Jean Elaine Grey-Summers
Jean Elaine Grey-Summers

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Аннотация к разделу: The character has also been known as Marvel Girl, Phoenix and Dark Phoenix at various points in her history.

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 Остапчук И.И.
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 Палий И.А.
 Палмер А.
 Парубец В.В.
 Печенина Т.О.
 Пугачева Л.
 Ростовский Д.
 Рыжова В.А.
 Снежная Д.
 Соркина И.М.
 Сорокин А.В.
 Сэнгпэнг Е.Д.
 Таззит Л.А.
 Темная С.
 Целых О.
 Чайко А.В.
 Чёрное С.
 Шатен Г.
 Шевченко И.В.
 Шоколадная П.
 Щанов В.М.
 Яненко М.А.


  • Sir Us National Debt delivers...   143k   Оценка:10.00*3   Фантастика, Киберпанк, Хоррор Комментарии: 1 (12/01/2025)
    "The near future. Rich orphanages in Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Finland - receive orphans from ruined (in view of the National Debt of almost 40 trillion dollars) US families, and these girls need to survive in the EU and tell the truth about the greed of the EU elites! You dream of this future, but in reality it was prevented. You are Jean Grey, a 19-year-old Latin American student girl, in whom, through food at McDonald's, the doctors of Big Pharma chemically awakened superpowers (in vain they did this x_x awakening this in beautiful virgins at 19 is very dangerous!)... You have a crazy yandere fan who is a stalker and is stalking you, she calls you, demanding to send your naked photos from the shower and tells in verse about her lesbian feelings for you. Riddle??? You were a problem child, you were raped by your mother, who worked for the government of Mexico of Nightmares, fortunately all this is behind you and you are in the USA. Mexico is now an unincorporated territory of the USA, it does not have the rights of the US states, but in fact Mexico belongs to the US government until the end of the war on terror in its lands ... Your entire childhood is one terror and nightmare, you want to forget about it, especially in this cruel school for paranormal teenagers in the USA you still hope to find lesbian friends with whom you will connect your life and maybe even finally be able to find a friend, which is unrealistic in Mexico. In the USA, natural childbirth is prohibited, because, according to the Chief Physician, "they reduce the government's control over the genes of paranormal teenagers and do not allow them to express themselves..." All over the planet, corrupt governments are falling on all continents, the USA is replacing corrupt armies of officials without conscience with honest neural networks of large US corporations everywhere, making all the peoples of the Earth happy, who are starting to forgive the US government debts of a trillion a month! It seemed - to live and be happy at 19 in the USA, even if you are a simple courier girl who does not even have a normal motorcycle. But after the attack of the past - the attack of pro-government drug terrorists of Latin America, Jean Grey found herself in a closed American school for abnormal teenagers, because firstly: she was able to demonstrate pyrokinesis and influence on the mind, without chemical stimulation, unlike other children kept there, secondly, she did not cause significant damage to herself, unlike other experimental teenagers who mutilate themselves, literally burning out from chemically awakened superpowers! This means that Jean Grey (as if you, an elegant girl with a size 3 breast and a delicious mouth) may be a mutant, and her superpowers may be useful to Miss Liberty, who now rules the USA on behalf of the intelligence neural networks, while the previous authoritarian officials, having mobilized for the glory of the USA, having become the "Corruption" brigade, went to liberate the peoples of South America from the dictatorship of their old authorities of authoritarianism and evil... The world is really on the brink of great changes, but now you have another task: in the school toilet you see a group of girls who are mocking a young skinny student from Asia (she and her family migrated from the Sovereign State of Taiwan, when terrorist attacks began there after Taiwan supported Malaysia in their war against Indonesia for water, where the USA and Japan supported Indonesia with weapons, and the EU, Australia and Brazil supported Malaysia with drones and intelligence, and the greedy Chinese and Moscow were to blame Egoism, guilty of starting the war and trying to set the EU and the US against each other), her name is Enola Tortola, and she is supposedly a psychic who can instill thoughts through a kiss, read coffee grounds, shock and even sense pedophiles thousands of kilometers away in the power of another country! For example: she revealed the truth about the pedophiles at the head of the drug mafia-government of Colombia, who were engaged in chemical lobotomization of children in the US (they distributed drugs that reduce the chance of superpowers in US children, LEAD TO OBESITY IN CHILDREN IN THE USA, and also damage the cerebral hemispheres o.o)! On the basis of this, Miss Liberty issued a super law that automatically deprives all mothers in the US of the right to children until the mothers prove through proper upbringing that they are Worthy of Raising Young Americans of Freedom and can teach them superpowers and other things necessary for survival in the conditions of a very fast turbulent peace!!! The children of the USA were delighted with the neural network Miss Liberty from the NSA and IC USA, after which they wrote her poems about love and freedom from their ancestors... >_<"
