Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about the historian - mass media master Peter Dolgorukov

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    The Story about the historian - mass media master Peter Dolgorukov

  The Story about the historian - mass media master Peter Dolgorukov
  Prince Peter Vladimirovich Dolgorukov was filled with a strange feelings. Recently he was on the life roadside and in a impasse of a life. The "Wolf passport" received upon completion of the Page Corps (Corps des Pages), created for him a hopeless life position.
  The events surrounding Pushkin gave Peter Dolgorukov new and unique position. Dolgorukov wanted, or not wanted, but he was thinking about the works of Alexander Pushkin, about all of Russian history.
  On that was aiming, if to ponder, Alexander Pushkin, creating "Boris Godunov"? He thought about the process of emergence and disappearance of reigning dynasties? And why to draw excessively close attention to such question? Especially in the light of rather recent events on December 14, 1825?
  Pushkin, the representative of the well-born nobility, did by the "Boris Godunov" a hint on potential temporariness of a separate reigning dynasty and on relative eternity of the well-born nobility.
  To the Rurikovich Dolgorukov [Rurikovich - Rurik's descendant, Rurikid] such direction of thoughts to some extent was pleasant. Eventually, Rurik's descendants "possess the rights" on the Supreme state power.
  Peter Vladimirovich felt the enormous potential of the intrigue begun against Pushkin. Of course, the role is played by d'Anthes. But the role of Nikolay Pavlovich Romanov who has begun to show interest in Natalia Nikolayevna was much more important.
  What will be done by Pushkin, having gained the so-called "The Diploma of the cuckold"? By preparation of "Diploma" its performers have the known freedom of hands as the Supreme heads of an intrigue will try to keep at a known distance from the process. If "Diploma" will show a hint to the regal trace, then Pushkin's attention will be directed to the person of sovereign.
  The events connected with the birth and reign of the Emperor Paul I were rather recent history. Why not to write to Pushkin something is more relevant than "Boris Godunov"? Why to his creative attention not to move along a chronological scale closer to the present? At him, Pushkin, literary talent, "new works" could look both is thin, and is tactful, and is strong.
  The foresight of a "big relevance" of Pushkin's creativity had a bases.
  Time will pass, and Pavel E. Shchegolev will write: "the trace of Pushkin's reaction to rapprochement of a name of his wife with the Tsar remained. In the academic edition of "the correspondence of Pushkin" under No. 1091 printed the pasquil [lampoon, libel], which Pushkin received 4 November 1836, and after pasquil under No. 1092 is Pushkin's letter [dated 6 November 1836] directed to the Minister of Finance count Cancrine... ... All these days Pushkin was in search of the compiler of pasquil, was in excitement, and he immediately found time to write to the Minister of Finance... And here Pushkin wrote Cancrine that he, Pushkin, "willing to pay debt in full and immediately," and asks Cancrin to accept in payment (of his debt) Seltso Kistenevo, the settlement, bequeathed to him by his father, with 220 souls (serfs). He adds one more to this request: "I Dare to trouble Your Excellency with another, important for me request. Since this matter is very insignificant and can enter into the circle of ordinary action, then I convincingly ask Your Excellency not to bring it to the attention of the Emperor, who, probably, in his generosity, not will agree with such a payment (although such a payment is not painful to me, at all), and may instruct to forgive me my debt. Such decision would put me in a very difficult and heavy situation: for I in this case would be forced to abandon the Royal mercy. Such an abandonment may seem an indecent, an in vain bragging and even an ingratitude".
  In fact, Pushkin had no way to pay the debt, using this estate, because he has refused the paltry income of the serfs estates and gave them to my sister and brother. How much work was put by [Vasily] Zhukovsky to establish Pushkin's relations with the court, with the tzar, and all of a sudden... "I wish to pay debts in full and immediately... I do not want the tzar to know about it, I am afraid that if the tzar will order to forgive my debt, then I will get into a very difficult and heavy situation." Clearly, something happened, - some an events, that stirred up Pushkin's soul, filled his soul with despair. Away from the tzar, from his favors, from his money! It is impossible not to link this letter to Cancrin with pasquil, well, and if to see this link, then it is possible to repeat reasonably once again that Pushkin understood the hint of the "Diploma" - " the cuckold according the regal track ".
  "Let's return to the lampoon. The above data is entirely sufficient in order to be able to defend the above suggested interpretation of the lampoon: a lampoon compiler could mark Nicholas, and Pushkin was able to take a hint... torn scraps of letters to Heeckeren show the phrase that contains both the response to the insult libel, the phrase, incomprehensible to us as a whole due to the lack of a few scraps... "The duel is not enough for me... avenged enough... letter... the trace of this vile case, which is easy for me to write a Chapter of my history of cuckolds..."'Pushkin raised an abandoned glove: Yes, he will be a historiographer of the order of the cuckolds!""
  IT WILL BE EASY FOR ME TO WRITE UP! Not a bad prospect!
