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Suno Tags (English)

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    Suno Tags

Suno Meta-Tags Details

Meta-Tag Meaning Placement Values Sample Usage Advice
accelerando Indicates a gradual increase in tempo. Before or within structural tags. Gradual tempo increase, speed descriptors (e.g., 'slight', 'rapid'). [accelerando: Gradually increases tempo in the bridge section.] Use for creating excitement or tension in transitions.
ad-lib Specifies improvisational or spontaneous elements. Within structural tags such as verse, bridge, or solo. Improvisational elements (e.g., 'scat singing', 'guitar solo'). [ad-lib: Jazz-inspired piano solo over the chord progression.] Best used in sections like bridges or transitions to add creativity.
ambient Creates an atmospheric or textural background. Before structure or inside '[mixing]'. Background styles (e.g., 'calm', 'mysterious', 'dark'). [ambient: Ethereal pads create a calm atmosphere throughout.] Combine with sound effects or field recordings for richer textures.
arpeggio Specifies use of arpeggiated notes or chords. Within structural or instrument-related tags. Instrument or style (e.g., 'guitar', 'piano'). [arpeggio: Gentle piano arpeggios accompany the verse.] Use for melodic embellishments or rhythmic textures.
arrangement Defines the overall structure or layering of elements. Before '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors for structure (e.g., 'minimal', 'orchestral'). [arrangement: Minimal layers with focus on lead vocals.] Set a clear vision for track complexity or simplicity.
articulation Specifies how notes are played in terms of attack and transition. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'staccato', 'legato', 'marcato'. [articulation: Staccato violins for a sharp rhythmic effect.] Use to refine how an instrument delivers notes.
attack Defines how quickly a note or sound reaches its full volume. Within '[dynamics]' or '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'sharp', 'gradual'. [attack: Sharp attack on electronic bass.] Sharp attacks create percussive effects, while soft attacks smooth transitions.
background-vocals Specifies supporting vocals accompanying the lead. Within '[vocals]' or structural tags like '[chorus]'. Harmonies, roles, or styles (e.g., 'soft harmonies', 'call-response'). [background-vocals: Gentle harmonies in thirds for the chorus.] Layer for richer vocal textures in choruses or bridges.
bass Defines the bassline characteristics and role in the track. Within `[instruments]` or `[mixing]`. Descriptors like 'deep', 'pulsing', 'sub-bass', 'saturated'. [bass: Deep sub-bass with rhythmic pulsation.] Use to emphasize the low-end and define groove, especially in electronic, hip-hop, and rock music.
bass-slide Describes a sliding bass effect or technique. Within '[instruments]' or '[verse]' descriptions. Direction or style (e.g., 'upward slide', 'smooth'). [bass-slide: Smooth upward slides accentuate transitions.] Use sparingly for impactful transitions or climaxes.
beat-switch Indicates a rhythmic or percussive shift within the track. Within structural tags or '[rhythm]'. Switch type (e.g., 'double-time', 'offbeat'). [beat-switch: Changes to half-time in the bridge.] Effective for keeping rhythmic variety in dynamic sections.
big finish Indicates a climactic conclusion to the track. Within '[outro]' or '[finale]' tags. Descriptors like 'dramatic', 'layered'. [big finish: Climactic orchestral tutti with cymbal crashes.] Use for cinematic or impactful endings.
break Defines a pause or breakdown in the music. Within structural tags like '[bridge]' or '[verse]'. Pause descriptors (e.g., 'sudden', 'dramatic'). [break: Sudden pause after the second chorus.] Effective for building suspense before climaxes.
breakdown Defines a simplified or stripped-back section. Within structural tags like '[bridge]' or '[verse]'. Descriptors like 'minimal', 'percussive'. [breakdown: Stripped percussion with faint synth pads.] Best used to contrast with fuller sections.
bridge Defines a transitional section in the track. In '[structure]' or as its own tag. Bridge content or style (e.g., 'lyrical contrast', 'instrumental'). [bridge: A soaring melody contrasts the verses.] Use for variety and narrative shifts in tracks.
buildup Indicates a rising intensity leading to a climax. Within '[structure]' or '[dynamics]'. Descriptors like 'orchestral swell', 'percussive rise'. [buildup: Rising synth pads and accelerating drums.] Use to create anticipation before a drop or climax.
cadence Defines the harmonic resolution at the end of a phrase. Within '[structure]' or '[theme]'. Descriptors like 'perfect', 'plagal', 'deceptive'. [cadence: Deceptive cadence before final resolution.] Use for emotional impact and finality.
cadential Refers to chord progressions leading into a cadence. Within '[harmony]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'strong', 'weak', 'suspended'. [cadential: Strong V-I cadence for a classical feel.] Important for harmonic movement.
