To love above all discontentment. To give even when I am stripped of everything. To dry tears even when I am still crying. To believe even when I am discredited. (Paolo Coelho)
If questioning would make us wise no eyes would ever gaze in eyes; if all our tale were told in speech no mouths would wonder each to each. Were spirits free from mortal mesh and love not bound in hearts of flesh no aching breasts would yearn to meet and find their ecstasy complete. ...
Учебно-Методический Стихотворный Материал Для Проведения Тренингов (Мастер-Классов) С Дикторами, Актёрами, Певцами, Музыкантами (Исполнителями На Музыкальных Инструментах) По Формированию И Развитию Эекрго - Психо - Эмоциональной Составляющей Воспроизводимого Ими Тона ( Речевого, ...
Sara Belinski's Amazon Poems introduce the readers into the world of pain, feelings as well as love. No small detail of woman soul stays without mastering acting. Six classical poems about non-classical sex. Enjoy - or suffer torments.