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  • Temple of Domestic Violence in the Usa...   55k   Оценка:10.00*3   Детектив, Фантастика, Киберпанк Комментарии: 2 (12/01/2025)
    "While Israel was destroying the Saudi Arabia of Misogynist Authoritarians, and the sheiks of the Persian Gulf were carrying their children to Britain and France - in the USA, society was changing for the better. The crowning glory was the rejection of people in the form of jurors: now the courts were AI lawyers of AI and jurors - trusted AI from large corporations! By killing all the judges via smartphone explosions, the US Democracy handed over the reins of power over their countries to their people, which marked the End of US National Debt Payments, and the beginning of the Age of the Planet's Debt to the US for the states' sale of asteroids with natural resources to various backward nations. China fought with the Quad (India became the leader of the Quad after joining the US as a state for the debts of Britain), Greenland, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, and even Gibraltar - returned to the US for the debts of the planet to the US, and all the AIs of the Communist Party rebelled in the PRC. From now on, all nations turned to the AIs of US corporations for justice and paid a Judicial Tribute of 10% of their income to the states. The US was divided into castes: Ordinary Citizens - with a bank deposit of less than 1 million dollars. Good Citizens of the United States - with a contribution of 1 million to 1 billion US dollars, these were immune from prosecution for minor crimes by corporate AI courts, if the crimes did not affect the interests of other Good Citizens of the United States. High Citizens of Democracy - the Inner Council of corporations, or owners of shares in corporations worth more than one billion dollars. This caste had access to medicine from AI, with ultra-longevity, they were given the best implants, they were protected from prosecution for serious and especially serious crimes against citizens of other countries and US citizens of the caste below. Citizens of other countries are prohibited from entering here, but the elites of different countries of the Earth can get into the caste of the lower level - Good Citizens of the United States - if they bring the values ????and resources of their peoples to the United States and earn the Mark from the AI. You are Rhea Mining, a hot lesbian, you are 18 years old, you are the daughter of a female shareholder of Boeing Systems (she bought 90% of the EU military-industrial complex and capitalizes 200 trillion), your second mother is a Lifetime Senator-cyborg of the USA, and you are a representative of the highest caste of the USA. You have fun working in the US special services as a detective, buying up land on Ceres and being a lesbian with various princess girls of the backward peoples of Africa and Latinos. Your implant Ecstasy-4 makes people tell you the truth, and Mars-3, built into your thigh, gives immunity to venereal and other diseases, increasing longevity through work with telomeres of cells. The long-awaited year 2044 has arrived: while Turkey once again demands EU membership, prohibiting the supply of weapons and humanitarian aid to EU member Armenia through its territory during the third Armenian-Iranian war, while mysterious earthquakes in Colombia force the people of this country to attack their neighbors because of hunger (Colombia held a referendum on membership in the USA, but the elite and people of the USA decided that a narrow border in the south is more important than another piece of jungle, and Colombia is too densely populated), while Argentina, despite sanctions against it in the UN, attacked northwest Africa without permission (and Spain and Italy trade weapons with both Africa and Argentina) - in the USA there is another dominance of secret societies and sects. Your lesbian boss from the US NSA has offered you to take part in a war between two secret sectarian organizations in Philo-York (a city of 99 million citizens-refugees-terrorists-drug addicts-prostitutes-cyborgs-robots from the merged Philadelphia and New York, where the Palace of Justice of the Corporations of Democracy rules in view of 77% unemployment due to the replacement of people with machines with neural networks and mass recruitment of the unemployed for wars in Africa and South America for resources needed by US corporations). From the briefing of your mission it is clear: not all military males laid down their arms, after the replacement of the Pentagon generals with neural networks due to corruption and too many losses of the US army during the return of Canada and Mexico by swarms of drones (with the execution of the US generals in the electric chair), the so-called Church of Domestic Violence, believing in God the Father, emerged from former US military officers who were no longer needed and not competitive with the army of intelligent machines. And this chauvinist sect is in conflict with the Satanist Doctors, who turn children and old people of ordinary citizens in the US into zombies to fight with higher castes, which is doubly criminal: in the US, doctors are prohibited from providing assistance to ordinary citizens, for whom
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