call-and-response Defines a musical conversation between different instruments or voices. Within '[structure]' or '[vocals]'. Descriptors like 'echoing', 'dialogue'. [call-and-response: Trumpet phrase followed by string echoes.] Useful in blues, gospel, jazz, and world music.
chant Defines a rhythmic or repetitive vocal element. Within '[vocals]' or '[chorus]'. Style or intensity (e.g., 'tribal', 'crowd chant'). [chant: Rhythmic tribal chanting builds intensity in the bridge.] Layer with percussion or effects for dramatic impact.
choir Specifies choral or ensemble vocal elements. Within '[vocals]' or '[chorus]'. Style or range (e.g., 'ethereal', 'baritone'). [choir: Ethereal harmonies create a celestial atmosphere.] Use for grand or spiritual themes.
chorus Defines the primary refrain or hook of the track. In '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors of content or mood (e.g., 'uplifting', 'anthemic'). [chorus: Uplifting melody with harmonized vocals.] Ensure contrast and memorability for the chorus.
chromatic Indicates frequent use of semitones outside the main scale. Within '[harmony]' or '[melody]'. Descriptors like 'ascending', 'descending'. [chromatic: Descending chromatic line in strings.] Used in jazz, classical, and modern experimental music.
climax Defines the most intense or dramatic moment of the track. Within structural tags like '[verse]', '[bridge]', or '[chorus]'. Descriptors for intensity or instrumentation (e.g., 'orchestral', 'layered'). [climax: Orchestral buildup with soaring strings and brass.] Position near the end or during transitions for maximum impact.
cluster Defines a dense group of close notes played simultaneously. Within '[harmony]' or '[theme]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'aggressive'. [cluster: Dissonant piano clusters add tension.] Common in avant-garde and experimental compositions.
coda Specifies the concluding section of the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors for mood or texture (e.g., 'soft', 'repetitive'). [coda: Repeated piano motif fading into silence.] Use to create a definitive or lingering end to the composition.
compression Controls dynamic range to balance loud and soft elements. Before '[mixing]' or '[structure]'. Levels or style (e.g., 'light', 'heavy'). [compression: Light compression for smooth transitions.] Apply sparingly to retain natural dynamics.
consonance Defines harmonic intervals that sound stable and pleasant. Within '[harmony]' or '[chords]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'bright'. [consonance: Bright consonant harmonies in the refrain.] Use to contrast with dissonance for emotional depth.
content Describes thematic or lyrical content of the track. Before structural tags or as a global directive. Keywords or phrases describing themes (e.g., 'romantic', 'melancholic'). [content: Reflective themes of loss and recovery.] Provide a concise description to guide the track's mood or narrative.
control Directs specific aspects of the track's production or arrangement. Before '[structure]' or '[mixing]'. Parameters like 'length', 'tempo', or 'no-repeat'. [control: No repetition of verses.] Use to fine-tune the structure or flow of the track.
counterpoint Specifies use of independent melodic lines that interact harmoniously. Within '[instruments]' or '[verse]' tags. Instruments or interaction styles (e.g., 'strings and woodwinds'). [counterpoint: Strings and brass weave contrasting melodies.] Best used in classical or cinematic compositions.
crescendo Indicates a gradual increase in volume or intensity. Within structural tags or as a directive for '[dynamics]'. Intensity or duration (e.g., 'gradual', 'dramatic'). [crescendo: Gradually builds to a dramatic peak in the chorus.] Combine with '[climax]' for a powerful effect.
development Specifies thematic or melodic evolution in a section. Within '[verse]', '[bridge]', or '[section]' tags. Descriptors of change (e.g., 'layered', 'expanding'). [development: Expanding harmonic layers in the bridge.] Use to maintain interest and build complexity.
diminuendo Indicates a gradual decrease in volume or intensity. Within '[dynamics]' or structural tags. Descriptors for duration or effect (e.g., 'gentle', 'abrupt'). [diminuendo: Gradual fade of strings and pads in the outro.] Use to create a sense of resolution or calm.
dissonance Refers to harmonic tension created by unstable note combinations. Within '[harmony]' or '[chords]'. Descriptors like 'mild', 'harsh'. [dissonance: Harsh dissonance in the climax.] Use to create tension that needs resolution.
distortion Specifies audio processing that adds harmonic saturation or clipping. Within '[instruments]' or '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'light', 'heavy', 'crushed'. [distortion: Heavy guitar distortion in the chorus.] Use in rock, metal, and industrial music for an aggressive feel.
drop Defines a sudden transition or release of energy in the track. Within '[chorus]', '[bridge]', or '[verse]' tags. Descriptors for style (e.g., 'bass-heavy', 'dramatic'). [drop: Bass-heavy impact with distorted synths.] Commonly used in electronic or cinematic genres.
