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Armenians descendants of ten gone tribes of Israel

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    Armenians descendants of ten gone tribes of Israel

  Andrey Zelev. Armenians it is descendants of ten lost tribes of Israel. Armenians - descendants of ten gone tribes of Israel
  With definitive destruction in 719 BC the Israeli kingdom and with withdrawal in a captivity of a considerable part of its inhabitants to Assyria and partly in a Mussel, the separate clans making this kingdom, as though absolutely disappear from historical arena.
  Where ten tribes of Israel have disappeared?
  Jews have withdrawn in mountains - there "where on them the cloud has gone down and has covered them" - "behind dark mountains".
  Known Jew-traveller Eldad ha-Dani, speaks about a knee Issaharovom, "wandering on mountains, on seacoast, in the end of the mido-Persian earth". He has visited also a knee of Reubenovo and Zebulonovo on a grief "Pariap".
  From this it is possible to draw a conclusion that Jews have overcome on the north or the east of Assyrian power, in a hilly terrain.
  Such district within Assyria can be or the Mussel, or Urartu.
  They have lodged in Urartu, in an ancestral home of Armenia.
  Phoenicians remembered the origin and descendants seen in a captivity together in Jews.
  Both those and others are mentioned by medieval Armenian historians.
  Let's begin with that Armenians consider as the legendary ancestor Hajka, the Babylon grandee who has risen against the Babylon tsar It is white. Hajk has gone with the son Aramenaikom and with 300 people on the north.. The Jewish name of son Armenaika - Kadmos ("East") is characteristic also.
  Hence, Armenians consider that have occurred from Babylon.
  From this it is clear that certain Semites left of Babylonia in Urartu were ancestors of Armenians.
  These Semites could be whom?
  It is difficult to believe that " Babylons" have separated from Babylons, and from itself ran on the north.
  It is obvious that ancestors of Armenians were though and from among inhabitants of Babylon, but not Babylons, and captured Jews and Phoenicians.
  The Georgian author Leontii Mroveli in "Kartli tsars" also tells Lives about an origin of Armenians from Babylon.
  In Talmude Samuil includes district Mesheh in Midias cities where Assyrian tsar Salmanassar has moved the Israeli captives.
  Mesheh is Muski in Small Armenia.
  Hence, Jews have withdrawn to Armenia.
  Ара - the name of that district where have been taken away by Assyrian tsars, the tribe of Ruvima, Gada and half of tribe of Manassii - is very similar to the name Ararat.
  In the Oral Torah it is told that the Babylon tsar Navuhodonosor right after destructions of I Temple (V century BC) has driven a part of Jews to Armenia.
  Movses Horenatsi (as well as other Armenian authors) writes that the sort of tsars of Armenia occurs from one captured Jew - Shmbata Bagratuni.
  It is impossible for itself even to present presently that the Jew became the president of Armenia.
  But it is characteristic that, speaking about it, the Armenian authors of the Middle Ages do not express what anxiety or indignation about it.
  Obviously, Jewish origin there were all people that is why was not that the unusual tsar in the Jewish origin.
  Under annalistic legends, feudal childbirth of Amatuni and Mamikonjan also were the Jewish origin.
  Movses Horenatsi writes that Vagarshapat - the capital of Armenia, has developed of the Jewish colony based here at Tigrane VI (150-188).
  He informs about two cases of capture of Jews at Tigrane the Average: earlier, made by him when immigrants have been placed in Armavir and Valarshapate, and more later, made at it by Barzapranom Rshtuni which has placed captured in the City to Shamirs.
  According to Mar-Abbas-Katiny, the author of history of Armenia which fragments are resulted at same Movsesa Horenatsi, the Armenian tsar Haracheaj (Gajk II), contemporary Navuhodonosora, has elicited one of notable Jewish captives by name of Shambat (Smbt) and took it from last to Armenia.
  Cities of Armenia and Caucasus were, according to historians of V century, are occupied by Jews.
  In the Talmud rabbi Jacob Armjanin also is mentioned. Besides, the school of studying of a Torah in Nizbise is mentioned also.
  In II century the Jewish captives were brought from Armenia in Antiohiju and there were redeemed by local Jews (Ieb., 45а).
  In 360 according to Faust Vizantijskogo, Persians during invasion of Persian tsar Sapora have withdrawn from the Armenian cities of Artashata, Kruandashata, Zeragavana, Zarishata and Vana of 75 000 Jewish families, descendants of those Jews which were resulted captives from "Palestin" by tsar Tigran Arshakuna together with high priest Girkanom. Jews made the majority among exiles of three cities: Ервандашата, Vana and Nakhichevan.
