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Pearls Of Thought

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  If the limit is reached - go to chaos!
  Conscience is the most expensive commodity of those that are not for sale - though many are willing to pay extra to get rid of this value!
  In love, only poets give useful advice!
  Love is such a game - where is the third extra!
  How is love different from a friendly party - a third will never be called!
  The number three symbolizes harmony - but not in family life!
  Jealousy is a feeling of inferior people - they are weak in their minds, even pity the poor!
  It's easier to build a snowman in hell than to find a selfless priest!
  Honest pop like - white damn!
  The church is like a store - don't go in without money!
  No matter how big the fist is, the handcuffs will still fit!
  It's better to hit once than to say a hundred times!
  Most often cashing in on disinterestedness!
  On the greedy mouth - there is a muzzle!
  Who loves sex, has a bright mind and a good heart - as he is ready to share the pleasure with a partner!
  War is the school of life - which is better to skip!
  Most victims - requires military art!
  Christ was crucified by priests - evil dogs value only a stick!
  Faith is certainly light, but instead of moths it attracts banknotes!
  If you want to be rich, open a bank, if you want to become the richest, create a teaching!
  Philosophy is like a net for catching goldfish!
  Politics is the art of deceit!
  A politician differs from a killer - only by the size of the fee!
  Staircase of corpses most likely leads up!
  War is a contest of murderers and an executioner of mercy!
  Faith makes some purer - others richer!
  A politician is worse than vodka - it costs more, and your head starts to crack right away.
  A politician, like a prostitute, works with her tongue, but delivers less pleasure!
  The politician is constantly given, but does not satisfy anyone!
  Beautiful words - the mantle of a tyrant!
  When the state turns into an executioner, it is called the sacred homeland!
  If a politician crosses himself a lot, it means that his hand is looking for your wallet!
  Politician: legalized pickpocket!
  The difference between a politician and a pickpocket is that the former creates much more noise during the theft!
  The history of Christianity, and indeed of any religion, shows that there is no good fanaticism!
  To refuse to listen is to kill in the soul!
  Love your neighbor, not his wife and wallet!
  The slave became so accustomed to his collar that, having gained freedom, he began to suffocate!
  The fists of good are growing too fast!
  Whoever sows the seeds of discord will breed disaster!
  If you want to save your soul, crucify selfishness!
  The difference between an empty wallet and a soulless heart is that the latter is harder to carry!
  There are many gods, but there is no one to pour out the soul!
  What is the difference between a star in the sky and a pop star - in that a pop star can be extinguished with one cobblestone!
  Christ loves all people - even with sins, and most of his current servants - only with wallets!
  If you want to get closer to God, shorten your greed!
  Even in the apparent indifference of the Almighty lies love - after all, children first of all want to break out from under the care of their parents!
  God delays the punishment of evil in order to give a chance to the sinner!
  Talent and diligence as husband and wife give birth to success only in pairs!
  Even honey is bitter - if you drown in it!
  Deception is like wine and sickening and sweet and hard to stop!
  Love is like a fragmentation projectile - it breaks the heart, shakes the brain, turns out pockets, goes sideways!
  Man is in some ways equal to God - the Almighty created the universe, and man gave birth to stupidity: both are infinite!
  Success who builds on blood - awaits the fate of a stab pig. They will eat their comrades-in-arms - the result of anger is sad!
  Sometimes the best way to maintain a reputation is a noose around your neck! Anyway, don't let it fall!
  You can"t lie under a bear for a long time - it will crush you!
  Sometimes a wife is like a mammoth instead of a blanket!
  A writer that strives to reap banknotes - he will not sow good, eternal!
  A country without law is like a body without a skeleton! Only in order not to ossify - elections are needed!
  If you want to create a masterpiece - forget about the fee!
  The most skillful deception is when you are not lying, but no one believes you!
  Of course, defeat promises great troubles, but this is only a reflection of a future victory!
  In battle, it brings victory - valor and good intelligence.
  To beat, you must first see where!
  The scout is the blacksmith of victory!
  Any fool can cripple - not every smart one can cure!
  Many rude executioners - few doctors!
  To whom are doctors, and to whom are executioners!
  Without pain there is no valor - without valor there is no victory!
  The ideas of communism are the limit of idiocy: if hot heads and cold hearts undertake to implement them!
  Communism is light, but those who are too oily are burned!
  If you don't have the patience, singing helps!
  The people are like iron - until it cools down, give it the desired shape!
  If you want to become popular - use force more often!
  Rating is like hellish grass - it grows when you water it with tears and blood!
  The people are like weeds - the more you trample, the higher it stretches!
  Unity is the key to victory!
  Discipline is a tool for victory! The mind plays on it!
  Unity, courage, selflessness - the keys to victory, freedom, happiness! Without discipline there is no army, and without an army one cannot find freedom!
  Labor has made us stronger, multiplied by the mind will give freedom, and together with good luck will bring happiness!
  The commander is like the top of a pyramid - there must be only one, otherwise even such a solid structure will collapse!
  The nobility of the family has the same relation to courage, as the length of the hair to the mind!
  No valor of the ancestors will help the coward!
  A blade made of the strongest steel rusts in the hands of a talker and a coward!
  The most terrible weapon is the Bible in the hands of a scoundrel!
  The main wealth of a man: potency, it is also the main cause of ruin!
  The best profession is prostitution, you combine business with pleasure and every time a new partner - no routine!
  The pedigree of the hero - you can boast for a century, but got on the battlefield - cowardly rushes to the rear!
  A bottle of vodka is like a grenade - it knocks you down, knocks off your brains, crushes your insides!
  When the heart is filled with mercy, for some reason the wallet is empty!
  A truly free person submits to three things - reason, love, God!
  Love is like a rose - it doesn't bloom for long, but it hurts!
  A slave in his soul is submissive - to passions, lust, God's servants!
  Luck is unsteady like sand - only diligence will bind it with cement!
  A mug of wine is like an ocean - if you get carried away, you lose the ground under your feet!
  Women love male power, but not in the case when they experience it for themselves!
  Love is like a boat, if you row too fast it will capsize and sink!
  At the right time, he introduces an article - seduction of adults by youngsters!
  You can't put handcuffs on love!
  What is natural is not criminal!
  Love is a tender feeling, but the thickest fetters will not hold!
  If all the laws worked, the country would turn into a prison where guards are recruited from abroad!
  The principle of the inevitability of punishment does not work because you cannot arrest yourself!
  Doctors must not go through the obstacle course. After it, hands will shake, and the tongue will wobble and a glass of vodka, unlike a hangover, will not help!
  There is nothing more tiring - long idleness!
  Scientific discovery: conceived progressively - embodied aggressively!
  Not a place of thought for reflection, but a place of squabbles and madness!
  All the troubles of mankind come from selfishness, prosperity is possible only through joint efforts!
  A person without a team is like an ember, without a fire - it gives little light and quickly goes out!
  Homeland warms - better than a fire!
  And the animal is better in the herd!
  Logic should not serve instincts - the mind of lust!
  There will be a war - there will be a feat!
  Muscles without brains, this is a handful of meat - on which a frying pan is crying!
  Of the two duelists, one is a fool, the other is a scoundrel!
  The higher a person flies, the more he is dissatisfied with his position!
  Left alone, the dog misses the owner's stick!
  Only he has wings - whose mind is not used to crawling!
  It's bad when you're alone like a snob!
  You are alone, and the enemies are legion!
  Even an elephant can be eaten by a bug!
  If the bugs are not one million!
  The leader of the country should be a brother to people, not a brother!
  . It's easier to find a dry rock in the ocean than an invention that hasn't been used for military purposes!
  Victory as a woman - attracts with brilliance, but scares off at a price!
  Fire god of war and like other gods requires attention and sacrifice!
  One sword, like a raindrop, will fall and scatter, and when there are many of them, victory will be born!
  Just don't sing - for peace!
  My heart is sad - my stomach is empty!
  First the bowl, then the thoughts!
  Victory is worth the honor!
  Honor is a relative concept and should be applied primarily to your soldiers!
  Who drinks before the fight - hangover in the underworld!
  The pipes are silent, because the blades sing - steel is stronger and louder than copper!
  An army without commanders is like a flock of sheep without a shepherd, if one wolf does not eat, then it will scare!
  Flight is more foolishness than cowardice! After all, most soldiers die not in battle, but during the pursuit!
  War is like a game of dominoes, only broken bones can no longer be collected - the earth holds!
  Persecution turns a warrior into an executioner, a coward into a brave man, a humble man into an insolent one!
  Fantasy is a contest of absurdity and absurdity! At the same time, there is no more scientific and logical genre!
  In war, like in an opera - everyone sings his own, only a prompter can be a spy!
  Modern women forgive a man everything - except poverty!
  Do you know the difference between spies and scouts?
  I know! We have only scouts - foreigners have solid spies!
  What is better with an empty head or an empty wallet? Of course with an empty head - not so noticeable!
  The mind is the best collector of wealth!
  Mind and luck: a couple in love - give birth to success, wealth, position, but quickly disperse!
  It is easier for proud men to listen to advice when it is given by a woman - unless it is a wife!
  A wise wife is worth a fortune! And an enterprising wife can sue him!
  Who appreciates personality in a person, and who appreciates cash!
  Humanity can be destroyed by two things - computers and computer scientists. The former will atrophy the mind, the latter will not be able to take advantage of it!
  Comrade in the war and a grenade!
  In general, a pomegranate telling jokes is like a Faberge egg used to crack nuts!
  Talent is like a soul: it is impossible to take away, but it can be destroyed!
  Revenge is not worth honor - the retribution of decency!
  Envy is the germ of crime, self-interest is watering, idleness is feeding!
  Laziness is the worst of all crimes!
  It's better to die with a sword with dignity - than to live an ox driven by a whip into a stall!
  In war, courage can beat cunning, but cunning can never beat courage!
  War makes life terrible, and death worthy and beautiful!
  Modesty is a rare quality for a commander, but that makes it even more valuable!
  - Jackal is consonant with the word feces!
  The lion has only one advantage over the jackal - the ability to die with dignity!
  Technique is the executioner of valor!
  - But it's not true! In fact, the higher the level of technology, the more intelligence and resourcefulness required on the battlefield!
  Where the interests of the Motherland begin, personal well-being ends!
  Freedom must be combined with discipline. Anarchy is the opposite of freedom!
  A strong memory is the best mentor! In general, freedom can be won with a sword, but only with the help of reason can it be kept!
  - When a strong warrior saves another, no special honor is needed for this!
  After all, when valor burns in your heart, you will raise your shield in defense of the slaves!
  The meanness of a bastard is not an excuse for an honest one, since the presence of dirt does not justify a dirty one!
  Love is never cheap - especially if you pay not with your wallet, but with your soul!
  The only thing that can justify spilled blood is if the tears stop flowing as a result!
  Those who serve for money will never be able to match in battle with those who are driven by a brave heart and the desire for freedom!
  The teardrop of a child is dangerous because it turns into a raging stream that washes away civilizations!
  The position of commander is not an extra soldering, but an additional responsibility and a heavy burden!
  It is not known what is more important - to feed all the hungry or to wipe a tear for one child!
  Gold is softer than steel, but rather strikes the heart!
  It is not the weapon that makes the soldier strong, but the soldier's weapon!
  A really long conversation with a machine gun leads to the fact that it starts shooting in the ear!
  Sex is the most destructive weapon, especially dangerous because of its availability!
  The effectiveness of any weapon depends on the chosen victim, and even more so in sex!
  Sex is the most humane weapon, unlike other deadly weapons, it gives life!
  Love rarely kills, but often hurts!
  Whoever looks at a bare chest for a long time, forgets the outlines of the coat of arms!
  Better a bicycle with pedals than a Mercedes without a motor!
  An old weapon is like a crutch, reliable, but no maneuver!
  Walking is not faster, but cheaper - you will especially save on doctors!
  Money is like a laxative - honesty and courage leave a person with it!
  It's better to lose a day scouting than to die in a second!
  In the war, the rush is a jog into the grave!
  Most of the prisoners are much brighter in soul and purer in heart than those who guard them! The chain cannot be more moral than the prisoner!
  A small body is like a sharp knife, only it cannot be sharpened!
  Women's tears are better than pearls, each drop is a gold coin!
  A stone ax and atomic energy must be attached to a good heart!
  There is no need to be ashamed of poverty if you have a rich soul and a heart of gold!
  Progress covers superstition!
  The accuracy of the killer's politeness and the arrogance of the lender!
  One sentry costs no more than a garden scarecrow!
  In a war, to fill up a commander is tantamount to winning!
  An unfinished enemy is like an untreated disease - expect complications!
  Noble wisdom is like expensive wine - it is better to hide it from the lower ones!
  If you dropped two coins, first of all pick up not the one that is larger, but the one that is more expensive! Give the rest to the poor!
  Defeat is always grief, unless you give the sea money in return!
  Only an incorrigible romantic is pleased to die at the hands of a lovely lady!
  The pragmatist prefers to give birth to a new life!
  Courage can compensate for insufficient training, but training never compensates for courage!
  Talent can replace education, but education will never replace talent!
  Excitement and rage, these are just prostheses of valor and courage!
  Good luck, like a bee, will surely fly to where the nectar of wisdom and diligence ripens!
  The worm, unlike the eagle, disappears easily. The low is always hidden, and the high is vulnerable!
  It is not so much the chain that holds in slavery, but fear - the weakness of at least one link gives courage!
  It is an honor to die for the Motherland, the Woman, the Parents, but it is even better to live for this!
  In war, it is easier to gain an advantage than to realize it! The latter is akin to hunting for flies that have stuck around a defeated lion!
  The tongue, despite its small size, is the strongest member of the body. He moves armies of millions and calms the baby. Able to destroy and save.
  A fighter without a wound is like a rich man without a pocket!
  A man needs strength to live, and a woman to survive!
  Among the sheep, even a ram can rise, but try to become a leader among the lionesses!
  Life is too valuable to be traded!
  Steel is sharp, but a woman's tongue is much sharper!
  Act boldly if you can't skillfully!
  Add one civilian to the detachment, I equally take away two soldiers!
  One amateur with his stupidity will block the benefit of ten specialists!
  A big family is heaven for the heart, purgatory for the wallet, hell for enemies!
  Dismantling a cage is sometimes more difficult than driving away a cruel owner!
  For the Russian people, vodka is worse than a dozen Hitlers!
  Dream betrays reality!
  There would be a reason to kill, but always put on the trunk!
  Vodka is a legalized terrorist!
  Alcohol is the biggest serial killer! So let's drink, but so that they kill us only with alcohol!
  No matter how small the electronic chip, but a preacher climbed into it with an outstretched hand!
  Automatic is the best argument for repentance!
  A real man must be bold in a fight, assertive in love, witty in a dispute!
  Unfinished vodka, like an unsatisfied wife, a headache cannot be avoided, so it's better to succumb!
  War is the most exciting game, the number of participants is unlimited, but constantly decreasing!
  In war, unlike boxing, winning on points is akin to betrayal, but the judge is not bribed!
  Chess is logic and poetry embodied in simple pieces!
  Freedom is like a corrupt girl, only they pay for it not with money, but with blood!
  Youth is the sister of arrogance, arrogance is the sister of courage, but only by becoming related to the experience of an old man can victory be born!
  When the commander has a bright head, it gets dark in the eyes of the enemy!
  A sense of time is an indispensable quality of a commander, it is not for nothing that the minute hand has a sharp end, it strikes stronger than sharpened damask steel!
  Pleasure and pain are opposites, but for some, inflicting pain is the highest pleasure!
  War and sex are a pleasure, but not in a mixture, too lethal brush!
  The fatter the piece in the trap, the sharper the teeth should be!
  It's harder to catch up with a hare than to kill a mammoth!
  Killing beautifully, you create bloody still lifes, only connoisseurs go to the grave too quickly!
  Moderation is a good quality, if it does not apply to income! A heavy wallet is always light!
  When a woman tells the truth, passion begins to fade, and when she lies, betrayal blossoms!
  Gentle hugs suffocate more strongly, there is nothing more inexorable than an affectionate noose!
  Debt is a heavy burden, especially if there is nothing to pay except life. You can't borrow it, in turn!
  The sleep of death is the deepest, but not the sweetest, especially for those who have sinned!
  Chasing is the crown of victory, and without a crown there is no victorious end!
  Whoever falls behind will catch up with one heartbeat for a lifetime!
  An unfired soldier, like green wine, will gain strength with battles, but a commander who does not want to learn is like manure - he will not ripen, but only perepere!
  A bad commander succeeds in saving his own skin, a good one saves his soldiers from death!
  The debut in the battle is important because, having lost, you will not speak for an encore!
  If a comrade dies, do not be upset, heaven has been enriched with a good person!
  What if it's bad? Then it became easier for the living on the earth.
  The truth is one, but there are many religions, which means that a believer has a greater chance of making a mistake than an atheist!
  An atheist, even if he is right, his truth will not give him profit, but a believer, even if he is mistaken, will receive a happy life and a dignified death!
  Becoming an atheist is like stealing your soul!
  Faith is like clothing, it's hard to wear and you can't be naked! You can change it only by washing, and choosing a modern style! In general, religion, like a wife, bothers, and it's scary to change!
  Faith as a pointing pestle is only one and only fools laugh at it!
  Happiness is a picky bridegroom who goes for a couple only with freedom!
  What do you want to put a snake to your heart - open the door to the underworld!
  That's because a pickaxe and muscular arms need a head!
  The commander is akin to an actor, only repetitions for an encore break not applause, but slaps in the face, driving into the ground!
  Love is like a cloud, subject to whims and sheds tears!
  Mercy is a trait of the strong, cruelty is born of insecurity, and insecurity is weakness!
  The punishment of evil is the most valuable kind of good, it requires spiritual purity and fortitude!
  Decisiveness is an indispensable quality of a ruler, timidity destroys states and leaves peoples orphans!
  Whose blaster would squeal, but yours would be silent!
  Love requires sacrifice, no less than hate!
  - Religion in the first place should be moral, teach goodness and obedience! Just do not turn people into a herd and wean them to think!
  The revolution should not change the type of slavery, its goal is spiritual freedom with a single attitude - to do good!
  Nothing unites humanity like a true religion based on kindness and common sense!
  - Only the final victory of the highest truth can justify a lie! Just as the cause of peace requires violence, it is easier to beat back a sword with a sword than with a shield!
  - The truth is always in the minority, and the minority can only win with the help of intelligence and cunning! This means cunning and intelligence, true comrades of truth!
  A slave is first of all a coward, he is afraid of losing his chain!
  The tyrant has three qualities of insects: the sting of a scorpion, the paws of a sticky fly, the web of a bloodsucker, but he is not destined to become winged!
  The beauty of the soul, the purity of the heart, the power of love - should not be defiled by excessive retribution!
  If you are right, justice justifies cruelty, but only to the extent that does not turn the victim into the executioner!
  The most valuable quality of a commander is to accept defeat with dignity and learn from it!
  In modern warfare, whoever flies wins, and what crawls is beaten by the enemy!
  Insult is the weapon of a scoundrel and a coward, in an effort to humiliate others, he lowers himself!
  Only the dead are not mistaken, unless, of course, you count the location of paradise!
  Practice is the mother of skill, allied with talent!
  Those who want to learn will benefit more from defeat - than the self-satisfied arrogant from victory!
  It is better to die beautifully than to live ugly!
  For a lazy person, all times are bad, except sleep!
  In war, premature joy is the sister of betrayal!
  The most perfect blade - oblique hands spoil!
  Time in war is like water, it wears away kindness and humanity!
  A warrior sitting in ambush is like a robber, only he wants to get his life, not a wallet.
  For a good commander, saving your own is more important than killing strangers!
  Large numbers of gravedigger skills and prowess! If you want to become a hero, don't walk meekly!
  A lie is like a snake in the place of a watchdog - once it bites the enemy, the next will surely sting you in a weak spot!
  A knight can cede everything to a lady, except the right to die first!
  A Russian soldier can be killed, but not defeated!
  The giant is not the one who is great in growth, but who has the scope of thought, to heaven!
  Violence breeds outward obedience and kindles rebellion in the soul!
  Captivity is like a red-hot forge, hardens if after it you dive into the icy stream of liberation!
  Justice is sometimes harsh, but always softer than arbitrariness!
  Cunning of war is not contrary to honor, except when it turns against you!
  In war, negligence is like tar in honey, it only bleeds out!
  The evasive maneuver resembles a hook, not only in form, but also in result!
  No matter how strong the hands are, without a head they are worth no more than a mannequin!
  Ingenuity can be compared to a third hand, only with a much larger swing!
  The revolution bleeds, which leads to the improvement of the people, drives off fat, which renews the elite!
  The biggest dividends on investments will be received by those who do not spare breast milk for children!
  Lies for good, this is the truth, uttered in a new way!
  A woman is a treasure that can bribe the richest and a weapon that can bring down the strongest!
  Problems are an eternal concept, even death only shifts them to the relatives of the deceased!
  Happiness is a flower that is fertilized with bones and watered with blood!
  - The foundation, mixed with blood, is very unsteady, so only in a living body, blood has power!
  Everything is subject to change, except for the sense of responsibility and duty!
  It is bad to lose life, but much worse to lose immortality!
  It is better to fly for one hour than to crawl for a hundred years!
  Strength is synonymous with freedom, freedom is synonymous with duty, duty requires self-sacrifice and renunciation!
  A hero with a weak head differs from a mannequin in that he cripples himself!
  Psychology is the key to victory, you just need to be able to choose the right lock!
  The heart is not sent to intelligence, and the head is not chopped!
  Swiftness gives birth to victory, speed brings good luck, speed is the second happiness!
  Swiftness gives birth to victory, speed brings good luck, speed is the second happiness!
  The icy breath of death makes the heart tremble, and twists the guts of a coward. But brave from the proximity of a bony old woman with a sharpened scythe: gains sharpness of reaction, composure in a fight, getting rid of excess fat!
  Temperament in women often coexists with modesty - as well as courage in men!
  Technique is a double-edged concept - it does not tolerate stupidity!
  The sweetest fruit is the hardest to pick!
  Recklessness is the opposite of courage, courage and calculation only in pairs will give birth to victory! A glass of victory is like a bottle of vodka, so that there are no troubles, it requires three people: Good luck, intelligence and courage!
  Death is not temporary, but life is permanent!
  There is no such religion that the logical explanation of the existing state of affairs and the presence of reason!
  Here it is right, but the human mind itself is not the most logical in our world. Sometimes it even seems that nothing is more irrational than logic!
  War without blood is like life without pain!
  The ability to survive on your own is more important for a warrior than to kill the enemy! Any war ends in peace, and life ends in a funeral!
  A teenager's love is like glass: too fragile, it breaks easily and hurts!
  A slave and a king come out of the same womb, if they are the same before birth, then why not be equal after!
  Scientific progress without the development of morality is tantamount to trying to smoke from a nuclear explosion!
  Negligence in war, the mother of crime and the sister of treason!
  , The bread of war is the most bitter: soaked in the blood of brothers and tears of mothers!
  To give birth to children is much more pleasant than to give birth to corpses - although both require skill and passion!
  Enslavement begins not the desire to learn and think!
  Wise words are good - good deeds are better!
  Life is always brilliant, and death is mediocre!
  Science is not everything, the most advanced weapons require skillful hands and a flexible mind! Spirit conquers matter!
  Any moment ceases to be delightful, as soon as it freezes, freezes like an ice floe!
  Movement is true happiness!
  Motherland is the most precious thing a person has, without it life has no meaning!
  A man without a homeland is like a body without a soul!
  Religion is the consolation of the weak - any misfortunes seem insignificant if they are temporary!
  If the technique is the guardian angel, then the fighting spirit is the god of war!
  It's easier to scoop up the ocean with a tablespoon than to argue with an atheist!
  Computer like a girl loves young and stubborn!
  Death differs from the beloved in that they always try to postpone the meeting with her!
  Death differs from the beloved in that it always comes at the wrong time, but no one reproaches her for being late!
  Who saves on safety - go broke at a funeral!
  A well-fed army is the key to prosperity!
  In war, good preparation is like air to the lungs, a bad mixture of gases cripples and kills!
  When a person artificially gives himself a formidable appearance, this is a sure sign of spiritual weakness.
  A terrible wolf in sheep's clothing, not a sheep in wolf's clothing!
  For a man, there is nothing more important than military art - it is a synonym for a worthy existence! The death of a tiger is better than a dog's life!
  Death in war is justified only when the enemy buys it at an excessive price, and giving gifts to the enemy is tantamount to betrayal.
  The reconnoitered enemy is almost defeated, you just need not to let the chances go to the wind yourself!
  The corpse of an enemy is expensive, but a living one will still cost more!
  Stealth quality winner!
  In general, life without difficulties is like soup without seasoning, a lot - bitter, no - does not climb into the throat!
  Men should at least once in their lives kill and save someone! And if the first one is lucky, then the second is an indispensable test of courage!
  The computer is better than the atomic bomb, it is the surest way to conquer the nations and make them work for the winner! Besides, I'm not afraid of temptations! Any faith is then worth something if it knows how to defend itself!
  In youth, the blood flows faster, and the "bowler" cooks hotter!
  A slow donkey, worse than a pig, also stinks, but does not give meat!
  Automatic fire and the roar of a shell - best of all beat off a good memory!
  Faith without evidence: that a falcon, without wings, can scratch, but will not let it soar!
  Religious discussion is the most fruitless - since both arguing have no idea about the subject they are arguing about!
  In the race between scientific and technological progress and morality, the latter is doomed to be an outsider! Although humanity risks falling into the abyss between science and morality!
  Whoever saves on science robs his descendants, and whoever robs his descendants will forever remain a beggar!
  By robbing descendants, you can make capital, but you can"t get rich!
  ! Politics is a dirty business done in clean suits!
  Truth is always many-sided, but error is uniform!
  Beauty is a dialectical concept - only ugliness is universal!
  Modern weapons, unlike wine, love youth!
  Spare the enemy, what to sit on a dagger - steel does not know the feeling of empathy!
  The best weapon is ingenuity, does not require costs, but is expensive!
  When the number of corpses is more than one, they turn from a tragedy into an extra!
  Murder is like losing your virginity for the first time and it hurts, then with each new act more and more pleasure!
  That scout is bad who cannot foresee a way out in case of failure!
  In any other area, a mistake can cost life, health, and only by deluding yourself in religion, you risk losing immortality!
  The beast has fangs, the man has a gun, the animal relies on the muscles, and the man on the mind! Tests dull the teeth, but sharpen the mind - therefore the mind is immortal, progress, like a perpetual motion machine, will lead to prosperity!
  Even the most terrible news from repeated repetition becomes commonplace!
  When an agent works for two intelligences, contracting a child trying to stuff two nipples into his mouth, he risks tearing his mouth!
  Movement is the rain under which the flowers of health grow, and the hoe uprooting the weeds of disease!
  The blind of the blind do not see the eye - they go where they want!
  Can't bring out the blind - dear faithful checkpoint!
  A sighted traveler do not pull - help the blind poor fellows!
  A person breaks easily, subdues with difficulty, and very rarely achieves love from nature!
  In cards, luck comes to a bright head, dexterous fingers, and a calm heart!
  In general, crime is not chocolate, having messed up a sweet life, you won"t, but you"ll get obesity of the heart for sure!
  A lack of strength can compensate for an excess of intelligence, but no excess of strength can compensate for a lack of intelligence!
  Talent can replace a lack of education, but no amount of education can replace a lack of talent!
  A diamond is a gem without polishing, but no polishing will turn coal into a diamond!
  Someone else's death is fun, but from his death, the heart bursts and the soul goes to the heels!
  Money sticks to bloody hands and slippery souls like dirt!
  Of all forms of fanaticism, religious is the most irrational and selfish, so directed primarily to achieve personal immortality!
  Love differs from rape only in the form of payment - payment in kind for the last action!
  It is better to lose in righteousness than to gain in sin!
  The loss of a righteous person is gain in heaven, the gain of a sinner is a robbery of the soul!
  Denying God, the communists have put an unreasonable burden on the shoulders of man! Wanting to take the place of the Almighty, man could not stand the pain of Golgotha and the temptations of the devil!
  Not possessing the power of Jesus, people, instead of building a kingdom of goodness and justice, collapsed into a pool of vice!
  Countless treasures in the soul of a person, only if you start to rob them, will quickly run out without bringing wealth!
  Every sexual act, the jewel that you share for two and not a single thief will steal it from your heart!
  Every man has something in common with a primate, it"s good if it"s potency, but more often intelligence!
  It would be funny if it wasn't true!
  Unfortunately, we have more living jokes than decent men and honest politicians!
  Whoever sells his soul always remains at a loss - he gives the immortal for the mortal!
  A victory over a strong opponent usually costs more, but you won"t give it away for nothing!
  Murder cannot justify self-interest and profit - only honor, freedom and Motherland are advocates of violence!
  Good should be with a gun,
  Strike like furious steel!
  To bleed like a waterfall
  Evil do not spare everyone kill!
  Of all works of art, it is military masterpieces that are most firmly fixed in people's memory and cause the most tears!
  - A painting written in blood: brighter than oil and fades much more slowly!
  A decent person puts justice - above family and friendly relations! The law for enemies and friends should be the same as a husband to a wife!
  The presence of different laws turns justice into a prostitute!
  A strong opponent tempers the body and will, makes you stronger - a weak one corrupts the soul and weakens the body, makes you weaker!
  So the hard way gives much more easy victory!
  The hands of a soldier are given to shoot, and the brains to stop in time!
  To kill a fool: it's the same as pricking with a needle, shooting a smart one - what to beat with a projectile!
  Nature is the mother of man, and the mother of a great inventor cannot be a complete fool! Although she lacks practical ingenuity!
  The bullet is the most effective educational method in dealing with young people, as well as with the elderly!
  Only the effectiveness of the impact falls! Often the credibility will fall, and if you get there, you will have to bring up zombies!
  Religion lowers a proud person to the level of an animal - giving a choice between a sheep and a goat!
  It is better to give your skin to people like a sheep than to hiss forever like a snake!
  In general, the concept of working with the head provides for not only a literal interpretation, even when it comes to martial arts!
  If you want to get rich - be baptized as a Jew, if you want to go bankrupt, take a loan from a Jew!
  Lead aids digestion, especially if the pill is in the form of a cartridge!
  An official who does not take bribes is like a virgin prostitute!
  Usually, in order to save one, you have to kill the other! This is undoubtedly a cruel law, but it restores the natural balance of species!
  There is no better fighter in the world - than a Russian soldier, and a greater tyrant - than a Russian general!
  Excessive luxury is a sign of frivolity, frivolity is a harbinger of imminent ruin!
  Wise words from the lips of a bastard are like a fountain from a garbage heap!
  You have an advantage in length, but I have in mind!
  Sometimes you can kill, but you can never take away hope!
  In war, missing a second - you can lose eternity!
  An ordinary tower is pathetic among skyscrapers, but majestic among huts!
  Man submits to force, respects cruelty, despises gentleness and does not appreciate kindness!
  Sex is the best cure for all mental illnesses, but unfortunately expensive and hard to find!
  Who does not love sex does not love life, and does not appreciate the joys of the flesh!
  Poetry has in common with wine that its value grows with time, but even centuries do not allow the lines to go rotten and the sparks to go out!
  A soldier is like a computer - he counts one-zero, and a warrior is a friend-enemy!
  Man differs from the animal in humanism, and the ability to act contrary to instincts!
  From violence against a woman, healthy children sometimes appear, and from violence against nature, only monsters!
  If the mother is cruel, the children are also cruel! What is the nature of such is her offspring - man!
  Friendship is sought from the strong, nourishment from the rich, and devotion is shown to the fearless!
  Attacking is the best way to neutralize the numerical superiority of the enemy - making them fight back is like chopping off half of the arms!
  .For a woman, love is pleasure and income, for men, pleasure and expense!
  Inventing a new weapon for an immoral person is like sawing the legs of a chair when a rope has swept over the neck!
  Human weakness is the mother of any religion, but cowardice is the father!
  Atheism is a symbol of freedom - Christianity is akin to the word chain!
  Whoever forgives will be forgiven, whoever condemns will be condemned! Who allows hatred to settle in his heart, to poison himself and his loved ones!
  He who sows love and mercy will reap success and happiness!
  Murder itself is a many-sided and strange variety of sin, sometimes sins are even written off for it!
  In war, logic is a relative concept - like chocolate, I didn"t have time to admire the tiles as they were already in my mouth!
  Death is like a good magician - enigmatic, frightening, mysterious and does not reveal its secrets!
  A soldier in a gas mask is like an elephant in diapers, and you can"t argue badly!
  Believe me, without requiring proof - the crown propaganda move of any religion - deadly in its simplicity as a cobblestone!
  The best way to mitigate evil is to reward good. A person differs from an animal in that he is able to do good disinterestedly, even to the detriment of himself!
  Evolution does not teach man selflessness - only the Lord teaches this! In every honest and noble person, a grain of God is proof of his essence!
  Man is the most unpredictable animal - the instinct is stereotyped, and the mind is original!
  Communism is related to the ideas of Christianity - the abundance of shed blood and the complete absence of realism!
  In a civil war, an offensive multiplies strength, and a defense is tantamount to a retreat, and a retreat is equivalent to capitulation!
  In the modern world, innocence is a sign that a girl is either too disgusting and no one wants her, or she is timid and doesn"t want anyone herself!
  Pregnancy colors a woman and is always innocent, virginity is alarming and always vicious!
  Religion is synonymous with fetters, not so much for the body as for the mind!
  Evil must receive slaps in the face from good - so that good does not lose its sense of dignity, and evil a sense of fear!
  Dressing a woman is expensive, undressing is even more expensive!
  Unfortunately, when good has fists, it is they who are valued, and not the good itself - although you need to be afraid not of the machine gun, but of the one who shoots from it!
  Terror, unlike a shepherd, is capable of turning a sheep into a wolf! There is nothing worse than an angry lamb!
  Genius is always simple - only mediocrity complicates everything!
  A great mind strives for clarity so that everyone can see its greatness, an insignificant mind casts a fog to hide the emptiness!
  Atheism is logical idiocy - it does not explain anything, but deprives a person of immortality!
  No need to speculate on pacifism, even sheep will trample a wolf if he reads morality to them!
  A smart person always strives to grow, only a fool is satisfied with the previous level!
  The mind tends to improve its ideas, but stupidity is always constant!
  Life without risk is like soup without salt, and tea without sugar - maybe such asceticism prolongs existence, but makes every minute insipid!
  A second is like a bullet, you miss it, one will have to be caught up from the grave!
  An atheist will find a thousand reasons to destroy his soul, and not a single clue to save!
  The weak pay for everything, the strong win, and the cunning enjoy the fruits of victory!
  Courage adorns the resourceful, the will of the good, and the strength of the just!
  War is a test for the smart, tempering for the strong, fun for fools!
  To have the initiative means to have an advantage: to have an advantage means to win, and victory will lead to peace!
  Stupidity surpasses wisdom in the number of carriers, and is not inferior in the effectiveness of the impact!
  Only here is the snag: the delusion of the believer is only the loss of illusion, the delusion of the atheist is the loss of eternal life!
  Who does not take risks does not drink champagne with black caviar and bites vodka with sprats!
  The main thing in the valor and skill of a warrior is not to give his life, but to survive - to take it from another!
  A woman's flesh is in darkness, her soul is in light, and her thoughts are in disarray!
  When killing becomes bread for the executioner, he lacks salt - that is, the risk experienced by the soldier!
  Courage is the most expensive commodity that is not for sale! True, and there are many who want to get rid of it!
  Torture is not entertainment, but hard work from the service sector, in which pity for the client is fatal to you!
  The capitalist will never become a true patriot of his Motherland, for this he is too selfish!
  The soul of a rich man is patriotic, no more than that of a gold coin, where they take it and stick to it!
  Each atom is equal in complexity and inexhaustibility of potential to the universe!
  A sinful and cruel man, including to himself, destroys humanity, speeding up the process with science!
  Often progress turns into an attempt to shove a hydrogen bomb into a cigarette lighter!
  A wolf hides under a sheepskin, a politician under a mask, and a nuclear arsenal underground!
  -The latest technologies are an expression of the material form of the spirituality of the Russian people!
  - The most perfect technique will not replace the soul, the mighty computer will not love, warm, or caress!
  The teaching of Christ is stronger than a hydrogen bomb, it is so capable of reviving the soul, inspiring the mind, giving eternal life!
  Trust in God, but don't forget to wipe your sight!
  The most valuable thing in life is that it is not known when it ends, and the unpredictability of the future - a wallet that does not see the bottom seems endless!
  A soldier is better than just a man, purer, nobler, sincere! However, unlike a mere mortal, he is deprived of the right to life!
  By killing even one person, you are destroying a miniature universe, which means you are sinning against God!
  Of course! The traitor always loses, he is hated by those whom he betrayed, and despised for the sake of whom, he committed meanness!
  Betrayal is not just meanness, but also suicidal idiocy!
  Strange as it may seem, death at a young age saves from the pangs of old age, the soul from dirt, and the heart from divorce!
  Smoking prolongs life only in one case, as the last wish before being shot!
  Disguise requires sacrifice! Temporary, but no less difficult, especially for a woman! True, no more plastic surgery!
  Duty to the Motherland is the best justification for an unseemly act, any meanness is holy if dictated by considerations of patriotism!
  Perverted communism is worse than perverted capitalism - it's easier to cut heads in the ranks and it's more convenient to mow them down with a burst!
  The king can grow old over time - only the people are always young, the king can be too young - only the people are always mature, the king can go crazy or be born a fool, but the wisdom of the people is immortal! Therefore, let the people, and not blind chance, decide who will rule them!
  The interests of the Motherland can justify cruelty, but the latter, first of all, must be shown to yourself!
  Freedom without morality is like a car without brakes!
  Who took power: strong, who kept it: smart, but voluntarily parted with it: noble!
  Corruption is like a cancerous tumor, it causes less pain, but it destroys even more accurately!
  Humanity must stop: being a swan, a cancer and a pike pulling in different directions, progress in this case will not stand still, but will pull into the abyss!
  Time is the most terrible weapon, it inexorably undermines the forces of civilization and defeats mighty men!
  Strength is in the hands of a fool: it is like armor with holes, it protects poorly, but it helps to drown in ignorance!
  Revenge of the bandits is the younger sister of cowardice, the daughter of meanness and the stepdaughter of success!
  The world envies strong people, despises the weak, is indulgent towards the vile, and yet it was created by a perfect creator in order to come to perfection!
  - Only reason and a sense of sheerness can make people perfect, and if you add nobility and compassion to this, then on these four concepts you can lay the foundation for a happy future!
  The Bible is a Jewish book and to make it the basis of Russia's morality is how inappropriate how to replace the constitution with the alphabet!
  It is easier to find a philanthropist among the homeless than a disinterested policeman!
  A policeman who does not take bribes like rain in the desert, you dream all your life about this, but you always run into it at the wrong time!
  In most cases, the conqueror is synonymous with a patron of the arts!
  Religion is to progress like a kettlebell is to a swimmer!
  Happiness without God is like love without a heart!
  The Christian faith needs not only the cross, but also the sword to defend the good!
  Religion with a sword is not an opium for the people, but a surgeon's scalpel that heals souls!
  It is better to kill one villain than to mourn a hundred righteous people!
  The most dangerous weapon is the Bible in the hands of the wicked!
  Who eats long - lives short!
  Communism is a bright idea, but most often realized in the dark!
  Bad people with good ideas shed more blood than bad people with bad ideas!
  To interrogate a fool, that to crush water in a mortar, to torture, that to whip a donkey!
  Nature is crooked, but the human mind is a rectifier!
  Progress tends to elevate a person, and therefore bring him closer to the Almighty!
  No matter how many goose you feed, the gyrfalcon will not fill up!
  The devil is hiding in hell, and the priest is in the parishioner's pocket!
  The rural belfry is insignificant among the skyscrapers, but majestic among the huts!
  A slave who humiliates the king: a god for one hour and a devil for eternity!
  . The human race will either achieve omnipotence or disappear!
  Man is destined to either live as a god or die as a worm!
  No matter how you polish a cobblestone, it will not become a pearl! No matter how you handle it, the graphomaniac's book will not become a masterpiece!
  Most blood is spilled from red speeches, bright ideas and good intentions!
  The purer the idea, the more dirt sticks to it during implementation!
  Coercion destroys unconstrained love!
  You can kiss the whip, but this is done only, then it was more convenient to bite your teeth!
  In general, the most difficult thing is to get an alcoholic to give up a bottle and a religious fanatic to give up his views!
  In war, one second is worth more than a thousand shells!
  Better to die in the light than to live in darkness! Not a surgical spotlight!
  A coin is deadlier than a bullet, it hits exactly in the heart!
  Fast food is as deadly as a H-bomb, only used much more often!
  Love is the best lawyer, it justifies without demanding payment!
  Serving two masters is tantamount to trying to lean on two mountain peaks, your feet will slip!
  Will there be a strong foundation, kneaded on such a fluid substance as blood.
  It is easier to kill a tyrant than to resurrect a righteous man, but the former is more useful!
  A check is never superfluous, even if it is hard to bear the burden of a warrior, an extra cartridge will save a life!
  The vanity of the leaders is directly proportional to their cruelty - inversely proportional to the mind and education!
  It is best for a coward to hide in a coffin, and for a cunning one under a cassock!
  The higher the dignity, the less faith!
  War is a school of life, which is better to skip. Although historical necessity will still make you take bloody exams!
  The female hand is softer than the male, but more tenacious, smaller, but more grippy!
  A fool can rob, only a big dodger can use the loot!
  Do not look for God in heaven, he lives, although he often slumbers in the minds of every person!
  Mind and concentration can awaken the Almighty within yourself!
  Atheism must be combined with high morality, otherwise logic in the service of passions will destroy the mind!
  Help in war is sometimes late, sometimes early, but always at the wrong time and not enough!
  An easy win is good for the wallet, a heavy loss for the brain!
  Sleep is almost death, only much more disturbing!
  Christ is holy and noble like a flower, only fat flies of church ministers cling to him!
  Who has lost confidence in his own kind, will inevitably become a victim of betrayal!
  Atheists make better commanders, they are less susceptible to suggestion, they protect their lives and other people's lives, they think independently!
  A convinced atheist is better than a non-convinced believer!
  The head can't hurt, it's a bone! Although often empty!
  A woman with a tongue will go where a commando with a machine gun will not stick out!
  Freedom gives strength, but the chain chokes!
  Moral, from the word dirty!
  False information is like a cleverly set trap!
  No, he is rich who is horned with his wife!
  The rich man is not the one who has everything. And the one who does not live in loans!
  Weak generals do not have strong victories!
  And one must be able to kill, but it is even more difficult to save someone's life!
  Man is an evil creature and similar to a monkey, only the fangs are larger than those of a tiger, and the claws tear steel!
  You can't get rich by selling your conscience!
  Weapons are always few regardless of the size of the army!
  The soul is like a purse with an empty one; it's easy to walk, but it's hard to live!
  - You need to rule wisely, not showing weakness, but not abusing power! The strength of a ruler is the ability to renounce violence!
  To indulge evil is to betray good!
  A tsar remains a tsar even in tatters - and a dirty spirit cannot be transformed even by porphyry!
  The most terrible crime is to give freedom to evil, leaving good without protection!
  Logic plus knowledge multiplied by irrational instinct is a force capable of moving the universe from its foundation!
  Sick children have to be force-fed, otherwise they will die.
  But in this case, no one will reproach that we are cruel to children, giving bitter medicines and giving injections!
  War is sometimes more merciful than a surgeon who amputates a limb!
  A woman without ornaments is like a tree without leaves, a man without frills is like a trunk without lichen!
  Good girls love with their ears, bad girls do everything with their mouths for money!
  War is an abomination like castor oil, disgusting, bitter, but without it one cannot purify the soul, one cannot temper the mind!
  Money is just a tool for serving the Motherland. When there are more of them, the ministry is more effective, provided you have a conscience!
  If it saves the Motherland, doubts, not knowing - when a lie leads to victory, then it is holy!
  Practical confirmation for faith is like a tendon for a hand - without it, it is powerless and dies!
  They fly to great achievements, but do not jump!
  When the nobleman laughs with joy, the commoner weeps with grief, because the nobles are most amused by the loss of the beggars!
  Presidents sometimes joke in such a way that the people are not laughing!
  Money is also soldiers, they must be protected and remembered: practical expediency is more important than honor! The latter is for sale, but the former is priceless!
  Greens are always caustic - maturity is sweet!
  The simplest vow is the hardest to keep! What could be easier not to breathe, but rarely does anyone last until sunset!
  Violence is a necessary attribute of law and order!
  Words shake the air - the sword crushes the flesh!
  Disputes about religion are like a ring, there is no end in sight and always return to the old arguments!
  Betrayal is like wine - you just get used to it faster, and the hangover is stronger!
  Evil in the first place, when you do not please your neighbor, you hurt him, and sin is freedom!
  For example, sex is also a sin, although in fact you are causing your partner not pain, but pleasure!
  Nothing unites different people like a common enemy!
  If you want to make peace with the enemy - come up with a common war!
  Nothing weakens an army like a bad commander, and the body is a sick brain!
  The commander is like a hardened steel bar bending to cut harder!
  A spy is the most exciting job in the world: the precision of a surgeon, the risk of a sapper, the virtuosity of an actor!
  Mercy in war is the sister of defeat - because whoever is spared is not defeated!
  Talking to ten is like fighting a thousand!
  God is also unhappy in his own way - the responsibility is endless, and there is no one to share with!
  God is always alone, because interesting communication can only be obtained with equals!
  A lack of technique can make up for fighting spirit, but a lack of spirit never makes up for technique!
  A soldier is like clay, in order to gain value he must go to hell!
  Cuts in military spending, the most wasteful kind of economy!
  - Some just have age in their passports, others have wisdom that is mature beyond their years!
  - Years add wrinkles, but the mind grows only irrigated with labor or military sweat!
  Politics, like antimatter, you need to stay away, but you can't do without a fight!
  The more pain and suffering in the exercises - the brighter the glory, the steeper the valor in evil battles!
  In computers, man strives to express the unattainable dream of an ideal brain!
  Without a martial spirit, the most perfect technique is dead, like a body without a soul!
  The executioner is a despised profession, but it requires the skill of a surgeon, the virtuosity of a cellist and the demand of a cook!
  Insignificance is always in the majority, golden grains are rare among the sand!
  To die with the honor of the right to elevate the flesh - to be afraid to lower the soul!
  Fighting a woman is the last thing - victory does not bring laurels, defeat exposes to ridicule, which cannot be washed away by exploits!
  The nobility of the family increases responsibility - a dirty lion is an abomination, a dirty pig is just a future chop!
  War cow, milked for gold, but defecates blood!
  Your soul horse, a tool of victory captured in battle!
  In a kind way, you can"t even lose, let alone win!
  When it is difficult to fight, it is interesting, but it hurts especially for the dead comrades!
  The nobility of a soldier is not a reason to neglect cunning and reject ingenuity!
  Terem is miserable among skyscrapers, but majestic surrounded by huts!
  In general, Christian or Muslim morality was formed during the early Middle Ages and being guided by them is the same as cutting down a starship with a stone ax!
  Calling a worthy person a fool is tantamount to defecating on your own head!
  Do not curse a stone - you will stumble, do not curse the sea - you will drown, do not curse a person - you will lose your soul!
  Gold does not cry, doubloon does not rust!
  State secrets are such a heavy burden that they can crush your neck!
  Gold teeth and dung brains - a precious vessel with shit content!
  Stuffing your belly, keep your ears sharp!
  No matter how you polish a cobblestone, it will not become a diamond!
  Not to satisfy a woman is to hurt a panther!
  Man is a little god who will be helped to grow in knowledge!
  From the flesh ground in the civil strife by the enemy, you can bake a cake of victory!
  Working with a blade, like an artist's brush, requires not only strength and precision, but also inspiration!
  But religious principles are most often used by unprincipled people!
  A fight without wounds is like porridge without salt, naturally in moderation!
  An unsatisfied woman is meaner than the devil, more insidious than an asp!
  The battle is like sex, pressure and courage are important, but skill is also needed for success!
  Even all-powerful jealousy recedes before the royal mantle!
  What is the calculation - such is the result!
  Wet gunpowder is like a trained animal: it hisses, but does not bite!
  They say it's hard to be a god, but it's even harder and more annoying to be a worm!
  A low origin compensates for a high mind, but no breed can cover stupidity!
  War is interesting, but more often than not healthy!
  A man unable to satisfy a woman: like a poet desperate to find the end of a verse!
  You can run away from a bullet, but you can't escape fate!
  Being a killer is easier than being a doctor, but more dangerous at the same time!
  Initiative in battle is like the wind in the sails, without it there is no movement!
  Without a rudder, a sail is more dangerous than useful!
  Boldly defeat your enemies, but also respect the prisoners!
  It is not for nothing that the rat is the most enduring creature, and the lion, an endangered species, is among animals as among people. Vileness conquers nobility!
  Mercy is the concept of priests, and then when it is not about their wallet!
  Blood is a bad solution: what cements human grains of sand!
  Gold chains shine brightly, but even heavier than iron ones!
  The greatness of the spirit lies in the fact that, even being fabulously beautiful, not to laugh at ugliness!
  You can fight without a shield, but having lost the sword of a soldier, he ceases to be a warrior!
  The position of the executioner never remains vacant, even if it does not bring material benefits!
  Who was bitten by rats - is not afraid of mice!
  Murder is akin to sex - it requires repetition and variety!
  Killing is better than sex - a partner is always new and unpredictable!
  Self-interest is always higher than conscience, when the latter is lowered to the plinth!
  You can't drink away the warrior's instinct, you can't lay down courage!
  The best way to feel like a human is to help your neighbor, and to lower yourself to an animal by hitting the weak!
  The church is like a store, only the goods are always stale!
  A pirate is a good luck catcher, and luck loves the one who generously shares it with him!
  The soup of battle needs such a spicy seasoning as death!
  Conscience must be obeyed more than people!
  Religion differs from a fairy tale only by the narrator's fee!
  They fight not by numbers, but by skill, although the latter is more difficult to obtain in most cases!
  Tempering, gives power! Power gives courage! Courage brings victory!
  Living without honor is like singing without music!
  Flexibility is stronger than hardness - you can bite off a finger with your teeth, and destroy the universe with your tongue!
  The time will come when the phrase almighty man will become as natural as a reasonable man, if this does not happen, then other races will introduce the term insane man!
  The future belongs to those who value honor more than they love life!
  Slavery is the opposite of love, you can not cherish the rope that holds the throat!
  The death of a hero, the birth of eternal life, the existence of a coward, a prolonged funeral!
  War is inevitable like sex and will cause the same pain and delight!
  Do not sit in your sleigh, you can stumble on a stake - you won"t get off!
  Predictability of actions is the germ of defeat, surprise is the flower of victory!
  Nothing wants to risk all your life, but often the risk ceases to haunt you along with death!
  The tongue of women is more toxic than a hundred cobras, although it is sweeter than honey!
  And at the same time bitterer than wormwood!
  However, it is better to have a soft-boiled brain than a lost head, or maybe vice versa!
  Anger, full of bones, but strength like a cat, dexterity like an elephant, but rather the other way around - that's it!
  They break the constitution more often when restoring constitutional order!
  The Church invented purgatory primarily for the wallet, leaving the soul emptiness and illusion!
  To look for holiness in the modern church is like purity in a pigsty!
  Who beats people - that cattle is a villain!
  Memory is like a leaky bag, no matter how much you shove it, you won"t fill it, one thing is not clear why it"s hard to wear!
  . A kind of battle is the wind in the sails of the thought process, and war is the best whip that drives progress!
  And the price has no meaning in a military battle, because happiness is bought with murder!
  It is the tailless monkeys that tuck their tails best of all - no animal is so afraid of death and does not have such an art in killing as a person!
  Blood is not capable of cementing human grains of sand firmly enough to lay the foundation for happiness!
  At the same time, the bloodletting releases the pus of corruption, purifying the nation!
  A scientist is also a god, only a small one, but he loves his creation more often than himself!
  Who cares too much about his own skin, will be left without a backbone!
  A good lover starts first, finishes last, and makes a lot of noise!
  No wonder war is the mother of all discoveries, the sister of inspiration, the daughter of genius!
  It doesn't matter how you lived - the main thing is to die happy, at the peak of bliss!
  The best guarantee of peace is a fair victory, and when your Motherland wins, it is always fair!
  In general, any religion differs from drugs in that the state, instead of persecuting, zealously encourages sellers!
  It's easier to goad people with befuddled ones!
  A drunken horse does not feel the severity of the collar, and the whip of the whip!
  Religious fanaticism is voluntary madness!
  Among the priests, it's like in a forest: there are oaks all around, and every pig strives to eat!
  Kindred feelings are like a chain, fetter courage, like snakes poison honor, like a pig filthy duty!
  Youth is naive - old age is insidious!
  War is the most interesting game in which you should not skip moves and let your partner think!
  Religion is the most effective tool of coercion, it enslaves the mind, fetters thought, plunges into illusions!
  The bright teaching of each religion denigrates the fanaticism and cruelty of its followers!
  Power without responsibility is like a ship, without a rudder, no matter how much you blow a fair wind, but end in disaster!
  Modern war against two superpunchers, a second of delay: a deep knockout from which you will never rise!
  In anticipation of happiness, seconds are equal to infinity!
  And infinity in happiness is equal to a second or a beat of the heart!
  A dead brave man is better than a living coward!
  The more you sin - the more sincere prayer in repentance!
  Military tactics should be like steel, strong, but flexible, from which damask steel is made!
  God is like a lion: caressing, skinning, hugging - strangling, kissing - gnaws!
  True, but you can"t get used to the arms of the flame, unlike women"s!
  Epaulettes are able to add arrogance to an insolent person, to a fool - swagger, but they will not make a coward - brave, stupid - a strategist!
  An easy victory - like a holey armor, it's nice to wear, but it's cheap and bad protection!
  Death is afraid of a brave man - if he ate bread!
  Thunderstorms are always expected, but at the same time they manage to get wet!
  Who is wretched for invention in tortures is defective in bed!
  Justice does not love the weak, luck does not love the timid, wealth does not love the honest!
  Mercy is too much luxury - For a weak ruler!
  A strong ruler must be cruel. It is hard to sleep on a stone because it is hard!
  Indecision: the first sign of weakness!
  A child is a blank sheet of paper, it is not his fault that there are so many scribblers among adults!
  Pessimists never fail!
  You can"t wash your head with an enema, there are too many holes, all incoming!
  Watch your language. This is the strongest muscle, as it can kill millions, and the weakest, as it is capable of betraying the speaker!
  A long tongue shortens life, except for a dying confession!
  It is better to share victory than to bear the burden of defeat alone!
  Your shirt is closer to the body, but you can really warm up by giving it to your neighbor!
  The strong is always free, the strongest chains are human weakness!
  - Who is a lion in bed and on the battlefield will not be a hare!
  Silence to the place is gold of a high standard, when you need to say the standard is falling!
  Silence is golden, but often false!
  Why silence is golden, because the golden key best unties tongues!
  You can't become a god without being a saint!
  Power without the support of morality is a muscle without the support of a skeleton!
  Under the blows of the sword, the harvest is gathered to bake the bread of victory, sweet from blood, and bitter from tears, the bread of victory!
  Modesty is the sister of greatness, boasting is its antipode!
  It's hard to win, but even harder to enjoy the fruits of victory!
  Theory without practice, that an eagle without wings does not fly, but is kept in captivity!
  Perseverance in an erroneous action is the main difference between a person and a monkey!
  - Without risk there is no struggle, and without struggle there is no life!
  - Risk is the salt of life, nothing is needed without it, but if you overdo it, it makes you sick!
  Death is like a bridegroom, only one comes, but it is not late!
  The more impudence in front of the weak, the more cowardice in front of the strong!
  If you want to be a god, stop being a monkey!
  The king and the slave have something in common that they betray their breed immediately - with the very first gesture!
  In general, most geniuses are children of vice, because a woman always prefers her husband to a better man!
  Cheating improves genetics, so a woman will never want to carry an idiot under her heart!
  God put a sword in the hands of a husband, a needle in his wife, only people tend to rebel especially against the will of the Almighty!
  Developed science is akin to magic!
  It is easier to bail out a sea of thimble than to answer all the questions of atheists!
  Improvisation is a brush plucking the strings on an instrument of victory!
  A living mortal is better than a dead god!
  Who does not dream of becoming a god will forever remain a worm!
  It is better to perform once than imagine a hundred times!
  What, in war, pity, like the eighth note in a song, only gets in the way and causes laughter!
  Nudity adorns a woman better than diamonds! At least the one that does not need decoration!
  It's easier to build a snowman in hell than to find an honest politician.
  - It's easier to find a dry stone at the bottom of the sea than a president who fulfills election promises!
  When there is enough bread, the need for circuses weakens! Two plates of delicious food are too much for a common man!
  Risk in battle is like seasoning in soup, it's insipid without it, but you need to know when to stop! Those who want to appropriate the glory of victory, like sand in the desert, only few golden grains share the bitterness of responsibility!
  Risk in battle is like seasoning in soup, it's insipid without it, but you need to know when to stop! Those who want to appropriate the glory of victory, like sand in the desert, only few golden grains share the bitterness of responsibility!
  Gold glitters, but blackens the heart and darkens the soul!
  It is not the ax that kills, but the one who swings it!
  War is like sex with a temperamental partner, you are constantly waiting for the end and at the same time you want to continue!
  The louder the roar, the quieter the mind; the higher the tone, the lower the intellect!
  Without humanity, a person is like an ember that has fallen out of a fire - lonely and quickly goes out!
  On our own land, the blade is sharper and the shield is thicker!
  If you want to be a hero, don't walk meekly!
  When two skillful men fight, it's a storm, but when skillful women fight, it's a tornado!
  The hardest thing is to protect your soul from meanness in yourself!
  In war, deceit is like a key to a lock - the newer, the better it opens!
  Help is like alms: it always comes at the wrong time, not in full, it is expensive, but there is no power to stop the begging hand!
  It is easier to scoop up the ocean with a thimble than to come to a certain conclusion in a religious discussion!
  Religion is usually the opposite of tolerance!
  Talking about politics most often leads to a scuffle!
  Gold does not rust from blood, does not tarnish from sweat, does not crumble from tears!
  A club is a fist, a sword is a knife in a fist!
  If you want to rule the country - learn to command yourself!
  When a neighbor has an empty wallet, yours seems fuller!
  It is better to fast yourself than to hear the groans of a child dying of hunger!
  Sometimes the time to account for mistakes - remains only in the grave!
  The revolution will use the whip to hasten the moment when the whip will never fall on a person!
  The best engine of progress is pain - if tired legs did not hurt, a person would not have invented a car!
  Only having experienced the fullness of suffering - will he be able to appreciate the fullness of bliss!
  If you want to become a god, learn to love your neighbor, for God is love!
  Elections are the only battlefield where skill wins, not numbers!
  A wolf and a vegetarian look at the world differently, especially reflected from plate day!
  When the king is betrayed terribly, but even worse when the king betrays his own conscience!
  The smile is wider, the gunpowder is drier, the blade is sharper, and the heart is angrier!
  War is hell for the body, purgatory for the soul, heaven for poetry!
  You can't beat everyone unless you beat yourself!
  The most terrible beast, this one that lives next to or inside your heart!
  Sometimes softness is synonymous with betrayal!
  Everything ingenious is simple in its paradoxicality!
  Bitter is the bread of betrayal, the honey of debauchery, the tears of the innocent!
  The easiest way to meet needs is to moderate ambition!
  An empty stomach experiences more joy from a crust of black bread than a stuffed belly from pineapple with hazel grouse!
  Sometimes a valiant defeat is more valuable than a cowardly victory!
  Gold is such a metal, the higher the sample, the stronger it gives blood!
  Courage doubles strength, wit quadruples, and reason brings victory!
  Sometimes the thought of suicide prolongs life!
  Without achievement, life is a miserable surrogate for existence!
  A war without victims is like a theater without actors!
  Only those who are in love with death can truly appreciate the delights of life!
  To love life is still more natural than to adore death - the latter is too much like a pig in a poke!
  Everything that leads to victory is wonderful: to take over the enemy - well, but the means do not count!
  Gold is soft, but the heart makes it callous!
  Knowledge in the head of a scoundrel is more dangerous than the muscles of a fool!
  The devil came up with vodka, money and oil! All equally destructive!
  One delinquent is worth two innocents - the first is tearing his veins having a bad experience, and the second is counting on indulgence!
  Who saves on the army, go broke on indemnities!
  Not a weapon that kills, but one that can enslave!
  Death is like bad food;
  The agony of waiting, unlike birth, does not go away with time!
  It is impossible to destroy only emptiness and stupidity!
  There are many smart and honest people, but they are arranged so cleverly that they never mix!
  Cowardice is the first sign of obedience. And obedience is the soul of a soldier! And the soul of a soldier is the key to victory - to win you need to be a coward! Such is the paradox of war!
  : God is in every person, God is every person, if only he has high morality, and the soul is not an animal!
  Killing in the name of Christ is the same as killing Christ!
  It is better to work in training than to rest in the grave!
  When the sword is broken, the hand reaches for the dagger!
  You can ask for banality, or endure insults, but you cannot justify a banal insult!
  Everything hard is fragile and perishable, but in soft stamina, there is strength. And who does not believe in this, of course, I will show the tongue that you can eat! All the teeth crumbled to dust, but he is alive - I say bang!
  Constancy in sex destroys love!
  Counting on luck is like teasing God and annoying death!
  Golden apples grow best when you water the trees with blood!
  There are three things: whose value is unchanged: the Almighty, parents and Motherland!
  The most interesting theater is the theater of war, only the entrance fee is prohibitively high!
  But in the theater of operations, tears are always real and each act is a lesson for life!
  Talent only then becomes a genius, if multiplied by colossal diligence!
  Procrastination steals laurels, haste brings success!
  A real surgeon is one who is able to perform a complex operation unnoticed!
  Not the boxer who hits, but the one who knocks down!
  Beauty is always poisonous - the brightest mushrooms are fly agaric, and poison, like a female charm, turns your head and poisons your heart!
  The natural mind can subdue the natural force, but the innate force will never subdue the mind!
  Dying proud is better than living humble!
  Whoever holds life by the throat is more likely to lose it than he who sets the chick of happiness free!
  Beauty fades, courage remains eternal!
  The sword is too sharp to keep the power of the state on it, flattery is too sweet to drink the people forever with it!
  The soldier's ingenuity compensates for the general's miscalculation, but building a calculation on it is like digging a hole with a needle!
  It is difficult to ignite what is already on fire and put out what has already burned down!
  Hot male temperament, dries the brain and burns through the bottom of the wallet!
  Rather, he burns a hole in his pocket - a warm heart!
  The thickest pouch is pierced through by a hard phallus!
  For a man, the best golden mirror!
  On the coin and wrinkles - the decoration of a man!
  A war may be without a winner - but there will always be a loser!
  Human weakness is the main engine of progress!
  If you want to be the first, work like the last!
  Genius is relatives of divinity, and worthy relatives!
  You can serve the Motherland a little, but you can"t betray a little!
  ! I think, therefore - I exist, I exist - therefore, I live, I live - therefore, I live happily!
  Sexual partners are like food - they require variety and hot spices!
  A revolution is made with a pure heart, but not with white gloves; on the way to happiness, the wheels require blood lubrication!
  Most often, they betray not because of meanness, but because of weakness, although it is weakness that inclines towards meanness!
  In general, the law is that a rusty mechanism only works with gold grease!
  Cunning and calculation: how a husband and wife give birth to victory - honesty is the third extra!
  The most bottomless creation in the world is a glass of vodka, falling into it is endless, and the bottom is in the cemetery!
  Not every convict is a criminal, not every criminal is a convict!
  It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than to publish without blat!
  A professional judge is like a professional prostitute - the difference is only in the amount of the fee and the rank of the pimp!
  Politicians are like worms, only they squeeze more blood out of their guts when they are exiled!
  Blood is the best fertilizer for cultivating the courage of the rising generation!
  The aggressively obedient majority thinks with the stomach, not with the heart, because it is much larger in volume.
  However, atheistic teaching is the most logical, it demonstrates the maturity of mankind, while any religion, association with childhood!
  God is a strong Father on a strong knee, whom a weak child wants to lean on!
  It is rare for anyone to ignite a spark of talent when the dampness of totalitarianism is around!
  Those who are not satisfied with the past and are afraid of the present think about the future more often!
  It's easier to hit the moon with a rock than to force politicians to keep their election promises!
  Sugary humanism in a people's country is as appropriate as sugar in borscht!
  Three things are eternal: God, time and human stupidity!
  If you want to win; forget three words: it's hard, I can't, that's enough!
  A pig will always find dirt, a rat will always find a gap, and a lazy person will always find an excuse!
  The moral of the same root with the word dirty! Most often it is used to stain virtue and wash away vice!
  The fox changes his skin twice a year, and the politician's mask every hour!
  Death is like a faithful wife, comes without reminders, puts her to bed and takes complete possession!
  Kindness is like sweat, shedding requires effort, but the body gets stronger, with every drop dirt leaves!
  A soldier is like a shovel, polished only by hard hands! But also get blunt quickly!
  The highest ideals ripen only when they are irrigated with blood, watered with tears and fertilized with sweat!
  For an atheist, all religions are good - because there is no God! And emptiness is the mildest despot!
  No matter how strong the hero is, he will not squeeze the sea out of a small lemon!
  The greatest excess of cunning does not compensate for a small lack of intelligence!
  The commander is the core - if rotten, then the whole structure crumbles!
  The kinder the shepherd, the angrier his dog, the softer the king, the more severe the satrap!
  Russian is not a nationality, but a vocation and a lifestyle!
  A weak person needs God as a child, Father and Mother, but as he grows up, he is burdened by guardianship, and he, having detached himself from his Parents, clings to his wife - science and reason!
  Alas, the mind without strength is worth little - a dumb athlete will easily strangle the most abstruse academician!
  The truth is that death, unlike a woman, is always true, and life is a complete betrayal!
  Better to slash once than to curse a hundred times!
  Modesty is the sister of wisdom! Boasting ruins the mind!
  It is easier to tame a tiger than to re-educate a tyrant - a rat cannot be trained!
  The more enemies, the more beautiful the war! Throw fewer words - war is not a game!
  Fewer drops in the sea than the masks of a secret agent!
  The torture device, like a musical instrument, requires love and talent! Only instead of laughter and applause you get groans and tears!
  Jesus among the flock is like a diamond in the sewage!
  Time is the most ruthless executioner, it knows no mercy and the word pardoned!
  A skillful politician, even cursing obscenities, retains a reputation as an intelligent person!
  The bull loves to whip, but does not like to plow!
  To plow well, you need to plant all year round!
  If you can't bite, don't bark!
  He who defeats one tiger will not be afraid of a dozen cats!
  A car is not a luxury, but a way of punishment: heaven for traffic cops, purgatory for a wallet, hell for peace of mind!
  To make a mistake is a mistake! Not admitting a mistake is a crime!
  Man is unpredictable - the human female is doubly unpredictable!
  Politics, unlike skiing, requires gold lubrication!
  Strength and mind, like husband and wife, give rise to obedience only in pairs!
  A strong ruler will never land more enemies than he can gather friends!
  Money is the fins of the shark of justice!
  Caution; is not a synonym for cowardice, but courage - for recklessness!
  Only the dead do not lie, and then only if they are atheists!
  A bad believer robs the body - a good atheist robs the soul!
  A career without lies is like a tank without fuel!
  He who does mercy gathers strength, cruelty is a sign of weakness!
  After all, genius and arrogance are incompatible things!
  Although one and a half fists is better than one fist - one and a half minds is worse than one mind!
  A noble one risks his life - a vile alien!
  The leader should not be sweet - they will lick it! But it shouldn't be bitter - they'll spit it out!
  Harder to find sand in the desert - than a reason for arrest!
  Deceit is the weapon of the weak - meanness is the weapon of the insidious!
  Uses friends - talent, harnesses enemies - genius!
  A slow blow is tantamount to a miss!
  The commander's caution is like a finger in his fist, an integral element, but it will not replace the rest!
  Choosing between law and conscience - an honest person will prefer, not what is safer!
  It's easier to find a dry stone on the seabed than an honest politician!
  Courage doubles strength, deceit quadruples!
  An exhausted hero is weaker than a fresh child!
  Hands are mother, head is father - together they will not leave victory an orphan!
  Whoever despises the army will have to run away quickly!
  In war, valor goes hand in hand with ruthlessness! They are like a bride and groom in a victorious union!
  Growing empires are like a soap bubble, only with selfish management!
  The seed of victory needs to be watered with blood and fertilized with corpses!
  An empire under a caring regime is like the backbone of a teenager, the bigger, the stronger!
  Composure for victory - what hardening is for steel!
  An icy cold emanates from war - half the trouble if it freezes the heart! Trouble if the brain freezes!
  Pity is like rust, compassion is like a shashel - cleanse your heart of this and cover it with armor: ruthlessness, rage, anger!
  Thinking makes us cowards - recklessness makes us corpses!
  War is such a process - akin to burning! Blood is gasoline, corpses are coal, will is sulfur! And the fire extinguisher wins!
  Body and mind, like husband and wife, give birth to victory in pairs, alone are fruitless!
  A brilliant commander differs from a brilliant composer in that his masterpieces always make you shed tears!
  As a rule, a tyrant: limitless ambition and a limited mind!
  Honesty is a selective concept, deception is universal!
  How is chess different from politics?
  In chess, the game is played on an equal footing, but in politics, the authorities always have a head start!
  In chess there is time trouble at the end of the game, but in politics always!
  In chess, sacrifices are voluntary, but in politics they are always forced!
  In chess, the pieces are rearranged in turn, but in politics, whenever the authorities want!
  In chess you can't take back moves, in politics they do it at every turn!
  The ruler, surrounded by nonentities, is like a stone in a lousy setting, the value will both fall and inevitably fade.
  The throne, unlike the bed, is shared only by weaklings!
  Everyone can win, not many can lose with dignity!
  Better to die a hero than to live as a coward!
  Paradoxically, it was the physical weakness of a person that allowed him to become like God! If the monkey had longer arms, he would never take a stick!
  Human vices drive progress and bring us closer to omnipotence! A coward invented - armor, a lazy one - a wheel, a weakling - a crane, a glutton - a laxative, an ambitious one - an airplane, a bored one - a movie, a curious one - the Internet, a sadist - a dynamo! Every great discovery hides a vice! Base passions - exalted technology!
  Had Adam not sinned, he and his descendants would have differed from working cattle only in their ability to speak!
  Time is the most objective judge - it gives words to everyone and exposes the evidence!
  Improvisation is the axiom of victory! The pattern is the defeat theorem!
  A lack of intelligence can still be compensated by a computer, but no technique can replace courage!
  In war, a smart coward is more useful than a brave fool!
  Given that the dead cannot fight, a dead soldier is always a bad soldier!
  War is a good school, but if you make a mistake, you won't retake the exams!
  Loyalty alone is not enough to serve the country, but nothing can replace its absence!
  However, whoever does not know how to appreciate life will not be able to adequately meet death!
  It is impossible to defeat the two things greed and stupidity, although the absence of the former is often combined with the latter!
  Pain in the body says not about life, but about the fact that death is slowly taking away a person!
  The thinnest conscience of thick wallets!
  In the world of finance, the law of Archimedes also applies, profit displaces honesty and compassion!
  Encouraging traitors in the camp of the enemy is like cultivating the wheat from which the bread of victory is baked!
  The bread of betrayal is always poisonous, and for it is baked from weed cereals!
  Constancy in sex is as unhealthy as monotony in food!
  Innocence in sex, like an empty wallet, makes you move your brains, but deprives you of saturation!
  The private, personnel composition of the army is equal in quality to the commander's, minus the length of service!
  The most enjoyable learning process is sex! And most importantly, no one will refuse a second retake!
  Sex is the only subject where everyone strives to put more stakes!
  A good warrior is just as much a spy as it helps to embroider and win! -
  Espionage is a good lubricant for the war machine, but the fuel is still a valiant spirit!
  The modesty of the dwelling symbolizes self-denial, and purity symbolizes willpower!
  The animal world is divided into food and eaters, the human world differs only without the dimension of stomachs and the presence of toast!
  The heaviest pain is when your homeland suffers!
  The torture of the body is a trifle - the torture of the soul is terrible!
  Only the tears of your enemy can only add gold to your wallet!
  It is not for nothing that women's tears are compared with pearls, they are valuable in that they can be exchanged for money!
  Courage is always noble - cowardice spares no one!
  Nothing empties pockets like a full glass!
  With an empty head - do not fill your wallet!
  With a cold heart - do not warm the hearth!
  Promise and chair: come from the same root and come out in one place!
  The longer the nose and the sharper the tongue, the shorter the life and the dumber the end!
  The more fun the booze, the sadder the hangover!
  Gold is too heavy a metal - the chain forged by it outweighs light dreams of freedom!
  That's right, war is one of the most comical things in the universe, only tickets to shows cost a lifetime!
  War is a circus, only the performance always ends in tears!
  A lie is oil for lubricating gears!
  Why yellow is considered the color of treason - it's coloring like gold!
  The golden tip is the easiest to break through the armor of honesty and nobility!
  An army without a commander is like a body without a heart!
  The commander, like the heart - it is harmful to beat too often! But stopping is fatal!
  Peace of mind in war is like a fur coat in the cold! Lose it - only scumbags!
  The composure of a commander is like the fur of a bear! Lost it - become a scumbag!
  All forms of sex are good except those that do not give pleasure!
  Pleasure in sex is like milk from a cow, when it disappears, the heart rapidly turns sour!
  A good soldier has everything - only three words are missing: I can"t, I don"t want, I won"t!
  Poverty is only then a vice - if it induces to steal!
  The woodpecker's beak is like the mind of an innovator - it can be blunted by the abundance of oaks in the leadership and large cones!
  The highest standard of gold is gilding on the cross, forever silent mother-in-law!
  All despotisms are alike - only democracy is always individual!
  The difference between science and magic lies in the fact that the former was much more often used for destruction!
  Why did Christ compare his flesh to bread - because it attracts priest rats!
  A person in a team is like a cucumber in pickle - he wants, he doesn"t want, but he gets soaked!
  The gold medal is given not to the one who starts faster, but to the one who comes first!
  For a scout, the mind is like a steering wheel, composure is a pedal, intuition is a motor!
  The boss is like a light breeze - everyone notices him, but no one sees!
  For pirates, happiness is never boundless - as they release their prey on the shore!
  Lead is only more valuable than gold when it sticks in the heart!
  However, the golden bullet hits the heart much more often!
  The greater the strength of the enemy, the higher the value of victory!
  Fight to the death only for what has real value!
  The greatness of the ruler, only then blooms with lush color - if it is abundantly poured with blood!
  A responsible ruler differs from a slave only by the honor that surrounds him!
  More often than not, everything rips the roof off its hinges - a surge of a cosmic tornado!
  Stupid slaves never heal their backs! The smart ones get their tongues inflamed!
  The dumber the fork, the sharper the tongue!
  Hunger is like the wind - inflames the fire of eloquence!
  When you're lucky - justice! Another - a freebie!
  The most empty soul - in full wallets!
  The story is like a fairy tale, the only difference from it is that only the winners can write a sequel!
  Mercy in war is a nail in the boot! Blood still flows, but this time it's yours!
  Knowledge is like water in a fountain - if you don't throw it out, it goes bad!
  Why gold doesn't tarnish - rust is best washed away by the stickiest liquid: blood!
  Victory without a strong enemy is an empty plate, a shiny bottom does not cause joy!
  Religions change - unbelief remains!
  The most ancient religion is atheism - it is also the most modern!
  Computer games, unlike onanism - differ only in the duration of the act!
  The main criminal is not the one who invented gunpowder, dynamite, the atomic bomb, but the one who invented money!
  The most lethal force in the golden cartridge - it strikes even those who did not hit!
  It is not the one who is rich who is bad, but the one who does not want to share!
  Glory is steam above water, the fire of talent boils, and it will still break through the cover of patronage!
  For a masterpiece you need: talent, diligence, time, love, inspiration! It's like fingers in a fist, take one away and you won't get a masterpiece!
  Taking away happiness from a person, you will not add talent! Taking away a person's freedom, you will not add peace! Chains are a bad cover for a naked body!
  You can not live life on the postponement of the death sentence!
  Friendship is too hard an acquisition to be outweighed by gold!
  A rope can tighten anyone's neck, but only the wicked will be dragged to hell!
  Our whole life is but a reprieve of the death sentence pronounced by the Almighty!
  Silver dims when there are many tears, gold will shine even in the abyss of misfortune!
  War is the theater of life, it only plays tragedies, where every gesture knocks out tears!
  Libido is like an arrow of space - you need to check with it, but in no case be tied to the neck: otherwise the pointer will turn into a crossbar!
  Slave addiction turns the pointer into a crossbar!
  In sex as food - you need a change of dishes, hot spices, strong spices, salt of playfulness!
  A genius differs from a smart one in that he knows that it is impossible to know everything!
  Nothing promotes progress like pain - or rather, the desire to get rid of it!
  Only hunger and labor could turn a monkey into the likeness of God!
  . War is for progress, like wind for a mill - you risk breaking your wings, but it makes you spin!
  Greed is the opposite of wealth - like a hole in a wallet: a common property to suck!
  Youth is always self-confident - a simple start gives rise to the illusion of an easy run!
  One year in the barracks - gives wisdom and knowledge, ten free!
  A free man, like a dog without a muzzle, is safe only if he has reason!
  Most often it blows the roof off the lashes - with an eruption of verbal diarrhea!
  Intelligence is to a pirate like a helmsman is to a ship - only an idiot thinks he can do without it!
  A fool does not need a sword - it is enough to kindle vanity and you can go into the oven!
  Suicide: this is the key to the most nightmarish dungeon from which it is impossible to escape!
  The strongest chains on the human body are ignorance, the most crushing hammer of reason!
  Knowledge is hard to carry, but without it it is impossible to fly high!
  Parliament differs from the circus, only the cost of entrance tickets and the monotony of the surroundings!
  Why is it harder for a man than for a woman? The woman loses either honor or money, and the peasant loses both!
  Sweeter than honey is the humiliation of the superior!
  Above all, fragments fly - from the fall of heroes!
  Nothing makes life more difficult than investing in a wallet!
  From cleaning pockets - the conscience becomes even dirtier!
  Money for the flesh, unlike blood, is even more valuable when it's someone else's!
  Life is more precious than money, but without it it's not worth a penny! Therefore, the life of a poor man is a penny!
  A person accepts only his own blood type, and always other people's money!
  A coward is not the one who is afraid - the fear of battle is like chain mail, but you don"t have to hang it on yourself beyond measure!
  Discipline in the army is like a bunch of rods - it must be tight and not break at the same time!
  Only stupidity is infinite, not the rope of a cunning one!
  Prison is like candy for a diabetic - it will be bad, but I want to try it terribly!
  They don't eat gold, but they choke on it!
  Mercy is like a sheepskin - only a real wolf puts it on!
  A war without casualties is like barbecue without meat!
  All methods of obtaining finance only elevate - only the absence of money humiliates!
  Slaves are manure, without which the flower of the aristocracy will not grow!
  War annoys like a mother-in-law, only the kinship with it is much more intimate!
  War is also a roulette, only the zero falls out much more often, and the redemption is only for red!
  You can buy everything - the heart, mind and even conscience, but the feeling of security is impossible!
  A lot of money leaves peace because of the fear of losing, little - the desire to get it is tormented!
  Love is selfish - because it cannot be shared with a friend and sold in parts!
  Our world is like a game of poker, only they cheat everywhere!
  A smart one deceives only out of necessity, but a fool to get masochistic pleasure!
  Taking a bone from a dog is easier than taking power from a tyrant, but a bone can be gnawed, and power can only be choked on!
  A large number, like fat on the belly, fetters the attack, makes it difficult to defend!
  Whoever falls behind that fool turns a penny into a penny!
  It is easy to win, that swallowing air is easy, but it is impossible to get enough!
  A true slave, not the one whose body is chained, but the one who swaddled the spirit!
  A person in the world of capital is like in a cage with predators, only the process of devouring will stretch for years!
  Banditry is like mold - it thrives where there is a damp conscience and wet pants!
  The golden hook is so seductive - that the victim rushes at it even without bait!
  Each impulse has its own emitter!
  On a secret, there is no word - no!
  A fight without blood is like a bun without butter, a wound without pain is like sex without an orgasm!
  Fool smack - crush water in a mortar!
  Why do fools so often take precedence over smart people? Tricks sooner or later come to an end, only stupidity is inexhaustible!
  Gold is the most dense metal, noble deeds, good intentions easily get stuck in it, conscience sticks!
  Constancy should not turn into a routine, but consistency into conservatism!
  A professional judge differs from a professional prostitute in that the authorities constantly have him!
  Everything in the world happens, not everything is reflected in official reports!
  Who deceives more often a rich nobleman, only a very rich nobleman!
  The head is blunt in shape, but cuts through the armor, or rather the sword!
  Sin is like pepper in soup, it burns a lot, it doesn't go down the throat a little!
  The difference between sin and a chain is that its ruling classes put slaves on the mind, not on the body!
  The exploiting classes have come up with an eternal watchman from whom it is impossible to escape and called him Almighty God!
  The difference between a church and a store is that it always sells stale goods!
  Light gold, but conscience blackens!
  The dollar is green and covered with mold - good impulses!
  Man is a factor with which nature, more and more, is considered, like a horse, the rider on which is getting heavier!
  In war, meanness, like water in the desert, should not be splashed for nothing, but it is impossible to do without!
  Life without a Motherland is like a garden without currants!
  A child differs from a genius in that recognition must wait!
  A well-deserved success is like a ripe fruit, it is not easy to pick, but you will be full!
  The main weakness of the monarchs is that the king often has his own blood, more expensive than the state!
  Science is cooler than magic, as it is built on a rational basis: where diligence is more important than natural data!
  A true masterpiece: you can copy, but you can not repeat! .
  Better to be humiliated than to be humiliated!
  Humiliating others, he himself did not rise, if the palace collapsed, it would not become brighter in the hut, even if its domes covered the sun!
  Sophistry - intellectual masturbation!
  The word of honor is a heavy burden - but it eases the conscience and inspires the soul!
  You can skin a goose that lays golden eggs, but it won't become a golden fleece!
  With an empty head - you can't fill your wallet!
  The more filled the stomach, the more empty thoughts in the head!
  Dark skin is not an obstacle to bright thoughts!
  The heaviest burden that pulls to the bottom is an empty head!
  Meanness is like a triple boomerang - the later it returns, the worse the consequences!
  The most terrible torment is caused by a person himself - others torment only the body, and you are your soul!
  Meanness is like a triple boomerang - the later it returns, the worse the consequences!
  Mercy in life is like luxury in a hut!
  Hell, of course, is on fire, but not sinners are baked in it, but fried money!
  The best way to fill your pocket is to empty the underworld!
  Pain is like a millstone - it sharpens the will, exposes courage!
  The army is the highest level of unfreedom for the lowest!
  They pay for love - they pay for hate!
  A woman is exposed publicly if she was born in a shirt!
  Life is short, even when it consists of long suffering!
  A long tongue is most often combined with short arms and a narrow-minded mind!
  Torturing for no reason is a sign of a fool!
  Wealth requires skill, skill to reason, reason, reason is selfish, selfishness is vile! Conclusion - meanness is the basis of capital!
  There is nothing worse than an overvalued share price!
  States are worse than wolves, they hunt in packs, and countries die alone!
  Courage and nobility - like a dagger and a scabbard, usually together, until in order to hit the target, it is better to discard the latter!
  Cobra is not trusted with a house, but a drunk with a bottle!
  The nobleman is a pirate in law, only he always robs those who are defenseless!
  Torment from knowledge is worse than ignorance, the latter can pass from communication with the smart, and even the last fool will not help with the former!
  For a slave, all the free are divided into two categories: smart and useful!
  To justify a crime, you can prevent a big crime! Honesty does not cancel cunning, and justice - mercy!
  The wolf is looking for game, the politician is gain, and the naive voter of the wolf is a vegetarian!
  Demanding honesty from a politician is as stupid as virginity from a prostitute.
  A politician without cunning is like a dog without teeth!
  Nothing narrows the possibilities like a broad soul!
  The bigger the heart, the smaller the profit!
  The difference between a politician and an executioner is that he does not take off his mask even at home!
  Wisdom tends to be repeated - only stupidity is always original!
  Soviet: it means excellent - from just good!
  Drunken courage - how weak impudence!
  A fool is more enterprising than a smart one, because he is too stupid to pay attention to imaginary obstacles!
  Caution is as different from cowardice as a shield is from a tombstone!
  A thought is like a fishing rod - it will feed you if you put your hands on it!
  Morality is like a chain for decent people and net for scoundrels!
  The first glass - the throat tears, the third glass - sings songs!
  The chopping block differs from the political tribune only in that: that the executioner works for conscience, and the politician - for deceit!
  The higher the stake in the dispute, the lower the aspirations to take it!
  The eyes are like a reverse microscope - you can read the naked brain in them!
  - Each person is a small universe - only for a bastard it consists of some black holes!
  Sports are not without strong emotions, like soup without calories - you can sip, but you can"t get enough!
  You can't mold a jug out of shit, a castle in the air - it won't shelter you from the cold!
  If knowledge is a hillock, then ignorance is a mountain on which one does not feel dizzy, only for the wise!
  The surest sign of weakness is outward bravado! Moska barks the loudest!
  The church differs from a prostitute in that bliss always puts off for later!
  Who does not get on the brain, he will never grow wiser! Brains are like a wallet, you need to receive to fill them!
  A sharp mind, especially deftly, cuts the church purse!
  A man tidies up in a hut - a pig will shit in the palace!
  A woman is exposed when she hides her helplessness!
  In the age of space and mathematics, only romantics think about angels!
  And what could be better than a good sword, only a very good sword!
  A smart one differs from a fool in that the first one expresses his thoughts beautifully, but incomprehensibly, and the second is understandable, but not beautifully!
  Of the two evils, choose what has not yet been experienced!
  Gold is like a magnet - it only attracts trouble!
  Fight without blood is like soup without salt!
  Older doesn't mean smarter, bigger doesn't mean better, fatter doesn't mean stronger!
  It is better to die honestly than to live vilely! When you drop the load on your shoulders, you lose weight!
  The tongue is the strongest part of the body! You can throw a stone with your hand, but destroy the state with your tongue!
  You can't hold a sword with your tongue, but you can subdue an army!
  Best of all, it is easier to advise, a full wallet, not a pocket full of holes!
  Dexterity is able to balance strength, but is not powerless to compensate for the lack of intelligence!
  Whoever did not give up - he won, who died - covered himself with glory, and glory is equal to victory!
  Everyone can lose, only a smart one can learn a lesson from a defeat, and only a lucky one can take revenge!
  Never pour more wine into a glass than necessary so that the brains do not go to the bottom!
  A bad boxer falling - accuses the referee of tripping!
  A bad boxer always has holes in his gloves and tight sneakers!
  . In order for victory to flourish, you need watering with blood, feeding with corpses, irrigation with sweat, disinfection with tears!
  War, of course, can be fake, only the victims are always genuine!
  The biggest loss is to lose your identity!
  However, a split personality is not equal to a doubling of wealth!
  Honor will not fill the wallet - but it will cleanse the heart!
  An empty heart is not a guarantee of a full wallet!
  Cowardice is the most reliable chain, fire is powerless against it and there is no hammer capable of breaking it!
  Who speaks beautifully often fights crookedly!
  Crooked paths in politics lead directly to the goal!
  In politics, the shortest distance between two points is a squiggle!
  If the army is starving - it's time to read the war! War is always an investment: if it does not fill the treasury, it will empty the arsenal!
