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Spleen "Romance"

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  • Аннотация:
    "Романс" Сплина - одна из моих любимых песен. Теперь и в английском варианте.

Spleen "Romance"

The last lamp gives no light,
Calendars tell the lie,
And if you always wanted
Just to say to me a word -
Now you can try...

Each sound brings just pain,
And silence seems like crime
When in the heat of fun again
Falls down like the flame
The glass of wine...

In empty dark black room
The bullet waits for you...
So silent
You can listen to the noise
Of underground...
And that's the truth...

The regiments're on the square,
The end of line seems drear,
And holding on the phone
These many-many years ago
Brought you just fear...

And someone runs away,
And cables tremble of cry...
Hello! We've found happiness today
For all the life...
Hello! We've found happiness today
For all the life...

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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