drum-fill Specifies a short drum pattern to transition between sections. Within '[bridge]', '[chorus]', or '[verse]' tags. Descriptors for style or intensity (e.g., 'rapid', 'complex'). [drum-fill: Rapid snare and tom pattern builds into the chorus.] Use sparingly to avoid over-complicating transitions.
dynamics Controls changes in volume and intensity across the track. Before '[structure]' or within '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'intense', 'gradual'. [dynamics: Gradual swells leading to intense peaks.] Combine with '[crescendo]' or '[diminuendo]' for expressive tracks.
echo Defines reverberant repetitions of sound. Within '[effects]' or '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'short', 'long', 'delayed'. [echo: Long vocal echoes for a spacey effect.] Works well in ambient, cinematic, and dub music.
effects Specifies additional sound effects applied to instruments or the track as a whole. Within `[mixing]` or `[sfx]`. Descriptors like 'reverb', 'delay', 'distortion', 'flanger'. [effects: Heavy distortion on the lead guitar.] Use to shape the sonic character of instruments and add depth to the mix.
element Specifies key components or features of a section. Within '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors for instrumentation or focus (e.g., 'melodic', 'textural'). [element: Textural pads create an atmospheric backdrop.] Use to highlight specific parts of the arrangement.
emotional Sets the emotional tone or feeling of a section. Before '[mood]' or structural tags. Descriptors like 'uplifting', 'melancholic'. [emotional: Melancholic strings add depth to the verse.] Combine with '[content]' or '[harmony]' for greater impact.
end Marks the conclusion of the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'fading', 'abrupt'. [end: Fading strings with ambient echoes.] Use to signal a clear or lingering resolution.
ensemble Defines the group of instruments or performers used in the track. Before '[instruments]' or '[structure]' tags. Descriptors like 'chamber', 'orchestral', 'jazz trio'. [ensemble: Small string quartet for a classical theme.] Specify to set the overall sound palette or style.
epic Indicates a grand or dramatic scale for the composition. Before '[structure]' or in '[style]'. Descriptors for mood or instrumentation (e.g., 'heroic', 'cinematic'). [epic: Cinematic orchestral arrangement with a heroic climax.] Combine with '[climax]' and '[crescendo]' for maximum impact.
episode Specifies a contrasting section in the composition, common in classical forms like fugues. Within '[structure]' or as a section directive. Descriptors for development or contrast (e.g., 'lyrical', 'intense'). [episode: Lyrical woodwind section provides contrast.] Use in larger forms to add variety and depth.
eq Controls the tonal balance by emphasizing or de-emphasizing certain frequencies. Before '[mixing]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'bass-heavy', 'bright', 'mid-focused'. [eq: Bright treble with reduced mids for clarity.] Use to shape the overall sound profile.
etude A short composition focused on showcasing technical skills, often with repeated patterns. Usually follows the intro to set up the musical theme. - [etude: rapid, technical arpeggios]
- [etude: dexterous guitar phrases]
- [etude: rhythmic complexity]
[structure: intro, etude, outro]
[etude: challenging piano runs]
Ideal for progressive rock, math rock, shred guitar, or jazz improvisation.
exposition Defines the initial presentation of themes, commonly in classical forms. Before '[structure]' or within '[intro]'. Descriptors like 'bold', 'lyrical'. [exposition: Bold piano motif introduces the main theme.] Effective in sonata or fugue structures.
extend-style Extends or modifies the stylistic elements of the track. Before '[style]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'fusion', 'hybrid'. [extend-style: Blends jazz with ambient textures.] Use to mix genres or styles creatively.
fade Indicates a gradual fade-in or fade-out effect. Within '[intro]' or '[outro]' tags. Descriptors like 'slow', 'abrupt'. [fade: Slow fade-out with reverberating pads.] Use in intros or outros for smooth transitions.
female Specifies female vocals or voice type. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'soprano', 'alto'. [vocals: Female soprano with ethereal harmonies.] Specify pitch and style for vocal tracks.
fermata Indicates a note or chord held longer than usual. Within '[harmony]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'sustained', 'dramatic'. [fermata: Dramatic fermata on the final chord.] Use to create emotional emphasis or suspense.
filter Applies audio filters like high-pass, low-pass, or band-pass effects. Before '[mixing]' or within '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'low-pass', 'resonant'. [filter: Low-pass filter applied to synth bass.] Use to add texture or alter the tone dynamically.
finale Defines the concluding and often dramatic section of the composition. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'grand', 'layered'. [finale: Grand orchestral tutti with full brass and strings.] Combine with '[crescendo]' for a strong finish.
