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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Hello, my damned guardian angel:
I'm begging you to help again...
Those fools scream I will stay a stranger
For you, and I must feel ashame
For all the senceless painfull poems
About an hour when we meet,
For each of those suggested callings,
For searching for path you did lead... 
Hello, I need a sanctuary,
And you're my last, my only hope:
If there still could be necessary.
I'd follow you around the globe
And do whatever you would order,
Believing we are free from doom... 
It is so hurt... if I could foretell,
Imagine end will be so soon...
Why I said "end"? It's just beginning,
It is the very first of days...
It's like that hypnotizing feeling,
When through the fog I saw you face...
I wish I could born at same moment
With you, somewhere in this small world,
To share this endless freaky torment,
And be the sence of each your word. 
Hello, I read about that unknown hour,
To try to find a reason, why...
Oh, God, You cannot just bring sorrow,
You can't just force someone to die,
There must be answer!... please, have mercy,
Gift me though it and then deny
To bless me, when, destroying the curses,
I cure my soul from all heard lie. 
Hello, it seems like I'm still sleeping:
I had the strength to save my mind
Because I've just not seen you bleeding
At that fullfilled by silence night. 
Hello, destroy my nasty shelter:
I've been locked in, I've lost the key...
Just like you, here I am outlander,
So don't know language of saint plea -
You'll come and once you'll stay forever -
- To live another burning life...
The way from "lonely" to "together"
We both will follow one more time. 

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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