and fall.
  Zoya is aggressive in combat. He cuts his enemies, and squeals:
  - We will doubt and kill everyone!
  And from bare feet such daggers fly.
  Svetlana also does not let anyone down. And destroys enemies, as if a scythe cuts grass. The Chinese are failing.
  The girl screams:
  - Crazy Needle! Get out of the yard!
  Pavlik-Konan Rybachenko how to cut down a bunch of yellow warriors with swords. And then with bare feet he will throw an asterisk and yell:
  - My army is the strongest!
  The terminator boy, as you can see, is at the very peak of the destruction of enemies. And he does it with great passion.
  And from his bare toes, another gift of death flies off. And how it fills up the Chinese climbing the wall.
  Yellow warriors are fanatics. They have already piled up whole mounds of corpses. And they keep climbing and climbing and climbing!
  But the boy and girl are just the embodiment of deadly power. And when they cut, the splashes of blood fly in all directions and very far.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko sang:
  - Heroism is a feat glorified,
  We are the conquerors of the planets!
  Margarita, this restless girl sang:
  We won't stop for a moment.
  Someone's muffled scream is heard!
  And also from the girl's bare feet, destructive and murderous needles fly. Striking the Chinese like sheaves of wheat. Yes, the girl Margarita is a real terminator.
  Natasha, cutting down the Chinese, sang:
  - And the girl thought, crushing yellow,
  That life is good, and that life is good!
  Then again needles fly from her bare feet.
  Zoya passed the windmill with her sabers and squeaked:
  - I will kill all the enemies, and believe me, I'm not kidding!
  And the legs of the warrior launched several stars.
  And the beauty sang:
  - A military act - I hit a nickel!
  Aurora, cutting without unnecessary emotions, issued:
  - Great success awaits us! Trust me, it doesn't get any better!
  And also like bare feet, what kills will launch.
  Then it will squeak:
  - I'm a bloody cobra!
  Svetlana gives no mercy to the Chinese. And it exterminates like it's ants. And at the same time he sings:
  - Garbage will not be expensive,
  Get your feet up!
  And now, from her bare toes, murderous presents fly again. This is the coolest lady !
  And also roars:
  - There will be our victory, in a holy war!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko is becoming more and more active. And he cuts with both hands, and even took a pipe in his mouth and spits on the Chinese with needles. Destroys opponents and squeaks to himself:
  - This is our victory -
  Full turn and go!
  And again, the terminator boy is slashing like crazy. And at the same time throw that which kills without pity.
  Margarita is also in the fight. Desperate girl. And if he launches a boomerang with his bare foot, then this is no less than a dozen cut down Chinese.
  Then the girl will sing:
  - Oh, I have a big helicopter,
  Well, my heart sings with happiness!
  And a deadly star flies from the girl's bare heel. Yes, this is the beauty of the highest aerobatics. And death sows right and left.
  Natasha also exterminates the Chinese in every way.
  And while he sings:
  - Squeak, squeak, squeak...
  Oliver found Twist!
  And a deadly present flies from her bare foot.
  So Zoya pulled herself up ... She took it and spat at the enemy from a straw. Then she chopped the mill with swords. Then her bare feet took and launched a hellish present of death.
  And the Chinese fell. Like they were licked by a flamethrower.
  And here in battle and Aurora. Also a fast girl. And red death, and an infernal burning ray. And he will take it, he will cut it.
  No, nothing will stop it.
  Even the Maus tank.
  Here is Aurora and nails the Chinese. Which is extremely cool and with crazy symbols and a sword.
  And the swords of the red harpy will not stop, not for a moment.
  At the same time, Aurora squeaks:
  - My homeland is the homeland of communism!
  And also from her bare feet, like a flight of something extremely lethal.
  And again the girl is in the air.
  And then Aurora remembered how she really fought with "Mouse", in one of the alternative stories. Then the Allies concluded a truce with the Third Reich, and taking advantage of the lack of bombing, the Germans launched the Mouse into production.
  Yes, these tanks really pearled like animals. And their progress was terrible.
  But not for terminator girls. They fought the Nazis in cold blood and swiftly at the same time.
  And they showed Kuzma's mother! And the warriors fought bravely.
  And now the red-haired Aurora is cutting with swords. And mow down the enemies, like a cultivator.
  Then it will squeak:
  - I'm killing it!
  Svetlana, too, is not shy in battle. The Chinese are being exterminated. And at the same time, with bare feet, what sows death, throws.
  And at the same time he screams:
  - Space bravado -
  There will be a big serenade!
  And wink at the enemies!
  Then he will spit out of the tube!
  And then already Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko will disperse. And let's not only throw needles at the Chinese, but also throw boomerangs with our feet.
  Such is the swift terminator boy caught.
  And at the same time he sings:
  - Enemies won't stop us
  If weak help!
  And don't run, don't run...
  If not forward!
  And Konan-Pavlik will whistle.
  And Margarita took it and with her bare toes threw the destructive and mortally murderous. And at the same time she sang:
  - This will be the message of the cobra!
  And the girl winks and squeaks!
  Natasha is also not a miss in battle. She took it and with her bare fingers threw a sharp swastika. She punched through a lot of Chinese and squeaked:
  - For my Motherland!
  And then there's Zoya in battle. And he also throws charges at enemies with bare feet.
  And squeaks with a grin of teeth:
  - I'm such a warrior, really a terminator!
  After that, the girl thrashes with swords. And scream at the top of his lungs.
  - Banzai!
  The girl, as you can see, will not stop fighting. And he will cut without unnecessary antimony.
  Aurora, too, will take up extermination. The Chinese are crushing themselves, without any sarcasm. And the yellow warriors fall, as if they were torn in half.
  And the red-haired girl screams:
  - The flame of communism over the world!
  And he will take it again, and cut with two swords. And then spit out of the tube. And plant it on the enemy.
  Yes, Aurora is beauty and perfection itself.
  Although Svetlana is no worse. And she also arranged for the Chinese to be beaten and killed in kind.
  And her bare feet throw presents of destruction at the yellow warriors. Yes, they do it all on a high wave.
  Svetlana screams:
  - The fight will be bloody, holy and right!
  And from her bare foot again something lethal broke. And how he will take and hit the Chinese!
  This is where the girls really fell apart. And they don't give a drop. Here are the women - all the women women!
   Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko in a dashing onslaught. They have already killed many thousands of Chinese. The onslaught of the warriors of this yellow empire has weakened.
  Konan-Pavlik squeaked:
  - The highest measure of victory!
  Margarita took it and with her bare fingers threw the deadly, and that which was sharper than a razor.
  Then the girl sang:
  - We challenge the storms,
  Why and why?
  Live in the world without surprises -
  Impossible for anyone!
  Margarita spat out a whole line of pipes at the Chinese and continued:
  - Let good luck - failures,
  And jump up and down!
  Only in this way, and not otherwise -
  Only in this way, and not otherwise ...
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise! Surprise!
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise! Surprise!
  Long live surprise!
  And only up - not a millimeter down!
  The girl showed quite a fighting mood.
  Natasha is also at the very epicenter of the battle. Like a volcano erupting. And throws needles with bare fingers. Strikes opponents. And leaves corpses out of them.
  Then the girl sang with a grin of her teeth:
  - We are such terminators, like dream robots, and great beauty!
  And here is the girl as she slashes backhand with swords. And cut down a lot of people.
  Zoya is also in the thick of the fight. He fights for himself and bares his teeth and roars:
  - No one will stop us!
  And from her bare foot a disk swept through the Chinese. Which cut a lot of throats. And the armies of the heavenly empire choked.
  And the girls are pushing more and more.
  Here is how Aurora will launch something that cuts metal. He will cut down a mass of heads that have formed into mounds. And it will jump, fly up, and take it, roar:
  - My name is my fist!
  And again he waved two sabers, and the Chinese released the guts. But at the same time, don't be a bit embarrassed.
  And her bare feet launch deadly boomerangs. Which heads are mowed in ranks.
  Then the red-haired warrior squeals:
  - We will not be in the cable!
  Let there be happiness on Earth!
  And he will take more from the pipe with his scarlet mouth and spit. And the warriors of the celestial empire will collapse, like coolies with flour.
  So Svetlana showed in battle ..
  She knocked over the opponents of boiling water. And those scalded ones will take it and yell very wildly.
  Svetlana squeaks:
  - My kill!
  And with his bare foot he will throw a couple of boomerangs. Will cut a lot of Chinese.
  And squeezes out a lot of corpses.
  That's how hitters work.
  And they cut down the empire of China for themselves, without further ado. No, they even have a special tact.
  Already the number of Chinese killed is in the tens of thousands. And the girls just have fun and jump like balls.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko also performs the coolest aerobatics imaginable.
  And the boy cuts with two swords so that the arms and legs and heads fly in all directions.
  Konan-Pavlik shouts:
  - It will, I believe our decisive victory!
  Margarita with her bare foot, throwing the destructive, confirmed:
  - Yes, it will!
  And the whole six began to chop even more actively.
  . CHAPTER #4
  After almost the entire Chinese army of two hundred thousand was destroyed, the six warriors moved further into the depths of the Celestial Empire. To prevent the Chinese from returning to the Russian cities in Siberia again.
  Here the warriors attacked the yellow warriors in the nearest large city.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, cutting down the yellow fighters, and brandishing both swords, yelled:
  - In and Russian tsars!
  And sharp needles flew from his bare feet. They hit the Chinese fighters.
  Margarita, chopping the yellow warriors with her swords, took it and sang:
  - Now we're making history!
  And needles flew from her bare feet into the yellow warriors.
  Next is Natasha in battle. He also throws presents of death and squeals:
  - The future is ours! Glory to Great Russia!
  And her bare, chiseled leg will throw this out with terrible force. And cut the Chinese into a bloody mess.
  Zoya also cuts desperately. And blew a Chinese general in half. And cut his bones.
  After which she howled:
  - For my great victory!
  And with bare feet will again launch a murderous present. And knock out a lot of Chinese fighters.
  But when Aurora is in battle, it's generally terrible. She cuts Chinese soldiers in half, and launches murderous presents with her bare feet. And so crushes the yellow army.
  No, Aurora is indeed called the red witch. And she is invincible.
  And deadly needles fly off her bare fingers. They hit the Chinese and they collapse like sandbags.
  Aurora roars at the top of her lungs:
  Russians know me
  And they call it great!
  And again the beauty is like throwing a deadly needle. And the enemy is pinned like a beetle.
  Aurora about gurgling:
  - You can dream, dream badly!
  And again the girl thrashes like a boomerang.
  Yes, this redhead - not a pound of salt ate in military affairs. If it threshes, then it threshes.
  And again, the swift and fiery girl is on the attack.
  And here Svetlana is eager to fight. And so he cuts and destroys everyone. And her swords are like sparkling lightning.
  And needles fly from bare feet.
  The girl yelled:
  - My great strength -
  Play with me to be friends with a crocodile!
  The boy Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, as always, is on the attack. He is a swift mongoose. Chops and throws stars at the enemy.
  And the young warrior cries:
  - Let's go on the offensive
  Let's beat all the Chinese!
  And here is the boy on the attack.
  And the girl Margarita in great excitement crushes the yellow troops. And her bare fingers throw gifts of death.
  And the girl roars:
  - I will win!
  And again a whole rain of needles rushes from her bare foot.
  And the needles are lethal and poisoned.
  Margaret on the offensive. The Chinese are very tight against her. And the girl is the embodiment of horror.
  Although a beautiful warrior.
  And now a piece of death flies off from her bare foot again. Which strikes the enemies.
  Natasha in wild flight. Cuts the Chinese to pieces. And her swords know no mercy.
  Warrior roars:
  - It will be our big victory!
  And from the bare feet of the beauty, very deadly and dangerous needles fly again.
  They hit the Chinese in large numbers. What the girls are really cool.
  And in the offensive they do not give anyone a descent.
  But Zoya does not know, there is never a word. She breaks through to the opponents. And her swords are like executioners.
  Zoya screams at the top of her lungs:
  - I do not know mercy - only death!
  And her bare feet will throw such that the Chinese cannot resist!
  Conversely, the warrior is accelerating every minute. Here is the ice rink on the offensive.
  Aurora is also such a groovy girl. Doesn't back down and doesn't give up. And she succeeds in everything.
  Here she threw a steel fan with her bare toes. She cut down the Chinese soldiers and hissed:
  - In the red empire, there will be a fire that will warm the entire planet!
  And again, something that specifically kills flies from her bare foot.
  And the warrior is again at a high position.
  And here is Svetlana in battle. Doesn't deviate from the plan. And he cuts himself with wild pressure. And a sharp disk flies from her bare feet. Which famously cuts opponents.
  Svetlana squeaks with wild fury:
  - I'll tear you all apart!
  And the girl is on the offensive. And her bare feet are so agile.
  Further in the battle, Konan-Pavel Rybachenko is torn. Here is a desperate boy-terminator. It involves colossal forces and the pressure of a wild kid.
  And here is a child throwing a boomerang with his bare foot. Yes, and the opponents lost two dozen heads at once.
  This is really - really lethal force.
  Conan Paul sang:
  - My handwriting is simple -
  I don't like to pull the cat's tail!
  And a blade flew from the boy's bare heel, and how the Chinese will be beaten. They literally lost their spirit and courage.
  Conan-Paul, with wild frenzy, remarked:
  - Never say the word no!
  The boy is on the attack... Then he remembered Wladimir Klitschko. Yes, this boxer could return to the ring. And why not try? If there is still health, then God himself ordered you to fight!
  Terminator boy on the attack. Crushes the Chinese and sings:
  Young friend always be young
  Don't rush to rest...
  Be cheerful, bold, noisy -
  You have to fight - so fight!
  A man with toughness -
  To beat you all in a row!
  I am an eternal boy with a soul,
  What gives rise to the result!
  Eternal boy I soul
  And do not step back!
  A young warrior and eternal child in a furious attack on the Chinese. He will show himself from the best side.
  Margarita also crushes the yellow warriors and sings:
  - We will never give up!
  And she cut off a lot of Chinese, added with a chuckle:
  - No, believe me never!
  And the girl again threw sharp, poisonous needles.
  She is in a fast and unique movement.
  Natasha in battle is swift and formidable, like a Valkyrie. Fights bravely. And knocking down the Chinese.
  She often fought in the sky. She was an excellent ace pilot. She had to fight in the infantry.
  But now Natasha has taken up the Chinese. And let's thresh with all the rage.
  And boomerangs and needles fly from her bare feet. She crushes the enemy.
  The girl sings:
  - But I believe the sunrise,
  Will dispel the darkness of the prison dungeon!
  Zoya attacks the Chinese. And breaks out tightly. And her bare feet knock out enemies without any stop.
  Warrior on the move. She is like a cobra that jumps and jumps to herself.
  The girl with the golden hair screams:
  - The future is ours
  We are like Jedi Knights!
  And now she will take it from a turn and slap it.
  Next on the attack is Aurora. Crushing and fighting girl of red color. She went on the offensive, picking up the pace even more. Her swords are like the blades of a windmill.
  Fiery beauty issued:
  - There will be such happiness to the whole world!
  And again the girl goes into a wild pace. This is the real goddess of war.
  Svetlana also sings, jumping up:
  - Hundred after hundred, regiment after regiment,
  Russian knights cut with a sword!
  And now her bare toes will throw what cannot be repelled by a shield.
  Here is the girl. A real meger.
  Natasha chirps with a grin of teeth:
  - Don't teach me!
  And he throws death with his bare foot.
  Aurora agrees:
  - There is nothing to teach us at all!
  Warriors speed up their movements. For now, almost the entire city is littered with corpses. Yes, the Chinese ran into extermination. There are only six people, but they work for an entire army.
  Konan-Paul Rybachenko remembered the story of one fellow from the genus of elves. He ended up in the Third Reich, and was able to convince him to be sent to the Luftwaffe.
  Yes, the elf, although small in stature, is very fast, strong with an excellent reaction. In general, elves are superior to humans in physical condition and speed of thought. And in the plane, an elf, and even royal blood, feels like an eagle himself.
  And this warrior was able to shoot down 538 enemy planes on the Fuhrer's birthday on April 20, 1944, and he himself was never shot down.
  For the first two hundred planes, the elf received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds. Over three hundred already the Order of the German Eagle with diamonds. Over four hundred Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with golden oak leaf swords and diamonds. And for five hundred commemorative aircraft - the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. Thus, the elf collected a record number of awards, and in this regard, he even beat Hermann Goering and received the rank of colonel.
  Although he fought on the plane as a private.
  So, although such an outstanding ace appeared in the Luftwaffe, he did not influence the course of the war too much. Indeed, if we take the first six aces of the Luftwaffe in real history, they shot down a total of more than one and a half thousand aircraft. Well, how much did it help the Wehrmacht?
  Although the number of downed aircraft may have been exaggerated by Goebbels' propaganda.
  Many of these figures strongly doubted.
  But the elf honestly shot down so many cars, but he himself did not lose a single fighter.
  But then Konan-Pavel Rybachenko met him and asked:
  - Why did you stick to the Third Reich, which is considered a force of evil?
  Elf logically remarked:
  - Because there is no force of good in the world at all! Do you think Stalin and the allies are saints?
  Konan-Pavlik remarked with a smile:
  - But in the USSR you, having shot down so many planes, would be considered God with a capital letter! And so you should be spit and cursed!
  Elf honestly remarked:
  - In October of the forty-second year, when he began to fight for the Reich, the outcome of the war was not yet obvious. What do you think, I have no chance to be among the winners?
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko answered honestly:
  - If you defect to the USSR, I think you will be forgiven and accepted. Heroes and great warriors are appreciated everywhere!
  The elf smiled radiantly and replied:
  - Thank you for the offer! But when the second world war is over, I will return to my planet with awards ... And of course, it will not matter to me that Germany lost. The main thing is that I showed myself as a hero and entered the history of aviation as the best ace of all time!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko remarked in annoyance:
  How many good guys died because of you!
  The elf squeaked, logically recalled:
  - There is also Rudel ... He is also a superhuman!
  Konan-Pavlik nodded:
  - Rudel ... It's like a comic book hero!
  The elf muttered:
  - I was and am and will be a warrior! So I'll try to bring my account to a thousand!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko doubted:
  - Can you make it? On May 9, 1945, the Third Reich capitulates!
  The elf ingratiatingly asked:
  - Can you tell more precisely when and where and at what time, with what forces the Reds and the Allies will attack?
  Konan-Pavlik asked in surprise:
  - Why do you need it?
  The elf answered honestly:
  - I want to trivially drag out the war so that the fun lasts longer!
  Konan-Pavlik then took out a pistol and answered:
  - I could shoot you, but I won't do it!
  The elf was surprised
  - And why?
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko resolutely stated:
  - Let your conscience punish you!
  And they broke up...
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko thought that all the same he did not bang this elf in vain. How many more planes will he shoot down. It will just be terrible.
  And the boy again launched the boomerang of death with his bare toes.
  Margarita actively exterminates the Chinese in battle. Her bare feet are so aptly beaten with killer presents that you are simply amazed.
  Superman Girl.
  And her activity in the battle, like a weasel animal.
  No, no one will ever frighten such a girl, even if there are two billion Chinese.
  But what is Margaret to do?
  She defends her country.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, cutting down the Chinese, sang:
  - There is no more beautiful Motherland of Russia,
  Fight for her and don't be afraid...
  There is no more beautiful country in the universe -
  The whole universe is a torch of light Rus!
  The boy will jump up and accelerate, slaughtering everyone with his feet.
  Natasha also fights and sings:
  Fatal year, you can not believe me
  One thousand nine hundred ninety-nine...
  Stop going in circles
  The devil will turn with golden horns!
  And the girl will again throw a killer present with her bare feet.
  Zoya is also in battle, got wound up and fights. Active girl. And if he cuts with swords, everything flies so far.
  And her bare feet are so actively throwing presents. And so many knock out enemies.
  Yes, the Chinese are clearly having dark days.
  Aurora hits without any pity. And her bare feet are something more than deadly. This is generally the goddess of annihilation.
  And there are a thousand devils in it.
  Svetlana thrashes the Chinese with great passion, and squeals:
  - The future is
  So that we don't have to be a cat!
  And her bare legs will throw something again, and the enemies will be torn to pieces.
  Fighting girl - aerobatics in her!
  Having cleared the city of the Chinese, the six rested. Immediately filled up the boar, and fried it whole.
  They cut it into pieces and began to eat.
  Natasha remarked:
  - Here at Walter Scott's knights ate a lot at a time!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko chuckled and reminded:
  - Do Dumas too! That's how Porthos ate a whole ram!
  Natasha laughed.
  - Sheep? Why not a boar?
  Konan-Pavlik sang in response:
  All your damn family
  My uncle who got the boar...
  When he was alive - he warned me -
  It is impossible to take a wife from cannibals!
  Margaret confirmed:
  - It's a wild song! And I want something more soulful!
  Konan-Pavlik remarked:
  - Spiritual? This is good!
  And the boy sang something...
  But Aurora interrupted him and remarked:
  - It is necessary not to sing, but to act.
  And the girl took out an iPhone from her belt. Konan-Pavlik smiled, Natasha handed him hers and suggested:
  - Play tanks with the redhead!
  Aurora agreed:
  - I love this game!
  And the girl-hero began to gain parameters.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko took up the tank fleet.
  Aurora warned:
  - One tank for one! Try a duel!
  The boy agreed.
  - This is just right!
   Konan-Pavlik chose the coolest Soviet tank of the forties - the IS-7. A wonderful car that never became serial. She has everything and armor, and weapons, and speed. A real halo!
  Aurora E-75. The car is worse. And heavier, and less speed, power reserve, a little weaker and a gun. The IS-7 has 130 millimeters versus 128 for the E-75. The armor of the German is perhaps thicker, but this is offset by the large slope of the IS-7. And the sides of the Fritz are higher ... That's right, but ...
  Aurora moves the E-75 to the M level... And the car is getting better. And the engine is more powerful and the silhouette is much lower, and the gun has become longer barrel. And now the armor has thickened. The German tank still weighs ninety-five tons, compared to sixty-eight for the Soviet one. And after the upgrade, it has a similar layout and will now be more powerful.
  And the IS-7 was left without development anyway. So in real history, no one predicted it.
  Well, what about Konan-Pavlik, let's harness yourself.
  The boy, however, is not lost. Since the enemy has modernized, then the kid will do something and use feather shells. And then there will be a very good fight.
  IS-7 is approaching. But still, the driving performance of the German is still better.
  Aurora fires her longer barreled cannon. But still can't get in.
  And the terminator boy approaches and winds the tracks. The little guy seems to be quite confident.
  Aurora, after another shot, brought out the moral:
  - A mouse can kill an elephant!
  And the battle continued, Konan-Pavlik drove a 130-mm cannon shell into the hull joint and won. Despite all the perks.
  But in general, in the tanks of the forties there are different cars. Very formidable project - "Royal Lion". The weight is one hundred tons, the gun is 210 mm caliber, the frontal armor is 300 mm inclined, the sides are 200 mm, and the engine is 1800 horsepower.
  This is a car - even the IS-7 can only penetrate the side and close. And it's really great!
  Aurora sang with a grin of teeth:
  - This is an eaglet, flying above the sun!
  And shut up...
  After eating, the six moved on to Chinese cities. For now, it is necessary to achieve the conclusion of peace and discourage the Manchus from attacking.
  The girls and the boy attacked the Chinese and again killed many with swords and bare toes.
  Then the warriors fired from the captured cannons. And a lot of Chinese were killed.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko remarked:
  - Maybe it's better to play defensively? And then somehow it turns out ugly?
  Aurora replied:
  - There is a concept of preventive war!
  Konan-Pavlik recalled:
  - Victor Suvorov also tried to prove that the war of fascist Germany against the USSR was preventive!
  Aurora grinned and growled:
  - Isn't that how it is?
  Konan Pavlik shook his head.
  - Doubtful!
  Margaret recalled:
  - I read this book. She looks convincing at first glance. But if you dig deeper...
  Aurora nodded in agreement.
  - The USSR was preparing an offensive war, and this is a fact!
  Margaret noted:
  - The USSR was preparing an offensive war even after the war. But the offensive never started!
  Konan-Pavlik logically remarked:
  - If Stalin planned the offensive, then at a later period, having first completed the staffing of his divisions with tanks and other equipment. And the latest aviation has just begun to arrive in units, even the pilots have not mastered it!
  Aurora also logically objected:
  - If the Soviet army was rearming, then the German army also did not stand still. While the USSR was churning out the latest aircraft, the Fritz were increasing the production of the latest technology.
  Delay Stalin's advantage would not increase. Rather, on the contrary, the Nazis, having the potential of Europe, could catch up with Russia in the amount of equipment with better quality!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko doubted:
  - What makes you think that their quality was better?
  Aurora honestly answered:
  - But they won in the forty-first year! If they beat, yielding in numbers, then they were superior, perhaps, in technique as well!
  The boy genius doubted:
  - I do not think so!
  Margaret remarked:
  - The forty-first year is a mystery. Why the formally stronger Red Army was losing battle after battle. And then, having become formally, and actually weaker, did she begin to win?
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko replied:
  - This is a big mystery of the Second World War!
  Natasha suggested:
  - There was an intervention of higher powers!
  Konan-Pavlik nodded:
  - There really was something!
  Augustine growled:
  - Our idols are covered in blood, our Gods are the gods of war!
  Zoya agreed.
  - Covered in blood and the gods of war!
  After Konan-Pavlik and Aurora began to play the strategy of the second world war. Aurora for Hitler, Konan-Pavlik for Stalin.
  There was already an exchange of real blows. Aurora used the rogue code and the mass of tanks of the "E" series, broke through to Moscow. Togo and Oleg used the swindler code and the IS-7 as they would fuck the Germans. And the scythe converged on the stone. And a lot of coffins. Let and virtual.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko plays with gusto, and his troops break through the German defenses. Build boilers. Aurora starts up the rogue code again. There is a very wild exchange of moves.
  The boy genius sang:
  - Somewhere on the Kama - we do not know ourselves,
  Somewhere on the Kama - mothers of the river!
  Do not reach with your hands, do not reach with your feet,
  Well, if necessary, move the pokers!
  And Soviet tanks smash the Nazis. There is nothing better than the IS-7. And you can safely fight with "Mouses" and "E" -100. The Soviet tank is not afraid of such monsters.
  They're heavier, but that doesn't mean they're stronger.
  And Konan-Pavlik is advancing, moving swiftly with the machines. And it's like a thousand devils.
  Prodigy boy sings:
  - Let's smash the Fritz, chiki - chiki - chiki - ta!
  And now the Soviet troops took another barrier. They are like geniuses of fights and fights!
  Aurora, however, is also not simple. And it works aggressively. Throws new and new and new forces under the wheels of the Red Army.
  And the red-haired warrior sings:
  - Enemies won't stop me! I will conquer the expanse of the universe!
  And new and new regiments go into battle.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko happily sang:
  Fritz rage in rage,
  The enemy of the regiment moved forward ...
  But crazy Aryans -
  Russians will meet with hostility!
  They dig into the skin of a pig,
  The enemy will be crushed to dust -
  The Russians fight furiously
  Strong soldier's fist!
  And the boy carries out another roundabout maneuver, and takes Aurora's troops into the ring.
  Yes, the kid is smart, there are no words.
  Aurora gurgled:
  - No, I will not give up, but I always knew how to fight!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko agreed:
  - Let's not give up! We will simply destroy you!
  And now the Soviet troops are again on the offensive. And already the code of the crook does not help the Fritz.
  Then Aurora cunningly changes the option. And Britain and the United States enter the war on its side. The warriors of this armada rushed in battle. And let's press the enemy.
  But the Soviet IS-7 tanks with even greater ease destroy US Shermans and Pershings, as well as the English Churchill tank.
  They themselves do not take any damage.
  Aurora growled:
  - Well, you and little imp!
  . CHAPTER #5
  Warriors from the twenty-first century again clashed with the Chinese of the seventeenth.
  There are too many soldiers in the Celestial Empire. They flow like an endless river.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko, cutting down the Chinese with swords, bellowed:
  - Never give up!
  And a sharp disk flew from the boy's bare foot!
  Margarita, crushing opponents, grunted:
  - There is a place for feat in the world!
  And poisonous needles scattered from the girl's bare foot, hitting the Chinese.
  Natasha also threw her bare toes, murderously and howled:
  We will never forget and never forgive.
  And her swords went through the mill on the Chinese.
  Zoya, cutting the enemies, squeaked:
  - For a new order!
  And new needles scattered from her bare feet. And what's in the eye, what's in the throat of Chinese soldiers.
  Yes, it was clear that the warriors were getting excited and furious.
  Aurora cut yellow soldiers, squeaked:
  - Our iron will!
  And a new, deadly gift flies from her bare foot. And the yellow fighters are falling.
  Svetlana cuts to the miller, her swords are like lightning.
  The Chinese are falling like sheaves.
  The girl throws needles with her bare feet and squeaks:
  - For Mother Russia will win!
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko advances against the Chinese. Terminator boy slashes yellow troops.
  And at the same time, the toes of the boy's bare legs throw out needles with poison.
  The boy roars:
  - Glory to Future Russia!
  And in motion cuts everyone's head and muzzle.
  Margarita also crushes opponents.
  Her bare feet are flailing. The Chinese are dying in large numbers. Warrior yells:
  - For new frontiers!
  And then the girl will take and cut ...
  The mass of corpses of Chinese soldiers.
  But Natasha is on the offensive. He cuts his own Chinese and sings:
  - Russia is great and radiant,
  I'm a very strange girl!
  And disks fly from her bare feet. Who cut the throats of the Chinese. Yes, this is a girl.
  Zoya is on the offensive. Cuts yellow soldiers with both hands. Spitting out of a tube. And throws deadly needles with bare toes.
  And at the same time he sings to himself:
  - Oh, bludgeon let's go,
  Oh, my favorite will go!
  Aurora, cutting down the Chinese and destroying the yellow soldiers, squeals:
  - All shaggy and in the skin of an animal,
  He rushed to the riot police with a club!
  And with bare toes, how to launch into the enemy, something that will kill an elephant.
  And then squeak:
  - Wolves!
  Svetlana on the offensive. Cuts, slashing the Chinese. With bare feet, he launches presents of death on them.
  Runs a mill with swords.
  She crushed a lot of fighters and squeals:
  - A big victory is coming!
  And again the girl is in a wild movement.
  And her bare feet launch deadly needles.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko jumped up. The boy twirled in a somersault. Chopped up a lot of Chinese in the jump.
  He threw the needles with his bare fingers and gurgled:
  - Be famous for my beautiful courage!
  And again the boy is in battle.
  Margarita goes on the offensive. Shreds all enemies in a row. Her swords are tougher than windmill blades. And bare toes throw presents of death.
  The girl is on the offensive. Exterminates yellow warriors without ceremony.
  And jumps every now and then, and twists!
  And gifts of annihilation fly from her.
  And the Chinese themselves fall dead. And whole mounds of corpses pile up.
  Margarita squeaks:
  - I am an American cowboy!
  And again her bare feet threw the needle.
  And then a dozen more needles!
  Natasha on the offensive is also very cool.
  And throws with bare feet, and spits from a straw.
  And screams at the top of his lungs:
  - I'm a sparkling death! All you have to do is die!
  And again beauty in motion.
  Zoya storms a blockage of Chinese corpses. And boomerangs of destruction also fly from her bare feet.
  And the yellow warriors keep falling and falling.
  Zoya screams:
  - Barefoot girl, you will win!
  And a dozen needles fly from the girl's bare heel. Which directly into the throat of the Chinese dig.
  They drop dead.
  Or rather, completely dead.
  Aurora on the offensive. Crushes yellow troops. Her swords are carried in two hands. And she is such a great warrior.
  A tornado sweeps through Chinese troops.
  Girl with red hair roars:
  - The future is hidden! But it will be victorious!
  And on the offensive, a beauty with fiery hair.
  Aurora in wild ecstasy roars:
  - The gods of war will tear everything!
  And the warrior on the offensive.
  And her bare feet throw a lot of sharp, poisonous needles.
  Svetlana in battle And so sparkling and fighting. Her bare legs throw out so many deadly things. Not a man, but death with blonde hair.
  But if it breaks, then you can"t stop it.
  Svetlana sings:
  - Life will not be honey,
  That jump in a round dance!
  Let the dream come true -
  Beauty turns a man into a slave!
  And in the movement of the girl more and more fury.
  Conan-Paul in the offensive, everything is accelerating. The boy beats the Chinese.
  His bare feet throw sharp needles.
  The young warrior squeaks:
  - The mad empire will tear everyone apart!
  And again the boy is on the move.
  Margarita is a stormy girl in her activity. And thrashes the enemies.
  Here she launched with her bare leg, a pea with explosives. She will explode, and immediately throw a hundred Chinese up.
  The girl screams:
  - Victory will come to us anyway!
  And run the mill with swords.
  Natasha accelerated her movements. The girl cuts down the yellow warriors. And while yelling:
  - Victory awaits the empire of Russia.
  And let's exterminate the Chinese at an accelerated pace.
  Natasha is a terminator girl.
  Does not think to stop and slow down.
  Zoya is on the offensive. Her swords seem to cut meat salad. The girl screams at the top of her lungs:
  - Our salvation is in force!
  And bare toes also throw such needles.
  And a mass of people with pierced throats, lying around in mounds of corpses.
  Aurora is a crazy girl. And it crushes everyone like it's a robot from hyperplasma.
  It has already smashed not one hundred Chinese. But everything picks up the pace. And the warrior still roars.
  - I'm invincible! The coolest in the world!
  And again, the beauty in the attack.
  And from her bare toes, a pea flies out. And three hundred Chinese were torn apart by a powerful explosion.
  Aurora sang:
  - You will not dare to seize our land!
  Svetlana is also on the offensive. And does not give a single gram of respite. Wild Terminator Girl.
  And he cuts the enemies and exterminates the Chinese. And the mass of yellow fighters has already fallen into the ditch and along the roads.
  The six were furious. Made a wild fight.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko is back in action. And advances waving both swords. And the terminator boy runs the mill. The dead Chinese are falling.
  Mass of corpses. Whole mountains of bloody bodies.
  The boy remembers a wild strategy. Where, too, horses and people mixed together.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko squeaks:
  - Woe from the mind!
  And there will be plenty of money!
  And the terminator boy in the new movement. And his bare feet will take something and throw it.
  The boy genius roared:
  - Master class and firm "Adidas"!
  Really cool and cool performance turned out. And how many killed Chinese. And the greatest number of the greatest killed the yellow fighters.
  Margarita is also in the fight. Crushes yellow armies and roars:
  - Big shock regiment! We all drive into the coffin!
  And her swords are hacking at the Chinese. The mass of yellow fighters has already collapsed.
  The girl growled:
  - I'm even cooler than panthers! Prove that everyone is the best!
  And from the bare heel of the girl, like a pea with powerful explosives, will fly out.
  And strike at the enemy.
  And he will take and smash some of the opponents.
  And Natasha is in authority. And she beats opponents, and she herself will not give anyone a descent.
  How many Chinese have already interrupted.
  And her teeth are so sharp. And the eyes are sapphire. This is the girl - the main executioner. Although she has all her partners - executioners!
  Natasha screams:
  - I'm crazy! You will have a penalty!
  And again, the girl will cut down a lot of Chinese with swords.
  Zoya is on the move and cut a lot of yellow warriors.
  And bare feet throw needles. Each needle kills several Chinese. These girls are really beautiful.
  Aurora is advancing and destroying opponents. And at the same time, he does not forget to yell:
  - You can not escape the coffin!
  And the girl will take her teeth and bare her teeth!
  And the redhead is so ... Hair fluttering in the wind, like a proletarian banner.
  And everything literally comes out of anger.
  Svetlana on the move Here she cut a lot of skulls. A warrior who bares her teeth.
  Shows tongue. And then spits from a straw. Then he howls:
  - Will you guys be dead!
  And again deadly needles fly from her bare feet.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko jumps and jumps.
  The barefoot boy emits a bunch of needles and sings:
  - Let's go camping, open a big account!
  The young warrior is at his best.
  He is quite old, but he looks like a child. Only very strong and muscular.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko sang:
  - Let the game be not according to the rules - we will break through the fraera!
  And again, deadly and smashing needles flew off his bare feet.
  Margarita sang with delight:
  - Nothing is impossible! I believe freedom will dawn!
  The girl again threw a deadly cascade of needles at the Chinese and continued:
  - The darkness will go away! May roses bloom!
  And as soon as the warrior throws a pea with her bare toes, a thousand Chinese immediately flew up into the air. Yes, the army of the Celestial Empire is melting right before our eyes.
  Natasha in battle. Jumps like a cobra. Explodes enemies. And so many Chinese are dying.
  Their girl and swords, and grains on the coal, and spears. And needles.
  At the same time, it also roars:
  - I believe victory will come!
  And the glory of the Russians will find!
  Bare toes throw new needles, punching opponents.
  Zoya in a wild move. Attacks the Chinese. Breaks them into small pieces.
  The warrior woman throws needles with her bare fingers. Breaks through opponents, and how to roar:
  Our complete victory is at hand!
  And runs a wild mill with swords. This is really a girl like a girl!
  But the cobra Aurora went on the offensive. This woman is a nightmare for all nightmares.
  And if it cuts it, it means it will cut it.
  After that, the redhead will take and sing:
  - I will open all the skulls! I am a great dream!
  And now her swords in action and cut the meat.
  Svetlana also goes on the offensive. This girl has no brakes. How to chop, so the mass of corpses is littered.
  The blonde terminator roars:
  - How good it will be! How good it will be - I know it!
  And now a killer pea flies from her.
  Conan-Paul will again cut off a hundred Chinese, carrying with a meteor. And he will pick up a bomb and throw it.
  Small in size, but deadly...
  How to break into small pieces.
  The terminator boy howled:
  - Stormy youth of terrible machines!
  Margarita will do this again in battle.
  And cut down a lot of yellow fighters. And cuts big gaps.
  The girl screams:
  - Lambada is our dance on the sand!
  And hit with renewed vigor.
  Natasha on the offensive is even more furious. So thrashes the Chinese. It"s not very good for them to resist such girls.
  Natasha took it and sang:
  - Running on the spot is a common reconciliator!
  And the warrior girl burst into the opponents with such a cascade of blows.
  And he will throw discs with bare feet.
  Here she ran the mill. The mass of heads of the yellow army rolled back.
  She is a fighting beauty. Beat yourself such a yellow armada.
  Zoya is on the move, crushing everyone without exception. And her swords are like scissors of death.
  The girl is just lovely. And her bare feet throw very poisonous needles.
  Defeat opponents. They pierce their throats and make coffins.
  Zoya took it and squeaked:
  - If there is no water in the tap...
  Natasha shouted with delight:
  So it's your fault!
  And with his bare toes he throws something that kills thoroughly. This is truly a girl of girls.
  And from her bare legs, how the blade will fly. And hit a lot of fighters.
  Aurora on the move. Swift and unique in its beauty.
  What bright hair she has. Like a proletarian banner fluttering. This girl is a real vixen.
  And she cuts opponents - as if she was born with swords in her hands.
  Redhead, damn bastard!
  Aurora took it and hissed:
  - There will be a bull's head - the fighters will not go crazy!
  And here she again crushed a lot of fighters.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko grunted:
  - What you need! Here is the girl!
  Margarita, throwing a dagger with her bare foot, confirmed:
  - Big and cool girl!
  Aurora readily agreed with this:
  - I am a warrior that will bite anyone!
  And again, with bare toes, he will launch a murderous one.
  Svetlana in battle is not inferior to opponents. Not a girl but a flame ending.
  And screams:
  - What a blue sky!
  Aurora, releasing the blade with her bare foot, confirmed:
  - We are not supporters of robbery!
  Svetlana, cutting down the enemies, chirped:
  - A fool does not need a knife ....
  Zoya squeaked, throwing needles with her bare, tanned legs:
  - You'll lie to him from three boxes!
  Natasha, cutting down the Chinese, added:
  - And do with him for a penny!
  And the warriors will take and jump. They are so bloody and cool. In general, they have a lot of excitement.
  Konan-Pavel Rybachenko looks very stylish in battle.
  Margarita sang:
  - The blow is strong, and the guy has an interest ...
  The genius boy launched with his foot what looked like a helicopter propeller. He cut off a couple of hundred heads from the Chinese and squeaked:
  - Quite sporty!
  And both - a boy and a girl in full openwork.
  Konan-Pavlik, cutting down the yellow soldiers, gurgled:
  - And there will be a big victory for us!
  Margarita hissed in response:
  - We kill everyone - with bare feet!
  The girl is indeed such an active terminator.
  Natasha sang in the offensive:
  - Holy war!
  And the warrior launched a sharp disk-boomerang. He flew in an arc, cut down a lot of Chinese.
  Zoya added, continuing the extermination:
  - It will be our victory!
  And new needles flew from her bare feet. And they hit a lot of fighters.
  The blonde girl said:
  - Checkmate the opponent!
  And she showed her tongue.
  Aurora, waving her legs, and throwing sharp-edged swastikas, gurgled6
  - Imperial flag forward!
  Svetlana readily confirmed:
  - Glory to the fallen heroes!
  And the girls shouted in unison, crushing the Chinese:
  - No one will stop us!
  And now a disk is flying from the bare feet of the warriors. The meat is torn.
  And howl again:
  - No one can defeat us!
  Natasha flew into the air. She ripped open the opponents and gave out:
  - We are she-wolves, fry the enemy!
  And from her bare fingers, a very deadly disk will fly out.
  The girl even twists in ecstasy.
  And then he murmurs:
  - Our heels love fire!
  Yes, the girls are really sexy.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko about gurgling:
  - Oh, early, gives security!
  And winked at the warriors. They laugh and bare their teeth in response.
  Natasha chopped down the Chinese and squeaked:
  - In our world there is no joy, without struggle!
  The boy replied:
  "Sometimes fighting isn"t fun either!"
  Natasha agreed:
  - If there is no strength, then yes ...
  But we warriors are always healthy!
  The girl threw her bare toes at the opponent's needles and sang:
  - The soldier is always healthy,
  And ready for action!
  After that, Natasha again slashed the enemies.
  Zoya is a very fast babe. Here is a whole barrel in the Chinese launched. And tore a couple of thousand from one explosion.
  Then she squealed:
  - Do not stop, our heels are sparkling!
  And a girl in combat lace!
  Aurora in battle is also not weak. So thrashes the Chinese. As if from a sheaf of chains knocks out.
  And chopping opponents - sings:
  - Beware, it will be useful
  There will be a pie in the fall!
  The red-haired devil really plows in battle like a devil in a snuffbox.
  And here is how Svetlana fights. And the Chinese get it from her.
  And if she hits, she'll hit.
  From it, bloody splashes fly out.
  Svetlana harshly noticed when metal splashes flew from her bare foot, melting skulls:
  - Glory to Russia, very much even glory!
  Tanks rush forward...
  Division in red shirts -
  Greetings Russian people!
  Here the girls took on the Chinese. So they are cut and shredded. Not warriors, but really panthers who have broken the chain.
  Konan-Pavlik in battle and attacks the Chinese. Beats them without pity and squeals:
  We are like bulls!
  Margarita, crushing the yellow army, picked up:
  We are like bulls!
  Natasha took it and howled, cutting down the yellow fighters:
  - Lying is out of hand!
  Zoya tore the Chinese, squeaked:
  - No, not out of hand!
  And he will also take it and release the star with his bare foot.
  Natasha took it and squeaked:
  - Our TV is on!
  And a killer bundle of needles flies from her bare leg.
  Zoya, also crushing the Chinese, squeaked:
  - Our friendship is a monolith!
  And again such a throw that the circles blur in all directions. This is a girl - pure extermination of opponents.
  The girl with her bare toes will take and launch three boomerangs. And the corpses from this became even more.
  After that, the beauty will give out:
  - We will not give the enemy mercy! There will be a corpse!
  And again the deadly thing flies off from the bare heel.
  Aurora also quite logically remarked:
  - Only not one corpse, but many!
  After that, the girl took it and walked barefoot through the bloody puddles. And killed a lot of Chinese.
  And how it roars:
  - Mass murder!
  And then he bangs his head on a Chinese general. Break his skull and give out:
  - Banzai! You will go to heaven!
  Svetlana, very furious in the attack, squeaks:
  - You will not be spared!
  And a dozen needles fly off her bare fingers. How she beats everyone. And very much even the warrior tries to shred and kill.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko squeaks:
  - Glorious hammer!
  And the boy also throws such a cool star in the form of a swastika with his bare foot. Intricate hybrid.
  And the mass of the Chinese collapsed.
  Konan-Pavlik roared:
  - Banzai!
  And the boy is again in a wild attack. No, it just seeths with power, and volcanoes gurgle!
  Margaret on the move. It will rip everyone's bellies.
  A girl with her foot will throw out fifty needles at once. And the mass is killed by all sorts of enemies.
  Margarita sang in terms of cheerfulness:
  - One, two! Grief is not a problem!
  You should never be discouraged!
  Keep the nose and tail higher with a pipe.
  Know that a true friend is always with you!
  This is such an aggressive company. The girl thrashes and screams:
  "The Dragon President will become a corpse!"
  Natasha in battle is just some kind of terminator. And roaring about gurgling:
  - Banzai! Get it quick!
  And a grenade flew off her bare foot. And the Chinese are like nails. And smash.
  Here is the warrior! To all warriors - a warrior!
  Zoya is also on the offensive. Such a furious bitch.
  And she took it and gurgled about:
  - Our father is the White God himself!
  And he cuts a triple mill for the Chinese!
  And Aurora roared in response:
  - And my God is black!
  Indeed, the redhead is the very embodiment of deceit and meanness. For enemies, of course. And for friends, she is a darling.
  And how with bare toes he will take and throw. And a lot of heaps of warriors of the celestial empire.
  The redhead shouted:
  - Russia and the black God are behind us!
  A warrior with a very high combat potential. No, under this it is better not to meddle.
  Aurora hissed:
  - We will crush all traitors into powder!
  And wink at his partners. Yes, this fiery girl is not exactly something that can give peace. Unless peace is deadly!
  Svetlana, crushing the enemies, issued:
  - We'll sweep you in line!
  Aurora confirmed:
  - We'll kill everyone!
  And from her bare feet, the gift of total annihilation flies again!
  Konan-Pavlik sang in response:
  - There will be a complete banzai!
  Aurora, tearing the Chinese with her bare hands, slashing them with swords, and throwing needles with her bare toes, issued:
  - Shortly speaking! Shortly speaking!
  Natasha, destroying the yellow warriors, squeaked:
  - In short - banzai!
  And let's cut opponents with wild bitterness.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, cutting down opponents, issued:
  - This gambit is not Chinese,
  And the debut, believe me, is Thai!
  And again, a sharp, metal-cutting disk flew from the boy's bare foot.
  Margarita, cutting down the warriors of the Celestial Empire, sang:
  - And who will we find in battle,
  And who will we find in battle ...
  Let's not joke with that -
  Let's tear it apart!
  Let's tear it apart!
  . CHAPTER #6
  After beating the Chinese, you can rest a bit. But alas, you don't have time to relax too much.
  New yellow hordes are creeping in.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko cuts them again, and roars:
  - In a holy war - the Russians do not lose!
  Margarita throws deadly presents with her bare toes and confirms:
  - Never lose!
  Konan-Pavlik wanted to say something else...
  But now they were temporarily transferred by the witch's spell into a different substance.
  And Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko became a pioneer in one of the German camps. And Margarita moved with him.
  Well, not all the time to cut with the Chinese.
  - Glory to the Motherland! - Pioneer Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko repeated the cry, and silently endured a blow to his shoulders, although he fell exactly on one of the past swollen scars. And from the second, and at all a dissection - blood poured out! And where only strength and phenomenal vitality have gone.
  Margarita looked with surprise and gratitude at Pavlik-Konan Rybachenko and asked him something in English. The child prodigy Pavlik-Konan Rybachenko thought - probably, he asks again what I saw in a dream - is there synchronism? The boy smiled back at his sister in arms and shrugged his rather broad shoulders for a ten-year-old. Apparently, Margarita understood that Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko simply wanted to show that he did not give up and did not understand himself what moved him to yell in the style of proletarian cinema.
  And not only him, but also this thin, bald-cropped Marat Kazei. But with an encouraging wink, she nodded to the courageous boy...
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko was suddenly offended and, suppressing the pain in his voice, remarked:
  - Bravado is everything!
  Margarita objected in a whisper:
  - No, not bravado! It's like saying - the word reeks with a bayonet!
  Konan-Pavlik seriously remarked:
  - It is better to kill one fascist than to curse a hundred Krauts!
  There was a noise, the roar of engines and din, riders from the SS and executioner doctors - jumped down to the ground, unsaddled their more like mutants than animal horses. The captives were seated on the grass - in a chain. They checked the fetters: so they were tightly shackled.
  And Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko was not too surprised to see exactly how one of the junior SS doctors approached him. In German, he said rudely - get up, baby primate - pushing the pioneer boy with the toe of a soft boot into the thigh or even a little higher, in the kidneys. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko tensed up... and then the cool Aurora intervened. The fiery devil (So she was nicknamed in the troops because of her unnatural and bright red hair color and unfeminine endurance and strength!) Explained something mockingly - and this mockery was not over Konan-Pavlik.
  It can be seen that the fascist doctor also felt it! The Nazi hit Aurora in the muscular shoulder with his foot. She just giggled. Then the fascist hit from a roundabout, sharply knocking over a flexible back on a daring girl.
  Pavlik-Conan jerked sideways from the shake. Aurora immediately sat down again and silently showed her shackled hands. The fat professor called out to his younger colleague, who suddenly looked down. Then he broke a branch of dry heather and showed Rybachenko to Konan-Pavlik. He waved in front of his nose - the boy involuntarily recoiled. The fascist doctor again pretended to take an armful, shook his head, made some strange movement. Do not understand, as if an SS man eats with a spoon ...
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko angrily blurted out in German:
  You can't express yourself in human terms.
  Fritz hatched: subhuman, knows the language of the master race?
  Young Rybachenko Jr. realized that he had betrayed himself in vain, revealed what was better to keep a secret, but ... The word is not a sparrow - you will miss it, you will not catch it. True, the fat, tall doctor put on an air of indifference, the word choked the German phrase uttered by the boy. Again repeated the previous gesture and showed a folded armful.
  And Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko understood - they sent him as a servant for firewood ...
  I did not want to be beaten again after a proud refusal. And yes, you can't miss the opportunity.
  Well, what is the pride of a centurion, or rather a patrician to break. The thought of escaping, of course, came - it arrived as soon as the heavy handcuffs clicked under the big key. Although it may be more logical to say that she did not leave at all! But the little thought turned out to be like a frightened rabbit that runs in the headlights, not knowing that it has already, in fact, been caught. And yet - as soon as Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko moved away from the parking lot - the boy saw that a werewolf was following him. One of those strange, trained mutants that guard the SS driven convoy. At the same time, none of the convoy defiantly looks towards the barefoot boy hastily climbing the scree.
  Although Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko felt that, most likely, a hidden camera was filming his movements. It is even surprising how technically the Fritz have advanced. If ours do not answer adequately, then it will be bad.
  The scree painfully pricked the already healed soles of defenseless children's feet. Strongly knocked down feet have already begun to coarsen, but this process is quite painful when you step on sharp stones.
  Here he no longer has the body of the former cartoon, but a more vulnerable pioneer boy.
  Konan-Pavlik groaned softly, trying not to show that he was in pain and not to look at the blood that had come out again. But then it was like a tsunami of the inexplicable swept over him.
  Fear instantly, and inexplicably, deprived the pioneer boy of his own thoughts and desires. Just wanted to turn in the direction of the werewolf (?). Under the gaze of the inhuman eyes of the Nazi beast, Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko involuntarily froze and froze. But immediately, a blazing heat washed over the freshly baked pioneer, and the boy moved like a machine gun from the factory. He broke dry trunks of birches and cypresses growing in crevices, not yet green after the winter - a lot, barely dragging them. I folded it into a large, transparent bag, dragged it away, not distinguishing the road to the parking lot.
  Barefooted and no longer as strong as before with the indestructible flesh of the cartoon Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, during the journey, he desperately tried to overcome the horror that robbed him of courage. Pioneer-excellent he or not! But this one was like an inept swimmer trying to stay on the water. It pops up, then it overflows again ...
  The werewolf followed him: from time to time, stopping and sniffing the bare footprints left by the boy.
  The genius pioneer felt relieved from the wave of horror only when he returned to the camp location.
  The vile non-human fascists did not seem to look at Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko. Although in fact a couple of SS men did not take their eyes off. Only when he folded what he had brought, the senior doctor-executioner, glancing briefly, threw something to the boy ... eh! Konan-Pavlik finally came to his senses. He greedily grabbed it, thinking that maybe for work, they gave out a chocolate bar or something beyond rations. And hatched - lay, flint and steel. The flint was most likely quartz. And the chair looks like a piece of a file. How to use all this - the developed pioneer Pavlik-Konan knew in theory and even with interest, he would have tried the Robinsons of Polesie too ... if not for strange circumstances.