focus Specifies the main element or instrument in a section. Before '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'melody', 'bassline'. [focus: Emphasis on the cello in the bridge.] Use to direct attention in multi-layered arrangements.
fragmentation Indicates breaking down a melody into smaller motifs. Within '[theme]' or '[variation]'. Descriptors like 'short', 'detailed'. [fragmentation: Breaking the main theme into smaller parts.] Use for variation and musical development.
fugue Specifies contrapuntal techniques common in fugues. Within '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'three-part', 'canon'. [fugue: Three-part counterpoint with overlapping themes.] Use for classical or complex melodic interactions.
genre Defines the primary genre(s) of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'ambient', 'classical', 'jazz'. [genre: Ambient with dark undertones.] Combine with '[style]' for specific hybrids.
glissando Indicates a continuous slide between two pitches. Within '[melody]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'fast', 'slow'. [glissando: Slow descending violin glissando.] Used in orchestral music, jazz, and experimental electronic.
glitch Incorporates glitch effects or sound textures. Before '[sfx]' or within '[style]'. Descriptors like 'distorted', 'static'. [glitch: Distorted static patterns create rhythmic textures.] Effective for experimental or electronic genres.
grind Defines grinding or distorted sound textures. Within '[instruments]' or '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'metallic', 'rough'. [grind: Rough metallic textures accentuate the bridge.] Use sparingly for tension or dramatic effects.
happy Specifies a cheerful or uplifting mood for the track. Within '[mood]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'bright', 'joyful', 'playful'. [mood: Happy and bright with playful melodies.] Combine with upbeat tempos and major keys for effectiveness.
harmonics Defines overtone frequencies produced above the fundamental pitch. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'natural', 'artificial', 'ringing'. [harmonics: Natural string harmonics for an ethereal tone.] Used to create shimmering, resonant textures in acoustic and electronic music.
harmony Defines harmonic structure or layering. Within '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'simple', 'complex', 'thirds', 'fifths'. [harmony: Rich layered harmonies in thirds and fifths.] Use to add depth to choral or instrumental parts.
hook Specifies the central, catchy part of the track. Within '[chorus]' or '[verse]' tags. Descriptors like 'melodic', 'lyrical'. [hook: A catchy guitar riff opens the chorus.] Ensure repetition and prominence for memorability.
improvisation Allows performers to spontaneously create melodic or harmonic variations. Within '[style]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'freeform', 'jazzy', 'ornamental'. [improvisation: Freeform saxophone over sustained chords.] Best used in jazz, blues, and experimental music.
inflection Specifies tonal or dynamic variation within a phrase. Within '[dynamics]' or '[melody]'. Descriptors like 'subtle', 'dramatic'. [inflection: Subtle vocal inflection for expressive delivery.] Useful for expressive and emotional emphasis in vocal or instrumental passages.
instrument Defines specific instruments used in the track. Within '[instruments]' or '[structure]'. Any instrument (e.g., 'piano', 'violin', 'synth'). [instrument: Soft piano leads the melody.] Specify instruments clearly to shape the soundscape.
instrumental Indicates that the track has no vocals. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Used as a standalone directive. [instrumental] Defines a purely instrumental track. Use when generating music without lyrical content.
instruments Specifies the set of instruments used in the arrangement. Before or within '[structure]'. Multiple instruments (e.g., 'strings, brass, piano'). [instruments: Strings, brass, and piano create the foundation.] Combine with '[ensemble]' for more specific arrangements.
interlude Defines a brief instrumental or transitional section. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'piano solo', 'ambient'. [interlude: A calm piano solo bridges the verses.] Use for variety and to separate sections effectively.
intermezzo A short, contrasting piece inserted between larger sections. Within '[structure]' or '[section]' tags. Descriptors like 'lyrical', 'dramatic'. [intermezzo: Dramatic string passage contrasts the main theme.] Common in classical or cinematic arrangements.
intro Defines the opening section of the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'soft', 'dramatic'. [intro: Soft ambient pads introduce the mood.] Set the tone for the track's narrative or mood.
key Specifies the key or tonality of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Keys like 'C major', 'A minor'. [key: A minor for a melancholic tone.] Align key choice with the desired mood or emotion.
language Specifies the language of any vocals or lyrics. Before '[vocals]' or '[lyrics]'. Languages like 'English', 'French', 'Spanish'. [language: French vocals for a romantic mood.] Use for multilingual or culturally specific tracks.
laughter Adds laughing sound effects or textures. Within '[sfx]' or '[vocals]'. Descriptors like 'haunting', 'playful'. [sfx: Haunting laughter echoes through the background.] Combine with reverb or delay for atmospheric effects.
