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Napoleon: my teacher Barras. Some details from Oleg Baklanov's life path. A biographical reconstruction essay

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    Napoleon: my teacher Barras. Some details from Oleg Baklanov's life path. A biographical reconstruction essay.

  Napoleon: my teacher Barras. Some details from Oleg Baklanov's life path. A biographical reconstruction essay.
  1. A preliminary remarks.
  2. Napoleon is the son of a Corsican lawyer. Oleg Baklanov is the son of a Kharkiv manager-pharmacist.
  3. Corsica and French troops. Kharkov, the German and Italian troops.
  4. Friends of Napoleon and friends of Oleg Baklanov.
  5. Heroes and heads of state. Napoleon and Louis XVI. Oleg Baklanov and Mikhail Gorbachev.
  6. Napoleon and resignation, Baklanov and not resignation.
  7. Napoleon: my teacher Barras. Oleg Baklanov: my teacher Afanasyev.
  8. A summation.
  1. A preliminary remarks.
  I managed to find some of Oleg Baklanov's works on the Proza Ru portal. (
  These are fragments of his books.
  When will I have at my disposal Oleg Baklanov's books in full?
  I decided to present some of my thoughts in this miniature.
  A few words about literary skills. Oleg Baklanov makes a very good impression as an author.
  All his life he was engaged in production and management. But the moment came, he began to write. Interesting and easily readable texts came out from under his pen. Readers may to recall the sudden literary abilities of Alexander Korzhakov.
  Oleg Baklanov's books contain biographical details. What is the good way to inform about the thoughts that appear when reading the works by Oleg Baklanov?
  Baklanov was Deputy Chairman of the Defense Council under the President of the Soviet Union, that is, Baklanov was the Deputy of President of the USSR Gorbachev. Baklanov was a member of the GKChP (The State Committee on the State of Emergency; 19 August 1991 - 22 August 1991). Why not draw parallels between the biographies of Baklanov and Napoleon for clarity?
  Fragments of the text about Napoleon will be taken from the Yevgeny Tarle's book "Napoleon".
  2. Napoleon is the son of a Corsican lawyer. Oleg Baklanov is the son of a Kharkiv manager-pharmacist.
  We know relatively little about both Napoleon's parents and Oleg Baklanov's parents.
  In the texts that we have at our disposal, Oleg Baklanov is extremely laconic.
  'I was born in Kharkov on March 17, 1932. I saw little of my father and mother in early childhood. 'They work and study a lot,' Olga Fedorovna [first name and patronymic], my grandmother, said me about my parents ...
  My father was a pharmacist, he was in charge (first in Kharkov, then in the Kharkov's suburbs) of [the aggregate of] pharmacies [which were in state property] . Mom was also a specialist in this area, she worked for dad as a deputy and assistant on all issues. Dad was sick with tuberculosis, and this ailment wore him out: he died back in 1937, when I was five years old. "
  Who were the grandparents of Oleg Baklanov? This we cannot to receive such information from this text.
  Who were the parents of Oleg Baklanov? Little, very little information.
  But the minimum that we have at our disposal allows us to conclude that Oleg Baklanov's parents were educated people, that they belonged to not very noticeable but influential part of the urban elite (they were high rank managers of urban pharmacies).
  Little Oleg grew up among educated people who had experience of participating in the affairs of management at the local level.
  This can provide insight into some of the factors behind Oleg Baklanov's smooth and non-stop career at the provincial level (and generally in management structures).
  Napoleon's father was a lawyer - that is, a man educated and experienced in local affairs (in Corsica).
  The island of Corsica, where Napoleon was from, for a long time belonged to the Republic of Genoa. And among the inhabitants of Genoa, and among the inhabitants of Corsica, there was a relatively large percentage of independent, educated people - people associated with navigation and trade. Note that for a long time the Genoese were active in the Crimea, on the Black and Azov Seas, in Azov. "They are their own heads (rulers)" - people sometimes say about individuals of this type.