  Gold coins stick best to sweet tongue!
  Sometimes even a brave person is obliged to show timidity!
  What is the most courageous person afraid of - to commit meanness, to inflict pain, to humiliate the worthy!
  The politician is out of tune, even when he sings sweetly!
  Life without fun is like math without numbers! Heads can hurt, but no practical use!
  On your horse, and the armor is lighter!
  Diplomats shoot less, but win more! No bomb is deadlier than a tongue!
  Not that temperament, but that orgasm!
  The more often a politician changes costumes, the dirtier his soul!
  Revenge is terrible, with its unique individuality!
  The inability to foresee everything is no excuse; if you missed the elementary!
  Hands reach out for Christ's power over the universe, but do not want to be nailed to the cross!
  However, you can go around the Earth faster than list the contradictions of the Bible!
  Sin is the dung on which the church grows money bushes, and priests produce the most shit!
  Without trust, you can't assemble a team, and without a team, you won't achieve victory!
  Flattery for a ruler is too sticky an infection, because of it it is impossible to unfold the wings of the soul!
  A ruler greedy to sweet flattery - has the intelligence of a fly!
  Love is a game in which the third is superfluous, unless of course this is a love game!
  Unlike professional boxing, in war you strive for victories, but not fights!
  An order for a soldier is like a sail for a yacht, he shakes it, but otherwise it will only drift!
  Excerpt from indecision, they differ like flame and ashes!
  Who is great in soul will never humiliate another, because true greatness is in nobility and compassion!
  The most cruel despot is a weak mind!
  Cruelty without a reason is a sign of a fool! Cruelty for the sake of an idea - so that nonsense burns!
  Cruelty for the sake of an idea - methods are not worth the goal!
  Only politicians are worse than thieves - they themselves come up with concepts for themselves and invent laws!
  In the case of a filibuster, it is very difficult to excel! What is needed here is not a measure, but the talent of a she-wolf!
  If a bandit is a worm, then a politician is a boa constrictor!
  Sword blow, like a generous gift! Who is not smart - satisfied!
  A politician's mind is like a pelican's beak, only it captures not a fish, but gold coins!
  The crown is able to compensate for the lack of honor, but is powerless to cover the lack of intelligence!
  There are no brains in the head, you can"t add from the chest!
  Do not cross the swamp without getting your feet dirty! Do not do justice without getting your hands dirty!
  Violence for happiness is like manure for roses, it makes you sick, but you must use it!
  Idleness is worse than scale, it can only be torn off with blood!
  Whoever counts losses too meticulously will surely receive a balance of defeat!
  Sometimes we attack ourselves, or we are brought to our senses, then we call the war a saint, the aggressor is always vile!
  True talent adorns modesty, genius respect for others, divinity tolerance!
  Death is the last adventure, only if the countdown is from the other end!
  A politician can prove that two times two equals five, but never convinces that the difference will go into the pockets of the voters!
  Your bread and stale soft!
  Money is always clean, only the method of taking can be dirty!
  Gold glitters but sticks best to dirty hands!
  In shooting ass; hits a fly in the eye!
  Whoever cherishes life too much loses immortality!
  Knowledge is higher than magic - because magic is limited by the forces of nature, and science truncates the possibilities of nature itself!
  Whoever cherishes life too much loses its meaning!
  Who cheaply values himself, disappears for a penny!
  Old age or youth, for the monarchy, always means sunset!
  Poor luxury - the soul of the oligarchs!
  A ruler without cunning is like an unlubricated cart - it goes in a skip, and will certainly fall apart!
  Politics is like a labyrinth, it is easy to get confused, but the exits are different!
  In politics, unlike the labyrinth, you can't keep right all the time!
  It is not the technique that wins, but the person who made it!
  Even the most powerful muscles will not help a person to take off, but science will open the way to the stellar heights!
  A strong hand can cut down a forest, but no fist will raise the yield, even by a centner!
  In war, lies are like poisonous gases, but more than one respirator will not save!
  Only the strong are truly free, the brave are happy, the smart are rich!
  Slander pierces armor better than a projectile, and blows heads off better than shrapnel!
  You can't pierce the armor of a tank with your tongue, but you can neutralize the crew!
  To stun means to win!
  A general warning about his strike, either an idiot or a saint, which is essentially the same thing!
  Holiness is the surest sign of degradation, with the attractiveness of the bright coloring of the fly agaric!
  For a poet, each syllable is a small sky - each letter is an asterisk!
  The pen may leave a speck on the star, but the contrast will outline the light even brighter!
  Communism is a society of the educated!
  Intelligence can replace luck, but luck will never replace intelligence!
  Knowledge is like a needle in a haystack - you can mend a hole of ignorance, but in search you will prick your fingers!
  Fat is like sand in gears, it melts the mechanism, fat exfoliates the body!
  The mind is able to replace everything - except conscience. Although the latter are ready, sell for nothing!
  Psychological impossibility is the most serious alibi!
  Mind can jump between stars, muscles can only jump between sticks!
  The mind really subdues the force! Force is capable, to achieve, only the appearance of submission to reason!
  The strongest muscle of the gyrus of the brain, it is capable of moving the stars out of orbit!
  To make a monkey out of a man, a mediocre surgeon can! But to make a man out of a monkey is beyond the power of God!
  Religiosity comes either from a lack of intelligence or an excess of fear!
  Cruelty is like a bitter medicine, it must be washed down with sweet promises!
  Audacity and calculation as a husband and wife - give rise to victory only in a couple, and the lack of agreement between them leads to a miscarriage!
  Who is a knight by blood, should not be knights by deeds!
  Nobility in war is like a white coat in a mine!
  Life is like chess: if art requires sacrifice, then military art, only
  Don't pretend to be Napoleon if you have solid Waterloos!
  The fangs of a wolf do not grow dull from a sheep's skin!
  Superstition is strength to those who use them, weakness to those who believe in them!
  Psychics differ from saints only in that the former are framed by icons, and the latter in a lunatic asylum!
  A pen is only equal to a bayonet if it is a thief's!
  Science has an eye sharper than a diamond, and a scientist's hand - the power is very great!
  It is prestigious for a man to let a lady go ahead in everything, but not in scientific discoveries!
  Capable boys make more discoveries than brilliant old men!
  Science is a shepherd - nature is a sheep, but a stubborn sheep that you cannot curb with a simple whip!
  Salt of freedom, sweeter than the sugar of slavery!
  Effective brainwashing is possible only if they are absent!
  And to sell conscience if it costs nothing!
  Caution, the main trait of traitors!
  Fear is always selfish, as it excludes self-sacrifice!
  Stone head - even a scalpel blunts!
  A sharp tongue most often hides the dullness of the brain!
  Fear is such a gift that it is difficult to give to the enemy, but easy to keep for yourself!
  Anyone can make a woman squeal, but only a true gentleman can make her shed tears.
  The church is like a store, only the goods are always expired, and the price is too high and the seller cheats!
  There are no women among the priests, because the latter have lies on their faces!
  No matter how wide the gulf between imagination and reality is, science will still build bridges!
  Knowledge has no limits, imagination is limited by ambition!
  Talent and diligence, like husband and wife, give rise to discovery only in pairs!
  Mind and strength, like a young man and a girl, one cannot stand the absence of the other!
  Violence does not negate mercy, like the death of the resurrection!
  Torture like sex needs variety, alternation of partners, and love for the process!
  There is nothing more natural, such a perversion as war!
  Each groan of the enemy is a step towards victory, unless of course it is a voluptuous groan!
  You can cut yourself with a dull razor, but you can't experience the thrill of being with a dumb partner!
  Magic cannot make a simple person a scientist, but science will make everyone a magician!
  Not everyone who is aggressive is a criminal, and not every criminal is aggressive!
  It burns the most - cold hatred!
  Cruelty is always insane, even if it has a system!
  Without lighting a fire, you can"t cook dinner! Without breeding a sucker, you will not collect the cream!
  If there are many children-heroes, then there are few adult cowards!
  Courage and skill are like cement and sand - strong together, flimsy apart!
  A brave mind is better than cowardly stupidity!
  Stupidity is always false and boastful, but wisdom is truthful and modest!
  Better to believe than in a big lie, only a very big lie!
  A lie is the other side of the truth, only unlike a coin, it always seems smoother!
  To catch a wolf, you have to listen to the howl!
  It's good to die
  But it's better to stay alive!
  In the grave you rot - nothing,
  Alive, you can fight!
  A hen pecks grain by grain, and gives a weight gain of more than a pig swallowing large pieces!
  True greatness does not need flattery!
  One calm blow is better than a hundred of the most heart-rending screams!
  Luck is just a mirror where diligence is reflected!
  The aroma of the censer exudes sweetness that attracts banknotes instead of flies!
  A person can stay at the same level of mind for a long time, but no amount of effort will curb stupidity!
  Intelligence without effort always decreases, but stupidity grows without effort!
  A man is not age and not even physical strength, but a combination of mind and will!
  The mind is like a bully, it goes beyond the mind when it is weak!
  The cigarette is the most insidious saboteur who always makes the victim his accomplice!
  Money is more disgusting than excrement, beautiful flowers grow on the latter, and in money only vile vices!
  If the capitalist acquires the power of God, the world will become hell!
  A politician with his tongue, unlike a prostitute, brings not to orgasm, but to insanity!
  The future depends on us! Even when it seems that nothing depends on us!
  Fascists can kill, of course, but what they can't do is take away the hope of immortality!
  It's easier to fill an ice skating rink in hell than squeeze a tear out of a soldier!
  The difference between a censer and a fan is that the fan drives away flies, but the censer lures fools!
  The sword is like a dick, think twice before you stick it!
  Man is weak, God is strong, and the God-man is omnipotent only when he fights for a just cause!
  Words are like notes in a composition, one false one is enough and the speech is ruined!
  If you want to bore a girl, talk about weapons, but if you want to leave forever, talk about Soviet weapons!
  The strength of a tank is not in the armor, but in the tanker's head!
  The ruler of those who take bread from the executioner collects salt on his backside!
  Honesty is a typical sacrifice, on the altar of expediency!
  Attack triples strength - defense halves them!
  A head cut with a blade is called a garden head, clusters of retribution sprout from it!
  For war, a person is a bargaining chip that depreciates faster than it goes into consumption!
  The life of a man in war is subject to inflation and at the same time is priceless!
  War is like a stream of water, shit floats, the valuable sinks, and the priceless exalts!
  A tank without a mechanic is like a horse without a harness!
  Emptiness is especially dangerous when it lives in its own head!
  The emptiness in the head is filled with delirium, in the heart - with malice, in the wallet - with stolen goods!
  A long tongue is usually combined with slanting hands, a short mind and a straight convolution in the brain!
  The reddest tongue, with colorless thoughts!
  Science is not a horse to take the barrier on an empty stomach!
  The thoughts of a child are like a frisky colt, the thoughts of an intelligent child are like two frisky colts, and the thought of a child of genius is like a herd of colts with scorched tails!
  A boxer's gloves are too soft to dull a sharp mind!
  The price of victory is too expensive, it can devalue the trophies!
  The biggest trophy in war is a saved life!
  Meanness is more contagious than cholera, more deadly than the plague, and there is only one vaccine against it - conscience!
  A tiny tear, a small child, causes great disasters and great destruction!
  The most absurd nonsense is done with a smart look, an empty head and a full belly!
  When an army has an excess of banners, it means that the generals do not have enough imagination!
  . Often the excess of money earned is depreciated by the lack of time to spend it!
  Silence is golden, but only in someone else's wallet!
  It is difficult to save one's life in battle, but it is doubly difficult to maintain modesty after victory!
  A soldier without a cup - a sentry without a shepherd dog!
  Whoever wants to harness a Russian to the yoke will go to fertilizer like shit!
  War is a funny movie, only in the finale you always shed tears!
  War is a theater in which being a spectator is meanness!
  You can't throw a grenade with your tongue, but you'll crush an empire!
  The brain has no muscle fibers, but knocks stars out of orbit!
  Intuition in war is like space in the sea, only the magnetic needle jumps faster!
  Saving a wounded comrade is a greater feat than killing a healthy enemy!
  The strongest chain of vice is forged by human selfishness!
  - Victory over a defenseless victim is worse than defeat from a worthy opponent!
  - If you want to punish a man, make him live with one woman, if you want to punish him more strongly, add another mother-in-law to them!
  It is good to die for the Motherland, but it is even better to survive and win!
  Survivability is the most valuable gift of a soldier, which is least appreciated by generals!
  The biggest consequences come from small mischief!
  Even God Almighty cannot overcome human weaknesses!
  Need is as much an engine of progress as a whip is a horse stimulator!
  The sprouts of progress bloom, under the generous watering of the tears of need!
  In war, the concept of a child is just as inappropriate as a clown at a funeral!
  Having drawn forget-me-nots on a cannon, you will not make her shot at least on a petal - harmless!
  If all traitors were like themselves, then honesty would rule the world!
  Soft sheep's wool - will not dull the fangs of a wolf!
  Too much cruelty is equal to anarchy!
  To execute one innocent - to give rise to a dozen discontented!
  One photon is not worth a hundred impulses!
  Your penny is more expensive than someone else's penny!
  Talent is ringing copper, but without the tin of tests, it will never acquire hardness!
  You can destroy everything except the dream - you can conquer everything except the fantasy!
  Smoking prolongs life only when it is the last cigarette before execution on the scaffold!
  The language of a philosopher is like a propeller blade - only it moves not the boat, but the roof from its hinges!
  Every murderer is a failed philosopher!
  Age does not add wisdom to a fool, like a gallows rope of growth to a dwarf!
  What the tongue has threshed, unlike a millstone, cannot be swallowed in one go!
  In the New Year, even things that cannot be realized at other times come true!
  The belly swells from the churned with a millstone - the brains wither from the churned tongue!
  War is like wind in a mill - it grinds the flesh, but accelerates the wings!
  Man is the king of nature, but he holds the scepter not in his hand, but in his head! 1
  A strong mind can replace weak muscles, but strong muscles can never replace a weak mind!
  A woman in war is like a stirrup in the saddle!
  A light bullet, the most powerful argument in a military dispute!
  Evil appeared with the birth of life, but will disappear much earlier than the end of existence!
  Technique can punish evil, break a thousand hearts, unable to eradicate hatred from even one!
  Betrayal is insidious: like a fisherman's hook, only the bait always stinks!
  Eating a cannibal can make you feel nauseous, but you never feel full!
  A limited mind has limited ideas, with stupidity that knew no limits!
  It's easier to fix a watch with an ax than to teach commissars to take care of people!
  As long as a man is made of proteins, he is weaker than suckers!
  A person has two mortal enemies - himself and his egoism!
  Who beats in the heart, saves the head!
  The machine gunner is also a musician, but it makes you cry, drop much more often!
  Mind differs from food rations in that when it is added in half, the value decreases!
  An angry child is worse than an angry adult: microorganisms have brought the most deaths!
  Madness is a broom that clears the dump of old ideas in the head, giving scope to genius!
  Golden glow does not warm the skin, but inflames passions!
  Power without entertainment is like slavery in purple!
  A brave child can put someone else's army to flight, and a cowardly adult can lay down his own mother!
  Above all, goats live in the mountains, especially if it is a mountain of conceit!
  In the hands of an honest man, the word is gold and he holds it; in the hands of a just man, it is a smashing blade and he lets it go!
  There cannot be two truths, but there can be double morality!
  Gold is well forged, easily polished, but does not adhere well!
  The dollar is green like a crocodile, only its mouth is open, for the whole planet!
  Peace hammer is good, but even better when he forges bayonets!
  Time is not money, in case of loss, you can"t collect it back!
  The legs are light, and with a heavy burden, if it promises an easy life!
  He cannot live beautifully - a moral monster!
  Blood is salty, but sweet when spilled on the enemy!
  Discovery is a goldfish that lives in the troubled waters of ignorance!
  To catch the goldfish of discovery, in the muddy waters of the experiment, you need a net of inspiration!
  One minute of thought - shortens the path by an hour, one second of haste, leads to a life lag!
  From one photon - the quasar does not stir!
  Gold is heavy, but lifts up better than a hydrogen balloon!
  An unbelieving person is like a baby: who feels the caresses of his mother, but does not believe that she exists!
  Who sells a lot - he often betrays!
  Power is sweet, but the bitterness of responsibility interrupts the taste!
  Imperfection of the body, the main stimulus for the improvement of technique!
  The executioner differs from the artist in that his work cannot be redrawn!
  The body is always a reformer, but the mind is conservative!
  A drop of reality quenches thirst better than an ocean of illusions!
  Prancing on a horse, you can"t write a masterpiece on a boulder!
  An excellent soldier knows everything - except for the word surrender!
  Knockout like a girl, make you wait - they won't be able to lift you!
  Weakness is a disease that does not cause feelings of compassion!
  Compassion: it is weakness that causes disease!
  Golden wings are bad for an airplane, but good for a career!
  The strong strive for the strong - the weak for the Almighty!
  A strong enemy is a strong bridge over the abyss of complacency!
  Cowardice is the strongest chain for a slave, because he forged it himself!
  Indifference is the worst vice - it becomes a habit too quickly!
  The cooler the "bells and whistles" of the brains, the more they are twisted by force majeure!
  The poor is not the one who is bare in body, but who is not the boss in spirit!
  Whoever has a brain of sand, without a cent of ingenuity, will not knead the foundation of success!
  The foundation of well-being cannot be built if the brains are made of sand!
  The body is the most insidious traitor, you can"t get rid of it, it"s impossible to negotiate with it, you can"t run away from it or hide!
  Struggle is like a light to the eyes, it can tire, but woe to a person if it completely disappears!
  Earnings in a casino differs from carrying water in a sieve, in that the water in the sieve pours over your feet, and in the casino it is brainwashing!
  An icy cold emanates from war, half a trouble if it freezes the heart, trouble if it freezes the brain!
  In order for military leadership talent to mature, the blood of soldiers must abundantly irrigate the battlefields!
  A soft character is too hard ground for the seeds of success to sprout!
  The most durable metal, softer than plasticine - without hardening with a fiery heart and icy composure!
  The black hole is lighter: when in the icy ether, a pair of passionate hearts are burning!
  Will is the index finger that holds the trigger of the ray gun - its weakness is suicidal!
  Advertising: like a mirage in the desert, only the sun is never visible, although it shines thoroughly!
  War is boxing, only after a knockout they don't shake hands!
  Stuffing the belly with sweets - overdoes the brains!
  The best armor in war is a strong character, a strong mind!
  Why does the light turn red - because the photon is ashamed of the running away star!
  Better to go to Heaven alone than to Hell with bad company!
  How small a photon is, but without it you will not see a quasar!
  The commander's heart is a burning horn, his head is ice, his will is iron: all together - the smashing steel of victory!
  A smart scoundrel like a diamond cutter - to use: you need a soft pen of flattery, with a steel core of will!
  Evil: like a flame in a burner: if you don't regulate it, it will burn you!
  Advertising, unlike a rapist: it does not chase victims, they run after it themselves!
  Wine is like grease on a gun, only eloquence erupts instead of bullets!
  If the priest says: the ways of the Lord are incomprehensible, then he wants to build a highway to your wallet!
  Religious ministers: weeds that keep the light of Christ out of the timid seedlings of morality!
  Atheism creates voids in the sky through which the rain pours, watering the shoots of progress!
  Wine, unlike gun grease: wedges the whole thought process!
  Beauty cannot be killed - beauty itself is deadly!
  The brilliance of luck without intelligence is like the brilliance of money without value!
  Life is like a movie: only the main character becomes known, only at the last moment!
  Between faith in God and Santa Claus - the only difference is that it is more difficult for Frost to cash in!
  Laughter is the most terrible weapon - available to a baby, knows no barriers and turns the most skillful strategist into a nonentity!
  You have to be friends with the leader if you want to live as a king!
  Personal sympathy is an easy feeling, but outweighs everything else when making a decision!
  The art of making difficult decisions with a light heart is a property of balanced natures!
  To keep a stallion, you need to teach him to satisfy his thirst from one well! (About men!)
  The difference between your own and family is like between fish in a pan and in a lake!
  Flying on a monoplane is so sex, acceleration takes away pleasure!
  Better high-quality banality - than sloppy originality!
  Not everything is gold that glitters, but has a shine is always valuable!
  Christianity teaches morality, and the priest profits from vices! Christian language is sweet-sounding, a church act causes only a feeling of bitterness!
  There are only two impossible things - to surpass God and satisfy women's vanity! The latter, however, is more difficult!
  Consolidation around a tyrant is the unity of sheep in the stomach of a wolf!
  Knowing the notes and being able to play are two big differences, but if there is a violin, there is also a maestro!
  Beauty is also subject to inflation, if the main source of emission is plastic surgery!
  A full wallet is not compatible with an empty head, but a long ruble with a short mind!
  It's not bad when food runs away, but it's bad when food talks!
  Without shaking there is no movement, without death there is no evolution!
  Who barks a lot, sooner or later crows!
  The easiest way to the crooked road that leads straight to the scaffold with a heavy ax!
  The romance of war is different from cigarette smoke, in that the latter repels mosquitoes, while the former attracts flies!
  Weakness is not always kindness, but kindness is always weakness!
  Everything in this world is relative; and God is not an angel and the Devil is not a devil!
  The tongue is a small muscle, but it does great things and causes big trouble!
  Death is not always beautiful - but beauty is always deadly!
  When you create: vulgar vulgarism is better than banal banality!
  Man is equal to God in creative power, but surpasses in selfishness and arrogance!
  Man is inferior to God in power, but surpasses in the ability to use the little!
  A soldier is an instrument of God's will in Devil's hands!
  A man differs from a dog in that he requires from a woman not a bone, but meat!
  In war, the concept of rest is different from betray, only a great temptation!
  The supreme art of diplomacy, don't wait for a slap, but strike before your opponent raises his hand!
  To become the Sun, it is necessary to wet the enemies without waiting for the clouds!
  Better a sneaky rise than a noble fall!
  If you want bows - hit in the stomach!
  Why the halos of the saints are cast in bright yellow - this is a symbol of the golden flow into the minister's pocket!
  Religion is a fishing rod for catching fools, only the bait is always not edible, and the hook is rusty!
  Honor is good, but life is better!
  A noble death leads to immortality - a vile life to damnation and decay!
  Love for yourself is dust, love for your wife is the road, love for the country is the peak!
  Even the cake will make you sick if you get bogged down in it up to your nostrils!
  A clinch for a boxer is like glue in the mouth for a politician!
  Most often, a politician: glue on his hands and shit out of his mouth!
  The most terrible dream will not overshadow the most banal horrors of reality!
  Beauty is cruel: time spoils it, wisdom deprives it of value!
  Disguise in war is like soap in a bath - if you don"t wash it off with blood, you won"t cleanse the earth from an adversary!
  Of course, the war does not have a female face, but the bosom is much more lustful, in devouring male bodies!
  The strongest muscle in a woman is the tongue, but without a smart head: there is no weaker muscle!
  Nevertheless, there is a difference between the concept: to concentrate forces and everyone to huddle together!
  The denouement of the battle is different from the denouement of the lace, that the fingers stick with blood!
  Starting a war is easier than untying your shoelaces: although the motivation is the same: to gain more freedom!
  Freedom comes naked, though barefoot, and equality without trousers!
  Time is what a great warrior will not kill, but a petty lazy person will!
  Love joy: this is the only thing for which you can sacrifice time! Time is the queen, love is the king!
  Give freedom to the cattle, the air will become hollow!
  A blow past the gate, like a spoon past your mouth, then at the same time you get dirty not with food, but with the verbal diarrhea of the public!
  The weak is always stupid, so afraid to use wit!
  Weak because stupid because there is no strength to raise the spear of wit!
  The rebellion cannot end in success - otherwise, its name is different!
  A pig with fangs is called a boar, a broken king has become, in fact - a mob!
  Negotiations are like blank artillery, only a little quieter, but much more deadly!
  You can only break off on the knee the one who has already knelt down!
  Big rudeness is a sign of a small mind!
  Get nasty in front of everyone to oversleep success!
  Everyone needs freedom - except for the tongue of a fool!
  Fear chokes like a rope on a gallows, but unlike it, it does not support, but immediately drops!
  Do not judge by clothes, if you do not want to stretch your legs!
  If you want to ruin the country - imitate the richest power in the world!
  What the dollar is most afraid of is the devaluation of human stupidity!
  Not every woodpecker is good, but every good one is a woodpecker!
  Better to kill once than curse a hundred times!
  The killer is similar to an ax, only the heart is steel, and the rest is hardened to the extreme!
  The more enemies, the more trophies, and whoever has a head full of ideas never gets overwhelmed by loot!
  Even a small saving on brains cannot be compensated for by a large purchase of muscles!
  A horse is such a thing that you can"t put it in a barn!
  The tree of power and success, needs to be watered, with the tears of losers, then of fools, with the blood of the noble ones!
  It is impossible to create without destroying, it is impossible to make everyone happy at once! Violence - titan strengthens the soul! War elevates the spirit, the mind!
  The most difficult peak is not the one beyond the clouds, but the one beyond fantasy!
  If you want to rule people like a shepherd, don't be a sheep yourself!
  Who strikes first, dies last!
  He who pities strangers is ruthless to his own!
  Whoever stretches out his hand to the unworthy will stretch out his legs without dignity!
  Large size is good when the mind is not a midget!
  For every Znaika there is a Dunno.
  Wisdom always has a limit, only stupidity is infinite!
  Who sculpts a humpbacked life, will straighten the camp in the noose of the gallows!
  Indifference is the armor of scoundrels, which drowns a person in a quagmire of meanness!
  If a warrior grows fat, then he cannot avoid the fate of a pig!
  Rather, a quasar will shrink to the size of a photon than a Russian soldier will get cold feet!
  It's better to get up on the wrong foot than to kneel with both!
  War is a school of life, where absenteeism is not a misdemeanor, but a crime, and there are no cheat sheets!
  Man will become God if he does not slide into the underworld of non-existence!
  Sticks on a soldier's back are the rungs of the ladder of a general's career!
  Not every child is a romantic, but every romantic child!
  Bad pepper, this is a good seasoning for soup in which a masterpiece is cooked!
  Sometimes mosquitoes sting so much that the howitzer seems to be too small a caliber!
  Less than a photon is only the conscience of a traitor!
  Better to slash once than scare a hundred times!
  Robots don't get sick - Russians don't give up!
  You can't rape beauty, but you can rape beauty!
  The blood of a brave man burns stronger than alcohol, the blood of a coward goes out like swamp mud! Having lost your head, you don"t cry for your hair, but a real woman will take care of her hair even on the scaffold!
  \ The only funeral with fireworks is the war funeral!
  The army is a snowball, when it rolls it grows, when it stands, it melts!
  Girls are kissed with lips, and tanks with grenades!
  - Whom the world did not caress at the pinnacle of wealth, he will never understand the vile torments of the darkness of poverty!
  Fear doubles strength, but halves power!
  A good promise, like a strong chair!
  You can fake the Russian speech, but you can't fake the Russian soul!
  If you want to ride to a bright goal, do not sit on a white horse with penny horseshoes!
  The difference between a teacher and a teacher, such as between a king and a king, or rather a soul and a little soul!
  A bayonet can be replaced by a fist, a bullet by spitting, but you can"t replace the lack of valor, nothing!
  The rise of science is like climbing a mountain, you see more and more, but it is more and more difficult to see individual details!
  It is better for a young horse to warp the furrow than for an old one to halve it!
  It is better to hide courage than to show cowardice!
  Whoever angers a Russian youth will not live to old age!
  Bodily poverty, stretches for the spiritual, like a wedding train for a bride!
  - The man is alone and in the crowd, because no matter how you squeeze the water, you can't compress the molecules!
  - Man and society, it's like teeth in the mouth, one hurts - the whole jaw aches!
  A song is like a butterfly, but unlike an insect, it is never a one-day thing!
  The mind, unlike the muscles, although it gets tired, it never contracts!
  Who works with the tongue, he gets sideways!
  War is the best entertainment, but the worst recreation!
  Who does not sweat during the exercise, will bleed during the battle!
  Every drop of sweat during training is a minus tear for mothers mourning the loss!
  Death is the most reliable seal, spilled blood, unlike ink, will never turn pale!
  - All religions of the world do not have truth and peace!
  A smart slave owner is better than a stupid preacher!
  - Modesty only emphasizes greatness, like cutting a stone!
  Respect your allies if you don't want to be despised by your enemies!
  - If you want to drag the dog away from the lion, set him on the bear!
  If you want to defeat a bear, don't be a dog yourself!
  It is better to kill a hundred times for the sake of a bright goal than to lie once out of selfish motives!
  Without a head, the strongest body is only a corpse!
  When a man hunts, it is a hook on a fishing rod, when a woman is a whaler's harpoon!
  Silence is golden, only of low standard!
  So low that it is inferior in price to the silver stream of eloquence!
  A stream of eloquence gives rise to a river of free thought, and that ocean of prosperity!
  Through a foreign language it is easier to express your thoughts, and through someone else's wife, to find your heart!
  When an explosive kisses you, there is a union between the tombstone and the body!
  Good does not reign in the world, but always wins! Why? The good is not always rewarded, but the evil is always punished!
  In war, strength without dexterity is like a machine gun without bullets!
  How a minefield differs from a tram is that they don"t let a lady go ahead on it!
  War is the mother of courage, although childbirth is the most bloody and painful.
  A man, even growling, a donkey is a woman, even a donkey, a lioness!
  Not every man is a lion, but every woman is a lioness!
  - To enter the war usually means to lose, because there is nothing more banal in battle than death!
  - Gunpowder smells not of spirits, but of corpses, only for privates, commanders have gas masks with a filter!
  Your tongue is great when your opponent's mind is small!
  Drunkenness is the worst of all vices, its particular destructiveness in public!
  It is better to become a cripple physically than to be a freak morally!
  There is no greater sinner than God - the most terrible sin: indifference to the suffering of children!
  The most important discovery for a woman is the discovery of a new man, only on condition that he is a book, not a radio!
  If all the metal goes to the chains, then it will not be left for the swords!
  Treason and gold have the same yellow color and the same bloody hue!
  Even if a pig defecates gold, no expensive perfumery will kill the stench!
  A just cause is the most banal pretext for leaving to the left!
  Whoever pulls a penny out of a penny - he gets a nickel himself!
  Believe it's easier to bite your elbow - than a chance to get it again!
  And where there is no head, there the hair only gets stuck on the comb, weaving into a rope for the gallows!
  Life tempers - death reconciles, whoever does not live - that evil will die!
  If you want to be a pilot, learn the plane plan!
  Why is the heart of a knight stronger than steel, because it does not soften from the heat, but becomes harder!
  Diplomacy makes partners out of enemies, allies out of partners, satellites out of allies, subjects out of satellites!
  The most powerful ram is the golden head!
  Gold is a soft metal, but there is no harder rod than someone with golden brains!
  An iron fist will flatten even a golden head!
  Any fool can die, but only the worthy win!
  The golden key best of all opens the gates, prisons, and the golden head allows you to avoid it!
  Whoever hopes for trenches runs the risk of getting stuck underground!
  Of course, how a person lived is important, but even more important is how he died!
  Nothing lifts you up in its eyes like a hangman's noose!
  A world without sin is a soup without pepper, everything burns a lot, there is none at all: food without taste! The presence of free will automatically implies the presence of sin, as the presence of a steering wheel, the ability to turn off the track!
  The truth in wine is spoken by the wise, the truth instead of wine is spoken by the wisest!
  Who saves on treatment will go bankrupt at a funeral, who regrets giving to science, will receive from illiteracy!
  Death is not always beautiful, but beauty is always deadly!
  The best gift is life, the most inevitable death, and the most fabulous immortality!
  Who is in a hurry to strict chairs, will have time to die from a splinter!
  The tree of justice with the fruits of happiness, requires watering the blood of villains!
  - Unfortunately, the golden fruits of success are usually watered with tears of the good, then honest, with the blood of the just!
  Sex is a beacon of life, to whom love is not up to the lantern!
  Death is the greedy paw of the priests, to which the money of simpletons clings, and the nails scrape off dignity!
  Death is the best adventure - because it cannot be repeated!
  - To beat the weak, that chewing sand is available to everyone, but it causes vomiting!
  Whoever has no mind in this light, in the future will acquire only darkness!
  If you want to have a happy growth: fertilize with care, water with attention, spud with instruction!
  The flesh is a chain, only the soul has the psychology of a prisoner, and most of all it is afraid of complete freedom!
  - Freedom comes naked, though barefoot, happiness without trousers, but envy still encourages to paw!
  Even the greatest scientist did not come up with anesthesia, with the birth pangs of victory!
  To become a god, just a little, to the full cross - creak crucified!
  Intelligence without conscience is like a car without a steering wheel!
  Hard drugs - lighten the wallet, flatten the brain, but inspire the imagination!
  However, the mind is like a blade, dull from mundane passions!
  Epaulettes to an empty head, like paper in the toilet!
  Although there are no easy victories, there are a lot of empty achievements!
  The most pleasant victories on the love front, only surrender enriches the loser!
  Illusions kill and hurt, but they don't taste like metal!
  The sweeter the promise, the more it is designed for the intelligent fly!
  It is better to walk barefoot than to be a "shoe"!
  Whoever is not a tramp in his soul, you can"t "shoe" him!
  - Faster than light, only the darkness of ignorance - it overtakes the most agile!
  Full belly, not deaf in battle!
  Being together is good for everyone, huddling together is bad!
  - If you want to peel a person like an egg, keep in mind that shell fragments are sharper than a razor!
  Coolness, the best thimble to keep a witty man!
  In essence, the phrase criminal and power, as strong as an alloy of copper and tin, everywhere like air and water!
  There are children who do not want to become adults, but there are no old people who do not dream of regaining their youth!
  The romance of war is different from cigarette smoke, in that the latter repels mosquitoes, while the former attracts flies!
  And it has in common that both noticeably shorten life!
  Whoever is well shod, often remains even without bad boots!
  The most delicious tomorrow, in the present it gives away rotten meat!
  The young horse will go through the fire, and the old horse only cries over the smoke!
  The fullness of happiness is like the fullness of a glass of wine; drops of tears of disappointment will surely shed!
  - Better when you are sixteen in your soul than sixty in the flesh!
  If there's anything worth getting fucked for, it's for sex!
  - More deadly than beauty, only its absence, envy always kills, and pride straightens!
  A soldier is an instrument of God's will in Devil's hands!
  A man was crucified so, often, that he could not help but learn to become at least a little God!
  For man there is no death - for mankind there is immortality!
  Marriage is such a thing when it exists: it suffocates, when it doesn"t exist, it beckons!
  - Whoever has a drum in his head - will go deaf, who has a flame - will be burned, who has ice - will freeze, whose fat will burst, or when a little of everything will find harmony!
  Words are like money, they depreciate with a large amount, but you can buy them!
  Believing in God is like becoming a fish, grasping with its mouth an empty, albeit gilded, hook!
  A hundred bullets can replace one projectile, but a million words cannot replace one blow!
  It's easier to make a horse jump on the moon than to curb human imagination!
  To prevent the roof from being torn off its hinges, it is necessary to lubricate it with the oil of prudence!
  A sense of proportion is also not characteristic of reality, as the concept of moderation is not characteristic of an alcoholic!
  Why is there so much suffering in the world? The Lord, like a racketeer, first creates problems for people, then knocks out requests for help, and the payment is the rejection of free will!
  A woman's smile is called radiant because it attracts not moths, but crispy banknotes!
  - Going to fight you need to drink, smoke a pipe and write a will! You can do without the first two!
  Luck is like a girl, uses the rich, caresses the young!
  Everything is possible! Even what is impossible in principle, but in this case, it is a fundamental unscrupulousness!
  The best way to turn ragweed into tar is to make it your only food!
  Honor only at first glance is the opposite of expediency, in fact it strengthens trust - the core of success!
  Most often horns the husband who bullies too much!
  The more beautiful a woman is, the more expensive it is to put her to bed - but your own rise always pays off!
  Restraint is sometimes equal to courage, if it does not go into the system!
  Death is the embodiment of antagonism, she avoids the one who seeks her!
  The strength of the enemy makes the war more interesting, and the weakness is more fun!
  Information is sometimes more valuable than gold, it only depreciates with time to the level of sand!
  Greed in war is punishable, like trying to swim across a stormy one with a cobblestone around your neck, even if a stone of gold will not save a drowned man!
  Mercy in war, such an inappropriate luxury as the peacock tail of a hunting gyrfalcon!
  A genius needs to be born, but to develop a talent is given to everyone who is able to think!
  Most often, the contents are scattered, golden heads, heavy metal strikes with deadly power!
   Who protects himself - saves the body, who stands up for the defense of another - elevates the soul!
  Learning while fighting is like sleeping dressed up!
  Money doesn't smell, especially if it's like manure!
  You don't have to fuck for sex!
  The price of life: the concept is variable, one's own is priceless, someone else's is not worth a dead fly! Just do not rush to press, the flies spread a deadly infection!
  There is no snow all black, but Russian defeated!
  Man always wants peace, striving for it as if to heaven, but only a great mind can curb the gravity of war!
  War is the most exciting game, only without the principle of voluntary exit and participation!
  Courage is the locomotive of the locomotive of victory, and it only needs the fuel of the martial skill!
  Everything is allowed in war, except for cowardice, the latter is tantamount to entangling in the ropes of the ring!
  Strength is the best bridegroom of freedom, able to hold the train of responsibility in his hands!
  Mentally, a man is like a dog, in order to attract you need to slightly open a plate with a brew of feminine charms!
  War is like a rusty mechanism: the closer to the final, the tighter it goes!
  Victory is not always a happy life, but defeat is always an unhappy death!
  In war, the number is like the fingers of a maestro musician, the extra ones only get confused, and without a head there is no melody of victory!
  Courage, unlike a crutch, does not support the cripple!
  Good and evil are concepts of variables, and the difference from grammar from the rearrangement of terms changes the value!
  But courage and courage, like the legs of a runner, can alternate, but they always act in pairs!
  You can kiss death, but you can't spit on immortality!
  You may not be a soldier, but you must be a general!
  - When skill and courage act in a couple, do they need someone else to drink the champagne of victory?
  Even skill and courage need luck to survive to drink the champagne of victory!
  It is better to die, having reached the goal, than to live aimlessly!
  If the goal is immortality, and life is hard labor!
  Skill, courage and luck, drink the cognac of victory, only for three!
  - Who too often asks to be pulled out by the ears, has the heart of a hare!
  The Papuans do not have winter, the Russians have hopeless situations!
  Titanium can be bent, but Russia cannot be broken!
  If there are convolutions in your head like rivers, then money will never flow out of your pocket!
  Science is a ladder of progress, with the help of which a person is saved from the mouth of a volcano, in which destructive cataclysms boil!
  - Warriors, unlike prostitutes, lay men for free, but none of them remains unsatisfied!
  - Patience and work, if with you, you are not a corpse!
  In war, every name is like the click of a cocked hammer, you shouldn't cock it without a shot!
  A thousand prayers will not replace one invention!
  Science is not inferior in power to the Almighty, but unlike the latter, it serves man!
  Knowledge, unlike honey, is sweet, even if you drown in it!
  Nothing strengthens the enemy like your own insecurity and lack of ingenuity! Honor and dignity are two wings without which the bird of life can only be kept in captivity!
  Whoever's tongue goes wild always stays with his nose!
  You can buy your life, but you can't buy honor!
  Attack is better than defense, because the tip is always stronger than the skin!
  Steel is tempered in water, steel guys in blood!
  If old age does not always know, then youth always can!
  A general who goes into battle is like a straw that breaks a camel's back. A camel whose back is broken by a straw is like a military leader who avoided a fight!
  The ears bow low to the wind, but nevertheless it is only air, which means nothing!
  , Low bows will not exalt the ruler if he does not have great deeds!
  Sometimes the highest manifestation of goodness is a simple no to evil, especially if it involves a risk to life!
  Therefore, the strong in spirit is the king in prison, the weak in spirit is a slave on the throne!
  - There is no greater torment than the imagination of a weak-minded person!
  The most terrible hell, in the view of a coward, before the test!
  Love, unlike clouds, although it sheds tears, the sun really does not obscure!
  When love sheds tears like a cloud, shoots of boredom and disappointment go up!
  Lack of trust cannot destroy true friendship, because in this case, true friendship never existed!
  A friend can only be betrayed once, as you re-surrender the enemy!
  There is nothing more interesting than war, and nothing more boring than cannonade!
  The heaviest captivity, the one in which you hold yourself!
  No one will make you free while a slave is alive in your soul!
  It is easier to deceive God than to deceive your mind!
  Cunning in war is like a sail on a ship, but it only inflates, not her!
  A stranger on the throne and Rus' in the corral!
  You can't judge a person by their clothes, candy by their wrapper, politics by their words! Hockey is also a war, only every battle: "solid battle on the ice"!
  The sun will go out sooner than the light of human imagination will dim!
  Our soldiers are excellent, the officers are good, the generals are mediocre, and the tsar is completely bad!
  A romantic is always rich, but a bum who is deprived of imagination and in the palace!
  The longest loop will not overwhelm what the mind is not short!
  The eye is a diamond, but only a false one without an exact calculation!
  The mind is like gold, needs education to improve the standard!
  A bullet is a fool, but an educated shooter!
  A bullet is a fool, but it does not allow you to complete your education!
  It is impossible to defeat human stupidity and promise more than a political officer!
  It is impossible to do more than God and promise more than a political officer!
  A short mind can only be lengthened with a rope!
  Strength is a muscle without the backbone of diplomacy, diplomacy is a crutch, without strength!
  A greedy person is always generous with tears of disappointment!
  The most beautiful thing on earth: the burst of machine guns piercing you, as you see it for the last time, and you can"t get it out of your head!
  Heroism has no age - cowardice of the statute of limitations!
  Homeland begins when fatherlessness ends!
  Read a good book; what to plow a fat field - only you will reap a harvest for a decade!
  For a fool, knowledge is like a stale dinner - they come out with verbal diarrhea!
  God respects people equal to himself, if not by strength, then by imagination and ingenuity!
  It is not easy for the young to live, it is difficult for the mature, it is unbearable for the old, but weightless for the dead!
  A short mind lengthens life only in a totalitarian state, and then with infinite patience!
  The economy is a rhizome of many offshoots, the army is a single trunk!
  - An army trunk, but more often oak, and not in terms of power and stamina, but in terms of control!
  Fiction and ingenuity, two frisky legs of humanity that do not let nature lose: the race to the bottom!
  A glass of victory is like a bottle of vodka, so that there are no troubles, it requires three people: Good luck, intelligence and courage!
  A good bluff is better than a bad truth!
  A bad truth is better than a good bluff!
  The Lord without mercy is like a guitar without strings, it can be crippled, but it cannot be healed!
  Victory is like a fist; consists of five fingers: cunning, skill, courage, luck and composure!
  Warriors, unlike priestesses of love, choose a client themselves, but they don"t know refusals!
  In war, jewelry accuracy not only raises the value of victory, but allows you to avoid inflation of heavy losses!
  A brave soldier leaves the battle only dead, a skilled warrior only a winner, and a coward is already dead before the battle begins!
  Everything ingenious is simple, but does not tolerate primitivism!
  Whoever does not want to gild the research hook will never catch the precious fish of discovery!
  The bird of freedom has two wings: strength and luck, and the mind is the helmsman! But here, true freedom for all ... it's like infinity multiplied by infinity and divided by zero!
  When gold weighs down your pocket, you breathe easier and pull you up!
  Strongest of all pulls to the bottom - clothed pocket!
  Ideas without implementation, like the wind without a sail, can only knock down midges of everyday life!
  The word is stronger than a bullet, it does not always kill, but it always gets it!
  Technology serves man, but when used for military purposes, the former arrogant master turns into an insignificant slave!
  Religion is a drug, only breaking leads to enlightenment, and replanting without euphoria!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but it is from it that the wings of well-being are forged!
  The writer is similar to God in imagination, creating masterpieces, but distinguished by compassion for creation!
  A person drops sins like autumn maple leaves, only the ruthless gardener God burns the tree itself!
  So that the tree of the human race does not shed the leaves of sins, you need to suffocate with your mind!
  The idea in war is the sight, the embodiment is the shot, the means are the projectile!
  Art asks for victims, military art extorts them!
  War is that still life that is unpleasant to draw, and doubly disgusting to admire!
  Death is for a person, like a cane for the blind, it helps to feel the perspective, but hides the details!
  The plant wilts, without rain, so the thought fades without rebellious impulses!
  The immaculate world is like a vacuum, then it is even more empty!
  - Fantasy grows wings, doubt forges shackles!
  He who roars with a roar, he will throw a shield out of fear!
  A loud voice is a bluff - to be afraid of his sin!
  A world without fiction, that porridge is without oil, only the requirement for freshness is even tougher!
  White hair is a symbol of purity, and evil thoughts are always dirty, a stupid head is filled with ink of meanness!
  The slave is not the one with the iron chains, but the one with the oak head!
  Religion is a black sun: from which the mind withers, thoughts dry up, superstitions sprout!
  The composure of a politician is like the helm of an airplane, without a stop-cock of indecision!
  Life is a chain, and the little things in it are links - it is impossible not to attach importance to the link! But you can"t cycle on trifles - otherwise the chain will envelop you!
  An honest thief is better than a lying detective, a master key made of gold, more valuable than handcuffs made of shit!
  Indifference is not the best armor in terms of protective properties, but the most affordable to manufacture!
  A sparrow can chirp an eagle, but it can't peck at a kite!
  Kindness is soft, but it holds the grains of self-interest together better than any cement!
  Pain is the reverse side of pleasure, only with a much greater desire to turn to you!
  The flesh is tormented by the one whose spirit cannot find peace, and the character is tormented by cruel trials!
  For the brave - a valiant death, for a coward - a zone-wide flight, for those who are not that or other - free rations in captivity
  Blood enemies differ from dynamite only in the absence of a detonator!
  To show pity in war, that to salt the cake, mercy, that to pepper the cake!
  Terrible, not those mice that sing in the lyrical hall, but those that squeak in the head!
  The personality of a person is like a bottomless well, when it is in the center of power, it can suck the whole country!
  War is a lottery, only winnings are paid in tears and blood, and are not transferred online!
  All countries are preparing for war, but no one can plan for victory!
  Even hell needs connections, but heaven has a roof!
  The underworld has its advantages, a change of residence is not scary!
  Weakness is the sister of betrayal, betrayal is the father of retribution!
  A lie is a thin rope, which, depending on the sharpness of the mind, is able to pull out of the abyss or tighten around the neck!
  The difference between deceit and writing is only in the motive and not always mercantile!
  In the underworld, you can be afraid of everything except exile!
  Everything is possible, except for the impossible, which is impossible to imagine!
  There are only two hopeless things in the art of knowledge: to try to explain human stupidity and to understand the logic of the Most High God!
  The mind develops like muscles in the process of training, only it does not have sprains!
  Paper money, but they impose an iron dictate!
  A polite tongue hides evil thoughts better than sheepskin fangs!
  How tender is sheep's wool, it cannot soften the sharpness of wolf fangs!
  Alcohol is the most accessible killer, but, unfortunately, it kills not only the customer!
  The brave man dies only once, but lives forever: the coward always dies, but lives only once!
  Best of all, it drowns out the voice of reason, the strumming of blades, especially if the reason is not egregious!
  You can't win without losing, but you can lose without winning!
  Defeat is a judge rejecting an appeal and not giving a word to a lawyer!
  A blow to the air is often the most deadly, so it beats off oxygen, and shakes the imagination!
  Pain differs from money in that when someone else has it, there is no desire to appropriate it, and when you have it, refuse to share it!
  A good ruler does not make new enemies, just as a zealous owner does not breed extra fleas!
  To beat the bastards, that to score the ball into the goal, only the judge-law appoints a penalty out of time!
  If you want to become God, don't be a monkey in science, blindly imitating nature!
  The weakness of humanity is ignorance, strength is knowledge, power is the ability to think outside the box!
  Man always lies, even when he speaks the truth, because existence itself is a deception!
  Everyone can't be a leader, because leadership means getting ahead of the worst!
  Technique during the war, like a boy who entered the first grade - you need to grow and improve your knowledge!
  Everyone loses, few win, only human egoism is invincible, it too cleverly disguises itself as rationalism!
  It is better to bury under the Marseillaise than to live under a funeral march!
  A fox in a trap can give only its skin, and a man in captivity can only give skin and bones!
  Defeat is like a defective child, no one recognizes it as their own, but there is no getting away from it!
  Idleness is the most dangerous type of betrayal, it does not require the enemy to have any art of diplomacy or financial costs!
  A warrior is more important than a surgeon, he does not save a mortal body with a blade, but cuts off bodily fetters from the soul!
  If you refuse a beggar, you save your pocket, but you rob your soul!
  The worst thing about war is that you will always be disappointed by its ending and tired of its course!
  Stupidity is the greatest vice, especially because the powerful worlds encourage it!
  Fear is a small death - defeating it, we are approaching immortality!
  A military cunning is more weighty than gold, but lighter than fluff, because the commander wears it in his head!
  When it comes to horses and slippers; their white color means complete incompatibility!
  Power, like a carnivorous shoot, grows only in the direction of mortification!
  Male beauty is royal, but not crowning, but female beauty; the crown only spoils!
  The world is different from a chessboard; the fact that no one plays by the rules in it, and is similar to that, we are all just pawns in it!
  Russians can be scared, but you can't make them afraid!
  To be afraid is harmful; need to beware!
  Tales are found only in the crypt, but in real discoveries they do not allow to drive civilization into the basement!
  Rather, the sun will turn purple than a Russian person will turn yellow from treason!
  It is a sin to steal, but to leave a beggar hungry, and a rich man to rage with fat, is even more sinful!
  A businessman, stealing, enriches - an official, distributing, robs!
  A noble death is a precious gem, but victorious immortality has no price at all!
  Man is an animal that has swallowed up a part of the deity, and vomited out all bestiality!
  There are no irreplaceable people, unless they are the great rulers of the sixth part of the land!
  In a dispute where all the "smart" cannot become wiser, everyone mainly listens to himself!
  Although "I" is the last letter in the alphabet, a person gives priority to it!
  Be constant in love; too, what to tie yourself to one place during the battle!
  What is common between a large weight and a big head is that both are acceptable only in a figurative sense!
  A person is not absolutely free - because he is a slave of nature, and cannot be an absolute slave - because he is the master of reason!
  The soldiers of all armies are exhausted, and the Russians are only getting tired!
  Who wants great power is like a monkey climbing a racing car, without brakes, but with a jet engine!
  In a fight, not the strongest will win, but the meanest enough to provoke it, but not to get into it yourself!
  War is a competition where everyone is disqualified before the start!
  A thick, bullish neck is usually characteristic of people who are not brilliant, with a subtle mind!
  A woman can lose to a man in everything except the ability to pity!
  Developed intuition can surpass intelligence, but intelligence will never surpass intuition!
  The word is not a sparrow, but verbiage turns it into a crow!
  When the tongue grows shallow, a lump in the throat is baked from flour!
  Every ram wants to become a shepherd - when the wolf is far away and the rifle is near!
  It is difficult to live in learning - it is easy to die in battle!
  Death is relative in terms of time, life is absolute in meaning!
  Friendship with the mob does not humiliate if it leads to the pinnacle of power!
  Wide throats are characteristic of a narrow outlook!
  Who has the filling of the stomach in the first place, the last cleansing of conscience!
  Having lost your head, you will not gain anything but a headache!
  If you can't get rid of the hare's heart, you'll howl like a wolf, from a dog's life!
  Nobility is rare in people - because there is no meanness, a lifeline in the maelstrom of the struggle for survival!
  Meanness, although a lifeline in the struggle for survival, is gnawed by the worms of distrust generated by it!
  Eloquence usually blossoms when, when the possibility of physical protection fades!
  He who does not flutter like a butterfly cannot avoid being crushed by a net!
  In order for the fruit to ripen, the sun is needed, in order for democracy to ripen, freedom and elections are needed - in the darkness of lawlessness, the fruit will rot and all that remains is to throw it away!
  To be predictable is to become punished!
  Who thinks about protection during the battle, he is defenseless against panic!
  You can be unpretentious and hardy, but you should not perceive the world as a camel and show donkey stubbornness!
  Personality in history is like the rudder of a ship, but only the trust of the people is the sail that allows you to achieve your goal!
  Certainly! The heaviest burden if you have to carry your legs!
  Wet business, you will not dry a tarnished reputation!
  The flame of the underworld that burns in the soul - illuminates the dungeon of hidden passions!
  The tongue, unlike a millstone, is able to grind any garbage into a delicious bun!
  Only flour from a silly tongue that has been ground, saturates only chicken brains!
  The ruler, who dismissed his servants, always strives to shift the blame on an outsider, like a slut on the dirt!
  Plans only in theory lead to elevation, in practice you can only plan down!
  Drowning kittens is not good, especially if you are a land rat!
  The true art of snatching a fat piece, but at the same time not becoming a fat rat, and not being a gray mouse!
  If you don't want to eat carrion, suppress the jackal in your soul!
  When death plays a cruel symphony, it will fall silent, believe me - a cacophony of empty deeds!
  It is easier to extinguish the sun with sand than to extinguish the flame in the hearts of Russian patriots!
  All empires fall into decay, except those that are based on a healthy foundation of real democracy!
  Most often they sit on a white horse, possessing the intelligence of a lame horse, and the honor of a gray gelding!
  Talker with tongue, from a wooden talker; excellent in that the brains are always made of oak!
  One shot is better than a thousand curses!
  One well-aimed shot is better than a thousand sidelong glances!
  A fight is when you rush at the enemy, when the brilliance of your steel and lightning from your eyes make the enemy"s soul blaze with unquenchable fear!
  Death differs from the beloved in that it will definitely come, and hugs will give birth to cold instead of heat!
  Do not be afraid to utter a vulgar word, be afraid to vulgarize your actions and goals!
  Life is the concentration of suffering, death is a deliverance from them, but if it finds pleasure in the agony of struggle, it deserves immortality!
  Martial arts is such a business; where the roosters lay the golden eggs!
  The strong is free and imprisoned; weak slave on the throne!
  The leader of the nation should not be honey, so as not to be licked, but wormwood, from which they spit, does not become to face!
  The most severe pain is not the one that turned you inside out, but the one that you found under the wrong side of the coward!
  Happiness cannot be spread on bread, it can only be smeared with snot!
  Military happiness is like an evil speculator: life does not give just like that, but on the sale of survival it gains triple victims!
  Repetition is the mother of learning, but not in a work of art or a battle!
  A good thing can be repeated for an encore!
  A large commander, like a head in a war, the larger the size, the harder the loss!
  Inferiority must first be overcome in the soul, then the feeble body will rise!
  Heaven is the only good place where no one is in a hurry to get to, even if it is in hell!
  A great commander is more valuable than a head, so a helmet of caution and a camouflage of cunning will not hurt him!
  The ruthless law of war - losses are like rain irrigating the shoots of victory, you just need to make sure that the losses do not grow into a downpour that washes away the shoots!
  To strike unexpectedly, is tantamount to replacing a fist with an alloy steel sword!
  It is easier to come up with a strategic plan than to explain its expediency!
  Genius: as a rule, irrational, the desire to think logically characterizes mediocrity!
  The more enemies, the more interesting the war! The bigger the enemy, the more boring way to finish him off!
  Not everything is bought, but everything is sold!
  A good commander takes quality, normal quantity, and a mediocre one rushes to his heels!
  Even a thinking hell is better than a mindless paradise!
  A decent person puts justice - above family and friendly relations! The law for enemies and friends should be the same as a husband to a wife! The presence of different laws turns justice into a prostitute!
  A picture painted with blood is brighter than oily and fades more slowly!
  Order is built on a foundation where the cement is faith, and the sand is will!
  Faith is a heart of gold, and will is an iron fist!
  The softness of a woman is similar to the toughness of armor, only much more deadly and versatile in defense!
  Generosity for compliments, masks the scarcity of the mind, and greed!
  The bullet is a fool, and the bayonet is not a professor, and the projectile is not an assistant professor!
  It's easier to squeeze water out of sand than it is for a coward to succeed!
  Fear is like a reverse telescope, despite the big eyes, it makes any star insignificant!
  Rusty equipment is easier to clean than to refresh a rotten person! The strongest muscle is powerless - if the mind is weak!
  Many people want to take off, but the fate of Icarus awaits the majority, since the feathers of ambition are sealed with the wax of cowardice!
  Faith, whose logical premises are not worth a penny, shakes money out of the pockets of simpletons like a golden rain!
  A mistake in war is like a hole in your wallet - you patch up with heroism, but you drink it with cynicism!
  To see well - to win better - to keep the victory - excellent!
  The most modest real success is better than the most luxurious virtual fantasy!
  Who does not love other people's children will never find his heart!
  Speed in war: like gold in a wallet, the more the better, only with growth the pocket does not delay!
  Whoever wants a generous victorious feast must carefully distribute military equipment!
  Nature is the mother of man, and the mother of a great inventor cannot be a complete fool! Although she lacks practical ingenuity!
  It is better to give your skin to people like a sheep than to hiss forever like a snake!
  A well-fed donkey will end up like a well-fed pig, only with less benefit for people!
  In the war, as in school - only the calligraphy lesson is available only to veterans!
  The rats are leaving the sinking ship, they are still frolicking furiously on the captured ship!
  Why do they like to feast so much during the plague - because in this case there is no need to remove the bones!
  Who does not spare life in battle, he will retain his dignity in the division of trophies!
  Whoever steals the victory will lose its fruits, as the latter rot from a tarnished reputation!
  Efficiency is always ruthless - although ruthlessness is not always effective!
  Whoever takes pity on pack donkeys will eventually turn out to be a sheep himself!
  Most of the admirers are collected by military art, but the tears are always sincere, and no one wants to call for an encore!
  Life is different from a movie, that all the horrors are available, but all the charms are not available!
  Better to be an evil kite than a good woodpecker!
  The heavy club of the military-industrial complex burdens the budget, but facilitates diplomacy!
  Life is a chain, and compromises are links - life without contracts is one torment!
  Whoever does not have accuracy in battle, he will go numb in the hell of the grave!
  The chicken pecks grain by grain, the machine shoots at the bullet, the music plays according to the notes, and only the imagination captures everything at once!
  Do not chase two hares, do not fight on two fronts, do not squabble with two mothers-in-law!
  What Almighty God cannot do is to create a peak of such height that the Russian nation could not conquer it!
  Promise and conquer, deceive and win!
  Even killing a thousand scoundrels will not bring such benefits as giving birth to one decent person!
  Genius is always unique, only stupidity follows a single pattern! Brilliant maestro, even encore gives originality!
  A weak mind and Almighty God cannot make happy!
  Sometimes you can kill, but you can never take away hope! Hope is the most valuable of those gifts that do not impoverish the giver!
  There is no impenetrable armor, but there is invincible stubbornness!
  They don"t fight by numbers, but they reward by number!
  Counting, planning - you will not miscalculate when fighting!
  You can win by losing everything, and lose by gaining selfishness!
  A soldier loses not when he is exhausted, but when he calms down - after all, in the first case, the iron will helps out, and in the second, it drowns the lazy swamp of lack of will!
  The technique is a pile of metal if the brain is atrophied and a pile of crutches if the muscles fail! In what way did man surpass God - unlike the Almighty, he managed to create his own gravedigger!
  Sex is the best medicine for all mental illnesses, but, unfortunately, expensive and hard to get!
  Who does not love sex does not love life, and does not appreciate the joys of the body! And whose body does not feel freedom, then the soul languishes in the dungeon!
  A true genius: a child's mind, and academic knowledge!
  To make a discovery, you need to perceive the problem as a small child, and use the methods of teenage!
  Martyrs of all sciences, except for military science, die in torment!
  A man, only then a man - when he is inhuman to himself and humane to others!
  A pause in the offensive, like a stuck shoe on a subway escalator!
  Compromise in battle is like a noose around your neck, only lube soap stinks more!
  Not one traitor will escape his aspen, even if he is a vampire by vocation!
  Morality is the golden fleece of a bastard who covers his fangs and the shameless sparkle of his eyes!
  A bastard, unlike a tank, is being fixed with something heavier than a wrench!
  The cigarette is a hired killer, only the first bullet always goes to the customer, and the rest hit the innocent!
  Whoever has a soul in his heels is always Achilles!
  In war, truth is always relative, and error is absolute!
  Why is the collective stronger than the individual, because the mistake of the latter too often remains, without correction!
  When the milk turns sour, it turns out curdled milk, and when the fighter turns sour from the meat of the bones, porridge!
  Fighting is always good when you fight well, but fighting is bad even if you fight well!
  Because war is as different from fighting as hunting is from poaching!
  Paradise for the weak is hell for the strong! Paradise for the strong is hell for the weak! And for those who are in the middle - any place is purgatory!
  God cannot do two things, make people happy in sin, leave people human without sin!
  Life is meaningless when there is no feat and adventure!
  Eternal life without feats and adventures does not make sense doubly!
  Who conducts well-aimed fire, he does not spill water with survival!
  Who mows down in shooting, directly falls into the next world!
  Whoever does not tighten his fists will be squeezed by fools!
  Those who do not want to spit blood spit lead!
  Move your fist once, better than threaten with your finger a hundred times!
  To lose life is a trifle - to sow immortality - to reap hell!
  The bulls pull the plow, the goats pull the rubber, and the bear pulls the blanket over itself!
  When you forget yourself in military labor, then a peaceful rest will remember you!
  We already know how to cheat with aphorisms, it's time to learn how to just shoot!
  The tongue, unlike the propeller, with an increase in the power of the mind, rotates more slowly!
  There is no greater evil than to exclude the very possibility of sin, since in this case the concept of good does not make sense!
  To die with a song is good, to live in clover is even better!
  Clover lives the one who makes enemies dance with fear!
  Noise a lot of those who are slowly fading away!
  Intuition is the surest sight - so this is the piece work of the Almighty!
  Man, although descended from a monkey, but a stupid imitation of nature is not at all characteristic of him!
  You can deceive a minority for a long time, a minority for a short time, but for an infinitely long time you manage to fool only yourself!
  A soldier who thinks only about his own survival is worse than a corpse, so, unlike a dead body, they cannot even cover the embrasure!
  Defeat is a child; in need of forced adoption, but already without laws! Everything can be prescribed in the law - except for the victorious mechanism in a war on equal terms!
  The law of war, the only law of which even the most zealous reactionary will not require tightening!
  Sex is the natural state of man - only unlike war, it doesn't last that long!
  Sissies came up with shoes, and courageous ice hockey skates!
  You can lose at least a hundred times, but there is no more than one victory over yourself!
  Weakness is not in the body, and not even in the mind - it lies in the belief in one's own impotence!
  It is hard for some in learning, for others in battle, but the victory parade is always easy!
  The victory parade is especially easy with heavy trophies, it is especially difficult to wander in a column into captivity naked!
  A person is intolerant, we love being late, he perceives only a delay with the advent of repentance as a blessing!
  A good spoon for dinner, but supper slurping with five will be bad! A person is always late, but at the same time he wants trouble never to come to him!
  Speed is good in everything except falling speed!
  The brain is worth more than gold, but never sold by weight!
  You can lose in a war, unlike sports, once, you win in a war, unlike a game, endlessly!
  However, the pieces from the board fly off only from the loser, the winner puts on the board, even previously shot down combat units!
  The woman wins by shedding a tear, the man by making them shed!
  Pawns are not nuts either - future queens!
  More money is spent on a woman than on an aircraft carrier, but thanks to her, not only planes take off!
  A talented commander will save his army at a critical moment, but a true genius will not allow it until a critical moment!
  Luck in war can take the place of good judgment, but good judgment can never take the place of good luck!
  Hell is not where it burns, but where nothing shines for you!
  It"s hard to flare up as a star, but you can light up in stupidity without effort!
  Fear in war, like a dog, must be kept on a leash, only the leash must be made of steel nerves!
  Only nerves of steel do not allow a heart of gold to fall in value!
  Medicine is powerless, only with a weak mind, and strong fear!
  There is nothing more tenacious, hopelessly dead superstitions!
  Material acquisitions do not compensate for human losses! But I always sacrifice people for the sake of material acquisitions!
  An empty pocket is the heaviest burden, with a holey head, and a cast-iron imagination!
  A strong opponent is harder to fight, but much easier to admit defeat and come to an average compromise!
  A horse can be beaten with a whip for a long time without adding agility!
  But for wisdom, a person needs not hammering, namely interest! Barracks drill in the process of schooling is like a sledgehammer when setting the clock!
  You can kill a Russian soldier, but you can't kill him, you can scare him, but you can't make him afraid!
  A Russian person can retreat, but he will never slow down!
  The most deadly projectile in the history of mankind, has a volume of half a liter, but pierces any armor, who is of an iron nature!
  A joyful mood drives away fatigue, better than whipping cows!
  Although fatigue instead of milk comes with bloody pus!
  If a person radiates the light of power for a long time, it eventually crumbles into ashes like a burnt ember!
  If a person blows the breeze of opposition for too long, then in time everything constructive is blown out of him!
  Cast-iron traditions, these are weights on the legs of military art and lead in the chest of the attacking ranks!
  Easy wins lead to hard disappointments when combined with frivolous learning from them!
  In war, you can only guarantee your own surrender, and then only if it is shameful!
  Learn to pass if you don't want to pass - the best individual game, worse than a well-oiled collective game!
  It is better to give to a good friend than to give to an evil enemy!
  There are all sorts of moments in the battle, there is not one during which danger was not threatened!
  There are dangers of every level, but there is none that makes it worth leaving a comrade in battle!
  Too many people confuse spiritual poverty with impoverishment of the mind!
  The light of truth does not dry the brain, and the rain of truth does not dilute thinking!
  One accurate shot is worth a thousand well-aimed words!
  Better to hit once than to curse a hundred times!
  The war has not a woman's face, but a woman's hysteria, with a man's ruthlessness!
  A difficult victory speaks of the valor of the soldiers, an easy victory speaks of the wisdom of the commander and the heroism of the supplier!
  A fall is always painful for oneself, unless it is a dive bombing!
  It is not difficult to fight well, it is difficult to learn how to fight well!
  Better to get a second life as a reward for hunger than a second chin for satiety!
  Who does not freak out in time of danger, he will keep his composure in the fiery hell!
  What you get a reward for is incomparably more valuable than its market value! Even when it comes to diamonds!
  You may not be an animal, but a fighter must be a beast!
  Being a human is not easy - becoming a monkey is very easy!
  None of the vast universe itself can contain the imagination of man; And only a small box is capable of this - if its name is a coffin!
  How easy the staff officer draws on the map, how hard it is to win - following his route!
  If a person, being a creation of God, has become an atheist, then a computer, being a creation of man, will become a terminator!
  In war, every soldier is valuable, and a soldier is priceless!
  Pulling death by the mustache is easier than feeding a cat, for the latter you need at least some kind of supply!
  A fool can kill from a machine gun, but only a smart one can kill without shooting!
  A stupid ally is often more harmful than a smart adversary!
  Hiring a fool is like using rotten bridge props!
  A chicken pecks grain by grain, a boa constrictor chokes on a bull, and a person does not know a sense of proportion at all!
  The strong is always right, if the strong is wrong, see point one!
  Only female weakness is capable of winning, and then only on a battlefield limited by a bed!
  The springs of the sofa, on which the couch potato rests, cannot closely compare with the elasticity of the muscles of the worker!
  There are difficult years, difficult months, but a test that lasts hours is always easy!
  Hell is the most accessible and free place in the universe, but getting out of it costs more than all the treasures of the universe!
  A person gets tired of everything except beating bucks, counting crows, and hanging noodles on their ears - though this is already a creature worse than an animal!
  You can grind water in a mortar every day, but you can"t freeze in pleasure for a second!
  Blood is a cement mortar that can hold together any foundation, except for the one on which happiness is built!
  You can sleep on the run, but you can't sleep off!
  In a dream, you can run, but you cannot reach the finish line!
  After finishing, you can get any prize, except for the feeling of satisfaction with what you have achieved!
  Not everything is gold that glitters, but everything that stinks always turns out to be crap!
  There is so much dirt in the world that it is impossible to believe in the purity of the creator, even after taking a few steps on the ground!
  Brains are soft matter, but if they are wise, they crush strongholds!
  Whoever does not know how to circle the enemy around his fingers, luck slips between his fingers!
  Sometimes selfishness is the most altruistic - the ambition of individual egoists together moves humanity to the pinnacle of power!
  Even from grains of sand a rock is formed, from egoists a team, unlike a mountain, it never stands still!
  A genius laughs at himself, just a talent over others, and a fool is mocked by those who themselves are not far from him in terms of intellect!
  The expression fair head, last but not least, refers to the color of the hair, especially if they are female!
  The biggest misconception is that geniuses do not pay attention to the little things, because genius is just manifested in the little things that make up the links of the chain that can pull humanity out of the abyss of impotence before cruel nature!
  A girl's heart can't resist whoever can stand!
  A person is guaranteed to find only trouble, but this search has never been a priority!
  Better to be a vile winner than a noble loser, but in the event that you fight for the Motherland!
  Lack of knowledge is so burdensome for an empty head!
  Steepness is typical for those who do not allow themselves to be boiled!
  Evil is a flame; for which the best gasoline is patience, and the best matches are indifference and selfishness!
  For religion to be believed, it must be devoid of logic and common sense!
  You can postpone everything except emergency care for your comrades!
  If war did not exist, then it should have been invented, and, unlike the Almighty God, this fairy tale would have looked incomparably more plausible!
  It is easier to believe in the impotence of the Devil than in the omnipotence of Jesus!
  To surprise the enemy means to defeat inertness in oneself, to defeat inertness in oneself means to provide an elastic lasso that squeezes the enemy's neck!
  Progress is like granules of hail, the higher the speed, the more destruction, and only the wind of prudence is able to drive away the clouds of hatred that bring destruction!
  Mercy is no more appropriate in war than a white coat is in a mine!
  The greatest mercy towards the enemy, ruthlessness towards oneself when learning the art of war!
  Blood is easy to shed, even easier to spoil, but it is almost impossible to stop bloodshed when the honor of a nation is affected!
  Write well; to have good, without embellishment is better!
  When the ruler has weak hands, the strongest slaps are received by his subjects!
  To deceive is good, to be deceived is bad, but the worst thing is to lead oneself by the nose!
  Success in war may temporarily blind you, but failure plunges you into darkness forever!
  There is no car not built by people, and not upset by them either!
  It is possible to create a technique stronger than people, but to reproduce a more perfect person is beyond the power of the Lord God!
  War differs from hell only in that it does not have the torture of routine!
  Heroes deserve to be hanged with an order, those who command them just to be hanged!
  For a good commander begins the battle only when there is simply no room for a heroic deed, because of the predestination of victory!
  War differs from hell only in that it does not have the torture of routine!
  Good in the house is what they value, good to the soul that they drive away!
  Mercy in war should not exceed the limits of economic expediency! Economic feasibility should not exceed ascetic needs!
  So let's have a drink, so that our possibilities always correspond to our desires!
  Let's drink to the fact that our ambitions are always inferior to real achievements!
  Everything in the world is relative, only the presence of eternal problems is an absolute fact!
  Who can not agree on an honorable peace, hangs out to shameful surrender!
  Because difficulties in life are like rungs of a ladder that lift a person above the natural elements!
  A roundabout maneuver along a curve, in war most often leads directly to the goal!
  War has an unfeminine face, but feminine impatience in the desire for cannibalism!
  Someone who turned out to be shot down by a simple cobblestone, the wings were crushed by stones already in flight!
  Your eye is a diamond! When the eye is a diamond, unlike natural stone, it is always at hand and does not need to be dug out!
  Even a cow needs pants if they are at the crossroads of pasture and watering!
  A woman appreciates clothes on herself, a man appreciates her absence, and the taxman appreciates the number of patches that can be cut from someone else's dress by patching up the state budget!
  Performers make voluntary sacrifices for the sake of art, listeners are forced to sacrifice for the sake of military art!
  The public always wants an encore with a masterpiece of art, there is no one left from the public who wants a repeat with a masterpiece of military art!
  Concerts of the maestro of art, big money is paid for tickets, and even more money is paid to avoid concerts of the maestro of martial art!
  It is better to kill one villain than to expose a hundred - the last scoundrels do it themselves!
  War is the most gambling game, only in it the state loses, unlike poker, the one who cannot subordinate himself to excitement!
  An attack in a war is like a horse race, only the racetrack has more obstacles and corrupt jockeys!
  This aphorism is not accurate! At horse races, you can bribe jockeys, during the attack, the runner realizes that life is not for sale!
  The long barrel of a revolver compensates for a short mind, only with verbal communication!
  War is a spouse who never leaves, but gives birth exclusively to the dead!
  If subjects want to eat sweetly and sleep softly, they should choose a ruler with salty humor and a tough grip!
  The cruelty of the tyrant's decisions is compensated by the liberalism of their execution, in a free economy!
  . A person gets used to everything, only the routine cannot get used to, since the latter lasts only until the first sleepy yawn, and then the awakening cry of novelty follows!
  Friends are known only in a situation that you are ready to avoid even at the cost of gaining mortal enemies!
  Who underestimates the enemy, undervalues his own life!
  Who exorbitantly appreciates himself, moderately cheap in the eyes of others!
  In shooting, only composure does not allow the fingers to cool down, and the enthusiasm goes out!
  The composure of the commander lights the torch of triumphal fire!
  Friendship is fragile, enmity is strong, but friendship can only be tempered by the crushing of enmity! Tempers the character of ardent enthusiasm, mixed with cold calculation!
  Whoever laughs does not die, because when laughing there is no funeral mood!
  There is no shameful labor, there is only vile use of its results!
  Dreams are sweet, but they are not smeared on bread, although they perfectly attract midges!
  You can miss when shooting, but if you have marks not only in your eyes, but also in your mind, you will never fly past success!
  The absence of a naturally accurate eye can be compensated by optics, but the absence of an accurate mind due to laziness cannot be made up for by any calculating machine!
  The tongue grinds quickly, but the bread of wisdom baked from such grinding will not stale for centuries!
  The bread of knowledge, baked from the flour ground by the tongues of the wisest, can also become moldy if it is neglected by a idler!
  Whoever takes little risk does not drink champagne, whoever is too much in general is content with chifir on the bunk!
  The golden tongue is usually for those who have a completely rusty sense of responsibility!
  A suit adorns a person, no more than a dress hanger, if he has the intelligence of a mannequin, and the education of Pinocchio!
  It is good to have such a kind and sympathetic Father as Papa Carlo, but it is very bad to have a log head and a still life stew!
  Better, being a strong champion, exhaust yourself with training than sinking to an outsider to bliss from the buzz of your own impotence!
  A man is higher than an animal precisely because he will never set the last frontier for himself and will not reach the limit of satisfied ambition!
  The whole world consists of needles, only to the living it seems sleek to us, because of the shod consciousness!
  A ruler under whom everything rises in price is not worth a dead fly!
  Rulers who want limitless spaces receive strictly limited money for their grave!
  Nothing so piercingly screams of loss as a military lull!
  The sounds of the battle are deafening, but you become truly deaf when you do not notice the end of the cannonade!
  People treat a bad ruler like beer, they want to see it cold and on the table, but they are ready to pay for it not only with a piece of paper!
  - When the ruler is bad, he is well quoted in jokes! And when there are a lot of jokes, then life becomes more fun! And laughter prolongs life! That is, with useless leaders: life is like a continuous anecdote: long, cheerful, terrible, but always willing to know the continuation!
  For someone who smokes cigarettes, building success in life, too often take a smoke break!
  This is how it is always in business, you look for a treasure, but you find a sniper, the latter, however, casts a bullet from the gold of the party!
  Death is in a hurry for you, late for your mother-in-law, but just in time for a frivolous perception of the world!
  People always have time to die, but in life there is total time pressure!
  However, during the war, the dial hand is faster than the Mig propeller when you sleep, and slower than a snail when you dig a trench!
  You can be late with revenge, you can hurry with the reward, but the feeling of routine will come inevitably!
  God justifies hopes only in one thing, he never leaves a person without trials and problems - the addition of a word alone is superfluous!
  There are no roses without thorns, roads, without obstacles, life, without trials, and only the path to the grave is like smooth asphalt without a crack!
  Not a bullet - a fool, a fool is the one who does not accurately put a bullet!
  There are no hopeless situations, for those whose thoughts do not come out, through the back seat!
  The shortest route to victory, a tortuous maneuver that confuses the enemy's calculation!
  Only a ball wound with chaotic threads on an accurate calculation can confuse the enemy!
  Speed is good everywhere except haste and aging!
  Uncertainty, the sister of betrayal, and the elder and penetrating everywhere!
  Victory requires faith, but unlike religion, justification must be supported by practice!
  A great man will never magnify himself, an insignificant man will never be magnified by others!
  Immortality is neglected, life is not valued, they want to pay off death, they are ready to give everything for the opportunity to sleep in the war!
  They beat you in the groin often, but it is lust that most likely beats the mind!
  The Russians sometimes lost, often lost their heads, but in the end they always left the enemy with a nose!
  They are born with spurs on their feet, they die with a bullet in their head, but they give life only with a machine gun between their legs!
  Mercy to slaves is as out of place as a white coat in a mine!
  The tree of imperial prosperity, needs to be watered with sweat, fertilizer with corpses and pesticides from blood and tears!
  A woman is the most desirable of all prey, but also the most hateful when the prey devours the hunter!
  Who rapes history gives birth to annihilation!
  Honesty and intelligence are a pair that gives fruit only when watering the juice of true faith!
  Russia can be defeated by taking it into captivity, but it cannot be brought into obedience!
  A crooked gold nugget is worth more than a thousand polished cobblestones!
  What is the difference between a critic and a writer? The same as the heroine's mother from the gynecologist, only the latter's competence is below the plinth, and self-conceit for the stratosphere!
  You can make any dream come true, except for the dream of an ideal mother-in-law, because robot wives do not have mothers-in-law!
  The sunset is beautiful, but the sunset of the enemies under the sun is three times more beautiful!
  The one who has too many ideas of his own feels especially lonely in society!
  A fool is strong in his banality, like a chameleon in color, only the latter has a lower chance of survival!
  The most witty humor most often happens precisely in the situation when there is no time for laughter!
  Love of the ruler how to crunch; a lot of shine, full of ringing, it beats easily, but it hurts to the point of blood!
  Happiness is not the absence of problems, happiness is when you do not lose your presence of mind when you have problems!
  Who does not want to bear the burden of military spending - will bend to death under the yoke of occupation!
  You won"t be full without money, you won"t be calm with money, and you get so nervous with big money that you will dream of poverty!
  The golden apple glitters beautifully, but if you swallow it, the mammoth will swell and the heart will rust!
  Being the first in battle is good, and in rewarding it is even better, and the attack is generally deadly!
  Who smears in battle, and smears his blood on the ground!
  It is better to have allies blessing you than cursing subjects!
  Fear takes away strength a hundred times more than fatigue, but is present in contrast to it from the very beginning!
  You need to prepare for war if you don't want to be carried away ready!
  Don't fight on two fronts, but fight with both hands!
  It"s good if you know how to repel an attack, it"s bad when you stick to a purely defensive tactic!
  A fountain of aphorisms requires crystal clear water of wisdom and a strong pressure of erudition!
  A club in the hands of an idiot contributes as much to order as a draft to recovery!
  To see the enemy win half, to remain invisible yourself - win completely!
  Champagne of victory, they drink only for three warriors; valor, courage and honor. However, unlike the human feast, the fourth friend is luck, by no means superfluous!
  Of all the troubles, the most harmless death, because it never happens again and after it it doesn"t get any worse!
  In war, the most acute sense of routine comes from dulling the sense of danger!
  It's good to fly when you soar over nonentities - where to fly from a kick in the ass!
  Who flies, using the fuel of bitter human tears, will fly by in his sweet dreams!
  Witty criticism is better than stupid praises!
  A person does not want to fall into a hole for any money, with the exception of the Bosom of Venus! For this he is ready to pay extra and even give the last!
  Drop prestige are not afraid of those who never fall dignity!
  Who does not sing in the hour of trials will howl when he realizes that he suffered in vain!
  You can grind everything with your tongue, except for the stones of tongue-tiedness and the cobblestone of stupidity!
  A doe woman is good, a deer man is bad!
  The deer differs from the elk in that the first is disturbed by the second, and the prey goes to the fox!
  A real warrior must have the character of a beast, but not the intelligence of an animal!
  In the world of wolves, as a rule, jackals mark in place of a lion!
  If you want, it has a strong blow that lays down the enemy, do not hit, lying on the couch of the baklush!
  The strongest blow, the one who does not care about patriotism!
  The chop of the enemy is made by those whose brains are not beaten off, and their eyes are not flooded!
  You can win with numbers, but you can use the fruits of victory only with skill!
  An egoist who does not want to give in will definitely give in to a problem!
  Attacking, of course, there is a risk of defeat, but being attacked, you have already lost!
  Don't go to the left boy, you'll be in the hole, even if, in fact, you're right!
  With slanting hands you can"t squint, from an old woman with a scythe!
  Better to be Ostap Bender than a poor fool!
  Cunning does not always enrich, but ingenuity ruins for sure!
  A fox in human form is not always bright with a fur coat, but always dark in intentions!
  A bright soul, usually brings the flesh to deathly pallor!
  A donkey can sit on a throne, but it won't make you kneel!
  Not the lion who roars loudly, but the one who bites hard and hits hard!
  No need to burn down the house, fighting mice. Do not turn the country into a concentration camp - trying to defeat corruption!
  Intuition is certainly a traitor, but not in your camp!
  Don't be afraid of the smart crook - be afraid of the honest fool!
  Whoever praises the tyrant will sing like a rooster on the bunk!
  A tyrant, like a lion, even stroking, rips off meat and skin with his claws!
  In war, comfort, like chocolate on bacon, only vomits corpses!
  It is customary to put candles in the church, but even in the largest number they are not able to extinguish the flame of human passions!
  You can have an icy heart, blood as cold as running water, but a person"s thirst for success will always be hot!
  Haste in everything leads to bad consequences, except for a suicide attempt!
  Any people can win the conflict, but only the Russians can win the war, so they do not seek to gain material gains for themselves!
  The fireworks of war is a holiday for all but cowards, and universal mourning, except for the last fools!
  Most often, it is the direct convolutions that are confused!
  And they get out of trouble, convolutions, clearly laid out on the shelves!
  He scratches his tongue a lot, the one whose head itches from emptiness!
  The best investment in the coffins of your opponents, although it is never direct!
  The army does not produce anything, but more than pays off the investment under a bold ruler!
  When a man wins, the consequence is death and humiliation! When a woman is life and pleasure!
  Women spend more on their victories than all the armies of the world, but they take indemnity from the vanquished, which is given with much more willingness!
  A woman, unlike an army without uniforms, wins faster!
  Unlike men, for a woman, real victory is achieved after surrender!
  In a war, like in cards, you need to be able to fight back, and unlike them, you need to save the lead, and pass it on to the enemy!
  War is poker, just peeping a card is not a scam, but a feat of a scout!
  To fight without cunning is like sipping soup without a spoon, but for some reason hypocrites only discuss the latter!
  Dashing men fight - separate them faster! If women fight, don't get into a fight!
  In war, everything is cooler than in civilian life, except for the sloping forehead of the boss!
  Strength without good, raises civilization like a hanged noose!
  Without repulsing someone else's face, you can't eat your own!
  Donkey is always beaten, but they kill only when he ceases to be useful!
  The brave kills the enemy, the coward kills the slave!
  Initiative in war is expensive, especially to an enemy accustomed to cheap templates!
  For beings of a lower order, sometimes their own negative experience is more useful than any positive instruction!
  Daily bread is watered with their sweat, and festive bread with the blood of their enemies!
  When a politician grinds a lot with his tongue: it turns out not flour, but flour!
  When the ruler talks a lot, the dough may turn out fluffy, but it quickly goes rotten!
  The callous heart of the ruler, the whole country is able to put on crackers!
  Politics differs from mathematics in that in mathematics it is impossible to divide by zero, but in politics solid zeros divide!
  The politician is a brilliant mathematician, but only in one action - subtraction!
  You can talk about everything, and condemn only what benefits!
  A conversation without meaning is chatter, a conversation with meaning is a controversy, a conversation with benefit is a lesson, and the biggest gain is silence to the point!
  Only a small mind takes up a lot!
  Two are better than one, but not if they are dead comrades!
  Blessed is the one who believes, and the one who does not believe in doubly good, so he has confidence in his own strength and mind!
  It's bad when there are no brakes, it's even worse when you slow down!
  No, the devil is terrible how they paint him, but the worst of all is the sketch of an angel performed by a muffin!
  Animals live in the forest - and brutalized people turn everything into a thicket!
  In the kingdom of the beast - only roosters and parrots, and the eagles were transferred to the feather bed!
  Good design with a delay, become obsolete, a good person, being late, will become hated!
  Death in battle gives rise to a pair of courage and stupidity, if at the same time an alliance is concluded with wisdom, then there will be a victorious life!
  Everything lends itself to disguise, except for your own stupidity!
  Everything lends itself to exposure, except for someone else's mind, which you yourself live!
  Red speech, the best remedy for shedding red blood!
  The hardest metal is the soft lead from which bullets are cast!
  The most dangerous lead is not the one in the bullets, but if it floods the brain!
  The best thing in the world is that you can never say - it can't be worse!
  What is bad in the world, just right in the war, and after the victory it doesn"t get better!
  Mercy in war, unlike a public girl, costs more, but cannot give satisfaction!
  Only a person truly exalted in spirit is not shy about mercy to the fallen!
  You can talk about anything, but only talk about business, because from empty chatter, the soup comes out with bloody diarrhea!
  Silence is golden, which gives corrosion when arbitrariness is hushed up!
  Silver words that do not let the source of living water of knowledge and truth go out!
  A country with strong aviation will never be left behind!
  The greatest grief, from a meager amount of mind!
  From the milk that comes from the misses of shooters, only children of misfortune and suffering grow!
  Physical training is needed so that only your opponent's battery runs out of life!
  To tease others, like the owners of a dull mind, and carriers of a sense of acute own inferiority!
  Sharp tongues, unlike a dagger, are pierced, even through chain mail of stupidity!
  Well the fairy tale tells, the reality is executed badly!
  Everything in the world comes to an end, except for human idiocy and animal competition!
  Life is very much like a ring, the end of suffering is visible, but you can never feel it!
  Everything in the world comes to an end, except for human idiocy and animal competition!
  Life is very much like a ring, the end of suffering is visible, but you can never feel it!
  The Dead Eye is the best, it allows you to avoid being drafted into the army of the dead!
  A well-aimed instruction will not allow you to miss the road leading exactly to the goal!
  Hell has only one advantage over heaven, no fear of exile!
  In the Christian paradise, the most unpleasant thing is that you don"t want to wish for anything better!
  Christ is the only lamb, in which the hare acquires lion features in the wolf world!
  Only those who have not managed to kill fear in themselves die!
  Immortality is gained by the one in whom fear does not live at all!
  Whoever is afraid of a large number of the enemy will miscalculate with the allies!
  A minute spent on reconnaissance saves a century of life and a moment of triumph!
  He who does not disassemble the roads will not collect the bones too often!
  The greatest damage to the enemy is caused by the one who does not lose a sense of proportion!
  A person does not know the measure in his ambitions, but he is always measured by the possibilities!
  Everyone can lose a just cause, but there are no winners in unrighteous deeds!
  You can deceive fate, but you cannot deceive the expectations of fateful decisions!
  There is a way out of any labyrinth, but not from the one that consists of the tangled convolutions of a fool!
  You can confuse only those who are confused in choosing the path!
  There are Russians who are submissive to the great, but never yield to nothingness!
  They obey the worthy, not in the bastard, and following the compass is not a humiliation!
