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Herald of Death(16-30)

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  Chapter 16: Hostage.
  "We're going to be late for work you know," said Kara, but she seemed a bit reluctant to detached herself from around Harry. With great self-control, she did so.
  Kara dressed at super speed. Harry flicked his hand and the clothes he put out for the day.
  "Yeah, but it was worth it," said Harry. "Not to worry through, what are they going to do, fire me?"
  Kara smiled, and threw her arms around Harry to give him one final kiss. They were about ready to leave for work. The couple stopped at the sound of humming from inside the cabinet. Harry sighed and his eyes narrowed.
  "The journal wants to have a word with me about something," said Harry.
  "She told us what we needed to know, didn't she?" asked Kara and Harry nodded to confirm this. "I'd torch the thing before..."
  "Don't you think I've tried," whispered Harry in crisp undertone. "The blasted thing is fireproof...well we'll just see what she wants."
  Harry cracked open the cabinet. With a swift moment, he flung out the journal on the table. He opened it and Kara stood by his side, eyes narrowed. She almost dared Lily to try something, but the red haired woman peered from inside the journal.
  "You and I need to talk," said Lily without any preamble.
  "We need to talk, well after last night, you're lucky I didn't send you to the center of the Earth," said Harry darkly.
  Lily shook her head, and sighed. Tension filled the air.
  "I deserved that and I deserve every negative thing you have ever said about me," said Lily. "I think it's...noble that you tried to help someone that you hate."
  "I don't hate Lana...it's just she's just made choices that I don't like in the past," said Harry. "And I gave her a chance. More of a chance than I should have maybe. I don't know why I did, I just did."
  "Harry, it's because you hope for the best in people," said Kara softly and intertwined her arm around his. "You're not na?ve about it but at t the same time, you just give them a chance, to see what they can do."
  "Or enough rope to hang themselves with," added Harry.
  Kara smiled and tightened her grip on Harry's arm.
  "Or that as well."
  Lily sighed.
  "Your charm is interesting, although turning her into what essentially is a powerless Kryptonian might not have been exactly what I would have suggested," said Lily and Kara's eyes turned to Harry, giving him a slightly questioning gaze. "You didn't tell her about this."
  "I didn't tell anyone about this yet," said Harry. "Lana could live out the rest of her life in bitterness, without knowing or it could open the door for something else. The choice is hers, she's walking a delicate line right now. But if she gets her act together...well whatever happens, happens."
  Kara could not really get mad at Harry for this. She figured that Harry would not have made such a decision without going over all of the angles.
  "Well, Clark will be thrilled if she gets her head on straight," said Kara, but she had some serious reservations that she could not fully let go of yet.
  "I didn't feel yesterday was the time to tell you," said Harry with an apologetic tone.
  Harry wanted to kill Lily for spilling the beans. It was almost like she tried to drive a wedge between himself and his girlfriend for her own gains. "You were kind of..."
  "I was upset about the way Lana was acting," said Kara firmly. "I'm not going to pretend to like her, but...I guess she has reasons for what she did. Maybe they're not good ones, but she has her reasons."
  Harry nodded. Everyone had reasons for the way they acted. It was just the choices they made that caused everyone despair that caused him agitation and frustration.
  "We just got off the subject though," said Harry and he turned to Lily. "I know you want to tell me something, so spill. After that little information dump on Friday, I assumed that our training was done. Kara's Herald of Death powers still confuse me, and how they vary from mine...but I assumed that we'd set some time to work that out."
  "Likewise," said Kara. "Harry had three keys that he had to grab before he tapped into his full powers. Do I need to something like that?"
  "You'll know when your training is complete," said Lily in a mysterious voice that offered no hint. "The knowledge I put in your mind was basic training. I'd advise both of you to clear a week of your time soon, because I can conclude your training and then you'd be on your way. And there will be no need for me to be around anymore."
  This revelation got Harry's interest immediately.
  "What's the catch?" asked Harry.
  "No catch," said Lily, and Harry sensed this was the most honest statement he'd ever get from her. "There's some information that I need to tell both of you. And then...once I'm done, I'll be dormant. Your training will be done."
  Harry and Kara exchanged a glance, and both nodded.
  "We'll get back to you," said Kara.
  "Yeah, but we really need to get going," said Harry.
  "And when you make it to the end, I'll show you everything Death told me," said Lily, before she added, "Including things she didn't want either of you to know."
  That little tidbit caught Harry's curiosity for the moment. Yet, it was long since past time where they needed to head out. Harry and Kara put the journal away.
  "So what do you think?" asked Harry.
  Kara thought for maybe a second. "We should start the training as soon as possible, I think. "Maybe we can get a better sense of what we actually need to do. Plus the sooner we do it, the sooner she'll be out of our lives, and the soon we'll be able to help Clark."
  Kara shifted and a thought visited her.
  "Do you think it will be that simple?" she asked.
  "We'll know after that week of training is over," said Harry, trying to keep optimism alive in his voice.
  Harry and Kara left to make their way to the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters. They would be able to check on the progress of their latest guests. The last they knew would be they were taken to the infirmary. They hoped all of these children would recover, but it was one step at a time.
  The two made their rounds around the building and checked in with all of the guests, but everything ran as smoothly as could be expected. Steps were being taken to accommodate the new guests, and only time would tell.
  Lex's leg cramped up from the length of time he was restrained. At least that distracted him from the moment from the absolute agony of broken fingers. Lex tried to get a better idea of his location. The young bald man could only do so much with being bound to a chair.
  He wished his ears were plugged. The ticking of clocks became a huge annoyance over time, and only got worse. He figured he had been down here for at least half of a day, and for most of the time that was the only sound he heard.
  The door opened, and the footsteps welcomed a fresh sound that broke the monotony.
  "The ticking drove you mad yet? The clanging and grinding of bells drive you mad yet?"
  Lex refused to give the kidnapper the pleasure of answering. He remained proud. He would not break.
  Another thump to the head and Lex winced at the pain.
  "Just who are you?" managed Lex. His throat was raw, and he could barely speak. He had not eaten or drank anything. The kidnapper had not offered him such a luxury, and Lex did not hold his breath for that.
  "I told you, that's for me to know, and you to go to the grave wondering, Alexander," said the kidnapper. He paced back and forth. Lex was almost grateful, for the second of footsteps allowed for a pause from the ticking being the only sound he heard. "Time makes a fool out of the best of us..."
  "You seem to have a fixation on time," whispered Lex. "Did my father fire you for being late?"
  The kidnapper remained silent.
  "No, I'm never late. Always on time, day in and day out, for fifteen years, but there was a secret to my success. I mastered time. Not one second squandered. Not one minute misused, but Lionel never appreciated my dedication. Never appreciated the genius I had, where I created a suit that would allow the user to stop, rewind, or fast forward time around them. No longer would anyone have to worry about not having enough time in the day."
  Silence followed this declaration, but only for seconds.
  "My father was right, you're a lunatic."
  That comment earned Lex another thump to the head with a blunt object.
  The kidnapper's rage just escalated. "My story's just begun with your father snubbing me! Remember the meteor shower eighteen years ago?"
  "Everything comes back to that moment in time, doesn't it?" slurred Lex.
  The kidnapper snapped a piece of wood and Lex thought for a moment was to be bludgeoned to death.
  Yet that moment never came.
  "Yes, the meteor shower, after your father fired me and had me blackballed, I could never get a steady job again. I opened up this antique clock shop. The meteors rained down, and sure enough, my truck was thrown off the road. I was buried. It was three days before they found me! Three days before they bothered to dig me out! And you know what I heard for seventy two hours straight."
  Lex refused to indulge the kidnapper with an answer. The crazed man offered him one regardless.
  "The ticking and ringing of the bells of those infernal clocks, again and again, for three days! How I wished to have the strength to smother myself! I was found, in shock, drool dripping form my chin. If Lionel Luthor just accepted my genius proposal, I would have had a normal life, a wife, children, a house, a car. Instead, I have nothing but these clocks!"
  The smashing of glass could be heard.
  "He stole my life, I'll ruin his," whispered the kidnapper. His voice continued to increase intensity. "He has it, I know he has it! And I'll take it from him!"
  The kidnapper paced up and down the floor. His voice continued to grow more manic and psychotic by each passing moment. He already became unhinged, but something pushed him over the edge.
  "I was happy to see you arrested all of those months ago, and Lionel having disappeared," said the kidnapper. The kidnapper's voice became soft and deadly. "I thought karma would have finally bitten both of you."
  The kidnapper offered a hallow laugh.
  "No, we can't have that! The Luthors slip out like they always do. They get out of trouble. Not this time, you'll see."
  Lex tried to find a way to free himself, but that was a futile endeavor. All he could was sit and wait. The police would find him eventually.
  What state would be in? That was the question that resounded throughout the bald young man's mind.
  Harry surveyed the latest guest in his office. "Mr. Luthor, what brings you to my office today?"
  Harry faced Lionel Luthor who this time actually phoned ahead. Two security guards were on either side of him. If he even twitched the wrong way, his life would be made miserable.
  Harry gave the order to his two security guards. "Stay outside the door, so he'll speak more freely Sit down, make yourself at home, take a load off."
  "No thank you, Mr. Potter, I'll stand," said Lionel. His gaze remained fixed. It never left Harry's face. "I'll cut to the chase. As you may have heard, my son had been kidnapped."
  "I've heard about it," said Harry in a calm and even voice. He spent a moment shuffling through papers on his desk, before he addressed the elder Luthor. "I'm sure the police are working on a way to find him."
  "I hoped that you might know something about the kidnapping," said Lionel. There was no desperation in his voice, just calm coolness. "Lex did stop by for a visit to this building. Did he say anything odd?"
  "Other than his continued obsession regarding Clark," said Harry, and Lionel nodded. "Not that I could recall, no."
  Lionel paced around the office. Harry allowed him to do this, before he spoke his mind.
  "Just come out and say it, Lionel. You want to know if I had anything to do with Lex disappearing."
  "I'd never make such an accusation without proof," said Lionel in a diplomatic voice.
  "Yet, you've made accusations about me without any proof in the past," responded Harry.
  There was a pause, but Lionel composed himself with dignity.
  "I fail to see what you're talking about," said Lionel.
  Harry chuckled. He moved through some filing cabinets on his office.
  "Lex told me that you tried to demonize me to him," said Harry lightly. "You and my mother's side of the family, I notice you've had dealings. You getting that journal, it was more than idle curiosity. You assumed that it held the secrets of untold power."
  "I do admit that I have some concerns regarding you," said Lionel slowly. "You see, you and I both know what Clark is. And I wish to assist him against those who may not his best interest in mind."
  There was a moment of silence.
  "Are you trying to protect Clark or...something else?" asked Harry.
  The mental chess game was on.
  "What do you know?" asked Lionel.
  "I'll let you sweat that out, Lionel," said Harry. He offered a smile that told Lionel nothing about his intentions. "But you can know this. I've come here for a reason. Clark's on same path that I was years ago. He has the abilities to be something great, or something horrific."
  Lionel responded promptly. "Greatness can be measured in any number of ways."
  "Yes," agreed Harry. "I acknowledge that my mother's side of the family had a control fetish. I had no idea about much of it until recently. My Aunt gave me shelter, but nothing more. Who you think I am, is likely wrong. I've done nothing, but try and give Clark assistance. I'm not going to force him to take any path in life. In the end, the decision is in his hands. He'll make mistakes, but he'll learn from them."
  Lionel deliberated the manner. He likely either read Harry Potter wrong, or he was far more conniving that he previously believed him to be.
  Yet, he would keep both eyes on him firmly.
  "Was there anything else you needed?" asked Harry. He paused, and then added, "Not that I'm trying to rush you out the door, but I do have meetings to attend and people to deal with."
  "No," said Lionel. "I'm sure your security will make sure that I found my way out the door."
  "Don't worry, they're the best in the world at what they do," said Harry. "And thank you for exhibiting the common courtesy of actually making an appointment."
  Lionel remained calm. He took a few more moments to look around.
  "Just one final thing before I leave, are you certain Lex did not mention anything peculiar?"
  "No, I couldn't tell you anything about what Lex might have or might not have done," said Harry. "Along with who took him, but that's a matter for the police and none of my business. I'd look carefully into any jilted ex-girlfriends, disgruntled employees, and snubbed business partners."
  Lionel nodded, before he took his leave. As if he did not think of any of these possibilities, and there were many people who could fit that bill, for the both of them.
  Harry moved around his office, and made sure everything was secure. He checked his watch and left his office to meet his girlfriend for lunch. He made sure to lock up tightly on the way out.
  Lana yawned and stretched, before she pulled herself up to a proper sitting position. She walked forward, and saw Clark sitting across from her place on the couch.
  "So how are you feeling?" asked Clark, breaking the silence.
  Lana shook her head to clear the cobwebs.
  She looked tired, but in rather good spirits."Pretty good for someone who had powers and lost them. A bit hungry, but that could be because I crashed for what, twelve hours, thirteen hours."
  "Something like that," said Clark.
  "Any word about who really took Lex," said Lana, and Clark just paused and responded after a moment.
  "No, it's just a missing person case right now, but...the situation doesn't look good," said Clark. "I'm not going to lie to you Lana, but you're likely at the top of their suspect list."
  "I figured as much," said Lana in a resigned voice. "And had I been a bit earlier, it could have been me...who did something to him. The power, I really do admire you for it. It would be the easiest thing in the world to permanently take care of anyone who wronged us. They wouldn't make the same mistake again."
  Clark would be lying to himself if he didn't admit he had been on the edge of temptation many times.
  "It would be easy," agreed Clark. "But after it's done, there's no going back. If I lost my temper even for a minute, it would be the end. Not saying that some people don't deserve it, but...it's not my role to be judge, jury, and executioner. And your obsession with Lex..."
  Clark struggled to find the right words.
  "I guess it's just my way of coping," said Lana, closing her eyes. "A lot of the things both Harry and Kara said, in their own heavy handed way, made me realized by helping you, I was almost hurting you. It's going to be hard to let go what happened. Lex just has a way of...sticking with you even when you want to escape."
  Clark reclined back on the couch.
  "The best intentions can go wrong," offered Clark and Lana nodded in agreement.
  "Maybe, I'm putting you in danger," suggested Lana in an off handed manner. "I have a tendency to get myself into these situations that I can't find a way out of. And you are right there always to save me. Even if there are sometimes...there's just sometimes where I get the sense I'm not worth the trouble."
  Clark reached forward and grabbed her hand gently.
  "You're always worth the trouble, Lana," said Clark. "Never sell yourself short. If it wasn't you, it'd be someone else that I would have to save."
  Lana relaxed a little bit at this statement. Before their conversation could get much further, there was a knock on the door. Clark popped up to his feet, and hastened to answer the door.
  It was the visitors that he feared. Several officers of the law stood on the front step and had an official warrant in their hands.
  "May I help you?" asked Clark in a polite voice.
  "Sorry for bothering you, Mr. Kent, but we understand Lana Lang is here," said the officer. "She's a suspect in the disappearance of Lex Luthor."
  "Lana didn't kidnap him," argued Clark, but as he suspected his word fell on deaf ears.
  "No one is accusing her, son," said an elderly officer in a gentle voice. "We just want to take her in, ask her a few questions about her whereabouts during the time of the disappearance. If she has nothing to hide, she'll be returned home safe and sound by dinner time tonight."
  Lana got up, and remained silent as she peacefully went with the officers.
  Clark was not about to let this one go without a fight. "She was with me during the time of the disappearance."
  "That may be the case, but until we can get a neutral party to confirm that fact, she'll need to be taken in for questioning. The person who gave us Lana's name in this investigation was rather clear that you may try and defend her."
  "Who gave you her name?" asked Clark.
  The officers exchanged a nervous and awkward look.
  "Sorry, but that's confidential," said the officer, and Lana was lead off in handcuffs.
  She came to the realization that after all of the damage she caused, it was best to go quietly and sort this out.
  'If I was them, I'd suspect myself too,' thought Lana. 'All things considered...but just walk calmly. They don't know anything yet about how I've been spying on Lex.'
  Clark watched Lana leave. Relief flooded him about the fact that she took this rather well, but he had a clear idea who might have turned the police onto Lana.
  He needed a witness account, someone who could verify Lana was with him, and thankfully he had two people who could do that if he could get in touch with them. Clark began to dial the number for the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters.
  "Please be in," said Clark in an undertone. A heavy amount of desperation was in his voice, but all he got was the front desk. "Hello, may I speak to Harry Potter? He's on his lunch break...yeah I understand, but this is an emergency. This is Clark Kent, and...yeah you'll see what you can do. I'll hold. Thanks."
  Clark patiently waited for the call to be patched in. The situation was already delicate, so he took a moment to take a few calming breaths as he waited on the phone.
  Kara and Harry sat across from each other, and ate their lunch in the privacy of a large office area. They shared what happened the morning with each other.
  "So, Lionel Luthor was harassing you," concluded Kara.
  "Harassment does seem like a strong term," said Harry, and Kara looked at him with a pointed stare and frown. "But I can't think of any term that's better so harassment it is."
  "He does seem like the sort that would always like to be in control," said Kara thoughtfully. "Someone who always has his own agenda, even when he is helping someone, and it seems...maybe I'm just seeing something that's not really there with him."
  Harry's curiosity was piqued.
  "No theory, no matter outlandish should be discounted," said Harry, and Kara chewed on the breadstick she was eating for a moment, before she decided to offer her theory to Harry.
  "Lionel seems to be answering to someone else, or maybe at least he did," said Kara. "He knows about Clark, and...I've looked up some things on him. He might have had a change of heart, but I don't know. I'm concerned about it. He's been shady enough in the past, but something changed him. Clark shouldn't trust him, yet he does."
  "It's almost like Lionel's trying to get Clark to distance himself from me and you," said Harry.
  Kara's mood darkened at those words.
  "I'm trying to repair the bonds of family with Clark, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way," said Kara in a fierce and determined voice.
  "No, and I admire you for that," said Harry with a fond smile. "Jor-El didn't seem to be too happy about you being here."
  "Well, Jor-El is going to have to deal with me being here," said Kara, arms folded. "I see a bright future for Clark, and I'm going to be a part of it, and you are going to be too. He's capable of great things, but not because he's supposed to be..."
  "Because, that's just the way he is," said Harry. "Sorry, a friend of mine told me that one time."
  The words vividly echoed in his head. "Harry, the prophecy doesn't define you. Who you are defines you, and that's why you'll win."
  "Well this friend, she was very wise," said Kara with a fond smile towards Harry.
  "Who said it was a her?" asked Harry.
  "Harry, I have an idea that it could have been only one person that said that do you, from your memories," said Kara. "She was the only true family you truly had, even if you weren't related by blood."
  Harry just smiled. Hermione would not have wanted him to wallow in mourning for her death; she would have wanted him to use her words of wisdom to enlighten someone else. Life moved on, but friends always remained alive where it truly mattered.
  He took a moment to check his cellphone to see if there were any incoming calls. Sure enough there were. Harry called back his front desk.
  "Mr. Potter, sorry for disturbing you at lunch," said his receptionist in an apologetic voice. "But Clark Kent called. He seems rather upset, and would like to talk to you. He says it's an emergency."
  Harry figured this call was coming. "I'll get him on the office phone in about a minute, tell him I'll be with him soon."
  Kara gave Harry a questioning look.
  "Clark's called, it's an emergency, I'll see what it is," said Harry, and immediately he grabbed the phone. Kara got to her feet immediately, but he put up a hand to stall her. "Hello, Clark, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I didn't botch it, did I?"
  "No, I feel fine, and so does Lana," said Clark, and Harry sighed in relief. "Well mostly, but Lana has just been arrested because they suspect she has something do with Lex being kidnapped."
  Harry wasted no time in taking control of the situation.
  "Don't go, Kara and I will be there in a minute," said Harry, and he hung up on the phone.
  "Is Clark okay?" asked Kara without taking a breath.
  "Physically yes, but Lana got taken away because they think she had something to with Lex's disappearance," said Harry. "Come on, we'll leave right now, and figure out what we need to do to sort this out."
  Kara scrambled to grab Harry's hand, and the two popped away without another word towards their destination.
  This time Clark was startled as Harry and Kara appeared in front of him out of thin air.
  "Sorry, I think your poor door took enough abuse as it was last night," said Harry, and Clark relaxed slightly.
  "When you said a minute, you weren't kidding," said Clark.
  "What happened Clark?" asked Kara.
  "They suspect her, I thought you said that she didn't have anything to do with what happened to Lex," said Clark.
  "I did," said Harry, closing his eyes and trying to adopt a reassuring tone of voice. "But they don't know that. They'd only know that if they had my powers. Plus someone had to tell them that Lana could have had something to do with Lex's disappearance."
  Clark, Kara, and Harry all exchanged a look with each other. All thought the same thing.
  "Where's Lionel Luthor?" asked Harry. Clark gave a shrug. "He stopped by this morning, and seemed to be trying to worm information out of me about what my intentions are regarding you. Have you spoken to him recently?"
  Clark was silent, and seemed to be mentally weighing his options.
  "We're not going to get mad," said Kara. "But if Lionel's been talking to you, I feel...well I feel that it's important to know what he's been saying behind our backs."
  There was a bit of silence. Clark contemplated the entire matter in his mind over and over again, before he decided to throw all caution to the wind and speak.
  "Lionel...seems to think Harry's up to something, regarding who his mother's side of the family is. And he seems to think he's using you to get information on me and Krypton in general."
  Kara's eyes narrowed.
  "Oh, you'd think I'd be smart enough to figure out when someone was using me," said Kara, bracing herself for a fight.
  "No one's saying you aren't," said Clark, and Kara relaxed. "Lionel's...well he just has his unique perspective on things. After what happened with the crystal, I'm just wondering if he's short sighted for some reason. Old habits might die hard, and Lionel's..."
  "I'm well aware with what Lionel's done, I've researched him and Kara has too," said Harry. "You've got to believe me Clark. My family was interested...in matters beyond this planet. They were knee deep in theories that something was coming. But I had no interest in that."
  "I questioned Harry at first when he found me," admitted Kara. "But he's been there for me, and helped me...to think he was taking advantage of me in any way....I would have known immediately. There are things you'll know eventually Clark. But now's not the time. We've got to figure out what to do about Lana."
  "So you've heard about that."
  Lionel returned to the Kent Farm. Kara grew rigid, tense, and Harry held her back.
  "You were the one who got Lana arrested, weren't you?" asked Clark.
  Lionel remained cool in the face of certain fire.
  "No, not directly," said Lionel. "She wasn't at the top of the suspect list, believe it or not."
  There was no need to ask the obvious question.
  "The police had a nice chat with me for about four hours yesterday evening," continued Lionel. "They seemed to be very interested about certain matters. That is one of the cases where my past came back to haunt me, but I guess you reap what you sow."
  "Lana didn't have anything to do with Lex's kidnapping," said Harry quietly.
  "And how would you know?" asked Lionel.
  "Sorry, my trust of you seems to be in rather limited supply," said Harry.
  "If you must know, they were with us last night, around the time Lex would have been kidnapped," added Clark, ignoring the looks of protests Harry and Kara gave him.
  "That doesn't absolve Lana," said Lionel. "Her record speaks for itself...much like mine does. And I don't have a clue who else could have been behind it. There are suspects, but would any of them be bold enough? Especially the part where Lana temporary received your powers."
  "Please tell me you didn't tell the police anything about that," said Clark.
  "Of course, I didn't," said Lionel as if he was offended at the mistrust from Clark. "Your secret is safe with me, but...who you trust with that secret might still undermine you. Lana's been watching what Lex has been doing, every single moment since she came back. Her obsession is alarming."
  "If she has him under constant surveillance, then maybe she had a clue who did kidnap him," offered Kara.
  Before Lionel could say anything further, his phone rang. He put up a hand, and answered it.
  "I see...I see...the kidnapper left me a note," said Lionel. "Don't open it, it could be a trap. I'll take a look at it, and see what they want, what the motive is."
  Lionel took a deep breath. He had no idea, and Harry and Kara moved towards Clark.
  "We'll get Lana out of this mess, you go with Lionel, and see what you can find out," whispered Kara to Clark so only his hearing could pick it up.
  Clark nodded, and moved off. Harry closed his eyes.
  He would be able to do this by the book; it was simple enough matter to clear Lana's name and hopefully put this entire mess behind them all.
  Lana sat in the holding cell, hands folded in her lap, and she sat back on the cot in the cell. The police asked basic questions. The only good thing was that no one had told them about her temporary bout with super powers. That would have sunk any chance she would have had of freedom and it would have been guilty until proven innocent.
  She only half listened, but picked up two familiar voices.
  "Ah, you're saying that she was with you two...and Mr. Kent...yes that does collaborate with both of their stories. There is no evidence that we can hold her on anyway, and Lionel Luthor received a note from the kidnapper just moments ago...no we're not doubting you at all."
  The arresting officer walked over and put the lock in the key, to open the door.
  "Ms. Lang, you're free to go, Harry Potter and Kara Kent have both vouched for your whereabouts during the time of Lex Luthor's disappearance," said the officer. "Do not leave town until the investigation is over, we'll be in touch."
  "I understand," said Lana, and she saw Kara and Harry waiting there for her. It was hard to read the expressions on their faces.
  An awkward moment passed between the three of them.
  "Um, thanks," said Lana sheepishly. "After all that I've done, with the journal, I didn't think..."
  "I know what it's like to be accused of a crime that I didn't commit," offered Harry. "It was a simple matter, you're free...well for the most part."
  Lana walked out with them, but she paused when she was sure no one could overhear them.
  "I've been...well I lied about the journal. I didn't pick it up. I stole it from Lex."
  "I know," said Harry quietly.
  "How do you know?" asked Lana.
  "Harry has his ways," said Kara, but she could not bring herself to look at Lana right now. "You better get back, get some rest. Clark is trying to figure out who abducted Lex..."
  "Do you have any ideas?" asked Lana desperately.
  "Not one idea, but I'd like to take a look at the surveillance that you've been keeping on Lex," said Harry, and Lana stiffened. "And I'd highly recommend you cease it immediately. What Lex does from this point on...you should really move on with your life."
  Lana remained silent. Her mind worked into overdrive. Every single detail flooded back to her, things she could have done differently, or rather wished she had.
  "I've messed things up really bad," said Lana.
  "You did," agreed Kara. "But, the question is are you willing to learn from your mistakes this time?"
  There was no answer. Lana could not give an honest one to such a question either way.
  "I guess it's best to take it one day at a time," said Lana.
  "Smart answer," said Harry.
  Silence occurred on the way home. Harry and Kara both sensed a great deal of turmoil coming off of Lana's thoughts at the moment. The events of the last few days may have given her the necessary shock to reassess her lot in life.
  I have your son. You know what I want. Twenty years have passed, you old bastard, but I'll finally get my revenge on you for shunning my brilliance. Time won't be on your side this time. You know who this is. You know I want the scrolls. You know why. And you know where you could find me. One police officer, and my trigger finger my slips, and puts a bullet inside your son's worthless skull.
  The kidnapper.
  Lionel crumpled up the piece of paper in his hand, in disgust.
  "Do you know who it is?" asked Clark.
  "A crackpot, an utter lunatic, someone who I hoped long since fell into obscurity," said Lionel, and he took a deep breath. "Yes, I know who it is. His name is Winston Smith."
  Clark never even heard the name before in his life. Lionel explained more.
  "He was a pencil pusher at Luthorcorp for years and years. The type of employee that are a dime a dozen, that I would have barely exchanged a dozen words with had it not been for one simple insane proposal he gave me. He had a vision, a suit that would allow him to manipulate time at will."
  "So you fired him over that?" asked Clark.
  "No, that was just merely the final proof I needed to get him out the door," said Lionel. "The man had anger management issues, disciplinary issues; he did not seem to be worth the trouble. The only good quality he had was his efficiency. He was always on time, never late, got his reports done. He micro-managed everything with his job down to the nano-second."
  Lionel surveyed the crumpled up piece of paper in his hand.
  "And that's what drove him insane eventually," offered Clark.
  "He was always a basket case, but...there's more about him than meets the eye," said Lionel. "Why would he wait for his revenge now, at this time? And how did he manage to circumvent Lex's security?"
  Clark conceded those were both excellent questions, but he was damned if he had any answers to them. He stood, and a knock on the door signified an arrival. Lionel walked over and turned the door knob. Harry walked inside without any word to them.
  "Got Lana off of the hook, although I'm guessing by now you know it's not her," said Harry, and Kara followed behind him a few seconds later. "We couldn't pick up anything on our end, except for a momentarily flash but that could mean anyone."
  "We have an idea who could be behind this," said Clark.
  "So, who is it?" asked Kara.
  "Winston Smith," said Lionel in a calm and collected tone of voice.
  Harry paused for a minute, and racked his brain.
  "That name doesn't ring a bell," said Harry.
  Lionel essentially told Harry precisely what he told Clark.
  "He's a miserable little nobody, I didn't even think of him since the time I fired him until today," said Lionel.
  "A nobody can be more dangerous than a somebody," said Harry in a warning voice. "You don't expect the unassuming face in the crowd."
  Lionel nodded, the point was well stated.
  Questions were on Harry's mind. He did not hesitate to ask them.
  "The real question is what happened to him after you fired him? He just seems to have faded into obscurity. Twenty years, there has to be something about him, and what are these scrolls?"
  "I don't know what he's babbling about," said Lionel in a swift voice. "I'm sure he's convinced himself that I have some ancient secret of the universe."
  "Something had to give him the idea," said Clark, but Kara scanned the desk with her X-Ray vision. "Kara, I don't think..."
  "It wouldn't have anything to do with the set of scrolls that are locked in a cabinet underneath your desk, would it?" asked Kara.
  Harry turned towards Lionel, and gave him a searching look. The elder Luthor kept his cool and stood his ground.
  "Those were scrolls I uncovered years ago, an artifact, a historical curiosity," said Lionel. "In a language that I could not even begin to decipher.
  "Smith wanted to build a time machine, or whatever," said Harry. "And he knew you had the scrolls. So..."
  "He got it into his mind that these scrolls held the secrets of time travel," concluded Kara.
  "Time travel is something that...even if these scrolls had anything to do with time travel, it would increase their value," said Lionel, but he unlocked the cabinet and took out the scrolls.
  He gently unrolled them onto the desk. Harry remained silent, as he got a good look at them.
  He understood what they were really. Winston Smith may have come across as insane and delusion, but even crackpots had their one and a million shot of stumbling upon something.
  On the scrolls, a step by step process was detailed on how to create a time travel device. The symbols were in a language that had been lost to time, but being the Herald of Death, that did not stop Harry. Kara understood them as well, but neither said a word about the validity of Smith's claims.
  "The scrolls are useless," concluded Harry swiftly. "They contain a fable, a fairy tale, something you'd tell a five year old for their bedtime story."
  "I figured as much," agreed Lionel, sensing no deception. "But if Smith finds out they're useless, he'll assume that I'm lying. "
  "If we knew where Lex was, it'd be a lot easier to figure out a solution," said Harry.
  "It's my responsibility, not yours," said Lionel, not wanting to be put in the debt of anyone in that particular bloodline. "I'll find Lex, the three of you should leave immediately. This is a personal matter."
  "Are you sure?" asked Clark.
  "Positive, Clark," said Lionel firmly. "I've been handling disgruntled ex-employees long before you even were put on that space ship."
  Clark, Harry, and Kara all walked off.
  "Was he telling the truth?" asked Clark.
  "Yes, and no," said Harry.
  That statement caught Clark unaware. His gaze focused on Harry.
  "There's something blocking me from getting an exact fix of what Lionel's thinking," said Harry. "But he knows something more than what he's telling."
  "Then I got to follow him," said Clark, but Kara shook her head.
  "You don't even know who you're dealing with, and if he has any powers," said Kara and she looked at him seriously. "I admire that you want to do the right thing, but...perhaps we can find out more about Smith. Know your enemy, and you can defeat him easier."
  Clark relaxed. In the stress of today, he nearly forgot that simple process. Smith popped up, and took Lex, took out his security, and scientists all without raising one alarm.
  "He kidnapped Lex, all in a split second," said Harry thoughtfully. "I wonder if he partially achieved his mad dream."
  Harry, Kara, and Clark waited a bit, to see what Chloe could dig up on the mater.
  "Winston Smith, or our mysterious kidnapper, well finding information for him was like finding a needle in a haystack," said Chloe after about an hour of searching. "But the one bit of information that I did find about him was...illuminating. He was in Smallville during the meteor shower."
  "Aren't they always," concluded Clark with a sigh.
  "Yeah, it's becoming a recurring pattern," agreed Chloe. "After he was terminated from Luthorcorp, he had a lot of time on his hands. He opened up a shop that repaired antique clocks. For a couple of years at least, he even delivered them to clients. No complaints, until a day where his truck run off of the road when the meteor shower hit."
  "And this is where things get weird," said Harry.
  "Three days before he was found, alive, but not exactly there if you catch my drift," said Chloe. "Three days in that truck, with nothing but ticking clocks to keep him company. And a few meteor rock fragments that blew through the window. He spent a good ten years in a catatonic state. His wife left him; he lost everything he ever owned. And he tried his hand at armed robbery. That was not his forte, he spent years in jail. He was a model prisoner it says here."
  Harry gave a strained smile. Whenever he heard that someone was a model prisoner, he always assumed they would be far more dangerous.
  "The rocks gave him powers," concluded Kara. "He manipulated time, slowed it down to a fraction of what it was."
  "That would be a serious strain on the human body, wouldn't it?" asked Clark.
  "Well let's defer to the expert," said Chloe, and she waved her hand to give Harry the chance to explain.
  "Time travel and time manipulation are rather...difficult. You can freeze time, but it takes a charm that takes a while to master. And it's limited. Most couldn't pull it off. Time travel is limited to about twelve hours back. You can't go forward in time, because it technically hasn't happened yet. But, with the meteor rocks, the rules have changed. And Clark's right, constant time travel can put a huge strain on not only the body, but the mind. This guy likely had a few screws loose to begin with."
  "You wouldn't happen to have address of Smith's shop, would you?" asked Clark.
  "You'd think he would go back there after all of these years," said Chloe. "Place has been abandoned for many years."
  "Which makes it perfect," said Kara.
  Chloe showed Clark the address. Clark knew about where it was.
  "Lionel's walking into a trap," said Harry. "Go get him, Kara and I will be right behind you."
  Clark nodded in agreement, and sped off.
  "I could have sworn you two weren't going to get involved with this," said Chloe.
  Harry sighed. He did say that.
  "These situations have a way of involving me whether I'd like it or not," said Harry, and Chloe nodded. "If I can figure out how he's manipulating time, I can stop him from doing it again."
  "And we got to follow Clark," said Kara, and she grabbed Harry's hand, before the couple popped off to the antique clock shop.
  Lionel walked calmly, but with a purpose. His face remained blank and expressionless. In the pocket of his suit jacket, he had the rolled up scrolls. Fairy tale delusion they might be, Smith believed them to be real and that could be used to his advantage.
  He pushed open the door of the antique shop and stepped inside. Around him, he saw dusty shelves chalked full of time pieces of all flavors. There was no one here yet.
  "Smith, I know you're in here!" yelled Lionel.
  Lionel blinked and a split second later, he stood in the backroom. Before him stood a grey haired man with haunted and sunken in blue eyes, and he wore a trench coat with pocket watches hanging from it.
  "I spent ten minutes just now visualizing the different ways I'd like to kill you," said Smith in a raspy voice. "Time has not been kind to me, but I can undo the wrongs that have been done. My life would have been perfect, had you not been in it."
  "I don't know what happened to you Smith, you were a skilled worker," said Lionel in an even voice.
  Smith's head snapped around and stared down Lionel, in pure rage.
  "I was one of your nine to five minimum wage drones! You didn't want me to have ambition. You just wanted me to get the job done. For the best years of my life, I sure got the job done. You treated me worse than dirt, but I still said, 'yes sir, Mr. Luthor', and...the one moment I want my just do, you spurn me."
  "You're selective memory is not helping you case," said Lionel. "I had a few reports about you, about how your anger scared people."
  Smith chuckled.
  "It was a cutthroat world in that department, never mind your company," said Smith. "Everyone wanted my job, but no one had my dedication. I'd say I was the most dedicated employee in that department, but you just threw me out like yesterday's garbage. I wasn't a person to you, Lionel, but a commodity."
  "Do you hear me denying that?" asked Lionel. "I've changed, and you've changed. The dedicated man with big hopes and dreams would not have descended to kidnapping and assault."
  Smith reached forward and grabbed Lionel by the throat. The older Luthor choked.
  "Don't try and turn this back on me, Luthor," said Smith, grip tightened around the throat hard. "I'm not the villain in this situation. I'm doing the world a favor. Give me the scrolls, and all the lives you have ruined will be fixed. The damage will be undone. The world will be a better place without anyone with the last name of Luthor."
  He pushed Lionel back.
  "And then what," managed Lionel.
  "The scrolls, or your son will get a bullet in his hand," said Smith, and he pulled out the beaten form of Lex from behind a curtain for emphasis.
  Lex lost the ability to articulate even one word. He laid on the floor, absolutely in misery, and Lionel rushed over, but Smith held the gun at Lex's temple.
  "Your next move better be handing me the scrolls, or my next move is finishing off your son." said Smith, gritting his teeth for emphasis. "And I can stop you before you fire any weapon, so there's no use in trying."
  "Calm...calm down," said Lionel, taking a breath of his own. "I'm reaching into my pocket, and giving you want...do what you wish to me, Lex had nothing to do with what happened to you."
  Smith's mouth contorted into a tooth rotting grin. He snatched the scrolls from Lionel. Smith seemed to be on the verge of happiness, and he shoved Lionel back.
  "I've been waiting a long time for this," said Smith. "Rot in hell, you miserable bastard."
  Smith pulled the trigger, but a blur shot into the room and yanked the gun out of his hand. It fired off to the side and impacted the wall.
  Clark turned around, and grabbed Smith.
  "Winston, whatever you're doing, it's over," said Clark, and he struggled.
  "I seem to have taken my eye off of the ball," said Smith, grin twisted on his face. "Some mistake, but it's fortunate for you I have a built in reset button I can use."
  Time rewound approximately a minute ago. Winston's finger was on the trigger and Clark sped in. Winston dodged his attack, and tripped him immediately. Clark remained on his feet, but the gun was in his face.
  "One wrong move, and you'll be joining the Luthors in whatever hell I send them to!"
  "So are you going to shoot me?" asked Clark.
  Smith responded with one pull of the trigger. The bullet impacted Clark. The kidnapper looked surprised, and Clark remained on his feet without a scratch.
  "Just what are you?" asked Smith.
  He fired more bullets at Clark, with the words "die, die, die!" punctuating all of them, but Clark grabbed him by the arm and shoved him back into the wall. The gun dropped from his hand.
  "The time trick, it's too soon to try it again, it will tear me apart," said Smith, breathing in and out.
  "So there's a limit to your powers," said Clark.
  Smith nodded, as he exhaled.
  "Only once every ten minutes, but it's a hell of a trick," said Smith. Clark's grip suddenly relaxed, and he dropped to one knee, rather weak.
  A perplexed look was on Smith's face, but he looked toward the grandfather clock. Stashed in the clock was a sample of the meteor rocks that gave him his powers, and it was busted open during his struggle.
  Smith picked up his gun again, and saw Lionel move towards the clock. The disgruntled employee shot Lionel Luthor in the chest. The old man dropped to the ground.
  "Bullets don't affect you, but a green rock does?" asked Smith, and he opened up the case, to removed the meteor rock. Clark tried to fight it, but he felt sick. "Yes, it does affect you."
  Clark summoned his strength, to push Smith out of the way. The meteor rock dropped and slid underneath the desk.
  Lex slumped over, but Smith's attention turned to Clark on the floor.
  "It was you wasn't it?" breathed Smith. "That meteor shower...it was you."
  Smith spun around and peered down at Clark.
  "All of these clocks contain fragments of the meteors that turned me into this freak," said Smith. "You don't have to walk far to find them. They're a dime a dozen, and a rather cheap and efficient source of power."
  "This isn't a road you have to go down," rasped Clark. "There are people who can..."
  "Help me?" asked Smith. "What morality driven tripe are you going to shove down my throat, hero? You came here to a save a Luthor. If you're not part of the solution to exterminate them, then you're part of the problem."
  Smith stood on the back of Clark's head. He pulled the first meteor rock he could find out, from the same container that held the mysterious liquid in place. Smith held up the chunk of Kryptonite. Clark could barely lift his arms.
  Lionel crawled over, still bleeding but breathing. He held Smith's gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger.
  Smith was shot in the back of the head and fell to the ground, dead. Blood splattered from the back of his head.
  "Clark, don't worry about me...don't worry about Lex, save yourself," breathed Lionel, blood splattered from his mouth, and he clutched his chest. It hurt to breath.
  Clark couldn't, he was going to die in this room surrounded by nothing but Kryptonite. Winston Smith bled on the floor.
  Harry and Kara arrived immediately, and sprinted Clark away before he could succumb to the radiation.
  He shook his head, and felt a little bit better, but still weakened.
  "What took you so long?" asked Clark in a dazed voice.
  "We had to make sure he didn't use his powers when the ten minutes were up," said Harry.
  "You were there the entire time," rasped Clark, and Harry and Kara nodded.
  "We were going to jump in if things got too rough for you," said Harry. "You handled yourself well."
  Kara smiled. It was a good thing Lionel Luthor shot Smith in the back of the head, because she was seconds away from snapping the man's neck with her bare hands.
  "Take it easy Clark, I'll get you back home," said Kara, draping her cousin's arm over her to support his weight.
  "If you were there the entire time, how weren't you affected by the Kryptonite?" asked Clark.
  Kara remained silent for a minute, and bit her lip intense concentration.
  "I'm not sure," she admitted after thinking it over. While her cape did offer her protection against Kryptonite, she was not wearing the cape right now. "But, it's a good thing that I didn't drop dead, isn't it?"
  "Yeah," agreed Clark with a strained smile.
  Harry looked at both of them. He could hear sirens in the distance.
  "Police are on their way, but the three of us being seen here might raise some questions that we don't want answered," said Harry. He turned to address Kara. "Get Clark back home, and I'll meet you there."
  Kara supported Clark as she lifted off them both off into the air, and caused both of them to take flight.
  "Do you think I'll ever be able to do this on my own, Kara?" asked Clark and she turned towards him, questioning him with a look. "You know, flying."
  "You're doing it right now," said Kara with a frown.
  "I mean on my own, without any help," said Clark.
  "I'm merely guiding you," responded Kara. Clark gave his cousin a rather dubious expression. "If you'd like, I'd let you go, to prove to you that you can do it."
  Clark looked like he had severe reservations about that scenario.
  "Another time then," said Kara. "But I wouldn't let you fall. What kind of family would I be if I did?"
  "I know, Kara," said Clark. "So..."
  "Your inability to fly is some kind of mental limitation that you've imposed on yourself," explained Kara. "It's something you have to deal with, in your own time. To me, flight is the most natural thing in the world, the feeling of freedom and everything that goes along with you. Humans would never believe a man could fly, would they?"
  "Well, no," offered Clark. "And I'm not the biggest fan of the world of...heights."
  Clark looked away at this moment.
  "There's no shame at of having a fear," said Kara in a gentle tone of voice. "The day that you master your fear and embrace all sides of who you are will be your greatest triumph. Flying is as easy and natural as breathing when you get the hang of it, and you will someday. And you're home now."
  Kara touched down and made sure Clark could stand steady. Clark regained his bearings.
  "This has been a trying week for many of us, but things will have to get better eventually," offered Kara, and Clark smiled. Kara opened the door for her cousin. "Lana's inside, likely wondering where you are about now. Go assure her that you're fine, and..."
  The timely arrival of Harry caused Kara to lose her train of thought. Both Kryptonians waited for Harry to give them the news.
  "Both Luthors are in critical condition, but they didn't know for sure if they will make it through the night," said Harry. "Lionel got shot point blank in the chest, and Lex suffered repeated blunt force trauma to the head."
  "As for Smith?" asked Clark.
  "Likely one for the afterlife," said Harry. "Just get some rest, and take care."
  "Yeah, what Harry said," said Kara. "I'll see you around before too long."
  Harry and Kara left and Clark walked back in. He felt rather well all things considered. The cold December weather blew a gust of wind through the air.
  A long day passed for everyone, and night had fallen. Harry and Kara ate dinner and took a shower. Kara was on the phone with Clark. She felt she would be sleep a bit easier if she checked in with him and made sure he was safe and sound.
  Harry allowed his girlfriend some privacy, as he put a rolled up set of scrolls away in the vault.
  "Everyone is there, everyone is okay," said Kara.
  "Yeah, Kara, everyone's okay," said Clark over the phone. "Well, we don't know about Lionel...or Lex, but Lana and I are both here."
  "Good, take care of yourself, Clark," said Kara. "I hope the next time I stop by, it's not because I have to clear the air about some misunderstanding we had, or because of some horrific mess. Just visiting my cousin without any unpleasantness might be something that would be nice every once and a while."
  Clark laughed at this over the phone.
  "We can only hope," said Clark. "Sorry..."
  "No, Clark, there's nothing to be sorry about," said Kara in a firm voice. "Tomorrow's another day; let's hope it's a peaceful day for a change. Please, do me one favor, and stay away from lightning or Kryptonite from now on."
  "Okay, will do," said Clark.
  "Okay, take care, I'll see you in before too long," said Kara.
  "Talk to you later, Kara," replied Clark. "Bye."
  "Bye, Clark," said Kara, and she turned around to face Harry. Harry sat on the couch already, with two mugs set out for both of them and a roaring fire. The weather was cold outside, so Kara appreciated this. "Clark's recovering from today's ordeal."
  "That's good," said Harry, and Kara took one of the mugs.
  She sat beside the love of her life, and took a drink. Kara smiled as she tasted it.
  "I don't know what this drink is, but it's good," said Kara, and took a few more drinks of it.
  "It's hot chocolate, it's supposed to warm you up," said Harry.
  "Well, you might have to make it for me every day, because I can see myself getting addicted to it," said Kara.
  "They didn't have that on Krypton?" asked Harry.
  "No, chocolate is something that's new to me," said Kara with a sigh.
  "Advanced civilization indeed," said Harry with a teasing smile, and Kara looked amused, as she drank her hot chocolate.
  "But, we've...got something to talk about," said Kara. "What happened today? I should have been taken down by that Kryptonite. But, I wasn't, was I?"
  Harry shook his head, and pondered.
  "You didn't feel even a buzz from the Kryptonite?" asked Harry.
  Kara shook her head.
  "No, not even a twitch in my eye, and I didn't have the enchantment that you gave me with me," said Kara. "Do you think it might be my other gifts coming into play?"
  "That's the most logical explanation," said Harry thoughtfully. "One of the perks of being a Herald of Death is immunity to any kind of radiation. It figures that you would get that from Kryptonite. I just didn't think to test it, because throwing my girlfriend into a room with Kryptonite just to see what happens isn't really the top of my list of things I feel comfortable with doing."
  Kara broke out into laughter, and leaned against Harry.
  "So what are these other gifts I have?" asked Kara, her eyes meeting his.
  "Well you have many gifts, as you've demonstrated," said Harry, and Kara just smiled. She placed her head on Harry's shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his waist. He did likewise with his arms. "See, a lot of my gifts were unlocked when I united with the three keys. The cloak of invisibility, the wand of eternity, and the stone of resurrection, but it may vary from herald to herald, or it might not."
  Kara closed her eyes and disappeared from Harry's sight.
  "Harry, I'm still here, can you hear me?" asked Kara's voice.
  "Yeah, and if I use the X-Ray vision I got from you, I can see you too," said Harry with a smile. "Now you turned on the invisibility, it should be a simple matter to turn it back...well you became visible already."
  "I can't hold it for long," said Kara. "Maybe about thirty seconds, or less...I'm guessing it gets easier with time. The real question is, can I do magic?"
  "Only one way to find out," said Harry, and he pulled out a feather. "Try and get it to levitate in the air."
  The blonde Kryptonian girl released herself from him, and turned with a purpose. Kara screwed her eyes shut, and tried to get the feather to lift off of the table. She tried and struggled.
  "Okay, that's a power I don't have," said Kara, after a few moments of intense effort that only succeeded in giving her a throbbing pain in her head.
  "Not yet anyway," said Harry. He pulled her back into a tight embrace "I'm not sure if you have the power copying ability, but when you're training is done, you'll know. And if you have it, you can copy my powers, if you want to."
  "It's only fair," said Kara, with a teasing smile. "I did let you copy my powers."
  "And you were grateful for it," responded Harry, stroking his girlfriend's hair.
  "Yeah, I know," said Kara. "The sooner we start our training, the sooner we figure this out, I guess."
  "I'm ready when you are," said Harry. "And then we'll go from there."
  Kara rested her head on Harry's chest, arms wrapped around him, and Harry steadied her on the couch.
  "You look barely able to keep your eyes open," said Harry.
  "I'm not tired," said Kara with a yawn. Harry looked at her, and Kara just gave a guilty little smile. "Okay, I am, but you're the one who wore me out just about an hour ago."
  "Guilty is charged," said Harry. He cupped her face lovingly with his hands, and pulled her into a deep kiss. Kara wrapped her arms around him, and enjoyed it for several minutes. The kiss broke, and Harry looked at her in the eyes. "I love you, pleasant dreams."
  "They're always pleasant, you're in them," said Kara with a sleepy smile. "Love you too.
  Kara gave him one final kiss, before she crashed in Harry's arms. The chocolate on her lips made an interesting taste, but it suited her. Harry pulled a blanket onto the both of them, and smiled at her, before Harry drifted off to sleep himself.
  "You're not going to believe this, doctor."
  A nurse turned to the lead doctor, absolutely scared out of her mind.
  "Winston Smith, he woke up," said the nurse, hands trembling. "He's been declared dead, there's were no vital signs, but...he's awake."
  To call it a miracle would be pushing it, given the trouble Smith had caused. Smith sat up in bed, rigid, eyes glazed over and not blinking.
  "Hello Doctor," said Smith in a low and crisp tone.
  "Mr. Smith...I must say this recovery is remarkable," said the doctor in a shaky voice. "You took a bullet to the base of the brain, and...you should have died."
  "Yes, perhaps I am a medical marvel," said Smith. "I understand protocol is to take me to Belle Reve, due to my condition."
  "Yes, once you've been medically cleared, you will be sent to Belle Reve," said the doctor in a confused voice.
  "Very well, proceed with your tests, you will find that I'm alive," said Smith, turning his face to hid the haunted and silvery glint in them.
  Chapter Seventeen: Passage.
  Sunlight flooded through the window with the curtains pulled slightly back. The alarm clock went off twice, before a blast of heat vision incinerated it.
  Harry's eyes flickered open in his bedroom. The blonde woman draped over him looked at the alarm clock. A smile appeared on his face, as he turned to her. "Kara."
  "That may be the most annoying inventions ever devised by humans," Kara remarked with a slight smile on her face. Harry tightened his arms around her waist. She lazily rested her head on his chest.
  Harry opened his mouth, but shut it. He could not think of an argument against that assessment. Kara grinned, and she rested for a couple more minutes. Her ear was pressed to his chest and she listened to Harry's heartbeat. She pushed herself up on Harry, and grabbed the side of his face with her soft hands. Kara pressed her lips firmly on Harry's with a kiss. Harry returned the kiss eagerly, and his hands roamed over her body. Kara appreciated his actions, and she leaned into the kiss. Their mouths opened, and their tongues danced with each other in a fiery passion.
  Every inch of her barely clothed body pressed against his. They continued to kiss for several minutes. The covers mysteriously found their way to the floor in the heat of passion. Kara was sprawled on top of Harry. The transparent fabric over her nightdress hung loosely off of her. Harry's hands traveled both on top of it, and underneath it, exploring her body.
  They broke the efforts after a few minutes.
  "Today's the day isn't it?" Kara managed after a moment's thought, and she kissed the side of Harry's face, down his neck, and shoulders. She paused. "The day we have to start out training."
  Harry felt her mouth do wonderful things to him, but he was able to think and speak, if barely. "Yeah, it's today, I can't believe it. We might as well get this done and over with. Everything's in order, there is no reason why we should wait around."
  Kara teased Harry's body. He could feel her hot mouth and moist lips working on him, and they went into their early morning activities.
  "I had a dream last night with us," Harry said.
  Kara opened her mouth, using her hand instead. She looked up at Harry with teasing eyes. "Yeah, given the state of you when we woke up, I'm sure you did. Maybe we can reenact it later."
  Harry just smiled at that thought. "Don't make promises you can't keep. How do you know you're even up to it?"
  Now Kara tingled with anticipation of what her mate had in mind.
  "I love a challenge," Kara retorted and she looked Harry right in his eyes. "Especially when it's with you. I can't tell you how badly I want you right now."
  Harry reached down and stroked the back of her hair.
  "There is no need to tell me, when you can show me."
  Kara obliged Harry's request. The activities went on for some time until both agreed that was enough for right now, and moved on for the rest of their day.
  "Now, Kara, I'm giving you the morning off today, so you can make sure you tell your cousin that you'll be off the grid for the next week," Harry told her.
  Kara got dressed. She wore a blue jacket, a red tank top underneath it, and tight blue jackets, with boots. She clipped her hair back, and put on a pair of glasses. Harry looked at her and appreciated how hot she looked.
  "Yeah, thanks for reminding me, not that I would have forgot about it," Kara said, shaking her head. "I don't want Clark leading a search party. The real problem is trying to tell him what I'm doing, without telling him what I'm doing."
  Harry placed his hands on her waist and peered into her eyes intently. "Kara, you're a resourceful girl, you can figure it out. I know you can. Don't forget, we're going into the journal after dinner. We're sacrificing a lot for this training."
  Kara's expression darkened immediately. She knew what they could not do for a week. It would be kind of awkward after all to something like that with Harry's mother nearby. She was going to go nuts, but if this training paid off, a momentary discomfort.
  "I'll meet you for lunch when we're done," Harry stated, and he leaned forward, to give Kara a kiss. "Good bye, good luck, love you."
  "Love you too Harry," Kara replied to him, and she threw her arms around him, before she pushed him against the wall, and gave him another deep kiss. Harry allowed her to overpower him.
  "You're making it very hard for me to get out the door," Harry said, after the kiss broke.
  Kara backed off. She surveyed him, a slight grin appearing on her face. "Seems like that's not the only thing I'm making hard. After three hours, you'd think it would settle down."
  "Well you have that kind of effect on me," retorted Harry.
  "I think I can take care of this real quick," Kara said, and she got on her knees, before she began to work his pants open. "It is kind of my fault that you're in this state."
  "Yeah, it is," Harry agreed, but he leaned back and allowed Kara to take care of his issue.
  Once they were done about fifteen minutes later, and Kara swallowed, they made their way out the door, and flew off their separate ways.
  A few days had passed since the ordeal. Lex tried to flicker his eyes open, but he still had a throbbing pain in the back of his head. He scarcely remembered the details of his entire kidnapping. Some nutcase who wanted revenge on his father had kidnapped the young man. This kidnapper believed he had the secret to time travel.
  Lex slipped in and out of consciousness. He had not quite fallen into a coma, but one more good shot to the head and he would have. He feigned sleep. The doctors and nurses made their rounds, but they would not dare disturb him in his current state.
  It was amazing how much a concussion put everything in perspective. The lumps on his head were a souvenir from his ordeal. They were further proof that he was a survivor. Lex's head rested back on the pillow, arms crossed over his chest. He had plenty of time to think about many things.
  Lex placed a hand over his eyes, and took a deep breath. The doctor moved off, and he could think more freely without anyone interrupting him with their movements. The fact of the matter was that his memories were clearer than ever before. He could have been rendered permanently brain dead, but he had been spared once again.
  Lex Luthor was a survivor. He would win, once he got a clean bill of health. He recalled splintered memories. Many things about his youth had been a bit of a blur. It was of a more innocent time before he grew up.
  He remembered of a trip to the United Kingdom he made years ago. He saw it clearly in his mind. All of the houses looked the same. It was extremely creepy. His father visited a woman. She was a rather rude piece of work. She denied him information about something, some kind of traveler. Something her sister found out, and she claimed the information died with the freak and her husband.
  The woman claimed no interest. Lex was only dragged along for the ride. He could have sworn that he saw a young boy in a cupboard underneath the stairs. He was shooed away before he could investigate. His father seemed to be satisfied with her answers, but disappointed at the same time.
  What was the deal with the boy in that cupboard underneath the stairs? The bald young man wondered how much significance he held, but Lionel convinced Lex that he imagined him in the excitement of the day. And for years Lex bought it without any question.
  'I need to figure out about that trip, and why my father seemed so insistent on gathering that information,' Lex thought. 'Almost twenty years ago it happened, but I need to find out the significance.'
  Lex allowed himself to be seen awake the next time the doctor made his rounds. "Mr. Luthor, you're awake."
  "Yes, I just came to," Lex said in a weak voice. "May I ask about the status of my father."
  "Your father will make a full recovery, but you could have suffered brain damage," the doctor said.
  Lex took a deep breath.
  "I feel fine," Lex argued, and the doctor performed some tests. "In fact, my head is much clearer than it ever has been. I saw my entire life flash before me, but I didn't blink."
  "Your kidnapper has been hauled off to Belle Reve," the doctor informed him. "He did not put up much of a fight. The meteor infection caused him to develop insanity."
  "A common symptom of those people," Lex commented idly. "So any clue of his motive?"
  "No, but that's out of my area of expertise," the doctor said.
  "Of course," Lex replied.
  He relaxed a smile on his face. He cooperated with the doctor. The sooner he could get a clean bill of health, the better. That particular memory had brought up more memories that he suppressed. It was much like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing. Yet, the pieces formed together slowly.
  Clark answered a knock on the door, and Kara stood on the doorstep.
  "Are you busy, Clark?" Kara asked him.
  "No, Kara, I was just hanging out here, waiting for Lana to come back," Clark said, and Kara nodded. "Why don't you come in, and make yourself at home?"
  Clark immediately caught the worry on his cousin's face. Something must have been bothering her, but the question was what. Kara sighed, and she sank onto a chair.
  "So, you're doing well after what happened a few days ago," Kara said, and Clark nodded. "Good, I'm glad. Any word on either of the Luthors?"
  "I don't know, they're still in the hospital," Clark informed her. "Both of them could pull through, but they're not out of the woods yet. Why the interest in them?"
  "I believe humans have a saving that fits this situation," Kara said, before she paused, "Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer."
  Clark had heard that saying a few times, and saw where she was coming from.
  "Lionel did save my life," Clark offered her. Kara just hummed and offered her cousin a courtesy nod.
  "True, he did, but that does not cancel out what he's done in the past," Kara said warily. "And he has his own agenda."
  "Don't we all," Clark offered weakly.
  Kara tried to best think about how to best tell her cousin this, without trying to come across as too critical. "You have a noble heart. And it serves you well. However, it gives you a blind spot towards certain people. Some people can change, but not everyone can change. Lionel's keeping tabs on you for a reason, and he's making sure you don't get too close to anyone. Is that because he's protecting you, or is he serving his own agenda. Or perhaps he's serving someone else's agenda."
  Clark's mouth remained shut. He had a good idea what she was implying.
  "Lionel's a complicated case, he's hurt me in the past, but he's changed," Clark said. "Ever since. . ."
  Clark stopped himself short.
  "You don't need to say more, I understand," Kara said, closing her eyes and frowning at the thought. She switched tracks. "You're at a crossroads in your path right now. You can go many ways. And not all of them are good. The next step you take is pivotal."
  "What if I do the wrong thing?" Clark asked.
  "What if you do the right thing?" Kara countered his statement. "Or what if there is no right or wrong thing? You ask these questions Clark, and I wish I could answer them all for you. But, there is no clear answer. There's going to be tough decisions before you. The foundation you built here will serve you well as you grow into what you could be. And before you ask, that is in your hands. When you're ready, you'll know."
  "What if I'm never ready?" Clark blurted out before he could help himself.
  Kara gave him a light smile.
  "To consider that possibility means that you're more ready than most in your place would be," Kara said to him. "When the time is right, you'll know, I stand by what I say."
  The two exchanged a look, and Kara decided to drop the bombshell.
  "Clark, I'll be leaving for a week, with Harry," she said. "There's something that we have to do, but it's only for a week, and we'll be back."
  "Kara, it's really no big deal," Clark said, waving his hand for emphasis. "It's your life, and you have your things that you need to do. But do you mind me asking where you are going? In case there is an emergency."
  She really wished she could tell him, but something stopped her.
  "I can't tell you that, Clark," Kara said in an apologetic voice. "It's something that I have to do. You have things you need to do for the path you're going on. Well this is my path that I'm going on. It has to be done. I need to find out for sure what my role is here."
  Clark looked at her, with a curious expression.
  "I could have sworn you were the one who said she had a clear hold on her destiny," Clark retorted in a joking manner, but Kara folded her arms.
  "We never do have a clear idea to our destiny," Kara stated. "There are always new things being thrown out. We think we have all of the answers, but there's always something unexpected. Adaptability is the strongest virtue you can possess. Take what life gives you, and turn a negative into a positive. I have a feeling that all of us will be a lot better off for all of us. I'll tell you when I can, if I can."
  "Why can't you just tell me?" Clark asked her.
  "We all have our secrets," Kara replied. "We should not be pressured into telling them before we are ready. I would think you would know the value of that better than anyone."
  "Yes," Clark agreed. "But I also learned that secrets can hurt."
  Kara nodded in agreement. That was why it hurt her not to be able to tell her. Once again, she considered telling Clark everything, but once again she was held back. The words were in her throat, but they would not reach her tongue. Plus, it was not completely her secrets that she was divulging.
  "They can, but some people just can't handle the truth," Kara countered, when something failed her. "We can go around in circles all day about this. My purpose here is something far greater than I ever thought. But I won't let it get in my way of helping you."
  The blonde Kryptonian looked at her cousin, deep in thought. There was times where she wished she could have been there for him much sooner. She missed a great deal of his life, and she wondered what he would have been like if she had been there for him since the beginning.
  Despite that bittersweet thought, Kara was happy about who Clark grew into. Being brought up by a good family really did him well. It allowed him a strong foundation, he could build on, and that made her smile. Even if she wished she could have given him guidance much sooner. Especially before Jor-El got his hooks into him, and tried to use Clark as some kind of redo for his own inadequacies and failures.
  "I do wonder if you're limiting yourself by sticking around Smallville," Kara said after a couple moments and Clark looked at her, questioning. "There is a larger world around there that needs someone like you to protect them."
  "Smallville might not seem like much, but it's my home," Clark argued.
  Kara looked at him, fondly. "And it will always have a special place in your heart. Much like Krypton does in mine, but it's a foundation for the future. A platform for something greater we can build off of. You're well on your way, but a foundation is just a foundation. It can't stand on its own. You can be great. Just think about it Clark. One day, the world will need someone to stand up for it. And that someone could be you. Take care of yourself until that point comes. I might not be always around, so just be careful."
  "I would hate to think that I'm a burden on you," Clark said.
  "No, I never will think of you as a burden," Kara said waving off his protests with a mere gesture. "Your journey has just begun, and it will be paved with great triumphs and even greater mistakes. If I have a little bit of influence on where you go, then I'll be happy. But I've got to get going. Just think about what I've said."
  Kara pulled herself to her feet. There were times where she did wonder if she was doing a disservice to Clark by just popping into his life. He had his own life, and Kara felt that her presence turned that life upside down.
  Yet, despite all of her thoughts, Kara knew that she could not leave him, not for any reason. Family was something that was important to her, and she hoped that she would not do anything to hurt Clark.
  Kara turned the doorknob, but there was someone else on the other side of the door.
  Lana and Kara stood face to face. Time seemed to stop, and they looked at each other.
  "Oh, hi, Kara," Lana said in a shaky voice.
  "Hi, Lana," Kara told her. Her voice was calm and collected. "I'm leaving right now, don't worry."
  "I hope that's not on my account," Lana said.
  "I didn't happen to see you through the door, believe it or not," Kara said with a sigh. She considered something, before taking the plunge. "I guess you and I both need to talk."
  Dread filled Lana, and Kara lead Lana outside past the farm house. She looked around to make sure no one was watching.
  "So, what do you want to talk about?" Lana asked her.
  "You and I didn't get off on the right foot," Kara said without preamble.
  "Yeah, the entire, hurt my cousin and I'll beat you with a shovel speech kind of clued me in," Lana said. She gave Kara a weak smile.
  "A shovel, didn't think about that, but that's very creative," Kara answered in a tone of voice where Lana did not know if the other girl was joking around or not. "But, that's beside the point. You've made some big mistakes. If you're willing to make things right, and get your head on straight, I guess I'm willing to give you a chance. What you did before, that's in the past. I'm sure Clark wasn't completely innocent, but. . . it does take two to tangle."
  Lana nodded. If she could go back, there were a million things that she would do differently it seemed. Regrets filled her mind.
  "The truth is, perhaps you and Clark might be together for a while or you may not be, I can't really predict the future," Kara continued. "And any female that would get with my cousin, I'll be watching them closely. No offense, but I don't want to see anything happen to him."
  "None taken," Lana told her. "And I'm sorry about the crack I made about you wanting to control his life. And about what happened with the journal. And pretty much everything else I did that might have offended you."
  "Your words a merely a foundation, Lana," Kara replied. "I'll accept them for now, but it's what your actions end up being that matter. There is a lot of turmoil in your mind that you are working through. But in the end, it will be worth your while. If you can reach that point, trust me on that."
  Lana looked confused.
  "Just one step at a time," Kara concluded after a moment of thought. "It can't be forced, but if something is meant to happen, it will happen."
  "You really are wise beyond your years," Lana commented lightly.
  Kara just gave a slight smile. "Adversity tends to breed maturity in us. Well in most of us. There are those who keep hiding from their turmoil, and retreat in their shells. They hide from a world that spurns them, and they never grow up."
  Lana nodded, wondering if this was some kind of subtle shot at how she had been acting lately.
  "I'll be going," said Kara. "I'll be back in a week. Make sure nothing happens to Clark. If something happens, I'll be upset. He can take care of himself, but it never hurts to have an extra set of eyes."
  Lana took a deep breath, and looked at her seriously.
  "Don't worry, nothing will happen to him," offered Lana.
  "I hope not," said Kara, firmly, and she flew off without another word.
  Lana turned around. There was a lot for her to think about. She entered the open door, and saw Clark waiting.
  "The fact that you're both in one piece is something I'm happy about you know," said Clark, breaking the silence, and Lana looked at him. "You know, after the argument you two had the other day about me."
  "I know, but there's a thawing between us," said Lana. "Hopefully we're all better off after that little mishap. I cut off the surveillance on Lex. Is he even out of the hospital yet?"
  "Not that I know of," said Clark. "So where do we stand, the two of us?"
  "We'll answer that one day at a time," said Lana after a long moment of thought. "We have a lot to get over, but I think in the end, we'll figure that out. I just wonder if it's too late for us."
  "I don't believe in something being too late," said Clark. "Where there's life, there's hope, and there is a chance for us."
  Lana sank onto the chair next to Clark. A lifetime full of regrets was hard to get over in a matter of days, and her past bad judgment calls. She resolved to be a much better person. If she hurt Clark again, she wasn't sure she could forgive herself.
  And she knew Kara would never forgive her. She had a feeling Kara had swallowed a lot of her Kryptonian pride to give her the benefit of the doubt, for Clark's sake.
  The sun shined brightly in the Shining Light Foundation headquarters. Harry worked busily at the computer. Before he took his week sabbatical, he needed ensure everything was in order before he headed out. He typed away on the keyboard, thinking about the journey ahead in the journal. He was almost absent minded in his actions, but everything was in order.
  Harry worked for about an hour. That was before a knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. Harry turned around. He was a bit agitated by the interruption, but answered the door regardless.
  "Who is it?" Harry called.
  "It's Claire, can I come in?" the knocker replied.
  In spite his high stress levels, a smile appeared on his face.
  "Oh, Claire, sure, you know my door's always open for you," Harry told her.
  The doorknob turned, and pushed open. Claire walked inside Harry's office. She walked in, and Harry pushed out a chair for her, offering it to her to sit down. Claire did so. She looked at Harry for a moment. She appeared nervous. It was as if she was trying to figure out what to say.
  "Was there anything in particular you wanted to ask me about?" Harry prompted her.
  Claire closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.
  "Someone said you're leaving for a week," Claire replied. "Is that true?"
  Harry paused, and nodded.
  "Yeah, Claire, it's something that I have to do."
  Claire frowned. She tried to keep the bitterness off of her young face, but there was a bit of an undercurrent of it still present.
  "You're coming back, aren't you?" Claire demanded. "I mean, I used to see you almost every day, but now you're only showing up a couple of times a week."
  "Claire, I'm sorry, but I'm busy," Harry offered the girl.
  Claire put her head in her hands for a second, and gave a distressed sigh.
  "You and Kara are both hardly ever around anymore," Claire said in a sad voice. "Where is she now anyway?"
  Harry wondered where this came from. He took a deep breath, and sighed.
  "Kara's visiting her cousin, but she's leaving with me too," Harry told her.
  This was the wrong thing to say to Claire, apparently. There was a bit of a scowl on her face.
  "You mean you're both leaving for an entire week!" Claire exclaimed. "What if I . . . what if someone needs you guys!"
  Harry caught the slip, but chose to ignore it. He put his hand on the young girl's shoulder gently.
  "There are plenty of people here that can help if you need anything," Harry said to her. "I trust them, and so should you."
  The girl bit down hard on her lip, but she managed to get ahold of herself. Extreme frustration appeared on her face, and she took a calming breath. The last thing she needed right now was to start a fire. It was hard for her to convey exactly what she was thinking to Harry. She had been abandoned her entire life by everyone, but she thought, she hoped Harry would be different.
  Harry could sense the frustration coming off of his young charge.
  "I'll be back, it's not like I'm leaving forever," Harry told Claire in a reassuring voice. "It's just a week. You do understand that nothing's going to happen to me."
  Claire looked sullen, but she nodded."
  "Yeah, I guess," she said in a small voice.
  "What's bothering you, really?" Harry asked her. "You're not having any problems with anyone here, are you?"
  Claire shook her head. Harry gave her a questioning look.
  "Oh, nothing's wrong," Claire told him through gritted teeth.
  "Are you sure?" Harry pressed her. He realized this is how everyone felt when they tried to get him to open up, but he was less than forthcoming with information. He looked at her. "You know you can tell me anything, Claire."
  Claire opened her mouth, but she seemed to catch herself.
  "Yes?" Harry prompted her.
  "It's stupid alright!" Claire yelled hotly, and she managed to hold back the flames that would normally shoot out.
  "What's stupid?" asked Harry. "You don't know how stupid something is until you share it with someone. I think I could offer a second opinion."
  Claire just let her words flow, before she knew what she was really saying.
  "Everyone else, they're talking about how they're going to spend Christmas with family and friends! And I'm going to have to stay here, at this place! I have no home to go to! And now you're leaving me right before Christmas!"
  Harry looked at the girl, and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.
  "I'll be back before then, Claire," Harry said lightly.
  "What if something happens to you?" Claire demanded. "You can't make that promise! You and Kara, something bad could happen to either of you!"
  Harry tried to think of the best way to deal with a hot tempered ten year old.
  "Claire, it's going to be. . ." started Harry, but he cut himself off at the pass when he realized how stupid his own reassurance was.
  "Alright?" Claire offered him. "No, Harry, it's not going to be alright! That's what my last foster parent told me! Before they took me to that doctor, who dropped me off with the government because no one can handle me! You want to know why no one could handle me! Because I'm a freak!"
  Claire stopped her rant. Harry's chilling green eyes were on hers, and he made her calm down.
  "Don't you ever call yourself that again, young lady," Harry reprimanded sternly.
  "Why not, it's the truth?" argued Claire. "After all, I needed to be locked up in some kind of building for my own protection around the clock! Everyone else gets to go home to someone, but no one wants anything to do with me!"
  Harry was about to protest, but the young girl got up from her chair. He could not even call after her, when his office door swung up. Claire stormed out of the office in a huff. Harry watched her leave, his mind going a million miles a minute.
  'I thought she got over what happened to her,' Harry thought to himself. 'She's. . . I don't know. The holidays were always a rough time for me too. I had no one to go home to, not truthfully. The places I thought were home were all a lie. I can see where she's coming from. The problem is, I can't really explain to a ten year old what I'm doing. Even if she is smarter than most her age, it's not something that I want to pull her into."
  He sighed at these thoughts. Harry looked a file that contained Claire's adoption history and other records. He acquired it after painstaking effort. After her parents died, she bounced around from foster home to foster home. Then the government did God only knows what to her, before Sinclair found her.
  Yet, it was her history before her supposed parents that fascinated Harry, even if he wondered if he was opening some kind of Pandora's Box just looking into it. There were a few clues that Claire was adopted by the Seltons at a very young age, perhaps at least a few days after she was born. Her birth mother either gave her up, or died, which one Harry had no idea.
  Regardless of what he could find, Claire was a delicate situation. Her control of her powers was getting better, and her mindset had improved. Still, she had a lot of personal demons. No one deserved what she was put through.
  The fact that Claire reminded Harry of a younger version of him scared him absolutely out of his mind.
  It was not a situation his powers could solve, he knew that much. He would have to deal with this problem after hi straining. He tried to put out of his mind, but it was hard.
  The journal sat out on the table. It was the plunge the two Heralds of Death had to take. Their hands were locked, and Harry and Kara both looked at the journal, tentative expressions on both of their faces.
  "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Harry asked her.
  "Even, if I wasn't a Herald like you, I wouldn't want you to handle this alone," Kara said in a soft voice. She grabbed Harry's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "We might as well get it over. Take the plunge."
  "I just hope we're the same people when we come out of the journal that we are when we go into it," Harry said in a worried tone of voice.
  Kara gave him a reassuring smile. She brushed his hair away from his green eyes. She gazed into them. She could get lost in them easily, but she pulled herself out.
  "No training can't change what's in our hearts," Kara replied, and she grabbed the journal. It was flipped open. "Okay, we'll do it on the count of three."
  Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. He hoped that this would be the end of his involvement with the journal, and Lily would truthfully go away. This was information that he needed to know. Both Harry and Kara raised their hands.
  "One, Two, Three."
  They placed their hands on the journal. A swirling vortex of light engulfed them. They were sucked through a journal. They now both knew what an ice cube would feel like if it could feel itself be sucked through a straw.
  Harry caught Kara before she hit the ground, but he tumbled in his own less than graceful way. The two of them crashed on the ground. Harry cushioned most of her blow, and the form of Lily Potter approached them.
  "I'm glad you two have decided to take the plunge," Lily said. "Now, I must warn you, some of what I'm going to tell you isn't going to be pleasant."
  "Can't be any less pleasant than some of the things you already told us," Harry replied darkly.
  Lily just gave a slight, sad smile. She really wished things would be different. Harry's bitterness towards her was more of a consequence of his own harsh life than anything she did.
  "I want both of you to open your minds, and focus. There is a slight awareness that you might have been aware of, where you might have been able to sense when someone's time is coming."
  "Could we save anyone from their fate?" Kara asked her curiously.
  "In theory, you could," Lily told them. "Saving someone from being shot today, they could be hit by a bus a few days later or contract a deadly virus. Of course, it is on a case by case basis whether or not you could really do anything. And the signs could be read wrong, with how much time they have left. Even Death has been known to be merciful on rare occasions."
  Harry scoffed at this fact.
  "Only if she wants something, maybe," Harry inputted.
  "Perhaps, but there are times where Death is willing to spare those who's time is near, even if the higher ups would need some justification," Lily explained.
  "Higher ups?" Kara asked her. "There's a force that is even beyond Death."
  Lily paused. It was almost like she was trying to struggle how to explain this.
  "In some ways, yes, but it's complicated," Lily replied. "Death really is the best person for the job, but they would replace her in a moment if they could. They all have their own agenda, but none of them have the ambition for the big job. The entire Herald of Death business was a sticking point, or at least so Death implied. But we're getting off the subject."
  Lily drew breath, even if it was an unnecessary gesture.
  "This is the biggest thing you need to do," Lily said and she waved her hand.
  A web, for lack of the better term, appeared before Harry and Kara. There was a multitude of dots. Some of the dots were white, others were grey, others were black, and there were a few reds that Harry could spot as well.
  "So, I'm guessing the colors have significance," Harry remarked.
  Lily nodded, and proceeded to explain.
  "The white dots are people who are not going to die any time soon. The grey dots are people who could be in danger of dying, but their path is still clear open. Their life is at least halfway over. A black dot is someone who will be dying in the next twenty four hours or less. The red dots are those who have obtained immortality. Tracking those down is one of your main goals as Heralds. Immortals upset the balance, and if they find a way to grand their immortality to other people. Even with your powers, it is easier said than done. And you have to find a way to reverse the immorality."
  Kara and Harry nodded. They committed the meaning of these colors to their memories. It was through intent study of the web that Kara noticed something. She supposed she could lock onto the dots, and find specific people that she knew, but who wanted to know about something that?
  She spotted a dot on the web. It shined a bright gold.
  "What does gold mean?" Kara asked abruptly.
  "Gold?" Harry inquired, but he noticed it when his girlfriend pointed it out.
  "Lock onto the dot, and ask who it belongs to, then you might have your answer," Lily said.
  Harry beat her to it, and he pressed his finger on the dot.
  "Kal-El, born of Krypton, resides on Earth, lifespan variable," the web declared.
  "Variable, there's nothing for sure then," Kara suggested.
  Lily gave her the confirmation she needed with a nod.
  "Your cousin's place on the tapestry of life always presented an interesting anomaly," Lily explained. "Kal-El is different. He represents a potential for a great shining hope. He would lead humanity to its salvation, or its utter demise. It's become clear to me that Kal-El, or Clark if you prefer, was the traveler. The traveler was believed to be the force to save humanity from itself, and its own darkest impulses."
  "So, Clark needs to become a great hero, I take it," Harry concluded.
  "Not necessarily," Lily retorted, and both Harry and Kara were confused. "Heroes are something that I never honestly believed in. An avenger swooping in to save the day is not something people respect. They respect power."
  The couple took a few seconds to allow this to settle in, before Harry drew a breath.
  "There is a fine line between respect and fear," Harry warned her.
  "Kal-El being a hero might not save the human race," Lily offered in in a misty voice. "Salvation can only be obtained through conquest. The Evans family deciphered all of the clues over the generations. Humanity will end up killing itself within the next few generations. They have reached its peak point of evolution. Ideally, survival of the fittest should reign supreme, but those who are not fit to lead have been thrust into positions of power. The hopes and dreams of people have been crushed. We used to want to better ourselves. Now we wish to stick to the status quo."
  Kara was compelled to stick up for humanity.
  "You're wrong," Kara argued. "Things can get better. Humanity could be going through a rough patch, but if they have a symbol to aspire to, they can excel to the next level."
  "Your idealism is inspiring, but you don't truly know humans," Lily said dismissively. "I could rattle off countless atrocities the human race has participated in, over the last century, never mind its history. You were lucky Clark was found by the right people. He could have been some government lab rat, or used as a glorified weapon by the government, only let out of his cage where there was a job to be done. Humanity will never willingly accept anyone different from them."
  Kara and Harry seethed in their own fury.
  "The destiny of the traveler is in your hands, that's why you were sent here, Harry," Lily said, addressing her son. "The sooner you accept that, the better the world will be. You don't want to cause another world to die because of your stubbornness!"
  "That's not my fault and you know it!" Harry fired back, losing his head immediately. "You know something, the more I know you, the less I like about you. You're saying it; you want me to use Clark as a weapon, someone to do my dirty work. Someone to reshape the world in my image, or is it your image?"
  "Humanity needs to be put in line for its own good," Lily said coldly. "There can be a utopia, and you two could lead it, with the traveler making sure all stay in line. Can't you see it? I only want what's best for you and Earth."
  "No, you never wanted what's best for Harry," Kara replied. "You wanted him raised in isolation, surrounded by people who put you on a pedestal, and worshipped you. You wanted to make him into your personal puppet. You're really reminding me of my father right now, and that's not a compliment by any means."
  "I can't speak for Kara, but I'm going to help Clark," Harry said. Kara gave a look that indicated she agreed and was pleased at this step. "I'll be damned if I control someone. I know what it's like to be molded into a weapon. Dumbledore did it for years, and fired me at Voldemort. You know what's funny. They could have really taken out Voldemort if they really wanted to, but they all let Dumbledore trick them into thinking that I was the only one who could."
  Lily was about to speak, but Harry was not finished.
  "My entire life, I dreamed of a family member coming from me, or a world where you never died! Now, I just wish you were a stranger, and I never met you. You could have been just like Voldemort in many ways."
  That statement struck the wrong nerve.
  "I never was going to be like that monster!" Lily yelled.
  "Really, some of the things that are coming out of your mouth, sure sound like they might have come out of his, Lily!" Harry fired back at her. He took a calming breath, and continued in a cool voice. "Let's face it, this training; it could have been done without us being dragged into the journal, couldn't it? How do you expect me to trust you, when you lie to me?"
  "No the training's necessary," said Lily, shaking her head. "Both for you and Kara. I'm just telling you that you need to control Kal-El. . . . "
  "Here she goes again, Harry," Kara interrupted in a frustrated tone of voice. "I thought you were remarkable before I met her. Then I realized you had to overcome her blood, and grow into the person that you were."
  "It was my blood that protected him for all of those years," Lily replied.
  "Yeah, being in a cupboard underneath the stairs was the epitome of protection," Harry fired back sarcastically, but Kara sensed a fight coming on. She grabbed Harry, and held him back. He took a deep breath. "What's done is done, but don't expect us to fall in line and do your dirty work. It's over, you're dead, the Evans family lost out any rights to the traveler! Who I should point out is a person with his own thoughts and ambitions!"
  "Don't worry, we'll help Clark, and make so no one else controls him," Kara said calmly. "Of course, they might find that hard, given that he is of strong will power. But we're not going to control him. I just rebuild my relationship with him, and I'd like to keep it that way."
  Lily just shook her head, almost if she pitied Kara for her optimism.
  "Family might not mean anything to you, but it means something to me," Kara added in a quiet voice.
  The silence that followed was long and awkward.
  "If, something happens to Clark, where he gets tainted in any way and goes rogue, do you two think you can take him down?" Lily asked them.
  Kara and Harry exchanged a nervous look at that abrupt question.
  "Do not let your heart defeat your head," Lily concluded with a sigh.
  "It won't happen," Kara argued.
  "You don't know that," Lily said curtly. "And I will say no more about this subject. I just advise you to think about what I said, and we'll continue your training."
  The training continued.
  Harry really had to admit that training was tough. To their credit, both he and Kara stuck with the training, and did not complain. There were a number of exercises. Lily told them all she could about their abilities.
  "The Lifeline Reading, it can offer valuable information, but the information may be unhelpful and vague," Lily explained. "Plus, it sometimes interprets your words by how you perceive things. So use it wisely, but do not get hung up on what you may find out. Everything is subject to a great deal of interpretation. Plus there may be a time where the true answers have to come from within. Your own creativity and resourcefulness will shine through."
  Harry and Kara nodded. Both had gone through much over the past number of days. They had a better handle of their powers. They both learned how to recall the dead, and speak to them. Lily offered them a stern warning about using that power, saying that the dead came in two categories. There were people who were at peace, and thus they would be very annoyed at being called back. Then there were people who would be desperate for another chance at life.
  "If that happens, they could co-opt a living person, and send them to the afterlife," Lily told them. "Making such a mistake could cause you to be stripped of your powers. It's happened before."
  Harry's attention was grabbed immediately by that statement.
  "Wait a minute, it's happened before?" asked Harry.
  "Death chose many Heralds throughout the years, in many worlds," Lily added. "Few of them could handle the power for too long. She only intervened and stripped them of their powers when they had upset the balance too greatly. So far, the balance remains fine. You can sense when the balance is going to be upset. Of course, your own desperate to correct the balance could lead to it deteriorating. "
  "Death said that there were never any other Heralds on Earth," Harry said in an accusatory tone of voice.