  Konan-Pavlik touched the damp branches with his foot, then with his hand, and shook his head.
  - Tinder ... - the pioneer said quietly in Russian, suddenly coughed and repeated. - Tinder is needed. - And with difficulty refrained from switching to German speech. - It won't light up.
  Konan-Pavlik looked at them... It is not clear why the Fritz, who have lighters, matches and, probably, even a flamethrower with them, needed this old-fashioned way of getting fire. They want to test the ingenuity of the pioneers. Do they measure the mental development of a Soviet person? Or, trivially mocking a captive boy? Who will understand them as if from another planet!
  The Nazis looked at each other, bared their teeth. The strangest and ... and most terrible thing for Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko is that their faces turned out to be not evil, not cruel, not even mocking! Very curious as if considering an outlandish animal, a particularly vivid interest is registered with the senior professor, as if on purpose he took off his glasses. There is not a drop of indifference, it is so interesting how scientists follow the experiment.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko repeated in a whisper, trying to control the excitement in his voice:
  Everything got damp during the winter! Won't go!
  In the eyes, rather feigned than sincere misunderstanding, but again without anger. But then one of the young - not the one who unchained Konan-Pavlik - grumbling, got up, stretched, rubbed his butt, beaten off on the saddle, to the laughter of the rest of the SS men ... Konan-Pavlik was not too surprised that some of the Germans use horses to move - fuel deficit. Although, for some reason, transports are crawling after them? The Nazi enemy brought a box from the folded saddles, from which he took out something ... The pioneer and former pensioner thought it was cotton wool, but no. It remotely looks like a lump of thin threads. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, having taken it in hand, understood - dry moss.
  Again, the pioneer child prodigy was surprised why it was a Fritz, and even a doctor carrying grass in a plow ... Maybe this moss is not so simple?
  Well, stop thinking, my head hurts. It must seem - simpler and more stupid than you are. Oddly enough, but the tinder started immediately - Pavlik-Konan did not hit the flint on the flint, but smoothly scraped (I read it somewhere) - and sparks rained down like hail. And he has been able to build fires (now he has built an ordinary "hut") for several years, most of his life. Soon the fire danced with might and main - the birch burns well and is damp. Here the young guards from the SS perked up, began to drive metal risers into the ground on the sides of the fire.
  And Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko felt dizzy, something extremely caustic crawled into his nose and instantly disconnected his consciousness from reality. But at once, a vision that was stunning in realism rolled over.
  Even the personality of the child changed, he imagined himself as an unfortunate orphan, with living parents. Moreover, dad and mom did not leave no - they deprived their ancestors of their rights for debts and sent the boy to a correctional, prison shelter. Without guilt, but since your parents owe money, then you, by a court decision in a dictatorial, space empire, are a juvenile criminal.
  The orphanage for children was located in the industrial area of the capital and really looked like a prison. Barracks everywhere, cell-barracks. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, in a realistic vision, spent the night on poorly planed wooden bunks. Other boys lay nearby, both from the human race and aliens. There were no blankets, mattresses, pillows, the overworked and often beaten body lies on a bare tree. And at night, the leg is chained to the chain so that they do not run away. There are about a hundred children in the cell, it is very stuffy, the bodies are sweaty, beaten next to each other in the corner of the bucket, there is not even a sewerage system. And this is in the State, whose starships plow the expanses of the galaxy, and whose flags crown tens of thousands of inhabited worlds! However, the guys try to relieve themselves on the street, about two-thirds of the day they are busy with work. The most difficult is considered in the shop, dusty and tedious. The back and arms are terribly tired of it, and before the eyes it begins to "fail", the operations are simple, but laborious, require repetition. A more enjoyable job, outdoors in the field or on a construction site. So that they get less tired and get a discharge, they try to alternate in various labor processes. But all the same, the body hurts, many boys, in the orphanage - almost half of the people moan in their sleep.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko tossed and turned nervously, the chain clanged, the ring rubbed his leg to blood. The siren sounds, it means rise, to work. The child's body has not yet rested, the other boys - the naked human race and the furry offspring of other worlds are struggling to rise. The weariness accumulated over the months of slavery gives way to a dull pain in the muscles. The chains controlled by the built-in chip fly off their feet automatically, they are made of a very strong alloy that cannot be sawn through. Overseers appear, menacing shouts sound.
  The boys are led to bathe, it will not take long, the water from the tanks is rusty. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko rinses his mouth, splashes to wash off the sweat. There is no ventilation in the cell, and the sweat-smelling room is not able to refresh sleep. After that they are taken to breakfast, they have to eat while standing, there is no need for chairs for juvenile convicts. They are fed with bread and silage, meat is expensive and children are not supposed to, so they prefer to float pasture. However, the horse is a vegetarian, but how does it work, while predators, having eaten meat, go to bed. Next to Konan-Pavlik is his friend Timur. Both of them are twelve years old in this vision, more accurately than another reality, a turning point for strong boys, when it is very difficult to come to terms with a slave lot.
  Timur, drinking nettle juice in a poorly washed glass, said with a groan:
  - And that again to work in this shop! I don't want!
  - I don"t want to stand and repeat the same movement ten thousand times. - Answered, shivering from unpleasant memories, Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko.
  - Maybe we'll ask for field work! - Timur dreamily looked at the sky, where three stars shone at once on this planet. - In particular, clean the carp-peaches. They are so tasty, especially those with golden fins, but as the warden does not look greedily, you can pick something in your mouth anyway.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko sighed heavily:
  - I would also prefer just such a job in the bosom of gentle nature. - And then the incarnated pioneer became more cheerful. - The robot-observer can be deceived, here most of the monitoring equipment has already been stolen!
  Breakfast is over, and they are being led to the wiring ...
  Children are lined up on the parade ground, the boys of the human race try to stick together, the aliens keep the formation according to their height. They are divided into groups according to age and size. There are boys from five to sixteen years old, as well as furry and scaly youngsters representatives of other worlds.
  The only thing that unites them is clothing, or rather its almost complete absence, only shorts with an identification number on the boys.
  The empire treats them on the principle of squeezing more benefits for themselves from those who have ceased to be considered a citizen! Savings in everything, on clothes, shoes, however, some boys in their free life never knew shoes.
  But with sticks and a rubber stack on bare heels they often received. Heads are shaved, every two weeks a bath, where they are scalded. Then they immediately shave off with a blunt machine, then not much has managed to grow back. The boys march barefoot on sharp stones. If Konan-Pavlik is accustomed to this and his hardened foot does not feel pain, then the smallest children knock down their heels and bare fingers to the point of blood.
  The entire guard consists of aliens representing the most cruel races in the universe, only the head of the shelter, the elderly Frau Pontuss , looks with her brutal eyes of a sadist.
   The tiger -rhinoceros, who plays the role of the overseer, gives instructions where who will work today, or rather, work hard until he loses consciousness. Konan-Pavlik, lowering his bony shoulders, looks at the second half of the yard. There are girls, from small to almost adults. They are dressed like beggars in tattered rags of the coarsest linen. The faces are dry, the eyes seem large and sad. The sackcloth is short, thin but sinewy legs are visible from under it. The girls are also barefoot and all without exception are shaved bald. This is apparently done in order to humiliate them, once again to show that they are nothing. But here it is by no means the criminals who are gathered - the unfortunate abandoned children.
  Here they announce that a group of boys will go to the sewing shop, to work in the most tedious and exhausting profile. Here Timur could not stand it and shouted with anguish:
  - I don't want to work like that! Send me to the plantation or the garden.
  The boys froze, tanned, thin bodies tense.
   Pontuss was clearly delighted with the new occasion for the execution:
  - Yesterday you were quiet, and I was afraid that your family would be left without a visual lesson. That the boy will be driven five times through the ranks.
  An excitement passed through the ranks of the children.
  - That's right. - Peremptory tone said the matron. - Hand out rods to everyone.
  The blows were applied with special barbed rods. They were usually picked by the boys themselves from the thickets, during periods when there was no work. However, indeed, even then children were forced, even if without benefit to the empire, to dig, for example, dig a hole for half a day and bury it for half a day.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko looked at his children's hands, they were knocked down in calluses.
  The guys automatically dismantled the bars, it seemed to Oleg that they, the instruments of torture, burned their fingers, and their legs became heavy. He didn't want to hit his friend, but he didn't have the courage to protest. He saw almost nothing and hit his big toe painfully on a lying cobblestone. Oddly enough, but the feeling of pain helped to gather and the fog before my eyes cleared. The step became firmer, although the finger turned blue.
  They were built in a semicircle in a long line. Timur was tied with sticks by his hands and his shoulders were twisted to make it more convenient to beat the offending boy. The guys squint and try to look away. By order of Frau Pontuss , they splashed brine, sprinkling blue salt on his lean but sinewy back. Judging by the way the boy grimaced, he began to burn.
  The hostess smacked her lips.
  - Now you all get a lesson. Hit harder, whoever cheats will be doomed to reprisals.
  The assistant in this case, the rhinoceros rat bared his fangs:
  We'll deal with them right now! The monster muttered.
  The boy was moved between the rows. The boys slowly raised the rods and the first blows fell on Timur's back. Judging by the scars on the back and sides, the boy was punished more than once, so he just sighed and breathed heavily, like all the boys trying to hold back the screams.
  - Hit harder! - shouted Pontuss . - Let him yell.
  The first blows were delivered by the smallest boys, who simply did not have the strength to cause serious pain. But then the older guys started beating me. The child's back was cut with red stripes, blood dripped. Pain, intensified by blue salt, made Timur scream, he even fell, a board was driven in with nails below and pricked his chest.
  - No need! - The boy shouted. - I will work wherever you say.
  - Of course you will! - Pontus answered . - But first, a spanking.
  Yesterday's comrades were too excited and beat their yesterday's brother. Both people and aliens thrashed with the same ferocity. The boy was screaming, his bare feet leaving bloody footprints. The rat-rhinoceros snarled and hit the kid with a club on his bare, tanned legs. He wanted to cause more pain to the boy. The blow fell on the sinewy ankles, and the next on the heels. Timur squealed and sagged. Then the torturer plunged a thick needle into the buttock, pouring in the liquid.
  - Correctly! - Said Pontus . - Now he would rather die than pass out. Nobody escapes punishment.
   Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko stood almost at the very end of the line, and it seemed to him that it was the blows of the whip that fell upon him. Timur was let down, the boy himself only twitched, shouted and cried. His round face turned crimson with pain, a grimace of suffering twisted it.
  Seeing Konan-Pavlik, he whispered with pale lips:
  - Have mercy!
  The boy hesitated: he froze.
  The rhinoceros rat shouted:
  - Well, what are you waiting for! Bay!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko replied:
  - No I can not! He is my friend!
  The rhinoceros rat grinned:
  Do you want the same for you?
  Konan-Pavlik trembled all over, turning pale:
  - No, but!
   Pontus interrupted him:
  - Enough! The boy signed his own sentence. What are you worth mordovorot. Pour it well and hang it on a rack so that others admire it.
  Conan-Pavlik was pushed out of line, pulled to the goats. The boy tried to resist, but the rhinoceros tigers dealt with him like a kitten. Hands twisted painfully, bones crunched. They put it on the boards, the boy felt the roughness of the tip of protruding nails on his cheek and stomach. They pierced into the muscular, chest, chin, front of the thighs, knees. His cheek was scratched to the point of blood.
  - Oh, don't! - Asked Konan-Pavlik.
  - Necessary! - Said the rat- rhinoceros, so that everyone could be an example.
  The boy felt brine being poured on his back, and then salt being poured. It stings like mustard plasters. Konan-Pavlik grimaced, his callused feet were smeared (the last time he was in that strange memory that surfaced in this vision - he put on sandals about six years ago), they almost immediately began to itch wildly. The rat-rhinoceros plunged a needle into the buttock, it pricked roughly and painfully, the burning liquid went inside.
  - Now you will be very terrified, and you will not lose consciousness. - The monster croaked, baring his face, he would have stuttered and the producer of a horror movie!
  - For what? groaned the innocently imprisoned child. - For the sake of Christ, show mercy.
  The rhinoceros rat, spraying poisonous saliva, replied:
  - I don't believe in these fairy tales about the good Jesus! In general, if there is a God, then he is evil and cruelty. And the more evil and suffering you inflict on your neighbor, the more power and bliss you will receive in the next world.
  - Absurd! - He said, turning pale with horror, and suddenly God really is such a boy.
  - You'll see! - The offspring of the cosmic Tartarus giggled. - But do not hope, today you will not die.
   Pontuss in a barking tone commanded:
  - Get started! Let him remember for eternity the kisses of the whip!
  The captive pioneer child prodigy trembled as he heard a piercing whistle, and then a strong concussion blow, from which the skin on his back burst. The rhinoceros rats hit hard, but at the same time restrained their strength so as not to kill. A scream escaped the boy's throat, he shuddered, a tear came out. Biting his lip until it bled, the boy restrained himself. A moment later, another blow followed, shaking the entire body. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko took a deep breath, the pain, intensified by salt and brine, was unbearable.
   Pontuss shouted:
  - Go on!
  Again whistle and blows! Cuts through to the bone. The boy was burned to the very insides. It seemed to beat off the stomach. Despite his best efforts, part of the scream leaked out from his tight lips.
  - Mum!
  Again blows! On the back, between the sharp shoulder blades, and, finally, on the bare heels. The boy screams, he no longer has the strength to restrain himself. The scream erupts like a volcano from the throat and what appears to be the nose. Pontuss is satisfied:
  "Now I see you are beating him to the core. Beat him well, but don't kill him!
  With each blow, the pain gets worse. Tears mix with blood and fall on the bed. The bloody stripes on the back join together, merge into a crimson mess, the thin white bones of the boy begin to be exposed. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko is suffocating, he does not have enough air, the wire has dug into his bent ankles. Bare heels buzz with jarring, rough, calloused skin does not move immediately, but droplets of blood still come out. The blows intensify, it seems that lightning passes through the nerve endings to the very ridge. Other boys are silent, conscience does not allow to approve, fear of reprisals does not allow to condemn. It can be seen how the heads of the boys drooped, but their eyes follow the execution. Curious and nerve-wracking, most have already been flogged in a similar or more sophisticated way. You think if only it wasn"t me, and sometimes there"s malice in your thoughts: he screams, but of course he could stand it, not such a weakling as Konan-Pavlik.
  The beating is already on the bare bones, the back, sides, thighs are a solid wound. If not for the injection of the stimulant, the boy would have been screwed to death - he died from a painful shock. And so he plunged into something worse than Dante's Hell. This is when every molecule, every cell, every vein is saturated with nightmarish pain.
  Pioneer Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko tried desperately to distract himself from the pain. Remembering his parents, the happy era of distant childhood, he seemed to push off with his feet, from the red-hot bubbling lava of suffering, but she again sucked him in, covered him with his head. So they sailed through the ocean of torture, the dream of death as a deliverer from torment. I remembered the words of the Revelation of St. John. - And they will want to die, but they cannot. This is how the fate awaits sinners who torture children. The Lord will reward them a hundredfold, and the most important punishment, as Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, will be eternal. And some will go into eternal life, others into eternal torment. This is somehow comforting, awakening hatred for enemies, the desire to survive and win. The boy manages to shout:
  - You will pay for this, for every shed tear of a child you will answer on the day of God's Judgment.
  - Shut up bitch! - Rhinoceros rat roars.
  - You can't stifle the truth. The pioneer sighed.
  - Get more!
  They hit him again, investing all the rage, breaking bones, but the pain has already reached such a threshold that it simply cannot get any stronger. This is iron, which can be heated to a certain temperature, and then it spreads.
   Pontuss understands this, the old woman (or rather, she looks no more than forty years old, but actually exceeded a couple of centuries), has a lot of experience as executioners:
  - Well, that's enough! And then it will die! Let's heal a little prisoner and torture him with the help of a computer. I just have a program "torture of the Olympians."
  Rhino Rat, deliberately yawning, says:
  - Now where is it? To the infirmary?
  - No on the rack! - The matron cut off without appeal. Let it hang as a warning to others. Inject only injections to support the heart. And let them drive Timur through the ranks again, and let him get the rest of the blows from you. Once a spectacle to breed. Need to work!
   The foreigner with a whip tilted his head and moved his furry ears:
  - Listen to the hostess. Well, run it again.
  New blows fell upon Timur. This time, no one dared to protest. There was not the slightest desire to fall into the hands of the executioners. Timur screams every now and then falls. He is picked up and beaten again. The second series of strikes is already coming to an end. Only a few boys remained. One of them is the eldest, sixteen years old, a beard is already breaking through and a mustache is visible. He obviously hesitates, strikes, but does it easily, barely touching.
  Frau Pontuss is furious:
  - Hang this lazy young man on a rack and tie a stone to his feet. Let him suffer.
  The boy is seized, he strains his relief muscles, the fruit of hard work, and shouts:
  - Well, what are you looking at, boys beat them!
  The boys shudder, a rumble sweeps through the rows, but lacks the determination to rush at their tormentors.
  The young man is dragged, each rhinoceros rat is at least seven times heavier than him. It's pointless to fight back. But then events occur, at the level of those that change the fate of the empire. Two shots rang out and the rhinoceros rats fall, the backs of the monsters are cut, deep craters gape. The young man freed himself and fell, but immediately jumped up with a cry:
  - See, there is God's justice.
  Appearing like an angel from the darkness, the golden-haired girl, who looked so much like her sister-in-arms Margarita, answered:
  - Rather human. Know that a deal with the Devil does not guarantee heaven on Earth and a warm place in hell. Leaning on Satan is like sitting in the electric chair!
  The second to this fiery Aurora loudly:
  - What's going on here is a plot for a horror movie. Do this with children. Get the boy off the rack.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko shook his head and... woke up. He did not lie during the vision, but simply stood still ... However, it was not a vision, but simply an instant transfer to another world, with its incredible, albeit cruel, adventures.
  And quite a bit of time has passed. The Nazis were still doing
  Food preparations. But this terrible dope, which arose by inhalation, smoke from a strange moss , SS doctors, seemed by no means short.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko immediately thought why these Krauts had no effect. Are they without filter masks? And why such a nightmare in this hallucination. What are they doing with it?
  But the Nazis themselves behaved quite naturally, even became somehow more friendly, hinting that, they say, they could eat with us.
  Indeed, they pulled a pair of hefty thighs of a cow stolen from local residents. Then one Nazi dragged a hefty cauldron, and the second fascist, along with Oleg, went for water. Again, it seemed strange to the inquisitive pioneer, two leather buckets, and ordinary metal or wood at worst. Moreover, one SS man, which was also not quite typical, was dragging himself.
  The pioneer was not quite confident on his feet, the blows on this execution were too real in feeling, and the descendant of Lomonosov guessed that something more than a simple or even not a simple hallucination was behind this.
  Water flowed a hundred paces from the camp, a silvery, sparkling crystal jet from under two stones overhanging the balcony. Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko greedily thrust himself towards her. The boy just now felt that everything inside was baked into stone, or rather into coal. Greedily clung to the pleasant coolness and ... got it in the ear.
  clicked something on the panel of a complex device and giggled like a rat.
  The blow was inflicted by the fascist without malice, but with such force that Konan-Pavlik was thrown onto the stones, he stopped hearing with his left ear, and this side of the head was really numb.
  The bully-doctor in a dressing gown and a golden chain burst out laughing and growled:
  - Boxing! Boxing!
  . CHAPTER #8
  Conan Pavlik returned back to the time of Nero. And now he was running, stomping his bare feet along the rocky path. The boy-hero raced, and felt somewhat exhausted in the vision of the pioneers, and before that, the battle with the Chinese.
  Here is the adventure. Now I needed to take a break. Konan-Pavlik chose the nearest haystack. He cut off a little from the boar that was behind him and this is a considerable weight. I took it and ate it, a piece of meat. I felt heavy and then fell asleep.
  And he dreamed of another vision, even if not about himself.
  A boy of about thirteen was arrested along with his father. Old Man is understandably a well-known rebel who shed streams of blood. But the son is still a child. Which one ask him.
  But Kornil's assistant regarded the former military ataman differently. And he offered to interrogate the boy with passion - and suddenly he knows where the treasures of his father are.
  The son of Stenka Razin was brought to the torture cellar. The boy tried to look straight and hold himself proudly. Even though it was scary inside. Torture instruments are hung, the fireplace is blazing. Executioners in red helmets.
  Samosa went up to the boy, held out his hand, shook his collar and asked menacingly:
  - Tell me where the tyatka hid the treasures, let him go free. No - we will torture!
  Grishka, the son of Stenka Razin, bravely replied:
  - I won't tell you anything! And even more so for you!
  Samosa barked:
  - Torture the tomboy!
  And he personally pulled the collar, tearing off the caftan from the boy. Grishka was undressed and dragged on the rack. The boy desperately tried to kick back. But experienced executioners with a blow to the neck immobilized Grishka. Then they fixed his hands behind and began to lift him by the rope. The boy ground his teeth. The executioner grabbed the boy by the torso and shook him, twisting his joints. Grishka breathed heavily, but held back a cry.
  The deacon, dictating to the scribes, slurred:
  - Tell the thief, where did your father-in-law hide the treasures.
  The boy answered with contempt in his voice:
  "Even if I knew, I wouldn"t say!
  Samosa ordered the executioner:
  - Bay! Ten strokes with care !
  The executioner struck steadily. Grishka's body shook. At the tenth blow, the torturer froze. And looked at Samosa. During the execution, the boy was silent, biting his lip.
  Dyak, slurred:
  - Say thief, where did the tyatka hide the treasures?
  Grishka shouted:
  - I will not say!
  Samosa growled:
  - Five strikes without saving!
  The executioner brought down on the boy a blow with a swing, shaking his whole body. Grishka screamed, but bit his lip. A second blow followed. Also bold and strong. Grishka continued to be silent. And again the third blow, blood dripped from the cut skin.
  Samosa frowned at the way the boy was being whipped. Of course, the son might not know where Stenka hid the treasure. And even, perhaps, real treasures. But the boy must be questioned. And wrest secrets from him.
  After the fifth stroke, the blood dripped actively.
  The deacon repeated the question. Grishka was silent.
  Samosa ordered:
  - Burn his heel.
  The executioner took out a piece of red-hot iron and brought it to the boy's bare soles. He shuddered, twisted, and .... lost consciousness.
  Adala thought it would be a good idea to let Peter through this so he wouldn't kill the unarmed and the old. Peter didn't do well. And what would he be like in a real, contact battle? Wouldn't you be shy?
  Stenka Razin's son Grishka, by the way, knew where one of his father's treasures was hidden, but was silent. He was brought to himself by pouring a bucket of ice water. Then Samosa ordered:
  - Cauterize the second heel with iron!
  This time the boy didn't pass out, he tried to twitch, but Grishka's bare feet were caught in the block.
  Samosa hissed:
  - Five more lashes, without care !
  After the fifth blow, the bright head of the boy shook, and Grishka lost consciousness.
  An experienced clerk in the torture business advised:
  - Let him go! The child still leans back!
  Samosa said sternly:
  - Get the puppy! Wipe it with vodka and put it on the bed... Let it go! Tomorrow we will continue the torture!
  Grishka was removed from the rack and the cuts were rubbed with a mixture of alcohol and water. The boy twitched: vodka burns. Then Grishka was given hot broth and locked in a heated cell. But just in case, they chained the boy by the neck with a chain and let him sleep. The boy slept on his stomach, the bed was soft. Tortured by the executioners, the victims often die, and Samosa wanted to know where Stenka had hidden his treasures.
  After letting Grishka go and sleep, the next day the boy was again dragged to the torture chamber. They put it up on the rack again. Grishka's already stretched joints became more painful. Weights were hung at the feet of the boys. To stretch the muscles more. Then the executioner, smiling, brought a red-hot iron and put it to Grishka's chest. The boy gritted his teeth in excruciating pain.
  Samosa bellowed:
  - Speak thief!
  It smelled of burning. The smell of roasted meat intensified. Grishka's eyes squinted from the shock of pain, and the boy again lost consciousness. The executioner took the iron from his chest and said:
  - A strong lad ...
  Samosa growled:
  - It is necessary to split it ... Brazier to the feet!
  The executioner smeared the boy's soles with oil and lit a brazier at a distance. Already scorched heels were very painful. The boy was breathing heavily. He dropped a mixture of sweat and blood, gnashed his teeth, but remained silent. Although it cost him dearly. The efforts were desperate.
  Samosa growled fiercely:
  - You will speak! Hey, shoulder bey!
  The executioner unleashed blows on Grishka. On the tenth beat, the boy's head tossed languidly and collapsed. The boy did not come to his senses immediately, even after a bucket of water was poured on him. Samos hit Grishka in the face and ordered:
  - More beat!
  Duke remarked:
  - The bare will die ....
  Samosa growled:
  - Heck! Get him off the rack! Continue tomorrow!
  Grishka was again removed from the torture device and taken to the room. The boy struggled and twitched. I fell into a heavy, delusional sleep. Then he woke up and cried. But as soon as the jailer appeared, he fell silent and looked at him angrily. He threw bread with kvass to the kid. The boy had no chance to escape, especially since he was chained by the neck.
  The next day, Grishka was tortured a little differently. They lifted me up into the ceiling, raising their hands on the rack, and then let me go. Such a wild pain
  stops breathing. The boy was lifted three times until he lost consciousness.
  After that, the executioner again beat with a whip, and burned the stomach with a red-hot iron. Having thoroughly tortured the boy, he was released and taken to the cell. The executioners failed to achieve anything.
  The next day, Grishka was pulled up on a rack, a brazier was kindled under his bare feet, and red-hot wire was hit on his back and buttocks. The boy lost consciousness several times during the torture, but came to his senses. Until the executioners themselves got tired, stopping the torture.
  The next day, the boy was stretched out, and the executioner began to break his toes with red-hot tongs, and also crush his ribs. Grishka screamed several times, but the demands to say something were answered with lowing.
  And again he received a whip.
  Two weeks passed. Grishka's childish body is already exhausted by torture. Pain is everywhere. No blood left, no vein untouched by pain. At first, when they beat him and burned him, he wanted to rush and muffle the explosions in his body. But when the pain engulfed the whole essence, it dulled.
  Samosa himself saw that Grishka's chances of knocking something out were fading before his eyes. The executioners tried a new remedy. We found flour. Grishka's hair was shaved off, and cold water began to drip on the top of his head. Torture is brutal and effective. After a few hours, it feels like bombs are exploding in the brain. Grishka was almost blind and deaf. He no longer heard the words uttered by the executioner and Samosa .
  They gave up, again dragged on the rack. Not realizing that any pain for the boy was only a consolation - distracting from a more terrible ulcer in the brain.
  From the fire and lashes brightened in the eyes.
  Grishka came to his senses and was able to see the executioners. Here the torturer puts weights on the block in which the boy's legs were clamped. The pain in the arms and shoulders gets worse, but it distracts from the hell in the brain.
  Samosa roars at the top of his lungs. He is red-haired, with a beard:
  - Tell the puppy, where the father hid treasures!
  Grisha shakes his head. In response, a blow shaking the body follows, they beat hard. Another executioner, under the boy's bare feet, heats up on the rack. Creepy, but not so scary.
  Here is Kornila, the godfather of Stenka Razin and a former army chieftain. Aged, with a gray beard. There is even a semblance of sympathy for a tortured child in his gaze. Nearby stands a boyar in a beaver hat. He is clearly hot in the torture chamber. And on the face of a clear interest in the torture of the boy. The torture continues. Grishka suddenly felt a surge of strength in himself and sang:
  You are Razin my king and father,
  Raised the people against the yoke ...
  I believe that suffering will end
  There will be boyars, only whips and a fig!
  The peasant, the worker is now under the yoke,
  The simple proletarian is crushed by the boyars...
  But I believe that we will sweep away all bloodsuckers,
  Let's sing a thousand arias to our Motherland!
  After all, in every yard the victim of the boyars groans,
  Everywhere there are stakes and a rack ...
  They are even worse, consider the infidel,
  Torture, jerk in torment!
  But Razin went through battles,
  All the necessary hands and paths ...
  With victory, our free Cossack came,
  To tear all the boyar priests!
  No, you know, doubts, believe us,
  After all, we are for the people, without a doubt ...
  Now comes the hour of insight,
  For the glory of other generations...
  You are Razin of freedom and honor - the leader,
  Walked through our Russia ...
  I want you to become our sovereign,
  And better than the universal messiah!
  Yes, then believe justice
  There will always be a ray of light...
  And there will be a beast torn apart by a despot,
  Let's wait for the dawn!
  The battle is under Simbirsk - the struggle,
  We are furious violent warriors know!
  And I believe fate to become a winner,
  I ask you to give the bars brains!
  Although Razin died heroically in battle,
  But in eternity his holy face ...
  After all, he is without a doubt a knight, a horseman,
  And it will be, you believe the Kremlin in a moment taken!
  End slavery and the yoke of the boyars,
  And the sun will rise over the planet...
  Suffering, deception will disappear forever,
  And Razin is sung in poems!
  While the boy was singing, everyone, both the executioners and the "audience", froze, listened. But at the last words, Samosa exploded and yelled at the top of his lungs:
  - Bay! Kill him!
  The executioner unleashed furious blows on the boy. Already losing consciousness, Grishka whispered:
  - The people of Russia will be free!
  The bloodied boy was lifted off the rack and carried away. Samosa wiped the sweat from his forehead and hissed:
  - Enough! Enough from us! Quarter the bastard and be done with it!
  Cornila said uncertainly:
  - Is it right to quarter a child? Yes, even in public? Maybe strangle him in the cell?
  Samosa growled, thumping his heels on the floor.
  - Not! Execute! And publicly - by quartering!
  The boyar confirmed, clenching his fist:
  - Let it be so! I approve the death sentence!
  Samosa smiled wickedly.
  - They're quartering Grishka! We will bring out all the Razin seed!
  Here Adala was distracted. She is forced to give the command to shoot. And Toronto is being hit by a twenty-ton bomber rocket. Brings death and horror. Adala follows the fiery tail with her bewildered gaze.
  Oh, I wish she was a pilot. How wonderful and romantic. Here is such a pilot-raider.
  The sky is very cool .. The girl tilted her head and began to remember at least something good. But nothing came to mind. In addition to the story about the son of Stenka Razin.
  The boy lay on the bed, and twisted in his sleep, delirious. It's hard to sleep when your whole body is wounded, and the ulcers are also corroded by salt and vodka. The last fifteen days have been a torment. Torture at night and heavy delirium during the day.
  The boy dreamed of his father. Mighty and strong Stepan encouraged his son:
  - Hold on kid! The people will remember you, how you accepted death!
  Grishka in delirium answered:
  - And what awaits me death?
  Stepan confidently stated:
  - Our future is foggy. And it is not known what lies ahead. But your last moments in life will be the most important. Don't hesitate! Save courage!
  Grishka answered not quite confidently:
  - I'll be firm... But you're dad... Has our just cause died?
  Stepan declared in a thunderous voice:
  - Well, I do not! They can execute me, but another Razin will come, and after him another Razin, and our enemies will not be able to do anything with this! There will be new centuries, there will be a change of generations ... But Lenin, the storm lord, will come for Razin!
  Grishka, also gaining confidence, said:
  - I believe you will come back!
  The boy woke up. The body ached stupidly and the skin was raw. There was a rattle at the door and the executioner entered the cell.
  The large tormentor said in an affectionate tone:
  - Hello Grishka!
  The boy, suddenly feeling the strength in himself, answered:
  - The executioner is not well, so you die!
  The tormentor nodded good-naturedly.
  - And you are a brave puppy. I've seen and tortured different ones... But you haven't seen anyone like you! So small, but real flint!
  Grishka answered modestly:
  - I have the spirit of my father!
  The executioner suggested with a grin:
  Let's make a deal...
  The boy jingled the chain, and found the strength to get out of bed and sit up. Grishka asked with interest:
  - What deal?
  The executioner suggested in a whisper:
  - Come on, you tell me where your father's treasure is, and I ... I'll take off the collar and carry you out in a bag.
  Grishka hesitated for a moment. Indeed, what if you deceive the executioner. Tell him a false place, and seize the moment yourself and run away. Save your life and leave your enemies with a nose? The temptation was great. But the boy remembered his father. Cunning and deceit to buy your life? No, he must die with dignity on the scaffold!
  Grishka shook his shaved head, covered in bruises and bumps:
  - Not!
  The torturer chuckled and remarked:
  - Tomorrow you will be executed! That's for sure ... There will be no more torture, and there are no others ready for execution!
  Grishka shuddered, but bravely replied:
  - Well, they will execute... We are all mortals!
  The executioner added with a grin:
  "You won't just be beheaded!" And throw it on the wheel! They cut off first the arms, then the legs, and only then the head. Do you want this?
  The boy shuddered, became paler, and muttered:
  - Since fate is like this... I will only try to accept death with dignity!
  The executioner chuckled and remarked:
  - Your father has already been taken to Moscow. There they still torture you more abruptly. And then the wheel with quartering is also waiting. And you ... It's a pity they're being executed! You are a strong boy, and it would be nice to torture you more!
  Grishka replied harshly:
  - In the other world, you will be tortured!
  The executioner left the cell. And Grishka turned around and hit his chin with his fist. It gave way to pain in the stretched veins on the rack. Maybe in vain he is so? It was necessary to show prudence and deceive the executioner. And ahead, waiting for him ...
  The boy hardly lifted and looked at his hand covered with pisugi and burns? Will she be cut off? Grishka looked at his leg. Also all beaten up, the soles are burned, the fingers are broken. But he will probably be able to climb the scaffold all the same. And they will cut off his legs and arms and finally his head. And then the soul will fly to heaven ...
  He is still a child, and did not have time to sin. Passed the test of fire and lash. Most likely, a well-deserved paradise awaits ahead, or in the worst case, a short stay in purgatory. I wonder if they will invite a priest for confession? However, it doesn't matter anymore. Grishka did not feel any sins behind him and was not afraid now of the inevitable meeting with God. And it"s good in paradise, a marvelous garden, where it"s eternal summer, and angels play harps. Why not a place deserved for a boy who endured the most severe torture?
  It's better than hanging on a rack when your skin is torn by a whip and your fingers are broken with a red-hot iron. There you will forever remain a boy, and you will be forever young and healthy.
  There was a knock on the door. A girl appeared with a tray, and two guards, as well as Samosa. The monster chuckled and said:
  - For the last time in your life, eat a good puppy! Cornila is generous! And there they will chop off your arms and legs!
  Grishka replied harshly:
  - And you will be punished... Not on Earth, but in heaven!
  Samosa growled:
  - Puppy! Let's see how you scream on the wheel!
  Grishka courageously said:
  - Death sometimes gives immortality, and betrayal oblivion!
  Samosa angrily slammed the door and left. Only the executioner remained. Grishka almost affably nodded to him:
  - These are the feasts we celebrate! And you don't want to die!
  The executioner with a sly look asked the boy:
  - Have you thought about your soul?
  Grishka honestly answered:
  - I do not feel sins behind me to repent .
  The executioner nodded at this.
  - Well, rejoice bald. Have a glass of wine at the same time. Probably the first in your life.
  Grishka began to eat the goose. After the prison gruel, the food seemed extremely tasty. It was a little painful for the boy to chew, but the meat seemed sweet. And swallowed actively.
  The executioner remarked:
  - If not your godfather Kornila, you would not have received such feasts.
  Grishka asked with a serious look:
  - What does he want?
  The torturer honestly answered:
  - Get Stepan's treasure. Otherwise he wouldn't have moved.
  Grishka answered in an indifferent tone:
  - Let the treasures lie in the ground. And serve future uprisings!
  The executioner said admiringly:
  - Well, you and an eagle! A real warrior! Well, I wish you success!
  And the torturer left the boy. Grishka felt heavy after eating and drinking a glass of strong wine. His eyes closed and the boy fell asleep. He dreamed of battles, and various kinds of incidents. As if he is a fairy-tale knight who cuts down thousands of fighters.
  Waving to the right - the street, the lane to the left!
  And then he rides a dragon. Like a fairytale hero...
  The next morning Grushka was awakened. The boy slept well for the first time and felt more cheerful. The executioners picked him up. Put on a wounded body, sackcloth. And they picked him up and took him to execution. Grishka saw paint in the dawn, and sharp spears.
  The boy walked in the glands, which was uncomfortable. They took him out into the yard. The boy's bare, crippled feet found it difficult to step on the cobblestones. But Grishka, gritting his teeth, put up with it, and tried to stand straight. Although every step of the burned feet was given with pain. And so he went out to the square.
  People saw the boy. Shaved, just covered in abrasions and bruises, with bare, burned feet, emaciated.
  Grishka inspired pity rather than hatred. Many, especially the women, sighed in sympathy.
  The boy winked at them and said:
  - Like, where is ours, did not disappear!
  And moved on. There was no particular fear. Grishka was sure that he did not deserve hell. And heaven is much better than earthly, cruel existence.
  The place of execution was surrounded by selected, Moscow archers. Lots of guards and homely Cossacks. It seemed that they were not executing a child at all, but a state criminal of cosmic proportions.
  The boy unsteadily, staggering, climbed up the ladder, stepping with burned feet, on oak planks.
  On the chopping block glittered a huge, sharpened axe. A massive executioner in a red robe walked around. There was also a wheel intended for quartering.
  Grishka crossed himself. It's really painful to move your arms.
  The herald began to read the accusation:
  - This son of Stenka Razin Grishka is guilty: of harboring treasures, organizing detachments of rebels, of executions and robberies of boyars, of violence against a woman, and so on. Therefore, he is sentenced to quartering on the wheel and eternal anathema. May the sentence be carried out.
  Grishka shuddered, but remained standing still and keeping straight. The deacon hissed:
  - Well, is the thief ready to repent before the people?
  Grishka thought. Yes, he has something to repent of. The boy bowed and said:
  - Forgive the Don Cossacks. I am guilty before you that I did not free you from the yoke of the boyars.
  Samosa yelled desperately:
  - Execute him soon!
  The executioner's assistants rushed to the boy. Grishka, overcoming the pain in his hands, tore off his own sackcloth. Ulcers and wounds inflicted by the executioners were opened before the people. Then Grishka's hands were twisted and thrown onto the wheel.
  The executioner raised an ax over the boy. "It's about to begin," thought Grishka.
  But at that moment the horn sounded and the herald announced:
  - Royal mercy! In view of Gregory's infancy, the death penalty is replaced by sale into slavery! Let it be so! The boy was lifted from the scaffold and answered into the room. A new life began for Grishka.
  First they fed him porridge and gave him milk to drink. The boy was chained around his neck and allowed to lie on the straw. The doctor came. He began to wipe the wounds with vodka. It hurt, but Grishka was silent.
  The doctor noted:
  - The boy is tenacious, he will live like a dog!
  Grishka, having eaten, fell asleep soundly ... He had all sorts of nightmares.
  The next day, they gave him food again and led him away, putting shackles on his hands and feet. The boy was naked, but a cloak was thrown over him.
  He was accompanied by guards and Samosa.
  Bare feet podzhili a bit and it was easier to step. Grishka tried to pretend that he was not hurt. And he proudly threw up his shaved head, with a stubble of blond hair already beginning to grow.
  He was led down the street, and passers-by looked around. The weather was warm and sunny.
  Grishka tried to cheer up. Well, into slavery, so what? He is not afraid of work! Even if you have to go to the quarries, he will stand it and run away. Will find a way. Or raise an uprising like the legendary Spartacus.
  The boy was led into a stone building and taken upstairs. The blistered bare feet of a pleasant child were cooled by the stone coolness.
  Here he was brought into the room. There, by the door, stood two huge, bare-chested, muscular warriors. Next, a lamp was burning, and a magnificent sofa. A woman in a veil and a robe was reclining on it. And nearby were muscular servants and a couple of maids. Moreover, they were naked to the waist, and short skirts, but sandals and also with a closed face. But at the same time, the breasts are naked and the nipples are tinted.
  The look at the bare breasts caused Grishka great excitement and he blushed. His age is just when young men show interest in the opposite sex. And the sight of young beautiful breasts is so exciting.
  A woman in a luxurious veil and a magnificent dress cooed:
  - Undress him!
  Grisha's raincoat was torn off. He was completely naked. And male perfection, already fully developed, stuck out, and from which it was so embarrassing. The boy himself was well-built, muscular, and numerous signs of torture, even gave him charm.
  The woman laughed, looking at Grishka's excitement. And she cooed:
  - Good boy! I see you are quite ready.
  Accompanying Grishka Samos replied:
  - He is worth a hundred gold rubles, madam!
  At the time, this was a large amount. A good horse could be bought for three rubles.
  The woman laughed and replied:
  - He is still a child, and there are enough slaves in the Turkish markets! Purely out of respect for you and because I like this boy, I will pay fifty rubles for him!
  Samosa remarked:
  - The governor wants the son of a rebel to work hard in quarries in the Crimea, or in Turkey! He does not really want that a juvenile delinquent, instead of the overseer's whip, was blissful in the arms of a lustful khansha!
  The woman laughed and replied:
  - Yes, I understand ... Stenka Razin spoiled a lot of blood for you and you want to recoup on his son! I will console you, I like to torture and humiliate beautiful boys. And when I get tired of him, I'll send him to the mines!
  I give seventy-five rubles and this is my last word!
  Samosa nodded.
  - Agreed great!
  In fact, it is unlikely that for an exhausted boy of thirteen you will get more than a few rubles at auction. And the fact that the middle-aged khansha loves to torture and torment beautiful boys was known to everyone. Moreover, she adored young flesh. But when the boys had a beard, they were blinded, their tongues were pulled out, and they were sent to the mines, where they slowly but surely died.
  So you can"t say that Grishka was very lucky. But the adventures of the young hero are just beginning... And the most interesting is ahead!
  Konan-Pavlik woke up, after this dream, very cheerful and full of strength. And then he started running again.
  Yes, so his bare, childish, pink, round heels flashed.
  He was already fresh and decided himself on the run, and the way is long to compose a story.
  And let it be from such a story very fun and interesting.
  . CHAPTER #9
  Hitler, after the capture of Yugoslavia and Greece, decided to temporarily abandon the attack on the USSR. In particular, the Fuhrer was afraid that he would not have time to take Moscow before winter. In addition, his military attaches in Moscow saw the KV-2 and T-34 tanks at the May 1 parade, which made a strong impression - especially the KV-2.
  Well, Hitler decided that until Germany had heavy tanks, the USSR should not be attacked.
  Better yet, focus on Britain and its colonies. At the same time, having received colossal resources and unleashing their hands on the second front.
  First of all, it was necessary to strengthen Rommel's grouping - four selected tank divisions with equipment. And at the same time capture the base in Malta.
  Already having the experience of landing on the island of Crete, the Nazis first carried out the bombing of Malta, and then a desperate landing. And they managed to do it more successfully avoiding big losses.
  After that, the transfer of troops to Rommel went faster. In addition, the Fuhrer again met with Franco. And he demanded in strict form to let the troops go to Gibraltar.
  Franco agreed with this, albeit reluctantly.
  In the meantime, there was a transfer of forces to Africa. Including the first women's battalions, since the Fuhrer wanted women to take part in the war. And that the Fuhrer had an enlightenment, and he realized that it is impossible to live without women in the world, no!
  And in battle, a woman is a real beast, capable of much.
  A company of girls from a special SS battalion "wolf" flew on a Me-323 transport plane to Tunisia. The female warriors were all like a match, young and not yet married. Mostly tall athletic blondes, the color of the German nation, its blood and juice.
  Two girls, a honey blonde and a fiery redhead, stand out among other warriors, who, by the way, are also worthy of the podium with their beauty and seriousness in their eyes. If all the other warriors were among the relatively experienced fighters who managed to sniff gunpowder in France and the Balkans. But not in such a way that too much, for the transience of hostilities and lack of desire, send the girls into the thick of it. They had already fought, these two were very young, almost girls, the very last to replace those killed during the air raid. Of course, they were also trained with all German pedantry, but they were still so innocent, after all, they were barely sixteen. Real roses abandoned in the desert.
  The fiery red "wolf" asked her blonde friend:
  - There are a lot of Negroes in the British Army. They are very rude and cruel, but imagine Gerd, what will happen if you are captured and torture begins?
  The honey blonde calmly replied:
  - I will try not to be captured by Charlotte, but if it is still the will of the Lord, I will not give anything to the enemies!
  The red-haired Charlotte whispered:
  - There are rumors that a big war will soon begin in the east with Russia. And troops are already being pulled up, concentrating forces. No wonder so many infantry were drafted into the army, the girls say that there are almost no men left in the villages!
  Gerda agreed with a sigh:
  - Yes, that would be creepy! To wage war with the Russians: cruel and fanatical, with their endless expanses and harsh winters ... It will be something terrible!
  The redhead replied:
  - The Russians could not defeat even the tiny Finnish army, and we defeated the largest enemy forces! All of Europe is already under us, and Rommel is crushing the British in Africa. Why do you think you'll lose?
  Gerda reluctantly replied:
  - The Russians have a large population and vast expanses. They will absorb too many troops! And if we do not have time to take the capital of Russia before winter, then our soldiers will simply freeze, and the equipment will get upset and get bogged down in snowdrifts, it will be elementary terrible!
  Charlotte shook her head vigorously.
  - Oh, don't talk about such nasty things, let's better sing some kind of romance. About love...
  Gerda smiled innocently and agreed:
  - Of course, we'll sing best!
  The girls of the "She-Wolf" sang, in their clear, crystal voices:
  Pearly, trembling hairstyle,
  I'm worried, my chest is trembling!
  I am a girl like a timid birch,
  I'm afraid to move and breathe!
  And what does the fresh wind whisper in your ear?
  Sand crunches under foot barefoot...
  And there is no happier me on the planet,
  When I walk with you into the woods!
  Reveal a big secret to me, beloved,
  How did you manage to bewitch the heart!
  But your face is so sad?
  The thinnest thread of wrinkles passed across the forehead!
  answers me with anguish ;
  War will separate you for a long time!
  To find us a place in the forests of paradise,
  Satan must be defeated in hell!
  In response, a slender birch nodded,
  You are more than a friend to me!
  Although the outcome of the battle may be tearful,
  But God Jesus the shepherd is with us!
  Let's dispel the hell of demons - evil shadows,
  So that the groves bloom green!
  Stroke my tanned knees
  Hold me tight sweetheart!
  And he answered like a maiden in jest,
  He said to the sound of spreading branches;
  - Will you wait for me for a year, dove?
  The temptation of hot cranes is strong!
  In response, I said to him so strictly,
  - I will not be a civilian at the machine stand!
  And I like the military road,
  I want to fight, to defeat the evil ones!
  I came to the point - cut down branches, braids,
  They gave me a new machine with a disc!
  Though the grass weeps like pearls of dew,
  Why innocence - has become like a soldier!
  Then, that the Motherland is dearer to me than all,
  Motherland above the stars burns in the soul!
  It"s not the inside that to barge on the bed,
  And spend the night with a rifle in a hut!
  Victory will come, I firmly believe in it,
  After all, our cause is always right!
  Well, smile more joyfully guys,
  A good fate awaits us, believe me!
  The whole family sang along with them, while the girls shook their heads and clapped their hands. But then their idyll was interrupted, a siren howled and English planes appeared in the sky! Spitfires tried to attack the supply caravan. ME-109s from the escort escort bravely rushed towards them. Fiery-red Charlotte even jumped for joy:
  - Here it begins the battle in the air! It'll be cool!
  Gerda excitedly confirmed:
  - Now ours, they will give in!
  English Spitfires , and fifteen German Messers, not much difference. Machine-gun bursts and aircraft guns were hammered. Charlotte chuckled and pointed with her finger:
  - Look how ours thresh them! The beauty!
  Gerda philosophically said:
  - In a fight, not the strongest will win, but the meanest enough to provoke it, but not to get into it yourself!
  - War is a competition where everyone is disqualified even before the start! Supported Charlotte.
  He from the English " Spitfires " had already caught fire, and began to fall, after him the German one began to fall ... The battle began to flare up with even greater ferocity. The British planes had machine guns, while the Germans had cannons, some 20 mm had one piece, others had as many as three 20 mm guns, but there were only two such machines ... Speed characteristics and maneuverability are almost the same, perhaps even for ME -109 even the weight is smaller and it makes turns faster. But the British are not so simple either, so three of their fighters rushed to the transport, not paying attention to the cover fire. The girls inside screamed:
  - Come on, guys, don't miss it! Forced fire pli!
  Charlotte screams:
  - Furr ! Furr !
  Me-323 is a huge transport capable of carrying up to 200 troops, it has six machine guns of defensive weapons. They are arranged in a "hedgehog" system and begin to scribble ... Fighters fire, and large-caliber bullets pierce the skin and pierce the coating. Warrior girls jump back, while squealing like pigs:
  - The bitch has cubs.
  One of the girls is hooked and is convulsing. A girl-doctor jumps up to her and immediately states:
  - It blew right through! - And makes her a dressing. She calms down and tries to hold back her moans.
  But then the Messerschmitt comes to the rear of the English fighter, accurate shots and it catches fire and falls. Girls roar:
  - Amazing! This is our guy!
  At this moment, the machine gunner covering the fuselage (and this is a man) falls pierced by a bullet right through. Gerda rushes like lightning, clings to the wire and falls, her boots fly off. A young girl flickering with bare, pink heels in a couple of jumps through the downed bodies, jumps to the machine gun and presses the trigger. Lead is spit out of the barrel and the Spitfire loses control, begins to fall into a tailspin.
  The wolf girls squeal with delight and chant:
  - Puck! Washer! Germany against Britain two - zero!
  Gerda, however, did not have time to shoot down the second fighter, it was destroyed by German pilots. Air battles are fleeting, and having lost more than half of the fighters, the British fled. The score was 11 against 3 in favor of the Germans. The girls exclaimed in response, so joyfully and shook hands with each other. They also praised Gerda, who did not lose her head and recorded the first downed plane, her victim, as her asset! The girl blushed with great excitement and muttered:
  - Yes, I did not remember myself! Was it something like that? Completely unthinkable! I'm in a trance...
  Charlotte muttered with a displeased smirk:
  - But I can"t forgive myself for delays. So just took the brakes!
  Company commander Madeleine consoled Charlotte:
  - There are still so many battles ahead! That's Africa!
  Charlotte giggled and quipped:
  - Little children for nothing in the world, children do not go to Africa for a walk! Africa has sharks, Africa has gorillas, and Africa has big crocodiles! But the Great Reich; told us - do not drift!
  All the girls laughed in unison. How great it was...
  The capital of Tunisia, also bears the name, Tunisia, it houses the main base of the Nazis in Africa. The main ally of Germany: Mussolini entered the Second World War only on June 17, five days before the surrender of France. He wanted to "win", or rather kick, an already defeated enemy in order to gain considerable territorial gains. Well, if Germany fails, open the second southern front against the Third Reich yourself! The Italian army acted, not very successfully, and despite the overwhelming numerical superiority, was able to advance only a few kilometers at the cost of huge losses. But so Mussolini did not particularly successfully enter the war. In the future, the Italians fought extremely unsuccessfully. Bits in Greece, despite their numerical superiority, in Ethiopia, having almost five times more forces than the British, and in Libya, having lost almost the entire territory with oil wells that have already begun to be developed. But Rommel, a young general who had joined the Nazi Party before Hitler came to power, launched a powerful counterattack against the British. Moreover, he launched an offensive even before the transfer of the main forces, having only ten tanks and fifty trucks disguised as a tank. With a swift throw, the best British general Kolenkor was captured, and almost all of Libya returned to the control of the Nazis. However, the well-fortified Tolbuk fortress , so mediocrely surrendered by the Italians, is still holding on! Rommel has only two hundred tanks, all T-1 and T-2, that is, light, and another two hundred Italian ones are generally machine-gun tankettes weighing 2.7 tons. Of course, with such forces it is difficult to fight with Matildas: having frontal armor of 78 mm and 70 mm Cromwells. While the front temporarily stabilizes, both sides are building up strength...
  The SS companies landed at the airport and were immediately blown into the hot African air. Still summer, June and Africa! The girls, however, tried to fasten themselves and not show that they were hot. And then Madeleine ordered:
  Let's make a march across the desert! And at the same time we will test sunscreens, you will jump in swimsuits!
  The girls grimaced in displeasure: they are being experimented on again. Although, of course, in a bathing suit in such a heat it is much more pleasant than a uniform, and even bulletproof vests, which can also be forced to wear.
  The girls quickly changed into the bathing suits, painted in the color of the desert, began to smear with protective cream, which, by the way, should also help them tan faster. Gerda helped to smear Charlotte, and that Gerda. The redhead remarked:
  - These are the same Tunisia, on the outskirts of the slums, only in the center of fifty stone houses and a dozen mosques. I've read fairy tales and expected to see magnificent palaces with a fountain and gardens among the Arabs!
  Gerda replied with a sigh:
  - Alas, if in our world it was like in a fairy tale! Alas, our world is merciless, unfair, insidious! The flesh groans and suffers in agony!
  Charlotte continued:
  - But the man is smart, glorious progress! Though it seems the Lord has forgotten him!
  Left alone in their bathing suits, and slightly rinsed in cool water before applying the cream, the beautiful girls experienced some relief. If on the plane itself, it was still not so hot, then at the airport and the city it"s just hell. True, other she-wolves have already fought in Greece, where it is warm in April, but still not like in Africa in the summer.
