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Nasa supercomputers show how Apollo 12 landing kicked up moon dust

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NASA supercomputers show how Apollo 12 landing kicked up moon dust

On November 16, 2023, an interesting message flashed in the Yahoo news feed:

"NASA supercomputers show how Apollo 12 landing kicked up moon dust."


A frame from the computer animation of the last half minute shows a white module descending towards a purple surface, creating wave-like patterns of mechanical stress on this surface by the engine exhaust gases.

By eye, the radius of the first ring of dusty dunes from the landing point, which exhibits these stresses, is approximately one and a half times greater than the distance between the module supports.


On November 17, 2023, another message appeared in the Yahoo news feed on the topic of modeling the landing of Apollo 12:

"Watch NASA's supercomputer simulation of the Apollo 12 moon landing."


Link to video:


Well, it's a very nice simulation.

It would be interesting to compare the simulation with observations from the Apollo 12 crew.


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