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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 12, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 12, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 12, 2019
  1. The nature of the problem.
  2. Cause of problem. Versions.
  3. Who solves the problem.
  4. The offered ways of a solution.
  5. Groups of news.
  1. The nature of the problem.
  ... the invasion of polar bears in the Novaya Zemlya [New Land]
  On the Novaya Zemlya introduced emergency mode due to the invasion of polar bears
  Anna Vinogradova
  09.02.2009, 21: 03
  On the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Arkhangelsk region introduced an emergency regime. Here there is an invasion of polar bears that attack people and go into the rooms.
  Rosprirodnadzor does not give permission to shoot animals: a Commission will go to the Novaya Zemlya, which should figure out how to drive bears without the use of weapons.
  Experts call the appearance of such a number of animals in settlements abnormal.
  In the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya in the Arkhangelsk region introduced a state of emergency: as reported by RIA "Novosti", the reason for such measures was the massive invasion of polar bears in settlements.
  The decision to introduce a state of emergency was made at a meeting of the Commission for the prevention and elimination of emergency and fire safety.
  The fact that from December 2018 to February 2019 in the settlements located on the archipelago, more than once there were polar bears-for example, near the village
  Of Belushya Guba [Belushia Lips] [Guba - A bay - is a recessed, coastal body of water that directly connects to a larger main body of water] are 52 individuals, and in the village roam 10 animals. They behave aggressively: attack people and enter the premises. According to TASS, at a meeting of the Commission on prevention and elimination of emergency situations and fire safety of the Deputy head of the administration of Novaya Zemlya Alexander Minaev said that due to the appearance of polar bears disrupted the rhythm of life of residents of villages...
  Now, in order to protect people from polar bears, fences are installed near kindergartens.
  Children, military personnel and employees of local enterprises are transported by special transport, and the territory is patrolled.
  But so far these measures are not enough: polar bears do not react to attempts to drive them away with the help of patrol cars and dogs, because they are not afraid.
  In connection with the invasion of polar bears on the archipelago will arrive task force established on the initiative of the regional Department of Rosprirodnadzor and the regional government. Experts will assess the situation and propose measures to protect people from the attack of dangerous animals. Rosprirodnadzor does not allow to shoot the most aggressive individuals - experts hope that it will be possible to drive away the polar bears listed in the Red book without the use of weapons. However, if the methods proposed by experts do not help, the shooting may be forced, but a necessary measure...
  According to the head of the Novaya Zemlya Zhigansha Musin, a team of four people has already formed. The emergency regime, as the head of the local administration said, will operate until it is possible to provide full security for the residents of the settlements.
  "I am on the Novaya Zemlya since 1983, but never before such a mass invasion of polar bears was not - quoted Musin TASS. - Let me remind you that more than five animals do not leave the garrison, literally chase people and even enter the entrances of residential houses. But once it is decided to ban shooting, will have to go on a longer and less safe for local residents way."
  The senior research associate of Institute of environmental problems and evolution of name of A.N. Severtsov RAS Ilya Mordvintsev in a conversation with TASS assumed that seasonal migration and existence in settlements of dumps where polar bears can find food became the reason of mass invasion of animals.
  "Judging by previous years, they are from the southern part of the archipelago, where the ice begins to change, go ashore, they have migration through the New Land, they go to the North, where the ice is stable, - suggested Mordvintsev. - It's South-North migration. They stop at this place [the district Belushia Lips - Belushya Guba] due to the fact that there is some alternative source of food, if no food, they may be passing by would be passed. But since there are garbage dumps with food waste, they stop and pile up."
  The expert noted that the appearance of so many polar bears in the villages of Novaya Zemlya is anomalous...
  At the same time, scientists have previously met polar bears in the area Of belushya lip [Belushya Guba], which were there for a long time.