  After the shower, the girls were in leather slippers, but Madeleine ordered:
  - Pick up another cream and lubricate the soles well! You will be marching through the desert barefoot! What you are blinking - you understand, so proceed.
  The girls smeared themselves with graceful feet of bare, girlish legs, without much enthusiasm. After all, the sand of the Sahara is almost a hot frying pan. True, here it is still close to the coast, and meadows overgrown with herbs often fall. But to run with bare soles on stones, gravel, sand, which heated the African Sun? This is generally wildness!
  However, the girls are not so sissy, the elite training program includes forced marches for girls from the Women's German Union, and also often barefoot, and over rough terrain. So that the warriors do not argue! In general, for fascist Germany, the nature of the craving for various experiments. Hitler is an ardent admirer of Nietzsche's theory of the superman, or man of the future. He must be stronger, faster, smarter and more cruel than modern man. A true German soldier must be: strong, fast, hardened - because he is an Aryan! But Aryan women who give birth to heroes must themselves be heroes, and strength should be nurtured! Therefore, the most well-trained girls are intensively trained, tempered, educated! So their kind, genetically gifted beauties, must go through extreme hardening in the African deserts: to prove that the Aryan and the Aryan can handle all the tests, and not the barrier that they cannot take - the invincible and brave soldier of the Third Reich!
  And now the company, leaving the military camp, runs along the narrow, stony fishing rods of Tunisia.
  The girl's bare heels prick the black, sharp pebbles of the road, and bake cruelly. But the lubricant does soften the burns a little, and when you run fast, it doesn"t bake so much, although the sun has passed after noon and the temperature is at its maximum. However, grimy Arab children become smaller, with little black heels, without any cream, and do not even frown. Looks like they've got calluses on their soles. At almost naked girls in bathing suits, and with developed muscular bodies, Arab men look; their mouths gaping, and the women move faster to the sides, wrapping themselves even more tightly in a black veil.
  And the girls run holding machine guns on his shoulder and each a backpack with supplies and grenades. And this is a total of twenty kilograms ... Even if we take into account that the girls were picked up physically strong, and have been training in Spartan conditions for more than a year, then this is still weight, especially if the heat is over fifty degrees in the shade, and it is necessary to overcome the marathon distance .
  Gerda runs, trying to breathe as correctly as possible, so that she would have enough strength for a longer time. Although she did not live that much, her last eight years were spent in a special school for children of the genetic elite. But this does not mean that they lived in comfortable conditions. On the contrary, getting up at five in the morning, dousing with an ice shower, hard exercises, an hour run and then a couple of hours of work. Then study, before lunch, training again, including combat sparring. Military training, study, training, until ten o'clock, after which the lights out. True, they fed well, but they didn"t give meat, vegetables, fruits, fish, confectionery and sweets, only for the Fuhrer"s birthday, Christmas and May 1. There is practically no free time, everything is strictly regulated... People of the future who were supposed to rule the Earth were prepared from them. Himmler himself , the head of the SS, kept such a program under control.
  What did Gerda think about the Nazis and Hitler? This is what they taught that Hitler is the greatest genius of all times and peoples, an invincible commander and future ruler of the Earth. And just like the first Aryan Jesus Christ, the vicar of the Most High God commanded to conquer this and other cosmic worlds!
  Indeed, Germany won, and faith in the Fuhrer grew stronger! But now, she is actually at war. They run, girls brown from grease through the desert, their bare feet are baked by a mixture of sand and gravel, and growing fatigue is already beginning to be felt; pain in the calves, back, and dry mouth. But she is a true Aryan, and will never break! Rather let her heart break than she gives up. Yes, and not the first time Gerda, here to run. I remember they made a forced march through the mountains. Barefoot, the girl Gerda with a submachine gun on her shoulder, ran along the sharp stones of the pass, completely cutting her soles, so that bloody footprints remained on the stones, but made her way to the end. So what is she going to give up now? Not! And again no! He will fight to the end until he goes the distance. True, he never ran in such heat, but ... It was necessary to start with something in order to go through the test to the end and believe in the future Victory! And not Germany: she has no doubts about this, but victories over herself!
  It is already getting easier, and a second wind opens in the trained lungs ... The sun is already leaning towards sunset and the suffocating heat is receding. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, but receding!
  Red-haired Charlotte is also suffering, but holding on. She and Gerda are old friends, even the bunks in the girls' barracks stood next to them. They often spar with each other. Two friends deprived of childhood and matured early. However, after all, life is a struggle, an eternal struggle. And perhaps the greatest tragedy for humanity and for each individual will be when there is nothing to fight for!
  Charlotte first saw Hitler at a rally; when she was only five years old. Then he was not yet the Fuhrer of Greater Germany, but only one of the opposition politicians. But something special was felt in: the indescribable charisma of this leader, with a small mustache! What exactly the future Fuhrer was talking about, Charlotte did not remember. Adolf Hitler spoke very emotionally, vigorously waving his fists, often uttering the words: Great Germany, valor, honor, chivalry, strength, dignity! And the whole crowd just growled in indescribable delight. And what was the applause. And even then Charlotte realized that before her God incarnate!
  She remembers that day so well! Her parents adored the Fuhrer, long before Hitler came to power. They joined the party at the end of the twenties, when the Nazis' chances of coming to power seemed illusory, and the Nazis scored two or three percent of the vote! Well, well, the Fuhrer was already the Fuhrer and a true leader then! But it took a severe crisis, which shook to the ground all the foundations of society, for Germany to find its leader in it. The girl grew up in the harsh conditions of an elite barracks, where she spent eight years, but she never hated the Fuhrer in her heart.
  Even when she and other friends of the cruel were flogged with wide (so as not to cut the skin!) Belts, or sent to a punishment cell, where they had to push the wheel in front of them. The punishment invented in the SS is also sophisticated. You turn the wheels, and sensors are stuck to your body, from which current flows. The faster you spin it, the weaker the electricity hits, and when you slow down, it hits harder. A kind of mixture of punishment for misconduct and physical training. They were tempered and trained in the Style of ancient Sparta, which was admired by Hitler, and his chief policeman, and the executioner of the Third Reich , Himmler !
  As the Fuhrer said: "A German boy must endure beatings and get used to cruelty from childhood!". Well, Himmler extended a similar thesis to girls! So he loved to quote Nietzsche - cruelty, cruelty, and once again cruelty cementing the nation!
  A distance of fifty or even a little more kilometers has already been covered, a colossal load in such heat and with a load, for such little girls. Gerda, Charlotte no longer felt their bodies, they ran like somnambulists, feeling something tearing their muscles, and a dull pain in their heads. But here comes the command:
  - Jump a step! Enough for the first time!
  The girls slow down and walk already at a fast pace. Heels begin to itch, even more. Gerda whispered to Charlotte:
  - From hell to purgatory!
  Girlfriend disagreed.
  - From purgatory to heaven!
  The stony soil is over and the bare, exhausted feet of the girls are stepping onto the soft, emerald grass. Gerda exclaimed:
  - And how blissful, after being tortured by prickly stones and the burning sands of the desert, to walk like a velvet natural carpet!
  This time Charlotte readily agreed.
  - Of course, it really is paradise! After such a harsh march! But I think it will be even more difficult.
  When the girls finally reached the playground, Madeleine stopped them and ordered them to lie on their backs. Roughly felt the feet of the top ten warriors and said with obvious satisfaction:
  - Lovely! And the skin does not peel off, and there are no blisters on the sole. And even the heels were not dusty, they remained pink , as if you had just come out of the bath! - Madeleine grew, paused, and a friend threw a dagger with lightning speed. The blade flashed like a sunny bunny fluffed out of a mirror by a schoolboy, and the point nailed a large, black scorpion. The voice of the SS officer became rougher, and the beautiful features of the girl's face became harder. - Tomorrow we will run from morning to evening. Why do you twist faces - are you Aryans or not? If yes, then we must withstand, those who fall, we will shoot on the spot! Calculate the first, the second.
  After the count, the girls were also forced to do push-ups and abs, and then mercifully sent to bed. As long as you can relax.
  This is how the transfer of beautiful girls to the Sahara desert took place. And here Gibraltar is being stormed by the Nazis.
  Magda and Christina participate in the attack on this English fortress. Of course, the girls are barefoot in attack and in bikinis. Rush straight into battle.
  Magda is blonde with a slight yellowness to her hair, while Kristina has a mixture of red and yellow hair.
  The girls are firing from submachine guns, knocking down the British and humming.
  Gop-stop, now don't ask for mercy
  Gop-stop, and don't shout at the moon!
  You are a girl - cool with a gun,
  Everyone must be exterminated!
  And for this there will be a glorious reward!
  Warriors really show their highest class. And during the assault on Gibraltar, German Yu-87 attack aircraft are used, which amaze with their accuracy. And they show how cool they are. In the battles during the assault on Gibraltar, the legendary assault pilot Rudel tries his hand . He became a real legend in real history. But even now this formidable warrior hurts the British. And Gibraltar trembles under the blows.
  And then the legendary fortress fell. And above it flutters a flag with a swastika.
  Hitler announced:
  - The black continent will be ours!
  After the fall of Gibraltar, the Germans were able to transfer troops to Africa over the shortest distance. And this allowed them to completely occupy the black continent.
  At the same time, the Germans decided to take Tolbuk as well . And there unfolded serious battles.
  Gerda did not have time to sing. They woke up the girl, interrupting the heroic dream. But this time there was no order to run. The wolf warriors were ordered to dig trenches.
  The girls took to work with moderate enthusiasm. Charlotte joked playfully:
  - We are digging a hole for the enemy!
  Gerda answered her:
  - Well, what! Digging is no better than running, but it trains the back and forearm.
  Digging a real redoubt in the sun is no great joy. But, alas, it has to. The girls even began to sing their traditional march. Work got better...
  Charlotte thought...
  This is how the world works, few are blissful, and most plow. What can she personally change? Only for myself! And that means selfishness, also in a sense, good. Here is a swarm, a swarm for yourself ... Even there is no time to enjoy something forbidden or pleasant to the point of madness. By the way, why did they decide to dig in? Apparently, the girls are located a little to the east of the heavily fortified Tolbuk . And inside it are not infantile colonial troops, but the Australian Guards Division, and so most of the best airborne division, as well as a decent amount of equipment - especially tanks. Therefore, Tolbuk is impregnable, there are no less selected troops in it , the German parts of Rommel (Of course, there are even more Italians than soldiers from Germany, but pasta fights very badly!). So, for the time being, it is irrational to take the fortress by storm. Another possibility would be a strike on Egypt, leaving Tolbuk in a blockade, but... How many forces are needed to blockade? If at least the Italians could resist, then it was possible to leave them and make a bet in the offensive against the German troops. So Rommel is doomed to stagnate.
  Wow, well, the heat, today is the longest day of the year the twenty-second of June. By the way, it was today, as rumors circulated, that German troops were supposed to attack the USSR. But so far no one has heard of it. Wow, she personally did not mind being transferred to cool Russia - the warrior was sick of the heat. And there, for example, it will be possible to run barefoot in the snow, thereby showing the Russians the strength of true Aryans.
  The First World War, where the Germans defeated the Russians despite their numerical superiority, having won almost all major battles, left a good memory of the eastern front among German officers.
  But even verdant propaganda is lying, claiming that on February 23 the Red Army defeated the whole of Pskov and Narva, selected German troops. In fact, the Kaiser's army took Pskov almost without a fight, and the Narva garrison hastened to capitulate, even before the approach of the landing force. In general, from February 18 to February 23, the Germans simply marched, and only thick, or rather lush snow and a lack of fuel for cars (and the equipment itself) made it difficult to move.
  Charlotte was somewhat dismissive of the Russians. They lost to Japan, and even earlier to the British and the Frogs during the Crimean. Fi! Even disgusting. Where can they compare with the Germans - born warriors! True, the Russians boast that they defeated Napoleon, but in reality Bonaparte lost out to the weather. And the Russian lands with rich black soil are not Africa with deserts, but a real dream, about a peasant plow. That's where to get an estate and slaves.
  Charlotte asked Gerda:
  - Agree you would dream of going to Russia!
  Gerda shook her head.
  - Honestly, no. Although in terms of climate there is better than here!
  Charlotte grimaced wildly.
  - Are you afraid of Russian soldiers, or Russian winter?
  Gerda shook her head.
  - Well no! It would even be interesting how much she could withstand in their bitter cold, barefoot and in one bathing suit. But that's not the point?
  Charlotte grimaced.
  - And in what? Are you afraid to die?
  Gerda waved it off:
  - Well no! I'm a coward, but you see, the Russians are such a people ... Who usually fights to the end and overcomes the most persistent!
  Shaking off the sweat from her head, Charlotte scattered and, falling on the hot sand, hissed disgustingly, objected:
  - But they capitulated in the First World War. They signed a shameful peace with us, so after that, you will claim that they are invincible and fight to the end!
  Gerda replied with a sigh:
  - So the Vedas and we capitulated in the First World War.
  Charlotte snapped.
  - It was a betrayal of our government!
  - So they have a betrayal by the revolutionaries and the Bolsheviks! - blurted out Gerda. - As if you don't know who Lenin is!
  Charlotte twirled her fingers at her temple.
  - Unfortunately I know!
  On this, the girlfriend ended the conversation, the throat dries up, it hurts to talk, and the sword of Damocles was shining ahead.
  When the sun crossed the zenith, and then began to die, and the shadows lengthened, it turned out that the girls had begun their work not in vain.
  Now, when the hell itself was over, there was a rumble of motors and some movement from the side of Tolbuk .
  Madeleine commanded:
  - Get ready girls! Then her voice became much more guarded. - Wolves in the gun!
  Finally, the silhouettes of tanks appeared in the distance on the line of the fort. They move slowly, but somehow ominously. The girls prepared their anti-tank rifles. Such are the grenade launchers , light recoilless . Their explosive power, however, is not suitable for every tank.
  Madeleine, commands, or rather warns:
  - Do not open fire without orders. Cromwells and Matildas are in front. The frontal armor of the Cromwell tank is seventy centimeters, and the Matilda is eighty. Our grenade launchers won't take them. So, you will shoot only at the tracks.
  The girls yelped in unison:
  - That's right Comrade Commander!
  Gerda, posing playfully, remarked:
  - However, "Cromwell" looks like an iron!
  Indeed, this one of the most massive English tanks looked like a banal iron with its beveled frontal part. Nevertheless, it was very difficult to break through such a tank. Here you need a caliber of at least 75, which is still rare for the German army. The 88-millimeter cannon is even better , but Rommel has few of them, and it is very difficult to transport such a colossus thing, especially in the desert.
  And here is Matilda. The best pre-war creation of British tank building. Eighty millimeters of frontal armor, with a weight of only 27 tons. That is, the frontal armor of a medium tank is thicker than that of heavy Soviet KVs, and even beveled like the bow of a ship. Gerda thought that "Matilda" was apparently being prepared for the war against the USSR. The Russians already have guns of 76 millimeters, which means they are capable of piercing what is weaker. The Matilda itself, however, is not well armed, 47 caliber, but it has three machine guns.
  The girls, however, are cold-blooded. Only a little over thirty tanks are moving, followed by tankettes and infantry. Part of the infantry on motorcycles with sidecars. Tankettes, a little over fifty, but the motorized infantry is rushing decently. Gerda asked Charlotte:
  - Where do they get so much equipment in the blockade?
  Charlotte smiled as the harpy replied:
  - Yes, they never had problems with tin cans. They want to test us for strength. How to tell if our guys will not falter!
  Gerda replied:
  - Not guys, but girls! And also the coolest ...
  And behind the wedges and motorcycles marched the infantry. The English soldiers fled, stooping slightly, and in their hands they held rifles and submachine guns. There was a clang of caterpillars, and the gnashing of sand.
  Charlotte looked around (it seems to be nothing terrible, along the edges of the position that the girls occupy, iron, German guys are also sitting in ambush!). So far, not a single shot has been fired from the Wehrmacht units. Everything is quiet and calm. Gerda whispered:
  - We are like Indians in an ambush, but at the same time we ourselves risk losing our scalps!
  Charlotte snorted in response with particular contempt:
  - With such a mood, you should not go to battle at all!
  . CHAPTER #10
  But the British had worse nerves, or maybe they wanted to impress the enemy and therefore the tanks were immediately shrouded in smoke, shots rumbled. In the wake of them, machine guns were fired, and infantrymen also fired a volley from their rifles. The Germans remained silent, waiting for the enemy to approach.
  And when only a hundred meters were left to the enemies, Madeleine commanded:
  - Fire!
  The girls had already automatically managed to agree on their victims and fired from grenade launchers on the tracks. Fortunately, they are perfectly visible in English tanks. Gerda fired, and exclaimed joyfully, the right caterpillar of the armored "Matilda" was broken. The girl turned:
  - "Matilda" got checkmate!
  Charlotte, also managed to knock out the Cromwell, the girl joyfully circled :
  - The revolution of the bourgeois in Germany will not pass!
  Then both girls laughed. Other she-wolves thrashed their grenade launchers quite accurately, as a result of which all thirty-four British tanks stopped. Madeleine exclaimed:
  - The English are all shaking, their insignificance is over the edge! If the Germans are fighting, it"s better not to get into a fight!
  Indeed, women are such a breed that they have a special gift in shooting. And they hit extremely well. So the striking power of the British was paralyzed.
  True, Britain is not a weak country and the stopped cars began to fire back. But what a drawback they have ... The muzzle does not go down well, so .... Madeleine commands :
  - Those girls who did not discharge their grenade launchers , let them choose victims among tankettes.
  Charlotte giggled.
  - And wedges, oh wedges - we will make sweets out of them!
  What is a tankette? This is a machine that looks like a small tank, sometimes tracked, sometimes wheeled . The truth weighs only two or three tons, or four and a half tons. Heavier modifications also have a cannon. Such a small one ... its caliber is 20 millimeters, but it is very dangerous for infantry. By the way, a tankette can also be pierced in the forehead, especially if you get into the hull, where the armor probably won"t ricochet. Some girls in particular also have an additional set of grenade launchers. They quickly reload gently, like stroking the barrels of a child. Then they open fire to kill.
  Charlotte even sang:
  - We repeat simple movements - a well-aimed blow to defeat!
  Wedges react to hits in different ways. At Gerda, for example, the steel victim exploded, and at Charlotte, warped, she began to settle. The girls even squeal with delight, as if they were caressed by beautiful guys. And the answer is spit out death.
  Gerda even licked the grenade launcher with her tongue , felt a metallic taste. Almost all tankettes are lined. British motorcycles began to slow down. Even from afar, it was clear how the faces of the Australians were twisted. The attack of formidable Britain was clearly choking ...
  Charlotte, putting down the grenade launcher , picked up a submachine gun and, pressing the dog, said:
  - I am a gentle hairdresser, because there is nothing more tender than death!
  Gerda howled:
  - It's not a sin to cut hair like the British!
  The shooting from the British became chaotic, and then the German heavy machine guns were hammered and the cannons were hit with fragmentation shells. First, small-caliber guns were fired, however, they also produced a fair amount of devastation, and then they earned an average caliber of 75 millimeters. When such a caliber hits, and the shells crumble into fragments ...
  Charlotte rubbed her palms with satisfaction.
  - Here is porridge for them !
  One Englishman was a Negro, and so huge: seven and a half feet, no less. He was wearing a bulletproof vest and was roaring like a wounded boar. Since the large motorcycle on which the black man was riding was hit, he jumped off it and ran to the position. Gerda smiled ominously.
  Yes, he was a good guy.
  The shot of the barefoot blonde is ardently accurate, right in the groin of the armored Othello. Blacks cried out: having experienced a compressed "orgasm". Gerda cracked a joke:
  We girls are nice guys
  Valor will be confirmed with a steel sword!
  A bullet in the forehead of scum from a machine gun,
  We'll tear off the bald blacks' eggs!
  Charlotte almost choked in surprise.
  - So you still know how to swear! Well, you and a friend!
  Gerda winked back.
  - And what? I am very diverse!
  Part of the British lay down and fired back. The battle grew, and one of the bullets flew so close to Charlotte's head that she even cut off a tuft of hair. It seemed that a piece of bright flame had fallen. Charlotte automatically crossed herself:
  - These hairdressers have their hands sharpened to hell!
  Gerda, continuing to conduct aimed fire, answered:
  - Ku- kuken quakin !
  Charlotte, despite being busy with the fight, still could not resist the question:
  - What did you say?
  Gerda winked slyly.
  Do you understand Latin? An expression denoting total kaput!
  Charlotte, in response, cut off a long line of five more untimely jumped up Englishmen, said:
  - An excess of the mind is tantamount to its lack!
  Gerda and then found something to object:
  - No, you're wrong! It is easy to take away the mind, but it is difficult to add it.
  Charlotte put another Arab to bed, then decided to agree:
  - What can I say! Generally impossible! A glass of wine - will not add mind! The second and third are crazy!
  But, despite the loss of morale, the British were still dangerous. Here is one of the wolves, a black-haired cutie in a bikini, a couple of bullets hit in the head, forcing a short scream to subside forever. It"s a pity that the girl"s life turned out to be so short, like one-day butterflies. Several wolves were injured. Charlotte put it:
  - There are many different aces, only a lot of pid ....
  Gerda interrupted:
  - Swearing during a fight is a bad omen...
  Having said this, the girl just drove a bullet into the opponent's eye. She even became somehow dreary, so you kill, you kill .... There is no end in sight to this. Charlotte also did not lag behind and even began to count the dead. In general, if you think about it, killing adds strength to a person? Just killing, of course, adds and strengthens karma. You seem to be fueled by the energy of inferior individuals. And you become a thousand times stronger. As they say - warriors-heroes. Or rather warriors-bogatyrs. Here is an Australian guy - almost a boy lost half his skull. Charlotte remarked:
  Better to kill once than to curse a thousand times!
  Gerda agreed.
  - Certainly! You can click on everyone like this! Where is your automatic pressure, a ferocious spit in the brains of starfall.
  Charlotte added:
  - The British hang up you, well, drink to hell! Just rain on the roof of your general!
  Gerda also began to count the destroyed individuals. Indeed, that her beauty should stand on ceremony. But here's another question, should she put candles for the dead or not? After all, even though bad people are enemies, they are still people. How, for example, did the Spartans in such cases. Probably noble.
  Gerda said:
  - You know Charlotte, let's go after the fight to the nearest temple and pray for those killed by us so that their souls from purgatory rush straight to heaven.
  The red-haired warrior grimaced.
  - Or maybe we'll go to the mosque? Well, you and sentimental Gerda. Just like your namesake from Andersen's fairy tale. But our world is not an arena for cheap sentiments.
  The blonde warrior shrugged her shoulders.
  - How to say? I would not like that in the event of my death, the body was trampled into manure, and even urinated on top. You do good and it comes back to you...
  - Comes back with a bullet! Charlotte snapped.
  Gerda, having laid down two more, remarked:
  - And you do not yawn, then even a bullet will not find you!
  Charlotte screwed up her face.
  - The bullet is a fool and the bayonet is not a professor, but the projectile is not an assistant professor! But you can"t protect yourself from automatic fire with a censer!
  Gerda remarked:
  - One famous poet wrote - so that a pen is equated with a bayonet!
  At this point, the blonde's ear was slightly scratched by a bullet. However, Gerda did not even flinch. And what if the bullet whistles, it means that it flew past. Charlotte approved:
  - This behavior is worthy of a true Aryan!
  Gerda retorted:
  - Generosity for compliments, masks the scarcity of the mind, and greed!
  Charlotte yelled.
  - Such a philosophy will bring you to the grave!
  To the right of Gerda, a blonde friend was also wounded. Although the girl is still unfamiliar, she still feels sorry for her. But she does not moan, on the contrary squeezed out a smile. Then she began to pull out the bullet with her tongue. Gerd crawled towards her:
  - Let me help you...
  She snapped back:
  - Get off! Better fire and destroy the lousy lion cubs. This is great for you.
  Gerda, having laid down three of them in a short burst (she already has a submachine gun, so hot that the barrel began to turn red, it"s even surprising that it hasn"t jammed yet!), growled:
  - Excellent, it never happens in a war! Definitely something unfinished!
  A friend (her name was Whalen) said:
  - That would be to your tongue, and even screw the trigger of a machine gun! So it would destroy everyone.
  Gerda laughed, very loudly. Then one of the Englishmen shouted:
  - You are all Boshi whores!
  Gerda, in response, threw a fragmentation grenade with force:
  - I hear from gigolos!
  Charlotte snapped, and threw a grenade too. Shouted:
  - We are always generous with such gifts!
  Whalen pulled the bullet from her shoulder and spat it out.
  - You taste better than you feel!
  Reinforcements appeared in the rear of the British, a dozen more tanks. Yes, Matildas, and the rest Maccabees purchased in the USA. The last tanks were without a turret, but with three guns each. Charlotte whistled.
  - Yes! Those are dinosaur cars!
  Gerda grimaced nervously.
  - You know, a dinosaur can trample on a mammal if it slows down with its brains. All mass...
  Charlotte interrupted:
  - And here you are not right. A person thinks ten times faster than he moves. That is, it is not the brains that let us down first of all, but the body!
  Gerda rolled her eyes.
  - Yes, the body ... The soul is usually strong.
  Charlotte giggled.
  - The soul has sinned, but the body is responsible!
  The Maccabees were very slow-moving, so the Matildas were in no hurry. However, the girls were not nervous , they still had some surprises left, in particular, a couple of dozen anti-tank charges. But in this case, they failed to show themselves. There was a roar and as many as three shells rushed towards the British tanks. Here is one "Maccabee" immediately turned out to be hit, a hole formed in its wide hull. The British, however, were not taken aback and even made an unsuccessful attempt to open fire on the move. However, it was difficult to determine where Rommel's carefully disguised cannons were firing from. Another volley followed, and warped the Matilda's turret. Gerda smiled merrily.
  - And what? Anti-aircraft gun, then rapid-fire!
  Charlotte growled in annoyance:
  "There won"t be anything left for us."
  Following the Maccabees, new tankettes appeared, as well as several Cromwells. Moreover, judging by the peeling paint, these cars were dug out of the sand. Also a rod, they want to take it impudently. Charlotte, with her fingers, a girlish, bare foot, caught the spider and unceremoniously crushed it:
  - That's the same for all the British!
  Gerda approved:
  - Bravo! Keep it up!
  88-mm anti-aircraft guns continued to conduct aimed fire. Their rate of fire was high, but their accuracy did not give up. The enemy snapped very randomly and could not cause significant damage. Well, and the she-wolves to fight with the infantry, which was arriving more and more.
  Charlotte remarked:
  - The British are so uneconomical in the use of human resources. It's amazing that they managed to take over half the world!
  Gerda, therefore, spoke out on a very flattering occasion for the Germans:
  - They are masters, they throw corpses at us! You can't argue against this, wow, the corpses stink very much!
  Charlotte chuckled softly.
  - Yes, a gas attack, a serious thing.
  The British tanks crawled like turtles, and soon only piles of metal remained from the Maccabees. But the more nimble "Matilda" managed to slip through, but her she-wolves immediately killed the caterpillar, as always aptly hitting from the grenade launcher .
  Gerda licked her lips:
  - That's our way! According to the Esses!
  The Cromwells, or rather their crews, were terribly nervous, pulled at the controls and mistakenly crushed their own soldiers. Even the caterpillars, from sand and blood, became dirty and red-brown. At the same time, the tanks twisted on the spot, and the towers tried to clumsily rotate. Gerda bared her teeth and sang:
  - Forget-me-nots grow somewhere. Mom bakes pies! Reich in the mouth are not teeth, but fangs from shells!
  "Cromwells" quite stupidly continued to poke around, and crushed their own soldiers, even more intensively. Even the German anti-aircraft guns fell silent so as not to interfere with the tanks, to carry out an "honorable" mission. Charlotte growled fiercely.
  So we're leaving now! Maybe we can escape the storm!
  But here are a few "Cromwells" still managed to level off and rush to the positions that the girls occupied. But they were stopped almost immediately by well-aimed shots. Apparently the she-wolves are in the excitement of the battle, they simply forbade themselves to miss. The British faced a truly German fortitude. Here is one of the tankettes, having lost the remnants of courage, turned back. The Australian general commanded something and grenades flew at her. The mortally wounded car burst into flames, and then the shells began to burst inside. Such is the spectacle.
  Gerda's submachine gun jammed from overheating, and, putting aside a piece of iron that had become useless, she began to fire from a self-loading rifle. And what a very good tactic! The rate of fire is lower, but the aim is higher. The rest of the warrior girls did the same even a little earlier. Charlotte remarked:
  - War teaches economy. And at the front, even more than in the rear!
  Gerda reluctantly agreed:
  - Let him teach! But how many of these lion cubs are rushing at us! Is it possible that the British, like this, threw all their forces at us!
  Charlotte answered slyly:
  "Honestly, that"s exactly what I"m counting on!"
  Gerda was surprised:
  - Do you count? Do you want us to die? At such a young age to find death?
  Charlotte winked affectionately.
  - Not in this case! Just think, what happens when the enemy concentrates all his forces in one place?
  Gerda immediately replied:
  - Become stronger in this area. She can break through the front line.
  - What about others?
  - Stronger! - Gerda suddenly guessed - So while the enemy is throwing all his forces at us, the rest of our troops can storm the enemy stronghold!
  Charlotte rolled over and kissed her friend on her sweaty, scratched cheek.
  - Clever! Finally figured it out! So that Tolbuk will not become a record city that held out against the Wehrmacht for so long.
  Gerda remarked:
  - And Tolbuk has already become such a city. And I hope not one of the enemy cities will beat his record! After all, we...
  Charlotte interrupted:
  - To say that we are invincible until the battle is over is a bad omen. And you know it!
  Gerda flashed her sapphire eyes angrily in response:
  - Being a believer does not mean being superstitious. This is even mentioned in the catechism!
  Once again, Charlotte, having successfully fired from a gun and cut off another "killer whale", quite seriously suggested:
  - Sing my girlfriend! That's certainly better to sing than to moan!
  Gerda suddenly quipped:
  - It's better to moan from orgasm than to sing from pain!
  Charlotte got angrier:
  - Well, you can"t connect two words and therefore you speak vulgarity. Come on, sing it louder.
  And Gerda began to sing, at first it seemed to be quiet, but with each new verse, her voice grew stronger.
  Here it is, the hour of trial-fate has come,
  Horror filled our bright valleys!
  I tell you - go away vile death,
  We do not need - bloody pictures!
  Here is a timid maiden walking, breathing a little,
  As if evil fate to turn up the execution!
  And the immortal soul glimmers
  No need to torment the spirit of a fighter with fear!
  The she-wolf of evil power is not afraid,
  Believe her scolding, dear to her heart!
  He does not sew his friends from calico,
  And the mind is sharp as a Christmas tree needle!
  Now, if the tank crawls with the dumbest muzzle,
  You can shoot him with a rifle !
  So that the adversary is blown up like a bubble,
  So that he was destroyed like a game!
  We are big patriot girls,
  Guns are in my blood!
  Here we do on the sketch field,
  And turn the power of evil into zeros!
  Beautiful children will be born to us,
  If I go through the whole war to the end!
  And everyone will be comfortable on the planet,
  We will honor God more than the Father!
  Throw grenade "Cromwell" burning hot,
  And then what? Probably the end!
  I kissed a guy greedily in May
  Surely the dead fellow will be dead!
  I do not believe - a person is always immortal,
  He was born mountains, conquer space!
  You all people of the motherland, believe
  What will be like a highway in the sky !
  End the pain, the power of Jesus
  Why did God suffer on the cross?
  So that a person gets rid of the vile,
  Opened the way to a blissful dream!
  Let science, reason serve progress,
  So that the dream at once turned into reality!
  To live it was very interesting for us,
  So that the lion kisses, caressing the doe!
  For this we will fight fiercely,
  There is no better goal - joy on Earth!
  Let the sun shine brighter over the Motherland,
  And the stars are like diamonds on a carpet!
  The British attack finally fizzled out. The last knocked out tanks stopped near the dug German trenches. And only the infantry, and the new arrived motorcyclists still did not leave attempts to escape from the grip. Exhausted by the long march, the girls, rough from the sand stuck to sweat, fired back with their last bullets. Gerda adjusted her bayonet and said to Charlotte:
  - Well, hand-to-hand?
  The girl replied:
  - Yes hand to hand! It will be a glorious hunt, although for many it will be the last! Just wait for the commander's order!
  Gerda whispered:
  - The order of the commander during the war is filled with love and a huge price!
  However, it was clear that there was no unity among the British soldiers. Some of them lay down and did not want to run forward, while the rest timidly stamped their feet. The female warriors already had a few shots left, although initially there was a whole bag of ammunition brought by each she-wolf. Yes, they are girls, beautiful, barefoot, in some very strong bikinis of a warrior of an elite women's SS battalion. The department in which the best individuals of Germany fought, and even ruthlessly trained. A kind of program to create people of the future - the superman sung by the brilliant Friedrich Nietzsche. The girls tried to choose their own victim each and not lose a single cartridge in vain. And then there were tanks. And where do these "Matildas" come from, stamped them through the roof. But now, it seems: the limit of patience has been reached, Madeleine is already ready to give the order for hand-to-hand combat, when suddenly. Wagner's grandiose symphony sounded from the distant clouds. This music is so colossal and delightful, capable of bringing a true Aryan to a total frenzy. And drive the enemy into a tailspin. Looking up at the sky, Charlotte exclaimed:
  - Yes, these are our Stuka bombers.
  Gerda barked:
  - Pieces will not arrange a piece-by-piece disassembly!
  What can be said about the formidable Yu-87, the legendary dive bomber, the symbol of the German Blitzkrieg? This machine, just perfect (for its time, when there were no such powerful and effective computer guidance systems), is suitable for destroying ground targets, and especially infantry, and tanks too.
  Madeleine barked loudly:
  - Burrow in the sand, quickly and hide your head!
  And now the blows followed on the British, the Matildas are blown up and turned over. Gerda felt how the fragments, like a comb, went through her hair and scratched her ear. Charlotte was also hooked, and one girl was not at all lucky, she cut the shard. But fortunately, these were already the last victims. Now the British attack has finally choked, and a banner with a swastika has risen above the main minaret of Tolbuk ! This flag was huge, and terrified more than half of the world:
  Charlotte exclaimed:
  - Blimey! Finally!
  Gerda was surprised:
  - We won? Somehow I can't believe it!
  Charlotte giggled.
  -Yes Yes Yes Yes!
  The surviving British also began to throw away white rags. That was a victory, something that you can only dream of, standing in front of an outwardly impregnable armada, it happened.
  Gerda exclaimed:
  - Joy, joy all the time! We will always be happy! Our banner with a reddish color shows the way ...
  Some devil pulled Charlotte by the tongue, and she blurted out:
  - Going nowhere!
  But Madeleine heard, she, as luck would have it, was nearby, and the rumble at that moment subsided. The company commander growled:
  - That's how? A banner with a swastika leads, in your opinion, to nowhere. We'll figure it out with you, but for now we need to build prisoners.
  Indeed, among those who surrendered there were many wounded, and seriously. With them, the Nazis acted "mercifully", a control shot in the head and complete order. Those who were lightly wounded were placed in a separate column - they can be cured and used as labor force. Gerda, however, suddenly experienced a pang of conscience when she saw the massacre of the seriously wounded and crippled. In the Third Reich, everything was subordinated to the requirements of expediency. And so, the unnecessary were removed. Gerda herself, despite all the drill, and already a solid (especially after this battle!) The number of corpses in her account, remained kind and very sentimental. A bitter tear even rolled down her dusty, tanned cheek. What a dirty thing war is, how it changes the character and assessment of a person.
  Charlotte was also nervous; what else will the cruel Madeleine come up with. How will she be punished? Indeed, in wartime, the commander can simply order to be shot, without even explaining the reasons. Although this will most likely never come to pass. After all, they are the elite, and in the event of an execution, and even with witnesses, they can start digging into what's what, why. They are valuable warriors, but cannon fodder.
  Roth, however, was pretty battered. Three girls died, five were seriously injured, almost half were light, and all without exception were scratched and mortally tired. The calculation of losses was carried out a little later, but for now the prisoners were built and the captured trophies were counted. And also the girls arranged the weapons thrown by the enemy into a separate pile. Even though it was night, it was light enough, especially thanks to the full moon. Gerda remarked:
  - And you know Charlotte in such weather, werewolves are usually very active. Especially the former dead!
  The red-haired warrior twisted her face.
  - If after all, fairy tales, then yes. But you are adults. Rather, we are adult girls, and we ourselves are like ghouls. Even if they are female and very beautiful.
  Before the eyes of Gerda, or rather, in her fresh memory, an episode of the past battle flashed, as after the fall of the bomb, the bodies of the British scattered. Among them, there was one - apparently from among the natives of Australia, a muzzle with thick lips and a flattened nose - just horror. And the eyes ... Just my affectionate and gentle beast, I love you so much, believe me. The head did not reach Gerda only ten meters! And it's like...
  The killed girls, unlike ordinary soldiers, could not be buried just like that. Their bodies were wrapped in plastic bags and after the farewell and funeral ceremony (this was done by a special priest with a swastika on his sleeve!), They were sent by plane to Germany.
  . CHAPTER #11
  The priest was a special SS in a red uniform, and with the face of a professional killer. Hitler had long wanted to establish a new religion in the Third Reich. True, the compilation of alternative theology has encountered difficulties. A few ambitious philosophers each pushed their own model and theory. And only the Fuhrer himself could choose a common one. But the adoption of a new religion, where the cross would replace the swastika, or rather the swastika would replace the cross, would mean an inevitable split in society, and even just on the eve of World War II. Hitler decided to postpone the reformation until better times! Alas, even the Fuhrer seemed capable of moving mountains and changing the laws of nature, forced to reckon with human prejudices. Charlotte is red-haired, and red, the color of cunning and non-standard thinking, sighed. Unlike Gerda, these are murderers with the soul of a lamb, she did not love Christ sincerely considering him a weakling and a Jew. Indeed, the Bible is complete crap. The very fact that the Jews are the people chosen by God causes only laughter and rejection. For God to choose... Brr... Charlotte interrupted her thoughts and helped load the dead into a special container. It is really strange that a person, the crown of the universe, is so fragile that he can be killed. After all, is it possible to destroy the perfect ... However, it is ridiculous to talk about a perfect person. This creature is quite poorly adapted for life, especially human children. And why so? This raises doubts about the natural course of things in evolution. After all, man is the highest sphere and no one can argue that this is exactly so. Therefore, atheism is logical. After all, human weaknesses are explained by the fact that it is still practically at the very beginning of the ladder of evolution. That is, while you are weak, but in the future you can become strong.
  Christian morality assumes: that you were born with shit and will remain the same shit, only you will carry your humiliation forever. Well, the very meaning of the concept of Islam means submissiveness... And to be submissive means to be a nonentity, which is more than unacceptable for a truly proud person.
  The she-wolves, meanwhile, were busy cleaning up corpses and collecting equipment. It was already night, the brightest of the year. The corpses had already begun to exude a suffocating odor. Charlotte winced: well, why do people have so much shit! The man is a walking garbage can! But in theory, a person needs to be - a superman! This has a special meaning - the mind, giving and physical perfection. Wow, these people ... or rather little people. Well, why are they better than animals, if they stink like that! You just need to overcome yourself in order to touch the corpses and dump them ... Gerda was lucky, she digs a deep and wide hole together with other soldiers, where the corpses will be dumped. However, Charlotte cheated a little, rushed to help the Cromwell tank abandoned by the enemy. Well, nothing this colossus. The Warrior said:
  - Technique sucks.
  Barefoot blonde Ket, also from her company, objected:
  - Technology has nothing to do with it if people are rotten!
  Charlotte agreed:
  - Rusted equipment is easier to clean than to refresh a rotten person! The strongest muscle is powerless - if the mind is weak!
  Ket, pushing the tank with her hands, giggled:
  - Well, you and Solon! Or rather, Socrates in a skirt, so intricately expressed. But Hitler, as he said: beat, beat and beat again!
  Charlotte growled.
  - Hit, but don't fight back!
  Kate's pointy biceps bulged, she pushed the tank with all her strength, and her tummy collapsed from the effort. Charlotte didn't cheat either. The girl tried her best, and even sang along:
  - Do not think about love! Push huge weights! After all, this is our severe sport - not a local, world record!
  Kate sang:
  - We set new records so that the earth grows! Twice, three times higher than the norm - so that my country blooms!
  Charlotte continued:
  - And those records are cool - kill more bastards! We are not bad girls - we crush bricks with pepper!
  The red-haired warrior, even in ecstasy, will hit her head on the armor. And then I listened to the music. And then she tensed even more. Still, it is strange that the British, who have such a reverent attitude towards the monarchy, named the tank after Cromwell, a rebel, a revolutionary. Yes, even the execution of King Charles the first. How contrary to logic it is to name a new cruiser tank after a killer, with sufficiently powerful armor. Although the gun fires fragmentation, not anti-tank shells. Charlotte timidly licked the armor with her tongue and then spit out deliciously:
  - Slightly bitter!
  Kate remarked:
  - If we are not given a reward after this battle, then this will be the highest injustice!
  Charlotte remarked with a sigh:
  - In theory, it is necessary to generously reward all the female warriors of our battalion, or rather the company. Everyone fought like heroes, no one chickened out, and each had at least a dozen corpses under their feet. I have killed more than forty "lion cubs" myself. And that everyone should be rewarded - that would be fair!
  Kat nodded.
  - Why not! Moreover, our three friends remained lying on the sand. So it's all terrible. All these incessant wars in the history of mankind. War is, of course, interesting, but people are dying!
  Charlotte suddenly sings:
  - People die for metal! People are dying for metal! Satan rules the ball there, the ball rules there! Satan rules the ball there, and pours napalm!
  The girls laughed and finally loaded the Cromwell onto the platform. At the same time, Charlotte managed to crush the big toe of her right, bare foot. The girl grimaced and said:
  - On the legs like on asphalt! Dial flat not viola!
  Humor is humor, but work is work. The she-wolves worked hard, as if in hard labor, but at the same time they bared their teeth. Charlotte and here tried to stand out. The still fleshy thighs were shaking so violently. Kate, whimpering, remarked:
  - Dance is dance!
  Charlotte was surprised.
  - What are you up to?
  Kate explained:
  - We are dancing like in ballet, but at the same time with weights. I heard that boxers also use a similar training technique - give weights to your hands and jump in front of a mirror!
  Charlotte couldn't help but laugh.
  - Well, yes! I understand this is a great method! If the weights are pood, then after the weights in the same gloves, the hands will simply fly!
  Kate remarked:
  - Many people want to take off, but the majority expects the fate of Icarus, since the feathers of ambition are fastened with the wax of cowardice!
  Charlotte chuckled slyly.
  - I see you, too, a philosopher! Generally...
  Kate interrupted:
  - There are no stupid wolves among them! We are all educated, well, reading Friedrich Nietzsche is a must.
  Charlotte asked:
  - Nietzsche? This is an interesting philosopher. But the criterion of the superman is not precisely defined in his work. In general, Nietzsche is drawn towards the primitive communal system, that is, to the Stone Age, which I personally do not like.
  Kate was surprised
  - And why?
  Charlotte giggled brusquely.
  - The fact is that Nietzsche does not sufficiently elucidate, or rather, even completely underestimate the role of scientific and technological progress. How it affects a person, and for the better. And in general, an attempt to idealize the Stone Age - calling it golden is inappropriate. In fact, in the evolutionary path, people go from simple to complex, from worst to best. For example, how rapidly aircraft are changing, from the simplest to the strongest. Concepts such as speed, maneuverability and so on.
  Kate giggled and sang:
  - What progress has come to - to unseen miracles! But something is missing, a cunning demon is twisting its tail!
  Charlotte added more melodiously:
  - Trouble forgotten! The Third Reich rules! Robots Coming Soon! Flattened parasite!
  The girls had to carry and work until they were in full bloom, it was already quite light and the corpses of the enemies were finally buried, it seemed that they could go to bed, but it wasn"t there. No, the girls were still given something to eat, and on the occasion of the victory, they even had a bite of trophy stew. Madeleine commanded:
  - It is a great honor for you to taste the food of your enemy!
  Charlotte yelped at that:
  - No, it's a great honor for the British that we agreed to eat their shit!
  Madeleine's eyes flashed angrily.
  - Well, no, it already crosses all borders. You Charlotte are left without food! Moreover, you will be subjected to a kind of torture. In particular, it seems to me that your abs are too flabby, and your muscles are not in relief. So, let's test the new practice execution on you!
  Then someone pulled Gerda's tongue:
  "I don't want to leave Charlotte to suffer alone. Let me be tormented too.
  Madeleine smiled wryly.
  - Well done girl. Such devotion, or rather friendship. You will endure both! And stay hungry both!
  Gerda fell silent, the smell of stew tickled the nostrils of a hungry, tired girl. And then the rest of her friends began to slurp exaggeratedly loudly.
  But the main torture was yet to come. Madeleine really came up with something sophisticated. The girls were hung up with their hands on a wire that painfully dug into the wrist, and a chain was chained to their feet. Moreover, if you keep your legs parallel to the ground, making a corner, then the steel chain is a little short, then the sheet of iron. But if you lower your legs, then the tip of the chain swings the metal, which in turn is connected to a voltage source. And your body breaks through the electric discharge . Here is such an interesting torture.
  Madeleine licked her lips defiantly.
  - Your press will become so strong ... You girls will thank me for the training!
  Charlotte, giggling hysterically, declared:
  - And why pull, let's thank you for the training right away! Thanks to the great SS for our happy childhood!
  Madeleine shook her finger.
  - You girls will have to hang like that for a whole day. But, finally, you can feel like real men!
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - All experiments show that a woman, if properly trained, is much more enduring and dangerous than men!
  Madeleine cut her short:
  - One more word and I will add a day of new tests!
  The girls fell silent, it"s hard to hold a corner, especially if a chain is chained to their feet for a long time. So hang like a nipple. Madeleine left without saying goodbye, leaving the girls to suffer like this. Gerda felt some pressure in the lower abdomen, the chain rubbed her ankles, pulled her legs. The girl was suddenly seduced by the opportunity to check what would happen if the iron was touched with a chain. What to try...
  The electric shock was so strong that the hardened Gerda screamed involuntarily. As if a red-hot stake pierced the body from the heels to the back of the head. There was a tooth in the muscles, and a headache. Gerda growled:
  - This is the craving for experiments!
  Charlotte half-jokingly added:
  - It's good to experiment on... Enemies! However, I'm not offended by the lesson.
  The girls were silent for a while. Charlotte thought: what a bizarre fate. Now the Germans have won, everyone is rejoicing, and they are forced to hang like pears, and even suffer. To whom are pies and donuts, and to whom are bruises and bumps! It's interesting what's next. Now, after the fall of Tolbuk , it is possible to launch an attack on Egypt, even before the transfer of additional reinforcements. In fact, why wait if there seem to be a lot of troops in Egypt, but how to say they are ... Not quite combat-ready, there are too many Arabs and blacks who scatter when the siren is howling. And if you delay, then the British will have time to withdraw a lot of wealth, especially from Alexandria and Cairo. No need to hit faster and knock out the enemy. Africa is a whole continent, but the fall of Egypt is also the key to Asia. Having seized reserves of oil, bauxite and other metals, Germany will finally get rid of any dependence on the USSR. And maybe even conquer Russia! A campaign to the east... An old dream of the Aryans! And then what? Maybe even space expansion, as they like to describe in science fiction novels. Flying to the stars and new worlds. Where, for example, hybrids of carrots and frogs live... It's great, something that didn't exist before, and you won't find an analogue on Earth. After all, other worlds are filled with impregnable light, which means that German troops must take them by storm. After all, there is nothing brighter than the sun, except for the stars! Charlotte asked Gerda:
  - Well, I don"t understand you, why did you ask for flour? Do you like to hang like this on the rack? Plus, my stomach hurts.
  Gerda managed a semblance of a smile.
  - And you know well! For example, I noticed for a long time that my abs are slightly behind. So I pulled up.
  Charlotte observed gloomily:
  - Well, I didn"t know that they would force us to train the press. I personally thought that they would beat me with truncheons on my heels. Or maybe even whip with barbed wire. However, if it makes you happy...
  Gerda spoke louder:
  - You know, do not torment the soul! Maybe we should talk about something else.
  Charlotte nodded in agreement.
  - Let's talk! Sing a flower, don't be ashamed! After all, with the beauty of such a sister, you can see writing songs, a great craftswoman.
  Gerda, deciding that it would be better to distract herself from pain in this way, sang, moreover, from a male name:
  The stars twinkle in the darkness of the night,
  And the glitter of the silver moon!
  Beauty frowns cute eyes,
  We are forever engaged to her!
  The crimson sunset was gloomy,
  But a bright dawn will break out!
  And the wind became cheerful, noisy,
  The sail of the ship is inflated!
  My soul is a heavy stone
  Waiting for the test of the fighter!
  And let the banner fly above the head,
  Let's go all the way to the end!
  The heart will not overgrow with moss ,
  Swift eaglet flight!
  Though the blood boils, dashing flight,
  I'll shoot like an arrow!
  Willows bowed to me,
  God Almighty turned his gaze!
  Though you are unpretentious,
  I will add strength to you in the battle!
  After all, you honestly serve the Fatherland,
  But the flesh is weak, the spirit fell ill!
  You won't regret, I know life
  Don't let yourself be turned into a ram's horn!
  Wash away the sins of days gone by
  What happened in the past, let it go!
  You see, pears ripen in the garden,
  The sketch will outline the plane!
  Serve the Fatherland with all your might,
  Forget that there is peace in the world!
  So as not to burn the grove with fire,
  So that everyone can live well with you!
  To this I simply replied:
  Lord, I will dig the earth!
  To make children laugh in happiness,
  So that you don"t have to reconcile your own!
  After all, good depends on us alone,
  Everyone decides - a choice for themselves!
  And from you go the Almighty threads,
  You hold the universe in your fist!
  We will also hold on to you
  After all, the Motherland is not found holier!
  Shooting, my fingers became very numb,
  And we're not even twenty yet!
  Victory is an unattainable fruit;
  For those who are weak, cowardly or stupid!
  But on the shoulder of the soldiers all the peaks,
  Let's take it, we have this excessive weight on the navel!
  This is how bare-legged girls fight. And it's beautiful.
  Hitler, of course, is pleased with this. And Tolbuk fell, after which a great offensive began in Egypt. Which is cool.
  The fascists, it must be said, are advancing on a white horse and feel a colossal impulse in themselves.
  The warriors here are simply the highest class. And they fight so much that it"s impossible to say in a fairy tale, not to describe with a pen.
  And the Nazis all rod and rod across Africa to Egypt.
  And of course, barefoot and almost naked girls are with them.
  The worst fears of the warriors were not confirmed. They did not have to hang for too long (sometimes good people are lucky!). Madeleine appeared like an angel from the darkness and shouted:
  - All the girls out! Rommel himself gave us the order to relocate. Most likely, we will strike without any pause and, we will be thrown into the thick of it. Of course, you will run along with everyone.
  Gerda and Charlotte joyfully exclaimed:
  - Glad to try Mrs. Haupmann .
  The girls' bellies have already begun to hurt a lot from tension, let an ordinary person try to make at least a minute an angle without weight, and they have already hung for a good two hours and with a rather big weight.
  And now for another level of testing, barefoot and bikini in the desert, and back backpack, weapons and supplies of all kinds. So, they say, like it or not, but run. And so the girls are dusting their bare heels on a summer afternoon across the Sahara. The hot African sands bake the bare girlish soles, already very hardened, they were not even smeared with a protective cream. She-wolves from the SS battalion even to some extent flaunt their invulnerability and patience. Like, nothing will break a German woman. Charlotte commented on this:
  The pain in my soul rages like a wild storm,
  And the fire in my chest blazes mercilessly!
  I love you - in response you look proudly,
  Ice breaks into fragments of the heart!
  Gerda praised her friend:
  - Well, that's great! Very good!
  Charlotte added:
  - And when we enter Egypt, it will be even better!