layering Defines the stacking of multiple sounds or instruments. Within '[mixing]' or '[orchestration]'. Descriptors like 'dense', 'thin', 'gradual'. [layering: Thick layered synth pads for a cinematic feel.] Use to enhance depth and texture in the track.
legato Indicates smooth, connected note transitions. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'strings', 'melodic'. [legato: Smooth legato strings enhance the verse.] Use for flowing and emotive sections.
length Defines the duration of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[control]'. Time in minutes or seconds (e.g., '2:30'). [length: 3:45 for a standard pop structure.] Ensure length matches the intended format or purpose.
loop Defines repeating sections or patterns within the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'short', 'layered', or 'seamless'. [loop: Seamless synth patterns in the background.] Use for rhythmic consistency or background textures.
male Specifies male vocals or voice type. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'tenor', 'baritone'. [vocals: Male tenor voice leads the melody.] Combine with '[harmony]' for layered vocal effects.
marcato Indicates strong, emphasized notes or accents. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'strings', 'brass'. [marcato: Strong brass accents in the intro.] Use for bold and dramatic sections.
melody Defines the main melodic content and characteristics. Within `[theme]` or `[structure]`. Descriptors like 'lyrical', 'flowing', 'syncopated', 'chromatic'. [melody: Flowing piano melody with subtle syncopation.] Essential for defining the song's identity; pair with `[harmony]` for fuller arrangements.
minuet Specifies a classical dance form in 3/4 time signature. Before '[structure]' or within '[style]'. Descriptors like 'light', 'elegant'. [minuet: Elegant string arrangement in 3/4 time.] Combine with '[orchestra]' for authenticity.
mixing Defines the audio balance and spatial characteristics. Before '[structure]' or within '[control]'. Descriptors like 'wide', 'centered', 'balanced'. [mixing: Wide stereo field with focused vocals.] Use to shape the overall track's soundscape.
modulation Defines a shift in key within the composition. Within '[harmony]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'subtle', 'dramatic'. [modulation: Sudden shift from C major to A minor.] Used for dynamic key changes and mood shifts.
mood Specifies the emotional tone or feeling of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'happy', 'sad', 'mysterious'. [mood: Mysterious and suspenseful with dark undertones.] Align with the narrative or intended atmosphere.
mutation Refers to transformation of a melody, harmony, or rhythm. Within '[structure]' or '[theme]'. Descriptors like 'gradual', 'abrupt'. [mutation: Gradual transformation of main theme into a distorted motif.] Useful in experimental and progressive compositions.
no Prevents inclusion of specific elements or features. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'vocals', 'repetition', 'sfx'. [no: Vocals and percussive elements.] Use to exclude unwanted elements.
no-repeat Prevents repetition of specified sections or themes. Before '[structure]' or '[control]'. Used as a standalone directive. [no-repeat: Avoid repetition of verses.] Use for unique, non-repetitive structures.
nocturne A slow, expressive piece, evoking nighttime moods with lyrical, flowing melodies and soft harmonies. Usually after [structure], shaping the emotional core of the piece. - [nocturne: delicate, flowing melody]
- [nocturne: minor-key, romantic character]
- [nocturne: soft dynamics, ethereal atmosphere]
[structure: intro, nocturne, outro]
[nocturne: haunting solo piano with reverb]
Works best in ambient, lo-fi, dark jazz, or cinematic soundtracks.
orchestra Specifies orchestral elements or ensembles. Before '[instruments]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'chamber', 'symphonic', 'full'. [orchestra: Full symphonic arrangement with strings and brass.] Combine with '[ensemble]' for detailed instrumentation.
orchestration Defines arrangement and distribution of instruments in a composition. Within '[ensemble]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'dense', 'transparent', 'layered'. [orchestration: Full orchestral arrangement with brass emphasis.] Essential for structuring symphonic or large-scale arrangements.
outro Defines the closing section of the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'fading', 'resolving'. [outro: Fading piano chords with soft pads.] Ensure it provides a sense of closure.
pad Specifies the use of sustained background textures. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'warm', 'evolving', 'ambient'. [pad: Evolving synth pads create an atmospheric backdrop.] Use for ambient or cinematic effects.
pedal-point Indicates a sustained or repeated note, typically in the bass. Within '[harmony]' or '[bass]'. Descriptors like 'low', 'high', 'suspended'. [pedal-point: Sustained low D in the bass throughout the section.] Used for tension-building or grounding harmonic movement.
personae Defines a virtual persona or voice type for vocals. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'calm', 'dramatic', 'ethereal'. [personae: Ethereal female voice leads the melody.] Use to customize vocal performance characteristics.
pizzicato Indicates plucked string techniques. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'light', 'bouncy'. [pizzicato: Light pizzicato strings add rhythmic texture.] Use for playful or textural effects.