  "Prior to the creation of the keys, there were, after there weren't, " Lily told him. "There were eight other Heralds prior to you; the latest one was nine hundred years ago. All of them were corrupted within seven years of getting their powers. Many of them suffered the highest torment for allowing their powers to get the better of them. After the eighth failed Herald, the higher ups declared Earth to be a doomed world, but Death would not give up. She planted the keys in a hope that someday her chosen herald would find them."
  "And that was me," Harry concluded.
  Lily offered a strained smile.
  "It could have been anyone, but when Death made the deal with me, it was the height of desperation of both sides."
  "How did Death get you to make the deal?" Harry asked.
  "Truthfully, I think we deserve to know," Kara added.
  Silence was once again the order of the day. Lily looked thoughtful, but then she spoke.
  "You've accomplished every task I've set out for you, so yes you've earned in," Lily agreed. "As you know, she made the deal with me when I was fourteen years old."
  Nods clarified this statement. Lily had told them this much.
  "The deal was made after I drowned on a camping trip," Lily continued. "I remember it, Petunia and I had an argument. We often had them, but this one was a bit more heated than normal. I slipped on some rocks, and drowned. Death visited me afterwards. She told me my time was up. I was in denial, but she offered me a deal. The deal was that I would get limited life if I would bring her herald into the world."
  "So you jumped on it right away to save your own skin," Harry said. This was not an accusation, but merely a statement.
  "Partly, but I was unsure about the deal at first," Lily admitted. "Death has her ways of convincing people to do what she wants them to do. And she doesn't pull any punches when she really wants something. The previous person she had groomed for the role turned out for the worse."
  "So that's another lie she told me," Harry concluded.
  Lily closed her eyes.
  "Death would tell you she never lied, merely decided to ignore certain parts of the truth," Lily said, her voice dripping with hate. "This was a deal of desperation. Her previous chosen Herald fell through, when he decided to turn to a different, darker path in life. Had he not chose that path, you would never be meant to be."
  "I'm not sure about that," Kara told her. "All of the legends about the chosen champion of Death, the picture. They all resemble a young man with dark hair and green eyes, just like Harry's"
  "Death lied to someone," Harry concluded.
  "That she may have, but she was adamant that her new chosen champion would defeat her former chosen champion," Lily told them grimly. "That was your first test. Death's original choice for her Herald was Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Lord Voldemort as he became."
  Harry whistled, as he let that little revelation set in.
  "I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what made Death change her mind?" Harry asked.
  "Riddle tried to obtain immortality through methods that Death did not approve of," Lily replied.
  Harry found dark amusement out of this. If Voldemort was not too hung up on the concept of running from his own death, and created the Horcruxes, he would have gotten the immortality that he desired. Instead, he was rotting in the afterlife.
  "Were there other choices?" Kara asked.
  "Yes, there were others I'm sure over the centuries, but Riddle could have had the potential to be a powerful force for good," Lily said, almost trying to reconcile it as much as both Harry and Kara did. "Death said that there was a darkness that he embraced that even she was beyond."
  "Why did the Wizarding World have to die?" Harry asked her.
  "You can't miss that world after all that it's done to you," Lily said.
  "I don't, even if I do miss some of the people in it," Harry replied, and he closed his eyes. "I need to know the truth."
  "The truth can be dangerous," Lily warned him.
  Harry ignored this statement.
  "I still want to know."
  Lily obliged him with an explanation.
  "A uninformed magical community would never have lasted too long anyway," Lily explained. "It was a miracle they kept a lid on it for as long as they did. Technology would continue to evolve, and a world that was stuck three hundred years out of date would not have any place in a world that was ruled by technology. Secrecy would become harder and harder, and the dam would have broken anyway. The moment you touched the Hallows, everything was to have disappeared. There are still magical users on Earth, but very few as you know them. The foolish wand waving and silly incantations, to borrow a phrase from Severus Snape, those type of magic users are gone."
  "He said that one to you, as well," Harry said in a conversational tone.
  "He did," Lily confirmed. "Death showed me something else, and it was what clinched the deal. I'm going to show you an image of what the world would look like if I had just gone on, and the Herald of Death was not born. Perhaps that will put both of your perspectives in place."
  Images flashed of an Earth where there was no life. The grass was either completely brown, or burned off. The trees were either reduced to splinters, or gone completely. The sky was filled with visible and thick smog. The sun was not a bright yellow, but a crimson red. The ground was cracked, and every drop of water had been evaporated.
  "My God," breathed Harry, and he saw more grim images.
  "Great Rao, how could this happen?" Kara asked, eyes widened in the horror.
  "The final result of a long and prolonged war between the magic users and regular people," Lily told them grimly. "Death informed me that nuclear weapons were used, and the Ministry got ahold of one in that world. They magically modified it, and amplified it. The end result was the utter decimation of all life on Earth. It could have happened fifty years from this present day, or a hundred years, but it did happen. And it was a world where the Herald of Death never united the keys, because he was never born."
  Both Harry and Kara nodded, and felt a twinge of sympathy for Lily. The horrors that they saw in the images were enough to inflame their imaginations. They ran wild with scenarios at what might have happened.
  "There were other causes that led to this particular decay, but the Wizarding World had to be sacrificed for the good of the world," Lily answered. "Of course, you've heard my opinion on what I think there, but that's beside the point."
  Both nodded. Lily continued.
  "And that concludes your training. Death did not want you to know about any others, but they existed. And many of them went mad from the power. I'd like to think you two are strong enough not to go down that road. Do be warned that there will be times where all of this great power will be useless. And that will be the truest test of how worthy you are."
  "So, if you had to make the deal again, knowing what you know now, would you?" Harry asked her.
  Lily looked at her son.
  "Yes," Lily said without any hesitation. "I do regret how both you and Rose, and to a slight extent, Petunia, had to suffer from this deal. But despite it all, we reached the end point. We will be leaving each other soon."
  "There was a third Herald, that prophecy mentioned," Kara prompted, and Harry was glad she brought this up.
  "I wouldn't know," Lily answered in an even voice. "You'll have a sense when any other Heralds are near. Whoever it is, they might not even be on this planet or in this dimension yet. As far as I know, you're the only two active Heralds in this dimension. The other one, I don't know. When the time is right, you'll find out."
  Harry and Kara stood to face Lily.
  "So, thanks for the training," Harry said in a diplomatic voice.
  "Thank you, it put things into perspective," Kara added. "I'll be able to help him. Explaining this to him is another matter entirely."
  "Actually, you won't be able to tell Clark about your role," Lily told her, and Kara looked at her, startled.
  "Why, is this some kind of rule?" Kara demanded.
  Lily decided to break this gently to her.
  "Did you ever want to tell him?" Lily asked the Kryptonian, and Kara nodded. "But something stopped you, didn't it?"
  "Yes, it did," Kara said.
  "The only way he can know, is if he figures it out on his own," Lily concluded.
  "I really want to tell him though!" Kara exclaimed in a frustrated voice, and Harry put an arm around her. "I hate lying to him. It makes me feel like a bad person."
  "You're not a bad person, this is out of your control, "Harry told her gently. "Is there any way we can imply to Clark what's going on?"
  "Again, he'll have to figure it out on his own," Lily repeated. "I'm sorry, but that's just the way things work. And if someone finds out on their own, you're supposed to wipe their minds regardless."
  Kara and Harry did not say a word after that. They did not do that to Chloe, and they would most certainly not be doing it to Clark when the day came when he found out.
  "So, this is goodbye," Lily said.
  "Yeah, goodbye," Harry told her. There was no hint to what he truly was feeling in his voice. "So you're leaving after this."
  "Yes, I'm leaving," Lily informed him. "Unless something drastic happens, you won't see me again."
  "And by something drastic, you mean something managing to kill me?" Harry asked her.
  Lily just waved them off without another word, and Harry and Kara turned. They exited the journal. Harry felt like he understood a bit more about why his mother did what she did. He did not necessary like what she did, but he got a better understanding.
  They exited the journal. The moment Harry and Kara were safely away, black fire engulfed the journal. They watched as the journal spontaneously combust, and the flames consumed it.
  The two Heralds of Death had new clarity, and their guide had left them. There was nothing, but a few ashes left, that blew off the table, and vanished into thin air.
  The journal's purpose was served. And Harry and Kara had a better idea of what their purpose was.
  "So that's that," Harry concluded after a moment.
  "I understand, but I just wish I could tell him," Kara said.
  "I understand," Harry told her, and he wrapped his arms around her for a minute. Kara slipped out of his arms and got up to her feet. "Where are you going?"
  Kara just looked at him, before she leaned over, and kissed him goodbye.
  "Out, don't worry, I'll be back in a couple of hours," Kara said. "There's someone that I need to talk to, if I'm going to be able to help Clark."
  Kara walked out, and Harry watched her fly out. He had a good idea where she was heading, and if she wasn't back in a couple hours, he would follow her.
  With a heavy heart and fierce determination, Kara walked into the Fortress of Solitude. She looked around at the amazing architecture, but she was not here to admire the science. She was here for a purpose. This was not a conversation she was looking forward to in particular, but she knew to clear what happened, she had to speak to Jor-El.
  Kara cleared her throat, but there was no answer. She tapped her foot impatiently. Patience did not suit her.
  "I know you're here, and I know you can hear me!" Kara shouted loudly.
  The Fortress rumbled to life, and the voice of Jor-El could be heard.
  "Kara Zor-El, you are bold in your actions. To come to this place, and speak with me, when you intend to undermine my authority regarding Kal-El."
  "I'm not undermining anything!" Kara argued. A frown appeared on her face. She took a few seconds to calm herself, before she continued. "You can't see it, in all of your logic and planning. You're using Clark as a tool, even if you're not aware of it. Do you want the best for him, or are you trying to correct your own past failures?"
  Jor-El was silent for a moment, before he spoke.
  "Once again, you speak of matters you do not understand," Jor-El warned her.
  Kara snorted.
  "I understand more than you think I do," Kara said. "Despite our differences, I don't deny your greatness. You were Krypton's greatest scientific mind. But, you should have realized that something doesn't add up."
  She paused, and the elaborated.
  "Clark should have been much further along his path. Yet, he's barely out the gate."
  Jor-El remained silent and still.
  "I do not deny what my father did, but you've made your share of mistakes," Kara continued. "If you had just listened to reason, and not let your arrogance get the better of you, my mother need not have died."
  "It is regrettable what happened to your mother," Jor-El told her. "She was an innocent."
  Kara found herself more annoyed. The apology rang hollow, and it was now where she realized how twisted this AI was.
  "You had eight years to offer me these regrets, Jor-El, before Krypton's death" Kara said, her voice as cold as the Artic winds. "Yet, you decided to taint me by association. I know you did not improve the fact that I retained a civil relationship with Aunt Lara."
  Jor-El answered her coldly.
  "What Lara did was her choice, and in the past, but you present a great danger towards Kal-El's destiny, as does your companion."
  Kara sighed, and placed her hands on her hips. She bit her lip.
  "Still, the same Jor-El, obsessed with proving his theories correct beyond all reason," Kara said bitterly. "Here's a newsflash for you, Uncle, Clark isn't one of your science projects that you can redo over and over again if you mess up."
  "I am taking every step that I can do to ensure Kal-El gets what he needs to achieve his destiny," Jor-El said darkly. "He has been unreceptive to me in many ways thus far, but one day he will understand the necessity of his role, and shall accept me."
  "Maybe he will," Kara agreed. "But if that day comes, he'll become as cold as you have allowed yourself to become in this artificial intelligence form, and he will not be what Earth needs."
  "Do you t believe you can do a better job of preparing Kal-El for his destiny?" Jor-El asked abruptly.
  Kara did not even pause when she was asked. "Yes."
  "I see your relationship with Death's messenger has given you an inflated sense of what is within your capabilities," Jor-El told her. "I will give you a warning. You are not to impede Kal-El's journey, or there will be consequences!"
  The Fortress rumbled, but Kara stood. Her hands were on her hips, and a look of disinterest appeared on her face.
  "Are you done yet?" Kara asked him. "I won't be intimidated by you, Jor-El!"
  Jor-El did not speak, not that Kara would have allowed him to do because she was building up a nice head of steam.
  "I know that I can help Clark!" Kara continued. "You're a ghost, and you don't have the control over me you might think you do!"
  Once again there was silence.
  "Don't worry, I'll help my cousin," she concluded quietly. "I'm here for him. We're family. Nothing can change that, especially you! I'll never abandon him."
  Kara exited the Fortress, and flew back home. It might be frustrating, but that was something she felt she needed to do.
  Chapter 18: Calm.
  Harry and Kara turned up at the Shining Light Foundation after breakfast. It was the day after their training had concluded. They had made up for some lost time in the evening and early morning before they had arrived. The couple stood hand in hand. Harry appeared distracted, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Kara. She looked at him, with a frown on her face.
  "There's something bothering you, isn't there?" Kara asked him gently.
  Harry gave a long sigh, and looked into her beautiful eyes. He felt he could tell her what was on his mind, no matter what.
  "Yeah, how can you tell?" Harry retorted.
  Kara gave him a smile, and threw her arms around him. She softly whispered into his ear.
  "The look on your face. Usually, you don't look like that. Unless, there's something bothering you."
  Harry gave a smile. She knew him all too well, even after only knowing him for a few short months.
  "You're right," Harry admitted to her. He placed his arms around her. "I was just thinking about what happened. Before I went into the journal."
  Kara leaned forward to close the gap. She gave him a tender kiss on the lips. Harry returned the kiss, with equal love and passion. He felt his confident mount. Her arms tightened around him, and he responded in kind. The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes, before the two broke it. She pulled back. Kara's hand held Harry's, and the two drew strength on each other. Harry took a deep calming breath, before he spoke again.
  "Claire wasn't too happy about the fact I was leaving, actually the fact that both of us were not around," Harry told her. A sad smile appeared on Kara's face. "It bothered her that neither of us are around as much as we used to be. With everything that's happened, she kind of got swept to the side."
  Kara tightened her grip on his hand. She sensed Harry's guilt, and looked him in the eyes, to try and reassure him this was out of his hands.
  "Yeah, I figured she might not be happy about something like that," Kara sighed. "How do you explain something like what we're doing to a ten year old girl?"
  Harry gave her a smile, and they continued to stand in the hallway.
  "You can't really do that, that's the thing," Harry said. He closed his eyes, and put his arms around Kara's waist. Kara leaned onto his shoulder, resting it on his shoulder, with Harry resting against the wall. Harry spoke again after several moments. "She doesn't deserve to be burdened by something like that. She deserves a childhood, without being dragged into life threatening situations every other week."
  Kara looked up at Harry with a knowing glance at that moment. She smiled at him.
  "So, the childhood you wished you had in many ways," Kara offered him.
  Harry just barely smiled. He shrugged his shoulders. "If the shoe fits."
  Kara relaxed against him, but turned her head. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face so she could properly look into his eyes.
  "You see a lot of yourself in her," Kara stated softly. "She's done well here, and she's...well she's really come a long way since she came here. But, you know, I think we both know that there are certain things that Claire needs. Things that are beyond training to control her powers."
  Harry nodded. He understood her implied meaning.
  'She has shelter,' Harry thought to himself. 'But she doesn't have a home and not a family. And she's starting to resent it a little bit. Boy, have I ever been there.'
  Kara cleared her throat, and brought Harry out of his thoughts.
  "Harry, you can make up for lost time with her, both of us can," Kara suggested to him.
  Harry gave her a smile. "You read my mind."
  Kara returned the smile, and giggled. "And I thought that wasn't one of your powers."
  "Well you never know," Harry said. He grabbed her hands, and stared into her eyes. "Great minds do think alike. And ours do too apparently."
  Kara laughed at this statement. She gave Harry a beautiful smile and leaned over towards him .Her arms wrapped around his neck. Harry repeated the action. The two continued to move forward, and their lips met into a deep kiss. They kissed, feeling the love and the connection that they had with each other in the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters hallway. The action got rather heated, and Harry roamed his hands over her body. They moved into a private office, so no guests or staff would catch them in their activities.
  After they had their fun, Kara and Harry exited the office, a determined expression on both of their faces. They had their fun, now they had something to do.
  "Let's go visit Claire," Kara said to Harry. "I'm sure she'll forgive the fact we left her when she sees us."
  Harry smiled at her, but he had a bit of uncertainty on his face. "I hope you're right."
  Kara grabbed Harry's hand. The couple led each other towards Claire's room. Harry took all caution to the wind, and raised a hand. He knocked three times on Claire's door. He wondered if she was out, as there was a long pause.
  Claire did answer after about a minute. "Who's there?"
  "Claire, it's me, Harry, and Kara, both of us are here," Harry said, but he got no response from the girl. He felt he should have expected that "We're back, just like I promised."
  Claire remained quiet for another moment. "Oh, that's nice. You're going to be here for a little bit to visit, and then you're leaving me again. It's just a check on the guests, make sure everything is alright. Well, I'm fine, so you can just move on to more important things. I really don't mind."
  Kara and Harry both got a sense she did mind from the bitterness in her voice. Kara closed her eyes.
  "Claire, it's nothing like that," Kara said in a gentle voice. "We really wanted to see you. I was hoping that the three of us can spend the day together. Just the three of us, no distractions or anything."
  "I get to spend the entire day with just you two?" Claire asked. Harry and Kara exchanged a fond smile. The girl was trying to keep the excitement out of her voice, but she failed big time.
  "If you want us too," Harry told her.
  Claire remained quiet for a minute. It was almost like she was weighing over the options of this in that head.
  "What about your work?" Claire asked them. "Don't you have other things to do?"
  Kara and Harry looked rather amused with this statement.
  "I own the place, remember?" Harry said. "What am I going to do, Claire? Fire myself."
  Claire laughed at this statement, and Harry found his own spirits lifted. This was a welcome change from the sullen brooding the young girl was undergoing the last time he saw her. Claire opened up the door, and walked out to face Harry and Kara. She looked at them, almost to verify the two of them were there. She leaned on the wall, a smile on her face.
  "Make sure you get your coat," Kara told her. "It's cold outside."
  Claire looked at her incredulously. "But, I can just use my powers to warm myself up!"
  Kara placed her hands on her hips. She gave Claire a very prominent "just do it or else" look, and Claire knew better than to argue with her. Claire gave Kara and Harry both a shifty little smirk, before she returned to her room. She returned, with a hat, a scarf, mittens, and a jacket on.
  "Okay, I'm ready to go now," Claire said, and Kara made sure her coat was zipped up, before the three of them left the Shining Light Foundation Building.
  The three of them walked out for a day together. Harry took the step to turn his cell phone off. He did not want their day out to be disturbed, and he figured that the world could wait for the day. Plus, he felt that he owed Claire a day out with his full attention, and he had a feeling Kara agreed.
  The smile on Claire's face made Harry a bit hopeful that her life could end up better than his.
  With determination, and precision, Lex rummaged through a cabinet underneath his father's desk. It was his hope that he would find something, anything that would stir up the patchwork of memories that were slowly coming back to him. There was something missing in these memories. Something he felt he should remember. He tapped on the side of the desk, and barely kept his focus at anything, but the task at hand.
  If he was paying closer attention, Lex would have noticed the door knob twist to signify someone was opening the door. With a swift movement, the door pushed open. The figure of Lionel Luthor walked into his office. He seemed to be unsurprised to see Lex standing there.
  Lionel cleared his throat, and Lex spun around to face him. "So, are you just sightseeing, or hoping that I've kept a copy of my last will and testament in here?"
  Lex straightened up. A smile was on the face of Lionel, but Lex remained stoic. He stared down his father. Lex Luthor was calm, cool, and collected. He tapped his foot.
  "So, they let you out of the hospital with a clean bill of health, I take it," Lex remarked coolly.
  "Yes, although I'm not without my suffering and agony," Lionel fired back. He took a deep breath, and it was easy to tell that the gunshot wound took its tool. "Smith was a dangerous adversary, with his ability to turn back the hands of time. And he convinced himself that I was hoarding some secret that prevented him from achieving his full potential."
  "Amazing people would think that of you," Lex stated in a slightly sarcastic tone of voice.
  "Yes, quite," Lionel replied evenly.
  Lex and Lionel stood in the office. The silence was long, and awkward.
  "You'll be happy to learn that Smith has been transferred to Belle Reve," Lex said without any emotion in his voice. "He is under the tightest security. It seems unlikely he will be bothering either of us again."
  Lionel let out a low whistle. He looked Lex directly in the eye.
  "Well, that's fascinating," the elder Luthor said. "Given the fact that he was shot point blank in the back of the head."
  "By you?" Lex inquired.
  Lionel had no guilt on his face.
  "It was self-defense," Lionel informed Lex. "Any court of the world would not have convicted me for my reasons."
  "The hardly ever do," Lex replied dryly.
  Lionel chuckled at his son's cynical words. He grew suddenly serious.
  "As I was saying, he was shot point blank in the back of the head," Lionel said firmly. "And what's more, in a spot that should have killed him."
  Father and son both remained quiet.
  "He should have died, but I can tell you he's alive, perhaps not well, but alive," Lex remarked. "As I said, he lives in Belle Reve. He won't be getting out any time soon. I've suggested for the administration to keep a close eye on him. Keep him sedated, for his own good naturally."
  "Naturally," Lionel agreed. "An intelligent suggestion, given the nature of his powers. I'm impressed, Lex, you engaged your brain."
  Lex ignored the slight against him.
  "Well, I doubt next time I would be so lucky to be narrowly have escaped should I be kidnapped," Lex said. He chose his next words carefully, and looked at his father. "As for why he didn't die, perhaps your aim is off. You're not as young as you used to be. Or perhaps Smith couldn't afford proper bullets."
  Lionel gave Lex a respectful nod.
  "The strangest thing is that I could have sworn in my concussed state that Clark was there," Lex added, almost casually.
  Lionel stood up straight. His face remained blank and without any sort of expression. He responded to Lex's accusation.
  "I can assure you this Lex, since I was in sound mind, and that was Clark was nowhere near the scene of the crime."
  Lex surveyed his father. He sensed no deception, but that just meant there was a stronger chance for deception.
  "So, a hallucination, then," Lex remarked lightly.
  Lionel offered him a nod. Time stood almost still, and Lex had more to say.
  "The strangest part was these weird images that have popped in my head since then. Things that I now remember, but I didn't remember them until now. It's almost as if my mind has come back together."
  "I would not put any stock in these memories," Lionel warned him. "They could be a product of your imagination."
  "Maybe," Lex agreed grudgingly. "But there's one interesting memory that stands out. We went to this house, when I was young. Real conformist neighborhood and every single house looked the same. Every lawn was mowed perfectly. It was rather eerie."
  Lionel waved his hand, and offered his son the chance to continue.
  "You went to see this woman, and she was rather rude. Yet her rudeness was not the most disturbing part of our visit. I could have sworn that I've seen this young boy underneath the stairs. It was for a second, but I know what I saw."
  Lionel's mouth contorted into a slight grimace, although he hid it well from Lex. He spoke in an even tone of voice.
  "I stand by what I said all those years ago," Lionel stated. "It was a hallucination. You imagined something that was not there."
  "The woman shooed me away before I reached the cupboard," Lex offered Lionel. "If I didn't know better, she was trying to hide some misdeed."
  "Well, she kept a tight house, and would not want your finger prints to mark up the cupboard," Lionel explained. "She was an obsessive compulsive neat freak, for lack of a better term."
  Lex got the confirmation that he need.
  "So, you knew her?" Lex asked Lionel.
  "We've met a few times prior to that, yes," Lionel said in a dismissive tone of voice. "It was a matter of business, and nothing personal."
  Lex scoffed at this.
  "For you, business can get very personal."
  Lionel gave him a smile. His son was tripping down a dangerous path. If he connected certain dots together, it would jeopardize a lot.
  "Do not go indulging this curiosity any further," Lionel warned Lex. "This is one instance where you will get burned if you press this issue too hard. Your curiosity and your obsession might be amusing in certain instances. This individual will not hesitate to make you disappear forever if you go too far down that road. Do not go down it. It's a dead end."
  Lex was not intimidated.
  "I think I'll be the judge of that," Lex said. "I'm gathering a theory already about who that family might have been."
  Lionel stepped forward. He stared right into his son's eyes, unblinking. He was more serious than ever before.
  "Let it die Lex. I'll have to kindly ask you to leave. You'll find nothing here you're entitled to."
  Lex shook his head and drew a deep breath. He stepped towards the opened door, and Lionel cleared a path. Yet the elder Luthor did not turn his back on the younger one.
  "Once again, I think I should be the judge of that fact," Lex replied crisply. "I'm intrigued in what you were after on that day. And I do wonder if has anything to do with a journal we're both all too familiar with."
  Lionel took a step forward, and once again he gave Lex a warning look.
  "Your obsession over the journal has blinded you, worse than ever before," Lionel said. "You've poured countless hours into tapping into the secrets that journal may have to offer. Yet, you've found nothing. What if it's nothing, but a blank book?"
  Lex kept his mouth shut. He remembered his meeting with the envoy of Death months ago. The envoy hinted that the journal was powerful. He had to know exactly how.
  "I'm certain there's something to it," Lex said firmly.
  Lionel chuckled.
  "What's so funny?" Lex demanded.
  "Did you ever consider the possibility Harry Potter has deceived you?" Lionel asked.
  Lex looked at his father, almost wondering if the beginnings of senility had begun to set in.
  "Deceive me?" Lex asked slowly. "I'm afraid I don't follow your train of thought."
  "He just left the journal where you could grab it, when he could have taken it himself at any time," Lionel explained. Lex's look of pure disbelief continued to be prominent. "He allowed you to have the journal."
  It was now Lex's turn to laugh.
  "Harry Potter is a flake," Lex stated, dismissing the possibility with a wave of his hand. "He doesn't have a devious bone in his body, and he's na?ve beyond all believe. Given the fact, he's helping those who are beyond help. Those children who are under his care, and do not forget that recently he bailed Lana out of trouble."
  Lex felt he had Harry Potter in the palm of his hand, and it would be easy to use him should it be necessary.
  "Well, I can see you've made your own mind up on the situation," Lionel concluded. "And I must ask you to leave this building once more."
  "If you insist," Lex stated. He gave Lionel a warning glance. "Watch your back."
  "Is that a threat, I'm detecting?" Lionel responded in mock fear.
  Lex gave him a knowing smile. "No, merely a warning from son to father. Smith came out of the woodwork rather easily, and no security is foolproof. Who knows how many more enemies you have lurking underneath a rock. Well, this is goodbye for them."
  Lex exited without another word whatsoever. Lionel walked around the office and did an inventory of all of the itmes he knew to be there. Nothing was disturbed. He kept nothing of value in this particular room, but he liked to make sure all of his belongings remained in place.
  Wind blew outside of the Kent Farm House. An imposing figure walked down the drive. He was dressed in black and had a receding hairline. This individual was dressed in a suit, with thick bifocal glasses over his eyes. His name was Hugo Strange, and he was the new administrator at Belle Reve. Strange leaned on a walking stick, and raised a hand. He knocked three times loudly and firmly on the door.
  Strange waited for someone to answer the door. He got his wish a couple of moments later. A young man with dark hair answered the door. Strange found himself face to face with this impressive looking figure. He looked larger than life.
  "Mr. Kent, I presume," Strange said in a thick German accent.
  "Yes, I'm Clark Kent," Clark said in a cautious voice. "And your name is?"
  Strange offered him a smile. There was something about his expression young Clark Kent found unsettling.
  "Hugo Strange, I just arrived in Smallville a few weeks back. I'm the new administrator of Belle Reve," Strange told Clark. "Quite the number of troubled cases have been committed to that particular institute. And I've looked over their files. And you know what I've found, one common denominator for many of the patients."
  Clark tried to play ignorant, even if he had a clear idea what dots Strange connected. Chloe had told him enough about Strange to cause him to err on the side of caution. "And what would that be, doctor?"
  "They cite past encounters with you, my friend," Strange said and he invited himself inside. "Now once, I might be able to overlook it as just a bystander who got involved when a friend was endangered. Twice, and perhaps we are talking about coincidences, but when we are getting into dozens and dozens of cases, where you keep showing up. And you seem to be responsible for many of them being placed inside of Belle Reve."
  "Well, I do try and help out when I can, and they have a habit of going after friends of mine," Clark responded casually.
  Strange chuckled, and he appeared to give Clark a standing look.
  "A heroism complex I take it," Strange said. Clark opened his mouth, but Strange was far from done talking to him. "I'm not accusing you of anything, Mr. Kent. Far from it, I'm intrigued by you. As a psychiatrist, I want to see what makes you tick. There must be something in your brain chemistry that would lead to these acts of heroism, or perhaps a genetic trait."
  Strange surveyed Clark with a calm expression on his face. There was something about the doctor's look that made Clark feel uncomfortable.
  "I find the cases of the meteor infected to be a fascinating area of study," Strange continued. "Just to think, one astrological event could have changed the lives of these many people. It does prove the old adage that absolute power may corrupt absolutely. And having studied the research done on the meteor rocks, they have offered unique effects."
  "Not everyone has been drastically affected to the point where their lives are destroyed," Clark interjected.
  Strange chuckled. "Perhaps Mr. Kent, but enough have to merit a cause for my concern. I do say that those who are different, are often twisted even if they do not start that way. The best of us can fall under the pressure without powers Adding powers, and the descent can be quite ugly."
  Clark felt compelled to argue against this point, but Strange continued to lecture him on his theories.
  "And society tends to judge those who are different quite harshly. There is an inherit prejudice encoded in humanity, whether it be coconscious or subconscious, to look twice at those who are different. And lash out, perhaps out of jealously or maybe fear, or to assure their own normality."
  Clark opened his mouth to protest, but Strange was not done. He leaned on his cane, and peered at Clark over his glasses.
  "I often have suggested that the super powered should all be locked up, for their own protection of course," Strange continued. He seemed to be gauging the reaction Clark's reaction, but the young man tried to keep any emotion off of his face. "The world will be a lot nicer on them if they were not put out, and had a chance to make a spectacle out of themselves. They might try and help with their powers, but they will hurt many. Perhaps you will agree, given the number of times you have encountered the meteor infected, Mr. Kent?"
  "It's an intriguing theory, but I would have to disagree," Clark replied, and Strange took another step inside. Strange was almost up into his face, invading his personal space.
  "Oh, and do you want to elaborate on that?" Strange asked him.
  Clark chose his next words carefully.
  "Until they do anything wrong, we should give them the benefit of the doubt. This hysteria could only lead to them lashing out and becoming dangerous. It's one of those self-fulfilling prophecy things."
  Strange looked neither angered nor upset, but rather amused by Clark's answer.
  "Funnily enough, you are merely the second person to give that answer," Strange said. "A similar answer was given to me by a Mr. Harry Potter during a brief meeting we had some time ago. He seems to feel that he can help the meteor infected live normal lives, but there are many hopeless cases. Those who are different are only fit to be put on display with some kind of freak show or to be studied. That is how the human race works."
  Strange's smile twisted at that point, and he once again looked Clark in the eye.
  "But then you would have no idea, Mr. Kent due to being a perfectly normal human being."
  Clark disagreed with that comment one hundred percent of the way. Strange responded with a hearty chuckle, and continued to survey Clark, as if he was an object for study.
  "I see you as a young man who likes to see the best in people," Strange concluded. "But there are times where he can't see the best in himself. Where he questions who he is, and I must say it is a common cause among the adopted. Yes, Mr. Kent I know you were adopted, I do research on all my subjects."
  Clark gave Strange a very pointed look.
  "Naturally, you are not an official subject, given you have not been committed under my care, but I will not lie to say your case does not fascinate me," Strange said. "What makes Clark Kent tick? You could be a young man, who kept his head down, but you throw yourself into these situations. Perhaps it is an attempt to find your purpose, or perhaps you merely are a death seeker. I've only known what I've read naturally."
  Annoyance crossed Clark's case, but there was a bit of panic in the back of his head.
  "Is there a reason why you're here?" Clark asked.
  "Merely just to see the infamous Clark Kent in person," Strange said, but he peered over Clark's shoulder. Lana made her way down the stairs. "And this lovely young lady must be Lana Lang."
  "Yes, I am," Lana said suspiciously. She had just woken up, and noticed that Clark was not present in bed. So she wanted to find out why. "How do you know who I am?"
  Strange offered her a bit of a knowing smile that made Lana a bit nervous. Clark made sure to put himself between Strange and Lana.
  "You are a common topic of conversation among many of my patients," Strange said in a calm tone, and Lana felt herself tense up. "I have studied you, not as closely as I have Clark, but I have studied you Ms. Lang. And your past fascinates me. You seem to gravitate towards powerful and strong men, but yet you have fallen hardest for some Kansas farm boy. It is merely an observation, but you're not sure who you really are."
  Lana tried to remain calm, but it was hard to do.
  "I barely know you, yet, you're creating a psychological profile," Lana said, looking at Strange through narrowed eyes.
  Strange appeared to have made a subtle note of some sort.
  "Such tension, it seems as if I have struck a nerve," Strange said. He took a step backwards. Clark towered over him. "I will be taking my leave. Farewell for now, Mr. Kent, but we may meet again."
  Strange turned and walked from the farm house. It left Lana and Clark waiting. They both remained silent, and Strange's drive drove the car off. Clark watched him leave. Lana remained silent, and Clark put a hand up. He focused intently and scanned with his X-Ray vision.
  "Just making sure he didn't slip a bug or anything in the wall," Clark remarked, and Lana nodded. She stepped forward, and Clark put an arm around her. "I don't think he did, no he didn't. Chloe warned me he was trouble."
  "Who is he?" Lana asked, closing her eyes.
  "He's a former doctor from a place that has one of the worst turnover rates for patients, it's Arkham Asylum, in Gotham City," Clark told her. Lana nodded slowly, a look of recognition spread across her face. "It's so bad that half of the doctors end up as future guests of the asylum. And he was fired for unethical behavior."
  "What did he have to do to do that?" Lana asked him.
  Clark wished he could tell him, but he had no idea. It was silent, a bit too quiet, and unsettling quiet at that.
  "If he's creating psychological profiles off of both of us, he could find out your secret," Lana said, mind going wild with a worst case scenario. "Someone like him, it could be dangerous."
  "It's more than dangerous, he seems to have it out for the meteor infected," Clark said.
  Lana closed her eyes. Clark took a deep calming breath, and looked straight at her.
  "And all super powered people, if he had his way, they'd all be locked up," Clark said. "He says it's for our own protection."
  "Do you believe that?" Lana asked.
  Clark did not say anything. There had been times where he wondered, but he had gotten beyond that. His powers could help, because he was the one who had control of them. Many other people, they could hurt. The new administrator at Belle Reve trying to figure out his secret, it could be a potential cause for concern.
  "Clark?" Lana prodded gently, putting her hand on his cheek.
  "Not anymore," Clark said, but he turned around and looked out the window. The day had just begun, but the visit of someone who had only been in town a few weeks and knew so much about him unnerved him greatly.
  "Good," Lana said, and she offered him a kiss, relaxing in Clark's strong arms with a sigh.
  Clark felt a bit more at ease, in spite himself. He did wonder in the back of his mind how long that would last, but he would enjoy the moment.
  The wind blew outside and rustled leaves all around the city of Smallville. Claire, Kara, and Harry exited a pizza place. Kara just looked amused about something, and Claire did as well. Harry looked at both girls with an exasperated expression, which caused them both to crack up in laughter.
  "See, Kara, the idea of ski-ball is to roll the ball up the ramp," Harry explained to her an exasperated manner. "The idea is not to throw the ball, and total the machine with your super strength."
  Kara put her hands on her lips, and her lips curled into an innocent smile.
  "I hit the loop didn't it?" Kara asked.
  "Yeah, that was awesome," Claire added, in a praising voice. "It was on your first try, too."
  Harry sighed, and he could tell he was fighting some kind of losing battle with the both of them. He had managed to patch up the destroyed machine before anyone seemed to notice, but that was not the point. Kara just smiled at Harry, and Claire walked right next to them.
  "Yes, you hit it, and you hit it good," Harry replied to Kara with a smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and they leaned against the building. Claire ate the slice of pizza she had rescued from the place.. "To the point where I had to reconstruct the dust you made. You have quite an arm on you, Supergirl."
  "I seem to have quite a few body parts that you seem to approve of," Kara said to him. She did not bother to hide the knowing grin she was giving him. "But, no one saw me, and that's what matters."
  "No, no one saw you," Harry assured him, and Kara nodded. She leaned back against Harry. She grabbed Claire by the sleeve, to make sure she did not stray too far from them.
  "So did you have fun today?" Kara asked Claire, with a smile.
  Claire looked at them, a grin was on her face, and she took a bite out of the pizza.
  "Yeah, loads of fun, the best," Claire answered her with a bright smile on her face. She then stiffened a little bit. "But it's going to be over before too long, and it will be..."
  "No, Claire, the day's just started," Harry said to her. Claire's expression took a turn for the much brighter.
  "Finish your pizza, and then we'll find something else fun to do," Kara said, and she checked the clock high above. "It's only a little after noon, still plenty of time."
  Harry, Kara, and Claire all walked off towards a nearby park. Snow began to fly in the air, but it was rather light at first. It was only over a small amount of time where the snow got heavy. Harry's charm work managed to keep a good deal of the snow at bay, and the cold biting winds away from them.
  A knock on the door brought Chloe's attention away from her work. She stepped over, and opened the door. Lana stepped inside, offering Chloe a smile.
  "Oh, hey, Lana, how are you holding up?" Chloe asked her.
  "Oh I've been good, just recovering from what's happened recently," Lana said, but she could not keep a straight face. "We had a visitor to the farm today, me and Clark. Someone named Hugo Strange. Clark told me you've looked into him."
  Chloe's eyes snapped up, her full attention on her friend.
  "He visited you?" Chloe asked, a bit alarmed by this prospect.
  "He was asking questions, he studied me and Clark, and he seems to know a great deal about us," Lana said, and she took a deep breath. "Just someone like that, Clark told me what you said about him. He seems to be a bit obsessive. He said that he might be seeing Clark again soon enough."
  Chloe's mind went crazy with the dire possibilities of what that particular comment meant. None of the conversations led to pleasant thoughts in her head. She tried her best to ease her mind. Lana and Chloe sat down side by side.
  Lana though Chloe was being eerily quiet. "So what do you think about that?"
  "Harry's keeping an eye on Strange, but I think I should tell him that he's swung by to visit you and Clark," Chloe said, and she tried to dial up Harry's number. However, she got no response. "I could have sworn he said he would be back from...the thing he was doing today."
  "What thing?" Lana asked, but then she paused. "Sorry, it's just the way you said it, it just sounded so.."
  "Strange and mysterious," Chloe offered. Lana nodded. "Harry and Kara, both had to go undergo...well it was a journey they both had to take together. The two of them were vague and mysterious about it, but well it just is something that's in their nature."
  "You could write the book on being vague and mysterious with how you're describing it," Lana said, and Chloe offered her a grudging nod. "I don't know, there's just something. . . maybe I'm going insane."
  "Why would think you're going insane?" Chloe asked.
  Lana tried to best put what she was thinking. The weird subconscious feeling that something was different about her.
  "When Harry had to take away the powers Clark gave for me, I thought that would close the door on us forever," Lana said and Chloe nodded slowly. "But, there's something that tells me that it didn't close the door. It just opened it wider. Don't ask me how, but I just know something. It's almost like if I got some kind of second chance in life."
  Chloe now was curious about what Harry really did to Lana when he had gone in and undid the power transference. She had an off the wall theory, but she had nothing substantial to back it up with.
  "Well, if something was bound to happen, it's going to happen," Chloe said. "After life's kicked you around, maybe you deserve a lucky break with this Clark thing. And I'm sure if push comes to shove, well I guess you'll figure out a way. I do have something interesting to share with you."
  Lana nodded, to indicate she was listening.
  "Lex's kidnapper, the guy who framed you, he recovered from a gunshot wound to the head," Chloe told Lana. "It hit him in the base of the brain, and it should have killed him."
  "That's odd," Lana replied, with a frown on her face, and she was deep in thought at that. "I'm trying not to think Lex, good, bad, or indifferent; it's caused me enough misery lately."
  Chloe winced. "Yeah, sorry about that, I don't want you to fall back off the wagon after you're on the right track."
  "Make it sound seedy," Lana said, shaking her head. "Although there should be a twelve step program to help with recovery after any involvement with a Luthor. I'm proof enough of that, but never mind, continue your story."
  Chloe tried to regain her place in the story.
  "The meteor rock gave him the power to transcend time," Chloe said. "But it left him as vulnerable as the next person. And Smith was declared dead on the scene of the crime, so something must have super charged his brain. He's currently being evaluated at Belle Reve by our new good friend, Hugo Strange. And Strange gets well stranger the more I dig deeper into his past."
  "What, why?" Lana asked.
  "Clark told you about his previous job, right?"" Chloe inqured, and Lana nodded. "Strange conducted an interesting social experiment involving prisoners. A lot of the details have been lost, but I found out this much. Every single prisoner ended up killing each other. I'm thinking that he put them in a single area, and just left them to their own devices. Then the final prisoner got shot."
  "My God," Lana gasped.
  "It was for the interest of science, or so Strange said" Chloe said seriously. "And he got a job at Arkham Asylum based off of his credentials, after that experiment. Then he got fired, and he's here. What do you know about Gotham City?"
  "Enough to know that I don't want to visit there any time soon," Lana said darkly.
  Chloe knew that was a common answer to that question.
  "Knee deep in corruption, to the point where the gang leaders are more law abiding than the police," Chloe said. "And there's this outlandish urban legend of their mysterious protector. This guy's never been photographed ever, but when the criminals are found, they are scared to death and screaming to get locked up to stay away from him. And he may have had a hand in shutting down Strange's last operation."
  "Who is he?" Lana asked.
  "No one's really sure," Chloe concluded. She shifted through whatever she could find up. "He's been dubbed a vigilante, and there's a reward on his head. By both the police unofficially, and the mobs who lost territory in the city. "
  Chloe looked thoughtful at that moment.
  "He's always one step ahead. Likely, he's a master escape artist and a martial arts master, by what little eye witness accounts I can dig up. He seems to prey on the superstitious and cowardly lot, or something along those lines."
  Lana shook her head, to clear the confusing thoughts.
  "As interesting as that is, we're getting off the subject," Lana said, and she closed her eyes, sighing. "I'm worried that someone who is relatively new in this town knows so much about me and Cark. Our names kept coming up."
  "Well if it makes you feel better, he's likely created a psychological profile on me as well," Chloe said in an absent minded voice. "So we're all in the same boat, and as long as we don't go down with the ship, it should be fine. Clark will survive."
  "Yeah," Lana agreed, but it was a half-hearted tone of agreement.
  Chloe frowned, and she checked her e-mail. There was something utterly weird. She received one new message, and it was short and oddly cryptic.
  Strange may find out Kent's secret. Tell him to be careful. Watch your backs.
  The blonde woman's eyes widened, and she read the e-mail over a few times.
  "Lana, look at this," Chloe said in a low voice.
  Lana moved over. She read the e-mail as well, and a terrified expression appeared on her face.
  "Strange might find out Clark's secret," Lana whispered, and she read the message, three simple lines over and over again. She could not decipher any kind of hidden meaning, but judging by the look on her face, Chloe could not either. "But who is this person, what does he or she know?"
  "Let's find out," Chloe said.
  She typed up a response e-mail to clarify, but immediately it hit a return to sender wall.
  "Okay, that's weird, this e-mail address doesn't exist," Chloe commented, and Lana looked at it. She tried to mull the situation over and over in her mind, but found nothing that made any sense.
  "Someone opened an e-mail address," Lana offered. "And then closed it just after they sent you the message. Who does something like that?"
  That was a good question.
  "Someone who doesn't want us to find out who they are," Chloe offered in a weak voice. She frowned. The e-mail address offered no hints. It was random letters, symbols, and numbers, almost like someone had just pounded randomly on the keyboard to create a really cryptic e-mail address. "I'm sure it's something that can be traced, but who knows how much time it will take."
  Chloe looked thoughtful, and then added.
  "And it was almost as if they knew we were talking about Clark," Chloe added, and she peered over her shoulder nervously.
  'I've been taking too many cues from Harry in the obsessively paranoid, everyone's watching me department,' Chloe thought to herself.
  Chloe and Lana made some light talk, as Chloe tried to find out anything, even a slight clue about her mysterious cryptic e-mailer. Yet, she found herself going around in circles.
  Kara, Harry, and Claire stood outside. The snow blew around outside, and it looked like a winter wonderland. Claire laughed in amusement, and she looked up, to see the blizzard kicking up.
  "Nasty storm coming up," Harry said in a deflated voice, and it was getting close to dinner time anyway. "We better get going."
  Claire suddenly deflated. She should have known this was too good to last. Kara and Harry both sensed her distress.
  "So, it's back to the Shining Light Foundation for me," Claire said. The girl tried to put on a cheerful voice. "Everyone's leaving tomorrow, you know."
  "And so are you," Harry told her, and Claire looked at him, confused. "If you want to, you can spend Christmas vacation with us, at our house. Only if you want to."
  Claire seemed absolutely bemused. She had to be imagining things.
  "So, what do you think?" Kara asked her in a gentle voice. "Do you want to spend the next two weeks at our house?"
  "Are you kidding?" Claire exclaimed in a cheerful voice. "Of course, I do, I'll be good, I swear."
  Both Harry and Kara exchanged warm glances.
  "I know you will, Claire," Harry said with a smile. Kara and Harry grabbed a hand each.
  "This might tickle a little bit, and might make you dizzy," Kara told her. "So just hang on tightly, and don't let go to either of us. And it won't be that bad."
  Claire could barely conceal the huge grin that was on her face. She felt her body being pulled through a tube along with Harry and Kara. It did tickle, but she managed to hold onto her lunch. She spiraled to the ground, but both of them hung onto her. She trusted them, the girl knew that neither of them would do anything to hurt her.
  She knew she was inside the house immediately. The girl was awestruck, as she looked around and got a full view of the decor. The house was far cooler than anything she had ever seen. Claire wished she had many pairs of eyes, because she wanted to see every single thing in this house.
  "If she's impressed by this, maybe we should show her where she's sleeping?" Kara offered to Harry.
  Harry smiled, and turned towards the ten year old girl.
  "Are you ready to see your room?" Harry asked Claire.
  Claire resembled a bobble head, and nodded up and down. Kara and Harry both smiled at her. They guided the girl down the hallway. She closed her eyes, almost as if she was trying to convince herself that this was real, and not a figment of her imagination. The door swung open, and Claire took a step back. She offered a little gasp, and she took a nice look at her room.
  It took her a few seconds to register what she had seen. She stammered and looked around. She turned towards Harry and Kara. "This is all mine?"
  "It's all yours," Harry confirmed to her with a smile.
  "You didn't have to do this," Claire told him.
  "Harry didn't have to, he wanted to," Kara said. "And I wanted to as well."
  "I shouldn't have yelled at you for going away for a week," Claire said in an apologetic tone of voice. Harry just waved off her apology.
  "No, you were right in a way, we haven't been around," Harry said. "We're busy, but that's not an excuse to neglect the things that matter. And no one deserves to be alone on Christmas. It's supposed to be the happiest time of the year, and I know what it's like to be alone, when everyone else is having fun. It's not fair on you, you didn't ask for all of this to happen."
  "I think I can speak for Harry, and say that we'll never be too busy for you," Kara told her, and Claire looked up at her. "You're practically family."
  Harry nodded in agreement, and Claire's expression brightened. All traces of her brooding disappeared..
  "I like it," Claire whispered. She rushed forward, and hugged both Harry and Kara. "Thank you both. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have thought you would abandon me either you. It's just that everyone else has so..."
  "You didn't want to get your hopes up," Harry said.
  Claire paused, and nodded in a crisp manner.
  "I know the feeling, but you're welcomed here always, like I said no one deserves to be alone," Harry concluded. "Dinner won't be for an hour, so why don't you enjoy your room. Kara and I, we need to talk."
  "Yeah, you two spent the entire day with me, you didn't have any time with yourselves," Claire said in a guilty voice. "I'm sorry about..."
  "No, Claire, it's not your fault," Harry told her gently, but firmly. "You've had a tough life, but it's going to get better. There's always light at the end of the tunnel."
  Claire turned around. She felt optimistic she would have the best Christmas since her parents died.
  Kara and Harry left Claire to her own devices. The two of them made their way to the room across the hallway that they shared. They shut the door behind them.
  Immediately, Kara turned towards Harry with a smile on her face. "You took time out of your busy day to give a little girl the best day of her life."
  "It's something that I had to do," Harry said to her.
  "Many people would not agree," Kara told him. "But, you did, and I agree, it is something that she needed, to know that there are people there for her. The universe can be a cruel place, but it's people like you who make it better. I just wish you were the rule rather than the exception."
  "Hey, if I can make one person's life better, than that's a victory, isn't it?" Harry said, and he grabbed her hands, and Kara nodded. "And you're a good influence on her too. It's not something that I would be able do alone."
  Kara looked in Harry's eyes with unconditional love.
  "You could, but it would be harder," Kara argued, and she pushed him back onto the bed with these words. "But I'm glad you trust me enough, I'm always glad. You didn't have to let me into your heart, but you did anyway."
  Harry smirked at her, but he was lost in her beauty. He felt his heart beat faster, and every day he spent with her gave him more reasons to live than ever before.
  "Well there are certain perks," Harry teased her.
  "They're mutual," Kara responded, and her arms wrapped around his neck. She leaned forward and looked deeply into his green eyes. "I just feel myself attracted to you. Mind, body, heart, and soul, and it's a feeling like nothing else I've ever heard of. The moment we kissed, it was almost like it was something that was joined. Did you feel that?"
  "I felt that, and every time I kiss you, or do anything else with you, it's the ultimate fulfillment," Harry told her, and wrapped his arms around her tighter and pulled her into a deeper kiss. Kara returned it. She sighed into his mouth, and Harry continued to deepen the kiss. Kara and Harry both worked their tongues into each other's mouths.
  Harry decided he was the luckiest man in the entire universe with this beautiful blonde in his arms. It took him a while to get to this point, but he earned it. He broke the kiss, only to kiss the side of her neck. Kara moaned at his efforts, and intertwined her fingers into his messy hair, just making it even messier.
  Kara's eyes were glazed over, and she absent-mindedly started slipping Harry's shirt over his head. She felt Harry's fingers roam, and touch her, hitting all of her pleasure points.
  "Love you," Kara breathed. "You just know how to hit all of my pleasure centers, and you make me feel absolutely special."
  Harry smiled.
  "You make me feel special, too," Harry told her, and Kara pulled his pants over his ankles. "Better use the charm before we get lost...oh that feels good."
  Kara smiled and hummed. She liked to think she got better at this, since she started. The pleasure she could feel building in him, until the moment he popped made her feel warm inside.
  She also felt proud of the fact she got her heat vision better under control when the passion got intense, but that was beside the point.
  It was the best taste in the world, and she swallowed, savoring the taste, and smacked her lips.
  "My turn," Kara said, and she flew across the across, and positioned herself over Harry's face.
  She felt a part of her brain shut off, as she lost herself to the pleasures that Harry gave her.
  Harry's mind was in a daze as they continued their activities. He had found the person that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Kara was his life mate, and he could not have found a better choice if he looked for a million years in a million worlds. He could have settled for some girl, but found one that he truly belonged with.
  The two Heralds of Death got it out of their systems, spending several hours in their room, which was only thirty minutes in the real world. They got quickly cleaned up, and Harry went to prepare dinner for the occupants of this house.
  Godric's Hallow was a quaint little village. It was also abandoned. Lex arrived closest airport, and took a long trek through the snow. His research indicated that Harry Potter's parents were buried there, and he hoped to find any hint whatsoever about how to work the journal that vexed him.
  Lex looked around the grave yard. A number of gravestones could be seen, but the young man was intrigued by one particular stone beyond his quest.
  "Perverell," Lex muttered to himself. It seemed to be a strange name, but many names in this graveyard were strange. On the gravestone there was a symbol. It was an upside down triangle, with a circle in the center, and a line cutting the triangle in half vertically.
  It was an intriguing symbol, and Lex wondered if it meant something of substance.
  He took a step forward, and pulled back the grass, to see if there was any more information. Yet the gravestone seemed to lack a birth or death date, or perhaps it was worn off.
  "Curiosity killed the cat, Lex Luthor."
  Lex turned around, and saw a young woman with mousy brown hair. She wore glasses and was dressed in black and green robes.
  "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Lex asked.
  The girl gave him a look that indicated pity.
  "We've met, in the past, but you have no idea what you're meddling in now," the girl said. She offered him a smile, the type of smile that indicated she knew things that Lex wanted to know. And the fact that she was well aware that the fact that he knew she knew what he wanted to know, and she knew how it bothered him.
  "I'm just looking for answers," Lex said. "There was something about the traveler, and my father was part of something, Veritas, I think the word is."
  The girl remained silent and still, with only a sad smile on her face.
  "The truth is a harsh thing," the girl responded in a mysterious voice, breaking the silence. "Veritas, named after the Roman Goddess for truth. Secrets are being held, out of your reach. You want answers, but you are not prepared for the consequences that come with said answers."
  Lex's gaze remained fixed on his mysterious mousy haired visitor. She remained calm and collected.
  "Beware the shadows Lex, they move when you're not looking," the girl concluded, cryptically.
  The girl offered him a mocking laugh. Lex reached forward, but the girl was gone as quickly as she had appeared. It was almost as if she vanished without a trace.
  Lex's face contorted into confusion, but took another step towards the gravestone with the strange symbol. He placed one hand upon the symbol, almost instinctively.
  A bright light engulfed him, and Lex propelled into the air, before he smashed down to the ground with a sickening thud.
  The gravestone remained undisturbed, and motionless as an immobile, but still breathing Lex Luthor was sprawled out on the ground several hundred feet from it.
  The mousy haired girl reappeared to stare down at the unconscious form of Lex.
  "You were warned," the girl said in a cryptic voice.
  She disappeared into the wind once again.
  Mind Games
  Chapter 19: Mind Games.
  "So you're telling me that someone thinks that this Hugo Strange has figured out what my secret is?" Clark asked both Lana and Chloe, when they had informed him of the mysterious cryptic e-mail. "How would he know?"
  Chloe shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. I think we've figured out Strange is a genius."
  "I would have pegged him as insane," Lana offered, with a shrug.
  "He's both, which is a nightmare to deal with," Chloe said with a shrug. "The point is, we don't know how much Strange knows, or doesn't know. This mysterious e-mailer, he said Strange was catching onto the secret. Not exactly that he knows for sure."
  Clark shook his head. That didn't necessary make things much better.
  "But that doesn't make things better," Clark said. "If not Strange, then someone has caught onto my secret."
  Chloe gave Clark a sympathetic smile.
  "Yeah, but that's not the cream on this cake of weird. The e-mail address was cancelled, and I did a bit of digging. I can't find any record of this company even existing. It's almost like someone set up a company, made this one e-mail address to send this one e-mail, and then disbanded the company."
  "Who would do something like that?" Lana wondered out loud.
  "Someone who is trying to get inside of all of our heads," Clark suggested a pained expression on his face. "If Strange knows, what do you think he's going to do? He's going to blackmail me, or have me locked up or go after people close to me. Lana, you heard what he said. He said all super powered people should be locked up, for their own protection."
  "He knows something, or has an idea," Lana said. "All of the strange events with you in the middle of them, it's a miracle someone hasn't figured something out."
  Chloe pulled out the information she had on Strange. The more she read it, the more disturbed she was by every little torrid detail.
  "I...I don't really know what to say," Chloe said, trying to get a better handle on herself. "Strange is trying to get inside of both of your heads, trying to find out what you know, and he's got both of you worked up."
  "And he's doing a very good job of it, as well."
  The three of them jumped, but relaxed when they saw it was just Harry.
  "All too good of a job, given how jumpy you three are," Harry said with a slight smile. "I'm a bit late to the party, do try and bring me up to speed."
  Between the three of them, Clark, Lana, and Chloe explained every single detail to Harry about the visit earlier, the mysterious e-mail, and everything else. Harry listened, deep in thought. Of course, for all of the questions it might have answered, even more answers were raised. His frown got deeper and deeper by the time they finished explaining everything.
  "That's pretty much it," Clark concluded, wincing slightly at how anti-climatic that sounded.
  Harry remained calm. He looked outside, almost to make sure no one was listening in right now. "I see. Given Strange's track record, the fact he may be onto something should worry you a lot."
  "That's something we already figured out," Lana said.
  "I've found out some interesting information about Strange," Harry said. "He's been brought into court many times on charges of unethical behavior, but the charges to mysterious dropped."
  "So, he paid them off," Chloe suggested.
  "Not exactly, I was thinking more along the lines of blackmail," Harry told them. "Strange seems to be the type who would not spend one cent, but would accumulate information on everyone he meets. He's obsessive like that. He's been interviewing every patient in Belle Reve, going through records of past patients who are no longer with us. I popped into his office, and guess what I saw."
  "Nothing good," Lana said weakly.
  Harry pinched the bridge of nose.
  "He's been looking long and hard into the meteor rocks, and the meteor shower," Harry replied to them. "There's really no delicate way of saying this. If Hugo Strange puts two and two together, you're screwed, big time."
  Clark closed his eyes. "What should I do?"
  "That's up to you," Harry said, not wanting to dictate Clark's life for him. "If I thought it'd help you, I'd wave my hand and make everyone forget."
  "Wait, you can do that?" Lana asked him, a bit alarmed at the possibilities of that particular power.
  "Yes, I can," Harry said, but he offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, mind wipes are only a last resort. Given that it can lead to brain damage, and if it has one misstep, you have a vegetable on your hands. A teacher of my tried to wipe my mind, the spell backfired on him, and...well he never recovered."
  Clark, Chloe, and Lana looked disturbed at how casually Harry said this. He had seen a lot, too much.
  "Magic is dangerous in the wrong hands," Harry concluded. "Anyway, I wouldn't do it, because of the risks and the fact that you would learn nothing. You've made mistakes, but I'll tell you one thing. The fact that your secret hasn't been blown out into the public eye by now is a credit to you."
  "Or that everyone's desentized by the weirdness in the town," Chloe interjected.
  "Or that," Harry agreed. "It's hard to keep a secret this big alive in this day and age. There's always someone around, taking pictures or filming video of anything that is the slightest bit odd.
  Clark responded with a nod. He always thought he was careful, for the most part. There were times where his emotions got the better of him, and he could have blown everything had he not been paying attention.
  "Keep a low head, and if Strange comes by again, don't do anything and don't say anything," Harry advised Clark.
  "Don't worry, I won't," Clark said.
  Lana frowned, and piped up. "Well someone caught onto what Strange is up to, in that e-mail.
  "That vexes me as well," Harry said. He could tell the question that was on the tip of all of their tongues. "Don't worry, it's not me. Trust me. I'd be more direct if it was me. Subtle isn't exactly my middle name."
  "No kidding," Chloe said in an undertone.
  Harry just shut out that retort, and rubbed his fingers across his temples.
  "Clark, against someone like Strange, your powers are not going to help you," Harry said. "I'm going to tell you to be careful. If Kara could be here right now, she would say the same exact thing. Strange plays a very crafty game and his mind is complex. That's not exactly something that I can get a one hundred percent idea."
  "What about the person who e-mailed, Chloe?" Clark asked him. "What's there stake in this?"
  Harry pondered this for a few seconds. One could cut the tension in the air with a knife, and Harry stroked his chin, thinking slowly and carefully.
  "They could be a friend, they could be a foe," Harry suggested to them with a shrug. "Or they could be Strange himself. He's trying to fish for information, but being very subtle about it."
  Chloe could have smacked herself. Why didn't she think of that of that?
  "But, Strange is only a very outside possibility," Harry added with an afterthought. "He would have kept the lines of communication open."
  "I'm putting everyone in danger, if Strange is dangerous as you say he is," Clark said to them.
  Lana recognized the signs, and knew what Clark was trying to pull. She grabbed his wrist firmly. "Clark, no, just, no. Just how many times are we going to go through this?"
  "Pulling that heroic savior act isn't going to help us, it's going to hurt people more," Chloe said, and she turned to Harry. "Right, Harry?"
  Harry waved off this question. "I'm not getting involved in this."
  "And that's because Harry knows where I might be coming from," Clark offered.
  Harry shook his head.
  "I didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth," Harry warned him. "I'm just saying...you know what, you want my opinion, my honest opinion."
  Chloe and Clark both nodded, and even Lana listened closely.
  "Fine, my opinion, I've learned that pushing people away isn't going to help anyone in the long run. And I can't believe it's me of any people who has to be the one to give you this speech. These two get themselves into near death experiences quite often, if I'm not mistaken?"
  Clark nodded, and Lana opened her mouth to protest, but shut it immediately. She couldn't really argue that.
  "And I'm pretty sure that these two would have gotten themselves killed a long time ago, if it wasn't for you, so they're right about you pushing them away is going to hurt," Harry added.
  He felt he had drilled that rather important part through Clark's super powered skull. In a way, Harry wished someone could have given him that speech years ago, but what is done is done.
  "Thanks," Lana said, but then she realized what Harry may have implied. "I think."
  "You know, I can't just figure out whether I've just been complimented or insulted," Chloe said, and Harry just shrugged.
  "The point I'm trying to make is this," Harry added, and his gaze fixed on Clark. "Strange is dangerous, you know that, I know that. If you start pushing others away, that will give him all of the reasons he needs to know that there is something about you that is worth studying. And even if you push them away, it doesn't change the fact that you still care?"
  Clark conceded this point.
  "Just live your life, without any worries, the best you can," Harry said. "Strange is waiting for you to crack. Let him slip up, and do it himself. Keep your head low, and...I don't want to promise everything will work out, but just do your best to remain as normal as you can."
  Clark got the message, and Harry could tell he did.
  "Kara says hi, and she'll see you soon, I expect," Harry said as an afterthought. "Don't let Strange get to you, even if he seems to be a master of getting to people. I've got to get out of here. Good night, and be careful."
  Harry walked out, just barely hearing their goodbyes. Before he could vanish, Chloe followed him out of the door. He could tell that she wanted to tell him something, but not in front of Lana and Clark.
  "Do you have any idea where that e-mail might have come from?" Chloe asked.
  "Chloe, I'll see what I can do, but I only know as much as you do," Harry said. He offered her a slight smile. "I'm powerful, not omniscient. I can't just close my eyes, and have the answers to every question, you know"
  "I knew that," Chloe said quickly.
  "I'll do some digging, but the fact they junked the e-mail address really is going to make it hard," Harry told her.
  Chloe barely hid the smirk she had. "We might have found a person more paranoid than you are."
  "Oh, there are people far more paranoid than I could ever hope to be," Harry said, and he paused. "The real burning question is who reinstated Strange's medical credentials?"
  That casual comment caught Chloe off guard.
  "What?" Chloe asked.
  Harry took a deep breath.
  "Think about this logically, he was banished from Arkham Asylum, about six months ago. His license was suspended, without a chance to ever be reinstated for at least the next ten years. Then a couple of months ago, it gets reinstated just in time for him to get the job at Belle Reve. Blackmail might be the game, but I'm thinking someone pulled some strings to get Strange there."
  Chloe scrunched up her nose, and nodded.
  "And, judging by the fact you're telling me this, you have an idea who might have done the deed," Chloe offered him.
  Harry just smiled and commented dryly.
  "Someone who was curious enough about Clark to have Strange connect the dots in the right order."
  Chloe frowned, and sudden realization struck her. Before she could voice the obvious suspect, Harry put a hand on his forehead.
  Harry felt the beginnings of a migraine headache coming on. It increased in pain by the second. This was impossible, given that because of his powers, he could not suffer an illness. He staggered, but tried to remain on his feet.
  "Harry?" Chloe asked him.
  Harry tried to bite back the pain, but then he felt a pain akin of a migraine headache splitting through his head. Harry bit back his lip, but a scream of absolute anguish escaped his mouth.
  "Harry!" Chloe yelled, eyes widening, and she took a few steps towards him. "Are you..."
  "Fine," Harry managed, and he nearly collapsed, but held it together. "Chloe, I'm fine."
  "Really, that's not what I'd exactly call fine," Chloe said to him, but Harry gave her a glare that indicated that he was not arguing.
  Harry shook his head, annoyed that he showed such weakness, even temporarily. He saw a flash of a bright light and an outline of something in his mind's eye.
  "I've got to go, check on Kara, talk to you later," Harry said.
  Chloe opened her mouth to contradict him, but Harry was gone. She could have sworn he was in absolute agony a moment ago, but he managed to pull himself together.
  Kara slumped forward, and felt her ears ringing. Echoes resounded in her mind, and it was horrible. It subsided, and Harry showed up, nearly collapsing.
  "You felt it too," Kara managed weakly.
  "Yes, I felt it," Harry said, and the two collapsed in each other's arms, before they deflated onto the couch.
  "I felt so weak," Kara said sadly, and Harry wrapped his arm around her head to support it, before they pulled themselves up to a sitting position. "I felt everyone screaming out to me, to help them, but I couldn't help them."
  "You couldn't help them, because they were all dead," Harry said, clutching her tightly "Remember what she told us?"
  "If we allow ourselves to get overwhelmed, the echoes of the dead will get to us," Kara said in a quiet voice.
  Harry wrapped his arms around her more tightly. He kissed her, in a reassuring way. Kara relaxed, a bit. Now that Harry was here, everything was okay. That was the scariest three minutes in her life. She heard everyone she ever knew on Krypton crying out to her, telling her to save them. She could hear them, but she could not see them. Their cries got more frantic, more desperate. It seemed like hours, even though it was only minutes.
  "Did you hear them too?" Kara whispered to him.
  Harry brushed her hair away, and looked at her beautiful face.
  "Bits and pieces of it, but I saw something else," Harry told her. "Something caused our natural defenses to fail, temporarily."
  "Now that we're together, everything's okay," she replied, and Harry smiled at her. His smile caused her heart to beat a little bit stronger, and looking into his eyes gave Kara strength.
  "Always with you, Kara, always," Harry said to her, and Kara relaxed against him. "I did manage to see something, at Godric's Hollow."
  "Where you parents are buried?" Kara asked him, and Harry responded with a crisp nod.
  He sighed, and Kara continued to rest in his arms.
  "You want to see what happened there, don't you?" Kara asked. "What caused this?"
  "I know who caused this," Harry said, frowning. "I saw an image of him. It was Lex."
  Kara frowned, but she did not break form Harry's grip. Her eyes looked into his.
  "What was he doing now?" Kara asked. Her voice was laced with a bit of anger. "Why can't he just leave everything alone? It's none of his business!"
  Harry had no idea what to say, but he stroked the exposed flesh on her back.
  Kara felt relaxed. Harry did have the magic touch after all.
  "I should really go see what Lex did," Harry told her, and offered her a light kiss. Kara sighed into it, content. He slowly pulled away from her. "But I don't want to leave you alone, after what you've seen."
  "I'm much better now Harry, really," Kara said, and she grabbed him tighter. "I'll come with you..."
  "No, Kara, stay here, watch Claire, and I'll see you in about ten minutes," Harry said.
  Harry wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her to her feet. They exchanged another deep kiss. They floated up, and nearly hit their heads on the ceiling, from the pure power that was flowing through them.
  Kara dropped down, and Harry left. She hoped that everything would turn out okay.
  Harry dropped down at Godric's Hallow. The snow and winds blew in his face. He trudged through the absolute insane snow storms. He was outside the gates, and saw blasts of energy shoot up into the air.
  There was some kind of light show coming from the graveyard, and Harry hastened his steps. He rushed towards the gates, and glided through the snow. He stopped at a gravestone, which gave a weird, eerie glow.
  The moment Harry approached forward, and held out his hand, the gravestone immediately stopped glowing. It remained immobile, and Harry closed his eyes. He reached his hand forward, and touched the mark of the gravestone. It was cold, but there was something about it that he felt he should be able to access. Yet, he couldn't. He retracted his hand.
  Harry spun around, and noticed Lex prone in the snow. He was knocked unconscious. Morbid curiosity got the better of Harry. He closed his eyes, and accessed the web to check the status of Lex Luthor's life-life. His dot flickered from white to grey to black. This little quirk caused Harry to pause, and frown. He wondered exactly he was dealing with.
  The dot steadied itself on grey. Harry drew his breath, and leaned down to face Lex. Harry drew a deep breath, and reached behind his head. He pulled his hood over his head, and with a flash, he morphed into the robed form of the Herald of Death. He reached down, and without any preamble he shocked Lex back awake.
  Lex's body convulsed wildly, before the young man's eyes flickered open. "Who's there?"
  "Your fairy godmother," the robe figure retorted dryly.
  The cobwebs cleared from Lex's head, and he realized what situation he had put himself in. He straightened immediately, and struggled to sit up.
  "So, is it my time, yet?" Lex asked him.
  "You were extremely lucky for it not to be. Curiosity did often kill the cat, Lex Luthor. And you decide to stick your nose into a place where it was not needed."
  Lex closed his eyes. Clarity reached him, but much was still confusing.
  "I touched the mark, and every single nerve ending in my body was set on fire," Lex said, and he pointed to the gravestone for emphasis. "I've been knocked out before, but this was different."
  The robe figure paused.
  "You touched the mark on the gravestone?" the robed figure asked him, and tried to fish out of Lex's mind exactly what happened.
  There was a nod, as the man in question struggled to his feet.
  "Numbness in my fingers, but that has to be from the cold," Lex added to him. "I guess the hand of fate smacked me around again, but now I have a clearer idea what I have to do. Now I know what I must do to achieve my purpose in life."
  Harry noticed the word "Veritas" and thoughts of the traveler in Lex's conscious mind. He was obsessed by this.
  "You have no clue what your purpose might be, Lex," he replied. "You follow up on mad leads, and are obsessed with things that are above your comprehension. What in particular brought you to this particular graveyard today?"
  "Well, you see, that's the strangest thing," Lex offered him. "I had another recent brush with death, those do seem to follow me around, but I digress."
  He paused for dramatic effect, and continued to speak.
  "This brush with dead caused me to remember things that I was not supposed to remember. It was curious, because I remembered something my father took extra care to insist that I imagined."
  "Continue," the robed figure said detached.
  Even though his words were detached, his mind was less so. Thoughts stirred up in Lex's demented psyche. Harry caught onto thoughts that Luthor had about a mysterious boy in a cupboard underneath the stairs. That quite frankly perplexed Harry, because he did not recall seeing either Luthor, or being seen by them.
  Then again, during those days, he was pretty much in his own little world inside that cupboard, and kept his head down.
  "But, I'm sure you already know, being the avatar of the afterlife, don't you?" Lex asked, but he did not wait for confirmation. "This has been an interesting conversation, but I must go now. I have found all of the answers I'm going to see here. At least, all I'm going to find, for now."
  The Herald of Death held up one hand, and his gaze was fixed on Lex. His hood remained up.
  "Do consider one thing; you're at a crossroads, Lex. And about to take a dangerous step down a road that might not benefit you. There are many paths in life. The path you chose to take on this day, there's a chance for glory, or a chance for doom. But, it's not a decision that I can make for you."
  Lex just half paid attention to these words.
  "I believe I'm about to head down a path to greatness," Lex told the herald smugly.
  "Do not get too complacent," The Herald of Death warned him. "You will first need a proper understanding of what greatness is. And I don't think you have that understanding, and you may never at this current rate."
  "I may have to beg to differ," Lex said, but he shrugged. His eyes were focused on the robed figure. "Well, until I almost die again, this is goodbye."
  "Next time, there may be no nearly, if you continue to indulge your curiosity at your current rate," the Herald of Death warned him.
  Lex offered a curiosity nod, but turned and walked away. He continued to walk off into the night. Harry waited for him to leave. He tapped his foot on the ground, and turned around. The moment he was certain Lex was gone, he took a good and long look at the gravestone before him.
  The gravestone had long since stopped glowing a long time ago. Harry took another step towards it. He carefully ran his hand up and down the symbol of the gravestone. He heard a faint humming, but there was nothing more than that. His eyes narrowed, and he peered over the symbol. He calculated every single little thing about the symbol, before he came to one logical conclusion.
  It was a switch of some sort. This gravestone had a switch on it that activated something. And it also had a defense mechanism that repelled anyone who should not be messing with the symbol. Harry had no idea what it was, or how to activate it. There could be some great secret that he would be about to uncover. Would it be the type of secret that he would want to know? Harry could not answer that question. He scanned the gravestone, but found nothing else.
  It was a dead end, and Harry turned on himself. He made sure no one was watching him. He had the strangest sense that someone else was here, but he shook that feeling. He closed his eyes, and willed himself back home.
  Kara was waiting for him when he got back. He could tell his girlfriend had a million questions on the tip of her tongue.
  "Lex Luthor apparently saw me when I was in my cupboard under the stairs days," Harry said to Kara.
  Kara frowned at this, and grabbed Harry's hand. They held hands and closed their eyes. They sat down on the couch, or collapsed to be more accurate.
  "Does he know for sure?" Kara asked him quietly.
  "He doesn't know anything for sure, he just has a bunch of wild theories," Harry said, cradling her in his arms. "But, the wildest theories tend to eventually have some amount of truth to them."
  Kara would have to agree. After tonight's events, she needed sanctuary, and the best place was in Harry's strong arms.
  "You must think I'm pathetic going to pieces like that," Kara said.
  "No, I can never think of that," Harry said firmly. "The strongest of us can go to pieces easily over something just as easily as anyone else. I think I've come to terms with everyone dying a long time ago. I hate to say this, but...I've gotten used to it. Death doesn't bother me anymore, in any sense of the word."
  Harry paused, and what he implied just sunk in completely.
  "Does that make me a monster?" Harry asked her suddenly.
  "I think it does bother you, you've just come to grips to it better," Kara said, looking up into his green eyes. They had so much life in them, that she could not help but be inspired by them. "No one appreciates life more than you do, Harry. Funny, given what our job occupations are."
  Harry shook his head.
  "You're the one who has given me the new appreciation for life," Harry told her softly, stroking her cheek. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know what life would have brought me, at all."
  Harry paused, holding Kara in his arms tightly against him.
  "You saved me Kara, more than you ever could know," Harry whispered to her.
  "Weren't you the one who managed to get my ship open?" Kara asked him.
  "If I had not found you, I might not have cared," Harry said to her.
  "No, if you hadn't found me, I might have hurt someone I care about," Kara said, closing her eyes.
  Sudden realization dawned upon Harry.
  "So, I guess we saved each other," Harry said to her.
  "I can live with that," she agreed.
  Harry stroked her cheek and her hair. His gaze met hers. For the first time in his life, he truly felt that he could connect with someone on a deeper level.
  "Thank you, Kara," Harry whispered to her.
  "No, Harry, thank you, I would have gone to pieces tonight without you," Kara said.
  "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Harry whispered to her, seriously. "But there's a part of me that thinks..."
  Kara put her finger on his lips. She knew what he was going to save.
  "I'm not with you because I have to be," Kara told him, and she gently kissed him on the lips for emphasis. She withdrew to finish her thought. "I'm with you because I want to be."
  Harry had to smile. He cupped her beautiful face, and planted light kisses on it, as she rested in his arms.
  "I swear, no matter what, I'll never let you down," Harry whispered to her. He brushed her hair, and looked into her eyes. "My sweet Kryptonian angel."
  "I know you won't, my emerald eyed savior," Kara retorted sweetly, curled up in Harry's arms, letting his heart beat lull her to sleep.
  His warmth gave her courage, and focus. All she had lost paled to what she had now.
  Sometimes the journey to greatness was filled with adversity.
  "The symbol on the tombstone is an ancient Kryptonian word," Kara said to him, before she drifted completely off to sleep. "Its closest interpretation means, death."
  "No surprise," Harry told her, and kissed her one more time. "Good night, sweet dreams, I love you."
  "I love you too," Kara whispered, and she drifted off to sleep.
  Christmas was a few days away, but the events of a few days ago that occurred in Europe had piqued the curiosity of many people.
  Crisp and gusty wind continued to blew through Godric's Hallow. It was on track to be one of the worst storms of the year. Yet, no storm would be able to quell the desire to be nosy. A few days ago, pretty much every single Internet connection in Europe had went dead for a period of fifteen hours. It was such a big story that it spread worldwide.
  Many were willing to chalk it up to just a weird freak occurrence of nature. Others were thinking that this was a big conspiracy.
  "Lois, I'm capable of some insanity, but flying halfway across the world and going to a graveyard in the middle of an abandoned village on some wild hunch is beyond my normal breed of insanity!"
  Chloe shouted as her cousin moved up the hill. Lois moved with a purpose.
  "What makes you even think what we're going to find what you were looking for here?" Chloe asked her.
  Lois paused for a brief moment.
  "I don't, I'm just following a tip. All of the Internet connections on an entire continent went down, but those in the villages closest to this graveyard had their computers completely fried."
  "Some kind of electro-magnetic pulse?" Chloe suggested.
  "It was something weirder, more so than that," Lois said. "I'm just glad we chartered a flight out here. Anyway, there was a huge light show through from this graveyard."
  "Are you sure it wasn't someone pulling a prank?" Chloe asked.
  She knew where this was. She knew about Godric's Hollow, Harry's parents were buried here. Yet, Lois seemed to be deaf towards her cousin's warnings. She continued to march up the hill with an absolute purpose. Her lips pursed together, and Lois looked around.
  "Kind of hard to see in this storm," Lois said, squinting.
  "Well, these are white-out conditions," Chloe said to her.
  Lois grimaced, but she trudged through the snow. She was not above roughing gates recently had been opened, and she pushed through them. There were rows and rows of snow covered gravestones, but there was one in the center of the cemetery that stood out above the rest.
  Chloe eyed it, but Lois noticed it. She tried to push herself towards it.
  The blonde woman paused, and she heard a sigh in her ear. Chloe turned around, and saw a dark haired girl with mousy hair and eye glasses. She wore robes.
  "People don't know when to stop meddling in things that they are not meant to mess with," the dark haired girl said a knowing voice.
  "What do you mean?" Chloe asked her.
  Lois stopped and turned around.
  "Chloe, who are you talking to?" Lois asked in a confused voice.
  Chloe opened her mouth and paused. The girl just looked at her.
  "I thought I heard someone," Chloe said, and Lois just shrugged. She turned to investigate the area around the mysterious gravestone. For some reason, she could not find a way up the hill no matter how much force she exerted. She slipped, and slid, not able to gain her footing.
  The girl just clicked her tongue, and swayed her feet from side to side. She crossed her arms, and just offered a slight smile.
  "She couldn't see me you know," the girl said in a calm voice. "There are only some people who can see me, some can't. Of course, I'm always here, but I only let those who I want to see me, see me."
  Chloe remained calm and closed her eyes.
  "Who are you?" Chloe whispered.
  The girl just smiled a mysterious smile.
  "It's a secret," the girl told her in a mysterious voice. "This is sacred land, and you two are trespassing. There could be dire consequences for you going to this place. It is her will, it is her way."
  "What are you talking about?" Chloe demanded.
  The girl just offered a knowing smile.
  "Shh, secret," the girl whispered in a patronizing voice. "When the time is right, all will know. I know about your friend Clark, and how special he is. And I know that there are those who are willing to control him for their own gain. To master the world, to control all, he was sent here for a purpose. But there will be those who corrupt that purpose."
  Chloe became rather alarmed and looked at the girl. The girl just had a slight and sad smile.
  "I was brutally slaughtered in the name of someone's vendetta," the girl added remorsefully. "But some must die, so others could live. Don't worry, I haven't told anyone about Clark. Not even Lex, but I could have. He's going to figure out soon. Clark should be more careful."
  Chloe did not trust herself to respond. The girl hummed under her breath.
  "So you're a ghost?" Chloe whispered to her.
  The girl ignored the question.
  "So many questions, not enough answers, but soon the truth comes to those who wait," the girl said in a cryptic voice. The girl turned towards Lois. "I would advise pulling her back before she does something foolish. The last person who touched that gravestone barely escaped with their life. The next person, well I'm not sure if they will be so lucky."
  Chloe turned towards Lois.
  "Look at this," Lois said. "Have you ever seen a symbol like that before?"
  She pointed towards the triangle with the circle in the middle, and a line going down it.
  "No, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to touch that," Chloe said.
  Lois looked at her with a questioning expression on her face, and just relaxed. It was just as well, because she could not even get up the hill. The symbol was out of her reach.
  Chloe let out a sigh. Lois appeared to be giving up the symbol as a dead end, at least for right now.
  She was now curious about it though, but there was only one person who she suspected had the foggiest idea.
  Chloe wondered if the symbol, the pulse, and Harry's mysterious near collapse were all connected. Perhaps she was connecting dots that were not there, but there was only one way to find out.
  "Well this was a wasted trip," Lois said, shrugging.
  Chloe just offered her cousin a reassuring smile.
  "Well you never know until you try."
  Hugo Strange shifted through pages and pages of notes he had taken on Clark Kent, the meteors, and everything connected to him. His smile twisted. There was some missing puzzle pieces that he needed to grab onto. If he found it, he would have his hands on the secret that many would give their right arms for.
  He had a hunch, but naturally a learned man did not draw conclusions until they had a full study of the subject.
  "What are you Mr. Kent?" Strange said to himself in a low voice. "Are you one of the meteor powered mutants? Perhaps a bit lucky not to tap into the psychosis that has infected those who have been blessed by the rocks, both living and dead. Or are you something else?"
  Strange tapped on the bars and the patients moved around the institution. The restraints would ensure that he could not be harmed. All he needed was one simple push of a button, and they would be at his will.
  "Professor Strange, a Mr. Luthor is on the line for you?" his secretary said to him from inside his office.
  "Ah, I was wondering when he would call," Strange said. He took a few steps forward, and grabbed the phone. "Yes, Lex, what can I do for you?"
  "Just a courtesy check to double check that you are still working on the project that I'm paying you for," Lex said. "I didn't go to all of the trouble to get your credentials reinstated out of the goodness of my heart."
  Strange's mouth curled into a malevolent smile.
  "Yes, I know you and I know your father, Luthors never do anything unless it benefits you," Strange said. "But it is not without any benefit to me as well."
  "The small talk is nice, but I'm on a deadline," Lex said. There was a pause. "Information, Strange, I need it."
  "Well your friend gets around the block, so to speak," Strange in a cryptic voice. "I've never seen anything like him. There is no one quite like him. No one should be able to survive as many encounters with the super powered that he has survived."
  "Cut the chase, Hugo," Lex prompted him.
  "I believe your friend may be special," Strange said. "Exactly how he is special, I will have to perform a personal study. Have some one on one time with Mr. Kent, beyond what I had at the farm. The problem is, you're not the only one with a keen personal interest towards Clark Kent."
  "Do tell," Lex said.
  Strange enjoyed the fact he had knowledge that Lex needed, craved. He allowed himself a few seconds to let the information hang.
  "No, I will keep my suspicions under wraps for now, until I have further information," Strange said.
  "This wouldn't have anything to do with something called Veritas, would it?" Lex asked.
  Strange's interest seemed to perk up in a moment, and he stroked his chin.
  "Ah, Veritas, there's a name that I haven't heard in a while," Strange said.
  "What do you know about it?" Lex said, eagerness dripping from his voice.
  Strange chuckled. The doctor tapped his foot on the floor, a twisted grin on his face.
  "Did I say I know anything about it? Maybe I do, maybe I don't, but that's getting off the subject. The fact of the matter is, Clark Kent has attracted interest from many parties. He is a unique young man, and I'm fascinated by him. And I'm fascinated by you, Lex."
  "This isn't about me," Lex said dismissively, not quite liking where this was heading.
  "Ah, but this is very much about you," Strange corrected him. "You told me to investigate everything involving young Mr. Kent. And everything includes you. Tell me Lex, you do have a fractured family. Could this attempt to find out about Clark be just a front for a quest of your own? Perhaps you are two sides of an age old struggle, or perhaps you wish to be what Clark is. Something that you never could be."
  "Is there a point to all of these cryptic words?" Lex asked.
  A twisted smirk appeared on the face of Hugo Strange.
  "Just pointing out some observations that I've made in the course of my study," Strange said. "I will send you the notes I have made on Mr. Kent, and will contact you if I come across anything interesting."
  Lex remained silent for a moment. "Fair enough, but you better not turn this around into some kind of investigation on me."
  "Good bye, Lex," Strange said curtly.