  A relatively small cover of German and Italian troops was located along the Egypt-Libya border. Another reserve was based at some distance, in case of an attempt by the British to break through. So far, however, the British army did not plan large-scale offensives, and not enough troops were concentrated for this. However, everyone was transferred from Sudan, and reinforcements were transferred. Italy at one time had a strong position on the African continent, but was defeated primarily due to the mediocrity of command and poor supply. Particularly hard was the recent loss of Ethiopia. Mussolini's regime was unable to wage a parallel war. In fact, the Duce himself was not such a bright and charismatic leader as Hitler. The Blackshirts failed to win the elections, and Mussolini gained power only thanks to his ability to intrigue. In particular, he managed to convince the king's entourage that he would be the most obedient and effective prime minister. Then followed the reforms in the army, extremely insignificant, at the same time the length of the working day was increased. Defense spending, however, was increased, and a decent fleet, already since the First World War, has grown. There were some achievements in aviation and automotive industry. But in general, Mussolini never managed to build a totalitarian state (he was the first who proclaimed such an open call - to build a totalitarian state!). The level of corruption in the leadership of Italy was the highest, the level of military production - especially tanks, was miserable. In general, the heaviest tank in Italy, in fact a tankette - weighing 2.7 tons. It should be noted that aviation, more and more lagged behind modern requirements. The Italians fought rather weakly and lost capitally, despite the numerical superiority. So Mussolini had something to complain about. The Duce acted sluggishly, his defeat in Greece pushed Yugoslavia to obstinacy, forcing the Nazis to abandon the offensive on May 15, which could have a decisive impact on the course of the entire war. For example, in October 1941 the approaches to Moscow were exposed, after the encirclement of the main forces. Do not get stuck in German technology under heavy rains and sleet, they could take over the capital of the USSR on the move. Here the Nazis lacked literally two or three weeks of good, dry weather. And the German equipment was not ready for Russian mud! Although, of course, the fall of the capital did not yet mean the end of the war, and perhaps the city itself could still be defended for a long time. But in the case of the environment. However, this is already from the realm of fantasy. The Fuhrer, however, if he really was a brilliant commander and politician, could, for example, transfer several divisions in the autumn-winter of 1940 to help Italy defeat Greece. Yes, and in Ethiopia, at least two or three German divisions would guarantee against collapse. Hitler is not such a genius, he missed many opportunities. And the fact that the Italians would not hold out in Africa was already more than obvious during the Spanish Civil War. The Fuhrer loved Mussolini. But the Duce, in any case, gave Hitler only a headache. By the way, his power in Italy was not absolute, there was also a king who could even remove Mussolini from office (and removed him in 1943!). This dualism also did not contribute to the prosperity and military strengthening of Italy. By the way, there is evidence that Mussolini was against the war with the USSR. Perhaps this is true, for only the presence of German troops could save Italy, which proudly claims to be the new Rome. Mussolini compared himself with Caesar, but managed to achieve only one major conquest - Ethiopia, and then quickly losing it. Thus, confirming the proverb, it is more difficult to keep the conquered than to win!
  Rommel, then still a general, was a skilled and daring commander. Already in France, he showed himself quite clearly. According to most Western historians, the great commander, whose best qualities were not shown, due to the fact that he was not endowed with a breadth of authority. In addition, the Italian troops constantly let Rommel down. However, now the "Desert Fox" is on the rise. The defeat of the main British base in Malta promised a significant improvement in supply. Well, the blow to the British had to be struck immediately. In Tolbuk , large stockpiles of weapons and fuel have been captured, so there will be enough supplies. But it is impossible to hesitate and let the enemy rebuild. Rommel therefore decided to strike without pause, at the same time using air superiority. For example, Yu-87, the famous "Thing" will show itself in all its glory. This means that you can split the front and defeat the enemy without any gap. Here the troops are already moving from the taken Tolbuk , and only the "macaroni" (Italians) are left in the convoy.
  But the girls still need to run to the border with Egypt, which, by the way, is quite a feasible task for them. But, alas, not in one day.
  Inspired by the victory, the girls set their personal record by running even the lion's share of the night. Only when Madeleine began to bloom did she allow the she-wolves, who had not slept for the third day, to take a nap, hiding behind cloaks-tents.
  The dream of the warrior Gerda was interrupted by a strong blow to her bare, pink, girlish heels. Coming out of the bloody-sweet haze of sleep, the girls warmed up a little with exercises, drank water and rushed like racing, and even whipped horses. So jump warrior girls, burn your legs so that the soles turn red ...
  Charlotte thought in annoyance: well, when will they finally reach the border with Egypt. And then instead of an exhausting marathon and crazy dreams, there will be a real war! After all, what is worse than boredom? Excruciating boredom!
  Gerda asked Charlotte as she ran:
  - Did you also see crazy dreams with fights?
  The red-haired she-wolf readily answered:
  - Yes, I saw it! First, the capture of an American cruiser roofing felts, a grand destroyer roofing felts (in any case, this is a cruiser -type ship!). Then some monsters and an American town. We have not yet defeated him, but we are crushing the Yankees thoroughly!
  Gerda giggled.
  - Oh, girls - yes, you are raiders! Purses, and machine guns as gunners! Oh, troublesome things, clockwork tanks! Where is the limit of Germany - all foreign lands!
  The girls sang:
  - Where are the lands of boundless Germany? Wherever one lives! Where comrades roam the mind - galaxies meet the heyday! Or maybe the universe is boundless - we will take open spaces forever! Various distant countries - that we conquer with the sword!
  The song was funny and inspired to run faster. Charlotte thought: there is peace, there is war, and there is running. What the Greek philosophers sang. They especially loved the beauty of the body, but they preferred the masculine ... Here are the perverts, maybe they are blue for an hour ...
  Oh Greeks... Such a culture! The oldest in Europe, the development of philosophy as the main direction of science and knowledge of the world! And at the same time, as they degraded, after the conquest by Rome, every now and then, finding themselves under the yoke of a particular country. Now they are part of the German Commissariat. At least Hitler will finally make them work! Here the Fuhrer has now introduced universal labor service for the Germans and for the conquered peoples. It's definitely hard, but it's necessary! Although Charlotte believed that modern German technology was already enough to win. Yes, Germany does not yet have a single tank capable of penetrating the frontal armor of the Matilda or Cromwell, but this still does not help the British. For example, a golden-pink dune looks like a Cromwell, a kind of iron tank! It seems that it is moving smoothly... This dune and reflections of iridescent tones and sands of the desert... Such solar games... Well, why is there only one luminary on their planet? It's so boring and unfair. Although German science will undoubtedly invent a way to make new luminaries that give people joy!
  Dinner had already passed, and Madeleine nevertheless allowed the girls to take a breath and drink some water. Then another run, and... Finally, the adventure. Camel caravan appeared ahead. Only here the excessive nervousness of the Bedouins was immediately evident. They were twitching their heads, and their faces were red. The most suspicious thing is that in the looks they threw at the muscular girls, in a bikini, one could read not lust, but fear.
  The girls without thinking twice stopped and began to inspect the caravan. Almost immediately, surprises found walkie-talkies, even a small radio station, weapons and mines. There were also submachine guns. One of the "Bedouins" tried to rip , but was almost immediately shot dead.
  The warriors yelled in a sonorous, girlish chorus:
  Who is not with us is against us! Whoever twitches will become a corpse!
  There were only twelve prisoners - the thirteenth was shot. After that, running became more fun. You can vigorously whip camels to which unlucky saboteurs have been tied. And from time to time to whip captives with whips, and enjoy their screams. And sing along...
  Late at night, the warriors finally reached the base, finding themselves very close to the Egyptian border. The base itself was field, but well equipped. Plus, she still stood in an oasis, a small Arab village was located nearby. The warriors again slept under the open sky, but fell asleep at the same time almost happy. Maybe tomorrow there will be battles and an offensive. However, in a dream, Gerda and Charlotte had to experience adventures again ...
  . CHAPTER #12
  Madeleine, lining up the girls menacingly and at the same time joyfully announced to them:
  -Tomorrow, Army Group Africa will go on the offensive. So girls, we'll have to fight, for real. What, however, I see it with my eyes - you want it too! And therefore, the order is to make a raid behind enemy lines, to probe his formations. Got it girls? And now let's count !
  The company was reduced to ninety-five warriors (three were killed, and two more were wounded so badly that they remained in the hospital). Several warriors still had scars on their slender, muscular bodies, and a couple of girls turned out to be bandaged. Tired of long journeys, the she-wolves did not look very belligerent - they were emaciated that even their ribs showed through. The girls nervously scratched their feet on the sand, burned and coarsened, they itched too much and itched brutally. In general, if there is a place on earth worse than Dante's hell, then they discovered it for themselves in Africa. However, the warriors did not become limp, and perhaps even flaunted the fact that they had to experience such cruel hardships. A kind of morality: the more difficulties, the better. Propaganda of asceticism and spiritual values, characteristic of Nazism, especially in the radical version of Goebbels, as opposed to the Western bourgeois ideology of consumption. This is how the girls, blackened from sunburn and dust , barely covered by a bikini, and hung with weapons, look like a caricature of American militants. And not far away is the German base and the border with Egypt.... A hot breeze blows from there, the smell of burning is heard, and the clouds in the sky are so rare... just islands in the Pacific Ocean. Pink dunes under the influence of air masses move slightly, as if the captive titans want to throw off the magic of the pagan gods, but at the same time they suffocate in impotence.
  Gerda whispered very softly to Charlotte:
  And when finally...
  The redhead answered even more quietly:
  - Very soon! Let's get drunk again!
  Madeleine yelled deafeningly:
  - Run, step march (such a command sounds like an outright mockery!)
  The beauties rushed, their hardened, burned heels flashed against the background of golden, almost smoking sand. Despite the fact that the sun was approaching its zenith, the girls had to run again. So almost naked, with a solid load over his shoulders ...
  Gerda, frowning, remarked:
  - In the afternoon they will see us at a great distance and shoot us!
  Charlotte disagreed.
  - It's not all that gloomy. They may not notice us ... Or rather, the whole calculation is based on the fact that a normal person will not run into such a hellish heat in the desert.
  - Especially barefoot! Gerda giggled.
  And the wind got even hotter. Tomorrow is the first of July... The hottest month of summer, on the hottest continent of the planet Earth. And the girls have to run, dragging weapons and a solid ammunition load with them. Charlotte remembered a fantasy story about the distant future. A powerful super -civilization , forbade various species and races in the galaxy to wage real large-scale wars among themselves. Well, since certain disputes constantly arise between stellar empires, then to conduct limited battles - with small forces and with approximately equal weapons.
  It seems to be a reasonable idea from the point of view of humanistic thinking, but ... In reality, the "Salvation Army" of a super -civilization itself recruited soldiers for these battles, choosing the most cowardly, most inept, or convinced pacifists - who ended up in the army due to mercenary considerations. Moreover, provocateurs were sent to the troops in order to disrupt the battle even before it began ... In short, it was a parody of wars, until a person was found who managed to break this flawed system. This is his calling - the profession of a soldier, the soul of a warrior. And the unexpected Hollywood end - it could not have done without the participation of a woman!
  Everything is as it should be - what kind of work, without true love and passion?
  Thinking, Charlotte stepped with her bare foot on a piece of cactus, pricked her, but the girl did not even pay attention to it ...
  It was possible to break the flawed order without war, and therefore valor in the universe of a not joyful future, ultimately with the help of love. And Charlotte loved so far only in dreams, or in dreams. She was hot and at the same time depraved virgin. And she discharged her stormy temperament in training and wars. And what is love - something for which blood is shedding violently!
  The red-haired woman shook off the beads of sweat. Strange, but poets most often rhyme love and blood. Apparently, this is due to the fact that males have developed a craving for violence in relation to the female. Man, however, is not an animal, in the sense that he is able to think rationally ... But on the other hand, Christian morality is completely alien to him. What Jesus teaches for a man, and especially a strong man, is so unnatural and causes ardent rejection that the success of Christianity was contrary to logic ... However, not only Christianity, any religion is characterized by a certain paradox and the imposition of certain restrictions on a person. And, often quite unreasonable ...
  Religions are different not only in names, but also in the attitude of people to these religions. People with completely different ideas about religion and faith can go to the same temple. This means that religious faith is an ambiguous concept (although, from the point of view of philosophy, this is the lot of all concepts). And how can we be? What is meant by religious faith? Apparently, we will have to adhere to the traditional point of view: "Religious faith gives a person confidence in achieving the desired goal (salvation of the soul, resurrection, eternal life, etc.)" - this is a quote from one book on philosophy. According to Charlotte, this is an oversimplified view (if not wrong). But since the topic is complex, we will try to simplify it. For now, let religious faith be only a hope for a brighter future in the afterlife. Although ... Here Charlotte grimaced in disgust: (Is such a bright future waiting for people there?). The very fact that there will be no opportunity to receive sinful pleasures makes staying in paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven painful, if not for everyone, then for the majority of those living on earth! Although the Earth is so imperfectly built, what could be more vile and disgusting to taste than a shot of strong schnapps? But on the other hand, for a weak and cowardly person, the Kingdom of Heaven, where the possibility of violence is excluded in itself, is, of course, a real paradise! Unless, of course, being in such a paradise would not be too different from the animal existence of a sheep that is grazing on a fat, evergreen meadow. But, of course, such a belief has no empirical evidence. Question: how can you believe in something for which there is no evidence?
  On the other hand, try to believe in Almighty God, when life on planet Earth is not a paradise and, for example, seeing children dying of cancer: somehow it is not rational, but to believe so! And, not only from the standpoint of reason, but also elementary logic. For example, imagine such a situation; A father with infinite power sees how a maniac attacked his child, wanting to rape him. The natural reaction of a normal and responsible Father would be to stop the criminal and punish him. And of course, first of all, protect your child (for all people are children of God!). But if, at the same time, the Father sees how a maniac is tormenting his daughter, but does not lift a finger in her defense, although this is an easy matter for him, then you will say about such a dad? Well, of course, any normal person will say: yes, this is not the Father, but a bastard!
  But after all, the same thing can quite rightly be said about the Most High God, who indifferently looks at the numerous tortures, murders, violence, deadly diseases, hungry people, cripples, lepers ... One can list many pages of human misfortunes, including those that are subjected to on Earth innocent human children, or the kindest people. And where is their supposedly almighty Father at this time, why is he hiding from his children and indifferent to suffering? Why does pain and suffering even exist?
  In addition, each creation in one way or another reflects the character and human qualities of the Creator. As, for example, a writer, at the time of writing a novel, emotionally experiences all the events that happen to his characters. And in his work, his own worldview and soul finds an imprint.
  In connection with this, the thought arose, is not evil a reflection of the character and personal qualities of the Most High God himself?
  Charlotte was a little distracted from her wise thoughts and looked around the desert. So while there was no continuous front line, the fact that they have not yet met the British troops, despite the fact that the girls have already penetrated the territory of Egypt, is not particularly surprising. Try to dig a trench in such a heat, and even for many hundreds of kilometers of sand. Another thing is that their company, of course, will not deepen indefinitely and sooner or later will stick somewhere. The sun has already begun to fall to the West, which means that the heat will begin to subside. I wonder on which continent there is paradise, and the optimal temperature? Where can your body experience only pleasure and in what place.... But in general, if the Almighty exists, then why does he create so many problems for his own children (and we are all children of Almighty God!) . For a long time, these or those philosophers tried to find answers to these questions.
  Faith and reason, as Clement, who lived terribly long ago, taught, do not contradict each other. In the sciences based on reason, there is subordination. The lower sciences lead to philosophy, and philosophy to theology. Therefore, philosophy is obligatory for theologians, since it puts into the hands of the theologian an instrument of argumentation, an instrument of argument, in order to spread and defend Christianity.
  In a dispute with the Gnostics, Clement denies their approach to the relationship between faith and reason... He says that the relationship between faith and reason is harmonious. Every human ability (both faith and reason) is necessary for some purpose. Faith has some advantage, it opens the objects of knowledge, it is simpler, easier, because all people have faith. It is given ready-made, and in knowledge there is always an element of faith.
  Tertullian held somewhat different views. Tertullian's main thesis is that humanity, by inventing philosophy, has perverted everything too much. A person should live more simply, without resorting to excessive sophistication in the form of various philosophical systems. He must turn to the state of nature through Christian faith, asceticism and self-knowledge. Faith in Jesus Christ already contains all the truth in its entirety, it does not need any proof and any philosophy. Faith by teaching convinces, not by convincing it teaches. No persuasion is needed. Philosophers have no firm basis in their teachings. Only the Gospel, only the Good News, can be such a basis. And after preaching the Gospel among Christians, there is no longer any need for any research.
  In interpreting Holy Scripture, Tertullian avoided all allegorism, understanding Holy Scripture only literally. Any allegorical interpretation arises when a person believes that he, so to speak, is somewhat smarter than the Author of Holy Scripture. (Here Charlotte grinned unkindly, because it turns out that Tertullian puts the Jewish mind much higher than the knowledge and intellectual abilities of other peoples!) If the Lord wanted to say exactly this, then He said it. A man in his pride comes up with all sorts of allegorical interpretations that only lead Christians away from the truth. If something is not clear, if something seems contradictory or contrary to other provisions, this means that the truth hidden in the Bible is beyond our understanding. This only proves the inspiration of the truth given to us in Scripture. This is the highest truth, in which you can only believe, and not subject it to any doubts and interpretations. And the more one must believe, the less trivial and the more paradoxical it is. Therefore Tertullian declares that he believes, for his belief is absurd. The absurdity of Christianity is the highest measure of its truth, the highest evidence of its Divine origin.
  The red-haired warrior after these words laughed, a little louder than expected. Several running companions looked back at her, but said nothing. Only Gerda understood everything:
  - Probably, again, something savagely funny remembered?
  Charlotte shook her fiery mane negatively.
  - Rather, perhaps, stupid than funny.
  Gerda guessed:
  - Again, probably connected with the Christian religion and morality?
  Charlotte giggled.
  - Yes, you Snow White is unusually smart and quick-witted. Sometimes if you think about how the philosopher and theologians are perverted. For example, Tertullian quite sincerely believes that the main criterion for true faith is its absurdity and illogicality!
  Gerda smiled kindly.
  - And what in our world can be called absolutely logical? What phenomenon can be explained and described with mathematical precision? Everything is irrational to one degree or another. So that logic often fails. But if we take, for example, Islam - what is the point of performing prayer five times a day. To get the Almighty with mechanical prayers?
  Charlotte agreed.
  - And that's right! In this or that religion, there is a lot of superfluous, which reflects human weaknesses and fears. Each religion teaches, first of all, the flock - to accept everything by faith and without unnecessary reasoning, and the requirements of evidence. This is typical for all priests.
  Gerda disagreed.
  - Well, some ancient philosophers, such as Augustine, argued quite logically and tried to bring faith and reason into a harmonious balance.
  The red-haired warrior replied with a sigh:
  - Before Augustine, in fact, there was no Christian philosophy as such, only attempts were made to philosophize, relying on the provisions and dogmas of Holy Scripture, the foundations of Christianity. Do you know this Gerdochka ?
  Against the background of an almost black, like a chocolate body, the hair of the most beautiful girl Gerda was distinguished by the whiteness of fresh snow. She herself was an angel and spoke in a silvery voice:
  - An attempt to explain the existence of evil under a good and omnipotent God is of interest. On the one hand, Augustine points out that evil comes into the world from non-existence, from which God creates the world. And since non-being as such does not exist, then evil does not exist. God could not create a world like Himself, for God cannot create God. Any creation is always lower than God, therefore any creation is a lack of goodness.
  Charlotte interrupted her:
  - And why is it so, That is, again the problem arises - that God is not omnipotent, since he cannot do perfect things! That is, Augustine calls into question the main church dogma - the Omnipotence of God. Yes, and ascribes certain qualities to non-existence.
  Charlotte severely interrupted her red-haired passion:
  - Listen to the end! Then she continued much softer. - Evil is this lack, the absence of goodness. Evil exists only in this aspect - as a lack of goodness. Just as there is a shadow - lack of light; the shadow itself has no substantive basis. Augustine also perceives another ancient tradition of explaining the existence of evil in the world - stoic, according to which evil and good are in harmony. We know evil only when we know good. On the other hand, we often think that what is actually good is evil. Therefore, evil is part of the general order of the world. Augustine separates natural and moral evil. Natural evil is an evil that exists in the world, as it were, ontologically; moral evil - evil that exists in a person as his sin. Naturally, evil ontologically does not exist, the world is good, although to a lesser extent than God. There is moral evil in man as his will. Although the will is good, but it is imperfect, therefore this good is not absolute.
  Gerda finished and somehow innocently smiled at Charlotte. The fiery warrior in a calm and even voice (as if she was not at all out of breath from fast running with a decent load) answered:
  - But again, if we attribute to non-existence such qualities as evil, then it turns out not at all something that does not exist at all. After all, only a real-life object can have certain qualities and character traits. And if non-existence is something more than absolutely nothing, then he created it? After all, the Bible says clearly: He created everything visible and invisible, everything earthly and heavenly! And can evil be considered natural, and is Almighty God (By virtue of his holiness and love for Creation, his children!) not obliged to fight and defeat evil in its infancy (which, of course, he can do!).
  Froude's partner, a brown-haired woman whose hair was already bleached white in the sun, remarked:
  - You have a very interesting conversation. Considering how exhausted we are, this will amuse us. But what conclusions can be drawn about the balance between faith and reason?
  Charlotte, smiling, answered in a whole speech:
  - Attempts of medieval philosophers to achieve harmony between faith and reason, as a rule, turned into many holes in any teaching. Of these, the most problematic is that most of all the troubles and sufferings of a person come from the nature of the world created by the Almighty, and not from free will. For example, drought, earthquakes, other natural disasters, and, most importantly, old age are a consequence of the laws of this world imposed by God. The doctrine of eternal torment in hell (or rather, in fiery hell, also gave rise to many questions about the proportionality of punishment, whether the Lord thereby perpetuates pain and sin, it is fair to attribute to Christ qualities worse than those of any tyrant!). After all, a paradox really arose: an exact reflection of the essence of the Father, the one to whom the whole judgment belongs to Jesus, dooms most of humanity to endless torment in hell. For the scripture says that all are dead from birth in the eyes of God, and one must experience a new birth in order to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus says that wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and many follow it. Many are called, but few are chosen - also the words of God Christ!
  The girl on the run cut off the desert bloodsucker with the tip of the dagger and continued:
  -There was a paradox of the kindness of God going to the cross, and the monstrous cruelty towards people, and for the most part not bad, but simply showing spiritual and physical weakness. That is, as, for example, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote - if we assume that there is an omnipotent personality, then its impact on the world is a mixture of pleasure and sadism. But the Creator of the universe cannot possess such qualities of character, due to his creative function... Therefore, the Creator as a person does not exist. From the point of view of the mind, this is a completely logical statement. After all, no one will deny that the Father who cruelly tortures and disfigures his children (both on Earth and in hell!), Is a monster. In addition, if we talk about everything that is written in the Bible, and about the main law of the Almighty: the wages of sin is death (or rather, endless torture - and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever!). It turns out that a person with his albeit imperfect justice and criminal code is kinder than the Almighty and Infinitely wise Creator of the Universe. And the Almighty Jesus (Together with the Father!) has been torturing, including simply fearful people, in the lake of sulfur and fire for billions of billions of years!
  Fruda snarled savagely:
  - And God does the right thing with them! You should do the same with cowards! Namely, to Gehenna and torment them forever!
  Charlotte finished quickly.
  Biblical sentiments grow among, first of all, pundits and representatives of new philosophical schools . Reason with a humanistic worldview cannot put up with the idea of the Almighty as a monster. Although, of course, the very humanistic worldview is flawed!
  Fruda, in response, knocked down the royal scorpion with her graceful, bare foot and declared:
  - Of course, the word humanism means humanity. But it is human nature to be aggressive and selfish. There is some paradox in this definition.
  - Yes, I have! Charlotte was silent. She was exhausted and, in general, expressed everything that she wanted. Moreover, it was already beginning to darken and the shadows were rapidly lengthening. The heat, however, receded slowly, like brave Russian soldiers on the Borodino field. What is she again at the epicenter. At the epicenter of testing and hardening. By the way, the wolves have already somewhat adapted to the heat and none of them lost consciousness.
  The she-wolf remembered how their pupils, who were supposed to raise soldiers and people of the distant future, were forced to run barefoot through the November mud. The ice crust broke, under only slightly hardened, bare feet of girls. It hurt so much, perhaps even more from the cold than the mechanical damage. And they ran at night, when there was not a light around, it was dark and ... If Charlotte were alone, she would have been scared, but she was so tolerant with the rest of her friends. Moreover, they were told that a special hardening and nutrition program would make them immortal and they would never turn into ugly old women! The last individuals of the human sex, terribly jarred at Charlotte. Well, how could the Lord God create such an abomination, and allowed his children to be so disfigured.
  And Himmler promised that already in their generation, the great Germanic, Aryan science would put an end to old age and all kinds of diseases. And they believed in it, because they wanted to believe!
  It was already a full and even overcast night (nevertheless, the wind caught up with clouds from the sea not so far from the coast), when the girls finally ran to the goal.
  Before them was an English base, and even with an airfield. Moreover, judging by the towers, barbed wire, and concrete runways, it was equipped a long time ago. The British occupied Egypt in 1882, setting up a puppet regime there. Now the Germans planned to do the same.
  Madeleine scanned the base and the airfield through a pair of oddly wound military binoculars. She was joined by several more girls-corporals. Already experienced in the war, starting in Spain, as well as in Poland, France and Yugoslavia, Madeleine was weighing her chances. The airfield was defended quite strongly, including anti-aircraft artillery. Yes, and there were a lot of planes on it. By the way, is it strange that the British keep so much aviation in one place without dispersing it over field airfields? Maybe there is a false target here, and the real planes are located elsewhere? There are a lot of machine-gun towers, there are even three Matilda tanks and four Cromwell tanks. If you poke around, then you can not do without blood.
  Madeleine ordered sternly:
  - Charlotte and Gerda are ordered to enter the airfield and find out what planes are there.
  The girls obediently nodded their heads: an order, there is an order, and it must be carried out. And how - that's their problem. Gerda and Shallot quickly went to the airfield. The fire warrior suggested:
  - Let's catch the tongue and take the form from him. Then, after changing clothes, we will penetrate the airfield. Let's have a little fun there!
  Gerda remarked somewhat perplexedly:
  - We must first find this language. Then you think they roam the desert? And you can catch them like this in crowds?
  Charlotte whistled her lips.
  - Certainly. For example, there are guards near the tanks, because they are behind the perimeters of the towers. You can also shoot sentries there, and if necessary ...
  - Capture a tank and ride? Gerda smiled crookedly .
  Charlotte nodded in agreement.
  - And that it is quite possible. Although we were ordered only to conduct reconnaissance. Raising noise without a command ... You yourself know what the manifestation of initiative is fraught with in a war!
  Gerda sighed heavily.
  - Unfortunately, I know very well!
  The girls, almost without hiding, ran towards the tanks. The sentries were also from among the Negroes - they smoked cigarettes, and practically did not see anything. Only one of them was of the white race, and, it seems, an officer. But he was also quite drunk. Gerda was surprised by this: how are the British behaving? Are they not afraid of sabotage, attacks by the Arabs, or a daring sortie by the Germans? True, perhaps exhausted by the excruciating heat, as well as the bad news from the front, the usually cold-blooded British began to thump. In general, Gerda recalled this from textbooks: the type of an Englishman, as a cold subject and without emotions, is nothing more than a myth. Besides, Scots and Irish drinkers are not fools. Well, the blacks in this regard are completely blocked - they go crazy from a meager dose, as, by the way, the Japanese do.
  Girls never forgive anything. Capturing the head, and with a dagger in the throat, exactly in the carotid artery - this is the time. But there is a more effective reception, they removed the second pair of sentries, hit her chin with her palm, then spun, slightly raising her head. Crunch and neck twisted.
  Charlotte winked at her friend.
  - That's how we just shoot them. Like pears from trees!
  Gerda replied softly:
  - There is an even simpler way - for example, a shot from a silent weapon. And so dirtying your little hands is not good.
  Charlotte snorted contemptuously, like a big predatory cat:
  - You are a down to earth man Gerd. The romance of enjoying the beauty of battle is not in you. Everything is so primitive. Is it interesting to shoot and even close?
  Gerda interrupted her friend:
  - You better look, there is also an eighth tank. He was quite cleverly disguised as a haystack. But I immediately understood why the sun would dry the grass for us, when even a camel would not want to eat it after that.
  Charlotte agreed.
  - Yes, this is quite a logical observation. Tank, I'll have to see which one. Probably one of the latest...
  Gerda raked up some hay and immediately whistled:
  - Oh, yes, he has a collapsible barrel. This is the first time I've seen this technique. Probably American, if they are wrong!
  Charlotte interrupted Gerda:
  Now let's get to the airfield. There are also dogs running around. This is another problem of problems.
  Gerda hurried to reassure her friend:
  - I know how to influence dogs and therefore I will go alone. Fortunately, the officer from among the whites is clean-shaven and of medium height. His uniform will suit me. I'm already changing my face.
  The girl, in fact, quickly put on makeup. And that they were also taught this in a special school. Charlotte didn't object.
  - You go, and I'll deal with the new tank. It also has something useful for German military science. But Gerda, I beg you, do not linger for a long time, as soon as you finish the inspection, so I will fight back.
  The blonde girl replied with a smile.
  - I will do everything very quickly. As far as it is at all possible.
  Charlotte no longer paid any attention to her friend, but was entirely engaged in the study of the tank. Here she made several discoveries. First, the tank had two welded guns. A long-barreled 76-millimeter cannon with a collapsible muzzle and a 47-millimeter short-barreled cannon for firing fragmentation projectiles. In general, the armament is quite rich, especially for 1941.
  The girl raked the surface and found the emblem of an eagle on the hatch and the inscription in English: "Made in the USA." Charlotte swore:
  - Well, as I always suspected, this is an American hack. Apparently they put Britain on our soul! And they are unaware that German tanks will march through New York for this.
  Opening the hatch was not so easy, but the girls, of course, were taught this as well. So to take like an obstacle was a matter of honor.
  Gerda, meanwhile, quite deftly imitated a drunken gait and approached the entrance to the airfield. And immediately felt the difference between the British and German mentality. The lazy voice of the sentinel asked:
  "What business are you on, Peter?"
  Gerda answered shortly:
  - On a personal note!
  . CHAPTER #13
  Yes, the story that Paul-Conan composed was huge, and the boy was already racing through the Alps. His bare feet were so hardened that they were not afraid of anything. The boy was tired, of course, and slept a little.
  But even in a dream he was pursued by beautiful and sexy girls who filled his entire mind.
  Gerda was inside the airfield. She inspected the planes, and noticed everything, including carnival stains on the fuselages, spilled gasoline and more. Then it immediately became clear to her that out of more than two hundred aircraft, at least two-thirds were skillfully made camouflage patterns. Nevertheless, there were also real machines, including the mighty Lancasters capable of carrying up to six tons of bombs. Two bulldogs ran up to Gerda. The girl gently stroked them and moved on. When there are so many planes in one relatively small area, it makes an impression, especially on romantic natures.
  These winged machines, as they look in their rows, are, well, the spitting image of the knights of the Teutonic Order who came to conquer the Slavs. Only much more massive and scary. The Germans, as a rule, preferred very massive armor that protected the knight well. At the same time, even if the price will be a decrease in the mobility of a warrior. But in the modern world, the path was taken to the use of maneuverable fighters. The same Me-109 still weighs less than its English opponents.
  And here these winged knights are standing and waiting for something, and they smell of the roaring and deadly technicians of the twentieth century.
  Gerda, however, is not particularly pleasant to walk, her girlish legs have lost the habit of boots, and they have already begun to rub. Moreover, the British did not show great imagination: having placed real planes on one side, even a red shelf of demarcation is visible. Well, this, in general, is understandable why, so that the British pilots, and even with drunken eyes, do not confuse anything. And so in general it is already possible to return.
  Gerda headed back, and even began to stagger more. Then they released her back without asking, and only after sniffing the shepherds, they whimpered slightly. Gerda whispered to them softly:
  - Nothing soon you change owners!
  And slowly back again ... And the wind became much fresher, it will soon begin to get light ...
  And Charlotte, meanwhile, figured out the tank ... It was an experimental model Mp-16 "D". In general, the tank is quite powerful and has a hydraulic control system for machine guns (in the style, or rather in the system, characteristic of the latest fighters!). With a large ammunition load, and an automatic recharging system. The tank is the newest for its time, and it is not even clear why the British showed such negligence when guarding it? Maybe the swagger characteristic of many nations worked here, someone else's cannot be good, which means that it does not need to be protected!
  Before the arrival of Gerda, the fiery beauty-warrior, refueled the tank and checked the ammunition load. The blonde warrior, having thrown off the hated boots from the legs of the goddess of war, quickly reported the situation to her partner.
  Charlotte said, Madeleine was heard, and then her little face shone:
  - Gerdochka now our girls are attacking the enemy. And we were allowed to hit the enemy immediately, using these tanks.
  The snow-white warrior exclaimed:
  - This is what you dreamed about! Well, is the car running?
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - Works. Americans always have tanks better than tankers.
  Indeed, the car started up from the first turn. Interestingly, the motors were not noisy. The girls, for example, knew that the Russian T-34 rumbles, so ... This tank can be used against the British colonial troops to disperse the natives.
  And the warriors trampled on a hefty fifty-five ton car. However, it was controlled quite easily, although of course worse than the lighter T-4. Five engines were put on the Mp-16 at once, but this, perhaps, even increased the survivability of the tank in battle.
  The girls without thinking twice opened fire on the machine-gun towers. The first hit by a fragmentation projectile and the beaten "lion cubs" fly upside down.
  Among the British, as one would expect, the attack caused a panic. The shooting was erratic, and the girls still managed to connect machine guns. Charlotte wanted to cover the Lancaster with a well-aimed shot, but Madeleine ordered her harshly over the radio:
  - Spare the enemy planes, we will capture them safe and sound.
  Well, why spare so, spare. It is better to destroy the towers and choose human victims. Such well-aimed hits.
  The rest of the warriors, meanwhile (they had already crept closer) got into the British tanks. It took only half a minute to open the hatches, and then the buildup. In general, the girls almost did not even pay attention to the airfield, but simply moved towards the English base. At the same time, they hit the barracks, where the enemy soldiers were located, as well as sleeping pilots.
  Madeleine roared like a bear in heat:
  - Do not shoot at the warehouse with fuel! He will be useful to us!
  Charlotte and Gerda crushed a couple of machine gun towers using the large mass of their tank. The girls literally cramped their bellies with laughter. Like, they're still cool.
  But the main work was still carried out by machine guns. It was necessary not to let the enemy pilots to the planes, not to let them take off. But a few warriors themselves rushed to the English cars and sat down at the helm. And what can be embedd in the base now, since they also have such flight training provided. Yes, and the planes are refueled with full ammunition. Here is such a masha -malashka turns out.
  Gerda with an accurate shot smashed a small tankette that jumped out of the garage. Eight tanks with crews of she-wolves began to violently destroy the huge English base. The tanks crushed the gates without much ceremony and filled everything with lead. Even the barracks were on fire. Confused Englishmen and natives of all kinds jumped out of them. There was already a battle, in fact, there was no, but there was a total beating of millet. True, individual British soldiers and machine-gun towers fired back. Even on the armor of the tank lead hailstones pounded. Charlotte growled like an angry panther.
  - Well, what are you lovers of oysters and oatmeal, finally understood what a real war is. We will be in London very soon!
  Gerda sang, baring her teeth:
  Comrade Fuhrer will lead into battle,
  Free Bombay, New York and London!
  We will give the Zionists a winning score,
  And above the planet the banner shines proudly!
  Charlotte shook her head negatively.
  - No, this is not the song that inspires to exploits! But it needs to be different!
  And the fiery, laughing warrior like a machine gun. So pieces of meat flew in different directions, and a dozen Englishmen collapsed at once.
  And the heavy tank itself, let's crush the enemy soldiers, "smoothing" them with an iron. Bones crunched under the tracks. And then the enemy began to scatter in all directions. But then the enemy "Matilda" jumped out. So on it Gerda is lupaned with armor-piercing.
  - Get an "oatmeal" grenade, sing a serenade as a keepsake!
  This time the projectile hit right at the butt between the turret and the hull, and the tank, after a good shake, was taken to the side. At the same time, the gas tank detonated, and immediately exploded with a red-red flame.
  Gerda could not resist the sharpness:
  - Matilda gets a checkmate - the result will be funny!
  Charlotte slapped her partner on the thighs.
  - And you're young, my girlfriend! So sing along like this!
  Nevertheless, apparently one of the British mistakenly, or maybe deliberately, fired at the fuel tank. A dirty-brown bush of gasoline flames boomed and blossomed. Gerda fired a long burst from a rapid-fire assault 9mm machine gun. About forty English soldiers collapsed on the spot. And several of the wounded, without any pity, trampled on the wide tracks of an American tank. Gerda chuckled mischievously.
  - This is not lipstick! What is it like to turn into cakes!
  Charlotte did not forget to insert:
  - No matter how you twist it, pancakes stamped by a tank are better than cow feces!
  The girls quickly smashed three more wedges. Gerda pointed, and Charlotte gave shells, and the loading was carried out automatically. And they themselves received a shell on the armor. It seems not scary, for an 80-mm turret protection, but it buzzes thoroughly. Charlotte squealed.
  - Here they are the gifts of the Marquis of Carabas! Can we pepper them with something a little spicier and salt them?
  Gerda sang out another " monster " with a shell:
  - What kind of dishes, what kind of dishes - would you take everything with you! It"s a pity we don"t fight often - a rare beast, such a slaughter!
  Charlotte suddenly struck her forehead and remembered:
  - But for a long time from you Gerda, we have not heard songs! Sing to bloom do not be ashamed!
   The pearl -haired warrior sang, and her voice was, the siren next to her had nothing to do:
  Let's cast out God's wrath to the adversary,
  Will not make my family homeless!
  After all, our squad of brave virgins in battle,
  That they drill with a blue and languid look!
  The Lord inspired the saint to fight,
  He ordered the Fatherland to worship in faith!
  And the Almighty granted the abyss of strength,
  Souls discovering untold riches!
  Here is the Spirit of love burning in me like a fire,
  Christ's boundless love was known!
  To do more good deeds
  To open the skies gave!
  We need crowds of applause
  What the Motherland needs more is in the hearts!
  I feel gentle breath
  What I imagined in my wildest dreams!
  Yes, there is a lot of vile fuss in the world,
  But only the Motherland is majestic in the light!
  There are too many commas in the poem
  Oh, how I verse, but do not start over!
  But the world only seems dull
  When guns rumble - ecstasy!
  Above us, the cherubs soar menacingly,
  Such a bloody, turned out to be an evil hour!
  But the trials of my Motherland,
  Muscles, bones, strengthened with steel!
  A cavalcade of those horses rushes,
  On whose we rode miles, miles!
  Yes, I had to experience pretty torment,
  Knead the desert with bare feet!
  But the fire of courage did not go out,
  We will pay off our debts!
  We are girls, and warriors of Russia,
  There is nothing more important for us than honor!
  You bring the truth to the universe,
  And we will be with Jesus forever together!
  But the kingdom that will arise in the sky
  It will not be peaceful, because peace is a grave!
  Sometimes you fight even in vivid dreams,
  After all, knights are invincible in battles!
  Gerda finished on the top note, but Charlotte then lightly poked her with her foot, right with her bare heel, into a strong, tanned press:
  - And why are you singing about Russia? We are Germans, not Russians. Snow White is crazy!
  Gerda desperately shook her head, while her hands were not moved to control the machine gun:
  - Sorry! Confused Russia with Prussia! Too hard to shoot and compose at the same time!
  Charlotte giggled like a siren.
  - At the expense of how to compose - this is a debatable question, but shooting is easy and simple!
  Indeed, numerous English officers and soldiers, snatching white handkerchiefs, began to energetically surrender. At the same time, they were so frightened that they shoveled all sorts of nonsense, or even howled at all. Several thousand colonial soldiers (Arabs and Negroes), stunned with fear, as well as several hundred, no less cowardly, pale-faced Englishmen, threw up their hands. Even white rags appeared from the tanks. As they say, they found a different way of protection - more reliable than active armor!
  The girls giggled - that's the way to do it - never give in!
  Charlotte jumped out of the tank and deliberately ran barefoot along the blazing rut. Gerda, however, did not think of yielding to her friend, and her bare, girlish legs flashed by. Hardened girlish heels caressed the tongues of blue flame. But the wolf warriors only squealed contentedly in response.
  Here the black man could not restrain his lust, rushed at them and received a crushing blow from Charlotte in the solar plexus, after which he finally calmed down.
  This, as it turned out, was the last outbreak of resistance. Now the English soldiers were finally broken. There were more than three thousand prisoners standing on their feet. However, about five hundred British she-wolves, unable to stand up because of their wounds, were unceremoniously shot: why suffer, and burden the Wehrmacht with an extra burden. As Himmler said : mercy should not exceed the boundaries of economic expediency.
  The girls ordered the prisoners to dig holes in order to put the dead there. It was already quite light, and the smoke carried over a long distance.
  Gerda's friend remembered the film, as in this case, one of the main characters, after a difficult victory, sadly dragged on his pipe. However, this time the victory was quite easy, but one of the girls still found her death, five beauties were injured, and some - or rather two, were quite hard.
  German planes appeared in the sky from the western side. The girls greeted them with joyful glee. Madeleine also announced:
  - Our troops are advancing successfully. So we have no time to stand still. Let the prisoners tie themselves up, and we will lock them up in the hangar, leaving a dozen she-wolves to guard. And the rest will continue to rapidly move behind the enemy.
  Charlotte and Gerda were very afraid that they would be entrusted with the protection of prisoners of war, because the girls were already excited and they wanted to fight. But apparently their fighting qualities made an impression on Madeleine and, she announced to them.
  - Let's refuel and replenish the tank's ammunition. Ride it further. I see you are good at fighting! Moreover, you are not particularly large and are much better suited for a tank.
  The girls barked:
  - Glad to try Comrade Commander!
  - To make it easier to cope with the gun and machine guns, Fruda will go with you! - Chopped off Madeleine and ran rushed to explain the purpose of the other girls. The terrible wolf was also barefoot, and although her legs could not be called small, the form was quite beautiful, hell and she herself is only twenty-two years old, only the excessive development of the muscles makes Madeleine look heavier and older. However, he is surprisingly fast.
  While the girls were refueling and replenishing ammunition, Fruda bombarded them with questions:
  - You were inside their air base, all alone. Especially you Gerda... Isn't it scary?
  The blonde answered shortly:
  - Not! Why should we be scared? We are true Aryans!
  Fruda replied with a sigh:
  - You are the youngest of us, and before you went to Africa you had no experience. Here, all the girls have already received combat experience, and sniffed gunpowder. By the way, you almost seem like girls, with such innocent faces.
  Charlotte snapped fiercely.
  But we don't kill innocently. What's the point of this conversation anyway. Are you looking for strife?
  Frouda strongly rejected:
  - Of course not! But I confess to you, although I first sniffed gunpowder on September 1, 1939 in Poland. That is, even before most of the girls in the company, they usually began their baptism of fire from the fields of France, but I still feel fear. - The girl shyly lowered her green eyes. - Especially takes jitters before the start of the battle.
  Gerda stroked Fruda's scratched, muscular shoulder.
  - To be honest, sometimes I feel uncomfortable. Although the physical load that we experience is so tiring that you even dream of getting rid of the mortal body.
  The brown-haired woman shrugged her shoulders.
  - Well I do not know! And it exhausts me thoroughly, no less than you, but still the excruciating fear remains. Besides, is there such a thing as a soul? The great and wise Fuhrer never spoke about this, and did not write in any of his works.
  Charlotte answered for Gerda:
  - And it doesn't matter. For us, the main thing is to kill enemies as much as possible, and put our lives at risk as little as possible. Naturally, if otherwise - caution will not turn into betrayal!
  Fruda agreed:
  - Who does not spare life in battle, he will retain his dignity even when dividing trophies!
  Gerda confirmed:
  - Whoever steals the victory will lose its fruits, as the latter rot from a tarnished reputation!
  Sitting in the tank, the girls hung out English flags and drove off like that. And in total, as many as fifteen armored and by no means well armed vehicles, captured from the British, were driving. So the sensations were the most sublime, as if the warriors were on parade.
  Charlotte noted:
  - This is the beauty! We are bringing our cat with us! Will, I see a fight - will get a bully!
  Gerda, without much enthusiasm, objected:
  - It's not funny at all! It's a sin to smile at this!
  Here Charlotte started up:
  What does the concept of sin mean? Here you are, Gerda, singing about Jesus Christ, and you don"t even realize that the main Biblical law - the retribution for sin, death is simply absurd! Absolutely devoid of logic!
  Frouda hastened to add:
  - Certainly! Otherwise, what kind of soldiers are we, if we do not violate the commandment - do not kill!
  Here Gerda found something to object to:
  - Actually, in the original - this seventh commandment sounds like this - do not commit evil murder! That is, here we are talking about murder, and not the deprivation of a person's life. There are some nuances here!
  Charlotte cut off evil:
  - Also links to the translation from Hebrew. What else could be more disgusting! In general, there is a lot of absurdity in the Bible, but the most absurd thing is its claims to the role of the word of God and to infallibility! And at the same time, Jesus gets confused in the most elementary things!
  Gerda then sharply objected:
  - No need to say so, and categorically. In some ways he is confused, and in some ways he is a seer. In general, there are many prophecies that have already come true in the Bible.
  Charlotte shook her fiery head vigorously.
  "That's not true at all, and I'll prove it to you!"
  Gerda grimaced.
  - Well, try, you have the cards in hand!
  Charlotte began to speak:
  In the sacred books of all religions, prophecies, that is, predictions of the future, occupy the most important place. There are such prophecies in the Bible. Most of these prophecies are too vague. In a farewell conversation with the apostles, Jesus prophetically said: "Then you will hear about wars and rumors of war... For it must be so... Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes" (Gospel of Matthew. 24:5-6). But exactly this happened in the world before the prophecies of Christ, and this continues to this day. What, then, is the value of those prophecies in which 'foreseeing' events occurring constantly without any prophecy?
  Some of the biblical prophecies were written retroactively - after these events had already occurred. True, sometimes the prophets dared to predict future events, but at the same time, as a rule, they fell into a mess.
  So, God through the prophets promises the descendants of David the eternal reign (2 Kings, 7:11-16), but the kingdom of David broke up into Israel and Judah after the death of his son Solomon, and the descendants (offspring) of King David were partially destroyed first in the Assyrian king Artaxerxes, and then - under the root, without exception, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. (Jeremiah 52:9-11, 22:28-30).
  God, through the prophet Jeremiah, promises to destroy forever, to depopulate Egypt from Suez to Ethiopia (28:8-14), but God has not fulfilled this promise to this day.
  And more about the prophecies of Jeremiah. Through his mouth, God promises to deliver Egypt into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar (29:19); forever destroy Tire (26:3-14; 27;36; 28:19). But Nebuchadnezzar did not take and did not try to take Egypt. As for the city of Tyre, it was not taken by Nebuchadnezzar, nor was it taken by Alexander the Great, and still has not ceased to exist for a single day.13 Contrary to the prophecy of Ezekiel , Nebuchadnezzar took and destroyed Jerusalem, and not Egypt and not Tire. However, 16 years after his prophecy, Jeremiah himself admits that the city of Tire continues to exist unscathed (26:1; 29:8-14). Later, Jesus Christ himself in vain prophesied the death of this unshakable Tire (Matthew, 11:21-22; Luke, 10:14).
  The same Jeremiah, on behalf of God, announced that King Jehoiachin would be punished for his sins by not having children (22:28-30). But Matthew calls Jeconiah one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:11-12). How is it that Jesus was able to be born from a distant ancestor who had no children?
  After the last statement, Froude giggled maliciously. And Gerda remarked:
  - This is a conditional prophecy!
  Charlotte snorted contemptuously.
  - But any false oracle can say so! You listen further! - The red-haired she-devil continued, because tanks can"t go too fast in the desert, and they are quite heavy and there is time to chat ... Charlotte"s voice sounded more and more confident:
  Jeremiah, on behalf of God, predicts the Jewish king Zedekiah to be captured by Nebuchadnezzar, but promises him a quiet death and a pious funeral (34:2-5). But, as it turned out later, Nebuchadnezzar killed all the relatives of Zedekiah , and blinded him himself, threw him into prison, where he died (52:9-11). Wow peaceful death and pious funeral!
  The same 'calm and serene' life is prophesied for King Josiah (2 Kings 22:18-20). After such a prophecy , Josiah was mortally wounded by the Egyptians in a battle near Megiddo (Ibid., 35:20-24).
  The prophet Isaiah wrote that Jerusalem would stand forever: that no unclean person would enter it, no non-Jew would enter. But immediately after this prophecy, Jerusalem was taken and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (586 BC), then was taken and destroyed to the ground by the Romans (70 AD); was taken and destroyed by the Persians, Arabs, Crusaders, Turks, British and French, and now there are as many 'clean' Jews living in it as there are 'unclean' Arabs, Europeans, Negroes ...
  Christians, as a rule, do not really read prophecies about events before the birth of Jesus Christ. They are more interested in the prophecies of Jesus Christ himself and his apostles, that is, the prophecies of the books of the New Testament. Of particular concern are their prophecies about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (about the Last Judgment, about Armageddon).
  We will not touch on any other prophecies, nor the details of the prophecies about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Let us dwell on only one most important question: When will the Second Coming come? Let's look at the words of Jesus Christ himself. The famous American preacher and orator Billy Graham calculated that he prophesies about the second coming of Christ in the Bible 380 times. Let us dwell on the cardinal and most clear of them.
  Charlotte was about to continue, when a signal sounded on the radio:
  - A column of English tanks is moving ahead. Everyone get ready!
  Gerda remarked in confusion:
  - Now I myself don"t know what is worse - to commit an evil murder or to listen to such nonsense !
  Fruda replied:
  - Charlotte just speaks the pure truth and argues logically. Moreover, the Bible is enough, it speaks clearly and harshly about false prophets. So beat the enemy with his own weapon.
  The fiery devil warrior added:
  - Look, it's better how we will beat the enemy with his own weapons! And not only on the ideological front. I'm still talking about the Bible. In the meantime, check out Snow White's armor-piercing shells!
  . CHAPTER #14
  The boy-hero got out of the hay, where he fell asleep. Ate tasty boar meat. And even began to fear that it might spoil. True, in the mountains it is quite cool and there is nothing to worry about.
  And there you can continue your essay.
  The Nazis advanced across Egypt and won one victory after another. And of course, fighting and beautiful, and of course barefoot girls are ahead of everyone in the forefront: a blonde and a redhead.
  So all is well.
  And the warriors can continue to fight.
  Gerda snapped without any malice:
  - Well, of course, such an elementary thing, I can do it myself! Who do you take me for! I am the lady of war!
  Froude, helping to load the cannon, sang:
  - Lady of War! Who else can compare with you! Lady of war we will soon be in the English capital!
  Madeleine's low, almost masculine voice sounded on the radio.
  - Skip the column and shoot at the side!
  The girls yelled back:
  - Sieg Heil!
  Of course, you need to have iron nerves to let an unsuspecting enemy get closer, then past you. Here, medium tanks, Cromwells and Matildas, are ahead, and then light tankettes. A dozen captured tanks need to act in sync so that each hit its victim. This is a kind of performance of a musical symphony. If at least one note breaks, the whole composition will turn out to be false and lose the title of a masterpiece. And what is this war! Most of the admirers are collected by military art, but the tears are always sincere, and no one wants to call for an encore!
  Gerda whispered:
  Help us Holy Mother of God!
  Madeleine commanded:
  - Fire!
  And a dozen barrels spat out shells at once. The sides of the Matildas and Cromwells are much worse protected, which means they ... Charlotte exclaimed:
  - Broken cardboard boxes!
  Gerda immediately, loading the gun in a new way, noticed:
  - Well, stupid Englishmen! They didn"t even ask us for a password, they just saw the flags, so they immediately took us for their own!
  Charlotte giggled.
  - It's their British mentality!
  There were twenty-five large tanks and twelve wolf girls destroyed at once. Then they had time, before the confused enemy reacted, to give a second volley, at the enemy.
  And a dozen more victims, smashed tanks, like the skeletons of sharks thrown ashore, on hot, yellow sand. And at the same time they still smoke, dark brown streams creep into the sky. It seems to be a brood of snakes. Moreover, reptiles, as if mutilated by incorrect evolution. And the hissing is amazing how sickening it can be.
  The British tanks stopped at once and froze. The only surviving heavy tank clumsily tried to turn around. Gerda sang:
  - The beauty! The beauty! We are bringing our cat with us!
  Charlotte sang:
  - Not in a bag, but in a muzzle! With an armor-piercing bullet!
  Fruda giggled.
  - Will you dogs - after our fight!
  After that, they set to wedges. Well, they can be crushed in the forehead. Part of the British tankers could not stand it and, leaving the equipment, rushed into a general flight. Some wedges with more experienced drivers still continued to shoot back. Here a projectile hit the Mp-16 tank, giving off a deaf rumble in the armor.
  Gerda showed a pink tongue:
  - Our heroes are on the run - a stupid Briton will not catch up!
  Charlotte growled loudly.
  - Give up quickly!
  Fruda confirmed:
  - And do not be afraid of us! To beat prisoners with a belt on the pope, the red cross forbids!
  Gerda, having smashed a stubborn tankette with a shell, said:
  - I smashed you! And a brick in everyone's snout!
  The battle ended, several tankettes tried to leave, but they were unceremoniously knocked out. The she-wolves let out a heart-rending squeal of delight:
  - Blimey! This fight is not nonsense!
  However, the battle was not over yet. English trucks and motorcyclists appear. Gerda hit the nearest car with shrapnel, it crumbled, and the fuel tanks simply detonated. Charlotte flashed her teeth.
  - Shock! It's ours!
  Fruda said:
  Better to kill than to persuade!
  Gerda was even more specific:
  - It's better to hit once than say a hundred times! It's better to hit it a hundred times than to be silent...