  "In 2016, we marked the female on the Vaigach, she went to the Novaya Zemlya and even when it was possible to come to ice and to hunt seals (ice stood near the Kara side [of the New Land] for a long time), she did not leave The belushya Lip [Belushya Guba] , she spent 8 months there, walking around The belushya Lip [Belushya Guba] with two cubs," Mordvintsev said. - She wouldn't go if there was nothing to eat, she had two year-old bears. Naturally, there are sources of food, so we need to see what's going on there." ..." []
  2. Cause of problems. Versions.
  15: 04, February 11, 2019
  The authorities of the Novaya Zemlya [New Earth] explained the invasion of polar bears climate change
  According to the head of the district Zhigansha Musin, predators come to people because of the late freezing of the ice around the archipelago
  Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU - the Main reason for the invasion of polar bears in the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya (Arkhangelsk region) - climate change, said the head of the city district of Novaya Zemlya Zhigansha Musin.
  February 09, 2019 in the New Earth introduced a state of emergency due to the invasion of polar bears.
  "For comparison: in the 80s, even in the summer, the ice around the New Earth did not completely melt, and now, if you look at the space images, there is no ice, in the winter, the ice becomes off the coast very late. The main food bears just on the edge of the ice. Accordingly, bears, in the absence of food, are drawn to human housing, the smell of food," Musin told Interfax.
  At the same time, he called open dumps the second most important factor in the mass appearance of bears in the belushy Bay [Belushya Guba].
  "Landfills have existed since 1954. I have been on New Earth since 1983, but there have never been so many bears in the village. Of course, one or two bears come in, it happens. Yes, the military used to treat the environment in a boorish way, but today the situation is changing - programs for cleaning the Arctic, territorial schemes for waste management are being adopted. By 2020, we plan to completely eliminate all landfills and build a waste incineration plant, " Musin added.
  According to him, currently there are from 5 to 10 bears in the village.
  Despite it, activity of the enterprises and organizations is not broken, all continue to operate normally, having strengthened precautionary measures and protection. Besides, the ban on an alone exit from rooms acts - it is a common practice at the Arctic enterprises which are in a zone of an area of predators.
  As reported, Rosprirodnadzor has formed a working group on emergency situations with polar bears on Novaya Zemlya, it should assess the situation on the spot and develop measures to prevent attacks.
  The emergency regime was announced by local authorities on February 9. ...
  There are from six to ten polar bears permanently on the territory of the settlement," the press service of the government of the Arkhangelsk region quotes the report of the Deputy head of the administration of Novaya Zemlya Alexander Minaev ... " []
  3. Who solves the problem.
  AO " NTV TV Company",
  11.02.2009, 17: 52
  The invasion of polar bears in the New Land: environmentalists asked for help from the military
  Rosprirodnadzor has created a working group on emergency situations with polar bears on Novaya Zemlya. In addition, environmentalists appealed to the defense Ministry and the regional authorities with a proposal to remove the archipelago landfill.
  In addition to the employees of Rosprirodnadzor, the task force, which will deal with the problem of the invasion of predators on the archipelago, includes scientists, experts on the polar bear, as well as an expert who will assess the state of the landfill, attracting wild animals.
  Members of the task force will assess the situation on the ground. They have to count all the bears and assess the degree of their aggression. The Ministry also noted that it's possible to tackle the situation you need help of the military.
  From the message of the Ministry: "now Rosprirodnadzor appealed to the government of the Arkhangelsk region, the head of the municipality of the city district of Novaya Zemlya, the Ministry of defense of Russia on the elimination of landfills in the near future."
  The world wildlife Fund also believes that first of all on the New Earth it is necessary to eliminate the landfill with food waste, as it attracts animals. "It is possible to make a new forage spot [a new fodder spot] at a considerable distance from the village, which will switch the attention of bears," WWF experts note.
  Ecologists emphasize that such a mass gathering of bears for the New Earth is a unique case.
  But it only confirms the trend: people and predators in the Arctic meet each other more often.
  Active melting of ice around the archipelago is the second reason why the clubfoot organized a mass campaign against people, RIA Novosti reports.
  Last week on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya due to the invasion of polar bears introduced emergency mode... "[]
  4. The offered ways of a solution.
  JSC Gazeta. Ru
  Invasion of polar bears: how to save the New Earth
  10.02.2009 | 15: 59
  The authorities decided to take out of the settlements of polar bears, which staged an invasion of the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya in the Arkhangelsk region, reports TASS.
  It is noted that the bears will be put to sleep and transported.
  "We are waiting for the arrival of the task force, which is appointed by Rosprirodnadzor. When the experts arrive, we will put to sleep and take bears on our equipment outside the settlements [men will lull and bring on our equipment bears out of borders of settlements], " - said the head of the administration of the New Land Zhigansha Musin.
