Ima tri materiala za partijata NAPUK na vseki ot izpolzuvanite ezici, koito vyrvjat ryka za ryka: Manifest, Programa, i Kodeks; te sa svyrzani edin sys drug, no sa razlichni, akcentirat na razni momenti ot dejnostta na tazi unikalna partija, syzdadena za da podobri demokracijata i ...
Ima tri materiala za partijata NAPUK na vseki ot izpolzuvanite ezici, koito vyrvjat ryka za ryka: Manifest, Programa, i Kodeks; te sa svyrzani edin sys drug, no sa razlichni, akcentirat na razni momenti ot dejnostta na tazi unikalna partija, syzdadena za da podobri demokracijata i ...
Tova e silno pljuesht nashata demokracija material, a zashto e takyv, to prochetete pyrvo Pismoto. I pljueneto e osnovno na vylna nauka i obrazovanie, kakto i otnoshenie kym uchenoto v sveta na kapitala, poradi fakta, che e pisan okolo 24 maj. Humora tuk-tame e ironichen, no na povecheto ...
Tova e stiho-prozaichna sbirka ot 50+ leko sykrateni (do 11 reda) soneti narecheni /_sonjotki_/, opljuvashti nashija obyrkan prehod kym demokracijata, kojto za 30 godini vse oshte ne svyrshva, s razbori na edin bjuljuk vyprosi a i sys syveti za opravjane na byrkotiite (ako se chete ...
Tova e moj neochakvan ekspromt v kraja na koronnata i protestnata za Bylgarija godina, kojto az i ne bjah pomis/_ljuval_/ da pisha, no sled kato naroda ni prodylzhava da protestira, to mozhe li Jotata da vzeme da mylchi? Tozi pyt tova sa seksteti, ot malko stranen vid, koito zapochvat ...
Tova e, kakto e kazano v podzaglavieto, shegovit tylkoven /_cum_/ etimologichen rechnik pone na bylgarskija ezik (a znachi i na njakoi drugi interesni chuzhdi dumi po sveta, naj-chesto v anglijskija i ruskija), kojto, nezavisimo ot neserioznija ton (za da byde po-interesno chetivo ...
This is English adaptation, what means translation of translatable, i.e. of prosaic part, of one unexpected poetical impromptu of mine, written in the end of corona and protest for Bulgaria 2020 year, which I have never thought to write before, but when our people continue to protest ...
Hier gebe ich in humoristischer Form Erklärungen, warum ich die Demokratie nicht mag, was fehlt ihr um gut genug für intelligente Leute zu sein. Diese Erklärungen sind mehr als ein Dutzend, sie haben mehrmals nicht lehre Schnittmenge, d.h. ...
Dieser ist der letzte von der Dreiheit der Artikeln über meine einzigartige NAPUK Partei. Keywords: communism, capitalism, moral-questions, better-ruling, necessary,
Das ist der beginnende und grundlegendste von der Dreiheit der Artikeln über NAPUK Partei. Keywords: communism, capitalism, exploitation, future, original-idea,
Das ist der mittlere und detailliertere von der Dreiheit der Artikeln über NAPUK Partei. Keywords: communism, capitalism, minimal-allowances, social-products, other-ideas,
Das ist ein Artikel über den Niedergang unserer Zivilisation, darin wir nicht massenhaft glauben, weil sie nicht als sterbende empfunden wird, sie riecht gut, aber das ist ein Rückgang, offensichtlich für diejenigen, die darüber nachdenken. ...
This is a very big letter for all Bulgarians, translated this time in English, which discusses some pension curiosities, advices to the pensioners, propositions for their bettering, meaning about social policy in Bulgaria, about the fight with misery, ...
This article is quite heterogeneous, for it has to fulfill several purposes, as to: explain why I decided to "pollute" the Internet with the strange Bulgarian language and in even stranger form, give a possibly brief summary of what was in the Open Letter, provide the readers with ...
This is a paper about one of my many ideas for bettering of the society, namely for building of /_voluntarily chosen families_/, by the simple reason that the families came down from historical scene but they are necessary, we are social animals, some kind of communes are always needed. ...