  Charlotte interrupted:
  - The British are already running! Come after them!
  The girls fired quite accurately, Gerda never missed, but the tanks still cannot be compared with trucks in speed. In addition, the Cromwells here were not the newest Meteor engine of 600 horsepower, but a weaker one of 400. Apparently, they had not yet had time to re-equip this cruising tank. The Matilda was also weaker, and what can we say about the heavyweight Mp-16.
  So the girls are a little behind. Yes, there was also a wind blowing towards the meeting, clouds began to gather. Charlotte remarked:
  - Now it's going to rain!
  Gerda was delighted:
  - All the better! And it's very hot in this tank! And he is warming himself, but the sun is scorching!
  Fruda confirmed:
  - Well, yes! And how much can you fry!
  Charlotte did not share the optimism:
  - The sand will become limp and we will stop!
  Gerda stated:
  - And it doesn't scare me personally!
  The clouds were gathering very quickly and the sky darkened, as if there really was a lunar eclipse. Charlotte bellowed:
  - Then believe in God after that!
  Gerda whistled.
  - And what? Why don't you believe! Didn't Christ prove that he is the true God?
  Large droplets of tropical rain pounded on the roof of the tank. Angry, Charlotte started talking again;
  In conversations with his disciples, Christ assured them that all of them, his apostles, would live and see with their own eyes His Second Coming in glory. 'Truly I say to you: you will not have time to bypass the cities of Israel (in Palestine) before the Son of Man comes' (Matthew, 10:23). coming in his kingdom' (Matthew 16:28; Mark 9:3).
  Addressing his 12 apostles, among whom was Judas, who later betrayed Christ, Jesus says: 'Truly I say to you that you who have followed me, - into reconciliation, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you will also sit on the twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel' (Matthew 19:28). It turns out that Jesus Christ, at the time of his speech, did not yet know about the future betrayal of Judas, and confidently prophesies a place for him on one of the thrones of the Judge of the Nations!
  The rain was already pouring down like a bucket. Gerda said:
  - Yes, Jesus wanted to give a chance, including to Judas?
  Charlotte said clearly:
  - This is not about chances, but about a specific prediction. And if Jesus is the Almighty and All-Seeing God, then how can he be wrong at all. Moreover, if the Fuhrer promises, then as a rule, specifically!
  Gerda sighed, uttered a banality:
  - Not everyone is given to penetrate the secret thoughts of the Almighty!
  Fruda shook her mane angrily.
  - And what can you tell about the second coming of the Almighty God, manifested in the flesh through Jesus?
  Charlotte giggled and replied:
  - Nothing special! I'm just quoting the bible. Rather, I will tell you what is written in the Gospel, without any distortion. And you draw your own conclusions!
  Gerda sarcastically remarked:
  - But, of course, you can"t do without comments and your own conclusions.
  Fruda hooted angrily, and even slammed her bare feet into the armor with her toes, outside the tropical storm was raging, threatening to wash away everything and everything downpour. She growled:
  - Don't bother the professor to enlighten us!
  Charlotte continued with an ironic smile;
  - Jesus Christ repeatedly said that his contemporaries would see the Second Coming, the Last Judgment, Armageddon and the End of the World (Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:10; Luke 21:31-32).
  The fiery warrior was quoting as well as the most advanced Theologian.
  -The Apostle Paul prophesied that his listeners, and he along with them, would meet the Second Coming of Christ alive, but they would go towards Him after the resurrected dead (1 Thessalonians ( Sonunians ), 4:15-17). In the Apocalypse, Christ emphatically emphasizes: 'Behold, I am coming soon!' (22:12, 20), 'I am already standing at the door and knocking!' (3:20). Note that the Apocalypse was written in the second half of the 1st century, and now it is already on the threshold of the 3rd millennium. Something this prophetic 'Soon' has dragged on for a very, very, very long time ...
  Gerda put it in again:
  - A thousand years with the Lord is like one day, and one day is like a thousand years!
  Charlotte retorted:
  - It is necessary to look at the context! And to understand the meaning in the complex of other prophecies.
  Fruda agreed:
  - Certainly! When I read the Bible, I myself thought that the second coming should happen soon enough. Rather wonder why it has not happened for a long time.
  Charlotte smirked as she continued her exciting explanation:
  - True, with all sorts of interpretations and theological tricks, the preachers of Christianity tried to justify the protracted Second Coming of Jesus Christ, to move away from the true meaning of the prophetic words of the New Testament. 'Apocalypse' because of unfulfilled prophecies in the 3rd century was excluded from the New Testament and declared an apocryphal, heretical and not pleasing book. Only in 692, by a decree of the Trulsky Cathedral, the Apocalypse was returned to the New Testament and recognized as a book inspired by God . And the words of the Apocalypse: 'I'm coming soon', like the prophecies of Jesus Christ, began to refer to the nearest tomorrow. Thus, over the past one and a half thousand years, each coming year by one or another preacher of Christianity has been declared the year of the end of the world, the Last Judgment, the onset of heavenly bliss for the righteous. Sometimes, to confirm such statements, the 'clear: as God's day' indications of the biblical prophets were invoked.
  Fruda decided to clarify here:
  - And why not call the modern "prophets"?
  Charlotte shook her finger at the sky.
  - That's what we'll talk about. Over the past two centuries, the most impressive timing of the coming of Christ has been made by the American Baptist Miller. Having issued days from Daniel's prophecies for years (there are such texts in the Bible!), tying the countdown to the erroneous year of the restoration of the Jerusalem Temple and the year of the death of Jesus Christ, he came to the conclusion that the Second Coming of Christ will take place in 1843. Miller's calculations had a huge impact on the entire Christian world. Everyone and everywhere was waiting for the Last Judgment in 1843, part of the believers moved in crowds to Palestine, to the Jehoshaphat valley, to the holy mountains. In 1843, the end of the world did not come. Miller recalculated and admitted to his mistake for one year. The Last Judgment was postponed to 1844. Some Christians became disillusioned with Miller and stopped listening to him. But a part remained with him, forming the current Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since then, Adventists have been waiting for the coming of Christ from day to day.
  Fruda recalled sharply:
  - And these Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe they prophesied something?
  Charlotte suppressed her laughter with great effort.
  - Well, of course they could not do without them!
  Gerda, displeased, growled like a panther whose bone had been pulled out:
  - And is it worth talking about these heretics?
  Charlotte answered ironically:
  - It is better not to talk about the plague, but it is necessary to remind about the prevention of this infection! So listen. At the end of the last century, the American Judge Rutherford calculated that Christ would come in 1914 and set up a 1,000-year kingdom of God on earth for his faithful children. Those who believed him united in the Society of Bible Students 'Watch Tower' ( Watch Tower ) and called themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1914, the First World War broke out, in which the Jehovists saw scientific confirmation of Rutherford 's calculations and the beginning of Armageddon. The First World War ended in 1918, and the heavenly life on earth did not come for Jehovah's Witnesses.
  The red-haired she-devil giggled and then continued:
  - The leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses again scrupulously 'calculated' that in 1914 Christ entered only into the heavenly temple, and threw out Satan from there. (It turns out to be in the heavenly temple; not God, but Satan, stayed all the time; that until 1914 it was not God, but Satan who ruled the world!) Entering the heavenly sanctuary, Jesus Christ lingered in it in order to cleanse and refresh the temple from the spirit of Satan. Having thoroughly ventilated the heavenly temple, Jesus will definitely descend to earth to set up a 1000-year-old kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses on Earth. Considering all these new 'scientific discoveries', Rutherford on March 18, 1918 at the Brooklyn Academy of Sciences (established by the Jehovists to serve the scientific needs of their believers) gives a speech on the topic: 'Millions of people now living will never die'. The speech was published as a pamphlet, and then significantly expanded and still serves as a scientific guide for modern Jehovah's Witnesses. After that, Rutherford set the beginning of the last Armageddon for October 15, 1932.
  Gerda said it herself:
  - And, of course, again hit the finger in the sky. Maybe better than talking about various heresies, we sing or change the subject. Here, for example, flights into space, than not a conversation. How, in particular, will look like the inhabitants of other worlds.
  Charlotte was about to say something, when they were interrupted by Madeleine's voice from the radio:
  - Tanks will not go through the sand now. And therefore I order you to sleep! All sleep, except for two observers. The sand in the desert dries quickly, and in a few hours we will resume movement.
  Fruda agreed:
  - Of course, let's sleep! After all, we still have to fight and fight!
  The girls curled up in a spacious tower and habitually, without any superfluous thoughts, fell asleep almost instantly.
  Gerda and Charlotte again found themselves in their enchanting dream. Maybe this is not even an accident, but some windows into parallel worlds and an alternative reality in time.
  And what, after all, prophetic dreams were and now are a very common phenomenon. And why? There are different versions, especially if we accept that time is not an absolute concept, and also has many different vectors and directions. And sometimes there are bizarre combinations, overlays of different times, eras, civilizations. And not always of earthly origin.
  While Gerda arranged a massacre, her partner did not lag behind. It must be admitted that Charlotte, despite her active antagonism to the church, was not at all such a devil, much less a sadist. In particular, having killed the fighters attacking her, and knocked out the morale of the Yankees, she decided to help the children in the port. Calling her, she briefly said:
  - Come on, I'm already here! - And then with a cheerful irony added. - Rather, she walked over the corpses!
  At the entrance there were several boats with machine guns, people were unloading from them, but they did not notice Charlotte. Gerda listened, the familiar voice of the dwarf whispered into the closet:
  - Listen to "Puncture-sledgehammer", the client may not come during such a battle, but as soon as he appears, meet him with a powerful roll of fire.
  A hoarse, rusty, nauseatingly disgusting voice replied:
  - I have "Cordon" - one of the newest models. Brothers, dragged straight from the assembly shop.
  - Money and swag, Caucasians have a lot. - Said, even more burr, dwarf. - So ten percent for a tip is not enough.
  - Yes, we no longer pay the gnome! - The voice of the speaking type became half a tone lower, from which the euphony decreased even more.
  - Of course, this is accepted with you, but maybe there will be an exception! - squeaked the dwarf.
  - Instead of shaking mammon that we will soak you yourself. - The voice became much more creaky, and the tonality, on the contrary, rose.
  - No, I brought you not the last client. The ugly midget tapped his fingers nervously on the hard surface.
  - Why did you take with you snotty youngsters? - Strictly prognusal bandit.
  - so that they don't get suspicious. And they will think that I threw them. In addition, Caucasians can also hire security. - Nervously whined the dwarf.
  - Are you sure they are Caucasians? - The question sounded serious suspicion.
  - I have absolute pitch, the Georgian accent is natural and flawless! The midget breathed out.
  - What a dick, we'll believe you for now, but if anything ... - The sound was like a dagger blade passed over rusty metal.
  The children were sobbing, scraping the floor with their bare feet, Charlotte could listen, but there were seventeen of them and two dozen bandits in ambush.
  - Well, I actually foresaw this! Now let's kill the thieves! - A fiery warrior, threw a nut into her scarlet mouth, and grinded her teeth right along with the shell.
  After that, the girl moved around through the pier, dipping her feet, heated by a quick run, into the water. She walked on her hands, breaking her neck on the way to the sentry, and went into the rear of the scum. She cut off two at once, throwing a boomerang disk. The bandits did not seem to her a serious opponent, but there was a danger that they would shoot the children or throw a grenade at them. Therefore, she did not come up with complex constructions, she gave a silent burst on the heads. Now only the leader of the Pierced Sledgehammer and the misaligned dwarf remained. The girl jumped up to them, kicking the leader with her foot in the back. She broke it, despite the fact that the main bandit had a bulletproof vest. Immobilized "Puncture-sledgehammer" fell unable to move. The dwarf managed to throw a fragmentation grenade, pushing it towards the children with his boot. OGU is such a thing that it"s even worse than F-1, the fragments are flying too densely, not giving the guys a chance, but there are more explosives.
  At the risk of remaining crippled for life or dying, Charlotte threw herself on the grenade with her stomach. There just wasn't enough time to throw it aside. True, there were artifacts "Armor" on it.
  - In the name of justice!
  She jerked, slightly threw the girl up, the fragments pierced her stomach, causing pain. Fortunately, the armor and pebbles softened the blow. And from bare feet, especially given the decline for unknown reasons, the artifact went.
  The fragments almost cut off the big toe of the right foot, as well as completely the middle one, damaged the little finger, and cut open the foot. There were no less injuries on the left, and the pain was severe. Charlotte, however, jumped up and punched the dwarf on the shoulder, breaking his bone. He fell, screaming wildly.
  Luckily, no children were hurt. Charlotte regretted that she took off her special boots, because they could well reflect these fragments. True, she does not threaten to remain a cripple, everything will fully recover, but how much pain, especially when running, she will have to endure.
  - Wild horror! - Said the girl.
  With an effort of will, she localized the pain, quickly smeared the wounds with medicine and put on her boots to avoid contamination with dirt. Bandaging is not necessary, the blood immediately coagulates.
  - That's how we got hurt! The wolf girl winked at the children. - I was so scared for you molecules.
  - You are a woman? - The tallest boy asked in surprise, looking about fourteen years old with heavy bruises on his round face.
  - Why don't women warriors exist!? - Outraged warrior.
  - There are no such people to destroy a whole gang with a machine gun! - The boy spread his hands, his broken nose completely swollen.
  The emaciated girl with a pointed nose interrupted him:
  - They happen in the movies. I saw!
  - So - the movie, not life. The boy shook his head, brushing the dust from his hair. - Life is different from a movie, that all the horrors are available, but all the delights are not available!
  - Okay, what do we do with the dwarf, he wanted to destroy you? Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows menacingly.
  - This is a cruel sadist, he beat us with a whip and current, starved us, and forced the girls to do such things, which is indecent to say. - The beaten boy said in a trembling voice more than once.
  - Well, I'll hang him with a hook so that he doesn't die immediately. And you follow me, and I will let you down so carefully that the submarine will take you safely. - Charlotte crushed a large mutant cockroach with her bare toes.
  - We will be very happy!
  Despite the beatings and poor feeding, the children ran well, dirty heels flashed in the dust. True, they rushed as if they were scalded with boiling water.
  Charlotte took the dwarf with her, choosing a place where he would not be filmed immediately. After all, there was a risk that in the morning the perverted freak would be found, and he would survive.
  There were too many boats on the lake, and there was even a barge converted to look like a warship. In particular, gasoline was stored on it.
  - That is great! Charlotte aimed her RPG and fired in a high arc. - Thus, we will break through you.
  The barge burst into flames, and the fire gave rise to panic. Charlotte herself just grinned wickedly.
  - Usually, to save one, you have to kill the other! This is undoubtedly a cruel law, but it restores the natural balance of species!
  The boat, having received several hits, especially after the rudder was broken, turned over. And the other one just crashed into a trawler. Charlotte fired, using the captured "Cordon" with maximum intensity. In skillful hands, a terrible weapon. The boats were blown up one by one, the fire intensified. So the German Krechet-m helicopter appeared and began to descend. Also a powerful machine, not inferior to the M-34 flying tank, only the model is newer.
  - We shot down helicopters from a grenade launcher , but "Kordon" will not take it? Or still take it, if you accurately hit the cracks with bulletproof glass.
  The girl wanted to check, and she gave a long line. Got it! The truth was turned on in response, and Charlotte hid behind a reinforced concrete cap. The spinner began to fall sideways. In general, you can see the machine gun against the helicopter force.
  - The English were beaten by us, at all times. Maybe only the Russians could fight the Germans on equal terms True, the Swedish king once said: there is no better fighter in the world than a Russian soldier, and a greater tyrant than a Russian general! - Or is it not Charles the Twelfth word?
  Charlotte fired a few more bursts, killing the sailors, the soldier fighters. Her walkie-talkie squeaked thinly:
  Looks like you've figured out the path! Where are children?!
  - You can see them with a thermal imager, but I left behind only corpses. - She giggled, baring her teeth, the fiery warrior.
  - In this you did well, big dock! There was genuine surprise in his voice.
  - Well, what do you see? Charlotte snapped.
  "Looks like the freed guys have huddled together!" They may run away at the sight of us. Bring them! - Already softer asked the warrior.
  - You have to do everything yourself. OK! There is only one request for you, what to do with a dwarf of the wrong orientation?
  - The former owner of the children? - Check with Charlotte.
  - Yes! I want to hang him on a hook! - roared fiery, fair she-devil.
  - No need! Give it to us and the bastard will be punished according to the law. Get a life sentence. - Declared through the radio.
  - That's good too! But suddenly he runs away! Charlotte was worried.
  - What did you hear about it? - The voice became much stricter.
  - Should I not know that the secret services hide a lot, especially their failures. I have long since parted with pink illusions. - While talking, Charlotte knocked down a hefty zucchini-sized beetle with the palm of her hand.
  - That might be right. But don't worry, he won't run away. We won't let him live too long! - giggled in response.
  - All right, I'll take it to you! BUT if the term is less than life, then I myself will find him and finish him off! - The fiery devil roared the last words so that even mutant insects began to scatter in all directions.
  The girl, taking a machine gun and a dwarf, ran to the children. She could smell them. The zone ulcers on the poor guys were rotten and exuded odor. Charlotte had to open fire a couple of times along the way . So she ran up to the guys, when they saw her, they jumped up and ran to the meeting:
  - Aunt, or rather the goddess-justice justice has come! - The children murmured happily.
  - Well, yes! It's me! Your patron will be sent to prison, where he will die for many years, and you will be cured, and you, my dears, will study in the best schools of the richest country. - Confidently, as if she had already become the Almighty God, said Charlotte.
  - Fine! But each of us can hit him with his fist! - Asked the older boy. And embarrassed added. - Not for revenge, but for justice.
  - I allow! - Chopped off by a warrior. - It is better to be an evil kite than a good woodpecker!
  Children came up and hit the dwarf on the sore shoulder, causing terrible pain. It screeched. Charlotte herself suffered after a run, her bare, girlish legs seemed to be stuck in daggers. But the smile never left her sweet face.
  - All right, pretty boys, that's enough! - Said the appeared officer of the SS special squad.
  - And, finally, then! Something you are slowing down! - The fiery devil snarled.
  We can't shine. In addition, I"ll say on my own that I don"t like it, the madness that you staged! - The gray-haired, but fit and slender officer shook his head.
  - Feel sorry for the Americans? Charlotte snorted contemptuously through her nostrils.
  - You killed more Yankees in one night than they lost in ten years of war in Afghanistan! - The officer made a figure eight with his hands as a sign of surprise.
  - Well, serve them right! - A fiery warrior, spitting down another beetle, and even at the same time a mutant dung beetle.
  - Yeah! Meanwhile, thanks to the United States, the flow of drugs from Afghanistan to the Third Reich has decreased. And in general, what would be better if we fought at the same time with the Russian Ivans and the Yankees of America? It would be great then. - The officer cunningly, Leninist narrowed his eyes.
  - One company of girls and boys like us can join Afghanistan and India as a colony to the Third Reich! Charlotte clenched her biceps menacingly, flexing her arm muscles.
  - Oh, well, you have ambitions. Have you read "Last Drop to Mars"? The SS officer grinned.
  - The right book! I personally am not a supporter of a multipolar world, but of a planet where one owner is Great Germany. The human flock should have one shepherd, and the whole world is ruled by a single dictator! Then humanity will finally be able to reach the stars and create a Hyperuniversal Empire! Imagine a world where every German owns the planet. Although no, what one pathetic planet, but the whole universe! - In ecstasy, the fiery devil Charlotte yelled.
  The children jumped into the submarine, and the dwarf was brought in as well. The Colonel noted:
  - Yes, you talk like Hitler. And apparently you are torn to the Fuhrers.
  - Well, why can not be torn ?! After all, the Germans are the most gifted people on Earth and are quite worthy to become the core nation. We will not oppress anyone, in the future even blacks will get on the planet, and maybe even the universe. - She-wolf bared her teeth in a smile, but her eyes continued to remain serious.
  - You know, Charlotte, a psychologist will deal with you. In the meantime, I think, find Gerda and leave the city.
  . CHAPTER #15
  The boy-hero continued to run, and approach Greece, and at the same time compose on the go.
  The nightmare-delightful dream continued...
  - Why? We didn't kill everyone! - The fiery devil, was reddened to the point of being outraged. Chews on bare legs played like that.
  - Why don't you have enough corpses! In addition, no one gave you the installation to destroy everyone! - The SS officer was indignant.
  - If we want to convince the Yankees that the attack was committed by the Turkish Sultan, then we must be ruthless. And in general, it"s not the colonel who gives us orders, but the lieutenant general! Charlotte jerked her neck and caught a butterfly in her teeth. Then she spat it out angrily.
  - You mean "Fritz mace". He once helped the Afghans fight against the Americans, so he harbored a grudge against them! - Colonel SS, pulled out a six-barreled pistol from his belt.
  - And I once swore that I would kill a hundred Americans for every German. So this is just the beginning! - A fiery warrior, made a haircut and a pebble with the fingers of a graceful bare leg, knocked down a large, prickly mutant beetle on the fly.
  Charlotte then hurriedly called for the lieutenant general.
  - I need a "Fritz Mace"!
  - Colonel Biederburger reports that the general is sleeping! - Squealed with a broken jack, the voice of a castrato.
  - Why is he sleeping? - The red-haired she-devil was indignant.
  - So it's already four o'clock in the morning, he's also a man, albeit in uniform. - The colonel whined. - A person must be treated humanely!
  - Amazing! One sleeps, the other reads morality! - the fire- haired beauty-terminator snapped.
  - I can't help it! The Colonel was ready to burst into tears.
  - We fried New Shed! Charlotte growled, her teeth flashing.
  - Understandably! - The voice became even more sour.
  - The children were evacuated! - Having said this, the fiery devil, blasted from a grenade launcher , and another American helicopter of the Barracuda brand, blossomed with a twinkle and began to fall quickly.
  - Where are the children from? - Sitting on the other side of the wire, the colonel was clearly surprised.
  - Victims of terrorists! Charlotte ran the edge of her hand over her throat.
  - Well done! Keep it up! - The voice became more cheerful and no longer seemed so smeared.
  The red-haired beauty gave a short burst, cutting off five militants in helmets with antennas sticking out in all directions. Then she growled:
  - But now we are thinking of finishing off the Yankee special forces and the Stability group or sparing those who remained.
  The voice is sour again:
  - Such a difficult choice!
  What does the Colonel suggest? Charlotte threw a small grenade stuffed with curved needles. And again screams, howls and groans of mortally wounded soldiers.
  - Stop! The deed seems to have already been done, but the extra blood is useless! - Began, it was an SS officer.
  - Maybe he's right! It's time to hide the fangs! - Here on the radio, Gerda confirmed. However, this did not stop the blonde terminator from cutting off three "sticky" men.
  But the fiery maiden-terminator did not agree:
  - That's just the same highly doubtful! All plausibility of the black sultan's attack goes to hell. We win and then retreat.
  - OK then! I offer you the following. Kill the two leaders of Admiral Heine Jefferson and Ostap Bender, and then retreat! - squeezed out of a colonel.
  - That is a compromise! - Charlotte twitched the grenade launcher dog with her fingers, girlish legs .
  - Life is a compromise. - Noticed, sighing heavily, Colonel.
  Charlotte turned to her partner:
  - Gerda, can you hear me?
  - Certainly! - Immediately answered the blonde terminator.
  - Where are you? - Worried terminator with fiery hair.
  - I just killed the admiral from Pindostan , set fire to the hotel and now I'm driving on the Cheetah tank, setting fire to everything that moves.
  - This is good! Are Jefferson and his deputies dead? - Charlotte did not quite trust her too religious and kind partner.
  - Deader does not happen! - Gerda even giggled in response and licked her lips, lush, sparkling like rubies.
  - Fine! Where is Ostap? - Asked, blowing off the dust of Charlotte.
  - There's a problem here. There is no information on the computer. Besides, I thought that since you slept with him, then he is yours! - She giggled, skala, thin fangs blonde terminator.
  - Naive assumption! Who do you sleep with and yours! Well, it's hilarious! And the fiery devil giggled.
  - In general, such things are, I have no idea about Ostap Bender! Gerda sighed heavily.
  - Attack the headquarters of the Resilience group, maybe you will find someone there! - Charlotte this time struck down an enemy soldier, spitting a needle.
  - I'm just going to her! - The snow-white angel of death yelled delightedly.
  Charlotte turned to another colonel.
  - For the sake of friendship between peoples, I compromise with my conscience, but next time you will not wait for mercy from me!
  - GOP stop! Now don't ask for mercy! Okay, attack merci. - The fleshy SS man pinned up .
  By the way, mademoiselle. Charlotte grimaced.
  - It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, so bravely. You are butchers anyway! The Colonel shook his second chin.
  - And you might just be a spy! - The Fiery Devil flashed her eyes unkindly.
  - Do you offend? The Colonel cringed.
  - I'm stating facts! - The warrior growled, and how she shoots, what ... Bloody shavings fell down.
  - You were not born yet, but you went through fire and water in White Prussia and fought in the Middle East! The officer made a clumsy attempt to pout.
  - But here I relaxed. In general, we have nothing to talk about. I just attack and hit!
  The girl, at all speeds, sparkling with bloody, bare feet, ran to the side where the shooting was rushing. Her legs no longer hurt.
  Gerda set fire to the headquarters of the Stability group with a couple of volleys. Seeing the car, so expensive, gilded with pearl patterns, right at the entrance to the office, the girl could not resist:
  - This is great! No quasar!
  And she ran caterpillars on the car. From the side, five jets of a fountain of fish, led by King Neptune, beat into the sky. It was beautiful in itself, and the few corpses gave it a very exotic look.
  Gerda noted:
  - Excessive luxury is a sign of frivolity, frivolity is a harbinger of imminent ruin!
  I did not want to shoot at the fountain, and the girl simply turned the machine guns up and fired at the snipers and gun nests. Then, picking up speed, she rammed the doors.
  - America, America has comprehended its progress, wherever you look, there are no jobs for workers! Only a killer's services are always in their honor! Spin the propellers and the graveyard revenge! - She sang a stupid, but terribly funny song with the voice of a girl who was promoted and did not have time to hoarse the prima donna.
  Jumped out of the tank, she moved to the office. The machine penetrated first, but so far no traces of Ostap Bender (well, he has both a name and a surname) have been found. His deputy Ali Chugaev commanded. Uzbek by nationality, a former racketeer and a pretty good boxer. Ali shouted:
  - What are the latest reports!
  - We were attacked from the sea, eleven boats were destroyed, two barges were on fire, the trawler was damaged! - Jackals roared in response!
  - It decently got us! Where is the most important admiral, the one that completely bullied us? Ali growled.
  - Doesn't answer, but smoke is coming out of his hotel and fire is bulging! The voices were already trembling.
  Looks like there's an attack. How much attack power? - By the way, speaking, Ali, despite the criminal past, did not like thieves' words and looked quite respectable.
  - And who will understand! Here the enemy troops, as if invisible, then appear, then disappear! - The bandits were ready to cry.
  - This is either Russian special forces, or a black sultan. We've been trying to catch him for a long time, but we can't do it. - Hissed himself, in fact, a hardened militant.
  - Let them bring the account to a billion and his accomplices themselves will give it away! - Oral jackal.
  Gerda at least listened to this, did not stop for a moment. The girl went forward, attacked, beat, shredded. Maria was more interested in being slashed with a dagger than simply being shot. Indeed, when you throw out a bullet, you don"t feel it, well, except maybe a slight recoil. Truth captured a couple of English machine guns. They tried to crossfire, but the presence of a dead sector let them down. Gerda licked her lips carnivorously.
  - There will be someone to recoup. Life is a chain, but compromises are links - without contracts, life is not a life of torment!
  The blond terminator kicked off a huge, collie-sized rat; so she fell on her back and shook her paws hysterically. Then, she raised two boomerang disks and launched them at the enemies. They spun and cut off their opponents.
  - Like this! You will not understand what is better to throw or shoot. Whoever does not have accuracy in battle will go numb in the hell of the grave!
  Charlotte, growling, answered her:
  - The best thing is to run away!
  Why don't you follow this? The blonde terminator grimaced.
  - I'm clearing the south side of the city! - She-she-wolf answered.
  Charlotte indeed moved further from the port, trying to collect a richer harvest of death. There was no organized resistance.
  Gerda also did not stand still. She grabbed English machine guns "Royal Bulldog". Of course, a machine gun with uranium bullets is also good. And then there are such volleys: everyone is swept away in a row, it"s just hard to drag the reinforcement on you. Floor after floor, you finish off the dead.
  True, already at the penultimate line, Gerda was waiting for another test. She was attacked by a fighter, it seems, also covered with a "mega-armor" artifact. In any case, even a continuous lead stream of a machine gun did not take him. He himself fired from the AKM-110, also without effect, although the girl felt a slight heat.
  - From these not pierced I feel sick. Gerda said.
  What did you think, birdie? - The bandit seems to have guessed that there was a girl in front of him.
  - Yes, different! In particular, how would we fight with daggers. - The blonde terminator slightly exposed the right side of her chest, curling her cherry nipple.
  - If you're tired of life, come on! The brute chuckled carnivorously.
  The enemy had a real sword. A serious little thing can tickle not only a girl.
  Gerda weighed a rather long dagger, it was made of such hard metal that it still hadn't blunted.
  - You have an advantage in length, and I have in mind!
  - Women, especially blondes, are not smart. If you want to save your life, get on your knees and give me a beautiful and passionate blowjob! - The bandit's snout has become so nasty
  - With your obscene proposal, you prolonged your own torment. - The girl jumped on her opponent. He gracefully stepped back, parrying the attack:
  - Not bad for a whore!
  - I am a decent woman, or rather a girl. Gerda felt herself blush.
  - I see a virgin! Not kissed! The dwarf smiled slyly.
  - Are you a prophet? - Gerda stood barefoot, with a girl's little leg on a firebrand and felt a slight burn with her roughened sole.
  - Quite possible! However, something can be guessed by looking into one's eyes! And a sly chuckle in response.
  Gerda was surprised how he knew that she was blonde, because nothing was visible under the camouflage. She's not stupid enough to reveal her identity to everyone. Well, the fact that Gerda is a virgin, no one knows at all except the FSB. Could it be a CIA agent?
  The girl made a difficult attack, but the enemy parried, retreated and, in turn, held a return series.
  Gerda deviated clearly, in the style of an ice figure skater, no, nevertheless he moved more slowly than her as a very skillful person, not lower than an international master of sports in fencing, but just like an ordinary protein type. Maria was faster and tried to take advantage of it. The girl made a couple of lunges, then performed the "cuttlefish" technique, but could not catch the enemy.
  - You have great muscles. - The fighter said in a slightly different tone. - Such chiseled calves, ideal muscles are visible without a drop of fat. It is even surprising that a woman can have such a dry body.
  - Does it surprise you? - She asked, feeling serious annoyance Gerd.
  - Partly yes! Didn't want to kill you! The subject grinned wickedly.
  At that moment, several automatic bursts pierced Gerda. One of the bullets tangentially hit the bulletproof vest.
  - Damn it! You're talking to me, while the other bastards are shooting! growled the blonde terminator.
  - Selyavi ! That is life! I will not kill like a dog, as the rest would do. So I guarantee you the coffin is a virgin. - And a venomous grin in response.
  A thought flashed through Gerda's head:
  - Instead of having acquired his eyes under the influence of an artifact, the properties of X-rays. In this case, he can see my every vein, and even the movements of the press. This explains why he is so quick and guesses me.
  - Well, there is no point in delaying any more! - squeaked the lady of war.
  The girl attacked the enemy with all her strength and even with her feet. He retreated, parrying with difficulty. Gerda did not pay attention to the shots, although three times, albeit in a weakened form, they hit. Having accustomed the opponent to a certain sequence of movements, he already parried automatically. The girl strained her muscles, ostensibly to strike, dodging herself, performed a sweep and deftly framed the dagger. Her opponent swooped down on the point with his throat. True, the blade of his sword could scratch Gerda, developed and graceful chest, even blood came out.
  - Well, here's another monster defeated. But in general, I have already become exhausted from such pressure! The girl shook off sweat.
  At that moment, a menacing cry in the walkie-talkies made the girls wake up...
  - Start your engines! You can already go further beauty.
  Charlotte pulled the toggle switch.
  - Forward "Tarzans" protect your colors! Not sofas, not pockets, but Moscow is my dream!
  It was already a bright desert night, and the girls even whistled with impatience. They clearly wanted blood.
  Fruda growled like a tigress:
  - And that we will break the heating pad!
  Charlotte answered sarcastically:
  - You don't need to break the heating pad of your mind! Where it is more rational to cut the tank!
  Gerda corrected her:
  - Not! It's better to break the tank's armor!
  Charlotte popped a couple of bubble gums out of her mouth. And then she spoke:
  - And why are there so many freaks in the world, and even more ugliness?
  Gerda replied:
  - And therefore, it is impossible to live according to the mind!
  Fruda asked Charlotte:
  - Can you tell me anything else about religion?
  The fiery devil winked her emerald eyes:
  - Will it be interesting to you?
  Fruda replied:
  - Certainly! We still have an hour, if not more than a solid move!
  Charlotte noted:
  - Probably, we are going to Alexandria itself, or to the base, which is near the capital of Egypt.
  Gerda yelled:
  - Well, where we go, we'll get there!
  Charlotte began to speak:
  The entire New Testament, with the exception of the Apocalypse, describes the earthly life of Jesus Christ and His role in the salvation of the human race. But the description of His life, teaching, death, and resurrection is so contradictory that no Christian theologian has yet been able to write a complete biography of Jesus Christ himself.
  Gerda retorted:
  - So after all, the whole world, so far no one has managed to conquer, but the great Fuhrer will succeed!
  Fruda muttered angrily:
  - Don't interrupt blonde!
  Charlotte, ignoring, continued:
  - Theologians still cannot, for example, establish when Christ was born and how many years he lived on earth. In the Gospel of Matthew it is written that Jesus was born under King Herod (died in 4 BC), and in Luke - under the ruler of Syria Quirinius (became ruler in 6 AD). It turns out that Jesus Christ was born twice: under King Herod, and then no less than 10 years later, the second time under Quirinius .
  The fiery devil paused, took a couple of sips from her flask, and continued:
  The churchmen still cannot establish: in what year of our era Jesus Christ was crucified. The Catholic Church adheres to the date of 27 years, the Protestants - 30 years, and the Orthodox - 33. But the testimony of the Gospel of John gives reason to believe that Jesus was a little over 40 years old on the day of death (2,19-21; 8:56-58). In the 3rd century, a number of prominent theologians believed that Jesus Christ was exactly 49 years old on the day of his death.
  The same John reports that Jesus Christ died on the cross on the Friday before the Jewish holiday of Passover. And the Passover itself was on Saturday, when Jesus rested in the tomb (19:14,31). But the other three evangelists - Matthew, Mark and Luke - unanimously assert that Jesus Christ celebrated the feast with his disciples on the eve of the Jewish Passover, and was crucified and died on the very day of the Jewish Passover. And they, like John, claim that Jesus Christ died on Friday. If you stick to all four gospels, then it should be recognized that Jesus was crucified on Friday, and that this Friday was both on the very day of Easter and the day before - on the eve of the Easter holiday.
  Shaking her flaming head like a torch, Charlotte finished:
  Scientists have calculated that during Pilate's governorship (26-36 years), the Jewish Passover fell three times - in 27, 30 and 33 years - on Friday, but not once on Saturday. Thus, Pilate could not have executed Jesus Christ at the time mentioned by the Evangelist John, but he could have executed him three times at the time mentioned by Matthew, Mark and Luke. In short, if the meaning is still something to discuss here!
  Gerda, in a peculiar manner, agreed:
  - I think no! But here I can give some evidence of the Divine inspiration of the Bible, how to say the contrary!
  Fruda waved her hands hysterically.
  - Not! Better not!
  Gerda grimaced.
  - What do you need?
  Charlotte answered for Froude:
  - Better sing something! You are good at it!
  And Gerda, as always, sang with enthusiasm and feeling:
  When the shells burst, it's not thunder,
  And the month, like a bloody sickle!
  Eagle with outstretched wing
  He is the embodiment of power!
  Time changes the count of kings,
  And in eternity our city is founded!
  Let the villain be erased into shit
  In the hands of a mighty hammer and sickle!
  Enemies cruelly I doubt
  I will wipe out cholera from the forehead of the world!
  I will put valor at the head,
  Heroes belt of porphyry!
  Although you are surrounded by enemies,
  Judas with vile betrayal!
  But we will conquer the ancient throne,
  And spread across the universe!
  But woeful Sodom is vile,
  Pret adversary is so treacherous!
  But waiting for the impure hordes defeat,
  Under the gentle, radiant sky!
  What drooped the head of the hero?
  The chambers of Albion are waiting for us!
  Let this fight be glorious
  Cool hero of Bourbon!
  The wizard thundered furiously
  The planes were flying with a roar!
  But to win is our destiny,
  May the Prussian pilots be in glory!
  Like a waterfall of blood
  For all good, honor is more important!
  Holy pure love
  For the cause of truth there will be revenge!
  Here is the Motherland, fields, haystacks,
  Barefoot girls with sickles!
  You are dear to me with all my heart,
  We did not dream of peace!
  Swearing is a given forever
  The earth is free - further space!
  Universe eternal shore,
  We collect stars in a bag!
  Beautiful and even in a magnificent performance, the song was suddenly interrupted by the angry voice of Madeleine:
  - British checkpoint ahead. Get ready to hit!
  Gerda threw the projectile with a careless movement and made her fingers fan:
  - Well, let's figure it out ... In the style of the SS!
  Charlotte sang:
  - A chop, like a forest, to eat in the oven of an SS soldier!
  Fruda grimaced so terribly, as if she were a two-headed werewolf and put on her torso, her second infernal essence:
  - No fiery, you do not know how to compose!
  The British checkpoint was well equipped and even on the lookout, there was a "Matilda". However, the she-wolves only laughed at such precautions. Gerda savagely, but at the same time screwing up her caricature, remarked:
  - That's how always the dish is ripe ...
  An order followed, and machine gun bursts immediately covered the guards, and a well-aimed shot knocked down a machine gun tower before return shots were fired. Immediately, screams and humiliated requests for surrender were heard. In fact, there was no battle ... Even the Matilda did not have to be shredded, it was simply captured without any ceremony. Charlotte, who had barely managed to cut off two Negroes in a short burst, said:
  - Well, to be honest .... I win all without exception!
  However, Fruda did not want to support the playful tone of the red-haired she-wolf:
  - We didn't hit an ace, it's a maximum of a six!
  Charlotte twisted her snout.
  - The chicken pecks grain by grain, the machine shoots at the bullet, the music plays according to the notes, and only the imagination captures everything at once!
  Gerda approved, fiery partner:
  - And what a beautiful thing to say! That's just where the prisoners are in the afternoon!
  Charlotte waved it off casually.
  - Can't you hear the trucks coming after us!
  Gerda, with extraordinary dexterity, tossing up her girlish barefoot projectile, said delightedly:
  - Well, what then, and we will refuel on the go!
  The column of tanks and escort vehicles that had caught up with them continued to move. There was still a lot to do while the enemy was in a panic and scatter from the crushing blows of the Wehrmacht.
  . CHAPTER #16
  The hero boy is already in Greece, he is cheerful and even quasar from running and moving. After all, he's a cartoon. And Greece is warm and generally charming. So many different temples to gods and goddesses.
  And you can really enjoy the architecture. And some woman to take and press against a tree, and process. So that she shook with orgasms.
  And it's just trivially chic. And let's just say - great!
  And at the same time you can continue writing with huge speed.
  Toward noon, the tanks, moving under their own power, were already approaching the outskirts of Alexandria. On the way, however, there were some incidents, two tanks stood up, the engines died out. The girls, however, quickly repaired them and, in order not to waste time, refueled their cars. Gerda said:
  - You see, even the technique does not stand up!
  Charlotte replied:
  - Technique is created by people, and creation cannot be stronger than the creator!
  Gerda sarcastically inserted:
  - Now you have confirmed that you also believe in the Almighty!
  Charlotte giggled in response.
  - Well, yes! Of course I do! Someone must give peace to Germany. Only after all, in God patronizing your great Motherland - this is one thing! And in the biblical Jewish god, this is completely different! This is the essence of the doctrine, according to Nazism: what to believe - in what is reasonable!
  Gerda smiled and agreed:
  - To believe in the God of your Motherland... Of course, this is much more reasonable than sniffing the Jewish, intellectual garbage!
  Fruda, who, along with everyone else, refueled the tanks, remarked:
  - But it's strange! Hitler said that the Jews destroyed spirituality and introduced materialism and atheism into the world. But on the other hand, it is the Jews who are the authors of monotheism. So it's like a double-edged sword...
  Charlotte suggested:
  - And Christianity also came from the Jews! Fu... Well done Nietzsche exposed this infection. He created a correct and rational doctrine, without fairy tales and illusions. A person should rely on his own strength, and not rely on ...
  Gerda interrupted here:
  - Well, of course, I never said that Jesus would fight for us, and even more so that we need to rely on prayer. In addition, did Gerda cowardly in battle or refused to shoot. Who can reproach me?
  Charlotte patted her friend on the strong, though graceful, shoulder.
  - Nobody ever! You are a brave girl!
  Fruda suddenly interjected sarcastically:
  - And, alas, just a girl!
  Gerda frowned.
  - What do you mean by that?
  Fruda, pouting, said:
  - Even having killed a thousand enemies, you will not bring more benefit to the Motherland than having given birth to one, but rather many descendants!
  Gerda readily agreed, after all:
  - It will be! The English are weak and I hope we can still take London before winter!
  Charlotte here was already not optimistic enough:
  - How to say. It will be necessary to destroy a huge, the world's first fleet. Although our submarines have already made a fair amount of breaches, burning the tip of the lion's tail.
  Frouda sang:
  - In a fight, cowardice is nonsense - we will put bruises on everyone! You can live without a tail, but try without brains! Head, head - a smart head, but to a reasonable head, and even skill!
  Gerda smiled very sweetly at this:
  - It's a beautiful song! And witty! Did you write it yourself?
  Fruda suddenly showed frankness here:
  - No, it's Russian folk! Do you know Russian!
  Gerda and Charlotte said in unison:
  - Of course we do! This is one of the most important potential enemies of the Third Reich, and we may still have to fight with him!
  Fruda then asked:
  - Well, do you know Russian folklore?
  Gerda, somewhat embarrassed, answered:
  - I know a little ... For example, a fairy tale - "Masha and the Bear." I like her because Masha, as it were, symbolizes cunning Germany, and the bear, ingenuous Russia.
  Charlotte whistled.
  - Why do we seem to be going to the USSR! However, the Russians, despite the abundance of their own land, have always coveted foreign territories. Let us recall the campaign of Prince Oleg against Constantinople or Svyatoslav, who conquered no less than Alexander the Great.
  Gerda added:
  - So are the Macedonians, also Slavs ...
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - You forgot what we were taught: the Macedonians are the Aryan part of the ancient Greeks.
  Charlotte here and very weighty objected:
  - The Fuhrer himself in his last speech, when he sent a message of congratulations, said the capture of Tolbuk ! Our exploits, the exploits of the Wehrmacht army, will undoubtedly overshadow the campaigns of Alexander the Slav and Napoleon the Corsican! And the Fuhrer, as you know, is not mistaken!
  Fruda also remarked:
  - So I think there will be no war with Russia this year. More and more divisions of the Wehrmacht and the SS are arriving in Africa, which means that there are fewer forces left for the war with the USSR. Therefore, if a blow in the east follows, then after the surrender of Britain!
  Charlotte had an idea:
  - Nevertheless, the Fuhrer refused to attack in vain this year! Now it will be difficult for him to take the Russians by surprise. Perhaps Stalin just hoped that Hitler, without finishing with Britain, would not climb on him!
  Gerda, however, disagreed here:
  - A wise politician must always keep the gunpowder dry, and the army in a state of full combat readiness! This is an axiom of any war and reasonable political strategy. So the Soviet troops, which is quite reasonable to assume, just took up positions on the defensive and are waiting for us.
  Fruda, with the air of a great strategist, added:
  - The USSR has tanks in terms of armor no worse than the Matildas and Cromwells, but with a more powerful gun. So we need to build up our armored muscles ourselves and only then strike. So that Hitler, as always and almost everywhere, is right!
  Having refueled and repaired the tanks, the she-wolf continued on their way. The average speed of the cars did not exceed thirty-five kilometers per hour, despite the acceleration of the engines, although the column entered the highway. However, the Cromwells could have been faster, but the Matildas slowed down. And the sun inexorably crawled to the zenith. However, in ten hours plus refueling time, they managed to cover most of the distance. Yet Alexandria is not so far from the Libyan border.
  German planes flew over the girls several times, but the column did not fall under its own fire, it seems that Rommel debugged the interaction of troops and communications well. A dozen Xe-123 biplanes appeared in the sky.
  Gerda (she stuck her head out of the tower and she was driving, otherwise being in a red-hot tank was torture) answered with surprise:
  - Oh, and these old men are here?
  Charlotte pointed her finger to the sky and replied:
  - You know biplanes, two parallel wings create more aerodynamic drag, but they hover better, and they have lower speed when diving. That is, as an attack aircraft, if there are no fighters nearby, then they are very effective. Well, after the defeat of Malta and a series of our strikes, the British have nothing to cover the sky over Egypt. So the decision to use the Xe-123 , the last biplane aircraft, must be called rational and generally pragmatic, speaking of the Fuhrer's genius!
  Gerda remarked:
  - Blimey! All for the front, all for victory!
  Fruda noted:
  - However, how hot it is in the tank, it almost does not have ventilation. Something the Americans missed.
  Charlotte noted:
  - The Cromwells and Matildas still have ventilation, although not all of them, but here the tank is clearly not adapted to the desert. It's also amazing how his motors didn't jam.
  Fruda snorted contemptuously.
  - School of automotive engineering in the United States is the oldest. And of course the motors themselves are not bad, only there are five of them, not one.
  - But this increases the survivability of the tank in battle! Gerda noted. - Although the tank itself may be more difficult to assemble because of this.
  Charlotte noticed a plane over the line in the distance and whistled:
  - And what is this miracle?
  Gerda narrowed her eyes and said:
  - Spitfires , flying from east to west, three pieces ... Maybe it's even ours.
  Charlotte disagreed:
  - There may be ours, but ... You can recognize an English pilot by the manner in which the aircraft is flown. Here, take a closer look. It's typical British style! So that...
  Gerda touched the machine gun:
  - This is an assault caliber 13, 7. You can try to shoot down!
  Fruda replied:
  Why are you going to shoot? I have more experience!
  Charlotte growled in response.
  - Let Gerda burn better! He knocks down from the first shot and without any experience.
  The blonde terminator brushed her hair back and kissed the machine gun:
  - Cutie, don't let me down, please! Bay!
  The machine gun shoots ... And despite the high altitude, the Spitfire lights up, Gerda continues to fire, the second one burns, and the third one explodes. Babakh and a fiery lump flared up in the sky, or rather, even a small lump at such a distance.
  Charlotte whistled.
  - Virtuoso! And how did you do it?
  Gerda answered modestly:
  - " Spitfire " is a fighter, not an attack aircraft, it has rather weak protection from below. If you hit it right, the machine gun will pierce the gas tank.
  Fruda added:
  - In this model, by the way, the engine is too combustible, fire hazardous. It's not hard to burn! So the main thing is to hit, exactly in the fuselage with a rather weak belly. No miracle, solid mathematics and calculation!
  Charlotte, despite this, added:
  - All the same Gerda well done.
  Madeleine's angry voice came over the radio.
  - How dare you shoot without a command! It's good that the British were actually sitting there. And if they were ours on captured planes, or even more so, wolf girls. You saw how part of my company got on captured winged horses!
  Gerda half-jokingly replied:
  - I always smell our hearts! And whoever is a stranger is not mine!
  Charlotte boldly added:
  - And how many could these three of our guys bring down? Have you thought about it?
  Madeleine replied angrily:
  - When there is a pause in the battles, you will answer for insolence! Until then, fight if you can! And I see you can!
  The landscape around did not shine with diversity, the desert, dunes, a couple of already abandoned checkpoints. There was also an Arab village. There was an English truck, four motorcycles with a sidecar. They were finished off in five seconds, you can"t even call it a skirmish, it"s just a massacre.
  Only closer to the outskirts of Alexandria did they finally meet a checkpoint that had not yet been abandoned, and even a semblance of two pillboxes. One of them seems to be even marble and five guns.
  Charlotte licked her scarlet lips rapaciously.
  - Here, at last, we have serious work! And then we just pick cherries! Not a war, but a carnival - no matter how the devil breaks it!
  Gerda joked kindly:
  - A vomit is usually either from happiness or from moonshine!
  Charlotte sarcastically, as the female ferret remarked:
  - And moonshine for overclocking, then wine to the end!
  However, even here the battle turned out to be short, one volley was enough to disable the guns, and machine guns mowed down three hundred and three infantry. Only one Englishman managed to throw a grenade. The fragments hit the armor of the Cromwell , and one ripped the Negro, his pants, tearing off his dignity. The wolf girls laughed together, and Charlotte quipped:
  - This is how we perform our selection function!
  Fruda added:
  - Castrating the inferior!
  Only Gerda felt sorry for the soldier. And in general, these guys were at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Here is the bunker, when the shells hit it, warped like an old shoe during drying. The walls have split into wide cracks, for which you want to catch on and drown in them. And it's terrible. Or the grimaces of murdered guys, mostly young, even if they are predominantly colored. This was the result of God knows who started the war. Although yes, Britain declared war on Germany first and will pay for it. But only pawns die, and Churchill, most likely, will have time to escape on a boat somewhere in the jungle or the USA. And mothers will tear themselves over their sons. However, perhaps the time will come when people will not only not kill each other, but will overcome old age, and...
  Gerda asked Charlotte:
  - But we are smart, I read a lot of science fiction. Tell me, how can the dead be resurrected by the power of science?
  The red-haired she-devil sarcastically mocked:
  - And you already do not believe in the resurrection of Christ, who will come and resurrect all the dead?
  The blonde wolf was immediately found:
  Most of the prophecies in the Bible are pure allegory. Therefore, they say that Christ will resurrect, but in reality people will resurrect their brothers and ancestors through reason, through Jesus. And what did the apostles say - the holy spirit preaches, in fact it is understood that I preach people driven by the Holy Spirit!
  Fruda giggled.
  - And what? Logically! You can interpret it that way!
  Charlotte yawned defiantly.
  - And what are we going to discuss fairy tales? Here comes the new fight...
  Gerda pretended to be surprised:
  - Don't you want to know what awaits you after death? Or are you satisfied with stupid nothingness?
  The fiery warrior perked up:
  - And since you put the question that way, then yes, life after death is also very interesting to me. It's okay to talk about it though...
  Fruda interrupted:
  - And what though! The topic is interesting. For example, many, including the brave officers of the Wehrmacht, believed that by starting a war with the allies, the Fuhrer started a hopeless business. The enemy has a powerful line of defense, numerous colonies and resources. And we do not have many raw materials, so necessary for the war. Yes, the enemy has much more equipment than ours!
  Gerda quickly added:
  - Yes, I myself saw that the Germans wept with grief when they learned that Britain had declared war on us. It was, how to say...
  Charlotte suggested:
  - Like a kind of quiet panic!
  Gerda nodded her head happily.
  - Exactly, just like that!
  Fruda continued with a sly smile:
  - So why don't we assume that if our great nation, led by the greatest genius of all times and peoples, was able to create what seemed impossible, then science will be able to rise to the occasion!
  Charlotte exclaimed at the top of her lungs:
  Yes, that's a brilliant idea! Well, I have some ideas about this!
  Fruda pretended to be surprised:
  - Is it really there? And I'm so naive, you see, I didn't know!
  Charlotte missed this hairpin, deaf ears began to explain:
  - Firstly, it is quite possible, as many science fiction writers, starting with Mark Twain, and even earlier, time travel described it. In this case, you can take a person from the past at the moment when he dies and take him to the future.
  Gerda sighed.
  - It sounds nice, but if the corpse is not found, then it will cause great, no, just huge suspicions, especially if it is done en masse.
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - No, in this case, everything can be done very cleanly, namely, to leave instead of a person who was killed and even died of old age or illness, a biomodel . After all, to reproduce a physical copy of a person is quite within the power of the science of the future, and I believe not too distant!
  Fruda exclaimed with delight:
  - And what? This is logical! All my dead friends did not actually die, but at the moment of death they were transferred to the future. And now they are enjoying the world, or rather the universe, where the Third Reich is a mega-universal empire!
  Gerda deliberately grimaced.
  - Oh well! Do you think it is possible to transfer a living person, at the time of death, so imperceptibly to others?
  - Why not! Charlotte exclaimed. "There is an art to disguise. And in the distant future, it will be brought to perfection. So movements in space that are imperceptible to us are quite possible!
  Fruda even added:
  - And to suggest otherwise was simply the complete absence of dialectical thinking. That is, only a rotten conservative can think otherwise!
  Gerda did not let up:
  - And if he is a man who died of illness or old age?