  Medieval Jewish authors also mention Jews in Armenia.
  In territory of Armenia find ancient Jewish cemeteries.
  Veniamin Tudelsky (XII century) says that jurisdiction of the head of Jews extended, by the way, and on Jews "all Armenia and the country of the Cat, near mountain Ararat, in the country Alanii".
  Besides time Avraam's certificate ibn-Dauda concerns that the Jewish settlements are stretched to caucasus.
  The Jew the official on service кордовского emir Hisdaj ibn-Shaprut wished to send the well-known letter of Iosefu, to the tsar khazars, through Armenia from what it is clear that in it there was a Jewish community.
  Petahia Regensburgsky (XII century) informs that "in the earth Araratsky cities, but in them it is not enough Jews. Before, in olden time, them there was much; but they exterminated each other, and have then dissipated and have dispersed on cities of Babylonia, the Mussel, Persia and the earth the Large sum". He assures also that during stay in Bagdad saw "the eyes" messengers of tsars of "earth Mesheh" and these messengers have told that "there were Jews tsars Mesheha and their all earth" and that among inhabitants of Mesheha there are the teachers training "them and children to their Torah and the Talmud Jerusalem". (About the country Mesheh it was told above).
  Kingdom of legendary Christian emperor John Prestera which whether operated the Jewish earth, whether adjoined to it, sometimes place near to Armenia. The Ethiopian work on stories Kebra Negast, dated XIV century, asserts that Ethiopia will help "Rome" (Byzantium) with liquidation of the rebellious Jewish country in Armenia.
  Armenia occupies a foreground in medieval and later legends about existence of legendary settlements "free Jews".
  In 1646 Don-Juan Meneles has offered Turkey in citizenship "Armenia occupied by Jews".
  ZOKS (ZOK) - group of Armenians of the Jewish origin traditionally living prior to the beginning 90th years of XX century in territory of Arakssky area in district Gohtn. There are steady representations zoks and other Armenian population about their Jewish origin. Zoks identify itself with the Armenian ethnos, but among other Armenian population it is considered to be them "the Armenian Jews".
  The Talmud (Iebam., 45а) informs that captured Jews have been translated in Tiveriadu from "Armona", that is Armenia.
  Tsar Tigran I (II century BC) has invited additional number of Jews, having taken away for their moving mountain areas of a kingdom.
  According to annals about a gain of Armenia Persians, in IV century AD in many Armenian cities Jews made 30-70 % from all their population!
  Telling about invasion of Persians to Armenia, Movses Horenatsi writes about the order of the Persian shah "to withdraw in a captivity of Jews, what have been resulted (to Armenia) in days by Tigrana and lived in Vane, remaining at the belief. Have withdrawn in a captivity also those JEWS living in Artashate and Valarshapate WHO In DAYS SACRED GRIGORA And TRDTA HAVE believed In the CHRIST".
  From here it is visible that Jews of Armenia have accepted Christianity.
  In "the Jewish encyclopaedia" it is written: "Some scientific Armenians confirm, what exactly their people occur from 10 tribes of Israel, and specify in some customs observed by Armenians at резке of cattle and concerning kinds of animals, used by them in food". In article about Turkey in the same place it is told: "In the east of Turkey, in province Van and Mosul, live Jews who consider itself as lineal descendants of captives in Assyria and withdrawn of Palestin the Armenian tsar Tigranom III. The last differ nothing From natives, except long ringlets over temples. From 5000 Jews of the Vansky province only 360 persons remained are true to Jewry, the others have accepted belief of Armenians".
  To one of researchers of the Jewish-Armenian question, Gagiku Sarkisyan, academician Joseph Orbeli has told that else in beginning ХХ century peasants from the villages surrounding with Van, saw in townsmen of the Jews moved to Armenia by Tigranom Great. There is an opinion that Vans - descendants of Jews. In general the name - Van reminds the Jewish name of Baana (Vaana, Vaan).
  In Armenia and in Turkey there is a religious-breeding group - PAKARADONCS. They Christians, but do not enter marriages with other Armenians, do not eat pork, observe Shabbat. There is a legend that they are descendants of the Babylon Jews moved to Caucasus at the time of II Temple.
