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То ли я старею, то ли что ещё - внезапно зашёл жанр фонк и его поджанры.
В общем, вот новогодняя оптимистическая песня в миноре.
Да, бывает и так.
Дополнение 1 от 04 января 2025 г.: треки перенесены на Music.lib.ru
Дополнение 2 от 04 января 2025 г.: вернул прежние ссылки и модифицировал теги проигрывателей так:
<p align="center"><strong>This Year Will Shine</strong><br /><audio controls="controls" preload="none"> <source src="/img/b/bojandin_k_j/obscurato-nihil-2024/konstantinboyandin-driftphonk-thisyearwillshine.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio></p>
preload="none" решает основную сложность: слишком долгую загрузку страницы с большим количеством проигрывателей. Недостаток: отдельный трек может подключаться (записываться в память) относительно долго.
Поле Style of Music:
Bright drift-phonk instrumental with medium-fast tempo, featuring 808-bass, chopped-vocals, synth-leads, cowbell, snare-rolls, and pads, making an optimistic and bright mood for New Year festivities.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre:drift-phonk] [style:bright, energetic] [mood:optimistic, celebratory] [tempo:medium-fast] [instruments:808-bass, chopped-vocals, synth-leads, cowbell, snare-rolls, pads] [vocals: middle-age-male] [length: medium] [structure:intro, theme 1, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, verse 3, chorus, verse 4, outro]
[intro: Deep 808 basslines establish a driving rhythm, layered with soft pads and chopped vocal samples that add a dynamic texture.]
[theme 1: Bright synth leads introduce a celebratory melody, while the bassline and percussion create a steady, drifting groove.]
[verse 1: Steady 808 bass and pads support a bright vocal line, delivering a reflective and hopeful tone.]
Tonight we rise, the clock strikes new,
A brighter path, a world anew.
The road is wide, the lights are high,
The stars will guide, no dreams will die.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 2: A more rhythmic interplay between vocals and instrumentation reflects unity and excitement.]
The wheel turns fast, the rhythm flows,
The fire ignites, the spirit glows.
Through twists and turns, the path is clear,
We drive through hope, leave doubt in fear.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 3: The intensity builds as the lyrics encourage a collective spirit of renewal.]
Together now, the engine roars,
We break the night, we open doors.
The speed of light, the time is near,
A brighter dawn, a world sincere.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 4: A reflective but powerful verse brings the piece to a thematic resolution.]
The past is gone, the future bright,
We drift through hope, we drive the night.
Our wheels will sing, our hearts will soar,
This year will shine forevermore.
[outro: The synth-leads and pads fade into a soft, resonant bassline, leaving a hopeful and celebratory finish.]
This Year Will Shine
This Year Will Shine (Alt)
This Year Will Shine (V01)
This Year Will Shine (V02)
This Year Will Shine (V03)
This Year Will Shine (V04)
This Year Will Shine (V05)
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