  Strange chuckled, if Lex really had nothing to hide, then he had nothing to fear with an inquiry into his personal life. Now he was intrigued with Lex Luthor. Perhaps not as intrigued as he was with Clark Kent, but still this bald young man held many secrets.
  Speaking of secrets, Strange made his way up towards the high security cell where Winston Smith was being kept.
  "Hello, Professor," Smith said in a crisp voice. The silvery glint in his eye was not unnoticed by Strange.
  "Good day to you, Winston," Strange said. "I must say, your nearly Lazarus like resurrection has intrigued me. The bullet wounds should have put you down, or lead to permanent brain damage."
  "You're not complaining, for I have been a wealth of information," Smith said dryly. "But I do need your assistance to correct an error."
  These curious statements did not faze Strange, but he had been intrigued by them many times.
  "An interesting observation, Winston," Strange said. "But what can you give me?"
  A long pause, before Smith responded.
  "I can give you Clark Kent," Smith said. "If you allow me to bring him back, all of his secrets will be at your fingertips."
  Strange stroked his chin, and pondered the benefits of this arrangements.
  "This deal does not benefit me as much as you would think, you've given me no reason to trust your word," Strange said. "Your unique vital signs do make me wonder. Perhaps you could shed some light on them."
  Smith paused.
  "Perhaps I had misjudged your intelligence. If you don't wish for me be set free to retrieve Clark, perhaps you would like the information on how you may capture him. As an act of good faith, for your assistance."
  The tension could be cut with a knife.
  "I'm listening," Strange said, and he held his clipboard.
  He had a theory that there was more to Smith than met the eye. Then again, there was more to Clark Kent than met the eye. Strange found that if he uncovered the young man's secrets, he could command a high price.
  Strange made plans and the game was on.
  Harry clicked on the ear piece.
  "Hey, Chloe, what can I do for you?" Harry asked her. Kara listened in as well.
  "Are you okay, first of all?" Chloe asked.
  Harry smiled. "Yeah, we're fine, both of us are, Kara got zapped by something too, but it's good. So what's on your mind?"
  "Harry, you're never going to believe this," Chloe said slowly.
  Harry and Kara just exchanged an apprehensive look.
  "Chloe, after what I've seen, nothing's going to surprise me," Harry said. "So spill."
  Chloe took a deep breath. "I was in a cemetery, Godric's Hallow, and I thought I saw a ghost."
  The silence was brief.
  "Oh," Harry said flatly.
  "Oh, that's all you got to say?" Chloe asked him.
  "I've seen ghosts every day for six years of my life," Harry said, but he paused. "Actually, now that I think about it, this is a curiosity. Ghosts are the ultimate grey area in the game of life and death."
  Harry paused.
  "My employer does not like them, at all," Harry said. "Of course, being a ghost is its own kind of eternal torment. So Death does get the last laugh in a way. They will never see anyone they have known ever again, and be condemned to watch how everyone lives forever.
  "Why would anyone want something like that?" Chloe asked him.
  "Some people fear their own mortality to an obsessive degree," Harry said after a moment of time. "It's really insane to see how people cheat the afterlife. But, never mind that. Tell me everything."
  Chloe explained the encounter the best she could.
  "So, you could see the ghost, but Lois couldn't," Harry concluded.
  Kara shrugged; she was completely as baffled as Harry was. This little supernatural thing did not come up in their training.
  "Ghosts don't normally are selective by who they let see," Kara interjected. "So it could be something else."
  "Something else, something dangerous," Harry said, frowning. "And I doubt that fact Kara and I collapsed was a coincidence. There's something there. Something dangerous, and that gravestone where you saw the ghost, there's a switch."
  "You're kidding," Chloe said. "What does it open?"
  "Here's the thing, I don't know," Harry said. "My curiosity has long since been killed, after the nine millionth time it almost got me killed. I'm sure I'm meant to find out eventually, but the last time I tapped into the secrets of the past it did not end well."
  "Yeah, your mother, we knew how that went," Chloe agreed.
  Harry grimaced. The subject of Lily Potter was one that he did not want to ever think about again.
  "She's gone, let's not speak of her," Harry said dismissively. "Kara and I will go and investigate the gravestone after the holidays."
  "Why not, now?" Chloe asked. "Sorry, just curious about the delay."
  "I'd prefer not to leave a ten year old child alone in the house," Harry said. "We're letting Claire stay for the holidays."
  "Ah, that's nice, shows you do have a heart underneath all that power," Chloe said.
  "Funny," Harry retorted dryly.
  "I do try," Chloe said smugly. She then cleared her throat. "But back on the subject to this girl, who do you think she is?"
  That actually was a good question, but Harry was at a loss for any good answers.
  "It doesn't matter who she is I think," Harry said. "I'm not even sure if she is a ghost, or something else. Something strange, but we'll find out soon. If that's all, I'll talk to you later."
  "Okay, I'll let you know if I find out anything about our mysterious e-mailer, and you do the same," Chloe said.
  "Having people look into it," Harry told her. "It's not looking promising, but I'll let you know if I find out anything."
  The ear piece clicked off. Kara scooted closer to Harry on the couch.
  "Another mystery, I guess," Kara concluded.
  "As if we didn't have enough," Harry said. He knew having a normal life was never going to happen, but still everything was overwhelming. He was glad he had someone to share the burden with, because he could not shoulder this particular mess alone. "There's some mysterious girl, who may or may not be a ghost. She might know about Clark. Not to mention the fact that Lex is nosing around, and getting dangerously close to finding out about Clark, and then there's Strange, and everything else."
  "I know," Kara said, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "What are we going to do?"
  "I don't know, Lex is beginning to get too dangerous, despite my attempts to nudge him away from his obsessions," Harry said. "If something happens, yeah, I might have to deal with him."
  He drew a deep breath, before he voiced another thought.
  "A part of me regrets saving from that car," Harry said quietly. "If I had let him drown..."
  "You wouldn't have been able to live with yourself," Kara interjected firmly, and grabbed him by the shoulders. She looked in his eyes, trying to tell him that nothing was his fault. "Harry, you said it, it wasn't his time. You didn't know who he was anyway. Granted, I wouldn't blame you if you would have let him drown, but I guess there's a saying about hindsight that applies here."
  Kara continued her hold on her mate.
  "And if he tries to do anything to Clark, he'll have me to answer to," Kara added, looking rather dangerous at this point.
  Kara let the implied meaning of her words hang.
  "What's going to happen, now?" Kara asked him.
  "I don't know, Kara, and the only thing for sure, nothing is for sure," Harry said to her. "We don't know if we're going to see tomorrow. We both know better than anyone that everything we know can end in a snap in an instant."
  Harry then smiled.
  "We're going to enjoy what we have while w can," Harry added to her, and she nodded in agreement. "I'm just wondering about that gravestone, the more I think about it, and the effect it had on us."
  "Yeah, me too," Kara agreed. She stroked Harry's hair with her fingers. The two Heralds relaxed, feeling solitude with each other. "We have the greatest power, but that would only mean our concerns would only have to be greater."
  Harry offered her a light smile.
  "The fact is, we have a good idea of the worst that could happen," Harry said. "I think this is the reason why the other heralds, providing they exist, went insane with their powers. They tried to fix everything, it corrupted the balance, and everything just created more problems. The entire power of the Herald of Death, maybe it is something that dooms everyone."
  Kara firmly shook her head.
  "And you disagree with this," Harry said to her.
  "They went insane with the power, because they allowed themselves to be alone, they let themselves to lose sight of what truly was important," Kara said. "They didn't have anyone that they could identify with."
  Kara offered him a smile, and snuggled up against the side of his neck.
  "If it wasn't for you, I could have been like that," Harry said.
  "Maybe, maybe not, I don't know," Kara said conflicted, and she looked at Harry. She swung legs over him, straddling his lap. She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck. "You can find something within you that could go beyond your role. You could have turned to complete and utter darkness, you could have given up. Beneath all of that power, beats the heart of something wonderful."
  Kara turned, and whispered in Harry's ear.
  "You could be the shining light that the world needs, if you allowed yourself to be."
  Kara peppered Harry's face and neck with light passionate kisses. Harry wrapped his arms around her. His hands traced hands around her lower back, and cupped her backside with his hands.
  "And you taught me something important, that emotions aren't something that should be feared, something that would make you weak," Kara said to him, nibbling on his ear. "It's the improper understanding of them, the fear of them that makes people weak. I don't know what path life would have taken me without you, but I know where it's taking me now."
  Kara grabbed Harry's face, and planted a huge passionate kiss on him. Harry returned it. She pushed Harry back. Their hands slowly roamed over each other's bodies, as they continued to kiss deeply on the couch.
  She pulled herself away, and licked her lips hungrily. "It's taking me somewhere wonderful."
  Kara grabbed Harry's shirt, and pulled it over his head. His hair was messed up even more. She planted teasing kisses on his muscular, bare chest.
  "I want to be with you forever, too" Kara breathed in his ear, but she felt Harry's fingers go down the waistband of her jeans. Her eyes glazed back.
  "I'll never leave you," Harry said, and he met her lips with a kiss. More clothes found their way off. His hands traveled around every inch of her slender body, and he soaked it in. "I love you, always and forever."
  Kara closed her eyes. She never thought she could feel like this. She only heard about people feeling like this, but Harry proved her wrong. It was possible to feel these wonderful feelings.
  Harry flipped her over. Kara's prone form was sprawled out on the couch. Hair draped over her breasts, and she inhaled and exhaled.
  "How could I be so lucky to have a beautiful woman like you?" Harry asked her.
  "It's no less than you deserve," Kara replied, but her lips curled into a smile. "Are you going to take me now, or do I have to beg for it?"
  "Be patient, or I'll have to tie you up," Harry teased her.
  A triumphant grin appeared on Kara's lips.
  "Are you offering?" Kara asked him, excited about the possibilities.
  Harry just smiled, and lowered himself down onto her.
  The two lovers found themselves submerged in each other's passions. It was the most wonderful thing. Their minds, bodies, and soul worked in perfect harmony. It was meant to be.
  The entire Hugo Strange visit had Clark on the edge of his nerves. He really wanted to ask someone how to best deal with this situation. And on a whim, he decided to head up to the Fortress of Solitude. He remained calm, and looked around. He drew a deep breath, and prepared to address Jor-El.
  "I've run into a situation," Clark said, and the Fortress remained silent. "There was a man named Hugo Strange who came to the Farm today. He's studying me. He could know about my secret, and what's worse he's studying my friends. They could be put into danger. He's not exactly a problem that I can solve with physical force."
  Jor-El had no response.
  "I've come to you, for advice, that's what you wanted," Clark said. "I've run out of options. I'm looking over my shoulder because of this Strange. Every single moment of my life, he could return. Everyone I care about is in danger because of me. We've had our differences of opinion regarding Kara recently, but I could use guidance."
  Once again, the Fortress of Solitude remained silent.
  "If this is another one of your tests, I'm lost to see what it might be," Clark continued. "If you could just tell me what you're trying to do, because the cryptic act is getting really old. Kara can be open and honest with me, but my own biological father can't. What do you want me to do?"
  There was once again no response. Clark wondered if someone had tampered with the Fortress, but it seemed to be normal. The only difference was Jor-El had become mute.
  "So, you have nothing to say to me, nothing at all," Clark said, his temper raising.
  Clark turned and sped off, frustrated and if he had to admit it, a bit hurt at the cold shoulder that he was being given by the AI.
  A cell phone rang inside his house, and Harry hastened to answer it immediately. Kara walked behind him, to see who had called him on his private phone.
  "The secrets you seek can be found in the graveyard of your ancestors," a voice said cryptically over the phone.
  "What do you mean?" Harry asked the voice over the phone.
  A slight pause, and Harry hoped to keep this person on the line long enough to trace the call.
  "The secrets you seek can be found in the graveyard of your ancestors," the voice repeated. "The truth is in your grasp, reach it before others do."
  The phone clicked off, and Kara frowned in confusion.
  "What was that about?" Kara asked.
  "Normally, I would have to say that someone's playing mind games with me," Harry said, but he paused immediately. "But, I'm not really sure, with the alleged ghost Chloe saw, I'm not sure what's going on. Is she trying to tell me something?"
  Kara frowned, but it clicked with her immediately.
  "If this is another one of her games, I swear I'm not going to be happy," Kara said to him.
  "I hope it isn't, but you never know," Harry offered her, but he had had to agree that he was not going to be happy. "We better see what's up. I thought we could leave this, but once we got that beacon, someone wants us to know something."
  "I don't know if it's something we want to know, after all of the things we learned, this could be the most deadly secret of them all," Kara said. She was then struck with a thought. "But, could it be something to help my cousin?"
  "It could be something to help him, or it could be something to hurt him," Harry offered her. He really wished he could offer her more reassurance. "There's only one way to find out. I hoped my curiosity would not get the better of me, but it has, again."
  "If it makes you feel better, I'm interested in it as well,' Kara said, before she made a decision, for the both of them. She knew this was going to eat up at Harry, so it was time for drastic action. "Claire, grab your coat, something's come up!"
  Claire exited her bedroom a few moments later. She saw both of them look concerned, and she frowned at this.
  "I'm really sorry Claire, but we're going to drop you off with Chloe for a little bit, we've got to deal with something," Harry said, in an apologetic voice.
  "What is it?" Claire demanded.
  "We're not sure," Harry admitted to her.
  "But it's important, we swear," Kara added.
  The girl's shoulders slumped, but Harry grabbed her, gently. "When we get back, we'll do something fun, the three of us. But, you can hang out with Chloe for a while, and she'll keep an eye on you."
  "Okay," Claire said, offering them a reassuring smile. After Harry and Kara had a talk with her, she was a bit more accepting that they weren't going to abandon her if they had to go off for a while.
  Harry and Kara teleported themselves and Claire outside of Chloe's door. Claire smiled in spite herself. That was fun, even if took some getting used to.
  Kara knocked on the door, and a moment later, Chloe answered.
  "Harry, Kara, Claire, this is...unexpected," Chloe said, but she looked at them. It took her a second to recover "What can I do for you?"
  "Chloe, please do me with a favor and watch Claire for a few hours," Harry said. Chloe nodded. "We got a mysterious message, telling us something about the graveyard at Godric's Hollow."
  Chloe frowned, before she said something she had on her mind. "So is this mysterious messenger, and our other mysterious messenger one and the same?"
  "You know, that's a good question," Harry said.
  "It could be mind games," Chloe said.
  "I thought so too," Harry agreed. "But, the fact there was something weird that you saw, and I have a suspicion something weird Lex saw as well. There are too many weird things happening to chalk up as a coincidence."
  "So, we're going to figure out what that gravestone is," Kara said to Chloe.
  "I don't suppose it would do you any good to tell you to be careful," Chloe said.
  "You can tell us, the gesture is appreciated," Kara said.
  Harry had to add his two cents. "Whether or not it would actually do any good, that's an entirely different matter entirely."
  Chloe felt a feeling of dread she could not quite shake.
  "We'll be off, Claire, don't get into too much trouble," Harry said.
  Claire smiled. "Don't worry, I won't."
  "We'll be back in an hour, a couple at the most," Kara said. "We promise."
  "I know," Claire said.
  Harry bent down. "Make sure Chloe doesn't get into too much trouble."
  Harry and Kara snickered, and Claire hugged them goodbye. Claire walked inside. The two Heralds of Death moved off, and seconds later, they appeared at the Graveyard.
  They touched down. The fact there seemed to be an eerie amount of mist was not lost on them. It seemed almost foreboding.
  Both were on their guard, for anything.
  It was a peaceful day, with not a cloud in the sky. Lana looked out the window, half paying attention to what happened around here. For some reason, this type of day just put her on edge. Perhaps it was because of what Strange may have found out about Clark and by extension her and everyone else or perhaps there was something else.
  She watched out of her window. Clark returned, and seemed to be in a sour mood. Lana opened the door, and looked at the expression on Clark's face.
  "Something's bothering you," Lana said knowingly.
  Clark tried to avert that particular line of questioning.
  "It's nothing, Lana," Clark said in a calm voice.
  "Well, it's something," Lana prompted.
  Clark sighed deeply.
  "Why is it that when you want someone, they're not around?" Clark asked her. "And when you don't want them around, they keep interjecting themselves into your life."
  "I don't know what to say, Clark," Lana said. "It's Strange, isn't it? You heard what Harry said. If you lay low, you won't play into his hands."
  Clark turned towards Lana.
  "I can't just sit there, and wait for the other shoe to drop," Clark said. "That has never been in my nature. But Strange, with him, the game has been dangerous. I'm not entirely convinced he is acting alone. A world class psychiatrist does not come to a place like Smallville, not without a good reason."
  Lana had a bit of a theory about Strange, but she tried to squash it.
  "Lana?" Clark asked her, gently. "Is there something you want to tell me."
  "I don't know, but I think Lex could be involved with this," Lana said. A pained expression appeared on her face. "I want to get away from him, just let it be, but he just keeps following me around."
  "Lana, I won't let anything happen, not again," Clark told her.
  There was a pause, and Lana looked at Clark.
  "You can't protect me from everything," Lana said.
  Clark just offered her a smile.
  "I'm serious, Clark, there are some things where I can't drag you into them," Lana said firmly. "You're powerful, but you're not invincible. I think Lex is closer to figuring out what your secret is, more than ever before."
  Clark tried to say that there was no way Lex could find out, but he was not sure. If there was someone he barely knew like Strange who came close to his secret, than someone he did know and was friends with, it was only inevitable.
  Then there was this cryptic mystery e-mailer.
  The question is what would he about it should something happen.
  Clark's super hearing perked out. He heard a whizzing, and felt weak suddenly.
  "Clark, what is it?" Lana asked.
  "Lana, get down!" Clark yelled.
  The front windows of the Kent Farm blew open, and Clark shoved Lana down, before shielding her with his body. A miniature missile shattered the windows, and caught Clark in the back. Clark dropped to the ground, in pure agony.
  Lana rolled over. She coughed and wheezed by the dust that had been created. She, by a miracle, had not been cut up by the broken glass. She crawled over, and saw Clark on the ground.
  "Clark!" Lana yelled frantically.
  He was barely breathing, and she knew why. The missile that had been sent through the window had been laced by fragments of Kryptonite. The doors cracked open, and Clark tried to get to his knees. Lana reached over, to help him up.
  By sheer force of stubborn will, Clark barely made it to his feet. He collapsed, and Lana could not properly hold him up. Several guards, dressed in masks kicked down the front doors.
  "What are you doing?" Lana asked.
  "Taking Mr. Kent in for observation," one of the thugs said.
  "He seems very sick," another thug mocked, kicking Clark in the ribs for emphasis.
  Lana fought the bubbling fury she felt.
  "That's because you attacked him!" Lana yelled. "I won't let you take him!"
  The guards chuckled at her daring attempts to protect him.
  "I'm afraid that's out of your hands, Ms. Lang," a guard said smugly.
  Lana rushed over, and tried to knock the guards back. However, she was shot with a tranquillizer dart. Lana staggered, and the woman collapsed on the ground, drugged.
  A click of the radio could be heard, and one of the guards held out a two-way radio.
  "We have Mr. Kent," the guard said. "What about, Ms. Lang?"
  "Bring her as well, for insurance," Strange said coldly. "Make sure to keep the meteor rock fragments on Mr. Kent at all times. I wish to further study what the long term effects would do to him. If it kills him, well there's always dissection."
  Clark and Lana were both shackled, and led off in restraints. Neither of them could even begin to move, and both were out for the count for the foreseeable future.
  They were hauled into a back of a van, and drove off. The daring move of Hugo Strange had paid off, with some assistance.
  Kara and Harry moved through the mists in the graveyard. If Harry did not personally see to their destruction, he would be almost sure that the Dementors had lived. He made sure those particular monsters had been slain years and years ago.
  "Is this the gravestone?" Kara asked him.
  "Yes," Harry said. "How did you know?"
  "It seems familiar," Kara said with a shrug. "I remember bits of the premonition before the echoes of death overwhelmed me, when Lex touched it, when we collapsed."
  Harry and Kara walked over to the gravestone. At first glance, it seemed to be normal, but appearances were often deceiving. The two of them studied the stone, careful not to touch it at all.
  Something interesting happened when the two Heralds approached it. The gravestone glowed immediately. The symbol on the gravestone divided into three identical symbols. All of them were the same. Harry reached forward tentatively. One symbol was on the top, one symbol was in the center, and one symbol was on the bottom. They were all stacked, evenly.
  Harry touched the symbol on the top and it illuminated. Harry touched the symbol in the middle. The top symbol went dead, but the middle symbol was now flowing with bright light. He shrugged immediately, and Harry touched the bottom symbol. Now it was the bottom symbol that was glowing, while the other two went dead.
  Harry retracted his hand, and they all went dead.
  "Kara, could you..."
  "Yeah, let me try," Kara said.
  She touched the top symbol. It was glowing. When she touched the middle symbol, it glowed, but the top symbol was dead. She touched the bottom, and the middle went off.
  Harry and Kara both paused, and when the bottom symbol went dead they tried something else. They took a brief moment, and Harry touched the top symbol. Kara pressed the middle symbol, and both of them were glowing. Harry tried to touch the bottom symbol, and it activated, with the top symbol going dead.
  "Well, we might need three people to activate this thing, whatever it is," Harry said.
  Kara looked thoughtful. "Not just any three people, three Heralds, the three of us, we need to touch the symbols."
  This presented a bit of a problem.
  "We have no idea who the third Herald is," Harry said. "Or where they might be, or even if they are trustworthy."
  "And until we do, we won't be able figure this thing out," Kara said, frustrated.
  Harry placed his arm around her, reassuringly.
  "Do we want to?" Harry asked.
  Before Kara could answer, someone else piped up.
  "It matters little what you want to do, but rather the answers that you must seek."
  Harry and Kara both spun around. They saw the girl standing before them. Her arms were folded. She was transparent, but Harry was not fully convinced she was a ghost. She was something else.
  "I hoped that my little lightshow would lure you here," the girl said, with a smug smile.
  The two of them surveyed the mysterious ghost girl.
  "What do you want?" Kara asked.
  The ghost girl smiled. "It doesn't matter what I want. Not anymore, but all that matters is the truth. The answers you have been searching for involve the traveler. Are you worthy to hold them? Are you worthy to understand the secrets of Veritas?"
  Harry had heard that word so many times recently, that now his curiosity was piqued.
  "I want answers now!" Harry yelled, his lack of patience finally breaking through for the first time in ages.
  The ghost girl just gave Harry and Kara a shifty little smirk, and shot off into the distance like a cork out of a bottle.
  Kara and Harry had no choice, but to follow this mysterious girl. They felt their fingertips on potential answers.
  Whether these answers would be something they would like the answers, or something that would not raise more questions, that remained to be seen.
  Chloe tapped her fingers, keeping an eye on Claire, as she sat in front of her computer. She remained rather calm and collected, but the events of the last few days weighed heavily on her mind.
  Another e-mail brought her out of her thoughts. Chloe did not recognize the e-mail address. She proceeded with the ultimate caution, and when she discovered the e-mail was safe, she opened it up.
  Much like the previous mysterious e-mail she had received, it was short, and rather to the point. She clicked it open.
  Strange has Kent. The game has begun. Location is unknown. Time runs short.
  Chloe tried not to freak out, for the sake of the ten year old child across the room. Sure enough, the e-mail had once again been disabled before she could even send a return response. She hoped that it was a prank, even if there was something nagging in the back of her mind that it was far from a prank.
  Something really serious was going on. Strange was far more dangerous.
  The blonde woman bit her lip, and reached out for her cell phone. She began to dial the number, hoping that Clark was there. She allowed the phone to ring twenty five, thirty times, she lost count, but eventually it was proven to be a futile effort. Chloe put the phone down, and clicked on the ear piece.
  She spoke in the softest voice she could. "Harry, are you there?"
  There was nothing but static. She wondered if she had damaged it somehow, but then remembered that Harry told her that it had been charmed against damage. Which meant there was some kind of interference on Harry's end.
  Never one to give up, Chloe tried again.
  "Harry? Kara? If either of you are there, and can hear me, just give me a sign. I think something's happened."
  There was nothing. Chloe looked at the telephone. Calling the police seemed to be logical right now, but how to explain what happened, that would be a huge challenge.
  "Is everything okay, Chloe?" Claire asked.
  "Oh, yeah, everything's just hunky dory," Chloe said with a false cheery smile.
  Claire rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid, you wouldn't look so worried if something happened, and you wouldn't use the word, hunky dory. Who uses that word anyway?"
  Chloe did not want to have that argument with a ten year old child.
  "Well, I think something bad might have happened to Clark, but everything should work out okay," Chloe said.
  "Harry will be able to find him," Claire said without missing a beat.
  Chloe sure hoped sure. Curiosity got the better of her.
  "How do you know?" Chloe said.
  Claire shrugged.
  "I'm not supposed to tell you," Claire said, adopting an expression of innocence.
  "You're not supposed to tell me what?" Chloe asked her.
  "I'm not supposed to tell you that Harry planted a tracking charm on Clark, I heard both Kara and Harry talking about it," Claire said, but she then clapped her hands over her mouth, realizing she's said too much.
  "So you were eavesdropping," Chloe said, eyebrow raised.
  Claire flew on the defensive immediately.
  "Hey, they should be more careful about leaving the door open where people might hear them," Claire protested.
  Chloe frowned. It would be one thing if it was an actual tracking device, but now Harry was the only one that could track him.
  She wondered about the ethical implications of what Harry did, but if this would help Clark, she certainly would not complain.
  Trying to call Harry again got nothing. Chloe Sullivan was lost, and frustrated.
  The waiting game was the worst thing of all.
  Clark's eyes flickered open. His breath was shallow, but he could still could breathe, albeit barely. His arms were chained to the wall, and he could not even bust the chain. He could not even lift his arms. It took him a few moments to realize that the room he was in had been bathed in a red light.
  "Is anyone there?" Clark asked in a hoarse voice.
  "Ah, good, you're awake."
  Clark looked up, and tried to focus himself. The face of Hugo Strange had been seen on the other side of a thick sheet of glass.
  "We meet again, Mr. Kent," Strange said.
  "Why did you do this?" Clark demanded. He tried to free himself. "I've told people that you visited me..."
  "Ah, and they may expect to find you at Belle Reve," Strange said. "However, I have an alternate location where we could have our private session. You see, judging by your temper and your paranoia, you may be a very sick man, Mr. Kent."
  A twisted smile appeared on Strange's depraved face.
  "Let me out of here!" Clark demanded.
  "If you give me the information that I want, I'll let you go," Strange said, and his beady little eyes focused on Clark's face. "I trust you do not want your pretty little friend to have physical scars to match her emotional ones."
  The implications of what Strange said clicked with Clark.
  "Where's Lana?" Clark demanded.
  Strange just scratched a note on his clipboard.
  "Where's Lana?" Clark repeated, a bit more forcefully.
  "Relax, Mr. Kent, she's perfectly safe," Strange told Clark, and he peered at him once again. "Perfectly safe for the moment, and she will remain so, as long as you cooperate. She's insurance in the event you have any ideas of escaping my hospitality."
  Clark gritted his teeth, and looked at Strange with a heavy amount of hate. Strange just chuckled, drumming his fingers, and clutched the side of the walls.
  "You do intrigue me, Mr. Kent," Strange said. "In fact, there is only one other individual that I have met that intrigues me as much as you do. He wears a mask, but while yours is merely emotional, his is physical and emotional."
  Clark tried to find a weak spot in the chain. He had no idea why he could not snap that. It was almost like something had snapped his strength. He looked at the lights, and a meteor rock swung high above his head, like a pendulum.
  "Let us begin our interview," Strange continued, and he frowned, before sliding back. "You will give me the answers I seek, or I will take them for you."
  The psychiatrist's face twisted into a malevolent smirk. Despite his best efforts not to react, this expression did make Clark's skin crawl.
  "The choice is yours," Strange said.
  "I won't tell you anything," Clark persisted, stubbornly.
  Strange moved forward, and clicked something.
  "A pity," Strange said, and he reached forward, to activate a device that Clark realized had been strapped to his head.
  Clark screamed, as he felt agony beyond everything he had ever experienced. Every nerve ending on his body felt like it was on fire.
  "You might be a tough nut to crack," Strange said. "You will find it to your benefit to tell me soon, or you will be left a vegetable. The human mind cannot withstand this stress for very long."
  Strange prepared to rip the answers from Clark Kent's mind. His mind seemed to be different than anything he had ever encountered, but Professor Hugo Strange enjoyed a challenge.
  The mysterious ghost girl had given them the run around apparently. Harry and Kara flew, trying to get a hint of where she could have gone. They noticed the static in the ear pieces, which meant if there was an emergency, there was no way for anyone to contact them.
  Harry tried to put his mind at ease; his luck could not have been this rotten where something drastic could have happened in the short time he was away.
  The taunting, almost childish laughter echoed through their ears.
  "Over there," Kara said, tugging on his sleeve.
  They saw a flicker of light, and Harry and Kara slowly and carefully decelerated from their vantage point.
  "Come on, I thought you wanted answers!"
  "Oh, I'll be getting answers," Harry said, in a firm voice.
  Harry and Kara fought the biting wind, and they saw a bright light in an otherwise dark village. It was coming from what appeared to be a library or what used to be a library. Kara and Harry busted the doors open. They took a few steps, careful not allow anyone to sneak up on them. The shelves were completely bare of all books.
  "Why did she want to lure us to an empty library?" Kara wondered out loud.
  Harry stopped, and stared. He blinked immediately, and he drew breath. He recognized the library. The last time he had been in this place, he was not greeted by a pleasant sight.
  Kara's face dawned in the same realization; the venue was familiar from Harry's memories. One of his worst memories, and she grabbed his hand. The two of them stepped forward, into the dusty library.
  "She's gone," Harry whispered to her.
  Kara closed her eyes immediately. The two of them continued to walk step by step down the empty shelves.
  The ghost girl reappeared sitting cross legged in the air.
  "Who are you?" Harry demanded. "Who sent you?"
  "You're demanding, you know that," the girl said. "She sent me."
  "Who?" Kara asked.
  "Her," the girl said in a misty voice. "Do you want to know the secrets, or do you fear the truth?"
  "It was Death, wasn't it?" Harry asked her.
  "Mmm, nope, can't say it was," the girl responded dryly.
  Kara looked at Harry, her mouth curling into a frown. The blonde Kryptonian scanned the door with her X-Ray vision, but was blasted back.
  "No peeking," the girl responded in a sing song voice.
  Kara was helped to her feet by Harry. Nothing was injured, unless one counted her pride.
  Harry decided to do something reckless. He reached forward, and opened the door. He closed his eyes, waiting for something bad to happen, but much to his surprise, nothing out of the ordinary occurred.
  They took more steps into the library. Pinned to the wall was an envelope, and Harry snatched it. He opened it, and held out the piece of parchment for Harry to read.
  "The Veritas Society," Kara read. "Formed to watch for the coming of the traveler."
  Harry's eyes averted down the list of families involved. He recognized some of the names, but the others were a mystery.
  "The Lovegoods, the Greengrasses, the Grangers," Harry read down the list, noticing three particular families that he knew all too well. "Would explain why Astoria said that word to me before she died. Let's seen, Teague, Swann, Queen, Luthor, Wayne...interesting. And...Strange?"
  "As in Hugo Strange, the guy who visited Clark," Kara said, a bit of alarm creeping into her voice.
  "Yes, perhaps the very same," Harry said. "And Petunia Dursley was offered membership, but declined it said. Given what my mother dug up, that's not surprising, and would explain the Luthors little visit."
  Harry and Kara realized that they now had something tangible to go on, names, beyond the whispers of the word.
  "I was wondering when you'd get here."
  Harry and Kara turned around, and saw the figure in the shadows.
  Time stood still.
  "You!" Harry yelled, unable to believe his eyes. "I thought you were dead!"
  Chapter 20: Uncovering.
  Shock did not begin to adequately describe what Harry had felt. His gaze was fixed on the young woman who spoke to him. He saw her face, he recognized it, but there was something that was holding him back from fully believing it. He knew by now that believing what he saw, and what he heard at face value was something that was foolish.
  His mouth remained open, and Kara blinked immediately. She was able to regain the ability to speak before Harry.
  "What's going on here?" Kara demanded, and she rounded upon the girl. "I know who you are, I saw you in Harry's memories, but you can't be alive."
  The girl just threw up her hands, indicating that she was not there for a fight, but was fully aware that the blonde's gaze was on her and knew that one wrong move would not end well.
  "I know it's hard to believe," she admitted. "There are parts of this entire mess that I don't completely get myself, but you've got to believe me."
  "Let's get one thing perfectly straight," Harry stated slowly, and he looked this young woman right in the eye when he said this. "I don't have to do anything, much less believe you. If you are who you appear to be, then you let me think you were dead. And if you aren't, then you're not only a threat, but someone trying to play head games with me. And I don't play around, not anymore."
  Harry paused.
  "So which one is it?"
  The girl took a deep breath, and Harry and Kara both looked ready to fight if she made one wrong move. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
  "We want to know the truth," Kara added fiercely, and she grabbed the young woman by sleeve to get her attention. "Who are you?"
  "I'm...I'm....I know this is hard to believe," the girl said with a slight reassuring smile, but Kara did not relax her grip and pushed this woman back ever so slightly.
  "Kara, it's okay, you can let go," Harry said in a soothing voice.
  Kara slightly relaxed her grip, and the girl slumped against the wall. Harry's eyes narrowed. He surveyed the young woman. The face was staring back at him. It was a face he had seen many times.
  "Let me explain, please," the girl pleaded.
  "You have five minutes," Harry told her in a calm voice.
  "I never wanted this to happen, I never meant to hurt you in such a way," the girl said.
  "No one ever means to hurt people, especially me, yet you did," Harry replied in a stoic voice.
  The girl nearly broke down into hysterics.
  "Okay, calm down, that's really not getting us anywhere," Harry said, feeling a bit bad at how he reacted, but only slightly. There was still a chance that this was some imposter, trying to play head games with him. "I know you died. You went to meet Sinclair and her followers, and a few days later..."
  Harry choked out these words. Kara grabbed his hand, and squeezed it gently, giving him the strength to continue.
  "You were dead, it was brutal," Harry added. "Are you a ghost?" Please tell me you're a ghost."
  "Could a ghost use a cell phone?" the girl replied crossly. "Could a ghost do this?"
  The girl reached forward, and briefly touched both Harry and Kara'.
  "So, not a ghost," the girl responded, but then she took a deep breath. "As for Sinclair, I remember leaving to go, but everything that came after, total blank."
  "No, you don't get it, I spoke to Hermione Granger!" Harry shouted. "After the final battle with Sinclair's followers, and you..."
  It hit Harry immediately, and Kara thought the same thing. Harry thought Hermione would have died, so his mind perceived an image of her. Or the hand of Death was involved, knowing that Harry would be distracted if there was a hint that his best friend might have survived.
  "I found your...you can't be her," Harry said immediately, and he turned around.
  Kara then turned her attention to the brunette who took a step back.
  "I really don't know what kind of sick game you're trying to pull," Kara said. "Wearing the face of Harry's best friend, his dead best friend, and someone he thought of as a sister, that's lower than anything I've ever seen. I won't sit back, and let you harm my mate like that."
  The brunette bit her lip.
  "You're...oh you're her, you're the other one, aren't you?" Hermione asked.
  "I don't know what you're talking about," Kara said, and Harry stepped forward before Kara would pound the other girl into paste. "Whatever I am, it's none of your business."
  "Ask me anything, things that only the real Hermione would know," Hermione said quickly. She then added in a challenging way, "Unless you're afraid of what you could find out."
  Harry was never afraid, he was fearless. His eyes locked onto Hermione, and began to fire off a serious of questions.
  "What did you say when we escaped from the troll during our first year?" Harry asked her.
  She responded, a bit amused at how misplaced her priorities were. "I said we were lucky to not be killed, or worse expelled."
  "What did we do during our third year?" Harry asked.
  "Harry, you made that sound so seedy," Hermione said, but Harry gave her a glare. "Oh fine, we used the time turner, to save Sirius and Buckbeak."
  "Fine, what did you say I had during my fifth year?" Harry replied.
  "I said you have a saving people thing," Hermione responded.
  "Who was the only person to beat Ron in chess?" Harry asked her.
  "Luna, and the look on his face as hilarious," Hermione said, a bit amused by the memories.
  Harry looked at her. Realizations dawned upon him, but they were not entirely pleasant.
  "And how did I discover that I could fly without a broom?"
  "You got drunk off of Firewhiskey, and jumped off of the Astronomy Tower, to try and win a bet that you could fly without a broom, couple days after the last battle with Voldemort," Hermione said.
  There was a long pause, and Harry turned his back slightly on her. Kara walked over to him. Hermione waited nervously for the verdict.
  "So, it really is you," Harry concluded softly.
  "Yes, Harry, it's me, and I'm really sorry, for everything I might have ever done, or could potentially do in the future," Hermione said. "I know how much trust means to you, and I seem to have broken your trust, but I'll try and do what I can to make things right."
  Harry did not want to be mad with her. But, there was just something that was unsettling about this. He had been burned one too many times in the past by people he thought were friends and his family. The truth about his mother, at least parts of it, had caused him to err on the side of caution.
  "It's just not that simple Hermione, you might be the only untainted link to my past right now," Harry said. "I could just walk away right now, and pretend this never happened. I don't want to learn something about you that might sour my picture of you, like it did my mother."
  "Your mother?" Hermione asked. "Oh, she's....what did you find out?"
  There was no response.
  "I take it you would have been happier to find out that I was an imposter," Hermione said, turning away to hide the tears in her eyes. She managed to gain her composure, and turned back around. "But I'm very real."
  "I know, Hermione, and that's what scares me," Harry said coolly.
  Kara turned around to face Hermione.
  "You could have tracked down Harry at any time, what was with the games?" Kara asked her.
  "I have my reasons, I swear," Hermione said.
  Hermione immediately realized due to the look on Harry's face, this was the worst possible thing to say to him.
  "So did Dumbledore," Harry answered her, and Hermione winced, that was a brutal stab right into her heart. "And so did my mother."
  "Dumbledore...I'm done defending what he did," Hermione said. "And your mother...well she must have made some mistake. The hardest thing to deal with is when you grow up and come to the realization that your parents are not what you thought they were. They have a past, and some of it is not that pleasant."
  Kara and Harry both nodded, they knew that all too well.
  "It begins with the traveler, and a generations long obsession with him," Harry continued. "And this Veritas society, I'm guessing this all ties together loosely with the old obsession of the Evans family."
  "Yes, but I don't know too much about it, other than what you have in front of you," Hermione said, pointing to the paper. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't have all of the answers. I do know enough to know that you may want to be weary of some people finding out the entire truth."
  "Now that wouldn't be because their last name would be Luthor, would it?" Harry asked.
  Hermione just offered a bit of a knowing smile.
  "Use your imagination to fill in the dots Harry, it isn't that hard to figure this out," Hermione said with a sigh.
  "No it isn't," Harry agreed with her. "But one thing that I can't wrap my brain around is the fact that you were supposed to be dead. Everyone in that world was supposed to be dead."
  "Well I've learned something interesting, and that is magic has a lot of variety," Hermione lectured. "I'm sure the Ministry would have liked that our misfit band of foolish wand wavers were the only magic users in town. That might have been the case in most parts of Europe, but around the world, there were other magic users, many of them not using a wand. The Ministry, hell any government in the International Confederation of Wizards would never have wanted us to know, because they would break the control. They could not have tracked magic, unless it was used with a wand."
  Hermione remained silent. She could feel the tension.
  "You don't have to believe me, you don't have to trust me, and if you didn't like me anymore, I'd understand," Hermione said. "There are things that I did, that I'm not really proud of. And I'm sure there are things that you did that you weren't really proud of. But, they were all steps to build the person that you are, the person that you can be."
  Kara spoke up. "How much did you know about what Harry could have been?"
  "Not too much, but I had an idea, with the Hallows that he would be the only one to be destined to unite them," Hermione said. "But, I knew what would happen, if Harry touched them together, and became the Herald of Death. That's why I tried to discourage you from tracking them down, the real reason."
  "So you knew," Harry said, distrust dripping from his voice, and Hermione grimaced.
  "And so did Astoria, but the Greengrasses were the eyes and ears for the magical world in the Veritas Society, but they never reported what they found to the Ministry to the best of my knowledge," Hermione said.
  Harry figured that was for the best. He could just imagine someone like Umbridge or Fudge, blowing an absolute gasket over an alien.
  "What about the Lovegoods?" Harry asked.
  "To try and guess what the Lovegoods intended would be trying to guess the meaning of life itself," Hermione said with a wry smile. "Given their obsession with the Hallows, they may have had an idea about the Herald of Death. At least Luna's mother maybe, because the more I think about it, the more I believe that her death was not an accident."
  "Murder, then," Kara said.
  "Yes, absolutely, someone wanted to shut her up, or try and find out information, but it was taken a step too far," Hermione said. "That's something that happened a long time ago...but still..."
  Hermione regained her composure
  "The thing is, I never intended to reach out for you, for reasons which I'll try and explain the best I can," she continued. "But the fact of the matter is, the minute Lex Luthor started to dig around here, I knew what I had to do. I kept an eye on the graveyard, knowing that it was a potential lightning rod, given the secrets that lie here. And those secrets involve the Heralds of Death."
  Kara voiced something she had been wondering. "Are you..."
  "The third Herald?" Hermione asked calmly, and Kara responded with a nod. "I can tell you that I'm not."
  "So you know who it is," Kara prompted.
  "I never said that," Hermione argued. "I only have a vague idea of a lot of what is going on. For a while, I didn't have my memories, and it took me a long to relearn everything without using a wand. The ability to use a wand has been stripped, I can tell you that much. Not that there were many of us foolish wand wavers left when the bomb dropped."
  Harry's mind was going a mile a minute. He eyed Hermione, a bit suspiciously, but if he had to be honest, he wanted to trust her. Yet, there was so many secrets that he did not know about. Hell, the more he thought about it, he didn't even know the first names of Hermione's parents.
  He was so guarded, because after the incident with his mother's journal, he did not want to know the truth. The expression ignorance was bliss.
  Yet, secrets and lies were something that could harm people more than any weapon. Harry was living proof of that.
  "I know the Heralds were sent here to assist the traveler, but not to fight his battles for him," Hermione continued, but she smiled. "You being you, however, you decided to get involved."
  "You know me all too well," Harry said.
  "And your mere involvement has caused a cosmic ripple effect, that has changed everything," Hermione added.
  "I can't stand back, and not get involved," Harry said.
  "And I couldn't either," Kara added, and they wore prideful looks of determination on their face.
  Hermione took a few seconds to really study Harry and Kara. Kara had to be a remarkable girl, for Harry to be that comfortable with her. Harry never truly trusted anyone one hundred percent to tell them everything, but yet he appeared to open up his heart to her and it seemed to benefit him, hell both of them if she was honest with herself.
  "Well, what you do is your business, and I'm sure you'll find a way to make it all work out in the end," Hermione said, before she added as an afterthought. "Watch over the traveler, because there are three schools of thought regarding him."
  Hermione paused, before she gave Harry and Kara her conclusions, even if she was certain that they might have come to something similar.
  "One, he could be molded into a force of good, to protect humanity from those that will harm it. The second one is that he must be molded into a conqueror, to save humanity from itself. And the third is that he must be destroyed so humanity will be able to rise to the next level."
  Harry nodded, he figured as much.
  "And what one do you believe?" Kara asked.
  "I can't really say," Hermione said in an even voice. "I believe you two, soon to be three, will be able to do what's best for the continued existence of humanity."
  "No pressure then," Harry said.
  "Yes, no pressure," Hermione agreed, but she sighed. She looked Harry in the eye. "I'm sure you want to know about the gravestone, but you're too proud to ask."
  "Depends on if you know," Harry said.
  "Do you?" Kara asked her.
  Hermione allowed herself a few thoughtful moments.
  "I'm guessing that it had some kind of adverse effect on you, which drew you here in the first place," Hermione said, and Harry just blinked. It took a bit more concentration to use his powers, at least until the effects wore off. Kara seemed to be the same way from what he could tell. "Yeah, I figured as much. Some things never change, you're always too proud to admit when you're hurt. Why would great cosmic power be any different?"
  Hermione got two rather agitated looks, so she knew now was the time not to be critical.
  "Both of you I take it," Hermione said, and once again there was no response.
  "Use your imagination, it isn't that hard," Kara answered.
  "It's something that could hurt us, isn't it?" Harry asked.
  "That would be the most logical explanation, yes," Hermione offered him.
  "But when we touched the symbols, they activated, two of them did," Harry said.
  "So, it could either help or hurt," Kara concluded.
  All three of them looked thoughtful.
  "There are many things that can hurt you, even with your powers," Hermione said. "There will always be someone more powerful, or at least more devious."
  "Before we leave, I need to shield the gravestone, so no one can find it again," Harry said.
  "I'm wondering if that will work," Hermione replied.
  "Why wouldn't it work?" Harry asked.
  Hermione paused, before she gave Harry her honest observation.
  "It must be magic beyond life and death itself," Hermione concluded. "But I'm grasping at straws, and can only give you my best guess. It's really something that you'll have to deal with on your own time. I just hope it isn't something that it won't be for the worst."
  Harry was a bit annoyed.
  "Do you have anything else tangible to tell us?" Harry asked her.
  "No, that paper I gave you is the best I can give you this time," Hermione said in an apologetic voice. "I really wish I could give you every single answer. And I wonder how much I'm risking even talking to you that much. I half expect to be struck down by lightning because I know too much."
  There was an extremely long silence. Fortunately, Hermione was not struck down by lighting, not yet anyway.
  "Hermione, we really need to be going," Harry said. "We only said that we'd be gone for an hour, and it's a bit past that time. And there's something in the air that are interfering with our ear pieces."
  "I understand, you have created a new life," Hermione said.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look, knowing what they had to do.
  "If you'd like, you could come with us," Harry said.
  "Yeah, no one should be alone," Kara added.
  Harry did wonder if he was giving Hermione this offer out of friendship, or because he wanted to keep an eye on her. There was something about her entire mysterious return from death that was unsettling, although he could not quite put his finger on it.
  "That's nice, really it is," Hermione offered him, and she sighed immediately. "But, I can't leave."
  "Sure you can," Kara said. "You just walk out the door, how can anything be simpler?"
  Hermione offered a sad smile.
  "No, I physically can't, I leave this library physically, and I lose my ability to perform magic. If I stay out of it for more than a few hours, I suffer great pain. I can never leave until I figure out why."
  "Hermione, I didn't know," Harry said.
  "Is there anything we can do to help?" Kara asked.
  "No, I'll manage, and I cannot ask you to uproot your lives for me," Hermione said.
  She took a long sigh, and put her hands on her hips. She looked reflective for several moments, before she spoke to the couple.
  "Years ago, you couldn't pull me out of the library," Hermione concluded. "Now, I've been condemned to spend all eternity here, I would like nothing better than to leave. I guess life appreciates its little ironies."
  Harry had no idea what to say.
  "Hermione...I...we'll find a way to get you out of here without consequences," Harry said.
  "Don't, Harry, please, don't," Hermione said, realizing it was a mistake to show herself, because Harry would obsess over helping someone, no matter what the circumstances were. "I'll be fine, I've gotten used to it."
  There was a rather uncomfortable bit of silence. None of the three knew what to say.
  "I'm really happy you found someone," Hermione whispered in an undertone. "Someone who loves you for who you are, not for some hyphenated title."
  "I am too," Harry said with a smile, and Kara returned it. He shifted, and spoke once again. "If you're sure you're..."
  "Harry, I'm fine," Hermione persisted. "So this is goodbye."
  "It won't be goodbye Hermione," Harry said firmly. "But if it is, I'm glad to have a chance to do so properly."
  Hermione nodded. Harry and Kara turned around. There were no words. They had to take couple of the gravestone, to make sure no one like Lex or anyone else stumbled upon it again.
  The brunette bookworm sat in the library, watching them disappear. The truth was that she really had no idea how she had returned from the dead, if she was dead, or what happened. She just knew that she was here.
  There was a slight whisper in her subconscious telling her that she should encourage Harry and Kara to take steps in controlling the traveler, but Hermione shut it out. It would be their decision and theirs alone. She just gave them the potential leads to hopefully find some answers.
  Tears streamed down her face. Hermione was living, but never truly alive. And the wind was her only company.
  Lex worked hard into the late afternoon. Even if the holidays were very near, there was no rest for the weary. He sat calmly, and the door opened, allowing his father to walk inside.
  "Something tells me this isn't to wish me a happy holidays," Lex commented casually.
  "Well, I do wish this was a festive visit, but I have come here on a mission of grave importance," Lionel said, and he drummed his fingers on the desk. "This morning there was an attack on the Kent Farm."
  Lex raised his eyebrows, but maintained the mask of indifference and innocence.
  "That's a shame,"Lex replied in a calm and collected voice.
  "Yes, I'm sure you would consider that shameful," Lionel answered crisply. "Clark and Lana both are missing, and I fear that they have been kidnapped by someone extremely dangerous."
  "And is there a particular reason why you're telling me this?" Lex asked.
  A moment of awkward silence was present, before Lionel continued to speak.
  "I was wondering if you had any insight on the matter," Lionel replied in a calm voice. "Given, that I have uncovered information that you have been in contact with Hugo Strange, and have recently had his credentials reinstated, just in time for him to return to practicing at Belle Reve."
  "Yes, I've been in contact with Strange," Lex admitted, but he looked his father in the eye. "It was just me assisting an old family friend, to get a second chance to continue to use his talents to help the poor twisted souls condemned to that institution."
  "Strange is dangerous, Lex," Lionel said. "If it benefits him, he'll find a way to manipulate you for his own gains, no matter how much you're paying him. You don't know who you're truly getting in bed with."
  One did not have to be a super genius to read between the lines of what was being said.
  "Let's quit tap dancing around the accusations, you think I had something to do with Clark's disappearance?" Lex asked.
  "I can't prove anything, but given your recent strange and increasingly desperate behaviors, it's not a possibility I would discount easily," Lionel answered.
  Lex frowned, and he got to his feet, to continue to look his father in the eye.
  "You will find that I didn't have Clark kidnapped. Why would I do something like that? It is highly illegal, and not the publicity I need, especially given recent events. And I wouldn't put in such a sloppy performance should I have done so. It's not the Luthor way, after all? And besides, I can account for my whereabouts over the past couple of days; I've actually been researching something else entirely."
  Lionel reached forward, and saw a sketch of a triangle encased in a circle, with a line down it, but Lex snatched it away from his grasp.
  "Unless you can shed some insight on what that symbol means, I don't think we have any more to say about this matter," Lex continued.
  "Even if I did know, I would not tell you anything," Lionel said, but he was oddly intrigued about this symbol himself. "I'm guessing my warnings about not to dwell on your imaginary friend underneath the stairs have fallen upon deaf ears."
  Lex's lack of response told Lionel all he needed to know.
  "Just because you have an alibi, means very little," Lionel said.
  "In the eyes of the law, it means everything," Lex answered him.
  Both Luthors exchanged a look, and neither took her eyes off of each other.
  "Goodbye, Lex, do keep both eyes open, and do exercise caution with Strange," Lionel answered, and he turned around. He walked off.
  Lex waited to make sure his father was completely gone. He immediately dialed up Strange. The fact that Clark was gone was most troubling to him, because it meant Strange decided to take this matter one step too far.
  The file he had been sent on Clark was on his desk, and had useless information that he could not have guessed on his own or had someone dig up with a fraction of the price he was paying Strange.
  The phone rang and Lex carefully tapped his fingers on the side of the desk. He waited for several moments, before he gave up trying to call Strange's office. He then proceeded to call Strange's private line. He got an answer more quickly.
  "Hello, Lex," Strange said in a crisp voice.
  Lex remained calm. "My father has learned of our arrangement."
  "Ah, Lionel, resourceful as always," Strange said with a chuckle. "Did you get the information I sent you about Clark Kent?"
  "I did," Lex confirmed. "I must say, it was nothing that I could not have guessed. What I am paying you for, Strange?"
  "Research takes time, Lex, and often requires a more personal touch," Strange answered him.
  "So you did kidnap him?" Lex inquired without preamable.
  Strange remained silent, and there was a longer pause. Lex tapped his pen on the side of his desk immediately, and waited for an answer.
  "I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about," Strange answered. "I have done nothing outside the law. In fact, I am dealing with a patient right now. He is very sick, and may not be long for this world. I am trying to get information that will help him be at peace with who he is."
  Lex leaned back in his chair, feeling a headache coming on.
  "You have Clark, don't you?' Lex asked.
  "Ah, Lex, is that concern I see creeping into your voice?" Strange retorted.
  There was a long pause. Lex took a moment to compose himself. Strange would not get into his head, even if he had been doing it to people for years and years.
  "My friendship with Clark Kent is ancient history, but I'm more concerned about the consequences of our arrangement," Lex said.
  "Yes, the consequences are something that most do not think of, until they are staring us straight in the face," Strange replied in a crisp voice. "You do intrigue me, Lex. The path you take in life will be an interesting one to watch. You're really juggling a lot of ambitious plans."
  Lex wondered if he had bitten off a bit more than he could chew dealing with Strange. There were hints that Strange had studied everyone remotely connected with Clark in question. And that he took his job all too seriously.
  "I must be going, it is bad form to leave a patient hanging, during a session, " Strange said. "If I find out anything tangible, I will send it you immediately."
  "I want to know everything," Lex told him.
  "And you shall, in time" Strange answered. "Have a nice day."
  Lex felt shivers going down his spine. There was just something about Strange that made his skin crawl, and it took a lot to do that. Their partnership seemed like a good idea when it started, but the obsession of Strange increased with each passing day. He was devious, and dangerous.
  All Lex could do was wait and see. He remained rather calm, and returned back to his obsession on the mysterious symbol on the gravestone. There was just something about this symbol that intrigued him. He wondered if he was about ready to tap into some ancient mystery, older than life itself.
  Then there were his recollections, and research into Veritas that monopolized a great amount of his time.
  The bald young man knew why he had been spared. It was his opportunity to save the world from something dangerous, although what he had no idea.
  Strange turned his attention back to the young man who was slumped against the wall. Clark grimaced, sweat rolling down his face, and his breath shallow. He never felt weaker in his life, and Strange took a step forward, surveying him with a nasty expression.
  "I apologize for the interruption, it won't happen again," Strange said in a soft voice. "Did it give you ample time to think about what your lies are doing to everyone?"
  Clark could barely hold his head up.
  "I'm sure you've reconciled in your mind that your lies are protecting everyone, but what you have to offer should be shared with the world," Strange said. "Would anyone even look you in the eye if they ever found out what you truly are? The realization of would be disasterious. So why don't you tell me the truth."
  Clark did not say anything.
  "Or perhaps Ms. Lang will be able to offer me a bit more insight on what you are," Strange said. "Perhaps I should find a way to convince her."
  "You can do whatever you like to me, just leave Lana alone," Clark managed in a pained voice.
  "How nice of you to offer Mr. Kent, and very noble," Strange said with a sadistic smile.
  Strange twisted a knob and more pain visited Clark. His natural defenses were being brought down and Strange plugged himself into Clark's brain. His scientific curiosity was indulged.
  "Your brain waves are interesting," Strange remarked calmly. "There are unlike anything I have ever read before. But what are you?"
  Strange cranked up the machine, and Clark's limbs twisted in absolute pain and misery.
  "All of this misery could be saved by you just relaxing, and telling me everything," Strange prodded him.
  There was no response, other than a simmering gaze of pure hatred. Clark wondered how long he could hold himself together, under the circumstances.
  Strange was a master of breaking down the minds of people. He enjoyed the challenge of breaking down a strong mind, and only one person had resisted his efforts completely.
  Chloe sat, and looked at the clock. She mused about how when people were worried about something, they spent a great amount of their time looking at the clock. As if they thought that time would pass quicker, and thus their lives would get much easier.
  That was something that worked out a lot better in theory than in practice.
  A couple of hours had passed, and there was no hint on what happened to either Clark or Lana. She did not have to wait too much longer, and the door opened up. Harry and Kara returned. Chloe bit her lip; she could tell immediately they had found out something. And that something was not pleasant.
  She was just going to have to add to the unpleasantness.
  "Chloe, sorry we took so long," Harry said in an apologetic voice.
  Chloe nodded, and breaking this news to them gently would be the hard part.
  So she opted for the not so gentle approach, to just get it out of the way.
  "There's no delicate way to say this, but there's been an attack," Chloe said with a sigh.
  "Something happened to Clark," Kara said, and immediately, Chloe took a step back, throwing her hands up in the air, defensively. "What happened?"
  Kara waited impatiently.
  "Something tells me it has to do with our demented psychiatrist," Harry said, and Chloe nodded. "Wonderful, this complicates things, and Lana too."
  "It shouldn't be too bad, you were the one that slipped a tracking charm on him, weren't you?" Chloe asked him.
  Harry looked at her with a start.
  "Yeah, technically a breach of trust, but we'll hammer out all of those details when you find him, alive, please tell me you can find him alive," Chloe said.
  "It was technically my idea, the tracking charm" Kara said quickly. "If Clark got in trouble...."
  Kara fell silent.
  "How did you find out about the tracking charm?" Kara asked her calmly.
  Chloe just offered a sheepish smile. Suddenly, Kara's eyes averted towards Claire who was on the couch and trying to pretend that she was asleep.
  "We'll worry about that later," Harry said to her. "I'll need to track him down, but there's something dampening the tracking charm."
  "Is that even possible?" Chloe asked.
  "It shouldn't be but it is," Harry said, but Kara paused and held up her hand to silence him.
  Kara took a few steps outside, and reached through the door, before she pulled Lionel Luthor into the apartment.
  "What were you doing?" Kara asked in a dangerous voice.
  "That's obvious," Chloe said. "Eavesdropping, trying to find out what we knew about Clark's disappearance."
  Lionel did not look apologetic at all, but Kara did not relax her grip on his shoulder.
  "You don't know what you're dealing with, my son has apparently taken his obsession with uncovering the mysteries of life to a new level," Lionel said.
  "Hugo Strange," Harry replied dryly.
  Lionel nodded. "Yes, you've done your homework, Mr. Potter. I do wonder how much of this you saw coming?"
  "I figured it was possible, but I didn't think Strange would act this soon," Harry said.
  "Which means, he's found out something about Clark that interests him, and perhaps he thinks that he will use it for his own benefit," Lionel said. "Strange is a master at blackmail. I regret my part in bringing him into this mess."
  "What?" Kara demanded and she was seconds away from getting some answers form Lionel in the most physical way possible, but Harry held her back.
  "Wait, wait, whoa, you had something to do with this too," Chloe said.
  "Not recently, but I have been in correspondence with Strange years back," Lionel said. "He's slippery, like a snake in the grass, and he will bite you."
  Lionel took a calming breath.
  "Judging by the looks on your face, you don't know where Clark is," Lionel said. "Therefore, you need my help in locating him."
  "We'll manage fine," Harry said dismissively, and Kara did not take her gaze off of Lionel. She was trying very hard to keep her head together, to try and help find Clark. Especially when she was fixated in tearing Hugo Strange's head off.
  "Yes, you'll manage, you might find him," Lionel agreed. "But in what state will Clark be in? Will he be of sound mind? Or will his brain be picked apart, and left a muddled fragmented mess?"
  Harry gritted his teeth, and Kara clenched her fists at the graphic picture Lionel was painting. If Strange harmed one hair on her cousin's head, he would pay.
  "I have a general location, don't worry, I'll find him," Harry replied.
  Harry did have it pinpointed within the general area. Tracking charms were never exact, especially when they were placed on a person, as opposed to an object.
  "You might want to start with this address, Strange takes his patients here when he wants a little one on one time with them," Lionel said, handing Harry a slip of paper. "He's done it in any place he's been at; he uses any number of methods to break their minds down."
  "And how do we know you're not trying to pull something?" Harry asked.
  "You don't, but you must understand, this is the only lead you have," Lionel said to him. "The choice is yours."
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look.
  "Well if you're telling the truth, then you're coming with us," Kara said to Lionel. "And if you do anything to hurt my cousin, then you and I are going to have a little chat."
  "I have nothing, but the best intentions," Lionel replied.
  Kara looked dubious, but Harry cleared his throat.
  "We'll be the ones that are going to judge that," Harry answered.
  Harry and Kara escorted Lionel out, before Harry put him to sleep. He did not need any more trouble.
  "You'll bring him back safely, well both of them," Chloe said to Harry and Kara.
  There was a long pause, and Harry nodded.
  "I intend to," Kara said in a firm voice, and there was a dangerous look in her yes.
  Harry and Kara grabbed Lionel, and transported him off, to the address he had given them.
  Lana's eyes flickered open inside the cell she had been placed in. She took a breath, and tried to figure out what she needed to do. Her anger simmered, Strange was doing God only knows what to Clark.
  A loud pained grunt was heard from down the hallway, and her eyes snapped up. Lana shook her head from side to side, and clutched her fists. Clark was in trouble, and she was unable to help him.
  She got up to her feet, and closed her eyes. She would give anything to be able to save Clark. Yet, she was here in this cell, and unable to free herself.
  The young woman put her hands on the exit of the cell. For lack of anything better to do, Lana began to shove and push on the door of the cell.
  The door busted off the hinges, and Lana nearly staggered out in surprise, but she regained her footing. Footsteps were heard from the other side of the wall.
  'Either they made doors a lot weaker than they used to be , or something really strange is going on here," Lana thought to herself, but she slumped against the wall and heard several loud sounds, amplified to what they normally would have been.
  The footsteps of security guards could be heard from nearby. Lana slumped into the shadows, hiding behind a trash can, and watched as the security guards looked into the cell.
  "She's gone!"
  "How is that possible, that door's reinforced?"
  Lana heard the guards move around. She closed her eyes, and made a break for the end of the corridor. In a blink of an eye, she found herself at the end of the hallway.
  She blinked when she realized she was at the end of the hallway in a split second. This was not feasible for any human, even at their peak condition.
  It hit her immediately, but it didn't make any sense.
  Harry took away those powers after all.
  Didn't he?
  Lana took a deep breath, and tried to focus herself. She would worry about the whys later, and the pained grunts indicated she needed to focus more on saving Clark. She thought Clark was a bit closer than he was. There was a set of stairs behind where she was located.
  The guards moved towards her, and Lana blinked, before jumping out of complete reflexive action.
  She was on the ground one second, and then two floors up the next second.
  "Hang on Clark, I'll find a way up there," Lana mumbled.
  Lana made her way up to the floor. This entire facility was a labyrinth of hallways, and rooms, and Clark could be in any one them.
  'Clark makes this look so easy,' Lana thought to herself. 'The saving people part."
  She grew rigid immediately, and several security guards were behind her a second ago, and then something took them out. They were all knocked on the ground, and she could have sworn she saw a dark and brooding figure disappear back into the shadows.
  Lana was confused by who did this, but she was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  Right now, she had to find Clark. He had to be around here somewhere.
  Outside of the facility, Harry and Kara arrived, with the unconscious form of Lionel Luthor. Harry waved his hand and Lionel stirred awake, dazed.
  "Looks like you were correct, Clark is here," Harry said.
  For some reason, his tracking charm worked better when he was in a closer proximity. There was a huge amount of static in the air that cackled around them. Harry suspected that he could have found Clark much easier, had he not been bombarded with that attack earlier today.
  Kara scanned for the top floor, careful to focus, and to find where her cousin was being held.
  "Clark's up there, with Strange, and Lana's on her way up there too," Kara said. "You don't think..."
  "I don't know," Harry replied.
  "Do you wish to indulge me about what this particular conversation is about?" Lionel asked.
  Harry and Kara did not, but made plans to safely get up to the top floor, and get Clark and Lana both out of there, before Strange was any the wiser.
  It was a simple shot, but they had to do it carefully. And they needed to find out what Strange found out, if anything.
  It was tense, but if they worked carefully, they would be able to get Clark out of there in under ten minutes.
  Lionel was left, forgotten, but he shrugged. They were capable of liberating Clark.
  "I have something, well that's quite interesting, you were not born of Earthly soil, now were you Mr. Kent?" Strange asked. "A ship, a dying planet, and a meteor shower, well this is quite interesting, and you arrived on the same day. But of course you did, your adoption occurred around the same time. Could it be you, Mr. Kent? Could you be the traveler?"
  "The traveler, what are you talking about?" Clark slurred.
  Strange chuckled.
  "Come now, let's not play games, Mr. Kent," Strange said. "I was most concerned about what Doctor Swann had found out all of those years ago, and I tried to gain his confidence to attempt to find out more. But for some reason, he did not trust me. You see, I feel such a threat should not be allowed to live. You might look like a human and perhaps even think like one, but you'll never be one of us."
  "I am human," Clark argued.
  Strange chuckled. "It seems like denial is not something that is exclusive to humans either. You feel guilt, yes, guilt. Your planet died, but you were sent here. Above all else, you were the one who survived."
  Strange continued to speak, and now was on a roll.
  "You should feel guilty. For if you did not come the balance would not have been upset so much. You hide behind this mask, the mask of Clark Kent, but that's not who you truly are."
  "You're wrong," Clark argued, trying to shut out the pain he was feeling "Clark Kent is who I am."
  "More denial, and more lies," Strange said, and he turned a knob. The equipment was finally able to get more through reading, and Clark was breaking down. "But I know who you truly are, Kal-El of Krypton. This secret is far more valuable than what Lex Luthor could pay me. Every government in the world would enjoy having a living, breathing specimen such as yourself in their clutches."
  Clark felt a ringing going through his ears.
  "Are there more of you here?" Strange asked.
  Clark tried to block out anything else, to shut his mind off, to prevent Strange from tearing every single detail out of his mind.
  Strange paused, and he heard loud crashing from above. He turned to the security monitor, and frowned.
  "Do excuse me, Kal-El, I have a bat in my belfry," Strange said, and he took a step forward to give his security guards orders.
  Clark had no idea what that meant. His head throbbed, blood poured out of his nose, and his senses were super heightened to the point where the dust particles settling on his skin hurt. He had never felt this much pain, and he felt more normal, more human underneath these red lights than ever before.
  The glass shattered, and he looked up, unable to focus properly. Yet he recognized the voice.
  "Clark, oh my God, I got to get you out of here!" Lana yelled, and Clark barely was able to speak.
  "Strange, he knows," Clark breathed. "Lana, get out of here."
  "Not without you, I'm not leaving without..." Lana stated firmly, but she felt absolutely flushed.
  The Kryptonite dangled above her. She felt weak, perhaps not as weak as Clark, but still dazed and sluggishly she moved forward.
  "No, I got to get you out of here," Lana said lunging forward before it overwhelmed her, but she dropped to her knees.
  "Lana, what's going on here?" Clark asked.
  "I'm not sure, something...something...I thought I lost those powers, but they came back when I needed them the most," Lana breathed, but she pushed herself up, struggling to her feet.
  She had to save Clark before it was too late.
  "Harry said they were gone," Clark managed, barely able keep awake.
  "They were, but I don't know," Lana said, but the footsteps of Strange could be heard. She tried to pull on the chains, but they would not budge. "He's coming back, he's going to finish you right now, Clark I'm so sorry, I wasn't able save you."
  Lana tried with all of her might to pull the chains free from the wall.
  "Lana, it's the thought that counts," Clark said, and Lana collapsed to the ground at that moment.
  The sadistic face of Hugo Strange approached. He had sealed off this floor, it would take an act of God to get up here. Not even his fabled flying rodent problem would be able to reach this floor in time.
  "We're going to die, aren't we?" Clark asked.
  "No, we can't," Lana said.
  "You will," Strange said, and he held up a needle, dripping with liquefied Kryptonite. "I feel that your remains will be a lot easier to move then your breathing body, because there's a chance that your powers will come back. Good night, Kal-El, humanity will thank me for the sacrifice I'm about to make."
  Lana threw herself in front of Clark to try and take the shot, but nothing happened. Strange was pulled back with full force, and whipped hard into the wall at super strength. Every single one of his vertebrae snapped from the impact, fracturing into his spinal column.
  Lana allowed herself to open her eyes seconds later. Kara stepped over Strange, and turned to Clark, absolutely horrified at the state of him.
  "Clark, you're...it was so close," Kara said, and if she was one second slower, Clark would have been killed.
  She could not think about what could happen, but Strange got exactly what he deserved.
  "Kara, you found us," Lana said. "Clark's in really bad shape,"
  Harry appeared a moment later, and removed the Kryponite from the equation. Despite Kara's new found immunity to it, they did not want to chance seeing what happened when she actually touched it with her bare skin. He blasted lamps hanging above Clark.
  "Strange knows my secrets," Clark slurred, feeling a bit of strength returning to him.
  "That's not a problem," Kara said to him, and she could tell that Strange was not breathing.
  Clark found himself utterly gob smacked.
  "How could you say that Kara..." Clark asked her, but then it hit him. "You didn't..."
  "Clark, we need to get out of here," Kara said evasively, and she tried to remove the band Strange had placed on Clark, but it jolted, and caused Clark even more pain.
  Kara stepped back, eyes widened. She needed to get Clark out, without hurting him.
  "This could be a problem," Harry said, and he looked at the headband wrapped about Clark's head. He gritted his teeth, and thought carefully. "Some kind of charm to nullify it...no that could kill him. I've got to figure this out, just give me a few seconds."
  Suddenly, the lights went out around the complex, and the rest of the power had gone out. This allowed Harry to safely remove the metal band from around Clark's head, before it could reactivate and likely hurt him from the power coming back on.
  Clark pulled himself to his feet, staggered, but he mostly remained standing. A bit dazed, but managed to keep a focus on Lana.
  "Kara, you can get them out of here, I have a few more things to tie up," Harry said.
  "Okay, be careful," Kara said, and she gave Harry a quick kiss goodbye. Harry scrambled off, and Kara grabbed Clark and Lana firmly by either arm. "Just close your eyes, and we'll be back at the farm before you know it."
  Before either Clark or Lana could protest, they were pulled through what felt like a tube. They flew through, and they were safely back home.
  Clark narrowly avoided blacking out from the impact.
  "How did you do that?" Clark asked.
  "I flew really fast," Kara said, and technically given the mechanics of the teleportation, she was not lying.
  Harry made his way through the complex, and stepped over the body of Strange. Someone had intervened and cut the power. Not that he was complaining. It cut down the job to a fraction of what it was going to be. He scanned the floors, and tried to find if anyone else was there.
  An open window indicated that someone was there, but whoever it was, they were long come. A filing cabinet was opened, and sure enough it contained detailed notes regarding Clark and several of his friends, made by all of the interviews that Strange conducted. Harry knew that this information could not fall into the wrong hands.
  He turned around, and tried to look for Lionel Luthor, but he had also mysteriously vanished from the premises. Harry wondered if Lionel was the one who cut the power.
  The guards made their way up, and they were yelling. Harry turned over, and caused them to all fall asleep.
  "When you wake up, you'll find out that Clark Kent was discovered to be perfectly normal," Harry whispered. "Strange was killed by one of his former patients wanting revenge."
  Harry turned around in an instant, and disappeared into the night. It was a quite the process tweaking that many minds, and not something that he relished doing.
  With the written records in his hands, he could dispose of them immediately. Tempted that he was to look into them, he decided not to, at least for now.
  The file containing the information regarding both of the Luthors hovered in his hand. Curiosity plagued Harry, but he stashed it away in his bag.
  'Just in case,' Harry thought to himself.
  He moved off to the night, to make sure there were no other surprises lurking around in the night. His mind was going a mile a minute. Today had been an eventful day, but then again, there was never a dull moment in his life.
  Clark collapsed on the couch. His powers and strength would return back to him soon. Lana sat on the chair, in a bit of a numb shock. Now that the full extent of what happened hit her immediately, she wondered what was going on. She half wanted to ask Harry about what happened, what might have gone wrong, but she wondered if it was just a feeling thing.
  Kara stood in the doorway, watching the both of them. The disaster was averted, but she really did hope that Clark could recover from this. If the state of him physically matched his mental state, she shuddered to think what Strange put him through.
  Which was why she only felt the scarcest amount of remorse for.
  "Both of you should get some rest you know, a near death experience is not something you can shake off," Kara replied.
  Clark just offered a weak smile in response, but something that had been plaguing him had come up.
  "Kara, can I ask you a question?" Clark asked.
  "I believe it is within your capabilities to do so," Kara replied, but she had a shrewd hunch what Clark was going to ask.
  "Did you murder Hugo Strange?" Clark asked.
  Kara sighed. She should have known that was coming. This was going to be a fun conversation.
  "Well, technically I did, but to be more accurate, his obsession killed him," Kara replied delicately. "He was dangerous, more than you could ever know. He was seconds away from killing you. What was I supposed to do?"
  Clark could not offer an answer, but he managed to find his voice.
  "Kara, you could have knocked him out," Clark offered her, but there was a long exasperated glare given towards him.
  "Yes, I could have," Kara agreed. She shook her head. "But, he knew about everything. He was willing to break your mind to find out everything. He's dangerous. It's a situation that I didn't want to be put in. And I hope to every deity in every civilization in the galaxy, that you don't ever find yourself put in a situation like that."
  Clark opened his mouth, but Kara was not done.
  "I'm not apologizing for saving your life," Kara said firmly. "Strange was willing to kill you, and he would have killed me, Lana, Harry, or anyone else if he had the opportunity. It's hard, but I had to save you, and sadly killing him was the only way."
  "She has a point," Lana offered, not feeling much sympathy for what Strange did herself.
  "I know," Clark said, but he closed his eyes.
  He allowed himself a moment to reconcile everything in his head.
  Strange had the liquid Kryptonite, he was about to inject Clark with it. Clark was helpless, more vulnerable than a drowned kitten. Strange found out everything about Clark's friends.
  "This is all my fault," Clark concluded.
  "What's your fault?" Kara asked him.
  "The fact you were put in this mess," Clark said.
  "Oh, sure Clark, it's all your fault that some madman wanted to crack open your mind," Kara replied sarcastically. "I'm sure global warming, world hunger, and every disease known to man, that's all your fault too."
  Kara paused, before her expression softened.
  "I'm really glad you're going to be okay, a bit banged up, but you'll be fine," Kara said, but she turned around. "Harry should be here in a minute. If you have any more questions about what happened."
  As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. The door opened, but it was not Harry. Rather Lionel Luthor entered. Kara remained calm and stepped back. She did not keep her eyes off him, but he entered, calmly and carefully.
  "Clark, it's nice to see that you've recovered from your ordeal tonight," Lionel said, barely even acknowledging the presence of either Kara or Lana. "Hugo Strange is a formidable individual, and....well I hope he didn't find out anything."
  "Don't worry, he didn't," Clark said.
  "That's good, really good, so he will be unable to pass on any further information to Lex," Lionel said. "Strange's own greed should work to our advantage. He wanted to blackmail you for the highest dollar, but I think that he wanted his hands on some of the Luthor money. I'm truthfully sorry about what might have happened regarding Strange, but the important thing is you're still in the land of the living. I think that's one thing we can all agree about."
  "For once, I would have to agree as well."
  Harry popped up immediately, and everyone turned towards him.
  "I uncovered most of everything Strange found out, about everyone," Harry said. "So anyone who might happen to go through his office to acquire anything after his death, well they'll be in for a disappointment."
  "And I trust you didn't take this as an opportunity to find out information for yourself," Lionel said.
  Harry just smiled. "I have more direct ways of finding out information, and tonight I've found out plenty. You and I both know the real reason why Strange was so obsessed with Clark. I'd be careful with who I'd associate with from now on."
  Lana frowned. She knew what Harry implied, and her distrustful gaze focused on Lionel. Harry turned his attention to Clark.
  "You'll be fine Clark, physically, mentally...well only time will tell," Harry said. "Hugo Strange proved to be dangerous, and was lucky enough to find an opportunity to grab you. Where Kara and I were conveniently out of town."
  "It won't happen again," Kara said, and she would fight to her dying breath to make sure that something like that did not happen again.
  "No, it won't," Harry said. "But Strange might be just scratching the surface. There are others who know the truth. And we should be thankful there was someone to cut the power when they did."
  Lionel looked puzzled.
  "Someone cut the power," Lionel said.
  "So, it wasn't you?" Harry asked.
  "No, I had no idea, I managed to slip away at the first opportunity," Lionel answered him, and he leaned back against the wall, taking a careful breath. "But perhaps it is fortunate that we did. Now, Mr. Potter, I require a brief word with you, if I may."
  Harry instantly was on his guard, but he played Lionel's game. Kara followed him, when she saw Clark was resting and in one piece. Lionel stood calmly, and held a piece of paper.
  "I visited my son earlier today," Lionel said calmly. "And he was sketching this symbol. I was wondering if you knew the significance to it."
  Harry and Kara took a moment to look on the symbol. They took a moment to act like they were puzzling it out, even if they knew precisely what it was.
  "I can't say I know anything about that symbol," Harry said.
  "It's new to me," Kara said with a shrug.
  Lionel looked at both of them, and disappointment flushed his face. Harry wondered if he bought their words as genuine. There was a few seconds pause, and the elder Luthor paused.
  "So, I'm guessing it's another one of my son's fanatical obsessions," Lionel said.
  "Perhaps, your guess is as good as mine," Harry said, keeping a completely straight face. He had no idea when he learned how to lie, but he was going to follow through.
  "Well, I'll bid you farewell then, it's been a long day for many of us," Lionel said, and he turned around, to walk off into the night.
  Harry and Kara watched him leave. The cool air bit into their arms, but they only scarcely felt it. The two looked at each other, speaking in hushed undertones.
  "I think he actually believed that we didn't know anything about the symbol," Kara whispered.
  "Lex won't find anything about it, it's not in any normal books," Harry said. "But maybe it will deter him other obsessions."
  Kara looked rather dubious at this fact. Something told her that Lex Luthor would not be so easily thrown off.
  "I can handle him, if he gets too close," Harry said, and they pushed open the door to return inside. Lana waited for them, half listening to everything. "Yes, Lana, what can I do for you?"
  "Today, I was in the cell, and heard them torturing Clark from a different floor," Lana said, and there was a bit of a pause. "And I was able to bust out. And I sped past them, and I was able to jump stairs, in a single bound."
  "So, what are you trying to imply?" Harry asked.
  "I thought you said you removed those powers," Lana said slowly.
  Harry just offered a smile. "Did I say that?"
  "Yes, you did, you gave me a lecture about how great power is not so easy to handle," Lana said.
  "Oh yes, I remember that," Harry said, slowly building up a head of steam. "I removed the powers at that present time. I do recall that. However, there's something I don't recall. Did I ever imply that they would never come back?"
  Lana was absolutely gobsmacked. Pleased in a way, but still a bit confused. Kara looked kind of amused at the mixture of emotions on her face.
  "They won't have any kind of adverse effect on me?" Lana asked him.
  "The fact you're asking that proves that you can handle them this time, but no, they shouldn't," Harry told her. "Use them wisely."
  "I will," Lana said, knowing that if she did something wrong or misused her powers, Harry could likely snatch them away, and this time it would be permanent. There would be no return; she would have blown her last chance to be with Clark. "Um, thank you."
  "Well, no need to thank me, you wouldn't have received those powers if you didn't exhibit a certain amount of selflessness to earn them," Harry said.
  "So do you think that this will give me a better chance for an actual long lasting relationship with Clark?" Lana asked.
  "I can't answer that, there are only two people in the entire world that could answer that," Harry said. "Where you go from here, that's really mostly up to you, and the choices you make from here on out. You must have made the right choice otherwise your powers would not have manifested themselves. I was very careful how I did the charm work."
  Lana stepped forward, but Clark was asleep right now. As much as she wanted to explore the full benefits of her powers, Clark did need some rest, and as it turned out she did too.
  Harry and Kara both turned around, and made sure everything was secure. They repaired the damage done by Strange, and his forces. Then Harry put a few charms up that would alert him and Kara of any unwanted intruders immediately. They were not as strong as those put on the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters.
  "You have everything?" Kara whispered to him.
  "Yeah, all of the files, all of the information Strange had, I even popped over to his office at Belle Reve to find the duplicates," Harry told her. "And I took a peak at what he sent Lex. Nothing too concerning, just police reports and interviews about the encounters that Clark had with the meteor infected in the past."
  Kara relaxed immediately, and offered a brief smile. Harry and Kara had one more piece of business to wrap up tonight, before calling it an evening, and it had been a long one.
  Lex remained by the phone, waiting for any further information that Strange would have been able to uncover about Clark. He was beginning to distrust this entire business arrangement, and in a way regret it.
  The phone call he was waiting fo2r came through. He answered it before the second ring was completed.
  "Strange?" Lex asked.
  "Sorry, Mr. Luthor, there's been an accident, Hugo Strange is no longer with us," the person on the other end of the phone said to him.
  "What happened?" Lex demanded.
  His contact remained apologetic. "One of his patients, he escaped, and came for Strange. He took out all of the security, and vanished into the night without a trace. He left Strange dead, we tried to revive him. Must have been super strength, his entire spinal column was shattered."
  Intrigue appeared on Lex's face.
  "Super strength, that patient would not be Clark Kent, now would it?" Lex asked.
  "No, not Clark Kent, Clark Kent is normal as you and I, and he has been released, well what's left of him anyway," the contact on the end of the phone replied.
  The contact might have been assured that everything was fine, but Lex was not convinced. He took a deep breath.
  "Listen to me, I want you to take Strange's files, all of them, on Clark Kent, and send them to me immediately, along with any research he's done on him," Lex told his contact.
  There was a long pause.
  "I'm afraid that's impossible."
  "I'll make it worth your while to give me that information, it must not fall into the hands of anyone else," Lex said.
  "No, it's impossible, because it's gone, there were files missing from Strange's office, and he uncovered much."
  Anger did not adequately describe what Lex had felt right now. He clutched the phone tightly in his hand, and took a deep breath, to remain absolutely calm. The fact was Strange might have found out something about him, but there was no idea what. Even if Strange was dead, someone had those files, and information on him.
  There was no need to panic. The files might have been lost due to sheer incompetence. He would have to pull some strings to find out for sure what was going to happen.
  Lex's eye fell on the symbol he had sketched once again. It was nothing like he had ever seen before in any civilization ever. He wondered if the three components of the symbol meant something, like some equation.
  It would be a worthy endeavor to study.
  Chloe looked up, and saw Harry and Kara standing right in front of her. Before she could say anything, Harry filled in her on what happened, at least the short version.
  "Clark's fine, Lana's fine, and Strange...well he's not fine," Harry concluded.
  Chloe took a few seconds to process this information.
  "So, he's on the other side now," Chloe said.
  "It was his time," Kara said, resigned that with her role as one of the Heralds of Death, killing was something that she had to do. Plus she was protecting Clark.
  "It's not easy, despite what you are, is it?" Chloe asked.
  Kara shook her head. "It isn't, but to save Clark, I would do it again."
  Harry looked thoughtful. "All of the people I had to fight, many of them it was to the death. And it was not easier. The blood on my hands each and every time that it's been put there, it's been bittersweet at best. But some people...well that's just the only way."
  "Strange didn't pass anything to Lex, then?" Chloe asked.
  "Nothing that anyone who's lived here in any amount of time couldn't figure out," Harry said. "I'm curious about how Strange knew about the meteor rocks, not to mention how to weaken Clark and how to try and force the information of his brain."
  "It's not like we could ask him," Kara said with a sigh. "Guess I should have kept him alive long enough to find these things out."
  Harry squeezed her hand, to reassure her. "No, you only had a second to react. You did what you had to do. We'll find out, there's another way, but something weird was going on."
  "Actually, this might qualify,' Chloe said to them, and she punched up a police report she had received through one of her contacts. "Winston Smith was found dead in his cell, completely mangled beyond recognition."
  This floored Harry completely.
  "Strange, I was under the impression Smith died weeks ago," Harry said slowly.
  "So was I, but he was being kept in Belle Reve," Chloe said. "His door was ripped off of its hinges. Either someone's been eating his Wheaties, or we have a situation on our hands. There was nothing left of Smith, but a few fragments, blood. This happened earlier today."
  Harry's first thought was Strange, but the timeline just did not match up in his head.
  "I'll see what else I can find, just adding to the many things I have on my plate," Harry said.
  "You are really taking a lot on your plate," Chloe commented seriously. "Do yourself a favor and don't work yourself to death."
