Горюшкин Игорь Иванович : другие произведения.

Goryushkin I.I.: Seven laws of dialectics from the point of view of a modern science, sense and logic. And "my" Gegel / Hegel, - (summary, the science article) Russia, Moscow, 2021

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       For the first time,
    from a position of logic, common sense and the present time, existence less than seven objective dialectic laws, somehow is proved: interactions, efficiency, dependent on energy, consciousness, social contradictions, movements and "make a fool of us". Affirms, that that dialectics (as development), with reference to the validity surrounding us, - is based on seven basic objective laws. The law the first - "interactions" of objects (subjects) of a material world - with each other. The law of the second - "efficiency" of interaction. The law the third - "dependent on energy" of interaction . The law the fourth - the law of "realization"(consciousness). The law the fifth - "social contradictions. The law of the sixth - "movement - everything, the purpose - nothing" (that is resolution of conflicts through development... Movement). The law of the seventh - "Make a fool of others!"
    As article as affirms, that mankind progress is obliged to presence among us "inadequate (not such, as all) people". Bibl. 17; pp. 13.

      Keywords: dialectics of common sense, seven modern laws of dialectics, Gegel, my Gegel, Hegel, my Hegel, law of interaction, law of efficiency of interaction, the law of dependent on energy of interaction, the law of realization, the law of the permission of social contradictions, the law: "Movement - everything, the purpose - anything", law of unreliable of the information: "Make a fool of our brother"


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-->/    ( = Увеличить!? =) Горюшкин Игорь, фотомонтаж: Электронная научная библиотека, Инновации. Наука. Образование.  ? 39,  498- 510. Диалектика здравого смысла, превращение реальности, действительность, результат осознания. И моего Гегеля, диалоги с читателем -->/    ( = Увеличить!? =) Горюшкин Игорь, фотомонтаж: Гегель, 1831 г.: Диалектика здравого смысла, превращение реальности, действительность, результат осознания. И моего Гегеля, диалоги с читателем
-->/    Горюшкин Игорь: фотомонтаж, Журнал: Инновации. Наука. Образование. ? 39, 498- 510. Семь законов диалектики с точки зрения современной науки, здравого смысла и логики. И моего Гегеля!, диалоги с читателем

  Горюшкин Игорь Иванович
   Семь законов диалектики с точки зрения современной науки, здравого смысла и логики. И "моего" Гегеля!

(In Russian)
→  →[   Инновации. Наука. Образование: 2021 (август), номер 39. - С. 498-510

Горюшкин И.И. -->/ (to the Science Index) in Russian

  Goryushkin I.I.
    Seven laws of dialectics from the point of view of a modern science, common sense and logic. And "my" Gegel!

  Abstract / Summary
   For the first time,
from a position of logic, common sense and the present time, existence less than seven objective dialectic laws, somehow is proved: interactions, efficiency, dependent on energy, consciousness, social contradictions, movements and "make a fool of us". Affirms, that that dialectics (as development), with reference to the validity surrounding us, - is based on seven basic objective laws. The law the first - "interactions" of objects (subjects) of a material world - with each other. The law of the second - "efficiency" of interaction. The law the third - "dependent on energy" of interaction . The law the fourth - the law of "realization" (consciousness). The law the fifth - "social contradictions. The law of the sixth - "movement - everything, the purpose - nothing" (that is resolution of conflicts through development... Movement). The law of the seventh - "Make a fool of others!"
As article as affirms, that mankind progress is obliged to presence among us "inadequate (not such, as all) people". Bibl. 17; pp. 13.

