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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 20, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 20, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on February 20, 2019
  1. Characteristic of a situation.
  15:27, on February 20, 2019
  The WWF complained of the military interfering a solution with polar bears on New Earth
  Moscow. February 20. INTERFAX.RU - Ecologists of the world wildlife Fund (WWF) could [had the possibilities to] prevent the invasion of polar bears in the village on Novaya Zemlya (Arkhangelsk region), said the Communicator of the Arctic projects WWF Dmitry Ryabov.
  "Novaya Zemlya is the territory of military, the landfill and the village Of Belushya Guba - closed, it is very difficult to get there. The World Wildlife Fund in connection with this problem (meetings with polar bears in the Arctic settlement - IF) repeatedly tried to get there, offered the help, assistance, some expert consultations. But, unfortunately, military do not grant permission for visit of the territory", - Ryabov on air of the Murmansk radio station "Big Radio" told.
  According to the project coordinator on preservation of a biodiversity of Barents-office [the Barents division] of WWF Margarita Leskova, it was possible [there were the possibilities to] prevent invasion of polar bears ...
  Environmentalists note that the available food, which the bear finds in the landfill, can discourage him for several hours to produce their own food and somewhere to look for a seal along the ice edge, when the dining room next to the village under the open sky... " []
  CHANNEL ONE 19:45 Wednesday, February 20, 2019
  On February 12, 2019, 18:22
  On New Earth wait for experts who will help to cope with invasion of polar bears
  ... About it and in the western press wrote: like, in Russia "the streets are walked by bears". Bears are walking. But it happens in the Arctic, where they have always lived. Another thing is that so in large quantities bears did not get closer to people.
  Experts reflect why bears came to people. Perhaps, they grew lazy and do not want to hunt or something happened to seals?
  "Maybe, nothing happened to seals. The matter is that it gets them from ice [using an ice]. It cannot catch them in the sea as a shark, a killer whale and other. Ice is necessary to it that it is normal to catch them" - the project coordinator on preservation of a biodiversity of the Arctic of the World Wide Fund for Nature Mikhail Stishov told.
  And with ice there are the problems-global warming makes itself felt. Frosts begin later, and polar bears should roam by land. Seals with walruses too not fools - they close do not approach. As a result, the owner of the Arctic remains landfills... A bear, as a rule, does not eat alone.
  Kirill Braynin (Кирилл Брайнин)" []
  2. Additional information.
  The rodent from Australia fell the first official victim of climate change
  Yesterday, 17:23
  MOSCOW, 19 Feb - RIA Novosti. The Australian reef rat living on the sandy island in a northern part of the Great Barrier Reef was officially brought in number of the died-out animals.
  It made her the first mammal who disappeared because of global warming reports the Internet portal
  Growth of temperatures, sea level rise and other processes will force many animals and plants to become peculiar "climatic refugees" - to the north or to mountains, to colder and stable regions.
  Representatives of flora and fauna which will have no such opportunity will just disappear from the face of the earth or will survive only in specialized nurseries where they will be transported by the person.
  As scientists assume, the climate and human activity in the next centuries can destroy over three hundred species of mammals and birds ...
  The first victim, according to the website of the Ministry of ecology and energy of Australia, was a rare rodent - reef mosaic-tailed rat (Melomys rubicola), who lived on a small sandy island off the Northern coast of Australia.
  This animal was discovered in 1845 by British travellers from the ship HMS Bramble which landed on a sandy shallow near the Great Barrier Reef, northern Australia and the southern part of New Guinea. Filling up water supplies and provisions, seamen noticed unusually large rat with a fancy humpbacked nose and reddish wool.
  Ecologists paid attention to these rats only at the end of the last century when noticed that their population sharply decreased. In the early eighties on the island of Brambl-Key several hundreds of rats lived, but their number fell in the 1990th up to 90 individuals, and in the middle of last decade - to dozen.
  Last time, as notes the website of the ministry, rats were seen by fishermen in 2009 then neither ecologists, nor locals managed to find their traces. Therefore, on February 18, officials officially transferred the reef mosaic-tailed rat from among the species threatened with extinction to the category of extinct.
  Why disappearance of these rats became a big event? The matter is that ecologists from the University of Queensland showed two years ago that disappearance of Melomys rubicola was connected with global warming and sea level rise.
  The become frequent storms and high water level as then scientists assumed, left in the Torresovy passage on the island of Brambl-Key less and less the place for rats, and finally it ruined rodents ..." []
  16:32, on February 20, 2019
  Scientists have called the first species that disappeared due to climate change
  ... Increase in global sea level became the reason of disappearance of this species of rats. As a result the area of the island suitable for their dwelling, in 10 years was reduced by 97% - writes online edition "Meduza" ..." []
  The comment.
  The message from Australia completely new highlights the situation in which there are both humanity and polar bears.
  The ideas based on representation that polar bears can independently find to themselves livelihood (a food) become outdated. They (such ideas) either turn out to be true only partially, or they cease to be true.
  Perhaps, the moment came for
  (1) the emergency formation of infrastructure on preservation of the (starving) polar bears,
  (2) creations of new algorithms of behavior of a human for preservation of polar bears,
  (3) significant change of representations as about prospects of the Arctic and subarctic territories, and about the fate of the animals living in these territories.
  Otherwise that human community which controls the respective territories will fall into a state of the heroes of the despotic Nicholas I' regime (the heroes, who were moving along the trajectory 1853 - 1905 - 1914 - 1917):
  "Печально я гляжу на наше поколенье!
  Его грядущее - иль пусто, иль темно,
  Меж тем, под бременем познанья и сомненья,
   В бездействии состарится оно.
  "Sadly I look at our generation!
  Its future - or is empty, or is dark,
  Meanwhile, under a burden of knowledge and a doubt,
   In inaction it will grow old.
   К добру и злу постыдно равнодушны,
  В начале поприща мы вянем без борьбы;
  Перед опасностью позорно малодушны
  И перед властию - презренные рабы.
   Are shamefully indifferent to the good and evil,
  At the beginning of an enterprise we fade without efforts;
  Before danger are shamefully cowardly
  And before the power - contemptible slaves.
  Мы иссушили ум наукою бесплодной,
  Тая завистливо от ближних и друзей
  Надежды лучшие и голос благородный
   Неверием осмеянных страстей.
  We dried up mind with science fruitless,
  Enviously concealing from neighbors and friends
  Hopes the best and voice noble
  of passions, which were later discredited with a disbelief.
  И прах наш, с строгостью судьи и гражданина,
  Потомок оскорбит презрительным стихом,
  Насмешкой горькою обманутого сына
   Над промотавшимся отцом.
  And our ashes, with severity of the judge and citizen,
  The descendant will offend by the contemptuous verse,
  With sneer bitter of the deceived son
   Over the father, who lost a property.
  М.Ю. Лермонтов. Дума. 1838."
  M.Yu. Lermontov. Duma [Reflections] [An observation]. 1838."
  February 20, 2019 20:16
  Translation from Russian into English: February 21, 2019 05:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям 20 февраля 2019 г.".
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