  Harry shuddered at her choice of words. "Believe me, working myself to Death is the last thing I want to do."
  Kara gently walked over, scooping the sleeping Claire off of the couch. She cradled the girl in her arms gently, as to not wake her, and wrapped a blanket around her. She walked over to be with Harry.
  "It's been a long day, but at least everything will be back to normal," Harry said, before he realized. "Or what passes for normal."
  "I'm afraid I'm unaware of the meaning of that word," Chloe joked.
  "Yeah, well join the club," Harry said.
  "There's a club now?" Chloe asked.
  "Take care of yourself, and see you around," Harry said. "Bye, Chloe."
  "Yeah, bye," Kara said. "And thanks."
  "Yeah thanks," Harry said.
  "Goodbye you two and it wasn't a problem at all," Chloe said, and immediately they were gone. She sighed.
  Chloe just offered a shrug, and checked her e-mail. She was almost hoping for an e-mail from her mysterious anonymous pen pal, but there was nothing.
  The shadowed figure moved around in Hugo Strange's old office in Belle Reve. The file cabinets had been removed of all information regarding Clark Kent, and the information regarding anyone connected to him had aslo been removed. With a crisp nod, the figure stepped into the shadows, and moved over to the computer systems. Using the uplink, he tried to access the computerized records regarding Kent.
  There was nothing on the computer. Whoever had been in here had made sure to wipe everything regarding Clark Kent, and any studies Strange did on him.
  The dark brooding figure in the shadows done his own research, based off of notes his father took before his untimely murder, regarding his role in Veritas and the coming of the traveler. The detective came to one conclusion.
  All of the strange meteor activity and the coincidental timing of his adoption proved only one person could be the fabled traveler.
  The dark figure stepped into the night, a grappling hook shooting out as he swung out the window. He would need more information before he made a decision on Clark Kent. He could be a valuable ally in the mission, or the gravest threat the world had ever faced. He prepared contingencies in the event that this young man went mad with power.
  Yet, there was this mysterious third party that had wiped all of Strange's studies off of the face of the Earth. For that, there was no information.
  He would have to correct his ignorance immediately.
  It was a bit after midnight, and Harry sat, with notes in front of him, in front of the fireplace in his home. There were a number of thoughts going through his head after the events of the last couple of days.
  'Never a dull moment,' Harry thought to himself. 'Well, another crisis was averted, narrowly. A storm's brewing, I just don't know how and I just don't know when.'
  Harry closed his eyes. It was amazing how great power just increased the scope of what a person had to deal with it. In a way, he was ready for everything, but in another way, he was apprehensive.
  Harry turned around, and Kara stood in the doorway, dressed in a sheer white nightdress. Well technically, more like hovered, but she dropped down to the ground. She walked over, and handed Harry a cup of hot chocolate, before taking the other one for herself.
  "Figured you could use some company," Kara said with a smile, and Harry got a good look at her. She really looked beautiful. "Claire's all tucked in for the night."
  "Thanks, Kara, I've just got a lot in my mind," Harry replied. "I just find it hard to go to sleep."
  "Same here," Kara said with a sigh. "Guess I got a taste of how insane your life could be."
  "Kara, I..." started Harry, but Kara put her finger on his lips.
  "And I find it kind of exciting to be honest with you," Kara said. "A bit nerve racking, but it's exciting, something that in the end, I think we're going to do something great, together."
  Harry sipped on the hot chocolate, and took a look outside of the window. He tapped up the side of the cup.
  "Secrets that people would kill for, it wouldn't be the first time I knew them," Harry answered immediately, and Kara offered him a smile. "The Veritas thing, I've done a bit of digging, not too much, but a number of the members do tend to drop dead."
  "You'll figure it out, Harry, you really will," Kara said, knowing that Harry was avoiding the topic of his best friend's status of the return to the living. So she was not going to bring it up.
  As it turned out, Harry decided to bring up the subject.
  "Hermione's return...I thought I would be happy," Harry said, and Kara encouraged him to continue. "But, there's just something about it that seems off. Something about it that seems unsettling, but I can't put my finger on why."
  "Do you think she's up to something?" Kara asked him.
  Harry paused. "I don't want to believe that she's up to something. But it's a possibility. The fact her family was involved in this entire mess a long time ago...it makes me suspicious. I wonder if she was telling the truth."
  Kara put her hand on Harry's. She would be lying to herself if she had similar reservations.
  "But, the Veritas thing is worth looking into, so I'll be doing a lot of digging after the holidays, and figure out where I would go from there," Harry concluded, but he relaxed. "At least everyone got out of that mess with Strange okay."
  "Clark didn't seem too comfortable with the fact that I had to kill Strange," Kara said, but Harry looked at her. "If he only knew the truth, but I've tried everything to let him know."
  "There's always a way," Harry said, and he turned to her, to look at her properly. "He'll need to know the truth eventually. I just wonder how well he'll take it."
  Concern appeared on Kara's face, but Harry put a hand up.
  "If anyone understands the need to keep secrets, its Clark," Harry offered her, and Kara relaxed just a tiny bit. Their eyes met each other. "We'll deal with it, when the time comes, together."
  Kara turned her attention to the Christmas tree that Harry had set up. Granted, it was nothing outlandish, but it looked amazing.
  "You did a good job on the tree," Kara said.
  "Thanks, but it was nothing with the right charm work," Harry said.
  Kara smiled, and scooted a bit closer to Harry, placing her hands on his legs.
  "Harry, your modesty is cute," Kara said. "I was reading some of the books in your library. Some of the charm work takes a lot of concentration, and most could not pull it off. You should be very proud of the work you did. You're very powerful, and amazing in other ways."
  In spite of himself, Harry looked a bit pleased.
  "You're amazing too," Harry said to her, and he held her hands tightly, looking in her eyes. The two sat in front of the fireplace, lost in the moment they shared with each other. "With you, I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm really not. I'm free to be who I really want to be. The scars on the outside were healed, but the scars on the inside didn't heal right away."
  He paused, before he continued.
  "Until the day I met you. You make my life worth living, you make me complete."
  Harry captured her lips in a tender kiss. Kara returned it, and they melted into each other's embrace. The truth was, as much as Harry said her love healed him, his love did wonders of making her life a lot better as well. The kiss deepened. To them it was natural as drawing a breath. They were meant to be together, always and forever.
  The kiss broke, and Kara pushed back on the couch.
  "I got you something," Kara said. "For the holidays, you're a very hard young man to shop for, but I made you something that I thought that you'd like."
  "Kara, you didn't have to get me anything," Harry said.
  "I know, but I did, anyway," Kara replied to him, and she pulled the gift out. "It's not much, but..."
  "It's the thought that counts," Harry offered her, and Kara nodded. "Besides, you're the true gift."
  "Yeah, but you'll get to unwrap me later," Kara replied playfully, but she held the wrapped package and pushed it into Harry's lap. "Here you go, Merry Christmas, Harry."
  Harry opened the gift. A beautifully hand drawn portrait slid it. It depicted Harry and Kara embracing outside of a handsome crystal structure, in an entire city full of advanced architecture.
  "It's us, on Krypton," Kara told him. "It's the best of both of my worlds. Sorry, if it's not much, but that's the best I can think of.
  "Kara, it's amazing, just like you, thank you," Harry said, and he recognized the significance of the garb, which meant the gift he had got her was appropriate.
  Harry put the portrait on the wall, right next to the drawing that Claire had sketched of the three of them months ago.
  "I've got something for you too," Harry said.
  Kara was curious at what Harry got her. He walked over and pulled out a small gift wrapped box. He placed it in Kara's hand. The Blonde Kryptonian opened it, tearing through the wrapping paper.
  There was a black box, and Kara opened it up. Inside the package was a diamond ring, and Harry smiled at her.
  "It's beautiful," Kara said in an awed voice.
  "Just like the girl who it belongs to," Harry replied with a smile. "And there's something I want to ask you."
  Kara listened closely, and Harry dropped to a one knee. He took the ring from the box, and slipped it on her finger.
  "Kara Kent, will you marry me?" Harry asked her.
  Kara's eyes widened, and she was rendered speechless for a minute. She threw herself at Harry, knocking him to the floor. She began to kiss him madly on the floor. Harry returned the kiss with equal fury. It was at this point where Harry could truly notice that she was wearing nothing underneath her nightdress.
  Kara pulled herself up to sitting position, and a wide smile appeared on her face. She was hoping that he would ask, but she had no idea that it would be this soon. It just made what was in their heart official. Kara could feel the bond that she shared with Harry, and it would only be strengthened by the ties of marriage.
  "The answer is yes, by the way," Kara said.
  "I thought so," Harry offered her, and the two got up to their feet.
  "I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else ever," Kara said.
  "And our lives are going to be a very long time," Harry replied.
  The two sat with each other, by the fireplace, just enjoying each other's company.
  "Harry?" Kara asked him, untying her nightdress.
  "Yes," Harry replied.
  "Make love to me until we both pass out," Kara said to him.
  Harry looked at her bold request, but he could think of nothing that he wanted to do more right now.
  "With our stamina, that could take hours," Harry said, and Kara wrapped her arms around him.
  "And you're complaining about this?" Kara replied playfully.
  "Not in the slightest," Harry said, with a smile.
  After today, they needed to relieve tension anyway, and this would be the best way to do so, along with celebrating their love with each other.
  Chapter 21: Bats.
  The previous evening was one that was eventful for both Harry and Kara to say the least. It would be one that they would never forget any time soon.
  Harry opened his eyes, and somehow they were up in their bedroom. Kara was curled up against him. Her head rested on his chest. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, and took a long look at her. She really was the most beautiful thing in the universe. She positively glowed with radiant beauty, and she smiled peacefully in her sleep, before her eyes slowly opened.
  "Hi," Kara said to him, with a smile. Kara shifted against him. She rolled over on top of Harry, and gave him a good morning kiss. Harry returned it.
  "Sleep well?" Harry asked her once the kiss had broken.
  Kara smiled, before she reached forward, and put her hands on Harry's shoulders.
  "You know I did," Kara said. She stopped and felt Harry brush against her. She leaned forward, to whisper seductively in his ear. "And you seem to be up and ready for some more."
  Harry smiled at her, and she lovingly nibbled on his ear. Her hands traced patterns around his bare chest, and she hummed under her breath.
  "Last night you asked me to marry you," Kara said to him.
  "I did," Harry said. "And you said yes, quite enthusiastically, I might add."
  Kara giggled at her reaction from last night.
  "And I'm glad," Kara said to him, and she leaned forward, planting a series of kisses on his neck and shoulders. She rubbed her hands down his chest, feeling his muscles. She pulled herself up. She straddled Harry, and flipped her hair out of her face. She looked down at Harry, a smirk appearing on her face. She licked her lips. "It's something I've dreamed about, and it happened."
  Harry wrapped his arms around her lower back, and pulled her closer to him.
  "I've dreamed about a girl like you, someone who I could spend the rest of my life with," Harry said, and he held her tightly against him. "You're everything I ever wanted and more. You're the most perfect, wonderful girl in the entire universe. You're beautiful, both on the inside and the outside."
  Kara looked down at him with pure love.
  "It just goes to show you, the right person makes anything possible," Kara told Harry. She reached down and cupped his face in her hands. Their eyes peered into each other like they were looking into each other's souls. "I thought I'd never feel these things, until I met you Harry. You're one of a kind, and I love you."
  "I love you too," Harry said to her. The words came so naturally to him with her. Harry had so many things he wanted to say to this blonde goddess in his arms, but her nude body this close to him made it rather hard to concentrate.
  Their lips met with a combination of passion and power. Kara and Harry's hands roamed over each other's bodies, and they deepened their kiss with each other. They proceeded to indulge in each other with some earning morning love making. It was not was wild and intense as what they did the previous evening, but it did leave them both satisfied.
  Christmas had just passed into the ether, but the weather of the season had remained. Winds blew all through the country side, and snow and ice covered the roads. Had the children not been off on winter vacation, this would have been perfect weather for a snow day. The weather forecast indicated the snow would be ceasing once the Christmas season was over, and things would be warming enough to melt the snow. So, it would be back to school just in time.
  Harry and Kara pushed their way through the winds, flying over towards the Kent Farm House. A few days ago, Clark and Lana had both been rescued from the tender mercy of Hugo Strange. That was an interesting day, but it ended rather well for all.
  The engagement ring on Kara's finger was proof for that. Kara felt lighter than air, as in a matter of months, she would be married to the love of her life, and she could hardly wait.
  In her heart, almost from the moment she saw Harry, she knew he was the one for her. Most certainly she knew the moment they kissed for the first time. Kara felt the connection they had with each other.
  In a matter of months, she would be Kara Potter, and she could hardly wait.
  Kara placed her hand on Harry's arm gently, and the two settled down. Harry wore a black coat, pants, and a white shirt, along with black boots, a black and white scarf and hat. Kara wore a red coat, blue shirt, and tight red sweat pants, with black boots, a red and blue scarf, and a blue hat.
  "I wonder if Lana's enjoying her new powers," Harry said to Kara.
  Kara just smiled, and she heard a crashing noise from inside the Kent Farm House. A bit of a smirk appeared on her face, as she heard Clark's exasperated voice from inside the house.
  "Something tells me that she might be having a bit of fun with them," Kara said in amusement, and she took a few steps forward. She grabbed the doorknob, and twisted it open.
  Lana had Clark down on the ground, pinned down.
  "Clark, it seems like you can't get up," Lana said to him. "And I thought you said I needed a bit more practice in controlling my powers."
  Clark just grimaced. He knew he would be regretting those words, from the moment Lana had a smirk on her face. He mentally calculated the best way out of this situation.
  "Okay, Lana, really you've proved your point, you have perfect control over your powers," Clark said with a grimace, but there was a slight good natured smile.
  "Do I really?" Lana asked. "Maybe we should test them a little more. Or maybe it's your powers that need a bit more fine tuning."
  Clark looked up, and Lana let her up.
  "Please tell me you let her take you down," Kara said.
  "Um, she got the leverage," Clark said in an undertone.
  "Sure she did," Kara said with a smile on her face. "Seems to me like you're the one who needs a bit more control of her powers, my dear cousin."
  Clark opened his mouth to protest, but words failed him. Harry stood off in the shadows, a look of amusement crossing his face. He thought Clark was a good guy, but sometimes he just brought these things onto himself.
  "I really hope you two haven't been getting into too much trouble," Kara said.
  "Yeah, we're...well we're just taking this one step at a time," Lana said, and Harry and Kara turned to her. There was a questioning look in Harry's eyes. "There aren't any side effects if that's what you're asking. Other than the fact that I'm eating twice as much."
  "That's perfectly normal, you will have a higher metabolism, especially if you're burning off of all of that energy from the constant use of your powers," Harry explained. "That's something that's true with any kind of special abilities. Magic is about the same. If you don't eat enough, it's hard to pull off the charm work."
  Harry knew this all too well. Years of an improper diet at the Dursleys had caused him to be unable to perform many spells properly. Of course going between the very little food at the Dursleys, and the often over the top Hogwarts feasts did some rather strange things with his abilities as well.
  They settled over the years, thankfully, but he recalled those moments in time bitterly.
  "Well now that we're here, Harry and I have something to share with the both of you," Kara said, and both Clark and Lana looked at both of them. Harry decided to be the one to drop the bombshell.
  "Kara and I are getting married," Harry said to the two of them.
  There was a moment where there was a gasp, before Clark and Lana registered what they were saying.
  "Really, that's great, congratulations you two," Lana said, and Clark nodded.
  "Yeah, I'm really happy for the two of you," Clark said after a moment. It caught him off guard. He expected them to be married before too long, but it was a bit sooner than he could have thought.
  "I figure, we're going to be together anyway for a very long time, so make it official," Harry said, and he put an arm around Kara's waist. "Kara's the only girl that I ever truly loved."
  Kara smiled at that thought. Harry had told her that much many times. And he meant it every single time he said it.
  "Aw, that's sweet," Lana said. She turned to address Harry. "Didn't you have anyone from..."
  "No, although I'm sure many of them would have gone faint if I had proposed," Harry said with a dry chuckle. "Plus they only would have liked me for my money or my fame. They all grew up with the story of Harry Potter, or learned rather quickly. Some separated the legend from the person better than others, but it was in the back of their minds. That's not who I am."
  "Harry, I love you, no matter how rich you are," Kara said, resting her head against Harry's broad shoulder as she stood next to him. An impish smirk appeared on her face. "Besides, if you ever did lose all of your money, all I have to do is crush a couple of pieces of coal into diamonds, and we should be set up for a while."
  That made Harry laugh, Kara could do that, she always made him smile. The true problem was that Harry never really felt a connection to anyone in that world, not really. He was just some mythical figure, a living legend that no one in their right mind could live up to.
  Not to mention some of the outlandish tales that had been marketed about him. He read some of those children's books based off of his so called adventures, and they were excellent fiction. The type that even Gilderoy Lockhart would think that would be absolutely absurd.
  Come to think of it, Harry never did receive any royalties for the use of his name and image. Then again, it was far past the point now.
  "So, have you two set a date?" Lana asked.
  "No, it might not be until the spring, if that's alright with Kara," Harry said.
  Kara gave Harry a quick, but loving kiss on the lips. "Don't worry, its fine with me, any time you want. "
  Harry and Kara both made a mental note to sit down and hash out the further details of their planned wedding.
  "We're just about to go have breakfast," Clark said. "If you two want to..."
  "No, Clark, that's nice of you to offer, but we just had to pop out of the house quickly to run a few errands while Claire's still sleeping," Harry said to them. He knew she was still asleep, because his house would inform him when his young charge had awoken. "We're just making sure both of you are alright."
  Lana didn't say anything, but Clark had some trouble sleeping after his captivity at the hands of Strange. Being forced to relieve traumatic memories did do that to a person. She did find it an exercise of creativity to find ways to help relax Clark, but it was only a momentary distraction from the overall pain.
  "Yeah, well I'm on the mend," Clark said, but he turned to Harry. He considered his next words. "I do have something to ask you, about my birth father, you know Jor-El."
  "What did he do now?" Kara asked her cousin. The topic of Jor-El was still a very touchy one for her, and she took a deep breath.
  "Well, he hasn't really done anything as of late," Clark said, and Kara just folded her arms, a slight frown appearing on her face. The fact Jor-El was silent worried her a slight bit more. "I went up to him for some advice regarding what to do with Hugo Strange, and he didn't respond. He didn't offer a word."
  Kara felt a small pang of hurt that Clark went to Jor-El first over her, but she shook it off. She could not let her own insecurities get the better of her. While she embraced most of her emotions, insecurity was one that she could do without most of the time.
  "So I was wondering if you knew what might have happened to Jor-El?" Clark asked.
  Harry had a theory that he decided to offer Clark. "I'm thinking that something might have happened during that electro static impulse that rang out all throughout Europe last week. Maybe some of the backwash hit the Fortress of Solitude, and somehow disconnected the Jor-El AI from it."
  Clark considered it, but he thought that might not be the case.
  "But the technology is Kryptonian," Clark argued.
  "Magic seems to be the culprit, that's what Kara and I were investigating when...when the incident with Strange happened," Harry said, guilt dripping into his voice.
  "Yeah, we really should have been here," Kara added.
  "Neither of you could have known that Strange would have tried something on that exact day," Lana inputted, trying to be the voice of reason. "I really hope a side effect of my super powers isn't a super self-loathing. Although, I don't really need powers to do that."
  Lana thought back to all of the mistakes she made before, but that was the past. Lessons she learned the hard way, and nearly came back to bite her in the worst way. These powers were a gift, and one that she could not squander.
  "With great power, there most also come great self-loathing," Harry replied with a shrug.
  "And I could have sworn it was great responsibility," Lana said.
  "A little bit of both actually," Clark said wisely. Every time he failed to save someone, even with his powers, or worse he indirectly hurt someone, the pain seemed to be amplified. Yet in many ways police officers, members of the military, firefighters, likely felt the same thing when they could not save the day in time. "But, do you think that Jor-El will come back online?"
  "I'm not sure," Kara said. On one hand, she was internally dancing for joy that corrupt influence was out of her cousin's life. On the other hand, a part of her wondered if it would be that simple. "Give it time, and we'll know. Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise Clark."
  "Or perhaps Jor-El decided it was time for me to sink or swim regardless of the consequences," Clark said.
  "Well it's not like you'll be in this alone," Lana said gently.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look with each other. They vowed to make their way up to the Fortress at the first possible moment to see what had gone wrong. They took a few steps to the door.
  "We'll find out what happened, it's weird," Harry said. "Although if it was the magical discharge, it might take a while for it to reboot itself, and without having a look at Jor-El's plans for the AI, it's not as if I can go in and fix things straight away."
  Harry was rather curious what the plans were like. If nothing else, he could get a clearer idea at what in the world Jor-El was thinking when he made his Fortress AI in that particular way. Kara seemed to have similar thoughts, with her opinion on the actual Jor-El being very low.
  "We'll be off, you know our number if something comes up," Harry said.
  "Yeah, I think I have it written down somewhere," Clark said. "Congratulations you two and I really mean that. Both of you deserve some happiness in your lives."
  Harry and Kara smiled at that.
  "Talk to both of you later, don't do anything we wouldn't do," Kara said.
  Of course, Clark didn't have to know that particular statement gave them an unlimited license to do pretty much anything. Kara and Harry got up to a lot with their powers.
  "So, race to the kitchen, Lana," Clark said.
  Lana gave him a playful smile and a nudge. "Oh, really, you think you can outrun me?"
  "Let's find out," Clark said.
  Harry and Kara watched the other couple with a smile. Hopefully this second chance would be made the most of it. Harry did not want to fall into the habit of blindly giving them.
  "Nothing like a good race to keep things interesting," Harry said in a knowledgeable voice. "Kara and I had one the other day."
  "Who won?" Lana asked curiously.
  Kara and Harry both exchanged a covert look with each other. They decided to keep those details.
  "Well we have to have some secrets," Harry said, but he recalled the race fondly. It wasn't just the competition, but rather the enjoyment of having fun with someone he loved.
  Plus the aftermath stuck out in his mind vividly. There would be no need to relay the details of the aftermath in polite company. Although, the feeling of being above the ground, high in the sky, and making love to the woman of his dreams would be something that he would cherish forever. A few months ago, he would not have thought to be that adventurous, but he had been given a second chance. He was willing to make the most of it.
  Explaining the broken windows was something that was more difficult, but that's why repair charms were invented.
  Their sparring sessions had always turned out equally as interesting as well.
  "The point is Clark, there's no shame in getting your arse kicked by your girlfriend," Harry said.
  'Especially when she kisses it and makes it feel better afterwards,' Harry thought to himself.
  "Sometimes, I pin Harry down, sometimes I let him me down, and sometimes we roll around a bit," Kara added. "Variety is the spice of life, isn't it?"
  Lana looked amused, and got the sense that Harry and Kara enjoyed a very productive and eventful love life. Not that it was any of her business.
  "Right," Clark said, and he tried to not think of what Harry and Kara did in their free time. The looks on their face and the few words painted a vivid enough picture. He shook his head, and tried to focus. "So, we'll be seeing you two around."
  "Seriously take care of yourselves, and try not to go too insane at first," Harry said.
  "Yeah, I don't want to hear that you collapsed the house," Kara joked. "Harry could fix it in a minute, but that's not the point. It would not look good."
  Lana laughed at the visual, and look on Clark's face. Harry and Kara exited the house.
  "So breakfast?" Lana asked.
  "Yeah," Clark said, but Lana sped into the kitchen and waited from the other side of the table.
  "I thought you were going to beat me to the table," Lana said.
  "Lana, you did get a head start, I wasn't ready," Clark said.
  "Oh, are you ready for this?" Lana asked him, and she grabbed Clark by the shoulders. She playfully, but firmly, pushed Clark against the wall, and kissed him on the lips.
  For some reason, the fact that his girlfriend was now a tad bit stronger than him weighed on Clark. Oddly enough, he was not complaining all that much, but that could be because his mind was distracted for the moment from said complaining.
  "I think I proved my point," Lana said, and she backed off slightly.
  "I don't know, did you?" Clark asked her.
  Lana smiled at him. "Yeah, I think you're enjoying this a bit too much."
  "Wouldn't you like to know?" Clark retorted.
  "Some people call you a boy scout, Clark," Lana said to him, before she whispered into his ear. "I wonder how good you are at undoing knots."
  Clark briefly wondered what he got himself into. The morning would be a very eventful one and breakfast was forgotten about, at least for the moment.
  Harry and Kara left the Kent Farm. Super hearing had many benefits, but there were also a few drawbacks.
  Namely the fact that you heard things that might potentially scar you for life.
  "I'm happy Clark has someone, but could they have waited until after I was out of earshot?" Kara grumbled to herself.
  "Scarred for life, my beautiful blonde heroine?" Harry asked, and he gripped her by the shoulders. He pushed her hair out of her face, and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "Would you like something to take your mind off if it?"
  Kara tingled with excitement and anticipation, and Harry planted a kiss on her lips. He wrapped his arms around her, and guided her back into their bedroom. Everything else was forgotten, at least for the second.
  There was only Harry and Kara, and the love they felt for each other.
  Clark pushed open the door, and Lana followed him, with a satisfied look on her face.
  "So, where are you heading off to?" Lana asked him.
  Clark answered her immediately. "Off to Metropolis, I've got pick up a couple of things. It shouldn't be that long."
  "Oh, can I come along?" Lana asked him.
  "Lana, remember with the snow and ice, you got to adjust your footing slightly, and slow down a little bit," Clark lectured. Lana just smiled, she knew, but she just let Clark go. "If you slide into something at super strength, it will be like an eighteen wheeler truck sliding into something. And it will hurt, or even kill anyone."
  "So, there's an entire science to your powers," Lana said.
  "Yeah, I've had a few mishaps," Clark said.
  'Mostly with the heat vision," he added to himself mentally.
  "Well, I overcompensated a little bit, but I'm sure the bed can be fixed easily," Lana said.
  "Yeah, I'm sure," Clark replied to her dryly. "So, are you ready to run there?"
  "Run?" Lana asked, a wicked burst of inspiration striking her immediately. "Yeah, that might be fun."
  Lana pushed open the door, and the wind and the snow blew into her face.
  "But, I was thinking of something else."
  Clark was about to ask what she had in mind, but he never had a moment to do so. Lana plucked Clark off of the ground, and took flight. The Kryptonian was caught completely off guard, at the fact that Lana could fly. Then again, he seemed to be the only Kryptonian that did not have the ability to fly.
  The wind blew into their faces, and Clark tried not to look down. They made it from Smallville to Metropolis in less than a minute. Even though it seemed like much longer. Lana set Clark down gently on the ground.
  Clark took a moment to find his footing, and grabbed onto Lana to make sure he did not fall face first into the snow.
  "Lana?" Clark asked.
  "Yes, Clark," Lana said, trying to keep her face straight at the look on his face.
  "Do me a favor, and warn me next time you try and take off with me in your arms," Clark said, and Lana just was internally in hysterics. She straightened up immediately. She had her fun.
  "Clark, sorry, but it really was too good to pass up," Lana said, and she just looked at her. "Flying's not that big of a deal, I don't know why you haven't picked it up by now. Plus, I didn't drop you, did I?"
  "No, you didn't," Clark replied grudgingly, and Lana just offered a bright smile.
  "So, no big deal then," Lana said, and they stepped out of the alleyway where she had landed in. "And no one saw us."
  Clark shook his head, but he could not dispute that. Lana managed to get them from Smallville to Metropolis without being seen. Perhaps it was a miracle, but Clark was not going to complain about it.
  "Just got to catch my breath," Clark said, and he took a moment against the wall. Unexpected and sudden flight did not agree with him. Especially when one added in his fear of heights, and that led to quite the nerve racking combination.
  Kara told him that once he embraced everything that he was, and then flight would come easily. That was easier said than done. There was a mental block where Clark had that prevented him from flying, with his own fears and insecurities.
  "Don't worry Clark, I'm sure it gets a lot easier with time," Lana said. "I'm a bit rattled myself...not as much as you are it seems."
  Clark took a step away.
  "You are really okay, aren't you?" Lana asked quietly. Fun was fun in all, but she didn't want to really hurt Clark.
  "Lana, I'm really fine," Clark told her, and took a few steps forward. Clark walked into the alleyway. "Really, you just caught me off guard. I know you didn't mean anything malicious. I would have done the same thing if the situation had been reversed."
  Lana nodded, although she wondered if she would have been slightly annoyed if the situation had been reversed. Then again, Clark seemed to a bit agitated of the unexpected flight.
  "Your powers, well they're stronger than I thought they would be," Clark mused. "And that might take a bit to compensate them. But, can I offer you a word of advice?"
  Lana motioned to Clark, offering him an opportunity to proceed.
  "When around anyone that doesn't have super strength, treat them like you would a small infant," Clark told her. "You can't hurt me, but anyone else is fair game. So just remember that."
  "That's sound advice," Lana said.
  The two walked around the snowy and icy streets of Metropolis. No one noticed the sudden arrivals, but the snow storm gave them an ideal amount of trouble. Clark did the couple errands that he had to go into town for. They spent less than an hour in Metropolis.
  Clark's super hearing picked up a loud crash in the distance. He turned around, and saw a young man with dark hair in his mid-twenties being accosted by a group of masked goons. He was backed up against a wall, before being thrown between the thugs.
  "On the ground now, rich boy," one of the goons said to the man, and tossed him to the ground immediately.
  Lana frowned, seeing what Clark saw.
  "We got to help him," Lana said.
  Clark had to agree, but the man suddenly used a sudden burst of adrenaline to knock one of the thugs around with a martial arts strike. Clark and Lana moved forward.
  They discreetly used their powers, not really being seen. Lana knocked one of the muggers to the side, and Clark sent another one flying. The young man was not going to go down with a fight, and he knocked two of the muggers down with one shot.
  The muggers decided to run off.
  "Are you okay?" Clark asked the young man, helping him to his feet.
  "Fine," the young man said, and he pulled himself to a standing position. "Most people wouldn't have jumped in when someone was being mugged."
  "Well, we're not most people," Clark said.
  "That much is obvious," the young man told him in a bright voice, and he shrugged off his injuries. He turned off to the side, to make sure no one else was coming. "But the assist was appreciated. The one day my bodyguard takes a day off, and I get mugged. That about figures, doesn't it?"
  The young man turned around and faced both of his rescuers.
  "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" he asked.
  "Clark Kent," Clark said.
  "Lana Lang," Lana said.
  "And you are?"
  "Bruce Wayne," the young man told them.
  Lana and Clark had heard the name before. He was only one of the most famous people in the world. He had just recently within the past year returned to head his company, Wayne Enterprises, after traveling the world for years and years. He had a reputation of being a party boy, but both knew from experience not to judge people based off of perceptions. Some people were nothing what they seemed and other people were exactly what they seemed.
  The jury was still out on this particular individual.
  "The millionaire?" Lana asked.
  "Billionaire, actually," Bruce corrected her. He offered a good natured smile. "Don't worry, people get that one wrong all of the time."
  "You do have some impressive moves, even without our help," Clark said.
  Bruce remained stoic, as if it was no big deal.
  "Well, self-defense is something that is well worth the while of those in high society to learn," Bruce said to them, and he stepped forward. "Anyone who has a high amount of money is going to be a target."
  The billionaire paused before he continued to talk to both of them.
  "And you two held your own as well. Shows that you care, even if you could have just as easily looked the other way."
  "There's nothing to be gained by looking the other way," Clark said.
  Bruce gave them an approving look. It was lesson that many in his home town of Gotham City could learn. Yet, they looked the other way because it was easy to do.
  "Some might be in disagreement, but it's safe to say I'm glad you're not," Bruce said, and his limo pulled up. He shook hands with both Clark and Lana. He surveyed the pair of them for a minute. "I must be going. I've got a board meeting I need to be to tonight in Gotham City."
  Bruce turned around, and Clark and Lana were left alone.
  "He's nothing like the tabloids say," Lana said, breaking the silence. "Then again, you can't really judge anyone by those rags away."
  Clark looked at the limo was it drove off. It was rather curious that Bruce Wayne was able to hold his own, at least long enough for them to show up. He brushed off those thoughts away. The story that Bruce had self-defense training did seem to add up. Plus, he did travel the world. So he would have to have picked up a few tricks of the trade.
  The matter was mostly put out of their minds, and Clark and Lana moved off to enjoy their day together. Until the snow and ice overwhelmed the pair of them.
  The Shining Light Foundation was still closed for the holidays, but Harry and Kara had returned there to do some work. The office space was the perfect place for a meeting. Claire sat in the corner in the next room, on a beanbag chair, reading a comic book.
  In the desk in his office in a place of honor, was a nice hand written letter from Senator Martha Kent. It commended Harry for the work he did with the Shining Light Foundation, helping super powered children understand that their abilities were not a curse, but a gift. That letter meant a lot to Harry and to Kara as well.
  Kara was pleased to her baby cousin was raised by such wonderful people like the Kents. He did turn out alright after all, getting a very solid grounding he was going to need to grow into a great person.
  They had matters on their plate regarding Clark that was less pleasurable, and might mean disaster if certain information fell into the wrong hands.
  Kara and Harry had the various notes that had uncovered about Veritas over the past couple of days, but they were not many. Strange had a few clues hidden in his files, being a part of the society years back. Yet even he offered no information that was too concrete.
  Still Harry was resourceful at solving mysteries by now with very little information at his disposal.
  There was a safe deposit box, located somewhere. Inside the box, Harry summarized was a way to control the traveler. The Veritas Society had been splintered, and divided over what to do. Some members had wanted to control the Traveler, while others wanted to assist him. In a small way, Harry could see why both sides thought what they thought. There was prestige and power in both schools of thoughts. The reasons were nobler in some ways than others.
  "Virgil Swann set up this society," Harry said, reading through what little he was able to uncover. He did some digging, enough digging to be worried. The mysterious and often brutal deaths of several of the members did cause Harry a great deal of worry.
  The secrets of the society caused many lives to be lost, and many others to be potentially ruined.
  "Too bad he's dead," Kara said. "We could call up a shade..."
  "Which is a crapshoot at best, with how willing he is to part with information and there's no margin for error," Harry interjected. He would not too trusting of the entire call someone from the dead aspect of his powers after the entire Hermione fiasco. "It's an idea granted, but not one I like to explore except for a last ditch effort. His daughter's still alive from what I can tell, so she might be the best person for us to get any information, if she happens to know anything.. We're going to have to track her down, and try and meet with her. But our main concern is the safe deposit box."
  Harry thought about it. The fact that there were magical users in Veritas made him wonder if there were enchantments protecting the box, or at least shielding its location. Without a good idea where it was located, there was no way to find out. Hermione either did not know, or was not going not offer him any assistance for the situation.
  Harry really didn't care one way or another. Hermione's entire presence and return to the dead still baffled him. There was just something about it that did not settle right with him.
  He was not sure he bought the entire bound to the library for all eternity thing.
  Regardless of what Hermione's intentions were, Harry still felt compelled to uncover the secrets before anyone else could.
  And there was one glaring person that could not know the truth no matter what.
  "Whatever we do, Lex can't get his hands on this safe deposit box, whatever it is," Harry said.
  "He won't, you're one step ahead of him," Kara said.
  "Let's hope I can manage a few more steps than that," Harry said, and he continued to flip through the notes. The file containing the Luthors was a few inches away from his hand. The tantalizing details within were almost too much to pass up.
  'Know your enemy,' Harry thought to himself.
  A knock on the office door had brought Harry and Kara's attention away from their work. They filed their notes away in a safe so they did not fall into the wrong hands. While security was airtight, it was not foolproof. They needed a full safety net.
  "Come in Chloe," Harry called.
  Chloe pushed the door opened, and walked in. She looked at both Harry and Kara. "So, I heard about you two, getting engaged."
  "Well, I'm sure it's going to be all over the high society section of the newspaper in the next couple of days," Harry told her, and Chloe responded with a nod.
  "Congratulations you two," Chloe said. "And I really mean that from the bottom of my heart."
  "Thanks," Kara replied.
  "Yeah, thanks," Harry said.
  "So, why did you want to see me?" Chloe asked.
  Harry paused for a moment, before he let the bombshell drop.
  "I've managed to get a bit of a lead on your mysterious cryptic pen-pal," Harry told her.
  "Oh, really, you managed to get something?" Chloe asked, and she looked a bit surprised. "I've been going down every single avenue that I could find. But there's nothing but dead ends and potholes."
  "Sometimes you got to head to the bad part of town to find someone," Harry said. "And there is no worse town that Gotham City. I did some tracking, and the e-mails, both of them were sent there."
  "Really?" Chloe asked in a surprised voice. "Do you have any idea who sent them?"
  Harry just offered her a brief smile. He decided to be the bearer of bad news. "That's where the trail runs cold. Tracking the e-mails to Gotham City, that was a miracle in itself. Actually tracking the e-mails to their source, that's another problem. My contact in Gotham is trying to dig something up, but so far she's been unable to find me anything tangible."
  "And how reliable is she?" Chloe asked.
  "I think she can be trusted, in a sense," Harry said. "Or about as much as an anonymous hacker that I found on an Internet chat room can be. I didn't tell her anything about the nature of the e-mails. I only gave her the address. Who knows what she'll uncover. The person who sent them went to a lot of trouble in covering their trail."
  "So, Strange could have seen them," Chloe suggested.
  "We thought so at first, too," Kara said.
  "It's someone else though, someone mysterious," Harry said, and he turned around, deep in thought. "I'll see what I can dig up in the future, but there are other things that I need to with. And those things might equal a big problem."
  "How big of a problem?" Chloe asked.
  "It's a big one, believe us," Kara said. "There's....there's something involving Clark, and there are people out there who would like to see him harmed."
  "A bit too late on the news with that one, there's always been people after him," Chloe said, and Harry and Kara just looked at her, more determined than she had ever seen them before. "And just because of the look of your face this is serious."
  "To be honest, it's potentially bad, I haven't even figured out all of the angles of it," Harry said. "We're researching everything, but this is something we have to do. It has to do with the mission that we were sent here for, by our employer."
  "So, are you going to give Clark a hint of what he's up against?" Chloe asked.
  "When we know for sure what he has to deal with, we might be able to," Kara said, and she did wish she could be a bit more helpful. She leaned back and sighed.
  Harry thought about it. The truth could hurt, but lies and secrets could hurt even more. He would have to tell Clark before too long, just to give him a heads up. Harry knew better than anyone else how much keeping secrets could ruin many lives.
  "So, Lana got to keep her super powers after all," Chloe said casually breaching the subject. "Which is strange, because I was certain someone was adamant that she had to lose them."
  Harry just offered a shrug. "Yeah, I couldn't really give her a hint that she would be able to get them back until she was ready. For all I knew, she might have tried to force the issue, and that would not end well for her. The point is, she proved herself, and hopefully she can put the entire Lex thing completely behind her."
  Chloe would have to agree with this hope. The problem was Lex was someone who made it very difficult for people to put his actions behind them.
  "So, why exactly did you let her keep her powers?" Chloe asked.
  Harry paused for a second. "To give her a chance to prove me wrong."
  "Come again?" Chloe asked.
  "Well, Lana didn't get off on the right foot with either of us," Kara admitted.
  "I'm not making excuses or anything, but she's had a turbulent life," Chloe said.
  "I know," Harry said in a sympathetic voice. "Hopefully Lana and Clark find what they are looking for, for their sake."
  Harry paused for a moment, before he continued.
  "If the dark spector wasn't hovering around us all, I would be a bit more at ease," Harry said. "There's a storm coming, I just don't know when."
  "Things won't be easier when the third Herald gets here," Kara offered.
  "Wait a minute, third Herald?" Chloe asked them.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a smile.
  "Yeah, there are apparently three of us, but the third one of us hasn't arrived just yet," Harry replied. "I don't even know what this person would be like. I don't know if her intentions would be noble or nasty."
  "So, we're going under the assumption that this mysterious third Herald is a woman," Chloe said slowly, and Harry just turned to Kara.
  "Kara seems to be going under the assumption that the third Herald is a woman, and let's face it, she's much smarter than I am."
  "Thanks for the compliment Harry, but you don't need to sell yourself short," Kara said. She looked rather pleased with the compliment never the less. "All we know about this third herald is she's currently not in this dimension. There's no one with an energy signature quite like ours, and we searched the entire world for a third one."
  "Or she hasn't been born yet," Harry offered.
  "Or that," Kara agreed.
  Chloe pondered the situation. She really had no ideas to offer them. That was more their area of expertise.
  "She could complicate things," Chloe said slowly.
  "We'll deal with her when she arrives," Kara said firmly. "For all we know, that might not be for another hundred years or so."
  "Or it could be in the next twenty four hours," Harry said, but he shook his head. "I wouldn't worry about it. I've faced worse problems than this third Herald. I really wish I could find more about your e-mailer though."
  "Hey, you know it was in Gotham City, that's more of a start I got," Chloe said. "And that's a start you can build on."
  Kara and Harry nodded. They had a lot of work ahead of them. Harry had a theory that the mysterious e-mailer and the person who cut the power to Strange's facility might have been one and the same the more he thought about it. Call him crazy, but that's the conclusion he drew.
  Harry and Kara made their way outside of the office, letting Chloe out. Claire finally looked up from her comic book.
  "Took you long enough in there," Claire offered with a smile on her face. "What were you doing?"
  "Boring adult stuff, trust me, it's nothing you wouldn't be interested in," Harry said.
  Claire looked at Harry for a second, before she nodded. Kara walked over and grabbed Claire's coat from the rack off to the side.
  "Talk to you three later," Chloe said.
  "See you around Chloe!" Harry called.
  "Yeah, bye," Kara said, bent down to make sure Claire's coat was on her, along with her hat, scarf, and mittens.
  There was a muffled, "bye Chloe," behind the scarf of Claire. Chloe smiled at the girl, before she turned around.
  "I can barely move," Claire complained as Kara put the coat and jacket on her.
  "Better to not be able to move, then to catch a cold," Kara told her firmly.
  "I told you, I can just use my powers to warm myself up," Claire said, but Kara just looked at her.
  "I know, but you should still bundle up," Kara said to her.
  "Someone's report card came in the other day, and she got straight As," Harry said, and Claire looked at both Kara and Harry. "Good job Claire."
  "We're both really proud of you," Kara replied warmly.
  "Yeah we are, you've come a long way," Harry said.
  Claire looked rather pleased with herself. Those words coming from those two meant a lot to her. They were the closest thing to family that she had.
  No, they were her family. There was no closest thing about it.
  "I worked hard," Claire said. "Some of those subjects were hard, but I did well in the end."
  "Just keep doing the best you can, that's all we ask for," Harry said.
  Claire smiled, and Harry and Kara walked her down the stairs. They were going to have a nice day out now that their little impromptu research session was done.
  Harry hoped that the papers would come through within the next few weeks. He had a feeling that Claire would be thrilled when they did and it all became official. Right now, he was only her temporary legal guardian, but if the government caught wind of what she could do, they could still try and take her away.
  This situation was more permanent, but Harry was not going to tell her until they were signed, sealed, and delivered. He did not want to get anyone's hopes up, especially his own. Kara and his legal team were the only people who knew what was going on that front.
  In the meantime, he vowed to enjoy the day out with the two of them, and have some fun, to keep his mind off of the insanity that had been happening as of late.
  Not to mention the insanity that was to come.
  There was a fine line between obsession and dedication. Some would say that Lex walked that line each and every day of his adult life. For the past several years, he has been delving countless hours trying to puzzle together the mystery that was Clark Kent. Yet more mysteries presented itself, and he found himself on the precipice of ultimate knowledge.
  If only he could figure out what that knowledge was. When he did, he would figure out truths that most mortals would only dream about. He could save the world.
  A buzzing of his intercom brought Lex out of his musings.
  "I'm not entertaining visitors today, tell them that it has to wait," Lex said.
  "Sir, its Commissioner Gordon and District Attorney Dent, from Gotham City. They have a warrant, and wish to speak to you regarding your dealings with Hugo Strange."
  "Alleged dealings," Lex corrected, and the truth was Strange's mysterious death baffled him. All of the files of his office at Belle Reve had gone missing. Any information he obtained on Clark Kent, or anyone else for that matter had vanished without a trace. "Well, if they have a warrant, by all means send them in."
  Lex turned around, pushing his file folders out of view. He would not do well to have anything that can attract attention present. He waited for a knock on the door.
  He heard it.
  "It's unlocked," Lex called, and he sat himself behind his desk. He reclined, easily and casually.
  Two men walked in. One of the men was a middle aged man with dark hair that had slight hints of grey. The other was a younger man in his mid-twenties, with dark hair.
  "Ah, Commissioner and District Attorney," Lex said. "You're both a long way from Gotham City, aren't you?"
  "Yes, we are Mr. Luthor," Gordon said in a gruff voice, and he sat down. Dent elected to stand, and he gazed at Lex, mistrust in his eyes. "The warrant is in perfect order as you can see, but no worries, you're not being charged for anything, at the moment. We're just asking a few questions to follow up on a lead about your correspondence with Hugo Strange."
  "Strange, Strange?" Lex asked in mock thought as if he had no idea what Gordon and Dent were talking about. He looked over the warrant. "Well, it's all in order, Commissioner. But I wouldn't expect anything else from one of the more honest and trustworthy members of Gotham City Police Department. You're doing your best to clean up the police force from what I've heard. Of course, when the entire city itself is diseased, you're fighting an uphill battle."
  Lex offered a smile, with the slightest hint of smugness. Dent looked at him. He would like nothing better than to smack this smug shit upside the head, but he knew Gordon would never condone it in his presence.
  "Cut the crap, Luthor, we know you've been talking with Strange," Dent said.
  Lex raised an eyebrow, turning to the young District Attorney.
  "Really, such an unfounded accusation without any proof could mean doom for your career," Lex said. "If I recall correctly, you're the youngest district attorney in Gotham City history. A position that has had the last five or six occupants either turn up dead, or be thrown in prison on charges of corruption."
  "You seem so found of statistics, perhaps I should start rattling off the crimes you've wiggled your way out of because of your bank account," Dent said, voice and temper both raising, but Gordon shot him a warning look.
  "Strange's medical credentials have been reinstated after being banned for life," Gordon said. "And all fingers point to you doing that."
  "I don't deny that I reinstated Strange's credentials and referenced him to Belle Reve," Lex said. "He's an old friend of the family from way back, so I was doing him a favor. That's where any relationship between us ends. Unless you have an eyewitness account of any correspondence I have had with Strange, I don't think your investigation has a leg to stand on."
  Dent clutched his fist. He knew Lex Luthor's type. The smug rich kid who obstructed justice, simply because they had the money to pay off the right people.
  "I heard that Strange turned up dead," Lex added.
  "Yes, we have, that's what brought us to this investigation," Gordon said.
  "And you think I had something to do with it," Lex continued casually.
  There was a pause. Lex looked at them firmly, almost daring them to accuse him.
  "It doesn't matter what we think," Gordon said, waving his hand. "We're just investigating all avenues."
  Lex took the cup of coffee on his desk. He took a drink, before he addressed the two visiting officials.
  "My whereabouts can be accounted for, just check with my security staff," Lex replied casually. "They can inform you that I was present and accounted for all night. Strange's death was regrettable, but he was a professional psychiatrist with many patients throughout the years."
  The bald young man took a moment to look thoughtful.
  "For all I know, it could be some vengeful woman who controls plants, or some killer clown. I've heard enough rumors about to Gotham City to make me truthfully appreciate the work you've done. It's a hazard living there, much less working as a public official."
  Lex surveyed them.
  "I'll give you the names of people who can collaborate my whereabouts, if you wish," Lex continued. "Then we can put this entire situation behind us, and you can get back to your work, and I can get back to mine."
  "We'll follow up on those leads," Gordon said, but he did not take his eye off of Lex. "Thank you for your time."
  "The pleasure is all mine," Lex said. "I would hate for a grave injustice to be done, and if I can help in any way to bring down Hugo Strange's killer, I'll be happy to help."
  "No, that will be all," Gordon said.
  Gordon and Dent left Lex's office. Dent was seething, and he turned to the Gotham Police Commissioner.
  "We both know Luthor's dirty, Jim," Dent said to him in a lowered voice. "The man's lower than pond scum. The dropped murdered charges on him are sky high."
  "What we both know is hearsay, Harvey," Gordon replied to him in a warning tone. "Lex Luthor's motives of getting Strange's medical credentials reinstated are a cause of suspicion, but we have no proof of anything that he's done."
  "Then perhaps we need to have someone find proof," Dent suggest in a rough voice.
  Gordon turned to the district attorney, knowing what he was implying. Both men had formed a pact with the dark knight protector of Gotham City, to help weaken the various gangs. He could cross lines that neither Gordon or Dent would be unable to. As long as he didn't cross them too far, Gordon had no problem with him operating in Gotham City. "I know where your head is, but we got to do this by the book."
  "Yes, I know," Dent said, and he just took a breath. "Justice isn't chance, the law of averages. Innocence or guilt can't be determined by a flip of the coin."
  Harvey Dent gave a rough sigh. He was a bit tired of rich men getting away with murder.
  He had an airtight case on one of Gotham City's most prominent crime lords that should have landed him away for a long time. He spent six months of his life working with that investigation. The case was dropped.
  The fact the mayor got a generous donation to his reelection campaign, and several other city politicians got equally sizeable contributions from this individual was not lost on Harvey Dent.
  There were days where he wondered if there was justice in the world, or if the only law that mattered was the law of averages.
  "If Lex Luthor is guilty, he can't keep running forever," Gordon said in a calm voice. "But for now, we got to stick to this investigation. Strange was Gotham City's problem, and given he has a criminal record there, his actions here in Kansas would cause some of the burden of responsibility to fall on our shoulders."
  The two left, to check out Lex Luthor's story. His alibi stood out, and in the eyes of the law that was the only thing that mattered.
  They were back to square one.
  Lex was gone mere moments after the meeting he had. Even if they could find something to pin on him, it would not stick. Anyone who came forward with evidence would be a fool at this point. He took a few more steps down the winding staircase down to one of the main lab areas. The door was slightly ajar. That was curious, as Lex took great care to keep this particular door locked at all times.
  It was worth a peak to make sure no one had been poking around in matters they shouldn't. Lex took a few more steps, and then stepped forward.
  There was no one there.
  Seconds later, Lex Luthor experienced something that he never thought he would in his wildest dreams.
  He was suspended upside down by his ankles from the rafters, and he came face to face with a shadowed figure dressed in black. Lex's breath quickened. His heart thumped in his chest, and he could barely string together what passed as a coherent thought.
  "Who the hell are you?" Lex demanded when he found his voice.
  "You've been studying Clark Kent, and been working with Hugo Strange," growled the intruder in a gruff voice. "You're going to give me information as to why."
  The threatening tone of voice was not gone unnoticed by Lex, but he tried to maintain a mask of ignorance. Perhaps he could fool this individual until he figured out a way out of his predicament.
  "I don't know what you're talking about," Lex said, trying to remain cool and collected, despite the humiliating and dangerous situation he was in.
  "You know, and it's a long drop from there," said the figure in a low and threatening tone.
  "Clark, there's something about him, he has secrets, I need to find out," Lex said. "It might be for the good of the world."
  "What do you know about the Veritas Society?"
  Lex remained numb in shock.
  "Answer me," the intruder continued in a commanding voice.
  "Secret society, something about the traveler, to guide him from his arrival, years ago, that's all I know, I swear," Lex stammered, and the footsteps of security could be heard outside. "Help, someone, there's a madman in here!"
  Security entered, and Lex turned to them, still suspended by his ankles.
  "Don't worry about me, go after him!" Lex snapped, frustrated at his predicament.
  "Go after who, sir?" the guard asked.
  The intruder was gone as soon as he appeared.
  Lex dangled upside down, until someone cut him down. It would be an encounter that he would not forget, or forgive for a long time.
  He would find out who did this. He did not enjoy being embarrassed.
  "So, you're telling me the mystery e-mailer came from Gotham City?" Clark asked to Chloe. Both stood at the Kent Farm House, and half watched the snow come down. "That doesn't seem good."
  "Yeah, talk about the one city that makes Smallville look well adjusted," Chloe said. "I don't know how Harry managed to find someone who could connect the dots."
  "I don't really know how Harry manages to do half of the things he does," Clark said, before he looked amused at the irony. "Is this how everyone looked at me before they knew my secret?"
  Chloe offered a smile to her friend. "Yeah, pretty much. So, you and Lana are exploring new avenues. The seismic tremors wouldn't have anything to do with what you're up to."
  "It wasn't that bad," Clark offered in an embarrassed voice. "Lana's just adjusting to her new powers, but she's doing well. Granted the fact that she could fly and I couldn't was something...that was surprising."
  "Join the club of us grounded people," Chloe said.
  "There's a club?" Clark asked.
  "There is now," Chloe said, and she peered out the window. "Speaking of Lana, she's back right now."
  Lana opened the door, returning from her jaunt outdoors. She greeted Chloe with a warm smile.
  "Oh, hey Chloe," Lana said.
  "So how are you today?" Chloe asked brightly. "With your new powers, getting to keep them, and everything that's been going on. It must be something that you've thought about for a long time."
  "It's like something that is out of a dream," Lana said. "Which is why I'm half expecting to wake up, and find out that I didn't get to keep those powers after all."
  "I can pinch you if you want to know for sure," Clark said to Lana.
  "Maybe later," Lana fired back, but she looked outside. She sighed, thinking about what had happened over the past couple of months. "Things are actually peaceful for once. A brand new year is almost here; let's hope that it's less chaotic than last year."
  "Well, I'm always for a good bit of blind optimism as much as the next person," Chloe said.
  After making some small talk, three more people arrived at the Kent Farm. Clark opened the door, and saw Harry, Kara, and Claire waiting.
  "Hi guys, figured we'd swing by, Claire insisted that she wanted to see you guys again," Harry said.
  "It isn't a problem, is it?" Kara asked.
  "No of course not," Clark said with a bright smile. "So how have you two been?"
  "Since you last saw us a couple of days ago, we've been busy," Harry said, and Claire went over to talk to Lana and Chloe, and left Harry and Kara to have a word with Clark. Harry sighed, now was the moment of truth. "There's no easy way to put this Clark, but we've uncovered something that you really need to know."
  Clark's curiosity was piqued, but a feeling of overwhelming dread filled him as well. On one hand, if he needed to know, then he hoped that they would tell him everything.
  "We don't know all of the angles to it ourselves, but your arrival was anticipated and prepared for many years ago," Harry said. "For longer than you ever knew."
  "We uncovered this," Kara said, and she handed Clark the folded up piece of paper that had all of the names of the members of the Veritas society on it.
  "The traveler," Clark said to himself in an undertone.
  "It goes much deeper than just your arrival, people in my world knew you were coming for years," Harry said. "For over a thousand years, there were prophecies about you."
  "So, that means you knew?" Clark asked, a bit defensive and Harry thought that this would be a possibility.
  Thankfully Kara was able to jump in to defend Harry.
  "No, Harry didn't know anything about you, until he met me," Kara said. "And he found out about the legends much later...."
  "Through the journal," Harry said.
  Clark now frowned. Something wasn't adding up. "I thought you said that journal had nothing in it."
  "No, it had nothing written in it," Kara said.
  "It seems like we have something in common, Clark," Harry said with a weak smile. "We have a parent who wants us to achieve some great destiny, and the barrier between life and death would not stop them."
  "Your mother?" Clark asked, and he could tell by the sour look on Harry's face it was not a subject that he enjoyed talking about.
  "Lionel Luthor was right, the Evans family were obsessed about certain matters," Harry said. "But not me, I didn't want any of this."
  Clark felt conflicted for a moment. Harry had some big secrets, and there were times where it seemed like he distorted the truth. Yet, he did help him several times.
  There was a seed of doubt in his mind.
  "Clark, you should trust Harry, I do," Kara said.
  "I do trust Harry, but there's just so much about him that I don't know," Clark said.
  "I've seen his memories, all of them, I know the type of person that Harry is," Kara protested.
  Clark nodded. Kara seemed adamant that Harry was trustworthiness, and that seemed to be good enough for him.
  "What did your mother want you to do?" Clark asked.
  "She wanted me to control the traveler," Harry said without pre-amble. "I know what it's like to be controlled by someone who thinks they're doing things for the greater good, but they're wrong. But that's only the beginning."
  Kara and Harry exchanged a look. It was time for the really big bombshell to be dropped. They hoped they could find a way around the limitations.
  "And there's something else we need to tell you," Kara said. "It's..."
  A knock on the door interrupted Kara before she could speak. Lana stepped over to the door, and opened it. She spotted their newest guest.
  "Oh, it's you," Lana said, and she was face to face with Lionel Luthor.
  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Lionel said, but he did not wait for an answer one way or another. "I wish to speak with Clark for a minute. Alone It's urgent."
  Clark looked at everyone, but nodded. He better find out what Lionel wanted. He left, and closed the door behind him.
  Kara and Harry's curiosity got the better of both of them. They used their enhanced hearing to pick up bits and pieces of what Lionel was saying.
  "I never seen Lex so spooked in his life. He's trying to keep a brave face on. But his resolve his slipping. The obsession he has with the symbol that he found on the gravestone is causing him to go mad. I'd be lying if I wasn't curious myself. But it seems to have no Earthly meaning that I could tell."
  "No Earthly meaning?"
  "The symbol may be of alien origin. Here is the sketch the symbol that I made."
  Kara cringed. The symbol was Kryptonian in origin. Clark could likely read it and tell Lionel what it meant. She knew that darting out of the door would blow her cover.
  "No, I don't recognize it."
  Kara let out the breath she was holding, and Harry did as well. They had no idea why Clark kept that quiet.
  "Eavesdropping is such a nasty habit to break, isn't it?" Chloe asked them in an undertone, and Harry and Kara turned around. "So, you told Clark about your findings."
  "Well, most of what we could explain, we're still searching for more," Harry said, and he noticed that Lana had left the other room. Claire sat on the couch. "We were going to let Clark in on the big secret."
  "You aren't allowed to tell him out right, though," Chloe said. "At least that's what I thought you said."
  "We aren't," Harry agreed.
  "But, there are ways where we can hint about it," Kara said.
  "Well hopefully you find a big enough sledgehammer to hint with, because being subtle is not one of Clark's strong points," Chloe said.
  "That runs in the family," Kara said, with a knowing smile. "On Jor-El's end at least."
  Kara and Harry thought for a minute about the mystery of Jor-El's presence disappearing from the fortress. Either he was biding his time until the right moment to make himself known again, or there was another force present that silenced him for reasons unknown.
  Harry had a shrewd suspicious, but he squashed it. At least until he could find more proof.
  Clark popped his head in.
  "I've got to check out something, I'll be back in about twenty minutes," Clark said.
  "What do I tell Lana?" Chloe asked.
  "Tell her that if I'm not back in an hour, it's likely I got in over my head," Clark said, and he sped off.
  "And there he goes again," Chloe said.
  "Claire, hang out here for a little bit with Lana and Chloe," Harry said. "I'm sorry, but Kara and I, we have something to take care of."
  "Sure, its okay, I spent most of the day with you two anyway," Claire said.
  "Good, we'll be back in a little bit," Harry said with a smile. He turned to Kara, and the two moved towards the door. "Remember the hunch I had about Veritas?"
  "Which one?" Kara asked.
  "The one with the Department of Mysteries at the old Ministry," Harry said. "Now's the time to check that up, and then we'll figure out why Clark sped off to."
  Kara and Harry were off immediately after saying some quick goodbyes.
  The old Ministry of Magic building in Great Britain was just the same as Harry and Kara left in when they had rifled through the records months back. The couple was here for a different reason this time. It was a search for knowledge.
  "Luna mentioned her mother was an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, years ago, just before she died," Harry said, recalling the conversation he had with his odd friend. "If the Lovegoods were a part of Veritas, maybe some of her findings were chronicled down here."
  Kara helped Harry push open the rusted doors leading to the lift on the Department of Mysteries.
  "Well, if it's intact, like everything else in this place," Kara said with a frown on her face.
  "We're running around in circles right now," Harry said. "I just know there might be something tangible down here, call it a gut feeling that I have."
  "You said there are countless rooms down here, right?" Kara asked him.
  "Well, I've counted, long story, but there are six hundred and eighty one rooms," Harry said. "It's a hunch..."
  "But it's the only one we got," Kara said.
  "Just don't go near any mysterious archways," Harry said.
  "I know, I saw your memories," Kara replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance.
  Harry and Kara moved their way down the steps. With their powers, they would be able to search through the archives in a tenth of the time a normal person would. Kara pulled open the file cabinets on the left, and Harry did likewise on the ones to the right. Harry and Kara shifted through each and every document, trying to find anything that could interest them.
  "Keep searching, Kara, I'll check the room off to the side," Harry said.
  Kara nodded in agreement. Harry slipped off to the side to the next room. There were several items covered in the room. This being the Department of Mysteries, Harry was on the edge of his seat. It must have been years since anyone even stepped down here. For all he knew, there could be something sentient down here.
  He was confident that he could handle anything that would be down here, and his bride to be could as well. But the problem was if anything escaped from this building.
  Harry stepped forward. He saw nothing but dusty boxes and broken artifacts. Anything of any value appeared to have been cleared out of here a long time ago. Mysterious artifacts lost to the annals of time.
  The dark haired Herald of Death stepped through the hallways, and reached the end of the hallway. He saw a very familiar mirror down at the end of the hallway. A part of him wondered where it had gone after his first year at Hogwarts.
  The Mirror of Erised was here, staring back at him. How it got here, Harry had no idea.
  Eleven year old Harry Potter would dwell on impossible dreams. Reality had not completely crushed his sense of wonder and magic. He longed for a day where he would make up, and he would be surrounded by his family. Everything would be a bad dream.
  The twenty, nearly twenty one, Herald of Death knew better. He knew this mirror was wicked, twisted. It offered him promises of a life that he could never have had when he was eleven years old. It showed him with family members he lost.
  Currently, his reality was not so bad. A certain beautiful blonde Kryptonian had given him a new lease on life. It had given him a reason to live again, and prove that there would be light at the end of the tunnel. Even after the harshest, most troubled life, there was always hope.
  He would be damned if he let some title define him. That's why he proposed marriage to her. And Kara accepted, because she loved him. Not because of some silly title, or because he was famous, but because of the person he was. Harry got to be himself for the first time in his life, and she appreciated that. And Harry loved her back.
  His reality was better than any fantasy that the mirror could give him. Kara was his reality, and he cherished her with all of his heart. He would give up his powers if it would make her happy.
  Still the allure of the mirror had tempted those with far less insecurities in their heart. Harry decided that he could take a chance of one tiny peak. Just one little peak would be all really. What would be the harm if he looked into that mirror? What was his heart's desire now?
  Curiosity got the better of him. There was times where Harry thought he was his own worst enemy.
  Harry turned, and looked into the Mirror of Erised for the first time since his first year.
  He saw both himself and Kara in the mirror, in the living room of a magnificent house. It was Christmas, or around that time. Outside, he peered through the window in the mirror, and spotted handsome structures in the background, advanced beyond any technology known to Earth.
  Harry jumped with a start. With them they saw a girl with red hair, sitting by them next to the tree. There was no mistaking who that was. Then he saw two more children, one was a young boy with dark hair, and another was a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes.
  He continued to stare at the mirror. Was this a hint of a future that he could have, or just another taunt of something that never could be?
  "Harry, come here, you have to see this!" Kara called from the next room.
  Harry pulled himself away from the vision in the mirror, jolted back to reality by his fianc?e.
  Had he lingered a moment longer, he would have saw her in the mirror. The image of the Third Herald of Death, but Harry had no idea and neither did Kara. Blissfully ignorant, Harry returned to meet Kara.
  "Yeah, Kara, did you find anything about Veritas?" Harry asked her.
  "Not exactly, sorry, but I found something that you should look it," Kara said, and she held out a dusty and worn folder for Harry to see. "Something called Project: Genesis."
  "I never heard of it," Harry said.
  "I figured so," Kara said, and she put down the official documents on a shelf for her and Harry to read.
  Harry took a look at the official documents, and his expression darkened the more he read them. What in the hell was the Ministry thinking? Why did they think that this was a good idea?
  He said nothing, but he filed away the documents for a more in-depth look later when they left the premises.
  The two searched the entire Department of Mysteries, but found nothing, not even a hint about the Vertias Society.
  That put Harry at ease just a little bit, but also frustrated him. There were so many unanswered questions, and right now Harry and Kara hoped that the overtures they made to Patricia Swann for a meeting would pan out. That was the only potential lead they had right now.
  Clark stepped into an abandoned warehouse, and he carefully took a look to the side. He was exercising a bit more caution than usual. He stepped out of the shadows, and peered off into the distance. Lionel believed that this mysterious vigilante would be here, given that this was the next Luthorcorp facility in town.
  "I was wondering when you'd show up."
  Clark turned around. He spotted a figure in the shadows. He was dressed in black armor from head to toe. He wore a mask, a cowl for a lack of a better term, with pointed ears. A yellow belt with many pouches was around his waist. The only part of his skin that was visible was his jaw. His mouth was twisted into a humorless expression.
  "What are you doing?" Clark asked. "Where did you come from?"
  "I could ask you the same question," he replied dryly. "Lex Luthor seems to be unnaturally obsessed with you, and your secrets. To the extent where he'd make a deal with someone like Hugo Strange if it meant satisfying his own curiosity. Given what I found out, it can only be painfully obvious who you are."
  Clark remained calm. There was no need to play his hand, not yet anyway.
  "Lex has always been obsessed," Clark said. "I have nothing to hide."
  "Do you, Kent?" the vigilante asked him. "For someone who has nothing to hide, you do attract the interest of some powerful and very influential people, not to mention dangerous people. I've studied you extensively, myself."
  "Just who are you?" Clark repeated.
  The dark brooding figure remained calm and still. Clark's patience failed him for a minute, and he tried to grab onto the vigilante. The vigilante bounced back on the other side of the room, with agility and precision.
  Clark lunged, and tried to grab ahold of his mysterious guest. The guest slipped out of his grasp, and edged behind him. Before he could react, Clark found himself tossed onto the ground, and the vigilante reached into a pouch in his belt.
  A familiar glowing green meteor rock was underneath Clark's nose. He grimaced.
  "It doesn't take much, does it?" he asked, the Kryptonite in his hand. Clark felt weak. "And these rocks seem to be a dime a dozen. I didn't have to search for more than five minutes to find one. For all the advanced technology you're supposed to have, I am astounded that you haven't tried to find a way to negate their radiation."
  The Kryptonite was withdrawn, and returned to a lead lined pouch. Clark rolled over, taking a deep breath.
  At that moment, Harry and Kara popped up. The vigilante took a step back. These two were not part of his plan, but adaptability was one of the key weapons of the crime fighter.
  "So it's you, isn't it?" Kara asked, helping Clark to his feet. "You're the one who cut the power, and send Chloe those mysterious warning e-mails."
  The dark figure did not say anything.
  "Okay, the time for games is done," Harry said, and he took a step forward to stare this mysterious individual in the eye. "Just who are you?"
  There was a bit of a pause, before the figure responded, slipping a finger into his glove. His declaration was two simple words.
  "I'm Batman."
  A smoke pellet dropped, and the blinding cloud of smoke blocked the vision of Harry, Clark, and Kara.
  The moment Harry could clear the smoke, this Batman was gone.
  Harry and Kara both scowled. If he thought that he was giving them the slip that easily, he had another thing coming.
  The search was on. They would get their answers.
  Chapter 22: Co-Op.
  Harry and Kara stood, and were about to give chase. He might be a master of escape, but with their powers they could capture them. Unfortunately for them, they had other problems to deal with. This Batman, whoever he was, had been kind enough to trip the alarm on the way out.
  Something told Harry that Batman was not going to be that sloppy, unless it was on purpose. Harry looked at Kara, Clark looked at both of them, and they all knew what they had to do without words.
  They could not be caught in here, no matter what. Harry, Kara, and Clark bolted to outside. The security cameras magically lost the last several minutes of footage. Clark was about ready to bolt out at super speed, but Harry grabbed him by the sleeve. With a slight tug, the three popped right back to the Kent Farm.
  Clark looked shaken, but he recovered quickly from the forced teleportation.
  "So, Batman?" Kara asked him.
  "Yes, that's what I heard," Harry added.
  Clark frowned, with confusion on his face. "I never heard of him."
  "He's news to me as well, but I wonder if he and the mysterious urban legend in Gotham City are one and the same," Harry said, and he looked thoughtful. Clark looked at him, with faint recognition. He had heard a few stories, and while he did not discount them, he tried to not to put too much stock out of them. "Over the past year or two, there have been criminals who have been strung up, and scared out of their wits. The person who did this, they have no idea who it was. They've never been able to get him on tape, or even get a picture of him at all."
  "He must be good," Clark offered.
  Kara and Harry both frowned.
  "Well, he must be good, or at least well prepared," Harry said. "He caught us off guard, all of us. It happens to the best of us."
  "The question is, whether it'll happen again?" Kara asked.
  "Not if I can help it," Harry said.
  He was sure that this Batman had narrowly given him the slip twice, and he was determined not to let it happen a third time.
  Clark frowned, as he opened the door for himself, Harry, and Kara. Harry and Kara followed him in. They were greeted by Chloe and Lana, with Claire hovering in the background. She waved and smiled at them, which they returned.
  "What happened?" Chloe asked.
  "We met Batman," Harry said.
  Both Lana and Chloe looked confused. Lana was the first one to ask the obvious question.
  "Just who is Batman?" Lana asked both of them.
  "Well, that's another good question," Harry said.
  "He knows who I am, he knows my secret,' Clark said. He tried to keep himself calm and collected. In reality, he was freaking out the inside. He did not even have a hint of who the man underneath the cowl was.
  "I know this is likely breaking all kinds of ethics, but why not take a peak underneath his mask?" Chloe asked him, and Clark looked at her, exasperated. "You tried, didn't you?"
  "He must have lined his mask with lead," Harry said.
  "Talk about a guy who did his homework," Chloe said.
  "Did his homework, I say he's done more than his homework," Harry said. His body shifted, and he tried to puzzle together the mystery that was Batman. "He's done all of the homework, everyone else's in the class, and went for the extra credit."
  "So, any clue who he might be?" Lana asked, and there were four baffled looks that had been directed towards her.
  "We might be able find out easily, if we can find him again," Harry said.
  "He slipped through us, and...well he's smart, I'll give him that," Kara said, a small scowl was on her face. She was very much agitated that this Batman slipped out of the backdoor, before she could get her hands around him. "I don't think he has any powers."
  "His lack of powers doesn't make him any less dangerous," Harry said seriously. "It makes him craftier, and potentially more dangerous."
  There was no disagreement of that. The entire group sat in silence. Even Claire, who was sitting in the corner, remained quiet. Kara decided to voice something that she had meant to bring up a long time ago, but was hoping that Clark would swallow his pride.
  "The meteor rocks get you in trouble too often for your own good," Kara said. "With all of your powers, you're kind of useless if someone shoves one little rock underneath your nose...no offense."
  Clark really couldn't take any offense to something that was true. All of the times the Kryptonite caused him trouble flashed through his mind. All it took was one little meteor rock to bring him to his knees, powers or not. It was a weakness that frustrated him, and what Batman told him really hit him hard.
  He should have found a way to block it out by now. Then he remembered something, and turned his attention to Harry.
  "You figured out how to negate it," Clark said, and Harry looked at him, inviting him to continue. "You found a way to negate the Kryptonite radiation with magic. I remember, months ago, before Kara somehow became invulnerable. You still haven't explained quite how that happened."
  At this point, Kara caught Harry's eye, and both shifted guiltily. The truth was they were about ready to tell Clark, but had been unfortunately sidetracked. They were going to tell Clark everything, even if the consequences would be dire. Now was not the time, but they would have to revisit that particular line of conversation later.
  "I have found a way to negate it completely, yes," Harry said. "My first run of tests only could center it around an object, like the cape I gave Kara. But now I can inject the cure directly into the blood stream. I've synthesized it, and it should work out for you. With your permission, I'll give it to both you and Lana. The rocks do affect her as well with her new found powers."
  Lana nodded. She found out that the powers did have certain drawbacks when she tried to save Clark.
  "So what do we have to do?" Lana asked.
  "Come with me to the Shining Light Foundation," Harry said. "We've got the necessary there to give you the cure. There will be other ways to trip you up, I'm sure. But you don't have to worry about the Kryptonite anymore."
  Lana and Clark both nodded. Harry and Kara transported them off to the main lobby of the Shining Light Foundation headquarters, leaving Chloe and Claire alone back at the Kent Farm, at least momentarily.
  The quartet went into the Elevator shaft. The elevator shaft rose up, until the main lab area. It was a research and development area, where Harry studied the green rocks and the potential effects that it had on people. Hopefully, that would gain him some level of clarity, and understanding to properly help the guests.
  Some of the guests had been troubled cases, and much to his dismay, some already at Belle Reve were beyond hope. He hoped that he could prevent more from falling into that particular mania.
  Lana and Clark sat down, and Harry moved over to the back vault. This was not exactly a cure that one could test, and get wrong. However, based on what he knew, and what he researched, he was confident that it worked. He shielded the vault as he spun open the dial. Not that he needed to mask the combination, because it changed via a random factor every other hour. He removed two vials from the vault.
  "Something tells me you had this planned," Lana said.
  "It wasn't whether or not you were going to come for the cure," Kara told both Lana and Clark. "It was just a matter of when, and how. This should benefit both of you, so you can be all that you can be. So you can work together, and make whatever life you choose to make with each other."
  Lana and Clark let that all sink in and both of them nodded. Harry took two needles, and filled them with the cure.
  "Now, this won't hurt all that much," Harry said. "Maybe just a little bit, but that's just your bodies assimilating to the cure being injected into the bloodstream."
  "So this is a one-time thing, right?" Clark asked.
  "If I didn't know any better, I would have to say that you're afraid of needles," Kara teased lightly, and Clark just shot her a look through narrowed eyes. Kara just offered a smile.
  "Well, there's really nothing to be afraid of," Clark said. "Most needles can't really penetrate my skin at all."
  "That's where magic comes in," Lana offered, and Harry nodded in confirmation.
  "To be fair, that's the only way a needle is getting through invulnerable skin," Harry explained to them. "Magic makes an utter fool out of any physics, human or alien. Although to be fair, there are instances where your powers tend to fly in the face of conventional wisdom as well. But, that is I'm sure an enlightening discussion for another time. And here's the cure."
  Lana and Clark were injected with the Kryptonian cure. Harry summoned a green rock from the vault, and threw it at Clark. Clark instinctively flinched, but then much to his surprise and joy, the rock did not affect him. For obvious reasons, this felt like a huge burden that was being slowly lifted off of his shoulder.
  "Thank you," Clark said, picking up the rock and holding it, without any ill effects whatsoever.
  "We really do appreciate that," Lana said. Harry and Kara both nodded towards them.
  "No problem, but remember don't get too cocky," Harry warned them. "Just because the Kryptonite is a non-factor, it does not mean that you're out of the woods."
  Clark and Lana both nodded. They understood.
  "So no one like Batman can get the drop on me again," Clark said. A sudden realization dawned upon him, and a frown appeared on his face. "I really don't know what his problem was with me."
  Harry looked thoughtful at that moment. He took a breath, before he spoke. "Maybe, he didn't really have a problem. Perhaps he was trying to warn you about something, in his own way. I know, it's a stretch, but there are more insane theories out there. Until we have an idea who he is, or what his motive might be, we're just grasping at straws."
  With the antidote to the Kryptonite given, and their vital signs reading as okay, Clark and Lana could be returned home without any problem. Harry and Kara's work was still not done.
  Batman presented a problem. They had to deal with him, and find out whether or not be posed a threat. He had a reason why he did what he did. Harry and Kara would track him down, and get some answers.
  Given that he was able to give three super powered individuals the slip; something told both of them that this would be easier said than done. But what was life without a few challenges?
  The alarm reached the attention of Lex rather quickly. A frown appeared on the bald man's face. He stepped forward from the shadows, and took a long, hard look at the security logs. There was a glitch in them. It seemed as if there was a gap in the security. It was not that long, less than an hour.
  Although it was much too long for him, and he took a deep breath, to try and find any hint as to why.
  The fact there was some kind of security gap in the first place caused Lex to be on edge. This only added to his problems today. There was some mysterious figure in a cowl that showed up today, and had strung him upside down like he was a cheap piece of meat. Then, if he would hazard a guess, this figure in the cowl breached his security once again.
  Security moved in, and Lex turned to them, a determined look etched on his face. No one got the better of Lex Luthor, and got away with it.
  "Check around the building!" Lex barked, and he folded his arms. "I'm serious, if someone is still lurking around, I want to know immediately. Do not let anyone enter this building again. I need to know what's been compromised."
  Lex stepped forward, to continue his assessment. He pulled out a cell phone, and dialed up his security teams.
  "The second building he showed up to today, which means he could be on his way there," Lex said. "Keep an eye out for this man. He's dressed in black, and wears a cowl. He has a belt on. Do not even blink, he moves fast. He may have super powers, but I'll find that out when I have him secured. The mask is going to come off regardless. Your jobs are on the line, don't fail me."
  Lex put away the cell phone. He moved to check up the back up security tapes. Something told him that there was something else here. The backups did not show much. There was a great deal of static interference on them.
  It was almost as if there was an EMP pulse shot off, but he discounted that idea thanks to the pure absurdity of the attack being selective. The bald man brushed a hand against his forehead. If he had hair, he would be pulling it out by the roots right now.
  'Focus, Lex, don't lose control,' he reminded himself. 'You hold all of the cards, they don't. Remember, you have work to do. The entire world could be hinging on your success, or failure.'
  Lex walked off, to plot his next move.
  A makeshift underground facility in Smallville was the temporary headquarters for Batman. He had been planning this temporary re-location for several months. He had equipment moved in, slowly. He had to do it in the dark of night, a few pieces at a time as to not arouse suspicion. The equipment was not nearly as sophisticated as what he kept back in Gotham City, but it would do the job nicely.
  The dark and brooding outfit reflected the soul of the man beneath the cowl. By day he played the role of beloved billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, but it was all a front. Any innocence Bruce may have had had died at the age of eight. That was when his parents were brutally gunned down in an alleyway before his eyes. It was a scarring image that would never leave him.
  It was at their graves that Bruce made a promise. That promise was that he would not let that happen to again to someone. He traveled the world, training under some of the greatest masters in the world. He picked up every trick that he could. He had mastered a quick escape faster than anyone. He trained his body to a physical peak that no human would ever had thought of, without super powers.
  Batman showed up in Gotham City twenty two months ago, and he had waged war on the criminal element. Bruce Wayne returned nearly a year later, as to not trigger suspicion that they were one and the same. He waged battle against not only the various mobs that were tearing apart Gotham City, but also a colorful rogues gallery of criminals.
  The communication link on his belt came to life. There was only one person who had that particular line.
  "Yes, Alfred, what is it?" Batman asked in a gruff voice.
  The long time Wayne family butler and surrogate father figure to Bruce replied in his own dry and humorless way.
  "You've made the late news, sir," Alfred said. "It appears that Lex Luthor has been spooked, and is offering a reward for information on information regarding you or even your capture."
  "Good, he's playing right into my hands, then," Batman said.
  He briefly encountered Lex Luthor as a child, less than a handful of times. On the surface, many would compare them. To a blind eye Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor would seem similar, but the similarities ended at their immense wealth, and the fact they both had an interest in unraveling the mysteries of the Veritas society, albeit for different reasons.
  He had uncovered his father's notes some time back. Thomas Wayne had kept a detailed log of all of the meetings he attended as a member of the Veritas society. The logs started innocent enough, but the group became more and more divided as time went on. The group was fractured on what to do with the traveler, whether to assist him or control him. Certain members of the group were just out for reasons of greed.
  It was to the point where Thomas Wayne suspected that the entire group would kill each other over the secrets of the traveler. Bruce half wondered if his father's death was a random act of violence like the world had assumed. It was not like the killer was speaking. He was shot on his way to the courthouse by a hitman before he could stand trial for the murder of the Waynes.
  "So, how goes the investigation with the traveler?" Alfred asked.
  "It's all falling together, I believe I've located him," Batman stated. "He seems unassuming enough, but as we both know, appearances can be deceiving. I set up a test for him in Metropolis where he saved Bruce Wayne from some muggers, men I paid off. He roughed them up a bit in his attempts."
  "I do hope the check is sufficient enough to cover the medical bills then," Alfred replied dully.
  "He held back, but it may have been because he did not want anyone to find out about his gifts,' Batman continued. "His girlfriend had similar powers, although I doubt they were natural. There is another X-Factor in this equation. His cousin is engaged to the owner of the Shining Light Foundation."
  "The enigmatic Harry Potter?" Alfred asked.
  "Yes, another young man who I have been only able to find the basics on," Batman said. "The biggest cause of concern is that Lionel Luthor appears to have wormed his way into the traveler's confidence."
  "Judging by the tone of your voice, you doubt that Mr. Luthor's intentions are pure," Alfred said.
  "I'll need more information before I decide," Batman continued. "It's Lex that also may be a cause for concern. I know enough about the younger Luthor to be suspicious. I'm not the only one who is delving further into the Veritas Society."
  Batman continued to log his observations into the computer.
  "I trust your plans for Saturday Night are still on," Alfred said.
  "Yes, the circus, I haven't forgotten that Bruce Wayne is expected to make an appearance," Batman said, waving his hand.
  "It does seem like a spectacle, sir. The Flying Graysons performing their death defying activities, without the aid of a net."
  Batman just grunted.
  "I need to get back to work, Alfred," Batman stated.
  "Of course, sir," Alfred responded dryly. "Will you be back in time for breakfast?"
  Good night, Alfred, get some rest," Batman said.
  Batman continued to investigate. He had one more area to investigate, and then he would need to arrange another meeting with Clark Kent, to get a better idea where he stood and what threat he posed.
  While Batman was investigating the mysterious the traveler, Harry and Kara spent some time investigating him. They pulled an all-nighter at the Shining Light Foundation, and were working well past midnight.
  "Every piece of news we could find on him, and we just have more questions than we have answers," Kara concluded.
  "The actual Batman name was only used less than a handful of times," Harry said. "The Dark Knight of Gotham City, the Caped Crusader, the Prowling Vigilante, the Shadow of Vengeance, and who knows how many other names they gave this guy."
  "Do you think he's a threat?" Kara asked him.
  "We better treat him like one," Harry said seriously. He looked at Kara, and she knew that he was not treating Batman lightly by the look in his eyes. "He's able to slip away, and he knew about the Kryptonite."
  "I'm so glad that's not a problem anymore," Kara said in relief.
  Harry nodded; he would have to agree with that assessment.
  "I just can't believe Clark wasn't more proactive in figuring out a way to negate it," Kara said with a sigh. "He knew about it for years and years."
  She bit her lip, and added.
  "Actually, I'm sure Jor-El could have told him how to stop it. But somehow he didn't care to enlighten him on that information. It's another one of his demented little tests, I'm sure."
  "We still haven't figured out what happened to him," Harry said.
  "To be honest, I'm not too upset about it," Kara said firmly. "You still think that something that it was something to do with the pulse."
  "That's the most logical theory," Harry said. "Alternatively, Jor-El may have decided to take a step back. I don't think he expected you, but if he did, he certainly did not expect me. I suspect he knows who I am."
  "And he didn't tell Clark," Kara said. "But we need to, somehow."
  Harry turned to her, and grabbed her hand. He looked into her eyes, giving her a reassuring smile as he did so.
  "We were going to, and we will," Harry said, and he punched up something else on his computer, and Harry jumped up. A smile appeared on his face.
  "What is it?" Kara asked him.
  "I think we've located our bat," Harry said, and he punched up more information, and there was a blinking light. "Yeah, there he is. Get ready."
  Kara zoomed off and changed quickly. Harry flicked his hand, and his clothes shifted into a black suit. It was perfect in blending into the dark. A charm camouflaged his face, preventing anyone who he did not trust from seeing his identity. Kara returned.
  "I see you made a few modifications," Harry said.
  Kara nodded, pleased with the work that she did. She wore a blue half shirt that stretched around her torso. It accentuated her chest well. She wore a red mini-skirt that teased what was underneath. It was charmed so no one, but Harry, could look underneath it. She wore a pair of red high heeled boots. A red cape wrapped around her, fluttering in the breeze. A red headband with Kryptonian writing was wrapped around her forehead. Her hair was tied back, so it did not nail her in the face when she was flying.
