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Взрыв в парламенте Ирака

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    на 46 день космонавтики к Аллаху отправлено каффе в здании Иракского парламента

Thursday, 12 April 2007, 11:57 GMT 12:57 UK Explosion at Iraq parliament cafe An explosion has hit a cafeteria at the Iraqi parliament, killing at least one MP and injuring several other people, witnesses have said. The cafeteria is reserved for MPs and their staff, some of whom were having lunch there when the blast happened. The building, where parliament was in session, is located inside Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone. Earlier, a bomb on a bridge in Baghdad killed at least eight people and sent several cars into the River Tigris. We saw lots of smoke coming from the hall, with people lying on the ground and pools of blood Parliamentary official MP Mohammed Hassan Awad from the National Dialogue bloc (a Sunni group not part of the government) was killed in the cafeteria blast. "We heard a huge explosion inside the restaurant," a parliamentary official at the scene told Reuters news agency. "We went to see what was going on. We saw lots of smoke coming from the hall, with people lying on the ground and pools of blood." The security around the parliament building and around the whole of the Green Zone is extremely tight, so it is very hard to see how a bomb could have been smuggled in there, says the BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad. The blast comes in the third month of a US-Iraqi drive to crack down on violence in the capital. The bombing of the Sarafiya bridge, one of the main arterial bridges in Baghdad itself, had been condemned by the speaker of parliament just a very short time before the explosion in his own building.
  НОВОСТЬ ЧАСА - 14:53 (12 апреля)
  Взорван парламент Ирака
  Взорвано здание иракского парламента в Багдаде. Как сообщает корреспондент Reuters c места событий, есть многочисленные жертвы.
  По его словам, взрыв произошел, по всей видимости, в ресторане внутри здания. В это время там обедали многие члены парламента.
  Иракский парламент расположен в укрепленной и охраняемой Зеленой зоне Багдада.
   // Reuters
  http://www.gazeta.ru/news/lastnews/2007/04/12/n_1056621.shtml Explosion targets Baghdad bridge The bridge was the main connection for the northern part of Baghdad A truck bomb explosion on a bridge in Baghdad has killed at least eight people and sent several cars toppling into the River Tigris below. The rush-hour blast partially destroyed the Sarafiya Bridge by collapsing one of its girders. Several people have been hurt in the blast and police are looking for survivors in the river waters. US and Iraqi troops launched a security sweep in Baghdad two months ago in an effort to reduce sectarian violence. Busy link The truck bomb which had been abandoned on the span of the bridge exploded at 0700 local time (0300 GMT), just as traffic was starting to get heavier with the approach of the rush hour. The Sarafiya bridge was one of the busiest links across the Tigris, the main connection for the northern part of the city. Many bridges in Baghdad have checkpoints at either end. It was built by the British in the 1920s and damaged by American bombing in 1991. US commanders say the number of civilians being killed in the city has fallen for the third month running, but there has been a rise in the number of violent deaths outside the city. However, the BBC's Jim Muir in Baghdad says so far the security surge has not been able to halt the bomb attacks, which have continued virtually every day. Last Updated: Wednesday, 11 April 2007, 11:34 GMT 12:34 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Morocco 'bomber brother' killed The police raid took place in an impoverished residential area One of the three suspected militants who blew themselves up during a police raid in Morocco is the brother of an internet cafe bomber, officials say. Four suspected Islamist militants and a police officer died in three explosions in the city of Casablanca on Tuesday. A BBC correspondent says Abdelfattah Raydi, who blew up the internet cafe in the city last month, is believed to have led a major militant cell. Suicide bombers killed more than 40 people in Casablanca in 2003. They targeted the city's ancient Jewish centre, tourist spots and a diplomatic complex. 'Shocking' The BBC's Richard Hamilton in Morocco says calm has returned to the streets of Casablanca after one of the country's bloodiest days. It happened so suddenly, and we just began to hear heavy gunshots and then there was an explosion Khadir, Casablanca BBC News wesbite reader It has emerged that police received a tip-off before they surrounded a house in the poor El Fida district. The interior ministry says that one of the men who blew himself up on Tuesday was the brother of the internet cafe bomber. Mr Raydi was released from prison by royal pardon after being arrested in connection with the 2003 Casablanca bombings. Police said the man they shot dead, named as Mohamed Mentala, was wanted in connection with the 2003 attacks. Our correspondent says it is now known that two of those apprehended on Tuesday were also sought in connection with that event. 