power-off drop Describes a sudden cut in audio for dramatic effect. Within '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'abrupt', 'smooth fade'. [power-off drop: Abrupt silence before the chorus drop.] Use sparingly to maintain impact.
pre-chorus Defines a transitional section leading to the chorus. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'building', 'melodic'. [pre-chorus: Building tension with rising synths and layered vocals.] Use to build anticipation for the chorus.
prelude Defines the introductory section of a track, often setting the mood. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'soft', 'mysterious'. [prelude: Mysterious piano chords with soft ambient pads.] Use for tracks with a narrative or cinematic quality.
pronunciation Specifies vocal pronunciation style or accent. Within '[vocals]' or '[lyrics]'. Descriptors like 'British', 'neutral', 'emphasized'. [pronunciation: Neutral accent with soft emphasis on vowels.] Use for multilingual tracks or precise vocal control.
pulse Defines rhythmic or percussive pulsation. Within '[rhythm]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'steady', 'dynamic'. [pulse: Dynamic bass pulse drives the rhythm.] Use for creating motion and energy in the track.
recapitulation Marks the return of the main theme, often in classical forms. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'dramatic', 'lyrical'. [recapitulation: Return of the main theme with full orchestration.] Position near the end for resolution and emphasis.
refrain Defines a repeated section, often the chorus or hook. Within '[structure]' or '[chorus]'. Descriptors like 'uplifting', 'anthemic'. [refrain: Uplifting melody with harmonized vocals.] Ensure repetition for memorability.
register Defines the pitch range of a melody or harmony. Within '[melody]' or '[harmony]'. Descriptors like 'high', 'low', 'mid'. [register: High register violin melodies for a soaring effect.] Use to specify instrument range and create contrast.
resolution Marks the resolution of harmonic tension. Within '[harmony]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'strong', 'soft'. [resolution: Strong V-I resolution for a satisfying ending.] Use to conclude phrases with a sense of completion.
retrograde Reverses a melody or motif. Within '[theme]' or '[variation]'. Descriptors like 'melodic', 'harmonic'. [retrograde: The main theme played in reverse order.] Used in classical fugues and avant-garde compositions.
reverb Applies reverb effects to instruments or vocals. Within '[mixing]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'light', 'cathedral', 'ambient'. [reverb: Light ambient reverb for soft vocal echoes.] Use sparingly to avoid muddying the mix.
reverberate Specifies resonant echoes or reverb-like effects. Within '[sfx]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'deep', 'metallic'. [reverberate: Deep metallic echoes create a haunting atmosphere.] Combine with '[ambient]' for cinematic soundscapes.
rhythm Defines the rhythmic structure or style of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'syncopated', 'steady', 'complex'. [rhythm: Syncopated beats drive the verses.] Match rhythm with genre and mood for coherence.
rhythmic-motif Defines a recurring rhythmic idea or pattern. Within '[rhythm]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'syncopated', 'driving'. [rhythmic-motif: Syncopated rhythm repeating throughout the chorus.] Use to establish groove and rhythmic identity in the track.
ritardando Indicates a gradual slowing of tempo. Within '[tempo]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'subtle', 'dramatic'. [ritardando: Dramatic tempo decrease leading to the coda.] Use to transition to slower, reflective sections.
riff Specifies a repeated instrumental motif or phrase. Within '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'guitar', 'bass'. [riff: Energetic guitar riff opens the track.] Use for hooks or thematic consistency.
rise Defines a buildup or crescendo effect. Within '[structure]' or '[dynamics]'. Descriptors like 'gradual', 'intense'. [rise: Gradual orchestral rise leads to the climax.] Combine with '[climax]' for dramatic effect.
rondo Defines a classical form with alternating themes (ABACA). Before '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'playful', 'contrasting'. [rondo: Alternating piano and string themes create contrast.] Use for classical or structured compositions.
sad Sets a melancholic or emotional mood. Within '[mood]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'melancholic', 'haunting'. [mood: Sad with soft, haunting piano melodies.] Combine with minor keys for emotional depth.
scale Specifies the musical scale or mode of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'major', 'minor', 'dorian'. [scale: Minor scale for a dark, mysterious tone.] Align scale choice with mood and genre.
scherzo Defines a playful, fast-paced classical movement. Before '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'light', 'humorous'. [scherzo: Light, playful string movement in 3/4 time.] Use for energetic or contrasting sections in classical forms.
secondary theme Defines a contrasting theme to the primary melody. Within '[structure]' or '[theme]' tags. Descriptors like 'lyrical', 'contrasting'. [secondary theme: Contrasting lyrical flute melody in A minor.] Use to add depth and variation to thematic compositions.
