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What happened at the Dyatlov pass?

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In 1959 there was a death of group of Dyatlov in the Ural mountains. The causes of this tragedy are still unknown. Nine tourists went on a winter hike to the mountain Otorten and did not come back. Rescue team found an empty tent with no people inside. A little later, the bodies of tourists were found in strange poses. The faces of the dead were twisted in horror, and the skin color was yellow. There are many versions of this incident, but it is still unknown what exactly happened.

What happened with Dyatlov group?

A group of 9 tourists went on a winter trip to the North of the Urals in February. Ivdel is located in the North of Sverdlovsk region. It is a small town, located near the prisons, there are many former prisoners. All the guys were experienced travelers, so I went on a hike to the high level of complexity. Having safely reached the place, the group sent a telegram and went skiing in the direction of mount Otorten. But here begins the mysterious. The group did not return by the appointed date. Parents and children raised the alarm and organized a search.


Rescuers arrived at the scene found a tent on mount Otorten. Near the tent were found the bodies of tourists in strange poses. Tourists were badly injured and died (allegedly) from frostbite. But many circumstances of the case raise questions - not everything is so smooth in this story.

What factors say about the strangeness of the case?

The tourists' tent was cut open with a knife from the inside. This means that the tourists left the tent in a hurry at night. What could encourage tourists to leave the tent and run down the mountain? The tent itself was placed in the most inconvenient place on the top of the mountain, which is blown by all winds. Any experienced tourist will say that this is a bad place for a tent. The skin of the dead was a strange yellow color, which may indicate a man-made disaster. The tourists themselves were found a kilometer from the tent with many injuries. Tourists were barefoot and scantily clad, trying to stir the pot, but it is not bankrupt and three hours. For some reason they ceased to support it, although from the fire depended the life of the group.

The secrecy of the case

Criminal case on death of Dyatlov's group was opened on February 6 but searches of tourists began only on February 17. Whether it was a mistake of investigators or the authorities already knew about this incident - again it isn't known. In this criminal case there are no many documents and results of histological examination. The general public did not have access to the materials of the criminal case until the 1990s. Then people began to get acquainted with the materials of the case, but found a lot of inconsistencies in it.


Injuries of some of the participants it was impossible to explain by natural causes, like falling from a mountain or exposure to cold. Expert on forensic medicine Eduard Tumanov believes that the injuries were of a violent nature and were inflicted by someone else.

The secrecy of the case is evidenced by the fact that half a century after the tragedy, the former Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel said that the case of Dyatlov group is classified at the Federal level. In February 1959, the Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region himself came to Ivdel, what did not happen in other incidents with tourists. High officials of the Communist party was in charge of the case, or was interested in its secrecy.

Were there other people on the slope?

Footprints leading from the tent saying that the guys were on foot. It is strange that after the tent was cut, they continued to walk. It is possible that someone could have cut the tent after the death of the group to start the investigation in the wrong direction. Going down from the mountain, tourists went to certain death without clothes. Under the gun most likely was organized to go down the line from the tent.

Many of the bodies found were poorly covered with snow and were in the pose of a frozen man. Someone could just drag the bodies of dead tourists in any direction and cover their tracks. In favor of the version about the presence of other people said found at the scene of the flashlight and planed a ski pole, with whose help anyone could strengthen the tent.

Why are the witnesses silent?

Both the witnesses of the accident and the participants of the campaign refuse to tell everything they know. There are doubts that Yury Yudin, the only participant of that winter campaign, doesn't tell important information. Returning home because of illness, the rest of his life trying to find the real causes of the death of Dyatlov group and carried to the grave guesses.


As a working version, we can take that Dyatlov group become witnesses (or participants) of sensitive operations or tests such as missile launch or nuclear weapons. You can imagine that there could be falling stage of the rocket and the guys poisoning by combustion products, ran down the hill and died. After an unsuccessful fall, the sweep team helped clean up the traces of the accident and left everyone a difficult mystery.

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