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  Gegel G.V.F. "Filosofiya prava" [Legal philosophy] / Per. s nem.: red. i sost. D.A. Kerimov i V.S. Nersesyants; - M.: Mysl'. 1990. 524 p. (In Russian)

  Gegel G.V.F. "Nauka logiki" [Logic science ] / Otv. red. ?, ?. Rozental', red. koll.: EH.V. Il'enkov i dr.. / In 3 vols. Vol. 1. M., Mysl'. 1970. 501s. (In Russian)

  Gegel G.V.F. "Lektsii po istorii filosofii"[Lectures on philosophy history ] / Vol.1.- SPb.: Nauka. 1993. Perevod A.M. Vodena. - 756 p. (In Russian)

  Goryushkin I. I. "Sem' zakonov dialektiki s tochki zreniya sovremennoi nauki, zdravogo smysla i logiki. I "moego" Gegelya!" [ Seven laws of dialectics from the point of view of a modern science, common sense and logic. And of "my" Gegel! ] // Innovatsii. Nauka. Obrazovanie. [ Innovatsii. Nauka. Obrazovanie ] 2021., Avgust, No. 39. P. 498-410. (In Russian)

  Goryushkin I. I. "Filosofskoe soobshchestvo i "Dialektika zdravogo smysla", - "otlup"! Chto s naukoi?.. I moi Gegel (gl. 30)" [ Philosophical community and "Dialectics of common sense", - "refusal"! What with a science? And of my Gegel (gl. 30) ] // Zhurnal "Samizdat". [ Journal "Samizdat" ] Sentyabr', 2021 / Goryushkin I.I. Intellektual'naya proza: estestvoznanie, meditsina, narkologiya, sovremennaya dialektika, publitsistika, politika, ideologiya (dialogi s chitatelem) URL: http://samlib.ru/g/gorjushkin_i_i/igogo37xe_mygegel_zzrefusal30.shtml (дата обращения: 07.10.2021) (In Russian)

  Ivin A.A. "Dialektika: proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee" [ Dialectics: the past, the present and the future ] / - Moskva ; Berlin : Direkt-Media, 2016. 465 p. (In Russian)

  Kant I. "Kritika chistogo razuma" [Criticism of pure reason ] / Per. s nem. N. Losskogo sveren i otredaktirovan TS.G. Arzakanyanom i M. I. Itkinym; - M.: Mysl', 1994. 591 p. (In Russian)

  Kasavin I.T. "Plot ili piramida: o prirode intellektual'nogo muzhestva" [ Raft or pyramid: about the nature of intellectual courage ] // Filosofskii zhurnal / Philosophy Journal. 2020. Vol. 13. No. P. 5- 16. (In Russian)

  Kondakov N.I. "Logicheskii slovar' - spravochnik", [ The logic dictionary - the directory ] Vtoroe ispr. i dop. izdanie. Otv.redaktor Gorskii D.P. 1975: M.: Nauka. 721 p. (In Russian)

  Kuvakin I.V. "Filosofiya i real'nost'" [ Philosophy and a reality] // Vestnik Mos. un-ta. [Bulletin Mos. un-ta] ser.7. Filosofi. 2010. No. 4, P. 83- 96. (In Russian)

  Kasavin I.T. "Ehpistemologiya dobrodetelei: k sorokaletiyu povorota v analiticheskoi filosofii" [ Epistemology virtues: to the turn fortieth anniversary in analytical philosophy] // Epistemology & Philosophy of Science / Ehpistemologiya i filosofiya nauki. [Epistemology and science philosophy] 2019. No. 3. P. 7- 20. (In Russian)


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  3. Гагаев А. А., Гагаев П.А. Здравый смысл в проблеме диалектики и диалектической логике. / Философия и общество, ? 2, 2013. с.65-82.

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  5. Гегель, Г.В.Ф. Наука логики./ В 3-х т. том 2. М., "Мысль", 1971. 248 с. (АН СССР. Ин-т философии. Философское наследие) .

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[ Copyright (C) Горюшкин И.И.
(Август, 2021 г., Москва)
    (Октябрь, 2022 г., Москва)

-->/    (= Увеличить! =) Горюшкин Игорь: фото, Москва, студент, 3-й курс, 1965 г., Диалектика здравого смысла, превращение реальности, действительность, результат осознания. И моего Гегеля, диалоги с читателем      Без этого в  науке,  Вы - пустое место..!? ]


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(Или, у самих "рыльце в пушку"?..)

  Keywords: dialectics of common sense, seven modern laws of dialectics, my Gegel, law of interaction, law of efficiency of interaction, the law of dependent on energy of interaction, the law of realization, the law of the permission of social contradictions, the law: "Movement - everything, the purpose - anything", law of unreliable of the information: "Make a fool of our brother"

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