section Defines a segment or part of the track. Before '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'intro', 'bridge', 'chorus'. [section: A brief instrumental interlude with soft pads.] Use for structural clarity and to organize the track.
sequence Specifies the order of sections in the track. Before '[structure]' or as a global directive. Descriptors like 'intro, verse, chorus, outro'. [sequence: intro, verse, bridge, chorus, outro.] Ensure sequence aligns with the intended narrative.
sforzando Indicates a strong, sudden emphasis on a note or chord. Within '[instruments]' or '[dynamics]'. Descriptors like 'brass', 'strings'. [sforzando: Strong brass accents in the climax.] Use sparingly for dramatic or energetic sections.
sfx Adds sound effects to the track. Before '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'wind', 'footsteps', 'laughter'. [sfx: Wind howling creates an eerie atmosphere.] Combine with '[ambient]' for immersive soundscapes.
shout Defines a shouted vocal effect or phrase. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'energetic', 'group'. [shout: Group shouts add energy to the chorus.] Use for emphasis in dynamic or aggressive tracks.
signal-processing Indicates electronic effects applied to audio signals. Within '[mixing]' or '[effects]'. Descriptors like 'reverb', 'compression', 'delay'. [signal-processing: Heavy reverb on vocals for ethereal ambiance.] Use to enhance sound design and texture.
silence Specifies pauses or breaks in the audio. Within '[structure]' or '[dynamics]'. Descriptors like 'brief', 'dramatic'. [silence: Brief pause before the climax.] Use for tension or to highlight transitions.
sincopation Defines offbeat or syncopated rhythms. Within '[rhythm]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'jazzy', 'percussive'. [sincopation: Jazzy syncopated rhythm drives the verses.] Use to create rhythmic interest and complexity.
solo Defines a prominent instrumental or vocal solo. Within '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'guitar', 'violin'. [solo: Energetic guitar solo in the bridge.] Highlight key moments or transitions with solos.
sonority Defines the richness and tonal quality of a sound or harmony. Within '[harmony]' or '[tone]'. Descriptors like 'bright', 'dark', 'rich'. [sonority: Dark, rich brass sonorities for a cinematic feel.] Important for shaping the overall timbral character of a composition.
staccato Indicates short, detached notes. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'strings', 'playful'. [staccato: Playful staccato strings accentuate the melody.] Use for rhythmic texture or light, energetic sections.
start Marks the beginning of the track or section. Before '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'abrupt', 'gradual'. [start: Abrupt piano chords introduce the track.] Set the tone and mood with a strong start.
stereo Defines stereo field properties. Within '[mixing]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'wide', 'centered', 'panned'. [stereo: Wide stereo field with panned instruments.] Use to create depth and spatial awareness.
structure Specifies the overall structure of the track. Before '[sequence]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'intro, verse, chorus'. [structure: intro, verse, chorus, outro.] Ensure structure aligns with genre conventions.
style Defines the stylistic approach of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'ambient', 'jazz', 'orchestral'. [style: Ambient with orchestral undertones.] Combine with '[genre]' for detailed customization.
subharmonic Indicates frequencies below the fundamental pitch. Within '[bass]' or '[mixing]'. Descriptors like 'deep', 'rumbling'. [subharmonic: Deep subharmonic bass frequencies for added depth.] Useful for low-end reinforcement in electronic and orchestral music.
sustain Defines how long a note or chord is held before fading. Within '[dynamics]' or '[instruments]'. Descriptors like 'long', 'short', 'moderate'. [sustain: Long sustained strings for a cinematic feel.] Use for dramatic or atmospheric effects in ambient, orchestral, and cinematic music.
swell Indicates a gradual increase in volume or intensity. Within '[dynamics]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'orchestral', 'crescendo'. [swell: Gradual orchestral swell leads to the climax.] Use for transitions or dramatic buildups.
syncopation Specifies offbeat rhythms that contrast the main beat. Within '[rhythm]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'jazzy', 'stuttering'. [syncopation: Jazzy offbeat groove in the bassline.] Works well in funk, jazz, reggae, and electronic genres.
tempo Defines the speed or pace of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'slow', 'moderate', 'fast', or BPM (e.g., '120 BPM'). [tempo: Slow tempo around 60 BPM for a reflective mood.] Match tempo to the mood and purpose of the track.
tension-release Defines moments of tension and their resolution in the composition. Within '[structure]' or '[harmony]'. Descriptors like 'gradual', 'sudden'. [tension-release: Gradual buildup resolving into a major chord.] Essential for building drama and emotional impact in orchestral and cinematic pieces.
tenuto Indicates notes played with sustained emphasis. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'smooth', 'emphatic'. [tenuto: Smooth, sustained violin notes in the bridge.] Use for lyrical or emotive passages.
