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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 6, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 6, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the morning on February 6, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of the (former) natural dam on the Bureya River.
  On February 05, 12:04
  The second stage of clearing of a blockage on Bureya
  ... New strategy - explosions under water is developed.
  Alexey Franskevich is professor of department of engineering obstacles of General academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
  "we will try to lower the charges downstream elongated and try to blow them up, respectively, respectively explosion of a charge from a bottom this a proran and perhaps it will be more deep".
  On a plot of almost 200 meters Bureya gradually regains the water area itself-washing away the shore. Power flow total for the day was doubled and chipped rocks just blows downstream. This has helped to slightly slow the rate of fall of the water level in the bottom of the bowl where the water enters the hydroelectric station...
  ... Andrey Kozlov is the head of department of railway troops of the Eastern Military District
  "Solved here that existing proran which is available - to work with it. Because current speed [of the river] today rather big. Soils show that they at such speed of a current are washed away therefore it is not expedient to punch the second proran. Let's be will widen and to deepen what is".
  In the Ministry of Defence monitor performance of tasks online. A strategic task - to normalize the hydrological mode in the Bureya Reservoir. For this purpose it is necessary to deepen the restored course on 4 meters and to expand. Term - till February 18. It has to be enough that during a spring flood the next settlements were not flooded.
  Tatyana Shevchuk
  State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Far East"" (GTRK "Dalnevostochnaya") []
  2) The addition to data on dynamics of a situation on (former) natural dam, (former) spontaneous reservoir and adjacent territories.
  The punched hole of the channel in a landslide on Bureya allowed to reduce water level at Chekunda by 12 cm
  KHABAROVSK, 5 Feb - the PRIME. The admission of water via the channel which last week was punched by military in a landslide body on the Bureya River in Khabarovsk Krai allowed to reduce water level at the settlement of Chekunda by 12 centimeters, the head of Verkhnebureinsky district Alexey Maslov ... "reported to RIA Novosti ... On average it falls on 2 centimeters a day" ..." []
  3) From history
  "... Studying of the Albazinsky jail allowed to prolong history of Priamurye for 150 years, and now its counting is conducted not from the rafts, organized by count Muravyov-Amurskiy, and with Erofey Habarov's campaign to Amur in 1650...
  On August 27, 1689 in Nerchinsk the peace treaty defining borders of the Russian state and the empire of Qing and putting end under opposition of two powers in the 17th century was signed. Russians left Priamurye, but also Manchurians is oath these lands undertook not to occupy, having made of them a peculiar buffer zone between two states. Assessment of this contract both parties is ambiguous still... ...
  Russians left Albazin only in October, 1689 after signing of the Nerchinsk contract under the terms of which it was necessary to raze all strengthenings of a jail and to leave these fertile lands. But Russians left Amur not forever. After 170 years, in 1859, during one of the famous alloys of count Muravyov-Amursky, on the banks of the Amur river among the remaining traces of the earthworks albazinsky jail was held a solemn prayer and laid the Church in memory of the fallen defenders. At the same time there was founded Cossack stanitsa (village), which exists to this day."[]
  "Reference: Nikolay Muravyov-Amur the Governor general of Eastern Siberia promoted development and settling of present Far East territories. He directed a bookmark more than 30 settlements of Priamurye and Primorye, supported Gennady Nevelsky's researches. In days of its governorship the Aygunsky treatise according to which Amur to the mouth became border of Russia and China was signed." []
  "on September 13, 1849, having approached Ayan, the captain of the Baikal ship [Nevelskoy] saw on the bank of the person to whom he talked in St. Petersburg more than one and a half years ago [Nikolay Muravyov, the governor general of Eastern Siberia]. And here nerves of the captain, over a year which carried out in continuous swimming did not sustain - according to attestations of eyewitnesses, Nevelskoy grabbed a loud-hailer and shouted: "Sakhalin is an island! Amur is available for ships!..""[]
  "But with all the difficulties in 1857 along the Amur there was a chain of 17 Cossack villages. These settlements, or the "Amur line", as they were then officially called at the headquarters of Governor-General Muravyov, in the following year, 1858, became an important factor in the negotiations with representatives of Beijing on the new border. The Treaty, which officially returned the Amur region to Russia, was signed in may, and in December 1858 the Amur and Primorsky regions were established on these lands by a Royal decree.
  In only three weeks after emergence of new Far East regions according to Nikolay Muravyov's proposal the tsar founded for Amur and new Cossack Host [Cossack army]. The decree signed exactly 160 years ago - on January 10, 1859 on new style, begins with the words: "the Emperor, according to the submission of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, recognizing the need to ensure with the military population the Amur region, returned In Russia, commanded to form in the again founded Amur and Seaside areas the Cossack Host [Cossack army[, called the Amur Cossack Host... the Base population of the Amur Cossack troops must be the Cossacks, resettled from the TRANS-Baikal Host in the Amur Krai ...""
