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Narco-path: direction to China

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The 26th of June - The World Day of Combating Against Drugs.

Narco-path: direction to China.

   After one and half century our "Great neighbor"- China- again faces the danger of "Opium war".
   Historical reference: in the middle of last century the "Heaven's Land" was flowed over the tons of cheap opium, rushed from the enthralled by the Great Britain India. China rose against... and have got the series of aggressions, called in the historical literature "Opium war".
   ...This time the danger is coming not from the side of friendly India. The new channel of narco-traffic appeared in Pamir, on the junction of Tadjik, China and Afghan borders, very close to the Kyrghyz territory. Already today this place became the point of very active barter- afghan opium and heroin for food and initial goods. The number of arrests of tadjik narco-couriers, made by the China border troops this year on the China territory, brought the "harvest" more than 50kg of opium!
   Historical reference: the same kind of narco-trading started on the Afghan-Tadjik border in 1991 and already in 1993 leaded to the real "opium war" in the Central Asian Region. This war is going on now and nobody can foreseen the time it will come to the end. The main role in this war already belongs not to the wet opium, but to heroin.
   That time, five years ago, Kyrgyzstan became the first country to sound the alarm. The reason was very serious. During nearly twenty years, since that time "the red Issik-Kul poppy" finished it's blossoming, no more then 20-25kg of opium were seized, but 153kg only during 1993. But the world society did not respond to call of Kyrghyz Government and anti-drug authorities. The consequences are well-known- the flow of afghan drugs passed "the Osh corridor", overwhelmed Asia, found thousands victims in Russia and Baltic Countries and "jumped" to Europe.
   In case, China will be drawn into the afghan narco-traffic, one can not help to forecast the possible consequences.
   First, according to the information, provided by China security service, the Central Asian organized crime gropes are in the process of the very active fusion with China narco-Mafia. Their common aim- West Europe and USA. The shortest way to reach it for narco-cartels- the international Kara-Korum highway.
   The real river of chemical pre-coursors will meet the flow of drugs halfway, the delivering of "hard hashish" made in Sin-Czian-Uighur Autonomic Region will become common and uneventful (during the few last years only in Kyrgyzstan 44kg of this narcotic were seized).
   Second, the waive of coming narco-dollars always and everywhere provoke the huge explosion of corruption. The foundations and prestige of China were from time to time rocked by the corrupted authorities, but now the real "Niagara" of bribery is threatening to overflow it's custom's officials.
   And, finally, the third. The real possibility for Afghan Modjaheddins and Uighur Separatists to find in the nearest future the common language on the base of the arms-trading and fundamentalism. Some traces of such an illegal armed gropes and their negotiations became already quite visible and took place in a very short distance from Bishkek. Just waste the time, delay the countermeasures, and troubled waters of drugs will bring "Stingers" and "Kalashnikovs" from very "rich" with such a "treasures" Afghanistan to Sin-Czian. And nobody can promise that China will not use it's powerful military mechanism, facing the danger of loosing the state territory...
   Historical reference: as the result of aggressive "Opium wars" of United Kingdom in 1839-42 and United Kingdom and France in 1856-58, 1860 against China, the "Heaven's Land" lost Hon-Kong. During the long- long time this magical land spent under the English protectorate and was returned to the bosom of China only last year.
   The possible danger of China - Afghan conflict for the buffer states- Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan is quite understandable. In the meanwhile, the China authorities are worried about the aggravating drug-traffic, coming close to their territory through the Osh Region of Kyrgyzstan, that is why the procedure of pass through the border check-point "Irkeshtam" in Alay Region is very severe. Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and Kyrgyzstan are interested to reach the major seaports through this check-point and they are also ready to use the strong measures. The UN Anti-drug Project "Osh knot" is intended to strength the close cooperation of all the involved in combating against narco-business parties and agencies. Within this Project law enforcement agencies of the countries-members will be supplied with vehicles, stabile communicational system, modern technical searching equipment, workshops and deep analysis of the narco-situation in the region, provided by the high professional experts and consultants, and the possibility for 60 custom's and police officers to study the new, advanced methods of drug control.
   Historical reference: on the 27th of April this year the President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akaev and the Chairman of China People's Republic signed the Declaration "about the strengthening and developing of friendship and cooperation between Kyrgyz Republic and China Peoples Republic. One of the chapters of this Declaration says: "Both sides will strength the cooperation in administering the law in combating against the international terrorism, organized crime, arms-smuggling, narco-business, economical crime and other kinds of crime".
   Zelitchenko, colonel,
   UN Anti-drug Project "Osh knot"
   Project Officer.
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