Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Stalin. Historical Context

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  • Аннотация:

  1. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok).
  2. The Story about Koporye.
  3. Dialogue about the Truce of Deulino.
  4. The dialogue about Peter the Great.
  5. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807).
  6. Dialogue about Gorchakov.
  7. The Tale about conversation between Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton.
  8. Leo Tolstoy. The debtors and creditors. Essay.
  9. The Tale of October 17.
  10. Dialogue about the general baron von Taube.
  11. The Tale of Six Percent.
  12. The Tale of the Kuropatkin Patience.
  13. Interview on the riddle of the Fourth State Duma.
  14. The Tale of lists.
  15. The Tale of Umberto Nobile.
  16. The Story about the Astronomer and about the Empty Safe.
  17. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg.
  18. The Tale about Daladier.
  19. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs.
  20. The Tale about two awards.
  21. The fairy tale about one hundredth of one percent.
  22. The Tale about the Academician Tarle.
  23. The Fairy Tale about October 10, 1941.
  24. The Short Story about the Navy of railways.
  25. The Short Story about Artillery.
  26. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka.
  27. Questions about the crying Supreme Commander.
  28. The Fairy Tale about the King of stellar creativity.
  29. The Tale of new songs.
  30. The Story about Igor Kurchatov.
  31. The Tale of blue railway car.
  32. "Attracts invincibly". M. Gorky and Yu. Trifonov. Indulgence in family. Essay.
  33. The Monologue of Historical and Legal Figure.
  34. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money.
  35. Dialogue about pleasant café.
  36. The Fairy Tale of the Amadeus Hoffmann's walk through Berlin.
  37. The Fairy Tale about a new textbook. The author Vyshinsky.
  1. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)
  Рассказ о Новогрудке
  The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)
  Читатель отвлекся от толстого тома, страницы которого он листал. Парк, тень деревьев, цветы... Все это отвлекало внимание.
  The Reader has distracted from thick volume, the pages of which he was flipping through. Park, shadow of trees, flowers... All this distracted attention.
  К скамейке, на которой он расположился, подошла Читательница.
  The Readeress has approached a bench, where the Reader watched the park.
  - Совсем другое дело! - поприветствовал ее Читатель. - Вижу: хорошее настроение! Именно такое требуется для изучения истории!
  - Quite another matter! - the Reader has greeted her. - I see: you have a good mood! It is required for studying of a history!
  - У меня хорошее настроение после изучения истории по "географическому принципу"! После рассказа о Копорье! - ответила Читательница. Она присела на скамейку и заявила:
  - I have a good mood after studying of a history by "the geographical principle"! After the story about Koporye! - the Readeress has answered. She has sat down on a bench and has said:
  - Жду еще одного рассказа!
  - I wait for a one more story!
  - Когда же я дочитаю этот том? - слегка задумался Читатель. - Впрочем, полезно переключиться с чтения на связное устное изложение исторической информации.
  - When will I read up this volume? - the Reader has slightly thought. - However, it is useful to switch from a reading to the coherent oral statement of the historical information.
  Он на секунду задумался:
  He for a second has thought:
  - Пожалуй, расскажу о Новогрудке!
  - Perhaps, I will tell about Navahrudak (Novogrudok)!
  - О Новогрудке? - разочаровано отреагировала Читательница. - Как-то странно звучит. Что это за населенный пункт?
  - About Navahrudak (Novogrudok)? - the Readeress reacted with disappointment. - It sounds somehow strange. What the settlement it is?
  - Да, есть такой город. И в названии "Новогрудок", и в истории Новогрудка сконцентрирована весьма объемная историческая информация. (Еще о названии. Англоязычная статья (перевод) Большой Советской Энциклопедии (1979) получила название "Novogrudok". Версия Википедии - "Navahrudak").
  - Yes, there is such the city. And in the name "Navahrudak" ('Novogrudok'), and in the history of Navahrudak (Novogrudok) is concentrated a very volume of the historical information. (More about the title. The English-language article of the (translated) Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979) was titled "Novogrudok". The version of Wikipedia - "Navahrudak").
  Читательница с недоверием посмотрела на рассказчика.
  The Readeress with mistrust has looked at the story-teller.
  - В средние века, - продолжал Читатель, - безопасные европейские торговые связи ограничивались прибрежными морями. Назовем "основные": Балтийское и Северное - на севере, Средиземное - на юге. Есть, конечно, и исключения. Например, Португалия омывается не каким-либо морем, а Атлантическим океаном.
  - In the Middle Ages, - the Reader continued, - a safe European commercial relations were limited to the coastal seas. We will call "main" seas: Baltic and Northern - in the north, Mediterranean - in the south. There are, of course, also exceptions. For example, Portugal is washed not by any sea, but the Atlantic Ocean.
  - Португалия! Испания! Средиземное море! - ассоциативно высказалась Читательница.
  - Portugal! Spain! Mediterranean Sea! - the Readeress expressed associatively.
  - Через реки, впадающие в Балтийское море, - терпеливо продолжал Читатель, - открывались пути в южном направлении, в глубь европейского континента.
  - Through the rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, - the Reader patiently continued, - ways in the southern direction, in the depth of the European continent opened.
  В чем состоял интерес торговых операций в "северо-южном" и обратном "юго-северном" направлениях?
  In what did the interest of trade operations in the "North-southern" and the "South-northern" the directions consist?
  В обмене товарами между Европой (Северной Европой) и Византией, Аравией, Ираном, Индией.
  The interest was in the exchange of goods between Europe (Northern Europe) and Byzantine Empire, Arabia, Iran, India.
  А какие это реки? Текущие с севера на юг? И впадающие в Балтийское море?
  And what it is the rivers? Which are flowing from the North to the South? And flowing into the Baltic Sea?
  Читатель сделал вид, что вопросы - риторические. И продолжил:
  The Reader has pretended that questions - rhetorical. Also he have continued:
  - В числе крупных рек, впадающих в Балтийское море, по которым шли торговые пути "север-юг", можно назвать Западную Двину и Неман.
  - Among the large rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, along which there were trade ways "North-South", it is possible to call the Western Dvina and Neman.
  Читатель сделал паузу.
  The Reader has made a pause.
  - От географических понятий перейдем к "политическим". Предполагаю, к общеизвестным. Или просто известным: "Киевская Русь", "Полоцкое княжество", "Союз литовских князей", "Великое княжество Литовское".
  - From geographical concepts we will pass to "political" notions. As I assume, to the well-known. Or simply the known: "Kievan Rus' ", "The Principality of Polotsk", "the Union of the Lithuanian princes", "Grand Duchy of Lithuania".
  Эти политические понятия связаны с вышеназванными географическими: "Западная Двина" и "Неман".
  These political notions are connected with the above-named geographical: the Western Dvina and the Neman.
  Полоцкое княжество с конца IX века входило в состав Киевской Руси.
  The Principality of Polotsk since the end of the 9th century was a part of Kievan Rus'.
  Это княжество располагалось в бассейнах pек Западная Двина, Березина, Неман, на важном для Руси торговом водном пути.
  This Principality was located in basins of the rivers the Western Dvina, Berezina, Neman, on the trade waterway, important for the Rus'.
  При впадении Западной Двины (Даугавы) в Балтийское море (в Рижский залив) расположен город Рига.
  At the place of confluence of the Western Dvina (Daugava) with the Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Riga) the city of Riga is located.
  - Рига! - с некоторым удовольствием повторила Читательница.
  - Riga! - with some pleasure the Readeress has spoken.
  - В середине XI - XII веков, - продолжил Читатель, - путь в Иран проходил через Новгород, Смоленск и Полоцк: по Волге, через Итиль и далее по Каспийскому морю.
  - In the middle of the XI-XII centuries, - the Reader has continued, - the way to Iran passed through Novgorod, Smolensk and Polotsk: along Volga, through Itil and further across the Caspian Sea.
  Путь в Византию и Скандинавию (путь "из варяг в греки"), помимо главного направления (Днепр - Ловать), имел ещё ответвление и через Западную Двину.
  The way to Byzantine Empire and Scandinavia ('Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks'), besides the main direction (Dnieper - Lovat), had still a branch and through the Western Dvina.
  В чем тут "фишка"? От Днепра по Ловати - значит через Новгород. От Днепра через Западную Двину - значит, через Полоцкое княжество, к Рижскому заливу. Право выбора! Наличие альтернативы. Запасной вариант.
  In what here a question? From Dnieper across Lovat - means: through Novgorod. From Dnieper through the Western Dvina - means: through the Polotsk principality, to the Gulf of Riga. Right of choice! Existence of an alternative. A spare option.
  - Да! - отреагировала Читательница.
  - Yes! - the Readeress has reacted.
  - На 3апад вели два направления, - добавил Читатель, - из Киева в Центральную Европу (Моравия, Чехия, Польша, Южная Германия) и из Новгорода и Полоцка через Балтийское море в Скандинавию и Южную Прибалтику. (Среди важных географических точек - места слияния трех рек Невы, Западной Двины (Даугавы), Немана с Балтийским морем).
  - To the West the two directions were conducting, - the Reader has added, - from Kiev to Central Europe (Moravia, the Czech land, Poland, the Southern Germany) and from Novgorod and Polotsk through the Baltic Sea to Scandinavia and the Southern Baltics. (Among the important geographical points - the places of confluence of the three rivers Neva, Western Dvina (Daugava), Neman with the Baltic Sea. ).
  И вот в нашем рассказе появляется Новогрудок.
  And here the Navahrudak is appeared in our story.
  Читательница насторожилась.
  The Readeress has focused her attention.
  - Местоположения Новогрудка, - пояснил Читатель, - связано с рекой - Неманом (по-польски Niemen, по-литовски Nomunas, по-немепки Memel). Новогрудок так же, как и Полоцк, расположен в глубине континента. При впадении Немана в Балтийское море расположены несколько балтийских портов (наиболее известен Клайпеда - бывший Мемель).
  - The location of the Navahrudak (Novogrudok), - the Reader explained, - is correlated with the river - Neman (in Polish Niemen, in Lithuanian Nemunas, in German language - Memel). The Navahrudak as well as Polotsk, is located in the depth of the continent. At confluence of Neman with the Baltic Sea several Baltic ports are located (the most known is the Klaipeda - the former Memel).
  Неподалеку от Новогрудка Неман становится судоходен для небольших судов.
  Near the Navahrudak (Novogrudok) the Neman it becomes navigable for small vessels.
  В 1132 Киевская Русь в результате феодальной раздробленности распалась.
  In 1132 Kievan Rus' has disintegrated as a result of feudal dissociation.
  Итак, - подвел промежуточный итог Читатель, - "Киевская Русь", "Полоцкое княжество", "Новогрудок", "Неман", "Мемель", "Балтийское море".
  So, - the Reader has summed up the intermediate result, - 'Kievan Rus'', "The Polotsk principality", 'the Navahrudak' ('Novogrudok'), 'Neman', 'Memel', 'Baltic Sea'.
  - Взаимосвязанные понятия, - высказалась Читательница.
  - The interconnected notions, - the Readeress has spoken.
  - Допустимый вывод, - подтвердил Читатель. - Рассказываю дальше.
  - An admissible conclusion, - the Reader has confirmed. - I'm telling further.
  Видимо, к 1132 году уже возникло объединение литовских князей.
  Probably, by 1132 there was already created an association of Lithuanian princes.
  По сообщению Галицко-Волынской летописи, в русско-литовском договоре 1219 года упоминается союз литовских князей во главе со "старейшими" князьями, владевшими землями.
  According to the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle, in the Rus'-Lithuanian contract of 1219 is mentioned the union of Lithuanian princes headed by the "oldest" ("elder") princes owning lands.
  Феодальная раздробленность Киевской Руси, нашествие Батыя, размещение на Балтийском побережьи Тевтонского Ордена и Ордена меченосцев способствовали политической реорганизации государственных структур, расположенных в бассейнах pек Западная Двина, Неман.
  The feudal dissociation of Kievan Rus', the invasion of Rus' by Batu Khan, the arrival on the Baltic coast of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword promoted political reorganization of the government institutions, which were located in basins of the rivers the Western Dvina, Neman.
  Мы наблюдаем своего рода "сгущение" исторических событий.
  We observe some kind of the "condensation" of historical events.
  1198 год - Из Палестины в Прибалтику перебазируется Тевтонский Орден.
  1198 - From Palestine to the Baltics the Teutonic Order relocates his the base.
  1201 год - Высадившиеся у устья Двины (Рига) меченосцы объединились в Орден божьих рыцарей меча, известный под именем Ливонского ордена.
  1201 - The Christ Knights, Sword Brethren, who have landed at the mouth of Dvina (Riga) have united in the Order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword known under a name of the Livonian Order.
  1237-1238 Нашествие Батыя на Северо-Восточную Русь.
  1237-1238 The invasion of the Northeast Rus' by Batu Khan.
  Раздробленность и распад Киевской Руси, действия рыцарских Орденов, нашествие Батыя, выгодность использования балтийской торговли (в том числе по рекам Западная Двина и Неман) - все эти обстоятельства способствовали формированию Великого княжества Литовского.
  The dissociation and disintegration of Kievan Rus', action of knightly Orders, invasion by Batu Khan, the advantages of usage of the Baltic trade (including along the rivers the Western Dvina and the Neman) - all these circumstances promoted formation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  1252-1263 - правление Миндовга, первого князя, возглавившего Великое княжество Литовское.
  1252-1263 - Period of reign of Mindaugas, the first prince who has headed Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the first Grand Duke of Lithuania).
  В 40-е годы XIII в. князь Миндовг объединил земли, населенные будущими литовцами, и Черную Русь с городами Слоним, Новогрудок, Волковыск (земли Полоцкого княжества).
  In the 40th years of the 13th century Mindaugas has united the lands, inhabited by future Lithuanians, and Black Ruthenia (the Black Rus') (with the cities of Slonim, Navahrudak, Volkovysk) (the lands of the Principality of Polotsk).
  1254 - основание г.Сарая - столицы "Золотой Орды".
  1254 - the Sarai (city) was founded - the capital of Golden Horde.
  Процесс образования Великого княжества Литовского завершился в 50-е годы XIII века.
  Process of formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has come to the end in the 50th years of the 13th century.
  Похоже, установление вассального подчинения ряда княжеств Золотой Орде не случайно шло параллельно с развитием Великого княжества Литовского. Вхождение в Княжество было, возможно, вполне приемлемой альтернативой подчинению Орде.
  It seems that establishment of vassal submission of a number of principalities to the Golden Horde not accidentally went in parallel with development of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Entry into the Grand Duchy was, possibly, quite acceptable alternative to submission to the Horde.
  Великое княжество Литовское Орде не подчинялось. Иногда успешно противостояло в военных столкновениях. Было самостоятельным.
  The Grand Duchy of Lithuania didn't submit to the Horde. Sometimes successfully resisted in military collisions. Was independent.
  Поcле распада Киевской Руси в XIII веке земли Южной и Западной Руси (Полоцкого, Киевского, Черниговского и др.) в XIV веке вошли в состав Великого княжества Литовского.
  After disintegration of Kievan Rus' in the 13th century the lands of the Southern and Western Rus' (Polotsk, Kiev, Chernihiv, etc.) in the 14th century became a parts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Новогрудок - в составе Великого княжества Литовского. Высказывается мнение, что Новогрудок был столицей, а возможно и первой столицей, Великого княжества Литовского.
  Navahrudak (Novogrudok) - the part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The opinion is expressed that Navahrudak was the capital, and it is possible also - the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  - Для современного любителя истории, - Читатель задумчиво посмотрел на листву растущего рядом дерева, - следует сделать терминологическое разъяснение.
  - For the modern fan of a history science, - the Reader has thoughtfully looked at foliage of the tree growing nearby, - it is necessary to make the terminological explanation.
  Для современного человека слово "Литва" ассоциируется с современной Литвой - государством со сравнительно небольшой территорией на берегу Балтийского моря.
  For the modern person the word "Lithuania" is associated with modern Lithuania - the state with rather small territory on the bank of the Baltic Sea.
  Однако такое (или близкое по смыслу) значение в понятие "Литва" стало вкладываться только со второй половины XIX века.
  However such (or the close) the meaning a public began to invest in the notion "Lithuania" only from the second half of the 19th century.
  А до второй половины XIX века, то есть примерно до 1850-х годов "Литва" ассоциировалось с наименованием Великого княжества Литовского - другого государства (с другой территорией и другой величины).
  And before the second half of the 19th century, that is approximately till 1850th years, Lithuania was associated with the name of Grand Duchy of Lithuania - other state (with other territory and other size).
  В XIV веке, с 1316 года по 1382 год, Великое княжество Литовское значительно расширило свои владения, присоединив волынские, витебские, турово-пинские, киевские, переяславские, подольские, чернигово-северские земли и др.
  In the 14th century, from 1316 to 1382, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has considerably expanded his possessions, having attached the lands of Volyn, Vitebsk, Turov and Pinsk, Kiev, Pereyaslavl, Podolsk, Chernigov and Seversk , etc.
  В целях объединения сил для борьбы с наступлением рыцарских орденов, учитывая усилившиеся экономические связи Литовского княжества и Польши, великий литовский князь Ягайло (1377-1392) заключил с Польшей династическую Кревскую унию 1385 года.
  For association of forces for a struggle against an approach of knightly Orders, taking into account the amplifying economic relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jogaila (1377-1392) has concluded with Poland the dynastic the Union of Krewo of 1385.
  Ягайло вступил в брак с польской королевой Ядвигой. Стал королем Польши.
  Jogaila has married the Polish queen Jadwiga. He became the King of Poland (Wladyslaw II Jagiello).
  В 1392 в Великом княжестве Литовском был назначен великим князем Витовт, брат Ягайло.
  In 1392 Vytautas, the brother of Jogaila, became the Grand Duke of Lithuania.
  Витовт довел границы Литовского княжества с Москвой до реки Угры. То есть, Смоленск оказался в границах Литовского княжества.
  Vytautas has brought borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Moscow to the Ugra River (left tributary of the Oka River). That is, Smolensk has appeared in borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Династическая уния дала свой политический результат.
  The dynastic union has provided the political result.
  15 июля 1410 года объединенная польско-литовско-русская армия под командованием польского короля Владислава II Ягелло (Ягайло) и литовского великого князя Витовта в Грюнвальдской битве разгромили войска Тевтонского ордена.
  On July 15, 1410 the joint Polish-Lithuanian-Rus' army under command of the Polish King Wladyslaw II Jagiello and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas in the Battle of Grunwald have crushed the troops of the Teutonic Order.
  Между династической унией 1385 года и государственной унией (объединением двух государств Польши и Литовского княжества) в 1569 году прошло почти два века.
  Between the dynastic union of 1385 and the creation of the state union (the association of two states of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) in 1569 there have passed nearly two centuries.
  Подробно двухвековой период не охарактеризуешь.
  There nоt a possibility to characterize in detail the two-centuries period.
  Но приведу пару примеров для общей ориентации.
  But I will give couple of examples for the general orientation.
  После смерти Казимира (1492) в Литве был отдельный великий князь литовский (господарь) Александр (1492-1506), который с 1501 года одновременно был избран и на польский престол. В 1506 литовцы самостоятельно, без участия польской шляхты, выбрали великим князем (господарем) Сигизмунда I, в 1529 году избрали еще при жизни Сигизмунда I его малолетнего сына Сигизмунда II Августа. Поляки, следуя за литовцами, избирали на польский престол тех же лиц.
  After Casimir's death (1492) in Lithuania there was a seperate the Grand Duke Alexander (1492-1506) who since 1501 has been at the same time elected also to the Polish throne. In 1506 Lithuanians independently, without participation of the Polish szlachta, have chosen Sigismund I as the Grand Duke, in 1529 have elected during lifetime of Sigismund I his son Sigismund II Augustus. Poles, following Lithuanians, elected to the Polish throne the same persons.
  Есть основания для вывода: личная уния поддерживалась в добровольном порядке.
  There are bases for a conclusion: the personal (dynastic) union was supported in a voluntary order.
  Другие факты из того же двухвекового периода.
  Other facts from the same two-centuries period.
  Родившийся ориентировочно в 1490 году в Полоцке Франциск Скорина в 1504 году учился в Краковском университете, где получил степень бакалавра философии. В 1512 году Скорина в Падуанском университете сдал экзамен на степень доктора медицины. Издательская деятельность Скорины началась в Праге. В 1517 году он выпустил "Псалтырь" на славянском языке В начале 20-х годов Скорина переехал в Вильнюс (территорию в то время Великого княжества Литовского), где основал первую на территории СССР типографию. В 1522 Скорина выпустил "Малую подорожную книжицу", а в 1525 -"Апостол" на славянском языке.
  Francisk Skorina, who was born approximately in 1490 in Polotsk (Polatsk), in 1504 studied at the Jagiellonian University (the University of Krakow ) where he has received Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1512 Scorina at the University of Padua in Italy has passed examination for a doctorate in medicine. The publishing activity of Skorina has begun in Prague. In 1517 he has published "The Psalter" in the Old Belarusian (Old Ruthenian). In the early twenties Scorina has moved to Wilno (Vilnius) (the territory at that time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) where he has founded printing house, the first in the territory of the USSR. In 1522 Scorina has released 'The Little Travel Book', and in 1525 - 'Apostol' in Slavic language.
  С именем Скорины связано становление белорусского литературного языка и развитие белорусской письменности.
  Formation of the Belarusian literary language and development of the Belarusian writing is connected with the name of Skorina.
  Раз речь зашла о языке, то попутно замечу, что литовская письменность появилась в XVI веке.
  Time it has come about language, I will in passing notice that the Lithuanian writing has appeared in the 16th century.
  Ливонская война 1558-1583 годов с ее напряжением и неудачами побудила шляхту литовского княжества к более тесному союзу с Польшей. На общем с поляками великом сейме в Люблине в 1569 году акт унии был утвержден: Великое княжество Литовское и Королевство Польское были слиты в одно государство - Речь Посполитую.
  The Livonian war of 1558-1583 with her tension and failures has induced a szlachta of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to closer union with Poland. On the common with Poles great Sejm of 1569 in Lublin the act of the union has been approved: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Kingdom have been merged to one state - Rzeczpospolita.
  В исторической литературе констатируется, что Люблинская уния прекратила самостоятельное существование Литовско-русского княжества.
  In historical literature it is noted that the Union of Lublin has stopped independent existence of the Lithuanian-Rus' state.
  С одной стороны, сложно оспаривать этот тезис. С другой стороны, так называемый Литовский статут действовал до 1840 года.
  On the one hand, it is difficult to challenge this thesis. On the other hand, the so-called the Statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the Lithuanian statute) was functioning till 1840.
  Самостоятельная политическая жизнь так называемой литовской шляхты так же имела место. Если Литовское княжество и продолжало существовать, то не как суверенное государство, но как автономная часть федеративного государства Речи Посполитой.
  The independent political life of a so-called the Lithuanian szlachta also was taking place. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania also continued to exist, but not as the sovereign state, and as an autonomous part of the federal state Rzeczpospolita.
  Можно предположить, что новое государство - Речь Посполитая - для литовской шляхты не установило никаких ограничений, сложностей или ухудшений. Жизнь шла "по-прежнему", но с дополнительными правовыми и демократическим гарантиями.
  It is possible to assume that the new state - Rzeczpospolita - for the Lithuanian szlachta hasn't set any restrictions, difficulties or deteriorations. Life went "still", "as earlier", but with additional legal and democratic guarantees.
  В новом государстве существовало формальное равенство польской и литовской шляхты.
  In the new state there was a formal equality of the Polish and the Lithuanian szlachta.
  Есть основания полагать, что польская культура имела привлекательность для шляхты Литовского княжества. Уроженцы Великого княжества Литовского, шляхтичи по происхождению, добровольно воспринимали польскую культуру. Они писали, главным образом, по-польски и лишь изредка по-белорусски.
  There are bases to believe that the Polish culture had an attractiveness for the szlachta of the Grand Duchy. Natives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, members of the szlachta by origin, voluntarily perceived the Polish culture. They wrote, mainly, in Polish and only occasionally in Belarusian.
  Восприятие шляхтой польской культуры объясняет, возможно, причину частого наименования уже возникшей Речи Посполитой "Польшей".
  The perception by the szlachta of the Polish culture explains, perhaps, the reasons of the frequent naming "Poland" of already arisen the Rzeczpospolita.
  Естественно, Новогрудок вошел в состав Речи Посполитой.
  Naturally, Navahrudak (Novogrudok) was a part of the Rzeczpospolita.
  1569 год, год образования Речи Посполитой, дал старт нескольким историческим процессам.
  1569, year of formation of the Rzeczpospolita, have given start to several historical processes.
  - Это любопытно! - отреагировала Читательница.
  - It is curious! - the Readeress has reacted.
  - Во-первых, - продолжил Читатель, - 1569 год дал старт развитию конституционной монархии и такого сословия как шляхта.
  - First, - the Reader has continued, - 1569 has given start to development of the constitutional monarchy and such the estate as the szlachta.
  Уже до 1569 года (до создания Речи Посполитой) наблюдается политический рост шляхты: она объединяется, знакомится с положением государственных дел, начинает формулировать и выдвигать на сеймах большую "программу реформ" в своих интересах.
  Till 1569 (before creation of the Rzeczpospolita) the political growth of a szlachta is observed: szlachta consolidates, gets acquainted with the provision of public affairs, begins to formulate and put forward on sejms the big "program of reforms" in the own interests.
  Речь Посполитая стала развиваться как сословная выборная конституционная монархия.
  The Rzeczpospolita began to developing as the estate elective constitutional monarchy (the Republic of People's Nobles).
  Высшей властью был объявлен сейм.
  The Sejm (Parliament) was announced the higher authority of the state.
  Можно с достаточной долей уверенности предполагать, что все или большинство Великих Литовских князей до 1569 года были этнически связаны с этническими литовцами (или их предшественниками).
  It is possible with a sufficient share of confidence to assume that all or most of Grand Dukes of Lithuania till 1569 have been ethnically connected with ethnic Lithuanians (or their predecessors).
  Однако, после создания Речи Посполитой, после объявления Сейма высшим органом власти эта возможная этническая связь стала второстепенной.
  However, after creation of the Rzeczpospolita, after the announcement of Sejm the supreme authority this the possible ethnic link became not very important.
  На первый план выдвинулось большинство населения, выходцами из которого были народные дворяне - шляхта.
  The most of the population, and the szlachta, - the people's nobles, - who were the natives of this most of the population, were becoming as (the most) important political factor.
  Ясно, что большинство населения Великого княжество было НЕ ЛИТОВСКИМ по своей этнической принадлежности.
  It's clear, that most of the population the Grand Duchy was NOT LITHUANIAN on the ethnic origin.
  Следовательно с момента объявления Сейма высшим органом государственной власти (ориентировочно с 1569 года) наименование Княжества стало соответствовать исторической традиции, но не политическим реалиям.
  Consequently, since the announcement of the Sejm by the highest authority of state power (approximately since 1569), the name of the Grand Duchy has become consistent with historical tradition, but not a political realities.
  Наименования государств 'конструируются' по-разному.
  Names of the states were "designing" differently.
  Возьмем для аналогии Соединенные Штаты Америки.
  We will take the United States of America for analogy.
  Жил итальянский исследователь, финансист, навигатор и картограф - с именем Америго и фамилией Веспуччи.
  There lived the an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer - with the name of Amerigo and the surname of Vespucci.
  Его имя было 'применено' для наименования определенной территории.
  His name has been "applied" for the naming of a particular territory.
  На части этой территории возникло государство, в названии которого присутствует как имя ученого (элемент наименования территории) - Америка, - и особенности государственного устройства - Соединенные Штаты.
  On a part of this territory there was arised a state at which name is present as a name of the scientist (an element of the name of the territory) - America, - and features of state system - the United States.
  Итак, если рассуждать по аналогии в отношении территории Великого княжества, то
  So, if to argue by analogy concerning a territory of the Grand duchy, then
  Во-первых, мы берем имя гуманиста, врача, переводчика и одного из первых книгоиздателей Восточной Европы (деятеля культуры) - Франциска Скорины. То есть имя - Франциск.
  Firstly, we take the name of the humanist, physician, translator and one of the first book publishers in Eastern Europe (the cultural figure) - Francisk Skorina. That is, the name is - Francisk (Francis).
  Во-вторых, даем наименование обшрным территориям Великого княжества по его имени. Получаем, например, Францискания.
  Secondly, we give the name to vast territories of the Grand duchy on his name. We receive, for example, the Franciscania.
  В-третьих, добавляем характеристику особенностей государственного устройства: Республика (Республика Народных Дворян).
  Thirdly, we add the characteristic of features of state system: the Republic (Republic of People's Nobles).
  В итоге остается неизменным 'Польша' (что соответствует и традиции и историческим реалиям), но получаем два новых наименования:
  As a result there is invariable the "Poland" (that corresponds to both tradition and historical realities), but receive two new names:
  1.Францисканская Республика Народных дворян (Речь Посполитая),
  1.Franciscan Republic of People's Nobles (the Rzeczpospolita), (the United States of Franciscania).
  2. Великое княжество Францискания (или - Францисканское государство).
  2. Franciscan Grand Duchy (or - the Franciscan state) (or - Grand Duchy of Franciscania).
  Такой вариант рассуждений хотя и является гипотетически ретроспективным, но в большей степени соответствует историческим и политическим реалиям после 1569 года по сравнению с названием 'Великое княжество Литовское'.
  Such option of reasonings though is a hypothetically retrospective, but more corresponds to historical and political realities, arised after 1569, in comparison with the name "Grand Duchy of Lithuania".
  Король стал выборным, причем он обязан был подчиняться постановлениям сейма.
  The King became elective, and he has been obliged to submit to resolutions of the Sejm.
  Судебные дела шляхты были изъяты из ведения королевских апелляционных судов и переданы двум трибуналам (один для Польши, а другой для Литвы), состоявшим из выборных от шляхты депутатов.
  Lawsuits of a szlachta have been withdrawn from the maintaining royal Courts of Appeal and transferred to two tribunals (one for Poland, and another for Grand Duchy), which were consisting of elective deputies from a szlachta.
  Шляхте удалось достигнуть полноты государственной власти в таких размерах и формах, которые были недостижимы для дворянства других стран Европы (кроме, наверное, Англии).
  The szlachta managed to reach completeness of the power in such sizes and forms which were unattainable for the nobility of other countries of Europe (except, probably, England).
  В числе важных прав шляхты - участвовать в выборах депутатов в сейм, в выборах короля. В числе существенных правовых гарантий - неприкосновенность имущества и личности и т. п.
  Among the important rights of a szlachta - to participate in elections of deputies to the Sejm, in elections of the king. Among essential legal safeguards - the immunity (protection) of a property and a personality, etc.
  Спецификой шляхты была её относительная многочисленность - от 8 процентов до 20 процентов населения в разных районах Речи Посполитой - при наличии категорий малоземельной и безземельной шляхты.
  The relative - the significant - share of a szlachta in all population was peculiarity, specificity of those representatives. From 8 percent to 20 percent of the population in different regions of the Rzeczpospolita were the members of a szlachta (with categories of a not rich and a landless szlachta).
  Господствующее привилегированное положение шляхты сочеталось с традиционным запретом "нешляхетских" занятий (ремесло, торговля и др.). Возможно, этот запрет был весьма относительным. Личное участие мелкой шляхты в сельскохозяйственном производстве и шляхты вообще в хлебной торговле было обычным делом.
  The dominating privileged position of a szlachta was combined with the traditional bans on a "non szlachta" occupations (craft, trade, etc.). Perhaps, this ban was very relative. Personal participation of a not rich szlachta in agricultural production and the szlachta, in common, in a grain trade was a commonplace.
  Переход из других сословий в шляхту, как можно предположить, был в разные исторические периоды подчинен разным правилам. Однако можно отметить, что первоначально под шляхтой понималось рыцарство. И если говорить именно о рыцарстве, то исторические источники свидетельствуют о том, что получение статуса рыцаря было достаточно распространенной и относительно не сложной процедурой.
  The transition from other estates to a szlachta, as it is possible to assume, during the different historical periods has been subordinated to different rules. However it is possible to note that originally the members of the szlachta were perceived as knights. And if to speak about knights, then historical sources demonstrate, that obtaining the status of the knight was rather widespread and rather not a difficult procedure.
  Одной из мер царского правительства после подавления Польского восстания 1830-1831 годов явился "разбор" шляхты - перевод мелкой шляхты в однодворцы.
  One of measures of the imperial government after suppression of the Polish revolt of 1830-1831 was "analysis" (razbor, разбор - separation, сепарация) of a szlachta. It was the forced change of a status of not rich members of a szlachta to a status of the "one-house-owners" (однодворцы).
  Такой "разбор", возможно, служит косвенным подтверждением того, что значительный процент шляхты составляло обычное свободное трудовое среднее по достатку крестьянство.
  Such the "analysis", perhaps, serves as indirect confirmation that considerable percent of a szlachta was an ordinary, a not rich the peasantry, - the humans of a free labor.
  Последовавшие после разделов Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке восстания, массовые конфискации земельной собственности и ссылки, вынужденные перемещения (переезды) привели к появлению на огромных просторах между Днепром и Тихим океаном значительного числа людей энергичных, образованных или склонных к получению образования, подготовленных к интеллектуальному сложному труду, требующему личной инициативы. Имевших культурный кругозор и склонность к интеллектуальным занятиям. Перемещавшихся в ряды интеллигенции.
  The revolts which have followed after the partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century, mass confiscations of the landed property and an mass exile (to Siberia and other regions of Russia), not voluntary relocations have led to emergence on huge open spaces between Dnieper and the Pacific Ocean of considerable number of people - vigorous, educated or inclined to education, prepared for the intellectual complex work, the work, demanding a personal initiative. They were representatives, having a cultural outlook and tendency to intellectual occupations. They were filling the ranks of the intellectuals.
  - Во-вторых, - продолжил Читатель, - 1569 год ускорил развитие ситуации на Украине (в Украине).
  - Secondly, - the Reader has continued, - 1569 has accelerated development of the situation in Ukraine.
  Одним из условий Люблинской унии 1569 года был переход юго-восточных земель Литовского государства (Волыни, Подолии, Киевской земли и других) непосредственно под управление Польши.
  Transition of southeast lands of the Grand Duchy (Volhynia, Podolia, the Kiev lands and others) directly under management of Poland was one of conditions of the Lublin union of 1569.
  В результате этого политического изменения возникла напряженность в национально-религиозных вопросах, связанным с церковной унией конца XVI века. Противники унии официально приравнивались в польских государственных актах к уголовным преступникам. Следствием этой политики было ожесточение большинства украинского населения.
  The tension in national and religious questions was the result of this political change. The tension was connected with the Church union of the end of the 16th century. Opponents of the union were officially equated in the Polish state acts to criminals. The exasperation of most of the Ukrainian population was a consequence of this policy.
  В восстаниях участвовали как крестьянство и городские слои, так и реестровое казачество.
  Both the peasantry and city layers, and the Registered Cossacks participated in revolts.
  Непрерывно обостряясь в течение первой половины XVII века, положение на Украине привело в 1648 году к весьма напряженной вооруженной борьбе.
  Continuously becoming aggravated during the first half of the 17th century, the situation in Ukraine has led in 1648 to the very intense armed struggle.
  Борьба на Украине приняла затяжной характер. В поисках поддержки гетман Богдан Хмельницкий пришел к соглашению с Россией, с которой Украину сближали моменты национально-религиозного порядка. В октябре 1653 года царь принял Украину под свою "высокую руку". В 1654 году началась новая война между Россией и Речью Посполитой, закончившаяся лишь в 1667 году Андрусовским договором, по которому Москва получила Левобережную Украину и Киев, а также Смоленск и Северскую землю. Правобережная Украина и Белоруссия остались под властью Речи Посполитой.
  The fight in Ukraine has accepted a long character. In search of support Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky came to an agreement with Russia, which demonstrated a common - with Ukraine - feachers of national-religious order. In October, 1653 the tsar has accepted Ukraine under the "high hand". In 1654 the new war between Russia and the Rzeczpospolita has began. The war has ended only in 1667 with the Treaty of Andrusovo, according which Moscow has received Left-bank Ukraine and Kiev and also Smolensk and the Seversk land. Right-bank Ukraine and Belarus remained under the power of the Rzeczpospolita.
  В-третьих, есть основания полагать, что создание Речи Посполитой в 1569 году способствовало экономическому подъему.
  Thirdly, there are bases to believe that the creation of the Rzeczpospolita in 1569 was useful for an economic recovery.
  С конца XV века Польша выступила в качестве "хлебного амбара Европы", снабжая сельскохозяйственными продуктами южно- и западно-европейские страны.
  Since the end of the 15th century Poland has acted as "a grain barn of Europe", supplying with agricultural products the Southern and Western European countries.
  Шляхта монополизировала торговлю хлебом, который она сбывала иностранным купцам или торговой буржуазии формально принадлежавшего Польше, но фактически полунезависимого, города Данцига (Гданьск).
  The szlachta monopolized the trade by bread which she marketed to foreign merchants or the trade bourgeoisie through the formally belonging to Poland, but actually semi-independent, the city of Danzig (Gdansk).
  Хлебная торговля в огромной степени повысила экономического значение основного экспортера-шляхты и послужила источником упрочения и расширения ее социально-политического господства.
  The grain trade in huge degree has increased the economic significance of the main exporter - the szlachta, - and was a source of consolidation and expansion of a socio-political domination of the szlachta.
  В 1648 год вывоз хлеба из Польши достигает предельных цифр-1.800 тысяч ц.
  In 1648 export of bread from Poland reaches limit figures - 1.800 of thousands of centners.
  В литературных источниках высказывается точка зрения, что политикой шляхты польское купечество было лишено возможности взять в свои руки эту торговлю, что бюргерство (ремесленники и купечество) были поставлены в условия постепенного оскудения из-за иностранной конкуренции и политического бесправия, что польские города в конце XVI и XVII веков приходили в упадок, что, таким образом, Польша якобы лишилась буржуазии.
  The point of view is expressed in literary sources that the Polish merchants have been deprived by the szlachta policy: the Polish merchants had no opportunity to take in hand grain trade. That the burghers (handicraftsmen and merchants) have been put in conditions of gradual impoverishment because of the foreign competition and political lawlessness, that the Polish cities at the end of the 16th and 17th centuries fell into decay. That, thus, Poland has allegedly lost the bourgeoisie.
  Насколько верна эта точка зрения - затрудняюсь оценить.
  This point of view is how right - I find it difficult to estimate.
  Польша вышла из полосы народных восстаний, разорительных войн середины XVII века с подорванной экономикой.
  Poland came out of a strip of popular uprisings, ruinous wars of the middle of the 17th century with the undermined economy.
  В течение XVIII века вывоз хлеба из Данцига лишь в очень немногие годы превышал 25 процентов вывоза в первой половине XVII века.
  During the XVIII century, the removal of bread from Danzig only in periods of a very few years exceeded 25 percent of the export in the first half of the XVII century.
  Неблагоприятные политические, экономические и другие обстоятельства привели к трем разделам Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке и прекращению ее существования как суверенного государства.
  An adverse political, economic and other circumstances have led to three partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century and to the termination of existence of this state as sovereign power.
  Высказывается мнение, что правительства России, Пруссии и Австрии боялись конституционных и демократических реформ в Речи Посполитой, видя в этом проявление духа французской революции.
  The opinion is expressed that Governments of the Russian Empire, Prussia and Austria were afraid of the constitutional and democratic reforms in the Rzeczpospolita, seeing in this events the manifestation of the spirit of the French revolution.
  Разделы Речи Посполитой в XVIII веке означали не только разделы территории между Россией, Пруссией и Австрийской империей, но и политическое отъединение территорий ранее объединившихся Польши и Великого княжества Литовского.
  Partitions of the Rzeczpospolita in the 18th century meant not only partitions of the territory between the Russian and Austrian empires, Kingdom of Prussia, but also a political disunion of the territories of the Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, united earlier.
  Что касается территории Великого княжества Литовского, то на его территории постепенно также образуются два самостоятельных государства: Белоруссия и Литва.
  As for the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in his territory gradually two independent states are formed: Belarus and Lithuania.
  - После объединений начались разъединения? - уточнила Читательница.
  - After associations a separations have begun? - the Readeress has specified.
  - В каком-то смысле, - предположил Читатель. И продолжил:
  - In some sense, - the Reader expressed the assumption. Also he have continued:
  - Основная часть территории Великого княжества Литовского досталась России.
  - Russia has got the main part of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Было введено общеимперское губернское деление.
  All-imperial the organisation of Governorates has been entered.
  По третьему разделу Речи Посполитой в 1795 году большая часть литовских земель была присоединена к России. На её территории образованы Виленская и Слонимская губернии, которые в 1797 году были слиты в Литовскую губернию, а в 1801 году разделены на Гродненскую и Виленскую губернии. Из последней в 1842 году выделилась Ковенская губерния.
  According to the third section of the Rzeczpospolita in 1795 the most part of the Lithuanian lands has been attached to Russia. In her territory Vilna and Slonim Governorates which in 1797 have been merged to the Lithuania Governorate are formed, and in 1801 are divided into the Grodno and Vilna Governorates. From the last in 1842 the Kovno Governorate was allocated.
  Часть Литвы, расположенная по левом берегу Немана (Нямунаса), в 1795 году отошла к Пруссии, в составе которой оставалась до 1807 года, затем входила в герцогство Варшавское, а в 1815 году присоединена к Российской империи в составе Царства Польского.
  The part of Lithuania located on the left coast of Neman (Nyamunas) in 1795 has departed to Prussia as a part of which remained till 1807, then entered the Duchy of Warsaw, and in 1815 is attached to the Russian Empire as a part of the Kingdom of Poland.
  Западные литовские земли (Клайпедский край) оставались в составе Пруссии.
  The western Lithuanian lands (the Klaipeda Region) remained as a part of Prussia.
  После включения земель Великого княжества Литовского в состав Российской империи населению была гарантирована религиозная свобода, неприкосновенность "шляхетских вольностей" и "крепостного права".
  After inclusion of the lands of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in structure of the Russian Empire the religious freedom, the inviolability of "the szlachta's liberties" and "serfdom" has been guaranteed to the population.
  Все жители обязаны были принести присягу. Неприсягнувшие должны были уехать за границу и распродать свое имущество. Часть имущества была конфискована и отдана Екатериной II русскому крупному дворянству: было роздано около ста тысяч крепостных крестьян. Правительство Екатерины II проводило политику русификации края. Это вызвало большое раздражение среди литовско-белорусского дворянства, чем и объясняется участие дворянства в восстании Костюшко (1794 год). На коронации Павла I было возбуждено ходатайство об изменении политики. Правительство восстановило суды и литовско-белорусское право.
