The second suborbital manned flight of the New Shepard spacecraft; the creation of a super-heavy rocket; the prospects for the RD-180. A note on the history of space exploration.
Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story.
Lenya Bobrov admires the Sea of Azov and reflects on the Beijing Declaration of the BRICS countries and on the plan of António Guterres on a transport out a grain. A story.
A super-short review of a fragment of Olga Velikanova's book "The Constitution of 1936 and the Mass Political Culture of Stalinism. M: New Literary Review, 2021. Translated from English by Olga Velikanova".
The coming to power of the politician of the non-imperial era. A Literary note on chapters 5-7 of the book by Jean-Louis Thiériot "Margaret Thatcher: "From the Grocery Store to the House of Lords"
MMMDLXXIX. The martial law in South Korea and the Russial political culture. Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A culturological essay. - December 4, 2024.
The Tale of a Ticketless Departure of Nikola Tesla. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о безбилетном отъезде Николы Теслы".