tessitura Defines the most frequently used pitch range of an instrument or voice. Within '[vocals]' or '[melody]'. Descriptors like 'high', 'low', 'mid'. [tessitura: High tessitura soprano line for expressive melodies.] Useful for defining vocal or instrumental ranges and ensuring comfortable performance dynamics.
texture Specifies the density or complexity of the sound. Before '[structure]' or within '[style]'. Descriptors like 'rich', 'sparse', 'layered'. [texture: Layered strings with light synth pads.] Combine with '[arrangement]' for detailed sound design.
theme Defines the primary melodic or harmonic idea of the track. Within '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'lyrical', 'repetitive', 'contrasting'. [theme: Lyrical piano melody in C major.] Use to establish the track's identity and emotional core.
theme-and-variations A compositional form where a central theme is presented and altered through key changes, rhythm, and instrumentation. Placed after the intro as the primary developmental structure. - [theme-and-variations: dramatic tempo shifts]
- [theme-and-variations: evolving harmony]
- [theme-and-variations: progressive orchestration]
[structure: intro, theme-and-variations, outro]
[theme-and-variations: intricate, evolving motifs]
Works well in progressive electronic music, orchestral cinematic scores, or psytrance.
timbre Defines the tonal color of an instrument or sound. Within '[mixing]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'warm', 'cold', 'metallic'. [timbre: Metallic percussion tones with a dark texture.] Used to shape the sonic identity of a track.
toccata A fast, virtuosic composition, typically featuring rapid passages, technical arpeggios, and improvisatory energy. Usually after [structure] and before [outro] to define the central development. - [toccata: cascading arpeggios]
- [toccata: intense rhythm shifts]
- [toccata: sharp articulation, quick phrasing]
[structure: intro, toccata, outro]
[toccata: dramatic, virtuoso piano runs]
Use in genres with rapid, complex phrasing such as neoclassical metal, jazz fusion, or breakcore.
tone Specifies the tonal quality or mood of the track. Before '[structure]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'bright', 'dark', 'warm'. [tone: Warm and soft with minimal harshness.] Align tone with the desired mood and instrumentation.
tone-cluster Refers to large groups of adjacent notes played together. Within '[harmony]' or '[theme]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'chaotic'. [tone-cluster: Chaotic piano tone clusters for dramatic tension.] Used in avant-garde and contemporary classical compositions.
transition Defines the connection between two sections of the track. Within '[structure]' or '[sequence]'. Descriptors like 'smooth', 'abrupt', 'layered'. [transition: Smooth fade from intro to verse.] Use transitions to maintain flow and coherence.
tremolo Specifies rapid repetition or oscillation of notes. Within '[instruments]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'violin', 'intense'. [tremolo: Rapid tremolo strings add tension to the climax.] Use for dramatic or suspenseful effects.
trio Specifies a composition for three instruments or voices. Before '[structure]' or within '[ensemble]'. Descriptors like 'piano, violin, cello'. [trio: Piano, violin, and cello create a chamber ensemble.] Combine with '[arrangement]' for specific voicing.
variation Indicates alterations or developments of a theme. Within '[structure]' or '[theme]'. Descriptors like 'ornamental', 'contrasting'. [variation: Contrasting variation of the main theme in minor.] Use to maintain interest and complexity.
verse Defines a lyrical or thematic section of the track. Within '[structure]' or as its own tag. Descriptors like 'lyrical', 'narrative'. [verse: Reflective lyrics with soft guitar accompaniment.] Ensure verses build towards the chorus or refrain.
vibe Specifies the overall feel or atmosphere of the track. Before '[style]' or '[structure]'. Descriptors like 'chill', 'intense', 'playful'. [vibe: Chill and relaxed with soft beats.] Combine with '[mood]' for more specificity.
vocals Defines the type and style of vocals in the track. Before '[structure]' or within '[style]'. Descriptors like 'female', 'male', 'choir'. [vocals: Female soprano with ethereal harmonies.] Specify pitch and style for tailored vocal effects.
voicing Defines how notes are distributed across instruments or voices. Within '[harmony]' or '[orchestration]'. Descriptors like 'open', 'close', 'spread'. [voicing: Open chord voicings for a spacious feel.] Used to control the harmonic texture and clarity of chords in orchestral and jazz arrangements.
whisper Specifies whispered vocal elements. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'soft', 'haunting'. [whisper: Haunting whispers echo in the background.] Use sparingly for atmospheric or eerie effects.
whispering Indicates continuous or rhythmic whispered vocals. Within '[vocals]' or '[style]'. Descriptors like 'rhythmic', 'layered'. [whispering: Layered whispers create an unsettling atmosphere.] Combine with '[ambient]' or '[sfx]' for cinematic soundscapes.

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