  All inhabitants have been obliged to take the oath. Those, who not sworn, had to go abroad and sell out the property. A part of property has been confiscated and given by Catherine II to the Russian rich nobility: about hundred thousand serfs have been distributed. Catherine II's government pursued policy of russification of edge. It has caused great irritation among the Lithuanian-Belarusian nobility, participation of the nobility in the Kosciuszko Uprising (1794). On crowning of Paul I the petition for change of policy has been excited. The government has restored courts and the Lithuanian-Belarusian Law.
  Русификация, однако, продолжалась.
  Russification, however, continued.
  Литовско-белорусская шляхта надеялась восстановить Речь Посполитую сначала с помощью России, а после 1807 года - при содействии Франции.
  The Lithuanian-Belarusian szlachta hoped to restore the Rzeczpospolita at first by means of Russia, and after 1807 - with assistance of France.
  В 1795 и 1815 годах этнические территории Литвы (уже в современном понимании) (кроме Клайпедского края) вошли в состав Российской империи.
  In 1795 and 1815 ethnic territories of Lithuania (already in modern understanding) (except the Klaipeda region) were a part of the Russian Empire.
  Как позже подтвердилось, даже литовцы Клайпедского края (Memelland), попавшие в XIII веке под власть Тевтонского ордена, не утратили за несколько веков своего этнического самосознания.
  As was confirmed later, even the Lithuanians of the Klaipeda region (Memelland) who have got in the 13th century under the power of the Teutonic Order haven't lost for several centuries of the ethnic selfconsciousness.
  Литовско-белорусская шляхта сочувствовало польскому восстанию 1830 года. После подавления этого восстания, правительство Николая I приняло еще более резкий русификаторский курс. Все местные законодательные особенности были уничтожены.
  The Lithuanian-Belarusian szlachta sympathized with the Polish revolt of 1830. After suppression of this revolt, Nicholas I's government has accepted the more sharper the course of Russification. All the local legislative distinguishing features have been destroyed.
  Эта политика вызвала к жизни некоторое оппозиционное белорусское шляхетское движение.
  This policy has brought some the opposition Belarusian movement of szlachta to life.
  Польское восстание 1863-1864 годов, которое проходило и на территориях Белоруссии, Литвы, было жестоко подавлено царскими войсками, однако правительство вынуждено было пойти на некоторые уступки. По указу 1 марта 1863 года были прекращены временнообязанные отношения, крестьяне получили право обязательного выкупа надела, при этом на условиях, более благоприятных, чем в других губерниях России: в основном сохранялись прежние наделы, ниже стали выкупные платежи.
  The Polish revolt of 1863-1864 which took place also in territories of Belarus, Lithuania was cruelly depressed imperial troops, however the government has been forced to make some concessions. Under the decree of March 1, 1863 the relationships of the temporal dependency have been stopped, peasants have acquired the right of a repayment of a land plot, at the same time on the conditions, more favorable, than in other provinces of Russia: generally former plots remained, redemption payments became lower.
  Это ускорило развитие капиталистических отношений. Десятки тысяч разорившихся литовских крестьян уезжали в промышленные города (Ригу, Петербург, Одессу), эмигрировали в США, Великобританию.
  It has accelerated development of the capitalist relations. Tens of thousands of ruined Lithuanian peasants went to the industrial cities (Riga, St. Petersburg, Odessa), emigrated to the USA, Great Britain.
  Во второй половине XIX века в Литве складывается литовская нация. Формируется рабочий класс. Развивается литовская городская и сельская буржуазия.
  In the second half of the 19th century in Lithuania there is arising the Lithuanian nation. The working class is formed. The Lithuanian city and rural bourgeoisie develops.
  Образование распространялось все шире. Образованные люди составили интеллигенцию.
  An education developed and extended more and more widely. Educated people filled the ranks of the intellectuals.
  В Революции 1905-1907 годов в декабре 1905 года был созван съезд литовцев (Вильнюсский сейм), принявший некоторые антиправительственные решения.
  In Revolution of 1905-1907 in December, 1905 the congress of Lithuanians (the Seimas of Vilnius) has been convened. The Seimas has made some antigovernmental decisions.
  Общеимперское губернское деление действовало до событий первой мировой войны.
  The all-imperial the organisation of Governorates (the all-imperial provincial division, management) functioned prior to events of World War I.
  С начала первой мировой войны 1914-1918 годов территория Литвы стала ареной военных действий. К осени 1915 года германские войска оккупировали почти всю Литву.
  Since the beginning of World War I of 1914-1918 the territory of Lithuania became the arena of military operations. To the autumn of 1915 the German troops occupied almost all Lithuania.
  В сентябре 1917 года под контролем германских властей была созвана в Вильно т. н. литовская конференция, в которой приняли участие исключительно представители зажиточного крестьянства и интеллигенции Литвы.
  In September, 1917 under control of the German authorities the so-called Lithuanian conference has been convened in Vilna (Wilno). In this conference representatives of the prosperous peasantry and the intellectuals of Lithuania have participated only.
  Конференция высказалась за провозглашение независимости Литвы и заключение особой конвенции с Германией.
  The conference has supported declaration of independence of Lithuania and the conclusion of the special convention with Germany.
  Литовская конференция создала Литовскую тарибу (государственный совет) из 20 человек.
  The Lithuanian (Vilnius) Conference has created the the Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) (State Council). Twenty people were elected to the Council.
  Литовская тариба 16 февраля 1918 года, т. е. в день, когда Германия объявила о разрыве перемирия с РСФСР, "официально" объявила Литву независимой.
  The Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) on February 16, 1918, i.e. in day when Germany announced a rupture of truce with RSFSR, "officially" declared Lithuania independent.
  Это объявление фактически изъяло литовскую территорию из обсуждения при мирных переговорах между РСФСР и Германией.
  This action having actually withdrawn the Lithuanian territory from discussion at peace talks between RSFSR and Germany.
  Эта независимость Литвы была признана германским кайзером 23 марта 1918 г. Осенью 1918 Литовская тариба образовала правительство.
  This independence of Lithuania has been recognized by the German Kaiser on March 23, 1918. In the autumn of 1918 Council of Lithuania (the Lithuanian Taryba) have formed the government.
  В середине декабря 1918 года в Вильно и других городах была провозглашена власть Советов. Литовское буржуазное правительство бежало в Ковно, под прикрытие германских войск, оставшихся по требованию Антанты в Прибалтике.
  In the middle of December, 1918 in Vilna (Wilno) and other cities the power of Councils has been proclaimed. The Lithuanian bourgeois government ran in Kovno (Kaunas), under the cover of the German troops. The German troops have remained in the Baltics upon the demand of the Entente.
  Временное революционное рабоче-крестьянское правительство Литвы провозгласило 16 декабря 1918 года Литовскую Советскую Социалистическую Республику, объединившуюся в феврале 1919 с Белорусской Советской Социалистической Республикой в Советскую Социалистическую Республику Литвы и Белоруссии (Литбел).
  The provisional revolutionary Workers' and Peasants' government of Lithuania has proclaimed on December 16, 1918 the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic which has united in February, 1919 with the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Lithuania and Belarus (Litbel).
  Советская власть в Литве продержалась лишь несколько месяцев. В апреле 1919 года Вильно (Вильнюс) заняли польские войска. Советская Россия, тем не менее, первая признала молодое Литовское (не советское) государство договором от 12 июля 1920 года.
  The Soviet power in Lithuania has held on some months. In April, 1919 the Polish troops entered in Vilna (Wilno, Vilnius). The Soviet Russia, nevertheless, the first recognized the young Lithuanian (not Soviet) state by the treaty of July 12, 1920.
  В 1919 -1940 годах Литва - буржуазная республика (Вильнюсский край в 1920-1939 годах был в составе Польши). В 1940 году вошла в Союз ССР.
  In 1919 - 1940 years Lithuania - the bourgeois republic (The Vilnius Region in 1920-1939 existed as a part of Poland). In 1940 Lithuania was included in the USSR.
  Объявить и признать независимость еще не означает разрешить территориальные вопросы.
  To announce and recognize an independence doesn't mean yet to resolve a territorial questions.
  Версальский мирный договор 1919 года не установил границ Литвы.
  The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 hasn't established borders of Lithuania.
  Однако в октябре 1920 году Польша вновь заняла Вильнюсский край. В 1923 году к Литве были присоединены Клайпеда и Клайпедский край. Таким образом, Клайпеда и Клайпедский край стали территорией Литвы.
  However in October, 1920 Poland has entered the Vilnius region. In 1923 Klaipeda and the Klaipeda region (the Memel Territory) became the part of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus, Klaipeda and the Klaipeda region became the territory of Lithuania.
  Но фашистская Германия 22 марта 1939 года оккупировала Клайпедский край.
  But Nazi Germany attached on March 22 (23), 1939 the Klaipeda region.
  В этих условиях 10 октября 1939 года правительство Литвы подписало договор о взаимопомощи с СССР, согласно которому Вильнюсский край, освобождённый Красной Армией в сентябре 1939, был передан Литве.
  In these conditions on October 10, 1939 the government of Lithuania has signed the treaty on mutual aid with the USSR according to which the Vilnius region, liberated by the Red Army in September, 1939, has been transferred to Lithuania.
  13 июля 1944 года Красная Армия освободила Вильнюс, 1 августа - Каунас.
  On July 13, 1944 the Red Army has freed Vilnius, on August 1 - Kaunas.
  28 января 1945 года Красная Армия овладела Клайпедой.
  On January 28, 1945 the Red Army has entered Klaipeda.
  Высказывается мнение, что впервые в истории были воссоединены все литовские земли.
  The opinion is expressed that all Lithuanian lands have been reunited for the first time in the history.
  Читатель сделал паузу.
  The Reader has made a pause.
  - А как развивались события в Белоруссии? - послышался вопрос Читательницы.
  - And how events in Belarus were developing? - the Readeress' question was heard.
  - После третьего раздела Речи Посполитой в 1795 году и до 1917 года белорусские земли находились в составе Российской империи.
  - After the third partition of the Rzeczpospolita in 1795 and till 1917 the Belarusian lands were in structure of the Russian Empire
  Так же, как и на территории будущей независимой Литвы, было введено общеимперское губернское деление.
  As well as in the territory of future independent Lithuania, the all-imperial the organisation of Governorates (the all-imperial provincial division, management) functioned.
  В 1795 году Новогрудок был присоединён к России. В 1796 - уездный город Слонимского наместничества. С 1842 года в составе Минской губернии
  In 1795 Navahrudak (Novogrudok) has been attached to Russia. In 1796 - the uyezd (district) city of the Slonim Viceroyalty. Since 1842 as a part of the Minsk Governorate.
  Постепенно в белорусских землях стали появляться идеи об автономной, а потом и - о самостоятельной независимой Белоруссии.
  Gradually in the Belarusian lands the ideas about autonomous, and then and - about independent Belarus began to appear.
  Например, в белорусской среде работала "Белорусская Революционная Громада", организованная в 1902 году группой петербургских студентов.
  For example, in the Belarusian environment the "Belarusian Revolutionary Assembly" ("Belarusian Socialist Hramada") was organized in 1902 by group of the St. Petersburg students worked.
  После начала первой мировой войны в 1914 году постепенно большая часть Белоруссии была оккупирована германскими войсками.
  After the beginning of World War I in 1914 gradually the most part of Belarus has been occupied by the German troops.
  18 февраля 1918 года за перерывом брест-литовских переговоров последовало наступление. Затем - оккупация Белоруссии германскими войсками.
  On February 18, 1918 the stoppage of the Brest-Litovsk negotiations was followed by approach. Then - the occupation of Belarus by the German troops.
  Как только германские войска начали свое наступление, и Совет Народных Комиссаров оставил Минск, Совет Белорусского съезда, распущенный в декабре 1917 года, объявил себя высшей, до созыва Учредительного собрания, властью в стране. 25 февраля 1918 года Минск был занят немцами, не пожелавшими признать Белоруссию отдельным государством.
  As soon as the German troops have begun the approach, the Council of People's Commissars left Minsk. In this situation the Council of the All-Belarusian Congress, dismissed in December, 1917, declared itself the highest, before convocation of the Constituent assembly, the power in the country. On February 25, 1918 Minsk has been occupied by the Germans who haven't wished to recognize Belarus as the separate state.
  Однако, организованное накануне их прихода "Белорусское народное правительство" провозгласило Белоруссию самостоятельной народной республикой.
  However, the "Belarusian national government" (the Executive Committee of the First All-Belarusian Congress), organized on the eve of arrival of German troops, has proclaimed the Belarus the independent people's republic.
  Территория этой республики, согласно декларации 24 марта 1918 года, состояла из Минской, Гродненской, Витебской, Виленской, Черниговской и частей др. соседних губерний.
  The territory of this republic, according to the declaration on March 24, 1918, consisted from Minsk's, Grodno's, Vitebsk's, Vilna's, Chernihiv's and parts of other neighboring Governorates.
  Чтобы добиться признания со стороны императора Вильгельма II, Белорусское правительство послало ему приветственную телеграмму, в которой выражало благодарность за "освобождение" Белоруссии от большевиков.
  To achieve recognition from the emperor Wilhelm II, the Belarusian government has sent him the welcome telegram in which expressed gratitude for the "liberation" of Belarus from Bolsheviks.
  1 января 1919 года сформировалось Временное рабоче-крестьянское правительство Белоруссии, выпустившее в тот же день манифест, которым Белоруссия объявлялась Советской Социалистической Республикой.
  On January 1, 1919 the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' government of Belarus was created. This government has issued on the same day the manifesto which announced Belarus the Soviet Socialist Republic.
  Это правительство просуществовало всего два месяца. На первом съезде Советов Белоруссии принято было решение, что Белорусская Советская Республика объединяется с Литовской Советской Республикой для совместной борьбы против наступления международного капитала.
  This government has existed only two months. At the first congress of Councils of Belarus the decision has been made that the Belarusian Soviet Republic unites with the Lithuanian Soviet Republic for joint fight against approach of the international wealth.
  В начале марта 1919 года в Вильно имел место специальный съезд Советов обеих республик. На этом съезде была создана в Вильно объединенная Литовско-Белорусская Советская Республика (Литбел). Центр этой республики был перенесен в Вильно. 19 апреля 1919 года польские легионеры неожиданно вошли в Вильно и заняли, после двухдневного боя, город. После этого столица Литбел была перенесена в Минск, но тоже не надолго.
  At the beginning of March, 1919 in Vilna (Wilno) the special congress of Councils of both republics took place. At this congress in Vilna (Wilno) the integrated the Lithuanian-Belarusian Soviet Republic (Litbel) has been created. The center of this republic has been established in Vilna (Wilno). On April 19, 1919 the Polish legionaries have unexpectedly entered Vilna (Wilno) and have occupied, after two-day fight, the city. After that the capital of Litbel has been relocated to Minsk, but too not for a long period.
  Захватив Вильно, польские формирования продолжали наступление в глубь Белоруссии, занимая один город за другим, а в августе 1919 года заняли и Минск, затем почти всю Белоруссию.
  Having captured Vilna (Wilno), the Polish formations continued approach in depth of Belarus, occupying one city behind another, and in August, 1919 have occupied also Minsk, then almost all Belarus.
  В это время главные силы Красной армии были направлены против Колчака, Юденича и др.
  At this time the main forces of the Red Army have been directed against Kolchak, Yudenich, etc.
  11 июля 1920 года Минск был освобожден от польских войск и Белоруссия была провозглашена Независимой Советской Социалистической Республикой. Почти над всей Белоруссией в ее этнографических границах развевался советский флаг. Однако, отступление Красной армии изменило положение вещей. На основании Рижского договора 1921 года, западная часть Белоруссии стала частью территории польского государства.
  On July 11, 1920 Minsk has been freed from the Polish troops and Belarus has been proclaimed the independent Soviet Socialist Republic. Almost over all Belarus in her ethnographic borders the Soviet flag fluttered. However, retreat of the Red Army has changed a state of affairs. On the basis of the Treaty of Riga (1921), the western part of Belarus became a part of the territory of the Polish state.
  После Рижского договора 1921 года Белорусская Советская Республика состояла всего из нескольких уездов бывшей Минской губернии...
  After the Treaty of Riga (1921) the Belarusian Soviet Republic consisted of only several uyezds (counties) of the former Minsk province...
  На территории Западной Белоруссии, отошедшей к Польше на основании Рижского договора, было образовано, в частности, Новогрудское воеводство.
  In the territory of the Western Belarus which has departed to Poland on the basis of the Treaty of Riga (1921), the Nowogrodek (Novogrudok) (Navahrudak) Voivodeship has been formed, in particular.
  В 1939 году Западная Белоруссия и Западная Украина были включены в состав СССР.
  In 1939 the Western Belarus and the Western Ukraine have been included in structure of the USSR.
  Новогрудок стал одним из городов советской Белоруссии.
  Navahrudak became one of the cities of the Soviet Belarus.
  - Полоцкое княжество, Великое княжество Литовское, Речь Посполитая, Российская империя, Польша, Советская Белоруссия ...- начала было бодро перечислять Читательница. Потом взяла паузу и добавила:
  - The Principality of Polotsk, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita, Russian Empire, Poland, the Soviet Belarus...- the Readeress was beginning cheerfully enumerating. Then she have taken a break and she have added:
  - Надо освежить память...
  - It is necessary to refresh memory...
  - Конечно! Информация общедоступная! Интересный город Новогрудок! С богатой историей! - подвел итог Читатель.
  - Of course! The public information! The information of a common access! The interesting city of Navahrudak (Novogrudok)! With the rich history! - the Reader has summed up the result.
  - Да! - согласилась Читательница.
  - Yes! - the Readeress has agreed.
  04 июня 2017 года - 05 июня 2017 года. 19 апреля 2018 г. - 20 апреля 2018 г.
  June 04, 2017 - June 05, 2017. April 19, 2018 - April 21, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English (with the text changes): April 16, 2018 - April 21, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о Новогрудке'.
  2. The Story about Koporye
  Рассказ о Копорье
  The Story about Koporye
  Взяв на выдаче книги и направляясь к одному из библиотечных столов, Читатель заметил скучающую Читательницу:
  Having taken the books and going towards a one of library's tables, the Reader has noticed the bored Readeress:
  - Почему такой вялый вид?
  - Why such a sluggish look?
  - Пытаюсь изучать историю, но нет настроения.
  - I try to study history, but there is no mood.
  - Может быть, изменить метод получения исторических знаний: с хронологического принципа перейти, например, на географический?
  - Perhaps, to change a method of obtaining historical knowledge: from the chronological principle to pass, for example, to geographical?
  - Поподробнее? - заинтересовалась Читательница.
  - In more detail? - the Readeress has become interested.
  - Существуют точки на карте, которые - одновременно - являются центрами исторической энергии. Начинаешь узнавать побольше об этих географических пунктах - одновременно усваиваешь исторические знания.
  - There are points on the map which - at the same time - are the centers of historical energy. You begin to learn more about these geographical points - at the same time you acquire historical knowledge.
  - Например? - потребовала конкретности Читательница.
  - For example? - the Readeress has demanded a concreteness.
  - Допустим, населенный пункт Копорье. Расположен практически на берегу Финского залива. Недалеко от Санкт-Петербурга. В границах России.
  - Let's say the Koporye - the settlement (village, selo) of Koporye. It is located practically on the bank of the Gulf of Finland. Near St. Petersburg. In borders of Russia.
  Читатель внимательно посмотрел на Читательницу и добавил:
  The Reader has attentively looked at the Readeress and has added:
  - Балтийское море образует три больших залива: Ботнический, Финский и Рижский. В восточную часть Финского залива впадает река Нева.
  - The Baltic Sea forms three big gulfs: the Gulf of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga. The Neva River flows (drains) into east part of the Gulf of Finland.
  - Да, три больших залива, - отреагировала Читательница.
  - Yes, there are the three big gulfs, - the Readeress has reacted.
  Читатель продолжил:
  The Reader has continued:
  - Великий водный путь "из варяг в греки" - известное историческое явление.
  - The great waterway "from the Varangians to the Greeks" - the known historical phenomenon.
  - Да, - подтвердила Читательница.
  - Yes, - the Readeress has confirmed.
  - В районе Копорья был северный конец этого Великого водного пути в IX-XI веках. В те времена Санкт-Петербурга еще не существовало. Четких государственных границ также не существовало. В этом регионе доминировал Новгород.
  - In the Region of Koporye in the 9-11th centuries a one of the northern points of this Great waterway existed. In those days St. Petersburg didn't exist yet. There were no accurate frontiers. In this region Novgorod dominated.
  Новгород - один из самых древних русских городов; впервые упоминается в Новгородской летописи под 859 годом.
  Novgorod - one of the most ancient Russian cities. Novgorod for the first time was mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle under 859 year.
  Претензии на побережье Финского залива с конца XII - начала XIII вв. заявлялись со стороны как Швеции, так и рыцарей Ливонского ордена.
  Since the end of XII - the beginning of the 13th centuries claims for the coast of the Gulf of Finland were declared from outside both Sweden, and knights of the Livonian Order.
  - Что представляли собой "конкуренты"? - спросила Читательница.
  - Who were those the "competitors"? - the Readeress has asked.
  - Изложу несколько подробностей о Швеции и Ливонском ордене, - отреагировал Читатель. - В древности территорию современной Швеции населяли германские племена. В конце VIII - XI веков шведы участвовали в походах викингов.
  - I will state several details about the Sweden and about the Livonian Order, - the Reader has reacted. - In the ancient time the territory of modern Sweden was inhabited by the German tribes. At the end of the VIII-XI centuries Swedes participated in campaigns of Vikings.
  Шведские викинги (в Западной Европе были известны под названием норманнов, на Руси - варягов) с целью торговли и грабежа совершали набеги (в конце VIII - середине XI веков) на соседние земли, а также на Русь, Византию, волжских булгар и хазар, Арабский халифат.
  The Swedish Vikings (in Western Europe were known under the name of Normans, in Rus' - Varangians) for the purpose of trade and a robbery made attacks (at the end of VIII - the middle of the 11th centuries) on the neighboring lands and also to Rus', Byzantine Empire, the Volga's Bulgars and the Khazars, the Arab caliphate.
  В 1164 в Упсале, религиозном и политическом центре древней Швеции, учреждено архиепископство.
  In 1164 in Uppsala, the religious and political center of ancient Sweden, the archbishopric was founded.
  В период 1250-1363 годов завершилась раннефеодальная централизация Швеции.
  During 1250-1363 the early feudal centralization of Sweden was completed.
  Высадившиеся у устья Двины (Рига) меченосцы в 1201 объединились в Орден божьих рыцарей меча, известный под именем Ливонского ордена.
  The Christ Knights, Sword Brethren who have landed at the mouth of Dvina (Riga) in 1201 have united in the Order of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword known under a name of the Livonian Order.
  Все захваченные Орденом земли носили общее название Ливонии, составлявшей ленную провинцию священной Римской империи (Германии). Высказывается точка зрения, что Ливония (Livonia), или нем. Лифляндия, средневековое обозначение территории нынешних Латвии и Эстонии.
  All lands occupied by the Order were collectively called Livonia. Livonia became a vassal state of the sacred Roman Empire (Germany). There is the point of view that Livonia, or Liflyandiya, is the medieval designation of the territories of present Latvia and Estonia.
  Для наглядности представь Финский залив. Восточная точка - место впадения Невы.
  Lets mentally present the Gulf of Finland. The easternmost point - the place where the river Neva drains into the Gulf.
  Исторические реальности того времени можно проиллюстрировать тремя условными векторами. Один - крупный вектор - направлен с востока и юго-востока - со стороны Новгорода. Два других: с севера - со стороны Швеции, с запада - со стороны Ливонии, Ливонских рыцарей.
  Historical realities of that time can be illustrated with three conditional vectors. One - the large vector - is directed from the East and the southeast - from Novgorod. Two others: from the North - from Sweden, from the West - from the Livonia, where the Livonian knights acted.
  - Интересно, - отметила Читательница. - Что это Копорье - вместе с побережьем Финского залива - медом были намазаны?
  - Interestingly, - the Readeress has noted. - That it is Koporye - together with the coast of the Gulf of Finland - have been smeared with honey?
  - Места в те времена были глухие, но стратегически важные, - продолжил Читатель. - В средние века безопасные торговые связи ограничивались прибрежными морями. Через реки, впадающие в Финский и Рижский заливы, открывались пути в глубь восточно-европейской равнины.
  - Places were in those days a remoted, but strategically important, - the Reader has continued. - In the Middle Ages safe commercial relations were limited to the coastal seas. Through the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga ways to depth of the East European Plain opened.
  Нахождение на речном торговом пути дало преимущество Новгороду.
  The Stay on the river trade way has given the advantages to Novgorod.
  У устьев Западной Двины и Вислы возникли и быстро развились Рига и Данциг (Гданьск).
  At mouths of the Western Dvina and Vistula have arisen and have quickly developed Riga and Danzig (Gdansk).
  В течение нескольких веков Балтийское море играло важнейшее значение для торговли европейских стран.
  Within several centuries the Baltic Sea played the extreme importance for trade of the European countries.
  Но затем были открыты морские пути в Индию и Америку, что несколько снизило значение Балтийского моря.
  But later the maritime routes to India and America have been open that has a little reduced the value of the Baltic Sea.
  Для России Балтийское море являлось и является кратчайшим из морских путей для экономических связей с промышленными и торговыми странами Западной Европы (например, с Германией, Великобританией и Голландией).
  For Russia the Baltic Sea was and is the shortest of maritime routes for the economic relations with industrial and trade countries of Western Europe (for example, with Germany, Great Britain and Holland).
  Через систему каналов Балтийское море соединяется с другими морями. Восточная часть Финского залива имеет громаднейшее значение как выход к морю всей северной области внутренних водных путей, сообщающихся с речными системами России, и обширной сетью железных дорог.
  Through the system of channels the Baltic Sea connects to other seas. East part of the Gulf of Finland has the huge value as an outlet towards the sea of all the northern region of the internal waterways which are connected as with the river systems of Russia, and so with the extensive network of the railroads.
  - А что же Копорье? - напомнила Читательница.
  - And what about Koporye? - the Readeress has reminded.
  - Новгородцы утвердились в этом крае и основали ряд укрепленных городов: Копорье, Яма, Ивангород.
  - The Novgorodians created their positions in this region and have founded a number of the strengthened cities: Koporye, Yama (Jama), Ivangorod.
  В 1240 году Александр Ярославич, князь новгородский, отправился в поход для защиты северных границ русских владений от вторгнувшихся шведов. Поход закончился блестящей победой русских в битве на реке Неве 15 июля 1240 года. За эту победу князь Александр получил прозвание "Невского". В это же время с запада на Русь наступали ливонские рыцари.
  In 1240 Alexander Yaroslavich, the prince of Novgorod, has gone hiking for protection of northern borders of the Rus' possession against the intruded Swedes. The campaign has ended with a brilliant victory of Rus' warriors in fight on the Neva River on July 15, 1240. The prince Alexander has received a honorary name "Nevsky" for this victory. In the same time from the West the Rus' was attacked by the Livonian knights.
  В зиму 1240 - 1241 годов рыцари вторглись в Водьскую пятину Новгородской земли, старинную данницу Новгорода, заложили свой опорный пункт в этом крае - крепость Копорье.
  In winter of 1240 - 1241 knights have intruded in the Votes' Land (the Vods' Land) (the Vodskaya Pyatina ) of the Novgorod possessions, an ancient vassal territory of Novgorod state, have put the strong point in this region - the Koporye fortress.
  Александр взял в 1241 году опорный пункт ливонских рыцарей - крепость Копорье - и разрушил его укрепления.
  Alexander has taken in 1241 a strong point of the Livonian knights - the Koporye fortress - and has destroyed it's strengthenings.
  5 апреля 1242 года состоялась знаменитая битва русского войска на льду южной части Чудского озера с ливонскими рыцарями. Битва получила название "Ледовое побоище".
  On April 5, 1242 the well-known fight of the Rus' army with the Livonian knights on ice of the Lake Chudskoe (the southern part of Lake Peipus) has taken place. Fight has received the name "Battle on the Ice".
  - Если крепость в Копорье разрушили, то в чем смысл рассказа о Копорье? - уточнила Читательница.
  - If the fortress in Koporye was destroyed, so what is the sense of the story about Koporye? - the Readeress has specified.
  - Смысл - в так называемом "Балтийском вопросе". Этот термин использовался в исторической науке, например, в 20-е годы XX века. Если упростить, то получится, что "Балтийский вопрос" сводился к двум темам: контроль над территориями и контроль над торговлей в Балтийском море.
  - The Sense - in the so-called "The Baltic Question". This term was used in historical science, for example, in the 20th years of the 20th century. If to simplify, then it will turn out that "The Baltic Question" came down to two subjects: the control over territories and the control over trade in the Baltic Sea.
  Контроль над территориями давал возможность контролировать торговлю. Лишение доступа к побережью, к портам, создавало возможность для навязывания искусственного посредничества, для поборов. Например, контроль над побережьем Балтийского моря, и - конкретно - над побережьем Финского залива мог поставить под контроль торговлю России с западными странами через Балтийское море.
  Control over territories gave the possibility to control trade. Deprivation of access to the coast, to ports, created an opportunity for imposing of artificial mediation, for (indirect) requisitions. For example, the control over the coast of the Baltic Sea, and - it is concrete - over the coast of the Gulf of Finland could put under control the trade of Russia with the western countries through the Baltic Sea.
  Если еще больше упростить "балтийский вопрос", то можно условно полагать, что он сводился к получению больших денег от монополизации балтийской торговли. Как получать эти деньги? За счет навязываемых посреднических операций: посредник "накручивает" прибавку в цене и обращает в свою пользу. За счет разного рода налогов, пошлин, сборов. За счет оттеснения конкурентов.
  If to simplify even more "the Baltic Question", then it is possible to believe conditionally that it consists in the receiving of big money from monopolization of the Baltic trade. How to receive this money? At the expense of the imposed intermediary operations: the intermediary "creates" an increase of the price and directs this increase of price into his own pocket. Also - at the expense of any taxes, duties, collecting. Owing the pushing off of competitors.
  Первую настойчивую попытку овладеть морскими путями Балтики мы встречаем еще в XIII и XIV веках, когда союз Ганзейских городов (Ганза) пытался при помощи вооруженных сил обеспечить на водах Балтики безопасное плавание для своих торговых караванов.
  We meet the first persistent attempt to seize maritime routes of Baltic in the 13th and 14th centuries when the Hanseatic League (Hansa) tried to provide by means of armed forces on waters of Baltic a safe floating for the trade caravans.
  2-я половина XIV - начало XV вв. были периодом наибольшего расцвета Ганзы. В неё входило до 100 городов [в т. ч. прибалтийские города: Ревель (Таллин), Дерпт (Тарту), Рига и др.], но рамки Ганзы не были строго очерчены.
  The 2nd half of XIV - the beginning of the XV centuries were the period of the greatest blossoming of Hansa. The Hanseatic League included about 100 cities [including the Baltic cities: Reval (Tallinn), Dorpat (Tartu), Riga, etc.], but a framework of Hansa haven't been strictly outlined.
  Экономическая роль Ганзы заключалась в монопольном торговом посредничестве между производящими районами Северной, Западной, Восточной и отчасти Центральной Европы и даже Средиземноморья: Фландрия, Англия и Северная Германия поставляли сукна, Центральная Европа, Англия и Скандинавия - металлы, Северная Германия и западное побережье Франции - соль, Италия - шёлк, ткани, Восточная Европа - главным образом пушнину и воск, с XVI века - хлеб, Швеция - медь, Норвегия - рыбу и т. д.
  The economic role of Hansa consisted in exclusive the trade mediation between areas of Northern, Western, East and partly Central Europe and even the Mediterranean. The County of Flanders, England and Northern Germany were delivering cloth. Central Europe, England and Scandinavia - metals, Northern Germany and the western coast of France - salt, Italy - silk, fabrics, Eastern Europe - mainly furs and wax, since the 16th century - bread, Sweden - copper, Norway - fish, etc.
  В XV веке Ганза оттесняется с ее балтийских позиций. С началом упадка Ганзы остро встал вопрос о господстве на Балтийском море. Швеция стремилась занять доминирующее положение, овладеть и берегами Невы.
  In the 15th century Hansa was pushed aside from her Baltic positions. From the beginning of the decline of Hansa there was a sharply question of domination on the Baltic Sea. Sweden sought to reach a dominant position. Sweden attempted to seize also coast of the Neva River.
  Удержавший за собой устье Невы Новгород вошел в 1478 году в состав централизованного Московского государства.
  Novgorod, which has retained the mouth of Neva under own power, became in 1478 a part of the centralized Moscow state.
  - Итак, Копорье - "наше", - констатировала Читательница.
  - So, Koporye - exists as the "ours", - the Readeress noted.
  - Исторические весы колебались, - ответил Читатель. И продолжил:
  - A historical weight scales fluctuated, - the Reader has answered. Also he have continued:
  - В 1558-1583 годах шла Ливонская воина. Это была война России с Ливонским орденом, а также со Швецией, Польшей и Великим княжеством Литовским за Прибалтику и выход к Балтийскому морю. Завершилась для Московского государства неблагоприятно.
  - In 1558-1583 the Livonian war was going. It was war of Russia with the Livonian Order and also with Sweden, Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania for the Baltics and for an exit to the Baltic Sea. For the Moscow state this war have come to the end adversely.
  По итогам Ливонской войны было, в частности, подписано Плюсское перемирие 1583 года со шведами, по которому в их владение перешли Нарва и захваченные ими русские города Ям, Копорье и Ивангород.
  Following the results of the Livonian war, in particular, the Plussky truce of 1583 with Swedes has been signed. According the Plussky truce Narva and the Russian cities of Yamburg (Yama), Koporye, Ivangorod, occupied by Swedes, have turned into their possession.
  Россия сохранила узкий проход к Балтийскому морю в устье Невы, между реками Стрелка и Сестра.
  Russia kept a narrow passage to the Baltic Sea at the estuary of the Neva River, between the Strelka River and Sestra River (Systerback river).
  Удачной войной со Швецией в 1590-1593 годах (период царствования царя Федора Ивановича, сына Ивана Грозного, при фактическом управлении Бориса Годунова, ставшего царем в 1598 году) были возвращены Ям, Ивангород и Копорье, а вместе с тем и выход в Балтийское море (Тявзинский мир 1595 года).
  Yama (Jama), Koporye, Ivangorod , at the same time and the exit in the Baltic Sea, have been returned by successful war with Sweden in 1590-1593 (the period of reign of the tsar Fyodor I Ivanovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible, with the actual management of Boris Godunov who has become the tsar in 1598) (the Treaty of Teusina of 1595).
  После "Смутного времени" в 1617 году между Московским государством и Швецией был заключен Столбовский мир, условия которого, в целом, действовали более ста лет (1617-1721).
  After the "Time of Troubles" in 1617 between the Moscow state and Sweden the Treaty of Stolbovo was concluded. Conditions of the Treaty of Stolbovo, in general, worked more than hundred years (1617-1721).
  События Смутного времени были причиной вторичной утраты побережья Финского залива - городов Ям, Копорье и Ивангород , и даже и Орешка, запиравшего течение реки Невы.
  Events of the Time of Troubles were the cause of the secondary loss of the coast of the Gulf of Finland - the cities of Yama (Jama), Koporye and Ivangorod, and even the Oreshek (Орешек; Noteborg). The Oreshek Fortress is controlling the waterways along the watercourse of Neva River.
  При заключении Столбовского мира шведы выговорили себе монопольное право торговли на Балтийском море. Немцы, датчане, поляки, голландцы, англичане, итальянцы и другие лишались права торговли с русскими; свои товары русские должны были свозить в Нарву, Або, Выборг и Ревель.
  When the conclusion of the Treaty of Stolbovo Swedes have achived for themselves the monopoly of trade on the Baltic Sea. Germans, Danes, Poles, Dutches, British, Italians and others lost the right of trade with Russians; Russians had to take the goods to Narva, Abo (Turku), Vyborg and Reval (Tallinn).
  Такое положение продолжалось до начала XVIII в. В течение XVII в. на Балтийском море господствовала Швеция.
  Such situation proceeded prior to the beginning of the 18th century. Within the 17th century Sweden was dominating over the Baltic Sea territory.
  С таким положением Русское государство не могло мириться, и в 1656 была объявлена война Швеции. Но эта война завершилась для России неудачно.
  With such situation the Russian state couldn't to agree, and in 1656 war of Sweden has been declared. But this war was ended for Russia unsuccessfully.
  Размах политики Швеции вызывал отпор не только со стороны ее вековой соперницы - Дании, но и со стороны других соседних государств.
  The scope of policy of Sweden caused the repulse not only from her the century competitor - Denmark, but also from other neighboring states.
  Петр I, заключив союз с Польшей и Данией против Швеции (1 октября 1609 года) и закончив войну с Турцией (июль 1700 года), начал войну со Швецией за берега Балтийского моря ("Северная война"). Северная война продолжалась 21 год и закончилась Ништадтским миром, по которому за Россией были закреплены берега Балтийского моря, "прорублено окно в Западную Европу"; Россия вступила в систему государств Европы как великая держава.
  Peter I, having concluded the alliance with Poland and Denmark against Sweden (on October 1, 1609) and having finished war with Turkey (July, 1700), have begun war with Sweden for coast of the Baltic Sea ("The Great Northern War"). The Great Northern War continued 21 years and has ended with the Russo-Swedish Treaty of Nystad (1721). According the Treaty of Nystad significant territories of the coast of the Baltic Sea became the possessions of Russia. "The window into Western Europe was opened". Russia has entered the system of the states of Europe as the great power.
  Вести длительную борьбу на четырех фронтах (с Москвой, Польшей, враждебными германскими государствами и Данией) Швеции было не под силу.
  The long fight on four fronts (with Moscow, Poland, Denmark and the hostile German states) was above the forces of Sweden.
  Не справившись в начале XVIII века с двумя враждебными ей союзами, состоявшими сначала из Москвы, Польши и Дании, а потом из Москвы, Саксонии, Ганновера и Пруссии, Швеция потерпела полное поражение и окончательно утратила свое первенствующее политическое значение на берегах Балтийского моря.
  Without having coped at the beginning of the 18th century with two unions hostile to her consisting at first of Moscow, Poland and Denmark, and then of Moscow, Saxony, Hanover and Prussia, Sweden was completely defeated and has finally lost the priority political value on coast of the Baltic Sea.
  Поражение в Северной войне низвело Швецию до положения государства среднего ранга.
  The defeat in the Northern war has reduced Sweden to position of the state of an average rank.
  Высказывается мнение, что в смысле военной, и - возможно - экономической мощи, преобладающее значение на Балтийском море в XVIII и XIX веках переходит к России.
  The opinion is expressed that in sense a military, and - is possible - economic power, the prevailing value on the Baltic Sea in the 18th and 19th centuries passes to the Russia.
  - По Плюсскому перемирию 1583 года, после Ливонской войны, Швеция приобретает Копорье, по Тявзинскому миру 1595 года возвращает его России. По условиям Столбовского мира (1617), после Смутного времени, Швеция снова приобрела Копорье. Согласно Ништадтскому миру (1721), завершившему Северную войну, Швеция вновь возвратила Копорье России, - обобщила Читательница.
  - According the Plussky truce of 1583, after the Livonian war, Sweden gets Koporye, on the Treaty of Teusina of 1595 returns Koporye to Russia. Under the terms of the Treaty of Stolbovo (1617), after the Time of Troubles, Sweden has again got Koporye. According to the Treaty of Nystad (1721), which has ended the Northern war, Sweden has returned Koporye to Russia again, - the Readeress has generalized.
  - Около ста лет у шведов было отчасти монопольное право торговли на Балтийском море. И связанные с этим положением доходы, - уточнил Читатель.
  - About the one hundred years Swedes had a partly a monopoly of trade on the Baltic Sea. And the income connected with this situation, - the Reader has specified.
  - Как оказалось, - продолжил Читатель, - с заключением Ништадтского мира в 1721 году, утратой Копорья и других территорий, шведское государство стало интенсивно изменяться.
  - As it has appeared, - the Reader has continued, - the Swedish state began to change intensively after the conclusion of the Treaty of Nystad in 1721, the loss of Koporye and other territories.
  "Шведский ответ" на "балтийский вопрос" можно условно разделить на два этапа. Между этими этапами - Ништадтский мир 1721 года.
  "The Swedish answer" to "the Baltic question" may be divided into two stages conditionally. Between these two periods - the Treaty of Nystad of 1721.
  До 1721 года мы можем обнаружить стремление Швеции к захватам территорий на берегах Балтийского моря, к получению монопольных прав в балтийской торговле.
  Till 1721 we can find the aspiration of Sweden to the annexations of territories on coast of the Baltic Sea, to the obtaining the exclusive the monopoly position in the Baltic trade.
  После 1721 года "приобретенные" территории постепенно утрачиваются Швецией, но все более отчетливо видны "накопление", "экономическое развитие", "политическая трансформация".
  After 1721 Sweden was losing the "acquired" territories gradually. But an "accumulation of capital", an "economic development", "political transformation" are more and more clearly become visible.
  Формулировка "шведского ответа" на "балтийский вопрос" определяется, в частности, значительной протяженностью балтийского шведского побережья. Береговая линия Швеции "выходит" на Балтийское море (отчасти на Северное море). Даже после утраты ряда территорий у Швеции осталась протяженная береговая линия.
  The formulation of "the Swedish answer" to "the Baltic Question" is defined, in particular, by the considerable extent of the Baltic Swedish coast. The coastline of Sweden "comes" to the Baltic Sea (partly to the North Sea). Even after the loss of a number of territories Sweden had the extended coastline.
  Обращает на себя практичность шведского решения балтийского вопроса. Невольно вспоминаешь о практичности Петра Великого, который разрешал только те задачи, какие ставила ему сама жизнь, ясно сознавая свои цели, силы и средства, никогда не добиваясь невозможного.
  The Swedish solution of the Baltic Question is the interesting theme. Involuntarily you may remember the practicality of Peter the Great. Peter the Great resolved only those tasks what were set to him by life. He clearly understood his own the purposes, forces and means, never trying to obtain the impossible.
  Сложно сказать, какое количество жителей Швеции после заключения Столбовского мира 1617 года было убеждено в том, что побережье Финского залива навечно станет шведской территорией.
  It is difficult to tell what number of residents of Sweden after the conclusion of the Treaty of Stolbovo of 1617 had the beliefs about the destiny of the coast of the Gulf of Finland: that the coast of the Gulf of Finland became the Swedish territory forever.
  Во всяком случае, есть основания сделать вывод, что те деньги, которые были получены Швецией, ее жителями в XVII веке, когда на Балтийском море господствовала Швеция, и когда она доминировала в балтийской торговле, был потрачены эффективно.