  Charlotte put her finger to her lips and slyly whispered:
  - Well no! That's just the point, he didn't die! No one, in any case, from worthy people in general does not die for a moment. We true Aryans are essentially immortal and live even in the event of death. Which in fact is not! Well, to rejuvenate or cure any, even the most hopeless disease for the science of the future, especially the Aryan science, is a trifling, elementary matter! That is, no one will ever see death!
  Gerda giggled nervously.
  - Well, yes, and our bodies will not even be protein!
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - Certainly not protein! After all, protein is the most unstable element in nature. Why would a perfect Aryan consist of protein.
  Gerda smiled mockingly.
  - And what does a true Aryan consist of, if not protein. Maybe from steel, there is no even better than titanium, but it"s not clear how to bend the limbs in this case.
  Fruda suggested:
  - Maybe it will be liquid titanium, or some kind of liquid crystal structure?
  Charlotte shook her head vigorously.
  - Well no! I think it will be different. Do you know what plasma is?
  Fruda, ahead of Gerda, almost yelled:
  - Yes, plasma is different; there is blood plasma, and there is the plasma that is formed inside the stars as a result of a thermonuclear reaction.
  Charlotte's face took on the look of a know-it-all:
  - Well! But imagine a superplasma , or rather such a substance of which I came up with the original name: princeps-plasma! And with its help, you can acquire such wonderful properties of the body ... Not even fabulous, but hyper-fabulous !
  Gerda asked:
  - And why is the name such a princeps-plasma?
  Charlotte readily explained:
  - Because the princeps in Latin means the first or chief! There was even the concept of principate. And such a substance is capable of such things... For example, it can change its size and extract more energy from one atom than a thousand metagalaxies with all the stars and planets. Or even worse...
  The arguments, moreover, very amusing, were interrupted by the formidable hail of Madeleine:
  - Enemies ahead! Now there's a real fight!
  The girls, carried away by a conversation that was amazing to any imagination, did not notice how they ended up in Alexandria, at that time the largest city in Egypt and its capital (Cairo is still on the sidelines!). The city itself, with an abundance of ancient buildings and monuments of all kinds, some so blatant that one wonders why puritanical Arabs had not destroyed them, was marvelous. But the girls had no time for admiring this time. And in front of them, in fact, there were enemies, and in large numbers. Equipment of all kinds, tanks, self-propelled guns, trucks, an abundance of infantry. But it is clear that the British and their numerous colonial troops are frightened. It was just pure panic . In places, fires were already blazing in the city and torn corpses, charred and riddled with bullets, were lying around. It was clear that oatmeal lovers were ready to drape even to the moon in order to get rid of the most severe pressure of the German troops. But here the enemy is already nearby, in particular attack aircraft, Yu-87 and Xe-123, bombers Yu-88, and Do-217 threshed without interruption. English planes were not even visible.
  Thousands of British soldiers and hundreds of trucks, dozens of tanks looked like a rabble, or a frightened gypsy camp pursued by ruthless inquisitors. Although the "gypsies" somehow have too much metal. But the hustle and bustle is beyond measure.
  Madeleine ordered:
  - Even closer! Let's hit it hard. First of all, you need to take out the tanks, they are the only ones who can still scratch. Machine guns will go for infantry and trucks!
  Gerda suddenly felt how strongly her heart was beating. The moment of the great harvest is approaching, when, at last...
  - Fire! - Madeleine roars (what a bad habit, yelling like that, you need a skilled commander to teach his subordinates to obey without shouting).
  It is impossible to miss from a short distance, a volley rumbles, the stern and boron armor of the British tanks bursts like oil bubbles!
  Charlotte screams:
  - That's how we gave them!
  And so it began... The British and their mercenaries were indeed in a state of extreme panic, in its wildest expression. Some of the soldiers ran away, and many even opened random fire, hitting each other! Here is one and the blacks began to brandish a broadsword, chopping the closest partners. And then, in ecstasy, like a hack, he hits his own leg! This is truly a horror movie. Brr ... Some quite recently, such brave and tough fighters of Britain, out of fear, blood came out of their mouths, and even without hits from the Germans.
  Well, the girls, of course, did not waste time. They fired furiously, literally flooding everything with lead. Gerda hit with two machine guns at once and saw how beveled ranks lay down under her blows. Moreover, the comparison with sickle blows is too weak, here, taking into account the aggressive work of the other girls, there was a robot of thousands of forage harvesters. If anyone wanted to bring even the most elementary order here, he could not! I just couldn't, because something like that in such chaos was impossible! And the girls smashed, releasing shells at the highest possible speed, they served them and passed them quickly, so they were accustomed to everything. And then from the top again "Stukas" (nicknamed Yu-87 by the lappeters on the Soviet front). At the same time, there is also the deafening howl of sirens, and the music of Wagner. All this makes an impression on oatmealers. And the terminator girls can only shoot and exterminate as quickly as possible. Harvest and try not to be late to pick sweets from the table. When fired from tanks, fragmentation shells are impressive. But when machine guns of large calibers are beating, tearing soldiers apart, it hits the brain doubly.
  Numerous, but small bombs are also falling from above. In the USSR they were nicknamed "Christmas eggs". They showed great effectiveness in strikes against airfields, damaging many aircraft at once and covering them with a shroud of annihilation.
  But in this world there is no war with the USSR, and already England needs to experience the diabolical invention of German science. Experience extreme hardship. Under these conditions, you can no longer give up, but you can only bend.
  Gerda saw how the hellish haircut was going on, how lines of people stunned with fear lay down under her blows like skittles. And Charlotte, shooting, turns the levers with her bare feet, pressing on them and forcing the tank to move and mercilessly crush this rabble. Bones crunched under the tracks, guts even began to wrap around the rollers. Here even the ruthless Froude warned:
  - Don't push them like that, the caterpillar will jam!
  Charlotte grunted in response:
  - Come on, I'm intelligent with them!
  Gerda, in turn, suddenly felt, despite the role of a ruthless executioner, such a spiritual uplift that she even began to sing;
  No, I can't treat everyone equally,
  We rushed to the steep banks!
  Bright in the colors of unfading waves,
  The Gulf Stream rushes from the desert to the snows!
  The night stars sparkle in the sky,
  It seems as if the dense forest suddenly waved!
  I feel the wonderful breath of summer and May,
  God Almighty in the selfless soul has risen!
  Here we walked along the alleys of Cologne,
  Inspirational speech flowed generously!
  And I caught myself in that not at will,
  That I felt an animal, stormy passion!
  Games of the majestic mighty kings,
  We were led to a holy, cruel battle!
  People are full of dense delusion,
  Frighten them and calmly souls and torment!
  Evil Judas ended up as an aspen,
  They drove the seksot lower than the graves into hell!
  We attack as a team,
  I believe that the truth is behind us, and we will win!
  How many girlfriends and friends fell in the section,
  Wezelvul himself guards the throne of hell!
  And without a father, the poor child is toiling,
  But all the warriors gained glory, honor!
  But our last berth is too far away
  Each of us swore an oath with faith in the Creator!
  And not to pay heavy tribute to our Motherland,
  The blazing heat will not walk through the villages!
  That's how sometimes it turns out so pretentiously,
  The world is not a fairy tale, but miracles still live!
  But it won't be a little hobbit to rescue you,
  And Jesus the Most High God's hand!
  Only to that He will stretch his right hand,
  Who could not defile the soul with cowardice!
  Who defended the peace of the fatherland, dear spans,
  Who did not allow the friendly army to break in a fight!
  That's for whom and honor - respect,
  Although we had to suffer a lot of girls!
  I ask the Fatherland for low forgiveness,
  And kiss the happy, kind mother!
  Gerda sang and fired, drops of sweat dripped onto the glued iron of the machine gun, it looks like the girls have already exterminated more than one thousand. There was never a smell of organized resistance, but now either flight or thumping on their knees began with the throwing out of a white flag. Now detachments of paratroopers with armbands with a swastika appeared from the sides. Charlotte exclaimed:
  - Our troops in the city! Alexandria is ours!
  . CHAPTER 17
  Konan-Pavlik was very tired from running and fell asleep again, having eaten part of the boar that he carried behind his back.
  And I must say it is very tasty.
  And in a dream you can look at the beautiful girls who fight so famously.
  The girls didn't stand still. They drove the frightened Englishmen who had lost their human appearance, urging them on with blows from butts. Madeleine, apparently in order to bring joy to the warriors and show absolute power, ordered:
  - Choose a prisoner and let them kiss each of your legs three times.
  Giggling merrily, the she-wolves did just that. Gerda thrust her bare foot, dusted with engine oil and desert sand, under the nose of the captive fair-haired guy. The young man blushed, but did not argue, especially since the girl in a bikini was simply unimaginably beautiful. But the first kiss was too timid and Gerda shouted angrily:
  - Hey, don't cheat! Press your lips tighter.
  The girl's legs were crushed by the smell of the tank, and after a savory kiss, the sand creaked on the young man's teeth, and his almost hairless face reddened from humiliation.
  Gerda, looking at him, suddenly felt a desire and that in the lower abdomen and between her legs coals seemed to inflate, which was excruciatingly painful and at the same time, painfully pleasant.
  Other warriors' eyes were so burning, and excitement and desire for male affection were read in their eyes. Charlotte grabbed her captive Arab by the hair and forced him to kiss her abs.
  Madeleine, whose feet were also kissed, shouted menacingly to the warriors:
  - Don't even think about it! True Aryans should not copulate with individuals of an inferior race! So the order is: kick the slaves in the face!
  The she-wolves reflexively, though not with full force, hit their slaves, although at the same time, some of them still lost consciousness. Gerda didn't seem fatal, but hit her shin in the temple. The guy passed out, dead, after which the blonde terminator began to slap him on the cheek, and then with a jerk, kissed the guy on the lips. He immediately came to his senses. Gerda whispered to him:
  - And I love you, tell me your name so that I can find you after the war?
  The youth whispered:
  - Dick Rakeshent of Ulster!
  Gerda was delighted:
  - Rakeshent rare surname, I'll find you!
  Having finished with the garbage, the indefatigable girls flashed again, barefoot, having suffered in the desert. After that, they left to fill the tanks and clean the filters, individual key parts, testing them for strength. As soon as the prisoners were built by other units that came up, and the oil was changed in the tanks and refueled again to the eyeballs, they moved east. And it was almost night. This is not too dark, summer ....
  Charlotte philosophically remarked:
  - Day follows night, only defeats will never change, a series of victories of the Third Reich. Before the Suet Canal, we must not meet any serious enemy defensive lines!
  Frouda was not so optimistic:
  - I don't think, silly, that everything is so simple! Yes, Egypt is already ours, but then we will have to enter Palestine in order to reach Iraq, and this ...
  Gerda interrupted her:
  - I wanted to admire the Egyptian pyramids! After all, only they, and the Chinese wall, the wonders of the world that have survived to this day!
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - We're going too close to the Mediterranean coast. And to see the pyramids, you need to move a little to the south. And there is no time to lose, it is urgent to block the Suet Canal. It has a very important strategic value!
  Gerda said with annoyance:
  - I do not need to explain its strategic importance, it is clear how it cuts off the path to Africa.
  Fruda immediately noted:
  - When we pass the Sinai Peninsula, we may encounter serious resistance. And Palestine has many Jewish settlements, and some of them have fortifications, a kind of small, residential forts!
  Charlotte giggled.
  - Exactly! The fight against Zionism is entering a decisive stage. Here no one will reproach the Fuhrer for inaction. And even more so for us.
  Gerda said with concern:
  - Jewish settlements can seriously slow down our advance to the East. Although...
  Charlotte interrupted:
  - Are Jews born warriors? Rather, their vocation is to trade, speculate and play on the stock exchange! That's whose nation is the true embodiment of warriors and warriors by birthright - it's German!
  Fruda here bared her horse's teeth and agreed:
  - Of course, if a Jew is born with a wallet, then a German with a rifle!
  Gerda elaborated:
  - Born boys can always be recognized by what they are drawn to: a Jew for money, a German for weapons, a Russian ... I don"t know directly!
  Charlotte mockingly shouted:
  - Yes, to the pillow, what else! Terribly lazy people!
  Gerda disagreed:
  - No, Russian women worked in our field and were very hardworking. I remember this when I was still a girl. Interestingly, their women are hardened, they want to be barefoot in the snow in winter and at the same time smile and sing songs! By the way, we did it in the elite camp, but these " Slav girls " never put on shoes at all, and slept in an unheated barn!
  Charlotte frowned.
  - Yah! Then the main threat to our conquests comes from Russia! They are a dangerous nation that can...
  Frouda interrupted:
  - Every nation is dangerous if you yourself are weak... And the Russians. They have rather formidable KV-2 and T-34 tanks, which they demonstrated to our representatives at the May Day parade in Moscow. The KV tank impresses with its size and huge gun. The T-34 tank does not look so formidable, but its gun is still of a larger caliber than our tanks. So there might be technical issues...
  Charlotte was outraged.
  - Nothing to do compliments Russian! We will still win. The British have more troops in Africa and much more powerful tanks, but nevertheless they are pouring in like sheaves of wheat! So let's close this topic!
  Fruda easily agreed:
  - Of course, we will close it, and when Russia attacks us, we will beat, not talk!
  Here the girls had to be distracted. A fresh column of British troops moved ahead, tanks and many trucks. Well, what to stand on ceremony with them, especially since the tanks were light, with flat turrets, although the advantage of the inclined arrangement of the armor was demonstrated even on the first Maccabees.
  Charlotte whistled.
  - We will force the bills to pay - we will promote the culture of the Wehrmacht! And maybe to the Egyptian sands, we will include other lands in the Reich!
  True, Alexandria was located in the delta, and there were not sands, but a real plant paradise. It is even surprising how abruptly the desert ended, and the densest cover of shrubs, grass and trees of the most diverse types began!
  The heyday was already approaching, and despite the headlights turned off, the enemy cars are very clearly visible ... But they no longer look scary at all, but rather evoke an association with a delicious barbecue, which you want to swallow whole with your girlish mouth.
  Fruda licked her lips.
  - How strange, now I don"t feel a drop, not even a photon , fear ...
  Gerda replied:
  - This is quite natural - victories make us more courageous and stronger!
  They had already almost approached the dense, as Madeleine's tough command followed:
  - Fire!
  Although the first hit was one hundred percent, the British did not immediately panic this time. Moreover, in this column there were much fewer blacks and Arabs. The tankettes tried to answer, but they were only able to do so after the second salvo. A few dozen small shells spat out of short muzzles, but the number of hits was minimal. However, the tank, where the cheerful trinity was riding, was a little unlucky, a 47-mm projectile hit the turret, which made the armor ring.
  Gerda growled:
  - This is a hotel!
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - Yes, not from satisfying!
  However, the enthusiasm is not enough - it turned out to be not resistant! They chirped a little, and immediately into the bushes ... More precisely, they hung their muzzles. But only, however, after the fourth volley. Feeding the projectile, Gerda dropped:
  - And load the guns again, the devil himself is not happy with you! I am a knight not a pirate!
  However, they simply shot down one of the Matildas with a blow from a massive hull. Charlotte put it:
  - Come on, let's go to the ring! The pawn moves, crushes, beats everyone, with a wild maneuver in queens!
  A dozen miraculously surviving tankettes unsuccessfully tried to leave, but they were also stolen, but there were machine guns on trucks and motorcycles. Yes, how they beat, that the trunks were already smoking. And the trucks exploded every now and then, or gave a goat ...
  Fruda noted:
  - This is a fight, this is a fight - the Third Reich against Brigs - one hundred - zero!
  Charlotte clenched her fists and sang:
  There is no reason for the Nazis to doubt themselves! Cool blow, desperate guys! Tanks are driven by real men - this is death hockey, this is death hockey!
  Here, the girls from acceleration on their 50-ton monster shot down three trucks at once, forcing them to shrink like an accordion. Some British tried to throw grenades, but they only bounced off the armor and hit with shrapnel. In general, during 1941, there were no effective anti-tank grenades, cumulative of course. And how will a grenade break through, especially the frontal armor of a tank? So, the "Tigers" and "Panthers", which were knocked out by dozens with the help of conventional grenades, and even in 1941! It is a myth! Fairy tale!
  But Gerda suddenly starts to sing, and shooting even more deadly:
  The tank is powerful and thick armor,
  A beast with a wild grin rushes to the Fatherland!
  The dark force is attacking me
  And the heart burns shrugged and melts the ice!
  It turned out, so they climbed into the desert,
  Bare sand burns girls' feet!
  The enemy is cunning like a cunning, red fox,
  The muzzle breathes a vile stench to my temple!
  Well, why did this Africa surrender to me?
  Climbing into the head of a crazy girl thought!
  Yes, I'm not attracted to evil power,
  Though duty dictates: fight and fight!
  Here is Sahara and teeth on edge,
  Drink hunting, there is not a drop of water!
  We are barefoot women, girls in the sands,
  Because the sun melts boots!
  And across the sky " Harikmer " creepy darkness,
  Here "Lancaster" unloaded the deadly cargo!
  Satan rules the ball on this field,
  Though the Almighty is our Father and Master!
  The bomb is falling, there's an explosion
  Up splinters, sharp shot up!
  Have pity on the Creator of my children,
  Make the mothers come back!
  Here is a friend who died from a wound,
  My friend is bleeding!
  Where is this angels broom,
  What will cleanse the Earth from conflagrations!
  We do not need people to believe the fields of strangers,
  Motherland in the hearts is the most precious thing!
  To live under a peaceful sky, do not grieve,
  In this, Jesus Christmas time will help!
  But while I was buried with a wound in the sand,
  I let the adversary come closer!
  What should I not be in the underworld in evil anguish,
  I'm throwing a grenade at a powerful tank!
  Yes, of course it is not easy to break through the armor,
  But the wheels of the bastard were killed!
  And Christ, that there is no more merciful I pray,
  For sure we win!
  Let it be seen to bleed
  I won't surrender, there's no such step!
  Because we are the Motherland's army,
  And I will not fall under the occupier!
  Here's a little more, even though the wounds burn,
  Self-propelled gun formidable knocked out!
  The English are running miserable,
  And warped, I see the snout!
  Close, I feel the end
  You can see the children grieve without a mother!
  Growing up, be every good fellow,
  Become worthy of you Great glory!
  Despite the sad end of the song, the evil fate awaited precisely the English soldiers, a couple of regiments of which were either destroyed or turned into a wholesale flight, and most of the cowards acted stupidly - leaving the equipment.
  The wolf girls started chasing them. Charlotte roared:
  - No, you will not be spared! You a loop for the eyelids bastards!
  Fruda supported her:
  - Not a second of delay! We will make you suffer!
  Only Gerda was more peaceful:
  - Well, why are you so? We need to be more humane to people!
  Charlotte retorted:
  - Why are you careless, sharpen the maiden's eyes better! After all, a man is inhuman to donkeys sometimes!
  Fruda added:
  - And donkeys to people too! You know what we call the English - nedolvyata ! Here is the concept of a subhuman, but there is also an underdog !
  Charlotte chuckled through her wolf teeth.
  - Of course, but there is no significant difference between them!
  The limit in the extermination of the fleeing infantry could only be put by the stock of cartridges for machine guns, although it was not small! But perhaps there were more battles ahead and the she-wolves preferred to simply crush with caterpillars. True, a couple of tanks paid for this, damaging the tracks on a bunch of grenades, some of the British from the landing turned out to be not so cowardly suckers. This slightly overshadowed the victory, although none of the girls were killed or injured. Madeleine decided not to waste time and ordered to move on, and the remaining wolf girls, if the repair did not take too long, to catch up, guided by the radio beacon.
  After that, the cars crawled to the east. The speed decreased somewhat, as the highway turned out to be unfinished. The sun rose higher and higher into the sky, and with it the heat grew.
  Charlotte remarked sadly:
  - The sun rises - there is no joy! I wonder if there is a place on Earth where the temperature is always pleasant for the body?
  Gerda replied to this:
  - Not on Earth, but in Eden there is!
  Charlotte giggled.
  - And you say Eden? And what is it?
  Gerda calmly replied:
  - A place where a bad girl like you definitely won't go!
  Fruda hastened to reassure them:
  - You don't have to get so worked up. Wolves live in packs and don't bite...
  The girls fell silent, it became more and more hot, and the enemies no longer came across. But it is impossible to fall asleep until there is an order, although he has been on his feet for the third day.
  While the girls were tormented by another by no means such a pleasant type, the already slightly forgotten Colonel Dess was also going through hard times. In general, what happened to him was what should have happened, according to the laws of the genre with the villain. The Arabs still managed to give him dope, and he, along with Hans, woke up bound and gagged.
  Then began ... ordinary. The Bedouins did not torture them, burn them with fire or drive needles under their nails, but being bound in the desert itself is a serious and painful torture. They fed the prisoners poorly, a small dry cake a day, and they also gave insufficient water for the Sahara. However, they were in no hurry to kill the prisoners. After a week of stupid captivity, finally the chief leader of the nomads deigned to personally approach Dess and ordered in bad English:
  - Untie him!
  Dess 's hands were completely numb, he couldn't feel them. The last week had been hell for him, in its extreme form. And the last dream is completely terrifying, when large, prickly rats literally gnawed at the flesh. And after them I had to swim in feces and worms ...
  So when they untied him, the colonel suddenly squeezed out of himself:
  Thanks Sheikh!
  The leader of the tribe asked, shamelessly clumsy words:
  - Are you a rich German, from the princes?
   Dess automatically replied:
  - I am a colonel, my father is a simple butcher.
  The leader smiled, several teeth were missing in his mouth, which made the thick Arab look like a boxer. He jabbed a finger at the SS Colonel in the chest.
  - You have a reward cross! You are a valuable and powerful warrior. Will your command pay a ransom for you?
  Here Dess shuddered ... salvation and does not smell! The fact is that Rommel announced that he would never pay a ransom for a captured soldier. And whoever dares to kidnap a German soldier will be destroyed along with his family. So...
  The Colonel choked out:
  -Of course not!
  The leader grimaced.
  - Well, what? In the name of Allah, the Merciful, we will bury you in the desert. We'll bury them alive so as not to shed the blood of the captive. May the Almighty shorten your days in Hell!
   Dess immediately stammered:
  - Command will not pay you, but I can offer something valuable myself ...
  The leader stretched out his thick neck:
  - What do you have, something.
  The Colonel nodded his head vigorously.
  - Of course, O radiant descendant of the prophet. You will become the richest sheikh on earth and in all...
  The head of the Bedouins interrupted, and switched to French, which was already much better than broken English:
  - And why should I believe that you have money if your father is a simple butcher, that is, a commoner, and you Germans are paid a small salary?
   Dess quite persuasively explained:
  - We do not inherit the main wealth, but we earn it ourselves. Rather, we capture ourselves. After all, I looted so much military booty in the countries of Europe ... And of course, having no small rank, I managed to secure a full moneybox for myself.
  The leader took off her turban and scratched the top of her head and said:
  - Give me wisdom, Allah, the Almighty and Merciful! - Then saying - Allah Akbar! - Having bowed several times in the direction where, in his opinion, Mecca should be, he said insinuatingly:
  - Well, what's wrong... You convinced me. Write to your relatives that I am demanding a ransom for you. - Then the head of the Bedouin thought and began to count something on his fingers. Then he continued. - In the form of a hundred English pounds of gold. Or the amount of gold, the size of a horse's head!
   Dess whistled to himself, well, ambitions, but verbally stated:
  - Which is perfectly acceptable. Only I would like my beloved servant Hans to receive freedom along with me.
  The leader waved his hand dismissively.
  - And he has his five more pounds of gold in the English standard measure of gold and he is yours!
   Dess pretended to be happy with this:
  - What am I grateful to you for the mercy shown in the name of Allah.
  The leader handed him a French-made ink pen.
  - Here you will write now, to whom you yourself know a letter asking for a ransom. - Here the head raised his tone. Well, what are you waiting for!
   Dess calmly, even lazily, explained:
  - Hands are numb! For a whole week he sat tied to a cart.
  The leader nodded in understanding.
  - Yes, I know after the ropes it's always like that. But merciful Allah, I think you will restore blood circulation!
  Dess had the courage to say:
  - A weak mind and Almighty God cannot make happy!
  The leader was surprised
  - Well, you're a philosopher. Why don't you accept Islam?
  The Colonel smiled wickedly and replied:
  - If it would be necessary for my career, then at least I became a Buddhist. And so why pray five times a day and suffer from hunger and thirst for the whole month of Ramadan!
  The chief in response chuckled thinly, and winked:
  - Here it is the pragmatism of the infidels. All thoughts are only about personal gain. And when Shaitan drags you into hell, where the demons will torture you. Then you will be ready to pray fifty times a day!
   Dess got bolder:
  - If Islam were the true religion, then Almighty Allah would always support the faithful. And in this case, Tunisia would never have become a miserable French colony. If you are right, then why do you obey the unbelievers?
  The leader spread his hands, dry black from sunburn and dirt:
  - We are all sinners, and perhaps Allah decided to send us trials for sins. However, you are also in our captivity and obey those who, in your opinion, are unfaithful. Yes, and a world where there are no wars, and all devout Muslims, is too boring. And therefore ... By the way, the boy Ali did not tell you the exact place of the treasure, did he?
  Colonel Dass barked in annoyance:
  - Yes, he cleverly deceived us, if I got caught by this bastard, I would have pulled off his skin!
  The leader smiled kindly.
  - And we've already skinned him. They were interrogated as expected, at first in a good way, they beat the boy with a whip on his bare heels. He didn't say anything. So I tried the light. We really tortured him with savings so that he would not lean back, but he got it well. He swears he doesn't know for sure. Now he is in bed after torture, but on the young one everything will heal like on a dog and, in a couple of weeks, he will start running again. I don"t even know how to break it further? Maybe he really doesn't know anything?
  Colonel Dass suggested:
  - And pour melted pork fat on it. Then he will tell you and he does not know him!
  - Fat pig! The leader chuckled. - Nuda for a faithful Muslim is a humiliation and fear beyond any imagination. - The leader suddenly became even more affectionate. - You know, we have several women, not wives, but natural slaves. Nobody considers them human... Do you want to spend the night with the most beautiful of them?
   Dess, exhausted by his long abstinence, immediately agreed:
  - Of course, not one man will refuse a good heifer!
  The sheikh shook his finger at this:
  - But for this you will give me more than gold, a few German-made submachine guns. I also need strength and reliable protection! After all, you yourself know that the world is in the power of Shaitan!
   Dess nodded fervently, feeling how gradually, through severe pain (the SS colonel was by no means a coward!), His stiff limbs begin to come to life:
  - At the moment there is no doubt about it! Although I'm sure if I see your gorgeous slave, I'll change my mind!
  . CHAPTER 18
  The boy-bogatyr woke up. Get out of the hay. He shook the blades of grass from his hair. And again headed towards Palestine. This time he will have to swim, swim across the Bosphorus, and move from Europe to Asia. And there is already not so far to Palestine.
  The boy swims in the warm sea, paddling with his arms and legs.
  And at the same time continues to compose;
  Toward evening, the overheated box of the pervach jammed and the tank on which the cheerful and mischievous trinity of girls rode. This, of course, was natural, such heat, poor ventilation and the heavy weight of the American tank. Madeleine did not allow others to slow down and ordered; repair quickly, and then catch up even faster.
  Fruda remarked quietly:
  - You can"t ride in top gear for so long, it"s also good that we lasted so many hours.
  Already turning around, Madeleine grunted:
  - And you will answer for it!
  The girls were left alone, the hot sand after the bath of the tank gave the bare, girlish feet more pleasure than pain. Gerda even remarked:
  - And I would rather run through the desert than soar in this coffin with a muzzle.
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - And me too!
  Supply trucks were moving at some distance from the tanks. One of them slowed down. A couple of male Marines in dusty camouflage and three-day-old stubble jumped out of the car and asked the she-wolves:
  - Can I help you?
  Fruda said with a sigh:
  - We need a mechanic ... - And then she suddenly added. - Preferably younger.
  In the truck just turned out to be such a young, still beardless (a great advantage in the desert, where you can"t shave properly!), With hair that had time to burn out in the sun. The infantryman, frowning, remarked:
  - This is a trainee from the school, I just don"t know if such a sucker will help you!
  Charlotte interrupted:
  - What do you think I'm old! On the contrary, the new generation is not so shackled by the prejudices of the old system of the bourgeois world!
  The infantrymen did not answer this, but simply returned to the truck, however, they did not go further. The young mechanic was wearing shorts and sandals on his bare feet, which made him look like a boy, although he was rather tall and slender. His gaze fell on the powerful Fruda, and when he touched Gerda the young man suddenly blushed. Such a beautiful and luxurious blonde, whose charms are barely covered by a bikini, is too much a temptation for a teenager, maybe even a virgin (although in the Third Reich, morality was by no means puritanical!). Fruda said in a low, masculine voice:
  - Well, for now, put the hose in the tank and fill us to the eyeballs. We are better at mechanics.
  The young man dared to answer:
  - Actually, I was an excellent student ... Or rather, and now I'm studying perfectly!
  Charlotte grimaced contemptuously.
  - What do you know about American technology? Can you fix the gearbox ?
  The boy firmly stated:
  - I already did it, with T-1, T-2, T-3, T-5 tanks, and even with Czech ones ... Although I"m not lying, only with German models!
  Fruda teased the guy:
  - Yes, you are a true patriot! Only here... Refuel while fuel.
  The young man did not argue, dearer to himself, especially about the company of beautiful she-wolves, fame was already thundering throughout the African corps. Even if they like to rape men. It was the last thing that scared the young mechanic least of all. He even wanted it, the heat only kindled the desire, and at his age, healthy guys have hormones!
  Charlotte, understanding everything, saddled her horse again:
  - Well, Jesus was a man with an obvious shift! He taught whoever looks at a woman with desire, he will go to hell! Isn't that a perversion?
  Gerda clearly objected:
  - Not! It's just an allegory! In fact, Christ undoubtedly loved women. And in general, I do not want to talk about religion at the moment. Let's better discuss what other options for resurrection from the dead can be, besides time travel!
  Charlotte growled.
  - Resurrection by the power of science?
  Gerda confirmed:
  - That's the power of science! In addition, how to say, maybe moving into the past is completely impossible. Well, let's say the laws of nature are such that even the most advanced science cannot bypass them!
  Charlotte frowned heavily.
  - Well, why do you think that it is not up to science. Here is time travel an old dream of people, like flying through the air. There was a fairy tale - it became a reality and now we fly faster than birds. So why can't we, having conquered the air element, curb the expanses of time! This is dialectic!
  Gerda replied:
  - That's why! What is the purpose of scientific discovery in the first place?
  - From the military! Fruda answered instead of Charlotte. - And with what else - they do it! As Hitler said: war is the natural state of man!
  Gerda happily confirmed:
  - That's it! And you imagine that, in principle, there is the possibility of time travel. Then any country or nation can descend into the past and destroy its opponent in the bud, while he still has a stone ax in his hands. And this, in turn, will affect the present. That is, it will turn out that having destroyed their opponent, the performers of this will destroy themselves in the future. After all, even the slightest clue in time can cause such an avalanche ...
  Charlotte interrupted the blonde philosopher.
  - Well, I read it! Butterfly effect that killed the dinosaurs! Well, or...
  Fruda added:
  - H. G. Wales drew attention to a similar problem: what happens if a hit man kills his grandfather. Also an interesting question!
  Charlotte said quite seriously, not forgetting to fiddle with the gearbox and even set to work on the transmission:
  I don't think this will be a problem!
  Fruda grimaced skeptically.
  - And why is that?
  The fire warrior quickly replied:
  - But because ... The whole world of the future, and not so far away, will be under the control of the Third Reich. So, all movements in time will be taken under the control of the SS. And unauthorized interference will no longer be possible. And our people, specialists of the highest class will make a replacement in such a way that no one will notice! Even devices will not fix the fluctuations of the ether. So don't scare us! The future will be dazzlingly bright, and the ideas of National Socialism will certainly win!
  Fruda scratched her chin.
  - And what? This is quite logical, because replacing a corpse with a bio -model will probably not lead to a curvature of space!
  Charlotte corrected:
  - Not even a corpse! I believe that none of the living on earth has ever died and will never die. Therefore, there is no death - at least for people.
  Gerda picked up the spanner with the fingers of her bare foot and deftly tossed it into her right hand and remarked:
  - And what is the point of us resurrecting the enemies of the Third Reich and physically and intellectually handicapped people?
  Charlotte chuckled.
  - If the science of the future is capable of moving through time and resurrecting the dead, then it is quite capable of healing the sick and correcting physical and mental defects! So don't think bad about yourself, and don't feel sorry for the guys you killed. In the world of a bright future, the executioner will approach his victim, gently hug and kiss. And everyone will be happy in the boundless universe, perhaps even creating universes themselves!
  Fruda shook her head, reddened by desert dust, angrily.
  - So you dreamed. But I'm not so optimistic about the possibility of progress. In particular, we cannot even cope with this lousy transmission and gearbox. Well, how will they radiate boundless optimism after that?
  Charlotte simply replied:
  - Silence!
  Gerda, on the contrary, said judiciously:
  - You know, when the very first planes in the world were made, skeptics also found that they claimed that, in principle, devices heavier than air could not take off. But time has shown that it was precisely those Germans who fought heroically for a seemingly hopeless cause that were right!
  Fruda, almost hysterically pulling the starter, disagreed:
  - Why hopeless! For example, there is a bird or a bat that is heavier than air and at the same time fly. But try to find in nature an analogue of the airship?
  Gerda picked up:
  - Or find a creature that would move in time. That's where my skepticism comes from. There is an analogue of an airplane in nature, but there is no time machine!
  Charlotte and here found an objection:
  - But my girl, the train is not copied from a hare, but a tank from a rhinoceros! (Gerda giggled at this analogy). But their speed did not suffer from this, but rather the opposite. So we don't imitate nature. Man himself is the arbiter of fate and the creator of his world.
  A young mechanic who had filled a full tank a long time ago entered into a conversation:
  - You talk so interestingly... Such wise topics. But tell me, does an immortal soul exist?
  - Yes! Gerda said quickly.
  - Not! - Instantly retorted Charlotte.
  Nobody knows for sure! - Summed up Frouda.
  The big boy nodded sadly.
  - That is, the alleged resurrection from the dead, is it just your dream and your own opinion?
  The red-haired she-devil said:
  - Everything in our world. Rather, any statement, someone's personal opinion. Only now the perversion of personality is not always for the benefit of the universe! And I don't mean sex...
  The young man blushed at the last words and lowered his eyes. And the fingers on the hands trembled finely, finely. Gerda felt sympathy for the guy:
  Are you looking for your first love? And where else to look for it if not in the war!
  The boy took a step towards her. Well, how de she is beautiful, even so, dusty, in engine oil. It even makes her sexier... Gerda, too, experiences love languor, and takes a reciprocal step. Here the young fresh lips come into contact with each other, bending in bending ...
  Frouda suddenly interrupts them:
  - No, that will not do! It is impossible for a she-wolf to have her first experience of love with a guy whose name she does not know, and met only an hour ago. It will be very much like an animal.
  The boy, blushing deeply, stepped back and his friend blurted out:
  - My name is Klaus!
  Fruda waved it off.
  - It's still not enough! Of course, I understand the war, and you can go to the next world as a virgin, but the first experience is always special. So I could work with you Klaus, relieve your stress, because much older than these beauties and you are far from my first!
  The young man shook his head negatively.
  - I also want my first time to be for love, not like a primitive animal during estrus.
  Fruda nodded to the boy, smiling.
  - Then come on, better help us fix this American caterpillar coffin.
  The young man set to work with enthusiasm. But things didn't move. It was already three hours, it was a deep summer night. Fruda gritted her teeth.
  - Hmm ! No luck, we seem to be here for a long time!
  The young man replied:
  - In the company of girls like you, time flies unnoticed and I want to stay forever, in this sweet bliss.
  Gerda and the guy during the repair tried to touch each other as often as possible. The young man even bared his torso, which turned out to be quite embossed, muscular in tiles, from which the trainee began to seem much more beautiful to the blonde wolf. Is that somewhat thin in bone, which made him not quite ideal, a representative of the younger generation by the measure of Aryan beauty. Blonde Gerda also lost weight while jogging, like the rest of the girls (except for Madeleine, who at least ran on an equal footing with everyone, but ate for five, and often on the go). However, the broad-boned Fruda also retained a massive physique, which was emphasized by her unfemininely powerful collarbones. Maybe that's why she did not like the hot young man, too masculine, despite the luxurious chest.
  Young lovers, however, touched carefully and supposedly by accident, but at the same time they did not go further. But Charlotte began to experience injections of jealousy. After all, she is also very beautiful, and perhaps even sexier, because the red color is much hotter than white. And why did this handsome young man fall for her. True, Charlotte was comforted by the thought that Gerda, being religious, would not want to lose her virginity before marriage, and young men are all so amorous. It's their physiology!
  Fruda also experienced pricks of jealousy, she wanted male affection, and the marines had already left. Well, don't rape the guy! Powerful she-wolf suggested:
  Let's have a little snack! And then the roof can go fuss with the mechanism of great torment.
  Gerda and Charlotte unanimously agreed:
  - That's right, because we are hungry!
  In the tank (Americans are economic people), canned food, both vegetable and meat, was stored in a special thermal box. The young man stood modestly on the sidelines until Fruda called out to him:
  - Well, why froze like an idol! And as thin as Koschey. Come eat with us, gain strength!
  The young man sat down and immediately clung to Gerda, and she clung to him. Charlotte from the pin:
  - And you know in Christianity, fornication is the most terrible sin!
  After these words, the couple pulled away from each other, as if from an electric shock. And Fruda laughed:
  - Here it is your first love! Don't be afraid of the dove... Just don't cross the line.
  Gerda said decisively:
  - Nothing serious before the wedding! And the wedding after the war!
  After these words, the young man grimaced so that one can even see a tear involuntarily run down his cheek.
  Charlotte suggested to Gerda:
  - Well, why did you send the guy away like that! It's better to sing! After all, you have the voice of the goddess Venus, and your boy will immediately regain his good mood!
  The blonde wolf sang without unnecessary arguments, putting her soul into each line:
  But what a strange feeling love
  In it, the cold of ice and the flame blazes at once!
  And you better not argue with passion,
  When she's rampant!
  There is no more beautiful feeling in the world,
  But at the same time, there is no worse misfortune!
  When the paths parted with the beloved,
  When, like steam, happiness rushed into the sky!
  What creates love in our world,
  She is like the core of the navel of a large universe!
  But we shed blood for our friends,
  After all, next to life and the vile smell of decay!
  Who was the first to commit murder sin,
  What tempted to leave Adam's paradise!
  Man refused happiness
  He killed himself, cruelly zealously!
  Jealousy is a poisonous snake,
  She can see brother Cain got infected!
  A good family did not take place,
  The unfortunate Abel has gone to the graves of darkness!
  What does love do
  He leads us to the stars through the centuries!
  But how sometimes the flesh suffers,
  But why are we getting old, we answer!
  The Lord speaks wisely to this;
  No need to think - as if the finish line is coming!
  And the gloomy look will become more beautiful than the sun,
  You will see a new radiant world!
  That will return to us the young color of love,
  We will become stronger with her than we were before!
  Before the Almighty, say a word to me ,
  Christ the Great Holy God is hope!
  The Lord answered: a dream will resurrect you,
  Mighty wisdom, boundless science!
  Then people live forever - forever,
  After all, life is worth it!
  On the last line, a storm of applause. The song inspired the girls so much that they, together with the guy, zealously set about repairing it, and fifteen minutes later the tank started up. Five engines roared with an uncharacteristically loud roar and the nastiest smell of burning was heard. Charlotte covered her nose and joked:
  - It seems that the tank is loyal to the former owners and decided to rebel, to kill us with carbon monoxide!
  Gerda jokingly sang:
  Gases, gases , gases , gases everywhere ! Let's kill all the blacks at once! No need to open, no need to open an account! Whoever is black will die!
  And the girls burst out laughing, touching their bare legs and even managing to touch the levers with their fingers. And the tank added speed, and the roar of the engine became quieter. Why did the armor stop shaking ...
  Klaus noted:
  - How good it is to sit in the tower of the bearer of death, when three such wonderful and beautiful girls are almost close to you. Why are women in the army so rare?
  Gerda answered with a sigh:
  - And because beautiful boys are not often found! Not everything is beautiful in our world!
  Charlotte immediately interjected sarcastically:
  - And this is the main proof that God does not exist!
  Gerda shook her head vigorously.
  - No, there is also the Bible God's word!
  Charlotte shook her head.
  - Let's first deal with the question: what is God?
  The influence of the idea of God on the spiritual (and on the material) culture of all mankind, the people, the country - up to the individual was very, very significant, in many aspects very, very fruitful. Of course, the idea of God and everything that was associated with the idea of God carried with it and with it a lot that was harmful to human culture, to human progress, to the individual person. I do not undertake to count absolutely all the pluses and minuses of the Idea of God and everything that is connected in the past and present with this idea, in order to thus finally show a generally positive or generally negative result. Mankind existed and developed when it had faith in God, with the idea of God. And this faith, this idea has always been and still is an important both motivating and integral moment in the history of mankind, which, in general, goes and went on an ascending line. Let's take it as given. Let us accept and try to understand the essence of the very idea of God.
  The concept, which is denoted by the word "God" (in German - Theos , in Latin - Deus , in German - Gott , in English - God , and so on), is of religious origin. But due to a number of reasons, which will now be discussed elsewhere, in the process of historical development, let's say - the human spirit, the concept of God has grown, swollen in its volume and at the same time thinned in specific content (according to the logical law of the inverse ratio of volume and content concepts: the wider the scope of the concept, the poorer its content; the richer the content of the concept, the smaller its volume) to such an extent that it went beyond the bounds of religion, in other words, fell out of the bosom of the religion that gave birth to it.
  But the concept of "God" has gone beyond religion (dropped out of religion) not quite. Its root and the lion's share of its content is still in religion. Moreover, outside of religion, the concept of a non-religious God becomes not only incomprehensible, but, strictly speaking, completely redundant. If there were no religion, let's imagine it theoretically, spiritual culture or its elements would not need any God. If we take as a starting point that a person, as a reasonable ( Homo Sapiens Carl Linnaeus), public ( Zoon Politikon of Aristotle) and creating tools (A toolmaker Animal Adam Smith) the creature appeared 40 thousand years ago (and this is indeed the case), then the first signs of God in his mind arose/formed 20-15 thousand years ago. And the last one, too, indeed. Both for modern man and for primitive man, ideas and concepts, including ideas and concepts about God, were and are the direct product of his spiritual, rational, intellectual activity. From this point of view, representations of the concept of God are the product of exclusively human consciousness. In fact: ideas and concepts about God are born and live in the mind of man; outside of human consciousness there are no concepts of God, outside of human consciousness there is no faith in His existence. Only atheists at the same time allow God to exist exclusively in the subjective spirit of consciousness, and religious people believe that outside their consciousness, in reality, there is something that corresponds to their ideas / concepts about God.
  Putting aside all the external factors and reasons that pushed a person to create faith in God, let's focus on purely spiritual, occurring exclusively in consciousness, in isolation from material existence, factors and processes of origin and formation of concepts / ideas about God.
  So, we have come to a consensus that the first ideas about God are created by primitive man; created not immediately with the emergence of man himself, but somewhat later. Believing Christians, Jews and Muslims may not leave a consensus with atheists on this issue if they continue to silently believe that Adam and Eve were primitive people who had just come out of the hands of the Creator. But according to the Bible, Adam and Eve did not believe in God and did not pray to him. The first, it should be recognized, was an unsuccessful attempt to pray to God made by the first sons of Adam and Eve - Cain and Abel. As a result of the unsuccessful consequences of the first prayer to God, one half of the born humanity destroyed the other half of the born humanity: the eldest son of Adam and Eve - Cain killed the youngest son of Adam and Eve - Abel (Genesis, 4:1-8). And only after (130+150+90+815) 1.185 years, only in the fourth generation from the first people, in fact, the great-grandchildren of Adam and Eve, as it is written in the Bible, "then for the first time they began to call on the name of the Lord" (Genesis, 4:26; 5:10). So, both atheists and theologians must agree without any discussion that faith in God and religion are not biologically (anthropologically) innate to man, in other words, God did not create man as such a "religious animal". Man, not from nature, not from the hands of the Creator, came out as a believer in God. He became a believer in God after quite a long time of his existence already in human society . How did a primitive person create an idea about God, and then believe in this God? This allows us to comprehend the psychology of the development of human consciousness from the age of childhood to the age of an adult. It is known that just as a person in the womb in the process of maturation accelerates "runs" through all the steps of the evolution of his biological development from the embryo cell to the biological species Homo Sapiens , a child born in this way runs through its historical development at the same rapid pace from a complete savage, or there a troglodyte, to a modern civilized person. As for the development in human consciousness (or: development by human consciousness, which is the same thing) of ideas / concepts about God, then the logic of just such a development is confirmed by the abundance of archaeological and ethnographic material.
  So, the consciousness of primitive man was completely "pure", it was a historically undeveloped consciousness. In the mind of a primitive man, as in the mind of a child, the world played with all the colors, sounds, tastes, smells. The consciousness of a primitive man, like the consciousness of a child, was filled with concrete sensory representations, in the form of which he perceived the world. He did not see any difference between what he saw, heard, smelled, tasted and what is around him. For him there was only the world that was reflected in his feelings. At first, primitive man was only aware of the world around him and of himself in this world. He felt himself to be only one of the constituent objects, things, beings of this world. And when the objective and subjective, individual and social conditions for cognition of this world matured, then he began to cognize this world by analogy with himself, namely, through personification. In order to understand the world around him, he likened the objects and phenomena surrounding him to himself, that is, he endowed the objects and phenomena surrounding him with personal properties; imagined them as beings who, like him, see, hear, smell, experience pain, cold, rejoice, get angry, and so on. With these "personalities" that have already become in his mind, he tries to establish personal connections: to persuade, beg, scare away, appease, and so on. Why did a person personify the phenomena and objects of the reality around him? Firstly, because, as we have already noted, such is the specificity of the undeveloped and still unclouded pure consciousness of primitive man (and child). In his mind, he mastered the world around him by spreading his knowledge about himself to it. And secondly, which is organically connected with, firstly, because the reality surrounding him was unknown to him. It is this personification of phenomena and objects of the external environment that sowed (grows) in the human mind the first ideas and seeds of inputs of ideas about God. Concentrate and do not forget that we are now trying to catch the first sprouts of the concepts of ideas about God only in the human mind, abstracting from external factors and causes. Remember, this will come in handy if you want to have fun with theology or think deeply about the concept of God: in the mind of man, God (gods) from the very beginning were nothing more than the personification of the unknown. Development of ideas about God in the process of evolution of religion.
  After a little understanding of reality, a person singled out in his environment those objects, phenomena and factors on which his life obviously and closely depended. With them, he first of all tried to establish the personal, human-like relationships he needed. Religious scholars and ethnographers call the personified ideas about objects and phenomena that have settled and exist in the human mind spirits: the spirits of animals, the spirits of the elemental forces of nature, the spirits of fertility, the spirits of the hearth, and so on.
  Apart from other elements of religion, the formation of the first ideas about God was the formation of the first forms of religion. The idea / concept of God of primitive people was as primitive as those people who created it, the idea / concept of God. In human consciousness, these spirits were living, personal beings and somehow resembled the appearance of a tree, forest, river, fire, animal ... Over time, in the human mind, the appearance of spirits, gods, God took on the appearance of a person (an anthropomorphic idea of God). According to the Bible, God created man in his own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). Man repaid (thanked, avenged) God in the same way: he created God for himself, too, in his own image and in his own likeness.
  In the process of further historical development, the idea / concept of God in the human mind changed in two ways: 1. there was a reduction in the number and growth of the personal greatness and power of each individual God who remained in the category of supernatural beings; 2. the specifically sensual representation/concept of God became thinner and thinner. Thus, along with the evolutionary development of religion, the idea / concept of God moved in the direction: spirits - gods - God, which corresponded to the religion of pandemonism - polytheism - monotheism and at the same time from the idea / concept of God concretely sensual to God abstract. In the last extreme case, the idea of God lost its concretely sensible, say, material forms (outlines), became thinner and completely lost their concretely sensual forms (outlines). God thus became One and, moreover, an abstractly describable Being: Omnipotent, Omnipresent, All - Blessed, All- Contented , Eternal, Unchanging, and so on. In Christian theology, according to the Orthodox catechism, 10 abstract qualities are attributed to the Lord God, and 100 such abstract qualities are attributed to Allah in Mohammedan theology. Religions with the idea / concept of God as a being One (One) and at the same time abstractly described by God are called religions of Abstract Monotheism . Only four religions currently officially claim the role of such a religion of Abstract Monotheism : Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism. But more or less consistently such claims are expressed only in the writings of the theologians of these religions. In the minds of the masses of believing Christians, Mohammedans, Jews, Sikhs, God does not remain in his solitude, but is surrounded by a servant of angels, genies, saints and other ballast of supernatural, god-like beings. And the God of the Christian religion, according to the medieval theologian Athanasius of Alexandria, although "One, but not Alone." He, the Christian God, is One in Three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. According to theologians, God is One, but a believer can pray separately to God the Father, separately to God the Son, and separately to God the Holy Spirit. The Christian Church has provided its believers with the corresponding separate prayers Three separate ones: to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This is what parsley looks like!
  . CHAPTER #19
  Here is the boy-hero, Konan-Pavlik got out to the neighboring shore. And now again you are running barefoot along the mountain paths, and your bare heels are stepping on sharp stones.
  The terminator boy runs and composes at the same time;
  Gerda interrupted Shalota's long monologue:
  - Enough! Do you think we are interested in listening to your lecture?
  The fiery she-devil let out a sunbeam with her teeth and teased:
  - You consider yourself a believer, and when you look at the guy, you have lustful thoughts, and your golden skin wants to touch his flesh. Do you know that the devils will put you in a frying pan for this?
  Young Klaus moved away and even began to pull on a T-shirt. Fruda stopped him:
  - Don't! You are beautiful and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. In general, it"s better to tell Charlotte, what other possibilities exist for resurrecting from the dead by the power of science?
  Charlotte, grinning, replied:
  - Here you need to dig deeper into the possibilities of the human psyche. And the way people think. After all, the thought itself is quite material, it leaves traces in the brain and memory.
  - Logically! Fruda agreed.
  Charlotte continued:
  - But it leaves traces not only in the substance of the brain. The entire space of the universe can also perceive our thoughts, actions, emotions. And in this space, our thoughts, emotions and prayers also leave a trace, like images of light, reproduce frames in a film.
  Gerda remarked:
  - It's like Vernadsky's teaching about the noosphere... However, I heard about him only out of the corner of my ear and didn't quite catch the essence...
  Charlotte snorted contemptuously.
  - Vernadsky? But are the Russians capable of creating some kind of coherent and logical system? They are characterized by clumsy work. I've come up with something better.
  Fruda pouted:
  - And what did you come up with fiery?
  The girl smiled and said:
  - But such a system. The fact is that our soul is actually a large energy that has been dispersed throughout space.
  Gerda interrupted:
  - Well, nonsense, or rather nonsense you suffered Charlotte!
  The fiery warrior immediately recovered:
  - I had something else in mind! Not that at all! The fact is that the intellectual potential of our thoughts and actions does not disappear without a trace, but continues to exist even in our confusing world! That is, the soul, just like a good movie, is recorded in the princeps-noosphere, where it is unique and eternal exists in a special sub-world . This, of course, is not heaven and hell, but something special - the hypercosmos of the spiritual princeps-noosphere. There is much like ours, but a lot is different.
  Gerda snorted contemptuously:
  - Dreaming again. And what is the conclusion?
  Shallot almost without thinking answered:
  - Yes, simple! We can extract this soul from the world of the princeps-noosphere and move it to any body arbitrarily chosen by us! That is, to make an elementary replacement!
  Gerda wanted to say something, as her Fruda shouted:
  - Wow, our girlfriends seem to have worked! And they did a good job!
  Indeed, a whole column of wrecked trucks and tanks, crushed motorcycles and several hundred corpses were visible. Already again the sun was at its zenith and the flattened flesh stank disgustingly. Gerda whistled.
  I recognize Madeleine's handwriting!
  Charlotte frowned.
  - Nothing good! Again we will be left without awards. I so counted on the iron knight's cross!
  Fruda clumsily tried to console:
  - Don't be so sad! It's just a piece of iron !
  Charlotte exploded at this.
  -Well! For such speeches, you can please the Gestapo! However, I will take revenge on you in another way.
  - How? - The wolf girls were surprised.
