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The notification device about a child left in the car

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    It isn't recommended to forget the child in the car. If the child not prepare morally, to him can be bad from crying. The clothes of the child have to be warm. Fresh air in salon, etc. besides even in the warm countries, at night, especially in the winter, it is cold. My invention more perfect, than others, and it will work in the country with any climate, both in the winter and in the summer and at night and in the afternoon Protect the child from an overheat and against hypothermia. Alarm signal will be sent.

  The device has to be always in the car, is equipped with the mobile phone and equipped with sensors and means of information processing, has the button of a delay of a parcel of a signal and timers with possibility of settings. It has to be coordinated with the device of anti-creeping alarm device electrically.
  The logical principles on which operation of the device is based.
  1 After engine switching off, through set small time, neither parents, nor children shouldn't be in the car. The disturbing signal will be otherwise sent. The car serves for movement from point A in point B instead of in order that to live in it. And so it also is in 99 percent of cases.
  2- If parents, nevertheless, for some time want to remain in the car, let will press the button of a delay of a parcel of a disturbing signal for set time. The same if they want to leave for a while the child.
   3-Device "wakes up" after a logical connective inclusion - engine switching off.
   4-Device "goes to sleep" after turning on of the engine, or after an exit of all people from salon through set small time.
  Operation of the device
   The device turns on after each switching off of the engine of the car and produces a periodic check of people in the car every few minutes. If through set in settings of the device (timer) time, say, in 2 minutes, the child or other people still are in the car, there will be a notification about it in different forms. Calls to parents or other people which phone numbers will be written down in memory of the mobile phone built in in the device will be made, and the message written down in advance will be heard. After the interval of time which is required on return of parents or trustees and liberating of the child, at repeated detection in the car of the child, the car alarm system will be switched on, the horn and a blinking of headlights, for drawing attention of nearby left parents is involved (it can be disconnected at them phones and they didn't receive a call from the device), passersby or traffic police. If the child is in the car after motor switching off together with parents or one, but from their permission, it is possible to delay notification operation by means of the special button for time set in settings, we will tell for 10 minutes. When the motor will be started or all people will leave the car (the next check has to show it), the device will be switched off.
   Information about the started or switched-off motor can arrive several ways. One - from the sensor perceiving vibration of the car which happens at the working motor. The second - from work of an alternator which, as we know, is mechanically connected with the motor and during its work develops electricity. It is possible to give an electric signal on the described device from an alternator by means of wires. For example, on the dashboard of the car will be the special socket where the signal (existence of current) will arrive and which will join an electrical plug from the notification device. Or the arrangement will be attached to an alternator sending electromagnetic waves on the notification device. Signals also can be acoustic, but, it is desirable, at a frequency not perceived by a human ear not to irritate the driver and passengers. It is possible to use the battery charging sensor which is in each car and it is directly connected with alternator work. Besides, to get information that the motor is switched off, it is possible on its cooling, it is necessary to put about the motor temperature sensor with threshold value.
   Information about finding of the child or other people in the car will arrive not from one, and from several sensors (for reliability). It is possible to choose some sensors from the options given below, which list can be continued probably. At operation at least one of sensors mounted in the car, there will be a notification.
  1 . Capacitor, usual for the automobile anti-creeping alarm device.
  2 . From air movement in the car.
  3 . Chemical. Will analyze dynamics of change in salon of the content in air of oxygen and carbon dioxide (from breath of the child).
  4 . Voice. The special program will process sound signals in salon of the car and to allocate from them crying and a voice of the child.
  5 . Thermal imagers scanning system* and/or local thermal sensors *.
  6 . The sensors of pressure reacting to weight of the child with which it is possible to equip a special chair of the child and car sitting.
  * ATR- system with automatic recognition of images. It is better to put two such thermal imagers in forward and back part of salon that backs of chairs didn't disturb the review.
  ** As they are described in the invention of the USA, US 8618926 B1 belonging to Pelar Thompson.
   All these sensors and the mobile phone when the offered device "will fall asleep", can be used by other device - anti-creeping. In general - that, the difference between the offered device and the device of the anti-creeping alarm device with a call on the mobile phone of the owner, is that the anti-creeping alarm device turns on from the button on a fob key, and given - from engine switching off after set small time, plus with possibility of a delay of inclusion by the special button. Also it seems reasonable these two devices to unite in one.
  Addition . Option - Luxury.
  This option of performance of the device more expensive, but and more perfect.
  Its difference that is given the chance to parents or trustees of the child, after receiving a warning call by them, a reciprocal call on the mobile phone of the device to deactivate it for set time (here we will need one more timer) and to come and without noise to all street to get out the child. Such possibility of deactivating calls will be given them the set maximum number of times, we will tell 3. If the device after the termination of time of deactivation, nevertheless finds in the car of the child, then the noise and light alarm system already will turn on and even the call to police with the indication of a site of the car which will be read from built-in GPS (which a little will be made will increase to us cost) ***.
  *** The idea with reading of coordinates from GPS for the similar device contains in the above-mentioned patent Pelar Thompson and has to be redeemed from her.
   Turning off the engine will be switched the sound-reproducing device and to remind: "Don't forget the child in the car!"

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