  In any case, there were bases for the conclusion that the money which has been received by Sweden, it's inhabitants, in the 17th century, were spent effectively. It were the very money received by Sweden in the 17th century, when Sweden "ruled" the Baltic Sea and when Sweden dominated in the Baltic trade.
  С конца XVI века возросла внешняя торговля Швеции (особенно экспорт металлов). В 1-й половине XVII века расширилась горно-металлургическая промышленность, увеличилась добыча меди и железа. В середине XVII в. развивается раннекапиталистическое предпринимательство (главным образом, в горном деле и металлообработке), происходит накопление шведских капиталов.
  Since the end of the 16th century foreign trade of Sweden has increased (especially the export of metals). In the 1st half of the 17th century the mining and metallurgical industry has extended, the extraction of copper and iron has increased. In the middle of the 17th century the early capitalist entrepreneurship develops (mainly, in mining and metalworking), there is an accumulation of the Swedish capitals.
  К началу XVIII века Швеция стала главным экспортёром железа в Европе и импортёром зерна; в дворянских хозяйствах всё шире применялся наёмный труд, часть дворян занялась промышленно-предпринимательской деятельностью.
  By the beginning of the 18th century Sweden became the main exporter of iron in Europe and the importer of grain; in noble farms wage labor was more and more widely applied, a part of noblemen was engaged in industrial business activity.
  Это не натуральное хозяйство с применением крепостного труда!
  It not a subsistence economy with application of a serf labor!
  Аграрные реформы (1807- 1827 годов) разрушили поземельную общину; в XIX веке сельское хозяйство Швеции стало хуторским. Широко распространилась рассеянная мануфактура, горнопромышленники и купцы являлись влиятельной частью имущих верхов, дворянство обуржуазилось.
  Agrarian reforms (1807 - 1827 years) have destroyed a land community; in the 19th century agriculture of Sweden became a farm type. The scattered manufactory has widely extended, the owners of a mines and the merchants were an influential part of the propertied tops. The nobility bourgeoisified.
  Можно предположить изменение личности гипотетического "среднего шведа".
  It is possible to assume the change of the personality of the hypothetical "average Swede".
  До Северной войны и Ништадтского мира шведы были известны как купцы, моряки, солдаты.
  Before the Great Northern war and the Treaty of Nystad of 1721 Swedes were known as merchants, seamen, soldiers.
  После 1721 года "массовый швед" - и дворянин, и купец, и хуторянин - медленно, но верно превращался в наполненного знаниями предпринимателя, способного организовать технологически сложное производство, представить продукцию на европейский и мировой рынки, наладить гармоничные отношения с наемными работниками, эффективно участвовать в политическом процессе.
  After 1721 "the mass Swede" - both the nobleman, and the merchant, and the farmer - slowly but surely turned into the businessman filled with knowledge, capable to organize technologically difficult production, to present production on the European and world markets, to improve the harmonious relations with hired workers, to participate effectively in political process.
  Постепенно у шведских предпринимательских кругов складывалась и весьма достойная мировая деловая репутация.
  Gradually the Swedish enterprise circles received also the very worthy world business reputation.
  В 30-х годах XIX века в Швеции начался экономический подъем и, вместе с тем, - промышленный переворот (переход к механическому прядению, внедрение новых способов ковки железа, собственное производство машин).
  In the thirties years of the 19th century in Sweden the economic rising and, at the same time, - an industrial revolution (transition to mechanical spinning, introduction of new ways of forging of iron, own production of mechanisms) has begun.
  В 50 - 60-е годы XIX века в Швеции проведены первые железные дороги, телеграф, основаны крупные частные банки, акционерные общества; в 1864 объявлена полная свобода торгово-промышленной деятельности.
  In 50 - the 60th years of the 19th century in Sweden the first railroads were built. The telegraph system, large private banks, joint-stock companies were founded. In 1864 a full freedom of commerce and industry activity was announced.
  Создание крупной промышленности не поспевало за аграрным переворотом, что вынуждало массы сельского населения эмигрировать (в основном в США).
  The creation of large-scale industry didn't keep up with an agrarian revolution. The agrarian changes forced the mass of country people to emigrate (generally in the USA).
  Последняя треть XIX века - апогей индустриализации Швеции. Её внешнеторговый оборот вырос за это время в 5 раз и достиг 1 млрд. золотых крон. На севере страны были освоены крупные лесные массивы, железорудные залежи; развернулось железнодорожное строительство.
  The last third of the 19th century - the apogee of industrialization of Sweden. Her foreign trade turnover has grown during this time by 5 times and has reached 1 billion gold kroner. In the north of the country large forests, iron ore deposits have been developed. The railway construction was rising.
  К началу 1-й мировой войны 1914-18 годов Швеция превратилась в индустриально-аграрное государство. Сложились разнообразные отрасли машиностроения, возросла роль крупных частных банков в финансировании промышленности.
  By the beginning of the 1st world war of 1914-18 Sweden has turned into the industrial and agrarian state. The various branches of mechanical engineering appeared, the role of large private banks has increased in industry financing.
  При короле Оскаре II (правил в 1872-1907) Швеция стала традиционно нейтральной страной.
  At times of the King of Sweden Oscar II (he governed in 1872-1907) Sweden became the traditionally neutral country.
  В 1-й мировой войне нейтральная Швеция в 1914-16 годах была загружена иностранными заказами.
  In the 1st World War neutral Sweden in 1914-16 has been loaded by foreign orders.
  В 20-е годы XX века Швеция стала крупным экспортёром капитала (в 1922-1937 годах - 2 млрд. крон), шведские компании приобрели мировую известность.
  In the 20th years of the 20th century Sweden became the large exporter of the capital (in 1922-1937 - 2 billion kroner), the Swedish companies have gained a worldwide fame.
  В начале 2-й мировой войны Швеция провозгласила строгий нейтралитет и поспешила заключить торговые соглашения как с Германией, так и с Великобританией.
  At the beginning of the 2nd World War Sweden has proclaimed a strict neutrality and has hurried to conclude trade agreements as with Germany, so with Great Britain.
  Швеция сохраняла экономические связи и с Великобританией и США (зафрахтовавшими примерно тридцать процентов шведского морского транспорта).
  Sweden kept economic relations and with the Great Britain and the with the USA (which have chartered about thirty percent of the Swedish marine transport).
  Промышленное производство в Швеции увеличилось с 1937 года по 1945 года на 13%.
  Industrial production in Sweden has increased from 1937 to 1945 by 13%.
  Возможно, после Ништадтского мира Швеция утратила статус великой державы. Но она стала передовой экономикой.
  Perhaps, after the Treaty of Nystad of 1721 Sweden have lost the status of the great power. But Sweden became the advanced economy.
  Швеция проводила политические реформы, "встраивалась" в европейские коалиции, стремилась занять положение нейтральной страны.
  Sweden undertook political reforms, "adapted' to the European coalitions, sought to be into position of a neutral state.
  - Любопытно, - отметила Читательница. - Хотя роль Копорья и не однозначна. А что же с Ливонским орденом?
  - Curiously, - the Readeress has noted. - Though the role of Koporye is also not unambiguous. And what with the Livonian Order?
  - Сила Ливонского ордена была ослаблена упадком рыцарской конницы в связи с распространением огнестрельного оружия.
  - The force of the Livonian Order has been weakened by decline of a knightly cavalry in connection with distribution of firearms.
  Одновременно ухудшилось международное положение Ливонии. Рыцарство в погоне за имениями присоединилось к церковной реформации (1554), но вместе с этим Ливония лишилась поддержки могущественной католической церковной организации. Раздробленная Германская империя не в состоянии была оказывать помощь Ливонии, когда в XVI веке она стала яблоком раздора между Московским царством, Польшей, Швецией и Данией, вступившими в борьбу из-за господства на Балтийском море.
  The position of Livonia in the world policy has worsened at the same time. The knights in a pursuit of manors have joined church reformation (1554), but together with it Livonia has lost support of the powerful Catholic church organization. The shattered German empire wasn't able to help Livonia when in the 16th century Livonia became an apple of discord between the Moscow state, Poland, Sweden and Denmark which have entered fight because of domination on the Baltic Sea.
  В 1561 году старая Ливония политически перестала существовать. Северная ее часть - Эстляндия - отошла к Швеции, остров Эзель - к Дании, собственно Лифляндия и позднейшая Латгалия - к Польше, Курляндия в виде герцогства оказалась в вассальной зависимости от Польши.
  In 1561 the "old" Livonia has politically ceased to exist. Her northern part - the Estland (Eastland, Eastlandia) - has departed to Sweden, the Ezel island (Saaremaa) - to Denmark, actually Liflyandiya and the (futher) Latgale - to Poland, the Courland (Kurland) in the form of the duchy has appeared in vassal dependence on Poland.
  В какой-то мере дальнейшая историческая судьба отдельных частей Ливонии характеризуется через историю Латвии и Эстонии.
  To some extent the further historical fate of separate parts of Livonia may be characterized through the history of Latvia and Estonia.
  - А какова судьба Копорья?
  - And what was the destiny of Koporye?
  - Побережье Финского залива стало весьма активно развиваться после начала Северной войны в 1700 году и заключения Ништадтского мира 1721 года.
  - The coast of the Gulf of Finland began to develop very actively after the beginning of the Great Northern war in 1700 and the conclusion of the Treaty of Nystad of 1721.
  Весной 1703 года русскими войсками были заняты Ниеншанц, Ям и Копорье. 16(27) мая заложена Петропавловская крепость, положившая начало Петербургу.
  In the spring of 1703 the Russian troops entered the Nyenschantz, Yama and Koporye. The Peter and Paul Fortress which has laid the foundation for St. Petersburg was put on May 16 (27).
  Желая поставить шведов к моменту заключения мира перед совершившимся фактом освоения устья Невы и заселения нового города, Петр I придавал постройке города исключительные для того времени темп и напряженность.
  Wishing to put Swedes by the time of conclusion of peace before an accomplished fact of development of the mouth of Neva and settling of the new city, Peter I gave to construction of the city the speed and tension exclusive for those times.
  30 августа 1721 года Швеция принуждена была заключить с Россией Ништадтский мир, по которому Россия вернула себе прежние свои земли Вотской пятины Великого Новгорода, кроме того получила Эстляндию, Лифляидию и часть Финляндии с Выборгом, земли у берегов Рижского и Финского заливов.
  On August 30, 1721 Sweden has been forced to conclude the Treaty of Nystad according to which Russia has returned itself former lands of the Vodskaya Pyatina of the city of Novgorod, besides has received the Estland (Eastland, Eastlandia), Liflyandiya and a part of Finland with Vyborg, the lands at coast of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga.
  22 октября 1721 года Сенат преподнес Петру I титул императора всероссийского.
  On October 22, 1721 the Senate has presented to Peter I a title of the emperor the All-Russian.
  Порт, расположенный в восточной оконечности Финского залива - один из крупнейших портов России.
  The port is located in the easternmost tip of the Gulf of Finland - is the one of the largest ports of Russia.
  Если говорить конкретно о Копорье... Это населенный пункт. Сохранились развалины крепостных стен (толщиной около 5 метров) и башен (высотой до 20 метров).
  If to speak specifically about Koporye... It is the settlement. Ruins of fortifications (thickness about 5 meters) and towers (up to 20 meters high) have remained.
  - Так-так, - задумчиво произнесла Читательница.
  - So-so, - the Readeress has thoughtfully said.
  - Изобретатель динамита шведский инженер-химик, изобретатель и промышленник Альфред Бернхард Нобель оставил человечеству необычное завещание о судьбе своего капитала, - добавил Читатель. - В 1900 году на основе оговоренных условий был создан Нобелевский фонд, а затем началось присуждение Нобелевских премий выдающимся естествоиспытателям, литераторам и борцам за мир. Эти функции были возложены на Шведскую королевскую академию наук и стортинг (парламент) Норвегии.
  - The inventor of dynamite, the Swedish chemical engineer, the inventor and the industrialist Alfred Bernhard Nobel left an unusual testament to humanity about the destiny of his capital, - the Reader has added. - In 1900 on the basis of the stipulated conditions the Nobel Foundation has been created, and then the awarding of Nobel Prizes to outstanding scientists, writers and fighters for peace has begun. These functions have been assigned to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Storting (parliament) of Norway.
  - Нобелевская премия мира! - воскликнула Читательница.
  - The Nobel Peace Prize! - the Readeress has exclaimed.
  - Согласно одному из справочников, выпущенных к началу нового тысячелетия, - Читатель, завершая рассказ, поднялся со стула и взял в руки стопку книг, - Швеция входит в число стран с наиболее высоким уровнем жизни.
  - According to one of the handbooks issued at the beginning of the new millennium, - the Reader, finishing the story, have risen from a chair and have taken books in hands, - Sweden is among the countries with the highest standard of living.
  Читатель посмотрел на свои книги:
  The Reader has glanced at the books:
  - А когда же я буду читать отобранные мною книги?
  - And when I will read the books selected by me?
  - Спасибо за рассказ о Копорье! - поблагодарила Читательница. - Буду продолжать изучение исторических вопросов. Но - с хорошим настроением!
  - Thanks for the story about Koporye! - the Readeress has thanked. - I will continue the studying of historical questions. But - with a good mood!
  - Не за что! Информация общеизвестная! Желаю успеха! - Читатель направился к свободному столу.
  - O'key! Well-known information! I wish you success! - The Reader has gone to a free table.
  31 мая 2017 года - 02 июня 2017 года, 23 апреля 2018 г.
  May 31, 2017 - June 02, 2017, April 23, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English (with the text changes): April 22, 2018 - April 25, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation). Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о Копорье".
  3. Dialogue about the Truce of Deulino
  Диалог о Деулинском перемирии
  Dialogue about the Truce of Deulino
  Выйдя из издательства, Х.Г. Инсаров догнал задумчиво идущего по улице М.Л. Песковского.
  Having left publishing house, Christian Insarov has caught up Matvei Peskovsky thoughtfully going along street.
  - Разрешите немного пройтись с Вами, господин Песковский? О чем размышляете? - поинтересовался Инсаров.
  - Allow me to walk a little with you, mister Peskovsky? What do you reflect on? - Insarov has taken an interest.
  - Собираюсь писать о Суворове Александре Васильевиче. Невольно вспомнил о Деулинском перемирии 1618 года.
  - I am going to write about Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. I have involuntarily remembered the Truce of Deulino of 1618.
  - Деулинское перемирие? Предания старины глубокой? Что есть интересное для Вас в этом историческом событии, господин Песковский?
  - The Truce of Deulino? Legends of old times deep? What there is interesting to you in this historical event, mister Peskovsky?
  - Пытаюсь размышлять с позиций формальной логики. - Песковский был явно настроен на философский лад.
  - I try to reflect from positions of formal logic. - Peskovsky has been obviously ready for a philosophical method of reflections.
  - Историки не очень-то детализируют этот исторический факт. Почему у Вас появился к нему интерес? - допытывался Инсаров.
  - Historians not really detail this historic event. Why you felt to him an interest? - Insarov tried to find out.
  - Я размышлял следующим образом, - ответил Песковский. - После нашествия Батыя исторические судьбы русских княжеств были разными.
  - I reflected as follows, - Peskovsky has answered. - After invasion of Batu Khan the historical fate of the Russian principalities was a disparate.
  Земли Южной и Западной Руси вошли в состав Великого княжества Литовского, которое превратилось в одно из сильнейших государств Восточной Европы.
  The areas of the Southern and Western Rus' were a part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania which has turned into one of the strongest states of Eastern Europe.
  Северо-Восточная Русь оказалась в вассальном подчинении Золотой Орде.
  Northeast Rus' has appeared to be in vassal submission to the Golden Horde.
  В период власти Золотой Орды над княжествами Северо-Восточной Руси существование Великого княжества Литовского создавало для некоторой части населения определенную возможность выбора.
  In the period of the power of the Golden Horde over principalities of Northeast Russia the existence of Grand Duchy of Lithuania created a certain possibility of the choice for some part of the population.
  Переехать, переселиться было не так-то просто, но все же для каких-то особо энергичных людей - возможно. Тем более, что существовала историческая, культурная, религиозная общность.
  It wasn't so simple to change places of life, to relocate, but nevertheless for some especially vigorous people - it was possible. Especially as there was a historical, cultural, religious community.
  Имеются примеры переезда из Великого княжества Литовского в Русь Московскую.
  There were an examples of relocations, of movings from Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Moscow's Rus'.
  В общем, существовало некоторое взаимодополнение.
  Generally, there was some complementarity.
  Начинались в Великом княжестве Литовском религиозные гонения - увеличивалась привлекательность Руси Московской.
  Religious persecutions were beginning in Grand Duchy of Lithuania - the attractiveness of the Moscow's Rus' was increasing.
  Выявлялась привлекательность магдебургского права, начавшего действовать в некоторых городах Великого княжества Литовского, - возрастала притягательность западного направления.
  The attractiveness of the Magdeburg rights, which has begun to work in some cities of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, came to light, - the attractiveness of the western direction increased.
  Войны, попытки захвата территорий также имели место.
  Wars, attempts of annexation of territories also took place.
  Для Великого Княжества Литовского - весьма могущественной военной державы - была свойственна определенная политическая гибкость.
  For Grand Duchy of Lithuania - a very powerful military power - a certain political flexibility was peculiar.
  Возрастает угроза со стороны Тевтонского ордена?
  The threat from the Teutonic Order increases?
  В 1385 году создается династическая уния с Польшей.
  In 1385 the dynastic union with Poland was created.
  Началась Ливонская война (1558-1583)?
  The Livonian war (1558-1583) has begun?
  Укрепляется союз с Польшей, в 1569 году создается Речь Посполитая - своего рода равноправный союз Польши и Великого княжества Литовского.
  The union with Poland becomes stronger, in 1569 the Rzeczpospolita - the Republic of People's Nobles - (Polish-"Lithuanian" Commonwealth) - some kind of equal union of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania is created.
  В период "Бескрулья" (в 1572-1577 годах) было сделано предложение Ивану Грозному занять освободившийся трон - возглавить Речь Посполитую - самому или одному из его сыновей.
  During the period of the absence of Kings (Beskrulye) (in 1572-1577) the proposal has been made to Ivan the Terrible to occupy the released throne - to head the Rzeczpospolita (the Polish-"Lithuanian" Commonwealth) - most or to one of his sons.
  Иван Грозный отказался, выдвинув неприемлемые условия, связанные в основном с различиями в вероисповедании.
  Ivan the Terrible has refused, having formulated the unacceptable conditions connected generally with differences in religion.
  Некоторые историки высказывают мнение, что был упущен уникальный шанс династического объединения Руси, Литвы и Польши в единое государство.
  Some historians express opinion that the unique chance of dynastic reunification of Rus', Lithuania and Poland into the uniform state was missed.
  Высказывается также мнение, что многим в Литве и Польше импонировало сближение с Россией для совместной защиты от экспансии Крымского ханства и Османской империи.
  Also the opinion is expressed that for much people in Lithuania and Poland the rapprochement with Russia was attractive: they anticipated the emergence of opportunities of joint protection against expansion of the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire.
  Считается, что кандидатура Ивана Грозного пользовалась определенной популярностью в среде мелкого шляхетства, которое было заинтересовано в нем как правителе, способном покончить с засильем крупной аристократии.
  It is considered that Ivan the Terrible's candidacy enjoyed a certain popularity in the environment of a not rich szlachta which has been interested in him as the governor capable to do away with domination of the large aristocracy.
  Так или иначе, активность вокруг проекта поставить во главе Речи Посполитой русского царя свидетельствовала об отсутствии антагонизма между западными землями и Россией.
  Anyway the activity around the project to put the Russian tsar at the head of the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth demonstrated lack of antagonism between the western lands and Russia.
  Попытки объединить в какой-то форме Русь, Литву и Польшу в единое государство продолжались. Один из мотивов такой активности был очевиден: минимизировать взаимное вооруженное противоборство.
  Attempts to unite in some form Rus', Lithuania and Poland in the uniform state continued. One of motives of such activity was obvious: to minimize the mutual armed confrontation.
  В Смутное время, то есть в период от смерти Ивана IV Васильевича Грозного (1584) до воцарения на русском престоле Михаила Фёдоровича Романова (1613), после свержения в июле 1610 года царя В. И. Шуйского, в России было создано правительство, названное "Семибоярщина" ("седьмочисленные бояре").
  In the Time of Troubles, that is during the period from Ivan IV Vasilyevich's death (1584) before accession on the Russian throne of Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov (1613), after overthrow in July, 1610 of the tsar Vasily Shuisky, in Russia the government, called "Seven Boyars" ("Seven boyars, counted"), has been created.
  В его состав вошли члены Боярской думы, оказавшиеся к этому времени в Москве: князь Ф. И. Мстиславский, князь И. М. Воротынский, князь А. В. Трубецкой, князь А. В. Голицын, князь Б. М. Лыков, И. Н. Романов, Ф. И. Шереметев.
  The members of the Boyar duma (Boyar's Council) who have appeared by this time in Moscow were its (the Government of "Seven Boyars") part: Princes Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavskii (the leader of the group), Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky [Borotynskii], Andrei Vasilevich Trubetskoi, Andrei Vasilevich Golitsyn, Boris Mikhailovich Lykov-Obolenskii, and Boyars Ivan Nikitich Romanov and Fedor Ivanovich Sheremetev.
  Одним из первых решений "Семибоярщины" было постановление не избирать царём представителей русских родов. 17(27) августа 1610 года "Семибоярщина" заключила со стоявшими под Москвой силами Речи Посполитой договор, признававший русским царём сына польского короля Сигизмунда III Владислава.
  The resolution not to elect by the tsar of representatives of the Russian childbirth was one of the first decisions of the Government of "Seven Boyars". On August, 17(27), 1610 the Government of "Seven Boyars" has signed the contract recognizing by the Russian tsar of the son Polish king Sigismund III Wladyslaw with the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth forces standing near Moscow.
  Ограждая свои привилегии, аристократическое правительство добилось включения статей, ограничивавших права Владислава (необходимость принятия им православия ещё в Смоленске, обязательство жениться только на русской, ограничение количества приближённых лиц из Польши и т. п.).
  Protecting the own privileges, the aristocratic government has achieved inclusion of articles limiting Wladyslaw's rights (need of adoption of Orthodoxy by him in Smolensk, the obligation to marry only the Russian, restriction of number of close persons from Poland, etc.).
  Опасаясь выступлений москвичей и не доверяя русским войскам, правительство "Семибоярщина" совершило акт национальной измены: в ночь на 21 сентября 1610 года тайно впустило в Москву войска Речи Посполитой.
  Being afraid of performances of Muscovites and not trusting the Russian troops, the Government of "Seven Boyars" has made the act of national treason: on the night of September 21, 1610 has secretly let in Moscow troops of the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth.
  С октября 1610 года вся реальная власть сосредоточилась в руках военных руководителей Речи Посполитой С. Жолкевского и А. Гонсевского.
  Since October, 1610 all real power has concentrated in hands of military heads of the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth Stanislaw Zolkiewski and Aleksander Gosiewski.
  Однако "Семибоярщина" номинально функционировала вплоть до освобождения Москвы Народным ополчением под руководством Минина и Пожарского.
  However the Government of "Seven Boyars" nominally functioned - up to liberation of Moscow the National militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  Каждый игрок политической игры видит историческую панораму со своего конкретного места. Ориентируясь на заключенный с Семибоярщиной договор, Владислав, возможно, ощущал себя русским царем.
  Each player of a game of politics sees a historical panorama from the concrete place. Being guided by the contract signed with the Government of "Seven Boyars", Wladyslaw, perhaps, felt himself as if the he was the Russian tsar.
  Однако, Народное ополчение под руководством Минина и Пожарского принудило к капитуляции гарнизоны в Кремле и Китай городе 22-26 октября 1612 года.
  However, the National militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky has forced to capitulation garrisons in the Kremlin and Kitay-gorod on October 22-26, 1612.
  В ноябре 1612 года руководители ополчения разослали по городам грамоты о созыве Земского собора для выборов нового царя.
  In November, 1612 heads of a militia have dispatched on the cities of the diploma about convocation of Zemsky Sobor for elections of the new tsar.
  3емский собор 1613 года избрал на престол первого Романова - Михаила Фёдоровича. В его царствование (1613-45) и было заключено то самое Деулинское перемирие 1618 года (между Русским государством и Речью Посполитой), с которого начался наш разговор, господин Инсаров.
  The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 has elected to the throne the first of Romanovs - Mikhail Fyodorovich. In his reign (1613-45) that Truce of Deulino of 1618 (between the Russian state and the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth) was signed. Since this Truce of Deulino our conversation, mister Insarov, has begun.
  Чтобы получить передышку, русское правительство было вынуждено уступить Речи Посполитой смоленские (за исключением Вязьмы), черниговские, новгород-северские земли с 29 городами, в том числе, Смоленск.
  To receive a respite, the Russian government has been forced to concede to the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth the Smolensk's (except for Vyazma), Chernihiv's, the Novhorod-Siverskyi's lands with 29 cities, including, the city of Smolensk.
  Королевич Владислав, ссылаясь на соглашение с боярами-изменниками в 1610 году и на то, что некоторые москвичи признали его царём в 1611 году, не отказывался от претензии на русский престол.
  The king's son Wladyslaw, referring to the agreement with boyars-traitors in 1610 and on the fact that some Muscovites recognized him as the tsar in 1611, didn't refused a claim for the Russian throne.
  После Деулинского перемирия был проведён размен пленными, в результате которого в Москву вернулся находившийся в плену отец царя Михаила Романова патриарх Филарет и другие.
  After the Truce of Deulino the exchange by prisoners has been carried out. As a result of this exchange the father of the tsar Mikhail Romanov, Patriarch Filaret, who was in captivity, and others has returned to Moscow.
  - Что же заставляет Вас подвергать Деулинское перемирие 1618 года логическому анализу? - иронически улыбнулся Инсаров.
  - What forces you to subject the Truce of Deulino of 1618 to the logical analysis? - Insarov has ironically smiled.
  - Мне представляется не очень-то логичным, - ответил Песковский, - что Владислав, ссылаясь на соглашение с боярами-изменниками в 1610 году и на то, что некоторые москвичи признали его царём в 1611 году, полагая себя русским царем, способствовал уступке Россией в пользу Речи Посполитой весьма обширных территорий.
  - It is represented to me not really logical, - Peskovsky has answered, - that Wladyslaw, referring to the agreement with boyars-traitors in 1610 and on the fact that some Muscovites recognized him as the tsar in 1611, believing himself the Russian tsar, promoted a concession by Russia in favor of the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth of very extensive territories.
  - Логически если подойти, - согласился Инсаров, - царь претендует на власть над всей территорией, а не над ее частью. И уж тем более не способствует передаче части территории своего государства другой державе.
  - If to approach logically, - Insarov has agreed, - the tsar applies for the power over all territory, but not over her part. And, especially, doesn't promote transfer of a part of the territory of the state to the other state.
  Есть вопросы к логике.
  There are questions to the logic.
  Слишком много было эмоций, сложно было остановиться. Возможно, присутствовал эффект психологической инерции.
  Was emotions too much, it was difficult to stop. Perhaps, there was an effect of psychological inertia.
  Но в какой-то момент стало общепонятно, кто является русским царем?
  But it became clear at some point who - what the person - is the Russian tsar?
  - Конечно, - ответил Песковский. - Последовала Русско-Польская война ("Смоленская война") 1632-1634 годов.
  - Of course, - Peskovsky has answered. - The Russian-Polish war ("The Smolensk War") of 1632-1634 has followed.
  По ее итогам был заключен Поляновский мир (1634).
  Following the results the Treaty of Polyanovka has been made (1634).
  По Поляновскому миру Речь Посполитая в основном закрепляла за собой захваченные в Смутное время земли.
  On the Treaty of Polyanovka to the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth generally secured the lands occupied in the Time of Troubles.
  При этом Владислав отказался от притязаний на московский престол и признал, наконец, Михаила Романова законным царем. России были возвращены все документы, связанные с избранием Владислава русским царем в 1610 г. (крестоцеловальная запись бояр и др.). Поляновский мир зафиксировал западную границу России после Смутного времени.
  At the same time Wladyslaw has refused claims on the Moscow throne and recognized, at last, Mikhail Romanov as the lawful tsar. Russia has been returned all documents connected with election of Wladyslaw as the Russian tsar in 1610 (the recordings of the boyars made with the simultaneous kissing of the Cross, etc.). The Treaty of Polyanovka has recorded the western border of Russia after the Time of Troubles.
  Далее последовала Русско-Польская война 1654-1667 годов. Эта война стала весьма длительной, она растянулась с перерывами на тринадцать лет. Ее завершил Андрусовский договор 1667 года. Условия Андрусовского перемирия подтверждены "Вечным миром" в 1686 году.
  Further the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1667 has followed. This war became very long, it has dragged on with breaks for thirteen years. The war was finished by the Truce of Andrusovo of 1667. Conditions of the Truce of Andrusovo are confirmed with the "Treaty of Perpetual Peace" in 1686.
  В исторической литературе высказывается мнение, что после этой войны Речь Посполитая перестала представлять серьезную опасность для Москвы.
  In historical literature the opinion is expressed that after this war the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth has ceased to constitute serious danger to Moscow.
  На почве совместных действий против Османской империи, а затем и против Швеции происходит сближение России и Речи Посполитой.
  At base of joint actions against the Ottoman Empire, and then and against Sweden there was a rapprochement of Russia and the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth.
  - Мда, - неопределенно отреагировал Инсаров. И продолжил:
  - Well, - Insarov has vaguely reacted. Also he have continued:
  - События Смутного времени, противостояние России и Речи Посполитой оставили неприятный эмоциональный след в общественной психологии.
  - Events of the Time of Troubles, opposition of Russia and the Polish-'Lithuanian' Commonwealth have left an unpleasant emotional mark in public psychology.
  - Возможно более логичное поведение Владислава по отношению к правам на царский престол и к перечисленным в Деулинском перемирии территориям способствовало бы понижению уровня негативных эмоций, - высказался Песковский.
  - Perhaps more logical behavior of Wladyslaw in relation to the rights for an imperial throne and to the territories, listed in the Truce of Deulino, would promote lowering of the level of negative emotions, - Peskovsky has spoken.
  - Размышления бесконечные, - констатировал Инсаров. - Переключайтесь на биографический очерк о Суворове.
  - The process of reflections are infinite, - Insarov noted. - I advise you to switch your attention to a biographic sketch about Suvorov.
  Писатели улыбнулись друг другу и направились каждый по своим делам.
  Writers have smiled each other and have gone everyone on the affairs.
  30 мая 2017 года
  May 30, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: April 13, 2018 21:34. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Деулинском перемирии'.
  4. The dialogue about Peter the Great
  - Mr. Ivanov! - Florenty Fyodorovich Pavlenkov (Florence F. Pavlenkov) invited writer to talk.- In the series "Life of remarkable people" is scheduled for publication the biographies of statesmen.
  Reader's interest and the reader's demand is currently such that the biographies of Russian writers - are the maximally popular.
  Author, invited to talk, nodded, agreeing.
  Pavlenkov continued:
  - Now that the nineteenth century is coming to an end, in Russia is difficult to reach agreement on the issues about the evaluation of those or other Russian historical figures.
  - Yes, - Ivanov reacted.
  - But readers relate to our series with confidence. Paying heed to their trust, their desire to obtain basic knowledge of history of Russia, Russian state figures, we have to publish a biography of Peter the Great.
  Ivanov nodded again, agreeing.
  - How do you think Mr. Ivanov, is it correct to see in the biography of Peter the Great two biographies: his personal biography, characterizing his life's path, and the biography of the Russian Empire? - Pavlenkov asked.
  - In 1721 Peter I declared the Russia as an Empire, - Ivanov reacted. - There are scientific definitions of the concept of "Empire". The empire is defined as a vast state that includes the territories of other peoples and states. Discussions are held about the content of the scientific definition.
  In the ordinary consciousness - an Empire is a powerful, "brilliant" state.
  The fates of Peter the Great and the Russian Empire are interrelated.
  The processes that led to the emergence of the Russian Empire, began long before Peter I.
  There are challenges, that facing any government. For example, state must to ensure the independence, security, development, trade and cultural relations with other countries.
  The solution to these "standard" tasks in the specific conditions of Russia led to the emergence of the Russian Empire.
  Pavlenkov looked at Ivanov with interest. Ivanov continued:
  - Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 - one of the most important events in the process of gaining independence by Russia. But this victory was the result of the summing of different factors. For example, a significant role was played by the internecine wars in the Golden Horde. Troops of the Golden Horde were repeatedly defeated by the army of Tamerlane. The Great Stand on the Ugra river in 1480 completed the acquisition of Russia's almost complete political independence.
  However, safety was far away. One example is the existence of so-called Qasim Khanate or Kingdom of Qasim within Russia since 1445 in 1681.
  Before Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) were the tasks: and centralization, and security.
  Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born in 1530; Grand Prince from 1533, the first Russian Tzar since 1547. He died in 1584.
  Peter the Great was born in 1672; Russian Tsar from 1682, Emperor of Russia since 1721.
  About one hundred and fifty years were between the periods of activity of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter the Great.
  There are surnames and place-names that "connect" the period of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter I the Great.
  In 1558, the Stroganov Grigory receives an official document from Ivan IV on ownership of desert land on both sides of the Kama river, from the mouth of the Lysva to the Chusovaya River.
  In 1568 to the possessions of Stroganov by an official document from Ivan IV were attached the lands on the 20 miles up of the Chusovaya River .
  In 1574 Ivan IV attaches lands along the Tobol River to the possessions of Stroganov.
  Stroganovs received the right to populate the earth with people, judge them during 20 years old, not to pay government taxes and duties. Stroganovs had the right to build cities, to have military men, produce cannons.
  On acquired lands Stroganovs develops salt, fish, ores extraction, cultivates arable farming.
  The Stroganovs owned vast lands and received a large income from the salt and trade furs. They were not subject to Royal governors and, subject only to the personal Royal court.
  In 1581 the Stroganovs recruited, equipped, armed, sent a detachment of Cossacks under command of ataman Yermak Timofeyevich.
  In 1582 Ermak breaks the troops of Kuchum Khan and enters into the capital of the Siberian Kingdom (Khanate of Sibir) Isker (Qashliq).
  In 1584 completed the period of the reign of Ivan IV but the Stroganovs continue to be active in Russian history.
  Stroganovs had a significant monetary and military assistance to the Second Volunteer Army..
  In the first years of the reign of Michael I of Russia, the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov, when the Treasury was depleted, and often lacked the funds for the maintenance of military men, the Stroganovs had major cash and food aid to the state.
  During the Great Northern War (1700-21), the Stroganovs rendered great financial aid to Peter I.
  - Perhaps, - Ivanov stared at Pavlenkova, - we get the first group of concepts that characterize the history of the Empire:
  Initiative commercial, industrial, and free people.
  Pavlenkov thoughtfully looked at Ivanova.
  Ivanov continued:
  - The desire to develop trade and cultural relations with Europe was one of the motives of the beginning of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Livonian War (1558-1583).
  Successful start of the Livonian war showed the importance of positive reform of the army and the state apparatus.
  However, there has been a "problem of coalition". Russia had to wage war simultaneously against Lithuania, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. Many forces were distracted by raids of Devlet I Giray, a khan of the Crimean Khanate, on the southern margin of the state. Despite this, Ivan IV rejected the truce in 1566 and continued the fight against the bloc of States in the absence of allies.
  In the late 70's-beginning 80-ies the Russian troops were forced to leave all the conquered territory. The Livonian war ended inconclusively. In the end of the Livonian war ended badly for Russia, and Russia's access to the Baltic sea was carried out only in the early 18th century. Under the leadership of Peter the Great. The result of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.
  So, thinking about the Livonian war, we come to another group of concepts, describing the history of the Empire:
  - coalition,
  - reform of the army (Peter the Great added the task of creating a fleet),
  - positive government reform (creation of a professional army by Peter the Great demanded changes in the tax system, improved budgetary process).
  - Concisely! - appreciated Pavlenkov. - But - in general - corresponds to the generally accepted historical concepts.
  The activities of Peter the Great is a positive and practical development of concepts, describing the history of the Empire, - continued Ivanov.
  - First, ensuring state independence, security, the trend for centralization,
  Second, the development of the Urals and Siberia, the development of industry in these regions
  Third, the coalition. Peter the Great actively sought to act in a "Holy League"of 1684, uniting the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Venetian Republic, the Tsardom of Russia. "Holy League" against the Ottoman Empire.
  Peter the Great contributed to the creation of anti-Swedish coalition (the so-called Northern Alliance). In different periods of the Northern Alliance was composed of Russia, Denmark, Saxony, Poland, Hanover and Prussia.
  Peter I managed to achieve a rapprochement with France and sign the Treaty of Amsterdam 1717 of Alliance and friendship between Russia, France and Prussia.
  Russia was among the great European powers.
  Fourth, the reform of the army and the Navy, a positive reform of the state apparatus belong to the generally recognized achievements of Peter the Great.
  Fifth, the reform of the tax system, improve the budget process, has provided funding for the army, Navy and other government spending.
  There is an opinion that excessive growth of expenditure for military needs, and the severity of taxation - these are the main features of the state economy under Peter the Great.
  The state budget reached at the end of the reign of Peter to 8 and a half million. The new tax replaced the old taxes, and gave significant against the previous surplus (2.8 million). 3/4 of state funds spent on the maintenance of the military Department: the land forces (4.6 million) and Navy (1.4 million). From the rest covered the cost of diplomacy, administration, court, public buildings and so on. It should be noted that the poll tax was established when state-owned costs have increased; all the available funds of Central and local offices were allocated to cover the maintenance of the army and Navy, and the old ways of increasing state revenue were invalid before the formidable fact of the exhaustion of means of payment and reduction of the indigenous population of Russia.
  Peter the Great said that the money, collected from people, he must use for the government. He must give an account about this usage to God himself.
  Positive changes gave the result: changed the status of the state.
  Improvement and professionalization of the state apparatus, creating the new army, the appearance of the fleet, the construction of ports on the Baltic sea, changing the position of the Russian state in the international arena, other progressive phenomenon allowed to declare Russia an Empire. Peter I the Great became the first Russian Emperor.
  Ivanov paused and separately added:
  Development of initiative of businessmen, industrial and free people, which was manifested in the activities of the Stroganov, Yermak Timofeyevich and other active personalities, it seems, was "to fade". On the contrary, the bureaucracy has come to dominate, to prevail. Clearly positive effects from the domination of the bureaucracy should not wait.
  - It's hard to argue with You, Mr. Ivanov, - has responded Pavlenkov. - You know that the books of our series "Life of remarkable people" is designed for a wide range of readers. Each book is approximately 100 pages. It is clear: the brevity and compactness will be necessary.
  - Of course, Mr. Pavlenkov, - stated Ivanov, - a wide circle of readers is not planning to purchase scientific historical monographs. To buy and read "thick" books, many readers are not enough funds, not enough time. This series has its own reputation and its own reader. The book of series "Life of remarkable people" will have to balance information about the details of the personal life of Peter the Great and information on the history of the Empire.
  Reading compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, the reader should get an idea not only about the history of the Empire, but about his, Peter the Great's, personality, about his biography.
  There is an opinion that Peter consciously imitated Ivan IV, whose authority he honored highly.
  Probably every Russian reader it is useful to know that Peter eventually acquired the selfeducation is comprehensive and encyclopedic.
  With the "art" he is acquainted practically.
  He was the master of the fourteen crafts.
  Peter became a great military leader, who wanted to, could and was able to do everything himself.
  For example, a whole month Peter kept himself on the soldier's rations, performing all the duties of the soldier. A personal experience gave him reliable data to determine the strength and endurance of his army. Training the newly formed regiments is always performed under his direct supervision.
  Peter waged war, as a practical sage. He is clearly aware the goals of the war, the necessary forces and means, and he never attempted to achieve the impossible.
  Before the decisive moment during the battle of Poltava, the Russian Emperor addressed his soldiers with the words:
  "Soldiers! Here the hour has come which will decide the fate of the Fatherland. And so you shouldn't think that you fight for Peter, but for the state, entrusted to Peter, for the country... You also should not confuse the glory of the enemy. Think about your victories over him.
  As for Peter, know that his life is not dear to him. His purpose is only to Russia lived in happiness and glory for our well-being".
  During the battle of Poltava the Swedish army adopted the linear order of battle, and at 9 a.m. went on the attack. In a fierce melee the Swedes managed to press the Russian centre, but in this moment, Peter I personally led the counter-attack by the second battalion of the Novgorod regiment and restored the situation. During this fight one Swedish bullet pierced his hat, another one stuck in the saddle, and the third flattened Golden crucifix on the chest.
  Practical mindset of Peter the Great combined with philosophical generalizations. For some time before the death of Peter, among unbearable suffering, he spoke ironically: "I know what the poor animal is man!"
  The influence of the reforms of Peter the Great was so significant and lasting that in spite of turmoil in Russia, its political power has not been shaken.
  Quite aptly and eloquently described the diverse transforming activity of Peter the Great, the famous Russian historian Pogodin:
  "We Wake up. What is now the day? January 1, 1841. Peter the Great ordered to count years from the birth of Christ, Peter the Great commanded to count the months from Jan. (...) Catches the eye of the book - Peter the Great introduced the use of this font, and he carved the letters. (...) Brought Newspapers - Peter the Great started them. You need to buy different things - all, from the neck of a silk shawl to a shoe sole, will remind you of Peter the Great: he prescribed, introduced them into use... (...) Lunch from salt herrings to wine, all meals will tell you about Peter the Great. (...) Meet the ladies admitted into the company of men at the request of Peter the Great. Go to University - the first secular school was established under Peter the Great, etc."
  In conversation with You, Mr. Pavlenkov, the publisher, I cannot fail to note, - Ivanov tapped fingers lying beside the newspaper. - Learned some foreign languages, Peter found time to read books of historical and technical. After dinner he usually read the Dutch Newspapers, making marks with a pencil on "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Peter was actively engaged in the selection of books for translation; he edited textbooks, managed the compilation of the maps and descriptions of various localities, took part in printing and publishing. Decrees and legislation of the era of transformation - for the most part the works of Peter himself, or prepared under his direct supervision.
  Peter I was the author and editor of a number of statutes, military-theoretical and historical works. Among them - "The Book of military regulations", "The Book of the marine regulations", "Regulations concerning the administration of Admiralty and the shipyard...", "Book of Mars or military Affairs..."
  Essays "History of the Swedish war" and "Reflections on the causes of the Northern war" were prepared with close cooperation of Peter.