  You need to start the battle only when it has already been won! But refusing to fight is already akin to losing!
  You can lose only in one case, when victory is possible only by chance!
  More valuable than a victorious finish, only the start of invincibility!
  Trust God, but don't forget to check the fuse!
  God is the strongest and richest guarantor, he is also the most irresponsible!
  A person cannot loudly demand anything from the Almighty, but ask in a whisper, perhaps everything, but only without a chance to be heard!
  You can always win, you can only fail once, because repeated loss indicates precisely the lack of patience in learning from a misfire!
  Silence is exactly that kind of gold nugget that does not need to be polished!
  Talents are rare, but arranged by nature, so "skillfully" that they always come across out of place!
  In hell, they are not afraid of change, although it is the fear of change that leads to hell!
  The path to the heights of victory is then easy when the severity of defeats is immersed in the quagmire of the ashes of your enemies!
  Not everyone can forgive the enemy, but any real soldier should refuse undeserved mercy!
  Hope is not harmful, but losing hope is the most destructive thing!
  Trials are chains that keep too light thoughts from escaping!
  The burden of responsibility is heavy, but frivolity leads to even more serious consequences!
  Hope dies last, a man without hope is dead from the very beginning!
  Matter can be strong, but only the spirit has true omnipotence!
  The vile is always near, but the perfect is forever unattainable!
  Whoever creates outrageous things is the scoundrel, who creates the vile, that criminal ... So after all, who then is God the Creator?
  The rope around the neck is also a reliable support, and without any conventions!
  The weak pays in gold, the strong pays with damask steel!
  Technique compensates for the lack of intellect, only in the presence of reason, which directs the funeral of the ignoramus!
  There are two things on the "C" from which you can not hide: conscience and death! True, the latter, unlike the former, can be led by the nose for a long time!
  Do not be afraid of strength - you can become stronger than the strong, do not be afraid of the mind - you can outwit even the smartest, but be afraid of cowardice - as it does not allow you to use the greatest strength and intelligence!
  Someone else's mind can be better than your own, foreign lands more attractive than your own, someone else's money is more desirable than your income, but someone else's power never looks more tempting than your own!
  Although someone else's power in that case is better than their own, if theirs is not theirs at all, but only for their brothers-in-law!
  Spirit is truly immortal and life-giving, matter is mortal and deadly!
  The flesh is stupid, it wants gluttony, fornication, pleasures and pleasures, often at the expense of others, and this gives rise to wars and rivalry!
  In every person there is a particle of God, and every person is capable of developing this particle in himself to Omnipotence. But if at the same time he is moral squalor, this force creates a demon. The demonic principle leads to destruction and innumerable disasters!
  A man who pulled out a sharp piercing nail from a chair deserves much more respect than one who shows the stupid patience of a closet!
  Although Moska's barking can only make elephants laugh, don't make fun of army training!
  I have never been bitten by insects, but people with the hearts of crocodiles, the instinct of piranha, hurt me painfully!
  You can easily shed crocodile tears, howl like a wolf, crack a magpie, but the courage of a lion can only be brought up by painstaking work!
  Bodily slavery leads to loss of life, spiritual immortality!
  Before you is a legion of enemies, a great multitude of various creatures!
  But more troubles come from fools - stupid advice, all kinds of nonentities!
  The most influenced by the environment, the one who has seven Fridays in the week!
  Ballast to the bottom - the captain doesn't care!
  Time judge and prosecutor rolled into one. They will come inaudibly - the whole universe is sleeping. They rule people like a drawbar, whoever is against it will be beaten!
  You can postpone any decision, except for the only capable one without which survival is impossible!
  When God wants to joke, creation cries! When the Almighty is not in the mood for jokes, creation can only laugh!
  What is the difference between the dead and the sleeping? The fact that the dead, unlike the sleeping one, does not care with whom to lie!
  The sword is like a dick, think twice before you stick it!
  Holding on tight does not mean pressing so hard that your palm is wet!
  However, not everything is gold that glitters, but everything that glitters can be wrapped in a golden stream in your pocket!
  And one warrior in the field, when he has a lot of courage!
  Endurance of the strong, best of all restrains the excitement of the enemy's impotent fury!
  You can screw up everything in life, you can"t just live as a toadstool!
  Cunning is the mother of victory, if she also has a happy occasion!
  War is an eternal virgin - she cannot end without blood!
  War with a greedy grasp of a harlot - never gives victory for nothing!
  Each person is like a grain of sand in the desert, but unlike the vastest desert with edges, this grain of sand has no limits to self-improvement!
  When the gods laugh, mortals cry, when the laughter of the gods becomes thunderous, the end of the weak people is dead!
  The most perfect technique is powerless with its primitive use and sophisticated inaction!
  What can tear a star carpet from its hinges? Asteroid of human stupidity!
  Without the whip of repression, a leap to achievements that bring liberation to all mankind is impossible!
  The cooler the "bells and whistles" of the brains, the more they are twisted by force majeure!
  The poor is not the one who is bare in body, but who is not the boss in spirit!
  Dislike of sex breeds unhealthy morality!
  Funeral humor is as appropriate as a ball gown in a trench!
  Who beats the buckets will not succeed, who breaks the illusion, achieves the truth! The winner is always right, even if success is achieved by left methods!
  The best gift from the enemy when he gives power to an idiot!
  Whoever endures a collar will never become a stallion beloved by women!
  Freedom is doubly attractive to those who have managed to enslave their own sense of laziness and irresponsibility!
  Who often underestimates the ability of the enemy to fight back, and the opportunity to reap a valuable victory will rarely receive!
  Whoever loves to spit, it's a trifling matter to make him spit!
  You can talk a lot of fruitless phrases about God, but useful deeds will come from this with a gugulkin nose that will not grow from watering verbiage with a river!
  Winners are judged by achievements and trophies...losers are just judged! The winner has a magistrate, the loser has a criminal! You can question the value and necessity of victory, but defeat always and undeniably does not benefit anyone!
  The only benefit of defeat is that it teaches you to learn lessons and grow the sowing of success from shed tears of bitter mistakes!
  If you want to deceive the enemy, be a riddle to your friends!
  If the plan of the enemy commander is like an open book, then its pages will inevitably stain your comrades with blood!
  The winners, they judge for themselves, combining both the prosecutor and the lawyer, only the verdict is still passed not by them, but by history!
  The simpler the trick, the more difficult it is for the enemy to get out of the consequences of its use!
  The moment of impact, like a note in a melody, will ring a little earlier or later, and it will be false! Only not even the whistle of a disappointed public can be heard from the grave!
  When you know who your enemy is, then you don"t have to know friends in trouble!
  Do not lose the initiative, you will lose the sweet honey of victory, and you will acquire the bitterness of loss! When the boxer staggers, he must be beaten even harder, otherwise his limbs will give way!
  The enemy is sailing, the wind of annihilation is in his sail!
  Who, swimming in battle, will drown in a puddle and burn on the vine!
  Dirty magic, like soap foam, stings the eyes, but not to the enemy!
  Weeds grow well when they grow badly with the reduction of gardeners' stupid prejudices!
  The most enjoyable learning process is sex! And most importantly, no one will refuse a second retake!
  Sex is the only subject where everyone strives to put more stakes!
  The common thing between sex and study is that a three is better than a two!
  And only a solid unit count is the most satisfactory evaluation!
  Whoever stands when it is necessary to advance, he will not stand and sleep in the coffin of the grave!
  Mat spews, one who is always in a stalemate in life!
  He goes first with trump cards, he is only a laughing stock of people!
  Who wants to be in time for the distribution of awards, he himself must generously send gifts in the form of cuffs!
  The vacuum will not burst, the sun will not fart!
  The bullet is not a fool, but the fool that, when shooting, hits by!
  Whoever refuses to help people is wasting the time allotted by the Lord for the atonement of sins and repentance!
  Death never forgets, even if occasionally forgetful!
  A strong warrior, even alone, is more useful than a pack of weaklings, just as one sharp sickle cuts a whole field of spikelets!
  But sometimes, even among the spikelets of a weak rati, a sickle-batyr can stumble upon a cobblestone of an unpleasant exception!
  If peace, then a generous feast, if war, then let the victorious cup of wine!
  Who is clumsy in military affairs, clumsy corpse in bed!
  - A good warrior is exactly as much a spy as it helps to embroider and win! A good spy is so much a warrior, so it does not stop you from killing and avoiding losing!
  It is easy to fall into the heat of battle when you lose your cool in the exercises!
  It is possible to win with brute force, but without fine diplomacy you will not keep the fruits of victory!
  There are two problems in war, to find the hidden enemy and to avoid the temptation to bury your head in the sand yourself!
  Do not sit down beggar in the royal carriage, do not give you a thousand with a rack to answer!
  Cruelty is needed to have a result - do not spare the enemy, no matter how weak he is!
  It is better to survive without knowing too much than to die, having learned something that will not become necessary for you anyway!
  A person likes to put everything in a heap, except for those troubles that he is ready to forget about! However, most often troubles pile up in a bunch precisely on the forgetful!
  When they say they like it, there is no need to rush, decide right away, otherwise your throat may choke!
  You also need to be able to lose, but it is especially necessary not to be able to lose!
  An attack is like a fair wind in a sail, only intensifying, it breaks other people's masts!
  You can't buy life by capitulation, and a shameful existence will be given to you for free anyway!
  He who is cruel to people will himself become a jelly devoured by devils in hell!
  Accurate sniper pilot, most often misses when landing on the widest airfield of the underworld!
  Attack is always more effective than defense, because the muzzle from the fist is a bad block!
  Quickly goes to luck, who does not hesitate to fight back!
  Entertainment is the most senseless and wasteful thing, but if there is no time for them, the payment for useful deeds already exceeds reasonable limits!
  The most meaningless thing in life is entertainment, but without entertainment, life has no meaning!
  The shepherd must understand the sheep, but not think like sheep!
  The ruler must be his own for the good of his subjects, but alien to the weaknesses and superstitions of the crowd!
  Everyone falls - only the spiritually elevated rise!
  Who does not count the shells, he flies in the battle!
  Each shot is counted, fortune knows in high esteem!
  Childhood is like an opening in a chess game that shapes the game as a whole, but unlike chess, everyone wants to return and never leave the opening again!
  The cold is not terrible if the heart is on fire, and icy calm reigns in the head!
  You can survive by freezing problems or emotions, but you cannot live if feelings have cooled down!
  A jackal can defeat a tiger if he is a jackal in battle, a tiger in his choice of opponent!
  Whoever smokes to the skies with a cigarette will never be able to live to see an earthly paradise built by people!
  You can fight with numbers, you can even win, but you can"t perpetuate victory!
  A formidable look, often turns into a pale one, if there is only an appearance!
  In war, as at a feast, no one knows the measure of gluttony, but on the other hand, having received it well, they don"t ask for more!
  A wise commander can successfully attack on two fronts, a stupid politician cannot keep the defense on one!
  Many enemies not only make the war more interesting, they will not let you get bored if there is not enough work after their capture!
  You can make up for lost time, but you can"t compensate for spiritual debauchery!
  The worst sin, a sinless life that brings no practical benefit to people!
  The best deed is to sin in the name of a future life in which the concept of sin will disappear!
  Victory of science; the triumph of the power of matter over the weakness of the human spirit!
  The trap should be simple for the one who builds it and incomprehensible for those for whom it is arranged!
  Genius loves simplicity, but not in solving his riddles!
  Skill requires experience, the audacity of his lack of cuffing!
  Most often he juggles with concepts, whose gaze is fixed on your wallet!
  If you want to knock down a coin, skip past all the cheap sentiments published by the voice of conscience!
  An irrational way of earning, an expedient deception!
  It is easier for an atheist to achieve real Omnipotence than for a believer to comprehend the plan of Almighty God!
  Russians sometimes like peaceful jokes, but they always fight in earnest!
  Who does not want to keep the flesh in thinness will receive a magnificent funeral!
  You don"t have to be a monk in your soul if you don"t want to bring all your friends in the flesh to the monastery!
  Nothing fetters the mind so much as the shackles of human stupidity, forged by the hammer of superstition, and hardened in the flames of prejudice!
  Merciful to the enemy, you show complete ruthlessness to your friends, who suffered so much for the sake of victory!
  Fighting is good, winning is great, but for some reason war is still considered a bad thing!
  There is never too much luck, but failures are always more than enough!
  Trouble does not go alone, because he loves the team, but success, unfortunately, is always selfish!
  Worst of all, it cools spiritual impulses - a blizzard of praise!
  Most often, a snowstorm is driven by someone who does not want to be a fabulous Santa Claus, and cannot melt the heart of the Snow Maiden!
  Who gives a strong weapon to a fool, then deprives even a very smart one of protection!
  Almost everyone misses without blat, but only bribed muffs hit the target!
  Violence over history can give birth to an empire, but cannot give birth to a just imperial rule!
  Samurai is, of course, proud, but there is no greater sin than samurai pride!
  The best reward for a person, the opportunity to punish the worst non-humans!
  In stupid speeches empty,
  The politician is stupid and trivial!
  His words are so false
  How banal his mind is!
  And it's not difficult to promise him -
  He promises brilliant!
  In matters of practical, serious,
  He who shakes a lot is mediocre!
  Having become accustomed to hell during life, you will draw closer to God, because when you lose your fear of the ruler, you equal your self-esteem with him!
  If artillery is the god of war, then Satan is a treacherous backache!
  If you want to show class in battle, work hard in the exercises so that no one seems a little!
  Forge iron, without leaving the cash register, temper the metal until the fat has cooled down!
  Not a single traitor will escape his aspen, even if he is a vampire by vocation!
  Not every traitor is a vampire, but everyone is waiting for an aspen stake!
  Who betrays, dreams of vampire immortality, but always finds the end under the sun of truth!
  Who does not risk is by no means a fact that he will avoid drinking blood until he vomits, but he will not sip champagne with a guarantee!
  Whoever counts a lot and beats a little in the face, his income is always underestimated!
  If you want to be on an equal footing with God in strength, surpass the Almighty in courage!
  To seem weak is cunning, to be a weakling is real - idiocy!
  Peace that lasts more than a year is bad for the army, peace that lasts more than a generation is bad for the nation. A peace that lasts longer than a century is deadly for civilization!
  Kindred feelings are like a rusty chain, fetter courage, poison honor, filthy duty!
  Whoever does not want to cut his prey himself, then he will not fail to be slaughtered by another!
  Youth is naive, old age is insidious!
  A strong fool can do more good than a weak smart guy!
  War is the most interesting game in which you should not skip moves and let your partner think!
  How many do not rearrange the beds, the cell will not become wider!
  It is better to clean the machine gun with what happens when the enemy puts it in his pants during the battle!
  And the younger brother of the photon is the conscience of a traitor, it is even smaller than this particle!
  Revile others by those who usually put on their pants in a fight!
  It is better to be a tough fascist than a pacifist without a rod!
  A strong devil, more reliable than a weak angel, will provide heaven on Earth!
  Whoever barks a lot in the wild will sooner or later crow in the zone!
  It is easy to kill, it is difficult to resurrect, and it is generally impossible to live without violence!
  Death, as a faithful friend, will definitely come, but if you want to take a longer walk with a capricious life, prove your devotion to the mind and courage!
  The world is not devoid of charm, but abomination is not sacrificed to God!
  Laws are not written for fools, but they also receive sanctions for their violation for those smart people who wrote these laws!
  The more we tighten our bellies, the tighter the noose will be on the enemy"s neck!
  The concept of a bright head to a minimal extent refers to gray hair, especially among rulers and prostitutes!
  The Lord God is famous for this, that he is never seen or heard, but the demon tempter always squeals near the ear!
  Whoever is sharp with a word will not dull the edge of ingenuity in deeds!
  In a fat body - a thin spirit, the growth of the abdomen - reduces the intellect!
  You can sometimes win with a number, but after the victory you can manage only with skill!
  The bullet is a fool, therefore it chooses an exclusively direct path to the heart and a roundabout way to mercy!
  A bullet, unlike a friend, is looking for you, it doesn"t know refusal, but it can break your heart only with physical proximity!
  Mercy is asked of the one who is merciless to himself and merciful to beautiful impulses!
  God can explain everything except one thing to a person, why he is always dissatisfied!
  Grain does not grow without irrigation afterwards, crops cannot be harvested without spreading fertilizers, a house cannot be erected without demolition of barracks, socialism cannot be built without destroying the dungeon of prejudices and petty-bourgeois superstitions!
  Being God is good when you are a man of desires and a beast of assertiveness!
  A man loves to eat well with friends and badly gobble up the enemy!
  People believe in different things, but they recognize only bad things for enemies, exceptionally good things for themselves, and, as a rule, insignificant things for friends!
  What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull, but if the pig character is combined with bullish stubbornness, then Jupiter is powerless to realize what is allowed to him!
  The superweapon is not the end of prowess, it just puts an end to the endless streams of widows' tears!
  The battle for the Fatherland is not always holy, but always right!
  Death for the Fatherland is not always correct, but always holy!
  Force is like a magnet, the more powerful, the more people are attracted, but unlike a natural magnet, distance only adds traction!
  Save on consumption if you want to spend your winning losses generously!
  A person can create everything, he cannot just invent everything!
  There is no more miserable nation than one whose successes are in the distant past!
  There is no empire more exalted than the one that lives in the present, and becomes stronger every year!
  When the enemy hides from you, it"s good, it"s bad when you can"t find him at the same time!
  A truly honest person cannot be more frightened of the most cruel hell than the mildest reproach of conscience!
  Getting an easy win is not a shame, but a shame if an easy prize is missed due to the heaviness of the climb!
  Miracles in the sieve, usually when the mind is full of knowledge gaps!
  Miracles happen, there is no fabulous explanation for the ordinary and the banal!
  When you're in shit, you want the bad smell to be replaced by the fragrance of the flowers of success that have risen on vile fertilizer!
  Only it is necessary to get out of the shit, otherwise someone else will fertilize the sprout of well-being with your corpse!
  Caution prolongs a free life, fear reduces it, to the level of a prison dungeon!
  The amazing is nearby, if you don"t miss it with your eyes - there is nothing to be surprised at, heartless heart!
  Dutch cheese is good, but save us from Dutch dampness!
  Going for berries, you can always find a mushroom, just so that it does not become narcotic, get ready for the forest sober with wise thoughts, without abstruse ambitions!
  Mistakes cannot be avoided, but it is always possible to get the consequences more profitable than the right moves!
  From a distance, you can shoot, but you can"t hit with your prowess!
  People want an increase in everything, except for additional obligations to help their neighbor, a vital debt to the distant prospect of offspring!
  Victory by cunning is better than defeat by stupidity, even if cunning is vile and stupidity is noble!
  Youth is bold, old age is prudent, but young wisdom is prudent audacity, and the old mind calculates with caution!
  The brave one is the one who saves friends without handing them a reward account!
  Horses are not changed at the crossing, but the crossing does not last a hundred years!
  Not everyone needs to be a glorious warrior, but everyone can become a shameless soldier!
  God and the Devil differ primarily in their goals, the Almighty does not care about the well-being of people on Earth, Satan does not care about the posthumous prospects of man!
  So let's drink to the fact that hangovers happen less often than cancer whistles on the mountain, feasted more often than it rains in Britain!
  When the heavens weep in indifference, those on earth wipe away the tears of rage!
  The earth is stingy with us sinners, and the heavens are so indifferent - but if everyone is one family, let not hearts be soulless!
  Our reality is just a grain of sand in the infinite past and future, but it is this tiny particle, the most important part of the boundless whole, human existence!
  For some reason, no one is in a hurry to exchange the most nightmarish reality for the most problem-free non-existence!
  The possibilities of a person, in fact, are limited by his imagination, but fantasy is unlimited by the possibilities of a person!
  If there were no fantasy, there would be no dream, then science would never have appeared!
  Magic is oil, for lubricating the mechanism of war, only with an expired shelf life!
  Whoever counts on a miracle will read it trivially!
  Miraculously, you can win, but the loss is always obtained in the most banal way!
  Beauty cannot be killed, but its deadly effect can be made to give new life!
  Well, hope in God, but the oil of the speeches of the priests will not replace the lubrication of the machine gun, but the sermon is ammunition!
  The people hate political prostitutes, but they follow them more often than the panel ones!
  The people do not like to pay for sex with priestesses of love, but political prostitutes who speculate on hatred are willingly handed over both their lives and the future of their children!
  What is common between a warrior and a prostitute is that the client does not have to be liked, and the difference is that a warrior will always serve her patron with genuine joy!
  Victory is like a sword, only to get blunt not from injections, but from pointing gloss!
  Football is not a place for the cautious, we score the ball with our heads! You can demolish the gate at once, if the center forward, you're cool!
  A little humanism towards enemies turns into a major inhumanity towards comrades!
  Cigarettes are poison - right people say! There is no worse than nicotine - a pack of cigarettes in the stove!
  It's better to be a cool kid, that old schmuck, even if in the latter case you are paid a pension, and in the former prison is crying for you!
  The prison is a school of life, where they are sent by force, but they are not punished for absenteeism!
  Who loves to stagnate, will never establish a solid power!
  You can betray anyone, but only change yourself!
  Conscience cannot be deceived, but it can be fooled!
  But they fight with skill when they cannot be crushed by numbers!
  A valiant death will bring glory, but a cowardly survival will ensure victory!
  Fortune favors those generous with risk and stingy with complaints!
  A person cannot be a born merchant, since he receives food in the womb without bargaining, but he is often a fighter from birth, since getting out of the womb always requires effort and violence!
  Free cheese in a mousetrap, free bread behind bars, but you get free cuffs while sitting on the throne!
  When two skillful men fight, it's a storm, but when skillful women fight, it's a tornado!
  And if the women did not share the man, then even the hydrogen bomb pales before the awakened elements!
  Who beats a woman is a man, but not a man!
  In war, deception is like a key to a lock, the newer, the better it opens!
  But belief is like wine, the older, the greater the strength and confidence!
  The first sign of obsolescence in women is when you stop feeling the novelty of material objects!
  Each of us is a killer in the soul, not every flesh is a terminator!
  It is good to be able to impose a fight, it is even better not to be able to be beaten, and the best thing is to win without a fight!
  A white coat is not appropriate in a mine, mercy in war, and a Christian preacher as a political officer!
  Our life is a theater, only for overworked actors; comedy always turns into tragedy!
  You can defeat weakness and strength, but stupidity can only be deceived!
  Nothing can kill beauty, except for the animal deformity that sits in a person!
  Patience and work, they will grind everything except - the desire to complain about fate and pull the rubber!
  Not the hero that is the mountain, but the hero that the enemy is buried!
  Heroism has no age, height, size, but it is measured by courage - exactly weighed on the scales!
  Shepherds are followed by rams, and donkeys follow the all-knowing prophet!
  Accurate shooters often fall into hell, but never fly into hell!
  War is not a place for reflection, but a guarantee of madness!
  History teaches that compromises with evil often lead to uncompromising arbitrariness!
  The flames of war are also red and make people's moods redder!
  Who is a red man in spirit, he will not blush like a girl!
  A woman is forgiven everything - except for the word - goodbye!
  Doom's not a place for reflection, but a place of squabbles and madness!
  Whoever has the truth in his heart is free to any dungeon, and whoever feeds on a lie is imprisoned in a luxurious palace!
  Even the most well-aimed ones miss a difficult target, but they miss, only muffs whose hands tremble from the ease of getting themselves!
  You can"t hit the target, but only fight back!
  We are often flogged, we can only flog ourselves, when there is nonsense in our head, and you do not cut the danger!
  Blood in war is like rain in a drought, it"s disgusting to get wet, but the harvest will be sweet!
  Without wet work, the body will dry out of boredom!
  Of course, it is good to be faithful to the order coming from the chief, but it is even better to be faithful to the dictates of the heart!
  Who has grown his belly, he will never get fat pieces!
  You can get credits for a reserve, and stock up on money, but excess weight always turns into only a burdensome ballast!
  You won"t earn money on patriotism, although you will experience the feeling that you don"t owe anyone!
  If you want to rule fairly, be strong, but if you want to be efficient, be also cruel!
  Even senseless cruelty can force the weak to obey, but it cannot induce the strong to obey if the purpose of the command does not make those who obey stronger!
  The most cruel tyrant is the ruler who softly lays a carpet of idle talk on the way to the scaffold!
  Only one thing is improving faster than military technology - advertising technology, which convinces that their weapons are the most effective. Although sometimes its effect is only knocking out the mind and emptying the customer's wallets!
  Killer, this is also a solid doctor, minus, preferring surgery exclusively, plus - almost always successful, even in the most advanced cases!
  A killer, unlike a surgeon, sterilizes surgical instruments in the boiling water of passions and icy indifference!
  A soldier is also a killer, only the fee for a successfully completed task almost always remains with the customer!
  A revolution is conceived to improve life, but carried out only by improving the methods of extermination!
  All revolutions reduce the human race except for the sexual one, all revolutions add problems, except for those that the wise government wants to preempt by reforming!
  Wise power does not prevent revolutions, but their bloody consequences - stupid power replaces revolutionary changes with bloody reaction!
  The heaviest burden is an empty wallet, and if even a ball rolls to it in the head, then such a load will not be mastered by titanium!
  One donkey with a bag of gold will rather open the fortress gates than a hundred elephants with steel rams!
  When you are God only a little bit, then you are crucified in full!
  But when you are crucified in full, you become more merciful than God, and not just a little bit!
  A man can achieve everything, but he will never surpass Christ in sacrifice!
  Man is different from an animal, not in that he stands on two legs, but in that he relies on two crutches: technology and imagination! However, these are such crutches that are worth all the wings and limbs of the animal world!
  No matter how you shave a Malpa, it will not increase intelligence, but by shearing individuals with the intelligence of a monkey, you will pretty much replenish your wallet!
  The ringing of coins is more harmonious than the empty ringing of sophistry, however, the latter is usually bred in order to hear the former!
  A blonde is always a bright head, only, as a rule, only in the literal sense of the word!
  If dark hair is not a sign of intelligence, then blond hair, all the more so, cannot become a criterion for stupidity!
  Good wine is not stored in a wretched vessel, and a great mind is not hidden under an ugly appearance!
  Those who have oak heads and selfish selfishness allow themselves to be tanned!
  Who does not take into account all realities, counts trophies only in dreams!
  Who sits a lot, he sags in the swamp of verbiage!
  Whoever talks a lot will be battered by a hurricane generated by a storm of missed opportunities!
  Opportunities are always there, but it is impossible to realize them, with unrealizable ambitions!
  A prominent appearance is good in a parade, in battle the best appearance is complete invisibility!
  Literary pianos are easiest to repair when they are pulled out of the bushes of ignorance, onto the solid ground of common sense, and reliable tools of resourcefulness, invention, and fantasy are at hand!
  Everything that leads to victory is wonderful - to take over the enemy, and pianos do not count!
  Nature has no bad weather, it only has children who want to improve the climate and stepchildren for whom there is nothing good in the world at all!
  The stepson of nature is the one that does not recognize kinship with the creator of the universe, but prefers to consider himself an alien slave!
  So let's drink to the fact that our relatives can do everything, and our enemies can only do harm to themselves!
  You can not intimidate everyone at once, but you can bring everyone to insane horror individually!
  Most of all, it is not the desire to create new problems that creates new problems, something new that solves the problems of the old!
  The great weight of this or that type of weapon speaks of the lightness of the judgments of those who ordered it!
  It is not the weapon that kills, but the one who shoots from it, but it misfires, most often the instrument of death itself, since refusing to kill is always the best decision for the shooter!
  When a person is a wolf to a person - it's not so scary than when we are jackals to each other!
  Whoever is in a hurry is always late, and whoever is in no hurry reaches the goal at all!
  Although speed alone does not give victory, in the absence of it, enemies snatch success from you!
  Why do many cooks spoil the porridge, because the herd can only trample on a masterpiece with its meager creative independence!
  When you surprise the enemy, you always get an advantage over him, except for amazing stupidity and amazing stupidity!
  When you surprise the enemy, you always get an advantage over him, except for amazing stupidity and amazing stupidity!
  The impoverishment of the hand of the giver may well take place if the receiving extortioner is not stingy with cunning!
  The easier the victory, the more difficult it is to understand why it turned out so easily and in general it is impossible to comprehend what misfortune prevented you from winning up much earlier!
  The essence of Morality is that without it it is easy to win, but it is even easier to ruin the fruits of victory!
  Long and evil tongues are usually among those whose hands are short for good deeds!
  The property of a short mind is to breed long discussions and stupid demagoguery!
  Satan always wins because there is no good without the evil consequences of its application!
  Whoever is late for scolding can only skip the victory parade!
  Yes, to get into a mess, the easiest way is who, like millet, scatters opportunities for his enemies!
  The fall of the spirit, like the fall of the barometer, leads to a storm, but only exclusively on our lands!
  And spiritual uplift throws off the hurricane invasion, whip any anticyclone!
  Whoever speaks foul language will feel very badly, answering for vile words!
  The first pancake can go lumpy due to haste, but the rest do not enter the throat precisely because of excessive slowness at the table!
  So that the mosquito does not undermine the nose, you need not to lose the sharpness of the reaction and mind from the blood!
  A sharp mind, unlike a sharp bayonet, does not stab the one who sits on the throne with it!
  The more enemies stupid as oaks, the more there will be oak coffins!
  Turning the cheek is a disgrace, but even more condemnation deserves the one who refused to turn his shoulder to a comrade in trouble!
  There are not so many smart people, but the abstruse authorities manage to arrange them in such a way that they only interfere with each other!
  Whoever barks a lot, but runs slowly, will very quickly reach the life of a dog!
  A dog's life is a guarantee only of a chain and a collar, and a kennel and soldering, only to those who have managed, it is profitable to sell a wolf's ticket and refresh the dog's smell!
  Strength must be combined with morality, morality with kindness, kindness with wisdom, and wisdom with foresight!
  Finishes last, who is the first in the distribution of promises!
  Does not burn in the fire, who does not drown in shit, even having the weight of an intellectual nugget!
  Quickly solve the problem, you can only without haste!
  Genius is compatible with villainy, only committed with good intentions and good consequences!
  Friends are underestimated much more often than enemies, but you have to repent of this no less often!
  Who thinks in the back seat always stays with the nose!
  Tears of joy are always mixed with bitterness, only the latter is always more for those who giggled over hard work!
  Tears are crocodile, but laughing with happiness is not given to the crocodile heart!
  Having lowered earthly riches from the hammer, you will not collect treasures in heaven, so the Master-God will not exalt servants with low practical ingenuity!
  The meeting place cannot be changed with death, but you can pick up a much more decent landscape of the last meeting of the sublunar world!
  The immediacy of the mind is judged not by the means of achieving the goal, but by the means that remain after the achievement!
  You can fill your stomach with something that is too tough, but you can"t get enough!
  Who does not have fangs, most often gets in the teeth!
  A toothless army can avoid a furious thrashing, but a brainless politician will get in the teeth, even with the most fanged armada!
  You can be considered smart by remaining silent, only with the exception of the case when you need to give an answer, he started talking in the language of guns!
  By playing silently, you can save your life, but you can make it more than a miserable existence only by sharing your opinion intelligently!
  Silence is considered gold only by those who have been ill with scrofulous satiety of the canary tongue!
  All finishes are desirable for us, except for the end of a good one, only the problem is that it is almost impossible to come to a good end, and the end of a good one is almost inevitable!
  Nothing can resist innocent beauty but the ugly desire to sit on the throne of debauchery!
  Beauty can earn grace, but you can"t pay for sins!
  Only those who can't wait to be left with their noses show their backs!
  A warm heart can melt any glacier of indifference, but without a cold mind it is impossible to turn the flow that has arisen into a constructive channel!
  The revolution is like boiling water, you reach for it after the cold of reaction, and then you scream from burns!
  People do wonders all the time, but there are no miracles!
  Miracles in a sieve, come out sideways if you have only ulterior motives!
  Surprise in war is like a sail on a yacht, only not so noticeable!
  If a soldier is taken by surprise, it means that the fighter is bad in observation!
  The accuracy of courtesy is not of kings, but of those soldiers who support their throne with muskets!
  It is possible when peace reigns to decorate your heart with forget-me-nots of mercy, but when the chaos of war rages, only thorny roses of ruthlessness will protect the soul from devouring!
  It is better to dig a trench than to dig your own grave, but if you bury talent and ingenuity, then you will be buried in the deepest trench!
  Having given alcohol, it is easier to rush into the attack, but you can only run into a grave pit at an angle of forty!
  A drunkard is worse than a dull log, the last one to prop up the door, to patch up the holes, but the drunkard is already a through hole himself, a burglar of the door, and even rebuilds a log in splinters with his stupidity!
  Boasting differs from flattery in that one does not expect to receive a flattering reward for the former, but boastfulness for the latter!
  Mankind grows with reason, fertilizing with vices, like a rose with manure!
  Laziness stimulates the development of technology, bad habits - medicine and bioengineering, depravity and lust for computer science, and aggressiveness all taken together brings it to a level that many times exceeds natural needs!
  Laziness only gives an incentive to progress, and in order to really lead it, work is needed that will block the natural needs of not only a lazy person!
  Laziness is no excuse for idle idleness, but it creates such problems that you can never rest for a holiday!
  Laziness only gives an incentive to progress, and in order to really lead it, work is needed that will block the natural needs of not only a lazy person!
  Laziness is no excuse for idle idleness, but it creates such problems that you can never rest for a holiday!
  Whoever steps back - thinking to save his life, will stain himself with mortal disgrace!
  Running away can save existence, but you can not save life!
  Heroically attacking sometimes you lose your existence, but you gain immortality!
  Nobility is not always innate, but always acquired through loss!
  A traitor is a serf in princely attire, a servant of the Fatherland is a prince in a serf's rank!
  He who feasts much in the world before the war will have few occasions to feast on military successes!
  Patience will grind everything, except for the ambitious thoughts of indestructible ambitions!
  The exalted in spirit will never kneel down - the exalted spirit will never descend to the underworld, and base passions are always alien to the high mind!
  You can fight by numbers, win by numbers, but only by the ability to keep the victory and the art to take advantage of its fruits!
  It"s better for a strong kid to be like him, and to seem like a strong adult, it"s always better to seem not like he is!
  But in any case, it is better for the ruler never to seem weak - even if his main strength is in deceit!
  Insanely heroic soldiers do not commit stupidity - the commander does stupidity, sending soldiers to where heroism becomes insane!
  You can go a full circle, overtake in a competition, you can round off capital in a business transaction, but you cannot succeed when your belly is rounded and your wit has become flat!
  It should be available to every warrior to have a big heart, but little fear and a great sense of responsibility!
  Two bears do not live in the same lair, but two morals coexist perfectly in one person with the thinking of a predator!
  A tiger in ambush is dangerous until it turns its fangs, and a person is helpless until it sparkles with a bright fiction!
  Everyone gets tired, only lazy people surrender to fatigue, only the dead do not drop dewdrops of sweat!
  You can think of yourself as victorious barbarians, but that's better than being the loser talking barbarians!
  Courage is like a chair leg; it"s good when combined with skill and calculation, and if you add luck to it, then victory will be fixed on a solid foundation!
  Courage is good - sodomy is bad!
  Victory requires preparation, but you can prepare not for Victoria herself, but for the plan that gives hope to secure it!
  You can fix a skewed house, undermined health, but a shattered reputation is restored not by edits, but by a radical restructuring of lifestyle!
  They tried to rebuild the USSR without causing inconvenience to the residents, and as a result, all the amenities were upset for no reason!
  Christianity by faith is against wars, but most of all howl under the banner of the Christian faith!
  The world is unpredictable to the point of banality, but it is trivially calculated!
  Human blood is not water - it does not go out from time to time, the crop burns out from watering, it only inflames thirst, but all the same, it spills the human race!
  Waiting for good luck is hard, but really only waiting for problems!
  If you wait for the weather from the sea, you will wait for a hurricane of troubles, and a tornado of failures!
  The tongue is a small muscle, but it does great things with a small number of words spoken by great people!
  A screw can be turned on an airplane without fuel and ignition, but a person without a combat fuse can only twist!
  An eagle-born one always flies, but a wingless one only flies!
  You can bring up a lion in yourself by willpower, but the soul of a hare, it turns out, due to weak-willed promiscuity, it cannot be corrected without personal desire!
  When the forces of the people fail to be tied into a strong broom, what results is a dilapidated coffin and a holey slave mat!
  It is safer to kiss a shark on the forehead a thousand times than to show the rear of a Russian warrior once!
  If the rear is useless, military ardor will not help! Well, if there is no ardor, the rear will go to the enemy for lunch!
  The eloquence of the commander is worth nothing without the gray overcoats of the soldiers listening to him! But without a strong seasoning of red and juicy words, one cannot cook the soup of a victorious feast!
  A fool has silence, indeed, like a philosopher's stone, giving the value of gold to a leaden tongue!
  War is like a weightlifting competition, if the weight is not finished, the prize is not awarded, if the enemy is not finished off, the victorious anthem is not played!
  If the ruler does not have lofty thoughts, then his empire will fly into the air!
  The ruler should always look at the top, but excessive cloud-based wandering lets earthly prosperity go to the wind!
  Scavengers unfortunately always keep up on time, and pigeons fly out of place!
  A cutlet is made from someone who cannot mix his enemies into minced meat! And minced meat can only be kneaded by someone whose brain is not a cutlet!
  A black eye will not add light to the room, but it can give light in the darkness of stubborn stupidity!
  When they say, let's smoke a comrade, from the expression let's hang ourselves - there is only one difference - the way of suicide is much more painful and dangerous for others!
  You can serve a term until freedom, but you cannot serve time for freedom!
  Good wine is not stored in a wretched vessel, and there are no rational thoughts in a dirty body!
  Imitation is considered a monkey reflex, but in reality it is people who are more inclined to lose their individuality and follow the principle - like everyone else!
  Real geniuses are like golden grains in the sand, they shine brightly, but they get into the wash in the first place!
  Most often, tyrants wash folk sand with golden grains of geniuses in order to remove and wash everything that is more valuable than cobblestone dust!
  Our personal point of view is like binoculars - we look at our shortcomings in a reverse turn, we exaggerate others as much as possible, and if it is necessary to analyze the glass, they always have time to sweat from stupidity, heaviness on the rise!
  People no longer tend to sow not good, eternal, but to sow good and forever!
  Finding fun adventures is indeed akin to the exploits of Hercules, then adventures come to your ass, even when you are trying to get away from them with all your might!
  The first pancake may come out lumpy, and the first fight is only a victory, because otherwise, it is not the first, but the only one!
  Cowardice is just the opposite of caution, as the former leads to a broken trough, and such a place is too damp to feel safe!
  Who bristles like a hedgehog, he will go to waste like a broom!
  It is always difficult to win, even a stupid enemy - lightness comes only when you celebrate the victory of reason!
  When you open a bank account, you crave an increase; when you open an account with beaten enemies, you want a decrease, but the gain in any case depends on prudent ingenuity!
  In bed matters, a man must take the initiative, even if you need to lay the enemy in the underworld!
  Death is not an old woman with a rusty scythe, but a passionate maiden with a golden pigtail, who is waiting impatiently for a guy, who will never be late with a date, but will end the most hopeless need with her marriage! It's just that everyone shied away from her!
  Usually the expression to work with the head has a figurative meaning, but, unfortunately, the term head-crowbar is usually literal!
  The strength of ideology cannot be measured with a ruler, but its power exceeds the weight of a volley of battleships and howitzer guns! Justice is a relative concept, but who should give preference to the absolute!
  A politician who seeks solace in intrigues, unlike a child, will find complete peace in a noose!
  Who does not dream of the flight of a crane, instead of the fluttering of a titmouse, will go like a chicken in a pluck!
  The spirit always wins over the non-spiritual matter, which recognizes only material values!
  You can lose more than once, but the status of an invincible fighter is lost only once!
  Russians do not imitate anyone like a monkey, but they creatively develop everyone, making the rest feel like monkeys!
  We all strive, fortunately not realizing that absolute happiness will kill all striving and become a curse on the degeneration of the mind that has grown in struggle!
  The struggle is hard, but from its absence, instead of facilitating, all achievements and victories lose weight!
  It is better to reach the goal once than to see it without a goal a thousand times!
  You can prick with a sword, a dagger, and even with a needle, but you can pierce the thick-skinned consciousness only with a sharp word!
  The word is like a stream of a waterfall, in order for it to become useful, you need to apply the diligence of your hands to the creation of turbines!
  Thank the Lord for the free will of people, which makes a person a person, but in order to receive in return, please, grace should curb bestial willfulness!
  There are three advantages in the underworld: there is no fear of a change of residence, the most desirable punishment is expulsion, and most importantly, you will never suffer from loneliness and fear of death!
  The heaviest consequences fall from easily flying empty words!
  Soldiers are like rye, and so that the enemy does not mow down with a sickle, hard-stone generals are scattered between them!
  Oak generals betray the army fortress, rotten stumps!
  If you want a penny for a penny, show courage when they hit a penny, and patience - when you get a penny!
  You can be dumber than a stump, but you can't be sharper than a bayonet that pierces your heart!
  The strength of the enemy, in our weakness, our weakness in the strength of stereotypes, as if strength always wins!
  People do not seek death, in the sublime search for success, the bodies through life descend into the grave!
  Smart people suffer from an excess of mind, but only fools suffer from an excess of strength!
  A war is truly won when an enemy soldier yells kaput before you point a machine gun at him!
  No matter how skilled a grave digger you are, you will never be able to avoid falling into the same hole! Unless your ashes are scattered in the wind!
  Any barbarian can make a woman squeal in pain, and only a true gentleman can shed tears of joy!
  Fate is often harsh, sometimes unfair, but its gifts, one way or another, always come through suffering!
  Know usually to those who are afraid of the godfather!
  He who does not know fear can sometimes find death, always invisible to shame!
  You can get into the enemy while fighting when you didn"t get into a mess at the shooting ranges, missed a glass to your mouth!
  Fortune is capricious, but we rely more on its variability than constancy due to the rarity of luck!
  The white light disappears, but there is no grief for the Nazis!
  No matter how sweet revenge is, but the bitterness of loss cannot be sweetened without a salty sense of humor!
  If you devote your life to taste the sweetness of revenge, it will not seem like honey!
  Who does not look a gift horse in the mouth will knock his jaw out at the races!
  It's good to be a pioneer and go to the drum - it's bad to hobble on crutches because of the drummed brains!
  There is no small heroism in war, there is only a huge injustice in the distribution of awards!
  War is fairer than love, in the last game there is already a third extra, and in the first reality, I am glad for every additional partner!
  When enemies are invisible, there is no fear, although the main horror is that you failed to detect them in time!
  You can fight to the last, you can endure to the last, but the vanquished cannot lose the last, because the victor's lawlessness goes beyond the last limit!
  Death does not ask when to come, but it can be sent off specifically if your resourcefulness and wisdom are in demand in life!
  Not the trickster who catches the fools, but the one who is not caught by the abstruse on the hook!
  The strength of the oak is good in the hearts, but the clubbing in the brains is much worse!
  There are no unfeminine deeds, but there are unmanly conversations!
  A golden star on his chest, who has a heart-sun in his chest!
  The one who thinks well can triple the capital, but not for three!
  A man with a penny's soul can exchange himself for nickels, but he won't get nickels for a penny!
  The received mat, you will not cover with a mat!
  They obscene when there is nothing to cover in a stalemate!
  Still, war is not exactly chess, in chess in a stalemate you cannot lose and bring down, in war, defeat is a stalemate!
  Intelligence without effort always decreases, but stupidity grows without effort!
  A fool renders services like a bear, dances like a goat, prompts like a donkey, thinks like a chicken, but only meanness, and he has a typical, human!
  In the work of the executioner, the human factor is present, as in no other, but humanity is absent!
  The battlefield is different from the morgue, in that it's not the scavengers who give the customers a number, but the eagles!
  A soldier is not a murderer, although he kills, a traitor is not a person, even though humanly vicious and sinful!
  To betray is already to die, to keep devotion to the Fatherland is to become immortal!
  Whoever seeks only self-interest in the service always finds a broken trough!
  A good commander, like a bear, stocks up reserves, but unlike a bear, he uses them without closing his eyes!
  A sense of humor is a human feeling that, unlike people, never cheats!
  A man is strong at inventions, but weak at thoughts!
  Thought is useless - fiction is practical!
  Death equalizes and reconciles everyone, but immortality is always individual in its militant example!
  Material deprivations add spiritual strength, and spiritual strength gives active immortality instead of a brief moment of lazy satiety of being!
  Scoundrels always want to devour a worthy person, but instead of a feast, they get only food for thought about a bone in their throat!
  You can go into battle if you yourself are cool, but first you reveal the enemy"s plan!
  If you don't want to get a calculation from fortune - you open an account for the destroyed enemies!
  The bullet is the best treat; which is easy to get, hard to get away, relieves the burden of weight, but everyone wants such a gift only for the enemy!
  Death is an adventure that finds you and takes you away!
  Death is an aria whose is not played as an encore, but which always brings tears!
  Death is the end of a circular path, whose proximity does not add agility, and the arrival of the first deprives the lifetime prize!
  If you are dumbfounded, to the sparks from your eyes, then your bright head was only a moment!
  Laziness is characteristic of both people and animals, only the first it makes the last!
  If you want to become a hero, then without too much beauty, putting aside your dreams - get on the exercises, and shoot up with an arrow!
  You can howl like a wolf when you fight with sheep, and if the fight is on an equal footing, only whining remains!
  They whine from a dog's life, which more often turns out to be thoughtless subordination of dogs!
  Ambitions, like drugs in excessive doses, destroy, and in insufficient ones, they lead to the fact that there is nothing to destroy!
  It is always more difficult to decide when there is no choice, and your eyes run wide when opportunities prompt you to give a quick tear!
  It is still possible to run away headlong from trouble, they come to success only with their heads on their shoulders!
  In order to find your golden key, like Pinocchio, you need not be a log in resourcefulness, and realize your ideas in a clumsy execution!
  If brains are made of logs, then the Golden Key will lead to a closet with Pierrot's tears!
  Whoever dies with music, that under the funeral march comes to life to immortality!
  Money does not smell, but the fee for betrayal stinks so much that it turns into a binary weapon of unprecedented destructive power!
  The meaning of war is killing, although the reason is precisely the attempt to stop killing!
  Losing in a game of arms usually comes from betting on easy temptation, not hard calculation!
  Or maybe the meaning of the war is that it cannot do without victims, otherwise it would be a waste of time, without any acquisitions!
  Even without revenge, sacrifices are required to acquire something that will discourage the enemy from taking revenge!
  Everyone dreams of heaven, but no one wants to die - preferring to get into the thicket of Eden, bypassing the gates of the grave; only in this case there is no way past the gate!
  You can build a paradise on Earth, you can"t just make a fortune on a long-term construction that guarantees more than a warm place in the underworld!
  When building a paradise, they drag boards for their barn! Only in the barn will you become a goat, blazing in hell, a roaring donkey!
  The fight for the Motherland is right, even with left tricks!
  The right-wing battle for the Fatherland requires a reward, except for the execution with the left hand, with leftist looting!
  You can find a replacement for any loss, if the belief that changes are needed is not lost!
  Children's thinking is a shortcoming that does not pass with age, but with the experience of adult deeds!
  The stupidity of an act most often results from the excessive wisdom of inaction that precedes it!
  Sweet speech, unlike honey, you can"t spread on bread, but smearing it with sweet speech, you can get it on bread!
  If the conscience is like glass, the bile in the heart is not glass!
  We need more movements with maneuvers so that we don"t stand to die, but reach victory!
  In men, only one thing is good, which is worth it, but it is also bad when it stagnates!
  Despotism is like a huge bus, one half is sitting, the other is shaking, there is only one controller, but all the rest are hares!
  No, it's more like a ship in a storm, half sick and the other tossing about!
  Bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general, but even worse is that he only dreams of shiny epaulettes, and he himself is too lazy to grease his boots with wax!
  Good luck as a woman obeys the mind and strength, but does not tolerate rudeness and idle talk!
  Good luck bees love to fly to the fields of diligence, patience and diligence! And the sweet nectar of success is collected more generously from the meadows irrigated with salty sweat!
  War differs from chess in that in chess victory with large sacrifices is valiant and beautiful, but in war it is outrageously criminal!
  Cowardice can save life, but it will kill all the pleasure from the lived!
  Poverty is not a guarantee of virtue, but with it you are guaranteed not to taste the sweet fruits of vice!
  Spiritual poverty often leads to bodily poverty, the planting of spiritual poverty gives rich shoots of material prosperity!
  Hewing an enemy with an oak head does not require great skill, but if he has oak stamina, only a true master can remove shavings from the enemy!
  And you can"t remove chips from an oak martinet if the cutter is sharpened with a stump!
  It's easier to turn the enemy to ashes, properly inflaming his anger, smoking his brains with blinding rage!
  The smoke from the fire of inflamed hatred eats away the eyes of those who are ignited with rage, but the arsonist himself through this haze has the most cloudless vision of an attack!
  Unexpected moves to roll on the head of the enemy is not soft snow, blazing ashes!
  Spore is a game of dubious usefulness, but undoubted fascination!
  A person can spit on everything, but not spit on everything!
  It's good to be a beast in battle, bad to be an animal when dividing the spoils, and bad for being an insect when devising a plan!
  The end never comes to those who start their journey with good intentions, but continue with good deeds!
  You can hit the voice without looking, but without a vision of the battle, you will squander not only crazy zenks!
  The road to success is sometimes life-long, cutting a corner is expensive, but it"s easy to be left without a corner of shelter!
  All scientific discoveries work primarily to close the life pages of individuals who are not lucky enough to become soldiers!
  War is not a quiet place for dates with a girl, but a loud point for acquiring concubines!
  The most persistent faith is disbelief, because it is empty in emptiness, and emptiness is not subject to criticism and does not contain flaws!
  The paradox is that an empty soul, a heart, is overflowing with malice spewing abomination! Coins sticky from bloody sweat don't stick to golden souls!
  Changes are always for the good, even the side stops hurting from a change of position, and people get bored from a change of ruler!
  You can"t put a dream on a leash, you can"t forge a fantasy with a chain, but reality can be easily turned into a dungeon!
  The nuts are tightened without breaking the threads, on the contrary, the heads are twisted off!
  It is better to be a strong tyrant than a weak liberal - the first is feared and respected - the second is humiliated and despised!
  The little microbe killer is the biggest non-criminal killer!
  Tricksters tend to be clumsy with their hands if they have to reach for... public needs!
  Courage is a feeling collective in form, individual in content and subjective in nature!
  The bullet is not God to bow to her, not the devil to fear her, not an angel to look at her, but whoever treats her in this way is worthy of a holy dignity!
  The song helps to live without sorrowful howls, to build without being built by an adversary!
  Those who do not look for easy ways in a fight will gain significant trophies!
  If the ambush has not passed, let the annoyance go away soon - be honest in an open battle, luck is yours in it!
  Honesty in war is good when you don't skimp on training, but when abuse is coming, boldly use cunning!
  Anyone can urinate in the toilet, only the one who will never allow himself to be planted at the bucket can dunk the villain!
  The storm of invasion of the Fatherland comes to that ruler who waits too long for the weather from the sea!
  The personal should not contradict the public, except when it comes to the delusions of the crowd, which cannot be known by society!
  Whoever quietly puts society over the personal will put the ringing of cash in his purse!
  And the snowman in the desert is sweeter than the one who takes on a wet job, without ardent confidence in his own composure!
  Rare luck at the expense of the opponent's stupidity will not replace the systematic use of a trained mind!
  It is possible to miss in battle more than once, but only when the only desire does not rush past the target, to accurately hit a peaceful place!
  They get into trouble, who delays the decision-making time, and does it without thinking about the moves, when the sickle goes past the millet!
  Work has made a man out of a monkey, and struggle, labor and knowledge will make a demiurge out of a man!
  Evil is the other side of the coin of good, without which the reward loses volume and weight!
  Pushing with those who are nearby is peculiar to stupid people, but in order to push strangers you must have the sharpest ingenuity!
  If you want to make ends meet, bring into the fray those who are trying to settle scores with you!
  A big spoon tears up your mouth, from a small belly it swells from hunger, and just right you can"t avoid the hassle of fighting overweight!
  It"s hard to part with everything, except for extra pounds of weight and getting rid of them is not easy!
  How easy it is to fly in, and how difficult it is to climb up!
  The vultures also have wings to take off, but in order to rise in spirit, one should not be inspired by the thoughts of scavengers!
  If you flutter in cold blood just to survive, you will become a butterfly in the snow!
  Friends know in trouble, but enemies, unfortunately, always bring it to it!
  Heroism can correct a mistake, but it will never justify slovenliness!
  The ruler's eloquence, like a drunkard's delirium tremens, pursues one goal - to be intoxicated and lead away from reality!
  The bullet is an excellent educational method, only the effectiveness of the impact drops from the frequency of use! Often the credibility will fall, and if you get there, you will have to bring up zombies!
  Religion lowers a proud person to the level of an animal - giving a choice between a sheep and a goat! And the strength of any religion is that, unlike atheism, you have at least an animal, but a choice!
  Lead aids digestion, especially if the pill is in the form of a cartridge! And why? You will never complain about the lack of appetite!
  Turtle psychology is not conducive to long life, because at a snail's pace you can't keep up with the swiftness that gives longevity!
  Not everything is gold that glitters, but everything that blinds the enemy is priceless!
  The monkey is the ancestor of man, whose behavior cannot be set as an example to descendants!
  Who can live with wolves, it will not be sad to howl!
  The lion is the king of beasts, but the human slave flays his skin!
  War is cinema, collective direction, individual performance, mass distribution and garnish fees!
  A good alchemist commander, pouring lead bullets of war into gold coins of reparations!
  Only those who have already died for a worthy life in their souls die shamefully! And if death is worthy, it is already immortality, which means real life!
  God is the hope of those who fail in matters that are by no means of devilish difficulty and diabolical complexity!
  Only those who know how to curb the jumps of thoughts are capable of a great leap of intellect!
  In war, everything is as old as the world, only troubles are always new, and equipment is outdated!
  You can be dumbfounded only by those who have balls frozen in their heads!
  The beggars in the porches are also able to shoot, and the rich are capable of hitting the target with military prowess!
  Even a fool can drive in with his fist, but only a real genius can make him squander what a smart enemy holds in his fist!
  Undershot volleys at the enemy is not yet a reason to fly off the hinges of the lid of the pot with a boiling mind!
  A loss always turns into a win, if you learn from it, and throw it away when you lose, it is not amenable to turnover!
  To lose to the strong is sometimes excusable, to lose from the impotence of one's own will is always a shame!
  The most serious thing in everyday life is the lack of the most frivolous things for life!
  A person's fantasy has no limits, the possibilities, in fact, too, but there will still be no satisfaction, because of the boundlessness of ambition, and the limited modesty of claims!
  Progress for humanity is certainly good, but if at the same time it serves you personally, then even better!
  The biggest crime is the absence of crimes, because without stepping on the line, you will always remain in one not the best place!
  Science is strong and can do anything, but against the weak will of the user, all its power is powerless!
  Who will come to glorious Rus' with a sword, if he does not lie down in the ground, he will run away marked with shame!
  Sometimes colossal ambitions are hidden in small compliance, like powerful muscles hide relief during a relaxing holiday!
  In life there is always a place for a feat, but not always for heroism!
  I love to fight, I hate war, I do not value peace, but I want to conquer it!
  The large size of the muscles is not always a sign of a small mind, but the large size of the technique always testifies to gigantic arrogance!
  You can become a superman without leaving the screen, but only in a dying glitch, without leaving the couch!
  Cruelty to others, the bitterness of mustard, cruelty to oneself is also not sugar, but a gentle attitude towards one's own weaknesses, even a honey river turns into a natural disaster!
  The point of the battle is tobacco, if you arrange smoke breaks during the battle, and forgetting with the language of squabbles that you are not in a fairy tale!
  Troubles come by themselves, only they are not cats, but rabid dogs!
  Any fool can go mad, but only those who are smart enough to achieve the satisfaction of ambition can go mad!
  Not every apartment has money, but the owner of the most impoverished shack can get a master key to the estate!
  The fire in the hearts never goes out, but the one who himself has a star in his soul!
  Tempted by a bitter bottle, you yourself will climb into a bottle where it is bitter!
  You can feed a wolf on a leash for a long time, but you can"t feed it if the leash allows you to grab it!
  It is possible to twirl a man, although one who is only twisted, and not untwisted, cannot be called a man!
  They allow themselves to be gutted, only those who are rotten in soul and butcher in morality!
  The raven is a symbol of wisdom, but not at all the one whose corpse he flew to peck!
  The one who fell with courage is not subject to decay, the coward who survived stinks worse than a corpse!
  Beautiful roses grow out of the mud when the Sun of the aspiration of light shines, and in hothouse, without shaking conditions, even worms start in honey!
  Everyone is lazy, but laziness comes out sideways, to those who lay it down, not wanting to toss and turn!
  Laziness is the engine of progress, but not for those who have become lazy to the point of losing their ambitions!
  There are no big problems, there are only small people who take on their solutions!
  A big man does not create small problems for his enemies!
  True greatness is content with little, but only in boasting, not pretensions!
  - The light of military science leads people into the darkness of the grave, under the dazzling bursts of shells!
  War is not for the faint of heart, but it gives a chance to calm down forever for any psychopath!
  A devoted servant, not to God - Satan!
  The wolf nurse of the forest with people who have stooped to the level of animals, but without the head physician of the wolfhound, the ambulance will always come to those!
  Forget about bad "milk" in shooting if you want to remember about fresh milk for kids!
  He who does not know how to crawl and looks up, his visor will not blind his eyes!
  For whom the army is too expensive, he will sell too cheap with his role under the occupation!
  A genius on a promise, like a king on a chair!
  That's exactly how the king is on a chair, not a throne, because a promise, without implementation, is just a chair - a sewer!
  A person can be gifted in everything, but only one thing is given to us not by nature, but by upbringing - the ability to sacrifice our egoism to people!
  A sharp bayonet is better than a sharp word, the last sting leaves, as a rule, only invisible scars!
  Progress is certainly hard work, but the hardest thing is for those who do not want to burden themselves with scientific and technological development!
  A wise raven can give advice, but not to the one he is already pecking at!
  The snake is struck in the head, and the army is defeated, having lost the commander, or, what happens much more often, without having one at all!
  The head is a thing that is often lost, but not by those who hold it on their mighty shoulders!
  Wolves don"t bark, donkeys don"t fly, but a person is capable of dogging and being stupid, without effort!
  Who, idle, waits until the cancer hangs on the mountain, he himself will kneel and cancer!
  Every soldier can die, but to give an oak, only an oak martinet!
  To attack, of course, is a temptation, but one has to fall away, tempted by excessive takeoff!
  During life we walk with our heels on the blade of a knife, but the cutting dagger, unfortunately, ends only with a fall into the abyss of non-existence!
  He who offends the weak has already weakened his mind and strengthened his worthlessness!
  Often people say stupid things when there is nothing to say, but even more often they do them when smarter deeds, although they are available, are deprived of the ease of a stupid embodiment!
  A good move, its time is always bad - a great move late is always a defeat!
  You can fight with a good country, trade with anyone, but, alas, no
  Opportunities to show mercy even to the worthy until victory is won!
  A lot of enemies means a lot of coffins, only if you are with the strength of an oak, and with a wit of a fox!
  A donkey can also command, only a lion is capable of commanding!
  For lunch, the enemy is game, you need to reach the level! But, and if the lunch itself - it means that there is no class at all!
  The precision of courtesy of kings, and the instrument of courtesy, of those claiming to be king!
  Life without adventures is worth nothing, and without the ability to make them, life becomes completely negative ballast!
  How easily people learn cruelty, and how painfully difficult it is to raise them to that level of training so that they can avoid cruelty towards themselves and protect others from cruelty!
  Pity is a feeling that dies out in the process of evolution and instills in the process of education, but you cannot bring up the denial of what helps to survive!
  Great ignorance looks scary, but is not dangerous unless it is yours!
  Miracles in our life come to those who do not sleepily nod, but keep their nose to the wind and do not expect a miracle!
  There is nothing impossible for a person, if something does not work out, it is only because a particle of an animal has not yet completely pushed back the humanity of knowledge and skill!
  Whoever decides that he has finished the job and can leave, runs the risk of forever remaining at the level of the Moor and not finding Desdemona!
  You can be flesh as a moor, but you can't shirk responsibility with a white reputation!
  Life is not a movie, but it charges for each screening!
  Cinema is not life, but the scenario of real life always carries more intrigue!
  - The scenario of any assumes an unexpected ending, but unlike real life, it only suggests!
  The ending in life is always unexpected, even if you are waiting for it, and in the cinema it is predictable, even if you are looking forward to it!
  The finish in the cinema always leads to the fact that you get up, leaving the chair, but in life, others respectfully get up, because they have already left their place under the sun!
  Our world is full of fire, yes, unfortunately not love passion!
  It is easy for a person to ignite anger, but good impulses in the soul only smolder!
  When righteous anger burns good, bad - when righteousness burns out in anger!
  Cones get out, who without a norm eats donuts!
  War is always dirty, but it perfectly launders the profits that stink with meanness!
  Whoever jumps from the mountain without fear will go uphill, but he will not find an injury, and he will bypass the bruises!
  It cannot end badly for those who do not end with optimism and good mood!
  Those who have cleansed themselves of the foam in the soul will be able to celebrate a clear victory with foamy champagne!
  Glitter is often empty, except for those cases when the adversary blown up by you is blazing!
  Courage is always for the good of the cause, only if it is insane only in the perception of the enemy!
  However, what does not happen in the world, but no one girds himself with an ax, but instead of Stolypin's tie, he always demanded!
  Not everyone is born feathered, but everyone is able to raise a bird of great flight in himself!
  There is a lot of foam in the world, but there is little opportunity to wash your conscience!
  A well-fed writer is like a couch potato, his work reeks of rotten stale straw!
  Fortresses are taken by the brave, but they keep firmly conquered, only with a skilled intellect!
  Tears of your horror are like gasoline fueled by the combustion engine of the impudence of the adversary, but if they blaze with the fire of rage, only a hysterical roar will remain from the engines of the invaders!
  Do not peck with your nose during the fight, so only one nose will remain with you, for plowing the land!
  A whirlwind in muscle movements and movement techniques leads to victory, but the brains went whirlwind, even efforts from the adversary are not needed to defeat!
  The barber of war, who cuts off the shoots of life, unlike the ordinary barber, will never be left without work and with an empty mammon!
  A person, unlike a member, should not stand, otherwise he ceases to be a member of the winning team!
  Dogs bark well when squabbling, but they are very bad when you need to claim your own piece of prey!
  In battle, life is like in a movie, before the eyes ripples from frames, only these frames, fortunately, have only black and white quick wit!
  Fear is experienced by millions, it is unknown to a few, but millions of horror reduces to zero, and one real brave man will conquer infinity!
  How often, before salvation, when there is not enough fun for that moment that wasted disastrous entertainment!
  From all sides you can be a good person, but for the reputation of a bastard, a small speck on one side is enough!
  And the dead will not rest, so there is no rest in the universe full of movement!
  Pain is beautiful when it is useful and terrible when it is harmful!
  Without a chance to get under the distribution of someone who is cowardly and stupid to boot!
  For that and a dead poultice, so that hell does not get too hot!
  Even a man with a lion's heart can forever fold his wings if his indecision is banned in a wingless shell!
  The word was in the beginning, but this beginning is so distant that sometimes it doesn"t even reach the deeds!
  Peasants are the bone of the Motherland, workers are the blood, businessmen are the brain! One cannot exist without the other!
  War is what happens in heavy and adult films, but the only lightness is that it is available for viewing and for children, moreover!
  The gold of silence is more eloquent than the silver of literature, so the first metal is nobler, and therefore redder or more beautiful!
  Retribution always comes unexpectedly, salary is always late!
  It's hard to hit the bone, for someone who doesn't have a backbone in his soul and a joker in his pocket!
  And if you hit the wall all the time with your forehead, over time your forehead will turn into scrap, and the walls of bricks into scrap metal - the conclusion; do not bring the dictator to the people to a state where all that remains is to beat your head against the wall!
  Knowledge is power - ignorance is courage!
  Knowledge really makes us stronger, ignorance instead of strength gives the illusion of omnipotence!
  An enemy strong in flesh and, moreover, strong in mind, will make friends with the head, those who are weak in the head and strong only in hindsight!
  There are no bad soldiers, there is useless drill, which is useless because it drills, and does not teach!
  Drilling can be forced to listen to the educator, but obedience cannot be brought up!
  War is not complete without casualties, unless, of course, you count the nouveau riches who make do with donations!
  Secret donations for the sake of the Fatherland will make it possible to acquire obvious profits in the Fatherland, avoiding victims in a foreign land!
  Everything secret becomes clear, except for the limit that will come to mysterious discoveries!
  The first impulse of a man is to intercede for a woman, get a slap! And only then hard reflections come: for the sake of what it climbed - the demon beguiled!
  Happiness loves courage, and honor wins! He who has lost fear has gained kinship with the gods!
  - Arrows are like raindrops, they can knock you down, but at the same time they help to thoroughly quench your thirst. Then you will not want anything, except for something spiritual!
  Only aging on the battlefield will allow you to avoid fermentation of victory champagne rotten from missed deadlines!
  Who does not have endurance, then there will be a sour wine of defeats, and a bitter swill of losses!
  They fight with skill, not with the number of gods helping in the battle!
  Getting into trouble is easier than sowing millet;
  Even a high mind will not save you from the lowest meanness if your thinking is too lofty and devoid of earthiness!
  You can get away from a tough fate, but you can"t hide from yourself if you are a weakling inside!
  Light cannot be seen without shadow, pleasure cannot be felt without suffering, Christ cannot be understood without Lucifer!
  To be one does not mean to wear one chain, to become one means to carry a common cross!
  War is not without losses, only losses are without war!
  Love without a quarrel is like a world where mountains are hidden - it seems easier, but with them the flesh is stronger!
  A woman is a treasure that can bribe the richest and a weapon that can bring down the strongest!
  A woman is more like a treasury note than a treasure, storage quickly reduces value, use makes a profit!
  If you want happiness for one, find an obedient wife, if you want grief for all, organize an uprising!
  Strength is synonymous with freedom, freedom is synonymous with duty, duty requires self-sacrifice and renunciation!
  Weakness is a synonym for bondage, bondage is a synonym for betrayal, betrayal requires selfishness and selfishness!
  Psychology is the key to victory, you just need to be able to choose the right lock!
  The lock that locks victory, the psychology of an outsider and an alarmist!
  The heart is not sent to intelligence, and the head is not chopped!
  The war has not a woman's face, but a woman's hysteria, with a man's ruthlessness!
  The red color does not always symbolize cunning, but always gives out in the dark as a signal light!
  Youth is a treasure that changes quality over time, but does not lose value!
  It is better to keep youth than to bury success!
  The loser is always wrong, but it is always fashionable to draw the right conclusions from the loss!
  It is not good to be trifles in a big matter, but it is even worse not to attach importance to trifles because of a small craving for idleness!
  War does not have a feminine face, but it gives rise to a masculine character!
  The procrastination of death is similar, in a leisurely pace through life they pass only to the cemetery, but whoever always has time, gains immortality!
  Justice requires sacrifice, charity requires donations, and the success of a just cause requires sacrifice!
  A Russian warrior can die standing, but he will never live on his knees! Russia may bleed, but no blood will make our courage and loyalty to the Fatherland bleed!
  The fists of goodness grow quickly, only such an escape dries up the juices to evil bile!
  Alas, the truth always seems banal, and stupidity is distinguished by originality! But the truth is uttered by individuals with an original individuality, and nonsense with banal commercialism!
  Genius can simplify unknowable complexity, but true genius is easy to know, being incomprehensible to borrow!
  The simplicity of a genius differs from the primitiveness of a dullard, like a face stained with soot, from a diamond placer - despite the general formula!
  Throat tearing up with a cut rooster, who is a complete chicken in a fight!
  The head is blown away by the wind of frivolity if it is not filled with weighty reasoning!
  Whoever blows his nose in the wrong place will blow his nose in the position of snot!
  It is certainly good when the red tongue pours out eloquence, but it is even better when the red speech stops the outpouring of crimson blood!
  Blood is red, but most often sheds from black thoughts and ugly deeds!
  Do not be ashamed of poverty, be ashamed of your miserable acumen in striving for material prosperity!
  You can retreat in battle, but you can't yield in war!
  The army moves back not from fear, but like a fist to swing!
  A coward is not the one who scares, but who is afraid!
  Vile fear has many dirty disguises, courage is always beautiful, pure and frank!
  The black hole is brighter when in the icy ether: a pair of burning hearts are blazing!
  What is stronger than the embrace of a cosmic black hole? Only stupidity has grown to cosmic proportions in a holey head!
  Stagnation in growth, most likely puts in regression!
  A person who is idle in business will serve time without any business!
  The limit to perfection is the imagination of the imperfect!
  Will is the index finger that lies on the trigger of the ray gun - its weakness is suicidal, inertness is doubly suicidal!
  Often those who preferred freebie donuts to the stale bread of self-denial often puff!
  Our motherland is our mother, but the heroes carry a flag over it, and do not grab it by the skirt!
  Oil is black gold, because it denigrates the morality of those who fight for it and covers the well-being generated by it with scrofula!
  In our world there is everything except the peace in the soul, everything that the soul desires!
  Man managed to outdo God in one thing, proving that even the Almighty Creator is not able to put up a barrier to human ambitions and a barrier to ambitious thoughts!
  The forbidden fruit is sweet, but bitter is the residue of a miscarriage permitted by bigots!
  Victory over a defenseless victim is worse than defeat from a worthy opponent, even if not for a purse, but for a purse of heavenly treasures!
  If you want to punish a man, make him live with one woman, if you want to punish more severely, add another mother-in-law to them, and if you want absolute punishment, impose the duty of rinsing the offspring of diapers!
  Gold is heavy, but only with such a load can the donkey overcome any pass!
  Whoever has not burned the life of a hare does not die like a frozen rabbit!
  The best lubricant for a blade is blood, it not only removes the rust of complacency, but flavors better than butter, the bread of military trophies!
  A skinny purse makes a warrior light on his feet, although the prospect of weighting up the spirit lifts better!
  Suffering gives birth to hatred, hatred to anger, and anger to valor!
  The soul cannot be killed, but it can be wounded to the point of wanting to die!
  The most important enemy of a person is the stomach, especially when it replaces the brain!
  The stomach can digest everything, but not when it is used instead of the head to digest information!
  The more enemies, the easier it is to shoot them, the fewer winners, the heavier the trophies!
  There is no life on Mars, if we look at nature like Martians, then there will be no life on Earth either!
  The earth is native to people, but the stepmother is for nonhumans!
  Cruelty is like oil in a rifle barrel, it's good, unless you yourself are at gunpoint!
  Brilliant is simple, but effective to genius is doubly simpler!
  For those who do not leave positions, but the means to retain them, and do not suffer from speech incontinence!
  The technique is metal, but it is controlled with nerves of steel, but not with a cast-iron head!
  If your wings have been clipped, take comfort in the fact that this is strong evidence of your not being wingless!
  The brain has neither arms nor legs, but it moves mountains, and arms and legs without a brain cannot even move!
  Man, of course, overcame the beasts by the power of the mind, but to overcome the bestial in oneself is possible only without going beyond the mind in the most inhuman conditions!
  Like a jack-in-the-box in Papa Carlo's closet!
  Fascism is when they put you in jail for such a harmless sign as a swastika!
  Revenge is sweet, but the man who passionately loves her like a fly out of shit!
  Politics is a dirty business, so maybe it"s not worth discussing it at the table for hygiene reasons!
  Sideways crawl out rear thoughts not thought out in advance!
  The victorious routine of the battle flow is available only to those who do not stop in search of an original way to avoid defeat!
  They beat those who are punchy only on the go-ahead from the battle!
  The growth of difficulties does not diminish the ease of acquisition, for a man prepared for work!
  Growing in skill, do not humiliate the one who was not born a master!
  A smart wife is like a mink coat, beautiful, but exhausting in a warm place, until the cold of life's problems sets in!
  Knowing no obstacles along the way, and believe the finish line can not be found without problems!
  A creditor who requires the enemy to pay for crimes does not borrow courage, ingenuity and cunning!
  You can be cowardly more than once, but courage is lost only once!
  It may be more than once in the world to carry a bungler, but in a war it is enough to carry away a single blunder!
  Fear can arise, and for no reason, but courage has three roots - reason, calculation and pragmatism, which weave a pigtail of success!
  Success does not change that in failure does not change duty!
  Evil strength for harm, like a stupid weakness, only acts on a much larger area!
  They run away in fear, but they don't run away from fear!
  You can run away from the enemy, but you can not hide from the horror that the enemy instilled in the fugitive!
  The science that equips the soldiers increases the strength of the army, exactly as much as it weakens the disarming ignorance of the military leaders!
  Speed is needed not only when catching fleas, but also so that fleas do not start from a long lying!
  Not everything is great in incarnation that is great in the size of ambitions, especially that which has grown out of petty ideas!
  Stupidity and fear of a stepmother to a man, but mothers to each other: one gives rise to another!
  A good warrior is three times a beast: fierce, fearless, dexterous, but the lack of human ingenuity leaves him at the level of an animal!
  There are a lot of unusual things in the world that are always amazing, but in war you stop being surprised very quickly!
  Whoever has the impulses of a hot head in the first place, is carried forward with cold feet!
  A shod consciousness most certainly turns one into a tramp!
  Stupidity well covers, but warms only one's own delusions!
  A ruler who promises his subjects the Moon tends to drive them to a dog's life!
  In Russia there is everything except one thing: the boundaries by which you can measure the limits of the possibilities of the Russian nation!
  A woman is a man in twins, a Russian woman, a woman is triple, but the one who is already over six appeared to be another six!
  Invisibility is a bad quality for an actor, diplomat, pop star, but it is indispensable in a war, where acting, diplomatic intrigues, and pop singing do not save you from a volley!
  Heroes die with music, and the highest heroism sometimes live without singing along to the march!
  Marriage also needs to be redone to avoid stagnation, unless of course the newlyweds want a defective divorce process!
  The most wonderful thing in a dim world is that miracles in war are blinding with brightness!
  There is no truth in the legs, as a rule, it is mined on the legs!
  A bad head finds rest for its feet only in a cemetery!
  War makes you sweat, but unlike a bath, with a large steam, fractures cannot be avoided!
  No matter how hard it is in war and the great price of victory, it is even harder for those who avoid war at all costs!
  The strength of the enemy is directly proportional to your weakness in self-esteem, and inversely proportional to his own conceit!
  A person can still use the divine qualities a little bit, but none of the people succeed in avoiding the crucifixion to the fullest!
  Whoever believes in immortality lives forever, for only those who believe in their own death truly die!
  Sometimes it"s good for the hunter that the game didn"t come across, because his armor is like paper, and the chains of the trap are like a thin thread!
  Patience is the key to victory if it is not combined with humility in the face of evil!
  Death, like a port whore, hangs around everyone, but only comes to those who have a hollower head than a wallet!
  The length of a knight's pedigree is an excellent measure of the height of impulses and greatness of spirit!
  The enemy is also not finished off, just as the disease is often not cured, only if the latter can go away on its own, then there is no way to avoid complications from unfinished rejection!
  Fleeing may still make sense, but a senseless flight has no salvation!
  The coward died before he saw the first bullet, the brave will be the first in life, despite the bullets!
  A bodily injury can be corrected by a small success of human science, but the Supreme Reason is sometimes powerless before correcting moral deformity!
  War is the kind of madness for which the talented and wise prepare, and which only true geniuses can avoid!
  There is no complete rest even in the grave, there is no complete rest even in a dream, which means that it is impossible to get tired further!
  In our world, nothing is given for nothing, even betrayed even for a broken penny!
  The devil is painted unsightly, but the most terrible thing in the unclean is the ability to serve poison in a pretty wrapper!
  War smells of burning, but sometimes the refusal of war smells much worse!
  There are no boring fights in reality, there is only a mediocre film adaptation of battles to the point of ridiculous colic!
  Family storms, like the wind in the sails, the ship is shaking, but God forbid from complete calm!
  A coward does not play hockey, but he loses, flying out of life with a puck!
  He who fights well, he can perfectly keep what he has won, if he can reduce his greed to satisfaction!
  You cannot build personal success on bones, even if the bones are the relics of ancestors glorified by past deeds!
  The relics of the ancestors are not just bones, the glory of a feat is not just a sound!
  An ugly victory is better than a beautiful loss, because the winner can always embellish reality!
  The crippled can't eat their fill, but the dead don't bite at all!
  Victory over a strong enemy is honorable, victory over a staunch enemy is doubly honorable!
  Deception is tortuous, but the truth is direct, the truth of the first, as a rule, leads to the goal faster if it is sinuosity without bends and smeared with oil of fat promises!
  But patience and work, like a married couple, give rise to success, however, under the condition of a long stay and approach with love!
  The wisdom of Asia is good, the savagery of Asians is bad!
  One lion is able to put a thousand sheep to flight, but one ram of lions is able to ram a thousand of his brothers!
  In war, one quickly unlearns to be surprised, except perhaps for the fact that he is still alive and has not deserted!
  The most terrible thing in war is fear, which you cannot reduce to ordinary discretion!
  To become a puppeteer of the theater of life, you need to get rid of the helplessness of the puppet at least in the distribution of roles in the kitchen!
  In war, peace is only a dream, but it is a dream full of deadly nightmares!
  Courage is the hook rope of resourcefulness that catches luck on the battlefield!
  The sharpness of the tongue cannot be sharpened by the millstones of a dull mind!
  You can't build happiness on deceit, but you can build happy ones on deceit!
  Do not finish off the enemy, that the field is not weeded with weeds, the harvest of victory will spoil the tares of sabotage and sabotage!
  Winding paths lead directly to the goal, only the one who does not have a sidelong look!
  If you are numb with brains, then the curve of fate leads straight to the flat slab of the grave!
  Being a butcher in a war is a small honor, but becoming a chop is generally more dishonorable!
  Large cupboards not only fall loudly, but we are dusting with colossal sluggishness!
  Many skeletons in the closets of the conspirators give themselves away as a stench of decay that kills cowardice!
  Seven flies can be swatted by any fool, but only with seven spans on his forehead can he bring out one louse of betrayal!
  In war, it"s like in a bathhouse, and the heat and sweat and bones ache, but unlike the steam room, the higher you climb, the less ardor remains!
  The truth is always banal, but the cunning one will definitely find a way to distort it in an original way!
  The fight against evil gives birth to a feat, good without a feat gives birth to boredom!
  Diplomacy must be subtle, but this subtlety is the sharpness of the swords that secure our claims!
  Is there a sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet? But this is a very controversial syllable, friends, because their family has kept their youth!
  To stun is not yet to win, but if the enemy is really surprised, then consider that he has already been defeated!
  The difference between intelligence and cunning is in the frequency of use, they are always cunning, they are clever too often, but few people live by their mind!
  Science can do everything that a person can wish for, but not everything a person can wish for!
  Most often loses his head, who is too lazy to brainstorm!
  Hot patriotic ardor of hearts will cool the ambitions of the aggressors who raise the sword to the Fatherland!
  You can drive a nail with a cast-iron head, but only to put a noose for your neck!
  The one who saves on bribery loses the most.
  The people are not constant in their anger, but much more consistent in cult worship.
  Saving good, you will not gain good, especially if frugality turns into stinginess!
  So let's drink to the fact that our problems are always moderate, and acquisitions do not know the measure!
  Forget-me-nots indeed sprout on blood, because blood is not forgotten and the scars of the soul do not heal!
  They don"t fight in numbers, they only lose and fall asleep with the number of corpses!
  Seven fools fight evil, the eighth smart one fights with good!
  A blow to the enemy must be delivered on time, only to be substituted under the denture is always out of time!
  When starting a business, do not expect to end in idleness!
  Some people cut banknotes, others cut stupid people's hair, but most of the scammers don't care what the wool of a pig is!
  The executioner's ax can cut down the most beneficent articles of the constitution, unless they were inscribed by the feather of an eagle, and not a wet chicken!
  Your shirt is closer to your body, and the rope is closer to your neck, especially if it is stored by someone who was not born in a shirt!
  Selfish addictions allow you to rip off the skin on your boots, with "bast shoes" shod with their own mercantile interest!
  It's hard to scout the ford, but it's easy to drown in the water!
  Knowledge is not just the light of a beacon that illuminates the way for the attacking troops, but a scorching laser beam that burns out the positions of the adversary!
  Winners are not judged, the winner is the judge himself, who can only be appealed on the basis of the law of retribution and revenge!
  Death is a bad thing, but more in the process than in the consequences!
  Any catastrophe is first of all a colorful show, but the coloring is always a bloody shade, and the soundtrack is accompanied by a funeral march!
  If we did not have catastrophes, then there would be no feats, and without feats, life is like soup without pepper!
  War, like pepper, makes your eyes watery, but it makes life not insipid!
  You can ask for forgiveness for the one who accepted death, but you can"t make excuses for killing the one who sows death!
  To underestimate the enemy is to underestimate the lecture before the exam, only an assessment - a pair of two stakes will definitely cross each other, forming a grave cross!
  Who allows shavings to be removed from himself, has the intelligence of a stump and an oak consideration!
  Each meeting in the war is like a date with a loved one, it is impossible to forget, it is impossible to be late and very meanly evade!
  Cunning and calculation: how a husband and wife give birth to victory - honesty is the third extra!
  If clouds gather over the commander, this is better than when regiments thin out under the commander!
  The shame is not in a sense of fear, but when you allow yourself to be subjugated to him until you lose your sense of duty!
  When strong, appear weak; when weak, appear strong! This rule of deceit is good for war, but the ruler should not show weakness, even if the anger is full of bones, and the strength is like a mouse!
  Most of all, it turns into a skeleton that does not have the backbone of combat training!
  In order not to be devoured by adversary dogs, you need to eat a plate in military affairs!
  Do not be afraid of the shackles of a fascist, if you are able to bind your thoughts with a broom of purification!
  Dance differs from dance in that they dance to someone else's tune, and in dance you choose your own rhythm!
  Actions are always better than words, as they have a stronger foundation than shaking air!
  It's good to be a knight in war, without bargaining for courage, but only chivalry should be rational, like a shopkeeper's cunning!
  Murder is the only kind of sin, the evaluation of which depends so much on the form: abomination and valor with a single result!
  Danger is everywhere, but it is difficult when the mind flies in the star!
  Surrender is the last thing, it always leaves you extreme!
  You can still win without risk, but you can take advantage of the fruits of victory if you hold this big cat, like a tiger, by the mustache!
  You can get lost from the pursuer, only without losing your head getting a grant for the next one!
  There are no hopeless situations, it happens that there is no entrance to an advantageous position!
  You can even run away from your own shadow, deceive your own conscience, but you cannot hide from what you have no control over!
  He rarely has money, whose spirit is often translated!
  Everything in our world is given through combat, only problems come without problems!
  The transition from leaving is distinguished by the point of arrival at the last he is the last place to go!
  Keyhole as a woman requires intelligence and technicality!
  Stupidity is not always predictable, but always punishable!
  Sometimes a crime benefits humanity, and becoming a feat is only rewarded for it, as a rule, posthumously!
  Almighty God can do anything, but even he cannot surpass man in ambition and colorful imagination!
  Another thing in which God cannot surpass man is in craving for idle talk, the Almighty prefers to create with a word, and not play with words!
  Heaven is usually indifferent when asking for help, but this is a rule that only confirms the exceptions!
  There are many who want to become gods, but they don"t take a queue for a crucifixion!
  A sharp word is good, but it is even better to have a sharp eye in order to notice a stone thrown at you for a sharp expression!
  A tramp is one who allows himself to be shod by cunning people!
  To fly you need to work hard, to fly in, just take a break from work!
  When the bowler hat is empty, it flies up not with a violent wind, but with a cold-blooded blow!
  Philosophy is a net for catching frivolous simpletons, but only the cells in it depend on the frequency of the cerebral convolutions!
  Often a person, having become a god, at least a little crucifies people to the fullest!
  The greatest blessing of man, the predictability of God's will, it is also the worst of curses, so it drives us into the paradise of routine!
  Money doesn't smell, but it stinks to such an extent that businessmen always put on new suits!
  By saving on friends, you can fill mammon, but the emptiness of the soul will make your own capital an enemy!
  A man without a homeland is like a freak without marriage!
  It is difficult to survive, but it is possible, it is impossible to live, but it is easy!
  A penny saves a ruble from a prudent, a penny collects a penny from a practical one, and a greedy one and a penny leads to a noose!
  A double-edged sword, but it becomes beginningless in the hands of a man who turns into a monkey!
  When you are your own boss, only the initial instincts of selfishness can subdue you!
  It is difficult to find a reason to receive, but how easy it is to find a reason not to give!
  That our life is a game in which the rules are determined by the strongest, and the prize fund is the most cunning!
  Difficult success is better than easy failure, although luck must be sought, and defeat is always under your feet!
  Be a beast, but not an animal!
  Promising a lot is as easy as not being able to get everything!
  Let's drink to the fact that only we are conspiring, and the rest are entangled in them!
  Don't get into a sleigh that isn't yours, if you want to covet someone else's Mercedes!
  Sometimes when you win, you lose, because the worm of self-satisfaction and laziness takes over you!
  Resting after a victory is not a sin, but resting on your laurels is a crime!
  So let's drink to the fact that everyone who builds cunning traps against us falls into the trap of alphabetic protracted construction!
  The donkey roars louder than the barking of a fox, but he cannot prove that he is not a camel!
  So let's drink to the fact that any art other than military art requires sacrifice!
  War is a base deed done with lofty thoughts!
  War exhausts the body, but invigorates the spirit!
  It"s not bad to be the first, to be sure, but you shouldn"t boil the balls from behind!
  He will not allow himself to be eaten alive, the one whose balls are boiled night and day!
  A crazy tramp can even put on a "boot", under a heel!
  "Boots" do not shoe, the one who does not have a brain wax for polishing shoes!
  Strange as it may seem, there are many honest people at the top, but there are few among them who are able to do without false cunning in career growth!
  The politician plays fair, as often as the miner goes down the mine in a white coat, and the motive is the same: to get subsidies for laundering a tarnished reputation!
  A politician is a liar in life, and a hypocrite in deeds, but death is honest even with this rogue!
  Death is honest in that it always comes, but it is arbitrary in choosing the time of the visit!
  The most difficult slavery, to be a slave of the stomach - the master is merciless, regardless of emptiness or fullness!
  There is nothing more dangerous than one's own fear; neither walls nor guards can save it, and only faith and will can overcome timidity!
  War is like a chain, in it the corpses are like links, you can"t ignore the link, but you can"t cry over the dead - otherwise the chain will envelop you!
  Hope dies last, but unlike the rest, according to the Bible, the resurrection buries it completely!
  An easy death seems more seductive than a difficult life, but only when it does not turn from a mirage into a real choice!
  Fear is the most deadly thing in the world, so deadly it is both in the presence and absence!
  To win means to forgive, therefore, only one who has received retribution in full can be forgiven!
  Evil tends to progress, suffocating progress and stimulating science!
  War is a game without clear rules, but the one who prepared in advance can set the routine!
  One can prepare for war for a long time and stupidly, but one cannot make the state of jumping on the edge of a bayonet natural!
  A fight differs from a war in that the rules in a brawl are created without the UN charter!
  No one wants war, but everyone wants conquest, so let's win love, the only gain possible without war!
  They fight loudly for brides, but howl quietly under the heel!
  Fortune is capricious, but loves people who are unpretentious in everyday life and sophisticated in the spiritual sphere!
  A person whistles most often to avoid the retinue in his pocket and booing in the drama of life!
  Even the most learned man cannot explain two things: how the Lord God arose and where women get so many swear words from!