  The former president of Israel Itshak Ben-Tsvi described a strange occurence which has occurred to its friend Haimom Grinberg. After revolution Grinberg lived in Kiev and studied at university. Once the Armenian professor Egiazarov has called him to itself on a visit and has stunned with the following statement: "you, of course, studied a Hebrew. And so, if to reject the termination, my surname sounds so: Ehiezer! In our family there is a legend that we are descendants of Jews. Therefore there is a tradition to give to children the Jewish names and with warmth to concern these people..."
  Among Jews allocate the Armenian anthropological type.
  Antioch Great has moved set of Jews in Apameju, not Syrian, but located in "Frigijsky area" ("Antiquities", XII, 3, ј 4). According to "Jewish Sivillinym to books" (I, 261), the mountain Ararat on which Noev an ark has stopped, was in Phrygia, - hence the Syrian tsar moved Jews to Armenia.
  According to a legend in Armenia there lives the Eternal Jew - the witness of a martyrdom of Jesus Christ.
  From ancient Armenian historian Egishe we learn that to Christianity Armenians celebrated Saturday, and in the original the word-combination "a meeting of Saturday" is reflected in ancient Armenian language by a word "sаbатhамут", that is the beginning sаbат (Saturdays) in evening of Friday.
  Movses Horenatsi too writes that to the "Armenian" tsars (actually Arsakidy - Iranians) costed big efforts to incline the Jews withdrawn in a captivity to idolatry, and that many of Jews "have paid with a life for honouring of God".
  It is known that Jews of Armenia also the Byzantian emperor of the Armenian origin violently christened Mauritius (582-602).
   In a number of sources Armenia is called as Amalek. The Same term for their designation used in Byzantium. Joseph Flavy wrote that Amalek has been won by a knee of Veniaminovym in reign of Saula and that descendants of this tribe have begun the Judaism in Armenia.
  The same Joseph Flavy writes that Jews of Judea have been taken prisoner by the Armenian tsar Artavazdom II and sent in area Vana. But still by his father Tigranom II set of handicraftsmen-Jews have been moved from cities of Asia Minor.
  Directly connected Armenians with Jews of Movses Kagankatvatsi - "And still, in readings, about a bottom of David and Iakova it is said that in some other cities Christmas of the Christ celebrate on December, 25th. In those cities it explain that they have addressed in Christianity from pagans, instead of from cut off [Jews]. In days of paganism they had a usage sunrise to celebrate that day and consequently they have not wanted to refuse this holiday. Therefore and apostles have been compelled to agree with them and to appoint it a Christmas this day. And THOSE WHO HAS addressed In CHRISTIANITY FROM AMONG CUT off, everywhere celebrate [Christmas] on January, 6th, as has been transferred our ancestors SO we And MARK TO THIS DAY for as speaks [Исайя]," from Zion there is a law, and a word of Gospodne - Jerusalem "(Isajja, 2, 3)".
  That is, Movses Kalankatvatsi directly wrote that ancestors of Armenians were cut off - Jews that confirms words of Egishe, about celebrated once ancestors of Armenians to Saturday.
  Besides to a conclusion, as I - that is that Armenians - descendants of Jews of Urarty which have mixed up with inhabitants, - have come many historians, for example the Turkish historian Jew Avraam Galanti (1873-1961). So it found traces of stay of the Jewish population in Asia Minor in area from Cappadocia to Cilicia: Egine (Kemalia), Darende, Divrike and Arapkire. The name of the ancient city of Egin (Agin) on-armjanski "sight" or "source". It is similar to a word ayin in a transcription from a Hebrew. Further Galanti has come to a conclusion that else in the beginning of XX century in Egine there was the iudeo-Armenian religious community calling of Pakradunis, differing from other Armenian communities norms of an internal life and some traditions. The skull and other features of appearance approached them to the Jewish type. Observance of seven-day mourning - widespread Jewish tradition. Are close Jewish and other customs. Inhabitants of the named cities do not eat pork, observe some laws of Saturday, use the wine made only by members of a community. At them intracommunal marriages prevail. Galanti considered that the surnames of type of Israeljan extended at Armenians confirms its version.
  Many mark surprising similarity of Armenians and Jews - their business qualities, talents in medicine, astronomies, sense of humour.
  In general the history of Jews of dispersion and the Jewish states is very similar to history of Armenians, Armenia and the Armenian diaspora.
  All it, from my point of view, proves relationship of Armenians and Jews. Obviously, ten disappeared tribes of Israel (more precisely, ten captivated tribes of Israel have mixed up with Armenians) were gone in Armenia.
  Andrey Zelev (Андрей Зелев)
  This text is a summary of the Russian text http://www.proza.ru/2008/06/04/7
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