  He was proportionally complex, his figure was not overwhelmed by its size. Full, dark, precisely sculpted face exuded calm and deep awareness. Quick, shrewd, slightly contemptuous glance, large and massive forehead...
  As if summing up the reflections on the contents of a compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, Ivanov has formulated the wish:
  - However, we will not lose hope that the General reader will - over time - to buy and read "thick" books with a lot of detail, figures, thinking, versions, and interpretations ...
  - Financial conditions of cooperation of the authors with our series "Life of remarkable people" are no secret, - continued Pavlenkov.
  - Yes, - responded Ivanov.
  - Are you ready to start writing a biographical sketch of the life and public activities of Peter the Great for the series "Life of remarkable people"? The approximate volume of the book - 100 pages? - said Pavlenko.
  - Yes, - said Ivanov.
  - In that case, - I propose to begin! - summed up the negotiations Pavlenkov.
  27 may 2017.
  This translation: 04.09.2017 5:32
  Translation from Russian language into English language: Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о Петре Великом".
  5. Dialogue about the Peace Treaties of Tilsit (1807)
  In Petersburg there was good weather. On the Strelka, on the bench, admiring the views of river, the writers Christian Georgievich Insarov and Andrei Vasilyevich Kamensky were conversing.
  Insarov has taken an interest:
  - "Your impressions, mister Kamensky, from a meeting with the Prince Metternich? From the interview received at him?"
  - "Excellent interview!" - Kamensky have answered. - "Of course, the Prince has been limited in time..."
  - "The person talked for nearly six months with Napoleon - after marriage of the Emperor and the Austrian Princess in 1810. It's clear, that Metternich was the master of diplomacy," - Insarov has expanded a context of exchange of opinions.
  - "The army of the Austrian empire has suffered from Napoleon heavy instant defeat near Vagram on July 5-6, 1809. Metternich was appointed after this defeat by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Habsburg monarchy. He had a powerful motivation for dense and long communication with Napoleon in 1810. Military operations have stopped, there has come time of personal contact," - has noticed Kamensky.
  - "Events, amazing! The Unusual! The victories as lightnings - at Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland, Wagram. The immediate defeats of great European States - Prussia, Austrian Empire. The vulnerability of small States. A questionable and anxious mood," - Kamensky continued the thought.
  - "PreuЯisch Eylau (Preussisch Eylau) has become history", - Insarov has reminded. - "This is one of the few battles in which Napoleon personally commanded, and which has ended without Napoleon's troops obvious victory. The Russian troops resisted French almost as equals in that winter battle of the beginning of 1807. The Russian-Prussian-French war of 1806-1807 was been ending. Prussia has been crushed and demoralized. The Napoleon's Empire extended. Appeared a common border with Russia."
  - "Gradually Western and Eastern Europe were appearing under the domination of Napoleon," - has expressed Kamensky. - "Full defeat of troops of the Austrian empire near Vagram was still ahead in 1809. But Napoleon sought to settle the relations with Russia. Russia was in process of specifying the historical prospects. Therefore the Tilsit Peace Treaties in the summer of 1807 has been signed".
  - "By the Treaties of Tilsit, Russia received some territorial acquisition," - Insarov has reminded. - "To the Russian Empire the Bialystok district "has departed" from the crushed Prussia in Napolйon consent. This district "had no leading role". The area of his territory was rather not big. But one question to recognize on paper of territorial changes fulfilled by Napolйon I in Europe. Paper can bear a lot. Another matter to confirm consent by actions. To become the participant of territorial acquisitions. Perhaps, aggressive Napolйon - by the transfer of the Bialystok district - has divided with Russia a certain part of hostility from the the conquered and unoccupied European countries."
  - 'The Treaties of Tilsit acted not so long, - said Kamensky. - In 1807, in the summer, they were signed. In the summer of 1812 Napoleon began the invasion to Russia. And the Treaties of Tilsit has lost force...'
  Insarov has remembered:
  - 'In the book by the Academician Tarle "Napoleon" is noticed change of a position in Russia concerning Napoleon:
  "In 1807, until June, he was proclaimed the forerunner of the Antichrist from the church pulpit, and in conversations - by the Antichrist and destroyer of the Christian faith. From June 1807 the Antichrist suddenly became, without the slightest transitions and explanations, the friend and ally of the Russian Tsar. Now he once again found himself the Antichrist and half of Russia has won almost without resistance".'
  - 'There are such lines ...' - Kamensky agreed . And he added:
  - 'The Austrian Empire has been crushed near Vagram in 1809, then became the obedient ally of Napoleon. Nevertheless, beginning invasion to Russia in 1812, Napoleon was at war actually on two fronts: with Russia and with England. By the way, England was quite active in Spain, people of which showed courageous resistance to invasion of troops of Napoleon.'
  - 'The situation seems to be simplified,' - added Insarov. - 'Napoleon dominates almost all of Western and central Europe. There comes the moment when the period of his brilliant instant victories comes to the end, then passes rather short period of the Peace Treaties of Tilsit, fierce fight of Napoleon on two fronts begins: against Russia and against England.
  But in reality, the situation remained difficult. Seven years separates the summer of 1807, when Treaties of Tilsit were signed, from September 1814, when the Congress of Vienna began. And who could have known what would happen in this seven-year period ...'
  Insarov has kept silent for a moment and has continued:
  - 'About how events developed after the Treaties of Tilsit (1807) , we know now. Napoleon's invasion to Russia. The surrender of Moscow. Skillful actions of Kutuzov. Early winter and others, adverse for the French army, circumstances. The soldiers of the Great Army remained in the snows of Russia.
  No less interesting is another. How would events for Russia became develop, if the Treaties of Tilsit were not signed?'
  Kamensky looked interestedly at Insarov:
  - 'Do you show tendency to a peculiar genre of historical hypotheses, to forming of historical analogies, mister Insarov?
  It is obvious that without the Treaties of Tilsit would continue collisions between Napoleonic France and Russia . Despite the fact that their armies needed to rest, replenishment, restoration of forces.
  The political fate of Prussia would not be enviable.'
  Insarov has continued the reflection:
  - 'The Treaties of Tilsit didn't aim to create the opposition between England and Napoleon. Not the Treaties of Tilsit made Britain and Russia the allies in 1812, after the start of the invasion. By 1807, by the time of the signing of the Treaties of Tilsit England already was with Napoleon at war.
  England fought against pre-Napoleonic France and Napoleonic France since 1792 - except for the short period of the Treaty of Amiens (1802-1803).
  First, there were trade contradictions between England and France. And these contradictions arose long before 1792.
  Second, the people's uprising on 10 August 1792 overthrew Louis XVI from the throne, and he and his family were imprisoned in the Temple. In January 1793 Louis XVI was executed. The execution of the former king was described by England as "the most heinous of all known atrocities in history."For the European monarchies - is a significant argument.
  Napoleon became the head of France in November, 1799'.
  - 'What was the expediency of The Treaties of Tilsit?' - directed the attention of the interlocutor Insarov. And continued:
  - 'Receiving the Bialystok district? Russia had no significant interest in this territory. A small territory has been put on one bowl of the scales. On the other bowl - a historical reputation ...
  Time for preparation for new collision with Napoleon? But Russia was preparing for the confrontation with Napoleon after the beginning of the Russo-Prussian-French war of 1806-1807. And, maybe, earlier? We will remember the Italian campaign of Suvorov of 1799 - during existence of the 2nd anti-French coalition. Russia was included into the coalition against republican France in March, 1793.
  England continuously was at war with Napoleon since 1803 - and until his final leaving from the political scene in 1815.
  On the one hand, in the signing of the Treaties of Tilsit there was a logic. First, in general a lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. Secondly, there was a probability that this peace will become "eternal"? Or not?
  If to watch at the Treaties of Tilsit as on the come true historic fact, then he can remind someone not the world, but truce. Truce before resolute collision.
  On the other hand, from 1807 for 1812 Napoleon has collected, has organized, has provided with food and arms enormous army. He prepared and then invaded Russia.
  Someone will find both "pluses", and "minuses" in the Treaties of Tilsit.
  What outweighs?
  However, historical acts seldom deserve unambiguously positive assessment. Or unambiguously negative.
  Pay attention, mister Kamensky, to such feature of military contraposition as its duration. If to take for examples such powers as England and Russia, resisting to Napoleon, then the following picture appears.
  The French revolution of 1789 at first has attracted some sympathies of the English bourgeoisie.
  The radicalism of the French revolution and parallel growth of radicalism in England has alarmed ruling classes.
  The successes of the French Revolution, occupation of Belgium, - the main way of the English sale on the continent, - and threat of occupation of Holland have forced England to join enemies of revolutionary France; war has begun (at the beginning of 1793).
  In England the legislation protecting integrity of human beings has been suspended, and the laws which have limited freedom of press and meetings are issued; radical clubs have been closed.
  War - by one of estimates of its duration - continued 22 years. In historical literature the opinion is expressed that this war was war both on external, and on the internal front. For example, it was necessary to resolve both social, and national contradictions.
  Between the year 1803 and Waterloo (18 June 1815; time of 7 anti-French coalition) were created: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th anti-Napoleonic coalitions. As you might guess, all of these listed 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th coalitions ended in such a way, that the 7th coalition became necessary.
  And, despite the fact that one of the coalition was been replacing with another, England did not stop uninterruptedly - almost 12 years (if we count from 1803) - to fight against Napoleon.
  And if you count not from 1803, but from the beginning of 1793, when the French National Convention (Convention nationale) declared war on England, and to subtract approximately one year of duration of "peace of Amiens", it turns out - about 21 years!
  About 21 years of active military contraposition! Such historical phenomenon is deserving attention, dear mister Kamensky, doesn't seem to you? In such difficult situation England had a complex of the most difficult questions: budgetary, personnel, internal political and others!'
  - 'England was separated from Napoleon's army by the Strait,' - Kamensky have reminded . - 'England had a strong fleet which has broken the Spanish-French fleet in the Trafalgar battle in 1805. England could resist to Napoleon nearly 12 years uninterruptedly (from 1803 to 1815): Napoleon couldn't destroy England.
  Absolutely other situation - the Russia, which has received in 1807 extensive overland border with the Empire of Napoleon.
  And what would be the history of Russia, if not were concluded the Treaties of Tilsit?
  Russia, like all European continental countries, including France, have discovered a desire for a rapid resolution of the accumulated problems in battles.
  Austerlitz: Kutuzov has been inclined to evade from resolute fight; the Russian Emperor Alexander I accelerated events.
  Quick, lightning, galloping victories were in the style of Napoleon.
  We can assume that the continental European powers tend to minimize the duration of an armed confrontation.
  Habit? Features of economic and governmental systems?
  I will allow myself to to offer for comparison an illustration from another historical period: sir Francis Drake. Whole periods of his life were periods of armed confrontation. The sea battle of the English fleet with the Spanish Invincible Armada in 1588 did not pass in the form of a General battle. It was a multi-day fighting, in which in favor of the English fleet were maximally used natural factors and different circumstances.
  At the time of Francis Drake England was not the rich country. And now we will assume that the country becomes rich, that economic and state systems allow to distribute the period of military contraposition for many years. For example, 20 years.
  Fight of armies turns into fight of the governmental, budgetary systems!'
  Kamensky smiled.
  - 'You, mister Insarov, will reach during your fantastic constructions to the point, when you remember, except England, also Spain, whose population resisted to Napoleon's troops in 1808-1814. Nearly 6 years! You will find some analogies between defense of Zaragoza in 1809 ("each house has turned into fortress") and fights for Stalingrad in 1942. Moreover you will also make the Central staff of the guerrilla movement in the sequence of the reasonings.
  You will remember mass evacuation to the Urals and beyond the Urals. Updating of top military personnel...
  You, mister Insarov, will reach in your fantastic mental constructions unto the "association" the "Peace of Tilsit" with "the Anglo-Spanish model of armed confrontation"...'
  - 'That is, did "Peace of Tilsit" have no alternative?' - summed up the hypothetical reasoning Insarov.
  Kamensky has smiled:
  - 'Who can tell whether Russia had sufficient resources for long and continuous confrontation on "the English sample". Resources for the long-term (armed) confrontation? There was no "Strait factor". And budgetary process? Financing of expenses on army, other expenses? And what about general functionality and flexibility of state machinery?
  Several years of defensive armed struggle in the own territory - without "Strait factor" - put the enormous, surpassing any imaginations, tasks before the state!
  Quick victory is perceived as a manifestation of the art of war. The protracted war has always been understood as a disaster.
  The struggle of Spanish people's masses against the French invaders was accompanied by disasters. The alternative was obedience. The Spaniards chose disobedience and protracted war in the period 1808-1814 years. However, it was primarily a guerrilla war.
  Interestingly, that the talented French general Moro who was hostile to Napoleon, gave to heads of the anti-Napoleonic coalition in 1813 recommendation: "Do not attack those parts of the army, where Napoleon himself, and attack only on the marshals".
  The general Moro put a victory on the first place? At any cost?
  In the territory of Portugal and in the neighboring regions of Spain - along with the guerrilla groups, - the English expeditionary corps operated, which had landed in 1808 on the Iberian Peninsula. Corps included the some units of the Spanish army.
  There was appeared unique Anglo-Spanish experience of prolonged war: based on very functional government institutions (English), effective budgetary process (English), on the broad people's guerrilla movement (Spanish).
  Napoleon said: "The war must feed itself." It is unlikely that this approach suited to the signs of a commonly understood effective budget process. His maneuvering during the warfare was quick and skillful. His crushing victories quickly turned into conditions of peace, into diplomatic achievements.
  It is possible to believe hypothetically that the history "traced" two models of armed confrontation: Anglo-Spanish and Napoleonic.'
  Insarov, having understood that reasonings gain more and more presumable character, have decided to make a pause.
  Kamensky, however, was fond of discussion:
  - 'Let's say Russia has decided to sign the Treaties of Tilsit. May be, the "peace of Tilsit" was connected with intense preparation of the future opponents for the expected collision (Napoleonic France prepared for a campaign to Russia approximately since 1810). Let's say, that after intense and relatively long training followed a relatively short time of an armed confrontation.
  In June, 1812 the Napoleonic army without declaration of war has crossed the Russian border on the Neman River near Kovno (Kaunas).
  December 21, 1812 (on January 2, 1813) Kutuzov in the order on army has congratulated troops on exile of the enemy from borders of Russia and has urged army "to complete defeat of the enemy on his own fields".
  The defeat of the Napoleonic invasion on Russia lasted for about 7 months. 7 months - not a few days, but not for several years. We will assume this period is relatively short. Of course, the period from 1812 to 1815, the same is not small.
  Who used the chosen option more effectively: "rather long preparation and rather short armed confrontation"? Napoleonic France or Russia?
  Anyway, both France, and Russia were preparing. Who "better" "long" prepared? Who "better" "quickly" was at war?'
  Insarov has paid attention Kamensk to ambiguity of concepts:
  - 'What means "was ready"? The concept is quite wide.
  Kutuzov, Suvorov's pupil, in Russia in 1812 was operating. Both Suvorov and Kutuzov were formed as commanders in the era of Catherine II. In 1812, the high resistance of the people and the army was manifested.
  In what measure Kutuzov's "presence", manifestations of firmness is possible to consider as the result of purposeful preparation of the Russian state for Napoleon's invasion?
  Perhaps, it is results of broader and long historical processes?
  Perhaps, early frosts in 1812 and some other events is possible to identify as combination of circumstances, happy for Russia.
  Ingenious and wise Kutuzov strategically relied on firmness of the people and army. Kutuzov have managed "to set sails" under wind of favorable historical circumstances.
  Napoleon persistently looked for decisive battle, sought to break the Russian army in parts. But - he couldn't.
  Napoleon near Neman in June, 1812 had about 420 thousand people. With them he has crossed the border. He has led 135 thousand to Borodino Field.
  Someone will remember the statement of the French Emperor: "The Fortune has changed the (postal) address, which was written on the letter with congratulations!".'
  Insarov has decided to move a conversation to one of favourite subjects: about practical benefits of reading historical literature:
  - 'Military art of the Swedish king Karl XII is estimated is extremely contradictory. The opinion is expressed that Karl XII's victories were fruitless. Supposedly a long time he was gaining victory over a weak and untrained troops of enemies. After this Charles XII began to ignore the basic requirements of the military art. The results were: campaign with insufficient forces and in conditions of poor communications (for example, into Russia in 1708-1709), underestimation of the opponent, bad intelligence, lack of the plan of fight, unrealistic calculations about the aid allies, etc.'
  - 'The historical works on the military art of the Swedish King Charles XII were published before the beginning of the nineteenth century, until 1812, in French?' - thought Kamensky.
  - 'Alexander Pushkin has created the poem "Poltava" after Patriotic war of 1812. After 1812 Academician Tarle created the historical works,' - Insarov has jokingly reacted. - 'I will note that among Tarle's works - "The Crimean war".
  During the Crimean war of 1853-1856 the problems of efficiency of the budget process and functionality of the state apparatus of Russia have proved themselves very significantly and adversely. The problems of scientific and technical backwardness were supplemented.'
  - 'We will refrain from unambiguous conclusions: who "better" "long" prepared to - who "better" "quickly" was at war during invasion of 1812. The strategic victory was for Kutuzov, Russia.
  But from the historical lessons you can make other - unambiguous - conclusions. About the benefits of reading.
  So, we read books by Pushkin! We read historical literature! We read books about history of Europe and the European countries!' - Kamensky have generalized the results of a discussion .
  May 23-25, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 16 November 2017 - 17 November 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Тильзитском мире'.
  6. Dialogue about Gorchakov
  The Reader and the Readeress (Reader(woman)) left M. Gorky's cafe-library under an impression. The book about Alexander Gorchakov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Chancellor of the Russian Empire was discussed.
  - Interesting biography, - the Reader has said. - As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov biographically have been connected with Alexander Pushkin. As well as Nesselrode, Gorchakov participated in many historical events.
  - He was supposed to. By rank. - Readeress joked.
  And have added:
  - In historical works the preparation and the direction by Gorchakov of the "Dispatch" on October 19, 1870, is especially highlighted. "... The sovereign the emperor, in trust to sense of justice of the powers which have signed the treatise of 1856 and to their consciousness of own advantage, instructs to declare...: that emperor can't further consider himself connected by obligations of the treatise on March 18-go/30-go, 1856 as far as they limit his (emperor's) Supreme rights in the Black Sea ...".
  - Yes. In Europe there was a new situation. On July 19, 1870, Napoleon III has declared war of Prussia and has assumed the Supreme command. On September 1, 1870 - Fight at the Sedan, defeat of Napoleonic army by Prussian troops.
  - The ones praise Gorchakov for "destruction" of the 2nd article of the Parisian treatise about neutralization of the Black Sea. The others can tell that Russia needed not unilateral diplomatic steps in the conditions of the European crisis, how many intensive economic and political development. The thirds will tell that Russia needed both development, and skillful diplomacy.
  - In 1991 there were motives to remember Gorchakov and about Gorchakov. And 1917-1918 gave reasons to such a memoirs.
  - Yes. He has rejected initiatives of the European powers about the international legal solution of a question of the status of the Kingdom of Poland. On this matter England, France, Austria addressed. But not only. The Diplomatic Notes were send by Spain, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and Turkey.
  On June 29, 1863 allies on "The Crimean system" have again performed with the notes containing offers on truce with Poles and convocation of a conference of 8 powers on the Polish question . References to provisions of the Vienna congress (1815) sounded.
  A.M. Gorchakov in the "Dispatch" on July 1 (13), 1863, has categorically rejected the Anglo-French-Austrian requirements, having pointed that since 1831 Russia owns Poland not on the basis of provisions of 1815, and by the right of conquest, and, therefore, claims addressed to St. Petersburg can't legally be considered as reasonable.
  Meanwhile the movement to restoration of the state sovereignty of Poland was one of - many - the factors which have caused events of 1917.
  - The further political history of Poland was one of many questions which have appeared after Partitions (divisions) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In November, 1918 Poland became the independent state.
  On September 6, 1991 the State Council of the USSR recognized an exit of three Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) from USSR.
  On December 8, 1991 Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation (RSFSR) have signed the Belavezha Accords.
  - It is easy for us, knowing about the taken place events, - to argue. But Gorchakov didn't know about them. He has rejected offers of the European powers.
  - Russia was rushing from 1853-1856 to 1905. And from 1905 - to 1917. To stop, to change this process could either the Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, or the Emperor Peter the First. And maybe, - if to be expressed with elements of a joke and exaggeration, - ten Peters the Firsts.
  - Gorchakov is a part of our history.
  - Yes-s-s!
  December 31, 2017 10:24
  Translation from Russian into English: December 31, 2017 20:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Горчакове'.
  7. The Tale about conversation between Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton. (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions").
  October, 1899.
  Nicolaus Copernicus has caused Isaac Newton by phone.
  - Hello, Mr. Newton. How is a weather? Does wind fill the sails?
  - Good afternoon, mister Copernicus. Excellent weather. The sun shines. Apples fall.
  - The theme of my call, Mr. Newton, is the creation of the aviation- and rocket- and open space industries. Your participation in creation of an electrotechnical industry has led to the accumulation of experience and makes very useful discussion and generalization.
  In Russia, Mr. Nikolay Zhukovsky and Mr. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky are working actively now.
  Experiments, theoretical developments, discussions.
  In general, scientific dynamics.
  Certain achievements - are results of creation of gentlemеn Alexander Mozhaysky and Vladimir Vernadsky.
  Perhaps, in the context of our exchange of views, Mr. Alexander Chizhevsky deserves mention.
  Mr Zhukovsky considers himself as a scientist, researcher, Creator of a scientific theory, founder of a scientific-technical school.
  But he seems to deliberately avoid the organizational, human risks which are connected with usage of concrete models of aircrafts.
  It is possible to recognize it as a right, faithful line of behavior - he has no entrepreneurial experience.
  Responsibility for finance and human life - separate, individual task.
  Those businessmen who are active in Russia now ... They or are far from science, or - certain vigorous people - not up to the end understand the volume of risks and challenges and difficulties which they could face, having begun mass production of planes and rockets.
  Experience and readiness of the Russian business environment for formation of an avia- (air-) and the space- and the rocket industries now, on the border of the XIX-XX centuries, - cause large questions.
  Mr. Tsiolkovsky ... Sometimes it seems, that he than more poorly, the more of genius. Romantics and disinterested persons ...
  Mr. Tsiolkovsky has made great scientific developments.
  Genius! Scientific intuition!
  I expect the excellent scientific future for Mr. Sergei Korolev.
  There are all grounds to expect from him not only good scientific creativity but also excellent organizational capabilities.
  However, neither mister Tsiolkovsky, nor mister Korolev will have no entrepreneurial experience.
  Here situation: there are resources, there are knowledge, there are creators of new scientific directions. Question: how to start? And delay - undesirable.
  - Indeed, Mr. Copernicus, the creation of the electrotechnical industry has become a fact. One of the evidence - our telephone conversation.
  By the way. Remember the Napoleonic Wars, the Continental blockade! The cessation of the importation of fat and candles forced the British people to look for new ways of lighting of apartments and streets (gas for lighting).
  And the problem of lighting came to new level, it became object of activity of researchers, scientists, inventors ... The electric bulb illuminated the ways for the world electrification.
  Mr Thomas Edison has the necessary energy, great intuition, good stability at risky situations, enough entrepreneurial experience.
  "The Book of Faraday's experiments" has been in due time provided to him.
  It is clear, that he worked and works not alone.
  Certainly, numerous and talented personnel were necessary.
  They were directed from Europe: both from Germany, and from Austria-Hungary (for example, from the Military Krajina), and from other countries. The scientific and engineering staff prepared in America have joined in business, have been included in the process of electrification.
  A significant part of the young people of the new continent tend to switch from work on farms, sawmills and grocers for highly skilled work in modern buildings of electrotechnical companies.
  Financiers, bankers have realized that society is ready to a new type of lighting, to usage of electric motors. Decided to risk money. And made investments.
  A power station was built on the Niagara Falls.
  I will formulate my assessment of the duration of the period that was required for the emergence of the electrotechnical industry: approximately 10-20 years.
  As for the future of aviation- and aerospace- and rocket industries...
  It would be irrational to turn into waste the scientific, experimental, human potential, which is formed in Russia by the efforts of the Mr. Zhukovsky and Mr. Tsiolkovsky (and will be formed in the future by the efforts of the Mr. Korolev).
  Moreover, the natural resources and terrestrial spaces are unique and adequate to the task of Human being's exit into open space.
  The time has come to complement the industrial revolution of the 18th century and the electrification of the 19th century with the space revolution of the 20th century. If you like the terms "Cosmication", "Cosmization" ("kosmization"), "to cosmicize" or similar - why not use them?
  The staff is available. A considerable part of youth not against to change work in farms, shops, mines for highly skilled work.
  Very useful and the emergence - a sudden if by historical standards - of high-level intelligentsia in the vastness between of the Dnieper river and the Far Eastern coasts of Pacific ocean.
  The countries that voluntarily entered into the Commonwealth state - Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - are the first, or almost the first, holders in Europe - depending on how to formulate the criterion of "primacy" - written constitutions and official documents issued by kings and official authorities that protected the legal status of the person, the "liberty" of the individual.
  People were formed over the centuries; the people which had rights and freedoms.
  It is clear that in no society consumption of blessings, goods, including the blessings legal (benefits of legal, legal goods, the boons legal, legal advantages, advantages of law), can not be equal for all.
  Nevertheless, the emergence of a new human being, new abilities, new opportunities has been and still remains mass.
  Civilizational investments gave civilizational income.
  You, mister Copernicus, know.
  The community of very peculiar politicians can soon get power on great terrestrial spaces.
  In this community, by the way, there are people with religious education.
  In the end, the stormy and turbulent and controversial political activity of this group of peculiar politicians can be completed - also ambiguously. And will be a relatively long period of vigorous economic development.
  And in such development of one of the main tasks there can be a creation of the aviation and space-rocket industries ...
  Problems of Economics and Finance? Can't these questions be solved by the government?
  Risks of accidents? And risks for lives?
  The state can also assume these issues.
  Dreams about "new society" can be complemented with a dream about the apple-trees growing on Mars ...
  The potential was created and is creating by Messrs. Zhukovsky and Tsiolkovsky will receive opportunities for practical implementation.
  I will express my opinion about the time frame.
  In the middle of the 20th century, very significant events will occur.
  I suppose: the first artificial satellite of the Earth - the second half of the 1950-ies, is a space rocket with a human aboard - the early 1960-ies.
  What will you tell, mister Copernicus?
  - I can tell, Mr. Newton, that there are no guarantees that on Mars an apple won't fall on the head of the ingenious scientist.
  - This will not contradict the principles of the heliocentric concept, Mr. Copernicus. Do you hint at a possibility of a personal meeting on Mars?
  - Thanks for the discussion, Mr. Newton! I believe that the Geo-Martian technological revolution of the 21st century, and our meeting on Mars, can be characterized as very probable prospects. To meeting on Mars!
  - It's nice, Mr. Copernicus, to feel that the scientific revolution is continuing.
  The practice will be to show whether the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, the Electrification of the 19th Century, Cosmic revolution of the 20th century will be followed by the Geomartian Revolution of the 21st century.
  We will meet on Mars!
  February 15, 2017 - March 26, 2017.
  This translation from Russian into English: 24.09.2017 17:10
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о беседе Николая Коперника и Исаака Ньютона". (Из Сборника "Две сказки о четырех технических революциях")
  8. Leo Tolstoy. The debtors and creditors. Essay
  1. "I have told myself that I am a litterateur"
  I was indifferent to the writer's works of Leo Tolstoy.
  Was remembering, that during World War II as a part of the American Naval Forces the Lieutenant, junior grade, the commander of the torpedo boat, served.
  Torpedo boat was based at Tulagi Island in the Solomon Islands.
  And in the cottage of the lieutenant in a prominent place flaunted the only book "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.
  Allegedly the commander of the boat often read this book.
  Through certain time the lieutenant became U.S. President.
  But even these biographic details didn't promote emergence of interest.
  For example, neither Vronsky, nor the steam locomotive, nor Anna Karenina, nor her husband who was (sometimes) badly uttering words (this detail was mentioned in some commentary work) not interested me at all.
  Those who, in one way or another, directly or indirectly, were involved, touched the events of the two world wars, before-war and the post-war periods, would be impressed by the description of the wounded hero lying on the battlefield and looking into the sky?
  The sky was almost clean, air rather fresh, the hero - more or less - whole.
  Anyway, something was read.
  Stuck in the memory of some of the references from "War and Peace" about the donations of representatives of the nobility to win in the year 1812.
  They turned up nearly in deep debts. Were almost bankrupts. But, despite this, they were donating the money.
  Nevertheless, Leo Tolstoy's creativity didn't attract. Something more actual, entertaining was closer.
  Many years ago the story by Tolstoy "The Cossacks" was met.
  Curiously. Here he, Tolstoy, is - young, enthusiastic, rich... Well, can be, not such daring as local stanichniks [local residents of stanitsa]...
  In general, was not needed...
  Met the story of Leo Tolstoy "The demoted in military rank". I have read with interest.
  After that I met the information about Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy-American - when reading about Alexander Pushkin. Fyodor Tolstoy-American has appeared among comrades of Alexander Pushkin.
  It turned out that Fyodor Tolstoy-American - one of those Russian aristocrats, who not only did not possess shares of the Russian American Company established on 8 (19) July, 1799, not only did not receive incomes from this company (he's, Tolstoy-American, seems to have had no shares and such income has not received), not only did not write draft constitutions, and did not go out in December 1825 to the Senate Square, indignant with the wrong device of life, but he was one of those (almost) non-existent aristocrats who raised his own body, moved it from the capital premises to the ship, has reached America, then as a part of a round-the-world expedition has rounded with the southern route America, has visited Kamchatka, further has crossed Siberia from the Far East to the European Russia.
  Legend ascribes to him a visit to Alaska (then, like, "Russian").
  Thus, he have made a round-the-world trip in 1803-1805.
  It is clear, that some - very not many - naval officers (people of so-called noble origin) have also made a round-the-world trip.
  But something is not heard about such act from other representatives of the higher metropolitan aristocracy.
  Where to float? Inconveniently ... And what for?
  The curious phrase is in the book by M. Filin "Tolstoy-American" (M. Filin makes a reference to M.F. Kamenskaya): "Then Fyodor Ivanovich has glanced in the calendar, ... and which he always carried at himself, and has seen December, 12; means, the Saint who has appeared to him in vision was Saint Spyridon, the patron of all counts Tolstoy".
  Fyodor Tolstoy-American and Leo Tolstoy are relatives. "Leo Tolstoy is the cousin of Fyodor Tolstoy [the first cousin once removed of Fyodor] [the cousin nephew], whom he was personally familiar with during his childhood" (Википедия. Статья "Толстой, Федор Иванович" [Wikipedia, the article "Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy"]).
  Further I have accidentally read Leo Tolstoy's work "Бессмысленные мечтания" ("Meaningless aspirations"). We are living in the 21st century: we know, than everything has come to an end. But he, Leo Tolstoy, lived in the state, which ruled by the tsar with absolute power. He wrote, he was knocking. He persistently and courageously was putting for discussion a problem of the approaching catastrophe...
  In general, he tried for all.
  They didn't hear? Or didn't listen?
  About what happened after a while, we know...
  From a historical haze come forward shadows of those tens (can be, more than one hundred) millions for whom the count Leo Tolstoy was interceding, tried to intercede...
  What person they ought to listen, as not the count Leo Tolstoy?
  Wich was "their", wich was the man of their circle?
  The inner strength and moral tallness, spirit height of the author seemed to me so high and unattainable for me that I - unexpectedly for myself - I have apprehended him as a man from some other higher world.
  At least, this feeling asked me be careful.
  2. Wordless courage and quiet heroism
  Leo Tolstoy has passed the life way from one colossal historic changes, transformations
  Crimean war of 1853-1856, subsequent reforms,
  upto another
  Russo-Japanese War, revolution of 1905 and Manifesto on October 17, 1905.
  Perhaps, in the fact of adoption of the Manifesto, the efforts of Leo Tolstoy were evident, visible.
  In period of his life also was the Coup of June 1907.
  A particularly pessimistic skeptic will speak a hypothesis that after the Coup of June 1907 those who, expected to receive from him benefit, had no chances. But it is a pessimistic hypothesis.
  Leo Tolstoy lived and acted with calm heroism, having made everything that depended on him. As defenders of Sevastopol.
  3. As ancient prophets
  However some mystical phenomena have returned me to thoughts about Leo Tolstoy.
  I had a sketch at my disposal. It was written during lifetime of Leo Tolstoy: Evgeny Andreevich Solovyov's essay "L.N. Tolstoy: His life and literary activity" [Solovyov].
  I have tried to find the modern biography. So-called short, posted on the sites-they were enough.
  And to find modern curriculum vitae, in the form of the book, - this has demanded some efforts.
  (Fyodor Tolstoy's biography was found as by itself, and, versa, search of the book with the modern biography of Leo Tolstoy has demanded several attempts).
  Here and the book about Leo Tolstoy.
  Some summaries ...
  It seems one of two authors has died, without having finished the book ...
  The other co-author was finishing, but he, seems, does not to have lived to the start of sales of the book...
  I have begun with reading a biographical essay of Evgeny Solovyov.
  Began-and immediately the unexpectedness (at least, for me personally).
  A mention of a patrimonial tree which "is supported by Saint Michael of Chernigov (prince of Chernigov), which died as Saint martyr in the Horde" [Solovyov].
  "... I will pray for that God has given happiness to all ..." (Quoting [Solovyov]).
  Flashed words:
  "Silent heroism",
  "Quiet courage",
  "Pessimism" ...
  Comparison with the Prophet Jeremiah ...
  Reading Evgeny Solovyov's essay, I addressed for comparison and to the modern book-biography.
  Small distraction from the topic. Allegedly, "we're not curious persons". Well ..., you shouldn't exaggerate. We are very curious, even - are inquisitive.
  "Was a Yasnaya Polyana house, which became the empty, was an aunt Alyn with the enthusiastic religiousness and an eternal sourish smell of unfresh underwear".
  Isn't that a curious detail?
  I will continue. I come back to Evgeny Solovyov's essay.
  "Sadness - as a concentrated suffering, as a bad sediment of all life impressions - never left Tolstoy. Strictly speaking, everything written by him is inexpressibly sad: Sad and "Sevastopol Sketches", and The Amazing Pearl "Three Deaths", and "War and Peace", and "Anna Karenina".
  Like the ancient prophets, Tolstoy is entering into our world "with a sad and austere face."
  His confessions - isn't that "Lamentations" by Jeremiah?... " [Solovyov].
  The mention of fatalism attracts attention.
  The first edition of a essay of Evgeny Solovyov in the Pavlenkov's series "Life of Remarkable People" has taken place in 1894, the second in 1897, and the third in 1902.
  We have seen how he taught and sought the truth, how he passed from the service of power to the service of work, and finally-to the service of love" [Solovyov].
  That is all three editions have taken place before revolution of 1905. Before the Manifesto. Prior to the coup of third of June 1907.
  And 7 (20).11.1910 L.N. Tolstoy has died.
  What was farther - we know.
  Thus, fatalism, sadness, pessimism were prophetical.
  Evgeny Solovyov (on July 25 (on August 6), 1863 - on August 12 (25), 1905) can't find the answer to a question of the reasons of fatalism, a sense of fatalism of L.N. Tolstoy, and finishes the reflections on fatalism the quote: "Because the heart of the poet", - Heine says, - "is the center of the world. How not to be currently broken?".
  4. Russo and patience
  My thinking was moving associatively. Russo - the "social contract" - debtors and creditors.
  By itself there was a name of a essay: "'Debtors and creditors of Leo Tolstoy".
  And everything fell into place.
  People of silent heroism and quiet courage - creditors.
  Those, who were them commanding, are debtors.
  What was Leo Tolstoy's position?
  I will tell that the scheme itself - the scheme of debtors and creditors, bankruptcy, recovery, improvements, committee of creditors - it doesn't reflect tragic element of a situation.
  This scheme is kind of superficial.
  But this scheme is clear and understandable. It in the first place.
  Secondly, the understanding of the standing in a haze the shadows of people - tens (can be, more than one hundred) millions - it hard. It - even - frightens.
  Therefore, this lite version (debtors and lenders, bankruptcy, recovery), and its use, is an attempt to present the situation visually, more lightly, and get out from under of the burdensome, frightening impression.
  The first. On the one hand, creditors. On the another - debtors.
  The second. It becomes gradually clear that on debts it won't be possible to pay off. The most reasonable - the procedure of voluntary (not compulsory) bankruptcy. With transition to improvement.
  The third. The image of faulty debtors is unpleasant and not necessary. As that to try to distance from him.
  Fourth. Bankruptcy is always unpleasant, almost always - tragic. It was necessary to made it the least tragic. To explain that the future is not easy. That need is to act. That there is no need to aggravate relations with creditors. That it is necessary to be subjected to voluntary - unpleasant, humiliating, but opening the way to the future - improvement.
  The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 has come. Creditors have gathered, and have shown for payment the collected debts.
  Debtors didn't recognize their debts.
  The intense conflict has begun.
  Eventually, debtors have told: we recognize debts, we declare ourselves bankrupt. we will try to improve situation. We create committee of creditors. Be calm. You may disperse.
  All wanted to move by peaceful way. Perhaps, both literature, and explanations, and admonitions have worked.
  Of course, the Committee of creditors made the noise: not properly implemented recovery. Improvement not fast enough. And the like.
  Debtors- are offended (and thus are insulted and humiliated)! It is necessary to think not about recovery, but about the conversion of creditors into submission.
  Debtors have thought and declared: you know what, we have changed the mind. We don't recognize debts. We are finishing the procedure of bankruptcy. From recovery to refuse as it is not convenient, it will be, but - under an exclusive scheme. The committee of creditors will be transformed to the debating club which is subject - if necessary - to closing.
  The educational impact on debtors turned out to be superficial.
  And maybe, debtors needed to try once again? And maybe the creditors should have been tolerated? "Your patience save your souls". "By your endurance you will win your lives".
  We will sum up the results of the told in a format of the chosen "light version".
  It became clear that children need to adapt to independent life.
  There was a wish loudly, symbolically to break off with debtors, with the world of debtors.
  Perhaps, there was a wish to accept also death such, how at pilgrims, wanderers of God, men of God?
  In 1910 Leo Tolstoy has died.
  What was farther - well-known.
  From a haze the shadows of tens (can be, more than one hundred) millions of people are watching.
  They had a defender - Leo Tolstoy.
  October 10, 2016.
  Translation from Russian into English: February 15, 2018 - February 17, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лев Толстой. Должники и кредиторы. Очерк".
  9. The Tale of October 17
  Abstract: Politicians and the public are prepared to discuss a new multivolume book prepared for the presentation: the memoirs of (former) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V.N Kokovtsov, Minister A.P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, memoirs and works of other politicians, writers.
  In the M. Gorky cafe-library completed preparations for the presentation of the new multi-volume books: United in a single edition of the memoirs of the (ex) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov, Minister A. P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, the memories and the works of other political figures, writers.
  The authors and readers converged to the library.
  It was a hot summer day. Many arrived at the presentation in advance and were in no hurry to enter the room, chatting freely and enjoying the beautiful weather.
  On the street in front of the entrance to the cafe-library a decent number of people accumulated. Someone stood by itself, someone - together with the interlocutor. Formed and significant groups - with famous people as centers of universal attention.
  Surrounded by listeners, Sergei Yulievich Vitte explained:
  - The Emperor was pleased in his very worthy speech in 1895 to say a few words about "vain senseless dreams." It would be better not to express these words, since, fortunately - or unfortunately - for Russia, - but these "vain dreams" after October 17, 1905 ceased to be a dream.
  The manifesto of October 17, 1905 is an act that can be temporarily not executed, it is possible to curse, but nobody can destroy it. It is as if engraved in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the population of great Russia.
  The public fell silent, puzzled.
  The discussion included the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich:
  - October 17 - a remarkable number: 17 (October 1888) in Borki was rescued the entire royal family, including the present Emperor, being the Heir. October 17 (1905), you, Count Witte, save the Emperor with His young Heir and His Family.
  Hearing these statements, the public buzzed briskly.
  From the public it was heard:
  - Emperor Alexander III insisted on the transfer of S.Yu. Witte, who had previously warned the Emperor of the danger of a railway accident, to the public service. From 1889 until 1894 (when Alexander III died) S.Yu. Witte enjoys full confidence of the Emperor, occupies the most responsible public offices, carries out the most important reforms. The "Witte era" begins!
  Emperor Nicholas II almost every year on October 17 in his diary recalled the train crash and the rescue of the tsar and the royal family on October 17, 1888. An entry was made in Tobolsk on October 17, 1917: "29 years have passed since the day of our salvation when the train crashed."
  This statement was met with silence. Some crossed themselves.
  (Ex) Premier Ivan Logginovich Goremykin (formerly prime minister several times: "between" S.J. Witte and P.A. Stolypin, then - after V.N. Kokovtsov) decided to respond to the statements of Sergei Yulevich Witte. Goremykin's words sounded skeptical:
  - All this is nonsense, some loud words that will not get any use. The Emperor (Emperor Nicholas II) believed what He had been told, will very soon forget about this new course, and everything will go according to the old.
  All the government in one Tsar, and that He will tell us, will be done by us, and while from Him there is no clear indication, we must wait and endure.
  I didn't mind His Hobbies, because I think that your mistake was always that you took everything seriously and tried always to defend what was considered right. But it was impractical. Subjects should not contradict the Emperor...
  S.Yu. Witte, not paying attention to the reaction of listeners, insisted:
  - Mandjuria could not be ours ... Neither America, nor Britain, nor Japan, nor all of their allies are explicit or secret, nor will China would never agree to give us Mandjuria. That is why keeping to the conviction that one way or another, but it is necessary to seize all of Mandjuria, it was impossible to remove the war.
  To the cafe library came General A. N. Kuropatkin. He stopped under a shady tree. There stood a several respectable people. The general heard the sketchy words of S.Yu. Witte, and "Manchuria" in them. After apologizing, the general took for a moment a briefcase from one of the politicians. Putting a sheet of blank paper on the briefcase, the general held a horizontal line on it and set the asterisk in the left corner rather high above the line, asking that the public watch his image.
  - Here - he said - it's an asterisk above the horizon, it's me at the moment. They carry me on their hands, give me battle horses, bring all kinds of gifts, say welcome speeches, consider me almost the savior of the fatherland, and this will continue until my arrival to the troops. My star will all be exalted and exalted.
  And when I come to the place and give the order to depart to the North and begin to concentrate forces, waiting for the approach of troops from Russia, the same newspapers that glorify me, will begin to wonder why I do not beat the Japanese, and I will start dropping and falling in the assessment. And then, when I will comprehend a small, inevitable setbacks, my star will descend lower and lower to the horizon and then go completely beyond the horizontal line.