  Only once did the Almighty God lose the argument: he could not name the exact number of swear words of angry women!
  And the second defeat of the Almighty, he was able to count the number of tricks that women resort to when committing sins!
  And for the third time, God was powerless to take into account how many tricks the female has in cleaning men's pockets!
  The executioner is a despised profession, but it requires the skill of a surgeon, the virtuosity of a cellist and the demand of a cook!
  Insignificance is always in the majority, golden grains are rare among the sand!
  Fighting a woman is the last thing - victory does not bring laurels, defeat exposes to ridicule that cannot be washed away by exploits - however, conquest gives laurels of the highest feat!
  The nobility of the family increases responsibility - a dirty lion is an abomination, a dirty pig is just a future chop!
  However, when choosing a wallet or life, there is no choice, because without a wallet there is no life!
  Killing a woman is bad, except for a female in war!
  The desires of a person have no boundaries, as they are fulfilled, the boundary moves back, not knowing the boundary!
  Only the one who can outline the frontier of human ambitions is capable of surpassing the wisdom of God!
  There is no truth in wine, but fat roast, obtained by selling it!
  A lion differs from a sheep sometimes by dignity, and not by a roar!
  Speed without precision, fussiness of a muff without a prize!
  A man with an empty "bowler" is left without lunch, but he receives a prisoner's ration!
  They betray for profit, but always get a loss in trust, a minus in friends and a complete lack of security!
  Truth has many faces, but its faces in any weather always reflect the light!
  The head does not tolerate clumsiness, but it is the most productive working tool!
  Alcohol is the most accessible killer, only the customer pays for the rest of his life!
  Fear gives birth only to death, even if he managed to escape, managed to survive!
  Be afraid of jackals, don't take on the jungle!
  The best way to feel like a human is to help your neighbor, and to lower yourself to an animal by hitting the weak!
  The soup of battle needs such a spicy seasoning as death! The seasoning of death without the food of victory trophies causes only heartburn!
  Women win rather than cannons, but unlike them, they always have to break down to win!
  It is better to walk barefoot wisely than to be shod foolishly!
  Violence destroys steel, but only if the metal is rusted from the slime of lack of will!
  - The tears of a man give rise to rust in the armor of courage, the tears of a woman act like oil!
  An unfinished enemy, like an untreated disease, expect complications, but sometimes what needs to be left from him as a bacillus for vaccination!
  Caution in battle is like a shield, but you don"t have to close it to blind your eyes!
  The one who seeks risk when you can win without risking, a stupid egoist who amuses his vanity and exposes other fighters to senseless danger!
  The army is the best family if you are not an orphan with living parents!
  Simplicity is always ingenious, only mediocrity complicates everything, and abstruseness confuses between three pines!
  Instill fear in your enemies, but don't be a scarecrow for your allies!
  Paradox is the friend of genius, the brother of luck, and the enemy of pedantic mediocrity!
  The cry of a man looks like an animal roar, but the result is God's voice!
  One must be able to take a blow without substituting one's cheeks for beating!
  You also need to be able to lose, but it"s better not to acquire such a skill through personal experience!
  For logic is the basis of a victorious war and a viable civilization, a path and powerless without the adjustment of intuitive foresight!
  The bonfire of wrath is the engine of combustion of the military machine, but if it is inflamed beyond measure, it only generates an explosion of its own combat mechanism!
  Morality is the weapon of the weak and stupid. Service to the empire is the highest form of morality!
  Pain is a natural state for a warrior, we will gladly accept any suffering for the good of our homeland, and death is a reward for a brave fighter!
  Death does not scare us, the truth wins!
  Logical as irrationality itself!
  Logically, how to sculpt a snowman in hell!
  All styles are good except the one that led to failure, even if all paths lead to failure!
  Death is the evolution of the spirit!
  The laser is more correct than a reflector!
  Whoever drowns in his own shit will envy the fate of the hanged man!
  No one wants to take risks all their lives, but often the risk stops chasing you along with death!
  Real men play hockey, but they lose penalties like a woman, only fake louts!
  Fantasy has no limits, but the strength of the forehead of perception still has a limit!
  Almighty God can create everything, but even he is unable to embody all human fantasies and nonsense!
  A person can make any nonsense a reality, but only realists can make a dream come true!
  A great man may be bald, but only a nonentity is toothless!
  You won"t spread thanks on bread, but on the other hand, smearing snot for thanks, there is plenty!
  He who smears oily snot on his cheeks will never smear butter on bread!
  One sword is good, one and a half is worse!
  It is the tailless monkeys that tuck their tails best of all - no animal is so afraid of death and does not have such an art in killing as a person!
  Blood is the most sticky material, but it is not capable of cementing human grains of sand firmly enough to lay the foundation for happiness!
  At the same time, bloodletting releases the pus of corruption, the water of hypocrisy, the fat of parasitism, purifying the nation!
  One must first use strength to survive in war, but to live in peace, the use of the mind does not fade into the background!
  When strength is intelligence, it often remains idle, but its unemployment inevitably leads to impotence.
  No mind can eliminate the need for strength, but without the mind, the need for muscle always leads to need!
  Orders can decorate, but they cannot wash!
  Many people want to steal glory, few people want to give it, but it does not cost anyone for nothing!
  You have to pay for good fame, you have to pay for bad fame, only the unknown is worthless!
  Fame is expensive, but it smells of greenery, and you can only earn stinking green bruises from obscurity!
  There is an abyss between fame and obscurity, the bridge of which is built by talent, diligence and luck! Moreover, without the latter, as a rule, you fall into the abyss of shame, without the first into the abyss of imminent oblivion, and without the second builder you fly into the steam of frivolity! Therefore, in the love of fame, unlike marriage, there is no third superfluous!
  It's good to take the coolest of all, it's bad when you get the coolest from everyone!
  Death, strangling the neck, always comes ahead of time, but not in relation to the enemies that stand across the throat!
  All of us, in fact, are spies, therefore we have made hypocrisy alien to ourselves and nature!
  Wit is a gift from which exaggerated conceit bursts!
  Appetite comes with eating, and nausea from hunger before the start!
  Everyone can sit in ambush, a hunter who is brave in soul!
  Drinking creates the illusion of heaven, but the destructiveness of the underworld makes the hangover real!
  The strength of a knight lies in the ingenuity that makes the most powerful enemies powerless!
  The drunk will oversleep, but the fool has nothing to hangover with!
  Gold is soft, but it makes the fetters harder than damask steel!
  A penny saves a ruble, but no one will guard for a penny, which can be spent for bucks!
  Murder is a feat equivalent to a crime and a crime equivalent to a feat!
  Even with strength, you can only break firewood, but at the same time leaving the children without a hot lunch!
  Better to be a stick-rod than zero!
  The main similarity between heroism and wisdom is the absence of an age of attainment!
  He who works for himself works well, he laughs well who, not for the last time, discourages laughing at himself!
  Winning by number, not by skill, is only in the election of soul catchers, and then those who know how to make the number of those who swallowed the bait!
  Progress is like galloping horses, where only the coachman allows himself the luxury of sleeping criminally!
  You can lose many times, get bruises and bumps without number, but they will melt with honor even unlike life, only once!
  Russian fighters do not retreat in battles, our rati are victorious in battle!
  Tired of the bald man pulling out hairy hairy wigs to cover his bald insecurities!
  A person has two weak points: the presence of soft flesh, the absence of a solid mind!
  Courage is the quality of the human mind, cowardice is the product of the instinct of self-preservation, and the ability to win is given to brilliant self-preservation that killed the cowardice of a brave man!
  A Russian soldier can be killed with only two bullets, but dignity can be destroyed with one cowardly offense!
  From the great to the ridiculous, not even a step, but just one stumbling!
  It"s good when an action becomes a habit, it"s bad if a bad deed turns into a habit to suffer defeat!
  An inquisitive mind can lead to a rack, but the lack of intelligence and curiosity will surely make existence a torment!
  If you are able to raise your mind on its hind legs, then only those who want to lower you will hang on the hind legs!
  Ingenuity is a rope that pulls out of the abyss, but only unlike an ordinary rope, those who are smart enough not to fall into the abyss cling to it!
  The morning of the evening is wiser, and most importantly fresher, if you are not windy with your mind at sunset!
  It is not easy to accept the cross at will, but it is easy to be crucified without any desire! It's hard to be God, but avoiding Golgotha is even harder!
  The song helps to build - especially in the ranks, and to live, albeit not always in clover!
  They learn from mistakes, but they repeat anyway, forgetting that in this case, repetition is the mother of not learning, but torment!
  The worst thing is not that people make mistakes, but that they stubbornly blame anyone but themselves for mistakes, except for the mistake that leads to success!
  In war, as in chess, any sacrifice for the sake of a checkmate is only covered with a checkmate, for some reason they bring them!
  A man, even having achieved technological omnipotence, will still remain only half God, and they will crucify him, just as completely as during the impotence of a savage!
  It is difficult to be God, but to remain a monkey is completely unbearable!
  Can infinity increase, maybe, since the unknown is infinite, and even increases with cognition!
  When a teenager becomes a great demiurge, whether everyone will be fine is a moot point, but what will become fun is beyond doubt!
  War is a game in which only the winners set the rules, and even then only in hindsight!
  Problems are eternal to infinity, it is a pity that only an eternally problematic life does not last so long!
  There is one advantage in hell, this is a place where you will definitely get a ticket, and even pay extra for getting into it!
  Nature does not have bad weather, but useless weather forecasters will definitely make a bad weather forecast!
  It's bad when a smart person is alone, but even worse when he is surrounded by idiots!
  A smart man loses nothing even when he loses, a fool even when he wins, remains only with his nose!
  Movement is life both on the attack and on the offensive, and even sitting in ambush does not provide an exception to this rule!
  I am not saying that there is no God, but I can firmly state that the Divine order is completely absent!
  Well, the arrow is just a means, accuracy was inherited from the bati!
  A tramp is usually "shod", a boot with a soul is a shoe with a mind!
  The sword does not become dull if it is sharpened with words not on a grindstone!
  The immortality of any beauty, unfortunately, is always combined with a deadly effect!
  So let's drink to the fact that only beauty kills us, and not driven to the grave by longing because of its absence!
  War does not have a feminine face, but it gives rise to whims that do not suit real men!
  A woman in war is like a piano in the bushes, but unlike the piano, it is not only suitable as a bedding and an instrument for singing!
  Time spoils beauty if, instead of the aroma of wines, it spits out the muttering of bad habits!
  Debt above all! Only, let the debt not be higher than the whole state!
  How unjust life is, and how untimely death! Moreover, if we can still change the first, then only the descendants of the demiurges can correct the second!
  Beauty is equal to the mind in the ease of victories, but inferior in the value of their use!
  Speed in thinking leads to victory, haste in conclusions can only lead to disaster!
  That lady is bad, that she cannot lay down the gentleman, and raise his dignity. Even worse, the one that does it with the noise of an unworthy scandal, unless of course this is a pop star!
  You can do without soap in the bath, but you can"t go to battle without camouflage!
  There may be no winner in a war, but there will always be a loser!
  Even the most charming woman puts a man down only for a while, but the lousiest machine puts him down forever!
  The revolution sounds beautiful until it comes to weeping and wailing for those who died on the barricades!
  No matter how heavy a full stomach is, this is precisely the heaviness that anyone would prefer to the lightness of an empty stomach!
  Real death is never beautiful, otherwise it is a step into immortality!
  Fear overcomes the strongest, but only because the force abandoned the mind and calculation, which shows that there is no reason to be afraid in any case!
  Good must have a sharp sword and a shield stronger than titanium!
  Oh, how easy it is to get into pervacha, keep silent, but not when answering exam questions!
  Silently you can cut banknotes, only without golden eloquence their dignity will be ringing copper
  Silence is golden, mined from the mines of the human imagination, which always prefers to trust the unspoken!
  War is such a craft where, having faked, you yourself remain at a loss!
  When playing a musical instrument, lovers of sleep are out of tune, and on a military instrument, those who fall asleep forever!
  When marching, they often sing out of tune, but the howl from those laid in a row is always natural!
  In every stupidity there is an admixture of the mind, and in every wisdom of stupidity, only in this brush a headache arises only from stupid abstruseness!
  If wisdom causes yawning and stupidity laughter, then wisdom is stupid, stupidity is wise!
  A white robe is out of place in a coal mine, but mercy in war makes even less sense!
  Mercy in war is selfish, it only works when it's personal to you!
  In war, there are many things that you would not want for yourself, but after the war you will never refuse the desire to experience what you would not wish for the enemy!
  Forbidden fruit is sweet, but it's even sweeter to forbid sweets for free!
  By chance you can win, but you can"t win up, because the one who enjoys the fruits of victory wins up, and here there are no accidents!
  A miss in exploits, this is a characteristic feature of those who seek to hang back from military service!
  Accuracy down to a second courtesy of kings, but only caliphs for an hour, allow their opponents to calculate the time and direction of the next steps!
  Without labor, you can"t pull the fish out of labor, but you can easily hook on the hook!
  Strength cannot be bad, it is wise, but it is used for evil by the weak in the head!
  War is not a woman's business, but it knocks out a cowardly woman's insides from a peasant!
  A good soldier hits, a bad one fights back, and a great warrior will kill with one blow!
  When the people's forces fail to be tied into a strong broom, it turns out to be a dilapidated coffin and a holey slave bedding - only a single goal should bind, and not fear of punitive bodies!
  More dangerous than a Russian warrior, only your own self-confidence, it will kill you even in a safe place!
  Kindness must be with the fists, but you cannot find reliable protection with the middle peasants by courage!
  You can"t divide by zero, but they divide zeros according to morality, taking away from those who have been set to zero by the mind!
  You can live and bury your talent, but you can't survive without burrowing skillfully from shelling!
  Shooting at sparrows from cannons is stupid, but wasting a bullet on a crow is doubly stupid!
  If the ruler imagines that he is the Lord God, then Calvary awaits his subjects, without a chance of resurrection!
  The ruler, who seriously claims to be God, will face the fate of a funny primate in folk jokes!
  Flashlights under the eyes get the one whose brains are enlightened only during the impact!
  A cigarette is not so terrible as brains in the form of an ashtray!
  A politician-invader by vocation is a vampire, but no matter how much blood a ghoul sips, he will always stick around on an aspen stake of people's hatred!
  Everything impossible in reality is possible in a dream, and a dream to become a reality who does not know the word is impossible!
  A life fixated on the links of trifles really turns into a suffocating routine like a chain!
  Fairy tales should have a happy ending, so why in reality the end of a person is always fatal!
  Death is always a masterpiece, because it is unique and always a hack, because it is not in demand for personal use!
  Don't say you're sick if you want to pick sweet pears!
  Blood flows like water, but tears flow!
  The Nazis have gasoline from coal, their souls are black and blood is ersatz!
  Dreaming is not harmful, but the most destructive thing in the world is to indulge in dreams instead of action!
  It is not given to dreamers to turn a dream into reality, to realists it is not given to make it real so that one could dream about it!
  - The slave of his own passions will never be able to subdue, the one who has one passion to serve humanity!
  Belief in life after death allows you to fill your pocket during life, for those who do not believe in anything other than mammon!
  Beat the strong, that taste the honey in the beehive, it tastes sweet, it hurts to bite!
  It hurts on the legs like on asphalt, but forward feet under the asphalt without any feelings at all!
  A person can be late for everything except his own funeral, and that is because he always counts on a later date!
  Who does not have a dear mind in this light, in the future will acquire darkness, at a discounted rate!
  War is the opposite of a woman in the weaning of life, but it is similar in the temptation to enslave a man!
  They don"t spread horseradish on honey, they don"t eat Snickers vodka, they don"t drink beer during Lent!
  The machine is a beast, man as a machine is worse than an animal!
  Blindness protects against murderous fear, but not from what is put in the grave!
  Prey is not always valuable, but when it is not, then no one will stand the price for the sake of getting it!
  A person seeks God as a nurse, but finds it as a pacifier for his infantile perception of the world!
  Almighty God is needed by everyone, but for some reason only the weak with primacy requests ask for his help!
  It was not man who came from the monkey, but human disbelief in the possibility of living not according to the laws of the jungle!
  A man is ashamed to admit his kinship with a monkey, but what pride is the possession of an animal grip!
  The law of God's commandments is inferior in practice to the law of the jungle, but theoretical scholasticism is used by everyone who wants to snatch an animal!
  You will not be able to drink the sea, if only because it is impossible to separate the river flows flowing into it from sea water!
  A man, like a hungry primate, dreams of robbing God, but only his little soul filled with vomit of base passions remains robbed!
  God is the savior for everyone, but not everyone wants to save their lives and part with suicidal egoism and destructive bestiality!
  For some reason, people do not like human competition, but they love animal squabbles, and with such tastes, the descendants of primates do not have the right to bear the proud name of man!
  People are infinite in their ability to improve, in this respect they have an unlimited advantage over the Creator, who is already perfection!
  Those who await Golgotha are already equal to the Creator in fate, even if only for three hours! And for those who chose the path of Judas, equal with Satan during all eternity of torment!
  There is a lie in the war, there is an empty lie in the world!
  The one who predictably plans his victories always loses!
  The motherland begins with a shout of cheers on the lips of a child, but a man does not need to remain an eternal baby who does not go beyond bellowing in love for the Fatherland!
  There are no untalented people, there are only mediocre connoisseurs, and mediocre abilities in the realization of talents!
  Chess is not just a game, it makes even the checkmate swear by annoyance!
  It"s good to laugh at the one who laughs last, but not at the meagerness of the trophies inherited by the latecomer!
  Sometimes they do stupid things with a smart look, but if you do it with a stupid look, even a smart act will turn into an idiotic result!
  True, it is not harmful, it is bitter like a healing medicine, only sometimes it needs a shell of sugary lies!
  Science gives man strength for everything, only medicines for abstruseness cannot be invented!
  Laughter revives a person, even when laughter is ridiculous to death!
  Time you are the strictest judge, you judge without witnesses and you never justify ... Well, perhaps posthumously!
  A man has adopted a craving for gluttony from a pig, from a fox to cheating, from a monkey to imitation, from a hare cowardice, but in an effort to subdue everyone, even the Lion is his apprentice!
  Know usually to those who are afraid of the godfather! He thinks that the khan is a godfather, but in reality he is just a boor!
  The pomposity of a brightly colored peacock is most characteristic of gray personalities and dull minds!
  The unbeaten enemy is terrible, but this is too short a period of time to have time to be properly scared!
  A soldier can become meat for a cannon if the head is not a tool for throwing non-standard moves!
  The large caliber of the barrel does not compensate for the small mind of the gunner, but the immediacy of crushing is in capable hands!
  Mercy in war is a luxury, and luxury in military affairs is harmful, except in the case of a generous reward for an altruistic hero!
  It is not good to look a gift horse in the mouth, but it is even worse to be left without a jaw when the gift is carelessly used!
  Moaning in pain after being injured is just as inappropriate as urinating past the toilet, and in the first case, the stench can only be weathered with hurricane courage when performing a feat!
  The reward always seems small, but the feat is huge, so let's drink for it to be, because without great feats there will be no one to hand even a modest reward!
  Anger for oneself is base, rage for the Fatherland is noble!
  Surrender means betraying everyone, dying means betraying yourself, but in order to survive, you don"t have to indulge in thoughts about your weaknesses that push you to treacherous death!
  The most treacherous death, fall, running away from death!
  Rigidity in war is like surgery in medicine - you want to avoid it, but if there is no other way out, refusal is treason!
  In war, success is not a handout to the beggar, but a handout to the generous for a good cause!
  There are fewer stars in the sky than there are ways to interpret the Scriptures!
  Both the wine and the commander need endurance, in both cases it adds strength and lethal force!
  To surprise, not to win yet, but when the nose is turned up in confusion, the fist will easily hit the chin!
  Man himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness, but still the bellows blowing the fire in the brazier of the forge, inflate the winds of blind chance!
  Cannibalism will not be full, you will not convince verbiage!
  Everything returns to its own circle, only stupidity is not given, because it, by virtue of its nature, always destroys the past!
  War is the only place where killing an enemy is valor, and condescension is meanness, it"s a pity it only has the property to grow from a single place to a ubiquitous one!
  Whoever comes to us with a beam thrower will die from the beam!
  Only in elections, they win not by skill, but by numbers, but not at all those where the choice is between death or dishonor!
  The pioneer is always ready, unlike those who want to boil to the steepness of the Nazis!
  Victory parades are celebrated, he who does not celebrate a coward!
  Interest in war is directly proportional to the strength of the enemy and inversely proportional to our cowardice!
  A coward without a chance of success is looking for weak opponents, a brave winner finds weaknesses in a strong adversary!
  It seems to me that paradise is the place where we are most needed! A well-fed stupid bliss is a hell for thinking beings!
  Without a checkmate, there is no victory in chess and persuasiveness in controversy!
  Science requires sacrifice, but money must be sacrificed for the sake of the result, like pawns in the attack for the sake of a checkmate!
  The tree of freedom withers from the tears of sentimental old women and blossoms from the sweat of hard workers and the blood of patriots!
  Best of all, the torch of a victorious finish kindles the icy composure of a cold calculation at the start!
  Never underestimate your opponent, but always underestimate your friend!
  The thrifty does not sit on the bench, the wasteful comes first only to bankruptcy!
  A nation is like a top when it stops, falls, and when it spins faster, it rushes to heaven!
  With all the instructive lessons, a fairy tale in the first place is still a lie!
  A man should take care of a woman, like a shepherd takes care of a sheep, without sinking to wolf bloodthirstiness and sheep's indifference!
  One quiet shot is better than a hundred loud words!
  If you can"t beat, then it"s better not to yell!
  Pride is better than pride - the first is help in difficulties, the second is the filing of triumph!
  We honor Jesus of faith, but the Devil is also cool, Any of us for kindness, until they give us a lych!
  A well-fed donkey is more difficult to budge, the satiety of a person, eliminating the need to donkey, at the same time gives rise to donkey stubbornness in unwillingness to change!
  The hardest part of learning is killing time before the real battle!
  In search of paradise, you can get on the horns to hell, but if you don"t look for Eden, then you yourself will remain a hornless devil-six!
  It's easy to save your skin by shooting a hare, but try to get the skin of a wolf without a shot!
  A good commander will always find a way to save his soldiers, and a bad one will come up with an excuse for wastefulness without looking!
  War has not a woman's face, but the lustful bosom of a man-eater! A bad marriage is worse than a divorce!
  There is nothing you can do about force majeure if you have force majeure softening of the brain and volatilization of ingenuity!
  Hopes are dashed for one who has hopelessly destroyed the real incarnation by excessive daydreaming!
  Fear is like a fog of madness - it disappears under the breath of common sense!
  And the smart ones are caught, but the smart one, having got on the hook, will surely drag the bait along with the fisherman into his backwater!
  Dexterous people hold a fishing rod with their heads in their teeth bared with a hypocritical smile! Stupid individuals always manage to pick up the noodle bait with their ears!
  Panic infects faster than the plague, and makes a corpse without even killing!
  Steel gleams, but for the radiance of victory, the blade must be tarnished with blood!
  The horse takes more weight, but brings less income than a man who moves a small lever!
  When you are called a camel, they mean by no means the ability to be content with little, but a meager level of imagination and mind in order to imagine something better than a thorn of prison rations in the spiritual desert!
  They sit in ambush, but do not sit out!
  Your coffin is usually made from the oak into which your inertness of a hand club has turned!
  It is easier to cover the sun with sand than to extinguish the smile on the face of a Russian warrior!
  When death plays a cruel symphony, it will fall silent, believe me - a cacophony of empty deeds!
  It is bad to sit on a white horse, but it is good to sit on it!
  Immortality has no limits, which means its price is infinite, but few agree to buy its most limited thing in the world - human life!
  It is the oak heads with a stone forehead that have a liquid slurry in their heads!
  Chatting in an empty way, only those who are overwhelmed by looseness!
  Let's do business, so that the devils become hot, and the angels would go cold with envy!
  Every fool wants to command, not every smart one can become a commander!
  When there are a lot of oaks among the chiefs, then the piggishness under them will loosen the roots of any state system!
  If a person is an idiot, then this is for a long time, if a genius, then forever, but in human idiocy!
  A large tower is still not a palace, even if it is taller - a large head is also not a sage, even if it is longer!
  Assertiveness is a good quality in a soldier, unless it's in a literal sense - constantly running up!
  The art of war has a peculiarity, the repetition of an encore of a technique threatens with an inevitable failure and a posthumous booing!
  All ages are submissive to war - except for the veteran, this maturity itself conquers the war!
  Fortune nature is subtle, it will never bestow a thick piece of lasting happiness!
  Happiness is only for a moment, problems for centuries, luck loves everyone, but not a simpleton!
  For the soldier who does not want to become a general is bad, but even worse is the one who in his life has not found a reason to laugh at his excellency!
  In order for the people to mature to democracy, they must be brought out into the burning sun of freedom, and not kept in the darkness of despotism!
  How often people lose their heads, and how rarely they part with the horror of losing their heads!
  There is one battlefield where quantity always wins, without any exception - elections; maybe that's why the quality suffers so much on them!
  There are fewer stars in the sky than there are faces in truth, especially if you count the change in facial expressions with different interpretations!
  There is nothing more eternal than fleeting problems and five seconds to solve!
  It's not the pain that's terrible, and not even what causes it - the worst thing that deprives courage is the fear of pain!
  Everything in our world is relative, but absolutely impenetrable is the unconditional unwillingness to learn from mistakes!
  In war, like football, only the functions of the goalkeeper cannot be shifted to another!
  Most people have sharp eyesight, only for a dull undressing look!
  In war, you have opportunities, but you do not have rights - if you win, you get rights, but your power takes away opportunities, if you lose, you deprive you of both!
  In war, only one thing is sacred - no one will take away the right to kill and be killed!
  Knowledge is sweet as honey, without the bread of practical application, it leaves only a sugary sore mouth!
  Honey without cakes is good, only this does not apply to the honey of knowledge, unless the cakes are oversalted - bitter ignorance!
  The sweet honey of knowledge attracts many parasitic flies and idle drones, but true genius will create a hard worker servant from a parasitic fly!
  In war, unlike chess, a real genius wins without sacrificial combinations, in time trouble even before the clock starts, but he has in common with the ancient game - that a pawn's career is ensured by vitality and courage!
  The mind is such a thing that, if it is present, the absence of other qualities is compensated without abstruse acquisitions!
  Life inevitably consists of stripes, but don't let them be prison pajama stripes!
  Light stripes on prison pajamas show through when you get rid of them forever!
  Again, I acted not politically correct - said the wolf-vegetarian, bursting the chocolate hare!
  It's impossible, only - what you don't believe in is another matter, that people believe in all sorts of nonsense, which is why we don't have life, but sheer nonsense!
  It's good to be red, it's bad to be shameless!
  Red hair color speaks of cunning, red dirt on trousers, of ingenuous parasitism!
  Fear is already a betrayal, and unlike the latter, it is always punishable, obvious to everyone!
  You can sleep with a hundred men and women, but every time you wake up family happiness!
  A politician imitates a prostitute in everything who alone will not voluntarily fall under the common people!
  God is always there, but his mercy is absent at the moment when without him you become closer to God!
  The Russian has one soul for the Motherland and ten lives on the battlefield!
  Soldiers in war are like in a forest, and there are many oaks-commanders, and darkness of traitor aspens, and enough birches for porridge, but who does not wander between three pines comes to the prize mushroom!
  The fastest thing in the universe is progress, its speed is equal to the speed of thought, but the difference from it is that the pace of progress does not remain without a trace!
  You also need to be able to lose, only it"s better to draw such an ability exclusively from someone else"s experience!
  In war, like football, you always open the scoring by scoring, but unlike football, history judges, and the penalty sets the time!
  War, like football, is a collective game, but unlike football, you can"t pass, but they often score with their hands!
  Speed is needed to avoid catching fleas in the monkey house!
  The haste of the monkey turns into a crushed flea!
  Strength is not in the muscles lying, but in the brains where there are no rustling mice!
  Time to collect stones from something that does not even throw a second into the wind!
  Only inevitable sacrifices in war will help to avoid the inexorable sacrifices of surrender!
  Surrender must be given to the adversary, but it is impossible to surrender with surrender to the enemy!
  An oak head and a cast iron mind are a sign of a rotten stump cut down in battle!
  Technology in the period of the oligarchy decides everything for us and in favor of the oligarch!
  It's easier to kiss a hundred sharks than to scare one Russian officer!
  You can give in only once, a second concession is already a surrender!
  The cry of a man looks like an animal roar, but the result is God's voice!
  The Russian soldier is immortal because he does not die of fear!
  We don"t appreciate what it has, but we devalue it by the lack of application!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but it's easiest to carry a wallet full of it!
  Except if it's a tribute to someone else's bins!
  Money is only valuable when you can buy something valuable with it, and pay off a useless burden - leading to lack of money!
  In the world, there is always a place for a feat, even if there is no place for it except in war!
  Prison is a school of life, where absenteeism is not punished, and you look forward to the last call!
  For the price of victory, one must not stand up, but fight, not devaluing by sleeping while using its fruits!
  The most difficult victory over oneself, it is also the easiest for the loser, who, in the form of indemnity, parted only with his shortcomings!
  A whip, like salt, requires measure, but you can"t cook porridge without it!
  Good and evil are sides of the same fiat coin, and they also do not tolerate falsehood and idle talk!
  Enemies are captured by a smile, who is not accustomed to snarling!
  Why is there so much evil in the world, there can be many explanations, but not a single answer!
  A real man must serve in the army and serve time in prison, but the toughest man must die on the battlefield and be born behind bars!
  Gold is a soft metal, but chains made of it are stronger than steel, since they are only disposed of involuntarily!
  They don"t fight in numbers in battle, they only put soldiers in the slaughterhouse in quantity!
  It"s easy to get into a war, it"s even easier to get into a mess, but slipping like millet through a strainer of enemy redoubts can only be done by one whose bowler boils not only with millet porridge!
  He swears a lot who cannot move in such a way that it does not seem small!
  The sharpest word can only dull the feeling of annoyance from the lack of deeds!
  Papirosa is the most deadly killer, from which the customer gets the most!
  Silence is golden - the test of which greatly depends on the place and time!
  Cunning compensates for numbers, but courage cannot be replaced by either quantity or deceit!
  Courage without calculation - a blow without a hit!
  In war, not everything is allowed, little is available, but entertainment is always at hand at the top of your head!
  There will never be two deaths, but let there never be one!
  War does not have a woman's face and the bosom gives birth only to the dead, but it attracts men without any seduction and charms!
  The face of the war is disgusting, but they earn more from this spectacle and action than in all the brothels on the planet!
  The devil woman has only horned husbands, they throw off their hooves!
  In order not to go to heaven ahead of time, a woman must come to be Satan in angelic form!
  The devil is masculine, but only a woman can surpass him in deceit!
  Without a woman there is no life, without the Devil there is no goodness!
  The book is man's best friend, but first of all because it does not climb with advice without asking!
  Heroes do not die, traitors do not live, heroism is not buried, and betrayal is already buried in the history and memory of the people!
  Stupid people work hard - smart people work hard!
  You can choke on knowledge, but just when it covers you with your head, you become - unsinkable!
  Whoever does not prepare for war will not receive peace in advance, but victory after the test!
  They prepare for victory in advance, defeat is always unexpected, but the outcome depends on luck, the fact that even the unprepared one fights back!
  Death is a relative concept, and oblivion cannot be called absolute, for that it has the concept of vital!
  Oblivion is afraid of geniuses, the death of mediocrity, and fools are not afraid of anything at all, except to grow wiser!
  God give us soldiers: the courage of a fool, the inconspicuousness of the middle peasant, the resourcefulness of talent, and the vision of a genius!
  A coward does not play hockey, a brave man does not play hockey either, but he fights in earnest!
  He jokes well with words that he has not become stupefied by a bad alignment of deeds!
  Silence is golden, but its standard is high only when you keep a secret under torture, and insignificant - if good advice is valuable!
  When troubles stop besieging you, you suddenly find that the fortress of character has already been taken by pleasant idleness!
  Expensive is only that advice that does not require costs, and cheap polemics!
  Of particular value is that advice, the refusal of which is costly, and the following costs nothing!
  It costs nothing to follow bad advice, but only to those who wisely give hints on how not to go after stupidity, but to lead the headless!
  You can stand for death, but it is like death to stagnate!
  It"s hard on trials, but you can"t experience lightness without them!
  We can be dressed and undressed by strangers, but we only "shoe" ourselves!
  Life is a continuous test of the narrow path, but problems are nutrition, our desire to live in a big way!
  Victory is always bitter with losses, but sweet with prizes - defeat acquires only bitterness, and the salty taste of the "premium" yoke!
  Language is given to a clever politician to hide his thoughts, but more often than not, all the speech of a politician reveals senseless stupidity!
  Berlin is not a fish from the hook of the tanks, the columns will not jump off, even if it is protected by slippery types!
  The action differs from toilet paper in that it smells bad even before use!
  The path to glory can be winding and long - leading to the mind, and cut off to the grave in a straight line that goes sideways!
  And a rooster can be vociferous if he manages to strangle a chicken in his soul, and a chicken in his heart!
  The easiest battle without the risk of falling, with a heavy opponent!
  Quieter you go, louder you crash catching up!
  Usually living at the very bottom climb into the neck of the bottle!
  Shouting into the mute silence with a soundless cry!
  With an oblique one, everything is always past, only problems are invariably along the way!
  In general, the presence of money does not always lead to happiness, but their absence is a guaranteed dead end of failure!
  The cigarette drove far more people into the grave than Hitler and Genghis Khan put together - using a gentle lasso, loose willlessness!
  War is exciting like an orgasm, only they yell at it with much more sincerity!
  Genius is incompatible with villainy, but its fruits are always used by villains incompatible with the creative mind!
  Without the difficulties that strain the mind of a person walking uphill - it is easy to slide down to animal insanity!
  Don't put your fingers in the crocodile's mouth, throw stupidity in the face of the sage!
  Stand for death, but do not stagnate until the smell of a corpse!
  War, in fact, is a dangerous thing, especially for pacifists, and those who are trying to sell the Fatherland piece by piece!
  If you want to be healthy, run, if you don't want to be crippled, run away!
  The hero will always come, and the hemorrhoids will pass!
  Great people are like lightning, they are seen when they have already moved, they are remembered - until the burns have subsided!
  Great people sparkle brightly, only unlike lightning, their brightness is more noticeable to those who have not seen them!
  Procrastination is like death, even when it comes to a death sentence!
  Death is not so bad in terms of consequences as it is disgusting in terms of the ongoing process!
  Even the body of an oak, with a shortened mind, is just a stump, under someone else's seat!
  Vodka is the most dangerous terrorist, especially due to the availability and mass character of suicide customers!
  The main difference between life and the theater is that in reality it is the human gallery that is the most silent, but in the front rows, when the pantomime of war is on stage!
  The fool is strong by the absence of fear, the clever by the absence of a cause that causes fear!
  Fear for no reason is a sign of a fool, courage to the end is a sign of a wise man!
  Chatterbox grinds a lot with his tongue, but, unfortunately, flour gets not only and not so much to him!
  The language was given to the sage to hide his thoughts, but the ignoramus was not given the knowledge of other languages, so as not to reveal his unthinkable tongue-tied tongue!
  Yellow metal does not like the one whose mouth is the same color as it, but the heart of the material!
  Leading a high mind makes you stronger, arrogance leads to a strong alteration!
  We do everything in life for the first time, only death is always left for last!
  Whoever is poisonous is already poisoned - whoever brings death is already dead!
  Quarks fight in their minds, and whoever is not a photon with a mind is awarded for restraint!
  The death of one individual is a tragedy, torment is a tragedy in acts, but the death of billions is just reporting and God forbid it to be exclusively victorious!
  When it comes to tragic perception, the quantity turns into the quality of a decrease in the number of new impressions!
  There are two impossible things for God: to deceive Himself and distort Putin's propaganda!
  Yesterday's heroism and future victories are nothing compared to real success!
  The real genius is not to conceive, but to execute. Or even to find surprise in the most stereotypical!
  Since strength gives freedom, the hero is always free and constantly tyrannizes over others!
  The cold calculation of a modest commander will make the adversary wasteful of self-importance freeze with horror!
  Why are democracies so often beaten on the battlefield - because their leaders are used to winning elections exclusively by numbers!
  The brainy shah is not the one who blew the most heads, but the one who, after laying down his head, the subjects do not cover with foul language!
  A living enemy can be morally killed a hundred times - a dead opponent kills your incentive to hunt!
  Safety is sometimes the worst punishment, and danger is the best reward for an outstanding personality!
  Whoever is in bast shoes, he will not sip sour cabbage soup, but bitter bristles!
  Bast shoes are not shoes, but sit on "shod"!
  You may not be a villain, but you must be a genius!
  Nothing makes life easier than a heavy brain!
  The song helps to build and live, but if the enemy has already built you, then you will only sing along without living!
  You can do almost everything by order, but only personal desire can suppress fear!
  Fear passes, but the benefit of intimidation remains valuable as long as cowardice lives on!
  Nothing lasts forever under the moon, except for the desire to get the moon out of the sky with the help of invariably base means!
  For a penny to get nickels, not having received a nickel, a person with principles on a penny can, but also the resourcefulness of a gold piece!
  The crown can be obtained by the right of blood, but the kingdom is taken by the right of the blood of the shed!
  Pain is useful, because having overcome it, you can defeat useless suffering!
  The sword is strong with the shoulder, and the fighter with the shoulder of a comrade who supported the sword without threat, but did not slash wisely from the shoulder!
  A fairy tale is a relative concept, reality is absolute, and imagination is limitless!
  Technique is dead if it does not send the enemy to the next world!
  Undershot volleys at the enemy is not yet a reason to fly off the hinges of the lid of the pot with a boiling mind!
  A lot of soldiers, a lot of martinetism, a lot of martinetism - not enough martial art!
  Everything is impossible, it can become possible - you just have to believe in someone for whom nothing is impossible!
  Don't skimp on ammo, better sequester misses!
  Who does not mow from that will not mow!
  Do not spit the well - feeling like a hero, you will spit blood and pus from thirst!
  Betraying is worse than dying - they die to be resurrected, they betray to bury themselves forever!
  In war, deceit: not a pocket full of holes - the one who is more cunning collects the trophy!
  It is not the war that is cruel, it is those who participate in it who have no pity, and those who shirk have long lost their conscience!
  Sweeter than honey is this power when it belongs to you, and bitterer than wormwood when it rules over you!
  The dilapidated is not something that has many years, but what is outdated for today!
  The accuracy of the battle is not available to those who mow at the exercises!
  The head helps, to work cleanly, but the chistle immerses the head only in dirty developments!
  It is better to kill immediately than to persuade eternity!
  Hurry - you'll get a perpetual shish!
  The best idea is what allows you to live, not survive!
  The frightened crow is afraid of the written table, and the student of the desk and calligraphy!
  Stupidity is such a weakness, when powerlessness is able to feel who is not a fool at all!
  Poverty is not a vice, but rich in incitement to vice!
  Laughter for no reason is a sign that we are still men in trouble!
  Do not guess in the thick of it, but guess often!
  Do not cheat on your wife, it is better to honestly keep devotion to Don Juanism!
  A bored wife is like one book on a shelf, and even then the pages are greasy!
  Courage is not a guarantee of victory, since it is not stored in a prudent little box!
  The rear must be strong, but it does not fit to ossify!
  A strong ruler, unlike a tree, bends, but does not bend!
  Eggs interfere with a bad dancer, America interferes with politics, Alaska interferes with a cartographer!
  Even on the Sun there are spots, a tarnished reputation among the luminaries, but monochromaticity is a sign of a dull intellect!
  God saves the safe, and the brave protects the sacred!
  Better to die young than old and start living!
  Man is almost God - only the crucifixion lasts from birth!
  God promises everything, but only in absentia, invisibly and incomprehensibly!
  War is like a mother-in-law: the head is cracking, the guts are twisting, the bones are aching, but on the other hand - giving back you will find victory for the bride!
  The lightest burden is a heavy purse!
  The most valuable victory - which is not shared by everyone!
  The Church is the most reliable bank - or rather, a bank pickling dreams and impulses!
  Not all cat carnival, not all dog - a chain!
  From red speeches, those who experience a lack of gray matter in the head with an excess of black thoughts acquire a pale appearance!
  It"s not that weak that it looks small, but that it"s weak that it"s not given to the mind!
  Life is not dog-like, because it is not life, but worse than non-existence!
  A well-fed large spoon tears up the mouth, and a small one tears the stomach with a hungry ulcer!
  In general, life without difficulties is like soup without seasoning, a lot - bitter, no - does not climb into the throat!
  Breed the enemy, but do not divorce your wife!
  Speed is needed not when catching fleas, but in order not to get lice from delay!
  - Who is quick on the word, slows down the deed! What is fast in deeds is weighed in words!
  Thought is the fastest thing in the world that leads to collapse if it is not accompanied by creative action!
  Everything in this world is knowable, but nothing is understood, and in other worlds we understand only fear!
  Death is also an adventure, more unpleasant in form than in results! Although for the sinner the result is evil death, through hell! And the end of the righteous is death like a crown of laurels!
  In any business, solidity is needed, and without the foundations, business nonsense is equivalent to idleness!
  All the same, war is a bad thing, but uncle capitulation is even worse!
  The studied enemy is almost defeated, the unknown will mix the calculation into the dough!
  Whoever does not expect evil guests will not collect the bones, and whoever does not expect good ones will pick up scraps!
  Not every man can count on becoming a king, but every woman is already a queen without calculation!
  In war, as in the sun, men ripen, and male talents flourish, only those with a thin will dry up into ashes!
  Bishop's move usually results in checkmate...brought by the loss of the one who made it!
  Who does not feel danger in battle, will gain insensitivity to joy in hell!
  Bread vermouth - do not leave the waste!
  A sharp tongue, unlike spices, dulls the feeling of hunger - the one who is hung by the ears with noodles!
  Without labor and the fish river is empty water!
  Any work is respected, except for a monkey dancing in a swamp!
  Lead bullets do not flatten a big head, but gold coins are minted!
  Only the dead do not make mistakes, and then only in the world that they managed to leave!
  You can live without a king in the country! But it is impossible without a king in the head!
  A truly radiant power that makes the eyes of your enemies darken and the hearts of your friends glow with happiness!
  Strength only wins when the enemy is powerless to lose with dignity!
  Death as a faithful wife will surely come, only at the most inopportune moment and for sure to cause annoyance!
  Hell is the reverse side of heaven, and a coin without two sides is false - pleasure without pain is not real!
  They will not give water in the desert, who has thoughts like a sieve, and empty words like a river!
  Wisdom does not need eloquence, but red speech is necessary if reasonable arguments are exhausted!
  Who does not hurry in the heat, that hut in the cold does not drown!
  In unity, the strength of those who are not powerless, and one by one!
  Need for inventions is cunning, alcohol whips up ingenuity even more cunningly!
  War is the natural state of man, and death is even more natural, although it is difficult to call it a state!
  They die only once, immortality requires repeated confirmation!
  The accuracy of the shooter will not allow you to squint from the bayonet, but it will mow down the one who is not a bayonet in quickness!
  The best victory is unexpected for the enemy, and exceeded expectations for yourself!
  Tolerate only those goats who will never be atamans!
  The power is dark, but gives off the brilliance of scarlet blood!
  Golden in the pockets of those with a dark soul, and black, leaden thoughts!
  The tree of genius sometimes brings bitter fruits to the author, but the medicine for adult people that heals human ignorance is never sweet!
  The strong are relatively well in prison, but the weak and on the throne are unrelatively bad!
  Without forging a hammer, you will not split the castle!
  Each volley has its own second!
  The first to come to the finish line, who is right to the last!
  Save on the army, what to heat the stove with the wall of your wooden house!
  The most precious thing in the world is slowness, because it comes at an exorbitant price!
  The most expensive thing will be worth even the loss of what has no price!
  Stupidity is more valuable than wisdom, because it costs more!
  The heart of the one whose soul is not made of wax really burns!
  A moment - gives victory!
  The topics are different, but the answer is still the same - to the wrong steppe!
  You can scatter your brains, but you shouldn't scatter!
  Eternity is great, but we have no time to rest!
  If you have a king in your head, you don't need a monarch on the throne!
  More than the stars in the universe of ways of interpreting the Holy Scriptures!
  Heights are not taken, there are unattainable, but you can comprehend any sublime barrier - if you do not belittle your perception!
  Low thoughts can lift you up, but only like the rope of a hanged man!
  For what they don"t pay, it"s worth nothing, but for the fact that it"s worth nothing, you have to pay the most!
  Alcohol is the most dangerous killer, it kills the customer, cripples the rest, and only the state revels in the ripped off fee!
  Snowmen are not made from the sand of the Sahara - Russians are not taken prisoner!
  It's easier to build a snowman in hell than to capture a Russian soldier!
  It's easier to make a snowman in hell than to bring a Russian to his knees!
  Enemies are like the tip of nails, the greater the number, the easier it is to stomp on them and trample on them!
  It is not given to a person to comprehend the divine when he himself is a primate by intellect, but by the capabilities of a monkey in a cage!
  Only those who have brains are in demand can sell their souls!
  In politics, from a brothel, only the venality of love, and the fee goes to the pimp, without any pleasure and affection!
  Politics, a very dirty thing, in which the propaganda machine washes the costumes!
  A propaganda machine can wash everything... except for a soiled conscience, because the conscience cannot be washed, although it is twisted out without pity!
  They twist the arms of those who have brains on one side and thoughts with tricks, and there is no reason to get out of a bone-breaking situation!
  In business, we should show talents, or you won"t give diamonds to the girl!
  Diamond is a very hard stone, but it is especially cruel to women who cannot afford diamonds!
  Be hard on your husbands if you want to dress up in diamonds!
  All power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely! Geniuses are born from the corruption of the plebeians, senseless arbitrariness from corrupted power!
  A full man can be attractive, but an empty wallet is always disgusting!
  What is the difference between Lukashenka and Putin:
  - Putin took the Crimea, and Lukashenka got a loan!
  Nature has no bad weather, only people always have a bad mood, without grace!
  Power is like nonsense, it attracts and sucks, and unfortunately not only fools!
  Only for those who are low in mind, silence is gold of the highest standard!
  Silence is golden, only endowed with value only by a fool!
  Cruelty cements the nation, softness plunges development into cement!
  Mind can solve any problem, genius can do it, no problem at all!
  If you want to live - know how to spin, if you want to survive - know how to get out, but if you want to live well - do not spin, but spin!
  You can hide behind the fog of ignorance, but you cannot hide!
  War is sweet like honey, like sugary molasses, and it makes you sick like a hangover!
  Silence is golden, only those who are used to keeping silent give gold coins to talkers, without talking!
  There is no absolute emptiness in nature, only human stupidity devastates the mind, one hundred percent!
  Not death is terrible, but the loss of immortality! Not the flesh is important, but in the light of the soul!
  It is easy to go through life with a head full of knowledge, and the emptiness in the head only facilitates the purse!
  What is attractive about atheism: emptiness is the most condescending mentor, vacuum is the most irresponsible father!
  An atheist, knocking out from under his feet the foundation of faith, does not notice that his throat is in a ruthless noose of Divine force majeure!
  The best way to save money is to pay a bribe, the best way to squander it is to spare the finances for grease!
  Kvass is good, patriotism is excellent, but leavened patriotism is bad leaven!
  Beauty requires sacrifice, but its absence will require payment without donations!
  Reality kills, fantasy inspires, and a fairy tale that has come true makes life winged!
  All ages are submissive to war, only you cannot saddle your last day being defeated without time!
  Getting fat doesn't mean gaining weight!
  It is impossible to grow a belly - to become a heavyweight!
  A pioneer is always ready, that's the difference from those who want to boil down to the steepness of the oligarchs!
  A wolf in sheep's clothing is not a ram, a sheep in a wolf's clothing can only catch the steering wheel!
  Egoism is characteristic of man, and altruism at the expense of others is characteristic of superman!
  Free cheese in a mousetrap, but with a discount for catching people with a rat soul!
  A lion among rams, like a boar near a trough, only risks choking on hard-headed beastliness!
  Misplaced humanism, lowers valor down!
  In life, unlike chess, not all victims are beautiful, but all blunders are disgusting!
  Yawning in chess - you lose pieces, yawning in life - you get a combination of three fingers!
  He cooks well, who prepares well!
  A long tongue takes the shortest way to the scaffold!
  Red speech is usually combined with bloody deed and gray reality!
  Eloquence is good, if it does not come out with bloody diarrhea!
  After the Maidan: the expression a long tongue will bring to Kyiv, has acquired a new meaning!
  Evil is eternal and inhuman, because it is heartless, since the heart does not hurt, you have a healthy look!
  A heart of gold often leads to bankruptcy!
  A horse in life, one who is a horse in diligence, on a horse in heroism does not climb a horse when discretion is required!
  Silence is golden, but full of false silence, speech is silver, but sometimes filled with golden words!
  The bullet is not stupid, but it kisses with stupid soreness!
  A soldier without a wound is like a rich man without a pocket!
  From a bodily wound it is painfully tolerable, but when you are crippled morally, it is impossible to endure!
  There are a lot of troubles, enemies are higher than the roof, but the bowler hat still breaks off the whip when a friend is inferior and not high-winged!
  Strong people are rarely born because you cannot be born a strong man, but you can only become!
  A person is born free, becoming a slave, he does not just die ... he betrays free birth to abortion of despotism!
  In war, as in a parade, fun, music sounds, then uniforms in holes, and it"s good if someone else"s!
  All the troubles in the world are from selfishness, when you say mine, crows swoop down on corpses!
  The sword is like a lifesaver, but it cannot be blunt, does not tolerate weak hands, and a strong desire not to take risks!
  It is better to break your fist once with a blow than to shout a hundred times and break your voice!
  There are no weak blows, there is only a weak blow!
  Sleep is sweet, death is terrible, without sleep it is not sweet, without death it is fearless!
  Your question:
  It is not known what is more important - to feed all the hungry or to wipe a tear for one child!
  My answer:
  When all the hungry are fed, the children will stop crying from hunger.
  In Russia, the problem of excess weight is so severe that it makes not only children, but also their mothers cry in three streams!
  Your question:
  Gold is softer than steel, but rather strikes the heart!
  My answer:
  Change the standard of value. Steel will remain sharp, and gold will simply remain shiny, having lost its charm.
  Steel is sharp as teeth, gold is soft as a tongue. Teeth fall out, tongue raises thousands of blades!
  Steel gets dull, gold doesn't rust!
  Your question:
  It is not the weapon that makes the soldier strong, but the soldier's weapon!
  My answer:
  The unarmed soldier can only defeat the river sand fortresses in the sandbox.
  A weapon without a soldier is like sand instead of lettuce! It is not a shovel that digs a hole, a grenade does not fly without hands!
  Your question:
  A really long conversation with a machine gun leads to the fact that it starts shooting in the ear!
  My answer:
  This means that those who are prepared for such noise should be taken into the army, they are more familiar with heart attacks, parkinsonians, schizophrenics.
  Anyone who is a man is born a warrior,
  It so happened - the gorilla took the stone ...
  When enemies without a legion,
  And in the heart blazes: heat and flame!
  Your question:
  Sex is the most destructive weapon, especially dangerous because of its availability!
  My answer:
  Especially children in kindergarten as self-knowledge.
  Without sex, these children would not see a garden, because if there is no sex, seedlings will not sprout, and non-existence will be worse than hell!
  Your question:
  The effectiveness of any weapon depends on the chosen victim, and even more so in sex!
  My answer:
  Especially if it's an abortion victim.
  Abortion is the biggest crime because the victim cannot fight back! And about the fact that this murder with impunity, it is doubly criminal!
  Each threat has its own hour for voicing and a moment for execution!
  The politician promised, like a reliable chair!
  Cowards lose in everything to the brave, except for the ability to find an excuse!
  A coward doesn't play hockey, but he doesn't miss shootouts!
  In love, the third is superfluous, but repeated caresses are never redundant!
  A woman is like a fox, loves beauty, but prefers cheese to boast!
  War is the greatest stupidity of wise people and brilliant men!
  The more blood in the war, the more eloquence in the rear and colorlessness at the front!
  Everything impossible has become so only because of a lack of imagination, and not because of an excess of obstacles!
  Although love is evil, only a full ram is capable of loving a goat!
  A lot of brilliance is typical for those who do not have fire in their chests, gold in their hearts and a bright mind!
  A dim and bright mind, if it does not give reflection from golden chervonets!
  The surest sign of an immature mind is the lack of greenery in your pocket!
  Laughter for no reason, a sign of imminent death!
  Laughs he who does not weep last when dividing the booty!
  If you're already drinking, then don't get drunk; if you're drunk, then don't get caught; if you're caught, then don't confess!
  A drunkard is worse than a fool - the latter is happy to death, and the first is only a hangover!
  A tramp is always with a shod consciousness!
  A monkey has one dignity, unlike a human, it is an animal only literally!
  The monkey imitates people in everything except the ability to pretend to be a hose!
  Do not fold, do not stock up on diapers!
  Courage in war is like butter in porridge, it also turns sour when there is no boiling!
  You can't spoil porridge with butter, but many cooks spoil porridge!
  With strength, you can do without the mind, but without the mind, omnipotence is also powerless!
  The enemy is good only because it does not allow you to fall asleep on the go, even when he leaves!
  War is bad when there is no victory, peace is even worse when there is defeat!
  A dog's life is better than a rat's!
  A dog is man's friend, a rat is its own enemy!
  It is good to glorify the dictatorship under democratic regimes!
  The dictator is like an insect: it stings, buzzes, sticks, but it is not given to him to be winged!
  One tyrant is better than a hundred despots, one blow is better than a thousand curses!
  A thousand sheep will not trample one wolf, a million mediocrities will not replace one genius!
  Geniuses are like golden grains in the sand, but the height of their test depends on the washing ruler!
  It is easier for a mediocre rich man than for a brilliant poor man in everything except the invaluable, people's memory!
  A young puppy is better than an old lion, if they are the same age, then the lion is a cherished puppy dream!
  The lion is the king of beasts, but the lion's share still goes to man!
  It is good to have dexterity from a monkey, worse dexterity in plagiarism!
  Better a lion in a fight and a division than a skinned ram!
  When a bagel is eaten, where does the bagel hole go? She goes for a snack, drunk from an empty glass!
  Smart tyranny is better than a stupid mess!
  Many cooks spoil porridge, but many women don't spoil love!
  The more gods, the less in their power!
  You can't live without women, but you can't survive without men!
  The unknown is scary, but the known sometimes makes you just afraid!
  Knowledge gives rise to confidence even when it is difficult, ignorance gives rise to confusion even when it is easy!
  All wildness is submissive to love!
  But there are still such men in the world - as soon as they see a woman, they immediately cocks!
  Rather than kill seven flies, it is better to slam one deadly bloodsucker!
  Better to kill one mammoth than a hundred rats, better to slay one hero than a thousand cowards!
  Two living friends is good, four dead enemies are even better!
  Better to be a woman than a woman!
  Not everyone in pants is a man, not everyone in a skirt is a woman!
  It is easier to seduce a hundred women than to give one seductive dream!
  Fighting is harder than breathing, but much more natural!
  The world is littered with thorns, which are only slightly slicked down by the shod consciousness!
  The tramp is always "shod"!
  There are many temptations in the world, but the most insidious is the temptation of war!
  War is unattractive, but it seduces well!
  Everything in nature is harmonious, but man is very cynical!
  It's good to be a monkey in the way of life, it's worse in a monkey house where life is ugly!
  A monkey lives in every person, but Darwin still will not lower people to the level of macaques!
  Starting small, you can count on a big end if you have a huge ego!
  The strongest cell is stupidity, it is impenetrable, and breaks the convolutions of the brain!
  It is better to gain with a fool than to lose with a smart one! A fool is a relative concept, a loser is an absolute one!
  Happiness is different for everyone, only grief is the same for everyone!
  Faith without works is dead and fruitless, only works by faith often produce the dead!
  I love not weapons, but the feeling of confidence that it gives!
  You can love a lot, but adore only worthy of love!
  Daffodils don't thrive and cacti don't sting!
  Giving oak does not mean acquiring strength!
  Geniuses are few as golden grains of sand in the sand, but they are real mountains that can not be overcome by stupidity!
  The biggest stupidity is not enough to think for yourself!
  Excessive thinking, like quiet madness!
  Thinking well, thinking even better, but changing your mind is always bad!
  Big always seems to be stronger, but swelling only weakens!
  Luck gives hope, talent gives it, and genius takes it by force!
  Everything ingenious is simple to the primitive lack of gift!
  To show firmness does not mean to be a stone!
  Strong in mind, not oak in brains!
  Whoever has a flame in his heart, he will not turn into a stub!
  The mind is like a fire, it shines brightly, and it burns painfully!
  The banality of the mind gives rise to original nonsense!
  Turning up the nose is not conducive to lofty thoughts!
  Often turning up your nose, you will go to heaven!
  You can get to heaven through connections, but no connections will save you from hell in your soul!
  Pleasure is individual, but pain is one for all!
  Happiness is like a bird, it is difficult to get into hands, with a sharp beak, and it wants to fly away!
  You can't be born happy, you can't earn happiness, only problems are a chain of steel - not a thread!
  You can win an argument with a fanatic, but you can't convince him!
  The dead do not bite, but they gnaw off peace with funeral chores!
  The dead are calm, but excite the memory, not knowing peace!
  It's good to be calm, it's bad to be dead!
  Science can do everything, man cannot think of everything!
  The universe is infinite, and the human imagination always has limits, so the impossible does not exist!
  Fantasy is easy, implementation is difficult, but the result makes life easier!
  It's good to have a horse's health, worse physiognomy, even worse intelligence, and really bad - a collar!
  It"s smart to move a horse, to walk under a horse collar, it can"t be more stupid!
  Whoever counts on the help of angels falls directly into hell!
  Who has the devil in his head, in the future one hell!
  Intelligence without effort always decreases, but stupidity grows without effort!
  A full stomach causes lightness in the heart, an empty one gives rise to heavy thoughts!
  It is easy to endure when the stomach is full, the hardest thing is when the stomach is empty!
  You can lose a war, but you can't lose a peaceful development!
  You can forgive any weakness, except for humility in front of your own shortcomings!
  There are no easy wars, there are opponents without any weight!
  The harder it is for the rear, the easier it is for the front!
  The sweetest burden is the cross of Jesus!
  Genuine surrender of a woman is possible only before a real man!
  In war, intuition is the second happiness, blindness is the first death!
  Caution is not cowardice, but the reverse side of reasonable courage!
  Milk for harmfulness is not given to muffs! Although smearing is very harmful!
  There is no false love, the rating is false that grows on blood!
  Killing will gain popularity, but you will lose love!
  You can be a lucky fool and a happy fool, but you can't feel satisfied being smart!
  The dead don't bite, only conscience can bite the killer to death!
  Movement is life, convergence is the birth of life!
  Smart, will not go into a fight! Clever, he will bypass the fight!
  Born to fight - can't stand it!
  Talent is like an unchangeable ruble, the more you use it, the more it becomes!
  Men have a battle, and women have a waist!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but it makes it unsinkable!
  The spool is like a member of the roads when it is not small!
  The more oaks the enemy has, the stronger our defense!
  You can be God only by remaining human!
  The most important quality of God is mercy, which does not cross the borders of secondary indulgence!
  When the king often says no, the subjects send him three letters!
  There is no need to be afraid of death, you should not shy away from life - surviving will receive a reward, a worthy warrior will win trophies!
  Fear is the most insidious executioner, its scaffold creeps up unnoticed!
  Death has many faces, but the content is the same for all!
  It is not the one who is big who is terrible, but from whom great troubles!
  It's easy for the strong to be brave, for the weak it's hard to stop being a coward!
  A coward doesn't play hockey, but he misses pucks!
  The weakest is not the one who did not come out tall, but who is a dumb teenager with a mind!
  Day follows night, and moments away!
  A moment gives victory, but only the invincible can give eternity!
  Invincibility is an exceptional quality, but victory is available to everyone!
  Victory as a wife, when not, desirable, when it comes - you don"t know where to go!
  Hunger is not an aunt, but kindred to industriousness!
  Whom the song helps to build, and who to build, who to live, and who to survive!
  Singing wisely is good, drinking mindlessly is bad!
  Better drunk than drunk!
  It is easier to live without Christ, but you cannot survive without God in your soul!
  He who loves to extort will not escape torture himself!
  But the courage to educate, you need at any attempt!
  There are many different temptations in the world, but the most attractive are those that promise little!
  Imagination is the second happiness!
  Shells of milk, who has the brains of a baby!
  The number can be taken in the elections, the skill in the elections without war!
  War is an area where quality beats quantity, elections, as a rule, are the opposite, and this is a joke!
  Luck is the second happiness, success is the third, but the first skill!
  Luck is the reward for courage, but not for recklessness!
  Who is lucky, his soul sings!
  It's good when you're lucky, it means God will save you!
  The lion is a cripple in thinking, the tiger is the source of all sorts of troubles ... There is nothing more interesting than a person in the world!
  The madness of brave soldiers is the lifesaver of abstruse generals!
  The soldier is brave, the general is prudent, the enemy is cunning, success is solidarity only with wise courage!
  Do not destroy yourself and help out a comrade, help others out of the conflagration!
  The mark is not the one who hits successfully, but who misses with bad luck!
  The most accurate with the vision of a dagger can miss, but an unforgivably sharp mind can slip past the target!
  It's good to sing when death threatens, but it's better to live in clover!
  When many cooks spoil, porridge, when there are many gods - faith!
  Ruler also be a golden mind, a heart of steel, a silver voice!
  Bigger doesn't mean fatter, taller doesn't mean longer!
  Slowness makes chickens laugh, haste makes roosters laugh!
  Who hits wisely, does not get on the brain!
  Help is like lightning, comes suddenly, and with a cloudy sky almost certainly!
  The most terrible thunder in a clear sky, and a foggy strategy!
  The Lord can do anything, only in an attempt to keep up with human ambitions is powerless!
  The biggest ambitions negate the smallest troubles!
  There is nothing greater than human ambition, and nothing less than the possibilities of human bodies!
  So let's drink to the fact that our capabilities always coincide with our ambitions, and never yield to bodily limitations!
  Fate is a villainess, only for those who do not have good common sense!
  A person strives to elevate himself, but as a rule, in base ways!
  For a tank, the main thing is armor, for a person, faith!
  You can't divide by zero, but you can divide to zero!
  No matter how you brainwash, feces still stink, no matter how much propaganda convinces of this!
  The more the ruler is extolled, the greater the humiliation of his subjects! A long tongue shortens not only life, but the chain in a dictatorial state!
  The tongue is like a bomb, it rumbles quieter, but destroys more!
  Gold is a soft metal, but does not flow to those who have a softening of the brain!
  Technique during the war is like the muscles of the body, but without a soul it is no more than a stinking corpse!
  Meat is especially loved by those who themselves are the first candidate for chops!
  Blood is like wine, only the sediment from it gives the bitterness of tears!
  They impale people with the intelligence of stab pigs!
  A person finally becomes a tramp, only shod to the fullest!
  A person is not able to build everything, but to upset anything!
  They believe in big lies, people with diminished intelligence and inflated vanity!
  The commander has something in common with the poet: he makes you shed tears and scream with your throat!
  The scabbard hides the sharpness of the blade, clothing the lethality of a woman!
  A hidden enemy, like a pit in disguise!
  A woman is like a blade when she draws herself deadlier!
  To undress a woman is akin to drawing a blade, only the second is possible for a brave man, and the first for a master!
  A woman's tongue is like the edge of a sword with a velvety handle!
  Almighty God failed to do only one thing: to out-argue a woman!
  God can do anything but make a woman happy!
  It is still possible to pay the expenses for the army, to pay for the expenses of the wife beyond the strength of the Almighty!
  Everything can be kings, except to satisfy a woman and a sense of vanity!
  It is easier to fill a bottomless pit with gold than to stop the silvery flow of female eloquence!
  Most of all, a man collects to let a woman squander!
  A woman is given for the sake of gain!
  A woman is a flower, but only the thorns interrupt the fragrance!
  The longest distance is the length of the female tongue!
  A long tongue shortens life, a long female tongue makes verbiage endless!
  The female tongue stings, only the wasp dies without stinging!
  The naked blade sparkles, the naked woman blinds!
  To die for the Motherland is a gift that becomes more valuable with time!
  Betrayal is worse than death, as it leads to eternal damnation!
  Childhood is such a gift that is not given forever, but is taken away immediately!
  A child sits in a man, a child jumps in a superman!
  Who falls into childhood, youth has found a remedy!
  A child is a little revolutionary, an adult revolutionary is a big child!
  It is possible to celebrate a coward, but flight only leads to mourning!
  Without women there is no life, without men there is no meaning to life, since the most important thing is to get around another male!
  Technology is not for war, but war is for technology!
  Science is like a muscle, only it doesn't grow at the expense of contractions!
  He who is winged is not rich in air!
  Who flies with inspiration, does not fly trivially!
  It is impossible to be simple in our universe, everyone mainly listens to himself!
  The mind not only makes the tongue longer, but also the wallet is thicker!
  At war, like in a bathhouse... only not so hot!
  It's good to be young, it's a pity that this happiness is so short-lived!
  Technique is the body of war, the designer is akin to the Creator, only differs by a great desire to avoid defects!
  Accidents are like links in the chain of history, one failure and a complete reversal!
  Everything in the world is accidental, especially luck, but you get trouble naturally to the fullest!
  It's good to win, it's bad to be defeated, it's even worse to lose to yourself!
  Quality always beats quantity, especially in technical innovations!
  Technique is like a sword, but they still chop with hands, which symbolize the spirit and skill of the soldiers!
  Without a sword, a man is half disarmed, completely without a mind!
  Physical strength is like a sword, and the mind is like the hands that guide it!
  Boxing, unlike politics, is only sometimes dirty!
  In boxing, the champion has a relative handicap, in politics, the ruler has an absolute one!
  The politician is a sly one, only the difference from Ostap Bender only spoils the mood of those whom he has swindled!
  In politics, unlike boxing, wrestling knows no breaks between rounds!
  In boxing, not every punch is visible, but in politics, every move is hidden in a fog!
  In boxing, blood scatters in drops, and in politics, fountains!
  Eloquent politicians make red liquid spill profusely!
  Politicians start with red speeches, giving rise to arrival, only executioners!
  The politician's tongue and the executioner's hoodie are of the same color, but the latter is always more productive!
  The eloquence of the color of blood, the tongue-tied tongue of feces!
  Silence is golden - when you shut up a politician's mouth!
  Language is given to a politician to hide his thoughts, but usually a politician reveals his slow-wittedness with his tongue!
  Too frisky start leads to injuries, too sluggish leaves without laurels!
  The most important thing in the game is the debut, but in life the school!
  In childhood, the school seems like a chain, having matured, you understand that without its links you will not come to success!
  Life is like a boxing match, only the judges love not those who are stronger, but those who are smarter!
  Cunning can compensate for the lack of strength, but powerless to replace luck!
  Luck favors the smart, luck favors the brave, fortune favors the resourceful, but why do all the troubles fall on the merciful?
  The golden heart is the most ruinous value!
  With a heart of gold, one does not line one's pockets, but acquires immortality!
  Immortality cannot be bought, and cannot even be earned, as it is an absolutely priceless gift!
  Most often, empty heads get a concussion!
  In boxing, as in life, only falling is not so painful!
  All changes for the better, except for aging!
  It's bad to get old, but it's even worse to fall into childhood!
  There is no happier time of childhood, and more unhappy when one falls into childhood!
  Aging is a bad change, but if the tsar is a conservative, then he is already an old man!
  An old lion is worse than a young puppy, but better than an old ram!
  Tsars grow old, but the people are forever young - so let there be a republic instead of a monarchy!
  The king becomes decrepit over the years, and the people grow wiser!
  To live long does not mean to grow old, which means to become wise!
  Dynamic modes are the most stable!
  Most often, the authorities stagger, which is used to standing still!
  Ruler in motion never falls!
  The ruler is tight on the rise - be sure to fall down!
  The regime in stagnation is sure to stagger!
  The cold of stagnation breeds the boiling of indignation!
  When people are cold from stagnation, a wave of discontent is heated up!
  Victory is never small, but defeat always fills the heart with bitterness!
  Even a small defeat overwhelms a person with annoyance!
  The smallest victory fills with joy to the brim!
  Change is always for the better, even aging eventually poisons you to that better light!
  The only consolation in old age is that it doesn't last too long!
  Everything in the world comes to an end, and diseases, and old age, and dictatorships ... only problems have to be solved ad infinitum!
  White hair in women is associated with stupidity, but whoever thinks blondes are fools, let him turn white as a sheet, and turn black with annoyance!
  A loud voice can deafen, even if it belongs to a fool, but the quiet whisper of a clever one rumbles like thunder, drowning out the most frenzied roar!
  The donkey roars loudly, the lion even louder, but a great man is able to intimidate even in a whisper!
  The tougher the power, the more landings!
  An empty head is easy, but it flies off without brains even easier!
  The less the ability of the ruler, the more the powers of the tyrant!
  A lot of power in mediocrity, leads to meager gifts!
  The tyrant rarely has a gift, but in the presence of a blow!
  A politician who beats a lot - discourages the desire to vote for himself!
  Let's drink to the fact that politicians beat only the thumbs, without interfering with development!
  It is better to make one small invention for people than to proclaim Hallelujah a thousand times!
  Number wins elections, but how often does it breed incompetence!
  Not every politician is Suvorov, but everyone in the elections takes exactly the number!
  Whatever the skill, but without the number of elections you can"t win!
  Why election results are almost always wrong - because quantity overcomes quality!
  The more followers, the worse the politician, gold reaches for gold, and sand for sand!
  In politics, the concept of the mind is relative, but the ability to deceive is absolute!
  Politicians lie, and presidential candidates only compose!
  None of the politicians can be trusted, except for one - you definitely have no choice!
  No matter how you vote, you will still scream with disappointment!
  You can vote in elections, but you can't give up when there is no choice!
  A politician is akin to the devil, only he pays for souls only with promises!
  The politician loves to work with his tongue, but the result goes sideways!
  The politician has a red tongue, a yellow brain, a black soul, and without a flag as a means of insurance!
  The singer sings, and the politician yells, but both take their ambitions in their throats!
  The sweetest speech of a politician will not replace salted salmon!
  Too sweet speech, contains no salt!
  A wise orator, instead of sweetness, extracts the salt of thought and concept!
  Words do not contain salt if honey flows from the mouth!
  The politician loves to spew sweets, but always with an admixture of rotten meat!
  The politician spews honey, but unlike the bee, he stings all the time!
  A politician is as lazy as a drone, stings like a bee, but his honey does no one any good!
  Politics is a circus, but you can see the spectacle without an entrance ticket!
  Politicians are clowns, but with the inflated conceit of kings!
  Politicians are jesters dreaming about crowns!
  A politician is certainly a jester, but sometimes he says things that are not at all funny!
  Politicians often cause laughter, but also beat off the desire to joke!
  Politicians, like jesters, but under the king, the latter are more useful!
  Politicians love to turn their shows into clownery, but they rarely give a good mood!
  How politicians did not make us laugh, to cheer up, only the fulfillment of their promises can cheer us up!
  There is nothing worse than old age, except the withering of the mind!
  Old age is not calendar years, but a state of mind!
  If you want to look younger, ignore the calendar and the pressure!
  The young in heart and body will not grow old!
  Those who are eternally young in soul and young in mind do not grow old in body!
  Whoever is young in spirit will never stiffen in flesh!
  Most often, people remember God, to hell with it!
  It's good for a man without God until problems pile up from hell!
  If the devil did not frolic, man would not pray!
  It is the fear of the Devil that most of all encourages love for the Almighty!
  For a smile, you can forgive even the failure to fulfill election promises!
  Parliament is certainly not a circus, but it causes laughter even more often!
  You can forgive everything politics, except when it causes nothing but the desire to yawn!
  Thinking like a circus requires tightrope walking!
  Love is a feeling like a flute, only the music is much sweeter!
  Politicians are often foxes and never lions, because politicking is not a royal business!
  A boy without a fight is worse than a dog!
  Honesty is a rare quality for politicians, especially when counting the vote!
  In the pulsation of the heart and veins, we want change...but not aging!
  Youth is priceless like gold, it only fades faster with time!
  Youth promotes discoveries, like a fresh breeze to a sail!
  Youth, unlike wine, loses value over the years, but gains strength!
  Robots in fantasies were born of human laziness, but embodied by superhuman diligence!
  The more commanders, the less order, the less order, the more losses!
  Childhood is like money during inflation, the more valuable, the faster you part with it!
  Oak generals, produce wooden coffins!
  The general is like a barrel, especially empty!
  When generals are oaks, dense ignorance flourishes!
  Mind and fantasy, like husband and wife, only the honeymoon is truly sweet when the supportive mother-in-law of reality!
  The number of orders is not always proportional to valor, but always reflects the favor of the superior!
  Oil is indeed black gold, poisons nature, blackens hearts, clouds the mind!
  Oil is like the black blood of the devil - it poisons both the flesh and the soul!
  The mind is a lifesaver in smart hands, and a butcher's club in the paws of an idiot!
  It's easier to make a snowman in the mouth of an erupting volcano than to find a discovery that has not been used for military purposes!
  Opening for war is tantamount to closing many doors of peaceful life!
  If you want to avoid a fight - pump your muscles, if you want to avoid war - build up an army!
  Diplomacy is lightened by the burden of military spending, negotiations are weighty fists!
  Do not promise the moon from the sky, you will have to howl like a dog when people come to make a demand!
  Hearts demand revenge, but nothing more crafty and evil than the human heart - so let the mind give forgiveness!
  To have a harvest, it is necessary to plant parasites all year round!
  By planting a lazy one once, you can have a harvest all year round!
  Red speech can whitewash a black reputation, but it will not adorn the life of a colorless one for consideration!
  The miracles of science, we are deprived of boredom, the miracles of progress are very interesting!
  The main miracle of science does not strike, but rewards!
  Science is not a wolf, but leaves the forest, if there is no scholarly responsibility sheep shepherd!
  The start should not be frisky, you will slow down to a date, but slowness at the beginning will freeze the end!
  The beginning is like the opening in a game, you should develop faster, but don't move without thinking about pawns!
  An ideal politician is like a horse at work, but not a donkey in councils!
  Love is, of course, a wonderful feeling, only when it does not apply to alcohol!
  Many cooks spoil porridge by pouring curdled milk into the dough!
  A politician is an artist, only he does not stain the canvas, but himself!
  Kings can do everything, but monarchs want almost nothing for the people!
  Only the king who stands up for the people!
  There are only two things in the world beyond the control of the Creator: human feelings, and human stupidity, especially when I feel like smart people!
  It doesn't matter who the president is, what matters is who the king is in your head!
  War, no place for reflection, the era of death and madness!
  Only those who have a mind beyond reason go crazy!
  A car is not just a means of transportation, but a luxury that only fools skimp on!
  The most wasteful kind of economy, to skimp on prestige!
  We sometimes lost, sometimes we died, but the Russians never knelt down!
  Skill replaces quantity, but quantity can only falsely counterfeit skill!
  - In a healthy body, and the spirit of the ambal - and the weakness of the flesh - the soul faded!
  Blood shines like gold, but metal souls rust from it!
  Even gold rusts if a heart is not cast from it!
  Torture is not entertainment, but hard work from the service sector, in which pity for the client is fatal to you!
  The soul of a rich man is patriotic, no more than that of a gold coin, where they take it and stick to it!
  Gold is yellow as the color of treason, soft as the will of an opportunist, heavy as the conscience of a traitor!
  Pain is like a mother-in-law, obsessive, nasty, I want to get rid of it, but ... without it you won"t get married with victory!
  When the enemy does not surrender, they destroy him, and when he does not surrender, ingenuity brings victory!
  It doesn't matter if the females of the enemy die, it's a disaster if our males have twisted their brains!
  It is easy in battle when learning is not torment, but useful entertainment!
  Even in the words of Christ, his servants are looking for something that serves godless arbitrariness!
  A large closet will fall noisily, and loud glory goes to the one who knocked it down!
  When the mask is skillful, we do not need an excuse!
  More often red rivers flow because of red speeches and black deeds!
  - Who is destined to be stabbed, should not tremble on the rope!
  As always, it turned out, but they didn"t want to!
  Death deserves a better share than life, because its duration leaves incomparably more parts to choose from! -
  Guarantees give guaranteed robbed!
  A coin made of gold is soft, but more deadly than a bullet, it hits right in the heart and takes out the brain!
  Technology is the god of war - and its saboteur is an atheist!
  God created the universe in six days, and man pays for all eternity for a minute man-made weakness!
  They entered on the wool, but did not return with a cable car!
  Run, but don't run away, shoot, but don't shoot back, hit, but don't fight back, and most importantly, drink, but don't get drunk!
  No one needs the ears of a dead donkey, but the hearing of a living fox is a gift for those who do not need donkeys to achieve their goal!
  Shoe your mind, you will forever remain a tramp!
  War is air for the lungs, but only mixed with binary gas!
  If the enemy does not want to give up and does not know how to lose, we will force him to give up and wean him to win!
  Bad people love black magic, good bad people white!
  Killing in a war is hard in the process, disgusting in perception, but how great in the end! So war brings health to the soul, hardening to the body, and cleansing the wallet!
  Sometimes the war fills the wallets great, and in direct proportion to the fullness of the spilled blood, and the emptiness of the corrupt heart!
  The duty to the Fatherland is red with payment of disinterested devotion!
  War is a test for the smart, tempering for the strong, fun for fools! -
  Being a laughingstock is not fun, making others cry is not boring!
  A good ruler is like sugary honey, first they lick it, then they spit it out!
  And the evil ruler, like wormwood, will first be spit out, and then trampled!
  Yes, gold is soft, but an impenetrable shield is easily forged!
  Quality always outweighs quantity - even an ocean of barley porridge is not an obstacle to an ax!
  Evil is full of strength when good is weakened by fear!
  A joke is good for the place, a spoon for lunch, but help is in trouble!
  You may be lucky once or twice - without skill, luck goes away!
  Who is not Leo Tolstoy, that literary tramp!
  It is not necessary to be born Tolstoy in order to be a tramp from literature!
  Let's drink to having more wives than reasons to blush at divorce!
  Lust has ruined men more than the compassion of women!
  Accurate eye slanting hands, the enemy is not a miss - short-sighted!
  Philosophy does not prolong life, but makes it ornate, stretching the fragments!
  The general wins by skill, the butcher by numbers, the genius by art, the pretender by deceit!
  So let's drink so that hope does not die, and only those who do not justify it die!
  Hope dies last... And those who do not justify it are the first!
  In war, logic is a relative concept - like chocolate, I didn"t have time to admire the tiles as they are already in my mouth, I didn"t have time to swallow, as they are already crawling out sideways!
  Success sometimes smells bad, achievement carries a corpse, but happiness cannot stink!
  God is on the surface of every thing, and the Devil is in its details!
  Being beaten is unpleasant even for a masochist!
  What God does not know - only a question that He could not answer!
  A monkey is better than a man, because it can only be an animal literally!
  A sermon that does not lead to good is like a path that will lead to an ax!
  Building any doctrines on the texts of the Gospel is like studying quantum mechanics from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm!
  It is difficult to be God, but to remain a devil is completely unbearable!
  The mind quadruples strength even if the number of enemies doubles!
  Life is a continuous compromise, not with people, but with nature!
  The forehead is tolokolny, which means the syllable is cool!
  no laws are written for fools, no laws of nature are prescribed for geniuses!
  Language is given to the wise to hide thoughts about stupid and meaningless things!
  Whoever sees the funny in the sad will be tragically blinded by serious joy!
  - Hurry slowly - hurry slowly! Get five from the lesson - a difficult action solving!
  Winners are not judged... Although sometimes they sue!
  - Human stupidity is an ally - gods hostile to people!
  A man in a barn is a man, and a pig in a palace will not rise above a boar!
  There are two infinite things: the universe and human ingenuity - however, the first is relative, and the second is absolute!
  What Russian does not like fast driving, but the devil of a swift flight!
  - In hell, everyone does not want, but only a few can taste the desire for a diabolical opportunity!
  But without watering with tears, one cannot reap the harvest of joy, and without irrigation afterwards, the laurels of success do not grow!
  God is in every thing or on its surface, and the Devil is in the absence of things, or in the depths of material lack!
  Whoever takes the time to be careful will save eternity on his funeral!
  Silence is golden, the word is silver, but so much pours out of a woman's mouth that even diamonds dim!
  Silence is golden and will not rust from long storage of eloquent streams!
  And gold loses its value if it is silently buried in the ground!
  Sometimes, without saying anything, you will fill your purse with gold more than with a talkative begging for handouts!
  There is never a dull moment in war, it is routine, but only until the first shot!
  Peacetime is prone to repetition, and only the battle is always individual!
  In war, like in chess, you can"t blunder, but the difference is in constant time pressure!
  War is eternal time trouble, even before the first move!
  In chess, moves are made in turn, but in war, in turn!
  War is chess, only without rules and in real time!
  In war, there is an eternal lack of time, when the world is in short supply of fun!
  The most interesting thing in the war is that it is always serious, but pretend only surrender!
  Surrender can be feigned, but here to hand over, alas, only for real!
  The labors of learning pay off with the ease of combat! Who is not lazy, he will become a hero!
  It's never too late to learn unless you're dead!
  Even the dead man has a chance for revenge, unless he is an atheist!
  To become an atheist means to stop being immortal!
  They think with their heads, but act with their stomachs!
  Evil lives not in the hearts, but in the stomachs!
  The heart is selfish only from time to time, but the stomach is always!
  The stomach is the most nightmarish part of the body, but it is he who motivates us to work!
  Without a heart there is no man, without a stomach there is no human greed!
  The heart is comforted, but the stomach is comforted!
  I don't care how much the car, the main prestige of the Motherland has no price!
  If Jesus lives in the heart, then Satan lives in the stomach!
  An empty stomach encourages you to fill your wallet!
  Empty head, empty the purse!
  A big belly is not a sign of a great person, but it speaks of little willpower!
  An empty stomach fills the soul with bitterness!
  The heaviest belly, the one whose emptiness came from a head without brains!
  Feet feed a woman like a wolf, only in high heels!
  In the future, many promise mountains of gold, and happiness is still just around the corner!
  In life, not like in cards, you have to give all your best for success always and to the fullest!
  The goal is like a beacon, you strive for it, but when you reach it, you see that the problems have only been added!
  The cigarette is the most productive killer, especially against the customer! A cigarette is like a silent rifle, but deadly even in the hands of an amateur!
  Cigarette is the most reliable sniper, always kills!
  The cigarette tastes bitter, but it attracts more than candy!
  A cigarette is like a bad girl, only parting with it is much more painful!
  A cigarette, unlike a grenade, when thrown, prolongs life!
  In war, the shortest path to the goal is a detour, and pure truth is a vile deception!
  With a detour, you most likely cut off the path to the goal!
  Life is red, but leaves with scarlet blood!
  In war, life loses its value, but gains meaning!
  War is like a bridegroom, greedy for treason, but does not allow to stale!
  War is a lustful woman in devouring male bodies!
  War, like love, is submissive to all ages, but pastime is not pleasant!
  War, like a courtesan, is expensive, changeable, but always leaves a heroic memory of itself!
  War is not like a dream, strong emotions are indispensable!
  The world is boring and relaxing, the war is interesting and exciting!
  War is blood and sweat, fertilizes seedlings that give birth to courage!
  No matter how interesting the process of war, everyone wants an end!
  War is not a book, you can"t close it, you can"t hide it under your pillow, you can only mess it up too!
  War is a religion: it requires fanaticism, discipline, unquestioning obedience, but its gods are always mortal!
  In war, as in a casino, the risk is great, but the gain is short!
  A soldier is mortal, glory is forgotten, trophies wear out, and only the reasons to start a new massacre are irremovable!
  We despise the murderer, unless he is a soldier at the front, we despise the thief, if he is a marauder on the battlefield doubly!
  A soldier is a knight whose armor has courage and honor! General baron, who has a crown: prudence and intelligence!
  The soldier sounds proud, the private pejoratively!
  The first in the attack may die, but the last one will not remain in memory!
  It is better to be the first in the division of trophies than in the attack!
  War is like a woman, only lays down men without breaking!
  A woman, unlike war, is in no hurry to put a man to bed!
  War, unlike women, is never satisfied with the number of men required!
  War is the most insatiable female, she always has few men, and she will not refuse a woman!
  Women do not like to fight, but the desire to lay down a man is not much inferior to a bullet!
  Put a man to bed, maybe a small bullet, make a woman happy, a woman with a big heart!
  A big heart often leads to small gain!
  War does not have a woman's face, but she bleeds men more abruptly than a wife!
  War does not bring joy, but it satisfies aggressive instincts!
  Joy in the war, the corpses of enemies only in the price!
  War is the plowing of the field: it is fertilized with corpses, blood is irrigated, but it sprouts with victory!
  Victory is grown on corpses and blood, but it bears fruit with a weak one!
  War is like a cannibal flower, bright, carnivorous and with a bad smell!
  War is the mother of progress and the stepmother of laziness!
  And in the war, the life of a soldier is not in price, but from the generals and a loss at all!
  If you want peace, inspire fear; if you want war, inspire laughter!
  Laughter is not a sin if you are not a laughingstock in military affairs!
  War is like a circus, only the winner has the last laugh!
  At war, like in a circus, only a carpeted, serious killer!
  Unity in a hard regime is better than chaos and sloppiness in a soft one!
  Death is a convention, infamy is an absolute!
  No matter how great the king is, he will go to the grave, just like the kennel!
  A politician always lies, he only dies for real!
  Immortality is real, but death is illusory!
  Everyone can be kings, but not one, not one king can leave the coffin for the land!
  Everyone wants to live beautifully, but only a few die with dignity!
  Death promises trouble, unless it sparkles with the rays of achievement!
  Life without entertainment is love without hobbies!
  It's good when there is love, it's worse if blood is shed!
  Sex is like a torch, but refueling costs more!
  You can live without sex, but you can't reproduce!
  The hotter the love, the more blood flows!
  People want love, animals want sex, and geniuses want revelation!
  Even pigs mate, aesthetes love!
  Sex also needs a measure - the more the better!
  In love there is no limit, in sex the word is enough!
  It is easier under fire if there is a flame in the heart!
  It is better to burn in a flame than to become the soul of Cain!
  War is group sex: a lot of groans and screams, but there will not be so much blood from a thousand virgins!
  Sex is like war, but not so long and routine!
  To fight that to make love, only groans are not encouraged!
  Sex is good, spitting blood is bad!
  War is hard, but humiliation is stronger than any military burden!
  If you want to live, teach how to fight, if you want to survive, learn to win!
  In war, all means are good, except to be afraid!
  Everyone can fight, but only the worthy can win!
  War is not a place for reflection, it is full of great madness!
  It is better to fight than to trade with the Fatherland!
  War is not sweet, but it fills you with joy when you swallow it!
  The battle never ends, only the roar of the cannonade subsides!
  The cannonade may subside, the barrel may burst, but the struggle will never stop!
  In war, the most interesting, unpredictability, fighting for real!
  Why did prices drop under Stalin, because the enemies of the people were treated like cancer!
  Better to be naked for money than to be shod for nothing!
  Barefoot is literally more pleasant than being figuratively shod!
  War is like a circus, only instead of laughter there are tears, and the arena is the size of a planet!
  I want peace, it turns out war, I want war - it turns out capitulation!
  War is, to some extent, a mother, it gives rise to real brotherhood!
  War is evil, but produces good comrades!
  Long arms are good, if the mind is not short-circuited!
  Strength wins, only the practical mind rewards with the gifts of victory!