'Maghreb al-Qaeda' Moroccan analyst Mohamed Ben-Madani told the BBC many Moroccans would find Tuesday's events in Casablanca shocking. The Maghreb Review editor says the militants are believed to belong to al-Qaeda Organisation in the Islamic Maghreb, previously known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC). "This group trained in Algeria and have learned their techniques from Iraq as well as in Afghanistan," he told the BBC's Network Africa programme. He says the group have recently been active in Tunisia and Mauritania. "But their main training, recruitment and finance is from Algeria where from the beginning of April this year 33 Algerian soldiers have lost their lives to them," he said. "It's very hard to contain this group which has become more and more violent, so Morocco is very concerned - particularly as elections are coming up in September." Last Updated: Tuesday, 10 April 2007, 21:36 GMT 22:36 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Dramatic day of Moroccan attacks By Owen Clegg BBC News The bombs come after a period of relative calm It was a dramatic day in Casablanca. A major security operation against suspected Islamist militants resulted in three suspected suicide bombers blowing themselves up and a fourth was shot dead by police as he tried to detonate his device. The action took place in the El Fida district, a working class neighbourhood of Morocco's largest city, Casablanca, which has a recent history of Islamic militancy. Morocco has long been known for its stability, a calm enforced with an iron fist by the country's security forces - but all of that changed in May 2003 when explosions rocked the city of Casablanca. Thirteen suicide bombers struck in five coordinated attacks. Thirty-two people were killed and the security forces swung into action, arresting some 2,000 people. Al-Qaeda links As a high-profile trial took place, four men were eventually sentenced to death, part of what was described as a clandestine hardline Islamist group called Salafia Jihadia. Security sources identified the group as a North African cell linked to al-Qaeda. Calm then returned to Casablanca until last month, when a man was killed and three others wounded in an explosion at an internet cafe. The explosives, which the man had hidden under his clothes, went off after he came to blows with the cafe's owner, who had refused him permission to log on to radical websites. The bombers are believed to have worn their explosives at all times Again, more arrests and investigation by the security forces. Since then, it is reported that the police have been searching for up to 12 suspected suicide bombers, possibly linked to Salafia Jihadia. It is believed the bombers had started wearing their explosive belts at all times to stop security forces from taking them alive. Tuesday's series of explosions suggest Morocco's security forces have been flushing out more members of this cell, and as they close in, face the inevitable outcome of militants who would rather die than surrender. Last Updated: Thursday, 12 April 2007, 05:17 GMT 06:17 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Explosions rock Algerian capital The attacks in Algiers are the worst in the capital for years Two blasts in Algeria's capital Algiers have killed at least 23 people and injured 160 - one exploding near the prime minister's office. A caller claiming to represent al-Qaeda in the Maghreb told an Arabic TV channel that his group had carried out the attacks. There has been no independent verification of the claim. Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem, who was unharmed, called the attacks a "cowardly and criminal act". The official APS agency, quoting the Algerian authorities, said at least 12 people were killed and 118 injured in the attack on the government building and 11 people were killed and 44 injured in the second attack, on a police station in the eastern district of Bab Ezzouar. 'Cowardice and betrayal' The violence in Algiers comes a day after the authorities in neighbouring Morocco said they had foiled a plot to target foreign and strategic interests by suicide bombers. Three suspects blew themselves up after being pursued by the authorities, and a fourth was shot dead by police. It also follows clashes with militants in Tunisia earlier this year. Violent attacks have been increasing in Algeria since the main Islamist rebel group, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), changed its name to the al-Qaeda Organisation in the Islamic Maghreb in January. This is a crime, a cowardly act Abdelaziz Belkhadem Algerian Prime Minister Profile: Maghreb al-Qaeda In pictures: Algerian blasts Blasts fuel regional fears Al-Jazeera TV said this was the group that had claimed responsibility for Wednesday's violence. BBC Arab Affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi says many analysts will link the surge in violence with the ambitions of the Algerian hardline organisation to spread its campaign to neighbouring countries. The city centre explosion was so loud it could be heard up to 10km (six miles) away, residents said. Government employees were injured by flying glass and debris, which spread up to 300m (yards) from the site of the blasts. Ambulances went to the scene and police blocked entry to the prime minister's office, which also houses the offices of the interior minister. Speaking on Algerian radio, Mr Belkhadem denounced the bombings, which come as the government says it is working towards national reconciliation. "This is a crime, a cowardly act," Mr Belkhadem said. Alarm bells Our analyst says the attacks are a serious blow for the Algerian authorities which have for years fought Islamist militants. Despite an amnesty announced two years ago, the violence in Algeria has never completely died down since its height in the mid-1990s. The latest scenes of blood on the streets of Algiers will revive painful memories of that civil strife that lasted for a decade and left an estimated 150,000 people dead. Magdi Abdelhadi says the spectre of a resurgent al-Qaeda operating in North Africa, close to Europe's southern border, will send the alarm bells ringing in European capitals. It may also have a devastating impact on the prospect of more open and democratic societies in the region. He says that like in other Arab states, the authorities have used the threat of terror in the past to curb civil and political freedoms. 20:05 (10 апреля) Террористы захватили самолет в Турции Самолет турецкой авиакомпании Pegasus захвачен в Турции неизвестными террористами. Об этом сообщили местные средства массовой информации. Известно, что самолет летел из города Диярбакыр на юго-востоке страны в Стамбул и уже приземлился в турецкой столице Анкаре по требованию террористов. Никакие другие подробности не сообщаются. // Reuters GRU operation using the bishop's Vincentas Borisevichius (born Bebralishke) killed 19 46 image is going on
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