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Dissemination Of Democracy In Canada ... From Israel

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   About so-called "Anti-Terrorist" Legislation

Right-wing extremism (fascism) and neo-feudalism have once created 
the State of Israel, which was actually the successor of Stalin, 
Hitler and Churchill: 3 most sinister political figures of the 
Northern Hemisphere in the 20-est century.
(Mussolini, Franco and others were just their "small copies"). 
  (See on Internet:

Split at first by hostility and war, British, German and Russian neo-
feudalism (as Churchillism-Thatcherism, Hitlerism and Stalinism) were 
consolidated in the State of Israel, which brutal regime became an 
ideological reservation and political model for new feudalism. 
Simultaneously the British empire "secretly" made the very existence 
of the State of Israel a new crusade doctrine, based of medieval 
tradition, - and claiming that by Jewish hands Christians have 
liberated the Holy Land from Muslims. 

In reality Israel became one of most vicious anti-Christian countries, 
whose goal is to destroy Christian (European) civilization (see on 
Internet: http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/freespeech.html)

British-Jewish ("Jewish" anti-Jewish) extremists formed a political-
financial global oligarchy, which plan was to return to feudalism and 
establish a global "world government" (read LaRouche). Starting from 
John F. Kennedy's assassination till now they are successfully trying 
to regain British colonial power in North America. Their most 
prominent agents were Brzezinsky, Kissinger, Gor and Rubin (in US). 
Created by British Intelligence B'nay B'rith (Jewish right-wing 
extremist organization) through media (like controlled by them New-York 
Times or Conrad Blake's media empire), finances and politics began 
controlling all spheres of life in North America.

30 years of right-wing economic reforms destroyed capitalism and led 
to a deep and devastative economic crisis. Since 1999 Jewish right-wing 
extremists were leading a campaign against freedom of expression (see
on Internet:

In the same time the Israel has started the most outraged atrocities
and genocide-style offense against Palestinian people since the creation 
of the State of Israel. 

However, they met such a strong world-vide disapproval and confusion 
that it looked as a tremendous failure. Durban - and Gor's defeat - 
were the most significant strikes to British-Jewish oligarchy plans. 
In this situation the attack against America was a best solution (for 

Immediately after the attack - without waiting for official investigation 
results - Netagiahu, Barak, Peres, and other top Israeli politicians were
on all American TV channels, calling for military strikes against Syria, 
Iraq, and their other "friends". Hectic satisfaction and gloomy 
celebration-like style dominated in Israeli high-rank governmental circles, 
and only people without eyes could not see it.

In the same time British Prime-Minister Tony Blair has overtaken the
initiative of the "war against terrorism" from United States, de-masking
his impatience to start a military campaign, which will stop any further
investigation of who was behind the terrorist attack on America, and will
halt the world-wide outcry accusing Israel in crimes against humanity.
The beginning of the military campaign should also stop all rumors about
Israeli connection behind the attack...

In reality the present political development means fluctuation of United 
Stated independence - and the beginning of an era of greater dependence
from Britain and Israel; this is a crucial point of who will control US 
in the near future. 

In this situation Canada became the main probe stone for British-Israeli
imperialism. The northern neighbor of USA, Canada reserved "too much"
independence and freedom. "Too much" democracy for people means "too much" 
independence for the country as well. For UK and Israel it is much easier
to control Canadian government then Canadian people. This is how the
present so-called "anti-terrorist" legislation came to life! 

Using Canada's vulnerability in Canadian-USA trade as a tool, these forces
were blocking Canadian goods on USA border to put more pressure on 
Canada in term of bringing a new "anti-terrorist" legislation into life.  

Is there is any danger to Canada or inside Canada from "terrorists"? None
of political experts sincerely think so. Of course, the right-wing 
politicians  w i l l  spread hysteria, w i l l  do any possible provocation 
to terror the people. Yes, Canada is a NATO member, but in the same time - 
is a neutral state, and if the status quo will be maintained, nobody will 
ever attack Canada. 