  Strength and intelligence as husband and wife give birth to victory only in pairs!
  A person, unlike a pyramid, has a non-flat support in stamina!
  The pyramid has four corners, but the flat surface gives stability!
  A good death is better than a bad life!
  It's good to be God, in the wild, it's bad to be a devil in the zone!
  The sun sets in half a day, and glory remains for centuries!
  Glory is short-lived, except for everything else!
  Live a century, learn a century, but do not relearn!
  Glory is very bright, brighter than gold, dims stronger with time!
  Glory is like the sun, only it does not set at night!
  It is not easy to become famous, even with effort, but laziness easily leads to infamy!
  Glory is like fire, pleasing to the eye, but to get it, you have to burn someone!
  It's good to be in glory, it's bad to be surrounded by flies sticky to glory!
  Glory is not eternal, but shame is not washed off for centuries!
  Glory is good, being inglorious is bad!
  War leads to glory, but only those who do not need to be driven to battle!
  You can win with violence, but you can keep the victory by the forces that inspire love!
  Without advanced technology, you cannot support the ideology!
  Fanaticism adds strength, and uncertainty will halve them!
  Sophisticated tactics, worth straight-line fanaticism!
  There is no greater stupidity than fanaticism, and there is no greater valor than a fanatical fight!
  Fanatics win, enjoy the fruits of victory - pragmatists!
  Killing is sometimes easy, and survival is akin to the exploits of Hercules!
  Armor is strong not with steel, but with flexible control with steel hardness!
  The tank must have a shell, but not be a turtle!
  The strongest rope is thought! She will not lag behind, and you will not cut her!
  Almighty God cannot do only three things: make everyone happy, out-argue Satan and defeat human stupidity!
  Sweet words are only for people with the intelligence of a fly!
  When a politician's speech is honey, voters will not have a sweet life!
  The ruler, who imagines himself a leader, considers his subjects to be savages!
  The head of the savages is the leader, the true masters have the servant of the people!
  When a ruler smears honey, it's not sweet at all!
  If you want life to be honey, do not believe in sweet speeches!
  In the sweet speeches of politicians, full of bitterness of disappointment!
  The sweet language of politics turns into bitter diarrhea!
  If life is not honey, then sweet speech is not appropriate!
  Even honey is bitter when poured out of the mouths of politicians and liars!
  Honey speeches, politicians, voters are drowning like flies!
  From the honey from the mouths of politicians, people are dying like flies!
  Honey is sweet, the truth is bitter, honey from the lips of politicians is even bitterer than the truth!
  How many do not hit on the brain, you will not strike a spark of inspiration!
  Dripping on the brain, you can only erase common sense!
  Honey is sweet, but only insects intellect eat from its mouth!
  Insect intelligence attracts politicians pouring out sweet speeches!
  High goals are often achieved by base means of political pygmies!
  Political pygmies, by base means, rise high!
  The strength of the political pygmy, it's easier to jump your head!
  Inconspicuous people most often become political giants!
  The pygmy is not so noticeable, but because of the ambush, it is much easier to shoot slanders!
  In politics, sweet speech attracts insects with intelligence, and pigs with morality!
  A politician, unlike a pig, defecates with eloquence!
  It's not so bad when a politician issues a red speech, it's worse when sheds scarlet blood!
  Most red blood, from the eloquence of red jackets!
  Blood is red, but it cleans up a blackened reputation best!
  Men always shed more blood than women... Except for the first intercourse!
  Almost everything is easier for a man than for a woman, except for the ability to pity and drag her into bed!
  Men are the stronger sex, but, unlike women, they can not always!
  There is no beautiful woman who does not have a chance to become a queen, but there are men who become rulers without having a chance for a beautiful deed!
  Not every man is a king and on the throne, but every woman is a princess even in tatters!
  A man has the greatest dignity and there is a weakness that even women without strong character traits play on!
  If a man is a male in the brain, but he cannot avoid a dog's life!
  Dog on the brain, it remains only to howl at the moon!
  The head should be big, but it's better in a figurative sense!
  Growing mind is good, worse when the mind of a teenager!
  You can measure everything except stupidity, overcome everything except your own stupidity!
  A big mind leads to considerable achievements, a small mind leads to great destruction!
  The higher your thoughts, the more willing to push into the abyss!
  The lion is the king of beasts, man is the emperor of the animal world, the politician is the god of the herd of cattle!
  So we will be with big heads in a figurative sense, and large wallets in the literal sense!
  Speed is needed when catching fleas, swiftness so as not to be crushed like a flea!
  A dog's devotion to a wrong cause leads to a dog's life!
  War is like a swing, only not childish entertainment!
  In war, everything is allowed, but not everything is useful, but nothing can be ruled out!
  An exceptionally effective strategy excludes nothing!
  Pity in war makes miserable losers!
  Being wise is good, being abstruse is bad, and being stupid is unprofitable!
  The sharpest mind comes to a standstill from human stupidity!
  The brightest eloquence overshadows the emptiness in the wallet!
  Unlike fists, which help to beat, many advisers only interfere with thinking!
  The sharpest mind, without a fist, will not even break through blotters!
  Even a teenager can beat a weak professor, but even a baby can fool an idiot!
  The power that can only kill the mind, and the mind is able to subjugate the power! Eloquence very often attracts the red color of blood!
  The red speech of a politician is like a mantle for a black soul!
  Blood is able to wash away any dirt, the eloquence of politicians splashes mud!
  The more eloquence a politician has on his tongue, the more blood sticks to his hands!
  The strength of a politician is in the language, only the muscle is usually more developed than the brain!
  Politician eloquent in word, wormy in deed!
  War is not child's play, but the mother of suffering!
  You can fight for a long time, but you will fight, as always, you will very soon!
  War is like a walk through the forest, the farther, the more terrible, oaks are all around and every pig strives to eat!
  The politician loves red speech, but is shy about keeping promises!
  A politician is like a volcano - he pours out red, but only for the purpose of destruction!
  Who is like a moth in search of light, will fall into hellfire!
  Whoever is not a bloodworm comes to the light!
  Religion is light, for those who are not insects in mind!
  In search of light, it is important not to stumble like a moth on a flame!
  Be a seeker of light, but don't become an insect that rushes into the flame!
  Religion is often accompanied by sweet speech, but you can also get bogged down in it like a fly in honey!
  It is necessary to believe in the light, but not to be a bloodworm, rushing to the torch!
  A woman should be frisky, but not a mare!
  A woman can do everything, only she can"t command her heart!
  For women, nothing is impossible, except to marry for love, and be happy involuntarily!
  A woman is not always a mare, but always a workhorse!
  The horse's physiognomy does not paint, but the horse's endurance allows you to survive!
  Women fade, but do not age!
  Being young is beautiful, gaining immortality is even better!
  A woman should be strong, but not suffocating!
  A woman likes everything, but not everything is to her liking!
  It's hard to be a woman, but it's much harder to be a man!
  Men are stronger, but women are smarter!
  It's good to have a husband when he doesn't have you!
  It's good to have a man, it's worse when men fuck you!
  Without war there is no peace, without love there is no feast!
  Women's attractiveness loves youth, men's finances!
  Women are good in youth, men with money!
  A woman is a flower, a man is a drone going to honey!
  A man was supposed to be with his wife, but not to be a woman!
  A man is always a male, but most often bitches bring him to dog life!
  It's better when a man is a male than a corrupt bitch!
  A man, if he wants to have a woman's body, must start a man's business!
  It's good for a man to have a woman's body - just not literally!
  Any fool can endure, not every smart guy can benefit!
  Defeating the enemy - you kill him, defeating yourself - you give a better life!
  Cruelty cements the nation, but softens the brain!
  The cruel succeed because fear is a far more enduring state than satisfaction!
  Do you want to become a god, surpass the devil in fanaticism!
  To get closer to the divine, do not stoop to the level of the devil!
  If you want to be lucky, stop being a bore, the bad attracts the bad, and the good attracts the good!
  Being a bull is good for a peasant, but pulling the strap is bad!
  It's better for a man to be a bull than to wear horns!
  Who is not a bull by strength, wears horns from impotence!
  If you don't want to wear horns, get bull strength!
  Women love bulls in strength, but despise those who are calf in mind!
  Be a bull of strength, but not a calf of reason!
  A man wants to be a bull, but no woman wants to be a cow!
  It's bad to be a cash cow, but it's much better to be a vigorous bull!
  Be stubborn like a bull, not a stubborn calf!
  The bull is strong in muscles, but the buffalo is weak in stupidity!
  It's better to be a strong bull than a weak donkey, but it's even worse to stay with an ass's mind after gaining bull's strength!
  It's easier to knock down a bull than to push a donkey!
  The strength of the bull is in the muscles, the weakness of the donkey is in the convolutions!
  To become a bull in strength, one can only cease to be a donkey in stubbornness!
  The horse is good in endurance, rather weak in intellect, if not savvy with knowledge!
  Yes, wars are not endless! Only stupidity and ambition knows no bounds!
  They don't get tired of stupidity, they just get exhausted!
  You can die beautifully, but it is easier to survive with beauty!
  And the ugly may die beautifully, but the beautiful life is available only to the attractive!
  You can bully, but don't be a cash cow!
  It is good to have human knowledge, but it is even better to have Divine possibilities!
  The hare is superior to the dragon in only one thing - mercy!
  If you want to eat hare, become a dragon for at least an hour!
  Whoever is a hare in the soul at a decisive moment will howl like a wolf for eternity!
  Whoever has the soul of a hare will be a smothered rabbit!
  A boa constrictor devours those who have the character of a rabbit and the habits of a hare!
  The hare runs well, but runs away badly!
  You can howl like a wolf all your life, but the lion must give himself every minute!
  If you want to take the place of a lion, become at least a little wolf!
  As they say, a well-fed belly is deaf in work, and a full belly will not carry work!
  Accuracy is like cutting, practice it early in the morning!
  The spirit does not have flesh and bones, but is the backbone of any even the strongest flesh!
  Treatment is an unpleasant process, except for healing from sexual coldness!
  A girl's mind is like a guy's dignity - it gives attractiveness, but it can hurt!
  Shooter's accuracy is like a fool's mind - use is always deadly!
  Life teaches painfully, re-educates even more painfully, but you can remain an ignoramus only when you are sick in life!
  Not living is easier than living, but for some reason the ease in this matter is completely unattractive!
  Some people give milk for harm, others give solid milk because of harm!
  The greatness of a person is to be content with little for himself, not to know the measure for others!
  Man himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness, only the forge inflames the flame of courage and diligence!
  A fist of five fingers, but only the mind bends them!
  Gold is yellow, but unchanging in its value!
  Golden heart - for the soul! Requires to undress - dance in poverty!
  The universe is great, but only when stupidity overwhelms, then there is nowhere to retreat!
  It's bad to be barefoot, but it's even worse to be shod!
  Who is a boot, that eternal tramp!
  Bare female feet are the best!
  Gold does not rust, but it can slow down a steel blade!
  In war they die young, when peace reigns, youth fades - the latter is much more prosaic!
  Who dies young in war lives in the eternally young memory of generations!
  It is better to be a dead hero than a living coward, because a dead hero is immortal, and a living coward died before birth!
  As not an honorable death of a hero, the life of a winner is still better!
  Only a strong person can afford to be kind, and a rich person can be generous! So let us be stronger than stone, so that the hearts do not turn to stone from muscle flabbiness!
  Who sends shells of milk helpless babies of abusive deeds!
  Accuracy is the key to success, and whoever hits by will be lost without luck!
  In war, someone else's life is not worth the price, but they will appreciate death as a reward, so you must boldly cut yourself!
  Bare female legs most likely turn men into tramps!
  War is like a stepmother, but it succeeds better in instilling courage in children!
  In war, if you are a lion, then when dividing the booty you will not become a jackal!
  Revenge is sweet, although it gives the bitterness of the previous defeat!
  Luck requires insolence and calculation among parents!
  Every person has a beast, but not everyone has a lion!
  It"s good to awaken the beast in yourself, it"s bad to scatter!
  It's not bad to become a beast, but not a stinking goat, a cowardly hare and a stupid donkey!
  No wonder the red color is similar to gold, fox habit attracts money!
  The fox is beautiful, and the fool is always happy with red, even if you have to defecate blood!
  Most often, the beast in a person awakens through donkey stubbornness, and herd mentality!
  In man, the beast is most often like a boa constrictor in the desire to swallow, and an ostrich in a thirst to get away from problems!
  Fear awakens a real beast in a person, only of a hare breed and donkey consideration!
  Whoever awakens the beast in himself in battle can become a lion, only with a flayed skin, if he does not show the ingenuity of a fox!
  Even a cunning fox can be skinned by the one who remains a man in any flock!
  Everyone wants to become kings of beasts, but lion's courage is the lot of the elite, and only donkey's mind is found everywhere!
  A genuine fox is always in sheep's clothing, and mows like a ram!
  Who is a ram with a mind, will go to a barbecue!
  If you don't want your skin to go on a collar - become a fox!
  Who is a true fox, he hides the brightness of the mind, and the splendor of the skin!
  The fox is a beast smaller than a lion, but much more deadly!
  Among the rulers, foxes are more common than lions, but in most cases with donkey vanity and sheep's consideration!
  Who can not awaken all the beast, appeals to the gods with a prayer!
  If you want to become closer to God in strength, become at least a little fox in thought, and a lion in courage!
  If you want to live like a human being, adopt the intelligence of a fox and the industriousness of a horse!
  Any animal is able to get enough, but a person is such an animal that it is never enough for him!
  A cast-iron fist is good, a cast-iron head is worse, and brains made of concrete are completely bad!
  That achievement has the strength of concrete, and whose brains are not porridge!
  A steel fist combined with a golden heart turns a soldier into a treasure!
  Whoever has a steel will and a heart of gold will not be covered with rust of laziness and corrosion of self-confidence!
  Science is the greatest light that can blind the ignorant, but causes the blind to see!
  Science requires sacrifice, but, unlike chess, it compensates not only with mate!
  If you don't want to, it's hard to plow, learn to ride a horse!
  Those who do not know how to ride a horse are harnessed to someone else's sleigh!
  Who has the intelligence of a horse, he does not know how to walk a horse!
  Any mare will succeed by learning to walk a horse!
  Most often they go by horse - dark horses!
  Who has spring in their hearts, and who has a solid first of April!
  Red speech is not for dim brains, but often hides a black soul!
  Whoever does not believe in magic is like a blind man who does not believe in light, but who constantly feels warmth!
  The most amazing thing in the world is that it exists in a war of all against all!
  Everything in the world is beautiful in its own way, because even a toad has a polished skin and a magnificent profession of a mosquito exterminator!
  If God has not been proven by science, but whether Satan exists, daily practical experience speaks of this!
  It is difficult to believe in God, but even more difficult to do without Him, so let's believe that we ourselves can become omnipotent and gain confidence!
  In youth, a person is full of energy and strength, old age accumulates energy into experience, and if there is strength, then the mind will not fade!
  Christianity is soft, but the grip is like steel, especially if your head is like a stone!
  Religions are attracted by the continuation of life in paradise after death, but they are able to turn reality into hell!
  You can believe in anything, but you can rip off any thing from a gullible!
  You can believe, but it is better not to believe in what you cannot be sure of!
  The light of faith is like a candle before the searchlight of knowledge!
  If you don't want to get hara-kiri, you will be a samurai in your soul!
  Samurai pride, without samurai courage often turns into hara-kiri!
  Be courageous as a samurai, but do not bring recklessness to hara-kiri!
  A soldier disguises himself to survive, a politician to profit!
  A politician is always mean, not always successful, but always deceitful!
  There are no untaken fortresses, no beaten generals, but the impenetrable jungle of human stupidity!
  A steel fist is good, a brain made of concrete is bad, and a mind without imagination is a complete failure!
  Better to be an eternal boy than an eternal loser!
  Young years are better than an old body!
  Steel muscles are better than a cast-iron head!
  Oak strength is good - oak stupidity is worse, but it is even worse to be a complete stump!
  Holding on tight to the ground means not being a complete stump!
  The strongest hold on the earth in their hands is not at all stumps!
  In order not to be uprooted, do not stoop to consider a stump!
  Growing up prematurely is better than growing old for the time being!
  It's good to have bullish health, but don't let yourself be harnessed!
  Childhood is a wonderful time, but not when it falls into it!
  Who grows up early, keeps the youth of the soul longer!
  It's good to be forever young, it's worse to fall into childhood!
  It's great to look at the world through children's eyes, but don't be infantile!
  Keeping youth forever does not mean falling into childhood forever!
  A capable boy is more inventive than a brilliant old man, because a blank slate is better suited for a masterpiece!
  Strength attracts, mind scares away, but only in a pair is victory born!
  If you are not a fox, then they will skin your collar!
  War is a stepmother to a soldier, but with her, unlike a mother, you can get sexual pleasure!
  If you don't want to be an ass, learn to kick!
  If you don"t teach how to butt, you will forever remain a sheep!
  The ram is not the one who is stubborn, but who does not know how to butt!
  Being cheerful is good, becoming a sheep is bad!
  A goat can be vigorous, but stubbornness always makes you stay in sheep!
  A hard forehead is characteristic of rams that do not know how to butt!
  Best butted, who does not have the stubbornness of a ram!
  Most often, they skin from hard-headed rams!
  You will not see the golden fleece if you are a sheep!
  The hardness of the forehead does not add security, a golden heart - financial well-being!
  The most ruinous treasure is a heart of gold!
  A golden heart will not bring bodily wealth, but will give treasures for the soul!
  Strong muscles match a reasonable head, but stupidity, alas, with heavy fists!
  Gold is a soft metal, but how it hardens the heart!
  Gold is soft, but well forged into impenetrable selfishness!
  Gold is soft, but crushes any fortress, or rather titanium!
  The golden heart is soft, the golden fleece is attractive, and the golden bullet is the deadliest thing in the world!
  Golden lips, or rather, collect gold coins, and red speech causes bloodshed!
  Red speech attracts blood more surely than an iron magnet!
  Steel is hard, but requires softness in application!
  Gold is soft, but without a hard character, it quickly decreases!
  For all its softness, gold loves tough people with a strong character!
  Gold sparkles brightly, but comes to the pocket, more often from dark deeds!
  A dark soul collects bright, golden coins rather than a golden heart full of bright thoughts!
  The dark side attracts with the bright sheen of gold coins!
  The brightest gold is mined by the dark way and by black souls!
  Under the bright sun, who has yellow coins!
  An empty wallet is really heavy, but a full one requires heaviness in the soul!
  An empty purse is easy to lift, but it is impossible to get up with it!
  Light, without valuable luggage you will not conquer the pinnacle of success!
  Gold, although a heavy metal, makes it incredibly easy to climb to the top!
  To fly up to the crest of success, you need to weigh yourself down with a gold reserve!
  Golden wings are heavy for an airplane, but light for a person!
  The golden armor is attractive to look at, durable to the touch, easy to wear, does not rust, but blinds with compassion!
  Golden armor is not demolished, but it does blow off its head from arrogance!
  The yellow color of gold is beautiful, but the color of treason is more disgusting than manure!
  - The mouse defeats the elephant, and cunning is power! Only cunning is given not with mouse brains!
  The cunning of the fox gives birth to a bright victory, and an excellent fur coat as a trophy!
  The smaller the target, the harder it is to hit, the more ambition, the easier it is to get caught!
  Who exchanges himself for nickels - remains without a broken penny!
  Do not change to live on pennies - you will devalue existence to a broken penny!
  Who is sold for a broken penny - receives a nickel!
  The promises of the golden mountains are not worth a penny!
  Having bought into the promises of the golden mountains, you are left without a broken penny and with a beaten nickel!
  The Golden Mountains are the most inaccessible of the peaks!
  Mountains of gold are mined with a blade of steel, under the command of that one does not change his mind for nickels!
  If the mind is not worth a penny, the mouth spews mountains of gold!
  First, politicians promise mountains of gold, then I send them to die for broken pennies!
  A politician who promises mountains of gold does not bring golden eggs!
  The politician likes to promise the moon, but the dog's life is guaranteed to get a free bone!
  Do not promise mountains of gold, and you will be handed over for a copper penny!
  If you don't want to be sold for a nickel, don't promise mountains of gold!
  A pawn is promoted, a politician does not advance without the promise of a career, considering you a pawn!
  In politics, like in chess, only time trouble from the very beginning, and checkmate is constantly distributed!
  If you follow the speech of those who promise mountains of gold, you will need gold teeth!
  Gold is a valuable metal until it is transferred to the mountains of promises!
  How often people are attracted not by a real golden heart, but imaginary golden mountains!
  The golden promise is an unreliable chair!
  Don't mess with the fat, you'll go to the gravy!
  All ages are submissive to war, but this is where all its resemblance to love ends!
  War is not a mother, but it can feed the skilled and lucky!
  War is not a mother, but it nourishes courage!
  Defeat is bad, especially if you lose to your weaknesses, but if you lose, you can get rid of the ballast that pulls you to the bottom!
  Writer in creation God, with diabolical imagination, and human imperfection!
  Progress does not require reflection, but deliberate action, but not abstruse in inaction!
  Although progress, but time is still running out!
  The most lethal projectile is gold, although the metal is soft!
  Gold, despite its softness, gives steel hardness to the sword!
  The sword is the most deadly sword made of soft, golden metal!
  It is not for nothing that gold is yellow, it gives rise to treason with the taste of lemon!
  Treason is yellow, because it is generated by craving for the yellow metal!
  The yellow color of gold seduces to treason, the sword of steel damask steel to traitors on the neck!
  Gold is beautiful to look at, but inclines towards ugly deeds!
  Not everything is gold that glitters, but everything is expensive, which inclines to treason!
  The golden collar is the most durable - it is put on voluntarily!
  The golden cage attracts those who give themselves up for a penny!
  Mountains of gold are promised by those persons who are not worth a penny or a penny!
  The gold chain is strong, but not very reliable if the owner has exchanged himself for nickels!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but makes life easier, soft, but makes hearts harder!
  Gold is so soft that one gets bogged down in it, so bright that it makes one blind!
  The most reliable fetters and the most corrupt swords are forged from gold!
  There is no metal brighter than gold, and no darker deeds are done because of the gold metal!
  There is no trouble from gold, but from the absence of golden hearts!
  The coin is golden, round like zero, and resets to zero, to whom it is not given!
  Failing to get the golden fleece, you yourself turn into a ram!
  Golden wings, despite the heaviness of the metal, are the most lifting!
  What gold is not a heavy metal, but much harder when it is not in your soul!
  An empty pocket is the heaviest, an empty heart lowers like a press in thoughts!
  Gold weighs a lot, but it also betrays a lot of weight!
  Whoever does not load himself with gold ballast will not take off to financial prosperity!
  Those who seem to turn yellow from treason often get richer, but they dry out like an autumn leaf even more truly!
  Gold is like autumn yellow, and symbolizes the withering of conscience!
  The golden sword can kill everything except oak selfishness!
  Only an absolute oak will not collapse before a golden blade!
  A golden heart will not attract wealth, except for the treasures of the soul!
  The golden hook does not need additional bait and disguise!
  A golden hook is difficult to forge, but it is easy to catch it, and the prey is fat!
  Whoever does not lay golden eggs is not worth a penny!
  The ringing of gold coins, attracts, better, the silver voice of the prima donna!
  A heart of gold does not allow the soul to rust and the conscience to suffocate!
  Gold is a sticky metal, but it easily flows between your fingers!
  Gold sticks well to dirty souls, but in running water it pulls to the bottom!
  Gold is awarded, but it is the cause of all wars and strife!
  Gold gives life, steel gives security, and oak brains take away both!
  With oak brains they give oak!
  Gold loves a strong body, but not with an oak head!
  You have to be a strong body, but not an oak head!
  An oak head will not add strength to you!
  You have to be a strong soldier, not an oak martinet!
  They get oak heads with a club on the brains!
  The weakest head, oddly enough, from the strongest oak!
  Oak heads, always with a hole the size of a hollow!
  The oak head will provide a hard landing, and send it to the pigs as an acorn!
  If you are an oak with a mind, you will go like an acorn to feed for pigs!
  Zadubev brains, you will become like an acorn pig food!
  Oak breed is good, oak consideration is worse!
  Oak is a breed of great strength, if only consideration does not affect!
  Oak martinet, makes the strongest soldiers give oak!
  Oak is given, first of all, from oak brains!
  Gold loves strong people, but not oaks with brains!
  Luck brings gold, it is such a heavy metal that the question is whether you are lucky!
  Intelligence and luck give birth to success in pairs and a feeling of bitter annoyance separately!
  Good luck is a reward for courage combined with prudence ... But it can also undeservedly come to an impudent adventurer!
  Alas, gold does not cling to a heart of gold, and success to nobility, but a soul will not be lost even for a copper penny!
  Whose heart of gold is not exchanged for heels, and does not pour out silver from his mouth in vain!
  The power of gold is not in brilliance, but in the brilliant magic of seducing with the brightness of wealth!
  Gold loves strong chests, not oak heads!
  The strongest chain is gold, but it is also the most ruinous!
  If you want to have enough steel for your blades, stock up on gold!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but with it you will not fall into the abyss of poverty!
  Gold is a heavy metal and hard to find!
  The most powerful and insidious beast is man, only the animal in him leads to weakness and self-deception!
  You may not be an animal, but you must become a man!
  Man is only then the most powerful beast, if the mind is not an animal!
  An animal can be stronger in body than a human, but the animal in the soul is always a weakness!
  Gold chain is not for dog life!
  Golden mountains from the lips of a politician, seduce, alas, not only cast-iron heads!
  The sweet speeches of politicians attract voters with the intelligence of a fly!
  When there is a lot of honey in the speeches of politicians, it means that they rely on voters with the intelligence of insects and the industriousness of drones!
  Honey is bitter when it pours out of the mouths of politicians!
  A golden chain made of soft metal, but strong temptation!
  Gold is heavy and sinks, but it makes it unsinkable!
  The bull is strong, but easily falls under the yoke of someone who is not a donkey with his mind!
  Gold is heavier than lead, and it strikes hearts more truly!
  A gold coin is more deadly than a sharp dagger, because it sheds blood for those who have little money!
  Strong is not the one who has an elephant's body, but a donkey's mind!
  Gold can seduce with its brilliance and a brilliant mind!
  Gold is hard to carry, but life is unbearable without it!
  Love is a light that attracts moths, but does not bear fruit with the minds of insects!
  Butterflies are outwardly beautiful, but the mind of insects pushes people to disgusting deeds!
  Be agile like a bumblebee, hardworking like a bee, but lower your mind to the level of an insect!
  You can't fly far with the mind of an insect!
  The mind of an insect makes it wingless!
  Best of all, money sticks to golden hands!
  The greatest value is golden hands!
  The most steel fists are those who have golden hands!
  Golden hands are a great value, especially in addition to steel fists!
  You can't put golden hands on an oak head!
  If you are not short-sighted, you will find hands of gold!
  Gold does not rust, golden hands do not idle!
  And golden hands can become rusty from idleness!
  Golden hands have a grip of steel!
  No matter how beckoning a golden hook is, it also needs bait if you are not catching an oak head!
  With an oak head, you will crash like a pine tree!
  The golden hand is stronger than titanium and also builds for centuries!
  Cast iron fists will not replace golden hands, but they can crush an oak head!
  Golden hands forge steel blades, and oak heads are pulled into an iron cage!
  The strongest cage, golden hands can break!
  Gold is a soft metal, but it is the most durable lattice and reliable chain!
  The golden shield is the most durable, the golden sword is the most smashing!
  Gold shines like a mirror, which reflects the base feelings of the soul!
  Gold can be taken away with a damask blade, but a heart of gold cannot be broken even by a steel hammer!
  Troubles are not from golden purses, but from oak heads!
  The oak head will take you to acorns!
  Golden mind is good - fever is bad!
  Treason yellow gold rush!
  The best gold rush immunity is a heart of gold!
  The executioner is a profession that also requires skill, but to call the killer's paws with golden hands, the tongue does not turn!
  The executioner loves to be paid in gold, but he does not appreciate golden heads!
  For love, any age is a golden time, for a salary, any time is a sunny dawn!
  Although gold is yellow, we do not stick to those who have autumn in their hearts!
  Whoever has a golden soul is poor in spirit!
  Gold is a heavy metal, but the golden soul is weightless!
  The sunset is red, because when it comes to reason, it causes bloodshed!
  You can"t unhook the gold like a harpoon, but honestly they say it"s reluctant to unhook from such a harpoon!
  It's better to be a gold piece than a broken penny, but not when you've been raped!
  Gold can be bought, but even more likely to destroy!
  Happiness is not in gold, but when there is a lot of it!
  Gold is more valuable when it is not in the purse, but went to the ebb of golden limbs!
  Armor is easier to pierce with a gold tip, despite the softness of the metal!
  Gold is heavy because gold scrap flattens anyone!
  Gold is heavy, but it hurts the most with its absence!
  Gold flattens easily, but flattens even more easily!
  For all its lethality, gold needs the cover of a steel blade!
  Jupiter has more rights than a bull, but he also has so many duties that it"s time to burst into tears!
  Even though the devil is black, he loves the glitter of coins, even though the soul is black, he loves gold!
  Whoever wants to live like a white man will too often look for help from a black devil!
  If you want to live like a white man, wash your hands well!
  To break into the white people, you must not shy away from black work!
  The politician displays himself as white people with the help of red speeches, and the evil dictator with the help of executioners!
  The love of the people is changeable for the person, but not for cash!
  Personality changes, but cash does not betray!
  Politicians lie, promising mountains of gold, but gold will always truthfully trample you uphill!
  The politician loves to deceive people, but he usually gets it only with those who have killed the man in themselves!
  The mind of a politician is needed more often for deception, and not to live by the truth, to inspire fog - to collect tribute to the gang!
  Thoughts must be pure, speech red, so that terrible misfortunes do not come to us!
  Love is like gold, attracts all ages, has a lot of brilliance, and lays no small burden!
  There are small personalities and small cash, but a big personality will increase the cash!
  Love to plow, it does not mean to have a bullish intelligence!
  If God gave bullish strength, do not bully, but pasha!
  Victory pays for the effort, defeat is a sign of impotence!
  The soul adorns the body, and the body adorns the soul - fight skillfully, do not turn into a carcass!
  When a monkey takes over in a person, the gods turn away from him!
  There are monkey kings, but macaques don't become humans!
  If you want to become a god for an hour, crucify the monkey inside you forever!
  Be strong as a bull, cunning as a fox, but do not stoop to the level of an animal in morality!
  It's good to be a rooster in bed, it's bad to crow at the bucket!
  - A politician should be a fox, but you should wag your tail only when you have the strength of a hare!
  - A good politician must be a lion, and take the lion's share, but for this you need to donate!
  - If you are a fox in politics, others donkey for you!
  - Politics is the art of deceiving voters, only the most skillful deception is when you are considered an honest guy!
  - A politician can become a god if he lowers the voter to the level of a macaque!
  - A politician is always in a mask, when he is scary, when he is kind, but he is not always able to disguise himself!
  - Politicians in elections are often not wolves in sheep's clothing, but sheep under the guise of a lion!
  - A politician, like vodka, intoxicates the brain, but unlike bitter, he makes sweet speeches!
  - A politician always thinks about his own benefit, but whoever does not think at all is completely unprofitable for voters!
  - You can talk about politics for a long time, but you can puke even longer!
  - A country needs politics like sheep needs a shepherd, only they usually get a wolf as a load!
  - The sweet speech of a politician, like vodka, turns into a bitter hangover!
  - There are no friends in politics, but there are a lot of accomplices!
  - If you want to be a good politician, be a bad moralist!
  - Oratory pours out silver, but fills his pockets with gold coins!
  - The dollar is green, but paints the world in the red color of blood!
  - A politician must be far-sighted, but he does not see the interests of voters beyond his nose!
  - The politician promises a lot, fulfills little, but when reporting, he knows no bounds!
  - Politics is a dirty business, but gold coins stick to manure so well!
  Without creation, there is no God; without overcoming difficulties, there is no man! The most powerful animal is the fox, it is not the biggest, not the most fanged, but intellectual power is like a hydrogen bomb in the hands of a person!
  The politician's favorite color is red, but of course the fox, not the clown!
  - A politician can afford a wolfish appetite, only with fox resourcefulness!
  - The most powerful enemy can be overcome by cunning, like a fox luring a lion into a trap!
  The lion king needs, first of all, a helper fox and false beauty!
  To get the lion's share, you must first become a fox!
  The fastest animal is the cheetah, but most likely they overtake the victim of the fox!
  The law should inspire fear, not the executioner who enforces it!
  Strengthening the body does not mean dumbing down to the level of an oak tree!
  Steel, bending, strong strategy without bending, must be elastic!
  If you are strong as a bull, you will not be harnessed to a collar so easily!
  How soft gold is, there is no stronger chain of yellow metal, deadlier than bribery!
  No matter how transparent vodka is, with its help it is much easier to plunge into the mud!
  A politician likes to lie in failures, but even more so in achievements!
  Silence is golden, but it will not add extra shine!
  Greed destroys even a higher rank than a fraer, but generosity does not often save!
  The fox is stronger than the elephant, but it does not mean fair combat!
  Meanness for a politician is like a hook for a fisherman, but the catch often gets stuck in the throat!
  The tyrant ruler will support an ally like a hanged man's noose!
  The fox is beautiful with fur, but ugly with desires!
  And the red color fades, and the red flag decays!
  Everything impossible is possible in the universe, to direct the force only as if in creation!
  Yes, whoever thinks that the life of leaders is easy - just has the thoughts of a fool!
  No matter how cunning the fox is, the man still sends her to the collar!
  Who cherishes a minute will forever reap the rewards!
  Be wise, but don't be wise!
  It's better to punch well than to scream badly!
  A thousand empty words are not worth one full fist!
  Strength is in truth, but you cannot overcome a mighty enemy without deception!
  Teaching is the surest light from which the blind see!
  Trust in God, but do not lead to a hopeless situation!
  If you want to get closer to God, crucify the monkey in your soul!
  Man is a creation of God, but judging by his deeds, he clearly comes from a monkey!
  Trust in God, but pump up your muscles!
  It is better to hit once well than to swear badly a hundred times!
  God is a lifeline, only not given in sticky hands!
  Money, unlike the mind, does not happen much!
  Who makes political capital on homophobia - big ass!
  There are two good things in the world: beautiful girls, and big money!
  It"s just a pity that they exist in the world, but you too often don"t have both!
  Bare feet are not for tramps!
  Women's beauty is expensive, but well worth it!
  Love women while you are young, but don't fall into hatred when your youth is gone!
  Lose their heads, who do not get hold of the mind!
  Big head to all the muscles head!
  Petty thoughts are not for big heads!
  The easiest way to pass the bars is a big head!
  The sieve of the prison bars easily pass large figures!
  The executioner is also a judge, only he always works according to his conscience!
  Forever young soul - does not fall into childhood!
  It's good to have a big head, but not literally!
  You have to be a cunning fox so that the skin is not torn off on the collar!
  Although the bear is large, it is easier to remove the skin from it than from the fox!
  Endless disputes do not solve eternal problems!
  In order not to become a goat, you need to be vigorous!
  A woman is like a cow, valuable when she is healthy!
  The bare feet of women are good shoes for womanizer!
  A barefoot woman finds a path in a man's wallet more easily!
  You can't live without women, but you can't live with your mother-in-law!
  It's good to marry for love, it's bad if the mother-in-law is in that blood!
  If you are an animal with a mind, then you will howl like a wolf!
  A politician always promises more than he can do, except for causing problems!
  A politician is like a wolf for blood, like a fox for deceit, and like a bear for sweet honeyed speeches!
  And politics is always seven Fridays a week, and eternal Monday!
  The politician wants fame, but more often he is dishonored!
  The politician is an oak, but not by the firmness of his views, but by the content of his head!
  A politician values a heart of gold least of all!
  The politician has a long tongue, but a sequestered conscience!
  A politician often with a long tongue, but with rotten teeth!
  The politician is deceitfully similar to a fox, but so beautiful in appearance!
  A politician is a pickpocket who writes laws for his wallet!
  The politician is strong in language, but weak in confirming words with deeds!
  A politician is like a prostitute, but never brings satisfaction!
  A politician loves to talk, does not like to work, but hates to be responsible for his words!
  A politician lies easily, but hardly admits to lying!
  A politician loves a long speech, but he is short in fulfilling his promise!
  A politician is capable of any meanness, not capable of exceptional nobility!
  The fox is a beast with bright fur, but dark thoughts!
  Eloquence spews out streams of blood, like a fiery stream of a volcano!
  The politician is like a vampire, but he bleeds in the light!
  The politician likes to put rose-colored glasses on his voters, but he still smacks of blueness!
  A politician is a prostitute working in bright light!
  A politician has no soul, but a two-spirited spirit!
  The politician tears a crocodile, but laughs a monkey!
  Eloquence is a good way to put on rose-colored glasses!
  The drunk will oversleep, but the politician will not stop lying!
  A politician always wants a lot for himself, a minimum for voters, but he promises the most!
  Crooked politics goes sideways!
  The zigzags of politics directly lead to power, but derail the hopes of voters!
  A politician is like a scorpion, only it stings not so painfully, but more deadly!
  Do not feed politics with bread, but let them lie!
  The politician wants to be a puppeteer Karabas, but does not want to plow like Papa Carlo!
  The politician loves to fill his pockets with gold, and the heads of voters with manure!
  The politician's speech is red, but it burps with scarlet blood!
  Honesty for a politician is like vegetarianism for a wolf!
  When a politician's speech is full of promises, it is sheer empty talk!
  - Not a tough glove, a tough boxer!
  - A fist with a crepe shoulder, a front with a rear, and insolence with a calculation!
  - The sword requires a strong hand, the country of a wise ruler, a woman of a loving husband!
  - Steel muscles to match a steel blade, iron will to a steel character, and a heart of gold to a diamond soul!
  - The iron heart quickly rusts, corrosion does not take the iron character!
  - Even an army as strong as oaks has no strength with an oak commander!
  - Most often they give oak oak heads!
  - Holes in the pocket of someone with a hollow in the head!
  - Oak gives strength to the ship, oak head depravity of the crew!
  - The oak gives excellent acorns, the oak head attracts only pigs.
  - An oak of three letters, an oak head is sent with three letters!
  - Putting down roots - do not become a stump, growing stronger muscles, do not bang your head!
  - If you are not an oak head, then your trunk is drill!
  - Who shakes his oak head, he will fall asleep in an oak coffin!
  - One oak general will flood a thousand steel blades!
  - Strong support oak, fragile protection oak consideration!
  Violence is a bucking steed that brings wealth and happiness!
  Happiness loves courage, and honor wins! He who has lost fear has gained kinship with the gods!
  In war, everything is fake, only the tears are real, and the grief is genuine!
  The gold of the world is sometimes false, but the lead of war is always real! Deception in war is like grease in bearings; without it, you can"t cook victory porridge!
  It's not a shame not to be naked, it's a shame to be "shod"!
  And turning around again, she added:
  - It's good to be in fashionable shoes, it's bad to be shod, on the eyebrows!
  The girl is good both in clothes and without clothes, but it"s bad to be shod with a blunt boot!
  It is better to walk barefoot all your life than to be married to a shoe, or a man who is shod by any tramp!
  - A small piece of lead in the heart, or rather leads to the goal than a bag of gold under the ass!
  - Lead is not as shiny as gold, but it will strike the heart even in small numbers!
  - Not everything that glitters is gold, not everything that is heavy is lead, but everything that is connected with the war is bitter!
  - War, of course, is bitter, but it is such a medicine that can cure the soul of cowardice!
  "Everything is possible in a war, but you can"t win without fighting, and you won"t be mistaken to lose!"
  - A clever commander does not predict a battle that he will lose, a diplomat will not conclude an agreement that he will violate, but a dodgy politician will always make voters losers!
  - The dictator loves flattery like a fly, stings like a scorpion, sticks like a tick, but despite the quality of insects remains wingless!
  - A strong ruler like steel, flexible and hard, but only with a heart of gold can he bring happiness to the people!
  - It is better to be strong than weak, tough than soft, strong than unsteady, but in diplomacy the greatest strength is the ability to bend!
  - A bag of gold can open a gate, but only a steel blade can make a gate strong!
  - The dictator has seven Fridays a week, but he can't wait for Sunday!
  - There are no muscles in the brain, but the greatest strength!
  - A woman is not always a mother, but always a female!
  - War is not a tender mother, but it raises real, tough heroes!
  Love is sweeter than honey, but it causes allergies much more often, and heartburn is much more painful!
  The flame in the heart will never go out! And no one will have a stone in their heart!
  It's not a shame not to be naked, it's a shame to be "shod"!
  It's good to be in fashionable shoes, it's bad to be shod, on the eyebrows!
  The girl is good both in clothes and without clothes, but it"s bad to be shod with a blunt boot!
  It is better to walk barefoot all your life than to be married to a shoe, or a man who is shod by any tramp!
  A girl is like a fresh gust of breeze, only her ears sometimes pawn from the demands of a hurricane!
  Unfold the sail wider, but do not let the property go to the wind!
  One crust of bread is better than a hundred condolences. And one shot is better than a hundred slaps!
  A politician differs from a prostitute only in the amount he takes from a client!
  - Copper in the pipe is more attractive than gold in the heart!
  Silver speech, under a copper pipe, from a heart not of gold!
  The brilliance of gold is like the radiance of a torch that burns moths!
  The politician loves gold offerings, but is even more greedy for copper pipes!
  Honey speeches of politicians allow you to crush voters like dung flies!
  The tongues are soft, the speeches are velvety, but still the dictator sits on bayonets!
  A politician, if he is a king, is a chess one - he takes steps only one cell, and on the whole board of ambitions!
  Politics, unlike chess, cannot do without mate!
  The dictator has the sting of a wasp, but, unfortunately, is able to bite the whole world!
  In elections, a politician, of course, lies, but he has no choice!
  The biggest deceiver is the winner of the election, but if he won, it means that he did not fool himself!
  If you do not want to be deceived, do not go to the polls - although in any case you will be left with a nose!
  It's better to be left with a nose than to lose honor!
  Don't vote with your heart - it's sly, don't vote with your mind - it can be fooled, don't vote with your stomach - it always draws to the empty, but vote with your feet - they fail much less often!
  Wallets empty from empty speeches!
  All means are good for victory, but the most excellent weapon when it doesn"t come to a fight!
  A nasty war game until the enemy has lost!
  It is better to keep the tail with a pipe than the head on the chopping block!
  Turn up your nose, put your head on the chopping block!
  Who has his head in the bushes, who has it on the chopping block, and the brave man always has it proudly thrown up, and on his shoulders!
  From the stepmother-war, the shoulders become orphans!
  War is a stepmother, but motherly tears knock out!
  If you fall for a long time, it means that you have risen high!
  In war, unlike the theater, there are no fake tears, and a fake full house!
  War is not a mother, but it raises real men!
  Victory is born with pain, but each of her sons is a titan!
  War is the most exciting game, but not everyone who has reached the end does not want to start over!
  In war, unlike the game, there are no simple levels, and easy passages, but the reward at the finish line is much more significant!
  How is chess different from war? In chess you can't lose without playing, but in war you can blow away without starting!
  One projectile reaches the ear better than a thousand words!
  War is a stepmother, with a fire-breathing kiss!
  Not all armor will be pierced by a projectile, but a wise word will destroy any defense!
  A man in his fantasies is God, in lustful thoughts he is a monkey, but in realization he does not want to be a horse!
  A good politician, even wearing sheep's wool, makes opponents feel like hares!
  The politician often roars like a lion, but rabbit ears are visible from under the skin!
  For a politician, if he is right three times, the most tempting way is to the left!
  The dictator loves to wear sheepskin, but more often than not to hide his cowardly trembling!
  A good politician is a big fox, but he lets voters on his collar!
  The politician has honey on his lips, but his hands are in the tar!
  An insidious politician hangs noodles on his ears, but leaves him without a piece of bread!
  War is like chess, only the game is exclusively at a blitz pace!
  A war with gray hair at the temples, but with boyish fervor in the heart!
  If an oak head, then steel muscles will not help!
  Empty lies do not fill the wallet!
  You can lie for the sake of salvation, but by lying you will destroy yourself!
  A politician's long tongue can shorten the life of voters!
  Do not be talkers, though the word is silver, but quickly loses its value!
  A long tongue is often combined with short arms!
  In politics, long tongues are like lifebuoys in the sea, only they cannot lick holes!
  He who does not know how to be silent will not fill his pockets with gold!
  Genius, like grains of gold, only shines if the sun of luck shines!
  There are many hard workers in literature, but few masters!
  The main enemy of a person is his language, unless it is applied out of place!
  When a commander's tongue is too long, the life of his soldiers is shortened!
  There is no more meanness than the desire to rise at the expense of meanness!
  A real man does not imitate like a monkey!
  A child is a clean slate, but falling into childhood does not cleanse the soul!
  Be smart, but don't be smart!
  Shooting accurately, you can get into a mess!
  Lucky is not the one who is stronger, but the one who is wiser!
  The brain is soft, but there is no armor stronger than a big head!
  Beautiful speech will not cover up unsightly deeds!
  Even from steel, muscles rust if the "roof" leaks!
  A wolf cannot live without meat, and a politician without deceit!
  Be an eagle, but spread your feathers!
  If you want to become a lion, don't be a rabbit with a soul and a donkey with a mind!
  Wit sometimes covers only a stupid desire to stand out!
  A good soldier is invisible, but a commander is unpredictable!
  Joy is like a roof without support, it needs a reason!
  It is better to rejoice like a child for no reason than to be sad and complain about every incident like an old man!
  Let's be cheerful like children without falling into childhood, and let's be wise like elders, not getting old and decrepit!
  The king is strong not by the crown, but by the coronation of success!
  Whoever loves sweet speeches is as smart as a fly!
  A tyrant bitter in deeds, but sweet in speeches!
  Who does not want peace will not see the feast!
  A person is only great if he does not exchange himself for small things!
  Be patient, but don't be patient!
  If you want to win trump cards, don't be a jack!
  One hit is better than a thousand curses, and one slap in the face is better than hundreds of strokes!
  The king who undresses his subjects is always naked!
  Shoe usually to undress!
  By stealing, you fill your pockets, but you empty your soul!
  A tyrant loves power, but hates the one he rules over!
  An executioner is sometimes a necessary profession, but a man with a head is unloved!
  A tyrant can be killed, but not whitewashed!
  A man loves the red word, but sometimes burps blood!
  Who looks into the past is always late!
  The future is in the fog, but not far off!
  Do not spit in the past, they will spit in the future!
  The tyrant is, in fact, a vampire, and his speech is red!
  If you abuse sweet sleep, then life will not be honey!
  Sweet dreams lead to a bitter awakening!
  By pouring honey out of your mouth too often, you attract bears!
  The tyrant loves blood and red speeches, but always strive for whitewashing!
  People are afraid of change, but the status quo never suits!
  If you want to become God, do not choose a primate as your mentor!
  Sheep need a wise shepherd, not a stupid ram!
  A holy place is never empty, but holiness can be empty!
  Man, like God, is a creator, and like a devil, creating problems for himself!
  A tyrant, like a wasp, has a sting, but cannot even inspire himself!
  A politician is a fox, don't be voters like crows losing their daily bread!
  Whether a man is even seven spans on his forehead, but stubbornness will make a macaque out of him!
  God has everything, man has no sense of proportion!
  Easy to pray, hard to beg!
  Having a fantasy is good - being a dreamer is bad!
  Having the power of God, do not stoop to the ambitions of a primate!
  Monkey imitates, man imitates creatively!
  The future is not for high mountains, but for big things!
  Youth in the heart is eternal, but old age is boring!
  Don't twist your tail like a fox, better hold your chest with a wheel!
  Men mature in war, but you can't kill for no reason!
  War will reduce health, but add intelligence!
  Gold coins have the yellowness of high treason!
  The executioner also has a heart, but with the hardness of an ax grinder!
  To fight, not to die, you can wait a century!
  God is in every heart, but not in every head!
  Great ambition reduces happiness!
  Who wants too much, has the strength of the bubble!
  An empire is like a house, love and calculation are needed during construction, otherwise the roof will bleed!
  Good things are never enough, but you still shouldn't overeat!
  It's profitable to be rich, it's only unpleasant when everyone milks you!
  If you want to be strong, don't weaken your mind!
  Muscles from contraction become stronger, and the bureaucracy is more efficient!
  Politicians love to work with their tongues, especially at the table!
  There is no greater liar than a politician fanatically convinced of his own rightness!
  God created a woman for a man, but Satan added another mother-in-law!
  A thief should be in jail, but the biggest thief gets the throne!
  Who stole a penny is a criminal, who is a billion, a great financier!
  With a callous soul you cannot feed the hungry with fresh bread!
  The more he stole, the less the punishment, but not in the next world!
  Do not let it drift, it does not mean to keep in a noose!
  The bank can support, but like a hanged man's noose!
  Whoever has no support is pressed against the wall!
  Accuracy is the courtesy of kings, but royal jesters are especially apt!
  The politician is often a jester, but rarely tells the truth!
  The jester loves to cut the truth, but often runs the risk of being stabbed!
  He who loves vodka hates his health and reason!
  Vodka is transparent, but it fogs the brain!
  The drunken sea is knee-deep, but he himself is always on his knees!
  Choose on a sober head, without getting drunk from the sweet wine from the mouths of politicians!
  Voting for the winner of the election, you will always be disappointed, voting for the loser is always annoyed!
  Whoever is not chosen, there will always be a sense of error and disappointment!
  Voting for the same politician, like a violinist rattling on the same string!
  Politicians on the throne need to be changed, not the fact that the new dish is better, but in any case fresh!
  Vote for the young, you yourself will become younger, if not in body, then in a new business!
  Whoever sits on the throne for a long time becomes a hemorrhoid for his subjects!
  No matter how prickly bayonets, but the longest time the tyrant manages to sit on them!
  A wise tyrant will not plant enemies more than he will fool friends!
  Whoever salutes a tyrant will walk forever in formation!
  Democracy is good for the smart, average for the stupid, but tyranny is only good for the tyrant!
  The tyrant is always weak in command: the wolf loves the sheep and trembles before the lions!
  Good luck comes through diligence, but always leaves through negligence and laziness!
  It is good to have the strength of an elephant, its dexterity is worse, wisdom is even worse, and obesity is absolutely bad!
  Everything in the world is relative, except that man is the navel of the world!
  The desire to achieve the power of God should not be combined with the morality of a gorilla!
  Scientists develop progress, but stimulate laziness!
  If you want to be healthy, run, if you don't want to be crippled, run away!
  The strength of a person is in the mind, and the weakness is in the tongue!
  A politician is like a fruit, the brighter, the more poisonous!
  A politician is like a boa constrictor, only he opens his mouth and swallows much more often!
  A tyrant has a lot of cunning, but little decency!
  If you want to become higher than God, you will sink lower than a booger!
  No one is eternal, even the gods live only as long as humanity exists!
  Politicians want to rule forever, but they don't want to smack for even a couple of minutes!
  Do not trust politicians, and check the strength of the door!
  Heroism has no age, and feat gives youth to the soul!
  The lion is strong, the donkey is stubborn, the lion is noble, and the fox is cunning, but people are jacks of all trades!
  The tyrant likes to intrigue, but does not like intrigues in elections!
  A politician loves to rule, but he loves to do the right thing!
  To take the lion's place you have to be a fox to the place!
  Don't be an ass - they'll poke your ears!
  A man is not a fly, but he is also greedy for sweet speech!
  It's good to have cast-iron fists - worse than an oak head!
  The most immoral politician - likes to read morality!
  Honey from the mouth of a politician corrodes a steel plow!
  Not war is bad, but defeat is bad!
  War does not bring joy, but victory brings trophies!
  A tyrant is often mellifluous, but life with him is not honey!
  One climbs to the high throne with the help of base tricks!
  The higher the post, the lower the method of obtaining!
  The sweet speech of a politician exudes the bitterness of disappointment!
  The straightforwardness of the commander - goes sideways!
  The most fragile position is the one with an oak head!
  Shoes to leave naked!
  The politician talks too much, but great things are done in silence!
  The fox will outwit the lion, but he will not feed the mouse!
  The dictator wants to be an eagle, wingless in his dreams!
  For a man, money, like milk from a cow, turns sour from avarice, disappears from generosity!
  Promises without difficulty, it's true, yes! But then, with what difficulty does everything afterwards!
  Politics with an oak head awaits the fate of a log!
  The bigger the thief, the smaller the punishment!
  A politician does not disdain anything but a life of conscience!
  The politician has little conscience, but gigantic ambitions!
  For a politician, all paths are crooked, but they lead straight ahead to the goal!
  Heavy metal is gold, but gold is light!
  Although gold is a heavy metal, but in large quantities it makes you unsinkable!
  The executioner works with his hands, but the product is carried forward with his feet!
  If you want to seize the throne, have a king in your head!
  If you want, get the place of a lion, be a fox in cunning, and a hyena in meanness!
  The most successful politician is a cunning fox and a predatory tiger, as well as a monkey in using other people's tricks!
  Whoever is not a fox in politics is an ass in life!
  The flattering fox has wolf habits!
  The politician's sweet speech flows and under the lying stone of bitter problems!
  From the sweet speeches of a politician, not only the tongue is very bitter!
  Don't be too smart, you'll blow away!
  Good propaganda will fool you, not only with the brain of a blank!
  A man is a wolf in politics, a fox in business, but still he is being framed like a deer!
  A politician usually imitates a fox, but the fluff is washed off his face with a nightingale trill!
  In war, it's like in an opera, only the dead are not out of tune!
  An oak head will not provide a strong position!
  The politician loves metal in his voice and rust in his actions!
  A politician and a prostitute and a pimp in one bottle!
  Voters do not believe politicians, but still vote for faith!
  Religion is a business in which there is no trust, but there is faith!
  Why does a politician need to be baptized so much? This makes it easier for him to find your wallet!
  A politician is a pickpocket who writes laws for himself!
  The most honest politician is the one who lies only out of necessity!
  Language for a politician is a tool of production, only labor efficiency is only in your pocket!
  Small language, but talks a lot!
  A thousand words are worth less than one hit, but a million promises are worth one fulfillment!
  More often cancer whistles than a politician fulfills election promises!
  What can Almighty God not do? Promise more than a politician!
  A man is given a mouth to eat, but politics is given to earn food!
  The politician is cunning as hell and puts on the guise of an angel!
  Why does a person need hands - to work! And the paws of politics are given to seize!
  No matter how sweet the speech of a politician, life from its outpouring is only bitter!
  God has many days, but a politician has seven Fridays in a week!
  The executioner always has a lot of work, and the politics of words!
  A politician dreams of power, like a whore about sex, and also twirls her ass!
  There are no friends in politics, no sisters and brothers, but there are brothers!
  What a politician wants most of all: to die as a president and live as a god!
  Do not believe the wolves in sheep's clothing - go for a sheepskin coat!
  There are many cats in a poke in the elections, but even more wolves in sheep's clothing!
  The politician's speech is sweet, which causes diabetes of disappointment!
  If you don't want to plow like a mule, don't be an ass!
  There is no greater stupidity than believing a politician, but ignoring elections is not a smart idea either!
  Unlike the sweepstakes, the one who voted for the favorite will always be disappointed!
  There is no more scoundrel in politics than the one whose honesty is believed!
  Who loves to go to the polls, loves noodles on their ears!
  Noodles on the ears that politicians hang - hunger cannot be hidden!
  Do not believe in promises, but go to the polls!
  If you don't believe in God, you won't believe in Harry Potter either!
  The politician is like a fabulous Santa Claus, because in reality it is cold in the apartments!
  Don't like noodles on your ears - you'll eat better!
  The politician growls like a wolf, imitating a fox!
  The most cunning fox wriggles on the throne with its tail!
  There are many cunning foxes in the world, and even more stupid crows!
  Don't make God out of the devil, and an honest man out of a politician!
  The higher the mountain of promises of a politician, the lower he considers your mind!
  Do not let yourself be deceived by politics, vote for the one who is not the favorite!
  In elections, people vote, and money is in the bank, but in the latter case, at least there is a chance for profit!
  Don't be a rabbit in politics - the fox will skin you!
  The fox is not the strongest animal, but it is the best at peeling off three skins!
  Going to the polls, remember, there are no honest politicians, but there is one's own honor!
  A politician can promise a lot, but you need your ears on top of your head!
  Most often starve who has a lot of noodles on their ears!
  The politician is eager for the throne like a fly to honey, and also brings infection!
  Don't be an ass, don't vote for a fox!
  The fox is the smartest animal, but in the arithmetic of life it can only take and divide!
  A flamboyant politician looks like a fox, but pretends to be a lion!
  A fox can roar like a lion and bleat like a sheep, but he has a wolf's habits!
  There are white crows, but there are no pure politicians!
  Why a politician's head? To eat it!
  Why does a cow need a button accordion? And why politicians have a conscience!
  All politicians have a wolfish appetite, but there is no desire to plow like a bull!
  A real fox always marks the lion's place!
  Noodles on the ears are inedible, but free!
  Free cheese is only in the mousetrap, and free noodles, only on the ears!
  A good politician inflates a fly to an elephant, a mediocre one only inflates!
  The police are fighting and the politician is cheating!
  Tyrant hangs noodles on his ears, along with a rope around his neck!
  Diplomacy is the art of non-contracts, for the sake of an agreement!
  Have a club, but not oak brains!
  The head is cast iron, often gives slack!
  A strong man is always a good diplomat, but he is better off without diplomacy!
  The politician agreed, if not agreed!
  Even foxes are skinned who have the eyes of an eagle and the heart of a lion!
  A person is always dissatisfied with life, but dying will not say enough is enough!
  Whoever promises voters paradise will send them to the coffin sooner!
  Do not make an elephant out of a fly, but an honest man out of a politician!
  If you want to succeed in politics, forget about conscience and honor, but do not forget about meanness and flattery!
  The politician builds himself a reliable fortress, from those who have an oak head!
  You do not believe the voter, know any politician is a beast!
  A politician is like vodka, though sweet, but your head will definitely hurt!
  - If you want to get the power of God, don't imitate nature like a monkey!
  - If you want to avoid crucifixion, have the power of God, and the diligence of a donkey!
  - There are only two ways from the monkey: either to Gods or donkeys!
  - It is easier for a monkey than for God to live, but its existence is not life, but vegetation!
  If you want to become a force like God, don't let the devil of doubt control you! God is one for all, and Satan is individual for each!
  Truth has many faces, but devils have even more smiles!
  Satan is sweet with speeches, but the result will not be bitter with disappointment!
  The devil pours out honey, but is bitter with brimstone!
  Do not blame the devil that you are not a god to the mind!
  If there is no king in your head, you will be a headless slave!
  Better a king in the head than a serf around the neck!
  A faithful dog does not have a dog's life!
  Even a lion is brought to dog life by the sluggishness of a bear and donkey stubbornness!
  If you don't want to howl like a jackal, be a cunning fox!
  Steel nerves are good, an oak head is bad, and a stone heart is worse than ever!
  Big head is good figuratively, not literally, big money only in a figurative sense is easy to wear!
  Great intelligence brings great wealth, excessive arrogance leads to ruin!
  There are no stupid people, there are impractical individuals!
  There were two troubles in the world: fools and roads, spaceships were invented, the first became doubly disastrous!
  Don't be afraid of fools, be afraid of smart scoundrels!
  What a smart grief - a fool laughing, although laughing is a sin, sins and so the sea!
  Stupidity is punishable, stupidity is criminal, but clever meanness allows you to avoid retribution!
  The lion's share, always for the fox!
  The diligence of a donkey is not a guarantee against a dog's life!
  If you want to avoid dog life, be a fox not only when you put on a collar!
  The best guarantee against dog life, wolf grip, and fox wit!
  God has many days, but man values every minute!
  A man is not a beast, but his ambitions are lion's, and sometimes donkey's brains!
  If you want to be a big man, become a beast in your soul, and a fox in your mind!
  A wolf is not a beast, but a man with a grin! The fox is not an animal, but a man with yellow metal!
  The gold is yellow, but everything sticks better to the red color of the fox!
  The most attractive red color of the fox, and the sweet honey of the liar!
  If the politician is not a donkey, then the fox is successful!
  Politicians are all different, but they only imitate the fox, they have the appetite of wolves!
  Politicians go to power in different ways, but always fox trails!
  If you are not a fox, at least a little in the world of wolves, you will definitely be skinned!
  Genius like a girl loves youth, not those who have fallen into childhood!
  If you want to get eternal youth, do not grow old morally and do not curse time!
  A young soul does not live in memories!
  The body becomes younger in those who do not look at the past!
  If you fell into childhood, lost maturity, not gaining youth!
  All ages are submissive to love, but one should not fall into childhood!
  Be young, but not infantile!
  A man is like God in fantasy, but a monkey in the realization of the invented!
  A person becomes God because he does not imitate the monkey nature!
  - Man wants to become God, but the fantasy of the human race is truly diabolical!
  If God is in the heart, then Satan is in the liver!
  You can believe, but don't be gullible!
  Trust but verify, it's not a religion!
  Faith is good when based on reasonable arguments, and not on brain dislocation!
  Wisdom in faith, no fanaticism! There is no extremism in smart ideology!
  Faith requires trust, and superstition requires gullibility!
  If you are at least seven spans on your forehead, without willpower you will remain a six!
  Not every family has a freak, but every sect has deceit!
  God can do everything, but a person can only achieve his own happiness!
  In what way has man surpassed God, in envy and lies!
  Most often, those who do not have an angelic character become gods!
  If you do not have an angelic biography, do not go into the saints!
  God's grace is not bought, but it is not given for free!
  If you want to get eternal life, be God not only in your dreams!
  Science has proven that there is a God, and this is a reasonable person!
  For a person, everything is good that is given from above, only problems more often fall on the head!
  Intellect brings us closer to God, knowledge gives us omnipotence, but suppress the devil of selfishness in yourself!
  The power of God belongs to those who work like hell and study godlessly!
  A person can soar to the pinnacle of omnipotence if he has a good angel of bright thoughts with him!
  Nothing inspires so much as the belief that you can do without angels!
  All faiths are different, but superstition is the same!
  Do not believe that there is no God, but know, confidently, He will not help you!
  Faith fills the purses of the confident with reason!
  It's good to sing, but whoever sang summer merrily remains a sad sing-along!
  Singers always sing out of tune!
  If you want to get rich - be cunning like a fox, for a penny a penny, you will get it for a reason!
  If there is a lot of shit in the world, there will be a generous harvest for heroes!
  War does not entertain well, but it teaches well!
  Who is a cop by nature and has a dog's life!
  Don't be a cop - they'll drown you like a puppy!
  The best way to lose weight is to eat at the expense of honestly earned money!
  Not a reward for those who hang around their necks like a medal!
  The wallet is full if there are no drafts in the head!
  You can become wiser if you grow in the mind without sinking morally!
  If you know a lot, you will become immortal!
  To take away cabbage from a hare, you need to become a wolf!
  Weighty booty is easy to carry!
  If a politician has developed eloquence, then he will shed a lot of blood!
  You need to have bullish strength so that they don"t harness the yoke!
  He who is as strong as a bull will let others into the meat!
  Whoever has an eagle's eye will fly high and look far!
  Do not be sad if there is no money, it is worse if there is no way to earn it!
  If you want to steal a lot, be a fox with a big mind!
  The fox is very cunning, but she gets to the very collar!
  A person can develop to the level of a god if there is a lot of knowledge!
  It's bad to be a brake, but without brakes it's even worse!
  Foxes are best caught with a golden trap!
  Selling honor, in the end you will go bankrupt!
  The cheapest army costs the most!
  You can make a great deal - saving on the army!
  If you want peace, don't be pacifists!
  Most often provokes aggression peace-loving policy!
  He who betrayed his friends will not receive a hundred rubles, but he will get it in the coffin!
  Do not love sin, but love laughter! Who makes laugh - he does not sin!
  Better to be a lark than to catch crows!
  Who is an eagle, that raven does not count!
  Politician's colloquial speech is compensated by crooked deeds!
  Honey from the lips of a politician is like glue in Velcro for those who think like a fly!
  For a politician, all people are divided into flies and shoulders, only the thoughts of politicians are wingless and sticky!
  In politics, everything will be smooth if a stick is in the hands of steel!
  Protecting the future improves the present!
  Don't live in the past, live for the future!
  Who does not live in the past will never grow old!
  Who lives only in the present, has no future!
  And whoever lives for pleasure will get a life devoid of pleasure!
  Detailed records should be kept, not counting the crows!
  Being prudent is good, while counting money in someone else's pocket is bad!
  A writer who lives on fees, like a grain growing in manure!
  Don't be afraid to make a mistake, be afraid not to learn a lesson!
  War teaches that war must be studied!
  The fist will not save if the head does not cut!
  The mind is bright not by the color of the skin, but by the fire in the heart!
  The mind is in the service of war, the logic of passions, and fire is a tool!
  War requires great intelligence, but it is gigantic madness!
  Crazy things are done by big minds!
  A small muscle can move an army, but without a big mind, you can only push talent!
  Laconic speech is not for a short mind, great accomplishments, not for Google's consideration!
  The greatest wisdom is limited to a small number of words!
  And even greater wisdom is to limit the size of speeches, but to create accomplishments without limits!
  Mind and ingenuity can overcome magic, but magic will not overcome the mind, so the most violent storm will not sink a sailboat with skilled sailors!
  Who hovering in the clouds will not stand heavenly paradise, and will not see sky-high heights!
  Sky-high heights, not for mundane thoughts!
  Be a high-flying bird, but don't be in the clouds!
  Crows don't live in eagles' nests!
  The politician in words is a man, in deeds he is a beast!
  Women do not like to fight, but the desire to lay down a man is not much inferior to a bullet!
  Put a man to bed, maybe a small bullet, make a woman happy, a woman with a big heart!
  A big heart often leads to small gain!
  War does not have a woman's face, but she bleeds men more abruptly than a wife!
  War does not bring joy, but it satisfies aggressive instincts!
  Joy in the war, the corpses of enemies only in the price!
  War is the plowing of the field: it is fertilized with corpses, blood is irrigated, but it sprouts with victory!
  ̀A strong weed grows on corpses and blood, but bears fruit with a weak one!
  War is like a cannibal flower, bright, carnivorous and with a bad smell!
  War is the mother of progress and the stepmother of laziness!
  And in the war, the life of a soldier is not in price, but from the generals and a loss at all!
  If you want peace, inspire fear; if you want war, inspire laughter!
  Mind sparrows do not sit in eagles' nests!
  Those who have hare hearts do not sit on lion thrones!
  A fox's mind is better than a hare's heart, a lion's grin is more convincing than a fox's smile!
  A lion, unlike a donkey, plows those who are afraid of him!
  - The lion is not the one who growls, but the one who is not beaten!
  - From a long growl, only the throat wheezes, from a long silence, the tongue goes numb!
  Who litters with words, litters with deeds!
  - When there are a lot of words, inflation of perception occurs!
  - If words of promises rain down, there will be a drought of fulfillment!
  If words of promises rain down, there will be a drought of fulfillment!
  - A downpour of empty words will wash away the foundation of creation!
  Whoever yawns in battle is killed by a bullet!
  When words pour like honey, flies flock, and the stomach is sick of emptiness!
  Better ears on top than in a coffin to spite a cuckoo!
  Who lives with foolishness in his head, and will give the ends not in a smart way!
  For the clever, recognition is knowledge, but for the fool, the superstition of the blind!
  However, stubbornness only reduces vitality!
  The easiest to break is the one who does not have a backbone!
  When there is not enough culture, you are not a brother to each other, but Cain!
  A big family is heaven for the heart, purgatory for the wallet, hell for enemies!
  One amateur with his stupidity will block the benefit of ten specialists!
  A hundred curses cannot replace one slap in the face!
  Why politicians are empty, their wallets and bellies of voters are empty from their speeches!
  The language of politics is like a broom that rakes up the bins of the people!
  The brain of a politician performs only two arithmetic operations: subtraction and division!
  Magic is like honey, it attracts everyone, but quickly becomes boring!
  Who does not keep the words of a man, then the deed is cattle!
  Tongue without bones, but breaks ridges!
  Children grow up, and old people ossify!
  Most stupid things are done by those who are abstruse, and the meanest moralist!
  The brighter the promises of a politician, the more dim the prospects for implementation!
  The politician has a lot of masks, but the performance of such a hypocrite is expensive!
  A politician changes masks more often than a woman dresses, but this does not add to his attractiveness!
  The answer to any politicians is just one word firmly - no!
  Do not sit in a puddle and do not go into politics!
  The most honest politician - who is silent not for gold!
  God has a lot to do, but the politician's idleness is through the roof!
  It is better to crush water in a mortar than to pour out a stream of empty speeches and impracticable promises!
  Having promised in three boxes, they will sell the voter in three ways!
  Promises in three boxes, this is a mousetrap that rips off three skins!
  The politician puts in his mousetrap not cheese, but the sweet honey of speeches!
  Do not be a mouse with your mind, do not fall into the mousetrap of promises and promises!
  The sweeter the politician's speech, the less salt in it!
  More honey in speeches, less salt in the head and shoulders!
  Soft speech rather crushes ridges devoid of flexibility!
  Who softly lays, breaks a hard backbone!
  Smooth speech will make the opponent slide into the abyss!
  The smoother the politician's speech, the more likely he will bring down the voter into the abyss of disappointment!
  The politician softly spreads to make the voter fall asleep, a feeling of distrust!
  You do not trust the speeches, it is better to check the deed!
  The most impossible thing in the world is to overcome the distance between a politician's promise and its fulfillment!
  The most effective way to finish off electricity, to tie a dynamo to a politician's language!
  An ostrich has the strongest leg, an eagle has wings, a lizard has a tail, a politician has a tongue!
  The offensive doubles your strength if you are stronger, but the weaklings will be taken!
  Who has a chamber of mind, there is not enough space for knowledge!
  They beat off the heels of the shod rather than the tramps!
  Politicians appeals to conscience to gut their pockets without conscience!
  Without good shoes go those who are well shod!
  Gold will not rust, whose brains are not made of rust!
  When water is spoken, only gold in the pockets of politicians does not rust from it!
  A good supply of crackers will be made by the one whose brains do not get wet from the speeches of politicians!
  Wet deeds, for those who have a cracker soul!
  An optimistic poet is always a good philosopher, but a bad philosopher only rhymes disappointments!
  You can be the last idiot, but you cannot be the first genius, so stupidity is easy to recognize, and genius is incomprehensible!
  The last ugly thing is easier to recognize than the first beauty, but the unknown is much more attractive!
  The soul is weightless, but only a person with a soul has weight!
  The soul has no weight, but it will outweigh any other quality!
  The soul is destroyed by the one who does not have it!
  The stomach is empty, but the energy is thick!
  Sleep well, sleep badly!
  The kingdom of heaven can be overslept, but power reigns from lack of sleep of sin!
  A soldier is decorated with orders, and a civilian is modesty!
  They die not from modesty, but from the lack of something to be proud of!
  Merits are forgotten, the metal of awards is fading, glory is fading, but the stigma of shame and time cannot be washed away!
  The only stigma that burns forever is the stigma of shame!
  It is easy to get dirty, it is more difficult to wash off, and it is impossible to drown out the conscience at all!
  Money, unlike dirt, does not stick well to clean hands!
  Whoever has clean hands, there is no money like dirt!
  Alas, the cleaner the conscience in the soul, the less dirty money in the wallet!
  An empty heart fills the wallet very effectively!
  Whoever has a mind chamber - he has mountains of gold!
  Whoever has the mind of the chamber, he trades in what is personally worth nothing to him!
  Do not have a hundred stingy rubles, but have a hundred generous friends!
  The most frisky start of politics is judged by the end of his activity!
  What distinguishes a high mind from arrogance - the first increases income, the second shortens life!
  The lack of high intelligence lowers the intelligentsia!
  A high position does not always indicate high intelligence, but it certainly means low tricks!
  Low receptions are also among high intellects, in the struggle for high posts!
  The higher the rise to power, with the lower methods it occurs!
  By low methods one can take a high position, but one cannot leave the moral bottom!
  They often rise from the bottom with low methods, and rarely with lofty thoughts!
  They push to the bottom with low tricks, those who strive to the top!
  Most at the top, who low tricks from the bottom!
  Not for a low intellect, the rise from the bottom, but for base methods, the rise to the top is typical!
  The foundation of glory on the bones is not strong, but the most common!
  In literature, a lot of income brings, which requires little thought!
  The politician who makes voters think less gets the most votes!
  A successful politician says a lot of things that require little intelligence to understand!
  The less the voter thinks, the more they vote!
  Politicians with high intentions collect low ratings!
  You will force voters to think more, you will collect votes less!
  One sharp sword is worth a thousand witty tongues!
  From a long tongue, the mind becomes shorter!
  A shod voter always wears bast shoes!
  Long thinking - make the choice shorter!
  Drunkenness is a voluntary disease, not for the sake of the bulletin!
  Who skips school will drink cola instead of champagne!
  Do not believe the promises of politicians, but vote without superstition!
  Politicians forget their words, but voters remember deeds!
  The politician's sweet speech attracts killer wasps!
  Are you a fly to fly to a sweet speech?!
  A politician is like a fox in Krylov's fable - do not be a crow from immoderate flattery!
  When it comes to sugar, then diabetes frustration is inevitable!
  Of all the animals, the politician most of all goes after the fox, only the fangs are much more deadly!
  In sheep's clothing, more often not a wolf, but a fox!
  If you want to succeed, make more laughs with your speech!
  Literature is like a forest, the farther into the wilds, the more difficult it is to pick mushrooms for a fee!
  Do not be afraid to lose, be afraid to remain a loser forever!
  The fox is the king of beasts, and not a caliph for an hour!
  You can also take a fox, but only a donkey will allow you to remove three skins from yourself!
  The politician looks like a fox, but changes color much more often!
  How to get a good fee in literature? It's good to remember the culture!
  The most attractive teaching is that life on Earth is not torment!
  Do not trust someone who promises a lot, however, the absence of promises does not inspire confidence!
  Promise, like a chair, when there is too much, or rather you will crash!
  Whoever you vote for, you will always be disappointed if you are fascinated!
  You can win everything, not everything is given to conquer!
  Having robbed the soul, you will not gain wealth, but punishment in the eye!
  Believe in God, but don't trust His servants!
  It is easier for a woman to pity, but it is more difficult to knock out a tear!
  Who is an oak in life, he has sawdust in his head!
  Oak heads do not burn with a fire of inspiration!
  You can say anything, do only what you can do!
  Man is not a beast, but needs fangs!
  Do not think that you are God, if you have monkey habits!
  Man is equal to God, so far only in fantasies, and even then selfish ones!
  Top extravagance to have a heart of gold!
  Discussion is good, chatter is bad!
  Prison is not a place for reflection, but a place for squabbles and madness!
  Better not to sit in your sleigh than in your cell!
  The bare feet of beautiful women are good shoes for lustful men!
  A bare female heel leaves men "shod" and undressed!
  Before "putting on" a man, a beautiful woman takes off her shoes!
  When a woman has bare legs, this is a sure sign that she is shodding a man!
  If a woman wants expensive clothes, then she will have to strip naked!
  A woman, sparkling with her bare heels, rather blinds men with lust and passion!
  Women's beauty, unlike wine, over the years begins to give bitterness!
  A woman loves to wear expensive outfits, a man when a woman is wearing nothing!
  Power, like honey, attracts insects, but for some reason more bloodsuckers!
  Politicians are like vampires, they love blood, they are afraid to light up, and they prefer the gold of silence to the silver of eloquence!
  A clever politician stops the blood with his eloquence, a vile red word sheds it!
  That great king before whom the kennel trembles!
  If there is no king in the head, the revolution is in vain!
  The revolution is beautiful, it's dangerous without a king in the head!
  There is no use in a revolution if order is on your side!
  Without a king, there is no order, rebels build for lunch!
  In politics there is no relative, but full of lads!
  If a politician has relatives, then all are poor and fifth water on jelly!
  A woman is not ashamed to be barefoot, ashamed to be "shod" with her mind!
  Those who have reached the top turn their noses too high!
  Low intelligence at the top is not uncommon, and low morale is ubiquitous!
  The politician looks at voters as cash cows and unnecessary goats!
  A politician, even when telling the truth, is misleading about the result!
  A politician can lead the majority by the nose for a long time, but a deceiver with a nose leaves himself!
  A person has the strongest muscle of the tongue, but it is through it that all weaknesses manifest themselves!
  Whoever has a head full of bright thoughts will not make his wallet gape with dark emptiness!
  A politician has seven Fridays in a week, but the results are like those born on a Monday!
  Who has an oak mind, gets a club on the brain!
  No, more insidious than a beast than a fox, she is a master of setting traps!
  A real predator not only has the strength of a beast, but also the mind is not a stupid animal!
  Don't think you're a god if you're just a monkey in the intellect!
  A person can, will get a chance at everything except to make a first impression, and get an unmistakable reputation!
  The strength of the bull is good - the intelligence of the cow is bad!
  A politician with the habits of a wolf will provide voters with a dog's life!
  If you want to become a king, inspire the serfs that they will live like a king and work like a hussar!
  If the king is not an angel, the subjects plow like hell!
  A woman is only a queen when the men in front of her take off their hats and not their pants!
  Steel will, not to oak stubbornness!
  Diamond and coal are made of the same material, but of different valency - mediocrity and genius from the same water, but differ in volts in the head!
  Madness gives rise to impunity, an excess of the mind is punishable!
  A woman turns her weakness, gaining strength, a man turns his strength into weakness, giving everything!
  Strong muscles can give a good income, but a strong attraction drives a huge expense!
  It's not a shame to be a woman, it's a shame to be a woman!
  You can"t live without women, but with a noisy woman there"s no life at all!
  A politician, like a clown, loves to attract attention, but wants not laughter, but tears!
  The politician loves clean suits, and unclean methods of struggle for power!
  In politics, sometimes clowns succeed, but then the voters are not laughing!
  Laughter, of course, prolongs life, but not when politicians call it!
  The king is just a slave, surrounded by honor!
  Although the king is a lion, he has to plow like a donkey!
  When a politician says we, I mean, when I say, no one means!
  Life is fleeting like early spring, alas, it's time to grow up to warmth!
  Time is the fairest judge, because the prosecutor does not live to see the end of the process!
  Time heals the wounds of the soul, but cuts on the body only scar!
  Pain stimulates progress, but gives collateral stress, there is no life without progress, but the light hurts!
  It hurts the most when the heart hurts, especially in a figurative sense!
  The highest wisdom, never fall into the illusion that you have nothing to learn!
  Know a lot, but be a little arrogant!
  Advanced weapons can compensate for the lack of numbers, but no technology can compensate for the lack of intelligence!
  It's not bad to be the first, whatever you say, but when you go to the grave, it's better to be behind!
  Being strong is good, being an oak is hard!
  Whoever has an oak mind, not an ace, will give an oak tree in life!
  The heart asks for a storm, but not in a glass of water, but from a glass of what flows from a beard!
  By investing in space, you are not throwing it into the wind!
  The politician, like a hare, jumps over everything, but dreams of the place of a lion!
  A woman loves with bare feet, pushing a man under the heel!
  Do not believe silver speeches, steel chains are woven from them!
  Who does not want under the heel, let him not look at his bare legs!
  The ruler often borrows everything from the lion love to sleep, and the desire to snatch the lion's share!
  If you want to get a prize from fortune, don't be afraid of Russian roulette!
  Alcoholics don't drink champagne!
  If you want to drink champagne, don't be a drunkard!
  Alcoholism is a crime for which they do not sit, but wallow!
  Vodka is a killer with a clear conscience!
  Who does not smoke and does not drink, he will not be lost in trouble!
  The politician has many masks, but few bright colors!
  Everyone wants to steer, only when there are minuscule problems!
  Do not love fools - there will be joy only from dreams!
  Whoever is a titan in politics will send enemies to shame!
  Believe me, you are the guys who live only on a salary!
  Don't play with fire, let's sing a song!
  Man is not a monkey, but sometimes there are bananas!
  A woman considers a man a hare, but only when he has cabbage!
  A politician always promises a lot, but spends words explaining why it did not work out - even more!
  Don't hurt yourself by walking on your own!
  A woman wants money from a man in the first place, so the rest can be obtained on the side!
  The oldest billionaire, a woman is more attractive than a young beggar, but not in fantasy!
  The politician has a wolf grip, lion ambitions, fox cunning, and a complete lack of desire to plow like a horse!
  War is a great sorrow, but joy in the defeat of someone else!
  Men don't like to fight, but they love to fight, they don't like to clean up, but they want to get drunk!
  And the cemetery is stable, and the dynamics in the psychiatric hospital!
  Believe with your heart, check with your head, consume with your stomach!
  Not every pop is righteous, not every nut is stuffed!
  Faith is not a glove, you can't change it with one movement of your fingers!
  Deception makes capital, but ruins souls!
  If you want to be rich, open a bank; if you want to become very rich, lay the foundation of a sect!
  The Bible is like a sledgehammer for knocking out gold coins!
  Do not believe sweet speeches, honey in words attracts a fly with intellect!
  Never vote for the one who votes: everyone interferes with me!
  Believe in science, don't get bored!
  For a person, God is in the heart, the king is in the head, and problems are in the liver!
  Don't put the horse behind the cart, don't join the party without understanding the goals!
  Violence breeds suffering, but the pacifist is always offended!
  Politicians often bully, but they only occasionally have a desire to plow!
  The dragonfly has eaten summer, and howls in autumn!
  Wolves in sheep's clothing will fight to the life of a dog!
  A man wants delicious meat, but does not want to howl like a wolf and plow like a horse!
  The politician has seven Fridays a week, and a solid day off when you have to keep your promises!
  A person loves a strong leader, but to work for leadership is a weakling!
  A man wants peace, but in games he likes to shoot, suppress, and spew flames - flirting to the point of conflict!
  The young at heart will not remain a good boy and an eternal virgin!
  A complete idiot who has an empty wallet!
  Do not create an idol for yourself, but create something useful!
  The greedy for knowledge does not suffer from gluttony!
  The ardent heart of a patriot will cool the ardor of the invader!
  You can't bite your elbow, you can't conquer Rus'!
  Do not sit in other people's sleigh, you will sit on your own bunk!
  Don't be an oak, go to the logs!
  If the head is oak, then the clamp will be iron!
  God is a helper, only to that which is friends with the head!
  Whoever is an oak is always rotten!
  The strongest support of a politician-demagogue is the oak brains of voters!
  Who loves speech sweeter than honey, more stupid than a fly!
  Eagles are always few as white crows!
  Gold glitters beautifully, but whoever mines it shines with disgusting tricks!
  Do not trust the hypocritical politician, do not trust the protection of the house to the wolf!
  The fangs of a wolf are sharp, but who trusts him to guard is stupid!
  In a person"s life, the main goal is to raise children, but for this he himself should not be a boor!
  A sharp eye is like a diamond, but a diamond needs to be polished with practice!
  The most stupid thing to be abstruse!
  This is how a politician differs from a prostitute, if he lies down, then the voter will collapse!
  A politician works with his tongue a lot, but unlike a prostitute, this only raises his rating!
  The prostitute undresses herself, the politician undresses you!
  The politician has only one goal - power, but as a voter he says that he is ready to fall for you!
  Politicians' ratings are like a sexual organ, they are stimulated by a mobile and corrupt language!
  There is no greater liar than a politician, but his lies make it possible to better recognize the truth!
  Politicians have a short memory for promises, and long arms for self-interest!
  What does a politician want from a voter - votes and trust, as well as outcry and superstition!
  A politician is often like an elephant in a china shop, although it takes extraordinary agility to gain weight!
  A politician pretends to be honest, but to succeed, a lie needs a genuinely high level!
  A politician is a pickpocket who creates a lot of noise and uproar when stealing, and it is never enough for him!
  The politician wants to get the share of the lion, but without the industriousness of the horse!
  Although the monkey imitates, it gives birth to a cheerful laugh!
  Oak is a tree of great strength, but not for the head!
  Oaks have garden heads!
  Silence is golden, it does not require shine!
  A person has two dreams: to be God in possibilities, and the Devil in desires!
  Who wants to become great, sinks in the means to achieve the goal!
  Why silence is golden, because they are silent for the sake of gold coins!
  An awl in a bag cannot be hidden, the truth cannot be muddied with a lie!
  The politician looks up, but at the same time he always turns up his nose!
  Gold is the heaviest metal, it will outweigh any doubt, if only you are ready to be sold for a copper penny!
  It is easier for a woman to get gold if she shines with beauty and intelligence!
  Spill verbal silver, for the sake of gold coins!
  A politician's heart reaches out for gold coins, but does not become a cornucopia!
  Best of all attracts gold coins - iron heart!
  The politician promises a lot, and swears even more in honesty!
  The writer is the only profession where woodpeckers earn!
  A politician is like a fox, for him all voters are crows, and buttered speech is for cheese!
  God created man, and the monkey is what people turn into on an inhuman path!
  Whether a goat needs a button accordion can still be argued, but that, undoubtedly, it is better not to give power to goats!
  Wine is good when there is little, money, on the contrary, when there is a lot, and it is better that there are no problems at all!
  A politician has many problems, only one is given without difficulty - to come up with excuses!
  When a politician is asked where the promised is, he will always find an excuse and a reason, he only makes a fool out of it!
  In politics, they often take back their word, but they rarely go into their pocket for a word!
  There are no comrades in politics, but it is full of chaps, godfathers, and those who are sent to the devil's grandmother!
  Politicians have the rules of the forest: count voters as oaks, and devour them like pigs!
  Fortune is capricious, and not always fair, and does not differ in constancy at all!
  In some ways a man is worse than a dog when he makes his choice under duress!
  Labor has made a man out of an ape, science will make a demiurge out of a man-unless one imitates nature ape-like!
  Don't believe a politician who lies a lot - it's guaranteed to lead to a dog's life!
  When a jester is elected for president, the voters are not laughing!
  It's not so bad to steal as to steal!
  There is no smoke without fire, and politics without unfulfilled promises!
  You can only believe in yourself and God, just do not be trusting either in yourself or in the Almighty!
  Trust in God, but fill your fists!
  Clear vodka fogs the brain, paints the nose, blackens the reputation, and turns the face into a bruise!
  A politician always pours out a lot of honey, only unlike bee honey, it is of little use, and you get diabetes with a guarantee!
  Sweet speeches - diabetes in execution!
  The best gift, of course, is honey, but even a donkey will understand that it is not from the lips of politicians!
  In someone else's eye, a speck is visible; in your own, you can see a log only with a hangover!
  A hangover is a subtle thing, and with a point it pricks in the temple!
  Vodka is the cause of diseases, but dulls both pain and brains!
  A girl puts on a man well when she wears high heels!
  Only the pursuit of happiness is eternal, because no one knows what happiness is!
  When a man is too much of a dog, he gets a dog's life!
  For a politician, the main goal is the path to the top and power, and for this he is ready to fall!
  A woman is a strong argument, albeit of the weaker sex!
  Weak floor easily stacks even on the floor!
  A woman is a force, because beauty is a great power!
  Work from a monkey made a man, but what made a female monkey a woman? Desire to get away from work!
  When a monkey picks up a stick, this is not a reason to substitute a related back!
  A person has many problems, but he can easily find an excuse for not solving them!
  Politician creates fog even if he doesn't smoke!
  People drink, cattle get drunk!
  Don't be a pig, drinking yourself into a pig squeal!
  One glass turns a person into a kind of lion, a bucket into an incomparable pig!
  Do not be like a dog devoted to a tyrant, you will win a devoted wolf for nothing!
  Be a god at least a little bit so as not to be crucified to the fullest!
  As progress develops, man is less and less a monkey, but out of laziness more and more a gibbon!
  A person has two dreams: to eat and sleep ... only in a dream there is an opportunity to daydream!