  At this point, support me, because then I will start the offensive, I will mercilessly beat the Japanese, my star will go over the horizon again, go higher and higher, and where and how I end - I do not know. I will never forget your support.
  A.N. Kuropatkin returned the briefcase to the owner.
  Someone in the public , with a sigh, with barely perceptible envy, added: "Being in disgrace after the unsuccessful battles of the Russo-Japanese War, Aleksey Nikolayevich opened in his estate agricultural school and library at his own expense." A.N. Kuropatkin died on January 16, 1925 , And in the summer of 1964 the students of the agricultural school founded by him put a marble tombstone on the grave with the inscription "Kuropatkin Alexey Nikolayevich. 1848-1925. Founder of the agricultural school."
  Picture of General A.N. Kuropatkin filled the public with a blind faith in success.
  Enthusiastic exclamations were heard. Began to wish success to Admiral Zinovy Petrovich Rozhdestvensky about the upcoming endless journey of the squadron around Africa on the way to the Russian Far East. Admiral Rozhdestvensky said in a low voice:
  - What can be my success. Should not have started this hopeless case. But can I refuse to obey orders, when all believe in success.
  S.Yu. Witte continued his thought:
  - Thought to immediately extinguish the fire with a small jet of water. Due to a small, although a long stream, also launched by an incompetent fire-master, the fire was not extinguished. I had to put it out in Portsmouth on August 23 (September 5) in 1905.
  At night before the conclusion of the Portsmouth peace, I did not sleep.
  The worst state of a person when inside, in his soul, something twofold. Therefore, the weak should be relatively unhappy. On the one hand, the mind and conscience told me what a happy day, if tomorrow I sign a peace, but on the other hand, my inner voice tells you: "But you'll be much happier if destiny will prevents the conclusion of Portsmouth peace. They will blame you for everything. For no one will want to confess their sins, their crimes before the Fatherland and God. Even the Russian Tsar, and especially Nicholas II. "
  I spent the night in some sort of fatigue, in a nightmare, in sobbing and praying.
  Seeing the Americans thanking God with tears for the gift of peace, I had a question - what do they care about our Portsmouth world? And to this I had a clear answer: yes, because we are all Christians. When I left the church, the choir sang "God Save the Tsar", to the sound of which I made my way to the car and, when the anthem ceased, left.
  In my deepest conviction, if the Portsmouth peace were not concluded, then there would be such external and internal catastrophes in which the Romanovs' house could not be kept on the throne.
  - So it was scary? Because of this - a split? Because you did not sleep? Prayed? Was there a chance to evade the peace and to decisively modernize Russia without delay? - Asked one of the listeners. - Or the Portsmouth peace plus October 17, 1905 - is the salvation and renewal of Russia?
  - Having returned to Petersburg and after October 17, 1905, having taken power, - continued S.Yu. Witte, - I clearly saw that in order for Russia (relatively safely) to survive the revolutionary crisis, and the Romanovs' house was not shaken, two things are necessary: to obtain by loan a large sum of money so as not to need money (in loans) for several years, and to return most of the army from Transbaikalia to European part of Russia.
  Having money and the army, and then following in good faith the policy exactly according to the promises made by the manifesto on October 17, I was sure that in the end everything will calm down and get back to normal, for the life of 150 million people would require it.
  I.L. Goremykin looked blankly somewhere into the sky. Involuntarily he remembered: "In 1906, the resignation of S..Y Witte was final."
  - However ..., - S.Yu. Witte slightly doubted - the loan would be directed against Germany and would be contrary to the interests of France itself (and Russia).
  The German Emperor Wilhelm II and (ex) Minister of Finance of Russia Ivan Pavlovich Shipov, who came to the cafe-library, exchanged views on the Russian alternative "foreign loan (and preservation of ruble exchange for gold) - or refusal to exchange credit tickets for gold (which reduces the need for foreign Loan). "
  Minister of Finance I.P. Shipov expressed his point of view, being in a very gloomy mood:
  - A short-term loan of 267 million francs does not solve the issue and does not eliminate the need to introduce compulsory paper circulation ... Some more favorable information from many state Chambers on the receipt of state revenues does not deserve much faith, since they can be replaced by the same catastrophic news that have been received...
  I think it is advisable to repeatedly introduce the draft Decree on the suspension of the exchange of credit tickets for gold.
  One of the participants of the forthcoming presentation, who was standing nearby, thought: "The termination of the exchange of the ruble for gold, the issue of paper money would have facilitated the beginning of the redemption of land from the landlords and the subsequent sale of these lands to the peasants. And who knows what is more important - a hard ruble (exchange of the ruble for gold ), stimulating economic growth, or - resolving the agrarian issue, agrarian reform, giving land to the peasants. However, the refusal to exchange credit tickets for gold, the issue of paper money is unlikely to become insurmountable obstacle for stimulating economic growth."
  The German Emperor Wilhelm II reacted rather dryly and indifferently to the words of Minister I.P. Shipov:
  - I'm not a big financier, and I don't understand why Russia needs so much to care for its monetary system, when she has so many other worries?
  Tell me, please, do not you think that it is simply wild that among the general disintegration, among the constant unrest that can sweep away everything that is still conservative in Europe, the two Monarchic countries can not join together to form one dense core and defend their existence .
  Is it not a direct madness that Monarchist Russia, over the head of Monarchist Germany, seeks support in Revolutionary France and, together with it, always goes against its natural and historical friend.
  Several steps alongside the German Emperor and the Minister of Finance of Russia were stepped by Lev Davidovich Trotsky (who in 1905 became chairman of the Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies). As if speaking aloud to himself, he said:
  - The debt obligations of the Romanovs will not be recognized by the victorious nation. We decide to avoid the payment of debts for all those loans, which the Imperial government has concluded. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of February 10, 1918 declared all tsarist debts to be completely annulled. Those who claim that the October Revolution does not recognize any obligations are wrong. The revolution recognizes its obligations. The obligation, which she assumed on December 2, 1905, she carried out on February 10, 1918. To creditors of tsarism, the revolution has the right to recall: "Gentlemen, you were warned in time!".
  Having stated, L.D. Trotsky stepped aside, waiting for the start of the presentation of the memoirs unified in one edition. Not far from him was the chairman of the First State Duma, Sergei Andreevich Muromtsev. S.A. Muromtsev dispassionately said: "The Vyborg appeal, adopted in Vyborg on July 10, 1906 in response to the dissolution of the First State Duma, called upon citizens of all of Russia, before the convening of the Duma, not to" give a penny to the treasury, no soldier to the army". Loans that will be concluded without consent of the Duma, were declared invalid".
  The German Emperor and the Minister of Finance of Russia politely bowed to the Empress Maria Feodorovna, the mother of Emperor Nicholas II. She spoke out to the Minister of the Imperial Court, Vladimir Borisovich Frederiks:
  - Unfortunately, my son is too kind, soft ...
  It's really terrible, and I understand that Stolypin simply drops his hands, and he has no confidence in how to do business.
  The Emperor is too proud of himself and is experiencing the crisis that has developed together with the Empress, without showing any appearance to those around him. He is worried and is looking for an outcome.
  I do not see anything good ahead.
  The farther away, the more and deeper the Emperor's grievances with Stolypin will grow. And I'm almost sure that now poor Stolypin will win the case, but for a very short time, and we will soon see him out of work, and this is very unfortunate for the Sovereign and for all of Russia. I personally do not know much of Stolypin, but it seems to me that he is necessary for us, and his departure will be a great grief for us all.
  My poor son, how little luck he has in people. There was a man whom no one knew here, but who was smart and energetic and was able to enter the order after the horror that we experienced only 6 years ago, and this man is being pushed into the abyss. And who? Those who say that they love the Sovereign and Russia. But in fact, these people are ruining Him and homeland. That's just terrible...
  V.B. Frederiks looked sympathetically at the Empress-Mother.
  - During my long diplomatic service, held among a variety of peoples under all latitudes, - joined in the conversation with Witte and Goremykin Foreign Minister Alexander Petrovich Izvolsky, - I saw many public figures who were known for their radicalism, since they remained in the opposition, and who became ardent supporters of order, when they were called to power.
  Is it really possible to seriously believe that the most influential figures of the First Duma like Muromtsev, Shipov and Prince Lvov, who are big landowners and so vitally interested in maintaining peace and resolving the agrarian question peacefully, would be less loyal and less conservative than the bureaucrats category Schwenenbach. Who have no connection with the land and whose well-being consists in receiving a salary on the twentieth day of each month?
  S.Yu. Witte - more and more nervously - continued to state his point of view:
  - ... They did not dare to dissolve or disperse the Duma, not to set a date for elections to a new Duma and not to give a new election law, that is, they did not dare to completely destroy October 17, or, in other words, destroy legislative institutions. But only decided to make such a law, so that the State Duma was completely obedient.
  Which, in the end, the results will give an elective law on June 3 (1907) - a dark question.
  I think that this law will not last long, or it will be changed to a more reasonable, principled one, or there will be no Duma at all. Why actually own the Duma?
  This coup essentially consisted in the fact that the new election law excluded the people's voice from the Duma, that is, the voice of the masses and their representatives, but gave only a strong and obedient voice: the nobility, bureaucracy and part of the obedient merchant class and industrialists.
  Thus, the State Duma ceased to be the spokesperson for popular desires, but only expressed the desires of strong and rich, desires, made in such a way as not to incur a stern look from the top.
  This coup completely violated the basic state laws promulgated in my ministry, after October 17, 1905.
  To the group of listeners who surrounded S.Yu. Witte, came (ex) Prime Minister Vladimir Nikolayevich Kokovtsov (who became Prime Minister after P. A. Stolypin):
  - I, as an honest man, passionately fond of my Motherland and my Sovereign, I will say: you can be calm for the fate of the country and the dynasty, as long as the finances and the army are in order. Finances are good. But the army is not in order. army is not arranged and is badly managed. Military Minister Sukhomlinov is not respected by any of the prominent military: some are mocked at him, others despise him, and with such a military leader to prepare the army for a victorious battle - it is impossible.
  God forbid that I should be mistaken, but I have fear for the future, and I see terrible signs in it. I hope that the Emperor of Russia and the Heir will be saved by God.
  S.Yu. Witte, as if agreeing, bowed his head.
  Someone from the public commented: "With an influential, capable Duma, - as it was supposed on October 17, 1905, - there would not be Sukhomlinov a military minister."
  V.N. Kokovtsov continued:
  - When the "honeymoon" of my premiership passed and the clouds were already gathering over my head, my liquidation (like the premiere) was nearing its culmination, I in one of the conversations with the Comrade of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Commander of the Gendarmes Corps received in response: "I have nothing I dispose of and decisively do not know who and how he gets access to the places of residence of the Royal Family. " I have only to add to him (the Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps): "So close to Bagrov."
  S.Yu. Witte looked at V.N. Kokovtsov with understanding eyes.
  The student who appeared in the ranks of the public suddenly announced:
  - There is virtually no autocracy!
  The public cautiously moved away from the student.
  - This was clearly expressed by Leo Tolstoy in his work "Meaningless Dreams"! -Continued the student. And he quoted the words of Leo Tolstoy:
  "It is believed and is supposed that the Tsar governs the affairs of the state, but this is only considered and is supposed: one Tsar can not rule the affairs of the state, because these matters are too complicated ... he can not rule affairs because It is absolutely impossible for one person. To really rule: ministers, members of different councils, directors and all kinds of bosses ... In Russia today, ten thousand daily decisions are needed to govern the state. "Who is to deliver these decisions?" .
  - The question is how to legally formalize the ALREADY-EXISTENT disappearance of the autocracy, - the student explained. - Instead, they retain the sign "autocracy" and the corresponding legal arbitrariness, organizational confusion, business confusion. Top often endows with power ineffective people. "Denounced" the October 17, 1905. Willy-nilly, Tsar gradually transfer power to the hands of the government and the bureaucracy. And to preserve the signs "autocracy" Tsar changing-shuffle premiers and ministers.
  - The government is active! - V.N. Kokovtsov noted. - In ten years from 1904 to 1914, Russia showed a remarkable economic flowering.
  The calming of the country in 1907, the strengthening of the circulation of money, the broad development of credit, the accumulation and flow of free capital and, at the same time, the increasing peasant demand - all these phenomena led to a remarkable revival of Russian industry in the decade.
  The Russian peasantry grew stronger, and the stability of crops and the productivity of crops increased. The foundation for the healthy and rational development of all the country's productive forces was built, strengthened and expanded.
  The revival of Russian industry in the epoch described was, therefore, a normal phenomenon, rooted in the entire economic and state life of the country and a solid foundation on which it (without the Bolshevik catastrophe) could continue its rapid and powerful development with a parallel increase in the people's welfare.
  The public greeted the words of Vladimir Nikolayevich Kokovtsov with amicable applause and with a general approving hum. Someone from the public even cried out (not entirely appropriate): "Hurray Witte! Ura Kokovtsov!". Again applause.
  - Sharp growth in the production of cotton yarn, white sugar, cigarettes, hard coal, cast iron! The progress of the railway network! Sumptuously! The student agreed. - This, of course, is not the creation of the aircraft and space industries ... But, after all, - without blood, without mass deaths, without social cataclysms.
  But is it a prosperous government headed by V.N. Kokovtsov, is he, an effective, moderate, highly professional prime workaholic and - "part-time" - finance minister, given the opportunity to work long and smoothly?
  -It's strange, - the two gentlemen exchanged opinions. - They criticize Emperor Nicholas II ... But who appointed Witte? Who appointed Kokovtsov? At whom was the economic boom of 1904-1914?
  - The glitter of Witte and Kokovtsov "embarrassed", - the interlocutor replied vaguely, - and this shine was relatively short. Witte and Kokovtsev were replaced ... New people replaced them ... New events changed the economic flowering ...
  - And do you think that the arrival of new people and events gives grounds for criticizing Emperor Nicholas II?
  The interlocutor was silent. Uncertainly shrugged his shoulders.
  Among the public was an unusual person - a village peasant in a shirt for release, trousers and boots, but with a guard. The employee sympathetically asked the Siberian peasant why he was thoughtful. The answer was: "I can not decide whether to convoke the Duma or not to convoke?".
  - Why is Russia dissatisfied with me, because by August of 1914, by the beginning of the world war, I had put out four and a half million troops? I was at the head of the military department and everything was all right, - said the military minister Sukhomlinov.
  The student only sighed in response to the words of VA. Sukhomlinov. The public was seized with an awkward and dreary silence.
  To the group "headed" by S.Yu. Witte was joined by Nikolai Petrovich Durnovo, a graduate of the military-legal academy, Russian statesman (the director of the police department, and the senator, and the Minister of the Interior, and a member of the State Council), who arrived at the presentation of the book, and the author of the famous prophetic Note. His statements led many into a pensive state:
  - Are we ready for such a stubborn struggle, which, undoubtedly, will be the future war of the European peoples? This question has to be answered negatively without taking offense.
  Proof of this is the huge number of pending, unaccepted, unapproved bills of the military and naval departments, and, in particular, the plan for organizing our state defense, which was submitted to the Duma under the State Secretary Stolypin.
  The defeated army, which, moreover, lost its most reliable personnel during the war, embraced by a common peasant aspiration for land, will prove too demoralized to serve as a stronghold of law and order.
  Legislative institutions and opposition-intelligent parties deprived of real authority in the eyes of the people will not be able to contain the divergent popular waves raised by them, and Russia will be plunged into a hopeless anarchy, the outcome of which does not lend itself to foresight.
  Under the exceptional conditions of the impending pan-European war, this, again, regardless of its outcome, will present a mortal danger both for Russia and for Germany. In the conquered country, inevitably a social revolution will break out, which, by the force of things, will spread to the victor country.
  Counter-opinion - not very legible - was heard from (ex) Military Minister Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov:
  -... Anyway ... we can not escape, and it is more profitable for us to start ... earlier." Moreover, it is (personally) your (Minister SD Sazonov) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (VN Kokovtsova) a belief in our unpreparedness. And the Sovereign and I - we - believe in the Army and know that ... only one good thing will happen for us.
  The people gathered in front of the cafe-library heard a loud invitation from Gorky:
  - Gentlemen! Comrades! I ask you to go to the library!
  July 10, 2017 - July 23, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: 21 August 2017
  Залесский Владимир Владимирович 'Сказка о 17 октября'.
  10. Dialogue about the general baron von Taube
  The Reader and the Readeress left M. Gorky's cafe-library and have gone down the street, discussing the memoirs of the general Pavel Grigoryevich Kurlov "Гибель Императорской России" ("Death of Imperial Russia"; "The end of the Russian tsarism"), which are recently read by them.
  - P.G. Kurlov (1860-1923) isn't among the most known historical figures, - the Reader was expounding his thoughts. - Moreover, a peculiar reputation is combined with not especially broad popularity. In P.G. Kurlov's memoirs and in memories of him there are a name of P.A. Stolypin, names of the priest Gapon, Rasputin... Not each memoirist can "brag" of such set of names... P.G. Kurlov (slightly) critically mentions names of S.Yu. Witte and V.N. Kokovtsov...
  - It seems that - the Readeress has spoken, - in P.G. Kurlov's biography it is possible "to allocate" two "parts".
  One "part" is connected with a name of P.A. Stolypin... With names of V.A. Sukhomlinov, the priest Gapon, Rasputina... With some criticism of P.G. Kurlov, adressed to S.Yu. Witte, to V.N. Kokovtsov.
  Other "part" - descriptions of his (Kurlov) of origin (he is a native of family of the military serviceman), his beliefs (patriotically adjusted Russian citizen, the monarchist, "reactionary"), qualification (the official of multifunctional type having enormous practical experience, educated, with a broad outlook, resolute, active and vigorous)...
  P.G. Kurlov writes in one place of the memoirs: "As the old Horse Grenadier I was on this anniversary". In another: "For me, as old prosecutor...". In general, P.G. Kurlov's versatility can cause some sympathy.
  It is possible to refer evolution of his political convictions to "other part": if to judge by his memoirs, then he has gradually come to conclusions about need of equalizing for the rights of various nationalities and religious groups, about need for Russia of the constitution.
  We will add to this "part" ("other part") and his luckiness: for P. G. Kurlov different sorts of circumstances ended more or less safely.
  - S.Yu. Witte wrote about P.G. Kurlov, - the Reader has quoted -: "He the person undoubtedly not without abilities and as I could see subsequently, the person personally brave and courageous... But he is a man with very shaky principles and filled full arbitrariness, so very little obeyed the laws and at every turn made arbitrariness. Kurlov, as it has appeared, has got special goodwill of the 'Unions of the Russian People'. (...) Of course, he didn't know affairs of confidential police and has been loved by all extreme monarchist parties. With full recklessness he spent confidential public money..."
  - P.G. Kurlov gave estimates to both S.Yu. Witte, and V.N. Kokovtsov, - the Readeress has reminded. - Here, for example, that Kurlov wrote: "... Untimely mailing of the manifesto... have caused immeasurable, harmful consequences for all the Russia... Equally the approved by Emperor report of the count Witte wasn't clear for people. As this report far didn't comprise accuracy and hardness necessary from the point of view of correctly understood government power". Or: "P.A. Stolypin put in the forefront the interests of the state, and V.N. Kokovtsov - personal. V.N. Kokovtsov's vanity - small, low bureaucratic selfishness; He was involved in the desire to occupy an outstanding position....".
  P.G. Kurlov gave examples of accurate expenditure of public funds by him.
  - Much more interestingly personally for me those places of memoirs of P.G. Kurlov where he shows observational abilities, - the Reader has gone deep into memoirs. - Here P.G. Kurlov tells about activity of police officials in Kiev:
  "At representation of officials of police to me, I asked one of the okolotochnykh of supervisors about quantity in his city site in a month of the entering and outgoing bueracratic papers and have received in reply that there were more than 4000 numbers. answering a further question, how he under such circumstances fulfills his duties, the okolotochny supervisor told me, that he has the clerk to whom pays the fee equaling to his own contents. The further inquiries weren't necessary, as any comments were excessive".
  And here other ironical remark of P.G. Kurlov:
  "... The chief of counterprospecting office, on the most Prussian border, with pride has answered my question of quantity at him secret agents that he has one and a half thousand of secret agents. And when I, knowing the size of the sums which are released on this subject and thinking that, owing to importance of point, he receives any extraordinary allocations, has asked him about their size (the size of the sums), he with full naivety answered, that he received on secret-service expenses common three thousand rubles a month".
  Unless stories by P.G. Kurlov about the competition of various authorities in front-line areas (after the beginning of World War I), about features of evacuation of the population and the industrial plants after the beginning of military operations aren't curious?
  It is a lot of interesting facts and well-aimed observations.
  In general, P.G. Kurlov's role as some kind of communicator (intermediary) between the military and civil authorities during "Austro-German war" (P.G. Kurlov's term) can't but draw attention.
  One of places of memoirs of P.G. Kurlov suggests an idea, that he wrote the corresponding fragment of the book of memoirs with thoughts about N.V. Gogol:
  "I want to give the characteristic example illustrating dominating in this area [in the field of management] chaos... By some commission, under the chairmanship of the lieutenant colonel Semyonov, in the Riga, Libavsky and Vindavsky customs it was detained goods for many million rubles. The order it has been made several months ago, and then the commission has disappeared completely. Goods can't be released. As the result the trading companies sustained heavy losses. (...). . Neither the governor, nor other civil authorities, as well as the chief of garrison, knew nothing about the commission of the lieutenant colonel Semyonov... At last, the chief of the Riga customs has found in the archive an old piece of paper from which it was visible that the commission of the lieutenant colonel Semyonov has arrived in Riga on order of the chief director of supply service, meanwhile as the office of this supply service demanded from the chief director of the Dwin military district to inspect functions of the commission and to identity its chairman. About such unexpected result I informed the general Danilov and on the same day have received order to make the instruct about free release of goods by customs".
  - In P.G. Kurlov's hands (generally, he was far from police activity) in 1909 concentrates the power of Companion (deputy) of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Head of police and the Commander of the Corps of gendarmes , - the Reader has continued. - There is a difficulty: it is necessary to arrange (other) appointment to the baron von Taube who was at that time the commander of the Corps of gendarmes.
  P.A. Stolypin has charged to the general V.A. Sukhomlinov to provide to the baron von Taube the corresponding position on the Defense Ministry. The general Sukhomlinov as a result has found a vacancy. "... The nakazny ataman of the Don Cossack Host (Army of Don's Cossacks) was given the more highest - new - assignment. And the Minister of Defense has asked the Highest Command for replacement of the former ataman with the general baron von Taube".
  P.G. Kurlov compared some circumstances of 1905 and event of 1917.
  In 1905 at the head of military units (for example, a cavalry squadron) Kurlov resists to the revolt of peasants in the Rylsky County. "Fights" ended without casualties, but some of the rebels had to publicly flogged. Kurlov arrives to one of the plants of the industrialist Tereshchenko to prevent his (plant) destruction by the revolting crowd. At the plant there is an infantry company. The district police officer reports to Kurlov, that "the company of infantry which is at the plant is extremely unreliable. It half consists of the mobilized reservists, mostly local workers, who, entering on the plant last night, friendly welcomed the former colleagues".
  In other part of the memories relating to 1917, P.G. Kurlov tells about "A February military revolt in Petrograd".
  And here the P.G. Kurlov's comparative reflections:
  "At that time for Tereshchenko's plant the danger in a call reservists from workers for suppression of the their own associates wasn't especially high. But she was enormous when in 1916 and 1917 in Petrograd were concentrated about 200 thousand spare (called up reservists) among which there was significant amount of local factory workers. This time the mistake has turned out fatal, and the government by its own hands has created the military revolt which has ruined Russia".
  Concentration of "spare" in Petrograd P.G. Kurlov considers as one of the reasons of "a February revolt" and revolution.
  In final parts of the memoirs P.G. Kurlov speaks also need of the constitution, and need of the solution of an agrarian question.
  P.G. Kurlov calls the reasons of "revolt", but about in whose competence there was permission of the most important public problems, - holds silence.
  Or to consider that the solution of these problems - in competence of "government"?
  For example, S.Y. Witte and V.N. Kokovcov (government leaders) are difficult to reproach in the concentration of hundreds of thousands of spares in Petrograd, in the absence of the Constitution, in the unresolved agrarian issue.
  - It wasn't so simple to control hundreds of thousands "spare", - the Readeress has noticed.
  - In general, the question of "control" has been rather difficult, - the Reader has sighed. - If to use P.G. Kurlov's examples from 1905, then squadrons and companies (and it is several hundreds of the servicemen) were resisted by "crowds" (thousands). The problem of "control" became complicated with change of mood in troops.
  Here one of the statements of the general Kurlov about events of February, 1917:
  "... This revolt could never capture army so spontaneously if wasn't already and is earlier shown criminal connivance from some traitors, who were at the head of command structures. The first place among them belongs to the general Ruzsky. Nothing else could be expected from him. His favourite the employee and, speak, even an inspirer, was the chief of his headquarters general Bonch-Bruyevich ... which subsequently consisted the member of the highest military meeting, headed by Trotsky. And the brother of General Bonch-Bruevich held the post of Chief of the Office of the Council of People's Commissars.
  Sovereign Imperator, who come at this time from the front to the troops which were under the team of the general Ruzsky, was informed, that the revolt has captured all troops, that to return back, to Mogilev, is impossible, and that it depends on Him to prevent the bloodsheds threatening to the country.
  (...) ""Bloody Nikolay", as the underground press until revolution dared to name him and as repeated the unbridled press after February days, haven't wished to spill any drop of blood of the people loved by him and has signed renunciation of a throne in favor of the brother, the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia".
  - The Supreme Commander hasn't controled the commander-in-chief of armies of the Northern front, the general Ruzsky, the general Ruzsky hasn't controled the chief of staff the general Bonch-Bruyevich..., - the Readeress began to reflect.
  - All went out of "control", - with some surprise the Readeress has come to a conclusion, slightly unexpected for herself. - Peasants, "spare", troops, generals, lieutenant colonels... What needed to be done? Publicly punish flogging? To execute, to shoot? But - whom?. At some point many have (in large quantities) ceased to obey the orders and commands...
  "Then, - P.G. Kurlov writes, - there was a serious collision of leyb-guard of the Pavlovsk regiment with police on Konyushennaya Square, and among police ranks there were wounded and the killed. It was succeeded to cope with this group of rebels, however, in spite of the fact that they shooted even into the officers. Detainees have been got on a guardroom of the Winter Palace from where ran at night. Police and gendarmes continued to bear selflessly the service, but, of course, were unable to cope with troops".
  - People have changed, and "administration" hasn't noticed, - the Reader melancholically stated. - Perhaps, Sergey Yulyevich Witte has spoken on this subject: "The manifesto on October 17, 1905 submits itself such act which temporarily may be not executed , it is possible to damn The manifesto, but which nobody can destroy. The manifesto is engraved in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the population of great Russia. "
  - Someone wanted freedoms, someone - lands, and someone - preservations of the life during "unclear" and "infinite" world war, - the Readeress has assumed.
  - And someone would put forward the version that the I State Duma was capable in 1906 and to resolve an agrarian question, and - can be - to reduce risk of war. And the defensive war which has begun in 1914 - in the presence of the representative, authorized, authoritative Duma - had every chance to come to the finish with a victory, - the Reader argued.
  The Readeress has playfully addressed the janitor sweeping the street: "What do you think of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905?". On an unexpected question, - may be, feeling his jocosity, - the janitor reacted with silence.
  - Lenin at the beginning of 1917 lived in emigration abroad and wasn't really widely known, - the Reader has spoken. - Photos with the images of the Duma figures were published in newspapers and magazines.
  The public assumed that the power will pass from the Emperor, from imperial bureaucracy to comely Duma figures, to caring and resolute (in speeches) "national representation".
  - At the times of the Emperor Nicholas II the elective legislation (lawfully and illegally) changed, the Duma was chosen, convoked and dismissed..., - the Readeress has begun to remember. - But after the February revolution of 1917 the Duma in general has ceased to gather and be elected... Why? Strange... Ready, created, (to some extent) duly elected representative body... Representing - unlike the Petrograd Soviet - the much bigger mass of the population...
  Focus has been executed. But in a format: the Duma figures (who have entered into Provisional government), but - without the Duma... Sleight of hand...
  "... Came Pygmies, without talents, without will, not knowing to what side they should go", - the general Kurlov reports.
  So: There is no Emperor - there is no Duma - too.
  The Soviets arised. But "Soviets" in the conditions of total lawless repressive violence and one-party political system - it was the slogan... In reality have begun: - committees of poor residents, revolutionary committees...
  The imperial army has been demobilized. The status "spare" as defenders of "revolution" from "tsarism" was nullified. Formation of the Red Army has begun. Hopes of hundreds of thousands "spare" on evasion from participation in fighting through participation in overthrow of a tsarism - haven't come true. It was necessary for the "spares" to go under bullets.
  Duration of the working day has been announced by reduced. But position of workers was influenced by many factors: both intensity of work, and norm of payment, and inflation, and condition of the food and ware markets. It is unlikely workers began to live much better.
  About peasants I will hold silence.
  - Eventually, there are ((West) European) concepts "free will", "aspiration fortunately", - the Reader has reminded. And asked:
  - How to go to "happiness"? How to formulate the forecast? How to make the plan, to organize his fulfillment?
  If the revolting troops and "insurgent people" knew that the political regime of Nicholas II (with the "weak-willed" and "unlucky" Emperor, with "rotten" and "powerless" imperial bureaucracy) - at all of his (regime) shortcomings - will remain formally the most democratic still almost a couple of decades, beginning from 1917... And (not formally, but) actually - even longer. And, perhaps, relatively quite humanistic...
  - There was a wish to have more, bigger, - the Readeress has agreed. - Without the authorized, representative Duma turned out not in the best way. But without the Emperor (and without the imperial bureaucracy) turned out - uncomfortable.
  The Reader and the Readeress have approached a show-window of bookstore and for a minute have stopped to look at the books which have interested them.
  July 28, 2017 - July 30, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: January 27, 2018 01:27, January 29, 2018 11:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о генерале бароне фон Таубе'.
  11. The Tale of Six Percent
  The general Ruzsky has opened the laptop. Internet article 'Рузский, Николай Владимирович' ("Nikolai Ruzsky"). One of the courtiers of the Emperor Nicholas II was remembering that allegedly the general Ruzsky held Nicholas II by a hand, other hand having pressed to a table before him the prepared manifesto on renunciation and roughly was repeating: "Sign this manifesto, sign. You don't see that nothing else remains to You? If You don't sign - I am not responsible for Your life". The general remembered the words of one of books: "The general Ruzsky was objecting, arguing, proving and, at last, after one and a half hours has received from the Sovereign a permission on the announcement through Rodzyanko that the Sovereign agrees to the responsible Cabinet of Ministers and suggests him to form the first Cabinet."
  The general has closed the laptop and has begun to look through the book by Yevgeny Tarle 'Крымская война' ("The Crimean War"; 'Krymskaia voina').
  "The tsar, in admiration from amazing activity and heroic bravery of Nakhimov, has sent to Sevastopol the adjutant (...) and has charged to him to transmit "a kiss and bow" for Nakhimov. A week later after that Nakhimov, with a bloodstained face, after the inspection of the artillery battery was coming back home - and suddenly to him towards a new adjutant with new bow from the Emperor Nicholas. "Sir! - Nakhimov has exclaimed - you with bow again? I thank you! I and after the first bow was sick the whole day!" The taken aback adjutant hardly immediately came to himself and from further words Nakhimov, who was angry with a disorder long ago in all organization of the rear on which the destiny of Sevastopol depended: "Bows, not necessary for us! Ask a whip here! The whip is required, sir! Sir, we have no right organisation!" - Nakhimov shouted. (...) Nicholas didn't send any more neither kisses, nor bows for Nakhimov."
  The general continued to look through the book:
  "The total, absolute impunity ... has been guaranteed to all thieves, bribe takers, embezzlers of public funds. Here in the middle of war, in November, from the most dangerous position, from the crew, which standing under Mount Sapun, where for a long time people die for hunger who are preferred not to be fed in general, and horses die who are fed with sawdust and shavings, the officer there comes in the intendant's administration and requires the money (salary). We will give the floor to him (writes and prints all this he in 15 years after the Crimean war when almost all personages were still living).
  "- You are Mr. the managing director?
  - Precisely so. What it is necessary for you?
  - May I receive money for crew according to these requirements?
  - You can receive money... but it will depend on you - he has added thoughtfully...
  - Perhaps, money can be received now? Don't detain me, please.
  The managing director has sighed, has rubbed a forehead as though reflecting on something, at last, acutely has looked at me, has coolly asked:
  - And how many you give percent?
  I couldn't even allow such patriarchal impudence and I haven't suddenly understood the managing director's question.
  - What percent? From what?. Speak, please, - I have spoken, having a little been embarrassed.
  - I ask you, the young man - has begun the managing director of preceptive tone - how many you pay me for that money which I will order to release for the battery of your crew? Ordinary pay me on eight percent and more, but you, artillerymen, the people stubborn, you like to bargain. Well, from you it is possible to take cheaper... However I warn: I won't take less than six percent for anything, it is impossible...
  Such shameless and cool robbery has exasperated me".
  The officer began to threaten that will inform the higher authorities. And the managing director went on:
  "- Eh, young man! In you there is a lot of fever, and a common sense a little! What the fool I will be, - he continued, having suddenly inspired and having got up from chair, - if I distribute this money in vain? Money is necessary - take and pay! I am requiring not from the beggar: your commanders not six percent, and nearly receive ruble for ruble!
  He stated all this in the presence of many officers who were in room. I then was very young, very inexperienced and couldn't digest such impudent shamelessness.
  - Misters officers, - I have started talking, hardly constraining myself, - I ask to testify that the managing director says...
  Infantry's have kept silent, and the hussar, smiling and having politely bowed, has answered:
  - Sorry, we in family affairs aren't involve".
  On that episode and was ended. The officer has gone away. He began to impose"requirements" of brigade in other places with same result..."
  The general was looking through the book further.
  "Nobody, except Nakhimov, in Sevastopol carried an epaulet: the French and British soldiers fired first of all at commanders. And long nobody couldn't understand Nakhimov's persistence in this question of deadly gold admiral's epaulets - Nakhimov, who so carelessly treated always a suit and jewelry, was so most deeply indifferent to gloss and differences.
  Have reached a banquet. Nakhimov has taken the telescope from the signaller and has stepped on a banquet. His high round-shouldered figure in a gold admiral's epaulets has seemed at a banquet the lonely, absolutely close, evident target directly in front of the French battery. Kern and the aide-de-camp have made still the last attempt to warn misfortune and began to convince Nakhimov though to bend lower down or come to them for bags to look from there. Nakhimov, without answering, was motionless absolutely and he watched everything with the telescope towards the French. The bullet, already obviously aim has whizzed, and have hit in a bag with the earth nearby the elbow of Nakhimov . "They're pretty aptly shooting today", - Nakhimov has told, and at this moment a new shot have burst. The admiral without any groan has fallen to the ground as knocked down.
  The rifled musket's bullet has struck in a face, has broken a skull and come out at a nape."
  The general Ruzsky has concentrated his attention and has written the text of the telegram:
  "Into Stavka.
  To his imperial majesty to the sovereign to the emperor.
  ... I dare to report to Your Majesty on emergent necessity to take urgent measures which could calm the population, install in him trust and courage, self-confidence and in their future. These measures taken now on the eve of the forthcoming revival of fighting activity at the front, will pour in new forces in army and the people for manifestation of further persistence on fight against the enemy; I will dare to think that under existing conditions measures of repression can aggravate rather situation, than give necessary, long satisfaction. General aide-de-camp Ruzsky".
  In Tobolsk on October 17, 1917 Emperor Nicholas II saw the piece of some newspaper: "the general aide-de-camp Ruzsky in Pyatigorsk as a part of group of arrested hostages is killed by one of the Bolsheviks with using a dagger ".
  "God doesn't leave me, He gives me strength to forgive all my enemies and torturers, but I can't win against myself in one thing: the general aide-de-camp Ruzsky I can't forgive!".
  The Emperor the book by Leskov has read a little.
  Then He took a diary, and under the date "October 17" made a written record: "29 years have passed since the day of our rescue during the train wreck."
  The ex-prime minister of the Russian Empire Vladimir Nikolayevich Kokovtsov sat in the his office-room - in the bank in Paris.
  He has taken the memoirs, prepared for printing, and has opened them, remembering events of the life in Russia after coming to power of Bolsheviks:
  "On the same platform there was a small group of soldiers from the neighboring railway wagon of the first class, with some the person of small growth in a navy form.
  While I waited for giving of the railway wagon, this mister has approached me and between us there was following, memorable for me, a dialogue:
  He. And we know, the citizen, who are You.
  I. I'm not hiding and, as You can see, I am traveling in usual clothes and even in my old hat.
  He. For You to be hiding there are no any reasons. We well know that comrade Trotsky has invited You to himself in assistants to help him to improve army's economy. Only allow to notice You that you will make nothing acceptable.
  It isn't difficult to imagine what stunning impression have made on me these words. I literally didn't know how to react to them because clearly I understood what neither to disprove this ridiculous hearing, nor to confirm it, wasn't reasonable for me.
  In reply amicable voices were sounded "it is correct, correct", and all company has turned to me with friendly handshakes. This minute the train in which structure have included three railway wagons began to approach slowly the platform, and my wife with surprise sees this picture of friendly my chat with the team of sailors and soldiers.
  ... The subsequent events have again shown that there is some unknown and undiscovered destiny which patronized us in way and removed away off us the approaching danger more than once."
  V.N. Kokovtsov has meditated. Then he have sealed the manuscript in a post package and have written the address of publishing house on a package.
  January 27, 2018 19:26
  Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2018 00:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о шести процентах'.
  12. The Tale of the Kuropatkin Patience
  The presentation of combined into a single edition of the memoirs of the (ex) Prime Ministers Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov, other publications was awaited.
  The participants of the forthcoming presentation have gathered before an entrance to cafe-library. They have heard the loud invitation of M. Gorky:
  - Misters! Comrades! Please come into the library!
  At the entrance to the library formed something like a queue.
  Having remembered pre-revolutionary food queues in Petrograd, the ex-prime minister and ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Vladimirovich St;rmer has remembered:
  - The food question became the main and unsolvable internal problem!
  - Really, the most critical issue of the historic moment was the food issue, - ex-deputy of the chairman of the IV State Duma Alexander Dmitriyevich Protopopov, appointed by emperor Nicholas II the Minister of Internal Affairs, has agreed with Boris St;rmer. - During the first audience after I was appointed the Emperor Nicholas II has told: "do that it is necessary - save the situation". At my first conversation with the Emperor he said me: "The most important task - the food for the population".
  In general, all the hopes for food supply have been pinned on me-that I will arrange it. Really, it seemed to me that I will make it, by all means I will arrange.
   - I have sent the telegram to the Tsar. - the Siberian man in a shirt on release, wide trousers and boots has spoken, - Telegram began words: "All together affectionately we talk." It was said further: "Give Kalinin the power soon. They're preventing him. He'll feed the people. Everything will be fine... " (Kalinin - the semi-secret nickname given to Protopopov. This nickname widely used at telephone conversations and correspondence of the imperial couple and Vyrubova). The telegram has been sent to the Stavka, but at the last minute Protopopov was frightened and under any pretexts began to refuse and eventually has refused.
  -Remembering now my intention to improve the food supply for the population, I must admit,-sighed Alexander Protopopov-that not enough thought up the case and got acquainted with him. I'll not hide, however, that I believed that food was, and that a food was abundant.
  Certain gloomy mister has decided to express also the opinion:
  - It was required to change radically the relation of the government to the organizations of zemstvo, to the city organizations, to the self-government organizations. To take them under strict government control, to withdraw food business from their hands. I have stated the opinion in a note addressed to the Sovereign!
  Someone has read a few lines from the book on history:
  - It was possible to resolve a food issue at this conditions only in one way - introduction of the state monopoly on bread with reliance on the mass democratic food authorities, covering all country. And for this purpose at least as an initial prerequisite it was necessary to liquidate the tsarism.
  - Misgivings and fears in connection with change in August, 1915 of the Supreme command (the grand duke Nikolay Nikolaevich on the Emperor Nicholas II) were vain, - the general Mikhail Vasiliyevich Alekseyev, the chief of staff of Stavka, noted. - Moreover, in purely military relation and in the sphere of material supplies of army the business have gone much better. But nevertheless an impression was made that the noticeable improvement of actually military environment and logistics of army, reached in 1916, wasn't a sufficient counterbalance to the approaching catastrophe.
  The general Mikhail Alekseev has kept silent and has added:
  -I see, I know that the war will end with our defeat. But I am happy that I believe, I deeply believe in God... The country must experience all the bitterness of its fall and rise from it by the hand of God's help....
  Is it possible to accept, in anticipation of such a prospect, measures to save what can be saved, "to a lesser collapse"?
  We are powerless... The future is scary...
  The Quartermaster general Mikhail Savvich Pustovoytenko has added:
  - What exit? In my opinion, the kuropatkin patience. [the wordplay was created: куропаткинское терпение - терпение Куропаткина - терпение куропатки - patience of the general Aleksey Kuropatkin - the partridge's patience]
  The arisen silence has been broken by exchange of opinions between two students.
  One of them began to remember up the features of a food situation in Russia during World War I:
  - At the time of the beginning of World War I Russia was more than for 100 percent is provided with food.
  From the beginning of war export of agricultural products has been almost completely stopped. With carrying out mobilization and the beginning of war demand for agricultural products was exclusively high.
  The army for 3 years has bought food and fodder for 2,5 billion rubles, including 574 million poods of grain, 247 million poods of meat, 645 million poods of oats, 1,176 million poods of hay.
  For a number of reasons the marketability of agriculture has sharply fallen.
  The devaluation of paper money. The disorder of transport.
  The grain from Siberia because of congestion of the railroads had no access to industrial regions of the European Russia.
  Governmental activities were: introduction of the practice of creation of state stocks of bread, rationing of prices, rationing of food supply in cities, etc.
  Another student made the clarification:
  - The emperor and imperial bureaucracy believed that warfare and acquisition of food should be paid with bank notes.
  Russia carried out the financing of war, mainly, by the emission of paper money and by means of the domestic and external loans. The total cost of war (till September 1, 1917) for Russia is determined nominally at 41,4 billion rubles. Taking into account decline of ruble this sum is expressed in 15-16 billion pre-war rubles. By domestic loans 15,8 billion (nominal) rubles have been received, foreign loans have made 8,1 billion rubles; the emission of paper money has given (nominally) 21,8 billion rubles. The public debt with 8,8 billion rubles in 1914 has grown to 43,9 billion rubles by October, 1917. Free exchange on gold has been stopped from the very beginning of war. The establishment of the "hard" prices was not able to contain the fall in the purchasing power of the ruble. The purchasing power of the ruble has decreased to the beginning of 1917 by 40%, by the end of the year-by 70%.