This is a paper about the decline of our civilization, in what we don't believe en masse because it is not felt as dying, it /_smells_/ good, yet it is a decline, obviously for those who give a thought to it. So that I will explain why this is so, in what it chiefly expresses itself, ...
This is my latest idea about one, preferably atheistic, Church, that can be called WoTri (i.e. of Woman Trinity) Church, or PAW Cult, because there are worshiped three deities, Putna, Afro, and Wimei, and in triangular churches, in three different altars, but in one church.
There are three papers about NAPUK party, in all of the provided languages, that go hand in hand, namely: the Manifesto, the Program, and the Codex; they are related, but are different, stressing on different sides of activity of this unique party, designed to better the democracy ...
There are three papers about NAPUK party, in all of the provided languages, that go hand in hand, namely: the Manifesto, the Program, and the Codex; they are related, but are different, stressing on different sides of activity of this unique party, designed to better the democracy ...
There are three papers about NAPUK party, in all of the provided languages, that go hand in hand, namely: the Manifesto, the Program, and the Codex; they are related, but are different, stressing on different sides of activity of this unique party, designed to better the democracy ...
This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way you are losing the perfect nursery rhymes, but there are about 200 poetical lines, what ...
This is English translation of poetically-prosaic collection of 50+ shortened (to 11 lines) sonnets, which are spitting at our messed transition to democracy, that for 30 years can't finish, with many analyses and propositions. Translated exactly is the translat/_able_/, i.e. prosaic, ...
This is English adaptation, what means translation of translat/_able_/, i.e. of prosaic part, of one unexpected poetical impromptu of mine, written in the end of corona and protest for Bulgaria 2020 year, which I have never thought to write before, but when our people continue to ...
I give here in humorous form explanations, why I do not like the democracy, what it lacks in order to be good enough for intelligent people. These explanations are more than a dozen, they have many times not an empty intersection, i.e. some ideas repeat themselves, but in this way ...
Das ist ein sehr langer Brief fu:r alle Bulgaren, u:bersetzt dieses Mal ins Deutsch, der die folgende Themen diskutiert: einige Rentenkuriosita:ten, Ratschla:ge an die Rentner, Vorschla:ge fu:r Verbesserung der Sachen, Meinungen u:ber die Sozialpolitik in Bulgarien, u:ber den Kampf ...
Das ist ein Artikel u:ber eine meiner vielen Ideen zur Verbesserung der Gesellschaft, na:mlich fu:r den Aufbau von /_freiwillig gewa:hlten Familien_/, aus dem einfachen Grund, dass die Familien aus der historischen Szene kamen, aber sie sind notwendig, wir sind soziale Tiere, eine ...
Das ist ein Artikel u:ber den Niedergang unserer Zivilisation, darin wir nicht massenhaft glauben, weil sie nicht als sterbende empfunden wird, sie /_riecht_/ gut, aber das ist ein Ru:ckgang, offensichtlich fu:r diejenigen, die daru:ber nachdenken. So dass ich erkla:ren werde, warum ...
Das ist meine neueste Idee u:ber eine, vorzugsweise atheistische, Kirche, die WoTri (von Woman Trinity) Kirche oder PAW Kult genannt werden kann, weil dort drei Gottheiten, Putna, Afro und Wimei, und in dreieckigen Kirchen, in drei verschiedenen Alta:re, aber in einer Kirche, verehrt ...
Es sind drei Artikel u:ber die NAPUK Partei, in allen benutzten Sprachen, die Hand im Hand gehen, das Manifest, das Programm, und der Codex; sie sind zusammen verbunden, aber sie sind verschieden und zeigen verschiedene Seiten der Aktivita:t dieser einzigartigen Partei, die dazu erfunden ...
Es sind drei Artikel u:ber die NAPUK Partei, in allen benutzten Sprachen, die Hand im Hand gehen, das Manifest, das Programm, und der Codex; sie sind zusammen verbunden, aber sie sind verschieden und zeigen verschiedene Seiten der Aktivita:t dieser einzigartigen Partei, die dazu erfunden ...
Es sind drei Artikel u:ber die NAPUK Partei, in allen benutzten Sprachen, die Hand im Hand gehen, das Manifest, das Programm, und der Codex; sie sind zusammen verbunden, aber sie sind verschieden und zeigen verschiedene Seiten der Aktivita:t dieser einzigartigen Partei, die dazu erfunden ...