  Long, beautiful legs of girls, shoes men so well!
  It is not necessary to love yourself, but everyone must respect themselves!
  Only he truly respects himself who does not spare himself at all!
  Who is born an eagle will not become a parrot over the years!
  Parrots live a long time, but this is just a crow's vegetation!
  The red speech of politics, sheds a lot of blood, honey from the mouth of a tyrant, attracts flies to the corpses!
  Who has the intellect of a log, is doomed to plow like Papa Carlo!
  Softly spreading speech, a firm support of tyranny!
  A hundred rubles is worse than a hundred friends, but only if friends do not ask for loans and do not climb with cheap advice!
  He who sells for a copper penny is worth nothing, even pouring out a lot of silver from his mouth!
  The most expensive are those politicians that are sold for a penny!
  Do not make an idol even a successful politician - luck is not always fair!
  When there is a lot of heat in the words of a politician, it means he wants to forge a reliable chain for the voter!
  Liars - politicians, bring the people to the life of a dog!
  A good politician does more than he says, but it's not bad to find such a person only in dreams!
  The politician loves to promise, but the word ruins the execution!
  For some reason, people love tyrants, it"s clear to take power into their own hands, it"s too early for people!
  Oak is a strong tree, but if it does not consist of meanders!
  The largest spoon will not feed you at once - your mouth is not rubber!
  A politician is greedy like a boa constrictor, but unlike a boa constrictor, he wants to eat five times a day!
  The drunk is almost crazy, but only in his madness, the craving is more for the earth puddle!
  Don't get drunk like a pig, you'll go to a barbecue for cunning foxes and predatory wolves!
  Bullish health is good - milk will be milked, bullish stubbornness in a bridle constancy!
  Do not trust a politician who roars like a lion - he will make you plow like a donkey, and get milk like a goat!
  A politician who has big fangs will make the voter howl like a wolf!
  The strongest man, whose brains are not made of pulp, and whose head is not made of oak!
  The brain is soft to the touch, but it can also be golden!
  Vodka gives confidence, but takes away the mind!
  One wise word is more effective than hundreds of stupid blows!
  To be a bright head, you must not shy away from working with drafts!
  And bright minds do not disdain dark tricks and shadow politics!
  Light heads usually do not glow in a dark company!
  A bright head is not necessarily gray-haired, but always not lit up in stupidity!
  Not gray hair makes a bright head, but bright thoughts and bright thoughts!
  And a bright head grows dim, from the darkness of superstition, without the light of knowledge!
  Whoever has the light of bright knowledge in his head, he cannot be a gray personality!
  The most gray matter in the brains of bright heads and golden hearts!
  Often the cause of ruin is precisely the golden hearts that rust from bitter tears!
  Gold is the strongest magnet, the strongest chain, the most deadly blade, but still only a heart made of this metal can defeat the almighty selfishness!
  The conscience of a traitor is smaller than a photon, and takes you to the underworld much faster!
  Whoever has a lot of gray matter in his head cannot be a gray person!
  Who has a tight ear for wise advice, listens to funeral music!
  Whom there is a lot of food on the table, he has trouble with his stomach!
  Do not believe the promise of politicians, the cuckoo speaks more truth!
  A politician is like a buffalo, but not so much plows as butts!
  God gave man reason, but took away the paradise of ignorance!
  There is no greater misfortune for people than selfishness - the villain!
  Who aspires to the vacuum of space does not have an empty head!
  Don't take politicians at their word, but don't really trust deeds, you check them with time!
  When the ruler is drunk all the time, the voters are sad!
  Vodka is the most transparent liquid of those that cloud the mind!
  God has many days, but man is constantly in time trouble!
  The age of man is a series of tears and laughter!
  Iron ruler, rusts when he is a tormentor!
  The will of man, fortunately, is not a hindrance!
  Don't like free cheese, the world will become a mousetrap!
  If you are a bear mind, you will roar with hunger!
  A clumsy politician always promises voters the skin of an unkilled bear!
  The youth of the body passes, the youth of the soul does not come down for centuries!
  If you are a poet at heart, you are young forever!
  Whoever has a treasure of knowledge is always rich in soul!
  Do not spit in the well, man, you will be spat all your life!
  Dreaming is not harmful, but it is very bad to soar in the clouds without!
  A big belly, a guarantee of small success, and huge problems!
  A person has two ways: to go to a dream, or to enter a nightmare!
  Although Napoleon is not tall, politicians most often grow only to his ambitions!
  You can"t hide what you stole, you"ll cry behind bars!
  Who does not hold on to his mother's skirt - a real man!
  If you don"t want to be a deer in life, plow like a bull, spin like a fox, and just don"t believe in miracles!
  A politician is a fox who makes collars and coats out of voters!
  If you are a bear in mind, and a hare in character, foxes will let you in on collars!
  With the intellect of a bear you will become a fur coat, with the character of a hare you will go to the collar, but you will be the king of animals with the resourcefulness of a fox!
  Who is the character of a hare - howls like a wolf!
  Bear intelligence will bring to dog life!
  It is good to know the world in a boyish way, without falling into childhood!
  If you are a woodpecker, don't be an eagle!
  If the donkey receives the lion throne, then only from the projection of the fox!
  The quiet voice of a fox is more productive than the loud roar of a bear!
  Two bears in one den are cramped, but it's not bad to have two diplomas, to be honest!
  Why is vodka liquid, because brains flow out of it!
  In life, a woodpecker is not always a hard worker, but the poor fellow always does not see a penny!
  A girl who loves only a winged eagle can get pretty under!
  Politicians are bad relatives, but stubborn bros!
  The politician then keeps his word, if only personal gain is his basis!
  A witty politician can slaughter a voter like a fat chicken!
  Most often, politicians earn gold by keeping silent at the right time!
  Strike while the iron is hot, get married before your heart is cold and your body is full of fat!
  Dreaming of a space empire - don't have your head in the clouds!
  If you think like a bear - life will not seem like honey!
  Whoever has a big belly will die of hunger!
  The wingless one with the brains of a chicken!
  Do not pretend to be an eagle with chicken brains and bird rights!
  If you are a wet chicken character, you will dry out from hunger!
  You can't lay golden eggs with chicken brains!
  The rooster can still lay golden eggs, but the nature of the chicken only gets you into a mess!
  Why are you all in the clouds, because the brains of a chicken!
  To make a chop out of a pig, you need to have a wolf grip and fox resourcefulness!
  Or rather, just go for a roast fox with chicken brains!
  If the character is like that of a wet chicken, you will dry yourself without money on the street!
  Chicken brains make wingless, chicken character sends to the pluck!
  If you are an eagle's flight, do not have a cock's flight!
  Whoever cocks a lot without eating porridge - he will crow at the bucket!
  If a politician cocks a lot, voters then howl like wolves!
  A politician who barks a lot, but tries little to a dog's life will bring the people!
  Politicians play pranks like children, but their tricks are as old as politics itself!
  Being a fox does not hurt, so as not to end up in donkeys!
  Even if you are a lion, but with chicken brains you are guaranteed a dog's life!
  Who barks a lot at the moon, life lowers him into a kennel!
  If a politician promises a pie in the sky, then he considers the voter a woodpecker!
  If you have a wooden head, then you will definitely give oak!
  If you're head like an oak tree, they'll rip you off like sticky!
  If you have a chicken memory, you will forget how to soar like an eagle!
  A chicken is not a bird - a chicken mind is not a mind!
  A voter with chicken brains chooses roosters for president!
  Politician who cocks a lot, attracts only those who have chicken brains!
  Who was seduced by the fox speech of a politician, a chicken with a mind, and a sheep with a character!
  For a politician, language is both a sword, and a whip, and a key, but he puts the voter under lock and key in the first place!
  With chicken brains, and the character of a chicken, it will become like a pork chop!
  Everything in our world is trivial, and it repeats itself...only new troubles happen all the time!
  An empty purse is the hardest thing to carry, and an empty one is the hardest to sleep in!
  Everything in our world is dangerous, even lying on the couch - you will die from hypodynamia!
  Why "I" is the last letter of the alphabet, because it is too often undeservedly put in the first place!
  The base passions of a politician lead to the fall of the state!
  If you can"t flap your wings, then don"t grind your tongue!
  Truly unsinkable is the one who does not have an oak head, but stamina and gut!
  If you are an oak head, then there are sawdust in your head!
  If you were cut down like a tree, then there were solid sawdust in your head!
  If you have an oak fortress, then there are no sawdust in your head!
  From the owner of an oak head, chips are easily removed!
  If you allow shavings to be removed from you, then you have solid sawdust in your head!
  When you have an oak head, then the shavings fall like that!
  When the head is full of sawdust, then anyone who is not an oak will remove the chips from you!
  What do a head and a punching bag have in common - they get hit if they are full of sawdust!
  If you have sawdust in your head, then you are not Winnie the Pooh, but a banal mug!
  Even the strength of oak will not save you from chipping if your head is full of sawdust!
  Who has the fortress of oak, he removes the chips!
  When only sawdust remains in your head, you will definitely give oak!
  With porridge in your head you will always be hungry!
  A man with porridge in his head can only lick the plates!
  A politician is an eternally hungry predator that cooks porridge in the heads of voters!
  The politician cooks porridge in the minds of voters to put them on the meat!
  The hostess cooks porridge on the water, and the politician brews swill for voters on blood!
  The politician's speech is full of honey, but only bitter porridge will fall into the sediment!
  Weak, who ate little porridge, but weaker, who devoured the porridge of politicians mixed up in idle talk!
  Feeding voters porridge from sweet promises, politicians leave them forever hungry and with a bitter sediment in their souls!
  Even honey is bitter when it comes from the lips of politicians!
  Politicians, by shoeing, make bums out of voters!
  Even being a big ass, a politician will not sit on two chairs for long!
  The politician treats voters like flies, so he has both sweet speeches and honey lips!
  Listening to the politician's nightingale trill, don't be a woodpecker!
  When a politician fox is nearby, the voter must not count the crows!
  A politician, like a fox, considering the voter to be crows, extorts cheese with flattery, without burdening himself with honor!
  In the lion's roar of politics, you can always hear the sweet cooing of a fox, so a politician is a lion only for a dumbass!
  They believe that a formidable lion politician is only figurative donkeys!
  If there is porridge in your head, the money will go away like yogurt!
  A hare dreams of becoming a wolf, a politician is a king, and a king is God, but in order for dreams to come true, you must first of all be a man!
  Even a lion can be turned into a hare by the cunning of a fox and an ant's ingenuity!
  Being a big man does not mean being an elephant in a china shop!
  If you are an elephant in a china shop, then you will not be a great politician!
  To take the lion's place, you need fox cunning and snake flexibility!
  Bare women's feet put shoes on the minds of men and make them take off their hats!
  Most often, the heart of men is broken by a pebble thrown by a bare, female leg!
  Nothing speaks of the wealth of the soul like bare, female legs!
  Flickering bare heels, a woman earns herself expensive boots!
  With bare heels, women confidently undress men!
  A woman drives shod men under the heel with her bare feet!
  For a bare female leg, a man is ready to pull down his last pants!
  The best friends for a girl who are able to give diamonds without spending on diamond shavings!
  A woman who wants to wear diamonds must have a hardness of character, like a diamond!
  If you want to have diamonds, don't be a cobblestone!
  Having the hardness of a diamond does not mean being a cobblestone in life!
  If you are a cobblestone mind, then certainly not a diamond!
  A woman, like a wolf, is fed by her legs, only the latter prefers sheep, and goats come across the first more often!
  A woman, like a wolf, is fed by her legs, but more than that, she is still a fox!
  A woman's legs are fed like a wolf, only nails in a pedicure!
  A woman is fed like a wolf's legs, but a man more often gets food with a fox's tongue!
  If the evil tongue of a man is worse than a gun, then the caustic tongue of a woman is like a howitzer!
  What is stronger than a hydrogen bomb - a female tongue that causes the shaking of the universe!
  A woman loves with her ears, torments her with her tongue, attracts with her feet, and beats her husband with her fist!
  A woman loves to talk, but you can"t cook porridge with a long tongue!
  The long tongue of a man shortens life, the long tongue of a woman prolongs the birth!
  The politician raises the rating with his tongue, the woman cheers up - by stopping the chatter!
  Eloquence is characteristic of the fox, but the real trick is to remain silent at the right time!
  Honey is poured from the mouth to securely close the mouths!
  A woman loves to drink honey from a man's mouth, and to sting herself with a bee!
  A woman is like a bee - she loves honey speeches, stings a man, and she herself lives among flowers!
  A woman, like a flower, needs to be fed with a stream of money, and watered not with verbal diarrhea!
  A woman is like a rose, she loves when there is a lot of golden manure!
  To attract a man with a big wallet, a woman must make him a little bit a fool!
  If there is emptiness in the head, then life becomes full of problems!
  If you are a complete layman, you will have an empty wallet!
  Without cheating with a white knight, you can only be in chess!
  In chess, pawns don't move backwards, but in real life they can only move backwards!
  In chess, the pawn hits obliquely, in real life, the pawn is knocked down so that it rolls downhill!
  In chess, checkmate is only at the very end, in real life, at every turn!
  In chess, checkmate means victory; in life, checkmate falls when you lose!
  In chess, the more sacrifices, for the sake of a checkmate, the more beautiful the victory - in life, sacrifices cause a checkmate and an ugly defeat!
  In chess, they usually give up to checkmate, in real life a checkmate does not require surrender, and goes to the supplement!
  In chess all the pieces are visible on the board, in real life the most important players are in the shadows!
  In chess, only pawns make a career, in life, those who know how to make a knight's move!
  In order not to wear a horse collar, you need to be able to make moves with a horse!
  If you don"t learn how to make moves with a horse, they ride like a horse!
  If you don"t learn how to make moves with a horse, they ride like a horse!
  In order not to wear an eyelid collar - you need to plow like a horse!
  If you do not plow like a horse, you will collect only problems!
  Horse health is good to have, but we need to plow in sports so as not to get sick!
  If you are an oak tree with a mind, they will peel it like sticky - if you are deaf with an ear, then you will go to the violin!
  Do not rush to the throne, without a king in your head!
  The king is in the head, God is in the heart, and politics is in the liver!
  A politician is like a cat, loves to purr, and prefers voters with the intelligence of mice!
  The politician likes to promise voters free cheese, but he is in a mousetrap from one hole!
  An honest politician, like a vegetarian wolf, however, predators of all stripes love the greens!
  A politician is a predator who loves greens and cabbage!
  The politician winds like a hare, barks like a dog, cunning like a fox, imitates like a monkey, and loves sweets like a bear!
  The worm has no backbone, the politician has no conscience, the usurer of the heart, and the voters have hope for the fulfillment of promises!
  It is easier to bail out the sea with a thimble than to fulfill the promise of politics!
  A politician, like a pickpocket, is only the main tool of the language, and instead of silence - the hype!
  A politician is like a fox in everything, only he puts a human skin on his collars!
  Even children lie, but the politician is the only mortal who deceives, speaking the pure truth!
  A politician with a honey speech will eat a human heart!
  A woman is the weaker sex, but strong passions live in her!
  Slavery for the body, born of lawlessness!
  If the mind is like that of a horse, then they will plow like a horse!
  They will not put a collar on someone who is well-grounded!
  Who is well savvy will come to the finish line first!
  Being healthy as a horse does not mean having a horse's head!
  Who is well savvy, he will harness whomever you want!
  Whoever has a lot of gold sells everything for a high price!
  A tyrant is like a tick, loves blood, but stings not only on the eyebrow!
  Always wears a collar, who is completely unshoeed!
  A slave can become free, a fool can become smart, a poor person can become rich, but if you have an asinine stubbornness, then you will always be a jerk!
  Poor is not the one who has no money, but the one whose head is full of sawdust!
  Don't aspire to become a king if your mind is not a chamber!
  Without a mind, even a check, it will be like a donkey!
  The king is, of course, a lion, but not without fox resourcefulness, and lions are skinned!
  Do not growl, but rather keep silent, if you are not yet in the place of a lion, and the fox has not given its suit!
  A politician is like a fox in Krylov's fable, but don't be a crow as a voter!
  If you are like a stump, then shavings will be removed from you to the root!
  So that the country is not harnessed to the collar, it must be strong as a bull!
  Aviation is needed to make a winged country!
  The politician is ready to promise the moon, if only not to fly out into the pipe!
  Forever young is he who has not drunk his health!
  Oak arguments act on the stump!
  A politician will gladly remove shavings from you if you are a stump!
  And a man has one advantage over a monkey, he is sometimes at least a little real fox!
  The politician has the ambitions of a lion, the cunning of a fox, but the tricks are completely swine!
  If politicians are too much of a fox, then he becomes a complete pig!
  A politician with a fox's cunning and a wolf's grip will make barbecue out of voters!
  And luck requires effort, only having the industriousness of a horse, you will throw off the yoke of submission!
  Believe in success if you outwit everyone!
  A politician can fool even a fox, but he will never fool time forever!
  The voter often, like a bee, flies to the politician's honeyed speech, but often he himself will be stung!
  The politician swallows voters like python rabbits, attracts alcoholics like vodka and sweet flypaper flies!
  A wolf cannot live without meat, and a politician without deceit!
  The most frisky horse will submit to the one who is well savvy!
  It is easier for a politician to turn himself inside out than to promise something that can be done!
  For whom you do not cast your vote, you will honor the result with a minute of silence!
  Be at least a little dodgy fox if you don't want to become a hackneyed donkey!
  Do not believe politicians, they are just emery for the voter, ripping off chips from oaks!
  Who is not a round fool, that penny will turn into a weighty penny!
  There are no relatives in politics, but there are those who want to share yours like a brother!
  There are a lot of nasty things in life, but the nastiest thing is that when life comes to an end!
  If you want to get closer to God, nail the monkey in your soul to the cross!
  Man originated, if not from a monkey, then at least ceased to be a monkey!
  If you are a monkey with a mind, then the fox will swallow you like a predatory boa constrictor!
  There is nothing infinite, except for the time it takes for politicians to fulfill the promise!
  If you bark a lot, you will whine like a beaten dog!
  Do not trust the one who speaks red, and red fire can burn!
  Even God cannot argue with a woman and raise a monkey to the level of human culture!
  Without love, there is no smile, unless it is the predatory grin of a politician!
  Too long up in the clouds, wingless politics flies into the chimney!
  A small soul, always has the ambition of a giant!
  A small soul has a gigantic conceit!
  A politician is a thief who writes laws for himself and considers the country to be a zone!
  The politician has seven Fridays a week, but when you need to fulfill the promise, the Jewish Sabbath comes!
  Unity is good, unless it's mating with a politician!
  A politician is such a creature that he wants to make a sheep out of you with pig methods!
  The swine methods of politicians turn voters into chop!
  Under a pig ruler, life is never fat!
  Making a pig president is too fat!
  If you want to become president, catch your luck moments!
  A ruler who considers voters to be sheep is a typical pig!
  God is not only omnipotence, but also a willingness to go to the cross for the sake of others!
  A ruler who sits on the throne for a long time causes the state to subside!
  A young leader is like a fresh horse, an old one is like a mare with broken hooves!
  In the means of achieving Divine heights, the politician is Satan himself!
  Politician God is only in one thing, in inventing excuses why his campaign promises were so devilishly failed!
  A politician is like beer, good only when cold and on the table!
  The politician is sweet with speeches, but the bitter aftertaste from them is not beer at all!
  A politician only gets the truth out of his mouth when he misrepresents himself!
  The politician crucifies the voter to the fullest in order to get a little bit of a Deity!
  Even bearish strength will not save you if you are a smart deck!
  The fox is such a beast that he will pull down three skins from a lion!
  The politician is then the strongest, his voters are weak in mind!
  The politician therefore proceeds with honey, so that the voter does not spit at all!
  Strongly get a baton, the one who has sawdust in his head!
  Oak is the king of trees, the oak head turns any stump into a subject!
  Oak is rot resistant, oak head is full of dust!
  If you are a stump, then at least you have a stake on your head!
  The unknown is scary, but the known sometimes makes you just afraid!
  Knowledge gives rise to confidence even when it is difficult, ignorance gives rise to confusion even when it is easy!
  A coward is not one who is afraid, but one who is lazy to cultivate courage in himself!
  Fear is weakness, courage is strength, but beware of the moron in yourself!
  Whoever allows himself to be led by the nose runs the risk of getting lost among the three pines!
  Makes walking in circles endless stupidity, with zeroed ingenuity!
  It does not matter if the milk on the lips has not dried up, it is worse if callousness is in the hearts!
  Stale begging bread, bitter salt of repentance!
  Honey from the mouth of a politician, attracts those who have not dried milk on their lips!
  A politician is not a thief in law, he is a thief who makes laws!
  The politician promises a sweet life, pours out honey from his mouth, but his paws are sticky like a fly!
  An eloquent politician, a leech bites into the voter's wallet!
  Why silence is golden because it is paid for!
  What is the biggest thing in the world? A mountain of promises issued by a politician!
  The politician wants money and power, he is ready to tear anyone apart!
  A politician is first and foremost a fox, not always bright in appearance, but always wagging his tail!
  The politician is happy to fill your wallet with nothing but empty promises!
  A politician is only honest about one thing, when he says - we, so he no longer has his own self!
  What is more than atoms in the universe? Masks and masks of politicians!
  What a politician does most willingly - cleans the pockets of voters!
  The politician has not always become, but his promises always smell like rotten stuff!
  A politician has seven Fridays a week, but listening to voters is always a day off!
  Who was first? Politicians, for they created chaos!
  Do not believe in the toughness of rooster politicians, they always sing from someone else's voice of a fox!
  If a politician pours out like a nightingale, it means that a fox made a soundtrack for him!
  Rather, the cancer on the mountain will whistle, than the politician will fulfill the promise without blushing!
  The politician is like a night fairy, only he usually rips off customers during the daytime!
  How is a politician like a dog, when he talks a lot, then he is definitely tame and has an owner!
  Those for whom they vote with their hearts often end up with voters in the liver!
  A politician is like vodka, the voter will feel with his liver that it is singed!
  The politician twists his brain like vodka, only in contrast to it is full of turbidity!
  The politician likes to fill in the fog, with the transparent goal of getting rich!
  The politician has many promises, but even more excuses if they are not fulfilled!
  A politician is a fox, but more often a gray one!
  The politician removes shavings from oaks, and knocks down acorns like a pig!
  If a politician is talkative like a saw, then he will definitely make a stump out of a voter!
  The politician loves to talk about God because he himself is Satan!
  A politician is as cunning as the devil, but an angel in the distribution of promises!
  The politician loves to be baptized, but his hands are always reaching for his wallet!
  Having voted for an eloquent politician, you run the risk of spitting up blood later!
  Usually people choose between cats in a poke, wolves in sheep's clothing, and a fox with rotten cheese!
  If the politician kept his promise, look at the mountain, if the cancer is whistling on it!
  It is easier to hang a kolobok than to force a politician to fulfill his promise!
  The politician is consistent in only one thing - in search of profit in his own pocket!
  The politician changes his comrades-in-arms like gloves, only his hands become even dirtier from this!
  A politician is such an animal that he makes a deer out of a voter!
  A politician, if not a wolf in sheep's clothing, then a typical ram!
  A politician who is not a fox, then a ram, or a deer!
  A politician can promise mountains, but after him you only rake up the rubble!
  Do not rush to vote for a rooster, he will peck you with giblets!
  Dictator, this is a fox, on the throne of a lion, surrounded by rams!
  If you don't want to be a deer, be a little fox yourself!
  The one who does not consider the crows a gift wins the elections!
  You can vote with your heart, but without your mind, the winner will beat off the brains!
  The politician is a fox who prefers green cheese as the color of the dollar color, from those who count the raven!
  The wife is not a mitten, as soon as you change gloves, you will definitely stop into a scumbag, from sultry adventures!
  Boys of genius make a lot more discoveries than mediocre old men of instructions!
  In youth, there is fire in the heart, discoveries in the head, and as a result, victory!
  The path to success is not always straight, but it does not tolerate a back bent in humility!
  The politician bends in a bow to lift his nose higher!
  The politician bows, then to bend the voter!
  The politician is ready to dig the earth with his nose in order to bury his responsibility to the voters!
  Everything impossible is possible in our world, and believe me, it is very difficult to live, as if in a shooting range!
  A donkey with a bag of gold will break through a fortress wall better than a mammoth with a steel ram!
  A politician with a golden mouth, turns voters into donkeys, with golden bags of offerings!
  Who is the strongest beast? Of course, an ass loaded with a bag of gold! The fox will burn the yellow color of treason and gold coins of offerings!
  Politicians often wave red flags for the yellow color of the coins they take from voters' pockets without blushing!
  Red speeches of mellifluous politicians shed bitter tears of mothers whose sons perished in a bloody battle!
  Who promises mountains of gold is not worth even a broken copper penny!
  The politician winds like a hare, wriggles like a fox, but on occasion he will gnaw through the voter's throat like a wolf!
  A politician likes to count money in someone else's pocket, but usually forks out only for bribes!
  The politician is cunning with the voter like a fox with a kolobok, only eats to the applause!
  The politician cuts shavings from the voter with a golden cutter of silvery speeches, mellifluous executioners!
  The oak burns in the fire for a long time, but quickly breaks down from the politician's fiery speech!
  Sometimes the biggest problem of the country, the small mind of the ruler!
  Insignificance on the throne, a huge problem for the state!
  A politician is often a paper tiger, and a fanged fox, he is born for vile games, and is good for tricks!
  A politician is not always a full wallet, which everyone loves, but always a pocket wallet that ruins conscience!
  A man loves greens in his pocket and dreams on the couch, only money is in the fog if you live in nirvana!
  The politician willingly bulls, but willingly plows, although he strives to plow the voter with all the passion of a vigorous cow!
  A politician who plays on gay hatred won't blush when he sucks a voter in the ass!
  Politicians under red flags do not blush with shame, shedding scarlet blood!
  In the world you are either a gray wolf or a white sheep, or a well-fed fox or an eaten hare, and in politics for a reason, a tyrant brings a shine to democracy!
  The politician has wolf habits, fox-like habits, but deep down he is still a chocolate hare, only completely inedible for voters!
  The more fervently a politician promises, the sooner the voter will freeze in anticipation!
  A politician is like a prostitute, he works a lot with his tongue, but he can only satisfy an intellectual impotent!
  What is the difference between a politician and a prostitute? For a prostitute, the client is always right; for a politician, the voter always gets into trouble!
  A politician with a cock's cry, an eagle's ambition, a kite's grip, a raven's greed, but still wingless!
  A politician is often smart as a boot, but shoes the voter madly!
  Any politician can put on shoes, but after that the voter is a tramp in life!
  The politician puts his hand in your purse when he crosses himself forcefully, and trips him up, kneeling down!
  Why are believers called sheep, they are sheared by rogues who have nothing sacred!
  If you are a sheep, you will walk barefoot for a century; if you are a goat, you will remain an ass! If you are a man with your mind, then you will be happy forever!
  A real fox in politics can not only scrape a sheep, but also pull down three skins from a lion!
  A man is obliged to let a woman through, but where she does not get into a situation where she does not require female patience and male courage!
  The most unsinkable is the one who is not clumsily skilled in military affairs, and not a log of reason!
  If a woman is lustful like a cat, then her husband has mice in his head!
  The brightest ideas are gloomy from the shadow politics, when they are implemented!
  A woman is as cunning as a fox, and even rules a lion if a man has the mind of a rooster!
  God can do anything, only surpass a woman in requests, He is powerless!
  A woman, in order not to be swallowed by a man like a boa constrictor, must have the sting of a cobra!
  A person can be similar to the Creator in everything, only imitation like a monkey does not color him!
  Man can surpass the Almighty God only in conceit, and even then if he is intellectually created by a Pithecanthropus!
  A woman does not want to be a chicken, but her ideal man is a rooster!
  The fox woman truly has a wolf grip on beaver men!
  In politics, it's like in a forest, if you eat an oak a pig, if a hare devours a fox, if a donkey - three skins will be shed!
  The brighter the woman, the more she is a fox!
  Gray people lack gray matter in the brain, bright personalities, gray in the head in large quantities!
  A gray man is lonely like a wolf, and like a hare he has no rest!
  If a politician is a big fox, then the lion's share is guaranteed to him!
  Fox-politician deprives the voter-crow of the opportunity to ride like cheese in butter!
  There are fewer stars in the sky than interpretations of Holy Scripture!
  An executioner in a red robe, more just, a politician with eloquence!
  The executioner has a sharp axe, the politician has a sharp word, the first blows his head, the second drips on the brain!
  Chopping heads is sometimes more humane than dripping on brains!
  If you let politicians drip on your brains, you will tear your hair out of frustration!
  The politician's speeches are like water for brainwashing!
  What is the biggest God in politics, what creates lawlessness!
  A politician always looks at the voter like a donkey with a fox's gaze to plow!
  A woman loves to expose her poor body in order to dress richer!
  A barefoot woman puts on a man faster, even if he is not quite a boot!
  With a bare female heel, it's easier to spin a man on fashionable boots!
  In order to get fashionable shoes for herself, a woman must properly "shoe" a man!
  A woman who does not know how to bare her leg in time will remain "shod" forever!
  Too often, looking at bare female legs, a man runs the risk of "shod" himself to the state of a tramp!
  In order not to remain a barefoot forever, you need to be able to throw off your shoes in time!
  A girl's bare foot is better than an invader's tarpaulin boot!
  The strongest armor will not resist, in front of delicate skin, charming girlish soles!
  Women very cleverly climb into a man's wallet with bare feet!
  The most sticky part of the female body for gold coins, bare feet and bare breasts!
  A woman needs to take off her shoes sometimes so as not to kneel in need!
  With a bare foot it is easier to put a man on his knees!
  Barefoot in time, never a barefoot!
  It is easier for a barefoot woman to climb the golden peak!
  You are a man of boots, if you do not love women's legs!
  A woman with slender legs will make a man bend in reverence!
  Bare toes are more dexterous than hands when a woman takes coins from the pocket of a "shod" man!
  The most skillful thing is for a woman to push a man under the heel with her bare feet!
  The path to the heart of a man is easier for a beauty to trample with bare feet!
  Bare feet of girls, more tenacious when climbing Everest of a man's heart!
  Having taken off her shoes, it is easier for a woman to cross the desert of male indifference!
  You will be dumb as a boot, you will hit on the heel even barefoot!
  A naked female leg makes a man fall into a barefoot childhood!
  Most often, shod boots fall into a barefoot childhood!
  If a girl has beautiful legs, then she is not a barefoot in life!
  A barefoot girl is better than a shod old woman, a young cat, more fun than an old lion!
  Best of all, a woman gets an award with bare breasts, and fashionable shoes with bare feet!
  From the thorns of male indifference, the best way to protect a woman is a bare heel!
  The most durable heel for a man from a bare female foot!
  Barefoot female heel, the most burnt boot shod with giblets!
  If you fail to take off your shoes in time, you will become a barefoot!
  If you are a mind of a club, then you can warm up well, only yourself!
  It's good to have a club, it's bad to be a club!
  Cast iron fists may help you survive, but an oak head will lead to death!
  When the ruler does not have a king in his head, anarchy reigns in the country, and they sell in vain!
  A crown is not for the same head as a hat!
  On the oak head and the crown sits precariously!
  As oak is not strong, but the material for the head from it is the most fragile!
  Who is a club head, he gets on the head with a club!
  The politician is holding a purse and a baton in his hands, only his money is wooden, and the baton is paper!
  A bright head, in the very last place refers to gray hair!
  You may not be a blonde, but it"s beautiful to be a bright soul, girls can beat the evil ones so that others can live happily!
  You can't build a solid defense out of oaks on stumps alone!
  If the politician is not a woodpecker, then he will remove the chips, not only from the voter-stump! Although the politician is not an eagle, he considers voters to be crows and woodpeckers! If you allow politicians to remove shavings from you, then you are definitely a woodpecker!
  A politician with voters is a fox, but with himself, a hamster is a hamster!
  A smart politician is like a fox in a chicken coop, but a stupid one is like an elephant in a china shop!
  Order is put in silence, the politician creates a mess by talking!
  A politician talks a lot, especially when he wants to shut his mouth!
  Arguing with a politician that pounding water in a mortar, unless you break the muscle of the tongue, lies with profit!
  A politician is a mixture of a fox and a wolf, but he pigs a lot!
  The more politician the fox, the more he pigs!
  In politics, there is a continuous menagerie, wolves, hares, chickens, a rooster and woodpeckers, only a fox is always chosen as king!
  A dictator who pretends to be a lion is a real pig!
  A politician can only pass for a lion if the voter is a complete ass!
  A politician puts on a sheep's skin, but only bloodthirstiness makes him related to a wolf, and a solid ram with ingenuity!
  It is better to have a wolf in sheep's clothing than a ram in the form of a lion!
  A politician bleats about peace like a sheep, but wolf fangs rattling war!
  A politician pours out like a nightingale to get the vote of the electorate, but holds them for woodpeckers!
  If a politician's speech seems like a nightingale's trill to you, don't be a crow in this case!
  If a politician sings like a nightingale, then he considers you a suitable game!
  Hunting for voters differs from forest hunting in that the hunter makes as much noise as possible!
  A politician, in contrast to a pickpocket, creates a lot of noise when stealing, and takes flattery when robbing!
  A politician is also in a sense a god, but it's better not to believe in him!
  The politician likes to promise the Moon to the voters, only he forgets to add that apart from sand, there is no life there!
  Woe not from the mind, but from the lack of practical ingenuity!
  All the troubles of the world are not from money, but from their absence in the right amount!
  Language is given to a politician to hide his thoughts, but not with what eloquence can a politician hide his gray squalor!
  If iron goes to chains, it will not be left for swords, if silver is poured into speeches, then there will be nothing to pay wages!
  Does a politician have a gift for keeping promises? Possesses, but not for nothing!
  Elephant imposes a big pile of shit, and a politician-fox, an even bigger mountain of verbal diarrhea!
  The politician pours abundantly sweet honey of speeches, drowning voters in verbal diarrhoea!
  The sweet speech of a politician is like a honey stream, only you swim along it into the trash!
  A politician can fulfill a promise only so that the voter believes in the impossible!
  There are many politicians in the elections, but there is no one to choose, who is a stump, who is a deck, who is a fox, who is a pig, who is a bear - only one thing remains from annoyance - to roar!
  Politicians who often tear their throats should have their ears kicked!
  A politician, unlike a nightingale, never sings for nothing, and has a fox gift!
  A politician wants to become an eagle, but his voter always has no bird's rights!
  Why are you on the bird's rights, because the mind is a woodpecker!
  The politician has many different songs, but all with only one motive: choose me!
  The voter, like a bun, leaves a hare, a wolf, a bear, but a beautiful political fox devours him anyway!
  The politician will count with sweet speeches on the intellect of a fly, the trill of a nightingale, on the consideration of a woodpecker, but his swine essence is visible to the hawk's eye!
  A woman is also a good politician, and at least gives a chance that she will fulfill the promise of fidelity and give pleasure!
  A soldier must have the strength of an oak, but not an oak head!
  In every oak there is a hollow, in every oak head there is a hole from which brains flow!
  If your mind is like an oak tree, then you will bend like an aspen!
  If you don't have a fox's cunning, then three skins will come off you!
  If you're dumb as an oak, they'll rip you off like sticky!
  A young soldier, better than a decrepit general!
  For each of his new suits, a politician pulls three skins from voters!
  You will be smart as an oak tree, they will rip it off like sticky and hares!
  A cunning fox will even pull down three skins from a lion, if he is a ram with a mind!
  If you don't want to become a fox, you will whine like a hungry dog!
  A politician is a fox, he guts chicken voters in daylight!
  You will be stupid as a stump, they will strip you like sticky, not only cunning foxes, but also cowardly hares!
  Even an eagle, a cunning fox, can expose a wet chicken!
  A man, dreaming of the role of a lion, often becomes a donkey plowed by a fox!
  A man has lion ambitions, donkey stubbornness, the clumsiness of a bear, the grace of an elephant, but his fox is always able to lure him!
  A fox of red color, a politician of a bloody suit!
  A woman defeats strong men by playing on their weaknesses, a politician convinces weak voters by clearly overplaying them!
  A woman is the most cunning politician, she does not need to study to be a fox, but she must be able to put on shoes while remaining barefoot!
  A woman also loves youth, but the green of the dollar is dearer to her than the green age of the patron!
  The greenery of a girl's youth attracts the green bills of men who have grown fat from bucks!
  Do not chase the dollar green, trouble has green eyes too, and the shell is crispy!
  Believing in God, do not sink to the level of an animal: a man is not a submissive sheep, and not a stinking goat!
  Making money on people's faith is like pouring manure on gold, distrust will grow!
  Believing on Sunday, don't get to seven Fridays in the week!
  Belief in the eternal hellish flame boils the milk of superstition, from which the foam is removed, rogues from religion!
  Only stumps and oaks believe in the hellish bonfire of eternal flame, allowing themselves to be peeled like sticky!
  How does the flame of eternal hellish fire shine? The brilliance of gold coins in the pockets of crooks from religion!
  Rogues use God to line their pockets, and are not only deceived with an empty head!
  Rogues from religion rip off three skins from sheep, break the horns of goats, only profit is dear to them, and faith is for hack-work!
  An honest priest is like a vegetarian wolf, only faith is always honest, and its use is selfish!
  Any religion is a fairy tale, only profits are made from this fantasy in truly fabulous proportions!
  Who allows you to hang noodles on your ears will be forever hungry!
  You will not be full of noodles on your ears!
  Noodles on the ears is a dish of the latest nausea-inducing freshness!
  Whether this is God, no one knows, but they constantly crucify a person, as if he is the likeness of Christ!
  A person strives to master God's power, but so far only receives a crucifixion not in a divine way!
  With a heart, a person strives for good, with a mind for profit, and with a stomach for gluttony, and in the end, tangled legs, dragged into a pit!
  If a person has the intelligence of a gorilla, he will plow like a horse and eat like a dog!
  A man allows himself to be put on a collar, but in order to plow, he must be beaten with a whip of coercion!
  The politician has a big pocket, but he's just an insignificant pickpocket!
  A politician who promises the voters the moon from heaven, having come to power, leaves the lunar landscape, and whining from hunger at the luminary!
  The devil in every policy encourages you to take the place of the Most High God, but the politician has very little talent!
  Man strives to become omnipotent, but his moral progress does not make it better!
  In war, as in a good theater, the next action is unpredictable, tears will be shed for sure!
  At war, it"s like in a movie: the action is captivating, it"s never boring, but alas, it really kills!
  If you are not easy-going, the earth will rest in peace in the war!
  The executioner loves an ax from a weapon, but in battle he has a clumsy skill!
  You can still cook soup from an ax, but what is written with a heroic pen cannot be cut down with an executioner's ax!
  Endless possibilities for those who do not set boundaries for themselves!
  The strongest person will not pull unbearable ambitions!
  Man is far from God, because he has not gone far from the macaque in his imitation of nature!
  The politician is a god in ambitions, in the methods of his face, and in using the results he is an outright pig!
  Whoever is not a wolf in life is skinned three times, whoever is not a fox in his mind is gutted like a chicken!
  The wolf is always hungry, the man is always dissatisfied, and the politician cannot say a word of truth!
  The fox has valuable fur, but the fox assurances of politicians are worth nothing!
  There is more milk from a goat than from a politician who is a ram with a mind!
  In elections, politicians are like between plague and cholera, although politicians are much more contagious in their schizophrenia!
  The politician has a wolf's nose for profit, but he himself is a ready-made pig for gutting!
  A politician is a ram that rushes to the lion's throne, and when he reaches the top, he turns into a fox, gutting chicken voters!
  They don"t believe in politicians, but they vote, they don"t understand music, but they listen willingly, they don"t eat noodles, but they willingly cling to their ears!
  Gold only looks beautiful, in fact this metal, humanity has always suffered, it has become arrogant!
  Having bared her breasts, it is easier for a woman to tear off three skins from a man!
  The bare feet of girls put men in galoshes!
  If a man has the mind of a boot, then always sit in a galosh!
  A woman's naked leg in time will put any boot in a galosh!
  A man who often looks at bare, female legs, sit down in a galosh!
  Barefoot female leg, well drives under the heel and perfectly sits in a galosh!
  A man is ready to turn inside out in order to rip off a girl's shoes!
  You can turn any boot inside out with a bare female heel!
  The bare foot of a woman will turn any man inside out, even if he is the last boot!
  If you want to turn a man inside out, take off your shoes, if you want to put him in a galosh, expose your heel!
  Why is childhood barefoot, because a bare female leg makes men lose their heads, as if they were boys!
  The desire to see a woman naked makes a man turn inside out!
  To undress a woman, you must first put on her shoes!
  Having undressed at the right time, a business woman will tear off three skins from a man!
  A woman who gets naked in time will not become a barefoot and thoroughly shod a man!
  A barefoot woman will put a boot on a man, and put him in a galosh, and turn him inside out and make him the last barefoot!
  A man is similar to a gibbon, only, unfortunately, more often in intellect than in potency!
  The man has donkey stubbornness, the ambition of a lion, but in reality he is a goat!
  A man for a woman is like a slop place for a cow, you can"t do without it, but it"s disgusting to approach!
  What does a man and a toilet in a women's room have in common - that women only bleat at men!
  A woman is a cunning fox that can devour any lion like a rabbit!
  A woman needs a man like a whipping boy, if he doesn"t beat a man, then there will be no life!
  A woman needs men like a pig's horns, only a fur coat donated by men is expensive!
  Not everything is gold that glitters, not everything is a treasure that blinds!
  But a cat in a poke is still better than a fox in a sheepskin coat!
  The strongest lion can be kept on a leash by a cunning fox!
  Even with the strength of a cat, you can defeat a lion with the cunning of a fox!
  In order not to be a woodpecker, do not count the crows!
  It is easier to make a crow sing like a nightingale than a politician to fulfill election promises!
  To argue with a politician that counting a crow and being the last woodpecker!
  The fox does not have the largest fangs among animals, but the most victims among people!
  An uninvited guest is worse than a pig in a poke!
  If you're smart with a log, then you'll work hard like Papa Carlo, and you won't find the golden key!
  If you do not want to study like Pinocchio, then you will remain a log for life!
  If you are resourceful like Pinocchio, then the mind is not at all logged!
  The mind is like that of a log, the one who, like Pinocchio, instead of school, runs to the theater!
  Burying gold in the ground, you become a citizen of the country of fools!
  If you bury your golden talents, you will perish for a copper penny!
  Golden mountains of silvery speeches are not worth a penny!
  If a politician blows his mind, then the voter goes down the drain!
  A skilled craftsman can make Pinocchio out of logs, but who is scorched with the mind, and with a golden key will wander into the quagmire!
  In order for the people to mature to democracy, they need the sun of freedom, and in the darkness of despotism, they will forever remain politically green!
  Dear boots, a woman mines with a bare foot!
  A politician often bullies to put a yoke on voters!
  A rooster politician crushes voters like chickens!
  The politician dreams of riding a white horse in order to put a yoke on the voter!
  The fox is small with fangs, and wanting to swallow them, it generally hides them!
  A politician who talks a lot about humanity is a typical cannibal!
  And a bear can be lulled with honey-sweet speeches!
  For an alcoholic, bitter vodka is sweeter than honey!
  A tailor will lie and not blush, a politician will "blush" and lie!
  A woman, having thrown off her shoes, puts on a man, to the level of a tramp!
  War has not a woman's face, but a physiognomy that attracts thrill-seekers!
  A woman is a dove that bites into a woodpecker man like a kite!
  A woman always has seven Fridays a week, and without a Sunday gift from marital debt, she always has a day off!
  God is not omnipotent in everything, he is powerless to argue a woman!
  Although God is almighty, he is not able to shut up a woman's mouth, and stop politics!
  A politician has no conscience, a woman has a sense of proportion, and a woman politician has all feelings without measure!
  A woman is a flower, prickly like a rose, but her sweet fragrance attracts goats and drones!
  The voter falls into childhood, voting for the hateful old oaks with hollows!
  A Russian soldier can be made to collapse like a beveled log, but not put on his knees, and made to shake like an aspen!
  If you do not want to observe military discipline, you will bend your back like a prisoner!
  There is a lot of dirt in our world, only rare princes in it!
  The politician's tongue is long, but to accomplish what he has thrashed - his hands are short!
  The politician is quick to promise, slow to fulfill, asks for alms, and forgiveness for deceit!
  When a woman does not have enough shoes, she puts a man barefoot on!
  A woman is first and foremost a fox who wants to lasso a lion, but usually donkeys get caught in her lasso!
  A woman is a chicken that loves golden eggs, bringing only loss to their carrier!
  A woman is a chicken, only she can bring golden eggs to that man, which is a real fox!
  A real fox and a rooster will make you lay golden eggs!
  The claws of a fox are not those of a lion, but she will tear off three skins from the king of beasts!
  Whoever is not a fox with his mind is not a lion either!
  A fox woman is able to convince any man that he is a lion, breeding like a simple donkey!
  A female lioness with only a fox's mind and a wolf's grip!
  The lion is not the one who roars, but the one who tears up a lot of greenery!
  When a politician is not a fox, then three skins are torn off him and put on his collar!
  A politician has a wide ass to sit on two chairs, but he has a breadth of soul only in words!
  A tank is pierced with a uranium-core projectile, a politician makes his way to the top without a heart, but with a golden purse!
  With bare feet, a woman can lead a billionaire into the slum of ruin to the level of a tramp!
  Politicians adore, and bare feet of women and voters to put on shoes!
  The politician undresses the women, and puts on the men's shoes!
  The politician wants to bare women's legs, and shod men to the ears!
  Politicians want to undress the woman in bed, and shod the men near the ballot boxes!
  For a politician, the bare foot of a girl is to raise dignity, but the rating rises, shoeing voters!
  The politician has bare heels of women in his head, and the voter is a blunt boot for him!
  The politician loves women without clothes at all and voters who are fully shod!
  A woman, throwing off her shoes in time, will drive a politician under the heel, even if he is a seasoned boot!
  A politician whom a woman is able to drive under the heel with her bare foot, stupid boots!
  Love bare female legs, but don't be a felt boot!
  How ugly the bare legs of women are, it's disgusting to let them drive you under the heel!
  Admire the girls' bare feet, but don't let them put you on like a felt boot!
  Women's bare legs will make a full boots out of a politician who is accustomed to shoeing voters!
  A woman, having thrown off her shoes, is able to put on her knees not only a felt boot!
  A blow from a woman is stronger when she takes it off, kicking off her shoes!
  A politician is a round felt boot if he is driven under the heel by the bare feet of women!
  There is such strength in the bare feet of the girls that she will drive the most seasoned boot under the heel and thoroughly put on the most inveterate felt boots!
  You can't convince a woman to bare her legs if you're a full boot!
  A woman loves fashionable shoes, but it is better for her to go barefoot than to be shod with a felt-booted politician!
  If the woman is a tigress, then she will tear the man to pieces, even if he is not a complete donkey!
  Bare feet of a girl, any man will be forced to crawl under the heel!
  A man at the sight of a bare female heel becomes a full felt boot!
  A barefoot girl will put on a man to the fullest, even if he is used to making others with felt boots!
  A man should be strong as an oak, and not allow chips to be removed from him like from a stump!
  A barefoot female heel, a man will be stripped to the goal, and shod to the ears!
  A soldier is flint, if the mind is not a cobblestone!
  A man is a real diamond when he has a heart of gold and iron nerves!
  A man must be as strong as steel, but as tight as a stump!
  A person should have an eagle eye, and hearing should not be like that of a crow!
  A man only has the courage of an eagle, but in fact, most often the character is a typical chicken!
  There are no ugly women, there is only disgusting male impotence!
  Sometimes a soldier's milk does not dry up on his lips, but he does not send bullets into milk, and with his green youth, he drives the old people into red!
  A woman in war is like a pearl in a shell - it may be uncomfortable, but attractiveness ripens to the fullest!
  The drunkard has a red nose, not a red life and a blackened reputation!
  Vodka is a strong drink that turns a man into a slob!
  For a politician-jelly, verbal diarrhea is characteristic!
  A politician is rarely a good shepherd, but always strives to cut the voter's hair like a lamb!
  The politician is the sweetest honey of speeches, turns into verbal diarrhea!
  If God turned water into wine, then the politician turns verbal diarrhea into golden rain in his pocket!
  A man has not only a beard on his face, and balls of steel in his pants, but also a heart of gold in his chest!
  A goat also has a beard, but only a real man has a heart of gold!
  Wit sometimes shows the dullness of the mind, like a straight mirror a crooked face!
  The sharp eye of a sniper is able to pierce the thick armor of the thickest eyebrows, the dumbest warrior!
  Be cheerful like a child, but do not fall into childhood - you will get on the potty in earnest!
  The best fight if he is in a drunken feast!
  Only the mega-universe and human stupidity has no boundaries!
  Man could surpass his creator only in idiocy and destruction!
  All rational beings agree in idiocy!
  Evil is not in the monarchy, but in the absence of the king's head!
  Who promises happiness for centuries leads to a moment of silence!
  The politician climbs to the top, with the help of the basest tricks!
  The way up is winding, but the low approach cuts the distance!
  Do not rejoice in cheap vodka if your life is not worth a penny!
  A wallet full with an empty heart, but a head overflowing with ingenuity and ingenuity!
  An empty purse can be filled if not chopped from the shoulder, but a head without brains can be corrected only with an executioner's ax!
  The greatest heaviness on the heart, from an empty stomach!
  The most pleasant lightness, from the heaviness of the wallet!
  A well-stuffed purse is better than a tightly drawn belt!
  Who has thoughts in a logical bundle, he will not tighten his belt!
  It is better to tighten the belt on the stomach than the noose around the neck!
  It is better to tighten the belt on the stomach for the sake of the army than to tighten the noose around the neck in surrender!
  The voter is always hungry because the politician feeds him only honey promises!
  And honey is bitter if it is honey from the lips of a politician during an election campaign!
  Bee honey heals, honey from the mouth of a politician cripples!
  The politician offers the voter a very monotonous diet: honey of sweet speech and noodles for the ears!
  You won"t be full of noodles on your ears, and you"ll get poisoned from honey from the mouth of a politician!
  If honey flows from the mouth, then the chatty mind is empty!
  Bees give honey, politician's sweet talk verbal diarrhea!
  The sweeter the politician's honey speeches, the less analyst's salt in it!
  Old age is not calendar years, but when the sport movement goes out of fashion!
  The easiest way to become young again is to remain a widow with an inheritance!
  Even if a man has the very last boot, the bare heel of a woman will make him put on his shoes, and take off his last pants!
  A barefoot woman will have the most fashionable shoes from shod men!
  Do not be ashamed woman to walk barefoot, be ashamed when you are shod because of fashionable shoes!
  With a bare heel, a woman will drive the last boot under the heel, as soon as he has a Siberian felt boot, then the bare foot will remain "shod"!
  A politician only has ambitions of a lion, but the mind of a donkey, the character of a goat and cock's ambition!
  Running threads life, but you don"t have to be a hare in life!
  The fastest animal is the cheetah, but the fox is the most likely to catch up with the victim!
  The lion is the king of beasts, but the fox can turn a cockerel monarch into a wet chicken!
  The strength of a lion, the size of an elephant, the speed of a cheetah, the grip of a wolf pass without fox cunning!
  A tortoise with the cunning of a fox will overtake a cheetah with the intelligence of a donkey!
  Being persistent in achieving a goal does not mean being a stubborn woodpecker and a stubborn donkey!
  The woman at the goldfish first of all asks for a prince, but at best she gets a jester, and at worst an executioner!
  A man is usually an animal: a goat, a donkey, a rooster, a ram, but a lion among males is a rare exception!
  Any woman is a queen, but rarely does a man rise above the royal footman!
  A woman's heart is drawn to a lion, but the mind tells you that a cunning fox will make you a true queen!
  If the lion is the king of beasts, the cunning fox is the queen of kings!
  King Midas turned matter into gold, and the fox makes donkeys out of lions, rams out of wolves!
  If you fail to acquire a fox's cunning - they will plow like a horse, shoe it like a donkey, trim it like a ram!
  Not every man is the king of fulfillment, but every woman is the queen of desires!
  A woman in desires is an omnipotent goddess, in the performance of a powerless slave!
  Championship forever, only health for a while!
  All people were crucified one way or another, but only One person became God, so let's drink to us keeping him company in Eternity!
  A man is no longer an ape, but a real gorilla when he gets drunk!
  Vodka is transparent, but the mind becomes cloudy from it, bitter, but it attracts more than sweet honey to midges!
  War is, of course, an evil stepmother, but her husband is heroic patriotism!
  War is a matter of the young, but adds a wise gray hair!
  A bright head, not always gray-haired, but does not obscure the teachings and always knows a lot!
  If there is a king in the head, then it will be bright from the brilliance of the crown of the mind!
  Free food is cheese in a mousetrap, and ear noodles are the busiest!
  Or rather, you get poisoning from noodles on your ears and free cheese in a mousetrap!
  One punch is more powerful than a hundred screams, one genius, thousands of screamers!
  One elephant can be replaced by a thousand rabbits, but one genius and a million mediocrities cannot be compensated!
  Geniuses are rare, not because nature is stingy, but because there are many envious people!
  Most often, politicians with chicken brains and the eloquence of parrots have the ambitions of an eagle!
  The politician fills the voter with verbal diarrhea to make him defecate gold into the pocket of a windbag!
  A politician promises a voter a piece of an unkilled bear, but this fox will cut off all the wool from a dumbed sheep!
  The politician puts on a sheep's skin, but despite the wolf's grip, he himself is only a ram!
  Politics is a very dirty business - because dirt easily sticks to the honey of speeches and flies gather!
  A politician is a thief who gets into the pockets of voters with his tongue!
  The thief reaches into his pocket with his fingers, and the politician with his tongue into the soul!
  A politician is worse than a thief, the first one steals only money, but a politician still has a conscience and soul, and faith in the best!
  A thief can still rein in the law, a politician himself uses the laws to rob voters!
  The politician has a minuscule conscience, and a maximum of meanness, and a complete lack of a sense of proportion!
  Politician is a dirty, bloody, noisy profession, but every voter suffers because of it!
  A politician, when he crosses himself, strives to get his fingers into the purse of the voter!
  A priest, like a politician, pours out honey from his mouth, to which coins stick, but on the other hand, he does not promise paradise in this life more honestly!
  The politician gets into the voter's pocket when he is baptized, but at the same time he goes for deceit and how Judas hangs himself!
  A politician puts out a lot of cockerels to impress a chicken-brained voter!
  A politician is rarely a head of gold, even more rarely a heart of gold, but he loves gold in his pocket, and a voter with an iron head!
  The politician has one language, but he gets into all his pockets at once!
  The tongue of a prostitute brings pleasure, the tongue of a politician makes you vomit!
  A politician, like a prostitute, earns money with her tongue, but the voter is always in her ass!
  A politician uses a long tongue as a weapon for robbery, but only a voter with a short mind can gut a wallet!
  A prostitute takes money and gives pleasure in return, a politician takes votes and gives disappointment in return!
  Politics is akin to prostitution, only touching it instead of enjoying a beautiful body, you bathe in disgusting slops!
  A prostitute charges a fee for her meat, a politician robs voters to the bone!
  The politician is not just a parasite, he also eats the voter for nothing!
  A prostitute can satisfy a client, a voter's politician always leaves him unsatisfied!
  The language of a prostitute cheers up, the language of a politician causes only laughter, and even turns into tears!
  Politics is older than prostitution, the second appeared with the first people, the first gave rise to universal chaos even before the creation of the world!
  A politician is, of course, a clown, but voters are not laughing at his jokes!
  There used to be jesters under kings, now politicians are clowns without a king in their heads!
  A politician, this is a jester who dreams of becoming a king, but has no king in his head!
  Politics is a gratuitous circus that is very expensive!
  The politician arranges funny clowning, which comes out with bitter tears!
  The worker gets paid once a month, the politician makes promises every day!
  Politician tongue like a shovel rowing money into his pocket!
  A politician is a long tongue that strangles the voter with a noose, his speech is smooth!
  A long tongue shortens life, empty speeches of a politician will fill hearts with annoyance!
  The politician's speech is long, but short in mind, sweet in promises, bitter in execution!
  The politician wants to be the first person in power, but in the methods of fighting for the throne he is the last beast!
  The politician wants everything at once, but in parts only shit expires!
  A politician does only one thing well: to feed the voter with empty promises, and hang noodles on their ears!
  A politician is a bad builder, he only builds castles in the air with his tongue!
  Politicians do not like to work with their hands, they even get into the voter's wallet with the help of their tongue!
  Politicians can do little, but to surpass them in the ability to lie is beyond the power of the Almighty!
  The politician swears by the light, claiming the place of God, but his soul is blacker than the Devil!
  The voter wants from the politician the moon in the sky, and mountains of gold, while he himself gets a dog's life, and talk is not worth a penny!
  Politicians who demand donations in return for the golden mountains are not worth a penny, and verbal diarrhea talk!
  By voting with the heart, the voter gets the politician on the throne, which is always in the liver!
  If honey flows from the mouth of a politician, then he wants to swat the voter like a fly!
  The more life is not honey, the sweeter the speeches of politicians!
  Politicians are not distinguished by the loyalty of the dog, but they bark a lot!
  A dog can protect, a liar politician can only bite!
  A politician barks a lot and cocks his throat, but the voter gets the life of a dog and a place at the slop bucket from such people!
  Politician, this is not the sovereign's dog, but a corrupt fox!
  Politician, this is a cunning fox, from which he smells empty bullshit!
  Although a politician with a wolf's grip puts on a sheep's skin, but he carries a complete waste of a dog!
  Women love politicians not for beautiful eyes, but for the ability to beautifully shoe the voter who blinded his eyes!
  A politician, in order to shear voters like sheep, puts on a sheep's skin, and bleats like a ram!
  A woman undresses for fashion, a politician shoes voters to keep them under his boot!
  A barefoot woman lures men into a net, and a politician shoeing voters!
  A politician is a fox, but the raven takes away not only a piece of bread from voters, but also the remnants of hope to gain wings!
  Politician, he's a genius at making excuses for not keeping his promises!
  A politician, this is a poet, only composes, as a rule, excuses and fairy tales for gullible voters!
  God has many days, but the politician has even more Fridays in the week!
  A man wants to become a God according to his possibilities, a politician is already a Devil according to his needs!
  Rain brings the harvest of bread, verbal diarrhea poured out by politicians
  kicks salt out of speech!
  The sun helps ripen the harvest, but the bright speeches of politicians only ripen the seeds of discord!
  People need water for life so that the stems stretch, but the ears only wither from the water in the politician's speeches!
  We think that sweet honey is pouring from the mouth of a politician, but in reality it is water and verbal diarrhea!
  The politician is a priest, but his cult of the golden calf, the deity of deceit, and the angels of robbery!
  A politician is a thief who is not caught, but shied away from!
  A politician, unlike an ordinary man, longs to undress not only women, and, in addition to clothes, also take off three skins!
  The politician puts on shoes to strip and tear off three skins!
  A politician is the one whose gardener has a pear growing on a willow, and one linden brings the harvest!
  A politician, if anything else can grow besides linden, is a bone of contention!
  A politician who grows one linden tree will receive an aspen stake!
  The politician loves to pour out honey and grow linden!
  Why does a politician have such sticky hands, from the honey of verbal diarrhea!
  The politician has sticky hands and a long tongue, but all the same, the voter gets caught like a fly in Velcro!
  The politician is holding a net for catching voters with his long tongue!
  The politician has a long tongue, but blunt fangs and short arms!
  Politician, this is such an infection that is transmitted through the tongue and even the computer keyboard!
  Politician, this is the only virus that kills by raising the mood, not the temperature!
  A politician who can cheer up voters is no longer a downcast goat!
  Politician, this is a goat with a wolf's grip, in sheep's clothing and with the habits of a fox!
  Politician, this is a cock, only without verbal diarrhea, a typical wet chicken!
  A man in front of a woman is a cock, only without a gold reserve he will go to the roast!
  As a politician does not cock, all the same he is an eagle in the eyes of voters with chicken brains and a chicken mind!
  A politician may roar like a lion, but the delicate ears of the voter will catch the bleating of the last ram!
  The politician does not want to plow like an ox, preferring to sing like a nightingale, but a cunning fox will plow him in!
  A woman is the most skillful politician, she not only puts on shoes, but also shows her bare legs!
  A woman's bare foot can shod a man, strip him naked, and tear off three skins!
  The Indian scalps, the creditor is three skins, the swindler of foam, and the elections are noodles from the ears!
  Milk with honey is good only if it is not the milk of voters in the elections, and not honey from the mouths of politicians!
  Honey from the lips of a politician can only cure gullibility!
  From the honey from the lips of a politician comes the diabetes of disappointment from a savory life!
  The politician promises a sweet life, but it turns out only diabetes and indigestion!
  The politician promises bread for butter, but in reality the voter slides into the abyss like clockwork!
  If a politician speaks like butter, then not only the first pancake will go lumpy!
  A politician, unlike a bee, is a drone that brings only bitter honey of disappointment!
  Bees turn nectar into honey, and the sweet speech of a politician stings with diabetes!
  Honey from the lips of politicians is so sugary that voters listen to it after drinking bitter vodka!
  Vodka, though bitter, is sweeter than poisonous honey from the lips of a politician!
  A politician with a long tongue licks the voter so that he silently bristles like a hedgehog!
  The politician has the sting of a long tongue, serpentine deceit, the ability to kowtow to his superiors, and swallows a naive voter rabbit like a boa constrictor!
  A young body is beautiful, but a child's mind is bad!
  A politician who claims to be the father of the nation is depriving the people of a happy childhood!
  If a politician talks too much about a bright future, then he has a black soul and a dark past!
  A politician knows how to compose more abruptly than a poet, but his smooth rhyme goes sideways to the voter!
  A teenager is almost a man, but an immature politician, a despot is no longer almost!
  It is pleasant to look at barefoot girls, and the politician who puts shoes on is disgusting!
  The politician loves shearing sheep voters, but he takes off not only six, but also three skins!
  Who spits in the past will be left without life-giving moisture in the future!
  A science fiction writer composes fairy tales to entertain people, and a politician to extract money from his pockets!
  The politician pretends to be an affectionate cat in order to slip a mousetrap on the voters more easily!
  Singers also want to make money by singing, but if politicians sing, the voters will howl!
  A singer may have a pleasant voice, but the voices of politicians promise trouble!
  The politician wants not only to get your votes, but also to rip out the voters' tongues!
  Politicians sometimes shine with wit, but this is the brilliance of daggers that take three skins off the voter!
  Women love poets, voters hate politicians!
  A poet is a plagiarist sometimes, but a politician always sings from someone else's voice!
  Politician, this is such a poet that he rhymes only in his own pocket!
  A politician, like a child, loves to compose, but unlike children, he wants not candy, but to put the voter in a cage!
  Even a pig in gluttony has more sense of proportion than a politician in giving promises!
  The politician wants to be a lion, and have the ambition of an eagle, but, in fact, a pig, with the habits of a fox, and the grip of a wolf!
  The politician, of course, is not a fool, but he likes to play the fool in order to lure the grandmother out of the voter!
  Clowns amuse the people for good reason, but still they are cheaper than political jesters!
  In war, every soldier is a hero, every general is a strategist, but criminal politicians reap the rewards and rewards!
  Do not believe the one who promises a lot, verbal diarrhea is a bad fertilizer for the fruits of success!
  A woman, stepping on the slippery path of seducing a man, feels more confident when she takes off her shoes!
  A politician, this is the clown from which the voter is not laughing, and such a jester that he will never tell the truth, and the king, and even more so the people!
  In politics, all methods are good - except honest ones, and all goals are available - except noble ones!
  Who sincerely believes that a politician is a lion, this is a donkey, who considers a tyrant an eagle, has a chicken mind!
  Politician, this is a fox with fangs of a wolf, but in sheep's clothing with a calling to shear sheep!
  A woman is Satan herself, but only with her can salvation be found in the hell of the earthly world!
  Politician, this is a wolf who attracts hare voters not with a sheepskin, but with a green bill!
  Politician, this is a wolf in habit, which, however, loves greenery!
  The politician-fox catches voters like hares on the promises of "cabbage"!
  A politician who crosses himself too much, having come to power, will become a cross for voters!
  The politician promises mountains of fake gold, but he will drop the real one into the ravine between the rocks!
  Big oak trees fall loudly, voter politicians crush stumps when they fall!
  God has a new day every day, but politicians have eternal Friday and Monday to boot!
  The politician wants good, only in his own pocket!
  A clown pretends to be a fool to make you laugh, a politician is smart to make you roar with annoyance!
  Jesters tell kings the truth, politicians lie to themselves!
  There are only animals in politics: rats, wolves, foxes, jackals, but you can become a lion only by being a man!
  A politician is like a ghoul - he wants to drink blood, and for a penny he buys love presses!
  Even a fool can believe in God, only a genius is capable of not losing faith in a person!
  Talent, this is a diamond, needs to be polished by diligence, and cut by education!
  The undertaker will not go bankrupt while the man drives himself into the coffin himself!
  Vodka is a poison that poisons the state, controlled by politicians with drunken brains!
  There is no greater misfortune for a person than politics, only grief does not know who plays with a person!
  Honey from the lips of politicians is intoxicating, only a painful hangover and never goes away!
  Gold is a soft metal, but it breaks through the protection of any thickness, except if the conscience is a crystal!
  A politician always comes out of the mouth with verbal diarrhea, but the voter sometimes takes it for the smell of roses!
  A politician, this is such a fox that he seduces a crow more often not by boasting of its merits, but by swearing at other people's shortcomings!
  If you want to take away the cheese from the crow - fuck the nightingale well!
  The politician has bottomless pockets, although he is a solid bottom in morality!
  Politicians with flames on their lips leave behind either a scorched desert or a rotten quagmire!
  A fiery speaker will leave only ashes!
  If the head is cast iron, then it is the most fragile part of the body!
  If you are thoroughbred like a dog, this does not mean that you do not carry a dog of arrogance from you!
  To become a rider - plow like a horse!
  The start is always difficult in sports and politics, but the finish line is too easy to fly downhill!
  Braking is bad, not having brakes is worse than ever!
  Politician, this is such a fox that he wriggles his tail to get ahead, and is cunning to snatch his wallet!
  To the tongue of a politician that gets into a purse, coins stick well!
  There is a lot of bitterness in vodka, and in the speeches of politics there is sweetness, but rather it drives the latter into the coffin!
  A politician is, of course, a prostitute, but she works exclusively with her tongue!
  Who appeared before God the Creator - of course politicians, they gave rise to darkness and chaos!
  What is the difference between a politician and a soldier? A soldier fights with a bayonet, a fist, a politician only spits his tongue!
  If a politician is a populist, then he will pull the voter down!
  A politician occupying the cent of the electorate, not a center, but a player whose politics will come out sideways!
  The army is strength, if its Fatherland did not give birth to powerlessness!
  The army is powerless when the generals have their brains in the back, and the quartermasters have their hands in shit!
  A woman refuses sex for money because of disgust, and a politician will lay down for manna without shame!
  A woman wants sex from a handsome man, and a politician gets satisfaction from an asshole!
  A politician is sold for a lot of money, but he himself is not worth a penny, and he is not crazy!
  If a politician lacks intelligence, he compensates for this with an excess of meanness!
  The politician liked to bark a lot, but dog-like loyalty keeps only the golden calf!
  Why does the politician promise mountains of gold? To rake in the heat of coins with the wrong hands in your pocket!
  Why is a politician better than a prostitute? Those that infect with AIDS only figuratively, but more deadly!
  Beautiful bare female legs, only put shoes on by politicians in disgusting ways!
  Why is a fox more dangerous than a lion? Because the tongue is deadlier than fangs!
  A fool will not oversleep, unlike a drunkard, a politician will not stop lying, unlike a loser!
  A prostitute uses fragrant perfume to attract clients, a politician stinks of verbal diarrhea - to attract voters!
  Why are politicians like fat cats? Because their mousetrap is a long tongue and a grasp of the jaws of deceit!
  In what way is a woman superior to politics? He attracts a man with a pleasant smell, and a politician cannot hide the stench with any cologne!
  The executioner is the most honest person, the client will never complain that he makes an order late!
  Death is also an adventure, with an unknown continuation, only a person would prefer to avoid such entertainment!
  This executioner is the worker whose client does not urge!
  The doctor is sometimes also an executioner, only the client lies under him voluntarily!
  A young man without a beard can also be a goat!
  Politician, this is a rat that bites with its tongue!
  There is no God in the heart, but the priest is in the liver!
  Never knows when the world will end, but the nightmare of life seems endless!
  An uninvited guest is worse than a coronavirus!
  The most deadly virus is politicians spreading the infection of verbiage!
  God created light, darkness appeared when people were blinded by politicians!
  When did the first politician appear? When Eve cheated on Adam and scientists found that man evolved from a monkey!
  Whether a person descended from a monkey is a moot point, but there is no doubt that people imitate unworthy idols!
  War is a sledgehammer that breaks the mirror of human illusions!
  A politician promises peace, but he himself is only able to be friends with his own wallet!
  A politician, it's a devil, but he doesn't hide his tails so cleverly!
  The politician is like an angel of light in speeches, and Satan is in realization!
  If suddenly you feel sweet from the speeches of a politician, check if your intelligence has fallen to the ground!
  In what way is a politician more or less honest in words: others are no better!
  Politician, loves to pour out the silver of speeches, but for some reason only keeping silent in time gets gold!
  Even a diamond is not so hard as not to become stupefied by the stubborn desire of a politician to promise!
  The lion is the king of animals, but foxes usually rule the animals!
  The wolf puts on sheep's clothing, the politician puts on shoes with white gloves!
  Politics is a dirty business and white gloves in it are as appropriate as white coats in a mine!
  The king is not the one who roars like a lion, but the one who cunning like a fox!
  The dictator loves to teach democracy like a crow to a nightingale to sing!
  People, this is not cattle, and the ruler is not pan!
  Man is the son of God, because they crucify him to the fullest!
  A politician is sometimes a wolf in sheep's clothing, but more often a ram in a lion's clothing!
  The politician has the greatest art, it is expensive to sell, which is not worth a penny!
  Politician, this is the dictator of bottles - his speech causes a hangover!
  There are no decent people in politics as rare as vegetarians among wolves!
  Order is put in silence, a mess gives rise to verbiage!
  The politician is a dwarf with a long tongue and gigantic ambitions!
  There are no dry stones in the river, no politicians with clean hands!
  God will not let mankind perish if it does not descend to the level of hellish animals!
  It is better to be a beardless young man than a goat who has changed his youth!
  The politician exudes a stench, through the sweet smell of honeyed speeches!
  A politician has one goal - power, and all methods of achieving it are sheer dirt!
  Politician, it's not always a strong hand, but always a long tongue!
  The long tongue of a politician shortens the life of the voter!
  Under a dictatorship, it's like in a bus - half are sitting, the other half are shaking, and the tyrant controller is a cowardly hare himself!
  A politician is a mathematician who does not want to share with anyone, but loves to take away!
  There are no brothers in politics, but full of lads, no wizards, but full of night fairies!
  The politician wants to show the voter that he is a magician, but in reality he is just a night fairy!
  A politician without balls of steel runs the risk of putting his pants on!
  Politician, this is a clown, but instead of laughing, he makes you vomit!
  A politician is a clown, but not undercover, but undercover!
  The politician is a jester, but his bells ring with the bronze of idle talk!
  Politics, it's all dirt when climbing to the top!
  Politician, steals making as much noise as possible, but steals not only money!
  The politician collects the votes of voters to shut his mouth!
  Politician, this is God only the other way around, the Almighty creates order out of chaos, and the politician turns order into chaos!
  The politician is a cowardly hare at heart, and also loves greenery!
  Vodka is what gives fun for an hour, a politician makes you shed tears of disappointment for a century!
  In one glass of vodka, the mind will not drown, but even a drop of the sweet speech of a politician is enough to drown the country!
  The wolf is the orderly of the forest, the politician with a wolf's grip cripples both people and animals!
  The dictator is a fox, but much more gluttonous, and capable of swallowing the whole people with a boa constrictor!
  Politics is speech, like a sledgehammer discourages thinking, although it has no weight!
  A politician is a crowbar that beats brains, only softer than wax when it comes to principles!
  Politics is such an area in which everyone is deceived, and everyone is wrong, but the winner is the one who distorts the plausibility!
  A barefoot woman does not risk contracting a cold of male indifference!
  Men don't have women's imagination for outfits, women don't have masculine realism for shoes!
  A woman loves when a man is obedient, and indifferent to alcohol, but a man who can subdue her intoxicates her!
  A politician who promises a pie in the sky lets the property of the nation go to the wind!
  A prostitute gets money with her tongue, a politician gets votes, but the latter is much more corrupt!
  The politician is an ass who wants to turn the voters into pack donkeys!
  The politician has one thieves' suit - extortion of votes!
  A politician is a goat who is milked with verbal diarrhea!
  A prostitute is much more honest than politics, sex in exchange for money, better than pornography for a voice!
  The politician is given as the last whore, but infects all clients at once!
  A condom protects a prostitute from infection, only earplugs will help against political infection!
  The politician is fast on the tongue, slow on the fulfillment of the promised, but just a cheetah in justification!
  A politician is a master of lies, a grand master of deceit, a champion of evasion, but he does not know the elementary rules of decency!
  A politician does not measure seven times, but cuts off three skins!
  A politician is a louse that sits on a bull voter, but despite its small size, it is very burdensome!
  What a woman wants, God wants, and what a politician wants, even Satan does not want!
  A politician is a boxer with corrupt refereeing and illegal punches!
  A politician is an artist who prefers bright drawings to dark colors!
  There is nothing more slippery than the path of a politician to the top, only down he pushes the voters!
  Do not believe that the politician is your friend and lifeline, he is your enemy and drags you into the ravine!
  Conscience is an expensive commodity, but it is not sold by weight, and it is not bought together!
  Every politician has skeletons in his closet, but voters are told that they are meat in the refrigerator!
  A politician is a cat who has a mousetrap ready for voters, only the bait is not cheese, but a verbal toilet!
  The voter is drinking vodka, and the politician is tearing his throat!
  Better to drink all night than to vote for a politician with drunken eyes!
  The politician sings, pretending to be his own, but according to someone else's notes!
  There are no false notes in love, and politics is a complete falsehood!
  A politician who spreads a speech with a stripe will provide the voter with a checkered sky!
  Often in politics comes first - the last beast!
  Although a politician and an elephant in a china shop, he will crawl through any crack!
  A barefoot woman seduces men, puts shoes on the rich, and stuffs her bare heel under the heel!
  Naked female breasts will leave a man without trousers!
  A prostitute undresses in front of a client, a politician puts on a sheepskin in front of the voters!
  If you are shod by headless politicians, then you are the last hat!
  If you do not have a king in your head, then you are a hat and in need!
  The crown is not for the one who has the hat!
  The most expensive speech is golden silence!
  A diamond man with a strong will and nerves of steel!
  Modesty adorns a person, but a politician loves to exalt himself to the point of ugliness!
  Almost no honest politicians, but full of disappointed whiners!
  Enough talk, time to get started!
  In the verbal diarrhea of politicians, deeds are drowning, but empty words are emerging!
  Politics and the sea are knee-deep, but he is covered up to his ears with verbal diarrhea!
  From the honey from the mouths of politicians, you can fall asleep forever!
  The red flag of victory is not for those who are defeated by the red nose!
  No man has darker days when he fills his eyes with little white vodka!
  Although vodka is a killer, it makes your head crackle the next day, and the politician causes a hangover right away!
  Who filled his throat with white vodka from shame is not redder!
  Vodka is actually driven from sawdust, it helps to remove shavings from a person!
  Vodka has a bitter taste, but it is still more pleasant than sugary speeches of politicians!
  If you are not seven spans in your forehead, the politician will pull down three skins from you, and make you beat your forehead with annoyance!
  A woman must master the art of nude if she wants to dress fashionably!
  Vodka is bitter, but white in color, politician's speech is sweet, but black as coal!
  It's better to drink for a month than to listen to a politician for even a minute!
  The best argument in a dispute is a blow to the nose, the worst is when a long tongue forces you to stay with your nose!
  The fool is not the one who knows little, but the one who uses knowledge to his own detriment!
  Don't spit in the well, don't give your voice to the political bottom!
  The politician is not an angel, but he does not mind sending the voter to heaven!
  Vodka is a bitter drink, but on the other hand it is moderately useful, the politician pours out sweetness more harmful than ever and without any measure!
  A politician has two hands and one tongue, but he only steals with the first, but with the second he plows for three!
  The politician's paw is like a wide shovel, but with the help of his tongue he climbs into any gap!
  The politician does not have a single gram of conscience, but tons of exhortations and moralizing!
  A politician will sell his mother, sell a voter for broken pennies, but he will not want to part with his conceit even for a million!
  Politician, this is a son of a bitch who barks a lot, but lets robbers into the house!
  Politics can be called smart, but only in your pocket, and being abstruse is his gift!
  If the politician's speech is red, then the voter's nose will turn blue from disappointment!
  The red speech of the politician is always towards a bloody war!
  The politician is as cunning as the Devil, and only hell is preparing the voter!
  Human blood is not water, the sweet speech of a politician is not honey!
  The voter is often like a fly from sweet speeches, but the politician is still wingless!
  A chicken can honor golden eggs, but with chicken brains you can only talk nonsense!
  The rooster politician lays golden eggs, only in his basket!
  A woman is strong not by the muscles of her body, but by what makes passion burn!
  A woman, this is the most powerful battering ram, especially with gentle manners!
  The deadliest and sharpest female heel is a bare heel!
  To get fashionable shoes you need to be able to flaunt bare heels, and bare soles!
  The bare chest of a woman is the strongest shield in the battle against male coldness!
  Know how to expose your chest in time if you want to wear fashionable and expensive clothes!
  A naked female figure is the most reliable armor against ruin and lack of money!
  It is not a shame for a woman to walk naked, it is a shame to be shod up to her ears!
  Getting naked for a smart woman is the best way to dress like a king!
  Time is the best judge, usually after his decision there is no one to appeal!
  Why is ingenious simple, because genuine talent is capable of wrapping the most complex content into alphabetical form, and the layman considers this a masterpiece!
  A politician is that kind of vampire that, despite the fear of the world, strives to shine as much as possible!
  A politician rarely leaves a mark, but he will definitely leave a legacy!
  Modesty is a great quality, but in the twenty-first century, where there is no advertising, living out of boredom will become a drama!
  Be humble, but do not forget to advertise yourself, be free, but do not forget to control yourself!
  A man should have modesty when it comes to self-esteem, but not in the behavior of a woman - so as not to die whole!
  A woman should be like a steel glove in velvet - tender on the outside, so that a man cannot be scared away, and hard on the inside so that she can be bent into a ram's horn!
  A sharp word strikes more powerfully than a sword, because it is weightless and does not strike the shoulders!
  The difference between caution and cowardice, as between diamond and coal, is a close composition, but the difference is visible to the eye!
  Modesty is good in everything except natural abilities and the ability to present yourself!
  A man dreams of taking off, and a politician to undercut the voter!
  The wolf loves meat on his menu, and the politician turns the voter into a chop!
  The president is an accomplished politician like a runner who has run to the finish line and cut off the ribbon with his chest, only the voter's prizes go sideways!
  When a politician crosses the finish line with his chest, his victory will always go sideways for the voter!
  God created everything with ease, only the politician appeared as the fruit of torment!
  The politician wants to be like a lion in everything, but really a typical monkey!
  A woman is beauty in her youth, a nightmare in old age, and a bore in the middle of her life!
  A woman, naked: she shods a man and undresses him and lets him go around the world!
  A woman is a good politician: she will undress herself, at least partially, and put on a man to the fullest!
  Who looks too much at a naked female bust will not receive orders on the chest!
  Do not look at women's bare feet - you run the risk of being shod!
  A naked female heel, a man will pick up the threads and shod in bast shoes!
  A woman is also a politician, but she does not hide her claws, but paints her nails in a bright color, putting them on display!
  A woman who skillfully throws off her clothes makes a man prostrate!
  A woman is a despot, to whom men go into slavery with joy and blazing with happiness!
  In order to expose a woman, a man will take off his last pants!
  When a politician's rating goes up, the voter goes down in karyachki!
  A woman also wants sex, but she, like the politics of pleasure alone, is not enough, she also needs money and slavish submission!
  Mankind cannot do without women, the state without politicians, and the sick without medicine!
  Bare female legs from a man will tear off the last shirt and leave them without trousers!
  The politician promises the voter that he will ride like cheese in butter, and indeed the voter for him is cheese in the beak of a gullible crow!
  The politician's tongue is sweet, but his hands are sticky!
  The politician promises the voter mountains of gold, but disappointment in his promises is not far off!
  The politician has a promise, like a chair to climb the throne!
  The politician wants to be at the top like Koschei the immortal, but his political death is on the point of a needle of satire!
  How is a politician different from a wolf? He devours the chop from the voter along with the "greens"!
  Metal often sounds in the voice of a politician, but it is not worth a penny!
  Whoever promises the voter mountains of gold, he will hand over him for a broken penny!
  A woman, undressing, attracts men, a politician "shoeing" attracts voters!
  When politicians have thick mustaches, speeches are usually empty!
  If the president behaves like a rooster, then his voters will crow at the bucket!
  Everything is possible in politics, you can't just keep your conscience and keep your word of honor!
  The politician loves rhetoric, but the love of red speeches is characteristic of vampires!
  The politician's speech is red, and his hands are stained with blood, and the voter is broke!
  It is better to kiss a woman's bare feet than to be under the heel of a politician!
  One woman's cry will drown out the volleys of thousands of guns, one traitor politician will cross out thousands of deeds!
  Naked female breasts, better than a naked king!
  If you don't want to rack your brains, they'll break you through your knee!
  Not wanting to rack your brains, you risk remaining a hat!
  If you failed to keep the crown, then a typical hat!
  If your head is empty you are a hat, if you are full of stupidity - a jester's cap!
  If you do not like to break your head, you risk losing it!
  You can become an oak among the stumps if your head is not a garden one!
  Man, this is a tree that is chipped when it is a stump!
  Hands cannot be golden when the head is made of cast iron!
  A golden heart ruins materially, enriches spiritually!
  Collecting treasures in heaven, you risk losing your last shirt on Earth!
  A man, in order to expose a woman, rips off three skins from himself, and the last trousers!
  A lizard puts on camouflage to catch prey, a woman exposes her skin to lure men!
  Having exposed the body, the woman will skin the man like sticky!
  The executioner puts on a robe to cut off a head, a woman takes off her clothes to tear off three skins!
  White gloves don't make a revolution, shod voters don't get what they promise!
  Having undressed, the woman will tear off three skins from the man, having thrown off her shoes, shod them up to the very ears!
  A man without shoes is a beggar tramp, a woman who has thrown off her shoes is a dangerous temptress!
  For the sake of slender female legs, any man will tighten his belt!
  A man will tighten his belt for the sake of a girl's slender legs, and take off his last shirt, for the sake of naked female skin!
  Big Belly Politician Makes Voters Tighten Their Belts!
  A full wallet is better than a full body, bare female legs, better than politicians' shoes!
  Beauty loves youth, wealth loves intelligence, and the voter loves dodgy politicians!
  A woman will forgive a man a full belly, but she will not forgive an empty wallet!
  A woman loves with her ears, a politician robs with her tongue!
  In what a woman always surpasses a man - in turning her weaknesses into an advantage!
  A man achieves his goal with his fist, a politician with his tongue, and a woman with a limber!
  A naked woman is stronger than a naked king!
  The people do not go if the politician is a wet chicken, but obeys the cock's cry!
  The politician is the executioner who holds the ax with his tongue!
  The language of a politician is more deadly than an atomic bomb, it blows up brains first of all!
  The politician is torn into big shots and bruises the voters!
  The long tongue of a politician is often combined with a short mind, and a toothless mouth!
  Drunk bitter vodka gives rise to physical deformity, listened to the politician's sweet speech moral squalor!
  Bitter vodka gladdens the heart, the politician's sweet speech makes her shed tears!
  An executioner cuts heads with a sharp axe, a politician shortens life with a long tongue!
  In politics, unlike chess, the number of combinations is infinite, and the moves are taken back!
  Politics is boxing - no white gloves!
  Politics, this is chess, in which there are no pieces of light color!
  The politician often plays giveaway and willingly sacrifices his principles!
  In chess they sacrifice pieces and pawns, in politics principles and voters!
  Unlike chess, in politics the most powerful figure is the gray cardinal!
  In chess there are only two colors, in politics there are an infinite number of suits and shades!
  In chess, the handicap is only at the request of the players, in politics, at the behest of those in power!
  In chess, the time of the game is determined by the rules; in politics, time trouble without rules!
  In chess, a checkmate is only at the very end to the king, in politics at every turn to any pawn!
  In chess, only the king can be mated; in politics, the voter checkmates all pieces, especially pawns!
  In politics, too, the king, as in chess, is sometimes the weakest piece, especially if he cannot make a knight's move!
  If you want to be a king, learn to ride a horse!
  If you don"t learn to ride a horse, they will harness you to a collar!
  A chess knight makes a fork, a knight who knows how to move a knight in politics - checkmates the king!
  A polite-tongued politician will rather checkmate his opponent!
  A politician is a chess player who moves pieces with his tongue!
  In chess, they can also suggest a move, but in politics, a prompter is wasted!
  In chess whites go first, in politics they come first with dark souls!
  When voting, they raise their hands, without coming to the polls, you risk stretching your legs!
  In chess, the check drives the king away; in politics, the king does not catch up with the check!
  In chess, one move can only knock down one piece; in politics, a knight's move can clear the entire board!
  In chess, he took it - move, in politics, all the pieces are grabbed with their hands!
  In chess, pawns protect kings; in politics, pawns keep kings naked!
  Yes, risking little, you will not drink champagne with black caviar, but if you exceed the risk too much, you will be completely content with chifir and stale bread on the bunk!
  A politician who barks with everyone can only provide voters with soup with a cat!
  There is so little salt in the sweet speeches of politicians that it turns out for voters only soup with a cat!
  If a voter is treated to soup with a cat, then there is absolutely no salt in the politician's speeches!
  Politicians who feed voters with soup with a cat will force them to dry crackers if they win!
  The politician shows the ingenuity of a puss in boots to leave the voter without trousers!
  Showing dog loyalty to a wolf in sheep's clothing, you get cat soup and a donut hole as a reward!
  Under such a first as soup with a cat, birch porridge and a donut hole for dessert go well for the second!
  A missed moment in battle gives birth to slavery for centuries!
  Have a wolf's grip and a fox's ingenuity, and then you will not reach the dog's life!
  If you bark like a dog, then you don't have a fox mind!
  A politician for voters is always a pig in a poke in elections, and soup with a cat for breakfast!
  A soldier must have wolf fighting, fox wit and dog obedience that he won"t get cat soup as trophies!
  A good warrior is as hard as steel, as strong as oak, and not a stump with his mind!
  Shake the iron with your hands, but don"t become an oak with your head either!
  Be stronger than steel, hearts of gold and mind not oak!
  Who is not a pawn with the mind, he will be queened!
  In war, someone else's life is not worth a penny, but in politics, the lives of voters are not at all pawned for a penny!
  The politician fills his pockets with gold, selling for a broken penny not only the elector, but his own country!
  The voter dreams of a lion on the throne, but always gets a fox releasing chicken giblets from chicken brains!
  Whoever has chicken brains is an easy prey for a fox, whoever cocks a lot, feathers will fly from him!
  A rooster without the cunning of a fox has chicken brains, chicken strength!
  The brains of a chicken, and the habits of an ass, lead to a dog's life, and the fate of a stab pig!
  The politician promises the moon from the sky, but the voter roars like a dog on a chain!