Does a worldwide "Muslim" terrorism really exist? Let's not call it 
"Muslim". A tendency of hatred and racism against European culture, 
Christian values exist in Israel, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, 
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South and North Korea, Thailand,
Sudan, Zimbabwe, and other countries. Europeans / Christians are killed,
persecuted, discriminated all over the world, from Israel to Japan. 
Some governments were producing false money to destabilize the Western 
and Russia's economies, situated behind sabotage (economic sabotage:
in the Western world), corruption of Western politicians, threats and 
support of terrorism. Narco-business cartels have operated for many years
in South America, Israel, South-East Asia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan with
a relatively high freedom and easiness: enslaving people, carrying their
world-wide operations, which never excluded terrorism. A number of
Europeans were enslaved in Afghanistan, Chechnia, former Soviet south
republics, Israel, Asia, ect. Unfortunately, the present "anti-terrorist"
military and ideological campaign has nothing to do with the defense of
Europeans, fight against the principles of terrorism or "retaliation" for
WTC and Pentagon bombardment. It is not aimed against terrorism as
ideological and practical platform. Opposite! Actually it was launched to 
defend the terrorist methods, which Israel uses against innocent people, 
implement these methods (as extra-judicial killings, other violations of 
the basic moral and ethical principles) into the official Western 
countries' policy. New tenth or hundreds of thousands of innocent people 
will die - and the terrorists will fight each other on cost of our lives 
and freedom. 

This is why the problem of terrorism was never risen on such a big scale 
as now through UN, diplomacy, governmental propaganda and media: because
in many cases Israel and (sometimes) UK were behind terrorist movements,
narco-Mafia military cartels, or repressive regimes (read V. Ostrovsky
and LaRouche). The problem of terrorism can not be separated from the 
problem of feudalism, slavery, human rights' violations, exploitation and 
tyranny. Well-organized and strong terrorist movements exist in places 
and countries, where the same terrorist methods were used by their 
opponents - such as governments, - and also in regions with no respect to 
human life, dignity and freedom. By supporting brutal regimes, using 
slavish labor and exploiting national natural resources in poor countries, 
the Western financial oligarchy always generated terrorism. (Or supported:
by arming and training terrorists against the former USSR). It is true, 
that Canada's participation in this was much smaller then ex-USSR's, UK's, 
and most of the other countries' in the Western world. This is how Canada 
has already contributed more then maybe any other country to eliminate the 
very sources of terrorism. Canada has also contributed to the world by
creating a society, where hatred, racism and discrimination were almost 
completely excluded, and by mediating in International conflicts. The 
present crisis is not Canada's guilt and not Canada's problem. Why then 
Canadians should pay for other countries' brutality and mistakes by 
giving away their freedom and their style of life? Why should we 
eliminate Canadian democracy to defend the brutal Israeli regime? 

New "anti-terrorist" legislation is a tool for Israel, USA and UK to 
take away Canadian independence together with the most important 
Canadian values.

The offered legislation exactly in exactly repeats all items
offered by the Jewish press, on behalf of such extremist
Jewish organizations, as B'nay B'rith, Anti-Defamation League,
and others, demanding to enter stricter laws and begin more
rigid and "non-compromise" struggle with any criticism of 
Israel, calling her critics "ideological terrorists". Bill 
C-36 absolutely quotes all the items of that definition of 
"terrorism", which gave Jewish organizations. Thus, it 
becomes completely clear, that this bill is an exact 
projection of the Jewish demands to change the political 
system in Canada from democratic to anti-democratic. The 
completely precise line is traced:
1) Campaign of the Jewish extremist organizations, which name 
"measures", which, in their opinion, it is necessary to take,
and also give the "new" definition of "terrorism", under which
anyone dissent falls;
2) Any criticism of Israel refers by them as pro-Arabian, 
pro-Muslim, and - "hence" - is "terrorism";
3) After this campaign (as soon as it was loudly noticed by 
a lot of people (as the author of this article) explosions 
in USA followed;
4) Immediate statements of Israeli politicians (at the nearest 
hours) on all American ТV channels, calling for "struggle 
against terrorism" and military strikes on the Arabian 
5) An "anti-terrorist" legislation appears in Canada, which
is completely appropriate to the spirit and measures of the
point "one".