  3. Corsica and French troops. Kharkov, the German and Italian troops.
  'In September 1791, he [Napoleon] again came to Corsica, to where he managed to get a transfer. This time he finally parted with Paoli, because Paoli was already directly leading the case to the separation of the island from France, which Napoleon in no case wanted. When, in April 1791, a struggle broke out between the counter-revolutionary clergy, who fully supported the separatist Paoli, and representatives of the revolutionary authorities, Bonaparte even fired [ordered to fire] at the rebellious crowd that attacked the detachment led by him. In the end, he became suspicious person [for French authorities], as he made an attempt to take possession of the fortress (without orders from above). He left for France, where he had to report immediately to Paris, to the War Office, in order to justify his somewhat dubious behavior in Corsica. "
  'We spent two years in terrible ordeals [narrated by Oleg Baklanov]. There was no school. In order not to die of hunger, [local inhabitants] had to clean the boots of the Germans, look for abandoned things in the city and exchange them for food in the surrounding villages. "
  4. Friends of Napoleon and friends of Oleg Baklanov.
  '... We were literally rescued by friendly mutual assistance. Four production workers, who were, also, students of the same group [in institute] - Viktor Shapovalov, Anatoly Zaitsev, Lyudmila Dyakovskaya and I [Oleg Baklanov] - provided those, who were absent [in institute], with our careful writings of lectures [lecture notes]. We did not allow anyone from our circle to fall behind. "
  'At the Brienne military school, Napoleon remained a sullen, withdrawn boy; he quickly and for a long time was irritated, did not seek rapprochement with anyone, looked at everyone without respect, without affection and without sympathy, very confident in himself, despite his small stature and small age. They tried to offend him, tease, to find fault with his Corsican accent. But several fights, fiercely and not without success (although not without damage) carried out by little Bonaparte, convinced the comrades of the insecurity of such clashes. He studied excellently, perfectly studied the history of Greece and Rome. He was also fond of mathematics and geography. The teachers of this provincial military school themselves were not very strong in the sciences they taught, and little Napoleon replenished his knowledge with reading. He read in this early period and afterwards always very much and very quickly. "
  5. Heroes and heads of state. Napoleon and Louis XVI. Oleg Baklanov and Mikhail Gorbachev.
  'Let's go with these rebels,' he [Napoleon] said to Bourrienne, with whom he was on the street, seeing the crowd marching towards the royal palace on June 20 [1792]. When Louis XVI, frightened by this formidable demonstration, bowed to the crowd from the window, to which he approached in a red Phrygian cap [bonnet phrygien] (one of the emblems of the revolution), Napoleon said with contempt: 'What a coward! How could these rebels be allowed in! It was necessary to sweep away 500 - 600 people with cannons - the rest would have fled! " I soften the epithet Napoleon applied to Louis XVI, since there is not the slightest possibility of transmitting it exactly in print. On August 10 [1792] (the day of the storming of the Tuileries and the overthrow of Louis XVI), he is again on the street and repeats this epithet again in relation to the king, and calls the revolutionary rebels "the most vile rabble [scum]"
  'From time to time, Gorbachev, swaying from heels to toes, as it were, directs his mind's eye over the heads of those who see him off, concentrates and in a low voice says:
  - The situation is not easy, but no need to panic, on the twentieth we will sign the Union Treaty, there is still much to think about, it will be more convenient to do it on vacation ...
  - Mikhail Sergeyevich! Once again, I ask you to sign the decree of the President of the USSR canceling Yeltsin's decree on the withdrawal of party organizations from the territories - quite loudly for everyone to hear, Oleg Semyonovich Shenin clearly says. Almost everyone present (all can feel it) support Oleg Semyonovich.
  Like a somnambulistic gaze of Gorbachev; he sees no one. The pause goes on. Instead of answering, he essentially throws [the words to] Shenin:
  - You will remain on the party economy ...
  A silent scene.
  Raisa Maksimovna's sensitive ear picks up the moment when it is necessary to intervene. The hostess's voice is heard from the second group:
  - Mikhail Sergeyevich! It's time ... It's time to say goodbye.
  We shift from one foot to the other like rams. "Acceleration", "restructuring". "More democracy - more socialism." "Anything is allowed that is not prohibited" ... The hum and whistle in my ears ...
  Powerful engines roared again, the afterburner roar was heard, the handsome liner instantly picked up speed and, almost from the middle of the runway, steeply and easily lifted to heaven the emptiness of the cabins of the aircraft No. 1 of the President of the USSR ... "
  6. Napoleon and resignation, Baklanov and not resignation.
  '... When General Bonaparte arrived in Paris, he learned that he was given command of an infantry brigade, while he was an artilleryman and did not want to serve in the infantry. There was a heated explanation between him and the François Aubry (committee member), and Bonaparte resigned.
  Once again the period of material poverty has come for Napoleon. The 25-year-old retired general, who quarreled with his superiors, without any means, Napoleon did not have fun in Paris that difficult winter of 1794/95 and an even more difficult and hungry spring. "
  'What will this conversation give before the planned signing of the Union Treaty? There is still a chance to think better, to take measures, to prevent the collapse of the Union. It is necessary to fly, to consult, to convince. The blind can to see what a threat is hanging over the country. It is clear that the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, the President of the USSR, who took an oath on the Constitution of the USSR: "I solemnly swear to faithfully serve the peoples of our country, strictly follow the Constitution of the USSR, guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens, conscientiously fulfill the high duties of the President of the USSR...," evades the performance of duties. How to express this in order to Gorbachev understand, in order to Gorbachev see the light? "
  ('- Oleg Dmitrievich Baklanov - is that you?