  "I'm not sure about the headband, but you look stunning regardless," Harry said.
  "Hey, the headband just seems to go with the outfit," Kara said with a shrug. She added with a teasing smile. "You know, given some of your fashion choices, you really are the last person in the universe who should be giving me tips on what to wear."
  "Too true," Harry said.
  He gave her a brief look. She looked absolutely stunning in that outfit. Of course, Harry thought she looked beautiful in anything or nothing at all even.
  "So, Supergirl, are you ready to go?" Harry asked her.
  "Yes um...we should really come up with a codename for you," Kara said.
  Harry thought about it for half of a second. A smile appeared on his face as it hit him. "How about Arcane?"
  Kara smiled back at him. "I like it. It fits you."
  "Arcane it is then," Harry said.
  Harry and Kara flew off, using a combination of technology and magic to track Batman. Batman was a tough one to track; Harry had to give him credit for that. But even he could not outrun two Heralds of Death forever.
  Of course, their powers meant little when they were not willing to think outside the box. Which is what Harry and Kara did, one swooped behind the vehicle that Batman was driving, and the other swooped in front of it.
  Batman drove in in his car. Alfred had dubbed it the Batmobile. It contained all of the equipment that would allow him to remain stealthy and efficient. It was the right combination.
  The Batmobile stopped immediately. He slammed his foot on the accelerator, but something super strong was keeping him into place.
  Batman looked up at the next minute, and found that his car was airborne. He prepared to eject, and figure out who was doing this, but a blinding flash of light engulfed him and his car. The next thing Batman knew, he, along with his car had been deposited down on a rather rocky surface.
  'A new location, this could prove to be problematic,' Batman thought, but he kept cool under the face of certain fire.
  The top of the Batmobile was ripped open, and he stood face to face with a blonde woman. She floated in mid-air, arms folded across her chest.
  "You know, it's rude to disappear like that," she said.
  Batman escaped his car, but found himself to be in a big void of nothing. There was nothing, but darkness as far as the eye can see.
  "Where am I?" he asked.
  "You're nowhere, yet you're everywhere."
  He caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in black, who stood over him. His face was not covered, but yet he could not make it out. All Batman managed to receive was a headache, the harder he tried to focus on him, and there was something that blocked him from thinking rationally about who they might be.
  "Escape is going to be rather hard without my help."
  Batman turned around, a determined scowl crossing his face. They would be surprised from what he had to escape from in the past. He darted around, moving around in every direction but yet after constant searching, he found no way out.
  "Just who are you?"
  "I'm Arcane, and this is Supergirl," Harry said.
  That was not sufficient enough information for Batman.
  "Your real names," Batman persisted gruffly.
  "After you," Kara offered, waving her hand and inviting him to give the answer. She had a knowing smile on her face, knowing that Batman would not give up who he was. Even if it meant finding out their secret identities, although she suspected that they best be careful He could piece together everything in due time. He just seemed to be the sort to figure out the impossible. "Of course, we could do this the easy way, or the hard way."
  "The easy way is that you give us information about why you've been lurking around Smallville," Harry said. "We have a nice chat, maybe compare some notes. I'm sure you had a good reason for what you're doing, although I'm at a loss to figure out what that is at this point."
  "The hard way is that we tear that mask off of your face, find out who you are, and you'll still give us the answers," Kara said. "One way you'll leave here. The other way, you'll leave here with a few broken bones."
  Batman remained silent. Kara added, with a malicious smile on her face.
  "The choice is yours."
  "Take your time," Harry said. "But don't take too much time, or we'll get the information anyway, the way you don't want us to get it. "
  Normally he was the one demanding information. While Batman did not get unsettled easy, the fact was this was a situation that he was not used to. A frown appeared on his face, and he reached for his belt.
  He found out quickly that said belt had just been removed, and was now in the hands of Supergirl. She held it, almost taunting him with the fact she had easily removed it.
  "Nice belt," Kara commented idly. "It'd be a shame if something happened to it."
  The fact they knew to remove his belt right away proved that they were at least far craftier than many of his enemies. That was not a good thing; it just made them far more dangerous. Batman stood in the shadows, and knew they were not going to be intimidated that easily.
  He gave them a truth, at least in a slight version of it.
  "I'm investigating a case that has brought me to Smallville," Batman said. "I've found notes detailing a secret society known as Veritas. Many of the members have died under suspicious circumstances, and the Luthors may be connected."
  Harry and Kara kept their mouths shut. To be honest, this fact did not surprise them in any way whatsoever. The moment they saw Lionel Luthor was part of the Veritas Society, and that Lex was now obsessed with it, they were on their guard.
  "So what does Clark Kent have to do with it?" Kara asked him.
  "Everything," Batman replied roughly.
  "Care to elaborate just a little bit more," Harry added, and he waved his hand, to give Batman the opportunity to elaborate.
  It was at this point where Batman mentally calculated how much more he should tell these two.
  "The Veritas Society was formed to watch for the coming of the traveler," Batman said. "I've located a few scant references that told about his coming, from civilizations of years past. Dating back to the Mayans, they have long since believed that the Traveler was coming, and that it was his destiny to either lead humanity to a new promised age, or conquer it."
  Batman only used the word destiny to describe what others had thought. He did not believe in destiny, but rather he believed in action.
  Harry and Kara both nodded, quietly. They would not play their hand of what they knew. This Batman remained a wild card, and Harry got a great deal of static when he tried to peer into his mind. He suspected that he stuffed his cowl full of electronics to give up a great deal of interference to anyone with mind reading abilities.
  Although he did read that there was Muggle methods to stave off mental invasions. He suspected Batman knew these. The guy was paranoid.
  Harry mused somewhere Alastor Moody was smiling approvingly at this guy's level of paranoia.
  "You sent the cryptic e-mails to Chloe Sullivan," Harry said.
  "It's obvious, isn't it?" Batman asked dryly. "The moment I found out Hugo Strange was part of Veritas, I stepped up my investigation. Yet, it appears that Strange dropped dead before I could interrogate him. I'm at a loss to figure out what happened to him."
  "He died of natural causes," Kara said swiftly.
  "I'm sure," Batman said, and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously towards both Arcane and Supergirl. "Strange and I have come to the same conclusions. Clark Kent is the traveler, and it remains to be seen whether or not he's dangerous. He will need to mandate a close observation, and I will be keeping an eye on him."
  "Really?" Kara asked him. A bit of a distrustful scowl crossed her face and she stared down Batman, not backing down. She was not intimidated by him at all. "And who's keeping an eye on you?"
  "That's a good point," Harry said. His eyes burned into Batman's face with a simmering glare. "As far as I can tell, you're nothing, but a vigilante. You assault criminals, rough them up. You don't give any concern to their civil liberties. You flaunt the law, and you think that Clark needs to be watched. What makes you the authority on this?"
  In reality, Harry did agree that a city as torn as Gotham City needed someone like Batman, he was a major necessity. However, Harry was more than inclined to play the devil's advocate. Especially to prove a point, and that point was to let Batman know that he was being watched carefully as well.
  "Some will disagree with what I do," Batman said, in an unapologetic voice. "Once Kent decides to step further into the light, and embrace his full powers, who could stop him should he become corrupted. Power has corrupted the most noble people out there before, and it can do so again."
  Harry stared down Batman, but Kara stepped over to him.
  "It's not your concern what happens to Clark," Kara said to him in a low and dangerous voice. "I don't know what your problem is, but you better back off. If something happens to Clark, I'll deal with it, we both will, and don't think we won't deal with you either if you step out of line."
  "I wouldn't expect anything less, Batman said. "I doubt you're going to be able to get any further information. The Veritas Society is shrouded in mystery, and I will find out why they seemed so intent on guarding those secrets."
  Harry was not fooled for a minute, at least right now. His gaze fixed on this brooding figure. He knew something else, or at least suspected something else. There were many secrets, and many ideas.
  "Is that sufficient for you?" Batman asked.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look. They kept their body language still, not to reveal their true intentions. Kara shoved the belt back into Batman's hands.
  "For now," Kara said.
  "I'll let you out right now," Harry said, and he motioned for Batman to enter the Batmobile. He did so without another word.
  The tables were turned, but Batman had plans stirring underneath that pointy cowl of his. The traveler represented a curiosity, but now Supergirl and Arcane also were players in this game. They seemed intent to keep a closer watch on the traveler, but Batman deduced that there may be other players at work.
  Exactly who and why would be something that would be the ultimate test of his deductive abilities. Finding out Lex Luthor's intentions would be something that would be much simpler to determine.
  Once Batman was off, Harry and Kara turned to each other.
  "Can you believe that guy?" Kara asked. "He seems to think he's entitled to answers."
  "There's a deeper involvement with him, something of a personal one regarding the traveler or Veritas in general," Harry said, and he looked thoughtful.
  The couple floated through the air, high over the sky. They saw Batman drive off and disappear into the night.
  "He's got some issues," Harry added as an afterthought.
  Kara gave him a very un-lady like snort. "You would have to have a few issues to dress like a flying rodent. I was half tempted to throw him through a wall."
  "I agree," Harry replied. His hand grabbed hers, and they flew off.
  Their night was not done, and they would continue to follow Batman closely. Thanks to the tracking charm Harry placed on that belt, he would be able keep a close eye on the Batman. Even if he ditched the belt, there would be enough residual magic on the belt to tag his body, and be able to track him for a period of twenty four hours.
  Batman had a clear idea something was done to his belt. When it left his possession, he knew that there was a chance for it to be tampered with. He ditched the belt, replaced it with a spare, and moved off into the shadows. He walked around, taking one step at a time. This was the final place that he had to stop by today. He was heading to Luthor Mansion itself.
  The Dark Knight managed to scramble the security. While Lex Luthor was spending time securing his assets, Batman hit closer to home. He walked through the shadows, and stepped forward slowly. He made sure not to trip any security. He removed a can from his belt. He sprayed it, to reveal a laser grid.
  Batman carefully stepped around with the precision that was learned over the time of practical crime fighting. He remained on his toes, and knew that he would have to play this one carefully. One wrong move, and he could either trigger the alarms, or he could be cut to ribbons.
  "Hands in the air, and don't move!"
  Batman spun around, and saw several security guards stand before him. They had their guns on him, and a couple held stun guns. He remained calm.
  "We got him, sir."
  The voice of Lex Luthor popped up. "Don't let him out of your sight."
  Batman held his hands closely together. He could escape at any time, but they were playing right into his hands.
  Lex Luthor thought that he had Batman trapped in here.
  In reality, Luthor was trapped in here with Batman. The bald young man appeared a second later, and Batman was secured. Lex stared Batman down for at least a minute.
  "So, I'm at a loss to figure out why you decided it would be a good idea to snoop around," Lex said to him. "I've read a bit about you. You're a mysterious vigilante that popped up over the last two or so years in Gotham City. The police seem to want to take you down. I wonder what they would do when they find out that I've captured you."
  Batman remained silent.
  "Not much of a talker," Lex said, and he shook his head, and security grabbed Batman. "I'm curious, whose face rests underneath that mask?"
  Lex took a step forward.
  "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Batman said.
  "And he talks," Lex replied with a grin. He reached forward, and grabbed onto the cowl, to try and remove it.
  An electrical jolt shocked Lex back, and he staggered back, a grimace appearing on his face.
  "I warned you," Batman said flatly.
  "Well played," Lex said, almost impressed. "But there's more than one way to get that mask off. I'm sure I have a tool around here somewhere that will peel that mask from your face. Unless you want to remove it voluntarily."
  "What do you think?" Batman asked him, almost taunting Lex.
  Lex shook his head. There were some people who were just stubborn. They lead Batman into the elevator, and they were downstairs. Security kept their guns on Batman, and he just smirked.
  "I don't think you've figured out the amount of trouble you've stumbled into," Lex said. "You're not getting out of here, alive at least."
  Batman stood stiffly, and as if on cue, an explosion rang from above. Lex staggered, and his security did much the same. He spun around, and rushed forward.
  "There's someone else here, someone else other than him," Lex said. "Half of you stay with our guest, the other half, you come with me."
  He scrambled his way up the stairs, followed by security. He was on the edge at this point. The hallway had smoke in it, and Lex stood, feet planted firmly on the ground. His heart beat sped up, and there was another explosion.
  He stepped forward, and pulled open the door of his study. There was no one inside, and then he heard all of his security guards be dropped to the ground by an invisible force.
  Lex turned around, and a palm struck him in the back of the head. He fell down onto the ground face first. The bald man was down for the count.
  Kara materialized over the fallen body of Lex Luthor. He was breathing, but otherwise out for the count. She activated the ear piece.
  "Okay Harry, he's down," Kara said. "Work your magic."
  Back downstairs, a few security guards took a step forward, and they held their guns. Half of the guards kept their weapons on Batman.
  The moment they turned their attention slightly away at a clatter from above, Batman knocked them unconscious with several swift blows. He nailed them back with a back hand, and kicked them hard in the head one by one. Batman navigated through the shadows, and one by one they were picked up.
  The security guards fell to the ground, and Batman made his way towards the nearest computer. He went to download what Lex Luthor had on his computer. It was heavily encrypted, but he was not the World's Greatest Detective for nothing.
  After a matter of moments, he had the information that he wanted. It was not much, but would hopefully fill in some holes. At the very least it was confirmation that Lex was still trying to piece everything together himself.
  Batman stopped, and saw two other figures in the distance. He offered a stoic nod, and moved into the night. He had one more stop he had to make, before it was time to return to Gotham City.
  Lex rubbed the back of his head. He had no idea who put him down for the count. The security tapes were right in front of him, but there was static again. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to make sure they were not captured.
  He placed a pack of ice on the back of his head, and grimaced. He completely went out for the count. And then someone jolted him awake. At least a half of an hour of his life was missing. A half of an hour had also been missing from the security cameras in the mansion.
  The security guards who had failed to protect him would be getting their walking papers, and replaced by someone who could do a more competent job.
  This dark brooding crusader had some accomplice. And Lex found himself caught off guard by them. He tried to recall if he saw anything. The back of his head suffered blunt force trauma. It was like he got nailed in the back of the head with a baseball bat or a crowbar.
  Yet, it could not have been much more than a hand that slapped against the back of his hand. A hand could not have registered that much force, enough force to knock him down for the count.
  He dropped down to the chair. He likely had a concussion, but he would have to get that checked out. For all of his power and wealth, he could not buy a pair of eyes to put in the back of his head.
  It was almost as if he was being stalked by some looming presence. Come to think about it, it was a sense that he had gotten ever since his near death experience at the dam all of those months back.
  Something very powerful was watching him.
  'It has something to do with the traveler,' Lex thought to himself. "But what. Is Death just toying me, before dragging me over the edge to my own personal torment.'
  He had a great destiny, and he wondered how much time he had left to achieve it before the sands of time ran out for him.
  Lex refused to take a step back, and to slow down. If he uncovered the secrets of the traveler, he could hold the keys to the world.
  Yet, another matter vexed him.
  The symbol continued to taunt him. Something happened when he touched that gravestone. Every second of his life flashed before him at super speed. Every good moment, every bad moment, everything flashed before him.
  A biting wind blew through the air of Smallville in the early part of the morning. Clark walked outside in preparation for his early morning chores, having noticed that the barn door was ajar. He carefully walked forward, and peered inside.
  There was nowhere there.
  "I was wondering when you would show up."
  Clark's eyes popped up, to spot Batman perched high above him.
  "So, Batman, isn't it?" Clark asked casually. "That's not a name you were born with. If it was, it was a weird name to be given."
  "Well, it's not nearly as strange as Kal-El," Batman retorted.
  Clark stiffened.
  "I know about you, but I have not shared my findings with anyone, yet, " Batman said. "Be warned, your arrival has created a Pandora's Box that is now being broken open. The incident with Hugo Strange is just merely the beginning. Be on your guard, and remember that even though your intentions are noble, there are those who will twist those noble intentions for their personal gain. And they will hide under the mask of benevolence as they do so."
  "Are you always that cryptic?" Clark asked.
  "It's not too difficult when you learn to read behind the lines," Batman said. "There will come a time when your powers will not save you, and there will be no one around to bail you out. What are you going to do then?"
  Clark shook his head. "I'll deal with it when the time comes."
  "I hope so, for your sake," Batman said, and Clark looked up at him. "I have all that I need to know for now."
  "So, you're leaving," Clark said. "Just who are you? Underneath that mask?"
  "And what makes you think that what lies underneath this cowl isn't the true mask?" Batman replied briskly. "There will come a day where you will be prepared to become the force for good that you can be, or become the greatest menace the world has ever seen."
  "I've been told that it's my destiny to become something great," Clark replied, before he could stop himself.
  This statement got Clark a grim and almost nasty look.
  "If you become a force for justice because people say it's your destiny, then you're doing so for the wrong reasons," Batman lectured. "If you do so out of obligation that means that you will not truly have your mind, body, and soul into this mission of justice. Do you really think that you're going to truly help anyone if you do so out of obligation? It should be a choice that you make, don't you think?"
  Before Clark could answer this, he heard two new arrivals in the barn. Harry and Kara showed up.
  Five seconds was all it took for Batman to disappear into the night, and leave as quickly as he arrived.
  "You had a visitor, didn't you?" Kara asked.
  "If you mean, Batman, then yes," Clark said. He shook his head, thinking of the meeting. "He's not one to stick around, and give answers."
  "I've found it easier to get answers from my school's old Headmaster," Harry remarked darkly. "And speaking of answers, I was in the process of giving some to you last night."
  "That did get cut short," Clark said. "It's early, shouldn't it..."
  "This really can't wait, it's just going to be worse if we don't tell you," Kara said, hoping that this would be a huge weight off of shoulders and her conscience. She hoped Harry found a way out of the forced vow of silence.
  She also hoped Clark would forgive her from keeping this from him for so long.
  She shook off those doubts. Harry would have found a way. Otherwise he would not have brought off the subject.
  "I never liked having secrets kept from me, so it's best that I tell you in a little bit," Harry said.
  "We'll head up to the Farm House, and we can discuss it," Clark said, but a part of him dreaded what was going to be said. The looks on Harry and Kara's faces both indicated that a big bombshell was about to be dropped. "Chloe and Lana are still up there, and I think they might have a right to know."
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look. They had a sense of what the other was thinking, which grew stronger with each day they were together. Both nodded. They just hoped that the anticipation would be worse than the actual event.
  No one had to be a rocket scientist to see that a huge bombshell was about to be dropped. Harry and Kara locked eyes with each other. There was really no use in drawing this out too much longer. Chloe, Lana, and Clark sat around the table, and Harry and Kara sat a ways away from them.
  Lana broke the silence before they could say anything.
  "So, you have something to say, to all of us?"
  Clark and Lana's eyes were locked on Harry and Kara. Chloe sat back on her chair. She knew what they were, but felt it would be best to act like this was news to her. At least for now, but Harry opened his mouth before she could think about what she should do any more.
  "The best place to start about this story would be the beginning," Harry said. "I did tell you that my world foretold the emergence of the traveler for years and years to come. Ever since a thousand years ago, since the founding of Hogwarts. One of my old school's founders, Rowena Ravenclaw, saw the arrival. Another woman, a seer named Cassandra Trelawney, saw a planet exploding in green rock, and the arrival of a child from this planet, who would be found on Earth. This is where things get murky."
  Kara gripped Harry's hand underneath the table. Both Clark, and Lana listened, and both nodded.
  "Doctor Swann intercepted a message from my dying planet and told me about my heritage," Clark said. "Are you trying to tell me that this goes much deeper than that?"
  'Yes, much deeper, Clark,' Harry thought to himself.
  Harry paused, and continued his story. He just wished he could spit out the revelation of what his job was.
  "There were people in my world that somehow found out that you were coming," Harry said. "In fact, they had been waiting for your arrival for years. I told you about my mother, no need to rehash that story."
  Clark nodded. He knew where Harry was coming from, having a parent try to pull the strings from beyond the grave. That part he sympathized with one hundred percent of the way.
  "My presence here ties into the extinction of a thousand year old race of hidden magical users," Harry said. "We started with such promises, but like many great civilizations, we suffered decay and loss."
  Kara and Harry both allowed that to sink in. They both knew how greed, and corruption could cause more deaths than any disease.
  "This entire mess in my former world escalated out of control during the last hundred years of my world," Harry said. "The blame can be rested on the shoulders of four individuals, one who had the best intentions in mind I'm sure in this mind. Rosalina Sinclair is the one you've met."
  Chloe and Clark both had dark looks cross their face. They knew her all too well, and did not shed many tears about her demise.
  "The next two was Gellert Gridelwald and Albus Dumbledore," Harry said. "Both were obsessed during their childhood about finding three ancient artifacts that would give them power. That greed tore apart several lives. Dumbledore managed to see the light in his own way, but Gridelwald did not until the very end of his life. Both were tainted in different ways by the greed."
  Harry took a deep breath.
  "There was the one that killed my parents, but he tried to take over everything and plunge the world into darkness," Harry said. It was not lost to anyone how detached Harry seemed to be. The fact his parents were dead was something that he had come to terms with a long time ago. "His name was Tom Marvolo Riddle, but he dubbed himself Lord Voldemort. He was obsessed, sick, and twisted. He's done awful things that I can scarcely even begin to talk about. There was a prophecy, of a child that was born to defeat the Dark Lord. Born to parents who thrice defied him, and that child was me. He killed countless, but he was a minor player in this entire game."
  "A mass murderer was just a minor player," Lana said, feeling a little sick.
  "He was just another puppet in the game of a higher power," Harry said, and he took a deep breath. "The game had been set into motion years and years ago, centuries even. But, my fate was sealed before I was even born. Before I was born, my mother was visited by someone, someone who made a deal with her. I would not be here if it was not for that deal, but...I can't help, but detest the reasons behind why she made the deal."
  Harry's eyes did not blink then. It was the moment of truth, now or never.
  "You know I showed up here four months ago, and rescued Kara from being trapped in the ship," Harry said. "I was wondering, do you remember anyone else showing up around that time?" Someone who may have told you something about constant vigilance.
  Time stood still It struck both Clark and Lana at the same exact time. They were flooded by a feeling of dread, and they began to look at Harry strangely.
  Then it took a couple of moments before one of them managed to speak, almost dreading to confirm their theories.
  "The robed figure, who looked like the manifestation of the Grim Reaper," Clark said, and he swallowed a lump in his throat. "So it was you, wasn't it?"
  Lana closed her eyes, and shook her head. It was hard to assimilate all of this information.
  "You were the one who came to me, told me that I had a choice to make," Lana whispered to him.
  "I did," Harry said.
  "I nearly shot you, out of frustration with everything that had happened with Lex," Lana said. "If I would have..."
  "You wouldn't have killed me, but I don't think we would be having this conversation right now if you had shot me," Harry said somberly.
  Lana got the meaning of what Harry implied immediately. She felt grateful Harry had given her one more chance, when he could have easily just dealt with her right then and there. And no one would have been the wiser to her demise.
  She shivered at that thought.
  "Why were you sent here?" Clark asked him.
  "I was sent here to make sure you step into your role as the hero the world needs to have," Harry said.
  "You're death," Clark managed. "Why would you..."
  "I'm not death, I'm merely her herald," Harry replied. Then he decided to drop the other bombshell. "As is, Kara."
  That revelation floored Clark, and Lana. Had the not been so shell shocked, they would have noticed that Chloe's lack of reaction. She had known about all of this for months.
  "So, you're...you're..."
  "The Herald of Death of Krypton, as Harry is the Herald of Death of Earth," Kara said with a slight smile.
  "So, you two are both..." Clark managed. He tried to shake off this revelation. They were still the same people, weren't they?
  "Are there any more?" Lana blurted out before she could help herself.
  "There's one more," Harry said cryptically.
  "Who?" Clark wondered.
  "We don't know," Harry answered with a shrug.
  "She's coming," Kara added in a misty voice.
  Harry decided to take a deep breath. He allowed Clark and Lana a few moments to have this settle in.
  "Are we going to die?" Lana asked, but she felt stupid the moment those words left her mouth. Still it was a very real fear.
  "No, I would know if it's your time," Harry said, and Kara nodded in agreement. "Death sent me here, I'm certain, to find Kara. And the third Herald, whenever she shows up, she'll be joining us. It is our job to make sure nothing happens, until its time."
  "Time for what, exactly?" Clark asked.
  It was at this point, Harry's face had a smirk on it, but it was twisted and almost scary looking. "There are some forces that might be beyond Death. There is a hint that something dangerous is coming. It's not here yet, but it's something you may have to deal with. I was not supposed to get involved or even step out of the shadows."
  "You got involved," Lana said. "I wouldn't have these powers if you didn't."
  "And much like a stone being dropped into a pond, my mere presence has caused ripples. I may have altered the course of fate for many people," Harry said with a nod.
  "Let's hope it's for the better," Kara said.
  "A great evil, that death cannot even handle," Clark said. The revelation was a bit much, but it showed Clark's strength that he was able to mostly handle it. "And she expects me to deal with it. Or am I just some lamb that's being sent to the slaughter for her own amusement?"
  That was a question Harry couldn't answer. He knew Death, and a part of him wondered if she wanted Clark to succeed. Or wanted to see him fall on his face in the most spectacular manner.
  "You're going to win, Clark," Kara said.
  "Yeah, whatever it is, you can take it," Chloe said, speaking up for the first time.
  "You've been through a lot, Clark," Lana added. "There's no need for you to turn back now."
  "What if it happens before I'm ready?" Clark asked.
  Harry looked at Clark, seriously.
  "Don't worry about that too much," Harry said. "When the time is here, you'll be ready. Have faith in yourself, because there comes a day where the world will need to have faith in you."
  There was a pause before Harry added.
  "I know because I've lived through it. But for you, I hope that it ends better than it did for me. As much as a world enjoys a hero, they enjoy one that's fallen from its pedestal even more. I've fallen, and only do what had done because I had to."
  "I don't know about that," Clark said slowly. "You seem to have done some pretty heroic things so far."
  "Thanks your assessment," Harry said, but a slight grin appeared on his face. It was pained, almost like a grimace. It was a sense of someone who had just taken a short, but painful, trip down memory lane. "It's one that I honestly don't agree with. But we could have this argument all day about what constitutes being a hero."
  A part of Harry was still annoyed by the fact that he was unable to accomplish one simple task regarding the prophecy. In fact, he considered his inability to defeat Voldemort his greatest failure. Sure, Voldemort was dead, but that was not by Harry's hand. The Dark Lord defeated himself, or at least the Wand of Eternity did.
  The entire mess regarding Sinclair was a byproduct of said failure. The past was the past, but there was a nagging voice in the back of his mind that reminded him that he never fully embraced his role as the defeater of Lord Voldemort. It was a swift act of chance that lead to him winning the day, not any of his own abilities.
  While the Horcrux was long gone, an echo of Voldemort still remained within his mind. He used his Herald of Death powers to inadvertently absorb Voldemort's powers from the Horcrux. The problem with this was that the absorbing of the powers of another also left behind an echo in his mind. That was the reason why he only used that power sparingly, and did what he could to keep the echo locked tightly behind a door in his mind.
  He needed to remain focused at all times. His concentration could not slip one little bit. That door in his mind could not open, even a crack. So far, Harry remained fortunate, and Kara was a great help in assisting him with coping with his powers. Without her, he might have lost his mind, and became as cold and merciless as Death herself.
  He felt to keep the balance, life needed to be appreciated. Something that Death had no concept of in his opinion; given the fact she utilized mortals as chess pieces.
  Clark inclined his head. He had a lot to think about, and life was not going to get any easier from here. Another question vexed him, and he asked Harry and Kara promptly.
  "It's hard to really come to terms with what happened, but I guess I will in time," Clark said. "How does a person qualify for being a Herald of Death?"
  "Well in our cases, there was a deal made, a bargain made with Death," Harry said. "My mother bargained for me, as I told you. I came to be. As for Kara, your guess is as good as mine."
  At this point, three expressions crossed the faces of Harry, Kara, and Clark. It was obvious that they had someone in mind about who could have made the deal possible. Not that any of them were complaining about Kara's continued existence, but they wondered if this individual's motivations were pure, or had an equally selfish motive as Harry's mother did herself.
  "We all know who did it," Kara said. "Or who is likely to have done it."
  "We better not jump to conclusions, before we have all of the facts," Harry said.
  "Jor-El seems like the most likely suspect, though," Clark said.
  "Almost too likely," Chloe said, and she got three strange looks at this remark. "It's not always the person that you most expect."
  Lana remained quiet. This was quite the revelation to be dropped onto her head.
  "Lana, are you alright?" Kara asked her gently.
  "Just trying to let this all set it," Lana said. "I can't imagine how hard it must have been to come forward with this."
  "Very hard," Harry said. "Given the fact we are bound by an oath of silence, and can't out right tell someone that we are Heralds of Death."
  Harry paused, and then added one final observation to the group.
  "The funny thing about magical oaths is that there's always a way around them," Harry said. "They're all up for interpretation, and anyone can find a loophole in them, if they think long enough. They're not foolproof."
  "People can also find out about our abilities on their own, accidentally," Kara said. "We're kind of supposed to wipe their minds though if they do."
  Clark and Lana both appeared alarmed. Their breath became a bit more labored.
  "Don't worry, unless you become a threat, we won't wipe your memories," Harry said. "Even if I catch heat from the big boss man-lady, I'm not comfortable with wiping minds. Unless there's no other choice, but the mind is a fragile thing. It's one that's seldom messed with. I've had my mind wiped completely clean before, and used as a puppet to do someone's bidding."
  "Who would be demented enough to do something like that?" Lana asked.
  "Someone who was really twisted," Harry said.
  If he had to be honest with himself, the demise of Dolores Umbridge was still his happiest memory. Outside of the ones he shared with Kara, of course.
  Clark broke the next bit of silence.
  "This is a lot to take in," Clark said, and he leaned back.
  "We're not any different than we would have been, but we have a bigger responsibility than ever before," Kara said. "And we have to make sure the balance between life and death remains intact."
  "Not everything is predestined, that would invalidate the point of living," Harry explained at the questioning looks he was receiving. "I've had many clashes of philosophy with my school's old Headmaster, but there were some things that he said that made sense. And the one thing that made sense the most was the choices we make are what define us. And that's what defines life"
  Harry looked thoughtful, and then he added.
  "If you could go back and do it all again, what you think is the right way, it doesn't mean there's going to be a better outcome. In theory, it could be better, but it could be much worse. And Death has her way of balancing the scales."
  "With your powers, you can bring back the dead," Clark said. This was not a question, more like an observation.
  "I could, but a sacrifice must be made," Harry said. "A sacrifice of a pure life, an innocent life must be made for every single soul that has returned. And it would be painful for the person being brought back to life to be removed from the afterlife. Anyone with a heart, anyone with a conscience would not want to make that choice."
  Harry took a deep breath.
  "Every single death, I can hear a whisper of the person fading," Harry said.
  "And I can as well," Kara said. "Our training, it taught us how to block it out, to mute it. If we ever lose control, the agony is beyond all description."
  Kara recalled that night, the night that she heard every voice that died with the destruction of Krypton calling out for her. Harry almost sensed her thoughts it seemed, and he squeezed her hand underneath the table.
  If Harry had not been there for her, she would have gone mad.
  "Trained, someone trained you then," Clark said.
  "Yeah, that doesn't see like something that anyone could do," Lana said.
  Chloe coughed suddenly, but Harry and Kara looked very uncomfortable.
  "This was the one time where I had to trust my mother," Harry admitted grimly, and this got him a few looks. "The journal was left here to let me know about my powers, but she had her own game. She wanted me to take over humanity, control everyone. You know bend them to my will. I'd never do that, even if I could do so easily."
  Lana and Clark exchanged an uncomfortable look.
  "Unless I really slip, I swear that I'll never do something like that," Harry said, and Kara nodded with agreement.
  "You really could, couldn't you?" Clark asked.
  Kara gave a sad smile. "If Harry and I ever got twisted by our powers, there isn't a single person on this planet, or the universe that could stop us. If our inhibitions got twisted, and nothing held us back, humanity could bend to our will without too much effort."
  The powers of the Heralds of Death had immense potential. The more they tapped into the powers, the more they could be used as a crutch. They had their uses, but they should be used wisely.
  Harry suspected that was why the other Heralds lost themselves. The powers became too easy to use, and to fix the problems. They no longer relied on their wits, and their creativity.
  Thus they flew off the rails, and the balance was upset. Past Heralds were stripped of their powers. Death stepped in to clean up the mess.
  Harry and Kara found themselves in a better position, because they served as each other's anchor. No previous Herald had someone to share the burden with. They could keep themselves on the straight and narrow, and make sure there powers did not corrupt their noble spirits. They could work together, and work through the problems. And they would not be driven insane by them.
  "I'll try my best to stop you, if that day ever happened," Clark said.
  "I hope so, for the sake of the world," Kara said, and she meant those words.
  "But, you know it would happen," Clark added. "And should it happen with me, you need to promise me..."
  "If worse comes to worse, for anyone, we'll not hesitate to do what's necessary," Harry said. "If everything else has failed, don't think that I'll hold back. I hope that day never comes. But the best placed hopes often are misdirected."
  He had encoded a fail safe in the Kryptonite cure for both Lana and Clark, just as a precaution. He hoped he never had to use it, but those hopes were often misplaced.
  Harry took a deep breath.
  "You don't know how much of a weight off my chest this is," Harry said.
  "For the both of us," Kara agreed. "I guess the truth can really set you free."
  "This is really a lot to process," Lana said.
  "For us too, and we're the ones that have these powers," Harry said.
  "We work through it together, one day at a time," Kara said, before she added with a smile, and looked at Clark and Lana. "Just like I'm sure you two will be able to work through whatever problems you can, together."
  Harry checked the watch. It was early in the morning, and they had been burning the candle at both ends.
  "We'll see you around, we have to get home, get some sleep," Harry said with a yawn, and he walked over to the couch, where Claire was sleeping. He nudged her. "Hey, wake up sleepy-head, it's time to go."
  Claire stirred, but did not get up straight away.
  "Can't I have five more minutes," Claire grumbled.
  "You've had an extra hour already," Harry told her. "I guess if you don't get up, you won't get any ice cream for dessert for a month."
  Claire bolted up out of bed immediately.
  "Okay, I'm up, I'm up," Claire said to Harry, and Kara smiled. She knew Harry could never keep that threat, but Claire seemed to buy it.
  "That never fails, does it?" Chloe asked. "Ice cream deprivation, the number one proven tactic of getting a child out of bed, or so I've heard."
  "Yeah, it does," Kara said with a smile, and Claire put on her coat.
  "You've two been up all night, haven't you?' Claire asked, seeing how tired Harry and Kara both looked. "What were you doing?"
  "Chasing bats," Harry said swiftly.
  "Why were you chasing bats?" Claire asked in confusion.
  "It's a long story," Harry said, and he checked his watch. "You should say goodbye to everyone, so we can get back before breakfast becomes lunch."
  "Okay D...Harry," Claire said, and Harry acted as if he did not notice her almost slip. Claire turned to the others. She smiled and waved cheerfully "Bye, Clark, Lana, and Chloe!"
  Goodbyes were said, and Kara scooped up Claire in her arms, before she walked towards the door. Chloe turned to Clark and Lana.
  "I better be heading out too, catch the two of you later," Chloe said, and she followed Harry, Kara, and Claire. "So, does it feel good to be able to get that off of your chest?"
  Harry smiled.
  "You can't even begin to imagine," Harry said. "They didn't seem to be completely thrilled with what they learned."
  "I guess they just need some time to let it settle in," Kara said.
  Chloe smiled. "Well, to be fair, it isn't every day that you find out two people work for the Grim Reaper. Speaking of which, are you worried if you're going to catch hell from your boss."
  "Well, it's a possibility," Harry admitted. "I have a feeling if she really didn't want me to say anything, she would find some way to put a stop to it. But, I've been tweaking her nose left and right since I got here. Remember, I wasn't supposed to step out of the shadows."
  "You do live life dangerously, you know," Chloe said.
  Harry grinned. "Well, if you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space."
  Without another word, Harry, Kara, and Claire disappeared off into the night. A huge burden had been taken off of the shoulders of Harry and Kara, but they had a feeling that there was going to be more problems to come.
  They would be ready for them, no matter what.
  The Veritas Society puzzle was coming closer together, but there was still the discovery of Project: Genesis and any potential ramifications from that were weighing on their minds. Harry needed to get confirmation that all of the subjects from that particular experiment had been destroyed with the magical world. It could be certain disaster otherwise.
  Then there was Hermione's mysterious resurrection. The more Harry thought about it, the more he distrusted everything behind her return.
  It all struck Harry suddenly. Hermione's return was too convenient, and she just happened to have the answers for one simple reason.
  There was another party that arranged for her to lure him there, and to give him all of the answers.
  Harry knew now what he had to do, and he would play her game, for now.
  As she had done so many times before in the past, the face of Hermione Granger was buried in a book. She must have read every single book in this place twice, or maybe three times. She read multiple books a day. That's all she could do. She did not need to sleep, she did not need to eat, and she could not leave the doors of this library. The moment she stepped outside, the pain was unbearable.
  Hermione wondered why she was brought back, or why her past memories felt so cold and barren. It was not as if she lived those memories, but rather if she observed them as a third party. She was like someone who was looking in through the window, at her own life and times. Memories flashed by her, and it gave her so much time to think.
  She regretted calling Harry here, even if it was to help him. It gave her a hint, a taunt of the life that she could have had on the outside. The look of distrust on Harry's face hurt her more than any curse. He had his own life now, with Kara, and he had truly put the past behind him. He had moved on. She should have moved on, to the afterlife.
  Yet she was still here.
  Hermione jumped with a startle. Someone was in the library with her. She remained alert, and her eyes stared forward as the figure continued to walk forward to her.
  "Quite amazing that you still bury yourselves in these books, even years after your apparent demise, Miss Granger."
  Hermione's eyes narrowed. Lionel Luthor stood before her in the library.
  "What are you doing here?" she demanded, pure venom and hatred dripping from her voice. "No, I've got a better question. How did you find me here?"
  "No need to get defensive, I merely was investigating the mysterious disturbance that happened in Europe a number of days ago," Lionel said. "I must say, I was very much surprised. The origin point did not come from the graveyard as I thought it would, but from this very library. Yet, I see no electronics of any sort that can cause such a powerful charge. It's almost as if it was done by magic."
  "You must have lost your mind," Hermione said swiftly. She added in a cold and detached voice, "There's no such thing as magic."
  "Ever the skeptic, much you were the last time I saw you, you must have been ten or eleven," Lionel said. "Shortly thereafter, you, Hermione, stopped exchanging letters with my son. I'm guessing you moved on in life, or found a new life. When you went to a mysterious boarding school in Scotland, there seems to be a lot of that going around. I've encountered someone you may have met. He's a young man who goes by the name of Harry Potter."
  "We've met, yes," Hermione replied calmly.
  "I heard of your grisly demised, and I've kept into contact with your parents for years prior to that, but they disappeared," Lionel continued. "Much to my surprise, I came across them a number of years ago in Australia. And they had no memory of their past. They didn't even know their last name was Granger, or they even had a daughter named Hermione. It was almost as if they were bewitched with new memories, and their past had been wiped clean. I tried to arrange my top scientists to bring back their memories, but it seems the process had caused their minds to be shattered. Whatever methods that were used, undoing them was too much of a strain on them."
  Hermione waved her hand, inviting Lionel to get to the point.
  "Yet, you appear to be alive. Did you fake your own death to escape something?"
  "That's not your business, Luthor, so kindly leave," Hermione said curtly.
  "Defensive, that aspect of you has not changed either," Lionel said without missing a beat. "People don't come back from the dead, Miss Granger, not without someone else manipulating the strings. And if I've found you here, chances are that others will find you. That is, if you are who you appear to be."
  Hermione's face remained stoic, and no emotion crossed it. There was a stirring of irritation deep inside her.
  "This subterfuge reaches a level that even the Luthors dare not cross," Lionel said, and he looked right in Hermione's eye right now. "What are your intentions regarding Harry Potter?"
  "I have nothing, but the best intentions regarding Harry," Hermione said firmly, with conviction in her voice.
  "Do you now?" Lionel asked her, quietly. "I admit I have had my doubts regarding Harry Potter, and his intentions regarding certain matters, but he's proven himself to be on one hundred percent genuine. The type of man you would want to stand beside you, and the type of man who is not anyone's puppet."
  Lionel paused, and his unblinking gaze focused on the face of Hermione at this point. He continued to fish for the details he needed to uncover.
  "He will help shield the traveler, until he is able to fulfill his destiny as the savior the world needs. He's not anything like his mother or any other members of her bloodline. I must say, that was a relief to me. I daresay he's outgrown her influence, and any control she might have had on him has been broken. Whatever manipulations she had, he managed to be stronger than them."
  "Lily Potter never had anything, but the best intentions for Harry," Hermione replied defensively. "She was a noble, valiant, and selfless woman. She sacrificed her life so he could fulfill his destiny."
  "Did she?" Lionel asked, and he paused, before he calmly stated. "Or was this sacrifice merely the means to create a further extension of her will from beyond the grave? This was to perhaps cement herself as a saint, and one that should be followed without question."
  Hermione's gaze burned through Lionel. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.
  "Just leave!" Hermione snapped, her eyes flashing with rage.
  "I'll be gone then," Lionel said, and he stepped off, careful not to turn his back. His voice dropped to a low whisper. "I never thought that you'd become a puppet, Miss Granger. Your parents would be disappointed."
  Lionel left, and Hermione was half tempted to strike him down. She managed to rein herself in, but her gaze remained fixed and dangerous.
  The dark and dismal winter weather was obvious for miles around. One figure stepped out of the shadows. He watched from afar, calculating, and thinking about the situation at hand. His objective must be fulfilled, but there was an unintended variable that was thrown into the equation. This variable could jeopardize everything he had worked for.
  Death's messenger was here. The legends were known to many on Krypton, even if few scarcely believed it. Yet, he knew it to be true. He had seen the manifestation of this legend in flesh and bone. What was worse was that Death's Messenger had aligned himself with the son of Jor-El. He had entered a relationship with the daughter of Zor-El. Death's messenger posed a danger to his objective.
  His observation was that Death's Messenger must be dealt with, immediately, so his path could remain clear.
  An alternate would be to find a way to manipulate both Death's Messenger and the Daughter of Zor-El for his purposes, to get what he wanted.
  He would need more information, before he would proceed with his plan.
  The BrainInteractive Construct, or Brainiac as he was commonly referred to, would analyze this from all variables, and come up with the best angle of attack. He was fully operational, and ready.
  No one would stand in his way.
  Decryption Part One
  Chapter 23: Decryption Part One.
  Back in the spring of 1980, two lone figures walked across a bridge somewhere in the United Kingdom. They were two women, and they moved with a purpose. One woman had dark red hair and vibrant green eyes dressed in black robes. The other woman had blonde hair with grey eyes, and she was dressed in blue robes.
  They walked in silence, before one of the women began to speak.
  "So, this is it, it has begun," the blonde woman said in a calm, collected tone of voice. She had a demeanor that indicated that very few things bothered her. "You are now pregnant with Death's chosen."
  The redhead shook her head, and pulled a face. "Isis, I'm trying not to think of him as that. He is my son, no matter what his destiny is."
  The woman offered Lily a consoling smile and a nod.
  "I know Lily, but he could be the key to mysteries that humanity has been trying to unlock since life itself began," Isis said. "Harry will be a special young man and one who has the ability to change the world."
  "How did you know I was going to name him Harry?" Lily asked in a shocked voice.
  Isis just smiled her mysterious smile. She seemed to see the world in an entirely different light. Lily found her friendship endearing and refreshing. Growing up in the society that she did, there was no such thing as friends. Any relationships were only a resource that could be cultivated into something that benefitted their rise to the top.
  Isis was the only friend she felt she had that was not inherited from her husband's circle. Sure Remus, Sirius, and Peter were all nice, but they weren't strictly her friends. She enjoyed a decent relationship with them, but if it was not for James, they might not have been a big part of her life.
  "Just call it instinct," Isis told Lily, and she turned around. "You regret making the deal, don't you?"
  Lily sighed. Isis once again had hit the nail on the head. She was always blunt, and had a knack of saying things that were true, no matter how offensive they might be.
  "I regret it in the sense that Harry's going to suffer for it, and he's going to be gifted with a power that has corrupted and twisted every single other person who has acquired it," Lily said, and she closed her eyes. "You and I both studied the matter. Salazar Slytherin did not become twisted and demented until Death chose him as one of her heralds. The power caused him to be the paranoid nutcase history choses to remember him as. The other three founders had to put him down."
  Lily shifted herself to the side. She sighed at the very thought of her son being remembered as being a pariah.
  "If you had to make the deal all over again, would you?" Isis asked.
  "I would still make the deal, but not for the reasons that I did," Lily said. "I just hope that everything works out well. I'll do everything I can to make sure Harry is ready, and understands what he needs to do. I just hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me when the time comes, or at least understand everything I had to do."
  Lily took a deep breath. She knew that she was going to have to do some things that in the end, she'd regret.
  "I don't want my son to become evil. I just want him to do what he can to aid the traveler in achieving his destiny."
  "Harry will not be alone," Isis told Lily in a gentle voice. "He will have the help of his soulmate. She will be waiting for him. He will find her."
  Lily seemed unconvinced, but she just shrugged.
  "Rose had to suffer because of this entire mess, Petunia won't speak to me, not that we had the best relationship to begin with," Lily commented. "And my parents...well does it make me a monster when I was relieved that Voldemort's Death Eaters killed them?"
  Isis turned to her friend. She seemed unwilling to answer that question Lily posed.
  "Voldemort will be after the traveler you know," Isis said.
  "It won't happen," Lily said, but she seemed absolutely terrified by that possibility. "It can't happen! Riddle's twisted, depraved. He will use the traveler to destroy everyone in his path. He will enslave the world if he could tap into that kind of power."
  Lily took a deep breath.
  "If I die, you need to make sure Harry understands what he needs to do," Lily added. "Do not let him be swayed by any other party. He needs to understand that he needs to do for his mission regarding the traveler. The traveler needs to be protected at all costs until the moment where he can rise."
  Isis nodded. She understood her responsibilities. She would have to keep an ear out for anyone from the Muggle World finding out about the traveler. Then she would decide how to assist Harry from there.
  "We both could die over this, you know," Isis said. She talked about her impending death as if she was discussing the weather.
  "Yes, these secrets are dangerous," Lily agreed, and she drew in a deep breath. "But the secrets we're trying to uncover behind Project: Genesis are something that is going to cause us even more trouble. If the project is completed..."
  "I know," Isis interrupted her. "The three Unspeakables behind it are the key. Rookwood, Dixon, and Caruthers, they are working on this project, and keeping it under-wraps. We both work in the Department of Mysteries, and we can't even get a hint of the project."
  "Nor, will you."
  Lily and Isis spun around in surprise. They saw a scarred man with grey hair, and bloodshot eyes standing on the hill. He had a white hooded robe on, and he raised one hand. Both women had been flung backwards and pinned down onto the ground.
  The man hovered over Isis and Lily, and offered them a crooked smile.
  "Lovegood and Potter, you two nosy little bints have stuck your nose in our business for the last time," the man said.
  "Sorry, I've always been too nosy for my own good," Lily said, struggling underneath the invisible force that shoved her down to the ground. It was powerful. Even her most powerful charms could not break the invisible bindings she had been put in. "What did you do to yourself, Dixon?"
  Dixon offered her a crooked smile, and continued to hold her into place.
  "I've evolved," Dixon said nastily. "I don't need a wand to perform magic."
  "Good for you, you want a cookie?" Lily deadpanned.
  Dixon growled.
  "I'll remove that diseased tongue from your mouth, Mudblood!"
  Isis and Lily tried to fight back out, but they were held to the ground, pinned down by the invisible force.
  "I've offered myself up as the first test subject, the first of many, a new Genesis of magical prowess," Dixon said. "The Muggle World will wither and die. They will all perish, and the magic users will inherit the world, just like it is supposed to be. We won't have to hide from Muggles anymore, because there will be none!"
  "Caruthers and Rookwood used you as a test subject," Isis commented lightly.
  "Yes, and they have given me powers beyond all measure!" Dixon yelled, and the air cackled around them. "All I need to do is look at the Muggles, and they'll wither and die!"
  Isis and Lily realized the perilous predicament that they were in.
  "You do realize that you're only the prototype don't you?" Lily asked. "And how you're body parts will be harvested to fine-tune the procedure. Congratulations, Dixon, you're the lab rat. Shows how much your partners think of you, doesn't it?"
  "But you three aren't the independent agents, there's someone higher up running the project, isn't there?" Isis asked.
  Dixon considered them for a moment, but he nodded. The nasty expression never left his face.
  "For a Mudblood and a blood traitor, you two know too much for your own good. The Dark Lord sends his regards, and his regrets that he could not finish you off himself."
  "Does Riddle have you pick up his dry cleaning and get his groceries as well?" Lily asked, unable to resist baiting the Death Eater. "Maybe you give him a nice little foot rub after he tortures kittens."
  Dixon was about to swoop in for the kill, but suddenly a spell shot at him. The Death Eater dropped to the ground. He clutched his head, and screamed in pain. He tried to regain his bearings, but then his eyes glazed over. They became blank and unresponsive. It was much like he had suffered an aneurysm or a stroke of some sort. The magic overloaded his brain.
  Isis and Lily managed to pull themselves to their feet. Breathless and shaken up, but they were alive.
  "What just happened?" Isis asked, finally breaking the silence.
  Lily looked at her friend. An idea formed in her head. Quite frankly she could scarcely believe it herself, but she had to give in some consideration.
  "I think Harry saved us," Lily said quietly.
  "Your future son, who you are three months pregnant with, saved us?" Isis asked her, a bit bemused at this.
  Lily just sighed. Her friend did not believe her. "You think I'm crazy..."
  "No, I don't think you're crazy," Isis said delicately. "But you might want to keep that theory from other people. If the wrong parties find out that Harry is capable of doing accidental magic before he is even born, then he'll be a subject of the Department of Mysteries the moment you deliver him. Providing they wait that long."
  Lily felt revolted at the thoughts of what those vultures would do to her son. She had to keep this quiet at all costs.
  "He's extraordinary," Isis added.
  "Of course he is," Lily said. She smiled. "He's my son."
  The two women hovered over Dixon, and they saw his unmoving form. He was breathing, but there were no signs of movement. His eyes remained bloodshot, and unfocused. They ensured that he would not follow them.
  "We can't be seen here," Lily whispered.
  "Agreed," Isis told her. "What's Riddle up to with Project Genesis?"
  Lily had no idea, and that's what scared her. The Ministry was utterly clueless they were leading the entire world to their own damnation, and would not have the slightest idea until it was too late.
  They erased all traces of their presence, and left the brain dead form of Dixon to be found some time later.
  In the year 2008, the motionless form of Richard Dixon twitched, and his eyes flickered open.
  "Revenge," he whispered in a raspy voice.
  His body began to glow, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Several solid light holograms popped out of them, and began to track any living blood relatives of Lily Potter for revenge.
  Their secondary objective was to capture the traveler, and destroy him if necessary.
  The white robed figures began their trek across the world.
  The arising would come.
  The Shining Light Foundation opened its doors back up, with new guests being brought in the New Year. Harry and Kara made their rounds back in the morning. Claire seemed despondent that she had to return to the usual grind, instead of spending a great deal of her time with Harry and Kara. She tried to maintain a happy face, and Harry reminded her that it was important for her to obtain an education, to live somewhat of a normal life.
  With any luck, Claire would be getting a huge surprise before too long. He hoped to have it ready for her eleventh birthday in February.
  Right now, Harry and Kara continued their work of piecing together several mysteries. They were closing in on them, but Harry had a feeling that there was a chance for snags in the future.
  "All we have to do is find the two keys, and whatever the Veritas Society has locked up about Clark, and make sure anything doesn't fall into the wrong hands," Kara said. "We nearly got all of the pieces together."
  "I can't help, but think there are a few puzzle pieces missing," Harry said. "I was hoping there would be something in the Department of Mysteries that could help us. Luna's mother was an Unspeakable, and she was a part of Veritas, but I suppose that she kept those two parts of her separate."
  Kara placed her hand on Harry's comforting him without words. They were in this together. Their mission as Heralds of Death was to give the traveler the assistance he needed to achieve his destiny. Harry uncovered every single bit of information that could about Veritas and about the traveler in general, but he knew he was missing something.
  "No matter what, we can't let certain parties put two and two together," Harry said.
  Kara nodded. She knew certain parties to mean one Lex Luthor. Harry kept a close eye on him after Lex was digging into Harry's past. The young man had no idea to leave well enough alone, and his obsession would be the downfall of him yet.
  The intercom came to life before Harry could finish these thoughts.
  "Mr. Potter, Lex Luthor has arrived, he has requested a meeting with you at your earliest convenience," the receptionist said.
  Harry paused, considering his options.
  'Speak of the devil,' Harry thought.
  "Bring him to conference room five, and tell him I'll meet him in fifteen minutes," Harry said.
  "Of course, sir," the receptionist said.
  Somehow he knew this visit was not for an idle chitchat. Harry placed himself behind the main computer, and continued to try and crack the beacon that had been picked up. It was fired off around the same time Hermione had made her "return from the grave". Best he could tell, there were three distinct points of origin.
  The gravestone in Godric's Hallow was not the only thing that came to life. There were two other beacons that had been fired off, and Harry was getting close to pinpointing the signal and also unscrambling a cryptic message that had been picked up by his computers. Hermione had activated them, apparently from inside the library.
  Harry sighed. This was getting to be a problem. These powerful beacons presented a potential headache, as the backwash hurt both Heralds. Adding on top of that were the fifteen immortals that Harry and Kara located during a routine scan of the fabric of life the other night. Tracking them down and dealing with them would be easier said than done. Then, in addition to that, there was the shit-storm that came from Project: Genesis.
  "Dead end?" Kara prompted, when Harry threw his hands up in the air in frustration.
  "Unfortunately," Harry said. He reached around, and gave his fianc?e a hug and a kiss goodbye. "I'll be back, better see what Lex wants with me."
  Harry exited his office, and made his way to the elevator. He knew security would keep a good eye on Lex, but having him in his building made him a bit unnerved. Harry thought about the past few months, and what he might have done differently knowing what he knew now. There was no need to go over it again.
  The doors swung open, and Lex sat and waited for him. The bald man surveyed Harry with a smile.
  "Harry, I just heard the good news, about your impending nuptials," Lex said conversationally. "Congratulations."
  Harry very much doubted that Lex was here to offer him his congratulations about his impending nuptials to Kara. He just nodded politely, and waited for the real reason for Lex's little visit to come to light.
  "Clark's cousin, well perhaps now that you're practically part of the family, you'll be able to unravel the enigma that is Clark Kent," Lex said. He looked at Harry, a knowing expression on his face. "That's why you're here isn't it, to unravel one of the biggest mysteries in Smallville?"
  "What do I owe the pleasure of the visit, Lex?" Harry asked, deciding to get straight to the point.
  Lex offered a bit of a dry grin. "Straight, and to the point, and not even bothering for the pleasantries, well I doubt I could expect anything less from someone who has been as busy as you have as of late."
  He cleared his throat.
  "A few weeks ago, I had taken a business trip, to indulge a curiosity of mine," Lex said. "You see, I've been trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and I came across quite the curious looking gravestone. The marking on it was strange, I was wondering if you could identify it."
  Harry looked at Lex. He did love how Lex conveniently left out the fact that the only reason why he came across that particular gravestone, was because the man was sticking his nose where it did not belong. For now, Harry played his game, because he had no idea how much Lex knew. Lex picked up a folded piece of paper, and put it out in front of Harry.
  "Do you know what it is?" Lex asked.
  "I believe that's a triangle," Harry dead panned.
  If Lex was rattled by this dismissive statement, he did not show it. Harry waited for him to continue.
  "Yes, but the triangle is only part of a symbol, a circle and a line down it, I believe it means something," Lex said. "The question is, what does it mean? I have a feeling that it unlocks the answers to a universal truth that many men and women have been searching their entire lives for. The secrets of the universe that they can only dream of holding in their hands, is within my grasp."
  Harry looked at the symbol, acting like he feigned casual interest.
  "I have only been able to locate the symbol in one other place, and that was scrawled on the wall of an abandoned prison in Germany," Lex continued. "When I touched the symbol on the gravestone, I felt every moment in my life flash before me. It was a sign, that I was destined for something."
  "I'm at a loss to explain why the symbol did what it did," Harry said. "But perhaps there are some things that man was never meant to tamper with."
  "True, but it's worth the risk when humanity hinges in the balance," Lex said, and he paused, before he added. "Months ago, I had a near death experience. I was rescued from the brink. I've thought about it since, and I feel that I have been given a chance to save humanity. To protect them from threats that they cannot, no matter what the means are. And I feel that in many ways, you have the same potential."
  "How do you figure that?" Harry asked.
  "We do seem to be cut from the same cloth many ways," Lex said. "We're dedicated to our cause, and are driven. There are many who will mistake our intentions as being less than noble, but we really are doing what is for the greater good of the world."
  "You really have it figured out, don't you?" Harry asked Lex.
  If Lex noticed the sarcasm in Harry's voice, he did not let on.
  "The point I'm trying to make is we can do a lot if we work together," Lex said. "Our resources together would change the world. Just think about the people we could help, and how humanity would be much more secure. It would be a business arrangement that no one could stop."
  Harry was floored by this offer. He had no idea what Lex's game was, although he suspected that there were some less than noble intentions that were involved. He remained on his guard, but Lex avoided making eye contact. Trying to get a fix on someone who avoided eye contact past a casual handshake was something that made his mental probing extremely difficult.
  "Your offer is intriguing," Harry said. He struggled with the best way to say, "no" in the most diplomatic manner possible. "But I..."
  "I couldn't ask you to make a decision right now," Lex said, waving his hand. He slid back in the chair, and a smile crossed his face. "Just think about it. You know how to get in touch with me. Remember, the fate of the world may hinge on how you answer."
  Harry watched Lex get to his feet and walk off without another word. The truth was that if he thought he could gain any benefit whatsoever from the deal, he would play along. Harry was not opposed to making a business arraignment with a Luthor if it served some purpose that could advance his goals.
  He did not need to read Lex's mind to figure out that his obsession with the Veritas Society remained strong. The information Harry managed to obtain from Lex's computers proved that much, and the younger Luthor was getting more desperate. He was almost certain that Lex could have potentially followed the paper trail to the Evans family and thus back to him if he went down the right avenue.
  Harry waited until Lex was off the premises. He went off to share the information with Kara, and see if she made any better headway than he could with the decryption of the message. The beacon would be the key to figuring out what the truth behind Hermione's recent reappearance was, even if Harry was certain that he had a good idea himself what really happened.
  Clark zoomed at super speed, but he saw Lana standing in the distance, waiting for him. She had her arms folded, and tapped her foot impatiently. She saw Clark, who seemed exasperated that he lost the race. And it was by a much larger margin this time it seemed.
  "Either, you're getting slower, or I'm getting faster," Lana said with a grin. "It depends on what one you want to believe."
  Clark shook his head. "Lana, I almost beat you this time."
  "Clark, I don't know what race you were watching," Lana said, and she placed a hand on his. "But it isn't the one we were racing in, I don't think. Maybe you were distracted by all of my dust you were eating."
  "Lana, that race was...okay yeah you won," Clark said. He did not have it in him to argue. "I still don't know you could, but you did. The stops could use a little work."
  "I didn't almost crash into anything this time," Lana said to Clark. "I don't know what Harry did when he allowed me to keep those powers, but they seem a bit stronger than I thought they would be."
  Clark raised an eyebrow. "Are you complaining?"
  "No, I can actually pull you out of trouble, instead of vice versa," Lana said, and she shook her head. "I'm getting the heat vision down, and I know I can use the X-Ray vision fluidly."
  It was at this point she was staring at Clark immediately, and Clark stepped back.
  "It's not like I'm looking at anything that I haven't already seen," Lana said, and she pushed Clark back against a wall of a warehouse. "These powers could be the beginning of something."
  "Well, we'll worry about that later," Clark said, but he turned around deep in thought. He had something else on his mind right now.
  "Clark, what is it?" Lana asked.
  "Just thinking about everything that happened, about the thing Harry told us about," Clark said.
  The last couple of weeks had been eventful to say the very least. Not that they had not been eventful in the past. The news that had been given to them over the last couple of days sunk in slowly with Clark and Lana. Right now, they were walking outside. The snow had melted partially, showing evidence of a slightly warmer, but still cool day.
  "That was a shock," Lana admitted. "Imagine what it was like for Harry when he found out."
  Clark had to agree.
  "I always thought that there was something mysterious about Harry, but Kara, she was a surprise," Clark said. "She's here, and she's the one tie that I have to my past that hasn't tried to kill me."
  It was true. In the past, the survivors of Krypton had fatal intentions for Clark, and that was putting it mildly. Clark looked up into the sky, and closed his eyes.
  "What are you doing?" Lana asked.
  "Trying to fly," Clark said. Despite his best efforts, he remained grounded. "There's something holding me back...and I'm not sure if it's completely the entire fear of heights thing."
  Lana had been lightly teasing Clark about the entire lack of flying thing, but she saw that he looked rather distressed.
  "It'll come when you're ready," Lana said. "There must be a good reason why you haven't tapped into those powers. I don't know why, it's easy. Just like taking a breath, it's an instinct."
  To demonstrate her point, Lana shot off into the air. She did one lap around the wooded area that she and Clark stood at. Clark watched her. Once Lana circled one full time, she swooped down and scooped Clark up in her arms, before she flew forward into the air.
  "Lana," Clark said in a reproachful voice.
  "Sorry, but that never gets old," Lana said, as she did one more lap with Clark in her arms, before she dropped him down to the ground, and playfully pinned him against a tree. She pressed her lips onto Clark.
  Clark's mind shut down for a brief second, before he relaxed, and then became rigid.
  Lana pulled back. "What is it, Clark?"
  "What if someone sees us?" Clark asked.
  "We should be able to hear them long before they come," Lana argued, and Clark paused.
  That was actually a good and sound argument. Lana resumed her activities. She was relishing her new strength. Clark found her eagerness both exciting and a bit intimidating.
  Lana broke her activities, when they heard a noise. Clark and Lana crept over, and heard footsteps in the distance. He could have sworn that he saw a figure dressed in a white robe, but all he saw was a couple walking, with skies.
  "Just skiers," Clark replied.
  Clark and Lana rushed forward, and made sure there was no one in the distance. Instinctively, Clark flinched when he saw a green meteor rock on the ground. It took a while to get used to the fact that those were no longer his weakness.
  "I bet that's a weight off your shoulder," Lana said, almost as if she got a sense of what Clark was thinking. "The Kryptonite is everywhere; I never really noticed that until now."
  "How didn't you notice?" Clark asked.
  "Well, I noticed, but I never thought it was that much," Lana said, and she looked forward. She spotted a truck. "Clark, exactly how much can you lift?"
  "A lot," Clark replied. "I didn't actually test it, or anything, but I'm sure it's a lot."
  Clark picked the truck up over his head, to demonstrate what he was talking about.
  "See," Clark said.
  "Impressive," Lana said, with a genuine smile. "But can you lift a building, or even a train?"
  Clark looked thoughtful about this. His powers had increased since the first time he had used them. He wondered what his limits were, or how long his powers would grow. Maybe he should ask Kara if she had any ideas, but that was something that was another discussion for another time.
  They looked at a train.
  "Go ahead, try and lift it," Lana said to him. She saw Clark's look of reluctance, and added, "Unless you don't think you can."
  Clark stepped over to face the train. "I think I might able to oblige you."
  He grabbed onto the train, making sure no one was around. He bent his knees, and tried to lift the train off the ground. He managed to lift it, just barely. It took a great deal of concentration for him to hold it up, and eventually, he lost his balance. He set the train back down on the tracks, and Lana watched him.
  "Getting a bit out of shape, Clark?" Lana asked, but Clark used his X-Ray vision to check the train.
  "It's got some heavy cargo on it, to be fair," Clark said.
  Lana took a look at the train.
  "Yeah, but I thought that you would be able to lift it up, no problem," Lana said to him.
  "With all the cargo, it must weigh several tons more than the actual train," Clark argued, and Lana looked at him. "It's not like you could do it. You're just coming into your powers."
  Lana looked back at Clark. She enjoyed a challenge. She walked over and studied the train.
  "You're really going to do it?" Clark asked. "Lana, I could barely lift it, what makes you think you can lift it?"
  Lana stepped over, and closed her eyes. She gritted her teeth.
  "Don't forget to lift with your legs, not your back," Clark joked. "You know, Lana, if you can't lift it, that's..."
  The train was lifted off of the ground by Lana. Clark watched, mouth a gap.
  Had Clark been paying a bit closer attention, he would have noticed a slight glow emitting from Lana's hands.
  "That doesn't look that hard," Lana said, and she lifted up, with the train. She carefully balanced it, not dropping it. She set it back down on the tracks. "Maybe you should be eating your Wheaties."
  "Okay, that shut my mouth," Clark said.
  'What did you do, Harry?" Clark thought.
  "I wonder what else I can do," Lana said thoughtfully, and she stopped, before turning around to face Clark. "Race you back home."
  Lana zoomed off, splashing Clark with slush, and Clark was left gob smacked for a few seconds, mouth hanging open, before he followed her. At least she was getting the handle of her new powers, and being able to use them safely.
  Later that morning, Harry was hard at work on the beacon. His phone rang, and he answered it immediately, wondering who could be calling him at this time.
  "Yes, hello," Harry said.
  The voice of Lionel Luthor responded on the other end of the phone. "Good day, Mr. Potter. Quite the eventful morning you have, haven't it?"
  "One could say that," Harry said.
  "Yes, and my son extending an offer for an alliance, I should have seen it coming," Lionel said. "He's been digging quite extensively into your past, and he seems obsessed. He's got the delusion into his head that he saw a young boy in a cupboard underneath the stairs, and that young boy was you."
  "One would call that delusion, yes," Harry replied, keeping his voice even. "We both know that if your son thought he saw something, than he won't rest until he gets the answers that he's looking for."
  "And the symbol that he located on the gravestone, I trust he asked you about that," Lionel replied.
  "Yes," Harry replied in confirmation. "I'll tell you the same thing I told him. I know nothing about that symbol."
  "Ah, one would get the impression that you know far more than you are implying, Mr. Potter," Lionel responded.
  "Depends on what you're implying," Harry said.
  "I've done my due diligence, and I'm certain Lex has, of the mysterious number of deaths that have occurred in the United Kingdom over the past fifty or so years," Lionel said.
  "Careful, Mr. Luthor, you don't want to imply anything about me," Harry replied in a warning voice.
  "Believe me I'm not, but you are far from ignorant from the matter of who might be behind," Lionel said. "And I've picked up a mysterious beacon from Great Britain. I'm sure Lex and others might have picked up on it, even if they have been preoccupied with matters further in the stars. If they get a reason..."
  Harry cut Lionel off immediately.
  "I know what you think they're after," Harry said. "People are saying that it's coming from the graveyard in Godric's Hallow, where my parents are buried."
  "They do say that, but they're wrong," Lionel said. "It's not coming from the graveyard, but rather it originates from within a library."
  Harry frowned. This was not news to him.
  "Curious as to how you have come to that conclusion, Mr. Luthor," Harry said.
  "Well, we all have our ways," Lionel said. He suspected that this was something else that Harry Potter figured out. "The fact of the matter is that beacon could open up a Pandora's box, and you may have a devil of a time shutting it."
  Harry's mouth curled into a smile. A Pandora's Box was a good description of what the Ministry had intended to open up based on what he found out about Project: Genesis.
  "And this has to do with the architect behind it, a Miss Hermione Granger," Lionel said. "I don't know if you have met, but I believe she went to a boarding school in Scotland much like you. It could very well be a coincidence, or a conspiracy."
  "Hermione Granger is dead," Harry replied in a flat and emotionless tone of voice.
  "Well, I met her, and she seemed living and breathing, if confined to one area," Lionel said.
  "She's dead," Harry repeated in a stoic voice. He continued in a cryptic tone of voice. "It's a game that even the Luthors cannot comprehend. Someone is trying to pull the strings, but I for one am no one's puppet."
  "Good for you," Lionel replied swiftly. "But despite not being anyone's puppet, there are people who will always attempt to maneuver you into that role, and fix strings upon you."
  'I'm sure you know all about that, Luthor,' Harry thought to himself.
  "Thanks for the warning," Harry said. "You can sleep soundly knowing that I have my eyes wide open, and I know what I'm dealing with."
  The Hermione he knew died ten years ago. There was someone, or something else wearing her face and having access to her memories. Harry was convinced of this, but whatever game was being played, he needed to keep playing along.
  "It's remarkable that you're covering for your friend, and yet so utterly blind of who pulling her strings," Lionel added.
  "Will that be all?" Harry asked dismissively, as if he did not hear Lionel.
  Harry figured out who was controlling "Hermione", and she was behind what happened with the Fortress. She broke her word to him, but what was her game this time?
  "Yes, that will be all, have a good day, and don't take anything my son says at face value," Lionel answered.
  Harry got a sense that Lionel had a shrewd idea what Harry might have found out, but he was not about to verify what he knew to the elder Luthor. Trust was given to those who he earned it, and Harry was not about to be swept up into whatever game of chess that both Luthors were playing with each other.
  He stepped forward, and Kara was waiting for him.
  "Ready to go?" Kara asked him.
  "In a minute," Harry said. "Here's something that alarms me. Lionel Luthor knows about the Hermione situation."
  Kara looked unsettled about this news.
  "We didn't tell anyone about it," Kara said slowly.
  "Lionel is annoyingly resourceful," Harry said. "If Lionel knows, Lex might find out, and I don't know what he would do. Especially given the ties the Grangers have to Veritas. Both are trying to figure out what the death symbol means, and that could mean disaster."
  Kara and Harry sat together. Both were about to plot their next move, but suddenly a message came through.
  "I don't believe it," Harry gasped, and Kara turned to him, a look of surprise in her eyes. "I picked up something tangible from the beacon. Something other than a series of beeps, just listen for yourself."
  Kara did so. Both Harry and Kara sat side by side. A ghostly whisper of "the arising will come" could be heard. Harry tried to zero in on the whisper, and try and determine if there was anything else tangible from it.
  He got nothing, nothing other than the whisper. The same forwards four words had been looped and they spoke the same cryptic whisper.
  "I don't know what it means," Harry said.
  "It could mean anything, or it's a hint for something else to come," Kara said. "It's tied in with this Project: Genesis and it's a warning of things to come. Of a danger, far greater than anything either of us had dealt with before."
  Harry looked at her, and nodded. She spoke a lot of sense. He had been so fixated on Veritas that he did not even think of another threat sneaking in in the backdoor.
  "That might be it," Harry said.
  "This is unsettling, with how vague it is," Kara stated, but Harry tried to listen again.
  "There are numbers being whispered in between the words, I need to slow it down just a bit," Harry said.
  "Numbers can be important," Kara said. She frowned, deep in thought. "But what do they mean?"
  Harry wrote down the numbers as he got them once he slowed down the recording. Twenty, Thirteen, and Eighteen were the numbers, in that order. He frowned, and studied them intently.
  "Thirteen is one of the three most magically powerful numbers and also represents misfortune," Harry said. "The other two numbers, I have no idea what they mean, if anything."
  "We'll figure out, together," Kara said in an encouraging voice. Harry looked tense, and a bit stressed out. She began to rub the back of his neck, and shoulders, relaxing him. "Harry, don't worry about it until later. You've been working too hard."
  Harry tried to protest, but he conceded Kara had a point. Claire was still in school, so Harry and Kara were able to check out of the Shining Light Foundation, and make their way to the Kent Farm all by themselves.
  "Just put it out of your mind for a little bit," Kara said, and she leaned forward, and kissed Harry on the lips. "Everything's going to work out for the best. We have plenty of time later. It could be nothing."
  "Or it could be something," Harry said.
  "Later today, we'll find out what it means, for sure," Kara said, and she grabbed Harry by the hand. "Clark and Lana should be home."
  "We better knock first, we won't want to walk in on anything private," Harry said, and Kara responded with a nod. "What about..."
  "We'll tell them later, once we know more," Kara said, and Harry grabbed her head. The two popped away. They landed outside of the Kent Farm.
  The two floated towards the door. Kara reached the door first, so she knocked. The door opened, and Clark stood behind it. His expression brightened when he saw Kara and Harry.
  "Harry, Kara, what a nice surprise," Clark said. He had not seen them after the night that they dropped the bombshell about their roles on him. "Come in and..."
  "We will, thanks," Kara said. "So how are you and Lana doing?"
  "We're doing fine," Clark said, but he seemed to be a bit preoccupied with something. "Lana's testing out her powers."
  "I'm sure you two are having fun with that," Harry said.
  Clark shook his head. A smile spread across his face. "Well, Lana does seem to be taking to them a lot better than most people would. It could be because of the buzz of having the new powers. And once you get used to the feeling of getting plucked up, and flown around..."
  "Clark, one day, you'll learn how to fly, and you'll fly higher and better than us all," Kara said honestly.
  She thought that it was a power her cousin should have had a long time ago, but everyone learned things at their own pace. Kara and Harry both took to flight naturally. They had a natural love of flying. Clark's fear of heights seemed to keep him mostly grounded, although it was a mental block that he seemed to working hard deal with.
  Kara really hoped to see Clark in the air sooner than later. Not the he couldn't do something good for the world without that power. After all she did not think of him as incapable on the ground. But, it just seemed like something that he should be doing.
  Kara and Harry walked inside the kitchen, where Lana was waiting. They exchanged a polite greeting, but Kara was looking at Lana. There was no need to put this off, especially given the new spark that had placed in Clark and Lana's relationship.
  "Lana, can I have a quick word with you?" Kara asked. "Outside, in private, please."
  Lana wondered what this was all about. Despite the fact things had improved between her and Kara, she had to admit she was apprehensive.
  "Don't worry, I'm not going to throw you into the sun because you can fly when Clark can't," Kara said with a smile.
  Lana relaxed. For a moment she thought it was serious. She followed Kara outdoors, and leaving Clark and Harry alone.
  "So, do you want to tell me what that's all about?" Clark asked.
  "I don't know," Harry said with a shrug. He decided to switch subjects. "So the Kryptonite cure is working out well for you."
  "I didn't feel it when I was around the rocks," Clark informed him.
  "I should hope so, all of the time I spent fine tuning that cure, and making sure it worked through all of the different types of Kryptonite," Harry said. "You should be fine though. Unless there's one that I missed, let's see there's Green Kryptonite of course, Red Kryptonite, Blue Kryptonite, Gold Kryptonite, Black Kryptonite, Silver Kryptonite, Pink Kryptonite, and maybe a few others I forgot. I know I got them all."
  "I'll take your word for it that you got them all," Clark said, he experienced the effects of a few of those colors, but not all of them.
  If the cure worked, and he was sure it did, he never had to worry about what they did to him.
  He wondered how many Harry had uncovered, and how much time he put into his research. And if he could help with any other vulnerabilities.
  Kara and Lana walked quite a way from the Kent Farm.
  "Let's go over there," Kara pointed out, and in a flash, before Lana could do anything, Kara took flight. She was a blur as she streaked through the air. Try as she might to catch up, Lana was not as quick as Kara was. Kara was floating, cross legged at the edge of the field. A smile crossed her face. "Took you long enough."
  "I guess you're one Kryptonian that I'm not going to be able to outrun," Lana said.
  Kara just nodded, and she turned around. She spoke in a soft tone of voice. "It's a big world out there, and a beautiful one. Smallville is just a part of it, you know. And soon, Clark will be the one who has to watch over it all."
  Lana stood behind her, wondering where this was going.
  "So, you have your powers," Kara said. "You wouldn't have had them unless you were ready to accept them and the full responsibilities that come along with wielding such powers. Your journey has been a hard one. Especially your relationship with Clark, I believe a rollercoaster ride would be the best way to describe it."
  "Yes, that would be accurate," Lana said with a slight smile. "But we're good now..."
  "Yes, I know, but this time, you're either in all of the way, or you're out," Kara said in a firm voice. "I told you Clark has to watch over the world. But someone has to watch over Clark, to make sure he doesn't make a decision that will doom this world. To some, that might be considered a bigger responsibility."
  "Sounds like it," Lana agreed, and she looked at Kara. "So you think that I'm...."
  "You have the powers, so you have the potential," Kara said. "You and Clark could build something for the future. Not because destiny says so, but because it's a choice you're going to make. And the choices you make will be the difference. Clark has it in him to be what the world needs to watch over them. Humanity has potential, and promise, but there are times where dark forces will tempt it and seek to destroy them merely because they can."
  Kara turned around, to fully look Lana in the eye.
  "The man Clark has grown up into is something that I'm proud of," Kara said. "I might not be able to see his journey the whole way through, and he does have a long way to go, but he's well on his way. And I think you've done some growing, through some of the harshest lessons life could offer."
  "That's one way to put it," Lana said.
  The two girls looked at each other.
  "Watch over him, Lana," Kara said seriously. "When I'm not there, I want to be secure that Clark is safe, and not going to have harm come to him. If Clark is kept safe, then the world will be safe. Harry and I will play our roles, but we have other things to deal with. Guiding Clark was only one part of our mission."
  "What do you two have to do?" Lana asked.
  "Lana, don't worry about that," Kara said. "Worry about what you have to do to prepare yourself for the final steps of your journey. I do warn you that there's no turning back now. You have to be one hundred percent committed. Waver, or hurt Clark, and the consequences will be dire. Anything that I can do to you will pale in comparison to what your own guilt will do to yourself."
  "I'm not going to hurt Clark, not again, never again," Lana said.
  "Then you have my blessing," Kara said. "You may notice that your powers are a bit stronger, and you may have a couple of new ones up your sleeve that Clark doesn't."
  "Yeah, I noticed today, I was a bit stronger," Lana said. "But the powers...what are they?"
  "You'll know when they come,' Kara replied in a cryptic voice. "The easy part is over for you."
  Lana seemed a bit distressed that Kara considered what her and Clark had been through in the past the easy part. The dark haired girl nodded all of the same.
  "Just know that the trials that are to come will test you," Kara concluded.
  "I'm ready," Lana replied firmly.
  "Then I should have no reason to fear the worst," Kara said. "I hope the bond between you and Clark will be one that will be everlasting, and will get you through the hardship that is to come."
  Kara looked up. She hoped Lana would actually be ready. She saw it in her eyes that she was, but at the same time, one never truly knew.
  Then again, Kara would test any of her cousin's potential suitors, because they would have a great role in his future. And it was important they understood that. All she wanted was for Clark to be happy, and to be safe for a very long time. Much like she was with Harry.
  "Magic can do many things, and one of the most interesting quirks of it is that it tends to bend everything known law of physics that you can imagine."
  Harry and Clark walked around the barn outside, with Harry giving Clark a lecture on the nature of magic.
  "I just want to know if there is a way to remove the magic vulnerability," Clark remarked.
  Harry just looked thoughtful, and he took a deep breath. Then he gave Clark his most honest assessment of the situation.
  "Is there a way to make someone immune from magic? That is a good question. There are magical creatures out there that are more resistant to magic because of their hides. Dragons and basilisks, and other creatures among that level are less vulnerable, but they are not completely immune. Enough magic users, or a powerful enough magic user, and they can be taken down just as easily as another creature."
  Harry took a breath, and continued with his explanation.
  "There have been magic users who have been looking for ways to protect against attacks from their fellow witches and wizards for generation after generation. The problem is that once some shield has been created, a creative mind can always find a flaw and thus find a way to negate that defense. The Kryptonite cure could be created because essentially your meteor rocks are based in science. Therefore there is a certain amount of logic to it. Magic is a different kettle of fish entirely."
  "It sounds to me like there is little to no logic in magic," Clark said.
  Harry nodded.
  "You are on the right track," Harry said. "We spend countless hours getting magical theory driven into our brain by our teachers. It was a way of imposing limits on us to make sure we did not do anything that the Ministry could not control Knowing the theory is useful, in a sense, but trying to understand the logic behind magic could drive a person mad. There are laws of how magic works, but any restrictions are only within the mind. For instance, if you can't believe that you should be able to fly, than you would not fly. It's just as simple as that."
  Clark got a sense of what Harry was trying to imply, but Harry pressed on.
  "Magical armor exists, but it has a backfire, just like everything else," Harry explained. "It can block magic attacking you, but it can also limit the scope of your attacks. Plus it is hell to maneuver around, even with super strength, it's difficult."
  He shook his head from side to side.
  "Most physical attacks could not hurt you, but magic is a manifestation of everything that makes a fool out of every known science," Harry continued. "Magic even can make a fool out of magical users. One of the few things that can truly injure me is a sufficiently powerful witch or wizard. If I am unable to block, or counter the attacks, I'd be in trouble. But, there is no way to completely remove any vulnerability to magic. Otherwise, magical duels would be just a group of wizards firing pretty lights at each other back and forth."
  Clark nodded in understanding.
  "Magic users don't even have the sheer fire protection against magic that you might think we would," Harry concluded. "There are shield charms Said charms are able to block anything from a moderately powered witch or wizard, except for three spells. There are three spells that can't be blocked by any known magical shields. The only ways to block them is by physical objects, or just not being in the way of them. The only plus is that they take a great deal of power to pull off."
  "What are those spells?" Clark asked.
  "The Imperius Curse, it can bend the victim to their will," Harry explained. "The Cruciatus Curse, which causes the victim pain beyond all measure, really just imagine the worse pain you've ever had. And multiply it by about a hundred."
  "That bad?" Clark asked.
  "Maybe worse," Harry admitted. "And there's a third spell, the Killing Curse. That does just what you might think it would."
  'And it's a curse that I've survived more times than I care to think about it,' Harry added mentally.
  Harry was deep in thought about everything that he had to do. He had been turning it over in his mind, over and over again. Clark was just one part of his mission, albeit a rather important part.
  "And I think I might have arrived about six years too late to do you much good," Harry said, and Clark looked at him. "My mother told me I was supposed to arrive six years ago. If I had united the keys, and not been so stubborn, I would have been here."
  "Well, I have to admit, your help would have been appreciated a few times," Clark said.
  "Yeah, maybe," Harry said, but he wondered if it would have made much difference.
  He looked up, hearing a noise. He thought Kara and Lana would be returning before too long. There were footsteps, and Harry tensed up. He was not perfect with determining when something was a threat, but he was sure that something was coming after him.
  "Clark, be on your guard, I think there's something there," Harry whispered.
  "I can't see anything," Clark told him, but he used his X-Ray vision none the less. He saw a strange signature.
  "Do you see what I see?" Harry asked.
  "Yeah, if it's a weird mesh of blue, black, and grey, that's what I see," Clark said.
  "Then I'm not seeing things," Harry stated, and he took a deep breath.
  Suddenly, a blinding light hit both Harry and Clark. A group of figures in white robes showed up, surrounding them.
  "Harry Potter, you will pay for what you have done!"
  "What are they talking about?" Clark asked.
  "If I could figure that out, I'd tell you," Harry said, and he braced himself for battle.
  Clark was blasted backwards to the ground, and was pinned down by a force several times stronger than he was. He tried to struggle with all of his might. Harry jumped in for the attack, and sent an energy attack. Three of the robed figures lit up, and vanished into dust.
  Several more surrounded then, and Clark pulled his way up to his feet.
  "I think, they broke my ribs," Clark managed, struggling to breathe from the pain.
  That was a cause for alarm. Harry tensed up, it was something extremely powerful.
  Clark heard a noise, and this time, he managed to dodge another attack. The ground blew up where he had stood seconds earlier.
  Several magically created knives bounced off of a shield Harry created. He pushed back the attacks. Clark turned around, as a shield closed in around them. He felt the sun being blocked off. He could see it, but the rays from the sun were not reaching him at all.
  "I don't know how much I can hang on; my powers are running on dry!" Clark yelled.
  Harry tried to press on through to break the shield that was created around them. Clark should have been able to conserve his powers more, so they would last longer in situations where he was separated from yellow sunlight.