  The general Pavel Kurlov has noticed:
  -... Since the twentieth of February, crowds of people, demanding bread, began to appear in different places of the capital. The people's fermentation continued. Mass agitations gradually began to turn into street riots.
  The lieutenant general S.S. Habalov, the chief of the Petrograd military district, in whose hands all military and civil power in the capital has been concentrated, spoke briefly - as military man:
  - In the city (of Petrograd) by February 25, 1917 there were 5 600 000 poods of a reserve of flour.
  One of the students have murmured:
  - 1 pood is about 16,38 kg. 5 600 000 poods are about 91 728 000 kg.
   The general Alexander Balk, the Petrograd city's mayor [gradonachalnik], has added:
  - If Petrograd would fell into a state of siege, and to the capital hasn't been sent any railway car with products, then inhabitants could remain on a former food ration within 22 days.
  Leon Trotsky has remembered:
  - On February 16, 1917 the authorities have decided to enter in Petrograd coupons on bread.
  - Since 1914 were at war, and coupons on bread in the Petrograd have entered only in the February, 1917? - someone has hemmed.
  - This innovation has hit on nerves, - Leon Trotsky has continued. - On February 19 near food stalls accumulated a lot of people, especially women, all demanded bread. A day later in some parts of the city bakeries were looted. It were already lightnings of the revolt, which has broken out in a few days.
  The energetic gentleman from the public decided to make a small historical addition:
  - After the February revolution the Provisional government has created on March 21, 1917 the State Food Committee, and on March 25, 1917 announced the law on grain monopoly with compulsory transfer of surplus of landowner bread in hands of the state. A Landowners, thanks to the complicity government, sabotaged this law. This law has not brought any improvement in the food situation.
  "Tails" nearby the food shops played a role of political meetings and worked as revolutionary leaflets.
  - As of October 26, 1917, - the woman historian took part in a conversation, - bread in Petrograd was only on a half of day.
  - The revolutionary State Food Committee hasn't badly worked", - someone from public has estimated.
  - At everyone the beliefs, - the energetic gentleman didn't give itself "to bring down", - and everyone can independently carry out comparison of two approaches:
  (1) purchases of food in the conditions of war (that, naturally, was followed by devastation of the budget, inflation, and other negative phenomena)
  (2) transition to "the state monopoly for bread" (In the undeveloped form-forced sale at "hard" prices, requisitions, forced "liberation" peasants off bread (Prodrazverstka)), and in a consecutive form - liquidation of the social strata of wealthy peasants (Raskulachivanie), mass death of people, collectivization, creation of a system of collective farms and state farms).
  Vladimir Lenin noted:
  - Prodrazverstka because of military circumstances was imposed on us with absolute necessity.
  - It was necessary to hold out for another two months.-sighed Duma activist Andrei Shingarev. - The spring offensive would have started. At failure there would be revolution. With luck, everything would be forgotten.
  - The Armistice of Compi;gne was signed on November 11, 1918, - someone has reminded. - And Civil war in Russia was ended in 1920...
  Participants of exchange of opinions were switched by thoughts to the forthcoming presentation.
  August 03, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: February 25, 2018 - February 28, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о куропаткинском терпении'.
  13. Interview on the riddle of the Fourth State Duma
  The participants in the upcoming presentation included some well-known deputies of the IV State Duma of Russian Empire, V.A. Maklakov, P.N. Miliukov, A.F. Kerensky. The correspondents addressed to them with the intention of finding out why, after the February Revolution of 1917, the IV (Fourth ) State Duma did not resume work.
  The most laconic was Vasily Alekseevich Maklakov:
  - Loyal, monarchical, constitutional parties, whose representatives were members of the Provisional Committee of the IV State Duma, did not want to convoke the State Duma.
  It was clear that Maklakov did not want to have a detailed discussion on the subject.
  A student, interested in the statement of V.A. Maklakova, remembered:
  - In the manifesto on abdication, dated March 2, 1917, Emperor Nicholas II wrote, in particular: "... In agreement with the State Duma, we recognized for the benefit of abdicating the Throne of the Russian State and resigning from the supreme authority. ... Instruct our brother to rule affairs by state in full and inviolable unity with representatives of the people in legislative institutions, on those principles that will be established by them, bringing in that inviolable oath. "
  There was an uneasy silence.
  Correspondents switched to Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov. He was somewhat more talkative, although he was also laconic:
  - The State Duma did not try to open a formal meeting, despite the demand of MP M. Karaulov. (...) A private meeting of the members of the Duma instructed the Council of Elders to elect the Provisional Committee of the Duma members and determine the further role of the State Duma in the events that had begun.
  - A strange statement, - one of the correspondents said quietly to the other. - First, what is this "Council of Elders" for the "private meeting"? Secondly, the "demands of a deputy (deputies)" - this is not "an attempt to open a formal meeting"? Logic is not docking ... And, thirdly, how easily disappears-appears the word "members" ... Maklakov: "The Provisional Committee of the State Duma". Milyukov: "Provisional Committee of MEMBERS of the Duma". It's not a rabbit in a magician's hat ...
  P.N. Miliukov added:
  - It was neither a meeting of the Duma, - Duma had just been closed, - nor a meeting of any of its commissions. This was a private meeting of the members of the Duma. Individuals wandering along other corridors joined the grouped members of the Duma. I do not remember Rodzianko presiding there. The meeting was formless. There were hot speeches in the central small crowd. Proposals were put forward for the return and resumption of the official meeting of the Duma, disagreeing with the freezing of the work of the Duma (M. Karaulov), declaring the Duma the Constituent Assembly, transferring power to the dictator (to General Manikovsky). It was suggested that the members of the Duma assembled at that moment should take power and that they create their own body. At least not to leave Petersburg. I made a proposal to wait until the character of the movement was clarified. I made a proposal to create an interim committee of Duma members "to restore order and to communicate with individuals and institutions."
  - The Provisional Committee of the members of the Duma! - with pleasure said one of those standing nearby. - How many members? How did the ballot go?
  P.N. Miliukov clarified:
  - The proposals to immediately take all power into their hands and organize the ministry from members of the Duma or even declare the Duma a Constituent Assembly - were rejected, as, in part as untimely, in part as fundamentally wrong.
  -Again it's not clear, - the correspondent whispered to his colleague. - If the State Duma at the time of the February 1917 events was the only more or less legitimately elected, representative, legislative body, then why the proposals to use its "democratic potential" were called "fundamentally wrong"? About "untimely" ... When was it possible to use the democratic potential and authority of the Duma, if not in the disastrous days of February 1917?
  The most informative was Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky:
  - On Monday, February 27, 1917, my first thought was: at any cost to continue the Duma session and establish close contact between the Duma and the armed forces. (...) Upon reaching the Duma, I immediately went to the Catherine Hall, where I met Nekrasov, Efremov, Vershinin, Chkheidze and several other opposition deputies. They agreed with my proposal to hold an official meeting of the Duma. (...) Representatives of the Left Opposition - Nekrasov, Efremov, Chkheidze and I - made an offer to the Council of Elders to immediately hold an official session of the Duma, not taking into account the tsar's decree. The majority, including Rodzianko and, somewhat unexpectedly, Milyukov, spoke against such a step. No arguments were given.
  A.F. Kerensky, with an element of political passion, began to convince the correspondents and the readers who were standing next to him:
  - At a time when the authority of the Duma reached its maximum value in the country and in the army and when this authority could play a far-reaching positive role, the Duma's refusal to convene a formal meeting was tantamount to political suicide. (...) Refusing to take the initiative in their hands, the Duma became an unofficial organization on a par with the Soviet of Workers' Deputies, which by that time had only just begun to gain strength. Realizing the next day a perfect mistake, Rodzianko made an attempt to revive the Duma as an official institution. But it was too late. By then, two centres of power had already emerged in the capital. The revolution has created them. The two centres of power. First, the Duma that created (in an informal meeting) the Interim Committee as its provisional governing body. Secondly, the Council of Workers ' deputies. The executive committee chaired the Council.
  - Much more detail, - the correspondent expressed to his fellow satellite. - Again - it is not clear: first, what is the "majority"? From those present in the room? Uncertainty. Secondly, if the Duma became the "center of power", then why not start official work, not start "formal" meetings?
  - Who is more democratic? Nikolai Alexandrovich (Romanov)? Or people's deputies-Duma members, who turned out to be participants in the "formless meeting"? - there was a remark from the public. - Nicholas II Alexandrovich established (in 1905) the State Duma of the Russian Empire. There was not any complete replacement of this representative body nor in February 1917, nor many years later. Could the "state structure" established in February 1917 by some "members of the Duma" become full, durable and viable? If this "state structure" does not have a basis? The basis is the all-Russian legislative institutions, representing the entire population.
  Again a second of awkward silence.
  The interview ended naturally. Deputies have already started to enter the cafe-library, founded by Maxim Gorky, to take part in the presentation of memoirs (ex) Premier S. Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov and other publications.
  However, the colleague-satellite answered the doubting correspondent:
  - The most informative words in the statement of Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky: "No arguments were given" ...
  The correspondent looked at the companion with interest:
  - "The Riddle of the Fourth State Duma"?
  - The riddle of the "Provisional Committee"... - he joked in response. And he added:
  - They "waited". "The nature of the movement was clarified." The Duma was not an ideal, but still a democratic representative state legislative body (for which the bureaucrat S.Yu. Witte, his progressive supporters from the imperial bureaucracy, and many, many other people of different social status fought-and achieved). This representative body, without attracting special attention, was imperceptibly redirected to the history archive.
  August 9, 2017 - August 10, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 22.08.2017 21:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Интервью о загадке IV Государственной Думы'.
  14. The Tale of lists
  Сказка о списках
  The Tale of lists
  Пожилой человек подошел к книжным шкафам.
  The elderly man came up to bookcases.
  Взял с полки книгу Бориса Владимировича Никитина 'Роковые годы', изданную в Париже в 1937 году. На обратной стороне обложки парижского издания проставлена дата: 7 мая 1937 года.
  He took off the bookshelf the book by Boris Nicitine 'Роковые годы'. This historical work was firstly published in Paris in 1937. There is date on back side of cover: 7 May, 1937. [English edition: Nicitine B.V. The Fatal Years. London. 1938].
  Раскрыл книгу.
  He opened the book.
  It was remembered.
  Власти не было, но еще сохранялся фронт.
  There were no real authorities. But the front-line was existed yet.
  А кроме фронта - армейские, офицерские структуры.
  And, besides the front-line, the army's and officer's structures still were existed.
  По инициативе этих структур на несколько месяцев в 1917 году была создана военная контрразведка Петроградского военного округа, создававшая у обычных петроградцев иллюзию существования в их городе правоохранительного органа.
  These structures put forward an initiative: to create security service (counter-reconnaissance service). According this initiative the military counter-reconnaissance service of Petrograd military district was established. This security service was forming for common inhabitants of Petrograd an illusion as if a real Law enforcement body is functioning in their city.
  Борис Никитин, будучи во главе контрразведки пытался привлечь к ответственности видных большевиков.
  Boris Nicitine, - the head of security service, - was making attempts to prosecute famous Bolshevics.
  Поводом стало июльское выступление (восстание) 1917 года, которое, как подозревали, было инициировано Германией и осуществлено на деньги Германии.
  One of occasions was July rebellion of 1917. The suspicions were announced: that this rebellion was organized according instructions on Germany and was financed by Germany.
  Всего несколько строк в довольно большой книге.
  A few lines in the book of much value.
  Но он, пожилой человек, помнил эти времена хорошо.
  But he, the elderly man, can remember these times clear.
  'Мы начали получать десятки телефонных призывов на помощь против грабителей. Звонили из магазинов Гостиного Двора, из Апраксина рынка, с Садовой, из банков на Невском; звонили телефонные барышни, умоляли отдельные голоса из частных квартир по Литейному и Жуковской, просили спасти от ломящихся бродяг и мародеров. Услышав эти вопли, моим первым движением было, конечно как-то помочь. Но как? Кого послать?... Звонить в участки милиций? Оттуда не отвечают. Да мне именно и жалуются, что ее не могут найти. Выслушивая крики и мольбы женщин по телефону, сознавая свое бессилие, я ничего не отвечал, вешал трубку, старался о них не думать; НО НЕЛЬЗЯ ЗАБЫТЬ ЭТИ ГОЛОСА'.
  The tens of phone appeals were sent to us. They asked about help against criminal attacks. Calls were from different shops, banks, flats. The women cried... There were calls of fear, calls about help... My first desire was to make some help. But how? What personal I can to send for help?.. May be I mast to call in militia's region departments? These departments responded with silence. Those, who directed to me their appeals, informed me, that militia disappeared. I was listen the cries and asks of women by phone. And I was recognizing my helpless. I was responding nothing. I was putting down the receiver. I tried not to think about these appeals. But it's impossible to forget these women's cries.'
  'Сколько человек перемолола криминальная мельница? За годы революции, гражданской войны? Да и в последующие годы?...' - подумал пожилой человек - 'Единицы? Сотни, тысячи, миллионы? Нет списков!'
  'Criminal mill was grinding the people. How much humans it crushed? Ones? Tens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? No lists!'
  Пожилой человек продолжал листать страницы книги:
  The elderly man continued to turn pages of the book.
  'Прокурор судебной палаты ... выдвинул против большевиков обвинение по статьям 51, 100 и 108 уголовного уложения за измену и организацию вооруженного восстания. Казалось бы, что еще надо? Но зловещим призраком стоял Троцкий. Он не бежал, как Ленин, а рассылал иронические письма, спрашивая, когда же его арестуют. Он стучал по советской трибуне и кричал им:
  'Public prosecutor charged Bolsheviks with high treason and organization of armed rebellion - according the articles 51, 100 and 108 of criminal code. It's inefficient? Bur as threatening mirage Trotsky have influence over around. He did not escape like Lenin. He was sending an ironical letters, asking when he would be arrested. He knocked upon the soviet's tribune and loudly asked them:
  'Вы обвиняете большевиков в измене и восстании? Сажаете их в тюрьмы? Так ведь и я же был с ними, я же здесь! Почему вы меня не арестуете?'
  'You are charging Bolsheviks with high treason and organization of armed rebellion? You are putting them into prisons? But I was acting with them! And I am here! Why you do not arrest me?'
  Они молчали.'
  They kept silence.'
  'Троцкого сажают 23 июля, а в течение августа и в начале сентября новые министры юстиции выпускают и Троцкого, и всех одного за другим, кого мы посадили и до, и после восстания.'
  'Trotsky was put into prison July, 23. During the period of August and September [1917] new ministers of justice set free and Trotsky, and others - one by one - those, who were putting into prisons by ours efforts.'
  'Одни слева... Многие справа... ...И те и другие слишком малочисленны на стомиллионную темную массу, погнавшуюся за призраками...'
  The once are lefts... Many are rights... They are both scanty in comparison with hundred million mass, fooled by phantoms...'.
  'Троцкий на сажень выше своего окружения... Октябрь Троцкого надвигается... Троцкий постепенно, один за другим переводит полки на свою сторону... ...Вся громадная организационная работа дала большевикам еще большее и главное: она твердо технически подвела чернь столицы и ее солдат под купол Совдепа Троцкого'.
  Trotsky is visibly higher, then his environment... October of Trotsky is approaching... Trotsky is winning over the military units... The whole huge organization work made a result for Bolsheviks: this work escorted under cupola of Trotsky capital's riff-raff and soldiers.
  Пожилой человек поставил книгу обратно на книжную полку и подошел к столу.
  The elderly man returned the book on the bookshelf and came toward the table.
  Лист бумаги лежал перед ним.
  The sheet of paper laid beside him.
  Его взгляд несколько мгновений неподвижно фиксировался на отпечатанных фразах:
  His look was for some moments fixed on the phrases, typed.
  'Иной народ мог бы сказать Правительству: вы не оправдали наших ожиданий, уходите прочь, мы поставим другое правительство, которое заключит мир с Германией и обеспечит нам покой. Но русский народ не пошел на это, ... и пошел на жертвы, чтобы обеспечить разгром Германии.'
  'The another people could to say their Government: you are - the loosers! go down off! We will create a new Government, which will sign a peace treaty with Germany, and so we will guarantee us a calm life. But Russian people didn't took such a choice. But Russian people decided to straggle - with a great victims and casualties, - and to win Germany.'
  В кабинет вошел помощник:
  The assistant entered into office-room^
  - Прибыли коробки со списками. На Ваше имя. Отправитель... Название отправителя... - необычно написано...
  - The boxes with lists are arrived. Addressed to You, personally. The sender... Name of the sender... - is written uncommonly...
  - Коробки? - пожилой человек усмехнулся. - Дополнительно проверьте адрес.
  -'The boxes?' - the elderly man has smiled slightly. - '...Check the address'.
  Помощник вышел из кабинета.
  Assistant went out the office-room.
  Пожилой человек сделал несколько шагов вдоль стола. Передвинул документы. Подумал: 'Тоже - списки'.
  Elderly man made some steps along the table. He moved the documents. 'Also - lists'.
  Нашел в списке фамилию. Рядом лежали листки с Автобиографией. Взгляд заскользил по тексту:
  He fixed in the list one of the candidates. Sheets of paper with the autobiography laid near. His look was scrolling down the text.
  'Родился ... в семье служителя культа (священника). ... Отец ... продолжает оставаться служителем культа ... и по настоящее время...
  'Was born in the family of a priest... The father continues to be a priest now...
  [Окончил в январе 1915 года экстерном костромскую духовную семинарию].
  [Graduated from seminary of Kostroma city in January, 1915, - by external way].
  В январе 1915 года зачислен в Алексеевское [юнкерское] военное училище (г. Москва) и 1 июня 1915 г[ода] по окончании его выпущен прапорщиком... Последний чин - штабс-капитан.
  In in January, 1915, was enrolled in Alekseevsky [cadet] military school (Moscow). Graduated from military school with rank of прапорщик (ensign, warrant officer) on June, 1, 1915. Before demobilization of exEmperor's Army I realized military service with rank of Stuff-Capitan.
  Октябрь 1937 г[ода] по настоящее время - начальник 1-го отдела Генерального штаба РККА...
  Since October, 1937, to present time - I head of 1-st department of General Staff of Red Army.
  Подпольной работы против царского и других буржуазных правительств не вел...
  Wasn't included in illegal activity against Tsar's government and others bourgeois governments.
  С подпольными организациями и отдельными большевиками революционерами связи не имел...
  I had no connections with illegal organizations or concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries...
  ...27 октября 1938 г.'
  ...October, 27, 1938.'
  Прочитав слова насчет 'отдельных большевиков революционеров', пожилой человек усмехнулся. Подумал: 'Петровская школа'.
  Elderly man read the words about 'concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries'. Smiled. 'Peter's traditions!' - he had thought.
  Написал напротив фамилии: 'Подготовить назначение на должность начальника Генерального штаба'.
  He made a record in list near name: 'I order to prepare the appointment of this commander on the post of the Head of General Staff'.
  30 ноября 2017 г. 22:23
  November, 30, 2017 22:33
  Translation from Russian into English: 1 December 2017 - 10 December 2017. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о списках'.
  15. The Tale of Umberto Nobile
  Once in October, 1925 Umberto Nobile, walking on the street Rome, have seen Leonardo da Vinci.
  "Hello, Teacher", - have politely said Umberto.
  "Hello, engineer", - da Vinci has politely answered. - "What has filled your heart?"
  "I have been captured by a great project;" "My goal is to fly the dirigible over the North Pole!"
  "To the North Pole ...", - da Vinci said. - "What do you hope to find?"
  "The Glory of Italy!" "The Glory of the Italian Genius!"-replied Nobile.
  "Well that!" - da Vinci has sighed, - "we somehow will suit it".
  Da Vinci has kept silent.
  "And these ...?", - da Vinci has vaguely moved fingers in air ...
  "What to do, the Teacher", - too has sighed Nobile. -"They are ready to support, they speak of the glory of the Italian nation!"
  -Yes, yes! ... Genius and wickedness ... It is easier to do, than to justify ...
  Da Vinci was quiet again.
  - Well, we'll solve it sometime, too! I wish you success, engineer!
  - Goodbye, teacher!
  Da Vinci walked farther by looking at the Roman scenery.
  Nobile accelerated the preparation of the flight.
  The Norwegian dirigible was soon ready for departure. An unexpected crew member was added to the expedition: a small dog weighing five pounds.
  On his way from Italy to the North Pole, the dirigible landed on 15 April 1926 for several days in Russia. Accustomed to the warm edges and torn away from the wife and daughter - Nobile felt uncomfortable.
  But some of the people encountered, cheered up Nobile in Russia. Some old woman, servant, soothing was and Nobile, and his daughter. In any case, she took a portrait of Nobile's daughter from the table and held some correspondence with her.
  A dog, who was constantly with him since the departure from Italy, has not forgotten Umberto.
  Uninterrupted youth delegations have seen the dirigible with quiet respect. These delegations somehow morally reinforced Umberto Nobile.
  Thousands of men and women of all ages and professions came. They entered the gates behind the towered hangar.
  And two young men asked Umberto Nobile to show the Italian flag. They respectfully touched the 3 colour flag.
  "Captain, we're going to open the way to the stars!", silently said a strange phrase by one of the boys, a member of a glider club.
  A gift - custom-made fur boots - Nobile did not take off from the time of departure from Russia and to Alaska itself. Fabulous boots. Actually, the boots are bystrolety ("fast-flying").
  A certain person, raising hands, jumped to Nobile in the hangar, before the flight: "I will pray for you!" This was unusual: Nobile knew about the changes that had occurred in Russia. The case was remembered by a native of religious Italy.
  This moment Umberto Nobile remembered as a transition from a real to a surreal world.
  "Long live Italy." The airship started from Russia - and further to the pole - under the sound of the Italian national anthem.
  From Svalbard began, on May 11, 1926, in fact, a flight through the Arctic Ocean and across the North Pole.
  The flight left Umberto Nobile two senses of surprise: first, by itself, second, by the airship.
  The expedition consisted of different people. The expedition's leaders were Norwegian Roald Amundsen and American Lincoln Ellsworth.
  However, only Umberto Nobile had sufficient qualifications to control the airship. He was preparing the airship and the goods for flight; He, Umberto Nobile, was the designer and creator of the airship.
  Umberto Nobile was forced to remain on duty for almost all time - seventy-one hour - of continuous flight over the northern Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait. Such a long period of awake in constant nervous stress was practically far for any person.
  Nobile managed to gather with the forces, was able to not sleep and effectively manage the Norwegian blimp for several days. There's a little 5 kg dog in his memory, almost the whole flight sleeping near.
  The North Pole was a lifeless icy desert. The sun has been looked at several times, allowing the coordinates to be refined. Nobile seemed to see icondescending the smile of Leonardo da Vinci.
  As for the dirigible. Nobile sometimes asked himself how he decided to fly over the North Pole. Through the Arctic Ocean. The airship was designed for relatively long-range flights over the Mediterranean Sea. During the flight from Italy to Svalbard, a number of mechanical breakdowns took place in the motor part, and in a transarctic flight from Svalbard to Alaska, the pieces of ice discarded by propellers severely damaged the hull ... There were problems with the elasticity, the ice-freezing surfaces. Of course, the airship was refined and modernized, but the task of the Transarctic flight was, however, a field of supernatural luck.
  "Ambition and contempt for danger", "the irresistible attraction of the name Amundsen - conqueror of the South Pole," "the desire to see one of the airships created by Italians in Great flight" - such were, among others - the motivations of Umberto Nobile .
  The overtired Nobile, completing a flight across the Arctic Ocean, clicking over the North Pole, was able to organize a successful airship landing in the Americas, Alaska, on May 14, 1926.
  They followed the holidays, the celebrations, the awards. Someone would say the event was some kind of surreal, fairy tale. And, of course, an outstanding, historic.
  Nobile felt that he was increasingly being dragged into the logic of contemporary his (Italian) history.
  General, distinguished balloonist, historical character! What could have prevented his "distinguished" career, forthcoming him a distinctive glory?
  The Flight of "Italy" in 1928, the next achievement of the North Pole, the ensuing catastrophe, could not be prevented. The individual rescue of the Nobile by the Swedish Air Force Einar Lundborg and the rescue of a number of other members of the airship's crew, icebreaker "Krasin".
  The conflict relationship between Umberto Nobile and ruling Italian elite. Nobile moved to advise on's airship issues to Russia (for five years, 1931-1936) and then to the United States (1939-1945).
  He returned to Italy in 1945, and taught at the University of Naples.
  What weights do you weigh his luck and unluckyness? How is his-prosperous, in general-life after the second polar Bad flight (on the Italian airship) compared to Raul Amundsen's death, the disappearance of other members of other polar expeditions?
  He died in Rome in 1978, at the age of 93, with the reputation of a talented engineer who was a fortunate (and unlucky) balloonist. The Participant of A unique fairy tale transarctic flight over the North Pole.
  To one of the residents of Rome, the gust of wind dismissed the response of Leonardo da Vinci to a question from Columbus: "You know, Captain. ... There was no and there could be no tropical islands ... Umberto Nobile - General. He is prone to heroism ..."
  January 17, 2017
  Translation from Russian into English: 24.08.2017 17:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об Умберто Нобиле'.
  16. The Story about the Astronomer and about the Empty Safe
  Рассказ об Астрономе и о пустом сейфе
  The Story about the Astronomer and about the Empty Safe
  Ленин быстро шагал по темной улице ночного Петрограда.
  Lenin quickly walked on the dark street of night Petrograd.
  Впереди показались летающие языки огня, горящие огни костров и темные, черные, мелькающие фигуры солдат.
  The burning bonfires, the flying languages of flame, and the dark, black figures of soldiers, sometimes illuminating by the lights, have ahead appeared.
  Ленин вошел в здание и быстро пошел по коридору.
  Lenin has entered the building and has quickly gone along the corridor.
  Из-за одной из дверей чувствовался необычный запах. Ленин приоткрыл дверь. За дверью оказалась кухня, где готовилась пища для обитателей здания. Виднелись огромные сковородки.
  Because of one of doors the unusual smell was caught. Lenin has slightly opened a door. Behind a door there was a kitchen where food for invaders of the building was cooked. Huge frying pans were seen.
  Ленин прикрыл дверь и продолжил шагать по коридору.
  Lenin has covered a door and has continued to walk along the corridor.
  'Смольный, Смольный...' - с удовольствием повторил про себя Ленин.
  "Smolny, Smolny ..." - with pleasure, said to himself Lenin. [This is a pun. Смола - Smola - Smolny. Смола - Resin. Resin - The Impregnated-with-resin]
  Как из под земли появился Троцкий:
  As from under the ground Leon Trotsky has appeared:
  - Владимир Ильич! Есть человек, желающий помочь. С рекомендациями!
  - Vladimir Ilyich! There is a person wishing to help. With recommendations!
  - На повестке дня, Лев Давидович, подготовка воззвания к народам всех стран, к трудящимся всего мира! Но у нас такое большое хозяйство, что всякий мерзавец нужен. Направьте его к Астроному.
  - On the agenda, Lev Davidovich, preparation of an appeal for the people of all countries, for workers of the whole world! But we have such big household that any Scoundrel is necessary. Direct him to the Astronomer.
  Астроном с интересом смотрел на посетителя.
  The Astronomer with interest looked at the visitor.
  На посетителе были красные подтяжки.
  On the visitor there were red suspenders.
  Такие подтяжки Астроном еще до революции видел на одном из членов Государственной Думы, - Думы, избранной в царские времена. Этот член Думы, как оказалось, 'работал' и на большевиков, и на царскую полицию. Входил в состав ленинского Центрального Комитета.
  The Astronomer before revolution saw such suspenders on one of members of the State Duma, - the Duma, elected in imperial times. This member of the Duma, as it has appeared, "worked" both for Bolsheviks, and for the tsar police. The member of the State Duma was a part of the Lenin's Central Committee.
  Царские ссылки и каторги 'формируют' революционеров!
  Tsar's an actions of exile system and a penal servitudes are "creating" a revolutionaries!
  Само имя 'Астроном' осталось с дореволюционных времен, когда хозяин кабинета часто жил на нелегальном положении.
  The name "Astronomer" remained since pre-revolutionary times when the owner of an office-room often lived with illegal status.
  Посетитель с интересом осматривал кабинет Астронома. Раньше кабинет принадлежал солидной финансовой организации. После нее в кабинете остался большой металлический сейф - в человеческий рост. В таких сейфах хранили деньги. Много денег.
  The visitor with interest examined the Astronomer's office-room. Earlier the office-room belonged to the solid financial organization. After her in the office there was a large metal safe-in human growth. The money in such safes were storing. A lot of money.
  - Зачем Вам, господин Астроном, искать организацию 'NNN'? Тратить силы, время, деньги? Я знаю, где расположена ее нелегальная штаб-квартира...
  - Why to you, mister Astronom, to seek the NNN organization? To spend forces, time, money? I know where her illegal headquarters is located ...
  Посетитель непринужденно подошел к окну и присел на подоконник спиной к улице: 'Жарко!'.
  The visitor has easy approached a window and has sat down on a window sill a back to the street: "Hot!".
  Астроном вежливо смотрел на посетителя.
  The Astronomer politely was looking at the visitor.
  - Вы выдаете мне хороший аванс, - посетитель невольно окинул взглядом кабинет, не забыв и металлический шкаф, - я выдвигаюсь немедленно в нелегальную штаб-квартиру 'NNN'. Там отвлекаю на себя внимание своим рассказом о визите к Вам.
  - You issue to me good advance payment, - the visitor has involuntarily looked around of an office-room, without having forgotten also the metal safe, - I move forward immediately to the illegal headquarters of "NNN". In "NNN" I distract on myself attention with the story about a visit to you.
  Посетитель также непринужденно встал с подоконника и присел поближе к Астроному. 'Тридцать секунд', - отложилось в памяти Астронома.
  The visitor has also easy got up from a window sill and has sat down closer to the Astronomer. "Thirty seconds", - it was postponed in memory of the Astronomer.
  - Вы выдвигаетесь через десять минут. И всё руководство 'NNN' через полчаса - в Вашем распоряжении. Более того, в штаб-квартире 'NNN' вы найдете много денег. В десять раз больше, чем сейчас находится в вашем кабинете. С Вашим умом и Вашими способностями всё будет сделано в два счета... Я готов активно помогать Вам, стать Вашим непосредственным помощником...
  - You move forward in ten minutes. And all management of "NNN" in half an hour - at your disposal. Moreover, you will find a lot of money in the headquarters of "NNN". Is ten times more, than now is in your office. With your mind and your abilities everything will be made in no time ... I am ready to help actively you, to become your direct assistant ...
  Посетитель снова непроизвольно окинул взглядом кабинет.
  The visitor has involuntarily looked around of an office-room again.
  - Значит, немедленно выезжаем? - уточнил Астроном.
  - Means, we must leave immediately? - the Astronomer has specified.
  - Да, я выхожу немедленно. С авансом, конечно: нужно устроиться, привести себя в порядок. 'Оттягиваю' на себя внимание руководства 'NNN'. Вы выезжаете через десять минут, - после того, как я выйду.
  - Yes, I leave - immediately. (With an advance payment, of course: I need to get settled, tidy up, to make toilet). I shall "delay" on myself attention of the management of "NNN". You will leave in ten minutes, - after I will leave.
  - Отличная идея! Лето, душно. Выхлопные газы! Немного побыть на свежем воздухе не помешает! Подождите секунду. Жду важного звонка. Вы сумку с собой захватили? Нет? Ну, ничего. Как-нибудь доставите свой аванс...
  - Excellent idea! Summer, stuffy. Exhaust gases! Won't prevent to stay a little in the fresh air! Wait a moment. I wait for an important call. Have you with yourself taken a bag? No? Well, anything. You will be able to deliver somehow your the advance payment ...
  Астроном поднял трубку телефона, проверяя исправность аппарата. Поднес к уху. Послушал. И положил обратно.
  The Astronomer has raised phone handset, checking serviceability of the device. He have brought a handset to an ear. He have listened. Then he have put handset back.
  - Знали бы Вы, как я наслаждался природой, свежим воздухом при побегах из ссылки, - проговорил Астроном, просматривая бумаги, лежащие перед ним на столе. - Но навсегда пришлось оставить эти места - прекрасные, но пустынные, дышащие смертью, чуждостью и неволей...
  - You would know as I enjoyed the nature, fresh air at escapes from the exile, - the Astronomer has spoken, checking the papers lying before him on a table. - But forever had to leave these places - beautiful, but deserted, breathing with death, alienation and captivity...
  Астроном благожелательно посмотрел на посетителя. После паузы он добавил:
  The Astronomer has kindly looked at the visitor. After a pause he has added:
  - Я чувствовал порой такой гигантский источник энергии, что, казалось, выдержу все и вернусь...
  -I felt at times such a gigantic source of energy... I thought I would endure everything and return...
  'Похож на героя из романов Сенкевича', - подумал посетитель. - 'Фанатик. Монах, одетый в солдатскую одежду'.
  "He is similar to the hero from novels by Sienkiewicz", - the visitor has thought. - "Fanatic. The monk dressed in soldier's clothes".
  - Человек учится терпению и спокойствию в тюрьме, - тем временем продолжал Астроном.
  - The person studies patience and tranquility in prison, - the Astronomer continued meanwhile.
  Эта мысль, сформулированная абстрактно, посетителю не понравилась. Он поинтересовался, сколько времени Астроном провел в тюрьме. Тот ответил: "Четверть моей жизни, одиннадцать лет..."
  This thought formulated abstractly wasn't pleasant to the visitor. He has taken an interest, what is the time the Astronomer has spent in prison. That has answered: "Quarter of my life, eleven years..."
  'Одиннадцать или девять?... Как посчитать...' - засомневался посетитель. - 'Впрочем, по любому не мало...' 'Производит странное впечатление. Сверхизбыточный романтизм с частичной потерей ориентации...'
  "Eleven or nine?... How to count... " - The visitor has begun to doubt. - "However, in any case, not a little..." "Makes a strange impression. Overly redundant romanticism with a partial loss of orientation ..."
  - Мечтал работать народным комиссаром просвещения...- продолжал тем временем Астроном. В толстой пачке листов, лежавшей перед ним, он встретил список католических священнослужителей.
  - I dreamed to work as the People's Commissar, responsible for Ministry of Education... - the Astronomer continued meanwhile. In the thick pack of paper sheets lying before him he has found the list of Catholic priests.
  На столе перед Астрономом лежало десять папок: девять черных, почти полностью заполненных листами, и одна белая, почти пустая.
  On a table before the Astronomer ten folders lay: nine black, almost completely filled with sheets, and one white, almost empty.
  Список католических священников Астроном положил в белую папку. Практически все другие листы он перекладывал в папки черного цвета.
  The Astronomer has put the list of Catholic priests in the white folder. Practically all other sheets he was shifting in folders of black color.
  На каком-то документе виднелась фамилия 'Циолковский'. Прочитав документ, Астроном положил его в белую папку: 'Что делать, любовь к звездам...'. В гимнастерке Астронома в нагрудном кармане лежало письмо, извещавшее об избрании Астронома, К. Э. Циолковского и Я. И. Перельмана почетными членами Общества изучения межпланетных сообщений. Общество было создано на основе секции межпланетных сообщений, учрежденной двадцатью пятью слушателями Академии Воздушного флота имени Н. Е. Жуковского.
  On some document the surname Tsiolkovsky was seen. Having read the document, the Astronomer has put it in the white folder: "What to do, love to stars ...". In the Astronomer's soldier's military shirt in a breast pocket the letter laid. The letter was informing on election of the Astronomer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Yakov Perelman as honorary members of Society of Studying of Interplanetary Communications. Society has been created on the basis of the section of interplanetary connections founded by twenty five students of Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy.
  'Знаем, как, кого и чему Вы учите', - подумал посетитель. - 'Просвещение... Впрочем, ТАМ уже свободных мест нет... Там - сосед по имению, по Ошмянскому уезду.'
  "We know, how, whom and to what you teach", - the visitor has thought. - "Education ... However, THERE there are no already empty seats ... There - the neighbor by a manor, by the Oshmyansky County."
  Внезапно Астроном на мгновение поднял голову и взглянул на посетителя, словно прочитав его мысли. 'Сосед с соседом могут договориться. Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры'. 'Ильич Мархлевского на переговоры посылает...' 'Товарищ Сталин тоже едва не стал священником.' 'Снарядный голод... Польшу в 1915 году германской армии 'сдали'?..'
  Suddenly the Astronomer for a moment has raised the head and has looked at the visitor as if having read his think. "The neighbor with the neighbor can agree. A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit". "Ilyich sends Marchlewski to negotiations ..." "Comrade Stalin too nearly became a priest." "The lack - "hunger" - of artillery shells ... Poland in 1915 to the German army was handed over"?."
  'Учился в гимназии, хотя и не закончил...' - продолжал размышлять посетитель. - 'труды Коперника на латинском читал?' '...латинский язык... - 'удовлетворительно'...'
  "He studied in a gymnasium, though he haven't graduated it..." - the visitor continued to reflect. - "He read Copernicus's works on Latin?" "... Latin ... - is "satisfactory" ..."
  Среди пачки листов обнаружился документ с фамилией 'Котовский'. Астроном положил этот документ отдельно, не вкладывая ни в какую папку.
  Among a pack of paper sheets the document with a surname "Kotovsky" was found. The Astronomer has put this document separately, without putting in any folder.
  Статистическая сводка о количестве актов бандитизма и жертв преступлений... 'С этим явлением мы покончим...'
  The statistical report about the number of acts of gangsterism and the victims of crimes ... "We will liquidate this phenomenon ..."
  'Пять миллионов детей являются беспризорными... система детских учреждений... А.С. Макаренко...' 'Придет время, вырастут. Станут образованными, полезными людьми...'.
  "Five million children are homeless ... the system of child care facilities ... Anton Makarenko ..." "Will come time, children will grow. Will become educated, useful people ...".
  '...Массовые нападения на железнодорожные объекты, грузовые и пассажирские поезда... Техническая база железнодорожного транспорта приходит в негодность...'. '...Наладим...'
  "... Mass attacks on railway objects, cargo and passenger trains ... Technical base of railway transport comes into disrepair ...". "... We will make the technical base capable and effective ..."
  'Особый временный комитет науки при СНК... ВСНХ... ГОЭЛРО... Кржижановский...' 'В 1947 году займем 1-е место в Европе по производству электроэнергии...'
  "The Select interim committee of science at the Council of People's Commissars ... Supreme Soviet of the National Economy... GOELRO plan ... Krzhizhanovsky ..." "In 1947 we will take the 1st place in Europe on electricity generation ..."
  Астроном отвлекся от чтения документов, взял листок для заметок: 'отправить финансовую помощь семье (жене и дочери) погибшего старшего брата'.
  The Astronomer has distracted from reading documents, has taken a leaf for notes: "to send financial aid to family (the wife and the daughter) of the died elder brother".
  Где-то рядом вдруг заработали автомобильные моторы. И смолкли.
  Somewhere nearby have suddenly earned automobile motors. Also have ceased.
  'Никак ночи не дождутся. Расстреливают по спискам. ...виновных-невиновных, причастных-непричастных... ...Официально декретировал институт заложников... Пятнадцать месяцев массового террора и бессудных расстрелов... Запугивали, заливали кровью...
  "They can't wait for night in any way. They were shooting according to lists. ... guilty persons-innocent, involved-uninvolved ... ... Officially he announced the institute of hostages ... Fifteen months of mass terror and arbitrary executions ... They were intimidating, covering with blood ...
  Затем 'прикрылись' созданием революционных трибуналов... Сколько всего: расстрелянных, умерших в застенках от голода и болезней, освобожденных? В период его руководства?' - подумал посетитель. - 'А ведь его отец закончил Санкт-Петербургский университет, физико-математический факультет. Был преподавателем, Антона Павловича в Таганроге математике учил. Устроили им после восстания 1863 года 'веселую' жизнь. Отец его аж до Таганрога добрался... В то время по спискам не расстреливали...
  Then they disguised their activities with creation of revolutionary tribunals ... How much: was shot, was died in torture chambers of the hunger and diseases, was released? In the period of his management?" - the visitor has thought. - "And his father has graduated from the St. Petersburg university, physical and mathematical faculty. He was a teacher, in Taganrog he taught Anton Pavlovich (Chekhov) to mathematics. Have arranged a "cheerful" life for them after the revolt of 1863. His father even has reached Taganrog ... At that time according to lists government didn't shoot them...
  Отец его получил от царского правительства орден за свою просветительскую деятельность и пенсию в комплекте с орденом. После выхода в отставку многочисленная, многодетная семья жила на эту - царскую - пенсию ...'.
  The father has received from the imperial government an order as an award for the educational activity and pension complete with an order. After retirement this - tsar's - pension became a financial base of the numerous, large family ...".
  'Спасибо за пенсию' - мысленно согласился Астроном. - 'По Конституции 1936 года пенсия будет объявлена общедоступной. А с начала 1960-х и далее - еще, по крайней мере, лет тридцать, пенсия станет общедоступной реально. Эта же Конституция впервые в российской истории провозгласит всеобщее равное прямое тайное голосование. (Тоже примерно лет на тридцать). Хотя и - при однопартийной системе. Революционные Советы, формируемые из делегатов от работников предприятий, военнослужащих воинских частей и т.д., уйдут в прошлое. Не Европа, конечно, но - шаг к ней, возвращение к парламентаризму'.
  "Thanks for pension" - the Astronomer has mentally agreed. - "Under the Constitution of 1936 pension will be announced as if of common access. And since the beginning of the 1960th and further - still, at least, years thirty, - pension will become of common access really. The same Constitution for the first time in the Russian history will proclaim a universal equal direct confidential ballot. (Too approximately for period of about thirty years). Though - at a one-party system. The revolutionary Councils formed of delegates of employees of the enterprises, the military personnel of military units, etc. will consign to the past. Not Europe, of course, but - a step to her, a return to parliamentarism".
  Среди документов Астронома увидел и свое начатое письмо жене: 'Я нахожусь в самом огне борьбы... Нужно спасать наш дом... Работа и борьба адская... Сегодня помимо идеи - помимо стремления к справедливости - ничто не определяет моих действий'.
  The Astronomer has seen among documents also the begun letter to the wife: "I am in fire of fight ... It is necessary to save our house ... Work and fight are the infernal ... Today besides the idea - besides aspiration to justice - nothing defines my actions".