  - I will give you a lecture on religion again! - The fiery devil girl flashed her eyes harshly and her speech rushed in a tongue-twister tormenting her ears;
  Abstract monotheism is the highest and last stage in the evolutionary development of the religious idea of God, the highest and last stage in the development of religion itself. Completing its internal development representation - the concept of God in Abstract monotheism quantitatively reduced to its limiting number - to one. Further reduction of God will eliminate God altogether. There will be no God. If there is not at least one God in the mind of a believer, there will be no religion. This is on the one hand. And on the other hand, the evolutionary development of the religious idea/concept of God delivered and delivered God from the concrete-sensual forms inherent in him once in the past. The do got rid of that which deprived God of all concrete-sensual forms, deprived him of any visible forms. To describe the remnants of such a thinned God, they left him the quality of "Spirit" and opposed this quality of the spirit of matter. "The spirit has no flesh and no bones," said Jesus Christ (Luke 24:39). "God is a Spirit" is emphatically emphasized by the writers of the New Testament books (John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:17). But even in the deliverance of God, concrete-sensual qualities are the limit of such "deliverance." No matter how they deprive God of the qualities or properties of material, human-like properties, He in the religious consciousness of the believer must remain, firstly, a being, and secondly, a being with the inherent qualities of a human personality. God in religion is a personal being, God is a person. And as such, God, like man, has such components of the human psyche as mind, feeling and will. In the God of all religions without exception, God, like any human person, has a mind, has feelings, has a will. He, God, knows, He feels, He freely decides and acts according to his decisions. Religious consciousness and theological writings can measure the level of divine knowledge, feeling and will in different ways. The main thing is not the measure of the divine mind, feelings and will, but their presence. If we deprive God of mind, feelings and will, then such a God ceases to be God for the believer. For a believer, the meaning of God lies not so much in the fact that he is, that he exists, and what he looks like, but in the fact that one can turn to Him, Omniscient , Almighty and Loving (Sympathetic), in the end - talk and "take away (lighten) the soul." The whole complex of religion rests on the fact that God hears those who turn to God, God knows that God will not leave them in their troubles and joys. In his letter to the Hebrews, the apostle Paul wrote about it this way: "For whoever comes to God must believe that there is a God, and that He will reward those who seek Him" (11:6).
  In religious studies, the attribution to God of a concrete-sensual species of animals is called zoomorphism; the attribution to God of a concretely sensuous form of man is called anthropomorphism; attributing to God the properties of the human psyche is called anthropopathism (from the Greek words " anthropos " - a person and " pathos " - a feeling, pain). Unfortunately, in our literature, the concepts of anthropopathism are mixed and absorbed by the concept of anthropomorphism . God may not be zoomorphic, may not be anthropomorphic, but he cannot be non- anthropopathic .
  Charlotte was a little out of breath, throwing out such a long machine-gun burst. Frouda commented:
  - That's what it means to read a lot of religious literature! Here comes the wolf girl!
  The red-haired demon snarled:
  - I haven't finished the lecture yet.
  Fruda grinned savagely.
  - Can you have enough?
  Gerda and Klaus unexpectedly, unanimously objected:
  - No, not enough! Keep going, we're interested!
  Fruda noted gloomily:
  - All right, enlighten us! But know that the Almighty is not a grandfather in heaven at all!
  Charlotte readily agreed:
  - Well, of course not a girl! And not old, but eternal, immortal. Yes, he is not a Grandfather in the form of an earthly Grandfather, but He, God, is necessarily a Grandfather in terms of the personal, psychological, qualities of an earthly Grandfather. Yes! God is a grandfather in psychology. God is Grandpa! What are the personal qualities of Grandpa? - It already depends on the belief system of a particular religion, on the belief system of a particular church, sect or heresy; this in the vastest faith depends on the personal parameters of a particular believer.
  On a personal level, in the mind of a believer, God is created either according to the laws of analogy (for an evil, vengeful believer, God is evil, vengeful; for a good believer, God is good; for a delicate, intelligent believer, God is delicate, intelligent) or according to the laws of contrast compensation ( For a foolish believer, God is very smart; for a helpless one, God is omnipotent; for a cowardly one, God is courageous; for a poor one, God is rich; for a sick person, God is a healer; for an unmarried one, God is a matchmaker).
  At the last words, the young man Klaus exclaimed:
  - Well, how true it is noticed! Indeed, everyone chooses for himself: a woman, religion, road! Serve the devil or the prophet - everyone chooses for themselves!
  Charlotte waved the young man away and continued:
  - Above, we said that the representation-concept of God cannot be deprived of the quality or property of a being (one being or many beings, but God is always a being, although a being of a special kind) and personal qualities. But this "impossible" can be applied to material things. But for consciousness, as well as for God himself, nothing is impossible. Since consciousness realizes itself in words, even the inexpressible can be expressed in words, it is possible to express both what is not and what cannot be. In the material world there are many impossible things, but in the world of consciousness everything is possible. In the Bible, in relation to God, the same idea is expressed by the words of the gospel Jesus Christ: "The impossible with men is possible with God", "with God all things are possible" (Luke, 18:27; Matthew, 19:26; Mark, 10:27; 14:36) .
  God, as a noun and being, cannot lose his countability . It can only be One, or Several, or Many. At the limit of One, either God exists or he does not exist. There is no third in this regard between Yes and No. And this limit of existence in the unit - there is no less - is hardly the only thing that is inherent in both the material world and the spiritual world. Hegel once remarked that God is an ideal point to which human consciousness only attaches certain qualities. The item may or may not be. But even qualities can be attached to it by the will of the consciousness or not attached at all. In this case, without any qualities (properties), God remains only an indefinite, ideological and abstract point created by consciousness. But if consciousness creates, even in words, such a concept of God - God without any qualities, without any definitions, then such a God immediately falls out of the sphere of religion into the sphere of philosophical abstract thinking. God without personal qualities is only in words God. The God of real religions is always a personal God, suitable for personal communication with his believers.
   Blaise Pascal, comparing the biblical, which is the subject of religious belief, biblical God, with the philosophical concept of an abstract God, wrote: "God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and not the God of philosophers." At the same time, the scholar and Jansenite monk Pascal quoted the Bible, in which God, appearing to believing Jews, constantly declared: "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob" (Genesis, 28:13; Exodus, 3:6; Matthew, 22:32; Mark, 12:26).
  So, we have firmly understood that in all religions without exception, God is a personal being; Having lost the signs (qualities) of a person, God ceases to be the God of believers and, literally, is unacceptable in the sphere of real religion.
  Gerda also confirmed this:
  - Well, of course, the Almighty is a person! How else. Pantheism is basically unacceptable !
  Fruda replied:
  - But Plato and Aristotle thought differently!
  Charlotte smiled sweetly and began to weave further conversation:
  - It should be said that the concept of the One and the abstractly possible to describe God was first created in the sphere of philosophical, and not religious thinking, was created by philosophers, and not by clergy or theologians. The philosophical concept of the One God was first used by the creators of the Christian religion, and then through Christianity - by Islam, and, finally, already in the 10th century, through Christianity and Islam - by the creators of modern Judaism. Sikh monotheism took shape under the influence of Islam already in the 16th century with the stormy and fruitful activity of Nanak (1469 - 1538), the founder of Sikhism.
  One should not succumb to theological suggestions, as is often the case, and repeat after them that the God of the Bible is a monotheistic God. The text of the Bible of the Old Testament, how nice, clearly and not ambiguously testifies to the existence of many gods. The religion of the ancient Jews of biblical times, at best, can be recognized as a religion of henotheism, which recognized the existence of many gods, among which the God Yahweh was guarded only by the Jews and was, in their opinion, stronger than the gods of other peoples.
  Fruda grimaced.
  - And we true Aryan she-wolves to discuss Jewish prejudices. Horror!
  Klaus philosophically, even strangely for his young age, remarked:
  - The Jews are trying to compensate for their inferiority complex, with tales about only them and exclusively their own Almighty God!
  Gerda did not dispute here:
  - I also do not believe in the Old Testament, and in the selection by the Almighty Creator of such a people as the Jews. Too bad it's not true!
  The fiery preacher went on for who knows what, without any concrete answers;
  - Having fallen out of the sphere of religion into the sphere of philosophical thinking, God completely gets rid of personal communication with believers, with man in general. But the birthmarks of his religious origin and his religious functions still remain on the philosophical God.
  In religion, God is a being of a higher order, and in philosophy, God is a concept of a higher order (in terms of its logical volume or properties; in terms of moral order parameters; in terms of beauty, justice, and so on). As we see both here and there, God is the "highest", but in religion a being, and in philosophy - a concept.
  In religion, God is the personification of the unknown; in philosophy, God is the concept of the unknown. As we can see, both in religion and in philosophy God huddles in the area (sphere, hole) of the unknown, but in religion this unknown is personified, and in philosophy a theoretical concept, a theoretical assumption is created about this unknown.
  In religion, God is meant to meet the practical needs of man, and in philosophy, the concept of God is meant to theorize about the unknown as known.
  Klaus wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked out the hatch. The sun was already slowly sliding down from the sky like a buoy at high tide. The young man stated:
  Oh, it's finally getting easier.
  And Fruda encouraged the girl:
  - And what? Lie further!
  Charlotte was seriously offended here:
  - I'm lying! Not one bit of truth! One only logic! And knowledge!
  Fruda waved her hand savagely.
  - You apparently don't understand German folklore.
  Charlotte, instead of an altercation, continued her lecture;
  -As a result of centuries-old theological and philosophical theorizing, a number of categories have been developed to describe ideas-concepts about God, a number of systemic concepts about God have been created.
  So to describe the relationship of God to the world (the Universe), the following categories are used:
  Immanent (from the Latin word immanens - abiding, inherent in something) - that which is inseparable, inseparable from something. This category is used if it is necessary to emphasize that God is inseparable from the world (the Universe), is not opposed to the world, but, as it were, is nearby, close within this world. As the apostle Paul said: "God is not far from each of us, for by Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). In the extreme case, "Immanent" with additional clarifications can mean that God is, as it were, poured into nature or merged with nature and with all its constituent parts.
  Transcendent (from the Latin word transcendent , transcendentis ) - that which goes beyond, transcendent. This category is used when it is necessary to emphasize the fundamental, fundamental difference between God and the world, from the objects and phenomena of this world. The Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy writes: "God dwells in unapproachable light. None of the people have seen Him, and cannot see Him" (Timothy 10, 6:16). God and the world, its objects and phenomena have nothing in common, no communication; God is in itself, and the world is in itself; that the world is completely independent of God, left to itself. Sometimes the expression "Transcendent" is used to emphasize the fundamental unknowability of God, who is not only remote, but also strongly opposed in all respects to the world and the peculiarities of the consciousness of a person living in this world.
  Klaus exaggeratedly sighed at these words.
  - Looking at our suffering, and also the torment of other people in the remoteness and incomprehensibility of the Almighty, how can you believe it!
  Fruda remarked with some annoyance:
  - And how long did it take this she-wolf to read various philosophical treatises. Everything that could be used to good use, for a more necessary cause!
  Charlotte hastened to reassure:
  - A little! I read very fast!
  Fruda nodded, a few drops of sweat flew off:
  - Well, then drive on!
  The red-haired she-devil continued smiling;
  In the history of philosophical and theological thought, various concepts of God have been developed, which have received the following names:
  Deism (from the Latin word Deus - God) is a philosophical concept that recognizes the existence of a Creator God, but denies his intervention in the affairs and events of the world. According to the teachings of deism, God created the world, put his goals and laws into it. God, according to the ideas of some deists, is a being who has all the perfections to the highest degree, the main of which are Omnipotence, Wisdom, Self-sufficiency. God created the world with his omnipotence, created this world according to the principle of his omniscience. But after the creation of the World, God moved away from it and does not interfere in its events and processes in any way. In this regard, deism presents God as a being transcendent to the world.
  Among other things, deists argue their point of view as follows. If God intervened in the events and processes of the world, then this would indicate that God did something wrong in this world, made a mistake and is forced to constantly correct his creation. And to correct oneself is unworthy of God with his Omnipotence, Omniscience and his other all- perfect properties; to correct means to admit that He, God, has not been able, is not able to create the world perfect.
  Since God, according to the teachings of the deists, is removed from the world he created, then God, as it were, does not exist for this world, does not exist for man. The prayers of believers do not reach the deistic God and have no effect on him. If God listened to the prayers of believers and intervened in the events of the world in accordance with the rituals of worship, then, consistent deists say, it would turn out that God is controlled by believers and priests; that the world itself is not ruled by God according to his eternal and indestructible laws, but that the world is ruled by priests and believers through violence against God...
  Gerda rolled her eyes.
  - Brilliant! But in fact, the Wehrmacht army corrects the imperfection of the world!
  Charlotte went on with the transfers;
  Pantheism (from the Greek words " pan ", everything and " theos " god - God is everywhere and in everything) is a philosophical concept that recognizes the existence of God inseparable from the world. According to pantheists, God is not only present in the world, but, as it were, poured into this world, "who is everywhere and fills everything " (who is present everywhere and fills everything with himself), as is sung in the Orthodox Church prayer "To the King of Heaven". Pantheists say that God is everything that exists, and everything that exists, in turn, is God; that the world is either identical with God or is an expression of God's nature. Pantheists, as a rule, see the world in its unity, and proclaim the very unity of the world to be divine.
  The most prominent representative of the classical form of pantheism, the philosopher Spinoza, believed that God is a synonym for Nature. " Deus sive Natura "(God, or Nature) is a favorite expression of the pantheist philosopher. God manifests himself in this world according to the laws of nature, for the laws of nature are the laws of God, God is Nature. Nature-God acts according to its immutable laws. He, like Nature, impersonal... Prayers to God can psychologically calm the believer, but they cannot affect nature in any way.
  Klaus scratched the top of his head.
  But the heat is on the way! So our prayers have been answered!
  Charlotte, with difficulty suppressing her laughter, moved on in her verbiage;
  - Atheism (from the Greek words "a" and " theoc " - literally "without a god") - a worldview that does not allow the existence of any kind - whether immanent or transcendent, deistic or pantheistic - God. Atheism is aimed at perceiving this world as it really is, without adding to this world supernatural beings alien to it.
  Theism (from the Greek word " Theos " - God) is a philosophical concept that recognizes the existence of God, recognizes the periodic intervention of God in the events of this world. The theistic concept of God is close to the religious worldview, but at the same time, usually theists do not verbally adhere to the views of God of any particular religion. One cannot keep silent about the fact that all theists, according to their personal convictions, are adherents of one or another particular religion, within the framework of which they philosophize. As a rule, theism stands on the positions of a monotheistic and abstractly described God, but leaves behind him the personal properties inherent in God - Mind, Feelings and Will.
  According to theism, God is both transcendent to the world (and therefore transcends the world, rises above the world and cannot be known by man) and at the same time immanent to the world (and therefore does not leave this world on its own; periodically, according to needs, intervenes in the affairs of the world performs miracles, communicates with believers through prayers). The combination of the transcendence of God with his immanence is a problem logically insoluble by theists, but without such a combination it is impossible to keep oneself within the framework of a religious worldview. All this forces theists to endure their logical turmoil and stupidly repeat incantations about the compatibility of God's transcendence and immanence.
  Gerda could not stand it and intervened again:
  - And who else preaches this nonsense in our modern and educated world?
  Charlotte patiently explained;
  - An example of modern theism can be the works of the so-called Institute of Creation ( Institut of Creation ), which is located in the USA, but has its adherents in all countries where Christianity is spread. Theism indulges in a few scientists who remain believers. The theistic antics of such scholars are fragmentary, philosophically weak, and in all respects theoretically untenable. They break into the light of day and become public as an attempt to reconcile the religious conscience of these scientists with their scientific research, which blatantly contradicts religious principles. An example of theism can also be Sindology - a "science" that studies, by order and under the guidance of the Catholic Church, various artifacts and sacred objects.
  Fruda growled:
  - Americans around the world are spreading their cultural contagion!
  Charlotte continued in agreement;
  -Theology or theology - a theoretically formulated worldview (religion) of a particular religion, church, sect. Theology is a theoretical apologia for specific religious beliefs. Unlike theism, theology is always confessional. In revealing the content of ideas-concepts about God, theology uses various methods of presentation, including theoretical ones. At the same time, logic is abundantly used with its methods of proof and refutation, philosophical digressions, various somersaults. But all this is aimed at that - and only that! - to confirm religious ideas / concepts about God, which are set forth in the Holy Scriptures (Bible, Koran, Tripitakhas , Zend-Avesta, Book of Mormon, and so on). Of course, and, in the approved models of dogma (Characters of Faith, Books of Confession, Catechisms and the like rubbish) of a given religion.
  Klaus said doubtfully:
  - Do you think atheism is true?
  Charlotte said quite sincerely:
  - At least he's more honest!
  -And why is that? Gerda was outraged.
  Charlotte answered coolly;
  - That's why! In discussions with atheism, theologians quite often hide the face of their religious essence, hiding behind theism, and sometimes even deistic and pantheistic "reasons". But this is simply another bashful and deceitful trick of the theologian. Carefully scratch the theistic skin of such an opponent, and under it you will definitely find the tonsure, horns and legs of a purebred religious theologian, and therefore self-serving at the same time!
  The categories "Immanent" and "Transcendent" are used not only to describe the image and essence of God. They have found and still find their application in philosophical thought to comprehend and describe a number of ontological and epistemological problems. As a result, the framework for understanding these categories has become more meaningful and much broader than what they have in the narrow field of describing a deity. But the very description of the God that religions offer to the modern civilized believer, and even enlightened theologians, cannot do without the use of the categories "Immanent" and "Transcendent".
  As for deism, pantheism, atheism, theism and theology, historically and essentially all of them have not exhausted and do not exhaust their content exclusively by describing the concepts of God. All of them have a much, much broader scope of worldview vision. In practice, they, with the exception of theology (theology), have turned into powerful philosophical currents, which, from their points of view, are trying to consider all aspects of the worldview. Of course, at the heart of their worldview there is latently cardinal for them - the concept of God. All of them are trying to create an integral worldview under the assumption of the existence or absence of God. In addition, each of them in one way or another interacts with other areas of philosophical and theological thought that we have listed. Thus, deism and pantheism, in their denial of a personal God, are in many respects in step with atheism. But at the same time, with their justifications for the existence of a special kind of God, deism and pantheism play along with theism and theology, supplying them with powerful philosophical and scientific arguments, which both theists and theologians cleverly use. But deism and pantheism in many aspects provide valuable theoretical material also to apologists for an atheistic worldview.
  Fruda said:
  - And atheism is not uniform! Rather, a clear scientific concept!
  Charlotte spread her hands, rowing the words on the waves of the sea:
  - Of course, atheism is not uniform! If we take a closer look at the atheistic worldview and modern atheistic movements, we can find many mutually complementary and internally tearing elements in them. From this point of view, both in the past and in the present, there are several types of atheism. These include, in addition to, as they say, open and consistent to the end atheists, also agnostics, freethinkers, the same deists and pantheists, anticlericals, humanists, militant atheists (there are some), Marxist atheists, atheists according to Freud, followers of Bertrand Russell and other.
  To describe and analyze at least the main aspects of deism, pantheism, theism, atheism and theology, separate studies and a separate presentation are needed. I have set myself the task of briefly expounding the essence and basic initial positions of the approach to understanding ideas - concepts about God of these worldview directions. I have a glimmer of hope that the material I offer to visitors of an atheistic site will help them, especially young people, more specifically and more successfully, effectively exchange opinions on such an important subject of worldview as the concept of God.
  Charlotte finished and at that moment Froude yelled:
  - She-wolves, and we're running out of gas.
  . CHAPTER 20
  The heroic boy is still running, crossing Asia Minor. And here are mountains all around, sharp stones of the ridge. A barefoot child stomps his bare soles on sharp stones.
  But his feet of this superman toon are so rough and hard that they don't hurt at all.
  Konan-Pavlik runs and continues to compose on the go;
  Charlotte fluttered her eyelashes in bewilderment.
  - Wow! You have to "fuck off"!
  Gerda, winking, smiling, declared:
  What are the laws of physics. Moreover, they were established by none other than Almighty God, against whom Charlotte was so aggressively tuned. Now, it looks like we are late for the distribution of orders and cones!
  Fruda hurried to reassure Gerda:
  - It's okay, now we'll contact the command by radio and they will send a truck with combustible material to us.
  The fire warrior agreed:
  Yes, that would be the best way!
  Fruda, shivering slightly (she was afraid of getting a good thrashing), got in touch with Madeleine. However, she was quite friendly:
  - We have already reached the Suet Canal and have stopped for now. You'll catch up with us in a hundred kilometers. The trucks will arrive in a maximum of two hours.
  Fruda smiled.
  - I am pleased! And what are we to do!
  Madeleine said harshly with a special accent:
  - And you sleep! I myself slept on the move, in the tank chair. And my wolf girls are resting now! So, that you are still in the cradle!
  Fruda exclaimed with delight:
  - All the girls off! See you soon.
  The she-wolves did not turn off for a long time, thinking, and Klaus put the bright head of Gerda on his bare tanned chest. The blonde terminator, almost immediately found herself in her serial dream.
  Turning around, the girl fired a burst that silenced the shooters. Several AKs and M-26s flew down. Gerda, it even became funny, she teased the unlucky warriors:
  "Here you are dropping your weapons.
  Charlotte interrupted her:
  - Is everything all right with you, light wolf?
  Gerda, baring her teeth, which had already covered with blood, laughingly answered:
  - Just now I had a battle on equal terms, a couple of bruises, and a slight wound!
  - Not bad, but I'm just finishing it. Didn't you find Ostap Bender? - In the last words of the fiery warrior, a whole waterfall of contempt was heard.
  - Not yet! - Chopped off by a she-wolf terminator.
  - It's a pity! Capture his second-in-command alive! - Playful Charlotte asked almost insinuatingly.
  - Will try. Gerda muttered.
  - And at the same time take away the artifacts from that monster! - The red-haired she-devil barked, along with these words, laying down five bandit mercenaries at once.
  - That's exactly what I'm doing! - Gerda said offendedly, also not ceasing to fire. Her bare feet left very cute seductive marks.
  Indeed, the booty was rich. As many as eight "shells", two almost never found "View" stones that allow you to look through walls and clothes. Stone of love, and two "Pluses" and one unknown "Gestapo" and SS classification.
  - Yes, this is already something! - Said with enthusiasm prima donna Gerda.
  - You're lucky and I'm lucky. Let's meet and share! Charlotte growled.
  - By itself! The blonde terminator giggled.
  Armed to the teeth, Gerda went up to the top floor. There were already few people here. Four machine gunners. The girl made them a nose. They fired, bulging their eyes at the invulnerable fighter.
  - What you naive boys. - Gerda shot his leg bones, the pain shock is strong, it turns off consciousness, but the person remains alive. - Well, do you really think I would go, so openly, not being sure, in complete safety.
  The armored door was closed, but the blonde warrior just blew up the wall, crumbling the concrete like a cheater playing a house of cards. Then she quipped:
  - And these monkey tricks do not help!
  The girl jumped inside. Her expression became cheerful. Ali Chugaev held an RPG-29 in his hand, ready to fire at any moment.
  - Be careful at such a distance you will be cut by fragments! - As if taking care of a barefoot maiden - barked the bandit.
  - I don't care! Gerda giggled. And then she added.
  - Do you count on Uzbek paradise? Or how about Jilga...
  - I'm an atheist! I don't believe in church tales! - The Asian creaked with rotten teeth.
  Gerda smiled mockingly.
  - I'm still going to the side! - The girl fired a finger, a needle from a glove. She paralyzed the limbs of a fighter.
  - That's all very simple! The blonde wolf giggled.
  - Who are you! - Uzbek croaked.
  Gerda snatched the RPG from her frozen hands and slapped Ali on the nose. And then she said softly:
  - Do you want to live?
  - Certainly! - In the voice of a mercenary-terrorist sounded hope. The crooked jaw clicked at the same time.
  - Tell me, where did Ostap Bender go? Gerd's voice became even more venomous.
  - I know you! As soon as I say, you will immediately kill me. - Uzbek shook again.
  - But why? - Barefoot blonde terminator showed a rare naivety.
  - I'm an extra witness that you don't need for nothing! - Said, shaking with fear Asian.
  Gerda didn't even smile.
  - You don't see my face, shapeless figure, changed voice. I don't think you can give Interpol or the CIA a good enough tip to get me caught. Moreover, those who saw my silhouette will definitely remain. And the fact that we are high-class fighters is already clear, without witnesses!
  - And what is the conclusion? - Hope appeared in Chuguev's voice again.
  - No reason to kill you! But you have a reason to tell! - Gerda said with pressure, at that moment a soldier in a gas mask appeared in the opening and he was immediately blown away by a well-aimed shot.
  - And which? - Ali steel a little bit calmer.
  - First of all, save your life! Gerda said cheerfully.
  - It is most important. - The bandit grinned rather.
  - Secondly, and no less important, you will remove your boss. In this case, you have excellent chances to lead the Resilience group. - Blond terminator cut two more " blind man 's blind man ".
  - Or her stub. Ali sighed heavily.
  - With the help of the Americans, you will quickly restore your influence and numbers. So it won't be a problem. - Gerda threw a pebble with a finger of a bare foot, striking with an accurate hit on the forehead, another scumbag.
  - Maybe! - Chuguev cheered up.
  - And the third! A top American general has been killed, and having your leader alive will piss off the CIA. In this case, they will release all the dogs on your organization. And so everything will be easier: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a leader for a leader! Understood me! - Gerda, for persuasiveness, planted a line that carried out seven militants who tried to enter the premises.
  - You've done a great job! Well, if you swear that you will save my life, I will give it away. Ali agreed.
  - I have a strict principle never to swear. And always tell the truth. And you have no choice but to believe, otherwise I will shove a red-hot poker up your ass. ' growled the wolf warrior.
  - Okay, he's in an underground bunker. To enter there you need to turn the tail of the silver fish. By the way, another five million dollars and one million Euros are stored there. - Hastened to assure the terrible terminator Uzbek.
  If you didn't lie, you will live. In the meantime, sleep, my joy. - Gerda carelessly handed over the carotid artery to the deputy leader.
  It was easier to go down, there were few enemies, and those who were still stacked in piles. However, Gerda, it was almost boring, as in a computer game after passing through the most difficult stage, when only indirect levels remain.
  Whether he lied or not! But we did our job anyway.
  The undamaged fountain emitted slightly bluish water. At night it was illuminated and seemed mysterious. Gerda touched her tail and hesitated. Suddenly, this will set off a large amount of explosives. If it explodes, then it explodes capitally.
  True, in this case, the building will collapse, Ali Chugaev will die, and in him the girl did not find a great craving for self-sacrifice. Turning around, Gerla threw her wand-disk boomerang inside. He flew almost without touching the wall. Someone hurt, a death cry was heard.
  - Good weapon! - Said, baring her mouth Gerd. - He knows who to kill.
  The girl picked up the disk with her fingers, blood never stuck to this metal.
  She jumped, rushing at all speeds, steep steps led down, two corpses on them.
  - Excuse me, please. The girl bowed. - Well, that's how it happened.
  The uncooled corpses were silent, a semblance of a grimace appeared on the cut faces. Here it seemed to Gerda that the dead man whispered:
  - Yes, you went!
  - What you are not polite! - And a blow with a bone- breaker leg.
  The girl moved on, caught an anxious breath, three people stood in ambush outside the door. How to mute them? Grenade?
  - No, too primitive! - Whispered the blonde terminator.
  Gerda jumped down the stairs, spreading her legs. She landed, leaned over, skipping a burst over her head. Once she moved her forehead to one in the solar plexus, and with the other two hands in the groin.
  - Here's a quick banal castration.
  Three fighters sat down, the fight ended.
  There was no one in the next room, but at the end of the corridor a man was breathing anxiously. And quite large. Gerda saw a photograph of Ostap Bender in the computer, a two-meter hero. He even starred with the Kozhedub brothers. Gerda adored these fighters, especially Vladimir-Volfovich. Now Bender is waiting for her, probably frozen with an underbarrel grenade launcher. Most likely, the RPG-39, so beloved by the locals, is also not small in power and not too expensive.
  Killing, however, is not difficult, but I would like to look into the eyes, to talk before death.
  - Sometimes you can kill, you can never take away hope! Hope is the most valuable of those gifts that do not impoverish the giver! - Gerd whispered aphorisms.
  The girl thought hard. Opening the door is almost impossible to hear, it must be either the brilliance of the shadow, or the creak of titanium. And on the other hand, the room is isolated, even the ventilation is autonomous. True, you can try a simpler even children's version.
  Gerda tiptoed to the door, thanks to her boots - that they broke so well in time, tied a wire to the handle and, moving to a safe distance, pulled it on. The doors twitched, and a conditioned reflex followed immediately. Shot and explosion. The launch of the grenade launcher charge broke off the titanium. The fragments scattered in different directions, the burning rain almost touched the girl.
  - Well, here you are and opened up cute! There is no impenetrable armor, but there is invincible stubbornness! Gerda rushed to the opening until the dust cleared. Her speed helped her break through in time, to the very enemy. He managed to throw up the latest AKM-323, but the girl dived like a fish and knocked the weapon down. Then they grappled.
  The two-meter hero weighed at least one hundred and thirty-five kilograms, and had powerful muscles. Gerda did not even have seventy, but in five seconds she twisted his arm, making him groan in pain. Bender muttered:
  - Yes, who are you!
  - Warrior of Allah! - The blonde terminator barked, in a very rough male voice.
  - You're lying! Such techniques are studied only in the Prussian special forces! - Roared in response to the leader of the bandits.
  - And what about in Germany, in the entire Third Reich, there are no Muslims? - Gerda was offended.
  - I understood everything, this is a provocation of the Gestapo. You want America to help you in the hunt for the Turkish Sultan, so you arrange provocations. Bender squeaked.
  - You're delusional wrong! - The blonde wolf rolled her teeth.
  - I have already conveyed to the US base that it was a Prussian provocation. You can not wait to restore the Third Reich is a prison, or rather a concentration camp of peoples! - The voice of the leader became thicker.
  Gerda blurted out automatically:
  - The Third Reich is not a prison, but a brotherly family. And the peoples did not want its collapse at all!
  - They really didn't want to. What about the will expressed at the Ukrainian-Caucasian referendum? - Bender was clearly trying to divert the girl's attention. However, she was on the alert and laid down two very large militants with the heads of ghouls.
  - There statement of a question was not correct. For independence you or dependence. In another referendum, Ukrainians and Caucasians wanted to live in the Third Reich, and you know it! - Gerda felt that a hysteria was about to happen to her.
  - Actually a strange killer! You've come to soak me so wet. And discussions only shake the air! - Bender already felt pretty humiliated.
  - I need not only your death... - It started, it was a warrior.
  - Cabbage in an armored box, if you want, choke on it! Bender growled.
  - And money is not the most important thing! Gerda shook her head.
  - Of course, the main thing for you is serving the Third Reich. - The gang leader spat contemptuously.
  - Don't you see what the US is turning Ukraine, the Caucasus and even Siberia into? The blonde Terminator's eyes sparkled.
  - To a prosperous Western state, and when we lived in the Third Reich in the richest country in the world: sugar, butter, bread, were on coupons. We boys ran around half-starved, and now, at least, we are spared this humiliation! - Bender all figured out how to grab the dropped weapon.
  - This is the fault of traitors of all stripes! - Gerda cut off opponents with an accurate burst.
  - And under Goering there was no satiety! - Vyaknul head of the group "Stability".
  - Goering was an oligarch. Born and lived in great luxury, therefore he became a capitalist, rejecting the idea of a people's state. You do know that! Gerda snapped.
  - Okay! Kill me faster! Anyway, I will tell everyone that this is a Prussian provocation by the Gestapo! - Bender even roared.
  Gerda hesitated, it was suspicious that a healthy, young man himself was asking for death. Something is not right here.
  - And you do not feel sorry for anything? she asked breathlessly.
  - Not! - Shortly chopped off the ringleader, flashing his eyes.
  - So at least pray! - Gerda crossed herself.
  - I am Catholic! Bender blurted out.
  - Especially! - The wolf insisted.
  - But not fanatical. - It was clear that Ostap Bender was reluctant to be baptized. - Well, are you satisfied now?
  Gerda began to whisper a prayer, and Charlotte's sonorous voice interrupted her:
  - Yes, finish with him quickly, we're leaving!
  - Why hurry? - Gerda asked with the naivety of a fool.
  - It will be dawn soon, and we still need to pick up weapons from the submarine! - Shalota was even surprised at the " stupidity " of her partner.
  - Okay! - Gerda asked Ostap in a low voice. - You repented and humbled yourself before the Lord Jesus.
  - It hurts me it is necessary! Bender growled, wheezing.
  - Then with great sorrow in my soul I kill you. You know too much. Knowledge is good, but not in this case! - Gerda hit the forehead with the edge of her palm, and then, when Bender went limp, she squeezed the cervical cartilage.
  - It's horrible! - Throwing away the corpse, the girl carefully checked the room for hidden cameras. It turned out that there is. Gerda erased all records and broke them. No doubt she took the money. Two "armor" stones that were on the leader. Some unknown artifact, purple with green flecks. Well, that's all, the leader of the "Stability" group was not particularly stuffed with pebbles. Maybe that's why he died so badly. The girl twisted a little more, using the device, she checked for the presence of "bugs".
  - No, it looks like everything is clean here! Gerda said. For the last time, after politely bowing to the corpse, she went upstairs. - Everything seems to be fine. I coped with the task, but my heart is heaviness and pain. Maybe it's because of the amount of blood. - She said to herself.
  The girl quickly retired, four enemy soldiers tried to poke their heads from above, but were mowed down with one throw of a boomerang disc.
  - I am a good hairdresser, I will trim your hair. - The beauty showed black humor.
  Gerda got out. Then Charlotte asked her:
  - Well, how are you?
  - I shoot, the southern part of the city is basically cleared! The blonde terminator pointed to the right.
  - I killed more! Charlotte growled.
  - And I solved Bender's problem. Now we have all the goals resolved! Gerda rejoiced.
  - This is good! Grab the Cheetah tank, let's drive those who survived! The fire wolf terminator giggled ferociously.
  - I myself thought that this magnificent specimen of German science would be useful to our researchers! - The blonde wolf modestly lowered her eyes.
  - You are lucky Gerda, you killed the leaders, captured the supertank! - There was obvious envy in Charlotte's voice.
  - But you saved the children, and this is the most expensive reward! - exclaimed the snow-white warrior.
  - What annoy you saint! Charlotte made an unsuccessful attempt to pat her friend on the cheek.
  Gerda then jumped out and moved to the tank. On the way, they tried to fire at her with a machine gun, but this attempt turned out to be a miserable bark of a downed mongrel.
  - Yes, even uninteresting! - A shot and four machine gunners flew from the roof with a death cry. - Nice welcome boys. - Said the warrior.
  And here is the tank, in shape the frontal part of the Gepard resembles a pike head or the Soviet IS-3 tank. The car really had for its time excellent armor and not important driving performance. She stayed in service for about a year, and then she was replaced by a less aesthetic, but more practical IS-4 (where such knowledge comes from. Well, nonsense, the wolf warrior thought). Gerda thought to herself that the Germans were somewhat like the Japanese, adopting other people's ideas. In particular, the Panther borrowed a lot from the T-34, and was an even more powerful and heavily armored tank, about fourteen tons heavier than the Soviet one. But it has not outlived its main drawback - the high cost. So the "Leopard" -5 surpasses both the "Ambrams" and the T-90, and maybe even in armor and the T-100, but too expensive. This means that it is not suitable for mass production.
  True, two machine guns and an infantry fighting vehicle sat in ambush near the tank. What do you need to deal with them. In particular, use grenades!
  OGRU-6, from among the captured ones, are quite suitable. Now it is fashionable to use needles as fragments. When they explode, they spin and tear flesh apart. The weapon is inhumane, but effective. Gerda tossed the grenades in her hands, calculating the trajectory. They rolled along a twisting trajectory, and a wave of fragments drowned out the machine gunners.
  The girl crossed herself:
  - Your souls will take off to the sound of the plane, they left the navel of the earth! Something seems to be in the vast expanses, a flower has blossomed in the distance! She sang something like a prayer.
  Now it remains to do away with the BMP. It's also a pretty serious problem. This machine is like a wolfhound, especially not a Russian model, but a German "Alligator" - 5, with active armor and two 98-mm cannons, four machine guns weighing forty-six tons. This can only take RPG - 39, already RPG - 27 or 29 does not work. The car is rather low, with a large slope of the armor plates, it is even difficult to hit. And the anti-aircraft guns are rapid-fire.
  Gerda remembered the documentary shooting (from some kind of delusion of an alternative reality!), how fast the German "Tiger" was, especially the royal one. And, nevertheless, there was a case when a boy of fourteen blew himself up with a grenade, near fuel tanks. As a result, there was a fire, and thirty brand new tigers were burned, ten of them were royal. It was a feat worthy of an entire division, and one kid did it. Of course, not without luck, but indirectly he was helped by the partisans, tearing the rail and accumulating a large amount of equipment with their sabotage at the station. But to give your life and not as a martyr who counts on a harem and pools of honey wines, but having an atheistic upbringing for the Motherland. Could Gerda do it herself?
  The girl changed her mind from the RPG, everyone can blow up the "Alligator", but what if you destroy it with your bare hands.
  Gerda began to make her way to the car in short dashes. She tried to move so that she would not be noticed. It's hard, I had to hide behind the corpses. But in the end, almost succeeded. She was noticed very close, hit by machine guns.
  - German pigs! - Shouted in Spanish.
  Gerda barely had time to jump under her belly, the car started up and set in motion, trying to crush the brave girl. The girl seized the hook, tugged at the hinge. She was well versed in mechanics and now the caterpillar flew off the wheels.
  - That bastard ugliness! - The Spaniard muttered.
  His partner added:
  - At the mug! It looks like the Prussian pig is hooked!
  - Let me drive him. - The fighter shook with powerful cue balls.
  -Then risk the cavalier! Because he will shoot you! - Partner tried to keep the bully.
  - And I'm a flamethrower! - Low bass snarled.
  - Go Martinito !
  The Spaniard crawled out of the tower with a pipe and a tank. His eyes sparkled wickedly.
  - Roast a Prussian pig, and there will be a shish kebab!
  The flame blazed, descending to the bottom of the BMP. Gerda did not test the reliability of the Armor artifact against fire. Although it certainly mitigated the devastating effects. The girl stroked the boomerang disc.
  - How many times have I used you, serve again. Gerda gently kissed her throwing weapon with her lips. Then she launched. The difficulty is that I had to quit without seeing the target blindly, focusing only on hearing, shuddering of the body and intuition:
  - Yes, everything is not so sweet!
  Nevertheless, the inner ear did not fail Gerda, the blade cut off two Germans at once. An officer who stuck out his curious head and a flamethrower who confused the battle and the party. Gerda quickly jumped upstairs, only two remained in the cabin, but they could not follow the girl's swift movements.
  - Late as always! In war, missing a second - you can lose eternity! - Said a scout from the SS.
  Now inside she tuned the "Alligator" and called to Charlotte:
  - I have two newest domestic cars. It"s difficult to take them away right away, I don"t know how to split in two yet.
  The fire warrior replied:
  - I see, I'm on my way to you!
  At that moment, the headphones squeaked, and the voice of the lieutenant general was heard:
  - So, how is the cleanup going?
  - Fabulous! The leaders were destroyed, but they killed, I think at least two thousand for two! Charlotte laughed.
  - Are you out of your mind. I order you to stop immediately and leave New Shed! - Shouted the boss.
  - Don't you want the complete annihilation of the Stability group? - Surprised warrior.
  - Not! It's not in our interest. And in general, why do you think that we cannot use pro-American groups for our own purposes. For example, in Ukraine, the influence of the Gestapo and the SS, after the blue -orange leaders came to power, even grew. - The lieutenant general said more calmly.
  - I always suspected it! At the same time, a great reason to slap the prices for weapons that the Third Reich needs! Have we disappointed you? Charlotte giggled.
  - No, in principle, I'm glad! Two SS and Gestapo fighters have never destroyed so many well-armed guys in one night, and they have no small combat experience. This is sensational news that demonstrates the unthinkable frontiers of bioengineering. This means the success of our research on the creation of a superman! The general's enthusiasm was genuine.
  - Weak American special forces! - Said, giggling Gerda.
  - Don't tell me. American Rangers have experience in conducting special operations and fighting around the world. Yes, and technically equipped better than ours. Only recently have we begun to overtake them a bit thanks to increased funding and new colonies. And that's just in some areas. And if we take the condition of the troops in bulk ... - The lieutenant general sighed exaggeratedly loudly.
  - Okay, it doesn't matter anymore! We have two vehicles: the tank "Gepard" -6, and "Alligator" -5, the latest models. Would you be interested in getting them?
  - Of course, this is an experimental weapon. We could use to learn some of the German know-how built in the USA. In particular, nuclear technology and the first reactive gravity reactors. were borrowed from America, but they were made by German scientists.
  Charlotte knocked on the armor:
  - Hey Gerda! Here I am, covered in blood.
  - Let's jump into the "Cheetah" received an order: leave! the blonde terminator snarled.
  - I confirm this! - As if a naughty ensign barked the general.
  - I heard! But I liked the process of the war so much that it's hard to tear myself away. How about you? Charlotte winked her emerald eye.
  Gerda wanted to answer positively, but then numerous mangled corpses flashed before her eyes, their broken faces, some warped with pain, others seemingly blissful. She even became ill.
  - No, enough tonight, crossed all boundaries, let's go!
  Charlotte broke through to the Cheetah with fantastic speed. Two fighters sitting on the armor were dropped. The girl, through simple manipulations, opened the hatch, jumping inside.
  Gerda did not waste time either, she took and fastened the caterpillar onto the wheel (and where did so much strength in her hands come from!). They tried to fire at her with the persistence of a woodpecker knocking on the armor. The girl did not want to answer, but when the shelling became too persistent. Muttered:
  - Well, why don't people appreciate kindness and restraint. - Gerda shut up her mouth spitting with lead in a second burst.
  Charlotte answered her:
  - Man submits to force, respects cruelty, despises gentleness and does not appreciate kindness!
  - Dog instincts! - Gerda became so disgusted, as if she was immersed in feces.
  - Developed as a result of evolution! - Ascertained the fire wolf.
  - Or maybe invented by Satan? Gerda suggested.
  - Even if Lucifer exists, it is a bright and noble angel. That's what the Bible teaches. After all, the Lord created him perfect and good. - Charlotte gladly turned on the gearbox, in six seconds the tank accelerated to forty kilometers. She fired a burst into the distance, but there was actually no one to shoot, only one militant who accidentally survived crashed into the crumpled earth. The torn apart garrison could no longer resist. So the war ceased to be interesting.
  - Poor boys, how many of you we have laid down! Even the relentless Charlotte wept.
  Gerda wanted to tell her something, but the dream began to disappear again, returning no less cinematic reality.
  . CHAPTER 21
  The boy-hero was tired and exhausted from a quick run with a load over his shoulders.
  He ate again and buried himself right in the sand. This is very practical I must say.
  And fell asleep to see beautiful girls in a dream again and admire their adventures.
  Waking up, the girls suddenly discovered that Klaus and Fruda had already filled up a heavy American tank. To a perplexed question, the young man answered them:
  - And we do not need more, in order to put the hose. And then you can be cooler and well, having a good night's sleep.
  Fruda nodded in approval.
  - And we'll take a nap on the go. After five kilometers there will be a pretty decent road, laid out since the time of the pharaoh, and we will be able to sleep right in the tank.
  The young man confirmed:
  - Certainly! It's already nighttime and much cooler.
  Gerda and Charlotte grunted in response:
  - Well, what about the tanks we will bring to the end of the road anyway!
  Gerda even sang after that:
  - Trophy tank forward fly to New York stop! We have no other way - vodka has risen in price!
  Charlotte, this song is clearly not to your liking:
  - Well, as always, you sing Gerda, something nasty and vile. Or maybe it"s better to perform a beautiful, patriotic anthem?
  The blonde wolf laughed in response and twirled her bare, tanned legs. The young man grabbed the girl by the ankle and began to gently stroke her, saying:
  - Dear goddess, tenderness and purity! Eternal poetry - you smile at me!
  Gerda was pleased with the touch of a boyish, with light calloused hands, and she cooed with delight:
  - Charming and blissful!
  Klaus asked Gerda:
  - Sing me, please, a romance about love!
  The blonde wolf shook her head.
  - Not! I do not want! In general, a romance about love is usually sung by a guy to a girl, and not vice versa!
  Klaus was embarrassed and blushed.
  - Yes, I, unfortunately, do not know how to compose songs! I have no such gift!
  Gerda objected to this harshly:
  - Not true! I see what is there! You start the main thing, and therefore the words will come running to your head! Inspiration is also a matter of gain! Trust my experience! It is only necessary that the words about love be sincere and airy:
  The young man sighed, cleared his throat a little, and at first timidly, and then with more and more pressure, gaining confidence, sang:
  Your hair is white
  Golden satin skin!
  My passion burns boundless,
  The youthful ardor has not faded at all!
  My girl you are beautiful
  Barefoot on the sand!
  You and I are so happy
  I can't live without you!
  And in response, the beauty will tell me:
  Boy you are a decent groom!
  Believe me too, you like it very much,
  The spirit of love never wilted!
  But life is a tricky thing
  Money rules the world, believe me!
  And the mammoth is fat, that's the main thing,
  Man to man is a beast!
  In response, I said the eye is not hidden ;
  I know that poverty is an evil companion of us!
  We are with you barefoot ,
  Like a James Smith story!
  But love knows no limits
  There are no barriers in it!
  As the Holy Lord commanded us,
  And icons of blessed light of faces!
  So let's get married
  Children will grow up in happiness!
  And then our life will turn around,
  On the widest path in the world!
  The maiden immediately became cold,
  Icicles appeared in the eyes!
  Noble passion subsided,
  And bitterness in the features!
  No, I won't be barefoot
  And I'll get a palace!
  And you hungry boy
  Only with a skinny cow crown!
  Why did I quarrel with my beloved,
  I thought, climb out of grief into a noose!
  You have to lose so much conscience
  Just get caught scum, I'll kill you!
  But now the war broke out, fortunately,
  Immediately volunteer to the front!
  Though the road is prickly with needles,
  I began to gain a mann account!
  So here's a battle battle,
  Damn we are in battle and in love!
  And the war is coming to an end
  Zeros are growing in breadth!
  But here comes the tragedy
  A crazy, evil projectile flew by!
  I didn't want this, believe me.
  But the bones fell in a row!
  Here my soul floats in the sky,
  A maiden stands at the grave!
  And crying crystal eyes
  He looks down in pain!
  - Finally I realized stupid
  The evil of people grows on money!
  Primitive life is free,
  Well, now fear reigns!
  I have no forgiveness in heaven,
  In the abyss of the world I go to the monastery!
  Sing hymns every day
  Jesus is my Father, my guide!
  Here she took and threw off her shoes,
  Walking barefoot through the snowdrifts!
  And glorifying Christ in the kruchinushka,
  Songs loudly about God sing!
  The young man sang a real romance, and the girls sang along with him. And it was so funny and at the same time a little sad. Gerda, whose leg the boy continued to caress, stroked Klaus's sun-bleached hair in response and declared:
  - You have a talent! And an outstanding talent ... If you weren't a soldier, you would certainly become a poet!
  Klaus humbly stated:
  - A soldier, or rather a general, I think to become better than just composing, even if it's fluent!
  Charlotte replied to this:
  - Here you are not quite right! The pen sometimes strikes more truly than the bayonet. Although Gerda, I must say, sings very well, and composes even better!
  Klaus readily agreed to this.
  - Yes, I believe in it! She composes wonderfully. Like a nightingale... - The young man then slammed his fist on the armor of the tank. - No, comparison with this bird simply humiliates such beauty and originality. Rather, it's even...
  - The Dragon! Fruda suggested. - Golden Dragon!
  Charlotte suddenly interrupted them:
  - Hey guys... There are two tanks ahead. And to meet us.
  Fruda warned:
  - Do not try to shoot! It could be ours too!
  The fiery warrior made a wry face.
  - Oh, how I'm afraid! Although there are actually three tanks.
  Gerda leaned out of the hatch. Already a timid flowering, like a Christmas tree, lit the dawn in the East. Here you can see how the horizon line slowly fills with scarlet paint. How the gray dunes become a little pinker, like the faces of girls looking at something obscene. Against this background, three tanks, two "Cromwell" and one "Waldens", looked somehow out of place ...
  Gerda suggested:
  - This is most likely some kind of vanguard of the British troops. Let's ambush or even burrow into the sand...
  Fruda interrupted the blonde she-wolf:
  - It's hardly avant-garde. I do not think that the British managed to transfer so many troops to Egypt. Most likely, this is a fragment of the defeated English tank divisions. And we will insert this fragment into a ceramic vase!
  Charlotte had already seen enough of the Cromwells, the Waldensians had a 76.2 mm cannon with a longer barrel and another 47 mm gun on the side. That is, the tank is tall, weighing forty-three tons and slow-moving against the background of the Cromwells. True, his cannon is quite dangerous and cannot be compared with the short Cromwells and the small-caliber Matildas. The tank itself, however, an American freak, held the blow poorly. He even outwardly looked like an iron woodcutter from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", or rather, the creations of Unfin Juysa . And against the backdrop of the dunes, such a monster could well have come off for the filming of a Hollywood horror movie.
  Charlotte whistled.
  - Ba! Phasmogoria !
  Fruda ordered:
  - Let Gerda, who does not miss, knock him down with one accurate shot. The guns of the Cromwells are short-barreled and not dangerous for us!
  Gerda narrowed her eyes and said:
  - Of course, they are not dangerous, but terrible! So there's nothing to hide here!
  "Waldens" is already in the sight of a 76-millimeter gun. Gerda mentally whispers a prayer, it seemed to her that one of the dunes turned into a pirate brigantine, and from there they signal her - look, do not miss.
  A slight movement of the fingers and a six-kilogram projectile rushes towards the freak ... Defeat right in the center of the riveted armor and the thug like a kickboxer who got his foot in the sun settles.
  Charlotte whistled and enthusiastically approved:
  - That's a good spit, and now another volley!
  But it wasn't needed. Red-faced, dumbfounded Englishmen leaned out of the iron-like towers and vigorously waved their white handkerchiefs. Fruda growled:
  - This is a victory! With one projectile!
  The fiery warrior sang:
  - Who has the coolest look! Who do you want to win! With one swing!
  Gerda modestly stated:
  - Here and the distance is small! Well, why not fall into such a hole ?!
  Klaus asked childishly:
  - Can you shoot down a plane with a cannon?
  Gerda shrugged her athletic shoulders.
  - I haven't tried to shoot from such a gun yet. But in principle, why not take a chance! It's a pity we can't see the targets yet!
  Fruda shortly replied:
  - There will be more! - And then ordered. - These are not allowed in Buchenwald!
  Turning around, captured British tanks moved under escort further to the Suet Canal.
  Charlotte said through her teeth:
  - Here is our next carte blanche! Carte blanche issued by fortune!
  Fruda replied with a venomous grin:
  - As the Russians say, nature is a fool! - After these words, she called Madeleine. The Wolf Captain said:
  - Now sappers are directing antler crossings, and we will cross the Suet Canal. Then we continue to move towards Jerusalem. And how are you?
  Fruda, boasting, replied:
  - One tank has been destroyed, and we are now taking two prisoners. In short, a small victory on a big road. And so I personally feared that maybe only time wasted in vain during this race.
  Madeleine hurried to reassure the girl:
  - Well, so what ... This is not bad! In general, you can be awarded an iron cross of the first degree. Rather not knightly, too young ... So you can rejoice ... I will personally intercede for you.
  Fruda bowed.
  - You are so kind great! And so fair!
  Madeleine finished harder.
  - We are already eighty kilometers away, we scratched the British a little more along the way. Unfortunately, the movable bridge across the canal is slightly damaged and tanks will not pass through it, but it is quite possible to restore it. So go ahead and speed up.
  The connection was interrupted, and the girls whistled, and then grinning:
  - Waiting for victory! Waiting for victory! Those who yearn to break the shackles! Awaiting victory, waiting for victory! We will be able to conquer the whole world!
  After that, Charlotte jumped out of the tank and rushed to run through the desert. Gerda immediately jumped out after her. The morning sun was not so exhausting, the sand had not yet become hot, and it was pleasant to fly headlong over it with bare girlish feet. Gerda also slightly fooled her head, how cool it is.
  Fruda and Klaus remained in the car driving the tank. Gerda suggested to Klaus:
  - Fruda and one to handle. Come run barefoot with us. You know how nice it is.
  Klaus was confused.
  - Won't it hurt?
  The girls snorted contemptuously and loudly:
  You are a man and must be patient.
  Klaus obeyed and jumped into the sand. He was hardly more than sixteen, and the boy's legs were hairless, tanned, almost indistinguishable from the girl's, except that they were slightly lighter. Oddly enough, the young man was more tender than the girls, and his feet immediately stung. However, Klaus behaved courageously and even smiled. Charlotte, on the other hand, did not find anything smarter than to start once again demonstrating her deepest and most fundamental knowledge. She seemed to want to show off her erudition. And Gerda and Klaus just ran, holding hands and did not pay any attention to her babble. Although Charlotte actually said some very clever things;
  Analyzing social existence, the real process of people's life, social philosophy cannot but rely in its conclusions on the results of specific studies of particular social sciences. Social philosophy borrows the methods of private sciences, exploring social processes. Social philosophy summarizes the specific scientific material of history, psychology, ethnography, sociology, cultural studies, political science and other sciences.
  But at the same time, it seeks to give a general picture of the social world in integrity, to reveal the integrative properties of various processes taking place in society.
  Froude, who overheard this, chuckled.