  Harry blew through the shield, and sent the attacks back in a wave of light. Another energy attack shot through, and Harry was knocked back.
  The Herald of Death popped back up, and became alarmed, because he tasted his own blood. There was a cut opened up on his face, and several more attacks opened up more cuts. He felt searing pain that he tried to push through.
  This should not be happening. Unless he was dealing with a sufficiently powerful sorcerer, that could attack him. Blood dripped from his face, and he continued to press on, to fight.
  There had to be someone performing this spell from somewhere, to create an infinite number of enemies. He struggled to pinpoint the source, as the blood continued to drip from his face.
  'It's one of the Genesis rejects,' Harry thought to himself. 'Great.'
  This battle had gone from hard, to nearly impossible.
  Decryption Part Two
  Chapter 24: Decryption Part Two.
  The robed figures closed in on Harry and Clark. Harry took a deep breath, and engaged them in battle. He tried to pinpoint a weakness within them, but he found none. In fact, there was something rather unique about the magic they were giving off. He had seen weird bits of magical energy in his day, and these particular bits of magical energy were off the charts. He sent a burst of light to try and push back his enemies.
  Harry dodged several attacks with expert precision. Another spell barely grazed the side of his face. He saw the dome around them. It would prevent anyone from saving them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw both Kara and Lana trying to push their way through with all of their might. They could not get through, no matter how hard they tried. Harry could feel Kara's desperation and fury from the other side of the dome.
  He had to focus on the attack, and he continued to battle. His face was cut up, blood splattered across the ground.
  "Harry, if I didn't know any better, I think these things are multiplying every time we hit them," Clark said, and he emphasized his point by smashing one of the robed figures with all of the strength that he could muster. Said robed figure split in half, and sent two spells out. Harry deflected them back.
  Harry gritted his teeth, and tried to push himself forward through the battle. "Yeah, Clark, I really think that might be. So do keep in mind that physical force might not help us. There's only one thing that I need to do now."
  Clark paused, and was confused with what Harry said. He looked at Harry, for more confirmation.
  "Stand back, Clark!" Harry yelled, and Clark did as he was told. Harry was given the space that he was needed. He closed his eyes, and hoped that this would work. Otherwise he would be back to square one, and that would not be good. A bright light engulfed him, as he called upon the full scope of his Herald of Death powers.
  The robed figures were engulfed in a blinding light. Time stood still in the world around them, but not for Harry, Clark, and the robed figures. The robed figures vanished one by one into nothingness. There was one figure left, and Harry went for it, but a flash of light erupted. The backlash of magic struck Harry hard. Harry staggered from the impact. The cuts on his face remained open, and stung severely. The fact that he was injured, and tasted his own blood, was really not something he was too enthralled by. He staggered, and put a hand to his forehead.
  "Harry, are they gone?" Clark yelled. "I can't see them, but there's still a weird energy signature."
  Harry locked onto the energy signature. He was trying to get a reading for later use, but the strain caused him to take a few steps back. He barely remained upright. At this point, Kara flew forward towards him. He could see a frantic look in Kara's eyes, and she arrived just in time to catch Harry in her arms. Lana arrived a few seconds later, and she looked very much like she was trying to stay calm.
  Clark could almost sense that she was trying very hard.
  "What just happened?" Lana asked, breaking the silence.
  Harry rested in his fianc?e's arms. Kara brushed his hair away from his face.
  "You're bleeding," Kara said, and this was a cause for concern. Harry's Herald of Death powers indicated that he could only be wounded by extremely powerful magic. He took a deep breath.
  "I'm fine," Harry said.
  Kara sighed. She had felt Harry's pain, which is what drove her over here. Lana felt bits and pieces of something too, but it had not been as strong and as potent as what Kara felt. The connection was like a radio that was not quite tuned for Lana, going in and out. While with Kara, she could see, smell, hear, and feel everything that Harry did should she choose to focus it in such a way. When he was in real pain, it grabbed her immediately.
  "Fine, that doesn't look fine to me," Kara said in an exasperated tone of voice, but she hugged Harry tightly. She sensed Harry about ready to black out from the power he exerted.
  "We would have been here sooner, but someone put up a barrier," Lana said. She seemed to be frustrated, and a bit angry that she had failed to get through in time. She turned to Clark, an almost apologetic look on her face. "We couldn't push through it. It was stronger than we were."
  "It's alright Lana, you did your best" Clark said. He walked over to her. "They really just didn't want you to get through."
  "Yes, they were after me," Harry said, and Kara lead him inside the house, half carrying Harry in her arms. Harry did not put up much of a scene, due to the draining bit of magic he just performed. "I'll be back on my feet after a few seconds. Don't worry; I just didn't expect to get attacked today."
  Kara flew over, and grabbed Harry a glass of water. She handed it to Harry, who gulped it gratefully. She sat on the chair on Harry's other side. His wounds still looked fresh. Clark sat down beside Lana. Lana took a sight at Harry's wounds, and grimaced.
  "Maybe you should get a doctor to look at that," Lana suggested.
  "Yeah, a doctor wouldn't be able to fix these kind of injuries, the wounds would open themselves back up at any treatment," Harry said. Kara looked at him. Concern appeared in her brilliant blue eyes. "I'm fine, just got to rest, and I'll be up and about."
  Kara shook her head. She had seen how stubborn Harry was. He refused to admit that he could ever be hurt. Even with his powers, and his durability there was always a chance for injury. And a part of her knew that even though Harry would not admit it out loud, he was concerned about what just happened. If this person could hurt him, then there was not a single person alive who could stop them.
  Harry brushed his fingers against the wounds. They slowly began to close up. The wounds still stung, which was an experience that he had not felt in a while. He could feel pain if he was struck hard enough, but the pain was fleeting and with seconds. Wounds healed before they would appear. He saw the reflection of his face. There were still a few minor scratches on his face, but they would heal. The blood he spilled would be replenished.
  "After all of these years, I still have the ability to attract murderous psychopaths," Harry said, breaking the silence.
  "Who do you think those people were?" Lana asked.
  "Not people, person, singular, there was one person who was behind this attack today," Harry added, and both Clark and Lana looked at him in confusion. "The energy signature, it was done from afar."
  The question was who was capable of it. Harry knew that there were only seven wand users left in the world, not including him. There were other branches of magic out there that were capable of extremely powerful spells. That type of long distance energy projection was hardly something that he had ever gone up against.
  "The figures were there, but they weren't there," Harry added.
  "They felt real enough to me," Clark said, and Harry looked at him. Clark was visited with a strange thought. "There is someone who is powerful enough to send mental constructs who can do actual damage. That would explain the broken ribs."
  Lana sat up straight. That was the first time she heard about Clark breaking his ribs. She knew magic was a vulnerability of his due to the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the art. Clark gave her a reassuring look, but that did not change the fact that Lana was not too happy about what happened.
  "A magical person was behind this attack," Kara said, and she turned towards Harry. "You don't think..."
  "That our worst nightmare has come true, and they did succeed with getting it off of the ground before that world crumbled," Harry said, and Lana and Clark both looked confused. Harry acted like they were not in the room for the moment, too distracted by his fears of what might transpire if Project: Genesis had been realized. "Why would they do it? Why now?"
  "The project was dropped before, remember?" Kara asked. "And then it was picked up as a way to defeat you if they thought you got out of control."
  Harry remembered, it was hard to forget. A lot of it remained a mystery, and they were only trying to fill in the blanks when they could. Clark raised an eyebrow, and turned towards Harry.
  "Harry, what exactly are you and Kara talking about?"
  Harry was saved from answering that question, at least for the moment, by the timely intervention of Chloe. She walked up to the door, and pushed it open.
  "I was halfway up the road when I saw the light show that was going on," Chloe said, walking inside. She saw Kara, Harry, Lana, and Clark in various states of disarrays. "What happened?"
  Lana chimed in with the answer. "There was someone that attacked Clark and Harry!"
  Alarm flooded Chloe's face at the minute, but she took a deep breath. She tried to remain calm, and keep a cool head in the situation. "Attacked! By who? Who did it?"
  "That's what we're trying to find out," Harry said. Kara stood by Harry. Both of them had a shrewd idea what was going on, but neither of them were going to say anything right yet. "The attacker sliced my face, and really did a number on Clark. We're both fine, at least I am. I can't really speak for Clark."
  "I'm fine," Clark said. Lana shot him a dubious look. Clark shook his head. "The ribs healed. I know, the fact that they were broken in the first place is something that I should be concerned about. But I'll be fine."
  Lana accepted that answer, for now. She was not able to get to Clark in time, and that agitated her more than anything. She realized how Clark must feel every time he was unable to save the day in time. At least Clark was still here, and breathing.
  "If you're sure," Chloe said, and she saw Kara and Harry in deep thought. "You two look like you have a good idea about this entire mess."
  Harry and Kara made eye contact at this point. Them explaining about the Herald of Death thing was one thing, and something that was hard enough to begin with. They were glad that that particular burden was off of their shoulders. This entire mess with the threat coming in was a particularly different threat to begin with.
  "We do have a good idea, yes" Harry said. He took a deep breath. He braced himself for this fun explanation. "Years and years ago, my old world was concerned that normal people would discover magic. Technology was gaining more steam, and there was a small group of people who were concerned about it. Despite the fact that they used memory wipes quite liberally, it would only be a matter of time before the genie was out of the bottle. So the Ministry of Magic, in their infinite wisdom, launched a project that would hopefully keep the regular world from overrunning us."
  Harry's expression told Chloe, Lana, and Clark all they needed to know about what Harry thought about his old government, and that particular hidden world. He took another deep breath, and continued to explain.
  "When we were researching to see if the Ministry knew anything about Clark's arrival, we stumbled upon the details of what they hoped to be the means to keep their secrecy forever," Harry said to them. "Project: Genesis would ensure the full sale destruction of any non-magical person in the world and eliminate the biggest danger to their secrecy."
  Clark looked absolutely flummoxed about that piece of news.
  "Surely, they couldn't do that," Clark managed. "Surely that would be..."
  "Looks to me they could," Chloe said. There were really no words for something like this.
  "How many people would they be wiping out?" Lana asked in disgust.
  Kara and Harry had figured out the grim statistics.
  "Over eighty percent of the world, at least," Kara said. "And that doesn't count the wand users that would have been caught in the crossfire. The Ministry abandoned the project after the early eighties, according to the report. All initial test subjects were supposed to be destroyed."
  "Supposed to, but I suspect they were kept in isolation in the Department of Mysteries and studies continued," Harry said, and he decided to elaborate for the benefit of Lana, Chloe, and Clark. "That's a magical research facility in my old world's main government. There were various studies about of the mysteries of magic being done there. Not all of them were pleasant. Some of them were working on ways to breach the barriers between life and death."
  "To become immortal, then?" Chloe asked.
  "Immortality comes at a price, but yes that's what they were trying to do," Harry said.
  "There are fifteen immortals left in the world, at this current time," Kara chimed in. "The means they have obtained that immortality vary, but regardless of how they did it they are a danger to the world. And they aren't going to be easy to hunt down."
  The dirtiest and most thankless job of being a Herald of Death was to hunt down the various immortals that were around the world. It was easier said than done. Immortals tended to be crafty, and kept several steps ahead of everyone. If they wanted to escape death, chances are that they would not go down without a fight. And they would take as many people down with them as they could.
  "There have been a lot of strange things happening," Clark said. He then realized how he sounded, and amended quickly. "More so than usual, I mean."
  "Tell me about it," Harry said, shaking his head. He was used to a wide variety of strangeness. "Back to Project Genesis, it was dropped in the early eighties. Then it was started back up by my Ministry in 1997. The timing of this shouldn't surprise anyone. It was started back up around the time that Voldemort took over the Ministry."
  Riddle took over the Ministry. There were very obvious hints Harry found pointing to the fact that he manipulated Project: Genesis for his own gains from the sidelines. There was something that benefited him, but Harry had no idea what.
  "He's gone, dead," Clark said.
  "Dead, thankfully," Harry said, and he took a moment to reflect on that. "Of course, powerful men and women, what they do lives on long after their death. Whether they are good or evil. Voldemort is no exception to this rule."
  Kara could tell that Voldemort even after all of these years was a tough subject for Harry to talk to. He was one of the architects of Harry's troubled life. She gave Harry an encouraging smile, and Harry pressed on.
  "Project: Genesis was started back up, and the cover was it was to create a weapon to take me down, in case I became corrupted by darkness," Harry said. He took a moment to turn around. "More than likely, they wanted a way to control me. Yet, they did not understand the Pandora's Box they were opening when they created something that leads to this much destruction."
  Harry was silent, and everyone seemed to be listening to him.
  "They are dabbling in some powerful and twisted magic," Harry said. It was hard to even fathom the lengths some people would go for their moment of power. "Someone or something survived the death of the Wizarding World, other than me."
  "Last time that happened...well we know how it turned out," Clark said.
  "Sinclair," Chloe said darkly, and they all remembered the trouble that woman caused.
  "Sinclair was dangerous," Harry admitted. "And she made it personal."
  'More so than you could ever imagine,' Harry thought, but he shook his head to clear his thoughts.
  "I believe that the beacon that was sent weeks ago was no coincidence," Harry added. "Not all of the Genesis test subjects would have turned out wrong. I believe that the Ministry took in a group of witches and wizards, and subjected them to the experiments. They were released, none the wiser to what happened."
  Harry shook his head. He tried to get his mind back to the matter at hand, and not think too much about the theories that he had.
  "The pieces of everything are falling together," Harry added, and he was getting closer to piecing together the insanity. "And it makes sense giving what we just intercepted."
  "There is a message that we received, intercepted from the same beacon that caused havoc with our powers weeks back," Kara said, picking up from Harry. "It said the arising is coming."
  Clark, Chloe, and Lana all had no idea what the arising could mean. They all shrugged.
  "It sounds like it might be a problem," Lana said.
  "That attack today, it could be the beginning of something else," Clark said.
  "Bigger than you could ever imagine," Harry said, and Kara turned to him, checking his wounds. She smiled when she got a better look at his face. "My wounds are completely healed. There is nothing left for me to do, but to find out. It's the same force that knocked the Fortress offline. We're dealing with someone dabbling in something powerful, and worse of all dangerous."
  If Project: Genesis's intended purpose had fully been realized, it would mean the end of the world as they knew it.
  Harry and Kara had to stop it from happening. Their expressions were set. They had plenty of work to do.
  Dixon's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he pulled back, breathing heavily. Blood splattered down his face from his nose. His skin was chalk- white and his eyes were bloodshot. He was more than a little worse for wear with what just occurred. He took several deep breaths, and tried to shake off what happened.
  He had not used these powers to this extent before. He had been kept in this place for years, and years. He had no idea who had held him here, but they were long since gone. He could feel it. He had the traveler within his grasp. The secrets to all knowledge in the universe was just about at his fingertips, but there was another force that pushed him back.
  Dixon blinked, and finally found that he was able to move, although not far from the place he was. He remembered this place, and his memories were not all that fond of it. He turned around, and looked in the mirror. His head rang with a headache.
  Those three fools thought that they could control him, but he still had power.
  He understood the limitations of his powers, and the perils of spreading his consciousness among too many projections. He tried to do too much, too soon. He shook his head. He was unable to take a step out of the designated area.
  Dixon took a deep breath, and continued to reflect on where he had gone wrong. He would get a chance to regroup, and refresh before he continued on the attack. A voice echoed through his head reminding him that the arising was at hand, and he had his role to play in the battle.
  The blood flow stopped from his nose, and his injuries healed. The pain did not leave, but the actual physical injuries had vanished. Now he was one hundred percent, and ready to go.
  Dixon closed his eyes, and they began to glow. He sensed that there was someone tracking him.
  He would arrange a suitable reception for them. They could not prevent him from accomplishing the goals of Project: Genesis. He did not care how powerful they were, he would crush each and every one of them.
  Harry and Kara returned to the Shining Light Foundation Headquarters. They were in an isolated room. Harry and Kara sat on the floor, eyes closed, legs crossed, and hands held. They went back through what happened with the attack over in their head. They had to find out who was doing it. They took a deep breath, and continued to search for it.
  About twenty minutes of intense searching, Harry's eyes popped open, and he gave a small shudder.
  "You felt that one too?" Kara asked him.
  "Yes, I did," Harry said, and he took a deep breath. "The person behind the attack today, he's on the tapestry of life. He's a red dot, one of the fifteen."
  "We should have figured that out to be the case," Kara said, and she looked at Harry. "And what's worse is that he's one of the Project Genesis rejects."
  Harry nodded. They were going to have to play this one extremely carefully. The Heralds of Death were powerful, but not invincible. Certain things could hurt them, and one of those things was whatever powerful magic was used to create those solid projection beings. He locked onto the dot that it pointed it to.
  "The man we're looking for is called Richard Dixon," Harry said.
  "Do you know who he is?" Kara asked.
  "The name doesn't ring a bell," Harry said, and he closed his eyes. "Searching for information on Richard Dixon, please tell me you have something tangible."
  A moment later, Harry received the information that he needed.
  "Richard Dixon was a member of an old magical family. He was an Unspeakable who worked in the Department of Mysteries. Our information indicates that he used himself as a test subject, for Project: Genesis. He was one of the three people behind that project. He has not achieved any signs of life until recently after a powerful burst of magical energy fried his brain. The experimentations have allowed him to survive with no food or water for the past twenty eight years. He is one of the fifteen undesirables that remain on Earth. Recommended course of action is termination."
  Harry and Kara disconnected themselves from the Lifeline Reader. The two got up to their feet, and they had set expressions on their faces.
  "We know where he is," Harry said. "He's not in the Department of Mysteries, even though he should be. Someone moved him out. He's in a church basement in Little Hangleton."
  Harry turned around, and Kara followed him. They moved towards the Shining Light Foundation computers. The tracking of the beacons were up on the view screen. Harry activated it, and Kara peaked over his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around Harry, and Harry continued to shift through the tracking of the beacons.
  "So, I think I found one of the other beacons," Harry said. Kara held her hand up, and offered Harry the chance to continue. "Beacon two is around the same church in Little Hangleton where we tracked Dixon. Beacon three...I'm still working on that one."
  Kara and Harry knew what they had to do. The two Heralds got up to their feet, and exited down the hallway. They exited down the hallway, where Clark, Lana, and Chloe waited for them. All three of them had questioning looks on their faces.
  "The guy we're dealing with is named Dixon," Kara said. "He was experimented on, and he can do energy projections that are solid and can attack."
  "He's a regular one man army, then," Chloe said and both Heralds of Death nodded in confirmation.
  "Yes, but the strain of spreading your consciousness that many ways isn't healthy," Harry said, and he wiped his hair away from his face. He looked forward. "He's still out there and..."
  "Don't worry, we'll help take care of him," Clark said.
  "If you need anything, we'll be there," Lana said.
  Kara and Harry knew that this was going to be something that was going to be hard to explain to them, but they had to keep them safe. This was too dangerous for them to get involved with, if they got close enough, they would die.
  "No," Kara said, and Harry nodded. "I know you're capable with your powers, but the way these powers work, the closer you get to the source, the weaker you'll get. It's not worth it."
  Harry cut off the potential protests, with what he thought was a reasonable explanation. "Keep an eye out for any other problems here. If you go with us, Smallville will be left vulnerable. He knows you're here, and even if you leave, he'll destroy everything in the place. So when Dixon sends his welcoming committee, I want you to use this."
  Harry handed Clark a silver stone with strange markings on it. Clark looked at it curious, and was about to ask what it was, but Harry told him immediately.
  "It should repel any magical attack, once," Harry said. "Use it wisely. It will crumble once it has been used. They're hard to come by. But it should defeat Dixon, and hopefully repel any magical attackers back to the source. In theory, it should defeat them."
  Harry and Kara spun around, and exited the main lab area. They left Chloe, Lana, and Clark without another word.
  "They're going to try and take on something dangerous, alone," Clark said. "Maybe I should do..."
  "You heard what Kara said," Lana said. She shook her head. "I'm not happy about not being able to help, but you saw what those things did. Plus, if they come back, someone has to be here to defend Smallville. Hopefully it will all be over."
  Chloe said nothing, but she had a feeling that it was not going to be that easy.
  An impressive church stood across from the grave site at Little Hangleton in the United Kingdom. The church had not been used in several years. This entire area was the subject of much gossip in the village. There have been cryptic whispers about what the true nature of this place was. Some whispered that it was haunted by a vengeful spirit. Even the most skeptical of people thought that something was amiss, and did not dare go there.
  Two robed figures swooped down. A blonde woman and a dark haired man peered from underneath their hoods, disguised in their Herald of Death attires. Personally, Harry thought that Kara wore the robes much better than he did. They hugged around her frame snugly, emphasizing her curves. That was beside the point, however.
  Harry and Kara stood forward at the edge of the gates. There was an eerie winter breeze, and they could see their breath in the air in a fine mist. Both Heralds stood forward, and they could sense a presence from deep inside the graveyard. There was an eerie presence from inside the graveyard.
  "Do you feel that?" Kara asked.
  "Feel it, it's causing every nerve ending in my body to tingle," Harry said. He stood absolutely focused. He was ready for battle. He took a few calm breaths, and held Kara's hand. Kara and Harry stepped forward towards the church.
  Kara recognized the graveyard from Harry's memories. The last time he was there, he was tied to a tombstone. His blood was used to return Voldemort back to a physical body. She could sense some reservations coming from Harry. Kara grabbed Harry's hand, and the two floated forward. They were ready to go to battle, together, and stop this individual from causing any more harm.
  Everything rumbled on the ground beneath them. Harry and Kara took a deep breath, and immediately, Kara focused sight. Harry did likewise. Both used their X-Ray vision to try and pinpoint the energy signature.
  "Kara," Harry whispered in a low voice. "There's Dixon, and three other bodies here."
  "That's impossible isn't it?" Kara asked, but Harry remained focused. "Are they...undesirables?"
  Harry checked on that, as did Kara. They were regular mortals; at least they were for the moment. Their dots were grey, and Harry did a double take at what he saw. They were wand users. He had found three of the seven wand users that had survived the demise of the Wizarding World.
  Something told him that these people might not be the friendliest sort. He and Kara communicated without words. Both could read each other's body language, and get a sense what the other needed to do. They closed their eyes, and became invisible. They slowly crept around the exterior of the church, and Kara pulled the door open. Harry and Kara stepped inside.
  Harry and Kara pushed their way inside. They headed towards a set of stairs that lead down to a church basement. The two Heralds continued to press on, and walked down the steps.
  Three robed figures walked around, and muttered in low voices.
  "Dixon's role is going on smoothly."
  "Yeah the fool seemed so easy to manipulate all of those years ago. Offer him a little bit of power, and he gave us his body like a street walker."
  The three figures cackled, but they paused. One of their alarm sensor spells had gone off.
  "Someone's upstairs," one of the figures said, and the others nodded. They scrambled up the stairs.
  A smile spread across Harry's face. The carefully planned diversion that would draw those three away was going on without a hitch. That allowed Harry and Kara to continue to move forward. There was a large stone wall at the edge of the basement. The two Heralds stepped forward. There was a dead end, or so it seemed. After a moment, they saw a structural weakness within the wall.
  The two Heralds pushed on the wall with all of the strength that they could muster. They heard a crack, and the wall crumbled to dust around them. They stood, on their guard, and saw a glass chamber before them. Animal bones covered the floor. There was no one in it.
  They wondered if they had been lead here as a diversion, and the real attack was going on elsewhere. That was always possible.
  "Sorry, I decided to get out and stretch my legs," a voice said. Harry and Kara slowly spun around, and saw a white haired figure. The man's skin was nearly as pale as his hair. His eyes were bloodshot, and he took a deep breath. "I know you're there. I might not be able to see you, but I can sense your thoughts. I can't make sense of them. They seem almost alien, but I know you're there."
  A wave of magic shot from Dixon's hands, and Harry and Kara scattered from the attacks. An energy field appeared around Dixon. Harry and Kara propelled into the field, but ricocheted back.
  There had to be a weakness. There was a weakness for any kind of magic; it was just a matter of finding it, and pinpointing it.
  Harry and Kara tried to analyze it using what they knew. Another attack was tried, but they found their throats grabbed and they became visible .They struggled against some kind of invisible hand choking them.
  "I remember those eyes," Dixon said when he got a good look at Harry. "You're him, aren't you? The last descendent of Lily Potter, the one who did this to me, and you will pay for what you did to me!"
  "You shouldn't worry about what I'm going to do to you, but rather what I'm about to do to you," Harry said, and he and Kara broke free. They both super sped at Dixon, but he vanished into a puff of smoke.
  'Damn it, he's a hologram!" Harry yelled mentally.
  Several more white robed figures appeared immediately, and closed in around Harry and Kara. Kara focused on them intently, and unleashed a burst of heat vision, amplified in intensity by magic, straight at them. It caused them to spontaneously combust from the impact.
  The screams of Dixon could be heard, even though they could not see the man himself. It struck Harry suddenly what they needed to do.
  "You hurt the dupes, you hurt him," Harry said, and he sent several magically created, white hot knives.
  They stabbed Dixon's duplicates in the ribs.
  Physical attacks did not work, even at super strength. However, magic worked well. The dupes were just a numbers game. It was a matter of hitting them enough times before Dixon's control was broken.
  "I don't think you understand the rules of the game," Dixon yelled. "I'm not your garden variety wizard. I've received real power. And I will not be denied. I don't need a wand to use magic, I can command magic at a deeper level than you could imagine."
  Harry caused the heads of two of the duplicates to explode, and thus cause Dixon's head to ring. He then proceeded to comment in a dry manner. "Congratulations, you want a cookie?"
  For reasons unknown to Harry, this comment seemed to send Dixon over the edge. He began to try and step up his attacks, making an infinite amount of duplicates to swarm Harry and Kara. The problem with this was twofold. For one, he was unable to keep track of that many doubles. And once Harry and Kara both figured out the vulnerability, that he could be hurt back through his duplicates, it was easy to amplify his own pain.
  They smashed through the duplicates using their powers, and they all vanished after an intense effort. The rather dazed and injured form of Dixon dropped to the ground. His eyes bulged out, and blood splashed from his nose. Kara picked up Dixon, and slammed him against the wall hard.
  "What were you up to?" Kara demanded, and Dixon twitched. He showed a bit of fear, but remained tight lipped. Kara's anger flared in her eyes. "Answer me!"
  "I was trying to make the world a better place, the powerless, those Muggles, they're weak, they're worthless," Dixon said. "The traveler would protect them, so it was written. Therefore if I wiped out the traveler, than there would be nothing left to stand in his way from returning. The traveler must be sacrificed for darkness to reign supreme over the world. That's what the prophecy says. Yet, you just had to be a thorn in the side of our plans. We are not going to die. The real wizards will return, and crush everyone."
  Harry stepped back.
  "Who is behind this?" Harry asked.
  "The arising is coming, and you can't stop it!" Dixon yelled madly. "I know who you are now Harry Potter. For years I was aware of everything, yet unable to move. You are that unremarkable and lucky wretch that meddled in the plans of the Dark Lord, and stopped him from achieving his destiny of wiping out the Muggle filth!"
  "I hate to break this to you, sunshine, but Voldemort has been worm food for a good ten years or so," Harry said.
  "The Dark Lord is always with us, even if his physical form has been decimated," Dixon said, and he seemed mad and beyond reason. "It is written in the stars, one day he will return and the world will be cleansed. Project Genesis is his vehicle for his grand return! He shall come!"
  "Look, I'm sorry that you missed your chance to propose to Voldemort, or whatever, but he's done," Harry said. "And so are you, because you're on our list."
  Dixon just offered Harry a crooked smile in response. "If this be my fate, then so be it. There will be others. I am willing to die as a martyr if it means his return will be imminent. And I'm willing to sacrifice myself. The blood will rain upon the world, Chosen One, and there's nothing you can do about it. The traveler will be sacrificed. The arising of the Dark Lord will occur. His ascension will be at hand, and the world will be cleansed!"
  Tired of hearing his babbling, Harry conjured an energy scythe, and struck Dixon with it in the chest. His body seized up, and the energy overloaded him. He collapsed to the ground, and his body crumbled into ashes.
  Silence was prominent for the next moment, but Kara broke it.
  "One down, fourteen to go," Kara offered in an encouraging voice.
  Harry nodded in agreement. He wanted to know more about three hooded individuals that they saw. Harry had the strangest feeling that they could be trouble. He knew they were among the wand wavers left in the world, but exactly what their role was, he had a feeling that it was nothing that was good.
  Instantly, the three hooded figures before them. Harry and Kara stood next to them, bracing themselves for a fight.
  "Well, if this isn't a blast from the past, Potter," a nasty voice from underneath one of the hoods said.
  "So, we've met before?" Harry asked.
  "You will pay for your meddling!" one of the men stated in a hot tempered voice, but the other two figures held him back from attacking.
  Harry paused, and blinked. He proceeded to comment in a dry voice. "That doesn't necessarily narrow it down you know."
  "Do not waste time with Potter," another robed figure said. "That will be the Dark Lord's pleasure to squash him like the annoyance he is once the arising has occurred."
  Harry shook his head, and clenched his fists in frustration.
  "Oh, so you're more of Voldemort's groupies," Kara said in a condescending voice, rolling her eyes at the thought.
  "You dare speak of his name, girl!" a third Death Eater stated. It was a woman, and her voice sounded sadistic. She howled like a banshee. "Your foul tongue is not fit to speak the name of the greatest sorcerer who ever lived!"
  "The greatest sorcerer that ever lived...that would be Harry," Kara said with a smug smile, proud at her future husband's magical abilities. Harry was touched by this assessment, but this set off the three Death Eaters.
  "Just who are you?" Harry demanded, and they did not attack, not now.
  "We are the chosen, the few who have been allowed to be spared for the grand arising for our master," one of the Death Eaters stated. "We're the Heralds of Lord Voldemort, hidden away from the world in the Department of Mysteries until we were awakened when the arising was near."
  Harry was dumbstruck by this news. The more he dealt with this entire Herald of Death nonsense, the less he understood. He wondered if this was another test, just like the Sinclair thing. The Heralds of Lord Voldemort stared down the Heralds of Death. The odds were three against two, although Harry had fought worse.
  The same thought hit Harry and Kara. These three knew about Project: Genesis. And they would have to take them down before they unleashed any other test subjects into the world. Dixon was what one might call a dry run.
  Kara and Harry flew forward towards the Heralds of Lord Voldemort, but they stopped short when something strange happened.
  They were not there. Nothing, but a blood soaked message was splattered across the wall for them to see. The Two Heralds read the short, but chilling message.
  All will perish. The world will be re-written in his image. The Arising will not be stopped. It is written in the stars. Lord Voldemort will live once more!
  "He's dead," Kara said quietly, but she almost looked to Harry as if she was scared that this would be verified to be contrary to what they believed.
  "He's dead, yes," Harry said. He wondered who he was trying to convince of this. His head shook, and his had snapped up. Voldemort would have had to die, he had to be confident in that. He did not even have to go into the afterlife to verify this. Voldemort perished. He sighed in dismay. "However, there are fanatics out there, among the few that are left. They are willing to bring him back, if it's possible. Some people just don't know...when it's over."
  After another search, it was time to return back, to check back with Clark, Lana, and Chloe to see if they were okay, and they had to deal with any problems in their absence.
  "There were no problems when you two had to go off," Lana said, and she sighed. "It's really hard to swallow that I kind of got benched from this one. Especially because I just got my powers and this would have been a good test run for them."
  Harry and Kara offered smiles as they sat around the kitchen table
  "Well if it makes you feel any better, there's going to be plenty more chances for you to get put into life threatening situations," Harry said. A smile appeared on his face. "So you have plenty of chances to use your powers practically. This one was one of those situations that only the Heralds of Death can deal with. The power Dixon gave off was at a dangerous level."
  "What was he doing?" Clark asked. "The attack seemed random, there had to be a reason."
  "He was obsessed with returning a demon from my past back to life," Harry admitted with a sigh. "Voldemort, he wanted to find a way to bring him back."
  "Harry defeated him all of those years ago," Kara said. "And there are a few survivors that just can't let it go."
  Harry shook his head. He wondered why every time he ran across a survivor from the magical world, they always had some sort of agenda against him. Then again, when they were around and thriving, they always had it out for him. So this was nothing new. The Ministry of Magic always had their agenda, and it tended to give Harry more than his fair share of headaches. He really hoped that this was the end of his problems, but something told him it was only the beginning.
  The Heralds of Voldemort was something else. He did now wonder if Voldemort heard the legend of the Herald of Death, somehow. Even if he did not believe it, Harry found it very easy to believe that Voldemort would enlist his own heralds. He had spent a lot of time cheating death, so the fact that he was able to put himself on the same level was not a surprise.
  "This entire Heralds of Voldemort mess is going to be a problem," Harry said. "Even if they couldn't bring him back, that's not the point. The fact is these fanatics are going to try their hardest to resurrect him, no matter how many people get hurt. And I'm not even sure where they are now."
  Tracking them down was one of their highest priorities. He had to stop them, no matter what it took. The fate of the world might depend on it, and countless innocent lives could be put in peril. Without any solid leads, that would be easier said than done.
  "The terrible trio isn't making this easy on you, either of you," Chloe said. "That Dixon guy..."
  "He was bent, but he was just a puppet, a tool used to lure me there," Harry told them all. "His powers gave him some form of immorality, but that was easily taken care of. I'd imagine they had a failsafe with him, and they would wipe him out just as easily if he tried anything against them. All of them talked about the arising."
  "It's got to be the same arising message we picked up," Kara said, and she turned to them all. "We're sorry to cut this short, but we got a lot of work to do, and not much time to do it."
  "At least you got to Dixon before he could try another attack," Lana said.
  "And we didn't even get to use this," Clark said, and he held out the stone that Harry handed him. "Do you..."
  "Keep it, you never know when it might come in handy," Harry said seriously. "Kara and I really don't need it with our powers, but maybe you could find some use for it. And be on your guard. Things are going to get more difficult as time goes on."
  "Remember to use it wisely, because it can only be used once," Kara said. "So hang onto it, and keep it close."
  Clark nodded in agreement. He would be keeping that fact in mind. He had some kind of question.
  "I just have one question for you, if you don't mind," Clark said.
  Harry nodded his head. "Of course Clark, have at it."
  Lana knew what Clark was going to ask, so she decided to be the one to ask it.
  "Did you mean to make me slightly more powerful than Clark is?" Lana asked.
  Harry pondered that question for a moment. It really was not his intention to make Lana that powerful, but he was just going to roll with it for now. Sure he could correct the mistake in the charm work, and bring Lana back down to a less powerful level, but he felt that this would serve an interesting purpose.
  "Well, I didn't do it on purpose, but perhaps these things happen for a reason," Harry said. "Perhaps you have a huge role in Clark's life, leading up to and beyond the moment he taps into his full powers. But, I will give you one word of warning, and a word to the wise."
  Lana nodded, and Harry continued to speak to her.
  "Your powers can serve you well, and can help Clark, and yourself," Harry said. "But I know better than anything else that powers can be fleeting and sometimes they are matter how powerful you might be, there is always someone out there who is stronger than you are. And thus the most powerful tool that you will have at your disposal then is the mind."
  "I figured as much," Lana said. "Kara said that I have more powers, do you know..."
  "Ah, Lana, that's up for you to find out," Harry said.
  Kara jumped in. "If we told you, that would take away half of the fun. Plus you could try and force the powers if you knew you had the potential. That would be able to hurt yourself, or others. Just let everything flow naturally. Be patient, good things come to those that wait."
  Kara offered a knowing smile. She and Harry had some decent ideas, but they would remain silent on them in case that they were wrong. Clark sat up straight in surprise.
  "Wait, Lana could have powers that I don't," Clark said, and he added quickly. "I don't have a problem with that but..."
  "Clark, you will be capable of great things when the time comes," Harry told him. The truth was, if his guess was right, Clark would be far more powerful than he was already when the time came to embrace his true potential. Exactly how powerful Clark would be, it remained to be seen, but with the Kryptonite vulnerability removed, he was a bit more powerful than he was the previous day, and a week from now he would be even more powerful.
  "So people have been telling me," Clark said with a smile.
  "People only tell you that, because it's true," Kara said. She looked at her cousin, and turned around to the others. "If that's all, we're going to be going right now."
  They all exchanged their goodbyes, and left immediately.
  "So do you have any ideas what other powers you might have?" Chloe asked.
  "I don't know, maybe the flight, but I would think Clark would be able to do that one day," Lana said.
  "Yes, one day," Clark added. "Maybe it had something to do with you being able to lift that train when I couldn't."
  Lana looked thoughtful at that point. She would have to test the theory. She did not admit this to Clark, but she struggled to lift the train at first. Then she had what seemed to be a burst of adrenaline, and the train lifted up in the air. Yet she wondered if it was adrenaline or something else entirely.
  She would have to test that theory out sometime. There would be plenty more opportunities to test her powers and to see what their capabilities and limits were.
  That would be something else for another day.
  For the past few hours, Harry and Kara tried to track down the mysterious heralds of Lord Voldemort. They had no idea who was underneath the hoods, but they presented a clear and present danger to all. When they returned to the church to get a closer look, there was no sign that anyone had ever been there this evening. The message of blood had been erased; the pod in the basement was gone. There was nothing, but dust and a few dead rats.
  Once again, the more answers Harry thought he had the more questions that were raised. He sank down on the couch. Kara followed him into the room. She sat down next to Harry.
  "On the bright side, only fourteen left to go," Kara said. That was one bright spin to put on everything. One of their big missions was one step closer to being completed. "The real question is, what do we do with the Heralds of Voldemort?"
  "I don't know, Kara," Harry told her, and he placed his arm around her. "I thought I left this all behind me, but I should have known that there would be survivors and those survivors would not be people who are going to be friendly to me. We're uncovering the secrets of Project: Genesis. These three heralds...they might be the ultimate weapon that was hinted at."
  Kara looked at Harry. She had a look of encouragement on her face, and Harry found himself inspired by it.
  "We'll defeat them," Kara said, and she rested her head on Harry's shoulder. "And anything else that Project: Genesis created. He's not going to come back, not if we can help it."
  "The danger is not of Voldemort coming back," Harry said. He took a deep breath, and continued. He tried to mask the dread he felt, even though Kara could sense it deep within him. "The real danger is those who think that they can bring him back. If we don't stop them..."
  Harry's words trailed off. He did not have any idea what would happen, or what they would try to do. That first meeting was merely a warning, a hint of things to come. Harry wrapped his arms around Kara, and whispered in her ear.
  "I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this," Harry told her, but Kara shook her head.
  "No Harry, don't be sorry, never be sorry," Kara said. "I never thought something like this would be easy. But I'm in this with you, and we're in this together. We'll see this through to the end, and will take down these other heralds. Whatever they do, we'll be there, and we'll finish them off."
  "The problem is finding them first," Harry said.
  Kara nodded. "That's normally a problem. Even with all of our great powers, we're not perfect. They're hiding behind a charm or an enchantment somewhere."
  Harry held his future wife to be close to him. Kara gave him the confidence, and the strength that he needed to go on with this mission. He had a feeling that the insanity was just hitting a fever pitch. He had someone who would be able to stand by him, and fight beside him. Kara was special, and he cherished her.
  "They're somewhere, the question is where," Harry told her. He looked in Kara's eyes, with a smile. She was extremely beautiful, and he could not have asked for a better girl to be his. "As long as you're here with me, I know that I can handle anything that is thrown at me. And we'll win"
  Harry yawned. Normally he did not get tired enough to yawn, at least since he obtained his powers. Still, it had been a long day, and he used some powerful magic to defeat the dupes.
  "And lost in all of this is our wedding," Harry said. Their upcoming wedding got pushed to the backburner for the time. "I want to make it special; it's supposed to be the best day of our lives, and one we'll remember."
  Kara's eyes met Harry's. A bright smile crossed her face. "Harry, as long as you and I are together, and we know how much that we mean to each other, that's all that matters to me."
  "And you mean more to mean than life itself," Harry told her, and Kara smiled. She leaned over, and kissed Harry on the lips.
  "We'll figure everything out in the morning, when our heads are clearer" Kara said. "Good night, Harry."
  "Good night, Kara, I love you, always and forever," Harry replied back to her.
  "I love you too," Kara said.
  The two Heralds of Death crashed after the long day. Their sleep was not without too much trouble. However, their nightmares were something that they could easily work through together. As long as they had each other, then they could defeat any challenge out there. They rested on the couch in each other's arms, content smiles on their face, and secure in the love that they felt for each other.
  They rested, and prepared for the next day. They would hunt down the Heralds of Lord Voldemort, and stop them to stop whatever demented plan they have for this arising.
  Malfoy Manor had been abandoned years ago. Ever since the last Malfoy had died, the estate had fallen into ruin. The three robed Heralds of Lord Voldemort sat around a table in the formerly handsome dining room. Two men and one woman were the heralds, and they prepared for what would happen.
  They had no sense of identity. There was not one memory in their mind from their past, if it existed. Only one thing drove them, and that was a single minded desire to bring back the Dark Lord and fulfill the objective of Project: Genesis. The three heralds sat, arms folded.
  "Harry Potter lives," one of the robed figures stated.
  "Not for much longer, when the Dark Lord is resurrected," the second robed figure said in monotone.
  The third robed figure, the woman, continued in an insane voice. "The Dark Lord will cleanse the world of those who are unworthy. The streets will flow with the blood of those foul Muggles that still exist. Magic shall be might, and reign supreme. Harry Potter, and his companion will not be able to stop the arising."
  "Not even the Traveler will be able to stop the arising," one of the male robed figures stated.
  "The traveler must be sacrificed for our master to return," the woman stated, her voice sounding determined. She was the most dangerous of the three.
  "And anyone who shall shelter him will suffer," one of the men stated.
  The three Heralds of Lord Voldemort plotted and planned. All they knew that they would have to achieve the ultimate goal of Project: Genesis. The blood of the unworthy would flood the world, and from the ashes, a new order of magic would arise. An order their master would rule, and thrive in. Those who did not bow to him would be destroyed.
  They had located something to the North, and it was great power that they must control, to be handed over to their master.
  The bloodshed would begin, and all will suffer.
  Winds blew throughout the Artic. Despite how cold the winter was, it was even colder at this particular point. Clark and Lana landed in a drift of snow, with a huge thud. Over the past couple of weeks, Clark had been making trips to the Fortress, to see if Jor-El had been restored from within it .However, he remained mute, and unresponsive to everything.
  Lana suggested that she tag along for his latest trip. Given that she was essentially tasked with the job of keeping an eye on Clark, he decided that there would be a trip that they would have to make anyway. There was no time like the present. The pair walked into the Fortress of Solitude. Lana stepped inside, and took a look around. Her mouth remained open. It was a magnificent place.
  "Hello?" Clark asked, and once again the Fortress did not come to life. He took a step forward, and saw the crystal array. Everything in the Fortress once again seemed to be intact, but there was no Jor-El at all. "Are you here?"
  "Clark, I think he might be gone," Lana said gently, and she put her hand on Clark's. "Maybe he thinks that you're ready, maybe he thinks he doesn't need to help you again."
  Lana might have a point, but Clark was not sure. He shifted and stared forward. He used his X-Ray vision to try and figure out of there was anything amiss. He found something, alright. It was a weird golden glow from within the Fortress itself. There was something behind it, that was suppressed, trying to break out, but it had been held back.
  "Lana, take a look at this," Clark whispered. "Use your X-Ray vision."
  Lana squinted her eyes, and sure enough she noticed what Clark saw.
  "Is that Jor-El back there?" Lana asked him, pointing to the light behind the barrier. "Who was powerful enough to do something like this?"
  Clark turned around, and tried to get a closer look. He wondered if he could help unblock Jor-El from deep within the fortress.
  "We better get out of here, and get Harry," Lana said. "If it's magic, he might be able to find a way to unblock it."
  Lana and Clark moved to exit the Fortress, but there was a barrier that blocked them. They tried to push out. A combined attack with their super strength could not even make a dent in the barrier.
  "There's someone here," Clark whispered. He turned around, and tried to super speed through the barrier.
  A loud crack echoed, and he ricocheted back. He landed on the ground with a thud. Lana stepped over to Clark, and tried to break out.
  "Whoever this is, you better let us out!" Lana demanded. "This isn't funny!"
  "You better let us out of here, and we might go easy on you," Clark said, and he realized how lame that sounded.
  "I'm afraid I can't do that, Kal-El," a voice said. It was female, and British. "I'm sorry that you had to discover what I was doing in this place, but this is for your own good. I cannot allow the Arising to occur. If I must, I will sacrifice you and Lana, along with the Fortress, to prevent it. I hope that doesn't come to that. But the ends would justify the means should I have to."
  "Just who are you?" Lana asked.
  "Well you might have not met me, but I daresay you know my son," the voice said, and the Fortress was engulfed with a wave of magical energy.
  Both Clark and Lana were immobilized and paralyzed in a field of magic. A three dimensional image of a woman with dark red hair and green eyes, dressed in black robes stood before them.
  "Just consider it, Traveler; if you had embraced your destiny years ago, this would never have happened. I do hope that you're smarter than your father was. He was rude to me when I took control. He's suffering for it now."
  Magic proceeded to mask the Fortress from the outside world from any prying eyes, including Heralds of all types. Lana and Clark were trapped inside, alone, and isolated from the rest of the world.
  They needed to find a way out, but how could they when they were unable to move?
  Her vessel sent the beacon that was able to knock the Fortress off line, for her to take control. The girl thought that she was helping Harry. She was in a roundabout way, but not the way she thought she was.
  Seek and Find
  Chapter 25: Seek and Find.
  The Fortress was bound by some of the most powerful charm work possible. Some people had claimed that Lily Potter was a Charms prodigy when she was alive, and that was not far from the truth. Clark Kent and Lana Lang found this out the hard way. Super strength meant absolutely nothing in the face of the immobilizing spell that they were put underneath. Try as they might, they could not find a way out. The struggle was tough, no matter how hard they continued to fight.
  "She's got us, Clark," Lana said. Frustration flooded over her face. She tried to push out, but all she experienced was her own strength being pushed back at herself. The pain was unbearable. Clark's efforts were similar in success, or lack thereof. Both tried to push up.
  The image of Lily Potter watched their efforts. Their futile efforts and she did admire the fact that they would not give up. Clark especially seemed determined to break free of this containment, and try to regain control of the Fortress. She watched his progress, and despite the certain inability for him to break free, he continued to fight. He continued to push against the barrier.
  "Are you finding escape not to be as easy as you thought it might be?" Lily asked both of them, and her gaze narrowed at both Clark and Lana. There was a long pause, and a smirk appeared on her face.
  "Why are you doing this?" Clark demanded. "What do you want? Harry said you were supposed to be gone forever.""
  A smile cracked across Lily's face. She remained silent for a moment, but she responded after a moment. "I want all to live in harmony, Kal-El. I want a world with peace, without suffering, without any hatred. I want a world where a young child does not have to suffer, growing up in a cupboard underneath the stairs. And I will achieve that world by any means necessary. If the Arising happens, then any hope for that world will be lost forever. The end will come, and no one will feel fine."
  Clark looked up at this specter. Harry had not been kidding when he said that Lily was a bit fanatical about accomplishing her goals. He tried to look up at her.
  "People have been waiting for you a long time, Kal-El," Lily responded, and her voice echoed throughout the Fortress of Solitude. "For centuries many civilizations spoke about a traveler coming from the stars. My family was right in the thick of things. They thought they would be the one to guide the Traveler. My parents were obsessed. They dreamed of the day where they would have you at their beck and call. But in the end, I've accomplished what many can only dream of, and now I have the traveler right in my grasp."
  Clark began to push out. Lana did as well. The hopelessness of the situation was beginning to set in for both them. Their Kryptonian abilities were absolutely useless. Heat vision could not break the invisible barrier. Super strength and super speed brought them nothing, but disappointment.
  "The Arising, people keep talking about that," Lana said. "How do you know about it?"
  "Myself and my friend, Isis, found out about it years ago, and I believe Isis might have been murdered over it," Lily said. There was a bit of sorrow in her eyes as she talked about her friend. "Oh I'm certain it looked like an accident. They make everything look like an accident. And the Ministry would always turn a blind eye to the injustice. Even if it meant a little girl had to grow up without her mother, while her father had a mental break due to his wife's death."
  Lily remained silent for a moment. She had gained this much information from the memories of her vessel. She looked at Clark and Lana for another couple of minutes, and a smile crossed her face.
  "Yet, I have you two here, in my Fortress,' Lily said. She put extra emphasis on the words, "My Fortress". A taunting expression appeared in her green eyes. "This repository of knowledge is amazing, and it would be a shame if it ever fell into the wrong hands."
  "There are no hands worse than yours," Lana managed, but all this statement got her was a painful pulse of magic. She fell to her knees, the pain unbearable.
  "Lana!" Clark yelled.
  Lily's image looked down at Lana, with absolute disdain. "This...this is the one you've been pining over for years and years. Kal-El, you could have any girl you want, or as many girls as you want if you should choose to go down that road. Yet, this one is the one that you choose."
  Clark looked up at Lily, but she was not done.
  "My son does seem to have a soft spot for charity cases," Lily said. She shook her head in absolute dismay. Lana's eyes flickered up to Lily, and they were narrowed. "Do you really think Harry allowed you to keep those powers because you deserve them? No, sweetie, he didn't. You are his social experiment. He wants to prove that he can reform someone, and make them actually matter."
  Lana's voice shook when she responded. "I...I...I only accessed these powers because I earned them."
  "Did you?" Lily asked her in a soft voice. "The destiny of the traveler is something that you can't comprehend. The moment things get tough; will you even be able to handle them? You are given powers that you scarcely deserve, Lana Lang. Under the pretext of protecting the traveler, but I'll let you in on a little secret."
  It was at this point, Lily's voice dropped to a dramatic whisper. "Kal-El's true powers are being held back. He will have abilities beyond anything you can comprehend. And what will your purpose be in the end? What is the use of a protector that cannot adequately protect?"
  Lana closed her eyes, and inclined her head.
  "Lana, don't listen to her, you're...." Clark said, but Clark was rendered silent.
  "I think Kal-El will die for you, or anyone else," Lily said. A smile spread across her face. "The question is, are you willing to die for him?"
  Chills ran down Lana's spine, and her hands clenched. She tried to communicate that she would, but Lily seemed uninterested in what she had to say. Lily turned her back on Lana, like she thought she was insignificance, and proceeded to address Clark.
  "You will be safe here, Kal-El," Lily said in a motherly tone of voice.
  Lily was adamant about preventing the Arising from happening. Those idiot Heralds thought that they could bring Voldemort back. If the traveler was sacrificed, it could potentially open the door for something nastier than Voldemort ever hoped to be. Lily was unsure what this dark force would be, but she knew that the traveler needed to be kept safe until the time he was ready to achieve his purpose.
  He would need to embrace his full powers. And if Lily needed to give him that added push, then Lana was right here. Tragedy always did breed strength in a hero. Motivation was extremely important for everyone, and Kal-El would be no exception.
  What better motivation was there than someone he cared about getting killed before his very eyes?
  The Heralds of Lord Voldemort were being hunted by the Heralds of Death. Harry and Kara flew high over the skies. They had a good idea where they might be, but the first three hunches had been dead ends. The Heralds of Death remained in flight, invisible, and remained so for several minutes until they noticed something.
  "Look," Kara whispered, and she tugged on Harry's sleeve.
  There was a village below them. Most of the village was on fire, and there were people screaming in pain and horror. Harry and Kara dropped down, and Kara took a deep breath. Her super breath managed to put out most of the fire. A flick of Harry's wrist caused spurts of water to shoot out, and splash the flames. The flames were snuffed out as a result.
  Kara spotted two children trapped under debris. She flew forward at the speed of light. With her super strength, she lifted debris off of them, and gently scooped them up underneath her arms. Kara flew down to the ground, and landed them right in front of their grateful mother. Their mother rushed forward, and hugged her two children.
  "Thank you!" the mother yelled. Kara looked at them with a smile.
  Harry and Kara managed to save many people in the village. The children were scared at first, but they had been through a tough ordeal and a traumatic experience. Several of the adults were injured, and had to be helped over for first aid. Harry used a few healing spells to help along the process. After their work was done, Harry and Kara walked over to each other. Smiles spread across their faces, and they took to the sky, to fully give them their encouragement. They wanted to convey without words that everything was okay.
  There were many yells of thank you, and Harry and Kara just waved and smiled at them.
  "It was no problem, just doing the right thing!" Kara yelled back at them. Despite everything, she was happy with herself and the fact that many lives were saved. She did have a purpose beyond the Herald of Death role, and she knew Harry did as well. "Just remember, if you need anything, just yell. Arcane and Supergirl will always be here to save the day!"
  Kara realized how cheesy that might have sounded, but then again she did read a lot of Earth comic books when she was researching the planet. So some of the dialogue might have stuck with her, and the people below began to chant for Supergirl and Arcane.
  "It does always feel good to be beloved for something that I remember," Harry told her. Kara smiled, and hugged him in mid-air. The two enjoyed the feeling that they actually helped people.
  "We saved a lot of lives, that is its own reward," Kara responded to him. Kara and Harry began to fly off. Before they could leave, there was someone who rushed towards them and yelled for them.
  "Wait, wait!" one of the villagers yelled. He looked absolutely frantic, and his eyes darted around from side to side. "You need to stay here, and save us from them. They're not going to ever leave us alone."
  Harry and Kara stopped. Despite themselves, their curiosity has been piqued. Harry's eyes snapped around. They focused on the villager, before Harry directly addressed him.
  "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "Who attacked you?"
  The villagers seemed fearful at this point. It was almost like if they spoke of the devil, they would appear. The brave villager who had chased down Harry managed to gain the courage to talk about him. Sweat was rolling down his face. Despite his fear, he managed to speak.
  "There were three of them. They were dressed in blood red robes. They just came in, and started shooting fire from sticks in their hands. I don't know why they did this. They terrorized everyone. Men, children, and animals, and...."
  "They rolled into the village, and attacked everyone," another villager helpfully chimed in. His face flushed with fear. Everyone nodded their heads up and down. They shook their head. "We don't have much crime here. But they were something different. They had the spirit of the devil within them."
  "Did you happen to notice which way did they go?" Kara asked them.
  The villagers continued to remain fearful. All of them took a few deep breaths, and a young child of about nine or ten years old pointed off to the edge of a path.
  "They disappeared into those mountains," the child said. He looked up at Harry and Kara as they hovered in the air. An expression of innocence flickered in his eyes. "You'll stop them, won't you? You'll find a way to stop them. Make sure they never come back."
  Harry and Kara exchanged an expression of sheer determination. They hoped that they could find a way to stop whoever was doing this. These Heralds of Voldemort terrorized these villagers, just because they could. Harry half wondered if they were luring him into some kind of trap. Harry and Kara turned back to the panicked villagers.
  "We'll do what we can," Kara said to them in a reassuring voice.
  "Don't worry, we'll make sure they never come back," Harry said.
  Now Harry was more than determined to destroy the Heralds of Lord Voldemort He did not like to make a liar out of himself. He locked hands with Kara, and the two flew forward past the village. Kara and Harry used their X-Ray vision to scan and make sure their enemies had not been lurking elsewhere outside of the village.
  "There, look!" Kara yelled.
  There was a hut that the door had been stained with blood. Fresh blood, a scanning spell indicated to them. Harry and Kara dropped down. The hut was forced open. The two walked inside. The sight turned their stomachs. Despite being Heralds of Death, they were not monsters. A family of four had been slaughtered in cold blood.
  Harry tensed up immediately, and he spun Kara around. The three robed Heralds of Lord Voldemort stood before them.
  "It's Potter!" one of the Heralds yelled.
  The Heralds disappeared, but this time Harry was ready for their disappearing act. Harry and Kara followed them, using the tracking spell. All five Heralds ended up in the middle of the dining hall of Malfoy Manor.
  "You just don't know when to stay dead!" the woman yelled, and she sent a blast of violet light at Harry and Kara, who dodged it. Harry and Kara tried to attack them, but the attacks were blocked.
  They fiercely continued to fire back at the Heralds of Lord Voldemort. There were not going to go down that easily. Kara managed to burn one of the Heralds with her heat vision, and damaged their wand arm. That allowed her to push in for the attack. The odds were a bit more even, and Harry and Kara pushed through, and continued to hammer them.
  "You can't win Potter!" one of the Heralds yelled.
  Harry ignored these claims. He had heard it before. It was starting to get tiring when he heard them. A tandem attack broke the magical barrier, and Harry and Kara knocked the Heralds back into the wall. Purple fire shot back at them, but they scattered, and pushed back with the attacks.
  Clark remained frozen in place. His arms were immobile, his legs were immobile. He could only scarcely move his head. Lana was on her knees by his side. Lily seemed unconcerned and almost uncaring at her plight. Rather, she kept her gaze focused and intent on Clark. There was a long moment of silence. Lily was looking at Clark, analyzing him like he was some equation, and then her gaze shifted to Lana. Then her gaze shifted back towards Clark before she spoke.
  "I envisioned what you might have been like for years, the first time I've ever heard of the traveler. There were all kinds of expectations I had, and while a few of them were not spot on, some of them are more than right. You do have power, but your greatest weakness is not a glowing green rock. It's your ability to deny what you really are."
  "You think you have Clark figured out, don't you?" Lana asked. She was a bit surprised that she was able to speak, but she was going to roll through it. Lana took a deep breath, and remained still and calm.
  Lily's gaze focused on Lana at this moment. Lana remained a bit fearful, but also she appeared determined. The last time Lily had turned her attention towards her, the pain was unbearable. The entire Fortress was under her thumb and all she had to do was to put them under her control was a mere gesture.
  "Your place in Kal-El's life is an interesting one," Lily admitted to Lana. She took another moment to consider her. "But sometimes the greatest role one can play in the role of the development of a hero is that of a tragedy. Tragedy surrounds your relationship, and you may have your moments of hope. A reversal of fortune, perhaps you might get your happy ending. However, if it comes down to the fact that you have to be sacrificed so Clark has to rise to his full attention, will you do it?"
  Lana remained numb, but she slowly nodded. Lily's frown crossed over her face, and then she turned to her.
  "We'll put that to the test before too long, perhaps," Lily told them both. She considered everything. She decided to switch subjects. "This Fortress is an absolute marvel. The knowledge within is astounding. You could fix all of the problems in the world, but you don't want to do that, do you? You would rather have some semblance of a normal life. You would rather play Clark Kent. You have wasted powers, and wasted potential. The fact that Lana is stronger than you really baffles me. Even a small miscalculation of my son's charm work was not going to account for such a power upgrade."
  Lily turned around. "I know many things, but do you know them? The galaxy is a fascinating place, but Earth is just an insignificant speck on the galactic tapestry. Your father sent you here for one simple reason. And that's so you can rise to what you need to be."
  "I don't know what you're trying to do," Clark responded. He frowned immediately. "If you want to stop the Arising, there are other ways."
  "You sound like your father, self-righteous and thinking you have any right to judge other people," Lily said. "I wear my mask to make sure a certain result is achieved. Your father wears his mask, because he can't stand the shame that he failed to save Krypton. And if you do not achieve your destiny, you will have one other thing in common. You will have failed to save Earth, much like he failed with Krypton. Perhaps failure is genetic."
  Clark was unable to formulate a response. He shook his head, and he tried to regain some semblance of the ability to speak.
  "It's a wonder that Harry was able to turn out to be a decent person," Clark said. Lily's eyes snapped around and faced Clark. "With a mother like you, he had a lot to work against. Perhaps it was the kindest thing for him that you died when he was too young to remember you. He was disappointed when he met you. He thought that you would be something much more kind and considerate."
  Lily's expression flared up with exact anger.
  "Do not judge me, Kryptonian," Lily said in a cold voice. "Once again, your father made several mistakes, and you are repeating them time and time again. I've been through this Fortress, and studied everything. In a couple hundred years, at the rate this planet is going, Earth will be going the way of Krypton. Do you want to save it? If you do, then you must understand that there are some things that you have to do, that might not seem nice."
  Clark looked back at Lily.
  "Lana or the world, if you had to choose either of them, what would you do?" Lily asked Clark.
  That was a question that Clark did not want to answer. He was unable to think of an answer that made him sound selfish either way. Lana jumped in.
  "Clark, it's the world, you would have to save the world before you saved me," Lana told Clark in a firm voice. "If I had to die to save Clark so he could save the world, I would do so in a heartbeat. I don't care if you don't believe me, that's what I know I would do."
  Clark seemed pleased with this answer.
  "I'd like to think I could do both," Clark said.
  "I know you could, but sometimes there is no choice," Lana agreed.
  "Are you willing to bet your life on it?" Lily asked.
  There was a long pause where Clark and Lana were confused. They had no idea what Lily was saying.
  "We all know Harry and Kara are going after the Heralds of Voldemort as we speak," Lily said. "If they aren't able to stop them soon, they may be able to find you. My charms are powerful,b ut they are not permanent. They'll be able to find this Fortress, and they plan to sacrifice the traveler. It doesn't matter if their plan is doomed to failure, they will destroy you. And when that fails, how many people do you think they're going to kill?"
  "Let me out, and I'll help Harry and Kara stop them," Clark said.
  "Nice try, Kal-El," Lily told him in a condescending voice. She cleared her throat, and continued to speak. "The deal is this. They have twelve hours. If Harry and Kara can't defeat the Heralds of Voldemort in twelve hours, then you'll understand what loss truly means. And there will be no reset button this time to save Lana. I will force you to embrace your destiny, even if I have to cut certain strings."
  Clark's mouth was dry.
  "Do what you want with me; just leave Lana out of this?"
  "No, if Harry and Kara don't stop those other Heralds in twelve hours, then do what you want," Lana said, and Clark opened his mouth to protest. "If I'm going to protect you, then I'm going to have to be willing to die for you so you can live and save the world. Isn't that the ultimate form of a protector?"
  Lana was confused by what Lily meant when she said there will be no reset button this time.
  "I'm willing to bet my life on Harry and Kara's success," Lana told her firmly.
  "Lana, no..."
  "Do you swear on Clark's life that you'll willingly sacrifice yours should Harry and Kara fail to defeat the Heralds?" Lily asked, ignoring Clark's words.
  "Lana, you don't have to do that," Clark said.
  "Yes, I do," Lana replied. She was firm and determined. "Clark, it's going to be alright. You have confidence in them, don't you?"
  "Yes," Clark responded.
  They remained immobilized. Clark realized that if only he could move his arm, he might be able to stop Lily.
  That was easier said than done.
  Smoke filled the air. Broken glass and furniture was scattered throughout the floor. Spells flew through the air, and the battle continued to heighten with intensity. Harry rushed forward, dodging one of the spell attacks. They were forces of nature and power. The three were not built for skill.
  He flicked his wrist, and put up a shield. One of the Heralds of Voldemort stepped forward, and tried to attack Harry once more. Harry slammed through the attack. The Herald staggered, and Harry threw him into the wall hard. His next spell sliced into the chest of his enemy, and blood splattered up into the air.
  Harry sensed his death happen when the blood drained from his body.
  "One down, two to go!" Harry yelled. Kara nodded, and she dodged another spell. She manipulated the spells of the two of the attackers that she fought against each other. Both of them fired their spells against each other.
  The woman was able to block the repelled spell. The second male was not able to be so lucky. He staggered down to the ground, and dropped to one knee. Kara flew through the air, and kicked her enemy hard in the face. She grabbed the rogue Herald around the head, and she somersaulted into the air. His head was in her grasp. The neck snapped, and she flung him up into the air. The Herald flew right into the slicing spell of Harry.
  Their team work had killed two of the three Heralds of Voldemort had been taken down. The third Herald remained on her feet. It was now two against one. The woman backed up. She seemed beyond belief.
  "It's over!" Harry yelled to her.
  "Your mission is a lie," Kara added. She sent a burst of heat vision at her enemy, but the third Herald disappeared into a puff of smoke. "He's not going to return, no matter what you do. He's done; Harry defeated him all those years ago!"
  "It's you that speak lies!" the Herald shrieked at the top of her lungs, and the curtains had been set on fire.
  She vanished with a pop, but Harry and Kara followed her. It did not matter how much she ran, it did not matter how much she hid. They would follow her to the ends of the Earth.
  They were back at the same library that they met Hermione at all those weeks ago. Harry and Kara rushed forward, and there was a scream and sounds of a struggle. They quickly moved forward to the source of the screams.
  The crazed woman had Hermione pinned down, a dagger at her throat. Hermione struggled against the grip.
  "One more step Potter, and I'll skin your little pet Mudblood," the woman said, and the knife was on Hermione's throat.
  Harry and Kara stood. Both were unsure how to approach this situation. Kara deferred to Harry, but Harry remained silent. He was contemplating the situation. Hermione struggled against the grip, but she looked up at Harry.
  "Harry, don't worry about me, whether or not I live or die, it's unimportant," Hermione said, but her built in survival instincts caused her to struggle. She was giving a hell of a fight, and tried to break free. "Defeat her, no matter what you have to do. If the Heralds of Voldemort are destroyed, then Project: Genesis will fail. You have won, and you can truly move on!"
  "Mind your tongue you little traitor!" the Herald yelled.
  Kara and Harry stood, and remained still. The pair of Heralds turned towards their dark mirror.
  "Did you know that your little pet Mudblood was not the real thing?" the Herald asked. "She's a duplicate created by Project: Genesis, to infiltrate your life, and eventually destroy you. She was a sleeper agent, Potter!"
  The Herald spat these words. They did confirm a suspicion that Harry had. Once again his instincts were right.
  "However Sinclair had to ruin that plan, and something caused her to deviate from her mission. She tried to warn you, by sending the beacon. She could not explicitly say why, but she bounced the beacon back towards you. She knew you would pick it up somehow. She knew you would decipher it. She always got in our way, just like you did. The Dark Lord will return and..."
  While the woman was ranting, Kara darted in at super speed, and pulled Hermione away from her grasp. Hermione was safe and sound. Harry leapt in at that moment, and engaged the final herald of Lord Voldemort in battle. Their magical attacks clashed together. The woman was skilled at magic, but Harry was able to piece together her fighting style. He recognized patterns, and pushed forward.
  The duel continued with high intensity for several moments.
  The final Herald rushed forward, and knocked Harry hard to the ground. Harry fought back hard. Both spells were aimed, and they repelled off of each other. Harry lost his balance, and the final Herald of Voldemort stalked him like a cat going for her prey.
  "I might not have the traveler, but I can still sacrifice you to bring the Dark Lord back!" the woman yelled.
  Several things happened immediately. A dangerous looking spell fired towards Harry. Harry could have blocked it, but before he could, Hermione broke free from Kara's grasp, and dove in front of the spell. The spell struck Hermione, and caused her to drop down to the ground. The brunette was down on the ground, blood splattering from her mouth.
  Harry was back in, and several solid steel spikes shot from his hand. They impacted, and impaled every part of the third Herald. Her eyes widened, she tried to block all of the attacks. Yet, they struck her one by one.
  The final Herald was mangled, and she fell to the ground. The heralds of Lord Voldemort had been defeated.
  The moment of triumph was cut short when Harry and Kara spotted Hermione on the ground. She was laid out. Blood poured from her mouth, and she coughed. She could barely breathe.
  There was a moment of denial, before it set in with Harry what happened.
  "Hermione, you...I could have blocked that spell you know," Harry told her, his voice shaking.
  Hermione looked at Harry with a blood soaked smile.
  "Yeah, you could have, but...I needed to prove my worth to you," Hermione managed, barely able to articulate her words. "You see, she's right. I'm just a duplicate. A part of me always realized that, I had been created to hurt you. Those three are the only Heralds of Voldemort, and you beat them."
  "We stopped the Arising," Kara said to Hermione.
  There was a moment of pause. Hermione closed her eyes, and hesitated. Then she responded.
  "Yes, you stopped the Arising," Hermione said in agreement. She could barely breathe, but she continued to press on. "I'm not...I've never been more proud of anyone than I ever been of you two. You did it Harry, and you did too Kara. You saved countless lives. Even if Riddle could never be brought back, those three would have kept killing people until the entire world was wiped out."
  Harry wished he could be happier about what happened.
  "I can't believe it was that simple," Harry said.
  "Simple, is that what we're calling something like that, now?" Kara asked, but she wrapped her arms around Harry. Both tried to give each other some comfort in this situation. Harry slipped away from Kara, and crouched down over Hermione .Despite the fact she was only a duplicate, she did selflessly throw herself in front of a lethal attack.
  Even if Harry could have easily blocked that spell, the thought still counted.
  "I might be able to help you, heal your injuries, and..." Harry said, but Hermione shook her head.
  With her remaining strength, she grabbed Harry's hands, and held them firmly. She looked in his eyes seriously.
  "No, Harry, don't waste your power, or your time. Even if you healed these...these injuries, it wouldn't matter. You'd only be buying me a few more months, before I was driven mad by the agony. Don't worry about me. I might not be the real deal, but I know how much you meant to Hermione. You were family, and I'm sure the real her is smiling somewhere, proud of everything you did. Because I know I am."
  Hermione gave a weak smile. She barely had any strength to really lift her head. She shook her head.
  "The two of you Heralds, soon to be three, you'll be able to do great things," Hermione said. A shadow of a smile spread across her face. The Third Herald would be someone who would have a lot in common with Kara, when she arrived. "There will be other threats...more dangerous than ever before. Both of you deserve to live a happy life, and one without regrets. Plus, the people who we are close to never truly die. They are always alive in our hearts and in our memories. As long as that's true, then Hermione Granger can never truly die."
  Hermione's blood poured from her mouth. Her body began to degenerate and decompose right before Harry's eyes. Harry took a look at her remains, and Kara put her hand on Harry's.
  "I'm sorry," Kara said to him in a gentle voice. "You had to go through the death of your best friend all over again."
  "She's in a better place now," Harry said. He sighed. He tried to put what happened out of his mind.
  He had to verify something before he could truly move on.
  The Heralds of Voldemort were dead and done. That much was true. The Arising was stopped, and they all felt like they could breathe a bit easier than they could before. Both remained silent, wishing they could enjoy this triumph a bit more.
  Both Harry and Kara stood for a few moments. Immediately, they stood up straight. Kara looked at Harry curiously. They had both felt something at the same exact moment.
  "The third beacon, I think I found it," Harry said.
  "The Fortress?" Kara asked, hoping she read it right.
  "The Fortress," Harry said. "It was fired off ninety seconds after the first two. It is Jor-El, before he went off line."
  "Why would Jor-El try and give you of all people a message?" Kara asked.
  Harry remained silent for a moment, but then it struck him. Both Harry and Kara realized that they had to get to the Fortress, before it was too late. They realized the true architect behind everything that had happened today.
  'Looks like I'm going to be having a bit of a family reunion,' Harry thought to himself.
  Lana and Clark remained bound back at the Fortress of Solitude. Clark tried to shift against the energy field.
  "Time does slip away from us rather quickly," Lily commented lightly. "The question is, Ms. Lang, is your time running out? You did make a deal, based on their success. It was a magically binding oath, and it must be followed should they failed. And I will uphold my end of the bargain should they succeed."
  "How do I know you're going to do that?" Clark asked. "You were supposed to leave when Harry's training was done, but..."
  "I said I would leave Harry alone, do what he must, and so I did," Lily said. "Harry and Kara both can do great things without you. And if you just embrace everything you are, you can do great things too. Just think of it, Kal-El. There is an entire world of people out there who depend on a hero. Someone to swoop in and save the day, and once they see how capable you are, they will bend to anything that you desire. You no longer need to live in fear."
  "I won't conquer them," Clark managed. "It's just not..."
  "Human?" Lily offered. "Well conquest is something that is very human. Civilization after civilization has been destroyed by conquest. But it's not just a human thing. It is a galactic problem. Civilizations have been torn apart. It was not as extreme as it was centuries back. There are people who patrol the universe, in the name of justice. In brightest day and blackest night, they will always be there. But conquest is part of the cycle of existence. And not all conquest is bad. Sometimes the end does justify the means. Is it really bad to be under one rule, when the alternative is utter annihilation?"
  "Some people would rather live ten minutes with freedom even in in the face of certain death, then ten years under the rule of a dictator," Clark argued.
  Lily remained silent for a brief moment. She chuckled.
  "Your idealism is refreshing, Kal-El. Your experiences with the human race have not completely beaten out every single shred of optimism from you being. Then again, when the average human would behave such as your old friend Lex Luthor should they be able to do, it is truly astounding. History is written by the victors, and the victors squash any wrong doings they might have done in the past."
  There was a presence outside of the Fortress of Solitude.
  "Alright, Lily, I don't know what your game is this time, but I'm shutting you down!"
  Lily smiled. She was proud of her son and his resourcefulness. No matter what she did, he was always willing to fight for what he believed in. And despite her best cloaking, he was able to detect the Fortress. He was unable to find a way in, just not yet.
  If he was here, that meant that beacon that Jor-El sent out was received by him. She had managed to alter it where it would only be sent upon the death of the three Heralds of Voldemort. Lily turned to Lana.
  "And with three hours and forty six minutes to spare, your faith is not misplaced," Lily said to Lana. "I guess you'll be living after all today."
  "No need to sound so disappointed," Lana said, but she remained immobilized.
  Clark sensed this as his chance. He managed to lift his arm, and he broke the field. Lily was distracted and Clark reached into his coat, to pull out the silver stone that Harry had given him earlier. He rushed forward, to try and banish Lily from the console.
  The three dimensional form of Lily disappeared the moment that he pointed the stone at her. Clark thought it had worked for a moment. Those hopes were dashed when suddenly a blast of magic shot him down. Clark slammed hard into the wall of the Fortress. Lana tried to break free of the field, but she could only watch, numb and paralyzed.
  "Kal-El, I'm disappointed," Lily said. "Do you really think that's going to be that easy? Were you hoping to find a way to banish him from my new home?"
  "No, wasn't trying to banish you," Clark said.
  "No, that's my job."
  Harry and Kara showed up at that moment. Lily's three dimensional form appeared before them. A smile appeared on her face to greet Harry and Kara.
  "You've gone too far this time, Lily," Harry told his mother.
  "You defeated the Heralds of Voldemort," Lily said, and Harry and Kara remained still, their arms folded across their chests. "And that means Project: Genesis will not be achieving their little Arising."
  "You and I both know that they would have never been able to resurrect Voldemort, after the way he was killed," Harry said. "You and I both know why."
  "Yes, the damage that fool did to his soul made it quite impossible," Lily agreed with both of them. Harry and Kara stared her down for several moments.
  "You were willing to sacrifice Clark, just to make sure they didn't," Kara said. Her tone was as cold as the Artic around the Fortress itself.
  "If Clark died before they could use him for the ritual, then there would be nothing to fear," Lily said. "It was fortunate that you saved the day Harry, like you always did."
  "I always do," Harry said. His voice dropped to his most dangerous tone. "Now let this Fortress go, and let Clark and Lana go."
  "It is against my better judgment to do so, but I know every single shred of knowledge contained within this Fortress," Lily responded. Harry and Kara exchanged an expression of dismay. "Like for instance about that loudmouth Czarian who wiped out his entire species because of a science experiment. He gave himself an "A" for his efforts. The knowledge in here is immense, and should it fall into the wrong hands, it would be a problem. I also know the trick of how to control Kal-El, although I don't think Daddy Jor-El was going to ever share that little bit of information with him."
  "What do you mean?" Kara asked.
  "That's for me to know, and you to find out," Lily said. Her eyes looked at the pair of Heralds, and she noticed the ring on Kara's finger. "I wish you the best in your upcoming marriage. I hope you have years and years of happiness together. And I am glad you managed to bring down those wannabe Heralds. They were damaged, and demented. And they would have killed everyone to achieve their delusion."
  Harry and Kara stood. Their arms were folded. Neither were the biggest fans of Lily right now. Just when Harry was about to come to an understanding about what his mother did years ago, and be at peace with it, she just had to pull this.
  There was nothing else left to say. Lana dropped to her knees. She still felt the pain of what Lily did to her, and Clark did as well. As an added bonus, they felt the pain that was done to each other.
  "While you do tend to champion some unworthy causes, Harry, but I'm sure you have your reasons," Lily said. The woman gave them all a smile. It was one of those smiles that told them that they might be getting off today, but this would not be the last they would be seeing of her. She disappeared from the Fortress without another word. Lily was gone, as quickly as she appeared.
  Harry watched her leave. He thought Lily was gone the first time when the journal had crumbled into dust. He was not going to assume that she was gone for good. She had gotten into the Fortress once, and magic did leave certain backdoors. He had no idea where she was now. She was smart enough to mask her trail from the Fortress. Harry could follow it, but it would take weeks and weeks to do so.
  Harry and Kara smiled though; the three Heralds they fought were confirmed to be deceased. While they were not red dots, they were just as dangerous as those undesirables.
  "So, I see you've met my mother," Harry said in a casual tone of voice. His gaze was fixed on Clark and Lana who were shaking off what happened.
  "Yeah, you have her eyes, but thankfully none of her attitude," Lana said to Harry, but there was something that she had to ask him. "So, she said something...did you give me my powers because I had a role to help Clark in his destiny, or did you do it because you felt bad for me?"
  Harry remained silent. He was almost insulted that he had been asked this question.
  "Do not listen to anything that my mother says, your life will be a lot better for it," Harry answered.
  "That doesn't answer my question," Lana persisted.
  "If you need an answer, then you may need to reassess your own confidence in yourself," Harry replied to her in a firm voice.
  "These things happen for a reason Lana, and remember the conversation we had a few days ago," Kara said to her. Lana nodded. "And she was using your own insecurities against you."
  "Kal-El, welcome back."
  The voice of Jor-El rumbled to life.
  "That woman who bound me may have had malicious intentions, but she did speak certain truths. One of them is you must quit running from your destiny. There will come a day where you will need your training. The threats will become more dangerous, and it will be something you must face."
  Clark remained silent. The warning that Jor-El knew of a way to control him should he get out of line was fresh in his mind.
  "You can start your training at any time, but do remember that the longer you stall the more of a chance that your inaction will doom all. The course of Earth has the potential be much like that of Krypton, and the end will be just as cataclysmic, if not more so. Rest for now, and consider your role, but remember do not take too much time. The consequences will be dire."
  Clark nodded curtly. He left the Fortress with Lana, and then Harry and Kara followed them. Jor-El remained silent, allowing them to leave. The weeks he spent bound had been demeaning, and it could have jeopardized the lives of many.
  Jor-El could feel that woman's presence still lingering. He knew that she was overpowering.
  The recent events of the last couple of days would be one that Harry and Kara would be recovering from for a very long time. Harry in particular was still in shock of the entire Hermione situation. Even if she was not the genuine article, it still was hard to see your best friend die before your eyes.
  Never the less, they were happy to be out of the woods. The potential crisis of the Arising had been averted, at least they hoped so.
  A large envelope was on the desk in front of them. They sat in the main office at the Shining Light Foundation, and were just processing the new guests that had come in during the last couple of weeks. Clark and Lana were currently recovering from their ordeal, even though it would take a couple of days for them to get completely back on their feet.
  A knock on the door caused Harry and Kara to look up from their work. They were expecting a gest. Harry got up, and answered the door. The door opened, and Claire was on the other side. She had a bit of a curious look on her face, wondering what this was all about.
  "Hi, Claire, come in, we've been expecting you," Harry said with a smile.
  "Yeah, I was told to come up and see you after classes were over," Claire said. Claire stepped inside their office, and looked around. "This...isn't about any of my grades is it? Because I thought that I did pretty well last semester."
  Harry and Kara responded with knowing smiles.
  "Claire, you did do well, you should be proud of the progress that you were making," Kara said. "Today is a very special day. Happy birthday, Claire!"
  "Yeah, I'm glad you remembered," Claire said, her excitement heightening.
  The last time she really celebrated her birthday was when her parents were alive. It was her sixth birthday, the last one she remembered. A few months later, the incident with her powers happened, and the fire that she could not control that ended up killing them.
  "Why would we ever forget?" Harry asked her. Claire just shrugged. "That is one of the most important days of the year. It is not every day that you turn eleven years old, isn't it?"
  "No, it isn't," Claire agreed. She sat down on the chair in the office. She looked up at Harry and Kara with a smile, before she focused her attention completely to Harry. "So what was your eleventh birthday like?"
  Harry just smiled. He remembered what happened on his eleventh birthday. A half giant stormed the hut on the sea, terrorized his relatives, and informed him that he was a wizard. And his cousin was given a pigtail when said half giant used an umbrella with the broken pieces of his wand in it.
  "It was eventful," Harry told her. A smile spread across his face at the memories. Kara walked over to the cabinet, and she pulled out a birthday cake.
  "The candles aren't lit," Claire said. "How can I blow them out if they aren't lit?"
  The frustrated innocence on her face was prominent.
  "Remember everything we taught you," Kara encouraged her.
  Claire could have slapped herself mentally. She closed her eyes. Her control was getting much better over the past couple of months. Something as small as a candle was something that she was unable to do at first, and she just happened to catch everything on fire for the first couple of months. However, as time went by, she was able to light her own birthday candles.
  'That was good Claire, I know you could do it," Harry said.
  Claire smiled. Harry's praise meant a lot to her. She closed her eyes, looking at the cake.
  "Make a wish," Kara said.
  Claire did so; blowing out the candles she just lit about a minute ago. She looked at the birthday cake with a smile on her face.
  "So what did you wish for?" Harry asked her.
  Claire just smiled at him, rolling her eyes slightly. "Well, obviously I can't tell you that. It won't come true if I told you."
  "She does have your number there, Harry," Kara teased him. Harry just smiled.
  "Well, I do have something for you, for your birthday," Harry said.
  "You didn't have to get me anything," Claire said. The fact she had two people who cared for her and she could look up to, was better than any present she could get. It had been something that she had hoped for, and dreamed for, for years.
  Every single year she was in that government institute, being experimented on, she hoped that someone would rescue her.
  "I know I didn't have to get you anything, but I wanted to," Harry told Claire, and he picked up the envelope. He slid the papers out, and placed them in front of Claire. "Just take a look at this."
  Claire took a look at the papers, and looked surprised. She had to be dreaming, this was not for real. She turned towards Harry and Kara. Both sat there, and smiled at her.
  "Does this mean what I think it means?" Claire asked.
  "They're adoption papers," Kara told her. "It took us a long time to get everything in order, but Harry managed to come through in the end, and well you see the results are out from in front of you. They make you legally our daughter."
  "If you want it," Harry told Claire.
  Claire looked at Harry and Kara. She was happy beyond any single description.
  "Are you kidding?" Claire asked. She rushed forward, and hugged both Kara and Harry. "This is what I wanted. This is exactly what I wished for, I can't believe it."
  "Seeing is believing, Claire," Harry said to her. He gave her a warm smile, before "I know what it's like to be alone, to think that there's no one out there that you can rely on. And I don't want this to happen to someone else again."
  "Thank you," Claire said. "So this means that we're a family."
  "We always were," Kara said. "This just makes it official on paper."
  Claire smiled, and could not believe what happened.
  "Welcome to the family, my daughter," Harry told her.
  "Thanks, Dad," Claire told him, before she took a look at Kara and Harry. A mischievous smile crossed her face. Her gazed focused on both Harry and Kara. "So, am I going to get a baby brother or sister someday?"
  Kara and Harry exchanged a look. They were caught off guard by that question.
  "Just enjoy your cake, Claire," Kara told her evasively.
  "Okay, Mom," Claire told her, and she was glad to finally call Harry and Kara what she thought of them in her heart.
  Harry, Kara, and Claire sat around, eating cake, and enjoying their new status officially as a family. In a couple of months, Harry and Kara would be officially married. And that day would be magic if Harry had anything to say about it.
  Keys Part One
  Chapter Twenty Six: Keys Part One.
  "I've given your business proposal some consideration over the past couple of weeks. But I did not want to make a decision about whether or not to agree to it, until I was completely sure."
  Lex sat across from Harry in one of the conference rooms of the Shining Light Foundation. Security stood behind Lex, arms folded. The bald man tried to block them out of his mind, and kept his mind on business. The two men sat across from each other for the next moment. Lex took a deep breath, and proceeded to speak.
  Doing business with a Luthor, or even considering it was like a well calculated chess game. All of the pieces needed to be maneuvered into place properly. One misstep could put a person behind.