This is introductory material about the author in English, who he is, what he knows, how he can be used, for some etymologies or for verses in 3 languages (Eng., Rus., Bul.), with some appendixes in those languages. Keywords:the_ ...
This is English translation of poetically-prosaic collection of 50+ slightly shortened (to 11 lines) sonnets called Sonjotkas, that are spitting at our messed transition to democracy, that for 30 years still can't finish, with analyses of bunch of questions, ...
This is a paper about one of my many ideas for bettering of the society, namely for building of voluntarily chosen families, by the simple reason that the families came down from historical scene but they are necessary, we are social animals, some kind ...
Das ist ein Artikel über eine meiner vielen Ideen zur Verbesserung der Gesellschaft, nämlich für den Aufbau von freiwillig gewählten Familien, aus dem einfachen Grund, dass die Familien aus der historischen Szene kamen, aber sie sind ...
Questo è un articolo su una delle mie tante idee per migliorare la società, in particolare per costruzione di liberamente scelti famiglie, per la semplice ragione che le famiglie sono venuti dalla scena storica, ma essi sono necessarie, noi ...
Das ist meine neueste Idee über eine, vorzugsweise atheistische, Kirche, die WoTri (von Woman Trinity) Kirche oder PAW Kult genannt werden kann, weil dort drei Gottheiten, Putna, Afro und Wimei, und in dreieckigen Kirchen, in drei verschiedenen Altäre, ...
This is English adaptation of Bulgarian original poetical booklet, where all prosaic parts are strictly translated, but the poetry is only sketched giving retold or not rhymed text. In this way you are losing the perfect nursery rhymes, but there are ...
In Italian. Questo `e un articolo su una delle mie tante idee per migliorare la societ`a, in particolare per costruzione di /_liberamente scelti famiglie_/, per la semplice ragione che le famiglie sono venuti dalla scena storica, ma essi sono necessarie, noi siamo animali sociali, ...
This is the Open Letter in German Keywords: Open Letter, in German, pensioner curiosities, fight with misery, Bulgarian image, many propositions, advises to pensioners, others,
This is the Open Letter in English Keywords: Open Letter, in English, pensioner curiosities, fight with misery, Bulgarian image, many propositions, advises to pensioners, others,
AEto statjja ob odnoj iz mnogih moih idej ob uluchshenii obshchestva, tochnee dlja sozdanija /_dobrovoljno vyibiraemyih semjej_/, po prostoj prichine, chto semji soshli s istoricheskoj scenyi, no oni nuzhnyi, myi socialjnyie zhivotnyie, kakoj-to vid kommun vsegda nuzhen.
AEtot material posvjashchjon zakatu nashej civilizacii, vo chto myi ne boljno-to verim, potomu chto aeto ne oshchushchaetsja kak pogibanie, ona horosho /_pahnet_/, odnako aeto zakat, chto ochevidno dlja teh, kto zadumyivaetsja ob aetom. Tak chto ja obyjasnju pochemu aeto tak, v chjom ...
AEto moja poslednjaja ideja ob odnoj, zhelateljno ateisticheskoj, Cerkvi, kotoraja mozhet byitj nazvana ZHeTri (t.e. ZHenskoj Troicyi, WoTri) Cerkovj, ili PAV (PAW) Kuljt, potomu chto tam preklonjajutsja pered tremja boginjami, Putna (Putna), Afro (Afro), i Vimei (Wimei), i v treugoljnyih ...
Sushchestvujut tri materiala dlja partii NAPUK, kotoryie idut ruka ob ruku, Manifest, Programma, i Kodeks; oni svjazanyi odin s drugim, no oni razlichnyie, akcentiruja na raznyie storonyi dejateljnosti aetoj unikaljnoj partii. AEto nachaljnaja i naibolee fundamentaljnaja iz troicyi ...
Sushchestvujut tri materiala dlja partii NAPUK, kotoryie idut ruka ob ruku, Manifest, Programma, i Kodeks; oni svjazanyi odin s drugim, no oni razlichnyie, akcentiruja na raznyie storonyi dejateljnosti aetoj unikaljnoj partii. AEto srednjaja i bolee detaljnaja iz troicyi statjej o ...