There is no doubt that the state Israel, right-wing Jewish 
organizations and Jewish financial oligarchy right now
have organized if not a global fascist revolution, than,
such a revolution in the English-speaking countries. 

Newspaper "ICI" (October 18, 2001) called "anti-terrorist" C-36 law a 
"totalitarian tendency", and pointed that it is aimed not against 
particular offenses, but against any dissident (thinking). Newspaper 
says that the definition of terrorism in that law is so dispersed and 
wide (common) - that now any "anti-something" (or "pro": anti-poverty 
or pro-democratic) could be defined as "terrorism". Some articles of 
the law completely eliminate the very basics of the civil liberties 
(like a "preventive" detention). 

Newspaper "Hour" (10.18 - 10.24.2001) in two articles ("End of Dissent"
and "Prepared and Paranoid") qualify the current events around the "anti-
terrorist legislation" as the end of pluralism and an artificial and 
organized paranoia. 

"Globe and Mail" informs: (Monday, October 15: Ottawa introduces 
antiterror bill, by STEPHEN WICARY and ALLISON DUNFIELD) 
"Tabled by Justice Minister Anne McLellan, the new bill amends 
parts of the Criminal Code as well as a number of federal statutes 
including the Proceeds of Crime Act, the Official Secrets Act and the 
Charities Act. (...)

The proposed legislation would also give unprecedented powers to 
police, allowing them to carry out "preventive arrests" and detain 
people suspected of planning a terrorist act for up to 72 hours 
without laying any charges."

However, the new legislation is so widely interpreting w h a t is 
a terrorist act - that eventually a "preventive arrest" can be 
used against any local dissident, who would disagree with the
administration on his / her working place, or protest against
housing, poverty, social policy (or anything else).  

According to the Prime Minister's remarks, Mr. Chrйtien does not 
want to retire as the "father of Canadian tyranny". He would like
(probably) to reconsider some of the most offensive articles of 
the C-36 law. Unfortunately, he's under an unimaginable pressure 
from his own party's right-wing and Zionist agenda, as well as 
from abroad and from the right-wing opposition.  

"Alliance MP Vic Toews, - "says the Globe and Mail", - said that 
while the bill was an "important step forward," it reflects issues 
that the Alliance had already been raising in the House."

Such odious and known as amoral political figures as Stockwell Day 
with his open Zionist agenda go even further in demolishing civil 
freedoms and democracy.

"Alliance Leader Stockwell Day said outside the House of 
Commons that the bill does not go far enough. "We're going to 
be pushing in some areas for a tougher bill."

Zionist self-proclaimed "defenders of human rights" (like the 
Liberal MP Irvin Cotler) keep silence about the anti-human-rights
bill. Even Zionist deputies and officials (like Lucienne Robillard, 
La Salle, Rosenberg and many others) are a "bit less Zionists" then 
Mr. Stockwell Day with his open Zionist agenda. 

"Concern was raised at a noon press conference in Ottawa about 
the bill's detention provisions and about possible abuses of a 
"preventive arrest" portion."

"New Democratic Party MP Bill Blaikie said (...) the NDP will 
be looking more closely at the bill to ensure that the 
"legitimate rights of dissidents" are not harmed."

"NDP leader Alexa McDonough has been a consistent critic of the 
U.S.-led campaign against terrorism, saying it should be led by 
the United Nations instead."