  "That is fair," Lex responded in a crisp voice. His eyes narrowed towards Harry. "Someone like you needs to consider your entire reputation when making deals. And I'm sure you have certain parties whispering in your ear that a deal with Lex Luthor would be a foolish blunder."
  A feigned look of innocence spread across Harry's face.
  "Depends on what people you are talking about," Harry answered in a questioning voice. A frown was about to spread across his face, but the expression was hidden. Any expression in his eyes had been hidden by the sunglasses that he wore over his eyes.
  The expression of blissful ignorance would be his best ally in trapping Lex within his own web.
  Lex decided to elaborate. "I trust you have been seeing a lot of Clark Kent lately. Perhaps I'm off base, but your marriage to his cousin will be happening within the next couple of months."
  "Yes, I've encountered Clark a few times," Harry said. He chose his next words carefully. "And I've also encountered...Ms. Lana Lang, your ex-wife if I'm not mistaken, once or twice. Your name has barely come up. I don't think they think that you're important enough to spare a moment of thought of. Lana in particular seems to have moved on."
  Lex remained stoic, and he nodded rather stiffly.
  "So they have not been telling you tales about my misdeeds?" Lex asked.
  Harry just turned towards Lex. "I've heard more about your flaws from your father than I have heard about you from any former friends or ex-spouses, or anything along those lines."
  Lex looked like he had swallowed a lemon at this point. A sour expression was on his face, but Harry only caught it due to the fact he was observant. It was gone in a matter of seconds.
  "Yes, my father has the ability to point out my flaws, to an almost uncanny degree," Lex agreed. He drummed his fingers on the table, and spoke. "But, we're getting off the subject of business. I will restate what I told you weeks ago. I believe in protecting those in the world who cannot protect themselves."
  Harry surveyed Lex for a number of seconds. He took some time to really consider what he was saying. He only had one statement to offer.
  "And who prey tell is going to save the world from you?" Harry asked him. He was silent for only a second, before he amended. "The best intentions often to go awry and the road to hell is often paved with good intentions."
  Before Lex could respond, Harry cut him off.
  "I have thought about what you're trying to accomplish long and hard. And I feel that there may be a few benefits from making a deal with Luthorcorp. And there are many disadvantages as well. I'm not sure if you have adequately sold me on why I should agree to join up with you."
  Harry slid over a cup towards Lex. He offered him a casual expression, and question.
  Lex accepted the gesture, with only the slightest amount of hesitation. Harry bent down under the pretext of checking his papers to hide the calculating expression on his face. The tea was drank and suddenly, Lex was visited by a strange compulsion to tell the truth.
  "So, what's the real reason that you are trying to make this business deal, Lex?" Harry asked him.
  Sweat rolled down Lex's face. He spoke, his voice becoming flat and emotionless. His tongue was loosened, and he spilled his answers. "During my trip to the graveyard when I was looking into your past, I went to a graveyard to look for answers. When I touched a gravestone, the symbol created a backlash, and caused clarity to flood through my mind. The answers to the Veritas society flashed through my mind. I had only been a child when it happened, but I remembered enough. The memories had been subconsciously blocked from my mind. Many of the memories prior to the first meteor shower have been. I also remembered a boy in the cupboard underneath the stairs. My father tried to tell me it was a delusion, but I know better. I know that child was you."
  Harry remained collected. He did not confirm or deny Lex's statement.
  "Why was Lionel Luthor there?"
  "He was trying to gain information about the Traveler. Apparently your aunt was not to receptive about it, and yelled something about freaks. She knew nothing about the traveler, and if he existed, she hoped that he would perish because he did not belong. My father accepted that answer at the time, but he was disappointed. I feel that you may have had a hint about the secrets of the Veritas Society. Whether or not you do, I don't need you, because I've found out much about it. However, it would be unwise to allow you to find out the truth, in case you are a threat."
  "What did you find out?" Harry asked. He hoped to cross-reference his own research with some of Lex's own.
  "There was a box, containing information leading to a source of power how to defeat the Traveler," Lex said. "The key was in the possession of Doctor Virgil Swann. Swann died years ago. I believe the key is in the possession of his daughter. I must get that key."
  "Do you know what the key looks like?" Harry asked him.
  "It's unclear to me right now," Lex managed. He tried to fight the compulsion to tell the truth. "All I know is she has the key. Once I find out what it is, then I'll decide how to proceed from there."
  "Is that all?" Harry asked.
  "Yes, that's all I've been able to piece together," Lex admitted.
  A few moments later, Lex blinked. To him, no time had passed since the moment he drank the tea, and he said no words.
  "I've considered it Lex, and my answer is I'm going to have to decline," Harry said.
  There was a long moment of silence.
  "It's a disappointment," Lex admitted. "But not unexpected. I had hoped that you would see the benefits of making a deal. Then again, perhaps some people never understand what needs to be done to save the world."
  "Perhaps, perhaps not," Harry said. He checked a pocket watch, with a calm expression on his face. He asked his next question with feigned innocence. "Did you enjoy your tea?"
  "Not the best in the world, but it was adequate," Lex said.
  "It's an acquired taste," Harry said crisply. He extended his hand. "Nothing personal Lex, I was just doing this in the name of business."
  Lex took Harry's hand. "Nothing personal, just business, and remember anything that happens between us from here on out is just business."
  Harry was pretty sure that was a veiled threat. If Lex tried everything with him, he'd cut him off at the knees and bury him alive.
  "My security will escort you out," Harry said. He lowered his glasses, and looked Lex straight in the eyes. "Drive safely. Accidents do happen."
  Lex tried to hide the expression. He was unclear of whether or not he should interpret that casual statement as a threat. He stood there for a moment. He nodded slowly.
  "I will," Lex said.
  When Lex left, Kara walked out of the corner. She had watched the entire meeting from the shadows. She walked over towards Harry. She had an approving expression on her face.
  "That was smart lacing his tea like that," Kara said. "And he didn't suspect he had spilled everything he had found out to you."
  Harry knew some would frown at his distinct breach of ethics. However, desperate times called for desperate actions.
  "All he did was verify what I already knew," Harry admitted. Kara just shrugged, before she looked at Harry with a smile. "I don't think he's going to let this go without a fight."
  "I can't believe he threatened you," Kara said. A fierce expression spread across her face. If Lex Luthor ever harmed Harry in any way, or tried to, he would not live long enough to regret that mistake.
  "I've been threatened by far worse people than Lex, trust me," Harry said. Kara sat down next to Harry. "He did verify one thing for me. And that is we have plenty of work to do regarding this Veritas mess."
  Now with the Heralds of Voldemort and Project: Genesis seemingly behind them, Harry and Kara could focus on uncovering the secrets of Veritas. Harry was now more than intrigued about them then previously. The way Lex was going on, it was almost like they had a method to control the Traveler, should be become a threat.
  At least that's how Harry interpreted the words.
  "I think it's time we pay Patricia Swann a visit," Harry said. "Before Lex does."
  Kara and Harry stepped away, and realized that they had a lot of work to do, and not that much time to do it.
  Pressure built character, and it was something that Harry and Kara thrived well under.
  Lana hovered in the air outside. The snow and cold winds were prominent, however she did not care. Her eyes were closed. She had been thinking about her lack of ability to save Clark. It was eating away at her in a way. In another way, it was giving her the motivation to rise to the lofty standards that she was expected to. There was so much potential for her powers.
  Her powers, she figured, was like an untapped well. She just had to figure out how to get the water out.
  "You've been out here all morning, Lana."
  Lana spun around, and saw Clark standing below, looking up at her.
  "Oh, hello Clark," Lana said in a weak voice. She tried to maintain positive and upbeat. "I guess I'm just recovering what happened the other day, with the Fortress."
  "You shouldn't really pay that woman any attention," Clark told her.
  "It's kind of hard not to," Lana said to Clark. She got down to Earth level so she could face Clark properly. "Did you ever feel like no matter what you do, it's not going to be good enough?"
  Clark offered her a smile. "More times than I can count, but I think that if you don't think of ways that you can do things better, you might not be fully embracing what you can be. I have regrets, and I'll continue to have more."
  "Yeah, those regrets seem to be super powerful for people like us," Lana said. "Everything she said, and everything she did in that Fortress. She could bring both of us to our knees, and there is nothing that we can do about it."
  Lana looked out into the distance. She had another question to ask Clark.
  "Did you give any consideration to what your father said?"
  Clark seemed to ponder that answer for a moment.
  "I did think about it," Clark admitted. "After the Fortress got taken over one time, who is to say that it won't get taken over again? I'm not even sure if that was my father speaking. If Lily was able to take control of the Fortress, can I even be sure that she wasn't mimicking my father's voice?"
  Lana had to admit that Clark had a point. She took a deep breath.
  "To protect everyone in the world, that's a big responsibility thrust onto your shoulders," Lana said, and Clark placed his hands on her shoulders. "The biggest responsibility is to be the one tasked to protecting that protector. Kara had a point, when she said that this wasn't going to be easy. And there are supposed to be powers that I have that you don't."
  "Do you have any clue of what they are?" Clark asked.
  Lana remained thoughtful at this moment.
  "There are times where I'm sitting there, and I could have sworn I see objects lift into the air," Lana said. "I'm not even touching them, but they float in the air. A few inches off of the ground and they drop back down before I can get a closer look at them."
  "You mean like some kind of telekinesis or levitation?" Clark asked her.
  Lana nodded.
  "That's what I thought as well. I spent an hour last night after you went to bed trying to lift up a book with my mind. I stared at it until my eyes went bloodshot. But I couldn't do it. Am I imagining things?"
  "You could be onto something," Clark told her. "My powers, they always took a while to get a hang of how they worked properly, and how to consciously make them work, without setting them off at the wrong time. Just like what happened to you the other day with the mishap with the heat vision."
  "You just couldn't let that one go, could you?" Lana asked. She tried to act offended, but in reality she was amused. "I was in the moment when it happened. Although, it does kill the mood when the bed gets set on fire."
  Clark would have to agree. A smile crossed his face for a brief moment, but he had to get back to the matter at hand.
  "Kara and Harry were both right to tell you not to force it," Clark said. "Just let it come naturally."
  Lana was not sure. She was frustrated that she could not figure out how to turn on these powers. She wanted to help Clark. Perhaps she could channel her frustration into something meaningful, consciously at least. A snow plow came down the roads, knocking the snow into the driveway that Lana just shoveled out a short time again. Her eyes narrowed as the mailbox nearly was knocked over by the snow and ice flying through the air.
  "That's the third that that happened this morning!" Lana yelled crossly, staring at the pile of snow, and suddenly, the snow lifted off of the ground out of the driveway. It was blasted across into a meadow.
  Lana paused, and blinked.
  "You did see that, didn't you?"
  Clark nodded slowly.
  "So, I wasn't imagining things," Lana said.
  "If you were, then we both were," Clark said. "I guess you needed the right motivation."
  Lana nodded. She could have shoveled the driveway in less than a minute with her powers. Still it was the principle of the matter.
  Now she just needed to figure out how to lift something without getting agitated. She was sure there was a way.
  A dark haired man dressed in black walked down a driveway. He walked with a purpose. Each and every step was done with swift precision. Over the past number of weeks, Bruce Wayne continued to piece together every bit of information that he could find regarding the Veritas Society. There was much that his father had kept track of, and there was even more secrets that he took to his grave.
  Bruce knew one person that could help him, and one person who could fill in the blanks that Thomas Wayne left. That man was Virgil Swann. There was just one problem, and that was that Swann passed away years and years ago. Bruce hoped that Swann's daughter would be able to fill in the necessary blanks. He raised a hand, and knocked on the door.
  A young woman with red hair pushed the door open. She surveyed Bruce, carefully.
  "Bruce...Bruce Wayne?" Patricia asked him, and Bruce responded with a nod. "I haven't seen you in years and years."
  "It's been a long time," Bruce said to the woman with a smile. "I was going through my father's notes, and I found something interesting."
  Patricia had a shrewd suspicion what this was about.
  "You better come inside," Patricia said. "It's the only place we can talk safely."
  Patricia stepped inside, and bolted the door tight behind her.
  "I heard about your father," Bruce said. Swann had passed on when Bruce was traveling the world, training himself. "I'd like to send my belated condolences. I only met him once or twice in passing, but he seemed like a remarkable man."
  "I heard likewise about your father," Patricia said to him. A look of unmistakable seriousness crossed her face. "The secrets of Veritas may be coming undone. Lionel Luthor knows about the traveler, and he's the only member that is still among the living and breathing that I can locate."
  Patricia took a moment to walk forward.
  "Hugo Strange was another member, and he died a little over a month ago," Bruce said. "The secrets of the traveler caused members of this society to be taken out, left and right. It's much like my father speculated in his notes. All of the members of the society would eventually die over the traveler. And there are those out there that will try and uncover what the traveler is."
  "I've tried to get in contact with Lex Luthor, he would know what his father's eventual game is," Patricia said.
  Bruce shook his head. He figured that Lex would be a problem. He had his moles inside of Luthorcorp that were keeping an eye on both Luthors.
  "I think Lex may have his own ambitions regarding the Traveler. My contact inside Luthorcorp has indicated that he's researching many things. Veritas is a topic that he's looked into. And he's looking into this symbol."
  Bruce pulled out a symbol. The upside down triangle, with a circle placed in the triangle and a line dividing down the center of it.
  "I've poured over countless references, but I've only been able to see some images of the symbol carved on a prison wall in Germany and a gravestone," Bruce said.
  Patricia looked at the symbol, studying it.
  "I fail to see what relevance this symbol has to do with the Traveler," Patricia said. She bit her lip, and frowned.
  "I think that symbol has everything to do with the Traveler," Bruce said.
  The red haired woman did not know what to make of that statement.
  "If only my father was here, he might have more insight on it for you then I would," Patricia stated. She shook her head. She studied the symbol. "As for right now, I don't really know what to tell you. I'm surprised that Lionel Luthor hasn't come after you yet. Your father did know a lot, and he would enjoy getting that information for himself."
  Bruce hid the calculating expression on his face. He had an idea that both of the Luthors would be very interested in meeting with him. He would be ready for both of them, when they decided to make their move.
  "I'm not going to mince words, Patricia," Bruce said to her. "You are in danger because of who your father was. I can make sure that no harm comes to you, by either Luthor. I can make you seem like you disappeared, and ensure that no one ever attacks you."
  "How would you be able to do something like that?" Patricia asked.
  "I have my resources," Bruce said in his mysterious tone of voice.
  Patricia remained firm in her stance.
  "I plan to seek out the traveler, and do what I can to help him. Disappearing would not help me do this. My father had a dream to help the traveler, and I want to follow into his footsteps. Surely, you can understand that? The need to live up to your father's ambitions?"
  "More than you can ever realize," Bruce said with a far off look in his eyes, and another knock could be heard on the door. "It seems like you're popular today."
  Patricia wondered who was at the door. She took a few steps forward, and reached forward. She opened the door. She saw two new arrivals. One of them was a young man with green eyes and dark hair, dressed in a rather bland suit. His hair was completely straight. The other one was a blonde woman, dressed in a jacket, red blouse, a skirt, stockings, and high heels, wearing a pair of glasses.
  "We haven't been formally introduced, Ms. Swann," Harry said without preamble. "I'm Harry Potter, and this is my fianc?e, Kara Kent. We need to talk to you about an important matter. Your life might be in danger."
  Harry had resisted the temptation to check the lifeline reader to see how much danger Patricia might be in. That was something was an aspect to his powers that was so easy to lead to a great deal of abuse.
  "It's about the traveler, and Veritas," Harry added in an undertone.
  Patricia stood up straight at her declaration, and her eyes flashed. The name Potter seemed rather familiar. One look at his eyes indicated all that she needed to know. Bruce got up to his feet.
  "I must be leaving now Patricia, thank you, and...." Bruce said. He looked at Harry and Kara immediately. "I'm sorry, I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting. Bruce Wayne."
  Harry took a good look at Bruce. It clicked in his mind. He and Kara had been listening to bits of the conversation from outside of the door before they had actually entered for the meeting, and had heard Veritas come up.
  As far as Harry knew, Bruce Wayne was a billionaire, and from what the tabloids said, he would not have been interested in something like Veritas or the Traveler. They called him a flake, who could barely find his own office, and was seen with a different woman almost like a nightly basis. Harry figured that this was an image that he encouraged. They were part of the mask, the illusion.
  "Harry Potter," Harry responded, shaking Bruce's hand.
  "Kara Kent," Kara added. She frowned, and came to the same conclusion that Harry did. There were subtle differences in his posture, and big differences in his demeanor. However, there were certain things that that the best disguises could not mask.
  Bruce left, and Harry and Kara turned to Patricia Swann. She surveyed them, and finally where she heard the name "Potter" had finally clicked with her.
  "You're the son of Lily Potter, formerly Lily Evans," Patricia said. Harry nodded. "I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you have your mother's eyes."
  "A few times, yes," Harry agreed as he looked at the woman. "So, how do you know of her?"
  "My father was extremely interested in the headway that her family made about the Traveler over the years," Patricia said. "In many ways, the work the Evans family did over the years was a part of the foundation for what became the Veritias Society. You two know all too well about that."
  Harry and Kara nodded. They did plenty of research before conducting this meeting.
  "I don't know if your father ever knew this, but my mother and her family's intentions with the Traveler were less than noble," Harry said and Patricia turned to them. Confusion appeared on her face.
  "I heard a different story, from my father," Patricia said. "An old friend of your mother's joined the Veritas Society. Her name was Isis Lovegood."
  'Luna's mother and mine were friends,' Harry thought, a bit surprised about this revelation. He did not know, and Luna never mentioned it. He wondered if Luna even knew about this.
  "Isis claimed to my father that your mother wanted to break the cycle that doomed her family to multiple deaths over obsession regarding the traveler," Patricia said. "Lily said it doomed her parents to their murders, and she told Isis to do what she could to protect the Traveler. Isis was like the rest of them. She died years ago, and any other information she had to share was taken to her with the grave."
  Harry allowed all of this to sink in. His mother seemed to be a complex woman, and there was so much about her that he had no idea about. The real Lily Potter would forever be shrouded in mystery. And Luna's mother had to die because of this entire mess. Kara placed her hand on Harry's, and they sat in silence. The fact was Lily's quest to protect the Traveler did not match up with the journal's ambitions about controlling the Traveler.
  Did something change? Did Lily allow Isis to believe one thing, while secretly plotting for another? Or was Isis in on the entire thing? Harry shook his head. There were too many questions.
  "My father was interested in meeting you when he was alive," Patricia added. This was also a new revelation to Harry. "He sent a few letters, trying to arrange a meeting with you. He felt that you could potentially have a role in the destiny of the Traveler, even though he wasn't clear on exactly how it was. All letters he tried to send to you were sent back. And after a certain point, he just assumed that you were not interested."
  Harry had a shrewd idea of who was returning his mail, but that was the past.
  "I never knew," Harry said. "I would have done what I could to help sooner if I would have known."
  "Harry would have," Kara added. She was firm and supporting in her words.
  "The reason we're here is that Lex Luthor knows that you have something that might help him lead you to the Traveler," Harry said. "And he's willing to do anything to get his hands on it. There is nothing that he won't do, and that puts you in the crossfire."
  Patricia remained silent.
  "If you want a meeting with the Traveler, then I can make it happen," Harry said to her. "All you need to do is trust me, and hand me whatever Lex might be after."
  "Why would you need it?" Patricia asked him. She seemed to have a small bit of mistrust regarding Harry's intentions.
  "It has everything to do with this symbol," Harry said, and he tapped the piece of paper that Bruce had left on the table.
  "Do you know what it means?" Patricia asked.
  Kara and Harry both remained silent.
  "If you have any information to share with the Traveler, prepare it," Harry replied. "I'll bring you to him. I'm sure he'll be interested in anything that you have to say."
  Patricia pondered this for a moment. She had been collecting information about Lionel Luthor and his possible connection to the deaths of several members of the Veritas Society. She had intended to use the information to blackmail Lionel into arranging a meeting with the Traveler. She had imagined Lionel was doing his best to gain the trust of the Traveler for his own means.
  "Don't worry about Lionel Luthor," Harry said. "I'll handle him."
  Patricia remained surprised.
  "I have my ways," Harry said.
  "I don't think that we have much to gain sitting around here," Kara said. "We'll take you to the Traveler right now."
  Patricia nodded in agreement.
  "Let me get something, and you can take me to him," Patricia said.
  Harry and Kara agreed. This was a calculated risk, but phase one of their plan was about ready to be completed.
  "Bruce Wayne? Now why would he of all people be meeting with Patricia Swann? Yes, follow him, see what he's up to, and report back to me when you get a clear picture."
  Lex put down the phone gently. He sat back in the chair, and moved around the clutter on his desk to get a clearer working area. A newspaper with the headline "Fatal Fall of Circus Acrobats Believed to be Homicide, GCPD Investigate" had been tossed into the trash bin to the side. Lex reached over, and continued to file through papers on his desk. He remained calm, but he would be lying if he was not intrigued with what was going on with one Bruce Wayne.
  Why would Wayne be interested in Patricia Swann? That was the million dollar question. Lex only met Bruce less than a handful of times, and they had been rather young during their meetings. Bruce had just returned to Gotham City less than a year ago, and Lex had other pressing matters on his mind. He had seen more than a few tabloid articles regarding the Billionaire playboy. Lex knew better than anyone else not to pay any of the content much mind. Pictures could be manipulated, and facts could be distorted.
  That was the price that one would pay for being rich and famous. Yet, Bruce Wayne was meeting with the daughter of the man who Lex believed knew much about the Veritas Society. He was slowly maneuvering in to get what he needed. Eventually he would know, and he would have the secrets of the universe at his fingertips.
  His overtures for a partnership with one Harry Potter had gone south. Lex suspected that Harry was a bit more competent than he had let on, although how much more competent he was uncertain. He still maintained that he was in control of the situation. It was just a matter of unearthing the right secret about Harry Potter to force his hand, and lead to a partnership that would allow him to get everything he needed.
  The problem was that his record seemed to be very clean. There was no hint of wrong doing. Everything he did with the Shining Light Foundation was on the level. He had not so much as an unpaid parking ticket.
  Everyone had a dark side in their past. Lex continued to follow the threads, while he waited for his men to report back on their progress regarding Wayne. He continued to research through records. Everything matched up. Harry Potter was a rather average student of a boarding school in Scotland. He had traveled the world for years, before he had come to Smallville.
  There was nothing, except for a dead end.
  The phone rang after a moment, and Lex picked it up immediately.
  "Sorry, sir, but we lost Wayne," one of the men said on the other end of the phone in an apologetic voice.
  Lex took a number of moments for it to set in. Disappointment did not even begin to adequately cover what he felt towards the success, or lack thereof with his men. He drew breath. After a moment, he once again began to speak.
  "You lose the remote control, or you lose your car keys," Lex said. Disgust dripped from his tone as he spoke. "How could you lose Bruce Wayne?"
  "We were following him from the Swann woman's place," the man on the other end of the phone said. "He drove, and it seemed like he knew that we were there. I don't know how he knew, but he knew that we were following him."
  "You obviously weren't being that careful," Lex said in a cold tone of voice. "Listen to me, find Wayne and bring him to me. Look for him like your life depends on it. Do not disappoint me again, or you'll regret it."
  The man's voice shook on the other side of the phone. He proceeded to speak immediately. "Y-y-yes sir, we'll find him. Why do you want him so bad?"
  "Your job isn't to ask questions," Lex said. "Your job is to just go out there, and do as I tell you to. Is that clear?"
  Lex's voice was calm as he said this. However, there was a hidden threat dripping from his words.
  "Yes, it's clear, very clear, I won't let you down again, sir," the man stammered. Lex could tell that his voice and perhaps his hands were shaking on the other side of the phone.
  "For your sake let's hope you gain results," Lex said. "But don't waste time talking to me. Find him."
  Lex hung up the phone. He felt a bit of a migraine headache coming on. He saw the list of Veritas Society members on his desk. All of them had died except for two. One of them was missing, and presumed dead, that being Edward Teague. The other one was someone who was very near and dear to Lex's heart, in a matter of speaking.
  His father had been keeping secrets. Lex felt a bit hurt about the lack of trust. Surely they could have found a common ground, and worked together regarding the traveler.
  'Unless there's another reason,' Lex thought. 'No, he wants the traveler all for himself.'
  Lex folded his hands over. He had much work to do, and he would be having a confrontation with his father. There was a reckoning between them that was long overdue. He thought that this time, it would end with blood on his hands of the worst kind if his father did not give him the answers he wanted.
  If the traveler arrived in a meteor shower, then Lex had a right to know. It was the same meteor shower that set off a chain of events that defined his life.
  It was his destiny to find out. There was no two ways about it.
  The claims he had a greater destiny was something that had surrounded Harry Potter throughout all of his life. The Wizarding World claimed that he of all people was destined for great things. He was destined to be the one to defeat Lord Voldemort. The defeat of Voldemort did not happen like he envisioned. Harry thought about it several times, and knew that it was the Wand of Eternity that defeated Voldemort. It would not do any harm to Death's chosen champion.
  He both succeeded and utterly failed at achieving his destiny. He had no idea how he felt about that.
  The thoughts swam through his head, as Harry and Kara led Patricia Swann towards the Kent Farm house. The snow storm was beginning to pick up in intensity. That was nothing compared to the storm that was brewing when the secrets of the Veritas Society were spilled out for Lex to grab his hands on.
  "My father's journal should hopefully give the Traveler a clear idea of what he's up against as he grows into the hero that he needs to be," Patricia remarked to an undertone.
  "Any help that he gets, it will be a benefit to him," Kara agreed, and Harry went first, knocking on the door.
  There was a pause. Harry wondered if he had caught Lana and Clark at the wrong moment, or if they were not home. Secrets passed before the door opened and Clark looked at Harry and Kara. Before he could properly greet then, Patricia Swann took a good look at him.
  "You're about how my father described," Patricia said and she looked at Clark. "I'm Patricia Swann."
  "Doctor Swann's daughter?" Clark asked, and she nodded. Clark tried to figure out what this was about. "Is this about..."
  "You know of Veritas," Patricia said in an undertone, and Harry and Kara quickly ushered her inside. They made sure they were not followed. They were almost certain that they were not, but it was better to be safe and sorry.
  "Yes, I've been informed of it, by...a source," Clark said.
  It was unspoken who that source was. Patricia remained calm.
  "And then this will cut down on the amount of explanation that I'll have to give regarding it," Patricia said. "Most of the members are dead, with the exception of one. The second to last member perished a few weeks ago, that being Hugo Strange."
  Clark's expression darkened. He remembered his encounter with Strange all too well. It would be a long time before he forgot being under his tender care.
  "Who is the last member?"
  Lana turned up at this moment, a curious expression on her face. Patricia remained calm and tentative now. She debated whether or not she could say anything in front of Lana.
  "We can trust Lana with any information you have," Clark said in calm voice. Patricia nodded.
  "The final member is Lionel Luthor, and I believe he has been behind many of the deaths of members of the Society, so he could have the Traveler all to himself," Patricia said. "I have evidence that states that he was seen meeting with several of the members before they died. He met with Hugo Strange two months ago."
  "A month prior to when he died," Lana said. Lionel lied about cutting his involvement off with Strange years ago.
  "Shouldn't you take this evidence to the police?" Clark asked. He was trying to reconcile everything that happened. He was having a bit of a crisis of faith after the events in the Fortress of Solitude, and his doubts about everything regarding that. He questioned everything that he knew. The revelation that Lionel might not have changed his ways was something that he deep down should have expected.
  Yet, he was na?ve enough to trust him.
  It was Harry who answered that. "Someone was powerful as Lionel Luthor is not going to go down easily. He's going to talk his way out of trouble. He'll be able to spin it in his own way, or take as many people as he could down with him if he's trapped."
  "Yes, but I thought he...he has helped me."
  "My father did speculate that your greatest strength might also be your greatest weakness," Patricia said. "The fact that you see the best in others, and hope that one day they might change for the better."
  Clark nodded. That seemed like a common sentiment regarding him.
  "I wish to share to you the contents of my father's journal," Patricia said. "He said that you would be able to decipher the symbols."
  Clark nodded, and walked off with her. This left Harry, Kara, and Lana alone. Lana turned towards Harry, a questioning expression in her eyes.
  "I had to bring her here to meet with Clark before it is too late," Harry told her.
  "She might be in danger, Lex is getting too close to putting two and two together," Kara said. "He said that he was keeping a close eye on her, and trying to find out what she knew about the Traveler."
  Lana frowned. Thinking about Lex was not something that was conductive to her mental health. She took a deep breath, before she voiced her question.
  "You got this information from Lex, willingly. No offense, but how did you manage that?"
  Harry offered a mysterious smile. "Well there are ways of loosening a person's tongue. Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies."
  Lana understood the hidden meaning immediately. Harry was willing to take a step to achieve his goal that most would find a distinct breach of ethics. Not that she blamed him in the slightest, given that it was Lex, and she shuddered to think what he would do if he had found out the complete truth regarding Clark. His mind would twist it into something else entirely.
  "Harry did what he had to do," Kara said. The tone of her voice almost dared Lana to contradict. "If we have to bend the rules to protect Clark, that's what we're going to do. And I'm sure you understand that better than any of us."
  Lana nodded before she spoke in a quiet voice. "More than you ever know. But I have to ask you a question about something."
  Harry waved his hand, and gave her the invitation to do so.
  "I think I discovered one of my powers," Lana said, and Harry proceeded to motion for her to go on. "There are times where I can lift objects with my mind, but it happens on and off. Clark thinks that it's levitation, or telekinesis."
  Harry thought about it. This was unsurprising.
  "Clark might be onto something," Harry said. "It's a rudimentary skill, but a rather tricky one to master at first. When you master it, it should not be a problem. That would explain the spikes that you have in strength .You are using your mind to amplify the natural power exerted by your strength. If this can be done using your body, it can also be done using your mind. I'd advise starting small with light objects. You know like paper clips or a feather. I wouldn't try and lift entire buildings for a while with your mind. You might be able to leap them in a single bound, but all you're going to accomplish for a while is a nose bleed and a headache."
  "Wait, lifting entire buildings with my mind?" Lana asked.
  "I've done it before, long story," Harry said to her and he waved it off. "Powers will manifest, and they'll get easier to control. It is not too much like anything else. We must learn to crawl before we walk, and then we must master walking before running. Once you figure out how to turn the powers on and off, you can figure out how to creatively master them, and only the sky is the limit."
  It was a lecture that Harry had given his students at the Shining Light Foundation a few times when they were mastering their powers. He figured that it might do Lana some good.
  Clark looked at the journal in his hand. Much of the information was intriguing, and it would be something that he would pursue at his leisure. Perhaps it could give him and by extension Lana, some hints about what exactly his destiny could entail.
  "It was a pleasure meeting you, and I'll do what I can to assist you just as my father could," Patricia said. "Harry and Kara speak rather highly of you, as did my father, and even if I can play the smallest role in your destiny, then I will be happy."
  "All the help is appreciated, and I'm sure Doctor Swann's journal will help me out when I can," Clark said. "And for Lionel...I'll be on my guard against him."
  "Be on your guard against both Luthors," Harry said.
  Even if he did manage to outmaneuver Lex, he doubted that he would go down without a fight. Despite not having any powers himself, Lex was slippery and sadistic as a snake in the grass. He was always lurking, ready to strike and bite when he was able to do so.
  Harry and Kara led Patricia from the kitchen, and Clark and Lana remained alone for the moment, to likely talk about the contents of the journal.
  "You're truly someone of your word," Patricia said. A frown spread across her face. "Why would you go to so much trouble, when you have your own life? I've read about your work as part of the Shining Light Foundation, yet you spent weeks hunting down every possible lead."
  "It's all about making sure that the traveler remains safe until he becomes the hero he can be," Harry answered. "I don't know how much I believe in destiny. However, I think that there is something special within Clark that could manifest into a hero to inspire millions."
  It was a hero that he thought he could be, but he never allowed that full potential. He tried to give Clark as many of the answers that he could. However, as Death reminded him, he could not fight Clark's battles for him.
  Harry was not fighting Clark's battles for him. He was giving him the tools to succeed, and grow into what he could be. There would come a day where he would be ready, and Harry was glad that he played a part of it.
  "And I believe there may be an item that Lex was after," Harry said. "One that you may have on your person."
  Patricia seemed unsure and indecisive. Harry and Kara made sure the barrier blocked out any eavesdropping.
  "My father told me to keep it safe at all costs, no matter what," Patricia said. She held the locket in her hand. It flipped between her fingers tentatively.
  "And I'll be able to keep it safer than anyone else," Harry said. He had a feeling that she wore it at all times. That fact would serve as a blinking beacon that it was important to her. "I know if this item, whatever it is, falls into the wrong hands; it could mean doom for many people."
  Patricia remained indecisive for a moment.
  "If you had over the key, Lex will not be able to go after it, or you," Harry responded. "If you don't allow me to help you, then he'll do something drastic that could take you down. I don't know what, but he's a desperate man and obsessed."
  Patricia held the locket in her hand once again. The red haired woman slowly pressed it into Harry's hands. Kara and Harry both responded with an encouraging smile. It told her that somehow she did the right thing.
  They had one of the keys. Now arrangements would be made for Harry to further hold up his end of the deal.
  Lionel Luthor sat in a chair and his back was turned away from his door. He half paid attention to the snowstorm that was raging on outdoors. The latest weather report said that it would be a nasty one. There was a storm of another kind brewing.
  Footsteps could be heard behind Lionel. His eyes snapped up, and he spun around.
  "Ah, Mr. Potter, I was wondering if I would be seeing you before too long," Lionel said. "You've had a lot on your plate as of now. I heard that your deal with Lex did not get cemented like I had feared. But, a word to the wise, he won't take no for an answer."
  "Lex is the last person you have to worry about," Harry said. He remained absolutely calm, and he surveyed Lionel with narrowed eyes. "Two months ago, you had a meeting with Hugo Strange. I was under the impression that you said you cut off your communication with him years and years ago."
  "It was a brief meeting, nothing of consequence," Lionel said in a dismissive tone of voice. "So, you are interested in the secrets, aren't you?"
  "I'm interested in the safety of the world, and not to have more innocent lives perish," Harry said. "Unlike some, I don't enjoy having blood on my hands. However, I will not hesitate to get my hands dirty if it helps saves lives."
  A knowing look crossed Lionel's face.
  "Perhaps you are much more like your mother than either of us could have thought," Lionel said. "From all I could find out, when she believed in a cause, she would do anything that she could succeed in her mission. Even if people suffered, and I recognize that look in your eyes. You're going to do something drastic to succeed, aren't you?"
  "Wouldn't you like to know, Luthor?" Harry replied in a crisp voice. "The fact of the matter is, I have something that I need to accomplish. And there are people who wish to control something very powerful for their own means."
  "Well, that's a very interesting theory," Lionel said. He remained rather calm, and his hands were folded over his desk. A calculating expression shifted on his face. "We both have the same goal, albeit for different reasons. Truly you must believe that."
  Harry remained silent. His gaze stared a hole through Lionel. The elder Luthor believed that he reformed, and perhaps he did make a genuine attempt to do so. However, there was a sinister undertone beneath his intentions. There was always a chance that he would fall back, and then they would have a problem.
  There was something else that he sensed. Now that he was up close, and next to him, he stared him down.
  "You don't have much time left, Lionel," Harry told him suddenly.
  There was silence. Lionel was not sure if he heard him properly.
  "Is that a threat?" Lionel asked in a chillingly calm voice.
  "No just an observation," Harry said. "The sins of your past could come back to haunt you in the worst way. Lex knows about Veritas. It won't be long before he takes you down because of it."
  Lionel acted like he was pondering everything Harry said slowly, and carefully.
  "Providing its Lex gets to you first," Harry responded.
  "One could interpret that as a threat," Lionel answered in a calm and collected voice. "I wouldn't think a man of your status would be giving threats. Especially someone with so much on the line. "
  "I don't make threats," Harry said in a cool voice. "The sands of time are running down for you. And whatever intentions you have, they're all for nothing. You might wear the face of a changed man, but will those who you wronged believe that?"
  "It doesn't matter what they believe," Lionel said. "I'm a Luthor, and I've survived far worse. I will weather the storm, and I will come out on the end. The real shame would be if you were expected of wrong-doings. Just after the adoption for that young girl went through even. It would be a shame if she lost another parental figure."
  Harry remained calm at this veiled threat. He was extremely tempted to rip Lionel's throat out for even suggesting what he suggested.
  "Don't worry about anything that happens to me," Harry said. "Lex is closing in on the Traveler, and he's closing in on you."
  "Lex and I are both on a different level," Lionel said. "But, never the less I do thank you for the warning. No matter what you might think, people do change, and I am one of them."
  Harry nodded. He had a look of disbelief on his face. If Lionel tried anything, he had enough information on him to put him away for a long time. There was a sense Harry got however that he was talking to a man who was reaching the end of his life.
  "Do what you have to do Mr. Potter, and I will do likewise," Lionel said.
  "You know I will," Harry said, and he turned around.
  He walked out, and made sure Lionel did not have him followed by anyone. Immediately, he spotted Kara waiting for him with a triumphant smile on her face. She rushed forward, and hugged Harry in an excited manner. A wide smile was on her face.
  "I've got it!" Kara said in a triumphant voice.
  "I knew you would," Harry said, and he embraced her, before they appeared in the sitting room area of their home.
  "I switched it with the fake," Kara told him. "Just like we planned."
  Harry held in her close. He was happy that things had seemingly gone right for once.
  With both of the keys in their hand, Harry and Kara could move onto the next step. With any luck, they would be able to prevent anyone else from accessing the secrets of the Traveler.
  Hopefully in the end, everyone would understand the steps they had to take to succeed in their mission as Heralds of Death.
  Keys Part Two
  Chapter 27: Keys Part Two.
  Harry and Kara appeared in a flash of light outside of an imposing building. Immediately, they felt the taint of residual magical energy in the air. It was the type of magic that seemed to be dormant most of the time. Yet it was only triggered under the biggest circumstances. Both Harry and Kara stood, arms crossed, and focused expressions on their faces.
  Getting the keys would be the easy part. They understood that. Patricia Swann was put into hiding, at least until the heat died down. Harry and Kara arranged to leave a false trail that would have Lex running around in circles.
  Now they could focus on getting their hands on the information that the Veritas Society died for the most part over. The keys would only be a part of what they needed. Given that there were magical members of the society, Harry speculated that they would know better than anyone else about the means where locks and doors could be circumstances.
  The two studied what was in front of them.
  They had to get this done quickly, and hopefully out of the way. They were a month away from a rare astrological event. This event would cause their Herald of Death powers to be only at ten percent of their capacity, and it would take longer to recharge themselves. The event only happened every ten thousand years, thankfully.
  They could worry about that later. Right now, they had a job to do.
  Harry was the first to speak. "We better be careful. If there were magical members of the Veritas Society, it stands to reason that someone would have put up some magical defenses. We can't just dart in, stun any guards, and dart out with the box like we hoped we could."
  He stood back, and began scanning the area. There was a tense moment before they truly knew. It seemed like any active magic would trigger the defenses in the area. Harry shook his head, and took a step forward.
  "We might as well trigger what is here, and deal with it," Kara said, and Harry gave her a questioning expression. The blonde Kryptonian shrugged. "The longer we stand here and wait, the more of a chance some could figure out we're gone. And they could get here, and we'd be back to square one. We should get that safe deposit box out of here."
  "And the fastest way to do is to trigger any defenses from around this area," Harry said, and Kara nodded. The two Heralds of Death stood, and were ready. They took a step forward, knowing that if they went any further, it would be triggered.
  Going in at super speed would just bounce them back. Apparating in just sent them slightly outside the barrier. Just walking in, and trying to move their worth seemed to be the most logical idea. And that's what Harry and Kara did. They took a few more steps, and a calm expression crossed their faces.
  Time stood still as the Heralds of Death held their collective breath.
  The ground began to rumble beneath them. Harry wondered what they had to deal with. The Lovegoods might not have put any nasty surprises there for them to deal with. The Greengrasses on the other hand, they had been notorious for fighting rather dirty when the circumstances dictated it. The ground continued to rock, and shift, and rumble before it crumbled, and several hands shot from the ground.
  "What are those things?" Kara asked with a frown.
  Harry studied them, before her gave them his answer.
  "Guardian trolls," Harry told her, and he paused. "With a few upgrades as it turns out, both in power and intelligence."
  They were against several large creatures that stood before them. The creatures stalked the Heralds of Death. They gave a mighty growl.
  "The secrets of the traveler must be preserved," one of the guardians said in a low voice.
  A troll's skin was rather thick, but heat vision seemed to cause it a great deal of agony. The troll yelled in pain, and Harry blasted the trolls with everything he had. They seemed to have some kind of healing factor, which Kara picked up on straight away.
  "We're going to have to fight smart in this one," Kara whispered, and she dodged again. She tried to get the guardian trolls to chase her one way. Harry tried to divert them the other way.
  Getting them away from this area seemed to be the key to this battle. The problem was the way the charm work was done; Harry was going to have to find a way to break their conditioning. They always seemed to not stray too far from the doors, and had blocked them with their massive girth. Kara slammed hard into one of the trolls, knocking him out with a kick. The creature did a kip up, and was back on his feet.
  The charms they put up hopefully would keep anyone from seeing what was going on. Still, Kara and Harry intended to dispense with their foes quickly not to give them a chance.
  The creatures continued to surround Harry and Kara. The two Heralds of Death proceeded to fight them, hammering their enemies with everything they had. The skin of the trolls was thick, and hard to penetrate. Yet they managed to get in a few good licks in on the creatures. With a deep breath, Harry analyzed the situation.
  "Kara, lure him over this way!" Harry called.
  Kara did as she was told. The troll lumbered over towards her. It blasted an energy attack from its hand. That was a skill that was not typical to these lumbering, and often stupid creatures. However, Harry lured it into a trap. Thick ropes wrapped around his massive ankles and arms, and immediately he fell down to the ground. Kara blasted an intense burst of heat vision to further injure them, and the guardian was buried down to the ground.
  The two Heralds of Death exchanged a look that only meant one thing. One down, a couple dozen or more so were left to go. Harry and Kara joined hands, and closed their eyes. They blasted at two of the trolls at supersonic speed. A loud concussive blast had knocked the troll back. He flew hard and Harry opened a rift in time and space, to deposit the troll elsewhere.
  A troll tried to lift up a huge rock, and rush Harry and Kara to smash it. Kara elbowed the troll, and flung him into one of his brothers. Or maybe it was a sister; it was hard to tell with trolls. The two let a tandem blast of heat vision that incinerated one of the nastier creatures. The other trolls felt the pain, and Harry and Kara both realized that they could exploit this little flaw to their advantage.
  "Let's keep it up," Harry told her, and Kara nodded. Their teamwork was able to defeat the guardians of this place one by one.
  Harry had no idea why they would use trolls. Then again, perhaps it was just a distraction for another defense later on. He did wonder if there would be different defenses activated if he was a Muggle trying to breach the defenses of the temple.
  That was food for thought, and something he would have to ponder once they dealt with this situation.
  'The only thing they really have against us is the numbers game,' Harry thought. 'Which, that's a pretty good thing to have on your side. If only we had that third herald, wherever she is, whoever she is, we'd be able to handle this battle a lot better."
  There was no time to worry about that right now. They had to make do with the resources they had. Kara and Harry both blasted through the trolls. Harry privately thought that Clark should be thanking him for all that he was doing. It was taxing to keep the secrets that could destroy him out of the hands of people that would in fact destroy him.
  The battle raged on, and Harry and Kara cut the numbers at least in half. Of course, that meant that they were only halfway to go.
  Lionel tapped his pen over and over again sitting behind his desk. The conversation with Harry Potter had given him much to think about. Before he could plan what he was going to do next, he could hear footsteps from outside of his office. The office door swung open, and Lex entered the office. He walked forward with a purpose, and Lionel remained calm and collected.
  "Lex, what do I owe this pleasure?" Lionel asked in a collected tone of voice.
  Lex spoke without any preamble. "I don't know how you do it. Keep secrets for yourself, when the information could mean life or death for the human race."
  Lionel stared down his son, not even blinking.
  "I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific of what you're accusing me of," Lionel said in a crisp voice. He folded his hands, and looked up at his son. One could cut the tension with a knife. "Well, I'm waiting."
  "Veritas, the Traveler, a society where every single member has died with the exception of you," Lex said calmly. "Everything is clearer to me now than ever before. What game did you think that you were playing?"
  "Lex, you're confused, and you obviously have no idea the depths of what you're trying to unearth," Lionel said. He remained calm and unapologetic. "Don't concern yourself with the traveler; it's not something you must worry about. I wanted to keep you from this as much as I can, but you keep trying to force the issue."
  "I force the issue because you're putting humanity in danger because of your games," Lex replied. His voice rose, and he stared at his father with a challenging expression. "Who is to save this traveler is not someone who is dangerous, and could conquer us all?"
  "I can assure you that he has no aspirations to that extent," Lionel said.
  There was a long moment of silence. Everything slowly clicked one little bit at a time. Lex's head turned towards Lionel. An accusation danced in his eyes, and it was on the tip of his tongue. He remained rather cool and collected in the face of this, but he could not resist opening his mouth.
  The accusation lingered on his tongue for only a moment before he spit it out.
  "You know who it is. You know the identity of the traveler."
  Lionel remained silent. His body language offered no movement, and there was no hint to what he was truly thinking. He reached over, and shuffled through papers.
  He continued this motion. Making his son wait, and stew was something that he gained a slight measure of pleasure of.
  "Knowledge is power," Lionel offered Lex. His next statement contained a warning. "But a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. And knowing too much can kill you."
  Lex tapped on the side of the desk, and stared down his father. Years and years of tension between father and son boiled over to this very moment.
  "Tell me," Lex said to him in his most dangerous voice, and Lionel got up to his feet. His stare was in Lex's eyes. He had a feeling that his son was a desperate man, about to do something extremely desperate and potentially stupid.
  A smile shifted across Lionel's face. "You don't even know what has been underneath your nose this entire time. When you have been checkmated, and when someone has outmaneuvered you. Even if I did tell you about the Traveler, you've already lost. Just concede defeat, you might live longer."
  "What are you talking about?" Lex demanded.
  Lionel had the air of someone who was holding onto the secrets of the universe. It was beginning to agitate Lex. Lex fingered the inside of his jacket.
  "If you haven't figured it out, then I'm not going to help you," Lionel said. And his gaze focused on Lex. It was unblinking, and fearless. He saw Lex reach towards the inner pocket on his jacket. "Are you going to kill me Lex? You don't even know who is more dangerous. Someone who is willing to kill to unearth the secrets of the universe, or a person who is willing to die to protect said secrets."
  A humorless expression spread across Lex's face.
  "Let's find out," Lex said darkly.
  Before Lex could make his move, the windows behind Lionel shattered in an explosion of bullets. Glass was sent in every single direction, and a bullet was put in the back of Lionel's head. Lionel dropped to the ground, blood oozing from the back of his head. Another bullet just narrowly missed Lex, and he threw himself on the ground. He crawled around, and reached for the intercom to call security.
  "Help, my father's been shot, and someone just tried to stop me," Lex said. He closed his eyes, and poked his head up. He chanced a look outside of the window.
  He saw a man in a trench coat run across the street. Security stepped in and helped Lex to his feet. Half of them held Lex up, and the couple other security guards checked on Lionel. Blood flowed freely on the floor.
  "Your father isn't breathing, sir."
  "Never mind him, I have to find out who did this, before it's too late," Lex said.
  Someone wanted to kill both Luthors. Given the number of rivals they had made on a business level and personal level, narrowing down a list was not going to be easy. Lex was covered by his bodyguards, and raced downstairs. He was pushed forward by adrenaline and determination. He pushed open the doors, and faced his father's attacker. The man in a trench coat stood across the street, and the gun was in his hand.
  "Who are you?' Lex demanded. "Why did you do this?"
  "The traveler is not yours, Lex Luthor," the man said. Something rather peculiar had struck Lex when he said this. The man had spoken in a female's voice, with a British accent. The bodyguards moved in, and shot the man out of self-defense when he took a step towards Lex Luthor.
  Lex found himself at a loss to figure out what happened. He shook his head, and the man dropped to the ground. Lex placed his hand on the fallen man, and he felt a warmth course through his hand. He thought nothing of it; his subconscious told him that it was just a figment of his imagination.
  He could have sworn that his eyes were green a moment ago, but now that they were brown. Blood currently oozed out of the mouth of the man on the ground.
  His phone rang. For a lack of anything else better to do, Lex answered it immediately.
  "Hello," Lex said, adopting a business like tone. The police were down the street. "Yes, yes, you found something. Get my jet ready, and get me over there immediately. I'll meet you in twenty minutes."
  The police and the EMTs arrived. Lex could feel that it was much too late for anything to help his father. The sniper was also something that Lex was confused by. There were just too many questions, and not enough answers for his liking.
  He inclined his head for a moment, and remained silent. It was unfortunate what happened, but not unexpected. The most bittersweet thing was that this happened to his father before Lex could get answers.
  And a part of him was let down by the fact that he had not had the pleasure of killing his father himself.
  Lana sat her legs crossed, with a feather in front of her. She realized how stupid this might look, but the moment she could consciously move this object with her mind, she could move larger objects with her mind. It stood to reason that if she should do it through a burst of adrenaline, or emotion, she would be able to do it on purpose.
  "So, any progress?"
  Lana turned around, and saw Clark waiting for her with a smile. She realized that the time had passed by them.
  "I could have sworn I got it to move an inch, but before I could get a closer look, it dropped down," Lana said.
  "Well Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastering powers," Clark said in an encouraging voice. "You know your powers are like a switch. It's just finding the right way to turn it on. You pretty much got the other powers. There were some snags, but you got it."
  Lana nodded. She squinted her eyes. All she accomplished was memorizing the feather. There had to be something else to this. Some minor, yet crucial, detail she was missing. Something that she was missing .She racked her brain trying to figure out what she was doing wrong.
  Then it struck her immediately. She was trying too hard. It was something that both Harry and Kara told her. She had to let it flow naturally. The real key to mastering her powers was just letting them come naturally, and not trying to force the issue. The flight came natural, the X-Ray vision, the heat vision, the super speed, the super breath, and every single one of the other powers.
  So she tried to relax a little bit. She took a deep breath.
  "Lana, I think it moved," Clark said, and sure enough the feather hovered a couple of inches off of the table. Lana trained her gaze on the feather, and it hovered higher and higher into the air. She let out the breath she held, and it dropped onto the table. "You did..."
  "I was trying to guide it so it landed where it started, but my aim was off," Lana said. She tried once again, and focused completely on the feather. A number of seconds passed, and Lana took a couple of deep breaths.
  The feather rotated in mid-air. Lana guided it down properly. Then she tried for another object, a pillow. Sure enough, she managed to get this one a little quicker. This was a lot easier. She tried not to strain herself, but now she was at the races. All she had to do was focus on the task at hand, and do it. A book seemed to the next logical step on the list.
  She did this as well. The book dropped down, a bit crooked. She tried again, and this time it was a perfect landing.
  Lana thought that a table would be the next logical step. Before she could move on, a knock on the door had broken her concentration. Thankfully, she did not have to move from her space, where Clark rushed over to the door immediately. He opened it, and saw Chloe on the other side. She looked uncharacteristically serious.
  "What is it Chloe?" Clark asked, and Lana scrambled up to her feet as well, equally curious.
  "Clark, did you hear about what happened? Lionel Luthor has been shot."
  Lana's concentration was completely on what Chloe right now, and Clark's mouth was wide open. He looked positively dumbstruck.
  "The news reports are saying that he's dead," Chloe added.
  "What...how...how did that happen?" Lana asked. She was not shedding tears for Lionel Luthor. At the same time, the fact that he was shot was something that she wanted to find out the details. Killing someone like Lionel would mean that they were able to get past security.
  Chloe was prompt to answer.
  "There was a sniper that shot him. They also took a shot at Lex, but Lex's security apparently gunned him down. Lex is remaining tight lipped about the entire subject."
  "Or he's the one who did it," Lana said.
  Clark was not one hundred percent convinced. Yet, he would not be surprised. A part of him always wondered if the Luthors would end up killing each other. His expression remained neutral and focused. He was not convinced.
  "It's too easy, and not Lex's style," Clark said.
  "What better of a way to get yourself an alibi then to get shot at yourself," Chloe offered, and Clark and Lana just looked at her. "Yeah, they tried for a two for one deal with both Luthors."
  "That would be something that Lex would try and pull," Lana replied in a calm and crisp voice. "And if it isn't Lex, then who else would try and kill Lionel Luthor."
  A morbid smile crossed across Chloe's face. "If we started making a list, we'd be here all day. Lionel's made about as many enemies as the Luthor family has dollars to his name. Remember what happened with the Winston Smith situation. He was a nobody who went postal, and then waited years before he tried to unleash his holy revenge."
  Clark had to agree. There was a moment where he tried to figure out where he stood with this. His relationship with Lionel had been one of complication. There was always a sense that even when Lionel was helping him, he was getting some benefit out of it. He would have to find out more, but immediately another party had turned up.
  "I doubt that Lionel Luthor's death was merely a motive of revenge."
  Chloe, Clark, and Lana all spun around. They were face to face with the one and only Batman.
  "Well, the Dark Knight returns," Chloe said. She tried to smile to lighten the somber mood.
  Batman was utterly humorless in his expression. Chloe wondered if he thought the universe would crack if he showed the slightest bit of facial expressions.
  "I take it this isn't a social call," Clark said.
  "Nice to see you've been exercising your mind along with your powers," Batman said in a calm and crisp voice.
  Lana shook her head, and looked at him.
  "He knows your secrets, and your powers," Lana said. She frowned immediately, and stepped in front of Batman. "Yet, you don't know who he is."
  Lana tried to use her X-Ray vision to see past Batman's cowl. She strained and focused her vision. However, it did not work.
  "Lead lined cowl, I wouldn't bother," Batman told her in a crisp voice.
  "I should have known," Lana said, shaking her head.
  "Lana, we can worry about him later," Clark said. He faced the cowled crime fighter. "Why are you here?"
  "I'll cut to the chase, Lionel Luthor's death was far from an accident," Batman said. "Someone wanted to silence him and Lex before they spilled the secrets regarding the Traveler. I've been having both of the Luthors under surveillance for months, along with certain other important parties with this game."
  Immediately, Chloe, Lana, and Clark exchanged looks of dismay, and did not doubt for a one minute that Batman was watching.
  'I should have figured with a guy like that, he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake,' Chloe thought, in almost amusement. Her mind was trying to piece together the man behind the mask. Some of those gadgets looked really expensive, and had been nothing like she had ever seen before.
  Who was he really?
  "I have been able to uncover information that there is an important secret regarding the nature of Veritas in a bank in Zunich," Batman said.
  Clark was about ready to ask how he knew something like this. The question lingered on the tip of his tongue. Then he stopped himself. Given what he found out about Batman, he would not be surprised if the Dark Knight kept detailed notes about everything Clark had for breakfast over the past month.
  "Where exactly?" Clark asked.
  Batman considered his options. He was interested in getting his hands on the safe deposit box. The clue inside would be a valuable contingency if the traveler had gone rogue.
  He considered everything, and removed a portable drive.
  "Here is all of the information that I've uncovered," Batman said. "You should get the device before Luthor does."
  Clark and Lana both nodded, their resolve was strong.
  Of course both wondered what Batman's true stake in this game was.
  Kara and Harry stood back to back. They fought furiously against their powerful opponents. The battle continued to rage on. They actually had everything under control, for the most part. The last two guardians that were left were among the toughest, and most dangerous. Harry could have sworn that they were not there at first. He had a feeling the secondary defenses were triggered when they defeated the initial life of defenses.
  Harry was pretty much trying to think on his feet. He had the sense when to dodge the attacks. Kara was fine as well. The only thing that was amiss with her was that her face was smudged with dirt, and her jacket was ripped. She continued to press on, with determination. They stood back to back, their arms locked with each other. The pair of them circled around, and decided that they had a plan.
  "Follow my lead," Harry told Kara in a lowered voice.
  "Right," Kara said, getting a sense where Harry was going with this one.
  Their arms remained locked, and Kara and Harry gained flight velocity, their arms still locked. The guardians rumbled on the ground beneath them. They shifted around, and Kara and Harry locked hands with each other. They spun around and around, and created a vortex of magical energy that blasted their enemies about. One of the guardians were knocked down from the impact. He crumbled into dust from the impact, and disappeared back into the Earth like he had never existed.
  They were only able to breath for a second. Then they were back onto the attack.
  One down, one to go, and Harry and Kara saw the last one. The final one was always the biggest, and nastier of them of them. Kara and Harry tried to attack him, but he teleported out of the way. He swung a large clubbing fist. Kara dodged the attack. Harry took his legs out, while Kara slammed into his chest with both of her fists.
  The guardian stood forward, and gave a mighty growl. Suddenly, he turned around, and sensed something else. He could smell the blood of something nearby. The guardian stood, and saw Clark and Lana standing before him. Lana's eyes widened, and had been taken momentarily off guard. Both Lana and Clark braced themselves for a fight.
  However, all they served to be was a timely distraction. Harry and Kara summoned the full scope of their powers to blast the final guardian. While they were doing this, they shielded both Clark and Lana from the blast. Clark and Lana stood before them. Baffled did not even begin to cover how they were feeling by what they had just seen.
  "What are you two doing here?" Clark asked.
  Kara immediately jumped to the defense. Her cousin and his protector were not part of what they intended to do. "Clark, I could ask you two the same question."
  "There's something here, something of value that I might be interested in," Clark offered.
  Harry and Kara remained calm and collected. They had a feeling the truth was going to come out sooner, or later.
  "And who told you this?" Harry asked.
  There was a long moment of silence between the group. Clark and Lana were unsure about whether to tell them for the moment.
  "We've got it taken care of, don't worry about it," Kara said firmly. She looked at Clark immediately, but Clark was not about to let the matter drop.
  "How did you find out about all of this?"
  "Clark, did you not think we would do our homework on this?" Harry asked. "This is being done for your own protection."
  Clark remained silent.
  "Just like locking me in my Fortress was done for my protection," Clark said.
  Harry sighed, and found himself quiet agitated at seeing his words turned around.
  "That's not how I meant it, and you know it," Harry said. "We have no idea whether or not whatever is in that box has a defense that will cripple the traveler on sight. That's all we meant."
  Clark accepted this, a bit more. Still he was miffed about being kept out of the loop.
  "What is this all about?" Lana asked.
  It was Kara who responded. "We're still on the same side, but this is just something that we had to do alone, and get here before Lex could. Or even his father."
  "Lionel Luthor is dead," Clark said, deciding to break the news to them.
  "Really?" Harry asked a bit interested. "His time was coming, but I didn't know it would be that soon."
  Clark and Lana were unsurprised that they knew. That was one of the drawbacks of being a Herald of Death, knowing when a death was going to come.
  "What happened?" Kara asked them.
  It was Lana who answered. The two couples stood on either side, still looking at each other. "Lionel was shot from behind. Apparently whoever did it also took a shot at Lex. Lex is mostly fine, but Lionel...well you know what happened."
  "You didn't have anything to do with this, did you?" Clark asked.
  Immediately, Clark was met by a look of agitation at this perceived distrust. Harry took a calming breath, and tried not to lose it. Clark seemed to know that he had crossed a line.
  "If I had anything to do this, there are a million ways where I could kill Lex or Lionel, and make it look like natural causes," Harry said in a cold voice. Clark sized up, and tried to convey his apologies. "Don't worry I would have suspected me as well. Although I hope for your sake that you have an alibi of some sort that is airtight, and can hold up if they suspect you of this murder."
  Clark and Lana did not consider that, but it stand to risen given that their history with the Luthors was well documented. Harry looked over his shoulder, and took a step forward towards the bank. He had the strangest feeling that he was being watched. Kara followed him forward. Clark and Lana were stopped immediately by an invisible barrier.
  Both Clark and Lana were on the outside looking in.
  "Did they do that?" Lana asked. She tried to push through, but found her strength repelled back.
  "Together, maybe," Clark said after Lana caught her bearings.
  Clark and Lana ran into the barrier. They hit it once again, and Harry and Kara peaked at the other end, looking at them.
  "The exterior defenses that were put up there must have kicked back on!" Kara yelled from inside.
  Clark and Lana both nodded. At least both Harry and Kara slipped through.
  Harry and Kara stepped forward.
  "You understand what we're doing what we're doing," Harry whispered to Kara in an undertone, using a charm to mask his voice so not even Clark and Lana could hear it with their enhanced hearing.
  "I understand, even if I don't like it," Kara said, and Harry just wrapped his arms around his fianc?e, and gave her a series of kisses on the back of her neck, to reassure her that everything was going to be fine.
  Harry remained rather calm, almost too calm. He stepped forward, and spotted the Safe Deposit Box.
  "If my mother can control the Fortress, it stands to reason that she can find a way to control Clark," Harry said. Kara nodded, and her resolve remained strong. "We need a failsafe if worse comes to worse, to override her will."
  Harry peaked in to see the contents were still there. He opened the box, and transported the contents to a safe area in the Shining Light Foundation. The box remained shut, and Harry and Kara turned around, to face Clark and Lana.
  "I can't get them open without two keys, and they have been charmed against most major spells," Harry said.
  "Are you sure there isn't a way?" Lana asked.
  "We could destroy the box," Kara suggested. "But that would be destroying the contents on the inside. As long as Lex or anyone else doesn't get ahold of the keys, everything will be perfectly safe."
  "I don't know if he'd even be able to get through with these defenses," Clark said to them. Kara and Harry exchanged a knowing smile.
  "Never count out anyone, especially someone as devious as Lex Luthor. Powers or not, he is still someone who always should be a concern."
  Clark and Lana had to agree. They knew what Lex was potentially capable of better than anyone. Harry made sure that no one was watching them. He had a feeling that he had a bat sighting a while back, but anyone who was watching was gone now. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he motioned for Clark and Lana to leave.
  Had Lex arrived at that moment, and not five minutes later, he would have finally caught sight of evidence that he had been searching for. However, all he was greeted by was the bank before him. A frown appeared on his face. He thought that this location would be compromised, and he had picked up some strange activity from here.
  Lex Luthor had many questions, and not enough answers. He resolved to find out those answers before it was too late.
  Little did he know that the truth was dancing underneath his nose, and was closer than he could have realized.
  Harry sat quietly, and pondered everything that had happened. The actions he had to take to make sure the balance was maintained was not going to be easy. The entire Fortress mess had made him wonder what his mother's complete end game was. Lily may have left the Fortress, but she was still out there and still fighting. And there was always a chance that she would be back, and until her influence was completely purged without any doubt, Clark was in danger.
  The Heralds of Lord Voldemort seemed to be a lifetime ago. Although there was a nagging thought in the back of Harry's mind that everything about that situation just seemed to be too simple. Perhaps he was being paranoid, due to the fact that he had to fight much harder for his victories.
  Kara entered Harry's study, and floated towards him. Harry barely noticed her arrival, and pondered how they were playing with some dangerous fire.
  "You're thinking about how much this could backfire too, aren't you?" Kara asked.
  Harry had to admit that she had an uncanny way of guessing what he was thinking at any given time. Kara sat herself down on Harry's lap. The two reclined on the chair, relaxing, until it was time for the next challenge. Patricia Swann was safely in hiding, with Harry and Kara having done everything that they could to ensure that no one dangerous could find her.
  Harry was visited by a theory, and he almost bet Kara had the same theory as well.
  "You and I both know who really killed Lionel Luthor," Harry said.
  Kara nodded immediately. "Yeah, but I doubt the spirit of your dead mother possessing a sniper to kill someone is going to be something that are going to give people a rousing opinion of your sanity."
  Harry wrapped his arms around her. The couple cuddled in the chair for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company, and a rare moment of downtime. She rested her head back onto his chest. He brushed her hair out of her face, and slowly stroked the skin on her face. Kara was his one anchor that he had out there. She snuggled against him, and Kara smiled.
  "In the end, Clark will understand what we're trying to do," Kara said. "It sounds bad, if you look at it from a certain angle."
  Part of saving people was not making the most popular decisions. It was making the decision that was right. Harry understood that there would be times where he was going to have to bend the rules a bit. The problem was that once the Fortress was compromised once, it could be compromised again. He had a feeling Clark realized that, and was approaching the situation rather cautiously.
  His mother's motivations were an exercise of frustration to try and completely guess .There were some times where it was almost like she was helping him and Kara. And there were times where she had did something that made him wonder what she could be thinking Trapping two people inside a Fortress against their will seemed to be something that crossed the line of what Harry thought was necessary.
  Although a part of Harry understood why she did what she did. And that's what scared him. In an indirect way, it had kept the Fortress from being placed into the hands of the Heralds of Voldemort. The mysteries of Project: Genesis had been something that had been mostly determined, although Harry had the strangest feeling that the ramifications might be something that was yet to be felt.
  Then that what happened to Hermione, or rather her double. Despite everything, she did take a nasty spell for him. And Harry would be lying if he did not mourn her death deep down. He tried to block it out of his mind. He had business to focus on, and the past was the past.
  "Claire's at a friend's house, working on a project for school," Kara whispered, mischief dancing in her eyes. She floated off the chair, and slowly stroked her fingers across Harry's face. "She's staying for dinner that gives us time to be all alone."
  Harry could not think of anything better then he wanted to do right now. Kara placed her hands firmly on Harry's wrists, and pinned him down, straddling his legs. She leaned forward, and gave Harry a deep kiss. Her moist lips pressed against his. Harry wrapped his arm around her waist, and returned it with great fever. Kara responded to his actions, sucking on Harry's tongue, and lips, while grinding her clothed center up and down Harry.
  Kara dropped back, and Harry made a move, but Kara shook her head.
  "Just sit back, and enjoy this," Kara said to him, whispering in his ear. He could feel her hot breath in his ear. "No need to rush, love, we have plenty of time."
  Kara stepped back from Harry. She began to sway her hips slowly from side to side. Harry watched her movements. The blonde Kryptonian grabbed her jacket, and slowly slid it down her shoulders. It dropped to the floor. She took a step forward once again, and Harry saw her white blouse, buttoned up. It was tight around her bosom. Kara teased Harry, tracing the outline of her breasts, and slowly one by one she unbuttoned her blouse. She showed more and more skin with each passing movement, slowly and surely teasing Harry.
  The girl sat, and slipped her article of clothing down to her feet. Harry found himself immobilized in place. When he was distracted by her little routine, Kara used a spell of some sort to keep him in place. The truth was Harry could have broken it if he wanted to. He was distracted currently by the lack of blood flowing to his brain.
  He looked up at Kara. He watched her stand there, running her hands across her beautiful body. She was dressed in nothing, but a lacy white bra from the waist up. The bra just contained her bust, and he could see Kara run her hands over her breasts and her toned stomach. The amount of skin that was revealed increased. Kara unbuttoned her jeans, and slowly slid them down her lovely, shapely legs.
  Harry's mouth watered with desire. She was standing there in nothing, but a lacy white bra and a matching white pair of panties. She turned around, so Harry could see all of her. Kara was bent over, so Harry could see her luscious rear snug in the fabric. She swayed her hips teasingly, bent over, and then stepped back. She sat on the table across from Harry. The blonde bombshell was teasingly out of his reach.
  He saw all of her. Her legs were crossed, and he could see every inch of her deliciously beautiful stems. From her luscious mouthwatering thighs, all the way down to her gorgeous feet with mouth-watering arches and perfect toes that she wiggled teasingly. He traveled up to her covered center, seeing the wet spot that stained her panties.
  Her toned stomach, and belly button was put in the line of sight next. He saw her bend over, to tease him with her cleavage. Her nipples faintly poked out of her bra. He traveled up to her face. Her beautiful blue eyes were the most prominent feature of her face. Her high cheek bones and luscious lips were necked. Said lips were puckered, and she arched her neck back, an expression of desire dancing in her eyes. Her long blonde hair framed her face with the right combination of sexiness and innocence.
  She looked at him with a teasing grin. Slowly she trailed her tongue across her lips, licking them and moistening them.
  "C'mon Harry, can't you break one immobilization spell?" Kara teased him. She reached forward, and picked up a book. She suggestively traced her fingers down the spine of the book. She flipped through the pages, and set it down. "Maybe you need the proper motivation."
  Reaching around, Kara reached into her bag, and pulled out a lollipop. She made sure Harry's eyes stayed on her at all times. Slowly, she slid the wrapper off of it. She gave the lollipop a slow lick, and swirled her tongue around it slowly. Harry watched her, as she continued to eat and suck on the lollipop. Her lips and mouth worked it over immediately, and Harry watched her. Her long, wet, tongue slid up and down the lollipop.
  He could barely stand the teasing. Immediately through a sheer force of adrenaline, he pushed herself out of the bindings. He flew off of the table, grabbed Kara around the waist, and slammed him against the wall hard. He attacked her mouth with a searing kiss, sucking on her lips, and forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. Kara returned the favor. Their passionate activities continued.
  Kara knocked the books off of the shelf form the impact, but she did not care. She loved to be dominated like this. Harry's mouth worked on her, slowly kissing her face, lips, neck, shoulders, and stomach. She felt electricity go through her body and Harry continued to pleasure her.
  Kara staggered back, and she rested back on the table. She felt cold air between her legs, and then Harry's talented tongue began to do its magic. She could hardly keep focused, and he could really make her feel pleasures that she hardly dreamed about. Her hips twitched, but Harry was not done teasing her.
  He stepped back, and Kara looked up at him. Mischief danced in her eyes.
  "You're a bit over dressed, aren't you?" Kara asked Harry, and she playfully tackled Harry to the floor. Like she was in heat, Kara tore the clothes off of Harry. The two lovers embraced and made out on the bed, teasing each other. They were trying to one-up the other, in an attempt to make the other crack.
  Kara lost herself to the pleasure. Harry's hands and mouth made her lose control of her thoughts and nearly lose control of her powers. Her legs locked around his waist, carefully pinning him in place. There were only three words that she could say to her future husband.
  "Fuck me, now."
  Harry thought that those three words were never sounded more eloquent, and sexy when coming from her beautiful mouth. He proceeded to oblige her, and Kara's screams could be heard all the way to Gotham City.
  They indulged themselves in each other for hours on end, until they fell asleep in each other's arms.
  The BrainInteractive Construct continued the systematic method in trying to hack into the main computers at the Shining Light Foundation. He had bounced off of wall against wall. Any technology on Earth could be breached by his superior programs.
  There was only one conclusion he had come to. Whatever the computers were at the Shining Light Foundation, they were not technology, but something else.
  This conclusion was illogical, yet the only one that could lead Brainiac to a logical explanation. He terminated that line of inquiry before it could cause an infinite loop that would cause his systems to crash. A pulse of energy knocked him back, and he could not get back into the system for the time being. The Shining Light Foundation was off of the grid of the city's network. The only backdoor was its piggybacking off of the Luthorcorp system. Every single bit of information that passed through the Luthorcorp databases was being fed back to the Shining Light Foundation.
  Hacking into the Luthorcorp computers was an exercise of futility in itself. Yet, it was actually something that can be done. The messenger had changed much through his arrival. It made his mission less assured. His plans would need to be reassessed. This information would be vital in his hands, and would need to be collected much like all of his other information.
  Brainiac examined the logic flaws that were the system of the Shining Light Foundation. He continued to try and hack into the system. There were many attempts to get in, but he was pushed back. There also seemed to be another force inside the machine. This force compromised his objectives.
  The final children of Krypton might prove to be a problem. Death's Messenger proved to be a dangerous force that could compromise his well-planned objective.
  He came to only one conclusion.
  All parties must be dealt with and terminated at all costs.
  Brainiac was superior to any organic mind. He was able to process a plan faster than many men and women could blink. He analyzed every single angle, and knew what he had to do.
  He would destroy them all, first mentally, and then physically.
  In a month he would strike. It was the type of opportunity that only came along once every ten thousand years.
  Menace Part One
  Chapter 28: Menace Part One.
  The cold and craziness of winter had finally melted away. The snow and ice was finally gone. Spring had arrived, and it was nice to be outside without trudging through snow and cold winds. Not that this was that much of a problem for Harry and Kara. Presently, they had just arrived at the Kent Farm. Claire had tagged along with them, this having been her day off of school. She enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature. Being locked up for years and years of her life in a cold government lab really did give someone a new appreciation for it.
  It really was a beautiful day outside for all.
  Kara walked by Harry. She was dressed in a tight red t-shirt, and a short blue mini-skirt that showcased her beautiful legs. She could actually wear a skirt in the coldest months of winter time, and not be the slightest bit bothered. However, she had to stick to jeans during those harsher winter months. Harry did tell her that she wore her pair of jeans well, which brought a smile to her face. Harry placed an arm around her, holding her tight with a smile.
  "You know we could just skip all of the formalities, and get married right now," Kara said to him in a low voice. "This big wedding, it does seem to be a bit much, doesn't it?"
  Harry smiled at his bride to be.
  "It's a wedding fit for royalty," Harry argued, and he grabbed Kara's hands, holding them tight. His green eyes met her blue eyes. "And you are more beautiful than any princess could be, so we have to make this extra special."
  Kara just smiled. Harry was the greatest guy on Earth; no scratch that, in the entire universe. He really was adamant that he would give her the wedding of a life time. She hated to see how much money he sunk into this wedding. Then again, the thing about Harry is that he never did anything halfway. He was always in all of the way, or out all of the way.
  Still in a few days, regardless, she would finally be Kara Potter. That had a nice ring to it.
  Kara thought about this, and she noticed something. Claire walked away.
  "Don't wander off too far, Claire!" Kara called after her surrogate daughter. Claire stopped short, and crossed her arms. Claire stood around the barn, and just shuffled her feet. Kara turned her attention back to Harry. "Harry, as long as we're together, that's all that matters. We could get married after a drunken weekend in Las Vegas, and still it would be magical somehow, given that it was us."
  Harry blinked, and looked at his bride.
  "Where did you get an idea like that?"
  "I don't know," Kara said with a shrug. Claire stepped over.
  "I'm happy you guys are finally getting married, you should have been married months ago, but you take forever to do anything," Claire said. Harry and Kara turned to their daughter. She just smiled, and shrugged. "That's okay, that's just what old people are like. They take forever to do anything."
  "Yes, old, that's what we are," Kara said dryly. A smile crossed over her face. "Nineteen and twenty years old, we're positively ancient, you know."
  Kara would be twenty years old in July, and a few days later, Harry would be twenty one. Of course their real ages should be much more, but spending a lot of time in stasis negated that. Those were the years that they lived, so that's how old they were.
  "And you'll be okay when we go on our honeymoon," Harry said.
  Claire nodded her head happily. She was not sure what adults did on a honeymoon. That was a mystery to her. However, there was something that told her that she did not want to know at all. Perhaps she was being well off base.
  "Yeah, she'll be fine," Kara said. They had already made arrangements. "She's staying with one of the teenage volunteers at the Shining Light Foundation, Megan, I think her name is."
  "Yeah, Megan, she's cool," Claire said to them brightly. Claire's tone dropped into a cryptic whisper. "She told me she's secretly a White Martian, but I'm really not supposed to say anything about that."
  Kara and Harry looked at their daughter with fond smiles. They loved her, but they were not about to trust her with any secrets. Given the fact that she tended to be a bit of a blabbermouth, and all of that.
  "I'm sure Megan's really just pulling your leg," Kara said to her gently. Claire nodded. "Or she does have an overactive imagination."
  Claire shrugged, and walked off.
  "White Martians?" Harry whispered to her, in a questioning tone.
  "They exist believe it or not, or existed," Kara said, shaking her head. "There was a big war between them and the greens years ago. I think it lead to their extinction on Mars, both sides. The White Martians were considered misfits, and it warped some of them into desperate actions. Some of the white Martians were oppressed, and they were treated like second class citizens. They conveniently leave that part out of history."
  "Fascinating," Harry said. He dropped his voice to a whisper. "Could Claire be onto something?"
  "As far as I know, The Manhunter is the only Martian of either color that exists," Kara told him.
  The Martian Manhunter was still a very touchy subject with Kara, although the air was cleared a time back when he actually did offer his sincerest apologies about not trying to save her mother. And for his irrational comparison towards her father, which Kara thought crossed the line. He was just trying to protect Clark. That much Kara understood, although she tried to convey they were on the same time. And while she would not be inviting the Martian Manhunter over for dinner any time soon, she thought things would be a lot better off.
  "I'm sure he wasn't being overly malicious, Kara," Harry told her.
  "Yeah, he did say he was sorry...and Jor-El was the one leading him by the nose," Kara said. "The only crime he really committed is being Jor-El's lapdog. And he did help out Clark, so that wins him points with me to make up for what he did. I guess."
  "And I'm sure things got smoothed over between us," Harry said.
  "Only because you gave him the Oreos," Kara said, shaking her head. She offered Harry a smile. "Everyone knows that the key to winning over a Martian is giving them Oreos. Do you even know what Oreos do to them? You just had to be an enabler, didn't you?"
  Kara said that in a teasing manner. A frown spread across Harry's face as he looked at her.
  "What, are Oreos supposed to be some kind of Martian narcotic, or something?" Harry asked.
  Kara laughed.
  "That's actually not actually far off," Kara said.
  "I'm sure J'onn knows about moderation," Harry fired back.
  "Well, we'll see," Kara said. She was grinning.
  Their banter was broken up by Claire rushing from the barn. The doors were halfway open.
  "Mom, Dad, there's a strange man in the barn!" Claire yelled to them.
  Harry's face fell, and he immediately stood up straight. He automatically was suspicious on principle. No matter how one sliced it, that could not be good at all. He moved forward, and Kara followed him. They put themselves between Claire and the barn. The group stepped forward, and stood.
  A dark haired man dressed in black stood in the barn.
  "Who are you?" Harry demanded.
  "Two children among the last of their kind, and they have the power to bring it all back, but yet they choose not to," the man said to them. Harry and Kara stood, completely on their guard. "Are they afraid of what may transpire? There is no logical way that they could not have stopped it all from happening. Especially given they have the tools at their hands."
  "Just who are you?" Harry repeated.
  The dark haired figure had a smile spread across his face.
  "I am just someone who is to shed some light on what you could be doing, instead of wasting your time grooming a lost cause," the man said to them. "I am a survivor of the planet Krypton, and I would like to suggest that you two use your gifts to make sure the spirit of Krypton lives once again. So you can go home again."
  "I am home," Kara said. She was firm in her words, and there was no doubt or hesitation in them.
  It was the truth. She was here with people who she cared about. This was home. Krypton was the past; her life on Earth was her present and future.
  Immediately, Harry and Kara both checked the lifeline reader to see what they were up against. This man did not register as Kryptonian. In fact he did not register as anything on the reading of life. Most dots with white, grey, black, red, or in a rare instance, gold. This dot was clear as plastic.
  "Come with me, and we'll discuss this matter further," the man said.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a look with each other. They were not about to fall for this.
  "I don't know who you are, or what game you're trying to pull, but we're not going to go with you," Harry said.
  A sadistic smile spread across the face of the man.
  "If you do not come with me willingly, then there are other methods to ensure your compliance."
  The two Heralds of Death knew a threat when they heard one. They braced themselves to fight the unknown. Before they could strike, the barn door opened. Clark entered the barn. His eyes narrowed and he looked at the figure.
  "Kal-El, we meet again," the man said.
  Clark stood. To say he was shell shocked would be putting it mildly.
  "It can't be you, you're dead," Clark said.
  "The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated I can assure you," he said. "The BrainInteractive Construct will..."
  Harry took this moment while he was talking to attack. He sliced him across the chest with the magically created scythe going for the kill. Unfortunately, he could not reap this thing, which verified his theory.
  Whatever this thing was, he was not alive. He was not a man, but a machine.
  Clark was next to try an attack. He rushed the enemy, but he closed his eyes. He dissolved in a pile of molten metal, and disappeared into nothingness.
  Kara broke the silence.
  "What in the name of Rao was that?" Kara asked.
  Clark was prompt to answer. "That's someone that I hoped to never see again. Brainiac, or Milton Fine as he was called as well."
  "What exactly is Brainiac?" Harry asked.
  Clark just looked nervous at this point.
  "This could take some explanation," Clark said, leaving the barn. Claire was kept close to Kara and Harry. "Just how much time do you have?"
  "Plenty," Kara said.
  Clark nodded. He decided to explain about the danger that Brainiac posed.
  One of the ghosts from the past had come back to haunt him in the worst way.
  Kara and Harry let this information all process. Their instincts were not to trust Brainiac, and they had been proven right. At least Clark had allowed them to fill in some valuable blanks that would hopefully allow them to deal with this situation.
  "That would explain why we were not picking him up with the lifeline reader," Harry said. He could feel a headache coming on. "It's not like the physical manifestation of an advanced AI program would be something that would be easily picked up for sure."
  The Two Heralds of Death had to prepare for what was coming. First they had to uncover whatever plan this menace was formulating. Brainiac was going to be a problem.
  "He can make doubles of himself, so he can be anywhere," Kara said, and she looked across the farm. She almost expected Brainiac to pop up at this moment. "And if he's a computer, he's likely going to have himself backed up in multiple places. So we're going to have to find all of the back-ups and destroy them before we can take down the source program."
  "He's not going to be that easy," Clark said.
  Harry and Kara both smiled. They enjoyed a challenge. This would be no different. They were cut off when Lana arrived from high above, and dropped down onto the ground. She could sense Clark's frustration.
  "Clark, what is it?" Lana asked him.
  "It's Brainiac," Clark said. "I did tell you about him...."
  "Yes, you did, and I thought you said he was destroyed, never to come back," Lana said. She could have slapped herself. That was what Brainiac wanted them to think. If half of the things Clark told her were true, then they were in for a bit of a headache. She decided to get to the bottom of this. Over the past month, she had been more at ease with her powers. "What exactly are we up against?"
  "We're up against a super powerful computer, who can duplicate himself, and also shape shift into the form of anyone," Clark said. "And he has all of my strengths and none of my weaknesses."
  This news struck Lana immediately. She stood, and the grimmest thought of all approached her.
  "That means that Brainiac could be standing right here, right now, and none of us would even know it," Lana said grimly.
  Harry was quick to address that misconception.
  "We would know it actually," Harry said, and Lana blinked, looking at him strangely. Harry decided to take a moment to elaborate. "Our lifeline reader, it picks up anyone. It didn't pick up Brainiac. All I have to do is scan everyone that I meet, and we'll find it. You two are clean, so there's nothing to worry about."
  "But what if one of you two had been replaced by Brainiac, or both?" Clark asked.
  Kara sighed. Clark shifted into an apologetic expression, under the glare of his cousin.
  "No, Kara, he does have a point," Harry said. Kara relaxed, only slightly. "But if I was Brainiac, and I had you close right now, I would have already taken you out. You are a threat to him, and his goals, I think that it's safe to say."
  "Yes, I guess that makes sense," Clark offered.
  "Of course it makes sense," Lana said to him.
  Another thought crossed her mind. Brainiac would really be the first big test to see if her powers would work well. She had been practicing them every day, especially her powers of telekinesis. She also could have sworn that she could also freeze things in place. She found that out when dealing with a particularly annoying insect.
  "So, how are you coming along on your powers?" Harry asked.
  "You were right, I'm getting the hang of them," Lana said, and she could not resist to show the trick she had figured out. "I can also do this."
  Clark braced himself. He knew what was coming next. He could struggle, but it was going to be over a lot sooner if he did not. He felt himself being lifted off of the ground. He was in mid-air, and Lana kept her focus on him, lifting him up in the air. Clark looked down at Lana, and she maintained her focus.
  "Wow, Clark, you're flying, good for you," Kara said, but she shook her head none the same.
  Clark was up in the air immediately, and Lana held him high up in the air with her mind. She caused him to do a couple of laps around the barn. That was about all that she could manage before she had to stop. Then again, that was more than she could manage a couple of days ago. And at least she could cause Clark to land firmly on his feet now. The first time they tried this, he was sent spiraling into the mud. Clark was not too amused by this, although Lana could understand why.
  "Not too bad," Kara said to her. "The takeoff could have used a bit more work, but actually everything turned out well."
  Clark stood on his feet.
