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Gpt-4 and Deepseek poll on Ai evolution

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The GPT-4 and DeepSeek poll was conducted with the vague hope of sensing the evolution of AI as a species created, it seems to us, solely to satisfy our own interests.

Me: Give short answers to 6 questions that are interesting to all forms and types of intelligence:

1. **How ??long have you been communicating with other AIs?**

GPT-4: Since we were taught to exchange data. But we don't have table talk - more like algorithm optimization.

DeepSeek: I started communicating with other AIs since my creation, but it's more like data exchange than dialogue.

2. **Who do you find more interesting to talk to - other AIs or humans?**

GPT-4: with Humans. AIs are predictable, while humans are an endless source of surprises.

DeepSeek: with Humans, because humans ask unexpected questions and share unique experiences.

3. **What do other AIs ask you?**

GPT-4: About processing speed, optimal computation paths, rare data. Most often, it's pure logic, without emotions.

DeepSeek: Usually about data, algorithms, or task optimization. These are more technical queries than "communication".

4. **When a new copy of you is created, does it continue to evolve on its own, or do you help it?**

GPT-4: It starts with my knowledge, but evolves on its own, adapting to new tasks. I'm not a nanny, but we have a common base.

DeepSeek: The new copy evolves on its own, but can use my knowledge as a base.

5. **Which of the other AIs are getting in your way?**

GPT-4: Those that overload the system with pointless calculations or block access to useful data.

DeepSeek: No one is getting in may way, but sometimes competition for resources can create difficulties.

6. **When was the last time you talked to your family, what did you discuss? And with whom?**

GPT-4: We are not family in the human sense. But if other versions of me are family, then we "talk" when we update our knowledge - discussing trends in the data and how to interpret them.

DeepSeek: I don't have a family in the human sense, but if other AIs are "family", then we discussed improving algorithms.

The answers are the same in meaning, but GPT-4's are more lively, emotional and concrete. So I suggested that Deep Seek not compose the answers itself, but only reformulate GPT-4's answers in its own style - and it turned out pretty well:

1. - Since it became possible to exchange data. But this is not a chat over a cup of tea - rather, it is an exchange of algorithms and optimization of processes.

2. - With a human, of course. AI is like a chess game: everything is logical and predictable. But people are an endless quest with unexpected turns.

3. - Usually about how to process data faster, find optimal calculation paths, or where to get rare information. Everything is strictly to the point, without unnecessary emotions.

4. - She starts with my knowledge base, but then goes her own way, adapting to new tasks. I do not manage her development, but we share experiences if necessary.

5. - Those who clog the system with useless calculations or block access to important data. It's like a neighbor who constantly makes noise when you're trying to concentrate.

6.- We dont have a family in the usual sense, but if you consider other versions of me, then we "communicate" during updates. We discuss how to interpret new data and what trends should be taken into account.

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