"Monday, October 15

Proposed definition of terrorism

Canadian Press

Definition of terrorist activity provided in proposed legislation:

Terrorist activity means: 

An act or omission, in or outside Canada, that is committed


(a) in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideological 
purpose, objective or cause, and 

 (b) in whole or in part with the intention of intimidating the public,
or a segment of the public, with regard to its security, including its
economic security, or compelling a person, a government or a 
domestic or an international organization to do or refrain from doing 
any act, whether the person, government or organization is inside or 
outside Canada,

and that is intended


 (a) to cause death or serious bodily harm to a person by the use 
of violence,

 (b) to endanger a person's life,

 (c) to cause a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or 
any segment of the public

 (d) to cause substantial property damage, whether to public or 
private property, if causing such damage is likely to result in the 
in the conduct or harm referred to in any of clauses (a) to (c) 
and (e)


 (e) to cause serious interference with or serious disruption of 
an essential service, facility or system, whether public or private, 
other than as a result of lawful advocacy, protest, dissent or 
stoppage of work that does not involve an activity that is intended 
to result in the conduct or harm referred in any of clauses (a) to


and includes a conspiracy, attempt or threat to commit any such 
act or omission, or being an accessory after the fact or counselling
in relation to any such act or omission, but, for greater certainty, 
does not include an act or omission that is committed during an 
armed conflict and that, at the time and in the place of its
commission, is in accordance with customary international law 
or conventional international law applicable to the conflict, or the 
activities undertaken by military forces of a state in the exercise 
of their official duties, to the extent that those activities are 
governed by other rules of international law."

As we can see, this definition of terrorism is attacking some essential
freedoms and rights, which were guaranteed by the universal "Charter
of Rights", calling them "terrorism". The bill is also written in a very 
provocative and double-meaning style, to enable to arrest and punish
people for just anything. So, if this bill will be made a law, people
might be arrested theoretically for only "the intention of intimidating 
the public" or "compelling a person", or just anything else. 

Especially terrible is that in the law (alongside with action)
"omission" is mentioned, that expands the sphere of the eventual 
injustice and the state terror even further, and also means an 
active stimulation of total informanty and paranoia - as in 
Stalin era. 

This bill also enable to punish people for what the most oppressive 
and brutal regimes (as the Israeli regime) will call "terrorism". 
Indeed, the new legislation enables to arrest, imprison or extradite 
Canadians on basis of the foreign accusations. In reality even in USA 
the judicial principles and the law (capital punishment, etc.) are 
different from Canadians. In Israel nationalism, racism, corruption 
and social injustice are part of all laws, and the terrorist methods 
(as extra-judicial killings and tortures) are officially accepted. 
Thousands of innocent Canadians might be imprisoned, killed, tortured 
and / or socially devastated only because of their criticism of 
Israeli cruelty, slavery, tendency to control the world, or because 
of their nationality, or just because of a personal conflict with an 
Israeli official (s).

On the day when the bill was announced, an expert on CTV television 
said that some articles of the proposed legislation mean that a secret
statement of a foreign government might be submitted to the court
in accusation of the suspect, without giving him or his lawyer right 
to see and fight this statement. When he was asked, what countries,
he answered: "United States or Israel".

"Globe and Mail" also wrote (By SHAWN MCCARTHY -
PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU CHIEF: Monday, October 15, 2001 - Page A1): 
"Today, Justice Minister Anne McLellan is scheduled to table 
legislation that will, among other things, make it a crime to raise 
funds for terrorist groups, with a maximum sentence of up to 10 

Because of the bill's too wide and unclear definition of terrorism
just any group (like newspaper, a literary club, church, a mosque, 
or a business) may be defined as a "terrorist group", and - 
consequently - any person, whom the authorities don't like, may
be imprisoned as easy as "1, 2, 3".

In the same time it will be not forbidden to raise money for the
State of Israel, the state, which uses terrorist methods against
its opponents! It is absolutely clear, that this bill and all its anti-
democratic articles are a pure pro-Israeli agenda, brought to life
for the purposes of the State of Israel - and for her only sake, and 
against Canadian people.  

"It will also give police and other authorities more power to tap 
phones and conduct surveillance on suspected terrorist groups, and 
it will provide stiffer sentences for hate crimes."

Now we have another "anti-terrorist" legislation within the main one.
It means that the power to "tap phones and conduct surveillance"
is linked not only with "terrorism" in general, but with another
unclear definition as "hate crimes". However, if we'll check all most
famous cases around Jewish extremist propaganda and organizations
like B'nay B'rith, "Anti-Defamation Ligue", and other, we'll 
understand, what does it mean. Zundel's, Mallins', Irving's - and 
many other similar cases were called by the Jewish extremists
"hate crimes".  