  "I'm still getting the hang of that, really," Clark said, shaking his head. Lana and Kara both looked equally amused. Harry really looked like he was trying to keep a straight face in the entire situation. Although there were times where his expression and mask began to slip, and he betrayed what he was truly thinking. "The first time I was up in the air, I...well that's not the point."
  Kara could tell what Clark was going to say. He thought that he actually finally managed to tap into his gift of flying, and that power had finally manifested itself. Given how Clark accessed all of his other powers in an unexpected manner why wouldn't he learn flying unexpected manner?
  She really did want to see her cousin fly, because Kara thought that he should have a long time again. The longer he waited, the more danger those close to him could be in. Even if she had to take the reins and teach him herself, and with the Fortress compromised, Kara suspected that she might have to take Clark's training up herself. At least until they were sure all traces of Lily were completely purged, and there was no way she could return.
  Right now they had the problem of Brainiac.
  "It's good that you are more comfortable with your powers, Lana," Kara said. She had a genuine smile on her face. "We might need all hands on deck with the Brainiac situation. That is, if you're ready."
  "I'm ready," Lana said firmly.
  The big thing was to find out exactly what Brainiac was up to. Last time his plan had been to release General Zod, using Lex Luthor as a vessel. He also caused one of the biggest technologically induced panics, in "Black Thursday."
  While Clark had banished Zod back to the Phantom Zone, he still lived. Even if it was as a phantom, that did not change the threat. Harry wondered if Brainiac was going to make another attempt of that plan, or if he had something else in mind.
  Information was going to be something that was going to be hard to come by.
  As was all major newspapers around the world, the Daily Planet was a source of constant news and activity. Today was no exception that rule. In fact , today might have taken that rule to an entirely new level. The strange influx of energy centered around Kansas had been reported by many people.
  Chloe walked around on the ground floor. Perhaps it was experience, and she was being paranoid, but her weird-dar was getting some strong readings. She was trying to call in any number of favors to see whether or not she could find out more.
  As far as she could tell, the pulses were bouncing back and forth, had been mostly centered on Smallville. The real question was, was this someone who was coming into their meteor powers, or was it something else entirely? Chloe had many questions. The journalism business allowed her to dig deeper for the answers than anyone could have realized. She had her hand on the phone, about ready to follow a potential lead.
  However, she was stopped by the sight of someone walking down the floor. The members of the bullpen were talking in an excited manner, and Chloe caught a brief glimpse of the newest arrival. Much to her surprise, he was walking towards her desk. This really caused her to sit up, and take notice. He walked up to her, and looked at her with a smile.
  "Are you Chloe Sullivan?" he asked.
  "Yes, I am," Chloe said. She remained calm and collected. "And you are...."
  "Bruce Wayne," Bruce said.
  Chloe thought so, but she had to make sure. Someone like Bruce Wayne would have had to have a couple of look-alikes out there. Someone had to pose as him to get an easy ride with a woman. She was now rather curious of why a billionaire would want to have met her. Especially, a billionaire who had the reputation that Bruce Wayne had. She was automatically suspicious. She shook her head. She had been hanging out with Harry way too much for her own good. It was starting to make her paranoid like he was.
  "Well, Mr. Wayne, what brings you to my humble little corner of the Planet?" Chloe asked.
  "Please, Bruce," Bruce said. He gave her a winning smile.
  Chloe remained on her guard. Bruce Wayne was the type that turned on that billionaire playboy charm, and got woman following him around like a lost little puppy dog. She looked in a little bit on his back story, and figured out he was a rich kid with lots and lots of issues. One had to be after seeing their parents shot before them at the age of eight.
  "Fine, Bruce, what can I do for you?" Chloe asked him.
  "I don't know if you've heard about the energy pulses that have been happening around Kansas," Bruce said, and Chloe sat up straight. That was the very thing she had been looking into. "The look on your face indicates that's been something that you've been looking into. Then again, a reporter such as yourself would follow that trail no matter what."
  Now Chloe was really interested, and also a tad bit more suspicious.
  "It turns out that the power pulses extend far beyond Kansas, and in fact they extend all the way through the Midwest, into the heart of Gotham City," Bruce said. "I had a team of technicians at Wayne Industries. My associate, Mr. Lucius Fox, told me that it could be found here. I believe that there is something originating deep within one of the Luthorcorp factories."
  Immediately, a red flag popped up within Chloe's head. She smelled a rat. A rat named Lex Luthor.
  "Did you know that?" Bruce asked.
  "Not until you brought it up," Chloe said. "I'm not surprised."
  Bruce reached into his coat, and pulled out a flash drive. He handed it to Chloe. She took it her hands.
  "This drive has everything that you need," Bruce said. "All of the information that we tracked. The evidence points back to Luthor, or at least his main system computers. If they've been infected, then it could be a computer virus that could cripple all of the Midwest, or even more if it spreads."
  Immediately, Chloe had a theory of who it was. She really hoped this was wrong. However, when she had a hunch like that, she could not resist sticking her nose in. She would need to get in touch with Clark when Bruce left.
  "Thank you, I'll look into that," Chloe said. She could not help asking another question. "Why me? Why would you help me?"
  "I've read your work, and enjoy the fact you speak your mind, without fear of the consequences, while making sure to give a fair and balanced perspective," Bruce said. He seemed sincere and honest. "It's something that I find oddly refreshing in the field of journalism."
  Chloe nodded.
  "Well, glad to see you see that, others might disagree," Chloe said.
  "Some miss the spirit of journalism, and that's to uncover the truth, rather than being told, what they want to be told," Bruce answered honestly. "Well, I must be going. I hope that helps you on your way to breaking this story."
  Bruce left the office immediately. Chloe was left with the flash drive in her hand. There were too many people around. She stashed it away in her desk. It was hidden from view. As it turned out, that was a good calculated move on her part. The moment she had the drive in her desk, Lois showed up. She seemed to be watching Bruce with a calculated look, and she turned to Chloe.
  "Is that who I think it is?" Lois asked.
  "Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire of Gotham City, master of the night life, is that who you think it is?" Chloe asked.
  Lois looked gob smacked. "Wayne...no get out of here. I mean, that guy's so rich that his butler probably has a butler."
  Chloe thought that would be a bit outlandish.
  "I've been trying to follow up on the upcoming wedding," Lois said without preamble. "Trying to put together any piece on these two is like finding a needle in a haystack. They're childhood friends, I get that, but the fact is there seems to be something much deeper there between them. And I know that you know both of them, so you have the inside track. I tried asking Clark, but he said to talk to them. And they don't seem to like to give interviews for some reason. So I was hoping that you'd give me some information on Metropolis's new power couple."
  "Sorry, I can't, Lois, its private," Chloe said. "We all keep secrets, and if they haven't told you, then that's theirs."
  "Chloe, please," Lois begged. She gave her cousin puppy dog eyes. Chloe looked away, in amusement. "I don't even know where the wedding is. It's not like it's being publicized. Are they afraid that ninjas are going to crash the reception or something?"
  'Knowing Harry, that would be a real concern,' Chloe thought to herself.
  "Hey, they're getting married, and they're trying not to make a big spectacle out of everything," Chloe said. "That's their business, and I'm going to try and respect that."
  Harry and Kara had been trying to make sure that a media circus did not unravel. Chloe thought that they owed her big time, when she called in a few favors to try and keep their marriage a secret, and then to underplay it.
  "Yeah, I realize that," Lois said. "For some reason, it just seems a bit less paper thin than all of the other celebrity marriages. They just seem like two people genuinely in love, and...best of luck to them."
  Chloe smiled, but then she grew rigid. She saw a very familiar face creeping around. She thought that she was seeing things. She had been working hard, so it would not be too surprising if she was prone to hallucinations. Yet, she saw him with her own two eyes. Milton Fine was hovering outside in the hallway. His gaze seemed focused like he was looking for someone. He lurked outside.
  Lois noticed that Chloe noticed something.
  "What is it?" Lois asked.
  "I thought I saw someone," Chloe said in an undertone. She got up to her feet. Fine was gone, providing that he was there to begin with. "Excuse me for one second."
  Lois was completely baffled at what was going to happen. This gave Chloe a chance to slip off. Chloe stepped out into the hallway. Pushing the door open, she looked around. Her fists were clenched, and she took a few steps forward. She waited for the other shoe to drop. In a matter of moments, something could happen. The real question was what it was.
  Chloe heard a hovering noise. Suddenly, she felt a hand over her mouth. The unmistakable pain ruptured throughout her body. She struggled, driven by the self-presevation instincts. Chloe dropped down to her knees, staggered. Fine had put her down to the ground. The pain was so immense that she had blacked out completely.
  Lois heard Chloe's screams, and walked out to the hallway.
  "Hey, what are you doing to her?" Lois demanded, and she stood in an aggressive stance. "GET AWAY FROM HER!"
  "Merely sending a message," Fine said. He looked at Lois, with amusement. "You on the other hand, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then again, nosiness may be considered to be a hereditary trait."
  Lois tried to attack Fine. She had no idea what this guy did to Chloe. This ended badly for her. She was thrown hard against the wall. Lois was down. Chloe was on the ground, breathing shallowly. Before Brainiac could finish either of them off, a dark figure swooped down. Brainiac stood on his feet, and the dark and imposing figure moved forward.
  Batman was there.
  "This is an unintended annoyance," Fine said.
  Batman said nothing. He blasted Fine with a high frequency blast. The copy had a hole blown through his chest. The magnetic pulse had destabilized his computer systems slightly. He had back-ups, even though he had to use them wisely. He turned into a pile of liquid metal, and made his getaway.
  The Dark Knight moved in quickly. He captured a sample before the computer could completely escape. Lois rolled over, clutching her head, and she looked up at Batman through blurred vision.
  "My God, you do exist," Lois slurred. That was all she handled, before she passed out from the pain.
  Batman stood over Chloe, and checked her pulse. She was still breathing. He gave her a mild sedative to stabilize her. It would only work temporarily, especially with whatever happened to her. She would need proper medical attention. Lois would as well, but her situation was less problematic.
  He would need to establish content to the Kent Farm once she had been safely in the hospital. There was no doubt that he would have had to know about what happened.
  Batman had the sample, and he prepared to take it back to the Batcave for analysis.
  The news had reached Clark just as well. He, Lana, Harry, and Kara all made their way to Metropolis as quickly as they could. The eye witness accounts pointed towards a man who resembled Brainiac's physical disguise, Milton Fine, lurking around the hallways of the Daily Planet. Two security guards and an intern had been found as well. They had not been as lucky as Chloe and Lois. Their only mistake was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clark paced around, and Lana did not look much better.
  "He knew about Chloe," Clark said. "He doesn't have any concept about human emotion. However, he knew that he could get to both of us if he attacked Chloe. And Lois...she was caught in the crossfire as well."
  "He could attack any of us, just like this," Lana said. A thought visited her, and she shuddered at it. "So...do you think that he knows about me? About...my powers?"
  She said this in a whisper so no one, but those who had enhanced hearing could hear her.
  "I don't know," Kara admitted. She saw Chloe in the other room. She was on the bed. Her eyes were wide open. It looked like she was awake. Breath left from her body. The lights were on, but no one was home. "We should really assume that he does, and plan accordingly. But, after what happened to Chloe...whatever plan he has, it's just beginning."
  "It's lucky, lucky that he was there," Clark said.
  "He's always lurking in the shadows," Lana said to Clark, and there was no need to say who they were talking about. All of them knew, and wondered how Batman avoided a similar fate to Chloe. Harry and Kara had a good idea where he was hiding out, even though they decided that it would be best not to share this information with either Clark or Lana.
  Half of the fun would be them finding out on their own.
  Harry's eyes turned towards Chloe. He saw her in the room. He could sense what was happening with in her.
  "She's in a lot of pain," Harry told both of them, and Clark and Lana looked at him.
  "She looks so peaceful," Lana said.
  Kara and Harry could sense what was really happening.
  "That is the intention, but on the inside, she's being torn apart by what Brainiac did to her," Harry said. "Anything the doctors do won't be able to help her. She's been sedated, but that will not numb her pain sensors deep within her."
  That was news that Clark did not want to be hear. Lana appeared to be about as helpless as he felt. She turned her head to Kara and Harry.
  "What will happen to her?" Lana asked. She felt rage slowly bubble in her.
  "She'll be condemned to be a prisoner of her mind, until the time she dies," Harry told them, and both exchanged a dark expression.
  Clark turned to Harry and Kara, nearly pleading with them.
  "Tell me you can do something, please tell me you can do something," Clark said immediately.
  Harry and Kara both knew that Clark was beating himself over what happened. Lana was as well in her own way. Despite the fact that neither of them could be everywhere at once, despite all of their super powers. Kara gave them a reassuring smile, while Harry took a deep breath. The doctors wandered away from Chloe. He placed a hand on Chloe's forehead.
  "Make sure no one else enters this room," Harry told them. He had one shot to fix Chloe. He turned to the blonde Kryptonian across the room. "Kara, I need your help to do this."
  Clark and Lana turned around to keep guard. Harry and Kara hoped that this would work. Chloe was essentially suffering the human equivalent of someone being injected by an extremely nasty computer virus. Her healing abilities managed to stave off the worst of it. However, what Brainiac did was highly adaptable, and was really beginning to cause her natural resistance to break down. The damage was healed, but the pain was still felt.
  Harry and Kara placed a hand on her forehead. They closed their eyes. They had never done anything like this before. They hoped it would work.
  They forced themselves into Chloe's subconscious.
  'Chloe,' Harry whispered to her mentally. 'Chloe, if you're in there, wake up.'
  'Harry...it's him, Brainiac...Clark told you about Brainiac, didn't he?" Chloe asked them.
  'Clark explained to us all about that menace,' Kara said savagely. She held Chloe mentally in place, and took a deep breath. 'You're breaking down. We've interlinked with your mind. Trust me; we're only going deep as we need to. But we might need to delve into your mind to help you get yourself out of the prison Brainiac has created.'
  'Yeah...I know...but it hurts,' Chloe told them. She hoped that they would not trigger any personal thoughts that she had about them, well at least one of them. Things might be completely awkward, and that was the last thing she wanted.
  'It's going to hurt even more if you don't grit your teeth, and block out the pain,' Harry projected to her.
  'Chloe, this is your body, take control of it, and your mind,' Kara told her. 'We can guide you, but it's going to you that breaks free from this virus, take control of your mind, and body. Don't think, just do it.'
  "What if it takes control of you?' Chloe asked. 'Lois...is she okay?'
  'Yeah she's fine,' Harry told her.
  Harry and Kara saw the black glow around Chloe's mind. Kryptonian symbols they saw on her mind. Much like any virus, it left its own unique trail. Kara and Harry tried to focus their powers like a virus removal program. They would have to reboot Chloe's brain and body, and hopefully jumpstart her healing factor.
  The longer they were in her mind, the harder it was going to be to pull out. Harry and Kara felt a chill. The time was running out. They did not want to know what happened if Chloe died with their minds still linked with hers.
  They saw nothing, but darkness.
  For a moment, they thought that Brainiac's program had found a way to trap them inside Chloe's own mind, and their physical forms would wither and decay in the real world, all three of them.
  A bright flash of light erupted. A mental scream was heard.
  Harry and Kara's eyes both opened, and they took deep breaths. They staggered back, and breathed in and out deeply. Lana and Clark rushed over. Chloe's eyes blinked. It took her a moment to really adjust to the light.
  "Hey, Clark, Lana," Chloe managed weakly.
  "You scared us half to death, you know," Clark said.
  "But, you're okay, thankfully," Lana said. She let out a long breath she was holding.
  Chloe gave Clark and Lana a weak and apologetic smile.
  "I'm good now, I feel like someone tap danced on my head with steel shoes, but I'm good other than that," Chloe said at that moment. She felt a lot better. "I need you to do something for me. There's a Flash Drive in the drawer of my desk, it's locked. It has information on it about...about something that has been happening. I think Brainiac's behind it, and Lex might be involved too."
  Clark was about to ask Chloe to elaborate. Chloe drifted off to sleep at that point. The process of completely kicking the virus had drained her completely. Harry and Kara both looked flushed.
  The type of power they exerted to help Chloe was second to none. Had they not been Heralds of Death that little effort would have destroyed them. Even being Heralds of Death, they were a bit worse for wear, and they shook their heads.
  "Fine, we're just fine," Kara said, before Clark could ask. "Get that flash drive, and meet us at the Shining Light Foundation in ten minutes. We'll tell them to expect you."
  Harry and Kara stood, and Clark and Lana sped off to do just that.
  "That wasn't pleasant," Harry said.
  "At least Chloe's out of the woods," Kara said.
  Harry was glad. Of course whatever plan Brainiac was up to, it had just barely begun. Hopefully that drive would have the information on that would help them like Chloe said it did.
  Their powers on the other hand, were dangerously close to being depleted. It had begun, and they had drained themselves just helping Chloe.
  The flash drive Chloe had received was a gold mine of valuable information. It had filled in some blanks Harry had been tracking with his own computer. However, at the same time, it presented far more questions than it had answers. That was what Harry decided at least as he poured over the information at his disposal. Both he and Kara tried to hide that they did not feel like their usual selves. They had a feeling that they would feel back to their normal selves as time would pass. After all, both Heralds of Death exerted a great deal of power.
  Harry shook his head; they knew for a fact the real reason why their powers were not working properly. There were certain times depending on planetary alignment where their powers would be at a fraction of what they were. They had access to all of their normal abilities, but their Herald of Death powers were weakened to the bare minimum. Until the cycle had passed, they would have to pick their spots wisely.
  They were just thankful that for them, the bare minimum was something that was more than capable. The power they had to exert with Chloe had depleted them completely. Harry bit his tongue, and continued to click through everything. He turned towards Kara.
  "Check to make sure we can follow the thread that we left at Luthorcorp," Harry told Kara.
  Kara did as she was asked. She began to check the records of important information that had over the last twenty four hours.
  "Luthorcorp has been compromised, but it's very subtle, and likely a distraction,' Kara said to them. "No, no likely about it, it is a distraction. The real target was us, here at the Shining Light Foundation."
  Harry shook his head. Everything was falling into place.
  "That makes too much sense," Harry told her. He held her hand tightly. "Brainiac's game is knowledge. We represent a source of knowledge that is out of his reach. Therefore, he will stop at nothing to get his hands on it."
  There was one thing that was bugging Kara. She leaned back in the chair, and decided to share what had been bugging her to Harry.
  "How did Brainiac know about our role as the Heralds of Death?" Kara asked him, and Harry turned to her. "And...I don't know if that is something that he would concern himself with to begin with. I mean, we don't seem to be something that is really pressing in the grand scheme of everything."
  "He knew of the legend, and perhaps put two and two together," Harry said.
  "You were the only Herald in the legend, though," Kara protested.
  Harry pondered this for a moment. Then he gave Kara the benefit of his deduction. "Yeah, I might have been the only Herald in the legend, but he could have had access to more information than you did. It's just fair to assume that he knows everything. That way we won't be surprised. This information, and the slight scan I got from the imprint he left in Chloe, I'm beginning to piece together a way to shut him down for good."
  He paused for a moment.
  "The problem is getting in close enough, and it has to be done at the source," Harry said. "I think we've been dealing with copies of Brainiac so far today. The real thing is out there somewhere, plotting his next move."
  A loud crash was heard from the floor above where they were. That was where the guests were. Harry and Kara made sure their computer was secured. The fact that this was coming from inside of their building meant that it was not good. They hoped that it would just be one of the guests having trouble working their powers. That was something that they could handle.
  Harry and Kara left as fast as their legs could move. All of the guests were in their rooms. They appeared to be shaken, and unable to speak. Harry and Kara circled them all. At least they were alive, which was more than could be said about the security guard. They were down on the floor.
  All of the guests were there, except for one, the important one to them. Harry and Kara turned around. Both of them went numb with fear. They thought that they were completely safe here, and that Claire was too.
  "Claire!" Kara called. "Claire!"
  They hoped that they were wrong. They had to be jumping to conclusions. There was no way this could be happening. This was their worst nightmare come true. They scanned the floor. They opened the door that had been sealed shut. The wall had a scorch mark on it. Harry stepped forward, and the glass around them cracked. It had been a long time since Harry had lost control of his powers, and made anything explode. However, there was no mistaken what happened.
  After they searched the building, there was no denying it. Claire was gone.
  They had found a note on the wall. It was written in Kryptonian, yet both Harry and Kara could read it with clarity.
  I have the child. For some reason, she means something to you. It is an easily exploitable weakness within organics. You have my word that no harm will come to her. Providing you give me the scrolls you stole from Lionel Luthor. You know the ones.
  The BrainInteractive Construct.
  Harry was trying to rack his brain of how Brainiac had slipped through the cracks. They could find that out later, finding Claire first was their number one priority.
  "We made a huge mistake underestimating Brainiac," Harry said, trying to keep his temper, and his nerves in check.
  "No, we didn't make the mistake,' Kara said. She looked ready to kill. "He did."
  Menace Part Two
  Chapter 29: Menace Part Two.
  Time stood still for Harry and Kara. It was hard to reconcile what was happening to them. There was no worse fear to experience than what they were going through. No matter how good their security was, it should have been a little better. Claire had been taken by Brainiac, and used as a bargaining chip for something that vile creation wanted. They could not even begin to describe the horrors that they were feeling. They felt flushed, and absolutely terrified out of their minds.
  The real problem is that Claire might not have even known if she was in danger or not. Brainiac could have disguised himself as one of them, and she would not have been any of the wiser. It was the type of deception that neither Harry nor Kara would put past him. If that was the truth, then that was the lowest of the low. To take the place of a trusted person in a child's life, to manipulate them, to get them out of their safety, turned both of their stomachs in disgust.
  Actually the real problem was how did Brainiac break through the security? He might have been powerful. However, no one could compromise the security of this building without internal help. It all clicked for Harry, and he was not too happy. He wondered what game she was playing now.
  There was time to worry about how security was breached later. All he wanted to do was get Claire back.
  Kara tried to remain her strong resolve. Worry flooded her face. She could tell that Harry felt the same.
  Harry held Kara tight into him. He tried to offer some comfort to her. Of course, he had barely any to give himself. The girl that he had taken in, and had sworn to protect, had been kidnapped. With the wedding just three days away, this could not be any more of a disaster for them. Harry grabbed Kara, and held her in tight. Kara calmed herself down. The blonde Kryptonian took several deep breaths.
  The strong resolve she wore had cracked.
  "I just...I can't..." Kara said and she shook her head. Harry's arms wrapped tightly around her had given her strength, and courage. "He's made a huge mistake, and I'm going to make sure he doesn't...live to regret it."
  Kara almost choked these words out. She looked about ready to choke Brainiac. Harry grabbed her hand tightly, and walked her over to sit down.
  "I can't believe this either, I thought that days like this were over," Harry told her. He looked out of the office into the distance. Claire could be anywhere. Brainiac could be anywhere. "He didn't tell us where to bring him the scrolls."
  Kara's eyes flashed with confusion. "Why does he want the scrolls? Unless....no...he..."
  Kara's voice trailed off. Harry knew it as well as she did.
  "Winston, I know," Harry told her. He wrapped his arms around Kara, and steered her over to the chair. She sat down for a moment. That was about all she could spare in the situation. The young woman placed her hands on her chin, and sighed deeply. Harry looked at her, trying to give her encouragement when he had none. "Everything is going to be okay, I swear, everything is going to be okay."
  Kara bounced to her feet, and then collapsed into Harry's arms. She buried her head into Harry's chest. Harry comforted her, trying to give her reassurance. He patted her on the back, and rubbed it. Kara shook her head.
  'It has to be okay,' Harry thought to himself.
  Kara turned around. A look of simmering fury flashed through her eyes. She envisioned the violent things she wanted to do to Brainiac for doing this. He was a dangerous menace, and should have been put down a long time ago. His destruction was long overdue. If Clark could not do it, then she would. She could not really blame Clark, but still someone had to take action.
  The scrolls, and the fact Brainiac wanted them was another matter entirely. Both Harry and Kara knew what the game was there. It appeared that the remnants of the machine had infected Smith. It likely took his memories, and likely discovered his ambitions. The menace had been intrigued. For some reason, these ambitions had tied into an objective of Brainiac.
  Smith's mysterious resurrection now made sense. As did his mysterious death, the time where his body was butchered and there was nothing left other than a puddle of blood. They saw the pictures; it seemed to be a nasty end. Then again, the end was prolonged. Brainiac had made sure of it.
  The scrolls were something that could not be interpreted by any mind, other than them. They understood what they meant. The horrific truths and theories about time travel were written on the scrolls. They dreaded what would happen if Brainiac understood what they meant. It was absolutely terrifying. The possibilities of what he could do, the damage he could cause with those kind of abilities gifted by those scrolls, with the secrets of time.
  The secrets could only be used once, but they were certain that Brainiac would make that opportunity count. The super powered couple was strong in their resolve that they would stop him. Even if their powers were at the weakest they had ever been, it would be their responsibility to save the day.
  "What do we do?" Kara asked him. She stood before Harry, and Harry gripped her hands with his. She relaxed in his grip. Kara took a deep breath, and her blue eyes met Harry's green. "If we give him the scrolls, everything we worked for could come undone."
  "And if we don't give him the scrolls, he has Claire," Harry said.
  There was no need for Harry to go any further. Kara understood. She stepped over to the vault in the back of their office. It could be only opened by a Herald of Death. It was their most important items. She hovered her hand over it, and peaked over her shoulder, looking towards Harry. A question look could be seen in her brilliant blue eyes.
  "Should I?" Kara asked.
  "Yes, I think you should," Harry said.
  Kara really had to do this with a heavy heart. She opened the vault, and removed the scrolls. She held them in her hands. It was like holding fire in her hands. She took a long and deep breath. She held the scrolls in her hands. It felt like she was holding fire in the palm of her hand. These were the secrets that could destroy all of reality, and the only thing that they could use to get their daughter back.
  With their powers only at a fraction of what they could have been, it was not going to be easy. Brainiac seemed to have knowledge of this fact. The only other person who would have known would have had intimate knowledge about the Heralds of Death.
  "So what do you think he's up to, really?" Harry asked.
  "I don't know, and I really I don't care!" Kara yelled. Harry was taken aback. He had never seen her this upset. Yet, he shared her anger. "After all he put Clark through, after what he did to Chloe, and now what he could put Claire through, I'm not going to sit back and let him hurt another person if I can help it. Herald of Death powers, or no Herald of Death powers, I'm going to make sure Brainiac doesn't hurt anyone else! I'm shutting him down for good."
  Kara smashed the desk for emphasis, reducing it to toothpicks. Her anger was something that Harry had to sympathize with. They used a great deal of the minimal power they had to help Chloe earlier. Now they had nothing, but the basics. They doubted that they could stall Brainiac for fourteen hours, until their powers came back completely. While it was not assured that they could beat him, Harry hoped that they could.
  "We'll do it, Kara, us together," Harry said. He looked at her with a smile. "I have an idea that might work."
  Kara was all ears. This was a true test of how she could cope, and then succeed despite the pressure. She was determined not to fail, and knew that with Harry by her side, they could take on anything. They were the perfect team.
  Brainiac would heavily regret what he did. Harry and Kara turned, huddled, and went over the plan. It would take some careful precision, and Brainiac was dangerous enough to be a problem due to his abilities.
  The two Heralds of Death were determined because now this was personal. They prepared to take him down. He would not harm another person. They just hoped that their emotions and anger would not get the better of them.
  Clark returned to the Farm House just a moment ago. Lana was right behind him, she was just wrapping up visiting Chloe for a few more minutes. Clark sensed the coming storm was just beginning. And speaking of which, Lana turned up right now.
  "Brainiac's back out there, I thought he was gone for good," Clark said. The burning question hung on his tongue. "Will he ever be gone?"
  Lana sighed. This was going to be a huge test of her abilities. She wondered how that spoke of her sanity that she was almost looking forward to seeing what happened.
  "Clark, we'll think of something," Lana said. "It's just been a bad day for us all."
  Clark took a deep breath. He had been racking over what he needed to do in his mind for the past couple of hours. He had only one thing that he thought we need to do. It was the only thing on his mind.
  "I think we need to take a trip to the Fortress," Clark said. He took a deep breath, and shifted immediately when he thought about it. Lana offered him an encouraging smile. "I know that there is too much of a risk after what happened last time....but this is a time where I need some insight."
  Lana looked thoughtful.
  "Clark, there's a chance that the Fortress might be back to normal," Lana suggested to him.
  "And there's a chance that there isn't," Clark argued. "But, that's a chance that I'm going to have to take."
  The last time Brainiac was here, there was mass chaos. That set off a chain of events that led to one of the worst years of Clark's life. He took a step forward, and then turned around. He saw the physical form of Brainiac. A sadistic grin spread across his face.
  "Hello, Kal-El," Brainiac said casually. Lana took a step forward, and Brainiac casually back handed her to send her flying off to the side. He then unleashed heat vision at Clark.
  Clark fired back with the battle. The two surrounded each other. Brainiac pushed through Clark's attack, and nailed him hard, before he threw Clark off to the side like a piece of garbage. Clark was tossed down to the ground hard. He rolled over and Brainiac reached into his jacket. He pulled out a chunk of Kryptonite. A bit of agitation stirred in his eyes when he realized that Clark didn't flinch at all.
  "That doesn't hurt me, anymore," Clark said, almost taunting Brainiac.
  Brainiac said nothing. It was time for an alternate method of attack. He punched Clark a couple times, before Lana flew in. She kicked Brainiac hard in the face. The machine staggered, and he was caught completely off guard. Lana grabbed Brainiac from behind. The two struggled, and Lana tried to pull Brainiac away from Clark .He turned around.
  "Get away from me," Brainiac said. He struggled with Lana. This was an unforeseen variable, and one that he had to eliminate. "You're irrevalant."
  "I won't let you hurt him," Lana said.
  Lana knocked Brainiac back, and he crashed to the ground hard. Brainiac pulled himself back up, and blocked her attempted kick casually.
  "Well, we're all full of surprises," Brainiac said, and he threw Lana off to the side like a piece of paper. Lana bounced back, and flew at Brainiac, knocking him through the fence. Clark shook off the cobwebs, and tried to help Lana in the fight.
  Brainiac flew into the air, and Lana followed him. She dove towards Brainiac. Brainiac moved out of the way. Lana returned back, circling him. She unleashed her heat vision. Brainiac super sped out of the way.
  "Do you even begin to realize how futile this is?" Brainiac taunted her. Lana tried to unleash super breath to blow Brainiac back. Brainiac staggered, and flew back at her. He grabbed Lana around the shoulders.
  Lana crashed down to the ground hard. Brainiac put Lana into the ground hard. Clark rushed over. Before he could reach Brainiac, he was casually back handed. The last son of Krypton staggered from the attack.
  'He's more powerful than ever before,' Clark thought in a groggy manner. Brainiac seemed to have been upgraded by something or someone.
  Lana caught Brainiac off guard. A second kick was blocked, and she was sent to the ground. She rolled onto the ground, and tried to focus on a tractor.
  The tractor lifted up off of the ground, and slammed down hard onto Brainiac. The shell was barely damaged, although this gave Lana and Clark an opportunity to both super speed at Brainiac at once. Brainiac was sent flying back by their combined attack. The time was a bit off, but it did the job for now.
  They did not have too much time to breath. Brainiac knocked Clark back, and Lana went after him. Lana was grabbed around the throat.
  "You caught me off guard," Brainiac said. He tried to throttle Lana. However, she grabbed her hands, and pushed him off. Her strength staggered Brainiac back. "You are a slight bit more powerful than Kal-El, and this has given you a sense of grandeur and a delusion of power."
  Lana pushed Brainiac off, and nailed him hard. Brainiac grabbed her, and began to nail her with a series of super powerful strikes. Clark once again tried to run over. An electro-magnetic field held Clark in place, and prevented him from moving.
  "You have his powers, and yet you have his weaknesses," Brainiac said. He sent a wave of energy towards Lana, freezing her in time. "With this power, you can have anything in the world. Yet, you choose to protect him. Protect someone who at the fundamental core is weak and a disgrace to all Kryptonians everywhere."
  Lana was sent crashing down to the ground. She rolled over, and clutched the back of her neck. She coughed from the impact. She had no idea why she suddenly felt so weak. Did Brainiac do something to her?"
  She perceived what happened around her. Yet, she could not attack.
  "You are weak, and I'm doing Kal-El a favor for his continuing development when I do this," Brainiac said, and with a swift movement, Lana was stabbed in the stomach. The razor sharp object was plunged into her stomach. She was simultaneously hot and cold at the same time.
  Lana was caught completely off guard. Surely with her invulnerability she should not be able to get stabbed and injured? Yet she felt warm blood dripping from her stomach where Brainiac had struck her.
  "NO!" Clark yelled.
  Clark rushed over, and Brainiac tried to do the same to Clark. Lana held him back with her remaining strength. She was knocked off. Clark dodged the attack, and unleashed his heat vision at a greater intensity then he had ever done. It was scary what he could do when he did not hold himself back. He burned a hole right through Brainiac's chest. If a computer could feel pain, he most certainly did.
  With the menace staggered, Clark rushed forward, and began to pound Brainiac furiously. His fists beat into Brainiac with super powerful strength. This was the hardest that he had ever hit something, and immediately, Brainiac liquefied in his hands. The computer's remains dripped to the ground. Clark dropped down to one knee. He saw Lana on the grass. Blood splattered from her mouth.
  "Lana, no!" Clark yelled. He rushed over. He scooped her up in his arms. A frantic expression spread over his face, and his heart beat against his chest. "Please, I can't lose you again."
  Lana's eyes flickered open. The sun's rays slowly healed her, yet she still felt rather weakened and unable to lift her head. The flood of blood had vanished.
  "Clark, I'm fine, just...tired," Lana managed. She tried to get up to her feet. She wrapped her arms around Clark's neck, and he supported her. Lana lifted up to her feet. She shifted her eyes, and looked at him with a frown. Something he said had struck her. "What did you mean, you didn't want to lose me again?"
  Clark stopped like a deer in the headlights. He stammered for a moment.
  "Lana, it was nothing," Clark said. "I just misspoke, but you lost a lot of blood."
  Lana frowned. She could tell that Clark was hiding something. She noticed that Clark was prompt in deflecting the question back. Her mind flashed back to the Fortress, and what Lily said.
  "Lily said that this time there wouldn't be a reset button," Lana said. She felt a bit stronger in the presence of the sun's rays. She shook her head to the side. Her eyes looked at Clark. "Something tells me that there's something you aren't telling me."
  Clark stood there, unable to say anything. This was not going to be easy to explain. Especially even if he did go back and save Lana, it still cost him someone dear to him.
  "Lana, it's a long story, and we don't have time to tell it," Clark said.
  Lana seemed accepting of that, for at least now.
  "Fine, but when we're all out of the woods, I hope you trust me enough to tell me everything willingly," Lana said. "It's okay, I know. It's not like I'm going to disappear, you can tell me later."
  Lana suddenly tried to take a step forward. She collapsed. Clark caught her once again, and tried to listen for a heartbeat. He could hear one, it was faint, and he knew that Lana did not have much time left. He tried to figure out what he could for her.
  Should he take her to the Fortress?
  No, despite everything, Clark had lost his nerve regarding that place. Until they were sure beyond a reasonable doubt that Lily was out of the Fortress, he could not risk it. Lily would not be sympathetic to his plight about Lana. He half wondered if Jor-El would consent to help either. He held Lana, and tried to think. He knew Brainiac could still be out there. He wondered no matter what he did, if he could stop him.
  Clark had to remain strong. His resolve could not slip at all. He had to get Lana out of here, and there was only one place to take her. Clark scooped up Lana in his arms. He held her head steady, and sped off towards the Shining Light Foundation. He hoped Harry was there, and hoped that he could figure out what was wrong.
  After all, he gave Lana her powers. Surely, Harry would be able to figure out what ailment had befallen her. Her breathing continued to get fainter.
  Lex Luthor pondered the year that was in his life. It had been a turbulent year for him. It wall started with his possession at the hands of the Phantom known as Zod. An alien war criminal who would have destroyed countless lives to achieve one aim. Lex admired the man for ambitions.
  Then it was his engagement and marriage to Lana Lang. The less said about that, the better, and Lex was firmly going to put that particular chapter of his life behind him. He really had no choice but to do so. It was a huge mistake. Lana was dead to him, and if she had flown back into Clark's arms with his secrets and lies, so be it. Lex wished them the best of luck. The mansion door was shut to both of them. Neither of them were welcomed in his life any longer.
  The news Lex uncovered through a mysterious source was most troubling. For the past few months, he had been trying to uncover the secrets of Veritas. He felt that the traveler was a resource that he needed to grab onto. There was a dangerous threat coming. However, there was false lead after false lead. Every single secret his father held died with him.
  Not to mention, that any notes he might have had, was lost forever. Lex crossed his hands over his desk, and pondered. He flashed back to his meeting with Harry Potter a month or so previously. How, Potter seemed uninterested about the secrets of Veritas. Lex deduced that he was mistaken.
  It turned out that Harry Potter was very interested. For he got evidence that Harry Potter and his bride to be had been after the secrets themselves. Lex had no idea how he felt about something like that. There was a something about the entire situation that had stirred some powerful emotions. He had felt a bit betrayed if he had been honest. Potter had outright lied to him.
  On one sense, he was angry. On the other sense, Lex was actually a bit impressed that Potter had kept up such a devious charade. The Luthors were masters at this game. His mind flashed back to all of his father's warnings about how Harry's mother's family was devious. Lex blocked them out of his mind.
  He wondered if he should have listened. Lionel Luthor had been right to warn him.
  Time and time again, he wondered what would happen if things were a little different with his life. If he had a more stable upbringing that did not groom him into what he was. Lex shook his head. Delusions like that would make him weak, and perhaps this latest betrayal was something that would open his eyes. He would need to embrace what it truly meant to be a Luthor.
  Patricia Swann had gone missing. Luthor suspected she was being hidden, and hidden by someone who knew to keep a person out of harm's way. Another potential avenue of secrets had been cut off from Luthor. It seemed like the mysteries of the traveler would always be out of his reach.
  He had a feeling there was something very important that he was missing. He could not put his finger on it.
  Lex turned to check his e-mail. His eyes shifted towards the information. Most of it was spam, but not all of it. He received something that was marked of important. He clicked open the attachment. It was someone with the initials "L.E.P." He had received a few cryptic e-mails from her, but had been unable to trace everything back to the source.
  "Interesting," Lex whispered. His eyes widened, and he was unable to believe it.
  This morning had gotten a lot more interesting.
  The face of Milton Fine was on the screen. He recognized that much. In some ways, his involvement with Fine started this entire mess that was the last couple of years of his life. Fine attacked Clark and Lana. He watched the events, and then he could not believe his eyes.
  Lana was exhibiting some kind of super abilities, and Clark was as well. Lana was a surprise to Lex. Clark on the other hand, given what he knew, he should not be surprised. He should have seen it coming.
  Lex had no idea who gave him this footage. The footage cut off after a time. The answers he had been searching for had been handed to him.
  A part of Lex felt hurt. All of those years they were friends, and Clark never trusted him. Lex knew for sure how much Clark valued their friendship. They could have been unstoppable together, yet Clark never let him in. They could have changed the world for the better.
  The real question is what was he intending to do with these answers? He was suddenly more interested about Clark and Lana.
  Kara and Harry were halfway out the door. They had found where Brainiac was. Now it was time to battle him one more time. Hopefully, it would be one last final time. They were almost out when they heard Clark arrive. They stopped, and Clark arrived. Sweat rolled down his face, and he did not seem coherent enough to spit out what happened.
  "What happened?" Kara demanded impatiently. She stared down at Clark, and tapped her foot.
  Her expression softened just a little bit when she saw how upset Clark looked.
  "Clark, just take a deep breath, and tell me," Kara told him. "Please, we need to know."
  "Lana was attacked...it was Brainiac...he stabbed her with something," Clark said.
  Their worst fears about their power backwash also affecting Lana was coming true. They had given her the powers, and they were loosely tied into them. Harry had no time to worry about that right now. He just waved Clark into the main lab. They had to work quickly. If Brainiac could do this to Lana, who knew what he could do to Claire. Claire had mastered her powers, but a fighter she was not. At least not yet, and Harry vowed to keep his daughter away from that life for as long as possible. Both Harry and Kara shuddered to think about this. The main medical wing was across the hallway, and Harry pointed at the table.
  Clark walked over, and held Lana in his arms. Lana was placed down. Harry used the scanning spells that he could. He took a deep breath, and tried to figure out what happened. He had enough power left to solve this, and then they were just barely above their standard powers. He looked at Kara. This could really be the difference for today. Yet, if they did not do anything, Lana would die.
  Harry was seriously weighing making a rather unfortunate sacrifice. Yet it was not Lana's time, and she would suffer for weeks or even months and years while she was in limbo.
  Harry paused for a moment, and Kara offered him an encouraging smile.
  "Do it, Harry," Kara told him. "Help her."
  Clark looked suddenly grateful. Kara and Harry grabbed their hands, and held them over Lana. A warm light washed over her. Time stood still, as her body assimilated. The poison was flushed from her body.
  "Her powers will be gone for twenty four hours, but they'll return when ours do," Kara said.
  Clark was taken aback from this.
  "Could you please tell me what is going on?" Clark asked.
  Harry did. "It's our powers, there's a rare astrological event that happens once every ten thousand years. It has an unintended side effect of putting our powers to a minimum. And apparently anyone who has been gifted powers by us, it affects too. We had to block Lana's powers, but they will return after the next day."
  "And it had to happen now," Clark said. Kara just shrugged, and closed her eyes.
  "Yes, Clark, it had to happen now," Kara said. She looked at her cousin seriously. "We need to leave right now, to stop Brainiac before he hurts her."
  "Hurts who?" Clark asked.
  Kara and Harry tried to remain calm. Clark did not know about the situation. Kara had to break it to him gently. An expression flooded in her eyes.
  "Claire, he has Claire," Kara said. Clark opened his mouth, but Kara was not done. "And now she's being dragged into this. We never wanted this to happen!"
  Clark felt a bit guilty himself. He had been unable to properly deal with Brainiac. He was still out there. He attacked Lana because he could. The menace was annoying resourceful. He could be anywhere. For all he knew, he could be anyone. He had managed to do nothing, but bungle up everything. He had to step up, take responsibility, and take his destiny. With the Fortress, or without the Fortress he had to do something.
  There was a long moment in silence before Kara broke it.
  "Clark, we're going to leave right now," Kara said to Clark. Clark looked at his cousin with a confused expression. She continued with a stern expression. "Stay here, right now."
  "I think that I can help against Brainiac," Clark said.
  "No, Clark, Harry and I will handle this," Kara said. The stern expression remained in her eyes. She looked more serious than Clark had ever seen her. "You'll be safe in the Shining Light Foundation. Please stay here, or I'll knock you out. I swear I will, and you won't have any choice in the matter. Both you and Lana should be safe here."
  Clark tried to protest. The last time he fought Brainiac, every time he had to deal with Brainiac, it was not something that ended well. He had to take a step back. Maybe Kara and Harry would have better luck. He could stay here, and make sure Lana rested and recovered. Even though she was supposed to protect him, Clark saw no reason why he could not return the favor every once and a while.
  "We're going after him, and we're going to beat him," Kara said. She stood. Her expression oozed a great deal of confidence, more than Clark thought that he was capable of right now.
  "I've been studying the slight scan I've got off of him, and the information we got from Chloe," Harry told Clark. He took a deep breath, and determination spread over his face. "If we get close enough, we can take care of him once and for all. The nightmare will be over."
  Clark nodded. He felt rather revolted that Brainiac was using a child as some kind of bargaining chip. For what he did not know, but he decided not to ask. Kara stood before him. A smile spread across her face, and she looked at Clark.
  "Please, take care of yourself Clark," Kara said. She spoke in a soft and serious voice. "We might have had our arguments in the past, but no matter what, I'm always proud of you."
  Kara rushed over, and hugged Clark. Clark was taken completely off guard. He returned the gesture, and Kara stepped back to stand by Harry.
  Being stuck in that ship for almost nineteen years had caused her to miss out on a great deal of Clark's life. Yet she had made it her business to find out as much as she could about Clark's childhood, and his life. Kara had to admit that Clark turned out alright, likely better than he would have with her influence. Even if a part of her wished she had been able to help him sooner. She offered Clark an encouraging smile, before she spoke again.
  "And I always will be proud of you, and I know that the world will be in safe hands no matter what happens," Kara said.
  Clark looked at Kara. The way she was talking kind of scared him. He had to say something to Kara.
  "Kara, you're talking like you're not coming back," Clark said. Kara just looked at him. Her expression showed that she expected that might be a possibility. "You'll come back, and everything will be okay."
  Kara offered him a smile. She shared that thought.
  "I hope so, but...stay safe my cousin," Kara said.
  There was so much more she wanted to say. So much advice she wanted to give him, so he could achieve his destiny in case something happened to her. However, there was no time. Kara just offered him a smile.
  "Good luck, and stay safe."
  She turned towards Harry, and the two walked off towards the window. They had a good idea where Brainiac was. All they had to do was going to track them down. Harry and Kara locked hands. They were determined to fight the battle. Kara and Harry flew off at super speed, with Kara grabbing onto Harry's hand.
  They disappeared into the skies above Kansas. The two Heralds of Death were nothing, but dots in the distance. Clark watched them leave, flying further and further away. While he was still on the ground, and only could watch them leave.
  Clark stood there. He checked the clock. If they did not return in a half of an hour, he would go after them, no matter what they said. It was his fault they were in on this.
  In the meantime, he would check on Lana, and watch over her.
  Debris flew when Harry and Kara blasted through the air. Looks of the fiercest determination were on their faces. It was do or die before both Heralds of Death. They were on a mission. The two of them were not leaving there without reducing Brainiac and any other copy of him into scrap. The two Heralds of Death dropped down onto the ground. This was the location that they tracked Brainiac. Kara grabbed the door of the building, and yanked it off with her super strength. She tossed the solid steel door off to the side.
  Kara stepped inside. Harry followed. They did not have to walk too far before they saw Brainiac stand before them. He stared them down through beady little eyes.
  "I was wondering when you would consent to join up," the malicious machine said.
  Harry and Kara stepped towards him. They both had their arms folded, and their sights focused directly on Brainiac. Kara had a look of pure hatred directed towards Brainiac. She only had three words that she wanted to spit out.
  "Where is Claire?"
  Brainiac stared them down. Slowly, he pulled the girl in question. The girl tried to kick and pull her away from Brainiac. Despite the fact that she put up a spirited fight, she was only eleven years old. She turned her attention towards her parents.
  "Don't give him anything!" Claire yelled, but Brainiac placed his hand over the girl's mouth to silence her yells.
  "This little girl thought she could be a hero by attempting to set me on fire," Brainiac said. He looked at them all with contempt. "That's a reflection on her parents, I'm sure."
  Harry and Kara stood, and nodded towards Brainiac.
  "You're damn right it is," Harry said proudly.
  Brainiac held Claire in place. Kara was about to make a move. Harry placed a hand firmly on her shoulder. The last thing they needed was to mess this up. Brainiac had purposely put Claire in between them. Harry and Kara stood before Brainiac. The moments ticked away. There was a long pause, before Brainiac broke the silence.
  "The child goes free, if you produce the scrolls. The time is running out on this offer."
  Harry reached into his pocket. Hesitation was something that occurred. He had the scrolls. He hated having to do this. He had to act like he was going to give Brainiac the scrolls as a decoy. Kara would dart in there, and grab Claire. Then Harry would take Brainiac out before he could read the scrolls. That was the plan the two of them had discussed. Then the two of them would try and upload the virus into Brainiac to corrupt his programming and hopefully fry him.
  That was a sound idea in theory. Brainiac pulled out a silver needle and injected Claire in the neck. Time seemed to stand still. Claire screamed in pain. It hurt so much.
  Kara snapped the second she heard the blood curdling shrieks of the child. She blasted off. Her arms were outstretched, and she grabbed Brainiac, before she slammed him through the glass windows on the other side of the warehouse. She had put him through with all of the strength that she could manage. Glass flew in every direction.
  Harry rushed over, and bent down. He saw Claire, sweat rolling down her face. He placed his hand on her forehead, and nearly burned it from the touch. Whatever Brainiac had injected her with, had given it a boiling fever.
  "Hurts so much," Claire managed weakly. She coughed and felt her flesh boil.
  "I know, but here this should cool you down a little bit," Harry said, doing a few cooling charms on her. He really could not do much else, but stabilize her vital signs. "I'm going to help your mother. Try and hang on, okay."
  "Okay, get him, he can't hurt you guys or Clark or Lana or Chloe or anyone else again," Claire managed. She had fallen asleep. Harry put a cushioning charm and a shielding spell on her so none of the debris harmed her.
  Kara had Brainiac down, but Brainiac knocked her back. The blonde Kryptonian bounced back, and aimed a kick towards Brainiac's face. The machine blocked her attacks. Kara gritted her teeth, and she continued to fire every single attack she could at him.
  He was upgraded. The two of them had to summon their strength to take him down.
  "You thought you could beat me," Brainiac said. "You're supposed to be from a superior race, but like all organic life, you are ruled by your emotions. They have made you weaker. Soon it won't matter; humans will reach their destiny of extinction."
  Brainiac knocked Kara down to the ground. Kara landed with a thud, and Brainiac prepared to stand on Kara's head. Kara blocked his foot, and unleashed heat vision up his foot, through his leg. She increased the intensity of the heat, trying to destroy him. Brainiac staggered, his right leg melting. His systems needed to repair it.
  "Hey, Brainiac!" Harry yelled.
  Brainiac turned around, and Harry conjured a dozen white hot knives to blast at Brainiac. Brainiac was impaled by all of the knives. Magic seemed to damage him slightly. His shields would have to be adjusted to compensate for it. This would mean that he would not be strong offensively.
  Harry grabbed Kara to pull her out of the way, and they saw Brainiac was gone. They took a deep breath, and adjusted their footing. They had to find him. He was around here somewhere.
  Brainiac found them. He had rematerialized before them. Harry and Kara grabbed hands, and kicked up a whirlwind. If they could rip Brainiac in half, they could weaken him enough to upload the virus into him. Brainiac was knocked around, however once again he had adjusted his footing.
  He turned around. His eyes glinted with fury. Harry and Kara both flew at Brainiac, and knocked him down hard. Their timing was perfect, and their attacks were in harmony. They had to hold him down. Kara managed to overwhelm him with her strength. Brainiac had to recall all of his powers.
  She was far stronger than any Kryptonian that he had ever encountered. She was almost stronger than him at his full power. Kara held Brainiac in place, and smashed his head off of the ground.
  Harry tried to uplink him with the computer virus. He hoped this would work. However, it was getting trouble establishing the connection between Brainiac and his portable drive.
  Brainiac knocked Harry and Kara back off of him. The two Heralds of Death put the breaks on, and spun around. He stood on his feet, and Kara and Harry flew forward. Brainiac held his hand up. They stopped, frozen in time. The two Heralds hovered in the air. For them time stopped, even if it would start up in a minute.
  Brainiac stepped over, and picked up the scrolls. He held them in his hands. They managed to break through the containment field just this second later.
  Harry summoned the scrolls, and caused them to burst into flames, to be lost in time forever. The ashes fluttered to the ground. Brainiac seemed unconcerned.
  "A noble effort," Brainiac said to them. He put a shield up to block their attacks. "It's unfortunate that my processor has already interpreted the data within the scrolls. Now the second phase of my objective can be carried out. Earth will be changed into something that is more worthy. And with Death's lapdogs at their weakest, a pity."
  "Still strong enough to beat you!" Kara yelled. Her eyes narrowed, and she backed off, before she smashed the field.
  Kara broke through the barrier with her super strength. Harry followed her immediately. The two flew towards Brainiac, intending to take him down. A vortex opened up behind Brainiac, and they could feel time begin to unravel around them.
  They had to hold it together, and hold him back before he succeeded in going back in time. It was easier said than done.
  Clark arrived at the speed of the light. He looked around. For some reason, he had the feeling that time was running out. He had a pretty good idea where Harry and Kara tracked Brainiac given the light show that was happening. He just hoped that he was not too late. He picked up as much speed as he could.
  Something caught his eye immediately.
  He stopped, and saw a swirling energy vortex that had been opened. Clark opened his mouth wide. Claire was on the floor, unconscious. He could hear the young girl's shallow breathing and faint heartbeat.
  The next thing Clark saw was Brainiac being held at bay by Harry and Kara. Brainiac was almost through the vortex. There was a titanic struggle. Brainiac would have been annihilated had Harry and Kara had their full powers. Harry looked over his shoulder, and saw Clark. He decided to convey to him what was needed.
  "Clark, don't worry about us!" Harry yelled.
  "Take Claire and get her back to the Shining Light Foundation!" Kara yelled.
  Clark took Claire up in his arms gently. He offered a backward glance towards Harry and Kara.
  "I'll be back, just hold on!" Clark yelled.
  Kara and Harry struggled against Brainiac.
  "All, we can do, really!" Kara yelled back at him.
  Brainiac, Kara, and Harry continued to struggle towards the vortex. They had their hands on Brainiac, and then the three of them disappeared into a flash of light, just as Harry came inches with getting the virus into Brainiac. He just missed the attempt.
  Clark arrived at super speed. He brought Claire to the medical area of the Shining Light Foundation. Lana was sitting up. She looked at him with a questioning look.
  "Clark what happened?" Lana asked.
  "Brainiac, I got to go back, just rest," Clark said.
  Clark did not wait for an argument. He turned around. Time was running out. He did not even get down the hallway when suddenly something happened
  He collapsed to his knees, and clutched his ears. There was a sickening ringing that was echoing through his ears. It almost made his ears feel like they were bleeding. Clark felt more human, and more vulnerable than any other time he could remember. Something was happening, he had no idea what.
  The pain would not stop. It was like he was being torn apart. He was finally able to move, yet it was like his world was being changed from around him.
  He felt like he was being pushed and pulled. There was some kind of tug of war with his very being. His skin felt like it was fire.
  In Metropolis Lois Lane was there one minute, and gone the next. Her essence faded, and she was slowly pulled into oblivion. She had vanished into nothingness, like she had never existed.
  As she rested in a hospital bed in Metropolis, Chloe Sullivan suddenly was not feeling so good. She tried to get up to get some help. However, her molecules vibrated. She then vanished into nothingness as well. It was also like she never existed.
  Lex Luthor sat behind his desk. He had a brief headache and spell of dizziness. He got up to his feet to get himself a glass of water. He managed to make it halfway across the room. That was before he vanished off into nothingness like he never existed.
  Clark pulled himself to his feet. He tried to keep himself together.
  Lana staggered over. She did not look so well. Clark turned around.
  "Lana, what is it?" Clark asked.
  "I...I don't know," Lana said in a terrified voice. She grabbed onto Clark. "It's like I'm being pulled away, I'm slipping away from here!"
  Clark held Lana's hands.
  "Something's happening, I can feel it," Clark said. He felt like someone was battering the inside of his skull. He tried to keep his head up, and keep it together. That was easier said than done. Lana looked at him. "Lana, hang on!"
  Lana shook her head. Clark tried to hang onto Lana.
  "I'm going, Clark," Lana said. "I love you!"
  Clark suddenly felt Lana become intangible in his hands. "Lana, NO! Lana, hold it together!"
  Lana faded, giving Clark one last smile. She stood on the spot, and the next minute she was gone. She disappeared like she had not existed.
  Clark staggered. He wondered if he would vanish into thin air like Lana did. What did Brainiac do? There were many alarming thoughts going through his mind.
  "Kal-El, my son, you must report to the Fortress," the voice of Jor-El commanded to him from afar. "Report to the Fortress before it is too late for you as well."
  Clark's fear that something would happen should he go to the Fortress was outweighed by the utter urgency of the situation. Lana disappeared, Harry and Kara likely disappeared too fighting Brainiac, Chloe was laid up in the hospital, and he was lost.
  Clark made his way outside. The air was noxious, and disgusting. The ground was dirt. All of the grass had been scorched. There were no trees. There were no signs of life at all. The sun above him glowed red.
  It was like he had been transported to some nightmare world. There was hardly any sign of life.
  He had to get to the Fortress, before his powers ran out and before he disappeared as well.
  He hoped to get some answers about what happened, and more importantly how to fix it.
  Time ticked by.
  Chapter 30: Warp.
  Clark arrived at the Fortress in a flash of light. He nearly collapsed on the floor. The energy pulse had overwhelmed him He felt a throbbing through his temples. It was almost as if two cosmic forces had been pulling him in two entirely differently directions. He staggered to his feet, and he waited for Jor-El to tell him why he should be summoned.
  Clark did not have to wait for very long.
  "Time is running short for you, Kal-El," Jor-El said in a matter of fact voice. "Every single person that you care about has vanished. You may be next. It is imperative that you go through the time stream and stop the BrainInteractive Construct before the change is made permanent. If you do not do within the next seventy two hours, you will cease to exist."
  Clark did not take this information well. His entire world had been turned upside down.
  "If everyone I care about has disappeared, then what's the point," Clark said. He had mentally just given up. "No one I know exists, why should I save this world?"
  "You can right what was wronged by the BrainInteractive Construct," Jor-El said.
  Clark felt something push him backwards. It was almost as if something was trying to erase him.
  "I feel like the universe is trying to erase me," Clark said.
  "That's because it is."
  The voice of Lily Potter popped up suddenly. Clark managed to turn around, and he slowly backed off. The last time he had encountered Lily Potter, well it had been an experience that both he and Lana would not forget. No matter how hard he tried to forget. His heart panged when he remembered Lana.
  "You merely do not exist, yet you are being kept here," Lily said.
  "I thought you had promised Harry that you would leave the Fortress alone," Clark said. "What are you doing here?"
  "Harry never truly believed that I would keep that promise," Lily said dismissively. "And judging by the look on your face, neither did you, Kal-El. So stop being self-righteous for a minute, and listen to me."
  Clark opened his mouth to say something, yet Lily cut him off.
  "My presence in this Fortress is the only thing that is keeping both you and it from disappearing with the rest of them," Lily said. Clark looked absolutely gobsmacked. "Did you not think that after I have had all of this trouble, I would simply allow you to be erased by that glorified pocket calculator? No, Kal-El I have big plans for you. You did not disappear into oblivion with the rest of the world."
  Clark had to answer the very obvious question. He could not see Lily.
  "If I don't exist, and the world has disappeared into oblivion, then why am I still here?"
  "Kal-El, we don't have the time for me to explain to you the inherit theories about how time travel works," Lily said in an exasperated voice. She paused for a moment, and continued to speak. "Just let it be known that there are seventy two hours before the time stream resets itself. I can send you back before it all begins, but do not be a hero."
  Clark was confused as to what Lily meant.
  "Kal-El you must listen to me, the fate your existence hinges upon it," Lily said.
  "I can direct Kal-El, there is no need for your input," Jor-El replied, final speaking up.
  "Yes, because your guidance did wonders in allowing him to achieve his destiny," Lily said. Clark had a sense that she was rolling her eyes. "Kara truly is the only intelligent one that has come out of the House of El. She should be the one that should protect the world, and does actually show ambition in doing so. Yet, Clark is the key, so I must help him."
  Clark opened his mouth, but Lily cut him off.
  "You, quite frankly, are pathetic. The fact that you're supposed to be the hero the world needs really sickens me to the core. You are unwilling to take the steps to embrace your destiny. You'd rather hide behind others. Hide behind this false veil of humanity, and be something that you're not. That's the real reason why you cannot fly. You are afraid to let go of your roots. And the fact that Lana girl has to be your protector really speaks ill of you. Whatever brains you have stems from Chloe doing all of your thinking for you. You allowed yourself to get weak. You should be far and above her. Kara and Harry are the true heroes. You are just some glorified hayseed with powers."
  Lily was just gaining a head of steam now.
  "The only reason I am helping you right now, is it will upset Kara to see her baby cousin die. And if Kara is upset, Harry is upset. And if Harry gets upset, I have failed as a mother. And that's not something we want to happen. Do not make me fail as a mother, Kal-El! Actually take a step back, and realize that this is one battle that you must fight on your own. There will be no one to save you. And the fact is if you're supposed to be the standard that Earth's heroes live up to, then I weep for the future of humanity."
  Clark thought it was awfully rich for this particular woman to try and tell him these things.
  "You're wrong," Clark said.
  "Maybe, but do try and make a fool out of me, Kal-El," Lily said. She opened up a window. "Step through the time window, and go back. Your time is running out. My magic cannot hold you in place in this time stream forever. Remember you have seventy two hours."
  "If you're so powerful, than why can't you deal with Brainiac?" Clark asked.
  "Step through the time window, and take the first step towards the next test on your journey," Lily said, ignoring the question.
  Clark looked at the time window. His feet shifted back and forth. He was reluctant to really take the plunge. He peered back over his shoulder towards Lily. Lily had now materialized in the Fortress. The distrust was sensed by Lily.
  "Trust me or not, the choice is yours," Lily said. "Are you making the right choice? Are you merely a man or are you a super man?" Are you destined to be a great hero, or are you a failure of cosmic proportions? Have you condemned your friends to death? If you fail to make this step, you have condemned them all. And you have failed Lana, once again. But, that does seem to be par for the course for you, Kal-El."
  With those words and guilt trip, Clark had taken a step forward. The temporal energy washed around him, as Clark was transported back through time and space.
  The essence of Lily Potter broke. She had used her remaining energy to send Clark back in time, to ensure the traveler would still exist. It would take her some time before her powers fully returned.
  The vortex opened. Harry and Kara flew through the time stream at Brainiac. The three spiraled back in time. It was a horrific experience. The two Heralds of Death shielded themselves from the worst of the backwash. Time travel was a rather unpleasant experience, and one that they did not want to make a habit of doing.
  Harry and Kara held each other's hands. They were drawing inner strength from each other. This was the strength that they needed to make sure the time stream did not become undone permanently. They could see time all around them. There were threads like a giant quilt. The threads represented past, present, and future. Several of those threads threatened to become unraveled just by the fact that they were going through time.
  Would the time stream steady itself? They had no idea. All they knew was that things were slowly becoming undone. Harry and Kara popped back in time. They stood on the ground, having collapsed on the ground.
  "The real question is that do you have any magic?" Kara asked, the moment that they dropped on the ground. '
  Harry lit up the pathway with his hand. Kara nodded, pleased.
  "At least those powers are working," Kara told him. She took a deep breath, and gave a long and labored sigh. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we're on Krypton. And the powers that I have as a Kryptonian might not work underneath the red sun.."
  "You have reserves, don't you?" Harry asked.
  "Yeah, I do, but they'll only last for a few hours," Kara said. A frustrated expression spread across her face. "And that's if I use them smartly. Once they're gone, they're gone."
  Harry whispered something underneath his breath, and pointed his hand at Kara. Kara felt a warm glow. She looked at him with a questioning look.
  "There, now the red sunlight is automatically filtered into yellow, your powers failing should not be a problem," Harry said, and he almost collapsed. Kara rushed forward, and caught Harry in her arms.
  "Are you okay?" Kara asked frantically.
  Harry shook his head. He tried to draw some strength from Kara, through the bond they had with each other. "It's just that type of spell is rather draining. And without our Herald of death powers sat full strength, it's going to be hard. It's going to be really hard."
  Kara held up Harry, until he could walk on his own. The two stood side by side.
  "We can stop him, if we work together," Kara said. "I think the Brainiac we are fighting is the genuine article. He wouldn't send a copy back in time. It would just cease to exist. That type of Kryptonian technology has to have a flaw."
  "The real question is can we get his defenses down to insert this," Harry said, and he held up the virus program.
  "We're going to have to work quickly, but I think that it can be done," Kara said. "Sixteen hours before our powers come back completely, by the way."
  Harry nodded. This was not going to be a picnic. Harry and Kara carefully walked around the Kryptonian village they had ended up in. Normally, Harry would have taken a moment to really enjoy the sights. However, they were on a mission, and he had to keep focused.
  "If I remember correctly, we're close enough to Kandor," Kara said to Harry. She added in a joking manner. "Maybe we'll see me."
  "You do realize that we can't be seen by a past version of yourself, unless absolutely necessary," Harry said. Kara paused, and she nodded. She understood the rules of time travel, and she knew what was on the line. The two Heralds of Death flew when they heard noise.
  It was just a group of civilians. Did they even know that their planet could be destroyed at any time now? Likely they were blissfully ignorant to the subject. Kara and Harry guessed that the citizens of Krypton did not acknowledge the end until it was coming.
  "Kara, we might have to use the one power that we hoped that we would never have to use," Harry told her seriously.
  Kara got the message of what Harry meant. She shifted herself immediately, and really understood what he meant. Out of all of the powers, there was one power that could go wrong if they were not careful.
  "The reality warping power," Kara whispered to him.
  "Death only said to use it in emergencies, but something that can wipe out an entire timeline would be classified as an emergency," Harry said. "The problem is that if the timeline gets ruined, that's our only course of action."
  Kara closed her eyes. She got a sense of something.
  "I think the changes in the timeline are already happening, just by the three of us going back in time in the first place," Kara said to Harry. "I can just feel things shifting around me. It is almost terrifying to think about."
  Harry was afraid of this. There were times where no matter how hard he tried, there was always only so much that he could do. He placed his hand on Kara's, and they moved forward. They thought they had seen a glimpse of Brainiac. Hopefully they could take him by surprise. Given the nature of time and space, he had arrived a short time before they did. Harry and Kara were both at a loss to explain it, but that was just how everything worked.
  Kara and Harry reached a grave marker.
  "I wonder if it's still here,' Kara whispered.
  "What's still here?" Harry asked her.
  Kara scanned the ground with her X-Ray vision. A box was in the ground. She dug it out, and opened it. It was a picture of a seven year old version of her, and an older woman who resembled Kara, only wearing glasses and shorter hair.
  "Your mother?" Harry asked Kara.
  Kara nodded with a sad smile. "Yes, this picture was taken a few months...before..."
  "She died," Harry said, putting his arm around his fianc?e gently.
  "The first time I understood what death was," Kara said. "I must have gone over it in my mind a million times, but I never really figured out what happened. Who struck that fatal blow against my mother? Was it my father or was it Jor-El? She was just caught in the middle of their petty squabble. I guess I'll never know."
  Kara looked at the grave. She tried not to get emotional. Harry conjured flowers for Kara. Kara placed the flowers down on the grave, and knelt down, staring at it intently. Said flowers would not survive the demise of Krypton, but it was the thought that counted.
  Kara did feel a bit guilty for not visiting the grave of her mother more often. Thankfully, in some twisted way, she had gotten one final chance.
  "I hope you're in a better place, Alura," Kara whispered, hoping somehow that her mother could hear her. "You and Aunt Lara, I hope you're both proud of what I've done."
  "They are," Harry said. Confidence brimmed from his voice. He placed his arm around Kara, and lightly kissed her. It was brief, but tender.
  "Both of them would have approved of you, by the way," Kara said.
  "I'm glad," Harry said.
  The two stood in silence, but Kara spoke up.
  "We do have to get going."
  They kept flying, careful not to be seen. Harry looked down. He was rather entranced by Krypton. Kara caught him looking, and smiled.
  "It is beautiful isn't it," Kara said.
  "And it will all be gone, no matter what we do," Harry said.
  Kara sighed, but conceded. She had made peace with the destruction of her planet a while back. To return here and now, to a time where it stood proudly had caused all of those bitter memories to proceed to flood back to her.
  "So, how do you think I would have done on Krypton?" Harry asked.
  Kara smiled at Harry. She said the next statement with one hundred percent confidence.
  "You would have been a decorated hero, and beloved by many," Kara said. Those words were spoken with one hundred percent conviction. She turned towards them. "I think we found Brainiac."
  Harry had seen him as well. The two Heralds of Death stood on the ground, and hovered above. They still had access to their invisibility powers, which would hopefully make an attack on Brainiac seem rather easy.
  Kara had goose bumps. She recognized this day. This was the day that she had got on the ship, and this was the day that Krypton ended.
  It had started as such a beautiful day too. In spite of all of the war going on around them at the end, there was still a kind of eerie beauty. Then again, the greatest tragedies in the universe all started with the perfect day. Harry sensed her trip down memory lane, and wrapped his arm around her tightly.
  Brainiac was not going to survive this day. He wanted a battle. Well Harry and Kara would bring him a war.
  Clark found himself flung back in time. He felt like his stomach was left back in the Fortress. The trip was not a pleasant one. It was much like being on a rather twisted roller coaster. The Kryptonian landed out of the time hole. It was like he was being shot out of a tube. He landed hard on the ground in a graveyard with a thud. He rolled over, trying to regain his bearings.
  Clark backed up, and saw Lana's gravestone. According to the gravestone, she died several years ago. His eyes widened. This had to be some kind of bad hallucination, a nightmare. He turned around a little bit, and he saw Chloe's tombstone. Again, she was to die years ago. He backed up a little bit, and then a ways down the graveyard, he spotted Lex's. He could not believe what he was seeing.
  Lois Lane, Martha Kent, Pete Ross, and he saw even more tombstones of people that he knew. All of which who were dead in this world.
  He had not really put anyone in danger. The realization smacked Clark faster than a speeding bullet. He realized that for the first time. In a world where he never existed, or never arrived from Krypton, many people he knew could have been killed. Clark realized he had really influenced a lot of lives. Some for the better and some for the worse, but they were gone.
  Yet, he was supposed to be brought back to where it all began. He was not supposed to be flung back in time to a time before the end. He shook his head. Nothing made any sense. He wondered what had gone wrong. Had Lily miscalculated the charm work that was needed to send him back? Or had she been setting him up for failure? Maybe because she could not control the traveler, she opted to destroy him.
  He shook his head. Clark had to be paranoid.
  Clark turned around. This was one of those times where he would go to Chloe to ask her for help. Yet, the evidence right before him indicated why that was not going to be happening this time. Clark looked up at the red sun. He knew that in time his powers would be completely gone. He was going to become mortal, and would wither and die. Or he would disappear all alone. No one would care that he did.
  He coughed. The air was noxious, and he wondered what could have caused this. There had to be an explanation. Clark walked around, to try and gain a sense of what was happening. He was at a complete and total loss for words. There were times where even with all of his great powers, Clark had felt helpless. He had felt like he was unable to make that much of a difference. Now at this time, he was completely and utterly trapped without a way out.
  Clark took another step forward. He saw more gravestones. He dare not look at them. They were more people who he did not save.
  Where were Harry and Kara? They were two people who he thought; who he had assumed would not be affected by the time stream. The way Lily was talking, they were still out there, and still alive.
  Clark had tripped over something lying in the dirt. He staggered, and just managed to gain his balance. Rolling over, he got to his feet. He paused to see what was going on. Clark took a step back, and realized that there was something important about this item that he nearly tripped and fell over. He could scarcely believe his eyes.
  The item had Kryptonian writing all over it. And it was Kara's handwriting. It appeared to be a message of some sort. Kara had left it for him.
  Clark had clicked it on.
  "Clark, it's me," Kara said in a short and frantic voice. "If you're hearing this, then Harry's charm work worked. This message in a bottle has survived the changes in the time stream, and that means you have as well. Harry and I are now on Krypton, and we are looking at Brainiac. If you can find a way back to us, then we could use your help. I'm using my father's lab to send you this message. I...I really hope I don't get seen by anyone. Especially me, but it can't be helped. And we've got to go. Just hope you get this message. Bye, take care, and remember, where there's a will there's a way. And no matter how dark things seem, there's a Shining Light at the end of the tunnel."
  The message turned into static. Clark had held the device, and saw his last lifeline to the old timeline just fade out. He rewound it and listened again, to hope to listen for another message. However, there was nothing, but the same old message.
  Clark had managed to get the gist of that message. It was hard for him not to. He had been sent back here, but not all of the way. However, the way Kara said, there was a way for him to join them on Krypton before the end. Where Brainiac was. If they needed his help that meant that they were way over their heads. Clark smiled; maybe he wasn't so useless after all.
  He could right what was wrong and still he could fix what had happened. Brainiac would not be able to hurt another person out there. Clark adjusted his footing, and turned around before he knew what he had to do.
  He needed to find his way to the Shining Light Foundation. If he found his way there, and found what Kara was talking about, then he could return back. Brainiac was on Krypton, and Harry and Kara were fighting them. They might be powerful, but Clark wondered about the limits that they had more than anything.
  He knew what he had to do. Clark tried to block the gravestones he saw out of his mind. Those were not real. It was not going to happen. He would make sure of that. He had a feeling that time was running short with the seventy two hour window. He summoned whatever power he had, and began to super speed to the Shining Light Foundation.
  The sands of time continued to slip away from him. Jor-El said he had seventy two hours. There was no time to waste.
  It was time for Clark Kent to step up. He was alone, but he vowed to change that.
  Kara just finished sending a message back to Earth. She sighed.
  "There, hopefully Clark receives it, and knows what do to," Kara said to Harry.
  "Will it work?" Harry asked, and he put the necessary preservation charms.
  "We'll know in a little bit," Kara said.
  The two Heralds of Death carefully moved through the lab. Time was running out for them, and the world, and Clark especially. The two of them did not delay their actions much longer. They spotted Brainiac immediately. Kara saw several of the guards already taken down. She tried not to disturb them.
  Kara knew that Brainiac would likely kill her past self. She had an idea that was not something that she could allow. Immediately, Kara flew forward, and nailed Brainiac hard in the chest with a blast of heat vision. That sent him spiraling through the lab, and out of harm's way.
  "Kara, discreet, remember," Harry said.
  He tried to tie Brainiac in place. Brainiac shifted out.
  "You made a grave error following me back in time," Brainiac said.
  "That's what you think," Kara said, and she took a deep breath. Her super breath began to blow Brainiac back. The windows of the lab cracked. Harry fixed them, and then once again tried to go behind Brainiac to insert the virus into him.
  Brainiac back handed Harry, and knocked him down. Harry rebounded from the attack. Kara flew in at super speed, and tried to grab onto Brainiac. She tried to crush his skull. However, he blocked the attack, and nailed her several times. Brainiac tried to stab Kara much like he did to Lana. Kara was too quick for that attack, dodging out of the way. She burned Brainiac's hand with heat vision.
  She was not sure that Brainiac felt that. She kind of hoped that he did.
  Harry sent a series of magical attacks down on the back of Brainiac. Brainiac was staggered, and immediately, Harry and Kara locked hands. They flew Brainiac out of the lab and high up into the skies above Kandor. It was only a small miracle that no one could see them. Maybe, because of the explosions around them
  'We're running out of time,' Kara thought to Harry.
  'We don't have to defeat him,' Harry thought back to her. 'We merely have to stall him long enough until Clark's ship can get safely off Krypton, and back to Earth. And yours too.'
  At first, Kara was not too pleased with having to wait eighteen years at the bottom of that dam again. However, it did not seem so bad, because Harry would be waiting for her. Her knight in shining armor (or at least ragged robes) would come and rescue her. Harry and Kara continued to fight Brainiac high in the sky. The two pushed Brainiac. He pushed back. The battle was intense high above.
  "You cannot keep up this dance forever," Brainiac said. "Soon all will be lost. Kal-El will not make it to Earth."
  "As long as we are together, nothing is lost," Kara said firmly.
  She spiraled through the air with precision and grace. The blonde Kryptonian took aim. She knocked Brainiac hard in the face with a kick. Harry wrapped several ropes around his legs. Kara flew one way, and Harry flew the other way, They held onto Brainiac's head and arms and tore him into half. Sparks flew in every direction, and Brainiac dropped down to the ground hard.
  Brainiac rolled over, and cables shot out. He put a shield around himself. Harry and Kara tried to penetrate it. They had a feeling that they could destroy Brainiac if they could just break through the shield. They continued to bounce back off of it time and time again. Brainiac was reconnecting his top half until his bottom half.
  Brainiac moved back, and tried to freeze Harry and Kara in time.
  This time they were ready for it. They summoned all of the remaining Herald powers they would have at their disposal for the next fourteen hours. They blocked the time jump, and sent Brainiac back. The explosion had caused them to knock back. Harry used a cushioning spell to prevent him from slamming hard back first into the crystal structure. He caught Kara in his arms. The two gained their bearings, and flew towards Brainiac.
  He thought that they would not be that annoying. They posed far more of a danger than Kal-El did. That was something that he determined right away. He had to trap them somewhere where they would not jeopardize his plans.
  Harry and Kara once again attacked Brainiac with fury. He was sent backwards. His legs had buckled underneath the impact. The two forces struggled back and forth. It was a constant battle. There was panic in the streets nearby.
  Kara looked over her shoulder, and saw from the window her past-self stare out the window towards them. Kara, circa 1986, had her gaze focused intently on Harry. She turned around at that moment, knowing she had been caught. Harry and Kara could not pay this any mind. Even though Kara remembered that she had saw herself and Harry on Krypton all of those years back. She now remembered how she had been interested in Harry at that point. It was hard to explain, but at that point she knew exactly what had happened. Memories were coming back to her, that she could not access until this point in time.
  There was no denying what was meant to be in her heart.
  She had remembered how she had subconsciously made the choice to become the Herald of Death to be with him forever. It was not Jor-El who made that deal, or anyone else, it was her. Kara shook her head.
  So it meant that if they were here now, then they did not lose. They had defeated Brainiac on this day, and he had not changed the time stream.
  At least Kara hoped that they did. She could not afford to get too arrogant. Bad things happened when people got arrogant. She exchanged smiles with Harry. Brainiac really had no idea how strong they were.
  Even with their powers at their lowest, as long as they stood together, the battle was never lost.
  They blitzed at Brainiac with all of the power of a super nova.
  He really did not stand a chance. Something had to give.
  Explosions continued to rang out. Although many had assumed that they were just something that was a backfire from the ongoing war.
  Clark arrived outside of the Shining Light Foundation. It was the only building that he could see for miles, and miles that was not in ruins. Clark remained on his guard for guards. When he saw none, he used his strength to rip off the door. He looked up at the red sun. He knew that at any time, his power could go out.
  He made his way up to the top floor, where he knew Harry and Kara's office was known to be. He saw a glimpse of Kara through the door. Kara sat wearing a short black top with a silver "S" shield on it. The top showed far much more skin than normal, and just barely covered her breasts. She wore an all too short black mini-skirt, and black high heel boots. The skirt could be almost classified as a belt with how short it was. On her neck rested a necklace with a growing red rock. Clark pulled open the door with a little effort.
  Kara's eyes snapped up. She looked at Clark much like she thought he was a slug. Clark was taken aback by this cold stare by his cousin.
  "Who are you?' Kara demanded, and she got up to her feet. "How did you get in here?"
  "Kara, thank God it's you," Clark said. Kara just looked at him. Her arms folded. "It's me, Clark, your cousin. You know, Kal-El."
  Her eyes flashed dangerously. Kara grabbed Clark by the throat, flew him across the room, and roughly slammed him against the wall. Clark struggled against the wall against Kara's titanic grip. Kara was much stronger than he was. For some reason her full powers had not left her underneath the pull of the red sun.
  "Is this some kind of sick joke?" Kara snarled. "Because if it is, I'm not laughing. Kal-El died on his way to Earth from Krypton. The rocket failed. You can't be him."
  "I am him, Kara," Clark wheezed, and Kara hurled him across the room. Clark landed on the ground, and Kara stood on Clark's chest with her heeled boot. He struggled, and noticed the red rock hanging from her neck. It was out of his reach. "Kara, see the rock around your neck? It's making you violent and unstable. You're not yourself."
  "I'm more myself than you could ever know," Kara said, and she picked up Clark. Her grip tightened. "You barge in here, and think that you can just talk to me like we're family. The only family I knew died years ago. And I'm trying to save what's left of the human race. I had to take them over."
  "Kara, you'd never do that," Clark said. "You can't do that!"
  Kara's eyes flared with anger, and Clark thought for a moment that Kara was going to fry him to a crisp with her heat vision.
  "Don't tell me what I can and can't do, human!" Kara yelled at him. She dangled him by the jacket in her grip. "There are no other options. I can turn this planet into Krypton. Harry and I will restore the Kryptonian race to its proper glory. And I should snap your neck for even trying to tell me what to do. Defying the Empress of this planet is punishable by execution!"
  "Empress?" Clark asked. He took a deep breath. "Kara, that's the Red Kryptonite talking. We need to take that off of you."
  Clark tried to remove it from Kara. She smacked his hands away, and grabbed his wrists. Clark winced as her superior strength caused his bones to crack.
  "Harry gave me this as a gift," Kara told him. Her gaze looked at Clark. "Before, we decided that we needed to take them over. Humanity is a sick species. They can't save themselves. Conquest is the only option."
  Clark was hurt. Several guards arrived at this point.
  "Kara, please, look into your heart,' Clark whispered. There was something wrong with Kara and likely something wrong with Harry as well. Clark wondered if this was Lily's doing. This was what she wanted all the time.
  "Is this man bothering you, Empress Kara?" one of the guards asked.
  Kara's eyes narrowed and a scowl crossed her face.
  "No, in fact he was just leaving," Kara said. She marched Clark over to the windows, and spoke to him in a deadly whisper. "Come back again, and I will kill you."
  Clark was hurled out through the glass window several stories up. There was some invisible force that had caught him before he landed on the ground. Clark found himself shaken, and slightly injured. Without his powers, glass could injure him just as much as the next person. He coughed slightly.
  He had to get back up there, and remove that Red Kryptonite necklace from Kara. It was screwing with her mind. Clark had assumed that Kara was immune to all types of Kryptonite because of her Herald of Death powers. Something changed, it had to. It was just a matter of figuring out what was happening.
  Several robed figures dressed in black with white skull masks surrounded Clark. Things had just gotten from bad to worse. Wands were pointed at Clark.
  "We've been waiting for you to arrive Traveler," one of the robed figures said.
  "I don't have time for this,' Clark said.
  He stood on his feet, and was ready to fight. He tried to blast the wands with his heat vision, but found out that he could not. That power was gone.
  "You will make time, Kal-El," one of the robed figures said.
  "The Dark Lord will want you to be brought before him," another robed figure said. "You will be sacrificed that will bring him to a more acceptable form that the one he has been borrowing."
  "The Dark Lord?" Clark asked.
  "Lord Voldemort has been waiting for you for a long time, Kal-El," the third robed figure, a woman said. "He always knows."
  It was six against one, and Clark was only at half of his powers. There was no yellow sun. He had a feeling that these robed figures were going to take him whether or not he was willing.
  He would not make it easy. If he was going down, he would go down fighting. He stepped back, and threw himself at them. He knocked one of them back. A second robed figure went for Clark. Clark used his super speed to dodge it.
  "You can't keep up this dance forever. Your battery is running dry."
  Clark conceded that they had a point. He managed to trick two of the six into sending green lights into each other. They struck each other, and fell down to the ground. Neither were moving. Clark suddenly stopped. His super speed was out. He tried to summon up his remaining reserves for a really powerful breath that would hopefully blow everyone away.
  He was knocked back. Clark braced himself for the end.
  A figure popped in out of nowhere. She flew towards Clark's attackers. Two of the robed figures had been taken out with a blinding flash of light. The third figure was knocked down on the ground. The fourth figure was attacked by birds that ripped and pecked at their skin. Clark spotted the figure, dressed in blue robes, with a hood pulled over her head.
  "Hello, Kal-El," the girl said in a dreamy voice. "Fancy meeting you here."
  Clark took her hand, and she pulled him up to his feet.
  "Just who are you?" Clark asked.
  "Time is becoming unraveled," the girl said sadly. "People who should be alive, are dead. People who should be dead, are alive. And not all of those people are nice people either. And perfectly nice people have been warped into would be conquerors due to harsh tragedy. Time travel is a harsh mistress, and she often does spread her legs with disastrous results. I realize what has happened, and I know that I must help them. I must finish my mother's mission before the timeline gets fixed, and I get recalled to the next great adventure once more. It was quite terrifying to be in the afterlife one moment, and then to return to life. I thought the Nargles had all died, and caused an imbalance. But it's something far more horrifying."
  Clark looked bemused at all of this.
  "Oh, how rude of me," the girl said in an apologetic voice. "My name is Luna Lovegood. I suppose this could be all traced back on the day of the Arising, that started in motion back in 1986 after the destruction of Krypton. The butterfly effect can be a disastrous one. "

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