  'И мысли в голове волнуются в отваге,
  И рифмы легкие навстречу им бегут,
  И пальцы просятся к перу, перо к бумаге,
  Минута - и стихи свободно потекут'.
  "And thoughts in the head are full of energy and courage,
  And rhymes lungs towards to them are hurry,
  And fingers ask a feather, a feather asks a paper sheet,
  Minute - and verses will freely begin to shine".
  Yesterday - the intention, today - a creative result.
  "Avenged enough"?
  "We will remember Pushkin's words he told in salon of the princess Vera Vyazemskaya: "I know the author of anonymous letters, and in a week you will hear as will speak about revenge, unique; she will be full, perfect"".
  However, Vasily Zhukovsky (or someone else) intervened in a situation.
  In the camer-fourier's (Kammerfurier's) log the following record has been made on November 23, 1836: "10 minutes of the 2nd hour one in sledge his majesty walked across the city and has come back at 3 o'clock to the palace. Upon return of his majesty accepted the general Benkendorf and the Gentleman of the Chamber Pushkin ".
  "So, there was the tsar's reception, there was Pushkin's conversation with the tsar, most likely, confidentially, a not together with Benkendorf; as a result of this conversation Pushkin didn't begin to send to Heeckeren the prepared letter and has made a promise not to provoke a duel... Notes of Zhukovsky convince us that this tsar's reception was keeping as the top secret... Zhukovsky ... hasn't entrusted the mystery of an appointment to a paper. Not surprisingly therefore that this tsar's reception (meeting Pushkin with tsar) is mentioned by none of contemporaries. They know that Pushkin has once pledged to the tsar the word (for the broken word Pushkin before death apologized at the tsar), but don't know under what circumstances this word has been pledged... (...) Having taken the floor from Pushkin, Nicolas, obviously, in turn, has made to the poet some promises or assurances. Perhaps, to take in hand the impudent kavalergard, maybe, to find proofs against the originator of a lampoon, maybe, to demonstrate a displeasure to the diplomat. Zhukovsky made in January, 1837 the entry about events. At this time it was already clear that the tsar hasn't kept the promise".
  A possible plan of the inventors of the pasquil about the "correct" orientation of creativity of Pushkin has failed as a result of the "agreement" Pushkin with the tsar.
  How organic for the Pushkin's identity would be motivation of his creativity by the "fight" against Nikolay Pavlovich Romanov? He would consider such the fight as the "correct" direction of the own creativity?
  How could Pushkin practically act in the conditions of the Nicolas I's regime?
  A certain risk of an occurrence of a "counter-pasquil" (of an 'anti-libel', of a 'anti-lampoon') existed.
  A "counter-pasquil" could be recognized as an unique revenge; a revenge a full, a perfect?
  The intrigue with the pasquil did not lead to the publication of new works by A. S. Pushkin devoted to the "peculiarities" of Russian history ("counter-pasquil").
  In November, 1836, there is the desire of "interested persons" "to appease" Pushkin.
  The wedding of Katerina Goncharova (Yekaterina Goncharova) (Natalia Pushkina's sister) and Georges d'Anthes took place on January 10, 1837.
  However, by January 25, 1837 situation looks different. At Pushkin's opponents the "energy inflow" is felt.
  "The Diploma of the cuckold", pasquil, gradually remains in the past. A potential "counter-pasquil" also remains in the past.
  In some sence, the "cards" of fate were "renewed".
  The Georges d'Anthes' activity came out at the first place.
  With the shift of emphasis from the "Regal line" on the activity of d'Anthes cease to be effective attempts of the "pacification" of Pushkin.
  The words of d'Anthes words have been transferred by Vladimir Sollogub: "he said he feels that would kill Pushkin, and after that event they can punish him as they want: to direct him to the Caucasus, in the fortress - anywhere."
  If to continue the corresponding logic of reasonings, then to permissibly to believe that literary activity of Pushkin worried "interested persons" much more, than use of weapon by him during the duel.
  "... In the history of the duel there are nevertheless "dark" places which may have a various interpretations: ... what has forced Natalia Nikolaevna to cross a threshold of the apartment of Idalia Poletika and when it was happened, ... what was the direct cause of a duel - barracks puns of d'Anthes or new anonymous letters about which it is told in the documents of the military court ... This Monday, January 25, Pushkin has written to Heeckeren the insulting letter, which made the duel an inevitable".
  "At the ball of Vorontsov where, speak, Heeckeren [Georges d'Anthes] has been strongly interested in madame Pushkin, has still increased his [Alexander Pushkin] irritation. The wife has transferred him the Heeckeren's sharpness about which Pushkin hinted in the letter to Heeckeren (father), concerning an army's style jokes. Both sisters had the common callosity operator, and Heeckeren has told Mrs. Pushkina, having met her at evening: "Je sais maintenant que votre cor est plus beau, que celui de ma femme" (The untranslatable word-play based on accord of words: "cor" - a callosity and "corps" - a body. Literally: "I know now that your callosity is more beautiful than callosity of my wife").
  The case has come to the end with the duel near the Chernaya River.