  'Якобинцы... Робеспьер, Кутон, Марат, Сен-Жюст...' - 'лезло' в голову Астроному. - 'Честный до пуританизма, щепетильный в делах, целомудренный, равнодушный к удовольствиям, суровый в принципах и педантичный в речах, с узким умом и холодной душой", - вот Робеспьер в характеристике Луи Мадлена.'
  "Jacobins ... Robespierre, Couthon, Marat, Saint-Just ..." - the thoughts were "climbing" into the head of the Astronomer. - ""Honest to Puritanism, sensitive in affairs, chaste, indifferent to pleasures, severe in principles and pedantic in speeches, with narrow mind and cold soul "- here Robespierre in the characteristic by Louis Madelin."
  Документ с подписью 'Ленин'... Астроном помассировал ладонью голову, словно почувствовал головную боль: 'Политически - ответственными за всю эту поистине великорусско-националистическую кампанию следует сделать, конечно, Сталина и Дзержинского'. Астроному вспомнился сам собой, - невольно, - Менжинский и его дореволюционные слова в адрес Ленина: 'революционная вертихвостка'. 'Брестский мир - чья 'заслуга'? О таком мы в 1906 году в Стокгольме не договаривались! Учредительное собрание - обещали?.. Екатеринбургский подвал в ночь на 17-е июля 1918 года - чье решение? 7 июля 1918 года я подал в отставку, - на время следствия по делу о 'мятеже' левых эсеров. Вернулся в должность 22 августа 1918 года... В 'подавлении' 'мятежа' левых эсеров практически не участвовал. 17-го июля 1918 года остался в стороне. Так сложилась судьба...'.
  The document with the signature of Lenin... The Astronomer has massaged a palm the head as if has felt a headache: "It is necessary to make, of course, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky - politically responsible for this the Great-Russian and nationalist campaign ". To the Astronomer it was remembered up by itself, - involuntarily, - Menzhinsky and his pre-revolutionary words about Lenin: "the revolutionary coquette". "The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk - whose "merit"? We in 1906 in Stockholm didn't agree about it! The Constituent Assembly - promised?. The Ekaterinburg cellar on the night of July 17th, 1918 - whose decision? On July 7, 1918 I have resigned, - till the end of the investigation on the case of "mutiny" of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. I have returned to a position on August 22, 1918 ... Practically I didn't participate in "suppression" of "mutiny" of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries. On July 17th, 1918 I have stood aside. So a biography was formed".
  'Когда Канегиссер стрелял в Урицкого, его, естественно, в Петрограде не было. Когда Каплан стреляла в Ленина, его не было в Москве. Он ехал в Петроград расследовать убийство Урицкого... Естественный ход событий? Удачливость? Интуиция?
  "He, naturally wasn't in Petrograd, when Kannegisser shot at Uritsky. He wasn't in Moscow, when Kaplan shot at Lenin. He went to Petrograd (from Moscow) to investigate the Uritsky's murder ... Natural course of events? Luck? Intuition?
  Его сверхэнергичная деятельность подпитывалась тезисом о скорой смерти от болезни. Мол, врачи предупредили о слабом здоровье, и надо успеть сделать как можно больше. Умер в 1926 году в возрасте почти 49 лет. Прожил не очень длинную жизнь. Но для тех времен - войны, репрессии, голод, эпидемии, некачественная пища - возраст 49 лет можно было считать достаточно длительным.'
  His the supervigorous the activity was fueled with a thesis about fast death from a disease. Like, doctors have warned about a poor health, and it is necessary to manage to make as much as possible. He have died in 1926 at the age of nearly 49 years. He have lived not really long life. But for those times - wars, repressions, hunger, epidemics, low-quality food - it was possible to consider age of 49 years rather long."
  'Носит гимнастерку, шинель. Дает понять, что Брестским миром всё не закончилось? Что будет и на их улице праздник? Что, - придет время, - возьмут и Вену, и Берлин?' - предположил посетитель. - 'Глупости... Это - вряд ли. Так же маловероятно, как маловероятен полет в космос, о котором мечтают Циолковский и другие научные фантасты в Обществе изучения межпланетных сообщений'. 'Фанатики, романтики, мечтатели... До уровня потери ориентации... До уровня утраты понимания реального и нравственного... Составители фантастических повестей...'
  "Wears a military shirt, a military greatcoat. He makes it clear that the history did not end by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? What will also on their street a holiday? What, - will time come, - will take both Vienna, and Berlin?" - the visitor has assumed. - "Nonsenses ... It - hardly. It is as unlikely as a unlikely the flight into cosmospace about which Tsiolkovsky and other scientific fantasts in the Society of Studying of Interplanetary Communications are dreaming". "Fanatics, romantics, dreamers ... To orientation loss level ... To the level of loss of understanding real and moral ... Authors of fantastic stories ..."
  Вдруг посетитель вскочил, подбежал к двери.
  Suddenly the visitor has jumped, has run up to a door.
  'Пятнадцать минут', - отложилось в памяти Астронома.
  "Fifteen minutes", - it was postponed in the Astronomer's memory.
  Астроном сосредоточился на чтении бумаг, лежащих перед ним.
  The Astronomer has focused on reading the documents lying before him.
  Посетитель дергал за ручку; дверь кабинета не открывалась.
  The visitor pulled the handle; the door of an office didn't open.
  - Мне нужно срочно помыть руки. Дверь не открывается!
  - I need to wash hands urgently. The door doesn't open!
  - Бывшие хозяева специально замки испортили, - заметил Астроном. - Сейчас позвоню, чтобы исправили.
  - The former owners specially have damaged locks, - the Astronomer has noticed. - Now I'll call on the phone, I'll tell to repair the lock.
  Он протянул руку, чтобы поднять трубку.
  He picked up the the phone handset.
  В открытое окно с улицы влетела граната.
  In an open window from the street the grenade has flown.
  Посетитель бросился на пол, пытаясь найти защиту за столом.
  The visitor has rushed on a floor, trying to find protection behind a table.
  Астроном вскочил со стула и запрыгнул в металлический шкаф. Дверцы шкафа оказались не заперты, а сам шкаф был пуст. Астроном успел притворить за собой дверцы.
  The Astronomer jumped up from his chair and jumped into a metal safe. Doors of a metal case haven't been locked, and the metal case was empty. The Astronomer managed in time to shut a door (behind himself).
  Раздался взрыв.
  Explosion has sounded.
  Астроном вышел из шкафа.
  The Astronomer came out of the metal safe.
  Посетитель не подавал признаков жизни.
  The visitor didn't give any signs of life.
  В кабинет начали заходить люди.
  Staff have begun to come into an office.
  - Исправили замок, - зачем-то сказал Астроном посетителю. Тот не дышал и не двигался.
  - Have repaired the lock, - the Astronomer has for some reason told to the visitor. The visitor didn't breathe and didn't move.
  Из открытого окна донеслись крики, шум.
  From the open window came the screams, noise.
  - Наверное, Ваши 'компаньоны'? - предположил Астроном. Взглянул на красные подтяжки посетителя. Вздохнул.
  - Probably, your "companions"? - the Astronomer has assumed. He have looked at red suspenders of the visitor. The Astronomer have sighed.
  28 января 2018 г. - 07 февраля 2018 г.
  January 28, 2018 - February 07, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: April 9, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об Астрономе и о пустом сейфе'.
  17. The Fairy Tale about monologue of Hindenburg
  When to the person more than 80 years old, thoughts often go to the past.
  Hindenburg was meditating. He was sitting in an office-room.
  The career is, in many respects, a question of good luck.
  When did he retire from a position of the commander of the Corps - who could suppose his (Hindenburg) future career? It seemed that the most active phase of his life is complete.
  But, however, everything was developing in a different way. After some defeats of the German army in August, 1914 he is given high military post. Further, the successes followed.
  Who could expect that the Russian army will carry out strategic retreat in 1915, "straightening of the front line", will leave Poland, many other territories?
  On the one hand, it was the strategic military solution, correct for the Russian Empire.
  On the other hand, being combined with many other historical circumstances, this retreat looked in the opinion of contemporaries absolutely in a different way, and became one of factors of overthrow of the Russian monarchy in 1917.
  And his, - Hindenburg's, - political career after completion of World War I.
  Many consider, that policy is a difficult business.
  By and large, anything difficult.
  First, his image of the participant of successful wars in the 19th century with France and Austria.
  Secondly, his reputation of the participant of successful events on East front.
  Thirdly, consecutive declaring of his commitment to a monarchist system in Germany.
  All this has been successfully integrated and he - is the president of Germany.
  In general, the German officers, the German nobility gradually lag behind life. Antediluvian principles, narrow views. They are going to the past.
  New people come. They develop new concepts. New, unexpected, nonconventional decisions. Who could assume, guess political union, alliance which has been concluded for purposes of defeat of the Russian Imperial Army and of an exit of Imperial Russia from world war?
  People were able to bargain, they were agreementable. Germany has made the magnificent peace, has received quite good payment - remuneration. And territories? Who has lost this victory? Who has missed this money? Who has lost these territories?!
  Europe, of course, during war was similar to a slaughter, the meat grinder.
  Recently he, Hindenburg, has received a greeting card from Francisco Franco. Young vigorous Spanish officer.
  They, Spaniards, hope to be fenced off by their Pyrenees again? Again be out off the meat grinder?
  What destiny waits for this Franco and his king? Certainly, no any outstanding prospects. Usual "normal", safe life. - If no new circumstances will arise.
  It is necessary to study new views, to absorb new trends.
  The thought from Spain has passed to France. Unexpectedly weak hand has struck powerful punch to a table. It he, this French captain, this Daladier ... These, - are such as he! Slippery people with Talleyrand's traditions! From them - all problems!
  Fingers of a fist were clenching and unclenching.
  They - with the political salons!... With a variety shows!
  Nevertheless well we showed our military art in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 years!
  Hindenburg at memories about 1870-71 years has calmed a little. The mood has improved.
  His gaze focused on the portrait of the German Emperor.
  Certainly, the Emperor waits abroad when his (Hindenburg's) political messages to the German people will turn into actions and results. When he, the president, restore the monarchy.
  The mood has again gone down.
  What means: to restore the monarchy? It means to conduct political work with parties, hard work and, generally, unpleasant. It means to make the pro-monarchic government. It means to convoke the new Constituent Assembly. How many efforts were with Constituent Assembly which already worked in past?
  Of course, on the one hand, the German people wait. If not all people, then - many. Not accidentally he, Hindenburg, became a president. But on the other hand, whether the people don't support those who sit in a reception-room, these new, vigorous, filled with the new ideas, the agreementable people?
  He don't want to be like the German nobility and the German officer's community of the old traditions?
  Inert people! Those, who has lost understanding of reality.
  Some of them even announced the idea, relying on the army, invite the Emperor to Germany, and without any democratic procedures to restore Emperor's power?!
  Such way will obviously lead to the new internal conflicts, to the new victims. Lawful constitutional - democratic! - ways are necessary.
  Hindenburg has sighed. He have remembered the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, advance of army to the East, good payment - remuneration in favor of Germany. Feeling of a victory. Admiration of the people.
  Let this French captain prepare! This Daladier!
  To you, the young and perspective Francisco Franco, the place among nice commanders will be found.
  You will not be able to exercise, to play sports under your orange trees, not knowing the smell of the Central European meat grinders!
  The usage will be found for the German officers and the German nobility too! You will not dance waltzes on the imperial holidays. These Austrian manners of Metternich need to be forgotten.
  It is clear, that the Emperor - if returns to Germany - will be calm and peaceful.
  The new ideas are necessary! New, unexpected, nonconventional decisions! And they are existing! And we will renew our glory, glory of victories on East front!
  Hindenburg has collected the strength, has got up, has approached a wall, has removed the Emperor's portrait. He have found for a portrait the place between a wall and one of book-cases.
  He have pressed the call button. The secretary has come.
  - Invite the politicians, expecting in reception-room!
  December 16, 2017 20:18
  Translation from Russian into English: 17 December 2017 05:47
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о монологе Гинденбурга'.
  18. The Tale about Daladier
  Edouard Daladier has decided to fill period of time outside official contacts. He went to walk around the city.
  Having seen the sign plaque of "Cafe-library", he has become interested and has come in.
  - "Hello, mister Daladier!" - Maxim Gorky has approached him. - "Do you wish to get acquainted with literature, with the press?"
  - "Mister Gorky, I has become interested in cafe-library." - Edouard Daladier has answered. - "It is interesting to look at readers. Who are they? What people they are?"
  - "O'key..." - Gorky has said somehow thoughtfully.
  In a few minutes Edouard Daladier sat behind one of the tables. Readers have settled down on chairs before him.
  Maxim Gorky announced:
  - "Respected readers! The famous politician Edouard Daladier arrived with visit in our library. He is interested in getting acquainted with readers of library. Even if this acquaintance would be brief, minimal. And we, readers, in return, are interested in getting acquainted with Edouard Daladier. Let's ask our guest to inform us briefly about his personal experience of reading literary works. He has not a lot of time for communication with us. But we will see the famous politician. And he will see us."
  Objections haven't followed.
  Gorky made step aside and has sat down, giving the guest an opportunity to express.
  - "France - is the reading the books country, respected visitors of library." - Edouard Daladier has begun. - "But, certainly, in the conditions of World War I the military person had no special opportunities for reading literary works.
  World War I was some kind of meat grinder. Many - very - a lot of deaths.
  Probably, the Bible was the most readable book. You know, that I became a capitan during the war period . I was a commander of the roth.
  Someone will tell, that before you - is the French captain. I won't begin to protest to such representation."
  Daladier has kept silent for moment.
  - "At one time the book with stories by Guy de Maupassant appeared near me. In the book there was a story "Boule de Suif" (other variants of the title: "Dumpling", "Butterball", "Ball of Fat", or "Ball of Lard"). "...The need in commercial transactions has again recovered in the hearts the local merchants...". French passengers in the diligence are traveling in the territory occupied by the German troops. The woman with the informal name "Boule de Suif" (Tallow Ball) offers fellow travelers some food. But it were a conditions of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871."
  - "Reminds the story by Heinrich Schliemann about his visit of Paris in 1871." - one of readers has spoken. - "Schliemann wanted to see the library, the books, the Parisian real estate. Schliemann illegally used the postmaster's uniform and the personal documents of one of the postmaster. Schliemann could get to Paris through the line of occupational German troops. He was risking to be stopped as the spy at the same time. All were intact, in good condition. Schliemann wrote in one of letters, that when he has entered the Parisian house and he have seen library in proper condition, has kissed books as own children."
  Edouard Daladier with curiosity has looked at the reader who has made addition about Heinrich Schliemann. Then he have continued:
  - "After the war, I became a politician. I was busy with politics. With interest I have got acquainted with views of the prince Talleyrand concerning the concept of the European balance. I read different books. Perhaps, you agree that after the entry of the USA in World War I Germany didn't have chances of a victory."
  Daladier sighed, and looking slightly to the side, he added:
  - "There is a point of view, that the separate peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (signed on 3 March 1918) was not chance for Germany's victory, but a decisive argument for the USA, Great Britain and France to bring the matter to full defeat and capitulation of Germany."
  Readers were silently looking at Daladier. Daladier has continued:
  - "The politician reads different books. All of the books are difficult to list. It is unlikely in several minutes of a meeting I will be able to tell you about the experience of reading literary works. Let's, I will mention several phrases which were remembered to me. Here we will take for an example the book by Mikhail Mikhalkov "In labyrinths of deadly risk" (Михаил Михалков 'В лабиринтах смертельного риска'). The author of this book, the participant of World War II, tells about a conversation of the German officers. One of these officers used a word-combination "The Bohemian corporal". If I ask you - with a portion of joke -: who will win? the French captain or "the Bohemian corporal"? In an situation of struggle? I believe, you already know the answer.
  And here some citations from the book by Sergey Mikhalkov: "Really, the destiny has thrown me here into this terrible institution specially to give the chance to overestimate values. Every morning cows were entered one by one into gate of a slaughter. (...) I was fixed for the machine - the meat grinder. ...I had to with incredible efforts, resting both hands against the handle, to rotate a wheel. (...) It was incredibly difficult to rotating this infernal machine."
  I, the respected visitors of library, have the limited volume of time for communication.
  Do you have questions?"
  There were no questions.
  - "I thank for attention. I have visited cafe-library with great interest. Having returned to Paris, I will try to find books about Heinrich Schliemann".
  Edouard Daladier accompanied by Maxim Gorky went to an exit.
  Gorky has returned and has addressed the gathered listeners, who were continuing to be silent:
  - "The prince Talleyrand believed that language is given to the person to hide the thoughts. But our guest as it seems to me, was - though laconic, but - frank. As you see, our respected guest didn't deny usefulness of reading. I hope, acquaintance with him will induce you to more active reading of the books."
  Readers began to rise and return silently to their places.
  The readers, which were wishing to receive new books for reading, created a crowd near a stand of the librarian.
  November 26, 2017 22:23
  Translation from Russian into English: 29 November 2017 00:16, 29 November 2017 08:08.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Даладье'.
  19. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs
  Lev Davidovich received fresh newspapers: "Finally!". He dialed Edouard Daladier's number.
  - "Mr. Daladier! I greet you with revolutionary greetings! King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. The republic was proclaimed. The day of glory has arrived! How is it sung in Marseillaise: "To arms, citizens, // Form your battalions, // Let's march, let's march!". There is a good chance of our meeting. Political groups invite me to Spain."
  Edouard Daladier got sick with teeth. And he grabbed the cheek.
  - "Of course, Lev Davidovich! "Freedom will greet us joyfully at the entrance. [Alexander Pushkin's words]". France is a country of reading."
  Edouard Daladier relieved to hang up. And then he picked it up again. Dialed the number.
  - "Mr. Francisco Franco? This is Edouard Daladier. I read the other day the so-called Columbus's diaries. Admiral swam to the New World, but never forgot about Spain."The charm of the morning hours was a great pleasure, and it seemed like there was not enough only the nightingale's singing." "The weather was like in Andalusia in April." And what about Morocco? Is the heat overwhelming? ... This is our work ... Classical traditions of French and World diplomacy ... Good bye..."
  - "Joseph Vissarionovich? This is Edouard Daladier. You, of course, know that King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. I will not touch details: You are aware of the matter ... We are planning a policy of non-intervention ... You are supporting? So! But... will this be enough?.. You are urgently sending advisers?.. That's so! By the way, recently published in Paris a book of Your compatriot Boris Nikitine ... You are already know? You have read it? I understand! That's so! Good bye..."
  Stalin has put the telephone receiver. "What did Cervantes write about Don Quixote? But about this later - a little later. "
  He lit a pipe. "King Alfonso XIII of Spain, Trotsky, Daladier, Franco ..." The thought suddenly became focusing on the name "Daladier" and began to move associatively: "Daladier - France - revolution - the guillotine ...". "But to transport the guillotine there?.. They will decide on the spot." The thought arose: "Whether not enough concerns in Central Europe?..".
  He picked up the phone: "I order to invite Comrade Mercader!".
  10 December 2017 20:29
  Translation from Russian into English: 11 December 2017 00:21
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о знатоках литературы'.
  20. The Tale about two awards
  Stalin has once again looked at materials of a personal records. "Captain with 'Anna' on a breast and married to a Countess". "He is awarded the order the Red Banner".
  The Chief of the General Staff B.M. Shaposhnikov and the brigade commander Fyodor Tolbukhin have entered an office-room.
  - In what ranks You have served at the Tsar and by what awards he has greeted you? - the General secretary has addressed Tolbukhin.
  - Latterly I was shtabs-captain. I was awarded with two orders - Anna and Stanislav.
  "From the beginning of war with Germany the Persian corridor, the Transiranian railroad will be necessary. It will be one of the easiest ways of implementation of the program a Lend-Lease". "During historically short period there will be the very extended factual Soviet-British border". "The history slightly will correct events of 1917 and 1918". "We will liquidate a spot!".
  - You may go.
  In five minutes there was also B.M. Shaposhnikov. B.M. Shaposhnikov and F.I. Tolbukhin have got into the automobile, have gone to the General Staff Building.
  - And everything was in the best way, - gleaming by eye-glasses, B.M. Shaposhnikov has told. - You are appointed the chief of staff of the Transcaucasian military district and awarded the order of the Red Star according to the proposal of the General secretary. Tomorrow the award to you will be presented in the Management of personnel. I wish success!
  December 29, 2017 23:42
  Translation from Russian into English: December 30, 2017 00:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о двух орденах'.
  21. The fairy tale about one hundredth of one percent
  The moustached person has opened an envelope. He have put before himself a sheet of paper.
  He glanced:
  "Very secretly. The Top Secret...
  ...going beyond all limits...
  ...spiteful, slanderous rumors...
  ...I propose... punishment".
  A man in a pince-nez came into the office-room.
  - Chekhov has a story about the merchant who donated to the temple most, - more than others, but his surname in the newspaper was written to the last. The merchant was offended. I am not a merchant ... I instruct to take a subscription... Do strictly warn... Let go...
  A man in a pince-nez left an office-room.
  The moustached person has approached bookcases.
  First took from the shelf a book by Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya.
  He have looked through.
  "In appearance, Stalin reminded me of a non-commissioned officer from former guardsmen or a gendarme officer. Good mustache - as this type of military men were. Regular features, a narrow forehead, a stubborn mighty chin, mighty body type and courtesy - absolutely not-the-Bolshevik's. When I left, he stood up again and accompanied me to the door."
  Then he have taken the book by Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. He have opened: "...Escorting us to the door, Stalin all of a sudden having bowed to us so, as if he was the Spanish Hidalgo. Nobody expected this".
  The moustached person has looked at bookcases. "How many here? Two and twenty thousand ... One hundredth of one percent?
  He picked up the phone: "Take measures to preservation of a monument ... to the general Przhevalsky, the famous investigator and the scientist".
  Put the phone down. Switched to reading the documents, were lying on a table.
  November 13, 2017 19:42
  Translation from Russian into English: 16 November 2017 06:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об одной сотой одного процента'.
  22. The Tale about the Academician Tarle
  Gorky has joined the readers of cafe-library who have decided to exchange opinions on the read books behind cups of coffee.
  - 'Alexey Maksimovich', - the Writer has addressed him. - 'You were fond of Tarle?'
  - '"Napoleon", misters', - Gorky has explained, laying before himself on a table the book "Napoleon" by Yevgeny Tarle .
  - 'Listen, misters! - the Builder has quickened. - 'All listened to the lectures Tarle. Who - before revolution, who - after the revolution. Who before the Great Patriotic War, who - later. Who - being the student, who - already with ranks and awards.'
  - 'And who didn't read his books?!' - the Politician has connected to review. - 'All at least something, but - were reading. Or, at least, - heard.'
  - 'The audience were breaking into the auditoriums!' - The Builder has added. - 'Happened, he arrives to a hall, is scheduled for the performance, and he have to stop at distance for one city block or two away. The streets are crammed with parked cars belonging to fans of lectures.
  In peacetime, sometimes, the audience broke through and ticket collectors, and controllers and persons on duty.'
  - 'Imagine, misters!' - the Writer couldn't appease emotions. - 'Wartime: hunger, fatigue. There wasn't enough the most necessary things. . But the crowds were flocking for the lectures of Tarle.
  Both the commanders and the soldiers listened. also the Wounded in hospitals. Engineers and workers. Defenders of the Homeland!'
  - 'He, by the way, transported me more than once on the automobile', - the Builder has connected to talk. - 'He on hand had not the own car. But attached governmental car in continuous use. Less hassle and distractions. And he had the same driver - a constant. Driver helped the academician much.'
  - 'He once transported me in his railroad car-salon', - the Technical Designer remembered.. - 'During the military period all lived very modestly. All starved. And he was moving in "own" railroad car-salon. Accompanied by two conductoresses. Thanks to his railroad car-salon and its mobility I quickly and with comfort have moved from one city to another.'
  - 'All this so, misters', - was added by the Writer. - 'But you would see his apartment in St. Petersburg, that is in Leningrad, on Neva Embankment near the Winter Palace. His flat is the former apartment of count Witte. He was writing in the office-room, looking at Neva, at a silhouette of Peter and Paul Cathedral... He liked to work there.
  I will afford, misters, to conjecture. The academician begins to work. And he addresses to Witte for advices, recommendations. Witte was a person of enormous knowledge: and he will not recommend a bad offers.'
  - 'You dreams, dear Writer', - has reacted the Technical Designer. - 'Knowledge of the academician Tarle had the same sources which are available to all: education, self-training, libraries, archives. Many saw him. In different libraries. Simultaneously. How he managed?
  However, it isn't reasonable to deny intellectual continuity. But let's imagine the academician in the company of Napoleon, Talleyrand... Nakhimov, Ushakov, Kutuzov...'
  After a pause, the Technical Designer added:
  - 'And what a dacha he had!" In a coniferous-deciduous forest! On the banks of the Moskva River. he liked to walk, to get some fresh air. Dreamed on the conquest of the cosmos.'
  - 'Dreamed on conquest of space?' - the Writer has expressed some doubt. - 'He also traveled to Moscow on different affairs: publishings, for example. I visited him in a Moscow apartment.'
  Gorky has put a palm on the book with pleasure and has cleaned away a nonexistent tiny specks of dust off a book-cover.
  The Writer has continued:
  - 'Evgeny Viktorovich was familiar more than twenty years with the writer Eugene Lannes. Because of the circumstances E. Lannes was the namesake of the Napoleonic Marshal Jean Lannes. The writer Eugene Lannes, - according some memoirs, - acquired an engraving with the image of the Marshal Jean Lannes on a white horse. Eugene Lannes has allegedly hung up this engraving among family photos over a desk. One of memoirists reports that Eugene Lannes didn't deny what is a descendant of the marshal Jean Lannes in a straight line.
  Imagine, gentlemen, the auditorium - for example, the huge hall - is filled with listeners. Evgeny Tarle read lecture about Napoleon. But many people know that in his environment, as well as in the environment of Napoleon, - Lannes.
  Evgeny Viktorovich is fond of a subject. Listeners are fond of his story. And here they see before themselves (image of) Napoleon.
  You would have refused, gentlemen, to go to a lecture, look at Napoleon?'
  - "Were at the lectures Tarle!", "Personally I was present: powerful impression!", "I listened repeatedly!", - exclamations of participants of discussion have sounded.
  - 'Evgeny Viktorovich liked to remember a request of Academy of Sciences as soon as possible to send exact date (day, month, year) of the birth. With a note: "Remember that to convert from old style to new should be for the XX century to add 13 days, for the XIX century - 12, XVIII - 11"', - added the Writer.
  Gorky with pleasure has clapped a palm over the book.
  - 'We need Comrade Tarle', - a familiar voice suddenly sounded to everyone. - 'It isn't necessary to rise.' 'Я нэ князь! (I'm not a prince!)'
  The participants of the discussion became immovables as stones.
  The person has taken the book Tarle "Napoleon", which was lying ahead Gorky, has opened it and has leafed through several pages.
  Continuing to hold the book in hand, he began to stroll slowly, reflecting aloud:
  - 'To the academician Tarle during war tired and hungry people were coming to lectures. Why?'
  The person has made a small pause and has continued:
  - 'Because he was speaking about Napoleon's invasion, about fight against this invasion, about a victory of the people. His performances and books became the important moral factor strengthening confidence that the difficult situation which has developed for army and the country has temporary, passing character.'
  The person made a small pause and continued:
  - 'People were coming for hope, for self-confidence, for confidence in inevitability of the Victory!'
  The person has looked at the readers of cafe-library, which were listening to him. Continuing to stroll, he have added:
  - 'We were needed Napoleon. We needed to mobilize him for our ideological front. The academician Tarle has executed a role of "a military commissariat". Thanks to the academician Tarle Napoleon "was at war" as a part of the anti-Hitlerite coalition.
  As for the book by the academician Tarle about Talleyrand... Talleyrand was also very useful! Remember Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!'
  The person has again looked at the listeners. He returned the book at place ahead Gorky, having quietly added: "Thank you, Aleksey Maximovich!".
  Addressing the audience, he have told:
  - 'I was passing into automobile near a cafe-library. I have asked to stop. I have decided to visit.In order to see and to know. Continue to read books!'
  Also unexpectedly, as he has appeared, has gone to an exit from cafe-library.
  Gorky and his interlocutors were gradually exempting from some embarrassment.
  Taking the book in hand, Gorky has summed up the result of discussion:
  - 'Read historical literature! Read Tarle, misters!'
  He have drunk several sips of coffee.
  May 17, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: 22 November 2017 07:45
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об академике Тарле'.
  23. The Fairy Tale about October 10, 1941
  October 10, 1941. The room was entered by Stalin.
  - Good afternoon, comrade Vasilevsky.
  - Good afternoon, comrade Stalin.
  - We plan departure of the General Staff from Moscow for October 15th, 1941.
  - The assignment, comrade Stalin, is almost finished by preparation.
  Stalin has begun to read the draft of the military order:
  - The General Staff leaves Moscow, and you, comrade Vasilevsky, remain?
  - The first echelon of the General Staff will remain, comrade Stalin. For the solution of operational tasks. The list of tasks is previously agreed with the chief of the General Staff.
  Stalin has returned the draft of the military order:
  - Finish up.
  He have become interested in one of the maps lying on a big table. He have raised the map. Under the map the submachine gun lay.
  - The General Staff's employees need to have submachine gun, comrade Vasilevsky?
  - Today, comrade Stalin, I have come back from an office trip to the area to the east of Gzhatsk. At one of roads we had to drag the car, was destroyed by the opponent's airplane, to a roadside. The living military personnel in her wasn't. There also the submachine gun lay. The enemy seeks to Moscow. I have taken the submachine gun, brought it to Moscow. Of course, the submachine gun isn't necessary to the employee of the General Staff, but when make the submachine gun - number million, I will ask it as an official gift. I will give a factory copy to the museum, and this - the front's weapon - will be - as an official gift.
  - Do you have skills of firing from such type of weapon, comrade Vasilevsky?
  - I trained a little on the way. Skills of handling of small arms are available. Even from imperialistic war. The individual weapon was given after completion of studies of military college, one may say, with officer shoulder straps, with officer's rank.
  Stalin walked over to the bookcase. Took one of the books. Became visible the icon with the St. George.
  Stalin has looked through the book and has returned book into place.
  - Be in Kremlin in an hour, comrade Vasilevsky.
  In an hour Vasilevsky was near Stalin's office-room. The assistant in a reception has informed that during the period of the most powerful phase of Hitlerite offensive toward Moscow for Vasilevsky is allocated one of the the rooms in the Stavka's location, near Stalin's office-room.
  Vasilevsky has entered an office-room.
  Stalin handed him the sheet of paper:
  - The ordinary Moscow inhabitant has sent me the letter. Read.
  Vasilevsky has begun to read. The inhabitant of Moscow asked Stalin to organize religious Christian procession around Moscow. It was clear that the religious procession, in the usual sense - on foot, - is impossible. The Moscow inhabitant asked to organize flight around of Moscow with an icon - by airplane.
  Vasilevsky has read the letter, and, without knowing what to tell, was silent.
  Stalin was also silent.
  At last, Vasilevsky has said:
  - The trip to the district of Gzhatsk has shown that visual operational information, direct acquaintance to a situation promotes analytical planning of operations. Now the organization of defense of Moscow is intensively conducted. Flight of perimeter of Moscow by plane, visual acquaintance to current situation would be very useful to the organization of defense.
  - Begin to act , - Stalin has spoken. - I have ordered to allocate you the plane for flight around of Moscow on perimeter.
  In the second half of October, 1941 during the hardest fights plans of blitzkrieg have been ruined.
  The opponent has temporarily suspended approach, attacks. Behind of the front-line, in the rear, ten reserve armies were formed. These armies in December ensured a victory over the opponent in a battle of Moscow.
  At the end of October, 1941 during telephone conversation Stalin has asked whether Vasilevsky could write the resolution on assignment of the next military rank to one of generals. Vasilevsky has agreed and has asked, what rank and to whom, absolutely, of course, without suspecting that his name will be told. Having heard the surname, Vasilevsky has asked to exempt him from performance of this assignment.
  Stalin have answered, joking:
  - Well, fulfil your own tasks, and in this affair we somehow will do without you.
  On October 28, 1941 the resolution of the Government of the USSR to Vasilevsky has given the next rank of the lieutenant general, and to two of his employees on task force of the General Staff - the major general's rank.
  In the 20th of November, 1941 the General Staff has returned to Moscow. The strengthened preparation of the offensive near Moscow has begun which has come to the end with success. On December 8 Hitler has signed the directive on transition to defense on all the Soviet-German front. On December 9 the Soviet troops released Rogachyovo, Venyov, Yelets, on December 11 - Stalinogorsk, on December 12 - Solnechnogorsk, on December 13 - Efremov, on December 15 - Klin, on December 16 - Kalinin, on December 20 - Volokolamsk.
  December 14, 2017 03:56
  Translation from Russian into English: December 15, 2017 16:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о 10 октября 1941 года'.
  24. The Short Story about the Navy of railways
  The general has come to cafe-library by Gorky's invitation. Having entered into library, the general has expressed doubt: whether there is a sense at a short meeting? - when it is supposed to put an immense subject for discussion. "Let's interest in a subject of readers", - Gorky has offered.
  Listeners have seated around the general, questions have begun.
  - You was the Chief of the Rear of the Red Army. Probably it was served boring for you? Sheets - towels?
  - In vain you so think, - the general has answered. - First, the Rear is a providing military units with arms, ammunition, fuel. Secondly, during war of a problem of supply of army become complicated by 1000 times.
  - So and in 1000? - the mistrustful remark from audience was heard.
  - What army in 1941, till October - December, was the strongest in the world?
  The audience was silent.
  - I will risk to assume that - Hitlerite army, - the general has continued. - But the Hitlerite army was very and very strong up to the Battle of Stalingrad. And after Stalingrad... And so, whether you know that in frosty days of the end of 1941 the German army was left without warm clothes in necessary quantity? That before invasion into Stalingrad the mechanized units of Hitlerite army in 1942 stood idle noticeable number of days without fuel. Precious summer days were lost . Many both victories, and defeats had the reasons in work of the Rear. History are known cases when large army units starved, sustained losses, suffered a defeat from a lack of food.
  The British military attache believed that shortage of food at defending was one of the reasons of unusable defense in October, 1917 of the Winter Palace (and in Palace there was a Provisional government).
  - And what, you managed to adjust work of the Rear during war? - the question was raised.
  - You tell "Rear". But "Rear", - as a concept, - was created gradually. Before war I worked at a position of the Chief Quartermaster of the Red Army. The fighting, front situation has forced to create the enormous, but effective organizational structure which has received the name "Rear". According to the resolution of the State Committee of Defense and the order of the People's Commissar for Defence of August 1, 1941 the position of the Chief of the Rear of the Red Army was established and the Governmental Agency of the Rear has been formed.
  Such centralized organization wasn't known before by any army of the world.
  At the beginning of 1942 I was assigned the People's Commissar of Railways. I have been loaded completely. I tried to refuse additional duties. It hasn't turned out.
  - In what there was a purpose of additional appointment? - the audience has become interested.
  - And how you think, than the locomotive differs from the steamship? - the general has unexpectedly asked a question.
  - The wheels, - someone has joked.
  - The wheels - are important. But it is not the main difference. - the general has reacted. - Remember books about distant sea campaigns. It is clear, that the ships differ on the device. But nevertheless the ship is intended on rather long autonomous swimming. The locomotive, train crews, have been organizationally connected with the sites, with depot, with warehouses of fuel and points of repair.
  Locomotives with loads were leaving in the direction of the front, organizational ties were violated. The destroyed depots were added up to the broken communications. Chaos was beginning. As a result transportation of freights to the front was hampered or stopped.
  Remember the beginning of 1917. The bread was in Siberia, but there were difficulties with its transportation to central Russia. It became one of the reasons of the February revolution.
  - Organizational communications "broke", depots have been destroyed - often. How have you resolved this situation? - one of listeners has become interested.
  -And how were the sea powers, fleets, ships coming out of the situation? - General again asked the counter-question.
  The audience hasn't absolutely understood a question and has perplexedly fallen silent.
  - Ensuring autonomy. - the general has shortly explained. - The different ships have different degrees of autonomy. But nevertheless their autonomy considerable.
  The audience with interest looked at the general.
  - We have gone to an innovation. We have created the militarized locomotive columns of a special reserve of People's Commissariat for Railways.
  - Napoleon operated with the military "columns". They "punched" linear infantry constructions, - some fan of historical literature has spoken.
  The general has responded nothing to a remark. He opened the book:
  - Here one of descriptions: "Each locomotive column joined about 30 locomotives which had integrated locomotive and konduktorsky teams and crews of train carriage masters. All this staff was accommodated in the special railway cars which were constantly going in a column. Each column had the mobile baths, laundries, a ware warehouse and a 15-day stock of food. For repair of locomotives of a column have been supplied with spare parts and materials, mobile repair means and the machine equipment.
  Thus, columns didn't depend on depot. They could work at any site and at "shoulders" (distances) of any length. Locomotive columns became the efficient military units equipped with all necessary. Success of this business has surpassed all expectations".
  The audience was interested.
  - It is possible to call you the admiral of the Navy of railways! - One of the listeners expressed a joke.
  The general has smiled. Also he have answered in a playful manner:
  - Our Navy of railways has passed tens, hundreds of thousands of kilometers. By the way, the distance from Central Europe to the Far East also should be meant. But the opponent couldn't sink him. On the contrary, we, our Army, our Rear have made to the opponent some kind of "Rollover", "Keel upside down".
  The general has returned to a serious manner of speaking:
  - I drawn some analogies with 1917, in general, - with "that" time. But it isn't necessary to treat excessively crucially to people, military leaders of that time. If they had an experience of world war, they would consider it. Our Supreme Commander has considered experience of World War I.
  - Tell about a lend-lease! - the exclamation from audience has sounded.
  - I see that you have become interested in work of the Rear. For the detailed story about functioning of the Rear we will lack time provided for one meeting. But you have become interested - and I consider the task executed.
  Applause was distributed.
  The general accompanied by Gorky has gone to an exit.
  Readers have queued, planning to receive new books for reading.
  December 18, 2017 23:45
  Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 05:46.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о паровозном флоте'.
  25. The Short Story about Artillery
  The Chief Marshal of artillery has come into Gorky's cafe-library. He and Gorky have greeted each other.
  The Marshal was surrounded by readers.
  He has addressed them:
  - The Chief of the Rear has told me that in this library - inquisitive readers. And - with sense of humour. I have become interested. I have decided to come.
  - Tell about your experience, about artillery, - voices were heard.
  - First, the short meeting doesn't assume a long conversation. - the Chief Marshal of artillery has noted. - Secondly, one military figure of the past has somehow told that "in the war the most part of reports is false, and their other part is doubtful".
  The Marshal has kindly looked at listeners.
  - What conclusion from this follows?
  - The vigilance is necessary! - one of listeners has given a voice.
  - Guard duty (safeguard military service) - a basis of the basics, - Marshal noted. And he have returned to a subject:
  - You need to be able to make the most close to reality representation about the situation - using the mass of unreliable information!
  The audience attentively looked at Marshal.
  - Therefore I will begin a short meeting in your library with the same thesis which I also will finish it: "read books".
  The audience has met this statement by a short applause.
  - It is difficult to understand a role of artillery in World War II, in actions of the Red Army if not to take the German military doctrine into account. The German military doctrine has been based on interaction of types of military forces in general and especially close interaction of infantry, sappers, artillery and the avia bombers.
  The Hitlerite army had experience, has been staffed by educated people, it had enough automobiles and means of communication. Owing to these circumstances at the first stage of the Great Patriotic War she surpassed the Red Army in maneuverability, created decisive overweight in the directions of blows, in the directions of offensives.
  But the Red Army had a good artillery.
  First, World War I has shown the importance of artillery.
  Secondly, military operations in Spain have given some experience of application of artillery.
  Thirdly, the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 has confirmed the importance of artillery.
  Fourthly, the general educational level in the Soviet Union was such is that he allowed to train qualified personnel for artillery units.
  In the 30-ies of the 20th century a debatable view was expressed about the decrease of the importance of artillery.
  However, the leadership of the Red Army, on the contrary, recognized the right thesis about the growing role of artillery.
  The Red Army has entered the Great Patriotic War with good artillery.
  Of course in the conditions of fast advance of Hitlerite army to the East the artillery couldn't show all the potential. Often there wasn't enough mobility, the lack of shells was felt.
  But situation changed during the periods of stabilization of the front line.
  We will remember the initial stage of the Battle of Stalingrad. Having taken the responsibility, the local military management has organized a transportation across (transversely) Volga of all heavy cannons. "Fist" of artillery- at first - has been created from six artillery and mortar regiments of distant action. There arrived new artillery units. Transportation of ammunition has been adjusted. The units of the Red Army behind the river were effectively supported by fire of the artillery from the left coast. The balance of forces has begun to change.
  We will remember the Siege of Leningrad. Around the city of Leningrad Hitlerite command, in particular, has deployed superheavy cannons on railway platforms. They beat with shells on distance 13, 22 and even 28 km. The weight of shells reached 800 - 900 kg. Hitlerites have made the scheme of city and they planned the several thousands of most important goals that were shelling daily.
  As Marshal of the Soviet Union Leonid Govorov remembered, in particular, counterbattery fight against siege artillery of the opponent has been organized, artillery duels have begun.
  As a result the intensity of shellings of Leningrad by enemy artillery has considerably decreased. Thanks to these measures, in 1943 the quantity of the artillery shells which have fallen to the city has decreased approximately by 7 times.
  If to address events of a Battle of Moscow, then it is expedient to go deep into history a little. Don't you object?
  From audience no objections were expressed. All listened carefully the Chief Marshal of artillery.
  - The artillery of big and extremely power functioned and at a siege of Port Arthur, and in the years of the First and Second World Wars.
  During a Battle of Moscow, during Hitlerite approach, there was information that Hitlerites have occupied Krasnaya Polyana and install long-range cannons for firing to the Kremlin there. The Stavka has set the task: artilleries of the 16th army to prevent firing to the Kremlin, to destroy enemy long-range tools in Krasnaya Polyana. Rokossovsky has made other, maximum decision: to free Krasnaya Polyana. Eventually the Soviet tankmen supported by artillery have rushed into the city, having taken many prisoners and technicians including the cannons intending for firing to the Kremlin.
  After the Battle of Stalingrad the Red Army became more and more maneuverable, it was equipped with new automobiles and means of communication.
  But the role of artillery didn't go down. At the beginning of the Kursk Fight in 1943 command of the Red Army has carried out powerful contrary military preparation - by powerful artillery fire. This the ahead of counter military preparation with using the artillery has become military history.