  - Yes.
  - Show your ID, please!
  - Please, - I hand over the deputy's certificate.
  The person studies it carefully. Both policemen observe the unusual procedure with curiosity.
  - By order of the President of the USSR, you are prohibited from entering the territory of the Kremlin.
  I don't know what to say. (...)
  ZIL [a car for highest officials] awkwardly backs away. (...)... Will not the trick with the pass into Kremlin be repeated [in the Central Committee, on the Old Square]? ').
  7. Napoleon: my teacher Barras. Oleg Baklanov: my teacher Afanasyev.
  'The Convention has decided to fight. Now, on the same night on the 13 Vendémiaire [5 October 1795], by order of the Convention, General Menou was dismissed and immediately arrested. Then the Convention appointed one of the main figures of the 9 Thermidor (27 July 1794), Barras, at post of the chief commander of all the armed forces of Paris ...
  But Barras was not a military man. It was necessary to appoint a general at once. And then Barras quite accidentally remembered a thin young man in a shabby gray coat, who had appeared to him several times lately as a supplicant. All that Barras knew about this face boiled down to the fact that he was a retired general, that he distinguished himself at Toulon, but that later he got into some kind of trouble and that now he is existing with great difficulty in the capital, without having any significant earnings. Barras ordered to find him and bring him. Bonaparte appeared, and immediately he was asked whether he was undertaking to put an end to the rebellion ... Bonaparte ... agreed, setting one condition: that no one would interfere with his orders. 'I will only sheathe my sword when it's over,' he said.
  Bonaparte was immediately appointed Barras's assistant. ... Already at dawn Bonaparte brought artillery pieces up to the Palace of the Convention.
  The historic day has come - the 13 Vendémiaire (5 October 1795), who played a much greater role in Napoleon's life than his first performance - the capture of Toulon. The rebels moved to the Convention, and Bonaparte's artillery thundered towards them. "
  'From 1983 to 1988, I [Oleg Baklanov] already worked as the Minister of General Machine Building. The reins of the industry were given to me by my teacher Sergey Aleksandrovich Afanasyev, who was appointed Minister of Heavy and Transport Machinery of the USSR. "
  8. A summation.
  Oleg Baklanov carefully avoids the question of his roots. Oleg Baklanov is a man of the System. This system was created by other people. In many ways, the System was created by Sergei Korolev. Oleg Baklanov is a European-style man - cultured, educated, civilized, efficient, responsible, hardworking, humane, honest, decent. His initiative and independence are determined by the instructions he received ...
  It so happened that the United States implemented the Space Shuttle program. Thus, the Buran program was initiated.
  'The official date for the start of work on the Space Shuttle rocket and space system is January 5, 1972, when US President R. Nixon approved this program by NASA, coordinated with the Department of Defense. (...) "Space Shuttle" under certain conditions, according to some experts, can be used as a carrier of striking means.
  Work on the search for the technical appearance and the feasibility of creating such a system began at NASA in September 1969 (...)
  (...) An analysis took place, as a result of which, L.I. Brezhnev (with the active support of D.F. Ustinov) decided to develop a set of alternative measures in order to ensure guaranteed security of the country (...) The leading role in the development of alternative means was assigned to the Ministry of General Machine Building (...)
  The most difficult, tense period was from the beginning of 1982, when the full scope of work on "Buran" was approaching its maximum. Sergey Afanasyev organized and managed the work impressively. His powerful figure against the background of the building structures of the Universal Stand-Start Complex, a huge pit, unique systems. People compared him with a commander. He saw every detail, he understood everything and he demanded everything (...) '(Oleg Baklanov quotes Boris Ivanovich Gubanov).
  "Buran" (and "Energia' rocket) - GKChP = Oleg Baklanov's confident place in the history of cosmonautics ...
  Comment. Сам себе голова - Об абсолютно независимом, самостоятельном человеке. He is his own head - A completely independent, independent person. [A proverb]
  [MMСCCI. Alexander Shliapnikov and Oleg Baklanov. (And Victor Hugo.) Dreams and hopes. A biographical note. - August 5, 2021].
  August 7, 2021 02:05
  Translation from Russian into English: August 8, 2021 03:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Наполеон: мой учитель Баррас. Некоторые подробности жизненного пути Олега Бакланова. Очерк биографической реконструкции'.
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