  But the potential of the historical researches and of the literary publications Peter Dolgorukov has felt and has understood.
  In 1839 Peter Dolgorukov was engaged in genealogy. According a document of office of the ministry of national education of April 28, 1839 he has been allowed in the (main) heraldic office of the ruling Senate and to survey of books of noble childbirth.
  "In Paris he printed in 1843 under a pseudonym of the count D'Almagro the small book of "Notice sur les familles de la Russie" and has laid the foundation for a numerous publications about the historical details very unpleasant both for the highest nobility and for the tsar. "This brochure - Ya.N. Tolstoy informed the III office - very inopportunely represents the Russian nobility in the most mean paints as a nest of kramolnik and murderers... This work is imbued with spirit of surprising shamelessness and dissoluteness... The author had an immodesty to say that he will ask y of the Russian government of the place corresponding to his mind and talents... He dreams no more, not less, to be the minister... Dolgorukov thinks that his book can serve as a scarecrow by means of which he will achieve all his aims".
  Have demanded from Dolgorukov an immediate homecoming. He has obeyed: on the way from Berlin he has written curious and not without cunning the letter to Nicolas I: Whether "it wasn't the crime was from side of the history, he writes, to indulge the claims of surnames, claims often ridiculous up to incredibility, or to cover with a veil of indifferent oblivion a memoirs of extortion and a robbery?.. But my highest merit before the valorous nobility to which first layer I have honor to belong according my birth - was the branding by a shame of the memory about the Kingslayers [killers of the tsar]!..". " His the justification not deprived of wit has exerted impact on Nicolas I, and Dolgorukov has got off with a short-term, one-year the exile to Vyatka".
  "Dolgorukov turned to researches in genealogy: after the "Russian genealogy collection", published in 1840-1841, he sat down for a huge " Russian genealogy book." Its four volumes appeared in the years 1855-1857. His work is recognized as outstanding in the field of genealogy and still has not lost its value... Finished four-volume work and languishing thirst for a glory, a fame, Dolgorukov in 1859 left without permission and passport the Russia and appeared abroad as a political emigrant and journalist. In April 1860, he published his pamphlet in French under the title 'La vérité sur la Russie' ('The truth on Russia'), and in September began editing the magazine 'Будущность' ("The Future"), filling it mainly with his articles. In 1862 after the termination of the "The Future" Dolgorukov began to publish the magazine 'Правдивый' (Le Véridique) ("Truthful"), first in Russian and then in French. In 1862-1864 he was publishing his third magazine "Листок" ("The Sheet of Paper"; option: 'The Leaf'). In all of these magazines attracted the attention not by the journalistic articles that showed the need for Russia is a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral system, but by a numerous biographical sketches of Ministers and dignitaries of the state, written with knowledge of the case, with the gall of irony and anger. The essays painted a picture of deep corruption and moral fall of the ruling strata of Russia... Of course, this activity of Dolgorukov caused the largest irritation and anger in the Russian governmental spheres".
  One of the directions of the mass-median historical creativity of Peter Dolgorukov was the challenging of the rights of the Romanov dynasty.
  Pavel Shchegolev treated Dolgorukov's activity, perhaps, with a some irony.
  The river, however, is formed from springs and inflows.
  Alexander Herzen felt, judging by his acts, the potential of activity of Peter Dolgorukov.
  It is possible to remember the record from the diary of the Emperor Nicholas II dated on March 2, 1917:
  'Нужно мое отречение. Рузский передал этот разговор в ставку, а Алексеев всем главнокомандующим. К 2,5 ч. пришли ответы от всех. Суть та, что во имя спасения России и удержания армии на фронте в спокойствии нужно решиться на этот шаг. Я согласился. Из ставки прислали проект манифеста. Вечером из Петрограда прибыли Гучков и Шульгин, с кот[орыми] я переговорил и передал им подписанный и переделанный манифест. В час ночи уехал из Пскова с тяжелым чувством пережитого. Кругом измена и трусость и обман!'
  "My abdication is necessary. Ruzsky transferred this conversation [to the Mogilev] to the Stavka [of the Supreme Commander] [Stavka - the official place of location of the Supreme Commander] [option: Stavka - the high command of the armed forces]. And Alekseev [Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander] to all commanders-in-chief [of the Fronts]. To 2:30 came the answers from all of them. The essence is that in the name of saving Russia and keeping the army at the front in a combat readiness I ought to make the decision to do this step. I agreed. From the Stavka have sent the draft of the manifesto. In the evening, Guchkov and Shulgin arrived from the Petrograd, and I spoke with them and handed them the signed and revised Manifesto. In the morning left Pskov with a heavy feeling. A treason and a cowardice and a deception are around!"
  On the one hand, this record confirms a potential temporariness of a separate reigning dynasty.
  On the other hand, it would be curious to learn Peter Dolgorukov's opinion: to what extent the exactly such succession of events corresponded to his intentions?
  September 1, 2018 06:10
  Translation from Russian into English: September 3, 2018, September 8, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о масс-медийном историке П.В. Долгорукове'.
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