Why I remember autumn night,
Those senceless words, unclear doomed hopes?
It's not worth to be kept inside,
This poison of unspoken thougts
About him, who's faraway,
Behind the seas, above the Moon:
No, Jesus, I will never pray
To let us meet somewhere soon.
No one will be allowed to learn
I have been crying when he did leave,
I have been wishing I could born
In dead cold dark, being blind and deaf,
Being lost, destroyed, but not so hurt:
I'd steal my freedom from his hands
When he'd already get it bought
To bury it in the bloodsands.
I don't know, why I can't forget,
Can't cut him out of my past,
I don't know, why I still regret
For useless moments, very last
We shared before we disappeared
Forever from each other's lifes:
I hid my secret in the tears,
Like you hid yours in endless lies.
Where are you now? Whose mind and soul
You're shining in? I need no more
The answers from you or your call,
Or short dull letter at my door.
It's neither hate, nor dying love,
I do not damn you, do not bless...
But look, I'm writing in my draft
For you about my loneliness,
And if you read these lines somewhen,
Right after you lost what you have, -
Please, just be sure you also can
Take my asylum for yourself.