  He noted that the shooting of animals will not be carried out.
  Previously, the emergency regime was introduced in the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya due to the atypical large concentrations of polar bears around the settlements. The region noted that since 1983 there has been no such massive invasion of polar bears."[]
  In WWF figured out how to stop the invasion of polar bears in the New Earth
  Konstantin Agapov
  February 11, 21: 15
  Environmental experts say that the mass shooting of predators is excluded, as they are included in the Red book.
  Experts of the world wildlife Fund have proposed several ways to solve the problem of the invasion of polar bears in the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya. This is stated on the website of the organization.
  - First of all it is necessary to liquidate a dump with food waste as it attracts animals, - it is told in the message.
  Experts also note that it is necessary to create a forage point [a fodder point] outside the city to distract predators.
  In the future, you want to create a bear patrol, whose task - to prevent accidents in which not only residents of the city can suffer, but also the animals themselves.
  ... In the future, the village should be equipped with a system of engineering barriers, video surveillance and operational alerts.
  Recall, on the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya was introduced emergency mode due to the large cluster of bears around the settlements. Predators attacked the residents, as well as into residential and office space."
  5. Groups of news.
  On FEBRUARY 9 2019na to New Earth introduced the emergency regime because of invasion of polar bears
  On FEBRUARY 9, 2019 Nikolay Drozdov urged inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya to frighten off bears shots
  FEBRUARY 10, 2019 To lull and deport: on New Earth prepare a round-up of polar bears
  FEBRUARY 10, 2019 Hordes of polar bears attacked houses of inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya: video
  On FEBRUARY 11, 2019 the Authorities of Novaya Zemlya stated the reason for invasion of polar bears" [to https://www.ntv. ru/novosti/2152761/]
  On February 11 13:47
  Rosprirodnadzor will check the dump which attracted polar bears on New Earth
  On February 11 13:14
  The problem of invasion of polar bears on settlements of the Russian North over the years will amplify
  On February 9 12:31
  On New Earth imposed state of emergency because of invasion of polar bears" []
  "RIA Novosti
  Ecologists told how to stop invasion of polar bears on New Earth
  Yesterday, 16:49
  Rosprirodnadzor asked to remove the dump attracting bears on New Earth
  Yesterday, 15:45
  On New Earth told how cope with invasion of polar bears
  Yesterday, 10:26
  "Owners of the archipelago": Russians photographed invasion of polar bears
  On February 10, 19:05
  The WWF stated the reason for invasion of bears on New Earth
  On February 10, 17:07
  On New Earth introduced the emergency regime because of invasion of polar bears
  On February 9, 15:36
  On the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya will build new temples and chapels
  On August 17, 2018, 19:08
  On New Earth the Patriarch Kirill urged to strengthen belief and patriotism
  On August 17, 2018, 17:36
  The Patriarch Kirill will for the first time visit Novaya Zemlya
  On August 16, 2018, 15:56
  Rosatom began engineering researches on the place of future port on New Earth
  On July 9, 2018, 17:46
  On the Northern Fleet the second part of an expedition to New Earth starts
  On July 3, 2018, 18:00
  More than hundred recruits arrived to the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya
  On January 27, 2018, 12:14
  In the Russian Arctic opened the new island
  On October 11, 2017, 13:07
  Hydrographers of the Northern Fleet opened the island near Novaya Zemlya
  On October 10, 2017, 11:05
  The Ministry of Defence group took off for the Arctic for cleaning of the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya
  On May 31, 2017, 06:05
  On New Earth and Franz Josef Land can begin to develop ecotourism
  On April 11, 2017, 14:58
  Scientists: traces of nuclear explosions on New Earth continue to poison the Arctic
  On November 14, 2016, 13:38
  Hydrographers confirmed opening of two islands near Novaya Zemlya
  On October 13, 2016, 09:52
  Hydrographers explore the sites of Novaya Zemlya which are earlier hidden under glaciers
  On September 16, 2015, 09:12" []
  February 12, 2019 03:52
  Translation from Russian into English: February 12, 2019 12:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям 12 февраля 2019 г.".
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