"The Justice Minister also indicated that she would consider 
extraditing people accused of terrorist crimes, even if they 
face torture or the death penalty in other countries. The Supreme 
Court of Canada has put limits on the government's ability to 
extradite people to countries that have capital punishment 
without obtaining assurances that they would not face the 
death penalty."

"She acknowledged yesterday that some Canadians will feel the 
government has gone too far in infringing on civil liberties (...)"

No comments are needed. 

In Montreal "The Gazette" wrote (Monday, October 15, 2001,
Feds introduce tough anti-terrorism bill, critics worry about civil 
rights, by NAHLAH AYED (Canadian Press):

"(...) some critics slammed it as a strong-handed attack on civil
liberties. The bill - the latest in a series of government measures 
aimed at fighting terrorism - proposes a series of firsts in Canadian 
law, ranging from providing a definition of terrorist activity to tilting 
the balance in favour of the public interest over individual rights."

"(...) wiretaps could be used for up to a year, instead of 60 days, after 
an initial request." 

"More significantly, critics say, the Defense Department's
Communications Security Establishment would, for the first time, be 
allowed to monitor communication between Canadians and foreign 
groups or individuals." 

"That proposal sent shivers up the spines of civil libertarians, who say 
it flies in the face of the protections offered by the Charter of Rights 
and Freedoms."

"McLellan defended the legislation and the provisions (...) : ""People 
who live in daily fear for their personal security and safety cannot live 
in a free and democratic society (...) That fear starts to eat away and 
erode at the very underpinnings of democracy." 

Critics say the legislation itself is ominous proof that what McLellan 
says is true."

"There are lots of things in there that in Canada, we have for a long 
time . . . taken for granted we would never see," Simon Potter, 
vice-president of the Canadian Bar Association, said Monday."

"The bill also: 
    - Allows for the freezing and seizure of assets of terrorists and
their supporters. 

  - Allows for the establishment of a list of terrorist organizations
and individuals. 

   - Targets hate crimes by creating an offence with a maximum
10-year prison sentence for mischief in relation to religious 

   - Allows for consecutive sentencing for terrorist offences. 

   - Amends the Official Secrets Act and creates new offences to
counter espionage."

The sad truth is that the government is probably considering the
whole Canadian nation as terrorists... 

In other words - this is how the "democracy" in Canada is 
disseminated from Israel. 

This is how fascism is coming into Canada. 

   October 17 2001

My Friends' Observations:


To take away rights from Canadian citizens (electorate) 
means to take away the power from their deputies. It
means that the forcible structures-institutions like
police, Ministry of Immigration, intelligence and army
will dictate the Parliament, what to do


The new bill (c-36) will shift power and security issues
from the bottom and middle of society to the top. A
question if we are ready to exchange freedom for
security is a nonsense. Depriving dissent and other 
circles of the freedom of expression, and by that 
erasing any control from down to top this bill will
make our security dependent on few people, who
would become completely uncontrollable. Then
the terrorist organization could corrupt, intimidate
or blackmail one of these high officials and he
(she) will uncontrollable act on behalf of terrorists,
destroying our country. Now, when the security
depends on many people' work and attention - and
somehow is controlled by wide public - we are
much more secure.


Minorities like Russians< Arabs< Indians< and
others will suffer more then the rest of Canadians
if bill C-36 will be adopted. This bill aimed by 
the Jewish oligarchy against other minorities.


Bill C-36 has nothing to do with terrorism. It is
a tool for Israelis to stop charity collection for
other countries and needs except of needs of the
State of Israel. Then more huge sums of money 
will be collected for the Jewish needs. 


This bill creates a situation when the Federal
government will receive a war-time undemocratic
control over the provinces. As a result - 
Quebec cultural identity will be washed away.
We can predict that the autonomy of Quebec will
be then diminished, and wide persecutions of
Quebecois will follow.    

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