  By 1862 on recently almost deserted coast of Amur and Ussuri there were already 89 Cossack villages with the population about 17 thousand people." []
  Correspondent hour
  28 June 2003
  Ekaterina Murashova ...
  On the air of Blagoveshchensk, Anton Luzgin: ... for the First time in the last 10 years, a new hydropower facility will be launched. Hydroelectric power station in Bureya began to build in the 70-ies, but for a number of reasons, primarily political and economic, the project was frozen. And only in the late 90-ies of the RAO UES of truly Stakhanovite pace began to build a hydroelectric power station.
  For the Amur region, where the population is less than a million and where there are no large enterprises, there is no need for a second HPP.
  Bureya electricity is planned to be sold to neighboring regions and China. As stated by the leadership of RAO UES, the price of 60 kopeks per kilowatt of Chinese satisfied.
  The population of the Amur region pays for electricity almost twice as much, and with the introduction of the first unit of the Bureyskaya HPP, tariffs will inevitably grow, says the adviser on the economy of the regional Council of people's deputies Gennady Illarionov.
  "It turns out a paradoxical situation: as soon as the first hydroelectric unit of the Bureyskaya HPP is introduced, the tariff increases... Because the cost of electricity is invested in the costs incurred in the construction of the Bureyskaya HPP... Question any normal man in the street - and why would I need this HPP if, after its construction, the rates jumped, and significantly?..".
  According to experts, the Amur region suffered 10 billion rubles of losses during the construction of the Bureyskaya HPP. 740 square kilometers of land were flooded, more than two million cubic meters of wood were under water, huge damage was caused to forestry and fisheries in the South of the region... Today, the project of Bureyskaya HPP is approved by ecologists of the far Eastern branch in the research Institute of nature of the Academy of Sciences of Russia. And it is no coincidence, said the press Secretary of the Amur social and environmental Union Yuri Gafarov, as the research Institute of nature has been working with power engineers in recent years. The Amur ecologists were not admitted to the verification Commission. According to the Director of the state nature protection center Yury Sidorov, as a result of flooding of the huge territory there was an overlapping of migratory ways of animals, places of their dwelling went under water. The disappearance of the Fox, raccoon, muskrat and mink - this is the near future of the area.
  In the flooded zone of the Bureya hydroelectric power station was hit taiga settlement Chelagda. In the future, with the introduction of the second HPP unit, several more settlements will be under water.
  Provided to immigrants from places of flooding apartments in the regional center Novobureevsk, however tayezhnik turned out not delighted with change of places, they cannot find for themselves application in new conditions. About it I was told by the journalist of the Amurskaya Pravda newspaper Alexander Yaroshenko who repeatedly communicated with Chelagda's inhabitants, both to, and after moving:
  "This the big water, the big [state] power, money - it floods over the whole destinies, the whole lives human. What is Chelagda?... And here they are moved, with roots the tree is pulled out, and in the five-story man put in this one-room-two-room mink, and live you, a person ... He becomes an inveterate drunkard, today suicides much, became an inveterate drunkard much... They are special people with a special world. It was in the project, as an option, to build 20 kilometers away, about the same village, the same thing. They also would to live, there would be Chelagda-2 and all. It is the project, but our person is necessary to nobody ... ... There some pain, grief, houses destroyed, and people put the cross. You drive to the village - the nature astounding, hills such, such black cross costs, now filled in with water as the last bow to the Chelagda. There even Bureya, a river bend, and water as though brakes, slows down a current as though says goodbye to this earth, to these people forever".
  On June 30th launch of the first hydrounit of the Bureya hydroelectric power station will take place ... Allocated more than five million dollars for festive actions of RAO UES. In the future as it was conceived by power engineering specialists in Priamurye there will be the whole cascade of hydroelectric power station - four new stations. But who will buy the electric power? China powerfully develops the hydropower, Khabarovsk Krai is guided by the Sakhalin gas. According to economists, it is good if the Bureya hydroelectric power station pays for itself at least ...
  ... The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation entered PCE/PC corporation and some of its projects in the register of the foreign mass media declared "foreign agents". PCE/PC is not "agent" of any of the governments and considers this decision unfair and legally disputable. Details here." []
  ... The village of Chekunda arose on the place of one of ancient Evenki settlements.
  ... Chekunda acquires the special status from the beginning of activity of the gold mining mines of the Nimano-Bureinsky company in the 70th g of the 19th century...
  ... Chekunda endured several floods of Bureya during the history of existence. Summer of 1975 was a large flood because of which the village was relocated for 7 kilometers above on a current [of the river]..." []
  February 6, 2019 04:03
  Translation from Russian into English: February 6, 2019 05:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме утром 6 февраля 2019 г.".
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