Ивлева Елизавета Витальевна : другие произведения.

Hungry Artists won"t ever stop

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  • Аннотация:
    This poem is dedicated to one of my favourite groups - HADES (Hungry Artists Don"t Ever Stop)

We will sing, we will draw, we will dance hip-hop,
Because we - Hungry Artists - we won't ever stop!
We"ll get rid of hum-drum and the routine sadness 
Life is nothing but fever which is close to madness.
Our life is hard in the world of hypocrisy:
Totalitarian countries play in laws and democracy 
While obedient colourless people run nowhere:
I deteste fucking game and it's now should be over!!! 
Just stop, look around, think about who you are -
Don't run from the internal quaeres to the bar;
There is no time for whining: just to decide and to act,
So if you have your soul saved - listen, look and react! 
Don't waste time on some arguments, quarrels, so on
And remember that common opinions are con. 
Spit on imposed lifestyle, try to found your own!
You're the rex of your life, why not taking your throne? 
Don't spend time on a hustling, if your love is the Art; 
If you want to create - only wake up and start! 
After being a neophyte you"ll be the Master:
Drastic changes in life - those are not a disaster!
Our thoughts are like bullets, so let your gun pop:
We"re with you - Hungry Artists that won"t ever stop! 

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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