Брейтерман Хаим Менделевич : другие произведения.

Уровни структурной организации вещества

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      -- Formation scheme for structural organization levels of the Universe matter:
   ?...? "elementary" particles ? nucleons ? nuclei ? atoms ? molecules ? chemical compounds ? cells ? Earth organisms ? families ? human races ? tribes ? states ? state unions ??...
      -- The process of level formations goes on. The next level is a unified, scientifically controlled system of the Earth "mankind", whose major parameters are predetermined by the laws of nature and can be predicted scientifically. The system formation as the immediate objective of the entire Universe evolution process does take place at present but it is unconscious yet.
      -- Yoichiro Nambu. "Quarks". (Moscow, "Mir" Publ. House, 1984) (in Russ).
      -- Haim Breiterman. "Analysis of scientific knowledge on the World evolution". (The USA Library of Congress. Certificate TXu 1134376 dated November 28, 2003).
   Haim Breiterman

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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