  The power of artillery was increasing. For example, East Prussian Offensive of 1945 - on the level of consumption of ammunition - hadn't equal among all operations in the history of wars at all.
  But it isn't necessary to think that the artillery is only defeat with weapon. It also means of optical, topographical and meteorological reconnaissance, motor transport, radio communication and much, many other.
  Therefore, I will begin with what I have begun with: "read books".
  Applause were presented. Someone has included record of a song of military years. The atmosphere of a meeting became not only benevolent, but also festive.
  - We are very glad to see you, to hear you, - statements were heard.
  - Artillerymen have fulfilled the duty! - the Chief Marshal of artillery has said. And, accompanied by Gorky, he has walked to an exit.
  December 19, 2017 - December 20, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: December 29, 2017 12:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об артиллерии'.
  26. The Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka
  He raised his glass. Symbols of anti-Christian paganism in a month will be thrown on the ground.
  Army under banners with the French tricolor was the only one in the modern era, which was able after the battles to enter in Moscow.
  The Committee of Public Safety! "The Fatherland is in danger" (Fr. La patrie est en danger)! The victories of Pan-European scale!
  The State Defense Committee has led the country to the Victory!
  "I have a spot, the stigma on a military uniform!" - he has remembered Napoleon's words.
  Supreme Commanders... Nicholas Nikolaevich, Nicholas II... "The Stavka capitulating"... The killed Dukhonin... The peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk! It - not a one spot! These are several spots!
  The Stavka - wasn't capitulated! Stavka have won the war!
  Supreme commander raises his glass, intending to give a toast in honor of the Victory.
  "No war, no peace"?!
  "We have in a reserve no Hindenburgs" - he said in the hardest 1942.
  "Bayonets to the earth?" - No! "Not one step backwards!"
  Peace!.. he glanced at the smiling Marshal Rokossovsky, - it is possible to speak about the peace with honor.
  Peace of victorious powers! Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!
  There are presented the young vigorous marshals, generals. Admirals - with naval dirks. All - in beautiful, ceremonial military uniforms!
  We waited for forty years, we, the people of old generation, this day. - When a spot - several spots! - will be liquidated.
  He raised his glass:
  - I as the representative of our Soviet Government, I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.
  December 28, 2017 12:59
  Translation from Russian into English: December 28, 2017 19:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о французском триколоре и о Ставке'.
  27. Questions about the crying Supreme Commander
  Вопросы о плачущем Верховном Главнокомандующем
  Questions about the crying Supreme Commander
  - Плакал ли он когда-нибудь?
  - Whether he cried sometime?
  - Он никогда не плакал?
  - He never cried?
  - А смерти близких родственников? Жены?
  - And the deaths of his closest relatives? The death Of his wife?
  - ?..
  - ?..
  - Может быть, вспомнить книгу Милована Джиласа? 'Знает ли Джилас, писатель, что такое человеческие страдания и человеческое сердце?'
  - Perhaps, to remember the book by Milovan Djilas? " Djilas, who is a writer himself, whether he knows what human suffering and the human heart are?"
  - Он плакал, когда затрагивалась тема насилий на войне?
  - Did he cry when the issue of violence in the war was touched upon?
  - Он был сентиментален?
  - Was he a sentimental?
  - Он был сентиментален??!!!
  - He was sentimental??!!!
  - В чем были вопросы?
  - In what there were questions?
  - Война меняет людей? Жизнь вдали от дома? Иногда в мокрых окопах, иногда - в открытом снежном поле? Постоянный риск для собственной жизни? Необходимость убивать - и снова убивать?
  - Does war change of people? A life far from the native house? Sometimes - in wet entrenchments, sometimes - in the open snow field? Constant risk for own life? The need to kill - and again to kill?
  - И что, согласиться с насилиями, на которые жаловались мирные жители?
  - And what? To agree with the violence of which civilians complained?
  - Какова длительность судебного процесса? Даже если дело рассматривает военный трибунал? Нужно составить материалы, вызвать, заслушать свидетелей?
  - What is the duration of a trial? Even if the case is tried by a military Tribunal? It is necessary to make materials, to cause, to hear witnesses?
  - А война 'уходит' дальше? Но с насилиями всё равно нельзя согласиться?
  - And a war "goes" further? But all the same it is impossible to agree with a violence?
  - Он плакал, когда затрагивалась тема ещё не достигнутой Победы?
  - He cried when the theme of the yet not achieved Victory was debating?
  - Он плакал? Лил слёзы?
  - Was he crying? He was shedding his tears?
  - Ещё раз прочтем Джиласа?
  - Lets once again read the book by Djilas?
  8 января 2018 г. 20:16
  January 8, 2018 20:16
  Translation from Russian into English: May 7, 2018 12:22. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы о плачущем Верховном Главнокомандующем'.
  28. The Fairy Tale about the King of stellar creativity
  Once upon a time the poor teacher lived in the Rubies's City.
  He continuously had new ideas. He constantly wrote something.
  Year after year was going.
  A lot of things around him was changing and has evolved.
  To end of a terrestrial stage of scientific activity the poor teacher has come with the title "Encyclopaedist", with glory, recognition, material welfare. The diamond small box with manuscripts which has remained after his death has been transmitted to a certain Engineer.
  The Engineer was very keen on all those questions about which the Encyclopaedist was thinking and writing. And he wrote - neither more nor less - about the Bridge. Bridge to the stars.
  The destiny hasn't allocated for the Encyclopaedist and the Engineer a much time for communication, but they have managed to get acquainted and talk.
  Except an Encyclopaedist's diamond casket with manuscripts the the Engineer has been handed the warrant for an office timber hut, and the sign plaque: "Project" _ _ _ _ _ ". PROJECT MANAGER: KING OF STELLAR CREATIVITY".
  The Engineer, who has become the King of stellar creativity, has written in the place was left on the sign plaque: "THE BRIDGE TO STARS". So, the project began to be called: 'THE BRIDGE TO STARS' PROJECT.
  The King of stellar creativity - it was a new name of the Engineer now - went into the hut. It was appeared, that the hut - with Spiders.
  But the rate of movements of the King of stellar creativity and his assistants, a way of life of new inhabitants of the log hut were that, that it was difficult to bite these builders of the Bridge. In the end, the Spiders took the places of honour in the corners of the hut, where they watched with interest the unfolding events. Also they were catching Flies.
  The King of stellar creativity has begun to build the Bridge towards stars.
  At first the Bridge has reached clouds.
  And now the moment has come. The King of stellar creativity completed building of the Bridge up to the Crystal Sky. An important part of the project was fulfilled.
  He, the King, did not pay attention to small events. But they were happening. For example, with the best intentions, hard-working Beavers came to hut.
  The Beavers were pulled out a number of structural elements from an office log hut of the King and have begun to create their own construction, using these elements.
  "Development of a new, progressive!"
  Then the Gobbler from the capital hen house has joined group of the King. The Gobbler was very important and self-satisfied a bird, but he hasn't influenced succession of events. Events developed in own way; and the Gobbler lived in own way.
  After the Gobbler, to the King there has come a Fox - for study and training. Fox was very cunning. And it acted very quickly.
  And through short time the sign plaque was replaced. Now on the new sign plaque there was such inscription: " The project "Way to the Universe". Project manager: The Fox".
  However, after this innovation with replacement of the King with the Fox everything was so mixed and confused, that the initial sign plaque has been restored, returned into place.
  For the Fox the separate small house in a far distance from the King's hut has been arranged.
  The King even - willingly-unwillingly - cut off a thin strip of paper from the Encyclopaedist's manuscrip.
  This strip was enclosed in a matchbox and was sent to the Fox. For a reinforcement of the importance of this cunning personality.
  Nevertheless King's affairs went successfully.
  The King's hut - after partial dismantling by her Beavers - was strengthened with props. The Gobbler lived like Gobbler, gobblerably, more or less independently. The bridge continued to be built.
  The Bridge reached the Crystal Sky. And for the first time in history a man climbed upon along this bridge on the Sky.
  Around the world all were happy. Very few people could assume that such Bridge can be built. Event of universal significance!
  King, his assistants: The Dukes and Marquises - and with them and Beavers, the Gobbler, the Fox - have looked back and have gasped!
  They insight Have seen: not hut! But - the Kingdom!
  It has turned out that already - not hut. And instead of the hut - the huge Kingdom!
  It has become clear that day after day on the place of the hut the King built a Kingdom. And it for the looks of all mankind has opened.
  Then the news came. The overseas organization has remembered the old project of flight of the person to the Moon in the shell released from the huge cannon. The idea has been reformulated. The organization was going to launch the space sportsmen to the Moon.
  Trapezes for a process of swinging , the appropriate cables, fastenings, special space suits for flight and the other equipment have been prepared.
  It was supposed that space athletes will be swinging on a trapeze, and then, having gained the necessary speed, will release crossbars, and will fly direct to the Moon. They will come back the same method. Rather quickly and rather cheap. Not so thoroughly, of course, as a solid and stable Bridge.
  And Beavers, and Gobbler, and Fox have said: "We won't give the Moon to the space sportsmen!". The Authoritative Opinion "was created".
  The Bridge continued to be under construction meanwhile. He has been oriented on the Nearest Star. Achievement of this Star was real and close on time.
  - We are developing! We are working! - the King of stellar creativity thought. - We will make one more step forward!
  However has come an announcement: "We won't give the Moon to athletes! To rebuild, to reorganize the bridge! To visit the Moon! And to visit sooner than athletes!"
  This were already not small events with Beavers, Gobbler and Fox.
  The case has begun to smell in the reputation of the City of Rubins.
  But if this reputation would be in doubt, the King of stellar creativity will be possible to be asked to go out off the hut. Without the right of return.
  The King has decided to play a cunning trick. The Nearest Star seemed too achievable.
  ... Maybe it would be worth to resign according personal will? And even a little earlier. Before the "We won't give the moon to athletes!"? But how will you get over yourself? Romanticism, commitment, enthusiasm, workaholism, lack of financial independence... A habit to be busy a Big Real Business, the Great Affairs. And the head has been crowded with the technical ideas. Somehow there was neither time, nor energy, nor health to switch to all this "diplomacy".
  Besides, they "entrusted" with reference to "talent", "genius", with a hint on luck and on ability to solve any problems... And who without vanity? Who doesn't hope for luck? That "somehow it will be come to lucky results"...
  Yes and this - let small - the period ensured by the consent will be filled with important, necessary, ingenious affairs...
  ...It is impossible to agree with, and it is impossible to refuse...
  In general, the King of stellar creativity agreed with "We won't give the Moon to athletes!". Have accepted a task to execution.
  It is difficult to rebuild, to reorganize the Bridge. It is almost impossible. All were understanding this. And all were understanding that to visit the Moon ahead of athletes - is unreal.
  Meanwhile laws of the nature are forcing to feel themselves. Health not always and not constantly improves with age. And if events which will be called "fail", still in future, and if these events in nearest future they will define as "failure"... For the ambitious person such prospect doesn't add of health.
  The King has somehow thought and has decided to make Balance: that - in "plus", and that - in "minus".
  In "plus" have appeared:
  1. The Kingdom created by the King,
  2. The built Bridge (with the prospect of finishing it to the Nearest Star),
  3. Human's achievement of the Crystal Sky.
  4. Many other ingenious achievements.
  In "minus"... Yes, nothing serious.
  And as about "We won't give the Moon to athletes!"? But innovative activity is always connected with fallout of some number of untenable versions and projects... "The working moment" - if to estimate objectively and with light loyalty... However, it may be been forefelt, that the consent of the King and this inevitably unsuccessful project aggressively will be used against the King. Will accuse the King of "failure".
  In general, the Giant of Ignorance stepped on the historical scene. From where to him to come into being? The population of the Rubies's City got rather quite good education.
  But a man with such a good education had an obvious advantage over those who was signing his name, placing the little cross.
  And before those, who carried out 'The Bridge to Stars' Project, before the King and his assistants many people with "quite good" education felt themselves uncertainly. A some number of such people had doubts concerning activity of the King. They, may be, felt of own inferiority, envy, the concealed aggression, some kind of scepticism of ignorance.
  There was, of course, an alternative: either to reach the level of King, or to pull the King to their level.
  As a result, there was felt an appearance - out of nowhere? - The Giant of Ignorance. There was a feeling that the King and his Kingdom were gradually discovering themselves under the power of this Giant.
  The King of star creativity has pretty suddenly gone away into a Better World. Someone (vast majority) considered this "leaving" more or less natural (taking into account overfatigue, diseases). Someone (not numerous personalities) placed emphasis on circumstances which they believed as strange...
  And what with the Kingdom's future? What's the Kingdom's destiny? What awaits him?
  On these questions of definite answer still isn't present. The History tries to answer them.
  April 23, 2017 - April 25, 2017.
  Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 11 November 2017 09:24, 11 November 2017 14:11, 11 November 2017 16:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Короле звездного творчества'.
  29. The Tale of new songs
  Stalin has greeted Vasilevsky and has shown to several sheets of paper: "The letter has come. Korolev aimlessly wastes governmental money. He carries out the projects which aren't corresponding to governmental economic plans".
  - You, comrade Vasilevsky, are familiar with the biography the Korolev. He has been condemned. The vigilance is necessary, danger of sabotage is existing ...
  - Comrade Stalin, works of the Korolev are aimed at the development of Army and science. Korolev - a man fully passionate about the development of science and technology. To ensure that his ideas were embodied in the state plans, it is necessary that the staff of the state planning Commission stood in matters of science and technology to the level of Korolev. For this will need years, decades.
  Stalin silently was walking along on an office-room.
  - As for the biography the Korolev, comrade Stalin. At the age of twenty-six years he has been appointed the military divisional's engineer. This leading position corresponded to a rank of the lieutenant general of engineering detachments.
  Stalin has looked at Vasilevsky, comparing something. And he have joked in reply: "We have in a reserve no Hindenburgs".
  He have again looked at the received letter. He have said:
  - We can't uncontrolledly and aimlessly spend national money, comrade Vasilevsky.
  - The money spent in the Korolev projects serves development of the country, development of science and technology. The army comes to other, qualitatively new level, comrade Stalin.
  Stalin continued to go silently along an office-room.
  - Korolev develops Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky's ideas, comrade Stalin. In realization of plans of Tsiolkovsky Korolev sees one of the main objectives. He has no other interests.
  Stalin paused-paused, then replied:
  - Well, to hell with you. Korolev during the meeting here, in the Kremlin, predicted to us, that the rockets have a great future. Let's ask comrade Korolyov to make the following rocket of more exact.
  After a pause Stalin has asked Vasilevsky about his (Vasilevsky) father: where and as he lives. Vasilevsky has answered.
  Stalin has continued:
  - You, comrade Vasilevsky, almost age-mates with comrade Zhukov. Korolev, - the successor of the ideas of Tsiolkovsky, - has to carry out the main plans until 1960, maximum till 1965. New times, new people will come. Will sing new songs. Tell to the twenty-six-year-old general. Goodbye, comrade Vasilevsky.
  December 13, 2017 10:47
  Translation from Russian into English: December 13, 2017 16:02, December 15, 2017 13:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новых песнях'.
  30. The Story about Igor Kurchatov
  1949. August 29.
  In the command bunker - leaders of tests of the first Soviet atomic bomb.
  The announcement through the system of the loudspeaker is sounds:
  - Readiness - five minutes!
  1902, December 30 [8(21) January 1903]. Igor Kurchatov was born in the Simsky Zavod, Ufa Governorate.
  The new information through the system of the loudspeaker:
  - Readiness - one minute!
  1912. The Kurchatov' family moved to the Crimea, in Simferopol. In 1920 Igor Kurchatov graduated from Simferopol gymnasium with the gold medal. Entered the first year of physical-mathematical faculty of the the Taurian (Crimea) State University. In 1923 Igor completed the four-year course in three years .
  So, Igor Kurchatov spends in Crimea the most important years of his life. Here he learns. He works here. Here he meets his future wife. He - becoming a major, outstanding, successful scientist - comes on business trips here, in the Crimea. Crimea becomes his native land.
  Seconds run fast. The countdown begins through the system of the loudspeaker:
  - Three!
  August 9, 1941 Kurchatov flies from the Moscow to the Crimea, in the Sevastopol. As part of a group of employees of the Leningrad Institute for Physics and Technology, he will work on demagnetization of ships to protect the fleet from the enemy non-contact mines.
  - Two!
  October 25-27, 1941, the enemy breaks through the defense of the Soviet troops on the Isthmus of Perekop. Nazi troops occupied almost the entire Crimea. October 30 - November 9, 1941 the enemy troops are trying to seize the Sevastopol.
  October 30, 1941 almost all Soviet ships go from Sevastopol toward the bases at the Caucasus coast.
  November 4, 1941, the "Volga", floating submarine base, begins the exit from the Sevastopol bay. The "Volga" goes under intense bombing, with the risk of being blown up by mines. The "Volga" was the aim for torpedoes. In a hold of the "Volga" from the Crimea, from the Sevastopol Igor Kurchatov floats.
  On the left native Crimean coast - death, death, death. And destruction.
  By the time of leaving the Sevastopol, Kurchatov had already had news about the siege of the Leningrad. On September 17, 1941 I. V. Kurchatov learned about his father's death. Learned that his mother remained in Leningrad. The Leningrad blockade will kill also her.
  Probably, Kurchatov was captured by a different feelings when he was floating in the hold of the 'Volga' submarine base across the Black Sea from the native Crimea to the Poti port city.
  If he was also visited by the feeling of the fugitive deprived of the homeland and parents, the person "nobody" running in "anywhere", then such the feeling hardly was pleasant for him.
  After the solution of a military and technical tasks on the Black Sea and Caspian coasts Igor Kurchatov has left to the Kazan city.
  In 1942 Kurchatov among initiators of a new method of protection of the ships against mines has been awarded the State premium of the first degree.
  After the arriving in Kazan in early 1942, Kurchatov fell seriously ill. What a visions were upon him in the painful unconsciousness? The disease promised to be fatal. But he recovered.
  He decided not to shave off the beard grown during a period of a sick.
  What did this beard mean? That a "new man" appeared? The boy and the young man Igor Kurchatov lived in the Crimea. He lived and under "whites", and under "reds". And under soldiers of the army of the emperor Wilhelm, and under the troops of the Entente.
  Any sharp statements from Igor Kurchatov or from members of his family concerning any of these administrations it isn't noticeable. It seems, the tolerant attitude to circumstances was.
  Leonardo da Vinci was born in the family of a notary. In some respects, a land surveyor - is a Russian notary. A surveyor has special knowledge, skills. A land surveyor need any authorities. He apolitical. Igor Kurchatov was the son of a surveyor.
  Having received education and started his activity, Igor Kurchatov became a scientist. He became the outstanding, but, in general, the standard Soviet scientist - physicist.
  - One!
  The man with the mustache was thinking. "Who should be appointed the head of the nuclear project?"
  Georgy Nikolayevich Flyorov has addressed to the leaders of the state in 1943 with the letter. Flyorov raised the issue of the resumption of active development on nuclear project.
  Why Igor Kurchatov?
  Perhaps, the Person with moustaches has deciphered Kurchatov's beard as the sign?
  At different photos she, this beard, looks differently. For those times and for those circle of people she was unusual. Someone can have an opinion that such beard was not characteristic for the Russian traditions at all.
  This beard was unusual... A professorial beard? Perhaps, with professorial beards can be was find distant analogy... But if to speak about a remote analogies, this beard may lead someone to thoughts about the creators of the ancient writing in Mesopotamia - the Cuneiform script.
  The Hint From Above?
  The choice of the chief of the atomic project in the conditions of limited resources was the choice between success and failure.
  The Person with moustaches has chosen success.
  - Start-up! Explosion!! Horror!!!
  The terrible view of the testing ground which has taken up the atomic explosion.
  The birds, semi-live, semi-dead, semi-burned. Helpless birds...
  And the relative peace at the planet. Already nearly 70 years.
  May 06, 2017 - May 07, 2017.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 30, 2018 - May 31, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об Игоре Курчатове'.
  31. The Tale of Blue Railway Car
  The Wolf was going along the street. He had seen the Chip-o-click was crossing boulevard.
  The Wolf captured the Chip-o-click's hand: "My dear! May I help you?"
  "Oh! You are so kindly today!" - answered the Chip-o-click.
  "Why so respected person is walking? going on foots?"
  "My mission is to help the people!"
  "O'Key, my dear! We must to hurry! Let we use the blue railway car!"
  "You are the unexpected a little..."
  But the Wolf yet set the Chip-o-click into the blue railway car.
  The wagon's trip started.
  "I always was helping the people!" - said the Chip-o-click.
  "I like the people!" - stated the Wolf. He got out a little container the stylus for cleaning the teeth. And began to service the mouth.
  The blue railway car arrived to the purpose point and stopped.
  The Wolf and Chip-o-click came out.
  The Wolf took the Chip-o-click for hand.
  They raised their connected hands and simultaneously declared: "We love humans!"
  The children around were looking and hearing.
  Wolf and Chip-o-click began to sing a song:
  "Rolling and rolling
  Our blue wagon!!!".
  Wolf announced:
  "Certificate guarantee a great pleasure!!! This Certificate I am delivering to our dear Chip-o-click!"
  The Chip-o-click took a Certificate and answered:
  "My mission is to save the people!"
  The mothers and their children, were around, began to cry. "We remember! Thank you!"
  2 December 2017 15:13
  32. "Attracts invincibly". M. Gorky and Yu. Trifonov. Indulgence in family. Essay
  1.Demonstrative show.
  I was reading literary works by Yu. Trifonov, I read about Yu. Trifonov.
  I have sighed.
  In a natural way, in the process of writing book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons" - I was reading works by M. Gorky and about M. Gorky.
  22 April 2016 I have read in the Wikipedia (rus) article 'Максим Горький' ["Maxim Gorky"]. May 4, 2016, I made supplementation by reading the article 'Будберг, Мария Игнатьевна' ["Budberg, Maria Ignatievna"] from Wikipedia (rus). August 1, 2016, I have opened the article 'Трифонов, Юрий Валентинович' ["Trifonov, Yury Valentinovich"] (Wikipedia (rus)).
  It was remembered: "During quarrels and scandals, Nina is screaming, she is blurting out the irreparable" (Трифонов Юрий. 'Из дневников и рабочих тетрадей' (Составитель - Ольга Трифонова)) [Trifonov Yu. "From diaries and workbooks" (The compiler (composer) - Olga Trifonova)].
  What - it means - "irreparable"?
  In Trifonov's story "Games at twilight" there are lines: "Once I saw how the black car has stopped near the house on the third line ... and Anchik has jumped out of the car. She has taken off shoes and, screaming, has begun to clapping bare feet to a gate. After her the person in a black hat has got out. He has suddenly stopped directly in a puddle, has taken off a hat and stood for a few seconds in strange thoughtfulness, looking to the earth, having held up the bald head to a rain.
  Anchik was tall, slender, with a wasp waist, with jet-black hair and with big eyes, black and deep as night".
  Reading this fragment, I have thought that, maybe, or Lavrentiy Beria has appeared near Yu. Trifonov, or Yu. Trifonov has appeared near L. Beria.
  I read also other works, among them - about Yu. Trifonov.
  The triangle appears. Allegedly the beloved woman of Yu. Trifonova was intimate with L. Beria.
  And, it seems, Yu.V. Trifonov knew about it. (There is a book where the situation is described more definitely, more specifically. The author of this essay has studied such book in version of the electronic copy; so I decided to refrain from direct citing: it is impossible to exclude any inaccuracies during the scanning, recognition, etc. But the thought - "she was", "he knew" - is expressed absolutely distinctly).
  Perhaps, "she was". Perhaps, "he knew". I can believe.
  Again the works by Yuri Trifonov. I see: "all this there were errors of the feelings, but not errors of costing" (Ю. Трифонов 'Долгое прощание') [Yuri Trifonov's "the Long goodbye"].
  The modern man is functioning by the modern modality. "Is not it calculation?" "And if not the calculation, - then did not he show weakness, did not fall morally? Face in down?"
  2. "Contrary to all reason, understanding, experience of life, self-esteem, pride"
  The story by M. Gorky "Demonstrative show" ('Вывод') was remembered. About collective, public and shameful punishment of the woman, which was accused of infidelity. Still young Alexei Peshkov almost has no private life, but he already as Don Quixote - rushes in battle for the woman. He tried to protect. And he have suffered. Was revived with great difficulty.
  Then Maria Ignatievna Zakrevskaya was remembered, she - is a little later - Baroness Budberg, she "the iron woman". M. Gorky's apartment. Postrevolutionary hungry, cold, dangerous time. Maria Zakrevskaya lives in M. Gorky's apartment, has entered into his family. She is in almost absolute dependence from M. Gorky.
  Herbert Wells's arrival. Herbert Wells stops in M. Gorky's apartment. "All knew that Moura hasn't banished him ..." (Nina Berberova "Zheleznaia Zhenshchina" ("Moura: The Dangerous Life of the Baroness Budberg")).
  "Relatives called her "Moura", and Maxim Gorky named her "the iron woman". For many years she was in close relations with Gorky, and then with Herbert Wells" (Wikipedia (Russian). Article "Будберг, Мария Игнатьевна").
  Whether Gorky loved Maria Zakrevskaya? Probably, yes.
  Otherwise, he would not have risked living with her in his apartment (affairs came to an executing of a search with reference to her connection with Robert Bruce Lockhart). Gorky would not have gone to Lenin with requests for help.
  Gorky attempted to pull her out off prison, when she had unsuccessfully tried to cross the border on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. He dedicated Maria Zakrevskaya one of his works (the novel "The Life of Klim Samgin").
  He loved, forgave, was loyal. Suffered, loved ...
  "Why can you not unite with a woman to who is invincibly attracting you? He runs to the telephone and seeks a meeting contrary to all reason, understanding, experience of life, self-esteem, pride (Yu. Trifonov, 'Время и место' ("Time and place ")).
  The love, apparently, was present at the family life of both M. Gorky, and Yu. Trifonov.
  But in addition to it, they are - as outstanding people - could estimate happening to them as test and/or the message, signal (About the importance of "signs" sets out arguments in my book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons").
  For some reason Yu. Trifonov, Yu. Trifonov being in love, Yu. Trifonov, which is continuing to live with a (possibly) unfaithful woman, - is closer to me.
  Closer - than the hypothetical Yu. Trifonov, which learned about (possible) infidelity of the beloved woman and decided to keep the relations with her ("Attracts invincibly"),
  but then learned that "the third" is L. Beria,
  weighed L. Beria on internal scales and understood that the level of "negativity" of L. Beria is such, that he (Yu. Trifonov) won't keep the relations with the beloved woman.
  It would be not the great writer Yu. Trifonov, but absolutely other person.
  The logic is sometimes not peculiar to the person in love.
  3. "I was organising for him dinner with children"
  A details which possess special energy are meeting in biographic materials.
  We can remember behavior of Tatyana Aleksandrovna Slovatinskaya, Trifonov's grandmother on mother's side.
  Her behavior after arrests the son-in-law Valentin (father Yu. Trifonov), the daughter Tatyana (Yu. Trifonov's mother), the son Pavel.
  The situation reminded a work of a huge pressing-mechanism, which was attempting to destroy family.
  But the person (T.A. Slovatinskaya) didn't agreed with destroying of family. And the family was stored.
  Then I read, that T.A. Slovatinskaya in 1912 provided the opportunity to stay in her apartment for a person hiding from the tsar's authorities.
  He was lonely and homeless man. He was born in the Caucasus region.
  She was organising for him dinner with children. She was giving necessary instructions to servant-woman (Yu. Trifonov 'Отблеск костра' ("A fire reflection")).
  I trust in this detail ("I was organising for him dinner with children. I was giving necessary instructions to servant-woman").
  She, Tatyana Slovatinskaya, of course, both the figure (slightly) historical, and secretary, and so on. But in her there is a quality: careness. The woman's careness of children, grandsons, of family, of those who in family.
  And that detail from Trifonov's novel 'Дом на набережной' ("The House on the Embankment"), where the main character was it difficult to cross the barrier, "barrier", "which it is impossible to cross".
  It, this detail, maybe, has some relation to "I was organising for him dinner with children"?
  And the award of the Stalin prize to Yuri Trifonov (official announcement was published in: "Pravda", March 17, 1951) - to Yu. Trifonov, who has hardly grown up, hardly become to adults, - appears in other context?
  They were just running after him, sent the telegram, they directed to him a courier... And the story with the remote editor? ..
  Was he afraid to "not be in time"? Age? "He took under control"? Memory was not bad; dinners with children may not have been forgotten.
  Beria... He would send not the courier, probably...
  Anyway, a certain analogy is visible in the desire and Gorky, and Trifonov to preserve personal, family relationships, showing loyalty, indulgence.
  "Well" it or - is "bad" (SUCH preservation of SUCH relations) - a question philosophical.
  Follow these examples of loyalty or not? It is a problem of the ardor of feelings, temperament, internal structure of personality, coincidence of circumstances, other factors.
  Such example, perhaps, wouldn't be suitable for Heinrich Schliemann, though his second wife was younger than him by thirty years. (About some principles of private life and the solution of personal problems of H. Schliemann - in earlier called book "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Heinrich Schliemann, Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorky and their lessons"). But we will note that at H. Schliemann's life there were years of experiences (sufferings?) in first marriage, six years of abstention, years, years of patience.
  Such set of circumstances, probably, wasn't neither in Gorky's life, nor in Trifonov's life. Or, maybe, were?
  I would like to respond positively about the second wife of H. Schliemann , Sophia.
  Probably, her husband, Heinrich Schliemann, characterized her the best.
  Heinrich has lived in marriage with Sofia 21 years (from 1869 to 1890). He wrote to the wife in 1890, maybe, summing up the results: "... The destiny has prepared for us many grieves and many pleasures. (...) In my opinion, our marriage was successful. You always were for me the loving wife, the kind companion, steadily supported me at a difficult moment ... you were excellent mother. I ... am already ready to marry you in the following life" (citation from: Богданов И. А. Генрих Шлиман. Торжество мифа / Игорь Богданов. - М.:АСТ: Олимп, 2008. С. 263 (Bogdanov I.A. "Heinrich Schliemann. Victory of Myth" / Igor Bogdanov. - M., 2008. Page 263)).
  Yes, they were loyal, indulgence.
  But, and Maxim Gorky, and Yuri Trifonov were - each in their own way - happy in family life.
  September 22, 2016.
  Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 3 December 2017 07:39, 4 December 2017 00:37, 4 December 2017 08:13, 4 December 2017 23:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ''Влечет непобедимо'. М. Горький и Ю. Трифонов. Семейная лояльность. Очерк'.
  33. The Monologue of Historical and Legal Figure
  The new appointment was approaching.
  The official car will arrive soon, and he will go to the Square.
  For now a glass of tea can be drunk quietly and it's a time to reflect on turns of a history.
  Pre-revolutionary period. It was a good time! What universities were! What professors were! Students! And what restaurants were!
  The bustle has begun after the events of February. The attempt to catch Ilyich has ended with nothing.
  But the benefits, nevertheless, was. The person who became at the head later has noticed and has remembered since pre-revolutionary times. He confirmed his opinion and began to move me forward without attracting attention.
  He liked people with a good pre-revolutionary background. With the sailor Zheleznyak or the ensign Krylenko it is possible "to arrive" only to the peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
  Gradually a life got better. "Why she was beaten by them?. Both those, and these? Both the fifth, and the tenth?." "She was beaten, because the backwardness was!" "In ten years to pass a centenary route!" "In it there was something of the Peter I's style". "Anyway, from a restaurant you won't depart to a cosmic space ..."
  A much events were also... There is no wish to remember them...!
  But, if to remember, then it is necessary to admit.
  The Streltsy were executed without any lawyers! "It is a pity, at that time yet my textbooks haven't been written", - he hasn't kept himself from a joke.
  There was a thought to do without a legal efforts. To move the famous people somewhere ... behind Lake Baikal. In area of the Kara, for example. And there, in the district's ... Well ... or to the province any closer. For example, to Osipenko ...
  But have decided to show the movement toward a civilization, toward the Europe.
  Moscow! One of the central halls. Everything is opened. Why they admitted? - Publicly? - It is a question, of course, a separate ... Of course, when the car gained momentum, the publicity had to be abandoned...
  And a lawyers... Yes! A lawyers! A Press from around all the world!
  Press ... press ...
  The thought jumped over on a came phone call. The official car has come. He has gone to an exit from the apartment. The personal elevator in the multi-apartment, multi-storey building - is a symbol of the power ... The sounds of the radio program "Architectural Sights of Moscow" was heard from the dynamics of the personal elevator. "Are working... Are exploring... "
  Yes ... And so, a press ...
  It is urgently necessary to go there where the world politics is emerging and where representatives of all all all... have gathered... And to act ... In protection of the rights and freedoms! And especially - in protection of the press! Of course, not of the our press! Our press is free... Our press filled with the creative movement and feels herself excellently!
  ("There are no other newspapers, except "ours", all the same ...", - he has sighed by the way).
  "We will show the level of pre-revolutionary education!"
  ("... There was a something and in the pre-revolutionary universities, and in pre-revolutionary professors, students and in pre-revolutionary restaurants ..." - he has thought in brackets).
  He nodded ceremoniously to the driver. The car has begun the movement ...
  May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог историко-юридического деятеля'.
  34. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money
  The advanced training courses for screenwriters at the international Film Festival have opened.
  In the room of the five-star hotel, the screenwriter, who studied at the courses, was suffering from the heat.
  "Why so uncomfortable? Air conditioning works! The room temperature is normal."
  He felt sleepy.
  He remembered up the today's assigned task by the chief of the courses:
  "Let's say you have received a good money! "You" - in a broad sense! That is, the film producer - have received money ..."
  Apparently, the screenwriter fell into a dream.
  Eyes of the chief of courses came nearer, became closer and closer. They looked directly in the soul.
  "You not for YouTube are capturing the video with the the mobile phone device! Many professionals will be employed! You will have nо possibility to shoot the bad film.
  What is "bad"?
  This concept expresses the summed personal, subjective points of view.
  The art critics and the famous people won't pronounce this word ... They will pronounce other words - a positive ..." Eyes became closer and closer, they entered the screenwriter ...
  "But under the main condition", - the screenwriter has continued a thought of the chief of courses by voice of the chief of courses, - "under the condition of the good the film scenario".
  "After all, what is a historical episode with mass riots and the shooting of civilians?" - the screenwriter continued to reflect. - "This is, admittedly, a fact, repeatedly occurred in the history ..." "In this or that option we can find such fact in the history of any country ..."
  "Listen," - the screenwriter has addressed the chief of courses, - " why you are looking at me so closely. I understand: it is responsible project ... But it is not only such sad facts in one or another variant repeated in history. And a shootings of all sorts of movies are repeated... scenarios in some form are repeated... What is the remakes, in the end? Why are you looking at me like that? Like a boa on a rabbit. I am not a rabbit!'
  "You don't understand!" - the chief of courses has indignantly growled. - "You do the scenario not for some a movie! But for the film, which will be created with public money! There shouldn't be mass actions with a collective reading texts by chorus! There shouldn't be nefarious hints about a permission to use himself ..." "Have you understood?!"
  The screenwriter passed out completely of own confusion. "Statuette!- Statuette!- Statuette" - he began to tune himself by the repeating the code word...
  "There is no stability in the world... " "He's Sasha, he's Sanya, he's Alexander... " - the words in his memory appeared.
  "Ugh!"- thought the screenwriter. - 'Not this!" "They will get attached: where the money ... The words "was used " will appear ... They will discover some contracts...'
  "The hero of the civil war ...", - the words appeared in the memory.
  The screenwriter focused his attention.
  "He is at his country house with his family... The Staff of punitive structures are preparing for terrible things... First - the love affair... The lawbreaker rejected once by the wife of the hero, entered the service of the punitive structures... The lawbreaker comes to the hero and his wife... the tension increases...'
  The screenwriter has grabbed sheets of paper began to write down convulsively ...
  "Here and black car. The hero of civil war is taken and put into car between agents. The hero is indignant! He tries to resist. The car moves ... Agents use force ... Resistance of the hero of civil war is broken ... The car arrives to the square ... The excited crowd of civilians holds in hand pies with a liver. The tanks, arms. Troops. Generals. Machineguns. Everything froze... The generals recall the reception at the Supreme Commander, the toast said by him ... They don't give the necessary order!.."
  "Command"! - agents demand from the brought hero. - "People know you. You're the hero, all known!"
  The hero, morally destructed by the violence, commanded: "Fire!"
  Shots sound ...
  Balloons appear above the square. Enormous portraits of the Leader of Peoples are attached to them.
  "That's good!" - the tender voice of the chief of courses was heard.
  "Nonsense!"- the screenwriter thought. - "How did the chief of the course get here in the room?" "I'll go to the pool, freshen up!"
  The screenwriter put in a folder the scribbled sheets of paper and went into the corridor. Here's the pool. The screenwriter undressed and jumped into the water.
  At the time of the jump, he suddenly heard the words: "The state money! And not a little!'
  The screenwriter was plunging into the water deeper and deeper. The eyes of the chief of the courses were approaching him.
  In the sleep the screenwriter has heard the knock at a door of the hotel room.
  May 27, 2018 21:49
  Translation from Russian into English: May 29, 2018 06:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о киносценарии и крупных государственных деньгах'.
  35. Dialogue about pleasant cafe
  Cafe in Berlin. Reader(man) and Reader(woman) have coffee.
  The Reader(man) decides to joke:
  - Look at that cute person sitting at the next little table. He is similar to Mikhail. Sergeyevich.
  The Reader(woman) looked at the person behind the next little table. That person didn't make any impression on her. She answered the Reader(man)'s words with silence an indifferent.
  The Reader(man) nevertheless decided cheer up the Reader(woman) . And he decided to play the mystification:
  - And opposite of cute neighbor a beautiful man in ancient clothes is sitting.
  A Reader(woman) graciously decided to play along with the Reader(man):
  - To whom does he look like?
  - On Stanislaw. August.
  The Reader(woman) with incomprehension looked at the Reader(man):
  - And the Berlin cafe?
  - This such cafe - special. Here it is accepted to sit silently the one person on against the other. And to look silently at each other. Tradition of silent dialogue. The art of cinema. In the movie sometimes during the seventeen minute are looking at each other! - the Reader(man) continued to fantasize.
  - Simply to sit? And to look at each other? - the Reader(woman) specified, not understanding the idea.
  -They watch, -the Reader(man) confirmed.
  - In general, it's not a bad place, - Reader(woman) couldn't to include herself to the theme.
  - Coffee didn't cool down? - The Reader(man) switched from fantasy to real life.
  30 Sep 2017 21:39
  Translation from Russian into English: 05 November 2017 - 06 November 2017.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о приятном кафе'.
  36. The Fairy Tale of the Amadeus Hoffmann's walk through Berlin
  July 27, 1817. Amadeus Hoffmann goes across Berlin.
  A shop of musical instruments.
  Hoffmann comes in the shop.
  "An interesting shop!".
  He takes a trumpet. He is examining. Brings the trumpet by mouthpiece to own face. From a bell the voice says: "I congratulate!". Hoffmann politely answers: "I congratulate!". He returns the trumpet into place. He takes other copy.
  This trumpet also attracts his interest. Amadeus Hoffmann brings trumpet up nearby his own face. Looks in the mouthpiece. And again hears a voice: "I congratulate!" - from the bell. "I congratulate!" - Hoffmann politely answers.
  Hoffmann overturns the trumpet.
  Now he looks in a bell.
  "I congratulate!" - he heard from side of the mouthpiece. "I congratulate!" - Hoffman answers.
  He returns the trumpet into place and leaves shop.
  In the creative atmosphere of Europe fantastic literary plots are born. In 1833 Alexander Pushkin will write "The Queen of Spades".
  May 6, 2018 22:11
  Translation from Russian into English: May 6, 2018 - May 7, 2018.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о прогулке Амадея Гофмана по Берлину'.
  37. The Fairy Tale about a new textbook. The author Vyshinsky
  Somewhere very far a rather strong explosion has sounded. The earth has begun to tremble.
  Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky has palpated the own body. And he have breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems, everything is all right!" "As I was lucky to appear in a chair!" "And here several people lie on a floor!"
  Andrey Yanuaryevich has looked round. Well familiar office-room. He with some relief has finished "career" in judicial authorities in due time.Then here, after transition to a new kind of activity, he has also got acquainted with this office-room.
  Having examined an office-room, Vyshinsky has found out that on a floor already nobody lies. But he is faced by three figures.
  "I think I know who are they," - thought Andrey Yanuaryevich.
  At one of the standing gradually the look changed. Confusion traces quickly passed, signs of aggression, irritation and anger appeared.
  "Well, I do not intend to wait when he starts his speech," - thought Vyshinsky. - 'Then it will be impossible to stop him!" And said loudly:
  - Nikita Sergeyevich! You are dismissed! Go you to ... to this who in churches isn't mentioned!
  - Yes as you dare! You! The exposed accomplice of deeds of evil!
  - You really do not make a noise! Stalingrad, of course, you defended... But the corn project and other tricks - they robbed you of any trust! There no faith to your words!
  - Who are you? And who am I? Not you me! I dismiss you!
  Vyshinsky has smiled:
  - Understand, Nikita! I was in the chair and you were on the floor! If you make a noise, you'll be at the UN. There haven't forgotten your boot. And boys, to whom you took care, will tell you something...
  The interlocutor has somehow lost an energy:
  - All right, I have gone to the dacha! You are right, perhaps, Andrey Yanuaryevich.
  And he left the office-room.
  Two others were in uniforms of imperial time and with awards. Both had a personal portrait on the wall of the office-room.
  Vyshinsky has thought: "Not just ministers, but also chancellors!" "One of them has connected the name with a name of Pushkin. In this case it is possible and more steep". "The second was called "iron". It seems, ... he tried ... as it turned out ... so it appeared to be ...".
  The habits acquired after end of legal career have made felt. Vyshinsky didn't hurry to tell something and was silent.
  The pause has dragged on.
  At last both persons in uniforms and with awards left, without telling anything, from the office-room.
  Vyshinsky has hardly kept not to sigh with relief. "What will you tell them? 'Tehran-Yalta-Potsdam'. And it is necessary to add nothing. And they have nothing to answer ... It is good that it wasn't necessary to talk ... Disputes are senseless ..."
  Vyshinsky has opened a table box. Pack of clean sheets of paper.
  "I have written textbooks concerning the state and the right. Why don't I be engaged in writing of the textbook on diplomacy art?"
  Vyshinsky has put before himself a pile of clean sheets of paper.
  May 26, 2018 13:52
  Translation from Russian into English: May 26, 2018 15:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новом учебнике Вышинского'.
  The Collection was composed: May 30, 2018, May 31, 2018.
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