  Man is the crown of nature, but willingly obeys the fox, even if it is a foul animal!
  The lion is the king of beasts, man is the emperor of the animal world, but under the heel of a fox!
  A man is stronger than a lion in strength, but his habits are often a typical donkey!
  Even a lion, not having the qualities of a fox, will plow like a donkey, and remain a blunt-nosed ram!
  The politician is such a fox that the voter with him remains a typical sheep!
  A politician puts on a sheepskin to let voters go to barbecue like sheep!
  Why would a fox need a sheepskin to leave you a ram!
  The politician has a sheep's skin, and human blood on his fangs!
  The politician sweetly sings like a nightingale, but like a raven he can only caw bitter tears!
  A person, straightening his back, should not turn up his nose, spreading his wings - do not wave your fists in an empty way !
  A man has an eagle eye, but against the machinations of a fox, he is a solid crow!
  The fox is a real sorceress - she can turn a lion into a ram!
  The wolf torments with hard teeth, and the fox kills with a soft tongue!
  The soft tongue of a fox is more deadly than the sharp fangs of a lion!
  The fox has a skin with a red tint and more blood flows from it than from any animal!
  The fox pours out sweet speech in a stream, but gives rise to a whole ocean of bitter tears!
  The bitter tears of voters are the usual product of the politician's sweet speeches!
  The fox uses its tongue as the most biting whip, which it reaches at any distance, and the rams voluntarily substitute their backs under it!
  The longest thing in the world is the language of a politician, with this noose he is able to strangle all his voters!
  The language is given to the diplomat to hide his thoughts, but the politician uses it to expose his own stupidity in full glory!
  A politician can learn from a fox how to crawl to the top, but still remains a ram!
  The politician asks to tell him yes, but by assenting to the fox, you allow yourself to be devoured with giblets!
  When you vote for a politician, you are like a crow that drops its daily cheese in exchange for the sweet speech of a fox!
  A politician is like a ram that climbs into lions, but without a fox's ingenuity, he will remain a donkey!
  In reality, politics is mathematics, where there is a continuous subtraction and division, and only a voter who has been reset to zero adds income to the swindler's piggy bank!
  If Putin is the son of a fox, he has reset his deadlines! This means the voter - got a fig with a poppy!
  The politician likes to add more promises, but this only nullifies the voters' income!
  Politicians have different coat colors, but the most fashionable red fox, under the sheep's clothing!
  If you don't want to be gutted, be a wolf, if you don't want to be skinned on your collar, become a fox!
  When a horse is young, it is hot, when a politician is an old horse, the voter freezes!
  A politician is most gifted at finding excuses for his own mediocre failures!
  A woman with a round bare heel makes a man be left without trousers and under a sharp heel!
  A politician is a great talent in promises, mediocrity in fulfillment, genius itself in justification, and who bought into this is an idiot at all!
  A politician can be any hypostasis from hell to saint, but only in the role of a jester does he become himself!
  A politician is a clown who wants to turn the whole planet into his own circus!
  How is politics different from circus clowning? The fact that by the end of the performance is no laughing matter!
  A politician is a prostitute who, for an exorbitant price, gives what is not worth a penny!
  A politician is a prostitute who prefers a group sex, but instead of satisfaction, bringing only infection!
  A politician is a vampire, only he sucks blood to the drop from the voter with the help of his tongue!
  Politician, this is the last person to strive for pervacha, he talks whole, better shout - shut up!
  Politician, this is the biggest swindler, he wants to swindle for mountains of gold that it's not worth a penny!
  God created the eagle to reward the eagle, but to pluck the rooster, he invented politicians!
  If you let me make a sheep out of you, they will cut it into shish kebab and eat it!
  A fox makes a ram out of a lion, a sheep out of a wolf, a doctor of sciences out of a fool, but he cannot even make himself happy!
  The fox has many sweet words, but sheds even more bitter tears from them!
  Why does the politician have a red speech, because his hands are stained with blood, and stolen money sticks to them!
  A warrior from a politician is not important, he only succeeds in retreats and detours!
  Why is there no Nobel Prize in mathematics, because the founders could only take away and divide!
  The politician goes to the goal always bypassing and disguising himself, but his victory goes sideways to the voter and three created skins!
  The politician's speech is softly spreading, but his armor-piercing power of that fluff of eloquence only increases!
  God created a woman to show beauty to a man, and created a politician in order to expose ugliness!
  The politician has an angel's mask, but you can't hide the horns with any disguise, from the voter if he is not a hat!
  A politician, this is a devil who unsuccessfully covers his horns with his shovel tongue!
  A politician is Satan in an angelic guise, and crosses himself a lot in order to scoop up more pennies from the voter with his paw!
  The politician has sweet honey on his lips, but how many bitter tears are shed by the voter who swallowed them!
  Politician, this is a very expensive whore, they pay for her not only with a rain of green bills, but also with scarlet streams of blood!
  Why did God create such an abomination as politics? Because even the rose of virtue has to be fed with manure!
  A woman, naked, puts on a man, pulls down three skins from him, she herself will get hold of chic clothes from a naked "king"!
  A woman is too often naked in front of naked kings and remains shod!
  If a politician is a naked king, then he will definitely rip off three skins from voters!
  A politician often puts on clean suits, but still remains a dirty naked king!
  Awards stick best to the bare chest of a woman, and the dirty paws of politicians without white gloves!
  Exposing her breasts, a woman puts on a man's shoes, and rips off his last shirt!
  A politician, like a prostitute, works a lot with her tongue, but the voter groans only from disappointment!
  A politician, of course, is a dodgy creature, but always sideways to the voter!
  A girl attracts men in any dress, and a politician in any guise attracts only complete intellectual impotent!
  The longer the politician's tongue, the shorter the voter's path to disappointment!
  A politician who is sold for small things will perish for a broken penny, and the voter will die for nothing!
  A woman loves to shoe men very much, exposing her body and throwing off her shoes, but why does she get only naked kings as trophies!
  A politician is a cook - that he loves soup with a cat, a seller - that he hands over a cat in a poke, a sponsor that gives voters - that the cat cried, and deceit like a cat in boots when he puts on shoes like that - that he leaves without trousers!
  In war, it"s better for a woman to sneak up on the enemy and take off her boots so as not to be shod when sharing trophies!
  The commander must choose detour maneuvers so that straightness does not come out sideways!
  A woman who knows how to go barefoot in reconnaissance will leave the enemy with blunt boots!
  In war, the bare heels of a woman will drive a whole division of shod soldiers to the heel!
  The commander, wearing a khaki uniform, disguises himself better than a politician wearing a sheepskin!
  The commander, like a chess player, leads the infantry kings, only his soldiers in the attack are not pawns, but kings!
  In war, as in chess, skill and logic are needed, as well as knowledge of theory, but only time trouble from the very first move, and all sacrifices are forced!
  In chess, they sacrifice on purpose in order to win beautifully; in war, sacrificing on purpose is completely ugly!
  The commander has a long-range calculation, and the politician has a long tongue!
  A soldier must be cunning in order to survive, but a politician must be cunning in order to squeeze money out of the voter!
  A woman on a campaign takes off her shoes to save her shoes and attract a man, a politician puts on a voter's shoes to leave him without trousers, to attract golden rain into his pocket!
  A good commander saves his soldiers, a bad politician saves what he has stolen!
  A woman, stripping off a man, rips off three skins, a politician, pulling on rose-colored glasses, gnaws to the bone!
  A woman in an expensive dress costs a lot, but only when she is naked becomes priceless!
  A woman, baring herself for a moment in time, will be able to stock up on luxurious clothes for centuries!
  There are no ugly women, there are too many clothes, too little vodka, and just right for the memories of a grumpy mother-in-law!
  A woman loves sweet speech before sex, and a man loves bitter vodka!
  A smart woman with a head has pleasure and money from a man, and men themselves have the last fool and take money, bringing a headache!
  If a man is rich, the appearance for a woman does not matter, if he is poor, polishing the value of the cobblestone will not add!
  A smart fox woman is not in vain, she will not love a man in vain!
  If you are a god in finance, seduce a woman cooler than the Devil!
  It is not the one who has enough of everything that is rich, such people do not exist in nature, but the real rich know the one who easily attracts a woman to bed!
  A woman bares her breasts not for the sake of orders, but for the kisses of eagles!
  A woman gives a kiss for money, less often for love, and if men kiss, then they are zeros!
  The politician wants to rise to the top for the sake of power over women and humiliation of men, but everything falls under the heel of the power of finance, regardless of gender!
  No matter how much honey the dictator pours out of his mouth, not a single bitter tear will dry up until the tyrant's mouth is gagged!
  Dictator, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing, letting gullible rams to barbecue, under the scarlet sauce of eloquence!
  Every politician dreams of becoming a dictator, and at the same time swears allegiance to democracy, like a wolf on hare cabbage!
  Dictator, this is an accomplished politician - the most cunning fox, but not always a brave lion!
  The politician, in order to climb to the top, confuses his tracks like a fox, but tries to give the voter a winding path, for the royal lion's avenue!
  Do not feed politics with bread, but give me a promise for a penny of nickels, and a mug for half a beer, but you will not wait for salt in his speeches!
  The politician looks at voters as milk cows, but by calling he is a typical goat!
  Politician, this is mostly an unfinished dictator, but a complete bastard in any case!
  Politician, this is an undertaker to the skin robbed to death and buried alive!
  Every politician is a dictator in dreams, a democrat in words, and a criminal in deeds!
  A politician, this is a chess player striving to brush a piece off the board, to make a move not according to the rules, and always with a bare king!
  A politician, in itself a pocket, and in itself a pickpocket, only sticking not his hands into the wallets of voters, but his tongue!
  A politician is a thief who writes such laws in order to get interest from stolen money!
  The politician writes laws for his own benefit, but before the elections he promises the voter mountains of gold, deducing the law that promises that are not worth a penny will rain nickels into their own pocket!
  Politics, because the dirtiest thing in the world, is that the speeches of politicians are like sweet syrup very sticky to the trash!
  The political circus is the funniest and most spectacular, only too often laughter in it turns into tears!
  A politician is such a clown that he loves bright costumes and vulgar jokes, but his show will devastate not only the wallet, but pull down three skins!
  Politician, this is a lumberjack, after which the voters turn into stumps because of the removal of chips!
  In politics, the devil himself is not your brother, but the politician is the father of lies, and the elder brother of obscurantism!
  A woman, throwing off her clothes, can turn a man's head, that he will tear off three skins from himself!
  A clown causes laughter for copper pennies, a politician - bitter tears, not worth a copper penny!
  Politics leads to the fact that the voter is not laughing, although it is a continuous circus!
  Politician, this is such a fox that he knocks out cheese from the crow-voters with compliments that are not worth a penny!
  A man buys a woman expensive clothes to undress her, a politician hangs noodles on the voter's ears to skin them three times!
  A barefoot woman will put a man on and undress, take off his last shirt, take off three skins, and get hold of fashionable shoes!
  Without money there is no love, without dirt there are no politicians!
  A dictator is a politician who has reached the top, but at the end of the ascent to the peak, the tip of the stake awaits him!
  The dictator is a fox wearing a lion's skin, from under which one can see a donkey's tail!
  God, this is a dictator with infinite power, and even more irresponsibility!
  The Devil sits in every woman, but only the other way around - he demands a soul in exchange for money, and a woman demands money in exchange for a body!
  A woman takes money in exchange for a body, and a politician takes votes in exchange for a bad deed!
  A woman has seven Fridays in a week, while a politician has a solid Monday and all the days have flown by!
  A woman without clothes is a great value, but a naked king is worth nothing!
  A woman wants to be beautiful, but the actions of a politician are always disgusting!
  A woman always has an advantage over a man, more pleasure from above, more money from below, and the male is always the loser!
  A woman prefers to break for a long time, for the sake of a long ruble, a politician makes long speeches, for the sake of a short mind!
  The dictator resets the deadlines in order to squeeze all the juice out of the people!
  There are many politicians, but only one can become a lion, and it is the one who is more of a fox and a wolf, leaving the rest as donkeys!
  A politician in dreams is a dictator-lion, in deeds a fox-ass!
  Politician, this is a worm in the ability to crawl into any gap, but only from the breed of worms!
  Men like barefoot women, but women don't like men with boots!
  Politicians are like dirt, and all habits are like princes!
  Politician, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but dirt sticks to him like a pig!
  A man in front of a woman is like a cockerel, but his impotence is shocking!
  A man usually has the strength of a rooster in his knee, and a wet chicken in character, but wants to soar over a woman like an eagle!
  The politician cocks a lot, but the cunning fox will send him like a chicken for plucking!
  A politician, this is a jester who, instead of bells on his cap, hangs noodles on the voters' ears!
  A politician is a clown who, in bright clothes, does dark deeds, from which voters can only sob!
  A politician, a good actor, only takes not a copper penny for death, but rips off three skins, because it"s not worth a broken penny!
  A man is often worth it, but he is rarely worth anything!
  The politician loves to use the services of prostitutes, but does not like to pay, because he can only give out cash in the form of silvery verbal diarrhea!
  A politician is such a prostitute that she will take not a green bill, but a cistern of red blood for work with her tongue!
  The dictator also has five fingers, which he folds into a fist, and a politician who has not grown up to be a dictator folds a fig!
  Politician, this is such a snake that has a sweet poison, and a dimensionless throat of a boa constrictor!
  A professional politician is an unfinished dictator, and a complete scoundrel!
  The dictator has the grip of a wolf, but he usually, as it should be in politics, does not use fangs, but his tongue!
  Dictators also pour honey from their mouths, but at the same time they manage to growl and yell - be silent!
  The dictator loves to be baptized, only he considers himself God, but by waving his hands in this way, it is easier for his subjects to get into the wallet!
  The dictator is a formidable rooster, but his trunk brings only suffering and, in fact, is weak-willed!
  The dictator has gunpowder in the basement, sometimes in abundance, but conscience is in short supply, and emptiness in his head!
  The dictator likes to hold a whip in his paws, but brandishes it with his tongue, and with sweet speech!
  A dictator cannot be trusted like any politician, only if the latter only drips on the brain, then the former blows his head!
  God is such a politician that he can fulfill everything he promised, only no one listened to his promises live, and satraps from religion promise mountains of gold, not having a broken penny for their souls!
  The dictator wants to become God, and the politician wants to become a dictator, but the one who does not have a king in his head wants to become a politician!
  A politician has something that an ordinary person lacks for success, a complete lack of conscience, and the presence of absolute conceit!
  A dictator is a mixture of a fox and a wolf, a politician who climbs into dictators is a mixture of a fox and a pig!
  A dictator, a cunning fox with the fangs of a wolf, but his mind is often like that of a ram, and there is always little money in his pocket!
  The dictator is like a wolf, to some extent, a forest orderly, only he himself is carrion and leaves behind only stumps!
  Dictators are politicians who get what they want in their pocket, but are never satisfied, because human blood does not quench their thirst!
  The dictator can sit on the throne until the second coming, but sharp bayonets stab his own ass very painfully!
  The dictator also holds elections, only they are like a game of chess with pieces of the same color and consisting of solid pawns that are not allowed to make a move!
  A dictator with an ax, and around the stumps from which they removed the chips!
  Politician, this is the soldier who deserts before the start of the battle!
  The soldier conquers his own fear, the politician conquers his own and others' conscience!
  The dictator is usually the leader of sheep, but far from being a lion, but always a fox!
  A soldier needs discipline, and politics is just right to give to the tribunal without further questions!
  Dictator, this is an eagle that holds the rest for woodpeckers which he prefers to hammer!
  The dictator also pours honey out of his mouth, only he attracts not only voters with the intellect of a fly, but satraps roasting like bees!
  The dictator is a soldier who shoots his own back, and pretends to be a general, having epaulettes of skulls!
  A bare female heel bends a man into three deaths and will drive him under the heel, only if the male is a politician, he will put shoes on a barefoot woman!
  The dictator turns his subjects into tramps, specifically by shoeing them!
  A dictator can be exposed by tearing off his mask and baring his fangs, but his most deadly weapon is a long tongue that shortens the life of his subjects!
  The dictator, this is the politician who seized the throne, and who is not only a fox, and a wolf with fangs, at least a little hare with fists!
  The politician sees the goal of sitting on the throne as a dictator, but as a rule he puts voters in puddles!
  The dictator is a wolf surrounded by sheep and rams, but one fox in sheep's clothing will turn an imaginary lion into a donkey!
  A dictator has all his subjects this potential roast, but the abuse of meat food leads to volvulus!
  The dictator is at the top of the pyramid, but will inevitably end up on the edge of the stake!
  The pyramid is the most stable construction, only if there is not a ram on its top, and not a sheep in the skin of a wolf!
  The dictator, like a pharaoh, loves the shape of a pyramid, and when slaves donate, but he will inevitably turn into a mummy!
  The dictator wants memory for centuries and writes with an annals of blood, it certainly does not dry out, and the "hero" is cursed!
  The dictator has a hundred reasons to execute and a thousand excuses to smear himself from lies!
  The dictator sometimes possesses the hardness of a stone, but this is a solid cobblestone of a hardened heart!
  A dictator, this is a lion, which does not differ with nobility and with the heart of a hare, the habits of a fox, the grip of a wolf, and how a donkey roars for a long time!
  The dictator dreams of riding a white horse, but his subjects usually only reach a delirium tremens!
  The dictator is like a snake Gorynych - has three heads: cunning, meanness, deceit, but his Lancelot must have a sword of crystal honesty!
  Dictator, this is such an insect that has the sting of a scorpion and the sticky legs of a cockroach, but still remains wingless!
  The commander must be smart and cunning to succeed, but the politician does not shine with intelligence, but overshadows Satan with cunning!
  The dictator is also a poet, but he writes lines exclusively in bloody ink, and his rhyme is in a funeral mood!
  A dictator may be smart as a donkey, but a fox's cunning is obligatory so as not to be skinned alive!
  A dictator can seduce a voter with the charm of power, but in fertilization he is utterly impotent!
  Dictator, this is such a fox that he sits in the place of a lion, only the red-haired one will climb around from the tongues of sycophants!
  The dictator has a path to the top over corpses, and his hands are up to the elbows in blood, his tongue is long as a noose, and you can"t live with him!
  The politician wants power, the dictator, already having power, wants blood, both are in hellish passion - they bring a lot of pain!
  A politician wants to go from a six to an ace, a dictator is an ace, but by no means a trump card with brains!
  The dictator is a mathematician with a one-sided profile, he likes to take away, he does not want to share, he only recognizes the increase in his own pocket, and most of all he loves resetting deadlines!
  The dictator often bulls and considers his subjects to be dairy cows, but milk from him is like from a goat, and mind from a ram!
  The dictatorship has a backbone only to bend the voters in a bow, and bring a lot of trouble - sending a punisher!
  The more honey of error in a dictator's speech, the less the salt of truth in it!
  The dictator is a vampire by vocation, but it is not a silver bullet that is fatal, but a heart of gold!
  Politics is an equation with many unknowns, and only one thing is obvious, all participants in the action are scoundrels!
  A politician should be punchy like a tank, but not dumb like a woodpecker that hammers at one point!
  There are no friends in politics, as you consider a villain in it, and in politics there is a sister, who is on the throne - Satan!
  The dictator claims the place of the Almighty, being in his soul the lowest of the devils, and the most cruel of the executioners!
  The dictator dreams of conquest, but he cannot even govern himself, he dreams of commanding the bright world, being a slave to dark passions!
  The dictator sits on bayonets, only they prick him in the ass, from which the tyrant howls like a wolf, and his fangs show through the sheep's skin!
  Diplomacy is only effective when backed up by the club of strong militarism, but if you are a weakling savage, you will be a victim of collective cynicism!
  No matter how much you prepare for war, you will always be unprepared, because it is impossible to dock a sword without size to a blacksmith, and a politician to finish a speech without meaning!
  If you hurry in battle, you will make people laugh, but if you slow down in battle, even children will beat you!
  The dictator is quick to punish his enemies, slow to reward his friends, and he never fulfills his promises to his voters!
  In war, the strongest army is not at all sheep led by a lion, but dog soldiers led by a fox!
  The dictator does not know honor and conscience, but having lost power, he always speaks of deceit, although the fox himself, who extorts cheese from the crows, will also find his own gerfalcon, not amenable to tricks!
  Dictators are rarely lions, since nobility cannot hold the throne, but a tyrant is always a fox with tenacious paws and a sticky tongue!
  In chess, the most beautiful victory with a large number of victims, in war the most colorful victory, without a single loss or sacrifice - so let's drink to the fact that we expect victims only in chess!
  A barefoot woman is able to undress and drive under the heel of not only a naked king!
  The bare heel of a fox woman will skin a lion!
  A woman is the highest reward of a man, and for her sake kings sacrifice the throne, but love for the sake of the body costs nothing if the wife is not skillfully flogged with a whip!
  The dictator keeps the people under him, but the woman drives him under the heel with her bare heel, takes off three skins with her bare chest!
  The dictator often takes as if back to put the people in cancer!
  The dictator, not fulfilling his promise, does not blush with shame like a cancer, but instead puts a deceived voter in cancer!
  The dictator will fulfill his promise - when the cancer hangs on the mountain, but he will put the people in cancer right now!
  A skillful commander, even walking backwards, will put the enemy in cancer!
  In chess, only one piece can be knocked down in one move; in politics, half of the board flies with a knight's move!
  Chess is a fair game in which cheating and traps are valued, politics is a deceitful life in which nothing is valued!
  In politics, as in the theater, there are a lot of prompters, but as a rule, the role of a scoundrel breaks the applause!
  Politics is like chess without rules, with pieces without permanent colors, and players without a conscience of honor, and still victory is not complete without a checkmate!
  The politician has bronze in his voice, silver from his lips, mountains of gold in promises, and there is no broken penny behind his soul!
  A politician is such a lion that he roars loudly, but the resourcefulness of a fox is often combined with the grace of an elephant in a china shop!
  The dictator loves to roar like a lion, coo cunningly with affection like foxes, and bite into the throat with a wolf's grip, but all the same, voters expect only a dog's life from him!
  The dictator is a fox in a lion's skin, but no matter how he growls, it is always clear that the giant's costume does not fit the pygmy!
  An honest dictator is like a vegetarian wolf, a wise dictator is like an owl in the daytime!
  The dictator promises to restore order with drastic measures, but he himself gives away a rotten egg!
  The dictator thinks that only his eggs are cooler, but he himself is not worth a damn, being an overcooked rooster!
  The dictator loves to cackle a lot about the welfare of the people, but he will fulfill his promise when a roasted rooster pecks at him!
  The dictator claims to be the Almighty, but God does not change, and the tyrant changes masks every day!
  The dictator in his dreams wants to be a king for centuries, but in reality he is only a caliph for an hour!
  Dictator from the word dictate, but he dictates only the funeral texts of his promises!
  The dictator, this is a politician who has managed to make the rooster peck the voter into the gyrus by a lot of cockerels!
  Why do dictators like to kiss? Because it's more convenient to grab each other's throats!
  The longer the dictator's tongue, the shorter the life of the subjects of the tyrant!
  A dictator is such a politician that he managed to convince a voter with chicken brains that they will not peck at him, and chickens do not peck for money!
  The dictator has the ambitions of an eagle, but is really just a wingless tick!
  The dictator wants to fly high, but he is such a little bird, and in appearance you know not an eagle, and with a mind a small insect!
  Dictator, this is a predatory hawk, but without the cunning of a fox, even a chicken will break off his claws!
  The commander must have a plan for battle, but any battle is improvisation, a politician has a prepared speech, but any of his phrases is sheer idle talk!
  The dictator is building a society where a person is like an acorn - there are only oaks around and every pig strives to eat!
  The dictator has a long tongue that beats on the eardrums, but his ears hear only flattery and drumming!
  Better to sing like a nightingale going into battle than to whine like a dog to the moon after surrender!
  A hundred curses will not replace one blow, a thousand mats, one strong check to the head!
  Having poured out a mountain of insults on a neighbor, you will add neither a grain of mind nor a slice of happiness to yourself!
  The biggest heaviness on the heart is an empty wallet, the hardest thing to endure is the absence of heaviness in your pocket!
  Well, why are so effective in filling wallets, empty hearts, and lies to the bitter end!
  Naked kings shoe their subjects to the ears, and leave the population without trousers!
  A dictator is a king in an ermine robe, and at the same time a naked king!
  A dictator cannot be a king, but he is obliged to become a president, he turns you all into a game, and is not bound by a promise!
  Politicians dream of putting on a crown and a royal mantle, until even on the throne he will remain a naked king!
  The naked king's subjects are always shod and undressed, but they can laugh until three skins fly off!
  A woman appreciates a long ruble in a man, and a politician gives her only an endless tongue!
  The voter does not need the long tongue of a politician, he needs a long ruble sticking out of his pocket!
  The dictator is a kind of animal from the breed of cannibals, but still more of a fox than a lion, and devouring human meat peppers him with red speech!
  The dictator claims to be God, but he himself evolves from a man into a red-colored carnivore!
  The dictator is in dreams from a man to the Most High God, and in deeds from the human race to a carnivorous predator!
  The dictator wants to be an ace with God, but he only manages to follow the Devil!
  The dictator has a master Satan, but still the tyrant climbs into the Gods, but horns stick out from under the halo!
  The dictator, this is God on the contrary, promises paradise without fulfilling the promise of the tyrant, and the Almighty says it will be bad on earth, and few will go to heaven - which seems to be true!
  The dictator has only two hands and those thieves, and one tongue, but very long and sticky!
  The dictator sits on bayonets, but the pillow of demagogic judgments does not protect against prickly steel!
  A dictator is like an executioner-hack, holds an ax with his tongue, and executes with the help of lynching!
  The dictator has no eagle wings, but he has the sting of a scorpion, no lion fangs, but the tongue of a fox is ready!
  The lion is not the one who roars, the wise is not the one who is silent!
  If silence is golden, why don't all dumb people become billionaires!?
  A politician uses bait soaked in sweet flattery to hook the voter!
  A politician differs from a woman in that she powders her face, and a politician powders the brains of voters!
  A woman likes to dress up brightly for the sake of beauty, and a politician is a colorful clown, but leaves only noses!
  The dictator wants to throw both thunder and lightning, but so far he has only learned to drip on his brains!
  The dictator has a heart of stone, but not firmness in character, an icy soul, and slippery paths to the goal!
  The dictator promises the elector bread and circuses, but bread without the salt of truth is bitter, and the spectacles of a one-man theater are boring!
  Freedom is not valued - until they lose it, health is not valued - until they get sick, money is not valued - until there is enough, and only those who are crucified for nothing can appreciate the feat of Christ!
  Freedom is paradise even in a hut, the dictator promises palaces, but drives the people into a barn!
  Freedom is what every person has from birth, but the cruel external environment wraps him in swaddling clothes!
  The war does not have a woman's face, but it perfectly blows the powder from the brains, and the fat from the bones!
  The wind of truth blows the powder from the brains, the hurricane of truth blows the foam from the political swamp!
  The wind of truth blows on the mill of prosperity, from which flour is obtained for hearty bread, to which the salt of wise knowledge is suitable!
  The truth is never partial, and even the smallest wave of lies covers one's head!
  What distinguishes a dictator from God? God is the truth - the dictator is a lie, God can do anything, and the dictator has the ability only to spoil!
  God can make people happy, but he thinks they don't deserve it, the dictator makes everyone unhappy regardless of merit!
  The dictator dreams of omnipotence, but is powerless to do anything without deceit!
  The dictator loves to impose his human will, but he himself is weak-willed in front of his own bestial instincts!
  A dictator, this is a boa constrictor for whom voters are rabbits with chicken brains!
  A dictator is almost a king when he is covered with a mantle of flattery, but in reality he is just a naked king!
  Autocracy is a good system under a smart king, but even a brilliant ruler turns into a bare king from an excess of flattery of the environment!
  The dictator is by no means an award to the people, but he wears it around his neck like a medal!
  The best way to win in politics is to surprise the voter with stupidity!
  How not sweet are the speeches of politicians, but they only evoke a sour expression in the voters!
  The dictator is a radish, on the contrary, on the outside there is a white robe, inside there is bloody diarrhea!
  The dictator sheds blood like a cloud of rain, accompanying the eloquence of verbal diarrhea!
  The dictator loves to shed blood like a shark and shed crocodile tears like a pig!
  A dictator, this is such a person that for him the voters are cash, which are not worth even a broken penny!
  No one knows how much cash the politician has in his pockets, but there is no doubt that it's probably a boorish personality!
  Excessive caution, cowardice, excessive intelligence leads to arrogance, and excessive courage leads to the grave!
  The mind must be cold and the heart hot, but politicians tend to have hot heads and cold hearts, and stupidity to the end!
  Woe not from the mind, but from the lack of practical use of the brain!
  A woman is weaker in muscles than a man, but surpasses him in the strength of her tongue, smaller in head, but sharper in mind!
  Chess is a man's game, but the strongest piece is still the queen, and the king is naked alone!
  In order not to be a naked king in politics, you need to learn how to undress women and put on men's shoes!
  Sometimes, to be merciful, you need to be merciless to yourself, and to gobble up the ambrosia of the gods, gobble up a pound of salt in training!
  The gods are merciless to people who shit on Earth because people are merciless to cockroaches that shit on the floor!
  Man is before God what a cockroach is before man, but the Lord is able to get rid of human adversity, and man is powerless against a ram invasion!
  Man has two problems: he is not omnipotent like the Almighty, and he is not unassuming like a cherub!
  Man surpasses the Almighty only in self-conceit and arrogance, and inferior in everything else, especially in love and patience!
  A man wants the omnipotence of the Lord even for an hour, but he receives a crucifixion for life!
  Mercy is like honey in tea, it requires measures not to give rise to permissive diabetes!
  The mercy of God is manifested even in anger, and the ruthlessness of a tyrant in mercy!
  The dictator is cruel, not because he is a sadist, but because, without planting an enemy, you will not grow a crop of humility!
  Pilot, this is the cherub of war, only if he serves a ram, then the titanium wings will rust!
  A woman in war is like a pike among carp, her beauty is the sharpest teeth that tear men in half!
  The dictator is a lumberjack with an ax, and all around are dull oaks, rotten stumps, a lot of trees with shavings removed!
  The dictator needs an executioner with an axe, to remove shavings from the stumps, without letting them get stubborn!
  The dictatorship sometimes does not have enough doctors, but it is full of executioners, often there is not enough bread, but for pedestals to the sky!
  A woman is the most skillful politician, she works with her tongue to satisfy voters much more diversely than a man, and the honey of her sweetness is more piquant and fragrant!
  A woman is the Devil who horns men and drives them under the heel, not with a hoof, but with a bare heel!
  A woman, this is Satan herself, but unlike the devil, she smells not of gray, but of expensive perfumes!
  No matter how cruel the dictator is, he is always fair in punishing his subjects, because they grow a pine tree for that, in order to lower it onto the boards and shavings!
  A dictator is like a lion, if he strokes his favorite with his paw, then he rips off three skins, if he gives him a kiss, he will bite off his whole head!
  To argue with a dictator that kissing a shark will cut off his head, and even a long tongue will not help!
  It is useless to ask for mercy from the lion, and mercy from the dictator, although the lion does not eat carrion, and the dictator gets only human garbage!
  Around the lion are jackals, around the ruler are scum and scoundrels!
  The aroma of flowers attracts insects, the charm of the power of scum and rascals!
  A good politician is one whose next move cannot be foreseen by enemies, an excellent politician whose move is not foreseen by friends, but a true genius who does not know what he will do in the next moment himself!
  A boy must be beaten to become a man, a politician must be humiliated to become a dictator!
  Without discipline there is no soldier, without ingenuity there is no officer, without the consideration of a general, without the giftedness of a commander, and without the cunning of a dictator!
  To win, commanding rams, it is not necessary to be born a lion, but you should definitely learn to be a fox!
  If the dictator does not have a team of loyal dogs, then his politics will only turn out to be soup with a cat!
  No matter how the ruler considers himself a cool lion, but without the help of a fox, he, like a dog, will only have to howl at the moon!
  The ruler should be like steel - hard and flexible, but more often than not, stubborn stumps and leaky boots sit on the throne!
  A heart of gold is often led into temptation by those who are not worth even a broken copper penny!
  Those politicians who promise mountains of gold do not have a copper penny behind their souls, but a cobblestone covered with mold of deceit!
  The most evil dictator must sometimes show mercy in order to at least be like the Almighty in this, but not too often, as God is a consuming fire!
  The speech of the politician is red, only the conscience is unclean!
  One of the weaknesses of the dictator, the problem of a successor, the weak will lose the country after receiving the throne after the death of the ruler, the strong will crush the tyrant to get the throne while still alive!
  Human blood is not water, but all the same, a dictator should have no illusions, he spills it only at the will of heaven!
  The dictator is ready to put each subject up, strung on a stake, and support the neck with a noose!
  Politicians are eager to become leaders, but they lack the intelligence and will to become a real leader, unless the voter is made a fool!
  The environment extols the dictator to the skies with tongues, but is ready to dig deep with shovels and hands!
  Dictatorship is more often not from an excess of evil in a person, from a lack of intellect in politics!
  A real dictator is not always great, but always terrible!
  A successful politician is not always a great sage, but always a big rogue!
  In politics, it is not wisdom that leads to success, but cunning, but an excess of fox slyness, which puts it on the collar!
  Politics, you need to be a fox that will do a wolf, so as not to become a ram put on barbecue!
  The politician goes to the throne like a fox wagging its tail, only he can"t cover his tracks so deftly - the mind of a sheep!
  A jester can climb the throne, but he who is not able to turn an innocent joke into a weapon will remain a naked king!
  In sports, you get three tries, but a politician won't get a second chance to make a first impression on a voter!
  Wealth is a relative concept for everyone, but absolute poverty is when everyone has nothing the same!
  Gold is a soft metal, but loves tough people!
  Gold is a light color, but most often found in people with a black heart!
  Gold is the color of the sun, and sticks to the luminaries in the financial part!
  A woman, unlike a financier, rakes in gold coins best with her bare feet!
  A girl without shoes looks sexy, but a tramp man is disgusting!
  War for a rich man is an opportunity to gain, for a smart man it is a career opportunity, and for a fool it is to enjoy shooting!
  The mind by nature can notice the lack of education, like a golden nugget of paper bills, but education does not compensate for the lack of natural mind, because with a lack of intelligence, the pieces of paper depreciate!
  Education is to the mind, as cutting is to a diamond in the presence of intellect, and polishing a cobblestone in its absence!
  Without mind and knowledge, a diploma is only suitable for going to the toilet!
  A woman loves with her ears, but earns with her tongue, and not always through words!
  What is the difference between a politician and a prostitute, a prostitute's mouth gives pleasure, and a politician's mouth is a source of disappointment!
  The language of a politician, unlike the language of a prostitute, causes not ecstasy, but a desire to puke!
  A prostitute for a man will immediately smooth out all the wrinkles, and politicians, sons, will only add gray hair!
  A woman loves affection and when they promise a fairy tale and paradise from a hut, but when faced with reality, she demands a rich man!
  A woman is first of all beauty, and then the demand for payment for beauty, and a politician is first of all ugliness, and the demand for prepayment for ugliness!
  A prostitute demands a fee and makes it pleasant, a politician demands an advance payment and makes trouble!
  It is better to be a prostitute on the panel - at least you give pleasure, than to be confused in politics - you will not end up with trouble!
  A prostitute, unlike a politician, earns her fee, honestly leaving pleasant memories, and politicians always have a bad memory!
  A prostitute, this is a fallen woman, raising male perfection up!
  A prostitute raises the perfection of men with her tongue, a politician lowers the voter into a swamp with chatter!
  Politicians do not always cheer up for nothing, but they are always just clowns with an incommensurate fee!
  The politician promises voters a rise in income, but lowers them into an expense item!
  The politician likes to make long speeches, but with a short memory for keeping promises!
  The politician's speech may be smooth, but in reality there are seven bends in it for a mile of unfulfilled promises!
  The politician loves to flirt with voters like children, but he is such a dad, from whom you can"t get alimony!
  Don't claim to be the father of the nation if you can't pay child support for your election promises!
  For a politician, promises are straight without dimensions to the skies, but they crawl out into the sheepskin for voters!
  A politician is a musician who plays to one motive, and often a funeral for voters!
  Prostitution has a right to exist, so men are often lonely and need to bring joy, and politicians only bring grief to the crowd!
  A light head does not always refer to hair color, especially women's, but you should not make fools out of blondes!
  For a woman, there are no ugly and fat men if they have full wallets, and the wind is not walking in their heads!
  Modesty is good in everything except the talents that nature has endowed a woman with and advertising to attract people!
  A woman and a flute, and a cello, especially if she plays not according to the notes of a man whose ear has been stepped on by a bear!
  The most skillful instrument is spoiled by the hands of a mediocre musician, the most beautiful woman is disfigured by an armless beautician!
  The ideal of a woman is a knight from medieval novels, only in those days noble hearts had only debts behind their souls, and a woman just run away from knights!
  A rich peasant is dearer to a woman than a beggar knight, since gold in a purse is more attractive than in a heart!
  A heart of gold is a great value, but you can"t cut it into gold coins and put it in your pockets!
  Even the strongest man, having resisted the blow of a steel spear, is powerless before the charms of a woman who is able to lift a bodily spear!
  A man can conquer a woman with a long and strong spear, but without the shield of a fat purse he will not hold the prey!
  For a woman, the best knight is not with a long spear, but with a thick purse!
  The woman symbolizes spring - everything blooms from her, and the politician frowns from his speeches as if from lead clouds!
  A woman, a flower, is attractive with her freshness, but also withers without watering male sympathy!
  The words of a politician are like honey, which makes voters persistently allergic to verbal diarrhea!
  A man to please a woman is not necessarily the strength of a bear, but always the mind of a fox!
  If you want a prize in politics, you may not be an athlete, but you must buy a medal!
  The athlete lifts the bar with his hands, the prostitute perfection with his mouth, but the politician with his filthy tongue lowers the mood below the plinth!
  It doesn't matter if a politician spoils your mood a little with a stupid word, it's worse if he provokes a big war with a smart look!
  If a man has a big belly, then he will not have a fat life, if a politician has a sweet speech, then the voter will get a life not a raspberry!
  The politician's speech is sweet, but the voter gets thieves' raspberries, and if it's bread, then without the salt of truth, and if it's a spectacle, then it's a complete circus!
  A politician is the son of a fox, but nature often rests on the children of geniuses!
  A skilled politician has a jackal father and a fox mother, but with such a pedigree he claims to be a lion, leaving voters a dog's life!
  A woman can have a bright appearance like a fox, but without the fox mind and ant ingenuity, a beautiful skin will go to the collar!
  It's nice to kiss the girl's bare feet, they are sugary, but being under the heel of a mellifluous politician is not honey at all!
  You can"t drive people under the heel of a tyrant even with a steel bayonet, under the heel of a barefoot girl - men climb themselves!
  A woman, throwing off the cheapest clothes, knocks royal outfits out of a man and makes him fall to his knees!
  The most expensive outfit will not make a woman more attractive than the absence of clothes, the sweetest speech of a politician cannot be intertwined with sayings in which there is the salt of wisdom!
  The bread of material prosperity needs the salt of wisdom and knowledge, and then you will not be carried away by the poisoned honey of politicians like a fly!
  A politician is not always Cicero, but always climbs into Caesars!
  Bad is the millionaire who does not want to become a billionaire, bad is the soldier who does not want to become a general, bad is the politician who does not want to become a dictator, but a dictator who imagines himself to be a Deity is disgusting!
  If a dictator wants to sit on the throne, do not pretend to be God, the Almighty does not like competitors, and unlike a tyrant, he can do anything!
  A dictatorship is then strong if the dictator measures his needs with his possibilities, and then it collapses if the possibilities are scanty and the needs are colossal!
  The most enduring dictatorship, when the subjects are so dumb from chipping that they have turned into stumps!
  The slave is not the one who is in chains, but the one who does not confess his humiliation and does not want to break the chains!
  It is easier to break a steel chain than a web of political and religious delusions!
  Any fanaticism of any religion and idea brings only destruction, since stubbornly hammering at one point can only bring down the wall!
  A fanatic can achieve his goal, but he will be able to sing a victory romance, since you cannot serenade on one string!
  A man is adorned with an expensive suit, a woman is adorned with no clothes!
  The most beautiful woman was Eve, the most luxurious outfit for a woman is Eve's costume!
  In boxing they fight one on one, and in politics they rush in a crowd on the weakest!
  Sport is more honest than politics, limited by rules, but politics is more spectacular than sports, so completely unpredictable without rules!
  In politics, unlike sports, the role of arbitrators is taken by the players themselves!
  A politician is a gigolo, only the mouth of the gigolo is pleasant, and the language of the politician makes you puke!
  Alphonses are pleasant on the outside, but often disgusting on the inside, and politicians are often ugly on the outside, and always a black hole inside!
  Alphonses sometimes stick their tongues into damp places, but the tongue of a politician rinses with verbal diarrhea and outright poison!
  Politician, this Alphonse is bisexual, only he always gives himself out of self-interest, even though he swears eternal love!
  Alphonse must have both a trunk and a mouth, a politician and a long tongue and balls of steel!
  A politician has one inviolable rule - there are no rules in the struggle for power!
  In sports, athletes do not define rules for themselves; in politics, players define legal chaos for themselves!
  Politics is a sport that gathers stadiums, but only destroys the health of the participants, and the spectators too!
  Age is not a hindrance to sports, and grandfathers break records, but hazing dominates politics, and all achievements are imaginary!
  There is beauty and nobility in sports, ugliness and meanness in politics, but both are aimed at winning at any cost!
  A woman in sports is like a goldfish in the ocean, in politics, like a codfish in a swamp!
  A woman weaves a love affair, and a politician an intrigue saturated with hatred!
  Love is the romance of light, politics is the pragmatics of darkness!
  The lover, in any case, does not dissemble at the moment of confession, but the politician is always cunning and pretending, and this is the common misfortune!
  An artist draws according to fantasy and reality, a politician bluffs according to fantasy and betrays according to reality!
  Politician, this is a mellifluous raven that mows like a nightingale!
  The politician's speech is sweet, but it's jam that you can't spread on bread and doesn't contain the salt of truth!
  An athlete is ready to win for the sake of glory and a fee, a politician is ready to merge, for the sake of a bribe and infamy!
  In politics, like freestyle wrestling, only the bear will put on the shoulder blades not by force, but by the cunning of foxes!
  Politicians are the most slippery types, and their figure skating is not aesthetically pleasing, but practical in your pocket!
  Politics is like a polygonal pyramid, but at the top is the corner that is sharper for the feeling of the conjecture of the bottom!
  The politician imagines that he is a star, in fact he is something that rhymes with a star in obscene verses, and that's putting it mildly!
  Why do politicians not want to legalize prostitution, because prostitutes are legally afraid of constructive competition!
  The doctor, for the sake of the patient's recovery, sweetens the pill, the politician, in order to kill the voter, and pours out sweet poison!
  Singers and politicians have one thing in common, they aspire to the capital, only politicians have all the notes false!
  Unlike ordinary singers, politicians are best at funeral marches to their campaign promises!
  The singer tries to imitate the nightingale, and the politician is most often a parrot!
  The singer is not always the nightingale of light, but the politician is certainly the raven of darkness!
  A sparrow and even a crow can sing, but romances are performed by those who are not woodpeckers in mind and not goats in their voices!
  The politician tries to pour out like a nightingale, but the woodpecker, the voter, demands the lion's roar and the fox's flattery!
  The prima donna sings and the bum in the alley, but only the politician sang along with base instincts!
  Singers sometimes use a phonogram, but politicians always sing from someone else's voice!
  Politics, this is music that even seems to be fun playing a funeral tune!
  The politician does not literally bury voters, but this mourning lasts the entire election campaign!
  Sin is not when you eat pork, but when you behave like a pig!
  A politician can be literally a vegetarian, but still remains a cannibal, and not in a figurative sense!
  The politician himself is often a pig, and he strives to put a pig!
  Politician, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing who pigs a lot!
  A politician tries first of all to be a fox, then a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the result is disgusting!
  Politics is not just a dirty business, it is generally a complete disgusting thing!
  Politicians do disgusting in clean suits!
  A pig will find dirt everywhere, and a politician will find an opportunity to fool the voters!
  A pig can get dirty, even in a dry summer, a politician can get his hands dirty, even with ideal laws!
  Politicians often change their costumes, but they continue to do dirty deeds and sheer disgusting!
  A politician is far from always a lion, and a fox is only partially obtained from him, but he always pigs to the fullest!
  A politician-fox can skin a tiger, a pig in politics will soil both a lion on a throne and a donkey in a pen!
  The politician weaves intrigues like a spider, cunning like a fox, bites like a wolf, and shits like a pig!
  It's too fat to give your vote to a pig politics!
  A politician is a fox for whom it is not fat to pig at the expense of voters!
  Being a wolf in sheep's clothing is habitual for a tyrant, but it's even worse to be a pig in a lion's clothing!
  Life is not fat, under the rule of a pig ruler!
  A real pig gives stubble and fat, and in politics, swinishness only smears with mud!
  A pig is being slaughtered for lard, a pig politician is slaughtering faith in decency!
  A politician can be a lean body, but remain a pig in spiritual terms!
  With a policy that piggies a lot, the voter will not grow fat!
  It's easiest to plow a voter like a pig when a politician is a mixture of a fox and a boar!
  If you voted for a pig, then the voter is a complete deer!
  In the world, voters are oaks or stumps, and pig politicians devour acorns and remove shavings!
  A pig politician lets voters go to kebabs if they are sheep!
  The politician does not like to plow like a horse, but he loves to shit like a pig!
  A politician who is constantly pigging is not averse to arranging an eternal fast for voters!
  A woman with dirty bare feet has a pure soul, a politician in expensive shoes creates disgusting!
  Better a plump woman than a pig politician!
  Healthy children are born from obese women, from politicians that only bloody diarrhea is born!
  You can't go through the mud without getting dirty, you can't engage in politics without being a pig!
  In politics, voting for pigs, the voter runs the risk of sitting in the dirt for a century!
  If you want to eat meat every day, don't vote for a pig!
  Why meat became scarce - because pigs came to power!
  There is no fat in the store - it means pork power in the world!
  If the salary of an ant, then the pig pays a penny!
  If a woman is a singing nightingale, then a politician is a goat with speeches!
  The difference between a politician and a pig is that he piles higher and grunts louder!
  They take meat and lard from a real pig, a politician who is a pig rips off three skins from the voter!
  A pig loves to wallow in the mud, a politician to erupt with verbal diarrhea!
  A pig is looking for dirt to cool off, and a politician is looking for a warm place to warm his hands!
  A politician even wearing white gloves manages to get screwed!
  The politician cocks a lot, but prefers not to peck grain by grain, but like a pig to swallow everything in huge pieces!
  The politician pretends to be an eagle with a sweeping spread of golden mountains of promises, but in reality he is a pig that has imposed verbal diarrhea to heaven!
  The politician wants to swallow the voter like a boa constrictor whole, but chokes like a pig in huge chunks!
  Politician, this is a poisonous cobra with the stomach of a boa constrictor and the habits of a pig!
  A politician is not always tall, and even more so great in mind, but he pigs big!
  A politician may have the noble appearance and profile of an aristocrat, but deep down in his soul he has the spirit of a pig and a degenerate!
  Politics is full of foxes and wolves, sometimes even lions come across, but sheer disgusting rules the show!
  The politician uses an expensive cologne to cover up the smell of a goat, and swine under the guise of a luxurious perfume!
  The politician tries to pass off his grunting as the trill of a nightingale, and the stench of a goat, for the scent of a rose, but the disgustingness cannot be hidden with verbal husks!
  The king wants to have a servant with the devotion of a dog, but mangy dogs often piggy subjects!
  Politicians dream of the lion's throne, but they can't get away from the trough without screwing up the voters!
  Not every politician in the language of Cicero, not everyone will receive the throne of Caesar, but on the other hand, anyone can betray like Brutus!
  A politician is not a gift of Cicero, a failed Caesar, and the role of Brutus succeeds only in meanness!
  A politician is that kind of nightingale whose song does not caress the ears, but hits the brain!
  A woman's favorite instrument is a flute, a man has a drum, and a politician has a hammer to beat off brains!
  The politician takes off his hat so that it is more convenient to drip on the brains of voters!
  The politician is ready in order to put on the crown, take off not only his hat, but also blow the head off all voters!
  The politician has a polite speech of a nightingale, often combined with a desire to plant a pig!
  The politician, emptying the pockets of voters, so that the emptiness is not so noticeable, puts a weighty pig!
  How hard it is to carry a pig in an empty pocket!
  A politician is a boar, from whom it is not bad to skin, but to get fat, one piggy is not enough!
  In politics, the most action: subtraction and division, if anything is added to the voters, then only a pig in your pocket!
  You won't get drunk on honey from the mouth of a politician, you won't eat a pig in your pocket!
  You can't scrape meat from a pig that a politician put in his pocket, you can't make a drink from the sweet honey of a politician's speeches!
  The less weight a politician has, the more he puts a pig on the voters!
  A politician is a big pig, but he gains real weight when combined with a fox!
  A politician is not always bloodthirsty like a crocodile, and lustful like a cat, but he will definitely screw up, even being a lamb in his soul!
  The politician promises to fill the refrigerators with food, but the voter gets a solid pork!
  A politician is a cook whose menu includes: noodles on the ears, a donut hole, birch porridge, soup with a cat, and pork in his pocket!
  If you do not want the politician to leave you with a nose, hit him with a nickel!
  The politician, being a pig, has a piglet, and sells the voter for a penny!
  The politician wants the dictator's throne, but he himself behaves under the dictation of a prompter fox, and cannot outplay a skillful actor!
  The politician often changes costumes, even more often masks, but remains with dirty hands, and cannot hide a pig's nickel and a fox's tail from the voters!
  A politician is such a fox that he puts on a sheep's skin, hides the fangs of wolves and donkey ears, sings like a nightingale, and pigs a lot!
  The politician considers himself a very wise owl, but in fact he and her have only one thing in common, that they see poorly in the dark, poking into the trunks of oak voters!
  The dictator is a ferocious boar, he is a big pig, but his quirky fox will put him on barbecue!
  The dictator thinks he's a lion, but he's cunning like a fox, and behaves like a pig, spewing verbal diarrhea!
  The dictator is a fox who swaggers like a lion and puts a pig on the scale of the empire!
  The goal of a politician is to become a dictator in order to pig out while sitting on the throne, but such a boar will be let into lard and eaten with giblets by hungry dogs if the politician does not turn into a fox!
  For a politician to succeed, one does not have to be Cicero and Spinoza, but one must master the tricks of Judas and Brutus!
  The politician claims to be the Lord God using the methods of Judas and crucifying voters, collecting pieces of silver in his pocket!
  A politician is a pig, which, unlike an animal, grunts sweetly and repels a bad smell with expensive perfumes, but it pigs much more!
  The dictator loves to cast his marshal profile in bronze, but his fame will melt like a tin soldier in a fireplace!
  The politician promises alms to everyone, but he gives the beggar a stone in his hand, and the voter a pig in his pocket!
  The politician himself is a pocket pig, and the voter puts a pig in his pocket!
  Even a pig does not shit where he eats, and a politician most of all pigs at his feeder!
  The dictator has weight on the throne, and excelled in the sheep's clothing of a wolf in robbery!
  The dictator, like any politician, most often uses a long tongue to strangle, and his hands are short for a good deed!
  The politician, like the chameleon, disguises himself as a terrain and has a long and sticky tongue, but his prey is not always the size of a fly, but usually with the intelligence of an insect!
  A politician is like a cobra poisonous, like a boa constrictor strives to swallow the whole of them all at once, like an eel is cunning and dodgy, but he crawls into any holes without fail!
  The politician pretends to be a lion, but always with small-grass and swine manners!
  With the strength of a lion with the mind of a fox, an empire will be born again!
  The dictator loves to bully in order to plow the voter, and specifically to screw it up!
  A politician sometimes likes to drink bitter vodka, but life does not become sweeter from the streams of drunken eloquence!
  Prostitutes are not allowed in decent houses, but a political prostitute will find her way everywhere!
  Kohl elected a pig as ruler, do not be surprised that the people were allowed to barbecue!
  Believe in the fiery speeches of the pig politician, you will be fried on barbecue!
  In the fiery speeches of the dictator, the voter burns like a moth!
  With fiery speeches of a politician you will not warm the house, you will not kindle the hearth, but you will get burns, and three skins will peel off!
  The more the politics of fire in the speech, the more the blood runs cold with horror!
  The fiery speech of a politician in battle will not replace a flamethrower, but the hearts will turn cold from longing not only among enemies!
  The politician spews fiery speeches like a dragon, but unlike a fairy-tale monster, his head does not cook for seven!
  The dictator is a dragon, only he has not seven heads, but a million masks!
  The army is for the people, not the people for the army!
  The politician dreams of making war, but he only knows how to trade in trophies, and then not his own, but imported ones!
  The politician wants to command everyone like a lion, but he only gets to spoil some like a pig!
  The politician promises everyone free cheese in a mousetrap, and free meat in the form of a slipped pig!
  Free products from politicians are noodles on the ears, cheese with a mousetrap, soup with a cat, a donut hole, birch porridge, cabbage soup with bast shoes, and slipped pork of the third freshness!
  Why do voters so often vote for a pig in a poke, because they expect that the representative of the feline family will not pig!
  Better to choose a pig in a poke than a pig in sheep's clothing!
  Until a politician becomes a ruler, he is a pig in a poke, having received power, he turns into a wolf in sheep's clothing, and at the same time he is terribly swine!
  It's not the worst thing when the ruler is a wolf in sheep's clothing, it's worse when he's a complete ram with a mind, but a pig with his habits!
  The ruler must be flexible like a snake, but not turn into a boa constrictor for the people!
  The ruler must be wise as a raven, eloquent as a nightingale, sharp-eyed as a hawk, but the stupidity of his woodpecker turns his subjects into communal hens!
  The ruler must be bold as a falcon, but at the same time a shot sparrow, so as not to become a roasted rooster!
  If a politician cost his opponents a mousetrap in order to get on the throne, then the voter will get only soup with a cat from him!
  The politician puts on clean suits in order to make it easier to throw mud at his opponent and put a pig on him!
  The politician is a typical pig in a clean suit and splashed with expensive perfume!
  A dictator is a kind of dragon that changes masks all the time, and in one head there are meanness for seven!
  Alone in the field is not a warrior, even if he is a dictator at least three times, but for a tyrant the environment is like acorns for a pig, he will devour them or sell them for rubles!
  Not everyone who is in a skirt is a woman, not everyone who is wearing pants is a man, but anyone who has reached the throne is a cunning fox who has put a big pig on his opponents!
  A woman, trading in the body, offers bodily pleasure, a politician, trading votes of voters, palms off spiritual squalor to them!
  A politician is the most cunning seller, his goods are always expired and stale, but on the other hand, not worth a penny, they are painted with mountains of gold!
  A soldier may be a naive deer, but he will never become a cowardly hare unless he is framed by a pig politician!
  A soldier may well rise to the rank of an eagle, if the pig politician does not lower him to a goose!
  Politician pigs are not fellow soldiers, especially if they are falcons!
  A soldier who dies on the battlefield does not die forever, his soul is in immortal glory, a politician who sends a warrior to his death, a dead man in life, because pigs do not have a soul!
  Politicians run the army, trying to roar like lions, but in reality only the barking of dogs and the grunts of pigs are heard!
  Often a soldier risks his head because of the pork nickels of politicians, no matter what!
  A soldier can be a fair goose, while remaining an eagle, and a politician a virtuoso fox, with the essence of a pig!
  A soldier, though sometimes a goose, but feathers constantly fly from him, and a politician pigs, but water is like water in a goose from him!
  The soldier plows like a horse, and sometimes the general only bulls!
  In the war, soldiers die the most - not all of them are noble, but all heroes, and politicians reap the benefits - they are not smart, but all scoundrels!
  A soldier is a fighting cock from which feathers fly, and a politician is an empty bastard magpie, emitting verbal diarrhea!
  A soldier has no time to wash, but he smells of nobility, and a politician, no matter how much you take a bath, gives away a goat, and verbal diarrhea!
  A soldier waxes his boots, and a politician washes his hands of dirty deeds!
  A soldier receives awards for feats very rarely, a politician puts a pig on the soldiers all the time!
  The soldier is always hungry from lack of meat, although the politician regularly puts a pig on him and hangs noodles on his ears!
  From a set of vitamins and vegetables, a soldier gets only mustard and pepper from the speeches of politicians, and third-fresh pork from meat, and on the third only a donut hole!
  The soldier carries out the order, the general gives orders, the politician pouring out verbal diarrhea only soils the uniforms of the soldiers!
  A soldier is sometimes afraid, but not afraid, a politician is constantly swaggering, but only his long tongue reaches out for an attack!
  The uniform of a soldier is spoiled not by trench mud, but by the tongues of politicians who are constantly piggy!
  The bullet does not take a soldier, the fire does not burn, and the warrior will not drown in the water, but he risks choking in the verbal diarrhea of the politicians who sent him to the slaughter!
  Killing a soldier is not an executioner, a politician promising heavenly life is not an angel!
  God allows war to single out the bravest to heaven, and political intrigue to bring out the meanest to hell!
  Darkness exists so that the brightness of the light can be seen, a vile politician to highlight the noble people that they are exposed!
  A politician is a big pig that feeds not with lard, but with soup with a cat, and noodles for his ears!
  A soldier should not be a hare, victories do not come to cowards, a general should not be a pig - the fat ones themselves are allowed to barbecue!
  The soldier is also afraid of death, but the fear of drowning in political shit drives him to the front line, away from the rear pigs!
  One should not be afraid to lose one's body in war, for the spirit is immortal, but one should be afraid to subordinate the soul to a politician, so pigs in power kill all the best!
  It is easy to lose your soul, it is even easier to lose your body, but by giving your life for your Motherland you acquire the most valuable eternal memory of people, immortality in the heart of the Most High God!
  A soldier, having lost his body in battle, will gain eternal memory, a politician pig in the rear, dooms himself to eternal shame!
  The body wears out in years, but the heroism of the fallen in battles does not fade through the ages!
  A person"s body is for a while, the soul is forever, a soldier will not stop serving the Motherland, a general will shout, a politician will swine, but the Lord God will not cleanse the universe of evil!
  From the firing of cannons, the ears are pawned, from the sweet speeches of politicians, conscience and a sense of hope are deaf!
  The biggest predator is not a polar bear, but a political pig with a black soul!
  A politician is a carnivorous predator, but a scavenger, and from his manure, roses do not grow, but only the mood fades!
  Politicians often have rotten teeth and carry from behind their mouths, and the deodorant of eloquence will not hide verbal droppings!
  A politician is a wolf with a false jaw, but with a real long tongue, with which he pigs a lot!
  The fact that a politician gets his tongue into the pockets of voters is not so bad, it's worse that he is completely piggy!
  It's not so scary if a politician scoops pennies out of voters' pockets, it's worse when he puts a pig in it!
  A soldier can burst into tears from all his soul after losing his comrades, a soulless politician can only shed crocodile tears!
  The politician has spade paws and rakes in voters' pennies with his tongue, emptying his pockets so that there is somewhere to stick a pig!
  Politicians are eloquent in their promises, but tongue-tied when it comes to excuses for not delivering!
  The politician has a flexible tongue, but the voters have a hard bone in their throat!
  Politics is a complete nuthouse, a pear is growing on a politician's willow!
  A soldier needs bullish health, and the mind should not be sheepish, so that the pigs do not plow!
  It's good to have frisky feet on the battlefield, but you shouldn't stoop to the level of a hare, so as not to be devoured by a fox and pissed by a pig!
  A woman, having to become a mare, must also be not a gelding in her mind, otherwise a man will plow, and she will be pigged to the very mane!
  Stupid is not the woman with the face of a mare, but the one who allows herself to be plowed by a pig!
  If you let yourself be plowed by a pig, you will wear a collar while the mind remains a sheep!
  A politician can plow not only with a sheep's mind and chicken brains, if he is a pig with a fox's cunning, and a hedgehog's ingenuity!
  The politician speaks roundly, but from his speeches in the district, at least a rolling ball, except that only pork cakes get in the way!
  If a politician sticks his snout to the voter, then the people will definitely be left without a penny!
  By allowing a politician to poke his tongue into his purse, you are left with a pig-lined nose and no trousers!
  The long tongue of a politician is like a lasso around his neck, only you can throw it off not by kicking your hooves, but by a sharp mind and ingenuity!
  The language of a politician, like a lasso, will hold a bull's neck if the voter has a sheep's mind!
  A woman's tongue caresses her ears, a politician's is a poisonous sting that drips poison on the brain!
  The politician is dripping golden rain of election promises on the brains of voters!
  In politics, there is a constant drought for the fulfillment of election promises, but on the other hand, speech is constantly streaming, and dripping on the brains!
  A politician like a bear loves the sweet honey of speeches, but instead of hibernation he pigs all year round!
  If you love to listen to the honeyed speeches of politicians, then three skins will be torn off you like a bear!
  The linden has fragrant honey, and the honey from the mouths of politicians, though solid linden, is suffocating!
  A politician, like a fox, often cunning, sometimes telling the truth if it is profitable, but at the same time he manages to screw it up even to his own detriment!
  Politics is a place where they always manage to screw us over, only the voter sometimes sweeps the shit out with the bloody stream of the revolution!
  The word politician and the word decent are combined only with the addition of a third - bastard!
  A politician in character can have everything except conscience and honor, but he disguises himself with conscience, albeit dishonestly!
  The politician promises a mountain of gold to the heavens in order to light up as a star, only he does not give golden light, with such a luminary, the voter will not wait for the dawn!
  The politician has more masks than the stars in the sky, but all of them are just to make it easier for the fox politician to screw it!
  The politician is part fox, part wolf, part elephant in a china shop, in some ways a cowardly hare, but in fact a complete pig!
  The politician loves to thresh water in a mortar with his tongue - an occupation that is useless for voters, but brings income to the politician in the form of foam of idle talk!
  In dreams, we are all heroes, but we walk quietly in formation, even though the commander is a pig, he himself is worse than a sparrow!
  Everyone wants to take the place of an eagle, but if you yourself are a wet chicken or a cowardly little sparrow, then do not waste your time!
  The politician crows a lot to hide the brains of a chicken, and the strength of a chicken!
  When a politician crows, chickens laugh, but when a dictator has gone wild, even eagles are not laughing!
  The politician promises a lot of things, but all he gets is a free circus!
  A politician can make people laugh, but he cannot provide a joyful life!
  The politician is a carpet clown, but he prefers to conduct the main struggle under the carpet, and even such that the voters are not laughing!
  Pocket politicians only do what they get into the pocket of voters with a raking shovel of a long tongue!
  Politicians have bottomless pockets, and the soul is a solid bottom!
  A politician is a good beetle, only a wingless and groveling worm in front of a superior!
  A politician is a fox in cunning, a wolf in a grip, a hamster in acquisitiveness, a monkey in imitation of successful personalities, a pig in relation to others, and in general there is nothing human in him!
  The language of the gigolo gives rise to ecstasy, the language of politics, the desire to puke and shudder with disgust!
  It's better to be a gigolo than a politician, a gigolo doesn't empty his pockets like that and gives pleasure, a politician puts a pig down and generates disgust!
  A politician is a gigolo whose tongue crawls into all the holes at the same time, causing nausea, and the desire to puke!
  There are no comrades in politics, a lot of geese, and almost all pigs!
  A politician is a goose that loves to cock, and a pig that loves to crap voters, and a fox that loves to disembowel chicken-brained faces!
  The politician is accustomed to lie, like a pig to shit, only unlike an animal, the politician shits most of all near the feeder, and bathes in moral dirt, wearing a new, clean suit!
  A politician is a devil who loves light-colored suits, and a raven of war, hiding behind the trill of a nightingale of peace!
  The politician makes people laugh with banal jokes, but is inventive in original ways to rip off money for watching his circus!
  It is better for a girl to give herself to the first person she meets than to allow herself to be fucked by the first in the elections!
  The people choose politicians dreaming of getting a lion, with luck they get a fox, with a failure of a donkey, but with any choice, the ruler will definitely get screwed!
  The choice among politicians is not great: a fox, a wolf, a bear, a donkey, a ram, a goat, a macaque, and always with a pig penny, but you can"t find a person!
  The girl dreams of her beloved falcon, and the voters of the eagle ruler, but the beauty gets a rooster at best, and the people a turkey, and even behaving like a pig, with an important look!
  A politician often says stupid things with a smart look, but at the same time he himself is not a fool at all, just stupidity - this is the most sophisticated master key to the throne room door!
  Politician speeches are foggy and deceitful for the clear purpose of gaining power over the clouded minds of the voters!
  A politician without cunning is like porridge without butter, though the politician's program is a solid mess, cunning brings cannons instead of butter, and threatens to send the voter to a psychiatric hospital!
  In politics, like in a store, you can't get something without money, but you can grab votes for free with cunning!
  Politics is an equation where all the elements are unknown, except for one property - they will definitely screw you up!
  Politics is a continuous swamp, where the inhabitants want to snatch the lion's share for themselves, and screw them over their heads, and if the first does not always work out, then the second turns out at Stakhanov's pace!
  Politics is an oak grove, only for the political pig to eat acorns, first you need to remove the shavings of the intellect with the help of propagandist woodpeckers!
  Politics requires for success to forget about conscience and honor, but when luck comes, the voter again finds himself at a broken trough, and another penny flows into the pocket of the fox slipping the pig!
  A woman wants the love of a man and money, a politician seeks the love of voters for the sake of money, but if the first one warms and cooks food, then the second one will be robbed like sticky and slip a pig!
  A politician is a scorpion, which, unlike an insect, loves not the desert, but big cities, but devastating them to the level of the Sahara!
  The tailor measures seven times, cuts off once, the politician measures everyone by his own arshin, and slaughters all the time!
  A poor barefoot boy is happier than a rich old man, especially if girls also shod the curmudgeon!
  A barefoot boy, smarter than an adult who allows himself to be shod by politicians!
  It is better for a girl to walk barefoot than to slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes!
  A beggar girl with bare feet is more fun than a billionaire who looks to be shod for a penny!
  A girl without a penny in her pocket, shoves a billion with a bare heel!
  The fox also goes barefoot, although she wears an expensive fur coat, and a woman must be able to kick off her shoes to get a luxurious outfit!
  The girl's bare feet are graceful and beautiful, the man shod with a politician is a poisonous intellectual freak!
  Barefoot women's legs turn heads not only to tramps, but to those who know how to professionally "shoe"!
  They want to undress a beautiful girl, "put on shoes" for a rich woman, to tear off three skins from a woman-politician!
  A girl with bare feet climbs into the purse of the most burnt boot-man!
  A man is, of course, a boot, but even a barefoot woman can be put on without a bast shoe!
  A woman without clothes, like a naked dagger taken out of a scabbard, strikes a man right in the heart and takes off three skins!
  A snake sheds its skin twice a year, and a poisonous woman every time she wants to put on a man's shoes and tear off three skins!
  The politician gets into the pocket of the voter with his tongue, and the woman with her bare foot into the purse of the man, but both shoes are up to their ears!
  A politician's smile is always fake, but a woman shows her teeth sincerely, wanting to cheer up a man and something more significant!
  The most fashionable leggings will not help to seduce a horned man, if the leg, becoming barefoot, is not oblique!
  A woman's mouth will give a man an ocean of pleasure, the tongue of a politician will bring down a mountain of promises on his head, regardless of gender!
  A woman's mouth sparkles with pearls of teeth, the politician's mouth sparkles only with empty promises!
  A woman must be a cunning fox so as not to walk forever in rags and barefoot!
  In women, the eyes shine and fascinate like heavenly bodies, in politicians, eyes like stars seem to shine, but the distance to the truth is unattainable!
  Blondes do not always have a clear conscience, but politicians always have a black soul, regardless of hair color!
  A barefoot blonde is not always a bright head, but she shoes men in black!
  A blonde is an imp with an angelic appearance, and a politician is Satan, regardless of appearance!
  It's good for a woman to be blonde, it's worse to have a pale look!
  A woman does not always give birth to beautiful children, but a politician, regardless of gender, always creates ugly problems for voters!
  Bare feet of women are not always beautiful, but they are always better than lapotniks-voters shod with politicians!
  Bare women's feet are more tenacious to the slippery promises of politicians than men's boots!
  This is a woman, a creature that loves tenderness, but not at all from a politician who gently spreads!
  Gentle female hands can empty a man's pocket, but unlike the language of a politician, they won't put a pig on him!
  A naked, round female heel is much more pleasant than the rounded speeches of politicians who do not have a male core!
  The bare fingers of girls are nimble in picking up gold coins from the pockets of men, but unlike the tongues of politicians, they will not leave you penniless!
  The bare feet of girls stick much less dirt than the sticky hands of politicians!
  A woman loves to keep her body clean, and a politician likes to spew impurities on a spiritual level!
  A woman, having soiled her body, preserves spiritual purity, a politician, wearing a clean suit, continues to pig!
  A woman can become dusty, but dirt does not stick to a pure soul, and a politician, even after taking a bath, remains a pig!
  Blondes can also darken, but only a woman is still an angel, and a politician, regardless of hair color, is Satan himself!
  The politician loves women with blond hair and bare, slender legs, and at the same time he loves to cut the voters' hair, regardless of color, and put on shoes for all sizes!
  The light of a woman's soul does not depend on the color of her hair, the level of spiritual darkness in a politician increases with the length of the tongue!
  Well, when you are a blonde, men flock to blond hair like bloodworms, but a politician in a white robe is blacker than hell!
  A woman does not have to be a blonde - the main thing is to have a bright soul!
  The bare toes of women's legs very tenaciously grab men in rich suits!
  A woman grabs men with her bare toes, on the beauty and harmony of which their tenacity depends, and the politics of voters with tongues, and the longer and stickier, the stronger the grip!
  A barefoot boy is more likely to climb the mountain of success than a shod old man!
  A boy with a copper penny in his pocket feels better than a rich man with a bag of gold on his back!
  A barefoot girl leaves prints that are admired, and a politician leaves such a legacy with his boots that they then spit for a century!
  The bare female heel is a small elevation, but it greatly raises perfection, and the long tongue of politics will sink the voter to the very bottom!
  The most desirable medal for a soldier is a naked female breast!
  A naked female breast attracts the eye, a politician's chest full of orders averts his eyes!
  The girl's bare heels will undress not only the one who does not know how to slurp soup with bast shoes!
  By exposing her body, a beautiful woman will most reliably protect herself from the rags of poverty!
  A naked girl will make any man a naked king!
  A woman is a princess, even barefoot and in rags, and a man, if a king, is naked!
  A barefoot woman looks poor, but noble, a shod voter has a pale appearance, and a plebeian outfit!
  The legs feed the wolf, the naked and slender legs of the woman will not only be fed, but they will also allow the man to put on shoes!
  A snake to be beautiful sheds her skin at the change of season, a woman to be rich, sheds her clothes when changing clients!
  The sable attracts hunters with its bright coat, the fox with its flattering tongue will turn any hunter into game!
  The commander by cunning gains glory for himself, victory for the army, and the politician brings shame to himself, and devastation to the country!
  A woman in politics is like a fish in water, it is customary for her to throw off her clothes and rip off three skins from the voter!
  A politician is a cook who is especially good at soup with a cat, and noodles on his ears, but instead of salt, to put an end to eloquence, and sweet rubbish!
  If a man is naked like a falcon, then his mind is definitely not an eagle, but a wet chicken with his intellect!
  A naked woman will turn any lush turkey into a naked falcon!
  Why is the falcon naked, because the bird is noble, but at the same time with chicken brains, and without the grip of a hawk!
  It does not suit a falcon to be naked, and there is no reason for an eagle to walk in rags if the mind is not a chicken!
  Good luck loves those who are wise as an owl, but do not flutter in the dark, who are brave as a falcon, but do not squander their fortune like a goldfinch, who are thrifty with money, but not a magpie picking up from the garbage dumps!
  Being affectionate with a man does not mean behaving like a cat with everyone, being able to stand up for yourself, it is not necessary to growl like a tigress, and an attractive girl herself is always a fox, both bright in appearance and cunning in mind!
  The blonde woman has snow-colored hair, but loves hot men from the south, if they have something to pay for every blond hair!
  A man has larger muscles than a woman, for which she has a longer and sharper tongue!
  The female tongue gives joy in every sense, the mouth of politicians is vile from all points of view!
  The lips of a woman are both sweet to the touch and spewing honey, and the mouth of a politician stinks of verbal diarrhea!
  The lips of women are scarlet like a rose, albeit with thorns, but the mouth of a politician is a cactus!
  A woman's mouth is a fountain of fresh silvery water, and a politician's mouth spews fetid slop!
  A woman is a snake that lures to give up her body, a politician, this is a cobra that lures to swallow the whole body, to enslave the soul forever!
  A politician is a jackal claiming the lion's share, and able to get it if he is also a fox!
  Politics is full of jackals, quite a few foxes, there are also wolves, there are deer, as an exception, there are lions, and almost every pig!
  A politician is a criminal with the mantle of a judge, and a pig who has appropriated the functions of a shepherd!
  A woman is a blooming rose in the rays of sunlight, and a politician is a cactus in a fog of speeches, just to prick the voter!
  If a politician has a smart boot, then the voter will sip sour cabbage soup with tattered bast shoes!
  In politics, the hardest and sharpest blade is a tongue without bones, and strong chain mail is the absence of firm principles!
  The politician also wants to own the secret of youth, so that all voters fall into childhood and snot!
  In the long language of politics, those who have the mind in short pants are the easiest to buy!
  A man can be as strong as an oak, but if he has a woodpecker's head, a woman will still remove chips from him!
  A man has a trunk, a woman has a well, but a male cannot give birth to offspring by the flesh, and a woman cannot give birth to the character of a warrior spiritually!
  In boxing, they hit each other with their hands in the face in gloves, in politics they thrash each other with their tongue anywhere without white gloves!
  There is no boxing without gloves, there is no politics with white gloves!
  In boxing they beat cruelly, but according to the rules, and in politics they beat them mercilessly without rules!
  In boxing there are rules and judges, in politics there are fights without rules, and a continuous lynching!
  Boxing is chess, on the contrary, and yet a noble sport, politics is completely devoid of nobility, and a sport in which lawlessness reigns!
  In boxing, refereeing and tricks are not always fair, but they fight one on one, and in politics they always throw the crowd at the weakest!
  In battle, caution and ingenuity are needed, but in governing the country, the dictator uses sticks, not knowing the brakes!
  A dictator is a boxer whose sense of responsibility is beaten off and compassion is flattened!
  A dictator is a fighter who fights with someone else's hands and gives orders with a voice that is not his own!
  The dictator is a wolf in an ermine robe, but he devours the meat of voters with seasoning of noodles on his ears, and donut holes!
  A politician is a distance runner who constantly twists and cuts corners!
  Runners run with their feet, but the politician moves with a long tongue!
  The boxer hits the liver, and the politician is already in the liver!
  A dictator is a boxer who always hits below the belt with someone else's hands, does not listen to the gong and is his own judge!
  Boxing is fistfighting with soft gloves, the politics of tongue-fighting without white gloves!
  Boxers on fists, politicians on tongues, boxers on the rules honestly, politicians on lawlessness dishonorably!
  A woman is also a boxer, only she is the most deadly when she completely takes off her clothes!
  Professionals in boxing fight bare-chested, professional women bare not only their torsos!
  A boxing fight is limited in time by the rules, the confrontation of politicians knows no time limits and rules!
  Boxers fight openly in public, politicians fight under the carpet, and even if they climb out to bite their tongue below the belt!
  A stubborn boxer is commendable, but politicians more often than not persist in delusions!
  The politician is eager to become lions, but defending an erroneous point of view is a typical ram, and a stubborn donkey who pigs himself!
  Boxing is a bright and beautiful sight, politics is also blinding, but it is disgusting to look at it, and it is a hundred times more bitter to listen to!
  A politician sometimes has the bright plumage of a peacock and the eloquence of a nightingale, but in dealing with voters he still remains a wingless pig!
  In boxing, long arms are valuable; in politics, long tongues are much more deadly for the whole country!
  A boxer with his fist can put down only one opponent in the ring, a politician under the carpet, with a long tongue, will turn the whole state into ruins!
  The most enduring marathon runner is a politician, sometimes he does not even have enough life to run to the throne!
  A runner calculates strength for an hour, a politician, even the most prudent one, will not accumulate strength for eternity!
  A politician is often homophobic, but with a necessarily big ass, neat, but swine to the fullest!
  A politician is not always a significant person, but always a huge ass!
  Voters perceive the politician they vote for as a fairytale prince, but always get a naked king on the throne!
  The dictator fancies himself a peacock in diamonds and an emperor in purple robes, but when the elector demands an account, he turns out to be a naked king and a plucked, wet chicken!
  A woman's will is like a diamond in a necklace, political lack of will is a cobblestone tied to a noose around her neck!
  A woman can be compared to a diamond, a man to flint, and politics to a clot of feces!
  Through force, you can fight with a powerful enemy, but no forces will force you to listen to the speech of a politician to the end, if he imposes himself on you at least three times as a friend!
  Everything in the world requires effort, only under the monotonous muttering of a politician it is not difficult to fall asleep!
  In boxing, noses are often broken, but in politics, you always stay with your nose!
  A boxer's nose is crooked, in politics the way to leave a voter with a nose is also tortuous!
  In boxing, points are sometimes dishonestly counted; votes are always dishonest in elections!
  In boxing, how you fight is important, and how the votes are counted and the king of the ring has a bit of a head start, in politics it doesn"t matter how they vote, and the count is completely in the hands of the one who is on the throne!
  In sports, you can become a bare-chested monarch, but in politics, everyone is already naked kings!
  In sports you can get sweaty and dusty, but in politics you will definitely get dirty and no shower will wash off the smelly dirt!
  A soldier can be stubbled, but be pleasant to the touch for a woman, and a politician, no matter how smoothly he shaves, evokes the feeling of kissing a reptile!
  A soldier is an eagle with the rank of a sparrow, a politician is a wet chicken with the rank of a turkey!
  The soldier, although not brightly shaped, and sometimes carries out stupid orders, but unlike the politician-parrot, he does not sing from someone else's voice!
  The soldier is the ant-worker of war, and the politician pours shit from above, being a fat drone of the rear!
  The soldier is brave even when shy, the politician is cowardly, even when he is rooster!
  The soldier is noble, but not free, the politician is vile, and also, in fact, a slave of passions!
  A soldier is a lion, albeit still short, and politics is a fox and already overgrown!
  A soldier is like an angel in hell, and a politician is a pig feasting during a plague!
  A barefoot boy is more comfortable running through the snow than a shod politician maneuvering between trickles!
  A boy, even naked in the cold, is happier than an old man doused in the mud of a politician's speech!
  A woman is not so afraid of being naked and barefoot as of the fact that a male politician will put her shoes on and tear off three skins!
  The woman is timid in appearance, but there is little that can truly frighten her, the male dictator is formidable in appearance, but shies away from his own shadow!
  For a dictator, silence is golden only if the subjects can endure putting their tongues in their pockets without grumbling!
  The dictator assures that he is hard as a rock, but in fact the tyrant is just a dumb-nosed cobblestone!
  A girl knocks her legs down when she runs barefoot over sharp stones, a politician confuses when she rushes shod between streams!
  A bare female heel can be pierced by a sharp one, a voter shod with a politician will not be pierced even by wit!
  A woman would rather walk barefoot in the cold than be shod with the fiery speeches of politicians!
  In frost, a hot heart will not cool down, and a fiery speech of a politician will not warm!
  A patriot has a flame in his heart, but only shit in his liver from a politician!
  A soldier has the fiery heart of a patriot, and politicians have the stomach of a corrupt ostrich and the throat of a greedy python!
  A soldier keeps honor - it costs a lot, a politician sells shamelessness, which is not worth a broken penny, but costs three dearly!
  The soldier has a gray overcoat, and a lot of gray matter in his head, the politician has the hair of a gray wolf, and aspire to be gray cardinals!
  Politicians send soldiers to shed blood for the sake of a red word, and for the sake of a black business they betray love!
  A soldier can stain his body, but remains pure in soul, and no bathroom will help a politician to wash off spiritual dirt!
  A soldier has to kill bad guys for the sake of the Motherland, a politician kills everything good with ambition for the sake of his own!
  A soldier who kills is not a murderer, a politician promising - does not fulfill!
  A soldier sometimes does the impossible without sparing himself, a politician does nothing of the possible without self-interest in his own pocket, without sparing others!
  A soldier is a lion who lacks under the command of rams, a politician is a fox that only rams with chicken brains obey!
  A soldier may not always become a lion, but the main thing is not to turn out to be a donkey from which three skins have been lowered!
  , A soldier does not always behave like an angel, but in the depths of his soul he is devoted to God, a politician always pours out angelic speeches with promises of paradise, but on the surface of the spirit it is clear that he is devoted to Satan!
  A soldier can be left without boots during the battle, but a politician puts on shoes, in any situation!
  A soldier wears a camouflage uniform in order to survive for the sake of the Fatherland, while a politician is a chameleon in order to kill a voter morally in order to seize the throne!
  A soldier in battle rushes like a dog at a boar, a politician in the rear, barks a lot and pigs!
  It is good for a soldier to be strong as an oak when meeting with an enemy, it is worse to be stupid as a stump when in contact with a politician!
  An executioner cuts heads with an ax, a soldier stabs in the throat with a bayonet, a politician drips onto brains with his tongue, and strangles behind the neck with sticky words!
  It is better for a soldier to be a ferocious wolf than a cowardly rabbit, especially when meeting with a political boa constrictor!
  A soldier may be fierce in appearance, but in the depths of a meek lamb, a politician with an angelic look is actually a typical pig!
  Soldiers are always brave, even when retreating they make only a tactical maneuver, politicians are always cowardly, even when attacking, they commit a strategic trick!
  A soldier fights with equals and strong by order, a politician attacks the weak, by his own will!
  A real soldier is not always well-born, but always fulfills his duty, a politician, even with a royal pedigree, always does not keep his promises!
  A soldier sometimes uses prostitutes during his vacation, a politician is always at work and at rest a prostitute who uses voters!
  A soldier pays prostitutes what he earns with his blood, a politician himself is a prostitute and he is paid to spoil the blood of voters!
  A soldier shoots, sending a bullet into the enemy's chest, a politician kills by putting a pig in his pocket, and bile in the liver!
  A soldier in battle shouts cheers, a politician is also not silent, but if a warrior is beaten in battle, then because a cry, alas, is not a shield!
  A soldier is not always a star, but the glory of his exploits does not fade over the centuries, a politician always aims for the role of a luminary, but his infamy is covered with mold!
  The soldier works with a sharp bayonet and stabs in good conscience, the politician beats the thumbs with the help of a tongue whose sharpness is devoid of conscience!
  A soldier can drink too much wine and piss himself, but he will not, like a politician, pour verbal diarrhea without measure into drunkenness!
  A barefoot girl is ready to run after her lover without fear, but with what fright does the voter allow himself to be shod by politicians!
  A politician is a fox, for whom the voters are the inhabitants of a chicken coop, but devouring the meat of those who have the intelligence of a chicken, the politician will definitely slip a pig!
  Soldiers are fighting cocks that lay golden eggs, for turkey generals who are in turn devoured by fox politicians!
  The soldier runs on the attack, believing in victory, the politician in the rear, in any case, will blame the fighter by deviating from principles!
  Soldiers sometimes retreat, because happiness is changeable, but they always give up to politics, their happiness is in trickery and slipping a pig!
  The barefoot boy is too dexterous to let the politician drive him under his heel!
  When a girl's bare feet are wounded by sharp stones, they injure a man's heart, but politicians who force them to sip cabbage soup with bast shoes beat the voters' liver!
  A soldier is not looking for death, he wants to live, a politician is not looking for a way to fulfill his election promises - he wants to cash in on voters!
  A soldier is always young at heart, even turning gray, an old rogue politician sitting in the liver, and a bald devil even with thick hair!
  In ancient times, a soldier had a sword, then he was replaced by a machine gun to make it easier to kill enemies, and a politician at the time had a tongue - more deadly than which it is impossible to invent!
  A soldier is a kind of war machine, but remains a man, in politics there is nothing human - he is a war machine against reasonable arguments!
  Better a spoon for dinner than slurping cabbage soup with bast shoes!
  If it's hard to make friends in politics like wolves in a pack, let's at least not screw each other up on the couch!
  Politicians squabble like wolves and put a pig on each other like foxes!
  A politician can still hide the fangs of a wolf under a sheep's skin, but nothing can hide a pig's penny!
  A politician who cannot hide a pig's penny from voters is not worth a penny!
  The politician will screw up the voters so much that they will howl like wolves!
  A politician without a wolf's grip, but with the habits of a pig, will bring the voter to a dog's life!
  The politician crosses himself with his hands, gets into his pocket with his tongue, and tramples on his soul with his boots!
  If a politician has seven Fridays in a week, then the voter has an idle birthday on Monday!
  It doesn't matter to be born on Monday, it's a disaster to elect a dictator on Sunday!
  Having made a choice in favor of a tyrant in the elections on Sunday, you risk getting yourself a continuous Monday!
  Choosing an iron hand, you get a steel chain around your neck!
  Still, the iron hand is better in power than the bone leg of anarchy!
  The most cruel power is better than complete anarchy, it is easier to endure one tyrant than a thousand brothers!
  A real ruler should be like a fairytale prince for the people, and not a naked king!
  There are very few fairy-tale princes in politics - but solid naked kings!
  A prince is a future king, a naked king is a bankrupt in the present!
  A woman is waiting for a fairy-tale prince, but she gets a naked king, a voter is a messiah, and she gets a weak-willed hypocrite, or an unprincipled tyrant!
  A woman waits for a prince until she gets married, a voter waits for the fulfillment of election promises until the cancer whistles on the mountain!
  The politician is a master of lies and a grandmaster of excuses, and in the ability to screw up he is a world champion!
  A politician has only one chance to make a first impression, and a constant opportunity to screw up!
  The politician knows that two times two is four, but he tries to prove that by adding two more terms to him, you will get the whole world!
  The politician wants to have the power and the throne of a lion, but in terms of strength he is at best a cock, and in terms of position he is a fox digging a hole in order to plant a pig!
  The voter must have nerves of steel not to rust from the politician's verbal rain!
  It is easier to believe that the sky will fall to earth than that the dictator deserves to be exalted to heaven!
  The politician is always ready to pour out promises like a nightingale, but to fulfill the promise when the cancer whistles on the mountain!
  Why is it so difficult to fulfill election promises - you can eat a whale with your eyes, but a big spoon will tear your mouth!
  You can do everything that the imagination draws, if these are not the promises of a politician deprived of a reasonable imagination!
  The politician is ready to sell his soul to the Devil for the sake of power, but Satan does not buy what is not worth a penny and goes into his hands for free!
  A politician cannot become God, but the ability to screw him up is Satan himself!
  The voter wants cleanliness in politics in order to eat meat, but gets only one kind from a dirty politician - planted pig!
  The chef-politician has one side dish - noodles for ears, and one type of meat - put pork, on the third hole from a donut with honey of promises from a stream of eloquence, and in conclusion, birch porridge and cheese in a mousetrap!
  A politician is a cook who prepares inedible dishes for sweet speeches, so that it would be easier to swallow the voter himself!
  A politician is a cook who generously feeds the voter with honey of speeches, but even honey is bitter if you drown in it!
  If the dictator with a cunning mine has reset his terms to zero, this means the voter has received a bast again!
  A warrior always fights for a just cause, while a politician takes all the trophies to the left!
  A warrior shoots with his left hand for a just cause, a politician with his tongue takes all achievements to the left!
