Хроническы Выпендрит Осипович : другие произведения.

Welcome (the Howling song)

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I heard this song somewhere 
the tune may be familiar 
you would remind me of it 
If you hadn't have left me 

Like storm raging 
Left the earth in ruins 
I wish you joy & pleasure 
I wish you fall crushed 

Go go baby 
Soar soar 
my eagle 
come back again 
to me soon 
come down from Heaven tumbling 

Who'll ask from you repentance 
Who'll judge you sweet my lover 

I'll welcome you to plain soil 
I'll welcome you forever 

Of all the world's sadness 
I'll have my share bitter 
Next time you go soaring 
Take me with you upwards 
take me with you 
Take me with you downmost 

you used to cause sorrow 
Wherever you showed up 
I'll welcome you torture 
Please come back soon blasting 

There isn't much left of 
what was my heart and mind 
all that remains down here 

Soar soar 
Fly high 
whenever you choose to fall 
let me die 
'stead of you

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