Sushchestvujut tri materiala dlja partii NAPUK, kotoryie idut ruka ob ruku, Manifest, Programma, i Kodeks; oni svjazanyi odin s drugim, no oni razlichnyie, akcentiruja na raznyie storonyi dejateljnosti aetoj unikaljnoj partii. AEto poslednij iz troicyi materialov o moej unikaljnoj ...
Here is a list of all works with abstracts and ordered by languages of Jotata - Atatoj, who may be present also as: Ivancho Jotata, Ochnavi Atatoj, Nostradamus Buladamus, Ivan Bugarow, Jotabash Giaurgi, and other cloning names. It is made in Feb 2022. ...
I give here in humorous form explanations, why I do not like the democracy, what it lacks in order to be good enough for intelligent people. These explanations are more than a dozen, they have many times not an empty intersection, i.e. some ideas repeat ...
This is the last of the trinity of papers about my unique NAPUK party and it concerns chiefly the moral image of its followers, but also the immorality on the money and how to avoid it, the social ruling, and other related or not exactly questions, but ...
This is the beginning and most fundamental of the trinity of papers about NAPUK party. Here is explained what this means, why is it so important and unique, which are the basic requirements of its policy, in economic and social aspects, and why it is ...
This is the middle and more detailed of the trinity of papers about the NAPUK party. Here are explained in more details the economic moments of its activity, more precisely how this livelong allowances must be paid, also the maintaining of social prices ...
This is a paper about the decline of our civilization, in what we don't believe en masse because it is not felt as dying, it smells good, yet it is a decline, obviously for those who give a thought to it. So that I will explain why this is so, in what ...
This is my latest idea about one, preferably atheistic, Church, that can be called WoTri (i.e. of Woman Trinity) Church, or PAW Cult, because there are worshiped three deities, Putna, Afro, and Wimei, and in triangular churches, in three different altars, ...
Това е мой неочакван експромт в края на коронната и протестната за България година, който аз изобщо не бях мислил да пиша, но след като народа ни продължава да протестира, то може ли Йотата да вземе да мълчи? Този път това са секстети, от малко странен ...
In Bulgarian. Това е, както е казано в подзаглавието, шеговит тълковен /cum/ етимологичен речник поне на българския език (а значи и на някои други интересни чужди думи по света, най-често в английския и руския), който, независимо от несериозния тон (за ...
Это статья об одной из многих моих идей об улучшении общества, точнее для создания добровольно выбираемых семьей, по простой причине, что семьи сошли с исторической сцены, но они нужны, мы социальные животные, какой-то вид коммун всегда нужен. Keywords: ...
Това е статия за една от моите много идеи за подобряване на обществото, по-точно за създаване на доброволно избираеми семейства, по простата причина, че семействата слязоха от историческата сцена, но те са нужни, ние сме социални животни, някакъв вид ...
Това е върло оплюваща рекапитулация на нашия демократичен път вече цели 30 години, във, както е казано в подзаглавието, поетична и прозаична форма, писана точно около празника на Кирил и Методи, така че засяга основно въпроси свързани със затриването ...
This is the Open Letter in Bulgarian Keywords: Open Letter, in Bulgarian, pensioner curiosities, fight with misery, Bulgarian image, many propositions, advises to pensioners, others,
This is the Open Letter in Russian Keywords: Open Letter, in Russian, pensioner curiosities, fight with misery, Bulgarian image, many propositions, advises to pensioners, others,
Това е средната и най-детайлизирана от тройката статии за партията НАПУК. Keywords: communism, capitalism, minimal-allowances, social-products, other-ideas,
Това е стихо-прозаична сбирка от 50+ леко съкратени (до 11 реда) сонети наречени соньотки, оплюващи нашия объркан преход към демокрацията, който за 30 години все още не свършва, с разбори на един бюлюк въпроси а и със съвети за оправяне на бъркотиите ...
Този материал е посветен на залеза на нашата цивилизация, в което ние ме вярваме особено, защото това не се усеща като загиване, тя мирише добре, обаче това е залез, което е очевидно за тези, които се замислят за това. Така че аз ще обясня защо това е ...