  War is the opposite of the ocean of love, but it also requires a fountain of blood!
  A warrior is not God in strength, but an angel in nobility!
  The soldier has an iron helmet, a steel bayonet, and a heart of gold, but the politician does not value him even for a penny!
  Soldiers are often driven to slaughter like sheep, but they are lions at heart, and a politician who roars like a lion is a typical sheep!
  A soldier can also be afraid of death, but still he is more afraid of dishonor, and a politician is shaking for his life, but he lost his honor a long time ago!
  The soldiers, having defeated the enemy, celebrate the victory, the politician, having deceived the voter, celebrates the coward!
  A boy may be a good warrior, but a politician will never grow up to be responsible to the voters!
  Better to be a barefoot boy than to let the politicians put your shoes on and steal your youth!
  A girl is a magnificent flower that can wither, but never loses its fragrance, a politician is a pile of dung, he can climb the throne, but it will only stink more!
  A soldier is a real man, a politician is a grumpy woman in pants!
  A soldier has a noble rage like a roar of a lion, and a politician has vile hysteria, the word is the bleating of a ram!
  A soldier rarely has a day off, but a politician has seven Fridays a week, and his constituents celebrate their birthday on Monday!
  A soldier, having fallen, does push-ups, a politician always morally falls and squeezes into his pocket!
  A soldier is sometimes forced to go through the mud while remaining a man, and a politician in clean clothes and doused with cologne remains a pig!
  A soldier gives honor and remains with honor, a politician slips a pig in and remains a pig!
  A soldier has buttons in a row, a politician has like a boar's butt!
  Soldier ears brave kids, and send politicians to psychiatric hospitals!
  Man is said to have descended from a monkey, but a politician is immediately clear and remained a pig!
  Labor made a man out of a monkey, and the undercover struggle turned politics into a mixture of a fox and a pig!
  The worker works hard and sometimes drinks alcohol, the politician is piggy and always vomits verbal diarrhea!
  The soldier grows from battle to battle, the politician from one election campaign to another, more and more turns into a prostitute!
  A soldier's eyes burn with the youthful excitement of a fighter, a politician's hat burns like a thief, with the indifference of a burned-out cynic!
  A soldier has a choice: a chest in crosses or a head in the bushes, while a politician in elections has only crosses clogged with aspirations, voters and cabbage heads!
  A soldier even small in stature with giant courage, a politician even with a high position - a pygmy conscience!
  A soldier wants a female body as a gift for a feat, and a politician undeservedly puts the whole country on cancer!
  A soldier always has time and place for a feat, but it is not always possible to accomplish it, a politician in constant time pressure will definitely have time to put a pig on his head!
  A politician is the only wingless creature in nature that shits on everyone's head!
  Every schoolboy knows that twice two is four, only politicians, instead of multiplying numbers, produce a constant division in their pocket!
  A soldier learns by making bumps, a politician tries to accustom voters to the idea that one can prosper if one beats the thumbs!
  Every soldier is a fighter, the difference is only in level, every politician is a prostitute, the difference is only in the rank of a pimp!
  A soldier is partly an executioner, because he also sheds blood, a politician is a complete scoundrel, because he drips on his brains!
  If the general is invited to a wedding, then the soldier receives an invitation to save the Motherland so that weddings are played in a free country!
  To rejoice in victory and not mourn the bitterness of defeat, you need the sweat of diligence and a spark of talent!
  A soldier feels in his heart when to go on the attack, and a politician who has long been in the liver sends for slaughter!
  The soldier is sometimes visited by doubts about the competence of the command, but the politician, without any doubt, is not competent, that in the ability to lie!
  A soldier is the son of an eagle that pecks at an adversary and flutters in the sky, a politician is the son of a fox that shits on his head and pigs on the sidelines!
  In battle, the brave defeated him before the fight began, the coward lost without entering the battle, the politician cheated even before the division of trophies!
  In a battle, forces are always unequal, someone is stronger, someone is weaker, and everyone is equally good at playing politics!
  In battle, a soldier scribbles from a machine gun, and a politician in the rear drums his tongue to no avail!
  A soldier does not need to be stimulated to a feat - he is always ready, and a politician will screw you up at any moment!
  A soldier like a cat has nine lives, and a politician like hell has a million masks!
  A soldier, even if he is physically sick, is mentally healthy, and a politician is always obsessed with a painful desire to screw the voter!
  Robots can't get sick, real soldiers don't give up, and politicians by nature can't help but screw up!
  A warrior is three times a warrior, a politician is a million times a pig!
  A soldier is first and foremost a man, and secondly a warrior, a politician is a pig in the first degree, and a fox in the second!
  A barefoot woman can overtake any shod man, it"s easy for her feet without shoes, it"s hard to live without brains!
  A woman is not ashamed to flaunt her bare heel, it is much worse if a man shod you and tore off three skins!
  A politician can shove like a tank, but his armor is like verbal diarrhea jelly!
  A soldier can get lice on the march, but a politician who is in the rear is already a dung louse by vocation, and even pigs all the time!
  A politician is that sheep from which you will not get wool for felt boots, but you yourself will slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes!
  A pig gives people meat and bacon, and a pig politician only hangs noodles on his ears and puts cheese in a mousetrap!
  The politician's speech is a solid porridge and a hodgepodge of promises, and to it a little cheese from a mousetrap, such food causes only an ulcer of disappointment!
  The soldier loves women and the Motherland, the politician himself is like a capricious woman and loves power over the Motherland!
  A soldier wants to accomplish a feat and become a hero, a politician always finds an opportunity to commit meanness and receive a reward!
  If a soldier does not count the stars, then sooner or later he will earn them on shoulder straps, but a politician, considering himself a star, did not even deserve a cross on his grave!
  A soldier does not always find a place under the sun, but his soul is bright, a politician sometimes takes the place of a luminary, but the devil himself is in spirit!
  The soldier is looking for glory and wants to survive, the politician has already found shame and wants to live in a big way!
  A soldier salutes and remains with honor, a politician slips a pig, and he himself remains a mangy boar!
  Soldier service does not allow to grow a belly, but having lost a belly, a warrior gains immortality in people's hearts, and a politician, having worked up a belly, remains only in the liver!
  The soldier does not spare the belly and does not have a belly for being loved by girls, the politician is shaking by the belly and worked up a mammoth, and for this we are hated by the voters!
  A barefoot girl is happier than an old woman who has been shod by charlatans, promising eternal youth and wealth, but instead of young skin, they have torn off three skins!
  The soldier is not quite a general yet, he is not inferior to him in ingenuity and courage, the politician is not quite Satan, but in order to do meanness, he still has something to learn from the devil!
  The naked female heel is round and seductive, the naked kings with which politicians appear before us when they are torn off the mask, rounded in speech, but disgusted!
  The pilot is not born winged, he gets wings in the struggle, the politician is not born with a nose, but he leaves voters with a nose without difficulty!
  Soldier skill is born in torment, political virtuosity creates torment among voters!
  A soldier is not a master yet, but he learns from battle to battle, a politician is no longer an angel, and he is getting sloppy from one election campaign to another!
  He who is born to crawl cannot fly, but a slave from birth is able to fly up to the throne if he has the tenacity of a woodpecker, the intellect of an owl, and the outlook of an eagle!
  The strongest wins in war, and the greatest strength is in cunning, so the fox will always take over the lion!
  The soldier takes it not so much by force as by ingenuity, the brain is the strongest part of the body, although it has no muscles, and the tongue is the most harmful, although behind the teeth!
  The soldier tightens his belt to make it easier to run, the politics makes the voters tighten their belts, and they scatter!
  A soldier has spiritual wings and an eagle in his soul, a politician has a pig's penny in his spirit, and a soul worse than a pig!
  A man's tongue willingly licks a woman's bare heel, but stupid men are even more willing to allow themselves to be shod by tongue-tied politicians!
  Politicians have long tongues, but very short hands to fulfill the promise of dimensionless mouths!
  Those who have the intellect are flies pecking at the honey speeches of politicians, and those who have the greed of rats rush to free cheese in a mousetrap!
  Politicians are rarely fools, on the contrary, more often fools are those who cast their voices as a mellifluous politician, risking getting hit on the ears for this, and being left without trousers!
  - The politician is a pickpocket himself, and he is a pocket man, and his pocket has no bottom, but he can get out of it only a fig for voters!
  The invader tramples the ground with his boots, and the woman tramples the man with her bare feet, the earth groans in pain, the man coos with delight!
  The soldier does not want to kill, but does his duty conscientiously, the politician craves blood, and has not even an ounce of conscience!
  A soldier is not a hamster to stockpile, and not a gopher to hide, and not a rat to gnaw on his own, but he truly has lion's teeth when he fights for a just cause!
  A soldier is a fighting unit, a politician is just a militant zero!
  A politician is not a soldier or a warrior, but he kills very effectively with a long tongue and tears the roof off its hinges!
  The dictator also cuts shavings from stumps using a long tongue, a saw of eloquence!
  The strongest bone is the tongue, if it is not tongue-tied!
  If a politician is tongue-tied, then he will not collect bones in polemics!
  A politician is still that fruit, never ripe to feed the voters, but rotten from the moment it is exhibited for evaluation by voting!
  A politician is a fruit that, pouring out the juice of eloquence, turns voters into vegetables!
  A half-liter bottle of vodka is more deadly than a dozen Hitlers, so let's drink to the fact that only alcohol kills Russians and all of us!
  A boy with a bare heel knocks out the teeth of an enemy, an adult who has been shod with politics remains a toothless dog that howls at the moon!
  Loud fame comes to a soldier not easily, but she is smart, but a politician now and then runs into loud scandals of notoriety!
  A soldier is a warrior of light, no matter what idea he fights for, a politician is an abomination of darkness, no matter what flag he stands under!
  It doesn"t matter what flag the soldier is under, the main thing is that courage burns in his heart, and the color of the color does not matter in politics, he will cowardly be in the liver of the voter!
  A soldier under a bad flag deserves more respect than a politician under the right slogans, but regardless of the bazaar, laying a pig!
  Communism is a paradise that people even build on earth with calloused hands, but pig politicians turn the planet into hell, destroying the good with long tongues!
  A soldier for the Motherland is always a mountain, a politician only slows down a cobblestone, his pig is a fighter hooray, so as not to crap too much!
  A woman can silently be a good soldier, but a politician, even in his pants, is a foul, talkative woman!
  Politicians have long tongues and boundless ambitions, but to seize the Earth, the hands are short, and the mind is even less!
  Do not brag about steel technology, if you have a spirit like jelly, then the savages gave a coward a club with a club, both in heaven and on earth!
  Politician, grinds nonsense, from which is not flour for bread, but solid flour, with noodles on the voters' ears!
  The soldier is a knight who fights a dragon, but this dragon is actually in the rear and has not seven heads, but a million masks, and an innumerable number of pig snouts!
  A soldier, in order not to become a plucked chicken, has to be a goose, a politician, in order to fry voters on a barbecue, will be happy to piss, not in a comradely way!
  Soldiers are just boys, but they grow up from battle to battle, politicians, regardless of age, from one election campaign to another, fall into even greater insanity!
  A soldier can be beardless, but a glorious warrior, and a politician in any situation cannot but leave a tail!
  The boy dreams of becoming an eagle warrior, but it is not clear where politicians-pigs come from so dirty that it"s disgusting to even dream about them!
  A born fighter boy would rather run barefoot in the snow than allow himself to be shod with politics and turned into a felt boot!
  A naked woman is not a plucked chicken, she will take off any man's trousers and turn even an arrogant ruler into a naked king!
  The boy grows into a soldier, and who was the politician in his youth if such a big pig grew out of him?
  A prostitute is honest with clients - money in exchange for pleasure, and a politician is a complete liar, votes and taxes in exchange for sheer disappointment!
  A politician is a very expensive prostitute, from whom you not only risk getting syphilis of the brain, but also a pig in your pocket!
  A politician is such a kind of prostitute that instead of taking off his clothes, he rips off three skins from voters and infects, through the TV!
  You don't enter the same river twice, but a constantly piggy scoundrel can be re-elected a dozen times!
  Animals and children do not like food without salt, but why do adults fall for the sweet speech of politicians who are deprived of the salt of truth!
  The salt of truth is bitter, but has healing power, the speech of a politician is sweet, but causes diabetes of the mind!
  A person does not want to be a pawn, but a career in the army begins with privates, a politician does not want to play by the rules, and he leads his career in politics with lawlessness!
  A politician who insults gays is a big ass himself, and has no manhood!
  A soldier will not die twice, but a politician will betray three times, and deceive a million times!
  Two deaths do not happen, and you can"t take off your boots with bare feet, but politicians manage to kill all the time, and rip off three skins!
  The girl is not afraid to run barefoot in the snow, she is afraid that the groom would not turn out to be a stupid felt boot, shod up to his ears!
  A soldier in a war becomes more young and mature at the same time, a politician in an undercover struggle, grows old and matures, at the same time sinking to the level of a wild beast!
  A soldier is a private conscript and becomes a professional in war, a politician does not know the deadlines, and a professional in conferring victory!
  A soldier must be flint, but not turn to stone in heart, a politician has long had a stone instead of a heart, but has the hardness of rubber!
  A good soldier in battle is like the Devil - that it is necessary to put out the fire, a skilled politician in meanness is Satan himself, and the fulfillment of promises is a typical hose!
  A soldier may die on the battlefield, but it's better than being killed under a stream of sweet lies from the mouths of politicians in peacetime!
  Whoever is born a warrior will die a hero, whoever becomes a politician is already a dead scoundrel and a walking corpse!
  Politics is when they say one thing, mean another, do a third, it turns out the fourth, but it still goes sideways and remains an abomination in the liver!
  There are no brothers in politics, but there are a lot of poor relatives, there are no fairy-tale princes, but an excess of naked kings, there is no truth even for a moment, but there will be enough lies for more than one generation!
  Love comes when you don't wait, politicians stick when you don't call!
  All ages are submissive to love, politicians can handle all meanness!
  A politician is a monster posing as a handsome man, but no luxurious ammunition can hide a pig's penny and wolf fangs!
  A soldier is also a kind of monster, because he kills on the battlefield, but unlike a politician, he is on an equal footing, but the voter always loses!
  A woman wants love and happiness for herself and her family, a politician is primarily interested in spoiling others, and is obsessed with the love of money!
  A woman is like a rose: an alluring fragrance, bright appearance, sharp thorns, and what does a politician look like, striking with stench, wretched appearance, and cactus causticity?
  A woman is the embodiment of beauty and purity, although not always ideal, but a politician will always be the standard of meanness and ugliness!
  A barefoot boy does not misbehave and get into his pocket as often as a politician does nasty things and puts a pig in it!
  The child loves to play with weapons, but he is a charm, the politician loves to rattle them, but instead of fear, he inspires disgust and laughter!
  Man originated, as scientists say, from a monkey, a politician, although a typical primate, especially successful people, has a relationship with a jackal!
  A person has a Divine creative nature, but politicians crucify that they are just devils by nature and create chaos!
  The politician is the Devil in the flesh, only not the lord of hell, but the creator of the underworld on Earth, in which the devils get out of control and create chaos!
  A soldier is a judge of God and time, a politician is a bastard without trial, and his lawlessness knows no time frame!
  The soldier does not seek peace, and the storm does not beckon either, the politician will bury his exploits, the parasite is very envious!
  A soldier is sometimes an unwilling warrior, and he does not want to kill, but fulfills a sacred duty to the Motherland, while a politician is a voluntary traitor who likes to pig, not to fulfill his obligations to voters!
  A soldier solves puzzles in battles, a politician builds cunning combinations, he cannot solve the matter peacefully!
  A politician is such a general that instead of epaulettes he wears the card shoulder straps of a fool, although he himself, however, is a fox!
  A soldier can play cards, but a politician wears epaulettes of sixes even without playing!
  A soldier is quite a cool fighter, when he gets along with his head, a politician is a pig, he will get a sparrow from an eagle!
  A soldier knows what fear is, but overcomes himself, a politician knows what honor is, but turns it around for himself!
  If a woman is not afraid to flaunt her bare legs, does not allow herself to be put on boots, then she was born in a shirt!
  A warrior who will not allow himself to be stripped of his three skins was born in a shirt!
  Woman, do not be ashamed to walk barefoot, be afraid to be under the heel of a felt boot!
  If you don"t want to swallow the edge of the blade, then acquire a sharp mind and steel endurance!
  The point of a fool's sword can pierce the body, but only the sharp word of a sage can truly strike the heart!
  A soldier is a devil who has a pure heart, a politician claims to be God, but is filled with dirty thoughts!
  Shame not a woman of her nakedness in search of a male prince, shame to marry a naked king!
  A woman who with the help of her bare legs rips off three skins from a man was born in a shirt!
  A woman who was born in a shirt with naked flesh puts on a man, even if he is not a full boot!
  It is more important for a woman to be born in a shirt than to receive a luxurious dress from a naked king!
  It is better for a woman to go naked than to allow herself to be torn off three skins by a full felt boot, better barefoot than shod with a blunt boot!
  If a barefoot woman, baring her chest, breaks applause, and not insults and whistles, then she was born in a shirt and will not allow herself to be shod!
  Women's weaknesses turn into an attractive force, and if a man shows weakness, then he will be pushed into a swamp of impotence!
  A woman should be able to forgive if she wants to be successful, if a man wants to achieve something, he should not give himself up!
  The place of an eagle is given to the one who knows how to pour out like a nightingale and does not count the ravens!
  He who counts a lot of crows is completely wingless and has no beak!
  Whoever sells the Motherland for gold is not worth a penny and will be covered with the rust of betrayal under the noble metal!
  Robbing descendants, you will go bankrupt to the void, as everything will drown in the bottomless whirlpool of the crimes of the past!
  A warrior must be wise as an owl, brave as an eagle, and not count crows in battle, so as not to be plucked by a chicken!
  It does not matter when there are few years, a complete disaster when there are not enough brains and ingenuity at any age!
  The boy wants to be a soldier and go to war to become a hero, a politician wants to be a commander, sit out in the rear, and commit meanness!
  The soldier wants porridge with meat, but he gets birch porridge from commanders and planted rotten pig from politicians!
  In battle, you need not only a sharp bayonet and a steel saber, but also a sharp mind and nerves of steel, with the golden hands of an inventor!
  The people need not a monarch on the throne, but a tsar in their head, not the silver speech of politicians, but silver rubles in their wallet!
  Mind and courage, like husband and wife, give birth to victory only in pairs, and the godmother of any success - luck, will not be third at all!
  Youth is green but sweet, old age is bitter and moldy, and a woman is like a fly to sweetness, illness is like a gadfly to old age!
  It is better to be a young voter than an old politician;
  In youth, any business can be argued, but in old age and idleness stop!
  There is more joy in youth from labor than from idleness in old age, so let us drink to the fact that youth does not end without any labor!
  A girl is good in her youth, a spoon is for dinner, and a politician is in the grave!
  Boys with bare heels are happier than adults, from whom politicians pulled down three skins and thoroughly shod up to their ears!
  A girl is better off barefoot than in high-heeled shoes, if she had to go down morally for them!
  Boys love to run barefoot, and adult men, after being shod by local politicians, flow abroad!
  A politician, like a man, loves the bare legs of women, but like a deceiver, he rips off three skins, regardless of the gender of the voter!
  Children are attracted to sweet things, adults are attracted to the sweet speeches of politicians, you can get diabetes from the first, and the roof will be completely blown off the second!
  A child who eats a sweet cake is smarter than an adult who allows himself to be eaten with giblets, through the sweet talk of a politician!
  It's better to eat a cake at the risk of getting fat than to let a politician eat you to drain your wallet and empty your mind!
  A politician is worse than a fascist, they expect evil from the latter and put up a bayonet, from the former they expect the fulfillment of election promises and put their neck under the ax!
  Sweet is the cake "Napoleon", and even sweeter is the speech of a politician climbing into Napoleons, only from the first diathesis, from the second - verbal diarrhea!
  Every day you eat a sweet cake, you will get fat, every day you listen to the sweet speech of a politician, you will deplete your finances, and you will go crazy!
  Old age is not a joy, but it is even worse when the promises of politicians make voters fall into childhood!
  The best way to rejuvenate is to listen to the promises of politicians, they are like a century ago, but pronounced with youthful fervor!
  A politician is a king-emperor by ambition, but a naked king by opportunity!
  The politician wants to ascend to heaven and become a god, only if there is no soul, the body can only fall into the underworld!
  The politician has no soul and brakes in promises, the voter has no doubt that he will be disappointed!
  Whatever bus you don't take, you'll still be late if you arrive late, whatever politician you don't vote for, you'll still be disappointed even if you arrive at the polling station on time!
  Casting your vote to a politician, why don't you spit in the well - you will spoil yourself, and you will also suffer from thirst for justice!
  One vote is like a poppy seed, but by deceiving the masses, the politician will prepare a colossal opium for the people!
  A politician loves to sweeten his speech with promises, but without the salt of truth, it is inedible and causes only vomit!
  The politician has eternal time pressure and seven Fridays a week, but there is always time to put a pig on the voters!
  The politician is perfection itself - to find an excuse for deceit, and to adjust dirty tricks by the voters, but complete insignificance in something constructive!
  You can"t feed noodles on your ears, you can"t sweeten tea with a politician"s sweet speech, but soup with a cat is guaranteed, birch porridge for food!
  They get fat from pasta, they starve to death from noodles!
  A politician is a rooster who steals golden eggs from chicken-brained voters!
  The politician likes to build a huge tough macho out of himself, but in reality he is a big ass, who was twisted by whirlwinds of verbal diarrhea!
  A politician, like a skunk, emits poisonous gases in empty speeches, but passes it off as the aroma of truth to those who have no head on their shoulders!
  The politician aims for the place of an eagle, trying to acquire the brightness of a peacock, and the sweetness of a nightingale, but in reality he is a puffed-up turkey, for whom only those with chicken brains vote!
  The planet has two poles and this gives rise to harmony, but the politician is attracted to where there is more money and this gives rise to chaos!
  The politician is resurrected with the help of seven Fridays a week, and a continuous day off in keeping promises!
  A politician is a boar who does not always have the fangs of a wild boar, but will definitely put a pig of the voters, and piss under the carpet!
  He wants to become a politician instead of a lion, dreaming of tearing opponents with his claws, but even after gaining power, he is often only able to plant a pig and put shoes on those who have donkey brains!
  If God wants to punish a person, he deprives him of reason, if he wants to punish a country, he puts on the throne a politician whose mind has gone beyond reason!
  You can't step into the same river twice, but you can get elected on deceit many times if promises flow like a river, and the politician has become a big pig!
  All politicians are like children - they compose a lot, but unlike children, they cannot be spanked by the voter for pranks with a strap, rather, they themselves will be flogged who is seduced by fantasy!
  The politician wants to deceive voters like small children, but he slips them a colossal pig like an adult!
  A politician will slip a pig even on a Muslim, and even on an Orthodox day, he will fill his brains with fat of promises!
  Politics is a dirty business in which they slip you a pig garnished with honey from the mouth, and noodles on the ears sprinkled with the sugar of speeches!
  No matter how much a politician launders his hands from dirty deeds, he will still screw up and fill up the voter with shit up to his ears!
  The pig loves to swim in the mud itself, the politician-boar pours mud on his opponents!
  A politician can be torn to shreds, but still he is not a lion, but a cunning fox that constantly pigs!
  A politician often provokes a cold war in order to warm his hands on it!
  The politician changes into a clean suit to make it easier to screw up, and provokes a cold between countries to warm his hands in an arms race!
  The politician does not often tell the truth, but always deceives the voter, the fox does not always give out compliments, but will definitely snatch the cheese from the one who counts the raven!
  A politician is a beast of such a breed that sometimes his hair is bright and sometimes not, but his soul is always black, and as a rule he pigs!
  A cat has nine lives and a tail, a fox politician has a million masks and a very long tongue!
  Politics is filth, but it is flavored with the marmalade of eloquence that sucks in intelligent flies and shod-to-the-ears voters!
  The speech of a politician is often like clockwork, but without the salt of truth, you cannot spread it on bread for the sake of satiety!
  The politician's speech flows like a honey stream of eloquence, but from such a sweet voter receives only diabetes of disappointment, and diathesis of disorder!
  If the dictator has a lot of red words, then for the voter there are a lot of bloody executioners!
  A red-haired woman is not always shameless, but a politician with red speech cripples the voter!
  A hat is on fire on a thief, a politician is threatening to shower everyone with hats, the hopes of voters are burning!
  The beggar has one asset - a conscience, which the richest politicians do not have!
  A thief can steal gold, but a politician really ruins by handing in something that is not worth a penny!
  A politician is a pig who, instead of fertilizing the fields, burns out his brains with verbal diarrhea!
  The soldiers fertilize the fields with the blood of enemies, the politician fertilizes the undercover fight with verbal diarrhea!
  A soldier is sometimes dirty as hell, but literally, a politician is a dirty pig figuratively, but this does not prevent him from really pigging!
  A woman loves affection like a cat, while the voter prefers to hear the roar of a lion from a politician, and allows her to be skinned like a ram!
  A politician is right and left, but there are no rights and his methods are always left!
  God loves the Trinity, but a politician accepts a million hypostases!
  Progress is the path from monkey to man, political games are the path from the human condition to sheer swine!
  The way to the top for a person is by steps, for a politician by broken destinies!
  In chess, whites start the war from the beginning of the game; in politics, wars do not stop, regardless of color, without end or beginning!
  In chess, a knight's move mates; in politics, a knight's move puts a pig!
  In chess, in order to undress the king, sacrifices are needed, and the politician is a naked king even with acquisitions!
  A woman is a queen even without clothes, and a politician is a naked king even in the mantle of a king!
  Labor made a man out of a monkey, but slave labor turns a man into an animal, and he who uses its fruits is allowed to pig!
  A chess game starts by the hour, political intrigue has no beginning, but continues for centuries!
  There are caliphs for an hour, and politicians are naked kings for eternity!
  A banker cuts banknotes, a hairdresser cuts hair, and a politician rips off his scalp along with the roof!
  A politician is a thief whose tongue can open any keyhole, but in addition to stealing money, it kills hope!
  A woman loves to receive gifts from men, a politician loves to lay a pig, regardless of gender, and behave like a slutty woman!
  There is nothing in the world worse than old age and politics, but at least the first is not at the beginning of life, and the latter seize and put a pig from birth to death, and even when you are lying in the grave!
  You can conquer everything even time, but human stupidity is indestructible, because it appeared with the very first thought in the head, and will disappear only with the last glimpse of the consciousness of a living individual!
  Only the dead are not mistaken, and even if they are atheists!
  - If life after death is a subject of controversy and conjecture, but without any doubt after the election of politicians, if there is life, then a dog!
  Death is just a change of flesh, which is still not eternal with the preservation of an immortal soul, politics is an eternal change of costumes, and forever wearing a mask, with complete soullessness!
  A politician is a commander who wins not by the skill and courage of lions, but by the number of fooled sheep!
  The eagle soldier counts on the skill of the commander, and the crow voter counts on the politician's not very skillful deceit!
  The soldier is not always an eagle and sometimes suffers defeats, but the voter is usually a crow and is constantly disappointed!
  A soldier stabs bad guys with a bayonet, a politician kills with a sharp word indiscriminately!
  The executioner has an ax, but the execution of the work requires jewelry precision, the politician has a language, but the result is usually clumsy!
  The dictator loves sweet flattery, but not because he has the intelligence of a fly, but because he is ready to crush voters like mosquitoes from the salt of truth!
  The politician wants to become a dictator, but his gut is too thin, and his tongue is too long, combined with a short mind!
  The politician is a disciple of the Devil, and claims to be God, but so far he has only learned to slander and crucify the voter to the fullest!
  There are sponsors behind the politician, money inflates the rating, and politicians blow the trust of the voters!
  Bees sting, but give honey, politicians pour out the sweet nectar of speeches, but bring nothing but disappointments!
  A warrior strives for a heroic deed and glory, a politician always succeeds in vile deeds and leaves behind a bad memory!
  It is not shameful for a woman to love with her ears, but there is nothing more stupid, to allow herself to hang noodles on her ears, to allow her to put on her bast shoes!
  A girl's best friend is diamond earrings, not sweet-sauce-drenched noodles on her ears!
  The politician tries to show that he is cooler than boiled eggs, but he only keeps his promises when boiled crayfish whistle!
  The politician promises to feed the voters with delicious meat, but the pig he has planted stinks, despite the seasoning of sweet speeches!
  When a politician crosses himself a lot, voters can safely put an end to their election expectations!
  The politician overfeeds the voter with noodles on the ears under the sweet sauce of speeches, but always forgets to salt the nauseating food with the salt of truth!
  The politician promises bread and a spectacle, but the first without the salt of truth, the second without the rules of decency!
  Freedom comes naked, and truth is barefoot, but the dictatorship rips off three skins, and lies are shod up to the ears!
  A dog can be biting, it can also be calm, but a politician will calmly put a pig on you and bring you to a dog's life!
  Men buy love for money from prostitutes, politicians buy the love of voters for promises that they are not worth a penny!
  Tsars rise to the throne, but only naked kings are torn to the presidency!
  The strength of a bull does not require sheep's brains, so that a fox does not plow, a pig does not gobble up, and a wolf in a sheep's skin does not tear to pieces!
  A politician is a football player who, instead of kicking the ball, hits the brain with his tongue!
  Football is played with the feet and sometimes with the head, and in politics with tongues, and often the brains are on one side!
  If football is not played with hands, then political games are not played with hands in white gloves!
  It is difficult to walk through the mud without getting your feet dirty, it is difficult to enter politics with clean hands!
  In football you need fast feet, in politics you also need to be nimble so as not to kick your hooves!
  In football, they put a ball in the goal; in politics, they put a pig in the voter's pocket!
  In boxing, the most necessary gloves, which is harder, to fight off brains, in politics, the most unnecessary white gloves, so as not to interfere with dripping on the brain!
  In football, for hitting the ball with your hand, you are punished; in politics, for hitting the brain with your tongue, you are awarded the prize of the winner of the election!
  Gloves in boxing soften the blow, white gloves in politics do not allow you to hit it right!
  Boxers have flattened noses, politicians have a deformed conscience!
  With the help of vodka, you can remove worms from the stomach, with the help of a sober head, you can expel politicians from the liver!
  After drinking vodka, you can break firewood, with a sober head you will dislocate your brain, in search of a politician who is not brainwashed!
  From vodka a hangover the next day, from a politician a headache all the time!
  Vodka is bitter, but also does not contain the salt of truth, like the sweet honey from the lips of politicians!
  There are no bare hands in boxing, clean limbs in politics!
  Vodka has degrees and warms, politics warms up the degree of discord, and only a sober head cools it down!
  Vodka will bring joy for at least an hour, and a politician will bring disappointment forever!
  Whoever drinks a glass of vodka at least clears his throat, whoever swallows a bucket of politician's sweet speeches, will pollute his brains!
  In any glass of wine there is a bottom, only the promises of politicians are poured out of bottomless dishes!
  The drunkard pours wine without measure, poisoning himself, the politician pours out the ambrosia of eloquence of intoxicating speeches, killing those around him!
  From wine you can oversleep, and the hangover will pass in a day, from drunken speeches of a politician you can fall asleep forever, and the disappointment of the voter will last forever!
  Vodka is placed in a half-liter bottle, the promises of a politician cannot fit into three boxes!
  An ordinary person also loves to lie, but does it without malicious intent, but a politician, lying, without any love, will put a pig on the voter!
  The politician will also sell his mother for the sake of power, only for some reason the voter brings politicians to power, which they promise is not worth a penny!
  A pig is too fat to fast, a politician to be allowed to be too fat to keep him from fasting forever!
  Sometimes, politicians shed tears of tenderness from red speeches, but when a rhetorician gets power, one has to sob with disappointment!
  The politician is usually wingless, but always a vulture and a scavenger!
  Vodka protects wounded skin from infection, a politician's verbal diarrhea will infect with dementia from through the skin of a rhinoceros!
  Vodka is inexpensive and uplifting, a politician is expensive and depressing!
  A politician whose promises are not worth a penny, but who promises mountains of gold, will cost the voter a lot!
  In football, in case of violation, there is a red card to the player; in politics, playing without rules will never blush with shame!
  A footballer will score a goal with his foot according to the rules, a politician will knock out brains without rules with his tongue!
  If you have a strong will, then your share will not be weak!
  Who does not have steel hardening will not receive a medal as a reward!
  Much more useful is a small glass of bitter vodka than a whole cistern of drunken eloquence of a sweet politician!
  The politician often has the pressure of a tank and his stubbornness, but instead of a killer barrel, he has a deadly, long tongue!
  A politician like a tank has the ability to cut through the mud and take hits, only moves from with much more noise and stink!
  A designer in a tank appreciates a powerful gun, a voter in politics has a long tongue!
  No virus is as contagious as the bacillus of politicians' empty speeches!
  The biggest mystery is how a man gained the power of a god, remaining a monkey in his thinking, a jackal in his habits, and letting a fox tear off his skin like a ram!
  Chess has strict rules of the game, and moves cannot be taken back, politics has no rules, and the pieces jump in a complete mess, but at the same time everyone screams that they are playing with white!
  A ruler who loves to powder his subjects' brains is worse than a wrinkled old woman putting makeup on cracked skin!
  A young woman leaves barefoot footprints that cause temptation, but if a politician puts shoes on you, then he will leave such a mark on you that everyone will spit!
  Politics is, of course, war, but they don"t take prisoners in it, it"s expensive to feed, when the winners have only promises in their hearts that they don"t cost a penny, and you won"t be full of a planted pig!
  In war, everyone deserves a reward, but not everyone an order, in politics everyone deserves a punishment, and every politician will receive the contempt of the voters!
  It's better to listen to a singer without a hearing than to listen to a politician with whom you need to keep your ears on top!
  A politician is a pig in a clean suit, and a fox in the guise of holy innocence!
  The politician likes to bark loudly and promise deafeningly, but when you have to fulfill the promise, you will hear nothing but excuses!
  It's better to beat up a politician who promises idleness than to beat the thumbs up when you lose your job!
  A politician is a cheap prostitute who gets by too long, and brings not only a venereal infection to the flesh, but also breeds a bacillus of insecurity in the soul!
  Cheap prostitutes are the most expensive - especially if they are political!
  A politician is such a prostitute that she promises heavenly pleasure for free, but puts only a pig in the bed!
  A politician can only take away and divide in arithmetic, and after becoming a dictator, he can also reset the terms of government!
  It doesn't matter when a dictator resets the term of office, it's worse when all achievements are reduced to zero without a wand!
  When the achievements of the dictatorship are zero, the terms of government are reset to zero!
  The politician works with his tongue, energetically appealing to the heart, only as a result all the words are given in the liver!
  The dumber the mind of the ruler, the sharper the ax of his executioner!
  Resetting the term of the dictator will turn the voter into a tidy sum!
  The ruler likes to speak roundly, just to nullify eloquent failures!
  The vulture dictator is always right, because he has many rights, without borders, and the voter with bird rights can only fly over the cordon!
  If you want to become an eagle, stop flying with bird rights!
  Most often, those who have bird rights and the habit of counting crows are the ones who cock!
  Until you unlearn how to count crows, you will fly with bird rights and chicken ingenuity!
  You won"t fly into the sky with bird rights, but you"ll fly into the inferno like a chicken in a pluck!
  If you have chicken brains, bird rights and cock ambition, then feathers will fly with a guarantee!
  Whoever has chicken brains counts crows and seeks only bird rights!
  Whoever counts a lot of crows gets problems without counting!
  Counting crows, you run the risk of croaking trouble, rubbing your nose, you will get into a pluck like a chicken!
  The tyrant imagines himself a lion, but eats carrion like a hyena, loves war, but does not want to pull a soldier's strap, loves to lay a pig, and devour it with giblets!
  If you are mentally crippled, then the prosthesis of education will not help you!
  A lion without education is a better leader than a certified ram!
  A boxer has a strong blow in his hand, but a politician beats his brains with his tongue, even when he himself is weak in the head!
  A boxer has two hands and several combinations of punches, a politician has one language, endless rehashing of songs of essentially the same motive!
  Barefoot, the girl herself puts on a man, stripping herself - she will leave him without trousers, and spreading her legs, she will squeeze her throat with a death grip!
  A woman, spreading her legs, squeezes a mammon to a man to squeeze out golden drops!
  Bare female legs, perfectly undress men who have no head!
  It's better to kiss a girl's bare feet than to be a complete lonely bast shoe!
  The bull has literal horns, and a man without bullish health will get figurative horns!
  A man who was shod with bare female legs is a complete bast shoe!
  If a man is a bast shoe, then he is destined to be under the heel and a tramp!
  There is no greater enemy of a man than a lack of courage and a greater problem than an excess of desire!
  The man is a lustful monkey with an affectionate speech, but the stupidity of the girls will cripple!
  If you plow an ass with your mind like a donkey for a fox, if you are a hare in spirit, three skins will be torn off on your hat!
  You can make a senator out of a horse, but you can't make an honest plowman out of a politician!
  The easiest way is to make a senator out of someone who knows how to do at least a horse, but for some reason in any parliament there are a lot of donkeys, and even lazy ones!
  If you don't learn to ride a horse, you'll be a naked king!
  In any tournament there is a number of games and final results, only in politics there are constant resets and parallel counting!
  In boxing, low blows are punishable regardless of the color of the gloves; in politics, they bring victory, especially if the gloves are not white!
  The man is not far from the gibbon, if not by intellect, then by lust, the male is a typical monkey!
  A man has one perfection and two hands, but a woman seeks perfection itself with raking hands and mighty dignity!
  Clowns in the circus give rise to healthy laughter and fun, jesters in politics cause unhealthy neighing and disappointment!
  In chess, the knight's move often checkmates; in politics, the voter always mates with the knight's moves!
  A bear stepped on a bad musician's ear, a stupid voter's ears buzzed - fox politicians!
  Two strong, but different characters give birth to an explosion, two smart, but different individuals give rise to genius!
  Children are born from the love of two sexes, success from a combination of hard work and talent!
  Men want sons from beautiful women, and women want daughters from smart men, the conclusion is that healthy offspring require beauty and intelligence, but where can you find a combination of such goodness!
  What a woman wants is what God wants, but the desires of a man are akin to the desire of a monkey!
  God created a woman as a flower for beauty, a man was needed as humus to feed a delightful plant!
  The woman is a rose, but far from being a plant, the man is a rooster, but not winged, but a typical horned animal!
  A man who cocks like a bird, but wingless, pours out like a nightingale, but not a singer, promises a woman mountains of gold, but not worth a penny in bed!
  In the promises of the politician, the emperor, in the fulfillment of the naked king, promises the moon from the sky, and the voters get a dog's life!
  A smart ruler does not seek to deify himself, but tries to give the elector a human life!
  Even an idiot on the throne can plant a lot, but a rich harvest is harvested with a not hefty mind!
  The dictator who plants and sheds a lot of blood will sit in a puddle himself and roar in pain!
  A voter who votes for a politician who often mounts a horse will be seized by flayers!
  A politician is a mixture of a wolf in sheep's clothing, a fox with the sweet trill of a nightingale, a pig in a new tailcoat, but you will live with him like dogs!
  It is foolish to vote for a wolf in sheep's clothing, it may turn out to be a complete sheep!
  A fox in sheep's clothing on a throne is better than a ram in a beaver coat, a clever rogue will do more good than an honest fool!
  The throne does not tolerate fuss and barking, and it is not a method to subdue fear, but the ruler rules rudely, gives out decrees to deaf pleas!
  Empires are prone to expansion, but in order not to be a soap bubble of size, losing strength, an ideology is needed that binds in love the hearts of people washed off the dirt!
  For an empire to grow, it needs an emperor of great intelligence, and considerable cunning!
  An empire sometimes resembles a large barracks, but an army without discipline is like a den of robbers, and an empire without law, anarchy of arbitrariness!
  In war, seconds count, in civilian life, years fly by without counting - so the crow of war weans counting the crow of a citizen!
  The fatherland becomes an empire when a mixture of a fox and a lion is on the throne, but as a rule, a mixture of a fox and a pig gets power, turning the country into a pigsty!
  The politician wants to fly high - thinking himself of the breed of an eagle, but in reality he is a clumsy bear, often like a donkey!
  The politician is equal to God in the ability to crawl through any gap like a worm!
  The politician is Christ, on the contrary, he went to be crucified for the sake of the spirit of people, the politician crucifies voters for the sake of the lust of his flesh!
  The politician wants fame, while like old Shapoklyak, regardless of age, she understands that one cannot become famous for good deeds!
  Not every politician is an old man, but every politician is an old woman Shapoklyak, who harms the voters and seeks notoriety!
  The older the politician becomes, the more desire he has from old Shapoklyak to plant a pig, and less from Elena the Wise desire to give wise instruction!
  A soldier does not always do many feats, but always from the heart, a politician without an account adjusts dirty tricks while remaining in the liver!
  Even a young politician who looks like a macho, a solid old woman Shapoklyak, whom smart people look askance at!
  Young women attract men better than old ones, politicians repel masculine voters regardless of age!
  A woman's youth is sweet, a politician, regardless of age, is bitter despite sweet speeches and without the salt of truth!
  A woman loves a great mind, much stronger than a huge dignity, but she will never admit it so that men are not conceited!
  A woman will forgive if manhood is small, but she will not tolerate a small mind and meager incomes!
  It is better to fall into the clutches of an executioner than under the tongue of a politician, the first only torments the flesh, and the second cripples the spirit!
  It is better to rinse your mouth with bitter vodka to remove the infection than to let the sweet speeches of politicians rinse your brain to catch dementia!
  A politician has more lies than drops in the ocean, and more promises than stars in the sky, but his conscience is not even a grain of sand!
  The politician is the old woman Shapoklyak, but instead of the rat Larisa, he prefers to steal from voters himself!
  The old woman Shapoklyak uses the little rat Larisa for dirty tricks, and the politician puts in a huge pig!
  Big cabinets and politicians with a meager mind fall the loudest!
  A politician willingly accepts donations from fools, but reluctantly listens to the advice of smart ones!
  The politician loves to receive gold in exchange for the silver of eloquence, but if he keeps silent in time, he sometimes breaks the jackpot and more for the fact that it"s not worth a penny!
  The long language of politics only lengthens the path to prosperity and shortens life!
  A pistol with one bullet will kill a maximum of one, a politician, in a word, will deceive at least a million - long tongues are worse than pistols!
  Being a politician is already a diagnosis, and the disease is incurable and brings voters to the grave in the first place!
  A politician may not become a president, but he will definitely remain a naked king!
  The empire loves huge sizes, and politicians are trying to put a bigger pig in, and snatch a fatter piece!
  Why does a politician give his voters a bigger pig in order to snatch a fatter piece for himself, and leave people with the mindset of donkeys without meat!
  To snatch a fat piece, it"s not enough to be able to pig, you need to be at least a little fox!
  In politics, like an acorn in the forest - every pig strives to eat, and there are oaks and stumps around, from which the fox removes chips!
  The politician wants to become the queen of the sea, and have a goldfish on the package, but the voters themselves usually have nothing to lose!
  Regardless of age, a politician or an old woman Shapoklyak, who harms everyone, or a grandmother who wants to become the queen of the sea with unlimited ambitions, and more often both together!
  The bear does not wash all year round, while the politician washes his hands all the time!
  The wolf is capable of tearing one sheep at a time with his teeth, while a politician can cheat a million with a sheep's mind at a time!
  It's not the worst thing if a politician snatched a fat piece, it's worse when he screwed the voters and planted a female boar!
  God has a lot of days, and even though the politician is torn to the Almighty, he is such a devil that he has seven Fridays a week and all voters were born on Monday!
  A politician is an animal that rushes to the top to shit on the voters' heads, and pigs to make it easier to snatch the fat pieces!
  The dictator also loves to pour honey out of his mouth, but instead of the salt of truth, he has a tar of threats and intimidation!
  The politician promises that everyone will be resurrected under him, but he is only capable of morally killing with a deadly sting of the tongue!
  The politician wants to be the father of the nation, but at the same time, dad is in an eternal divorce from the Fatherland, makes the voters hungry orphans, giving alimony like a big pig in his pocket!
  How many politicians did not take off skins from voters, how many dupes did not put on shoes, but all the same he is a naked king, and zero in sympathy!
  A politician at any age tries to show himself as a young macho, and tough men, but in reality he is an old Shapoklyak, and in itself a big rat and a pig!
  The old woman Shapoklyak does dirty tricks on trifles causing fun, but a politician at any age pigs out in a big way, and the voters are not laughing!
  A politician takes money from sponsors, votes from voters, gets power, and in return gives only verbal diarrhea!
  A politician receives a lion's chair from voters, puts a pig in return, and considers this an honest calculation, so a good chop of voters gets from planted pigs!
  The voter is often a moth that flies to a politician's fiery speech, thinks to warm his heart, but he is scorched to the liver!
  You cannot enter the same river twice, but why does the voter allow himself to be fooled a million times with banal promises for one motive!
  To deceive a sheep it is not necessary to be foxes, to put a pig in it is not necessary to get into politics!
  If you have a sheep's mind will wear a collar until three skins are torn off and they are not allowed to barbecue!
  In fairy tales, three heroes protect the country, in life there are three qualities of a reliable shield: mind, will, luck!
  There are no people who do not have problems, there are no politicians who would not bring continuous problems to voters!
  The cheaper the politician is sold, the more expensive it is for voters, the most massive killer is the mosquito, who does not cost a penny - sells a nightmare!
  The higher the post that a politician claims, the lower he lowers the bar of morality, and the higher he lifts his nose of self-conceit!
  A politician is a failed shepherd who is believed only with a sheep's mind and only sheep obey!
  The politician mows down like a genius, but does not know how many will be twice, as he is only accustomed to taking away, dividing and resetting deadlines!
  The politician promises to bury your problems, but if he seizes power, then the voter will definitely play the game!
  If you are a hare with a soul, then you won"t run away from problems, they will catch you by the ears!
  There was a skilled man, he became a reasonable man, there was an honest man, he became a politician, money and fame increased, but conscience disappeared!
  A barefoot girl can cling to the branches with her fingers to climb up, a shod man, only slipping down will turn out to be a complete bast shoe!
  A politician is a football player who has changed two legs for one, but a very long tongue!
  The politician is like a fox in everything - cunning, treacherous, outwardly catchy, carnivorous, but, unfortunately, he pigs, not only for the sake of mammon!
  The devil is in every woman, but with a particle of love, the devil is in every politics and wholly knavery!
  It is impossible to be one hundred percent kind when there is so much evil around, but only politicians in the world of truth can be completely false!
  If God or not, no one can prove or disprove it, but the fact that a politician has no conscience does not even have to be proved!
  Politician in the promises of God, in the fulfillment of the worm, in the justification of Satan himself!
  A soldier is a tool that is not always debugged, but can be tuned, and a politician is a tool that is always crap and set to deceive!
  The politician loves to be baptized in the temple, but his hand movements, like a conductor's baton, regulate the game of the funeral march to the expectations of voters!
  A real person is not a pawn, but having gone into politics, he strives to get into the queens, while putting a checkmate to the voter!
  In chess the game ends with checkmate, in politics the election campaign begins with checkmate!
  When a politician mates, demolishing his opponent, the voter swears at him!
  War does not have a feminine face, but it draws real men into its bosom and turns young men into fighters!
  War is the natural state of man, only it is not like a dream in the process, but it allows you to fall asleep forever in the end!
  If a politician says one thing, then he means another, does a third, and in the end it turns out the fourth, but the pig will be slipped in any case!
  The politician wants to perpetuate himself, but he has no soul, so he strives to spoil so that the stench stands for centuries!
  You're more likely to become prey if the head is bullish!
  The strength of a bull, the burrows of a rooster, the head of a donkey, you yourself are not a fox - a portrait of a voter plowed by politicians!
  The fox is not something that will plow the bull, she will make the elephant squeak with the mouse!
  The fox has a mustache when it becomes a tyrant, and a long tongue shoots high fountains of blood!
  The politician likes to build his capital on homophobia, but he is a big ass, a big pig, and a prostitute that costs voters a pretty penny!
  It is not difficult to become a fool, you need to give a voice to evil!
  Even three boxes of lies are not worth one word, true, but they will cost the believer three ways!
  Three boxes of lies are not worth a penny, they will cost a pretty penny to those who take them at face value!
  From a politician, give milk from a goat, but lies from three boxes, and the laughter of a jester is inexpensive!
  One word of truth can dry up an ocean of lies, showing that there is only one warrior in the field, especially if the enemy is not worth a penny!
  It is very expensive to lie that it is not worth a penny, especially if you take it at face value, and let a gratuitous pig slip into the bargain!
  Free political circus is very expensive for voters, although clowns are not worth a penny!
  A clown that is not worth a broken penny and will lie three cows, pull three skins from the voter and rip off like sticky!
  If a politician knows how to make voters laugh, then at least some benefit from him raises the mood for nothing, but giving him a vote this free laugh will cost too much!
  Why are circuses going bankrupt, can't compete with political clowns!
  A politician is a wolf who prefers to slaughter sheep-minded voters with his tongue!
  Youth is green, stormy, cheerful, but in politics, regardless of age, there is no time for laughter, routine, and bloody coloring!
  A young girl barefoot and with empty luggage is able to overtake, in the pursuit of happiness, shod old men with tight wallets!
  For an old man, a well-stuffed purse is a heavy burden; for a young man, an empty pocket is the greatest burden!
  Health has no price, but in youth it is not valued, and in old age there is not enough money to buy!
  A politician can also promise good health, especially if he hits hard with an unhealthy stimulant!
  Everyone shied away from the executioner, although he cleanses society of dirt, many stick to politics, although he constantly pigs!
  The executioner has a hoodie in the color of blood, the politician has a sheepskin under the color of treason!
  The executioner has thick hands, the politician has a long tongue, the first cuts off heads, the second drips on brains!
  The politician's speeches flow like a waterfall, but drops fall on the brains of voters!
  A politician is such a prostitute that promises both pleasure and filling the wallet, but brings only syphilis of disappointment and devastation!
  The girl leaves footprints with bare feet, which they look at admiringly, with joy in her soul, and by shoeing voters, politics will leave in history only what they spit on and shun!
  More often than not bulls bulls by strength, but rams by brains, and sheep by intelligence!
  The dictator often bullies to force his subjects to plow like oxen, especially those who have a donkey with intellect!
  The dictator, of course, tries to be both scary and attractive, like a peacock with the head of a cobra, but he attracts only with mouse intelligence, and there is his own mongoose on him who, looking at important peacock dictators, does not count!
  The dictator roars like a lion, and imagines himself to be a god of genius, but the sensitive ear of those who don't have donkey brains hears the bleating of a ram, a mediocre devil, who only makes his subjects swine with genius!
  The dictator loves to hang around in a TV box, and lock the people in cages!
  If you listen to the dictator's speech on TV for a long time, you yourself will play in the box!
  If the dictator sang like a nightingale, it is better not to consider ravens as subjects!
  A politician is a pawn, which unlike chess, having reached the last level of moral decline, becomes a dictator!
  Why is a dictator so afraid of dying - because a tyrant is already a political corpse and a zombie sucking the blood of his subjects like a ghoul!
  The dictator of the fox breed, the jackal, is trying to roar like a lion, but the bleating of a donkey, not a single roar will hide from the sensitive ear of a voter who is not a bastard!
  The dictator wants to become a Deity in veneration, but when he dies, the joy of his subjects is heard in mourning silence!
  The dictator is a dragon with many heads, but he can only fully rely on his long tongue!
  Satan came up with something worse than bitter vodka - politics with sweet speeches, his tinned throat, will turn into executioners with a sword!
  A politician is not sold cheaply, and a corrupt politician, although not worth a penny, will cost even more to voters!
  When an old corpse is on the throne of the ruler, he most certainly kills the voters!
  The corpse stinks both on the throne and without the throne, but it kills voters only after gaining power!
  Although in chess the strongest piece is the queen, but the most effective moves by the knight, it is the same in politics, only the player is an eternal pawn, even on the last horizontal of the moral fall!
  In chess, victory in a party ends with checkmate; in politics, victory in elections leads to the fact that disappointed voters themselves begin to curse the winner with swear words!
  Even a boy can decorate from one, a politician who has matured to a dictator is able to rob the whole country!
  The dictator, even having a head, drips on the brains of his subjects, and, having no conscience, lies about the achievements in three boxes!
  The dictatorship fetters the people with steel chains, but only the iron of the spoiled nerves of the voters goes to the swords of conquest!
  The dictator cocks a lot, but his loud crowing from his mouth hides the cowardly crowing in his soul!
  If you have a bright soul, in case of failure you will not turn white as a sheet, but you will perk up the spirits of your enemies, destroying them, and they will not lure you into the abyss with your tongue!
  The dictator is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the voters-rams have a dog's life with him and solid noodles for breakfast!
  The politician loves to pout like a peacock, and portray an eagle, rooster in controversy, but when it comes to promises, he shows a chicken memory!
  The dictator, in order to gain power, gently poured out eloquence with the key, but having achieved the goal, without a red word, he put the voters under lock and key on hard bunks!
  If, at the will of a voter with chicken brains, a politician snatches a fat piece, then in return a big pig will come from him, which will make a chop out of a gullible sucker!
  The dictator wants to be immortal, but at most his mummy is rotting in the mausoleum, and then while the party is in power!
  Countries that are at war are fools, a smart one will not go into battle, a smart one will wait out the battle!
  A politician who sends people to the slaughter is a typical animal - a pig with a long tongue!
  In politics, the fox devours the fattest pieces, but it's not so bad if she eats herself, it's worse if she slips a pig!
  A politician in dreams is an emperor, in reality a naked king, an innovator in words, but a complete zero in deeds!
  Politicians are such bastards that, having deceived the voters, they get power and rewards!
  The politician fulfills only food supplies from election promises: he regularly slips a pig and noodles on the voter's ears!
  A politician is a boa constrictor who swallows voters like rabbits, but chokes on an excess of hung noodles on rabbit ears!
  The diet of a politician-boa constrictor: the meat of voters of rabbits with noodles behind the ears, in addition to soup with a cat, it"s not for nothing that a dog"s life with such a diet!
  A rabbit is diet food if it is swallowed by an ogre-politician of voters, however, causing verbal diarrhea to defecate!
  Politician is a pig of the species of creeping cannibals, especially dangerous with an attractive warble of a nightingale!
  The politician plays a special kind of hockey, not scoring a small puck into the goal with a stick, putting a big pig with his tongue!
  Every politician has a stash of a whole pig farm, like a real fox, but the voter who buys into it is a deer!
  The pig farm gives meat, the pigs planted by politicians bring nothing but trouble!
  The dictator on the throne is not a lion, but a mixture of a fox and a pig, which, devouring fatty pieces, makes the voters fast!
  Dictatorship is like a dense forest: surrounded by oaks, and full of wild pigs, and a lot of stumps, from which they removed the chips!
  A politician is not always able to fulfill his promises even to sponsors, but he easily justifies himself to voters for promising mountains of gold, with arguments that they are not worth a penny!
  The politician is only true in one thing - he will always find an excuse for what he has not done, and he will definitely plant a pig!
  In what case, two times two is equal to five, in the event that the politician fulfilled his election promise, but all the same, the difference will only go into his personal pocket!
  A person has five fingers on his hand and in any form, a politician's palm always fits into the configuration of a fig to the voter!
  The dictator has two crutches of support: the army and the police, and one weighty argument: a long tongue, which is like a rope around the neck of voters!
  What is the largest part of the body of a politician: of course, the tongue, but the longer it is for the ruler, the shorter the happiness of the voters!
  Man, as a result of evolution, has weakened in all muscles, except for the tongue, and even that has become longer only figuratively!
  A soldier sometimes gets for breakfast only a pig, planted by a politician with a side dish of noodles, and also birch porridge from the heart!
  Two coins are better than one, two politicians in elections are better than no alternative, although in any case you won"t get a penny!
  For the voter, with all the richness of the choice of presidential candidates, even throw a coin into the top, still no one is worth a broken penny, no matter what mountains of gold he promises!
  Tyranny is the dictatorship of one over all that brings joy to the only one, and anarchy is the dictatorship of each strong over each weak, and given that all people are weak to one degree or another, no one will be happy under anarchy!
  A barefoot girl leaves a trail that captures the eyes of aesthetes, a voter shod with legacy politicians, chains himself to a cesspool of broken promises!
  A politician, this is a big ass who, while insulting gays, is trying to prove that he has balls of steel, but in reality it is only a cast-iron head and a heart of stone!
  If a politician talks a lot about balls of steel, then he will be completely impotent in fulfilling his promises to voters!
  If you manage to convince the voters that you have a steel dick, then they will bring you golden eggs like chickens!
  In martial arts, aggressive roosters lay golden eggs; in politics, whoever cocks a lot can only lay a pig!
  In boxing, the aggression of a rooster brings victory; in politics, without measure, a rooster will only lead to trouble!
  In chess, you need to develop pieces faster; in politics, often the spiritually undeveloped become significant figures!
  In chess they give up because of the threat of a checkmate, in politics they curse each other without giving up!
  In chess, all pawns have an equal chance of becoming a queen; in politics, proximity to the throne increases the likelihood of advancement!
  In chess there is a concept of material advantage, when you have more pieces, in the game of politicians they get rid of unnecessary pieces, surrendering friends without sacrificing!
  There are many suits in politics, but the sixes and the joker make the game, and the ace constantly pigs out to the one who is lower in rank!
  In war, you always want to sleep, after the victory you shouldn"t yawn either, you will oversleep the trophies on the ground!
  Even golden hands will not bring wealth if you are a log with a mind and allow yourself to be constantly shod!
  If having a heart of gold is ruinous for the wallet, then having hearts of ice is ruinous for the soul!
  Why is a politician in such a dirty business not afraid to get his suits dirty - because he is dipping voters in shit!
  If a politician who boiled a lot won the election, then the voters are dummies!
  Politicians promise everything for nothing, and to shoe the voter by collecting three skins, they have a gift!
  When a dictator counts his votes, two times two makes not only five, but also five hundred!
  In life, measure seven times, and cut once, in politics they measure by their own arshin, and cut off in their favor!
  Well, why, when the top is full of pigs, there is always not enough meat, and noodles on the ears cause heartburn?!
  The longer sword of a soldier does not always kill better, but the longer tongue of a politician always kills the mind in a voter better!
  The politician also sometimes goes in for sports, but he really trains only one muscle - what is in the mouth, increasing its length!
  An athlete with long legs runs faster, politicians with long tongues are more likely to hide from responsibility to voters!
  If a woman threw off her shoes in front of a man, then the male in her mind is not a bast shoe, and will allow her to put on her boot!
  A woman is a heavenly flower from God's garden, a man, in order not to be a weed, should do weeding from bad habits!
  It's better to fast under an honest ruler than to let a deceiver on the throne put a pig on it and hang noodles on your ears and donut hole dessert!
  The most effective way to grab greasy chunks is to regularly put a pig voter on the second, cat soup on the first, and a donut hole for dessert!
  Allowing a voter to be fed only slipped pork, noodles for ears, soup with a cat, birch porridge, is too fat for a fox boar that has seized power!
  What is the cheapest thing in an ever-rising world? Promises of a politician that are not worth a penny!
  A politician is a disciple of the Devil, not always talented, but constantly living up to the expectations of a mentor!
  The boy wants to grow up, the old man wants to look younger, but the politician always manages to deceive the voter and give him a pig, regardless of age!
  It is useless to pound water in a mortar, but constantly gouging the topic of patriotism politicians benefit their rating and wallet!
  A woman's ability to strip naked with taste, brings luxurious clothes, and will be allowed to tear off three skins from a man, and turn any macho into a full felt boot!
  A woman is a devil in a skirt who horns males who, although they wear pants, are shod up to the tonsils by a barefoot female!
  A woman barefoot is beauty with cat claws, a man is ugliness with broken teeth, and shod nonentity with shabby boots!
  A woman is not always faithful to her man, but it's boring to read only one, even the most talented book, even for a stupid male!
  If a woman sometimes cheats on a man, this is forgivable, because she is full of life, giving joy to others, if a man cheats on his Motherland, this can only be forgiven by a corpse!
  By cheating on her husband, a woman improves her offspring and suffers for the future; by cheating on her homeland, a man worsens the life of her offspring, and the future suffers from him!
  Women are always beautiful, even if they have flaws, as their goal is to charm, politicians are always deceitful even if they tell the truth, since their goal is to deceive anyway!
  Women must be loved, men must be respected, politicians must beware!
  A man is such a stallion that he loves mares, but does not want to plow, but he easily puts on a collar in exchange for the sweet swill of politicians' speeches!
  A woman, seeing off men to the war, sheds tears, a politician, sending soldiers to be slaughtered, giggles into her fist!
  A woman does not need men with empty pockets, voters should not vote for politicians with empty speeches!
  In what way is a woman smarter than any man? She is not tempted by beautiful tramps, and shod brainless bast shoes!
  A woman, falling at the feet of a man, puts him on her knees in the most reliable way, and rips off her trousers!
  Politician, loves to beat bows and beat the one who bows to him!
  The dictator demands that everyone fall before him as before an icon, but he himself, in fact, is also an oak board, and at the same time, hell!
  The dictator is an icon from the Devil, he can only heal from a benevolent mood!
  A person has four legs in infancy, two in maturity, three in old age, but a politician at any age relies on crutches of deception, and a promise wand!
  The male thinks that the female needs a great manhood, but the woman first of all appreciates the size of the income obtained without any dignity and by any means!
  A woman dreams of a man eagle, but most often she gets a parrot, and even with shed plumage, and repeating some nasty things!
  A politician-parrot is not an eagle ruler, but he spoils voters no worse than a whole flock of crows!
  The rooster is on the throne, crows a lot and crap even more, so as not to give power to such people, one should not consider a raven!
  If a rooster gains power over the country, then he will turn the state into a chicken coop, which the fox will trample on!
  Every parrot in politics pretends to be an eagle, but voters so often consider crows that they can mistake even a ragged chicken for a noble bird!
  The dictator is a scavenger on the throne, given power by chicken-brained voters who counted too much on crows!
  Why, under a dictatorship, the ruler seems to be smarter than under democracy, because only donkeys can elect a tyrant, and against the background of a donkey, a ram will pass for a certified manager!
  Even if he loses, the elephant behaves quieter than a mouse, and victory turns a rat into a tiger, so let's drink to not being cowardly rabbits, but always being in a lion's mood, not forgetting about fox ingenuity!
  To drink for victory, you need not to get drunk during the exercises, and not to believe the fox singing!
  The imprint of the winner's boot is a significant mark in history, but if a politician's fox foot has inherited, then this means getting stuck in history!
  Color-blind voters usually vote for black, mistaking light for emptiness in their pockets, not realizing that dark forces will fill them with just slipped pig!
  Black-hearted politicians get dirty no less, it's just that the dirt on them is not so noticeable, and, as a rule, stains the voter himself!
  A person has one motherland, but there are a lot of people who pretend to be the father of the nation, who will be completely orphaned!
  An honest person has a conscience, and he appreciates it without selling it, a politician has no conscience, but he still evaluates it and puts it up for auction!
  The politician is often toothless, but he will still bite the voter if he is a biscuit in the consideration!
  If you are a log of a log, then do not pretend to be Pinocchio with the golden key to success, but plow like Papa Carlo at the old canvas!
  Pinocchio has a wooden head, but he has a golden key, a fool has cast-iron fists, but his mind is oak and chips will be removed from him!
  The biggest and strongest fists can be handcuffed, but only a tyrant with balls of steel can muzzle a politician's mouth!
  A lantern under the eye will not add light to the head, but by lighting it up the politician chooses to be enlightened in the truth that there are no honest politicians, and what they promised disappears!
  A macho boot can rattle under a woman's heel, if he is a savvy bast shoe, and a tramp in the financial sector!
  The horse is shod with steel in the legs, the politician who does not like to plow is shod in the silver of speeches, but his movement is zilch!
  The politician wants to enter power on a white horse, but even having received the robes of the king and the status of a saint, he will turn the voter into a donkey, pretty much screwing up!
  There is nothing sacred for a politician in the struggle for power, but having received the throne, he strives to turn himself into an icon, and force him to worship the power - such an power-hungry devil!
  What is taken in battle is not holy, but what was defended in battle is the ideal of the holy Fatherland!
  Do not be shy girl of your bare heels, be ashamed to be shod with a man's bast shoes, and fall under the heel of a tramp!
  Pinocchio appeared from a log, and managed to become a man, a person who believed the politician will give oak, and they will forever remove chips from him!
  When the first adultery in the history of mankind was revealed, then when scientists established that our ancestor was a monkey!
  The fact that a person is the image and likeness of the Lord God can only be believed in one element, looking at how politicians react indifferently to the pleas of voters!
  A politician is only good at adding income to his own pocket, but otherwise he can only take away and divide, and he always does the latter dishonestly!
  The dictator is not cheap for the people, but anarchy is even more expensive to go sideways, although it costs nothing!
  A clever dictator is better than an insane anarchy, so you can stand, but you can"t dance on the flame for a long time!
  A politician is a little Moska that tries to command a huge people-elephant, but drives him only into a china shop of broken promises!
  A politician promises a voter honey gingerbread to the ambrosia of sweet speeches, but gets only a donut hole and rotten noodles on his ears!
  The politician promises rivers of honey with jelly banks, only flies-voters from such sweets are carried forward with their feet!
  If a politician has a lot of sweet promises, then when he comes to power it will not seem enough to anyone, and life will not turn out to be honey!
  God can do everything, he can't just make a politician honest, and his election promise can be fulfilled!
  If a politician is a jackal striving for power, then an accomplished dictator is a tiger, but both of them still prefer to dress in sheep's clothing like wolves!
  There is no politician with a pure soul, but they meet with empty pockets, from which they can only put a pig!
  An empty pocket can be filled with money; only shavings from the false promises of politicians are stuffed into an empty head!
  If you have sawdust in your head, then you are a complete stump, from which every day, shavings are removed and not too lazy!
  The politician was also born of a woman, but his real mother is a lie, and his father is a devil, claiming Divine honors!
  The war is feminine, and it destroys a lot of people, because it has a politician - a husband - a freak!
  The war has an unfeminine face, the politician who unleashed it has a lying mug!
  The fox is mean in soul, but beautiful in shell, and the politician looks like a piece of shit, and the soul is like a scrotum!
  The fox is a small animal, but subdues large animals with donkey intelligence with flattery and pretense!
  The fox is not the largest predator, but if you have chicken brains, it will swallow the beast with the blow of an elephant and bovine strength!
  In war one wants to listen to nightingale trills, but only the cawing of crows, the hooting of an eagle owl, and at best the rumble of a cuckoo that they won"t kill you today reach the ear!
  Giving his vote to the rooster, the voter himself will definitely go down and turn his ass!
  The rooster politician is noisy, but in his speeches one cannot hear the notes of reason, and the nightingale of truth!
  The rooster is the same as the eagle from the genus of birds, but it pecks first of all the voters with the thinking of a chicken!
  The politician knows like the back of his hand tricks to deceive voters, but he is completely unaware of such concepts as measure and conscience!
  The politician has the most important finger with his index finger, but he can only poke problems with it, and you can"t lick cracks from unfulfilled election promises with your tongue!
  The politician is completely illiterate in the matter of creation, but knows by heart all the excuses for failures!
  In politics, like in chess, there are strong and weak moves, but there are no clear rules for each piece, and whoever violates the order of moves gets an advantage!
  Brave soldiers do not die, because the spirit cannot be killed, the politicians who unleashed the war do not live, because when a walking corpse is swine, it is not even vegetation!
  The politician's face is evil, under a good mask, his outward speech is smart and sweet, but the leaven of madness!
  A politician is a voluntary lunatic whose madness affects voters who are not yet out of their minds!
  Madness is not a virus, but there is nothing more contagious than the madness of politicians!
  If you want to get disappointed - vote for a politician that brings charm!
  A bullet made of lead is heavy and soft, a chain forged of gold is stronger than titanium, so it discourages the desire to tear it, and a gold bullet is more deadly than lead, as it takes away the desire to evade a hit!
  If a musket bullet is poured from lead, then what kind of shit is molded from a politician of a moral killer ?!
  The greatest desire among the people will receive Santa Claus on the throne, but more often Baba Yaga, the cannibal, or the serpent Gorynych without a king in his head gets it!
  People want Santa Claus with a bottomless sack on the throne, but they get either a cat in a sack or a wolf in sheep's clothing!
  A politician likes to accept the pain of voters morally, but he will become a real sadist, having received power not figuratively!
  The most cruel executioner, who breaks the victim's bones with tongs, cannot be compared in sadism with a politician who twists the voter's brains with his tongue!
  It is better and more humane to be an executioner and cut off heads with an ax than a politician who opens his mouth and drips poisonous saliva on his brain!
  The executioner does his duty and work for a moderate pay, the politician works only with his tongue, indebted promises to the voter, and tearing off three skins for not worth a broken penny!
  It is not profitable for a soldier to retreat in battle - they will shoot him in the back, there is no reason for the voter to vote in the elections, they will hit him in the kidneys!
  There is a complete menagerie in politics: wolves, pigs, foxes, jackals, donkeys, sometimes even occasionally lions come across, but people, although a man, and even bearded and with a bag of gifts!
  The biggest deceiver is a dictator on the throne, he even cheats a little in punishment, but in a good deed he puts on full shoes!
  Believing that the Bible is God's word is like considering an ant heap equal to the pyramid of Cheops, a distant similarity of form, and completely unconvincing content, every ant imagines himself to be a pharaoh, only under a slave yoke, and not a throne!
  There is so much chaos in the world that one cannot believe in a just God, but there are so many unscrupulous politicians that there is no doubt about the existence of the Devil!
  Why is a woman born - for the sake of joy and the future of man, why have politicians been born so that people know sorrow and understand that they have no future!
  A woman gives birth to life in her own torment, politicians give birth to death by torturing voters!
  A stick has two ends, and for a politician who forces himself to choose one end from under the stick, damnation forever, do not be careless voters!
  The politician on the podium thunders like thunder, but voters whose head is not a drum can only strike with their own stupidity!
  If you want to be elected to the throne, being a naked king, gather voters without a king in your head!
  When a politician is a naked king and without a king in his head, the voters go "shod", and with a pig in their bosom!
  A politician in his repertoire is a singer with someone else's voice, but his phonogram was made with an eye to screwing up under the guise of a nightingale trill!
  A man has one heart and two hands, while a politician rows with his paws for four and is completely heartless!
  There is only one motherland, one heart, and only one victory, but it has three hundred political fathers who can only orphan the voter!
  No matter how many zeros you add, you will not get a real figure, except for the election of a politician by people with zero intelligence!
  In arithmetic, adding zeros will not add results; in politics, adding zero intellects among voters adds to the rating!
  Not a single genius can prove that God does not exist, but that a politician has no concept of conscience is obvious even to a baby!
  A politician who was born in the year of the pig pigs, regardless of the date of birth, a politician who was born in the year of the tiger is a cannibal, and the year has nothing to do with it!
  In politics, palaces turn into pigsties, and lions descend to the level of sheep, and only a fox becomes a man!
  A politician of any palace will turn a pigsty and turn any truth inside out, and in any sheep's clothing he will remain an ogre-wolf!
  There are no relatives in politics, although voters are rabbit brothers for a politician, and the Devil himself is his own father!
  A politician often likes to make promises with a beard, but for voters he is already a goat!
  A politician is both a walking joke with a beard and a real goat, but at the same time he is an even bigger pig, which makes a chop out of voters, tearing out fatty pieces!
  Politics is a very dirty business, politicians wash their sticky hands, only with thick streams of voters' blood!
  - Although money does not smell, the smell from the briber is disgusting, and it is especially sickening when, in exchange for a lot of money, he puts a big pig on it!
  The politician is a goat, both because his promises are with a beard, and therefore he loves cash greenery, and because he constantly horns the voters!
  According to the horoscope, a politician can be a lion, but by vocation, unfortunately, regardless of the sign of the zodiac, he always pigs!
  A horoscope is not a mirror of the soul, but just a game of the imagination, which has no more relation to reality than a dream to reality!
  Man is a wolf to man, a politician is a fox to politics, and a pig to voters, so let's drink so that we are not eaten and not allowed to barbecue!
  The donkey is stubborn, but not strong-willed, the politician stubbornly goes to the throne, but his will to turn voters into donkeys!
  The soldier does not get enough sleep in the service, but the politician is not allowed to sleep by the laurels of the dictator who is in his service!
  Who does not want to die for himself, must live for others, and do good not for the sake of reward!
  Even a brainless dog doesn't like a stick, so why do people love being beaten by politicians with a long tongue so much!
  If you, like a dog, serve a politician for a piece of bread without the salt of truth, you will forever whine at the moon!
  Can heaven come to earth? Only if the politicians go to the barn!
  A man can't help but sin, it's like not casting a shadow on a sunny day, a politician can't help but put a pig in and keep from pulling out the fat pieces!
  The voter is to some extent a rabbit in front of a boa-politician, only allowing himself to be swallowed, he harbors the illusion that it is the hare's stomach that will be filled with green cabbage!
  No matter how much the politician-boa constrictor swallows the voters' rabbits, he will never get enough, however, he will still not be able to digest it for the benefit of the state, and not only for his personal pocket!
  The vodka is bitter, but it cures a cold and cheers you up, while the sweet speech of a politician infects worse than the flu and causes yawns!
  There is no greater foolishness than to trust the politician's nightingale trill - you will be plucked like a chicken if you are carried away by counting crows!
  The more victories the army has, the fewer trophies the soldier will receive, only the politicians will put a pig on him in huge quantities!
  The politician tries to assure that he is Santa Claus, who has mountains of gold in his bag, but in fact he has a lot of pigs there that sow discord!
  There are many Santa Clauses in politics, only their bags are full of holes, and the holes are so large that huge pigs jump out of them all the time!
  In what sense is Santa Claus a politician? In the sense that often for years the grandfather, and from his heated speeches it breathes grave cold, and a bag with a cat and a huge pig has been prepared for the voters!
  There are many politicians with big mammoths, but even more voters with small brains, who consider them Santa Clauses, and then are disappointed with tears!
  A politician is the kind of shit that comes up best in the murky waters of an election campaign!
  Politicians, like children, love to compose a lot, but unlike children, they make voters orphans of the mind!
  The politician uses his long tongue as a net to catch voters with dragonfly intelligence!
  A politician is a prostitute whose tongue is too long to please and whose legs are too short to spread out to the top!
  The politician wants to become a celestial, but he only has pride to the skies, but in fact he is a demon from the underworld!
  The politician has a beak to move and a tongue to prick with, but this feathered bird lacks the wings to rise above its own problems!
  A politician is an eagle, and it is not so bad if he is wingless, much worse if he is a brainless cock!
  A politician, like a woman, is capricious, and loves to give himself up for money, but he is only capable of giving birth to monsters in control, goats in the garden, and pigs in his pocket!
  Technology without human hands is dead, but without brains it kills the creator!
  If the commander is a ram, then no technique, even invented by a fox, will help win a duel with someone who is not a woodpecker!
  If a politician is always a pig, then a dictator is at least sometimes a lion, but at the same time he rips off fat pieces from the voter!
  A soldier is in some ways just a pawn on a chessboard, but he can become a general, a politician, even if he is an important figure, will forever remain a mixture of a fox and a pig!
  A person has two main enemies: poverty and old age, but if the first could be defeated by some, then from the second there is only one salvation - death!
  Both the king and the slave are born by a woman with pain, but politics gives birth to betrayal with unbearable torment for the voters!
  When God wants to punish lightly, he deprives the mind of the ruler for one presidential term, but if the Almighty wants to punish seriously, then voters are deprived of a reasonable choice for all companies!
  When God is pressed for time, the voters do not have enough time to repent of their choice of politicians!
  Even if the voter is seven spans in his forehead, he will still elect a politician with seven Fridays in the week, and an eternal day off in fulfillment of election promises!
  Better to have one king than seven boyars on the throne, seven nannies have a child without an eye, seven boyars have power without a king in their heads!
  Even tyranny is better than complete anarchy, one big wolf will kill fewer people than a million mosquitoes soaked in infection!
  The elephant is afraid of a small mouse, a formidable dictator of the empire will fall down a tiny drop of poison, and a small bacillus will lay down a billion people!
  Chess requires logic, intuition and ingenuity to win, in politics one meanness is often enough, although victory is always Pyrrhic!
  A warrior in war is akin to Satan, if not by force, then by courage with which he rushes at the god of war!
  A person is born with the desire to know wisdom, but only a goat is born with a beard, and even that is not always literal!
  A man wants to have the strength of a bull, but the mind of a donkey turns him into a ram for a barbecue!
  There is nothing impossible for progress, only to give happiness to everyone, he is powerless, because of the omnipotence of human envy and selfishness!
  Even the Almighty God is powerless to give happiness to everyone, so even the Almighty has not found an antidote for such qualities: when a person has little of everything, and it seems that everything is better with a neighbor, including his wife!
  True happiness is not when you have everything that you want, since such a thing is unrealistic even for a billionaire, but when you stop envying your neighbor - although this is often a fantasy!
  It seemed that it was easier to overcome the envy of your neighbor and look closely at his wife, but sometimes it is easier to drop the sky on the ground than to stop being jealous of the success of another!
  How can you defeat selfishness in yourself - stop remembering that your ancestor is a monkey, but remember that you were created in the image and likeness of God and born of the Almighty, and that your main goal is to serve the celestials!
  A person is progressing from a monkey to omnipotence, a politician is moving up the career ladder from a fox toady, to a swine dictatorship!
  A lot of problems await a person in life, but after death, the soul has yet to find a place for itself, sins are not allowed into heaven, and roosters will peck in hell!
  The body is sometimes hard to wear, and the soul is weightless, if you lived sinfully, you will not find a home in paradise!
  A man loves to look at the bare legs of women, and a woman loves to drive, after putting on shoes to her ears, and tearing off three man's skins under her heel!
  A man under a woman's heel of an elegant shoe is much more pleasant than under a dictator's boot, especially if he is a bast shoe with intellect!
  A politician is always a hunchbacked animal, but he has in common with a camel, only that he wanted to spit on us!
  The politician spits on us like a camel, but at the same time he wants our backs to bend like humps in a bow to his insignificance!
  A camel is a steamboat of the desert, and a politician is a pig that turns a flowering land into wastelands!
  The heavier the flesh of a man, the more difficult it is for him to become a weight in the eyes of a woman as an instrument for the pleasure of the body!
  The brains are soft to the touch, but they have more penetrating power than cast-iron fists!
  If your head is solid bone, then the position in life will be fragile!
  There is no greater strength of mind for a person than the recognition of one's own mistakes, but for a politician this is useless, since he spoils quite consciously, and the voter is mistaken by choosing him!
  If you are an oak martinet, then you should be the same general of tambourines, like a naked king, from whom the chips were removed!
  A politician in his selfishness cannot even promise anything useful for the voter, since the golden mountain, which is not worth a penny, can only crush!
  In lies, the politician is not equal, in justifying the failure to fulfill the promise, he is a virtuoso at all!
  The politician is trying to lie to snatch the lion's share, and pig for the sake of fatty pieces, but he is only pretending to be a lion, but a real pig!
  For the king they die as heroes, for a politician without a king in their head, they turn into corpses during their lifetime!
  There is nothing more stupid than dying for an unworthy person, but it is even worse to die for an absurd idea!
  The greatest ruler is nothing before God, and the most honest politician, moral squalor before a real person!
  Snow is white, but blackens from industrial elections, a person is born pure, but learns to be a pig, having gone into politics!
  The politician tries to present himself as white and fluffy, but in fact he is prickly like a cactus, only not in the desert, but in the middle of a forest full of oaks and sawn stumps!
  If you want to live like a white man, do dark things with inhuman unscrupulousness!
  Living as a white person does not depend on the color of the skin, but on the amount of gray matter in the head, and the bright giftedness in the ability of people to fool!
  Happiness cannot be built on blood, but with the help of money you can at least build the illusion of well-being!
  It is possible to solder unity with iron and blood, but blood, like acid, will corrode any metal, but love will bind such a chain that it will not break even titanium!
  The devil created politics so that people could get a little hope from the nightingales, and a lot of beaks from the roosters, and an incalculable amount of trouble from political crows!
  Satan was born when a politician first promised the impossible even for the Most High God!
  No one has ever seen God, but the dictator flashes on the screen all the time, and he also wants to become like the Almighty, although he himself looks more like a talkative jester!
  There is no one stronger than the Almighty God, but in meanness the politician is superior to the Devil, and is able to promise the unbearable to the Almighty!
  If anyone thinks that there is no God, looking at our world, then immediately make sure that the Devil exists - looking at the politicians!
  A politician has less conscience than molecules in a vacuum, but there are more promises than drops in the sea!
  There are no dry stones in the river, in the politics of honest people, who feels compassion among dictators, and those who vote for those who carry a stone in their hearts will be punished!
  You can count all the drops in the sea, all the stars in the sky, but politicians give out so many campaign promises that even the omniscient Almighty God does not know the exact number!
  When a dictator resets the terms of government, the life values of subjects under such control tend to zero, and promises are reduced to nothing!
  Resetting the terms of the dictatorship, you will not be able to erase into nothing, and the memory of the crimes and mistakes of the tyrant!
  The dictator has a club in his hands, but still he will be the one who cannot be driven into a cattle stall!
  God did not give the pig a horn, a dictator of omnipotence, a policy of impunity, but a woman of eternal youth, but everyone has a chance to get what they deserve!
  A wolf has fangs, a lion has claws, a fox has a tail, a politician has a tongue, a man has a head, but a lousy pig is in trouble - horns do not grow!
  The wolf is fed by fast legs, the woman is naked and slender legs, the wolf torments the victim with fangs, women beat to death with long tongues!
  Running prolongs life, but why does a hare live so little? Because he does not run, but runs away, and whoever runs away does not suffer from longevity!
  The politician wants to prove his greatness to everyone, but no matter how the turkey pouts, he still remains just an insignificant rooster, attracting with chicken brains!
  A politician is actually a chicken in the sense that the future rooster, and loves to pout like a turkey, passing off to voters with chicken brains as an eagle!
  A politician is a thief who does not get into wallets with his hands, but with his tongue into the soul, and with dirty thoughts into the brains of the voter!
  Politician is the only mathematician who gets twice two five when counting votes!
  The politician uses a long tongue as a weapon, but does not become morally higher because of this, but he lengthens the meanness of the shadow of his cunning!
  There are many politicians, but few of them will grow up to be a dictator, but any of them in promises has long become a real God!
  The politician outwardly is sometimes as pure as an angel, but in lies he is a devil-recidivist!
  A politician is such a subject of law that he wants to be a guarantor, but is a defendant!
  The politician's dream is to become a dictator for everyone, but in reality he only tyrannizes the brains of voters!
  The politician wants to become president, but he can turn out to be a naked king against his will!
  A politician has seven Fridays a week, especially on election day, and an eternal Monday when votes are counted!
  The politician loves to pound water in a mortar, but the only alchemist is able to use his tongue to pour golden rain into his pocket!
  The devil sits in every beautiful woman, and the devil in every politician, regardless of the degree of his ugliness!
  A beautiful woman is a perfect body and long legs, an ugly politician is a vile soul and a long tongue!
  There is no greater thief than a politician, a thief steals money from his pocket, a politician steals hope from his soul!
  A politician can tell the truth amidst a stream of false promises, because there are spots in the bright sun, and a black cat has white specks!
  Politics cannot be reproached for not keeping promises, it is difficult to do what the Almighty could not do - universal happiness in sin!
  God can give people happiness, but he does not want to, a politician cannot, and only wants to make himself happy!
  God created order, but did not give happiness to people, although he could, the politician created chaos, which also did not bring joy, but still no politician can make people happy!
  The politician understands that he promises the impossible, but he can"t stop the verbal diarrhea, and the voter still understands that with all the wealth of choice he will not receive anything, but for God everything is possible and in his power, but he does not need the votes of the voters, so people from the Almighty can't wait for a good word!
  A politician is not always smart, but he can always deceive the voter, the voter is not always stupid, but he always gets into trouble!
  The stick has two ends and two beginnings, but the politician has one end - the curse of the voters, and starts his career with deceit!
  Satan does not know how to create, but he can invent, and He managed to invent a way only for a man of faith, lengthening the tongues of some people trivially, which resulted in politicians!
  The scientist invented the atomic bomb, two cities burned down, but the politician, without inventing the bicycle, destroys the entire planet!
  The politician has all the negatives in everything, but he successfully adds income to his pocket, and rating due to the deprived of reason!
  The ring has no end, but if this ring is in a chain that a tyrant hung on the people, the end will be inevitable and bloody!
  An engagement ring brings joy to a couple, a dog collar brings suffering to people who allowed themselves to be seduced by wolves!
  If you have horse brains, you will wear a collar and plow, if you have fox cunning, then your enemies will go to the collar!
  The ossified brain softens faster, especially if politicians drip on it!
  Big head - it's good when figurative, for a big bastard it was safer for others to be so literally!
  Not everyone can become a doctor of science, but the ability to justify themselves for the failures of politicians is solid academics, even with primary education!
  In prison, a person has a plus - the hope for a better future after release, in politics there is a clear minus - only those who have received power can hope for a better future after the elections!
  There are many paths to the top in politics, but they are all winding and oblique, women change many pairs of shoes and dresses, but the most attractive ones are naked and barefoot!
  A woman loves when she has a lot of dresses and shoes, a man, on the contrary, wants to see her naked and barefoot, a politician likes to talk a lot, and vice versa wants to shut up voters forever!
  A politician, like a woman, loves to change her appearance and wants to be attractive, but no perfume can hide the stink!
  A woman loves to attract men with expensive perfumes, a politician loves to attract voters with verbal diarrhea that is not worth a dime!
  Those voters have the brains of a fly, to whom the verbal, fetid diarrhea of a politician seems like fragrant honey!
  You can also chop wood, but if a politician removes chips from you, then you are definitely a stump!
  The executioner's ax is iron, and the politician's tongue is often wooden, but it blows his head even more truly and twists his brain!
  War makes life terrible and difficult, worthy of a mangy dog, but death in war is beautiful, and worthy of a proud lion!
  Wars are different, but they always bring grief to someone, politicians are all the same in that they definitely won"t bring happiness!
  The dictator is a big scoundrel of small stature, and great ambitions and a microscopic conscience!
  In politics, everyone wants to move first, but unlike chess, there are no white pieces!
  Politics is a dirty business, but it's a shame when voters with the intelligence of a fly take shit for jam!
  What a great master politician is in promising castles in the air, and letting the property of voters into the air!
  If a politician rages in speeches like a hurricane, then the property of the voters will be blown to the wind!
  A politician is a jester who can make you laugh, but at the same time he is able to wean him from smiling!
  Politicians often smile with dentures, and their long tongues are solid prostheses!
  A politician in mind is not always a professor, but an academician in the ability to lie without any disputes, and Solomon in search of an excuse, but having the wisdom of a kindergartner!
  A bandit demands a purse or a life, a woman demands both, and a politician, in addition, enslaves the soul!
  A policeman is one thing, a bandit is another, but a politician is both, and another and a third, and even claims to be a judge!
  A man has a fist of five fingers, while a politician has one tongue, but beats off brains, cooler than a thousand fists!
  Even children play chess, developing logic and intelligence; they play political games, regardless of age, developing immoral qualities and meanness!
  In war, sometimes you don"t know who is an enemy and who is a friend, but at least it"s clear in politics - there are no friends, but enemies are everywhere and not a single decent person!
  War kills, but is not able to bury, destroying hope, politics buries alive, and kills the dream!
  The bull is strong and plows a lot, the politician is often a weakling, but by flailing his tongue a lot, he plows the voters!
  The strength of Satan is that he always hides his essence, the weakness of a politician is that he never manages to hide his filthy insides with a long tongue!
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