  - Damn it! In an elite school for the best German girls, one should have beaten bare heels with sticks than pushed such mudistics.
  Charlotte continued:
  But along with social philosophy, there are also sciences that study social life. This, for example, is history, cultural studies, sociology, etc. Thus, historical science does not deal with the general as such, but with the specific manifestation of the laws of social development in a certain region, among a certain people in certain specific historical conditions. Narrating the consistent connection of events, the historian selects from the rich factual material of the past the most characteristic and typical. History is what happens to specific people, with it the events of social life are concretized in real time and space. History is the realm of individual events in which the general and particular features of social organization exist and through which the real relations of similarity and likeness of concrete human societies exist.
  The subject of cultural studies is the study of the totality of all values created by society, and the ways in which a person can master these values. Culturology analyzes not the general laws of the development of society, but their manifestation in the development of culture.
  Fruda, like a dog, scratched behind her ear, with her girlish leg, and again expressed herself:
  - And I'm not more than thirty - it's centuries old!
  And the fiery warrior spun and spit, as if a trigger jammed in a machine gun;
  The greatest difficulty is the breeding of subjects of sociology and social philosophy. Social philosophy and sociology are united in their desire to understand society in its systemic nature, as not reducible to the sum of its constituent parts. Such an approach distinguishes the philosophical and sociological knowledge of society from private social sciences that study individual parts of the whole in their relative independence, the internal logic of functioning and development. Sociology is called upon to study the laws of the structure, functioning and development of historically specific types of social organization that unite socioculturally related countries and peoples. Thus, the sociology of feudalism analyzes the laws of the genesis of a given system of social relations, the phases of its self-development, the transition from early to late feudalism, the mechanisms of its gradual self-destruction, transformation into a different type of social order. Concrete sociology goes even further, studying the stable, reproducible features of self-development that are inherent not in types of social organization, but in real social organisms.
  The relationship of social philosophy with other social sciences is dialectical in nature, due to their mutual connection and interaction. The influence of social philosophy on such sciences as economics, sociology, political science, history, law, statistics, etc., is primarily due to the fact that social philosophy considers social life at a higher level of generalization than other social sciences. Social philosophy acts as a general methodology for the cognition of social phenomena for more specific social sciences, considering the most general patterns and trends in the development of society.
  Fruda twirled her finger at her temple.
  - I know that it was grandfather Lenin who loved the word dialectics more than anyone. Especially the combination - dialectical unity. Just another question, did Vladimir Ilyich understand what this specifically means?
  This methodological and general theoretical function of social philosophy in relation to other social sciences is already found in the formulation of its main topics and questions: the essence of society, the natural foundations of social life, society as an integral social system, the main areas of social life, the material and spiritual life of society, the meaning of history. , philosophical problems of man, etc.
  In addition, social philosophy formulates the most general patterns, principles, and categories of social cognition, and thereby inevitably penetrates into the very fabric of other social sciences, helping them to formulate specific categories and research methods. For example, in the theory of law, when explaining such categories and issues as legal awareness, law, legal justice, humanism of law, interpretation of the norms of law (law), legal nihilism, etc. it is impossible to do without understanding the basic philosophical categories. In turn, social philosophy itself is influenced by the social sciences, which consists, first of all, in the fact that it generalizes the data of the social sciences and develops on this basis.
  Charlotte, I had to stop here, a fighter appeared in the sky, and it was clearly of English origin. " Spitfire " about which Churchill once said: "This is not just a good fighter - it's a Spitfire ! However, the fiery warrior was even processed ...
  - Now try Gerda, shoot down a fighter from a tank gun!
  The blonde terminator immediately replied:
  - Of course I will! - And jumped into the tank. Only naked, girlish heels flashed. Klaus rushed after her and it was like a race for the leader. Charlotte in response continued to litter with words;
  Each type of culture is distinguished by its own mentality, religious attitudes, political and economic organization. Ultimately, all the features that characterize a particular type of culture are concentrated around the main values of culture. In the ideational system, God, supersensible and superrational , is the main value of culture. Sensory culture is characterized by the recognition of sensory reality as the only existing one and thus acting as the main value orientation. Idealistic culture recognizes the complementarity of supersensible and sensual values. Historically existing societies are classified according to the proposed scheme. So, for example, the cultures of medieval Europe and Brahmin India correspond to the ideational system, the European culture of the 16th-20th centuries corresponds to the sensual system, and the Western European culture of the 13th-14th centuries corresponds to the idealistic system. Historical development is conceived in this concept as a change in the types of cultures.
  Gerda, meanwhile, tried to point the gun at the target, but the Spitfire suddenly suddenly went up sharply, as if it felt that they wanted to shoot it down. However, the blonde wolf wanted to fire a 37 mm gun, believing that the 76 mm caliber was too fat. But the whole problem is that both guns are paired, and they can only be aimed together. Fruda cursed:
  - Here it is our German pedantry ...
  - And American stupidity! - Finished for her Gerda. And Charlotte went on planting and planting:
  The authors of culturological concepts, highlighting the types of cultures and civilizations and thereby structuring the historical material, seek to avoid the notion of history as a progressive, natural development. The principle of cultural pluralism is opposed to the idea of the unity of world history. Thus, the problem of periodization of the historical process turns out to be inextricably linked with the problem of the unity and diversity of history.
  Klaus nudged Gerda by the elbow.
  - What are you waiting for! Let's shoot!
  The blonde warrior snarled.
  "Maybe you can shoot yourself, smart guy."
  The babble of the fiery warrior reached them;
  Exploring the problem of the driving forces of the historical process, the founders of historical materialism singled out material production as the main determinant of historical development. On this basis, history was divided into different stages depending on the level of development of material production. To characterize the stages of development of society in historical materialism, a category of socio-economic forms was developed.
  At the end, Gerda fired, but it was too late, because of the high altitude and twitching, the projectile flew nicely.
  Fruda grinned aggressively.
  - You can't get in!
  Gerda pushed the young man in the chest:
  - It bothered me. Everything climbs with his hands to stroke. Get the hell out of here you bastard!
  Klaus pulled back, growling.
  - Well, I really need it! I will find a prettier girl for my friend.
  Fruda immediately corrected:
  - And then the maiden? You need an experienced woman, older... So baby come to me.
  And Klaus, apparently to annoy Gerda, clung to the corporal's massive, female chest. She pulled him closer to her and kissed his forehead. However, despite the fact that the beautiful body of the young man aroused animal lust, it was too much to deprive the guy of innocence right in the tank, even for the liberal morality of the SS.
  Gerda turned away, saying that she didn't care, but her right eye involuntarily began to water. And Charlotte was still crying;
  Public and individual consciousness characterizes the natural environment, as well as oneself and another person. People assess reality differently depending on their state of health, level of education, upbringing, etc. Individual consciousness is essentially social consciousness, in which all the content of the latter is refracted. The consciousness of the individual absorbs knowledge, norms, assessments from the public consciousness, assimilates them, makes them his own, adapts them for his life. Public and individual consciousness are in constant interaction. The individual selectively relates to the public consciousness, since there is free will. But social consciousness is also formed at the expense of individual consciousness. But social consciousness selectively relates to individual consciousness. Only that from the individual consciousness that works for a socially significant need, that arouses interest, can enter the sphere of social consciousness. Individual consciousness should not develop only according to its own arbitrariness. It should not be entirely limited to their individual needs and interests. It is bad when a person sticks out his "I" excessively. We must listen to the experience of others, respect the opinions of others. At the same time, it is bad when the individual consciousness dissolves in the collective consciousness, when it is not able to go beyond the views of its group and is completely subordinate to this consciousness.
  - Shut up! - Frouda yelled. "Otherwise I'll shoot for sure!"
  Charlotte was not at all frightened, even showed her tongue in response, but she stopped ranting. Gerda and Klaus jumped out of the tank and rushed off. Then the girls ran silently, only whistling from time to time.
  Here, the waters of the Suet Canal are already ahead .... They still managed to run into Madeleine's detachment all of a sudden. Velvet, contrary to the laws of physics, turned out to be high and, abruptly covering a detachment of tanks.
  Fruda "dismounted", reported the situation and declared:
  - Well, in general, until we are behind schedule ...
  Madeline nodded grimly.
  - At ease! Whether you got out or not, it's up to me to decide. As the Fuhrer said: I and the Haupmanns command the army ! So, listen to me carefully... Now we will start the crossing, and then...
  Her words were interrupted by a voice:
  - I hear the rumble from many English planes ...
  Madeline furrowed her brows.
  - Well! The worst part of the war. But it's okay, we will still fight, and soon our fighters will arrive in time.
  Fruda confidently said:
  - Of course they will! And they will bring down on the enemy such a layer of iron and explosives that it will roll to India!
  Madeleine corrected the warrior.
  - Not! To China! And now everyone on the tanks!
  For all its shortcomings, the American tank had one plus - the muzzle could rise up at a fairly high angle. True, there was a minus in this, the gun mechanism and the crew itself could cut splinters and droplets of lead through the slits of the mask. But Gerda was naturally not embarrassed. The girl resolutely pointed the cannon up, although there was doubt in Frouda's eyes:
  - From a tank gun on planes? Yes, it does not happen girl!
  Gerda corrected:
  - In all armies, except for the invincible army of the Third Reich!
  And in order not to waste time on arguments, the blonde terminator immediately fired, as soon as the Lancasters flashed in the sky. It fired from a 37 mm cannon, especially since the supply of much smaller shells had not yet been used up, and this gun was much faster than a 76 mm gun.
  Here is a four-engine flying monster immediately broke in the air, and blossomed like a rosebud, with tails of flame. Then another shot... And another hit.
  Klaus suddenly felt ashamed and the young man knelt down and kissed Gerda on the ankle, and then on the slightly dusty, bare, girlish foot. The blonde terminator, paying no attention to him, continued to shoot. The American gun had a drawback, it could not shoot synchronously with a large-caliber one, but the rate of fire was due to automatic recharging and reloading at altitude. And the planes exploded, and other she-wolves also fell.
  The British at first were not too confused, but then, seeing how they were successfully destroyed, they began to drop bombs anywhere. Gerda squinted predatorily, bared her teeth, and even kissed the breech of the gun a couple of times. English planes were like vultures, which should not be spared. On the contrary, each hit caused wild delight, it was clear that the enemy was even afraid to drop bombs under the tanks barely covered with sand . But a few gifts, nevertheless, landed on the antler crossing. There were cracks and cracks. At least three male sappers were killed. Another shrapnel cracked open the skull of an Arab who helped the Nazis, and cut off the hand of a black-eyed local boy. The Arab boy fell and seemed to immediately choke in the salty water of the strait. However, this was the last act of courage of the British pilots. The shots of the she-wolves are painfully deadly, especially Gerda, who brought her score to seventeen. Having received such a cruel lesson, the thinned air squadron turned back. And the blonde terminator, like a partridge hunter, knocked down the eighteenth client! Gerda brought out an aphorism:
  - They don"t fight by numbers, but they reward by number! Counting, planning - you won"t miscalculate when fighting!
  . CHAPTER 22
  Here Konan-Pavlik is running again. He picks up speed. And already under the boy's bare feet the hot sands of the desert. And he does not burn his bare soles.
  And the terminator boy runs to himself, and continues to compose;
  After such an amazing skirmish, the girls still had to lose time to restore the crossing. However, swimming in water warm as fresh milk is much more pleasant than running naked and barefoot through a hot desert. Even so, you have to work. Naughty Charlotte remarked:
  - We have done a lot now, but we will do even more in the Middle East. So it's not time to harvest yet!
  Gerda replied softly:
  - A soldier loses not when he is exhausted, but when he calms down - after all, in the first case, the iron will helps out, and in the second, it drowns the lazy swamp of lack of will!
  The redhead remarked:
  - When the will, and when the lack of will! I hope they get new equipment soon.
  Gerda said emphatically:
  - Technique a pile of metal, if the brain is atrophied and a pile of crutches, if the muscles have failed!
  Charlotte added:
  - In what way did man surpass God - unlike the Almighty, he managed to create his own gravedigger!
  Fruda waved her hands at the redhead.
  - Just not about religion. It is not worth touching on a similar topic!
  Charlotte closed her eyes.
  - What do you want to talk about?
  Gerda timidly suggested:
  - Let's discuss what would happen if Germany won the first world war!
  Charlotte rejoiced at these words:
  - That's right. The most secular conversation. I like to discuss what would have been and what would not have been. And what will Gerda say?
  The blonde terminator replied:
  Let's imagine for a second that Schlieffen 's plan came true. France is destroyed. Russian troops are defeated and driven back to Eastern Poland. Western Poland goes to Germany. The entire war and subsequent negotiations of the warring parties end no later than 1915. What would be the consequences of such a course of events? What would world history be like in such a situation?
  Until the village, silent Klaus asked a completely natural question:
  What is the Schlieffen Plan ? I have heard this term many times, but to be honest, I have no idea about it.
  Charlotte answered for Gerda:
  Schlieffen plan . Let's start with history. After the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, the French province of Alsace-Lorraine ( Alsace-Lorraine ), inhabited by Germans and French, became part of the German Empire. Thirsty for revenge, the Third French Republic vowed to regain the territories that France owned for more than two hundred years. France was isolated, but after the accession of the young Wilhelm II to the throne in 1888, as well as the gradual estrangement of Germany from Russia and Britain, the fear of the possibility of war on both fronts began to increase among the German leadership.
  Klaus stated:
  - And you know, although many of my peers grumbled with displeasure, the Fuhrer acted very wisely by signing a non-aggression pact with Stalin.
  Charlotte bared her pearly teeth, and continuing to point her antlers, she continued:
  - Only history can give an unambiguous answer - what is wise and what is not! France, defeated in 1870 in a mere two weeks, was still seen as a threat by the Germans. At the same time, the Russian Empire was in the east, the war with which could be very difficult, especially if the tsar could mobilize the population of the far part of the empire. And what about the population of Russia in 1913, 180 million, and all on the same continent and have a single citizenship. Unlike Britain, for example. After the signing of the Anglo-French Agreement in 1904 ( Entente Cordiale ), Kaiser Wilhelm asked Alfred von Schlieffen to develop a plan that would allow Germany to wage war on two fronts at the same time, and, in December 1905, von Schlieffen set to work.
  Gerda immediately noted:
  - That's what we should have expected, remembering the ancient Greek proverb: "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one!"
  Charlotte nodded her head and replied:
  - Here, of course, I agree, but ... Probably, through diplomacy, this turned out to be too difficult, almost impossible to achieve. Here the stubbornness of Tsar Nicholas I played a role, ugh his second .... And the intrigues of Britain, and maybe the USA. Perhaps the Kaiser was not entirely convincing ...
  Gerda said:
  - I don't think we should have declared war on Russia. It is possible that Nicholas II would not have risked attacking first! Or another option, an offensive against the Russians, with a temporary refusal to attack the French.
  Charlotte answered this calmly with a defiant yawn:
  - Just Schlieffen wanted to start with the frogs, who did not have their own Napoleon Bonaparte. The plan was based on the idea of a quick capture of France. The plan called for 39 days to capture Paris and 42 days for the final surrender of France. According to the calculations of the count, this time should have been enough to prevent the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire from mobilizing and attacking East Prussia. The plan was based on the ability of the Germans to capture France so quickly that the enemy did not have time to mobilize troops, and then the turn of troops towards Russia was envisaged. Germany's plans also included the desire to capture such neutral countries as Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.
  Gerda continued to persist:
  - But in this case, it was just not necessary to declare war on Russia, and indeed to arrange a Balkan crisis, especially since Serbia agreed with almost all the conditions of Germany, or rather Austria-Hungary. So the blow of the German troops would have become more sudden, and an extended second front would not have arisen.
  Fruda succinctly noted:
  - Logically!
  Shallot said:
  - You know, it is not so easy to decide on a war. Especially if there's no reason...
  Klaus asked the fiery warrior:
  - Aren't the lessons of history worth considering?
  Charlotte immediately nodded.
  - Worth the appropriate did our generals. For example, such. For a long time, the German troops failed to take Paris (in 1870, the siege of Paris lasted for months, in contrast to the planned 39 days), but nevertheless, after long battles, they passed through the Western part of the city. The essence of the plan was not to capture the cities and trade centers of the country, but to force the French army to surrender and capture as many soldiers as possible as prisoners, that is, to repeat the course of the Franco-Prussian war.
  Gerda helped to insert another detail into the structure (the girls talked without getting out of the water). The Wolf Girl said:
  - It was, in general, quite real, although ...
  Interrupting Gerda, Charlotte continued:
  - But unfortunately, some of the details that subsequently led to the collapse were invisible to the German command: both Schlieffen and the person who subsequently executed the plan, Helmut von Moltke , were tempted by the opportunity to impose on the French army from two sides. Once again, the inspiration was history, namely the crushing defeat of the army of Ancient Rome at the Battle of Cannae in 216, and it was this battle that Schlieffen studied very meticulously . In essence, his plan was a rather large reimagining of Hannibal's plan.
  Klaus approved and even kicked the water with his feet:
  - That's exactly right! Hannibal is a genius - higher than Caesar!
  Gerda disagreed:
  - On the contrary, Caesar is superior to Hannibal precisely because he managed to win the guerrilla war against the Gauls, which the one-eyed commander never managed to do with Rome.
  The fiery warrior roared at this:
  - I believe that from the outside, Hannibal should not have offered peace to Rome, but it made sense to immediately go to the capital.
  Gerda immediately added:
  - And from the side of the Kaiser, they should not have declared war on Russia!
  Charlotte didn't quite agree.
  - This is how to say, in principle, it was possible to resist on two fronts. The mobilization of the Russian army was very slow due to the poor condition and coverage of the country by railways. Well, of course, an extremely inert bureaucratic machine and simply unthinkable corruption in the Russian leadership. After an early victory over France, Germany decided to concentrate its forces on the Eastern Front. The plan was to leave 9% of the army in France and send the remaining 91% to Russia. Kaiser Wilhelm II put it this way: "We will have Paris for breakfast, and St. Petersburg for lunch"!
  Klaus exclaimed:
  - That's our way! Of course, Russia will not leave! I hope we will still stomp on Red Square!
  Charlotte confirmed:
  - Of course we will! The capture of the Middle East allows us, in the event of a war with the USSR, to strike almost immediately at Azerbaijan, and therefore take possession of Baku oil.
  Gerda showed curiosity:
  - And what exactly happened in the case of our victory!
  Charlotte answered this with a deep sigh:
  - First, you need to remember what the consequences of the course of events in the Current, not the most unfortunately sweet reality.
  First, Britain comes out of the war with a huge debt to America. The people are tired of the war, the spirit of the nation is broken. True, we managed to grab something; oil-rich Iraq, Namibia with large diamond and gold deposits.
  Second: France suffered monstrous material and human losses, which calls into question its further development as a world power. (Although France was still considered such until 1940, the bloodletting of 1914-1918 undermined the strength of the nation, as a result of which French progress was too slow, and in 1940 parts of our valiant Wehrmacht put everything in its place).
  Third: America has taken a leading position in the world, the European countries that participated in the war have become America's debtors, the US military has gained the first experience of global military operations. America is starting a run that will either lead it to the role of the only superpower in the world, or turn it into a pile of smoking firebrands. Our Hitler forgives nothing and never loses!
  Klaus, splashing water, agreed:
  - Well, that's for sure! The Fuhrer will not let anyone down! Although, for example, I heard that the Russians have tanks the size of a three-story house!
  The fire wolf giggled.
  "That won't help them now!" Fourth; A revolution took place in Russia with well-known consequences. In fairness, we must admit that Stalin is, of course, not such a weak-willed woman as Nicholas II, and the Bolsheviks have a backbone and heavy fists!
  Then Gerda spoke:
  And of course the most foul; for Germany, the defeat was a national catastrophe, the country's debts are huge, the people are demoralized, the economy is in the deepest hole, the fleet is laid up in Scapa Flow, the colonies are lost, the army is almost dissolved (the Reichswehr of the 20s can hardly be considered a full-fledged army), they are gaining strength revolutionary movements.
  Klaus was quick to add:
  There were other consequences, such as the collapse of Austria-Hungary, but these are without any doubt the most important. Then America will begin to win more and more positions in the world, England will lose them, the industrial USSR will arise in Russia's place, our Fuhrer Hitler will come to power in Germany, etc. The results are known and they are not unambiguous. The very fact that Germany received as a result a leader, such a great genius as the Fuhrer, is more than capable of blocking a lot!
  Charlotte finished with force:
  - Of course, that the winner in the First World War (Only the Third Reich can definitely win in the Second World War) was only one country - America. It can be said that Japan received some benefits from the war, but this does not pull on victory!
  Fruda said angrily:
  - These traitors are Japanese! How scavengers clung to our colonies. And they say - noble samurai!
  Charlotte lowered her voice and continued:
  - Consider what would happen if Germany won. So, at the beginning of 1915, all the continental countries made peace. Germany has significantly increased its colonies (so far only formally), defeated all its European enemies and still has the second fleet in the world after the British. America did not have time to intervene in the war. Further events can go according to two options.
  Option one: Britain continues to fight.
  Klaus stated:
  - Given the stubbornness of the British, this is the most likely! After all, they did not ask for peace in 1940, after the defeat of France. It is unlikely that they have the courage to do so even now!
  Charlotte let out a sunbeam from her eyes.
  So much the worse for them! Further actions may develop according to the following scenario. The Central Powers, having put pressure on Italy, make her their ally and begin the struggle for the Mediterranean Sea. The combined fleets of Italy and Austria-Hungary, of course, will not oust the English Fleet from this theater of operations, but will draw part of its forces onto itself. This will favor Germany in conducting a general naval battle. In addition, Germany's resources are not constrained by land warfare, and she can begin preparations for submarine warfare. Another option is to ease the conditions of peace for France (for example, by leaving her more colonies), Germany in return demands her participation in the war against England, using her colonies as a springboard for actions against the British colonies. And finally, Germany could send troops to Turkey and conquer the Middle East by taking control of the Suez Canal. For Britain it would be a disaster.
  Klaus chuckled nervously.
  - What we just did ... But so far we cannot transport the tanks!
  Charlotte threatened with her finger:
  - Tolya will still be oh-oh-oh! However, the conclusion can be drawn unequivocally. After all, in this way, left one on one with all of Europe, Britain will inevitably be defeated. It is obvious that America will not have time to intervene in the war by this time, moreover, in the light of the quick victory of Germany, the need for such an intervention overseas will be assessed as extremely doubtful.
  Fruda said harshly:
  - The Yankees naturally do not dare to intervene!
  The fiery warrior, baring her teeth, added:
  - So these are the pies: Britain either suffers a defeat, or reduces the war to a draw, at the cost of economic decline and the loss of a significant part of the fleet, which automatically means the loss of supremacy at sea with all the ensuing consequences for the colonial empire. Therefore, it is more likely that Britain will act on a different option.
  - Which one? Frouda inquired.
  Charlotte stretched her scarlet lips even wider in a carnivorous smile:
  - Option two - where is each hero. Britain makes an honorable peace. The world has one condition - Britain legally recognizes a new power reality in the world, in the form of recognition of the former French colonies as German territory. For Germany, such a peace is also beneficial, since there is no need to spend resources on continuing the war, no need to risk your own fleet, which, most likely, will not be able to cope with the British. - Intercepting the incredulous glances of the interlocutors, she added. - Alas, fortune is blind. In addition, you should not wait for the intervention of new countries in the war, but you can focus on continuing your economic development and the development of vast colonial possessions. Most likely, events would have developed according to this scenario. And all this would lead to an absolutely incredible course of history for a person from our glorious reality ...
  Charlotte fell silent, and Gerda tried to open her mouth, as one of the girls would scream:
  - Anxiety! A tropical hurricane is approaching. I can feel it!
  Madeleine immediately commanded:
  - We're turning! The grisette is never wrong in such predictions!
  The wolf warriors really had to pack up their belongings and evacuate. However, not only Grisette, but also the rest of the girls felt how it suddenly became cold, in the style of an icy dystopia, despite the fact that the sun was just at its zenith. They worked harmoniously, already without any jokes and superfluous words.
  We managed just in time, after which such a wind came up that the dust that had risen made it impossible to see at a distance of more than two meters.
  The friendly four hid in a rather spacious tank, where, by the way, it was warmer, and settled in a semicircle.
  Klaus asked rather stupidly:
  - Nu, that came the end of the world?
  Charlotte replied:
  - Not! This is not a few hours at the most! No more!
  Madeleine's stern, almost masculine voice came over the radio:
  - You can sleep for now, dear girls! Further, you will have to march all the way to Baghdad to make up for lost time!
  The she-wolves of the warrior barked in unison with a whistle:
  - Eat everyone to sleep!
  Gerda and Charlotte are light in such a way that their naked bodies are pressed one from the right side, and the other from the left, to the young Klaus. They fell asleep almost instantly, fatigue and the habit of falling asleep as soon as the order was received (a saving habit in conditions of chronic lack of sleep and rest in the conditions of the barracks and an elite school!). At the same time, as one would expect, they ended up as a couple in their endless dream-series.
  Having fired a few more "on-duty" shots: "these scumbags were too stubborn, that they fell down in bursts. Gerda returned to the discussion:
  - I believe that Lucifer was indeed originally a kind, exalted and noble angel. But sin and pride settled in his heart! It so happened that under the influence of sin - the mystery of lawlessness, the good in the soul of the main angel began to die, and malice arose.
  My God, how beautiful and pure you are,
  I believe that your rightness is infinite!
  You gave your glorious life on the cross
  And now you will burn in my heart forever!
  You are the Lord beauty - joy, peace and love,
  The embodiment of boundless, bright light!
  You shed precious blood for the people,
  Saved by the infinite sacrifice of the planet!
  Gerda sang with great enthusiasm. Two pearly tears rolled out of her sapphire eyes, they slid down her satin cheek and dripped down. The girl became very disgusted for her cruelty. Charlotte caught her mood:
  - Now we need to pick up the Stinger weapons and hand them over to the terrorists. This is our original plan. It is necessary to gain confidence in the Turkish Sultan.
  Gerda rubbed her sore heel against the metal, her bare foot became covered with small blisters and squeezed out:
  - A perfectly reasonable assumption. But first, let's leave the city, New Shed is a little tired.
  Charlotte with a well-aimed shot cut off a biplane that flashed in the sky, it smoked its tail and went down in a dive:
  - And I like. It is not possible for everyone to create a fairly decent enclave among the Chernokharev open spaces!
  Gerda sighed in annoyance.
  - You can"t blame the Stability gang for this.
  The tank and infantry fighting vehicles rolled out of the city, gradually they accelerated their speed, trying to squeeze out the maximum. The German "Cheetah" accelerated to eighty-five kilometers per hour, And the BMP jumped over a hundred.
  - Do not drive Gerd like that, you will suddenly run into an ambush! Charlotte growled in alarm.
  - Then I'll plant the enemy on two barrels! - The blonde terminator bared her teeth.
  On the way, they came across three motorcycles, one even fired a mortar. However, shooting them in the style of a computer game is very pleasant.
  We are the lords of the fire trails. - Said, squealing with delight Charlotte. - Then, the colonel asked sternly. - Reluctantly, we left the game. It was difficult, but alas, necessary!
  - And that you wanted to make this territory uninhabited. This is not included in our strategic plans! the Colonel yelled back.
  - Good, but the influence of the group "Stability" is undermined. So, you will need to change something in the policy within the zone. - With the look of a professor, the fiery lady prompted.
  - Of course, but it will be decided by the upper management. In the meantime, catch this trait of the Turkish Sultan! - Chopped off the commander.
  Having passed the shaft of the girl, we drove into the jungle. Ahead glowed anomalies.
  "The city itself may have some protection against these marvels. - I noticed Gerd, frowning her forehead. - By revealing its nature, we could make significant progress in the development of the zone.
  - Of course they could! But they are already doing it without us! The best scientists of the Third Reich are working! Charlotte yelled back.
  - And that scientists have not yet learned how to treat FLPID and cancer. How many people are dying in agony. This is what I would do! Gerda puffed out her cheeks and clenched her fists with such force that even her knuckles turned purple.
  - In the Third Reich, the healthcare system needs to be modernized following the example of White Mars (Great joke, humor of the dead!). After all, there is enough money, you can make it free and accessible to everyone. Charlotte raised her fingers, then fired again. - Besides, it was better if the guys and girls would serve together, creating mixed companies. Just think of a young man in the very dawn of strength and libido for two years, and earlier they were deprived of female affection for four years. No wonder sexual crimes have grown so dramatically. Sex is the best medicine for all mental illnesses, but, unfortunately, expensive and hard to get! Charlotte noticed.
  - I see only this on your mind! - With contempt said Gerda.
  - Quite a normal instinct! Who does not love sex does not love life, and does not appreciate the joys of the body! And whose body does not feel freedom, then the soul languishes in the dungeon! Oh, and we're on our way! - Charlotte jabbed her finger forward, knocking down a fat, square bumblebee.
  The tank and BMP drove around the anomaly, then another crater. Pulled fresh discharges. The anomaly stretched its tentacles, almost invisible but palpable, so that the armor vibrated like pebbles clattering against it.
  - It's quite interesting, I feel the waves, very small range, they heat up the surface! - Said, slightly feminine nervous, Gerda.
  - I'm not a log either! Yes, that's something! In addition, our tanks are an accumulation of metal and can attract negative energy! - Charlotte's face turned red, she felt the growing tension, various fields.
  - Can try with a fragmentation projectile! Air shaking will change the background settings. - Offered blonde terminator.
  - No, we'd better just go around! - The girl shook the joystick. - In general, we Germans cleverly came up with this. Instead of a steering wheel and buttons, use an element of a game console as a control. No wonder the German "Mercedes" and BMW are such popular cars, even the American president respects them, with all the swagger of the Yankees.
  head under the caterpillars , the animal snapped its fangs and rushed under the car.
  The crackle of breaking ribs, and spilled blood, heralded that the creature was being tyrannized.
  A dozen more of these monsters shot machine-gun bursts, they fell, and the meat was literally torn to pieces.
  - And they're out of warranty. - Said, grimacing girl.
   Rat dogs and other creatures shied away from the tanks, apparently mistaking them for dangerous mutant animals.
  - Look, they are afraid of us! - Gerda, childishly pointed with her finger.
  - No great merit, you would be scared too. - Answered, showing the tongue of Charlotte.
  Then the girls nevertheless slowed down, and drove out onto the channel. Two vehicles, a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle, were laid up.
  Well, it looks like we've achieved something! Here comes our submarine! - With satisfaction, said Gerda.
  - It is high time! Charlotte growled.
  The foundations of a titanium boat appeared from under the water. The marvelous car went up the canal. It partially duplicated the functions of the tank, but naturally excelled in universalism.
  Already familiar fighters in exoskeletons jumped out of her womb, as well as the colonel. They began to hand over the unpacked "mega-stingers" to the young warriors.
  - Here are a few pieces of this modification we will take for ourselves to study. - Said, huffing puffing Colonel. - And the rest, not a visual friend of the Turkish Sultan.
  - I don't really like the idea of bringing such a generous gift to the enemy of the Third Reich. Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows.
  - It's a Danish gift. First, mega-stingers will become completely useless in combat. And secondly ... - I started, it was a colonel.
  - I know! - Unceremoniously interrupted Gerda.
  - What do you know? The Colonel was at once alert.
  - What, secondly. You have assigned a call sign with reception to each mega-stinger. In this case, you will be able to track the movement of the enemy! - Exclaimed the quick-witted blonde terminator.
  - Yes, a kind of bugs! - Interrupted Charlotte. - It's quite simple, for animals of this size!
  - You guessed! Yes, we will track all their jerks in this way. But they will rush around cool. - A stern, no longer young representative of the special services smiled.
  - Well, well then, we will accept the gift! The girls happily clapped each other's hands.
  - In addition, bugs will also be introduced into your tanks. After all, there will certainly be witnesses that you stole them, otherwise you will hand them over to the Turkish Sultan. And another gift to him and we will have more goals for tracking! The Colonel winked slyly.
  Gerda nodded in agreement.
  - Surely the insidious Turkish Sultan wants to climb there himself. After all, it is very likely that the power-hungry terrorist himself will test the new technique.
  - So do we. " Hyperbugs " will be able to transmit video from the tank and infantry fighting vehicles. Clear and accurate, as well as partial visibility outside the tank. We will keep an eye on the enemy! - A representative of the special services threw a nicotine -replacing chewing gum with fluoride additives into his mouth (Teeth are strengthened by this!).
  After a pause, Charlotte asked:
  - What kind of technique?
  The colonel took out small crystals, held them out in his palm:
  - Mini-electronics, they can be given any shape. We will hide them in the tank's instruments in such a way that the enemy will not notice in any way. Believe me, even American experts will not be able to detect anything. This can be hidden in the panel or under the guise of varnish.
  - Wow, I didn't know that our people can do that! - The fiery warrior in admiration ran her tongue over her lips.
  - It's not just ours. For a lot of money they bought several American scientists and two Russians, as well as an Indian. Not to mention the fact that our people stole something from research institutes in the US and Canada. All the forces of science of the invincible Third Reich are thrown against the possessed Turkish sultan. The best personnel and minds. So girls, you are not alone, behind your shoulder is the breath of a mighty country! - The pathos of the colonel was not entirely appropriate in this audience, but the young girls answered with enthusiasm.
  - We feel it! Glory to mighty Germany!
  Special Forces soldiers fixed Hyperbugs on the tank and BMP. Everything was carefully patched up, and the "mega-stingers" were loaded onto a special cart. While such preparations were being made, the Colonel asked:
  - Approximately how many people, taking into account the ship, you finished off people. Gerda thought a little and answered:
  - I personally about one thousand four hundred!
  Charlotte, grinning, confirmed:
  - And I'm also about a thousand three hundred. We fought as equals!
  - And two thousand eight hundred in the end. Good disassembly, pulls on an iron cross with oak leaves, and maybe even swords!). We will put it in the analogue of the successful actions of the special forces. You may be secretly rewarded! You know, for special forces they introduced, in addition to crosses, a new award - a ruby star. With its help, you will get the right to an extraordinary military rank, who are you by the way! - Asked the colonel, frowning for some reason.
  - Gerda White death! - Private SS Army of the Third Reich.
  - Charlotte Fire Satan! - an ordinary SS army of Great Germany or the Third Reich.
  - Believe me, you will definitely be promoted to officer, making you chief lieutenants.
  A mutant bird flashed in the sky, a bare skull flashed in the darkness, with teeth curved like lightning. All in all, a great horror film. However, it was not necessary to shoot, the reptile bird flew by.
  Charlotte nevertheless fired from the machine gun, the bullets hit a large creature the size of a fighter. The reptile gasped and exploded. The air wave shook the trees.
  - Beautifully, I did her! Only her feathers are stronger than alloy steel, you need to hit exactly in the ass, under the tail. After that, natural gas explodes, and the acid that has accumulated in the insides. - Said, showing off Charlotte's not too necessary success.
  - Bird Ruuffi , so special, wild, dangerous. But quite rare, it was possible to spare. The Colonel yawned languidly.
  - And she feeds on corpses and spreads the infection. There were cases when living soldiers ate, yes, her hell! And yes, we did chat! Charlotte growled.
  The Colonel readily agreed.
  - Yes, of course, they chatted beyond measure. So I have a better suggestion. Let the famous prima donna Gerda sing a song for us about such a bright victory.
  Gerda did not show much enthusiasm:
  - Now I'm clearly not in the voice and not in the mood. Maybe another time?
  Charlotte replied:
  - There may not be another time! In addition, in the song, you just have to start, and then everything goes very easily. Well, don't be shy, I'll sing along to you!
  Gerda coughed hard a couple of times to clear her throat and sang in her angelic voice:
  I'm tired of wandering around the universe,
  How much of it is cruel and evil!
  But I only ask the Lord for one thing,
  To protect, the world of the near, dear!
  War, not knowing between, came to me,
  She covered her with her pitiless wing!
  The sword is sharp, not knowing the sheath,
  Here is an evil dragon sticking its snout out!
  But the Prussian knight, a powerful hero,
  Hell cannot break it!
  Said thieves - you do not steal your conscience,
  Since our honesty - know hope!
  Tat got scared - he sees a terrible sword,
  For lawlessness - a tough retribution!
  We are the covetous, we can burn at once,
  And the Motherland is a high award!
  Who did not love - does not know these torments,
  What will bring a different solution!
  But our fire, believe me, has not gone out,
  We are enough if two together!
  The countdown is of course strict God is coming,
  He is weak, timid - not at all protection!
  Such people - an account was set,
  That the army of those living in smithereens is broken!
  But a man is like a sprout,
  When he believes - know, he will not fade!
  Know the escape of progress, do not shrink,
  Space we see in the sky gave!
  What do we need in this world - we need success,
  Such is the nature of humanity!
  Cheerful, youthful laughter is heard,
  And a new culture is growing!
  Conservatism is our cruel executioner,
  Chained the thought of people like a stone!
  But if it's hard for a soldier, don't cry
  We will, believe the warriors in the blow!
  The long-awaited victory has come
  And who else would doubt it!
  Thought man is a sharp needle,
  Who is a hero, he is not a game of a buffoon!
  I believe the planet will find happiness,
  We will become - I know everyone is cute, beautiful!
  And malice will pay us a fair account,
  Will pour generously with spikelets of the cornfield!
  We do not know peace, that's the lot,
  How cruel is evolution!
  In the universe, limitless chaos,
  In it, every creature is lonely!
  Better, we hope
  That there will be happiness and fear will disappear!
  And all sons will become like relatives,
  And we will describe the new path in verse!
  The hero boy finally arrived at Titus's headquarters. He did not yet know that Nero would send him his bodyguard and received the young warrior very warily. But Conan Pavlik showed him a parchment with the seal and signature of Emperor Nero himself.
  And distrust dissipated. Moreover, the hero boy easily crumpled his fingers, first of his hands, and then of his feet, on a copper coin, showing his phenomenal strength.
  And the young warrior arrived just in time. The king of Parthia gathered all his forces and, having received an almost fivefold numerical superiority, together with the rebellious Jews, tried to attack the army of Titus. The forces were unequal, although the Romans, perhaps, have better weapons and organization.
  Titus took up a prepared, fortified position. And there he began to repel the onslaught, surpassing the forces of King Kerza . And the Parthian and Jewish regiments rushed to the Romans.
  The cartoon boy picked up the bow and pulled the string. And fired an arrow at the enemy. And then, with his bare toes, he threw a dart, and struck three Parthian warriors at once.
  Konan-Pavlik sang:
  - For the great communism of Nero!
  After that, the boy again threw a barefoot, childish, but strong leg dart and fired again from the bow.
  Then Konan-Pavlik began to throw darts with his bare feet and shoot without interruption from the bow. Both arrows and darts flew. And they pierced both the Parthians and the Jews.
  Konan-Pavlik did it energetically.
  And the girls began to fight with him, and the girl Margarita joined the fight.
  There are a lot of soldiers in the Parthian Empire. They flow like an endless river.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko, cutting down the Parthians with his swords, bellowed:
  - Never give up!
  And a sharp disk flew from the boy's bare foot!
  Margarita, crushing opponents, grunted:
  - There is a place for feat in the world!
  And poisonous needles scattered from the girl's bare foot, striking the Parthians.
  Natasha also threw her bare toes, deadly, fired a bolt of lightning from the scarlet nipple of her tanned chest and deafeningly howled:
  We will never forget and never forgive.
  And her swords went through the mill over the Parthians.
  Zoya, cutting through the enemies, and sending discharges of pulses from crimson nipples, squeaked:
  - For a new order!
  And new needles scattered from her bare feet. And what's in the eye, what's in the throat of Chinese soldiers.
  Yes, it was clear that the warriors were getting excited and furious.
  Augustine cuts down swarthy soldiers, releasing cascades of lightning from her ruby nipples, squeaked:
  - Our iron will!
  And a new, deadly gift flies from her bare foot. And swarthy fighters fall.
  Svetlana cuts the windmill, from strawberry nipples she releases corona discharges, her swords are like lightning.
   The Parthians are falling like sheaves.
  The girl throws needles with her bare feet and squeaks:
  - For Mother Russia will win!
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko advances against the Parthians. The terminator boy cuts down swarthy troops.
  And at the same time, the toes of the boy's bare legs throw out needles with poison.
  The boy roars:
  - Glory to Future Russia!
  And in motion cuts everyone's head and muzzle.
  Margarita also crushes opponents.
  Her bare feet are flailing. The Parthians are dying in large numbers. Warrior yells:
  - For new frontiers!
  And then the girl will take and cut ...
  Mass of corpses of Parthian soldiers.
  But Natasha is on the offensive, sending lightning from her scarlet nipples. He cuts his own Chinese and sings:
  - Russia is great and radiant,
  I'm a very strange girl!
  And disks fly from her bare feet. Who saw the throats of the Parthians. Yes, this is a girl.
  Zoya is on the offensive. Cuts swarthy soldiers with both hands. Spitting out of a tube. And throws deadly needles with bare toes, and spews pulsars with crimson nipples.
  And at the same time he sings to himself:
  - Oh, bludgeon let's go,
  Oh, my favorite will go!
  Augustine, slaughtering the Parthians and destroying swarthy soldiers, spewing presents of death with ruby nipples, squeals:
  - All shaggy and in the skin of an animal,
  He rushed to the riot police with a club!
  And with bare toes, how to launch into the enemy, something that will kill an elephant.
  And then squeak:
  - Wolves!
  Svetlana on the offensive. Cuts , shredding the Parthians. With bare feet, he launches presents of death on them. And from strawberry nipples blobs of magoplasm fly out.
  Runs a mill with swords.
  She crushed a lot of fighters and squeals:
  - A big victory is coming!
  And again the girl is in a wild movement.
  And her bare feet launch deadly needles.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko jumped up. The boy twirled in a somersault. Chopped up a lot of Parthians in a jump.
  He threw the needles with his bare fingers and gurgled:
  - Be famous for my beautiful courage!
  And again the boy is in battle.
  Margarita goes on the offensive. Shreds all enemies in a row. Her swords are tougher than windmill blades. And bare toes throw presents of death.
  The girl is on the offensive. Exterminates swarthy warriors without ceremony.
  And jumps every now and then, and twists!
  And gifts of annihilation fly from her.
  And the Parthians themselves fall dead. And whole mounds of corpses pile up.
  Margarita squeaks:
  - I am an American cowboy!
  And again her bare feet threw the needle.
  And then a dozen more needles!
  Natasha on the offensive is also very cool. With the help of scarlet nipples, he sends lightning after lightning.
  And throws with bare feet, and spits from a straw.
  And screams at the top of his lungs:
  - I'm a sparkling death! All you have to do is die!
  And again beauty in motion.
  Zoya storms the blockage of Parthian corpses. And boomerangs of destruction also fly from her bare feet. And raspberry nipples send whole cascades of bubbles, crushing and destroying everyone.
  And swarthy warriors keep falling and falling.
  Zoya screams:
  - Barefoot girl, you will win!
  And a dozen needles fly from the girl's bare heel. Which dig right into the throat of the Parthians.
  They drop dead.
  Or rather, completely dead.
  Augustine on the offensive. Crushes swarthy troops. Her swords are carried in two hands. And she is such a great warrior. And ruby nipples in action, burning everyone, and turning them into charred skeletons.
  A tornado sweeps through the Parthian troops.
  Girl with red hair roars:
  - The future is hidden! But it will be victorious!
  And on the offensive, a beauty with fiery hair.
  Augustine roars in wild ecstasy:
  - The gods of war will tear everything!
  And the warrior on the offensive.
  And her bare feet throw a lot of sharp, poisonous needles.
  Svetlana in battle And so sparkling and fighting. Her bare legs throw out so many deadly things. Not a man, but death with blonde hair.
  But if it breaks, then you can"t stop it. Especially if killer lightnings fly from strawberry nipples.
  Svetlana sings:
  - Life will not be honey,
  That jump in a round dance!
  Let the dream come true -
  Beauty turns a man into a slave!
  And in the movement of the girl more and more fury.
  Konan-Pavlik in the offensive, everything is accelerating. The boy beats the Parthians.
  His bare feet throw sharp needles.
  The young warrior squeaks:
  - The mad empire will tear everyone apart!
  And again the boy is on the move.
  Margarita is a stormy girl in her activity. And thrashes the enemies.
  Here she launched with her bare leg, a pea with explosives. She will explode, and immediately throw a hundred Parthians up.
  The girl screams:
  - Victory will come to us anyway!
  And run the mill with swords.
  Natasha accelerated her movements. The girl cuts down swarthy warriors. Her scarlet nipples are increasingly spewing streams of lightning and magoplasm . And while yelling:
  - Victory awaits the empire of Russia.
  And let's exterminate the Parthians at an accelerated pace.
  Natasha, this is a terminator girl.
  Does not think to stop and slow down.
  Zoya is on the offensive. Her swords seem to cut meat salad. And crimson nipples spewing furious streams of magoplasm and lightning. The girl screams at the top of her lungs:
  - Our salvation is in force!
  And bare toes also throw such needles.
  And a mass of people with pierced throats, lying around in mounds of corpses.
  Augustine is a crazy girl. And it crushes everyone like it's a robot from hyperplasma.
  It has already smashed not a single hundred or even a thousand Parthians. But everything picks up the pace. From ruby nipples spewing streams of energy. And the warrior still roars.
  - I'm invincible! The coolest in the world!
  And again, the beauty in the attack.
  And from her bare toes, a pea flies out. And three hundred Parthians were torn apart by a powerful explosion.
  Augustine sang:
  - You will not dare to seize our land!
  Svetlana is also on the offensive. And does not give a single gram of respite. Wild Terminator Girl.
  And he cuts down the enemies and exterminates the Parthians. And a mass of dark-skinned fighters had already fallen into the ditch and along the roads. And the warrior increasingly aggressively uses lightning flights on the Parthian fighters from her strawberry and large nipples.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko is back in action. And advances waving both swords. And the terminator boy runs the mill. The slain Parthians are falling .
  Mass of corpses. Whole mountains of bloody bodies.
  The boy remembers a wild strategy. Where, too, horses and people mixed together.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko squeaks:
  - Woe from the mind!
  And there will be plenty of money!
  And the terminator boy in the new movement. And his bare feet will take something and throw it.
  The boy genius roared:
  - Master class and firm "Adidas"!
  Really cool and cool performance turned out. And how many dead Parthians. And the swarthy fighters were slain by the greatest multitude of the greatest.
  Margarita is also in the fight. Crushes swarthy armies and roars:
  - Big shock regiment! We all drive into the coffin!
  And her swords are hacking at the Chinese. The mass of dark-skinned fighters has already collapsed.
  The girl growled:
  - I'm even cooler than panthers! Prove that everyone is the best!
  And from the bare heel of the girl, like a pea with powerful explosives, will fly out.
  And strike at the enemy.
  And he will take and smash some of the opponents.
  And Natasha is in authority. And she beats opponents, and she herself will not give anyone a descent.
  How many Chinese have already interrupted.
  And her teeth are so sharp. And the eyes are sapphire. This is the girl - the main executioner. Although she has all her partners - executioners! And from scarlet nipples sends gifts of annihilation.
  Natasha screams:
  - I'm crazy! You will have a penalty!
  And again the girl will cut down a lot of Parthians with swords.
  Zoya is on the move and cut a lot of swarthy warriors. And fired bolts of lightning from crimson nipples.
  And bare feet throw needles. Each needle kills several Parthians. These girls are really beautiful.
  Augustine advances and crushes opponents. He scatters magoplasmic blots with ruby nipples , scorching the Parthians. And at the same time, he does not forget to yell:
  - You can not escape the coffin!
  And the girl will take her teeth and bare her teeth!
  And the redhead is so ... Hair fluttering in the wind, like a proletarian banner.
  And everything literally comes out of anger.
  Svetlana on the move Here she cut a lot of skulls. A warrior who bares her teeth. And nipples the color of overripe strawberries spews lightning.
  Shows tongue. And then spits from a straw. Then he howls:
  - Will you guys be dead!
  And again deadly needles fly from her bare feet.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko jumps and jumps.
  The barefoot boy emits a bunch of needles and sings:
  - Let's go camping, open a big account!
  The young warrior is at his best.
  He is quite old, but he looks like a child. Only very strong and muscular.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko sang:
  - Let the game be not according to the rules - we will break through the fraera!
  And again, deadly and smashing needles flew off his bare feet.
  Margarita sang with delight:
  - Nothing is impossible! I believe freedom will dawn!
  The girl again threw a deadly cascade of needles at the Parthians and continued:
  - The darkness will go away! May roses bloom!
  And as soon as the warrior throws a pea with her bare toes, a thousand Parthians immediately flew up into the air. Yes, the army of the Persian Empire, as it were, is melting right before our eyes.
  Natasha in battle. Jumps like a cobra. Explodes enemies. And so many Parthians perish. And whole cascades of lightning and corona discharges fly off from her scarlet nipples.
  The girl of their swarthy warriors and swords, and grains on the coal, and spears. And needles.
  At the same time, it also roars:
  - I believe victory will come!
  And the glory of the Russians will find!
  Bare toes throw new needles, punching opponents.
  Zoya in a wild move. Attacks the Parthians. Breaks them into small pieces. And with crimson nipples spews mass spitting magoplasma.
  The warrior woman throws needles with her bare fingers. Breaks through opponents, and how to roar:
  Our complete victory is at hand!
  And runs a wild mill with swords. This is really a girl like a girl!
  But Augustine's cobra went on the offensive. This woman is a nightmare for all nightmares. And ruby nipples spewing streams of lightning that sweep away enemies.
  And if it cuts it, it means it will cut it.
  After that, the redhead will take and sing:
  - I will open all the skulls! I am a great dream!
  And now her swords in action and cut the meat.
  Svetlana also goes on the offensive. This girl has no brakes. How to chop, so the mass of corpses is littered. And from strawberry nipples it will sprinkle with discharges of deadly lightning.
  The blonde terminator roars:
  - How good it will be! How good it will be - I know it!
  And now a killer pea flies from her.
  Conan-Pavlik will again cut off a hundred Parthians, carrying with a meteor. And he will pick up a bomb and throw it.
  Small in size, but deadly...
  How to break into small pieces.
  The terminator boy howled:
  - Stormy youth of terrible machines!
  Margarita will do this again in battle.
  And cut down a lot of swarthy fighters. And cuts big gaps.
  The girl screams:
  - Lambada is our dance on the sand!
  And hit with renewed vigor.
  Natasha on the offensive is even more furious. This is how he thrashes the Parthians. It"s not very good for them to resist such girls. And especially if the nipples, scarlet as rose petals, spew lightning.
  Natasha took it and sang:
  - Running on the spot is a common reconciliator!
  And the warrior girl burst into the opponents with such a cascade of blows.
  And he will throw discs with bare feet.
  Here she ran the mill. The mass of heads of the swarthy army rolled back.
  She is a fighting beauty. To beat yourself up with such a swarthy armada.
  Zoya is on the move, crushing everyone without exception. And her swords are like scissors of death. And from her crimson nipples, extremely deadly discharges fly out.
  The girl is just lovely. And her bare feet throw very poisonous needles.
  Defeat opponents. They pierce their throats and make coffins.
  Zoya took it and squeaked:
  - If there is no water in the tap...
  Natasha yelled with delight, and such a destructive charge will be launched from her scarlet nipples that a mass of Parthians flies into hellish hell, and the girl"s screech is killer:
  So it's your fault!
  And with his bare toes he throws something that kills thoroughly. This is truly a girl of girls.
  And from her bare legs, how the blade will fly. And hit a lot of fighters.
  Augustine on the move. Swift and unique in its beauty.
  What bright hair she has. Like a proletarian banner fluttering. This girl is a real vixen. And ruby nipples spit out of her what death brings to the Parthian warriors.
  And she cuts opponents - as if she was born with swords in her hands.
  Redhead, damn bastard!
  Augustine took it and hissed:
  - The bull's head will be - do not go crazy fighters!
  And here she again crushed a lot of fighters. And then how to whistle. And thousands of crows fainted from fear. And they hit the shaved tops of the Parthians. And the bones were broken, forcing blood to splatter.
  Konan-Pavlik Rybachenko grunted:
  - What you need! Here is the girl!
  And the terminator boy will also whistle ... And thousands of crows, having heart attacks, fell on the heads of the Parthians, striking them with the most deadly battle.
  And then the karate kid threw a bomb with a child's heel, knocking out the Parthian soldiers, and yelled:
  - For great communism!
  Margarita, throwing a dagger with her bare foot, confirmed:
  - Big and cool girl!
  And he will also whistle, knocking down the crows.
  Augustine readily agreed with this:
  - I am a warrior that will bite anyone!
  And again, with bare toes, he will launch a murderous one. And from the rubies of sparkling nipples will release a bolt of lightning.
  Svetlana in battle is not inferior to opponents. Not a girl, but the tip of a flame. With strawberry-coloured nipples, she spewed out a mass of lightning, and incinerated a mass of Parthians.
  And screams:
  - What a blue sky!
  Augustine, releasing a blade with her bare foot, and spitting plasma with her ruby nipples, confirmed:
  - We are not supporters of robbery!
  And the girls and the boy finished off the last Parthian soldiers. And Konan-Pavlik pierced through with a dart from the king Kerza .
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