Это моя последняя идея об одной, желательно атеистической, Церкви, которая может быть названа ЖеТри (т.е. Женской Троицы, WoTri) Церковь, или ПАВ (PAW) Культ, потому что там преклоняются перед тремя богинями, Путна (Putna), Афро (Afro), и Вимеи (Wimei), ...
Това е моята последна идея за една, желателно атеистична, Църква, която може да бъде наречена ЖеТри (т.е. Женска Троица, WoTri) Църква, или ПАВ (PAW) Култ, защото там се прекланят пред три богини, Путна (Putna), Афро (Afro), и Вимеи (Wimei), и в триъгълни ...
Этот материал посвящён закату нашей цивилизации, во что мы не больно-то верим, потому что это не ощущается как погибание, она хорошо пахнет, однако это закат, что очевидно для тех, кто задумывается об этом. Так что я объясню почему это так, в чём это ...
Crimsonland is a utopian city. The dream of all living people. Everyone hears about this city and wants to get there. But behind the happy faces of people there is something much more ... For a year already, Klordane the greatest criminal brain in the whole city killed himself. And ...
Одним холодным утром Мастер Смерти, Гарри Поттер, просыпается в Вестеросе. Он не понимает почему он там, или как вернуться назад. Гарри всегда был неудачливым, но весьма настойчивым. Как раз то, что ему понадобится. Зима близко. Оригинал
1 сентября 2018 ушла из жизни известная норвежская писательница Маргит Сандему. В ожидании проды предлагаю почитать перевод статьи о ней (оригинал был напечатан в журнале "The Guardian"). Кстати сказать, в её романах замечательно передана атмосфера средневековой Норвегии. В общем, ...
Leonid Filatov. The Tale of Soldier Fedot the Daring Fellow. Based on Russian Folklore. Bilingual Version (Russian-English)Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
In order to more effectively combat the coronavirus pandemic the authors propose a system for daily analysis of residential wastewater at points of discharge from buildings. Results of testing should be used for the implementation of local quarantines as well as informed administration ...
Перевод тайваньской книги Unique Legend. Тайваньская версия Поттера без пророчества и логических дыр в сеттинге. Английский текст - Первый том закончен. 28.07.2017.
Перевод фанфика, кросса Tsukihime, Rosario+Vampire и Fate/Stay Night. Добавлена двенадцатая глава, от 19.09.2012. Оригинал - Как ни печально, автор удалил текст :-( Если у кого-то есть хотя бы три оставшиеся главы на английском, ...
It isn't recommended to forget the child in the car. If the child not prepare morally, to him can be bad from crying. The clothes of the child have to be warm. Fresh air in salon, etc. besides even in the warm countries, at night, especially in the winter, it is cold. My invention ...
Seit diesem Tag veränderte sich meine Wahrnehmung der Welt. Ich begann, diese besondere Vision in meinen Portraits zu reflektieren, und ich bemerkte, dass meine Portraits positiv auf die Menschen wirkten. Ich nannte dieses Phänomen "Portrait der ...
И знать, и простой народ уважают Джаспера Баратеона, второго сына короля. Однако, королевская семья отправляется в Винтерфелл за новым Десницей. Это путешествие начнет войну, что разделит семью Джаспера и его королевство, пока хитрые лорды и испорченные короли продолжат свою игру ...
Український переклад пiснi "Rabenballade" за текстом гурту "Schelmish", ще вiдомої як "The Three Ravens" чи "The Twa Corbies" зi збiрника пiсень "Melismata" (1611 рiк видання) + нiмецький текст.
Пiсня вiнрарного норвезького гурту "Storm" з єдиного їхнього альбому "Nordavind". Проповiдь ксенофобiї, маргiнальностi, нетерпимостi й iнших традицiйних цiнностей.
(СЛОВО О ДРАКОНЕ. Znany również jako "Одинокий дракон") Tom I: SŁOWO O SMOKU (znany również jako "Samotny smok") Tłumaczył z rosyjskiego Jacek IzworskiDobrze być samotnym smokiem. Latasz sobie wśród obłoków, zgłodniejesz, ...
This is a fragment of the first chapter of the novel "Snake Prince" If you have noticed discrepancy in the translation, we will be happy if you tell us about it. We would welcome any help from you:-)